Frame 1
var changeTerrain:String = "";
var startGame:Boolean = false;
Stage.showMenu = false;
_quality = "BEST";
_root.myrace = 0;
lastscore1 = (lastscore2 = (lastscore3 = ""));
_root.level01 = (_root.level02 = (_root.level03 = ""));
highway_race = 0;
city_race = 0;
house_race = 0;
level0 = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0);
iii1 = 0;
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip "loading" in Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
per = Math.floor((100 * _parent.getBytesLoaded()) / _parent.getBytesTotal());
_root.per = per + " %";
if (per == 100) {
Frame 95
_root.changeTerrain = "";
_root.startGame = false;
_global.kaishi = true;
_root.raceover_01 = false;
saidao = 1;
_root.zhannum = 0;
_root.ftime = 1;
System.useCodepage = true;
level = "";
if (_root.house_race == 1) {
ho.enabled = 0;
if (_root.city_race == 1) {
ci.enabled = 0;
if (_root.highway_race == 1) {
hi.enabled = 0;
mysound1 = new Sound();
mysound2 = new Sound();
mysound3 = new Sound();
mysound4 = new Sound();
mysound5 = new Sound();
mysound6 = new Sound();
mysound7 = new Sound();
mysound8 = new Sound();
mysound9 = new Sound();
mysound10 = new Sound();
mysound11 = new Sound();
Instance of Symbol 149 MovieClip "help" in Frame 95
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = 0;
Frame 96
Frame 97
ongsoundp = new Sound("/gongsound");
bgssoundp = new Sound("/water");
resetp = "0";
temp1 = "0";
temp2 = "0";
temp3 = "0";
temp4 = "0";
temp5 = "0";
temp6 = "0";
temp7 = "0";
temp8 = "0";
temp9 = "0";
temp10 = "0";
temp11 = "0";
temp12 = "0";
temp13 = "0";
temp14 = "0";
temp15 = "0";
temp16 = "0";
temp17 = "0";
temp18 = "0";
temp19 = "0";
temp20 = "0";
temp21 = "0";
temp22 = "0";
temp23 = "0";
temp24 = "0";
temp25 = "0";
temp26 = "0";
temp27 = "0";
temp28 = "0";
temp29 = "0";
temp30 = "0";
temp31 = "0";
temp32 = "0";
temp33 = "0";
temp34 = "0";
temp35 = "0";
temp36 = "0";
temp37 = "0";
temp38 = "0";
temp39 = "0";
temp40 = "0";
temp41 = "0";
temp42 = "0";
temp43 = "0";
temp44 = "0";
temp45 = "0";
temp46 = "0";
temp47 = "0";
temp48 = "0";
temp49 = "0";
temp50 = "0";
temp51 = "0";
temp52 = "0";
temp53 = "0";
temp54 = "0";
temp55 = "0";
temp56 = "0";
temp57 = "0";
temp58 = "0";
temp59 = "0";
temp60 = "0";
temp61 = "0";
temp62 = "0";
temp63 = "0";
temp64 = "0";
temp65 = "0";
temp66 = "0";
temp67 = "0";
temp68 = "0";
temp69 = "0";
temp70 = "0";
temp71 = "0";
temp72 = "0";
temp73 = "0";
temp74 = "0";
temp75 = "0";
temp76 = "0";
temp77 = "0";
temp78 = "0";
temp79 = "0";
temp80 = "0";
temp81 = "0";
temp82 = "0";
temp83 = "0";
temp84 = "0";
temp85 = "0";
temp86 = "0";
temp87 = "0";
temp88 = "0";
temp89 = "0";
temp90 = "0";
temp91 = "0";
temp92 = "0";
temp93 = "0";
temp94 = "0";
temp95 = "0";
temp96 = "0";
temp97 = "0";
temp98 = "0";
temp99 = "0";
temp100 = "0";
temp101 = "0";
temp102 = "0";
temp103 = "0";
temp104 = "0";
temp105 = "0";
temp106 = "0";
temp107 = "0";
temp108 = "0";
temp109 = "0";
temp110 = "0";
temp111 = "0";
temp112 = "0";
temp113 = "0";
temp114 = "0";
temp115 = "0";
temp116 = "0";
temp117 = "0";
temp118 = "0";
temp119 = "0";
temp120 = "0";
temp121 = "0";
temp122 = "0";
temp123 = "0";
temp124 = "0";
temp125 = "0";
temp126 = "0";
temp127 = "0";
temp128 = "0";
temp129 = "0";
temp130 = "0";
temp131 = "0";
temp132 = "0";
temp133 = "0";
temp134 = "0";
temp135 = "0";
temp136 = "0";
temp137 = "0";
temp138 = "0";
temp139 = "0";
temp140 = "0";
temp141 = "0";
temp142 = "0";
temp143 = "0";
temp144 = "0";
_root.totalscores = 0;
Frame 98
function ArcadeTown_EncrpytString(strVal) {
var strKey = "aHfEjcDebChGiAfIjDbEjacD";
var nLenKey = strKey.length;
var strZero = "0";
var _local3 = "";
var nTot = strVal.length;
var _local1 = 0;
_local3 = "";
var nCodeVal;
var nCodeKey;
var _local2;
var nChecksum = 0;
nCnt = 0;
while (nCnt < nTot) {
nCodeVal = strVal.charCodeAt(nCnt);
if (nCodeVal >= 128) {
nCodeVal = "X";
nCodeKey = strKey.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= nLenKey) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (nCodeVal % 16) + nCodeKey;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
nChecksum = nChecksum + _local2;
nCodeKey = strKey.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= nLenKey) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(nCodeVal / 16) + nCodeKey;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
nChecksum = nChecksum + _local2;
nChecksum = nChecksum % 256;
nCodeKey = strKey.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= nLenKey) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = (nChecksum % 16) + nCodeKey;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
nCodeKey = strKey.charCodeAt(_local1);
_local1 = _local1 + 1;
if (_local1 >= nLenKey) {
_local1 = 0;
_local2 = Math.floor(nChecksum / 16) + nCodeKey;
_local3 = _local3 + String.fromCharCode(_local2);
Set("_root.space1:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space1:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space1:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space2:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space2:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space2:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space3:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space3:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space3:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space4:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space4:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space4:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space5:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space5:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space5:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space6:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space6:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space6:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space7:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space7:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space7:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space8:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space8:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space8:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space9:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space9:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space9:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space10:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space10:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space10:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space11:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space11:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space11:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space12:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space12:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space12:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space13:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space13:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space13:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space14:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space14:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space14:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space15:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space15:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space15:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space16:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space16:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space16:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space17:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space17:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space17:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space18:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space18:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space18:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space19:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space19:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space19:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space20:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space20:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space20:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space21:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space21:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space21:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space22:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space22:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space22:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space23:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space23:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space23:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space24:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space24:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space24:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space25:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space25:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space25:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space26:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space26:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space26:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space27:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space27:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space27:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space28:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space28:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space28:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space29:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space29:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space29:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space30:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space30:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space30:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space31:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space31:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space31:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space32:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space32:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space32:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space33:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space33:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space33:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space34:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space34:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space34:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space35:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space35:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space35:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space36:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space36:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space36:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space37:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space37:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space37:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space38:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space38:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space38:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space39:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space39:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space39:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space40:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space40:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space40:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space41:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space41:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space41:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space42:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space42:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space42:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space43:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space43:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space43:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space44:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space44:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space44:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space45:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space45:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space45:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space46:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space46:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space46:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space47:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space47:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space47:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space48:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space48:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space48:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space49:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space49:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space49:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space50:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space50:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space50:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space51:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