/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2574 · P5148 |
This is the info page for Flash #110158 |
Op de afbeelding is te zien hoe een beschadigde auto eruit ziet. Als je een beschadigd onderdeel ziet dan moet je het vervangen. Let op: alle schade aan de auto moet gerepareerd zijn anders rijdt de auto niet weg! |
De lollypop dame heeft maar één taak, maar wel een belangrijke! Als alle werkzaamheden gedaan zijn, geeft zij de coureur het sein om te vertrekken. Dit doet zij niet als je nog dingen te doen hebt! Tip: een lollypop dame heeft geen ogen in haar achterhoofd. Teamleden die achter haar blijven staan, blokkeren de auto. Zij zal echter toch de weg vrijgeven voor de coureur ook al kan deze niet weg! |
Na iedere level kun je je highscore submitten, ofwel bewaren. Klik op ‘Highscore submitten’ en voer jouw gegevens in. Klik vervolgens op ‘Verstuur’. Als je na een hoger level een hogere highscore hebt behaald, kun je die weer submitten en wordt je vorige highscore vervangen. Het level is bepalend hoe hoog je komt te staan in de scorelijst. Daarna wordt er gekeken hoe laag de gemiddelde pitsstop tijd is. Hoe lager, hoe beter! |
Het is de bedoeling dat je een pitstop zo soepel mogelijk laat verlopen. Let er goed op dat alle onderdelen voorhanden zijn, dat de teamleden op de juiste plekken staan en dat alle reparaties die nodig zijn, worden uitgevoerd inclusief het volgooien van de tank. |
Het Doel en de Taken: |
De schade en het herstel |
Lollypop dame |
De Highscores |
Doel van het spel |
Dit is de pitsstraat. Hier vindt de meeste actie plaats. Voordat een auto naar de pits komt gaat er een alarm af en. Bovendien gaan er zwaailichten aan. Zorg dan dat je alle reserveonderdelen klaar hebt liggen. Als iemand van het team de pitstraat blokkeert dan kan de coureur de pitsstraat niet binnenrijden. Om dit te voorkomen, is het handig om de teamleden op een groen actiepunt te plaatsen. Zo kan de auto op de juiste plek rijden en heb je de teamleden al ‘stand by’ staan voor eventuele reparaties. De groene actiepunten verschijnen, nadat er op een teamlid geklikt is. Als een teamlid al op een actieplek staat en je klikt het teamlid nogmaals aan, zie je een geel actiepunt verschijnen. Geel wil zeggen dat je een actie kunt uitvoeren. |
Let op: alle beschadigde onderdelen moeten vervangen worden anders mag de auto niet weg. Er is een tijdslimiet voor ieder level dat je moet halen. Als je deze tijdslimiet overschrijft, betekent dat ‘Game Over’. |
Dit is de vrachtwagen (truck) achter de pitsstraat. Hier kun je reserveonderdelen halen. Om de onderdelen naar de pitsstraat te verplaatsen, hoef je alleen maar op de benodigde onderdelen te klikken. Wat je hebt aangeklikt, verdwijnt uit de voorraad onderdelen. Klik op de pitsstraat om weer terug te keren naar de pits. In de pits liggen de gehaalde onderdelen op hun plek en ben je klaar voor de pitsstop. Tip: het is handig om voorbereid te zijn dus een vroeg bezoek aan de truck levert tijdwinst op! |
De Speelvelden: |
Je kunt een teamlid van plek verplaatsen door op hem te klikken en daarna op het groene actiepunt (zie: actiepunten) te klikken waar hij naar toe moet lopen. |
Je kunt een team lid met een lopende opdracht. Alleen naar een opdracht plek sturen. Die bij de lopende opdracht hoort. |
Dit team moet met de juiste kracht de slang in de auto duwen |
Wil je de slang aan de auto leggen dan zie je een ‘krachtmeter’ verschijnen. Het pijltje op de krachtmeter moet in het groen tot stilstand gebracht worden door op het juiste moment op het benzineteam vte klikken. Is de pijl in het groen tot stilstand gekomen, dan kan er pas worden getankt. Klik op de mannetjes om het tanken te beëindigen. |
Banden wisselen gebeurt met een team: een assistent en een monteur. Als een van de twee er niet staat, kan de band niet worden gewisseld. |
Vleugels wisselen kan met één persoon, maar het levert tijdwinst op als je ook hier een team van een assistent en monteur voor gebruikt. Tip: ruim na het wisselen je spullen op! |
De helm van de coureur moet schoon zijn. De helmdame heeft deze schone taak. Zij doet dit automatisch, je hoeft er dus niets voor te doen. Ze heet Jennifer, is 24 jaar en… bovendien nog vrijgezel. |
Team lid |
Team lid met opdracht |
Benzine team |
Duw krachtmeter |
Team voor banden |
Team voor vleugel |
Helm schoonmaakster |
De Teamleden: |
Een voorvleugel wordt aan de voorkant van de auto gemonteerd. Dit kan met één teamlid, maar met twee mannetjes kun je tijd winnen! Als er geen vleugels meer in de pitsstraat liggen, haal dan nieuwe vleugels. Deze kun je vinden in de vrachtwagen, ofwel de truck. |
Een achtervleugel wordt aan de achterkant van de auto gemonteerd. Dit kan met één teamlid, maar met twee mannetjes kun je tijd winnen! Ook hier geldt: geen vleugels meer? Ga naar de truck |
Er zijn twee soorten banden: voor- en achterbanden. De bandenvoorraad liggen in de truck. Zorg dat je de banden in de pits klaar hebt staan als de auto binnenkomt, want dat spaart tijd! Om de banden te wisselen heb je een compleet bandenteam nodig! |
Bij het tanken verschijnt er een meter in beeld. Hierop is met een pijltje te zien tot waar je moet tanken Let op: met te weinig benzine mag de auto niet weg. Iets meer benzine tanken dan nodig is, is goed, maar zorg dat je de tank niet te vol gooit!` |
De stopwatch geeft aan hoe lang je bezig bent met je pitstop. Als je meer dan één pitstop hebt gemaakt, wordt er een gemiddelde tijd uitgerekend. Deze tijd vormt samen met het bereikte level de score. |
De actiepunten geven aan waar een actief mannetje naar toe gestuurd kan worden om óf een actie voor te bereiden óf een actie uit te voeren. Een groen actiepunt betekent een actie voorbereiden. Een geel actiepunt staat voor het uitvoeren van actie. |
Voorvleugel |
Achtervleugel |
Banden |
Benzinemeter |
Stopwatch |
Actiepunten |
Het Materiaal en Indicators: |
4.56 |
4.56 |
Drive-in Car Services |
Copyright I Sioux © 2004 |
Drive-in Car Services |
18 |
10 |
18 |
10 |
Average Level Time |
Target Time |
Over Time |
Average Overall Time |
Important for ranking |
For last pitstop |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1setProperty("_root.Bar", _yscale , 0); _level0.load = "Splash and Dash Loading";Instance of Symbol 147 MovieClip "Size" in Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { total = int(_root.getBytesTotal()); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { StatusColor = new Color(_root.Bar); Loaded = int(_root.getBytesLoaded()); Percent = int((loaded / total) * 100); if (percent > 20) { _level0.load = "PitBox Loaded"; StatusColor.setRGB(16777215); } if (percent > 40) { _level0.load = "Gasoline Loaded"; StatusColor.setRGB(16777215); } if (percent > 60) { _level0.load = "Level Data Loaded"; StatusColor.setRGB(16777215); } if (percent > 80) { _level0.load = "Lollypop Girl Loaded"; StatusColor.setRGB(16777215); } if (percent == 90) { _level0.load = "Towel Girl Loaded"; StatusColor.setRGB(0); } _root.Percent = Percent + " %"; setProperty("_root.Bar", _yscale , Percent); if (Percent >= 100) { tellTarget ("_root") { play(); }; } }Frame 2stop();Frame 3_root.uitleg_mc._visible = false; _global.SplashandDash_Sound = new Sound(); SplashandDash_Sound.attachSound("SplashandDash_lnk"); SplashandDash_Sound.start(); skipintro.useHandCursor = false; play();Frame 242start.useHandCursor = false; info.useHandCursor = false;Frame 363stop();Frame 364_root.invulx = 0; _root.invuly = 0; _root.invulxcar = 740; _root.invulycar = 300; _root.invulLevel = 1; fscommand ("allowscale", "false"); fscommand ("fullscreen", "false"); _root.yes._visible = false; MovieClip.prototype.addAsCharacter = function () { characterArray.push(this); }; MovieClip.prototype.removeAsCharacter = function () { i = 0; while (i < characterArray.length) { if (characterArray[i] == this) { characterArray.splice(i, 1); } i++; } }; MovieClip.prototype.addAsStatic = function () { staticArray.push(this); }; Array.prototype.sortOnNum = function (p) { var sortfunc = function (a, b) { return(a[p] > b[p]); }; this.sort(sortfunc); }; = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; TimeObject = function () { }; TimeObject.prototype.addTime = function (timer) { this.currentTime = this.currentTime + 0.00564516129032258; }; TimeObject.prototype.publishTime = function () { if (this.timePaused) { return(undefined); } var differenceRound = String(this.currentTime); spotdot = differenceRound.lastIndexOf("."); stringlength = differenceRound.length; if (spotdot == -1) { differenceRound = differenceRound + ".00"; } else if ((stringlength - spotdot) == 2) { differenceRound = differenceRound + "0"; } spotdot = differenceRound.lastIndexOf("."); stringlength2 = differenceRound.length; differenceRound2 = differenceRound.substring(0, spotdot + 3); var gameHour = differenceRound2; _root.indicator_time_mc.timeDisplay_txt.text = gameHour; _root.indicator_time_mc.timeDisplay2_txt.text = gameHour; }; TimeObject.prototype.saveTime = function () { trace("TIMEOBJECT saveTime, this.currentTime=" + this.currentTime); var ctime = TimeControl.currentTime; trace("++++++++++++++++" + ctime); pitstoplevel.push(ctime); pitstoptimes.push(ctime); trace("pitstoplevel=" + pitstoplevel); trace("pitstoptimes=" + pitstoptimes); trace("-------pitstoptimes---------"); maxlength = pitstoptimes.length - 1; trace("maxlength=" + maxlength); _global.averagetotal = 0; i = 0; while (i <= maxlength) { var trow = Number(pitstoptimes[i]); trace("trow=" + trow); _global.averagetotal = _global.averagetotal + trow; trace("averagetotal in = " + _global.averagetotal); i++; } trace("averagetotal before deviding = " + _global.averagetotal); var averagetotaltrow = (_global.averagetotal / maxlength); _global.averagetotal = averagetotaltrow; trace("averagetotal = " + _global.averagetotal); var gameHour = this.gettxt(_global.averagetotal); _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.averagetotal_txt.text = gameHour; _root.points = gameHour; _root.level = clevel; trace("-------------------_" + gameHour); trace("-------pitstoplevel---------"); maxlength = pitstoplevel.length - 1; trace("maxlength=" + maxlength); _global.average = 0; i = 0; while (i <= maxlength) { var trow = Number(pitstoplevel[i]); trace("trow=" + trow); _global.average = _global.average + trow; trace("average in = " + _global.average); i++; } trace("average before deviding = " + _global.average); var averagetrow = (_global.average / maxlength); _global.average = averagetrow; trace("average = " + _global.average); var gameHour = this.gettxt(String(_global.average)); _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.average_txt.text = gameHour; var differenceRound = String(targettime); var gameHour = this.gettxt(differenceRound); _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.targettime_txt.text = gameHour; _global.overtime = targettime - average; var differenceRound = String(overtime); var gameHour = this.gettxt(differenceRound); _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.overtime_txt.text = gameHour; }; TimeObject.prototype.gettxt = function (givenNumber) { var receivedNumber = givenNumber; differenceRound = String(receivedNumber); spotdot = differenceRound.lastIndexOf("."); stringlength = differenceRound.length; if (spotdot == -1) { differenceRound = differenceRound + ".00"; } else if ((stringlength - spotdot) == 2) { differenceRound = differenceRound + "0"; } spotdot = differenceRound.lastIndexOf("."); stringlength2 = differenceRound.length; var differenceRound2 = differenceRound.substring(0, spotdot + 3); return(differenceRound2); }; TimeObject.prototype.endGame = function () { }; TimeObject.prototype.resetTime = function () { this.currentTime = 0; var gameHour = "0.00"; _root.indicator_time_mc.timeDisplay_txt.text = gameHour; _root.indicator_time_mc.timeDisplay2_txt.text = gameHour; }; TimeObject.prototype.stopTime = function () { var differenceRound = String(this.currentTime); spotdot = differenceRound.lastIndexOf("."); stringlength = differenceRound.length; if (spotdot == -1) { differenceRound = differenceRound + ".00"; } else if ((stringlength - spotdot) == 2) { differenceRound = differenceRound + "0"; } spotdot = differenceRound.lastIndexOf("."); stringlength2 = differenceRound.length; differenceRound2 = differenceRound.substring(0, spotdot + 3); var gameHour = differenceRound2; _root.indicator_time_mc.timeDisplay_txt.text = gameHour; _root.indicator_time_mc.timeDisplay2_txt.text = gameHour; this.timePaused = true; }; MoneyObject = function () { }; MoneyObject.prototype.addFunds = function (amount) { this.totalFunds = this.totalFunds + amount; this.displayFunds(); }; MoneyObject.prototype.decreaseFunds = function (amount) { this.totalFunds = this.totalFunds - amount; if (this.totalFunds < 0) { this.totalFunds = 0; } this.displayFunds(); }; MoneyObject.prototype.resetFunds = function () { this.totalFunds = 0; this.displayFunds(); }; MoneyObject.prototype.displayFunds = function () { var totalAmount = this.totalFunds; var totalCents = Math.round(totalAmount * 100); var cents = String(totalCents).slice(-2); var dollars = String(totalCents).substring(0, String(totalCents).length - 2); if (String(totalAmount).length == 1) { if (totalAmount == 0) { _root.tabs.moneyDisplay_txt.text = "$ 0.00"; } else { _root.tabs.moneyDisplay_txt.text = "$ 0.0" + cents; } } else if (String(totalAmount).length == 2) { _root.tabs.moneyDisplay_txt.text = "$ 0." + cents; } else if (String(dollars).length == 0) { _root.tabs.moneyDisplay_txt.text = "$ 0." + cents; } else { _root.tabs.moneyDisplay_txt.text = (("$ " + dollars) + ".") + cents; } }; ScreenObject = function () { }; ScreenObject.prototype.normalMode = function () { this.debug = false; _root.screenMask._visible = true; _root.gameScreen.setMask(_root.screenMask); _root.screenBG._visible = true; _root.gameScreen.labels._visible = false; _root.gameScreen.outlines._visible = false; _root.tabs._visible = true; _root.buttons._visible = true; _root.debugger._visible = false; }; ScreenObject.prototype.debugMode = function () { this.debug = true; _root.gameScreen.setMask(null); _root.screenMask._visible = false; _root.screenBG._visible = false; _root.gameScreen.labels._visible = true; _root.gameScreen.outlines._visible = true; _root.tabs._visible = false; _root.buttons._visible = false; _root.debugger._visible = true; }; ScreenObject.prototype.switchMode = function () { if (this.debug) { this.normalMode(); } else { this.debugMode(); } }; ScreenObject.prototype.scrollScreen = function (referencePoint) { var screenX = screenReferences[referencePoint].xPos; var screenY = screenReferences[referencePoint].yPos; this.currentX = screenX; this.currentY = screenY; this.currentReferencePoint = referencePoint; this.broadcastMessage("onScroll", referencePoint); gameControl.doWalk(); _root.gameScreen._x = screenX; _root.gameScreen._y = screenY; }; ScreenObject.prototype.clickCharacter = function (Obj) { var givenObj = obj; if (_root.mainCharacter == givenObj) { actionControl.mainCharacter = undefined; _root.mainCharacter = undefined; actionControl.deselectAction(); return(undefined); } _root.mainCharacter = givenObj; _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter = givenObj; actionControl.selectAction(givenObj); }; ScreenObject.prototype.clickScreen = function (mouseX, mouseY, charX, charY) { if (!_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.waiting) { actionControl.resetcharacter(); var cxPos = Math.ceil(_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos / this.tileWidth); var cyPos = Math.ceil(_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos / this.tileHeight); xPos = mouseX; yPos = mouseY; var exPos = (Math.ceil(xPos / this.tileWidth) - 1); var eyPos = (Math.ceil(yPos / this.tileHeight) - 1); if ((cxPos == exPos) && (cyPos == eyPos)) { return(undefined); } direction = "notimportant"; _root.newCharacter = _root.mainCharacter; delete _root.newCharacter.mileStones; delete _root.newCharacter.wayPoints; xPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos; yPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); screenControl.setboei(xPos, yPos, mouseX, mouseY); xPos = mouseX; yPos = mouseY; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); actionControl.mainCharacter = undefined; _root.mainCharacter = undefined; actionControl.deselectAction(); } }; ScreenObject.prototype.clickScreenSingle = function (mouseX, mouseY, obj) { if (!_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.waiting) { var givenObj = obj; actionControl.mainCharacter = givenObj; _root.mainCharacter = givenObj; _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter = givenObj; actionControl.resetcharacter(); var cxPos = Math.ceil(_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos / this.tileWidth); var cyPos = Math.ceil(_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos / this.tileHeight); xPos = mouseX; yPos = mouseY; var exPos = (Math.ceil(xPos / this.tileWidth) - 1); var eyPos = (Math.ceil(yPos / this.tileHeight) - 1); if ((cxPos == exPos) && (cyPos == eyPos)) { return(undefined); } direction = "notimportant"; _root.newCharacter = _root.mainCharacter; delete _root.newCharacter.mileStones; delete _root.newCharacter.wayPoints; xPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos; yPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); xPos = mouseX; yPos = mouseY; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); actionControl.mainCharacter = undefined; _root.mainCharacter = undefined; actionControl.deselectAction(); } }; ScreenObject.prototype.clickAction = function (mouseX, mouseY, charX, charY) { if (!_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.waiting) { var cxPos = Math.ceil(_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos / this.tileWidth); var cyPos = Math.ceil(_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos / this.tileHeight); xPos = mouseX - this.currentX; yPos = mouseY - this.currentY; var exPos = Math.ceil(xPos / this.tileWidth); var eyPos = Math.ceil(yPos / this.tileHeight); if ((cxPos == exPos) && (cyPos == eyPos)) { if (!(_root.mainCharacter.myendpose === undefined)) { _root.mainCharacter.pose = _root.mainCharacter.myendpose; _root.mainCharacter.gotoAndStop(_root.mainCharacter.pose); } _root.mainCharacter.oldPose = "idle"; _root.mainCharacter.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); _root.mainCharacter.myendfunction(_root.mainCharacter); return(undefined); } direction = "notimportant"; _root.newCharacter = _root.mainCharacter; delete _root.newCharacter.mileStones; delete _root.newCharacter.wayPoints; xPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos; yPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); screenControl.setboei(xPos, yPos, mouseX, mouseY); xPos = mouseX - this.currentX; yPos = mouseY - this.currentY; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } }; ScreenObject.prototype.setboei = function (xPos, yPos, xGoal, yGoal) { if ((xPos > _root.lineV3_mc._x) && (xGoal > _root.lineV3_mc._x)) { trace("returned on 1"); return(undefined); } if ((xPos < _root.lineV1_mc._x) && (xGoal < _root.lineV1_mc._x)) { trace("returned on 2"); return(undefined); } if ((yPos < _root.line1_mc._y) && (yGoal < _root.line1_mc._y)) { if ((xPos < _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal > _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot9_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot9_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if ((xPos > _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal < _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot9_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot9_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } trace("returned on 3"); return(undefined); } if ((yPos > _root.line2_mc._y) && (yGoal > _root.line2_mc._y)) { if ((xPos < _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal > _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot10_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot10_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if ((xPos > _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal < _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot10_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot10_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } trace("returned on 4"); return(undefined); } if ((xPos > _root.lineV3_mc._x) && (yGoal > _root.line3_mc._y)) { trace("from right going under"); var xTogive = _root.dot6_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot6_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); if ((xPos > _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal < _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot10_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot10_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if (xGoal < _root.lineV1_mc._x) { var xTogive = _root.dot2_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot6_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } return(undefined); } if ((xPos > _root.lineV3_mc._x) && (yGoal < _root.line3_mc._y)) { trace("from right going over"); var xTogive = _root.dot6_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot2_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); if ((xPos > _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal < _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot9_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot9_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if (xGoal < _root.lineV1_mc._x) { var xTogive = _root.dot2_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot2_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } return(undefined); } if ((xPos < _root.lineV1_mc._x) && (yGoal > _root.line3_mc._y)) { trace("from left going under"); var xTogive = _root.dot2_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot6_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); if ((xPos < _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal > _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot10_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot10_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if (xGoal >= _root.lineV3_mc._x) { var xTogive = _root.dot6_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot6_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } return(undefined); } if ((xPos > _root.lineV3_mc._x) && (yGoal < _root.line3_mc._y)) { trace("from left going over"); var xTogive = _root.dot2_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot2_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); if ((xPos < _root.lineV2_mc._x) && (xGoal > _root.lineV2_mc._x)) { var xTogive = _root.dot9_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot9_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if (xGoal > _root.lineV3_mc._x) { var xTogive = _root.dot6_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot2_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } return(undefined); } if ((((yPos < _root.line1_mc._y) && (xPos > _root.lineV1_mc._x)) && (xPos < _root.lineV3_mc._x)) && (xGoal < _root.lineV1_mc._x)) { trace("from top going left"); var xTogive = _root.dot1_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot1_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); return(undefined); } if ((((yPos < _root.line1_mc._y) && (xPos > _root.lineV1_mc._x)) && (xPos < _root.lineV3_mc._x)) && (xGoal > _root.lineV3_mc._x)) { trace("from top going right"); var xTogive = _root.dot5_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot1_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); return(undefined); } if ((((yPos > _root.line2_mc._y) && (xPos > _root.lineV1_mc._x)) && (xPos < _root.lineV3_mc._x)) && (xGoal < _root.lineV1_mc._x)) { trace("from buttom going left"); var xTogive = _root.dot1_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot8_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); return(undefined); } if ((((yPos > _root.line2_mc._y) && (xPos > _root.lineV1_mc._x)) && (xPos < _root.lineV3_mc._x)) && (xGoal > _root.lineV3_mc._x)) { trace("from buttom going rigth"); var xTogive = _root.dot5_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot8_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); return(undefined); } if (((yPos < _root.line1_mc._y) && (xGoal <= _root.lineV2_mc._x)) && (yGoal > _root.line2_mc._y)) { trace("from top going left to buttom"); var xTogive = _root.dot1_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot1_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); var xTogive = _root.dot1_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot8_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } else if (((yPos < _root.line1_mc._y) && (xGoal > _root.lineV2_mc._x)) && (yGoal > _root.line2_mc._y)) { trace("from top going rigth to buttom"); var xTogive = _root.dot5_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot1_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); var xTogive = _root.dot5_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot8_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } if (((yPos > _root.line2_mc._y) && (xGoal <= _root.lineV2_mc._x)) && (yGoal < _root.line1_mc._y)) { trace("from buttom going left to top"); var xTogive = _root.dot1_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot8_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); var xTogive = _root.dot1_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot1_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } else if (((yPos > _root.line2_mc._y) && (xGoal > _root.lineV2_mc._x)) && (yGoal < _root.line1_mc._y)) { trace("from buttom going left to buttom"); var xTogive = _root.dot5_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot8_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); var xTogive = _root.dot5_mc._x; var yTogive = _root.dot1_mc._y; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xTogive, y:yTogive, direction:direction}; gameControl.