Frame 1
Stage.showMenu = false;
function skiptointro() {
gotoAndPlay (6);
Instance of Symbol 10 MovieClip in Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
currentbytes = int(_root.getBytesLoaded() / 1000);
totalbytes = int(_root.getBytesTotal() / 1000);
percentbytes = int((currentbytes / totalbytes) * 100);
_root.textbox = ((("LOADING " + percentbytes) + "% of ") + totalbytes) + " KBs";
_root.loadedbar._width = percentbytes;
if (percentbytes >= 100) {
Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Instance of Symbol 57 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.bonusClockB >= 40) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Frame 6
function titleScreen() {
gotoAndPlay (10);
bonusClockB = 0;
Frame 10
i = 0;
while (i < 2) {
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.start(0.1, 99999);
cpuDead = false;
cpuGettingHurt = false;
cpuAttacking = false;
cpuBlocking = false;
userDead = false;
userGettingHurt = false;
userAttacking = false;
userBlocking = false;
userCharge = 0;
cpuCharge = 0;
userHp = 100;
cpuHp = 100;
Frame 15
i = 0;
while (i < 2) {
mySound = new Sound();
mySound.start(0.1, 99999);
function moveAround(cpuChar, userChar) {
var beAgressive = "";
var randNum = int(Math.random() * 25000);
var targetNum = 5500;
var secondNum = 7500;
var thirdNum = 2500;
var moveNum = 15;
if ((((randNum >= targetNum) && (randNum <= secondNum)) && (!userChar.hitTest(cpuChar))) && (userChar._x < cpuChar._x)) {
cpuChar._x = cpuChar._x + moveNum;
} else if ((((randNum <= targetNum) && (randNum >= thirdNum)) && (!userChar.hitTest(cpuChar))) && (userChar._x < cpuChar._x)) {
cpuChar._x = cpuChar._x - moveNum;
} else if ((((randNum >= targetNum) && (randNum <= secondNum)) && (!userChar.hitTest(cpuChar))) && (userChar._x > cpuChar._x)) {
cpuChar._x = cpuChar._x + moveNum;
} else if ((((randNum <= targetNum) && (randNum >= thirdNum)) && (!userChar.hitTest(cpuChar))) && (userChar._x > cpuChar._x)) {
cpuChar._x = cpuChar._x - moveNum;
function reverseX(character, amount, badguy, player) {
if (character._x > badguy._x) {
character._xscale = -amount;
} else if (character._x < badguy._x) {
character._xscale = amount;
function cpuDamage(movieClip, player) {
if (player.hit.hitTest(movieClip) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false)) {
} else if (player.juggle.hitTest(movieClip) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false)) {
var i = 0;
if (i < 25) {
movieClip._y = movieClip._y - 100;
function userDamage(movieClip, player) {
if (player.hit.hitTest(movieClip) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) {
} else if (player.juggle.hitTest(movieClip) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) {
var i = 0;
if (i < 25) {
movieClip._y = movieClip._y - 100;
function moveX(player, pixels) {
if (Key.isDown(37) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) {
player._x = player._x - pixels;
} else if (Key.isDown(39) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) {
player._x = player._x + pixels;
function limit(movieClip) {
var endVal = 525;
beginVal = 10;
if (movieClip._x >= endVal) {
movieClip._x = endVal;
} else if (movieClip._x <= beginVal) {
movieClip._x = beginVal;
function cpuAttack(player, badguy) {
var randomness = int(Math.random() * 15000);
if ((((randomness >= 100) && (randomness < 1500)) && ((((_root.cpuAttacking == false) && (_root.cpuDead == false)) && (_root.cpuGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false))) && (player.hitTest(badguy))) {
} else if (((randomness >= 1501) && (randomness < 2000)) && (_root.userAttacking == true)) {
} else if (((((((randomness >= 4001) && (randomness < 5001)) && (_root.cpuAttacking == false)) && (_root.cpuDead == false)) && (_root.cpuGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false)) && (_root.cpuCharge >= 10)) {
} else if ((((randomness >= 7001) && (randomness < 8002)) && (_root.userAttacking == false)) && (_root.cpuCharge < 10)) {
} else if ((((randomness >= 8003) && (randomness < 8503)) && (_root.userAttacking == false)) && (!badguy.hitTest(player))) {
function pUp(badguy, startframe, endFrame) {
if ((badguy._currentframe > startFrame) && (badguy._currentframe < endFrame)) {
_root.cpuCharge = _root.cpuCharge + 25;
function pDown(badguy, startframe, endFrame) {
if ((badguy._currentframe > startFrame) && (badguy._currentframe < endFrame)) {
_root.cpuCharge = _root.cpuCharge - 5;
function dashQuick(character, startFrame, endFrame) {
if (((character._currentframe > startFrame) && (character._currentframe < endFrame)) && (character._x > _root.user._x)) {
character._x = character._x - 50;
} else if (((character._currentframe > startFrame) && (character._currentframe < endFrame)) && (character._x < _root.user._x)) {
character._x = character._x + 50;
function dashQuickUser(character, startFrame, endFrame) {
if ((((character._currentframe > startFrame) && (character._currentframe < endFrame)) && (character._x > _root.cpu._x)) && (!character.hitTest(_root.cpu))) {
character._x = character._x - 45;
} else if ((((character._currentframe > startFrame) && (character._currentframe < endFrame)) && (character._x < _root.cpu._x)) && (!character.hitTest(_root.cpu))) {
character._x = character._x + 45;
