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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #108521

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

This is a DEMO!

This is a restricted version of the game that is NOT allowed to
be distributed nor is it to be made public. It is primarily for
seeking sponsorship, and getting feedback from chosen

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="14" color="#0000ff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0"><a href="" target = "_blank">Contact</a></font></p>











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Choose Game Mode



Main Mode: This is the Main Game in Alien
Paratroopers. In this mode you proceed
through waves of Aliens utilizing a variety of
weapons to save Mankind from Alien Attack.

Explosive Gun

Explosive Gun

Explosive Gun Mode: In this mode you proceed
through waves of Aliens utilizing only the
Explosive Gun. There is no Weapon Shop in this



Legacy Mode: In this mode you use the
keyboard and proceed through waves of Aliens
like in the good old days. There is no Weapon
Shop in this mode. Keyboard Only!




Squid Mode: In this mode all the Aliens are
replaced by the kamakazi Squid type. You must
use your fast reflexes if you want to survive.








<p align="left"></p>


Return to Main Menu





















only legacy mode

Change Gun







How To Play






How To Play

Green Aliens

These are the basic enemy in the game. A single Green Alien is not much of a
threat, but if 4 of them gather on either side of the Defender then you will lose. In
order to eliminate the Green Aliens that have already touched the ground you can
use your Nuke. A trickier and more rewarding way is to shoot only the Green
Aliens themselves or just their hovercraft and let the other part fall on the Green
Aliens that have already reached the ground thus eliminating them.


The Squids appear during boss battles which occur every 4th wave in each level.
Unlike the Green Aliens the Squids are not stationary, upon reaching the ground
the Squids will charge at the Defender. They are kamakazis, so once they have
made contact with the Defender you will lose. The main purpose of the squids
however is to buy time for the Boss Ship to charge its main weapon so it can fire
it and eliminate you.



The Monsters appear occasionally from level two onward.  Once they reach the
ground they will jump toward the Defender and destory it upon contact. Upon
landing their sheild goes away.  If the sheild is destroyed before the Monster
lands it will be stunned. The Monster also prevents penetration bullets to go past


Bonus Ships and Points

The Bonus Ship comes randomly and will quickly cross the screen. If you  shoot
it down you will earn extra points and cash.
Bonus points can also be earned by dropping something onto Aliens already on
the ground.



Boss Ships

The Boss Ships appear on every 4th wave in each level of the game. In order to
beat them you have to destroy all of the chutes on the ship. In order to prevent
you from reaching your goal the Boss Ship will spawn Squids. However by
destroying a chute you will decrease the amount of Squids that can be spawned.
You must destroy all the chutes before the Boss Ship fires its main laser weapon
which will destroy you instantly.


The Mothership is where the Green Aliens spawn out of. The further you progress
in the game the amount of Motherships that spawn Green Aliens will increase.
The most important thing to remember is if you destroy the Mothership it will no
longer be able to spawn Green Aliens. The down side is that you will not be able
to earn as much money.



Music Tracks

Rodrigo "Tets" Tejero (Aliens)

Evolution (Jonathan Bradley)
Against All Odds (Jonathan Bradley)
Adrenaline (Jonathan Bradley)


Art Direction




Sohaib Qadri
Dia Kharrat
M. Saad Sheikh
Rehaan Akbar

Thanks For Playing

Special Thanks To

Sana Humayun




This Game is Not
Authorized on this Site

Please report the site to

<p align="center"><font face="Arial Black" size="10" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.500000" kerning="1">Click anywhere to continue or press Enter...</font></p>

<p align="center"></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="12" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">This gun does not yet have a description</font></p>






<p align="right"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Rate:</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Speed:</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Bullets:</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#00ff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Damage:</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Impact" size="25" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Price</font></p>

<p align="right"><font face="Impact" size="25" color="#ff9900" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Gold</font></p>


<p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p>























<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="25" color="#ffcc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">0</font></p>

Submit Score


<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="25" color="#ffcc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">Your Name Here</font></p>

Weapon Upgraded:

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>


Enemies Killed:

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

Kill Streaks:




<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

Misc. Stats

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>

Overall Score:

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">#</font></p>


<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Impact" size="20" color="#ffffff" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">99.5</font></p>