space51:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space51:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space52:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space52:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space52:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space53:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space53:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space53:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space54:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space54:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space54:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space55:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space55:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space55:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space56:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space56:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space56:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space57:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space57:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space57:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space58:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space58:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space58:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space59:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space59:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space59:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space60:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space60:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space60:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space61:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space61:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space61:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space62:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space62:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space62:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space63:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space63:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space63:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space64:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space64:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space64:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space65:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space65:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space65:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space66:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space66:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space66:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space67:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space67:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space67:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space68:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space68:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space68:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space69:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space69:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space69:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space70:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space70:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space70:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space71:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space71:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space71:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space72:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space72:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space72:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space73:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space73:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space73:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space74:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space74:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space74:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space75:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space75:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space75:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space76:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space76:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space76:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space77:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space77:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space77:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space78:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space78:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space78:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space79:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space79:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space79:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space80:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space80:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space80:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space81:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space81:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space81:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space82:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space82:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space82:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space83:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space83:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space83:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space84:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space84:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space84:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space85:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space85:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space85:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space86:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space86:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space86:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space87:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space87:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space87:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space88:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space88:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space88:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space89:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space89:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space89:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space90:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space90:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space90:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space91:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space91:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space91:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space92:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space92:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space92:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space93:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space93:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space93:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space94:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space94:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space94:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space95:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space95:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space95:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space96:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space96:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space96:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space97:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space97:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space97:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space98:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space98:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space98:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space99:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space99:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space99:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space100:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space100:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space100:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space101:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space101:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space101:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space102:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space102:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space102:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space103:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space103:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space103:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space104:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space104:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space104:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space105:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space105:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space105:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space106:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space106:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space106:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space107:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space107:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space107:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space108:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space108:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space108:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space109:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space109:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space109:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space110:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space110:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space110:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space111:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space111:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space111:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space112:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space112:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space112:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space113:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space113:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space113:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space114:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space114:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space114:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space115:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space115:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space115:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space116:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space116:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space116:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space117:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space117:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space117:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space118:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space118:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space118:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space119:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space119:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space119:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space120:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space120:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space120:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space121:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space121:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space121:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space122:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space122:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space122:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space123:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space123:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space123:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space124:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space124:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space124:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space125:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space125:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space125:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space126:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space126:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space126:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space127:