Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #111776

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)








-  Pause

-  Shoot

-   Nuke bomb



1945 the war is coming to an end ... the allied forces are closing in
on the Nazis, when suddenly things are starting to change, there are
rumors regarding a new weapon that's destroying our forces one by
one at the European front, no one saw it and lived to tell... you are
sent as a one man reckon force to find out the Nazis Secret Weapon!

go to level:

cheat for Besimple :)




<p align="left"><font face="Vehicle Decals 'Flames & Art'" size="16" color="#ff0000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">y</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Vehicle Decals 'Flames & Art'" size="16" color="#ffff00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">b</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Vehicle Decals 'Flames & Art'" size="16" color="#ffcc00" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">u</font></p>

<p align="left"><font face="Vehicle Decals 'Flames & Art'" size="16" color="#ff0000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="0">t</font></p>

Enemy survivors:

Enemy kills:



total HITS:

total shots:







level completed






Play elite forces

main menu

back to main menu

main menu

Press P to unpause


Following  your successful assault, the infantry allied forces found
some survivors, after interrogating them they all pointed to one
direction, the Sahara desert, you boldly go to investigate.

It seems that the secret weapon has fled, you get reports from the
Russian front regarding large amount of allied casualties, you head
there hoping to discover the secret weapon and bringing him down!

You are back to the European front, you feel that you're closing on
the weapon, only a little more and you'll apprehend the secret weapon
and end the war!

Suddenly you notice a giant figure approaching, this is the big
moment, the secret weapon has revealed itself...the war's fate is in
your hand, do what you do best- Demolish it!


ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); var today_date = new Date(); _quality = "BEST"; Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.addListener(this); mochi.MochiServices; onEnterFrame = function () { LB = getBytesLoaded(); TB = getBytesTotal(); PC = (LB / TB) * 100; = PC * 2; if (PC == 100) { delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } };
Frame 9
Frame 18
function setVariables() { gameVar = _root.gameVar; s = _root.s; checkNumber(); } function checkNumber() { xmlData = new XML(); xmlData.ignoreWhite = true; xmlData.onLoad = loadXML; (((s + "gameCheck.asp?gameVar=") + gameVar) + "&random=") + Math.random(); } function checkMe() { return(0); } function loadXML(success) { if (success) { xmlResponse = this.firstChild.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].firstChild.nodeValue; nNumberSecurity = xmlResponse; dispatchSecurityEvent(); } else { nNumberSecurity = 0; dispatchSecurityEvent(); } } function dispatchSecurityEvent() { if (nNumberSecurity == 1) { security_ok(); } else { security_fail(); } } function security_ok() { securityText.text = "OK to Play The Game"; gotoAndStop ("prescreen"); } function security_fail() { securityText.text = "Security Failed"; } var nNumberSecurity = 0; var xmlResponse; var xmlData; setVariables(); stop();
Frame 24
function LeaderBoardClosed() { mnu._visible = true; } function sendscore() { mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"2e7f6276609d9951", score:superscore, onClose:LeaderBoardClosed}); } function showhs() { mochi.MochiScores.showLeaderboard({boardID:"2e7f6276609d9951", onClose:LeaderBoardClosed}); } stop(); _root.lives = 5; nitro_num = 1; glevel = 1; ppause = false; superscore = 0; b_sound.stop(); var b_sound = new Sound(); b_sound.attachSound("levelsound"); b_sound.start(1, 100000);
Frame 31
Frame 37
Frame 43
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); ppause = false; leveltime = 2300;
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "tilemap" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function collapse() { as.gotoAndPlay(3); } }
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip "t_shot" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "t_shot") { this._y = this._y + 1; this._x = this._x + (13 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = this._y - (13 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -10)) { rem(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (_root.pl_bullets[i] == this._name) { _root.pl_bullets.splice(i, 1); } i++; } removeMovieClip(this); } }
Instance of Symbol 202 MovieClip [explode] "boom" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { play(); if (this._name != "boom") { this._y = this._y + 1; } if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { stop(); } }
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip "cg" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "cg") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.getdmg(15); _root.boom2(this._x, this._y, 35); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = this._x + (10 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = this._y - (10 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { this.i = 5; }
Instance of Symbol 208 MovieClip "rl" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { this.i = 4; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "rl") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.boom2(this._x, this._y, 75); _root.getdmg(75); this.removeMovieClip(); } this.i = this.i + 0.5; this._x = this._x + (i * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._y = this._y - (i * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } } }
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "path" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (!_root.ggame) { _y = (_y+1); } if (_y >= 435) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = (random(20) + 10); }
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip "booms" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((this._name != "booms") && (!_root.ggame)) { this._y = this._y + 1; } if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip "cgb" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "cgb") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.getdmg(25); _root.boom2(this._x, this._y, 35); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = this._x + (12 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = this._y - (12 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { this.i = 5; }
Instance of Symbol 217 MovieClip "shot" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "shot") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.getdmg(75); _root.boom2(this._x, this._y, 100); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = this._x + (8 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = this._y - (8 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 570) or (this._x <= -20)) or (this._y >= 445)) or (this._y <= -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { this.i = 5; }
Instance of Symbol 219 MovieClip "mshot" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "mshot") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.getdmg(120); _root.boom2(this._x, this._y, 100); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = this._x + (9 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = this._y - (9 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 570) or (this._x <= -20)) or (this._y >= 445)) or (this._y <= -20)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { this.i = 5; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower2" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg2" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower4" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg3" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem = movem + 1; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg4" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem = movem + 1; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg5" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower5" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower6" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl3" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl4" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg6" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg7" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg8" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower8" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower7" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg2" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg9" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg10" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl5" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem < (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl6" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem < (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower10" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower9" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg3" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 1); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg4" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 1); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower3" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg6" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl7" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl8" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can2" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can3" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can4" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can5" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can6" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane11" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane12" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane13" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane14" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane15" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 278 MovieClip "pp12" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.nitro_num++; _root["stats" + _root.glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(_root.nitro_num + 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_11" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu1" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { _root.sendscore(); menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { superscore = superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Instance of Symbol 342 MovieClip "pmenu" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; swapDepths(100350); }
Frame 49
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2300; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 347 MovieClip "tilemap" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function collapse() { as.gotoAndPlay(3); } }
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 350 MovieClip in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 203 MovieClip "cg" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "cg") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.getdmg(15); _root.boom2(this._x, this._y, 35); this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = this._x + (10 * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this._y = this._y - (10 * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { this.i = 5; }
Instance of Symbol 352 MovieClip "aaaaaadddd_2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.time >= 200) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower11" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg11" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg12" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower12" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg13" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl9" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg6" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg5" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss1" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss3" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower13" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg8" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower14" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl10" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "carl11" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg14" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "cacg15" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss4" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss1" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower15" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower16" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss5" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss6" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower18" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg11" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg12" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg13" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.2); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg14" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can7" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can8" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can9" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can10" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can12" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg9" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (500 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "lacg10" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "can11" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "tower17" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss8" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "lacss7" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane213" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane22" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane23" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane2312754" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane21125" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane2212" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr211257544" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 369 MovieClip "pp13352" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.tank.hp = 1500; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "powerM_21" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.multishot = true; setTimeout(_root.multishot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_21" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu2" in Frame 49
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { _root.sendscore(); menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 55