<p align="left"></p>

<p align="left"></p>

Back to Main Menu

Return to Game




<p align="center"></p>




ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (release) { _root.getURL("", "_blank"); }
Instance of Symbol 50 MovieClip in Frame 141
on (release) { _root.getURL("", "_blank"); }
Frame 142
if (init == undefined) { if (_root._url.indexOf("file:///") == -1) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.connect("96acd2c84f322ec7", _root, onError); } else { trace("Ignoring MochiServices since we are on localhost"); } _root.kongregateServices.connect(); __com_mochibot__("9807d994", this, 10301, true); init = true; } var demo = false; var showAds = false;; if (showAds) { if (_root._url.indexOf("file:///") == -1) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.showInterLevelAd({id:"96acd2c84f322ec7", res:"640x480"}); } }
Frame 143
if (!demo) { gotoAndPlay (392); }
Frame 392
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndStop (394); }
Frame 394
function menuHandler(obj, menuObj) { menuObj.customItems[0].enabled = true; _root.showBubble("Mouse went off-screen.\nPlease click this bubble\nwhen you're ready!"); } function itemHandler(obj, item) { getURL ("", "_blank"); } var my_cm = new ContextMenu(menuHandler); my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem("Visit", itemHandler)); = my_cm; initAlienShip = function (alien) { do { alien.movement = (Math.random() * 4) - 2; } while (((alien.movement < 0) ? (-alien.movement) : (alien.movement)) < 0.5); if (alien.movement > 0) { alien._x = (-alien._width) * (1 + (Math.random() * 7)); } else { alien._x = Stage.width + (alien._width * (0.5 + (Math.random() * 7))); } alien.initY = alien._y; alien.phaseShift = (Math.random() * 2) * Math.PI; }; InputWrapper.init(); follow = 0; screen = 0; choice = 0; if (soundEffects == undecided) { soundEffects = true; } if (tutorialEnabled == undecided) { tutorialEnabled = true; } if (musicEffects == undecided) { musicEffects = true; _root.musicEnabled = musicEffects; } if (_root.musicEnabled == false) { sndEvolution.gotoAndPlay("stop"); } else { _root.sndEvolution.gotoAndPlay("start"); } menuSoundEffects = soundEffects; i = 1; while (i <= 3) { var alien = _root["alienShip" + i]; initAlienShip(alien); alien.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = this._x + this.movement; this._y = this.initY + (2 * Math.sin(this.phaseShift + (((Math.PI/2) * getTimer()) / 1000))); if ((this.movement > 0) && ((this._x - this._width) > Stage.width)) { initAlienShip(this); } if ((this.movement < 0) && ((this._x + this._width) < 0)) { initAlienShip(this); } }; i++; } stop();
Frame 395
gotoAndStop (394);
Frame 396
stop(); delete alienShip1.onEnterFrame; delete alienShip2.onEnterFrame; delete alienShip3.onEnterFrame; if (screen == 1) { gotoAndPlay (392); } else if (screen == 2) { gotoAndPlay (913); } else if (screen == 3) { gotoAndPlay (914); } else if (screen == 4) { gotoAndPlay (917); }
Frame 397
if (_root.menuSoundEffects == true) { _root.sndMothership.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Frame 494
guy.ani.gotoAndStop(guy.ani._totalframes); if (_root.menuSoundEffects == true) { _root.sndBeam.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Frame 514
state = 1; text1 = "Earthling! A Great Evil has fallen upon my people!\nAnd now it falls upon yours..."; text2 = "After a bloody military coup, our General has taken control of our planet! And now he wants Earth!"; text3 = "Our Council of Elders have sent me here to\nconvey our regrets, and to help guide you to victory."; text4 = "Knowledge is power, and combined with your skill, Earth can put up a fight, worthy of a timeless Legend!"; startGame = function () { guy.ani.gotoAndStop(guy.ani._totalframes); gotoAndPlay ("frmEnd"); }; updateIntro = function (text) { if (txtIntro == undefined) { trace("quitting intro"); delete startGame; delete updateIntro; return(undefined); } txtIntro.text = text; if (state == 1) {; } state++; var newText = _root["text" + state]; if (newText != undefined) { setTimeout(updateIntro, 7000, newText); } else { setTimeout(startGame, 8500); } }; setTimeout(updateIntro, 500, _root["text" + state]);
Frame 832
Frame 833
Frame 863
gotoAndPlay (919);
Frame 913
mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("OptionsMenu Activated"); stop(); if (soundEffects == true) { menuscreen.soundon.gotoAndStop(1); menuscreen.soundoff.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (soundEffects == false) { menuscreen.soundon.gotoAndStop(2); menuscreen.soundoff.gotoAndStop(2); } if (musicEnabled == true) { menuscreen.musicon.gotoAndStop(1); menuscreen.musicoff.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (musicEnabled == false) { menuscreen.musicon.gotoAndStop(2); menuscreen.musicoff.gotoAndStop(2); } if (tutorialEnabled == true) { menuscreen.tutorialon.gotoAndStop(1); menuscreen.tutorialoff.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (tutorialEnabled == false) { menuscreen.tutorialon.gotoAndStop(2); menuscreen.tutorialoff.gotoAndStop(2); } if (difficulty == 1) { menuscreen.diffnoob.gotoAndStop(2); menuscreen.diffnorm.gotoAndStop(2); menuscreen.diffowned.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (difficulty == 2) { menuscreen.diffnoob.gotoAndStop(1); menuscreen.diffnorm.gotoAndStop(1); menuscreen.diffowned.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (difficulty == 3) { menuscreen.diffnoob.gotoAndStop(1); menuscreen.diffnorm.gotoAndStop(2); menuscreen.diffowned.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root._quality == "LOW") { menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(2);; menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") { menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(1);; menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_root._quality == "BEST") { menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(1);; menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(1); } if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.NormalMode) { _root.menuscreen.survival.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuscreen.squids.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuscreen.keyboard.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.KeyboardMode) { _root.menuscreen.survival.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.squids.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuscreen.keyboard.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.SquidMode) { _root.menuscreen.survival.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.squids.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.keyboard.gotoAndStop(1); }
Frame 914
stop(); mouse.hide();
Frame 915
Frame 916
Frame 917
mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("Credits Scene Activated"); stop(); mouse.hide();
Frame 918
Frame 919
_root.menuscreen._visible = false; showmenu = 0; initialTime = getTimer(); money = 0; function initSounds() { if (musicEnabled) { bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("stop"); music.gotoAndPlay("start"); } } function BulletsInit() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("bulletsLayer", Util.bulletDepth); bulletsLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Left", bulletsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); bulletsLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Right", bulletsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); lstBulletsLeftHead = 0; lstBulletsLeftTail = 0; lstBulletsRightHead = 0; lstBulletsRightTail = 0; bulletsLayer.s = new Sound(bulletsLayer); bulletsLayer.s.setVolume(50); MAX_BULLETS = 100; } function isHitByBullet(obj, side) { var ret = 0; if (side == "Both") { ret = isHitByBullet(obj, "Left"); if (ret > 0) { return(ret); } side = "Right"; } pushSegment(50, "isHitByBullet"); var right; var tail; var head; if (side == "Right") { right = true; tail = _root.lstBulletsRightTail; head = _root.lstBulletsRightHead; } else { right = false; tail = _root.lstBulletsLeftTail; head = _root.lstBulletsLeftHead; } var bullets = (((tail + MAX_BULLETS) - head) % MAX_BULLETS); var l = 0; var u = (bullets - 1); var mid = 0; var ref = base.getBounds(_root); var midBase = ((ref.xMin + ref.xMax) / 2); var o = obj.getBounds(_root); var dyu = (o.yMin - ref.yMax); var dyl = (o.yMax - ref.yMax); var dxl; var dxu; if (right) { dxl = o.xMin - midBase; dxu = o.xMax - midBase; } else { dxu = o.xMin - midBase; dxl = o.xMax - midBase; } obj.rl = (dxl * dxl) + (dyl * dyl); = (dxu * dxu) + (dyu * dyu); if (bullets > 0) { while (l <= u) { mid = int((l + u) / 2); var index = ((head + mid) % MAX_BULLETS); var enm = ("Bullet" + index); var bul = bulletsLayer[side][enm]; var b = bul.getBounds(_root); var dyu = (b.yMin - ref.yMax); var dyl = (b.yMax - ref.yMax); var dxl; var dxu; if (right) { dxl = b.xMin - midBase; dxu = b.xMax - midBase; } else { dxu = b.xMin - midBase; dxl = b.xMax - midBase; } bul.rl = (dxl * dxl) + (dyl * dyl); = (dxu * dxu) + (dyu * dyu); if (bul.rl > { l = mid + 1; } else if ( < obj.rl) { u = mid - 1; } else { break; } } if (l > u) { } else { var i = l; while (i <= u) { var index = ((head + i) % MAX_BULLETS); var enm = ("Bullet" + index); var bul = bulletsLayer[side][enm]; i++; if (!bul.isActive) { continue; } pushSegment(51, "HitTest"); if (obj.hitTest(bul)) { bul.hitSomething = true; var g = bul.gun; if (g.isTangible()) { ret = (u + 1) - l; if (g.__get__hitOnce() || (obj.impenetrable == true)) { removeBullet(bul); } obj.damage = obj.damage + g.damage; popSegment(); break; } } popSegment(); } } } popSegment(); return(ret); } var lstBulletsLeftHead = 0; var lstBulletsLeftTail = 0; var lstBulletsRightHead = 0; var lstBulletsRightTail = 0; var MAX_BULLETS = 100; deleteBullet = function (bullet) { if (bullet.hitSomething) { bullet.gun.successfulBullets++; } delete bullet.onEnterFrame; _root[bullet.lstHead]++; _root[bullet.lstHead] = _root[bullet.lstHead] % MAX_BULLETS; bullet.removeMovieClip(); }; removeBullet = function (bullet) { bullet.isActive = false; bullet._visible = false; }; createBullet = function (gun, pan, rot, atMouse) { if ((gameState == GS_Explosion) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(20, "CreateBullet"); if (weaponScreen._visible == false) { gun.totalBullets++; } rot = rot + defender._rotation; var layer; if (rot > 0) { layer = "Right"; } else { layer = "Left"; } lstHead = ("lstBullets" + layer) + "Head"; lstTail = ("lstBullets" + layer) + "Tail"; var type = "Bullet"; var nm = ("Bullet" + _root[lstTail]); var bullet = bulletsLayer[layer].attachMovie(type, nm, _root[("lstBullets" + layer) + "Tail"]); bullet.gotoAndStop(gun.__get__BulletClip()); bullet.gun = gun; bullet._rotation = rot; bullet.isActive = true; var rotation = (rot + 90); rotation = rotation / 57.3; var cos = Math.cos(rotation); var sin = Math.sin(rotation); bullet.dx = (-bullet.gun.speed) * cos; bullet.dy = (-bullet.gun.speed) * sin; var x = (defender._x - (cos * 30)); var y = (defender._y - (sin * 30)); bullet._x = x + (sin * pan); bullet._y = y - (cos * pan); if (atMouse && (((pan < 0) ? (-pan) : (pan)) > 0)) { var dist = Math.sqrt(((_xmouse - x) * (_xmouse - x)) + ((_ymouse - y) * (_ymouse - y))); var angle = (Math.atan2(dist, pan) - 1.571); var cos = Math.cos(rotation + angle); var sin = Math.sin(rotation + angle); bullet.dx = (-bullet.gun.speed) * cos; bullet.dy = (-bullet.gun.speed) * sin; bullet._rotation = bullet._rotation + (angle * 57.3); } bullet.side = layer; bullet.lstHead = lstHead; bullet.lstTail = lstTail; bullet.hitSomething = false; bullet.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((gameState == GS_Pause) && (weaponScreen._visible == false)) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(25, "RunBullet"); this._x = this._x + (this.dx * dt); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * dt); var MotherShipWidth = 160; var bounds = this.getBounds(_root); if (((bounds.yMax < -20) || (bounds.xMax < (-MotherShipWidth))) || (bounds.xMin > (ScreenWidth + MotherShipWidth))) { _root.deleteBullet(this); } else if (this.isActive) { this.gun.bulletFrame(this); } popSegment(); }; _root[lstTail]++; _root[lstTail] = _root[lstTail] % MAX_BULLETS; if (Score >= 1) { Score = Score - int(gun.__get__damage()); } popSegment(); return(bullet); }; function resetObjects() { dayNight.gotoAndStop(1); crosshair._visible = false; base._visible = false; city._visible = false; delete defender.onEnterFrame; defender._visible = false; defender.removeMovieClip(); weaponScreen._visible = false; healthBoss._visible = false; var sides = ["Left", "Right"]; _root.MothershipsHit = 0; _root.AliensHit = 0; _root.MonstersHit = 0; _root.SquidsHit = 0; _root.endBlip = 0; _root.endNuke = 0; _root.end2x = 0; _root.end3x = 0; _root.endIntercepted = 0; for (var s in sides) { var side = sides[s]; for (var i in aliensLayer[side]) { if (typeof(aliensLayer[side][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } aliensLayer[side][i]._visible = false; if (i.slice(0, 5) == "Alien") { removeAlien(aliensLayer[side][i]); } else { aliensLayer[side][i].removeMovieClip(); } } for (var i in aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"]) { if (typeof(aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i]._visible = false; aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i].removeMovieClip(); aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"].size--; } for (var i in bulletsLayer[side]) { if (typeof(bulletsLayer[side][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } bulletsLayer[side][i]._visible = false; removeBullet(bulletsLayer[side][i]); } for (var i in squidsLayer[side]) { if (typeof(squidsLayer[side][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } squidsLayer[side][i]._visible = false; removeSquid(squidsLayer[side][i]); } } for (var i in mothershipsLayer) { if (typeof(mothershipsLayer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } mothershipsLayer[i]._visible = false; removeMothership(mothershipsLayer[i]); } for (var i in blipsLayer) { if (typeof(blipsLayer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } blipsLayer[i]._visible = false; removeBlip(blipsLayer[i]); } giantShip.gotoAndPlay("frmDone"); giantShip.a = 0; giantShip.v = 0; delete giantShip.onEnterFrame; giantShip._visible = false; var i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root["chute" + i].gotoAndPlay("frmDestroy"); _root["chute" + i]._visible = false; i++; } if (Nukes != undefined) { var i = 0; while (i < Nukes) { var nm = ("NukeIcon" + i); if (NukeLayer[nm] != undefined) { NukeLayer[nm]._visible = false; } i++; } Nukes = 0; } _root.menuscreen._visible = false; _root.showmenu = 0; } function resetGame(lvl) { level = lvl; disp_level = 1; disp_wave = 1; MoneySpent = 0; AliensHit = 0; SquidsHit = 0; Score = 0; Gun.initKeyMap(); updateWeaponBar(); resetObjects(); gun = Gun.getCurrentGun(); bulletsLayer.s.attachSound(gun.sound); DefenderInit(); Nukes = 4 - difficulty; var i = 0; while (i < Nukes) { var nm = ("NukeIcon" + i); if (NukeLayer[nm] == undefined) { var nuke = NukeLayer.attachMovie("NukeIcon", nm, NukeLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); nuke._x = 20 + (i * (nuke._width + 5)); nuke._y = 420.3; } NukeLayer[nm]._visible = true; i++; } if (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.KeyboardMode) { Mouse.hide(); crosshair._visible = true; } else {; crosshair._visible = false; } city._visible = true; lastTime = getTimer(); lastFPSTime = lastTime; lastBulletTime = lastTime; lastLevelTime = lastTime; gameState = GS_EndLevel; transitionLevel(); } function UpdateScoring(lvl) { Score = Score + ((lvl - 1) * 100); if (Score < 0) { Score = 0; } ScoreBullet = -1; ScoreMothership = 80; ScoreBlip = lvl * 500; ScoreAlien = 60; ScoreFallingAlien = 80; ScoreAlienOnGround = 150; ScoreIntercepted = 300; ScoreTripleKill = 200; ScoreDoubleKill = 50; ScorePlatform = 40; ScoreFallingPlatform = 100; ScoreMonster = 200; ScoreForceField = 50; ScoreChute = 1000; ScoreSquid = 60; ScoreGiantShip = 1600; } function DoDeath(floor, offset) { var AlienMovement = 75; if ((gameState != GS_AlienDeath) && ((gameState == GS_Play) || (gameState == GS_EndLevel))) { pushSegment(8, "DoDeath"); _root.stateBeforeDeath = gameState; gameState = GS_AlienDeath; = 0; MinDiff = (AlienMovement * dt) + 1; var i = 0; for (var a in floor) { if (typeof(floor[a]) != "movieclip") { continue; } var alien2 = floor[a]; delete alien2.onEnterFrame; if (alien2._y < Bottom) { alien2._y = Bottom; } alien2.i = i; alien2.gotoAndStop("land"); alien2.initWidth = alien2._width; alien2.initHeight = alien2._height; i++; alien2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (gameState == GS_Pause) { return(undefined); } if ((gameState == GS_Die) || (gameState == GS_Explosion)) { this.gotoAndStop("land"); delete this.onEnterFrame; return(undefined); } if (floor.size < 4) { gameState = GS_Play; this.gotoAndStop("land"); delete this.onEnterFrame; return(undefined); } if (this.i == { var dx = ((base._x + (base._width / 2)) - (this._x + (this.initWidth / 2))); var dy = (Bottom - this._y); if (this.i == 0) { if (Math.abs(dx) < (((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + MinDiff)) { if (Math.abs(dx) < ((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2))) { this._x = this._x - ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } else {; for (var a in floor) { if (typeof(floor[a]) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (floor[a].i == { floor[a].gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } this.gotoAndStop("land"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } else { this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } } else if (this.i == 1) { if (Math.abs(dx) < ((((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + this.initWidth) + MinDiff)) { if (dy < this.initHeight) { if (Math.abs(dx) < (((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + this.initWidth)) { this._x = this._x - ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } else { this._y = this._y - (AlienMovement * dt); this.gotoAndStop("land"); } } else if (Math.abs(dx) < (((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + MinDiff)) { if (Math.abs(dx) < ((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2))) { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x - ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } else {; for (var a in floor) { if (typeof(floor[a]) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (floor[a].i == { floor[a].gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } this.gotoAndStop("land"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } else { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } } else { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } } else if (this.i == 2) { if (Math.abs(dx) < ((((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + this.initWidth) + MinDiff)) { if (Math.abs(dx) < (((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + this.initWidth)) { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x - ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } else {; for (var a in floor) { if (typeof(floor[a]) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (floor[a].i == { floor[a].gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } this.gotoAndStop("land"); delete this.onEnterFrame; } } else { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } } else if (this.i == 3) { if (Math.abs(dx) < ((((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + (2 * this.initWidth)) + MinDiff)) { if ((dy < this.initHeight) && (Math.abs(dx) >= MinDiff)) { if (Math.abs(dx) < (((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + (2 * this.initWidth))) { this._x = this._x - ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } else { this._y = this._y - (AlienMovement * dt); this.gotoAndStop("land"); } } else if (Math.abs(dx) < ((((base._width / 2) + (this.initWidth / 2)) + this.initWidth) + MinDiff)) { if ((dy < (this.initHeight * 2)) && (Math.abs(dx) >= MinDiff)) { if (Math.abs(dx) < ((base._width / 2) + this.initWidth)) { this._x = this._x - ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } } else { this._y = this._y - (AlienMovement * dt); this.gotoAndStop("land"); } } else if (Math.abs(dx) < MinDiff) { this._x = (base._x + (base._width / 2)) - (this.initWidth / 2); if (dy <= 0) {; this.gotoAndStop("land"); delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("CauseOfDeath", "Infiltrated"); killDefender(); } else { this._y = this._y + (AlienMovement * dt); this.gotoAndStop("land"); } } else { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } } else { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } } else { if (this._currentFrame == 2) { this.gotoAndStop("frmWalking"); } this._x = this._x + ((SGN(dx) * AlienMovement) * dt); } } } }; } popSegment(); } } function SGN(n) { if (n < 0) { return(-1); } return(1); } function loadLevel(level) { var strState; txtLevel.text = level; UpdateScoring(level); var lvl; var offset = 0; lvl = level + (bossInterval * ((_root.difficulty - 1) + offset)); disp_level = Math.floor((level - 1) / bossInterval) + 1; disp_wave = Math.floor((level - 1) % bossInterval) + 1; if ((((lvl % bossInterval) == 0) && (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.SquidMode)) && (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.KeyboardMode)) { if (musicEnabled) { music.gotoAndPlay("stop"); bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("start"); } setGiantAILevel(lvl); strState = GS_Giant; } else { if (musicEnabled) { bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("stop"); music.gotoAndPlay("start"); } setMothershipAILevel(lvl); setMonsterAILevel(lvl); strState = GS_Play; if ((((lvl % bossInterval) == 1) && (level > 1)) && ((GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.SquidMode) || (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.KeyboardMode))) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndBonusShip.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Gun.getGun(5).__set__upgradeLevel((Gun.getGun(5).__get__upgradeLevel()+1)); _root.showBubble("Congratulations!\nYou are being awarded a new Nuke!\nPress Space to use!"); strState = GS_Pause; } } if (level == 1) { if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.KeyboardMode) { setTimeout(showBubble, levelInterval / 4, "In Legacy Mode, Keys are based on\noriginal DOS game, 'Paratroopers'.\nTherefore, these may feel unintuitive!"); } else { setTimeout(showBubble, levelInterval / 4, "Here they come!\nI must hide, but please,\nStop the Alien Invasion!"); } } return(strState); } function rewardPlayer() { if ((GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.BarrelMode) && (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.ExplosiveMode)) { _root.openWeaponScreen(); } else { _root.gameState = _root.GS_EndLevel; if (((_root.level == (bossInterval * 10)) || (_root.level == (bossInterval * 6))) || (_root.level == (bossInterval * 3))) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndBonusShip.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.gun.upgradeLevel++; _root.showBubble("Congratulations!\nWeapon Upgraded!"); } if ((Math.round(_root.level / bossInterval) % 4) == 0) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndBonusShip.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Gun.getGun(5).__set__upgradeLevel((Gun.getGun(5).__get__upgradeLevel()+1)); _root.showBubble("Congratulations!\nYou are being awarded a new Nuke!\nPress Space to use!"); } } } function pauseGame() { if (_root.pauseEnabled) { if (_root.gameState != _root.GS_Pause) { _root.lastGameState = _root.gameState; _root.gameState = _root.GS_Pause; _root.pauseTime = getTimer(); stars.stop(); var sides = ["Left", "Right"]; for (var s in sides) { var side = sides[s]; for (var i in _root.aliensLayer[side]) { var m = _root.aliensLayer[side][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (i.slice(0, 5) == "Alien") { m.ani.stop(); } else { m.stop(); } } for (var i in _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"]) { var m = _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } m.ani.stop(); } for (var i in _root.squidsLayer[side]) { var m = _root.squidsLayer[side][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } m.ani.stop(); } for (var i in _root.monstersLayer[side]) { var m = _root.monstersLayer[side][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } if ((m.state < 1) || (m.ani._currentframe < m.ani._totalframes)) { m.ani.stop(); } } } for (var i in mothershipsLayer) { if (typeof(mothershipsLayer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } mothershipsLayer[i].ani.stop(); } for (var i in ExplosionLayer) { if (typeof(ExplosionLayer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } ExplosionLayer[i].stop(); } _root.nukeDomain.stop(); if (_root.gun.lastSwitchTime != 0) { _root.gun.useTime = _root.gun.useTime + ((getTimer() - _root.gun.lastSwitchTime) / 1000); } _root.gun.lastSwitchTime = 0; } } } function resumeGame() { if (_root.pauseEnabled) { if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Pause) { _root.gameState = _root.lastGameState; _root.gun.lastSwitchTime = getTimer(); timePaused = getTimer() - _root.pauseTime; lastLevelTime = lastLevelTime + timePaused;; var sides = ["Left", "Right"]; for (var s in sides) { var side = sides[s]; for (var i in _root.aliensLayer[side]) { var m = _root.aliensLayer[side][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (i.slice(0, 5) == "Alien") {; } else {; } } for (var i in _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"]) { var m = _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; }; } for (var i in _root.squidsLayer[side]) { var m = squidsLayer[side][i];; } for (var i in _root.monstersLayer[side]) { var m = _root.monstersLayer[side][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } if ((m.state < 1) || (m.ani._currentframe < m.ani._totalframes)) {; } m.startTime = m.startTime + timePaused; } } for (var i in mothershipsLayer) { if (typeof(mothershipsLayer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } mothershipsLayer[i]; } for (var i in ExplosionLayer) { if (typeof(ExplosionLayer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } ExplosionLayer[i].play(); }; } } } function togglePause() { if (_root.pauseEnabled) { if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Pause) { resumeGame(); } else { pauseGame(); } } } transitionLevel = function () { if (gameState == GS_EndLevel) { if ((getMothershipCount() > 0) || (getAlienCount() > 0)) { lastLevelTime = curTime; } else { var dt = (curTime - lastLevelTime); if (dt > levelInterval) { level++; gameState = loadLevel(level); cleared = 0; } else if ((dt > (levelInterval / 2)) && (cleared != 1)) { if (level > 0) { city.clear(); generateStarfield(city); makeCityScape(ScreenWidth, 350, 100); makeCityScape(ScreenWidth, 350, 1); makeCityScape(ScreenWidth, 350, 1); } cleared = 1;; } } } }; function addExplosion(_targetX, _targetY, _explosionParticleAmount, _distance, _explosionSize, _explosionAlpha) { var i = 0; while (i < _explosionParticleAmount) { var _tempClip2 = _root.ExplosionLayer.attachMovie("explosionlegit", "explosionlegit_" + _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); var _tempClip = _root.ExplosionLayer.attachMovie("explosion", "explosion" + _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); _tempClip._x = (_targetX + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); _tempClip._y = (_targetY + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); _tempClip2._x = (_targetX + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); _tempClip2._y = (_targetY + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); var tempRandomSize = (random(_explosionSize) + (_explosionSize / 2)); _tempClip._xscale = tempRandomSize; _tempClip._yscale = tempRandomSize; var tempRandomSize = (random(_explosionSize) + (_explosionSize / 2)); _tempClip2._xscale = tempRandomSize; _tempClip2._yscale = tempRandomSize; _tempClip2._rotation = random(359); _tempClip._alpha = random(explosionAlpha) + (explosionAlpha / 4); _tempClip2._alpha = random(explosionAlpha) + (explosionAlpha / 4); i++; } } function GiantInit() { SquidInit(); GIANT_VELOCITY = 30; GIANT_ACCELERATION = 30; OSC_POINT = 105; giantShip.a = 0; giantShip.v = 0; MAX_CHUTE_DAMAGE = 30; BOSSTIME = 60; LASER_INC = 100 / BOSSTIME; GiantAIInterval = 100; if (bossWarningGiven == undefined) { bossWarningGiven = false; } if (laserWarningGiven == undefined) { laserWarningGiven = false; } } function setGiantAILevel(lvl) { MAX_CHUTE_DAMAGE = (1 + _root.difficulty) + (((4.5 + _root.difficulty) * lvl) / bossInterval); pThrowSquid = 0.0016 * (1 + ((lvl * 17) / 100)); } function RunGiant() { if (gameState == GS_Giant) { lastLevelTime = curTime; if (giantShip._y == 0) { giantShip._visible = true; giantShip.laserPercent = 0; giantShip.damage = 0; giantShip.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(40, "RunGiant"); if ((gameState == GS_Giant) && (this.damage < 6)) { this.laserPercent = this.laserPercent + (LASER_INC * dt); } if (this.damage == 6) { if (this._currentframe == this._totalframes) { Score = Score + ScoreGiantShip; giantShip.a = 0; giantShip.v = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; giantShip._visible = false; _root.rewardPlayer(); } } else { if (this.laserPercent > 10) { if ((bossWarningGiven != true) && (_root.chute2._visible == true)) { arrow1._x = _root.chute2._x; arrow1._y = (_root.chute2._y + _root.chute2._height) + (arrow1._height / 2); arrow1._visible = true; arrow1._rotation = 0; arrow2._x = Stage.width / 2; arrow2._y = (_root.chute2._y + (_root.chute2._height * 2)) + (arrow2._height / 2); arrow2._visible = true; arrow2._rotation = 0; showTutorial("Destroy the Portals to Destroy\nThe Giant Ship! Don't delay...\nIf the Laser turns Red, You are Dead!"); bossWarningGiven = true; } if (this.laserPercent > 100) { this.laserPercent = 100; } if ((laserWarningGiven != true) && (this.laserPercent >= 94)) { showTutorial("Watch out!\nThe Boss is about to shoot its Laser!\nPress Space to use Nuke.\n"); laserWarningGiven = true; } } if (this.laserPercent == 100) { this.gotoAndPlay("frmLaser"); mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("CauseOfDeath", "GiantShip"); _root.defender.swapDepths(Util.defenderDepth); killDefender(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.gotoAndStop(int(this.laserPercent + 0.5)); } } }; var i = 1; while (i <= 6) { if (i <= 3) { _root["chute" + i].side = "Left"; } else { _root["chute" + i].side = "Right"; } _root["chute" + i]._visible = true; _root["chute" + i].portal.damage = 0; _root["chute" + i].healthBar.gotoAndStop(1); _root["chute" + i].lastAI = curTime; _root["chute" + i].portal.impenetrable = true; _root["chute" + i].onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } if (gameState != GS_Giant) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } if ((bossWarningGiven && (giantShip.laserPercent > 5)) && ((curTime - this.lastAI) > GiantAIInterval)) { if (Math.random() < pThrowSquid) { createSquid(this); } while ((curTime - this.lastAI) > GiantAIInterval) { this.lastAI = this.lastAI + GiantAIInterval; } } var bullets = isHitByBullet(this.portal, this.side); var j = 1; while (j < bullets) { isHitByBullet(this.portal, this.side); j++; } if (bullets > 0) { if (soundEffects) { sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } this.gotoAndPlay("frmHit"); } checkChuteDeath(this); }; i++; } giantShip.v = GIANT_VELOCITY; giantShip.a = 0; giantShip._y = 1; } else { giantShip.v = giantShip.v + (giantShip.a * dt); if (giantShip.v < (-GIANT_VELOCITY)) { giantShip.v = -GIANT_VELOCITY; } if (giantShip.v > GIANT_VELOCITY) { giantShip.v = GIANT_VELOCITY; } giantShip._y = giantShip._y + (giantShip.v * dt); var totDmg = 0; var i = 1; while (i <= 6) { totDmg = totDmg + _root["chute" + i].portal.damage; if (_root["chute" + i]._visible == true) { _root["chute" + i]._y = _root["chute" + i]._y + (giantShip.v * dt); _root["chute" + i].healthBar.gotoAndStop(int(((100 * _root["chute" + i].portal.damage) / MAX_CHUTE_DAMAGE) + 0.5)); } i++; } var percentDmg = int((100 * totDmg) / (MAX_CHUTE_DAMAGE * 6)); if (giantShip._y > OSC_POINT) { if (giantShip.a == 0) { giantShip.a = GIANT_ACCELERATION; } if (giantShip.a > 0) { giantShip.a = -giantShip.a; } } else if (giantShip._y < OSC_POINT) { if (giantShip.a < 0) { giantShip.a = -giantShip.a; } } } } } function checkChuteDeath(chute) { if (chute.portal.damage >= MAX_CHUTE_DAMAGE) { Score = Score + ScoreChute; giantShip.damage++; if (giantShip.damage < 6) { _root.addExplosion(chute._x, 10 + chute._y, _root.explosionParticleAmount, _root.explosionDistance * 2, _root.explosionSize * 1.5, _root.explosionAlpha); } chute._visible = false; chute._y = chute.initY; chute.gotoAndStop("frmStart"); if (soundEffects) { _root.sndMothershipHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } if (giantShip.damage == 6) { if (soundEffects) { sndExplosion.gotoAndPlay("start"); } if (_root.nukeDomain._visible) { _root.addExplosion(320, 20 + chute._y, _root.explosionParticleAmount / 2, _root.explosionDistance * 8, _root.explosionSize * 8, _root.explosionAlpha); } else { _root.addExplosion(320, 20 + chute._y, _root.explosionParticleAmount / 2, _root.explosionDistance * 8, _root.explosionSize * 8, _root.explosionAlpha); } giantShip.gotoAndPlay("frmDestroy"); _root.removeAllSquids(); } delete chute.onEnterFrame; } } var explosionParticleAmount = 20; var explosionDistance = 45; var explosionSize = 150; var explosionAlpha = 75; function removeAllSquids() { var layer = _root.squidsLayer.Left; for (var i in layer) { if (typeof(layer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } layer[i]._visible = false; delete layer[i].onEnterFrame; layer[i].removeMovieClip(); } layer = _root.squidsLayer.Right; for (var i in layer) { if (typeof(layer[i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } layer[i]._visible = false; delete layer[i].onEnterFrame; layer[i].removeMovieClip(); } } SquidInit = function () { MAX_SQUIDS = 15; SQUID_FALL = 160; SQUID_MOVEMENT = 125; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("squidsLayer", Util.squidDepth); squidsLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Left", squidsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); squidsLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Right", squidsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); if (suicideWarningGiven == undefined) { suicideWarningGiven = false; } _root.squidsCreated = 0; }; removeSquid = function (squid) { delete squid.onEnterFrame; squid.removeMovieClip(); }; createSquid = function (chute) { pushSegment(45, "CreateSquid"); _root.squidsCreated++; var side = chute.side; var type = "Squid"; var nm = (type + squidsLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); var squid = squidsLayer[side].attachMovie(type + side, nm, squidsLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); var cBounds = chute.getBounds(_root); squid._x = ((cBounds.xMin + cBounds.xMax) / 2) - (squid._width / 2); squid._y = cBounds.yMin; squid.state = "fall"; squid.side = side; squid.