function pUpUser(badguy, startframe, endFrame) {
if ((badguy._currentframe > startFrame) && (badguy._currentframe < endFrame)) {
_root.userCharge = _root.userCharge + 5;
function pDownUser(badguy, startframe, endFrame) {
if ((((badguy._currentframe > startFrame) && (badguy._currentframe < endFrame)) && (_root.userFireball._currentframe > 1)) && (_root.userFireball._currentframe < 3)) {
_root.userCharge = _root.userCharge - 5;
cpuDead = false;
cpuGettingHurt = false;
cpuAttacking = false;
cpuBlocking = false;
userDead = false;
userGettingHurt = false;
userAttacking = false;
userBlocking = false;
userCharge = 0;
cpuCharge = 0;
userHp = 100;
cpuHp = 100;
hits = 0;
hitCount = 0;
hitCounter = 0;
anyNumber = 100;
myframe = new Array(34, 39);
cpuHurt = false;
Instance of Symbol 121 MovieClip "user" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.reverseX(this, 60.5, _root.cpu);
_root.pUpUser(this, 29, 35);
_root.dashQuickUser(this, 40, 46);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.cpuDamage(_root.cpu, this);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.moveX(this, 25);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpuHurt == false)) {
_root.hits = _root.hits + 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpuHurt == false)) {
_root.hitCounter = _root.hitCounter + 8;
} else if ((!_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu)) && (_root.hitCounter > 0)) {
_root.hitCounter = _root.hitCounter - 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hitCounter == 0) {
_root.hits = 0;
_root.comboHits._visible = false;
} else {
_root.comboHits._visible = true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x) {
_root.comboHits._x = _root.user._x - _root.anyNumber;
} else if (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x) {
_root.comboHits._x = _root.user._x + _root.anyNumber;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x) {
_root.justHits._x = _root.comboHits._x - _root.anyNumber;
} else if (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x) {
_root.justHits._x = _root.comboHits._x + _root.anyNumber;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpu._x > _root.user._x)) {
_root.cpu._x = _root.cpu._x + 10;
} else if (_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpu._x < _root.user._x)) {
_root.cpu._x = _root.cpu._x - 10;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.cpu.hit.hitTest(this) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.cpuCharge >= 100) {
_root.cpuCharge = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var thatFrame = 55;
if ((((_root.cpuAttacking == true) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) {
} else if ((((_root.cpuAttacking == true) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) {
} else if (((((_root.cpuAttacking == true) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) && (_root.cpu._currentframe == thatFrame)) {
} else if (((((_root.cpuAttacking == true) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) && (_root.cpu._currentframe == thatFrame)) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x >= 600) {
this._x = 600;
} else if (this._x <= 50) {
this._x = 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.user.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (Key.isDown(39))) && (_root.cpu._x >= this._x)) {
this._x = this._x - 25;
} else if ((_root.user.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (Key.isDown(37))) && (_root.cpu._x <= this._x)) {
this._x = this._x + 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var changeNum = 61;
if (((_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpu._x > this._x)) && (_root.userCharge == 100)) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < changeNum)) {
_root.userCharge = _root.userCharge - 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var changeNum = 61;
if (((_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpu._x < this._x)) && (_root.userCharge == 100)) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < changeNum)) {
_root.userCharge = _root.userCharge - 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var changeNum = 61;
var otherNum = 65;
if ((((_root.cpu._currentframe > changeNum) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < otherNum)) && (_root.cpu._x < 500)) && (_root.cpu._x > _root.user._x)) {
_root.cpu._x = _root.cpu._x + 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var changeNum = 61;
var otherNum = 65;
if ((((_root.cpu._currentframe > changeNum) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < otherNum)) && (_root.cpu._x > 10)) && (_root.cpu._x < _root.user._x)) {
_root.cpu._x = _root.cpu._x - 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.userCharge > 100) {
_root.userCharge = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.cpu.hit.hitTest(_root.user) && (_root.cpuCharge >= 95)) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) {
_root.user._x = _root.user._x - 150;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.cpu.hit.hitTest(_root.user) && (_root.cpuCharge >= 95)) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) {
_root.user._x = _root.user._x + 150;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user.hit.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false)) {