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2400; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 373 MovieClip in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l3lacg1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg7" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l3car1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l3carl2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower5" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl5" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass6" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass7" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass5" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass8" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl6" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass9" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass10" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l3lacg4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower6" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg7" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l3carl2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l3cacg8" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower8" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l3tower7" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl8" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl9" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass11" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass12" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l3lass13" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l3carl3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l3carl4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can1" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can2" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can4" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can6" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can5" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can7" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can9" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can8" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can10" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l3can11" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane43631" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plan33" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plan32" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plan33421" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plan33543" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plan3312" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane3153546" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane3133462" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane313235125" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane313362" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr3325257544" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr31125357544" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 369 MovieClip "ppa35231" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.tank.hp = 1500; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 278 MovieClip "pp14" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.nitro_num++; _root["stats" + _root.glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(_root.nitro_num + 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_31" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_32" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu3" in Frame 55
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 61
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2500; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 383 MovieClip "tilemap" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function collapse() { as.gotoAndPlay(3); } }
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 384 MovieClip in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 386 MovieClip "aaaaaadddd_3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.time >= 200) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l4larl1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l4lacg1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l4cacg1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l4larl2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l4larl3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can6" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l4lacg2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l4lacg5" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l4carl2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l4carl1" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can9" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l4cacg2" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l4lacg6" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l4lacg7" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower7" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower6" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower5" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l4larl5" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l4larl4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower8" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower9" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1.5; }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l4carl3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l4carl4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass6" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (50 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass5" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (50 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l4lass7" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1.2; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l3larl5" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1.2; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l4cacg3" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane5" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower10" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane7" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l4lane9" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l4larl6" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1.2; }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can12" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can11" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can15" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l4can17" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l4tower13" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane41" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane42" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane43" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr41" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr413" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr412" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane411253" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr412253" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane421111" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane42123511" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "istr411257544" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "powerM_41" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.multishot = true; setTimeout(_root.multishot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_41" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "powerM_42" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.multishot = true; setTimeout(_root.multishot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu4" in Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 67
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2600; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 394 MovieClip in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l5carl" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l5lacg1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l5lacg2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l5lass1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.1); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l5lass2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.1); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l5lane1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l5lane2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl4" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg1" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l5tower4" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l5tower5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l5lacg3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl8" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl7" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl6" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l5tower6" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower7" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower8" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can4" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l5lass4" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.2); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l5lass3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg4" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg4" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l5carl2" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l5carl3" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l5lass6" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l5lass7" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l5tower9" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l5tower10" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l5tower11" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l5larl9" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation - 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l5lane12" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg13" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg14" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower12" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l5tower14" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l5cacg17" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l5carl15" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l5carl16" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (140 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can7" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can8" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can9" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can10" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l5can11" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree51" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane51" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane513" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist53" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist52" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane512" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane512" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist5321" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist53241" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 278 MovieClip "pp141" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.nitro_num++; _root["stats" + _root.glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(_root.nitro_num + 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "powerM_51" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.multishot = true; setTimeout(_root.multishot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_51" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu5" in Frame 67
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 73
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2500; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 398 MovieClip in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l6larl2" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l6larl1" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + ((speed / 2) * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - ((speed / 2) * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb4" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb3" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb7" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l6cacg12" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l6cacg11" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l6cacg10" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l6cacg9" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l6carl14" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l6lacs20" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l6tower19" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb18" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l6lane15" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l6lane13" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l6tower28" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower24" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb31" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb32" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l6carl25" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l6carl33" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l6larl35" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower38" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l6lane39" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l6lane40" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb46" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb49" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb44" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can36" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower53" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower54" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower55" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l6tower60" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l6tower63" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb61" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb58" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (150 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l6larl64" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower67" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l6carl66" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l6lacs65" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l6lacs69" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (250 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l6hamb68" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 0.5; }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l6lacg70" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can37" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can34" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can21" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can17" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can16" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l6can8" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l6canB1" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l6canB2" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l6canB3" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l6canB3" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower674" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l6tower6711" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane62" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist61" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane61" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 369 MovieClip "ppa11saf" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.tank.hp = 1500; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "powerM_61" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.multishot = true; setTimeout(_root.multishot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu6" in Frame 73
