Section 1
//Regular (fl.transitions.easing.Regular)
package fl.transitions.easing {
public class Regular {
public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{
_arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4);
return ((((-(_arg3) * _arg1) * (_arg1 - 2)) + _arg2));
public static function easeIn(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{
_arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4);
return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) * _arg1) + _arg2));
public static function easeInOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{
_arg1 = (_arg1 / (_arg4 / 2));
if (_arg1 < 1){
return (((((_arg3 / 2) * _arg1) * _arg1) + _arg2));
return ((((-(_arg3) / 2) * ((_arg1 * (_arg1 - 2)) - 1)) + _arg2));
}//package fl.transitions.easing
Section 2
//Tween (fl.transitions.Tween)
package fl.transitions {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class Tween extends EventDispatcher {
private var _position:Number;// = NAN
public var prevTime:Number;// = NAN
public var prevPos:Number;// = NAN
public var isPlaying:Boolean;// = false
private var _fps:Number;// = NAN
private var _time:Number;// = NAN
public var begin:Number;// = NAN
private var _finish:Number;// = NAN
public var change:Number;// = NAN
public var looping:Boolean;// = false
private var _intervalID:uint;// = 0
public var func:Function;
private var _timer:Timer;// = null
private var _startTime:Number;// = NAN
public var prop:String;// = ""
private var _duration:Number;// = NAN
public var obj:Object;// = null
public var useSeconds:Boolean;// = false
protected static var _mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
public function Tween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Function, _arg4:Number, _arg5:Number, _arg6:Number, _arg7:Boolean=false){
this.func = function (_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{
return ((((_arg3 * _arg1) / _arg4) + _arg2));
if (!arguments.length){
this.obj = _arg1;
this.prop = _arg2;
this.begin = _arg4;
this.position = _arg4;
this.duration = _arg6;
this.useSeconds = _arg7;
if ((_arg3 is Function)){
this.func = _arg3;
this.finish = _arg5;
this._timer = new Timer(100);
public function continueTo(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{
this.begin = this.position;
this.finish = _arg1;
if (!isNaN(_arg2)){
this.duration = _arg2;
protected function startEnterFrame():void{
var _local1:Number;
if (isNaN(this._fps)){
_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame, false, 0, true);
} else {
_local1 = (1000 / this._fps);
this._timer.delay = _local1;
this._timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, this.timerHandler, false, 0, true);
this.isPlaying = true;
public function stop():void{
this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_STOP, this._time, this._position));
private function fixTime():void{
if (this.useSeconds){
this._startTime = (getTimer() - (this._time * 1000));
public function set FPS(_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:Boolean = this.isPlaying;
this._fps = _arg1;
if (_local2){
public function get finish():Number{
return ((this.begin + this.change));
public function get duration():Number{
return (this._duration);
protected function stopEnterFrame():void{
if (isNaN(this._fps)){
_mc.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, this.onEnterFrame);
} else {
this.isPlaying = false;
public function set time(_arg1:Number):void{
this.prevTime = this._time;
if (_arg1 > this.duration){
if (this.looping){
this.rewind((_arg1 - this._duration));
this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_LOOP, this._time, this._position));
} else {
if (this.useSeconds){
this._time = this._duration;
this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, this._time, this._position));
} else {
if (_arg1 < 0){
} else {
this._time = _arg1;
public function getPosition(_arg1:Number=NaN):Number{
if (isNaN(_arg1)){
_arg1 = this._time;
return (this.func(_arg1, this.begin, this.change, this._duration));
public function set finish(_arg1:Number):void{
this.change = (_arg1 - this.begin);
public function set duration(_arg1:Number):void{
this._duration = ((_arg1)<=0) ? Infinity : _arg1;
public function get position():Number{
return (this.getPosition(this._time));
public function setPosition(_arg1:Number):void{
this.prevPos = this._position;
if (this.prop.length){
this.obj[this.prop] = (this._position = _arg1);
this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_CHANGE, this._time, this._position));
public function resume():void{
this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_RESUME, this._time, this._position));
public function fforward():void{
this.time = this._duration;
protected function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{
public function yoyo():void{
this.continueTo(this.begin, this.time);
public function nextFrame():void{
if (this.useSeconds){
this.time = ((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000);
} else {
this.time = (this._time + 1);
protected function timerHandler(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{
public function get FPS():Number{
return (this._fps);
public function rewind(_arg1:Number=0):void{
this._time = _arg1;
public function set position(_arg1:Number):void{
public function get time():Number{
return (this._time);
private function update():void{
public function start():void{
this.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.MOTION_START, this._time, this._position));
public function prevFrame():void{
if (!this.useSeconds){
this.time = (this._time - 1);
}//package fl.transitions
Section 3
//TweenEvent (fl.transitions.TweenEvent)
package fl.transitions {
public class TweenEvent extends Event {
public var position:Number;// = NAN
public var time:Number;// = NAN
public static const MOTION_START:String = "motionStart";
public static const MOTION_STOP:String = "motionStop";
public static const MOTION_LOOP:String = "motionLoop";
public static const MOTION_CHANGE:String = "motionChange";
public static const MOTION_FINISH:String = "motionFinish";
public static const MOTION_RESUME:String = "motionResume";
public function TweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false){
super(_arg1, _arg4, _arg5);
this.time = _arg2;
this.position = _arg3;
override public function clone():Event{
return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.time, this.position, this.bubbles, this.cancelable));
}//package fl.transitions
Section 4
//Base64 (FOG.AS3.Base64)
package FOG.AS3 {
import flash.utils.*;
public class Base64 {
public static const version:String = "1.1.0";
private static const BASE64_CHARS:String = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=";
public function Base64(){
throw (new Error("Base64 class is static container only"));
public static function encode(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
return (encodeByteArray(_local2));
public static function encodeByteArray(_arg1:ByteArray):String{
var _local3:Array;
var _local5:uint;
var _local6:uint;
var _local7:uint;
var _local2 = "";
var _local4:Array = new Array(4);
_arg1.position = 0;
while (_arg1.bytesAvailable > 0) {
_local3 = new Array();
_local5 = 0;
while ((((_local5 < 3)) && ((_arg1.bytesAvailable > 0)))) {
_local3[_local5] = _arg1.readUnsignedByte();
_local4[0] = ((_local3[0] & 252) >> 2);
_local4[1] = (((_local3[0] & 3) << 4) | (_local3[1] >> 4));
_local4[2] = (((_local3[1] & 15) << 2) | (_local3[2] >> 6));
_local4[3] = (_local3[2] & 63);
_local6 = _local3.length;
while (_local6 < 3) {
_local4[(_local6 + 1)] = 64;
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _local4.length) {
_local2 = (_local2 + BASE64_CHARS.charAt(_local4[_local7]));
return (_local2);
public static function decode(_arg1:String):String{
var _local2:ByteArray = decodeToByteArray(_arg1);
return (_local2.readUTFBytes(_local2.length));
public static function decodeToByteArray(_arg1:String):ByteArray{
var _local6:uint;
var _local7:uint;
var _local2:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
var _local3:Array = new Array(4);
var _local4:Array = new Array(3);
var _local5:uint;
while (_local5 < _arg1.length) {
_local6 = 0;
while ((((_local6 < 4)) && (((_local5 + _local6) < _arg1.length)))) {
_local3[_local6] = BASE64_CHARS.indexOf(_arg1.charAt((_local5 + _local6)));
_local4[0] = ((_local3[0] << 2) + ((_local3[1] & 48) >> 4));
_local4[1] = (((_local3[1] & 15) << 4) + ((_local3[2] & 60) >> 2));
_local4[2] = (((_local3[2] & 3) << 6) + _local3[3]);
_local7 = 0;
while (_local7 < _local4.length) {
if (_local3[(_local7 + 1)] == 64){
_local5 = (_local5 + 4);
_local2.position = 0;
return (_local2);
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 5
//Connect (FOG.AS3.Connect)
package FOG.AS3 {
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.external.*;
public class Connect {
public var LinkAttempts:Number;// = 0
public var User:Object;
public var Linked:Boolean;// = false
public var Core:Object;
public function Connect(_arg1:CoreAPI):void{
User = {ID:0, Name:"Guest", HighScore:0, Thumb:"", Image:""};
this.Core = _arg1;
public function GetUser():Object{
if (Linked){
User = Call("getUserData");
if (typeof(User) != "object"){
User = {ID:0, Name:"Guest", HighScore:0, Thumb:"", Image:""};
return (User);
public function CallDirect(_arg1:String, _arg2=false, _arg3=false){
var _local4:* ="fog.api." + _arg1), _arg2, _arg3);
return (_local4);
public function CreateLink():void{
if (Core.isFogDomain()){
Core.debug((" Link Attempt " + LinkAttempts));
if (ExternalInterface.available){
Linked = (CallDirect("connect", Core.config)) ? true : false;
if (Linked){
} else {
setTimeout(CreateLink, 1000);
} else {
setTimeout(CreateLink, 500);
public function Call(_arg1:String, _arg2=false, _arg3=false){
if (!Linked){
return (false);
return (CallDirect(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3));
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 6
//CoreAPI (FOG.AS3.CoreAPI)
package FOG.AS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.external.*;
public class CoreAPI extends MovieClip {
public var Scores:Object;
public var config:Object;
private var Classes:Array;
private var Plugins:Array;
public var Root:DisplayObject;
public var Connect:Object;
public var Preloader:Object;
public var Tracking:Object;
public var enterFrameFunc:Function;
public var Storage:Object;
public var options:Object;
public var res:Array;
public var Remote:Object;
private var Token:String;
public var StageDims:Object;
public var localMode:Boolean;
public var urlInfo:Object;
public function CoreAPI(_arg1:Object):void{
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:int;
var _local6:int;
var _local7:Class;
config = new Object();
options = new Object();
Classes = [Preloader, Tracking, Remote, Connect, Scores, Storage];
Plugins = ["Tracking", "Preloader", "Remote", "Connect", "Scores", "Storage"];
var _local2:Object = {version:"1.2", asversion:3, debug:true, trace:true, sandbox:false, remote:false};
Root = _arg1.root;
StageDims = {w:Root.stage.stageWidth, h:Root.stage.stageHeight};
options = parseOptions(_arg1, _local2);
for (_local3 in options) {
if (((!((_local3 == "root"))) && (!((_local3 == "clip"))))){
config[_local3] = options[_local3];
urlInfo = getUrlInfo(Root.loaderInfo.url);
debug(("Initalized FOG API Version " + options.version));
for (_local4 in {
debug(((("> " + _local4) + ": ") +[_local4]));
debug(("> sandbox: " + options.sandbox));
debug(((("> stage: " + StageDims.w) + "x") + StageDims.h));
debug(("> domain: " + urlInfo.domain));
debug(("> isfog: " + isFogDomain()));
debug(("> remote: " + options.remote));
_local5 = 0;
_local6 = Plugins.length;
while (_local5 < _local6) {
debug(("> FOG." + Plugins[_local5]));
_local7 = (getDefinitionByName(("FOG.AS3." + Plugins[_local5])) as Class);
this[Plugins[_local5]] = new _local7(this);
if (((options[Plugins[_local5]]) && (this[Plugins[_local5]].Options))){
this[Plugins[_local5]].Options = parseOptions(options[Plugins[_local5]], this[Plugins[_local5]].Options);
if (this.Connect){
Token = Base64.encode((((((( + ":") + + ":") + + ":") +;
debug("FOG Connect (Javascript)");
debug(("> token: " + Token));
debug(("> linked: " + Connect.Linked));
debug((((("> user: " + Connect.User.Name) + " [") + Connect.User.ID) + "]"));
debug(("> highscore: " + Connect.User.HighScore));
public function Read(_arg1:String){
return (this[_arg1]);
public function getUrlInfo(_arg1:String):Object{
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
localMode = new RegExp("file://").test(_arg1);
var _local2 = "";
var _local3 = "";
if (localMode){
_local2 = "local";
_local3 = "";
} else {
_local4 = (_arg1.indexOf("://") + 3);
_local5 = _arg1.indexOf("/", _local4);
_local2 = _arg1.substring(_local4, _local5);
_local6 = (_local2.lastIndexOf(".") - 1);
_local7 = (_local2.lastIndexOf(".", _local6) + 1);
_local3 = _arg1.substr(_local5);
return ({domain:_local2, uri:_local3});
public function isFogDomain():Boolean{
return (((urlInfo.domain.indexOf("") > -1)) ? true : false);
public function debug(_arg1, _arg2:String=""):void{
if (isFogDomain()){
if (ExternalInterface.available){"fog.api.debug", _arg1, _arg2);
if (((!(_arg2)) && (options.debug))){
if (_arg1.indexOf(">") === 0){
} else {
trace(" ");
private function getDims(_arg1:Object):Array{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int;
_local2 = Root.stage.stageWidth;
_local3 = Root.stage.stageHeight; = {w:_local2, h:_local3};
return ([_local2, _local3]);
private function parseOptions(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{
var _local4:String;
var _local3:Object = {};
for (_local4 in _arg2) {
_local3[_local4] = _arg2[_local4];
if (_arg1){
for (_local4 in _arg1) {
_local3[_local4] = _arg1[_local4];
return (_local3);
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 7
package FOG.AS3 {
public class JSON {
public static function encode(_arg1):String{
var _local2:String;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:String;
var _local8:Number;
var _local5 = "";
switch (typeof(_arg1)){
case "object":
if (_arg1){
if ((_arg1 is Array)){
_local4 = _arg1.length;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4) {
_local6 = encode(_arg1[_local3]);
if (_local5){
_local5 = (_local5 + ",");
_local5 = (_local5 + _local6);
return ((("[" + _local5) + "]"));
} else {
if (typeof(_arg1.toString) != "undefined"){
for (_local7 in _arg1) {
_local6 = _arg1[_local7];
if (((!((typeof(_local6) == "undefined"))) && (!((typeof(_local6) == "function"))))){
_local6 = encode(_local6);
if (_local5){
_local5 = (_local5 + ",");
_local5 = (_local5 + ((encode(_local7) + ":") + _local6));
return ((("{" + _local5) + "}"));
return ("null");
case "number":
return ((isFinite(_arg1)) ? String(_arg1) : "null");
case "string":
_local4 = _arg1.length;
_local5 = "\"";
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4) {
_local2 = _arg1.charAt(_local3);
if (_local2 >= " "){
if ((((_local2 == "\\")) || ((_local2 == "\"")))){
_local5 = (_local5 + "\\");
_local5 = (_local5 + _local2);
} else {
switch (_local2){
case "\b":
_local5 = (_local5 + "\\b");
case "\f":
_local5 = (_local5 + "\\f");
case "\n":
_local5 = (_local5 + "\\n");
case "\r":
_local5 = (_local5 + "\\r");
case "\t":
_local5 = (_local5 + "\\t");
_local8 = _local2.charCodeAt();
_local5 = (_local5 + (("\\u00" + Math.floor((_local8 / 16)).toString(16)) + (_local8 % 16).toString(16)));
_local3 = (_local3 + 1);
return ((_local5 + "\""));
case "boolean":
return (String(_arg1));
return ("null");
public static function decode(_arg1:String){
var at:Number;
var ch:String;
var _isDigit:Function;
var _isHexDigit:Function;
var _white:Function;
var _string:Function;
var _next:Function;
var _array:Function;
var _object:Function;
var _number:Function;
var _word:Function;
var _value:Function;
var _error:Function;
var source = _arg1;
source = new String(source);
at = 0;
ch = " ";
_isDigit = function (_arg1:String){
return (((("0" <= _arg1)) && ((_arg1 <= "9"))));
_isHexDigit = function (_arg1:String){
return (((((_isDigit(_arg1)) || (((("A" <= _arg1)) && ((_arg1 <= "F")))))) || (((("a" <= _arg1)) && ((_arg1 <= "f"))))));
_error = function (_arg1:String):void{
throw (new Error(_arg1, (at - 1)));
_next = function (){
ch = source.charAt(at);
at = (at + 1);
return (ch);
_white = function ():void{
while (ch) {
if (ch <= " "){
} else {
if (ch == "/"){
switch (_next()){
case "/":
do {
} while (((((_next()) && (!((ch == "\n"))))) && (!((ch == "\r")))));
case "*":
while (true) {
if (ch){
if (ch == "*"){
if (_next() == "/"){
} else {
} else {
_error("Unterminated Comment");
_error("Syntax Error");
} else {
_string = function (){
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local1:* = "";
var _local2:* = "";
var _local5:Boolean;
if (ch == "\""){
while (_next()) {
if (ch == "\""){
return (_local2);
if (ch == "\\"){
switch (_next()){
case "b":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\b");
case "f":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\f");
case "n":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\n");
case "r":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\r");
case "t":
_local2 = (_local2 + "\t");
case "u":
_local4 = 0;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 4) {
_local3 = parseInt(_next(), 16);
if (!isFinite(_local3)){
_local5 = true;
_local4 = ((_local4 * 16) + _local3);
_local1 = (_local1 + 1);
if (_local5){
_local5 = false;
_local2 = (_local2 + String.fromCharCode(_local4));
_local2 = (_local2 + ch);
} else {
_local2 = (_local2 + ch);
_error("Bad String");
return (null);
_array = function (){
var _local1:Array = [];
if (ch == "["){
if (ch == "]"){
return (_local1);
while (ch) {
if (ch == "]"){
return (_local1);
if (ch != ","){
_error("Bad Array");
return (null);
_object = function (){
var _local1:* = {};
var _local2:* = {};
if (ch == "{"){
if (ch == "}"){
return (_local2);
while (ch) {
_local1 = _string();
if (ch != ":"){
_local2[_local1] = _value();
if (ch == "}"){
return (_local2);
if (ch != ","){
_error("Bad Object");
_number = function (){
var _local2:*;
var _local1:* = "";
var _local3 = "";
var _local4 = "";
if (ch == "-"){
_local1 = "-";
_local4 = _local1;
if (ch == "0"){
if ((((ch == "x")) || ((ch == "X")))){
while (_isHexDigit(ch)) {
_local3 = (_local3 + ch);
if (_local3 == ""){
_error("mal formed Hexadecimal");
} else {
return (Number(((_local4 + "0x") + _local3)));
} else {
_local1 = (_local1 + "0");
while (_isDigit(ch)) {
_local1 = (_local1 + ch);
if (ch == "."){
_local1 = (_local1 + ".");
while (((((_next()) && ((ch >= "0")))) && ((ch <= "9")))) {
_local1 = (_local1 + ch);
_local2 = (1 * _local1);
if (!isFinite(_local2)){
_error("Bad Number");
} else {
return (_local2);
return (NaN);
_word = function (){
switch (ch){
case "t":
if ((((((_next() == "r")) && ((_next() == "u")))) && ((_next() == "e")))){
return (true);
case "f":
if ((((((((_next() == "a")) && ((_next() == "l")))) && ((_next() == "s")))) && ((_next() == "e")))){
return (false);
case "n":
if ((((((_next() == "u")) && ((_next() == "l")))) && ((_next() == "l")))){
return (null);
_error("Syntax Error");
return (null);
_value = function (){
switch (ch){
case "{":
return (_object());
case "[":
return (_array());
case "\"":
return (_string());
case "-":
return (_number());
return (((((ch >= "0")) && ((ch <= "9")))) ? _number() : _word());
return (_value());
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 8
//Preloader (FOG.AS3.Preloader)
package FOG.AS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class Preloader {
public var Root:MovieClip;
public var BG:Sprite;
public var onComplete:Function;
public var Prel:PreloaderClip;
public var Logo:LogoSpin;
public var GraphicBG:MovieClip;
public var Foggy:MovieClip;
public var GotoGameOnClick:Boolean;// = false
public var FoggyBG:Sprite;
public var FrameInc:Number;// = 0
public var Percent:Number;// = 0
public var TimerEnd:Number;
public var Notice:MovieClip;
public var TimerStart:Number;
public var Options:Object;
public var Core:CoreAPI;
public function Preloader(_arg1):void{
Options = {duration:3000, density:10, clickable:true, locked:false, domains:[""]};
GraphicBG = new MovieClip();
onComplete = function (_arg1:CoreAPI):void{
Core = _arg1;
Root = _arg1.Root;
private function loadingBar(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:LogoFly;
if ((FrameInc++ % Math.round((Root.stage.frameRate / Options.density))) === 0){
_local2 = new LogoFly();
_local2.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_local2.x = (Core.StageDims.w / 2);
_local2.y = (Core.StageDims.h / 2);
_local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleY = 0);
_local2.gotoAndStop(((Math.random() * 10) + 1));
_local2.speed = 100;
_local2.alpha = 0;
_local2.grow = (Math.random() / 100);
_local2.fade = false;
_local2.targetX = (Math.random() * 10);
if (_local2.targetX < 5){
_local2.targetX = (Math.random() * 10);
if (_local2.targetX < 5){
_local2.targetX = -100;
} else {
_local2.targetX = (Core.StageDims.w + 100);
_local2.targetY = (Math.random() * Core.StageDims.h);
} else {
_local2.targetY = (Math.random() * 10);
if (_local2.targetY < 5){
_local2.targetY = -100;
} else {
_local2.targetY = (Core.StageDims.h + 100);
_local2.targetX = (Math.random() * Core.StageDims.w);
_local2.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, FOGFly);
private function showProgress(_arg1:Event):void{
Prel.percentGame = Math.floor(((Root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / Root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal) * 100));
Prel.percentDura = Math.floor((((getTimer() - TimerStart) / Prel.dura) * 100));
Percent = Math.min(Math.min(Prel.percentGame, Prel.percentDura), 100);
Prel.procent.text = Math.round(Percent).toString();
Prel.ProgBar.width = (Math.round(Percent) * 0.98);
if (Percent > 99){
public function DomainHasAccess():Boolean{
var _local1:Array =;
var _local2:Boolean;
Core.debug("Allowed on domains");
var _local3:int;
var _local4:int = _local1.length;
while (_local3 < _local4) {
Core.debug(("> " + _local1[_local3]));
if (Core.urlInfo.domain.indexOf(_local1[_local3]) > -1){
_local2 = true;
if (((!(_local2)) && (Options.locked))){
if (Core.options.sandbox){
Core.debug("> Sandbox Overide");
return (true);
return (false);
//unresolved jump
return (true);
public function Start():void{
var tf:TextField;
var ctxMenu:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
var ctx3:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Play More Games");
ctx3.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{
var ctx4:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Free Games For Your Website");
ctx4.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{
var ctx1:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Copyright © Free Online Games");
ctx1.enabled = false;
ctx1.separatorBefore = true;
var ctx2:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(("FOG API Version " + Core.options.version));
ctx2.enabled = false;
var ctx5:ContextMenuItem = new ContextMenuItem("Clear Local Flash API Storage");
ctx5.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, function (_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{
ctx5.separatorBefore = true;
ctxMenu.customItems.push(ctx3, ctx4, ctx1, ctx2, ctx5);
Root.contextMenu = ctxMenu;
BG = new Sprite();;, 0, Core.StageDims.w, Core.StageDims.h);;
BG.addChild(new BackgroundGraphic());
Logo = new LogoSpin();
Logo.x = (Core.StageDims.w / 2);
Logo.y = ((Core.StageDims.h / 2) - 30);
Prel = new PreloaderClip();
Prel.dura = Options.duration;
Prel.x = (Core.StageDims.w / 2);
Prel.y = ((Core.StageDims.h / 2) + 50);
Foggy = new MovieClip();
FoggyBG = new Sprite();;, 0, Core.StageDims.w, Core.StageDims.h);;
Foggy.width = Core.StageDims.w;
Foggy.height = Core.StageDims.h;
Foggy.alpha = 0;
Foggy.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, LoaderClicked);
Foggy.buttonMode = true;
TimerStart = getTimer();
Foggy.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showProgress);
if (Core.options.sandbox){
tf = new TextField();
tf.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
tf.text = ("Sandbox Type: " + Security.sandboxType);
tf.x = 10;
tf.y = 10;
tf.width = 300;
private function PlayBranding():void{
var _local1:Sound;
Foggy.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showProgress);
TimerEnd = getTimer();
Core.debug((("Game loaded in " + (Math.round(((TimerEnd - TimerStart) / 10)) / 100)) + " seconds"));
Core.debug(("> Filesize: " + Core.Root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal));;
if (DomainHasAccess()){
_local1 = new VoiceOver();;
setTimeout(End, 4000);
} else {
Prel.visible = false;
Notice = new LockedNotice();
Notice.x = (Core.StageDims.w / 2);
Notice.y = Prel.y;
public function LoaderClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (GotoGameOnClick){
} else {
private function FOGFly(_arg1:Event):void{
var _local2:Object = _arg1.currentTarget;
_local2.x = (_local2.x + (((_local2.targetX - _local2.x) / _local2.speed) * 0.5));
_local2.y = (_local2.y + (((_local2.targetY - _local2.y) / _local2.speed) * 0.5));
_local2.speed = (_local2.speed * 0.99);
_local2.scaleX = (_local2.scaleY = (_local2.scaleY + (_local2.grow * 2)));
if ((((_local2.alpha < 1)) && (!(_local2.fade)))){
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha + 0.01);
if ((((((((((_local2.x < -50)) || ((_local2.y < -50)))) || ((_local2.x > (Core.StageDims.w + 50))))) || ((_local2.y > (Core.StageDims.h + 50))))) || ((_local2.scaleX > 2)))){
_local2.fade = true;
if (_local2.fade){
_local2.alpha = (_local2.alpha - 0.05);
if (_local2.alpha <= 0){
_local2.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, FOGFly);
private function End(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
Foggy.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, LoaderClicked);
if (((Core.Remote) && (Core.options.remote))){
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 9
//Remote (FOG.AS3.Remote)
package FOG.AS3 {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.system.*;
public class Remote {
public var LibFile:String;// = "api/library.swf"
public var Server:String;// = ""
public var rLoader:Loader;
