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Flash #112200

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<p align="center"><font face="Calibri" size="19" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>level 88</b></font></p>

<p align="center"><font face="Gill Sans MT Condensed" size="27" color="#333333" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>??</b></font></p>

game art and programming by Luiz Fernando Modotti - 2009

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//b2CircleDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2CircleDef extends b2ShapeDef { public var localPosition:b2Vec2; public var radius:Number; public function b2CircleDef(){ localPosition = new b2Vec2(0, 0); super(); type = b2Shape.e_circleShape; radius = 1; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 2
//b2CircleShape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2CircleShape extends b2Shape { b2internal var m_localPosition:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_radius:Number; public function b2CircleShape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef){ var _local2:b2CircleDef; m_localPosition = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); _local2 = (_arg1 as b2CircleDef); m_type = e_circleShape; m_localPosition.SetV(_local2.localPosition); m_radius = _local2.radius; } override public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local5 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.Set((_local4 - m_radius), (_local5 - m_radius)); _arg1.upperBound.Set((_local4 + m_radius), (_local5 + m_radius)); } override public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = _arg2.R; _local5 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local6 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _local4 = _arg3.R; _local7 = (_arg3.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local8 = (_arg3.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.Set((((_local5 < _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 - m_radius), (((_local6 < _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 - m_radius)); _arg1.upperBound.Set((((_local5 > _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 + m_radius), (((_local6 > _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 + m_radius)); } public function GetLocalPosition():b2Vec2{ return (m_localPosition); } override public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):int{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local6 = _arg1.R; _local7 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local6.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local8 = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local6.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _local9 = (_arg4.p1.x - _local7); _local10 = (_arg4.p1.y - _local8); _local11 = (((_local9 * _local9) + (_local10 * _local10)) - (m_radius * m_radius)); if (_local11 < 0){ _arg2[0] = 0; return (e_startsInsideCollide); }; _local12 = (_arg4.p2.x - _arg4.p1.x); _local13 = (_arg4.p2.y - _arg4.p1.y); _local14 = ((_local9 * _local12) + (_local10 * _local13)); _local15 = ((_local12 * _local12) + (_local13 * _local13)); _local16 = ((_local14 * _local14) - (_local15 * _local11)); if ((((_local16 < 0)) || ((_local15 < Number.MIN_VALUE)))){ return (e_missCollide); }; _local17 = -((_local14 + Math.sqrt(_local16))); if ((((0 <= _local17)) && ((_local17 <= (_arg5 * _local15))))){ _local17 = (_local17 / _local15); _arg2[0] = _local17; _arg3.x = (_local9 + (_local17 * _local12)); _arg3.y = (_local10 + (_local17 * _local13)); _arg3.Normalize(); return (e_hitCollide); }; return (e_missCollide); } public function GetRadius():Number{ return (m_radius); } override public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ _arg1.mass = (((m_density * b2Settings.b2_pi) * m_radius) * m_radius);; _arg1.I = (_arg1.mass * (((0.5 * m_radius) * m_radius) + ((m_localPosition.x * m_localPosition.x) + (m_localPosition.y * m_localPosition.y)))); } override b2internal function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = (m_localPosition.x - _arg1.x); _local3 = (m_localPosition.y - _arg1.y); _local2 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); m_sweepRadius = ((_local2 + m_radius) - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); } override public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local3 = _arg1.R; _local4 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local5 = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _local4 = (_arg2.x - _local4); _local5 = (_arg2.y - _local5); return ((((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)) <= (m_radius * m_radius))); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 3
//b2EdgeChainDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2EdgeChainDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { public class b2EdgeChainDef extends b2ShapeDef { public var isALoop:Boolean; public var vertexCount:int; public var vertices:Array; public function b2EdgeChainDef(){ type = b2Shape.e_edgeShape; vertexCount = 0; isALoop = true; vertices = []; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 4
//b2EdgeShape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2EdgeShape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2EdgeShape extends b2Shape { b2internal var m_v2:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_v1:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_coreV1:b2Vec2; private var s_supportVec:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_coreV2:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_length:Number; b2internal var m_cornerConvex1:Boolean; b2internal var m_cornerConvex2:Boolean; b2internal var m_cornerDir1:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_direction:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_cornerDir2:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_nextEdge:b2EdgeShape; b2internal var m_prevEdge:b2EdgeShape; b2internal var m_normal:b2Vec2; public function b2EdgeShape(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2ShapeDef){ s_supportVec = new b2Vec2(); m_v1 = new b2Vec2(); m_v2 = new b2Vec2(); m_coreV1 = new b2Vec2(); m_coreV2 = new b2Vec2(); m_normal = new b2Vec2(); m_direction = new b2Vec2(); m_cornerDir1 = new b2Vec2(); m_cornerDir2 = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg3); m_type = e_edgeShape; m_prevEdge = null; m_nextEdge = null; m_v1 = _arg1; m_v2 = _arg2; m_direction.Set((m_v2.x - m_v1.x), (m_v2.y - m_v1.y)); m_length = m_direction.Normalize(); m_normal.Set(m_direction.y, -(m_direction.x)); m_coreV1.Set(((-(b2Settings.b2_toiSlop) * (m_normal.x - m_direction.x)) + m_v1.x), ((-(b2Settings.b2_toiSlop) * (m_normal.y - m_direction.y)) + m_v1.y)); m_coreV2.Set(((-(b2Settings.b2_toiSlop) * (m_normal.x + m_direction.x)) + m_v2.x), ((-(b2Settings.b2_toiSlop) * (m_normal.y + m_direction.y)) + m_v2.y)); m_cornerDir1 = m_normal; m_cornerDir2.Set(-(m_normal.x), -(m_normal.y)); } public function GetVertex1():b2Vec2{ return (m_v1); } override public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ return (false); } public function GetCorner2Vector():b2Vec2{ return (m_cornerDir2); } public function GetDirectionVector():b2Vec2{ return (m_direction); } override public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):int{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; _local7 = (_arg4.p2.x - _arg4.p1.x); _local8 = (_arg4.p2.y - _arg4.p1.y); _local6 = _arg1.R; _local9 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * m_v1.x) + (_local6.col2.x * m_v1.y))); _local10 = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * m_v1.x) + (_local6.col2.y * m_v1.y))); _local11 = ((_arg1.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * m_v2.x) + (_local6.col2.y * m_v2.y))) - _local10); _local12 = -(((_arg1.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * m_v2.x) + (_local6.col2.x * m_v2.y))) - _local9)); _local13 = (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE); _local14 = -(((_local7 * _local11) + (_local8 * _local12))); if (_local14 > _local13){ _local15 = (_arg4.p1.x - _local9); _local16 = (_arg4.p1.y - _local10); _local17 = ((_local15 * _local11) + (_local16 * _local12)); if ((((0 <= _local17)) && ((_local17 <= (_arg5 * _local14))))){ _local18 = ((-(_local7) * _local16) + (_local8 * _local15)); if (((((-(_local13) * _local14) <= _local18)) && ((_local18 <= (_local14 * (1 + _local13)))))){ _local17 = (_local17 / _local14); _arg2[0] = _local17; _local19 = Math.sqrt(((_local11 * _local11) + (_local12 * _local12))); _arg3.x = (_local11 / _local19); _arg3.y = (_local12 / _local19); return (e_hitCollide); }; }; }; return (e_missCollide); } public function GetNextEdge():b2EdgeShape{ return (m_nextEdge); } override public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ _arg1.mass = 0;; _arg1.I = 0; } public function Corner1IsConvex():Boolean{ return (m_cornerConvex1); } public function Corner2IsConvex():Boolean{ return (m_cornerConvex2); } public function Support(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = _arg1.R; _local5 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_coreV1.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_coreV1.y))); _local6 = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_coreV1.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_coreV1.y))); _local7 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_coreV2.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_coreV2.y))); _local8 = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_coreV2.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_coreV2.y))); if (((_local5 * _arg2) + (_local6 * _arg3)) > ((_local7 * _arg2) + (_local8 * _arg3))){ s_supportVec.x = _local5; s_supportVec.y = _local6; } else { s_supportVec.x = _local7; s_supportVec.y = _local8; }; return (s_supportVec); } b2internal function SetNextEdge(_arg1:b2EdgeShape, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Boolean):void{ m_nextEdge = _arg1; m_coreV2 = _arg2; m_cornerDir2 = _arg3; m_cornerConvex2 = _arg4; } public function GetLength():Number{ return (m_length); } override public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; _local4 = _arg2.R; _local5 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_v1.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_v1.y))); _local6 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_v1.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_v1.y))); _local7 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_v2.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_v2.y))); _local8 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_v2.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_v2.y))); _local4 = _arg3.R; _local9 = (_arg3.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_v1.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_v1.y))); _local10 = (_arg3.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_v1.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_v1.y))); _local11 = (_arg3.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_v2.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_v2.y))); _local12 = (_arg3.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_v2.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_v2.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.x = ((((((_local5 < _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 < _local9)) ? ((_local5 < _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 : _local9 < _local11)) ? ((((_local5 < _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 < _local9)) ? ((_local5 < _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 : _local9 : _local11; _arg1.lowerBound.y = ((((((_local6 < _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 < _local10)) ? ((_local6 < _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 : _local10 < _local12)) ? ((((_local6 < _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 < _local10)) ? ((_local6 < _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 : _local10 : _local12; _arg1.upperBound.x = ((((((_local5 > _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 > _local9)) ? ((_local5 > _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 : _local9 > _local11)) ? ((((_local5 > _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 > _local9)) ? ((_local5 > _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 : _local9 : _local11; _arg1.upperBound.y = ((((((_local6 > _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 > _local10)) ? ((_local6 > _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 : _local10 > _local12)) ? ((((_local6 > _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 > _local10)) ? ((_local6 > _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 : _local10 : _local12; } public function GetCoreVertex1():b2Vec2{ return (m_coreV1); } public function GetCoreVertex2():b2Vec2{ return (m_coreV2); } public function GetFirstVertex(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Mat22; _local2 = _arg1.R; return (new b2Vec2((_arg1.position.x + ((_local2.col1.x * m_coreV1.x) + (_local2.col2.x * m_coreV1.y))), (_arg1.position.y + ((_local2.col1.y * m_coreV1.x) + (_local2.col2.y * m_coreV1.y))))); } public function GetNormalVector():b2Vec2{ return (m_normal); } public function GetCorner1Vector():b2Vec2{ return (m_cornerDir1); } public function GetPrevEdge():b2EdgeShape{ return (m_prevEdge); } b2internal function SetPrevEdge(_arg1:b2EdgeShape, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Boolean):void{ m_prevEdge = _arg1; m_coreV1 = _arg2; m_cornerDir1 = _arg3; m_cornerConvex1 = _arg4; } override b2internal function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = (m_coreV1.x - _arg1.x); _local3 = (m_coreV1.y - _arg1.y); _local4 = ((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)); _local2 = (m_coreV2.x - _arg1.x); _local3 = (m_coreV2.y - _arg1.y); _local5 = ((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)); m_sweepRadius = Math.sqrt(((_local4 > _local5)) ? _local4 : _local5); } override public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * m_v1.x) + (_local3.col2.x * m_v1.y))); _local5 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * m_v1.x) + (_local3.col2.y * m_v1.y))); _local6 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * m_v2.x) + (_local3.col2.x * m_v2.y))); _local7 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * m_v2.x) + (_local3.col2.y * m_v2.y))); if (_local4 < _local6){ _arg1.lowerBound.x = _local4; _arg1.upperBound.x = _local6; } else { _arg1.lowerBound.x = _local6; _arg1.upperBound.x = _local4; }; if (_local5 < _local7){ _arg1.lowerBound.y = _local5; _arg1.upperBound.y = _local7; } else { _arg1.lowerBound.y = _local7; _arg1.upperBound.y = _local5; }; } public function GetVertex2():b2Vec2{ return (m_v2); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 5
//b2FilterData (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2FilterData) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { public class b2FilterData { public var maskBits:uint;// = 0xFFFF public var groupIndex:int;// = 0 public var categoryBits:uint;// = 1 public function b2FilterData(){ categoryBits = 1; maskBits = 0xFFFF; groupIndex = 0; super(); } public function Copy():b2FilterData{ var _local1:b2FilterData; _local1 = new b2FilterData(); _local1.categoryBits = categoryBits; _local1.maskBits = maskBits; _local1.groupIndex = groupIndex; return (_local1); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 6
//b2MassData (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2MassData) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2MassData { public var mass:Number;// = 0 public var center:b2Vec2; public var I:Number;// = 0 public function b2MassData(){ mass = 0; center = new b2Vec2(0, 0); I = 0; super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 7
//b2PolygonDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolygonDef extends b2ShapeDef { public var vertexCount:int; public var vertices:Array; private static var s_mat:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(); public function b2PolygonDef(){ var _local1:int; vertices = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); super(); type = b2Shape.e_polygonShape; vertexCount = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices) { vertices[_local1] = new b2Vec2(); _local1++; }; } public function SetAsOrientedBox(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2=null, _arg4:Number=0):void{ var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:int; vertexCount = 4; vertices[0].Set(-(_arg1), -(_arg2)); vertices[1].Set(_arg1, -(_arg2)); vertices[2].Set(_arg1, _arg2); vertices[3].Set(-(_arg1), _arg2); if (_arg3){ _local5 = _arg3; _local6 = s_mat; _local6.Set(_arg4); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < vertexCount) { _arg3 = vertices[_local7]; _arg1 = (_local5.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _arg3.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _arg3.y))); _arg3.y = (_local5.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _arg3.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _arg3.y))); _arg3.x = _arg1; _local7++; }; }; } public function SetAsBox(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ vertexCount = 4; vertices[0].Set(-(_arg1), -(_arg2)); vertices[1].Set(_arg1, -(_arg2)); vertices[2].Set(_arg1, _arg2); vertices[3].Set(-(_arg1), _arg2); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 8
//b2PolygonShape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolygonShape extends b2Shape { b2internal var m_vertices:Array; private var s_supportVec:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_normals:Array; private var m_obb:b2OBB; private var m_coreVertices:Array; b2internal var m_centroid:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_vertexCount:int; private static var s_computeMat:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(); private static var s_sweptAABB1:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); private static var s_sweptAABB2:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); public function b2PolygonShape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef){ var _local2:b2PolygonDef; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; s_supportVec = new b2Vec2(); m_obb = new b2OBB(); m_vertices = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); m_normals = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); m_coreVertices = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); super(_arg1); m_type = e_polygonShape; _local2 = (_arg1 as b2PolygonDef); m_vertexCount = _local2.vertexCount; _local4 = _local3; _local5 = _local3; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { m_vertices[_local3] = _local2.vertices[_local3].Copy(); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { _local4 = _local3; _local5 = (((_local3 + 1) < m_vertexCount)) ? (_local3 + 1) : 0; _local6 = (m_vertices[_local5].x - m_vertices[_local4].x); _local7 = (m_vertices[_local5].y - m_vertices[_local4].y); _local8 = Math.sqrt(((_local6 * _local6) + (_local7 * _local7))); m_normals[_local3] = new b2Vec2((_local7 / _local8), (-(_local6) / _local8)); _local3++; }; m_centroid = ComputeCentroid(_local2.vertices, _local2.vertexCount); ComputeOBB(m_obb, m_vertices, m_vertexCount); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { _local4 = (((_local3 - 1) >= 0)) ? (_local3 - 1) : (m_vertexCount - 1); _local5 = _local3; _local9 = m_normals[_local4].x; _local10 = m_normals[_local4].y; _local11 = m_normals[_local5].x; _local12 = m_normals[_local5].y; _local13 = (m_vertices[_local3].x - m_centroid.x); _local14 = (m_vertices[_local3].y - m_centroid.y); _local15 = (((_local9 * _local13) + (_local10 * _local14)) - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local16 = (((_local11 * _local13) + (_local12 * _local14)) - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local17 = (1 / ((_local9 * _local12) - (_local10 * _local11))); m_coreVertices[_local3] = new b2Vec2(((_local17 * ((_local12 * _local15) - (_local10 * _local16))) + m_centroid.x), ((_local17 * ((_local9 * _local16) - (_local11 * _local15))) + m_centroid.y)); _local3++; }; } override public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:int; var _local10:Number; _local4 = _arg1.R; _local5 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.position.x); _local6 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.position.y); _local7 = ((_local5 * _local4.col1.x) + (_local6 * _local4.col1.y)); _local8 = ((_local5 * _local4.col2.x) + (_local6 * _local4.col2.y)); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < m_vertexCount) { _local3 = m_vertices[_local9]; _local5 = (_local7 - _local3.x); _local6 = (_local8 - _local3.y); _local3 = m_normals[_local9]; _local10 = ((_local3.x * _local5) + (_local3.y * _local6)); if (_local10 > 0){ return (false); }; _local9++; }; return (true); } public function GetCoreVertices():Array{ return (m_coreVertices); } public function GetCentroid():b2Vec2{ return (m_centroid); } override public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):int{ var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:b2Mat22; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:int; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; _local6 = 0; _local7 = _arg5; _local8 = (_arg4.p1.x - _arg1.position.x); _local9 = (_arg4.p1.y - _arg1.position.y); _local10 = _arg1.R; _local12 = ((_local8 * _local10.col1.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col1.y)); _local13 = ((_local8 * _local10.col2.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col2.y)); _local8 = (_arg4.p2.x - _arg1.position.x); _local9 = (_arg4.p2.y - _arg1.position.y); _local10 = _arg1.R; _local14 = ((_local8 * _local10.col1.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col1.y)); _local15 = ((_local8 * _local10.col2.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col2.y)); _local16 = (_local14 - _local12); _local17 = (_local15 - _local13); _local18 = -1; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < m_vertexCount) { _local11 = m_vertices[_local19]; _local8 = (_local11.x - _local12); _local9 = (_local11.y - _local13); _local11 = m_normals[_local19]; _local20 = ((_local11.x * _local8) + (_local11.y * _local9)); _local21 = ((_local11.x * _local16) + (_local11.y * _local17)); if (_local21 == 0){ if (_local20 < 0){ return (e_missCollide); }; } else { if ((((_local21 < 0)) && ((_local20 < (_local6 * _local21))))){ _local6 = (_local20 / _local21); _local18 = _local19; } else { if ((((_local21 > 0)) && ((_local20 < (_local7 * _local21))))){ _local7 = (_local20 / _local21); }; }; }; if (_local7 < _local6){ return (e_missCollide); }; _local19++; }; if (_local18 >= 0){ _arg2[0] = _local6; _local10 = _arg1.R; _local11 = m_normals[_local18]; _arg3.x = ((_local10.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.x * _local11.y)); _arg3.y = ((_local10.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.y * _local11.y)); return (e_hitCollide); }; _arg2[0] = 0; return (e_startsInsideCollide); } override public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; _local8 = (1 / 3); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < m_vertexCount) { _local10 = m_vertices[_local9]; _local11 = (((_local9 + 1) < m_vertexCount)) ? m_vertices[int((_local9 + 1))] : m_vertices[0]; _local12 = (_local10.x - _local6); _local13 = (_local10.y - _local7); _local14 = (_local11.x - _local6); _local15 = (_local11.y - _local7); _local16 = ((_local12 * _local15) - (_local13 * _local14)); _local17 = (0.5 * _local16); _local4 = (_local4 + _local17); _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local17 * _local8) * ((_local6 + _local10.x) + _local11.x))); _local3 = (_local3 + ((_local17 * _local8) * ((_local7 + _local10.y) + _local11.y))); _local18 = _local6; _local19 = _local7; _local20 = _local12; _local21 = _local13; _local22 = _local14; _local23 = _local15; _local24 = ((_local8 * ((0.25 * (((_local20 * _local20) + (_local22 * _local20)) + (_local22 * _local22))) + ((_local18 * _local20) + (_local18 * _local22)))) + ((0.5 * _local18) * _local18)); _local25 = ((_local8 * ((0.25 * (((_local21 * _local21) + (_local23 * _local21)) + (_local23 * _local23))) + ((_local19 * _local21) + (_local19 * _local23)))) + ((0.5 * _local19) * _local19)); _local5 = (_local5 + (_local16 * (_local24 + _local25))); _local9++; }; _arg1.mass = (m_density * _local4); _local2 = (_local2 * (1 / _local4)); _local3 = (_local3 * (1 / _local4));, _local3); _arg1.I = (m_density * _local5); } public function Support(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:int; var _local9:Number; var _local10:int; var _local11:Number; _local5 = _arg1.R; _local6 = ((_arg2 * _local5.col1.x) + (_arg3 * _local5.col1.y)); _local7 = ((_arg2 * _local5.col2.x) + (_arg3 * _local5.col2.y)); _local8 = 0; _local4 = m_coreVertices[0]; _local9 = ((_local4.x * _local6) + (_local4.y * _local7)); _local10 = 1; while (_local10 < m_vertexCount) { _local4 = m_coreVertices[_local10]; _local11 = ((_local4.x * _local6) + (_local4.y * _local7)); if (_local11 > _local9){ _local8 = _local10; _local9 = _local11; }; _local10++; }; _local5 = _arg1.R; _local4 = m_coreVertices[_local8]; s_supportVec.x = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local5.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local5.col2.x * _local4.y))); s_supportVec.y = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local5.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local5.col2.y * _local4.y))); return (s_supportVec); } public function GetVertexCount():int{ return (m_vertexCount); } override public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ var _local4:b2AABB; var _local5:b2AABB; _local4 = s_sweptAABB1; _local5 = s_sweptAABB2; ComputeAABB(_local4, _arg2); ComputeAABB(_local5, _arg3); _arg1.lowerBound.Set(((_local4.lowerBound.x < _local5.lowerBound.x)) ? _local4.lowerBound.x : _local5.lowerBound.x, ((_local4.lowerBound.y < _local5.lowerBound.y)) ? _local4.lowerBound.y : _local5.lowerBound.y); _arg1.upperBound.Set(((_local4.upperBound.x > _local5.upperBound.x)) ? _local4.upperBound.x : _local5.upperBound.x, ((_local4.upperBound.y > _local5.upperBound.y)) ? _local4.upperBound.y : _local5.upperBound.y); } public function GetVertices():Array{ return (m_vertices); } public function GetNormals():Array{ return (m_normals); } public function GetOBB():b2OBB{ return (m_obb); } public function GetFirstVertex(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulX(_arg1, m_coreVertices[0])); } public function Centroid(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulX(_arg1, m_centroid)); } override b2internal function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; m_sweepRadius = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { _local2 = m_coreVertices[_local3]; _local4 = (_local2.x - _arg1.x); _local5 = (_local2.y - _arg1.y); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5))); if (_local4 > m_sweepRadius){ m_sweepRadius = _local4; }; _local3++; }; } override public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local5 = s_computeMat; _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 = m_obb.R.col1; _local5.col1.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); _local5.col1.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); _local4 = m_obb.R.col2; _local5.col2.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); _local5.col2.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); _local5.Abs(); _local6 = _local5; _local4 = m_obb.extents; _local7 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local4.y)); _local8 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local4.y)); _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 =; _local9 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y))); _local10 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.Set((_local9 - _local7), (_local10 - _local8)); _arg1.upperBound.Set((_local9 + _local7), (_local10 + _local8)); } public static function ComputeCentroid(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:int; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; _local3 = new b2Vec2(); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = (1 / 3); _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg2) { _local9 = _arg1[_local8]; _local10 = (((_local8 + 1) < _arg2)) ? _arg1[int((_local8 + 1))] : _arg1[0]; _local11 = (_local9.x - _local5); _local12 = (_local9.y - _local6); _local13 = (_local10.x - _local5); _local14 = (_local10.y - _local6); _local15 = ((_local11 * _local14) - (_local12 * _local13)); _local16 = (0.5 * _local15); _local4 = (_local4 + _local16); _local3.x = (_local3.x + ((_local16 * _local7) * ((_local5 + _local9.x) + _local10.x))); _local3.y = (_local3.y + ((_local16 * _local7) * ((_local6 + _local9.y) + _local10.y))); _local8++; }; _local3.x = (_local3.x * (1 / _local4)); _local3.y = (_local3.y * (1 / _local4)); return (_local3); } b2internal static function ComputeOBB(_arg1:b2OBB, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:b2Mat22; _local5 = new Array((b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices + 1)); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg3) { _local5[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; _local4++; }; _local5[_arg3] = _local5[0]; _local6 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= _arg3) { _local7 = _local5[int((_local4 - 1))]; _local8 = (_local5[_local4].x - _local7.x); _local9 = (_local5[_local4].y - _local7.y); _local10 = Math.sqrt(((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9))); _local8 = (_local8 / _local10); _local9 = (_local9 / _local10); _local11 = -(_local9); _local12 = _local8; _local13 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local14 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local15 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local16 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _arg3) { _local19 = (_local5[_local17].x - _local7.x); _local20 = (_local5[_local17].y - _local7.y); _local21 = ((_local8 * _local19) + (_local9 * _local20)); _local22 = ((_local11 * _local19) + (_local12 * _local20)); if (_local21 < _local13){ _local13 = _local21; }; if (_local22 < _local14){ _local14 = _local22; }; if (_local21 > _local15){ _local15 = _local21; }; if (_local22 > _local16){ _local16 = _local22; }; _local17++; }; _local18 = ((_local15 - _local13) * (_local16 - _local14)); if (_local18 < (0.95 * _local6)){ _local6 = _local18; _arg1.R.col1.x = _local8; _arg1.R.col1.y = _local9; _arg1.R.col2.x = _local11; _arg1.R.col2.y = _local12; _local23 = (0.5 * (_local13 + _local15)); _local24 = (0.5 * (_local14 + _local16)); _local25 = _arg1.R; = (_local7.x + ((_local25.col1.x * _local23) + (_local25.col2.x * _local24))); = (_local7.y + ((_local25.col1.y * _local23) + (_local25.col2.y * _local24))); _arg1.extents.x = (0.5 * (_local15 - _local13)); _arg1.extents.y = (0.5 * (_local16 - _local14)); }; _local4++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 9
//b2Shape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2Shape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Shape { b2internal var m_type:int; b2internal var m_sweepRadius:Number; private var m_proxy:b2Proxy; private var m_filter:b2FilterData; b2internal var m_friction:Number; b2internal var m_next:b2Shape; b2internal var m_restitution:Number; private var m_userData; b2internal var m_density:Number; private var m_isSensor:Boolean; b2internal var m_body:b2Body; b2internal static const e_polygonShape:int = 1; public static const e_hitCollide:int = 1; public static const e_missCollide:int = 0; b2internal static const e_edgeShape:int = 2; b2internal static const e_unknownShape:int = -1; b2internal static const e_circleShape:int = 0; b2internal static const e_shapeTypeCount:int = 3; public static const e_startsInsideCollide:int = -1; private static var s_resetAABB:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); private static var s_syncAABB:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); private static var s_proxyAABB:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); public function b2Shape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef){ m_userData = _arg1.userData; m_friction = _arg1.friction; m_restitution = _arg1.restitution; m_density = _arg1.density; m_body = null; m_sweepRadius = 0; m_next = null; m_proxy = null; m_filter = _arg1.filter.Copy(); m_isSensor = _arg1.isSensor; } public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ return (false); } public function GetSweepRadius():Number{ return (m_sweepRadius); } public function GetNext():b2Shape{ return (m_next); } public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ } public function SetRestitution(_arg1:Number):void{ m_restitution = _arg1; } public function GetType():int{ return (m_type); } public function GetRestitution():Number{ return (m_restitution); } public function GetFriction():Number{ return (m_friction); } public function GetFilterData():b2FilterData{ return (m_filter.Copy()); } public function SetFriction(_arg1:Number):void{ m_friction = _arg1; } public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):int{ return (e_missCollide); } b2internal function RefilterProxy(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2AABB; var _local4:Boolean; if (m_proxy == null){ return; }; _arg1.DestroyProxy(m_proxy); _local3 = s_resetAABB; ComputeAABB(_local3, _arg2); _local4 = _arg1.InRange(_local3); if (_local4){ m_proxy = _arg1.CreateProxy(_local3, this); } else { m_proxy = null; }; } public function SetFilterData(_arg1:b2FilterData):void{ m_filter = _arg1.Copy(); } public function GetUserData(){ return (m_userData); } b2internal function Synchronize(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):Boolean{ var _local4:b2AABB; if (m_proxy == null){ return (false); }; _local4 = s_syncAABB; ComputeSweptAABB(_local4, _arg2, _arg3); if (_arg1.InRange(_local4)){ _arg1.MoveProxy(m_proxy, _local4); return (true); }; return (false); } public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ } public function IsSensor():Boolean{ return (m_isSensor); } b2internal function DestroyProxy(_arg1:b2BroadPhase):void{ if (m_proxy){ _arg1.DestroyProxy(m_proxy); m_proxy = null; }; } b2internal function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ } public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ } public function GetBody():b2Body{ return (m_body); } b2internal function CreateProxy(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2AABB; var _local4:Boolean; _local3 = s_proxyAABB; ComputeAABB(_local3, _arg2); _local4 = _arg1.InRange(_local3); if (_local4){ m_proxy = _arg1.CreateProxy(_local3, this); } else { m_proxy = null; }; } public function SetUserData(_arg1):void{ m_userData = _arg1; } b2internal static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2):void{ var _local3:b2EdgeShape; switch (_arg1.m_type){ case e_edgeShape: _local3 = (_arg1 as b2EdgeShape); if (_local3.m_nextEdge != null){ _local3.m_nextEdge.m_prevEdge = null; }; if (_local3.m_prevEdge != null){ _local3.m_prevEdge.m_nextEdge = null; }; break; }; } b2internal static function Create(_arg1:b2ShapeDef, _arg2):b2Shape{ switch (_arg1.type){ case e_circleShape: return (new b2CircleShape(_arg1)); case e_polygonShape: return (new b2PolygonShape(_arg1)); default: return (null); }; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 10
//b2ShapeDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2ShapeDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { public class b2ShapeDef { public var isSensor:Boolean;// = false public var density:Number;// = 0 public var type:int; public var restitution:Number;// = 0 public var userData;// = null public var filter:b2FilterData; public var friction:Number;// = 0.2 public function b2ShapeDef(){ type = b2Shape.e_unknownShape; userData = null; friction = 0.2; restitution = 0; density = 0; isSensor = false; filter = new b2FilterData(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 11
//b2AABB (Box2D.Collision.b2AABB) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2AABB { public var upperBound:b2Vec2; public var lowerBound:b2Vec2; public function b2AABB(){ lowerBound = new b2Vec2(); upperBound = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function IsValid():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; _local1 = (upperBound.x - lowerBound.x); _local2 = (upperBound.y - lowerBound.y); _local3 = (((_local1 >= 0)) && ((_local2 >= 0))); _local3 = ((((_local3) && (lowerBound.IsValid()))) && (upperBound.IsValid())); return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 12
//b2Bound (Box2D.Collision.b2Bound) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2Bound { public var stabbingCount:uint; public var proxy:b2Proxy; public var value:uint; public function Swap(_arg1:b2Bound):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:b2Proxy; var _local4:uint; _local2 = value; _local3 = proxy; _local4 = stabbingCount; value = _arg1.value; proxy = _arg1.proxy; stabbingCount = _arg1.stabbingCount; _arg1.value = _local2; _arg1.proxy = _local3; _arg1.stabbingCount = _local4; } public function IsLower():Boolean{ return (((value & 1) == 0)); } public function IsUpper():Boolean{ return (((value & 1) == 1)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 13
//b2BoundValues (Box2D.Collision.b2BoundValues) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2BoundValues { public var lowerValues:Array; public var upperValues:Array; public function b2BoundValues(){ lowerValues = [0, 0]; upperValues = [0, 0]; super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 14
//b2BroadPhase (Box2D.Collision.b2BroadPhase) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2BroadPhase { b2internal var m_quantizationFactor:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_worldAABB:b2AABB; b2internal var m_bounds:Array; private var m_freeProxy:b2Proxy; b2internal var m_proxyCount:int; b2internal var m_proxyPool:Array; private var m_querySortKeys:Array; b2internal var m_pairManager:b2PairManager; private var m_queryResultCount:int; private var m_timeStamp:uint; private var m_queryResults:Array; public static const b2_nullEdge:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static const b2_invalid:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static var s_validate:Boolean = false; public function b2BroadPhase(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2PairCallback){ var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; m_pairManager = new b2PairManager(); m_proxyPool = new Array(); m_bounds = new Array(); m_querySortKeys = new Array(); m_queryResults = new Array(); m_quantizationFactor = new b2Vec2(); super(); m_pairManager.Initialize(this, _arg2); m_worldAABB = _arg1; m_proxyCount = 0; m_bounds = new Array(2); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { m_bounds[_local3] = new Array(); _local3++; }; _local4 = (_arg1.upperBound.x - _arg1.lowerBound.x); _local5 = (_arg1.upperBound.y - _arg1.lowerBound.y); m_quantizationFactor.x = (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX / _local4); m_quantizationFactor.y = (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX / _local5); m_timeStamp = 1; m_queryResultCount = 0; } public function QueryAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2, _arg3:int):int{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Array; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2Proxy; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = new Array(); ComputeBounds(_local4, _local5, _arg1); _local8 = [_local6]; _local9 = [_local7]; Query(_local8, _local9, _local4[0], _local5[0], m_bounds[0], (2 * m_proxyCount), 0); Query(_local8, _local9, _local4[1], _local5[1], m_bounds[1], (2 * m_proxyCount), 1); _local10 = 0; _local11 = 0; while ((((_local11 < m_queryResultCount)) && ((_local10 < _arg3)))) { _local12 = m_queryResults[_local11]; _arg2[_local11] = _local12.userData; _local11++; _local10++; }; m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); return (_local10); } public function Commit():void{ m_pairManager.Commit(); } private function IncrementTimeStamp():void{ var _local1:uint; if (m_timeStamp == b2Settings.USHRT_MAX){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < m_proxyPool.length) { (m_proxyPool[_local1] as b2Proxy).timeStamp = 0; _local1++; }; m_timeStamp = 1; } else { m_timeStamp++; }; } private function Query(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:Array, _arg6:uint, _arg7:int):void{ var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:b2Bound; var _local11:uint; var _local12:int; var _local13:int; var _local14:b2Proxy; _local8 = BinarySearch(_arg5, _arg6, _arg3); _local9 = BinarySearch(_arg5, _arg6, _arg4); _local11 = _local8; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local10 = _arg5[_local11]; if (_local10.IsLower()){ IncrementOverlapCount(_local10.proxy); }; _local11++; }; if (_local8 > 0){ _local12 = (_local8 - 1); _local10 = _arg5[_local12]; _local13 = _local10.stabbingCount; while (_local13) { _local10 = _arg5[_local12]; if (_local10.IsLower()){ _local14 = _local10.proxy; if (_local8 <= _local14.upperBounds[_arg7]){ IncrementOverlapCount(_local10.proxy); _local13--; }; }; _local12--; }; }; _arg1[0] = _local8; _arg2[0] = _local9; } private function AddProxyResult(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Function):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:b2Proxy; var _local8:Number; var _local9:b2Proxy; _local4 = _arg3(_arg1.userData); if (_local4 < 0){ return; }; _local5 = 0; while ((((_local5 < m_queryResultCount)) && ((m_querySortKeys[_local5] < _local4)))) { _local5++; }; _local6 = _local4; _local7 = _arg1; m_queryResultCount = (m_queryResultCount + 1); if (m_queryResultCount > _arg2){ m_queryResultCount = _arg2; }; while (_local5 < m_queryResultCount) { _local8 = m_querySortKeys[_local5]; _local9 = m_queryResults[_local5]; m_querySortKeys[_local5] = _local6; m_queryResults[_local5] = _local7; _local6 = _local8; _local7 = _local9; _local5++; }; } public function QuerySegment(_arg1:b2Segment, _arg2, _arg3:int, _arg4:Function):int{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:int; var _local9:int; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Array; var _local13:Array; var _local14:Array; var _local15:int; var _local16:int; var _local17:b2Proxy; var _local18:uint; var _local19:uint; var _local20:Array; var _local21:Array; var _local22:int; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:b2Proxy; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; _local5 = 1; _local6 = ((_arg1.p2.x - _arg1.p1.x) * m_quantizationFactor.x); _local7 = ((_arg1.p2.y - _arg1.p1.y) * m_quantizationFactor.y); _local8 = ((_local6 < -(Number.MIN_VALUE))) ? -1 : ((_local6 > Number.MIN_VALUE)) ? 1 : 0; _local9 = ((_local7 < -(Number.MIN_VALUE))) ? -1 : ((_local7 > Number.MIN_VALUE)) ? 1 : 0; _local10 = (m_quantizationFactor.x * (_arg1.p1.x - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x)); _local11 = (m_quantizationFactor.y * (_arg1.p1.y - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y)); _local12 = new Array(); _local13 = new Array(); _local12[0] = (uint(_local10) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1)); _local12[1] = (uint(_local11) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1)); _local13[0] = (_local12[0] + 1); _local13[1] = (_local12[1] + 1); _local14 = new Array(); _local20 = [_local18]; _local21 = [_local19]; Query(_local20, _local21, _local12[0], _local13[0], m_bounds[0], (2 * m_proxyCount), 0); if (_local8 >= 0){ _local15 = (_local21[0] - 1); } else { _local15 = _local20[0]; }; Query(_local20, _local21, _local12[1], _local13[1], m_bounds[1], (2 * m_proxyCount), 1); if (_local9 >= 0){ _local16 = (_local21[0] - 1); } else { _local16 = _local20[0]; }; if (_arg4 != null){ _local23 = 0; while (_local23 < m_queryResultCount) { m_querySortKeys[_local23] = _arg4(m_queryResults[_local23].userData); _local23++; }; _local23 = 0; while (_local23 < (m_queryResultCount - 1)) { _local24 = m_querySortKeys[_local23]; _local25 = m_querySortKeys[(_local23 + 1)]; if (((_local24)<0) ? (_local25 >= 0) : (((_local24 > _local25)) && ((_local25 >= 0)))){ m_querySortKeys[(_local23 + 1)] = _local24; m_querySortKeys[_local23] = _local25; _local26 = m_queryResults[(_local23 + 1)]; m_queryResults[(_local23 + 1)] = m_queryResults[_local23]; m_queryResults[_local23] = _local26; --_local23; if (_local23 == -1){ _local23 = 1; }; } else { _local23++; }; }; while ((((m_queryResultCount > 0)) && ((m_querySortKeys[(m_queryResultCount - 1)] < 0)))) { m_queryResultCount--; }; }; while (true) { _local27 = 0; _local28 = 0; _local15 = (_local15 + ((_local8 >= 0)) ? 1 : -1); if ((((_local15 < 0)) || ((_local15 >= (m_proxyCount * 2))))){ break; }; if (_local8 != 0){ _local27 = ((m_bounds[0][_local15].value - _local10) / _local6); }; _local16 = (_local16 + ((_local9 >= 0)) ? 1 : -1); if ((((_local16 < 0)) || ((_local16 >= (m_proxyCount * 2))))){ break; }; if (_local9 != 0){ _local28 = ((m_bounds[1][_local16].value - _local11) / _local7); }; while (true) { if ((((_local9 == 0)) || (((!((_local8 == 0))) && ((_local27 < _local28)))))){ if (_local27 > _local5){ break; }; if (((_local8 > 0)) ? m_bounds[0][_local15].IsLower() : m_bounds[0][_local15].IsUpper()){ _local17 = m_bounds[0][_local15].proxy; if (_local9 >= 0){ if ((((_local17.lowerBounds[1] <= (_local16 - 1))) && ((_local17.upperBounds[1] >= _local16)))){ if (_arg4 != null){ AddProxyResult(_local17, _arg3, _arg4); } else { m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] = _local17; m_queryResultCount++; }; }; } else { if ((((_local17.lowerBounds[1] <= _local16)) && ((_local17.upperBounds[1] >= (_local16 + 1))))){ if (_arg4 != null){ AddProxyResult(_local17, _arg3, _arg4); } else { m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] = _local17; m_queryResultCount++; }; }; }; }; if (((((((!((_arg4 == null))) && ((m_queryResultCount == _arg3)))) && ((m_queryResultCount > 0)))) && ((_local27 > m_querySortKeys[(m_queryResultCount - 1)])))){ break; }; if (_local8 > 0){ _local15++; if (_local15 == (m_proxyCount * 2)){ break; }; } else { --_local15; if (_local15 < 0){ break; }; }; _local27 = ((m_bounds[0][_local15].value - _local10) / _local6); } else { if (_local28 > _local5){ break; }; if (((_local9 > 0)) ? m_bounds[1][_local16].IsLower() : m_bounds[1][_local16].IsUpper()){ _local17 = m_bounds[1][_local16].proxy; if (_local8 >= 0){ if ((((_local17.lowerBounds[0] <= (_local15 - 1))) && ((_local17.upperBounds[0] >= _local15)))){ if (_arg4 != null){ AddProxyResult(_local17, _arg3, _arg4); } else { m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] = _local17; m_queryResultCount++; }; }; } else { if ((((_local17.lowerBounds[0] <= _local15)) && ((_local17.upperBounds[0] >= (_local15 + 1))))){ if (_arg4 != null){ AddProxyResult(_local17, _arg3, _arg4); } else { m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] = _local17; m_queryResultCount++; }; }; }; }; if (((((((!((_arg4 == null))) && ((m_queryResultCount == _arg3)))) && ((m_queryResultCount > 0)))) && ((_local28 > m_querySortKeys[(m_queryResultCount - 1)])))){ break; }; if (_local9 > 0){ _local16++; if (_local16 == (m_proxyCount * 2)){ break; }; } else { --_local16; if (_local16 < 0){ break; }; }; _local28 = ((m_bounds[1][_local16].value - _local11) / _local7); }; }; break; }; _local22 = 0; _local23 = 0; while ((((_local23 < m_queryResultCount)) && ((_local22 < _arg3)))) { _local17 = m_queryResults[_local23]; _arg2[_local23] = _local17.userData; _local23++; _local22++; }; m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); return (_local22); } private function ComputeBounds(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2AABB):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local4 = _arg3.lowerBound.x; _local5 = _arg3.lowerBound.y; _local4 = b2Math.b2Min(_local4, m_worldAABB.upperBound.x); _local5 = b2Math.b2Min(_local5, m_worldAABB.upperBound.y); _local4 = b2Math.b2Max(_local4, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x); _local5 = b2Math.b2Max(_local5, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y); _local6 = _arg3.upperBound.x; _local7 = _arg3.upperBound.y; _local6 = b2Math.b2Min(_local6, m_worldAABB.upperBound.x); _local7 = b2Math.b2Min(_local7, m_worldAABB.upperBound.y); _local6 = b2Math.b2Max(_local6, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x); _local7 = b2Math.b2Max(_local7, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y); _arg1[0] = (uint((m_quantizationFactor.x * (_local4 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x))) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1)); _arg2[0] = ((uint((m_quantizationFactor.x * (_local6 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x))) & 0xFFFF) | 1); _arg1[1] = (uint((m_quantizationFactor.y * (_local5 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y))) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1)); _arg2[1] = ((uint((m_quantizationFactor.y * (_local7 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y))) & 0xFFFF) | 1); } public function CreateProxy(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2):b2Proxy{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:b2Proxy; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:uint; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Array; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Array; var _local16:b2Bound; var _local17:b2Bound; var _local18:b2Bound; var _local19:b2Proxy; if (!m_freeProxy){ m_freeProxy = (m_proxyPool[m_proxyCount] = new b2Proxy()); = null; m_freeProxy.timeStamp = 0; m_freeProxy.overlapCount = b2_invalid; m_freeProxy.userData = null; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local6 = (m_proxyCount * 2); var _temp1 = _local6; _local6 = (_local6 + 1); var _local20 = _temp1; m_bounds[_local5][_local20] = new b2Bound(); m_bounds[_local5][_local6] = new b2Bound(); _local5++; }; }; _local4 = m_freeProxy; m_freeProxy =; _local4.overlapCount = 0; _local4.userData = _arg2; _local7 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local8 = new Array(); _local9 = new Array(); ComputeBounds(_local8, _local9, _arg1); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < 2) { _local11 = m_bounds[_local10]; _local14 = [_local12]; _local15 = [_local13]; Query(_local14, _local15, _local8[_local10], _local9[_local10], _local11, _local7, _local10); _local12 = _local14[0]; _local13 = _local15[0]; _local11.splice(_local13, 0, _local11[(_local11.length - 1)]); _local11.length--; _local11.splice(_local12, 0, _local11[(_local11.length - 1)]); _local11.length--; _local13++; _local16 = _local11[_local12]; _local17 = _local11[_local13]; _local16.value = _local8[_local10]; _local16.proxy = _local4; _local17.value = _local9[_local10]; _local17.proxy = _local4; _local18 = _local11[int((_local12 - 1))]; _local16.stabbingCount = ((_local12 == 0)) ? 0 : _local18.stabbingCount; _local18 = _local11[int((_local13 - 1))]; _local17.stabbingCount = _local18.stabbingCount; _local3 = _local12; while (_local3 < _local13) { _local18 = _local11[_local3]; _local18.stabbingCount++; _local3++; }; _local3 = _local12; while (_local3 < (_local7 + 2)) { _local16 = _local11[_local3]; _local19 = _local16.proxy; if (_local16.IsLower()){ _local19.lowerBounds[_local10] = _local3; } else { _local19.upperBounds[_local10] = _local3; }; _local3++; }; _local10++; }; m_proxyCount++; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_queryResultCount) { m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(_local4, m_queryResults[_local5]); _local5++; }; m_pairManager.Commit(); m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); return (_local4); } public function DestroyProxy(_arg1:b2Proxy):void{ var _local2:b2Bound; var _local3:b2Bound; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:uint; var _local11:uint; var _local12:int; var _local13:uint; var _local14:int; var _local15:b2Proxy; _local4 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local7 = m_bounds[_local5]; _local8 = _arg1.lowerBounds[_local5]; _local9 = _arg1.upperBounds[_local5]; _local2 = _local7[_local8]; _local10 = _local2.value; _local3 = _local7[_local9]; _local11 = _local3.value; _local7.splice(_local9, 1); _local7.splice(_local8, 1); _local7.push(_local2); _local7.push(_local3); _local12 = (_local4 - 2); _local13 = _local8; while (_local13 < _local12) { _local2 = _local7[_local13]; _local15 = _local2.proxy; if (_local2.IsLower()){ _local15.lowerBounds[_local5] = _local13; } else { _local15.upperBounds[_local5] = _local13; }; _local13++; }; _local12 = (_local9 - 1); _local14 = _local8; while (_local14 < _local12) { _local2 = _local7[_local14]; _local2.stabbingCount--; _local14++; }; Query([0], [0], _local10, _local11, _local7, (_local4 - 2), _local5); _local5++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < m_queryResultCount) { m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1, m_queryResults[_local6]); _local6++; }; m_pairManager.Commit(); m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); _arg1.userData = null; _arg1.overlapCount = b2_invalid; _arg1.lowerBounds[0] = b2_invalid; _arg1.lowerBounds[1] = b2_invalid; _arg1.upperBounds[0] = b2_invalid; _arg1.upperBounds[1] = b2_invalid; = m_freeProxy; m_freeProxy = _arg1; m_proxyCount--; } public function TestOverlap(_arg1:b2BoundValues, _arg2:b2Proxy):Boolean{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:b2Bound; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { _local4 = m_bounds[_local3]; _local5 = _local4[_arg2.upperBounds[_local3]]; if (_arg1.lowerValues[_local3] > _local5.value){ return (false); }; _local5 = _local4[_arg2.lowerBounds[_local3]]; if (_arg1.upperValues[_local3] < _local5.value){ return (false); }; _local3++; }; return (true); } public function Validate():void{ var _local1:b2Pair; var _local2:b2Proxy; var _local3:b2Proxy; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Bound; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:b2Bound; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local6 = m_bounds[_local5]; _local7 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local8 = 0; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local7) { _local10 = _local6[_local9]; if (_local10.IsLower() == true){ _local8++; } else { _local8--; }; _local9++; }; _local5++; }; } private function IncrementOverlapCount(_arg1:b2Proxy):void{ if (_arg1.timeStamp < m_timeStamp){ _arg1.timeStamp = m_timeStamp; _arg1.overlapCount = 1; } else { _arg1.overlapCount = 2; m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] = _arg1; m_queryResultCount++; }; } public function InRange(_arg1:b2AABB):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.lowerBound.x; _local3 = _arg1.lowerBound.y; _local2 = (_local2 - m_worldAABB.upperBound.x); _local3 = (_local3 - m_worldAABB.upperBound.y); _local4 = m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x; _local5 = m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y; _local4 = (_local4 - _arg1.upperBound.x); _local5 = (_local5 - _arg1.upperBound.y); _local2 = b2Math.b2Max(_local2, _local4); _local3 = b2Math.b2Max(_local3, _local5); return ((b2Math.b2Max(_local2, _local3) < 0)); } private function TestOverlapValidate(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy):Boolean{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:b2Bound; var _local6:b2Bound; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { _local4 = m_bounds[_local3]; _local5 = _local4[_arg1.lowerBounds[_local3]]; _local6 = _local4[_arg2.upperBounds[_local3]]; if (_local5.value > _local6.value){ return (false); }; _local5 = _local4[_arg1.upperBounds[_local3]]; _local6 = _local4[_arg2.lowerBounds[_local3]]; if (_local5.value < _local6.value){ return (false); }; _local3++; }; return (true); } public function MoveProxy(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2AABB):void{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:b2Bound; var _local8:b2Bound; var _local9:b2Bound; var _local10:uint; var _local11:b2Proxy; var _local12:uint; var _local13:b2BoundValues; var _local14:b2BoundValues; var _local15:Array; var _local16:uint; var _local17:uint; var _local18:uint; var _local19:uint; var _local20:int; var _local21:int; var _local22:b2Proxy; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (_arg2.IsValid() == false){ return; }; _local12 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local13 = new b2BoundValues(); ComputeBounds(_local13.lowerValues, _local13.upperValues, _arg2); _local14 = new b2BoundValues(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local7 = m_bounds[_local5][_arg1.lowerBounds[_local5]]; _local14.lowerValues[_local5] = _local7.value; _local7 = m_bounds[_local5][_arg1.upperBounds[_local5]]; _local14.upperValues[_local5] = _local7.value; _local5++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local15 = m_bounds[_local5]; _local16 = _arg1.lowerBounds[_local5]; _local17 = _arg1.upperBounds[_local5]; _local18 = _local13.lowerValues[_local5]; _local19 = _local13.upperValues[_local5]; _local7 = _local15[_local16]; _local20 = (_local18 - _local7.value); _local7.value = _local18; _local7 = _local15[_local17]; _local21 = (_local19 - _local7.value); _local7.value = _local19; if (_local20 < 0){ _local6 = _local16; while ((((_local6 > 0)) && ((_local18 < (_local15[int((_local6 - 1))] as b2Bound).value)))) { _local7 = _local15[_local6]; _local8 = _local15[int((_local6 - 1))]; _local22 = _local8.proxy; _local8.stabbingCount++; if (_local8.IsUpper() == true){ if (TestOverlap(_local13, _local22)){ m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(_arg1, _local22); }; _local3 = _local22.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; } else { _local3 = _local22.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; }; _local3 = _arg1.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local8); _local6--; }; }; if (_local21 > 0){ _local6 = _local17; while ((((_local6 < (_local12 - 1))) && (((_local15[int((_local6 + 1))] as b2Bound).value <= _local19)))) { _local7 = _local15[_local6]; _local9 = _local15[int((_local6 + 1))]; _local11 = _local9.proxy; _local9.stabbingCount++; if (_local9.IsLower() == true){ if (TestOverlap(_local13, _local11)){ m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(_arg1, _local11); }; _local3 = _local11.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; } else { _local3 = _local11.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; }; _local3 = _arg1.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local9); _local6++; }; }; if (_local20 > 0){ _local6 = _local16; while ((((_local6 < (_local12 - 1))) && (((_local15[int((_local6 + 1))] as b2Bound).value <= _local18)))) { _local7 = _local15[_local6]; _local9 = _local15[int((_local6 + 1))]; _local11 = _local9.proxy; _local9.stabbingCount--; if (_local9.IsUpper()){ if (TestOverlap(_local14, _local11)){ m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1, _local11); }; _local3 = _local11.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; } else { _local3 = _local11.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; }; _local3 = _arg1.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local9); _local6++; }; }; if (_local21 < 0){ _local6 = _local17; while ((((_local6 > 0)) && ((_local19 < (_local15[int((_local6 - 1))] as b2Bound).value)))) { _local7 = _local15[_local6]; _local8 = _local15[int((_local6 - 1))]; _local22 = _local8.proxy; _local8.stabbingCount--; if (_local8.IsLower() == true){ if (TestOverlap(_local14, _local22)){ m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1, _local22); }; _local3 = _local22.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; } else { _local3 = _local22.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; }; _local3 = _arg1.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local8); _local6--; }; }; _local5++; }; } public static function BinarySearch(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:uint):uint{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2Bound; _local4 = 0; _local5 = (_arg2 - 1); while (_local4 <= _local5) { _local6 = ((_local4 + _local5) / 2); _local7 = _arg1[_local6]; if (_local7.value > _arg3){ _local5 = (_local6 - 1); } else { if (_local7.value < _arg3){ _local4 = (_local6 + 1); } else { return (uint(_local6)); }; }; }; return (uint(_local4)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 15
//b2Collision (Box2D.Collision.b2Collision) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Collision { public static const b2_nullFeature:uint = 0xFF; private static var b2CollidePolyTempVec:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public static function EdgeSeparation(_arg1:b2PolygonShape, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:int, _arg4:b2PolygonShape, _arg5:b2XForm):Number{ var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:b2Mat22; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:int; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; _local6 = _arg1.m_vertexCount; _local7 = _arg1.m_vertices; _local8 = _arg1.m_normals; _local9 = _arg4.m_vertexCount; _local10 = _arg4.m_vertices; _local11 = _arg2.R; _local12 = _local8[_arg3]; _local13 = ((_local11.col1.x * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.x * _local12.y)); _local14 = ((_local11.col1.y * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.y * _local12.y)); _local11 = _arg5.R; _local15 = ((_local11.col1.x * _local13) + (_local11.col1.y * _local14)); _local16 = ((_local11.col2.x * _local13) + (_local11.col2.y * _local14)); _local17 = 0; _local18 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < _local9) { _local12 = _local10[_local19]; _local25 = ((_local12.x * _local15) + (_local12.y * _local16)); if (_local25 < _local18){ _local18 = _local25; _local17 = _local19; }; _local19++; }; _local12 = _local7[_arg3]; _local11 = _arg2.R; _local20 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local11.col1.x * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.x * _local12.y))); _local21 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local11.col1.y * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.y * _local12.y))); _local12 = _local10[_local17]; _local11 = _arg5.R; _local22 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local11.col1.x * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.x * _local12.y))); _local23 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local11.col1.y * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.y * _local12.y))); _local22 = (_local22 - _local20); _local23 = (_local23 - _local21); _local24 = ((_local22 * _local13) + (_local23 * _local14)); return (_local24); } public static function b2TestOverlap(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2AABB):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local3 = _arg2.lowerBound; _local4 = _arg1.upperBound; _local5 = (_local3.x - _local4.x); _local6 = (_local3.y - _local4.y); _local3 = _arg1.lowerBound; _local4 = _arg2.upperBound; _local7 = (_local3.x - _local4.x); _local8 = (_local3.y - _local4.y); if ((((_local5 > 0)) || ((_local6 > 0)))){ return (false); }; if ((((_local7 > 0)) || ((_local8 > 0)))){ return (false); }; return (true); } public static function FindIncidentEdge(_arg1:Array, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:int, _arg5:b2PolygonShape, _arg6:b2XForm):void{ var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:Array; var _local12:b2Mat22; var _local13:b2Vec2; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:int; var _local20:ClipVertex; var _local21:int; var _local22:int; var _local23:Number; _local7 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local8 = _arg2.m_normals; _local9 = _arg5.m_vertexCount; _local10 = _arg5.m_vertices; _local11 = _arg5.m_normals; _local12 = _arg3.R; _local13 = _local8[_arg4]; _local14 = ((_local12.col1.x * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local13.y)); _local15 = ((_local12.col1.y * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local13.y)); _local12 = _arg6.R; _local16 = ((_local12.col1.x * _local14) + (_local12.col1.y * _local15)); _local15 = ((_local12.col2.x * _local14) + (_local12.col2.y * _local15)); _local14 = _local16; _local17 = 0; _local18 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < _local9) { _local13 = _local11[_local19]; _local23 = ((_local14 * _local13.x) + (_local15 * _local13.y)); if (_local23 < _local18){ _local18 = _local23; _local17 = _local19; }; _local19++; }; _local21 = _local17; _local22 = (((_local21 + 1) < _local9)) ? (_local21 + 1) : 0; _local20 = _arg1[0]; _local13 = _local10[_local21]; _local12 = _arg6.R; _local20.v.x = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local12.col1.x * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local13.y))); _local20.v.y = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local12.col1.y * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local13.y))); = _arg4; = _local21; = 0; _local20 = _arg1[1]; _local13 = _local10[_local22]; _local12 = _arg6.R; _local20.v.x = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local12.col1.x * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local13.y))); _local20.v.y = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local12.col1.y * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local13.y))); = _arg4; = _local22; = 1; } public static function b2CollidePolygons(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2PolygonShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:ClipVertex; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Number; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Number; var _local13:b2PolygonShape; var _local14:b2PolygonShape; var _local15:b2XForm; var _local16:b2XForm; var _local17:int; var _local18:uint; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Array; var _local22:int; var _local23:Array; var _local24:b2Vec2; var _local25:b2Vec2; var _local26:b2Vec2; var _local27:b2Vec2; var _local28:b2Vec2; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Array; var _local33:Array; var _local34:int; var _local35:int; var _local36:int; var _local37:b2Vec2; var _local38:Number; var _local39:b2ManifoldPoint; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local7 = 0; _local8 = [_local7]; _local9 = FindMaxSeparation(_local8, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); _local7 = _local8[0]; if (_local9 > 0){ return; }; _local10 = 0; _local11 = [_local10]; _local12 = FindMaxSeparation(_local11, _arg4, _arg5, _arg2, _arg3); _local10 = _local11[0]; if (_local12 > 0){ return; }; _local15 = new b2XForm(); _local16 = new b2XForm(); _local19 = 0.98; _local20 = 0.001; if (_local12 > ((_local19 * _local9) + _local20)){ _local13 = _arg4; _local14 = _arg2; _local15.Set(_arg5); _local16.Set(_arg3); _local17 = _local10; _local18 = 1; } else { _local13 = _arg2; _local14 = _arg4; _local15.Set(_arg3); _local16.Set(_arg5); _local17 = _local7; _local18 = 0; }; _local21 = [new ClipVertex(), new ClipVertex()]; FindIncidentEdge(_local21, _local13, _local15, _local17, _local14, _local16); _local22 = _local13.m_vertexCount; _local23 = _local13.m_vertices; _local24 = _local23[_local17]; _local25 = _local24.Copy(); if ((_local17 + 1) < _local22){ _local24 = _local23[int((_local17 + 1))]; _local37 = _local24.Copy(); } else { _local24 = _local23[0]; _local37 = _local24.Copy(); }; _local26 = b2Math.SubtractVV(_local37, _local25); _local27 = b2Math.b2MulMV(_local15.R, b2Math.SubtractVV(_local37, _local25)); _local27.Normalize(); _local28 = b2Math.b2CrossVF(_local27, 1); _local25 = b2Math.b2MulX(_local15, _local25); _local37 = b2Math.b2MulX(_local15, _local37); _local29 = b2Math.b2Dot(_local28, _local25); _local30 = -(b2Math.b2Dot(_local27, _local25)); _local31 = b2Math.b2Dot(_local27, _local37); _local32 = [new ClipVertex(), new ClipVertex()]; _local33 = [new ClipVertex(), new ClipVertex()]; _local34 = ClipSegmentToLine(_local32, _local21, _local27.Negative(), _local30); if (_local34 < 2){ return; }; _local34 = ClipSegmentToLine(_local33, _local32, _local27, _local31); if (_local34 < 2){ return; }; _arg1.normal = (_local18) ? _local28.Negative() : _local28.Copy(); _local35 = 0; _local36 = 0; while (_local36 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { _local6 = _local33[_local36]; _local38 = (((_local28.x * _local6.v.x) + (_local28.y * _local6.v.y)) - _local29); if (_local38 <= 0){ _local39 = _arg1.points[_local35]; _local39.separation = _local38; _local39.localPoint1 = b2Math.b2MulXT(_arg3, _local6.v); _local39.localPoint2 = b2Math.b2MulXT(_arg5, _local6.v); =; = _local18; _local35++; }; _local36++; }; _arg1.pointCount = _local35; } public static function FindMaxSeparation(_arg1:Array, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2PolygonShape, _arg5:b2XForm):Number{ var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Mat22; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:int; var _local15:Number; var _local16:int; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:Number; var _local20:int; var _local21:Number; var _local22:int; var _local23:Number; var _local24:int; var _local25:Number; _local6 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local7 = _arg2.m_normals; _local9 = _arg5.R; _local8 = _arg4.m_centroid; _local10 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local11 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local9 = _arg3.R; _local8 = _arg2.m_centroid; _local10 = (_local10 - (_arg3.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local8.y)))); _local11 = (_local11 - (_arg3.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local8.y)))); _local12 = ((_local10 * _arg3.R.col1.x) + (_local11 * _arg3.R.col1.y)); _local13 = ((_local10 * _arg3.R.col2.x) + (_local11 * _arg3.R.col2.y)); _local14 = 0; _local15 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local16 = 0; while (_local16 < _local6) { _local8 = _local7[_local16]; _local25 = ((_local8.x * _local12) + (_local8.y * _local13)); if (_local25 > _local15){ _local15 = _local25; _local14 = _local16; }; _local16++; }; _local17 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local14, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local17 > 0){ return (_local17); }; _local18 = (((_local14 - 1) >= 0)) ? (_local14 - 1) : (_local6 - 1); _local19 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local18, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local19 > 0){ return (_local19); }; _local20 = (((_local14 + 1) < _local6)) ? (_local14 + 1) : 0; _local21 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local20, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local21 > 0){ return (_local21); }; if ((((_local19 > _local17)) && ((_local19 > _local21)))){ _local24 = -1; _local22 = _local18; _local23 = _local19; } else { if (_local21 > _local17){ _local24 = 1; _local22 = _local20; _local23 = _local21; } else { _arg1[0] = _local14; return (_local17); }; }; while (true) { if (_local24 == -1){ _local14 = (((_local22 - 1) >= 0)) ? (_local22 - 1) : (_local6 - 1); } else { _local14 = (((_local22 + 1) < _local6)) ? (_local22 + 1) : 0; }; _local17 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local14, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local17 > 0){ return (_local17); }; if (_local17 > _local23){ _local22 = _local14; _local23 = _local17; } else { break; }; }; _arg1[0] = _local22; return (_local23); } public static function ClipSegmentToLine(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):int{ var _local5:ClipVertex; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:ClipVertex; _local6 = 0; _local5 = _arg2[0]; _local7 = _local5.v; _local5 = _arg2[1]; _local8 = _local5.v; _local9 = (b2Math.b2Dot(_arg3, _local7) - _arg4); _local10 = (b2Math.b2Dot(_arg3, _local8) - _arg4); if (_local9 <= 0){ var _temp1 = _local6; _local6 = (_local6 + 1); var _local14 = _temp1; _arg1[_local14] = _arg2[0]; }; if (_local10 <= 0){ var _temp2 = _local6; _local6 = (_local6 + 1); _local14 = _temp2; _arg1[_local14] = _arg2[1]; }; if ((_local9 * _local10) < 0){ _local11 = (_local9 / (_local9 - _local10)); _local5 = _arg1[_local6]; _local12 = _local5.v; _local12.x = (_local7.x + (_local11 * (_local8.x - _local7.x))); _local12.y = (_local7.y + (_local11 * (_local8.y - _local7.y))); _local5 = _arg1[_local6]; if (_local9 > 0){ _local13 = _arg2[0]; =; } else { _local13 = _arg2[1]; =; }; _local6++; }; return (_local6); } public static function b2CollideCircles(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2CircleShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2CircleShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local6 = _arg3.R; _local7 = _arg2.m_localPosition; _local8 = (_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local9 = (_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local6 = _arg5.R; _local7 = _arg4.m_localPosition; _local10 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local11 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local12 = (_local10 - _local8); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = ((_local12 * _local12) + (_local13 * _local13)); _local15 = _arg2.m_radius; _local16 = _arg4.m_radius; _local17 = (_local15 + _local16); if (_local14 > (_local17 * _local17)){ return; }; if (_local14 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ _local18 = -(_local17); _arg1.normal.Set(0, 1); } else { _local24 = Math.sqrt(_local14); _local18 = (_local24 - _local17); _local25 = (1 / _local24); _arg1.normal.x = (_local25 * _local12); _arg1.normal.y = (_local25 * _local13); }; _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local19 = _arg1.points[0]; = 0; _local19.separation = _local18; _local8 = (_local8 + (_local15 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local9 = (_local9 + (_local15 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local10 = (_local10 - (_local16 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local11 = (_local11 - (_local16 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local20 = (0.5 * (_local8 + _local10)); _local21 = (0.5 * (_local9 + _local11)); _local22 = (_local20 - _arg3.position.x); _local23 = (_local21 - _arg3.position.y); _local19.localPoint1.x = ((_local22 * _arg3.R.col1.x) + (_local23 * _arg3.R.col1.y)); _local19.localPoint1.y = ((_local22 * _arg3.R.col2.x) + (_local23 * _arg3.R.col2.y)); _local22 = (_local20 - _arg5.position.x); _local23 = (_local21 - _arg5.position.y); _local19.localPoint2.x = ((_local22 * _arg5.R.col1.x) + (_local23 * _arg5.R.col1.y)); _local19.localPoint2.y = ((_local22 * _arg5.R.col2.x) + (_local23 * _arg5.R.col2.y)); } public static function b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2CircleShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:b2Mat22; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:int; var _local22:Array; var _local23:Array; var _local24:int; var _local25:int; var _local26:int; var _local27:b2Vec2; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local12 = _arg5.R; _local11 = _arg4.m_localPosition; _local13 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local12.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local11.y))); _local14 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local12.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local11.y))); _local7 = (_local13 - _arg3.position.x); _local8 = (_local14 - _arg3.position.y); _local12 = _arg3.R; _local15 = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local16 = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local18 = 0; _local19 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local20 = _arg4.m_radius; _local21 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local22 = _arg2.m_vertices; _local23 = _arg2.m_normals; _local24 = 0; while (_local24 < _local21) { _local11 = _local22[_local24]; _local7 = (_local15 - _local11.x); _local8 = (_local16 - _local11.y); _local11 = _local23[_local24]; _local34 = ((_local11.x * _local7) + (_local11.y * _local8)); if (_local34 > _local20){ return; }; if (_local34 > _local19){ _local19 = _local34; _local18 = _local24; }; _local24++; }; if (_local19 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local11 = _local23[_local18]; _local12 = _arg3.R; _arg1.normal.x = ((_local12.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local11.y)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local12.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local11.y)); _local6 = _arg1.points[0]; = _local18; = b2_nullFeature; = 0; = 0; _local9 = (_local13 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local10 = (_local14 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg3.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg3.position.y); _local12 = _arg3.R; _local6.localPoint1.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint1.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg5.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg5.position.y); _local12 = _arg5.R; _local6.localPoint2.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint2.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local6.separation = (_local19 - _local20); return; }; _local25 = _local18; _local26 = (((_local25 + 1) < _local21)) ? (_local25 + 1) : 0; _local11 = _local22[_local25]; _local27 = _local22[_local26]; _local28 = (_local27.x - _local11.x); _local29 = (_local27.y - _local11.y); _local30 = Math.sqrt(((_local28 * _local28) + (_local29 * _local29))); _local28 = (_local28 / _local30); _local29 = (_local29 / _local30); _local7 = (_local15 - _local11.x); _local8 = (_local16 - _local11.y); _local31 = ((_local7 * _local28) + (_local8 * _local29)); _local6 = _arg1.points[0]; if (_local31 <= 0){ _local32 = _local11.x; _local33 = _local11.y; = b2_nullFeature; = _local25; } else { if (_local31 >= _local30){ _local32 = _local27.x; _local33 = _local27.y; = b2_nullFeature; = _local26; } else { _local32 = ((_local28 * _local31) + _local11.x); _local33 = ((_local29 * _local31) + _local11.y); = _local18; = b2_nullFeature; }; }; _local7 = (_local15 - _local32); _local8 = (_local16 - _local33); _local17 = Math.sqrt(((_local7 * _local7) + (_local8 * _local8))); _local7 = (_local7 / _local17); _local8 = (_local8 / _local17); if (_local17 > _local20){ return; }; _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local12 = _arg3.R; _arg1.normal.x = ((_local12.col1.x * _local7) + (_local12.col2.x * _local8)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local12.col1.y * _local7) + (_local12.col2.y * _local8)); _local9 = (_local13 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local10 = (_local14 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg3.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg3.position.y); _local12 = _arg3.R; _local6.localPoint1.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint1.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg5.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg5.position.y); _local12 = _arg5.R; _local6.localPoint2.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint2.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local6.separation = (_local17 - _local20); = 0; = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 16