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 79
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2500; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 98 MovieClip "tilemap" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function collapse() { as.gotoAndPlay(3); } }
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 410 MovieClip in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 412 MovieClip "aaaaaadddd_4" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.time >= 200) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg25" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l7carl24" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l7tower1" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l7tower3" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l7tower2" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l7tower4" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l7hamb5" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.2); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l7hamb6" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _rotation = (_rotation + 0.3); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l7lacs10" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l7lacs13" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l7lacs12" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz14" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l7tower11" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l7wall16" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l7wall18" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l7lacg15" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l7lacg116" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz21" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (50 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz20" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg22" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg26" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l7carl27" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l7tower36" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg29" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz30" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (300 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz32" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l7carl33" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg45" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can38" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can57" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can62" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l7lane55" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l7larl49" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l7larl58" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l7lacg61" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 266 MovieClip "l7lacg48" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l7tower67" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l7tower68" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz80" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz79" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l7hamb76" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg77" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l7cacg75" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l7tower78" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l7tower74" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz98" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l7hamb86" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz91" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l7hamb94" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l7hasz83" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l6canB111" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can114" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can113" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can115" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l7can119" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l7wall7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane71" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist71" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane72" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 278 MovieClip "pp14152" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.nitro_num++; _root["stats" + _root.glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(_root.nitro_num + 1); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_71" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_72" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu7" in Frame 79
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 85
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { trace("path"); duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); _root.getInstanceAtDepth(i).clearTimeout(intervalId); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 0; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } function nitro() { if (nitro_num <= 0) { return(false); } boom(tank._x, tank._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, tank._x - 10, tank._y - 100, 500); setTimeout(_root.boom, 120, tank._x + 40, tank._y + 5, 800); setTimeout(_root.booms, 300, tank._x, tank._y, 400); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if ((_root[_root.terArray[i]]._name != "tank") && (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._y >= 0)) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } nitro_num--; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } function multishot_off() { _root.multishot = false; } function supershot_off() { _root.supershot = false; pl_power = 100; } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; kup = true; multishot = false; supershot = false; _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); boss.swapDepths(2003); tank.swapDepths(2555); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { time++; } if (((time >= leveltime) && (terArray.length <= 1)) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 1); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } if (!ggame) { tank._y = tank._y + 1; } if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } }; keyListener.onKeyDown = function () { if ((Key.getCode() == 32) && (kup)) { nitro(); kup = false; } }; keyListener.onKeyUp = function () { kup = true; }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; if (!_root.multishot) { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } else { duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } ilk++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; if (!_root.supershot) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("normal"); } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk].gotoAndStop("super"); } _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 18; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 20; } } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2500; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 431 MovieClip in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree7" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } _y = (_y + 1); }
Instance of Symbol 437 MovieClip "srocket" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function newrr() { newr = 1; } this.i = 4; newr = 2; setTimeout(this.newrr, 600); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this._name != "srocket") { this._y = this._y + 1; if (newr == 2) { delta_x = _x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = _y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); _rotation = a; } if (_root.tank.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 75); _root.getdmg(100); this.removeMovieClip(); } this.i = this.i + 0.3; this._x = this._x + (i * Math.sin(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((this._x >= 600) or (this._x <= -50)) or (this._y >= 475)) or (this._y <= -50)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._y = this._y - (i * Math.cos(this._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l8canB32" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower6" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l8tower4" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l8tower7" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l8tower14" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower12" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower15" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l8lacs25" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l8lacs24" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l8lacs33" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l8lacs29" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l8lacs30" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 358 MovieClip "l8lacs31" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower28" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower23" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro34" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (400 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l8cacg36" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l8cacg37" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l8tower38" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l8hamb40" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l8hamb39" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower41" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l8hasz50" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l8hasz49" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro45" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro48" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower51" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 405 MovieClip "l8hamb52" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro153" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l8carl55" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 255 MovieClip "l8carl54" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 99; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 393 MovieClip "l8lane56" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = ((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + random(20)) - 10; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (35 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (35 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 1; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 75, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 250, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 325, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l8tower58" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l8hasz67" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 424 MovieClip "l8hasz65" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.shotdp++; _root.ss_ns.start(); if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (6 * Math.sin((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (6 * Math.cos((_root[nm].gun._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (0 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro66" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (100 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l8cacg70" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 250 MovieClip "l8cacg69" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (20 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (20 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } speed = 1; movem = 0; z1 = true; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 400, this._name); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 20, this._x, this._y, 55); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (1000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro89" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower72" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l8tower73" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l8haro76" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "l8larl78" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_1._x, _root.t_shot_1._y, 75); _root.t_shot_1.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_2._x, _root.t_shot_2._y, 75); _root.t_shot_2.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_3._x, _root.t_shot_3._y, 75); _root.t_shot_3.removeMovieClip(); } if ((this.hitTest(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, true) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.boom(_root.t_shot_4._x, _root.t_shot_4._y, 75); _root.t_shot_4.