public var LibPath:String;// = ""
public var Library:MovieClip;
public var rRequest:URLRequest;
public var Core:Object;
public function Remote(_arg1:CoreAPI):void{
this.Core = _arg1;
public function Connect():void{
if (Core.Connect.Linked){
Security.loadPolicyFile((("http://" + Server) + "/crossdomain.xml"));
LibPath = ((((((("http://" + Server) + "/") + LibFile) + "?v=") + Core.options.version) + "&c=") + Math.random());
Core.debug("Remote Tracking");
Core.debug(("> " + LibPath));
rLoader = new Loader();
rRequest = new URLRequest(LibPath);
rLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function (_arg1:Event):void{
Library = MovieClip(;
rLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, function (_arg1:IOErrorEvent):void{
Core.debug(("> " + _arg1.text));
rLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, function (_arg1:HTTPStatusEvent):void{
Core.debug(("> " + _arg1.status));
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 10
//Scores (FOG.AS3.Scores)
package FOG.AS3 {
public class Scores {
public var CryptScore:String;// = ""
public var HighScore:Number;// = 0
public var Score:Number;// = 0
public var Debug:Boolean;// = true
public var Options:Object;
public var Core:Object;
public function Scores(_arg1:CoreAPI):void{
Options = {order:"DESC", type:"INT"};
this.Core = _arg1;
if (!Core.Connect){
throw (new Error("You cannot use FogAPI.Scores Plugin without loading FogAPI.Connect Plugin first"));
public function GetScoreKey(_arg1:Number):String{
return (Base64.encode(((Core.Read("Token") + ":") + _arg1)));
public function Update(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=true):Boolean{
if (_arg1 != Score){
HighScore = Core.Connect.User.HighScore;
Score = _arg1;
if (Debug){
Core.debug((((((((("Score Update: " + Options.order) + " - ") + Score) + " - ") + HighScore) + " (") + _arg2) + ")"));
if (((Options.order == "DESC")) ? (Score > HighScore) : (((Score < HighScore)) || ((HighScore === 0)))){
if (_arg2){
HighScore = Score;
Core.Connect.User.HighScore = HighScore;
if (Core.Connect.Linked){
Core.Connect.Call("scores.update", Score);
return (true);
public function Publish(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{
CryptScore = GetScoreKey(Score);
if (Core.Connect.Linked){
Core.Connect.Call("scores.publish", CryptScore, _arg1);
} else {
if (Debug){
Core.debug(((("Publishing Score: " + Score) + " - ") + CryptScore));
public function Scoreboard():void{
if (Core.Connect.Linked){
} else {
public function Save():void{
if (Core.Connect.Linked){
Core.Connect.Call("", GetScoreKey(Score));
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 11
//Storage (FOG.AS3.Storage)
package FOG.AS3 {
public class Storage {
public var CurrentData:String;// = ""
public var DataID:String;// = ""
public var Locals:Array;
public var Connected:Boolean;// = false
public var Data:SharedObject;
public var LastSave:String;// = ""
public var Core:Object;
public function Storage(_arg1:CoreAPI):void{
Locals = new Array();
Core = _arg1;
if (!Core.Connect){
throw (new Error("You cannot use FogAPI.Storage Plugin without loading FogAPI.Connect Plugin first"));
DataID = (( + ".") + Core.Connect.User.ID);
Data = SharedObject.getLocal(DataID);
public function Set(_arg1, _arg2=true, _arg3:Boolean=true):Boolean{
var _local4:*;
if (typeof(_arg1) == "object"){
for (_local4 in _arg1) {
_arg1[_local4] = Set(_local4, _arg1[_local4]);
return (_arg1);
};[_arg1] = _arg2;
if (_arg3){
return (true);
public function Decode(_arg1:String):Object{
var _local2:String = _arg1;
var _local3:String = Base64.decode(_local2);
var _local4:Object = JSON.decode(_local3);
return (_local4);
public function Load(_arg1=""):Boolean{
var _local2:*;
var _local4:String;
var _local5:SharedObject;
var _local6:*;
Connected = true;
Core.debug("Attempting to load Storage");
if (!Core.Connect.Linked){
_local2 = "";
} else {
_local2 = Core.Connect.Call("storage.load",;
if (!_local2){
Core.debug("> Could not load storage. Reverting to local flash storage");
Core.debug((("> Loaded " + Data.size) + " bytes from local memory"));
return (false);
Core.debug((("> Loaded " + _local2.length) + " bytes of data from FogAPI Server"));
var _local3:Object = Decode(_local2);
for (_local4 in _local3) {
if (_local4.indexOf("_") === 0){
_local5 = GetLocal(_local4.substr(1));
for (_local6 in _local3[_local4]) {[_local6] = _local3[_local4][_local6];
} else {[_local4] = _local3[_local4];
if (_arg1){
return (true);
public function Encode(_arg1):String{
var _local2:* = _arg1;
_local2 = JSON.encode(_local2);
_local2 = Base64.encode(_local2);
return (_local2);
public function GetLocal(_arg1:String=""):SharedObject{
var _local2:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(((DataID + ".") + _arg1));
Locals.push([_arg1, _local2]);
return (_local2);
public function Get(_arg1:String){
return ([_arg1]);
public function Sync():void{
var _local1:int;
var _local2:int = Locals.length;
while (_local1 < _local2) {
Set(("_" + Locals[_local1][0]), Locals[_local1][1].data, false);
public function Clear(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{
var _local2:int;
var _local3:int = Locals.length;
while (_local2 < _local3) {
if (_arg1){
public function Save():Boolean{
if (!Connected){
throw (new Error("You can't save data to the server when the game is not synced. Please use FogAPI.Storage.Load() to Initialize Sync"));
CurrentData = Encode(;
Core.debug((("Saving " + CurrentData.length) + " bytes of data"));
if (!Core.Connect.Linked){
Core.debug("> to Flash Local");
return (false);
Core.debug("> to FogAPI Server");
if (CurrentData != LastSave){
LastSave = CurrentData;
return ((Core.Connect.Call("",, CurrentData)) ? true : false);
//unresolved jump
return (true);
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 12
//Tracking (FOG.AS3.Tracking)
package FOG.AS3 {
public class Tracking {
public var GamePlayURL:String;// = "{$game.category}/{$}.html"
public var DefaultURL:String;// = ""
public var FreeGamesURL:String;// = ""
public var ScoreboardURL:String;// = "{$}.html"
public var Core:Object;
public function Tracking(_arg1:CoreAPI):void{
this.Core = _arg1;
public function Click(_arg1:String=""):Boolean{
var _local2:String = (_arg1) ? _arg1 : DefaultURL;
_local2 = _local2.replace("{$}",;
_local2 = _local2.replace("{$game.category}",;
var _local3:String = ((("?utm_source=" + Core.urlInfo.domain) + "&utm_medium=api-game&utm_campaign=") +;
var _local4:String = (_local2 + _local3);
Core.debug(("> " + _local4));
if (Core.options.sandbox){
return (false);
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(_local4), "_blank");
return (true);
public function RegisterEvent(_arg1:String):void{
}//package FOG.AS3
Section 13
//coinAnimation_32 (pizza_fla.coinAnimation_32)
package pizza_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class coinAnimation_32 extends MovieClip {
public function coinAnimation_32(){
addFrameScript(20, frame21);
function frame21(){
}//package pizza_fla
Section 14
//delivered_31 (pizza_fla.delivered_31)
package pizza_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class delivered_31 extends MovieClip {
public var mtext:MovieClip;
public function delivered_31(){
addFrameScript(50, frame51);
function frame51(){
}//package pizza_fla
Section 15
//fust_car_39 (pizza_fla.fust_car_39)
package pizza_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fust_car_39 extends MovieClip {
public function fust_car_39(){
addFrameScript(18, frame19);
function frame19(){
}//package pizza_fla
Section 16
//fust_motor_44 (pizza_fla.fust_motor_44)
package pizza_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fust_motor_44 extends MovieClip {
public function fust_motor_44(){
addFrameScript(13, frame14);
function frame14(){
}//package pizza_fla
Section 17
//p_scooter_42 (pizza_fla.p_scooter_42)
package pizza_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class p_scooter_42 extends MovieClip {
public function p_scooter_42(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 16, frame17, 81, frame82);
function frame17(){
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
function frame82(){
}//package pizza_fla
Section 18
//p_van_37 (pizza_fla.p_van_37)
package pizza_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class p_van_37 extends MovieClip {
public function p_van_37(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 11, frame12, 21, frame22, 22, frame23, 32, frame33);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
function frame12(){
function frame22(){
function frame33(){
function frame23(){
}//package pizza_fla
Section 19
//ambient_sound (ambient_sound)
package {
public dynamic class ambient_sound extends Sound {
Section 20
//BackgroundGraphic (BackgroundGraphic)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class BackgroundGraphic extends MovieClip {
Section 21
//bicycle_sound (bicycle_sound)
package {
public dynamic class bicycle_sound extends Sound {
Section 22
//bigEddie (bigEddie)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class bigEddie extends MovieClip {
private var _acttext:Number;
public var pizzasincar:TextField;
public var b_accept:SimpleButton;
private var _minitargets:Array;
public var timelimit:TextField;
private var _pizzatypes:Array;
private var _orders:Array;
private var _pizzaplaces:Array;
private var _main:Object;
public var b_decline:SimpleButton;
private var _eddietexts:Array;
public var eddietext:TextField;
public var b_next:SimpleButton;
public var minimap_layer:MovieClip;
public var capacity:TextField;
public var pizzatype:TextField;
private var _available:Array;
public var tipamount:TextField;
public var b_exit:SimpleButton;
private var _actorder:Number;
public var b_prev:SimpleButton;
private var _eddietextstates:Array;
public var address:TextField;
public function bigEddie(_arg1:Object){
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
_main = _arg1;
_minitargets = new Array();
_pizzatypes = new Array("Pepperoni", "Hawaiian", "Margarita", "Meat", "Carbonara", "BBQ", "Bacon", "Chicken", "Cheese Steak", "Veggie");
_pizzaplaces = new Array({id:1, xp:-1524, yp:-1017, rot:90, addr:"Christopher Lane", tipmin:8, tipmax:14}, {id:2, xp:-1608, yp:-609, rot:0, addr:"Uppercrust Lane", tipmin:10, tipmax:13}, {id:3, xp:-1440, yp:-385, rot:90, addr:"Uppercrust Lane", tipmin:6, tipmax:11}, {id:4, xp:-1563, yp:0x0101, rot:0, addr:"Uppercrust Lane", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:5, xp:-1653, yp:1179, rot:0, addr:"Uppercrust Lane", tipmin:7, tipmax:12}, {id:6, xp:-1668, yp:1572, rot:0, addr:"Uppercrust Lane", tipmin:8, tipmax:14}, {id:7, xp:-988, yp:208, rot:0, addr:"Mighty Avenue", tipmin:9, tipmax:12}, {id:8, xp:-988, yp:-423, rot:0, addr:"Mighty Avenue", tipmin:9, tipmax:12}, {id:9, xp:-914, yp:-1017, rot:90, addr:"Pagebank Road", tipmin:6, tipmax:10}, {id:10, xp:-698, yp:-147, rot:90, addr:"Lip Lane", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:11, xp:-696, yp:1020, rot:0, addr:"Samshine Way", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:12, xp:-872, yp:1647, rot:90, addr:"Taylor Street", tipmin:8, tipmax:10}, {id:13, xp:-398, yp:1601, rot:0, addr:"Taylor Street", tipmin:7, tipmax:9}, {id:14, xp:-322, yp:985, rot:90, addr:"Saph Grove", tipmin:5, tipmax:9}, {id:15, xp:-446, yp:423, rot:90, addr:"Roberts Street", tipmin:6, tipmax:9}, {id:16, xp:-472, yp:139, rot:90, addr:"Sonny Road", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:17, xp:-516, yp:-939, rot:90, addr:"Pagebank Road", tipmin:8, tipmax:13}, {id:18, xp:136, yp:-1013, rot:90, addr:"Pagebank Road", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:19, xp:5, yp:1361, rot:90, addr:"Roach Way", tipmin:5, tipmax:10}, {id:20, xp:248, yp:1686, rot:90, addr:"Belvedere Road", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:21, xp:580, yp:359, rot:90, addr:"The Barn", tipmin:3, tipmax:6}, {id:22, xp:686, yp:-808, rot:0, addr:"Thinlip Avenue", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:23, xp:752, yp:-186, rot:0, addr:"Heiney Street", tipmin:5, tipmax:7}, {id:24, xp:968, yp:844, rot:0, addr:"Anfield Road", tipmin:7, tipmax:12}, {id:25, xp:752, yp:1207, rot:0, addr:"Cheesus Lane", tipmin:6, tipmax:10}, {id:26, xp:858, yp:1575, rot:90, addr:"Belvedere Road", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:27, xp:1256, yp:1539, rot:0, addr:"Denney Street", tipmin:8, tipmax:10}, {id:28, xp:1404, yp:1295, rot:90, addr:"Nattress Street", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:29, xp:1529, yp:775, rot:-45, addr:"FOG Towers", tipmin:12, tipmax:16}, {id:30, xp:1328, yp:326, rot:0, addr:"K Street", tipmin:7, tipmax:12}, {id:31, xp:1166, yp:-495, rot:90, addr:"Chester Road", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:32, xp:1140, yp:-1017, rot:90, addr:"Thinlip Avenue", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:33, xp:1902, yp:-811, rot:0, addr:"Thinlip Avenue", tipmin:9, tipmax:12}, {id:34, xp:1922, yp:-435, rot:90, addr:"Chester Road", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:35, xp:1904, yp:-278, rot:0, addr:"Green Street", tipmin:10, tipmax:13}, {id:36, xp:1616, yp:-121, rot:0, addr:"Addybads Lane", tipmin:7, tipmax:11}, {id:37, xp:1730, yp:1290, rot:90, addr:"Nattress Street", tipmin:7, tipmax:12}, {id:38, xp:1910, yp:0x0600, rot:0, addr:"Denney Street", tipmin:8, tipmax:12}, {id:39, xp:2028, yp:1007, rot:90, addr:"Bobed Street", tipmin:9, tipmax:12}, {id:40, xp:2306, yp:402, rot:90, addr:"Elmwood Lane", tipmin:10, tipmax:12}, {id:41, xp:2156, yp:139, rot:90, addr:"Rocky Road", tipmin:9, tipmax:11}, {id:42, xp:2302, yp:-1017, rot:90, addr:"Pilch Close", tipmin:11, tipmax:15}, {id:43, xp:2486, yp:-579, rot:0, addr:"Pilch Close", tipmin:9, tipmax:15}, {id:44, xp:2541, yp:156, rot:0, addr:"Minton Avenue", tipmin:10, tipmax:14}, {id:45, xp:2480, yp:1181, rot:0, addr:"Minton Avenue", tipmin:9, tipmax:13}, {id:46, xp:-11, yp:-430, rot:90, addr:"Chester Road", tipmin:5, tipmax:8});
_eddietexts = new Array("Hey kid, you wanna earn some cash then Big Eddie is the man you wanna work for. My pizza's are the best in this town and you're gonna make sure they get to my customers on time and still fresh as the moment they came out the oven.", "You still driving round on that piece of junk? Get a proper vehicle.", "Why not visit my cousin Vinny's auto shop just two blocks down from here? He'll give you a good deal on some wheels.", "Get pedallin kid, don't let that za get cold.", "These pizza's won't deliver themselves, kapeesh?", "What you just standin' there for? Get outta here.", "Get on your bike and ride!", "Be quick or the costs comin' straight outta your tips.", "Hey kid, keep up the good work.", "If you could make pizza's as good as you can deliver them, you'd be almost as good as me.", "If that pizza ain't warm when you get there then you get no tip.");
_eddietextstates = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
_acttext = 0;
private function mouseAccept(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function bigEddieControlDisable():void{
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleasedEddie);
b_accept.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseAccept);
b_decline.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseAccept);
b_exit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseExit);
b_prev.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mousePrev);
b_next.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseNext);
this.visible = false;
private function deleteMiniTargets():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _orders.length) {
private function keyReleasedEddie(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
case Keyboard.ENTER:
case Keyboard.ESCAPE:
private function acceptOrder():void{
if ((((_orders[_actorder].accepted == false)) && (((_main._pizzas + _orders[_actorder].num) > _main._cap)))){
_orders[_actorder].accepted = !(_orders[_actorder].accepted);
_minitargets[_actorder].mode = ((_orders[_actorder].accepted)==true) ? 1 : 0;
_minitargets[_actorder].mt.gotoAndStop((3 + _minitargets[_actorder].mode));
if (_orders[_actorder].accepted){
_main._pizzas = (_main._pizzas + _orders[_actorder].num);
b_accept.visible = false;
b_decline.visible = true;
} else {
_main._pizzas = (_main._pizzas - _orders[_actorder].num);
b_accept.visible = true;
b_decline.visible = false;
private function mouseNext(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function generateOrders():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Object;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 3) {
_local3 = Math.round((Math.random() * (_available.length - 1)));
_local4 = new Object(); = _available[_local3].id;
_local4.xp = _available[_local3].xp;
_local4.yp = _available[_local3].yp;
_local4.rot = _available[_local3].rot;
_local4.addr = _available[_local3].addr;
_local4.tip = (Math.round((Math.random() * (_available[_local3].tipmax - _available[_local3].tipmin))) + _available[_local3].tipmin);
_local4.type = _pizzatypes[Math.round((Math.random() * 9))];
_local4.num = (Math.round((Math.random() * (_main._cap - 1))) + 1);
_local4.time = Math.floor((Math.sqrt((Math.pow((_available[_local3].xp - 335), 2) + Math.pow((_available[_local3].yp - 275), 2))) / 16));
_local4.accepted = false;
_available.splice(_local3, 1);
_actorder = (_orders.length - 1);
private function minimapUpdate():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Object;
_minitargets = new Array();
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _orders.length) {
_local2 = new Object(); = _orders[_local1].id; = new mini_target();
_local2.mode = ((_orders[_local1].accepted)==true) ? 1 : 0; + _local2.mode)); = (((_orders[_local1].xp + 1634) / 4130) * 208); = (((_orders[_local1].yp + 0x0400) / 2690) * 136);
_minitargets[_actorder].mt.gotoAndStop((3 + _minitargets[_actorder].mode));
private function nextOrder():void{
_minitargets[_actorder].mt.gotoAndStop((1 + _minitargets[_actorder].mode));
_actorder = ((_actorder + 1) % _orders.length);
_minitargets[_actorder].mt.gotoAndStop((3 + _minitargets[_actorder].mode));
if (_orders[_actorder].accepted){
b_accept.visible = false;
b_decline.visible = true;
} else {
b_accept.visible = true;
b_decline.visible = false;
private function textUpdate():void{
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = _orders[_actorder];
pizzatype.text = (("Pizza: " + String(_local1.num)) + "pc");
if (_local1.num > 1){
pizzatype.appendText((" " + _local1.type));
address.text = ("Address: " + _local1.addr);
tipamount.text = (("Tip amount: " + String(_local1.tip)) + "$");
timelimit.text = (("Time limit: " + String(Math.floor((_local1.time / 60)))) + ":");
if ((_local1.time % 60) < 10){
timelimit.appendText(String((_local1.time % 60)));
pizzasincar.text = ("Pizzas in vehicle: " + String(_main._pizzas));
capacity.text = ("Capacity: " + String(_main._cap));
eddietext.text = _eddietexts[_acttext];
private function bigEddieControlEnable():void{
this.visible = true;
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleasedEddie);
b_accept.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseAccept);
b_decline.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseAccept);
b_exit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseExit);
b_prev.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mousePrev);
b_next.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseNext);
private function mouseExit(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function chooseText():void{
_acttext = (Math.round((Math.random() * 7)) + 3);
if (!_eddietextstates[0]){
_acttext = 0;
_eddietextstates[0] = 1;
if (((!(_eddietextstates[1])) && ((_main._player.hp < (_main._player.maxhp / 2))))){
_acttext = 1;
_eddietextstates[1] = 1;
if (((!(_eddietextstates[2])) && ((_main._money > 60)))){
_acttext = 2;
_eddietextstates[2] = 1;
private function exitFrom():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Array;
_local2 = new Array();
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _orders.length) {
if (_orders[_local1].accepted){
public function enterTo(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:*;
if (_arg1 != null){
if (_arg1.length > 0){
_orders = _arg1;
} else {
_orders = new Array();
} else {
_orders = new Array();
_available = new Array();
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _pizzaplaces.length) {
if (_orders.length > 0){
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _orders.length) {
for (_local3 in _available) {
if (_orders[_local2].id == _available[_local3].id){
_available.splice(_local3, 1);
b_accept.visible = true;
b_decline.visible = false;
private function mousePrev(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function prevOrder():void{
_minitargets[_actorder].mt.gotoAndStop((1 + _minitargets[_actorder].mode));
if (_actorder < 0){
_actorder = (_actorder + _orders.length);
_minitargets[_actorder].mt.gotoAndStop((3 + _minitargets[_actorder].mode));
if (_orders[_actorder].accepted){
b_accept.visible = false;
b_decline.visible = true;
} else {
b_accept.visible = true;
b_decline.visible = false;
Section 23
//car_sound (car_sound)
package {
public dynamic class car_sound extends Sound {
Section 24
//car01 (car01)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car01 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 25
//car02 (car02)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car02 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 26
//car03 (car03)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car03 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 27
//car04 (car04)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car04 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 28
//car05 (car05)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car05 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 29
//car06 (car06)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car06 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 30
//car07 (car07)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car07 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 31
//car08 (car08)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class car08 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
Section 32
//CollisionGrid (CollisionGrid)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public class CollisionGrid extends EventDispatcher {
private var _numRows:int;
private var _gridSize:Number;
private var _checks:Array;
private var _height:Number;
private var _width:Number;
private var _numCells:int;
private var _numCols:int;
private var _dh:Number;
private var _grid:Array;
private var _dw:Number;
public function CollisionGrid(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){
_width = (_arg1 * 3);
_height = (_arg2 * 3);
_dw = _arg1;
_dh = _arg2;
_gridSize = _arg3;
_numCols = Math.ceil((_width / _gridSize));
_numRows = Math.ceil((_height / _gridSize));
_numCells = (_numCols * _numRows);
public function check(_arg1:Array):void{
var _local4:DisplayObject;
var _local5:int;
var _local2:int = _arg1.length;
_grid = new Array(_numCells);
_checks = new Array();
var _local3:int;
while (_local3 < _local2) {
_local4 = _arg1[_local3];
_local5 = ((Math.floor(((_local4.y + _dh) / _gridSize)) * _numCols) + Math.floor(((_local4.x + _dw) / _gridSize)));
if (_grid[_local5] == null){
_grid[_local5] = new Array();
private function checkOneCell(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{
var _local6:DisplayObject;
var _local7:int;
var _local8:DisplayObject;
var _local3:Array = _grid[((_arg2 * _numCols) + _arg1)];
if (_local3 == null){
var _local4:int = _local3.length;
var _local5:int;
while (_local5 < _local4) {
_local6 = _local3[_local5];
_local7 = (_local5 + 1);
while (_local7 < _local4) {
_local8 = _local3[_local7];
_checks.push(_local6, _local8);
private function checkTwoCells(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{
var _local10:DisplayObject;
var _local11:int;
var _local12:DisplayObject;
if ((((((_arg3 > _numCols)) || ((_arg3 < 0)))) || ((_arg4 >= _numRows)))){
var _local5:Array = _grid[((_arg2 * _numCols) + _arg1)];
var _local6:Array = _grid[((_arg4 * _numCols) + _arg3)];
if ((((_local5 == null)) || ((_local6 == null)))){
var _local7:int = _local5.length;
var _local8:int = _local6.length;
var _local9:int;
while (_local9 < _local7) {
_local10 = _local5[_local9];
_local11 = 0;
while (_local11 < _local8) {
_local12 = _local6[_local11];
_checks.push(_local10, _local12);
public function drawGrid(_arg1:Graphics):void{
_arg1.lineStyle(0, 0.5);
var _local2:int;
while (_local2 <= _width) {
_arg1.moveTo(_local2, 0);
_arg1.lineTo(_local2, _height);
_local2 = (_local2 + _gridSize);
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 <= _height) {
_arg1.moveTo(0, _local2);
_arg1.lineTo(_width, _local2);
_local2 = (_local2 + _gridSize);
public function get checks():Array{
return (_checks);
private function checkGrid():void{
var _local2:int;
var _local1:int;
while (_local1 < _numCols) {
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _numRows) {
checkOneCell(_local1, _local2);
checkTwoCells(_local1, _local2, (_local1 + 1), _local2);
checkTwoCells(_local1, _local2, (_local1 - 1), (_local2 + 1));
checkTwoCells(_local1, _local2, _local1, (_local2 + 1));
checkTwoCells(_local1, _local2, (_local1 + 1), (_local2 + 1));
Section 33
//fog_1 (fog_1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class fog_1 extends MovieClip {
public function fog_1(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 34
//gameOverMC (gameOverMC)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gameOverMC extends MovieClip {
public var b_more:SimpleButton;
public var b_again:SimpleButton;
public var b_free:SimpleButton;
public var scored_btn:SimpleButton;
Section 35
//HitTest (HitTest)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class HitTest {
protected static function getDrawMatrix(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Rectangle, _arg3:Number):Matrix{
var _local4:Point;
var _local5:Matrix;
var _local6:Matrix = _arg1.root.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
_local4 = _arg1.localToGlobal(new Point());
