Archived flashes:
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This is the info page for
Flash #110481

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS3]
Section 1
//BaseStage (BaseClass.BaseStage) package BaseClass { import flash.geom.*; import Element.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import caurina.transitions.*; import UserdefinedClass.*; import flash.utils.*; public class BaseStage extends MovieClip { public var canfire:int;// = 0 public var itemMc:Itemmc; public var len:int; public var cannonpower:Number; public var auntybool:Boolean; public var cannoncount:int;// = 0 public var suc:Sprite; public var Maxpower:Number; public var bombtime:int;// = 0 public var armFrame:int; public var M:Number;// = 2.909 public var StrArr:Array; public var standby:Sprite; public var auntyMc:MovieClip; public var aunty:Sprite; public var money:int;// = 0 public var bedtime:int;// = 0 public var hitlow:Boolean; public var barcount:int;// = 1 public var way:Boolean;// = true public var hittop:Boolean; public var cannon:Sprite; public var mice:Mice; public var bullet:Sprite; public var AddPower:Number; public var hitmoney:int;// = 0 public var item:Sprite; public var airtime:int;// = 0 public var hei:int; public var background:Sprite; public var Maxdistance:int;// = 20 public var showtimebool:Boolean;// = true public var Spadetime:int;// = 0 public var maxhei:int;// = 0 public var Maxval:int;// = 0 public var cannontime:Number; public var backgroundMc:Backgroundmc; public var cannonMc:MovieClip; public var micepoint:MovieClip; public var delay:Timer; public var bulletV:Number;// = 25 public var bullethittime:int;// = 0 public var gamestart:MovieClip; public var main:Main; public var gamestate:String; public var game:Sprite; public var actor:Sprite; public var blood:Sprite; public var hitland:int;// = 0 public function BaseStage(mainobj:Object){ cannoncount = 0; canfire = 0; Maxdistance = 20; bulletV = 25; bullethittime = 0; hitland = 0; hitmoney = 0; bombtime = 0; bedtime = 0; Spadetime = 0; airtime = 0; money = 0; maxhei = 0; showtimebool = true; Maxval = 0; barcount = 1; way = true; M = (8727 / 3000); StrArr = new Array(); super(); main = (mainobj as Main); initgame(); } public function lensuc(){ if (len >= 20000){ setsuc(24); }; if (len >= 30000){ setsuc(25); }; if (len >= 40000){ setsuc(26); }; if (len >= 50000){ setsuc(27); }; } public function onpartdown(e:MouseEvent):void{ gamestart.aunty.gotoAndPlay("hold"); main.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onpartup); main.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onpartdown); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatapart1); } public function inititem():void{ backgroundMc = new Backgroundmc(MyMath.randRange(2)); background.addChild(backgroundMc); itemMc = new Itemmc(this); item.addChild(itemMc); } public function showsuc(Num:int){ var tempMc:MovieClip; tempMc = new Suc(); tempMc.gotoAndStop(Num); suc.addChild(tempMc); tempMc.x = 500; tempMc.y = 100; tempMc.alpha = 0; Tweener.addTween(tempMc, {alpha:1, time:1, transition:"linear"}); Tweener.addTween(tempMc, {alpha:0, delay:2, time:1, transition:"linear"}); } public function playshuai(){ SoundData.Effect[18].playsound(1); } public function delayrun(time:Number, fun:Function){ Tweener.addTween(this, {delay:time, onComplete:fun}); } public function bgupdown(speed:Number){ if (((((backgroundMc.y + speed) >= 0)) && (((backgroundMc.y + speed) <= 8520)))){ if (((!(hitlow)) && (!(hittop)))){ backgroundMc.y = (backgroundMc.y + speed); }; } else { if ((backgroundMc.y + speed) < 0){ backgroundMc.y = 0; hitlow = true; } else { if ((backgroundMc.y + speed) > 8520){ backgroundMc.y = 8520; hittop = true; }; }; }; } public function workhei():void{ hei = (((407 - mice.y) + backgroundMc.y) / M); main.sethigh(hei); if (maxhei < hei){ maxhei = hei; }; flymansuc(); } public function bombsuc(){ bombtime++; if (bombtime == 1){ setsuc(0); }; if (bombtime == 5){ setsuc(1); }; if (bombtime == 10){ setsuc(2); }; } public function playreng(){ SoundData.Effect[20].playsound(1); } public function workmoney(){ var str:String; if (len > MyData.getInstance().maxlen){ MyData.getInstance().maxlen = len; addmaxlenpoint(mice.x, mice.y, len); main.savelen(); }; str = workgameoverStr(); main.showGameover(len, maxhei, money, str); } public function onpartup(e:MouseEvent):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updatapart1); if (barcount > 70){ gamestart.aunty.gotoAndPlay("hardhit"); } else { gamestart.aunty.gotoAndPlay("hit"); }; main.stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onpartup); delay = new Timer(100, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onworkmouse); } public function onthrow(e:TimerEvent):void{ main.gamestage = "playing"; delay.stop(); delay.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onthrow); mice.onthrow(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updata); Clr.removeAllChildren(aunty); } public function bbqsuc(){ MyData.getInstance().bbq++; main.savealldata(); if (MyData.getInstance().bbq == 1){ setsuc(12); }; if (MyData.getInstance().bbq == 15){ setsuc(13); }; if (MyData.getInstance().bbq == 40){ setsuc(14); }; if (MyData.getInstance().bbq == 80){ setsuc(15); }; } public function bgdown(){ if ((backgroundMc.y + 50) <= 8520){ backgroundMc.y = (backgroundMc.y + 50); }; } public function onspace():void{ var tempMC:MovieClip; if (gamestate == "showtime"){ if (canfire == Maxdistance){ SoundData.Effect[10].playsound(1); canfire = 0; tempMC = new Bullet(); bullet.addChild(tempMC); tempMC.x = cannonMc.x; tempMC.y = 413; cannonMc.gotoAndStop(2); }; }; } public function rubbishsuc(){ MyData.getInstance().rubbish++; main.savealldata(); if (MyData.getInstance().rubbish == 1){ setsuc(4); }; if (MyData.getInstance().rubbish == 10){ setsuc(5); }; if (MyData.getInstance().rubbish == 30){ setsuc(6); }; if (MyData.getInstance().rubbish == 50){ setsuc(7); }; } public function setsuc(Num:int){ if (!MyData.getInstance().succeed[Num]){ MyData.getInstance().succeed[Num] = true; main.savesucceed(); showsuc((Num + 1)); }; } public function worklow(speed:Number){ if (hitlow){ if (mice.y < 240){ mice.y = 240; hitlow = false; }; if ((mice.y - speed) <= 407){ mice.y = (mice.y - speed); } else { SoundData.HIT[MyMath.randRange(3)].playsound(1); mice.y = 407; airtime = 0; hitland++; addBlood(mice.x, mice.y); mice.y = (mice.y + speed); mice.Vy = (mice.Vy * -0.7); mice.Vx = (mice.Vx * 0.7); mice.randomFrame(); if (Math.abs(mice.Vy) <= 1.5){ mice.die(); if (auntybool){ auntybool = false; main.setmoretime(1); mice.alpha = 0; auntyMc = new Aunty(); aunty.addChild(auntyMc); aunty.x = 207; aunty.y = 146; delay = new Timer(900, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onthrow); main.gamestage = "aunty"; SoundData.Effect[19].playsound(1); delayrun(0.1, playshuai); delayrun(0.2, playshuai); delayrun(0.3, playshuai); delayrun(0.4, playshuai); delayrun(0.5, playshuai); delayrun(0.6, playreng); } else { workmoney(); }; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updata); }; }; }; } public function worktop(speed:Number){ if (hittop){ if ((mice.y - speed) <= 240){ mice.y = (mice.y - speed); } else { mice.y = 240; hittop = false; }; if (mice.y < -50){ if (standby.numChildren){ micepoint.x = mice.x; } else { micepoint = new Micepoint(); standby.addChild(micepoint); micepoint.y = 30; }; } else { Clr.removeAllChildren(standby); }; }; } public function addmaxlenpoint(x:Number, y:Number, LEN:int){ var temppoint:MovieClip; temppoint = new Endpoint(); BaseUI.setmoney(temppoint, LEN, "l", 7); temppoint.x = x; temppoint.y = 408; trace(mice.y); if (mice.y > 403){ actor.addChild(temppoint); }; } public function updata(e:Event){ airtime++; flysuc(); workhit(); bgupdown(mice.Vy); bgleftright(mice.Vx); mice.updata(); worktop(mice.Vy); worklow(mice.Vy); workhei(); worklen(); workshowtime(); itemMc.updata(mice.Vx); workitemxy(); } public function playglass(){ SoundData.Effect[15].playsound(1); } public function workgameoverStr():String{ var str:String; var tempmoney:Array; var count:int; var price:Array; var tempStr:Array; var tempstr:String; var tempnum:int; var i:int; var j:int; str = new String(); tempmoney = new Array(); count = 0; price = new Array(60, 50, 100, 50, 50, 50, 30, 50, 100, 100, 30, 50, 30, 30); tempStr = new Array("oven", "eagle", "weeder", "trampoline", "trampoline", "grid", "kite", "bloody end", "banana skin", "from cash bags", "balloon", "dustbin", "bomb", "bomb", "for distance", "jumpy"); tempnum = 0; i = 0; while (i < 14) { tempmoney[i] = (StrArr[i] * price[i]); i++; }; i = 0; while (i < 3) { if (tempmoney[i]){ count++; money = (money + tempmoney[i]); tempstr = ((("+$" + String(tempmoney[i])) + " ") + tempStr[i]); tempnum = tempstr.length; if ((((count > 0)) && (!((count % 2))))){ tempstr = (tempstr + "\n"); } else { j = 0; while (j < (25 - tempnum)) { tempstr = (tempstr + " "); j++; }; }; str = (str + tempstr); }; i++; }; if ((tempmoney[3] + tempmoney[4])){ count++; money = (money + (tempmoney[3] + tempmoney[4])); tempstr = ((("+$" + String((tempmoney[3] + tempmoney[4]))) + " ") + tempStr[3]); tempnum = tempstr.length; if ((((count > 0)) && (!((count % 2))))){ tempstr = (tempstr + "\n"); } else { j = 0; while (j < (25 - tempnum)) { tempstr = (tempstr + " "); j++; }; }; str = (str + tempstr); }; i = 5; while (i < 12) { if (tempmoney[i]){ count++; money = (money + tempmoney[i]); tempstr = ((("+$" + String(tempmoney[i])) + " ") + tempStr[i]); tempnum = tempstr.length; if ((((count > 0)) && (!((count % 2))))){ tempstr = (tempstr + "\n"); } else { j = 0; while (j < (25 - tempnum)) { tempstr = (tempstr + " "); j++; }; }; str = (str + tempstr); }; i++; }; if ((tempmoney[12] + tempmoney[13])){ count++; money = (money + (tempmoney[12] + tempmoney[13])); tempstr = ((("+$" + String((tempmoney[12] + tempmoney[13]))) + " ") + tempStr[12]); tempnum = tempstr.length; if ((((count > 0)) && (!((count % 2))))){ tempstr = (tempstr + "\n"); } else { j = 0; while (j < (25 - tempnum)) { tempstr = (tempstr + " "); j++; }; }; str = (str + tempstr); }; count++; money = (money + (len / 10)); tempstr = ((("+$" + String(int((len / 10)))) + " ") + tempStr[14]); tempnum = tempstr.length; if ((((count > 0)) && (!((count % 2))))){ tempstr = (tempstr + "\n"); } else { j = 0; while (j < (25 - tempnum)) { tempstr = (tempstr + " "); j++; }; }; str = (str + tempstr); count++; money = (money + (hitland * 10)); tempstr = ((("+$" + String((hitland * 10))) + " ") + tempStr[15]); tempnum = tempstr.length; if ((((count > 0)) && (!((count % 2))))){ tempstr = (tempstr + "\n"); } else { j = 0; while (j < (25 - tempnum)) { tempstr = (tempstr + " "); j++; }; }; str = (str + tempstr); return (str); } public function birdsuc(){ setsuc(23); } public function elesuc(){ setsuc(20); } public function flysuc(){ if (airtime >= (60 * 60)){ setsuc(22); }; } public function bgright(){ if (gamestate == "showtime"){ if (cannonMc.x > 2){ cannonMc.x = (cannonMc.x - 4); }; }; } public function updatapart1(e:Event):void{ if (way){ if (barcount < Maxval){ barcount++; gamestart.powerbar.gotoAndStop(barcount); } else { way = false; }; } else { if (barcount > 1){ barcount--; gamestart.powerbar.gotoAndStop(barcount); } else { way = true; }; }; } public function initgame(){ var i:int; SoundControl.stopallsound(); initcontainer(); initSound(); loaddata(); playbgm(); main.stage.focus = this; bulidpart1(); i = 0; while (i < 14) { StrArr.push(0); i++; }; } public function spadesuc(){ Spadetime++; if (Spadetime == 1){ setsuc(8); }; if (Spadetime == 2){ setsuc(9); }; if (Spadetime == 3){ setsuc(10); }; if (Spadetime == 4){ setsuc(11); }; } public function playbgm(){ SoundData.BGM[MyMath.randRange(2)].playsound(10000000); } public function tackitemsuc(){ setsuc(3); } public function destory(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onkeyfun); removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updata); Clr.removeAllChildren(background); Clr.removeAllChildren(cannon); Clr.removeAllChildren(bullet); Clr.removeAllChildren(actor); Clr.removeAllChildren(item); Clr.removeAllChildren(standby); Clr.removeAllChildren(aunty); Clr.removeAllChildren(suc); Clr.removeAllChildren(game); Clr.removeAllChildren(this); Clr.removeAllChildren(main.Ui); Tweener.removeAllTweens(); SoundControl.stopallsound(); } public function stopgame(){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updata); } public function onworkmouse(e:TimerEvent){ var mouseframe:int; var TimeNum:int; delay.stop(); delay.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onworkmouse); mouseframe = gamestart.mouse.currentFrame; TimeNum = 0; if (mouseframe >= 176){ if (barcount < 10){ SoundData.Aunty[0].playsound(1); gamestart.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); gamestart.gotoAndPlay("Lhit"); delay = new Timer(2600, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onrestart); } else { if (barcount < 20){ SoundData.Aunty[0].playsound(1); gamestart.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); gamestart.gotoAndPlay("Mhit"); delay = new Timer(2500, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onrestart); delayrun(0.2, playglass); } else { if (barcount > 80){ SoundData.Aunty[1].playsound(1); } else { SoundData.Aunty[0].playsound(1); }; delayrun(0.2, playglass); perfectionsuc(); gamestart.mouse.gotoAndStop(1); gamestart.gotoAndPlay("Hhit"); delay = new Timer(1000, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startpart2); }; }; } else { SoundData.Effect[5].playsound(1); gamestart.mouse.gotoAndStop("run"); delay = new Timer(1500, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onrestart); }; } public function workhit():void{ var len:int; var tempMc:MovieClip; var tempmc:MovieClip; var i:int; len = bullet.numChildren; if (len == 0){ return; }; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (bullet.getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.alpha){ if (HitTest.complexHitTestObject(tempMc, mice)){ tempMc.alpha = 0; bullethittime++; huntsuc(); mice.bullet(cannonpower); tempmc = new Fblood(); tempmc.x = mice.x; tempmc.y = mice.y; actor.addChild(tempmc); break; }; }; i++; }; len = item.numChildren; if (len == 0){ return; }; } public function reboundsuc(){ bedtime++; if (bedtime == 1){ setsuc(16); }; if (bedtime == 3){ setsuc(17); }; } public function flymansuc(){ if (hei >= 3000){ setsuc(28); }; } public function onrestart(e:TimerEvent=null):void{ delay.stop(); delay.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onrestart); Clr.removeAllChildren(background); bulidpart1(); } public function workbullet():void{ var len:int; var tempMC:MovieClip; var i:int; if (gamestate == "showtime"){ len = bullet.numChildren; if (len == 0){ return; }; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMC = (bullet.getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMC.y = (tempMC.y - bulletV); tempMC.x = (tempMC.x - (mice.Vx / 10)); i++; }; }; } public function workshowtime():void{ if (showtimebool){ if (gamestate == "showtime"){ cannoncount--; main.setuibar(((cannoncount / cannontime) * 0.25)); workbullet(); if (canfire < Maxdistance){ canfire++; }; if (cannoncount == 0){ bullethittime = 0; main.setcannon(2); gamestate = "play"; Clr.removeAllChildren(bullet); Clr.removeAllChildren(cannon); showtimebool = false; }; } else { if (cannoncount < ((cannontime * 100) * 4)){ cannoncount = (cannoncount + cannontime); main.setuibar(((cannoncount / cannontime) * 0.25)); if (cannoncount == ((cannontime * 100) * 4)){ SoundData.Effect[16].playsound(1); }; } else { main.setcannon(1); }; }; }; } public function onkeyfun(e:Event):void{ Input.keydownrunfun(Input.SPACE, onspace); Input.keydownrunfun(Input.LEFT, bgleft); Input.keydownrunfun(Input.RIGHT, bgright); Input.keydownrunfun(Input.P, showItem); } public function worklen():void{ len = mice.len; main.setlen(len); lensuc(); } public function initcontainer(){ game = new Sprite(); aunty = new Sprite(); background = new Sprite(); actor = new Sprite(); item = new Sprite(); standby = new Sprite(); cannon = new Sprite(); bullet = new Sprite(); suc = new Sprite(); addChild(game); game.addChild(background); game.addChild(item); game.addChild(actor); game.addChild(aunty); game.addChild(cannon); game.addChild(bullet); game.addChild(standby); game.addChild(suc); } public function showtime(){ gamestate = "showtime"; cannonMc = new Cannon(); cannon.addChild(cannonMc); cannonMc.x = 292; cannonMc.y = 426; } public function startpart2(e:TimerEvent=null){ delay.stop(); delay.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, startpart2); Clr.removeAllChildren(background); inititem(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updata); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onkeyfun); mice = new Mice(this, -30, 400, (((Maxpower * (barcount - 1)) * 0.01) + AddPower)); Tweener.addTween(mice, {x:320, y:240, time:1, transition:"easeOutQuint"}); actor.addChild(mice); main.initgameUI(); } public function loaddata():void{ armFrame = main.rearm(); Maxpower = MyData.getInstance().powerlist[(armFrame - 1)]; AddPower = MyData.getInstance().addpowerlist[(armFrame - 1)]; cannonpower = main.reattack(); cannontime = main.relasttime(); } public function perfectionsuc(){ if (barcount == 101){ setsuc(29); }; } public function bgup(){ mice.setrocket(1); } public function workitemxy():void{ itemMc.y = backgroundMc.y; } public function setrocket(Num:int){ SoundData.Effect[6].playsound(1); mice.setrocket(Num); main.setarm(((Num - 1) + Num)); } public function showItem(){ trace(itemMc.Statistic); } public function onupdownpart1(e:TimerEvent):void{ delay.stop(); delay.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onupdownpart1); main.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onpartdown); } public function bulidpart1(){ gamestart = new Gamestart(); background.addChild(gamestart); gamestart.aunty.arm.gotoAndStop(armFrame); Maxval = main.repower(); delay = new Timer(100, 1); delay.start(); delay.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onupdownpart1); gamestart.powerbar.gotoAndStop(1); barcount = 1; } public function bgleft(){ if (gamestate == "showtime"){ if (cannonMc.x < 583){ cannonMc.x = (cannonMc.x + 4); }; }; } public function inithitstart(){ } public function bansuc(){ setsuc(21); } public function huntsuc(){ if (bullethittime == 20){ setsuc(18); }; if (bullethittime == 40){ setsuc(19); }; } public function bgleftright(speed:Number){ backgroundMc.updata(speed); } public function addBlood(x:Number, y:Number){ var p:Point; var tempblood:MovieClip; p = new Point(x, y); p = backgroundMc.backGroup[14].globalToLocal(p); tempblood = new Blood(); tempblood.gotoAndStop(MyMath.FrandRange(1, 4)); tempblood.x = p.x; tempblood.y = p.y; backgroundMc.backGroup[14].addChild(tempblood); } public function initSound(){ SoundControl.destorySdground(); } } }//package BaseClass
Section 2
//logo_animation_2 (BatThatRat_fla.logo_animation_2) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import*; public dynamic class logo_animation_2 extends MovieClip { public var getURL:URLRequest; public var urlButton:SimpleButton; public function logo_animation_2(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 85, frame86); } function frame86(){ stop(); SoundMixer.stopAll(); } function frame1(){ getURL = new URLRequest(""); urlButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, urlClick); } public function urlClick(event:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(getURL); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 3
//MainTimeline (BatThatRat_fla.MainTimeline) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public function MainTimeline(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3); } function frame3(){ SoundMixer.stopAll(); stop(); addChild(new Main()); } function frame1(){ MochiBot.track(this, "d7bac3a8"); stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 4
//Timeline_1 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_1) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class Timeline_1 extends MovieClip { public const FRAME_RATE_ADJUST:Boolean = true; public const LOADER_FRAME_RATE:Number = 30; public const AUTO_PLAY:Boolean = false; public var bar:MovieClip; public var logoAnimation:MovieClip; public var loadingComplete:Boolean; public var playBtn:SimpleButton; public var movieFrameRate:Number; public var initialized:Boolean; public function Timeline_1(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 22, frame23, 36, frame37); } public function init():void{ if (initialized){ return; }; gotoAndStop(1); movieFrameRate = 0; if (((FRAME_RATE_ADJUST) && (stage))){ movieFrameRate = stage.frameRate; stage.frameRate = LOADER_FRAME_RATE; }; initialized = true; stop(); if (((root) && ((root is MovieClip)))){ MovieClip(root).stop(); }; loadingComplete = false; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler, false, 0, true); if (meetsVersion([9, 0, 28, 0])){ addEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, cleanup, false, 0, true); }; enterFrameHandler(); } public function enterFrameHandler(e:Event=null):void{ var loaded:Number; if (((((!(movieFrameRate)) && (FRAME_RATE_ADJUST))) && (stage))){ movieFrameRate = stage.frameRate; stage.frameRate = LOADER_FRAME_RATE; }; if (!loadingComplete){ loaded = 0; if (loaderInfo){ loaded = (loaderInfo.bytesLoaded / loaderInfo.bytesTotal); }; if (bar){ bar.scaleX = loaded; }; if (loaded == 1){ loadingComplete = true; if (AUTO_PLAY){ startMovie(); } else { gotoAndPlay("loaded"); }; }; }; } public function meetsVersion(version:Array):Boolean{ var playerVersion:Array; var i:uint; playerVersion = String(Capabilities.version.split(" ")[1]).split(","); i = 0; while (i < version.length) { if (uint(playerVersion[i]) > version[i]){ return (true); }; if (uint(playerVersion[i]) < version[i]){ return (false); }; i++; }; return (true); } function frame1(){ initialized = false; init(); } function frame23(){ playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playM); stop(); } function frame37(){ startMovie(); stop(); SoundMixer.stopAll(); } public function playM(event:MouseEvent):void{ logoAnimation.stop(); SoundMixer.stopAll(); gotoAndPlay("playOut"); } public function cleanup(e:Event=null){ if (initialized){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler); if (meetsVersion([9, 0, 28, 0])){ removeEventListener(Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE, cleanup); }; if (movieFrameRate){ stage.frameRate = movieFrameRate; movieFrameRate = 0; }; }; initialized = false; } public function startMovie():void{ cleanup(); if (((root) && ((root is MovieClip)))){ MovieClip(root).play(); }; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.COMPLETE)); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 5