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } if ((gameState == GS_Die) || (gameState == GS_Explosion)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; return(undefined); } pushSegment(46, "RunSquid"); if (isHitByBullet(this, this.side)) { this.state = "death"; if (soundEffects) { sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } } switch (this.state) { case "fall" : this._y = this._y + (SQUID_FALL * dt); if (this._y >= ((Stage.height * 1) / 4)) { if (!suicideWarningGiven) { arrow1._x = this._x + (this._width / 2); arrow1._rotation = 0; arrow1._y = (this._y + this._height) + arrow1._height; arrow1._visible = true; showTutorial("Beware Earthling!!!\nThese are Kamikaze Aliens that will\nrun straight at you!"); suicideWarningGiven = true; } if (this.getBounds(_root).yMax > (base.getBounds(_root).yMax - (base._height / 2))) { this.state = "strike"; this.gotoAndStop("frm_walk"); this._y = ((base.getBounds(_root).yMax - (base._height / 2)) + 1) - this._height; } } break; case "strike" : var me = this.getBounds(_root); var d = base.getBounds(_root); this._x = this._x + ((SGN(((d.xMin + d.xMax) / 2) - ((me.xMin + me.xMax) / 2)) * SQUID_MOVEMENT) * dt); if ((!nukeWarningGiven) && (Math.abs(this._x - (base._x + (base._width / 2))) < 100)) { nukeWarningGiven = true; arrow1._x = this._x + (this._width / 2); arrow1._rotation = 180; arrow1._y = this._y - arrow1._height; arrow1._visible = true; showTutorial("Careful Earthling!\nPress Space to Nuke!"); } if (this.hitTest(base)) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("CauseOfDeath", "Squid"); killDefender(); removeAllSquids(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } break; case "death" : Score = Score + ScoreSquid; SquidsHit++; _root.explosion(this, currentEffect); delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } popSegment(); }; popSegment(); }; function randRange(min, max) { var randomNum = (random((max - min) + 1) + min); return(randomNum); } function explosion(mc, type) { var cx = (mc._x + (mc._width / 2)); var cy = (mc._y + (mc._height / 2)); if (type == "fire") { var maxSpeed = 5; var minSize = 2; var maxSize = 6; var minFragments = 15; var maxFragments = 30; var fragmentRange = 100; var fragmentType = "fragments_fire"; } else if (type == GS_Explosion) { var maxSpeed = 5; var minSize = 3; var maxSize = 8; var minFragments = 9; var maxFragments = 18; var fragmentRange = 250; var fragmentType = "fragments_ship"; } else if (type == "blood") { var maxSpeed = 3; var minSize = 2; var maxSize = 4; var minFragments = 30; var maxFragments = 50; var fragmentRange = 35; var fragmentType = "fragments_blood"; } var boundyLeft = (cx - fragmentRange); var boundyTop = (cy - fragmentRange); var boundyRight = (cx + fragmentRange); var boundyBottom = (cy + fragmentRange); var totalFragments = randRange(minFragments, maxFragments); var depth = _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); var i = 0; while (i < totalFragments) { var fragment_mc = _root.ExplosionLayer.attachMovie(fragmentType, "fragment" + depth, depth); fragment_mc._x = cx; fragment_mc._y = cy; fragment_mc.originX = cx; fragment_mc.originY = cy; fragment_mc.radius = fragmentRange / 2; fragment_mc._rotation = randRange(1, 359); fragment_mc.gotoAndStop(randRange(1, 3)); var newSize = randRange(minSize, maxSize); fragment_mc._width = newSize; fragment_mc._height = newSize; fragment_mc.speedX = randRange(-maxSpeed, maxSpeed); fragment_mc.speedY = randRange(-maxSpeed, maxSpeed); fragment_mc._alpha = randRange(50, 100); fragment_mc.cacheAsBitmap = true; fragment_mc.startTime = getTimer(); fragment_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha = this._alpha - 1; this._x = this._x + this.speedX; this._y = this._y + this.speedY; var dx = (this._x - this.originX); var dy = (this._y - this.originY); if ((((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) > (this.radius * this.radius)) || ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 3000)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; i++; depth++; } } var currentEffect = "blood"; var MAX_ALIENS = 50; var MAX_FALLEN_ALIENS = 4; var DescentRate = 75; var FallRate = 200; AlienInit = function () { landed = 0; if (landingWarningGiven == undefined) { landingWarningGiven = false; } nukeWarningGiven = false; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("aliensLayer", Util.alienDepth); aliensLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Left", aliensLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); aliensLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Right", aliensLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); aliensLayer.Left.size = 0; aliensLayer.Right.size = 0; aliensLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("floorRightLayer", aliensLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); aliensLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("floorLeftLayer", aliensLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); aliensLayer.floorLeftLayer.size = 0; aliensLayer.floorRightLayer.size = 0; = 0; = 0; }; removeAlien = function (alien) { aliensLayer[alien.side].size--; delete alien.onEnterFrame; alien.removeMovieClip(); }; killAlien = function (alien, effect, rotation) { _root.AliensHit++; if ((effect != undefined) && (effect != "")) { aliensLayer[alien.side].size--; alien.gotoAndPlay(effect); if (rotation != undefined) { alien.ani._rotation = rotation; } delete alien.onEnterFrame; } else { removeAlien(alien); } }; createAlien = function (mothership) { if (((mothership._x < (base._x + base._width)) && ((mothership._x + mothership._width) > base._x)) || (mothership.side == "Both")) { return(undefined); } if (aliensLayer[mothership.side].size >= (MAX_ALIENS - 1)) { trace((("Max aliens of " + MAX_ALIENS) + " reached at level ") + _root.level); return(undefined); } pushSegment(15, "CreateAlien"); var side = mothership.side; var type = "Alien"; var nm = (type + aliensLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); var alien = aliensLayer[side].attachMovie(type + side, nm, aliensLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); type = "Platform"; var nm2 = (type + nm); var platform = aliensLayer[side].attachMovie(type, nm2, aliensLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); alien._x = (mothership._x + (mothership._width / 2)) - (alien._width / 2); alien._y = mothership._y; alien.dy = DescentRate; alien.falling = false; alien.platform = nm2; alien.aliensKilled = 0; alien.side = side; alien.floor = aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"]; alien.platformMC = platform; platform._x = alien._x; platform._y = (alien._y + alien._height) + 1; platform.dy = DescentRate; platform.falling = false; platform.alien = nm; platform.aliensKilled = 0; platform.side = side; platform.floor = alien.floor; platform.alienMC = alien; platform.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(32, "RunAlienPlatform"); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * dt); if ((this._y + this._height) > Bottom) { if (this.falling) { var floor = this.floor; for (var i in floor) { var alien2 = floor[i]; if (this.hitTest(alien2)) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Score = Score + ScoreAlienOnGround; alien2.removeMovieClip(); floor.size--; if (floor.size == 3) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndIntercepted.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Score = Score + ScoreIntercepted; showAchievement("Intercepted!"); _root.endIntercepted++; for (var j in floor) { var alienj = floor[j]; alienj.gotoAndStop("land"); alienj._y = Bottom + 1; } } this.aliensKilled++; if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_AlienDeath) { _root.gameState = _root.stateBeforeDeath; } break; } } if (this._y > ScreenHeight) { if (this.aliensKilled == 2) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndDoubleKill.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.end2x++; Score = Score + ScoreDoubleKill; showAchievement("Double Kill!"); } else if (this.aliensKilled >= 3) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndTripleKill.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.end3x++; Score = Score + ScoreTripleKill; showAchievement("Triple Kill!"); } delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } } else if (this._y > ScreenHeight) { delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (isHitByBullet(this, this.side)) { if (soundEffects) { sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } if (!this.falling) { var al = this.alienMC; al.dy = FallRate; al.falling = true; al.gotoAndStop("falling"); Score = Score + ScorePlatform; } else { Score = Score + ScoreFallingPlatform; } delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } popSegment(); }; alien.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(31, "RunAlien"); this._y = this._y + (this.dy * dt); if ((this._y + this._height) > Bottom) { if (this.falling) { var floor = this.floor; for (var i in floor) { var alien2 = floor[i]; if (this.hitTest(alien2)) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Score = Score + (ScoreAlien + ScoreAlienOnGround); alien2.removeMovieClip(); floor.size--; if (floor.size == 3) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndIntercepted.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Score = Score + ScoreIntercepted; showAchievement("Intercepted!"); _root.endIntercepted++; for (var j in floor) { var alienj = floor[j]; alienj.gotoAndStop("land"); alienj._y = Bottom + 1; } } if (gameState == GS_AlienDeath) { gameState = _root.stateBeforeDeath; } this.aliensKilled++; popSegment(); return(undefined); } } } if (this._y > Bottom) { if (!this.falling) { this._y = Bottom + 1; delete this.onEnterFrame; delete this.platformMC; this.platformMC.removeMovieClip(); landed++; if (landingWarningGiven != true) { arrow1._x = this._x + (this._width / 2); arrow1._rotation = -180; arrow1._y = this._y - this._height; arrow1._visible = true; showTutorial("Don't let 4 Aliens land on a side.\nKill them by causing other\nAliens to fall on them!"); landingWarningGiven = true; } var floor = this.floor; var d = floor.getNextHighestDepth(); var al = floor.attachMovie("Alien" + side, "Alien" + d, d, this); al._x = this._x; al._y = this._y; al.floor = floor; al.gotoAndStop("land"); floor.size++; if ((floor.size >= 4) && (nukeWarningGiven != true)) { nukeWarningGiven = true; arrow1._x = this._x + (this._width / 2); arrow1._rotation = -180; arrow1._y = this._y - this._height; arrow1._visible = true; showTutorial("Lookout Earthling!\nThese 4 aliens will try to infiltrate you!\nPress Space to Nuke them!"); } removeAlien(this); } else { this.aliensKilled++; if (this.aliensKilled == 2) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndDoubleKill.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.end2x++; Score = Score + ScoreDoubleKill; showAchievement("Double Kill!"); } else if (this.aliensKilled >= 3) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndTripleKill.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.end3x++; Score = Score + ScoreTripleKill; showAchievement("Triple Kill!"); } if (soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } killAlien(this, "frmSplat"); } } } if (isHitByBullet(this, this.side)) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } if (!this.falling) { this.platformMC.dy = FallRate; this.platformMC.falling = true; Score = Score + ScoreAlien; } else { Score = Score + ScoreFallingAlien; } killAlien(this, "frmBlood", random(360)); } popSegment(); }; aliensLayer[alien.side].size++; popSegment(); }; function addExplosion(_targetX, _targetY, _explosionParticleAmount, _distance, _explosionSize, _explosionAlpha) { var i = 0; while (i < _explosionParticleAmount) { var _tempClip2 = _root.ExplosionLayer.attachMovie("explosionlegit", "explosionlegit_" + _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); var _tempClip = _root.ExplosionLayer.attachMovie("explosion", "explosion" + _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.ExplosionLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); _tempClip._x = (_targetX + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); _tempClip._y = (_targetY + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); _tempClip2._x = (_targetX + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); _tempClip2._y = (_targetY + random(_distance)) - (_distance / 2); var tempRandomSize = (random(_explosionSize) + (_explosionSize / 2)); _tempClip._xscale = tempRandomSize; _tempClip._yscale = tempRandomSize; var tempRandomSize = (random(_explosionSize) + (_explosionSize / 2)); _tempClip2._xscale = tempRandomSize; _tempClip2._yscale = tempRandomSize; _tempClip2._rotation = random(359); _tempClip._alpha = random(explosionAlpha) + (explosionAlpha / 4); _tempClip2._alpha = random(explosionAlpha) + (explosionAlpha / 4); i++; } } function setMothershipAILevel(lvl) { AllowedMotherships = 3 + (((lvl - 1) * 14) / 100); MinMothershipSpeed = 110 + (((lvl - 1) * 8) / 100); MaxMothershipSpeed = 150 + (((lvl - 1) * 9) / 100); pNewMothership = 0.012 * (1 + (((lvl - 1) * 14) / 100)); if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.SquidMode) { pThrowAlien = (0.012 * FPSMUL) * (1 + (((lvl - 1) * 20) / 100)); } else { pThrowAlien = (0.016 * FPSMUL) * (1 + (((lvl - 1) * 28) / 100)); } } var explosionParticleAmount = 20; var explosionDistance = 45; var explosionSize = 150; var explosionAlpha = 75; MothershipInit = function () { AlienInit(); MAX_LAYERS = 6; MAX_MOTHERSHIPS = 20; ALIENINTERVAL = 100; MothershipInterval = 100; lastMothership = getTimer(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("mothershipsLayer", Util.mothershipDepth); mothershipsLayer.size = 0; }; removeMothership = function (mothership) { delete mothership.onEnterFrame; mothershipsLayer.size--; mothership.isDead = true;; }; createMothership = function () { if ((mothershipsLayer.size >= (MAX_MOTHERSHIPS - 1)) || (_root.nukeDomain._visible)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(3, "CreateMothership"); var startFromLeft = (Math.random() > 0.5); var layer = int(random(MAX_LAYERS) + 2); var type = "Mothership"; var nm = (type + mothershipsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); mothershipsLayer.attachMovie(type, nm, mothershipsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); MothershipSpeed = random(MaxMothershipSpeed - MinMothershipSpeed) + MinMothershipSpeed; if (startFromLeft) { mothershipsLayer[nm]._x = -mothershipsLayer[nm]._width; mothershipsLayer[nm].dx = MothershipSpeed; } else { mothershipsLayer[nm]._x = ScreenWidth; mothershipsLayer[nm].dx = -MothershipSpeed; } mothershipsLayer[nm]._y = layer * mothershipsLayer[nm]._height; mothershipsLayer[nm].initY = mothershipsLayer[nm]._y; mothershipsLayer[nm].lastAI = curTime; mothershipsLayer[nm].isDead = false; mothershipsLayer[nm].onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(10, "RunMothership"); this._x = this._x + (this.dx * dt); if (((this._x + this._width) < 0) || (this._x > ScreenWidth)) { this._visible = false; removeMothership(this); } else { if (this._x > (base._x + (base._width / 2))) { this.side = "Right"; } else if ((this._x + this._width) < (base._x + (base._width / 2))) { this.side = "Left"; } else { this.side = "Both"; } var mothership = this; if ((curTime - mothership.lastAI) > ALIENINTERVAL) { if (gameState == GS_Play) { if (Math.random() < pThrowAlien) { if (((this.side != "Both") && (mothership._x > 0)) && ((mothership._x + mothership._width) < ScreenWidth)) { if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.SquidMode) { createSquid(mothership); } else { createAlien(mothership); } } } } while ((curTime - mothership.lastAI) > ALIENINTERVAL) { mothership.lastAI = mothership.lastAI + ALIENINTERVAL; } } if (isHitByBullet(this, this.side)) { if (soundEffects) { sndMothershipHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } Score = Score + ScoreMothership; addExplosion(this._x + 39, this._y + 10, explosionParticleAmount, explosionDistance, explosionSize, explosionAlpha); _root.MothershipsHit++; removeMothership(this); } } popSegment(); }; mothershipsLayer.size++; popSegment(); }; RunMotherships = function () { if (gameState == GS_Play) { var count = mothershipsLayer.size; if ((curTime - lastMothership) > MothershipInterval) { if (count == 0) { createMothership(); } else if (count < AllowedMotherships) { if (Math.random() < pNewMothership) { createMothership(); } } while ((curTime - lastMothership) > MothershipInterval) { lastMothership = lastMothership + MothershipInterval; } } } }; function killDefender() { gameState = GS_Die; if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndExplosion.gotoAndPlay("start"); } var layer = _root.ExplosionLayer; var nm = ("ex" + layer.getNextHighestDepth()); var explosion = layer.attachMovie("Explosion2", nm, layer.getNextHighestDepth()); explosion._rotation = random(359); explosion._x = base._x + (base._width / 2); explosion._y = base._y - (base._height / 2);; defender.gotoAndPlay("frmDestroy"); _root.pauseGame();; setTimeout(endGame, 5000); } function KeyDown() { if (gameState == GS_Die) { return(undefined); } if (Key.getAscii() == "f".charCodeAt(0)) { _root.txtFPS._visible = !_root.txtFPS._visible; } if (Key.getCode() == 20) { } if (Key.getCode() == 13) { _root.hideBubble(); } if ((Key.getCode() == 17) || (Key.getCode() == 38)) { _root.firing = true;; } if ((Key.getAscii() >= 48) && (Key.getAscii() <= 57)) { var index = (Key.getAscii() - 48); if (index == 0) { index = 10; } index--; if (!_root.weaponScreen._visible) { Gun.switchGun(index); } } if (!_root.cheatModeEnabled) { return(undefined); } var a = Key.getAscii(); if (a == "p".charCodeAt(0)) { togglePause(); } if ((a == "r".charCodeAt(0)) || (a == "R".charCodeAt(0))) { quitGame(); gotoAndPlay (142); } if (Key.getAscii() == "q".charCodeAt(0)) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("CauseOfDeath", "Manual"); killDefender(); } if (Key.getAscii() == "n".charCodeAt(0)) { _root.cheatMode = true; resetGame(_root.level); } if (Key.getAscii() == "b".charCodeAt(0)) { _root.cheatMode = true; resetGame((int((_root.level + bossInterval) / bossInterval) * bossInterval) - 1); } if (Key.getAscii() == "w".charCodeAt(0)) { _root.cheatMode = true; openWeaponScreen(); } if (Key.getAscii() == "+".charCodeAt(0)) { _root.cheatMode = true; Score = Score + 50000; } } function KeyUp() { if ((Key.getCode() == 17) || (Key.getCode() == 38)) { if (_root.weaponScreen._visible == false) { _root.firing = false; _root.defender.gun.stop(); } } } var rotationAcceleration = 3.75; var rotationSpeed; var keyboardMultiplier; var MAX_ROTATION; var rotDir = 0; DefenderInit = function () { rotationSpeed = 0; MAX_ROTATION_SPEED = 22.5; keyboardMultiplier = 10; MAX_ROTATION = 88; rotDir = 0; base._visible = true; delete defender.onEnterFrame; _root.removeMovieClip(defender); defender = _root.attachMovie("Defender", "defender", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); defender.gotoAndStop(_root.gun.GunClip); defender.gun.stop(); _root.bulletsLayer.s.attachSound(_root.gun.sound); defender._x = (base._x + (base._width / 2)) - 3; defender._y = base._y; defender._visible = true; defender.onEnterFrame = function () { if (((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) && (weaponScreen._visible == false)) { return(undefined); } processInputs(); if (shootBullet && (weaponScreen._visible == false)) { rotDir = 0; shootBullet = false; Gun.fireGun(); } }; }; processInputs = function () { pushSegment(60, "ProcessInputs"); if ((firing && ((getTimer() - lastBulletTime) > gun.delay)) || (shootBullet)) { shootBullet = true; lastBulletTime = getTimer(); } if (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.KeyboardMode) { if ((InputWrapper.getMouseX() != lastMouseX) || (InputWrapper.getMouseY())) { defender._rotation = (Math.atan2(InputWrapper.getMouseY() - defender._y, InputWrapper.getMouseX() - defender._x) * 57.3) + 90; } } lastMouseX = InputWrapper.getMouseX(); lastMouseY = InputWrapper.getMouseY(); var newRot = (rotationSpeed + rotationAcceleration); rotationSpeed = ((newRot < MAX_ROTATION_SPEED) ? (newRot) : (MAX_ROTATION_SPEED)); defender._rotation = defender._rotation + (((rotDir * rotationSpeed) * keyboardMultiplier) * dt); if (defender._rotation > MAX_ROTATION) { defender._rotation = MAX_ROTATION; } if (defender._rotation < (-MAX_ROTATION)) { defender._rotation = -MAX_ROTATION; } popSegment(); }; function pushSegment(index, aName) { } function popSegment() { } function resetProfiler() { } function displayProfilingResult() { } function bitOR(a, b) { var lsb = ((a & 1) | (b & 1)); var msb31 = ((a >>> 1) | (b >>> 1)); return((msb31 << 1) | lsb); } function bitXOR(a, b) { var lsb = ((a & 1) ^ (b & 1)); var msb31 = ((a >>> 1) ^ (b >>> 1)); return((msb31 << 1) | lsb); } function bitAND(a, b) { var lsb = ((a & 1) & (b & 1)); var msb31 = ((a >>> 1) & (b >>> 1)); return((msb31 << 1) | lsb); } function addme(x, y) { var lsw = ((x & 65535) + (y & 65535)); var msw = (((x >> 16) + (y >> 16)) + (lsw >> 16)); return((msw << 16) | (lsw & 65535)); } function rhex(num) { str = ""; j = 0; while (j <= 3) { str = str + (hex_chr.charAt((num >> ((j * 8) + 4)) & 15) + hex_chr.charAt((num >> (j * 8)) & 15)); j++; } return(str); } function str2blks_MD5(str) { nblk = ((str.length + 8) >> 6) + 1; blks = new Array(nblk * 16); i = 0; while (i < (nblk * 16)) { blks[i] = 0; i++; } i = 0; while (i < str.length) { blks[i >> 2] = blks[i >> 2] | (str.charCodeAt(i) << ((((str.length * 8) + i) % 4) * 8)); i++; } blks[i >> 2] = blks[i >> 2] | (128 << ((((str.length * 8) + i) % 4) * 8)); var l = (str.length * 8); blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] = l & 255; blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] = blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] | (((l >>> 8) & 255) << 8); blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] = blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] | (((l >>> 16) & 255) << 16); blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] = blks[(nblk * 16) - 2] | (((l >>> 24) & 255) << 24); return(blks); } function rol(num, cnt) { return((num << cnt) | (num >>> (32 - cnt))); } function cmn(q, a, b, x, s, t) { return(addme(rol(addme(addme(a, q), addme(x, t)), s), b)); } function ff(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return(cmn(bitOR(bitAND(b, c), bitAND(~b, d)), a, b, x, s, t)); } function gg(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return(cmn(bitOR(bitAND(b, d), bitAND(c, ~d)), a, b, x, s, t)); } function hh(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return(cmn(bitXOR(bitXOR(b, c), d), a, b, x, s, t)); } function ii(a, b, c, d, x, s, t) { return(cmn(bitXOR(c, bitOR(b, ~d)), a, b, x, s, t)); } function funky(str) { x = str2blks_MD5(str); a = 1732584193 /* 0x67452301 */; b = -271733879; c = -1732584194; d = 271733878 /* 0x10325476 */; var step; i = 0; while (i < x.length) { olda = a; oldb = b; oldc = c; oldd = d; step = 0; a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 7, -680876936); d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 1], 12, -389564586); c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 17, 606105819); b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 3], 22, -1044525330); a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 7, -176418897); d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 5], 12, 1200080426); c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 17, -1473231341); b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 7], 22, -45705983); a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 7, 1770035416); d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 9], 12, -1958414417); c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 17, -42063); b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 11], 22, -1990404162); a = ff(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 7, 1804603682); d = ff(d, a, b, c, x[i + 13], 12, -40341101); c = ff(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 17, -1502002290); b = ff(b, c, d, a, x[i + 15], 22, 1236535329); a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 5, -165796510); d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 6], 9, -1069501632); c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 14, 643717713); b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 0], 20, -373897302); a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 5, -701558691); d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 10], 9, 38016083); c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 14, -660478335); b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 4], 20, -405537848); a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 5, 568446438); d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 14], 9, -1019803690); c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 14, -187363961); b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 8], 20, 1163531501); a = gg(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 5, -1444681467); d = gg(d, a, b, c, x[i + 2], 9, -51403784); c = gg(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 14, 1735328473); b = gg(b, c, d, a, x[i + 12], 20, -1926607734); a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 5], 4, -378558); d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 8], 11, -2022574463); c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 11], 16, 1839030562); b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 14], 23, -35309556); a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 1], 4, -1530992060); d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 4], 11, 1272893353); c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 7], 16, -155497632); b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 10], 23, -1094730640); a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 13], 4, 681279174); d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 0], 11, -358537222); c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 3], 16, -722521979); b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 6], 23, 76029189); a = hh(a, b, c, d, x[i + 9], 4, -640364487); d = hh(d, a, b, c, x[i + 12], 11, -421815835); c = hh(c, d, a, b, x[i + 15], 16, 530742520); b = hh(b, c, d, a, x[i + 2], 23, -995338651); a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 0], 6, -198630844); d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 7], 10, 1126891415); c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 14], 15, -1416354905); b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 5], 21, -57434055); a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 12], 6, 1700485571); d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 3], 10, -1894986606); c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 10], 15, -1051523); b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 1], 21, -2054922799); a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 8], 6, 1873313359); d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 15], 10, -30611744); c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 6], 15, -1560198380); b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 13], 21, 1309151649); a = ii(a, b, c, d, x[i + 4], 6, -145523070); d = ii(d, a, b, c, x[i + 11], 10, -1120210379); c = ii(c, d, a, b, x[i + 2], 15, 718787259); b = ii(b, c, d, a, x[i + 9], 21, -343485551); a = addme(a, olda); b = addme(b, oldb); c = addme(c, oldc); d = addme(d, oldd); i = i + 16; } return(((rhex(a) + rhex(b)) + rhex(c)) + rhex(d)); } function submitScore() { if (_root.cheatMode == true) { trace("you have cheated in this game; so will not submit score."); return(undefined); } var sUser = _root.userName; var sHost = _url; sHost = sHost.slice(0, sHost.indexOf(".") + 4); var sGame = "Alien Paratroopers"; var sVersion = "0.1"; var sMode = GameModes.__get__name(); var sDifficulty = _root.difficulty; var sScore = Score; var sLevel = level; var sMothershipsHit = MothershipsHit; var special = "xVc"; var sAliensHit = AliensHit; var sBonusItems = "0"; var squid = "Squid"; var k = ((squid + special) + squid); var index = ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((("user=" + sUser) + "&") + "host=") + sHost) + "&") + "game=") + sGame) + "&") + "version=") + sVersion) + "&") + "mode=") + sMode) + "&") + "difficulty=") + sDifficulty) + "&") + "score=") + sScore) + "&") + "level=") + sLevel) + "&") + "mothershipshit=") + sMothershipsHit) + "&") + "alienshit=") + sAliensHit) + "&") + "bonusitems=") + sBonusItems) + "&") + ""); var thingy = ("hash=" + funky(index + k)); if (_root._url.indexOf("file:///") == -1) { if ((sUser != "Your Name Here") && (sUser != "")) {; switch (GameModes.__get__mode()) { case GameModes.ExplosiveMode : var o = {n:[1, 1, 13, 11, 15, 3, 2, 14, 13, 2, 5, 2, 14, 8, 0, 7], f:function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return(s); } return(this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16))); }}; break; case GameModes.SquidMode : var o = {n:[15, 14, 14, 1, 0, 15, 4, 2, 0, 0, 6, 7, 5, 6, 7, 3], f:function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return(s); } return(this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16))); }}; break; case GameModes.KeyboardMode : var o = {n:[14, 14, 9, 4, 6, 7, 10, 7, 15, 1, 12, 4, 7, 7, 1, 12], f:function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return(s); } return(this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16))); }}; break; default : var o = {n:[1, 14, 11, 10, 4, 13, 10, 7, 10, 2, 12, 6, 2, 11, 12, 12], f:function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return(s); } return(this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16))); }}; } var boardID = o.f(0, ""); mochi.as2.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID, score:Score, name:sUser}); } } } function endGame() {; } function setMonsterAILevel(lvl) { _root.pNewMonster = (0.001 * FPSMUL) * (1 + (((lvl - 1) * 9) / 100)); } function getMoney() { return(_root.Score - _root.MoneySpent); } function openWeaponScreen() { _root.pauseGame(); _root.weaponScreen._visible = true; _root.weaponScreen.redraw(); _root.weaponScreen.selectGun(Gun.__get__index()); _root.pauseEnabled = false; _root.bulletsLayer.s.setVolume(20); _root.menubtn.menuButton.enabled = false;; } function quitGame() { popSegment(); displayProfilingResult(); resetObjects(); delete onEnterFrame; city.clear(); music.gotoAndPlay("stop"); bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("stop"); gotoAndPlay (142); } function hideWalkthrough(text) { if (txtInfo.text == text) { txtInfo.text = ""; } } function showWalkthrough(text) { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } if ((txtInfo.text != "") && (txtInfo.text != text)) { setTimeout(showWalkthrough, 1000, text); } else { txtInfo.text = text; setTimeout(hideWalkthrough, 4000, text); } } function enableBubble() { bubble.enabled = true; } function showBubble(text) { hideWalkthrough(txtInfo.text); bubble.caption.text = text; bubble.enabled = false; bubble._visible = true; if (guy._currentFrame != 1) { guy.gotoAndStop("frmBzztIn"); } else {; } setTimeout(enableBubble, 800); _root.pauseGame(); } function hideBubble() { _root.resumeGame(); bubble.caption.text = ""; bubble._visible = false; arrow1._visible = false; arrow2._visible = false; guy.gotoAndStop("frmBzztOut"); } function showTutorial(text) { if (_root.tutorialEnabled) { showBubble(text); } else { bubble._visible = false; arrow1._visible = false; arrow2._visible = false; } } function showAchievement(text) { if (achievementTimer != 0) { clearTimeout(achievementTimer); } txtUltra.text = text; achievementTimer = setTimeout(hideAchievement, 2000); } function hideAchievement() { txtUltra.text = ""; } function updateWeaponBar() { if ((((GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.BarrelMode) || (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.ExplosiveMode)) || (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.SquidMode)) || (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.KeyboardMode)) { _root.weapBar._visible = false; } else { _root.weapBar._visible = true; } i = 1; while (i <= 5) { btn = _root.weapBar["btnW" + i]; btn.i = i; btn.onRelease = function () { if (Gun.keyMap[this.i - 1].upgradeLevel > 0) { if (!_root.weaponScreen._visible) { Gun.switchGun(this.i - 1); if (!weaponChangeAdviceGiven) { weaponChangeAdviceGiven = true; _root.showBubble("Use the Mouse wheel or the\nkeys '1' through '5' to\nselect guns faster!"); } } } }; var colorTrans = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform()); if (i == (Gun.__get__index() + 1)) { colorTrans.redOffset = 0; colorTrans.blueOffset = 128; colorTrans.greenOffset = 0; } else if (Gun.keyMap[i - 1].upgradeLevel > 0) { colorTrans.redOffset = 0; colorTrans.blueOffset = 0; colorTrans.greenOffset = 196; } else { colorTrans.redOffset = 196; colorTrans.blueOffset = 0; colorTrans.greenOffset = 0; } var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(btn)); trans.colorTransform = colorTrans; i++; } } var GS_PlayState = 1; var GS_Die = 2; var GS_AlienDeath = 3; var GS_Pause = 4; var GS_EndLevel = 5; var GS_Explosion = 6; var GS_Giant = 7; var gameState; var hex_chr = "0123456789abcdef"; BlipInit = function () { MAX_LAYERS = 6; MaxBlipSpeed = 150; MinBlipSpeed = 100; pNewBlip = 0.00125; pFirstBlip = 0.003; BlipInterval = 100; lastBlip = getTimer(); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("blipsLayer", Util.blipDepth); if (blipWarningGiven == undefined) { blipWarningGiven = false; } blipCreated = false; }; removeBlip = function (blip) { blip.isDead = true; delete blip.onEnterFrame;; }; createBlip = function () { pushSegment(2, "CreateBlip"); var startFromLeft = (random(2) == 0); var layer = int(random(MAX_LAYERS) + 1); BlipSpeed = (random(MaxBlipSpeed - MinBlipSpeed) + MinBlipSpeed) * dt; if (startFromLeft) { var type = "BlipLeft"; nm = type + blipsLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); blipsLayer.attachMovie(type, nm, blipsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); blipsLayer[nm]._x = -blipsLayer[nm]._width; blipsLayer[nm].dx = BlipSpeed; } else { var type = "BlipRight"; nm = type + blipsLayer.getNextHighestDepth(); blipsLayer.attachMovie(type, nm, blipsLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); blipsLayer[nm]._x = ScreenWidth; blipsLayer[nm].dx = -BlipSpeed; } blipsLayer[nm].isDead = false; blipsLayer[nm]._y = layer * blipsLayer[nm]._height; blipsLayer[nm].onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(5, "RunBlip"); this._x = this._x + this.dx; if (((this._x + this._width) < 0) || (this._x > ScreenWidth)) { this._visible = false; removeBlip(this); } else { if (this._x > (base._x + (base._width / 2))) { this.side = "Right"; } else if ((this._x + this._width) < (base._x + (base._width / 2))) { this.side = "Left"; } else { this.side = "Both"; if (blipWarningGiven != true) { arrow1._x = this._x + (arrow1._width / 2); arrow1._y = (this._y + this._height) + (arrow1._height / 2); arrow1._visible = true; arrow1._rotation = 0; showTutorial("\nShoot this Bonus Ship to earn cash!"); blipWarningGiven = true; } } if (isHitByBullet(this, this.side)) { if (soundEffects) { _root.sndBonusShip.gotoAndPlay("start"); } this.txtBonus.text = "$" + ScoreBlip; Score = Score + ScoreBlip; _root.endBlip++; removeBlip(this); } } popSegment(); }; popSegment(); }; RunBlips = function () { if (gameState == GS_Play) { if ((curTime - lastBlip) > BlipInterval) { if (Math.random() < (blipCreated ? (pNewBlip) : (pFirstBlip))) { blipCreated = true; createBlip(); } while ((curTime - lastBlip) > BlipInterval) { lastBlip = lastBlip + BlipInterval; } } } }; var MonsterFall = 200; var MonsterJump = 280; var MAX_MONSTERS = 10; MonsterInit = function () { if (monsterWarningGiven == undefined) { monsterWarningGiven = false; } _root.createEmptyMovieClip("monstersLayer", Util.monsterDepth); monstersLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Left", monstersLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); monstersLayer.createEmptyMovieClip("Right", monstersLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); monstersLayer.Left.size = 0; monstersLayer.Right.size = 0; _root.monsterCreated = false; _root.pFirstMonster = 0.01; }; removeMonster = function (alien) { _root.monstersLayer[alien.side].size--; delete alien.onEnterFrame; alien.removeMovieClip(); }; killMonster = function (alien, effect) { _root.MonstersHit++; if ((effect != undefined) && (effect != "")) { _root.monstersLayer[alien.side].size--; alien.gotoAndPlay(effect); delete alien.onEnterFrame; } else { _root.removeMonster(alien); } }; createMonster = function () { var side = "Left"; if (random(2) == 0) { side = "Right"; } if (monstersLayer[side].size >= (MAX_MONSTERS - 1)) { trace((("Max monsters of " + MAX_MONSTERS) + " reached at level ") + _root.level); return(undefined); } pushSegment(4, "CreateMonster"); var type = "Monster"; var nm = (type + monstersLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); var alien = monstersLayer[side].attachMovie(type, nm, monstersLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); var shield = alien.attachMovie("AlienShield", nm, monstersLayer[side].getNextHighestDepth()); alien.shield = shield; alien.forceField = true; alien._x = ((Math.random() * (Stage.width >> 2)) + (Stage.width >> 3)) - (alien._width >> 1); if (side == "Right") { alien._x = alien._x + (Stage.width >> 1); } else { alien._xscale = -100; } alien._y = 0; alien.dy = MonsterFall; alien.state = 0; alien.side = side; alien.time = 2; alien.startTime = 0; alien.impenetrable = true; alien.confused = false; alien.