//b2ContactID (Box2D.Collision.b2ContactID) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2ContactID { b2internal var _key:uint; public var features:Features; public function b2ContactID(){ features = new Features(); super(); features._m_id = this; } public function Set(_arg1:b2ContactID):void{ key = _arg1._key; } public function Copy():b2ContactID{ var _local1:b2ContactID; _local1 = new b2ContactID(); _local1.key = key; return (_local1); } public function get key():uint{ return (_key); } public function set key(_arg1:uint):void{ _key = _arg1; features._referenceEdge = (_key & 0xFF); features._incidentEdge = (((_key & 0xFF00) >> 8) & 0xFF); features._incidentVertex = (((_key & 0xFF0000) >> 16) & 0xFF); features._flip = (((_key & 4278190080) >> 24) & 0xFF); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 17
//b2ContactPoint (Box2D.Collision.b2ContactPoint) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2ContactPoint { public var separation:Number; public var normal:b2Vec2; public var position:b2Vec2; public var restitution:Number; public var shape1:b2Shape; public var shape2:b2Shape; public var id:b2ContactID; public var friction:Number; public var velocity:b2Vec2; public function b2ContactPoint(){ position = new b2Vec2(); velocity = new b2Vec2(); normal = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 18
//b2Distance (Box2D.Collision.b2Distance) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Distance { private static var s_p2s:Array = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; private static var s_p1s:Array = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; private static var s_points:Array = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; private static var gPoint:b2Point = new b2Point(); public static var g_GJK_Iterations:int = 0; public static function InPoints(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):Boolean{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local4 = (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg3) { _local6 = _arg2[_local5]; _local7 = (((_arg1.x - _local6.x) < 0)) ? -((_arg1.x - _local6.x)) : (_arg1.x - _local6.x); _local8 = (((_arg1.y - _local6.y) < 0)) ? -((_arg1.y - _local6.y)) : (_arg1.y - _local6.y); _local9 = ((_arg1.x < 0)) ? -(_arg1.x) : (((_arg1.x > _local6.x) < 0)) ? -(_local6.x) : (_local6.x) ? ((_arg1.x < 0)) ? -(_arg1.x) : _arg1.x : ((_local6.x < 0)) ? -(_local6.x) : _local6.x; _local10 = ((_arg1.x < 0)) ? -(_arg1.y) : (((_arg1.y > _local6.y) < 0)) ? -(_local6.y) : (_local6.y) ? ((_arg1.y < 0)) ? -(_arg1.y) : _arg1.y : ((_local6.y < 0)) ? -(_local6.y) : _local6.y; if ((((_local7 < (_local4 * (_local9 + 1)))) && ((_local8 < (_local4 * (_local10 + 1)))))){ return (true); }; _local5++; }; return (false); } public static function DistanceGeneric(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Array; var _local10:Array; var _local11:int; var _local12:Number; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:int; _local8 = s_p1s; _local9 = s_p2s; _local10 = s_points; _local11 = 0; _arg1.SetV(_arg3.GetFirstVertex(_arg4)); _arg2.SetV(_arg5.GetFirstVertex(_arg6)); _local12 = 0; _local13 = 20; _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local13) { _local15 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.x); _local16 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.y); _local17 = _arg3.Support(_arg4, _local15, _local16); _local18 = _arg5.Support(_arg6, -(_local15), -(_local16)); _local12 = ((_local15 * _local15) + (_local16 * _local16)); _local19 = (_local18.x - _local17.x); _local20 = (_local18.y - _local17.y); _local21 = ((_local15 * _local19) + (_local16 * _local20)); if ((_local12 - _local21) <= (0.01 * _local12)){ if (_local11 == 0){ _arg1.SetV(_local17); _arg2.SetV(_local18); }; g_GJK_Iterations = _local14; return (Math.sqrt(_local12)); }; switch (_local11){ case 0: _local7 = _local8[0]; _local7.SetV(_local17); _local7 = _local9[0]; _local7.SetV(_local18); _local7 = _local10[0]; _local7.x = _local19; _local7.y = _local20; _arg1.SetV(_local8[0]); _arg2.SetV(_local9[0]); _local11++; break; case 1: _local7 = _local8[1]; _local7.SetV(_local17); _local7 = _local9[1]; _local7.SetV(_local18); _local7 = _local10[1]; _local7.x = _local19; _local7.y = _local20; _local11 = ProcessTwo(_arg1, _arg2, _local8, _local9, _local10); break; case 2: _local7 = _local8[2]; _local7.SetV(_local17); _local7 = _local9[2]; _local7.SetV(_local18); _local7 = _local10[2]; _local7.x = _local19; _local7.y = _local20; _local11 = ProcessThree(_arg1, _arg2, _local8, _local9, _local10); break; }; if (_local11 == 3){ g_GJK_Iterations = _local14; return (0); }; _local22 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local23 = 0; while (_local23 < _local11) { _local7 = _local10[_local23]; _local22 = b2Math.b2Max(_local22, ((_local7.x * _local7.x) + (_local7.y * _local7.y))); _local23++; }; if (_local12 <= ((100 * Number.MIN_VALUE) * _local22)){ g_GJK_Iterations = _local14; _local15 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.x); _local16 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.y); _local12 = ((_local15 * _local15) + (_local16 * _local16)); return (Math.sqrt(_local12)); }; _local14++; }; g_GJK_Iterations = _local13; return (Math.sqrt(_local12)); } public static function DistanceEdgeCircle(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2EdgeShape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2CircleShape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:b2Mat22; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local8 = (_arg5.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local9 = _arg6.R; _local10 = _arg5.m_localPosition; _local11 = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local10.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local10.y))); _local12 = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local10.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local10.y))); _local9 = _arg4.R; _local13 = (_local11 - _arg4.position.x); _local14 = (_local12 - _arg4.position.y); _local15 = ((_local13 * _local9.col1.x) + (_local14 * _local9.col1.y)); _local16 = ((_local13 * _local9.col2.x) + (_local14 * _local9.col2.y)); _local17 = (((_local15 - _arg3.m_coreV1.x) * _arg3.m_direction.x) + ((_local16 - _arg3.m_coreV1.y) * _arg3.m_direction.y)); if (_local17 <= 0){ _local9 = _arg4.R; _local10 = _arg3.m_coreV1; _arg1.x = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local10.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local10.y))); _arg1.y = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local10.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local10.y))); } else { if (_local17 >= _arg3.m_length){ _local9 = _arg4.R; _local10 = _arg3.m_coreV2; _arg1.x = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local10.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local10.y))); _arg1.y = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local10.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local10.y))); } else { _local9 = _arg4.R; _local13 = (_arg3.m_coreV1.x + (_local17 * _arg3.m_direction.x)); _local14 = (_arg3.m_coreV1.y + (_local17 * _arg3.m_direction.y)); _arg1.x = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local13) + (_local9.col2.x * _local14))); _arg1.y = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local13) + (_local9.col2.y * _local14))); _local17 = (((_local15 - _arg3.m_coreV1.x) * _arg3.m_normal.x) + ((_local16 - _arg3.m_coreV1.y) * _arg3.m_normal.y)); if (_local17 < 0){ if (_local17 < -(_local8)){ _local9 = _arg4.R; _local13 = (_local15 + (_local8 * _arg3.m_normal.x)); _local14 = (_local16 + (_local8 * _arg3.m_normal.y)); _arg2.x = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local13) + (_local9.col2.x * _local14))); _arg2.y = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local13) + (_local9.col2.y * _local14))); return ((-(_local17) - _local8)); }; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); } else { if (_local17 > _local8){ _local9 = _arg4.R; _local13 = (_local15 - (_local8 * _arg3.m_normal.x)); _local14 = (_local16 - (_local8 * _arg3.m_normal.y)); _arg2.x = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local13) + (_local9.col2.x * _local14))); _arg2.y = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local13) + (_local9.col2.y * _local14))); return ((_local17 - _local8)); }; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); }; }; }; _local13 = (_local11 - _arg1.x); _local14 = (_local12 - _arg1.y); _local17 = ((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14)); if (_local17 > (_local8 * _local8)){ _local17 = Math.sqrt(_local17); _arg2.x = (_local11 - ((_local8 * _local13) / _local17)); _arg2.y = (_local12 - ((_local8 * _local14) / _local17)); return ((_local17 - _local8)); }; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); } public static function DistanceCC(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2CircleShape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2CircleShape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Mat22; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local7 = _arg4.R; _local8 = _arg3.m_localPosition; _local9 = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local7.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local10 = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local7.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local7 = _arg6.R; _local8 = _arg5.m_localPosition; _local11 = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local7.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local12 = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local7.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = (_local12 - _local10); _local15 = ((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14)); _local16 = (_arg3.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local17 = (_arg5.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local18 = (_local16 + _local17); if (_local15 > (_local18 * _local18)){ _local19 = Math.sqrt(_local15); _local13 = (_local13 / _local19); _local14 = (_local14 / _local19); _local20 = (_local19 - _local18); _arg1.x = (_local9 + (_local16 * _local13)); _arg1.y = (_local10 + (_local16 * _local14)); _arg2.x = (_local11 - (_local17 * _local13)); _arg2.y = (_local12 - (_local17 * _local14)); return (_local20); }; if (_local15 > (Number.MIN_VALUE * Number.MIN_VALUE)){ _local19 = Math.sqrt(_local15); _local13 = (_local13 / _local19); _local14 = (_local14 / _local19); _arg1.x = (_local9 + (_local16 * _local13)); _arg1.y = (_local10 + (_local16 * _local14)); _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); }; _arg1.x = _local9; _arg1.y = _local10; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); } public static function ProcessThree(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array):int{ var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:b2Vec2; var _local14:b2Vec2; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; var _local39:Number; var _local40:Number; var _local41:Number; _local6 = _arg5[0]; _local7 = _arg5[1]; _local8 = _arg5[2]; _local9 = _arg3[0]; _local10 = _arg3[1]; _local11 = _arg3[2]; _local12 = _arg4[0]; _local13 = _arg4[1]; _local14 = _arg4[2]; _local15 = _local6.x; _local16 = _local6.y; _local17 = _local7.x; _local18 = _local7.y; _local19 = _local8.x; _local20 = _local8.y; _local21 = (_local17 - _local15); _local22 = (_local18 - _local16); _local23 = (_local19 - _local15); _local24 = (_local20 - _local16); _local25 = (_local19 - _local17); _local26 = (_local20 - _local18); _local27 = -(((_local15 * _local21) + (_local16 * _local22))); _local28 = ((_local17 * _local21) + (_local18 * _local22)); _local29 = -(((_local15 * _local23) + (_local16 * _local24))); _local30 = ((_local19 * _local23) + (_local20 * _local24)); _local31 = -(((_local17 * _local25) + (_local18 * _local26))); _local32 = ((_local19 * _local25) + (_local20 * _local26)); if ((((_local30 <= 0)) && ((_local32 <= 0)))){ _arg1.SetV(_local11); _arg2.SetV(_local14); _local9.SetV(_local11); _local12.SetV(_local14); _local6.SetV(_local8); return (1); }; _local33 = ((_local21 * _local24) - (_local22 * _local23)); _local34 = (_local33 * ((_local15 * _local18) - (_local16 * _local17))); _local36 = (_local33 * ((_local17 * _local20) - (_local18 * _local19))); if ((((((((_local36 <= 0)) && ((_local31 >= 0)))) && ((_local32 >= 0)))) && (((_local31 + _local32) > 0)))){ _local35 = (_local31 / (_local31 + _local32)); _arg1.x = (_local10.x + (_local35 * (_local11.x - _local10.x))); _arg1.y = (_local10.y + (_local35 * (_local11.y - _local10.y))); _arg2.x = (_local13.x + (_local35 * (_local14.x - _local13.x))); _arg2.y = (_local13.y + (_local35 * (_local14.y - _local13.y))); _local9.SetV(_local11); _local12.SetV(_local14); _local6.SetV(_local8); return (2); }; _local37 = (_local33 * ((_local19 * _local16) - (_local20 * _local15))); if ((((((((_local37 <= 0)) && ((_local29 >= 0)))) && ((_local30 >= 0)))) && (((_local29 + _local30) > 0)))){ _local35 = (_local29 / (_local29 + _local30)); _arg1.x = (_local9.x + (_local35 * (_local11.x - _local9.x))); _arg1.y = (_local9.y + (_local35 * (_local11.y - _local9.y))); _arg2.x = (_local12.x + (_local35 * (_local14.x - _local12.x))); _arg2.y = (_local12.y + (_local35 * (_local14.y - _local12.y))); _local10.SetV(_local11); _local13.SetV(_local14); _local7.SetV(_local8); return (2); }; _local38 = ((_local36 + _local37) + _local34); _local38 = (1 / _local38); _local39 = (_local36 * _local38); _local40 = (_local37 * _local38); _local41 = ((1 - _local39) - _local40); _arg1.x = (((_local39 * _local9.x) + (_local40 * _local10.x)) + (_local41 * _local11.x)); _arg1.y = (((_local39 * _local9.y) + (_local40 * _local10.y)) + (_local41 * _local11.y)); _arg2.x = (((_local39 * _local12.x) + (_local40 * _local13.x)) + (_local41 * _local14.x)); _arg2.y = (((_local39 * _local12.y) + (_local40 * _local13.y)) + (_local41 * _local14.y)); return (3); } public static function DistancePC(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2PolygonShape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2CircleShape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Mat22; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Point; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local9 = gPoint; _local8 = _arg5.m_localPosition; _local7 = _arg6.R; _local9.p.x = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local7.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local9.p.y = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local7.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local10 = DistanceGeneric(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _local9, b2Math.b2XForm_identity); _local11 = (_arg5.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); if (_local10 > _local11){ _local10 = (_local10 - _local11); _local12 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.x); _local13 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.y); _local14 = Math.sqrt(((_local12 * _local12) + (_local13 * _local13))); _local12 = (_local12 / _local14); _local13 = (_local13 / _local14); _arg2.x = (_arg2.x - (_local11 * _local12)); _arg2.y = (_arg2.y - (_local11 * _local13)); } else { _local10 = 0; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; }; return (_local10); } public static function Distance(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Shape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2Shape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local7 = _arg3.m_type; _local8 = _arg5.m_type; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)))){ return (DistanceCC(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg3 as b2CircleShape), _arg4, (_arg5 as b2CircleShape), _arg6)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)))){ return (DistancePC(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg3 as b2PolygonShape), _arg4, (_arg5 as b2CircleShape), _arg6)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)))){ return (DistancePC(_arg2, _arg1, (_arg5 as b2PolygonShape), _arg6, (_arg3 as b2CircleShape), _arg4)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)))){ return (DistanceGeneric(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_edgeShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)))){ return (DistanceEdgeCircle(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg3 as b2EdgeShape), _arg4, (_arg5 as b2CircleShape), _arg6)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_edgeShape)))){ return (DistanceEdgeCircle(_arg2, _arg1, (_arg5 as b2EdgeShape), _arg6, (_arg3 as b2CircleShape), _arg4)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_edgeShape)))){ return (DistanceGeneric(_arg2, _arg1, _arg5, _arg6, _arg3, _arg4)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_edgeShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)))){ return (DistanceGeneric(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5, _arg6)); }; return (0); } public static function ProcessTwo(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array):int{ var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local6 = _arg5[0]; _local7 = _arg5[1]; _local8 = _arg3[0]; _local9 = _arg3[1]; _local10 = _arg4[0]; _local11 = _arg4[1]; _local12 = -(_local7.x); _local13 = -(_local7.y); _local14 = (_local6.x - _local7.x); _local15 = (_local6.y - _local7.y); _local16 = Math.sqrt(((_local14 * _local14) + (_local15 * _local15))); _local14 = (_local14 / _local16); _local15 = (_local15 / _local16); _local17 = ((_local12 * _local14) + (_local13 * _local15)); if ((((_local17 <= 0)) || ((_local16 < Number.MIN_VALUE)))){ _arg1.SetV(_local9); _arg2.SetV(_local11); _local8.SetV(_local9); _local10.SetV(_local11); _local6.SetV(_local7); return (1); }; _local17 = (_local17 / _local16); _arg1.x = (_local9.x + (_local17 * (_local8.x - _local9.x))); _arg1.y = (_local9.y + (_local17 * (_local8.y - _local9.y))); _arg2.x = (_local11.x + (_local17 * (_local10.x - _local11.x))); _arg2.y = (_local11.y + (_local17 * (_local10.y - _local11.y))); return (2); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 19
//b2Manifold (Box2D.Collision.b2Manifold) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Manifold { public var points:Array; public var pointCount:int;// = 0 public var normal:b2Vec2; public function b2Manifold(){ var _local1:int; pointCount = 0; super(); points = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { points[_local1] = new b2ManifoldPoint(); _local1++; }; normal = new b2Vec2(); } public function Set(_arg1:b2Manifold):void{ var _local2:int; pointCount = _arg1.pointCount; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { (points[_local2] as b2ManifoldPoint).Set(_arg1.points[_local2]); _local2++; }; normal.SetV(_arg1.normal); } public function Reset():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { (points[_local1] as b2ManifoldPoint).Reset(); _local1++; }; normal.SetZero(); pointCount = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 20
//b2ManifoldPoint (Box2D.Collision.b2ManifoldPoint) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2ManifoldPoint { public var separation:Number; public var localPoint2:b2Vec2; public var normalImpulse:Number; public var tangentImpulse:Number; public var localPoint1:b2Vec2; public var id:b2ContactID; public function b2ManifoldPoint(){ localPoint1 = new b2Vec2(); localPoint2 = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } public function Set(_arg1:b2ManifoldPoint):void{ localPoint1.SetV(_arg1.localPoint1); localPoint2.SetV(_arg1.localPoint2); separation = _arg1.separation; normalImpulse = _arg1.normalImpulse; tangentImpulse = _arg1.tangentImpulse; id.key =; } public function Reset():void{ localPoint1.SetZero(); localPoint2.SetZero(); separation = 0; normalImpulse = 0; tangentImpulse = 0; id.key = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 21
//b2OBB (Box2D.Collision.b2OBB) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2OBB { public var R:b2Mat22; public var center:b2Vec2; public var extents:b2Vec2; public function b2OBB(){ R = new b2Mat22(); center = new b2Vec2(); extents = new b2Vec2(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 22
//b2Pair (Box2D.Collision.b2Pair) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Pair { public var proxy1:b2Proxy; public var proxy2:b2Proxy; public var status:uint; public var userData;// = null public var next:b2Pair; public static var e_pairBuffered:uint = 1; public static var b2_nullProxy:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static var e_pairFinal:uint = 4; public static var e_pairRemoved:uint = 2; public function b2Pair(){ userData = null; super(); } public function SetBuffered():void{ status = (status | e_pairBuffered); } public function IsBuffered():Boolean{ return (((status & e_pairBuffered) == e_pairBuffered)); } public function IsFinal():Boolean{ return (((status & e_pairFinal) == e_pairFinal)); } public function ClearRemoved():void{ status = (status & ~(e_pairRemoved)); } public function SetFinal():void{ status = (status | e_pairFinal); } public function IsRemoved():Boolean{ return (((status & e_pairRemoved) == e_pairRemoved)); } public function ClearBuffered():void{ status = (status & ~(e_pairBuffered)); } public function SetRemoved():void{ status = (status | e_pairRemoved); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 23
//b2PairCallback (Box2D.Collision.b2PairCallback) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2PairCallback { public function PairRemoved(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ } public function PairAdded(_arg1, _arg2){ return (null); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 24
//b2PairManager (Box2D.Collision.b2PairManager) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PairManager { b2internal var m_pairCount:int; private var m_pairBuffer:Array; private var m_callback:b2PairCallback; b2internal var m_pairs:Array; private var m_pairBufferCount:int; private var m_broadPhase:b2BroadPhase; private var m_freePair:b2Pair; public function b2PairManager(){ m_pairs = new Array(); m_pairBuffer = new Array(); m_pairCount = 0; m_pairBufferCount = 0; m_freePair = null; } private function Find(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy):b2Pair{ return (_arg1.pairs[_arg2]); } private function ValidateBuffer():void{ } public function Commit():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:b2Pair; var _local4:b2Proxy; var _local5:b2Proxy; _local2 = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < m_pairBufferCount) { _local3 = m_pairBuffer[_local1]; _local3.ClearBuffered(); _local4 = _local3.proxy1; _local5 = _local3.proxy2; if (_local3.IsRemoved()){ if (_local3.IsFinal() == true){ m_callback.PairRemoved(_local4.userData, _local5.userData, _local3.userData); }; m_pairBuffer[_local2] = _local3; _local2++; } else { if (_local3.IsFinal() == false){ _local3.userData = m_callback.PairAdded(_local4.userData, _local5.userData); _local3.SetFinal(); }; }; _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local2) { _local3 = m_pairBuffer[_local1]; RemovePair(_local3.proxy1, _local3.proxy2); _local1++; }; m_pairBufferCount = 0; if (b2BroadPhase.s_validate){ ValidateTable(); }; } public function RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy):void{ var _local3:b2Pair; _local3 = Find(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local3 == null){ return; }; if (_local3.IsBuffered() == false){ _local3.SetBuffered(); m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount] = _local3; m_pairBufferCount++; }; _local3.SetRemoved(); if (b2BroadPhase.s_validate){ ValidateBuffer(); }; } private function RemovePair(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy){ var _local3:b2Pair; var _local4:*; _local3 = _arg1.pairs[_arg2]; if (_local3 == null){ return (null); }; _local4 = _local3.userData; delete _arg1.pairs[_arg2]; delete _arg2.pairs[_arg1]; = m_freePair; _local3.proxy1 = null; _local3.proxy2 = null; _local3.userData = null; _local3.status = 0; m_freePair = _local3; m_pairCount--; return (_local4); } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2PairCallback):void{ m_broadPhase = _arg1; m_callback = _arg2; } public function AddBufferedPair(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy):void{ var _local3:b2Pair; _local3 = AddPair(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local3.IsBuffered() == false){ _local3.SetBuffered(); m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount] = _local3; m_pairBufferCount++; }; _local3.ClearRemoved(); if (b2BroadPhase.s_validate){ ValidateBuffer(); }; } private function AddPair(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy):b2Pair{ var _local3:b2Pair; _local3 = _arg1.pairs[_arg2]; if (_local3 != null){ return (_local3); }; if (m_freePair == null){ m_freePair = new b2Pair(); m_pairs.push(m_freePair); }; _local3 = m_freePair; m_freePair =; _local3.proxy1 = _arg1; _local3.proxy2 = _arg2; _local3.status = 0; _local3.userData = null; = null; _arg1.pairs[_arg2] = _local3; _arg2.pairs[_arg1] = _local3; m_pairCount++; return (_local3); } private function ValidateTable():void{ } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 25
//b2Point (Box2D.Collision.b2Point) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Point { public var p:b2Vec2; public function b2Point(){ p = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function GetFirstVertex(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ return (p); } public function Support(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ return (p); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 26
//b2Proxy (Box2D.Collision.b2Proxy) package Box2D.Collision { import flash.utils.*; public class b2Proxy { public var overlapCount:uint; public var userData;// = null public var lowerBounds:Array; public var upperBounds:Array; public var pairs:Dictionary; public var next:b2Proxy; public var timeStamp:uint; public function b2Proxy(){ lowerBounds = [uint(0), uint(0)]; upperBounds = [uint(0), uint(0)]; pairs = new Dictionary(); userData = null; super(); } public function IsValid():Boolean{ return (!((overlapCount == b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid))); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 27
//b2Segment (Box2D.Collision.b2Segment) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Segment { public var p1:b2Vec2; public var p2:b2Vec2; public function b2Segment(){ p1 = new b2Vec2(); p2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function TestSegment(_arg1:Array, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Segment, _arg4:Number):Boolean{ var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; _local5 = _arg3.p1; _local6 = (_arg3.p2.x - _local5.x); _local7 = (_arg3.p2.y - _local5.y); _local8 = (p2.x - p1.x); _local9 = (p2.y - p1.y); _local10 = _local9; _local11 = -(_local8); _local12 = (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE); _local13 = -(((_local6 * _local10) + (_local7 * _local11))); if (_local13 > _local12){ _local14 = (_local5.x - p1.x); _local15 = (_local5.y - p1.y); _local16 = ((_local14 * _local10) + (_local15 * _local11)); if ((((0 <= _local16)) && ((_local16 <= (_arg4 * _local13))))){ _local17 = ((-(_local6) * _local15) + (_local7 * _local14)); if (((((-(_local12) * _local13) <= _local17)) && ((_local17 <= (_local13 * (1 + _local12)))))){ _local16 = (_local16 / _local13); _local18 = Math.sqrt(((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11))); _local10 = (_local10 / _local18); _local11 = (_local11 / _local18); _arg1[0] = _local16; _arg2.Set(_local10, _local11); return (true); }; }; }; return (false); } public function ExtendForward(_arg1:b2AABB):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = (p2.x - p1.x); _local3 = (p2.y - p1.y); _local4 = Math.min(((_local2 > 0)) ? ((_arg1.upperBound.x - p1.x) / _local2) : ((_local2 < 0)) ? ((_arg1.lowerBound.x - p1.x) / _local2) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, ((_local3 > 0)) ? ((_arg1.upperBound.y - p1.y) / _local3) : ((_local3 < 0)) ? ((_arg1.lowerBound.y - p1.y) / _local3) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); p2.x = (p1.x + (_local2 * _local4)); p2.y = (p1.y + (_local3 * _local4)); } public function Extend(_arg1:b2AABB):void{ ExtendForward(_arg1); ExtendBackward(_arg1); } public function ExtendBackward(_arg1:b2AABB):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 = (-(p2.x) + p1.x); _local3 = (-(p2.y) + p1.y); _local4 = Math.min(((_local2 > 0)) ? ((_arg1.upperBound.x - p2.x) / _local2) : ((_local2 < 0)) ? ((_arg1.lowerBound.x - p2.x) / _local2) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, ((_local3 > 0)) ? ((_arg1.upperBound.y - p2.y) / _local3) : ((_local3 < 0)) ? ((_arg1.lowerBound.y - p2.y) / _local3) : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); p1.x = (p2.x + (_local2 * _local4)); p1.y = (p2.y + (_local3 * _local4)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 28
//b2TimeOfImpact (Box2D.Collision.b2TimeOfImpact) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2TimeOfImpact { public static var s_xf1:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); public static var s_xf2:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); public static var s_p1:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public static var s_p2:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public static function TimeOfImpact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Sweep, _arg3:b2Shape, _arg4:b2Sweep):Number{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:int; var _local20:int; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:b2XForm; var _local27:b2XForm; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; _local7 = _arg1.m_sweepRadius; _local8 = _arg3.m_sweepRadius; _local9 = _arg2.t0; _local10 = (_arg2.c.x - _arg2.c0.x); _local11 = (_arg2.c.y - _arg2.c0.y); _local12 = (_arg4.c.x - _arg4.c0.x); _local13 = (_arg4.c.y - _arg4.c0.y); _local14 = (_arg2.a - _arg2.a0); _local15 = (_arg4.a - _arg4.a0); _local16 = 0; _local17 = s_p1; _local18 = s_p2; _local19 = 20; _local20 = 0; _local21 = 0; _local22 = 0; _local23 = 0; _local24 = 0; while (true) { _local25 = (((1 - _local16) * _local9) + _local16); _local26 = s_xf1; _local27 = s_xf2; _arg2.GetXForm(_local26, _local25); _arg4.GetXForm(_local27, _local25); _local23 = b2Distance.Distance(_local17, _local18, _arg1, _local26, _arg3, _local27); if (_local20 == 0){ if (_local23 > (2 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop)){ _local24 = (1.5 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); } else { _local5 = (0.05 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local6 = (_local23 - (0.5 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop)); _local24 = ((_local5 > _local6)) ? _local5 : _local6; }; }; if (((((_local23 - _local24) < (0.05 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop))) || ((_local20 == _local19)))){ break; }; _local21 = (_local18.x - _local17.x); _local22 = (_local18.y - _local17.y); _local28 = Math.sqrt(((_local21 * _local21) + (_local22 * _local22))); _local21 = (_local21 / _local28); _local22 = (_local22 / _local28); _local29 = ((((_local21 * (_local10 - _local12)) + (_local22 * (_local11 - _local13))) + (((_local14 < 0)) ? -(_local14) : _local14 * _local7)) + (((_local15 < 0)) ? -(_local15) : _local15 * _local8)); if (_local29 == 0){ _local16 = 1; break; }; _local30 = ((_local23 - _local24) / _local29); _local31 = (_local16 + _local30); if ((((_local31 < 0)) || ((1 < _local31)))){ _local16 = 1; break; }; if (_local31 < ((1 + (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE)) * _local16)){ break; }; _local16 = _local31; _local20++; }; return (_local16); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 29
//ClipVertex (Box2D.Collision.ClipVertex) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class ClipVertex { public var v:b2Vec2; public var id:b2ContactID; public function ClipVertex(){ v = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 30
//Features (Box2D.Collision.Features) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.*; public class Features { b2internal var _referenceEdge:int; b2internal var _incidentEdge:int; b2internal var _flip:int; b2internal var _incidentVertex:int; b2internal var _m_id:b2ContactID; public function get referenceEdge():int{ return (_referenceEdge); } public function set incidentVertex(_arg1:int):void{ _incidentVertex = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 4278255615) | ((_incidentVertex << 16) & 0xFF0000)); } public function get flip():int{ return (_flip); } public function get incidentEdge():int{ return (_incidentEdge); } public function set referenceEdge(_arg1:int):void{ _referenceEdge = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 4294967040) | (_referenceEdge & 0xFF)); } public function get incidentVertex():int{ return (_incidentVertex); } public function set flip(_arg1:int):void{ _flip = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 0xFFFFFF) | ((_flip << 24) & 4278190080)); } public function set incidentEdge(_arg1:int):void{ _incidentEdge = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 4294902015) | ((_incidentEdge << 8) & 0xFF00)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 31
//b2Mat22 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Mat22) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Mat22 { public var col1:b2Vec2; public var col2:b2Vec2; public function b2Mat22(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:b2Vec2=null, _arg3:b2Vec2=null){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; col1 = new b2Vec2(); col2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); if (((!((_arg2 == null))) && (!((_arg3 == null))))){ col1.SetV(_arg2); col2.SetV(_arg3); } else { _local4 = Math.cos(_arg1); _local5 = Math.sin(_arg1); col1.x = _local4; col2.x = -(_local5); col1.y = _local5; col2.y = _local4; }; } public function SetIdentity():void{ col1.x = 1; col2.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 1; } public function Set(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = Math.cos(_arg1); _local3 = Math.sin(_arg1); col1.x = _local2; col2.x = -(_local3); col1.y = _local3; col2.y = _local2; } public function SetVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1); col2.SetV(_arg2); } public function SetZero():void{ col1.x = 0; col2.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 0; } public function SetM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1.col1); col2.SetV(_arg1.col2); } public function AddM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ col1.x = (col1.x + _arg1.col1.x); col1.y = (col1.y + _arg1.col1.y); col2.x = (col2.x + _arg1.col2.x); col2.y = (col2.y + _arg1.col2.y); } public function Abs():void{ col1.Abs(); col2.Abs(); } public function Copy():b2Mat22{ return (new b2Mat22(0, col1, col2)); } public function GetInverse(_arg1:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local2 = col1.x; _local3 = col2.x; _local4 = col1.y; _local5 = col2.y; _local6 = ((_local2 * _local5) - (_local3 * _local4)); _local6 = (1 / _local6); _arg1.col1.x = (_local6 * _local5); _arg1.col2.x = (-(_local6) * _local3); _arg1.col1.y = (-(_local6) * _local4); _arg1.col2.y = (_local6 * _local2); return (_arg1); } public function GetAngle():Number{ return (Math.atan2(col1.y, col1.x)); } public function Solve(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = col1.x; _local5 = col2.x; _local6 = col1.y; _local7 = col2.y; _local8 = ((_local4 * _local7) - (_local5 * _local6)); _local8 = (1 / _local8); _arg1.x = (_local8 * ((_local7 * _arg2) - (_local5 * _arg3))); _arg1.y = (_local8 * ((_local4 * _arg3) - (_local6 * _arg2))); return (_arg1); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 32
//b2Mat33 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Mat33) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Mat33 { public var col1:b2Vec3; public var col2:b2Vec3; public var col3:b2Vec3; public function b2Mat33(_arg1:b2Vec3=null, _arg2:b2Vec3=null, _arg3:b2Vec3=null){ col1 = new b2Vec3(); col2 = new b2Vec3(); col3 = new b2Vec3(); super(); if (((((!(_arg1)) && (!(_arg2)))) && (!(_arg3)))){ col1.SetZero(); col2.SetZero(); col3.SetZero(); } else { col1.SetV(_arg1); col2.SetV(_arg2); col3.SetV(_arg3); }; } public function SetIdentity():void{ col1.x = 1; col2.x = 0; col3.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 1; col3.y = 0; col1.z = 0; col2.z = 0; col3.z = 1; } public function Solve33(_arg1:b2Vec3, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):b2Vec3{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local5 = col1.x; _local6 = col1.y; _local7 = col1.z; _local8 = col2.x; _local9 = col2.y; _local10 = col2.z; _local11 = col3.x; _local12 = col3.y; _local13 = col3.z; _local14 = (((_local5 * ((_local9 * _local13) - (_local10 * _local12))) + (_local6 * ((_local10 * _local11) - (_local8 * _local13)))) + (_local7 * ((_local8 * _local12) - (_local9 * _local11)))); _local14 = (1 / _local14); _arg1.x = (_local14 * (((_arg2 * ((_local9 * _local13) - (_local10 * _local12))) + (_arg3 * ((_local10 * _local11) - (_local8 * _local13)))) + (_arg4 * ((_local8 * _local12) - (_local9 * _local11))))); _arg1.y = (_local14 * (((_local5 * ((_arg3 * _local13) - (_arg4 * _local12))) + (_local6 * ((_arg4 * _local11) - (_arg2 * _local13)))) + (_local7 * ((_arg2 * _local12) - (_arg3 * _local11))))); _arg1.z = (_local14 * (((_local5 * ((_local9 * _arg4) - (_local10 * _arg3))) + (_local6 * ((_local10 * _arg2) - (_local8 * _arg4)))) + (_local7 * ((_local8 * _arg3) - (_local9 * _arg2))))); return (_arg1); } public function SetZero():void{ col1.x = 0; col2.x = 0; col3.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 0; col3.y = 0; col1.z = 0; col2.z = 0; col3.z = 0; } public function SetM(_arg1:b2Mat33):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1.col1); col2.SetV(_arg1.col2); col3.SetV(_arg1.col3); } public function AddM(_arg1:b2Mat33):void{ col1.x = (col1.x + _arg1.col1.x); col1.y = (col1.y + _arg1.col1.y); col1.z = (col1.z + _arg1.col1.z); col2.x = (col2.x + _arg1.col2.x); col2.y = (col2.y + _arg1.col2.y); col2.z = (col2.z + _arg1.col2.z); col3.x = (col3.x + _arg1.col3.x); col3.y = (col3.y + _arg1.col3.y); col3.z = (col3.z + _arg1.col3.z); } public function SetVVV(_arg1:b2Vec3, _arg2:b2Vec3, _arg3:b2Vec3):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1); col2.SetV(_arg2); col3.SetV(_arg3); } public function Copy():b2Mat33{ return (new b2Mat33(col1, col2, col3)); } public function Solve22(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = col1.x; _local5 = col2.x; _local6 = col1.y; _local7 = col2.y; _local8 = ((_local4 * _local7) - (_local5 * _local6)); _local8 = (1 / _local8); _arg1.x = (_local8 * ((_local7 * _arg2) - (_local5 * _arg3))); _arg1.y = (_local8 * ((_local4 * _arg3) - (_local6 * _arg2))); return (_arg1); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 33
//b2Math (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Math) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Math { public static const b2Mat22_identity:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(0, new b2Vec2(1, 0), new b2Vec2(0, 1)); public static const b2XForm_identity:b2XForm = new b2XForm(b2Vec2_zero, b2Mat22_identity); public static const b2Vec2_zero:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(0, 0); public static function b2CrossVF(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg2 * _arg1.y), (-(_arg2) * _arg1.x)); return (_local3); } public static function AddVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1.x + _arg2.x), (_arg1.y + _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2IsValid(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (isFinite(_arg1)); } public static function b2MinV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Min(_arg1.x, _arg2.x), b2Min(_arg1.y, _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulX(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = b2MulMV(_arg1.R, _arg2); _local3.x = (_local3.x + _arg1.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + _arg1.position.y); return (_local3); } public static function b2DistanceSquared(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local4 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); return (((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); } public static function b2Swap(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = _arg1[0]; _arg1[0] = _arg2[0]; _arg2[0] = _local3; } public static function b2AbsM(_arg1:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local2:b2Mat22; _local2 = new b2Mat22(0, b2AbsV(_arg1.col1), b2AbsV(_arg1.col2)); return (_local2); } public static function SubtractVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1.x - _arg2.x), (_arg1.y - _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulXT(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:Number; _local3 = SubtractVV(_arg2, _arg1.position); _local4 = ((_local3.x * _arg1.R.col1.x) + (_local3.y * _arg1.R.col1.y)); _local3.y = ((_local3.x * _arg1.R.col2.x) + (_local3.y * _arg1.R.col2.y)); _local3.x = _local4; return (_local3); } public static function b2Abs(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > 0)) ? _arg1 : -(_arg1)); } public static function b2Clamp(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Number{ return (b2Max(_arg2, b2Min(_arg1, _arg3))); } public static function b2AbsV(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Vec2; _local2 = new b2Vec2(b2Abs(_arg1.x), b2Abs(_arg1.y)); return (_local2); } public static function MulFV(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1 * _arg2.x), (_arg1 * _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2CrossVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ return (((_arg1.x * _arg2.y) - (_arg1.y * _arg2.x))); } public static function b2Dot(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ return (((_arg1.x * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.y * _arg2.y))); } public static function b2CrossFV(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((-(_arg1) * _arg2.y), (_arg1 * _arg2.x)); return (_local3); } public static function AddMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Mat22(0, AddVV(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col1), AddVV(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2Distance(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local4 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); return (Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)))); } public static function b2MulTMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col1), b2Dot(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col1)); _local4 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col2), b2Dot(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col2)); _local5 = new b2Mat22(0, _local3, _local4); return (_local5); } public static function b2MaxV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Max(_arg1.x, _arg2.x), b2Max(_arg1.y, _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2IsPowerOfTwo(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = (((_arg1 > 0)) && (((_arg1 & (_arg1 - 1)) == 0))); return (_local2); } public static function b2ClampV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2MaxV(_arg2, b2MinV(_arg1, _arg3))); } public static function b2RandomRange(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = Math.random(); _local3 = (((_arg2 - _arg1) * _local3) + _arg1); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulTMV(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg2, _arg1.col1), b2Dot(_arg2, _arg1.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2Min(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 < _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function b2Random():Number{ return (((Math.random() * 2) - 1)); } public static function b2MulMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Mat22(0, b2MulMV(_arg1, _arg2.col1), b2MulMV(_arg1, _arg2.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2NextPowerOfTwo(_arg1:uint):uint{ _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 1) & 2147483647)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 2) & 1073741823)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 4) & 268435455)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); return ((_arg1 + 1)); } public static function b2Max(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function b2MulMV(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_arg1.col1.x * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.col2.x * _arg2.y)), ((_arg1.col1.y * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.col2.y * _arg2.y))); return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 34
//b2Sweep (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Sweep) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Sweep { public var localCenter:b2Vec2; public var c:b2Vec2; public var a:Number; public var c0:b2Vec2; public var a0:Number; public var t0:Number; public function b2Sweep(){ localCenter = new b2Vec2(); c0 = new b2Vec2(); c = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function Advance(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; if ((((t0 < _arg1)) && (((1 - t0) > Number.MIN_VALUE)))){ _local2 = ((_arg1 - t0) / (1 - t0)); c0.x = (((1 - _local2) * c0.x) + (_local2 * c.x)); c0.y = (((1 - _local2) * c0.y) + (_local2 * c.y)); a0 = (((1 - _local2) * a0) + (_local2 * a)); t0 = _arg1; }; } public function GetXForm(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; if ((1 - t0) > Number.MIN_VALUE){ _local4 = ((_arg2 - t0) / (1 - t0)); _arg1.position.x = (((1 - _local4) * c0.x) + (_local4 * c.x)); _arg1.position.y = (((1 - _local4) * c0.y) + (_local4 * c.y)); _local5 = (((1 - _local4) * a0) + (_local4 * a)); _arg1.R.Set(_local5); } else { _arg1.position.SetV(c); _arg1.R.Set(a); }; _local3 = _arg1.R; _arg1.position.x = (_arg1.position.x - ((_local3.col1.x * localCenter.x) + (_local3.col2.x * localCenter.y))); _arg1.position.y = (_arg1.position.y - ((_local3.col1.y * localCenter.x) + (_local3.col2.y * localCenter.y))); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 35
//b2Vec2 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Vec2 { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public function b2Vec2(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function Set(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function Multiply(_arg1:Number):void{ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg1); } public function Length():Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y)))); } public function LengthSquared():Number{ return (((x * x) + (y * y))); } public function SetZero():void{ x = 0; y = 0; } public function Add(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); } public function MaxV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = ((x > _arg1.x)) ? x : _arg1.x; y = ((y > _arg1.y)) ? y : _arg1.y; } public function SetV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = _arg1.x; y = _arg1.y; } public function Negative():b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(-(x), -(y))); } public function CrossVF(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = (_arg1 * y); y = (-(_arg1) * _local2); } public function Abs():void{ if (x < 0){ x = -(x); }; if (y < 0){ y = -(y); }; } public function Copy():b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(x, y)); } public function MulTM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = b2Math.b2Dot(this, _arg1.col1); y = b2Math.b2Dot(this, _arg1.col2); x = _local2; } public function IsValid():Boolean{ return (((b2Math.b2IsValid(x)) && (b2Math.b2IsValid(y)))); } public function MinV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = ((x < _arg1.x)) ? x : _arg1.x; y = ((y < _arg1.y)) ? y : _arg1.y; } public function MulM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = ((_arg1.col1.x * _local2) + (_arg1.col2.x * y)); y = ((_arg1.col1.y * _local2) + (_arg1.col2.y * y)); } public function Normalize():Number{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))); if (_local1 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ return (0); }; _local2 = (1 / _local1); x = (x * _local2); y = (y * _local2); return (_local1); } public function Subtract(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = (x - _arg1.x); y = (y - _arg1.y); } public function CrossFV(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = (-(_arg1) * y); y = (_arg1 * _local2); } public static function Make(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 36
//b2Vec3 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec3) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Vec3 { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public var z:Number; public function b2Vec3(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=0){ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.z = _arg3; } public function Set(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ this.x = _arg1; this.y = _arg2; this.z = _arg3; } public function Multiply(_arg1:Number):void{ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg1); z = (z * _arg1); } public function Add(_arg1:b2Vec3):void{ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); z = (z + _arg1.z); } public function SetZero():void{ x = (y = (z = 0)); } public function SetV(_arg1:b2Vec3):void{ x = _arg1.x; y = _arg1.y; z = _arg1.z; } public function Negative():b2Vec3{ return (new b2Vec3(-(x), -(y), -(z))); } public function Subtract(_arg1:b2Vec3):void{ x = (x - _arg1.x); y = (y - _arg1.y); z = (z - _arg1.z); } public function Copy():b2Vec3{ return (new b2Vec3(x, y, z)); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 37
//b2XForm (Box2D.Common.Math.b2XForm) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2XForm { public var R:b2Mat22; public var position:b2Vec2; public function b2XForm(_arg1:b2Vec2=null, _arg2:b2Mat22=null):void{ position = new b2Vec2(); R = new b2Mat22(); super(); if (_arg1){ position.SetV(_arg1); R.SetM(_arg2); }; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Mat22):void{ position.SetV(_arg1); R.SetM(_arg2); } public function Set(_arg1:b2XForm):void{ position.SetV(_arg1.position); R.SetM(_arg1.R); } public function SetIdentity():void{ position.SetZero(); R.SetIdentity(); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 38
//b2Color (Box2D.Common.b2Color) package Box2D.Common { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Color { private var _g:uint;// = 0 private var _b:uint;// = 0 private var _r:uint;// = 0 public function b2Color(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ _r = 0; _g = 0; _b = 0; super(); _r = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); _g = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg2, 0, 1))); _b = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg3, 0, 1))); } public function Set(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ _r = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); _g = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg2, 0, 1))); _b = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg3, 0, 1))); } public function get color():uint{ return ((((_r << 16) | (_g << 8)) | _b)); } public function set r(_arg1:Number):void{ _r = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); } public function set b(_arg1:Number):void{ _b = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); } public function set g(_arg1:Number):void{ _g = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); } } }//package Box2D.Common
Section 39
//b2internal (Box2D.Common.b2internal) package Box2D.Common { public namespace b2internal = ""; }//package Box2D.Common
Section 40
//b2Settings (Box2D.Common.b2Settings) package Box2D.Common { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Settings { public static const b2_maxLinearVelocity:Number = 200; public static const b2_pi:Number = 3.14159265358979; public static const b2_angularSleepTolerance:Number = 0.0111111111111111; public static const b2_linearSleepTolerance:Number = 0.01; public static const b2_angularSlop:Number = 0.0349065850398866; public static const b2_linearSlop:Number = 0.005; public static const b2_maxLinearVelocitySquared:Number = 40000; public static const b2_maxTOIJointsPerIsland:int = 32; public static const b2_maxAngularVelocitySquared:Number = 62500; public static const b2_maxPolygonVertices:int = 8; public static const b2_velocityThreshold:Number = 1; public static const b2_contactBaumgarte:Number = 0.2; public static const b2_maxTOIContactsPerIsland:int = 32; public static const b2_maxManifoldPoints:int = 2; public static const b2_maxAngularVelocity:Number = 250; public static const b2_maxAngularCorrection:Number = 0.139626340159546; public static const b2_timeToSleep:Number = 0.5; public static const USHRT_MAX:int = 0xFFFF; public static const b2_maxLinearCorrection:Number = 0.2; public static const b2_toiSlop:Number = 0.04; public static const VERSION:String = "2.0.2"; public static function b2MixFriction(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (Math.sqrt((_arg1 * _arg2))); } public static function b2MixRestitution(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function b2Assert(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; if (!_arg1){ _local2.x++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Common
Section 41
//b2CircleContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2CircleContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2CircleContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; private var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2CircleContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape){ var _local3:b2ManifoldPoint; m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; m0 = new b2Manifold(); super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; m_manifold.pointCount = 0; _local3 = m_manifold.points[0]; _local3.normalImpulse = 0; _local3.tangentImpulse = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } override b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactPoint; var _local8:b2ManifoldPoint; _local5 = m_shape1.m_body; _local6 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2Collision.b2CollideCircles(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2CircleShape), _local5.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2CircleShape), _local6.m_xf); _local7 = s_evalCP; _local7.shape1 = m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = m_shape2; _local7.friction = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(m_shape1.GetFriction(), m_shape2.GetFriction()); _local7.restitution = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(m_shape1.GetRestitution(), m_shape2.GetRestitution()); if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ m_manifoldCount = 1; _local8 = m_manifold.points[0]; if (m0.pointCount == 0){ _local8.normalImpulse = 0; _local8.tangentImpulse = 0; if (_arg1){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local8.separation; =; _arg1.Add(_local7); }; } else { _local4 = m0.points[0]; _local8.normalImpulse = _local4.normalImpulse; _local8.tangentImpulse = _local4.tangentImpulse; if (_arg1){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local8.separation; =; _arg1.Persist(_local7); }; }; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; if ((((m0.pointCount > 0)) && (_arg1))){ _local4 = m0.points[0]; _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local7.separation = _local4.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local7); }; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2CircleContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 42
//b2Contact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2Contact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Contact { b2internal var m_shape1:b2Shape; b2internal var m_shape2:b2Shape; b2internal var m_prev:b2Contact; b2internal var m_toi:Number; b2internal var m_next:b2Contact; b2internal var m_manifoldCount:int; b2internal var m_node1:b2ContactEdge; b2internal var m_node2:b2ContactEdge; b2internal var m_flags:uint; b2internal static var e_toiFlag:uint = 8; b2internal static var e_nonSolidFlag:uint = 1; b2internal static var e_slowFlag:uint = 2; b2internal static var e_islandFlag:uint = 4; b2internal static var s_registers:Array; b2internal static var s_initialized:Boolean = false; public function b2Contact(_arg1:b2Shape=null, _arg2:b2Shape=null){ m_node1 = new b2ContactEdge(); m_node2 = new b2ContactEdge(); super(); m_flags = 0; if (((!(_arg1)) || (!(_arg2)))){ m_shape1 = null; m_shape2 = null; return; }; if (((_arg1.IsSensor()) || (_arg2.IsSensor()))){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_nonSolidFlag); }; m_shape1 = _arg1; m_shape2 = _arg2; m_manifoldCount = 0; m_prev = null; m_next = null; = null; m_node1.prev = null; = null; m_node1.other = null; = null; m_node2.prev = null; = null; m_node2.other = null; } public function GetShape1():b2Shape{ return (m_shape1); } public function IsSolid():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_nonSolidFlag) == 0)); } public function GetNext():b2Contact{ return (m_next); } public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (null); } public function GetShape2():b2Shape{ return (m_shape2); } public function GetManifoldCount():int{ return (m_manifoldCount); } b2internal function Update(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; _local2 = m_manifoldCount; Evaluate(_arg1); _local3 = m_manifoldCount; _local4 = m_shape1.m_body; _local5 = m_shape2.m_body; if ((((_local3 == 0)) && ((_local2 > 0)))){ _local4.WakeUp(); _local5.WakeUp(); }; if (((((((_local4.IsStatic()) || (_local4.IsBullet()))) || (_local5.IsStatic()))) || (_local5.IsBullet()))){ m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_slowFlag)); } else { m_flags = (m_flags | e_slowFlag); }; } b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ } b2internal static function InitializeRegisters():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; s_registers = new Array(b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount) { s_registers[_local1] = new Array(b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount) { s_registers[_local1][_local2] = new b2ContactRegister(); _local2++; }; _local1++; }; AddType(b2CircleContact.Create, b2CircleContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_circleShape, b2Shape.e_circleShape); AddType(b2PolyAndCircleContact.Create, b2PolyAndCircleContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_polygonShape, b2Shape.e_circleShape); AddType(b2PolygonContact.Create, b2PolygonContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_polygonShape, b2Shape.e_polygonShape); AddType(b2EdgeAndCircleContact.Create, b2EdgeAndCircleContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_edgeShape, b2Shape.e_circleShape); AddType(b2PolyAndEdgeContact.Create, b2PolyAndEdgeContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_polygonShape, b2Shape.e_edgeShape); } b2internal static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2ContactRegister; var _local6:Function; if (_arg1.m_manifoldCount > 0){ _arg1.m_shape1.m_body.WakeUp(); _arg1.m_shape2.m_body.WakeUp(); }; _local3 = _arg1.m_shape1.m_type; _local4 = _arg1.m_shape2.m_type; _local5 = s_registers[_local3][_local4]; _local6 = _local5.destroyFcn; _local6(_arg1, _arg2); } b2internal static function AddType(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{ s_registers[_arg3][_arg4].createFcn = _arg1; s_registers[_arg3][_arg4].destroyFcn = _arg2; s_registers[_arg3][_arg4].primary = true; if (_arg3 != _arg4){ s_registers[_arg4][_arg3].createFcn = _arg1; s_registers[_arg4][_arg3].destroyFcn = _arg2; s_registers[_arg4][_arg3].primary = false; }; } b2internal static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2ContactRegister; var _local7:Function; var _local8:b2Contact; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Manifold; if (s_initialized == false){ InitializeRegisters(); s_initialized = true; }; _local4 = _arg1.m_type; _local5 = _arg2.m_type; _local6 = s_registers[_local4][_local5]; _local7 = _local6.createFcn; if (_local7 != null){ if (_local6.primary){ return (_local7(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; _local8 = _local7(_arg2, _arg1, _arg3); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local8.m_manifoldCount) { _local10 = _local8.GetManifolds()[_local9]; _local8.GetManifolds()[_local9].normal = _local10.normal.Negative(); _local9++; }; return (_local8); //unresolved jump }; return (null); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 43
//b2ContactConstraint (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactConstraint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2ContactConstraint { public var pointCount:int; public var points:Array; public var restitution:Number; public var K:b2Mat22; public var manifold:b2Manifold; public var body2:b2Body; public var friction:Number; public var normalMass:b2Mat22; public var body1:b2Body; public var normal:b2Vec2; public function b2ContactConstraint(){ var _local1:int; normal = new b2Vec2(); normalMass = new b2Mat22(); K = new b2Mat22(); super(); points = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { points[_local1] = new b2ContactConstraintPoint(); _local1++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 44
//b2ContactConstraintPoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactConstraintPoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2ContactConstraintPoint { public var r2:b2Vec2; public var separation:Number; public var normalImpulse:Number; public var equalizedMass:Number; public var tangentMass:Number; public var tangentImpulse:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var velocityBias:Number; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var normalMass:Number; public var r1:b2Vec2; public function b2ContactConstraintPoint(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); r1 = new b2Vec2(); r2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 45
//b2ContactEdge (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactEdge) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2ContactEdge { public var next:b2ContactEdge; public var other:b2Body; public var contact:b2Contact; public var prev:b2ContactEdge; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 46
//b2ContactRegister (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactRegister) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { public class b2ContactRegister { public var primary:Boolean; public var createFcn:Function; public var destroyFcn:Function; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 47
//b2ContactResult (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactResult) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; public class b2ContactResult { public var normal:b2Vec2; public var position:b2Vec2; public var shape1:b2Shape; public var shape2:b2Shape; public var normalImpulse:Number; public var tangentImpulse:Number; public var id:b2ContactID; public function b2ContactResult(){ position = new b2Vec2(); normal = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 48