_local5 = _arg1.transform.concatenatedMatrix;
_local5.tx = (_local4.x - _arg2.x);
_local5.ty = (_local4.y - _arg2.y);
_local5.a = (_local5.a / _local6.a);
_local5.d = (_local5.d / _local6.d);
if (_arg3 != 1){
_local5.scale(_arg3, _arg3);
return (_local5);
public static function complexHitTestObject(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Number=1):Boolean{
return (!((complexIntersectionRectangle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3).width == 0)));
public static function complexIntersectionRectangle(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Number=1):Rectangle{
if (_arg3 <= 0){
throw (new Error("ArgumentError: Error #5001: Invalid value for accurracy", 5001));
if (!_arg1.hitTestObject(_arg2)){
return (new Rectangle());
var _local4:Rectangle = intersectionRectangle(_arg1, _arg2);
if (((((_local4.width * _arg3) < 1)) || (((_local4.height * _arg3) < 1)))){
return (new Rectangle());
var _local5:BitmapData = new BitmapData((_local4.width * _arg3), (_local4.height * _arg3), false, 0);
_local5.draw(_arg1, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(_arg1, _local4, _arg3), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, -255, -255, 0xFF));
_local5.draw(_arg2, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(_arg2, _local4, _arg3), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE);
var _local6:Rectangle = _local5.getColorBoundsRect(4294967295, 4278255615);
if (_arg3 != 1){
_local6.x = (_local6.x / _arg3);
_local6.y = (_local6.y / _arg3);
_local6.width = (_local6.width / _arg3);
_local6.height = (_local6.height / _arg3);
_local6.x = (_local6.x + _local4.x);
_local6.y = (_local6.y + _local4.y);
return (_local6);
public static function intersectionRectangle(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject):Rectangle{
if (((((!(_arg1.root)) || (!(_arg2.root)))) || (!(_arg1.hitTestObject(_arg2))))){
return (new Rectangle());
var _local3:Rectangle = _arg1.getBounds(_arg1.root);
var _local4:Rectangle = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root);
var _local5:Rectangle = new Rectangle();
_local5.x = Math.max(_local3.x, _local4.x);
_local5.y = Math.max(_local3.y, _local4.y);
_local5.width = Math.min(((_local3.x + _local3.width) - _local5.x), ((_local4.x + _local4.width) - _local5.x));
_local5.height = Math.min(((_local3.y + _local3.height) - _local5.y), ((_local4.y + _local4.height) - _local5.y));
return (_local5);
Section 36
//impact1_sound (impact1_sound)
package {
public dynamic class impact1_sound extends Sound {
Section 37
//impact2_sound (impact2_sound)
package {
public dynamic class impact2_sound extends Sound {
Section 38
//jeep_sound (jeep_sound)
package {
public dynamic class jeep_sound extends Sound {
Section 39
//LockedNotice (LockedNotice)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class LockedNotice extends MovieClip {
Section 40
//LogoFly (LogoFly)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class LogoFly extends MovieClip {
public function LogoFly(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 41
//LogoSpin (LogoSpin)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class LogoSpin extends MovieClip {
Section 42
//man1 (man1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class man1 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
public function man1(){
addFrameScript(20, frame21, 44, frame45, 81, frame82, 82, frame83);
function frame82(){
function frame83(){
function frame21(){
function frame45(){
Section 43
//man2 (man2)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class man2 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
public function man2(){
addFrameScript(20, frame21, 44, frame45, 81, frame82, 82, frame83);
function frame82(){
function frame83(){
function frame21(){
function frame45(){
Section 44
//man3 (man3)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class man3 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
public function man3(){
addFrameScript(20, frame21, 44, frame45, 81, frame82, 82, frame83);
function frame82(){
function frame83(){
function frame21(){
function frame45(){
Section 45
//man4 (man4)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class man4 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
public function man4(){
addFrameScript(20, frame21, 44, frame45, 81, frame82, 82, frame83);
function frame82(){
function frame83(){
function frame21(){
function frame45(){
Section 46
//man5 (man5)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class man5 extends MovieClip {
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var prevhitobj:MovieClip;
public function man5(){
addFrameScript(20, frame21, 44, frame45, 81, frame82, 82, frame83);
function frame82(){
function frame83(){
function frame21(){
function frame45(){
Section 47
//mini_target (mini_target)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mini_target extends MovieClip {
public function mini_target(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4);
function frame1(){
function frame2(){
function frame3(){
function frame4(){
Section 48
//motor_sound (motor_sound)
package {
public dynamic class motor_sound extends Sound {
Section 49
//npcCar (npcCar)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class npcCar extends MovieClip {
private const _MAXSPEED:Number = 3;
private const REASON_NODEOCCUPIED:Number = 3;
private const REASON_COLLISION:Number = 1;
private const REASON_NOFREEPLACE:Number = 2;
public var prevhit:MovieClip;
private var _slowstart:Boolean;
private var _ox:Number;
private var _oy:Number;
private var _stopped:Boolean;
private var _a1:Number;
private var _car:MovieClip;
private var _main:Object;
private var _xp:Number;
private var _a2:Number;
public var checkPlayer:Boolean;
private var _pos:Object;
public var hitobj:MovieClip;
private var _nxp:Number;
private var _dx:Number;
private var _dy:Number;
private var _yp:Number;
public var gridStopped:Boolean;
private var _nyp:Number;
private var _speed:Number;
private var _nextpos:Object;
private var _dir:Number;
private var _axp:Number;
private var _rad:Number;
private var _slowstop:Boolean;
private var _d:Number;
private var _places:npcCarPlaces;
private var _stopreason:Number;
private var _t:Number;
private var _ayp:Number;
public function npcCar(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Object, _arg3:npcCarPlaces){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
_main = _arg2;
_places = _arg3;
switch (Math.round((Math.random() * 7))){
case 0:
_car = new car01();
case 1:
_car = new car02();
case 2:
_car = new car03();
case 3:
_car = new car04();
case 4:
_car = new car05();
case 5:
_car = new car06();
case 6:
_car = new car07();
case 7:
_car = new car08();
_speed = _MAXSPEED;
_pos = _places.getRandomPlace();
if (_pos.node != 0){
if (!_places.isNodeOccupied(_pos.node)){
} else {
var _local4:Number = 0;
if ( > 1){
_local4 = Math.round((Math.random() * ( - 1)));
_nextpos = _places.getPlace([_local4].id);
_dir = (_nextpos.rot - _pos.rot);
if (_dir > 100){
_dir = (_dir - 360);
if (_dir < -100){
_dir = (_dir + 360);
_xp = _pos.xp;
_yp = _pos.yp;
_nxp = _nextpos.xp;
_nyp = _nextpos.yp;
_axp = _xp;
_ayp = _yp;
this.x = (_axp + _arg1.x);
this.y = (_ayp + _arg1.y);
this.rotation = _pos.rot;
_t = 0;
hitobj = _car.hitobject;
hitobj.visible = false;
prevhit = _car.prevhitobj;
prevhit.visible = false;
_stopped = false;
_slowstop = false;
_slowstart = false;
_stopreason = 0;
checkPlayer = false;
gridStopped = false;
private function getNewTarget():void{
var _local1:Object;
var _local2:Array;
if (_places.isNodeOccupied(_pos.node)){
_local1 = _pos;
_pos = _nextpos;
if (_pos.node != 0){
if (!_places.isNodeOccupied(_pos.node)){
} else {
var _local3:Number = 0;
_local2 = new Array();
var _local4:Number = 0;
while (_local4 < {
if (!_places.isOccupied([_local4].id)){
if (_local2.length == 0){
if ( > 1){
_local3 = Math.round((Math.random() * ( - 1)));
_nextpos = _places.getPlace([_local3].id);
} else {
if (_local2.length > 1){
_local3 = Math.round((Math.random() * (_local2.length - 1)));
_nextpos = _places.getPlace(_local2[_local3]);
_dir = (_nextpos.rot - _pos.rot);
if (_dir > 100){
_dir = (_dir - 360);
if (_dir < -100){
_dir = (_dir + 360);
_xp = _pos.xp;
_yp = _pos.yp;
_nxp = _nextpos.xp;
_nyp = _nextpos.yp;
private function calcVars():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
if (_dir == 0){
_dx = (_nxp - _xp);
_dy = (_nyp - _yp);
_d = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(_dx, 2) + Math.pow(_dy, 2)));
} else {
_local1 = 0.25;
if (Math.abs(_dir) < 90){
_local1 = 0.125;
if (_dir < 0){
_local1 = (1 - _local1);
_ox = ((_xp + _nxp) / 2);
_oy = ((_yp + _nyp) / 2);
_dx = (_nxp - _xp);
_dy = (_nyp - _yp);
_d = Math.sqrt(((_dx * _dx) + (_dy * _dy)));
_local2 = (_d / 2);
_local3 = (_local2 / Math.tan((_local1 * Math.PI)));
_rad = (_local2 / Math.sin((_local1 * Math.PI)));
_local4 = (Math.atan2(_dy, _dx) + (Math.PI / 2));
_ox = (_ox + (Math.cos(_local4) * _local3));
_oy = (_oy + (Math.sin(_local4) * _local3));
_a1 = Math.atan2((_yp - _oy), (_xp - _ox));
_a2 = Math.atan2((_nyp - _oy), (_nxp - _ox));
if (_dir > 0){
if (_a2 < _a1){
_a2 = (_a2 + (Math.PI * 2));
} else {
if (_a1 < _a2){
_a1 = (_a1 + (Math.PI * 2));
_d = (_rad * Math.abs((_a2 - _a1)));
public function startThis(_arg1:Number):void{
if (_stopreason != _arg1){
_stopped = false;
_stopreason = 0;
_slowstop = false;
gridStopped = false;
public function slowStop():void{
_slowstart = false;
_slowstop = true;
public function getStopped():Boolean{
return (_slowstop);
public function stopThis():void{
_stopped = true;
_stopreason = REASON_COLLISION;
public function isStopped():Boolean{
return (_stopped);
public function isMoving():Boolean{
if (((!(_slowstop)) && (!(_stopped)))){
return (true);
return (false);
public function updateNpcCar(_arg1:Point):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Boolean;
var _local5:Number;
var _local6:Number;
var _local7:Number;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Number;
if (!_stopped){
if (_slowstop){
_speed = (_speed - 0.6);
if (_speed < 0){
_speed = 0;
_stopped = true;
if (_slowstart){
_speed = (_speed + 0.4);
if (_speed > _MAXSPEED){
_speed = _MAXSPEED;
_slowstart = false;
if (_t > 1){
_t = (_t - 1);
_t = (_d * _t);
_t = (_t / _d);
if (_dir == 0){
_axp = (_xp + (_dx * _t));
_ayp = (_yp + (_dy * _t));
this.rotation = _pos.rot;
} else {
_local6 = (_a1 + ((_a2 - _a1) * _t));
_axp = (_ox + (Math.cos(_local6) * _rad));
_ayp = (_oy + (Math.sin(_local6) * _rad));
this.rotation = (_pos.rot + (_dir * _t));
_t = (_t + (_speed / _d));
} else {
if (_stopreason == REASON_NODEOCCUPIED){
if (!_places.isNodeOccupied(_pos.node)){
_local2 = this.x;
_local3 = this.y;
this.x = (_axp + _arg1.x);
this.y = (_ayp + _arg1.y);
if (((checkPlayer) && (!(_stopped)))){
_local4 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(prevhit, _main._player.hitobj, 1);
if (_local4){
if (!_slowstop){
_local4 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _main._player.hitobj, 1);
if (_local4){
_local7 = (this.x - _local2);
_local8 = (this.y - _local3);
_local9 = 0;
_local10 = 0;
_local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < 2) {
_local7 = (_local7 / 2);
_local8 = (_local8 / 2);
_local9 = (_local9 + _local7);
_local10 = (_local10 + _local8);
this.x = (_local2 + _local9);
this.y = (_local3 + _local10);
_local4 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _main._player.hitobj, 1);
if (_local4){
_local9 = (_local9 - _local7);
_local10 = (_local10 - _local8);
public function slowStart():void{
_stopped = false;
_slowstop = false;
_slowstart = true;
gridStopped = false;
_stopreason = 0;
function frame1(){
Section 50
//npcCarPlaces (npcCarPlaces)
package {
public class npcCarPlaces {
private var _places:Array;
private var _nodes:Array;
private var _main:Object;
public function npcCarPlaces(_arg1:Object){
var _local3:Number;
_main = _arg1;
_places = new Array({id:1, xp:451, yp:404, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:19})}, {id:2, xp:451, yp:561, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:46}, {id:1}, {id:43})}, {id:3, xp:409, yp:369, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:43}, {id:4}, {id:46})}, {id:4, xp:409, yp:526, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:6})}, {id:5, xp:451, yp:691, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:2})}, {id:6, xp:409, yp:656, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:55}, {id:698}, {id:58})}, {id:7, xp:163, yp:561, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:50}, {id:47})}, {id:8, xp:121, yp:526, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:10})}, {id:9, xp:163, yp:691, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:7})}, {id:10, xp:121, yp:656, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:59}, {id:702}, {id:62})}, {id:11, xp:739, yp:561, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:42}, {id:15})}, {id:12, xp:697, yp:526, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:30})}, {id:13, xp:-125, yp:691, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:31})}, {id:14, xp:-167, yp:656, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:63}, {id:722}, {id:830})}, {id:15, xp:739, yp:404, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:17})}, {id:16, xp:697, yp:369, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:12}, {id:42})}, {id:17, xp:739, yp:273, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:79})}, {id:18, xp:697, yp:238, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:16})}, {id:19, xp:451, yp:-16, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:21}, {id:67})}, {id:20, xp:409, yp:-51, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:3})}, {id:21, xp:451, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:23})}, {id:22, xp:409, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:20}, {id:67})}, {id:23, xp:451, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:94}, {id:71})}, {id:24, xp:409, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:22})}, {id:25, xp:739, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:27})}, {id:26, xp:697, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:66})}, {id:27, xp:739, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:70}, {id:133}, {id:75})}, {id:28, xp:697, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:26})}, {id:29, xp:739, yp:633, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:11})}, {id:30, xp:697, yp:589, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:82})}, {id:31, xp:-125, yp:628, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:85})}, {id:32, xp:-167, yp:582, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:14})}, {id:33, xp:1027, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:35})}, {id:34, xp:985, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:163}, {id:40})}, {id:35, xp:1027, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:74}, {id:141}, {id:155})}, {id:36, xp:985, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:34})}, {id:37, xp:1027, yp:114, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:39})}, {id:38, xp:985, yp:79, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:171}, {id:78})}, {id:39, xp:1027, yp:-16, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:33}, {id:163})}, {id:40, xp:985, yp:-51, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:38})}, {id:41, xp:619, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:15}, {id:12})}, {id:42, xp:654, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:44})}, {id:43, xp:492, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:41})}, {id:44, xp:527, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:4}, {id:46}, {id:1})}, {id:45, xp:332, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:1}, {id:43}, {id:4})}, {id:46, xp:367, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:48})}, {id:47, xp:205, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:45})}, {id:48, xp:240, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:8}, {id:50})}, {id:49, xp:45, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:47}, {id:8})}, {id:50, xp:80, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:52})}, {id:51, xp:-16, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:49})}, {id:52, xp:7, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:88})}, {id:53, xp:564, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:83})}, {id:54, xp:588, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:56})}, {id:55, xp:492, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:53})}, {id:56, xp:527, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:698}, {id:58}, {id:5})}, {id:57, xp:332, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:5}, {id:55}, {id:698})}, {id:58, xp:367, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:60})}, {id:59, xp:205, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:57})}, {id:60, xp:240, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:702}, {id:62}, {id:9})}, {id:61, xp:43, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:9}, {id:59}, {id:702})}, {id:62, xp:78, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:64})}, {id:63, xp:-84, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:61})}, {id:64, xp:-49, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:722}, {id:830}, {id:13})}, {id:65, xp:619, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:25})}, {id:66, xp:654, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:68})}, {id:67, xp:492, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:65})}, {id:68, xp:527, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:20}, {id:21})}, {id:69, xp:619, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:133}, {id:75}, {id:28})}, {id:70, xp:654, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:72})}, {id:71, xp:492, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:69})}, {id:72, xp:527, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:24}, {id:94})}, {id:73, xp:909, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:141}, {id:155}, {id:36})}, {id:74, xp:944, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:76})}, {id:75, xp:782, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:73})}, {id:76, xp:817, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:28}, {id:70}, {id:133})}, {id:77, xp:909, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:37}, {id:171})}, {id:78, xp:944, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:80})}, {id:79, xp:782, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:77})}, {id:80, xp:817, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:18})}, {id:81, xp:702.45, yp:685.25, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:29})}, {id:82, xp:692.5, yp:635.8, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:84})}, {id:83, xp:626.95, yp:760.75, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:81})}, {id:84, xp:627, yp:701.3, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:54})}, {id:85, xp:-118.5, yp:577.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:87})}, {id:86, xp:-128.45, yp:528.1, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:32})}, {id:87, xp:-55.5, yp:514.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:51})}, {id:88, xp:-55.45, yp:455.1, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:86})}, {id:89, xp:163, yp:-231, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:91})}, {id:90, xp:121, yp:-276, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:218})}, {id:91, xp:163, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:102}, {id:121}, {id:95})}, {id:92, xp:121, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:90})}, {id:93, xp:331, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:71}, {id:24})}, {id:94, xp:366, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:96})}, {id:95, xp:204, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:93})}, {id:96, xp:239, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:92}, {id:102}, {id:121})}, {id:97, xp:-125, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:99})}, {id:98, xp:-167, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:211}, {id:408}, {id:214})}, {id:99, xp:-125, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:110}, {id:113}, {id:103})}, {id:100, xp:-167, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:98})}, {id:101, xp:43, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:121}, {id:95}, {id:92})}, {id:102, xp:78, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:104})}, {id:103, xp:-84, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:101})}, {id:104, xp:-49, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:100}, {id:110}, {id:113})}, {id:105, xp:-413, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:107})}, {id:106, xp:-455, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:215}, {id:402})}, {id:107, xp:-413, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:430}, {id:421}, {id:111})}, {id:108, xp:-455, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:106})}, {id:109, xp:-245, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:113}, {id:103}, {id:100})}, {id:110, xp:-210, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:112})}, {id:111, xp:-372, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:109})}, {id:112, xp:-337, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:108}, {id:430}, {id:421})}, {id:113, xp:-125, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:115})}, {id:114, xp:-167, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:103}, {id:100}, {id:110})}, {id:115, xp:-125, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:189}, {id:119})}, {id:116, xp:-167, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:114})}, {id:117, xp:43, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:197}, {id:127}, {id:124})}, {id:118, xp:78, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:120})}, {id:119, xp:-84, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:117})}, {id:120, xp:-49, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:116}, {id:189})}, {id:121, xp:163, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:123})}, {id:122, xp:121, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:95}, {id:92}, {id:102})}, {id:123, xp:163, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:118}, {id:197}, {id:127})}, {id:124, xp:121, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:122})}, {id:125, xp:331, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:205}, {id:131})}, {id:126, xp:366, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:128})}, {id:127, xp:204, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:125})}, {id:128, xp:239, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:124}, {id:118}, {id:197})}, {id:129, xp:619, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:177}, {id:139}, {id:136})}, {id:130, xp:654, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:132})}, {id:131, xp:492, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:129})}, {id:132, xp:527, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:126}, {id:205})}, {id:133, xp:739, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:135})}, {id:134, xp:697, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:75}, {id:28}, {id:70})}, {id:135, xp:739, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:130}, {id:177}, {id:139})}, {id:136, xp:697, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:134})}, {id:137, xp:909, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:147}, {id:144})}, {id:138, xp:944, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:140})}, {id:139, xp:782, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:137})}, {id:140, xp:817, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:136}, {id:130}, {id:177})}, {id:141, xp:1027, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:143})}, {id:142, xp:985, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:155}, {id:36}, {id:74})}, {id:143, xp:1027, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:138}, {id:147})}, {id:144, xp:985, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:142})}, {id:145, xp:1197, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:185}, {id:223}, {id:152})}, {id:146, xp:1232, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:148})}, {id:147, xp:1070, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:145})}, {id:148, xp:1105, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:144}, {id:138})}, {id:149, xp:1315, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:151})}, {id:150, xp:1273, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:231}, {id:160}, {id:154})}, {id:151, xp:1315, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:146}, {id:185}, {id:223})}, {id:152, xp:1273, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:150})}, {id:153, xp:1197, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:149}, {id:231}, {id:160})}, {id:154, xp:1232, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:156})}, {id:155, xp:1070, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:153})}, {id:156, xp:1105, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:36}, {id:74}, {id:141})}, {id:157, xp:1315, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:159})}, {id:158, xp:1273, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:239}, {id:168}, {id:162})}, {id:159, xp:1315, yp:-304, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:154}, {id:149}, {id:231})}, {id:160, xp:1273, yp:-339, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:158})}, {id:161, xp:1197, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:157}, {id:239}, {id:168})}, {id:162, xp:1232, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:164})}, {id:163, xp:1070, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:161})}, {id:164, xp:1105, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:40}, {id:33})}, {id:165, xp:1315, yp:114, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:167})}, {id:166, xp:1273, yp:79, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:247}, {id:176}, {id:170})}, {id:167, xp:1315, yp:-16, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:162}, {id:157}, {id:239})}, {id:168, xp:1273, yp:-51, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:166})}, {id:169, xp:1197, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:165}, {id:247}, {id:176})}, {id:170, xp:1232, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:172})}, {id:171, xp:1070, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:169})}, {id:172, xp:1105, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:78}, {id:37})}, {id:173, xp:1315, yp:402, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:175})}, {id:174, xp:1273, yp:367, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:531}, {id:528}, {id:522})}, {id:175, xp:1315, yp:272, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:170}, {id:165}, {id:247})}, {id:176, xp:1273, yp:237, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:174})}, {id:177, xp:739, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:179})}, {id:178, xp:697, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:139}, {id:136}, {id:130})}, {id:179, xp:739, yp:-880, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:181})}, {id:180, xp:697, yp:-915, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:178})}, {id:181, xp:782, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:183})}, {id:182, xp:817, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:180})}, {id:183, xp:1197, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:287}, {id:188})}, {id:184, xp:1232, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:182})}, {id:185, xp:1315, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:187})}, {id:186, xp:1273, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:223}, {id:152}, {id:146})}, {id:187, xp:1315, yp:-880, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:184}, {id:287})}, {id:188, xp:1273, yp:-915, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:186})}, {id:189, xp:-125, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:191})}, {id:190, xp:-167, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:119}, {id:116})}, {id:191, xp:-125, yp:-880, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:310}, {id:195})}, {id:192, xp:-167, yp:-915, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:190})}, {id:193, xp:43, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:203}, {id:200})}, {id:194, xp:78, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:196})}, {id:195, xp:-84, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:193})}, {id:196, xp:-49, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:192}, {id:310})}, {id:197, xp:163, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:199})}, {id:198, xp:121, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:127}, {id:124}, {id:118})}, {id:199, xp:163, yp:-880, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:194}, {id:203})}, {id:200, xp:121, yp:-915, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:198})}, {id:201, xp:266, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:293})}, {id:202, xp:311, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:204})}, {id:203, xp:204, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:201})}, {id:204, xp:239, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:200}, {id:194})}, {id:205, xp:451, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:207})}, {id:206, xp:409, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:131}, {id:126})}, {id:207, xp:451, yp:-821, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:296})}, {id:208, 