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 138 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l8can26" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l8canB42" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l8can36" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l8can35" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l8canB68" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l8can75" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l8canB77" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l8canB20" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 141 MovieClip "tree8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj2dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane81" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist81" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist82" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane82" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane83" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane84" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane85" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist8423" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist85352" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist85235" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist85325" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane84325" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane84215" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane84325124" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane84215521" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane9125" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "plane912322" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "chain_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (25 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chain_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (25 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; speed = 3; movem = 0; i = 1; hp = 200; st = false; nw = true; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { if (nw) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; nw = false; } _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 300, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 900, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 1200, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist9215243" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist92176522" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist921621251" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 366 MovieClip "ist9212153" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.rl_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { if (_root.fpp >= 24) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); } _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; movem = 0; i = 0; speed = 4; hp = 100; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a; } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } if ((_root.htTest2(this._name) && (this._x > 0)) && (this._x < 550)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 75); _root.boom2(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom, 50, this._x, this._y, 120); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (10000 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(gun._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } }
Instance of Symbol 369 MovieClip "ppa11saf14124" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.tank.hp = 1500; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 372 MovieClip "powerM_81" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.multishot = true; setTimeout(_root.multishot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 288 MovieClip "powerS_81" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (this.hitTest(_root.tank)) { _root.supershot = true; _root.pl_power = 170; setTimeout(_root.supershot_off, 6000); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st && (!_root.ggame)) { _y = (_y + 1); } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu8" in Frame 85
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + _root.enemyKilled; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 91
function gg(ss) { _root["ggmenu" + glevel]._visible = true; _root["ggmenu" + glevel].mgg(ss); } function slice(arrayname, index) { i = 0; while (i <= _root[arrayname].length) { if (_root[arrayname][i] == index) { _root[arrayname].splice(i, 1); } i++; } } function swapz(obj, type) { _root[obj].swapDepths(_root[type]); _root[type]++; } function getdmg(int) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - int; } function t_countshot() { t_readyshot = true; t_z1 = true; } function path(px, py, pr, ps) { duplicateMovieClip ("path", "path_" + _root.pathdp, pathdp); _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._x = px; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._y = py; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._width = ps; _root["path_" + _root.pathdp]._rotation = pr; _root.pathdp++; } function boom2(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + boom2dp, boom2dp); _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boom2dp]._width = bs; } function boom(bx, by, bs) { boom_ns.start(); boomdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("boom", "boom_" + _root.boomdp, boomdp); _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._x = bx; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._y = by; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._height = bs; _root["boom_" + _root.boomdp]._width = bs; } function booms(bx, by, bs) { boomsdp++; duplicateMovieClip ("booms", "booms_" + _root.boomsdp, boomsdp); _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._x = bx; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._y = by; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._height = bs; _root["booms_" + _root.boomsdp]._width = bs; } function re() { i = 1; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("re"); } function rem() { i = 1; while (i <= 4000) { removeMovieClip(getInstanceAtDepth(i)); i++; } gotoAndStop ("Menu"); } function swapn(nm) { _root[nm]._name = nm + namedp; _root.namedp = _root.namedp + 1; } function htTest(trg) { return(false); } function htTest2(trg) { cx1 = tank._x; cy1 = tank._y; cx2 = tank._x + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy2 = tank._y - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx3 = tank._x - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy3 = tank._y + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx4 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy4 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx5 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy5 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx6 = cx6 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy6 = cy6 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx7 = cx7 + (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy7 = cy7 - (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx8 = cx8 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy8 = cy8 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = tank._x + (15 * Math.sin((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = tank._y - (15 * Math.cos((tank.body._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); cx9 = cx9 - (20 * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); cy9 = cy9 + (20 * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if ((((((((_root[trg].hitTest(cx1, cy1, false) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx2, cy2, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx3, cy3, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx4, cy4, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx5, cy5, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx6, cy6, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx7, cy7, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx8, cy8, false)) or _root[trg].hitTest(cx9, cy9, false)) { return(true); } return(false); } tank.hp = 1500; namedp = 1; boomsdp = 300; obj0dp = 400; pathdp = 500; objdp = 1100; shotdp = 2010; boomdp = 2101; obj2dp = 2201; obj3dp = 2450; boom2dp = 2601; menudp = 3001; pl_power = 100; nitro_num = 0; var pl_bullets = new Array(); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); var keyListener = new Object(); var boom_ns = new Sound(); boom_ns.attachSound("boom_s"); var cg_ns = new Sound(); cg_ns.attachSound("cg_s"); var rl_ns = new Sound(); rl_ns.attachSound("rl_s"); var ss_ns = new Sound(); ss_ns.attachSound("ss_s"); var back_ns = new Sound(); back_ns.attachSound("back_s"); objmaxsize = 90; enemyKilled = 0; enemySurvived = 0; totalShots = 0; hitShots = 0; terArray = new Array(); lose = false; ggame = false; aa = _root._url; isDown = false; isToggle = true; t_readyshot = false; t_z1 = true; speed = 0; i = 0; ilk = 0; time = 0; boss.swapDepths(2002); tank.swapDepths(2003); _root.terArray.push("tank"); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((_root.tank.hp > 0) && (!ggame)) { time++; } if ((bhp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { ggame = true; setTimeout(gg, 100, 4); lose = true; } if ((_root.tank.hp <= 0) && (lose == false)) { boom(tank._x, tank._y, 100); boom(tank._x - 5, tank._y + 4, 150); booms(tank._x, tank._y, 100); _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11); _root.lives = _root.lives - 1; _root.tank.hp = 0; if (_root.lives <= 0) { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 3); } else { setTimeout(gg, 2000, 2); } lose = true; nitro_num = 0; tank.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.tank.hp > 0) { _root["stats" + glevel].m_hp.gotoAndStop(11 - Math.ceil(_root.tank.hp / 150)); _root["stats" + glevel].nitro.gotoAndStop(nitro_num + 1); } _root["stats" + glevel].m_lv.gotoAndStop(6 - _root.lives); if (boomsdp >= 399) { boomsdp = 300; } if (pathdp >= 1000) { pathdp = 500; } if (terArray.length >= 7) { if (boomdp >= 2115) { boomdp = 2101; } } else if (boomdp >= 2200) { boomdp = 2101; } if (shotdp >= 2100) { shotdp = 2011; } if (objdp >= 2000) { objdp = 1100; } if (obj0dp >= 499) { obj0dp = 400; } if (obj2dp >= 2399) { obj2dp = 2200; } if (obj3dp >= 2554) { obj3dp = 2450; } if (boom2dp >= 2700) { boom2dp = 2601; } if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { if ((speed >= -0.2) && (speed <= 0.2)) { speed = 0; } else if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37)) { path(tank._x, tank._y, tank.body._rotation); } if ((speed - 0.2) >= 0) { speed = speed - 0.2; } if ((speed + 0.2) <= 0) { speed = speed + 0.2; } tank._x = tank._x + (speed * Math.sin(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); tank._y = tank._y - (speed * Math.cos(tank.body._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); if (tilemap._y >= (-((tilemap._height / 2) - 500))) { tilemap._y = (-tilemap._height) + 500; } if (!ggame) { tilemap._y = tilemap._y + 1; } if (tank._y > 401) { tank._y = 401; path(tank._x, tank._y, 0); } if (tank._y < 20) { tank._y = 20; } if (tank._x < 20) { tank._x = 20; } if (tank._x > 530) { tank._x = 530; } tank._y = tank._y + 1; if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); if (t_readyshot == false) { if (t_z1 == true) { t_z1 = false; intervalId = setTimeout(t_countshot, 230); } } } } } }; onMouseDown = function () { isDown = true; }; onMouseUp = function () { isDown = false; }; tank.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ppause) { if (lose == false) { tank._x = tank._x + ((_xmouse - tank._x) * 0.05); tank._y = tank._y + ((_ymouse - tank._y) * 0.05); delta_x = this._x - _xmouse; delta_y = this._y - _ymouse; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); updateAfterEvent(); if (isDown) { tilemap.collapse(); if (t_readyshot) { ilk++; if (ilk > 20) { ilk = 1; } trace(ilk); t_readyshot = false; this.gun.gotoAndPlay(2); totalShots++; duplicateMovieClip ("t_shot", "t_shot_" + ilk, 2400 + ilk); _root.pl_bullets.push(ilk); _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._rotation = this.gun._rotation; _root.cg_ns.start(); if ((ilk % 2) == 0) { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x + 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } else { _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._x = this._x - 13; _root["t_shot_" + ilk]._y = this._y - 15; } } } } } }; Key.addListener(keyListener); leveltime = 2500; bhp = 1000; ppause = false;
Instance of Symbol 134 MovieClip "stats9" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 443 MovieClip in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); }
Instance of Symbol 448 MovieClip "boss" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 10000; _root.terArray.push("boss"); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = a; speed = 8; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { _y = (_y + 1); _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); if ((((this._x >= 700) or (this._x <= -200)) or (this._y >= 700)) or (this._y <= -200)) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = a; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root[_root.terArray[i]]._x, _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y, true) && (_root.terArray[i] != "boss")) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 100000; } i++; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false) && (_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x > 0)) { _root.hitShots++; this.hp = this.hp - 150; _root.boom2(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 75); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 300); _root.boom(this._x - 5, this._y - 5, 70); setTimeout(_root.boom2, 50, this._x, this._y, 400); setTimeout(_root.boom2, 50, this._x + 100, this._y - 50, 250); setTimeout(_root.boom2, 250, this._x, this._y, 550); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.bhp = 0; this.removeMovieClip(); } } }