//b2ContactSolver (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactSolver) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2ContactSolver { private var m_constraintCount:int; b2internal var m_constraints:Array; private var m_allocator; private var m_step:b2TimeStep; public function b2ContactSolver(_arg1:b2TimeStep, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4){ var _local5:b2Contact; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Mat22; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Shape; var _local11:b2Shape; var _local12:b2Body; var _local13:b2Body; var _local14:int; var _local15:Array; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:int; var _local25:b2Manifold; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:b2ContactConstraint; var _local29:uint; var _local30:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local31:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; var _local39:Number; var _local40:Number; var _local41:Number; var _local42:Number; var _local43:Number; var _local44:Number; var _local45:Number; var _local46:Number; var _local47:Number; var _local48:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local49:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local50:Number; var _local51:Number; var _local52:Number; var _local53:Number; var _local54:Number; var _local55:Number; var _local56:Number; var _local57:Number; var _local58:Number; var _local59:Number; var _local60:Number; var _local61:Number; m_step = new b2TimeStep(); m_constraints = new Array(); super(); m_step.dt = _arg1.dt; m_step.inv_dt = _arg1.inv_dt; m_step.positionIterations = _arg1.positionIterations; m_step.velocityIterations = _arg1.velocityIterations; m_allocator = _arg4; m_constraintCount = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3) { _local5 = _arg2[_local6]; m_constraintCount = (m_constraintCount + _local5.m_manifoldCount); _local6++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < m_constraintCount) { m_constraints[_local6] = new b2ContactConstraint(); _local6++; }; _local9 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3) { _local5 = _arg2[_local6]; _local10 = _local5.m_shape1; _local11 = _local5.m_shape2; _local12 = _local10.m_body; _local13 = _local11.m_body; _local14 = _local5.m_manifoldCount; _local15 = _local5.GetManifolds(); _local16 = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(_local10.GetFriction(), _local11.GetFriction()); _local17 = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(_local10.GetRestitution(), _local11.GetRestitution()); _local18 = _local12.m_linearVelocity.x; _local19 = _local12.m_linearVelocity.y; _local20 = _local13.m_linearVelocity.x; _local21 = _local13.m_linearVelocity.y; _local22 = _local12.m_angularVelocity; _local23 = _local13.m_angularVelocity; _local24 = 0; while (_local24 < _local14) { _local25 = _local15[_local24]; _local26 = _local25.normal.x; _local27 = _local25.normal.y; _local28 = m_constraints[_local9]; _local28.body1 = _local12; _local28.body2 = _local13; _local28.manifold = _local25; _local28.normal.x = _local26; _local28.normal.y = _local27; _local28.pointCount = _local25.pointCount; _local28.friction = _local16; _local28.restitution = _local17; _local29 = 0; while (_local29 < _local28.pointCount) { _local30 = _local25.points[_local29]; _local31 = _local28.points[_local29]; _local31.normalImpulse = _local30.normalImpulse; _local31.tangentImpulse = _local30.tangentImpulse; _local31.separation = _local30.separation; _local31.localAnchor1.SetV(_local30.localPoint1); _local31.localAnchor2.SetV(_local30.localPoint2); _local8 = _local12.m_xf.R; _local34 = (_local30.localPoint1.x - _local12.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local35 = (_local30.localPoint1.y - _local12.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local32 = ((_local8.col1.x * _local34) + (_local8.col2.x * _local35)); _local35 = ((_local8.col1.y * _local34) + (_local8.col2.y * _local35)); _local34 = _local32; _local31.r1.Set(_local34, _local35); _local8 = _local13.m_xf.R; _local36 = (_local30.localPoint2.x - _local13.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local37 = (_local30.localPoint2.y - _local13.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local32 = ((_local8.col1.x * _local36) + (_local8.col2.x * _local37)); _local37 = ((_local8.col1.y * _local36) + (_local8.col2.y * _local37)); _local36 = _local32; _local31.r2.Set(_local36, _local37); _local38 = ((_local34 * _local27) - (_local35 * _local26)); _local39 = ((_local36 * _local27) - (_local37 * _local26)); _local38 = (_local38 * _local38); _local39 = (_local39 * _local39); _local40 = (((_local12.m_invMass + _local13.m_invMass) + (_local12.m_invI * _local38)) + (_local13.m_invI * _local39)); _local31.normalMass = (1 / _local40); _local41 = ((_local12.m_mass * _local12.m_invMass) + (_local13.m_mass * _local13.m_invMass)); _local41 = (_local41 + (((_local12.m_mass * _local12.m_invI) * _local38) + ((_local13.m_mass * _local13.m_invI) * _local39))); _local31.equalizedMass = (1 / _local41); _local42 = _local27; _local43 = -(_local26); _local44 = ((_local34 * _local43) - (_local35 * _local42)); _local45 = ((_local36 * _local43) - (_local37 * _local42)); _local44 = (_local44 * _local44); _local45 = (_local45 * _local45); _local46 = (((_local12.m_invMass + _local13.m_invMass) + (_local12.m_invI * _local44)) + (_local13.m_invI * _local45)); _local31.tangentMass = (1 / _local46); _local31.velocityBias = 0; if (_local31.separation > 0){ _local31.velocityBias = (-60 * _local31.separation); } else { _local32 = (((_local20 + (-(_local23) * _local37)) - _local18) - (-(_local22) * _local35)); _local33 = (((_local21 + (_local23 * _local36)) - _local19) - (_local22 * _local34)); _local47 = ((_local28.normal.x * _local32) + (_local28.normal.y * _local33)); if (_local47 < -(b2Settings.b2_velocityThreshold)){ _local31.velocityBias = (_local31.velocityBias + (-(_local28.restitution) * _local47)); }; }; _local29++; }; if (_local28.pointCount == 2){ _local48 = _local28.points[0]; _local49 = _local28.points[1]; _local50 = _local12.m_invMass; _local51 = _local12.m_invI; _local52 = _local13.m_invMass; _local53 = _local13.m_invI; _local54 = ((_local48.r1.x * _local27) - (_local48.r1.y * _local26)); _local55 = ((_local48.r2.x * _local27) - (_local48.r2.y * _local26)); _local56 = ((_local49.r1.x * _local27) - (_local49.r1.y * _local26)); _local57 = ((_local49.r2.x * _local27) - (_local49.r2.y * _local26)); _local58 = (((_local50 + _local52) + ((_local51 * _local54) * _local54)) + ((_local53 * _local55) * _local55)); _local59 = (((_local50 + _local52) + ((_local51 * _local56) * _local56)) + ((_local53 * _local57) * _local57)); _local60 = (((_local50 + _local52) + ((_local51 * _local54) * _local56)) + ((_local53 * _local55) * _local57)); _local61 = 100; if ((_local58 * _local58) < (_local61 * ((_local58 * _local59) - (_local60 * _local60)))){ _local28.K.col1.Set(_local58, _local60); _local28.K.col2.Set(_local60, _local59); _local28.K.GetInverse(_local28.normalMass); } else { _local28.pointCount = 1; }; }; _local9++; _local24++; }; _local6++; }; } public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2ContactConstraint; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:int; var _local20:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:b2ContactConstraintPoint; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_constraintCount) { _local6 = m_constraints[_local5]; _local7 = _local6.body1; _local8 = _local6.body2; _local9 = _local7.m_invMass; _local10 = _local7.m_invI; _local11 = _local8.m_invMass; _local12 = _local8.m_invI; _local13 = _local6.normal.x; _local14 = _local6.normal.y; _local15 = _local14; _local16 = -(_local13); if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local19 = _local6.pointCount; _local18 = 0; while (_local18 < _local19) { _local20 = _local6.points[_local18]; _local6.points[_local18].normalImpulse = (_local20.normalImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local20.tangentImpulse = (_local20.tangentImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local21 = ((_local20.normalImpulse * _local13) + (_local20.tangentImpulse * _local15)); _local22 = ((_local20.normalImpulse * _local14) + (_local20.tangentImpulse * _local16)); _local7.m_angularVelocity = (_local7.m_angularVelocity - (_local10 * ((_local20.r1.x * _local22) - (_local20.r1.y * _local21)))); _local7.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local7.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local9 * _local21)); _local7.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local7.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local9 * _local22)); _local8.m_angularVelocity = (_local8.m_angularVelocity + (_local12 * ((_local20.r2.x * _local22) - (_local20.r2.y * _local21)))); _local8.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local8.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local11 * _local21)); _local8.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local8.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local11 * _local22)); _local18++; }; } else { _local19 = _local6.pointCount; _local18 = 0; while (_local18 < _local19) { _local23 = _local6.points[_local18]; _local23.normalImpulse = 0; _local23.tangentImpulse = 0; _local18++; }; }; _local5++; }; } public function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2ContactConstraint; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:Number; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:int; var _local20:int; var _local21:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; _local2 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_constraintCount) { _local6 = m_constraints[_local5]; _local7 = _local6.body1; _local8 = _local6.body2; _local9 = _local7.m_sweep.c; _local10 = _local7.m_sweep.a; _local11 = _local8.m_sweep.c; _local12 = _local8.m_sweep.a; _local13 = (_local7.m_mass * _local7.m_invMass); _local14 = (_local7.m_mass * _local7.m_invI); _local15 = (_local8.m_mass * _local8.m_invMass); _local16 = (_local8.m_mass * _local8.m_invI); _local17 = _local6.normal.x; _local18 = _local6.normal.y; _local19 = _local6.pointCount; _local20 = 0; while (_local20 < _local19) { _local21 = _local6.points[_local20]; _local3 = _local7.m_xf.R; _local4 = _local7.m_sweep.localCenter; _local22 = (_local21.localAnchor1.x - _local4.x); _local23 = (_local21.localAnchor1.y - _local4.y); _local26 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local22) + (_local3.col2.x * _local23)); _local23 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local22) + (_local3.col2.y * _local23)); _local22 = _local26; _local3 = _local8.m_xf.R; _local4 = _local8.m_sweep.localCenter; _local24 = (_local21.localAnchor2.x - _local4.x); _local25 = (_local21.localAnchor2.y - _local4.y); _local26 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local24) + (_local3.col2.x * _local25)); _local25 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local24) + (_local3.col2.y * _local25)); _local24 = _local26; _local27 = (_local9.x + _local22); _local28 = (_local9.y + _local23); _local29 = (_local11.x + _local24); _local30 = (_local11.y + _local25); _local31 = (_local29 - _local27); _local32 = (_local30 - _local28); _local33 = (((_local31 * _local17) + (_local32 * _local18)) + _local21.separation); _local2 = b2Math.b2Min(_local2, _local33); _local34 = (_arg1 * b2Math.b2Clamp((_local33 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0)); _local35 = (-(_local21.equalizedMass) * _local34); _local36 = (_local35 * _local17); _local37 = (_local35 * _local18); _local9.x = (_local9.x - (_local13 * _local36)); _local9.y = (_local9.y - (_local13 * _local37)); _local10 = (_local10 - (_local14 * ((_local22 * _local37) - (_local23 * _local36)))); _local7.m_sweep.a = _local10; _local7.SynchronizeTransform(); _local11.x = (_local11.x + (_local15 * _local36)); _local11.y = (_local11.y + (_local15 * _local37)); _local12 = (_local12 + (_local16 * ((_local24 * _local37) - (_local25 * _local36)))); _local8.m_sweep.a = _local12; _local8.SynchronizeTransform(); _local20++; }; _local5++; }; return ((_local2 >= (-1.5 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop))); } public function SolveVelocityConstraints():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:b2Mat22; var _local24:b2Vec2; var _local25:int; var _local26:b2ContactConstraint; var _local27:b2Body; var _local28:b2Body; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:b2Vec2; var _local32:b2Vec2; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; var _local39:Number; var _local40:Number; var _local41:Number; var _local42:Number; var _local43:int; var _local44:Number; var _local45:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local46:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local47:Number; var _local48:Number; var _local49:Number; var _local50:Number; var _local51:Number; var _local52:Number; var _local53:Number; var _local54:Number; var _local55:Number; var _local56:Number; var _local57:Number; var _local58:Number; var _local59:Number; _local25 = 0; while (_local25 < m_constraintCount) { _local26 = m_constraints[_local25]; _local27 = _local26.body1; _local28 = _local26.body2; _local29 = _local27.m_angularVelocity; _local30 = _local28.m_angularVelocity; _local31 = _local27.m_linearVelocity; _local32 = _local28.m_linearVelocity; _local33 = _local27.m_invMass; _local34 = _local27.m_invI; _local35 = _local28.m_invMass; _local36 = _local28.m_invI; _local37 = _local26.normal.x; _local38 = _local26.normal.y; _local39 = _local38; _local40 = -(_local37); _local41 = _local26.friction; _local43 = _local26.pointCount; if (_local26.pointCount == 1){ _local2 = _local26.points[0]; _local7 = (((_local32.x + (-(_local30) * _local2.r2.y)) - _local31.x) - (-(_local29) * _local2.r1.y)); _local8 = (((_local32.y + (_local30 * _local2.r2.x)) - _local31.y) - (_local29 * _local2.r1.x)); _local9 = ((_local7 * _local37) + (_local8 * _local38)); _local11 = (-(_local2.normalMass) * (_local9 - _local2.velocityBias)); _local10 = ((_local7 * _local39) + (_local8 * _local40)); _local12 = (_local2.tangentMass * -(_local10)); _local13 = b2Math.b2Max((_local2.normalImpulse + _local11), 0); _local11 = (_local13 - _local2.normalImpulse); _local44 = (_local41 * _local2.normalImpulse); _local14 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local2.tangentImpulse + _local12), -(_local44), _local44); _local12 = (_local14 - _local2.tangentImpulse); _local15 = ((_local11 * _local37) + (_local12 * _local39)); _local16 = ((_local11 * _local38) + (_local12 * _local40)); _local31.x = (_local31.x - (_local33 * _local15)); _local31.y = (_local31.y - (_local33 * _local16)); _local29 = (_local29 - (_local34 * ((_local2.r1.x * _local16) - (_local2.r1.y * _local15)))); _local32.x = (_local32.x + (_local35 * _local15)); _local32.y = (_local32.y + (_local35 * _local16)); _local30 = (_local30 + (_local36 * ((_local2.r2.x * _local16) - (_local2.r2.y * _local15)))); _local2.normalImpulse = _local13; _local2.tangentImpulse = _local14; } else { _local45 = _local26.points[0]; _local46 = _local26.points[1]; _local47 = _local45.normalImpulse; _local48 = _local46.normalImpulse; _local49 = (((_local32.x - (_local30 * _local45.r2.y)) - _local31.x) + (_local29 * _local45.r1.y)); _local50 = (((_local32.y + (_local30 * _local45.r2.x)) - _local31.y) - (_local29 * _local45.r1.x)); _local51 = (((_local32.x - (_local30 * _local46.r2.y)) - _local31.x) + (_local29 * _local46.r1.y)); _local52 = (((_local32.y + (_local30 * _local46.r2.x)) - _local31.y) - (_local29 * _local46.r1.x)); _local53 = ((_local49 * _local37) + (_local50 * _local38)); _local54 = ((_local51 * _local37) + (_local52 * _local38)); _local55 = (_local53 - _local45.velocityBias); _local56 = (_local54 - _local46.velocityBias); _local23 = _local26.K; _local55 = (_local55 - ((_local23.col1.x * _local47) + (_local23.col2.x * _local48))); _local56 = (_local56 - ((_local23.col1.y * _local47) + (_local23.col2.y * _local48))); _local57 = 0.001; while (true) { _local23 = _local26.normalMass; _local58 = -(((_local23.col1.x * _local55) + (_local23.col2.x * _local56))); _local59 = -(((_local23.col1.y * _local55) + (_local23.col2.y * _local56))); if ((((_local58 >= 0)) && ((_local59 >= 0)))){ _local17 = (_local58 - _local47); _local18 = (_local59 - _local48); _local19 = (_local17 * _local37); _local20 = (_local17 * _local38); _local21 = (_local18 * _local37); _local22 = (_local18 * _local38); _local31.x = (_local31.x - (_local33 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local31.y = (_local31.y - (_local33 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local29 = (_local29 - (_local34 * ((((_local45.r1.x * _local20) - (_local45.r1.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r1.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r1.y * _local21)))); _local32.x = (_local32.x + (_local35 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local32.y = (_local32.y + (_local35 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local30 = (_local30 + (_local36 * ((((_local45.r2.x * _local20) - (_local45.r2.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r2.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r2.y * _local21)))); _local45.normalImpulse = _local58; _local46.normalImpulse = _local59; break; }; _local58 = (-(_local45.normalMass) * _local55); _local59 = 0; _local53 = 0; _local54 = ((_local26.K.col1.y * _local58) + _local56); if ((((_local58 >= 0)) && ((_local54 >= 0)))){ _local17 = (_local58 - _local47); _local18 = (_local59 - _local48); _local19 = (_local17 * _local37); _local20 = (_local17 * _local38); _local21 = (_local18 * _local37); _local22 = (_local18 * _local38); _local31.x = (_local31.x - (_local33 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local31.y = (_local31.y - (_local33 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local29 = (_local29 - (_local34 * ((((_local45.r1.x * _local20) - (_local45.r1.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r1.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r1.y * _local21)))); _local32.x = (_local32.x + (_local35 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local32.y = (_local32.y + (_local35 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local30 = (_local30 + (_local36 * ((((_local45.r2.x * _local20) - (_local45.r2.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r2.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r2.y * _local21)))); _local45.normalImpulse = _local58; _local46.normalImpulse = _local59; break; }; _local58 = 0; _local59 = (-(_local46.normalMass) * _local56); _local53 = ((_local26.K.col2.x * _local59) + _local55); _local54 = 0; if ((((_local59 >= 0)) && ((_local53 >= 0)))){ _local17 = (_local58 - _local47); _local18 = (_local59 - _local48); _local19 = (_local17 * _local37); _local20 = (_local17 * _local38); _local21 = (_local18 * _local37); _local22 = (_local18 * _local38); _local31.x = (_local31.x - (_local33 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local31.y = (_local31.y - (_local33 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local29 = (_local29 - (_local34 * ((((_local45.r1.x * _local20) - (_local45.r1.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r1.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r1.y * _local21)))); _local32.x = (_local32.x + (_local35 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local32.y = (_local32.y + (_local35 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local30 = (_local30 + (_local36 * ((((_local45.r2.x * _local20) - (_local45.r2.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r2.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r2.y * _local21)))); _local45.normalImpulse = _local58; _local46.normalImpulse = _local59; break; }; _local58 = 0; _local59 = 0; _local53 = _local55; _local54 = _local56; if ((((_local53 >= 0)) && ((_local54 >= 0)))){ _local17 = (_local58 - _local47); _local18 = (_local59 - _local48); _local19 = (_local17 * _local37); _local20 = (_local17 * _local38); _local21 = (_local18 * _local37); _local22 = (_local18 * _local38); _local31.x = (_local31.x - (_local33 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local31.y = (_local31.y - (_local33 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local29 = (_local29 - (_local34 * ((((_local45.r1.x * _local20) - (_local45.r1.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r1.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r1.y * _local21)))); _local32.x = (_local32.x + (_local35 * (_local19 + _local21))); _local32.y = (_local32.y + (_local35 * (_local20 + _local22))); _local30 = (_local30 + (_local36 * ((((_local45.r2.x * _local20) - (_local45.r2.y * _local19)) + (_local46.r2.x * _local22)) - (_local46.r2.y * _local21)))); _local45.normalImpulse = _local58; _local46.normalImpulse = _local59; break; }; break; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local26.pointCount) { _local2 = _local26.points[_local1]; _local7 = (((_local32.x - (_local30 * _local2.r2.y)) - _local31.x) + (_local29 * _local2.r1.y)); _local8 = (((_local32.y + (_local30 * _local2.r2.x)) - _local31.y) - (_local29 * _local2.r1.x)); _local10 = ((_local7 * _local39) + (_local8 * _local40)); _local12 = (_local2.tangentMass * -(_local10)); _local44 = (_local41 * _local2.normalImpulse); _local14 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local2.tangentImpulse + _local12), -(_local44), _local44); _local12 = (_local14 - _local2.tangentImpulse); _local15 = (_local12 * _local39); _local16 = (_local12 * _local40); _local31.x = (_local31.x - (_local33 * _local15)); _local31.y = (_local31.y - (_local33 * _local16)); _local29 = (_local29 - (_local34 * ((_local2.r1.x * _local16) - (_local2.r1.y * _local15)))); _local32.x = (_local32.x + (_local35 * _local15)); _local32.y = (_local32.y + (_local35 * _local16)); _local30 = (_local30 + (_local36 * ((_local2.r2.x * _local16) - (_local2.r2.y * _local15)))); _local2.tangentImpulse = _local14; _local1++; }; }; _local27.m_angularVelocity = _local29; _local28.m_angularVelocity = _local30; _local25++; }; } public function FinalizeVelocityConstraints():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:b2ContactConstraint; var _local3:b2Manifold; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local6:b2ContactConstraintPoint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < m_constraintCount) { _local2 = m_constraints[_local1]; _local3 = _local2.manifold; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.pointCount) { _local5 = _local3.points[_local4]; _local6 = _local2.points[_local4]; _local5.normalImpulse = _local6.normalImpulse; _local5.tangentImpulse = _local6.tangentImpulse; _local4++; }; _local1++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 49
//b2EdgeAndCircleContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2EdgeAndCircleContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2EdgeAndCircleContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private var m0:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2EdgeAndCircleContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape){ var _local3:b2ManifoldPoint; m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; m0 = new b2Manifold(); super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; m_manifold.pointCount = 0; _local3 = m_manifold.points[0]; _local3.normalImpulse = 0; _local3.tangentImpulse = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } private function b2CollideEdgeAndCircle(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2EdgeShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2CircleShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:b2Vec2; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Boolean; var _local24:Number; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local6 = _arg5.R; _local7 = _arg4.m_localPosition; _local13 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local14 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local6 = _arg3.R; _local10 = (_local13 - _arg3.position.x); _local11 = (_local14 - _arg3.position.y); _local15 = ((_local10 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local11 * _local6.col1.y)); _local16 = ((_local10 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local11 * _local6.col2.y)); _local17 = _arg2.m_normal; _local18 = _arg2.m_v1; _local19 = _arg2.m_v2; _local20 = _arg4.m_radius; _local22 = (((_local15 - _local18.x) * _arg2.m_direction.x) + ((_local16 - _local18.y) * _arg2.m_direction.y)); _local23 = false; if (_local22 <= 0){ _local8 = (_local15 - _local18.x); _local9 = (_local16 - _local18.y); if (((_local8 * _arg2.m_cornerDir1.x) + (_local9 * _arg2.m_cornerDir1.y)) < 0){ return; }; _local8 = (_local13 - (_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local18.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local18.y)))); _local9 = (_local14 - (_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local18.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local18.y)))); } else { if (_local22 >= _arg2.m_length){ _local8 = (_local15 - _local19.x); _local9 = (_local16 - _local19.y); if (((_local8 * _arg2.m_cornerDir2.x) + (_local9 * _arg2.m_cornerDir2.y)) > 0){ return; }; _local8 = (_local13 - (_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local19.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local19.y)))); _local9 = (_local14 - (_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local19.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local19.y)))); } else { _local21 = (((_local15 - _local18.x) * _local17.x) + ((_local16 - _local18.y) * _local17.y)); if ((((_local21 > _local20)) || ((_local21 < -(_local20))))){ return; }; _local21 = (_local21 - _local20); _local6 = _arg3.R; _arg1.normal.x = ((_local6.col1.x * _local17.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local17.y)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local6.col1.y * _local17.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local17.y)); _local23 = true; }; }; if (!_local23){ _local24 = ((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9)); if (_local24 > (_local20 * _local20)){ return; }; if (_local24 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ _local21 = -(_local20); _arg1.normal.x = ((_local6.col1.x * _local17.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local17.y)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local6.col1.y * _local17.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local17.y)); } else { _local24 = Math.sqrt(_local24); _local8 = (_local8 / _local24); _local9 = (_local9 / _local24); _local21 = (_local24 - _local20); _arg1.normal.x = _local8; _arg1.normal.y = _local9; }; }; _local12 = _arg1.points[0]; _arg1.pointCount = 1; = 0; _local12.separation = _local21; _local13 = (_local13 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local14 = (_local14 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local10 = (_local13 - _arg3.position.x); _local11 = (_local14 - _arg3.position.y); _local12.localPoint1.x = ((_local10 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local11 * _local6.col1.y)); _local12.localPoint1.y = ((_local10 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local11 * _local6.col2.y)); _local6 = _arg5.R; _local10 = (_local13 - _arg5.position.x); _local11 = (_local14 - _arg5.position.y); _local12.localPoint2.x = ((_local10 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local11 * _local6.col1.y)); _local12.localPoint2.y = ((_local10 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local11 * _local6.col2.y)); } override b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactPoint; var _local8:b2ManifoldPoint; _local5 = m_shape1.m_body; _local6 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2CollideEdgeAndCircle(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2EdgeShape), _local5.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2CircleShape), _local6.m_xf); _local7 = s_evalCP; _local7.shape1 = m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = m_shape2; _local7.friction = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(m_shape1.GetFriction(), m_shape2.GetFriction()); _local7.restitution = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(m_shape1.GetRestitution(), m_shape2.GetRestitution()); if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ m_manifoldCount = 1; _local8 = m_manifold.points[0]; if (m0.pointCount == 0){ _local8.normalImpulse = 0; _local8.tangentImpulse = 0; if (_arg1){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local8.separation; =; _arg1.Add(_local7); }; } else { _local4 = m0.points[0]; _local8.normalImpulse = _local4.normalImpulse; _local8.tangentImpulse = _local4.tangentImpulse; if (_arg1){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local8.separation; =; _arg1.Persist(_local7); }; }; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; if ((((m0.pointCount > 0)) && (_arg1))){ _local4 = m0.points[0]; _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local7.separation = _local4.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local7); }; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2EdgeAndCircleContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 50
//b2NullContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2NullContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2NullContact extends b2Contact { override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (null); } override b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 51
//b2PolyAndCircleContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2PolyAndCircleContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolyAndCircleContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; private var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2PolyAndCircleContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape){ m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; m0 = new b2Manifold(); super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; b2Settings.b2Assert((m_shape1.m_type == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)); b2Settings.b2Assert((m_shape2.m_type == b2Shape.e_circleShape)); m_manifold.pointCount = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } override b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:Array; var _local9:b2ContactPoint; var _local10:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:uint; var _local13:int; _local6 = m_shape1.m_body; _local7 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2Collision.b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2PolygonShape), _local6.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2CircleShape), _local7.m_xf); _local8 = [false, false]; _local9 = s_evalCP; _local9.shape1 = m_shape1; _local9.shape2 = m_shape2; _local9.friction = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(m_shape1.GetFriction(), m_shape2.GetFriction()); _local9.restitution = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(m_shape1.GetRestitution(), m_shape2.GetRestitution()); if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_manifold.pointCount) { _local10 = m_manifold.points[_local2]; _local10.normalImpulse = 0; _local10.tangentImpulse = 0; _local11 = false; _local12 =; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local8[_local13] == true){ } else { _local5 = m0.points[_local13]; if ( == _local12){ _local8[_local13] = true; _local10.normalImpulse = _local5.normalImpulse; _local10.tangentImpulse = _local5.tangentImpulse; _local11 = true; if (_arg1 != null){ _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local9.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Persist(_local9); }; break; }; }; _local13++; }; if ((((_local11 == false)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){ _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local9.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Add(_local9); }; _local2++; }; m_manifoldCount = 1; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; }; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local8[_local2]){ } else { _local5 = m0.points[_local2]; _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local5.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local5.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local5.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local9.separation = _local5.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local9); }; _local2++; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2PolyAndCircleContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 52
//b2PolyAndEdgeContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2PolyAndEdgeContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolyAndEdgeContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; private var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2PolyAndEdgeContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape){ m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; m0 = new b2Manifold(); super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; b2Settings.b2Assert((m_shape1.m_type == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)); b2Settings.b2Assert((m_shape2.m_type == b2Shape.e_edgeShape)); m_manifold.pointCount = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } private function b2CollidePolyAndEdge(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2EdgeShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:int; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:int; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Boolean; var _local33:int; var _local34:int; var _local35:Array; var _local36:Array; var _local37:int; var _local38:int; var _local39:int; var _local40:int; var _local41:Number; var _local42:Number; var _local43:Number; var _local44:Number; var _local45:Number; var _local46:int; var _local47:Number; var _local48:Number; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local6 = _arg5.R; _local7 = _arg4.m_v1; _local13 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local14 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local7 = _arg4.m_v2; _local15 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local16 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local7 = _arg4.m_normal; _local17 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y)); _local18 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y)); _local6 = _arg3.R; _local9 = (_local13 - _arg3.position.x); _local10 = (_local14 - _arg3.position.y); _local19 = ((_local9 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col1.y)); _local20 = ((_local9 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col2.y)); _local9 = (_local15 - _arg3.position.x); _local10 = (_local16 - _arg3.position.y); _local21 = ((_local9 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col1.y)); _local22 = ((_local9 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col2.y)); _local23 = ((_local17 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local18 * _local6.col1.y)); _local24 = ((_local17 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local18 * _local6.col2.y)); _local26 = -1; _local27 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local29 = -1; _local30 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local31 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local32 = false; _local33 = -1; _local34 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local35 = _arg2.m_vertices; _local36 = _arg2.m_normals; _local37 = -1; _local38 = -1; _local39 = -1; _local40 = -1; _local41 = 0; _local42 = 0; _local43 = 0; _local44 = 0; _local45 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local7 = _local35[(_local34 - 1)]; _local41 = (((_local7.x - _local19) * _local23) + ((_local7.y - _local20) * _local24)); _local46 = 0; while (_local46 < _local34) { _local7 = _local35[_local46]; _local8 = _local36[_local46]; _local25 = (((_local19 - _local7.x) * _local8.x) + ((_local20 - _local7.y) * _local8.y)); _local28 = (((_local21 - _local7.x) * _local8.x) + ((_local22 - _local7.y) * _local8.y)); if (_local28 < _local25){ if (_local28 > _local31){ _local31 = _local28; _local32 = false; _local33 = _local46; }; } else { if (_local25 > _local31){ _local31 = _local25; _local32 = true; _local33 = _local46; }; }; if (_local25 > _local27){ _local27 = _local25; _local26 = _local46; }; if (_local28 > _local30){ _local30 = _local28; _local29 = _local46; }; _local42 = (((_local7.x - _local19) * _local23) + ((_local7.y - _local20) * _local24)); if ((((_local42 >= 0)) && ((_local41 < 0)))){ _local39 = ((_local46)==0) ? (_local34 - 1) : (_local46 - 1); _local40 = _local46; _local44 = _local41; } else { if ((((_local42 < 0)) && ((_local41 >= 0)))){ _local37 = ((_local46)==0) ? (_local34 - 1) : (_local46 - 1); _local38 = _local46; _local43 = _local42; }; }; if (_local42 < _local45){ _local45 = _local42; }; _local41 = _local42; _local46++; }; if (_local37 == -1){ return; }; if (_local31 > 0){ return; }; if (((((_local32) && (_arg4.m_cornerConvex1))) || (((!(_local32)) && (_arg4.m_cornerConvex2))))){ if (_local31 > (_local45 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)){ if (_local32){ _local6 = _arg5.R; _local7 = _arg4.m_cornerDir1; _local9 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y)); _local10 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y)); _local6 = _arg3.R; _local13 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local9) + (_local6.col2.x * _local10)); _local14 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local9) + (_local6.col2.y * _local10)); _local8 = _local36[_local26]; if (((_local8.x * _local13) + (_local8.y * _local14)) >= 0){ return; }; } else { _local6 = _arg5.R; _local7 = _arg4.m_cornerDir2; _local9 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y)); _local10 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y)); _local6 = _arg3.R; _local13 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local9) + (_local6.col2.x * _local10)); _local14 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local9) + (_local6.col2.y * _local10)); _local8 = _local36[_local29]; if (((_local8.x * _local13) + (_local8.y * _local14)) <= 0){ return; }; }; _local11 = _arg1.points[0]; _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local6 = _arg3.R; _local8 = _local36[_local33]; _arg1.normal.x = ((_local6.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local8.y)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local6.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local8.y)); _local11.separation = _local31; = _local33; = b2Collision.b2_nullFeature; = 0; = 0; if (_local32){ _local11.localPoint1.x = _local19; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local20; _local11.localPoint2.x = _arg4.m_v1.x; _local11.localPoint2.y = _arg4.m_v1.y; } else { _local11.localPoint1.x = _local21; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local22; _local11.localPoint2.x = _arg4.m_v2.x; _local11.localPoint2.y = _arg4.m_v2.y; }; return; }; }; _arg1.normal.x = -(_local17); _arg1.normal.y = -(_local18); if (_local38 == _local39){ _local11 = _arg1.points[0]; _arg1.pointCount = 1; = _local38; = b2Collision.b2_nullFeature; = 0; = 0; _local7 = _local35[_local38]; _local11.localPoint1.x = _local7.x; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local7.y; _local6 = _arg3.R; _local9 = ((_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))) - _arg5.position.x); _local10 = ((_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))) - _arg5.position.y); _local6 = _arg5.R; _local11.localPoint2.x = ((_local9 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col1.y)); _local11.localPoint2.y = ((_local9 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col2.y)); _local11.separation = _local43; return; }; _arg1.pointCount = 2; _local9 = -(_local24); _local10 = _local23; _local7 = _local35[_local38]; _local47 = ((_local9 * (_local7.x - _local19)) + (_local10 * (_local7.y - _local20))); _local40 = ((_local38)==(_local34 - 1)) ? 0 : (_local38 + 1); _local7 = _local35[_local39]; if (_local40 != _local39){ _local39 = _local40; _local44 = ((_local23 * (_local7.x - _local19)) + (_local24 * (_local7.y - _local20))); }; _local48 = ((_local9 * (_local7.x - _local19)) + (_local10 * (_local7.y - _local20))); _local11 = _arg1.points[0]; = _local38; = b2Collision.b2_nullFeature; = 0; = 0; if (_local47 > _arg4.m_length){ _local11.localPoint1.x = _local21; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local22; _local11.localPoint2.x = _arg4.m_v2.x; _local11.localPoint2.y = _arg4.m_v2.y; _local12 = ((_arg4.m_length - _local48) / (_local47 - _local48)); if ((((_local12 > (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE))) && ((_local12 < 1)))){ _local11.separation = ((_local44 * (1 - _local12)) + (_local43 * _local12)); } else { _local11.separation = _local43; }; } else { _local7 = _local35[_local38]; _local11.localPoint1.x = _local7.x; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local7.y; _local6 = _arg3.R; _local9 = ((_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))) - _arg5.position.x); _local10 = ((_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))) - _arg5.position.y); _local6 = _arg5.R; _local11.localPoint2.x = ((_local9 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col1.y)); _local11.localPoint2.y = ((_local9 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col2.y)); _local11.separation = _local43; }; _local11 = _arg1.points[1]; = _local39; = b2Collision.b2_nullFeature; = 0; = 0; if (_local48 < 0){ _local11.localPoint1.x = _local19; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local20; _local11.localPoint2.x = _arg4.m_v1.x; _local11.localPoint2.y = _arg4.m_v1.y; _local12 = (-(_local47) / (_local48 - _local47)); if ((((_local12 > (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE))) && ((_local12 < 1)))){ _local11.separation = ((_local43 * (1 - _local12)) + (_local44 * _local12)); } else { _local11.separation = _local44; }; } else { _local7 = _local35[_local39]; _local11.localPoint1.x = _local7.x; _local11.localPoint1.y = _local7.y; _local6 = _arg3.R; _local9 = ((_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))) - _arg5.position.x); _local10 = ((_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))) - _arg5.position.y); _local6 = _arg5.R; _local11.localPoint2.x = ((_local9 * _local6.col1.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col1.y)); _local11.localPoint2.y = ((_local9 * _local6.col2.x) + (_local10 * _local6.col2.y)); _local11.separation = _local44; }; } override b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:Array; var _local9:b2ContactPoint; var _local10:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:uint; var _local13:int; _local6 = m_shape1.m_body; _local7 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2CollidePolyAndEdge(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2PolygonShape), _local6.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2EdgeShape), _local7.m_xf); _local8 = [false, false]; _local9 = s_evalCP; _local9.shape1 = m_shape1; _local9.shape2 = m_shape2; _local9.friction = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(m_shape1.GetFriction(), m_shape2.GetFriction()); _local9.restitution = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(m_shape1.GetRestitution(), m_shape2.GetRestitution()); if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_manifold.pointCount) { _local10 = m_manifold.points[_local2]; _local10.normalImpulse = 0; _local10.tangentImpulse = 0; _local11 = false; _local12 =; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local8[_local13] == true){ } else { _local5 = m0.points[_local13]; if ( == _local12){ _local8[_local13] = true; _local10.normalImpulse = _local5.normalImpulse; _local10.tangentImpulse = _local5.tangentImpulse; _local11 = true; if (_arg1 != null){ _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local9.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Persist(_local9); }; break; }; }; _local13++; }; if ((((_local11 == false)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){ _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local9.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Add(_local9); }; _local2++; }; m_manifoldCount = 1; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; }; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local8[_local2]){ } else { _local5 = m0.points[_local2]; _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local5.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local5.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local5.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local9.separation = _local5.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local9); }; _local2++; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2PolyAndEdgeContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 53
//b2PolygonContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2PolygonContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolygonContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; private var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2PolygonContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape):void{ m0 = new b2Manifold(); m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; m_manifold.pointCount = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } override b2internal function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactPoint; var _local8:int; var _local9:Array; var _local10:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:uint; var _local13:int; _local5 = m_shape1.m_body; _local6 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2Collision.b2CollidePolygons(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2PolygonShape), _local5.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2PolygonShape), _local6.m_xf); _local9 = [false, false]; _local7 = s_evalCP; _local7.shape1 = m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = m_shape2; _local7.friction = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(m_shape1.GetFriction(), m_shape2.GetFriction()); _local7.restitution = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(m_shape1.GetRestitution(), m_shape2.GetRestitution()); if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < m_manifold.pointCount) { _local10 = m_manifold.points[_local8]; _local10.normalImpulse = 0; _local10.tangentImpulse = 0; _local11 = false; _local12 =; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local9[_local13] == true){ } else { _local4 = m0.points[_local13]; if ( == _local12){ _local9[_local13] = true; _local10.normalImpulse = _local4.normalImpulse; _local10.tangentImpulse = _local4.tangentImpulse; _local11 = true; if (_arg1 != null){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Persist(_local7); }; break; }; }; _local13++; }; if ((((_local11 == false)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Add(_local7); }; _local8++; }; m_manifoldCount = 1; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; }; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local9[_local8]){ } else { _local4 = m0.points[_local8]; _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local7.separation = _local4.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local7); }; _local8++; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2PolygonContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 54
//b2DistanceJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2DistanceJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_mass:Number; private var m_u:b2Vec2; private var m_impulse:Number; private var m_dampingRatio:Number; private var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; private var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_bias:Number; private var m_frequencyHz:Number; private var m_gamma:Number; private var m_length:Number; public function b2DistanceJoint(_arg1:b2DistanceJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_u = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_length = _arg1.length; m_frequencyHz = _arg1.frequencyHz; m_dampingRatio = _arg1.dampingRatio; m_impulse = 0; m_gamma = 0; m_bias = 0; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(((_arg1 * m_impulse) * m_u.x), ((_arg1 * m_impulse) * m_u.y))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; if (m_frequencyHz > 0){ return (true); }; _local3 = m_body1; _local4 = m_body2; _local2 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local5) + (_local2.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local5) + (_local2.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local2 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local8) + (_local2.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local8) + (_local2.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; _local10 = (((_local4.m_sweep.c.x + _local8) - _local3.m_sweep.c.x) - _local5); _local11 = (((_local4.m_sweep.c.y + _local9) - _local3.m_sweep.c.y) - _local6); _local12 = Math.sqrt(((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11))); _local10 = (_local10 / _local12); _local11 = (_local11 / _local12); _local13 = (_local12 - m_length); _local13 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local13, -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local14 = (-(m_mass) * _local13); m_u.Set(_local10, _local11); _local15 = (_local14 * m_u.x); _local16 = (_local14 * m_u.y); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x - (_local3.m_invMass * _local15)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y - (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a - (_local3.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local16) - (_local6 * _local15)))); _local4.m_sweep.c.x = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + (_local4.m_invMass * _local15)); _local4.m_sweep.c.y = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + (_local4.m_invMass * _local16)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + (_local4.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local16) - (_local9 * _local15)))); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((b2Math.b2Abs(_local13) < b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)); } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; _local4 = m_body1; _local5 = m_body2; _local2 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local3 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local6) + (_local2.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local6) + (_local2.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local3; _local2 = _local5.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local3 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local8) + (_local2.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local8) + (_local2.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local3; m_u.x = (((_local5.m_sweep.c.x + _local8) - _local4.m_sweep.c.x) - _local6); m_u.y = (((_local5.m_sweep.c.y + _local9) - _local4.m_sweep.c.y) - _local7); _local10 = Math.sqrt(((m_u.x * m_u.x) + (m_u.y * m_u.y))); if (_local10 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u.Multiply((1 / _local10)); } else { m_u.SetZero(); }; _local11 = ((_local6 * m_u.y) - (_local7 * m_u.x)); _local12 = ((_local8 * m_u.y) - (_local9 * m_u.x)); _local13 = (((_local4.m_invMass + ((_local4.m_invI * _local11) * _local11)) + _local5.m_invMass) + ((_local5.m_invI * _local12) * _local12)); m_mass = (1 / _local13); if (m_frequencyHz > 0){ _local14 = (_local10 - m_length); _local15 = ((2 * Math.PI) * m_frequencyHz); _local16 = (((2 * m_mass) * m_dampingRatio) * _local15); _local17 = ((m_mass * _local15) * _local15); m_gamma = (1 / (_arg1.dt * (_local16 + (_arg1.dt * _local17)))); m_bias = (((_local14 * _arg1.dt) * _local17) * m_gamma); m_mass = (1 / (_local13 + m_gamma)); }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ m_impulse = (m_impulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local18 = (m_impulse * m_u.x); _local19 = (m_impulse * m_u.y); _local4.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local4.m_invMass * _local18)); _local4.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local4.m_invMass * _local19)); _local4.m_angularVelocity = (_local4.m_angularVelocity - (_local4.m_invI * ((_local6 * _local19) - (_local7 * _local18)))); _local5.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local5.m_invMass * _local18)); _local5.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local5.m_invMass * _local19)); _local5.m_angularVelocity = (_local5.m_angularVelocity + (_local5.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local19) - (_local9 * _local18)))); } else { m_impulse = 0; }; } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (0); } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local3 = m_body1; _local4 = m_body2; _local2 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local5) + (_local2.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local5) + (_local2.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local2 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local8) + (_local2.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local8) + (_local2.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; _local10 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local6)); _local11 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local5)); _local12 = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local4.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)); _local13 = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local4.m_angularVelocity * _local8)); _local14 = ((m_u.x * (_local12 - _local10)) + (m_u.y * (_local13 - _local11))); _local15 = (-(m_mass) * ((_local14 + m_bias) + (m_gamma * m_impulse))); m_impulse = (m_impulse + _local15); _local16 = (_local15 * m_u.x); _local17 = (_local15 * m_u.y); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local3.m_invMass * _local17)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity - (_local3.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local17) - (_local6 * _local16)))); _local4.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local4.m_invMass * _local16)); _local4.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local4.m_invMass * _local17)); _local4.m_angularVelocity = (_local4.m_angularVelocity + (_local4.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local17) - (_local9 * _local16)))); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 55
//b2DistanceJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2DistanceJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var length:Number; public var dampingRatio:Number; public var frequencyHz:Number; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public function b2DistanceJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_distanceJoint; length = 1; frequencyHz = 0; dampingRatio = 0; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1.SetV(body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3)); localAnchor2.SetV(body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg4)); _local5 = (_arg4.x - _arg3.x); _local6 = (_arg4.y - _arg3.y); length = Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6))); frequencyHz = 0; dampingRatio = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 56
//b2GearJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2GearJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2GearJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_ratio:Number; private var m_mass:Number; private var m_impulse:Number; private var m_prismatic1:b2PrismaticJoint; private var m_prismatic2:b2PrismaticJoint; private var m_ground1:b2Body; private var m_constant:Number; private var m_ground2:b2Body; private var m_groundAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_groundAnchor1:b2Vec2; private var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_revolute1:b2RevoluteJoint; private var m_revolute2:b2RevoluteJoint; private var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; private var m_J:b2Jacobian; public function b2GearJoint(_arg1:b2GearJointDef){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; m_groundAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_groundAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_J = new b2Jacobian(); super(_arg1); _local2 = _arg1.joint1.m_type; _local3 = _arg1.joint2.m_type; m_revolute1 = null; m_prismatic1 = null; m_revolute2 = null; m_prismatic2 = null; m_ground1 = _arg1.joint1.m_body1; m_body1 = _arg1.joint1.m_body2; if (_local2 == b2Joint.e_revoluteJoint){ m_revolute1 = (_arg1.joint1 as b2RevoluteJoint); m_groundAnchor1.SetV(m_revolute1.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(m_revolute1.m_localAnchor2); _local4 = m_revolute1.GetJointAngle(); } else { m_prismatic1 = (_arg1.joint1 as b2PrismaticJoint); m_groundAnchor1.SetV(m_prismatic1.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(m_prismatic1.m_localAnchor2); _local4 = m_prismatic1.GetJointTranslation(); }; m_ground2 = _arg1.joint2.m_body1; m_body2 = _arg1.joint2.m_body2; if (_local3 == b2Joint.e_revoluteJoint){ m_revolute2 = (_arg1.joint2 as b2RevoluteJoint); m_groundAnchor2.SetV(m_revolute2.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(m_revolute2.m_localAnchor2); _local5 = m_revolute2.GetJointAngle(); } else { m_prismatic2 = (_arg1.joint2 as b2PrismaticJoint); m_groundAnchor2.SetV(m_prismatic2.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(m_prismatic2.m_localAnchor2); _local5 = m_prismatic2.GetJointTranslation(); }; m_ratio = _arg1.ratio; m_constant = (_local4 + (m_ratio * _local5)); m_impulse = 0; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(((_arg1 * m_impulse) * m_J.linear2.x), ((_arg1 * m_impulse) * m_J.linear2.y))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local2 = 0; _local3 = m_body1; _local4 = m_body2; if (m_revolute1){ _local5 = m_revolute1.GetJointAngle(); } else { _local5 = m_prismatic1.GetJointTranslation(); }; if (m_revolute2){ _local6 = m_revolute2.GetJointAngle(); } else { _local6 = m_prismatic2.GetJointTranslation(); }; _local7 = (m_constant - (_local5 + (m_ratio * _local6))); _local8 = (-(m_mass) * _local7); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local8) * m_J.linear1.x)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local8) * m_J.linear1.y)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + ((_local3.m_invI * _local8) * m_J.angular1)); _local4.m_sweep.c.x = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local4.m_invMass * _local8) * m_J.linear2.x)); _local4.m_sweep.c.y = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local4.m_invMass * _local8) * m_J.linear2.y)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + ((_local4.m_invI * _local8) * m_J.angular2)); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((_local2 < b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)); } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:b2Mat22; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local2 = m_ground1; _local3 = m_ground2; _local4 = m_body1; _local5 = m_body2; _local14 = 0; m_J.SetZero(); if (m_revolute1){ m_J.angular1 = -1; _local14 = (_local14 + _local4.m_invI); } else { _local10 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local11 = m_prismatic1.m_localXAxis1; _local6 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.x * _local11.y)); _local7 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.y * _local11.y)); _local10 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local13 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local8) + (_local10.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local8) + (_local10.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local13; _local12 = ((_local8 * _local7) - (_local9 * _local6)); m_J.linear1.Set(-(_local6), -(_local7)); m_J.angular1 = -(_local12); _local14 = (_local14 + (_local4.m_invMass + ((_local4.m_invI * _local12) * _local12))); }; if (m_revolute2){ m_J.angular2 = -(m_ratio); _local14 = (_local14 + ((m_ratio * m_ratio) * _local5.m_invI)); } else { _local10 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11 = m_prismatic2.m_localXAxis1; _local6 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.x * _local11.y)); _local7 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.y * _local11.y)); _local10 = _local5.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local13 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local8) + (_local10.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local8) + (_local10.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local13; _local12 = ((_local8 * _local7) - (_local9 * _local6)); m_J.linear2.Set((-(m_ratio) * _local6), (-(m_ratio) * _local7)); m_J.angular2 = (-(m_ratio) * _local12); _local14 = (_local14 + ((m_ratio * m_ratio) * (_local5.m_invMass + ((_local5.m_invI * _local12) * _local12)))); }; m_mass = (1 / _local14); if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local4.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local4.m_invMass * m_impulse) * m_J.linear1.x)); _local4.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local4.m_invMass * m_impulse) * m_J.linear1.y)); _local4.m_angularVelocity = (_local4.m_angularVelocity + ((_local4.m_invI * m_impulse) * m_J.angular1)); _local5.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local5.m_invMass * m_impulse) * m_J.linear2.x)); _local5.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local5.m_invMass * m_impulse) * m_J.linear2.y)); _local5.m_angularVelocity = (_local5.m_angularVelocity + ((_local5.m_invI * m_impulse) * m_J.angular2)); } else { m_impulse = 0; }; } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local2 = m_body2.m_xf.R; _local3 = (m_localAnchor1.x - m_body2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local4 = (m_localAnchor1.y - m_body2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local3) + (_local2.col2.x * _local4)); _local4 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local3) + (_local2.col2.y * _local4)); _local3 = _local5; _local6 = (m_impulse * m_J.linear2.x); _local7 = (m_impulse * m_J.linear2.y); return ((_arg1 * (((m_impulse * m_J.angular2) - (_local3 * _local7)) + (_local4 * _local6)))); } public function GetRatio():Number{ return (m_ratio); } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = m_J.Compute(_local2.m_linearVelocity, _local2.m_angularVelocity, _local3.m_linearVelocity, _local3.m_angularVelocity); _local5 = (-(m_mass) * _local4); m_impulse = (m_impulse + _local5); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local2.m_invMass * _local5) * m_J.linear1.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local2.m_invMass * _local5) * m_J.linear1.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + ((_local2.m_invI * _local5) * m_J.angular1)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local5) * m_J.linear2.x)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local5) * m_J.linear2.y)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local3.m_invI * _local5) * m_J.angular2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 57
//b2GearJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2GearJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { public class b2GearJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var joint2:b2Joint; public var joint1:b2Joint; public var ratio:Number; public function b2GearJointDef(){ type = b2Joint.e_gearJoint; joint1 = null; joint2 = null; ratio = 1; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 58
//b2Jacobian (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Jacobian) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Jacobian { public var linear1:b2Vec2; public var linear2:b2Vec2; public var angular2:Number; public var angular1:Number; public function b2Jacobian(){ linear1 = new b2Vec2(); linear2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function Set(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):void{ linear1.SetV(_arg1); angular1 = _arg2; linear2.SetV(_arg3); angular2 = _arg4; } public function SetZero():void{ linear1.SetZero(); angular1 = 0; linear2.SetZero(); angular2 = 0; } public function Compute(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((((linear1.x * _arg1.x) + (linear1.y * _arg1.y)) + (angular1 * _arg2)) + ((linear2.x * _arg3.x) + (linear2.y * _arg3.y))) + (angular2 * _arg4))); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 59
//b2Joint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Joint { b2internal var m_islandFlag:Boolean; b2internal var m_collideConnected:Boolean; b2internal var m_prev:b2Joint; b2internal var m_type:int; b2internal var m_next:b2Joint; b2internal var m_node1:b2JointEdge; b2internal var m_node2:b2JointEdge; b2internal var m_localCenter1:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_localCenter2:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_invMass1:Number; b2internal var m_invI2:Number; b2internal var m_invMass2:Number; private var m_userData; b2internal var m_body1:b2Body; b2internal var m_body2:b2Body; b2internal var m_invI1:Number; b2internal static const e_prismaticJoint:int = 2; b2internal static const e_equalLimits:int = 3; b2internal static const e_lineJoint:int = 7; b2internal static const e_gearJoint:int = 6; b2internal static const e_atUpperLimit:int = 2; b2internal static const e_atLowerLimit:int = 1; b2internal static const e_revoluteJoint:int = 1; b2internal static const e_inactiveLimit:int = 0; b2internal static const e_pulleyJoint:int = 4; b2internal static const e_unknownJoint:int = 0; b2internal static const e_distanceJoint:int = 3; b2internal static const e_mouseJoint:int = 5; public function b2Joint(_arg1:b2JointDef){ m_node1 = new b2JointEdge(); m_node2 = new b2JointEdge(); m_localCenter1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localCenter2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); m_type = _arg1.type; m_prev = null; m_next = null; m_body1 = _arg1.body1; m_body2 = _arg1.body2; m_collideConnected = _arg1.collideConnected; m_islandFlag = false; m_userData = _arg1.userData; } b2internal function ComputeXForm(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):void{ _arg1.R.Set(_arg4); _arg1.position.SetV(b2Math.SubtractVV(_arg2, b2Math.b2MulMV(_arg1.R, _arg3))); } public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (null); } public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (null); } b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ } public function GetType():int{ return (m_type); } public function GetBody2():b2Body{ return (m_body2); } public function GetNext():b2Joint{ return (m_next); } public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (0); } public function GetUserData(){ return (m_userData); } public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (null); } b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (false); } public function SetUserData(_arg1):void{ m_userData = _arg1; } public function GetBody1():b2Body{ return (m_body1); } b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ } b2internal static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Joint, _arg2):void{ } b2internal static function Create(_arg1:b2JointDef, _arg2):b2Joint{ var _local3:b2Joint; _local3 = null; switch (_arg1.type){ case e_distanceJoint: _local3 = new b2DistanceJoint((_arg1 as b2DistanceJointDef)); break; case e_mouseJoint: _local3 = new b2MouseJoint((_arg1 as b2MouseJointDef)); break; case e_prismaticJoint: _local3 = new b2PrismaticJoint((_arg1 as b2PrismaticJointDef)); break; case e_revoluteJoint: _local3 = new b2RevoluteJoint((_arg1 as b2RevoluteJointDef)); break; case e_pulleyJoint: _local3 = new b2PulleyJoint((_arg1 as b2PulleyJointDef)); break; case e_gearJoint: _local3 = new b2GearJoint((_arg1 as b2GearJointDef)); break; case e_lineJoint: _local3 = new b2LineJoint((_arg1 as b2LineJointDef)); break; default: break; }; return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 60
//b2JointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2JointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2JointDef { public var collideConnected:Boolean; public var body1:b2Body; public var body2:b2Body; public var userData; public var type:int; public function b2JointDef(){ type = b2Joint.e_unknownJoint; userData = null; body1 = null; body2 = null; collideConnected = false; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 61
//b2JointEdge (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2JointEdge) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2JointEdge { public var joint:b2Joint; public var other:b2Body; public var next:b2JointEdge; public var prev:b2JointEdge; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 62