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next:new Array({id:238}, {id:233})}, {id:244, xp:1561, yp:-51, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:242})}, {id:245, xp:1485, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:241}, {id:275}, {id:252})}, {id:246, xp:1520, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:248})}, {id:247, xp:1358, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:245})}, {id:248, xp:1393, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:176}, {id:170}, {id:165})}, {id:249, xp:1603, yp:402, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:251})}, {id:250, xp:1561, yp:367, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:535}, {id:530})}, {id:251, xp:1603, yp:272, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:246}, {id:241}, {id:275})}, {id:252, xp:1561, yp:237, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:250})}, {id:253, xp:1603, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:0xFF})}, {id:254, xp:1561, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:259}, {id:228}, {id:222})}, {id:0xFF, xp:1603, yp:-880, 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node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:319})}, {id:316, xp:-1607, yp:-915, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:314})}, {id:317, xp:-1397, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:324})}, {id:318, xp:-1362, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:320})}, {id:319, xp:-1524, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:317})}, {id:320, xp:-1489, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:316})}, {id:321, xp:-1277, yp:-750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:323})}, {id:322, xp:-1319, yp:-785, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:351}, {id:336}, {id:330})}, {id:323, xp:-1277, yp:-880, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:318})}, {id:324, xp:-1319, yp:-915, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:322})}, {id:325, xp:-1565, yp:-174, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:327})}, {id:326, xp:-1607, yp:-209, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:383}, {id:380})}, {id:327, xp:-1565, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:313}, {id:331})}, {id:328, xp:-1607, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:326})}, {id:329, xp:-1397, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:321}, {id:351}, {id:336})}, {id:330, xp:-1362, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:332})}, {id:331, xp:-1524, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:329})}, {id:332, xp:-1489, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:328}, {id:313})}, {id:333, xp:-1277, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:335})}, {id:334, xp:-1319, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:363}, {id:356})}, {id:335, xp:-1277, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:330}, {id:321}, {id:351})}, {id:336, xp:-1319, yp:-627, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:334})}, {id:337, xp:-989, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:339})}, {id:338, xp:-1031, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:360}, {id:362})}, {id:339, xp:-989, yp:-592, node:0, occ:0, 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node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:400})}, {id:399, xp:-1236, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:397})}, {id:400, xp:-1201, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:385})}, {id:401, xp:-533, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:105}, {id:215})}, {id:402, xp:-498, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:404})}, {id:403, xp:-660, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:401})}, {id:404, xp:-625, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:376}, {id:370})}, {id:405, xp:-125, yp:114, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:407})}, {id:406, xp:-167, yp:79, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:410})}, {id:407, xp:-125, yp:-16, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:214}, {id:97}, {id:211})}, {id:408, xp:-167, yp:-51, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:406})}, {id:409, xp:-245, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:405})}, {id:410, xp:-210, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:412})}, {id:411, xp:-660, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:409})}, {id:412, xp:-625, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:416}, {id:373})}, {id:413, xp:-701, yp:403, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:415})}, {id:414, xp:-743, yp:368, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:795}, {id:792}, {id:786})}, {id:415, xp:-701, yp:273, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:373}, {id:411})}, {id:416, xp:-743, yp:238, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:414})}, {id:417, xp:-598, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:425})}, {id:418, xp:-553, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:420})}, {id:419, xp:-660, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:417})}, {id:420, xp:-625, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:348}, {id:342}, {id:305})}, {id:421, xp:-413, yp:-462, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:423})}, {id:422, xp:-455, yp:-497, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:111}, {id:108}, {id:430})}, {id:423, xp:-413, yp:-533, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:428})}, {id:424, xp:-455, yp:-558, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:422})}, {id:425, xp:-547.7, yp:-660.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:427})}, {id:426, xp:-499.25, yp:-671.45, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:418})}, {id:427, xp:-483.7, yp:-596.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:424})}, {id:428, xp:-423.25, yp:-595.45, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:426})}, {id:429, xp:-533, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:421}, {id:111}, {id:108})}, {id:430, xp:-498, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:432})}, {id:431, xp:-604, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:429})}, {id:432, xp:-559, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:435})}, {id:433, xp:-671.75, yp:-491.95, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:345})}, {id:434, xp:-732.2, yp:-493, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new 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occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:460})}, {id:459, xp:1934, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:457})}, {id:460, xp:1969, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:280}, {id:274}, {id:269})}, {id:461, xp:2349, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:485}, {id:476})}, {id:462, xp:2384, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:464})}, {id:463, xp:2222, yp:-91, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:461})}, {id:464, xp:2257, yp:-133, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:454}, {id:449})}, {id:465, xp:2349, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:473}, {id:480})}, {id:466, xp:2384, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:468})}, {id:467, xp:2222, yp:197, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:465})}, {id:468, xp:2257, yp:155, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:472}, {id:458})}, {id:469, xp:2179, yp:402, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:471})}, {id:470, xp:2137, yp:367, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:547}, {id:542})}, {id:471, xp:2179, yp:272, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:458}, {id:467})}, {id:472, xp:2137, yp:237, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:470})}, {id:473, xp:2467, yp:114, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:475})}, {id:474, xp:2425, yp:79, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:480}, {id:466})}, {id:475, xp:2467, yp:-16, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:462}, {id:485})}, {id:476, xp:2425, yp:-51, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:474})}, {id:477, xp:2467, yp:402, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:479})}, {id:478, xp:2425, yp:367, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:552}, {id:546})}, {id:479, xp:2467, yp:272, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:466}, {id:473})}, {id:480, xp:2425, yp:237, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:478})}, {id:481, xp:2282, yp:-379, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:489})}, {id:482, xp:2327, yp:-421, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:484})}, 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yp:-807, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:493})}, {id:496, xp:2425, yp:-851, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:502})}, {id:497, xp:2292, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:503})}, {id:498, xp:2316, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:500})}, {id:499, xp:2220, yp:-667, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:497})}, {id:500, xp:2255, yp:-709, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:448}, {id:438}, {id:505})}, {id:501, xp:2430.45, yp:-754.75, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:495})}, {id:502, xp:2420.5, yp:-804.2, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:504})}, {id:503, xp:2354.95, yp:-679.25, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:501})}, {id:504, xp:2355, yp:-738.7, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:498})}, {id:505, xp:2179, yp:-749, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:507})}, {id:506, xp:2137, yp:-784, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:499}, {id:448}, {id:438})}, {id:507, xp:2179, yp:-812, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:513})}, {id:508, xp:2137, yp:-858, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:506})}, {id:509, xp:2349, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:494})}, {id:510, xp:2384, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:0x0200})}, {id:511, xp:2288, yp:-955, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:509})}, {id:0x0200, xp:2311, yp:-997, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:516})}, {id:513, xp:2185.5, yp:-862.45, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:515})}, {id:0x0202, xp:2175.55, yp:-911.9, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:508})}, {id:515, xp:2248.5, yp:-925.45, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:511})}, {id:516, xp:2248.55, yp:-984.9, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:0x0202})}, {id:517, xp:1027, yp:690, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:519})}, {id:518, xp:985, yp:655, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:559}, {id:556})}, {id:519, xp:1027, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new 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next:new Array({id:541})}, {id:544, xp:1969, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:540}, {id:534}, {id:277})}, {id:545, xp:2349, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:477}, {id:552})}, {id:546, xp:2384, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:548})}, {id:547, xp:2222, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:545})}, {id:548, xp:2257, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:542}, {id:469})}, {id:549, xp:2467, yp:690, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:551})}, {id:550, xp:2425, yp:655, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:596}, {id:586})}, {id:551, xp:2467, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:546}, {id:477})}, {id:552, xp:2425, yp:525, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:550})}, {id:553, xp:1027, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:555})}, {id:554, xp:985, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:623}, {id:620})}, {id:555, xp:1027, yp:848, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:517}, {id:559})}, {id:556, xp:985, yp:813, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:554})}, {id:557, xp:1197, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:525}, {id:567}, {id:564})}, {id:558, xp:1232, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:560})}, {id:559, xp:1070, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:557})}, {id:560, xp:1105, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:556}, {id:517})}, {id:561, xp:1315, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:563})}, {id:562, xp:1273, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:627}, {id:622})}, {id:563, xp:1315, yp:848, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:558}, {id:525}, {id:567})}, {id:564, xp:1273, yp:813, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:562})}, {id:565, xp:1418, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:573})}, {id:566, xp:1463, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:568})}, {id:567, xp:1356, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:565})}, {id:568, xp:1391, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:564}, {id:558}, {id:525})}, {id:569, xp:1603, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:571})}, {id:570, xp:1561, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:635}, {id:632}, {id:626})}, {id:571, xp:1603, yp:907, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:576})}, {id:572, xp:1561, yp:882, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:570})}, {id:573, xp:1468.3, yp:779.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:575})}, {id:574, xp:1516.75, yp:768.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:566})}, {id:575, xp:1532.3, yp:843.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:572})}, {id:576, xp:1592.75, yp:844.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:574})}, {id:577, xp:1891, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:579})}, {id:578, xp:1849, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:603}, {id:600}, {id:634})}, {id:579, xp:1891, yp:848, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new 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rot:90, next:new Array({id:601})}, {id:604, xp:1969, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:600}, {id:634}, {id:577})}, {id:605, xp:2349, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:593}, {id:616})}, {id:606, xp:2384, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:608})}, {id:607, xp:2222, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:605})}, {id:608, xp:2257, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:612}, {id:602}, {id:589})}, {id:609, xp:2179, yp:1266, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:611})}, {id:610, xp:2137, yp:1231, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:647}, {id:652}, {id:642})}, {id:611, xp:2179, yp:1136, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:602}, {id:589}, {id:607})}, {id:612, xp:2137, yp:1101, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:610})}, {id:613, xp:2467, yp:1266, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:615})}, {id:614, xp:2425, yp:1231, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:686}, {id:646})}, {id:615, xp:2467, yp:1136, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:606}, {id:593})}, {id:616, xp:2425, yp:1101, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:614})}, {id:617, xp:1027, yp:1266, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:619})}, {id:618, xp:985, yp:1231, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:671}, {id:668}, {id:762})}, {id:619, xp:1027, yp:1136, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:553}, {id:623})}, {id:620, xp:985, yp:1101, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:618})}, {id:621, xp:1197, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:561}, {id:627})}, {id:622, xp:1232, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:624})}, {id:623, xp:1070, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:621})}, {id:624, xp:1105, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:620}, {id:553})}, {id:625, xp:1485, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:569}, {id:635}, {id:632})}, {id:626, xp:1520, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:628})}, 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Array({id:682})}, {id:639, xp:1891, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:662}, {id:597}, {id:643})}, {id:640, xp:1849, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:638})}, {id:641, xp:2061, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:609}, {id:647}, {id:652})}, {id:642, xp:2096, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:644})}, {id:643, xp:1934, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:641})}, {id:644, xp:1969, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:640}, {id:662}, {id:597})}, {id:645, xp:2349, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:613}, {id:686})}, {id:646, xp:2384, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:648})}, {id:647, xp:2222, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:645})}, {id:648, xp:2257, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:652}, {id:642}, {id:609})}, {id:649, xp:2179, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:651})}, {id:650, xp:2137, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:691})}, {id:651, xp:2179, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:642}, {id:609}, {id:647})}, {id:652, xp:2137, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:650})}, {id:653, xp:1485, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:629}, {id:663}, {id:660})}, {id:654, xp:1520, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:656})}, {id:655, xp:1358, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:653})}, {id:656, xp:1393, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:676}, {id:670})}, {id:657, xp:1603, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:659})}, {id:658, xp:1561, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:683}, {id:678})}, {id:659, xp:1603, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:654}, {id:629}, {id:663})}, {id:660, xp:1561, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:658})}, {id:661, xp:1773, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:597}, {id:643}, {id:640})}, {id:662, xp:1808, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:664})}, {id:663, xp:1646, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:661})}, {id:664, xp:1681, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:660}, {id:654}, {id:629})}, {id:665, xp:1027, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:667})}, {id:666, xp:985, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:766})}, {id:667, xp:1027, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:762}, {id:617}, {id:671})}, {id:668, xp:985, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:666})}, {id:669, xp:1197, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:655}, {id:676})}, {id:670, xp:1232, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:672})}, {id:671, xp:1070, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:669})}, {id:672, xp:1105, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:668}, {id:762}, {id:617})}, {id:673, xp:1315, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:675})}, {id:674, xp:1273, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:679})}, {id:675, xp:1315, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:670}, {id:655})}, {id:676, xp:1273, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:674})}, {id:677, xp:1485, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:657}, {id:683})}, {id:678, xp:1520, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:680})}, {id:679, xp:1358, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:677})}, {id:680, xp:1393, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:673})}, {id:681, xp:1773, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:637})}, {id:682, xp:1808, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:684})}, {id:683, xp:1646, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:681})}, {id:684, xp:1681, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:678}, {id:657})}, {id:685, xp:2467, yp:1425, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:646}, {id:613})}, {id:686, xp:2425, yp:1390, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:688})}, {id:687, xp:2467, yp:1497, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:685})}, {id:688, xp:2425, yp:1453, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:694})}, {id:689, xp:2292, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:695})}, {id:690, xp:2316, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:692})}, {id:691, xp:2220, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:689})}, {id:692, xp:2255, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:649})}, {id:693, xp:2430.45, yp:1549.25, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:687})}, {id:694, xp:2420.5, yp:1499.8, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:696})}, {id:695, xp:2354.95, yp:1624.75, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:693})}, {id:696, xp:2355, yp:1565.3, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:690})}, {id:697, xp:451, yp:849, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:58}, {id:5}, {id:55})}, {id:698, xp:409, yp:814, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:700})}, 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node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:709})}, {id:712, xp:121, yp:1165, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:718})}, {id:713, xp:-12, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:719})}, {id:714, xp:12, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:716})}, {id:715, xp:-84, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:713})}, {id:716, xp:-49, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:778}, {id:866})}, {id:717, xp:126.45, yp:1261.25, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:711})}, {id:718, xp:116.5, yp:1211.8, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:720})}, {id:719, xp:50.95, yp:1336.75, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:717})}, {id:720, xp:51, yp:1277.3, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:714})}, {id:721, xp:-125, yp:849, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:830}, {id:13}, {id:63})}, {id:722, xp:-167, yp:814, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:724})}, {id:723, xp:-125, yp:921, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:721})}, {id:724, xp:-167, yp:877, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:730})}, {id:725, xp:-300, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:731})}, {id:726, xp:-276, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:728})}, {id:727, xp:-372, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:725})}, {id:728, xp:-337, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:825})}, {id:729, xp:-161.55, yp:973.25, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:723})}, {id:730, xp:-171.5, yp:923.8, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:732})}, {id:731, xp:-237.05, yp:1048.75, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:729})}, {id:732, xp:-237, yp:989.3, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:726})}, {id:733, xp:554, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:741})}, {id:734, xp:599, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:736})}, {id:735, xp:492, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:733})}, {id:736, xp:527, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:706}, {id:699})}, {id:737, xp:739, yp:1266, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:739})}, {id:738, xp:697, yp:1231, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:763}, {id:760}, {id:750})}, {id:739, xp:739, yp:1195, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:744})}, {id:740, xp:697, yp:1170, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:738})}, {id:741, xp:604.3, yp:1067.