Instance of Symbol 450 MovieClip "aaaaaadddd_5" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "obj3dp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.time >= 200) { this._alpha = this._alpha - 20; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l9tower2" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l9haro18" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l9tower1" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l9tower9" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l9tower6" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB4" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB7" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB10" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB14" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB11" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB15" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can5" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can13" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can19" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB22" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can20" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB28" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB30" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can23" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB42" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l9tower24" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l9tower25" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 442 MovieClip "l9haro129" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, ztp) { _root.rl_ns.start(); if (ztp == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z1"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (45 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (10 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (45 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (10 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } if (ztp == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay("z2"); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.srocket, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; movem = 0; readyshot = false; i = 1; hp = 350; speed = 1; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; clearTimeout(intervalId); } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemySurvived++; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); } if ((((this._y >= (-_height)) && (this._y <= (425 + _height))) && (this._x >= (-(_width / 2)))) && (this._x <= (550 + (_width / 2)))) { delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.gun._x; this.dulo._y = this.gun._y; this.dulo._rotation = this.gun._rotation; this.dulo._x = this.dulo._x + (20 * Math.sin(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); this.dulo._y = this.dulo._y - (20 * Math.cos(this.dulo._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); updateAfterEvent(); if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 2000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 10, this._name, 2); setTimeout(cgshot, 600, this._name, 1); readyshot = false; } if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); _root.boom(this._x + 2, this._y - 2, 75); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 100); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); _root.enemyKilled++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((movem <= (200 / speed)) && (_y >= ((-this._height) / 2))) { movem++; _x = (_x + (speed * Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); _y = (_y - (speed * Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)))); } } onClipEvent (load) { speed = 1; }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l9tower21" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l9tower31" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip "l9tower38" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm, pos) { _root.cg_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "chainb_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); if (pos == 1) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(3); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (5 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (5 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(20); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (_root[nm]._x + (55 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) + (3 * Math.sin(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["chainb_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (_root[nm]._y - (55 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180)))) - (3 * Math.cos(((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } return("aa"); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.enemySurvived++; _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > 0) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name, 1); setTimeout(cgshot, 200, this._name, 2); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - 100; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y + 35, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x, this._y + 35, 150); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); _root.enemyKilled++; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 397 MovieClip "l9tower34" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { function cgshot(nm) { _root.ss_ns.start(); _root.shotdp++; _root[nm].gun.gotoAndPlay(2); duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "ss_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation; _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._x = _root[nm]._x + (40 * Math.sin((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["ss_" + _root.shotdp]._y = _root[nm]._y - (40 * Math.cos((_root[nm]._rotation + _root[nm].gun._rotation) * (Math.PI/180))); } function countshot() { readyshot = true; z1 = true; } z1 = true; readyshot = false; hp = 300; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y > -100) { if (readyshot == false) { if (z1) { intervalId = setTimeout(countshot, 1000); z1 = false; } } if (readyshot && (!_root.lose)) { setTimeout(cgshot, 1, this._name); setTimeout(cgshot, 150, this._name); readyshot = false; } } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); delta_x = this._x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = this._y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this.gun._rotation = a - this._rotation; if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 110, this._x, this._y, 125); setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB32" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can33" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB39" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "l9can40" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 45); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (65 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 150; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB41" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 409 MovieClip "l9canB3" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 50; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (st) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - (this.hp * 2); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.booms, 120, this._x, this._y, 150); setTimeout(_root.boom, 70, this._x, this._y, 250); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 150); i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { if (Math.sqrt(((_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x) * (_x - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._x)) + ((_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y) * (_y - _root[_root.terArray[i]]._y))) < (95 + (_root[_root.terArray[i]]._width / 2))) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp = _root[_root.terArray[i]].hp - 300; } i++; } _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall8" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall12" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall17" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall16" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall26" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall27" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall37" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall36" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 430 MovieClip "l9wall35" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { hp = 200; st = false; _root.swapz(this._name, "objdp"); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { if (((Math.abs(this._y) - _root.objmaxsize) <= _root.time) && (st == false)) { _root.terArray.push(this._name); _y = (-_root.objmaxsize); st = true; } if (_y >= (425 + _root.objmaxsize)) { _root.slice("terArray", this._name); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hp == 1000) { _y = (_y + 1); } if (st && (hp <= 300)) { _y = (_y + 1); if (_root.htTest(this._name)) { _root.tank.hp = _root.tank.hp - 200; _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 100); this.hp = this.hp - 1000000; } i = 0; while (i <= _root.pl_bullets.length) { if (this.hitTest(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, false)) { this.hp = this.hp - _root.pl_power; _root.hitShots++; _root.boom(_root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._x, _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]]._y, 100); _root["t_shot_" + _root.pl_bullets[i]].rem(); } i++; } if (this.hp <= 0) { setTimeout(_root.boom, 100, this._x - random(7), this._y - random(7), 150); gotoAndStop (2); _root.boom(this._x, this._y, 120); _root.slice("terArray", this._name); hp = 1000; } } } }
Instance of Symbol 339 MovieClip "ggmenu9" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) { _root.swapz(this._name, "menudp"); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { function mgg(ss) { if (_root.lives <= 0) { _root.sendscore(); menui._visible = false; } else { menui._visible = true; } ts = _root.superscore; if (ss == 4) { _root.sendscore(); } this.stat.gotoAndStop(ss); this.butl.gotoAndStop(ss); if (ss == 1) { _root.superscore = _root.superscore + 100; } enemykill = _root.enemyKilled; enemysurv = _root.enemySurvived; shottotal = _root.totalShots; shothit = _root.hitShots; accu = Math.round((shothit * 100) / shottotal) + "%"; if ((shothit <= 0) && (shottotal <= 0)) { accu = "0%"; } } if ((_visible == true) && (_alpha <= 100)) { _alpha = (_alpha + 5); } if (_visible == false) { _alpha = 0; } }
Frame 97
gotoAndStop("level" + glevel);
Frame 101
Frame 107
gotoAndStop ("hack");
Symbol 24 Button
on (release) { }
Symbol 453 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiServices] Frame 0
class mochi.MochiServices { static var _id, _container, _clip, _sendChannelName, _rcvChannelName, __get__comChannelName, onError, _listenChannel, _rcvChannel, _loader, _loaderListener, _sendChannel; function MochiServices () { } static function get id() { return(_id); } static function get clip() { return(_container); } static function get childClip() { return(_clip); } static function getVersion() { return("1.31"); } static function allowDomains(server) { var _local1 = server.split("/")[2].split(":")[0]; if ( { if ( {;; } if ( {"*");; } } return(_local1); } static function get isNetworkAvailable() { if ( { var _local1 =; if (_local1.sandboxType == "localWithFile") { return(false); } } return(true); } static function set comChannelName(val) { if (val != undefined) { if (val.length > 3) { _sendChannelName = val + "_fromgame"; _rcvChannelName = val; initComChannels(); } } //return(__get__comChannelName()); } static function get connected() { return(_connected); } static function connect(id, clip, onError) { if ((!_connected) && (_clip == undefined)) { trace("MochiServices Connecting..."); _connecting = true; init(id, clip); } if (onError != undefined) { mochi.MochiServices.onError = onError; } else if (mochi.MochiServices.onError == undefined) { mochi.MochiServices.onError = function (errorCode) { trace(errorCode); }; } } static function disconnect() { if (_connected || (_connecting)) { _connecting = (_connected = false); flush(true); if (_clip != undefined) { _clip.removeMovieClip(); delete _clip; } _listenChannel.close(); _rcvChannel.close(); } } static function init(id, clip) { _id = id; if (clip != undefined) { _container = clip; } else { _container = _root; } loadCommunicator(id, _container); } static function loadCommunicator(id, clip) { var _local2 = "_mochiservices_com_" + id; if (_clip != null) { return(_clip); } if (!isNetworkAvailable) { return(null); } allowDomains(_gatewayURL); _clip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip(_local2, 10336, false); _loader = new MovieClipLoader(); if (_loaderListener.waitInterval != null) { clearInterval(_loaderListener.waitInterval); } _loaderListener = {}; _loaderListener.onLoadError = function (target_mc, errorCode, httpStatus) { trace("MochiServices could not load."); mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, [errorCode]); }; _loaderListener.onLoadStart = function (target_mc) { this.isLoading = true; }; _loaderListener.startTime = getTimer(); _loaderListener.wait = function () { if ((getTimer() - this.startTime) > 10000) { if (!this.isLoading) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); } clearInterval(this.waitInterval); } }; _loaderListener.waitInterval = setInterval(_loaderListener, "wait", 1000); _loader.addListener(_loaderListener); _loader.loadClip(_gatewayURL, _clip); _sendChannel = new LocalConnection(); _sendChannel._queue = []; _rcvChannel = new LocalConnection(); _rcvChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _rcvChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _rcvChannel.allowDomain; _rcvChannel._nextcallbackID = 0; _rcvChannel._callbacks = {}; listen(); return(_clip); } static function onStatus(infoObject) { if (!(infoObject.level === "error")) { } else { _connected = false; _listenChannel; _listenChannelName; } } static function listen() { _listenChannel = new LocalConnection(); _listenChannel.handshake = function (args) { mochi.MochiServices.__set__comChannelName(args.newChannel); }; _listenChannel.allowDomain = function (d) { return(true); }; _listenChannel.allowInsecureDomain = _listenChannel.allowDomain; _listenChannel; _listenChannelName; trace("Waiting for MochiAds services to connect..."); } static function initComChannels() { if (!_connected) { _sendChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _sendChannel; _sendChannelName; {methodName:"handshakeDone"}; _sendChannel; _sendChannelName; {methodName:"registerGame", id:_id, clip:_clip, version:getVersion()}; _rcvChannel.onStatus = function (infoObject) { mochi.MochiServices.onStatus(infoObject); }; _rcvChannel.onReceive = function (pkg) { var _local5 = pkg.callbackID; var _local4 = this._callbacks[_local5]; if (!_local4) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = _local4.callbackMethod; var _local3 = _local4.callbackObject; if (_local3 && (typeof(_local2) == "string")) { _local2 = _local3[_local2]; } if (_local2 != undefined) { _local2.apply(_local3, pkg.args); } delete this._callbacks[_local5]; }; _rcvChannel.onError = function () { mochi.MochiServices.onError.apply(null, ["IOError"]); }; _rcvChannel; _rcvChannelName; trace("connected!"); _connecting = false; _connected = true; _listenChannel.close(); while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _sendChannel; _sendChannelName; _sendChannel._queue.shift(); } } } static function flush(error) { var _local1; var _local2; while (_sendChannel._queue.length > 0) { _local1 = _sendChannel._queue.shift(); if (_local1.callbackID != null) { _local2 = _rcvChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; } delete _rcvChannel._callbacks[_local1.callbackID]; if (error) { handleError(_local1.args, _local2.callbackObject, _local2.callbackMethod); } } } static function handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (args != null) { if (args.onError != null) { args.onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); } } if (callbackMethod != null) { args = {}; args.error = true; args.errorCode = "NotConnected"; if ((callbackObject != null) && (typeof(callbackMethod) == "string")) { callbackObject[callbackMethod](args); } else if (callbackMethod != null) { callbackMethod.apply(args); } } } static function send(methodName, args, callbackObject, callbackMethod) { if (_connected) { _sendChannel; _sendChannelName; {methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID}; } else { if ((_clip == undefined) || (!_connecting)) { onError.apply(null, ["NotConnected"]); handleError(args, callbackObject, callbackMethod); flush(true); return(undefined); } _sendChannel._queue.push({methodName:methodName, args:args, callbackID:_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID}); } _rcvChannel._callbacks[_rcvChannel._nextcallbackID] = {callbackObject:callbackObject, callbackMethod:callbackMethod}; _rcvChannel._nextcallbackID++; } static var _gatewayURL = ""; static var _listenChannelName = "__mochiservices"; static var _connecting = false; static var _connected = false; }