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } trace("Hoefde niet om telopen"); }; ScreenObject.prototype.getCoordinates = function (x, y) { var newXpos = Math.ceil(x / this.tileWidth); var newYpos = Math.ceil(y / this.tileHeight); return({x:newXpos, y:newYpos}); }; ScreenObject.prototype.getTileStatus = function (column, row) { currentTile = map[column - 1][row - 1]; if (currentTile == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }; screenObject.prototype.checkScroll = function () { xPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos + this.currentX; yPos = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos + this.currentY; if ((((yPos >= 123) && (yPos <= 379)) && (xPos >= 92)) && (xPos <= 499)) { return(undefined); } if (((yPos <= 123) && (xPos >= 166)) && (xPos < 499)) { if (!(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position8 === "disabled")) { this.scrollScreen(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position8); } } else if ((yPos <= 284) && (xPos >= 499)) { if (!(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position9 === "disabled")) { this.scrollScreen(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position9); } } else if (((yPos > 284) && (xPos >= 499)) || ((yPos >= 379) && (xPos >= 425))) { if (!(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position3 === "disabled")) { this.scrollScreen(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position3); } } else if (((yPos >= 379) && (xPos > 92)) && (xPos < 425)) { if (!(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position2 === "disabled")) { this.scrollScreen(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position2); } } else if ((yPos > 216) && (xPos <= 92)) { if (!(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position4 === "disabled")) { this.scrollScreen(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position4); } } else if (((yPos <= 216) && (xPos <= 92)) || ((yPos <= 123) && (xPos < 166))) { if (!(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position7 === "disabled")) { this.scrollScreen(screenReferences[this.currentReferencePoint].position7); } } else { trace("An error has occurred on the scrollfunction of\nthe main character. No direction chosen."); } }; _global.screenReferences = new Object(); screenReferences.a1 = new Object(); screenReferences.a1.xPos = -529; screenReferences.a1.yPos = 93; screenReferences.a1.position8 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a1.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a1.position3 = "a2"; screenReferences.a1.position2 = "b2"; screenReferences.a1.position4 = "b1"; screenReferences.a1.position7 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a2 = new Object(); screenReferences.a2.xPos = -863; screenReferences.a2.yPos = -89; screenReferences.a2.position8 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a2.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a2.position3 = "a3"; screenReferences.a2.position2 = "b3"; screenReferences.a2.position4 = "b2"; screenReferences.a2.position7 = "a1"; screenReferences.a3 = new Object(); screenReferences.a3.xPos = -1196; screenReferences.a3.yPos = -271; screenReferences.a3.position8 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a3.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a3.position3 = "a4"; screenReferences.a3.position2 = "b4"; screenReferences.a3.position4 = "b3"; screenReferences.a3.position7 = "a2"; screenReferences.a4 = new Object(); screenReferences.a4.xPos = -1528; screenReferences.a4.yPos = -453; screenReferences.a4.position8 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a4.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a4.position3 = "a5"; screenReferences.a4.position2 = "b5"; screenReferences.a4.position4 = "b4"; screenReferences.a4.position7 = "a3"; screenReferences.a5 = new Object(); screenReferences.a5.xPos = -1861; screenReferences.a5.yPos = -635; screenReferences.a5.position8 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a5.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a5.position3 = "disabled"; screenReferences.a5.position2 = "b6"; screenReferences.a5.position4 = "b5"; screenReferences.a5.position7 = "a4"; screenReferences.b1 = new Object(); screenReferences.b1.xPos = -122; screenReferences.b1.yPos = 42; screenReferences.b1.position8 = "disabled"; screenReferences.b1.position9 = "a1"; screenReferences.b1.position3 = "b2"; screenReferences.b1.position2 = "c1"; screenReferences.b1.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.b1.position7 = "disabled"; screenReferences.b2 = new Object(); screenReferences.b2.xPos = -455; screenReferences.b2.yPos = -140; screenReferences.b2.position8 = "a1"; screenReferences.b2.position9 = "a2"; screenReferences.b2.position3 = "b3"; screenReferences.b2.position2 = "c2"; screenReferences.b2.position4 = "c1"; screenReferences.b2.position7 = "b1"; screenReferences.b3 = new Object(); screenReferences.b3.xPos = -788; screenReferences.b3.yPos = -322; screenReferences.b3.position8 = "a2"; screenReferences.b3.position9 = "a3"; screenReferences.b3.position3 = "b4"; screenReferences.b3.position2 = "c3"; screenReferences.b3.position4 = "c2"; screenReferences.b3.position7 = "b2"; screenReferences.b4 = new Object(); screenReferences.b4.xPos = -1121; screenReferences.b4.yPos = -504; screenReferences.b4.position8 = "a3"; screenReferences.b4.position9 = "a4"; screenReferences.b4.position3 = "b5"; screenReferences.b4.position2 = "c4"; screenReferences.b4.position4 = "c3"; screenReferences.b4.position7 = "b3"; screenReferences.b5 = new Object(); screenReferences.b5.xPos = -1454; screenReferences.b5.yPos = -686; screenReferences.b5.position8 = "a4"; screenReferences.b5.position9 = "a5"; screenReferences.b5.position3 = "b6"; screenReferences.b5.position2 = "c5"; screenReferences.b5.position4 = "c4"; screenReferences.b5.position7 = "b4"; screenReferences.b6 = new Object(); screenReferences.b6.xPos = -1786; screenReferences.b6.yPos = -868; screenReferences.b6.position8 = "a5"; screenReferences.b6.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.b6.position3 = "disabled"; screenReferences.b6.position2 = "c6"; screenReferences.b6.position4 = "c5"; screenReferences.b6.position7 = "b5"; screenReferences.c1 = new Object(); screenReferences.c1.xPos = -48; screenReferences.c1.yPos = -191; screenReferences.c1.position8 = "b1"; screenReferences.c1.position9 = "b2"; screenReferences.c1.position3 = "c2"; screenReferences.c1.position2 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c1.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c1.position7 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c2 = new Object(); screenReferences.c2.xPos = -381; screenReferences.c2.yPos = -373; screenReferences.c2.position8 = "b2"; screenReferences.c2.position9 = "b3"; screenReferences.c2.position3 = "c3"; screenReferences.c2.position2 = "d1"; screenReferences.c2.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c2.position7 = "c1"; screenReferences.c3 = new Object(); screenReferences.c3.xPos = -714; screenReferences.c3.yPos = -555; screenReferences.c3.position8 = "b3"; screenReferences.c3.position9 = "b4"; screenReferences.c3.position3 = "c4"; screenReferences.c3.position2 = "d2"; screenReferences.c3.position4 = "d1"; screenReferences.c3.position7 = "c2"; screenReferences.c4 = new Object(); screenReferences.c4.xPos = -1047; screenReferences.c4.yPos = -737; screenReferences.c4.position8 = "b4"; screenReferences.c4.position9 = "b5"; screenReferences.c4.position3 = "c5"; screenReferences.c4.position2 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c4.position4 = "d2"; screenReferences.c4.position7 = "c3"; screenReferences.c5 = new Object(); screenReferences.c5.xPos = -1380; screenReferences.c5.yPos = -909; screenReferences.c5.position8 = "b5"; screenReferences.c5.position9 = "b6"; screenReferences.c5.position3 = "c6"; screenReferences.c5.position2 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c5.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c5.position7 = "c4"; screenReferences.c6 = new Object(); screenReferences.c6.xPos = -1713; screenReferences.c6.yPos = -1101; screenReferences.c6.position8 = "b6"; screenReferences.c6.position9 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c6.position3 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c6.position2 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c6.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.c6.position7 = "c5"; screenReferences.d1 = new Object(); screenReferences.d1.xPos = -307; screenReferences.d1.yPos = -606; screenReferences.d1.position8 = "c2"; screenReferences.d1.position9 = "c3"; screenReferences.d1.position3 = "d2"; screenReferences.d1.position2 = "e1"; screenReferences.d1.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.d1.position7 = "disabled"; screenReferences.d2 = new Object(); screenReferences.d2.xPos = -640; screenReferences.d2.yPos = -788; screenReferences.d2.position8 = "c3"; screenReferences.d2.position9 = "c4"; screenReferences.d2.position3 = "disabled"; screenReferences.d2.position2 = "disabled"; screenReferences.d2.position4 = "e1"; screenReferences.d2.position7 = "d1"; screenReferences.e1 = new Object(); screenReferences.e1.xPos = -233; screenReferences.e1.yPos = -839; screenReferences.e1.position8 = "d1"; screenReferences.e1.position9 = "d2"; screenReferences.e1.position3 = "disabled"; screenReferences.e1.position2 = "disabled"; screenReferences.e1.position4 = "disabled"; screenReferences.e1.position7 = "disabled"; GameObject = function () { }; GameObject.prototype.getUniqueDepth = function (type) { if (type == "character") { this.depthCountCharacter++; if ((this.depthCountCharacter >= 1000) || (this.depthCountCharacter < 150)) { this.depthCountCharacter = 150; } return(this.depthCountCharacter); } if (type == "static") { this.depthCountStatic++; if ((this.depthCountStatic >= 150) || (this.depthCountStatic < 0)) { trace("To many static objects in game.\nIncrease maximum number of static objects"); } return(this.depthCountStatic); } }; GameObject.prototype.doWalk = function () { if (!timeControl.gamePaused) { this.broadcastMessage("onWalk"); if (this.charactersPaused) { this.charactersPaused = false; } } else if (!this.charactersPaused) { this.broadcastMessage("onPause"); this.charactersPaused = true; } }; GameObject.prototype.createCharacter = function (xPos, yPos, direction) { this.characterCount++; this.characterLivingCount++; var uniqueDepth = this.getUniqueDepth("character"); newAvatar = this.avatars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.avatars.length)]; newCharacter = _root.gameScreen.attachMovie("character35", "character" + this.characterCount, uniqueDepth); newCharacter.type = newAvatar.type; =; newCharacter.head = newAvatar.head; var tmpArray = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < namesArray.length) { if (namesArray[i].sex == { tmpArray.push({firstName:namesArray[i].firstName, lastName:namesArray[i].lastName}); } i++; } var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * tmpArray.length); newCharacter.firstName = tmpArray[randomNumber].firstName; newCharacter.lastName = tmpArray[randomNumber].lastName; newCharacter._x = xPos; newCharacter._y = yPos; this.uniqueDepth = uniqueDepth; newCharacter.direction = direction; randomObjectives = Math.round(Math.random() * 3) + 3; this.nextWaypoint = {x:xPos, y:yPos, direction:direction}; this.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); i = 1; while (i < randomObjectives) { tries = 1; while (tries <= 9) { lastX = newCharacter.mileStones[newCharacter.mileStones.length - 1].x; lastY = newCharacter.mileStones[newCharacter.mileStones.length - 1].y; if (tries <= 3) { lastDirection = newCharacter.mileStones[newCharacter.mileStones.length - 1].direction + (Math.round(Math.random() * 180) - 90); } else { lastDirection = newCharacter.mileStones[newCharacter.mileStones.length - 1].direction + (Math.round(Math.random() * 360) - 180); } this.nextWaypoint = this.getNewWaypoint(lastX, lastY, lastDirection); if (this.checkWaypoint(this.nextWaypoint)) { this.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); break; } if (tries == 6) { } tries++; } i++; } this.saveMileStone(this.getEndZone(this.nextWaypoint)); newCharacter.inHoldingArea = false; newCharacter.speedX = 4; newCharacter.speedY = 4; newCharacter.xPos = newCharacter._x; newCharacter.yPos = newCharacter._y; gameControl.addListener(newCharacter); newCharacter.mileStone = 0; newCharacter.onWalk = function () { if (this.waiting) { return(undefined); } if ((this.wayPoints.length < 1) && (!this.waiting)) { this.mileStone++; this.wayPoint = 1; pathObj = new Object(); pathObj.start = screenControl.getCoordinates(this.mileStones[this.mileStone - 1].x, this.mileStones[this.mileStone - 1].y); pathObj.end = screenControl.getCoordinates(this.mileStones[this.mileStone].x, this.mileStones[this.mileStone].y); = this; pathObj.depth = 50; if (!this.imLive) { gameControl.waitForPath.push(pathObj); } else { gameControl.waitForPath.unshift(pathObj); } this.waiting = true; this.poseClip.stop(); this.oldPose = "idle"; return(undefined); } var diffY = (this.yPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].y); var diffX = (this.xPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].x); if (diffY >= this.speedY) { this.yPos = this.yPos - this.speedY; this.yDirection = "up"; } else if (diffY <= (-this.speedY)) { this.yPos = this.yPos + this.speedY; this.yDirection = "down"; } else { this.yDirection = "straight"; } if (diffX <= (-this.speedX)) { this.xPos = this.xPos + this.speedX; this.xDirection = "right"; } else if (diffX >= this.speedX) { this.xPos = this.xPos - this.speedX; this.xDirection = "left"; } else { this.xDirection = "straight"; } var diffY = (this.yPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].y); var diffX = (this.xPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].x); if ((((diffY < this.speedY) && (diffY > (-this.speedY))) && (diffX > (-this.speedX))) && (diffX < this.speedX)) { if (this.wayPoint < (this.wayPoints.length - 1)) { this.wayPoint++; } else if (this.mileStone < (this.mileStones.length - 1)) { delete this.wayPoints; } else { this.characterLivingCount--; this.removeAsCharacter(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } var positionX = (this.xPos + screenControl.currentX); var positionY = (this.yPos + screenControl.currentY); this.imLive = false; this.imLive = true; if (this.yDirection == "up") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose9"; } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { this.pose = "pose8"; } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose7"; } } else if (this.yDirection == "straight") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose6"; } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose4"; } } else if (this.yDirection == "down") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose3"; } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { this.pose = "pose2"; } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose1"; } } if (this.atIdleDepth) { this.atIdleDepth = false; } this.swapDepths((positionY * 350) + this.uniqueDepth); if (!(this.oldPose === this.pose)) { this.gotoAndStop(this.pose);; this.oldPose = this.pose; } this._x = this.xPos; this._y = this.yPos; }; newCharacter.onPause = function () { this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); }; newCharacter.onPress = function () { if (!timeControl.gamePaused) { mouseX = Math.round(_root._xmouse - screenControl.currentX); mouseY = Math.round(_root._ymouse - screenControl.currentY); characterX = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter._x; characterY = _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter._y; screenControl.clickCharacter(mouseX, mouseY, characterX, characterY, this.type,, this.firstname, this.lastname, this.head, this); } }; newCharacter.useHandCursor = false; }; GameObject.prototype.createMainCharacter = function (xPos, yPos, direction) { this.characterCount++; this.characterLivingCount++; var uniqueDepth = this.getUniqueDepth("character"); newAvatar = this.avatars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.avatars.length)]; newCharacter = _root.gameScreen.attachMovie("character35", "character" + this.characterCount, uniqueDepth); = this.characterCount; newCharacter._x = xPos; newCharacter._y = yPos; this.uniqueDepth = uniqueDepth; newCharacter.inHoldingArea = false; newCharacter.speedX = 4; newCharacter.speedY = 4; newCharacter.xPos = newCharacter._x; newCharacter.yPos = newCharacter._y; gameControl.addListener(newCharacter); newCharacter.mileStone = 0; newCharacter.onWalk = function () { if (this.waiting) { return(undefined); } if ((this.wayPoints.length < 1) && (!this.waiting)) { this.mileStone = 1; this.wayPoint = 1; if (!(this.mileStones[1] === undefined)) { pathObj = new Object(); pathObj.start = screenControl.getCoordinates(this.mileStones[this.mileStone - 1].x, this.mileStones[this.mileStone - 1].y); pathObj.end = screenControl.getCoordinates(this.mileStones[this.mileStone].x, this.mileStones[this.mileStone].y); pathObj.xcor = this.mileStones[this.mileStone].x; pathObj.ycor = this.mileStones[this.mileStone].y; = this; pathObj.depth = 50; gameControl.waitForPath.unshift(pathObj); this.waiting = true; } this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); this.oldPose = "idle"; return(undefined); } var diffY = (this.yPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].y); var diffX = (this.xPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].x); if (diffY >= this.speedY) { this.yPos = this.yPos - this.speedY; this.yDirection = "up"; } else if (diffY <= (-this.speedY)) { this.yPos = this.yPos + this.speedY; this.yDirection = "down"; } else { this.yDirection = "straight"; } if (diffX <= (-this.speedX)) { this.xPos = this.xPos + this.speedX; this.xDirection = "right"; } else if (diffX >= this.speedX) { this.xPos = this.xPos - this.speedX; this.xDirection = "left"; } else { this.xDirection = "straight"; } var diffY = (this.yPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].y); var diffX = (this.xPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].x); if ((((diffY < this.speedY) && (diffY > (-this.speedY))) && (diffX > (-this.speedX))) && (diffX < this.speedX)) { if (this.wayPoint < (this.wayPoints.length - 1)) { this.wayPoint++; } else { trace((("this.mileStone=" + this.mileStone) + " , this.mileStones.length=") + this.mileStones.length); if (this.mileStone < (this.mileStones.length - 1)) { trace("at first milestone.. but not at the second one yet"); delete this.wayPoints; this.mileStones.shift(); this._x = this.xPos; this._y = this.yPos; if (!(this.oldPose === this.pose)) { this.gotoAndStop(this.pose); this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); this.oldPose = "idle"; } return(undefined); } delete this.wayPoints; delete this.mileStones; if (!(this.myendpose === undefined)) { this.pose = this.myendpose; this.gotoAndStop(this.pose); } this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); if (!