//Timeline_108 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_108) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_108 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_108(){ super(); addFrameScript(106, frame107); } function frame107(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 6
//Timeline_109 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_109) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_109 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_109(){ super(); addFrameScript(29, frame30); } function frame30(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 7
//Timeline_116 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_116) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_116 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_116(){ super(); addFrameScript(226, frame227, 227, frame228); } function frame227(){ gotoAndPlay("eat2"); } function frame228(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 8
//Timeline_125 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_125) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_125 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_125(){ super(); addFrameScript(23, frame24); } function frame24(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 9
//Timeline_127 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_127) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_127 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_127(){ super(); addFrameScript(29, frame30); } function frame30(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 10
//Timeline_128 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_128 extends MovieClip { public var arm:MovieClip; public function Timeline_128(){ super(); addFrameScript(39, frame40, 86, frame87, 117, frame118, 142, frame143); } function frame143(){ stop(); } function frame87(){ stop(); } function frame118(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 11
//Timeline_138 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_138) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_138 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_138(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 12
//Timeline_141 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_141) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_141 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_141(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 13
//Timeline_142 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_142) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_142 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_142(){ super(); addFrameScript(106, frame107); } function frame107(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 14
//Timeline_18 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_18) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_18 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_18(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 15
//Timeline_200 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_200) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_200 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_200(){ super(); addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ (this.parent as MovieClip).gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 16
//Timeline_207 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_207) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_207 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_207(){ super(); addFrameScript(4, frame5); } function frame5(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 17
//Timeline_208 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_208) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_208 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_208(){ super(); addFrameScript(4, frame5); } function frame5(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 18
//Timeline_209 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_209) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_209 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_209(){ super(); addFrameScript(3, frame4); } function frame4(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 19
//Timeline_210 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_210) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_210 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_210(){ super(); addFrameScript(4, frame5); } function frame5(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 20
//Timeline_33 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_33) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_33 extends MovieClip { public var i5:MovieClip; public var i4:MovieClip; public var P1:MovieClip; public var i1:MovieClip; public var i2:MovieClip; public var i6:MovieClip; public var i7:MovieClip; public var i8:MovieClip; public var i3:MovieClip; public function Timeline_33(){ super(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 21
//Timeline_34 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_34) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_34 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_34(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 22
//Timeline_35 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_35) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_35 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_35(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 23
//Timeline_38 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_38) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_38 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_38(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 24
//Timeline_39 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_39) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_39 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_39(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 25
//Timeline_42 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_42) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_42 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_42(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 26
//Timeline_43 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_43) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_43 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_43(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 27
//Timeline_46 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_46) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_46 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_46(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 28
//Timeline_47 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_47) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_47 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_47(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 29
//Timeline_50 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_50) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_50 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_50(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 30
//Timeline_51 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_51) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_51 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_51(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 31
//Timeline_54 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_54) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_54 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_54(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 32
//Timeline_55 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_55) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_55 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_55(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 33
//Timeline_58 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_58) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_58 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_58(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 34
//Timeline_60 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_60) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_60 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_60(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 35
//Timeline_61 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_61) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_61 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_61(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 36
//Timeline_66 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_66) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_66 extends MovieClip { public var effbar:MovieClip; public var b2:MovieClip; public var po1:MovieClip; public var po2:MovieClip; public var po3:MovieClip; public var b1:MovieClip; public var po0:MovieClip; public var b0:MovieClip; public var power:MovieClip; public var bug_btn:SimpleButton; public var eff_btn:SimpleButton; public var b3:MovieClip; public var c:MovieClip; public var b:MovieClip; public var e0:MovieClip; public var e2:MovieClip; public var a:MovieClip; public var e3:MovieClip; public var power_btn:SimpleButton; public var e1:MovieClip; public var P2:MovieClip; public var powerbar:MovieClip; public var cannon:MovieClip; public function Timeline_66(){ super(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 37
//Timeline_67 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_67) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_67 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_67(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 38
//Timeline_71 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_71) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_71 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_71(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 39
//Timeline_73 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_73) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_73 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_73(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 40
//Timeline_88 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_88 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_88(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 41
//Timeline_89 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_89) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_89 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_89(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 42
//Timeline_90 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_90) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_90 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_90(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 43
//Timeline_91 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_91) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_91 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_91(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 44
//Timeline_93 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_93) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_93 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_93(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 45
//Timeline_97 (BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_97) package BatThatRat_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Timeline_97 extends MovieClip { public function Timeline_97(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package BatThatRat_fla
Section 46
//AuxFunctions (caurina.transitions.AuxFunctions) package caurina.transitions { public class AuxFunctions { public function AuxFunctions(){ super(); } public static function getObjectLength(p_object:Object):uint{ var totalProperties:uint; var pName:String; totalProperties = 0; for (pName in p_object) { totalProperties++; }; return (totalProperties); } public static function numberToG(p_num:Number):Number{ return (((p_num & 0xFF00) >> 8)); } public static function numberToB(p_num:Number):Number{ return ((p_num & 0xFF)); } public static function numberToR(p_num:Number):Number{ return (((p_num & 0xFF0000) >> 16)); } public static function concatObjects(... _args):Object{ var finalObject:Object; var currentObject:Object; var i:int; var prop:String; finalObject = {}; i = 0; while (i < _args.length) { currentObject = _args[i]; for (prop in currentObject) { if (currentObject[prop] == null){ delete finalObject[prop]; } else { finalObject[prop] = currentObject[prop]; }; }; i++; }; return (finalObject); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 47
//Equations (caurina.transitions.Equations) package caurina.transitions { public class Equations { public function Equations(){ super(); trace("Equations is a static class and should not be instantiated."); } public static function easeOutBounce(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); if (t < (1 / 2.75)){ return (((c * ((7.5625 * t) * t)) + b)); }; if (t < (2 / 2.75)){ t = (t - (1.5 / 2.75)); return (((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.75)) + b)); }; if (t < (2.5 / 2.75)){ t = (t - (2.25 / 2.75)); return (((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.9375)) + b)); }; t = (t - (2.625 / 2.75)); return (((c * (((7.5625 * t) * t) + 0.984375)) + b)); } public static function easeInOutElastic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ var p:Number; var s:Number; var a:Number; if (t == 0){ return (b); }; t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t == 2){ return ((b + c)); }; p = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.period)))) ? (d * (0.3 * 1.5)) : p_params.period; a = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.amplitude)))) ? 0 : p_params.amplitude; if (((!(Boolean(a))) || ((a < Math.abs(c))))){ a = c; s = (p / 4); } else { s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin((c / a))); }; if (t < 1){ --t; return (((-0.5 * ((a * Math.pow(2, (10 * t))) * Math.sin(((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p)))) + b)); }; --t; return ((((((a * Math.pow(2, (-10 * t))) * Math.sin(((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p))) * 0.5) + c) + b)); } public static function easeInOutQuad(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return (((((c / 2) * t) * t) + b)); }; --t; return ((((-(c) / 2) * ((t * (t - 2)) - 1)) + b)); } public static function easeInOutBounce(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (((easeInBounce((t * 2), 0, c, d) * 0.5) + b)); }; return ((((easeOutBounce(((t * 2) - d), 0, c, d) * 0.5) + (c * 0.5)) + b)); } public static function easeInOutBack(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ var s:Number; s = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.overshoot)))) ? 1.70158 : p_params.overshoot; t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ s = (s * 1.525); return ((((c / 2) * ((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s))) + b)); }; t = (t - 2); s = (s * 1.525); return ((((c / 2) * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 2)) + b)); } public static function easeOutInCubic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutCubic((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInCubic(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeNone(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return ((((c * t) / d) + b)); } public static function easeOutBack(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ var s:Number; s = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.overshoot)))) ? 1.70158 : p_params.overshoot; t = ((t / d) - 1); return (((c * (((t * t) * (((s + 1) * t) + s)) + 1)) + b)); } public static function easeInOutSine(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return ((((-(c) / 2) * (Math.cos(((Math.PI * t) / d)) - 1)) + b)); } public static function easeInBack(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ var s:Number; s = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.overshoot)))) ? 1.70158 : p_params.overshoot; t = (t / d); return (((((c * t) * t) * (((s + 1) * t) - s)) + b)); } public static function easeInQuart(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); return ((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) + b)); } public static function easeOutInQuint(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutQuint((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInQuint(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeOutInBounce(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutBounce((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInBounce(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function init():void{ Tweener.registerTransition("easenone", easeNone); Tweener.registerTransition("linear", easeNone); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinquad", easeInQuad); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutquad", easeOutQuad); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutquad", easeInOutQuad); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinquad", easeOutInQuad); Tweener.registerTransition("easeincubic", easeInCubic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutcubic", easeOutCubic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutcubic", easeInOutCubic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutincubic", easeOutInCubic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinquart", easeInQuart); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutquart", easeOutQuart); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutquart", easeInOutQuart); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinquart", easeOutInQuart); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinquint", easeInQuint); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutquint", easeOutQuint); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutquint", easeInOutQuint); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinquint", easeOutInQuint); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinsine", easeInSine); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutsine", easeOutSine); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutsine", easeInOutSine); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinsine", easeOutInSine); Tweener.registerTransition("easeincirc", easeInCirc); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutcirc", easeOutCirc); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutcirc", easeInOutCirc); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutincirc", easeOutInCirc); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinexpo", easeInExpo); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutexpo", easeOutExpo); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutexpo", easeInOutExpo); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinexpo", easeOutInExpo); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinelastic", easeInElastic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutelastic", easeOutElastic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutelastic", easeInOutElastic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinelastic", easeOutInElastic); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinback", easeInBack); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutback", easeOutBack); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutback", easeInOutBack); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinback", easeOutInBack); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinbounce", easeInBounce); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutbounce", easeOutBounce); Tweener.registerTransition("easeinoutbounce", easeInOutBounce); Tweener.registerTransition("easeoutinbounce", easeOutInBounce); } public static function easeOutExpo(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return (((t)==d) ? (b + c) : (((c * 1.001) * (-(Math.pow(2, ((-10 * t) / d))) + 1)) + b)); } public static function easeOutInBack(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutBack((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInBack(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeInExpo(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return (((t)==0) ? b : (((c * Math.pow(2, (10 * ((t / d) - 1)))) + b) - (c * 0.001))); } public static function easeInCubic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); return (((((c * t) * t) * t) + b)); } public static function easeInQuint(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); return (((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b)); } public static function easeInOutCirc(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return ((((-(c) / 2) * (Math.sqrt((1 - (t * t))) - 1)) + b)); }; t = (t - 2); return ((((c / 2) * (Math.sqrt((1 - (t * t))) + 1)) + b)); } public static function easeInQuad(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); return ((((c * t) * t) + b)); } public static function easeInBounce(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return (((c - easeOutBounce((d - t), 0, c, d)) + b)); } public static function easeOutInExpo(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutExpo((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInExpo(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeOutQuart(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = ((t / d) - 1); return (((-(c) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 1)) + b)); } public static function easeInSine(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return ((((-(c) * Math.cos(((t / d) * (Math.PI / 2)))) + c) + b)); } public static function easeInOutQuart(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return (((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b)); }; t = (t - 2); return ((((-(c) / 2) * ((((t * t) * t) * t) - 2)) + b)); } public static function easeOutQuad(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); return ((((-(c) * t) * (t - 2)) + b)); } public static function easeOutInElastic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutElastic((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInElastic(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeInElastic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ var p:Number; var s:Number; var a:Number; if (t == 0){ return (b); }; t = (t / d); if (t == 1){ return ((b + c)); }; p = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.period)))) ? (d * 0.3) : p_params.period; a = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.amplitude)))) ? 