//b2LineJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2LineJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2LineJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_a1:Number; private var m_a2:Number; private var m_enableLimit:Boolean; private var m_impulse:b2Vec2; private var m_localYAxis1:b2Vec2; private var m_s2:Number; private var m_s1:Number; private var m_axis:b2Vec2; private var m_motorImpulse:Number; private var m_upperTranslation:Number; private var m_lowerTranslation:Number; b2internal var m_localXAxis1:b2Vec2; private var m_perp:b2Vec2; private var m_maxMotorForce:Number; private var m_motorMass:Number; b2internal var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_limitState:int; private var m_enableMotor:Boolean; private var m_motorSpeed:Number; private var m_K:b2Mat22; public function b2LineJoint(_arg1:b2LineJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localXAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localYAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); m_axis = new b2Vec2(); m_perp = new b2Vec2(); m_K = new b2Mat22(); m_impulse = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_localXAxis1.SetV(_arg1.localAxis1); m_localYAxis1.x = -(m_localXAxis1.y); m_localYAxis1.y = m_localXAxis1.x; m_impulse.SetZero(); m_motorMass = 0; m_motorImpulse = 0; m_lowerTranslation = _arg1.lowerTranslation; m_upperTranslation = _arg1.upperTranslation; m_maxMotorForce = _arg1.maxMotorForce; m_motorSpeed = _arg1.motorSpeed; m_enableLimit = _arg1.enableLimit; m_enableMotor = _arg1.enableMotor; m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_axis.SetZero(); m_perp.SetZero(); } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } public function SetLimits(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_lowerTranslation = _arg1; m_upperTranslation = _arg2; } public function GetLowerLimit():Number{ return (m_lowerTranslation); } public function GetUpperLimit():Number{ return (m_upperTranslation); } public function GetJointTranslation():Number{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local4 = _local1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1); _local5 = _local2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2); _local6 = (_local5.x - _local4.x); _local7 = (_local5.y - _local4.y); _local8 = _local1.GetWorldVector(m_localXAxis1); _local9 = ((_local8.x * _local6) + (_local8.y * _local7)); return (_local9); } public function GetMotorForce():Number{ return (m_motorImpulse); } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 * m_impulse.y)); } public function IsLimitEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableLimit); } public function IsMotorEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableMotor); } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:b2Vec2; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_linearVelocity; _local5 = _local2.m_angularVelocity; _local6 = _local3.m_linearVelocity; _local7 = _local3.m_angularVelocity; if (((m_enableMotor) && (!((m_limitState == e_equalLimits))))){ _local13 = ((((m_axis.x * (_local6.x - _local4.x)) + (m_axis.y * (_local6.y - _local4.y))) + (m_a2 * _local7)) - (m_a1 * _local5)); _local14 = (m_motorMass * (m_motorSpeed - _local13)); _local15 = m_motorImpulse; _local16 = (_arg1.dt * m_maxMotorForce); m_motorImpulse = b2Math.b2Clamp((m_motorImpulse + _local14), -(_local16), _local16); _local14 = (m_motorImpulse - _local15); _local8 = (_local14 * m_axis.x); _local9 = (_local14 * m_axis.y); _local10 = (_local14 * m_a1); _local11 = (_local14 * m_a2); _local4.x = (_local4.x - (m_invMass1 * _local8)); _local4.y = (_local4.y - (m_invMass1 * _local9)); _local5 = (_local5 - (m_invI1 * _local10)); _local6.x = (_local6.x + (m_invMass2 * _local8)); _local6.y = (_local6.y + (m_invMass2 * _local9)); _local7 = (_local7 + (m_invI2 * _local11)); }; _local12 = ((((m_perp.x * (_local6.x - _local4.x)) + (m_perp.y * (_local6.y - _local4.y))) + (m_s2 * _local7)) - (m_s1 * _local5)); if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local17 = ((((m_axis.x * (_local6.x - _local4.x)) + (m_axis.y * (_local6.y - _local4.y))) + (m_a2 * _local7)) - (m_a1 * _local5)); _local18 = m_impulse.Copy(); _local19 = m_K.Solve(new b2Vec2(), -(_local12), -(_local17)); m_impulse.Add(_local19); if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ m_impulse.y = b2Math.b2Max(m_impulse.y, 0); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ m_impulse.y = b2Math.b2Min(m_impulse.y, 0); }; }; _local20 = (-(_local12) - ((m_impulse.y - _local18.y) * m_K.col2.x)); _local21 = ((_local20 / m_K.col1.x) + _local18.x); m_impulse.x = _local21; _local19.x = (m_impulse.x - _local18.x); _local19.y = (m_impulse.y - _local18.y); _local8 = ((_local19.x * m_perp.x) + (_local19.y * m_axis.x)); _local9 = ((_local19.x * m_perp.y) + (_local19.y * m_axis.y)); _local10 = ((_local19.x * m_s1) + (_local19.y * m_a1)); _local11 = ((_local19.x * m_s2) + (_local19.y * m_a2)); _local4.x = (_local4.x - (m_invMass1 * _local8)); _local4.y = (_local4.y - (m_invMass1 * _local9)); _local5 = (_local5 - (m_invI1 * _local10)); _local6.x = (_local6.x + (m_invMass2 * _local8)); _local6.y = (_local6.y + (m_invMass2 * _local9)); _local7 = (_local7 + (m_invI2 * _local11)); } else { _local22 = (-(_local12) / m_K.col1.x); m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local22); _local8 = (_local22 * m_perp.x); _local9 = (_local22 * m_perp.y); _local10 = (_local22 * m_s1); _local11 = (_local22 * m_s2); _local4.x = (_local4.x - (m_invMass1 * _local8)); _local4.y = (_local4.y - (m_invMass1 * _local9)); _local5 = (_local5 - (m_invI1 * _local10)); _local6.x = (_local6.x + (m_invMass2 * _local8)); _local6.y = (_local6.y + (m_invMass2 * _local9)); _local7 = (_local7 + (m_invI2 * _local11)); }; _local2.m_linearVelocity.SetV(_local4); _local2.m_angularVelocity = _local5; _local3.m_linearVelocity.SetV(_local6); _local3.m_angularVelocity = _local7; } public function EnableMotor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_enableMotor = _arg1; } public function GetMotorSpeed():Number{ return (m_motorSpeed); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2((_arg1 * ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.x) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.y) * m_axis.x))), (_arg1 * ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.y) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.y) * m_axis.y))))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:b2Mat22; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Boolean; var _local19:Number; var _local20:b2Mat22; var _local21:b2Mat22; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:b2Vec2; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; _local4 = m_body1; _local5 = m_body2; _local6 = _local4.m_sweep.c; _local7 = _local4.m_sweep.a; _local8 = _local5.m_sweep.c; _local9 = _local5.m_sweep.a; _local16 = 0; _local17 = 0; _local18 = false; _local19 = 0; _local20 = new b2Mat22(_local7); _local21 = new b2Mat22(_local9); _local10 = _local20; _local22 = (m_localAnchor1.x - m_localCenter1.x); _local23 = (m_localAnchor1.y - m_localCenter1.y); _local11 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local22) + (_local10.col2.x * _local23)); _local23 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local22) + (_local10.col2.y * _local23)); _local22 = _local11; _local10 = _local21; _local24 = (m_localAnchor2.x - m_localCenter2.x); _local25 = (m_localAnchor2.y - m_localCenter2.y); _local11 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local24) + (_local10.col2.x * _local25)); _local25 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local24) + (_local10.col2.y * _local25)); _local24 = _local11; _local26 = (((_local8.x + _local24) - _local6.x) - _local22); _local27 = (((_local8.y + _local25) - _local6.y) - _local23); if (m_enableLimit){ m_axis = b2Math.b2MulMV(_local20, m_localXAxis1); m_a1 = (((_local26 + _local22) * m_axis.y) - ((_local27 + _local23) * m_axis.x)); m_a2 = ((_local24 * m_axis.y) - (_local25 * m_axis.x)); _local34 = ((m_axis.x * _local26) + (m_axis.y * _local27)); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)){ _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local34, -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local16 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local34); _local18 = true; } else { if (_local34 <= m_lowerTranslation){ _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp(((_local34 - m_lowerTranslation) + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local16 = (m_lowerTranslation - _local34); _local18 = true; } else { if (_local34 >= m_upperTranslation){ _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp(((_local34 - m_upperTranslation) + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), 0, b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local16 = (_local34 - m_upperTranslation); _local18 = true; }; }; }; }; m_perp = b2Math.b2MulMV(_local20, m_localYAxis1); m_s1 = (((_local26 + _local22) * m_perp.y) - ((_local27 + _local23) * m_perp.x)); m_s2 = ((_local24 * m_perp.y) - (_local25 * m_perp.x)); _local28 = new b2Vec2(); _local29 = ((m_perp.x * _local26) + (m_perp.y * _local27)); _local16 = b2Math.b2Max(_local16, b2Math.b2Abs(_local29)); _local17 = 0; if (_local18){ _local12 = m_invMass1; _local13 = m_invMass2; _local14 = m_invI1; _local15 = m_invI2; m_K.col1.x = (((_local12 + _local13) + ((_local14 * m_s1) * m_s1)) + ((_local15 * m_s2) * m_s2)); m_K.col1.y = (((_local14 * m_s1) * m_a1) + ((_local15 * m_s2) * m_a2)); m_K.col2.x = m_K.col1.y; m_K.col2.y = (((_local12 + _local13) + ((_local14 * m_a1) * m_a1)) + ((_local15 * m_a2) * m_a2)); m_K.Solve(_local28, -(_local29), -(_local19)); } else { _local12 = m_invMass1; _local13 = m_invMass2; _local14 = m_invI1; _local15 = m_invI2; _local35 = (((_local12 + _local13) + ((_local14 * m_s1) * m_s1)) + ((_local15 * m_s2) * m_s2)); _local36 = (-(_local29) / _local35); _local28.x = _local36; _local28.y = 0; }; _local30 = ((_local28.x * m_perp.x) + (_local28.y * m_axis.x)); _local31 = ((_local28.x * m_perp.y) + (_local28.y * m_axis.y)); _local32 = ((_local28.x * m_s1) + (_local28.y * m_a1)); _local33 = ((_local28.x * m_s2) + (_local28.y * m_a2)); _local6.x = (_local6.x - (m_invMass1 * _local30)); _local6.y = (_local6.y - (m_invMass1 * _local31)); _local7 = (_local7 - (m_invI1 * _local32)); _local8.x = (_local8.x + (m_invMass2 * _local30)); _local8.y = (_local8.y + (m_invMass2 * _local31)); _local9 = (_local9 + (m_invI2 * _local33)); _local4.m_sweep.a = _local7; _local5.m_sweep.a = _local9; _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); _local5.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((((_local16 <= b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)) && ((_local17 <= b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)))); } public function GetJointSpeed():Number{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:b2Vec2; var _local16:b2Vec2; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local1.m_xf.R; _local4 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4) + (_local3.col2.x * _local5)); _local5 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4) + (_local3.col2.y * _local5)); _local4 = _local6; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local7 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local7) + (_local3.col2.x * _local8)); _local8 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local7) + (_local3.col2.y * _local8)); _local7 = _local6; _local9 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + _local4); _local10 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + _local5); _local11 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local7); _local12 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local8); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = (_local12 - _local10); _local15 = _local1.GetWorldVector(m_localXAxis1); _local16 = _local1.m_linearVelocity; _local17 = _local2.m_linearVelocity; _local18 = _local1.m_angularVelocity; _local19 = _local2.m_angularVelocity; _local20 = (((_local13 * (-(_local18) * _local15.y)) + (_local14 * (_local18 * _local15.x))) + ((_local15.x * (((_local17.x + (-(_local19) * _local8)) - _local16.x) - (-(_local18) * _local5))) + (_local15.y * (((_local17.y + (_local19 * _local7)) - _local16.y) - (_local18 * _local4))))); return (_local20); } public function SetMotorSpeed(_arg1:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_motorSpeed = _arg1; } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2XForm; var _local7:b2XForm; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; m_localCenter1.SetV(_local2.GetLocalCenter()); m_localCenter2.SetV(_local3.GetLocalCenter()); _local6 = _local2.GetXForm(); _local7 = _local3.GetXForm(); _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local10) + (_local4.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local10) + (_local4.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local5; _local12 = (((_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local10) - _local2.m_sweep.c.x) - _local8); _local13 = (((_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local11) - _local2.m_sweep.c.y) - _local9); m_invMass1 = _local2.m_invMass; m_invMass2 = _local3.m_invMass; m_invI1 = _local2.m_invI; m_invI2 = _local3.m_invI; m_axis.SetV(b2Math.b2MulMV(_local6.R, m_localXAxis1)); m_a1 = (((_local12 + _local8) * m_axis.y) - ((_local13 + _local9) * m_axis.x)); m_a2 = ((_local10 * m_axis.y) - (_local11 * m_axis.x)); m_motorMass = (((m_invMass1 + m_invMass2) + ((m_invI1 * m_a1) * m_a1)) + ((m_invI2 * m_a2) * m_a2)); m_motorMass = (1 / m_motorMass); m_perp.SetV(b2Math.b2MulMV(_local6.R, m_localYAxis1)); m_s1 = (((_local12 + _local8) * m_perp.y) - ((_local13 + _local9) * m_perp.x)); m_s2 = ((_local10 * m_perp.y) - (_local11 * m_perp.x)); _local14 = m_invMass1; _local15 = m_invMass2; _local16 = m_invI1; _local17 = m_invI2; m_K.col1.x = (((_local14 + _local15) + ((_local16 * m_s1) * m_s1)) + ((_local17 * m_s2) * m_s2)); m_K.col1.y = (((_local16 * m_s1) * m_a1) + ((_local17 * m_s2) * m_a2)); m_K.col2.x = m_K.col1.y; m_K.col2.y = (((_local14 + _local15) + ((_local16 * m_a1) * m_a1)) + ((_local17 * m_a2) * m_a2)); if (m_enableLimit){ _local18 = ((m_axis.x * _local12) + (m_axis.y * _local13)); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)){ m_limitState = e_equalLimits; } else { if (_local18 <= m_lowerTranslation){ if (m_limitState != e_atLowerLimit){ m_limitState = e_atLowerLimit; m_impulse.y = 0; }; } else { if (_local18 >= m_upperTranslation){ if (m_limitState != e_atUpperLimit){ m_limitState = e_atUpperLimit; m_impulse.y = 0; }; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_impulse.y = 0; }; }; }; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; }; if (m_enableMotor == false){ m_motorImpulse = 0; }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x * _arg1.dtRatio); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y * _arg1.dtRatio); m_motorImpulse = (m_motorImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local19 = ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.x) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.y) * m_axis.x)); _local20 = ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.y) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.y) * m_axis.y)); _local21 = ((m_impulse.x * m_s1) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.y) * m_a1)); _local22 = ((m_impulse.x * m_s2) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.y) * m_a2)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x - (m_invMass1 * _local19)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y - (m_invMass1 * _local20)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - (m_invI1 * _local21)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (m_invMass2 * _local19)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (m_invMass2 * _local20)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (m_invI2 * _local22)); } else { m_impulse.SetZero(); m_motorImpulse = 0; }; } public function EnableLimit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_enableLimit = _arg1; } public function SetMaxMotorForce(_arg1:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_maxMotorForce = _arg1; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 63
//b2LineJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2LineJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2LineJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var localAxis1:b2Vec2; public var maxMotorForce:Number; public var motorSpeed:Number; public var upperTranslation:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var enableLimit:Boolean; public var enableMotor:Boolean; public var lowerTranslation:Number; public function b2LineJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); localAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_lineJoint; localAxis1.Set(1, 0); enableLimit = false; lowerTranslation = 0; upperTranslation = 0; enableMotor = false; maxMotorForce = 0; motorSpeed = 0; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2):void{ body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAxis1 = body1.GetLocalVector(_arg4); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 64
//b2MouseJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2MouseJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_beta:Number; private var m_mass:b2Mat22; private var m_target:b2Vec2; private var m_impulse:b2Vec2; private var m_localAnchor:b2Vec2; private var m_dampingRatio:Number; private var K2:b2Mat22; private var K:b2Mat22; private var K1:b2Mat22; private var m_frequencyHz:Number; private var m_gamma:Number; private var m_C:b2Vec2; private var m_maxForce:Number; public function b2MouseJoint(_arg1:b2MouseJointDef){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Mat22; K = new b2Mat22(); K1 = new b2Mat22(); K2 = new b2Mat22(); m_localAnchor = new b2Vec2(); m_target = new b2Vec2(); m_impulse = new b2Vec2(); m_mass = new b2Mat22(); m_C = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_target.SetV(; _local2 = (m_target.x - m_body2.m_xf.position.x); _local3 = (m_target.y - m_body2.m_xf.position.y); _local4 = m_body2.m_xf.R; m_localAnchor.x = ((_local2 * _local4.col1.x) + (_local3 * _local4.col1.y)); m_localAnchor.y = ((_local2 * _local4.col2.x) + (_local3 * _local4.col2.y)); m_maxForce = _arg1.maxForce; m_impulse.SetZero(); m_frequencyHz = _arg1.frequencyHz; m_dampingRatio = _arg1.dampingRatio; m_beta = 0; m_gamma = 0; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_target); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor)); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2((_arg1 * m_impulse.x), (_arg1 * m_impulse.y))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (true); } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:b2Mat22; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local2.GetMass(); _local4 = ((2 * Math.PI) * m_frequencyHz); _local5 = (((2 * _local3) * m_dampingRatio) * _local4); _local6 = ((_local3 * _local4) * _local4); m_gamma = (1 / (_arg1.dt * (_local5 + (_arg1.dt * _local6)))); m_beta = ((_arg1.dt * _local6) * m_gamma); _local7 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local10 = ((_local7.col1.x * _local8) + (_local7.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local7.col1.y * _local8) + (_local7.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local10; _local11 = _local2.m_invMass; _local12 = _local2.m_invI; K1.col1.x = _local11; K1.col2.x = 0; K1.col1.y = 0; K1.col2.y = _local11; K2.col1.x = ((_local12 * _local9) * _local9); K2.col2.x = ((-(_local12) * _local8) * _local9); K2.col1.y = ((-(_local12) * _local8) * _local9); K2.col2.y = ((_local12 * _local8) * _local8); K.SetM(K1); K.AddM(K2); K.col1.x = (K.col1.x + m_gamma); K.col2.y = (K.col2.y + m_gamma); K.GetInverse(m_mass); m_C.x = ((_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local8) - m_target.x); m_C.y = ((_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local9) - m_target.y); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity * 0.98); m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x * _arg1.dtRatio); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y * _arg1.dtRatio); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local11 * m_impulse.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local11 * m_impulse.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local12 * ((_local8 * m_impulse.y) - (_local9 * m_impulse.x)))); } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (0); } public function SetTarget(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ if (m_body2.IsSleeping()){ m_body2.WakeUp(); }; m_target = _arg1; } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local4 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local6) + (_local3.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local6) + (_local3.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local4; _local8 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local7)); _local9 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local6)); _local3 = m_mass; _local4 = ((_local8 + (m_beta * m_C.x)) + (m_gamma * m_impulse.x)); _local5 = ((_local9 + (m_beta * m_C.y)) + (m_gamma * m_impulse.y)); _local10 = -(((_local3.col1.x * _local4) + (_local3.col2.x * _local5))); _local11 = -(((_local3.col1.y * _local4) + (_local3.col2.y * _local5))); _local12 = m_impulse.x; _local13 = m_impulse.y; m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local10); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y + _local11); _local14 = (_arg1.dt * m_maxForce); if (m_impulse.LengthSquared() > (_local14 * _local14)){ m_impulse.Multiply((_local14 / m_impulse.Length())); }; _local10 = (m_impulse.x - _local12); _local11 = (m_impulse.y - _local13); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local10)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local11)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local6 * _local11) - (_local7 * _local10)))); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 65
//b2MouseJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2MouseJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var frequencyHz:Number; public var dampingRatio:Number; public var maxForce:Number; public var target:b2Vec2; public function b2MouseJointDef(){ target = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_mouseJoint; maxForce = 0; frequencyHz = 5; dampingRatio = 0.7; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 66
//b2PrismaticJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PrismaticJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PrismaticJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_a1:Number; private var m_a2:Number; private var m_enableLimit:Boolean; private var m_impulse:b2Vec3; private var m_localYAxis1:b2Vec2; private var m_s2:Number; private var m_s1:Number; private var m_axis:b2Vec2; private var m_motorImpulse:Number; private var m_upperTranslation:Number; private var m_lowerTranslation:Number; b2internal var m_localXAxis1:b2Vec2; private var m_perp:b2Vec2; private var m_refAngle:Number; private var m_maxMotorForce:Number; private var m_motorMass:Number; b2internal var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_limitState:int; private var m_enableMotor:Boolean; private var m_motorSpeed:Number; private var m_K:b2Mat33; public function b2PrismaticJoint(_arg1:b2PrismaticJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localXAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localYAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); m_axis = new b2Vec2(); m_perp = new b2Vec2(); m_K = new b2Mat33(); m_impulse = new b2Vec3(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_localXAxis1.SetV(_arg1.localAxis1); m_localYAxis1.x = -(m_localXAxis1.y); m_localYAxis1.y = m_localXAxis1.x; m_refAngle = _arg1.referenceAngle; m_impulse.SetZero(); m_motorMass = 0; m_motorImpulse = 0; m_lowerTranslation = _arg1.lowerTranslation; m_upperTranslation = _arg1.upperTranslation; m_maxMotorForce = _arg1.maxMotorForce; m_motorSpeed = _arg1.motorSpeed; m_enableLimit = _arg1.enableLimit; m_enableMotor = _arg1.enableMotor; m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_axis.SetZero(); m_perp.SetZero(); } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } public function SetLimits(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_lowerTranslation = _arg1; m_upperTranslation = _arg2; } public function GetLowerLimit():Number{ return (m_lowerTranslation); } public function GetUpperLimit():Number{ return (m_upperTranslation); } public function GetJointTranslation():Number{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local4 = _local1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1); _local5 = _local2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2); _local6 = (_local5.x - _local4.x); _local7 = (_local5.y - _local4.y); _local8 = _local1.GetWorldVector(m_localXAxis1); _local9 = ((_local8.x * _local6) + (_local8.y * _local7)); return (_local9); } public function GetMotorForce():Number{ return (m_motorImpulse); } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 * m_impulse.y)); } public function IsLimitEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableLimit); } public function IsMotorEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableMotor); } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:b2Vec3; var _local20:b2Vec3; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:b2Vec2; var _local24:b2Vec2; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_linearVelocity; _local5 = _local2.m_angularVelocity; _local6 = _local3.m_linearVelocity; _local7 = _local3.m_angularVelocity; if (((m_enableMotor) && (!((m_limitState == e_equalLimits))))){ _local14 = ((((m_axis.x * (_local6.x - _local4.x)) + (m_axis.y * (_local6.y - _local4.y))) + (m_a2 * _local7)) - (m_a1 * _local5)); _local15 = (m_motorMass * (m_motorSpeed - _local14)); _local16 = m_motorImpulse; _local17 = (_arg1.dt * m_maxMotorForce); m_motorImpulse = b2Math.b2Clamp((m_motorImpulse + _local15), -(_local17), _local17); _local15 = (m_motorImpulse - _local16); _local8 = (_local15 * m_axis.x); _local9 = (_local15 * m_axis.y); _local10 = (_local15 * m_a1); _local11 = (_local15 * m_a2); _local4.x = (_local4.x - (m_invMass1 * _local8)); _local4.y = (_local4.y - (m_invMass1 * _local9)); _local5 = (_local5 - (m_invI1 * _local10)); _local6.x = (_local6.x + (m_invMass2 * _local8)); _local6.y = (_local6.y + (m_invMass2 * _local9)); _local7 = (_local7 + (m_invI2 * _local11)); }; _local12 = ((((m_perp.x * (_local6.x - _local4.x)) + (m_perp.y * (_local6.y - _local4.y))) + (m_s2 * _local7)) - (m_s1 * _local5)); _local13 = (_local7 - _local5); if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local18 = ((((m_axis.x * (_local6.x - _local4.x)) + (m_axis.y * (_local6.y - _local4.y))) + (m_a2 * _local7)) - (m_a1 * _local5)); _local19 = m_impulse.Copy(); _local20 = m_K.Solve33(new b2Vec3(), -(_local12), -(_local13), -(_local18)); m_impulse.Add(_local20); if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ m_impulse.z = b2Math.b2Max(m_impulse.z, 0); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ m_impulse.z = b2Math.b2Min(m_impulse.z, 0); }; }; _local21 = (-(_local12) - ((m_impulse.z - _local19.z) * m_K.col3.x)); _local22 = (-(_local13) - ((m_impulse.z - _local19.z) * m_K.col3.y)); _local23 = m_K.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), _local21, _local22); m_K.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), _local21, _local22).x = (_local23.x + _local19.x); _local23.y = (_local23.y + _local19.y); m_impulse.x = _local23.x; m_impulse.y = _local23.y; _local20.x = (m_impulse.x - _local19.x); _local20.y = (m_impulse.y - _local19.y); _local20.z = (m_impulse.z - _local19.z); _local8 = ((_local20.x * m_perp.x) + (_local20.z * m_axis.x)); _local9 = ((_local20.x * m_perp.y) + (_local20.z * m_axis.y)); _local10 = (((_local20.x * m_s1) + _local20.y) + (_local20.z * m_a1)); _local11 = (((_local20.x * m_s2) + _local20.y) + (_local20.z * m_a2)); _local4.x = (_local4.x - (m_invMass1 * _local8)); _local4.y = (_local4.y - (m_invMass1 * _local9)); _local5 = (_local5 - (m_invI1 * _local10)); _local6.x = (_local6.x + (m_invMass2 * _local8)); _local6.y = (_local6.y + (m_invMass2 * _local9)); _local7 = (_local7 + (m_invI2 * _local11)); } else { _local24 = m_K.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), -(_local12), -(_local13)); m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local24.x); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y + _local24.y); _local8 = (_local24.x * m_perp.x); _local9 = (_local24.x * m_perp.y); _local10 = ((_local24.x * m_s1) + _local24.y); _local11 = ((_local24.x * m_s2) + _local24.y); _local4.x = (_local4.x - (m_invMass1 * _local8)); _local4.y = (_local4.y - (m_invMass1 * _local9)); _local5 = (_local5 - (m_invI1 * _local10)); _local6.x = (_local6.x + (m_invMass2 * _local8)); _local6.y = (_local6.y + (m_invMass2 * _local9)); _local7 = (_local7 + (m_invI2 * _local11)); }; _local2.m_linearVelocity.SetV(_local4); _local2.m_angularVelocity = _local5; _local3.m_linearVelocity.SetV(_local6); _local3.m_angularVelocity = _local7; } public function EnableMotor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_enableMotor = _arg1; } public function GetMotorSpeed():Number{ return (m_motorSpeed); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2((_arg1 * ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.x) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_axis.x))), (_arg1 * ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.y) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_axis.y))))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:b2Mat22; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Boolean; var _local19:Number; var _local20:b2Mat22; var _local21:b2Mat22; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:b2Vec3; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; var _local39:b2Vec2; _local4 = m_body1; _local5 = m_body2; _local6 = _local4.m_sweep.c; _local7 = _local4.m_sweep.a; _local8 = _local5.m_sweep.c; _local9 = _local5.m_sweep.a; _local16 = 0; _local17 = 0; _local18 = false; _local19 = 0; _local20 = new b2Mat22(_local7); _local21 = new b2Mat22(_local9); _local10 = _local20; _local22 = (m_localAnchor1.x - m_localCenter1.x); _local23 = (m_localAnchor1.y - m_localCenter1.y); _local11 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local22) + (_local10.col2.x * _local23)); _local23 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local22) + (_local10.col2.y * _local23)); _local22 = _local11; _local10 = _local21; _local24 = (m_localAnchor2.x - m_localCenter2.x); _local25 = (m_localAnchor2.y - m_localCenter2.y); _local11 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local24) + (_local10.col2.x * _local25)); _local25 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local24) + (_local10.col2.y * _local25)); _local24 = _local11; _local26 = (((_local8.x + _local24) - _local6.x) - _local22); _local27 = (((_local8.y + _local25) - _local6.y) - _local23); if (m_enableLimit){ m_axis = b2Math.b2MulMV(_local20, m_localXAxis1); m_a1 = (((_local26 + _local22) * m_axis.y) - ((_local27 + _local23) * m_axis.x)); m_a2 = ((_local24 * m_axis.y) - (_local25 * m_axis.x)); _local35 = ((m_axis.x * _local26) + (m_axis.y * _local27)); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)){ _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local35, -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local16 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local35); _local18 = true; } else { if (_local35 <= m_lowerTranslation){ _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp(((_local35 - m_lowerTranslation) + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local16 = (m_lowerTranslation - _local35); _local18 = true; } else { if (_local35 >= m_upperTranslation){ _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp(((_local35 - m_upperTranslation) + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), 0, b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local16 = (_local35 - m_upperTranslation); _local18 = true; }; }; }; }; m_perp = b2Math.b2MulMV(_local20, m_localYAxis1); m_s1 = (((_local26 + _local22) * m_perp.y) - ((_local27 + _local23) * m_perp.x)); m_s2 = ((_local24 * m_perp.y) - (_local25 * m_perp.x)); _local28 = new b2Vec3(); _local29 = ((m_perp.x * _local26) + (m_perp.y * _local27)); _local30 = ((_local9 - _local7) - m_refAngle); _local16 = b2Math.b2Max(_local16, b2Math.b2Abs(_local29)); _local17 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local30); if (_local18){ _local12 = m_invMass1; _local13 = m_invMass2; _local14 = m_invI1; _local15 = m_invI2; m_K.col1.x = (((_local12 + _local13) + ((_local14 * m_s1) * m_s1)) + ((_local15 * m_s2) * m_s2)); m_K.col1.y = ((_local14 * m_s1) + (_local15 * m_s2)); m_K.col1.z = (((_local14 * m_s1) * m_a1) + ((_local15 * m_s2) * m_a2)); m_K.col2.x = m_K.col1.y; m_K.col2.y = (_local14 + _local15); m_K.col2.z = ((_local14 * m_a1) + (_local15 * m_a2)); m_K.col3.x = m_K.col1.z; m_K.col3.y = m_K.col2.z; m_K.col3.z = (((_local12 + _local13) + ((_local14 * m_a1) * m_a1)) + ((_local15 * m_a2) * m_a2)); m_K.Solve33(_local28, -(_local29), -(_local30), -(_local19)); } else { _local12 = m_invMass1; _local13 = m_invMass2; _local14 = m_invI1; _local15 = m_invI2; _local36 = (((_local12 + _local13) + ((_local14 * m_s1) * m_s1)) + ((_local15 * m_s2) * m_s2)); _local37 = ((_local14 * m_s1) + (_local15 * m_s2)); _local38 = (_local14 + _local15); m_K.col1.Set(_local36, _local37, 0); m_K.col2.Set(_local37, _local38, 0); _local39 = m_K.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), -(_local29), -(_local30)); _local28.x = _local39.x; _local28.y = _local39.y; _local28.z = 0; }; _local31 = ((_local28.x * m_perp.x) + (_local28.z * m_axis.x)); _local32 = ((_local28.x * m_perp.y) + (_local28.z * m_axis.y)); _local33 = (((_local28.x * m_s1) + _local28.y) + (_local28.z * m_a1)); _local34 = (((_local28.x * m_s2) + _local28.y) + (_local28.z * m_a2)); _local6.x = (_local6.x - (m_invMass1 * _local31)); _local6.y = (_local6.y - (m_invMass1 * _local32)); _local7 = (_local7 - (m_invI1 * _local33)); _local8.x = (_local8.x + (m_invMass2 * _local31)); _local8.y = (_local8.y + (m_invMass2 * _local32)); _local9 = (_local9 + (m_invI2 * _local34)); _local4.m_sweep.a = _local7; _local5.m_sweep.a = _local9; _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); _local5.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((((_local16 <= b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)) && ((_local17 <= b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)))); } public function GetJointSpeed():Number{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:b2Vec2; var _local16:b2Vec2; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local1.m_xf.R; _local4 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4) + (_local3.col2.x * _local5)); _local5 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4) + (_local3.col2.y * _local5)); _local4 = _local6; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local7 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local7) + (_local3.col2.x * _local8)); _local8 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local7) + (_local3.col2.y * _local8)); _local7 = _local6; _local9 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + _local4); _local10 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + _local5); _local11 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local7); _local12 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local8); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = (_local12 - _local10); _local15 = _local1.GetWorldVector(m_localXAxis1); _local16 = _local1.m_linearVelocity; _local17 = _local2.m_linearVelocity; _local18 = _local1.m_angularVelocity; _local19 = _local2.m_angularVelocity; _local20 = (((_local13 * (-(_local18) * _local15.y)) + (_local14 * (_local18 * _local15.x))) + ((_local15.x * (((_local17.x + (-(_local19) * _local8)) - _local16.x) - (-(_local18) * _local5))) + (_local15.y * (((_local17.y + (_local19 * _local7)) - _local16.y) - (_local18 * _local4))))); return (_local20); } public function SetMotorSpeed(_arg1:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_motorSpeed = _arg1; } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2XForm; var _local7:b2XForm; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; m_localCenter1.SetV(_local2.GetLocalCenter()); m_localCenter2.SetV(_local3.GetLocalCenter()); _local6 = _local2.GetXForm(); _local7 = _local3.GetXForm(); _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local10) + (_local4.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local10) + (_local4.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local5; _local12 = (((_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local10) - _local2.m_sweep.c.x) - _local8); _local13 = (((_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local11) - _local2.m_sweep.c.y) - _local9); m_invMass1 = _local2.m_invMass; m_invMass2 = _local3.m_invMass; m_invI1 = _local2.m_invI; m_invI2 = _local3.m_invI; m_axis.SetV(b2Math.b2MulMV(_local6.R, m_localXAxis1)); m_a1 = (((_local12 + _local8) * m_axis.y) - ((_local13 + _local9) * m_axis.x)); m_a2 = ((_local10 * m_axis.y) - (_local11 * m_axis.x)); m_motorMass = (((m_invMass1 + m_invMass2) + ((m_invI1 * m_a1) * m_a1)) + ((m_invI2 * m_a2) * m_a2)); m_motorMass = (1 / m_motorMass); m_perp.SetV(b2Math.b2MulMV(_local6.R, m_localYAxis1)); m_s1 = (((_local12 + _local8) * m_perp.y) - ((_local13 + _local9) * m_perp.x)); m_s2 = ((_local10 * m_perp.y) - (_local11 * m_perp.x)); _local14 = m_invMass1; _local15 = m_invMass2; _local16 = m_invI1; _local17 = m_invI2; m_K.col1.x = (((_local14 + _local15) + ((_local16 * m_s1) * m_s1)) + ((_local17 * m_s2) * m_s2)); m_K.col1.y = ((_local16 * m_s1) + (_local17 * m_s2)); m_K.col1.z = (((_local16 * m_s1) * m_a1) + ((_local17 * m_s2) * m_a2)); m_K.col2.x = m_K.col1.y; m_K.col2.y = (_local16 + _local17); m_K.col2.z = ((_local16 * m_a1) + (_local17 * m_a2)); m_K.col3.x = m_K.col1.z; m_K.col3.y = m_K.col2.z; m_K.col3.z = (((_local14 + _local15) + ((_local16 * m_a1) * m_a1)) + ((_local17 * m_a2) * m_a2)); if (m_enableLimit){ _local18 = ((m_axis.x * _local12) + (m_axis.y * _local13)); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)){ m_limitState = e_equalLimits; } else { if (_local18 <= m_lowerTranslation){ if (m_limitState != e_atLowerLimit){ m_limitState = e_atLowerLimit; m_impulse.z = 0; }; } else { if (_local18 >= m_upperTranslation){ if (m_limitState != e_atUpperLimit){ m_limitState = e_atUpperLimit; m_impulse.z = 0; }; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_impulse.z = 0; }; }; }; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; }; if (m_enableMotor == false){ m_motorImpulse = 0; }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x * _arg1.dtRatio); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y * _arg1.dtRatio); m_motorImpulse = (m_motorImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local19 = ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.x) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_axis.x)); _local20 = ((m_impulse.x * m_perp.y) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_axis.y)); _local21 = (((m_impulse.x * m_s1) + m_impulse.y) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_a1)); _local22 = (((m_impulse.x * m_s2) + m_impulse.y) + ((m_motorImpulse + m_impulse.z) * m_a2)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x - (m_invMass1 * _local19)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y - (m_invMass1 * _local20)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - (m_invI1 * _local21)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (m_invMass2 * _local19)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (m_invMass2 * _local20)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (m_invI2 * _local22)); } else { m_impulse.SetZero(); m_motorImpulse = 0; }; } public function EnableLimit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_enableLimit = _arg1; } public function SetMaxMotorForce(_arg1:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_maxMotorForce = _arg1; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 67
//b2PrismaticJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PrismaticJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2PrismaticJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var localAxis1:b2Vec2; public var referenceAngle:Number; public var maxMotorForce:Number; public var motorSpeed:Number; public var upperTranslation:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var enableLimit:Boolean; public var enableMotor:Boolean; public var lowerTranslation:Number; public function b2PrismaticJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); localAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_prismaticJoint; localAxis1.Set(1, 0); referenceAngle = 0; enableLimit = false; lowerTranslation = 0; upperTranslation = 0; enableMotor = false; maxMotorForce = 0; motorSpeed = 0; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2):void{ body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAxis1 = body1.GetLocalVector(_arg4); referenceAngle = (body2.GetAngle() - body1.GetAngle()); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 68
//b2PulleyJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PulleyJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PulleyJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_ground:b2Body; private var m_maxLength2:Number; private var m_maxLength1:Number; private var m_limitState1:int; private var m_limitState2:int; private var m_pulleyMass:Number; private var m_constant:Number; private var m_impulse:Number; private var m_state:int; private var m_ratio:Number; private var m_groundAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_groundAnchor1:b2Vec2; private var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; private var m_limitMass2:Number; private var m_limitMass1:Number; private var m_limitImpulse2:Number; private var m_u1:b2Vec2; private var m_u2:b2Vec2; private var m_limitImpulse1:Number; b2internal static const b2_minPulleyLength:Number = 2; public function b2PulleyJoint(_arg1:b2PulleyJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_groundAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_groundAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_u1 = new b2Vec2(); m_u2 = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_ground = m_body1.m_world.m_groundBody; m_groundAnchor1.x = (_arg1.groundAnchor1.x - m_ground.m_xf.position.x); m_groundAnchor1.y = (_arg1.groundAnchor1.y - m_ground.m_xf.position.y); m_groundAnchor2.x = (_arg1.groundAnchor2.x - m_ground.m_xf.position.x); m_groundAnchor2.y = (_arg1.groundAnchor2.y - m_ground.m_xf.position.y); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_ratio = _arg1.ratio; m_constant = (_arg1.length1 + (m_ratio * _arg1.length2)); m_maxLength1 = b2Math.b2Min(_arg1.maxLength1, (m_constant - (m_ratio * b2_minPulleyLength))); m_maxLength2 = b2Math.b2Min(_arg1.maxLength2, ((m_constant - b2_minPulleyLength) / m_ratio)); m_impulse = 0; m_limitImpulse1 = 0; m_limitImpulse2 = 0; } public function GetGroundAnchor2():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = m_ground.m_xf.position.Copy(); _local1.Add(m_groundAnchor2); return (_local1); } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } public function GetRatio():Number{ return (m_ratio); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(((_arg1 * m_impulse) * m_u2.x), ((_arg1 * m_impulse) * m_u2.y))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local5 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor1.x); _local6 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor1.y); _local7 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor2.x); _local8 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor2.y); _local24 = 0; if (m_state == e_atUpperLimit){ _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local10 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local23 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local9) + (_local4.col2.x * _local10)); _local10 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local9) + (_local4.col2.y * _local10)); _local9 = _local23; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local12 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local23 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local11) + (_local4.col2.x * _local12)); _local12 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local11) + (_local4.col2.y * _local12)); _local11 = _local23; _local13 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local9); _local14 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local10); _local15 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local11); _local16 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local12); m_u1.Set((_local13 - _local5), (_local14 - _local6)); m_u2.Set((_local15 - _local7), (_local16 - _local8)); _local17 = m_u1.Length(); _local18 = m_u2.Length(); if (_local17 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u1.Multiply((1 / _local17)); } else { m_u1.SetZero(); }; if (_local18 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u2.Multiply((1 / _local18)); } else { m_u2.SetZero(); }; _local19 = ((m_constant - _local17) - (m_ratio * _local18)); _local24 = b2Math.b2Max(_local24, -(_local19)); _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local19 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local20 = (-(m_pulleyMass) * _local19); _local13 = (-(_local20) * m_u1.x); _local14 = (-(_local20) * m_u1.y); _local15 = ((-(m_ratio) * _local20) * m_u2.x); _local16 = ((-(m_ratio) * _local20) * m_u2.y); _local2.m_sweep.c.x = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local13)); _local2.m_sweep.c.y = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_sweep.a = (_local2.m_sweep.a + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local9 * _local14) - (_local10 * _local13)))); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local15)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local11 * _local16) - (_local12 * _local15)))); _local2.SynchronizeTransform(); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); }; if (m_limitState1 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local10 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local23 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local9) + (_local4.col2.x * _local10)); _local10 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local9) + (_local4.col2.y * _local10)); _local9 = _local23; _local13 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local9); _local14 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local10); m_u1.Set((_local13 - _local5), (_local14 - _local6)); _local17 = m_u1.Length(); if (_local17 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u1.x = (m_u1.x * (1 / _local17)); m_u1.y = (m_u1.y * (1 / _local17)); } else { m_u1.SetZero(); }; _local19 = (m_maxLength1 - _local17); _local24 = b2Math.b2Max(_local24, -(_local19)); _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local19 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local20 = (-(m_limitMass1) * _local19); _local13 = (-(_local20) * m_u1.x); _local14 = (-(_local20) * m_u1.y); _local2.m_sweep.c.x = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local13)); _local2.m_sweep.c.y = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_sweep.a = (_local2.m_sweep.a + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local9 * _local14) - (_local10 * _local13)))); _local2.SynchronizeTransform(); }; if (m_limitState2 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local12 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local23 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local11) + (_local4.col2.x * _local12)); _local12 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local11) + (_local4.col2.y * _local12)); _local11 = _local23; _local15 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local11); _local16 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local12); m_u2.Set((_local15 - _local7), (_local16 - _local8)); _local18 = m_u2.Length(); if (_local18 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u2.x = (m_u2.x * (1 / _local18)); m_u2.y = (m_u2.y * (1 / _local18)); } else { m_u2.SetZero(); }; _local19 = (m_maxLength2 - _local18); _local24 = b2Math.b2Max(_local24, -(_local19)); _local19 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local19 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local20 = (-(m_limitMass2) * _local19); _local15 = (-(_local20) * m_u2.x); _local16 = (-(_local20) * m_u2.y); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local15)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local11 * _local16) - (_local12 * _local15)))); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); }; return ((_local24 < b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)); } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local5) + (_local4.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local5) + (_local4.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; _local10 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local5); _local11 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local6); _local12 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local8); _local13 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local9); _local14 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor1.x); _local15 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor1.y); _local16 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor2.x); _local17 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor2.y); m_u1.Set((_local10 - _local14), (_local11 - _local15)); m_u2.Set((_local12 - _local16), (_local13 - _local17)); _local18 = m_u1.Length(); _local19 = m_u2.Length(); if (_local18 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u1.Multiply((1 / _local18)); } else { m_u1.SetZero(); }; if (_local19 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u2.Multiply((1 / _local19)); } else { m_u2.SetZero(); }; _local20 = ((m_constant - _local18) - (m_ratio * _local19)); if (_local20 > 0){ m_state = e_inactiveLimit; m_impulse = 0; } else { m_state = e_atUpperLimit; }; if (_local18 < m_maxLength1){ m_limitState1 = e_inactiveLimit; m_limitImpulse1 = 0; } else { m_limitState1 = e_atUpperLimit; }; if (_local19 < m_maxLength2){ m_limitState2 = e_inactiveLimit; m_limitImpulse2 = 0; } else { m_limitState2 = e_atUpperLimit; }; _local21 = ((_local5 * m_u1.y) - (_local6 * m_u1.x)); _local22 = ((_local8 * m_u2.y) - (_local9 * m_u2.x)); m_limitMass1 = (_local2.m_invMass + ((_local2.m_invI * _local21) * _local21)); m_limitMass2 = (_local3.m_invMass + ((_local3.m_invI * _local22) * _local22)); m_pulleyMass = (m_limitMass1 + ((m_ratio * m_ratio) * m_limitMass2)); m_limitMass1 = (1 / m_limitMass1); m_limitMass2 = (1 / m_limitMass2); m_pulleyMass = (1 / m_pulleyMass); if (_arg1.warmStarting){ m_impulse = (m_impulse * _arg1.dtRatio); m_limitImpulse1 = (m_limitImpulse1 * _arg1.dtRatio); m_limitImpulse2 = (m_limitImpulse2 * _arg1.dtRatio); _local23 = ((-(m_impulse) - m_limitImpulse1) * m_u1.x); _local24 = ((-(m_impulse) - m_limitImpulse1) * m_u1.y); _local25 = (((-(m_ratio) * m_impulse) - m_limitImpulse2) * m_u2.x); _local26 = (((-(m_ratio) * m_impulse) - m_limitImpulse2) * m_u2.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local23)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local24)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local24) - (_local6 * _local23)))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local25)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local26)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local26) - (_local9 * _local25)))); } else { m_impulse = 0; m_limitImpulse1 = 0; m_limitImpulse2 = 0; }; } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (0); } public function GetLength1():Number{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1); _local2 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor1.x); _local3 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor1.y); _local4 = (_local1.x - _local2); _local5 = (_local1.y - _local3); return (Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)))); } public function GetLength2():Number{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2); _local2 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor2.x); _local3 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor2.y); _local4 = (_local1.x - _local2); _local5 = (_local1.y - _local3); return (Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)))); } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local5) + (_local4.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local5) + (_local4.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; if (m_state == e_atUpperLimit){ _local10 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local6)); _local11 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local5)); _local12 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)); _local13 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local8)); _local18 = (-(((m_u1.x * _local10) + (m_u1.y * _local11))) - (m_ratio * ((m_u2.x * _local12) + (m_u2.y * _local13)))); _local19 = (m_pulleyMass * -(_local18)); _local20 = m_impulse; m_impulse = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_impulse + _local19)); _local19 = (m_impulse - _local20); _local14 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.x); _local15 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.y); _local16 = ((-(m_ratio) * _local19) * m_u2.x); _local17 = ((-(m_ratio) * _local19) * m_u2.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local15) - (_local6 * _local14)))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local17)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local17) - (_local9 * _local16)))); }; if (m_limitState1 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local10 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local6)); _local11 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local5)); _local18 = -(((m_u1.x * _local10) + (m_u1.y * _local11))); _local19 = (-(m_limitMass1) * _local18); _local20 = m_limitImpulse1; m_limitImpulse1 = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_limitImpulse1 + _local19)); _local19 = (m_limitImpulse1 - _local20); _local14 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.x); _local15 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local15) - (_local6 * _local14)))); }; if (m_limitState2 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local12 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)); _local13 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local8)); _local18 = -(((m_u2.x * _local12) + (m_u2.y * _local13))); _local19 = (-(m_limitMass2) * _local18); _local20 = m_limitImpulse2; m_limitImpulse2 = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_limitImpulse2 + _local19)); _local19 = (m_limitImpulse2 - _local20); _local16 = (-(_local19) * m_u2.x); _local17 = (-(_local19) * m_u2.y); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local17)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local17) - (_local9 * _local16)))); }; } public function GetGroundAnchor1():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = m_ground.m_xf.position.Copy(); _local1.Add(m_groundAnchor1); return (_local1); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 69
//b2PulleyJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PulleyJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2PulleyJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var maxLength2:Number; public var length1:Number; public var length2:Number; public var maxLength1:Number; public var ratio:Number; public var groundAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var groundAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public function b2PulleyJointDef(){ groundAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); groundAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_pulleyJoint; groundAnchor1.Set(-1, 1); groundAnchor2.Set(1, 1); localAnchor1.Set(-1, 0); localAnchor2.Set(1, 0); length1 = 0; maxLength1 = 0; length2 = 0; maxLength2 = 0; ratio = 1; collideConnected = true; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2, _arg5:b2Vec2, _arg6:b2Vec2, _arg7:Number):void{ var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; groundAnchor1.SetV(_arg3); groundAnchor2.SetV(_arg4); localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg5); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg6); _local8 = (_arg5.x - _arg3.x); _local9 = (_arg5.y - _arg3.y); length1 = Math.sqrt(((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9))); _local10 = (_arg6.x - _arg4.x); _local11 = (_arg6.y - _arg4.y); length2 = Math.sqrt(((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11))); ratio = _arg7; _local12 = (length1 + (ratio * length2)); maxLength1 = (_local12 - (ratio * b2PulleyJoint.b2_minPulleyLength)); maxLength2 = ((_local12 - b2PulleyJoint.b2_minPulleyLength) / ratio); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 70
//b2RevoluteJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2RevoluteJoint extends b2Joint { private var m_referenceAngle:Number; private var m_enableLimit:Boolean; private var m_impulse:b2Vec3; private var m_limitState:int; private var m_motorMass:Number; b2internal var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var K2:b2Mat22; b2internal var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; private var K1:b2Mat22; private var K3:b2Mat22; private var K:b2Mat22; private var m_motorImpulse:Number; private var m_mass:b2Mat33; private var m_enableMotor:Boolean; private var m_upperAngle:Number; private var m_motorSpeed:Number; private var m_maxMotorTorque:Number; private var m_lowerAngle:Number; private static var tImpulse:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public function b2RevoluteJoint(_arg1:b2RevoluteJointDef){ K = new b2Mat22(); K1 = new b2Mat22(); K2 = new b2Mat22(); K3 = new b2Mat22(); m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_impulse = new b2Vec3(); m_mass = new b2Mat33(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_referenceAngle = _arg1.referenceAngle; m_impulse.SetZero(); m_motorImpulse = 0; m_lowerAngle = _arg1.lowerAngle; m_upperAngle = _arg1.upperAngle; m_maxMotorTorque = _arg1.maxMotorTorque; m_motorSpeed = _arg1.motorSpeed; m_enableLimit = _arg1.enableLimit; m_enableMotor = _arg1.enableMotor; m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } public function GetUpperLimit():Number{ return (m_upperAngle); } public function GetLowerLimit():Number{ return (m_lowerAngle); } public function EnableMotor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_enableMotor = _arg1; } public function SetLimits(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ m_lowerAngle = _arg1; m_upperAngle = _arg2; } public function GetMotorSpeed():Number{ return (m_motorSpeed); } override public function GetReactionForce(_arg1:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2((_arg1 * m_impulse.x), (_arg1 * m_impulse.y))); } override b2internal function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; _local5 = m_body1; _local6 = m_body2; _local7 = 0; _local8 = 0; if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local25 = ((_local6.m_sweep.a - _local5.m_sweep.a) - m_referenceAngle); _local26 = 0; if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits){ _local3 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local25, -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection); _local26 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local3); _local7 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local3); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ _local3 = (_local25 - m_lowerAngle); _local7 = -(_local3); _local3 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local3 + b2Settings.b2_angularSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection), 0); _local26 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local3); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ _local3 = (_local25 - m_upperAngle); _local7 = _local3; _local3 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local3 - b2Settings.b2_angularSlop), 0, b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection); _local26 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local3); }; }; }; _local5.m_sweep.a = (_local5.m_sweep.a - (_local5.m_invI * _local26)); _local6.m_sweep.a = (_local6.m_sweep.a + (_local6.m_invI * _local26)); _local5.SynchronizeTransform(); _local6.SynchronizeTransform(); }; _local4 = _local5.m_xf.R; _local12 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local13 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local12) + (_local4.col2.x * _local13)); _local13 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local12) + (_local4.col2.y * _local13)); _local12 = _local9; _local4 = _local6.m_xf.R; _local14 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local6.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local15 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local6.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local14) + (_local4.col2.x * _local15)); _local15 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local14) + (_local4.col2.y * _local15)); _local14 = _local9; _local16 = (((_local6.m_sweep.c.x + _local14) - _local5.m_sweep.c.x) - _local12); _local17 = (((_local6.m_sweep.c.y + _local15) - _local5.m_sweep.c.y) - _local13); _local18 = ((_local16 * _local16) + (_local17 * _local17)); _local19 = Math.sqrt(_local18); _local8 = _local19; _local20 = _local5.m_invMass; _local21 = _local6.m_invMass; _local22 = _local5.m_invI; _local23 = _local6.m_invI; _local24 = (10 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop); if (_local18 > (_local24 * _local24)){ _local27 = (_local16 / _local19); _local28 = (_local17 / _local19); _local29 = (_local20 + _local21); _local30 = (1 / _local29); _local10 = (_local30 * -(_local16)); _local11 = (_local30 * -(_local17)); _local31 = 0.5; _local5.m_sweep.c.x = (_local5.m_sweep.c.x - ((_local31 * _local20) * _local10)); _local5.m_sweep.c.y = (_local5.m_sweep.c.y - ((_local31 * _local20) * _local11)); _local6.m_sweep.c.x = (_local6.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local31 * _local21) * _local10)); _local6.m_sweep.c.y = (_local6.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local31 * _local21) * _local11)); _local16 = (((_local6.m_sweep.c.x + _local14) - _local5.m_sweep.c.x) - _local12); _local17 = (((_local6.m_sweep.c.y + _local15) - _local5.m_sweep.c.y) - _local13); }; K1.col1.x = (_local20 + _local21); K1.col2.x = 0; K1.col1.y = 0; K1.col2.y = (_local20 + _local21); K2.col1.x = ((_local22 * _local13) * _local13); K2.col2.x = ((-(_local22) * _local12) * _local13); K2.col1.y = ((-(_local22) * _local12) * _local13); K2.col2.y = ((_local22 * _local12) * _local12); K3.col1.x = ((_local23 * _local15) * _local15); K3.col2.x = ((-(_local23) * _local14) * _local15); K3.col1.y = ((-(_local23) * _local14) * _local15); K3.col2.y = ((_local23 * _local14) * _local14); K.SetM(K1); K.AddM(K2); K.AddM(K3); K.Solve(tImpulse, -(_local16), -(_local17)); _local10 = tImpulse.x; _local11 = tImpulse.y; _local5.m_sweep.c.x = (_local5.m_sweep.c.x - (_local5.m_invMass * _local10)); _local5.m_sweep.c.y = (_local5.m_sweep.c.y - (_local5.m_invMass * _local11)); _local5.m_sweep.a = (_local5.m_sweep.a - (_local5.m_invI * ((_local12 * _local11) - (_local13 * _local10)))); _local6.m_sweep.c.x = (_local6.m_sweep.c.x + (_local6.m_invMass * _local10)); _local6.m_sweep.c.y = (_local6.m_sweep.c.y + (_local6.m_invMass * _local11)); _local6.m_sweep.a = (_local6.m_sweep.a + (_local6.m_invI * ((_local14 * _local11) - (_local15 * _local10)))); _local5.SynchronizeTransform(); _local6.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((((_local8 <= b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)) && ((_local7 <= b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)))); } public function GetJointSpeed():Number{ return ((m_body2.m_angularVelocity - m_body1.m_angularVelocity)); } public function SetMotorSpeed(_arg1:Number):void{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); m_motorSpeed = _arg1; } public function EnableLimit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_enableLimit = _arg1; } public function SetMaxMotorTorque(_arg1:Number):void{ m_maxMotorTorque = _arg1; } public function GetJointAngle():Number{ return (((m_body2.m_sweep.a - m_body1.m_sweep.a) - m_referenceAngle)); } override b2internal function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; if (((m_enableMotor) || (m_enableLimit))){ }; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local6) + (_local4.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local6) + (_local4.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local10 = _local2.m_invMass; _local11 = _local3.m_invMass; _local12 = _local2.m_invI; _local13 = _local3.m_invI; m_mass.col1.x = (((_local10 + _local11) + ((_local7 * _local7) * _local12)) + ((_local9 * _local9) * _local13)); m_mass.col2.x = (((-(_local7) * _local6) * _local12) - ((_local9 * _local8) * _local13)); m_mass.col3.x = ((-(_local7) * _local12) - (_local9 * _local13)); m_mass.col1.y = m_mass.col2.x; m_mass.col2.y = (((_local10 + _local11) + ((_local6 * _local6) * _local12)) + ((_local8 * _local8) * _local13)); m_mass.col3.y = ((_local6 * _local12) + (_local8 * _local13)); m_mass.col1.z = m_mass.col3.x; m_mass.col2.z = m_mass.col3.y; m_mass.col3.z = (_local12 + _local13); m_motorMass = (1 / (_local12 + _local13)); if (m_enableMotor == false){ m_motorImpulse = 0; }; if (m_enableLimit){ _local14 = ((_local3.m_sweep.a - _local2.m_sweep.a) - m_referenceAngle); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperAngle - m_lowerAngle)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)){ m_limitState = e_equalLimits; } else { if (_local14 <= m_lowerAngle){ if (m_limitState != e_atLowerLimit){ m_impulse.z = 0; }; m_limitState = e_atLowerLimit; } else { if (_local14 >= m_upperAngle){ if (m_limitState != e_atUpperLimit){ m_impulse.z = 0; }; m_limitState = e_atUpperLimit; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_impulse.z = 0; }; }; }; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x * _arg1.dtRatio); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y * _arg1.dtRatio); m_motorImpulse = (m_motorImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local15 = m_impulse.x; _local16 = m_impulse.y; _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local10 * _local15)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local10 * _local16)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - (_local12 * ((((_local6 * _local16) - (_local7 * _local15)) + m_motorImpulse) + m_impulse.z))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local11 * _local15)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local11 * _local16)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local13 * ((((_local8 * _local16) - (_local9 * _local15)) + m_motorImpulse) + m_impulse.z))); } else { m_impulse.SetZero(); m_motorImpulse = 0; }; } public function GetMotorTorque():Number{ return (m_maxMotorTorque); } override public function GetReactionTorque(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 * m_impulse.z)); } public function IsLimitEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableLimit); } public function IsMotorEnabled():Boolean{ m_body1.WakeUp(); m_body2.WakeUp(); return (m_enableMotor); } override b2internal function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:Number; var _local14:b2Vec2; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:b2Vec3; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:b2Vec2; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local12 = _local2.m_linearVelocity; _local13 = _local2.m_angularVelocity; _local14 = _local3.m_linearVelocity; _local15 = _local3.m_angularVelocity; _local16 = _local2.m_invMass; _local17 = _local3.m_invMass; _local18 = _local2.m_invI; _local19 = _local3.m_invI; if (((m_enableMotor) && (!((m_limitState == e_equalLimits))))){ _local20 = ((_local15 - _local13) - m_motorSpeed); _local21 = (m_motorMass * -(_local20)); _local22 = m_motorImpulse; _local23 = (_arg1.dt * m_maxMotorTorque); m_motorImpulse = b2Math.b2Clamp((m_motorImpulse + _local21), -(_local23), _local23); _local21 = (m_motorImpulse - _local22); _local13 = (_local13 - (_local18 * _local21)); _local15 = (_local15 + (_local19 * _local21)); }; if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local10) + (_local4.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local10) + (_local4.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local5; _local24 = (((_local14.x + (-(_local15) * _local11)) - _local12.x) - (-(_local13) * _local9)); _local25 = (((_local14.y + (_local15 * _local10)) - _local12.y) - (_local13 * _local8)); _local26 = (_local15 - _local13); _local27 = m_mass.Solve33(new b2Vec3(), -(_local24), -(_local25), -(_local26)); if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits){ m_impulse.Add(_local27); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ _local6 = (m_impulse.z + _local27.z); if (_local6 < 0){ _local7 = m_mass.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), -(_local24), -(_local25)); _local27.x = _local7.x; _local27.y = _local7.y; _local27.z = -(m_impulse.z); m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local7.x); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y + _local7.y); m_impulse.z = 0; }; } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ _local6 = (m_impulse.z + _local27.z); if (_local6 > 0){ _local7 = m_mass.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), -(_local24), -(_local25)); _local27.x = _local7.x; _local27.y = _local7.y; _local27.z = -(m_impulse.z); m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local7.x); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y + _local7.y); m_impulse.z = 0; }; }; }; }; _local12.x = (_local12.x - (_local16 * _local27.x)); _local12.y = (_local12.y - (_local16 * _local27.y)); _local13 = (_local13 - (_local18 * (((_local8 * _local27.y) - (_local9 * _local27.x)) + _local27.z))); _local14.x = (_local14.x + (_local17 * _local27.x)); _local14.y = (_local14.y + (_local17 * _local27.y)); _local15 = (_local15 + (_local19 * (((_local10 * _local27.y) - (_local11 * _local27.x)) + _local27.z))); } else { _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local10) + (_local4.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local10) + (_local4.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local5; _local28 = (((_local14.x + (-(_local15) * _local11)) - _local12.x) - (-(_local13) * _local9)); _local29 = (((_local14.y + (_local15 * _local10)) - _local12.y) - (_local13 * _local8)); _local30 = m_mass.Solve22(new b2Vec2(), -(_local28), -(_local29)); m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local30.x); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y + _local30.y); _local12.x = (_local12.x - (_local16 * _local30.x)); _local12.y = (_local12.y - (_local16 * _local30.y)); _local13 = (_local13 - (_local18 * ((_local8 * _local30.y) - (_local9 * _local30.x)))); _local14.x = (_local14.x + (_local17 * _local30.x)); _local14.y = (_local14.y + (_local17 * _local30.y)); _local15 = (_local15 + (_local19 * ((_local10 * _local30.y) - (_local11 * _local30.x)))); }; _local2.m_linearVelocity.SetV(_local12); _local2.m_angularVelocity = _local13; _local3.m_linearVelocity.SetV(_local14); _local3.m_angularVelocity = _local15; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 71
//b2RevoluteJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2RevoluteJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var referenceAngle:Number; public var upperAngle:Number; public var lowerAngle:Number; public var motorSpeed:Number; public var maxMotorTorque:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var enableLimit:Boolean; public var enableMotor:Boolean; public function b2RevoluteJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_revoluteJoint; localAnchor1.Set(0, 0); localAnchor2.Set(0, 0); referenceAngle = 0; lowerAngle = 0; upperAngle = 0; maxMotorTorque = 0; motorSpeed = 0; enableLimit = false; enableMotor = false; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2):void{ body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); referenceAngle = (body2.GetAngle() - body1.GetAngle()); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 72