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((gameState == GS_Pause) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(35, "RunMonster"); if (this.state == 0) { this._y = this._y + (this.dy * dt); if (!monsterWarningGiven) { if (this._y > (Stage.height / 4)) { arrow1._x = this._x + ((this._width / 2) * SGN(this._xscale)); arrow1._rotation = 0; arrow1._y = (this._y + this._height) + (arrow1._height / 2); arrow1._visible = true; _root.showTutorial("These Alien Monsters have a shield.\nBeware!\nThey will jump right on to you!"); monsterWarningGiven = true; } } if ((this._y + (this._height >> 1)) > Bottom) { this._y = (Bottom - (this._height >> 1)) + 1; this.state++; this.gotoAndStop("land"); if (this.forceField) { this.forceField = false;; } else { this.confused = true; } if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } } } else if (this.state == 1) { if (this.ani._currentframe >= (this.ani._totalframes - 1)) { if (this.confused == true) { this.confused = false; this.gotoAndStop("frmConfused");; } else { this.state++; this.gotoAndStop("frmJump");; } } } else if (this.state == 2) { if (this.ani._currentframe == this.ani._totalframes) { this.state++; this.startTime = getTimer(); this.u = -MonsterJump; this.s = (base._x + (base._width / 2)) - (this._x + (this._width / 2)); if (this.s < 0) { this.s = this.s - (this._width / 2); } else { this.s = this.s + this._width; } this.initY = this._y; this.initX = this._x; this.a = (-2 * this.u) / this.time; } } else if (this.state == 3) { t = (curTime - this.startTime) / 1000; this._y = (this.initY + (this.u * t)) + (((0.5 * this.a) * t) * t); this._x = this.initX + ((this.s * t) / this.time); if (t >= this.time) { this.state++; } } else if (this.state == 4) { removeMonster(this); mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("CauseOfDeath", "Monster"); killDefender(); } if (this.forceField) { if (_root.isHitByBullet(this.shield, this.side)) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreForceField; this.shield.removeMovieClip(); this.forceField = false; } } else if (_root.isHitByBullet(this, this.side)) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndMonsterDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreMonster; _root.killMonster(this, "frmBlood"); } popSegment(); }; monstersLayer[alien.side].size++; popSegment(); }; RunMonsters = function () { if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Play) { if (!_root.monsterCreated) { if ((Math.random() < _root.pFirstMonster) && (_root.level > _root.bossInterval)) { _root.createMonster(); _root.monsterCreated = true; } } else if (_root.MonstersHit > 0) { if (Math.random() < _root.pNewMonster) { _root.createMonster(); } } } }; stop(); FPS = 20; FPSMUL = 30 / FPS; _root.cheatMode = false; userName = "unknown"; Util.initLayers(); pauseEnabled = true; ScreenWidth = Stage.width; ScreenHeight = Stage.height; lastMouseX = InputWrapper.getMouseX(); lastMouseY = InputWrapper.getMouseY(); var firing = false; var shootBullet = false; var frames = 0; fps = 30 / FPSMUL; var dt = 0; Score = 0; StartLevel = 1; dayNight.gotoAndStop(1); _root.cheatModeEnabled = false; txtInfo.text = ""; healthBoss._visible = false; bubble._visible = false; bubble.caption.text = ""; bubble.swapDepths(Util.bubbleDepth); arrow1._visible = false; arrow1.swapDepths(Util.arrow1Depth); arrow2._visible = false; arrow2.swapDepths(Util.arrow2Depth); _root.menubtn.menuButton.enabled = true; weaponBought = false; if (scrollWheelMessageGiven == undefined) { scrollWheelMessageGiven = false; } if (_root.tutorialEnabled == undefined) { _root.tutorialEnabled = true; } if (musicEnabled == undefined) { musicEnabled = true; } if (soundEffects == undefined) { soundEffects = true; } if (difficulty == undefined) { difficulty = 2; } if (GameModes.__get__mode() == undefined) { GameModes.__set__mode(GameModes.NormalMode); } Bottom = (base._y + base._height) - 40; gameState = GS_Play; _root.guy.ani.gotoAndStop(_root.guy.ani._totalframes); InputWrapper.init(); initSounds(); generateStarfield(city); MothershipInit(); MonsterInit(); BlipInit(); GiantInit(); nukeDomain._visible = false; levelTime = 22000; levelInterval = 3000; bossInterval = 4; BulletsInit(); resetGame(StartLevel - 1); mochi.as2.MochiEvents.startPlay("" + GameModes.__get__name()); mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("difficulty", difficulty); if (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.KeyboardMode) { Mouse.hide(); crosshair._visible = true; } else {; crosshair._visible = false; }; _root.crosshair.swapDepths(Util.mouseDepth); txtFPS._visible = false; if (clickWarningGiven == undefined) { clickWarningGiven = false; } if (qualityWarningGiven == undefined) { qualityWarningGiven = false; } if (weaponChangeAdviceGiven == undefined) { weaponChangeAdviceGiven = false; } var lastSlowFrame = getTimer(); var lowFPS = 20; var lowFPSInterval = 3500; lastClick = getTimer(); clickInterval = 250; numClicks = 0; resetProfiler(); pushSegment(0, "Main"); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { lastTime = curTime; curTime = getTimer(); var fpsDiff = (curTime - lastFPSTime); frames++; if (fpsDiff >= 1000) { fps = (frames * 1000) / fpsDiff; txtFPS.text = fps; frames = 0; lastFPSTime = curTime; if (!qualityWarningGiven) { if (fps < lowFPS) { if ((curTime - lastSlowFrame) > lowFPSInterval) { qualityWarningGiven = true; _root._quality = "LOW"; _root.showBubble("Game is lagging on your machine!\nQuality has been reduced\nto improve experience."); } } else { lastSlowFrame = curTime; } } return(undefined); } dt = (curTime - lastTime) / 1000; if (gameState == GS_Pause) { return(undefined); } pushSegment(1, "Loop"); if ((gameState == GS_AlienDeath) || (gameState == GS_Die)) { lastLevelTime = lastLevelTime + (curTime - lastTime); } else if ((curTime - lastLevelTime) > levelTime) { lastLevelTime = curTime; if (gameState != GS_Die) { gameState = GS_EndLevel; } } var death = false; if (aliensLayer != undefined) { if (aliensLayer.floorRightLayer.size >= MAX_FALLEN_ALIENS) { _root.DoDeath(aliensLayer.floorRightLayer, offset); death = true; } if (aliensLayer.floorLeftLayer.size >= MAX_FALLEN_ALIENS) { _root.DoDeath(aliensLayer.floorLeftLayer, offset); death = true; } if (!death) { if (gameState == GS_AlienDeath) { gameState = GS_Play; } } } RunBlips(); RunMotherships(); RunMonsters(); RunGiant(); _root.currentMoney = _root.getMoney(); transitionLevel(); if (((!_root.firing) && (gameState != GS_Pause)) && ((((_xmouse < 0) || (_xmouse > Stage.width)) || (_ymouse < 0)) || (_ymouse > Stage.height))) { _root.showBubble("Mouse went off-screen.\nPlease click this bubble\nwhen you're ready!"); } else if (((!_root.scrollWheelMessageGiven) && (_root.weaponBought)) && (!_root.weaponScreen._visible)) { arrow1._x = Stage.width / 4; arrow1._rotation = 0; arrow1._y = 40 + (arrow1._height / 2); arrow1._visible = true; _root.scrollWheelMessageGiven = true; _root.showTutorial("Congratulations on new Weapon!\nYou can switch weapons with mouse\nwheel or click on Weapons Bar!"); } popSegment(); }; bubble.onRollOver = function () {; _root.crosshair._visible = false; }; bubble.onRollOut = function () { if (GameModes.__get__mode() != GameModes.KeyboardMode) { Mouse.hide(); crosshair._visible = true; } else {; crosshair._visible = false; } }; bubble.onRelease = function () { _root.hideBubble(); }; var achievementTimer = 0; updateMuteButton = function () { if (musicEnabled) { btnMute.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (soundEffects) { btnMute.gotoAndStop(2); } else { btnMute.gotoAndStop(3); } }; btnMute.onRelease = function () { if (_root.musicEnabled) { _root.musicEnabled = false; _root.soundEffects = true; _root.bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("stop");"stop"); this.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.soundEffects = false; this.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.musicEnabled = true; _root.soundEffects = true; if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Giant) { _root.bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("start"); } else {"start"); } this.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.updateMuteButton(); }; updateMuteButton();
Instance of Symbol 201 MovieClip "base" in Frame 919
onClipEvent (keyDown) { _root.KeyDown(); } onClipEvent (keyUp) { _root.KeyUp(); }
Frame 920
Symbol 5 MovieClip [fragments_fire] Frame 1
Symbol 9 MovieClip [fragments_ship] Frame 1
Symbol 14 MovieClip [explosion] Frame 19
Symbol 17 MovieClip [explosion2] Frame 16
Symbol 26 MovieClip [AlienShield] Frame 1
Symbol 26 MovieClip [AlienShield] Frame 10
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fragments_blood] Frame 1
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 54
Symbol 1022 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiAd { function MochiAd () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showPreGameAd(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:3000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showPreloaderAd", color:16747008, background:16777161, outline:13994812, no_progress_bar:false, ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }, ad_progress:function (percent) { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); if ("c862232051e0a94e1c3609b3916ddb17".substr(0) == "dfeada81ac97cde83665f81c12da7def") { options.ad_started(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } var clip = options.clip; var ad_msec = 11000; var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; if (options.skip) { ad_timeout = 0; } delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var wh = _getRes(options); var w = wh[0]; var h = wh[1]; mc._x = w * 0.5; mc._y = h * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk._x = w * -0.5; chk._y = h * -0.5; var bar = chk.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_bar", 4); if (options.no_progress_bar) { bar._visible = false; delete options.no_progress_bar; } else { bar._x = 10; bar._y = h - 20; } var bar_color = options.color; delete options.color; var bar_background = options.background; delete options.background; var bar_outline = options.outline; delete options.outline; var backing = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 1); backing.beginFill(bar_background); backing.moveTo(0, 0); backing.lineTo(w - 20, 0); backing.lineTo(w - 20, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 10); backing.lineTo(0, 0); backing.endFill(); var inside = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_inside", 2); inside.beginFill(bar_color); inside.moveTo(0, 0); inside.lineTo(w - 20, 0); inside.lineTo(w - 20, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 10); inside.lineTo(0, 0); inside.endFill(); inside._xscale = 0; var outline = bar.createEmptyMovieClip("_outline", 3); outline.lineStyle(0, bar_outline, 100); outline.moveTo(0, 0); outline.lineTo(w - 20, 0); outline.lineTo(w - 20, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 10); outline.lineTo(0, 0); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.last_pcnt = 0; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var p = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (p > 0) { this._parent._alpha = p; } else { var _clip = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(_clip); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; var sendHostProgress = false; = function (lc_name) { sendHostProgress = true; }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _chk =; _chk.server_control = true; _chk.started = getTimer(); _chk.ad_msec = msec; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var _clip = this._parent._parent; var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started); var finished = false; var clip_total = _clip.getBytesTotal(); var clip_loaded = _clip.getBytesLoaded(); var clip_pcnt = ((100 * clip_loaded) / clip_total); var ad_pcnt = ((100 * elapsed) / chk.ad_msec); var _inside = this._mochiad_bar._inside; var pcnt = Math.min(100, Math.min(clip_pcnt || 0, ad_pcnt)); pcnt = Math.max(this.last_pcnt, pcnt); this.last_pcnt = pcnt; _inside._xscale = pcnt; options.ad_progress(pcnt); if (sendHostProgress) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.containerNotify(clip, {id:"hostLoadPcnt", pcnt:clip_pcnt}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); if (clip_pcnt == 100) { sendHostProgress = false; } } if (!chk.showing) { var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal(); if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if ((elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) && (clip_pcnt == 100)) { options.ad_failed(); finished = true; } } if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) { finished = true; } if (((clip_total > 0) && (clip_loaded >= clip_total)) && (finished)) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = chk.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showClickAwayAd(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showClickAwayAd", res:"300x250", no_bg:true, ad_started:function () { }, ad_finished:function () { }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); var clip = options.clip; var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var wh = _getRes(options); var w = wh[0]; var h = wh[1]; mc._x = w * 0.5; mc._y = h * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; var sendHostProgress = false; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started); var finished = false; if (!chk.showing) { var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal(); if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) { finished = true; chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); finished = true; } } if (finished) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; } static function showInterLevelAd(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, ad_timeout:2000, fadeout_time:250, regpt:"o", method:"showTimedAd", ad_started:function () { this.clip.stop(); }, ad_finished:function () {; }, ad_failed:function () { trace("[MochiAd] Couldn't load an ad, make sure that your game's local security sandbox is configured for Access Network Only and that you are not using ad blocking software"); }, ad_loaded:function (width, height) { }, ad_skipped:function () { }}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); var clip = options.clip; var ad_msec = 11000; var ad_timeout = options.ad_timeout; delete options.ad_timeout; var fadeout_time = options.fadeout_time; delete options.fadeout_time; if (!load(options)) { options.ad_failed(); options.ad_finished(); return(undefined); } options.ad_started(); var mc = clip._mochiad; mc.onUnload = function () { options.ad_finished(); }; var wh = _getRes(options); var w = wh[0]; var h = wh[1]; mc._x = w * 0.5; mc._y = h * 0.5; var chk = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_wait", 3); chk.ad_msec = ad_msec; chk.ad_timeout = ad_timeout; chk.started = getTimer(); chk.showing = false; chk.fadeout_time = fadeout_time; chk.fadeFunction = function () { var p = (100 * (1 - ((getTimer() - this.fadeout_start) / this.fadeout_time))); if (p > 0) { this._parent._alpha = p; } else { var _clip = this._parent._parent; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(_clip); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; = options.ad_loaded; = options.ad_skipped; = function (msec) { var _chk =; _chk.server_control = true; _chk.started = getTimer(); _chk.ad_msec = msec - 250; }; = function (callbackID, arg) { mochi.as2.MochiAd.rpc(clip, callbackID, arg); }; mc.rpcTestFn = function (s) { trace("[MOCHIAD rpcTestFn] " + s); return(s); }; chk.onEnterFrame = function () { var ad_clip = this._parent._mochiad_ctr; var elapsed = (getTimer() - this.started); var finished = false; if (!chk.showing) { var total = ad_clip.getBytesTotal(); if ((total > 0) || (typeof(total) == "undefined")) { chk.showing = true; chk.started = getTimer(); } else if (elapsed > chk.ad_timeout) { options.ad_failed(); finished = true; } } if (elapsed > chk.ad_msec) { finished = true; } if (finished) { if (this.server_control) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else { this.fadeout_start = getTimer(); this.onEnterFrame = this.fadeFunction; } } }; } static function showPreloaderAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showPreloaderAd was renamed to showPreGameAd in 2.0"); showPreGameAd(options); } static function showTimedAd(options) { trace("[MochiAd] DEPRECATED: showTimedAd was renamed to showInterLevelAd in 2.0"); showInterLevelAd(options); } static function _allowDomains(server) { var hostname = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(hostname); } static function load(options) { var DEFAULTS = {clip:_root, server:"", method:"load", depth:10333, id:"_UNKNOWN_"}; options = _parseOptions(options, DEFAULTS); options.swfv = options.clip.getSWFVersion() || 6; options.mav = getVersion(); var clip = options.clip; if (!_isNetworkAvailable()) { return(null); } if (clip._mochiad_loaded) { return(null); } var depth = options.depth; delete options.depth; var mc = clip.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad", depth); var wh = _getRes(options); options.res = (wh[0] + "x") + wh[1]; options.server = options.server +; delete; clip._mochiad_loaded = true; if (clip._url.indexOf("http") != 0) { trace("[MochiAd] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); } var lv = mc.createEmptyMovieClip("_mochiad_ctr", 1); for (var k in options) { lv[k] = options[k]; } var server = lv.server; delete lv.server; var hostname = _allowDomains(server); mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._mochiad_ctr._url != this._url) { this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!this._mochiad_ctr) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiAd.unload(this._parent); } }; } }; var lc = new Object(); var name = ["", Math.floor(new Date().getTime()), random(999999)].join("_"); = mc; = name; lc.hostname = hostname; lc.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; lc.allowInsecureDomain = lc.allowDomain; lc.connect(name); = lc; = function (lc_name) { mc._containerLCName = lc_name; }; = name; = getTimer(); if (!options.skip) { lv.loadMovie(server + ".swf", "POST"); } return(mc); } static function unload(clip) { if (typeof(clip) == "undefined") { clip = _root; } if (clip.clip && (clip.clip._mochiad)) { clip = clip.clip; } if (!clip._mochiad) { return(false); } containerNotify(clip, {id:"unload"}, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); clip._mochiad.removeMovieClip(); delete clip._mochiad_loaded; delete clip._mochiad; return(true); } static function _isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var o =; if (o.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function _getRes(options) { var b = options.clip.getBounds(); var w = 0; var h = 0; if (typeof(options.res) != "undefined") { var xy = options.res.split("x"); w = parseFloat(xy[0]); h = parseFloat(xy[1]); } else { w = b.xMax - b.xMin; h = b.yMax - b.yMin; } if ((w == 0) || (h == 0)) { w = Stage.width; h = Stage.height; } return([w, h]); } static function _parseOptions(options, defaults) { var optcopy = {}; for (var k in defaults) { optcopy[k] = defaults[k]; } if (options) { for (var k in options) { optcopy[k] = options[k]; } } if (_root.mochiad_options) { var pairs = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { var kv = pairs[i].split("="); optcopy[unescape(kv[0])] = unescape(kv[1]); i++; } } if ( == "test") { trace("[MochiAd] WARNING: Using the MochiAds test identifier, make sure to use the code from your dashboard, not this example!"); } return(optcopy); } static function rpc(clip, callbackID, arg) { switch ( { case "setValue" : setValue(clip, arg.objectName, arg.value); return; case "getValue" : var val = getValue(clip, arg.objectName); containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, val, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); return; case "runMethod" : var ret = runMethod(clip, arg.method, arg.args); containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, ret, clip._mochiad._containerLCName); return; default : trace("[mochiads rpc] unknown rpc id: " +; } } static function setValue(base, objectName, value) { var nameArray = objectName.split("."); var i; i = 0; while (i < (nameArray.length - 1)) { if ((base[nameArray[i]] == undefined) || (base[nameArray[i]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[nameArray[i]]; i++; } base[nameArray[i]] = value; } static function getValue(base, objectName) { var nameArray = objectName.split("."); var i; i = 0; while (i < (nameArray.length - 1)) { if ((base[nameArray[i]] == undefined) || (base[nameArray[i]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[nameArray[i]]; i++; } return(base[nameArray[i]]); } static function runMethod(base, methodName, argsArray) { var nameArray = methodName.split("."); var i; i = 0; while (i < (nameArray.length - 1)) { if ((base[nameArray[i]] == undefined) || (base[nameArray[i]] == null)) { return(undefined); } base = base[nameArray[i]]; i++; } if (typeof(base[nameArray[i]]) == "function") { return(base[nameArray[i]].apply(base, argsArray)); } return(undefined); } static function containerNotify(clip, args, lcName) { var container =; if (container.notify) { container.notify(args); } else { new LocalConnection().send(lcName, "notify", args); } } static function containerRpcResult(clip, callbackID, val, lcName) { var container =; if (container.rpcResult) { container.rpcResult(callbackID, val); } else { new LocalConnection().send(lcName, "rpcResult", callbackID, val); } } }
Symbol 1023 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSync] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiSync { var _syncContainer; function MochiSync () { _syncContainer = {}; } function getProp(name) { return(_syncContainer[name]); } function setProp(name, value) { if (_syncContainer[name] == value) { return(undefined); } _syncContainer[name] = value; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("sync_propUpdate", {name:name, value:value}); } function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { switch (eventType) { case SYNC_REQUEST : mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("sync_syncronize", _syncContainer); return; case SYNC_PROPERTY : _syncContainer[] = args.value; } } static var SYNC_REQUEST = "SyncRequest"; static var SYNC_PROPERTY = "UpdateProperty"; }
Symbol 1024 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiServices { static var _id, _container, _clip, _sendChannelName, __get__comChannelName, onError, _listenChannel, _sendChannel; function MochiServices () { } static function get id() { return(_id); } static function get clip() { return(_container); } static function get childClip() { return(_clip); } static function getVersion() { return("3.8 as2"); } static function allowDomains(server) { var hostname = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {"*");; } if ( {"*");; } } return(hostname); } static function get isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var o =; if (o.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function set comChannelName(val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { _sendChannelName = val + "_fromgame"; initComChannels(); } } //return(__get__comChannelName()); } static function get connected() { return(_connected); } static function connect(id, clip, onError) { warnID(id, false); if ((!_connected) && (_clip == undefined)) { trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } static function disconnect() { if (_connected || (_connecting)) { _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); if (_clip != undefined) { _clip.removeMovieClip(); delete _clip; } _listenChannel.close(); } } static function init(id, clip) { _id = id; if (clip != undefined) { _container = clip; } else { _container = _root; } loadCommunicator(id, _container); } static function loadCommunicator(id, clip) { var clipname = ("_mochiservices_com_" + id); var _loader = new MovieClipLoader(); var _loaderListener = {}; if (_clip != null) { return(_clip); } if (!isNetworkAvailable) { return(null); } if (urlOptions().servURL) { _servURL = urlOptions().servURL; } var servicesURL = (_servURL + _services); if (urlOptions().servicesURL) { servicesURL = urlOptions().servicesURL; } allowDomains(servicesURL); _clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(clipname, 10336, false); _listenChannelName = _listenChannelName + ((Math.floor(new Date().getTime()) + "_") + Math.floor(Math.random() * 99999)); listen(); if (_loaderListener.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(_loaderListener.waitInterval); } _loaderListener.onLoadError = loadError; _loaderListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; _loaderListener.onLoadComplete = function (target_mc) { target_mc.MochiServices = mochi.as2.MochiServices; }; _loaderListener.startTime = getTimer(); _loaderListener.wait = function () { if ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; _loaderListener.waitInterval = setInterval(_loaderListener, "wait", 1000); _loader.addListener(_loaderListener); _loader.loadClip((((((servicesURL + "?listenLC=") + _listenChannelName) + "&mochiad_options=") + escape(_root.mochiad_options)) + "&api_version=") + getVersion(), _clip); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _sendChannel._queue = []; return(_clip); } static function loadError(target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace("MochiServices could not load."); disconnect(); onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); } static function onStatus(infoObject) { if (!(infoObject.level === "error")) { } else { _connected = false; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); } } static function listen() { _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; _listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _listenChannel.allowDomain; _listenChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; _listenChannel._callbacks = {}; _listenChannel.connect(_listenChannelName); trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } static function initComChannels() { if (!_connected) { _sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"handshakeDone"}); _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, version:getVersion()}); _listenChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _listenChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var cb = pkg.callbackID; var cblst = this._callbacks[cb]; if (!cblst) { return(undefined); } var method = cblst.callbackMethod; var obj = cblst.callbackObject; if (obj && (typeof(method) == "string")) { method = obj[method]; } if (method != undefined) { method.apply(obj, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[cb]; }; _listenChannel.onEvent = function (pkg) { switch ( { case "events" : mochi.as2.MochiEvents.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); return; case "coins" : mochi.as2.MochiSocial.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); return; case "sync" : mochi.as2.MochiServices.servicesSync.triggerEvent(pkg.event, pkg.args); } }; _listenChannel.onError = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); }; trace("[SERVICES_API] connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", _sendChannel._queue.shift()); } } } static function updateCopy(args) { send("coins_updateCopy", args, null, null); } static function flush(error) { var request; var callback; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { request = _sendChannel._queue.shift(); delete callback; if (request.callbackID != null) { callback = _listenChannel._callbacks[request.callbackID]; } delete _listenChannel._callbacks[request.callbackID]; if (error) { handleError(request.args, callback.callbackObject, callback.callbackMethod); } } } static function handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } if ((args.options != null) && (args.options.onError != null)) { args.options.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if ((callbackObject != null) && (typeof(callbackMethod) == "string")) { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } static function send(methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (_connected) { _sendChannel.send(_sendChannelName, "onReceive", {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } else { if ((_clip == undefined) || (!_connecting)) { trace("Error: MochiServices not connected. Please call MochiServices.connect(). Function: " + methodName); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return(undefined); } _sendChannel._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_listenChannel._nextcallbackID}); } _listenChannel._callbacks[_listenChannel._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _listenChannel._nextcallbackID++; } static function urlOptions() { var opts = {}; var options; if (_root._url.indexOf("mochiad_options") != -1) { var i = ((_root._url.indexOf("mochiad_options") + "mochiad_options".length) + 1); options = _root._url.substr(i, _root._url.length); } else if (_root.mochiad_options) { options = _root.mochiad_options; } if (options) { var pairs = _root.mochiad_options.split("&"); var i = 0; while (i < pairs.length) { var kv = pairs[i].split("="); opts[unescape(kv[0])] = unescape(kv[1]); i++; } } return(opts); } static function warnID(bid, leaderboard) { bid = bid.toLowerCase(); if (bid.length != 16) { trace(("WARNING: " + (leaderboard ? "board" : "game")) + " ID is not the appropriate length"); return(undefined); } if (bid == "1e113c7239048b3f") { if (leaderboard) { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing board ID as game ID"); } return(undefined); } if (bid == "84993a1de4031cd8") { if (leaderboard) { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID as board ID"); } else { trace("WARNING: Using testing game ID"); } return(undefined); } var i = 0; while (i < bid.length) { switch (bid.charAt(i)) { case "0" : case "1" : case "2" : case "3" : case "4" : case "5" : case "6" : case "7" : case "8" : case "9" : case "a" : case "b" : case "c" : case "d" : case "e" : case "f" : break; default : trace("WARNING: Board ID contains illegal characters: " + bid); return(undefined); } i++; } } static function addLinkEvent(url, burl, btn, onClick) { var timeout = 1500; var t0 = getTimer(); var vars = new Object(); vars.mav = getVersion(); vars.swfv = btn.getSWFVersion() || 6; vars.swfurl = btn._url; vars.fv = System.capabilities.version; vars.os = System.capabilities.os; vars.lang = System.capabilities.language; vars.scres = (System.capabilities.screenResolutionX + "x") + System.capabilities.screenResolutionY; var s = "?"; var i = 0; for (var x in vars) { if (i != 0) { s = s + "&"; } i++; s = ((s + x) + "=") + escape(vars[x]); } if (!(netupAttempted || (_connected))) { var ping = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("ping", 777); var nettest = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("nettest", 778); netupAttempted = true; ping.loadMovie("" + getTimer()); nettest.onEnterFrame = function () { if ((ping._totalframes > 0) && (ping._totalframes == ping._framesloaded)) { delete this.onEnterFrame; } else if ((getTimer() - t0) > timeout) { delete this.onEnterFrame; mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup = false; } }; } var clk = btn.createEmptyMovieClip("clk", 1001); clk._alpha = 0; clk.beginFill(1044735); clk.moveTo(0, 0); clk.lineTo(0, btn._height); clk.lineTo(btn._width, btn._height); clk.lineTo(btn._width, 0); clk.lineTo(0, 0); clk.endFill(); clk.onRelease = function () { if (mochi.as2.MochiServices.netup) { getURL (url + s, "_blank"); } else { getURL (burl, "_blank"); } if (onClick != undefined) { onClick(); } }; } static function setContainer(clip) { } static function stayOnTop(clip) { } static var _servURL = ""; static var _services = "services.swf"; static var _mochiLC = "MochiLC.swf"; static var _listenChannelName = "__ms_"; static var _connecting = false; static var _connected = false; static var netup = true; static var netupAttempted = false; static var servicesSync = new mochi.as2.MochiSync(); }
Symbol 1025 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher { var eventTable; function MochiEventDispatcher () { eventTable = {}; } function buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject) { var delegate = {thisObject:thisObject, thatObject:thatObject}; if (thatObject != undefined) { var funct = ((typeof(thatObject) == "string") ? (thisObject[thatObject]) : (thatObject)); delegate.delegate = function (args) {, args); }; } else { delegate.delegate = thisObject; } return(delegate); } function compareDelegate(d_A, d_B) { if ((d_A.thisObject != d_B.thisObject) || (d_A.thatObject != d_B.thatObject)) { return(false); } return(true); } function addEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject) { removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject); eventTable[event].push(buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject)); } function removeEventListener(event, thisObject, thatObject) { var delegate = buildDelegate(thisObject, thatObject); if (eventTable[event] == undefined) { eventTable[event] = []; return(undefined); } for (var s in eventTable[event]) { if (!compareDelegate(eventTable[event][s], delegate)) { continue; } eventTable[event].splice(Number(s), 1); } } function triggerEvent(event, args) { if (eventTable[event] == undefined) { return(undefined); } for (var i in eventTable[event]) { eventTable[event][i].delegate(args); } } }