0 : p_params.amplitude; if (((!(Boolean(a))) || ((a < Math.abs(c))))){ a = c; s = (p / 4); } else { s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin((c / a))); }; --t; return ((-(((a * Math.pow(2, (10 * t))) * Math.sin(((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p)))) + b)); } public static function easeOutCubic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = ((t / d) - 1); return (((c * (((t * t) * t) + 1)) + b)); } public static function easeOutQuint(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = ((t / d) - 1); return (((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b)); } public static function easeOutInQuad(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutQuad((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInQuad(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeOutSine(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ return (((c * Math.sin(((t / d) * (Math.PI / 2)))) + b)); } public static function easeInOutCubic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return ((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) + b)); }; t = (t - 2); return ((((c / 2) * (((t * t) * t) + 2)) + b)); } public static function easeInOutQuint(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return ((((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b)); }; t = (t - 2); return ((((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b)); } public static function easeInCirc(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = (t / d); return (((-(c) * (Math.sqrt((1 - (t * t))) - 1)) + b)); } public static function easeOutInSine(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutSine((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInSine(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeInOutExpo(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t == 0){ return (b); }; if (t == d){ return ((b + c)); }; t = (t / (d / 2)); if (t < 1){ return (((((c / 2) * Math.pow(2, (10 * (t - 1)))) + b) - (c * 0.0005))); }; --t; return (((((c / 2) * 1.0005) * (-(Math.pow(2, (-10 * t))) + 2)) + b)); } public static function easeOutElastic(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ var p:Number; var s:Number; var a:Number; if (t == 0){ return (b); }; t = (t / d); if (t == 1){ return ((b + c)); }; p = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.period)))) ? (d * 0.3) : p_params.period; a = (((!(Boolean(p_params))) || (isNaN(p_params.amplitude)))) ? 0 : p_params.amplitude; if (((!(Boolean(a))) || ((a < Math.abs(c))))){ a = c; s = (p / 4); } else { s = ((p / (2 * Math.PI)) * Math.asin((c / a))); }; return (((((a * Math.pow(2, (-10 * t))) * Math.sin(((((t * d) - s) * (2 * Math.PI)) / p))) + c) + b)); } public static function easeOutCirc(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ t = ((t / d) - 1); return (((c * Math.sqrt((1 - (t * t)))) + b)); } public static function easeOutInQuart(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutQuart((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInQuart(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } public static function easeOutInCirc(t:Number, b:Number, c:Number, d:Number, p_params:Object=null):Number{ if (t < (d / 2)){ return (easeOutCirc((t * 2), b, (c / 2), d, p_params)); }; return (easeInCirc(((t * 2) - d), (b + (c / 2)), (c / 2), d, p_params)); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 48
//PropertyInfoObj (caurina.transitions.PropertyInfoObj) package caurina.transitions { public class PropertyInfoObj { public var originalValueComplete:Object; public var modifierParameters:Array; public var isSpecialProperty:Boolean; public var hasModifier:Boolean; public var valueComplete:Number; public var extra:Object; public var valueStart:Number; public var modifierFunction:Function; public var arrayIndex:Number; public function PropertyInfoObj(p_valueStart:Number, p_valueComplete:Number, p_originalValueComplete:Object, p_arrayIndex:Number, p_extra:Object, p_isSpecialProperty:Boolean, p_modifierFunction:Function, p_modifierParameters:Array){ super(); valueStart = p_valueStart; valueComplete = p_valueComplete; originalValueComplete = p_originalValueComplete; arrayIndex = p_arrayIndex; extra = p_extra; isSpecialProperty = p_isSpecialProperty; hasModifier = Boolean(p_modifierFunction); modifierFunction = p_modifierFunction; modifierParameters = p_modifierParameters; } public function toString():String{ var returnStr:String; returnStr = "\n[PropertyInfoObj "; returnStr = (returnStr + ("valueStart:" + String(valueStart))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("valueComplete:" + String(valueComplete))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("originalValueComplete:" + String(originalValueComplete))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("arrayIndex:" + String(arrayIndex))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("extra:" + String(extra))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("isSpecialProperty:" + String(isSpecialProperty))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("hasModifier:" + String(hasModifier))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("modifierFunction:" + String(modifierFunction))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", "); returnStr = (returnStr + ("modifierParameters:" + String(modifierParameters))); returnStr = (returnStr + "]\n"); return (returnStr); } public function clone():PropertyInfoObj{ var nProperty:PropertyInfoObj; nProperty = new PropertyInfoObj(valueStart, valueComplete, originalValueComplete, arrayIndex, extra, isSpecialProperty, modifierFunction, modifierParameters); return (nProperty); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 49
//SpecialProperty (caurina.transitions.SpecialProperty) package caurina.transitions { public class SpecialProperty { public var parameters:Array; public var preProcess:Function; public var setValue:Function; public var getValue:Function; public function SpecialProperty(p_getFunction:Function, p_setFunction:Function, p_parameters:Array=null, p_preProcessFunction:Function=null){ super(); getValue = p_getFunction; setValue = p_setFunction; parameters = p_parameters; preProcess = p_preProcessFunction; } public function toString():String{ var value:String; value = ""; value = (value + "[SpecialProperty "); value = (value + ("getValue:" + String(getValue))); value = (value + ", "); value = (value + ("setValue:" + String(setValue))); value = (value + ", "); value = (value + ("parameters:" + String(parameters))); value = (value + ", "); value = (value + ("preProcess:" + String(preProcess))); value = (value + "]"); return (value); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 50
//SpecialPropertyModifier (caurina.transitions.SpecialPropertyModifier) package caurina.transitions { public class SpecialPropertyModifier { public var getValue:Function; public var modifyValues:Function; public function SpecialPropertyModifier(p_modifyFunction:Function, p_getFunction:Function){ super(); modifyValues = p_modifyFunction; getValue = p_getFunction; } public function toString():String{ var value:String; value = ""; value = (value + "[SpecialPropertyModifier "); value = (value + ("modifyValues:" + String(modifyValues))); value = (value + ", "); value = (value + ("getValue:" + String(getValue))); value = (value + "]"); return (value); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 51
//SpecialPropertySplitter (caurina.transitions.SpecialPropertySplitter) package caurina.transitions { public class SpecialPropertySplitter { public var parameters:Array; public var splitValues:Function; public function SpecialPropertySplitter(p_splitFunction:Function, p_parameters:Array){ super(); splitValues = p_splitFunction; parameters = p_parameters; } public function toString():String{ var value:String; value = ""; value = (value + "[SpecialPropertySplitter "); value = (value + ("splitValues:" + String(splitValues))); value = (value + ", "); value = (value + ("parameters:" + String(parameters))); value = (value + "]"); return (value); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 52
//Tweener (caurina.transitions.Tweener) package caurina.transitions { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class Tweener { private static var _timeScale:Number = 1; private static var _currentTimeFrame:Number; private static var _specialPropertySplitterList:Object; public static var autoOverwrite:Boolean = true; private static var _engineExists:Boolean = false; private static var _currentTime:Number; private static var _tweenList:Array; private static var _specialPropertyModifierList:Object; private static var _specialPropertyList:Object; private static var _transitionList:Object; private static var _inited:Boolean = false; private static var __tweener_controller__:MovieClip; public function Tweener(){ super(); trace("Tweener is a static class and should not be instantiated."); } public static function registerSpecialPropertyModifier(p_name:String, p_modifyFunction:Function, p_getFunction:Function):void{ var spm:SpecialPropertyModifier; if (!_inited){ init(); }; spm = new SpecialPropertyModifier(p_modifyFunction, p_getFunction); _specialPropertyModifierList[p_name] = spm; } public static function registerSpecialProperty(p_name:String, p_getFunction:Function, p_setFunction:Function, p_parameters:Array=null, p_preProcessFunction:Function=null):void{ var sp:SpecialProperty; if (!_inited){ init(); }; sp = new SpecialProperty(p_getFunction, p_setFunction, p_parameters, p_preProcessFunction); _specialPropertyList[p_name] = sp; } public static function init(... _args):void{ _inited = true; _transitionList = new Object(); Equations.init(); _specialPropertyList = new Object(); _specialPropertyModifierList = new Object(); _specialPropertySplitterList = new Object(); } private static function updateTweens():Boolean{ var i:int; if (_tweenList.length == 0){ return (false); }; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { if ((((_tweenList[i] == undefined)) || (!(_tweenList[i].isPaused)))){ if (!updateTweenByIndex(i)){ removeTweenByIndex(i); }; if (_tweenList[i] == null){ removeTweenByIndex(i, true); i--; }; }; i++; }; return (true); } public static function addCaller(p_scopes:Object=null, p_parameters:Object=null):Boolean{ var i:Number; var rScopes:Array; var p_obj:Object; var rTime:Number; var rDelay:Number; var rTransition:Function; var nTween:TweenListObj; var myT:Number; var trans:String; if (!Boolean(p_scopes)){ return (false); }; if ((p_scopes is Array)){ rScopes = p_scopes.concat(); } else { rScopes = [p_scopes]; }; p_obj = p_parameters; if (!_inited){ init(); }; if (((!(_engineExists)) || (!(Boolean(__tweener_controller__))))){ startEngine(); }; rTime = (isNaN(p_obj.time)) ? 0 : p_obj.time; rDelay = (isNaN(p_obj.delay)) ? 0 : p_obj.delay; if (typeof(p_obj.transition) == "string"){ trans = p_obj.transition.toLowerCase(); rTransition = _transitionList[trans]; } else { rTransition = p_obj.transition; }; if (!Boolean(rTransition)){ rTransition = _transitionList["easeoutexpo"]; }; i = 0; while (i < rScopes.length) { if (p_obj.useFrames == true){ nTween = new TweenListObj(rScopes[i], (_currentTimeFrame + (rDelay / _timeScale)), (_currentTimeFrame + ((rDelay + rTime) / _timeScale)), true, rTransition, p_obj.transitionParams); } else { nTween = new TweenListObj(rScopes[i], (_currentTime + ((rDelay * 1000) / _timeScale)), (_currentTime + (((rDelay * 1000) + (rTime * 1000)) / _timeScale)), false, rTransition, p_obj.transitionParams); }; = null; nTween.onStart = p_obj.onStart; nTween.onUpdate = p_obj.onUpdate; nTween.onComplete = p_obj.onComplete; nTween.onOverwrite = p_obj.onOverwrite; nTween.onStartParams = p_obj.onStartParams; nTween.onUpdateParams = p_obj.onUpdateParams; nTween.onCompleteParams = p_obj.onCompleteParams; nTween.onOverwriteParams = p_obj.onOverwriteParams; nTween.onStartScope = p_obj.onStartScope; nTween.onUpdateScope = p_obj.onUpdateScope; nTween.onCompleteScope = p_obj.onCompleteScope; nTween.onOverwriteScope = p_obj.onOverwriteScope; nTween.onErrorScope = p_obj.onErrorScope; nTween.isCaller = true; nTween.count = p_obj.count; nTween.waitFrames = p_obj.waitFrames; _tweenList.push(nTween); if ((((rTime == 0)) && ((rDelay == 0)))){ myT = (_tweenList.length - 1); updateTweenByIndex(myT); removeTweenByIndex(myT); }; i++; }; return (true); } public static function pauseAllTweens():Boolean{ var paused:Boolean; var i:uint; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return (false); }; paused = false; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { pauseTweenByIndex(i); paused = true; i++; }; return (paused); } public static function removeTweens(p_scope:Object, ... _args):Boolean{ var properties:Array; var i:uint; var sps:SpecialPropertySplitter; var specialProps:Array; var j:uint; properties = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < _args.length) { if ((((typeof(_args[i]) == "string")) && ((properties.indexOf(_args[i]) == -1)))){ if (_specialPropertySplitterList[_args[i]]){ sps = _specialPropertySplitterList[_args[i]]; specialProps = sps.splitValues(p_scope, null); j = 0; while (j < specialProps.length) { properties.push(specialProps[j].name); j++; }; } else { properties.push(_args[i]); }; }; i++; }; return (affectTweens(removeTweenByIndex, p_scope, properties)); } public static function updateFrame():void{ _currentTimeFrame++; } public static function splitTweens(p_tween:Number, p_properties:Array):uint{ var originalTween:TweenListObj; var newTween:TweenListObj; var i:uint; var pName:String; var found:Boolean; originalTween = _tweenList[p_tween]; newTween = originalTween.clone(false); i = 0; while (i < p_properties.length) { pName = p_properties[i]; if (Boolean([pName])){[pName] = undefined; delete[pName]; }; i++; }; for (pName in { found = false; i = 0; while (i < p_properties.length) { if (p_properties[i] == pName){ found = true; break; }; i++; }; if (!found){[pName] = undefined; delete[pName]; }; }; _tweenList.push(newTween); return ((_tweenList.length - 1)); } public static function resumeTweenByIndex(p_tween:Number):Boolean{ var tTweening:TweenListObj; var cTime:Number; tTweening = _tweenList[p_tween]; if ((((tTweening == null)) || (!(tTweening.isPaused)))){ return (false); }; cTime = getCurrentTweeningTime(tTweening); tTweening.timeStart = (tTweening.timeStart + (cTime - tTweening.timePaused)); tTweening.timeComplete = (tTweening.timeComplete + (cTime - tTweening.timePaused)); tTweening.timePaused = undefined; tTweening.isPaused = false; return (true); } public static function getVersion():String{ return ("AS3 1.33.74"); } public static function onEnterFrame(e:Event):void{ var hasUpdated:Boolean; updateTime(); updateFrame(); hasUpdated = false; hasUpdated = updateTweens(); if (!hasUpdated){ stopEngine(); }; } public static function updateTime():void{ _currentTime = getTimer(); } private static function updateTweenByIndex(i:Number):Boolean{ var tTweening:TweenListObj; var isOver:Boolean; var mustUpdate:Boolean; var nv:Number; var t:Number; var b:Number; var c:Number; var d:Number; var pName:String; var eventScope:Object; var tScope:Object; var cTime:Number; var tProperty:Object; var pv:Number; var i = i; tTweening = _tweenList[i]; if ((((tTweening == null)) || (!(Boolean(tTweening.scope))))){ return (false); }; isOver = false; cTime = getCurrentTweeningTime(tTweening); if (cTime >= tTweening.timeStart){ tScope = tTweening.scope; if (tTweening.isCaller){ do { t = (((tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart) / tTweening.count) * (tTweening.timesCalled + 1)); b = tTweening.timeStart; c = (tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart); d = (tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart); nv = tTweening.transition(t, b, c, d); //unresolved if if (Boolean(tTweening.onUpdate)){ eventScope = (Boolean(tTweening.onUpdateScope)) ? tTweening.onUpdateScope : tScope; tTweening.onUpdate.apply(eventScope, tTweening.onUpdateParams); continue; var _slot1 = e1; handleError(tTweening, _slot1, "onUpdate"); }; } while (tTweening.timesCalled++, !(tTweening.timesCalled >= tTweening.count)); } else { mustUpdate = (((((tTweening.skipUpdates < 1)) || (!(tTweening.skipUpdates)))) || ((tTweening.updatesSkipped >= tTweening.skipUpdates))); if (cTime >= tTweening.timeComplete){ isOver = true; mustUpdate = true; }; if (!tTweening.hasStarted){ if (Boolean(tTweening.onStart)){ eventScope = (Boolean(tTweening.onStartScope)) ? tTweening.onStartScope : tScope; tTweening.onStart.apply(eventScope, tTweening.onStartParams); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e2; handleError(tTweening, _slot1, "onStart"); }; for (pName in { if ([pName].isSpecialProperty){ if (Boolean(_specialPropertyList[pName].preProcess)){[pName].valueComplete = _specialPropertyList[pName].preProcess(tScope, _specialPropertyList[pName].parameters,[pName].originalValueComplete,[pName].extra); }; pv = _specialPropertyList[pName].getValue(tScope, _specialPropertyList[pName].parameters,[pName].extra); } else { pv = tScope[pName]; };[pName].valueStart = (isNaN(pv)) ?[pName].valueComplete : pv; }; mustUpdate = true; tTweening.hasStarted = true; }; if (mustUpdate){ for (pName in { tProperty =[pName]; if (isOver){ nv = tProperty.valueComplete; } else { if (tProperty.hasModifier){ t = (cTime - tTweening.timeStart); d = (tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart); nv = tTweening.transition(t, 0, 1, d, tTweening.transitionParams); nv = tProperty.modifierFunction(tProperty.valueStart, tProperty.valueComplete, nv, tProperty.modifierParameters); } else { t = (cTime - tTweening.timeStart); b = tProperty.valueStart; c = (tProperty.valueComplete - tProperty.valueStart); d = (tTweening.timeComplete - tTweening.timeStart); nv = tTweening.transition(t, b, c, d, tTweening.transitionParams); }; }; if (tTweening.rounded){ nv = Math.round(nv); }; if (tProperty.isSpecialProperty){ _specialPropertyList[pName].setValue(tScope, nv, _specialPropertyList[pName].parameters,[pName].extra); } else { tScope[pName] = nv; }; }; tTweening.updatesSkipped = 0; if (Boolean(tTweening.onUpdate)){ eventScope = (Boolean(tTweening.onUpdateScope)) ? tTweening.onUpdateScope : tScope; tTweening.onUpdate.apply(eventScope, tTweening.onUpdateParams); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e3; handleError(tTweening, _slot1, "onUpdate"); }; } else { tTweening.updatesSkipped++; }; }; if (((isOver) && (Boolean(tTweening.onComplete)))){ eventScope = (Boolean(tTweening.onCompleteScope)) ? tTweening.onCompleteScope : tScope; tTweening.onComplete.apply(eventScope, tTweening.onCompleteParams); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e4; handleError(tTweening, _slot1, "onComplete"); }; return (!(isOver)); }; return (true); } public static function setTimeScale(p_time:Number):void{ var i:Number; var cTime:Number; if (isNaN(p_time)){ p_time = 1; }; if (p_time < 1E-5){ p_time = 1E-5; }; if (p_time != _timeScale){ if (_tweenList != null){ i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { cTime = getCurrentTweeningTime(_tweenList[i]); _tweenList[i].timeStart = (cTime - (((cTime - _tweenList[i].timeStart) * _timeScale) / p_time)); _tweenList[i].timeComplete = (cTime - (((cTime - _tweenList[i].timeComplete) * _timeScale) / p_time)); if (_tweenList[i].timePaused != undefined){ _tweenList[i].timePaused = (cTime - (((cTime - _tweenList[i].timePaused) * _timeScale) / p_time)); }; i++; }; }; _timeScale = p_time; }; } public static function resumeAllTweens():Boolean{ var resumed:Boolean; var i:uint; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return (false); }; resumed = false; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { resumeTweenByIndex(i); resumed = true; i++; }; return (resumed); } private static function handleError(pTweening:TweenListObj, pError:Error, pCallBackName:String):void{ var eventScope:Object; var pTweening = pTweening; var pError = pError; var pCallBackName = pCallBackName; if (((Boolean(pTweening.onError)) && ((pTweening.onError is Function)))){ eventScope = (Boolean(pTweening.onErrorScope)) ? pTweening.onErrorScope : pTweening.scope; pTweening.onError.apply(eventScope, [pTweening.scope, pError]); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = metaError; printError(((((String(pTweening.scope) + " raised an error while executing the 'onError' handler. Original error:\n ") + pError.getStackTrace()) + "\nonError error: ") + _slot1.getStackTrace())); } else { if (!Boolean(pTweening.onError)){ printError(((((String(pTweening.scope) + " raised an error while executing the '") + pCallBackName) + "'handler. \n") + pError.getStackTrace())); }; }; } private static function startEngine():void{ _engineExists = true; _tweenList = new Array(); __tweener_controller__ = new MovieClip(); __tweener_controller__.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Tweener.onEnterFrame); _currentTimeFrame = 0; updateTime(); } public static function removeAllTweens():Boolean{ var removed:Boolean; var i:uint; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return (false); }; removed = false; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { removeTweenByIndex(i); removed = true; i++; }; return (removed); } public static function addTween(p_scopes:Object=null, p_parameters:Object=null):Boolean{ var i:Number; var j:Number; var istr:String; var rScopes:Array; var p_obj:Object; var rTime:Number; var rDelay:Number; var rProperties:Array; var restrictedWords:Object; var modifiedProperties:Object; var rTransition:Function; var nProperties:Object; var nTween:TweenListObj; var myT:Number; var splitProperties:Array; var splitProperties2:Array; var tempModifiedProperties:Array; var trans:String; if (!Boolean(p_scopes)){ return (false); }; if ((p_scopes is Array)){ rScopes = p_scopes.concat(); } else { rScopes = [p_scopes]; }; p_obj = TweenListObj.makePropertiesChain(p_parameters); if (!_inited){ init(); }; if (((!(_engineExists)) || (!(Boolean(__tweener_controller__))))){ startEngine(); }; rTime = (isNaN(p_obj.time)) ? 0 : p_obj.time; rDelay = (isNaN(p_obj.delay)) ? 