//b2Body (Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2Body { b2internal var m_next:b2Body; b2internal var m_angularVelocity:Number; b2internal var m_contactList:b2ContactEdge; b2internal var m_shapeList:b2Shape; b2internal var m_force:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_mass:Number; b2internal var m_sweep:b2Sweep; b2internal var m_xf:b2XForm; b2internal var m_torque:Number; private var m_userData; b2internal var m_flags:uint; b2internal var m_world:b2World; b2internal var m_prev:b2Body; b2internal var m_invMass:Number; b2internal var m_linearDamping:Number; private var m_type:int; b2internal var m_angularDamping:Number; b2internal var m_invI:Number; b2internal var m_linearVelocity:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_islandIndex:int; b2internal var m_shapeCount:int; b2internal var m_jointList:b2JointEdge; b2internal var m_sleepTime:Number; b2internal var m_I:Number; b2internal static var e_fixedRotationFlag:uint = 64; b2internal static var e_frozenFlag:uint = 2; b2internal static var e_maxTypes:uint = 3; b2internal static var e_sleepFlag:uint = 8; private static var s_massData:b2MassData = new b2MassData(); b2internal static var e_bulletFlag:uint = 32; b2internal static var e_staticType:uint = 1; b2internal static var e_islandFlag:uint = 4; b2internal static var e_allowSleepFlag:uint = 16; private static var s_xf1:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); b2internal static var e_dynamicType:uint = 2; public function b2Body(_arg1:b2BodyDef, _arg2:b2World){ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; m_xf = new b2XForm(); m_sweep = new b2Sweep(); m_linearVelocity = new b2Vec2(); m_force = new b2Vec2(); super(); m_flags = 0; if (_arg1.isBullet){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_bulletFlag); }; if (_arg1.fixedRotation){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_fixedRotationFlag); }; if (_arg1.allowSleep){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_allowSleepFlag); }; if (_arg1.isSleeping){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_sleepFlag); }; m_world = _arg2; m_xf.position.SetV(_arg1.position); m_xf.R.Set(_arg1.angle); m_sweep.localCenter.SetV(; m_sweep.t0 = 1; m_sweep.a0 = (m_sweep.a = _arg1.angle); _local3 = m_xf.R; _local4 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); m_jointList = null; m_contactList = null; m_prev = null; m_next = null; m_linearDamping = _arg1.linearDamping; m_angularDamping = _arg1.angularDamping; m_force.Set(0, 0); m_torque = 0; m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; m_sleepTime = 0; m_invMass = 0; m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; m_mass = _arg1.massData.mass; if (m_mass > 0){ m_invMass = (1 / m_mass); }; if ((m_flags & b2Body.e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0){ m_I = _arg1.massData.I; }; if (m_I > 0){ m_invI = (1 / m_I); }; if ((((m_invMass == 0)) && ((m_invI == 0)))){ m_type = e_staticType; } else { m_type = e_dynamicType; }; m_userData = _arg1.userData; m_shapeList = null; m_shapeCount = 0; } public function GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2((m_linearVelocity.x - (m_angularVelocity * (_arg1.y - m_sweep.c.y))), (m_linearVelocity.y + (m_angularVelocity * (_arg1.x - m_sweep.c.x))))); } public function SetLinearVelocity(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ m_linearVelocity.SetV(_arg1); } public function WakeUp():void{ m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_sleepFlag)); m_sleepTime = 0; } public function GetLocalCenter():b2Vec2{ return (m_sweep.localCenter); } private function connectEdges(_arg1:b2EdgeShape, _arg2:b2EdgeShape, _arg3:Number):Number{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Boolean; _local4 = Math.atan2(_arg2.GetDirectionVector().y, _arg2.GetDirectionVector().x); _local5 = Math.tan(((_local4 - _arg3) * 0.5)); _local6 = b2Math.MulFV(_local5, _arg2.GetDirectionVector()); _local6 = b2Math.SubtractVV(_local6, _arg2.GetNormalVector()); _local6 = b2Math.MulFV(b2Settings.b2_toiSlop, _local6); _local6 = b2Math.AddVV(_local6, _arg2.GetVertex1()); _local7 = b2Math.AddVV(_arg1.GetDirectionVector(), _arg2.GetDirectionVector()); _local7.Normalize(); _local8 = (b2Math.b2Dot(_arg1.GetDirectionVector(), _arg2.GetNormalVector()) > 0); _arg1.SetNextEdge(_arg2, _local6, _local7, _local8); _arg2.SetPrevEdge(_arg1, _local6, _local7, _local8); return (_local4); } public function ApplyTorque(_arg1:Number):void{ if (IsSleeping()){ WakeUp(); }; m_torque = (m_torque + _arg1); } public function IsFrozen():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_frozenFlag) == e_frozenFlag)); } public function IsDynamic():Boolean{ return ((m_type == e_dynamicType)); } public function GetLinearVelocity():b2Vec2{ return (m_linearVelocity); } b2internal function SynchronizeTransform():void{ var _local1:b2Mat22; var _local2:b2Vec2; m_xf.R.Set(m_sweep.a); _local1 = m_xf.R; _local2 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_xf.position.x = (m_sweep.c.x - ((_local1.col1.x * _local2.x) + (_local1.col2.x * _local2.y))); m_xf.position.y = (m_sweep.c.y - ((_local1.col1.y * _local2.x) + (_local1.col2.y * _local2.y))); } public function GetInertia():Number{ return (m_I); } public function IsSleeping():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_sleepFlag) == e_sleepFlag)); } public function SetMassFromShapes():void{ var _local1:b2Shape; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2MassData; var _local5:b2Mat22; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:int; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return; }; m_mass = 0; m_invMass = 0; m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = s_massData; _local1 = m_shapeList; while (_local1) { _local1.ComputeMass(_local4); m_mass = (m_mass + _local4.mass); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local4.mass *; _local3 = (_local3 + (_local4.mass *; m_I = (m_I + _local4.I); _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; if (m_mass > 0){ m_invMass = (1 / m_mass); _local2 = (_local2 * m_invMass); _local3 = (_local3 * m_invMass); }; if ((((m_I > 0)) && (((m_flags & e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0)))){ m_I = (m_I - (m_mass * ((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)))); m_invI = (1 / m_I); } else { m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; }; m_sweep.localCenter.Set(_local2, _local3); _local5 = m_xf.R; _local6 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local5.col1.x * _local6.x) + (_local5.col2.x * _local6.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local5.col1.y * _local6.x) + (_local5.col2.y * _local6.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); _local1 = m_shapeList; while (_local1) { _local1.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; _local7 = m_type; if ((((m_invMass == 0)) && ((m_invI == 0)))){ m_type = e_staticType; } else { m_type = e_dynamicType; }; if (_local7 != m_type){ _local1 = m_shapeList; while (_local1) { _local1.RefilterProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; }; } public function PutToSleep():void{ m_flags = (m_flags | e_sleepFlag); m_sleepTime = 0; m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; m_force.SetZero(); m_torque = 0; } public function GetJointList():b2JointEdge{ return (m_jointList); } public function SetXForm(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Boolean; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return (true); }; if (IsFrozen()){ return (false); }; m_xf.R.Set(_arg2); m_xf.position.SetV(_arg1); _local4 = m_xf.R; _local5 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local4.col1.x * _local5.x) + (_local4.col2.x * _local5.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local4.col1.y * _local5.x) + (_local4.col2.y * _local5.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); m_sweep.a0 = (m_sweep.a = _arg2); _local6 = false; _local3 = m_shapeList; while (_local3) { _local7 = _local3.Synchronize(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf, m_xf); if (_local7 == false){ _local6 = true; break; }; _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; if (_local6 == true){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_frozenFlag); m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; _local3 = m_shapeList; while (_local3) { _local3.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase); _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; return (false); }; m_world.m_broadPhase.Commit(); return (true); } public function GetLocalPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulXT(m_xf, _arg1)); } public function SetAngularVelocity(_arg1:Number):void{ m_angularVelocity = _arg1; } b2internal function SynchronizeShapes():Boolean{ var _local1:b2XForm; var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:Boolean; _local1 = s_xf1; _local1.R.Set(m_sweep.a0); _local2 = _local1.R; _local3 = m_sweep.localCenter; _local1.position.x = (m_sweep.c0.x - ((_local2.col1.x * _local3.x) + (_local2.col2.x * _local3.y))); _local1.position.y = (m_sweep.c0.y - ((_local2.col1.y * _local3.x) + (_local2.col2.y * _local3.y))); _local5 = true; _local4 = m_shapeList; while (_local4) { _local5 = _local4.Synchronize(m_world.m_broadPhase, _local1, m_xf); if (_local5 == false){ break; }; _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; if (_local5 == false){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_frozenFlag); m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; _local4 = m_shapeList; while (_local4) { _local4.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase); _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; return (false); }; return (true); } public function GetAngle():Number{ return (m_sweep.a); } public function GetXForm():b2XForm{ return (m_xf); } public function ApplyImpulse(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ if (IsSleeping()){ WakeUp(); }; m_linearVelocity.x = (m_linearVelocity.x + (m_invMass * _arg1.x)); m_linearVelocity.y = (m_linearVelocity.y + (m_invMass * _arg1.y)); m_angularVelocity = (m_angularVelocity + (m_invI * (((_arg2.x - m_sweep.c.x) * _arg1.y) - ((_arg2.y - m_sweep.c.y) * _arg1.x)))); } public function GetNext():b2Body{ return (m_next); } public function GetMass():Number{ return (m_mass); } public function ApplyForce(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ if (IsSleeping()){ WakeUp(); }; m_force.x = (m_force.x + _arg1.x); m_force.y = (m_force.y + _arg1.y); m_torque = (m_torque + (((_arg2.x - m_sweep.c.x) * _arg1.y) - ((_arg2.y - m_sweep.c.y) * _arg1.x))); } public function GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; _local2 = m_xf.R; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_local2.col1.x * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.x * _arg1.y)), ((_local2.col1.y * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.y * _arg1.y))); _local3.x = (_local3.x + m_xf.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + m_xf.position.y); return (new b2Vec2((m_linearVelocity.x - (m_angularVelocity * (_local3.y - m_sweep.c.y))), (m_linearVelocity.y + (m_angularVelocity * (_local3.x - m_sweep.c.x))))); } public function GetAngularVelocity():Number{ return (m_angularVelocity); } public function SetMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:int; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return; }; m_invMass = 0; m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; m_mass = _arg1.mass; if (m_mass > 0){ m_invMass = (1 / m_mass); }; if ((m_flags & b2Body.e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0){ m_I = _arg1.I; }; if (m_I > 0){ m_invI = (1 / m_I); }; m_sweep.localCenter.SetV(; _local3 = m_xf.R; _local4 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); _local2 = m_shapeList; while (_local2) { _local2.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _local5 = m_type; if ((((m_invMass == 0)) && ((m_invI == 0)))){ m_type = e_staticType; } else { m_type = e_dynamicType; }; if (_local5 != m_type){ _local2 = m_shapeList; while (_local2) { _local2.RefilterProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; }; } public function IsStatic():Boolean{ return ((m_type == e_staticType)); } public function GetWorldVector(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulMV(m_xf.R, _arg1)); } public function GetShapeList():b2Shape{ return (m_shapeList); } b2internal function Advance(_arg1:Number):void{ m_sweep.Advance(_arg1); m_sweep.c.SetV(m_sweep.c0); m_sweep.a = m_sweep.a0; SynchronizeTransform(); } public function SetBullet(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_bulletFlag); } else { m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_bulletFlag)); }; } public function CreateShape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef):b2Shape{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2EdgeChainDef; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2EdgeShape; var _local8:b2EdgeShape; var _local9:b2EdgeShape; var _local10:Number; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return (null); }; if (_arg1.type == b2Shape.e_edgeShape){ _local3 = (_arg1 as b2EdgeChainDef); if (_local3.isALoop){ _local4 = _local3.vertices[(_local3.vertexCount - 1)]; _local6 = 0; } else { _local4 = _local3.vertices[0]; _local6 = 1; }; _local7 = null; _local8 = null; _local9 = null; _local10 = 0; while (_local6 < _local3.vertexCount) { _local5 = _local3.vertices[_local6]; _local9 = new b2EdgeShape(_local4, _local5, _arg1); _local9.m_next = m_shapeList; m_shapeList = _local9; m_shapeCount++; _local9.m_body = this; _local9.CreateProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local9.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); if (_local8 == null){ _local7 = _local9; _local10 = Math.atan2(_local9.GetDirectionVector().y, _local9.GetDirectionVector().x); } else { _local10 = connectEdges(_local8, _local9, _local10); }; _local8 = _local9; _local4 = _local5; _local6++; }; if (_local3.isALoop){ connectEdges(_local8, _local7, _local10); }; return (_local7); }; _local2 = b2Shape.Create(_arg1, m_world.m_blockAllocator); _local2.m_next = m_shapeList; m_shapeList = _local2; m_shapeCount++; _local2.m_body = this; _local2.CreateProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local2.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); return (_local2); } b2internal function IsConnected(_arg1:b2Body):Boolean{ var _local2:b2JointEdge; _local2 = m_jointList; while (_local2) { if (_local2.other == _arg1){ return ((_local2.joint.m_collideConnected == false)); }; _local2 =; }; return (false); } public function DestroyShape(_arg1:b2Shape):void{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:Boolean; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return; }; _arg1.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase); _local2 = m_shapeList; _local3 = null; _local4 = false; while (_local2 != null) { if (_local2 == _arg1){ if (_local3){ _local3.m_next = _arg1.m_next; } else { m_shapeList = _arg1.m_next; }; _local4 = true; break; }; _local3 = _local2; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _arg1.m_body = null; _arg1.m_next = null; m_shapeCount--; b2Shape.Destroy(_arg1, m_world.m_blockAllocator); } public function GetUserData(){ return (m_userData); } public function IsBullet():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_bulletFlag) == e_bulletFlag)); } public function GetWorldCenter():b2Vec2{ return (m_sweep.c); } public function AllowSleeping(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_allowSleepFlag); } else { m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_allowSleepFlag)); WakeUp(); }; } public function SetUserData(_arg1):void{ m_userData = _arg1; } public function GetLocalVector(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulTMV(m_xf.R, _arg1)); } public function GetWorldPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; _local2 = m_xf.R; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_local2.col1.x * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.x * _arg1.y)), ((_local2.col1.y * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.y * _arg1.y))); _local3.x = (_local3.x + m_xf.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + m_xf.position.y); return (_local3); } public function GetWorld():b2World{ return (m_world); } public function GetPosition():b2Vec2{ return (m_xf.position); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 73
//b2BodyDef (Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2BodyDef { public var isSleeping:Boolean; public var position:b2Vec2; public var isBullet:Boolean; public var allowSleep:Boolean; public var userData; public var angularDamping:Number; public var fixedRotation:Boolean; public var angle:Number; public var linearDamping:Number; public var massData:b2MassData; public function b2BodyDef(){ massData = new b2MassData(); position = new b2Vec2(); super();; massData.mass = 0; massData.I = 0; userData = null; position.Set(0, 0); angle = 0; linearDamping = 0; angularDamping = 0; allowSleep = true; isSleeping = false; fixedRotation = false; isBullet = false; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 74
//b2BoundaryListener (Box2D.Dynamics.b2BoundaryListener) package Box2D.Dynamics { public class b2BoundaryListener { public function Violation(_arg1:b2Body):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 75
//b2ContactFilter (Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactFilter) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2ContactFilter { b2internal static var b2_defaultFilter:b2ContactFilter = new (b2ContactFilter); ; public function RayCollide(_arg1, _arg2:b2Shape):Boolean{ if (!_arg1){ return (true); }; return (ShouldCollide((_arg1 as b2Shape), _arg2)); } public function ShouldCollide(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape):Boolean{ var _local3:b2FilterData; var _local4:b2FilterData; var _local5:Boolean; _local3 = _arg1.GetFilterData(); _local4 = _arg2.GetFilterData(); if ((((_local3.groupIndex == _local4.groupIndex)) && (!((_local3.groupIndex == 0))))){ return ((_local3.groupIndex > 0)); }; _local5 = ((!(((_local3.maskBits & _local4.categoryBits) == 0))) && (!(((_local3.categoryBits & _local4.maskBits) == 0)))); return (_local5); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 76
//b2ContactListener (Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactListener) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2ContactListener { public function Add(_arg1:b2ContactPoint):void{ } public function Remove(_arg1:b2ContactPoint):void{ } public function Persist(_arg1:b2ContactPoint):void{ } public function Result(_arg1:b2ContactResult):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 77
//b2ContactManager (Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactManager) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2ContactManager extends b2PairCallback { b2internal var m_world:b2World; private var m_destroyImmediate:Boolean; private var m_nullContact:b2NullContact; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2ContactManager(){ m_nullContact = new b2NullContact(); super(); m_world = null; m_destroyImmediate = false; } override public function PairAdded(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Contact; _local3 = (_arg1 as b2Shape); _local4 = (_arg2 as b2Shape); _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; if (((_local5.IsStatic()) && (_local6.IsStatic()))){ return (m_nullContact); }; if (_local3.m_body == _local4.m_body){ return (m_nullContact); }; if (_local6.IsConnected(_local5)){ return (m_nullContact); }; if (((!((m_world.m_contactFilter == null))) && ((m_world.m_contactFilter.ShouldCollide(_local3, _local4) == false)))){ return (m_nullContact); }; _local7 = b2Contact.Create(_local3, _local4, m_world.m_blockAllocator); if (_local7 == null){ return (m_nullContact); }; _local3 = _local7.m_shape1; _local4 = _local7.m_shape2; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; _local7.m_prev = null; _local7.m_next = m_world.m_contactList; if (m_world.m_contactList != null){ m_world.m_contactList.m_prev = _local7; }; m_world.m_contactList = _local7; = _local7; _local7.m_node1.other = _local6; _local7.m_node1.prev = null; = _local5.m_contactList; if (_local5.m_contactList != null){ _local5.m_contactList.prev = _local7.m_node1; }; _local5.m_contactList = _local7.m_node1; = _local7; _local7.m_node2.other = _local5; _local7.m_node2.prev = null; = _local6.m_contactList; if (_local6.m_contactList != null){ _local6.m_contactList.prev = _local7.m_node2; }; _local6.m_contactList = _local7.m_node2; m_world.m_contactCount++; return (_local7); } override public function PairRemoved(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ var _local4:b2Contact; if (_arg3 == null){ return; }; _local4 = (_arg3 as b2Contact); if (_local4 == m_nullContact){ return; }; Destroy(_local4); } public function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact):void{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2ContactPoint; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Manifold; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local13:b2Vec2; var _local14:b2Vec2; _local2 = _arg1.m_shape1; _local3 = _arg1.m_shape2; _local4 = _local2.m_body; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = s_evalCP; _local6.shape1 = _arg1.m_shape1; _local6.shape2 = _arg1.m_shape2; _local6.friction = b2Settings.b2MixFriction(_local2.GetFriction(), _local3.GetFriction()); _local6.restitution = b2Settings.b2MixRestitution(_local2.GetRestitution(), _local3.GetRestitution()); _local7 = _arg1.m_manifoldCount; if ((((_local7 > 0)) && (m_world.m_contactListener))){ _local8 = _arg1.GetManifolds(); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local7) { _local10 = _local8[_local9]; _local6.normal.SetV(_local10.normal); _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local10.pointCount) { _local12 = _local10.points[_local11]; _local6.position = _local4.GetWorldPoint(_local12.localPoint1); _local13 = _local4.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local12.localPoint1); _local14 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local12.localPoint2); _local6.velocity.Set((_local14.x - _local13.x), (_local14.y - _local13.y)); _local6.separation = _local12.separation; =; m_world.m_contactListener.Remove(_local6); _local11++; }; _local9++; }; }; if (_arg1.m_prev){ _arg1.m_prev.m_next = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_next){ _arg1.m_next.m_prev = _arg1.m_prev; }; if (_arg1 == m_world.m_contactList){ m_world.m_contactList = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_node1.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node1.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node1 == _local4.m_contactList){ _local4.m_contactList =; }; if (_arg1.m_node2.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node2.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node2 == _local5.m_contactList){ _local5.m_contactList =; }; b2Contact.Destroy(_arg1, m_world.m_blockAllocator); m_world.m_contactCount--; } public function Collide():void{ var _local1:b2Contact; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; _local1 = m_world.m_contactList; while (_local1) { _local2 = _local1.m_shape1.m_body; _local3 = _local1.m_shape2.m_body; if (((_local2.IsSleeping()) && (_local3.IsSleeping()))){ } else { _local1.Update(m_world.m_contactListener); }; _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 78
//b2DebugDraw (Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import flash.display.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2DebugDraw { private var m_xformScale:Number;// = 1 private var m_fillAlpha:Number;// = 1 private var m_alpha:Number;// = 1 private var m_lineThickness:Number;// = 1 private var m_drawFlags:uint; b2internal var m_sprite:Sprite; private var m_drawScale:Number;// = 1 public static var e_coreShapeBit:uint = 4; public static var e_shapeBit:uint = 1; public static var e_centerOfMassBit:uint = 64; public static var e_aabbBit:uint = 8; public static var e_obbBit:uint = 16; public static var e_pairBit:uint = 32; public static var e_jointBit:uint = 2; public function b2DebugDraw(){ m_drawScale = 1; m_lineThickness = 1; m_alpha = 1; m_fillAlpha = 1; m_xformScale = 1; super(); m_drawFlags = 0; } public function SetDrawScale(_arg1:Number):void{ m_drawScale = _arg1; } public function GetFillAlpha():Number{ return (m_fillAlpha); } public function GetAlpha():Number{ return (m_alpha); } public function GetLineThickness():Number{ return (m_lineThickness); } public function GetDrawScale():Number{ return (m_drawScale); } public function DrawSolidPolygon(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:b2Color):void{ var _local4:int;, _arg3.color, m_alpha);[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale));, m_fillAlpha); _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < _arg2) {[_local4].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[_local4].y * m_drawScale)); _local4++; };[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale));; } public function DrawCircle(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Color):void{, _arg3.color, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale), (_arg2 * m_drawScale)); } public function DrawSolidCircle(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Color):void{, _arg4.color, m_alpha);, 0);, m_fillAlpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale), (_arg2 * m_drawScale));; * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale)); + (_arg3.x * _arg2)) * m_drawScale), ((_arg1.y + (_arg3.y * _arg2)) * m_drawScale)); } public function DrawXForm(_arg1:b2XForm):void{, 0xFF0000, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.position.y * m_drawScale)); + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col1.x)) * m_drawScale), ((_arg1.position.y + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col1.y)) * m_drawScale));, 0xFF00, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.position.y * m_drawScale)); + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col2.x)) * m_drawScale), ((_arg1.position.y + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col2.y)) * m_drawScale)); } public function ClearFlags(_arg1:uint):void{ m_drawFlags = (m_drawFlags & ~(_arg1)); } public function GetSprite():Sprite{ return (m_sprite); } public function GetXFormScale():Number{ return (m_xformScale); } public function SetFlags(_arg1:uint):void{ m_drawFlags = _arg1; } public function SetSprite(_arg1:Sprite):void{ m_sprite = _arg1; } public function AppendFlags(_arg1:uint):void{ m_drawFlags = (m_drawFlags | _arg1); } public function DrawSegment(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Color):void{, _arg3.color, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale)); * m_drawScale), (_arg2.y * m_drawScale)); } public function SetXFormScale(_arg1:Number):void{ m_xformScale = _arg1; } public function GetFlags():uint{ return (m_drawFlags); } public function DrawPolygon(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:b2Color):void{ var _local4:int;, _arg3.color, m_alpha);[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale)); _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < _arg2) {[_local4].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[_local4].y * m_drawScale)); _local4++; };[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale)); } public function SetFillAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ m_fillAlpha = _arg1; } public function SetAlpha(_arg1:Number):void{ m_alpha = _arg1; } public function SetLineThickness(_arg1:Number):void{ m_lineThickness = _arg1; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 79
//b2DestructionListener (Box2D.Dynamics.b2DestructionListener) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; public class b2DestructionListener { public function SayGoodbyeJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ } public function SayGoodbyeShape(_arg1:b2Shape):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 80
//b2Island (Box2D.Dynamics.b2Island) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2Island { b2internal var m_joints:Array; private var m_listener:b2ContactListener; private var m_bodyCapacity:int; b2internal var m_bodies:Array; b2internal var m_jointCapacity:int; b2internal var m_contactCount:int; b2internal var m_contacts:Array; b2internal var m_contactCapacity:int; b2internal var m_jointCount:int; private var m_allocator; b2internal var m_bodyCount:int; private static var s_reportCR:b2ContactResult = new b2ContactResult(); public function b2Island(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4, _arg5:b2ContactListener){ var _local6:int; super(); m_bodyCapacity = _arg1; m_contactCapacity = _arg2; m_jointCapacity = _arg3; m_bodyCount = 0; m_contactCount = 0; m_jointCount = 0; m_allocator = _arg4; m_listener = _arg5; m_bodies = new Array(_arg1); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1) { m_bodies[_local6] = null; _local6++; }; m_contacts = new Array(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2) { m_contacts[_local6] = null; _local6++; }; m_joints = new Array(_arg3); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3) { m_joints[_local6] = null; _local6++; }; } public function AddBody(_arg1:b2Body):void{ _arg1.m_islandIndex = m_bodyCount; var _local2 = m_bodyCount++; m_bodies[_local2] = _arg1; } public function AddJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ var _local2 = m_jointCount++; m_joints[_local2] = _arg1; } public function Report(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2Contact; var _local6:b2ContactConstraint; var _local7:b2ContactResult; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2Manifold; var _local13:int; var _local14:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local15:b2ContactConstraintPoint; if (m_listener == null){ return; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_contactCount) { _local5 = m_contacts[_local4]; _local6 = _arg1[_local4]; _local7 = s_reportCR; _local7.shape1 = _local5.m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = _local5.m_shape2; _local8 = _local7.shape1.m_body; _local9 = _local5.m_manifoldCount; _local10 = _local5.GetManifolds(); _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local12 = _local10[_local11]; _local7.normal.SetV(_local12.normal); _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < _local12.pointCount) { _local14 = _local12.points[_local13]; _local15 = _local6.points[_local13]; _local7.position = _local8.GetWorldPoint(_local14.localPoint1); _local7.normalImpulse = _local15.normalImpulse; _local7.tangentImpulse = _local15.tangentImpulse; =; m_listener.Result(_local7); _local13++; }; _local11++; }; _local4++; }; } public function Solve(_arg1:b2TimeStep, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Boolean):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Joint; var _local8:b2ContactSolver; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:Boolean; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local4]; if (_local6.IsStatic()){ } else { _local6.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.x + (_arg1.dt * (_arg2.x + (_local6.m_invMass * _local6.m_force.x)))); _local6.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.y + (_arg1.dt * (_arg2.y + (_local6.m_invMass * _local6.m_force.y)))); _local6.m_angularVelocity = (_local6.m_angularVelocity + ((_arg1.dt * _local6.m_invI) * _local6.m_torque)); _local6.m_force.SetZero(); _local6.m_torque = 0; _local6.m_linearVelocity.Multiply(b2Math.b2Clamp((1 - (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearDamping)), 0, 1)); _local6.m_angularVelocity = (_local6.m_angularVelocity * b2Math.b2Clamp((1 - (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_angularDamping)), 0, 1)); if (_local6.m_linearVelocity.LengthSquared() > b2Settings.b2_maxLinearVelocitySquared){ _local6.m_linearVelocity.Normalize(); _local6.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.x * b2Settings.b2_maxLinearVelocity); _local6.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.y * b2Settings.b2_maxLinearVelocity); }; if ((_local6.m_angularVelocity * _local6.m_angularVelocity) > b2Settings.b2_maxAngularVelocitySquared){ if (_local6.m_angularVelocity < 0){ _local6.m_angularVelocity = -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularVelocity); } else { _local6.m_angularVelocity = b2Settings.b2_maxAngularVelocity; }; }; }; _local4++; }; _local8 = new b2ContactSolver(_arg1, m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator); _local8.InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local4]; _local7.InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.velocityIterations) { _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local5]; _local7.SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local5++; }; _local8.SolveVelocityConstraints(); _local4++; }; _local8.FinalizeVelocityConstraints(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local4]; if (_local6.IsStatic()){ } else { _local6.m_sweep.c0.SetV(_local6.m_sweep.c); _local6.m_sweep.a0 = _local6.m_sweep.a; _local6.m_sweep.c.x = (_local6.m_sweep.c.x + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearVelocity.x)); _local6.m_sweep.c.y = (_local6.m_sweep.c.y + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearVelocity.y)); _local6.m_sweep.a = (_local6.m_sweep.a + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_angularVelocity)); _local6.SynchronizeTransform(); }; _local4++; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg1.positionIterations) { _local9 = _local8.SolvePositionConstraints(b2Settings.b2_contactBaumgarte); _local10 = true; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local5]; _local11 = _local7.SolvePositionConstraints(b2Settings.b2_contactBaumgarte); _local10 = ((_local10) && (_local11)); _local5++; }; if (((_local9) && (_local10))){ break; }; _local4++; }; Report(_local8.m_constraints); if (_arg3){ _local12 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local13 = (b2Settings.b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2Settings.b2_linearSleepTolerance); _local14 = (b2Settings.b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2Settings.b2_angularSleepTolerance); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local4]; if (_local6.m_invMass == 0){ } else { if ((_local6.m_flags & b2Body.e_allowSleepFlag) == 0){ _local6.m_sleepTime = 0; _local12 = 0; }; if (((((((_local6.m_flags & b2Body.e_allowSleepFlag) == 0)) || (((_local6.m_angularVelocity * _local6.m_angularVelocity) > _local14)))) || ((b2Math.b2Dot(_local6.m_linearVelocity, _local6.m_linearVelocity) > _local13)))){ _local6.m_sleepTime = 0; _local12 = 0; } else { _local6.m_sleepTime = (_local6.m_sleepTime + _arg1.dt); _local12 = b2Math.b2Min(_local12, _local6.m_sleepTime); }; }; _local4++; }; if (_local12 >= b2Settings.b2_timeToSleep){ _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local4]; m_bodies[_local4].m_flags = (_local6.m_flags | b2Body.e_sleepFlag); _local6.m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); _local6.m_angularVelocity = 0; _local4++; }; }; }; } public function AddContact(_arg1:b2Contact):void{ var _local2 = m_contactCount++; m_contacts[_local2] = _arg1; } public function Clear():void{ m_bodyCount = 0; m_contactCount = 0; m_jointCount = 0; } public function SolveTOI(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:b2ContactSolver; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:Boolean; var _local8:Boolean; var _local9:Boolean; _local4 = new b2ContactSolver(_arg1, m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator); _arg1.warmStarting = true; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_jointCount) { m_joints[_local2].InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.velocityIterations) { _local4.SolveVelocityConstraints(); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_jointCount) { m_joints[_local3].InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local3++; }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local2]; if (_local6.IsStatic()){ } else { _local6.m_sweep.c0.SetV(_local6.m_sweep.c); _local6.m_sweep.a0 = _local6.m_sweep.a; _local6.m_sweep.c.x = (_local6.m_sweep.c.x + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearVelocity.x)); _local6.m_sweep.c.y = (_local6.m_sweep.c.y + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearVelocity.y)); _local6.m_sweep.a = (_local6.m_sweep.a + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_angularVelocity)); _local6.SynchronizeTransform(); }; _local2++; }; _local5 = 0.75; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.positionIterations) { _local7 = _local4.SolvePositionConstraints(_local5); _local8 = true; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_jointCount) { _local9 = m_joints[_local3].SolvePositionConstraints(b2Settings.b2_contactBaumgarte); _local8 = ((_local8) && (_local9)); _local3++; }; if (((_local7) && (_local8))){ break; }; _local2++; }; Report(_local4.m_constraints); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 81
//b2TimeStep (Box2D.Dynamics.b2TimeStep) package Box2D.Dynamics { public class b2TimeStep { public var warmStarting:Boolean; public var dt:Number; public var velocityIterations:int; public var dtRatio:Number; public var inv_dt:Number; public var positionIterations:int; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 82
//b2World (Box2D.Dynamics.b2World) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2World { private var m_inv_dt0:Number; private var m_boundaryListener:b2BoundaryListener; b2internal var m_contactList:b2Contact; b2internal var m_blockAllocator; b2internal var m_contactListener:b2ContactListener; b2internal var m_raycastSegment:b2Segment; b2internal var m_broadPhase:b2BroadPhase; private var m_destructionListener:b2DestructionListener; private var m_jointCount:int; private var m_bodyCount:int; b2internal var m_lock:Boolean; b2internal var m_raycastUserData; private var m_allowSleep:Boolean; b2internal var m_groundBody:b2Body; b2internal var m_contactCount:int; b2internal var m_raycastNormal:b2Vec2; b2internal var m_contactFilter:b2ContactFilter; b2internal var m_bodyList:b2Body; private var m_debugDraw:b2DebugDraw; b2internal var m_stackAllocator; private var m_jointList:b2Joint; private var m_gravity:b2Vec2; private var m_contactManager:b2ContactManager; private static var s_xf:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); private static var s_jointColor:b2Color = new b2Color(0.5, 0.8, 0.8); private static var m_continuousPhysics:Boolean; private static var m_warmStarting:Boolean; private static var s_coreColor:b2Color = new b2Color(0.9, 0.6, 0.6); public function b2World(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Boolean){ var _local4:b2BodyDef; m_raycastNormal = new b2Vec2(); m_contactManager = new b2ContactManager(); super(); m_destructionListener = null; m_boundaryListener = null; m_contactFilter = b2ContactFilter.b2_defaultFilter; m_contactListener = null; m_debugDraw = null; m_bodyList = null; m_contactList = null; m_jointList = null; m_bodyCount = 0; m_contactCount = 0; m_jointCount = 0; m_warmStarting = true; m_continuousPhysics = true; m_allowSleep = _arg3; m_gravity = _arg2; m_lock = false; m_inv_dt0 = 0; m_contactManager.m_world = this; m_broadPhase = new b2BroadPhase(_arg1, m_contactManager); _local4 = new b2BodyDef(); m_groundBody = CreateBody(_local4); } b2internal function DrawJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2XForm; var _local5:b2XForm; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Color; var _local11:b2PulleyJoint; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:b2Vec2; _local2 = _arg1.m_body1; _local3 = _arg1.m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf; _local5 = _local3.m_xf; _local6 = _local4.position; _local7 = _local5.position; _local8 = _arg1.GetAnchor1(); _local9 = _arg1.GetAnchor2(); _local10 = s_jointColor; switch (_arg1.m_type){ case b2Joint.e_distanceJoint: m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); break; case b2Joint.e_pulleyJoint: _local11 = (_arg1 as b2PulleyJoint); _local12 = _local11.GetGroundAnchor1(); _local13 = _local11.GetGroundAnchor2(); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local12, _local8, _local10); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local13, _local9, _local10); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local12, _local13, _local10); break; case b2Joint.e_mouseJoint: m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); break; default: if (_local2 != m_groundBody){ m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local6, _local8, _local10); }; m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); if (_local3 != m_groundBody){ m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local7, _local9, _local10); }; }; } public function Refilter(_arg1:b2Shape):void{ _arg1.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, _arg1.m_body.m_xf); } public function SetDebugDraw(_arg1:b2DebugDraw):void{ m_debugDraw = _arg1; } public function SetContinuousPhysics(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_continuousPhysics = _arg1; } public function GetProxyCount():int{ return (m_broadPhase.m_proxyCount); } b2internal function DrawDebugData():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:int; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:b2Joint; var _local6:b2BroadPhase; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Color; var _local11:b2XForm; var _local12:b2AABB; var _local13:b2AABB; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Boolean; var _local16:b2Pair; var _local17:b2Proxy; var _local18:b2Proxy; var _local19:b2Vec2; var _local20:b2Vec2; var _local21:b2Proxy; var _local22:b2PolygonShape; var _local23:b2OBB; var _local24:b2Vec2; var _local25:b2Mat22; var _local26:b2Vec2; var _local27:Number; if (m_debugDraw == null){ return; };; _local1 = m_debugDraw.GetFlags(); _local7 = new b2Vec2(); _local8 = new b2Vec2(); _local9 = new b2Vec2(); _local10 = new b2Color(0, 0, 0); _local12 = new b2AABB(); _local13 = new b2AABB(); _local14 = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit)){ _local15 = ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit) == b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit); _local3 = m_bodyList; while (_local3) { _local11 = _local3.m_xf; _local4 = _local3.GetShapeList(); while (_local4) { if (_local3.IsStatic()){ DrawShape(_local4, _local11, new b2Color(0.5, 0.9, 0.5), _local15); } else { if (_local3.IsSleeping()){ DrawShape(_local4, _local11, new b2Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.9), _local15); } else { DrawShape(_local4, _local11, new b2Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), _local15); }; }; _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit)){ _local5 = m_jointList; while (_local5) { DrawJoint(_local5); _local5 = _local5.m_next; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_pairBit)){ _local6 = m_broadPhase; _local7.Set((1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.x), (1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.y)); _local10.Set(0.9, 0.9, 0.3); for each (_local16 in _local6.m_pairManager.m_pairs) { _local17 = _local16.proxy1; _local18 = _local16.proxy2; if (((!(_local17)) || (!(_local18)))){ } else { _local12.lowerBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local17.lowerBounds[0]].value)); _local12.lowerBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local17.lowerBounds[1]].value)); _local12.upperBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local17.upperBounds[0]].value)); _local12.upperBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local17.upperBounds[1]].value)); _local13.lowerBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local18.lowerBounds[0]].value)); _local13.lowerBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local18.lowerBounds[1]].value)); _local13.upperBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local18.upperBounds[0]].value)); _local13.upperBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local18.upperBounds[1]].value)); _local8.x = (0.5 * (_local12.lowerBound.x + _local12.upperBound.x)); _local8.y = (0.5 * (_local12.lowerBound.y + _local12.upperBound.y)); _local9.x = (0.5 * (_local13.lowerBound.x + _local13.upperBound.x)); _local9.y = (0.5 * (_local13.lowerBound.y + _local13.upperBound.y)); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); }; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_aabbBit)){ _local6 = m_broadPhase; _local19 = _local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound; _local20 = _local6.m_worldAABB.upperBound; _local7.Set((1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.x), (1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.y)); _local10.Set(0.9, 0.3, 0.9); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local6.m_proxyPool.length) { _local21 = _local6.m_proxyPool[_local2]; if (_local21.IsValid() == false){ } else { _local12.lowerBound.x = (_local19.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local21.lowerBounds[0]].value)); _local12.lowerBound.y = (_local19.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local21.lowerBounds[1]].value)); _local12.upperBound.x = (_local19.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local21.upperBounds[0]].value)); _local12.upperBound.y = (_local19.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local21.upperBounds[1]].value)); _local14[0].Set(_local12.lowerBound.x, _local12.lowerBound.y); _local14[1].Set(_local12.upperBound.x, _local12.lowerBound.y); _local14[2].Set(_local12.upperBound.x, _local12.upperBound.y); _local14[3].Set(_local12.lowerBound.x, _local12.upperBound.y); m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, 4, _local10); }; _local2++; }; _local14[0].Set(_local19.x, _local19.y); _local14[1].Set(_local20.x, _local19.y); _local14[2].Set(_local20.x, _local20.y); _local14[3].Set(_local19.x, _local20.y); m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, 4, new b2Color(0.3, 0.9, 0.9)); }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_obbBit)){ _local10.Set(0.5, 0.3, 0.5); _local3 = m_bodyList; while (_local3) { _local11 = _local3.m_xf; _local4 = _local3.GetShapeList(); while (_local4) { if (_local4.m_type != b2Shape.e_polygonShape){ } else { _local22 = (_local4 as b2PolygonShape); _local23 = _local22.GetOBB(); _local24 = _local23.extents; _local14[0].Set(-(_local24.x), -(_local24.y)); _local14[1].Set(_local24.x, -(_local24.y)); _local14[2].Set(_local24.x, _local24.y); _local14[3].Set(-(_local24.x), _local24.y); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { _local25 = _local23.R; _local26 = _local14[_local2]; _local27 = ( + ((_local25.col1.x * _local26.x) + (_local25.col2.x * _local26.y))); _local14[_local2].y = ( + ((_local25.col1.y * _local26.x) + (_local25.col2.y * _local26.y))); _local14[_local2].x = _local27; _local25 = _local11.R; _local27 = (_local11.position.x + ((_local25.col1.x * _local26.x) + (_local25.col2.x * _local26.y))); _local14[_local2].y = (_local11.position.y + ((_local25.col1.y * _local26.x) + (_local25.col2.y * _local26.y))); _local14[_local2].x = _local27; _local2++; }; m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, 4, _local10); }; _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit)){ _local3 = m_bodyList; while (_local3) { _local11 = s_xf; _local11.R = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11.position = _local3.GetWorldCenter(); m_debugDraw.DrawXForm(_local11); _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; }; } public function DestroyBody(_arg1:b2Body):void{ var _local2:b2JointEdge; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2JointEdge; var _local5:b2Shape; if (m_lock == true){ return; }; _local2 = _arg1.m_jointList; while (_local2) { _local4 = _local2; _local2 =; if (m_destructionListener){ m_destructionListener.SayGoodbyeJoint(_local4.joint); }; DestroyJoint(_local4.joint); }; _local3 = _arg1.m_shapeList; while (_local3) { _local5 = _local3; _local3 = _local3.m_next; if (m_destructionListener){ m_destructionListener.SayGoodbyeShape(_local5); }; _local5.DestroyProxy(m_broadPhase); b2Shape.Destroy(_local5, m_blockAllocator); }; if (_arg1.m_prev){ _arg1.m_prev.m_next = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_next){ _arg1.m_next.m_prev = _arg1.m_prev; }; if (_arg1 == m_bodyList){ m_bodyList = _arg1.m_next; }; m_bodyCount--; } b2internal function DrawShape(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2Color, _arg4:Boolean):void{ var _local5:b2Color; var _local6:b2CircleShape; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:int; var _local11:b2PolygonShape; var _local12:int; var _local13:Array; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Array; var _local16:b2EdgeShape; _local5 = s_coreColor; switch (_arg1.m_type){ case b2Shape.e_circleShape: _local6 = (_arg1 as b2CircleShape); _local7 = b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local6.m_localPosition); _local8 = _local6.m_radius; _local9 = _arg2.R.col1; m_debugDraw.DrawSolidCircle(_local7, _local8, _local9, _arg3); if (_arg4){ m_debugDraw.DrawCircle(_local7, (_local8 - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop), _local5); }; break; case b2Shape.e_polygonShape: _local11 = (_arg1 as b2PolygonShape); _local12 = _local11.GetVertexCount(); _local13 = _local11.GetVertices(); _local14 = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local12) { _local14[_local10] = b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local13[_local10]); _local10++; }; m_debugDraw.DrawSolidPolygon(_local14, _local12, _arg3); if (_arg4){ _local15 = _local11.GetCoreVertices(); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local12) { _local14[_local10] = b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local15[_local10]); _local10++; }; m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, _local12, _local5); }; break; case b2Shape.e_edgeShape: _local16 = (_arg1 as b2EdgeShape); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local16.GetVertex1()), b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local16.GetVertex2()), _arg3); if (_arg4){ m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local16.GetCoreVertex1()), b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local16.GetCoreVertex2()), _local5); }; break; }; } public function GetGroundBody():b2Body{ return (m_groundBody); } public function SetContactFilter(_arg1:b2ContactFilter):void{ m_contactFilter = _arg1; } b2internal function Solve(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Island; var _local4:b2Contact; var _local5:b2Joint; var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:b2Body; var _local12:b2ContactEdge; var _local13:b2JointEdge; var _local14:Boolean; _local3 = new b2Island(m_bodyCount, m_contactCount, m_jointCount, m_stackAllocator, m_contactListener); _local2 = m_bodyList; while (_local2) { _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _local4 = m_contactList; while (_local4) { _local4.m_flags = (_local4.m_flags & ~(b2Contact.e_islandFlag)); _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; _local5 = m_jointList; while (_local5) { _local5.m_islandFlag = false; _local5 = _local5.m_next; }; _local6 = m_bodyCount; _local7 = new Array(_local6); _local8 = m_bodyList; while (_local8) { if ((_local8.m_flags & ((b2Body.e_islandFlag | b2Body.e_sleepFlag) | b2Body.e_frozenFlag))){ } else { if (_local8.IsStatic()){ } else { _local3.Clear(); _local9 = 0; var _temp1 = _local9; _local9 = (_local9 + 1); var _local15 = _temp1; _local7[_local15] = _local8; _local8.m_flags = (_local8.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); while (_local9 > 0) { --_local9; _local2 = _local7[_local9]; _local3.AddBody(_local2); _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_sleepFlag)); if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local12 = _local2.m_contactList; while (_local12) { if (( & (b2Contact.e_islandFlag | b2Contact.e_nonSolidFlag))){ } else { if ( == 0){ } else { _local3.AddContact(; = ( | b2Contact.e_islandFlag); _local11 = _local12.other; if ((_local11.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { var _temp2 = _local9; _local9 = (_local9 + 1); var _local16 = _temp2; _local7[_local16] = _local11; _local11.m_flags = (_local11.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; }; _local12 =; }; _local13 = _local2.m_jointList; while (_local13) { if (_local13.joint.m_islandFlag == true){ } else { _local3.AddJoint(_local13.joint); _local13.joint.m_islandFlag = true; _local11 = _local13.other; if ((_local11.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { var _temp3 = _local9; _local9 = (_local9 + 1); _local16 = _temp3; _local7[_local16] = _local11; _local11.m_flags = (_local11.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; _local13 =; }; }; }; _local3.Solve(_arg1, m_gravity, m_allowSleep); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local3.m_bodyCount) { _local2 = _local3.m_bodies[_local10]; if (_local2.IsStatic()){ _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); }; _local10++; }; }; }; _local8 = _local8.m_next; }; _local2 = m_bodyList; while (_local2) { if ((_local2.m_flags & (b2Body.e_sleepFlag | b2Body.e_frozenFlag))){ } else { if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local14 = _local2.SynchronizeShapes(); if ((((_local14 == false)) && (!((m_boundaryListener == null))))){ m_boundaryListener.Violation(_local2); }; }; }; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; m_broadPhase.Commit(); } public function Query(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):int{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local4 = new Array(_arg3); _local5 = m_broadPhase.QueryAABB(_arg1, _local4, _arg3); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5) { _arg2[_local6] = _local4[_local6]; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function GetContactCount():int{ return (m_contactCount); } b2internal function SolveTOI(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactEdge; var _local8:b2Joint; var _local9:b2Island; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:b2Contact; var _local13:b2Contact; var _local14:Number; var _local15:b2Body; var _local16:int; var _local17:int; var _local18:b2JointEdge; var _local19:b2TimeStep; var _local20:int; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:b2Body; var _local24:Boolean; _local9 = new b2Island(m_bodyCount, b2Settings.b2_maxTOIContactsPerIsland, b2Settings.b2_maxTOIJointsPerIsland, m_stackAllocator, m_contactListener); _local10 = m_bodyCount; _local11 = new Array(_local10); _local2 = m_bodyList; while (_local2) { _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); _local2.m_sweep.t0 = 0; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _local12 = m_contactList; while (_local12) { _local12.m_flags = (_local12.m_flags & ~((b2Contact.e_toiFlag | b2Contact.e_islandFlag))); _local12 = _local12.m_next; }; _local8 = m_jointList; while (_local8) { _local8.m_islandFlag = false; _local8 = _local8.m_next; }; while (true) { _local13 = null; _local14 = 1; _local12 = m_contactList; for (;_local12;(_local12 = _local12.m_next)) { if ((_local12.m_flags & (b2Contact.e_slowFlag | b2Contact.e_nonSolidFlag))){ } else { _local21 = 1; if ((_local12.m_flags & b2Contact.e_toiFlag)){ _local21 = _local12.m_toi; } else { _local3 = _local12.m_shape1; _local4 = _local12.m_shape2; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; if (((((_local5.IsStatic()) || (_local5.IsSleeping()))) && (((_local6.IsStatic()) || (_local6.IsSleeping()))))){ continue; }; _local22 = _local5.m_sweep.t0; if (_local5.m_sweep.t0 < _local6.m_sweep.t0){ _local22 = _local6.m_sweep.t0; _local5.m_sweep.Advance(_local22); } else { if (_local6.m_sweep.t0 < _local5.m_sweep.t0){ _local22 = _local5.m_sweep.t0; _local6.m_sweep.Advance(_local22); }; }; _local21 = b2TimeOfImpact.TimeOfImpact(_local12.m_shape1, _local5.m_sweep, _local12.m_shape2, _local6.m_sweep); if ((((_local21 > 0)) && ((_local21 < 1)))){ _local21 = (((1 - _local21) * _local22) + _local21); if (_local21 > 1){ _local21 = 1; }; }; _local12.m_toi = _local21; _local12.m_flags = (_local12.m_flags | b2Contact.e_toiFlag); }; if ((((Number.MIN_VALUE < _local21)) && ((_local21 < _local14)))){ _local13 = _local12; _local14 = _local21; }; }; }; if ((((_local13 == null)) || (((1 - (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE)) < _local14)))){ break; }; _local3 = _local13.m_shape1; _local4 = _local13.m_shape2; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; _local5.Advance(_local14); _local6.Advance(_local14); _local13.Update(m_contactListener); _local13.m_flags = (_local13.m_flags & ~(b2Contact.e_toiFlag)); if (_local13.m_manifoldCount == 0){ } else { _local15 = _local5; if (_local15.IsStatic()){ _local15 = _local6; }; _local9.Clear(); _local16 = 0; _local17 = 0; var _temp1 = _local17; _local17 = (_local17 + 1); _local11[(_local16 + _temp1)] = _local15; _local15.m_flags = (_local15.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); while (_local17 > 0) { var _temp2 = _local16; _local16 = (_local16 + 1); _local2 = _local11[_temp2]; _local17--; _local9.AddBody(_local2); _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_sleepFlag)); if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local7 = _local2.m_contactList; while (_local7) { if (_local9.m_contactCount == _local9.m_contactCapacity){ } else { if (( & ((b2Contact.e_islandFlag | b2Contact.e_slowFlag) | b2Contact.e_nonSolidFlag))){ } else { if ( == 0){ } else { _local9.AddContact(; = ( | b2Contact.e_islandFlag); _local23 = _local7.other; if ((_local23.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { if (_local23.IsStatic() == false){ _local23.Advance(_local14); _local23.WakeUp(); }; _local11[(_local16 + _local17)] = _local23; _local17++; _local23.m_flags = (_local23.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; }; }; _local7 =; }; }; }; _local18 = _local2.m_jointList; while (_local18) { if (_local9.m_jointCount == _local9.m_jointCapacity){ } else { if (_local18.joint.m_islandFlag == true){ } else { _local9.AddJoint(_local18.joint); _local18.joint.m_islandFlag = true; _local23 = _local18.other; if ((_local23.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { if (!_local23.IsStatic()){ _local23.Advance(_local14); _local23.WakeUp(); }; _local11[(_local16 + _local17)] = _local23; _local17++; _local23.m_flags = (_local23.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; }; _local18 =; }; _local19 = new b2TimeStep(); _local19.warmStarting = false; _local19.dt = ((1 - _local14) * _arg1.dt); _local19.inv_dt = (1 / _local19.dt); _local19.dtRatio = 0; _local19.velocityIterations = _arg1.velocityIterations; _local19.positionIterations = _arg1.positionIterations; _local9.SolveTOI(_local19); _local20 = 0; while (_local20 < _local9.m_bodyCount) { _local2 = _local9.m_bodies[_local20]; _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); if ((_local2.m_flags & (b2Body.e_sleepFlag | b2Body.e_frozenFlag))){ } else { if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local24 = _local2.SynchronizeShapes(); if ((((_local24 == false)) && (!((m_boundaryListener == null))))){ m_boundaryListener.Violation(_local2); }; _local7 = _local2.m_contactList; while (_local7) { = ( & ~(b2Contact.e_toiFlag)); _local7 =; }; }; }; _local20++; }; _local20 = 0; while (_local20 < _local9.m_contactCount) { _local12 = _local9.m_contacts[_local20]; _local9.m_contacts[_local20].m_flags = (_local12.m_flags & ~((b2Contact.e_toiFlag | b2Contact.e_islandFlag))); _local20++; }; _local20 = 0; while (_local20 < _local9.m_jointCount) { _local8 = _local9.m_joints[_local20]; _local8.m_islandFlag = false; _local20++; }; m_broadPhase.Commit(); }; }; } public function GetJointList():b2Joint{ return (m_jointList); } public function SetGravity(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ m_gravity = _arg1; } public function Validate():void{ m_broadPhase.Validate(); } public function GetGravity():b2Vec2{ return (m_gravity); } public function GetBodyList():b2Body{ return (m_bodyList); } public function GetPairCount():int{ return (m_broadPhase.m_pairManager.m_pairCount); } public function SetWarmStarting(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_warmStarting = _arg1; } public function Raycast(_arg1:b2Segment, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5):int{ var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local6 = new Array(_arg3); m_raycastSegment = _arg1; m_raycastUserData = _arg5; if (_arg4){ _local7 = m_broadPhase.QuerySegment(_arg1, _local6, _arg3, RaycastSortKey); } else { _local7 = m_broadPhase.QuerySegment(_arg1, _local6, _arg3, RaycastSortKey2); }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _local7) { _arg2[_local8] = _local6[_local8]; _local8++; }; return (_local7); } public function CreateJoint(_arg1:b2JointDef):b2Joint{ var _local2:b2Joint; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Shape; _local2 = b2Joint.Create(_arg1, m_blockAllocator); _local2.m_prev = null; _local2.m_next = m_jointList; if (m_jointList){ m_jointList.m_prev = _local2; }; m_jointList = _local2; m_jointCount++; _local2.m_node1.joint = _local2; _local2.m_node1.other = _local2.m_body2; _local2.m_node1.prev = null; = _local2.m_body1.m_jointList; if (_local2.m_body1.m_jointList){ _local2.m_body1.m_jointList.prev = _local2.m_node1; }; _local2.m_body1.m_jointList = _local2.m_node1; _local2.m_node2.joint = _local2; _local2.m_node2.other = _local2.m_body1; _local2.m_node2.prev = null; = _local2.m_body2.m_jointList; if (_local2.m_body2.m_jointList){ _local2.m_body2.m_jointList.prev = _local2.m_node2; }; _local2.m_body2.m_jointList = _local2.m_node2; if (_arg1.collideConnected == false){ _local3 = ((_arg1.body1.m_shapeCount < _arg1.body2.m_shapeCount)) ? _arg1.body1 : _arg1.body2; _local4 = _local3.m_shapeList; while (_local4) { _local4.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, _local3.m_xf); _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; }; return (_local2); } public function DestroyJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Shape; _local2 = _arg1.m_collideConnected; if (_arg1.m_prev){ _arg1.m_prev.m_next = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_next){ _arg1.m_next.m_prev = _arg1.m_prev; }; if (_arg1 == m_jointList){ m_jointList = _arg1.m_next; }; _local3 = _arg1.m_body1; _local4 = _arg1.m_body2; _local3.WakeUp(); _local4.WakeUp(); if (_arg1.m_node1.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node1.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node1 == _local3.m_jointList){ _local3.m_jointList =; }; _arg1.m_node1.prev = null; = null; if (_arg1.m_node2.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node2.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node2 == _local4.m_jointList){ _local4.m_jointList =; }; _arg1.m_node2.prev = null; = null; b2Joint.Destroy(_arg1, m_blockAllocator); m_jointCount--; if (_local2 == false){ _local5 = ((_local3.m_shapeCount < _local4.m_shapeCount)) ? _local3 : _local4; _local6 = _local5.m_shapeList; while (_local6) { _local6.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, _local5.m_xf); _local6 = _local6.m_next; }; }; } public function SetContactListener(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ m_contactListener = _arg1; } b2internal function RaycastSortKey(_arg1:b2Shape):Number{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2XForm; var _local4:Array; if (((m_contactFilter) && (!(m_contactFilter.RayCollide(m_raycastUserData, _arg1))))){ return (-1); }; _local2 = _arg1.GetBody(); _local3 = _local2.GetXForm(); _local4 = [0]; if (_arg1.TestSegment(_local3, _local4, m_raycastNormal, m_raycastSegment, 1) == b2Shape.e_missCollide){ return (-1); }; return (_local4[0]); } b2internal function RaycastSortKey2(_arg1:b2Shape):Number{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2XForm; var _local4:Array; if (((m_contactFilter) && (!(m_contactFilter.RayCollide(m_raycastUserData, _arg1))))){ return (-1); }; _local2 = _arg1.GetBody(); _local3 = _local2.GetXForm(); _local4 = [0]; if (_arg1.TestSegment(_local3, _local4, m_raycastNormal, m_raycastSegment, 1) != b2Shape.e_hitCollide){ return (-1); }; return (_local4[0]); } public function RaycastOne(_arg1:b2Segment, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Boolean, _arg5):b2Shape{ var _local6:Array; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2Shape; var _local9:b2XForm; _local6 = new Array(1); _local7 = Raycast(_arg1, _local6, 1, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local7 == 0){ return (null); }; if (_local7 > 1){ trace(_local7); }; _local8 = _local6[0]; _local9 = _local8.GetBody().GetXForm(); _local8.TestSegment(_local9, _arg2, _arg3, _arg1, 1); return (_local8); } public function CreateBody(_arg1:b2BodyDef):b2Body{ var _local2:b2Body; if (m_lock == true){ return (null); }; _local2 = new b2Body(_arg1, this); _local2.m_prev = null; _local2.m_next = m_bodyList; if (m_bodyList){ m_bodyList.m_prev = _local2; }; m_bodyList = _local2; m_bodyCount++; return (_local2); } public function SetBoundaryListener(_arg1:b2BoundaryListener):void{ m_boundaryListener = _arg1; } public function SetDestructionListener(_arg1:b2DestructionListener):void{ m_destructionListener = _arg1; } public function Step(_arg1:Number, _arg2:int, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:b2TimeStep; m_lock = true; _local4 = new b2TimeStep(); _local4.dt = _arg1; _local4.velocityIterations = _arg2; _local4.positionIterations = _arg3; if (_arg1 > 0){ _local4.inv_dt = (1 / _arg1); } else { _local4.inv_dt = 0; }; _local4.dtRatio = (m_inv_dt0 * _arg1); _local4.warmStarting = m_warmStarting; m_contactManager.Collide(); if (_local4.dt > 0){ Solve(_local4); }; if (((m_continuousPhysics) && ((_local4.dt > 0)))){ SolveTOI(_local4); }; DrawDebugData(); m_inv_dt0 = _local4.inv_dt; m_lock = false; } public function GetBodyCount():int{ return (m_bodyCount); } public function InRange(_arg1:b2AABB):Boolean{ return (m_broadPhase.InRange(_arg1)); } public function GetJointCount():int{ return (m_jointCount); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 83
//b2Bezier (Box2D.b2Bezier) package Box2D { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Bezier { public static function parseCurve(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number){ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Array; var _local13:*; if (_arg2 == 0){ return (null); }; _local3 = new b2Vec2(); _local4 = new b2Vec2(); _local5 = new b2Vec2(); _local6 = new b2Vec2(); _local7 = new b2Vec2(); _local8 = new b2Vec2(); _local9 = new b2Vec2(); _local10 = (1 / _arg2); _local11 = ((1 / _arg2) * _local10); _local3.x = _arg1[0].x; _local3.y = _arg1[0].y; _local4.x = ((3 * _local10) * (_arg1[1].x - _arg1[0].x)); _local4.y = ((3 * _local10) * (_arg1[1].y - _arg1[0].y)); _local7.x = ((3 * _local11) * ((_arg1[0].x - (2 * _arg1[1].x)) + _arg1[2].x)); _local7.y = ((3 * _local11) * ((_arg1[0].y - (2 * _arg1[1].y)) + _arg1[2].y)); _local8.x = (((3 * _local11) * _local10) * (((3 * (_arg1[1].x - _arg1[2].x)) + _arg1[3].x) - _arg1[0].x)); _local8.y = (((3 * _local11) * _local10) * (((3 * (_arg1[1].y - _arg1[2].y)) + _arg1[3].y) - _arg1[0].y)); _local6.x = (_local8.x + _local8.x); _local6.y = (_local8.y + _local8.y); _local5.x = (_local7.x + _local7.x); _local5.y = (_local7.y + _local7.y); _local9.x = ((1 / 3) * _local8.x); _local9.y = ((1 / 3) * _local8.y); _local12 = new Array(_arg2); if (!_local12){ return (null); }; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < (_arg2 - 1)) { _local12[_local13] = new b2Vec2(); _local12[_local13].x = _local3.x; _local12[_local13].y = _local3.y; _local3.x = (((_local3.x + _local4.x) + _local7.x) + _local9.x); _local3.y = (((_local3.y + _local4.y) + _local7.y) + _local9.y); _local4.x = ((_local4.x + _local5.x) + _local8.x); _local4.y = ((_local4.y + _local5.y) + _local8.y); _local5.x = (_local5.x + _local6.x); _local5.y = (_local5.y + _local6.y); _local7.x = (_local7.x + _local8.x); _local7.y = (_local7.y + _local8.y); _local13 = (_local13 + 1); }; _local12[(_local12.length - 1)] = new b2Vec2(_arg1[3].x, _arg1[3].y); return (_local12); } } }//package Box2D
Section 84
//b2SVG (Box2D.b2SVG) package Box2D { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2SVG { public static function parseSVG(_arg1:XML, _arg2:b2World, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Array{ var _local5:Namespace; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2EdgeChainDef; var _local9:XML; var _local10:String; var _local11:String; var _local12:Array; var _local13:b2Vec2; var _local14:b2Vec2; var _local15:b2Vec2; var _local16:b2Vec2; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:String; var _local19:Boolean; var _local20:Array; var _local21:Array; var _local22:int; var _local23:String; _local5 = _arg1.namespace(""); _local6 = false; if (_arg4 > 0){ _local7 = _arg4; } else { _local6 = true; }; _local8 = new b2EdgeChainDef(); _local8.friction = 0.5; _local8.restitution = 0; for each (_local9 in _arg1.._local5::path) { if (_local6){ _local7 = Math.round((returnStrokeWidth(_local9.@style) * 10)); }; _local10 = _local9.@d; for each (_local11 in [" ", "\f", "\n", "\r", "\t"]) { _local10 = _local10.split(_local11).join(","); }; for each (_local11 in ["M", "m", "Z", "z", "L", "l", "H", "h", "V", "v", "C", "c", "S", "s", "Q", "q", "T", "t", "A", "a"]) { _local10 = _local10.split(_local11).join((("," + _local11) + ",")); }; _local10 = _local10.split("-").join(",-"); _local12 = _local10.split(","); _local12 = _local12.filter(filterEmptyString); _local13 = new b2Vec2(0, 0); _local14 = null; _local15 = null; _local16 = null; _local17 = null; _local18 = null; _local19 = false; _local21 = new Array(); _local8.vertices.length = 0; _local22 = 0; while (true) { if (_local22 == _local12.length){ if (_local8.vertices.length >= 2){ _local8.vertexCount = _local8.vertices.length; _local8.isALoop = false; _local21.push(_arg2.GetGroundBody().CreateShape(_local8)); }; break; }; _local23 = _local12[_local22]; _local22++; switch (_local23){ case "Z": case "z": if (_local8.vertices.length >= 3){ _local8.vertices.pop(); _local8.vertexCount = _local8.vertices.length; _local8.isALoop = true; _local21.push(_arg2.GetGroundBody().CreateShape(_local8)); }; _local8.vertices.length = 0; _local8.vertices.push(_local13); break; case "M": case "m": if (_local8.vertices.length >= 2){ _local8.vertexCount = _local8.vertices.length; _local8.isALoop = false; _local21.push(_arg2.GetGroundBody().CreateShape(_local8)); }; _local19 = (_local23 == "m"); if (_local19){ _local13 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[_local22] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3))); } else { _local13 = new b2Vec2((_local12[_local22] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3)); }; _local22 = (_local22 + 2); _local8.vertices.length = 0; _local8.vertices.push(_local13); case "L": case "l": if (_local23 == "l"){ _local19 = true; } else { if (_local23 == "L"){ _local19 = false; }; }; while (!(isNaN(parseFloat(_local12[_local22])))) { if (_local19){ _local13 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[_local22] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3))); } else { _local13 = new b2Vec2((_local12[_local22] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3)); }; _local22 = (_local22 + 2); _local8.vertices.push(_local13); }; break; case "H": case "h": _local19 = (_local23 == "h"); do { if (_local19){ _local13 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[_local22] / _arg3)), _local13.y); } else { _local13 = new b2Vec2((_local12[_local22] / _arg3), _local13.y); }; _local22++; } while (!(isNaN(parseFloat(_local12[_local22])))); _local8.vertices.push(_local13); break; case "V": case "v": _local19 = (_local23 == "v"); do { if (_local19){ _local13 = new b2Vec2(_local13.x, (_local13.y + (_local12[_local22] / _arg3))); } else { _local13 = new b2Vec2(_local13.x, (_local12[_local22] / _arg3)); }; _local22++; } while (!(isNaN(parseFloat(_local12[_local22])))); _local8.vertices.push(_local13); break; case "C": case "c": _local19 = (_local23 == "c"); do { if (_local19){ _local14 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[_local22] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3))); _local15 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[(_local22 + 2)] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 3)] / _arg3))); _local16 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[(_local22 + 4)] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 5)] / _arg3))); } else { _local14 = new b2Vec2((_local12[_local22] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3)); _local15 = new b2Vec2((_local12[(_local22 + 2)] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 3)] / _arg3)); _local16 = new b2Vec2((_local12[(_local22 + 4)] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 5)] / _arg3)); }; _local22 = (_local22 + 6); _local20 = b2Bezier.parseCurve([_local13, _local14, _local15, _local16], _local7); _local20.shift(); _local8.vertices = _local8.vertices.concat(_local20); _local13 = _local16; } while (!(isNaN(parseFloat(_local12[_local22])))); _local17 = _local15; break; case "S": case "s": _local19 = (_local23 == "s"); do { if ((((((((_local18 == "C")) || ((_local18 == "c")))) || ((_local18 == "S")))) || ((_local18 == "s")))){ _local14 = new b2Vec2(((_local13.x * 2) - _local17.x), ((_local13.y * 2) - _local17.y)); } else { _local14 = new b2Vec2(_local13.x, _local13.y); }; if (_local19){ _local15 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[_local22] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3))); _local16 = new b2Vec2((_local13.x + (_local12[(_local22 + 2)] / _arg3)), (_local13.y + (_local12[(_local22 + 3)] / _arg3))); } else { _local15 = new b2Vec2((_local12[_local22] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 1)] / _arg3)); _local16 = new b2Vec2((_local12[(_local22 + 2)] / _arg3), (_local12[(_local22 + 3)] / _arg3)); }; _local22 = (_local22 + 4); _local20 = b2Bezier.parseCurve([_local13, _local14, _local15, _local16], _local7); _local20.shift(); _local8.vertices = _local8.vertices.concat(_local20); _local13 = _local16; _local17 = _local15; _local18 = _local23; } while (!(isNaN(parseFloat(_local12[_local22])))); break; case "Q": case "q": case "T": case "t": case "A": case "a": throw (new Error(("TODO: Unimplemented path command: " + _local23))); }; _local18 = _local23; }; }; return (_local21); } public static function returnStrokeWidth(_arg1:String):Number{ var _local2:Array; _local2 = _arg1.replace("px", "").split(";"); return (Number(_local2[3].slice(13, _local2[3].length))); } private static function filterEmptyString(_arg1, _arg2:int, _arg3:Array):Boolean{ return (!((_arg1 == ""))); } } }//package Box2D
Section 85
//Box2DUtils (Box2D.Box2DUtils) package Box2D { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import flash.display.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class Box2DUtils { public static var SCALE:int = 30; public static var ITERATIONS:int = 10; public static var TIMESTEP:Number = 0.0333333333333333; public static function getBodyAtPosition(_arg1:b2World, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4:Boolean=false):b2Body{ var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2AABB; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2Body; var _local13:int; var _local14:b2Shape; var _local15:Boolean; _local5 = new b2Vec2(); _local6 = (_arg2 / SCALE); _local7 = (_arg3 / SCALE); _local5 = new b2Vec2(_local6, _local7); _local8 = new b2AABB(); _local8.lowerBound = new b2Vec2((_local6 - 0.001), (_local7 - 0.001)); _local8.upperBound = new b2Vec2((_local6 + 0.001), (_local7 + 0.001)); _local9 = 10; _local10 = new Array(); _local11 = _arg1.Query(_local8, _local10, _local9); _local12 = null; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < _local11) { if ((((_local10[_local13].GetBody().IsStatic() == false)) || (_arg4))){ _local14 = (_local10[_local13] as b2Shape); _local15 = (_local10[_local13] as b2Shape).TestPoint(_local14.GetBody().GetXForm(), _local5); if (_local15){ _local12 = _local14.GetBody(); break; }; }; _local13++; }; return (_local12); } public static function setSize(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:int):void{ _arg1.SetAsBox(((_arg2 / SCALE) / 2), ((_arg3 / SCALE) / 2)); } public static function pixel(_arg1:Number):Number{ return ((_arg1 / SCALE)); } public static function random(_arg1, _arg2:int):int{ return ((_arg1 + (Math.random() * ((_arg2 - _arg1) + 1)))); } public static function setPosition(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:int):void{ _arg1.position.Set((_arg2 / SCALE), (_arg3 / SCALE)); } public static function setAngle(_arg1, _arg2:int):void{ _arg1.angle = (_arg2 * (Math.PI / 180)); } public static function stepBox2D(_arg1:b2World):void{ var _local2:b2Body; _arg1.Step(Box2DUtils.TIMESTEP, Box2DUtils.ITERATIONS, 1); _local2 = _arg1.GetBodyList(); while (_local2) { if ((_local2.GetUserData() is Sprite)){ _local2.GetUserData().x = (_local2.GetPosition().x * Box2DUtils.SCALE); _local2.GetUserData().y = (_local2.GetPosition().y * Box2DUtils.SCALE); _local2.GetUserData().rotation = (_local2.GetAngle() * (180 / Math.PI)); }; _local2 = _local2.GetNext(); }; } public static function setupDebugDraw(_arg1:b2World, _arg2:Sprite):void{ var _local3:b2DebugDraw; var _local4:Sprite; _local3 = new b2DebugDraw(); _local4 = new Sprite(); _local3.SetSprite(_local4); _local3.SetDrawScale(30); _local3.SetFillAlpha(0.3); _local3.SetLineThickness(1); _local3.SetFlags(((b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit | b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit) | b2DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit)); _arg1.SetDebugDraw(_local3); _arg2.addChild(_local4); } public static function randomPixel(_arg1, _arg2:int):Number{ return (((_arg1 + (Math.random() * ((_arg2 - _arg1) + 1))) / SCALE)); } } }//package Box2D
Section 86
//ColorDisplay (classes.ColorDisplay) package classes { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import Box2D.*; public class ColorDisplay { private var color:String; private var colorToChange:String; private var clip:MovieClip; public static const COLOR_GREEN:String = "Green"; public static const COLOR_YELLOW:String = "Yellow"; public static const COLOR_PINK:String = "Pink"; public static const COLOR_NONE:String = "None"; public static const COLOR_RED:String = "Red"; public static const COLOR_BLUE:String = "Blue"; public function ColorDisplay(_arg1:MovieClip){ this.clip = _arg1; this.color = COLOR_NONE; } private function finish():void{ this.color = this.colorToChange; this.clip.gotoAndStop(this.color);, 0.5, {y:373}); } public function changeToNone():void{ this.color = COLOR_NONE; this.colorToChange = COLOR_NONE;, 0.5, {y:430, onComplete:finish}); } public function getColor():String{ return (this.color); } private function countColor(_arg1:Array, _arg2:String):uint{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:Sleepy; _local3 = 0; for each (_local4 in _arg1) { if ((((_local4.getColor() == _arg2)) && (!(_local4.isDestroing)))){ _local3++; }; }; return (_local3); } private function count(_arg1:Array):uint{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:Sleepy; _local2 = 0; for each (_local3 in _arg1) { if (!_local3.isDestroing){ _local2++; }; }; return (_local2); } public function changeColor(_arg1:Array, _arg2:ColorDisplay):void{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:Sleepy; var _local5:String; this.color = COLOR_NONE; this.colorToChange = COLOR_NONE; _local4 = null; _local5 = _arg2.getColorChange(); if (count(_arg1) > 1){ do { do { _local3 = Box2DUtils.random(0, (_arg1.length - 1)); _local4 = _arg1[_local3]; } while (_local4.isDestroing); } while ((((_local4.getColor() == _local5)) && ((countColor(_arg1, _local5) == 1)))); this.colorToChange = _local4.getColor(); };, 0.5, {y:430, onComplete:finish}); } public function getColorChange():String{ return (this.colorToChange); } } }//package classes