_root.cpuHp = _root.cpuHp - 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.cpu.hit.hitTest(_root.user) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) {
_root.userHp = _root.userHp - 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.userFireBall.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false)) && (_root.cpuGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.userFireBall._currentframe > 1)) && (_root.userFireBall._currentframe < 7)) {
_root.cpuHp = _root.cpuHp - 4;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.cpuFireBall.hitTest(_root.user) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.cpuFireBall._currentframe > 1)) && (_root.cpuFireBall._currentframe < 7)) {
_root.userHp = _root.userHp - 2;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
firstNum = 51;
lastNum = 55;
if ((this._currentframe > firstNum) && (this._currentframe < lastNum)) {
_root.userBlocking == true;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hits > 0) {
_root.justHits._visible = true;
} else {
_root.justHits._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.cpuHp <= 0) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < 74)) {
} else if ((_root.userHp <= 0) && (_root.user._currentframe < 79)) {
Instance of Symbol 140 MovieClip "cpu" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.cpuDead == false) {
_root.moveAround(this, _root.user);
_root.cpuAttack(_root.user, this);
_root.pUp(this, 52, 60);
_root.pDown(this, 21, 25);
_root.dashQuick(this, 26, 29);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var thisCpu = _root.cpu;
var frame1 = 29;
var frame2 = 33;
if ((thisCpu._currentframe > frame1) && (thisCpu._currentframe < frame2)) {
_root.cpuHurt = true;
} else {
_root.cpuHurt = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
var Ynum = 190;
if (_root.cpu.hitTest(_root.ground && (!_root.cpu.hitTest(_root.ground)))) {
_root.cpu._y = Ynum;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user._x < this._x) {
this._xscale = 150;
} else if (_root.user._x > this._x) {
this._xscale = -150;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
firstNum = 41;
lastNum = 46;
if ((this._currentframe > firstNum) && (this._currentframe < lastNum)) {
_root.cpuBlocking == true;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "cpuFireball" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.cpu._currentframe > 21) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < 25)) {
} else if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) && (this._currentframe < 7)) {
this._x = this._x - 50;
} else if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) && (this._currentframe < 7)) {
this._x = this._x + 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((this._currentframe == 1) && (_root.cpu._x > _root.user._x)) {
this._x = _root.cpu._x - 50;
} else if ((this._currentframe == 1) && (_root.cpu._x < _root.user._x)) {
this._x = _root.cpu._x + 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.cpu._x > _root.user._x) {
this._xscale = 100;
} else if (_root.cpu._x < _root.user._x) {
this._xscale = -100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((this.hitTest(_root.user) && (_root.userGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.userBlocking == false)) && (this._currentframe > 1)) && (this._currentframe < 7)) {
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "userFireball" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.user._currentframe > 25) && (_root.user._currentframe < 27)) && (_root.userCharge >= 10)) && (this._currentframe < 11)) {
} else if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) && (this._currentframe < 7)) {
this._x = this._x + 75;
} else if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) && (this._currentframe < 7)) {
this._x = this._x - 75;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._currentframe == 1) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) && (_root.user._currentframe == 5)) {
this._x = _root.user._x - 50;
} else if (((this._currentframe == 1) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) && (_root.user._currentframe == 5)) {
this._x = _root.user._x + 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x) {
this._xscale = -100;
} else if (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x) {
this._xscale = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((this.hitTest(_root.cpu) && (_root.cpuGettingHurt == false)) && (_root.cpuBlocking == false)) && (this._currentframe > 1)) && (this._currentframe < 7)) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_root.user._x > _root.cpu._x)) && (this._x == (_root.user._x - 50))) {
_root.userCharge = _root.userCharge - 15;
} else if (((this._currentframe > 1) && (_root.user._x < _root.cpu._x)) && (this._x == (_root.user._x + 50))) {
_root.userCharge = _root.userCharge - 15;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((this.hitTest(_root.cpuFireBall) && (this._currentframe < 7)) && (this._currentframe > 1)) && (_root.cpu._currentframe > 1)) && (_root.cpu._currentframe < 7)) {
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._width = _root.cpuCharge;