0 : p_obj.delay; rProperties = new Array(); restrictedWords = {overwrite:true, time:true, delay:true, useFrames:true, skipUpdates:true, transition:true, transitionParams:true, onStart:true, onUpdate:true, onComplete:true, onOverwrite:true, onError:true, rounded:true, onStartParams:true, onUpdateParams:true, onCompleteParams:true, onOverwriteParams:true, onStartScope:true, onUpdateScope:true, onCompleteScope:true, onOverwriteScope:true, onErrorScope:true}; modifiedProperties = new Object(); for (istr in p_obj) { if (!restrictedWords[istr]){ if (_specialPropertySplitterList[istr]){ splitProperties = _specialPropertySplitterList[istr].splitValues(p_obj[istr], _specialPropertySplitterList[istr].parameters); i = 0; while (i < splitProperties.length) { if (_specialPropertySplitterList[splitProperties[i].name]){ splitProperties2 = _specialPropertySplitterList[splitProperties[i].name].splitValues(splitProperties[i].value, _specialPropertySplitterList[splitProperties[i].name].parameters); j = 0; while (j < splitProperties2.length) { rProperties[splitProperties2[j].name] = {valueStart:undefined, valueComplete:splitProperties2[j].value, arrayIndex:splitProperties2[j].arrayIndex, isSpecialProperty:false}; j++; }; } else { rProperties[splitProperties[i].name] = {valueStart:undefined, valueComplete:splitProperties[i].value, arrayIndex:splitProperties[i].arrayIndex, isSpecialProperty:false}; }; i++; }; } else { if (_specialPropertyModifierList[istr] != undefined){ tempModifiedProperties = _specialPropertyModifierList[istr].modifyValues(p_obj[istr]); i = 0; while (i < tempModifiedProperties.length) { modifiedProperties[tempModifiedProperties[i].name] = {modifierParameters:tempModifiedProperties[i].parameters, modifierFunction:_specialPropertyModifierList[istr].getValue}; i++; }; } else { rProperties[istr] = {valueStart:undefined, valueComplete:p_obj[istr]}; }; }; }; }; for (istr in rProperties) { if (_specialPropertyList[istr] != undefined){ rProperties[istr].isSpecialProperty = true; } else { if (rScopes[0][istr] == undefined){ printError((((("The property '" + istr) + "' doesn't seem to be a normal object property of ") + String(rScopes[0])) + " or a registered special property.")); }; }; }; for (istr in modifiedProperties) { if (rProperties[istr] != undefined){ rProperties[istr].modifierParameters = modifiedProperties[istr].modifierParameters; rProperties[istr].modifierFunction = modifiedProperties[istr].modifierFunction; }; }; if (typeof(p_obj.transition) == "string"){ trans = p_obj.transition.toLowerCase(); rTransition = _transitionList[trans]; } else { rTransition = p_obj.transition; }; if (!Boolean(rTransition)){ rTransition = _transitionList["easeoutexpo"]; }; i = 0; while (i < rScopes.length) { nProperties = new Object(); for (istr in rProperties) { nProperties[istr] = new PropertyInfoObj(rProperties[istr].valueStart, rProperties[istr].valueComplete, rProperties[istr].valueComplete, rProperties[istr].arrayIndex, {}, rProperties[istr].isSpecialProperty, rProperties[istr].modifierFunction, rProperties[istr].modifierParameters); }; if (p_obj.useFrames == true){ nTween = new TweenListObj(rScopes[i], (_currentTimeFrame + (rDelay / _timeScale)), (_currentTimeFrame + ((rDelay + rTime) / _timeScale)), true, rTransition, p_obj.transitionParams); } else { nTween = new TweenListObj(rScopes[i], (_currentTime + ((rDelay * 1000) / _timeScale)), (_currentTime + (((rDelay * 1000) + (rTime * 1000)) / _timeScale)), false, rTransition, p_obj.transitionParams); }; = nProperties; nTween.onStart = p_obj.onStart; nTween.onUpdate = p_obj.onUpdate; nTween.onComplete = p_obj.onComplete; nTween.onOverwrite = p_obj.onOverwrite; nTween.onError = p_obj.onError; nTween.onStartParams = p_obj.onStartParams; nTween.onUpdateParams = p_obj.onUpdateParams; nTween.onCompleteParams = p_obj.onCompleteParams; nTween.onOverwriteParams = p_obj.onOverwriteParams; nTween.onStartScope = p_obj.onStartScope; nTween.onUpdateScope = p_obj.onUpdateScope; nTween.onCompleteScope = p_obj.onCompleteScope; nTween.onOverwriteScope = p_obj.onOverwriteScope; nTween.onErrorScope = p_obj.onErrorScope; nTween.rounded = p_obj.rounded; nTween.skipUpdates = p_obj.skipUpdates; if (((p_obj.overwrite == undefined)) ? autoOverwrite : p_obj.overwrite){ removeTweensByTime(nTween.scope,, nTween.timeStart, nTween.timeComplete); }; _tweenList.push(nTween); if ((((rTime == 0)) && ((rDelay == 0)))){ myT = (_tweenList.length - 1); updateTweenByIndex(myT); removeTweenByIndex(myT); }; i++; }; return (true); } public static function registerTransition(p_name:String, p_function:Function):void{ if (!_inited){ init(); }; _transitionList[p_name] = p_function; } public static function printError(p_message:String):void{ trace(("## [Tweener] Error: " + p_message)); } private static function affectTweens(p_affectFunction:Function, p_scope:Object, p_properties:Array):Boolean{ var affected:Boolean; var i:uint; var affectedProperties:Array; var j:uint; var objectProperties:uint; var slicedTweenIndex:uint; affected = false; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return (false); }; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { if (((_tweenList[i]) && ((_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope)))){ if (p_properties.length == 0){ p_affectFunction(i); affected = true; } else { affectedProperties = new Array(); j = 0; while (j < p_properties.length) { if (Boolean(_tweenList[i].properties[p_properties[j]])){ affectedProperties.push(p_properties[j]); }; j++; }; if (affectedProperties.length > 0){ objectProperties = AuxFunctions.getObjectLength(_tweenList[i].properties); if (objectProperties == affectedProperties.length){ p_affectFunction(i); affected = true; } else { slicedTweenIndex = splitTweens(i, affectedProperties); p_affectFunction(slicedTweenIndex); affected = true; }; }; }; }; i++; }; return (affected); } public static function getTweens(p_scope:Object):Array{ var i:uint; var pName:String; var tList:Array; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return ([]); }; tList = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { if (((Boolean(_tweenList[i])) && ((_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope)))){ for (pName in _tweenList[i].properties) { tList.push(pName); }; }; i++; }; return (tList); } public static function isTweening(p_scope:Object):Boolean{ var i:uint; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return (false); }; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { if (((Boolean(_tweenList[i])) && ((_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope)))){ return (true); }; i++; }; return (false); } public static function pauseTweenByIndex(p_tween:Number):Boolean{ var tTweening:TweenListObj; tTweening = _tweenList[p_tween]; if ((((tTweening == null)) || (tTweening.isPaused))){ return (false); }; tTweening.timePaused = getCurrentTweeningTime(tTweening); tTweening.isPaused = true; return (true); } public static function getCurrentTweeningTime(p_tweening:Object):Number{ return ((p_tweening.useFrames) ? _currentTimeFrame : _currentTime); } public static function getTweenCount(p_scope:Object):Number{ var i:uint; var c:Number; if (!Boolean(_tweenList)){ return (0); }; c = 0; i = 0; while (i < _tweenList.length) { if (((Boolean(_tweenList[i])) && ((_tweenList[i].scope == p_scope)))){ c = (c + AuxFunctions.getObjectLength(_tweenList[i].properties)); }; i++; }; return (c); } private static function stopEngine():void{ _engineExists = false; _tweenList = null; _currentTime = 0; _currentTimeFrame = 0; __tweener_controller__.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Tweener.onEnterFrame); __tweener_controller__ = null; } public static function removeTweensByTime(p_scope:Object, p_properties:Object, p_timeStart:Number, p_timeComplete:Number):Boolean{ var removed:Boolean; var removedLocally:Boolean; var i:uint; var tl:uint; var pName:String; var eventScope:Object; var p_scope = p_scope; var p_properties = p_properties; var p_timeStart = p_timeStart; var p_timeComplete = p_timeComplete; removed = false; tl = _tweenList.length; i = 0; while (i < tl) { if (((Boolean(_tweenList[i])) && ((p_scope == _tweenList[i].scope)))){ if ((((p_timeComplete > _tweenList[i].timeStart)) && ((p_timeStart < _tweenList[i].timeComplete)))){ removedLocally = false; for (pName in _tweenList[i].properties) { if (Boolean(p_properties[pName])){ if (Boolean(_tweenList[i].onOverwrite)){ eventScope = (Boolean(_tweenList[i].onOverwriteScope)) ? _tweenList[i].onOverwriteScope : _tweenList[i].scope; _tweenList[i].onOverwrite.apply(eventScope, _tweenList[i].onOverwriteParams); //unresolved jump var _slot1 = e; handleError(_tweenList[i], _slot1, "onOverwrite"); }; _tweenList[i].properties[pName] = undefined; delete _tweenList[i].properties[pName]; removedLocally = true; removed = true; }; }; if (removedLocally){ if (AuxFunctions.getObjectLength(_tweenList[i].properties) == 0){ removeTweenByIndex(i); }; }; }; }; i = (i + 1); }; return (removed); } public static function registerSpecialPropertySplitter(p_name:String, p_splitFunction:Function, p_parameters:Array=null):void{ var sps:SpecialPropertySplitter; if (!_inited){ init(); }; sps = new SpecialPropertySplitter(p_splitFunction, p_parameters); _specialPropertySplitterList[p_name] = sps; } public static function removeTweenByIndex(i:Number, p_finalRemoval:Boolean=false):Boolean{ _tweenList[i] = null; if (p_finalRemoval){ _tweenList.splice(i, 1); }; return (true); } public static function resumeTweens(p_scope:Object, ... _args):Boolean{ var properties:Array; var i:uint; properties = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < _args.length) { if ((((typeof(_args[i]) == "string")) && ((properties.indexOf(_args[i]) == -1)))){ properties.push(_args[i]); }; i++; }; return (affectTweens(resumeTweenByIndex, p_scope, properties)); } public static function pauseTweens(p_scope:Object, ... _args):Boolean{ var properties:Array; var i:uint; properties = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < _args.length) { if ((((typeof(_args[i]) == "string")) && ((properties.indexOf(_args[i]) == -1)))){ properties.push(_args[i]); }; i++; }; return (affectTweens(pauseTweenByIndex, p_scope, properties)); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 53
//TweenListObj (caurina.transitions.TweenListObj) package caurina.transitions { public class TweenListObj { public var onUpdate:Function; public var useFrames:Boolean; public var hasStarted:Boolean; public var onOverwriteParams:Array; public var timeStart:Number; public var count:Number; public var timeComplete:Number; public var onStartParams:Array; public var onUpdateScope:Object; public var rounded:Boolean; public var onUpdateParams:Array; public var properties:Object; public var onComplete:Function; public var transitionParams:Object; public var updatesSkipped:Number; public var onStart:Function; public var onOverwriteScope:Object; public var skipUpdates:Number; public var onStartScope:Object; public var scope:Object; public var transition:Function; public var timePaused:Number; public var onCompleteParams:Array; public var timesCalled:Number; public var isCaller:Boolean; public var onError:Function; public var onErrorScope:Object; public var onOverwrite:Function; public var isPaused:Boolean; public var waitFrames:Boolean; public var onCompleteScope:Object; public function TweenListObj(p_scope:Object, p_timeStart:Number, p_timeComplete:Number, p_useFrames:Boolean, p_transition:Function, p_transitionParams:Object){ super(); scope = p_scope; timeStart = p_timeStart; timeComplete = p_timeComplete; useFrames = p_useFrames; transition = p_transition; transitionParams = p_transitionParams; properties = new Object(); isPaused = false; timePaused = undefined; isCaller = false; updatesSkipped = 0; timesCalled = 0; skipUpdates = 0; hasStarted = false; } public function clone(omitEvents:Boolean):TweenListObj{ var nTween:TweenListObj; var pName:String; nTween = new TweenListObj(scope, timeStart, timeComplete, useFrames, transition, transitionParams); = new Array(); for (pName in properties) {[pName] = properties[pName].clone(); }; nTween.skipUpdates = skipUpdates; nTween.updatesSkipped = updatesSkipped; if (!omitEvents){ nTween.onStart = onStart; nTween.onUpdate = onUpdate; nTween.onComplete = onComplete; nTween.onOverwrite = onOverwrite; nTween.onError = onError; nTween.onStartParams = onStartParams; nTween.onUpdateParams = onUpdateParams; nTween.onCompleteParams = onCompleteParams; nTween.onOverwriteParams = onOverwriteParams; nTween.onStartScope = onStartScope; nTween.onUpdateScope = onUpdateScope; nTween.onCompleteScope = onCompleteScope; nTween.onOverwriteScope = onOverwriteScope; nTween.onErrorScope = onErrorScope; }; nTween.rounded = rounded; nTween.isPaused = isPaused; nTween.timePaused = timePaused; nTween.isCaller = isCaller; nTween.count = count; nTween.timesCalled = timesCalled; nTween.waitFrames = waitFrames; nTween.hasStarted = hasStarted; return (nTween); } public function toString():String{ var returnStr:String; var isFirst:Boolean; var i:String; returnStr = "\n[TweenListObj "; returnStr = (returnStr + ("scope:" + String(scope))); returnStr = (returnStr + ", properties:"); isFirst = true; for (i in properties) { if (!isFirst){ returnStr = (returnStr + ","); }; returnStr = (returnStr + ("[name:" + properties[i].name)); returnStr = (returnStr + (",valueStart:" + properties[i].valueStart)); returnStr = (returnStr + (",valueComplete:" + properties[i].valueComplete)); returnStr = (returnStr + "]"); isFirst = false; }; returnStr = (returnStr + (", timeStart:" + String(timeStart))); returnStr = (returnStr + (", timeComplete:" + String(timeComplete))); returnStr = (returnStr + (", useFrames:" + String(useFrames))); returnStr = (returnStr + (", transition:" + String(transition))); returnStr = (returnStr + (", transitionParams:" + String(transitionParams))); if (skipUpdates){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", skipUpdates:" + String(skipUpdates))); }; if (updatesSkipped){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", updatesSkipped:" + String(updatesSkipped))); }; if (Boolean(onStart)){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onStart:" + String(onStart))); }; if (Boolean(onUpdate)){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onUpdate:" + String(onUpdate))); }; if (Boolean(onComplete)){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onComplete:" + String(onComplete))); }; if (Boolean(onOverwrite)){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onOverwrite:" + String(onOverwrite))); }; if (Boolean(onError)){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onError:" + String(onError))); }; if (onStartParams){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onStartParams:" + String(onStartParams))); }; if (onUpdateParams){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onUpdateParams:" + String(onUpdateParams))); }; if (onCompleteParams){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onCompleteParams:" + String(onCompleteParams))); }; if (onOverwriteParams){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onOverwriteParams:" + String(onOverwriteParams))); }; if (onStartScope){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onStartScope:" + String(onStartScope))); }; if (onUpdateScope){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onUpdateScope:" + String(onUpdateScope))); }; if (onCompleteScope){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onCompleteScope:" + String(onCompleteScope))); }; if (onOverwriteScope){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onOverwriteScope:" + String(onOverwriteScope))); }; if (onErrorScope){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", onErrorScope:" + String(onErrorScope))); }; if (rounded){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", rounded:" + String(rounded))); }; if (isPaused){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", isPaused:" + String(isPaused))); }; if (timePaused){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", timePaused:" + String(timePaused))); }; if (isCaller){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", isCaller:" + String(isCaller))); }; if (count){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", count:" + String(count))); }; if (timesCalled){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", timesCalled:" + String(timesCalled))); }; if (waitFrames){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", waitFrames:" + String(waitFrames))); }; if (hasStarted){ returnStr = (returnStr + (", hasStarted:" + String(hasStarted))); }; returnStr = (returnStr + "]\n"); return (returnStr); } public static function makePropertiesChain(p_obj:Object):Object{ var baseObject:Object; var chainedObject:Object; var chain:Object; var currChainObj:Object; var len:Number; var i:Number; var k:Number; baseObject = p_obj.base; if (baseObject){ chainedObject = {}; if ((baseObject is Array)){ chain = []; k = 0; while (k < baseObject.length) { chain.push(baseObject[k]); k++; }; } else { chain = [baseObject]; }; chain.push(p_obj); len = chain.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { if (chain[i]["base"]){ currChainObj = AuxFunctions.concatObjects(makePropertiesChain(chain[i]["base"]), chain[i]); } else { currChainObj = chain[i]; }; chainedObject = AuxFunctions.concatObjects(chainedObject, currChainObj); i++; }; if (chainedObject["base"]){ delete chainedObject["base"]; }; return (chainedObject); //unresolved jump }; return (p_obj); } } }//package caurina.transitions
Section 54
//Backgroundmc (Element.Backgroundmc) package Element { import flash.display.*; import UserdefinedClass.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Backgroundmc extends MovieClip { public var Floor:Sprite; public var Far:Sprite; public var backGroup:Array; public var itemGroup:Array; public var count:int;// = 0 public var Item:Sprite; public var bgGroup2:Array; public var bgGroup1:Array; public var bg:MovieClip; public var bgGroup3:Array; public var Group:Array; public var Starsp:Sprite; public var passX:Number;// = 0 public var Bg:Sprite; public var group:Array; public var Cloud2:Sprite; public var Cloud6:Sprite; public var Cloud7:Sprite; public var Cloud1:Sprite; public var Cloud3:Sprite; public var Cloud4:Sprite; public var Cloud5:Sprite; public var Cloud8:Sprite; public var Cloud9:Sprite; public var Blood:Sprite; public var No:int; public function Backgroundmc(Num:int){ var i:int; bgGroup1 = new Array("BG1", "Far1", "Floor1", "Cloud", "Star"); bgGroup2 = new Array("BG2", "Far2", "Floor2", "Cloud", "Star"); bgGroup3 = new Array("BG3", "Far3", "Floor3", "Cloud", "Star"); itemGroup = new Array("Item21", "Item22", "Item23", "Item31"); Group = new Array(bgGroup1, bgGroup2, bgGroup3); backGroup = new Array(Bg, Far, Item, Floor, Cloud1, Cloud2, Cloud3, Cloud4, Cloud5, Cloud6, Cloud7, Cloud8, Cloud9, Starsp, Blood); passX = 0; count = 0; super(); No = Num; group = new Array(); group = Group[No]; i = 0; while (i < 15) { backGroup[i] = new Sprite(); this.addChild(backGroup[i]); if ((((i >= 4)) && ((i <= 12)))){ backGroup[i].y = (-800 - ((i - 4) * 630)); }; i++; }; backGroup[0].y = -8520; backGroup[13].y = -8520; initmap(); } public function newItem(Num:int, lv:int, x:Number=0, y:Number=0):Number{ var tempclass:*; var tempmc:MovieClip; tempclass = getDefinitionByName(itemGroup[Num]); tempmc = (new (tempclass) as MovieClip); backGroup[lv].addChild(tempmc); tempmc.x = x; tempmc.y = y; return (tempmc.width); } public function runBg(speed:Number){ var tempMc:MovieClip; var len:int; var i:int; tempMc = (backGroup[0].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[0].removeChildAt(0); tempMc = (backGroup[0].getChildAt(1) as MovieClip); newMC(0, 0, ((tempMc.x + tempMc.width) - 0.5)); }; len = backGroup[0].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[0].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; } public function newMC(Num:int, Lv:int, x:Number=0, y:Number=0):Number{ var tempclass:*; var tempmc:MovieClip; tempclass = getDefinitionByName(group[Num]); tempmc = (new (tempclass) as MovieClip); backGroup[Lv].addChild(tempmc); tempmc.x = x; tempmc.y = y; return (tempmc.width); } public function initmap(){ var templen:Number; var i:int; templen = 0; templen = newMC(0, 0); templen = newMC(0, 0, (templen - 0.5)); newMC(0, 0, (templen - 0.5)); templen = newMC(1, 1); templen = newMC(1, 1, (templen - 0.5)); templen = newMC(2, 3); templen = newMC(2, 3, (templen - 0.5)); newMC(2, 3, (templen - 0.5)); templen = newMC(4, 13); newMC(4, 13, templen); i = 0; while (i < 9) { templen = newMC(3, (i + 4)); newMC(3, (i + 4), templen); i++; }; } public function runFloor(speed:Number){ var tempMc:MovieClip; var len:int; var i:int; tempMc = (backGroup[3].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[3].removeChildAt(0); tempMc = (backGroup[3].getChildAt(1) as MovieClip); newMC(2, 3, ((tempMc.x + tempMc.width) - 0.5)); }; len = backGroup[3].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[3].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; } public function runCloud(Num:int, speed:Number){ var tempMc:MovieClip; var len:int; var i:int; tempMc = (backGroup[(Num + 4)].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[(Num + 4)].removeChildAt(0); tempMc = (backGroup[(Num + 4)].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); newMC(3, (Num + 4), ((tempMc.x + tempMc.width) - 0.5)); }; len = backGroup[(Num + 4)].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[(Num + 4)].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; } public function runItem(speed:Number){ var tempMc:MovieClip; var len:int; var i:int; if (No == 0){ return; }; builditem(int((2000 / speed))); if (backGroup[2].numChildren){ tempMc = (backGroup[2].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[2].removeChildAt(0); }; len = backGroup[2].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[2].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; }; } public function runBlood(speed:Number){ var len:int; var tempMc:MovieClip; var i:int; len = backGroup[14].numChildren; if (len == 0){ return; }; tempMc = (backGroup[14].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[14].removeChildAt(0); }; len = backGroup[14].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[14].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; } public function builditem(Num:int){ if (No == 1){ count++; if (count >= Num){ count = 0; newItem(MyMath.randRange(2), 2, 640); }; }; if (No == 2){ count++; if (count >= Num){ count = 0; newItem(3, 2, 640); }; }; } public function runStar(speed:Number){ var tempMc:MovieClip; var len:int; var i:int; tempMc = (backGroup[13].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[13].removeChildAt(0); tempMc = (backGroup[13].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); newMC(4, 13, ((tempMc.x + tempMc.width) - 0.5)); }; len = backGroup[13].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[13].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; } public function runFar(speed:Number){ var tempMc:MovieClip; var len:int; var i:int; tempMc = (backGroup[1].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= -(tempMc.width)){ backGroup[1].removeChildAt(0); tempMc = (backGroup[1].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); newMC(1, 1, ((tempMc.x + tempMc.width) - 0.5)); }; len = backGroup[1].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (backGroup[1].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); i++; }; } public function updata(speed:Number){ passX = (passX + speed); runBlood(speed); runFar((speed * 0.8)); runFloor(speed); runItem(speed); runCloud(0, (speed * 0.7)); runCloud(1, (speed * 0.7)); runCloud(2, (speed * 0.6)); runCloud(3, (speed * 0.6)); runCloud(4, (speed * 0.5)); runCloud(5, (speed * 0.5)); runCloud(6, (speed * 0.4)); runCloud(7, (speed * 0.4)); runCloud(8, (speed * 0.3)); runStar((speed * 0.2)); } } }//package Element