Symbol 454 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiScores] Frame 0
class mochi.MochiScores { static var boardID, onClose, onError; function MochiScores () { } static function setBoardID(boardID) { mochi.MochiScores.boardID = boardID; mochi.MochiServices; {boardID:boardID}; } static function showLeaderboard(options) { if (options.clip != null) { if ((options.clip != mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip()) || (mochi.MochiServices.__get__childClip()._target == undefined)) { mochi.MochiServices.disconnect(); mochi.MochiServices; mochi.MochiServices.__get__id(); options.clip; } delete options.clip; } if ( != null) { if (typeof( == "object") { if ( != undefined) { =; } } } if (options.score != null) { if (typeof(options.score) == "object") { if (options.score.text != undefined) { options.score = options.score.text; } } } if (options.onDisplay != null) { options.onDisplay(); } else { mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip().stop(); } if (options.onClose != null) { onClose = options.onClose; } else { onClose = function () { mochi.MochiServices.__get__clip(); }; } if (options.onError != null) { onError = options.onError; } else { onError = onClose; } if (options.boardID == null) { if (boardID != null) { options.boardID = boardID; } } mochi.MochiServices; {options:options}; doClose; } static function closeLeaderboard() { mochi.MochiServices; } static function getPlayerInfo(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices; } static function submit(score, name, callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices; {score:score, name:name}; } static function requestList(callbackObj, callbackMethod) { mochi.MochiServices; } static function scoresArrayToObjects(scores) { var _local5 = {}; var _local1; var _local4; var _local2; var _local6; for (var _local8 in scores) { if (typeof(scores[_local8]) == "object") { if ((scores[_local8].cols != null) && (scores[_local8].rows != null)) { _local5[_local8] = []; _local2 = scores[_local8]; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.rows.length) { _local6 = {}; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2.cols.length) { _local6[_local2.cols[_local1]] = _local2.rows[_local4][_local1]; _local1++; } _local5[_local8].push(_local6); _local4++; } } else { _local5[_local8] = {}; for (var _local7 in scores[_local8]) { _local5[_local8][_local7] = scores[_local8][_local7]; } } } else { _local5[_local8] = scores[_local8]; } } return(_local5); } static function doClose(args) { if (args.error == true) { if (args.errorCode == undefined) { args.errorCode = "IOError"; } onError.apply(null, [args.errorCode]); } else { onClose.apply(); } } }
Symbol 35 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 40 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 41 MovieClip Frame 157
Symbol 51 Button
on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop("how"); }
Symbol 64 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("story"); }
Symbol 67 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("Menu"); }
Symbol 81 Button
on (release) { b_sound.stop(); var b_sound = new Sound(); b_sound.attachSound("frontsound"); b_sound.start(1, 100000); gotoAndStop ("re"); }
Symbol 93 Button
on (release) { gotoAndStop ("re"); }
Instance of Symbol 102 MovieClip in Symbol 103 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _rotation = (_root.tank.body._rotation - 180); }
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 115 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 133 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 202 MovieClip [explode] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 156 MovieClip in Symbol 202 MovieClip [explode] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { play(); } else { stop(); } }
Symbol 202 MovieClip [explode] Frame 24
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 211 MovieClip Frame 545
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 232 MovieClip Frame 28
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 249 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 254 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 8
Symbol 265 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 324 Button
on (release) { _root.glevel++;; }
Symbol 326 Button
on (release) {; }
Symbol 330 Button
on (release) { }
Symbol 333 Button
on (release) { _root.rem(); }
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 334 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 338 Button
on (release) { _root.rem(); }
Symbol 344 Button
on (keyPress "p") { if (ppause) { i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].movem = _root[_root.terArray[i]].gmovem; i++; } pmenu._visible = false; ppause = false; } else { ppause = true; pmenu._visible = true; i = 0; while (i <= _root.terArray.length) { _root[_root.terArray[i]].gmovem = _root[_root.terArray[i]].movem; _root[_root.terArray[i]].movem = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */; i++; } } }
Symbol 350 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "level 3"; }
Symbol 373 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 379 MovieClip Frame 28
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "level 4"; }
Symbol 384 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 392 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "level 5"; }
Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 396 MovieClip Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "level 6"; }
Symbol 398 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 404 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "level 7"; }
Symbol 410 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 418 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 422 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 423 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 430 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 430 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "level 8"; }
Symbol 431 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 349 MovieClip in Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (load) { lvl.text = "Boss"; }
Symbol 443 MovieClip Frame 100
stop(); this.removeMovieClip();
Symbol 447 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 379 MovieClip "rok2" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.rl_ns.start(); } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (40 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (40 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.shotdp++; _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(21); duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (40 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (40 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 10, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 500, nn, 2); } setInterval(shotsc, 3000, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 379 MovieClip "rok1" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.rl_ns.start(); } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (40 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (40 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(21); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.rl, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (40 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (40 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 10, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 500, nn, 2); } setInterval(shotsc, 3000, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 265 MovieClip "cg2" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.cg_ns.start(); } if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(19); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (30 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (30 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (40 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (40 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 200, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 400, nn, 2); setTimeout(shot, 600, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 800, nn, 2); setTimeout(shot, 1000, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 1200, nn, 2); setTimeout(shot, 1400, nn, 1); } setInterval(shotsc, 3000, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 265 MovieClip "cg1" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.cg_ns.start(); } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(19); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (30 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (30 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation + 90) * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (40 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (40 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 200, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 400, nn, 2); setTimeout(shot, 600, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 800, nn, 2); setTimeout(shot, 1000, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 1200, nn, 2); setTimeout(shot, 1400, nn, 1); } setInterval(shotsc, 3000, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 447 MovieClip "gun2" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.cg_ns.start(); } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = xx - (50 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = yy + (50 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (50 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (50 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 200, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 400, nn, 1); } setInterval(shotsc, 3500, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 447 MovieClip "gun1" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.cg_ns.start(); } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = xx - (50 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = yy + (50 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (50 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (50 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 200, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 400, nn, 1); } setInterval(shotsc, 3300, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 404 MovieClip "bg" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.mshot, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = xx - (30 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = yy + (30 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (30 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (30 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 200, nn, 1); setTimeout(shot, 800, nn, 1); } setInterval(shotsc, 3500, this._name); }
Instance of Symbol 357 MovieClip "gun" in Symbol 448 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ppause) { var myPoint = {x:this._x, y:this._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(myPoint); delta_x = myPoint.x - _root.tank._x; delta_y = myPoint.y - _root.tank._y; a = (-Math.atan2(delta_x, delta_y)) / (Math.PI/180); this._rotation = (-_root.boss._rotation) + a; } } onClipEvent (load) { function shot(nm, pos) { if (!_root.ppause) { if ((((_root.boss._x <= 600) && (_root.boss._x >= -50)) && (_root.boss._y <= 475)) && (_root.boss._y >= -50)) { _root.ss_ns.start(); } var _local3 = {x:_root.boss[nm]._x, y:_root.boss[nm]._y}; _root.boss.localToGlobal(_local3); xx = _local3.x; yy = _local3.y; if (pos == 1) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.shot, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = xx - (30 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = yy + (30 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180))); } if (pos == 2) { _root.boss[nm].gotoAndPlay(2); _root.shotdp++; duplicateMovieClip (_root.cgb, "rocket_" + _root.shotdp, _root.shotdp); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._rotation = _root.boss._rotation + _root.boss[nm]._rotation; _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._x = (xx - (30 * Math.sin(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) + (4 * Math.sin((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root["rocket_" + _root.shotdp]._y = (yy + (30 * Math.cos(_root.boss[nm]._rotation * (Math.PI/180)))) - (4 * Math.cos((_root.boss[nm]._rotation - 90) * (Math.PI/180))); _root.shotdp++; } } } function shotsc(nn) { setTimeout(shot, 10, nn, 1); } setInterval(shotsc, 1000, this._name); }