(this.myendfunction === undefined)) { this.myendfunction(this); } this.myendfunction = undefined; this.myendpose = undefined; return(undefined); } } var positionX = (this.xPos + screenControl.currentX); var positionY = (this.yPos + screenControl.currentY); this.imLive = false; this.imLive = true; if (this.handsfull == "band") { this.extrapossNumber = 9; } else if (this.handsfull == "voorvleugel") { this.extrapossNumber = 21; } else if (this.handsfull == "achtervleugel") { this.extrapossNumber = 30; } else if (this.handsfull == "voorvleugeloud") { this.extrapossNumber = 21; } else if (this.handsfull == "voorvleugeloud2") { this.extrapossNumber = 56; } else if (this.handsfull == "achtervleugeloud") { this.extrapossNumber = 30; } else if (this.handsfull == "achtervleugeloud2") { this.extrapossNumber = 47; } else { this.extrapossNumber = 0; } if (this.yDirection == "up") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose" + (9 + this.extrapossNumber); } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { this.pose = "pose" + (8 + this.extrapossNumber); } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose" + (7 + this.extrapossNumber); } } else if (this.yDirection == "straight") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose" + (6 + this.extrapossNumber); } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose" + (4 + this.extrapossNumber); } } else if (this.yDirection == "down") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose" + (3 + this.extrapossNumber); } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { this.pose = "pose" + (2 + this.extrapossNumber); } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose" + (1 + this.extrapossNumber); } } if (this.atIdleDepth) { this.atIdleDepth = false; } this.swapDepths((positionY * 350) + this.uniqueDepth); if (!(this.oldPose === this.pose)) { this.gotoAndStop(this.pose);; this.oldPose = this.pose; } this._x = this.xPos; this._y = this.yPos; }; newCharacter.onPress = function () { if (!timeControl.gamePaused) { var myname = this; screenControl.clickCharacter(myname); } }; newCharacter.useHandCursor = true; newCharacter.onPause = function () { this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; GameObject.prototype.createPoliceCharacter = function (xPos, yPos, direction) { this.characterCount++; var uniqueDepth = this.getUniqueDepth("character"); newAvatar = this.avatars[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.avatars.length)]; newCharacter = _root.gameScreen.attachMovie("character35", "police", uniqueDepth); newCharacter._x = xPos; newCharacter._y = yPos; this.uniqueDepth = uniqueDepth; newCharacter.inHoldingArea = false; newCharacter.speedX = 4; newCharacter.speedY = 4; newCharacter.xPos = newCharacter._x; newCharacter.yPos = newCharacter._y; gameControl.addListener(newCharacter); DialogControl.addListener(newCharacter); newCharacter.mileStone = 0; gameControl.getPoliceMileStone(newCharacter); newCharacter.onTransaction = function () { diffX = Math.abs(this.xPos - _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos); diffY = Math.abs(this.yPos - _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos); directLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt((diffX * diffX) + (diffY * diffY))); if (directLength >= 250) { dialogControl.openPolice(); } }; newCharacter.onWalk = function () { if (this.waiting) { return(undefined); } if ((this.wayPoints.length < 1) && (!this.waiting)) { this.mileStone = 1; this.wayPoint = 1; if (!(this.mileStones[1] === undefined)) { pathObj = new Object(); pathObj.start = screenControl.getCoordinates(this.mileStones[this.mileStone - 1].x, this.mileStones[this.mileStone - 1].y); pathObj.end = screenControl.getCoordinates(this.mileStones[this.mileStone].x, this.mileStones[this.mileStone].y); = this; pathObj.depth = 50; gameControl.waitForPath.unshift(pathObj); this.waiting = true; } else { delete this.wayPoints; delete this.mileStones; this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); gameControl.getPoliceMileStone(this); } this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); this.oldPose = "idle"; return(undefined); } var diffY = (this.yPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].y); var diffX = (this.xPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].x); if (diffY >= this.speedY) { this.yPos = this.yPos - this.speedY; this.yDirection = "up"; } else if (diffY <= (-this.speedY)) { this.yPos = this.yPos + this.speedY; this.yDirection = "down"; } else { this.yDirection = "straight"; } if (diffX <= (-this.speedX)) { this.xPos = this.xPos + this.speedX; this.xDirection = "right"; } else if (diffX >= this.speedX) { this.xPos = this.xPos - this.speedX; this.xDirection = "left"; } else { this.xDirection = "straight"; } var diffY = (this.yPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].y); var diffX = (this.xPos - this.wayPoints[this.wayPoint].x); if ((((diffY < this.speedY) && (diffY > (-this.speedY))) && (diffX > (-this.speedX))) && (diffX < this.speedX)) { if (this.wayPoint < (this.wayPoints.length - 1)) { this.wayPoint++; } else { delete this.wayPoints; delete this.mileStones; this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); gameControl.getPoliceMileStone(this); } } var positionX = (this.xPos + screenControl.currentX); var positionY = (this.yPos + screenControl.currentY); this.imLive = false; if ((((positionY > 82) && (positionY < 418)) && (positionX > 52)) && (positionX < 541)) { this.imLive = true; if (this.yDirection == "up") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose9"; } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { this.pose = "pose8"; } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose7"; } } else if (this.yDirection == "straight") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose6"; } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose4"; } } else if (this.yDirection == "down") { if (this.xDirection == "right") { this.pose = "pose3"; } else if (this.xDirection == "straight") { this.pose = "pose2"; } else if (this.xDirection == "left") { this.pose = "pose1"; } } if (this.atIdleDepth) { this.atIdleDepth = false; } this.swapDepths((positionY * 350) + this.uniqueDepth); if (!(this.oldPose === this.pose)) { this.gotoAndStop(this.pose);; this.oldPose = this.pose; } this._x = this.xPos; this._y = this.yPos; } else if (!this.atIdleDepth) { this.swapDepths(500000 + this.uniqueDepth); this.atIdleDepth = true; boundingX = 1850 + (Math.random() * 165); boundingY = 200 + (Math.random() * 88); this._x = boundingX; this._y = boundingY; this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); } }; newCharacter.onPause = function () { this.oldPose = "idle"; this.poseClip.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; GameObject.prototype.getPoliceMileStone = function (name) { newCharacter = name; direction = "notimportant"; this.nextWaypoint = {x:newCharacter.xPos, y:newCharacter.yPos, direction:direction}; this.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); exPos = (_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.xPos + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 800)) - 400; eyPos = (_root.gameScreen.mainCharacter.yPos + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 800)) - 400; this.nextWaypoint = {x:exPos, y:eyPos, direction:direction}; if (this.checkWaypoint(this.nextWaypoint)) { this.saveMileStone(this.nextWaypoint); } else { delete newCharacter.mileStones; delete newCharacter.wayPoints; } }; GameObject.prototype.getNewWaypoint = function (x, y, direction) { radius = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 100; angle = direction; if (angle > 360) { while (ange >= 360) { angle = angle - 360; } } else if (angle < 0) { while (angle < 0) { angle = angle + 360; } } if (angle <= 90) { degree = angle; } else if ((angle > 90) && (direction <= 180)) { degree = angle - 90; } else if ((angle > 180) && (direction <= 270)) { degree = angle - 180; } else if ((angle > 270) && (direction)) { degree = angle - 270; } aanliggend = radius * Math.cos((Math.PI/180) * degree); overstaand = radius * Math.sin((Math.PI/180) * degree); if (direction <= 90) { newX = Math.round(x + overstaand); newY = Math.round(y - aanliggend); } else if ((direction > 90) && (direction <= 180)) { newX = Math.round(x + aanliggend); newY = Math.round(y + overstaand); } else if ((direction > 180) && (direction <= 270)) { newX = Math.round(x - overstaand); newY = Math.round(y + aanliggend); } else if ((direction > 270) && (direction)) { newX = Math.round(x - aanliggend); newY = Math.round(y - overstaand); } return({x:newX, y:newY, direction:angle}); }; GameObject.prototype.saveMileStone = function (obj) { if (newCharacter.mileStones == undefined) { newCharacter.mileStones = new Array(); } if ((obj.x == undefined) || (obj.y == undefined)) { trace("Property undefined for current waypoint..."); } else { newCharacter.mileStones.push({x:obj.x, y:obj.y, xcor:obj.xcor, ycor:obj.ycor, direction:obj.direction}); } }; GameObject.prototype.checkWaypoint = function (obj) { column = Math.floor(obj.x / 20); row = Math.floor(obj.y / 20); tile = map[column][row]; if (tile == 1) { return(true); } return(false); }; GameObject.prototype.getEndZone = function (obj) { startTimer = getTimer(); currentX = obj.x; currentY = obj.y; tmpArray = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < this.characterZone.length) { diffX = Math.abs(currentX - this.characterZone[i].x); diffY = Math.abs(currentY - this.characterZone[i].y); directLength = Math.round(Math.sqrt((diffX * diffX) + (diffY * diffY))); tmpArray.push({directlength:directLength, zone:i}); i++; } tmpArray.sortOnNum("directlength"); if ((!(tmpArray.length === 0)) && (!tmpArray.undefined)) { closestcharacterZone = this.characterZone[tmpArray[0].zone]; } characterZoneTiles = closestcharacterZone.tile.length; randomTile = Math.ceil(Math.random() * characterZoneTiles); return({x:closestcharacterZone.tile[randomTile].x, y:closestcharacterZone.tile[randomTile].y}); }; GameObject.prototype.getCreateZone = function () { _root.characterLivingCount = this.characterLivingCount; if (this.characterLivingCount >= 10) { return(undefined); } var randomNumber = math.ceil((math.random() * this.createZonePercentage.length) - 1); var startPosX2 = this.createZone[this.createZonePercentage[randomNumber]].startPosX; var startPosY2 = this.createZone[this.createZonePercentage[randomNumber]].startPosY; var dir = this.createZone[this.createZonePercentage[randomNumber]].dir; var maxlength = (this.createZonePercentage.length - 1); this.createZonePercentage[randomNumber] = this.createZonePercentage[maxlength]; this.createZonePercentage.pop(); this.createMainCharacter(startPosX2, startPosY2, dir); }; GameObject.prototype.deleteCreateZone = function (zoneNumber) { i = this.createZonePercentage.length; while (i >= 0) { if (this.createZonePercentage[i] == zoneNumber) { this.createZonePercentage.splice(i, 1); } i--; } }; GameObject.prototype.addCreateZone = function (zoneNumber, times) { i = 0; while (i <= times) { this.createZonePercentage.push(zoneNumber); i++; } }; GameObject.prototype.initializeCreateZones = function () { gameControl.createZone = new Array(); with (gameControl.createZone) { push({startPosX:228, startPosY:149, dir:225, nameCreateZone:"plek 0"}); push({startPosX:268, startPosY:200, dir:200, nameCreateZone:"plek 1"}); push({startPosX:398, startPosY:159, dir:45, nameCreateZone:"plek 2"}); push({startPosX:508, startPosY:209, dir:200, nameCreateZone:"plek 3"}); push({startPosX:608, startPosY:390, dir:45, nameCreateZone:"plek 4"}); push({startPosX:548, startPosY:410, dir:180, nameCreateZone:"plek 5"}); push({startPosX:128, startPosY:410, dir:200, nameCreateZone:"plek 6"}); push({startPosX:68, startPosY:316, dir:130, nameCreateZone:"plek 7"}); push({startPosX:138, startPosY:286, dir:200, nameCreateZone:"plek 8"}); push({startPosX:148, startPosY:186, dir:200, nameCreateZone:"plek 9"}); } gameControl.createZonePercentage = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]; }; GameObject.prototype.initializeEndZones = function () { gameControl.characterZone = new Array(); with (gameControl.characterZone) { var zone = new Object(); zone.x = 1430; zone.y = 385; zone.tile = new Array(); zone.tile[0] = {x:1350, y:345}; zone.tile[1] = {x:1370, y:355}; zone.tile[2] = {x:1390, y:365}; zone.tile[3] = {x:1410, y:375}; zone.tile[4] = {x:1430, y:385}; zone.tile[5] = {x:1450, y:395}; zone.tile[6] = {x:1470, y:405}; zone.tile[7] = {x:1490, y:415}; zone.tile[8] = {x:1510, y:425}; push(zone); var zone = new Object(); zone.x = 1630; zone.y = 485; zone.tile = new Array(); zone.tile[0] = {x:1590, y:465}; zone.tile[1] = {x:1610, y:475}; zone.tile[2] = {x:1630, y:485}; zone.tile[3] = {x:1650, y:494}; zone.tile[4] = {x:1670, y:505}; push(zone); var zone = new Object(); zone.x = 1930; zone.y = 615; zone.tile = new Array(); zone.tile[0] = {x:1890, y:605}; zone.tile[1] = {x:1910, y:605}; zone.tile[2] = {x:1930, y:615}; zone.tile[3] = {x:1950, y:625}; push(zone); } }; GameObject.prototype.initializeAvatars = function () { gameControl.avatars = new Array(); with (gameControl.avatars) { push({clip:"Character1", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character2", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead2"}); push({clip:"Character3", type:"backpacker", sex:"m", head:"manhead3"}); push({clip:"Character3", type:"backpacker", sex:"m", head:"manhead3"}); push({clip:"Character3", type:"backpacker", sex:"m", head:"manhead3"}); push({clip:"Character4", type:"civilian", sex:"f", head:"womanhead1"}); push({clip:"Character5", type:"hooker", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character6", type:"police", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character7", type:"police", sex:"m", head:"manhead2"}); push({clip:"Character8", type:"bum", sex:"m", head:"manhead2"}); push({clip:"Character9", type:"bum", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character10", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead3"}); push({clip:"Character11", type:"hooker", sex:"m", head:"manhead2"}); push({clip:"Character12", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character13", type:"backpack", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character13", type:"backpack", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character13", type:"backpack", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character14", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead2"}); push({clip:"Character15", type:"civilian", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character16", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character17", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead2"}); push({clip:"Character18", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character19", type:"civilian", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character20", type:"hooker", sex:"f", head:"womanhead1"}); push({clip:"Character21", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead3"}); push({clip:"Character22", type:"civilian", sex:"m", head:"manhead3"}); push({clip:"Character23", type:"hooker", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); push({clip:"Character24", type:"backpacker", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character24", type:"backpacker", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character24", type:"backpacker", sex:"m", head:"manhead1"}); push({clip:"Character25", type:"civilian", sex:"f", head:"womanhead2"}); } }; GameObject.prototype.initializeGame = function () { this.waitForPath = new Array(); this.baseDepth = 1000; this.baseIdleDepth = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */; this.initializeAvatars(); this.initializeEndZones(); this.initializeCreateZones(); }; PathObject = function (fStart, fEnd, fDepth, fLevel) { this.init(fStart, fEnd, fDepth, fLevel); }; PathObject.prototype.init = function (fStart, fEnd, fDepth, fLevel) { this.start = fStart; this.end = fEnd; this.depth = fDepth; this.level = 3; }; PathObject.prototype.runPathFinder = function () { if (gameControl.waitForPath.length > 0) { this.$runPathFinder(); } }; PathObject.prototype.$runPathFinder = function () { gameControl.waitForPath[0].start; start = (this.start = gameControl.waitForPath[0].start); end = (this.end = gameControl.waitForPath[0].end); xcor = (this.xcor = gameControl.waitForPath[0].xcor); ycor = (this.ycor = gameControl.waitForPath[0].ycor); gameControl.waitForPath[0].mc.wayPoints = this.findPath(); gameControl.waitForPath[0].mc.waiting = false; shifted = gameControl.waitForPath.shift(); }; PathObject.prototype.findPath = function () { trace("------------------------------------------"); var $paths = []; $paths[0] = this.$findPath(this.start, this.end, 1, false); if (this.level > 0) { $paths[1] = this.$findPath(this.start, this.end, 0, false); } if (this.level > 1) { $paths[2] = this.$findPath(this.end, this.start, 1, true); } if (this.level > 2) { $paths[3] = this.$findPath(this.end, this.start, 0, true); } if (this.level > 3) { $paths[4] = this.$findPath(this.start, this.end, 1, false, true); } if (this.level > 4) { $paths[5] = this.$findPath(this.start, this.end, 0, false, true); } if (this.level > 5) { $paths[6] = this.$findPath(this.end, this.start, 1, true, true); } if (this.level > 6) { $paths[7] = this.$findPath(this.end, this.start, 0, true, true); } $paths.sort($pathsort); if ($paths[0].weight == 1000) { trace("NOG STEEDS EEN DUIZEND PAD"); } $paths[0].wayPoints.push({x:this.xcor, y:this.ycor}); return($paths[0].waypoints); }; PathObject.prototype.$pathSort = function (fVal1, fVal2) { if (fVal1.weight < fVal2.weight) { return(-1); } if (fVal1.weight > fVal2.weight) { return(1); } return(0); }; PathObject.prototype.$findPath = function (fStart, fEnd, Dir, fRev, fpref) { var curx = fStart.x; var cury = fStart.y; var pathWeight = 0; var waypoints = []; var waypointsSub = []; var endx = fEnd.x; var endy = fEnd.y; var fDir = Dir; if ((endx == curx) && (endy == cury)) { trace("WAS AT THE END AT THE FIRST PLACE"); oldx = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 1].x; oldy = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 1].y; oldx2 = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 2].x; oldy2 = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 2].y; newx = (curx * screenControl.tileWidth) - (screenControl.tileWidth / 2); newy = (cury * screenControl.tileHeight) - (screenControl.tileHeight / 2); wayPointsSub.push({x:curx, y:cury}); wayPoints.push({x:newx, y:newy}); pathWeight++; if (fRev && (pathWeight < 10000)) { wayPoints.reverse(); } return({wayPoints:wayPoints, weight:pathWeight}); } if ((curx == wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 3].x) && (cury == wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 3].y)) { pathWeight = 10000; trace("ronde gelopen"); } else { oldx = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 1].x; oldy = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 1].y; oldx2 = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 2].x; oldy2 = wayPointsSub[pathWeight - 2].y; newx = (curx * screenControl.tileWidth) - (screenControl.tileWidth / 2); newy = (cury * screenControl.tileHeight) - (screenControl.tileHeight / 2); wayPointsSub.push({x:curx, y:cury}); wayPoints.push({x:newx, y:newy}); pathWeight++; if ((endx == curx) && (endy == cury)) { } else if (pathWeight > this.depth) { pathWeight = 10000; } else if (fDir) { if ((((((curx < endx) && (cury > endy)) && ((oldx != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && (map[curx + 1][cury - 1])) && (map[curx + 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury - 1]))) { curx++; cury--; // unexpected jump } if ((((((curx < endx) && (cury < endy)) && ((oldx != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && (map[curx + 1][cury + 1])) && (map[curx + 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury + 1]))) { curx++; cury++; // unexpected jump } if ((((((curx > endx) && (cury < endy)) && ((oldx != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && (map[curx - 1][cury + 1])) && (map[curx - 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury + 1]))) { curx--; cury++; // unexpected jump } if ((((((curx > endx) && (cury > endy)) && ((oldx != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && (map[curx - 1][cury - 1])) && (map[curx - 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury - 1]))) { curx--; cury--; // unexpected jump } if (((curx < endx) && (oldx != (curx + 1))) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if (((curx > endx) && (oldx != (curx - 1))) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } if (((cury < endy) && (oldy != (cury + 1))) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } if (((cury > endy) && (oldy != (cury - 1))) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } if (curx == endx) { if ((oldx != (curx + 1)) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if ((oldx != (curx - 1)) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump } if (cury == endy) { if ((oldy != (cury + 1)) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } if ((oldy != (cury - 1)) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } } if (fpref) { if ((oldx != (curx - 1)) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } if (((curx > endx) && (oldx != (curx + 1))) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if ((oldy != (cury - 1)) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } if (((cury > endy) && (oldy != (cury + 1))) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump } if (((cury > endy) && (oldy != (cury + 1))) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } if (((cury < endy) && (oldy != (cury - 1))) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } if (((curx > endx) && (oldx != (curx + 1))) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if (((curx < endx) && (oldx != (curx - 1))) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } var escaping = 0; if (!map[curx + 1][cury]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (!map[curx - 1][cury]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (!map[curx][cury + 1]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (!map[curx][cury - 1]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (escaping == 3) { curx = oldx; cury = oldy; pathWeight = 10000; trace("escaped fail, break"); // unexpected jump } trace("killing"); pathWeight = 10000; } else { if ((((((curx < endx) && (cury > endy)) && ((oldx != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && (map[curx + 1][cury - 1])) && (map[curx + 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury - 1]))) { curx++; cury--; // unexpected jump } if ((((((curx < endx) && (cury < endy)) && ((oldx != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx + 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && (map[curx + 1][cury + 1])) && (map[curx + 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury + 1]))) { curx++; cury++; // unexpected jump } if ((((((curx > endx) && (cury < endy)) && ((oldx != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury + 1)))) && (map[curx - 1][cury + 1])) && (map[curx - 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury + 1]))) { curx--; cury++; // unexpected jump } if ((((((curx > endx) && (cury > endy)) && ((oldx != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && ((oldx2 != (curx - 1)) || (oldy != (cury - 1)))) && (map[curx - 1][cury - 1])) && (map[curx - 1][cury] || (map[curx][cury - 1]))) { curx--; cury--; // unexpected jump } if (((cury < endy) && (oldy != (cury + 1))) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } if (((cury > endy) && (oldy != (cury - 1))) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } if (((curx < endx) && (oldx != (curx + 1))) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if (((curx > endx) && (oldx != (curx - 1))) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } if (cury == endy) { if ((oldy != (cury + 1)) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } if ((oldy != (cury - 1)) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump } if (curx == endx) { if ((oldx != (curx + 1)) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if ((oldx != (curx - 1)) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } } if (fpref) { if (((cury < endy) && (oldy != (cury - 1))) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } if ((oldy != (cury + 1)) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } if (((curx < endx) && (oldx != (curx - 1))) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } if ((oldx != (curx + 1)) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } // unexpected jump } if ((curx < endx) && (map[curx - 1][cury])) { curx--; // unexpected jump } if ((curx > endx) && (map[curx + 1][cury])) { curx++; // unexpected jump } if ((cury < endy) && (map[curx][cury - 1])) { cury--; // unexpected jump } if ((cury > endy) && (map[curx][cury + 1])) { cury++; // unexpected jump } var escaping = 0; if (!map[curx + 1][cury]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (!map[curx - 1][cury]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (!map[curx][cury + 1]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (!map[curx][cury - 1]) { escaping = escaping + 1; } if (escaping == 3) { curx = oldx; cury = oldy; pathWeight = 10000; trace("escaped fail, break"); } else { pathWeight = 10000; } } } if (fRev && (pathWeight < 10000)) { wayPoints.reverse(); } return({wayPoints:wayPoints, weight:pathWeight}); }; _global.namesArray = new Array(); with (namesArray) { push({sex:"m", firstName:"Gerard", lastName:"van der Poel"}); push({sex:"m", firstName:"Ger", lastName:"Boer"}); push({sex:"m", firstName:"Andre", lastName:"van Naarden"}); push({sex:"f", firstName:"Rosmerta", lastName:"Goei"}); push({sex:"f", firstName:"Birgit", lastName:"Stelder"}); push({sex:"m", firstName:"Jan", lastName:"Brinkman"}); push({sex:"m", firstName:"Peter", lastName:"Ter Hart"}); push({sex:"f", firstName:"Anne", lastName:"Van de Ven"}); push({sex:"f", firstName:"Hanneke", lastName:"Boeien"}); push({sex:"f", firstName:"Marlies", lastName:"Decker"}); push({sex:"f", firstName:"Petra", lastName:"Barends"}); push({sex:"m", firstName:"Jan", lastName:"Daalder"}); } CarObject = function () { }; CarObject.prototype.createCar = function (xPos, yPos, style) { _global.timeControl.resetTime(); _global.timeControl.timePaused = false; currentcar = _root.carholder_mc.attachMovie(style, "car_mc", 5); currentcar._x = xPos; currentcar._y = yPos; levelControl.getCarStatus(); currentcar.getspot = function () { carX = Math.round(this._x - screenControl.currentX); carY = Math.round(this._y - screenControl.currentY); myObj = screenControl.getCoordinates(carX, carY); this.startx = myObj.x - 1; this.starty = myObj.y - 1; }; currentcar.turnstartspoton = function () { this.getspot(); var maxlength = (this.startx + 15); var maxsublength = (this.starty + 6); i = this.startx; while (i <= maxlength) { j = this.starty; while (j <= maxsublength) { map[i][j] = 0; _root.settile(i, j, 0); j++; } i++; } this.oldstartx = this.startx; this.oldstarty = this.starty; }; currentcar.turnspoton = function () { this.getspot(); var diffx = (this.oldstartx - this.startx); this.startx = this.startx - diffx; var maxlength = (this.startx + diffx); var maxsublength = (this.starty + 6); i = this.startx + 1; while (i <= maxlength) { j = this.starty; while (j <= maxsublength) { map[i + 1][j] = 0; _root.settile(i + 1, j, 0); j++; } i++; } this.oldstartx = this.startx + diffx; this.oldstarty = this.starty; }; currentcar.turnendspotoff = function () { this.getspot(); if (this.startx == this.oldstartx) { return(undefined); } var maxlength = (this.oldstartx + 15); var maxsublength = (this.oldstarty + 6); i = this.oldstartx; while (i <= maxlength) { j = this.oldstarty + 1; while (j <= maxsublength) { map[i][j] = 1; _root.settile(i, j, 1); j++; } i++; } }; currentcar.turnspotoff = function () { this.getspot(); if (this.startx == this.oldstartx) { return(undefined); } this.startx = this.startx + 15; var maxlength = (this.oldstartx + 15); var maxsublength = (this.starty + 6); i = this.startx; while (i <= maxlength) { j = this.starty; while (j <= maxsublength) { if ((i < 0) || (i >= 35)) { } else { map[i][j] = 1; _root.settile(i, j, 1); } j++; } i++; } if (((this.startx - 1) >= 0) && ((this.startx - 1) < 35)) { map[this.startx - 1][this.starty] = 1; _root.settile(this.startx - 1, this.starty, 1); map[this.startx - 1][this.starty + 6] = 1; _root.settile(this.startx - 1, this.starty + 6, 1); } this.turnspoton(); }; currentcar._speedx = 20; currentcar.onmove = function () { if (!this.inspot) { if (((this._x - 20) <= 600) && (_root.lollipop_mc._currentframe == 1)) { _root.lollipop_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } if ((this._x - 20) <= 220) { this._x = 220; _root.wiping_total.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.alarm1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _root.alarm2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); clearInterval(_root.alarmInterval); _root.alarmInterval = undefined; _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("idle"); this.inspot = true; this._speedx = 0; return(undefined); } var xPos = this._x; var yPos = this._y; if (carControl.checkfreeway(xPos, yPos)) { if (this._speedx == 0) { _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("arriving"); } if ((this._speedx < 20) || (this._x == undefined)) { this._speedx = this._speedx + 1; } this._x = this._x - this._speedx; } else { this._speedx = 0; if (!(_root.enginesound === "idle")) { _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("idle"); } } if (this._x < -260) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this.turnspotoff(); } else if (this.exit) { var xPos = this._x; var yPos = this._y; if (carControl.checkfreewayexit(xPos, yPos)) { if (this._speedx == 0) { _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("leaving"); } if ((this._speedx < 20) || (this._x == undefined)) { this._speedx = this._speedx + 1; } this._x = this._x - this._speedx; } else { this._speedx = 0; if (!(_root.enginesound === "idle")) { _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("idle"); } } if (this._x < -260) { timeControl.stopTime(); timeControl.saveTime(); levelControl.chckpitstops(); this.removeMovieClip(); } this.turnspotoff(); } }; currentcar.onEnterFrame = function () { this.onmove(); }; currentcar.turnstartspoton(); }; CarObject.prototype.checkfreeway = function (xPos, yPos) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { var ctarget = _root.gameScreen["character" + i]; if ((ctarget._y < (_root.line1_mc._y - 7)) || (ctarget._y > (_root.line2_mc._y + 7))) { } else if ((ctarget._x < (xPos - 40)) || (ctarget._x > (xPos + 30))) { } else { return(false); } i++; } return(true); }; CarObject.prototype.checkfreewayexit = function (xPos, yPos) { i = 1; while (i <= 10) { var ctarget = _root.gameScreen["character" + i]; if ((ctarget._y < (_root.line1_mc._y - 7)) || (ctarget._y > (_root.line2_mc._y + 7))) { } else if ((ctarget._x < (xPos - 60)) || (ctarget._x > xPos)) { } else { return(false); } i++; } return(true); }; CarObject.prototype.start_alarm_Sound = function () { alarm_Sound.start(); }; actionObject = function () { this.initActions(); }; actionObject.prototype.initActions = function () { _global.baseactions = [0, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]; _global.actionObj = {}; actionObj.action0 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action0; ctarget.discr = "voor banden halen"; = true; ctarget.x = 140; ctarget.y = 160; ctarget.nextaction = [4, 8]; ctarget.endfunction = this.PickupFronttire; = _root.actionsTotal.action0_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose17"; actionObj.action1 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action1; ctarget.discr = "voor banden halen 2"; = true; ctarget.x = 140; ctarget.y = 160; ctarget.nextaction = [4, 8]; ctarget.endfunction = this.PickupFronttire; = _root.actionsTotal.action1_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose17"; actionObj.action2 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action2; ctarget.discr = "achter banden halen"; = true; ctarget.x = 170; ctarget.y = 160; ctarget.nextaction = [6, 10]; ctarget.endfunction = this.PickupBacktire; = _root.actionsTotal.action2_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose17"; actionObj.action3 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action3; ctarget.discr = "achter banden halen 2"; = true; ctarget.x = 175; ctarget.y = 155; ctarget.nextaction = [6, 10]; ctarget.endfunction = this.PickupBacktire; = _root.actionsTotal.action3_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose17"; actionObj.action4 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action4; ctarget.discr = "rechter voorband assist"; = true; ctarget.x = 230; ctarget.y = 252; ctarget.endfunction = this.AssistFrontTire1; = _root.actionsTotal.action4_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose3"; actionObj.action5 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action5; ctarget.discr = "rechter voorband changer"; = true; ctarget.x = 283; ctarget.y = 240; ctarget.nextaction = [16]; ctarget.endfunction = this.Generalendfunction; = _root.actionsTotal.action5_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose2"; actionObj.action6 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action6; ctarget.discr = "rechter achterband assist"; = true; ctarget.x = 405; ctarget.y = 252; ctarget.endfunction = this.AssistBackTire1; = _root.actionsTotal.action6_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose3"; actionObj.action7 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action7; ctarget.discr = "rechter achterband changer"; = true; ctarget.x = 443; ctarget.y = 238; ctarget.nextaction = [17]; ctarget.endfunction = this.Generalendfunction; = _root.actionsTotal.action7_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose2"; actionObj.action8 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action8; ctarget.discr = "linker voorband assist"; = true; ctarget.x = 230; ctarget.y = 402; ctarget.endfunction = this.AssistFrontTire2; = _root.actionsTotal.action8_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose9"; actionObj.action9 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action9; ctarget.discr = "linker voorband changer"; = true; ctarget.x = 283; ctarget.y = 415; ctarget.nextaction = [18]; ctarget.endfunction = this.Generalendfunction; = _root.actionsTotal.action9_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose8"; actionObj.action10 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action10; ctarget.discr = "rechter achterband assist"; = true; ctarget.x = 405; ctarget.y = 402; ctarget.endfunction = this.AssistBackTire2; = _root.actionsTotal.action10_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose9"; actionObj.action11 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action11; ctarget.discr = "techter achterband changer"; = true; ctarget.x = 443; ctarget.y = 408; ctarget.nextaction = [19]; ctarget.endfunction = this.Generalendfunction; = _root.actionsTotal.action11_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose8"; actionObj.action12 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action12; ctarget.discr = "voorvleugel halen"; = true; ctarget.x = 98; ctarget.y = 200; ctarget.nextaction = [20]; ctarget.endfunction = this.PickupFrontwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action12_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose28"; actionObj.action13 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action13; ctarget.discr = "achtervleugel halen"; = true; ctarget.x = 576; ctarget.y = 206; ctarget.nextaction = [21]; ctarget.endfunction = this.PickupBackwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action13_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose39"; actionObj.action14 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action14; ctarget.discr = "voorvleugel changer"; = true; ctarget.x = 204; ctarget.y = 323; ctarget.nextaction = [22]; ctarget.endfunction = this.Generalendfunction; = _root.actionsTotal.action14_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose6"; actionObj.action15 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action15; ctarget.discr = "achtervleugel changer"; = true; ctarget.x = 530; ctarget.y = 323; ctarget.nextaction = [23]; ctarget.endfunction = this.Generalendfunction; = _root.actionsTotal.action15_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose4"; actionObj.action16 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action16; ctarget.discr = "voorband1 verwisselen"; = true; ctarget.x = 283; ctarget.y = 240; ctarget.endfunction = this.ChangeFrontTire1; = _root.actionsTotal.action16_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose20"; ctarget.subaction = true; actionObj.action17 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action17; ctarget.discr = "achterband1 verwisselen"; = true; ctarget.x = 443; ctarget.y = 238; ctarget.endfunction = this.ChangeBackTire1; = _root.actionsTotal.action17_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose29"; ctarget.subaction = true; actionObj.action18 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action18; ctarget.discr = "voorband2 verwisselen"; = true; ctarget.x = 283; ctarget.y = 415; ctarget.endfunction = this.ChangeFrontTire2; = _root.actionsTotal.action18_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose26"; ctarget.subaction = true; actionObj.action19 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action19; ctarget.discr = "achterband2 verwisselen"; = true; ctarget.x = 443; ctarget.y = 408; ctarget.endfunction = this.ChangeBackTire2; = _root.actionsTotal.action19_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose26"; ctarget.subaction = true; actionObj.action20 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action20; ctarget.discr = "voorvleugel assist"; = true; ctarget.x = 163; ctarget.y = 273; ctarget.nextaction = [24]; ctarget.endfunction = this.AssistFrontWing; = _root.actionsTotal.action20_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose24"; actionObj.action21 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action21; ctarget.discr = "achtervleugel assist"; = true; ctarget.x = 577; ctarget.y = 293; ctarget.nextaction = [25]; ctarget.endfunction = this.AssistBackWing; = _root.actionsTotal.action21_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose34"; actionObj.action22 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action22; ctarget.discr = "take off voorvleugel"; = true; ctarget.x = 204; ctarget.y = 323; ctarget.nextaction = [26]; ctarget.endfunction = this.takeofffrontwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action22_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose43"; actionObj.action23 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action23; ctarget.discr = "take off achtervleugel"; = true; ctarget.x = 530; ctarget.y = 323; ctarget.nextaction = [27]; ctarget.endfunction = this.takeoffbackwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action23_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose40"; actionObj.action24 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action24; ctarget.discr = "put on voorvleugel"; = true; ctarget.x = 204; ctarget.y = 323; ctarget.endfunction = this.putonfrontwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action24_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose44"; actionObj.action25 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action25; ctarget.discr = "put on achtervleugel"; = true; ctarget.x = 530; ctarget.y = 323; ctarget.endfunction = this.putonbackwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action25_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose41"; actionObj.action26 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action26; ctarget.discr = "drop voorvleugel"; = true; ctarget.x = 93; ctarget.y = 430; ctarget.endfunction = this.dropfrontwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action26_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose45"; actionObj.action27 = {}; ctarget = actionObj.action27; ctarget.discr = "drop achtervleugel"; = true; ctarget.x = 582; ctarget.y = 411; ctarget.endfunction = this.dropbackwing; = _root.actionsTotal.action27_mc; ctarget.pose = "pose42"; }; actionObject.prototype.selectAction = function (Obj) { trace("currentaction, myAction=" + obj.myAction); this.deselectAction(); if (obj.handsfull == "band") { trace("aparte array, omdat de handjes vol zitten met een bandje"); _root.temparray = actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction; var arraytouse = temparray; trace("arraytouse=" + arraytouse); } else if (obj.handsfull == "voorvleugel") { trace("aparte array, omdat de handjes vol zitten met een achtervleugel"); _root.temparray = actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction; var arraytouse = temparray; trace("arraytouse=" + arraytouse); } else if (obj.handsfull == "achtervleugel") { trace("aparte array, omdat de handjes vol zitten met een achtervleugel"); _root.temparray = actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction; var arraytouse = temparray; trace("arraytouse=" + arraytouse); } else if ((obj.handsfull == "achtervleugeloud") || (obj.handsfull == "achtervleugeloud2")) { trace("aparte array, omdat de handjes vol zitten met een oude achtervleugel"); _root.temparray = actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction; var arraytouse = temparray; trace("arraytouse=" + arraytouse); } else if ((obj.handsfull == "voorvleugeloud") || (obj.handsfull == "voorvleugeloud2")) { trace("aparte array, omdat de handjes vol zitten met een oude voorvleugel"); _root.temparray = actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction; var arraytouse = temparray; trace("arraytouse=" + arraytouse); } else if ((!(obj.myAction === undefined)) && (!(actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction === undefined))) { trace("aparte array, omdat er een huidige action is"); _root.temparray = actionObj["action" + obj.myAction].nextaction; var arraytouse = baseactions.concat(temparray); trace("arraytouse=" + arraytouse); } else { trace("gewone basearray"); var arraytouse = baseactions; } this.baselength = arraytouse.length - 1; this.turnedon = []; i = 0; while (i <= this.baselength) { index = arraytouse[i]; var ctarget = actionObj["action" + index]; var chckfunction = actionControl["chck_" + index](obj); trace((("CHECK" + index) + "=") + chckfunction); if ( && (chckfunction)) {; = true; this.turnedon.push(index); } i++; } this.mainCharacter = obj; }; actionObject.prototype.setAction = function (actionNumber) { if (!actionObj["action" + actionNumber].subaction) { actionObj["action" + this.mainCharacter.myAction].free = true; actionObj["action" + this.mainCharacter.myGoal].free = true; } else { trace("SUBACTION!!"); } this.mainCharacter.myGoal = actionNumber; trace(("-----------" + this.mainCharacter.myGoal) + "---------------------------"); this.mainCharacter.myendfunction = actionObj["action" + actionNumber].endfunction; this.mainCharacter.myendpose = actionObj["action" + actionNumber].pose; if (!actionObj["action" + actionNumber].subaction) { actionObj["action" + actionNumber].free = false; } else { trace("SUBACTION!!"); } mouseX = Math.round(actionObj["action" + actionNumber].x); mouseY = Math.round(actionObj["action" + actionNumber].y); characterX = 0; characterY = 0; screenControl.clickAction(mouseX, mouseY, characterX, characterY); this.mainCharacter = undefined; _root.mainCharacter = undefined; this.deselectAction(); }; actionObject.prototype.deselectAction = function () { this.turnedonlength = this.turnedon.length - 1; i = 0; while (i <= this.turnedonlength) { index = this.turnedon[i]; var ctarget = actionObj["action" + index]; = false;; i++; } this.turnedon = []; }; actionObject.prototype.resetcharacter = function () { trace("resetcharacter"); actionObj["action" + _root.mainCharacter.myAction].free = true; actionObj["action" + _root.mainCharacter.myGoal].free = true; actionControl.mainCharacter.myendfunction = undefined; actionControl.mainCharacter.myendpose = undefined; if (actionControl.mainCharacter.handsfull == undefined) { actionControl.mainCharacter.myAction = undefined; } actionControl.mainCharacter.myGoal = undefined; }; actionObject.prototype.Generalendfunction = function (obj) { trace("Generalendfunction function , myGoal=" + obj.myGoal); obj.myAction = obj.myGoal; obj.handsfull = undefined; }; actionObject.prototype.PickupFronttire = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); trace("PickupFronttire function"); obj.handsfull = "band"; _root.bandenvoor_mc.prevFrame(); }; actionObject.prototype.PickupBacktire = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); trace("PickupBacktire function"); obj.handsfull = "band"; _root.bandenachter_mc.prevFrame(); }; actionObject.prototype.AssistFrontTire1 = function (obj) { if (obj.handsfull == "band") { _root.bandenvoor1_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); }; actionObject.prototype.AssistFrontTire2 = function (obj) { if (obj.handsfull == "band") { _root.bandenvoor2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); }; actionObject.prototype.AssistBackTire1 = function (obj) { if (obj.handsfull == "band") { _root.bandenachter1_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); }; actionObject.prototype.AssistBackTire2 = function (obj) { if (obj.handsfull == "band") { _root.bandenachter2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); }; actionObject.prototype.ChangeFrontTire1 = function (obj) { var cframe = _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc._currentframe; if (cframe > 2) { _root.bandenvoorrol1_mc.gotoAndPlay(25); } else { _root.bandenvoorrol1_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc.gotoAndStop(2); obj.welkeband = "voor1"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose20"); }; actionObject.prototype.ChangeFrontTire2 = function (obj) { var cframe = _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc._currentframe; if (cframe > 2) { _root.bandenvoorrol2_mc.gotoAndPlay(25); } else { _root.bandenvoorrol2_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); obj.welkeband = "voor2"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose21"); }; actionObject.prototype.ChangeBackTire1 = function (obj) { var cframe = _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband1_mc._currentframe; if (cframe > 2) { _root.bandenachterrol1_mc.gotoAndPlay(25); } else { _root.bandenachterrol1_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband1_mc.gotoAndStop(2); obj.welkeband = "achter1"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose20"); }; actionObject.prototype.ChangeBackTire2 = function (obj) { var cframe = _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc._currentframe; if (cframe > 2) { _root.bandenachterrol2_mc.gotoAndPlay(25); } else { _root.bandenachterrol2_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); obj.welkeband = "achter2"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose21"); }; actionObject.prototype.PickupFrontwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); trace("PickupFrontwing function"); obj.handsfull = "voorvleugel"; _root.voorvleugel_mc.prevFrame(); }; actionObject.prototype.PickupBackwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); trace("PickupBackwing function"); obj.handsfull = "achtervleugel"; _root.achtervleugel_mc.prevFrame(); }; actionObject.prototype.AssistFrontWing = function (obj) { obj.myAction = obj.myGoal; }; actionObject.prototype.AssistBackWing = function (obj) { obj.myAction = obj.myGoal; }; actionObject.prototype.takeoffbackwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); trace("Pickup OLD Backwing function"); var cframe = _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achtervleugel_mc._currentframe; if (cframe > 2) { obj.handsfull = "achtervleugeloud2"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose46"); } else { obj.handsfull = "achtervleugeloud"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose40"); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achtervleugel_mc.gotoAndStop(2); _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter = obj; obj.achtervleugel_frame = cframe; }; actionObject.prototype.takeofffrontwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); trace("Pickup OLD Frontwing function"); var cframe = _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorvleugel_mc._currentframe; if (cframe > 2) { obj.handsfull = "voorvleugeloud2"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose66"); } else { obj.handsfull = "voorvleugeloud"; obj.gotoAndPlay("pose43"); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorvleugel_mc.gotoAndStop(2); _root.gameScreen.mainCharacter = obj; obj.voorvleugel_frame = cframe; }; actionObject.prototype.putonbackwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); obj.gotoAndPlay("pose41"); }; actionObject.prototype.putonfrontwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); obj.gotoAndPlay("pose44"); }; actionObject.prototype.dropbackwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); if (obj.achtervleugel_frame > 2) { obj.gotoAndPlay("pose47"); } else { obj.gotoAndPlay("pose42"); } }; actionObject.prototype.dropfrontwing = function (obj) { actionControl.Generalendfunction(obj); if (obj.voorvleugel_frame > 2) { obj.gotoAndPlay("pose67"); } else { obj.gotoAndPlay("pose45"); } }; actionObject.prototype.startlollipop = function () { if (!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) { return(undefined); } if (!enoughfuell) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.tankers_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband1_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorvleugel_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achtervleugel_mc._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } if (!(_root.wiping_total._currentframe === 1)) { return(undefined); } _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit = true; _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("leaving");; }; actionObject.prototype.chck_0 = function (obj) { if (_root.bandenvoor_mc._currentframe > 1) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_2 = function (obj) { if (_root.bandenachter_mc._currentframe > 1) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_4 = function (obj) { if ((obj.handsfull == "band") && (!(_root.bandenvoor1_mc._currentframe === 1))) { return(false); } return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_6 = function (obj) { if ((obj.handsfull == "band") && (!(_root.bandenachter1_mc._currentframe === 1))) { return(false); } return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_8 = function (obj) { if ((obj.handsfull == "band") && (!(_root.bandenvoor2_mc._currentframe === 1))) { return(false); } return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_10 = function (obj) { if ((obj.handsfull == "band") && (!(_root.bandenachter2_mc._currentframe === 1))) { return(false); } return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_5 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_7 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_9 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_11 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_12 = function (obj) { if (_root.voorvleugel_mc._currentframe > 1) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_13 = function (obj) { if (_root.achtervleugel_mc._currentframe > 1) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_14 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_15 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_16 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if ((_root.bandenvoor1_mc._currentframe == 2) && (! { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_17 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if ((_root.bandenachter1_mc._currentframe == 2) && (! { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_18 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if ((_root.bandenvoor2_mc._currentframe == 2) && (! { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_19 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if ((_root.bandenachter2_mc._currentframe == 2) && (! { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_20 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_21 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_22 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorvleugel_mc._currentframe === 2)) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_23 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achtervleugel_mc._currentframe === 2)) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_24 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorvleugel_mc._currentframe == 2) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_25 = function (obj) { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(false); } if (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achtervleugel_mc._currentframe == 2) { return(true); } return(false); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_26 = function (obj) { return(true); }; actionObject.prototype.chck_27 = function (obj) { return(true); }; _root.submitlevel = 0; LevelObject = function () { }; LevelObject.prototype.addTime = function (timer) { this.currentTime = this.currentTime + 0.00564516129032258; }; LevelObject.prototype.resetTime = function () { this.currentTime = 0; }; LevelObject.prototype.stopTime = function () { this.timePaused = true; }; LevelObject.prototype.setLevelStatus = function () { _global.pitstoplevel = undefined; _global.pitstoplevel = [0]; trace("LevelControl: setting level status"); _global.cLevel = 1; _global.levelstatus = []; levelstatus[0] = {change:0, tank:1, spawn:16, stops:1, targettime:7}; levelstatus[1] = {change:0, tank:1, spawn:16, stops:1, targettime:8}; levelstatus[2] = {change:1, tank:1, spawn:15, stops:1, targettime:8}; levelstatus[3] = {change:1, tank:1, spawn:14, stops:1, targettime:8}; levelstatus[4] = {change:2, tank:1, spawn:13, stops:1, targettime:10}; levelstatus[5] = {change:2, tank:1, spawn:12, stops:1, targettime:10}; levelstatus[6] = {change:3, tank:1, spawn:11, stops:1, targettime:10}; levelstatus[7] = {change:3, tank:1, spawn:10, stops:2, targettime:9}; levelstatus[8] = {change:3, tank:1, spawn:9, stops:2, targettime:9}; levelstatus[9] = {change:4, tank:1, spawn:8, stops:2, targettime:9}; levelstatus[10] = {change:4, tank:1, spawn:7, stops:2, targettime:8}; levelstatus[11] = {change:4, tank:1, spawn:6, stops:2, targettime:8}; levelstatus[12] = {change:5, tank:1, spawn:6, stops:2, targettime:8}; levelstatus[13] = {change:5, tank:1, spawn:7, stops:3, targettime:7}; levelstatus[14] = {change:5, tank:1, spawn:7, stops:3, targettime:7}; levelstatus[15] = {change:6, tank:1, spawn:7, stops:3, targettime:7}; levelstatus[16] = {change:6, tank:1, spawn:6, stops:3, targettime:6}; levelstatus[17] = {change:6, tank:1, spawn:6, stops:3, targettime:6}; levelstatus[18] = {change:6, tank:1, spawn:5, stops:3, targettime:6}; _global.tochangearray = ["voorband1_mc", "voorband2_mc", "achterband1_mc", "achterband2_mc", "voorvleugel_mc", "achtervleugel_mc"]; }; LevelObject.prototype.startLevel = function () { _global.pitstoptimes = undefined; _global.pitstoptimes = [0]; trace("LevelControl: STARTING LEVEL " + cLevel); this.stopmade = 0; this.getLevelStatus(); this.chckpitstops(); }; LevelObject.prototype.getLevelStatus = function () { trace("LevelControl: getting level status"); this.tochange = levelstatus[cLevel].change; this.totank = levelstatus[cLevel].tank; this.tospawn = levelstatus[cLevel].spawn * 31; this.tostop = levelstatus[cLevel].stops; _global.targettime = levelstatus[cLevel].targettime; _root.targettimedisplay = levelstatus[cLevel].targettime; trace("LevelControl: this.tochange = " + this.tochange); }; LevelObject.prototype.getCarStatus = function () { trace("LevelControl: getting car status"); this.temptochangearray = tochangearray.concat(); i = 1; while (i <= this.tochange) { var maxlength = this.temptochangearray.length; var randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * maxlength); var mypick = this.temptochangearray[randomNumber]; var trow = this.temptochangearray[maxlength - 1]; this.temptochangearray[randomNumber] = trow; this.temptochangearray.pop(); _root.carholder_mc.car_mc[mypick].gotoAndStop(3); i++; } var startfuell = Math.round(Math.random() * 200); var difff = (300 - startfuell); var goalfuell = (Math.round(Math.random() * difff) + startfuell); _root.indicator_fuel_mc.meter_mc.gotoAndStop(startfuell); _root.indicator_fuel_mc.meter_mc.goal_mc.gotoAndStop(goalfuell); }; LevelObject.prototype.chckpitstops = function () { if (this.stopmade >= this.tostop) { trace("MADE ALL THE STOPS, LEVEL IS COMPLETE"); timeControl.gamePaused = true; var leveltekst = (("LEVEL " + clevel) + " COMPLETED"); _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.completed_mc.level_txt.text = leveltekst; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc._visible = true; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.ctime = 0; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.ctime >= 100) { if (_global.overtime >= 0) { if (clevel >= 18) { _root.submitlevel = 18; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.beker_mc._visible = true; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.submitscore._visible = true; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.gameover_mc._visible = true; } else { _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.completed_mc._visible = true; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.submitscore._visible = true; clevel = clevel + 1; _root.submitlevel = _root.submitlevel + 1; } } else { _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.gameover_mc._visible = true; } delete this.onEnterFrame; } this.ctime = this.ctime + 1; }; } else { this.stopmade = this.stopmade + 1; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("spawn_mc", 6); var ttime = Math.round(((Math.random() * 100) - 40) + this.tospawn); _root.spawn_mc.gtime = ttime; trace("_root.spawn_mc.gtime=" + _root.spawn_mc.gtime); _root.spawn_mc.ctime = 0; _root.spawn_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!(_root.carholder_mc.car_mc === undefined)) { return(undefined); } this.difft = this.gtime - this.ctime; if (this.difft == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (this.difft < 20) { if (!(_root.enginesound === "arriving")) { _root.sound_engine_mc.gotoAndPlay("arriving"); } } if ((this.difft < 120) && (_root.alarmInterval == undefined)) { _root.alarm1_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.alarm2_mc.gotoAndPlay(4); clearInterval(_root.alarmInterval); CarControl.start_alarm_Sound(); _root.alarmInterval = setInterval(CarControl, "start_alarm_Sound", 800); } if (this.ctime >= this.gtime) { carControl.createCar(_root.invulxcar, _root.invulycar, "f1car"); this.ctime = 0; delete this.onEnterFrame; this.removeMovieClip(); } this.ctime = this.ctime + 1; }; } }; LevelObject.prototype.endGame = function () { }; _root.gameStarted = false; play();Instance of Symbol 445 MovieClip in Frame 364onClipEvent (load) { this.useHandCursor = false; this.onRelease = function () { mouseX = Math.round(_root._xmouse); mouseY = Math.round(_root._ymouse); screenControl.clickScreen(mouseX, mouseY, characterX, characterY); }; }Instance of Symbol 541 MovieClip "truck_mc" in Frame 364onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 607 MovieClip "menu_levelcomplited_mc" in Frame 364onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Frame 365this.startGame = function () { if (!_root.gameStarted) { _root.gameStarted = true; _global.timeControl = new TimeObject(); _global.timeControl.resetTime(); _global.timeControl.timePaused = true; _global.characterArray = new Array(); _global.staticArray = new Array(); _global.screenControl = new ScreenObject(); screenControl.tileWidth = 20; screenControl.tileHeight = 20; ASBroadcaster.initialize(screenControl); Key.addListener(screenControl.keyListener); screenControl.normalMode(); _global.gameControl = new GameObject(); gameControl.initializeCreateZones(); ASBroadcaster.initialize(gameControl); gameControl.initializeGame(); _global.pathControl = new PathObject({x:0, y:0}, end, 100, 3); dialogControl.initialize(); walkInterval = setInterval(gameControl, "doWalk", 40); PathfinderInterval = setInterval(pathControl, "runPathFinder", 100); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { gameControl.getCreateZone(); i++; } gameControl.createMainCharacter(150, 350, 180); _global.carControl = new CarObject(); _global.actionControl = new actionObject(); _global.levelControl = new levelObject(); _root.indicator_time_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!timeControl.gamePaused) { timeControl.addTime(); timeControl.publishTime(); } }; } }; this.startGame(); _root.settile = function (gotteni, gottenj, gottenstatus) { var i = gotteni; var j = gottenj; var status = gottenstatus; precTarget = (i + "y") + j; cTarget = _root.mapedit["gridx" + precTarget]; cTarget.status = status; cTarget.gotoAndPlay(2); }; _root.but_gototruck_mc.onRollOver = function () { _root.but_gototruck_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }; _root.but_gototruck_mc.onRollOut = function () { _root.but_gototruck_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }; _root.but_gototruck_mc.onPress = function () { _root.truck_mc.voorband_truck_pile1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.truck_mc.voorband_truck_pile2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.truck_mc.achterband_truck_pile1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.truck_mc.achterband_truck_pile2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.truck_mc.voorvleugel_truck_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _root.truck_mc.achtervleugel_truck_mc.gotoAndStop(1); _root.truck_mc._visible = true; }; _root.indicator_fuel_mc.meter_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { var cframe = this._currentframe; if ((_root.tankers_mc._currentframe == 11) && (cframe < 300)) { this.gotoAndStop(cframe + 1); if (this.ctime >= 8) { tank_Sound.start(); this.ctime = 0; } this.ctime = this.ctime + 1; } else if ((_root.tankers_mc._currentframe == 11) && (cframe >= 300)) {; } var difff = (cframe - this.goal_mc._currentframe); if (difff >= 0) { _global.enoughfuell = true; this._knipper_mc._visible = false; } else { _global.enoughfuell = false; this._knipper_mc._visible = true; } }; _root.createEmptyMovieClip("pasby_mc", 5); _root.pasby_mc.gtime = (Math.random() * 200) + 50; _root.pasby_mc.ctime = 0; _root.pasby_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.ctime >= this.gtime) { var csound = _global[("pasby" + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 3)) + "_Sound"]; csound.start(); this.ctime = 0; this.gtime = Math.round(Math.random() * 300) + 50; } this.ctime = this.ctime + 1; }; _global.laptop_Sound = new Sound(); laptop_Sound.attachSound("laptop_lnk"); _global.alarm_Sound = new Sound(); alarm_Sound.attachSound("alarm_lnk"); _global.drill_Sound = new Sound(); drill_Sound.attachSound("drill_lnk"); _global.tank_Sound = new Sound(); tank_Sound.attachSound("tank_lnk"); _global.tire_Sound = new Sound(); tire_Sound.attachSound("tire_lnk"); _global.whiping_Sound = new Sound(); whiping_Sound.attachSound("whiping_lnk"); _global.wing_Sound = new Sound(); wing_Sound.attachSound("wing_lnk"); _global.tankin_Sound = new Sound(); tankin_Sound.attachSound("tankin_lnk"); _global.tankuit_Sound = new Sound(); tankuit_Sound.attachSound("tankuit_lnk"); _global.pasby1_Sound = new Sound(); pasby1_Sound.attachSound("pasby1_lnk"); _global.pasby2_Sound = new Sound(); pasby2_Sound.attachSound("pasby2_lnk"); _global.pasby3_Sound = new Sound(); pasby3_Sound.attachSound("pasby3_lnk"); clevel = 1; _global.pitstoplevel = []; _global.pitstoptimes = []; levelControl.setLevelStatus(); levelControl.startLevel(); _root.goprevscene = function () { gotoAndStop (1); }; stop(); _root.leveldisplay = _root.clevel;Symbol 16 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 17 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 20 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 21 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 1stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 22drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 45_root[("banden" + this.welkeband) + "_mc"].gotoAndPlay(3);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 64drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 65if (this.welkeband == "voor1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "voor2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 72stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 76drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 99_root[("banden" + this.welkeband) + "_mc"].gotoAndPlay(3);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 115drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 119if (this.welkeband == "voor1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "voor2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 129stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 155if (this.welkeband == "voor1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "voor2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 165if (this.welkeband == "voor1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "voor2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter1") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } else if (this.welkeband == "achter2") { _root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achterband2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 184wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 185trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); screenControl.clickScreenSingle(520, 400, this); stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 188drill_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 191wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 192trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); screenControl.clickScreenSingle(520, 400, this); stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 201wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 202_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.achtervleugel_mc.gotoAndStop(1);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 203stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 207wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 208_root.achtervleugel_oud_mc.gotoAndStop(2);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 209stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 213wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 214if (this.achtervleugel_frame > 2) { _root.achtervleugel_oud_mc.gotoAndStop(3); } else { _root.achtervleugel_oud_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 215stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 225wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 227trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); screenControl.clickScreenSingle(100, 350, this); stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 232wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 234trace("!