Section 55
//Baseitem (Element.Baseitem) package Element { import flash.display.*; public class Baseitem extends MovieClip { public var firemc:MovieClip; public var hitmc:MovieClip; public var hit:MovieClip; public var mc:MovieClip; public var canhit:Boolean;// = true public var rocket:MovieClip; public var No:int;// = 0 public function Baseitem(){ No = 0; canhit = true; super(); inithit(); } public function inithit(){ hitmc = (this.getChildByName("hit") as MovieClip); } } }//package Element
Section 56
//Itemmc (Element.Itemmc) package Element { import flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; import caurina.transitions.*; import BaseClass.*; import UserdefinedClass.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Itemmc extends MovieClip { public var distance:int;// = 100 public var itemcount:Array; public var Random:int;// = 2 public var count:int;// = 0 public var itemGroup:Array; public var Statistic:Array; public var airitem:Array; public var passX:Number;// = 0 public var MaxItem:int;// = 3 public var group:Array; public var landitem:Array; public var main:BaseStage; public function Itemmc(obj:BaseStage){ var i:int; group = new Array("BBQitem", "Birditem", "Spadeitem", "Lrebounditem", "Arebounditem", "Eleitem", "Kiteitem", "Tackitem", "Banitem", "Moneyitem", "Ballitem", "Rubbishitem", "Sbomb", "Bbomb"); landitem = new Array("BBQitem", "Spadeitem", "Lrebounditem", "Eleitem", "Banitem", "Rubbishitem"); airitem = new Array("Birditem", "Arebounditem", "Kiteitem", "Moneyitem", "Ballitem", "Tackitem", "Sbomb", "Bbomb"); passX = 0; count = 0; itemGroup = new Array(); itemcount = new Array(); MaxItem = 3; distance = 100; Random = 2; Statistic = new Array(); super(); main = obj; i = 0; while (i < 17) { itemGroup.push(new Sprite()); this.addChild(itemGroup[i]); itemGroup[i].y = (-480 * i); itemcount.push(0); i++; }; } public function newMC(Str:String, Lv:int, y:Number){ var tempclass:*; var tempmc:MovieClip; if (itemGroup[Lv].numChildren > MaxItem){ return; }; tempclass = getDefinitionByName(Str); tempmc = (new (tempclass) as MovieClip); itemGroup[Lv].addChild(tempmc); tempmc.x = 660; tempmc.y = y; (tempmc as Baseitem).No = (group.indexOf(Str) + 1); } public function newitemLv1(){ var len:int; len = (landitem.length - 1); len = MyMath.randRange(len); newMC(landitem[len], 0, 0); } public function runItem(Lv:int, speed:Number){ var len:int; var U:Boolean; var tempMc:MovieClip; var P:Point; var i:int; var WorkHitItem:Function; var Lv = Lv; var speed = speed; WorkHitItem = function (up:Boolean){ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3 = main.StrArr; var _local4 = (tempMc.No - 1); var _local5 = (_local3[_local4] + 1); _local3[_local4] = _local5; switch (tempMc.No){ case 1: SoundData.Effect[13].playsound(1); main.bbqsuc();; break; case 2: SoundData.Effect[12].playsound(1); main.birdsuc(); main.mice.alpha = 0; tempMc.gotoAndStop("die"); main.stopgame(); Tweener.addTween(tempMc, {x:(tempMc.x - 500), y:-200, time:3, transition:"easeInOutBack", onComplete:main.workmoney}); break; case 3: SoundData.Effect[0].playsound(1); main.spadesuc(); main.mice.changeV(30, 20); main.mice.randomFrame(); _local2 = new Fblood(); _local2.x = main.mice.x; _local2.y = main.mice.y;; break; case 4: if (main.mice.Vy > 0){ } else { SoundData.Effect[3].playsound(1); main.reboundsuc();; main.mice.Vy = (main.mice.Vy * -1); main.mice.randomFrame(); if (Math.abs(main.mice.Vy) < 30){ main.mice.changeV(5, 30); } else { main.mice.changeV(5, 0); }; }; break; case 5: if (main.mice.Vy > 0){ } else { SoundData.Effect[3].playsound(1); main.reboundsuc();; main.mice.Vy = (main.mice.Vy * -1); main.mice.randomFrame(); if (Math.abs(main.mice.Vy) < 20){ main.mice.changeV(5, 20); } else { main.mice.changeV(5, 0); }; }; break; case 6: SoundData.Effect[4].playsound(1); main.elesuc(); tempMc.gotoAndStop("die"); main.mice.electricity(); main.stopgame(); Tweener.addTween(main.mice, {delay:1, onComplete:main.workmoney}); break; case 7: SoundData.Effect[17].playsound(1); tempMc.alpha = 0;; break; case 8: SoundData.Effect[1].playsound(1); main.tackitemsuc(); main.mice.alpha = 0; tempMc.gotoAndStop("die"); main.stopgame(); Tweener.addTween(main.mice, {delay:1, onComplete:main.workmoney}); break; case 9: SoundData.Effect[8].playsound(1); main.bansuc(); main.mice.changeV(10, 10); main.mice.randomFrame(); break; case 10: SoundData.Effect[7].playsound(1); tempMc.alpha = 0; main.hitmoney++; break; case 11: SoundData.Effect[14].playsound(1);; main.mice.changeV(2, 5); break; case 12: SoundData.Effect[9].playsound(1); main.rubbishsuc(); main.mice.alpha = 0;; main.stopgame(); Tweener.addTween(main.mice, {delay:1, onComplete:main.workmoney}); break; case 13: SoundData.Effect[11].playsound(1); main.bombsuc();; if (main.mice.Vy > 0){ main.mice.Vy = (main.mice.Vy * -1); main.mice.changeV(10, -20); } else { main.mice.Vy = (main.mice.Vy * -1); main.mice.changeV(10, 20); }; break; case 14: SoundData.Effect[2].playsound(1); main.bombsuc();; if (main.mice.Vy > 0){ main.mice.Vy = (main.mice.Vy * -1); main.mice.changeV(10, -40); } else { main.mice.Vy = (main.mice.Vy * -1); main.mice.changeV(10, 40); }; break; }; }; len = itemGroup[Lv].numChildren; if (len == 0){ return; }; tempMc = (itemGroup[Lv].getChildAt(0) as MovieClip); if (tempMc.x <= (-(tempMc.width) * 2)){ itemGroup[Lv].removeChildAt(0); }; len = itemGroup[Lv].numChildren; i = 0; while (i < len) { tempMc = (itemGroup[Lv].getChildAt(i) as MovieClip); tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); if ((tempMc as Baseitem).No == 2){ tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); }; if ((tempMc as Baseitem).No == 3){ tempMc.x = (tempMc.x - speed); }; if ((tempMc as Baseitem).canhit){ if (HitTest.complexHitTestObject(main.mice.hitmc, (tempMc as Baseitem).hitmc)){ (tempMc as Baseitem).canhit = false; WorkHitItem(U); }; }; i = (i + 1); }; } public function workcount(){ var ran:int; var i:int; if ((int(main.mice.len) - count) >= distance){ count = (count + distance); ran = MyMath.randRange(Random); if (ran != 0){ newitemLv1(); }; i = 1; while (i < 17) { ran = MyMath.randRange(Random); if (ran == 1){ newitem(i); }; i++; }; }; } public function newitem(Lv:int){ var len:int; var tempNum:int; len = (airitem.length - 1); len = MyMath.randRange(len); tempNum = MyMath.randRange(4); if ((((len == 0)) || ((len == 5)))){ if (tempNum == 1){ newMC(airitem[len], Lv, MyMath.FrandRange(20, 410)); }; } else { newMC(airitem[len], Lv, MyMath.FrandRange(20, 410)); }; } public function updata(speed:Number){ var i:int; i = 0; while (i < 17) { runItem(i, speed); i++; }; workcount(); } } }//package Element
Section 57
//Mice (Element.Mice) package Element { import flash.display.*; import BaseClass.*; import UserdefinedClass.*; import flash.filters.*; public class Mice extends MovieClip { public var canspin:Boolean;// = true public var rN:uint;// = 7 public var len:Number;// = 0 public var nowFrame:int;// = 0 public var flypowerx:Number;// = 0 public var firemc:MovieClip; public var G:Number;// = 0.25 public var M:Number;// = 2.90666666666667 public var hitmc:MovieClip; public var fireMc:MovieClip; public var flypowery:Number;// = 0 public var flycount:int;// = 0 public var eN:uint;// = 5 public var fN:uint;// = 6 public var Angle:Number; public var SecVx:Number;// = 0.1 public var rocket:MovieClip; public var fireN:uint;// = 8 public var SecVy:Number;// = 0.1 public var Vy:Number; public var Vx:Number; public var way:int;// = 1 public var MaxVx:Number;// = 300 public var MaxVy:Number;// = 300 public var anglespeed:Number; public var hit:MovieClip; public var framestr:Array; public var main:BaseStage; public var dieN:uint;// = 4 public function Mice(obj:BaseStage=null, x0:Number=0, y0:Number=0, power:Number=0, angle:Number=45){ SecVx = 0.1; SecVy = 0.1; G = 0.25; MaxVx = 300; MaxVy = 300; framestr = new Array("g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "die", "e", "f", "r", "fire", "hua"); dieN = 4; eN = 5; fN = 6; rN = 7; fireN = 8; nowFrame = 0; len = 0; M = (8720 / 3000); flycount = 0; flypowerx = 0; flypowery = 0; canspin = true; way = 1; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9, 9, frame10, 10, frame11); main = obj; this.x = x0; this.y = y0; Angle = angle; Vy = (power * Math.sin(((Angle * Math.PI) / 180))); Vx = (Vy * 1.5); anglespeed = (power * 0.5); hitmc = (this.getChildByName("hit") as MovieClip); fireMc = (this.getChildByName("firemc") as MovieClip); } public function setV(NumX:Number, NumY:Number){ Vx = NumX; Vy = NumY; } public function fire(){ canspin = false; this.rotation = 0; jumpframe(8); flycount = (60 * 3); if ((Vy > 0)){ Vy = (Vy + 10); } else { Vy = (Vy - 10); }; if ((Vx > 0)){ Vx = (Vx + 5); } else { Vx = (Vx - 5); }; flypowery = 0; flypowerx = 0; fireMc.alpha = 1; } function frame3(){ stop(); } public function workitemfly(){ if (flycount){ flycount--; Vy = (Vy + flypowery); Vx = (Vx + flypowerx); if (flycount == 0){ fireMc.alpha = 0; canspin = true; randomFrame(); }; }; } function frame5(){ stop(); } public function randomFrame(){ var temp:Array; if (flycount == 0){ temp = new Array(0, 1, 2, 3); temp.splice(nowFrame, 1); nowFrame = temp[MyMath.randRange(2)]; jumpframe(nowFrame); }; } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame11(){ stop(); } function frame6(){ stop(); } public function electricity(){ this.rotation = 0; jumpframe(5); } public function onthrow(){ this.x = 320; this.y = 240; randomFrame(); Vx = 80; Vy = 50; this.alpha = 1; } function frame9(){ stop(); } function frame4(){ stop(); } public function die(){ this.rotation = 0; Vx = 0; Vy = 0; jumpframe(4); } function frame8(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } function frame7(){ stop(); } public function workfiremc(){ var tempNum:Number; tempNum = (((180 / Math.PI) * Math.atan((Vy / -(Vx)))) - 90); fireMc.rotation = tempNum; } public function changeV(NumX:Number, NumY:Number){ Vx = (Vx + NumX); Vy = (Vy + NumY); } public function fly(){ canspin = false; this.rotation = 0; jumpframe(6); flycount = (60 * 3); Vy = 0; Vx = 0; flypowery = 0.35; flypowerx = 0.3; } public function workshake(){ var tempNum:Number; var swing:int; tempNum = totalV(); swing = (tempNum / 20); way = (way * -1); if (tempNum > 50){ this.filters = [new BlurFilter(2, 2, (swing * 2))]; } else { this.filters = [new BlurFilter(2, 2, 0)]; }; } function frame10(){ stop(); } public function updata(){ if (Vx > MaxVx){ Vx = MaxVx; }; if (Vy > MaxVy){ Vy = MaxVy; }; Vy = (Vy - G); len = (len + ((Vx / M) / 5)); workitemfly(); setrotation(); workfiremc(); } public function bullet(power:Number){ if (Vy < 0){ Vy = (Vy * -0.2); }; changeV((power / 5), power); randomFrame(); } public function totalV():Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((Vx * Vx) + (Vy * Vy)))); } public function setrocket(Num:int){ canspin = false; this.rotation = 0; this.rocket.gotoAndStop(Num); jumpframe(7); flycount = (60 * 4); Vy = 0; flypowery = (0.3 + ((Num - 1) * 0.03)); flypowerx = (0.1 + ((Num - 1) * 0.2)); } public function setrotation(){ if (canspin){ this.rotation = (this.rotation + anglespeed); if (anglespeed >= 1.5){ anglespeed = (anglespeed - 0.5); }; }; } public function jumpframe(Num:uint){ this.gotoAndStop(framestr[Num]); } } }//package Element
Section 58
//MyData (Element.MyData) package Element { public class MyData { private var _succeed:Array; private var _power:Number; private var _rubbish:Number; private var _Maxpower:Number; public var addpowerlist:Array; public var powerlist:Array; private var _money:int; private var _lasttime:Number; private var _itemvalue:Array; private var _moneyvalue:Array; private var _maxlen:int;// = 0 private var _item:Array; private var _bbq:Number; public static var Str:Array = new Array("Hit\na\nbomb\none\ngame", "Hit\n5\nbombs\none\ngame", "Hit\n10\nbombs\none\ngame", "Hit\na\nbarbed\nnail", "Hit\n1\nwastebin", "Hit\n10\nwastebins", "Hit\n30\nwastebins", "Hit\n50\nwastebins", "Hit\na\nweeder\none\ngame", "Hit\n2\nweeders\none\ngame", "Hit\n3\nweeders\none\ngame", "Hit\n4\nweeders\none\ngame", "Hit\n1\noven", "Hit\n15\novens", "Hit\n40\novens", "Hit\n80\novens", "Hit\na\ntrampoline\none\ngame", "Hit\n3\ntrampolines\none\ngame", "Perfect\nhunting:\nHit\n20\ntimes", "Perfect\nhunting\n2:\nHit\n40\ntimes", "Hit\na\ngrid", "Hit\na\nbanana\nskin", "Air\ntime\n1\nminute", "Hit\na\neagle", "Reach\n2\nMiles", "Reach\n3\nMiles", "Reach\n4\nMiles", "Reach\n5\nMiles", "Flyer:\nHeight\nreach\n3000\nFoot", "Perfect\nhit"); public static var _instance:MyData; public function MyData(){ var i:int; _moneyvalue = new Array(1000, 2000, 3000, 5000, 8000, 0); _itemvalue = new Array(15000, 25000, 35000, 100000, 2000, 10000, 20000, 10000); _maxlen = 0; powerlist = new Array(20, 30, 40, 50, 70, 100); addpowerlist = new Array(0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 35); super(); power = 0; Maxpower = 0; lasttime = 0; money = 0; rubbish = 0; bbq = 0; succeed = new Array(); item = new Array(); succeed = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 30) { succeed.push(false); i++; }; item.push(-1); i = 0; while (i < 6) { item.push(-1); i++; }; item[4] = -1; item.push(0); i = 0; while (i < 3) { item.push(1); i++; }; } public function set money(value:int):void{ _money = value; } public function get power():Number{ return (_power); } public function set Maxpower(value:Number):void{ _Maxpower = value; } public function set power(value:Number):void{ _power = value; } public function set succeed(value:Array):void{ _succeed = value; } public function get item():Array{ return (_item); } public function set item(value:Array):void{ _item = value; } public function get maxlen():int{ return (_maxlen); } public function set rubbish(value:Number):void{ _rubbish = value; } public function get bbq():Number{ return (_bbq); } public function get itemvalue():Array{ return (_itemvalue); } public function get money():int{ return (_money); } public function get Maxpower():Number{ return (_Maxpower); } public function get succeed():Array{ return (_succeed); } public function set lasttime(value:Number):void{ _lasttime = value; } public function get moneyvalue():Array{ return (_moneyvalue); } public function get rubbish():Number{ return (_rubbish); } public function set bbq(value:Number):void{ _bbq = value; } public function get lasttime():Number{ return (_lasttime); } public function set moneyvalue(value:Array):void{ _moneyvalue = value; } public function set maxlen(value:int):void{ _maxlen = value; } public function set itemvalue(value:Array):void{ _itemvalue = value; } public static function getInstance():MyData{ if (_instance == null){ _instance = new (MyData); }; return (_instance); } public static function clear(){ _instance = null; } } }//package Element
Section 59
//SoundData (Element.SoundData) package Element { import UserdefinedClass.*; public class SoundData { public static var Auntygroup:Array = new Array("Smallhit", "Hardhit"); public static var BGMbool:Boolean = true; public static var UI:Array = new Array(); public static var BGMgroup:Array = new Array("BGM1", "BGM2", "BGM3"); public static var Effectbool:Boolean = true; public static var Aunty:Array = new Array(); public static var BGM:Array = new Array(); public static var UIgroup:Array = new Array("CoverBGM", "ShopBGM"); public static var HITgroup:Array = new Array("hitsd1", "hitsd2", "hitsd3", "hitsd4"); public static var Effectgroup:Array = new Array("sd1", "sd2", "sd3", "sd4", "sd5", "sd6", "sd7", "sd8", "sd9", "sd10", "sd11", "sd12", "sd13", "sd14", "sd15", "Glasssd", "sd16", "sd17", "sd18", "sd19", "sd20"); public static var Effect:Array = new Array(); public static var HIT:Array = new Array(); public function SoundData(){ super(); } public static function setSound(S:Boolean){ var vol:int; var len:int; var i:int; vol = (S) ? 1 : 0; len = BGM.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { BGM[i].setvolume(vol); i++; }; len = UI.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { UI[i].setvolume(vol); i++; }; } public static function setEffect(E:Boolean){ var vol:int; var len:int; var i:int; vol = (E) ? 1 : 0; len = HIT.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { HIT[i].setvolume(vol); i++; }; len = Aunty.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { Aunty[i].setvolume(vol); i++; }; len = Effect.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { Effect[i].setvolume(vol); i++; }; } public static function initsound(){ var len:int; var i:int; len = BGMgroup.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { BGM.push(new BaseSound(BGMgroup[i])); i++; }; len = UIgroup.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { UI.push(new BaseSound(UIgroup[i])); i++; }; len = HITgroup.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { HIT.push(new BaseSound(HITgroup[i])); i++; }; len = Auntygroup.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { Aunty.push(new BaseSound(Auntygroup[i])); i++; }; len = Effectgroup.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { Effect.push(new BaseSound(Effectgroup[i])); i++; }; } } }//package Element
Section 60
//BaseSound (UserdefinedClass.BaseSound) package UserdefinedClass { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class BaseSound { public var sdTransform:SoundTransform; public var sd:Sound; public var sdChannel:SoundChannel; public function BaseSound(soundclassname:String){ var soundclass:Object; super(); soundclass = getDefinitionByName(soundclassname); sd = (new (soundclass) as Sound); sdChannel = new SoundChannel(); } public function stopSound(){ if (sdChannel){ sdChannel.stop(); }; } public function playsound(loop:int, st:Number=0){ sdChannel =, loop, sdTransform); } public function setvolume(volume:Number){ sdTransform = new SoundTransform(); sdTransform.volume = volume; sdChannel.soundTransform = sdTransform; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 61
//BaseUI (UserdefinedClass.BaseUI) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.display.*; public class BaseUI { public static var uisp:Sprite = new Sprite(); public function BaseUI(){ super(); } public static function setcargo(obj:MovieClip, num:int, str:String){ var temp:Array; temp = MyMath.worknum(num); (obj[(str + 0)] as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((temp[0] + 1)); (obj[(str + 1)] as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((temp[1] + 1)); } public static function setWinHighScore(obj:MovieClip, Scorenum:int){ var Temp:Array; var tempnum:Array; var len:int; var i:int; Temp = new Array(obj.h0, obj.h1, obj.h2, obj.h3, obj.h4); tempnum = MyMath.NumtoArray(Scorenum); len = tempnum.length; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (i < len){ Temp[i].alpha = 1; Temp[i].gotoAndStop((tempnum[i] + 1)); } else { Temp[i].alpha = 0; }; i++; }; } public static function setfloattime(Mc:MovieClip, S:Number){ var tempint:Array; var tempdec:Array; tempint = MyMath.worknum(int(S)); tempdec = MyMath.worknum(int(((S - int(S)) * 100))); Mc.t2.gotoAndStop((tempint[0] + 1)); Mc.t3.gotoAndStop((tempint[1] + 1)); Mc.t0.gotoAndStop((tempdec[0] + 1)); Mc.t1.gotoAndStop((tempdec[1] + 1)); if (tempint[1] == 0){ Mc.t3.alpha = 0; } else { Mc.t3.alpha = 1; }; if (tempdec[0] == 0){ Mc.t0.alpha = 0; } else { Mc.t0.alpha = 1; }; } public static function setlv(obj:MovieClip, num:int){ var temp:Array; temp = MyMath.worknum(num); (obj.lv0 as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((temp[0] + 1)); (obj.lv1 as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((temp[1] + 1)); } public static function setP(Mc:MovieClip, val:int, max:int, str:String){ var tempP:Array; var i:int; tempP = new Array(Mc[str]["p1"], Mc[str]["p2"], Mc[str]["p3"], Mc[str]["p4"], Mc[str]["p5"], Mc[str]["p6"], Mc[str]["p7"], Mc[str]["p8"], Mc[str]["p9"], Mc[str]["p10"]); i = 0; while (i < 10) { tempP[i].gotoAndStop(3); if (i < max){ tempP[i].gotoAndStop(2); }; if (i < val){ tempP[i].gotoAndStop(1); }; i++; }; } public static function settime(Mc:MovieClip, num:int){ var timearr:Array; var timemcname:Array; var i:int; timearr = MyMath.TimeFormat(num); timemcname = new Array(Mc.t0, Mc.t1, Mc.t2, Mc.t3); i = 0; while (i < 4) { (timemcname[i] as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((timearr[i] + 1)); i++; }; } public static function setMaxscore(Mc:MovieClip, val:int, str:String, Maxval:int){ var tempP:Array; var i:int; var tempnum:Array; var len:int; tempP = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < Maxval) { tempP.push(Mc[(str + i)]); i++; }; tempnum = MyMath.NumtoArray(val); len = tempnum.length; if (val == 0){ i = 0; while (i < Maxval) { tempP[i].alpha = 0; i++; }; tempP[0].alpha = 1; return; }; i = 0; while (i < Maxval) { if (i < len){ tempP[i].alpha = 1; tempP[i].gotoAndStop((tempnum[i] + 1)); } else { tempP[i].alpha = 0; }; i++; }; } public static function setcombo(obj:MovieClip, num:int){ var temp:Array; temp = MyMath.worknum(num); (obj.c0 as MovieClip).alpha = 1; if (num > 9){ (obj.c1 as MovieClip).alpha = 1; } else { (obj.c1 as MovieClip).alpha = 0; }; (obj.c0 as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((temp[0] + 1)); (obj.c1 as MovieClip).gotoAndStop((temp[1] + 1)); } public static function showscore(scnum:int, objname, Container:DisplayObjectContainer, x:Number, y:Number, size:Number=1, flushleft:Boolean=true){ var tempnum:Array; var len:int; var i:int; var sc:MovieClip; Clr.removeAllChildren(uisp); tempnum = MyMath.NumtoArray(scnum, flushleft); len = tempnum.length; i = 0; while (i < len) { sc = (new (objname) as MovieClip); sc.scaleX = (sc.scaleY = size); sc.x = (sc.width * i); if (!flushleft){ sc.x = (-(sc.width) * i); }; sc.gotoAndStop((tempnum[i] + 1)); uisp.addChild(sc); i++; }; uisp.x = x; uisp.y = y; Container.addChild(uisp); } public static function setValue(obj:MovieClip, objname:String, frame:int){ obj[objname].gotoAndStop(frame); } public static function setScore(obj:MovieClip, Scorenum:int, str:String){ var Temp:Array; var tempnum:Array; var len:int; var i:int; Temp = new Array(obj[(str + "0")], obj[(str + "1")], obj[(str + "2")], obj[(str + "3")], obj[(str + "4")], obj[(str + "5")]); tempnum = MyMath.NumtoArray(Scorenum); len = tempnum.length; i = 0; while (i < 6) { if (i < len){ Temp[i].alpha = 1; Temp[i].gotoAndStop((tempnum[i] + 1)); } else { Temp[i].alpha = 0; }; i++; }; } public static function setWinScore(obj:MovieClip, Scorenum:int){ var Temp:Array; var tempnum:Array; var len:int; var i:int; Temp = new Array(obj.s0, obj.s1, obj.s2, obj.s3, obj.s4); tempnum = MyMath.NumtoArray(Scorenum); len = tempnum.length; i = 0; while (i < 5) { if (i < len){ Temp[i].alpha = 1; Temp[i].gotoAndStop((tempnum[i] + 1)); } else { Temp[i].alpha = 0; }; i++; }; } public static function setmax(Mc:MovieClip, val:int, max:int, str:String){ if ((max == val)){ Mc[str].gotoAndStop(2); } else { Mc[str].gotoAndStop(1); }; } public static function setalpha(alpha:Number, Mc:MovieClip, str:String, Max:int){ var tempP:Array; var i:int; tempP = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < Max) { tempP.push(Mc[(str + i)]); i++; }; i = 0; while (i < Max) { tempP[i].alpha = alpha; i++; }; } public static function setnumval(Mc:MovieClip, val:int, str:String){ var tempmc:Array; var i:int; tempmc = new Array(); i = 1; while (i < 11) { tempmc.push(Mc[(str + i)]); i++; }; i = 0; while (i < 10) { if (i < val){ tempmc[i].gotoAndStop(1); } else { tempmc[i].gotoAndStop(2); }; i++; }; } public static function setmoney(Mc:MovieClip, val:int, str:String, Maxval:int){ var tempP:Array; var i:int; var tempnum:Array; var len:int; tempP = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < Maxval) { tempP.push(Mc[(str + i)]); i++; }; tempnum = MyMath.NumtoArray(val, false); len = tempnum.length; if (val == 0){ i = 0; while (i < Maxval) { tempP[i].alpha = 0; i++; }; tempP[0].alpha = 1; tempP[0].gotoAndStop(1); return; }; i = 0; while (i < Maxval) { if (i < len){ tempP[i].alpha = 1; tempP[i].gotoAndStop((tempnum[i] + 1)); } else { tempP[i].alpha = 0; }; i++; }; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 62