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:743})}, {id:742, xp:652.75, yp:1056.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:734})}, {id:743, xp:668.3, yp:1131.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:740})}, {id:744, xp:728.75, yp:1132.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:742})}, {id:745, xp:451, yp:1555, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:747})}, {id:746, xp:409, yp:1520, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:0x0303}, {id:774})}, {id:747, xp:451, yp:1492, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:753})}, {id:748, xp:409, yp:1446, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:746})}, {id:749, xp:621, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:737}, {id:763}, {id:760})}, {id:750, xp:656, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:752})}, {id:751, xp:560, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:749})}, {id:752, xp:583, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:756})}, {id:753, xp:457.5, yp:1441.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:755})}, {id:754, xp:447.55, yp:1392.1, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:748})}, {id:755, xp:520.5, yp:1378.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:751})}, {id:756, xp:520.55, yp:1319.1, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:754})}, {id:757, xp:739, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:759})}, {id:758, xp:697, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:767}, {id:770})}, {id:759, xp:739, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:750}, {id:737}, {id:763})}, {id:760, xp:697, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:758})}, {id:761, xp:909, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:617}, {id:671}, {id:668})}, {id:762, xp:944, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:764})}, {id:763, xp:782, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:761})}, {id:764, xp:817, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:760}, {id:750}, {id:737})}, {id:765, xp:909, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:665})}, {id:766, xp:944, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:0x0300})}, {id:767, xp:782, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:765})}, {id:0x0300, xp:817, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:770}, {id:757})}, {id:769, xp:621, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:757}, {id:767})}, {id:770, xp:656, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:772})}, {id:0x0303, xp:494, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:769})}, {id:772, xp:529, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:774}, {id:745})}, {id:773, xp:333, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:745}, {id:0x0303})}, {id:774, xp:368, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:780})}, {id:775, xp:-125, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:777})}, {id:776, xp:-167, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:779})}, {id:777, xp:-125, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:866}, {id:715})}, {id:778, xp:-167, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:776})}, {id:779, xp:-82, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:773})}, {id:780, xp:-47, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:775})}, {id:781, xp:-989, yp:690, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:783})}, {id:782, xp:-1031, yp:655, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:815}, {id:812}, {id:838})}, {id:783, xp:-989, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:806}, {id:393}, {id:787})}, {id:784, xp:-1031, yp:525, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:782})}, {id:785, xp:-821, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:413}, {id:795}, {id:792})}, {id:786, xp:-786, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:788})}, {id:787, xp:-948, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:785})}, {id:788, xp:-913, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:784}, {id:806}, {id:393})}, {id:789, xp:-701, yp:690, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:791})}, {id:790, xp:-743, yp:655, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:823}, {id:820}, {id:814})}, {id:791, xp:-701, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:786}, {id:413}, {id:795})}, {id:792, xp:-743, yp:525, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:790})}, {id:793, xp:-533, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:800})}, {id:794, xp:-498, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:796})}, {id:795, xp:-660, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:793})}, {id:796, xp:-625, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:792}, {id:786}, {id:413})}, {id:797, xp:-413, yp:690, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:799})}, {id:798, xp:-455, yp:655, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:831}, {id:828}, {id:822})}, {id:799, xp:-413, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:794})}, {id:800, xp:-455, yp:525, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:798})}, {id:801, xp:-1397, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:807}, {id:836})}, {id:802, xp:-1362, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:804})}, {id:803, xp:-1524, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:801})}, {id:804, xp:-1489, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:924}, {id:377})}, {id:805, xp:-1109, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:393}, {id:787}, {id:784})}, {id:806, xp:-1074, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:808})}, {id:807, xp:-1236, yp:485, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:805})}, {id:808, xp:-1201, yp:443, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:836}, {id:802})}, {id:809, xp:-989, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:811})}, {id:810, xp:-1031, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:847}, {id:878})}, {id:811, xp:-989, yp:848, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:838}, {id:781}, {id:815})}, {id:812, xp:-1031, yp:813, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:810})}, {id:813, xp:-821, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:789}, {id:823}, {id:820})}, {id:814, xp:-786, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:816})}, {id:815, xp:-948, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:813})}, {id:816, xp:-913, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:812}, {id:838}, {id:781})}, {id:817, xp:-701, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:819})}, {id:818, xp:-743, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:852}, {id:846})}, {id:819, xp:-701, yp:848, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:814}, {id:789}, {id:823})}, {id:820, xp:-743, yp:813, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:818})}, {id:821, xp:-533, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:797}, {id:831}, {id:828})}, {id:822, xp:-498, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:824})}, {id:823, xp:-660, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:821})}, {id:824, xp:-625, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:820}, {id:814}, {id:789})}, {id:825, xp:-413, yp:978, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:827})}, {id:826, xp:-455, yp:943, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:727})}, {id:827, xp:-413, yp:848, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:822}, {id:797}, {id:831})}, {id:828, xp:-455, yp:813, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:826})}, {id:829, xp:-245, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:13}, {id:63}, {id:722})}, {id:830, xp:-210, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:832})}, {id:831, xp:-372, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:829})}, {id:832, xp:-337, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:828}, {id:822}, {id:797})}, {id:833, xp:-1277, yp:621, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:835})}, {id:834, xp:-1319, yp:596, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:842})}, {id:835, xp:-1277, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:802}, {id:807})}, {id:836, xp:-1319, yp:525, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:834})}, {id:837, xp:-1109, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:781}, {id:815}, {id:812})}, {id:838, xp:-1074, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:840})}, {id:839, xp:-1180, yp:773, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:837})}, {id:840, xp:-1135, yp:731, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:843})}, {id:841, xp:-1247.75, yp:660.05, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:833})}, {id:842, xp:-1308.2, yp:659, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:844})}, {id:843, xp:-1191.75, yp:716.05, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:841})}, {id:844, xp:-1231.2, yp:736, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:839})}, {id:845, xp:-821, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:817}, {id:852})}, {id:846, xp:-786, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:848})}, {id:847, xp:-948, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:845})}, {id:848, xp:-913, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:878}, {id:809})}, {id:849, xp:-701, yp:1197, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:851})}, {id:850, xp:-743, yp:1172, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:858})}, {id:851, xp:-701, yp:1136, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:846}, {id:817})}, {id:852, xp:-743, yp:1101, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:850})}, {id:853, xp:-533, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:867}, {id:864})}, {id:854, xp:-498, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:856})}, {id:855, xp:-604, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:853})}, {id:856, xp:-559, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:859})}, {id:857, xp:-671.75, yp:1236.05, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:849})}, {id:858, xp:-732.2, yp:1235, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:860})}, {id:859, xp:-615.75, yp:1292.05, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:857})}, {id:860, xp:-655.2, yp:1312, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:855})}, {id:861, xp:-413, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:863})}, {id:862, xp:-455, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:872})}, {id:863, xp:-413, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:854}, {id:867})}, {id:864, xp:-455, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:862})}, {id:865, xp:-245, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:715}, {id:778})}, {id:866, xp:-210, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:868})}, {id:867, xp:-372, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:865})}, {id:868, xp:-337, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:864}, {id:854})}, {id:869, xp:-948, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:871})}, {id:870, xp:-913, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:914}, {id:889})}, {id:871, xp:-533, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:861})}, {id:872, xp:-498, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:870})}, {id:873, xp:-1277, yp:1267, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:875})}, {id:874, xp:-1319, yp:1232, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:887}, {id:908}, {id:902})}, {id:875, xp:-1277, yp:1204, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:881})}, {id:876, xp:-1319, yp:1158, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:874})}, {id:877, xp:-1107, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:809}, {id:847})}, {id:878, xp:-1072, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:880})}, {id:879, xp:-1168, yp:1061, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:877})}, {id:880, xp:-1145, yp:1019, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:884})}, {id:881, xp:-1270.5, yp:1153.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:883})}, {id:882, xp:-1280.45, yp:1104.1, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:876})}, {id:883, xp:-1207.5, yp:1090.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:45, next:new Array({id:879})}, {id:884, xp:-1207.45, yp:1031.1, node:0, occ:0, rot:225, next:new Array({id:882})}, {id:885, xp:-1174, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:893})}, {id:886, xp:-1129, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:888})}, {id:887, xp:-1236, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:885})}, {id:888, xp:-1201, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:908}, {id:902}, {id:873})}, {id:889, xp:-989, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:891})}, {id:890, xp:-1031, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:869}, {id:914})}, {id:891, xp:-989, yp:1483, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:896})}, {id:892, xp:-1031, yp:1458, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:890})}, {id:893, xp:-1123.7, yp:1355.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:895})}, {id:894, xp:-1075.25, yp:1344.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:886})}, {id:895, xp:-1059.7, yp:1419.5, node:0, occ:0, rot:135, next:new Array({id:892})}, {id:896, xp:-999.25, yp:1420.55, node:0, occ:0, rot:315, next:new Array({id:894})}, {id:897, xp:-1565, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:899})}, {id:898, xp:-1607, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:911})}, {id:899, xp:-1565, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:917}, {id:903})}, {id:900, xp:-1607, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:898})}, {id:901, xp:-1397, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:873}, {id:887}, {id:908})}, {id:902, xp:-1362, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:904})}, {id:903, xp:-1524, yp:1349, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:901})}, {id:904, xp:-1489, yp:1307, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:900}, {id:917})}, {id:905, xp:-1277, yp:1554, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:907})}, {id:906, xp:-1319, yp:1519, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:915}, {id:910})}, {id:907, xp:-1277, yp:1424, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:902}, {id:873}, {id:887})}, {id:908, xp:-1319, yp:1389, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:906})}, {id:909, xp:-1397, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:905}, {id:915})}, {id:910, xp:-1362, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:912})}, {id:911, xp:-1524, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:909})}, {id:912, xp:-1489, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:897})}, {id:913, xp:-1109, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:889}, {id:869})}, {id:914, xp:-1074, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:916})}, {id:915, xp:-1236, yp:1637, node:0, occ:0, rot:90, next:new Array({id:913})}, {id:916, xp:-1201, yp:1595, node:0, occ:0, rot:270, next:new Array({id:910}, {id:905})}, {id:917, xp:-1565, yp:1266, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:919})}, {id:918, xp:-1607, yp:1231, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:903}, {id:900})}, {id:919, xp:-1565, yp:1171, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:925})}, {id:920, xp:-1607, yp:1136, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:918})}, {id:921, xp:-1565, yp:660, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:923})}, {id:922, xp:-1607, yp:625, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:928})}, {id:923, xp:-1565, yp:560, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:377}, {id:803})}, {id:924, xp:-1607, yp:525, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:922})}, {id:925, xp:-1555, yp:1077, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:927})}, {id:926, xp:-1617, yp:1042, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:920})}, {id:927, xp:-1555, yp:750, node:0, occ:0, rot:0, next:new Array({id:921})}, {id:928, xp:-1617, yp:715, node:0, occ:0, rot:180, next:new Array({id:926})});
_nodes = new Array({id:1, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:312}, {id:307}, {id:301})}, {id:2, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:196}, {id:191}, {id:309})}, {id:3, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:204}, {id:199}, {id:193})}, {id:4, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:288}, {id:187}, {id:183})}, {id:5, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:292}, {id:0xFF}, {id:285})}, {id:6, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:506}, {id:500}, {id:447}, {id:437})}, {id:7, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:282}, {id:440}, {id:0x0101})}, {id:8, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:254}, {id:260}, {id:227}, {id:221})}, {id:9, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:186}, {id:224}, {id:151}, {id:145})}, {id:10, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:148}, {id:143}, {id:137})}, {id:11, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:178}, {id:140}, {id:135}, {id:129})}, {id:12, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:206}, {id:132}, {id:125})}, {id:13, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:198}, {id:128}, {id:123}, {id:117})}, {id:14, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:190}, {id:120}, {id:115})}, {id:15, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:306}, {id:420}, {id:347}, {id:341})}, {id:16, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:298}, {id:344}, {id:339}, {id:349})}, {id:17, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:332}, {id:352}, {id:335}, {id:329})}, {id:18, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:314}, {id:332}, {id:327})}, {id:19, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:334}, {id:364}, {id:355})}, {id:20, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:338}, {id:359}, {id:361})}, {id:21, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:422}, {id:112}, {id:107}, {id:429})}, {id:22, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:114}, {id:104}, {id:99}, {id:109})}, {id:23, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:122}, {id:96}, {id:91}, {id:101})}, {id:24, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:72}, {id:23}, {id:93})}, {id:25, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:134}, {id:76}, {id:27}, {id:69})}, {id:26, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:142}, {id:156}, {id:35}, {id:73})}, {id:27, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:150}, {id:232}, {id:159}, {id:153})}, {id:28, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:226}, {id:264}, {id:235}, {id:229})}, {id:29, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:444}, {id:267}, {id:261})}, {id:30, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:446}, {id:484}, {id:451}, {id:441})}, {id:31, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:486}, {id:475}, {id:461})}, {id:32, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:450}, {id:464}, {id:453})}, {id:33, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:266}, {id:456}, {id:271})}, {id:34, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:234}, {id:243}, {id:237})}, {id:35, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:158}, {id:240}, {id:167}, {id:161})}, {id:36, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:34}, {id:164}, {id:39})}, {id:37, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:22}, {id:68}, {id:19})}, {id:38, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:98}, {id:212}, {id:407}, {id:213})}, {id:39, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:106}, {id:216}, {id:401})}, {id:40, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:404}, {id:375}, {id:369})}, {id:41, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:358}, {id:372}, {id:367}, {id:389})}, {id:42, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:354}, {id:392}, {id:387}, {id:381})}, {id:43, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:326}, {id:384}, {id:379})}, {id:44, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:366}, {id:395}, {id:397})}, {id:45, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:374}, {id:412}, {id:415})}, {id:46, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:38}, {id:172}, {id:77})}, {id:47, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:166}, {id:248}, {id:175}, {id:169})}, {id:48, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:242}, {id:276}, {id:251}, {id:245})}, {id:49, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:270}, {id:460}, {id:279}, {id:273})}, {id:50, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:468}, {id:471}, {id:457})}, {id:51, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:474}, {id:479}, {id:465})}, {id:52, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:478}, {id:551}, {id:545})}, {id:53, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:470}, {id:548}, {id:541})}, {id:54, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:278}, {id:544}, {id:539}, {id:533})}, {id:55, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:250}, {id:536}, {id:529})}, {id:56, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:174}, {id:532}, {id:527}, {id:521})}, {id:57, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:16}, {id:11}, {id:41})}, {id:58, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:3}, {id:44}, {id:2}, {id:45})}, {id:59, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:48}, {id:7}, {id:49})}, {id:60, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:414}, {id:796}, {id:791}, {id:785})}, {id:61, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:394}, {id:788}, {id:783}, {id:805})}, {id:62, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:808}, {id:835}, {id:801})}, {id:63, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:378}, {id:804}, {id:923})}, {id:64, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:782}, {id:816}, {id:811}, {id:837})}, {id:65, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:790}, {id:824}, {id:819}, {id:813})}, {id:66, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:798}, {id:832}, {id:827}, {id:821})}, {id:67, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:14}, {id:64}, {id:721}, {id:829})}, {id:68, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:10}, {id:60}, {id:701}, {id:61})}, {id:69, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:6}, {id:56}, {id:697}, {id:57})}, {id:70, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:518}, {id:560}, {id:555})}, {id:71, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:526}, {id:568}, {id:563}, {id:557})}, {id:72, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:538}, {id:584}, {id:579})}, {id:73, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:588}, {id:591}, {id:581})}, {id:74, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:550}, {id:595}, {id:585})}, {id:75, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:594}, {id:615}, {id:605})}, {id:76, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:590}, {id:608}, {id:611}, {id:601})}, {id:77, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:578}, {id:604}, {id:599}, {id:633})}, {id:78, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:570}, {id:636}, {id:631}, {id:625})}, {id:79, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:562}, {id:628}, {id:621})}, {id:80, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:554}, {id:624}, {id:619})}, {id:81, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:700}, {id:736}, {id:705})}, {id:82, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:704}, {id:708}, {id:709})}, {id:83, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:818}, {id:851}, {id:845})}, {id:84, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:810}, {id:848}, {id:877})}, {id:85, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:918}, {id:904}, {id:899})}, {id:86, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:874}, {id:888}, {id:907}, {id:901})}, {id:87, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:868}, {id:863}, {id:853})}, {id:88, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:716}, {id:777}, {id:865})}, {id:89, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:738}, {id:764}, {id:759}, {id:749})}, {id:90, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:618}, {id:672}, {id:667}, {id:761})}, {id:91, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:656}, {id:675}, {id:669})}, {id:92, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:630}, {id:664}, {id:659}, {id:653})}, {id:93, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:598}, {id:644}, {id:639}, {id:661})}, {id:94, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:610}, {id:648}, {id:651}, {id:641})}, {id:95, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:614}, {id:685}, {id:645})}, {id:96, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:658}, {id:684}, {id:677})}, {id:97, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:758}, {id:0x0300}, {id:769})}, {id:98, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:746}, {id:772}, {id:773})}, {id:99, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:890}, {id:870}, {id:913})}, {id:100, occ:0, nodes:new Array({id:906}, {id:916}, {id:909})});