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space127:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space127:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space128:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space128:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space128:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space129:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space129:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space129:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space130:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space130:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space130:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space131:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space131:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space131:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space132:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space132:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space132:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space133:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space133:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space133:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space134:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space134:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space134:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space135:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space135:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space135:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space136:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space136:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space136:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space137:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space137:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space137:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space138:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space138:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space138:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space139:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space139:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space139:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.space140:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space140:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space140:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space141:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space141:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space141:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space142:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.space142:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space142:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space143:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space143:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.space143:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.space144:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.space144:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.space144:moveup", "0");
reset = function () {
var _local1 = _root;
_local1.terrains = ["highway", "city", "house"];
_local1.statistics = new Array();
_local1.totalScore = 0;
_local1.races = 0;
for (var i in _local1.terrains) {
_local1.statistics[_local1.terrains[i]] = {score:-1, checkpoints:[], winner:0};
Frame 99
Set("_root.fnet1:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet1:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet1:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet2:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet2:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet2:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet3:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet3:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet3:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet4:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet4:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet4:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet5:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet5:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet5:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet6:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet6:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet6:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet7:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet7:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet7:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet8:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet8:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet8:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet9:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet9:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet9:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet10:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet10:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet10:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet11:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet11:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet11:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet12:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet12:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet12:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet13:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet13:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet13:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet14:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet14:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet14:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet15:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet15:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet15:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet16:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet16:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet16:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet17:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet17:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet17:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet18:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet18:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet18:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet19:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet19:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet19:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet20:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet20:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet20:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet21:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet21:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet21:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet22:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet22:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet22:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet23:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet23:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet23:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet24:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet24:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet24:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet25:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet25:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet25:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet26:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet26:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet26:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet27:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet27:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet27:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet28:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet28:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet28:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet29:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet29:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet29:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet30:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet30:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet30:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet31:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet31:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet31:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet32:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet32:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet32:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet33:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet33:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet33:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet34:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet34:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet34:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet35:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet35:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet35:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet36:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet36:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet36:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet37:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet37:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet37:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet38:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet38:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet38:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet39:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet39:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet39:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet40:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet40:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet40:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet41:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet41:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet41:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet42:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet42:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet42:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet43:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet43:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet43:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet44:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet44:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet44:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet45:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet45:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet45:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet46:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet46:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet46:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet47:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet47:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet47:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet48:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet48:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet48:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet49:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet49:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet49:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet50:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet50:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet50:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet51:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet51:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet51:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet52:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet52:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet52:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet53:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet53:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet53:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet54:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet54:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet54:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet55:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet55:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet55:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet56:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet56:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet56:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet57:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet57:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet57:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet58:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet58:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet58:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet59:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet59:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet59:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet60:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet60:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet60:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet61:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet61:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet61:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet62:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet62:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet62:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet63:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet63:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet63:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet64:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet64:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet64:moveup", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet65:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet65:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet66:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet66:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet67:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet67:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet68:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet68:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet68:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet69:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet69:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet69:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet70:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet70:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet70:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet71:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet71:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet71:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet72:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet72:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet72:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet73:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet73:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet73:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet74:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet74:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet74:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet75:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet75:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet75:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet76:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet76:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet76:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet77:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet77:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet77:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet78:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet78:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet78:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet79:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet79:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet79:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet80:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet80:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet80:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet81:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet81:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet81:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet82:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet82:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet82:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet83:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet83:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet83:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet84:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet84:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet84:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet85:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet85:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet85:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet86:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet86:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet86:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet87:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet87:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet87:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet88:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet88:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet88:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet89:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet89:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet89:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet90:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet90:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet90:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet91:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet91:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet91:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet92:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet92:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet92:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet93:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet93:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet93:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet94:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet94:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet94:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet95:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet95:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet95:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet96:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet96:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet96:moveup", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet97:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet98:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet98:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet99:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet99:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet99:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet100:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet100:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet100:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet101:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet101:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet101:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet102:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet102:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet102:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet103:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet103:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet103:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet104:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet104:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet104:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet105:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet105:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet105:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet106:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet106:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet106:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet107:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet108:movewest", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet109:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet110:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet110:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet110:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet111:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet111:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet111:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet112:moveeast", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet113:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet113:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet114:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet114:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet114:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet115:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet115:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet115:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet116:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet116:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet116:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet117:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet117:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet117:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet118:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet118:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet118:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet119:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet119:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet120:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet120:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet120:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet121:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet121:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet121:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet122:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet122:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet122:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet123:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet123:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet123:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet124:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet124:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet124:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet125:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet125:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet125:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet126:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet126:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet126:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet127:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet127:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet127:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet128:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet128:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet129:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet129:moveup", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet130:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet130:moveup", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet131:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet133:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet133:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet134:movewest", "1");
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Set("_root.fnet135:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet135:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet136:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet136:moveup", "0");
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Set("_root.fnet137:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet137:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet138:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet138:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet138:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet139:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet139:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet139:moveup", "0");
Set("_root.fnet140:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet140:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet140:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet141:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet141:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet141:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet142:moveeast", "1");
Set("_root.fnet142:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet142:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet143:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet143:movewest", "1");
Set("_root.fnet143:moveup", "1");
Set("_root.fnet144:moveeast", "0");
Set("_root.fnet144:movewest", "0");
Set("_root.fnet144:moveup", "0");
String.numberFormat = function (num, digits) {
var _local3 = num;
var _local2 = String(int(_local3));
var _local1 = _local2.length - 4;
while (_local1 >= 0) {
_local2 = (_local2.substring(0, _local1 + 1) + ",") + _local2.substr(_local1 + 1);
_local1 = _local1 - 3;
if (int(digits) > 0) {
_local2 = _local2 + ".";
_local3 = String(int((_local3 - int(_local3)) * Math.pow(10, digits)));
while (_local3.length < digits) {
_local3 = "0" + _local3;
_local2 = _local2 + _local3;
Frame 100
function race_go() {
mykey = 0;
i = 1;
while (i < 141) {
x_i = ((i - 1) % 14) + 1;
y_i = ((i - x_i) / 14) + 1;
if (((_level0.totaline[i] == 50) && (i > 14)) && (i < 127)) {
if ((y_i < 6) && (_level0.totaline[i - 14] < 50)) {
_level0.totaline[i] = _level0.totaline[i - 14];
_level0.totaline[i - 14] = 50;
mykey = 1;
if ((y_i > 5) && (_level0.totaline[i + 14] < 50)) {
_level0.totaline[i] = _level0.totaline[i + 14];
_level0.totaline[i + 14] = 50;
mykey = 1;
if (((_level0.totaline[i] == 50) && (x_i > 1)) && (x_i < 14)) {
if ((x_i < 8) && (_level0.totaline[i - 1] < 50)) {