//Clr (UserdefinedClass.Clr) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.display.*; public class Clr { public function Clr(){ super(); } public static function removeAllChildren(container:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ var count:int; var i:int; count = container.numChildren; i = 0; while (i < count) { container.removeChildAt(0); i++; }; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 63
//HitTest (UserdefinedClass.HitTest) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.geom.*; import flash.display.*; public class HitTest { public function HitTest(){ super(); } public static function getDrawMatrix(target:DisplayObject, hitRectangle:Rectangle, accurracy:Number):Matrix{ var localToGlobal:Point; var matrix:Matrix; var rootConcatenatedMatrix:Matrix; rootConcatenatedMatrix = target.root.transform.concatenatedMatrix; localToGlobal = target.localToGlobal(new Point()); matrix = target.transform.concatenatedMatrix; matrix.tx = (localToGlobal.x - hitRectangle.x); matrix.ty = (localToGlobal.y - hitRectangle.y); matrix.a = (matrix.a / rootConcatenatedMatrix.a); matrix.d = (matrix.d / rootConcatenatedMatrix.d); if (accurracy != 1){ matrix.scale(accurracy, accurracy); }; return (matrix); } public static function complexHitTestObject(target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject, accurracy:Number=1):Boolean{ return (!((complexIntersectionRectangle(target1, target2, accurracy).width == 0))); } public static function complexIntersectionRectangle(target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject, accurracy:Number=1):Rectangle{ var hitRectangle:Rectangle; var bitmapData:BitmapData; var intersection:Rectangle; if (accurracy <= 0){ throw (new Error("ArgumentError: Error 5001: Invalid value for accurracy", 5001)); }; if (!target1.hitTestObject(target2)){ return (new Rectangle()); }; hitRectangle = intersectionRectangle(target1, target2); if (((((hitRectangle.width * accurracy) < 1)) || (((hitRectangle.height * accurracy) < 1)))){ return (new Rectangle()); }; bitmapData = new BitmapData((hitRectangle.width * accurracy), (hitRectangle.height * accurracy), false, 0); bitmapData.draw(target1, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(target1, hitRectangle, accurracy), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, -255, -255, 0xFF)); bitmapData.draw(target2, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(target2, hitRectangle, accurracy), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE); intersection = bitmapData.getColorBoundsRect(4294967295, 4278255615); bitmapData.dispose(); if (accurracy != 1){ intersection.x = (intersection.x / accurracy); intersection.y = (intersection.y / accurracy); intersection.width = (intersection.width / accurracy); intersection.height = (intersection.height / accurracy); }; intersection.x = (intersection.x + hitRectangle.x); intersection.y = (intersection.y + hitRectangle.y); return (intersection); } public static function intersectionRectangle(target1:DisplayObject, target2:DisplayObject):Rectangle{ var bounds1:Rectangle; var bounds2:Rectangle; var intersection:Rectangle; if (((((!(target1.root)) || (!(target2.root)))) || (!(target1.hitTestObject(target2))))){ return (new Rectangle()); }; bounds1 = target1.getBounds(target1.root); bounds2 = target2.getBounds(target2.root); intersection = new Rectangle(); intersection.x = Math.max(bounds1.x, bounds2.x); intersection.y = Math.max(bounds1.y, bounds2.y); intersection.width = Math.min(((bounds1.x + bounds1.width) - intersection.x), ((bounds2.x + bounds2.width) - intersection.x)); intersection.height = Math.min(((bounds1.y + bounds1.height) - intersection.y), ((bounds2.y + bounds2.height) - intersection.y)); return (intersection); } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 64
//Input (UserdefinedClass.Input) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Input { public static var LEFT:uint = 39; public static var P:uint = 80; public static var X:uint = 88; public static var Z:uint = 90; public static var UP:uint = 38; public static var key:Array = new Array(); public static var SHIFT:uint = 16; public static var SPACE:uint = 32; public static var sta:Stage; public static var DOWN:uint = 40; public static var RIGHT:uint = 37; public function Input(){ super(); } private static function onkeydown(e:KeyboardEvent):void{ key[e.keyCode] = true; } public static function removeinput(){ sta.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onkeyup); sta.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onkeydown); sta = null; } public static function addinput(_sta:Stage){ if (sta){ return; }; sta = _sta; sta.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onkeyup); sta.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onkeydown); } public static function keydownrunfun(keynum:uint, fun:Function){ var f:Function; f = fun; ((key[keynum]) && (f())); } public static function keyuprunfun(keynum:uint, fun:Function){ var f:Function; f = fun; if (key[keynum] == false){ f(); }; } private static function onkeyup(e:KeyboardEvent):void{ key[e.keyCode] = false; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 65
//Mybutton (UserdefinedClass.Mybutton) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.display.*; import*; public class Mybutton extends SimpleButton { public var netobj:Object; public function Mybutton(){ netobj = new Object(); super(); SoundControl.Mybtnground.push(this); } public function link(){ var req:URLRequest; req = (netobj["req"] as URLRequest); navigateToURL(req); } public function setlink(url:String){ netobj["req"] = new URLRequest(url); } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 66
//MyMath (UserdefinedClass.MyMath) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.geom.*; public class MyMath { public function MyMath(){ super(); } public static function LtoG(contain, child):Point{ var _loc_3:*; var _loc_4:*; _loc_3 = undefined; _loc_4 = undefined; _loc_3 = child.localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0)); _loc_4 = contain.globalToLocal(_loc_3); return (new Point(_loc_4.x, _loc_4.y)); } public static function FrandRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number{ var randomNum:Number; randomNum = (int((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1))) + min); return (randomNum); } public static function TimeFormat(num:int):Array{ var minute:int; var second:int; var minutearr:Array; var secondarr:Array; if (num >= 6000){ num = 5999; }; minute = (num / 60); second = (num % 60); minutearr = worknum(minute); secondarr = worknum(second); return (new Array(secondarr[0], secondarr[1], minutearr[0], minutearr[1])); } public static function ranRangeground(min:Number, max:Number, Num:int):Array{ var temp:Array; var len:int; var rearr:Array; var _random:int; var i:int; temp = new Array(); len = ((max - min) + 1); rearr = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < len) { temp.push((min + i)); i++; }; while (Num) { _random = randRange((len - 1)); rearr.push(temp[_random]); temp.splice(_random, 1); len--; Num--; }; return (rearr); } public static function randRange(max:Number):Number{ var randomNum:Number; randomNum = int((Math.random() * (max + 1))); return (randomNum); } public static function worknum(num:int):Array{ var ten:int; var one:int; ten = (num * 0.1); one = (num % 10); return (new Array(one, ten)); } public static function NumtoArray(num:int, flushleft:Boolean=true):Array{ var str:String; var len:int; var i:int; var array:Array; str = String(num); len = str.length; i = 0; array = new Array(); while (i < len) { array.push(int(str.charAt(i))); i++; }; if (!flushleft){ array.reverse(); }; return (array); } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 67
//MySave (UserdefinedClass.MySave) package UserdefinedClass { import*; public class MySave { public static var shareobj:SharedObject; public function MySave(){ super(); } public static function init(savename:String){ shareobj = SharedObject.getLocal(savename); } public static function save(){ shareobj.flush(); } public static function exist(varname:String):Boolean{ return (Boolean(((shareobj) && ([varname])))); } public static function getdata(varname:String){ return ([varname]); } public static function setdata(varname:String, vardata){[varname] = vardata; } public static function clear(){ if (shareobj){ shareobj.clear(); }; } public static function cleardata(varname:String){[varname] = null; delete[varname]; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 68
//Mytext (UserdefinedClass.Mytext) package UserdefinedClass { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public class Mytext extends MovieClip { public var format:TextFormat; private var mytext:TextField; public function Mytext(size:int, str:String, font:String=null, w:Number=100, h:Number=100, color:Number=0xFFFFFF){ super(); mytext = new TextField(); format = new TextFormat(); format.color = color; format.font = font; format.size = size; mytext.defaultTextFormat = format; mytext.height = h; mytext.width = w; mytext.selectable = false; mytext.wordWrap = true; mytext.text = str; addChild(mytext); } public function setstr(str:String){ mytext.text = str; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 69
//SoundControl (UserdefinedClass.SoundControl) package UserdefinedClass { import*; public class SoundControl { public static var Mysdground:Array = new Array(); public static var Mybtnground:Array = new Array(); public static var buttonsound:Number = 1; public function SoundControl(){ super(); } public static function destorySdground(){ Mysdground = new Array(); } public static function stopallsound(){ SoundMixer.stopAll(); } public static function setsd(volume:Number){ var sdtransform:SoundTransform; var i:*; if (!Mysdground.length){ return; }; sdtransform = new SoundTransform(volume); for (i in Mysdground) { (Mysdground[i] as BaseSound).sdChannel.soundTransform = sdtransform; }; } public static function destory(){ Mybtnground = new Array(); Mysdground = new Array(); } public static function setbtnsound(volume:Number){ var sdtransform:SoundTransform; var i:*; if (!Mybtnground.length){ return; }; sdtransform = new SoundTransform(volume); for (i in Mybtnground) { (Mybtnground[i] as Mybutton).soundTransform = sdtransform; }; } public static function setallsd(volume:Number){ var sdtransform:SoundTransform; sdtransform = new SoundTransform(); sdtransform.volume = volume; SoundMixer.soundTransform = sdtransform; } } }//package UserdefinedClass
Section 70
//Arebounditem (Arebounditem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Arebounditem extends Baseitem { public function Arebounditem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 71
//Aunty (Aunty) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Aunty extends MovieClip { public function Aunty(){ super(); addFrameScript(77, frame78); } function frame78(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 72
//Ballitem (Ballitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Ballitem extends Baseitem { public function Ballitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 73
//Banitem (Banitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Banitem extends Baseitem { public function Banitem(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 74
//Bbomb (Bbomb) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Bbomb extends Baseitem { public function Bbomb(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 46, frame47); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame47(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 75
//BBQitem (BBQitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class BBQitem extends Baseitem { public function BBQitem(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 76
//BG1 (BG1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BG1 extends MovieClip { public function BG1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 77
//BG2 (BG2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BG2 extends MovieClip { public function BG2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 78
//BG3 (BG3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class BG3 extends MovieClip { public function BG3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 79
//BGM1 (BGM1) package { import*; public dynamic class BGM1 extends Sound { public function BGM1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 80
//BGM2 (BGM2) package { import*; public dynamic class BGM2 extends Sound { public function BGM2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 81
//BGM3 (BGM3) package { import*; public dynamic class BGM3 extends Sound { public function BGM3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 82
//Birditem (Birditem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Birditem extends Baseitem { public function Birditem(){ super(); addFrameScript(22, frame23); } function frame23(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package
Section 83
//Blood (Blood) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Blood extends MovieClip { public function Blood(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 84
//Bullet (Bullet) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Bullet extends MovieClip { public function Bullet(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 85
//Bulletitem (Bulletitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Bulletitem extends Baseitem { public function Bulletitem(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 86
//Cannon (Cannon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Cannon extends MovieClip { public function Cannon(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 87
//Cg (Cg) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Cg extends MovieClip { public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var next_btn:SimpleButton; public function Cg(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 88
//Cloud (Cloud) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Cloud extends MovieClip { public function Cloud(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 89
//Cover (Cover) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Cover extends MovieClip { public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var freegame_btn:SimpleButton; public var play_btn:SimpleButton; public function Cover(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 90
//CoverBGM (CoverBGM) package { import*; public dynamic class CoverBGM extends Sound { public function CoverBGM(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 91
//Eleitem (Eleitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Eleitem extends Baseitem { public function Eleitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 92
//Endpoint (Endpoint) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Endpoint extends MovieClip { public var l0:MovieClip; public var l1:MovieClip; public var l4:MovieClip; public var l5:MovieClip; public var l3:MovieClip; public var l6:MovieClip; public var l2:MovieClip; public function Endpoint(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 93
//Far1 (Far1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Far1 extends MovieClip { public function Far1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 94
//Far2 (Far2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Far2 extends MovieClip { public function Far2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 95
//Far3 (Far3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Far3 extends MovieClip { public function Far3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 96
//Fblood (Fblood) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Fblood extends MovieClip { public function Fblood(){ super(); addFrameScript(10, frame11); } function frame11(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 97
//Floor1 (Floor1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Floor1 extends MovieClip { public function Floor1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 98
//Floor2 (Floor2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Floor2 extends MovieClip { public function Floor2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 99
//Floor3 (Floor3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Floor3 extends MovieClip { public function Floor3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 100
//Gameovermc (Gameovermc) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gameovermc extends MovieClip { public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var word:MovieClip; public var retry_btn:SimpleButton; public var m0:MovieClip; public var m3:MovieClip; public var m6:MovieClip; public var m1:MovieClip; public var m4:MovieClip; public var m5:MovieClip; public var m2:MovieClip; public var w0:MovieClip; public var w1:MovieClip; public var w4:MovieClip; public var w6:MovieClip; public var w2:MovieClip; public var shop_btn:SimpleButton; public var w3:MovieClip; public var w5:MovieClip; public function Gameovermc(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 101
//Gamestart (Gamestart) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gamestart extends MovieClip { public var mouse:MovieClip; public var aunty:MovieClip; public var powerbar:MovieClip; public function Gamestart(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 33, frame34, 58, frame59, 75, frame76); } function frame76(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame34(){ stop(); } function frame59(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 102
//Gameui (Gameui) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Gameui extends MovieClip { public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var bar:MovieClip; public var l0:MovieClip; public var l1:MovieClip; public var l4:MovieClip; public var l5:MovieClip; public var l3:MovieClip; public var l7:MovieClip; public var l6:MovieClip; public var music_btn:MovieClip; public var l2:MovieClip; public var effect_btn:MovieClip; public var h1:MovieClip; public var h2:MovieClip; public var h4:MovieClip; public var h0:MovieClip; public var h3:MovieClip; public var i1:MovieClip; public var i2:MovieClip; public var i3:MovieClip; public function Gameui(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 103
//Glasssd (Glasssd) package { import*; public dynamic class Glasssd extends Sound { public function Glasssd(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 104
//Hardhit (Hardhit) package { import*; public dynamic class Hardhit extends Sound { public function Hardhit(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 105
//hitsd1 (hitsd1) package { import*; public dynamic class hitsd1 extends Sound { public function hitsd1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 106
//hitsd2 (hitsd2) package { import*; public dynamic class hitsd2 extends Sound { public function hitsd2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 107
//hitsd3 (hitsd3) package { import*; public dynamic class hitsd3 extends Sound { public function hitsd3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 108
//hitsd4 (hitsd4) package { import*; public dynamic class hitsd4 extends Sound { public function hitsd4(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 109
//Howtoplay (Howtoplay) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Howtoplay extends MovieClip { public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var next_btn:SimpleButton; public function Howtoplay(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 110
//Item21 (Item21) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Item21 extends MovieClip { public function Item21(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 111
//Item22 (Item22) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Item22 extends MovieClip { public function Item22(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 112
//Item23 (Item23) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Item23 extends MovieClip { public function Item23(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 113