var _local2:Number = 0;
while (_local2 < _nodes.length) {
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _nodes[_local2].nodes.length) {
_places[(_nodes[_local2].nodes[_local3].id - 1)].node = _nodes[_local2].id;
public function setNodeOccupied(_arg1:Number):void{
_nodes[(_arg1 - 1)].occ = 1;
public function isOccupied(_arg1:Number):Boolean{
return (!((_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ == 0)));
public function isNodeOccupied(_arg1:Number):Boolean{
if (_arg1 < 1){
return (false);
return (!((_nodes[(_arg1 - 1)].occ == 0)));
public function initOccupied():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _places.length) {
_places[_local1].occ = 0;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _nodes.length) {
_nodes[_local1].occ = 0;
public function getPlace(_arg1:Number):Object{
return (_places[(_arg1 - 1)]);
public function getOccupied(_arg1:Number):Number{
return (_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ);
public function getRandomPlace():Object{
var _local1:Number;
do {
_local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * (_places.length - 1)));
} while (_places[_local1].occ > 0);
_places[_local1].occ = (_places[_local1].occ + 1);
return (_places[_local1]);
public function setNodeFree(_arg1:Number):void{
_nodes[(_arg1 - 1)].occ = 0;
public function subOccupied(_arg1:Number):void{
_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ = (_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ - 1);
if (_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ < 0){
_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ = 0;
public function addOccupied(_arg1:Number):void{
_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ = (_places[(_arg1 - 1)].occ + 1);
Section 51
//npcHuman (npcHuman)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class npcHuman extends MovieClip {
private const _MAXSPEED:Number = 0.5;
public var prevhit:MovieClip;
private var _slowstart:Boolean;
public var checkPlayer:Boolean;
public var hitobj:MovieClip;
private var _pos:Object;
private var _xp:Number;
private var _main:Object;
private var _man:MovieClip;
private var _stopped:Boolean;
private var _splashed:Boolean;
private var _nxp:Number;
private var _dx:Number;
private var _dy:Number;
private var _yp:Number;
public var gridStopped:Boolean;
private var _nyp:Number;
private var _crashed:Boolean;
private var _speed:Number;
private var _nextpos:Object;
private var _gridstoppedtimer:Number;
private var _axp:Number;
private var _slowstop:Boolean;
private var _d:Number;
private var _places:npcHumanPlaces;
private var _t:Number;
private var _ayp:Number;
public function npcHuman(_arg1:Point, _arg2:Object, _arg3:npcHumanPlaces){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
_main = _arg2;
_places = _arg3;
switch (Math.round((Math.random() * 4))){
case 0:
_man = new man1();
case 1:
_man = new man2();
case 2:
_man = new man3();
case 3:
_man = new man4();
case 4:
_man = new man5();
_speed = _MAXSPEED;
_pos = _places.getRandomPlace();
_nextpos = _places.getNextPlace(, 0);
_xp = _pos.xp;
_yp = _pos.yp;
_nxp = _nextpos.xp;
_nyp = _nextpos.yp;
_axp = _xp;
_ayp = _yp;
this.x = (_axp + _arg1.x);
this.y = (_ayp + _arg1.y);
this.rotation = (((Math.atan2((_nyp - _yp), (_nxp - _xp)) * 180) / Math.PI) + 90);
_t = 0;
hitobj = _man.hitobject;
hitobj.visible = false;
prevhit = _man.prevhitobj;
prevhit.visible = false;
_stopped = false;
_slowstop = false;
_slowstart = false;
_splashed = false;
_crashed = false;
checkPlayer = false;
gridStopped = false;
_gridstoppedtimer = 0;
public function resumeThis():void{
if (isMoving()){
public function getStopped():Boolean{
return (_slowstop);
public function isMoving():Boolean{
if (((!(_slowstop)) && (((!(_splashed)) || (!(_crashed)))))){
return (true);
return (false);
private function reverseStart():void{
var _local1:Object = _nextpos;
_nextpos = _pos;
_pos = _nextpos;
_xp = _pos.xp;
_yp = _pos.yp;
_nxp = _nextpos.xp;
_nyp = _nextpos.yp;
_t = (1 - _t);
this.rotation = (((Math.atan2((_nyp - _yp), (_nxp - _xp)) * 180) / Math.PI) + 90);
private function calcVars():void{
_dx = (_nxp - _xp);
_dy = (_nyp - _yp);
_d = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(_dx, 2) + Math.pow(_dy, 2)));
private function getNewTarget():void{
var _local1:Object;
_local1 = _pos;
_pos = _nextpos;
_nextpos = _places.getNextPlace(,;
_xp = _pos.xp;
_yp = _pos.yp;
_nxp = _nextpos.xp;
_nyp = _nextpos.yp;
this.rotation = (((Math.atan2((_nyp - _yp), (_nxp - _xp)) * 180) / Math.PI) + 90);
public function killThis(_arg1:Number):void{
_stopped = true;
if (_arg1 > 4){
_splashed = true;
} else {
_splashed = true;
_crashed = true;
public function slowStop():void{
_stopped = true;
_slowstart = false;
_slowstop = true;
public function updateNpcHuman(_arg1:Point):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Boolean;
var _local6:Number;
if (this._man.currentFrame == 82){
if (gridStopped){
if (_gridstoppedtimer > 70){
gridStopped = false;
_gridstoppedtimer = 0;
if (((!(_stopped)) || (!(_splashed)))){
if (_slowstop){
_speed = 0;
if (_slowstart){
_speed = _MAXSPEED;
_slowstart = false;
if (_t > 1){
_t = (_t - 1);
_t = (_d * _t);
_t = (_t / _d);
_axp = (_xp + (_dx * _t));
_ayp = (_yp + (_dy * _t));
_local4 = _t;
_t = (_t + (_speed / _d));
_local2 = this.x;
_local3 = this.y;
this.x = (_axp + _arg1.x);
this.y = (_ayp + _arg1.y);
if (((checkPlayer) && (!(_stopped)))){
_local5 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(prevhit, _main._player.hitobj, 1);
if (_local5){
if (!_slowstop){
_local5 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _main._player.hitobj, 1);
if (_local5){
_t = _local4;
this.x = _local2;
this.y = _local3;
public function getSplashed():Boolean{
return (_splashed);
public function stopThis():void{
_stopped = true;
_slowstop = true;
public function pauseThis():void{
if (!_splashed){
public function getCrashed():Boolean{
return (_crashed);
public function slowStart():void{
_stopped = false;
_splashed = false;
_crashed = false;
_slowstop = false;
_slowstart = true;
gridStopped = false;
function frame1(){
public function crashStart():void{
Section 52
//npcHumanPlaces (npcHumanPlaces)
package {
public class npcHumanPlaces {
private var _main:Object;
private var _places:Array;
private var _occupied:Array;
public function npcHumanPlaces(_arg1:Object){
_main = _arg1;
_places = new Array({id:1, xp:373, yp:407, next:new Array({id:3}, {id:475})}, {id:2, xp:487, yp:407, next:new Array({id:101}, {id:4})}, {id:3, xp:373, yp:-1, next:new Array({id:5}, {id:4}, {id:1})}, {id:4, xp:487, yp:-1, next:new Array({id:2}, {id:3}, {id:6})}, {id:5, xp:373, yp:-25, next:new Array({id:9}, {id:6}, {id:3})}, {id:6, xp:487, yp:-25, next:new Array({id:4}, {id:5}, {id:7})}, {id:7, xp:487, yp:-55, next:new Array({id:6}, {id:16})}, {id:8, xp:487, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:15}, {id:10})}, {id:9, xp:373, yp:-301, next:new Array({id:11}, {id:10}, {id:5})}, {id:10, xp:487, yp:-301, next:new Array({id:8}, {id:9}, {id:12})}, {id:11, xp:373, yp:-324, next:new Array({id:13}, {id:12}, {id:9})}, {id:12, xp:487, yp:-324, next:new Array({id:10}, {id:11}, {id:14})}, {id:13, xp:373, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:29}, {id:11})}, {id:14, xp:487, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:12}, {id:24})}, {id:15, xp:661, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:17}, {id:8})}, {id:16, xp:775, yp:-55, next:new Array({id:7}, {id:18})}, {id:17, xp:661, yp:-301, next:new Array({id:19}, {id:18}, {id:15})}, {id:18, xp:775, yp:-301, next:new Array({id:16}, {id:17}, {id:20})}, {id:19, xp:661, yp:-324, next:new Array({id:21}, {id:20}, {id:17})}, {id:20, xp:775, yp:-324, next:new Array({id:18}, {id:19}, {id:22})}, {id:21, xp:661, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:23}, {id:19})}, {id:22, xp:775, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:20}, {id:51})}, {id:23, xp:639, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:24}, {id:26}, {id:21})}, {id:24, xp:617, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:14}, {id:27}, {id:23})}, {id:25, xp:661, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:32}, {id:26})}, {id:26, xp:639, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:25}, {id:23}, {id:27})}, {id:27, xp:617, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:26}, {id:24}, {id:31})}, {id:28, xp:85, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:278}, {id:281})}, {id:29, xp:199, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:291}, {id:13})}, {id:30, xp:85, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:37}, {id:252})}, {id:31, xp:199, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:27}, {id:38})}, {id:32, xp:661, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:266}, {id:25})}, {id:33, xp:85, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:268}, {id:35})}, {id:34, xp:199, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:36}, {id:264})}, {id:35, xp:85, yp:-614, next:new Array({id:33}, {id:36}, {id:37})}, {id:36, xp:199, yp:-614, next:new Array({id:38}, {id:35}, {id:34})}, {id:37, xp:85, yp:-592, next:new Array({id:35}, {id:38}, {id:30})}, {id:38, xp:199, yp:-592, next:new Array({id:31}, {id:37}, {id:36})}, {id:39, xp:1063, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:41}, {id:40})}, {id:40, xp:1063, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:39}, {id:161})}, {id:41, xp:1237, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:43}, {id:39})}, {id:42, xp:1351, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:135}, {id:44})}, {id:43, xp:1237, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:163}, {id:41})}, {id:44, xp:1351, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:42}, {id:47})}, {id:45, xp:1525, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:137}, {id:133})}, {id:46, xp:1639, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:129}, {id:138})}, {id:47, xp:1525, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:44}, {id:139})}, {id:48, xp:1639, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:140}, {id:379})}, {id:49, xp:949, yp:119, next:new Array({id:51}, {id:102})}, {id:50, xp:1063, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:73}, {id:52})}, {id:51, xp:949, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:22}, {id:49})}, {id:52, xp:1063, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:50}, {id:55})}, {id:53, xp:1237, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:55}, {id:75})}, {id:54, xp:1351, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:57}, {id:56})}, {id:55, xp:1237, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:52}, {id:53})}, {id:56, xp:1351, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:54}, {id:136})}, {id:57, xp:1525, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:71}, {id:54})}, {id:58, xp:1639, yp:119, next:new Array({id:128}, {id:72})}, {id:59, xp:1525, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:134}, {id:69})}, {id:60, xp:1639, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:70}, {id:130})}, {id:61, xp:1063, yp:119, next:new Array({id:63}, {id:62})}, {id:62, xp:1063, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:61}, {id:74})}, {id:63, xp:1237, yp:119, next:new Array({id:77}, {id:61})}, {id:64, xp:1351, yp:119, next:new Array({id:85}, {id:78})}, {id:65, xp:1237, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:76}, {id:79})}, {id:66, xp:1351, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:80}, {id:68})}, {id:67, xp:1525, yp:119, next:new Array({id:68}, {id:87})}, {id:68, xp:1525, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:66}, {id:67})}, {id:69, xp:1525, yp:-326, next:new Array({id:59}, {id:70}, {id:71})}, {id:70, xp:1639, yp:-326, next:new Array({id:72}, {id:69}, {id:60})}, {id:71, xp:1525, yp:-304, next:new Array({id:69}, {id:72}, {id:57})}, {id:72, xp:1639, yp:-304, next:new Array({id:58}, {id:71}, {id:70})}, {id:73, xp:1081, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:75}, {id:74}, {id:50})}, {id:74, xp:1081, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:62}, {id:73}, {id:76})}, {id:75, xp:1103, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:53}, {id:76}, {id:73})}, {id:76, xp:1103, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:74}, {id:75}, {id:65})}, {id:77, xp:1237, yp:102, next:new Array({id:79}, {id:78}, {id:63})}, {id:78, xp:1351, yp:102, next:new Array({id:64}, {id:77}, {id:80})}, {id:79, xp:1237, yp:80, next:new Array({id:65}, {id:80}, {id:77})}, {id:80, xp:1351, yp:80, next:new Array({id:78}, {id:79}, {id:66})}, {id:81, xp:1351, yp:407, next:new Array({id:83}, {id:82})}, {id:82, xp:1351, yp:232, next:new Array({id:81}, {id:86})}, {id:83, xp:1525, yp:407, next:new Array({id:84}, {id:81})}, {id:84, xp:1525, yp:232, next:new Array({id:88}, {id:83})}, {id:85, xp:1369, yp:119, next:new Array({id:87}, {id:86}, {id:64})}, {id:86, xp:1369, yp:232, next:new Array({id:82}, {id:85}, {id:88})}, {id:87, xp:1391, yp:119, next:new Array({id:67}, {id:88}, {id:85})}, {id:88, xp:1391, yp:232, next:new Array({id:86}, {id:87}, {id:84})}, {id:89, xp:1639, yp:407, next:new Array({id:401}, {id:90})}, {id:90, xp:1639, yp:232, next:new Array({id:89}, {id:127})}, {id:91, xp:1813, yp:407, next:new Array({id:92}, {id:399})}, {id:92, xp:1813, yp:232, next:new Array({id:125}, {id:91})}, {id:93, xp:949, yp:407, next:new Array({id:95}, {id:246})}, {id:94, xp:775, yp:232, next:new Array({id:423}, {id:96})}, {id:95, xp:1237, yp:407, next:new Array({id:96}, {id:93})}, {id:96, xp:1237, yp:232, next:new Array({id:94}, {id:95})}, {id:97, xp:1063, yp:695, next:new Array({id:243}, {id:99})}, {id:98, xp:1063, yp:520, next:new Array({id:245}, {id:100})}, {id:99, xp:1237, yp:695, next:new Array({id:100}, {id:97})}, {id:100, xp:1237, yp:520, next:new Array({id:98}, {id:99})}, {id:101, xp:661, yp:407, next:new Array({id:102}, {id:2})}, {id:102, xp:661, yp:119, next:new Array({id:49}, {id:101})}, {id:103, xp:1927, yp:407, next:new Array({id:171}, {id:104})}, {id:104, xp:1927, yp:232, next:new Array({id:103}, {id:121})}, {id:105, xp:2101, yp:407, next:new Array({id:106}, {id:173})}, {id:106, xp:2101, yp:232, next:new Array({id:123}, {id:105})}, {id:107, xp:1927, yp:119, next:new Array({id:122}, {id:108})}, {id:108, xp:1927, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:107}, {id:110})}, {id:109, xp:2389, yp:119, next:new Array({id:110}, {id:124})}, {id:110, xp:2389, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:108}, {id:109})}, {id:111, xp:1813, yp:119, next:new Array({id:120}, {id:126})}, {id:112, xp:1813, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:132}, {id:117})}, {id:113, xp:1927, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:115}, {id:119})}, {id:114, xp:1927, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:118}, {id:116})}, {id:115, xp:2101, yp:-169, next:new Array({id:116}, {id:113})}, {id:116, xp:2101, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:114}, {id:115})}, {id:117, xp:1813, yp:-330, next:new Array({id:112}, {id:118}, {id:120})}, {id:118, xp:1927, yp:-330, next:new Array({id:119}, {id:117}, {id:114})}, {id:119, xp:1927, yp:-308, next:new Array({id:113}, {id:120}, {id:118})}, {id:120, xp:1813, yp:-308, next:new Array({id:117}, {id:119}, {id:111})}, {id:121, xp:1947, yp:232, next:new Array({id:104}, {id:122}, {id:123})}, {id:122, xp:1947, yp:119, next:new Array({id:124}, {id:121}, {id:107})}, {id:123, xp:1969, yp:232, next:new Array({id:121}, {id:124}, {id:106})}, {id:124, xp:1969, yp:119, next:new Array({id:109}, {id:123}, {id:122})}, {id:125, xp:1795, yp:232, next:new Array({id:127}, {id:126}, {id:92})}, {id:126, xp:1795, yp:119, next:new Array({id:111}, {id:125}, {id:128})}, {id:127, xp:1773, yp:232, next:new Array({id:90}, {id:128}, {id:125})}, {id:128, xp:1773, yp:119, next:new Array({id:126}, {id:127}, {id:58})}, {id:129, xp:1663, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:131}, {id:130}, {id:46})}, {id:130, xp:1663, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:60}, {id:129}, {id:132})}, {id:131, xp:1685, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:165}, {id:132}, {id:129})}, {id:132, xp:1685, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:130}, {id:131}, {id:112})}, {id:133, xp:1502, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:45}, {id:134}, {id:135})}, {id:134, xp:1502, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:136}, {id:133}, {id:59})}, {id:135, xp:1480, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:133}, {id:136}, {id:42})}, {id:136, xp:1480, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:56}, {id:135}, {id:134})}, {id:137, xp:1525, yp:-467, next:new Array({id:139}, {id:138}, {id:45})}, {id:138, xp:1639, yp:-467, next:new Array({id:46}, {id:137}, {id:140})}, {id:139, xp:1525, yp:-489, next:new Array({id:47}, {id:140}, {id:137})}, {id:140, xp:1639, yp:-489, next:new Array({id:138}, {id:139}, {id:48})}, {id:141, xp:1351, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:143}, {id:157})}, {id:142, xp:1351, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:159}, {id:144})}, {id:143, xp:1525, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:149}, {id:141})}, {id:144, xp:1525, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:142}, {id:151})}, {id:145, xp:1639, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:147}, {id:150})}, {id:146, xp:1639, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:152}, {id:374})}, {id:147, xp:1813, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:148}, {id:145})}, {id:148, xp:1813, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:376}, {id:147})}, {id:149, xp:1525, yp:-760, next:new Array({id:151}, {id:150}, {id:143})}, {id:150, xp:1639, yp:-760, next:new Array({id:145}, {id:149}, {id:152})}, {id:151, xp:1525, yp:-782, next:new Array({id:144}, {id:152}, {id:149})}, {id:152, xp:1639, yp:-782, next:new Array({id:150}, {id:151}, {id:146})}, {id:153, xp:775, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:162}, {id:154})}, {id:154, xp:775, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:153}, {id:156})}, {id:155, xp:1237, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:158}, {id:164})}, {id:156, xp:1237, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:154}, {id:160})}, {id:157, xp:1351, yp:-760, next:new Array({id:141}, {id:158}, {id:159})}, {id:158, xp:1237, yp:-760, next:new Array({id:160}, {id:157}, {id:155})}, {id:159, xp:1351, yp:-782, next:new Array({id:157}, {id:160}, {id:142})}, {id:160, xp:1237, yp:-782, next:new Array({id:156}, {id:159}, {id:158})}, {id:161, xp:1077, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:40}, {id:162}, {id:163})}, {id:162, xp:1077, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:164}, {id:161}, {id:153})}, {id:163, xp:1099, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:161}, {id:164}, {id:43})}, {id:164, xp:1099, yp:-745, next:new Array({id:155}, {id:163}, {id:162})}, {id:165, xp:2101, yp:-457, next:new Array({id:388}, {id:131})}, {id:166, xp:2101, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:381}, {id:386})}, {id:167, xp:1927, yp:695, next:new Array({id:169}, {id:405})}, {id:168, xp:1927, yp:520, next:new Array({id:403}, {id:172})}, {id:169, xp:2389, yp:695, next:new Array({id:170}, {id:167})}, {id:170, xp:2389, yp:520, next:new Array({id:174}, {id:169})}, {id:171, xp:1955, yp:407, next:new Array({id:173}, {id:172}, {id:103})}, {id:172, xp:1955, yp:520, next:new Array({id:168}, {id:171}, {id:174})}, {id:173, xp:1977, yp:407, next:new Array({id:105}, {id:174}, {id:171})}, {id:174, xp:1977, yp:520, next:new Array({id:172}, {id:173}, {id:170})}, {id:175, xp:1927, yp:983, next:new Array({id:201}, {id:418})}, {id:176, xp:1927, yp:808, next:new Array({id:417}, {id:178})}, {id:177, xp:2101, yp:983, next:new Array({id:185}, {id:199})}, {id:178, xp:2101, yp:808, next:new Array({id:176}, {id:183})}, {id:179, xp:2215, yp:983, next:new Array({id:181}, {id:186})}, {id:180, xp:2215, yp:808, next:new Array({id:184}, {id:182})}, {id:181, xp:2389, yp:983, next:new Array({id:182}, {id:179})}, {id:182, xp:2389, yp:808, next:new Array({id:180}, {id:181})}, {id:183, xp:2101, yp:827, next:new Array({id:178}, {id:184}, {id:185})}, {id:184, xp:2215, yp:827, next:new Array({id:186}, {id:183}, {id:180})}, {id:185, xp:2101, yp:849, next:new Array({id:183}, {id:186}, {id:177})}, {id:186, xp:2215, yp:849, next:new Array({id:179}, {id:185}, {id:184})}, {id:187, xp:1927, yp:1271, next:new Array({id:189}, {id:207})}, {id:188, xp:1927, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:209}, {id:202})}, {id:189, xp:2101, yp:1271, next:new Array({id:203}, {id:187})}, {id:190, xp:2101, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:200}, {id:205})}, {id:191, xp:2215, yp:1271, next:new Array({id:309}, {id:204})}, {id:192, xp:2215, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:206}, {id:194})}, {id:193, xp:2389, yp:1271, next:new Array({id:192}, {id:311})}, {id:194, xp:2389, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:192}, {id:193})}, {id:195, xp:1639, yp:1271, next:new Array({id:223}, {id:227})}, {id:196, xp:1639, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:229}, {id:198})}, {id:197, xp:1813, yp:1271, next:new Array({id:208}, {id:225})}, {id:198, xp:1813, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:196}, {id:210})}, {id:199, xp:2070, yp:983, next:new Array({id:177}, {id:200}, {id:201})}, {id:200, xp:2070, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:202}, {id:199}, {id:190})}, {id:201, xp:0x0800, yp:983, next:new Array({id:199}, {id:202}, {id:175})}, {id:202, xp:0x0800, yp:1096, next:new Array({id:188}, {id:201}, {id:200})}, {id:203, xp:2101, yp:1258, next:new Array({id:205}, {id:204}, {id:189})}, {id:204, xp:2215, yp:1258, next:new Array({id:191}, {id:203}, {id:206})}, {id:205, xp:2101, yp:1236, next:new Array({id:190}, {id:206}, {id:203})}, {id:206, xp:2215, yp:1236, next:new Array({id:204}, {id:205}, {id:192})}, {id:207, xp:1927, yp:1258, next:new Array({id:187}, {id:208}, {id:209})}, {id:208, xp:1813, yp:1258, next:new Array({id:210}, {id:207}, {id:197})}, {id:209, xp:1927, yp:1236, next:new Array({id:207}, {id:210}, {id:188})}, {id:210, xp:1813, yp:1236, next:new Array({id:198}, {id:209}, {id:208})}, {id:211, xp:1639, yp:1559, next:new Array({id:213}, 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{id:584})}, {id:592, xp:-1097, yp:1272, next:new Array({id:604}, {id:607})}, {id:593, xp:-1241, yp:1272, next:new Array({id:605}, {id:609})}, {id:594, xp:-1241, yp:1176, next:new Array({id:611}, {id:591})}, {id:595, xp:-1355, yp:1126, next:new Array({id:589}, {id:612})}, {id:596, xp:-1355, yp:1272, next:new Array({id:610}, {id:597})}, {id:597, xp:-1529, yp:1272, next:new Array({id:596}, {id:598})}, {id:598, xp:-1529, yp:1146, next:new Array({id:673}, {id:597})}, {id:599, xp:-1147, yp:1384, next:new Array({id:608}, {id:603})}, {id:600, xp:-1067, yp:1560, next:new Array({id:614}, {id:601})}, {id:601, xp:-1241, yp:1560, next:new Array({id:600}, {id:602})}, {id:602, xp:-1241, yp:1384, next:new Array({id:606}, {id:601})}, {id:603, xp:-1067, yp:1464, next:new Array({id:599}, {id:616})}, {id:604, xp:-953, yp:1417, next:new Array({id:615}, {id:592})}, {id:605, xp:-1213, yp:1272, next:new Array({id:593}, {id:606}, {id:607})}, {id:606, xp:-1213, yp:1384, next:new Array({id:602}, {id:605}, {id:608})}, {id:607, xp:-1191, yp:1272, next:new Array({id:605}, {id:608}, {id:592})}, {id:608, xp:-1191, yp:1384, next:new Array({id:606}, {id:607}, {id:599})}, {id:609, xp:-1241, yp:1246, next:new Array({id:593}, {id:610}, {id:611})}, {id:610, xp:-1355, yp:1246, next:new Array({id:612}, {id:609}, {id:596})}, {id:611, xp:-1241, yp:1224, next:new Array({id:609}, {id:612}, {id:594})}, {id:612, xp:-1355, yp:1224, next:new Array({id:595}, {id:611}, {id:610})}, {id:613, xp:-953, yp:1534, next:new Array({id:574}, {id:614}, {id:615})}, {id:614, xp:-1067, yp:1534, next:new Array({id:616}, {id:613}, {id:600})}, {id:615, xp:-953, yp:1512, next:new Array({id:613}, {id:616}, {id:604})}, {id:616, xp:-1067, yp:1512, next:new Array({id:603}, {id:615}, {id:614})}, {id:617, xp:-1067, yp:-1033, next:new Array({id:507}, {id:618})}, {id:618, xp:-1067, yp:-744, next:new Array({id:617}, {id:619})}, {id:619, xp:-1241, yp:-744, next:new Array({id:633}, {id:618})}, {id:620, xp:-1241, yp:-1033, next:new Array({id:635}, {id:637})}, {id:621, xp:-1355, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:624}, {id:636})}, {id:622, xp:-1355, yp:-744, next:new