_level0.totaline[i] = _level0.totaline[i - 1];
_level0.totaline[i - 1] = 50;
mykey = 1;
if ((x_i > 7) && (_level0.totaline[i + 1] < 50)) {
_level0.totaline[i] = _level0.totaline[i + 1];
_level0.totaline[i + 1] = 50;
mykey = 1;
if (mykey == 1) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < _level0.getline.length) {
if (i == 0) {
if ((_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == -16) {
if ((_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 16) {
if ((_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == -1) {
if ((_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 1) {
if (i == (_level0.getline.length - 1)) {
if ((_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == -16) {
if ((_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 16) {
if ((_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == -1) {
if ((_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 1) {
if ((i != 0) && (i != (_level0.getline.length - 1))) {
if ((math.abs(_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 16) && (math.abs(_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 16)) {
if ((math.abs(_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 1) && (math.abs(_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == 1)) {
if (((_level0.getline[i + 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == -16) && ((_level0.getline[i - 1] - _level0.getline[i]) == -1)) {
Frame 101
temed.dogo(sets, ons);
Frame 108
gongsoundp = new Sound("/gongsound");
bgssoundp = new Sound("/water");
resetp = "0";
temp1 = "0";
temp2 = "0";
temp3 = "0";
temp4 = "0";
temp5 = "0";
temp6 = "0";
temp7 = "0";
temp8 = "0";
temp9 = "0";
temp10 = "0";
temp11 = "0";
temp12 = "0";
temp13 = "0";
temp14 = "0";
temp15 = "0";
temp16 = "0";
temp17 = "0";
temp18 = "0";
temp19 = "0";
temp20 = "0";
temp21 = "0";
temp22 = "0";
Frame 109;
resetp = "0";
temp1 = "0";
temp2 = "0";
temp3 = "0";
temp4 = "0";
temp5 = "0";
temp6 = "0";
temp7 = "0";
temp8 = "0";
temp9 = "0";
temp10 = "0";
temp11 = "0";
temp12 = "0";
temp13 = "0";
temp14 = "0";
temp15 = "0";
temp16 = "0";
temp17 = "0";
temp18 = "0";
temp19 = "0";
temp20 = "0";
temp21 = "0";
temp22 = "0";
Frame 110;
resetp = "0";
temp1 = "0";
temp2 = "0";
temp3 = "0";
temp4 = "0";
temp5 = "0";
temp6 = "0";
temp7 = "0";
temp8 = "0";
temp9 = "0";
temp10 = "0";
temp11 = "0";
temp12 = "0";
temp13 = "0";
temp14 = "0";
temp15 = "0";
temp16 = "0";
temp17 = "0";
temp18 = "0";
temp19 = "0";
temp20 = "0";
temp21 = "0";
temp22 = "0";
timecheck._visible = 1;
_root.w.race_fn = new Array(); = new Array([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 6], [0, 10, 1], [0, 0, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 95, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 40, 39], [0, 39, 40], [0, 95, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-3, 95, 0], [-4, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-3, 35, 36], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 39, 40], [-1, 39, 40], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [-3, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-7, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 39, 40], [3, 39, 40], [7, 0, 40], [10, 0, 40], [8, 95, 0], [7, 0, 40], [5, 0, 40], [3, 0, 40], [2, 0, 40], [3, 0, 40], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 0], [-1, 39, 40], [-1, 39, 0], [-2, 39, 40], [-3, 39, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-7, 39, 40], [-8, 39, 40], [-8, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-8, 39, 40], [-7, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-3, 0, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 19], [2, 0, 40], [4, 39, 40], [5, 0, 40], [6, 39, 40], [7, 0, 40], [8, 39, 40], [10, 0, 40], [11, 39, 40], [10, 0, 40], [9, 39, 40], [8, 0, 40], [7, 39, 40], [6, 0, 40], [4, 39, 40], [3, 0, 40], [3, 39, 40], [3, 0, 40], [2, 39, 40], [2, 0, 40], [2, 39, 40], [1, 0, 0], [1, 39, 40], [1, 0, 0], [1, 39, 40], [-1, 99, 1], [-1, 99, 1], [-2, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 95, 0], [2, 39, 40], [2, 39, 40], [2, 35, 36], [2, 39, 40], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [4, 35, 36], [4, 39, 40], [4, 39, 40], [4, 39, 40], [4, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [2, 99, 1], [2, 99, 1], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 11, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-3, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-3, 39, 40], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 39, 40], [-1, 39, 40], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [-3, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-7, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 39, 40], [3, 39, 40], [7, 0, 40], [10, 0, 40], [8, 0, 40], [7, 0, 40], [5, 0, 40], [3, 0, 40], [2, 0, 40], [3, 0, 40], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 0], [-1, 39, 40], [-1, 39, 0], [-2, 39, 40], [-3, 39, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-7, 39, 40], [-8, 39, 40], [-8, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-9, 39, 40], [-8, 39, 40], [-7, 39, 40], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 95, 0], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-4, 39, 40], [-3, 0, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 19], [2, 0, 40], [4, 39, 40], [5, 0, 40], [6, 39, 40], [7, 0, 40], [8, 39, 40], [10, 0, 40], [11, 39, 40], [10, 0, 40], [9, 39, 40], [8, 0, 40], [7, 39, 40], [6, 0, 40], [4, 39, 40], [3, 0, 40], [3, 39, 40], [3, 0, 40], [2, 39, 40], [2, 0, 40], [2, 39, 40], [1, 0, 0], [1, 39, 40], [1, 0, 0], [1, 39, 40], [-1, 99, 1], [-1, 99, 1], [-2, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 39, 40], [2, 39, 40], [2, 39, 40], [2, 39, 40], [2, 39, 40], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [4, 95, 0], [4, 39, 40], [4, 39, 40], [4, 39, 40], [4, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [2, 99, 1], [2, 99, 1], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 11, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 40], [1, 0, 7], [2, 39, 7], [2, 0, 7], [3, 0, 40], [3, 0, 7], [3, 39, 7], [3, 0, 7], [3, 0, 40], [2, 0, 0], [2, 39, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 40], [1, 0, 0], [0, 39, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 7, 40], [-1, 7, 0], [-2, 39, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-7, 7, 40], [-9, 7, 0], [-12, 39, 0], [-12, 7, 0], [-12, 7, 40], [-12, 7, 0], [-12, 39, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 40], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [1, 32, 32], [1, 39, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [0, 31, 31], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 36], [0, 19, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 40], [-8, 7, 0], [-14, 39, 0], [-14, 7, 0], [-14, 7, 40], [-11, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [0, 7, 0], [0, 39, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 40], [-1, 0, 0], [-3, 39, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 40], [-7, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 39, 40], [3, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [5, 39, 40], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 95, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 39, 40], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 39, 40], [5, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [3, 39, 40], [3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 39, 40], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-9, 7, 0], [-10, 7, 0], [-7, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 0], [0, 7, 7], [3, 0, 7], [5, 0, 7], [8, 0, 7], [7, 0, 7], [4, 0, 7], [2, 0, 7], [0, 0, 7], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 35, 36], [0, 95, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 35, 36], [0, 39, 40], [0, 11, 1], [-5, 0, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 40], [-7, 7, 0], [-7, 32, 40], [-7, 7, 0], [-7, 39, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-1, 32, 40], [-1, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 40], [-9, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [1, 7, 0], [2, 39, 40], [3, 0, 7], [4, 39, 40], [5, 0, 7], [4, 33, 33], [3, 0, 7], [2, 39, 40], [1, 0, 7], [-6, 39, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-7, 39, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [1, 7, 0], [1, 39, 40], [2, 7, 0], [3, 33, 33], [3, 0, 0], [4, 39, 40], [5, 0, 7], [5, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 35, 36], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 40], [9, 0, 7], [9, 39, 40], [9, 0, 7], [9, 39, 40], [9, 0, 7], [8, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [5, 39, 40], [4, 0, 7], [3, 95, 0], [3, 0, 7], [2, 34, 34], [2, 0, 7], [1, 39, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-4, 39, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-1, 39, 40], [-1, 7, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 0, 7], [3, 39, 40], [7, 39, 7], [9, 0, 40], [6, 39, 7], [3, 0, 40], [2, 39, 7], [0, 0, 40], [3, 32, 32], [5, 0, 40], [4, 39, 7], [2, 0, 40], [1, 39, 7], [2, 0, 40], [5, 39, 7], [7, 0, 40], [10, 39, 7], [12, 0, 40], [13, 39, 7], [10, 0, 40], [7, 39, 7], [5, 0, 40], [3, 39, 7], [1, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 7, 0], [-3, 33, 33], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-4, 39, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 40], [-3, 31, 31], [-2, 39, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-1, 39, 40], [0, 31, 31], [0, 39, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [3, 31, 31], [6, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 40], [6, 0, 7], [3, 39, 40], [5, 0, 7], [4, 39, 40], [4, 0, 7], [3, 39, 40], [3, 0, 7], [2, 39, 40], [2, 0, 7], [2, 39, 40], [1, 0, 7], [1, 39, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 95, 0], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 39, 40], [0, 12, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]);
_root.w.race_fn.highway = new Array([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 6], [0, 10, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [1, 95, 0], [1, 0, 7], [2, 39, 7], [2, 0, 7], [3, 0, 39], [3, 0, 7], [3, 39, 7], [3, 0, 7], [3, 0, 39], [2, 0, 0], [2, 39, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 39], [1, 0, 0], [0, 39, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 39], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 7, 39], [-1, 7, 0], [-2, 39, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-7, 7, 39], [-9, 7, 0], [-12, 39, 0], [-12, 7, 0], [-12, 7, 39], [-12, 7, 0], [-12, 39, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 39], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 39], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 95, 0], [1, 32, 32], [1, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 31, 31], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 36], [0, 19, 0], [-3, 7, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 39], [-8, 7, 0], [-14, 39, 0], [-14, 7, 0], [-14, 7, 39], [-11, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 39], [0, 7, 0], [0, 39, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 39], [-1, 0, 0], [-3, 39, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 39], [-7, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 39], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 39, 39], [3, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [5, 39, 39], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 39, 39], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 39, 39], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 39, 39], [5, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [3, 95, 0], [3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 39, 39], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 39], [-2, 0, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-9, 7, 0], [-10, 7, 0], [-7, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 0], [0, 7, 7], [3, 0, 7], [5, 0, 7], [8, 0, 7], [7, 0, 7], [4, 0, 7], [2, 0, 7], [0, 0, 7], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 35, 36], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 0, 39], [0, 0, 39], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 95, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 35, 36], [0, 39, 39], [0, 11, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-2, 0, 7], [3, 0, 7], [5, 0, 7], [6, 0, 7], [8, 0, 7], [8, 50, 7], [6, 51, 7], [5, 0, 7], [3, 0, 7], [2, 52, 7], [1, 0, 0], [1, 53, 36], [-1, 7, 36], [-2, 7, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 36], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 36], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-4, 7, 36], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 36], [-3, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 36], [-2, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 36], [-1, 7, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 36], [1, 55, 0], [1, 53, 0], [1, 0, 36], [1, 0, 0], [1, 58, 36], [1, 0, 36], [1, 59, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 95, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 35, 36], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 7], [4, 0, 7], [9, 35, 7], [13, 0, 7], [11, 0, 7], [9, 0, 7], [7, 35, 7], [6, 0, 39], [4, 0, 39], [2, 7, 36], [1, 7, 39], [1, 7, 39], [1, 7, 39], [-10, 7, 36], [-8, 7, 39], [-7, 7, 39], [-6, 7, 39], [-5, 35, 36], [-3, 39, 39], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 39, 39], [-2, 35, 36], [-1, 39, 39], [-1, 39, 39], [-1, 39, 39], [-1, 35, 36], [0, 7, 39], [-5, 7, 39], [-8, 7, 39], [-10, 7, 39], [-8, 7, 39], [-7, 7, 39], [-6, 7, 39], [-5, 7, 39], [-4, 7, 39], [-3, 7, 39], [-2, 7, 39], [-3, 7, 39], [-3, 7, 39], [-3, 7, 39], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 39, 39], [-1, 39, 39], [0, 95, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 11, 1], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [0, 39, 0], [0, 0, 39], [-5, 39, 0], [-5, 0, 39], [-5, 39, 0], [-5, 0, 39], [-5, 39, 0], [-3, 0, 39], [-4, 39, 0], [-5, 95, 0], [-6, 39, 39], [-5, 39, 39], [-4, 39, 39], [-3, 39, 39], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 39, 39], [-1, 39, 39], [0, 100, 1], [0, 100, 1], [0, 100, 1], [0, 100, 1], [-3, 39, 39], [-5, 39, 39], [-7, 39, 39], [-4, 39, 0], [-3, 0, 39], [-2, 39, 0], [3, 0, 39], [7, 0, 39], [10, 0, 39], [8, 0, 39], [7, 0, 39], [5, 0, 39], [3, 0, 39], [2, 0, 39], [3, 0, 39], [0, 0, 39], [0, 0, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 0], [-1, 39, 39], [-1, 39, 0], [-2, 39, 39], [-3, 39, 0], [-3, 0, 39], [-4, 39, 0], [-4, 0, 39], [-5, 39, 0], [-6, 0, 39], [-6, 39, 0], [-7, 0, 39], [-8, 39, 0], [-8, 0, 39], [-9, 39, 0], [-9, 0, 39], [-9, 39, 0], [-9, 0, 39], [-8, 39, 0], [-7, 0, 39], [-6, 39, 0], [-6, 0, 39], [-5, 95, 0], [-5, 0, 39], [-5, 39, 0], [-4, 0, 39], [-4, 39, 0], [-3, 0, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 39, 39], [-2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 19], [2, 0, 39], [4, 39, 0], [5, 0, 39], [6, 39, 39], [7, 0, 39], [8, 39, 39], [10, 0, 39], [11, 39, 39], [10, 0, 39], [9, 39, 39], [8, 0, 39], [7, 39, 0], [6, 0, 39], [4, 39, 0], [3, 0, 39], [3, 39, 0], [3, 0, 39], [2, 39, 0], [2, 0, 39], [2, 39, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 39, 39], [1, 0, 0], [1, 39, 39], [-1, 100, 1], [-1, 100, 1], [-2, 100, 1], [0, 100, 1], [0, 100, 1], [0, 100, 1], [1, 100, 1], [1, 100, 1], [1, 100, 1], [1, 39, 0], [2, 0, 39], [2, 39, 0], [2, 0, 39], [2, 39, 0], [3, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [4, 39, 39], [4, 39, 39], [4, 39, 39], [4, 39, 39], [4, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [3, 100, 1], [2, 100, 1], [2, 100, 1], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 11, 1], [-5, 0, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 95, 0], [-7, 7, 0], [-7, 32, 39], [-7, 7, 0], [-7, 39, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 39], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 7, 0], [-1, 32, 39], [-1, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-4, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 39], [-9, 7, 0], [-8, 39, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 39], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [1, 7, 0], [2, 39, 39], [3, 0, 7], [4, 39, 39], [5, 0, 7], [4, 33, 33], [3, 0, 7], [2, 39, 39], [1, 0, 7], [-6, 39, 39], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 7, 0], [-7, 39, 39], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [1, 7, 0], [1, 39, 39], [2, 7, 0], [3, 33, 33], [3, 0, 0], [4, 39, 39], [5, 0, 7], [5, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [6, 35, 36], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 39], [9, 0, 7], [9, 39, 39], [9, 0, 7], [9, 39, 39], [9, 0, 7], [8, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [5, 39, 39], [4, 0, 7], [3, 39, 39], [3, 0, 7], [2, 34, 34], [2, 0, 7], [1, 39, 39], [-2, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-5, 7, 0], [-4, 39, 39], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-2, 7, 0], [-1, 39, 39], [-1, 7, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 7], [3, 39, 39], [7, 39, 7], [9, 0, 39], [6, 39, 7], [3, 0, 39], [2, 39, 7], [0, 0, 39], [3, 32, 32], [5, 0, 39], [4, 39, 7], [2, 0, 39], [1, 39, 7], [2, 0, 39], [5, 39, 7], [7, 0, 39], [10, 39, 7], [12, 0, 39], [13, 39, 7], [10, 0, 39], [7, 39, 7], [5, 0, 39], [3, 39, 7], [1, 39, 39], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 39], [0, 7, 0], [-3, 33, 33], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 39, 39], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 39, 39], [-5, 7, 0], [-4, 39, 39], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 39, 39], [-3, 31, 31], [-2, 95, 0], [-2, 0, 0], [-1, 39, 39], [0, 31, 31], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [3, 31, 31], [6, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [6, 39, 39], [6, 0, 7], [3, 39, 39], [5, 0, 7], [4, 39, 39], [4, 0, 7], [3, 39, 39], [3, 0, 7], [2, 39, 39], [2, 0, 7], [2, 39, 39], [1, 0, 7], [1, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 0, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 96, 0], [0, 39, 39], [0, 12, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]); = new Array([0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 5, 6], [0, 10, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 95, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [-2, 0, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-2, 0, 7], [3, 0, 7], [5, 0, 7], [6, 0, 7], [8, 0, 7], [8, 50, 7], [6, 51, 7], [5, 0, 7], [3, 0, 7], [2, 52, 7], [1, 0, 0], [1, 53, 36], [-1, 7, 36], [-2, 7, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 36], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 36], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-5, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 36], [-4, 7, 36], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 36], [-3, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 36], [-2, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 36], [-1, 7, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 36], [1, 55, 0], [1, 53, 0], [1, 0, 36], [1, 0, 0], [1, 58, 36], [1, 0, 36], [1, 95, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 35, 36], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 35, 36], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 7], [4, 0, 7], [9, 35, 7], [13, 0, 7], [11, 0, 7], [9, 0, 7], [7, 35, 7], [6, 0, 43], [4, 0, 43], [2, 7, 36], [1, 7, 43], [1, 7, 43], [1, 7, 43], [-10, 7, 36], [-8, 7, 43], [-7, 7, 43], [-6, 7, 43], [-5, 35, 36], [-3, 43, 43], [-3, 43, 43], [-2, 43, 43], [-2, 35, 36], [-1, 43, 43], [-1, 43, 43], [-1, 43, 43], [-1, 35, 36], [0, 7, 43], [-5, 7, 43], [-8, 7, 43], [-10, 7, 43], [-8, 7, 43], [-7, 7, 43], [-6, 7, 43], [-5, 7, 43], [-4, 7, 43], [-3, 7, 43], [-2, 7, 43], [-3, 7, 43], [-3, 7, 43], [-3, 7, 43], [-3, 43, 43], [-2, 43, 43], [-1, 43, 43], [0, 43, 43], [0, 43, 43], [0, 11, 1], [0, 0, 0], [0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 0], [1, 0, 40], [1, 0, 7], [2, 40, 7], [2, 0, 7], [3, 95, 0], [3, 0, 7], [3, 40, 7], [3, 0, 7], [3, 0, 40], [2, 0, 0], [2, 40, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 40], [1, 0, 0], [0, 40, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 40, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [1, 7, 40], [-1, 7, 0], [-2, 40, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-7, 7, 40], [-9, 7, 0], [-12, 40, 0], [-12, 7, 0], [-12, 7, 40], [-12, 7, 0], [-12, 40, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 40, 0], [-1, 0, 0], [-1, 0, 40], [-1, 0, 0], [0, 40, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [1, 32, 32], [1, 95, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [0, 31, 31], [0, 40, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 40, 36], [0, 19, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 40, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 40], [-8, 7, 0], [-14, 40, 0], [-14, 7, 0], [-14, 7, 40], [-11, 7, 0], [-8, 40, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [0, 7, 0], [0, 40, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 40], [-1, 0, 0], [-3, 40, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 40], [-7, 7, 0], [-6, 40, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 7, 40], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [2, 44, 44], [3, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [5, 43, 43], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 44, 44], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 43, 43], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 0, 0], [5, 44, 44], [5, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [4, 0, 0], [3, 43, 43], [3, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 95, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 42, 42], [0, 42, 42], [0, 42, 42], [-2, 0, 0], [-3, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 7, 0], [-9, 7, 0], [-10, 7, 0], [-7, 7, 0], [-5, 7, 0], [-2, 7, 0], [0, 7, 7], [3, 0, 7], [5, 0, 7], [8, 0, 7], [7, 0, 7], [4, 0, 7], [2, 0, 7], [0, 0, 7], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 42, 42], [0, 42, 42], [0, 42, 42], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 42, 42], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 42, 42], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 35, 36], [0, 41, 41], [0, 42, 42], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 42, 42], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 35, 36], [0, 41, 41], [0, 11, 1], [-5, 0, 0], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 40, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 40, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-6, 40, 40], [-7, 7, 0], [-7, 32, 40], [-7, 7, 0], [-7, 40, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 40, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 40, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-1, 32, 40], [-1, 7, 0], [-3, 95, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-5, 40, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-8, 40, 40], [-9, 7, 0], [-8, 40, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 40, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 40, 40], [1, 7, 0], [2, 40, 40], [3, 0, 7], [4, 40, 40], [5, 0, 7], [4, 33, 33], [3, 0, 7], [2, 40, 40], [1, 0, 7], [-6, 40, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 40, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-7, 40, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-3, 40, 40], [1, 7, 0], [1, 40, 40], [2, 7, 0], [3, 33, 33], [3, 0, 0], [4, 40, 40], [5, 0, 7], [5, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 35, 36], [6, 0, 7], [6, 40, 40], [9, 0, 7], [9, 40, 40], [9, 0, 7], [9, 40, 40], [9, 0, 7], [8, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [5, 40, 40], [4, 0, 7], [3, 40, 40], [3, 0, 7], [2, 34, 34], [2, 0, 7], [1, 40, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-3, 40, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-4, 95, 0], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 40, 40], [-2, 7, 0], [-1, 40, 40], [-1, 7, 0], [0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 7], [3, 40, 40], [7, 40, 7], [9, 0, 40], [6, 40, 7], [3, 0, 40], [2, 40, 7], [0, 0, 40], [3, 32, 32], [5, 0, 40], [4, 40, 7], [2, 0, 40], [1, 40, 7], [2, 0, 40], [5, 40, 7], [7, 0, 40], [10, 40, 7], [12, 0, 40], [13, 40, 7], [10, 0, 40], [7, 40, 7], [5, 0, 40], [3, 40, 7], [1, 43, 43], [0, 43, 43], [0, 43, 43], [0, 40, 40], [0, 7, 0], [-3, 33, 33], [-5, 7, 0], [-6, 40, 40], [-6, 7, 0], [-5, 40, 40], [-5, 7, 0], [-4, 40, 40], [-4, 7, 0], [-3, 95, 0], [-3, 31, 31], [-2, 40, 40], [-2, 0, 0], [-1, 40, 40], [0, 31, 31], [0, 40, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 40, 40], [3, 31, 31], [6, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [6, 40, 40], [6, 0, 7], [3, 40, 40], [5, 0, 7], [4, 40, 40], [4, 0, 7], [3, 40, 40], [3, 0, 7], [2, 40, 40], [2, 0, 7], [2, 40, 40], [1, 0, 7], [1, 40, 40], [0, 0, 0], [0, 40, 40], [0, 41, 41], [0, 40, 40], [0, 41, 41], [0, 40, 40], [0, 41, 41], [0, 40, 40], [0, 41, 41], [0, 11, 0], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 41, 41], [0, 44, 41], [0, 41, 41], [-5, 44, 41], [-5, 41, 41], [-5, 44, 41], [-5, 41, 41], [-5, 44, 41], [-3, 41, 41], [-4, 44, 41], [-5, 41, 41], [-6, 44, 41], [-5, 41, 41], [-4, 44, 41], [-3, 35, 36], [-3, 44, 44], [-2, 41, 41], [-1, 44, 44], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [-3, 95, 0], [-5, 44, 44], [-7, 44, 44], [-4, 44, 0], [-3, 44, 44], [-2, 44, 44], [3, 44, 44], [7, 0, 44], [10, 0, 44], [8, 0, 44], [7, 0, 44], [5, 0, 43], [3, 0, 43], [2, 0, 43], [3, 0, 43], [0, 0, 43], [0, 0, 43], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 19, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 44, 44], [0, 43, 0], [-1, 44, 44], [-1, 43, 0], [-2, 44, 44], [-3, 43, 0], [-3, 44, 41], [-4, 43, 41], [-4, 44, 41], [-5, 43, 41], [-6, 44, 41], [-6, 43, 41], [-7, 44, 41], [-8, 43, 41], [-8, 44, 41], [-9, 43, 41], [-9, 44, 41], [-9, 43, 41], [-9, 44, 41], [-8, 43, 41], [-7, 44, 41], [-6, 43, 43], [-6, 44, 43], [-5, 43, 43], [-5, 44, 43], [-5, 43, 43], [-4, 43, 43], [-4, 43, 43], [-3, 0, 0], [-3, 43, 43], [-2, 0, 0], [-2, 43, 43], [-2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 19], [2, 0, 44], [4, 43, 44], [5, 0, 44], [6, 43, 44], [7, 0, 44], [8, 43, 44], [10, 0, 44], [11, 43, 44], [10, 0, 44], [9, 43, 44], [8, 0, 44], [7, 43, 44], [6, 0, 44], [4, 43, 44], [3, 0, 44], [3, 43, 44], [3, 0, 44], [2, 43, 44], [2, 0, 44], [2, 43, 43], [1, 0, 0], [1, 43, 43], [1, 0, 0], [1, 95, 0], [-1, 99, 1], [-1, 99, 1], [-2, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [0, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 99, 1], [1, 42, 42], [2, 42, 42], [2, 42, 42], [2, 35, 36], [2, 42, 42], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [4, 35, 36], [4, 42, 42], [4, 42, 42], [4, 42, 42], [4, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [3, 99, 1], [2, 99, 1], [2, 95, 1], [2, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [1, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 12, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 35, 36], [0, 35, 36], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]);
Instance of Symbol 259 MovieClip in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level == "city") {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 279 MovieClip "w" in Frame 110
onClipEvent (load) {
function mapget(i, do_t_a) {
var _local1 = this;
var _local2 = do_t_a;
var _local3 = i;
_local3 = _local3 % _local1.tot_a;
if (_local2 == undefined) {
_local2 = _local1.mapgetdo_t_a;
_local2 = (_local2 + _local1.ha1.length) % _local1.ha1.length;
var ha1 = _local1.k_akz[_local3];
ha1.wan_n = _local1.ha1[_local2][0];
ha1.zuo_mian = _local1.ha1[_local2][1];