Symbol 1026 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiEvents { function MochiEvents () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function startSession(achievementID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_beginSession", {achievementID:achievementID}, null, null); } static function setNotifications(clip, style) { var args = {}; for (var s in style) { args[s] = style[s]; } args.clip = clip; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_setNotifications", args, null, null); } static function addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, thisObject, thatObject); } static function startPlay(tag) { if (tag == undefined) { tag = "gameplay"; } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_setRoundID", {tag:String(tag)}, null, null); } static function endPlay() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_clearRoundID", null, null, null); } static function trackEvent(tag, value) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("events_trackEvent", {tag:tag, value:value}, null, null); } static var ACHIEVEMENT_RECEIVED = "AchievementReceived"; static var ALIGN_TOP_LEFT = "ALIGN_TL"; static var ALIGN_TOP = "ALIGN_T"; static var ALIGN_TOP_RIGHT = "ALIGN_TR"; static var ALIGN_LEFT = "ALIGN_L"; static var ALIGN_CENTER = "ALIGN_C"; static var ALIGN_RIGHT = "ALIGN_R"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM_LEFT = "ALIGN_BL"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM = "ALIGN_B"; static var ALIGN_BOTTOM_RIGHT = "ALIGN_BR"; static var FORMAT_SHORT = "ShortForm"; static var FORMAT_LONG = "LongForm"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 1027 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiSocial { function MochiSocial () { } static function getVersion() { return(mochi.as2.MochiServices.getVersion()); } static function showLoginWidget(options) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.setContainer(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.stayOnTop(); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_showLoginWidget", {options:options}); } static function hideLoginWidget() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_hideLoginWidget"); } static function requestLogin() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_requestLogin"); } static function getUserInfo() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_getUserInfo"); } static function saveUserProperties(properties) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("coins_saveUserProperties", properties); } static function addEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.addEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static function triggerEvent(eventType, args) { _dispatcher.triggerEvent(eventType, args); } static function removeEventListener(eventType, delegate) { _dispatcher.removeEventListener(eventType, delegate); } static var LOGGED_IN = "LoggedIn"; static var LOGGED_OUT = "LoggedOut"; static var LOGIN_SHOW = "LoginShow"; static var LOGIN_HIDE = "LoginHide"; static var LOGIN_SHOWN = "LoginShown"; static var PROFILE_SHOW = "ProfileShow"; static var PROFILE_HIDE = "ProfileHide"; static var PROPERTIES_SAVED = "PropertySaved"; static var WIDGET_LOADED = "WidgetLoaded"; static var USER_INFO = "UserInfo"; static var ERROR = "Error"; static var IO_ERROR = "IOError"; static var NO_USER = "NoUser"; static var PROPERTIES_SIZE = "PropertiesSize"; static var _dispatcher = new mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher(); }
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [__Packages.InputWrapper] Frame 0
class InputWrapper { static var remote; function InputWrapper () { } static function init() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; remote = com.wiicade.Wii.getPrimaryRemote(); remote.addEventListener("buttondown", buttonPressed); remote.addEventListener("buttonup", buttonReleased); remote.addEventListener("connected", remoteConnected); remote.addEventListener("pointer", pointerMove); remote.addEventListener("disconnected", remoteDisconnected); } } static function buttonPressed(event) { if ((_root.gameState == _root.GS_Die) || (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Pause)) { return(undefined); } var button = event.buttonCode; if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.KeyboardMode) { if ((button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT) && (_root.rotDir < 1)) { _root.rotDir = 1; _root.rotationSpeed = 0; } else if ((button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT) && (_root.rotDir > -1)) { _root.rotDir = -1; _root.rotationSpeed = 0; } else { _root.rotDir = 0; _root.rotationSpeed = 0; } } else { if ((button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT) || (button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT)) { _root.showBubble("You cannot use keys in this mode!\nMouse is better at controlling gun.\nTry Legacy Mode if you prefer keys.\n"); } if (button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A) { if (getMouseY() > 20) { _root.firing = true;; } } } if (button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_B) { Gun.getGun(5).fire(); mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("Nuke Used", _root.level); } if (button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS) { if (!_root.weaponScreen._visible) { Gun.nextGun(); } } else if (button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS) { if (!_root.weaponScreen._visible) { Gun.previousGun(); } } } static function getMouseX() { return(remote.getCursorX()); } static function getMouseY() { return(remote.getCursorY()); } static function buttonReleased(event) { var button = event.buttonCode; if ((button == com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A) && (_root.weaponScreen._visible == false)) { _root.firing = false; _root.defender.gun.stop(); if (!_root.clickWarningGiven) { if ((getTimer() - _root.lastClick) < _root.clickInterval) { _root.numClicks++; if (_root.numClicks > 5) { _root.clickWarningGiven = true; mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("Mouse_warning_given"); _root.showTutorial("Hold the mouse down!\nIt gives a faster rate of fire than\nconstantly clicking!"); _root.numClicks = 0; } } else { _root.numClicks = 0; } _root.lastClick = getTimer(); } } } static function pointerMove(event) { _root.crosshair._x = remote.getCursorX() - (_root.crosshair._width / 2); _root.crosshair._y = remote.getCursorY() - (_root.crosshair._height / 2); } static function remoteConnected(event) { } static function remoteDisconnected(event) { } static var initialized = false; }
Symbol 1029 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.wiicade.WiiRemote { var identity, attachment, activated, dispatchEvent, oldcursorx, oldcursory; function WiiRemote (identity) { this.identity = identity; allowRotate = com.wiicade.Wii.isWii(); attachment = new com.wiicade.Nunchuk(this); activated = new Array(); if (this.identity == 0) { primary = true; connected = true; }; } static function init() { } function getIdentity() { return(identity); } function isPrimary() { return(primary); } function isConnected() { return(connected); } function isRotated() { return(rotated); } function setRotated(rotate) { rotated = rotate; } function getTwistAngle() { if ((!activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_TWIST]) && (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii())) { getURL (((("javascript:activateWiiRemoteFeature(" + identity) + ", ") + (com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_TWIST + identity)) + ", true);"); activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_TWIST] = true; } return(twistAngle); } function getDistance() { if ((!activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_DISTANCE]) && (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii())) { getURL (((("javascript:activateWiiRemoteFeature(" + identity) + ", ") + (com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_DISTANCE + identity)) + ", true);"); activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_DISTANCE] = true; } return(distance); } function getCursorX() { if ((!activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX]) && (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii())) { getURL (((("javascript:activateWiiRemoteFeature(" + identity) + ", ") + (com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX + identity)) + ", true);"); activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX] = true; } return(cursorx); } function getCursorY() { if ((!activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX]) && (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii())) { getURL (((("javascript:activateWiiRemoteFeature(" + identity) + ", ") + (com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX + identity)) + ", true);"); activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX] = true; } return(cursory); } function isFacingScreen() { return((cursorx > 0) || (cursory > 0)); } function isDown(buttonCode) { if (rotated && (allowRotate)) { if (buttonCode == BUTTON_UP) { buttonCode = BUTTON_RIGHT; } else if (buttonCode == BUTTON_RIGHT) { buttonCode = BUTTON_DOWN; } else if (buttonCode == BUTTON_DOWN) { buttonCode = BUTTON_LEFT; } else if (buttonCode == BUTTON_LEFT) { buttonCode = BUTTON_UP; } } return((pressed & buttonCode) > 0); } function getAttachment() { if ((!activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_ATTACH]) && (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii())) { getURL (((("javascript:activateWiiRemoteFeature(" + identity) + ", ") + (com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_ATTACH + identity)) + ", true);"); activated[com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_ATTACH] = true; } return(attachment); } function buttonsUpdated(bitmap) { var mask = 1; var oldpressed = pressed; var diff; pressed = bitmap; diff = pressed ^ oldpressed; var i = 0; while (i < 10) { if ((diff & mask) > 0) { if ((pressed & mask) > 0) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttondown", buttonCode:mask, identity:identity}); } else { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonup", buttonCode:mask, identity:identity}); } } mask = mask << 1; i++; } } function twistUpdated(angle) { var oldangle = twistAngle; twistAngle = angle; if (twistAngle != oldangle) { dispatchEvent({type:"twist", angle:angle, identity:identity}); } } function distanceUpdated(distance) { var olddistance = this.distance; this.distance = distance; if (this.distance != olddistance) { dispatchEvent({type:"distance", distance:distance, identity:identity}); } } function connectedUpdated(connected) { var oldconnected = this.connected; this.connected = connected; if (this.connected != oldconnected) { if (connected) { dispatchEvent({type:"connected", identity:identity}); } else { dispatchEvent({type:"disconnected", identity:identity}); } } } function cursorXUpdated(cursorx) { oldcursorx = this.cursorx; this.cursorx = cursorx; } function cursorYUpdated(cursory) { oldcursory = this.cursory; this.cursory = cursory; if ((cursorx != oldcursorx) || (this.cursory != oldcursory)) { dispatchEvent({type:"pointer", cursorx:cursorx, cursory:this.cursory, identity:identity}); } } function updatePrimary(primary) { this.primary = primary; } function updateAttachment(attachment) { this.attachment = attachment; } static var BUTTON_UP = 8; static var BUTTON_DOWN = 4; static var BUTTON_RIGHT = 2; static var BUTTON_LEFT = 1; static var BUTTON_1 = 64; static var BUTTON_2 = 32; static var BUTTON_A = 256; static var BUTTON_B = 128; static var BUTTON_PLUS = 16; static var BUTTON_MINUS = 512; var primary = false; var connected = false; var rotated = false; var allowRotate = true; var twistAngle = 0; var distance = 0; var cursorx = 0; var cursory = 0; var pressed = 0; }
Symbol 1030 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.wiicade.Wii { static var instance; var keyboard, lc; function Wii () { if (!_global.Wii) { _global.Wii = this; } else { return; } wii = System.capabilities.os == "Nintendo Wii"; com.wiicade.WiiRemote.init(); com.wiicade.KeyboardController.init(); com.wiicade.Browser.init(); var i = 0; while (i < 4) { remotes[i] = new com.wiicade.WiiRemote(i); i++; } if (!isWii()) { keyboard = new com.wiicade.KeyboardController(wiicommand); } lc = new LocalConnection(); lc.connect("wii"); lc.wiicommand = function (packet) { _global.Wii.wiicommand(packet); }; if (isWii()) { getURL (((("javascript:initializeWiiCadeAPI(20, " + Stage.width) + ", ") + Stage.height) + ");"); } } static function getInstance() { if (!_global.Wii) { instance = new com.wiicade.Wii(); } return(_global.Wii); } static function init() { _global.Wii = null; instance = new com.wiicade.Wii(); } static function isWii() { var wii = getInstance(); return(wii.wii || (wii.virtualized)); } function wiicommand(packet) { var wii = getInstance(); var command = ((4294901760 & packet) >> 16); var data = (packet & 65535); if (command < 5) { wii.remotes[command - 1].buttonsUpdated(data); } else if (command < 9) { wii.remotes[command - 5].twistUpdated(data); } else if (command < 13) { wii.remotes[command - 9].distanceUpdated(data); } else if (command == 13) { parseFlags(data); } else if (command < 18) { parseAttachment(data, command - 14); } else if (command < 22) { wii.remotes[command - 18].cursorXUpdated(data); } else if (command < 32) { wii.remotes[command - 22].cursorYUpdated(data); } } function parseFlags(flags) { var oldprimary = primary; var remote; var connected; var mask = 8; primary = flags & 3; if (primary != oldprimary) { getRemote(oldprimary).updatePrimary(false); getRemote(primary).updatePrimary(true); } virtualized = (4 & mask) > 0; var i = 0; while (i < 4) { remote = getRemote(i); connected = (mask & flags) > 0; if (remote.isConnected() != connected) { remote.connectedUpdated(connected); } mask = mask << 1; i++; } } function parseAttachment(data, remote) { var wiiremote = getRemote(remote); var attachment = wiiremote.getAttachment(); var x; var y; if ((data & 256) == 0) { if (!(attachment instanceof com.wiicade.Nunchuk)) { attachment = new com.wiicade.Nunchuk(wiiremote); wiiremote.updateAttachment(attachment); } attachment.updateButtons(data & 3); x = (data & 28) >>> 2; y = (data & 224) >>> 5; if ((x & 4) > 0) { x = x | 65528; } if ((y & 4) > 0) { y = y | 65528; } x = int((x * 128) / 3); y = int((y * 128) / 3); attachment.updateStick(x, y); } } static function getRemote(identity) { var wii = getInstance(); if ((!wii.activated[identity]) && (wii.isWii())) { getURL (("javascript:activateWiiRemoteFeature(" + identity) + ", null, true);"); wii.activated[identity] = true; } return(wii.remotes[identity]); } static function getPrimaryRemote() { var wii = getInstance(); return(wii.remotes[wii.primary]); } static var COMMAND_BUTTONS = 1; static var COMMAND_TWIST = 5; static var COMMAND_DISTANCE = 9; static var COMMAND_FLAGS = 13; static var COMMAND_ATTACH = 14; static var COMMAND_CURSORX = 18; static var COMMAND_CURSORY = 22; var remotes = new Array(); var activated = new Array(); var primary = 0; var virtualized = false; var wii = true; }
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.wiicade.KeyboardController { static var keyCodes, buttonCodes; var callback; function KeyboardController (callback) { this.callback = callback; Key.addListener(this); Mouse.addListener(this); if (!keyCodes) { init(); } } static function init() { keyCodes = new Array(); buttonCodes = new Array(); keyCodes[37] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT; keyCodes[38] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_UP; keyCodes[39] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT; keyCodes[40] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_DOWN; keyCodes[65] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_1; keyCodes[83] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_2; keyCodes[68] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A; keyCodes[32] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_B; keyCodes[187] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS; keyCodes[189] = com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT] = 37; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_UP] = 38; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT] = 39; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_DOWN] = 40; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_1] = 65; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_2] = 83; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A] = 68; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_B] = 32; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS] = 187; buttonCodes[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS] = 189; } function onKeyDown() { var code = Key.getCode(); if (keyCodes[code]) { bitmap = bitmap | keyCodes[code]; callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_BUTTONS << 16) | bitmap); } } function onKeyUp() { var code = Key.getCode(); if (keyCodes[code]) { bitmap = bitmap & (~keyCodes[code]); callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_BUTTONS << 16) | bitmap); } } function onMouseWheel(delta) { if (delta > 0) { bitmap = bitmap | com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS; } else if (delta < 0) { bitmap = bitmap | com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS; } callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_BUTTONS << 16) | bitmap); if (delta > 0) { bitmap = bitmap & (~com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS); } else if (delta < 0) { bitmap = bitmap & (~com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS); } callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_BUTTONS << 16) | bitmap); } function onMouseDown() { bitmap = bitmap | com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A; callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_BUTTONS << 16) | bitmap); } function onMouseUp() { bitmap = bitmap & (~com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A); callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_BUTTONS << 16) | bitmap); } function onMouseMove() { callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORX << 16) | _xmouse); callback((com.wiicade.Wii.COMMAND_CURSORY << 16) | _ymouse); } static function getButtonMappingForKey(keyCode) { if (!keyCodes) { com.wiicade.Wii.isWii(); } return(keyCodes[keyCode]); } static function getKeyMappingForButton(buttonCode) { if (!keyCodes) { com.wiicade.Wii.isWii(); } return(buttonCodes[buttonCode]); } static function setKeyMapping(buttonCode, keyCode) { if (!keyCodes) { com.wiicade.Wii.isWii(); } var origKeyCode = buttonCodes[buttonCode]; var origButtonCode = keyCodes[keyCode]; if (origKeyCode) { keyCodes[origKeyCode] = null; } if (origButtonCode) { buttonCodes[origButtonCode] = null; } keyCodes[keyCode] = buttonCode; buttonCodes[buttonCode] = keyCode; } var bitmap = 0; }
Symbol 1032 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.wiicade.Browser { static var buttonEnabled; function Browser () { } static function init() { buttonEnabled = new Array(); buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_UP] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_DOWN] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_1] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_2] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_A] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_B] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS] = false; buttonEnabled[com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS] = false; } static function isDefaultEnabled(buttonCode) { if (!buttonEnabled) { com.wiicade.Wii.isWii(); } return(buttonEnabled[buttonCode]); } static function setDefaultEnabled(buttonCode, enabled) { if (!buttonEnabled) { com.wiicade.Wii.isWii(); } buttonEnabled[buttonCode] = enabled; if (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii()) { getURL (((("javascript:enableWiiButton(" + buttonCode) + ",") + enabled) + ");"); } } static function enableZooming() { setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS, true); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS, true); } static function disableZooming() { setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_PLUS, false); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_MINUS, false); } static function enableScrolling() { setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT, true); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT, true); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_UP, true); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_DOWN, true); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_B, true); } static function disableScrolling() { setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_LEFT, false); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_RIGHT, false); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_UP, false); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_DOWN, false); setDefaultEnabled(com.wiicade.WiiRemote.BUTTON_B, false); } static function setBackgroundColor(color) { if (com.wiicade.Wii.isWii()) { getURL (("javascript:setBackgroundColor(" + color) + ");"); } } }
Symbol 1033 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class com.wiicade.Nunchuk { var parent, dispatchEvent; function Nunchuk (parent) { this.parent = parent;; } function isDown(buttonCode) { return((pressed & buttonCode) > 0); } function getStickX() { return(stickx); } function getStickY() { return(sticky); } function updateButtons(buttons) { var mask = 1; var oldpressed = pressed; var diff; pressed = buttons; diff = pressed ^ oldpressed; var i = 0; while (i < 10) { if ((diff & mask) > 0) { if ((pressed & mask) > 0) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttondown", buttonCode:mask, identity:parent.getIdentity()}); } else { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonup", buttonCode:mask, identity:parent.getIdentity()}); } } mask = mask << 1; i++; } } function updateStick(x, y) { stickx = x; sticky = y; } static var BUTTON_C = 2; static var BUTTON_Z = 1; var pressed = 0; var stickx = 0; var sticky = 0; }
Symbol 1034 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var l = queue.length; var i; i = 0; while (i < l) { var o = queue[i]; if (o == handler) { queue.splice(i, 1); return(undefined); } i++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var queueName = ("__q_" + eventObj.type); var queue = queueObj[queueName]; if (queue != undefined) { var i; for (i in queue) { var o = queue[i]; var oType = typeof(o); if ((oType == "object") || (oType == "movieclip")) { if (o.handleEvent != undefined) { o.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (o[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) { o[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { o.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var queueName = ("__q_" + event); if (this[queueName] == undefined) { this[queueName] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, queueName, 1); _removeEventListener(this[queueName], event, handler); this[queueName].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var queueName = ("__q_" + event); _removeEventListener(this[queueName], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1}; }
Symbol 1035 MovieClip [__Packages.GameModes] Frame 0
class GameModes { function GameModes () { } static function set mode(Mode) { _gameMode = Mode; if (Mode == KeyboardMode) { _root.difficulty = 1; } //return(mode); } static function get mode() { return(_gameMode); } static function get name() { switch (_gameMode) { case NormalMode : return("Normal"); case KeyboardMode : return("Keyboard"); case SquidMode : return("Squid"); case BarrelMode : return("Barrel"); case ExplosiveMode : return("Explosive"); } return(""); } static var NormalMode = 1; static var KeyboardMode = 2; static var SquidMode = 3; static var BarrelMode = 4; static var ExplosiveMode = 5; static var _gameMode = undefined; }
Symbol 1036 MovieClip [__Packages.Gun] Frame 0
class Gun { function Gun () { } function isTangible() { return(true); } function isSelectable() { return(true); } static function nextGun() { var i = 1; while (i < (GUNS - 1)) { if (switchGun((index + i) % (GUNS - 1)) >= 0) { return(undefined); } i++; } } static function previousGun() { var i = (GUNS - 2); while (i > 0) { if (switchGun((index + i) % (GUNS - 1)) >= 0) { return(undefined); } i--; } } static function switchGun(ind) { if ((keyMap[ind].upgradeLevel > 0) && (keyMap[ind].isSelectable())) { if (index != ind) { if (_root.gun.lastSwitchTime != 0) { _root.gun.useTime = _root.gun.useTime + ((getTimer() - _root.gun.lastSwitchTime) / 1000); } } index = (ind); _root.gun = getCurrentGun(); if (_root.gameState != _root.GS_Pause) { _root.gun.lastSwitchTime = getTimer(); } else { _root.gun.lastSwitchTime = 0; } _root.defender.gotoAndStop(_root.gun.GunClip); if (_root.firing) {; } else if (_root.weaponScreen._visible == false) { _root.defender.gun.stop(); } _root.bulletsLayer.s.attachSound(_root.gun.sound); _root.updateWeaponBar(); return(index); } return(-1); } static function initKeyMap() { keyMap[0] = new BarrelGun(); keyMap[1] = new RapidGun(); keyMap[2] = new PenetrationGun(); keyMap[3] = new SprayGun(); keyMap[4] = new ExplosiveGun(); keyMap[5] = new NukeGun(); if (GameModes.__get__mode() == GameModes.ExplosiveMode) { index = (4); } else { index = (0); } keyMap[index].upgradeLevel = 1; keyMap[index].lastSwitchTime = getTimer(); } function _upgradeTo(level) { } function get maxUpgrade() { return(0); } function set upgradeLevel(level) { if ((level >= 0) && (level <= maxUpgrade)) { _upgrade = level; _upgradeTo(level); } //return(upgradeLevel); } function get upgradeLevel() { return(_upgrade); } function get description() { return("This gun does not yet have a description"); } static function getGun(ind) { return(keyMap[ind]); } function fire() { if (canFire && (_root.gameState != _root.GS_Die)) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.bulletsLayer.s.setPan((_root.defender._rotation * 100) / 90); _root.bulletsLayer.s.start(); } createBullets(); } } static function fireGun() { getCurrentGun().fire(); } function bulletFrame(bullet) { } function get canFire() { return(true); } function createBullets() { _root.createBullet(this, 0, 0, false); } static function getCurrentGun() { return(keyMap[index]); } static function assignGunToKey(gun, index) { keyMap[gun] = index; } function get hitOnce() { return(true); } function get delay() { return(_delay); } function get speed() { return(_speed); } function get name() { return(_name); } function set name(name) { _name = name; //return(; } function set delay(delay) { _delay = delay; //return(this.delay); } function set speed(speed) { _speed = speed; //return(this.speed); } function get BulletClip() { return("Bullet"); } function get GunClip() { return("SingleBarrelGun"); } function get sound() { return("sndBullet"); } static function get index() { return(_index); } static function set index(index) { _index = index; //return(Gun.index); } function get damage() { return(_damage); } function set damage(damage) { _damage = damage; //return(this.damage); } function get bulletCount() { return(_bulletCount); } function set bulletCount(count) { _bulletCount = count; //return(bulletCount); } function get price() { return(_price); } function set price(val) { _price = val; //return(price); } static function hitTestWithAll(me, aDamage, aClearFloor) { var sides = ["Left", "Right"]; for (var s in sides) { var side = sides[s]; for (var i in _root.aliensLayer[side]) { var m = _root.aliensLayer[side][i]; if (typeof(m) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (me.hitTest(m)) { m._visible = false; if (i.slice(0, 5) == "Alien") { if (!m.falling) { _root.aliensLayer[m.side][m.platform].dy = _root.FallRate; _root.aliensLayer[m.side][m.platform].falling = true; } _root.AliensHit++; _root.removeAlien(m); if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreAlien; } else { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.AliensHit++; _root.removeAlien(_root.aliensLayer[side][m.alien]); _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreAlien; _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScorePlatform; delete m.onEnterFrame; m.removeMovieClip(); } } } if (aClearFloor) { for (var i in _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"]) { if (typeof(_root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (me.hitTest(_root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i])) { _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i]._visible = false; _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"][i].removeMovieClip(); _root.aliensLayer[("floor" + side) + "Layer"].size--; if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreAlienOnGround; } } } for (var i in _root.squidsLayer[side]) { if (typeof(_root.squidsLayer[side][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (me.hitTest(_root.squidsLayer[side][i])) { _root.squidsLayer[side][i]._visible = false; _root.SquidsHit++; _root.removeSquid(_root.squidsLayer[side][i]); if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndAlienDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreSquid; } } for (var i in _root.monstersLayer[side]) { if (typeof(_root.monstersLayer[side][i]) != "movieclip") { continue; } if (_root.monstersLayer[side][i].forceField) { if (me.hitTest(_root.monstersLayer[side][i].shield)) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreForceField; _root.monstersLayer[side][i].shield.removeMovieClip(); _root.monstersLayer[side][i].forceField = false; } } else if (me.hitTest(_root.monstersLayer[side][i])) { _root.killMonster(_root.monstersLayer[side][i]); if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndMonsterDeath.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreMonster; } } } for (var i in _root.mothershipsLayer) { var m = _root.mothershipsLayer[i]; if ((typeof(m) != "movieclip") || (m.isDead == true)) { continue; } if (me.hitTest(m)) { _root.MothershipsHit++; _root.addExplosion(m._x + 39, m._y + 10, 20, 45, 150, 75); _root.removeMothership(m); if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndMothershipHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreMothership; } } for (var i in _root.blipsLayer) { if ((typeof(_root.blipsLayer[i]) != "movieclip") || (_root.blipsLayer[i].isDead == true)) { continue; } if (me.hitTest(_root.blipsLayer[i])) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndBonusShip.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.blipsLayer[i].txtBonus.text = "$" + _root.ScoreBlip; _root.Score = _root.Score + _root.ScoreBlip; _root.endBlip++; _root.removeBlip(_root.blipsLayer[i]); } } if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Giant) { var i = 1; while (i <= 6) { if (_root["chute" + i]._visible) { if (_root["chute" + i].portal.hitTest(me)) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root["chute" + i].portal.damage = _root["chute" + i].portal.damage + aDamage; _root["chute" + i].gotoAndPlay("frmHit"); } } i++; } } } var _speed = 0; var _delay = 0; var _damage = 1; var _price = 0; var _name = "Gun"; var _upgrade = 0; var _bulletCount = 1; var totalBullets = 0; var successfulBullets = 0; var lastSwitchTime = 0; var useTime = 0; static var _index = 0; static var GUNS = 6; static var keyMap = new Array(GUNS); }
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [__Packages.BarrelGun] Frame 0
class BarrelGun extends Gun { var __set__name, __set__delay, __set__speed, __set__bulletCount, __set__price, __get__upgradeLevel; function BarrelGun () { super(); __set__name("Barrel Gun"); } function get description() { return("The Barrel Gun is an economically effective weapon capable of delivering modest-speed bullets with a decent rate of fire. The Barrel Gun comes in five variations, the most powerful of which is able to deliver 3 high-speed bullets simultaneously."); } function get maxUpgrade() { return(5); } function _upgradeTo(level) { switch (level) { case 1 : __set__delay(6 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(350); __set__bulletCount(1); __set__price(0); return; case 2 : __set__delay(6 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(380); __set__bulletCount(2); __set__price(10800); return; case 3 : __set__delay(4 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(380); __set__bulletCount(2); __set__price(60800); return; case 4 : __set__delay(3.3 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(380); __set__bulletCount(3); __set__price(154400); return; case 5 : __set__delay(3 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(380); __set__bulletCount(3); __set__price(300800); } } function get BulletClip() { return("Bullet"); } function get GunClip() { return("SingleBarrelGun"); } function createBullets() { switch (__get__upgradeLevel()) { case 1 : _root.createBullet(this, 0, 0); return; case 2 : case 3 : _root.createBullet(this, -6, 0); _root.createBullet(this, 6, 0); return; case 4 : case 5 : _root.createBullet(this, -6, 0); _root.createBullet(this, 0, 0); _root.createBullet(this, 6, 0); } } }
Symbol 1038 MovieClip [__Packages.RapidGun] Frame 0
class RapidGun extends Gun { var __set__name, __set__delay, __set__speed, __set__bulletCount, __set__price, __get__upgradeLevel; function RapidGun () { super(); __set__name("Rapid-Fire Gun"); } function get description() { return("The Rapid-Fire Gun is equipped with an advanced thrust mechanism that delivers bullets at an extremely high rate of fire. Although this comes with reduced accuracy, this is more than compensated for the resulting coverage."); } function get maxUpgrade() { return(4); } function _upgradeTo(level) { switch (level) { case 1 : __set__delay(3 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(300); __set__bulletCount(1); __set__price(10600); return; case 2 : __set__delay(2.2 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(360); __set__bulletCount(1); __set__price(60000); return; case 3 : __set__delay(2.2 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(375); __set__bulletCount(2); __set__price(154400); return; case 4 : __set__delay(2 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(380); __set__bulletCount(2); __set__price(300800); } } function get BulletClip() { return("RapidFireBullet"); } function get GunClip() { return("RapidGun"); } function createBullets() { switch (__get__upgradeLevel()) { case 1 : case 2 : _root.createBullet(this, 0, ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 3); return; case 3 : _root.createBullet(this, -5, ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 3); _root.createBullet(this, 5, ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 3); return; case 4 : _root.createBullet(this, -5, ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 3); _root.createBullet(this, 0, ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 3); _root.createBullet(this, 5, ((Math.random() * 2) - 1) * 3); } } }