//Item31 (Item31) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Item31 extends MovieClip { public function Item31(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 114
//Kiteitem (Kiteitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Kiteitem extends Baseitem { public function Kiteitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 115
//Lrebounditem (Lrebounditem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Lrebounditem extends Baseitem { public function Lrebounditem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 13, frame14); } function frame14(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 116
//Main (Main) package { import Element.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import caurina.transitions.*; import BaseClass.*; import UserdefinedClass.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class Main extends MovieClip { public var gameui:MovieClip; public var wordsize:int;// = 18 public var Game:Sprite; public var Cue:Sprite; public var Debug:Sprite; public var EffectBool:Boolean;// = true public var succeed:MovieClip; public var gamestage:String; public var cg:MovieClip; public var howtoplay:MovieClip; public var SoundBool:Boolean;// = true public var GameClass:BaseStage; public var URLstr:String;// = "" public var Ui:Sprite; public var tempback:int; public var delaytime:Timer; public var Time:Timer; public var shop:MovieClip; public var tempgamestage:int;// = 0 public var Loading:Sprite; public var sucGround:Array; public var delayplay:Timer; public var mydata:MyData; public var shopstate:String; public var cover:MovieClip; public var gameovermc:MovieClip; public function Main(){ SoundBool = true; EffectBool = true; tempgamestage = 0; wordsize = 18; URLstr = ""; super(); if (stage){ init(); } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); }; } public function setmoretime(Num:int){ gameui.i1.gotoAndStop(Num); } private function showCG(){ gamestage = "cg"; Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); Ui.addChild(cg); } private function showhowtoplay():void{ gamestage = "howtoplay"; Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); Ui.addChild(howtoplay); } public function savesucceed():void{ MySave.setdata("succeed", MyData.getInstance().succeed);; } public function delayrun(time:int, fun:Function){ Tweener.addTween(this, {delay:time, onComplete:fun}); } private function showsuc(){ gamestage = "success"; Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); Ui.addChild(succeed); updatasuc(); } public function removedata(){ MySave.init("MouseKiller"); MySave.clear(); } public function reattack():int{ return (MyData.getInstance().item[10]); } private function initUImc():void{ cover = new Cover(); howtoplay = new Howtoplay(); cg = new Cg(); succeed = new Succeed(); shop = new Shop(); gameui = new Gameui(); gameovermc = new Gameovermc(); initsuc(); } private function setpage2(){ shopstate = "page2"; } private function setpage1(){ shopstate = "page1"; } public function setTime(T:int){ BaseUI.settime(gameui, T); } public function setlen(Num:int){ BaseUI.setMaxscore(gameui, Num, "l", 8); } public function savealldata(){ MySave.setdata("money", MyData.getInstance().money); MySave.setdata("item", MyData.getInstance().item); MySave.setdata("succeed", MyData.getInstance().succeed); MySave.setdata("power", MyData.getInstance().power); MySave.setdata("Maxpower", MyData.getInstance().Maxpower); MySave.setdata("lasttime", MyData.getInstance().lasttime); MySave.setdata("rubbish", MyData.getInstance().rubbish); MySave.setdata("bbq", MyData.getInstance().bbq);; } private function onclickbtn(e:MouseEvent):void{ if (gamestage == "cover"){ if (hitbtn(cover.play_btn)){ loaddata(); showCG(); return; }; if (hitbtn(cover.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; if (hitbtn(cover.freegame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; }; if (gamestage == "cg"){ if (hitbtn(cg.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; if (hitbtn(cg.next_btn)){ if (cg.currentFrame == 1){ cg.nextFrame(); return; }; cg.prevFrame(); showhowtoplay(); return; }; }; if (gamestage == "shop"){ workshop(); return; }; if (gamestage == "howtoplay"){ if (hitbtn(howtoplay.next_btn)){ initstage(); return; }; if (hitbtn(howtoplay.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; }; if (gamestage == "success"){ if (hitbtn(succeed.back_btn)){ showshop(); return; }; if (hitbtn(succeed.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; }; if (gamestage == "playing"){ if (hitbtn(gameui.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; if (hitbtn(gameui.music_btn)){ gameui.music_btn.gotoAndStop(((gameui.music_btn.currentFrame % 2) + 1)); if (SoundBool){ SoundBool = false; } else { SoundBool = true; }; SoundData.setSound(SoundBool); return; }; if (hitbtn(gameui.effect_btn)){ gameui.effect_btn.gotoAndStop(((gameui.effect_btn.currentFrame % 2) + 1)); if (EffectBool){ EffectBool = false; } else { EffectBool = true; }; SoundData.setEffect(EffectBool); return; }; if (hitbtn(gameui.i2)){ workgamerocket(); return; }; if (hitbtn(gameui.i3)){ workcannon(); return; }; }; if (gamestage == "over"){ if (hitbtn(gameovermc.retry_btn)){ GameClass.destory(); Clr.removeAllChildren(Game); initstage(); return; }; if (hitbtn(gameovermc.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; if (hitbtn(gameovermc.shop_btn)){ GameClass.destory(); Clr.removeAllChildren(Game); SoundControl.stopallsound(); showshop(); return; }; }; } public function repower():int{ var tempNum:int; var datanum:int; tempNum = 0; datanum = MyData.getInstance().item[8]; switch (datanum){ case 1: tempNum = 51; break; case 2: tempNum = 66; break; case 3: tempNum = 81; break; case 4: tempNum = 101; break; default: break; }; return (tempNum); } private function initdata():void{ gamestage = new String(); loaddata(); mydata = MyData.getInstance(); } public function addmoney(Num:int){ if ((MyData.getInstance().money + Num) >= 9999999){ MyData.getInstance().money = 9999999; } else { MyData.getInstance().money = (MyData.getInstance().money + Num); }; } public function setarm(Num:int){ gameui.i2.gotoAndStop(Num); } private function resetshop(){ Tweener.removeAllTweens(); shop.page2.x = 638; shopstate = "page1"; } public function rerocket():int{ var tempNum:int; var datanum:int; var i:int; tempNum = 0; datanum = 0; i = 0; while (i < 3) { datanum = MyData.getInstance().item[(i + 4)]; if (datanum == 1){ tempNum = i; break; } else { tempNum = -1; }; i++; }; tempNum = (tempNum + 1); if (tempNum < 2){ return ((tempNum + 1)); }; return ((tempNum * 2)); } public function remoretime():int{ var tempNum:int; tempNum = 0; if (MyData.getInstance().item[7]){ tempNum = 2; } else { tempNum = 1; }; return (tempNum); } private function showcover():void{ SoundControl.stopallsound(); SoundData.UI[0].playsound(10000000); gamestage = "cover"; Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); Ui.addChild(cover); } private function initgame():void{ gamestage = "init"; addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onclickbtn); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, oncue); Input.addinput(stage); showcover(); } public function sethigh(Num:int){ BaseUI.setMaxscore(gameui, Num, "h", 5); } private function init(e:Event=null):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init); initSound(); initdata(); initcontainer(); initUImc(); initgame(); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; } public function workgamerocket(){ if (gameui.i2.currentFrame == 2){ GameClass.setrocket(1); } else { if (gameui.i2.currentFrame == 4){ GameClass.setrocket(2); } else { if (gameui.i2.currentFrame == 6){ GameClass.setrocket(3); }; }; }; } public function initgameUI(){ Ui.addChild(gameui); setmoretime(remoretime()); if ((remoretime() == 1)){ GameClass.auntybool = false; } else { GameClass.auntybool = true; }; setarm(rerocket()); setcannon(2); setuibar(0); } public function workrocket():int{ if (MyData.getInstance().item[6] > 0){ return (5); }; if (MyData.getInstance().item[5] > 0){ return (3); }; if (MyData.getInstance().item[4] > 0){ return (1); }; return (2); } private function initsuc(){ var i:int; var j:int; var tempMc:MovieClip; sucGround = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 5) { j = 0; while (j < 6) { tempMc = new Suc(); succeed.addChild(tempMc); tempMc.x = (34 + (j * 74)); tempMc.y = (83 + (i * 74)); tempMc.gotoAndStop(31); sucGround.push(tempMc); j++; }; i++; }; } private function updatashop(){ var tempPage1:Array; var tempPage2:Array; var btnPage2:Array; var pagePoint:Array; var moneyStr:Array; var setMaxMc:Array; var tempNum:int; var i:int; tempPage1 = new Array(shop.page1.i1, shop.page1.i2, shop.page1.i3, shop.page1.i4, shop.page1.i5, shop.page1.i6, shop.page1.i7, shop.page1.i8); tempPage2 = new Array(shop.page2.power, shop.page2.effbar, shop.page2.powerbar); btnPage2 = new Array(shop.page2.bug_btn, shop.page2.eff_btn, shop.page2.power_btn); pagePoint = new Array(shop.page1.P1, shop.page2.P2); BaseUI.setmoney(shop, MyData.getInstance().money, "m", 7); moneyStr = new Array("b", "e", "po"); setMaxMc = new Array(shop.page2.a, shop.page2.b, shop.page2.c); tempNum = 0; i = 0; while (i < 8) { tempNum = MyData.getInstance().item[i]; if (tempNum == -1){ tempPage1[i].gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (tempNum == 0){ tempPage1[i].gotoAndStop(2); } else { tempPage1[i].gotoAndStop(3); }; }; i++; }; i = 0; while (i < 3) { tempNum = MyData.getInstance().item[(8 + i)]; tempPage2[i].gotoAndStop(tempNum); BaseUI.setmoney(shop.page2, MyData.getInstance().moneyvalue[(tempNum - 1)], moneyStr[i], 4); if (i == 0){ if (tempNum == 4){ btnPage2[0].alpha = 0; setMaxMc[0].alpha = 0; BaseUI.setalpha(0, shop.page2, moneyStr[0], 4); }; } else { if (tempNum == 6){ btnPage2[i].alpha = 0; setMaxMc[i].alpha = 0; BaseUI.setalpha(0, shop.page2, moneyStr[i], 4); }; }; i++; }; } public function rearm():int{ var tempNum:int; var datanum:int; var i:int; tempNum = 0; datanum = 0; i = 0; while (i < 4) { datanum = MyData.getInstance().item[i]; if (datanum == 1){ tempNum = i; break; } else { tempNum = -1; }; i++; }; return ((tempNum + 2)); } public function workcannon():void{ if ( == 101){; }; } public function savemoney():void{ MySave.setdata("money", MyData.getInstance().money);; } private function updatasuc():void{ var i:int; i = 0; while (i < 30) { if (MyData.getInstance().succeed[i]){ sucGround[i].gotoAndStop((i + 1)); } else { sucGround[i].gotoAndStop(31); }; i++; }; } private function initcontainer():void{ Game = new Sprite(); Ui = new Sprite(); Loading = new Sprite(); Debug = new Sprite(); Cue = new Sprite(); addChild(Game); addChild(Ui); addChild(Cue); addChild(Loading); addChild(Debug); } private function showshop(){ SoundControl.stopallsound(); SoundData.UI[1].playsound(10000000); gamestage = "shop"; Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); Ui.addChild(shop); shopstate = "page1"; updatashop(); } public function savelen():void{ MySave.setdata("maxlen", MyData.getInstance().maxlen);; } public function item2(bool:Boolean){ var tempnum:int; tempnum = workrocket(); if (bool){ gameui.i2.gotoAndStop(tempnum); } else { gameui.i2.gotoAndStop((tempnum + 1)); }; } public function item1(bool:Boolean){ if (bool){ gameui.i1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameui.i1.gotoAndStop(2); }; } private function workshop():void{ var tempPage1:Array; var tempPage2:Array; var btnPage2:Array; var pagePoint:Array; var moneyStr:Array; var tempNum:int; var i:int; var tempNum1:int; var j:int; tempPage1 = new Array(shop.page1.i1, shop.page1.i2, shop.page1.i3, shop.page1.i4, shop.page1.i5, shop.page1.i6, shop.page1.i7, shop.page1.i8); tempPage2 = new Array(shop.page2.power, shop.page2.effbar, shop.page2.powerbar); btnPage2 = new Array(shop.page2.bug_btn, shop.page2.eff_btn, shop.page2.power_btn); pagePoint = new Array(shop.page1.P1, shop.page2.P2); moneyStr = new Array("b", "e", "po"); tempNum = 0; if (shopstate == "page1"){ i = 7; while (i < 8) { tempNum = MyData.getInstance().item[i]; if (tempNum == 0){ if (hitbtn(tempPage1[i])){ if (MyData.getInstance().money >= MyData.getInstance().itemvalue[i]){ MyData.getInstance().money = (MyData.getInstance().money - MyData.getInstance().itemvalue[i]); MyData.getInstance().item[i] = 1; if (((((!((i == 3))) && (!((i == 6))))) && (!((i == 7))))){ MyData.getInstance().item[(i + 1)] = 0; }; savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; }; i++; }; tempNum1 = 0; i = 0; while (i < 4) { tempNum = MyData.getInstance().item[i]; if (tempNum == -1){ if (hitbtn(tempPage1[i])){ if (MyData.getInstance().money >= MyData.getInstance().itemvalue[i]){ j = 0; while (j < 4) { tempNum1 = MyData.getInstance().item[j]; if (tempNum1 == 1){ MyData.getInstance().item[j] = 0; }; j++; }; MyData.getInstance().money = (MyData.getInstance().money - MyData.getInstance().itemvalue[i]); MyData.getInstance().item[i] = 1; savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; } else { if (tempNum == 0){ if (hitbtn(tempPage1[i])){ j = 0; while (j < 4) { tempNum1 = MyData.getInstance().item[j]; if (tempNum1 == 1){ MyData.getInstance().item[j] = 0; }; j++; }; MyData.getInstance().item[i] = 1; savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; }; i++; }; i = 4; while (i < 7) { tempNum = MyData.getInstance().item[i]; if (tempNum == -1){ if (hitbtn(tempPage1[i])){ if (MyData.getInstance().money >= MyData.getInstance().itemvalue[i]){ j = 4; while (j < 7) { tempNum1 = MyData.getInstance().item[j]; if (tempNum1 == 1){ MyData.getInstance().item[j] = 0; }; j++; }; MyData.getInstance().money = (MyData.getInstance().money - MyData.getInstance().itemvalue[i]); MyData.getInstance().item[i] = 1; savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; } else { if (tempNum == 0){ if (hitbtn(tempPage1[i])){ j = 4; while (j < 7) { tempNum1 = MyData.getInstance().item[j]; if (tempNum1 == 1){ MyData.getInstance().item[j] = 0; }; j++; }; MyData.getInstance().item[i] = 1; savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; }; i++; }; } else { if (shopstate == "page2"){ i = 0; while (i < 3) { tempNum = MyData.getInstance().item[(8 + i)]; if (i == 0){ if (tempNum < 4){ if (hitbtn(btnPage2[0])){ if (MyData.getInstance().money >= MyData.getInstance().moneyvalue[(repowernum() - 1)]){ MyData.getInstance().money = (MyData.getInstance().money - MyData.getInstance().moneyvalue[(repowernum() - 1)]); MyData.getInstance().item[8] = (MyData.getInstance().item[8] + 1); savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; }; } else { if (tempNum < 6){ if (hitbtn(btnPage2[i])){ if (MyData.getInstance().money >= MyData.getInstance().moneyvalue[(MyData.getInstance().item[(8 + i)] - 1)]){ MyData.getInstance().money = (MyData.getInstance().money - MyData.getInstance().moneyvalue[(MyData.getInstance().item[(8 + i)] - 1)]); MyData.getInstance().item[(8 + i)] = (MyData.getInstance().item[(8 + i)] + 1); savealldata(); updatashop(); }; }; }; }; i++; }; }; }; if (hitbtn(pagePoint[0])){ if (shopstate == "page1"){ shopstate = "move"; Tweener.addTween(shop.page2, {x:0, time:1, transition:"easeOutCubic", onComplete:setpage2}); }; return; }; if (hitbtn(pagePoint[1])){ if (shopstate == "page2"){ shopstate = "move"; Tweener.addTween(shop.page2, {x:638, time:1, transition:"easeOutCubic", onComplete:setpage1}); }; return; }; if (hitbtn(shop.ach_btn)){ showsuc(); resetshop(); return; }; if (hitbtn(shop.moregame_btn)){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(URLstr)); return; }; if (hitbtn(shop.play_btn)){ resetshop(); initstage(); return; }; } public function item3(bool:Boolean){ if (bool){ gameui.i3.gotoAndStop(1); } else { gameui.i3.gotoAndStop(2); }; } private function loaddata():void{ MySave.init("MouseKiller"); if (MySave.exist("maxlen")){ MyData.getInstance().money = MySave.getdata("money"); MyData.getInstance().item = MySave.getdata("item"); MyData.getInstance().succeed = MySave.getdata("succeed"); MyData.getInstance().power = MySave.getdata("power"); MyData.getInstance().Maxpower = MySave.getdata("Maxpower"); MyData.getInstance().lasttime = MySave.getdata("lasttime"); MyData.getInstance().rubbish = MySave.getdata("rubbish"); MyData.getInstance().maxlen = MySave.getdata("maxlen"); MyData.getInstance().bbq = MySave.getdata("bbq"); } else { MySave.setdata("reset", true); MySave.setdata("money", MyData.getInstance().money); MySave.setdata("item", MyData.getInstance().item); MySave.setdata("succeed", MyData.getInstance().succeed); MySave.setdata("power", MyData.getInstance().power); MySave.setdata("Maxpower", MyData.getInstance().Maxpower); MySave.setdata("lasttime", MyData.getInstance().lasttime); MySave.setdata("rubbish", MyData.getInstance().rubbish); MySave.setdata("bbq", MyData.getInstance().bbq); MySave.setdata("maxlen", MyData.getInstance().maxlen);; }; } public function repowernum():int{ return (MyData.getInstance().item[8]); } public function relasttime():int{ return (MyData.getInstance().item[9]); } public function showWin(TotalTime:int, AirTime:Number, RearWheelieTime:Number, FrontWheelieTime:Number, Forward:int, Backward:int, S:int, M:int){ } public function setLv(LVnum:int){ BaseUI.setlv(gameui, LVnum); } public function setuibar(Num:int){ + 1)); } private function initSound():void{ SoundData.initsound(); } public function setcannon(Num:int){ gameui.i3.gotoAndStop(Num); } public function savetimer():void{ MySave.setdata("rubbish", MyData.getInstance().rubbish); MySave.setdata("bbq", MyData.getInstance().bbq);; } private function hitbtn(btn:DisplayObject):Boolean{ if (((btn) && (btn.visible))){ return (btn.hitTestPoint(mouseX, mouseY, true)); }; return (false); } private function initstage():void{ Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); GameClass = new BaseStage(this); Game.addChild(GameClass); gamestage = "playing"; } public function showGameover(len:int, hei:int, money:int, str:String):void{ var tempword:Mytext; tempword = new Mytext(wordsize, str, "Tahoma", 423, 150); Clr.removeAllChildren(gameovermc.word); gameovermc.word.addChild(tempword); addmoney(money); savealldata(); BaseUI.setMaxscore(gameovermc, money, "w", 7); BaseUI.setMaxscore(gameovermc, MyData.getInstance().money, "m", 7); gamestage = "over"; Ui.addChild(gameovermc); gameovermc.x = (320 - (gameovermc.width * 0.5)); gameovermc.y = -600; Tweener.addTween(gameovermc, {y:0, time:2, transition:"easeOutBounce"}); } public function saveshop():void{ MySave.setdata("item", MyData.getInstance().item); MySave.setdata("power", MyData.getInstance().power); MySave.setdata("Maxpower", MyData.getInstance().Maxpower); MySave.setdata("lasttime", MyData.getInstance().lasttime);; } private function oncue(e:Event):void{ var tempword:Mytext; var tempmc:Array; var temphitmc:Array; var i:int; if (gamestage == "success"){ i = 0; while (i < 30) { if (hitbtn(sucGround[i])){ Clr.removeAllChildren(succeed.word); tempword = new Mytext(wordsize, MyData.Str[i], "Tahoma", 100, 284); succeed.word.addChild(tempword); break; }; i++; }; }; tempmc = new Array(shop.w1, shop.w2, shop.w3, shop.w4, shop.w5, shop.w6, shop.w7, shop.w8, shop.w9, shop.w10); temphitmc = new Array(shop.page1.i1, shop.page1.i2, shop.page1.i3, shop.page1.i4, shop.page1.i5, shop.page1.i6, shop.page1.i7, shop.page1.i8, shop.page2.power, shop.page2.cannon); if (gamestage == "shop"){ if (shopstate == "page1"){ i = 0; while (i < 10) { tempmc[i].alpha = 0; if (hitbtn(temphitmc[i])){ tempmc[i].alpha = 1; }; i++; }; } else { i = 8; while (i < 10) { tempmc[i].alpha = 0; if (hitbtn(temphitmc[i])){ tempmc[i].alpha = 1; }; i++; }; }; }; } private function destroy(){ Clr.removeAllChildren(Game); Clr.removeAllChildren(Ui); Clr.removeAllChildren(Cue); Clr.removeAllChildren(Loading); } } }//package
Section 117
//Micepoint (Micepoint) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Micepoint extends MovieClip { public function Micepoint(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 118
//MochiBot (MochiBot) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.system.*; public dynamic class MochiBot extends Sprite { public function MochiBot(){ super(); } public static function track(parent:Sprite, tag:String):MochiBot{ var self:MochiBot; var server:String; var lv:URLVariables; var url:String; var req:URLRequest; var loader:Loader; if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){ return (null); }; self = new (MochiBot); parent.addChild(self); Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); server = ""; lv = new URLVariables(); lv["sb"] = Security.sandboxType; lv["v"] = Capabilities.version; lv["swfid"] = tag; lv["mv"] = "8"; lv["fv"] = "9"; url = self.root.loaderInfo.loaderURL; if (url.indexOf("http") == 0){ lv["url"] = url; } else { lv["url"] = "local"; }; req = new URLRequest(server); req.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; req.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = lv; loader = new Loader(); self.addChild(loader); loader.load(req); return (self); } } }//package
Section 119
//Moneyitem (Moneyitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Moneyitem extends Baseitem { public function Moneyitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 120
//Rubbishitem (Rubbishitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Rubbishitem extends Baseitem { public function Rubbishitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 21, frame22); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame22(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 121
//Sbomb (Sbomb) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Sbomb extends Baseitem { public function Sbomb(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 56, frame57); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame57(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 122
//sd1 (sd1) package { import*; public dynamic class sd1 extends Sound { public function sd1(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 123
//sd10 (sd10) package { import*; public dynamic class sd10 extends Sound { public function sd10(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 124
//sd11 (sd11) package { import*; public dynamic class sd11 extends Sound { public function sd11(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 125
//sd12 (sd12) package { import*; public dynamic class sd12 extends Sound { public function sd12(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 126
//sd13 (sd13) package { import*; public dynamic class sd13 extends Sound { public function sd13(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 127
//sd14 (sd14) package { import*; public dynamic class sd14 extends Sound { public function sd14(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 128