Section 87
//GamePlay (classes.GamePlay) package classes { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; import util.*; import screen.*; import Box2D.*; import flash.utils.*; public class GamePlay extends Sprite { private var colorDisplay1:ColorDisplay; private var colorDisplay2:ColorDisplay; private var levelData:Object; private var m_world:b2World; private var state:String; private var sleepyList:Array; private var playScreen:PlayScreen; public static const STATE_PLAY:String = "play"; public static const STATE_PAUSE:String = "pause"; public static const STATE_LOADING:String = "loading"; public static const STATE_GAMEOVER:String = "gameover"; public static const STATE_PREPARE:String = "prepare"; public static const STATE_CLEAR:String = "clear"; public function GamePlay(_arg1:PlayScreen){ Global.gamePlay = this; this.playScreen = _arg1; this.playScreen.addChild(this); this.initWorld(); Sleepy.setSprite(this); Sleepy.setWorld(this.m_world); this.setBackground(); TimerLite.delay(1500, init, this); this.setState(STATE_LOADING); this.sleepyList = new Array(); this.colorDisplay1 = new ColorDisplay(playScreen.color1); this.colorDisplay2 = new ColorDisplay(playScreen.color2); } private function init():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; levelData = LevelData.getLevelData(Global.selectedLevel); b2SVG.parseSVG(levelData.svg, m_world, 30, 10); while (_local1 < levelData.count) { _local2 = Box2DUtils.random(levelData.minSize, levelData.maxSize); _local3 = Box2DUtils.random(30, 520); _local4 = Box2DUtils.random(-200, 0); this.sleepyList.push(new Sleepy(_local2, _local3, _local4, levelData.colors)); _local1++; }; this.setState(STATE_PREPARE); } private function destroyUserData(_arg1:Sleepy):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = this.sleepyList.indexOf(_arg1); sleepyList.splice(_local2, 1); this.removeChild(_arg1); if (sleepyList.length == 0){ setState(STATE_CLEAR); }; } private function setBackground():void{ var _local1:Class; var _local2:MovieClip; _local1 = (getDefinitionByName(("Level" + Global.selectedLevel)) as Class); if ((_local1 is Class)){ _local2 = (new (_local1) as MovieClip); = "background"; this.addChild(_local2); }; } private function removeOutBlocks():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; while (_local1 < sleepyList.length) { _local2 = sleepyList[_local1].y; if (_local2 < -6){ m_world.DestroyBody(sleepyList[_local1].getBody()); this.removeChild(sleepyList[_local1]); sleepyList.splice(_local1, 1); _local1--; }; _local1++; }; } private function setState(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:MovieClip; var _local4:MovieClip; var _local5:MovieClip; var _local6:MovieClip; var _local7:Sleepy; this.state = _arg1; switch (state){ case STATE_LOADING:"background"), 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:6737151, amount:1}}); Global.soundManager.playMusic("ingamea"); _local2 = new Loading(); = "loading"; _local2.x = 275; _local2.y = 200; this.addChild(_local2); break; case STATE_PREPARE:"background"), 0.1, {colorMatrixFilter:{amount:1}}); addSleepy();, 0, {colorMatrixFilter:{colorize:6737151, amount:1}}); this.removeChild(this.getChildByName("loading")); _local3 = new Prepare(); = "prepare"; _local3.x = 275; _local3.y = 200; this.playScreen.addChild(_local3); break; case STATE_PLAY:, 1.5, {colorMatrixFilter:{amount:1}}); Global.soundManager.playMusic("ingamebc", 0.7); Global.soundTimer.setTotal(levelData.count); Global.soundTimer.start(); this.playScreen.removeChild(this.playScreen.getChildByName("prepare")); _local4 = new Now(); = "now"; _local4.x = 275; _local4.y = 200; this.addChild(_local4); this.setChildIndex(_local4, (this.numChildren - 1));, 2, {alpha:0, scaleX:2, scaleY:2}); this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, false, 0, true); this.colorDisplay1.changeColor(sleepyList, colorDisplay2); this.colorDisplay2.changeColor(sleepyList, colorDisplay1); removeOutBlocks(); break; case STATE_PAUSE: break; case STATE_CLEAR: Global.soundManager.playMusic("clear", 1, 0, 0); Global.soundTimer.stop(); _local5 = new Clear(); = "clear"; _local5.x = 275; _local5.y = 200; this.addChild(_local5); this.setChildIndex(_local5, (this.numChildren - 1)); Global.stageClear(); playScreen.unsetListeners(); _local5.btnNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playScreen.onReset, false, 0, true); TweenMax.from(_local5, 1, {alpha:0}); break; case STATE_GAMEOVER: Global.soundManager.playMusic("over", 1, 0, 0); Global.soundTimer.stop(); for each (_local7 in sleepyList) { _local7.setState(Sleepy.STATE_WAKE); }; _local6 = new GameOver(); = "over"; _local6.x = 275; _local6.y = 200; this.addChild(_local6); this.setChildIndex(_local6, (this.numChildren - 1)); colorDisplay1.changeToNone(); colorDisplay2.changeToNone(); playScreen.unsetListeners(); _local6.btnYes.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playScreen.onReset, false, 0, true); _local6.btnNo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playScreen.onQuit, false, 0, true); TweenMax.from(_local6, 1, {alpha:0}); break; }; } private function initWorld():void{ var _local1:b2AABB; var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:Boolean; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame, false, 0, true); _local1 = new b2AABB(); _local1.lowerBound.Set(-100, -100); _local1.upperBound.Set(100, 100); _local2 = new b2Vec2(0, 10); _local3 = true; m_world = new b2World(_local1, _local2, _local3); } private function addSleepy():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < sleepyList.length) { this.addChild(sleepyList[_local1].getBody().GetUserData()); _local1++; }; } private function clickHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:Sleepy; _local2 = Box2DUtils.getBodyAtPosition(m_world, mouseX, mouseY, false); if (((_local2) && ((state == STATE_PLAY)))){ _local3 = Sleepy(_local2.GetUserData()); if (_local3.isSleeping()){ if (colorDisplay1.getColor() == _local3.getColor()){, 0.5, {scaleX:0, scaleY:0, onComplete:destroyUserData, onCompleteParams:[_local3]}); _local3.isDestroing = true; m_world.DestroyBody(_local2); colorDisplay1.changeColor(sleepyList, colorDisplay2); Global.soundTimer.decreaseCount(); Global.soundManager.playSound("out"); } else { if (colorDisplay2.getColor() == _local3.getColor()){, 0.5, {scaleX:0, scaleY:0, onComplete:destroyUserData, onCompleteParams:[_local3]}); _local3.isDestroing = true; m_world.DestroyBody(_local2); colorDisplay2.changeColor(sleepyList, colorDisplay1); Global.soundTimer.decreaseCount(); Global.soundManager.playSound("out"); }; }; }; }; } public function decreaseLife():void{ var _local1:Boolean; if (this.state == STATE_PLAY){ _local1 = playScreen.lifeBar.decreaseLife(0.05); if (_local1){ setState(STATE_GAMEOVER); }; }; } private function onEnterFrame(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Sleepy; var _local3:Boolean; Box2DUtils.stepBox2D(m_world); switch (state){ case STATE_PREPARE: _local3 = true; for each (_local2 in sleepyList) { _local2.think(); if (((_local3) && (!(_local2.isSleeping())))){ _local3 = false; }; }; if (_local3){ this.setState(STATE_PLAY); }; break; case STATE_PLAY: playScreen.lifeBar.think(); for each (_local2 in sleepyList) { _local2.think(); if (!_local2.isSleeping()){ this.decreaseLife(); }; }; break; }; } public function getState():String{ return (this.state); } public function destroy():void{ var _local1:MovieClip; var _local2:MovieClip; this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler, false); this.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame, false); _local1 = (this.getChildByName("clear") as MovieClip); _local2 = (this.getChildByName("over") as MovieClip); if (_local1){ _local1.btnNext.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playScreen.onReset, false); }; if (_local2){ _local2.btnYes.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playScreen.onReset, false); _local2.btnNo.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playScreen.onQuit, false); }; m_world = null; } } }//package classes
Section 88
//Global (classes.Global) package classes { import util.*; import*; public class Global { public static const STAGE_WIDTH:int = 550; public static const STAGE_HEIGHT:int = 400; public static const COUNT_LEVEL:int = 15; public static var gamePlay:GamePlay; public static var selectedLevel:int; public static var currentLevel:int; public static var soundTimer:SoundTimer = SoundTimer.getInstance(); public static var mainGame:Game; public static var soundManager:SoundManager = SoundManager.getInstance(); public static function saveStatus():void{ var _local1:SharedObject; _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal("sleepy"); = currentLevel; _local1.flush(); } public static function stageClear():void{ selectedLevel++; if (selectedLevel > currentLevel){ currentLevel = selectedLevel; saveStatus(); }; } public static function loadStatus():void{ var _local1:SharedObject; _local1 = SharedObject.getLocal("sleepy"); if (_local1.size == 0){ currentLevel = 1; } else { currentLevel =; }; } } }//package classes
Section 89
//LevelData (classes.LevelData) package classes { public class LevelData { public static function getLevelData(_arg1:uint):Object{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = new Object(); _local2.svg = getLevelSVG(_arg1); switch (_arg1){ case 1: _local2.minSize = 35; _local2.maxSize = 40; _local2.count = 16; _local2.colors = 3; break; case 2: _local2.minSize = 35; _local2.maxSize = 40; _local2.count = 18; _local2.colors = 3; break; case 3: _local2.minSize = 34; _local2.maxSize = 39; _local2.count = 20; _local2.colors = 4; break; case 4: _local2.minSize = 34; _local2.maxSize = 39; _local2.count = 22; _local2.colors = 4; break; case 5: _local2.minSize = 33; _local2.maxSize = 38; _local2.count = 24; _local2.colors = 4; break; case 6: _local2.minSize = 33; _local2.maxSize = 38; _local2.count = 26; _local2.colors = 4; break; case 7: _local2.minSize = 32; _local2.maxSize = 37; _local2.count = 28; _local2.colors = 4; break; case 8: _local2.minSize = 32; _local2.maxSize = 37; _local2.count = 30; _local2.colors = 4; break; case 9: _local2.minSize = 31; _local2.maxSize = 36; _local2.count = 32; _local2.colors = 5; break; case 10: _local2.minSize = 31; _local2.maxSize = 36; _local2.count = 36; _local2.colors = 5; break; case 11: _local2.minSize = 30; _local2.maxSize = 35; _local2.count = 40; _local2.colors = 5; break; case 12: _local2.minSize = 30; _local2.maxSize = 35; _local2.count = 44; _local2.colors = 5; break; case 13: _local2.minSize = 29; _local2.maxSize = 34; _local2.count = 48; _local2.colors = 5; break; case 14: _local2.minSize = 29; _local2.maxSize = 34; _local2.count = 52; _local2.colors = 5; break; case 15: _local2.minSize = 28; _local2.maxSize = 33; _local2.count = 56; _local2.colors = 5; break; }; return (_local2); } public static function getLevelSVG(_arg1:uint):XML{ var _local2:XML; switch (_arg1){ case 1: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 96.821893,236.6364 C 96.821893,250.51874 85.724833,261.78556 72.051673,261.78556 C 58.378503,261.78556 47.281453,250.51874 47.281453,236.6364 C 47.281453,222.75407 58.378503,211.48725 72.051673,211.48725 C 85.724833,211.48725 96.821893,222.75407 96.821893,236.6364 z" id="path2405" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 122.12708,210.16414 C 122.12708,224.04648 111.03002,235.3133 97.356863,235.3133 C 83.683703,235.3133 72.586643,224.04648 72.586643,210.16414 C 72.586643,196.28181 83.683703,185.01499 97.356863,185.01499 C 111.03002,185.01499 122.12708,196.28181 122.12708,210.16414 z" id="path2407" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 158.78844,214.58878 C 158.78844,228.47112 147.69138,239.73794 134.01822,239.73794 C 120.34506,239.73794 109.248,228.47112 109.248,214.58878 C 109.248,200.70645 120.34506,189.43963 134.01822,189.43963 C 147.69138,189.43963 158.78844,200.70645 158.78844,214.58878 z" id="path2409" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 170.7982,244.92922 C 170.7982,258.81156 159.70114,270.07838 146.02798,270.07838 C 132.35481,270.07838 121.25775,258.81156 121.25775,244.92922 C 121.25775,231.04689 132.35481,219.78007 146.02798,219.78007 C 159.70114,219.78007 170.7982,231.04689 170.7982,244.92922 z" id="path2411" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 151.83542,261.36362 C 151.83542,275.24596 140.73837,286.51278 127.0652,286.51278 C 113.39204,286.51278 102.29498,275.24596 102.29498,261.36362 C 102.29498,247.48129 113.39204,236.21447 127.0652,236.21447 C 140.73837,236.21447 151.83542,247.48129 151.83542,261.36362 z" id="path2413" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 121.49499,261.36362 C 121.49499,275.24596 110.39793,286.51278 96.724773,286.51278 C 83.051603,286.51278 71.954553,275.24596 71.954553,261.36362 C 71.954553,247.48129 83.051603,236.21447 96.724773,236.21447 C 110.39793,236.21447 121.49499,247.48129 121.49499,261.36362 z" id="path2415" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 90.403853,268.31665 L 127.6973,268.31665 C 115.57695,292.09657 123.32663,314.03876 134.65032,332.79007 L 85.347113,332.15798 C 104.89165,298.77561 100.53372,283.71455 90.403853,268.31665 z" id="rect2417" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 416.90003,219.56798 C 416.90003,237.54755 402.56601,252.13968 384.90446,252.13968 C 367.24289,252.13968 352.90887,237.54755 352.90887,219.56798 C 352.90887,201.58842 367.24289,186.99631 384.90446,186.99631 C 402.56601,186.99631 416.90003,201.58842 416.90003,219.56798 z" id="path2426" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 449.58663,185.28269 C 449.58663,203.26226 435.25262,217.85439 417.59106,217.85439 C 399.9295,217.85439 385.59547,203.26226 385.59547,185.28269 C 385.59547,167.30312 399.9295,152.71101 417.59106,152.71101 C 435.25262,152.71101 449.58663,167.30312 449.58663,185.28269 z" id="path2428" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 496.94194,191.01323 C 496.94194,208.99281 482.60793,223.58493 464.94637,223.58493 C 447.2848,223.58493 432.95078,208.99281 432.95078,191.01323 C 432.95078,173.03366 447.2848,158.44155 464.94637,158.44155 C 482.60793,158.44155 496.94194,173.03366 496.94194,191.01323 z" id="path2430" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 512.45489,230.30835 C 512.45489,248.28793 498.12087,262.88004 480.45932,262.88004 C 462.79775,262.88004 448.46373,248.28793 448.46373,230.30835 C 448.46373,212.32879 462.79775,197.73668 480.45932,197.73668 C 498.12087,197.73668 512.45489,212.32879 512.45489,230.30835 z" id="path2432" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 487.96077,251.59322 C 487.96077,269.57279 473.62675,284.1649 455.96519,284.1649 C 438.30362,284.1649 423.9696,269.57279 423.9696,251.59322 C 423.9696,233.61363 438.30362,219.02152 455.96519,219.02152 C 473.62675,219.02152 487.96077,233.61363 487.96077,251.59322 z" id="path2434" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 448.77016,251.59322 C 448.77016,269.57279 434.43615,284.1649 416.77459,284.1649 C 399.11302,284.1649 384.779,269.57279 384.779,251.59322 C 384.779,233.61363 399.11302,219.02152 416.77459,219.02152 C 434.43615,219.02152 448.77016,233.61363 448.77016,251.59322 z" id="path2436" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 408.60988,260.59834 L 456.78167,260.59834 C 441.12586,291.39668 451.13609,319.8149 465.76285,344.10046 L 402.07812,343.28182 C 427.32371,300.04697 421.69459,280.54079 408.60988,260.59834 z" id="path2438" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -6.8816468,303.08174 C 44.679193,329.08606 103.97465,331.71231 177.79396,290.43989 C 240.07809,325.23661 315.98777,320.18133 363.12563,302.64441 C 456.18438,331.35029 516.53994,321.33843 557.44065,311.93103 L 558.72758,400.42397 L -6.8816468,400.42397 L -6.8816468,303.08174 z" id="rect2440" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 89.340483,135.14997 C 89.340483,142.93111 81.629373,149.24624 72.128193,149.24624 C 62.627003,149.24624 54.915903,142.93111 54.915903,135.14997 C 54.915903,127.36883 62.627003,121.0537 72.128193,121.0537 C 81.629373,121.0537 89.340483,127.36883 89.340483,135.14997 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 141.57086,136.4854 C 141.57086,146.1504 131.79903,153.99446 119.75874,153.99446 C 107.71844,153.99446 97.946613,146.1504 97.946613,136.4854 C 97.946613,126.8204 107.71844,118.97635 119.75874,118.97635 C 131.79903,118.97635 141.57086,126.8204 141.57086,136.4854 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 124.35858,130.99528 C 124.35858,142.54413 111.72833,151.91711 96.166043,151.91711 C 80.603763,151.91711 67.973503,142.54413 67.973503,130.99528 C 67.973503,119.44643 80.603763,110.07344 96.166043,110.07344 C 111.72833,110.07344 124.35858,119.44643 124.35858,130.99528 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 363.14818,132.28519 C 363.14818,140.06634 355.43707,146.38147 345.93589,146.38147 C 336.4347,146.38147 328.7236,140.06634 328.7236,132.28519 C 328.7236,124.50405 336.4347,118.18892 345.93589,118.18892 C 355.43707,118.18892 363.14818,124.50405 363.14818,132.28519 z" id="path2449" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 415.37856,133.62062 C 415.37856,143.28562 405.60673,151.12968 393.56644,151.12968 C 381.52614,151.12968 371.75431,143.28562 371.75431,133.62062 C 371.75431,123.95563 381.52614,116.11157 393.56644,116.11157 C 405.60673,116.11157 415.37856,123.95563 415.37856,133.62062 z" id="path2451" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 398.16629,128.1305 C 398.16629,139.67935 385.53603,149.05233 369.97375,149.05233 C 354.41146,149.05233 341.7812,139.67935 341.7812,128.1305 C 341.7812,116.58165 354.41146,107.20867 369.97375,107.20867 C 385.53603,107.20867 398.16629,116.58165 398.16629,128.1305 z" id="path2453" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 232.40999,184.19331 C 232.40999,192.75134 221.52609,199.69699 208.11557,199.69699 C 194.70504,199.69699 183.82114,192.75134 183.82114,184.19331 C 183.82114,175.63528 194.70504,168.68963 208.11557,168.68963 C 221.52609,168.68963 232.40999,175.63528 232.40999,184.19331 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 257.66342,178.91887 C 257.66342,190.91777 245.56224,200.65599 230.65184,200.65599 C 215.74146,200.65599 203.64028,190.91777 203.64028,178.91887 C 203.64028,166.91998 215.74146,157.18176 230.65184,157.18176 C 245.56224,157.18176 257.66342,166.91998 257.66342,178.91887 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 309.7686,185.47198 C 309.7686,194.91228 299.09951,202.57397 285.95367,202.57397 C 272.80782,202.57397 262.13873,194.91228 262.13873,185.47198 C 262.13873,176.03168 272.80782,168.36998 285.95367,168.36998 C 299.09951,168.36998 309.7686,176.03168 309.7686,185.47198 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 285.47413,179.23853 C 285.47413,190.5316 273.51616,199.697 258.78224,199.697 C 244.04831,199.697 232.09033,190.5316 232.09033,179.23853 C 232.09033,167.94546 244.04831,158.78006 258.78224,158.78006 C 273.51616,158.78006 285.47413,167.94546 285.47413,179.23853 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 2: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 314.98587,205.02337 C 314.98587,220.84264 302.66264,233.68146 287.47867,233.68146 C 272.29469,233.68146 259.97148,220.84264 259.97148,205.02337 C 259.97148,189.20411 272.29469,176.36529 287.47867,176.36529 C 302.66264,176.36529 314.98587,189.20411 314.98587,205.02337 z" id="path2405" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 342.35642,175.76152 C 342.35642,191.58078 330.0332,204.41961 314.84924,204.41961 C 299.66527,204.41961 287.34205,191.58078 287.34205,175.76152 C 287.34205,159.94226 299.66527,147.10344 314.84924,147.10344 C 330.0332,147.10344 342.35642,159.94226 342.35642,175.76152 z" id="path2407" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 385.62614,180.0728 C 385.62614,195.89206 373.30293,208.73088 358.11895,208.73088 C 342.93499,208.73088 330.61176,195.89206 330.61176,180.0728 C 330.61176,164.25354 342.93499,151.41472 358.11895,151.41472 C 373.30293,151.41472 385.62614,164.25354 385.62614,180.0728 z" id="path2409" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 398.59758,215.37718 C 398.59758,231.19645 386.27435,244.03527 371.09038,244.03527 C 355.9064,244.03527 343.58318,231.19645 343.58318,215.37718 C 343.58318,199.55793 355.9064,186.7191 371.09038,186.7191 C 386.27435,186.7191 398.59758,199.55793 398.59758,215.37718 z" id="path2411" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 376.8088,232.64317 C 376.8088,248.46243 364.48558,261.30125 349.3016,261.30125 C 334.11763,261.30125 321.79441,248.46243 321.79441,232.64317 C 321.79441,216.82391 334.11763,203.98509 349.3016,203.98509 C 364.48558,203.98509 376.8088,216.82391 376.8088,232.64317 z" id="path2413" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 343.11592,234.46994 C 343.11592,250.2892 330.79269,263.12802 315.60873,263.12802 C 300.42475,263.12802 288.10153,250.2892 288.10153,234.46994 C 288.10153,218.65068 300.42475,205.81186 315.60873,205.81186 C 330.79269,205.81186 343.11592,218.65068 343.11592,234.46994 z" id="path2415" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 308.58938,242.39309 L 350.00355,242.39309 C 336.54396,269.49089 345.14995,294.49456 357.72484,315.86214 L 302.9739,315.14185 C 324.678,277.10182 319.83854,259.93937 308.58938,242.39309 z" id="rect2417" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 45.005765,144.46591 C 45.005765,151.13211 38.399556,156.54237 30.25976,156.54237 C 22.119974,156.54237 15.513766,151.13211 15.513766,144.46591 C 15.513766,137.7997 22.119974,132.38945 30.25976,132.38945 C 38.399556,132.38945 45.005765,137.7997 45.005765,144.46591 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 89.75222,145.60999 C 89.75222,153.89013 81.380551,160.61023 71.065474,160.61023 C 60.750397,160.61023 52.378747,153.89013 52.378747,145.60999 C 52.378747,137.32986 60.750397,130.60975 71.065474,130.60975 C 81.380551,130.60975 89.75222,137.32986 89.75222,145.60999 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 75.006225,140.90653 C 75.006225,150.80058 64.185715,158.83054 50.853304,158.83054 C 37.520902,158.83054 26.700392,150.80058 26.700392,140.90653 C 26.700392,131.01248 37.520902,122.98251 50.853304,122.98251 C 64.185715,122.98251 75.006225,131.01248 75.006225,140.90653 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 321.94874,114.34098 C 321.94874,122.80463 311.18487,129.67368 297.92225,129.67368 C 284.65961,129.67368 273.89574,122.80463 273.89574,114.34098 C 273.89574,105.87733 284.65961,99.008274 297.92225,99.008274 C 311.18487,99.008274 321.94874,105.87733 321.94874,114.34098 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 346.92367,109.1247 C 346.92367,120.99128 334.95595,130.62211 320.20998,130.62211 C 305.46404,130.62211 293.49631,120.99128 293.49631,109.1247 C 293.49631,97.25815 305.46404,87.627315 320.20998,87.627315 C 334.95595,87.627315 346.92367,97.25815 346.92367,109.1247 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 398.45423,115.60554 C 398.45423,124.94175 387.9028,132.51894 374.90193,132.51894 C 361.90106,132.51894 351.34963,124.94175 351.34963,115.60554 C 351.34963,106.26935 361.90106,98.692149 374.90193,98.692149 C 387.9028,98.692149 398.45423,106.26935 398.45423,115.60554 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 374.42768,109.44084 C 374.42768,120.60937 362.60159,129.6737 348.03016,129.6737 C 333.45871,129.6737 321.63261,120.60937 321.63261,109.44084 C 321.63261,98.272311 333.45871,89.207989 348.03016,89.207989 C 362.60159,89.207989 374.42768,98.272311 374.42768,109.44084 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 112.04333,244.41755 C 112.04333,257.8618 101.57025,268.77306 88.665917,268.77306 C 75.761581,268.77306 65.288514,257.8618 65.288514,244.41755 C 65.288514,230.97331 75.761581,220.06205 88.665917,220.06205 C 101.57025,220.06205 112.04333,230.97331 112.04333,244.41755 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 135.30461,219.54892 C 135.30461,232.99316 124.83153,243.90444 111.92721,243.90444 C 99.022885,243.90444 88.549809,232.99316 88.549809,219.54892 C 88.549809,206.10468 99.022885,195.19342 111.92721,195.19342 C 124.83153,195.19342 135.30461,206.10468 135.30461,219.54892 z" id="path2683" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 172.07804,223.21293 C 172.07804,236.65717 161.60497,247.56843 148.70063,247.56843 C 135.79631,247.56843 125.32323,236.65717 125.32323,223.21293 C 125.32323,209.76869 135.79631,198.85742 148.70063,198.85742 C 161.60497,198.85742 172.07804,209.76869 172.07804,223.21293 z" id="path2685" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 183.10201,253.21689 C 183.10201,266.66114 172.62893,277.57241 159.7246,277.57241 C 146.82026,277.57241 136.34719,266.66114 136.34719,253.21689 C 136.34719,239.77266 146.82026,228.86139 159.7246,228.86139 C 172.62893,228.86139 183.10201,239.77266 183.10201,253.21689 z" id="path2687" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 164.58449,267.89066 C 164.58449,281.3349 154.11141,292.24616 141.20707,292.24616 C 128.30275,292.24616 117.82967,281.3349 117.82967,267.89066 C 117.82967,254.44642 128.30275,243.53515 141.20707,243.53515 C 154.11141,243.53515 164.58449,254.44642 164.58449,267.89066 z" id="path2689" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 135.95008,269.44317 C 135.95008,282.8874 125.477,293.79867 112.57268,293.79867 C 99.66834,293.79867 89.195264,282.8874 89.195264,269.44317 C 89.195264,255.99893 99.66834,245.08766 112.57268,245.08766 C 125.477,245.08766 135.95008,255.99893 135.95008,269.44317 z" id="path2691" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 106.60718,276.17677 L 141.80364,276.17677 C 130.3648,299.20625 137.67873,320.456 148.36569,338.61556 L 101.83477,338.00341 C 120.28033,305.67452 116.16744,291.08875 106.60718,276.17677 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 454.43643,163.99155 C 454.43643,170.65775 447.83023,176.06801 439.69043,176.06801 C 431.55064,176.06801 424.94444,170.65775 424.94444,163.99155 C 424.94444,157.32534 431.55064,151.91509 439.69043,151.91509 C 447.83023,151.91509 454.43643,157.32534 454.43643,163.99155 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 499.18289,165.13563 C 499.18289,173.41576 490.81122,180.13587 480.49614,180.13587 C 470.18107,180.13587 461.80942,173.41576 461.80942,165.13563 C 461.80942,156.85549 470.18107,150.13539 480.49614,150.13539 C 490.81122,150.13539 499.18289,156.85549 499.18289,165.13563 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 484.4369,160.43217 C 484.4369,170.32621 473.61638,178.35618 460.28397,178.35618 C 446.95157,178.35618 436.13106,170.32621 436.13106,160.43217 C 436.13106,150.53811 446.95157,142.50815 460.28397,142.50815 C 473.61638,142.50815 484.4369,150.53811 484.4369,160.43217 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 159.22062,165.88681 C 159.22062,170.88767 154.26477,174.94634 148.15846,174.94634 C 142.05215,174.94634 137.09631,170.88767 137.09631,165.88681 C 137.09631,160.88596 142.05215,156.82729 148.15846,156.82729 C 154.26477,156.82729 159.22062,160.88596 159.22062,165.88681 z" id="path2705" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 192.78853,166.74508 C 192.78853,172.95667 186.50827,177.99796 178.7701,177.99796 C 171.03193,177.99796 164.75169,172.95667 164.75169,166.74508 C 164.75169,160.53349 171.03193,155.4922 178.7701,155.4922 C 186.50827,155.4922 192.78853,160.53349 192.78853,166.74508 z" id="path2707" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 181.72637,163.21664 C 181.72637,170.63896 173.60904,176.66288 163.60733,176.66288 C 153.60563,176.66288 145.48829,170.63896 145.48829,163.21664 C 145.48829,155.79432 153.60563,149.7704 163.60733,149.7704 C 173.60904,149.7704 181.72637,155.79432 181.72637,163.21664 z" id="path2709" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,336.30515 C 59.695742,320.8594 142.94223,313.02937 221.97449,331.82623 C 336.5007,266.39018 480.08819,291.08193 559.09928,316.08456 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,336.30515 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 3: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 78.363803,207.20924 C 78.363803,222.89617 65.655422,235.62759 49.996885,235.62759 C 34.338337,235.62759 21.629967,222.89617 21.629967,207.20924 C 21.629967,191.52232 34.338337,178.7909 49.996885,178.7909 C 65.655422,178.7909 78.363803,191.52232 78.363803,207.20924 z" id="path2405" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 107.34336,177.2958 C 107.34336,192.98273 94.634985,205.71415 78.976452,205.71415 C 63.317915,205.71415 50.609534,192.98273 50.609534,177.2958 C 50.609534,161.60888 63.317915,148.87746 78.976452,148.87746 C 94.634985,148.87746 107.34336,161.60888 107.34336,177.2958 z" id="path2407" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 149.32804,182.29561 C 149.32804,197.98254 136.61967,210.71395 120.96113,210.71395 C 105.3026,210.71395 92.594211,197.98254 92.594211,182.29561 C 92.594211,166.60869 105.3026,153.87727 120.96113,153.87727 C 136.61967,153.87727 149.32804,166.60869 149.32804,182.29561 z" id="path2409" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 163.08166,216.58006 C 163.08166,232.26699 150.37328,244.99841 134.71474,244.99841 C 119.05619,244.99841 106.34781,232.26699 106.34781,216.58006 C 106.34781,200.89314 119.05619,188.16172 134.71474,188.16172 C 150.37328,188.16172 163.08166,200.89314 163.08166,216.58006 z" id="path2411" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 141.36543,235.1508 C 141.36543,250.83773 128.65706,263.56914 112.99851,263.56914 C 97.339976,263.56914 84.631595,250.83773 84.631595,235.1508 C 84.631595,219.46388 97.339976,206.73246 112.99851,206.73246 C 128.65706,206.73246 141.36543,219.46388 141.36543,235.1508 z" id="path2413" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 106.6195,235.1508 C 106.6195,250.83773 93.911114,263.56914 78.25258,263.56914 C 62.594032,263.56914 49.885662,250.83773 49.885662,235.1508 C 49.885662,219.46388 62.594032,206.73246 78.25258,206.73246 C 93.911114,206.73246 106.6195,219.46388 106.6195,235.1508 z" id="path2415" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 71.013847,243.00767 L 113.7224,243.00767 C 99.84214,269.87878 108.7171,294.67328 121.68501,315.86211 L 65.222855,315.14785 C 87.605308,277.42604 82.614596,260.40717 71.013847,243.00767 z" id="rect2417" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 479.51558,271.77058 C 479.51558,281.56232 471.70922,289.50925 462.09068,289.50925 C 452.47212,289.50925 444.66576,281.56232 444.66576,271.77058 C 444.66576,261.97885 452.47212,254.03192 462.09068,254.03192 C 471.70922,254.03192 479.51558,261.97885 479.51558,271.77058 z" id="path2426" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 497.31682,253.09868 C 497.31682,262.89042 489.51047,270.83735 479.89192,270.83735 C 470.27337,270.83735 462.467,262.89042 462.467,253.09868 C 462.467,243.30694 470.27337,235.36003 479.89192,235.36003 C 489.51047,235.36003 497.31682,243.30694 497.31682,253.09868 z" id="path2428" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 523.1067,256.21956 C 523.1067,266.0113 515.30034,273.95823 505.6818,273.95823 C 496.06324,273.95823 488.25688,266.0113 488.25688,256.21956 C 488.25688,246.42782 496.06324,238.4809 505.6818,238.4809 C 515.30034,238.4809 523.1067,246.42782 523.1067,256.21956 z" id="path2430" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 531.55511,277.61982 C 531.55511,287.41157 523.74875,295.35848 514.1302,295.35848 C 504.51165,295.35848 496.70529,287.41157 496.70529,277.61982 C 496.70529,267.82809 504.51165,259.88117 514.1302,259.88117 C 523.74875,259.88117 531.55511,267.82809 531.55511,277.61982 z" id="path2432" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 518.21552,289.21164 C 518.21552,299.00338 510.40916,306.9503 500.79061,306.9503 C 491.17206,306.9503 483.36569,299.00338 483.36569,289.21164 C 483.36569,279.41989 491.17206,271.47297 500.79061,271.47297 C 510.40916,271.47297 518.21552,279.41989 518.21552,289.21164 z" id="path2434" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 496.87217,289.21164 C 496.87217,299.00338 489.06582,306.9503 479.44727,306.9503 C 469.82871,306.9503 462.02235,299.00338 462.02235,289.21164 C 462.02235,279.41989 469.82871,271.47297 479.44727,271.47297 C 489.06582,271.47297 496.87217,279.41989 496.87217,289.21164 z" id="path2436" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 475.00074,294.11586 L 501.23527,294.11586 C 492.70905,310.88875 498.16067,326.36542 506.12645,339.59142 L 471.44351,339.14559 C 485.19235,315.59973 482.12672,304.97659 475.00074,294.11586 z" id="path2438" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 185.04939,143.21688 C 185.04939,150.01954 178.30795,155.54055 170.00153,155.54055 C 161.69512,155.54055 154.95368,150.01954 154.95368,143.21688 C 154.95368,136.41421 161.69512,130.89321 170.00153,130.89321 C 178.30795,130.89321 185.04939,136.41421 185.04939,143.21688 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 230.71182,144.38438 C 230.71182,152.83401 222.16878,159.69168 211.64255,159.69168 C 201.11632,159.69168 192.5733,152.83401 192.5733,144.38438 C 192.5733,135.93475 201.11632,129.07708 211.64255,129.07708 C 222.16878,129.07708 230.71182,135.93475 230.71182,144.38438 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 215.66397,139.58464 C 215.66397,149.68122 204.62196,157.87556 191.01663,157.87556 C 177.41131,157.87556 166.3693,149.68122 166.3693,139.58464 C 166.3693,129.48805 177.41131,121.29371 191.01663,121.29371 C 204.62196,121.29371 215.66397,129.48805 215.66397,139.58464 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 311.3564,197.02291 C 311.3564,204.80406 303.64529,211.11919 294.14411,211.11919 C 284.64292,211.11919 276.93182,204.80406 276.93182,197.02291 C 276.93182,189.24177 284.64292,182.92664 294.14411,182.92664 C 303.64529,182.92664 311.3564,189.24177 311.3564,197.02291 z" id="path2449" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 363.58678,198.35834 C 363.58678,208.02334 353.81495,215.8674 341.77466,215.8674 C 329.73436,215.8674 319.96253,208.02334 319.96253,198.35834 C 319.96253,188.69335 329.73436,180.84929 341.77466,180.84929 C 353.81495,180.84929 363.58678,188.69335 363.58678,198.35834 z" id="path2451" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 346.37451,192.86822 C 346.37451,204.41707 333.74425,213.79005 318.18197,213.79005 C 302.61968,213.79005 289.98942,204.41707 289.98942,192.86822 C 289.98942,181.31937 302.61968,171.94639 318.18197,171.94639 C 333.74425,171.94639 346.37451,181.31937 346.37451,192.86822 z" id="path2453" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 381.07272,133.567 C 381.07272,142.12503 370.18882,149.07068 356.7783,149.07068 C 343.36777,149.07068 332.48387,142.12503 332.48387,133.567 C 332.48387,125.00897 343.36777,118.06332 356.7783,118.06332 C 370.18882,118.06332 381.07272,125.00897 381.07272,133.567 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 406.32615,128.29256 C 406.32615,140.29146 394.22497,150.02969 379.31457,150.02969 C 364.40419,150.02969 352.30301,140.29146 352.30301,128.29256 C 352.30301,116.29368 364.40419,106.55545 379.31457,106.55545 C 394.22497,106.55545 406.32615,116.29368 406.32615,128.29256 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 458.43133,134.84567 C 458.43133,144.28598 447.76224,151.94767 434.6164,151.94767 C 421.47055,151.94767 410.80146,144.28598 410.80146,134.84567 C 410.80146,125.40537 421.47055,117.74367 434.6164,117.74367 C 447.76224,117.74367 458.43133,125.40537 458.43133,134.84567 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 434.13686,128.61222 C 434.13686,139.90529 422.17889,149.0707 407.44497,149.0707 C 392.71104,149.0707 380.75306,139.90529 380.75306,128.61222 C 380.75306,117.31915 392.71104,108.15375 407.44497,108.15375 C 422.17889,108.15375 434.13686,117.31915 434.13686,128.61222 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -5,316 C 100.66071,274.28391 242.5,281.0612 324,330 C 395.84169,318.08827 481.32995,312.86317 554,338 L 554,398 L -6,398 L -5,316 z" id="rect2488" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 4: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 73.941898,229.19236 C 73.941898,244.87929 61.40231,257.61071 45.95175,257.61071 C 30.501179,257.61071 17.961602,244.87929 17.961602,229.19236 C 17.961602,213.50544 30.501179,200.77402 45.95175,200.77402 C 61.40231,200.77402 73.941898,213.50544 73.941898,229.19236 z" id="path2405" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 102.53655,199.27892 C 102.53655,214.96585 89.996966,227.69727 74.54641,227.69727 C 59.09585,227.69727 46.556262,214.96585 46.556262,199.27892 C 46.556262,183.592 59.09585,170.86058 74.54641,170.86058 C 89.996966,170.86058 102.53655,183.592 102.53655,199.27892 z" id="path2407" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 143.96359,204.27873 C 143.96359,219.96566 131.42401,232.69707 115.97345,232.69707 C 100.52289,232.69707 87.983298,219.96566 87.983298,204.27873 C 87.983298,188.59181 100.52289,175.86039 115.97345,175.86039 C 131.42401,175.86039 143.96359,188.59181 143.96359,204.27873 z" id="path2409" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 157.53453,238.56318 C 157.53453,254.25011 144.99494,266.98153 129.54438,266.98153 C 114.09381,266.98153 101.55422,254.25011 101.55422,238.56318 C 101.55422,222.87626 114.09381,210.14484 129.54438,210.14484 C 144.99494,210.14484 157.53453,222.87626 157.53453,238.56318 z" id="path2411" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 136.10674,257.13392 C 136.10674,272.82085 123.56716,285.55226 108.11659,285.55226 C 92.66603,285.55226 80.126442,272.82085 80.126442,257.13392 C 80.126442,241.447 92.66603,228.71558 108.11659,228.71558 C 123.56716,228.71558 136.10674,241.447 136.10674,257.13392 z" id="path2413" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 101.8223,257.13392 C 101.8223,272.82085 89.28271,285.55226 73.832153,285.55226 C 58.381582,285.55226 45.842005,272.82085 45.842005,257.13392 C 45.842005,241.447 58.381582,228.71558 73.832153,228.71558 C 89.28271,228.71558 101.8223,241.447 101.8223,257.13392 z" id="path2415" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 66.689565,264.99079 L 108.83086,264.99079 C 95.13496,291.8619 103.89204,316.6564 116.68771,337.84523 L 60.975489,337.13097 C 83.060658,299.40916 78.136232,282.39029 66.689565,264.99079 z" id="rect2417" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 430.22154,236.92932 C 430.22154,252.40232 417.88585,264.96013 402.68654,264.96013 C 387.4872,264.96013 375.15152,252.40232 375.15152,236.92932 C 375.15152,221.45633 387.4872,208.89853 402.68654,208.89853 C 417.88585,208.89853 430.22154,221.45633 430.22154,236.92932 z" id="path2426" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 458.35123,207.42381 C 458.35123,222.89681 446.01556,235.45462 430.81623,235.45462 C 415.61691,235.45462 403.28121,222.89681 403.28121,207.42381 C 403.28121,191.95081 415.61691,179.39302 430.81623,179.39302 C 446.01556,179.39302 458.35123,191.95081 458.35123,207.42381 z" id="path2428" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 499.10464,212.35545 C 499.10464,227.82845 486.76896,240.38626 471.56964,240.38626 C 456.3703,240.38626 444.03462,227.82845 444.03462,212.35545 C 444.03462,196.88245 456.3703,184.32465 471.56964,184.32465 C 486.76896,184.32465 499.10464,196.88245 499.10464,212.35545 z" id="path2430" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 512.45489,246.17235 C 512.45489,261.64536 500.11921,274.20315 484.91989,274.20315 C 469.72056,274.20315 457.38488,261.64536 457.38488,246.17235 C 457.38488,230.69936 469.72056,218.14157 484.91989,218.14157 C 500.11921,218.14157 512.45489,230.69936 512.45489,246.17235 z" id="path2432" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 491.37555,264.48985 C 491.37555,279.96285 479.03987,292.52065 463.84054,292.52065 C 448.64121,292.52065 436.30552,279.96285 436.30552,264.48985 C 436.30552,249.01683 448.64121,236.45904 463.84054,236.45904 C 479.03987,236.45904 491.37555,249.01683 491.37555,264.48985 z" id="path2434" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 457.64859,264.48985 C 457.64859,279.96285 445.31291,292.52065 430.11359,292.52065 C 414.91425,292.52065 402.57857,279.96285 402.57857,264.48985 C 402.57857,249.01683 414.91425,236.45904 430.11359,236.45904 C 445.31291,236.45904 457.64859,249.01683 457.64859,264.48985 z" id="path2436" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 423.08714,272.23955 L 464.5432,272.23955 C 451.06999,298.74423 459.68468,323.2006 472.27229,344.10046 L 417.46598,343.39595 C 439.19203,306.18856 434.34768,289.40178 423.08714,272.23955 z" id="path2438" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -6.8816468,303.08174 C 44.679193,329.08606 103.97465,331.71231 177.79396,290.43989 C 240.07809,325.23661 315.98777,320.18133 363.12563,302.64441 C 456.18438,331.35029 516.53994,321.33843 557.44065,311.93103 L 558.72758,400.42397 L -6.8816468,400.42397 L -6.8816468,303.08174 z" id="rect2440" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 183.36622,87.631588 C 183.36622,95.412728 175.65511,101.72786 166.15393,101.72786 C 156.65274,101.72786 148.94164,95.412728 148.94164,87.631588 C 148.94164,79.850448 156.65274,73.535318 166.15393,73.535318 C 175.65511,73.535318 183.36622,79.850448 183.36622,87.631588 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 235.5966,88.967018 C 235.5966,98.632018 225.82476,106.47608 213.78447,106.47608 C 201.74417,106.47608 191.97235,98.632018 191.97235,88.967018 C 191.97235,79.302018 201.74417,71.457968 213.78447,71.457968 C 225.82476,71.457968 235.5966,79.302018 235.5966,88.967018 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 218.38432,83.476898 C 218.38432,95.025748 205.75406,104.39873 190.19178,104.39873 C 174.6295,104.39873 161.99924,95.025748 161.99924,83.476898 C 161.99924,71.928048 174.6295,62.555058 190.19178,62.555058 C 205.75406,62.555058 218.38432,71.928048 218.38432,83.476898 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 356.07097,144.41754 C 356.07097,152.19869 348.35986,158.51382 338.85868,158.51382 C 329.35749,158.51382 321.64639,152.19869 321.64639,144.41754 C 321.64639,136.6364 329.35749,130.32127 338.85868,130.32127 C 348.35986,130.32127 356.07097,136.6364 356.07097,144.41754 z" id="path2449" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 408.30135,145.75297 C 408.30135,155.41797 398.52952,163.26203 386.48923,163.26203 C 374.44893,163.26203 364.6771,155.41797 364.6771,145.75297 C 364.6771,136.08798 374.44893,128.24392 386.48923,128.24392 C 398.52952,128.24392 408.30135,136.08798 408.30135,145.75297 z" id="path2451" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 391.08908,140.26285 C 391.08908,151.8117 378.45882,161.18468 362.89654,161.18468 C 347.33425,161.18468 334.70399,151.8117 334.70399,140.26285 C 334.70399,128.714 347.33425,119.34102 362.89654,119.34102 C 378.45882,119.34102 391.08908,128.714 391.08908,140.26285 z" id="path2453" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 217.24455,209.46904 C 217.24455,218.02707 206.36065,224.97272 192.95013,224.97272 C 179.5396,224.97272 168.6557,218.02707 168.6557,209.46904 C 168.6557,200.91101 179.5396,193.96536 192.95013,193.96536 C 206.36065,193.96536 217.24455,200.91101 217.24455,209.46904 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 242.49798,204.1946 C 242.49798,216.1935 230.3968,225.93173 215.4864,225.93173 C 200.57602,225.93173 188.47484,216.1935 188.47484,204.1946 C 188.47484,192.19572 200.57602,182.45749 215.4864,182.45749 C 230.3968,182.45749 242.49798,192.19572 242.49798,204.1946 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 294.60316,210.74771 C 294.60316,220.18802 283.93407,227.84971 270.78823,227.84971 C 257.64238,227.84971 246.97329,220.18802 246.97329,210.74771 C 246.97329,201.30741 257.64238,193.64571 270.78823,193.64571 C 283.93407,193.64571 294.60316,201.30741 294.60316,210.74771 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 270.30869,204.51426 C 270.30869,215.80733 258.35072,224.97274 243.6168,224.97274 C 228.88287,224.97274 216.92489,215.80733 216.92489,204.51426 C 216.92489,193.22119 228.88287,184.05579 243.6168,184.05579 C 258.35072,184.05579 270.30869,193.22119 270.30869,204.51426 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 55.692184,124.25022 C 55.692184,129.03546 50.950013,132.91913 45.106986,132.91913 C 39.263952,132.91913 34.521787,129.03546 34.521787,124.25022 C 34.521787,119.46498 39.263952,115.58131 45.106986,115.58131 C 50.950013,115.58131 55.692184,119.46498 55.692184,124.25022 z" id="path2471" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 87.812775,125.07148 C 87.812775,131.01526 81.803303,135.83919 74.398777,135.83919 C 66.994244,135.83919 60.984774,131.01526 60.984774,125.07148 C 60.984774,119.12771 66.994244,114.30378 74.398777,114.30378 C 81.803303,114.30378 87.812775,119.12771 87.812775,125.07148 z" id="path2473" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 77.227582,121.69517 C 77.227582,128.79747 69.460242,134.56166 59.889761,134.56166 C 50.319284,134.56166 42.551938,128.79747 42.551938,121.69517 C 42.551938,114.59287 50.319284,108.82868 59.889761,108.82868 C 69.460242,108.82868 77.227582,114.59287 77.227582,121.69517 z" id="path2475" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 5: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 288.76613,264.36152 C 288.76613,276.70008 279.06314,286.71398 267.10769,286.71398 C 255.15222,286.71398 245.44925,276.70008 245.44925,264.36152 C 245.44925,252.02296 255.15222,242.00906 267.10769,242.00906 C 279.06314,242.00906 288.76613,252.02296 288.76613,264.36152 z" id="path2405" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 310.31697,241.53814 C 310.31697,253.87669 300.614,263.8906 288.65855,263.8906 C 276.70309,263.8906 267.00012,253.87669 267.00012,241.53814 C 267.00012,229.19958 276.70309,219.18568 288.65855,219.18568 C 300.614,219.18568 310.31697,229.19958 310.31697,241.53814 z" id="path2407" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 344.3864,244.90081 C 344.3864,257.23936 334.68343,267.25326 322.72797,267.25326 C 310.77252,267.25326 301.06954,257.23936 301.06954,244.90081 C 301.06954,232.56225 310.77252,222.54835 322.72797,222.54835 C 334.68343,222.54835 344.3864,232.56225 344.3864,244.90081 z" id="path2409" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 354.59977,272.43718 C 354.59977,284.77575 344.89679,294.78965 332.94133,294.78965 C 320.98587,294.78965 311.28289,284.77575 311.28289,272.43718 C 311.28289,260.09863 320.98587,250.08472 332.94133,250.08472 C 344.89679,250.08472 354.59977,260.09863 354.59977,272.43718 z" id="path2411" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 337.44386,285.90414 C 337.44386,298.2427 327.74089,308.2566 315.78542,308.2566 C 303.82997,308.2566 294.12699,298.2427 294.12699,285.90414 C 294.12699,273.56559 303.82997,263.55169 315.78542,263.55169 C 327.74089,263.55169 337.44386,273.56559 337.44386,285.90414 z" id="path2413" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 310.91498,287.32897 C 310.91498,299.66753 301.212,309.68143 289.25655,309.68143 C 277.30109,309.68143 267.59811,299.66753 267.59811,287.32897 C 267.59811,274.99042 277.30109,264.97651 289.25655,264.97651 C 301.212,264.97651 310.91498,274.99042 310.91498,287.32897 z" id="path2415" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 283.7297,293.50879 L 316.33812,293.50879 C 305.7404,314.64428 312.51652,334.1464 322.41766,350.81249 L 279.30822,350.25068 C 296.39745,320.58058 292.58699,307.19438 283.7297,293.50879 z" id="rect2417" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 49.561834,127.11533 C 49.561834,133.83368 42.903939,139.28627 34.700466,139.28627 C 26.496993,139.28627 19.839098,133.83368 19.839098,127.11533 C 19.839098,120.39696 26.496993,114.94438 34.700466,114.94438 C 42.903939,114.94438 49.561834,120.39696 49.561834,127.11533 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 94.658377,128.26836 C 94.658377,136.61328 86.22121,143.38595 75.825428,143.38595 C 65.429645,143.38595 56.992498,136.61328 56.992498,128.26836 C 56.992498,119.92345 65.429645,113.15076 75.825428,113.15076 C 86.22121,113.15076 94.658377,119.92345 94.658377,128.26836 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 79.797009,123.5281 C 79.797009,133.49956 68.891842,141.59234 55.455124,141.59234 C 42.018415,141.59234 31.113248,133.49956 31.113248,123.5281 C 31.113248,113.55664 42.018415,105.46385 55.455124,105.46385 C 68.891842,105.46385 79.797009,113.55664 79.797009,123.5281 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 442.56161,190.03064 C 442.56161,198.53303 431.65569,205.43352 418.21804,205.43352 C 404.78037,205.43352 393.87444,198.53303 393.87444,190.03064 C 393.87444,181.52825 404.78037,174.62775 418.21804,174.62775 C 431.65569,174.62775 442.56161,181.52825 442.56161,190.03064 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 467.86614,184.79048 C 467.86614,196.71138 455.74048,206.38629 440.7999,206.38629 C 425.85936,206.38629 413.73369,196.71138 413.73369,184.79048 C 413.73369,172.86962 425.85936,163.1947 440.7999,163.1947 C 455.74048,163.1947 467.86614,172.86962 467.86614,184.79048 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 520.07677,191.30099 C 520.07677,200.67993 509.38609,208.2918 496.21364,208.2918 C 483.04119,208.2918 472.35051,200.67993 472.35051,191.30099 C 472.35051,181.92206 483.04119,174.31018 496.21364,174.31018 C 509.38609,174.31018 520.07677,181.92206 520.07677,191.30099 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 495.73313,185.10807 C 495.73313,196.32772 483.75097,205.43354 468.98724,205.43354 C 454.22348,205.43354 442.24131,196.32772 442.24131,185.10807 C 442.24131,173.88842 454.22348,164.78261 468.98724,164.78261 C 483.75097,164.78261 495.73313,173.88842 495.73313,185.10807 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 76.002065,216.34908 C 76.002065,226.14166 68.373638,234.08925 58.974326,234.08925 C 49.575008,234.08925 41.946588,226.14166 41.946588,216.34908 C 41.946588,206.55651 49.575008,198.60892 58.974326,198.60892 C 68.373638,198.60892 76.002065,206.55651 76.002065,216.34908 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 92.945216,198.23516 C 92.945216,208.02774 85.316789,215.97534 75.917485,215.97534 C 66.518173,215.97534 58.889754,208.02774 58.889754,198.23516 C 58.889754,188.44259 66.518173,180.495 75.917485,180.495 C 85.316789,180.495 92.945216,188.44259 92.945216,198.23516 z" id="path2683" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 119.73041,200.90397 C 119.73041,210.69654 112.10199,218.64414 102.70267,218.64414 C 93.303363,218.64414 85.674935,210.69654 85.674935,200.90397 C 85.674935,191.1114 93.303363,183.1638 102.70267,183.1638 C 112.10199,183.1638 119.73041,191.1114 119.73041,200.90397 z" id="path2685" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 127.76009,222.75838 C 127.76009,232.55097 120.13166,240.49856 110.73235,240.49856 C 101.33303,240.49856 93.704615,232.55097 93.704615,222.75838 C 93.704615,212.96582 101.33303,205.01822 110.73235,205.01822 C 120.13166,205.01822 127.76009,212.96582 127.76009,222.75838 z" id="path2687" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 114.27222,233.44653 C 114.27222,243.2391 106.64379,251.18669 97.244475,251.18669 C 87.845171,251.18669 80.216744,243.2391 80.216744,233.44653 C 80.216744,223.65395 87.845171,215.70636 97.244475,215.70636 C 106.64379,215.70636 114.27222,223.65395 114.27222,233.44653 z" id="path2689" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 93.415366,234.57735 C 93.415366,244.36992 85.786939,252.31752 76.387635,252.31752 C 66.988316,252.31752 59.359889,244.36992 59.359889,234.57735 C 59.359889,224.78478 66.988316,216.83718 76.387635,216.83718 C 85.786939,216.83718 93.415366,224.78478 93.415366,234.57735 z" id="path2691" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 72.042459,239.482 L 97.679007,239.482 C 89.347136,256.25631 94.674488,271.7343 102.4587,284.96144 L 68.56631,284.51555 C 82.001766,260.9677 79.006002,250.34365 72.042459,239.482 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 322.36217,166.65994 C 322.36217,173.32614 315.75597,178.7364 307.61617,178.7364 C 299.47638,178.7364 292.87018,173.32614 292.87018,166.65994 C 292.87018,159.99373 299.47638,154.58348 307.61617,154.58348 C 315.75597,154.58348 322.36217,159.99373 322.36217,166.65994 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 367.10863,167.80402 C 367.10863,176.08415 358.73696,182.80426 348.42188,182.80426 C 338.10681,182.80426 329.73516,176.08415 329.73516,167.80402 C 329.73516,159.52388 338.10681,152.80378 348.42188,152.80378 C 358.73696,152.80378 367.10863,159.52388 367.10863,167.80402 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 352.36264,163.10056 C 352.36264,172.9946 341.54212,181.02457 328.20971,181.02457 C 314.87731,181.02457 304.0568,172.9946 304.0568,163.10056 C 304.0568,153.2065 314.87731,145.17654 328.20971,145.17654 C 341.54212,145.17654 352.36264,153.2065 352.36264,163.10056 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -7.0772063,315.07353 C 37.631753,298.4966 83.777661,250.99609 137.23681,258.42097 C 190.61912,265.79082 233.83118,328.64067 300.72583,337.99028 C 351.82215,345.09788 367.7429,246.4603 460.17222,244.42344 C 514.81459,243.22343 531.45669,289.21804 559.09928,348.35071 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -7.0772063,315.07353 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 169.9448,184.23194 C 169.9448,192.059 162.18818,198.4114 152.63092,198.4114 C 143.07367,198.4114 135.31705,192.059 135.31705,184.23194 C 135.31705,176.40488 143.07367,170.05248 152.63092,170.05248 C 162.18818,170.05248 169.9448,176.40488 169.9448,184.23194 z" id="path2547" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 222.48342,185.57525 C 222.48342,195.2973 212.6539,203.18764 200.54255,203.18764 C 188.4312,203.18764 178.60171,195.2973 178.60171,185.57525 C 178.60171,175.85322 188.4312,167.96287 200.54255,167.96287 C 212.6539,167.96287 222.48342,175.85322 222.48342,185.57525 z" id="path2549" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 205.16954,180.05273 C 205.16954,191.66973 192.46475,201.09803 176.81063,201.09803 C 161.15652,201.09803 148.45172,191.66973 148.45172,180.05273 C 148.45172,168.43573 161.15652,159.00742 176.81063,159.00742 C 192.46475,159.00742 205.16954,168.43573 205.16954,180.05273 z" id="path2551" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 6: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 45.180449,97.143557 C 45.180449,105.04663 37.348501,111.46072 27.698426,111.46072 C 18.048352,111.46072 10.216404,105.04663 10.216404,97.143557 C 10.216404,89.240476 18.048352,82.82639 27.698426,82.82639 C 37.348501,82.82639 45.180449,89.240476 45.180449,97.143557 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 98.229315,98.499914 C 98.229315,108.31638 88.304338,116.28335 76.075367,116.28335 C 63.846392,116.28335 53.921437,108.31638 53.921437,98.499914 C 53.921437,88.683461 63.846392,80.716478 76.075367,80.716478 C 88.304338,80.716478 98.229315,88.683461 98.229315,98.499914 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 80.747298,92.923758 C 80.747298,104.65358 67.919113,114.17345 52.112962,114.17345 C 36.306823,114.17345 23.478639,104.65358 23.478639,92.923758 C 23.478639,81.193932 36.306823,71.674054 52.112962,71.674054 C 67.919113,71.674054 80.747298,81.193932 80.747298,92.923758 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 246.20428,146.02731 C 246.20428,153.5188 236.67679,159.59884 224.93756,159.59884 C 213.19831,159.59884 203.67081,153.5188 203.67081,146.02731 C 203.67081,138.53582 213.19831,132.45577 224.93756,132.45577 C 236.67679,132.45577 246.20428,138.53582 246.20428,146.02731 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 268.31051,141.41019 C 268.31051,151.91373 257.71744,160.43833 244.66524,160.43833 C 231.61307,160.43833 221.01999,151.91373 221.01999,141.41019 C 221.01999,130.90667 231.61307,122.38206 244.66524,122.38206 C 257.71744,122.38206 268.31051,130.90667 268.31051,141.41019 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 313.9221,147.14662 C 313.9221,155.41044 304.58264,162.11729 293.0751,162.11729 C 281.56755,162.11729 272.22809,155.41044 272.22809,147.14662 C 272.22809,138.88281 281.56755,132.17595 293.0751,132.17595 C 304.58264,132.17595 313.9221,138.88281 313.9221,147.14662 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 292.65532,141.69001 C 292.65532,151.57569 282.18761,159.59886 269.28991,159.59886 C 256.39218,159.59886 245.92447,151.57569 245.92447,141.69001 C 245.92447,131.80434 256.39218,123.78118 269.28991,123.78118 C 282.18761,123.78118 292.65532,131.80434 292.65532,141.69001 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 127.91827,212.8783 C 127.58441,240.39668 123.97536,257.5106 80.053493,256.58433 C 32.795576,255.58771 31.779505,236.86852 32.471375,211.36267 C 32.98512,192.21789 43.017187,163.10334 80.4901,163.34151 C 113.24349,163.54912 127.71278,193.83628 127.91827,212.8783 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 59.681373,236.2841 L 94.877833,236.2841 C 83.438993,259.31358 90.752923,280.56333 101.43989,298.72289 L 54.908963,298.11074 C 73.354523,265.78185 69.241633,251.19608 59.681373,236.2841 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 478.96865,130.04343 C 478.96865,137.89906 471.18373,144.27465 461.59158,144.27465 C 451.99944,144.27465 444.21452,137.89906 444.21452,130.04343 C 444.21452,122.1878 451.99944,115.81222 461.59158,115.81222 C 471.18373,115.81222 478.96865,122.1878 478.96865,130.04343 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 531.69904,131.39165 C 531.69904,141.14917 521.83364,149.06832 509.67809,149.06832 C 497.52254,149.06832 487.65717,141.14917 487.65717,131.39165 C 487.65717,121.63411 497.52254,113.71498 509.67809,113.71498 C 521.83364,113.71498 531.69904,121.63411 531.69904,131.39165 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 514.32198,125.84897 C 514.32198,137.50836 501.5708,146.97108 485.85954,146.97108 C 470.1483,146.97108 457.39713,137.50836 457.39713,125.84897 C 457.39713,114.18955 470.1483,104.72684 485.85954,104.72684 C 501.5708,104.72684 514.32198,114.18955 514.32198,125.84897 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,327.20589 C 41.019208,270.71199 95.101888,274.98388 174.08217,301.62 C 234.47526,276.35601 266.8504,280.68952 328.0124,332.87172 C 398.26056,286.28273 493.02754,299.35394 559.09928,331.44851 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,327.20589 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 516.6258,220.87362 C 516.23972,252.69607 512.06619,272.48672 461.27464,271.41558 C 406.62526,270.26308 405.45027,248.61608 406.25035,219.12094 C 406.84445,196.98178 418.4456,163.31352 461.77954,163.58894 C 499.65578,163.82902 516.38817,198.8533 516.6258,220.87362 z" id="path2546" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 437.71618,247.94025 L 478.41761,247.94025 C 465.18966,274.5717 473.64754,299.14506 486.00602,320.1449 L 432.19733,319.437 C 453.52791,282.05165 448.77173,265.18457 437.71618,247.94025 z" id="path2548" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 377.67319,256.54983 C 377.33433,284.47998 373.67128,301.84999 329.09218,300.90986 C 281.12712,299.89832 280.09585,280.89903 280.79807,255.01152 C 281.3195,235.58027 291.50168,206.03006 329.53532,206.2718 C 362.77882,206.48251 377.46462,237.22288 377.67319,256.54983 z" id="path2552" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 308.41523,280.30586 L 344.13835,280.30586 C 332.52834,303.67994 339.95171,325.24767 350.7986,343.67896 L 303.5714,343.05765 C 322.29297,310.245 318.11854,295.44098 308.41523,280.30586 z" id="path2554" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 7: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 163.2875,146.46428 C 163.2875,154.64239 152.97615,161.2797 140.2711,161.2797 C 127.56603,161.2797 117.25468,154.64239 117.25468,146.46428 C 117.25468,138.28616 127.56603,131.64885 140.2711,131.64885 C 152.97615,131.64885 163.2875,138.28616 163.2875,146.46428 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 187.21247,141.42398 C 187.21247,152.89021 175.74788,162.19613 161.62184,162.19613 C 147.49583,162.19613 136.03122,152.89021 136.03122,141.42398 C 136.03122,129.95777 147.49583,120.65184 161.62184,120.65184 C 175.74788,120.65184 187.21247,129.95777 187.21247,141.42398 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 236.57665,147.68618 C 236.57665,156.70741 226.46881,164.02897 214.01451,164.02897 C 201.5602,164.02897 191.45236,156.70741 191.45236,147.68618 C 191.45236,138.66496 201.5602,131.34338 214.01451,131.34338 C 226.46881,131.34338 236.57665,138.66496 236.57665,147.68618 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 213.56019,141.72945 C 213.56019,152.52119 202.23128,161.27972 188.27245,161.27972 C 174.31358,161.27972 162.98467,152.52119 162.98467,141.72945 C 162.98467,130.93772 174.31358,122.1792 188.27245,122.1792 C 202.23128,122.1792 213.56019,130.93772 213.56019,141.72945 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 126.59046,214.11085 C 126.30441,237.6885 123.21219,252.35165 85.580082,251.55802 C 45.08967,250.70412 44.219105,234.66558 44.811888,212.81226 C 45.252067,196.40908 53.84751,171.46384 85.954168,171.6679 C 114.01716,171.84578 126.41439,197.79571 126.59046,214.11085 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 68.125321,234.16486 L 98.281525,234.16486 C 88.480766,253.89643 94.747316,272.10314 103.90387,287.66219 L 64.036337,287.1377 C 79.840428,259.43842 76.316518,246.94139 68.125321,234.16486 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 479.68057,129.92921 C 479.68057,137.78484 472.01761,144.16043 462.57574,144.16043 C 453.13387,144.16043 445.47092,137.78484 445.47092,129.92921 C 445.47092,122.07358 453.13387,115.698 462.57574,115.698 C 472.01761,115.698 479.68057,122.07358 479.68057,129.92921 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 531.58486,131.27743 C 531.58486,141.03495 521.87402,148.9541 509.9089,148.9541 C 497.94379,148.9541 488.23297,141.03495 488.23297,131.27743 C 488.23297,121.51989 497.94379,113.60076 509.9089,113.60076 C 521.87402,113.60076 531.58486,121.51989 531.58486,131.27743 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 514.48004,125.73475 C 514.48004,137.39414 501.92862,146.85686 486.4635,146.85686 C 470.9984,146.85686 458.447,137.39414 458.447,125.73475 C 458.447,114.07533 470.9984,104.61262 486.4635,104.61262 C 501.92862,104.61262 514.48004,114.07533 514.48004,125.73475 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,377.56753 C 32.22405,218.90006 117.00869,280.68592 203.73148,318.48263 C 226.83511,328.55197 250.0763,338.97531 272.66994,340.61967 C 341.35364,345.61845 428.83028,245.67175 559.09928,331.44851 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,377.56753 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 232.39592,254.03697 C 232.10987,277.61463 229.01765,292.27777 191.38554,291.48415 C 150.89513,290.63025 150.02456,274.59171 150.61735,252.73839 C 151.05753,236.33521 159.65297,211.38996 191.75963,211.59403 C 219.82262,211.77191 232.21985,237.72184 232.39592,254.03697 z" id="path2623" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 173.93078,274.09098 L 204.08698,274.09098 C 194.28623,293.82256 200.55278,312.02927 209.70933,327.58832 L 169.8418,327.06383 C 185.64589,299.36455 182.12198,286.86751 173.93078,274.09098 z" id="path2625" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 483.33372,215.90568 C 482.9473,247.75599 478.77012,267.56398 427.93409,266.4919 C 373.23685,265.33839 372.06084,243.67243 372.86161,214.15146 C 373.45623,191.99292 385.06755,158.29517 428.43943,158.57083 C 466.34884,158.81112 483.09588,193.86607 483.33372,215.90568 z" id="path2629" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 404.35499,242.99601 L 445.09207,242.99601 C 431.85253,269.65078 440.31782,294.24566 452.68712,315.26389 L 398.83131,314.55538 C 420.18057,277.13729 415.42023,260.25543 404.35499,242.99601 z" id="path2631" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 8: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 462.00213,145.38389 C 462.00213,153.99238 451.14813,160.97899 437.77446,160.97899 C 424.40078,160.97899 413.54678,153.99238 413.54678,145.38389 C 413.54678,136.77539 424.40078,129.78878 437.77446,129.78878 C 451.14813,129.78878 462.00213,136.77539 462.00213,145.38389 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 487.18618,140.07834 C 487.18618,152.14799 475.11825,161.94365 460.24881,161.94365 C 445.3794,161.94365 433.31146,152.14799 433.31146,140.07834 C 433.31146,128.00871 445.3794,118.21304 460.24881,118.21304 C 475.11825,118.21304 487.18618,128.00871 487.18618,140.07834 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 539.14821,146.67009 C 539.14821,156.16608 528.50843,163.87294 515.39871,163.87294 C 502.28898,163.87294 491.6492,156.16608 491.6492,146.67009 C 491.6492,137.17412 502.28898,129.46723 515.39871,129.46723 C 528.50843,129.46723 539.14821,137.17412 539.14821,146.67009 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 514.92048,140.39988 C 514.92048,151.75955 502.99537,160.97901 488.30194,160.97901 C 473.60847,160.97901 461.68336,151.75955 461.68336,140.39988 C 461.68336,129.04023 473.60847,119.82078 488.30194,119.82078 C 502.99537,119.82078 514.92048,129.04023 514.92048,140.39988 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 135.63288,229.53145 C 135.31894,255.40823 131.92518,271.50123 90.62345,270.63021 C 46.184694,269.69305 45.229233,252.09054 45.879816,228.10623 C 46.36292,210.10353 55.796539,182.7258 91.034008,182.94976 C 121.83352,183.14499 135.43964,211.62537 135.63288,229.53145 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 71.466622,251.54099 L 104.56345,251.54099 C 93.806984,273.19665 100.6846,293.17875 110.73405,310.25501 L 66.978902,309.67938 C 84.324098,279.27906 80.45656,265.5634 71.466622,251.54099 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 46.126027,154.34815 C 46.126027,162.27885 38.406506,168.71537 28.894944,168.71537 C 19.383383,168.71537 11.663872,162.27885 11.663872,154.34815 C 11.663872,146.41745 19.383383,139.98094 28.894944,139.98094 C 38.406506,139.98094 46.126027,146.41745 46.126027,154.34815 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 98.413428,155.70925 C 98.413428,165.56002 88.630911,173.55485 76.577475,173.55485 C 64.52405,173.55485 54.741553,165.56002 54.741553,155.70925 C 54.741553,145.85847 64.52405,137.86366 76.577475,137.86366 C 88.630911,137.86366 98.413428,145.85847 98.413428,155.70925 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 81.182355,150.1136 C 81.182355,161.88442 68.538292,171.43757 52.959022,171.43757 C 37.379773,171.43757 24.73573,161.88442 24.73573,150.1136 C 24.73573,138.34276 37.379773,128.78962 52.959022,128.78962 C 68.538292,128.78962 81.182355,138.34276 81.182355,150.1136 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,274.88941 C 184.57926,334.58214 452.65734,338.33467 559.09928,296.74389 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,274.88941 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 350.92962,256.29983 C 350.61568,282.17661 347.22192,298.26961 305.92019,297.39859 C 261.48143,296.46142 260.52597,278.85891 261.17656,254.87461 C 261.65966,236.8719 271.09328,209.49418 306.33075,209.71813 C 337.13026,209.91336 350.73638,238.39375 350.92962,256.29983 z" id="path2489" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 286.76336,278.30937 L 319.86019,278.30937 C 309.10372,299.96502 315.98134,319.94713 326.03079,337.02339 L 282.27564,336.44775 C 299.62084,306.04743 295.7533,292.33178 286.76336,278.30937 z" id="path2491" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 438.20521,244.44427 C 437.8127,276.52489 433.56963,296.47612 381.93172,295.39627 C 326.37171,294.23443 325.17714,272.4118 325.99053,242.67736 C 326.59454,220.35859 338.38902,186.41718 382.44502,186.69483 C 420.95242,186.93686 437.96361,222.24529 438.20521,244.44427 z" id="path2495" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 357.9807,271.7305 L 399.36034,271.7305 C 385.91196,298.578 394.51078,323.35072 407.0752,344.52094 L 352.36988,343.8073 C 374.05589,306.11864 369.22046,289.11472 357.9807,271.7305 z" id="path2497" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 9: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 131.62423,148.07931 C 131.29142,175.74301 127.69375,192.94732 83.910369,192.01615 C 36.80147,191.01428 35.788601,172.19622 36.478271,146.55567 C 36.990409,127.30978 46.990856,98.041478 84.345597,98.280904 C 116.99572,98.489615 131.41937,128.93672 131.62423,148.07931 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 63.602485,171.60872 L 98.687965,171.60872 C 87.285184,194.75982 94.576051,216.12179 105.22933,234.37725 L 58.845117,233.76187 C 77.232517,201.26225 73.132593,186.59945 63.602485,171.60872 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 401.47279,159.25631 C 401.47279,167.18701 393.75326,173.62353 384.2417,173.62353 C 374.73014,173.62353 367.01063,167.18701 367.01063,159.25631 C 367.01063,151.32561 374.73014,144.8891 384.2417,144.8891 C 393.75326,144.8891 401.47279,151.32561 401.47279,159.25631 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 453.76019,160.61741 C 453.76019,170.46818 443.97767,178.46301 431.92423,178.46301 C 419.87081,178.46301 410.08831,170.46818 410.08831,160.61741 C 410.08831,150.76663 419.87081,142.77182 431.92423,142.77182 C 443.97767,142.77182 453.76019,150.76663 453.76019,160.61741 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 436.52911,155.02176 C 436.52911,166.79258 423.88505,176.34573 408.30578,176.34573 C 392.72653,176.34573 380.08249,166.79258 380.08249,155.02176 C 380.08249,143.25092 392.72653,133.69778 408.30578,133.69778 C 423.88505,133.69778 436.52911,143.25092 436.52911,155.02176 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,327.46294 C 50.091665,191.09783 95.670936,163.48097 217.60021,318.53412 C 297.63387,353.35849 495.8634,339.93325 559.09928,322.01963 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,327.46294 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 478.98502,124.25938 C 478.98502,132.19008 471.26549,138.6266 461.75393,138.6266 C 452.24237,138.6266 444.52286,132.19008 444.52286,124.25938 C 444.52286,116.32868 452.24237,109.89217 461.75393,109.89217 C 471.26549,109.89217 478.98502,116.32868 478.98502,124.25938 z" id="path2490" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 531.27242,125.62048 C 531.27242,135.47125 521.4899,143.46608 509.43646,143.46608 C 497.38304,143.46608 487.60054,135.47125 487.60054,125.62048 C 487.60054,115.7697 497.38304,107.77489 509.43646,107.77489 C 521.4899,107.77489 531.27242,115.7697 531.27242,125.62048 z" id="path2492" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 514.04134,120.02483 C 514.04134,131.79565 501.39728,141.3488 485.81801,141.3488 C 470.23876,141.3488 457.59472,131.79565 457.59472,120.02483 C 457.59472,108.25399 470.23876,98.700849 485.81801,98.700849 C 501.39728,98.700849 514.04134,108.25399 514.04134,120.02483 z" id="path2494" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 409.83914,267.03096 C 409.49989,295.22988 405.83261,312.76704 361.20216,311.81785 C 313.18185,310.79659 312.14939,291.61447 312.8524,265.47785 C 313.37445,245.85962 323.56837,216.02506 361.64581,216.26912 C 394.92761,216.48187 409.63032,247.51803 409.83914,267.03096 z" id="path2502" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 340.50138,291.0156 L 376.26566,291.0156 C 364.64227,314.6146 372.07419,336.38986 382.93358,354.99851 L 335.65198,354.37123 C 354.39512,321.24284 350.21587,306.29636 340.50138,291.0156 z" id="path2504" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 516.51195,255.29038 C 516.12464,287.48427 511.93781,307.50594 460.98451,306.42228 C 406.16109,305.25634 404.98236,283.35666 405.78497,253.51723 C 406.38097,231.11966 418.01908,197.0584 461.49101,197.33704 C 499.48789,197.57993 516.27355,233.01302 516.51195,255.29038 z" id="path2508" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 437.35102,282.67295 L 478.18207,282.67295 