Instance of Symbol 160 MovieClip in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._width = _root.userCharge;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "userLife" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._width = _root.userHp;
Instance of Symbol 159 MovieClip "cpuLife" in Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._width = _root.cpuHp;
Frame 20
Frame 21
Frame 22
Symbol 53 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 57 MovieClip Frame 46
Symbol 66 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (15);
Symbol 69 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (20);
Symbol 76 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Up>") {
gotoAndPlay (59);
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (6);
on (release, keyPress "z") {
gotoAndPlay (10);
on (keyPress "x") {
gotoAndPlay (15);
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
gotoAndPlay (29);
on (keyPress "a") {
gotoAndPlay (25);
on (keyPress "s") {
gotoAndPlay (40);
Symbol 79 Button
on (keyPress "<Right>") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 101 Button
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
gotoAndPlay (31);
Symbol 112 Button
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 113 Button
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Left>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Up>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
on (keyPress "<Down>") {
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = true;
Instance of Symbol 75 MovieClip in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
gotoAndPlay (1);
} else if (Key.isDown(38)) {
gotoAndPlay (59);
} else if (Key.isDown(32)) {
gotoAndPlay (29);
} else if (Key.isDown(Key.Z)) {
gotoAndPlay (10);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = true;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = true;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 19
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 20
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = true;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 24
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = true;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 31
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 34
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 39
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 40
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = true;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 46
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 47
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = true;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 51
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = true;
_root.walking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 55
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 56
_root.userGettingHurt = true;
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 58
gotoAndPlay (5);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 59
_root.userDead = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = false;
_root.userAttacking = false;
_root.userBlocking = false;
_root.walking = true;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 67
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 68
_root.walking = false;
_root.userGettingHurt = true;
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 78
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 89
Instance of Symbol 120 MovieClip in Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 89
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.cpuAttacking = true;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 15
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 16
_root.cpuAttacking = true;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 21
_root.cpuAttacking = true;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.cpuAttacking = true;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 26
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 28
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 32
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 33
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
_root.cpuDead = true;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 36
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 37
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = true;
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 41
_root.cpuBlocking = true;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 46
gotoAndPlay (1);
_root.cpuBlocking = true;
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 51
gotoAndPlay (1);
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 60
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 61
_root.cpuDead = false;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = true;
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 73
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 74
_root.cpuAttacking = false;
_root.cpuDead = true;
_root.cpuGettingHurt = false;
_root.cpuBlocking = false;
Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 83
Instance of Symbol 139 MovieClip in Symbol 140 MovieClip Frame 83
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 186 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (10);