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"); screenControl.clickScreenSingle(100, 350, this); stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 242wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 243_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.voorvleugel_mc.gotoAndStop(1);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 244stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 251wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 252_root.voorvleugel_oud_mc.gotoAndStop(2);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 253stop();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 257wing_Sound.start();Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 258_root.voorvleugel_oud_mc.gotoAndStop(3);Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 259stop();Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 137 MovieClip [grid] Frame 2this.sub.gotoAndStop(this.status + 2); stop();Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 153 Buttonon (press) { _root.gotoAndPlay(363); }Symbol 160 Buttonon (press) { _root.uitleg_mc._visible = false; }Symbol 165 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndStop (2); }Symbol 178 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndStop (3); }Symbol 183 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndStop (1); }Symbol 191 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndStop (4); }Symbol 192 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndStop (2); }Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 27gotoAndPlay (10);Symbol 243 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndPlay (3); }Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 268 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 276 MovieClip "knipper_mc" in Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 405_root.tankers_mc.gotoAndPlay("reverse");Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1stop(); this.underlay_mc.onPress = function () { }; this.underlay_mc.useHandCursor = false;Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3stop();Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "fuelgame_mc" in Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 4stop();Symbol 309 Buttonon (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }Symbol 314 Buttonon (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }Symbol 337 Buttonon (press) { _root.uitleg_mc._visible = true; }Symbol 340 Buttonon (press) { SplashandDash_Sound.stop(); gotoAndStop (364); }Symbol 343 Buttonon (press) { _root.totalurl = ""; winName = "Highscore"; winH = 580; winW = 420; tools = "no"; scroll = "yes"; resize = "yes"; menu = "no"; status = "no"; directory = "no"; location = "no"; getURL (((((((((((((((((((((((((("'" add _root.totalurl) add "','") add winName) add "','width=") add winW) add ",height=") add winH) add ",top='+((screen.height/2)-(") add (winH / 2)) add "))+',left='+((screen.width/2)-(") add (winW / 2)) add "))+',toolbar=") add tools) add ",scrollbars=") add scroll) add ",resizable=") add resize) add ",menubar=") add menu) add ",status=") add status) add ",directories=") add directory) add ",location=") add location) add "'); void(0);"); }Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 359 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 366 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 367 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 368 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (20);Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 3gotoAndPlay (140);Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 111gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 241gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 2gotoAndPlay (20);Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 3gotoAndPlay (120);Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 101gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 201gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame 19whiping_Sound.start(0, 6);Symbol 426 MovieClip Frame;Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 2this.sub.gotoAndPlay(2);Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 15stop();Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 432 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 435 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 436 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 20tire_Sound.start(); gotoAndPlay (144);Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 43tire_Sound.start();Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 135gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 439 MovieClip Frame 232gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 442 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 20tire_Sound.start(); gotoAndPlay (180);Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 43tire_Sound.start();Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 151gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 271gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1i = 0; while (i <= 27) { var ctarget = this[("action" + i) + "_mc"]; ctarget._visible = false; ctarget.useHandCursor = false; ctarget.i = i; ctarget.onPress = function () { actionControl.setAction(this.i); }; i++; }Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 9stop();Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 28gotoAndPlay (11);Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1this.start_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.start_mc.ctarget = this.fuelgame_mc; this.start_mc.onPress = function () { if ((!_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.inspot) || (_root.carholder_mc.car_mc.exit)) { return(undefined); } if (!this.ctarget._visible) { this.ctarget._visible = true; } else { this.ctarget.stop(); var cframe = this.ctarget._currentframe; if ((cframe >= 6) && (cframe <= 8)) { this._parent.succes = true; } else { this._parent.succes = false; } this._parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } }; stop();Instance of Symbol 240 MovieClip "fuelgame_mc" in Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 2this.tanker1.gotoAndPlay("start");Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 3this.tanker2.gotoAndPlay(2);Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 8this.tanker1.gotoAndPlay("tank");Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 10this.fuelgame_mc._visible = false; this.fuelgame_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); if (this.succes) { this.gotoAndPlay("tanking"); tankin_Sound.start(); } else { this.gotoAndPlay("reverse"); }Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 11this.stop_mc.useHandCursor = false; this.stop_mc.onPress = function () { this._parent.gotoAndPlay("reverse"); if (_root.indicator_fuel_mc.meter_mc._currentframe > 300) { _root.indicator_fuel_mc.meter_mc.gotoAndStop(299); } }; stop();Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 12this.tanker1.gotoAndPlay("start"); this.tanker2.gotoAndPlay("start"); tankuit_Sound.start();Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 466 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 19this.startlollipop_mc.onPress = function () { actionControl.startlollipop(); }; stop();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 7gotoAndPlay (2);Symbol 515 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 531 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 540 Buttonon (press) { _root.truck_mc._visible = false; }Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1i = 1; while (i <= 2) { var ctarget = this["voorband_truck_pile" + i]; ctarget.onPress = function () { if ((!(_root.bandenvoor_mc._currentframe === 3)) && (!(this._currentframe === 3))) { _root.bandenvoor_mc.nextFrame(); this.nextFrame(); } }; i++; } i = 1; while (i <= 2) { var ctarget = this["achterband_truck_pile" + i]; ctarget.onPress = function () { if ((!(_root.bandenachter_mc._currentframe === 3)) && (!(this._currentframe === 3))) { _root.bandenachter_mc.nextFrame(); this.nextFrame(); } }; i++; } var ctarget = this.voorvleugel_truck_mc; ctarget.onPress = function () { if ((!(_root.voorvleugel_mc._currentframe === 2)) && (!(this._currentframe === 2))) { _root.voorvleugel_mc.nextFrame(); this.nextFrame(); } }; var ctarget = this.achtervleugel_truck_mc; ctarget.onPress = function () { if ((!(_root.achtervleugel_mc._currentframe === 2)) && (!(this._currentframe === 2))) { _root.achtervleugel_mc.nextFrame(); this.nextFrame(); } }; var ctarget = this.bg_truck; ctarget.onPress = function () { };Symbol 546 Buttonon (press) { getURL ("index.htm", "_self"); }Symbol 562 MovieClip Frame 1this.leveldisplay = _global.cLevel; trace(_global.cLevel);Symbol 563 Buttonon (press) { _root.yes._visible = true; _root.exit_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }Symbol 568 Buttonon (press) { _root.yes._visible = false; gotoAndStop (1); }Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 570 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 591 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 591 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 596 Buttonon (press) { this.statsvars.gotoAndPlay("verstuur"); _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.submitscore._visible = false; }Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 2code = _parent.codestr; lc = String(_root.submitlevel).length; score = _parent.scorestr; gc = _parent.groottecode; uid = "ucXgOurh0w5JzvHK"; getURL ("", "_blank", "POST"); gotoAndStop (1);Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 1pointssubmittussen = _global.average * 100; pointssubmit = Math.round(pointssubmittussen); var codestr = (new String(pointssubmit) + new String(_root.submitlevel)); codearray = new Array(5); codearray[4] = 0; groottecode = length(codestr); teller = 1; while (teller <= 4) { codearray[teller] = codestr.charAt(4 - teller); teller++; } if ((codearray[teller] < 6) and (codearray[5] < 6)) { codearray[5] = codearray[5] + codearray[teller]; } else if ((codearray[teller] < 6) and (codearray[5] > 5)) { codearray[5] = codearray[5] - codearray[teller]; } codearray[2] = 9 - codearray[2]; codearray[4] = 9 - codearray[4]; arraychars = new Array("i", "v", "g", "c", "a", "z", "l", "e", "o", "x"); codestr = (((arraychars[codearray[1]] + arraychars[codearray[2]]) + arraychars[codearray[3]]) + arraychars[codearray[4]]) + arraychars[codearray[5]]; var scorestr2 = (new String(pointssubmit) + new String(_root.submitlevel)); scorestr = new String(""); q = 0; while (q < scorestr2.length) { scorestr = scorestr + arraychars[scorestr2.charAt(q)]; q++; }Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 603 MovieClip Frame 2stop();Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1completed_mc.onRollOver = function () { completed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }; completed_mc.onRollOut = function () { completed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }; completed_mc.onDragOver = function () { completed_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }; completed_mc.onDragOut = function () { completed_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.completed_mc.onPress = function () { this._visible = false; submitscore._visible = false; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc._visible = false; LevelControl.startLevel(); timeControl.gamePaused = false; }; gameover_mc.onRollOver = function () { gameover_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }; gameover_mc.onRollOut = function () { gameover_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }; gameover_mc.onDragOver = function () { gameover_mc.gotoAndStop(2); }; gameover_mc.onDragOut = function () { gameover_mc.gotoAndStop(1); }; this.gameover_mc.onPress = function () { this._visible = false; _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc._visible = false; _root.goprevscene(); };Instance of Symbol 591 MovieClip "completed_mc" in Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 598 MovieClip "submitscore" in Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { _root.menu_levelcomplited_mc.submitscore._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 603 MovieClip "gameover_mc" in Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Instance of Symbol 606 MovieClip "beker_mc" in Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; }Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 2_root.enginesound = "arriving";Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 137_root.enginesound = "idle";Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 143_root.enginesound = "idle";Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 226gotoAndPlay (143);Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 232_root.enginesound = "leaving";Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 481gotoAndStop (1);
Library Items
Symbol 1 Sound [wing_lnk] | ||
Symbol 2 Sound [whiping_lnk] | ||
Symbol 3 Sound [tire_lnk] | ||
Symbol 4 Sound [tankuit_lnk] | ||
Symbol 5 Sound [tankin_lnk] | ||
Symbol 6 Sound [tank_lnk] | ||
Symbol 7 Sound [drill_lnk] | ||
Symbol 8 Sound [alarm_lnk] | ||
Symbol 9 Sound [pasby3_lnk] | ||
Symbol 10 Sound [pasby2_lnk] | ||
Symbol 11 Sound [pasby1_lnk] | ||
Symbol 12 Sound [Laptop_lnk] | ||
Symbol 13 Sound [SplashandDash_lnk] | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 14 Bitmap | Used by:15 437 | |
Symbol 15 Graphic | Uses:14 | Used by:16 17 |
Symbol 16 MovieClip | Uses:15 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Uses:15 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 18 Bitmap | Used by:19 | |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Uses:18 | Used by:20 21 |
Symbol 20 MovieClip | Uses:19 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 21 MovieClip | Uses:19 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 22 Bitmap | Used by:23 177 | |
Symbol 23 Graphic | Uses:22 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 24 Bitmap | Used by:25 95 259 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Uses:24 | Used by:28 |
Symbol 26 Bitmap | Used by:27 108 | |
Symbol 27 Graphic | Uses:26 | Used by:28 |
Symbol 28 MovieClip | Uses:25 27 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 29 Bitmap | Used by:30 214 259 360 | |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Uses:29 | Used by:33 104 |
Symbol 31 Bitmap | Used by:32 177 | |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Uses:31 | Used by:33 106 |
Symbol 33 MovieClip | Uses:30 32 | Used by:34 |
Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] | Uses:16 17 20 21 23 28 33 | |
Symbol 35 Bitmap | Used by:36 214 | |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Uses:35 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 37 Bitmap | Used by:38 | |
Symbol 38 Graphic | Uses:37 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 39 Bitmap | Used by:40 | |
Symbol 40 Graphic | Uses:39 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 41 Bitmap | Used by:42 | |
Symbol 42 Graphic | Uses:41 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 43 Bitmap | Used by:44 | |
Symbol 44 Graphic | Uses:43 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 45 Bitmap | Used by:46 214 | |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Uses:45 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 47 Bitmap | Used by:48 | |
Symbol 48 Graphic | Uses:47 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 49 Bitmap | Used by:50 | |
Symbol 50 Graphic | Uses:49 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 51 Bitmap | Used by:52 | |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Uses:51 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 53 Bitmap | Used by:54 | |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Uses:53 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 55 Bitmap | Used by:56 | |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Uses:55 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 57 Bitmap | Used by:58 | |
Symbol 58 Graphic | Uses:57 | Used by:59 |
Symbol 59 MovieClip | Uses:36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 58 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 60 Bitmap | Used by:61 | |
Symbol 61 Graphic | Uses:60 | Used by:62 |
Symbol 62 MovieClip | Uses:61 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 63 Bitmap | Used by:64 | |
Symbol 64 Graphic | Uses:63 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 65 Bitmap | Used by:66 | |
Symbol 66 Graphic | Uses:65 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 67 Bitmap | Used by:68 | |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Uses:67 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 69 Bitmap | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 70 Graphic | Uses:69 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 71 Bitmap | Used by:72 | |
Symbol 72 Graphic | Uses:71 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 73 Bitmap | Used by:74 | |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Uses:73 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 75 Bitmap | Used by:76 214 | |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Uses:75 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 77 Bitmap | Used by:78 | |
Symbol 78 Graphic | Uses:77 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 79 Bitmap | Used by:80 | |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Uses:79 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 81 Bitmap | Used by:82 | |
Symbol 82 Graphic | Uses:81 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 83 Bitmap | Used by:84 | |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Uses:83 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 85 Bitmap | Used by:86 | |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Uses:85 | Used by:87 |
Symbol 87 MovieClip | Uses:64 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 88 Bitmap | Used by:89 92 111 112 115 117 119 120 121 123 125 127 | |
Symbol 89 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 90 Bitmap | Used by:91 93 113 114 116 118 122 124 126 | |
Symbol 91 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 93 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Uses:24 | Used by:96 |
Symbol 96 MovieClip | Uses:95 | Used by:128 359 367 370 |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 98 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 99 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 100 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 101 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 103 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 104 MovieClip | Uses:30 | Used by:128 369 |
Symbol 105 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 106 MovieClip | Uses:32 | Used by:128 369 |
Symbol 107 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 108 Graphic | Uses:26 | Used by:109 |
Symbol 109 MovieClip | Uses:108 | Used by:128 282 370 |
Symbol 110 Graphic | Used by:128 | |
Symbol 111 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 112 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 113 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 115 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 116 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 117 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 119 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 121 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 123 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 125 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Uses:90 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Uses:88 | Used by:128 |
Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] | Uses:59 62 87 89 91 92 93 94 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:137 | |
Symbol 130 Graphic | Used by:136 | |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:132 280 309 540 Timeline | |
Symbol 132 MovieClip | Uses:131 | Used by:133 |
Symbol 133 MovieClip | Uses:132 | Used by:136 |
Symbol 134 Graphic | Used by:136 | |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:136 | |
Symbol 136 MovieClip | Uses:130 133 134 135 | Used by:137 |
Symbol 137 MovieClip [grid] | Uses:129 136 | |
Symbol 138 Bitmap | Used by:139 | |
Symbol 139 Graphic | Uses:138 | Used by:140 |
Symbol 140 MovieClip | Uses:139 | Used by:282 607 Timeline |
Symbol 141 Graphic | Used by:142 285 | |
Symbol 142 MovieClip | Uses:141 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 144 Font | Used by:145 146 260 262 308 547 548 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 565 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 590 | |
Symbol 145 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 146 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 147 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 148 MovieClip | Uses:13 | Used by:607 Timeline |
Symbol 149 Graphic | Used by:150 153 334 337 340 343 | |
Symbol 150 MovieClip | Uses:149 | Used by:153 591 603 |
Symbol 151 Graphic | Used by:152 153 | |
Symbol 152 MovieClip | Uses:151 | Used by:153 591 |
Symbol 153 Button | Uses:150 152 149 151 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Used by:155 265 268 | |
Symbol 155 MovieClip | Uses:154 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 156 Graphic | Used by:157 160 563 | |
Symbol 157 MovieClip | Uses:156 | Used by:160 563 |
Symbol 158 Graphic | Used by:159 | |
Symbol 159 MovieClip | Uses:158 | Used by:160 563 |
Symbol 160 Button | Uses:157 159 156 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 161 Graphic | Used by:162 165 178 191 | |
Symbol 162 MovieClip | Uses:161 | Used by:165 178 191 |
Symbol 163 Graphic | Used by:164 165 178 191 | |
Symbol 164 MovieClip | Uses:163 | Used by:165 178 191 |
Symbol 165 Button | Uses:162 164 161 163 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 166 Font | Used by:167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 184 185 186 187 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 | |
Symbol 167 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 168 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 169 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 170 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 171 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 172 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 173 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 174 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 175 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 176 Bitmap | Used by:177 486 489 | |
Symbol 177 Graphic | Uses:31 22 176 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 178 Button | Uses:162 164 161 163 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 179 Graphic | Used by:180 183 192 243 | |
Symbol 180 MovieClip | Uses:179 | Used by:183 192 243 |
Symbol 181 Graphic | Used by:182 183 192 243 | |
Symbol 182 MovieClip | Uses:181 | Used by:183 192 243 |
Symbol 183 Button | Uses:180 182 179 181 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 184 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 185 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 186 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 187 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 188 Bitmap | Used by:190 344 | |