ha1.you_mian = _local1.ha1[_local2][2];
ha1.ha1.main_lu.zuo_mian.gotoAndStop(_local1.ha1[_local2][1] + 1);
ha1.ha1.main_lu.you_mian.gotoAndStop(_local1.ha1[_local2][2] + 1);
function init() {
var _local1 = this;
_local1.gan_a_z = 0;
_local1.gan_b_z = 0;
_local1.tot_a = 10;
_local1.big_b_z = 1.9;
_local1.kuan__z = 2.1;
_local1.zong_kuan = 1.7;
_local1.lusede = 0.93;
_local1.che_chang = 100;
_local1.car_gao = 35;
_local1.car_fangda = 0.8;
_local1.Xca_r = 0;
_local1.fenqizhi = true;
_local1.zaz.m_a = 0;
_local1.zaz.spee_ad = 0.03;
_local1.zaz.fx = 0.85;
_local1.zaz.x = 0;
_local1.zaz.y = -1;
_local1.zaz.popa = 0;
_local1.zaz.i_u = 0.005;
_local1.zaz.fz = 0.98;
_local1.mapgetdo_t_a = -1;
_local1.sw_ap_d = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */;
_local1.sprisw_ap_d = 2000000 /* 0x1E8480 */;
_local1.zaz.ha1 = _local1.attachMovie("f1f1", "f1f1", 3000000);
_local1.zaz.ha1._y = 155;
var _local3 = 0;
var _local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < _local1.tot_a) {
_local1.k_akz[_local2] = Array();
_local1.k_akz[_local2].ha1 = _local1.attachMovie("road", "track" + _local2, _local1.sw_ap_d--);
_local1.k_akz[_local2].col = new Color(_local1.k_akz[_local2].ha1);
_local1.k_akz[_local2].ha1.main_lu.lu_mian.gotoAndStop((_local1.level + "_") + _local3);
_local1.k_akz[_local2].ha1.grass.lu_mian.gotoAndStop((_local1.level + "_") + _local3);
_local1.oo_pp = 0;
_local1.ou_gg = {kak_a:0.15, i_u:0.005, spee_ad:0.005, catch_tta:0.55};
_local2 = 0;
while (_local2 < 6) {
_local1.y_ou2[_local2] = new Object();
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].ha1 = _local1.attachMovie("f1f1", "ou_a_a" + _local2, _local1.sprisw_ap_d--);
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].col = new Color(_local1.y_ou2[_local2].ha1);
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].popa = 0;
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].i_u = _local1.ou_gg.i_u;
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].spee_ad = _local1.ou_gg.spee_ad;
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].x = _local1.youdji[_local2].x;
_local1.y_ou2[_local2].z = _local1.youdji[_local2].z;
_local1.coltrans = {ra:100, rb:0, ga:100, gb:0, ba:100, bb:0, aa:100, ab:0};
function ou_a_b(ou_a_a) {
var _local1 = this;
var _local2 = ou_a_a;
_local2.x = ((_local1.big_b_z * Math.random()) * 2) - _local1.big_b_z;
_local2.ha1[_root.racing_car].gotoAndStop(Math.floor(Math.random() * 7) + 2);
_local2.kak_a = _local1.ou_gg.kak_a + ((Math.random() * _local1.ou_gg.kak_a) * _local1.ou_gg.catch_tta);
function topyous() {
var _local1 = this;
var _local2 = _root;
for (var _local3 in _local1.y_ou2) {
function gameOver() {
_root.B_fen_B = int(_root.shijian.B_fen_B);
function mapon(kk, mm) {
if (kk.z < mm.z) {
if (kk.z > mm.z) {
function rebuilit() {
var _local1 = this;
var wan_n;
var ha1;
var wan_m = 0;
var jljl2;
var ti;
var _local2;
_local2 = (getTimer() - _local1.timestamp) / 50;
_local1.timestamp = getTimer();
if (_local2 > 200) {
if (_local1.zaz.popa > 0.1) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(16)) {
if (_root.shijian.addspeed0._currentframe >= 200) {;
_root.addspeed = 1;
if (!Key.isDown(16)) {
if (_root.shijian.addspeed0._currentframe > 200) {
ctemp = int(200 - (((_root.shijian.addspeed0._currentframe - 200) * 200) / 120));
_root.addspeed = 0;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (_local1.gan_a_z == 1) {
if (_local1.gan_b_z > 0) {
var a = (getTimer() - _local1.gan_b_z);
if ((a > 0) || (a < -1000)) {
_local1.gan_b_z = 0;
} else {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa + (_local1.zaz.i_u * _local2);
if (_root.shijian.mmpphh.sspp_pp < 245) {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa + (_local1.zaz.i_u * _local2);
} else if ((_root.shijian.mmpphh.sspp_pp >= 245) and (_root.addspeed == 1)) {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa + (_local1.zaz.i_u * _local2);
_local1.jljl2 = _local1.jljl2 - (0.05 * _local2);
} else if ((_local1.gan_a_z == 0) && (_local1.jianpan_an > 0)) {
_local1.jianpan_an = 0;
_local1.gan_b_z = getTimer() + 1000;
} else {
_local1.jianpan_an = 1;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(0.95, _local2);
if (_local1.gan_a_z >= 2) {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(0.95, _local2);
} else {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(_local1.zaz.fz, _local2);
var volSqueal = 0;
if (Key.isDown(37) && (_local1.gan_a_z > 0)) {
volSqueal = Math.max(0, Math.abs(_local1.zaz.m_a) - 0.3);
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a - (0.1 * _local2);
if (!Key.isDown(38)) {
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a - (0.05 * _local2);
if (Key.isDown(39) && (_local1.gan_a_z > 0)) {
volSqueal = Math.max(0, Math.abs(_local1.zaz.m_a) - 0.3);
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a + (0.1 * _local2);
if (!Key.isDown(38)) {
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a + (0.05 * _local2);
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a * Math.pow(_local1.zaz.fx, _local2);
_local1.zaz.ha1[_root.racing_car].sprite.gotoAndStop(Math.min(20, Math.max(1, int((_local1.zaz.m_a + 0.5) * 20))));
_local1._rotation = (_local1.zaz.m_a * Math.abs(_local1.zaz.popa)) * 90;
_local1.jljl2 = _local1.jljl2 - (_local1.zaz.popa * _local2);
_root.shijian.B_fen_B = _root.shijian.B_fen_B + ((_local1.zaz.popa * _local2) * 5);
if (_local1.gan_a_z > 1) {
if ((_local1.gan_a_z == 2) || (_local1.gan_a_z == 3)) {
if (_local1.gan_a_z == 3) {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(0.95, _local2);
if (_local1.zaz.popa < 0.003) {
_local1.gan_a_z = 4;
} else if (_local1.zaz.popa < 0.015) {
_local1.zaz.popa * 0.5;
var control;
_local1.zaz.x = Math.max(-1 * _local1.kuan__z, Math.min(_local1.kuan__z, _local1.zaz.x));
control = 0.2;
_local1.zaz.x = _local1.zaz.x + (((_local1.zaz.m_a * _local2) * control) * Math.max(0.7, Math.min(0.8, _local1.zaz.popa * 10)));
_local1.zaz.popa = Math.max(0, _local1.zaz.popa - (Math.abs(_local1.zaz.m_a * 0.001) * _local2));
_local1.Xca_r = _local1.zaz.x * -100;
while (_local1.jljl2 < 0) {
_local1.jljl2 = _local1.jljl2 + 1;
_local1.fenqizhi = true;
while (_local1.jljl2 > 1) {
_local1.mapget(_local1.oo_pp, (_local1.mapgetdo_t_a - _local1.tot_a) + 1);
_local1.jljl2 = _local1.jljl2 - 1;
p = Math.pow(0.64, _local1.zaz.y);
ha1 = _local1.zaz.ha1;
ha1._y = p * 100;
ha1._xscale = (ha1._yscale = p * 100);
ha1._x = ((_local1.zaz.x * p) * 100) + _local1.Xca_r;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local1.tot_a) {
te = _local1.k_akz[(_local3 + _local1.oo_pp) % _local1.tot_a];
ha1 = te.ha1;
jljl2 = (_local1.jljl2 - 2) + _local3;
_local1.ta308(te, jljl2);
p = Math.pow(0.64, jljl2);
ha1._y = p * 100;
scale = p * 100;
ha1.main_lu._xscale = scale;
ha1.main_lu._yscale = scale;
ha1.grass._yscale = scale;
wan_n = te.wan_n;
if (_local3 == 0) {
x = _local1.Xca_r * p;
wan_n = wan_n * _local1.jljl2;
} else {
x = spliceX;
if (_local3 == 0) {
var dx = (((_local1.zaz.popa * te.wan_n) * 0.09) * _local2);
_local1.zaz.x = _local1.zaz.x + dx; = (( + (dx * 60)) + 700) % 700;
if (_local3 == 1) {
if (Math.abs(_local1.zaz.x) > (_local1.zong_kuan + 0.1)) {
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(_local1.lusede, _local2);
if ((_local1.zaz.x > 0) && (te.you_mian > 0)) {
_root.Headangry = true;
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(0.7, _local2);
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a - (0.5 * _local2);
} else if ((_local1.zaz.x < 0) && (te.zuo_mian > 0)) {
_root.Headangry = true;
_local1.zaz.popa = _local1.zaz.popa * Math.pow(0.7, _local2);
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a + (0.5 * _local2);
if ((te.zuo_mian == 11) || (te.zuo_mian == 12)) {
if (_local1.fenqizhi == true) {
_root.statistics[_root.level].checkpoints.push({score:0, time:0});
_root.shijian.score(false, te.zuo_mian == 12);
_local1.fenqizhi = false;
_local1.gan_a_z = 1;
if (te.zuo_mian == 12) {
_root.statistics[_root.level].winner = true;
_local1.gan_a_z = 3;
ha1.main_lu._x = x;
_local1.shengxiade[_local3] = x;
_local1.lions_wan[_local3] = te.wan_n;
wan_m = offwan_n + wan_n;
wan_n = (_local1.Xca_r * 0.094) + wan_m;
spliceX = x - ((wan_n * 3.8) * p);
wan_n = Math.min(Math.max(71 - int(wan_n), 1), 141);
_local1.shengxiade[_local3] = _local1.shengxiade[_local3 - 1];
var d;
var rot;
var tz308;
_local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local1.y_ou2.length) {
_local3 = int(_local3);
ou_a_a = _local1.y_ou2[_local3];
if ((_local1.gan_a_z == 1) || (_local1.gan_a_z == 2)) {
ou_a_a.popa = Math.min(ou_a_a.popa + (ou_a_a.i_u * _local2), ou_a_a.kak_a);
} else {
ou_a_a.popa = ou_a_a.popa * Math.pow(0.96, _local2);
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a * 0.5;
if ((_local1.gan_a_z == 0) || (_local1.gan_a_z == 4)) {
ou_a_a.popa = 0;
ou_a_a.m_a = 0;
ou_a_a.z = ou_a_a.z + ((ou_a_a.popa - _local1.zaz.popa) * _local2);
ou_a_a.x = ou_a_a.x + (ou_a_a.m_a * _local2);
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a * Math.pow(0.95, _local2);
ha1 = ou_a_a.ha1;
if ((ou_a_a.z < -2) || (ou_a_a.z >= (_local1.tot_a - 3))) {
if (ou_a_a.z > (_local1.tot_a + 6)) {
ou_a_a.z = ou_a_a.z - (_local1.tot_a + 8);
if (ou_a_a.z < -5) {
ou_a_a.z = _local1.tot_a + (Math.random() * 5);
ha1._visible = false;
} else {
ha1._visible = true;
if (ou_a_a.z < -1) {
ha1.swapDepths((4000000 - int(ou_a_a.z * 10000)) - _local3);
} else {
ha1.swapDepths((2000000 - int(ou_a_a.z * 10000)) - _local3);
ti = (ou_a_a.z + 2) - _local1.jljl2;
jljl2 = 1 - (ti - Math.floor(ti));
ti = Math.ceil(ti);
_local1.ta308(ou_a_a, ou_a_a.z);
wan_n = _local1.k_akz[(ti + _local1.oo_pp) % _local1.tot_a].wan_n;
rot = wan_n + (ou_a_a.m_a * -100);
p = Math.pow(0.64, ou_a_a.z);
ha1._y = p * 100;
ha1._x = (((ou_a_a.x * p) * 100) + (_local1.shengxiade[ti] * jljl2)) + (_local1.shengxiade[ti + 1] * (1 - jljl2));
ha1._xscale = (ha1._yscale = p * 100);
tz308 = 0;
d = Math.abs(ou_a_a.x - _local1.zaz.x);
if (d < 0.75) {
if (ou_a_a.z > -1) {
if (ou_a_a.z < -0.63) {
_root.Headangry = true;
_local1.zaz.popa = Math.min(_local1.zaz.popa, ou_a_a.popa) * Math.pow(0.7, _local2);
} else if (ou_a_a.z > -1.37) {
_root.Headangry = true;
ou_a_a.popa = Math.min(_local1.zaz.popa, ou_a_a.popa) * Math.pow(0.7, _local2);
} else {
if (_local1.zaz.x > 0) {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a - (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
} else {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a + (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
tz308 = 11;
} else if (d < 0.5) {
if ((ou_a_a.z > -1.5) && (ou_a_a.z < -0.63)) {
_local1.zaz.m_a = _local1.zaz.m_a * Math.pow(0.8, _local2);
if (_local1.zaz.x > ou_a_a.x) {
ou_a_a.m_a = Math.min(_local1.zaz.m_a * control, ou_a_a.m_a) - (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
tz308 = 12;
} else {
ou_a_a.m_a = Math.max(_local1.zaz.m_a * control, ou_a_a.m_a) + (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
tz308 = 12;
if (Math.abs(ou_a_a.x) >= _local1.big_b_z) {
if (_local1.ou_a_a.x > 0) {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a - (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
} else {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a + (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
tz308 = 20;
if (Math.abs(ou_a_a.x) > _local1.zong_kuan) {
ou_a_a.popa = ou_a_a.popa * Math.pow(_local1.lusede, _local2);
if (tz308 == 0) {
if (_local3 < (_local1.y_ou2.length - 1)) {
var j = (_local3 + 1);
while (j < _local1.y_ou2.length) {
other = _local1.y_ou2[j];
if ((Math.abs(ou_a_a.x - other.x) < 0.3) && ((other.z - ou_a_a.z) < 1)) {
if (ou_a_a.x > 0) {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a - (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
} else {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a - (ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2);
ou_a_a.popa = ou_a_a.popa * Math.pow(0.95, _local2);
tz308 = 30;
if (tz308 == 0) {
ou_a_a.m_a = ou_a_a.m_a - (((ou_a_a.spee_ad * _local2) * wan_n) / 15);
tz308 = 40;
function ta308(te, jljl2) {
var _local2 = this;
var _local1;
_local1 = (1 - ((jljl2 - 2) / (_local2.tot_a - 2))) * 100;
_local2.coltrans.ra = _local1; = _local1; = _local1;
_local1 = ((100 - _local1) / 100) * -55;
_local2.coltrans.rb = _local1; = _local1; = _local1;
this.level = _root.level;
this.ha1 = this.race_fn[this.level];
this.k_akz = new Array();
this.shengxiade = new Array();
this.lions_wan = new Array();
this.coltrans = new Object();
this.y_ou2 = new Array();
this.youdji = new Array();
this.youdji[0] = {x:-1, z:0};
this.youdji[1] = {x:0, z:0};
this.youdji[2] = {x:1, z:0};
this.youdji[3] = {x:-1, z:1};
this.youdji[4] = {x:0, z:1};
this.youdji[5] = {x:1, z:1};
this.zaz = new Object();
Frame 111
Frame 113
var changeTerrain:String = "";
var startGame:Boolean = false;;
timecheck._visible = 0;
l1 = lastscore1;
l2 = lastscore2;
l3 = lastscore3;
lastscore0 = (lastscore1 + lastscore2) + lastscore3;
ongsoundp = new Sound("/gongsound");
bgssoundp = new Sound("/water");
resetp = "0";
temp1 = "0";
temp2 = "0";
temp3 = "0";
temp4 = "0";
temp5 = "0";
temp6 = "0";
temp7 = "0";
temp8 = "0";
temp9 = "0";
temp10 = "0";
temp11 = "0";
temp12 = "0";
temp13 = "0";
temp14 = "0";
temp15 = "0";
temp16 = "0";
temp17 = "0";
temp18 = "0";
temp19 = "0";
temp20 = "0";
temp21 = "0";
temp22 = "0";
Frame 121
ongsoundp = new Sound("/gongsound");
bgssoundp = new Sound("/water");
resetp = "0";
temp1 = "0";
temp2 = "0";
temp3 = "0";
temp4 = "0";
temp5 = "0";
temp6 = "0";
temp7 = "0";
temp8 = "0";
temp9 = "0";
temp10 = "0";
temp11 = "0";
temp12 = "0";
temp13 = "0";
temp14 = "0";
temp15 = "0";
temp16 = "0";
temp17 = "0";
temp18 = "0";
temp19 = "0";
temp20 = "0";
temp21 = "0";
temp22 = "0";
timecheck._visible = 0;
lastscore = ((timecheck.n2 * 60) + timecheck.n3) + (timecheck.n4 * 0.01);
Symbol 27 MovieClip Frame 75
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 29 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 47 Button
on (release) {
help._visible = 1;
help2._visible = 0;