//sd15 (sd15) package { import*; public dynamic class sd15 extends Sound { public function sd15(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 129
//sd16 (sd16) package { import*; public dynamic class sd16 extends Sound { public function sd16(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 130
//sd17 (sd17) package { import*; public dynamic class sd17 extends Sound { public function sd17(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 131
//sd18 (sd18) package { import*; public dynamic class sd18 extends Sound { public function sd18(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 132
//sd19 (sd19) package { import*; public dynamic class sd19 extends Sound { public function sd19(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 133
//sd2 (sd2) package { import*; public dynamic class sd2 extends Sound { public function sd2(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 134
//sd20 (sd20) package { import*; public dynamic class sd20 extends Sound { public function sd20(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 135
//sd3 (sd3) package { import*; public dynamic class sd3 extends Sound { public function sd3(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 136
//sd4 (sd4) package { import*; public dynamic class sd4 extends Sound { public function sd4(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 137
//sd5 (sd5) package { import*; public dynamic class sd5 extends Sound { public function sd5(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 138
//sd6 (sd6) package { import*; public dynamic class sd6 extends Sound { public function sd6(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 139
//sd7 (sd7) package { import*; public dynamic class sd7 extends Sound { public function sd7(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 140
//sd8 (sd8) package { import*; public dynamic class sd8 extends Sound { public function sd8(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 141
//sd9 (sd9) package { import*; public dynamic class sd9 extends Sound { public function sd9(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 142
//Shop (Shop) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Shop extends MovieClip { public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var ach_btn:SimpleButton; public var m0:MovieClip; public var m3:MovieClip; public var m6:MovieClip; public var m1:MovieClip; public var m4:MovieClip; public var m5:MovieClip; public var page2:MovieClip; public var m2:MovieClip; public var page1:MovieClip; public var w1:MovieClip; public var w4:MovieClip; public var w6:MovieClip; public var w8:MovieClip; public var w7:MovieClip; public var w9:MovieClip; public var w2:MovieClip; public var w3:MovieClip; public var play_btn:SimpleButton; public var w10:MovieClip; public var w5:MovieClip; public function Shop(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 143
//ShopBGM (ShopBGM) package { import*; public dynamic class ShopBGM extends Sound { public function ShopBGM(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 144
//Smallhit (Smallhit) package { import*; public dynamic class Smallhit extends Sound { public function Smallhit(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 145
//Spadeitem (Spadeitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Spadeitem extends Baseitem { public function Spadeitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 146
//Star (Star) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Star extends MovieClip { public function Star(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 147
//Suc (Suc) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Suc extends MovieClip { public function Suc(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 148
//Succeed (Succeed) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Succeed extends MovieClip { public var back_btn:SimpleButton; public var moregame_btn:SimpleButton; public var word:MovieClip; public function Succeed(){ super(); } } }//package
Section 149
//Tackitem (Tackitem) package { import Element.*; public dynamic class Tackitem extends Baseitem { public function Tackitem(){ super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package

Library Items

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Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 ButtonUses:5Used by:19
Symbol 7 SoundUsed by:19
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClipUses:8Used by:19
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 11 SoundUsed by:19
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 13 SoundUsed by:19
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 16 ShapeTweeningUsed by:18
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClipUses:16 17Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.logo_animation_2}Uses:2 3 4 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18Used by:30
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClipUses:21Used by:30
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:28 29 30
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 25 ShapeTweeningUsed by:30
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28 29 211 517
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Symbol 29 ButtonUses:23 27Used by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_1}Uses:19 20 22 23 24 25 26 28 29Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClipUses:31Used by:43
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
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Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 40 ButtonUses:38 39Used by:43 59 67 81 117 250 326
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Symbol 42 MovieClipUses:41Used by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClip {Cg}Uses:32 37 40 42Used by:890
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Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
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Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:59 298
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53 59 143 144 145 147 298
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Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip {Howtoplay}Uses:44 49 50 51 52 53 56 57 40 58Used by:890
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Symbol 61 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 63 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
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Symbol 69 GraphicUses:68Used by:81
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Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
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Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76
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Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:87
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Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
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Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:92
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Symbol 96 GraphicUsed by:104
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Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:104
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:104
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Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:116
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:116
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Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:116
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Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:116
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Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157 158 159 161 298
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Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:166
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Symbol 166 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_58}Uses:162 163 165Used by:184
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Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169 170 171 173
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Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:184 221
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Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:184 222 250
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Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:192
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Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:192
Symbol 191 GraphicUsed by:192
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Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:197
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Symbol 226 GraphicUsed by:227
Symbol 227 MovieClipUses:226Used by:250
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:229
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Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:231
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Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:233
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Symbol 243 MovieClipUses:242Used by:250
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Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:283
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Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:283
Symbol 262 GraphicUsed by:283
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Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 288 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 289 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 290 GraphicUsed by:295
Symbol 291 GraphicUsed by:295
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Symbol 294 GraphicUsed by:295
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Symbol 297 GraphicUsed by:298
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Symbol 312 GraphicUsed by:314
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Symbol 317 GraphicUsed by:319
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Symbol 321 GraphicUsed by:324
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:324
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Symbol 328 GraphicUsed by:332
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Symbol 330 GraphicUsed by:332
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Symbol 346 GraphicUsed by:353
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Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:351
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Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 357 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:360
Symbol 359 GraphicUsed by:360
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Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 365 GraphicUsed by:413 427
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Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:427 632
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:427 632
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Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:427
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Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:400
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Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:400
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Symbol 382 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 383 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 385 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 387 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 388 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 389 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 390 GraphicUsed by:400
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Symbol 392 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 393 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 394 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:400
Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:400
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Symbol 415 GraphicUsed by:419
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Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
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Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:558
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Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:466
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Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:452
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:452
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Symbol 469 GraphicUsed by:470
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Symbol 473 GraphicUsed by:474
Symbol 474 MovieClipUses:473Used by:516
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:476
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Symbol 477 GraphicUsed by:478
Symbol 478 MovieClipUses:477Used by:516
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:480
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Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:482
Symbol 482 MovieClipUses:481Used by:516
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:483Used by:516
Symbol 485 GraphicUsed by:490
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:490
Symbol 487 GraphicUsed by:490
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:490
Symbol 489 GraphicUsed by:490
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Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 493 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 497 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:516
Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:516
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Symbol 506 GraphicUsed by:516
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Symbol 511 GraphicUsed by:516
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Symbol 515 GraphicUsed by:516
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Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:558
Symbol 557 GraphicUsed by:558
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Symbol 560 GraphicUsed by:572
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Symbol 611 GraphicUsed by:613
Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:613
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Symbol 624 MovieClipUses:623Used by:631 632
Symbol 625 GraphicUsed by:626
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Symbol 695 GraphicUsed by:706
Symbol 696 GraphicUsed by:706
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Symbol 767 MovieClipUses:764 766Used by:775
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Symbol 785 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 786 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 787 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 788 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 789 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 790 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 791 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 792 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 793 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 794 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 795 GraphicUsed by:802
Symbol 796 GraphicUsed by:802
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Symbol 811 GraphicUsed by:816
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Symbol 836 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 837 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 838 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 839 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 840 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 841 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 842 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 843 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 844 GraphicUsed by:851
Symbol 845 GraphicUsed by:851
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Symbol 867 Sound {sd11}Used by:890
Symbol 868 Sound {sd15}Used by:890
Symbol 869 Sound {hitsd4}Used by:890
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Instance Names

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"po0"Symbol 223 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_66} Frame 1Symbol 221 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_73}
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"b3"Symbol 223 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_66} Frame 1Symbol 221 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_73}
"b2"Symbol 223 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_66} Frame 1Symbol 221 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_73}
"b1"Symbol 223 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_66} Frame 1Symbol 221 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_73}
"b0"Symbol 223 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_66} Frame 1Symbol 221 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_73}
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"page1"Symbol 250 MovieClip {Shop} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_33}
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"l0"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
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"l2"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"l3"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"h0"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"h1"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"h2"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"h3"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"i2"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 298 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_89}
"i1"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 300 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_90}
"i3"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 56 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_18}
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"h4"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
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"l5"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"l6"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"l7"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 295 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_88}
"effect_btn"Symbol 326 MovieClip {Gameui} Frame 1Symbol 325 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_97}
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"hit"Symbol 427 MovieClip {Element.Mice} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"arm"Symbol 516 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128} Frame 1Symbol 490 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_138}
"mouse"Symbol 558 MovieClip {Gamestart} Frame 1Symbol 466 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_116}
"aunty"Symbol 558 MovieClip {Gamestart} Frame 1Symbol 516 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128}
"powerbar"Symbol 558 MovieClip {Gamestart} Frame 1Symbol 517 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_141}
"l5"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"l3"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"l2"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"l4"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"l1"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"l6"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"l0"Symbol 572 MovieClip {Endpoint} Frame 1Symbol 571 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 618 MovieClip {BBQitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 632 MovieClip {Birditem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"rocket"Symbol 632 MovieClip {Birditem} Frame 24Symbol 353 MovieClip
"firemc"Symbol 632 MovieClip {Birditem} Frame 24Symbol 360 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 632 MovieClip {Birditem} Frame 24Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 687 MovieClip {Spadeitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 706 MovieClip {Bbomb} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 713 MovieClip {Lrebounditem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 720 MovieClip {Arebounditem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 727 MovieClip {Eleitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 733 MovieClip {Kiteitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 736 MovieClip {Tackitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 738 MovieClip {Banitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 740 MovieClip {Moneyitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 762 MovieClip {Rubbishitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 779 MovieClip {Ballitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 802 MovieClip {Sbomb} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip
"hit"Symbol 853 MovieClip {Bulletitem} Frame 1Symbol 362 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS3.
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"eat2"Symbol 466 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_116} Frame 97
"eat3"Symbol 466 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_116} Frame 176
"run"Symbol 466 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_116} Frame 228
"general"Symbol 516 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128} Frame 1
"hold"Symbol 516 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128} Frame 41
"hit"Symbol 516 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128} Frame 88
"hardhit"Symbol 516 MovieClip {BatThatRat_fla.Timeline_128} Frame 119
"Lhit"Symbol 558 MovieClip {Gamestart} Frame 2
"Mhit"Symbol 558 MovieClip {Gamestart} Frame 35
"Hhit"Symbol 558 MovieClip {Gamestart} Frame 60
"die"Symbol 632 MovieClip {Birditem} Frame 24
"die"Symbol 727 MovieClip {Eleitem} Frame 2
"die"Symbol 733 MovieClip {Kiteitem} Frame 2
"die"Symbol 736 MovieClip {Tackitem} Frame 2
"die"Symbol 740 MovieClip {Moneyitem} Frame 2
"die"Symbol 762 MovieClip {Rubbishitem} Frame 2
Created: 13/3 -2019 20:05:58 Last modified: 13/3 -2019 20:05:58 Server time: 03/01 -2025 06:36:33