Symbol 189 Bitmap | Used by:190 511 | |
Symbol 190 Graphic | Uses:188 189 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 191 Button | Uses:162 164 161 163 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 192 Button | Uses:180 182 179 181 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 193 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 194 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 195 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 196 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 197 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 198 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 199 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 200 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 201 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 202 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 203 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 204 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 205 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 206 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 207 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 208 Bitmap | Used by:209 | |
Symbol 209 Graphic | Uses:208 | Used by:210 |
Symbol 210 MovieClip | Uses:209 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 211 Bitmap | Used by:214 387 392 395 398 401 404 407 410 413 416 | |
Symbol 212 Bitmap | Used by:214 259 | |
Symbol 213 Bitmap | Used by:214 259 | |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Uses:35 75 45 211 29 212 213 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 215 Bitmap | Used by:216 | |
Symbol 216 Graphic | Uses:215 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 217 Bitmap | Used by:218 | |
Symbol 218 Graphic | Uses:217 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 219 Bitmap | Used by:220 | |
Symbol 220 Graphic | Uses:219 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 221 Bitmap | Used by:222 | |
Symbol 222 Graphic | Uses:221 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 223 Bitmap | Used by:224 | |
Symbol 224 Graphic | Uses:223 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 225 Bitmap | Used by:226 | |
Symbol 226 Graphic | Uses:225 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 227 Bitmap | Used by:228 | |
Symbol 228 Graphic | Uses:227 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 229 Bitmap | Used by:230 | |
Symbol 230 Graphic | Uses:229 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 231 Bitmap | Used by:232 | |
Symbol 232 Graphic | Uses:231 | Used by:233 456 |
Symbol 233 MovieClip | Uses:216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 | Used by:282 460 |
Symbol 234 Bitmap | Used by:235 | |
Symbol 235 Graphic | Uses:234 | Used by:282 460 |
Symbol 236 Graphic | Used by:237 | |
Symbol 237 MovieClip | Uses:236 | Used by:240 |
Symbol 238 Graphic | Used by:239 | |
Symbol 239 MovieClip | Uses:238 | Used by:240 277 |
Symbol 240 MovieClip | Uses:237 239 | Used by:282 460 |
Symbol 241 Graphic | Used by:242 | |
Symbol 242 MovieClip | Uses:241 | Used by:282 460 |
Symbol 243 Button | Uses:180 182 179 181 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 244 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 245 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 246 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 247 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 248 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 249 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 250 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 251 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 252 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 253 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 254 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 255 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 256 Text | Uses:166 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 257 Graphic | Used by:258 | |
Symbol 258 MovieClip | Uses:257 | Used by:282 549 |
Symbol 259 Graphic | Uses:24 29 212 213 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 260 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 261 Text | Used by:282 | |
Symbol 262 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:282 |
Symbol 263 Graphic | Used by:265 | |
Symbol 264 Graphic | Used by:265 | |
Symbol 265 MovieClip | Uses:263 264 154 | Used by:282 446 |
Symbol 266 Graphic | Used by:268 | |
Symbol 267 Graphic | Used by:268 | |
Symbol 268 MovieClip | Uses:266 267 154 | Used by:282 446 |
Symbol 269 Bitmap | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 270 Graphic | Uses:269 | Used by:281 |
Symbol 271 Graphic | Used by:272 279 | |
Symbol 272 MovieClip | Uses:271 | Used by:280 |
Symbol 273 Font | Used by:274 275 | |
Symbol 274 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:276 280 |
Symbol 275 Text | Uses:273 | Used by:276 |
Symbol 276 MovieClip | Uses:274 275 | Used by:280 |
Symbol 277 MovieClip | Uses:239 | Used by:280 |
Symbol 278 Graphic | Used by:279 | |
Symbol 279 MovieClip | Uses:271 278 | Used by:280 |
Symbol 280 MovieClip | Uses:131 272 274 276 277 279 | Used by:281 |
Symbol 281 MovieClip | Uses:270 280 | Used by:282 Timeline |
Symbol 282 MovieClip | Uses:155 140 160 165 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 177 109 178 183 184 185 186 187 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 210 214 233 235 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 258 259 260 261 262 265 268 281 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 283 Graphic | Used by:284 | |
Symbol 284 MovieClip | Uses:283 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 285 MovieClip | Uses:141 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 286 Bitmap | Used by:287 | |
Symbol 287 Graphic | Uses:286 | Used by:288 |
Symbol 288 MovieClip | Uses:287 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 289 Bitmap | Used by:290 | |
Symbol 290 Graphic | Uses:289 | Used by:291 |
Symbol 291 MovieClip | Uses:290 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 292 Graphic | Used by:295 | |
Symbol 293 Font | Used by:294 311 | |
Symbol 294 Text | Uses:293 | Used by:295 |
Symbol 295 MovieClip | Uses:292 294 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 296 Graphic | Used by:297 | |
Symbol 297 MovieClip | Uses:296 | Used by:299 |
Symbol 298 Graphic | Used by:299 | |
Symbol 299 MovieClip | Uses:297 298 | Used by:607 Timeline |
Symbol 300 Bitmap | Used by:301 | |
Symbol 301 Graphic | Uses:300 | Used by:302 |
Symbol 302 MovieClip | Uses:301 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 303 Bitmap | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 304 Graphic | Uses:303 | Used by:305 |
Symbol 305 MovieClip | Uses:304 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 306 Graphic | Used by:307 | |
Symbol 307 MovieClip | Uses:306 | Used by:607 Timeline |
Symbol 308 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:309 |
Symbol 309 Button | Uses:308 131 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 310 Graphic | Used by:312 314 | |
Symbol 311 Text | Uses:293 | Used by:312 314 |
Symbol 312 MovieClip | Uses:310 311 | Used by:314 Timeline |
Symbol 313 Graphic | Used by:314 | |
Symbol 314 Button | Uses:312 313 310 311 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 315 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 316 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 317 Bitmap | Used by:318 | |
Symbol 318 Graphic | Uses:317 | Used by:319 |
Symbol 319 MovieClip | Uses:318 | Used by:607 Timeline |
Symbol 320 Bitmap | Used by:321 | |
Symbol 321 Graphic | Uses:320 | Used by:332 337 340 343 |
Symbol 322 Bitmap | Used by:323 | |
Symbol 323 Graphic | Uses:322 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 324 Bitmap | Used by:325 | |
Symbol 325 Graphic | Uses:324 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 326 Bitmap | Used by:327 | |
Symbol 327 Graphic | Uses:326 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 328 Bitmap | Used by:329 | |
Symbol 329 Graphic | Uses:328 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 330 Bitmap | Used by:331 | |
Symbol 331 Graphic | Uses:330 | Used by:332 |
Symbol 332 MovieClip | Uses:321 323 325 327 329 331 | Used by:334 Timeline |
Symbol 333 Graphic | Used by:334 337 340 343 | |
Symbol 334 MovieClip | Uses:149 333 332 | Used by:337 340 343 |
Symbol 335 Graphic | Used by:336 | |
Symbol 336 MovieClip | Uses:335 | Used by:337 |
Symbol 337 Button | Uses:334 336 149 333 321 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 338 Graphic | Used by:339 | |
Symbol 339 MovieClip | Uses:338 | Used by:340 |
Symbol 340 Button | Uses:334 339 149 333 321 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 341 Graphic | Used by:342 | |
Symbol 342 MovieClip | Uses:341 | Used by:343 |
Symbol 343 Button | Uses:334 342 149 333 321 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 344 Graphic | Uses:188 | Used by:345 |
Symbol 345 MovieClip | Uses:344 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 346 Graphic | Used by:347 | |
Symbol 347 MovieClip | Uses:346 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 348 Graphic | Used by:349 | |
Symbol 349 MovieClip | Uses:348 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 350 Graphic | Used by:351 | |
Symbol 351 MovieClip | Uses:350 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 352 Graphic | Used by:353 | |
Symbol 353 MovieClip | Uses:352 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 354 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 355 Bitmap | Used by:356 | |
Symbol 356 Graphic | Uses:355 | Used by:357 |
Symbol 357 MovieClip | Uses:356 | Used by:358 |
Symbol 358 MovieClip | Uses:357 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 359 MovieClip | Uses:96 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 360 Graphic | Uses:29 | Used by:361 |
Symbol 361 MovieClip | Uses:360 | Used by:362 368 |
Symbol 362 MovieClip | Uses:361 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 363 Bitmap | Used by:364 | |
Symbol 364 Graphic | Uses:363 | Used by:365 |
Symbol 365 MovieClip | Uses:364 | Used by:366 |
Symbol 366 MovieClip | Uses:365 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 367 MovieClip | Uses:96 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 368 MovieClip | Uses:361 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 369 MovieClip | Uses:104 106 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 370 MovieClip | Uses:96 109 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 371 Bitmap | Used by:372 424 425 | |
Symbol 372 Graphic | Uses:371 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 373 Bitmap | Used by:374 423 | |
Symbol 374 Graphic | Uses:373 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 375 Bitmap | Used by:376 422 | |
Symbol 376 Graphic | Uses:375 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 377 Bitmap | Used by:378 421 | |
Symbol 378 Graphic | Uses:377 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 379 Bitmap | Used by:380 420 | |
Symbol 380 Graphic | Uses:379 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 381 Bitmap | Used by:382 419 | |
Symbol 382 Graphic | Uses:381 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 383 Bitmap | Used by:384 | |
Symbol 384 Graphic | Uses:383 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 385 Bitmap | Used by:386 | |
Symbol 386 Graphic | Uses:385 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 387 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 388 Bitmap | Used by:389 393 396 399 402 405 408 411 414 417 | |
Symbol 389 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 390 Bitmap | Used by:391 394 397 400 403 406 409 412 415 418 | |
Symbol 391 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 392 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 393 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 394 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 395 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 396 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 397 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 398 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 399 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 400 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 401 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 402 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 403 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 404 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 405 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 406 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 407 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 408 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 409 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 410 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 411 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 412 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 413 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 414 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 415 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 416 Graphic | Uses:211 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 417 Graphic | Uses:388 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 418 Graphic | Uses:390 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 419 Graphic | Uses:381 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 420 Graphic | Uses:379 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 421 Graphic | Uses:377 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 422 Graphic | Uses:375 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 423 Graphic | Uses:373 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 424 Graphic | Uses:371 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 425 Graphic | Uses:371 | Used by:426 |
Symbol 426 MovieClip | Uses:372 374 376 378 380 382 384 386 387 389 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 | Used by:427 |
Symbol 427 MovieClip | Uses:426 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 428 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 429 Bitmap | Used by:430 | |
Symbol 430 Graphic | Uses:429 | Used by:431 |
Symbol 431 MovieClip | Uses:430 | Used by:432 439 |
Symbol 432 MovieClip | Uses:431 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 433 Bitmap | Used by:434 | |
Symbol 434 Graphic | Uses:433 | Used by:435 |
Symbol 435 MovieClip | Uses:434 | Used by:436 443 |
Symbol 436 MovieClip | Uses:435 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 437 Graphic | Uses:14 | Used by:438 |
Symbol 438 MovieClip | Uses:437 | Used by:439 |
Symbol 439 MovieClip | Uses:431 438 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 440 Bitmap | Used by:441 | |
Symbol 441 Graphic | Uses:440 | Used by:442 |
Symbol 442 MovieClip | Uses:441 | Used by:443 |
Symbol 443 MovieClip | Uses:435 442 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 444 Graphic | Used by:445 | |
Symbol 445 MovieClip | Uses:444 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 446 MovieClip | Uses:265 268 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 447 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 448 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 449 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 450 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 451 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 452 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 453 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 454 Graphic | Used by:455 | |
Symbol 455 MovieClip | Uses:454 | Used by:460 |
Symbol 456 MovieClip | Uses:216 218 220 232 230 228 226 224 222 | Used by:460 |
Symbol 457 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 458 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 459 Graphic | Used by:460 | |
Symbol 460 MovieClip | Uses:233 447 448 235 240 242 449 450 451 452 453 455 456 457 458 459 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 461 Graphic | Used by:466 | |
Symbol 462 Font | Used by:463 465 536 538 | |
Symbol 463 Text | Uses:462 | Used by:466 |
Symbol 464 Graphic | Used by:466 | |
Symbol 465 Text | Uses:462 | Used by:466 |
Symbol 466 MovieClip | Uses:461 463 464 465 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 467 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 468 Bitmap | Used by:469 498 | |
Symbol 469 Graphic | Uses:468 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 470 Bitmap | Used by:471 497 | |
Symbol 471 Graphic | Uses:470 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 472 Bitmap | Used by:473 496 | |
Symbol 473 Graphic | Uses:472 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 474 Bitmap | Used by:475 495 | |
Symbol 475 Graphic | Uses:474 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 476 Bitmap | Used by:477 494 | |
Symbol 477 Graphic | Uses:476 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 478 Bitmap | Used by:479 493 | |
Symbol 479 Graphic | Uses:478 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 480 Bitmap | Used by:481 492 | |
Symbol 481 Graphic | Uses:480 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 482 Bitmap | Used by:483 491 | |
Symbol 483 Graphic | Uses:482 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 484 Bitmap | Used by:485 490 | |
Symbol 485 Graphic | Uses:484 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 486 Graphic | Uses:176 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 487 Graphic | Used by:488 | |
Symbol 488 MovieClip | Uses:487 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 489 Graphic | Uses:176 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 490 Graphic | Uses:484 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 491 Graphic | Uses:482 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 492 Graphic | Uses:480 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 493 Graphic | Uses:478 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 494 Graphic | Uses:476 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 495 Graphic | Uses:474 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 496 Graphic | Uses:472 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 497 Graphic | Uses:470 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 498 Graphic | Uses:468 | Used by:499 |
Symbol 499 MovieClip | Uses:469 471 473 475 477 479 481 483 485 486 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 500 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 501 Bitmap | Used by:502 | |
Symbol 502 Graphic | Uses:501 | Used by:507 |
Symbol 503 Bitmap | Used by:504 | |
Symbol 504 Graphic | Uses:503 | Used by:507 |
Symbol 505 Bitmap | Used by:506 | |
Symbol 506 Graphic | Uses:505 | Used by:507 |
Symbol 507 MovieClip | Uses:502 504 506 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 508 Bitmap | Used by:509 | |
Symbol 509 Graphic | Uses:508 | Used by:510 |
Symbol 510 MovieClip | Uses:509 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 511 Graphic | Uses:189 | Used by:512 |
Symbol 512 MovieClip | Uses:511 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 513 Bitmap | Used by:514 | |
Symbol 514 Graphic | Uses:513 | Used by:515 |
Symbol 515 MovieClip | Uses:514 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 516 Bitmap | Used by:517 | |
Symbol 517 Graphic | Uses:516 | Used by:518 |
Symbol 518 MovieClip | Uses:517 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 519 Bitmap | Used by:520 | |
Symbol 520 Graphic | Uses:519 | Used by:521 |
Symbol 521 MovieClip | Uses:520 | Used by:522 |
Symbol 522 MovieClip | Uses:521 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 523 Bitmap | Used by:524 | |
Symbol 524 Graphic | Uses:523 | Used by:525 |
Symbol 525 MovieClip | Uses:524 | Used by:526 |
Symbol 526 MovieClip | Uses:525 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 527 Bitmap | Used by:528 | |
Symbol 528 Graphic | Uses:527 | Used by:529 530 |
Symbol 529 MovieClip | Uses:528 | Used by:531 |
Symbol 530 MovieClip | Uses:528 | Used by:531 |
Symbol 531 MovieClip | Uses:529 530 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 532 Bitmap | Used by:533 | |
Symbol 533 Graphic | Uses:532 | Used by:534 |
Symbol 534 MovieClip | Uses:533 | Used by:535 |
Symbol 535 MovieClip | Uses:534 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 536 Text | Uses:462 | Used by:540 |
Symbol 537 Graphic | Used by:540 | |
Symbol 538 Text | Uses:462 | Used by:540 |
Symbol 539 Graphic | Used by:540 | |
Symbol 540 Button | Uses:536 537 538 539 131 | Used by:541 |
Symbol 541 MovieClip | Uses:512 515 518 522 526 531 535 540 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 542 Graphic | Used by:543 546 568 | |
Symbol 543 MovieClip | Uses:542 | Used by:546 568 |
Symbol 544 Graphic | Used by:545 | |
Symbol 545 MovieClip | Uses:544 | Used by:546 |
Symbol 546 Button | Uses:543 545 542 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 547 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:549 |
Symbol 548 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:549 |
Symbol 549 MovieClip | Uses:258 547 548 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 550 Graphic | Used by:551 | |
Symbol 551 MovieClip | Uses:550 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 552 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 553 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 554 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 555 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 556 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 557 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 558 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 559 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 560 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 561 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:562 |
Symbol 562 MovieClip | Uses:551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 563 Button | Uses:157 159 156 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 564 Graphic | Used by:570 | |
Symbol 565 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:570 |
Symbol 566 Graphic | Used by:567 | |
Symbol 567 MovieClip | Uses:566 | Used by:568 |
Symbol 568 Button | Uses:543 567 542 | Used by:570 |
Symbol 569 Graphic | Used by:570 | |
Symbol 570 MovieClip | Uses:564 565 568 569 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 571 Graphic | Used by:572 | |
Symbol 572 MovieClip | Uses:571 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 573 Graphic | Used by:574 | |