Array({id:634}, {id:623})}, {id:623, xp:-1529, yp:-744, next:new Array({id:624}, {id:622})}, {id:624, xp:-1529, yp:-920, next:new Array({id:621}, {id:623})}, {id:625, xp:-1067, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:628}, {id:645})}, {id:626, xp:-1067, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:643}, {id:627})}, {id:627, xp:-1241, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:626}, {id:640})}, {id:628, xp:-1241, yp:-344, next:new Array({id:638}, {id:625})}, {id:629, xp:-1355, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:632}, {id:639})}, {id:630, xp:-1355, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:641}, {id:652})}, {id:631, xp:-1529, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:650}, {id:632})}, {id:632, xp:-1529, yp:-632, next:new Array({id:629}, {id:631})}, {id:633, xp:-1241, yp:-758, next:new Array({id:635}, {id:634}, {id:619})}, {id:634, xp:-1355, yp:-758, next:new Array({id:636}, {id:633}, {id:622})}, {id:635, xp:-1241, yp:-780, next:new Array({id:620}, {id:636}, {id:633})}, {id:636, xp:-1355, yp:-780, next:new Array({id:621}, {id:635}, {id:634})}, {id:637, xp:-1643, yp:-1033, next:new Array({id:620}, {id:655})}, {id:638, xp:-1241, yp:-334, next:new Array({id:628}, {id:639}, {id:640})}, {id:639, xp:-1355, yp:-334, next:new Array({id:629}, {id:638}, {id:641})}, {id:640, xp:-1241, yp:-312, next:new Array({id:627}, {id:641}, {id:638})}, {id:641, xp:-1355, yp:-312, next:new Array({id:639}, {id:640}, {id:630})}, {id:642, xp:-953, yp:-178, next:new Array({id:493}, {id:643}, {id:644})}, {id:643, xp:-1067, yp:-178, next:new Array({id:645}, {id:642}, {id:626})}, {id:644, xp:-953, yp:-200, next:new Array({id:642}, {id:645}, {id:505})}, {id:645, xp:-1067, yp:-200, next:new Array({id:625}, {id:644}, {id:643})}, {id:646, xp:-1355, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:653}, {id:647})}, {id:647, xp:-1355, yp:232, next:new Array({id:646}, {id:658})}, {id:648, xp:-1529, yp:408, next:new Array({id:664}, {id:656})}, {id:649, xp:-1529, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:654}, {id:651})}, {id:650, xp:-1505, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:631}, {id:651}, {id:652})}, {id:651, xp:-1505, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:649}, {id:650}, {id:653})}, {id:652, xp:-1483, yp:-168, next:new Array({id:630}, {id:653}, {id:650})}, {id:653, xp:-1483, yp:-56, next:new Array({id:651}, {id:652}, {id:646})}, {id:654, xp:-1529, yp:-40, next:new Array({id:656}, {id:655}, {id:649})}, {id:655, xp:-1643, yp:-40, next:new Array({id:637}, {id:654}, {id:657})}, {id:656, xp:-1529, yp:-18, next:new Array({id:648}, {id:657}, {id:654})}, {id:657, xp:-1643, yp:-18, next:new Array({id:670}, {id:656}, {id:655})}, {id:658, xp:-1067, yp:232, next:new Array({id:647}, {id:659})}, {id:659, xp:-1067, yp:408, next:new Array({id:658}, {id:666})}, {id:660, xp:-1355, yp:520, next:new Array({id:667}, {id:661})}, {id:661, xp:-1355, yp:666, next:new Array({id:660}, {id:590})}, {id:662, xp:-1529, yp:646, next:new Array({id:671}, {id:663})}, {id:663, xp:-1529, yp:520, next:new Array({id:662}, {id:665})}, {id:664, xp:-1489, yp:408, next:new Array({id:666}, {id:665}, {id:648})}, {id:665, xp:-1489, yp:520, next:new Array({id:663}, {id:664}, {id:667})}, {id:666, xp:-1467, yp:408, next:new Array({id:659}, {id:667}, {id:664})}, {id:667, xp:-1467, yp:520, next:new Array({id:665}, {id:666}, {id:660})}, {id:668, xp:-1643, yp:1672, next:new Array({id:354}, {id:669})}, {id:669, xp:-1643, yp:1146, next:new Array({id:668}, {id:674})}, {id:670, xp:-1643, yp:646, next:new Array({id:672}, {id:657})}, {id:671, xp:-1516, yp:676, next:new Array({id:662}, {id:673})}, {id:672, xp:-1656, yp:676, next:new Array({id:674}, {id:670})}, {id:673, xp:-1516, yp:1116, next:new Array({id:671}, {id:598})}, {id:674, xp:-1656, yp:1116, next:new Array({id:669}, {id:672})}, {id:675, xp:-953, yp:958, next:new Array({id:558}, {id:676}, {id:677})}, {id:676, xp:-1067, yp:958, next:new Array({id:678}, {id:675}, {id:588})}, {id:677, xp:-953, yp:936, next:new Array({id:675}, {id:678}, {id:559})}, {id:678, xp:-1067, yp:936, next:new Array({id:587}, {id:677}, {id:676})});
_occupied = new Array(_places.length);
public function getPlace(_arg1:Number):Object{
return (_places[(_arg1 - 1)]);
public function getNextPlace(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Object{
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Array;
_local4 = new Array();
var _local5:Number = 0;
while (_local5 < _places[(_arg1 - 1)].next.length) {
if (_places[(_arg1 - 1)].next[_local5].id != _arg2){
_local4.push(_places[(_arg1 - 1)].next[_local5]);
_local3 = 0;
if (_local4.length > 1){
_local3 = Math.round((Math.random() * (_local4.length - 1)));
return (_places[(_local4[_local3].id - 1)]);
public function getRandomPlace():Object{
var _local1:Number;
do {
_local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * (_places.length - 1)));
} while (_occupied[_local1] > 0);
_occupied[_local1] = (_occupied[_local1] + 1);
return (_places[_local1]);
public function initOccupied():void{
var _local1:Number = 0;
while (_local1 < _places.length) {
_occupied[_local1] = 0;
Section 53
//pauseMC (pauseMC)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class pauseMC extends MovieClip {
public var b_more:SimpleButton;
public var b_again:SimpleButton;
public var b_free:SimpleButton;
public var b_resume:SimpleButton;
Section 54
//pizzaPlace (pizzaPlace)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class pizzaPlace extends MovieClip {
private var _num:Number;
private var _time:Number;
private var _addr:String;
private var _yp:Number;
private var _xp:Number;
private var _tip:Number;
public function pizzaPlace(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Point){
_xp = _arg1.xp;
_yp = _arg1.yp;
this.x = (_xp + _arg2.x);
this.y = (_yp + _arg2.y);
this.rotation = _arg1.rot;
_addr = _arg1.addr;
_tip = _arg1.tip;
_num = _arg1.num;
_time = _arg1.time;
public function updatePos(_arg1:Point):void{
this.x = (_xp + _arg1.x);
this.y = (_yp + _arg1.y);
Section 55
//playerBicycle (playerBicycle)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerBicycle extends playerUnit {
private var _forwardstartframe:Number;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
private var _forwardendframe:Number;
private var _crashing:Boolean;
private var _actforwardframe:Number;
public function playerBicycle(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 16, frame17, 81, frame82);
MAX_TURN = 15;
_maxaccel = 1;
_turnRadius = 50;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 17;
_forwardstartframe = 83;
_forwardendframe = 112;
_actforwardframe = _forwardstartframe;
maxhp = (hp = 5);
capacity = 2;
_dmgmult = 2;
_vehicleName = "Bicycle";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new bicycle_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact1_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;
_crashing = false;
function frame2(){
function frame82(){
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
if (!_crashing){
_local1 = super.Update();
if (_crashing){
return (_local1);
if (_actturn == 0){
if (_accel == 0){
_actforwardframe = _forwardstartframe;
} else {
if (_accel > 0){
} else {
if (_actforwardframe > _forwardendframe){
_actforwardframe = _forwardstartframe;
if (_actforwardframe < _forwardstartframe){
_actforwardframe = _forwardendframe;
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){
this.gotoAndStop(((rightturnframe + _actturn) - 1));
_actforwardframe = _forwardstartframe;
} else {
this.gotoAndStop(((leftturnframe + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1));
_actforwardframe = _forwardstartframe;
} else {
if (this.currentFrame == 1){
_crashing = false;
_local1 = new Point(0, 0);
return (_local1);
override public function playCrash():void{
_actturn = 0;
_crashing = true;
function frame17(){
function frame1(){
Section 56
//playerCar (playerCar)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerCar extends playerUnit {
public var smokefx:MovieClip;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var car:MovieClip;
private var _damaged:Number;
public function playerCar(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
MAX_TURN = 10;
_maxaccel = 1;
_turnRadius = 80;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0.2;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 12;
maxhp = (hp = 10);
capacity = 4;
_damaged = 0;
_vehicleName = "Car";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new car_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact2_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;"stand");
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = super.Update();
if (_damage < 50){
_damaged = 21;
} else {
_damaged = 0;
if ((((_damage < 25)) && (!(_smokeon)))){
_smokeon = true;
this.smokefx.visible = true;
if (((_smokeon) && ((_damage > 24)))){
_smokeon = false;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
if (_actturn == 0){ + _damaged));
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){ + _actturn) - 1) + _damaged));
} else { + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1) + _damaged));
return (_local1);
Section 57
//playerJeep (playerJeep)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerJeep extends playerUnit {
public var smokefx:MovieClip;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var car:MovieClip;
private var _damaged:Number;
public function playerJeep(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
MAX_TURN = 10;
_maxaccel = 1;
_turnRadius = 80;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 12;
maxhp = (hp = 12);
capacity = 6;
_dmgmult = 0.8;
_damaged = 0;
_vehicleName = "Jeep";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new jeep_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact2_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;"stand");
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = super.Update();
if (_damage < 50){
_damaged = 21;
} else {
_damaged = 0;
if ((((_damage < 25)) && (!(_smokeon)))){
_smokeon = true;
this.smokefx.visible = true;
if (((_smokeon) && ((_damage > 24)))){
_smokeon = false;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
if (_actturn == 0){ + _damaged));
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){ + _actturn) - 1) + _damaged));
} else { + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1) + _damaged));
return (_local1);
Section 58
//playerMotor (playerMotor)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerMotor extends playerUnit {
public var smokefx:MovieClip;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var car:MovieClip;
private var _crashing:Boolean;
public function playerMotor(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
MAX_TURN = 15;
_maxaccel = 1;
_turnRadius = 70;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 17;
maxhp = (hp = 7);
capacity = 3;
_dmgmult = 1.6;
_vehicleName = "Motor";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new motor_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact1_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;"stand");
_crashing = false;
override public function playCrash():void{"crash");
_actturn = 0;
_crashing = true;
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
if (!_crashing){
_local1 = super.Update();
if ((((_damage < 25)) && (!(_smokeon)))){
_smokeon = true;
this.smokefx.visible = true;
if (((_smokeon) && ((_damage > 24)))){
_smokeon = false;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
if (_crashing){
return (_local1);
if (_actturn == 0){"stand");
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){ + _actturn) - 1));
} else { + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1));
} else {
if ( == 1){
_crashing = false;
_local1 = new Point(0, 0);
return (_local1);
Section 59
//playerPorsche (playerPorsche)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerPorsche extends playerUnit {
public var smokefx:MovieClip;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var car:MovieClip;
private var _damaged:Number;
public function playerPorsche(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
MAX_TURN = 10;
_maxaccel = 1.3;
_turnRadius = 80;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0.2;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 12;
maxhp = (hp = 10);
capacity = 4;
_damaged = 0;
_vehicleName = "Old car";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new porsche_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact2_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;"stand");
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = super.Update();
if (_damage < 50){
_damaged = 21;
} else {
_damaged = 0;
if ((((_damage < 25)) && (!(_smokeon)))){
_smokeon = true;
this.smokefx.visible = true;
if (((_smokeon) && ((_damage > 24)))){
_smokeon = false;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
if (_actturn == 0){ + _damaged));
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){ + _actturn) - 1) + _damaged));
} else { + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1) + _damaged));
return (_local1);
Section 60
//playerScooter (playerScooter)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerScooter extends playerUnit {
public var smokefx:MovieClip;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var car:MovieClip;
private var _crashing:Boolean;
public function playerScooter(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
MAX_TURN = 15;
_maxaccel = 1;
_turnRadius = 50;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 17;
maxhp = (hp = 6);
capacity = 2;
_dmgmult = 1.8;
_vehicleName = "Scooter";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new scooter_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact1_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;"stand");
_crashing = false;
override public function playCrash():void{"crash");
_actturn = 0;
_crashing = true;
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
if (!_crashing){
_local1 = super.Update();
if ((((_damage < 25)) && (!(_smokeon)))){
_smokeon = true;
this.smokefx.visible = true;
if (((_smokeon) && ((_damage > 24)))){
_smokeon = false;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
if (_crashing){
return (_local1);
if (_actturn == 0){"stand");
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){ + _actturn) - 1));
} else { + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1));
} else {
if ( == 1){
_crashing = false;
_local1 = new Point(0, 0);
return (_local1);
Section 61
//playerUnit (playerUnit)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerUnit extends MovieClip {
private var _direction:Number;
public var leftturnframe:int;
private var _actdamage:Number;
public var hp:Number;
public var hitobj:MovieClip;
public var _turnRadius:Number;
public var _drag:Number;
private var _stopped:Boolean;
public var MAX_TURN:Number;
public var carSound:SoundPlayer;
private var _handbrake:Number;
public var _main:Object;
private var _spin:Number;
public var _velMag:Number;
private var _bouncevel:Point;
public var crashSound:SoundPlayer;
private var _stoppedcounter:Number;
public var MIN_SPIN:Number;
public var MASS_CONST:Number;
public var capacity:Number;
private var _heading:Number;
public var _vehicleName:String;
private var _spinImpact:Number;
private var _possibleCollision:Boolean;
private var _prevvel:Point;
public var _smokeon:Boolean;
public var _actturn:Number;
private var _collobj:MovieClip;
public var _damage:Number;
private var _turn:Number;
public var _onCollide:Boolean;
public var _maxaccel:Number;
public var MAX_TORQUE:Number;
private var _oldrotation:Number;
public var _accel:Number;
public var maxhp:Number;
private var _vel:Point;
public var _dmgmult:Number;
public var rightturnframe:int;
public var _spinDrag:Number;
public var MAX_VELOCITY:Number;
public function playerUnit(){
_maxaccel = 0;
_turnRadius = 0;
_drag = 0;
_spinDrag = 0;
leftturnframe = 0;
rightturnframe = 0;
_vel = new Point(0, 0);
_prevvel = new Point(0, 0);
_bouncevel = new Point(0, 0);
_velMag = 0;
_heading = 0;
_spin = 0;
_accel = 0;
_handbrake = 0;
_turn = 0;
_actturn = 0;
_spinImpact = 0;
_direction = 1;
_stopped = true;
_stoppedcounter = 0;
_onCollide = false;
maxhp = (hp = 1);
capacity = 1;
_damage = 100;
_dmgmult = 1;
_actdamage = 0;
_collobj = null;
_vehicleName = "";
_main = null;
hitobj = null;
_smokeon = false;
carSound = null;
crashSound = null;
private function checkCollision():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Boolean;
_collobj = null;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _main._sectors.length) {
if (_main._sectors[_local1]){
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _main._sectormcs[(_local1 + (2 * _main._sectors.length))], 1);
if (((_local2) && (!(_onCollide)))){
_possibleCollision = true;
_actdamage = 5;
_collobj = _main._sectormcs[(_local1 + (2 * _main._sectors.length))];
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _main.npccarpos.length) {
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _main.npccarpos[_local1].hitobj, 1);
if (((_local2) && (!(_onCollide)))){
_possibleCollision = true;
_actdamage = 5;
_collobj = _main.npccarpos[_local1].hitobj;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _main.npchumanpos.length) {
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _main.npchumanpos[_local1].hitobj, 1);
if (((_local2) && (!(_onCollide)))){
_actdamage = 2;
public function getSpeed():Number{
return (_velMag);
public function LeftTurnOff(){
_turn = 0;
public function ForwardOff(){
_accel = 0;
public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local8:Number;
var _local9:Number;
var _local10:Point;
if (_stopped){
return (new Point(0, 0));
_heading = ((Math.PI / 180) * this.rotation);
if (_accel == 0){
_vel.x = (_vel.x * (1 - _drag));
_vel.y = (_vel.y * (1 - _drag));
var _local3:Number = (_accel * _maxaccel);
if ((((_direction == -1)) && ((_accel == -1)))){
_local3 = (_local3 * 0.5);
_vel.x = (_vel.x + (Math.sin(_heading) * _local3));
_vel.y = (_vel.y - (Math.cos(_heading) * _local3));
if ((((_velMag >= 0)) && ((_direction == 1)))){
if ((_velMag + _local3) < 0){
_vel.x = (_vel.y = 0);
if ((((_velMag < 0)) && ((_direction == -1)))){
if ((_velMag + _local3) > 0){
_vel.x = (_vel.y = 0);
_velMag = (_direction * Math.sqrt(((_vel.x * _vel.x) + (_vel.y * _vel.y))));
_spin = ((_velMag / _turnRadius) * _turn);
var _local4:Number = (_heading + _spin);
if ((((Math.abs(_velMag) < 0.1)) || (_onCollide))){
_stopped = true;
_stoppedcounter = 10;
_vel.x = 0;
_vel.y = 0;
_velMag = 0;
_accel = 0;
if (_possibleCollision){
_damage = (_damage - (_actdamage * _dmgmult));
if (_damage < 0){
_damage = 0;
hp = ((maxhp * _damage) / 100);
if (_onCollide){
_onCollide = false;
_possibleCollision = false;
return (_bouncevel);
var _local5:Point = new Point(0, 0);
_local5.x = ((Math.sin(_local4) * _velMag) - _vel.x);
_local5.y = ((-(Math.cos(_local4)) * _velMag) - _vel.y);
var _local6:* = Math.sqrt((Math.pow(_local5.x, 2) + Math.pow(_local5.y, 2)));
if (_local6 > MAX_TORQUE){
_local5.x = ((MAX_TORQUE * _local5.x) / _local6);
_local5.y = ((MAX_TORQUE * _local5.y) / _local6);
_vel.x = (_vel.x + _local5.x);
_vel.y = (_vel.y + _local5.y);
_velMag = (_direction * Math.sqrt(((_vel.x * _vel.x) + (_vel.y * _vel.y))));
var _local7:Number = Math.abs(_velMag);
if ((((_direction == 1)) && ((_local7 > MAX_VELOCITY)))){
_vel.x = ((MAX_VELOCITY * _vel.x) / _local7);
_vel.y = ((MAX_VELOCITY * _vel.y) / _local7);
_velMag = (_direction * Math.sqrt(((_vel.x * _vel.x) + (_vel.y * _vel.y))));
if ((((_direction == -1)) && ((_local7 > (MAX_VELOCITY / 2))))){
_vel.x = (((MAX_VELOCITY / 2) * _vel.x) / _local7);
_vel.y = (((MAX_VELOCITY / 2) * _vel.y) / _local7);
_velMag = (_direction * Math.sqrt(((_vel.x * _vel.x) + (_vel.y * _vel.y))));
if (_velMag != 0){
_local8 = _heading;
_local9 = this.rotation;
_heading = _local4;
_oldrotation = this.rotation;
this.rotation = ((_heading * 180) / Math.PI);
if (_accel != 0){
if (_turn == 0){
if (_actturn > 0){
} else {
if (_actturn < 0){
} else {
_actturn = (_actturn + _turn);
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){
} else {
if (_actturn < 0){
_actturn = Math.min(Math.max(_actturn, (0 - MAX_TURN)), MAX_TURN);
this.x = (this.x + _vel.x);
this.y = (this.y + _vel.y);
_possibleCollision = false;
this.x = 335;
this.y = 275;
if (!_possibleCollision){
_onCollide = false;
if (_velMag != 0){
_prevvel.x = (((-1 * _vel.x) / Math.abs(_velMag)) * 2);
_prevvel.y = (((-1 * _vel.y) / Math.abs(_velMag)) * 2);
} else {
_prevvel.x = (_prevvel.y = 0);
return (_vel);
//unresolved jump
_local10 = new Point(_vel.x, _vel.y);
_vel.x = 0;
_vel.y = 0;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 3) {
_local10.x = (_local10.x / 2);
_local10.y = (_local10.y / 2);
_vel.x = (_vel.x + _local10.x);
_vel.y = (_vel.y + _local10.y);
this.x = (this.x + _vel.x);
this.y = (this.y + _vel.y);
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(hitobj, _collobj, 1);
if (_local2){
_vel.x = (_vel.x - _local10.x);
_vel.y = (_vel.y - _local10.y);
this.x = 335;
this.y = 275;
_velMag = (_direction * Math.sqrt(((_vel.x * _vel.x) + (_vel.y * _vel.y))));
_onCollide = true;
_accel = 0;
if (_velMag != 0){
_prevvel.x = (((-1 * _vel.x) / Math.abs(_velMag)) * 2);
_prevvel.y = (((-1 * _vel.y) / Math.abs(_velMag)) * 2);
this.rotation = _oldrotation;
return (_vel);
private function generateBounceVel():void{
var _local1:Rectangle;
var _local2:Point;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:Number;
_local1 = HitTest.complexIntersectionRectangle(hitobj, _collobj, 1);
_local2 = new Point((_local1.x + (_local1.width / 2)), (_local1.y + (_local1.height / 2)));
_local3 = (this.x - _local2.x);
_local4 = (this.y - _local2.y);
_local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)));
_bouncevel.x = ((_local3 / _local5) * 2);
_bouncevel.y = ((_local4 / _local5) * 2);
public function HandbrakeOn(){
if (!_stopped){
_accel = 0;
_handbrake = 1;
public function collide():void{
if (((!(_onCollide)) && ((hp > 0)))){
_onCollide = true;
_stopped = true;
_stoppedcounter = 0;
public function ReverseOff(){
_accel = 0;
public function playCrash():void{
public function isStopped():Boolean{
return (_stopped);
public function RightTurnOn(){
_turn = 1;
public function HandbrakeOff(){
_accel = 0;
_handbrake = 0;
public function ForwardOn(){
if (_stoppedcounter > 0){
if (_stopped){
_direction = 1;
_stopped = false;
if (_direction == -1){
_accel = 0.6;
} else {
_accel = 1;
public function doCollision():void{
_possibleCollision = true;
_actdamage = 5;
_onCollide = true;
_accel = 0;
if (_velMag != 0){
_prevvel.x = (((-1 * _vel.x) / Math.abs(_velMag)) * 2);
_prevvel.y = (((-1 * _vel.y) / Math.abs(_velMag)) * 2);
} else {
_prevvel.x = (_prevvel.y = 0);
_vel.x = (_vel.y = 0);
_velMag = 0;
public function ReverseOn(){
if (_stoppedcounter > 0){
if (_stopped){
_direction = -1;
_stopped = false;
if (_direction == 1){
_accel = -0.6;
} else {
_accel = -1;
public function RightTurnOff(){
_turn = 0;
public function LeftTurnOn(){
_turn = -1;
Section 62
//playerVan (playerVan)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
public class playerVan extends playerUnit {
public var smokefx:MovieClip;
public var hitobject:MovieClip;
public var car:MovieClip;
private var _damaged:Number;
public function playerVan(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){
MAX_TURN = 10;
_maxaccel = 1;
_turnRadius = 80;
_drag = 0.08;
_spinDrag = 0;
leftturnframe = 2;
rightturnframe = 12;
maxhp = (hp = 11);
capacity = 8;
_dmgmult = 0.9;
_damaged = 0;
_vehicleName = "Van";
_main = _arg3;
this.hitobject.visible = false;
hitobj = this.hitobject;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
carSound = new SoundPlayer(new van_sound());
carSound.vol = 1;
crashSound = new SoundPlayer(new impact2_sound());
crashSound.vol = 1;
this.x = _arg1;
this.y = _arg2;
this.rotation = 0;"stand");
override public function Update():Point{
var _local1:Point;
_local1 = super.Update();
if (_damage < 50){
_damaged = 21;
} else {
_damaged = 0;
if ((((_damage < 25)) && (!(_smokeon)))){
_smokeon = true;
this.smokefx.visible = true;
if (((_smokeon) && ((_damage > 24)))){
_smokeon = false;
this.smokefx.visible = false;
if (_actturn == 0){ + _damaged));
} else {
if (_actturn > 0){ + _actturn) - 1) + _damaged));
} else { + Math.abs(_actturn)) - 1) + _damaged));
return (_local1);
Section 63
//porsche_sound (porsche_sound)
package {
public dynamic class porsche_sound extends Sound {
Section 64
//PreloaderBar (PreloaderBar)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class PreloaderBar extends SimpleButton {
Section 65
//PreloaderClip (PreloaderClip)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class PreloaderClip extends MovieClip {
public var procent:TextField;
public var ProgBar:PreloaderBar;
public function PreloaderClip(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
Section 66
//scooter_sound (scooter_sound)
package {
public dynamic class scooter_sound extends Sound {
Section 67
//serviceMC (serviceMC)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.text.*;
public dynamic class serviceMC extends MovieClip {
public var costs:TextField;
public var b_yes:SimpleButton;
public var b_no:SimpleButton;
Section 68
//SoundPlayer (SoundPlayer)
package {
public class SoundPlayer {
private var _spos:Number;
private var _channel:SoundChannel;
private var _transform:SoundTransform;
private var _volume:Number;// = 1
private var _actsound:Sound;
private var _looping:Boolean;
public function SoundPlayer(_arg1:Sound){
_channel = new SoundChannel();
_spos = 0;
_transform = new SoundTransform();
_transform.volume = _volume;
_channel.soundTransform = _transform;
_actsound = _arg1;
_looping = false;
public function resumePlay():void{
if (_looping){
_channel =, 100000, _transform);
} else {
_channel =, 0, _transform);
public function singlePlay():void{
_looping = false;
_channel =, 0, _transform);
public function set vol(_arg1:Number):void{
_volume = _arg1;
_transform.volume = _volume;
_channel.soundTransform = _transform;