Symbol 1039 MovieClip [__Packages.PenetrationGun] Frame 0
class PenetrationGun extends Gun { var __set__name, __set__delay, __set__speed, __set__damage, __set__price; function PenetrationGun () { super(); __set__name("Penetration Gun"); __set__delay(7 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); } function get description() { return("The Penetration Gun delivers highly technically advanced bullets, that refuse to even slow down on impact. As such, they not only deliver severe damage on impact, but will continue damaging anything that may come in its path."); } function get maxUpgrade() { return(4); } function _upgradeTo(level) { switch (level) { case 1 : __set__delay(14 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(330); __set__damage(5.5); __set__price(10600); return; case 2 : __set__delay(10 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(340); __set__damage(6); __set__price(62900); return; case 3 : __set__delay(9 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(350); __set__damage(9); __set__price(161500); return; case 4 : __set__delay(8 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(360); __set__damage(9); __set__price(320000); } } function get BulletClip() { return("PenetrationBullet"); } function get GunClip() { return("PenetrationGun"); } function get hitOnce() { return(false); } }
Symbol 1040 MovieClip [__Packages.SprayGun] Frame 0
class SprayGun extends Gun { var __set__name, __set__delay, __set__speed, __set__bulletCount, __set__price, __get__upgradeLevel; function SprayGun () { super(); __set__name("Spray Gun"); } function get description() { return("The Spray Gun is able to deliver multiple bullets simultaneously, with a decent bullet-speed. It is especially useful for maintaining fire on a large area. The Spray Gun is capable of delivering up to 7 bullets simultanously."); } function get maxUpgrade() { return(4); } function _upgradeTo(level) { switch (level) { case 1 : __set__delay(9 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(360); __set__bulletCount(3); __set__price(10720); return; case 2 : __set__delay(9 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(365); __set__bulletCount(5); __set__price(73730); return; case 3 : __set__delay(7.7 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(370); __set__bulletCount(7); __set__price(158700); return; case 4 : __set__delay(7 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(370); __set__bulletCount(7); __set__price(325400); } } function get BulletClip() { return("Bullet"); } function get GunClip() { var pic = __get__upgradeLevel(); if (pic < 1) { pic = 1; } if (pic > 3) { pic = 3; } return("SprayGun" + pic); } function createBullets() { switch (__get__upgradeLevel()) { case 4 : case 3 : _root.createBullet(this, -9, -12, false); _root.createBullet(this, 9, 12, false); case 2 : _root.createBullet(this, -6, -8, false); _root.createBullet(this, 6, 8, false); case 1 : _root.createBullet(this, 0, 0, false); _root.createBullet(this, -3, -4, false); _root.createBullet(this, 3, 4, false); } } }
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [__Packages.ExplosiveGun] Frame 0
class ExplosiveGun extends Gun { var __set__name, __set__delay, __set__speed, __set__damage, __set__price; function ExplosiveGun () { super(); __set__name("Explosive Gun"); __set__delay(20 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); } function get description() { return("The Explosive Gun enables targetted delivery of missiles that yield a massive explosion that fatally damages everything within its blast radius."); } function isTangible() { return(false); } function get maxUpgrade() { return(4); } function _upgradeTo(level) { switch (level) { case 1 : __set__delay(18 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(250); __set__damage(2); __set__price(10600); return; case 2 : __set__delay(15 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(280); __set__damage(2); __set__price(61200); return; case 3 : __set__delay(9 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(320); __set__damage(2); __set__price(154400); return; case 4 : __set__delay(7 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(350); __set__damage(2); __set__price(332800); } } function get BulletClip() { return("Bullet"); } function get GunClip() { return("ExplosiveGun"); } function get hitOnce() { return(false); } function createBullets() { var dx = (_xmouse - (_root.base._x + (_root.base._width / 2))); var dy = (_ymouse - _root.base._y); var bullet1 = _root.createBullet(this, -8, 0, true); bullet1.destx = _xmouse; bullet1.desty = _ymouse; bullet1.destr = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); var bullet2 = _root.createBullet(this, 8, 0, true); bullet2.destx = bullet1.destx; bullet2.desty = bullet1.desty; bullet2.destr = bullet1.destr; bullet1.partner = bullet2; bullet2.partner = bullet1; } function bulletFrame(bullet) { if ((!bullet.isActive) || (!bullet.partner.isActive)) { _root.deleteBullet(bullet); return(undefined); } var dx = (bullet._x - (_root.base._x + (_root.base._width / 2))); var dy = (bullet._y - _root.base._y); if (((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) >= bullet.destr) { if (_root.soundEffects) { _root.sndExplosion.gotoAndPlay("start"); } var layer = _root.ExplosionLayer; var nm = ("ex" + layer.getNextHighestDepth()); var explosion = layer.attachMovie("Explosion2", nm, layer.getNextHighestDepth()); var nm = ("exd" + layer.getNextHighestDepth()); var domain = layer.attachMovie("ExplosionDomain", nm, layer.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.defender.swapDepths(Util.defenderDepth); explosion._rotation = random(359); explosion._x = bullet.destx; explosion._y = bullet.desty;; domain._alpha = 0; domain._x = bullet.destx; domain._y = bullet.desty; domain._xscale = 85; domain._yscale = 85; _root.removeBullet(bullet.partner); _root.removeBullet(bullet); domain.startTime = 0;; domain.onEnterFrame = function () { var curTime = getTimer(); if ((curTime - this.startTime) >= 50) { Gun.hitTestWithAll(this, 0.14, false); this.startTime = this.startTime + 50; if ((curTime - this.startTime) >= 50) { this.startTime = curTime; } } }; } } }
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [__Packages.Util] Frame 0
class Util { function Util () { } static function initLayers() { if (_root.NukeLayer != undefined) { } else { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("NukeLayer", nukeDepth); _root.createEmptyMovieClip("ExplosionLayer", explosionDepth); } _root.base.swapDepths(baseDepth); _root.weaponScreen.swapDepths(weaponScreenDepth); _root.giantShip.swapDepths(giantDepth); var i = 1; while (i <= 6) { _root["chute" + i].swapDepths(chuteDepth + ((i - 1) * 2)); i++; } _root.nukeDomain.swapDepths(nukeDomainDepth);; _root.crosshair.swapDepths(mouseDepth); _root.menuscreen.swapDepths(menuscreenDepth); _root.menubtn.swapDepths(menuButtonDepth); _root.weapBar.swapDepths(weaponBarDepth); _root.endscreen.swapDepths(endScreenDepth); } static var depthOffset = -1024; static var cityDepth = 2 + depthOffset; static var nukeDepth = 4 + depthOffset; static var giantDepth = 6 + depthOffset; static var monsterDepth = 7 + depthOffset; static var alienDepth = 8 + depthOffset; static var squidDepth = 10 + depthOffset; static var blipDepth = 11 + depthOffset; static var mothershipDepth = 12 + depthOffset; static var healthDepth = 13 + depthOffset; static var chuteDepth = 14 + depthOffset; static var bulletDepth = 26 + depthOffset; static var defenderDepth = 28 + depthOffset; static var baseDepth = 30 + depthOffset; static var explosionDepth = 32 + depthOffset; static var nukeDomainDepth = 34 + depthOffset; static var arrow1Depth = 40 + depthOffset; static var arrow2Depth = 42 + depthOffset; static var bubbleDepth = 44 + depthOffset; static var menuscreenDepth = 76 + depthOffset; static var weaponBarDepth = 78 + depthOffset; static var menuButtonDepth = 80 + depthOffset; static var endScreenDepth = 82 + depthOffset; static var mouseDepth = 100 + depthOffset; static var weaponScreenDepth = 102 + depthOffset; }
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [__Packages.NukeGun] Frame 0
class NukeGun extends Gun { var __set__name, __set__delay, __set__speed, __set__damage, __set__price; function NukeGun () { super(); __set__name("Nuke"); __set__delay(50 * (1000 / _root.FPS)); __set__speed(250); __set__damage(100); __set__price(40000); } function get description() { return("A joint US-Japan research project has yielded a new and powerful technology, through which chain-reactions similar to Nuclear Fission can be kindled from not just Uranium, but any particle of their choosing. As such, the Nuke Gun is an application of this technology."); } function isSelectable() { return(false); } function get maxUpgrade() { return(100); } function get GunClip() { return("Nuclear"); } function get sound() { return("sndBullet"); } function get canFire() { if ((_root.Nukes > 0) && (_root.weaponScreen._visible == false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function createBullets() { if (_root.nukeDomain._visible) { return(undefined); } upgradeLevel = ((upgradeLevel-1)); if (_root._root.soundEffects) { _root.sndPlatformHit.gotoAndPlay("start"); } _root.nukeDomain._visible = true; _root.endNuke++; _root.nukeDomain.startTime = 0; _root.nukeDomain.onEnterFrame = function () { var curTime = getTimer(); if ((curTime - this.startTime) >= 50) { Gun.hitTestWithAll(this, 6, true); this.startTime = this.startTime + 50; if ((curTime - this.startTime) >= 50) { this.startTime = curTime; } } }; _root.nukeDomain.gotoAndPlay(1); } function get hitOnce() { return(false); } function set upgradeLevel(level) { var i = _root.Nukes; while (i >= level) { var nm = ("NukeIcon" + i); if (_root.NukeLayer[nm] != undefined) { _root.NukeLayer[nm]._visible = false; } i--; } _root.Nukes = level; var i = (_root.Nukes - 1); while (i >= 0) { var nm = ("NukeIcon" + i); if (_root.NukeLayer[nm] == undefined) { var nuke = _root.NukeLayer.attachMovie("NukeIcon", nm, _root.NukeLayer.getNextHighestDepth()); nuke._x = 20 + (i * (nuke._width + 5)); nuke._y = 420.3; } _root.NukeLayer[nm]._visible = true; i--; } //return(upgradeLevel); } function get upgradeLevel() { return(_root.Nukes); } }
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiScores] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiScores { static var boardID, onClose, onError; function MochiScores () { } static function setBoardID(boardID) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(boardID, true); mochi.as2.MochiScores.boardID = boardID; mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("scores_setBoardID", {boardID:boardID}); } static function showLeaderboard(options) { options.clip = mochi.as2.MochiServices.clip; if ((options.clip != mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__clip()) || (mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__childClip()._target == undefined)) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.disconnect(); trace("WARNING! This application is attempting to connect to MochiServices inside a showLeaderboard call!"); trace("make sure MochiServices.connect is called as early in the application runtime as possible."); mochi.as2.MochiServices.connect(mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__id(), options.clip); } delete options.clip; if ( != null) { if (typeof( == "object") { if ( != undefined) { =; } } } if (options.score != null) { if (options.score instanceof TextField) { if (options.score.text != undefined) { options.score = options.score.text; } } else if (options.score instanceof mochi.as2.MochiDigits) { options.score = options.score.value; } var n = Number(options.score); if (isNaN(n)) { trace(("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'"); } else if ((n == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) || (n == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { trace(("ERROR: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite"); } else { if (Math.floor(n) != n) { trace(("WARNING: Submitted score '" + options.score) + "' will be truncated"); } options.score = n; } } if (options.onDisplay != null) { options.onDisplay(); } else { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__clip().stop(); } if (options.onClose != null) { onClose = options.onClose; } else { onClose = function () { mochi.as2.MochiServices.__get__clip().play(); }; } if (options.onError != null) { onError = options.onError; } else { onError = onClose; } if (options.boardID == null) { if (boardID != null) { options.boardID = boardID; } } mochi.as2.MochiServices.warnID(options.boardID, true); trace("[MochiScores] NOTE: Security Sandbox Violation errors below are normal"); mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("scores_showLeaderboard", {options:options}, null, doClose); } static function closeLeaderboard() { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("scores_closeLeaderboard"); } static function getPlayerInfo(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("scores_getPlayerInfo", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function submit(score, name, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { score = Number(score); if (isNaN(score)) { trace(("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(score)) + "' will be rejected, score is 'Not a Number'"); } else if ((score == Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) || (score == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) { trace(("ERROR: Submitted score '" + String(score)) + "' will be rejected, score is an infinite"); } else { if (Math.floor(score) != score) { trace(("WARNING: Submitted score '" + String(score)) + "' will be truncated"); } score = Number(score); } mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("scores_submit", {score:score, name:name}, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function requestList(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.as2.MochiServices.send("scores_requestList", null, callbackObj, callbackMethod); } static function scoresArrayToObjects(scores) { var so = {}; var i; var j; var o; var row_obj; for (var item in scores) { if (typeof(scores[item]) == "object") { if ((scores[item].cols != null) && (scores[item].rows != null)) { so[item] = []; o = scores[item]; j = 0; while (j < o.rows.length) { row_obj = {}; i = 0; while (i < o.cols.length) { row_obj[o.cols[i]] = o.rows[j][i]; i++; } so[item].push(row_obj); j++; } } else { so[item] = {}; for (var param in scores[item]) { so[item][param] = scores[item][param]; } } } else { so[item] = scores[item]; } } return(so); } static function doClose(args) { if (args.error == true) { if (args.errorCode == undefined) { args.errorCode = "IOError"; } onError.apply(null, [args.errorCode]); } else { onClose.apply(); } } }
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiDigits] Frame 0
class mochi.as2.MochiDigits { var Encoder, Fragment, Sibling; function MochiDigits (digit, index) { Encoder = 0; setValue(digit, index); } function get value() { return(Number(toString())); } function set value(v) { setValue(v); //return(value); } function addValue(v) { value = value + v; } function setValue(digit, index) { var s = digit.toString(); if ((index == undefined) || (isNaN(index))) { index = 0; } Fragment = s.charCodeAt(index++) ^ Encoder; if (index < s.length) { Sibling = new mochi.as2.MochiDigits(digit, index); } else { Sibling = null; } reencode(); } function reencode() { var newEncode = int(2147483647 * Math.random()); Fragment = Fragment ^ (newEncode ^ Encoder); Encoder = newEncode; } function toString() { var s = String.fromCharCode(Fragment ^ Encoder); return(((Sibling != null) ? (s.concat(Sibling.toString())) : (s))); } }
Symbol 60 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (392); }
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._xscale = 4.2 * PercentLoaded; } else { gotoAndStop ("loaded"); }
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 2
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 3;
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("play"); }
Symbol 88 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (914); }
Symbol 90 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (917); }
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (913); }
Symbol 94 Button
on (release) { var o = {n:[1, 14, 11, 10, 4, 13, 10, 7, 10, 2, 12, 6, 2, 11, 12, 12], f:function (i, s) { if (s.length == 16) { return(s); } return(this.f(i + 1, s + this.n[i].toString(16))); }}; var boardID = o.f(0, ""); mochi.as2.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:boardID}); }
Symbol 96 Button
on (release) { getURL (""); }
Symbol 98 Button
on (release) { _root.getURL("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 100 Button
on (release) { _root.getURL("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 16
if (_root.menuSoundEffects == true) { _root.sndScream.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 50
if (_root.menuSoundEffects == true) { _root.sndAlienLaser.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Symbol 111 MovieClip Frame 54
if (_root.menuSoundEffects == true) { _root.sndLaserBoom.gotoAndPlay("start"); }
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 140 Button
on (release) { _root.getURL("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 142 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 143 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (394); }
Symbol 153 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("frmStart"); GameModes.__set__mode(GameModes.NormalMode); }
Symbol 157 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("frmStart"); GameModes.__set__mode(GameModes.ExplosiveMode); }
Symbol 163 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("frmStart"); GameModes.__set__mode(GameModes.KeyboardMode); }
Symbol 167 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay ("frmStart"); GameModes.__set__mode(GameModes.SquidMode); }
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 201 MovieClip Frame 61
Symbol 296 MovieClip [Mothership] Frame 1
Symbol 296 MovieClip [Mothership] Frame 16
Symbol 297 Button
on (release) { _root.sndEvolution.gotoAndPlay("stop"); _root.sndMothership.gotoAndStop("stop"); gotoAndPlay ("skip"); }
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 16
stop(); _parent.gotoAndStop("frmIdle");
Symbol 355 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 400 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop (394); }
Symbol 408 Button
on (release) { _root.soundEffects = true;; prevFrame(); }
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 411 Button
on (release) { _root.soundEffects = false;; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 413 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 415 Button
on (release) { _root.musicEnabled = true; prevFrame();; if (_root.gameState == _root.GS_Giant) { _root.bossMusic.gotoAndPlay("start"); } else {"start"); } _root.updateMuteButton(); }
Symbol 416 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 416 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 417 Button
on (release) {; _root.musicEnabled = false;"stop"); _root.bossMusic.gotoAndStop("stop"); nextFrame(); _root.updateMuteButton(); }
Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 419 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 421 Button
on (release) { _root._quality = "LOW"; nextFrame(); _root.menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(2);; }
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 425 Button
on (release) { _root._quality = "MEDIUM"; nextFrame(); _root.menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(1); }
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 430 Button
on (release) { _root._quality = "BEST"; prevFrame(); _root.menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(1);; }
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 433 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorialEnabled = true;; prevFrame(); }
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 434 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 435 Button
on (release) { _root.tutorialEnabled = false;; nextFrame(); }
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 436 MovieClip "tutorialoff" in Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 460 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (915); }
Symbol 472 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (914); }
Symbol 481 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (916); }
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 505 MovieClip Frame 41
Symbol 506 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 525 MovieClip Frame 18
Symbol 526 MovieClip [Monster] Frame 1
Symbol 526 MovieClip [Monster] Frame 2
Symbol 526 MovieClip [Monster] Frame 3
Symbol 526 MovieClip [Monster] Frame 4
Symbol 526 MovieClip [Monster] Frame 5
Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 537 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 550 MovieClip Frame 24
Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 1
Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 2
Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 3
Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 4
Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 5
Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 6
Symbol 561 Button
on (release) { gotoAndPlay (915); }
Symbol 567 MovieClip [BlipLeft] Frame 1
Symbol 567 MovieClip [BlipLeft] Frame 18
Symbol 588 MovieClip Frame 1027
Symbol 590 Button
on (release) { _root.getURL("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 596 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 606 MovieClip [Platform] Frame 40
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 633 MovieClip [Explosion2] Frame 26
Symbol 639 MovieClip [ExplosionDomain] Frame 26
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 1
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 21
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 22
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 42
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 43
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 63
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 64
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 84
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 85
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 105
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 106
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 107
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 108
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 128
Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] Frame 129
Symbol 701 MovieClip [BlipRight] Frame 1
Symbol 701 MovieClip [BlipRight] Frame 16
Symbol 702 MovieClip [AlienLeft] Frame 1
Symbol 702 MovieClip [AlienLeft] Frame 2
Symbol 702 MovieClip [AlienLeft] Frame 3
Symbol 702 MovieClip [AlienLeft] Frame 4
Symbol 702 MovieClip [AlienLeft] Frame 5
Symbol 702 MovieClip [AlienLeft] Frame 6
Symbol 707 MovieClip [SquidLeft] Frame 1
Symbol 707 MovieClip [SquidLeft] Frame 2
Symbol 708 MovieClip [SquidRight] Frame 1
Symbol 708 MovieClip [SquidRight] Frame 2
Symbol 719 MovieClip Frame 30
this._visible = false; gotoAndStop (1); delete this.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 828 Button
on (release) { if (_root.weaponScreen._visible == false) { return(undefined); } _root.weaponScreen._visible = false; _root.lastTime = getTimer(); _root.lastFPSTime = _root.lastTime; _root.lastBulletTime = _root.lastTime; _root.lastLevelTime = _root.lastTime; _root.gameState = _root.GS_EndLevel; _root.pauseEnabled = true; _root.bulletsLayer.s.setVolume(50); _root.menubtn.menuButton.enabled = true; Mouse.hide(); if ((_root.weaponScreen.gun != null) && (_root.weaponScreen.btnBuy._visible)) { _root.weaponScreen.gun.upgradeLevel--; if (Gun.getCurrentGun().__get__upgradeLevel() == 0) { Gun.switchGun(0); } } _root.weaponScreen.gun = null; _root.defender.gotoAndStop(_root.gun.GunClip); _root.defender.gun.stop(); _root.firing = false; _root.gun.lastSwitchTime = getTimer(); }
Symbol 831 Button
on (release) { if (_root.weaponScreen._visible == false) { return(undefined); } var price = _root.weaponScreen.gun.price; var money = _root.getMoney(); if (money >= price) { mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent((( + " ") + _parent.gun.upgradeLevel) + " Bought!", _root.level); _root.MoneySpent = _root.MoneySpent + price; _root.weaponScreen.redraw(); _root.weaponScreen.gun = null; _root.weaponScreen.selectGun(Gun.__get__index()); _root.weaponBought = true; } }
Symbol 836 MovieClip Frame 1
function redraw() { i = 1; while (i <= 6) { var gun = Gun.getGun(i - 1); this["cat" + i].blendMode = 1; if (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() < gun.__get__maxUpgrade()) { gun.__set__upgradeLevel((gun.__get__upgradeLevel()+1)); p = gun.price; gun.__set__upgradeLevel((gun.__get__upgradeLevel()-1)); var colorTrans = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform()); if (_root.getMoney() >= p) { colorTrans.redOffset = -64; colorTrans.blueOffset = -64; colorTrans.greenOffset = 0; } else { colorTrans.redOffset = 0; colorTrans.blueOffset = -128; colorTrans.greenOffset = -128; } var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(this["weaponSelect" + i])); trans.colorTransform = colorTrans; } else { var colorTrans = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform()); colorTrans.redOffset = -64; colorTrans.blueOffset = 0; colorTrans.greenOffset = -64; var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(this["weaponSelect" + i])); trans.colorTransform = colorTrans; } i++; } } function selectGun(index) { if (!this._visible) { return(undefined); } txtWeaponNukes.text = _root.Nukes; if ((gun != null) && (btnBuy._visible)) { gun.__set__upgradeLevel((gun.__get__upgradeLevel()-1)); if (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() == 0) { Gun.switchGun(0); } } gun = Gun.getGun(index); if (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() > 0) { prevRate = Math.round(100000 / gun.__get__delay()) / 100; prevSpeed = gun.speed; prevDamage = gun.damage; prevBullets = gun.bulletCount; } else { prevRate = 0; prevSpeed = 0; prevDamage = 0; prevBullets = 0; } if (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() < gun.__get__maxUpgrade()) { gun.__set__upgradeLevel((gun.__get__upgradeLevel()+1)); Gun.switchGun(index);; btnBuy._visible = true; } else { btnBuy._visible = false; } i = 1; while (i <= 6) { if (i < 6) { this["cat" + i].gotoAndStop(Gun.getGun(i - 1).__get__GunClip()); } if (i == (index + 1)) { var colorTrans = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform()); colorTrans.redOffset = 0; colorTrans.blueOffset = 0; colorTrans.greenOffset = 0; var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(this["cat" + i])); trans.colorTransform = colorTrans; } else { var colorTrans = (new flash.geom.ColorTransform()); colorTrans.redOffset = 96; colorTrans.blueOffset = 96; colorTrans.greenOffset = 96; var trans = (new flash.geom.Transform(this["cat" + i])); trans.colorTransform = colorTrans; } i++; } weaponDisplay.gotoAndStop(gun.__get__GunClip()); txtWeaponDesc.text = gun.description; rate = Math.round(100000 / gun.__get__delay()) / 100; if ((rate == prevRate) || (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() == 1)) { txtRatePrev.text = rate; txtRate.text = ""; colorful = new Color(txtRatePrev); colorful.setRGB(65280); arrowRate._visible = false; } else { txtRatePrev.text = prevRate; txtRate.text = rate; colorful = new Color(txtRatePrev); colorful.setRGB(16711680); arrowRate._visible = true; } if ((gun.__get__speed() == prevSpeed) || (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() == 1)) { txtSpeedPrev.text = gun.speed; txtSpeed.text = ""; colorful = new Color(txtSpeedPrev); colorful.setRGB(65280); arrowSpeed._visible = false; } else { txtSpeedPrev.text = prevSpeed; txtSpeed.text = gun.speed; colorful = new Color(txtSpeedPrev); colorful.setRGB(267386880); arrowSpeed._visible = true; } if ((gun.__get__bulletCount() == prevBullets) || (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() == 1)) { txtBulletsPrev.text = gun.bulletCount; txtBullets.text = ""; colorful = new Color(txtBulletsPrev); colorful.setRGB(65280); arrowBullets._visible = false; } else { txtBulletsPrev.text = prevBullets; txtBullets.text = gun.bulletCount; colorful = new Color(txtBulletsPrev); colorful.setRGB(16711680); arrowBullets._visible = true; } if ((gun.__get__damage() == prevDamage) || (gun.__get__upgradeLevel() == 1)) { switch (gun.__get__damage()) { case 1 : txtDamagePrev.text = "Low"; break; case 2 : txtDamagePrev.text = "Med"; break; default : txtDamagePrev.text = "High"; } txtDamage.text = ""; colorful = new Color(txtDamagePrev); colorful.setRGB(65280); arrowDamage._visible = false; } else { switch (gun.__get__damage()) { case 1 : txtDamage.text = "Low"; break; case 2 : txtDamage.text = "Med"; break; default : txtDamage.text = "High"; } switch (prevDamage) { case 1 : txtDamagePrev.text = "Low"; break; case 2 : txtDamagePrev.text = "Med"; break; default : txtDamagePrev.text = "High"; } colorful = new Color(txtDamagePrev); colorful.setRGB(16711680); arrowDamage._visible = true; } if (!gun.__get__hitOnce()) { txtDamage.text = ""; txtDamagePrev.text = "High"; colorful = new Color(txtDamagePrev); colorful.setRGB(65280); } txtPrice.text = ("$" + gun.__get__price()) + ""; txtMoney.text = ("$" + _root.getMoney()) + ""; } mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("Weapon Screen activated"); i = 1; while (i <= 6) { var gun = Gun.getGun(i - 1); if (i < 6) { this["cat" + i].gotoAndStop(gun.__get__GunClip()); } this["weaponSelect" + i].i = i; this["weaponSelect" + i].onPress = function () { _root.weaponSelection = this.i; selectGun(this.i - 1); }; i++; } selectGun(Gun.__get__index()); stop(); var gun = null;
Instance of Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender] "weaponDisplay" in Symbol 836 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.weaponScreen._visible) { if (((getTimer() - _root.lastBulletTime) > _root.gun.delay) || (_root.shootBullet)) { _root.shootBullet = true; _root.lastBulletTime = getTimer(); } if (_root.shootBullet) { _root.shootBullet = false; Score = _root.Score; Gun.fireGun(); _root.Score = Score; } } }
Symbol 838 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 150
gotoAndPlay ("frmLaser");
Symbol 919 MovieClip Frame 171
this._y = 0; gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 925 MovieClip Frame 1
this.initY = this._y;
Symbol 925 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 925 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndStop ("frmStart");
Symbol 925 MovieClip Frame 14
this._visible = false; this._y = this.initY; gotoAndStop ("frmStart");
Symbol 927 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 928 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 930 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 932 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 934 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 936 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 938 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 940 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 946 Button
on (release) { _root.userName = txtUser.text; _root.submitScore(); }
Symbol 948 Button
on (release) { _root.quitGame(); }
Symbol 989 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 989 MovieClip Frame 2
mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("EndScene Activated"); _root.menubtn.menuButton.enabled = false; _root.weapBar._visible = false; i = 0; while (i < 5) { var g = Gun.getGun(i); if (Gun.__get__index() == i) { g.useTime = g.useTime + ((getTimer() - g.lastSwitchTime) / 1000); } var t = int(g.useTime); var s = ("" + (t % 60)); if (s.length == 1) { s = "0" + s; } _root[("endW" + (i + 1)) + "Upgrade"] = ((i == 0) ? (Math.max(0, g.__get__upgradeLevel() - 1)) : (g.__get__upgradeLevel())); _root[("endW" + (i + 1)) + "Use"] = (Math.floor(t / 60) + ":") + s; _root[("endW" + (i + 1)) + "Accuracy"] = ((g.totalBullets == 0) ? "0%" : (Math.round((100 * g.successfulBullets) / g.totalBullets) + "%")); i++; } timeElapsed = (getTimer() - _root.initialTime) / 1000; seconds = int(timeElapsed % 60); minutes = Math.floor(timeElapsed / 60); hours = 0; highscore = _root.Score; mochi.as2.MochiEvents.trackEvent("Final_Level", level); i = 0; while (i < 5) { i++; } mochi.as2.MochiEvents.endPlay(); txtUser.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { txtUser.text = ""; }; txtUser.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) { if (txtUser.text == "") { txtUser.text = "Your Name Here"; } }; stop();
Symbol 993 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 997 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 1000 Button
on (release) { _root.quitGame(); }
Symbol 1002 Button
on (release) { _root.menuscreen._visible = false; _root.showmenu = 0; _root.bubble.enabled = true; if (_root.bubble._visible == false) { _root.resumeGame(); } }
Symbol 1006 Button
on (release) { if (_root.tutorialEnabled == true) { _root.menuscreen.tutorialon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuscreen.tutorialoff.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (_root.tutorialEnabled == false) { _root.menuscreen.tutorialon.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.tutorialoff.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.soundEffects == true) { _root.menuscreen.soundon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuscreen.soundoff.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (_root.soundEffects == false) { _root.menuscreen.soundon.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.soundoff.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root.musicEnabled == true) { _root.menuscreen.musicon.gotoAndStop(1); _root.menuscreen.musicoff.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (_root.musicEnabled == false) { _root.menuscreen.musicon.gotoAndStop(2); _root.menuscreen.musicoff.gotoAndStop(2); } if (_root._quality == "LOW") { _root.menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(2);; _root.menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") { _root.menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(2); } else if (_root._quality == "BEST") { _root.menuscreen.low.gotoAndStop(1);; _root.menuscreen.high.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.showmenu == 0) { _root.menuscreen._visible = true; _root.pauseGame(); _root.showmenu = 1; _root.bubble.enabled = false;; } else { _root.menuscreen._visible = false; _root.showmenu = 0; _root.bubble.enabled = true; if (_root.bubble._visible == false) { _root.resumeGame(); } mouse.hide(); } }