C 464.91198,309.61525 473.39679,334.47543 485.79464,355.7204 L 431.81459,355.00424 C 453.2131,317.18251 448.44177,300.11855 437.35102,282.67295 z" id="path2510" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 10: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 112.58851,202.66374 C 112.27467,228.74997 108.88215,244.97324 67.595426,244.09517 C 23.172812,243.15043 22.217699,225.40543 22.868042,201.22698 C 23.350978,183.07854 32.781174,155.47921 68.005838,155.70498 C 98.794155,155.90179 112.39533,184.61271 112.58851,202.66374 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 48.44556,224.85143 L 81.530364,224.85143 C 70.777804,246.68239 77.652918,266.82624 87.698717,284.04072 L 43.959469,283.46043 C 61.298366,252.81403 57.432226,238.98735 48.44556,224.85143 z" id="path2693" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,289.34852 C 61.802078,238.03529 153.80983,271.27285 270.71048,277.01656 C 403.89075,283.53332 547.51661,278.8259 559.09928,95.033832 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,289.34852 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 93.41955,116.45281 C 93.41955,124.38351 85.70002,130.82003 76.18846,130.82003 C 66.6769,130.82003 58.95739,124.38351 58.95739,116.45281 C 58.95739,108.52211 66.6769,102.0856 76.18846,102.0856 C 85.70002,102.0856 93.41955,108.52211 93.41955,116.45281 z" id="path2490" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 145.70695,117.81391 C 145.70695,127.66468 135.92443,135.65951 123.87099,135.65951 C 111.81757,135.65951 102.03507,127.66468 102.03507,117.81391 C 102.03507,107.96313 111.81757,99.96832 123.87099,99.96832 C 135.92443,99.96832 145.70695,107.96313 145.70695,117.81391 z" id="path2492" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 128.47587,112.21826 C 128.47587,123.98908 115.83181,133.54223 100.25254,133.54223 C 84.67329,133.54223 72.02925,123.98908 72.02925,112.21826 C 72.02925,100.44742 84.67329,90.894279 100.25254,90.894279 C 115.83181,90.894279 128.47587,100.44742 128.47587,112.21826 z" id="path2494" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 36.631916,80.405067 C 36.631916,86.212133 30.979474,90.925122 24.014861,90.925122 C 17.050247,90.925122 11.39782,86.212133 11.39782,80.405067 C 11.39782,74.598001 17.050247,69.885019 24.014861,69.885019 C 30.979474,69.885019 36.631916,74.598001 36.631916,80.405067 z" id="path2493" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 74.918121,81.4017 C 74.918121,88.614692 67.755103,94.468716 58.929259,94.468716 C 50.103429,94.468716 42.940426,88.614692 42.940426,81.4017 C 42.940426,74.188701 50.103429,68.334691 58.929259,68.334691 C 67.755103,68.334691 74.918121,74.188701 74.918121,81.4017 z" id="path2495" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 62.301072,77.304418 C 62.301072,85.923321 53.04276,92.918388 41.635211,92.918388 C 30.227676,92.918388 20.969378,85.923321 20.969378,77.304418 C 20.969378,68.685501 30.227676,61.690441 41.635211,61.690441 C 53.04276,61.690441 62.301072,68.685501 62.301072,77.304418 z" id="path2497" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 226.8506,187.18096 C 226.47668,218.26199 222.43458,237.59157 173.24259,236.54537 C 120.31428,235.41974 119.17628,214.27706 119.95115,185.46911 C 120.52656,163.84575 131.76237,130.9619 173.73158,131.2309 C 210.41501,131.46539 226.62043,165.67366 226.8506,187.18096 z" id="path2501" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 150.42606,213.61699 L 189.84568,213.61699 C 177.03431,239.62797 185.22581,263.62881 197.1951,284.13938 L 145.081,283.44798 C 165.73982,246.93365 161.13342,230.45954 150.42606,213.61699 z" id="path2503" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 470.41341,201.7277 C 470.09957,227.81393 466.70705,244.0372 425.42033,243.15913 C 380.99771,242.21439 380.0426,224.46939 380.69294,200.29094 C 381.17588,182.1425 390.60607,154.54317 425.83074,154.76894 C 456.61906,154.96575 470.22023,183.67667 470.41341,201.7277 z" id="path2507" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 406.27046,223.91539 L 439.35526,223.91539 C 428.6027,245.74635 435.47782,265.8902 445.52362,283.10468 L 401.78437,282.52439 C 419.12327,251.87799 415.25713,238.05131 406.27046,223.91539 z" id="path2509" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 11: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 474.35406,140.08939 C 474.35406,147.71164 464.74355,153.89783 452.90204,153.89783 C 441.06052,153.89783 431.45002,147.71164 431.45002,140.08939 C 431.45002,132.46712 441.06052,126.28094 452.90204,126.28094 C 464.74355,126.28094 474.35406,132.46712 474.35406,140.08939 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 496.65288,135.39167 C 496.65288,146.07855 485.96752,154.75197 472.80161,154.75197 C 459.63572,154.75197 448.95035,146.07855 448.95035,135.39167 C 448.95035,124.7048 459.63572,116.03138 472.80161,116.03138 C 485.96752,116.03138 496.65288,124.7048 496.65288,135.39167 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 542.66186,141.22823 C 542.66186,149.63631 533.24103,156.46023 521.63323,156.46023 C 510.02542,156.46023 500.60459,149.63631 500.60459,141.22823 C 500.60459,132.82017 510.02542,125.99623 521.63323,125.99623 C 533.24103,125.99623 542.66186,132.82017 542.66186,141.22823 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 521.20979,135.67637 C 521.20979,145.73462 510.65089,153.89784 497.64082,153.89784 C 484.63071,153.89784 474.07181,145.73462 474.07181,135.67637 C 474.07181,125.61815 484.63071,117.45493 497.64082,117.45493 C 510.65089,117.45493 521.20979,125.61815 521.20979,135.67637 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 177.36591,275.72664 C 176.7989,344.99271 174.18693,389.6333 99.589289,387.30178 C 19.325668,384.79323 15.254805,348.2286 16.429877,284.02825 C 20.820151,230.36726 31.99594,150.8298 100.33083,152.60186 C 157.52319,152.34273 177.01689,227.79629 177.36591,275.72664 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 45.169442,97.388567 C 45.169442,105.40893 37.362642,111.91823 27.74353,111.91823 C 18.124429,111.91823 10.317639,105.40893 10.317639,97.388567 C 10.317639,89.3682 18.124429,82.858916 27.74353,82.858916 C 37.362642,82.858916 45.169442,89.3682 45.169442,97.388567 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 98.048022,98.765056 C 98.048022,108.7272 88.1549,116.81243 75.965183,116.81243 C 63.775477,116.81243 53.882372,108.7272 53.882372,98.765056 C 53.882372,88.8029 63.775477,80.717697 75.965183,80.717697 C 88.1549,80.717697 98.048022,88.8029 98.048022,98.765056 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 80.622128,93.10614 C 80.622128,105.01005 67.835104,114.67121 52.079688,114.67121 C 36.324293,114.67121 23.537295,105.01005 23.537295,93.10614 C 23.537295,81.202214 36.324293,71.541062 52.079688,71.541062 C 67.835104,71.541062 80.622128,81.202214 80.622128,93.10614 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,315.73685 C 76.04179,293.15118 355.79057,280.56473 559.09928,304.91338 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,315.73685 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 282.95532,176.61938 C 282.95532,184.63697 275.15124,191.144 265.53546,191.144 C 255.9197,191.144 248.11563,184.63697 248.11563,176.61938 C 248.11563,168.6018 255.9197,162.09478 265.53546,162.09478 C 275.15124,162.09478 282.95532,168.6018 282.95532,176.61938 z" id="path2496" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 335.81554,177.9954 C 335.81554,187.95408 325.92586,196.0365 313.74037,196.0365 C 301.5549,196.0365 291.66523,187.95408 291.66523,177.9954 C 291.66523,168.0367 301.5549,159.9543 313.74037,159.9543 C 325.92586,159.9543 335.81554,168.0367 335.81554,177.9954 z" id="path2498" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 318.3957,172.33844 C 318.3957,184.23822 305.61312,193.89602 289.86317,193.89602 C 274.11325,193.89602 261.33069,184.23822 261.33069,172.33844 C 261.33069,160.43865 274.11325,150.78086 289.86317,150.78086 C 305.61312,150.78086 318.3957,160.43865 318.3957,172.33844 z" id="path2500" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 211.8691,289.67544 C 211.50434,337.59653 209.82402,368.48071 161.83448,366.86768 C 110.19994,365.13216 107.58112,339.83525 108.33705,295.41883 C 111.16136,258.29397 118.35089,203.26671 162.31152,204.49269 C 199.10405,204.31341 211.64457,256.51527 211.8691,289.67544 z" id="path2502" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 457.03697,304.26444 C 456.75344,341.51439 455.44729,365.52123 418.14413,364.26739 C 378.00765,362.91834 375.97199,343.25459 376.55959,308.72888 C 378.75498,279.87104 384.34353,237.09733 418.51495,238.05031 C 447.11446,237.91095 456.86244,278.48842 457.03697,304.26444 z" id="path2504" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 538.04493,286.28661 C 537.60654,341.27786 535.5871,376.71862 477.91179,374.8676 C 415.8558,372.87603 412.70841,343.84687 413.61693,292.87737 C 417.01127,250.27519 425.65186,187.12934 478.4851,188.53621 C 522.7035,188.33048 537.77509,248.23406 538.04493,286.28661 z" id="path2506" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 12: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 460.38827,118.54759 C 460.38827,126.66839 450.14917,133.25919 437.53315,133.25919 C 424.91712,133.25919 414.67803,126.66839 414.67803,118.54759 C 414.67803,110.42678 424.91712,103.83598 437.53315,103.83598 C 450.14917,103.83598 460.38827,110.42678 460.38827,118.54759 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 484.14558,113.54261 C 484.14558,124.92848 472.76132,134.1692 458.73428,134.1692 C 444.70725,134.1692 433.32299,124.92848 433.32299,113.54261 C 433.32299,102.15675 444.70725,92.916032 458.73428,92.916032 C 472.76132,92.916032 484.14558,102.15675 484.14558,113.54261 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 533.16384,119.76092 C 533.16384,128.71894 523.12683,135.98919 510.75981,135.98919 C 498.39277,135.98919 488.35575,128.71894 488.35575,119.76092 C 488.35575,110.80292 498.39277,103.53265 510.75981,103.53265 C 523.12683,103.53265 533.16384,110.80292 533.16384,119.76092 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 510.30867,113.84593 C 510.30867,124.56206 499.05915,133.2592 485.19813,133.2592 C 471.33708,133.2592 460.08756,124.56206 460.08756,113.84593 C 460.08756,103.12984 471.33708,94.432691 485.19813,94.432691 C 499.05915,94.432691 510.30867,103.12984 510.30867,113.84593 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 165.84969,276.64717 C 165.38587,331.37824 163.24923,369.15131 102.22701,367.30904 C 36.56992,365.32689 34.239882,331.93509 35.201111,281.20675 C 38.792439,238.80614 46.93443,180.45907 102.83361,181.85928 C 149.61799,181.65453 165.56419,238.77467 165.84969,276.64717 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 48.933039,156.91213 C 48.933039,164.69062 41.361667,171.00362 32.032638,171.00362 C 22.70361,171.00362 15.132248,164.69062 15.132248,156.91213 C 15.132248,149.13363 22.70361,142.82064 32.032638,142.82064 C 41.361667,142.82064 48.933039,149.13363 48.933039,156.91213 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 100.21697,158.24711 C 100.21697,167.90882 90.622195,175.75023 78.800078,175.75023 C 66.97797,175.75023 57.383215,167.90882 57.383215,158.24711 C 57.383215,148.58537 66.97797,140.744 78.800078,140.744 C 90.622195,140.744 100.21697,148.58537 100.21697,158.24711 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 83.316579,152.75884 C 83.316579,164.30377 70.915175,173.67358 55.634888,173.67358 C 40.35463,173.67358 27.953245,164.30377 27.953245,152.75884 C 27.953245,141.21391 40.35463,131.84409 55.634888,131.84409 C 70.915175,131.84409 83.316579,141.21391 83.316579,152.75884 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,331.88562 C 118.98115,248.5266 190.62923,336.38725 263.77151,340.64369 C 325.22798,344.18876 408.44935,273.64231 475.84833,275.73947 C 513.15492,276.90028 536.28972,303.48299 559.09928,374.3531 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,331.88562 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 196.30258,315.04783 C 195.88878,365.05535 193.98263,399.56842 139.54248,397.88516 C 80.967378,396.07408 78.888666,365.56414 79.746214,319.21389 C 82.950168,280.47266 90.21394,227.16121 140.08362,228.44059 C 181.82168,228.25349 196.04787,280.44391 196.30258,315.04783 z" id="path2496" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 523.89829,279.33649 C 526.75915,355.81501 517.56422,392.51587 438.55115,390.07473 C 353.53671,387.44823 351.01421,343.20169 352.25884,275.98298 C 356.90899,219.79912 366.95695,142.48506 439.33659,144.34043 C 503.87007,144.06912 523.52863,229.1527 523.89829,279.33649 z" id="path2498" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 409.38773,314.43849 C 411.23154,362.77477 405.30547,385.97061 354.38209,384.42776 C 299.59084,382.76773 297.96512,354.80285 298.76728,312.319 C 301.76425,276.80943 308.24011,227.94509 354.88829,229.11772 C 396.47969,228.94625 409.14949,282.72113 409.38773,314.43849 z" id="path2500" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 13: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 461.87625,145.95392 C 461.87625,154.63545 450.99711,161.68134 437.59247,161.68134 C 424.18782,161.68134 413.30868,154.63545 413.30868,145.95392 C 413.30868,137.27238 424.18782,130.2265 437.59247,130.2265 C 450.99711,130.2265 461.87625,137.27238 461.87625,145.95392 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 487.11862,140.60336 C 487.11862,152.77541 475.02274,162.65418 460.11887,162.65418 C 445.21502,162.65418 433.11913,152.77541 433.11913,140.60336 C 433.11913,128.43132 445.21502,118.55254 460.11887,118.55254 C 475.02274,118.55254 487.11862,128.43132 487.11862,140.60336 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 539.20098,147.25104 C 539.20098,156.82759 528.53656,164.59984 515.39648,164.59984 C 502.25639,164.59984 491.59197,156.82759 491.59197,147.25104 C 491.59197,137.6745 502.25639,129.90222 515.39648,129.90222 C 528.53656,129.90222 539.20098,137.6745 539.20098,147.25104 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 514.91714,140.92763 C 514.91714,152.38368 502.96442,161.68136 488.23696,161.68136 C 473.50946,161.68136 461.55674,152.38368 461.55674,140.92763 C 461.55674,129.47159 473.50946,120.17392 488.23696,120.17392 C 502.96442,120.17392 514.91714,129.47159 514.91714,140.92763 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 211.71268,276.75898 C 211.11166,344.47348 204.61455,386.58574 125.54548,384.30644 C 40.470788,381.85408 38.299898,343.99331 39.545403,281.23103 C 41.837192,223.86949 56.138098,153.93594 126.33146,154.86375 C 188.37042,156.74154 211.34274,229.90224 211.71268,276.75898 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 41.99752,136.54288 C 41.99752,144.47358 34.278,150.9101 24.76644,150.9101 C 15.25488,150.9101 7.53537,144.47358 7.53537,136.54288 C 7.53537,128.61218 15.25488,122.17568 24.76644,122.17568 C 34.278,122.17568 41.99752,128.61218 41.99752,136.54288 z" id="path2697" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 94.28492,137.90398 C 94.28492,147.75475 84.50241,155.74958 72.44897,155.74958 C 60.39554,155.74958 50.61305,147.75475 50.61305,137.90398 C 50.61305,128.0532 60.39554,120.0584 72.44897,120.0584 C 84.50241,120.0584 94.28492,128.0532 94.28492,137.90398 z" id="path2699" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 77.05385,132.30833 C 77.05385,144.07915 64.40979,153.6323 48.83052,153.6323 C 33.25127,153.6323 20.60722,144.07915 20.60722,132.30833 C 20.60722,120.5375 33.25127,110.98436 48.83052,110.98436 C 64.40979,110.98436 77.05385,120.5375 77.05385,132.30833 z" id="path2701" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.0992651,274.88941 C 184.57926,334.58214 452.65734,338.33467 559.09928,296.74389 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -9.0992651,274.88941 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 250.02308,299.65433 C 250.63759,344.4189 247.24538,370.1628 194.63428,368.02638 C 138.02715,365.72774 136.01659,340.67887 135.9048,299.1936 C 136.56962,261.28733 145.03161,215.16471 191.72057,216.33694 C 237.78603,216.85162 249.07532,268.67212 250.02308,299.65433 z" id="path2500" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 557.21665,297.74636 C 556.67286,359.01266 551.79446,343.11471 531.25484,395.05247 C 454.28151,392.83363 452.31734,358.57821 453.44425,301.79255 C 455.5178,249.89335 468.45687,186.61932 531.96599,187.45879 C 541.40435,187.74447 549.84332,189.85366 557.35374,193.3666 C 557.35374,274.34628 556.93822,262.48022 557.21665,297.74636 z" id="path2502" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 14: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M -6.8816468,305.08174 C 44.679193,331.08606 103.97465,333.71231 177.79396,292.43989 C 240.07809,327.23661 315.98777,322.18133 363.12563,304.64441 C 456.18438,333.35029 516.53994,323.33843 557.44065,313.93103 L 558.72758,400.42397 L -6.8816468,400.42397 L -6.8816468,305.08174 z" id="rect2440" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 47.733979,121.50092 C 47.733979,129.28206 40.02287,135.59719 30.52169,135.59719 C 21.020499,135.59719 13.3094,129.28206 13.3094,121.50092 C 13.3094,113.71978 21.020499,107.40465 30.52169,107.40465 C 40.02287,107.40465 47.733979,113.71978 47.733979,121.50092 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 99.964357,122.83635 C 99.964357,132.50135 90.19253,140.34541 78.152239,140.34541 C 66.111939,140.34541 56.34011,132.50135 56.34011,122.83635 C 56.34011,113.17135 66.111939,105.3273 78.152239,105.3273 C 90.19253,105.3273 99.964357,113.17135 99.964357,122.83635 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 82.752079,117.34623 C 82.752079,128.89508 70.121829,138.26806 54.55954,138.26806 C 38.99726,138.26806 26.366999,128.89508 26.366999,117.34623 C 26.366999,105.79738 38.99726,96.424384 54.55954,96.424384 C 70.121829,96.424384 82.752079,105.79738 82.752079,117.34623 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 492.14434,113.60421 C 492.14434,121.38535 484.43323,127.70048 474.93205,127.70048 C 465.43086,127.70048 457.71976,121.38535 457.71976,113.60421 C 457.71976,105.82307 465.43086,99.507938 474.93205,99.507938 C 484.43323,99.507938 492.14434,105.82307 492.14434,113.60421 z" id="path2512" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 544.37472,114.93964 C 544.37472,124.60464 534.60289,132.4487 522.5626,132.4487 C 510.5223,132.4487 500.75047,124.60464 500.75047,114.93964 C 500.75047,105.27464 510.5223,97.430588 522.5626,97.430588 C 534.60289,97.430588 544.37472,105.27464 544.37472,114.93964 z" id="path2514" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 527.16244,109.44952 C 527.16244,120.99837 514.53219,130.37135 498.9699,130.37135 C 483.40762,130.37135 470.77736,120.99837 470.77736,109.44952 C 470.77736,97.900668 483.40762,88.527676 498.9699,88.527676 C 514.53219,88.527676 527.16244,97.900668 527.16244,109.44952 z" id="path2516" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 426.31757,154.0924 C 426.31757,161.87354 418.60646,168.18867 409.10528,168.18867 C 399.60409,168.18867 391.89299,161.87354 391.89299,154.0924 C 391.89299,146.31126 399.60409,139.99613 409.10528,139.99613 C 418.60646,139.99613 426.31757,146.31126 426.31757,154.0924 z" id="path2520" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 478.54795,155.42783 C 478.54795,165.09283 468.77612,172.93689 456.73583,172.93689 C 444.69553,172.93689 434.9237,165.09283 434.9237,155.42783 C 434.9237,145.76283 444.69553,137.91878 456.73583,137.91878 C 468.77612,137.91878 478.54795,145.76283 478.54795,155.42783 z" id="path2522" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 461.33567,149.93771 C 461.33567,161.48656 448.70542,170.85954 433.14313,170.85954 C 417.58085,170.85954 404.95059,161.48656 404.95059,149.93771 C 404.95059,138.38886 417.58085,129.01586 433.14313,129.01586 C 448.70542,129.01586 461.33567,138.38886 461.33567,149.93771 z" id="path2524" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 163.20224,272.1312 C 162.64689,329.22215 160.0886,368.6239 87.024151,366.7022 C 8.4101787,364.63458 5.6203246,329.80301 6.7712454,276.88738 C 11.071295,232.65856 20.820039,171.7957 87.750458,173.25629 C 143.76735,173.04271 162.8604,232.62573 163.20224,272.1312 z" id="path2681" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 215.09437,291.72794 C 214.7213,330.07964 213.00273,356.54834 163.92061,355.25741 C 111.11051,353.86846 109.23639,330.46984 110.00953,294.92298 C 112.89815,265.21161 119.44701,224.32608 164.40852,225.30726 C 202.03869,225.16378 214.86473,265.18956 215.09437,291.72794 z" id="path2660" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 531.43924,286.27795 C 530.87275,344.03087 528.26313,383.88949 453.73281,381.9455 C 373.54162,379.85391 371.14462,344.61847 372.31863,291.08928 C 376.70495,246.34762 383.50755,185.22787 454.47369,186.25658 C 511.61443,186.04052 528.84645,253.49551 531.43924,286.27795 z" id="path2662" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 448.52421,312.81796 C 448.13489,352.50911 446.3414,379.90226 395.11985,378.56624 C 340.00782,377.12878 338.36046,352.91294 339.16731,316.12458 C 342.18184,285.37552 346.85699,243.37049 395.62903,244.07748 C 434.89945,243.92899 446.74229,290.28797 448.52421,312.81796 z" id="path2664" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); case 15: _local2 = <svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" version="1.0" width="550" height="400" id="svg2581"> <path d="M 146.38726,161.4142 C 146.38726,168.79217 139.40029,174.78011 130.79137,174.78011 C 122.18245,174.78011 115.19548,168.79217 115.19548,161.4142 C 115.19548,154.03622 122.18245,148.04829 130.79137,148.04829 C 139.40029,148.04829 146.38726,154.03622 146.38726,161.4142 z" id="path2443" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 193.71268,162.68044 C 193.71268,171.84468 184.85851,179.2823 173.94892,179.2823 C 163.03933,179.2823 154.18517,171.84468 154.18517,162.68044 C 154.18517,153.51622 163.03933,146.07857 173.94892,146.07857 C 184.85851,146.07857 193.71268,153.51622 193.71268,162.68044 z" id="path2445" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 178.11679,157.47478 C 178.11679,168.42525 166.67264,177.31259 152.57182,177.31259 C 138.47101,177.31259 127.02685,168.42525 127.02685,157.47478 C 127.02685,146.5243 138.47101,137.63695 152.57182,137.63695 C 166.67264,137.63695 178.11679,146.5243 178.11679,157.47478 z" id="path2447" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 66.62551,109.11245 C 66.62551,117.70921 55.71959,124.68628 42.28194,124.68628 C 28.84427,124.68628 17.93834,117.70921 17.93834,109.11245 C 17.93834,100.5157 28.84427,93.538612 42.28194,93.538612 C 55.71959,93.538612 66.62551,100.5157 66.62551,109.11245 z" id="path2455" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 91.93004,103.81413 C 91.93004,115.86734 79.80438,125.64963 64.8638,125.64963 C 49.92326,125.64963 37.79759,115.86734 37.79759,103.81413 C 37.79759,91.76097 49.92326,81.978671 64.8638,81.978671 C 79.80438,81.978671 91.93004,91.76097 91.93004,103.81413 z" id="path2457" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 144.14067,110.3969 C 144.14067,119.87994 133.44999,127.57629 120.27754,127.57629 C 107.10509,127.57629 96.41441,119.87994 96.41441,110.3969 C 96.41441,100.91388 107.10509,93.217518 120.27754,93.217518 C 133.44999,93.217518 144.14067,100.91388 144.14067,110.3969 z" id="path2459" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 119.79703,104.13525 C 119.79703,115.47942 107.81487,124.6863 93.05114,124.6863 C 78.28738,124.6863 66.30521,115.47942 66.30521,104.13525 C 66.30521,92.791077 78.28738,83.584205 93.05114,83.584205 C 107.81487,83.584205 119.79703,92.791077 119.79703,104.13525 z" id="path2461" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -9.9853666,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,-101.47233 L 0.014633133,398.52769 L -9.9853666,398.52769 L -9.9853666,-101.47233 z" id="rect2463" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 550.01462,-101.47233 L 560.01461,-101.47233 L 560.01461,398.52769 L 550.01462,398.52769 L 550.01462,-101.47233 z" id="rect2465" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M -7.0772063,315.07353 C 37.631753,298.4966 83.777661,250.99609 137.23681,258.42097 C 190.61912,265.79082 233.83118,328.64067 300.72583,337.99028 C 351.82215,345.09788 367.7429,246.4603 460.17222,244.42344 C 514.81459,243.22343 531.45669,289.21804 559.09928,348.35071 L 559.09928,401.01103 L -9.0992651,401.01103 L -7.0772063,315.07353 z" id="rect2511" style="fill:#000000;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 512.39414,258.55593 C 511.91489,319.12323 509.70716,360.92422 446.65476,358.8855 C 378.81329,356.69198 376.78544,319.73947 377.77865,263.60172 C 381.48946,216.67973 387.24444,152.58152 447.28155,153.66036 C 495.62242,153.43378 510.20065,224.17595 512.39414,258.55593 z" id="path2662" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 384.67427,134.80396 C 384.67427,142.22016 377.68951,148.23912 369.0833,148.23912 C 360.47709,148.23912 353.49233,142.22016 353.49233,134.80396 C 353.49233,127.38775 360.47709,121.3688 369.0833,121.3688 C 377.68951,121.3688 384.67427,127.38775 384.67427,134.80396 z" id="path2593" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 431.98478,136.07676 C 431.98478,145.28848 423.1334,152.76463 412.22725,152.76463 C 401.3211,152.76463 392.46973,145.28848 392.46973,136.07676 C 392.46973,126.86505 401.3211,119.38887 412.22725,119.38887 C 423.1334,119.38887 431.98478,126.86505 431.98478,136.07676 z" id="path2595" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 416.39381,130.84412 C 416.39381,141.85133 404.95327,150.78472 390.85689,150.78472 C 376.76052,150.78472 365.31997,141.85133 365.31997,130.84412 C 365.31997,119.83691 376.76052,110.90352 390.85689,110.90352 C 404.95327,110.90352 416.39381,119.83691 416.39381,130.84412 z" id="path2597" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 477.19921,113.37763 C 477.19921,122.26147 468.42876,129.47157 457.62233,129.47157 C 446.81591,129.47157 438.04546,122.26147 438.04546,113.37763 C 438.04546,104.49376 446.81591,97.283677 457.62233,97.283677 C 468.42876,97.283677 477.19921,104.49376 477.19921,113.37763 z" id="path2603" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 536.60487,114.90231 C 536.60487,125.937 525.49059,134.89267 511.79623,134.89267 C 498.10187,134.89267 486.98762,125.937 486.98762,114.90231 C 486.98762,103.86762 498.10187,94.911928 511.79623,94.911928 C 525.49059,94.911928 536.60487,103.86762 536.60487,114.90231 z" id="path2605" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 517.028,108.63414 C 517.028,121.81966 502.66262,132.52094 484.96244,132.52094 C 467.26227,132.52094 452.89689,121.81966 452.89689,108.63414 C 452.89689,95.448634 467.26227,84.747337 484.96244,84.747337 C 502.66262,84.747337 517.028,95.448634 517.028,108.63414 z" id="path2607" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 430.64224,294.81681 C 430.28502,339.96199 428.63944,371.11929 381.64195,369.59969 C 331.07481,367.96469 329.56329,340.42134 330.30362,298.5778 C 333.06956,263.60347 337.35916,215.82646 382.10912,216.6306 C 418.14107,216.46171 429.00727,269.19094 430.64224,294.81681 z" id="path2609" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> <path d="M 121.99584,286.52394 C 121.47179,347.53166 14.426297,338.39433 -4.768855,314.42972 C -4.768855,289.51429 -3.8813754,246.91847 -3.8813754,206.81553 C 7.0183934,190.96429 23.941206,180.42105 50.798096,180.86562 C 103.65669,180.6374 115.9501,236.74384 121.99584,286.52394 z" id="path2611" style="fill:#000000;fill-rule:evenodd;stroke:none"/> </svg> ; return (_local2); }; return (null); } } }//package classes
Section 90
//LifeBar (classes.LifeBar) package classes { import flash.display.*; public class LifeBar extends MovieClip { private var life:Number; public var insideBar:MovieClip; private var decrease:Number; private static const INIT_X:Number = 0; private static const FINISH_X:Number = -150; public function LifeBar(){ = 100; this.decrease = 0; } private function updateColor():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = ((decrease * 20) + 10); if (_local1 > 20){ _local1 = 20; }; _local2 = this.insideBar.currentFrame; if (_local1 > _local2){ this.insideBar.gotoAndStop((_local2 + 1)); } else { if (_local1 < _local2){ this.insideBar.gotoAndStop((_local2 - 1)); }; }; } private function updateLife():void{ var _local1:Number; if (decrease){ updateColor(); = ( - this.decrease); this.decrease = 0; _local1 = (FINISH_X + ((life * (INIT_X - FINISH_X)) / 100)); if (_local1 >= FINISH_X){ this.insideBar.lifeBarMask.x = _local1; }; } else { if (this.insideBar.currentFrame > 1){ this.insideBar.gotoAndStop((this.insideBar.currentFrame - 1)); }; }; } public function decreaseLife(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ this.decrease = (this.decrease + _arg1); if (( - this.decrease) <= 0){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function think():void{ updateLife(); } } }//package classes
Section 91
//Sleepy (classes.Sleepy) package classes { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import flash.display.*; import Box2D.*; public class Sleepy extends MovieClip { private var oldY:Number; private var oldX; public var isDestroing:Boolean; public var face:MovieClip; private var color:String; private var state:String; private var body:b2Body; private var wakeCount:int; private static const RENDER:Boolean = true; public static const COLOR_BLUE:String = "Blue"; public static const COLOR_GREEN:String = "Green"; public static const STATE_SLEEP:String = "Sleep"; private static const MAX_WAKE_COUNT:int = 80; public static const COLOR_YELLOW:String = "Yellow"; public static const STATE_WAKE:String = "Wake"; public static const COLOR_RED:String = "Red"; public static const COLORS:Array = new Array(COLOR_YELLOW, COLOR_RED, COLOR_GREEN, COLOR_BLUE, COLOR_PINK); public static const COLOR_PINK:String = "Pink"; private static var world:b2World; private static var mainSprite:Sprite; public function Sleepy(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4:Number){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); this.setColor(COLORS[Box2DUtils.random(0, (_arg4 - 1))]); this.setState(STATE_WAKE); this.wakeCount = 0;, _arg2, _arg3); } public function isSleeping():Boolean{ if (this.state == STATE_SLEEP){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function setColor(_arg1:String):void{ this.color = _arg1; this.gotoAndStop(color); this.isDestroing = false; } public function getBody():b2Body{ return (body); } function frame1(){ stop(); } public function setState(_arg1:String):void{ this.state = _arg1; this.face.gotoAndPlay(state); if ((((Global.gamePlay.getState() == GamePlay.STATE_PLAY)) && ((state == STATE_WAKE)))){ Global.soundManager.playSound("hey"); }; } private function build(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3:Number):void{ var _local4:b2PolygonDef; var _local5:b2BodyDef; var _local6:b2Body; _local4 = new b2PolygonDef(); _local5 = new b2BodyDef(); _local4.density = 1; _local4.friction = 1; _local4.restitution = 0.5; Box2DUtils.setPosition(_local5, _arg2, _arg3); Box2DUtils.setSize(_local4, _arg1, _arg1); _local5.userData = this; _local5.userData.width = _arg1; _local5.userData.height = _arg1; _local5.userData.x = _arg2; _local5.userData.y = _arg3; if (!Sleepy.RENDER){ _local5.userData.visible = false; }; _local6 = world.CreateBody(_local5); _local6.CreateShape(_local4); _local6.SetMassFromShapes(); this.body = _local6; } public function getColor():String{ return (this.color); } private function isMoved():Boolean{ if (((((oldX - x) > 10)) || (((oldX - x) < -10)))){ return (true); }; if (((((oldY - y) > 10)) || (((oldY - y) < -10)))){ return (true); }; return (false); } public function think():void{ var _local1:Boolean; _local1 = this.body.IsSleeping(); switch (this.state){ case STATE_SLEEP: if (isMoved()){ this.setState(STATE_WAKE); }; break; case STATE_WAKE: if (_local1){ wakeCount++; if (wakeCount == MAX_WAKE_COUNT){ this.setState(STATE_SLEEP); oldX = x; oldY = y; wakeCount = 0; }; }; break; }; } public static function setSprite(_arg1:Sprite):void{ Sleepy.mainSprite = _arg1; } public static function setWorld(_arg1:b2World):void{ = _arg1; } } }//package classes
Section 92
//SoundTimer (classes.SoundTimer) package classes { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class SoundTimer { private var total:uint; private var timer:Timer; private var count:uint; private static var instance:SoundTimer = new (SoundTimer); ; public function SoundTimer(){ timer = new Timer(1000, 0); timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTimer, false, 0, true); } public function start():void{ timer.start(); } private function onTimer(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:String; _local2 = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 4)) + 1); _local3 = ("snoring" + _local2); _local2 = (0.5 + (Math.random() * 0.5)); Global.soundManager.playSound(_local3, _local2); } public function stop():void{ Global.soundManager.stopSound("snoring1"); Global.soundManager.stopSound("snoring2"); Global.soundManager.stopSound("snoring3"); Global.soundManager.stopSound("snoring4"); timer.stop(); } public function setTotal(_arg1:uint):void{ = _arg1; this.count = _arg1; } public function decreaseCount():void{ var _local1:uint; this.count--; _local1 = (2000 - ((2000 / total) * count)); timer.delay = (1000 + _local1); } public static function getInstance():SoundTimer{ return (instance); } } }//package classes
Section 93
//ColorDisplay_17 (Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ColorDisplay_17 extends MovieClip { public function ColorDisplay_17(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 5, frame6); } function frame6(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 94
//Face_75 (Game_fla.Face_75) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Face_75 extends MovieClip { public function Face_75(){ addFrameScript(49, frame50, 150, frame151); } function frame151(){ gotoAndPlay("Sleep"); } function frame50(){ gotoAndPlay("Wake"); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 95
//FaceStatic_35 (Game_fla.FaceStatic_35) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class FaceStatic_35 extends MovieClip { public function FaceStatic_35(){ addFrameScript(100, frame101); } function frame101(){ gotoAndPlay("Sleep"); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 96
//FastGamesBar_45 (Game_fla.FastGamesBar_45) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public dynamic class FastGamesBar_45 extends MovieClip { public var fastGamesButton:SimpleButton; public function FastGamesBar_45(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ fastGamesButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); stop(); } public function onClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest(""); navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank"); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 97
//levelDisplay_18 (Game_fla.levelDisplay_18) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class levelDisplay_18 extends MovieClip { public var txtLevel:TextField; } }//package Game_fla
Section 98
//LevelSelectionButton_29 (Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class LevelSelectionButton_29 extends MovieClip { public var txtLevel:TextField; public function LevelSelectionButton_29(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 99
//LifeBarInside_15 (Game_fla.LifeBarInside_15) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class LifeBarInside_15 extends MovieClip { public var lifeBarMask:MovieClip; public function LifeBarInside_15(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 19, frame20); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame20(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 100
//lightning_5 (Game_fla.lightning_5) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class lightning_5 extends MovieClip { public function lightning_5(){ addFrameScript(9, frame10); } function frame10(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 101
//logoAnim_3 (Game_fla.logoAnim_3) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public dynamic class logoAnim_3 extends MovieClip { public var link:SimpleButton; public function logoAnim_3(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 6, frame7); } function frame7(){ link.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } public function onClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest(""); navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank"); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 102
//MainTimeline (Game_fla.MainTimeline) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var preloader:MovieClip; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3); } public function siteLock():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:String; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local1 = stage.loaderInfo.url; _local2 = (_local1.indexOf("://") + 3); _local3 = _local1.indexOf("/", _local2); _local4 = _local1.substring(_local2, _local3); _local5 = (_local4.lastIndexOf(".") - 1); _local6 = (_local4.lastIndexOf(".", _local5) + 1); _local4 = _local4.substring(_local6, _local4.length); if (_local4 != ""){ MovieClip(root).alpha = 0; } else { preloader.setListeners(); }; } function frame3(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ preloader.setListeners(); stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 103
//preloader_1 (Game_fla.preloader_1) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.geom.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.text.*; import*; import flash.errors.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class preloader_1 extends MovieClip { public var loaded:MovieClip; public var txtPercent:TextField; public function preloader_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function getinit(_arg1:Event){ loaded.width = 1; txtPercent.text = "1%"; } function frame1(){ } public function getprogress(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local2 =; _local3 =; _local4 = 498; loaded.width = ((_local2 / _local3) * _local4); txtPercent.text = (String(Math.floor(((_local2 / _local3) * 100))) + "%"); } public function getcomplete(_arg1:Event){ loaded.width = 498; MovieClip(root).gotoAndStop("loaded"); this.loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, getinit); this.loaderInfo.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, getprogress); this.loaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, getcomplete); } public function setListeners():void{ this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, getinit); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, getprogress); this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, getcomplete); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 104
//SleepyBlue_34 (Game_fla.SleepyBlue_34) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SleepyBlue_34 extends MovieClip { public var face:MovieClip; } }//package Game_fla
Section 105
//SleepyGreen_38 (Game_fla.SleepyGreen_38) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SleepyGreen_38 extends MovieClip { public var face:MovieClip; } }//package Game_fla
Section 106
//SleepyPink_39 (Game_fla.SleepyPink_39) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SleepyPink_39 extends MovieClip { public var face:MovieClip; } }//package Game_fla
Section 107
//SleepyRed_36 (Game_fla.SleepyRed_36) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SleepyRed_36 extends MovieClip { public var face:MovieClip; } }//package Game_fla
Section 108
//SleepyYellow_37 (Game_fla.SleepyYellow_37) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class SleepyYellow_37 extends MovieClip { public var face:MovieClip; } }//package Game_fla
Section 109
//title_4 (Game_fla.title_4) package Game_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class title_4 extends MovieClip { public function title_4(){ addFrameScript(11, frame12); } function frame12(){ MovieClip(parent).play(); stop(); } } }//package Game_fla
Section 110
//TweenEvent ( package { import*; public class TweenEvent extends Event { public var info:Object; public static const UPDATE:String = "update"; public static const START:String = "start"; public static const version:Number = 0.9; public static const COMPLETE:String = "complete"; public function TweenEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg3, _arg4); = _arg2; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new TweenEvent(this.type,, this.bubbles, this.cancelable)); } } }//package
Section 111
//AutoAlphaPlugin (gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; public class AutoAlphaPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _tweenVisible:Boolean; protected var _tween:TweenLite; protected var _visible:Boolean; protected var _target:Object; public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function AutoAlphaPlugin(){ this.propName = "autoAlpha"; this.overwriteProps = ["alpha", "visible"]; this.onComplete = onCompleteTween; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); if (((!((_target.visible == true))) && (_tweenVisible))){ _target.visible = true; }; } public function onCompleteTween():void{ if (((((_tweenVisible) && (!((_tween.vars.runBackwards == true))))) && ((_tween.ease == _tween.vars.ease)))){ _target.visible = _visible; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _tween = _arg3; _visible = Boolean(!((_arg2 == 0))); _tweenVisible = true; addTween(_arg1, "alpha", _arg1.alpha, _arg2, "alpha"); return (true); } override public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ super.killProps(_arg1); _tweenVisible = !(Boolean(("visible" in _arg1))); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 112
//BevelFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BevelFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function BevelFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "bevelFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["bevelFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = BevelFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new BevelFilter(0, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 2, 2, 0, ((_arg2.quality) || (2)))); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 113
//BezierPlugin (gs.plugins.BezierPlugin) package gs.plugins { import gs.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; public class BezierPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _future:Object; protected var _orient:Boolean; protected var _orientData:Array; protected var _beziers:Object; protected var _target:Object; protected static const _RAD2DEG:Number = 57.2957795130823; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01; public static const API:Number = 1; public function BezierPlugin(){ _future = {}; super(); this.propName = "bezier"; this.overwriteProps = []; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:Object; var _local5:Number; var _local6:uint; var _local7:Number; var _local8:int; var _local9:Object; var _local10:Boolean; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Array; var _local14:Number; if (_arg1 == 1){ for (_local3 in _beziers) { _local2 = (_beziers[_local3].length - 1); _target[_local3] = _beziers[_local3][_local2][2]; }; } else { for (_local3 in _beziers) { _local6 = _beziers[_local3].length; if (_arg1 < 0){ _local2 = 0; } else { if (_arg1 >= 1){ _local2 = (_local6 - 1); } else { _local2 = int((_local6 * _arg1)); }; }; _local5 = ((_arg1 - (_local2 * (1 / _local6))) * _local6); _local4 = _beziers[_local3][_local2]; if (this.round){ _local7 = (_local4[0] + (_local5 * (((2 * (1 - _local5)) * (_local4[1] - _local4[0])) + (_local5 * (_local4[2] - _local4[0]))))); _local8 = ((_local7)<0) ? -1 : 1; _target[_local3] = ((((_local7 % 1) * _local8))>0.5) ? (int(_local7) + _local8) : int(_local7); } else { _target[_local3] = (_local4[0] + (_local5 * (((2 * (1 - _local5)) * (_local4[1] - _local4[0])) + (_local5 * (_local4[2] - _local4[0]))))); }; }; }; if (_orient){ _local9 = _target; _local10 = this.round; _target = _future; this.round = false; _orient = false; this.changeFactor = (_arg1 + 0.01); _target = _local9; this.round = _local10; _orient = true; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _orientData.length) { _local13 = _orientData[_local2]; _local14 = ((_local13[3]) || (0)); _local11 = (_future[_local13[0]] - _target[_local13[0]]); _local12 = (_future[_local13[1]] - _target[_local13[1]]); _target[_local13[2]] = ((Math.atan2(_local12, _local11) * _RAD2DEG) + _local14); _local2++; }; }; } protected function init(_arg1:TweenLite, _arg2:Array, _arg3:Boolean):void{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; _target =; if (_arg1.exposedVars.orientToBezier == true){ _orientData = [["x", "y", "rotation", 0]]; _orient = true; } else { if ((_arg1.exposedVars.orientToBezier is Array)){ _orientData = _arg1.exposedVars.orientToBezier; _orient = true; }; }; _local4 = {}; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg2.length) { for (_local6 in _arg2[_local5]) { if (_local4[_local6] == undefined){ _local4[_local6] = [[_local6]]; }; if (typeof(_arg2[_local5][_local6]) == "number"){ _local4[_local6].push(_arg2[_local5][_local6]); } else { _local4[_local6].push(([_local6] + Number(_arg2[_local5][_local6]))); }; }; _local5++; }; for (_local6 in _local4) { this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _local6; if (_arg1.exposedVars[_local6] != undefined){ if (typeof(_arg1.exposedVars[_local6]) == "number"){ _local4[_local6].push(_arg1.exposedVars[_local6]); } else { _local4[_local6].push(([_local6] + Number(_arg1.exposedVars[_local6]))); }; delete _arg1.exposedVars[_local6]; _local5 = (_arg1.tweens.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { if (_arg1.tweens[_local5].name == _local6){ _arg1.tweens.splice(_local5, 1); }; _local5--; }; }; }; _beziers = parseBeziers(_local4, _arg3); } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (!(_arg2 is Array)){ return (false); }; init(_arg3, (_arg2 as Array), false); return (true); } override public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:String; for (_local2 in _beziers) { if ((_local2 in _arg1)){ delete _beziers[_local2]; }; }; super.killProps(_arg1); } public static function parseBeziers(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Boolean=false):Object{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:Object; var _local6:String; var _local7:Object; _local7 = {}; if (_arg2){ for (_local6 in _arg1) { _local4 = _arg1[_local6]; _local5 = []; _local7[_local6] = _local5; if (_local4.length > 2){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], (_local4[1] - ((_local4[2] - _local4[0]) / 4)), _local4[1]]; _local3 = 1; while (_local3 < (_local4.length - 1)) { _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[_local3], (_local4[_local3] + (_local4[_local3] - _local5[(_local3 - 1)][1])), _local4[(_local3 + 1)]]; _local3++; }; } else { _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], ((_local4[0] + _local4[1]) / 2), _local4[1]]; }; }; } else { for (_local6 in _arg1) { _local4 = _arg1[_local6]; _local5 = []; _local7[_local6] = _local5; if (_local4.length > 3){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], _local4[1], ((_local4[1] + _local4[2]) / 2)]; _local3 = 2; while (_local3 < (_local4.length - 2)) { _local5[_local5.length] = [_local5[(_local3 - 2)][2], _local4[_local3], ((_local4[_local3] + _local4[(_local3 + 1)]) / 2)]; _local3++; }; _local5[_local5.length] = [_local5[(_local5.length - 1)][2], _local4[(_local4.length - 2)], _local4[(_local4.length - 1)]]; } else { if (_local4.length == 3){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], _local4[1], _local4[2]]; } else { if (_local4.length == 2){ _local5[_local5.length] = [_local4[0], ((_local4[0] + _local4[1]) / 2), _local4[1]]; }; }; }; }; }; return (_local7); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 114
//BezierThroughPlugin (gs.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin) package gs.plugins { import gs.*; public class BezierThroughPlugin extends BezierPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function BezierThroughPlugin(){ this.propName = "bezierThrough"; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (!(_arg2 is Array)){ return (false); }; init(_arg3, (_arg2 as Array), true); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 115
//BlurFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.filters.*; public class BlurFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function BlurFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "blurFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["blurFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = BlurFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new BlurFilter(0, 0, ((_arg2.quality) || (2)))); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 116
//ColorMatrixFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.filters.*; public class ColorMatrixFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { protected var _matrix:Array; protected var _matrixTween:EndArrayPlugin; public static const API:Number = 1; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.1; protected static var _lumG:Number = 0.71516; protected static var _lumR:Number = 0.212671; protected static var _idMatrix:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; protected static var _lumB:Number = 0.072169; public function ColorMatrixFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "colorMatrixFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["colorMatrixFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:Object; var _local5:Array; _target = _arg1; _type = ColorMatrixFilter; _local4 = _arg2; initFilter({remove:_arg2.remove, index:_arg2.index, addFilter:_arg2.addFilter}, new ColorMatrixFilter(_idMatrix.slice())); _matrix = ColorMatrixFilter(_filter).matrix; _local5 = []; if (((!((_local4.matrix == null))) && ((_local4.matrix is Array)))){ _local5 = _local4.matrix; } else { if (_local4.relative == true){ _local5 = _matrix.slice(); } else { _local5 = _idMatrix.slice(); }; _local5 = setBrightness(_local5, _local4.brightness); _local5 = setContrast(_local5, _local4.contrast); _local5 = setHue(_local5, _local4.hue); _local5 = setSaturation(_local5, _local4.saturation); _local5 = setThreshold(_local5, _local4.threshold); if (!isNaN(_local4.colorize)){ _local5 = colorize(_local5, _local4.colorize, _local4.amount); }; }; _matrixTween = new EndArrayPlugin(); _matrixTween.init(_matrix, _local5); return (true); } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ _matrixTween.changeFactor = _arg1; ColorMatrixFilter(_filter).matrix = _matrix; super.changeFactor = _arg1; } public static function setSaturation(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Array; if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _local3 = (1 - _arg2); _local4 = (_local3 * _lumR); _local5 = (_local3 * _lumG); _local6 = (_local3 * _lumB); _local7 = [(_local4 + _arg2), _local5, _local6, 0, 0, _local4, (_local5 + _arg2), _local6, 0, 0, _local4, _local5, (_local6 + _arg2), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local7, _arg1)); } public static function setHue(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Array; if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _arg2 = (_arg2 * (Math.PI / 180)); _local3 = Math.cos(_arg2); _local4 = Math.sin(_arg2); _local5 = [((_lumR + (_local3 * (1 - _lumR))) + (_local4 * -(_lumR))), ((_lumG + (_local3 * -(_lumG))) + (_local4 * -(_lumG))), ((_lumB + (_local3 * -(_lumB))) + (_local4 * (1 - _lumB))), 0, 0, ((_lumR + (_local3 * -(_lumR))) + (_local4 * 0.143)), ((_lumG + (_local3 * (1 - _lumG))) + (_local4 * 0.14)), ((_lumB + (_local3 * -(_lumB))) + (_local4 * -0.283)), 0, 0, ((_lumR + (_local3 * -(_lumR))) + (_local4 * -((1 - _lumR)))), ((_lumG + (_local3 * -(_lumG))) + (_local4 * _lumG)), ((_lumB + (_local3 * (1 - _lumB))) + (_local4 * _lumB)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]; return (applyMatrix(_local5, _arg1)); } public static function setThreshold(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ var _local3:Array; if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _local3 = [(_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * _arg2), (_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * _arg2), (_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * _arg2), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local3, _arg1)); } public static function applyMatrix(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):Array{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; if (((!((_arg1 is Array))) || (!((_arg2 is Array))))){ return (_arg2); }; _local3 = []; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 4) { _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < 5) { if (_local7 == 4){ _local5 = _arg1[(_local4 + 4)]; } else { _local5 = 0; }; _local3[(_local4 + _local7)] = (((((_arg1[_local4] * _arg2[_local7]) + (_arg1[(_local4 + 1)] * _arg2[(_local7 + 5)])) + (_arg1[(_local4 + 2)] * _arg2[(_local7 + 10)])) + (_arg1[(_local4 + 3)] * _arg2[(_local7 + 15)])) + _local5); _local7++; }; _local4 = (_local4 + 5); _local6++; }; return (_local3); } public static function colorize(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number=1):Array{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Array; if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; if (isNaN(_arg3)){ _arg3 = 1; }; _local4 = (((_arg2 >> 16) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); _local5 = (((_arg2 >> 8) & 0xFF) / 0xFF); _local6 = ((_arg2 & 0xFF) / 0xFF); _local7 = (1 - _arg3); _local8 = [(_local7 + ((_arg3 * _local4) * _lumR)), ((_arg3 * _local4) * _lumG), ((_arg3 * _local4) * _lumB), 0, 0, ((_arg3 * _local5) * _lumR), (_local7 + ((_arg3 * _local5) * _lumG)), ((_arg3 * _local5) * _lumB), 0, 0, ((_arg3 * _local6) * _lumR), ((_arg3 * _local6) * _lumG), (_local7 + ((_arg3 * _local6) * _lumB)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local8, _arg1)); } public static function setBrightness(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _arg2 = ((_arg2 * 100) - 100); return (applyMatrix([1, 0, 0, 0, _arg2, 0, 1, 0, 0, _arg2, 0, 0, 1, 0, _arg2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], _arg1)); } public static function setContrast(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Number):Array{ var _local3:Array; if (isNaN(_arg2)){ return (_arg1); }; _arg2 = (_arg2 + 0.01); _local3 = [_arg2, 0, 0, 0, (128 * (1 - _arg2)), 0, _arg2, 0, 0, (128 * (1 - _arg2)), 0, 0, _arg2, 0, (128 * (1 - _arg2)), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]; return (applyMatrix(_local3, _arg1)); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 117
//DropShadowFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.filters.*; public class DropShadowFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function DropShadowFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "dropShadowFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["dropShadowFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = DropShadowFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ((_arg2.quality) || (2)), _arg2.inner, _arg2.knockout, _arg2.hideObject)); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 118
//EndArrayPlugin (gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin) package gs.plugins { import gs.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; public class EndArrayPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _info:Array; protected var _a:Array; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01; public static const API:Number = 1; public function EndArrayPlugin(){ _info = []; super(); this.propName = "endArray"; this.overwriteProps = ["endArray"]; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:ArrayTweenInfo; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; if (this.round){ _local2 = (_info.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _info[_local2]; _local4 = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); _local5 = ((_local4)<0) ? -1 : 1; _a[_local3.index] = ((((_local4 % 1) * _local5))>0.5) ? (int(_local4) + _local5) : int(_local4); _local2--; }; } else { _local2 = (_info.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _info[_local2]; _a[_local3.index] = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); _local2--; }; }; } public function init(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:int; _a = _arg1; _local3 = (_arg2.length - 1); while (_local3 > -1) { if (((!((_arg1[_local3] == _arg2[_local3]))) && (!((_arg1[_local3] == null))))){ _info[_info.length] = new ArrayTweenInfo(_local3, _a[_local3], (_arg2[_local3] - _a[_local3])); }; _local3--; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (((!((_arg1 is Array))) || (!((_arg2 is Array))))){ return (false); }; init((_arg1 as Array), _arg2); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 119
//FilterPlugin (gs.plugins.FilterPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.filters.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; public class FilterPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _index:int; protected var _filter:BitmapFilter; protected var _type:Class; protected var _remove:Boolean; protected var _target:Object; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.03; public static const API:Number = 1; override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:TweenInfo; var _local4:Array; _local4 = _target.filters; _local2 = (_tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _tweens[_local2];[] = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); _local2--; }; if (!(_local4[_index] is _type)){ _index = (_local4.length - 1); _local2 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { if ((_local4[_local2] is _type)){ _index = _local2; break; }; _local2--; }; }; _local4[_index] = _filter; _target.filters = _local4; } public function onCompleteTween():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Array; if (_remove){ _local2 = _target.filters; if (!(_local2[_index] is _type)){ _local1 = (_local2.length - 1); while (_local1 > -1) { if ((_local2[_local1] is _type)){ _local2.splice(_local1, 1); break; }; _local1--; }; } else { _local2.splice(_index, 1); }; _target.filters = _local2; }; } protected function initFilter(_arg1:Object, _arg2:BitmapFilter):void{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:HexColorsPlugin; var _local7:Object; _local3 = _target.filters; _index = -1; if (_arg1.index != null){ _index = _arg1.index; } else { _local5 = (_local3.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { if ((_local3[_local5] is _type)){ _index = _local5; break; }; _local5--; }; }; if ((((((_index == -1)) || ((_local3[_index] == null)))) || ((_arg1.addFilter == true)))){ _index = ((_arg1.index)!=null) ? _arg1.index : _local3.length; _local3[_index] = _arg2; _target.filters = _local3; }; _filter = _local3[_index]; _remove = Boolean((_arg1.remove == true)); if (_remove){ this.onComplete = onCompleteTween; }; _local7 = ((_arg1.isTV)==true) ? _arg1.exposedVars : _arg1; for (_local4 in _local7) { if (((((((((!((_local4 in _filter))) || ((_filter[_local4] == _local7[_local4])))) || ((_local4 == "remove")))) || ((_local4 == "index")))) || ((_local4 == "addFilter")))){ } else { if ((((((_local4 == "color")) || ((_local4 == "highlightColor")))) || ((_local4 == "shadowColor")))){ _local6 = new HexColorsPlugin(); _local6.initColor(_filter, _local4, _filter[_local4], _local7[_local4]); _tweens[_tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(_local6, "changeFactor", 0, 1, _local4, false); } else { if ((((((((_local4 == "quality")) || ((_local4 == "inner")))) || ((_local4 == "knockout")))) || ((_local4 == "hideObject")))){ _filter[_local4] = _local7[_local4]; } else { addTween(_filter, _local4, _filter[_local4], _local7[_local4], _local4); }; }; }; }; } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 120
//FramePlugin (gs.plugins.FramePlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; public class FramePlugin extends TweenPlugin { public var frame:int; protected var _target:MovieClip; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01; public static const API:Number = 1; public function FramePlugin(){ this.propName = "frame"; this.overwriteProps = ["frame"]; this.round = true; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); _target.gotoAndStop(this.frame); } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (((!((_arg1 is MovieClip))) || (isNaN(_arg2)))){ return (false); }; _target = (_arg1 as MovieClip); this.frame = _target.currentFrame; addTween(this, "frame", this.frame, _arg2, "frame"); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 121
//GlowFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.filters.*; public class GlowFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function GlowFilterPlugin(){ this.propName = "glowFilter"; this.overwriteProps = ["glowFilter"]; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _type = GlowFilter; initFilter(_arg2, new GlowFilter(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0, ((_arg2.strength) || (1)), ((_arg2.quality) || (2)), _arg2.inner, _arg2.knockout)); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 122
//HexColorsPlugin (gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin) package gs.plugins { import gs.*; public class HexColorsPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _colors:Array; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01; public static const API:Number = 1; public function HexColorsPlugin(){ this.propName = "hexColors"; this.overwriteProps = []; _colors = []; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Array; _local2 = (_colors.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _colors[_local2]; _local3[0][_local3[1]] = ((((_local3[2] + (_arg1 * _local3[3])) << 16) | ((_local3[4] + (_arg1 * _local3[5])) << 8)) | (_local3[6] + (_arg1 * _local3[7]))); _local2--; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:String; for (_local4 in _arg2) { initColor(_arg1, _local4, uint(_arg1[_local4]), uint(_arg2[_local4])); }; return (true); } override public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = (_colors.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { if (_arg1[_colors[_local2][1]] != undefined){ _colors.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; super.killProps(_arg1); } public function initColor(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; if (_arg3 != _arg4){ _local5 = (_arg3 >> 16); _local6 = ((_arg3 >> 8) & 0xFF); _local7 = (_arg3 & 0xFF); _colors[_colors.length] = [_arg1, _arg2, _local5, ((_arg4 >> 16) - _local5), _local6, (((_arg4 >> 8) & 0xFF) - _local6), _local7, ((_arg4 & 0xFF) - _local7)]; this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _arg2; }; } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 123
//RemoveTintPlugin (gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin) package gs.plugins { public class RemoveTintPlugin extends TintPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01; public static const API:Number = 1; public function RemoveTintPlugin(){ this.propName = "removeTint"; } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 124
//RoundPropsPlugin (gs.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin) package gs.plugins { public class RoundPropsPlugin extends TweenPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function RoundPropsPlugin(){ this.propName = "roundProps"; this.overwriteProps = []; this.round = true; } public function add(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ addTween(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, (_arg3 + _arg4), _arg2); this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _arg2; } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 125
//ShortRotationPlugin (gs.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin) package gs.plugins { import gs.*; public class ShortRotationPlugin extends TweenPlugin { public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function ShortRotationPlugin(){ this.propName = "shortRotation"; this.overwriteProps = []; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:String; if (typeof(_arg2) == "number"){ trace("WARNING: You appear to be using the old shortRotation syntax. Instead of passing a number, please pass an object with properties that correspond to the rotations values For example,, 2, {shortRotation:{rotationX:-170, rotationY:25}})"); return (false); }; for (_local4 in _arg2) { initRotation(_arg1, _local4, _arg1[_local4], _arg2[_local4]); }; return (true); } public function initRotation(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):void{ var _local5:Number; _local5 = ((_arg4 - _arg3) % 360); if (((_arg4 - _arg3) % 360) != (_local5 % 180)){ _local5 = ((_local5)<0) ? (_local5 + 360) : (_local5 - 360); }; addTween(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, (_arg3 + _local5), _arg2); this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = _arg2; } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 126
//TintPlugin (gs.plugins.TintPlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import flash.geom.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; public class TintPlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _ct:ColorTransform; protected var _ignoreAlpha:Boolean; protected var _target:DisplayObject; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.1; public static const API:Number = 1; protected static var _props:Array = ["redMultiplier", "greenMultiplier", "blueMultiplier", "alphaMultiplier", "redOffset", "greenOffset", "blueOffset", "alphaOffset"]; public function TintPlugin(){ this.propName = "tint"; this.overwriteProps = ["tint"]; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:ColorTransform; updateTweens(_arg1); if (_ignoreAlpha){ _local2 = _target.transform.colorTransform; _ct.alphaMultiplier = _local2.alphaMultiplier; _ct.alphaOffset = _local2.alphaOffset; }; _target.transform.colorTransform = _ct; } public function init(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:ColorTransform):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _target = _arg1; _ct = _target.transform.colorTransform; _local3 = (_props.length - 1); while (_local3 > -1) { _local4 = _props[_local3]; if (_ct[_local4] != _arg2[_local4]){ _tweens[_tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(_ct, _local4, _ct[_local4], (_arg2[_local4] - _ct[_local4]), "tint", false); }; _local3--; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ var _local4:ColorTransform; if (!(_arg1 is DisplayObject)){ return (false); }; _local4 = new ColorTransform(); if (((!((_arg2 == null))) && (!((_arg3.exposedVars.removeTint == true))))){ _local4.color = uint(_arg2); }; _ignoreAlpha = true; init((_arg1 as DisplayObject), _local4); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 127
//TweenPlugin (gs.plugins.TweenPlugin) package gs.plugins { import gs.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; public class TweenPlugin { public var overwriteProps:Array; protected var _tweens:Array; public var round:Boolean; public var onComplete:Function; public var propName:String; protected var _changeFactor:Number;// = 0 public static const VERSION:Number = 1.03; public static const API:Number = 1; public function TweenPlugin(){ _tweens = []; _changeFactor = 0; super(); } protected function updateTweens(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:TweenInfo; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; if (this.round){ _local2 = (_tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _tweens[_local2]; _local4 = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); _local5 = ((_local4)<0) ? -1 : 1;[] = ((((_local4 % 1) * _local5))>0.5) ? (int(_local4) + _local5) : int(_local4); _local2--; }; } else { _local2 = (_tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = _tweens[_local2];[] = (_local3.start + (_local3.change * _arg1)); _local2--; }; }; } public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); _changeFactor = _arg1; } protected function addTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4, _arg5:String=null):void{ var _local6:Number; if (_arg4 != null){ _local6 = ((typeof(_arg4))=="number") ? (_arg4 - _arg3) : Number(_arg4); if (_local6 != 0){ _tweens[_tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _local6, ((_arg5) || (_arg2)), false); }; }; } public function killProps(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = (this.overwriteProps.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { if ((this.overwriteProps[_local2] in _arg1)){ this.overwriteProps.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; _local2 = (_tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { if ((_tweens[_local2].name in _arg1)){ _tweens.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2--; }; } public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ addTween(_arg1, this.propName, _arg1[this.propName], _arg2, this.propName); return (true); } public function get changeFactor():Number{ return (_changeFactor); } public static function activate(_arg1:Array):Boolean{ var _local2:int; var _local3:Object; _local2 = (_arg1.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local3 = new (_arg1[_local2]); TweenLite.plugins[_local3.propName] = _arg1[_local2]; _local2--; }; return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 128
//VisiblePlugin (gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; public class VisiblePlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _tween:TweenLite; protected var _visible:Boolean; protected var _target:Object; public static const VERSION:Number = 1; public static const API:Number = 1; public function VisiblePlugin(){ this.propName = "visible"; this.overwriteProps = ["visible"]; this.onComplete = onCompleteTween; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_target.visible != true){ _target.visible = true; }; } public function onCompleteTween():void{ if (((!((_tween.vars.runBackwards == true))) && ((_tween.ease == _tween.vars.ease)))){ _target.visible = _visible; }; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ _target = _arg1; _tween = _arg3; _visible = Boolean(_arg2); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 129
//VolumePlugin (gs.plugins.VolumePlugin) package gs.plugins { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import*; public class VolumePlugin extends TweenPlugin { protected var _st:SoundTransform; protected var _target:Object; public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01; public static const API:Number = 1; public function VolumePlugin(){ this.propName = "volume"; this.overwriteProps = ["volume"]; } override public function set changeFactor(_arg1:Number):void{ updateTweens(_arg1); _target.soundTransform = _st; } override public function onInitTween(_arg1:Object, _arg2, _arg3:TweenLite):Boolean{ if (((isNaN(_arg2)) || (!(_arg1.hasOwnProperty("soundTransform"))))){ return (false); }; _target = _arg1; _st = _target.soundTransform; addTween(_st, "volume", _st.volume, _arg2, "volume"); return (true); } } }//package gs.plugins
Section 130
//ArrayTweenInfo (gs.utils.tween.ArrayTweenInfo) package gs.utils.tween { public class ArrayTweenInfo { public var change:Number; public var index:uint; public var start:Number; public function ArrayTweenInfo(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ this.index = _arg1; this.start = _arg2; this.change = _arg3; } } }//package gs.utils.tween
Section 131
//TweenInfo (gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo) package gs.utils.tween { public class TweenInfo { public var start:Number; public var name:String; public var change:Number; public var target:Object; public var property:String; public var isPlugin:Boolean; public function TweenInfo(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:String, _arg6:Boolean){ = _arg1; = _arg2; this.start = _arg3; this.change = _arg4; = _arg5; this.isPlugin = _arg6; } } }//package gs.utils.tween
Section 132