Symbol 574 MovieClip | Uses:573 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 575 Graphic | Used by:607 | |
Symbol 576 Graphic | Used by:607 | |
Symbol 577 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 578 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 579 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 580 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 581 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 582 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 583 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 584 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 585 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 586 Text | Uses:144 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 587 Graphic | Used by:591 603 | |
Symbol 588 Graphic | Used by:589 | |
Symbol 589 MovieClip | Uses:588 | Used by:591 |
Symbol 590 EditableText | Uses:144 | Used by:591 |
Symbol 591 MovieClip | Uses:587 589 590 150 152 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 592 Graphic | Used by:593 596 | |
Symbol 593 MovieClip | Uses:592 | Used by:596 |
Symbol 594 Graphic | Used by:595 596 | |
Symbol 595 MovieClip | Uses:594 | Used by:596 |
Symbol 596 Button | Uses:593 595 592 594 | Used by:598 |
Symbol 597 MovieClip | Used by:598 | |
Symbol 598 MovieClip | Uses:596 597 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 599 Graphic | Used by:600 | |
Symbol 600 MovieClip | Uses:599 | Used by:603 |
Symbol 601 Graphic | Used by:602 | |
Symbol 602 MovieClip | Uses:601 | Used by:603 |
Symbol 603 MovieClip | Uses:587 150 600 602 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 604 Bitmap | Used by:605 | |
Symbol 605 Graphic | Uses:604 | Used by:606 |
Symbol 606 MovieClip | Uses:605 | Used by:607 |
Symbol 607 MovieClip | Uses:140 575 307 319 299 148 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 591 598 603 606 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 608 MovieClip | Uses:SS1 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 609 MovieClip | Uses:SS2 | Used by:Timeline |
Streaming Sound 1 | Used by:Symbol 608 MovieClip | |
Streaming Sound 2 | Used by:Symbol 609 MovieClip |
Instance Names
"Bar" | Frame 1 | Symbol 142 MovieClip |
"Size" | Frame 1 | Symbol 147 MovieClip |
"uitleg_mc" | Frame 3 | Symbol 282 MovieClip |
"carholder_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 354 MovieClip |
"bandenvoor_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 358 MovieClip |
"voorvleugel_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 359 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 362 MovieClip |
"bandenachter_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 366 MovieClip |
"voorvleugel_toreplace_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 367 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_toreplace_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 368 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_oud_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 369 MovieClip |
"voorvleugel_oud_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 370 MovieClip |
"wiping_total" | Frame 364 | Symbol 427 MovieClip |
"bandenvoor1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 432 MovieClip |
"bandenachter1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 436 MovieClip |
"bandenvoorrol1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 439 MovieClip |
"bandenvoor2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 432 MovieClip |
"bandenvoorrol2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 439 MovieClip |
"bandenachterrol1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 443 MovieClip |
"bandenachter2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 436 MovieClip |
"bandenachterrol2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 443 MovieClip |
"actionsTotal" | Frame 364 | Symbol 446 MovieClip |
"tankers_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 460 MovieClip |
"but_gototruck_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 466 MovieClip |
"gameScreen" | Frame 364 | Symbol 467 MovieClip |
"lollipop_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 499 MovieClip |
"mapedit" | Frame 364 | Symbol 500 MovieClip |
"alarm2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 507 MovieClip |
"alarm1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 507 MovieClip |
"truck_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 541 MovieClip |
"yes" | Frame 364 | Symbol 546 Button |
"indicator_fuel_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 281 MovieClip |
"indicator_time_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 549 MovieClip |
"indicator_time_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 562 MovieClip |
"exit_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 570 MovieClip |
"line1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 572 MovieClip |
"line2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 572 MovieClip |
"lineV1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 572 MovieClip |
"lineV3_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 572 MovieClip |
"lineV2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 572 MovieClip |
"line3_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 572 MovieClip |
"dot1_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot2_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot3_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot4_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot5_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot6_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot7_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot8_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot9_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"dot10_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 574 MovieClip |
"menu_levelcomplited_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 607 MovieClip |
"sound_engine_mc" | Frame 364 | Symbol 608 MovieClip |
"voorband2_mc" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] Frame 1 | Symbol 16 MovieClip |
"voorband1_mc" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] Frame 1 | Symbol 17 MovieClip |
"achterband2_mc" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] Frame 1 | Symbol 20 MovieClip |
"achterband1_mc" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] Frame 1 | Symbol 21 MovieClip |
"voorvleugel_mc" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] Frame 1 | Symbol 28 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 34 MovieClip [f1car] Frame 1 | Symbol 33 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 1 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 6 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 10 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 15 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 24 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 39 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 53 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 72 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 78 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 93 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 107 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 126 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 131 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 136 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 141 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 141 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 142 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 143 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc." | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 144 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc." | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 145 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 146 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 146 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 147 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 148 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 149 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 155 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 155 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 156 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 157 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc." | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 158 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc." | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 159 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 160 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 160 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 161 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 162 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 163 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 165 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 170 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 181 | Symbol 104 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 185 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_mc" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 188 | Symbol 106 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 192 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 200 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 203 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 206 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 209 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 212 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 215 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 227 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 234 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 241 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 244 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 250 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 253 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 256 | Symbol 87 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 259 | Symbol 59 MovieClip |
"subshow" | Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 132 MovieClip |
"show" | Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 133 MovieClip |
"sub" | Symbol 137 MovieClip [grid] Frame 1 | Symbol 136 MovieClip |
"knipper_mc" | Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 276 MovieClip |
"goal_mc" | Symbol 280 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 277 MovieClip |
"meter_mc" | Symbol 281 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 280 MovieClip |
"underlay_mc" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 155 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 233 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 233 MovieClip |
"fuelgame_mc" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 240 MovieClip |
"start_mc" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3 | Symbol 242 MovieClip |
"sub" | Symbol 427 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 426 MovieClip |
"action0_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action1_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action2_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action3_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action13_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action12_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action4_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action5_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action6_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action7_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action8_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action9_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action10_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action11_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action16_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action17_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action18_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action19_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action14_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action15_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action20_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action21_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 265 MovieClip |
"action22_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action23_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action25_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action24_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action27_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"action26_mc" | Symbol 446 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 268 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 233 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 233 MovieClip |
"fuelgame_mc" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 240 MovieClip |
"start_mc" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 242 MovieClip |
"stop_mc" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 11 | Symbol 455 MovieClip |
"tanker1" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 456 MovieClip |
"tanker1" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 16 | Symbol 456 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 26 | Symbol 456 MovieClip |
"poseclip" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 26 | Symbol 456 MovieClip |
"startlollipop_mc" | Symbol 499 MovieClip Frame 19 | Symbol 488 MovieClip |
"bg_truck" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 512 MovieClip |
"achtervleugel_truck_mc" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 515 MovieClip |
"voorvleugel_truck_mc" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 518 MovieClip |
"voorband_truck_pile1" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 522 MovieClip |
"voorband_truck_pile2" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 526 MovieClip |
"achterband_truck_pile1" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 531 MovieClip |
"achterband_truck_pile2" | Symbol 541 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 535 MovieClip |
"timeDisplay2_txt" | Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 547 EditableText |
"timeDisplay_txt" | Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 548 EditableText |
"level_txt" | Symbol 591 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 590 EditableText |
"statsvars" | Symbol 598 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 597 MovieClip |
"averagetotal_txt" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 578 EditableText |
"targettime_txt" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 580 EditableText |
"overtime_txt" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 582 EditableText |
"average_txt" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 584 EditableText |
"completed_mc" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 591 MovieClip |
"submitscore" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 598 MovieClip |
"gameover_mc" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 603 MovieClip |
"beker_mc" | Symbol 607 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 606 MovieClip |
Special Tags
Protect (24) | Timeline Frame 1 | 0 bytes "" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 1 as "wing_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 2 as "whiping_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 3 as "tire_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 4 as "tankuit_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "tankin_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 6 as "tank_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 7 as "drill_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 8 as "alarm_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 9 as "pasby3_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 10 as "pasby2_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 11 as "pasby1_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 12 as "Laptop_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 13 as "SplashandDash_lnk" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 34 as "f1car" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 128 as "character35" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 137 as "grid" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 3 | Symbol 13 as "SplashandDash_lnk" |
"NewGame" | Frame 365 |
"leeg" | Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"pose1" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 1 |
"pose2" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 2 |
"pose3" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 3 |
"pose4" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 4 |
"pose5" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 5 |
"pose6" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 6 |
"pose7" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 7 |
"pose8" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 8 |
"pose9" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 9 |
"pose10" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 10 |
"pose11" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 11 |
"pose12" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 12 |
"pose13" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 13 |
"pose14" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 14 |
"pose15" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 15 |
"pose16" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 16 |
"pose17" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 17 |
"pose18" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 18 |
"pose19" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 19 |
"pose20" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 20 |
"pose21" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 74 |
"pose22" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 131 |
"pose23" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 132 |
"pose24" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 133 |
"pose25" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 134 |
"pose26" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 135 |
"pose27" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 136 |
"pose28" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 137 |
"pose29" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 138 |
"pose30" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 139 |
"pose31" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 141 |
"pose32" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 142 |
"pose33" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 143 |
"pose34" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 144 |
"pose35" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 145 |
"pose36" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 146 |
"pose37" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 147 |
"pose38" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 148 |
"pose39" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 149 |
"pose48" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 155 |
"pose49" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 156 |
"pose50" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 157 |
"pose51" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 158 |
"pose52" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 159 |
"pose53" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 160 |
"pose54" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 161 |
"pose55" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 162 |
"pose56" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 163 |
"pose57" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 165 |
"pose58" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 166 |
"pose59" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 167 |
"pose60" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 168 |
"pose61" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 169 |
"pose62" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 170 |
"pose63" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 171 |
"pose64" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 172 |
"pose65" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 173 |
"pose40" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 181 |
"pose46" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 188 |
"pose41" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 200 |
"pose42" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 206 |
"pose47" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 212 |
"pose43" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 223 |
"pose66" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 230 |
"pose44" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 241 |
"pose45" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 250 |
"pose67" | Symbol 128 MovieClip [character35] Frame 256 |
"start" | Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 10 |
"tank" | Symbol 233 MovieClip Frame 25 |
"nummer1" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"nummer2" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"nummer3" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 3 |
"nummer4" | Symbol 282 MovieClip Frame 4 |
"fade1" | Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"fade2" | Symbol 369 MovieClip Frame 140 |
"fade1" | Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"fade2" | Symbol 370 MovieClip Frame 120 |
"start" | Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 11 |
"tank" | Symbol 456 MovieClip Frame 26 |
"tanking" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 11 |
"reverse" | Symbol 460 MovieClip Frame 12 |
"verstuur" | Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"arriving" | Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"idle" | Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 137 |
"idle2" | Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 143 |
"leaving" | Symbol 608 MovieClip Frame 232 |
Dynamic Text Variables
Load | Symbol 145 EditableText | "" |
Percent | Symbol 146 EditableText | "" |
_root.clevel | Symbol 558 EditableText | "18" |
_root.targettimedisplay | Symbol 559 EditableText | "10" |
_root.clevel | Symbol 560 EditableText | "18" |
_root.targettimedisplay | Symbol 561 EditableText | "10" |