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [sndBullet]
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 3 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:5
Symbol 5 MovieClip [fragments_fire]Uses:2 3 4
Symbol 6 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip [fragments_ship]Uses:6 7 8
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClipUses:10Used by:14
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClipUses:12Used by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClip [explosion]Uses:11 13
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:15Used by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [explosion2]Uses:16
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip [AlienShield]Uses:18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip [fragments_blood]Uses:27 28 29Used by:550
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:50 140
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 46 ShapeTweeningUsed by:50
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 49 GraphicUsed by:50
Symbol 50 MovieClipUses:32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1022 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiAd]
Symbol 1023 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSync]
Symbol 1024 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiServices]
Symbol 1025 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEventDispatcher]
Symbol 1026 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiEvents]
Symbol 1027 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiSocial]
Symbol 1028 MovieClip [__Packages.InputWrapper]
Symbol 1029 MovieClip []
Symbol 1030 MovieClip []
Symbol 1031 MovieClip []
Symbol 1032 MovieClip []
Symbol 1033 MovieClip []
Symbol 1034 MovieClip []
Symbol 1035 MovieClip [__Packages.GameModes]
Symbol 1036 MovieClip [__Packages.Gun]
Symbol 1037 MovieClip [__Packages.BarrelGun]
Symbol 1038 MovieClip [__Packages.RapidGun]
Symbol 1039 MovieClip [__Packages.PenetrationGun]
Symbol 1040 MovieClip [__Packages.SprayGun]
Symbol 1041 MovieClip [__Packages.ExplosiveGun]
Symbol 1042 MovieClip [__Packages.Util]
Symbol 1043 MovieClip [__Packages.NukeGun]
Symbol 1044 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiScores]
Symbol 1045 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.as2.MochiDigits]
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:56
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Symbol 54 TextUses:52Used by:56
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Symbol 68 TextUses:52Used by:69
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Symbol 74 GraphicUses:71Used by:78
Symbol 75 GraphicUses:71Used by:78
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:71Used by:78
Symbol 77 GraphicUses:71Used by:78
Symbol 78 MovieClipUses:72 73 74 75 76 77Used by:551 702  Timeline
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Symbol 81 GraphicUsed by:82
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Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 143 157 163 167 297
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 143 157 163 167 297 828 831 946 948
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Symbol 87 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 89 TextUses:52Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 114 SoundUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:114Used by:119 364  Timeline
Symbol 116 SoundUsed by:117 928
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Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:169 170 172 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 190 192 194 196 198 200Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 234 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 238 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 247 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 249 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 251 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:265
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Symbol 265 MovieClipUses:202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264Used by:296
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Symbol 269 MovieClipUses:268Used by:295
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Symbol 280 MovieClipUses:279Used by:295
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Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClipUses:283Used by:295
Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:286
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Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:288
Symbol 288 MovieClipUses:287Used by:295
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Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:292
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Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:294
Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:293Used by:295
Symbol 295 MovieClipUses:267 269 271 273 275 277 280 282 284 286 288 290 292 294Used by:296
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Symbol 297 ButtonUses:84 85Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 305 GraphicUses:303Used by:313
Symbol 306 GraphicUses:303Used by:313
Symbol 307 GraphicUses:303Used by:313
Symbol 308 GraphicUses:303Used by:313
Symbol 309 GraphicUses:303Used by:313
Symbol 310 GraphicUses:303Used by:313
Symbol 311 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:313
Symbol 313 MovieClipUses:304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312Used by:356
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Symbol 316 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 317 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 318 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 319 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 320 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 321 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 322 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 323 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 324 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 325 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 326 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 327 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
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Symbol 329 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
Symbol 330 GraphicUses:303Used by:334 355
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Symbol 334 MovieClipUses:314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333Used by:356
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Symbol 336 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 337 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 338 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 339 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 340 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 341 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 342 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 343 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 344 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 345 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 346 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 347 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 348 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 349 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 350 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 351 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 352 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
Symbol 353 GraphicUses:303Used by:355
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Symbol 355 MovieClipUses:335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333Used by:356
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Symbol 357 SoundUsed by:358
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Symbol 361 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:390
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Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:390
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Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 420 TextUses:104Used by:421
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Symbol 435 ButtonUses:406 410Used by:436
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Symbol 437 MovieClipUses:401 402 403 404 409 413 416 419 423 427 431 432 434 436Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:505
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Symbol 516 GraphicUsed by:525
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Symbol 540 GraphicUsed by:550
Symbol 541 GraphicUsed by:550
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Symbol 555 ShapeTweeningUses:552Used by:559
Symbol 556 ShapeTweeningUses:552Used by:559
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Instance Names