//OverwriteManager (gs.OverwriteManager) package gs { import flash.utils.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; import flash.errors.*; public class OverwriteManager { public static const ALL:int = 1; public static const NONE:int = 0; public static const AUTO:int = 2; public static const CONCURRENT:int = 3; public static const version:Number = 3.12; public static var mode:int; public static var enabled:Boolean; public static function killVars(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object, _arg3:Array):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:String; var _local6:TweenInfo; _local4 = (_arg3.length - 1); while (_local4 > -1) { _local6 = _arg3[_local4]; if (( in _arg1)){ _arg3.splice(_local4, 1); } else { if (((_local6.isPlugin) && (( == "_MULTIPLE_")))){; if ( == 0){ _arg3.splice(_local4, 1); }; }; }; _local4--; }; for (_local5 in _arg1) { delete _arg2[_local5]; }; } public static function manageOverwrites(_arg1:TweenLite, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:int; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:TweenLite; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:Object; var _local12:int; var _local13:TweenInfo; var _local14:Array; _local3 = _arg1.vars; _local4 = ((_local3.overwrite)==undefined) ? mode : int(_local3.overwrite); if ((((_local4 < 2)) || ((_arg2 == null)))){ return; }; _local5 = _arg1.startTime; _local6 = []; _local9 = -1; _local7 = (_arg2.length - 1); while (_local7 > -1) { _local8 = _arg2[_local7]; if (_local8 == _arg1){ _local9 = _local7; } else { if ((((((_local7 < _local9)) && ((_local8.startTime <= _local5)))) && (((_local8.startTime + ((_local8.duration * 1000) / _local8.combinedTimeScale)) > _local5)))){ _local6[_local6.length] = _local8; }; }; _local7--; }; if ((((_local6.length == 0)) || ((_arg1.tweens.length == 0)))){ return; }; if (_local4 == AUTO){ _local10 = _arg1.tweens; _local11 = {}; _local7 = (_local10.length - 1); while (_local7 > -1) { _local13 = _local10[_local7]; if (_local13.isPlugin){ if ( == "_MULTIPLE_"){ _local14 =; _local12 = (_local14.length - 1); while (_local12 > -1) { _local11[_local14[_local12]] = true; _local12--; }; } else { _local11[] = true; }; _local11[] = true; } else { _local11[] = true; }; _local7--; }; _local7 = (_local6.length - 1); while (_local7 > -1) { killVars(_local11, _local6[_local7].exposedVars, _local6[_local7].tweens); _local7--; }; } else { _local7 = (_local6.length - 1); while (_local7 > -1) { _local6[_local7].enabled = false; _local7--; }; }; } public static function init(_arg1:int=2):int{ if (TweenLite.version < 10.09){ trace("TweenLite warning: Your TweenLite class needs to be updated to work with OverwriteManager (or you may need to clear your ASO files). Please download and install the latest version from"); }; TweenLite.overwriteManager = OverwriteManager; mode = _arg1; enabled = true; return (mode); } } }//package gs
Section 133
//TweenLite (gs.TweenLite) package gs { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; import gs.plugins.*; public class TweenLite { public var delay:Number; protected var _hasUpdate:Boolean; protected var _hasPlugins:Boolean; public var started:Boolean; public var initted:Boolean; public var active:Boolean; public var startTime:Number; public var target:Object; public var duration:Number; public var gc:Boolean; public var vars:Object; public var ease:Function; public var tweens:Array; public var exposedVars:Object; public var combinedTimeScale:Number; public var initTime:Number; public static const version:Number = 10.092; private static var _timer:Timer = new Timer(2000); public static var defaultEase:Function = TweenLite.easeOut; public static var plugins:Object = {}; public static var currentTime:uint; public static var masterList:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); protected static var _reservedProps:Object = {ease:1, delay:1, overwrite:1, onComplete:1, onCompleteParams:1, runBackwards:1, startAt:1, onUpdate:1, onUpdateParams:1, roundProps:1, onStart:1, onStartParams:1, persist:1, renderOnStart:1, proxiedEase:1, easeParams:1, yoyo:1, loop:1, onCompleteListener:1, onUpdateListener:1, onStartListener:1, orientToBezier:1, timeScale:1}; public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf; public static var timingSprite:Sprite = new Sprite(); public static var overwriteManager:Object; private static var _tlInitted:Boolean; public function TweenLite(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){ var _local4:int; super(); if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; if (!_tlInitted){ TweenPlugin.activate([TintPlugin, RemoveTintPlugin, FramePlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin, VisiblePlugin, VolumePlugin, EndArrayPlugin]); currentTime = getTimer(); timingSprite.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateAll, false, 0, true); if (overwriteManager == null){ overwriteManager = {mode:1, enabled:false}; }; _timer.addEventListener("timer", killGarbage, false, 0, true); _timer.start(); _tlInitted = true; }; this.vars = _arg3; this.duration = ((_arg2) || (0.001)); this.delay = ((_arg3.delay) || (0)); this.combinedTimeScale = ((_arg3.timeScale) || (1)); = Boolean((((_arg2 == 0)) && ((this.delay == 0)))); = _arg1; if (typeof(this.vars.ease) != "function"){ this.vars.ease = defaultEase; }; if (this.vars.easeParams != null){ this.vars.proxiedEase = this.vars.ease; this.vars.ease = easeProxy; }; this.ease = this.vars.ease; this.exposedVars = ((this.vars.isTV)==true) ? this.vars.exposedVars : this.vars; this.tweens = []; this.initTime = currentTime; this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * 1000)); _local4 = ((((_arg3.overwrite == undefined)) || (((!(overwriteManager.enabled)) && ((_arg3.overwrite > 1)))))) ? overwriteManager.mode : int(_arg3.overwrite); if (((!((_arg1 in masterList))) || ((_local4 == 1)))){ masterList[_arg1] = [this]; } else { masterList[_arg1].push(this); }; if ((((((this.vars.runBackwards == true)) && (!((this.vars.renderOnStart == true))))) || ({ initTweenVals(); if ({ render((this.startTime + 1)); } else { render(this.startTime); }; if (((((!((this.exposedVars.visible == null))) && ((this.vars.runBackwards == true)))) && (( is DisplayObject)))){ = this.exposedVars.visible; }; }; } public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Boolean; var _local4:int; if (_arg1){ if (!( in masterList)){ masterList[] = [this]; } else { _local2 = masterList[]; _local4 = (_local2.length - 1); while (_local4 > -1) { if (_local2[_local4] == this){ _local3 = true; break; }; _local4--; }; if (!_local3){ _local2[_local2.length] = this; }; }; }; this.gc = (_arg1) ? false : true; if (this.gc){ = false; } else { = this.started; }; } public function clear():void{ this.tweens = []; this.vars = (this.exposedVars = {ease:this.vars.ease}); _hasUpdate = false; } public function render(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:TweenInfo; var _local5:int; _local2 = ((_arg1 - this.startTime) * 0.001); if (_local2 >= this.duration){ _local2 = this.duration; _local3 = ((((this.ease == this.vars.ease)) || ((this.duration == 0.001)))) ? 1 : 0; } else { _local3 = this.ease(_local2, 0, 1, this.duration); }; _local5 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { _local4 = this.tweens[_local5];[] = (_local4.start + (_local3 * _local4.change)); _local5--; }; if (_hasUpdate){ this.vars.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams); }; if (_local2 == this.duration){ complete(true); }; } public function activate():void{ this.started = ( = true); if (!this.initted){ initTweenVals(); }; if (this.vars.onStart != null){ this.vars.onStart.apply(null, this.vars.onStartParams); }; if (this.duration == 0.001){ this.startTime = (this.startTime - 1); }; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return ((this.gc) ? false : true); } public function initTweenVals():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:int; var _local3:*; var _local4:TweenInfo; if (((!((this.exposedVars.timeScale == undefined))) && ("timeScale")))){ this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(, "timeScale",, (this.exposedVars.timeScale -, "timeScale", false); }; for (_local1 in this.exposedVars) { if ((_local1 in _reservedProps)){ } else { if ((_local1 in plugins)){ _local3 = new (plugins[_local1]); if (_local3.onInitTween(, this.exposedVars[_local1], this) == false){ this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(, _local1,[_local1], ((typeof(this.exposedVars[_local1]))=="number") ? (this.exposedVars[_local1] -[_local1]) : Number(this.exposedVars[_local1]), _local1, false); } else { this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(_local3, "changeFactor", 0, 1, ((_local3.overwriteProps.length)==1) ? _local3.overwriteProps[0] : "_MULTIPLE_", true); _hasPlugins = true; }; } else { this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(, _local1,[_local1], ((typeof(this.exposedVars[_local1]))=="number") ? (this.exposedVars[_local1] -[_local1]) : Number(this.exposedVars[_local1]), _local1, false); }; }; }; if (this.vars.runBackwards == true){ _local2 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local4 = this.tweens[_local2]; this.tweens[_local2].start = (_local4.start + _local4.change); _local4.change = -(_local4.change); _local2--; }; }; if (this.vars.onUpdate != null){ _hasUpdate = true; }; if (((TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled) && (( in masterList)))){ overwriteManager.manageOverwrites(this, masterList[]); }; this.initted = true; } protected function easeProxy(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (this.vars.proxiedEase.apply(null, arguments.concat(this.vars.easeParams))); } public function killVars(_arg1:Object):void{ if (overwriteManager.enabled){ overwriteManager.killVars(_arg1, this.exposedVars, this.tweens); }; } public function complete(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var _local2:int; if (!_arg1){ if (!this.initted){ initTweenVals(); }; this.startTime = (currentTime - ((this.duration * 1000) / this.combinedTimeScale)); render(currentTime); return; }; if (_hasPlugins){ _local2 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { if (((this.tweens[_local2].isPlugin) && (!((this.tweens[_local2].target.onComplete == null))))){ this.tweens[_local2].target.onComplete(); }; _local2--; }; }; if (this.vars.persist != true){ this.enabled = false; }; if (this.vars.onComplete != null){ this.vars.onComplete.apply(null, this.vars.onCompleteParams); }; } public static function updateAll(_arg1:Event=null):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:Dictionary; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:TweenLite; _local2 = (currentTime = getTimer()); _local3 = masterList; for each (_local4 in _local3) { _local5 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { _local6 = _local4[_local5]; if ({ _local6.render(_local2); } else { if (_local6.gc){ _local4.splice(_local5, 1); } else { if (_local2 >= _local6.startTime){ _local6.activate(); _local6.render(_local2); }; }; }; _local5--; }; }; } public static function removeTween(_arg1:TweenLite, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ if (_arg1 != null){ if (_arg2){ _arg1.clear(); }; _arg1.enabled = false; }; } public static function killTweensOf(_arg1:Object=null, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:TweenLite; if (((!((_arg1 == null))) && ((_arg1 in masterList)))){ _local3 = masterList[_arg1]; _local4 = (_local3.length - 1); while (_local4 > -1) { _local5 = _local3[_local4]; if (((_arg2) && (!(_local5.gc)))){ _local5.complete(false); }; _local5.clear(); _local4--; }; delete masterList[_arg1]; }; } public static function from(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenLite{ _arg3.runBackwards = true; return (new TweenLite(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } public static function easeOut(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ _arg1 = (_arg1 / _arg4); return ((((-(_arg3) * _arg1) * (_arg1 - 2)) + _arg2)); } protected static function killGarbage(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; _local2 = masterList; for (_local3 in _local2) { if (_local2[_local3].length == 0){ delete _local2[_local3]; }; }; } public static function delayedCall(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Array=null):TweenLite{ return (new TweenLite(_arg2, 0, {delay:_arg1, onComplete:_arg2, onCompleteParams:_arg3, overwrite:0})); } public static function to(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenLite{ return (new TweenLite(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } } }//package gs
Section 134
//TweenMax (gs.TweenMax) package gs { import*; import flash.utils.*; import gs.utils.tween.*; import gs.plugins.*; import*; public class TweenMax extends TweenLite implements IEventDispatcher { protected var _dispatcher:EventDispatcher; protected var _callbacks:Object; public var pauseTime:Number; protected var _repeatCount:Number; protected var _timeScale:Number; public static const version:Number = 10.12; public static var removeTween:Function = TweenLite.removeTween; private static var _overwriteMode:int = (OverwriteManager.enabled) ? OverwriteManager.mode : OverwriteManager.init(); ; protected static var _pausedTweens:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); protected static var _globalTimeScale:Number = 1; public static var killTweensOf:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf; public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf; private static var _activatedPlugins:Boolean = TweenPlugin.activate([TintPlugin, RemoveTintPlugin, FramePlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin, VisiblePlugin, VolumePlugin, EndArrayPlugin, HexColorsPlugin, BlurFilterPlugin, ColorMatrixFilterPlugin, BevelFilterPlugin, DropShadowFilterPlugin, GlowFilterPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, BezierPlugin, BezierThroughPlugin, ShortRotationPlugin]); public function TweenMax(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); if (TweenLite.version < 10.092){ trace("TweenMax error! Please update your TweenLite class or try deleting your ASO files. TweenMax requires a more recent version. Download updates at"); }; if (((!((this.combinedTimeScale == 1))) && (( is TweenMax)))){ _timeScale = 1; this.combinedTimeScale = _globalTimeScale; } else { _timeScale = this.combinedTimeScale; this.combinedTimeScale = (this.combinedTimeScale * _globalTimeScale); }; if (((!((this.combinedTimeScale == 1))) && (!((this.delay == 0))))){ this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); }; if (((((!((this.vars.onCompleteListener == null))) || (!((this.vars.onUpdateListener == null))))) || (!((this.vars.onStartListener == null))))){ initDispatcher(); if ((((_arg2 == 0)) && ((this.delay == 0)))){ onUpdateDispatcher(); onCompleteDispatcher(); }; }; _repeatCount = 0; if (((!(isNaN(this.vars.yoyo))) || (!(isNaN(this.vars.loop))))){ this.vars.persist = true; }; if ((((this.delay == 0)) && (!((this.vars.startAt == null))))){ this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0; new TweenMax(, 0, this.vars.startAt); }; } public function set repeatCount(_arg1:Number):void{ _repeatCount = _arg1; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (!_arg1){ _pausedTweens[this] = null; delete _pausedTweens[this]; }; super.enabled = _arg1; if (_arg1){ this.combinedTimeScale = (_timeScale * _globalTimeScale); }; } public function set reversed(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (this.reversed != _arg1){ reverse(); }; } override public function render(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:TweenInfo; var _local5:int; _local2 = (((_arg1 - this.startTime) * 0.001) * this.combinedTimeScale); if (_local2 >= this.duration){ _local2 = this.duration; _local3 = ((((this.ease == this.vars.ease)) || ((this.duration == 0.001)))) ? 1 : 0; } else { _local3 = this.ease(_local2, 0, 1, this.duration); }; _local5 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { _local4 = this.tweens[_local5];[] = (_local4.start + (_local3 * _local4.change)); _local5--; }; if (_hasUpdate){ this.vars.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams); }; if (_local2 == this.duration){ complete(true); }; } protected function adjustStartValues():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:TweenInfo; var _local6:int; _local1 = this.progress; if (_local1 != 0){ _local2 = this.ease(_local1, 0, 1, 1); _local3 = (1 / (1 - _local2)); _local6 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local6 > -1) { _local5 = this.tweens[_local6]; _local4 = (_local5.start + _local5.change); if (_local5.isPlugin){ _local5.change = ((_local4 - _local2) * _local3); } else { _local5.change = ((_local4 -[]) * _local3); }; _local5.start = (_local4 - _local5.change); _local6--; }; }; } public function get timeScale():Number{ return (_timeScale); } public function restart(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (_arg1){ this.initTime = currentTime; this.startTime = (currentTime + (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); } else { this.startTime = currentTime; this.initTime = (currentTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); }; _repeatCount = 0; if ( != this.vars.onComplete){ render(this.startTime); }; this.pauseTime = NaN; _pausedTweens[this] = null; delete _pausedTweens[this]; this.enabled = true; } public function get paused():Boolean{ return (!(isNaN(this.pauseTime))); } public function killProperties(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:int; _local2 = {}; _local3 = (_arg1.length - 1); while (_local3 > -1) { _local2[_arg1[_local3]] = true; _local3--; }; killVars(_local2); } public function resume():void{ this.enabled = true; if (!isNaN(this.pauseTime)){ this.initTime = (this.initTime + (currentTime - this.pauseTime)); this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); this.pauseTime = NaN; if (((!(this.started)) && ((currentTime >= this.startTime)))){ activate(); } else { = this.started; }; _pausedTweens[this] = null; delete _pausedTweens[this]; }; } override public function complete(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ if (((((!(isNaN(this.vars.yoyo))) && ((((_repeatCount < this.vars.yoyo)) || ((this.vars.yoyo == 0)))))) || (((!(isNaN(this.vars.loop))) && ((((_repeatCount < this.vars.loop)) || ((this.vars.loop == 0)))))))){ _repeatCount++; if (!isNaN(this.vars.yoyo)){ this.ease = ((this.vars.ease)==this.ease) ? reverseEase : this.vars.ease; }; this.startTime = (_arg1) ? (this.startTime + (this.duration * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))) : currentTime; this.initTime = (this.startTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); } else { if (this.vars.persist == true){ pause(); }; }; super.complete(_arg1); } public function invalidate(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:Number; if (this.initted){ _local2 = this.progress; if (((!(_arg1)) && (!((_local2 == 0))))){ this.progress = 0; }; this.tweens = []; _hasPlugins = false; this.exposedVars = ((this.vars.isTV)==true) ? this.vars.exposedProps : this.vars; initTweenVals(); _timeScale = ((this.vars.timeScale) || (1)); this.combinedTimeScale = (_timeScale * _globalTimeScale); this.delay = ((this.vars.delay) || (0)); if (isNaN(this.pauseTime)){ this.startTime = (this.initTime + ((this.delay * 1000) / this.combinedTimeScale)); }; if (((((!((this.vars.onCompleteListener == null))) || (!((this.vars.onUpdateListener == null))))) || (!((this.vars.onStartListener == null))))){ if (_dispatcher != null){ this.vars.onStart = _callbacks.onStart; this.vars.onUpdate = _callbacks.onUpdate; this.vars.onComplete = _callbacks.onComplete; _dispatcher = null; }; initDispatcher(); }; if (_local2 != 0){ if (_arg1){ adjustStartValues(); } else { this.progress = _local2; }; }; }; } public function get progress():Number{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = (isNaN(this.pauseTime)) ? currentTime : this.pauseTime; _local2 = (((((_local1 - this.initTime) * 0.001) - (this.delay / this.combinedTimeScale)) / this.duration) * this.combinedTimeScale); if (_local2 > 1){ return (1); }; if (_local2 < 0){ return (0); }; return (_local2); } public function willTrigger(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (_dispatcher == null){ return (false); }; return (_dispatcher.willTrigger(_arg1)); } public function dispatchEvent(_arg1:Event):Boolean{ if (_dispatcher == null){ return (false); }; return (_dispatcher.dispatchEvent(_arg1)); } public function get reversed():Boolean{ return ((this.ease == reverseEase)); } public function get repeatCount():Number{ return (_repeatCount); } protected function onStartDispatcher(... _args):void{ if (_callbacks.onStart != null){ _callbacks.onStart.apply(null, this.vars.onStartParams); }; _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.START)); } public function setDestination(_arg1:String, _arg2, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; var _local6:TweenInfo; var _local7:Object; var _local8:Object; var _local9:Array; var _local10:Boolean; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Object; _local4 = this.progress; if (this.initted){ if (!_arg3){ _local5 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { _local6 = this.tweens[_local5]; if ( == _arg1){[] = _local6.start; }; _local5--; }; }; _local7 = this.vars; _local8 = this.exposedVars; _local9 = this.tweens; _local10 = _hasPlugins; this.tweens = []; this.vars = (this.exposedVars = {}); this.vars[_arg1] = _arg2; initTweenVals(); if (((!((this.ease == reverseEase))) && ((_local7.ease is Function)))){ this.ease = _local7.ease; }; if (((_arg3) && (!((_local4 == 0))))){ adjustStartValues(); }; _local11 = this.tweens; this.vars = _local7; this.exposedVars = _local8; this.tweens = _local9; _local12 = {}; _local12[_arg1] = true; _local5 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { _local6 = this.tweens[_local5]; if ( == _arg1){ this.tweens.splice(_local5, 1); } else { if (((_local6.isPlugin) && (( == "_MULTIPLE_")))){; if ( == 0){ this.tweens.splice(_local5, 1); }; }; }; _local5--; }; this.tweens = this.tweens.concat(_local11); _hasPlugins = Boolean(((_local10) || (_hasPlugins))); }; this.vars[_arg1] = (this.exposedVars[_arg1] = _arg2); } public function set timeScale(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 < 1E-5){ _arg1 = (_timeScale = 1E-5); } else { _timeScale = _arg1; _arg1 = (_arg1 * _globalTimeScale); }; this.initTime = ((currentTime - ((((currentTime - this.initTime) - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))) * this.combinedTimeScale) * (1 / _arg1))) - (this.delay * (1000 / _arg1))); if (this.startTime != 999999999999999){ this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * (1000 / _arg1))); }; this.combinedTimeScale = _arg1; } public function removeEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ if (_dispatcher != null){ _dispatcher.removeEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); }; } override public function initTweenVals():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Object; var _local7:TweenInfo; if (((!((this.vars.startAt == null))) && (!((this.delay == 0))))){ this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0; new TweenMax(, 0, this.vars.startAt); }; super.initTweenVals(); if ((((this.exposedVars.roundProps is Array)) && (!((TweenLite.plugins.roundProps == null))))){ _local5 = this.exposedVars.roundProps; _local1 = (_local5.length - 1); while (_local1 > -1) { _local3 = _local5[_local1]; _local2 = (this.tweens.length - 1); while (_local2 > -1) { _local7 = this.tweens[_local2]; if ( == _local3){ if (_local7.isPlugin){ = true; } else { if (_local6 == null){ _local6 = new TweenLite.plugins.roundProps(); _local6.add(, _local3, _local7.start, _local7.change); _hasPlugins = true; this.tweens[_local2] = new TweenInfo(_local6, "changeFactor", 0, 1, _local3, true); } else { _local6.add(, _local3, _local7.start, _local7.change); this.tweens.splice(_local2, 1); }; }; } else { if (((((_local7.isPlugin) && (( == "_MULTIPLE_")))) && (!({ _local4 = ((" " +" ")) + " "); if (_local4.indexOf(((" " + _local3) + " ")) != -1){ = true; }; }; }; _local2--; }; _local1--; }; }; } protected function initDispatcher():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:String; if (_dispatcher == null){ _dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(this); _callbacks = {onStart:this.vars.onStart, onUpdate:this.vars.onUpdate, onComplete:this.vars.onComplete}; if (this.vars.isTV == true){ this.vars = this.vars.clone(); } else { _local1 = {}; for (_local2 in this.vars) { _local1[_local2] = this.vars[_local2]; }; this.vars = _local1; }; this.vars.onStart = onStartDispatcher; this.vars.onComplete = onCompleteDispatcher; if ((this.vars.onStartListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.START, this.vars.onStartListener, false, 0, true); }; if ((this.vars.onUpdateListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.UPDATE, this.vars.onUpdateListener, false, 0, true); this.vars.onUpdate = onUpdateDispatcher; _hasUpdate = true; }; if ((this.vars.onCompleteListener is Function)){ _dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.COMPLETE, this.vars.onCompleteListener, false, 0, true); }; }; } protected function onUpdateDispatcher(... _args):void{ if (_callbacks.onUpdate != null){ _callbacks.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams); }; _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.UPDATE)); } public function set progress(_arg1:Number):void{ this.startTime = (currentTime - ((this.duration * _arg1) * 1000)); this.initTime = (this.startTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); if (!this.started){ activate(); }; render(currentTime); if (!isNaN(this.pauseTime)){ this.pauseTime = currentTime; this.startTime = 999999999999999; = false; }; } public function reverse(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ var _local3:Number; this.ease = ((this.vars.ease)==this.ease) ? reverseEase : this.vars.ease; _local3 = this.progress; if (((_arg1) && ((_local3 > 0)))){ this.startTime = (currentTime - ((((1 - _local3) * this.duration) * 1000) / this.combinedTimeScale)); this.initTime = (this.startTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))); }; if (_arg2 != false){ if (_local3 < 1){ resume(); } else { restart(); }; }; } public function addEventListener(_arg1:String, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=0, _arg5:Boolean=false):void{ if (_dispatcher == null){ initDispatcher(); }; if ((((_arg1 == TweenEvent.UPDATE)) && (!((this.vars.onUpdate == onUpdateDispatcher))))){ this.vars.onUpdate = onUpdateDispatcher; _hasUpdate = true; }; _dispatcher.addEventListener(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); } public function set paused(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ pause(); } else { resume(); }; } public function hasEventListener(_arg1:String):Boolean{ if (_dispatcher == null){ return (false); }; return (_dispatcher.hasEventListener(_arg1)); } public function pause():void{ if (isNaN(this.pauseTime)){ this.pauseTime = currentTime; this.startTime = 999999999999999; this.enabled = false; _pausedTweens[this] = this; }; } public function reverseEase(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number):Number{ return (this.vars.ease((_arg4 - _arg1), _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); } protected function onCompleteDispatcher(... _args):void{ if (_callbacks.onComplete != null){ _callbacks.onComplete.apply(null, this.vars.onCompleteParams); }; _dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.COMPLETE)); } public static function set globalTimeScale(_arg1:Number):void{ setGlobalTimeScale(_arg1); } public static function pauseAll(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ changePause(true, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function killAllDelayedCalls(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ killAll(_arg1, false, true); } public static function setGlobalTimeScale(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; if (_arg1 < 1E-5){ _arg1 = 1E-5; }; _local2 = masterList; _globalTimeScale = _arg1; for each (_local4 in _local2) { _local3 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local3 > -1) { if ((_local4[_local3] is TweenMax)){ _local4[_local3].timeScale = (_local4[_local3].timeScale * 1); }; _local3--; }; }; } public static function get globalTimeScale():Number{ return (_globalTimeScale); } public static function getTweensOf(_arg1:Object):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:TweenLite; var _local5:int; _local2 = masterList[_arg1]; _local3 = []; if (_local2 != null){ _local5 = (_local2.length - 1); while (_local5 > -1) { if (!_local2[_local5].gc){ _local3[_local3.length] = _local2[_local5]; }; _local5--; }; }; for each (_local4 in _pausedTweens) { if ( == _arg1){ _local3[_local3.length] = _local4; }; }; return (_local3); } public static function delayedCall(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Array=null, _arg4:Boolean=false):TweenMax{ return (new TweenMax(_arg2, 0, {delay:_arg1, onComplete:_arg2, onCompleteParams:_arg3, persist:_arg4, overwrite:0})); } public static function isTweening(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:int; _local2 = getTweensOf(_arg1); _local3 = (_local2.length - 1); while (_local3 > -1) { if (((((_local2[_local3].active) || ((_local2[_local3].startTime == currentTime)))) && (!(_local2[_local3].gc)))){ return (true); }; _local3--; }; return (false); } public static function changePause(_arg1:Boolean, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=false):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; _local4 = getAllTweens(); _local6 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local6 > -1) { _local5 = (_local4[_local6].target == _local4[_local6].vars.onComplete); if ((((_local4[_local6] is TweenMax)) && ((((_local5 == _arg3)) || (!((_local5 == _arg2))))))){ _local4[_local6].paused = _arg1; }; _local6--; }; } public static function killAllTweens(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ killAll(_arg1, true, false); } public static function from(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenMax{ _arg3.runBackwards = true; return (new TweenMax(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } public static function killAll(_arg1:Boolean=false, _arg2:Boolean=true, _arg3:Boolean=true):void{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; _local4 = getAllTweens(); _local6 = (_local4.length - 1); while (_local6 > -1) { _local5 = (_local4[_local6].target == _local4[_local6].vars.onComplete); if ((((_local5 == _arg3)) || (!((_local5 == _arg2))))){ if (_arg1){ _local4[_local6].complete(false); _local4[_local6].clear(); } else { TweenLite.removeTween(_local4[_local6], true); }; }; _local6--; }; } public static function getAllTweens():Array{ var _local1:Dictionary; var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:TweenLite; _local1 = masterList; _local2 = []; for each (_local3 in _local1) { _local4 = (_local3.length - 1); while (_local4 > -1) { if (!_local3[_local4].gc){ _local2[_local2.length] = _local3[_local4]; }; _local4--; }; }; for each (_local5 in _pausedTweens) { _local2[_local2.length] = _local5; }; return (_local2); } public static function resumeAll(_arg1:Boolean=true, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ changePause(false, _arg1, _arg2); } public static function to(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Object):TweenMax{ return (new TweenMax(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); } } }//package gs
Section 135
//CreditsScreen (screen.CreditsScreen) package screen { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; public class CreditsScreen extends MovieClip { public var btnBack:SimpleButton; public function CreditsScreen(){ btnBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBack, false, 0, true); Global.mainGame.addChild(this); } private function onBack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showTitleScreen(); } } }//package screen
Section 136
//EndingScreen (screen.EndingScreen) package screen { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; public class EndingScreen extends MovieClip { public var btnBack:SimpleButton; public function EndingScreen(){ btnBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBack, false, 0, true); Global.mainGame.addChild(this); } private function onBack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showTitleScreen(); } } }//package screen
Section 137
//HelpScreen (screen.HelpScreen) package screen { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; public class HelpScreen extends MovieClip { public var btnBack:SimpleButton; public function HelpScreen(){ btnBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBack, false, 0, true); Global.mainGame.addChild(this); } private function onBack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showTitleScreen(); } } }//package screen
Section 138
//LevelScreen (screen.LevelScreen) package screen { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; import flash.text.*; public class LevelScreen extends MovieClip { public var btn3:MovieClip; public var btn7:MovieClip; public var btn2:MovieClip; public var btn4:MovieClip; public var btn8:MovieClip; public var btn6:MovieClip; public var btnBack:SimpleButton; public var btn1:MovieClip; public var btn5:MovieClip; public var btn9:MovieClip; public var btn10:MovieClip; public var btn11:MovieClip; public var btn14:MovieClip; public var btn12:MovieClip; public var btn15:MovieClip; public var btn13:MovieClip; public function LevelScreen(){ btnBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onBack, false, 0, true); Global.mainGame.addChild(this); Global.loadStatus(); this.initLevelButtons(); } private function onLevelOut(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{"out"); } private function onBack(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showTitleScreen(); } private function onLevelOver(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{"over"); } private function initLevelButtons():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:MovieClip; var _local3:MovieClip; _local1 = 1; while ((((_local1 <= Global.currentLevel)) && ((_local1 < 16)))) { _local2 = (this.getChildByName(("btn" + _local1)) as MovieClip); TextField(_local2.txtLevel).text = String(_local1); TextField(_local2.txtLevel).mouseEnabled = false; _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onLevel, false, 0, true); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onLevelOver, false, 0, true); _local2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, onLevelOut, false, 0, true); _local2.buttonMode = true; _local2.level = _local1; _local1++; }; while (_local1 <= Global.COUNT_LEVEL) { _local3 = (this.getChildByName(("btn" + _local1)) as MovieClip); _local3.alpha = 0.25; _local1++; }; } private function onLevel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.selectedLevel =; Global.mainGame.showPlayScreen(); } } }//package screen
Section 139
//PlayScreen (screen.PlayScreen) package screen { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; public class PlayScreen extends MovieClip { public var btnSound:SimpleButton; public var color1:MovieClip; public var color2:MovieClip; public var btnBack:SimpleButton; public var btnReset:SimpleButton; public var lifeBar:LifeBar; private var gamePlay:GamePlay; public var levelDisplay:MovieClip; public function PlayScreen(){ gamePlay = new GamePlay(this); Global.mainGame.addChild(this); this.setChildIndex(gamePlay, 0); this.levelDisplay.txtLevel.text = ("level " + Global.selectedLevel); this.levelDisplay.mouseEnabled = false; this.levelDisplay.txtLevel.mouseEnabled = false; btnBack.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onQuit, false, 0, true); btnReset.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onReset, false, 0, true); btnSound.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onSound, false, 0, true); } public function unsetListeners():void{ btnBack.mouseEnabled = false; btnReset.mouseEnabled = false; btnSound.mouseEnabled = false; btnBack.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onQuit, false); btnReset.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onReset, false); btnSound.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onSound, false); } public function onSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.soundManager.onOffSound(); } private function toQuit():void{ this.removeChild(gamePlay); gamePlay.destroy(); gamePlay = null; Global.soundTimer.stop(); Global.mainGame.toLevelScreen(); } private function toReset():void{ this.removeChild(gamePlay); gamePlay.destroy(); gamePlay = null; Global.soundTimer.stop(); Global.mainGame.toPlayScreen(); } public function onReset(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ var _local2:ScreenTransition; if (Global.selectedLevel <= Global.COUNT_LEVEL){ _local2 = ScreenTransition.getInstance(); _local2.execute(toReset); } else { Global.mainGame.showEndingScreen(); }; } public function onQuit(_arg1:MouseEvent=null):void{ var _local2:ScreenTransition; _local2 = ScreenTransition.getInstance(); _local2.execute(toQuit); } } }//package screen
Section 140
//ScreenTransition (screen.ScreenTransition) package screen { import flash.display.*; import gs.*; import classes.*; public class ScreenTransition extends MovieClip { private var callback:Function;// = null private var state:String; private var initialized:Boolean;// = false private static var STATE_OUT:String = "STATE_OUT"; private static var STATE_NONE:String = "STATE_NONE"; private static var CEIL_COUNT_X:int = 30; private static var CEIL_COUNT_Y:int = 20; private static var STATE_IN:String = "STATE_IN"; private static var instance:ScreenTransition = new (ScreenTransition); ; public function ScreenTransition(){ initialized = false; callback = null; super(); if (instance){ throw (new Error("Singleton and can only be accessed through Singleton.getInstance()")); }; } private function initClips():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:*; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:MovieClip; _local1 = Global.STAGE_WIDTH; _local2 = Global.STAGE_HEIGHT; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < CEIL_COUNT_X) { _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < CEIL_COUNT_Y) { _local5 = new TransitionCeil(); _local5.x = ((((_local1 / CEIL_COUNT_X) * _local3) + (_local5.width / 2)) + (((_local1 / CEIL_COUNT_X) - _local5.width) / 2)); _local5.y = ((((_local2 / CEIL_COUNT_Y) * _local4) + (_local5.height / 2)) + (((_local2 / CEIL_COUNT_Y) - _local5.height) / 2)); _local5.width = 0; _local5.height = 0; this.addChild(_local5); _local4++; }; _local3++; }; } public function init():void{ if (!initialized){ initialized = true; state = STATE_NONE; this.initClips(); } else { trace("transition already initialized!"); }; } private function inEffect():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; Global.mainGame.setChildIndex(this, (Global.mainGame.numChildren - 1)); this.state = STATE_IN; _local1 = (((Global.STAGE_WIDTH / CEIL_COUNT_X) * 2) + 2); _local2 = (((Global.STAGE_HEIGHT / CEIL_COUNT_Y) * 2) + 2); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < this.numChildren) { _local4 = ((this.getChildAt(_local3).x + this.getChildAt(_local3).y) / 1500); if (_local3 < (this.numChildren - 1)){, 0.75, {delay:_local4, width:_local1, height:_local2}); } else {, 0.75, {delay:_local4, width:_local1, height:_local2, onComplete:onChange}); }; _local3++; }; } private function onFinish():void{ Global.mainGame.mouseChildren = true; this.state = STATE_NONE; } public function execute(_arg1:Function=null):void{ if (state == STATE_NONE){ this.callback = _arg1; Global.mainGame.mouseChildren = false; inEffect(); }; } private function onChange():void{ if (this.callback != null){; callback = null; }; outEffect(); } private function outEffect():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:Number; Global.mainGame.setChildIndex(this, (Global.mainGame.numChildren - 1)); this.state = STATE_OUT; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this.numChildren) { _local2 = ((this.getChildAt(_local1).x + this.getChildAt(_local1).y) / 1500); if (_local1 < (this.numChildren - 1)){, 0.75, {delay:_local2, width:0, height:0}); } else {, 0.75, {delay:_local2, width:0, height:0, onComplete:onFinish}); }; _local1++; }; } public static function getInstance():ScreenTransition{ return (instance); } } }//package screen
Section 141
//TitleScreen (screen.TitleScreen) package screen { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; import*; public class TitleScreen extends MovieClip { public var btnSound:SimpleButton; public var btnMoreGames:SimpleButton; public var btnCredits:SimpleButton; public var btnPlay:SimpleButton; public var btnHelp:SimpleButton; public function TitleScreen(){ btnPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlay, false, 0, true); btnHelp.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHelp, false, 0, true); btnCredits.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onCredits, false, 0, true); btnSound.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onSound, false, 0, true); btnMoreGames.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onMoreGames, false, 0, true); Global.mainGame.addChild(this); } private function onSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.soundManager.onOffSound(); } private function onMoreGames(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest(""); navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank"); } private function onPlay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showLevelScreen(); } private function onCredits(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showCreditsScreen(); } private function onHelp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.mainGame.showHelpScreen(); } } }//package screen
Section 142
//SoundManager (util.SoundManager) package util { import gs.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import*; public class SoundManager { private var _soundsDict:Dictionary; private var _enabled:Boolean; private var _sounds:Array; private static var _instance:SoundManager; private static var _allowInstance:Boolean; public function SoundManager(){ this._soundsDict = new Dictionary(true); this._sounds = new Array(); this._enabled = true; if (!SoundManager._allowInstance){ throw (new Error("Error: Use SoundManager.getInstance() instead of the new keyword.")); }; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (this._enabled); } public function fadeSound(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=0, _arg3:Number=1):void{ var _local4:SoundChannel; _local4 = this._soundsDict[_arg1].channel;, _arg3, {volume:_arg2}); } public function getSoundDuration(_arg1:String):Number{ return (this._soundsDict[_arg1].sound.length); } public function setSoundVolume(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:Object; var _local4:SoundTransform; _local3 = this._soundsDict[_arg1]; _local4 =; _local4.volume = _arg2; = _local4; } public function playMusic(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:int=9999):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:Boolean; if (isSoundPaused(_arg1)){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < this._sounds.length) { _local6 = this._sounds[_local5].name; _local7 = this._sounds[_local5].isMusic; if (_local7){ stopSound(_local6); }; _local5++; }; playSound(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4); }; } public function getSoundVolume(_arg1:String):Number{ return (this._soundsDict[_arg1].channel.soundTransform.volume); } public function addLibrarySound(_arg1, _arg2:String, _arg3:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local4:int; var _local5:Object; var _local6:Sound; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < this._sounds.length) { if (this._sounds[_local4].name == _arg2){ return (false); }; _local4++; }; _local5 = new Object(); _local6 = new (_arg1); = _arg2; _local5.isMusic = _arg3; _local5.sound = _local6; = new SoundChannel(); _local5.position = 0; _local5.paused = true; _local5.volume = 1; _local5.startTime = 0; _local5.loops = 0; _local5.pausedByAll = false; this._soundsDict[_arg2] = _local5; this._sounds.push(_local5); return (true); } public function toString():String{ return (getQualifiedClassName(this)); } public function isSoundPaused(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (this._soundsDict[_arg1].paused); } public function get sounds():Array{ return (this._sounds); } public function onOffSound():void{ if (this._enabled){ this._enabled = false; this.muteAllSounds(); } else { this._enabled = true; this.unmuteAllSounds(); }; } public function removeAllSounds():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this._sounds.length) { this._sounds[_local1] = null; _local1++; }; this._sounds = new Array(); this._soundsDict = new Dictionary(true); } public function getSoundPosition(_arg1:String):Number{ return (this._soundsDict[_arg1].channel.position); } public function addExternalSound(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number=1000, _arg4:Boolean=false, _arg5:Boolean=false):Boolean{ var _local6:int; var _local7:Object; var _local8:Sound; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < this._sounds.length) { if (this._sounds[_local6].name == _arg2){ return (false); }; _local6++; }; _local7 = new Object(); _local8 = new Sound(new URLRequest(_arg1), new SoundLoaderContext(_arg3, _arg5)); = _arg2; _local7.isMusic = _arg4; _local7.sound = _local8; = new SoundChannel(); _local7.position = 0; _local7.paused = true; _local7.volume = 1; _local7.startTime = 0; _local7.loops = 0; _local7.pausedByAll = false; this._soundsDict[_arg2] = _local7; this._sounds.push(_local7); return (true); } public function stopAllSounds(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this._sounds.length) { _local3 = this._sounds[_local2].name; if (_arg1){ if (!this._soundsDict[_local3].paused){ this._soundsDict[_local3].pausedByAll = true; this.stopSound(_local3); }; } else { this.stopSound(_local3); }; _local2++; }; } public function removeSound(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this._sounds.length) { if (this._sounds[_local2].name == _arg1){ this._sounds[_local2] = null; this._sounds.splice(_local2, 1); }; _local2++; }; delete this._soundsDict[_arg1]; } public function muteAllSounds():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:String; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this._sounds.length) { _local2 = this._sounds[_local1].name; this.setSoundVolume(_local2, 0); _local1++; }; } public function stopSound(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = this._soundsDict[_arg1]; _local2.paused = true;; _local2.position =; } public function pauseAllSounds(_arg1:Boolean=true):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this._sounds.length) { _local3 = this._sounds[_local2].name; if (_arg1){ if (!this._soundsDict[_local3].paused){ this._soundsDict[_local3].pausedByAll = true; this.pauseSound(_local3); }; } else { this.pauseSound(_local3); }; _local2++; }; } public function playAllSounds(_arg1:Boolean=false):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:String; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < this._sounds.length) { _local3 = this._sounds[_local2].name; if (_arg1){ if (this._soundsDict[_local3].pausedByAll){ this._soundsDict[_local3].pausedByAll = false; this.playSound(_local3); }; } else { this.playSound(_local3); }; _local2++; }; } public function isSoundPausedByAll(_arg1:String):Boolean{ return (this._soundsDict[_arg1].pausedByAll); } public function getSoundObject(_arg1:String):Sound{ return (this._soundsDict[_arg1].sound); } public function pauseSound(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = this._soundsDict[_arg1]; _local2.paused = true; _local2.position =;; } public function unmuteAllSounds():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:String; var _local3:Object; var _local4:SoundTransform; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < this._sounds.length) { _local2 = this._sounds[_local1].name; _local3 = this._soundsDict[_local2]; _local4 =; _local4.volume = _local3.volume; = _local4; _local1++; }; } public function playSound(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number=1, _arg3:Number=0, _arg4:int=0):void{ var _local5:Object; stopSound(_arg1); _local5 = this._soundsDict[_arg1]; _local5.volume = _arg2; _local5.startTime = _arg3; _local5.loops = _arg4; if (_local5.paused){ if (_enabled){ =, _local5.loops, new SoundTransform(_local5.volume)); } else { =, _local5.loops, new SoundTransform(0)); }; } else { if (_enabled){ =, _local5.loops, new SoundTransform(_local5.volume)); } else { =, _local5.loops, new SoundTransform(0)); }; }; _local5.paused = false; } public static function getInstance():SoundManager{ if (SoundManager._instance == null){ SoundManager._allowInstance = true; SoundManager._instance = new (SoundManager); SoundManager._allowInstance = false; }; return (SoundManager._instance); } } }//package util
Section 143
//TimerLite (util.TimerLite) package util { import*; import flash.utils.*; public class TimerLite { protected var callBackClass:Object; protected var callBack:Function; protected var timer:Timer; public static function delay(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Function, _arg3:Object):TimerLite{ var lite:TimerLite; var time = _arg1; var callBack = _arg2; var callBackClass = _arg3; lite = new (TimerLite); lite.timer = new Timer(time, 1); lite.callBack = callBack; lite.callBackClass = callBackClass; lite.timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, function (_arg1){ var e = _arg1; lite.timer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, function (){ });; }); lite.timer.start(); return (lite); } } }//package util
Section 144
//Clear (Clear) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Clear extends MovieClip { public var btnNext:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 145
//ClearSfx (ClearSfx) package { import*; public dynamic class ClearSfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 146
//ClickSfx (ClickSfx) package { import*; public dynamic class ClickSfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 147
//Game (Game) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import classes.*; import screen.*; public class Game extends MovieClip { public var titleScreen:TitleScreen; public var helpScreen:HelpScreen; public var levelScreen:LevelScreen; public var transition:ScreenTransition; public var endingScreen:EndingScreen; public var creditsScreen:CreditsScreen; public var playScreen:PlayScreen; public function Game():void{ Global.mainGame = this; this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick); transition = ScreenTransition.getInstance(); transition.init(); this.addChild(transition); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(IngameA, "ingamea", true); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(IngameBC, "ingamebc", true); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(TitleMusic, "title", true); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(ClearSfx, "clear", true); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(OverSfx, "over", true); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(ClickSfx, "click"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(SleepyOutSfx, "out"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(HeySfx, "hey"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(ShhSfx, "shh"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(Snoring1Sfx, "snoring1"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(Snoring2Sfx, "snoring2"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(Snoring3Sfx, "snoring3"); Global.soundManager.addLibrarySound(Snoring4Sfx, "snoring4"); startScreen(); } public function showEndingScreen():void{ transition.execute(toEndingScreen); } private function removeClip(_arg1){ if (_arg1){ removeChild(_arg1); }; return (null); } public function toCreditsScreen():void{ this.creditsScreen = new CreditsScreen(); titleScreen = removeClip(titleScreen); } public function toTitleScreen():void{ this.titleScreen = new TitleScreen(); creditsScreen = removeClip(creditsScreen); helpScreen = removeClip(helpScreen); levelScreen = removeClip(levelScreen); playScreen = removeClip(playScreen); Global.soundManager.playMusic("title"); } public function startScreen():void{ toTitleScreen(); } public function showPlayScreen():void{ transition.execute(toPlayScreen); } public function showTitleScreen():void{ transition.execute(toTitleScreen); } public function showCreditsScreen():void{ transition.execute(toCreditsScreen); } public function toLevelScreen():void{ this.levelScreen = new LevelScreen(); titleScreen = removeClip(titleScreen); playScreen = removeClip(playScreen); Global.soundManager.playMusic("title"); } public function toEndingScreen():void{ this.endingScreen = new EndingScreen(); playScreen = removeClip(playScreen); } public function toPlayScreen():void{ this.playScreen = new PlayScreen(); levelScreen = removeClip(levelScreen); Global.soundManager.stopSound("title"); } public function showLevelScreen():void{ transition.execute(toLevelScreen); } public function toHelpScreen():void{ this.helpScreen = new HelpScreen(); titleScreen = removeClip(titleScreen); } private function onClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ Global.soundManager.playSound("click"); } public function showHelpScreen():void{ transition.execute(toHelpScreen); } } }//package
Section 148
//GameOver (GameOver) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class GameOver extends MovieClip { public var btnYes:SimpleButton; public var btnNo:SimpleButton; } }//package
Section 149
//HeySfx (HeySfx) package { import*; public dynamic class HeySfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 150
//IngameA (IngameA) package { import*; public dynamic class IngameA extends Sound { } }//package
Section 151
//IngameBC (IngameBC) package { import*; public dynamic class IngameBC extends Sound { } }//package
Section 152
//Level1 (Level1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 153
//Level10 (Level10) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level10 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 154
//Level11 (Level11) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level11 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 155
//Level12 (Level12) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level12 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 156
//Level13 (Level13) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level13 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 157
//Level14 (Level14) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level14 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 158
//Level15 (Level15) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level15 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 159
//Level2 (Level2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 160
//Level3 (Level3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 161
//Level4 (Level4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 162
//Level5 (Level5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 163
//Level6 (Level6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level6 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 164
//Level7 (Level7) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level7 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 165
//Level8 (Level8) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level8 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 166
//Level9 (Level9) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Level9 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 167
//Loading (Loading) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Loading extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 168
//Now (Now) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Now extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 169
//OverSfx (OverSfx) package { import*; public dynamic class OverSfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 170
//Prepare (Prepare) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class Prepare extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 171
//ShhSfx (ShhSfx) package { import*; public dynamic class ShhSfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 172
//SleepyOutSfx (SleepyOutSfx) package { import*; public dynamic class SleepyOutSfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 173
//Snoring1Sfx (Snoring1Sfx) package { import*; public dynamic class Snoring1Sfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 174
//Snoring2Sfx (Snoring2Sfx) package { import*; public dynamic class Snoring2Sfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 175
//Snoring3Sfx (Snoring3Sfx) package { import*; public dynamic class Snoring3Sfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 176
//Snoring4Sfx (Snoring4Sfx) package { import*; public dynamic class Snoring4Sfx extends Sound { } }//package
Section 177
//TitleMusic (TitleMusic) package { import*; public dynamic class TitleMusic extends Sound { } }//package
Section 178
//TransitionCeil (TransitionCeil) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TransitionCeil extends MovieClip { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 MovieClip {screen.ScreenTransition}
Symbol 2 GraphicUsed by:3
Symbol 3 MovieClip {TransitionCeil}Uses:2
Symbol 4 GraphicUsed by:31 187
Symbol 5 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 6 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 7 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 8 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 9 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 10 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 11 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 12 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 13 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 14 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 16 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 17 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 18 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 19 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 21 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 22 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 23 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 24 ShapeTweeningUsed by:26
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26 184
Symbol 26 MovieClip {Game_fla.Face_75}Uses:5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25Used by:31
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:31 186
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:31 190
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:31 185
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:31 191
Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy}Uses:4 26 27 28 29 30
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:32Used by:41 83 86 177
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClipUses:34Used by:41 44 189
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClipUses:36Used by:41 44 177
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39
Symbol 39 MovieClipUses:38Used by:41 44 177
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41 44
Symbol 41 MovieClip {Level4}Uses:33 35 37 39 40
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClipUses:42Used by:44 88 90 189
Symbol 44 MovieClip {Level1}Uses:43 35 37 39 40
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 46 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 47 GraphicUsed by:48
Symbol 48 ButtonUses:46 47Used by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip {Clear}Uses:45 48
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 51 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 ButtonUses:51 52 53 54Used by:61
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 57 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:60
Symbol 60 ButtonUses:56 57 58 59Used by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip {GameOver}Uses:50 55 60
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip {Now}Uses:62
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip {Prepare}Uses:64
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip {Loading}Uses:66
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClipUses:68Used by:71 98 100
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip {Level3}Uses:69 70
Symbol 72 GraphicUsed by:73
Symbol 73 MovieClipUses:72Used by:75 92 94
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:75
Symbol 75 MovieClip {Level2}Uses:73 74
Symbol 76 GraphicUsed by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:79 81 96
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:79
Symbol 79 MovieClip {Level15}Uses:77 78
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81
Symbol 81 MovieClip {Level5}Uses:77 80
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:83
Symbol 83 MovieClip {Level14}Uses:33 82
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 85 GraphicUsed by:86
Symbol 86 MovieClip {Level9}Uses:84 33 85
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClip {Level11}Uses:43 87
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:90
Symbol 90 MovieClip {Level6}Uses:43 89
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:92
Symbol 92 MovieClip {Level12}Uses:73 91
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClip {Level7}Uses:73 93
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip {Level10}Uses:77 95
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98
Symbol 98 MovieClip {Level13}Uses:69 97
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:100
Symbol 100 MovieClip {Level8}Uses:69 99
Symbol 101 MovieClip {Game}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105 210
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:108
Symbol 106 ShapeTweeningUsed by:108
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClip {Game_fla.LifeBarInside_15}Uses:105 106 107Used by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClip {classes.LifeBar}Uses:102 103 108Used by:164
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 111 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 112 FontUsed by:113 114
Symbol 113 EditableTextUses:112Used by:117
Symbol 114 TextUses:112Used by:117
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:116
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:115Used by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClip {Game_fla.preloader_1}Uses:111 113 114 116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 FontUsed by:119 120
Symbol 119 TextUses:118Used by:121
Symbol 120 TextUses:118Used by:121
Symbol 121 MovieClip {Game_fla.title_4}Uses:119 120Used by:127
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip {Game_fla.lightning_5}Uses:122 123Used by:127
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126
Symbol 126 ButtonUses:125Used by:127
Symbol 127 MovieClip {Game_fla.logoAnim_3}Uses:121 124 126Used by:Timeline
Symbol 128 BitmapUsed by:129
Symbol 129 GraphicUses:128Used by:130
Symbol 130 MovieClipUses:129Used by:134
Symbol 131 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 132 GraphicUsed by:133
Symbol 133 ButtonUses:131 132Used by:134 137 141
Symbol 134 MovieClip {screen.CreditsScreen}Uses:130 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 135 BitmapUsed by:136
Symbol 136 GraphicUses:135Used by:137
Symbol 137 MovieClip {screen.EndingScreen}Uses:136 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 BitmapUsed by:139
Symbol 139 GraphicUses:138Used by:140
Symbol 140 MovieClipUses:139Used by:141
Symbol 141 MovieClip {screen.HelpScreen}Uses:140 133Used by:Timeline
Symbol 142 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 144 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 146 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 148 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17}Uses:143 144 145 146 147 148 149Used by:164
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 152 FontUsed by:153
Symbol 153 EditableTextUses:152Used by:154
Symbol 154 MovieClip {Game_fla.levelDisplay_18}Uses:151 153Used by:164
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 157 ButtonUses:155 156Used by:164
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:160
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:160
Symbol 160 ButtonUses:158 159Used by:164
Symbol 161 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163
Symbol 163 ButtonUses:161 162Used by:164 208
Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen}Uses:142 109 150 154 157 160 163Used by:Timeline
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClipUses:165Used by:177
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169
Symbol 169 ButtonUses:167 168Used by:177
Symbol 170 GraphicUsed by:171
Symbol 171 MovieClipUses:170Used by:177
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 173 FontUsed by:174
Symbol 174 EditableTextUses:173Used by:176
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}Uses:172 174 175Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen}Uses:33 166 37 39 169 171 176Used by:Timeline
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 180 ShapeTweeningUsed by:184
Symbol 181 ShapeTweeningUsed by:184
Symbol 182 ShapeTweeningUsed by:184
Symbol 183 ShapeTweeningUsed by:184
Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35}Uses:180 181 182 183 25Used by:185 186 187 190 191
Symbol 185 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyBlue_34}Uses:29 184Used by:189
Symbol 186 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyRed_36}Uses:27 184Used by:189
Symbol 187 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyYellow_37}Uses:4 184Used by:189
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:43 178 35 179 185 186 187 188Used by:208
Symbol 190 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyGreen_38}Uses:28 184Used by:208
Symbol 191 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyPink_39}Uses:30 184Used by:208
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 ButtonUses:192 193Used by:208
Symbol 195 GraphicUsed by:196
Symbol 196 MovieClipUses:195Used by:208
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:199
Symbol 199 ButtonUses:197 198Used by:208
Symbol 200 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 201 GraphicUsed by:202
Symbol 202 ButtonUses:200 201Used by:208
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:205
Symbol 205 ButtonUses:203 204Used by:208
Symbol 206 FontUsed by:207
Symbol 207 TextUses:206Used by:208
Symbol 208 MovieClip {screen.TitleScreen}Uses:189 190 191 194 196 199 202 205 207 163Used by:Timeline
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 210 ButtonUses:104Used by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClip {Game_fla.FastGamesBar_45}Uses:209 210Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 Sound {ClearSfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 Sound {ClickSfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 214 Sound {HeySfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 215 Sound {IngameA}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 216 Sound {IngameBC}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 Sound {OverSfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 218 Sound {ShhSfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 219 Sound {SleepyOutSfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 Sound {Snoring1Sfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 221 Sound {Snoring2Sfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 222 Sound {Snoring3Sfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 Sound {Snoring4Sfx}Used by:Timeline
Symbol 224 Sound {TitleMusic}Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"preloader"Frame 1Symbol 117 MovieClip {Game_fla.preloader_1}
"face"Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy} Frame 1Symbol 26 MovieClip {Game_fla.Face_75}
"btnNext"Symbol 49 MovieClip {Clear} Frame 1Symbol 48 Button
"btnYes"Symbol 61 MovieClip {GameOver} Frame 1Symbol 55 Button
"btnNo"Symbol 61 MovieClip {GameOver} Frame 1Symbol 60 Button
"lifeBarMask"Symbol 108 MovieClip {Game_fla.LifeBarInside_15} Frame 1Symbol 105 MovieClip
"insideBar"Symbol 109 MovieClip {classes.LifeBar} Frame 1Symbol 108 MovieClip {Game_fla.LifeBarInside_15}
"txtPercent"Symbol 117 MovieClip {Game_fla.preloader_1} Frame 1Symbol 113 EditableText
"loaded"Symbol 117 MovieClip {Game_fla.preloader_1} Frame 1Symbol 116 MovieClip
"link"Symbol 127 MovieClip {Game_fla.logoAnim_3} Frame 7Symbol 126 Button
"btnBack"Symbol 134 MovieClip {screen.CreditsScreen} Frame 1Symbol 133 Button
"btnBack"Symbol 137 MovieClip {screen.EndingScreen} Frame 1Symbol 133 Button
"btnBack"Symbol 141 MovieClip {screen.HelpScreen} Frame 1Symbol 133 Button
"txtLevel"Symbol 154 MovieClip {Game_fla.levelDisplay_18} Frame 1Symbol 153 EditableText
"lifeBar"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 109 MovieClip {classes.LifeBar}
"color2"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17}
"color1"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17}
"levelDisplay"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 154 MovieClip {Game_fla.levelDisplay_18}
"btnBack"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 157 Button
"btnReset"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 160 Button
"btnSound"Symbol 164 MovieClip {screen.PlayScreen} Frame 1Symbol 163 Button
"txtLevel"Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29} Frame 1Symbol 174 EditableText
"btnBack"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 169 Button
"btn1"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn6"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn11"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn2"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn7"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn12"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn3"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn8"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn13"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn4"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn9"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn14"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn5"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn10"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"btn15"Symbol 177 MovieClip {screen.LevelScreen} Frame 1Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29}
"face"Symbol 185 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyBlue_34} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35}
"face"Symbol 186 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyRed_36} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35}
"face"Symbol 187 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyYellow_37} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35}
"face"Symbol 190 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyGreen_38} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35}
"face"Symbol 191 MovieClip {Game_fla.SleepyPink_39} Frame 1Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35}
"btnMoreGames"Symbol 208 MovieClip {screen.TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 194 Button
"btnPlay"Symbol 208 MovieClip {screen.TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 199 Button
"btnHelp"Symbol 208 MovieClip {screen.TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 202 Button
"btnCredits"Symbol 208 MovieClip {screen.TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 205 Button
"btnSound"Symbol 208 MovieClip {screen.TitleScreen} Frame 1Symbol 163 Button
"fastGamesButton"Symbol 211 MovieClip {Game_fla.FastGamesBar_45} Frame 1Symbol 210 Button

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.


"loaded"Frame 3
"Wake"Symbol 26 MovieClip {Game_fla.Face_75} Frame 1
"Sleep"Symbol 26 MovieClip {Game_fla.Face_75} Frame 51
"Yellow"Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy} Frame 1
"Red"Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy} Frame 2
"Green"Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy} Frame 3
"Blue"Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy} Frame 4
"Pink"Symbol 31 MovieClip {classes.Sleepy} Frame 5
"None"Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17} Frame 1
"Yellow"Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17} Frame 2
"Red"Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17} Frame 3
"Green"Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17} Frame 4
"Blue"Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17} Frame 5
"Pink"Symbol 150 MovieClip {Game_fla.ColorDisplay_17} Frame 6
"out"Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29} Frame 1
"over"Symbol 176 MovieClip {Game_fla.LevelSelectionButton_29} Frame 2
"Sleep"Symbol 184 MovieClip {Game_fla.FaceStatic_35} Frame 1
Created: 12/3 -2019 11:40:44 Last modified: 12/3 -2019 11:40:44 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:29:13