Library Items

Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 10 FontUsed by:11
Symbol 11 TextUses:10Used by:16
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:14
Symbol 14 MovieClipUses:13Used by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClipUses:12 14Used by:16
Symbol 16 MovieClipUses:11 15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 17 BitmapUsed by:18
Symbol 18 GraphicUses:17Used by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClipUses:18Used by:41 339  Timeline
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 21 FontUsed by:22 50 66 74 76
Symbol 22 TextUses:21Used by:24
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 ButtonUses:22 23Used by:25
Symbol 25 MovieClipUses:20 24Used by:41 339  Timeline
Symbol 1 Sound [ss_s]
Symbol 2 Sound [levelsound]
Symbol 3 Sound [frontsound]
Symbol 4 Sound [rl_s]
Symbol 5 Sound [cg_s]
Symbol 6 Sound [boom_s]
Symbol 7 Sound [back_s]
Symbol 453 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiServices]
Symbol 454 MovieClip [__Packages.mochi.MochiScores]
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:35 40
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:35 40
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:35 40
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:35 40
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34Used by:41
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClipUses:36 37 38 30 39 32 26 31Used by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClipUses:19 35 40 25 SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 BitmapUsed by:43 63
Symbol 43 GraphicUses:42Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 49 MovieClipUses:48Used by:51 64 67 81
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Symbol 57 FontUsed by:58 62
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Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
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Symbol 64 ButtonUses:49 50 48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
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Symbol 70 TextUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 71 TextUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 73 TextUses:68Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 76 TextUses:21Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 82 FontUsed by:83 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 329 335 341 348 351 385 411 449
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Symbol 87 FontUsed by:88 452
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Symbol 89 EditableTextUses:85Used by:Timeline
Symbol 90 TextUses:85Used by:93
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Symbol 93 ButtonUses:90 91 92Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 95 BitmapUsed by:96
Symbol 96 GraphicUses:94 95Used by:97
Symbol 97 MovieClipUses:96Used by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:97Used by:Timeline
Symbol 99 BitmapUsed by:100 101
Symbol 100 GraphicUses:99Used by:103
Symbol 101 GraphicUses:99Used by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:101Used by:103
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:100 102Used by:134
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 106 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 107 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 108 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 109 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 110 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 111 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 112 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 113 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 114 GraphicUses:104Used by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClipUses:105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114Used by:134
Symbol 116 BitmapUsed by:117 118 119 120 121
Symbol 117 GraphicUses:116Used by:122
Symbol 118 GraphicUses:116Used by:122
Symbol 119 GraphicUses:116Used by:122
Symbol 120 GraphicUses:116Used by:122
Symbol 121 GraphicUses:116Used by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClipUses:117 118 119 120 121Used by:134
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 124 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 MovieClipUses:123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132Used by:134
Symbol 134 MovieClipUses:103 115 122 133Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:147
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Symbol 152 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 153 ShapeTweeningUsed by:156
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClipUses:151 152 153 154 155Used by:202
Symbol 157 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 158 BitmapUsed by:159
Symbol 159 GraphicUses:158Used by:202
Symbol 160 BitmapUsed by:161
Symbol 161 GraphicUses:160Used by:202
Symbol 162 BitmapUsed by:163
Symbol 163 GraphicUses:162Used by:202
Symbol 164 BitmapUsed by:165
Symbol 165 GraphicUses:164Used by:202
Symbol 166 BitmapUsed by:167
Symbol 167 GraphicUses:166Used by:202
Symbol 168 BitmapUsed by:169
Symbol 169 GraphicUses:168Used by:202
Symbol 170 BitmapUsed by:171
Symbol 171 GraphicUses:170Used by:202
Symbol 172 BitmapUsed by:173
Symbol 173 GraphicUses:172Used by:202
Symbol 174 BitmapUsed by:175
Symbol 175 GraphicUses:174Used by:202
Symbol 176 BitmapUsed by:177
Symbol 177 GraphicUses:176Used by:202
Symbol 178 BitmapUsed by:179
Symbol 179 GraphicUses:178Used by:202
Symbol 180 BitmapUsed by:181
Symbol 181 GraphicUses:180Used by:202
Symbol 182 BitmapUsed by:183
Symbol 183 GraphicUses:182Used by:202
Symbol 184 BitmapUsed by:185
Symbol 185 GraphicUses:184Used by:202
Symbol 186 BitmapUsed by:187
Symbol 187 GraphicUses:186Used by:202
Symbol 188 BitmapUsed by:189
Symbol 189 GraphicUses:188Used by:202
Symbol 190 BitmapUsed by:191
Symbol 191 GraphicUses:190Used by:202
Symbol 192 BitmapUsed by:193
Symbol 193 GraphicUses:192Used by:202
Symbol 194 BitmapUsed by:195
Symbol 195 GraphicUses:194Used by:202
Symbol 196 BitmapUsed by:197
Symbol 197 GraphicUses:196Used by:202
Symbol 198 BitmapUsed by:199
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Symbol 200 BitmapUsed by:201
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Symbol 202 MovieClip [explode]Uses:150 156 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 171 173 175 177 179 181 183 185 187 189 191 193 195 197 199 201Used by:Timeline
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:147Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:205 207Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClipUses:209 210Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 BitmapUsed by:213
Symbol 213 GraphicUses:212Used by:214
Symbol 214 MovieClipUses:213Used by:Timeline
Symbol 215 BitmapUsed by:216
Symbol 216 GraphicUses:215Used by:217
Symbol 217 MovieClipUses:216 207Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:219
Symbol 219 MovieClipUses:218 207Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 222 GraphicUsed by:233 397
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Symbol 225 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 226 GraphicUses:223Used by:232
Symbol 227 GraphicUses:223Used by:232
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:232
Symbol 232 MovieClipUses:224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231Used by:233
Symbol 233 MovieClipUses:221 222 232Used by:Timeline
Symbol 234 BitmapUsed by:235
Symbol 235 GraphicUses:234Used by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClipUses:235Used by:250 255
Symbol 237 BitmapUsed by:238 239
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Symbol 239 GraphicUses:237Used by:249 447
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:247 289 396 418 420 422
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:247 396 418 420 422
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:247 396 418 420 422
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:247 418 420 422
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Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:247 418 420 422
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247 418 420 422
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:240 241 242 243 244 245 246Used by:249 254 357 392 396 404 447
Symbol 248 Sound [s_minigunshot]Used by:249
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:238 239 247 248Used by:250
Symbol 250 MovieClipUses:236 249Used by:Timeline
Symbol 251 BitmapUsed by:252
Symbol 252 GraphicUses:251Used by:254 396
Symbol 253 Sound [s_rocket]Used by:254
Symbol 254 MovieClipUses:252 247 253Used by:255
Symbol 255 MovieClipUses:236 254Used by:Timeline
Symbol 256 BitmapUsed by:257
Symbol 257 GraphicUses:256Used by:258 353 374 387
Symbol 258 MovieClipUses:257Used by:266
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 260 GraphicUses:223Used by:265
Symbol 261 GraphicUses:223Used by:265
Symbol 262 GraphicUses:223Used by:265
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:265
Symbol 265 MovieClipUses:260 261 262 263 264Used by:266 448
Symbol 266 MovieClipUses:258 259 265Used by:Timeline
Symbol 267 BitmapUsed by:268 406
Symbol 268 GraphicUses:267Used by:269
Symbol 269 MovieClipUses:268Used by:Timeline
Symbol 270 BitmapUsed by:271
Symbol 271 GraphicUses:270Used by:272
Symbol 272 MovieClipUses:271Used by:273
Symbol 273 MovieClipUses:272Used by:Timeline
Symbol 274 GraphicUsed by:275
Symbol 275 MovieClipUses:274Used by:278
Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:277
Symbol 277 MovieClipUses:276Used by:278
Symbol 278 MovieClipUses:275 277Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 280 MovieClipUses:279Used by:288
Symbol 281 MovieClipUsed by:288 369 372
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Symbol 285 EditableTextUses:283Used by:288
Symbol 286 EditableTextUses:283Used by:288
Symbol 287 EditableTextUses:283Used by:288
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Symbol 289 MovieClipUses:240Used by:298
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Symbol 292 MovieClipUses:291Used by:297
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Symbol 294 MovieClipUses:293Used by:297
Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:296
Symbol 296 MovieClipUses:295Used by:297
Symbol 297 MovieClipUses:292 294 296Used by:298
Symbol 298 MovieClipUses:289 297Used by:Timeline
Symbol 299 GraphicUsed by:339
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Symbol 301 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 302 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 303 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 304 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 305 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 306 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 307 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 308 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 309 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 310 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 311 EditableTextUses:82Used by:339
Symbol 312 EditableTextUses:82Used by:318
Symbol 313 EditableTextUses:82Used by:318
Symbol 314 EditableTextUses:82Used by:318
Symbol 315 TextUses:82Used by:318
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Symbol 317 MovieClipUses:316Used by:318
Symbol 318 MovieClipUses:312 313 314 315 317Used by:339
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Symbol 331 TextUses:320Used by:333
Symbol 332 TextUses:320Used by:333
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Symbol 337 GraphicUsed by:338
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Symbol 346 GraphicUses:345Used by:347
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Symbol 348 EditableTextUses:82Used by:349
Symbol 349 MovieClipUses:348Used by:350 373 384 394 398 410 431 443
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Symbol 352 MovieClipUses:351Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 356 GraphicUses:354Used by:357
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Symbol 358 MovieClipUses:353 357Used by:Timeline
Symbol 359 BitmapUsed by:360 362
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Symbol 361 MovieClipUses:360Used by:365
Symbol 362 GraphicUses:359Used by:363
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:362Used by:364
Symbol 364 MovieClipUses:363Used by:365
Symbol 365 MovieClipUses:361 364Used by:366
Symbol 366 MovieClipUses:365Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 368 MovieClipUses:367Used by:369
Symbol 369 MovieClipUses:368 281Used by:Timeline
Symbol 370 GraphicUsed by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClipUses:370Used by:372
Symbol 372 MovieClipUses:371 281Used by:Timeline
Symbol 373 MovieClipUses:349Used by:Timeline
Symbol 374 MovieClipUses:257Used by:380
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Symbol 381 BitmapUsed by:382
Symbol 382 GraphicUses:381Used by:383
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Symbol 384 MovieClipUses:349Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 387 MovieClipUses:257Used by:393
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Symbol 390 GraphicUses:388Used by:392
Symbol 391 GraphicUsed by:392
Symbol 392 MovieClipUses:389 390 247 391Used by:393
Symbol 393 MovieClipUses:387 392Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 397 MovieClipUses:395 222 396Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 405 MovieClipUses:401 404Used by:Timeline
Symbol 406 GraphicUses:267Used by:407
Symbol 407 MovieClipUses:406Used by:409
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Symbol 409 MovieClipUses:407 408Used by:Timeline
Symbol 410 MovieClipUses:349Used by:Timeline
Symbol 411 TextUses:82Used by:412
Symbol 412 MovieClipUses:411Used by:Timeline
Symbol 413 MovieClipUses:400Used by:424
Symbol 414 BitmapUsed by:415 416
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Symbol 416 GraphicUses:414Used by:423
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Symbol 418 MovieClipUses:240 241 242 243 417 245 246Used by:423
Symbol 419 ShapeTweeningUsed by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClipUses:240 241 242 243 419 245 246Used by:423
Symbol 421 ShapeTweeningUsed by:422
Symbol 422 MovieClipUses:240 241 242 243 421 245 246Used by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClipUses:415 416 418 420 422Used by:424
Symbol 424 MovieClipUses:413 423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 425 BitmapUsed by:426
Symbol 426 GraphicUses:425Used by:427
Symbol 427 MovieClipUses:426Used by:430
Symbol 428 BitmapUsed by:429
Symbol 429 GraphicUses:428Used by:430
Symbol 430 MovieClipUses:427 429Used by:Timeline
Symbol 431 MovieClipUses:349Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 GraphicUses:204Used by:437
Symbol 433 BitmapUsed by:434
Symbol 434 GraphicUses:433Used by:437
Symbol 435 GraphicUsed by:436
Symbol 436 MovieClipUses:435Used by:437
Symbol 437 MovieClipUses:432 207 434 436Used by:Timeline
Symbol 438 MovieClipUses:400Used by:442
Symbol 439 BitmapUsed by:440
Symbol 440 GraphicUses:439Used by:441
Symbol 441 MovieClipUses:440 377Used by:442
Symbol 442 MovieClipUses:438 441Used by:Timeline
Symbol 443 MovieClipUses:349Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 BitmapUsed by:445
Symbol 445 GraphicUses:444Used by:446
Symbol 446 MovieClipUses:445Used by:448
Symbol 447 MovieClipUses:238 239 247Used by:448
Symbol 448 MovieClipUses:446 379 265 447 404 357Used by:Timeline
Symbol 449 TextUses:82Used by:450
Symbol 450 MovieClipUses:449Used by:Timeline
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Instance Names

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Created: 12/3 -2019 18:08:47 Last modified: 12/3 -2019 18:08:47 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:36:25