"btnSkip"Frame 144Symbol 60 Button
"alienShip1"Frame 394Symbol 121 MovieClip
"alienShip2"Frame 394Symbol 121 MovieClip
"alienShip3"Frame 394Symbol 121 MovieClip
"sndAlienLaser"Frame 394Symbol 115 MovieClip
"sndLaserBoom"Frame 394Symbol 117 MovieClip
"sndEvolution"Frame 394Symbol 142 MovieClip
"sndMothership"Frame 397Symbol 300 MovieClip
"guy"Frame 494Symbol 356 MovieClip
"sndBeam"Frame 494Symbol 358 MovieClip
"txtIntro"Frame 510Symbol 359 EditableText
"weapBar"Frame 849Symbol 392 MovieClip
"crosshair"Frame 913Symbol 396 MovieClip
"menuscreen"Frame 913Symbol 437 MovieClip
"crosshair"Frame 914Symbol 396 MovieClip
"crosshair"Frame 917Symbol 396 MovieClip
"Bullet"Frame 918Symbol 597 MovieClip [Bullet]
"Platform"Frame 918Symbol 606 MovieClip [Platform]
"Mothership"Frame 918Symbol 296 MovieClip [Mothership]
"Explosion2"Frame 918Symbol 633 MovieClip [Explosion2]
"ExplosionDomain"Frame 918Symbol 639 MovieClip [ExplosionDomain]
"Defender"Frame 918Symbol 697 MovieClip [Defender]
"BlipRight"Frame 918Symbol 701 MovieClip [BlipRight]
"BlipLeft"Frame 918Symbol 567 MovieClip [BlipLeft]
"txtFPS"Frame 919Symbol 711 EditableText
"txtDebug"Frame 919Symbol 712 EditableText
"nukeIcon"Frame 919Symbol 714 MovieClip [NukeIcon]
"crosshair"Frame 919Symbol 396 MovieClip
"base"Frame 919Symbol 201 MovieClip
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"txtInfo"Frame 919Symbol 785 EditableText
"guy"Frame 919Symbol 356 MovieClip
"stars"Frame 919Symbol 82 MovieClip
"music"Frame 919Symbol 787 MovieClip
"bossMusic"Frame 919Symbol 789 MovieClip
"weaponScreen"Frame 919Symbol 836 MovieClip
"sndAlienDeath"Frame 919Symbol 838 MovieClip
"txtScore"Frame 919Symbol 840 EditableText
"txtLevel"Frame 919Symbol 843 EditableText
"txtWave"Frame 919Symbol 845 EditableText
"city"Frame 919Symbol 846 MovieClip
"giantShip"Frame 919Symbol 919 MovieClip
"chute4"Frame 919Symbol 925 MovieClip
"chute5"Frame 919Symbol 925 MovieClip
"chute6"Frame 919Symbol 925 MovieClip
"chute3"Frame 919Symbol 925 MovieClip
"chute2"Frame 919Symbol 925 MovieClip
"chute1"Frame 919Symbol 925 MovieClip
"sndExplosion"Frame 919Symbol 927 MovieClip
"sndMothershipHit"Frame 919Symbol 928 MovieClip
"sndPlatformHit"Frame 919Symbol 930 MovieClip
"sndBonusShip"Frame 919Symbol 932 MovieClip
"sndDoubleKill"Frame 919Symbol 934 MovieClip
"sndTripleKill"Frame 919Symbol 936 MovieClip
"sndIntercepted"Frame 919Symbol 938 MovieClip
"sndMonsterDeath"Frame 919Symbol 940 MovieClip
"txtUltra"Frame 919Symbol 942 EditableText
"endscreen"Frame 919Symbol 989 MovieClip
"healthBoss"Frame 919Symbol 924 MovieClip
"weapBar"Frame 919Symbol 392 MovieClip
"btnMute"Frame 919Symbol 997 MovieClip
"menuscreen"Frame 919Symbol 1003 MovieClip
"menubtn"Frame 919Symbol 1007 MovieClip
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"txtScore"Frame 920Symbol 1016 EditableText
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"txtWave"Frame 920Symbol 1018 EditableText
"txtUltra"Frame 920Symbol 1019 EditableText
"bar"Symbol 70 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 63 MovieClip
"sndAlienLaser"Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"sndLaserBoom"Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip
"ani"Symbol 296 MovieClip [Mothership] Frame 1Symbol 265 MovieClip
"ani"Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 313 MovieClip
"ani"Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 334 MovieClip
"ani"Symbol 356 MovieClip Frame 3Symbol 355 MovieClip
"sndAlienLaser"Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 115 MovieClip
"sndLaserBoom"Symbol 364 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip
"btnW1"Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 368 Button
"btnW2"Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 370 Button
"btnW4"Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 372 Button
"btnW3"Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 374 Button
"btnW5"Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 376 Button
"moneyBar"Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 380 MovieClip
"soundon"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 409 MovieClip
"soundoff"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 413 MovieClip
"musicon"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 416 MovieClip
"musicoff"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 419 MovieClip
"low"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 423 MovieClip
"med"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 427 MovieClip
"high"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 431 MovieClip
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"tutorialoff"Symbol 437 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 436 MovieClip
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"frmSplat"Symbol 551 MovieClip [AlienRight] Frame 6
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Created: 15/3 -2019 10:38:36 Last modified: 15/3 -2019 10:38:36 Server time: 07/03 -2025 03:31:22