public function isPlaying():Boolean{
if (_channel.position != 0){
return (true);
return (false);
public function loopPlay():void{
_looping = true;
_channel =, 100000, _transform);
public function stopPlay():void{
_spos = _channel.position;
Section 69
//ThePizzaGuy (ThePizzaGuy)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import FOG.AS3.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class ThePizzaGuy extends MovieClip {
public var _player:playerUnit;
private var _stoppedhumans:Array;
private var _accepted:Array;
public var t_score:TextField;
public var over_s22:MovieClip;
public var over_s23:MovieClip;
public var _pizzas:Number;
private var _minitargets:Array;
public var visibility:SimpleButton;
public var _cap:Number;
public var startbutton:SimpleButton;
public var over_s21:MovieClip;
private var _intheGrid:Array;
public var b_menu:SimpleButton;
private var _gridstopped:Array;
public var npccarpos:Array;
private var _grid:CollisionGrid;
public var hit_s11:MovieClip;
public var hit_s12:MovieClip;
public var hit_s13:MovieClip;
private var _dp:Point;
public var t_money:TextField;
private var _npccars:Array;
public var cardamage:MovieClip;
private var _ambientSound:SoundPlayer;
public var hit_s21:MovieClip;
public var hit_s22:MovieClip;
public var hit_s23:MovieClip;
private var _paused:Boolean;
public var freegamesbutton:SimpleButton;
private var _pizzeria:bigEddie;
private var _cplaces:npcCarPlaces;
private var _gomc:MovieClip;
private var _vshop:vehicleShop;
public var npc_layer:MovieClip;
private var _hplaces:npcHumanPlaces;
public var g_layer:MovieClip;
public var t_cap:TextField;
public var homeplace:MovieClip;
public var pizz_layer:MovieClip;
private var _npchumans:Array;
private var _shopenable:Boolean;
public var mini_logo:MovieClip;
private var _hd:Point;
public var delivered:MovieClip;
public var FogAPI;
public var _sectors:Array;
private var _score:Number;
private var _stoppedcars:Array;
public var mt_layer:MovieClip;
public var p_layer:MovieClip;
private var _targets:Array;
public var t_layer:MovieClip;
public var morebutton:SimpleButton;
public var _money:Number;
public var mini_player:MovieClip;
private var _pausemc:MovieClip;
private var _playerbynum:Number;
public var shopplace:MovieClip;
public var od:Point;
public var b_pause:SimpleButton;
public var bg_s12:MovieClip;
public var bg_s13:MovieClip;
public var bg_s11:MovieClip;
private var _homeenable:Boolean;
public var over_s11:MovieClip;
public var over_s12:MovieClip;
public var over_s13:MovieClip;
public var npchumanpos:Array;
private var _sd:Point;
public var bg_s21:MovieClip;
public var bg_s22:MovieClip;
public var bg_s23:MovieClip;
public var _sectormcs:Array;
public function ThePizzaGuy(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 3, frame4);
private function removePause():void{
var _local1:*;
_pausemc.b_resume.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame);
_pausemc.b_again.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, againClicked);
_pausemc.b_more.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreClicked);
_pausemc.b_free.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, freeClicked);
for (_local1 in _npchumans) {
private function checkCollision():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Boolean;
var _local3:Object;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
if (_shopenable){
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(_player, shopplace, 1);
if (((((_local2) && (_shopenable))) && (_player.isStopped()))){
_shopenable = false;
for (_local6 in _npchumans) {
} else {
if (mcDistance(_player, shopplace) > 100){
_shopenable = true;
if (_homeenable){
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(_player, homeplace, 1);
if (((((_local2) && (_homeenable))) && (_player.isStopped()))){
_homeenable = false;
} else {
if (mcDistance(_player, homeplace) > 100){
_homeenable = true;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _targets.length) {
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(_player, _targets[_local1], 1);
if (((_local2) && (_player.isStopped()))){
var _local4:int = _grid.checks.length;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _local4) {
if ((((_grid.checks[_local1] is npcHuman)) && ((_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)] is npcHuman)))){
} else {
if ((((_grid.checks[_local1] is npcHuman)) && (_grid.checks[_local1].getSplashed()))){
} else {
if ((((_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)] is npcHuman)) && (_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].getSplashed()))){
} else {
if (_grid.checks[_local1].isMoving()){
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(_grid.checks[_local1].prevhit, _grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].hitobj, 1);
if (((_local2) && (!(_grid.checks[_local1].getStopped())))){
_local3 = new Object();
_local3 = {t:_grid.checks[_local1], s:_grid.checks[_local1].prevhit, o:_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].hitobj};
_grid.checks[_local1].gridStopped = true;
if (_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].isMoving()){
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].prevhit, _grid.checks[_local1].hitobj, 1);
if (((_local2) && (!(_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].getStopped())))){
_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].slowStop();
_local3 = new Object();
_local3 = {t:_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)], s:_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].prevhit, o:_grid.checks[_local1].hitobj};
_grid.checks[(_local1 + 1)].gridStopped = true;
_local1 = (_local1 + 2);
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _gridstopped.length) {
_local2 = HitTest.complexHitTestObject(_gridstopped[_local1].s, _gridstopped[_local1].o, 1);
if (!_local2){
for (_local5 in _gridstopped) {
if (!_gridstopped[_local5].t.getStopped()){
_gridstopped.splice(_local5, 1);
public function mini_logoClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function gameInit():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
var _local5:npcHuman;
var _local6:npcCar;
_pizzeria = new bigEddie(this);
_vshop = new vehicleShop(this);
_player = new playerBicycle((stage.stageWidth / 2), (stage.stageHeight / 2), this);
if (FogAPI.Storage.Get("Pvehicle") >= 0){
_playerbynum = FogAPI.Storage.Get("Pvehicle");
} else {
_playerbynum = 0;
_local2 = _player.x;
_local3 = _player.y;
_local4 = _player.rotation;
switch (_playerbynum){
case 0:
_player = new playerBicycle(_local2, _local3, this);
case 1:
_player = new playerScooter(_local2, _local3, this);
case 2:
_player = new playerMotor(_local2, _local3, this);
case 3:
_player = new playerPorsche(_local2, _local3, this);
case 4:
_player = new playerCar(_local2, _local3, this);
case 5:
_player = new playerJeep(_local2, _local3, this);
case 6:
_player = new playerVan(_local2, _local3, this);
_player.rotation = _local4;
_cap = _player.capacity;
_cplaces = new npcCarPlaces(this);
_hplaces = new npcHumanPlaces(this);
_score = (_pizzas = 0);
if (FogAPI.Storage.Get("Pscore") >= 0){
_score = FogAPI.Storage.Get("Pscore");
} else {
_score = 0;
if (FogAPI.Storage.Get("money") >= 0){
_money = FogAPI.Storage.Get("money");
} else {
_money = 0;
_dp = new Point(0, 0);
od = new Point(0, 0);
_hd = new Point(0, 0);
_sd = new Point(0, 0);
_targets = new Array();
_minitargets = new Array();
_sectors = new Array(6);
_sectormcs = new Array(bg_s11, bg_s12, bg_s13, bg_s21, bg_s22, bg_s23, over_s11, over_s12, over_s13, over_s21, over_s22, over_s23, hit_s11, hit_s12, hit_s13, hit_s21, hit_s22, hit_s23);
bg_s11.x = -1010;
bg_s11.y = -400;
_hd.x = (homeplace.x - bg_s11.x);
_hd.y = (homeplace.y - bg_s11.y);
_sd.x = (shopplace.x - bg_s11.x);
_sd.y = (shopplace.y - bg_s11.y);
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _sectors.length) {
_sectors[_local1] = false;
backgroundUpdate(new Point(0, 0));
hit_s11.visible = false;
hit_s12.visible = false;
hit_s13.visible = false;
hit_s21.visible = false;
hit_s22.visible = false;
hit_s23.visible = false;
homeplace.visible = false;
shopplace.visible = false;
delivered.visible = false;
_shopenable = true;
_homeenable = false;
_npchumans = new Array();
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 150) {
_local5 = new npcHuman(new Point(0, 0), this, _hplaces);
npchumanpos = new Array();
_npccars = new Array();
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < 100) {
_local6 = new npcCar(new Point(0, 0), this, _cplaces);
npccarpos = new Array();
_stoppedcars = new Array();
_stoppedhumans = new Array();
_grid = new CollisionGrid(670, 550, 80);
_intheGrid = new Array();
_gridstopped = new Array();
_ambientSound = new SoundPlayer(new ambient_sound());
_ambientSound.vol = 0.1;
_paused = false;
private function pauseGame(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (!_paused){
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
_paused = true;
} else {
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
_paused = false;
private function doPause():void{
var _local1:*;
_pausemc = new pauseMC();
_pausemc.x = 26;
_pausemc.y = 35;
_pausemc.b_resume.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame);
_pausemc.b_again.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, againClicked);
_pausemc.b_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreClicked);
_pausemc.b_free.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, freeClicked);
for (_local1 in _npchumans) {
public function returnFromShop(_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:*;
if (_playerbynum != _arg1){
for (_local2 in _npchumans) {
function moreClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent){
function freeClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent){
private function updateTargets(_arg1:Point):void{
var _local2:*;
if (_targets.length == 0){
for (_local2 in _targets) {
private function updateNpcHumans(_arg1:Point):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:*;
if (_npchumans.length == 0){
npchumanpos = new Array();
for (_local4 in _npchumans) {
_local2 = _npchumans[_local4].x;
_local3 = _npchumans[_local4].y;
if ((((((((_local2 > 235)) && ((_local2 < 435)))) && ((_local3 > 175)))) && ((_local3 < 375)))){
if (!_npchumans[_local4].getSplashed()){
_npchumans[_local4].checkPlayer = true;
} else {
if (_npchumans[_local4].getCrashed()){
if (!_npchumans[_local4].gridStopped){
if (_npchumans[_local4].getStopped()){
_npchumans[_local4].checkPlayer = false;
if ((((((((_local2 > -670)) && ((_local2 < 1340)))) && ((_local3 > -550)))) && ((_local3 < 1100)))){
if (!_npchumans[_local4].getSplashed()){
} else {
if (((_npchumans[_local4].getSplashed()) || (_npchumans[_local4].getStopped()))){
_npchumans[_local4].gridStopped = false;
private function deliverPizza(_arg1:Number):void{ = (String((_accepted[_arg1].tip * _accepted[_arg1].num)) + "$");
delivered.visible = true;
_pizzas = (_pizzas - _accepted[_arg1].num);
_money = (_money + (_accepted[_arg1].tip * _accepted[_arg1].num));
_score = (_score + 100);
_minitargets.splice(_arg1, 1);
_targets.splice(_arg1, 1);
_accepted.splice(_arg1, 1);
FogAPI.Storage.Set("Pscore", _score);
FogAPI.Storage.Set("money", _money);
public function startClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent){
private function createTargets():void{
var _local1:Number;
var _local2:Object;
var _local3:pizzaPlace;
_minitargets = new Array();
_targets = new Array();
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _accepted.length) {
_local2 = new Object(); = _accepted[_local1].id; = new mini_target();; = (532 + (((_accepted[_local1].xp + 1634) / 4140) * 134)); = (4 + (((_accepted[_local1].yp + 0x0400) / 2690) * 88));
_local3 = new pizzaPlace(_accepted[_local1], od);
function frame4(){
mini_logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mini_logoClicked);
function frame1(){
FogAPI = new CoreAPI({game:{id:11, fogid:20289, name:"the-pizza-guy", title:"The Pizza Guy", category:"racing-games", res:"670x550"}, remote:true, Preloader:{locked:false, domains:[""]}, root:root});
public function textUpdate():void{
t_score.text = String(_score);
t_money.text = (String(_money) + "$");
t_cap.text = ((String(_pizzas) + "/") + String(_cap));
cardamage.x = (434 + ((503 - 434) * (_player.hp / _player.maxhp)));
private function endGame():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _npccars.length) {
_npccars = new Array();
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _npchumans.length) {
_npchumans = new Array();
if (_paused){
function scored_btnCLICKED(_arg1:MouseEvent){
function frame2(){
startbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startClicked);
morebutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moregamesClicked);
freegamesbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, freegamesClicked);
mini_logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moregamesClicked);
private function inWhichSector(_arg1:DisplayObject){
var _local5:Rectangle;
var _local6:Rectangle;
var _local7:Rectangle;
var _local2:Rectangle = _arg1.getBounds(this);
var _local3:Rectangle = visibility.getBounds(this);
var _local4:Number = 0;
while (_local4 < _sectors.length) {
_local5 = _sectormcs[_local4].getBounds(this);
_local6 = _sectormcs[(_local4 + _sectors.length)].getBounds(this);
_local7 = _sectormcs[(_local4 + (2 * _sectors.length))].getBounds(this); = Math.min(Math.min(,,;
_local5.left = Math.min(Math.min(_local5.left, _local6.left), _local7.left);
_local5.bottom = Math.max(Math.max(_local5.bottom, _local6.bottom), _local7.bottom);
_local5.right = Math.max(Math.max(_local5.right, _local6.right), _local7.right);
if ((((((_local2.right < _local5.left)) || ((_local5.right < _local2.left)))) || ((((_local2.bottom < || ((_local5.bottom <{
_sectors[_local4] = false;
} else {
_sectors[_local4] = true;
if ((((((_local3.right < _local5.left)) || ((_local5.right < _local3.left)))) || ((((_local3.bottom < || ((_local5.bottom <{
_sectormcs[_local4].visible = false;
_sectormcs[(_local4 + _sectors.length)].visible = false;
} else {
_sectormcs[_local4].visible = true;
_sectormcs[(_local4 + _sectors.length)].visible = true;
private function backgroundUpdate(_arg1:Point){
var _local2:Number;
bg_s11.x = (bg_s11.x - _arg1.x);
bg_s11.y = (bg_s11.y - _arg1.y);
bg_s12.x = (bg_s11.x + 1440);
bg_s12.y = bg_s11.y;
bg_s13.x = (bg_s11.x + 2880);
bg_s13.y = bg_s11.y;
bg_s21.x = bg_s11.x;
bg_s21.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
bg_s22.x = (bg_s11.x + 1440);
bg_s22.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
bg_s23.x = (bg_s11.x + 2880);
bg_s23.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
hit_s11.x = bg_s11.x;
hit_s11.y = bg_s11.y;
hit_s12.x = (bg_s11.x + 1440);
hit_s12.y = bg_s11.y;
hit_s13.x = (bg_s11.x + 2880);
hit_s13.y = bg_s11.y;
hit_s21.x = bg_s11.x;
hit_s21.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
hit_s22.x = (bg_s11.x + 1440);
hit_s22.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
hit_s23.x = (bg_s11.x + 2880);
hit_s23.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
over_s11.x = bg_s11.x;
over_s11.y = bg_s11.y;
over_s12.x = (bg_s11.x + 1440);
over_s12.y = bg_s11.y;
over_s13.x = (bg_s11.x + 2880);
over_s13.y = bg_s11.y;
over_s21.x = bg_s11.x;
over_s21.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
over_s22.x = (bg_s11.x + 1440);
over_s22.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
over_s23.x = (bg_s11.x + 2880);
over_s23.y = (bg_s11.y + 1440);
homeplace.x = (bg_s11.x + _hd.x);
homeplace.y = (bg_s11.y + _hd.y);
shopplace.x = (bg_s11.x + _sd.x);
shopplace.y = (bg_s11.y + _sd.y);
public function freegamesClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent){
private function playAgain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
_gomc.b_again.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAgain);
_gomc.b_more.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreClicked);
_gomc.b_free.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, freeClicked);
FogAPI.Storage.Set("money", 0);
FogAPI.Storage.Set("Pscore", 0);
FogAPI.Storage.Set("Pvehicle", 0);
private function againClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
_paused = false;
public function returnToStreet(_arg1:Array):void{
_accepted = _arg1;
t_cap.text = ((String(_pizzas) + "/") + String(_cap));
private function updateNpcCars(_arg1:Point):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:*;
if (_npccars.length == 0){
npccarpos = new Array();
for (_local4 in _npccars) {
_local2 = _npccars[_local4].x;
_local3 = _npccars[_local4].y;
if ((((((((_local2 > 185)) && ((_local2 < 485)))) && ((_local3 > 125)))) && ((_local3 < 425)))){
_npccars[_local4].checkPlayer = true;
} else {
if (!_npccars[_local4].gridStopped){
if (_npccars[_local4].getStopped()){
if (_npccars[_local4].isStopped()){
_npccars[_local4].checkPlayer = false;
if ((((((((_local2 > -670)) && ((_local2 < 1340)))) && ((_local3 > -550)))) && ((_local3 < 1100)))){
} else {
if (_npccars[_local4].isStopped()){
if (_npccars[_local4].getStopped()){
_npccars[_local4].gridStopped = false;
private function changePlayer(_arg1:Number):void{
var _local2:Number;
var _local3:Number;
var _local4:Number;
_local2 = _player.x;
_local3 = _player.y;
_local4 = _player.rotation;
switch (_arg1){
case 0:
_player = new playerBicycle(_local2, _local3, this);
case 1:
_player = new playerScooter(_local2, _local3, this);
case 2:
_player = new playerMotor(_local2, _local3, this);
case 3:
_player = new playerPorsche(_local2, _local3, this);
case 4:
_player = new playerCar(_local2, _local3, this);
case 5:
_player = new playerJeep(_local2, _local3, this);
case 6:
_player = new playerVan(_local2, _local3, this);
_player.rotation = _local4;
_cap = _player.capacity;
_playerbynum = _arg1;
FogAPI.Storage.Set("Pvehicle", _playerbynum);
private function mainMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function keyReleased(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
if (!_paused){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.SPACE:
case 80:
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
_paused = true;
} else {
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case 80:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
_paused = false;
private function gameLoop(_arg1:Event):void{
if (_player.hp == 0){
_dp = _player.Update();
od.x = (bg_s11.x + 1010);
od.y = (bg_s11.y + 400);
_intheGrid = new Array();
private function carControlDisable():void{
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
b_pause.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame);
b_menu.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainMenu);
private function keyPressed(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.UP:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
case Keyboard.DOWN:
case Keyboard.SPACE:
private function carControlEnable():void{
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyPressed);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleased);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, gameLoop);
b_pause.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseGame);
b_menu.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mainMenu);
private function minimapUpdate():void{
mini_player.x = (532 + (((980 - bg_s11.x) / 4140) * 134));
mini_player.y = (4 + (((900 - bg_s11.y) / 2680) * 88));
private function resumeSounds():void{
private function deleteTargets():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _accepted.length) {
private function mcDistance(_arg1:MovieClip, _arg2:MovieClip):Number{
return (Math.sqrt((Math.pow((_arg2.x - _arg1.x), 2) + Math.pow((_arg2.y - _arg1.y), 2))));
private function gameOver():void{
_gomc = new gameOverMC();
_gomc.b_again.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playAgain);
_gomc.b_more.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moreClicked);
_gomc.b_free.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, freeClicked);
_gomc.scored_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, scored_btnCLICKED);
if (FogAPI.Connect.Linked){
_gomc.scored_btn.visible = false;
private function stopSounds():void{
if (_player.crashSound.isPlaying()){
public function moregamesClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent){
Section 70
//van_sound (van_sound)
package {
public dynamic class van_sound extends Sound {
Section 71
//vehicleShop (vehicleShop)
package {
import flash.display.*;
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.ui.*;
public class vehicleShop extends MovieClip {
public var p_car:TextField;
private var _repaircost:Number;
private var _playername:String;
public var p_jeep:TextField;
private var _main:Object;
public var porsche:MovieClip;
public var van:MovieClip;
public var jeep:MovieClip;
public var p_scooter:TextField;
private var _speeds:Array;
private var _playervehicle:Number;
private var _vehicles:Array;
private var _caps:Array;
private var _names:Array;
private var _vmcs:Array;
private var _tw1:Tween;
public var p_bike:TextField;
public var p_porsche:TextField;
public var p_van:TextField;
public var car:MovieClip;
public var bike:MovieClip;
public var b_exit:SimpleButton;
public var p_motor:TextField;
private var _prices:Array;
public var scooter:MovieClip;
public var motor:MovieClip;
public var t_vname:TextField;
private var _actvehicle:Number;
private var _service:MovieClip;
public function vehicleShop(_arg1:Object){
this.x = 298;
this.y = 0;
_main = _arg1;
_vmcs = new Array(bike, scooter, motor, porsche, car, jeep, van, p_bike, p_scooter, p_motor, p_porsche, p_car, p_jeep, p_van);
_vehicles = new Array(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
_prices = new Array(0, 60, 200, 800, 1200, 3000, 6000);
_names = new Array("Bicycle", "Scooter", "Motor", "Old car", "Car", "Jeep", "Van");
_caps = new Array(2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 6, 8);
_speeds = new Array(20, 40, 60, 60, 80, 90, 80);
_service = new serviceMC();
_actvehicle = 0;
if (_main.FogAPI.Storage.Get("Pvehicle")){
_playervehicle = _main.FogAPI.Storage.Get("Pvehicle");
} else {
_playervehicle = 0;
public function enterToShop():void{
_tw1 = new Tween(this, "y", Regular.easeOut, 0, 93, 1, true);
_tw1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, enteredInShop);
private function prevVehicle():void{
_actvehicle = ((_actvehicle + 1) % _vehicles.length);
private function enteredInShop(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{
var _local2:Number;
trace((("This is the Actvehicle" + " ") + _actvehicle));
trace((("This is the PlayerVehicle" + " ") + _playervehicle));
_tw1.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, enteredInShop);
_actvehicle = _playervehicle;
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _vehicles.length) {
if (_vehicles[_local2] > -1){
if (_main._money >= _prices[_local2]){
_vehicles[_local2] = 1;
} else {
_vehicles[_local2] = 0;
if (_main._player.hp < _main._player.maxhp){
_repaircost = Math.ceil((((1 - (_main._player.hp / _main._player.maxhp)) * 100) / _main._player._dmgmult));
_service.costs.text = (("It costs " + String(_repaircost)) + "$.");
_service.x = 136;
_service.y = 180;
} else {
trace((("This is the Actvehicle after entered shop" + " ") + _actvehicle));
trace((("This is the PlayerVehicle after entered shop" + " ") + _playervehicle));
private function serviceControlEnable():void{
_service.b_yes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, yesClicked);
_service.b_no.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, noClicked);
private function exitedFromShop(_arg1:TweenEvent):void{
_tw1.removeEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, exitedFromShop);
t_vname.text = _playername;
private function displayUpdate():void{
var _local1:Number;
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < _vehicles.length) {
if (_vehicles[_local1] == -1){
_vmcs[(_local1 + _vehicles.length)].visible = false;
} else {
_vmcs[(_local1 + _vehicles.length)].visible = true;
_vmcs[_local1].gotoAndStop((1 + _vehicles[_local1]));
if (_vehicles[_actvehicle] == 0){
} else {
t_vname.text = (((((_names[_actvehicle] + " Cap: ") + _caps[_actvehicle]) + " Speed: ") + _speeds[_actvehicle]) + "mph");
private function vshopControlEnable():void{
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleasedShop);
b_exit.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseExit);
private function noClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function nextVehicle():void{
if (_actvehicle < 0){
_actvehicle = (_actvehicle + _vehicles.length);
public function setCarName(_arg1:String):void{
_playername = _arg1;
t_vname.text = _playername;
private function buyVehicle():void{
if ((((((_vehicles[_actvehicle] > 0)) && ((_main._money >= _prices[_actvehicle])))) || ((_vehicles[_actvehicle] == -1)))){
if (_vehicles[_actvehicle] > 0){
_main._money = (_main._money - _prices[_actvehicle]);
_vehicles[_actvehicle] = -1;
_playervehicle = _actvehicle;
_main.FogAPI.Storage.Set("money", _main._money);
private function vshopControlDisable():void{
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyReleasedShop);
b_exit.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, mouseExit);
private function keyReleasedShop(_arg1:KeyboardEvent){
switch (_arg1.keyCode){
case Keyboard.LEFT:
case Keyboard.RIGHT:
case Keyboard.ENTER:
case Keyboard.ESCAPE:
private function serviceControlDisable():void{
_service.b_yes.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, yesClicked);
_service.b_no.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, noClicked);
private function mouseExit(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
private function exitFrom():void{
_tw1 = new Tween(this, "y", Regular.easeIn, 93, 0, 1, true);
_tw1.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, exitedFromShop);
private function yesClicked(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
_main._money = (_main._money - _repaircost);
_main._player.hp = _main._player.maxhp;
_main._player._damage = 100;
Section 72
//VoiceOver (VoiceOver)
package {
public dynamic class VoiceOver extends Sound {