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore1 != "") {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 65 MovieClip in Symbol 66 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore1 == "") {
_visible = 0;
_root.lastscore1a = int(int(_root.lastscore1) / 60);
_root.lastscore1b = int(_root.lastscore1) % 60;
_root.lastscore1c = String(_root.lastscore1).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore1d = String(_root.lastscore1).substr(_root.lastscore1c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore1a < 10) {
_root.lastscore1a = "0" + _root.lastscore1a;
if (_root.lastscore1b < 10) {
_root.lastscore1b = "0" + _root.lastscore1b;
if (_root.lastscore1c == -1) {
_root.lastscore1d = "00";
_root.lastscore11 = (((_root.lastscore1a + ":") + _root.lastscore1b) + ":") + _root.lastscore1d;
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore1 != "") {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Symbol 73 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore2 == "") {
_visible = 0;
_root.lastscore2a = int(int(_root.lastscore2) / 60);
_root.lastscore2b = int(_root.lastscore2) % 60;
_root.lastscore2c = String(_root.lastscore2).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore2d = String(_root.lastscore2).substr(_root.lastscore2c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore2a < 10) {
_root.lastscore2a = "0" + _root.lastscore2a;
if (_root.lastscore2b < 10) {
_root.lastscore2b = "0" + _root.lastscore2b;
if (_root.lastscore2c == -1) {
_root.lastscore2d = "00";
_root.lastscore21 = (((_root.lastscore2a + ":") + _root.lastscore2b) + ":") + _root.lastscore2d;
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 59 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore3 != "") {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 78 MovieClip in Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore3 == "") {
_visible = 0;
_root.lastscore3a = int(int(_root.lastscore3) / 60);
_root.lastscore3b = int(_root.lastscore3) % 60;
_root.lastscore3c = String(_root.lastscore3).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore3d = String(_root.lastscore3).substr(_root.lastscore3c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore3a < 10) {
_root.lastscore3a = "0" + _root.lastscore3a;
if (_root.lastscore3b < 10) {
_root.lastscore3b = "0" + _root.lastscore3b;
if (_root.lastscore3c == -1) {
_root.lastscore3d = "00";
_root.lastscore31 = (((_root.lastscore3a + ":") + _root.lastscore3b) + ":") + _root.lastscore3d;
Symbol 82 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 86 Button
on (release) {
_root.changeTerrain = "highway";
_root.level = "highway";
_root.racing_car = "racing_car1";
_root.myrace1 = 2;
if (city_race == 0) {
if (house_race == 0) {
_root.highway_race = 1;
Symbol 87 Button
on (release) {
_root.level = "city";
_root.changeTerrain = "desert";
_root.racing_car = "racing_car";
_root.myrace1 = 1;
if (highway_race == 0) {
if (house_race == 0) {
_root.city_race = 1;
Symbol 88 Button
on (release) {
_root.level = "house";
_root.changeTerrain = "city";
_root.racing_car = "racing_car2";
_root.myrace1 = 3;
if (highway_race == 0) {
if (city_race == 0) {
_root.house_race = 1;
Symbol 92 Button
on (release) {
_visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 107 MovieClip in Symbol 149 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 170 MovieClip in Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level == "city") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.level == "highway") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.level == "house") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level == "city") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.level == "highway") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.level == "house") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.city_race == 1) {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.highway_race == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.house_race == 1) {
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 2
var frame = (random(3) + 2);
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 5
var frame = (random(3) + 5);
Symbol 189 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.city_race == 1) {
gotoAndStop (5);
if (_root.highway_race == 1) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.house_race == 1) {
gotoAndStop (8);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 2
var frame = (random(3) + 2);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 5
var frame = (random(3) + 5);
Symbol 194 MovieClip Frame 8
Instance of Symbol 198 MovieClip in Symbol 200 MovieClip Frame 96
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level == "city") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.level == "highway") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.level == "house") {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 223 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 236 MovieClip "sprite" in Symbol 237 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (10);
Symbol 253 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 223 MovieClip "racing_car" in Symbol 254 MovieClip [f1f1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level != "city") {
this._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 237 MovieClip "racing_car1" in Symbol 254 MovieClip [f1f1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level != "highway") {
this._visible = 0;
Instance of Symbol 253 MovieClip "racing_car2" in Symbol 254 MovieClip [f1f1] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level != "house") {
this._visible = 0;
Symbol 255 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 257 Button
on (release) {
_root.lastscore = 0;
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1
var frame =;
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip in Symbol 279 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.level != "city") {
_visible = 0;
Symbol 279 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 279 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1
var carhead = 0;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndPlay ("nomal");
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 14
var carhead = 1;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.Headangry = false;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 51
var carhead = 1;
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 64
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
var carhead = 0;
_root.Headangry = false;
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndPlay ("nomal");
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 14
var carhead = 1;
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.Headangry = false;
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 51
var carhead = 1;
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 63
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 1
var carhead = 0;
_root.Headangry = false;
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndPlay ("nomal");
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 14
var carhead = 1;
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.Headangry = false;
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 50
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 51
var carhead = 1;
Symbol 307 MovieClip Frame 62
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 289 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Headangry) {
gotoAndPlay ("angry");
if ((this.carhead == 0) && (_root.shijian.mmpphh.sspp_pp >= 250)) {
gotoAndPlay ("happy");
Instance of Symbol 300 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Headangry) {
gotoAndPlay ("angry");
if ((this.carhead == 0) && (_root.shijian.mmpphh.sspp_pp >= 250)) {
gotoAndPlay ("happy");
Instance of Symbol 307 MovieClip "head" in Symbol 308 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.Headangry) {
gotoAndPlay ("angry");
if ((this.carhead == 0) && (_root.shijian.mmpphh.sspp_pp >= 250)) {
gotoAndPlay ("happy");
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 315 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.addspeed = 0;
Symbol 321 MovieClip Frame 200
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 12
if (Math.abs(_root.w.zaz.popa) < 0.02) {
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 13
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 138
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 162
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 184
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 208
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 232
Symbol 335 MovieClip Frame 254
gotoAndStop (1);
_root.mysound5.start(0, 999);
Symbol 342 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 348 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
function score(ifInit, ifFinish) {
var _local1 = _root;
if (!ifInit) {
if (ifFinish) {
_local1["lastscore" + _local1.myrace1] = ((_local1.timecheck.n2 * 60) + _local1.timecheck.n3) + (_local1.timecheck.n4 * 0.01);
function go() {
_root.w.gan_a_z = 1;
switch (_root.changeTerrain) {
case "city" :
case "desert" :
case "highway" :
B_fen_B = 0;
Instance of Symbol 308 MovieClip "headM" in Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_global.kaishi) {
if (_root.level == "city") {
gotoAndStop (1);
if (_root.level == "highway") {
gotoAndStop (2);
if (_root.level == "house") {
gotoAndStop (3);
_global.kaishi = false;
Instance of Symbol 348 MovieClip in Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
a1 = int((_parent.sspp_pp * 25) / 190);
Instance of Symbol 352 MovieClip "zheng" in Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = 180 - (_parent.sspp_pp * 0.93);
_root.myscores = _parent.fen_A;
Instance of Symbol 354 MovieClip "mmpphh" in Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
sspp_pp = int((_parent.sspp_pp * 300) / 240);
if (_root.startGame) {
if (sspp_pp <= 50) {
} else if ((sspp_pp > 50) && (sspp_pp <= 120)) {
} else if ((sspp_pp > 120) && (sspp_pp <= 200)) {
} else {
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 8
sspp_pp = int(_root.w.zaz.popa * 800);
juli_a.gotoAndStop(int((this.ss_oow / _root.w.ha1.length) * 100) + 1);
fen_A = int(B_fen_B);
ss_oow = _root.w.oo_pp;
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 9
gotoAndPlay (8);
Symbol 361 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 24
_root.startGame = true;
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 27
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 1
i = 1;
var n4 = 0;
var n3 = 0;
var n2 = 0;
var n1 = 0;
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 2
n4 = n4 + 4;
if (n4 >= 100) {
n3 = n3 + i;
if (n3 < 10) {
n33 = "0" + n3;
} else {
n33 = n3;
n4 = 0;
if (n3 > 59) {
n2 = n2 + i;
if (n2 < 10) {
n22 = "0" + n2;
} else {
n22 = n2;
n3 = 0;
if (n2 > 59) {
n1 = n1 + i;
n2 = 0;
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1);
Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 386 MovieClip Frame 103
if (_root.myrace == 3) {
} else {
Symbol 387 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 398 Button
on (release) {
_root.lastscore = 0;
Instance of Symbol 400 MovieClip in Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.lastscore1a = int(int(_root.lastscore1) / 60);
_root.lastscore1b = int(_root.lastscore1) % 60;
_root.lastscore1c = String(_root.lastscore1).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore1d = String(_root.lastscore1).substr(_root.lastscore1c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore1a < 10) {
_root.lastscore1a = "0" + _root.lastscore1a;
if (_root.lastscore1b < 10) {
_root.lastscore1b = "0" + _root.lastscore1b;
if (_root.lastscore1c == -1) {
_root.lastscore1d = "00";
_root.lastscore11 = (((_root.lastscore1a + ":") + _root.lastscore1b) + ":") + _root.lastscore1d;
Instance of Symbol 402 MovieClip in Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore2 == "") {
_visible = 0;
_root.lastscore2a = int(int(_root.lastscore2) / 60);
_root.lastscore2b = int(_root.lastscore2) % 60;
_root.lastscore2c = String(_root.lastscore2).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore2d = String(_root.lastscore2).substr(_root.lastscore2c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore2a < 10) {
_root.lastscore2a = "0" + _root.lastscore2a;
if (_root.lastscore2b < 10) {
_root.lastscore2b = "0" + _root.lastscore2b;
if (_root.lastscore2c == -1) {
_root.lastscore2d = "00";
_root.lastscore21 = (((_root.lastscore2a + ":") + _root.lastscore2b) + ":") + _root.lastscore2d;
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip in Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.lastscore3 == "") {
_visible = 0;
_root.lastscore3a = int(int(_root.lastscore3) / 60);
_root.lastscore3b = int(_root.lastscore3) % 60;
_root.lastscore3c = String(_root.lastscore3).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore3d = String(_root.lastscore3).substr(_root.lastscore3c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore3a < 10) {
_root.lastscore3a = "0" + _root.lastscore3a;
if (_root.lastscore3b < 10) {
_root.lastscore3b = "0" + _root.lastscore3b;
if (_root.lastscore3c == -1) {
_root.lastscore3d = "00";
_root.lastscore31 = (((_root.lastscore3a + ":") + _root.lastscore3b) + ":") + _root.lastscore3d;
Instance of Symbol 407 MovieClip in Symbol 409 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.lastscore01a = int(int(_root.lastscore0) / 60);
_root.lastscore01b = int(_root.lastscore0) % 60;
_root.lastscore01c = String(_root.lastscore0).indexOf(".", 0);
_root.lastscore01d = String(_root.lastscore0).substr(_root.lastscore01c + 1);
if (_root.lastscore01a < 10) {
_root.lastscore01a = "0" + _root.lastscore01a;
if (_root.lastscore01b < 10) {
_root.lastscore01b = "0" + _root.lastscore01b;
if (_root.lastscore01c == -1) {
_root.lastscore01d = "00";
_root.lastscore011 = (((_root.lastscore01a + ":") + _root.lastscore01b) + ":") + _root.lastscore01d;