Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2575 · P5149

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #112799

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 27 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 33 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 36 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 37 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 38 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 39 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 40 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 43 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 45 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 47 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 49 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 51 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 54 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 55 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 56 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 58 trapdemo1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; ename = 'P.BAG'; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 100; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; speed = 3; duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = attack; if (var_reset) { _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; if (dir == _root.p1.animate.dir) { } dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { if (!block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } else { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } ++dot; if (dot >= domax) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { attack = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } dot = 0; } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } } if (!at1) { attsel = random(3); at1 = true; } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 20; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } } else { at1 = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images._visible = false; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; if (!rasp) { rapedsel = random(2); rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.glimit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; ++hitt; if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.enemydead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 60 { } movieClip 62 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 83 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 87 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 90 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 93 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(4); mouth.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 94 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 95 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 98 { } movieClip 99 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(3); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 101 { } movieClip 103 { } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 109 { } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 113 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 117 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 127 { } movieClip 129 { } movieClip 130 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(5); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 131 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 132 spike1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'SPIKE'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 15; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.soda = attack; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (!getup) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!masturbate) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; getup = false; getupt = 0; _parent.shadow1._visible = false; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { _parent.shadow1._visible = true; rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; getup = false; getupt = 0; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 138 { } movieClip 144 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 145 { } movieClip 146 spark1a { instance animate of movieClip 145 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 100; alpha_dn = 6; hitsel = random(3); if (hitsel == 0) { snd1 = 'hitter6a'; } if (hitsel == 1) { snd1 = 'hitter3a'; } if (hitsel == 2) { snd1 = 'hitter6a'; } stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound(snd1); stagemusic1a.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = _alpha - alpha_dn; if (_alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 148 { } movieClip 171 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 173 sonicboom1a { instance animate of movieClip 172 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 7; bly_offset = -50; kospeed = random(30) - random(40); godir = random(360); rtime = 0; rtimemax = 90; ko = false; kot = 0; komax = 50; rot_speed = 50; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } if (dir == -1) { _xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _parent.swapDepths(_y); if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; _x = _x + speed; } if (dir == -1) { _xscale = -100; _x = _x - speed; } if (!ko) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; gotoAndStop('a'); ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { ko = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood2' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood3' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood4' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood5' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; -= 10; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 2.5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } } } } } } } if (ko) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 179 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 183 { } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 187 { } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 191 { } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 195 { } movieClip 196 { } movieClip 208 { } movieClip 214 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 217 { } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 224 { frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 240 { frame 29 { stop(); } } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 243 { } movieClip 246 { } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 251 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 253 { } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 261 { } movieClip 263 { } movieClip 265 { } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 269 { } movieClip 271 { } movieClip 272 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 54 { } frame 67 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 296 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 382 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 130 { stop(); } } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 424 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 425 rhubella1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'RHUBELLA'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 10; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 10; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 35; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 437 { } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 441 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 451 { } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 455 { } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 459 { } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 466 { } movieClip 469 { } movieClip 471 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 474 { } movieClip 476 { } movieClip 478 { } movieClip 480 { } movieClip 482 { } movieClip 484 { } movieClip 485 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 480 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 487 { } movieClip 489 { } movieClip 491 { } movieClip 493 { } movieClip 495 { } movieClip 497 { } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 501 { } movieClip 503 { } movieClip 505 { } movieClip 507 { } movieClip 509 { } movieClip 511 { } movieClip 513 { } movieClip 515 { } movieClip 517 { } movieClip 519 { } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 525 { } movieClip 526 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 533 { instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 497 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 509 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 540 { } movieClip 542 { } movieClip 546 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 480 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 548 { } movieClip 550 { } movieClip 553 { } movieClip 555 { } movieClip 563 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 553 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 573 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 553 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 576 { } movieClip 581 { } movieClip 584 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 553 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 591 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 553 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 593 { instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 497 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 509 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 595 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 550 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 553 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 596 { instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 497 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 495 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 509 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 515 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 598 { } movieClip 600 { } movieClip 601 { } movieClip 603 { } movieClip 605 { } movieClip 607 { } movieClip 609 { } movieClip 610 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 616 { } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 622 { } movieClip 624 { } movieClip 626 { } movieClip 627 { } movieClip 629 { } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 634 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 639 { instance of movieClip 605 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 607 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 614 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 605 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 622 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 626 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 627 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 632 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 640 { instance of movieClip 605 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 607 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 614 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 605 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 622 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 626 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 627 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 632 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 641 { instance of movieClip 605 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 607 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 605 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 622 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 626 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 627 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 610 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 632 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 643 { } movieClip 645 { } movieClip 647 { } movieClip 649 { } movieClip 651 { } movieClip 653 { } movieClip 655 { } movieClip 657 { } movieClip 659 { } movieClip 661 { } movieClip 663 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { eyes.gotoAndStop(3); gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 665 { } movieClip 667 { } movieClip 668 { frame 1 { sec = 0; } instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } instance of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 41 { if (sec >= 5) { sec = 0; gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 682 { instance of movieClip 503 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 511 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 478 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 517 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 2 { cum1 = new Sound(); cum1.attachSound('splat1'); cum1.start(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } } movieClip 684 { instance of movieClip 433 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 435 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 443 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 451 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 480 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 484 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 685 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 686 proxy1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'PROXY'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 300; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 10; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.soda = attack; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { clothnumb = 0; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 3; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 5; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(5); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('en_laser1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } if (attsel == 3) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } if (attsel == 4) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(11); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 3) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(7); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 4) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; ++cumt; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 689 { } movieClip 691 { } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 707 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 709 { } movieClip 711 { } movieClip 713 { } movieClip 715 { } movieClip 717 { } movieClip 719 { } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 724 { } movieClip 728 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 730 { } movieClip 732 { } movieClip 733 { frame 1 { head.gotoAndStop(2); eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 735 { frame 1 { head.gotoAndStop(3); eyes.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 737 { frame 1 { head.gotoAndStop(3); eyes.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 740 { } movieClip 741 { frame 1 { head.gotoAndStop(3); eyes.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 753 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 15 { eyes.gotoAndStop(3); head.gotoAndStop(3); selectsound = random(8); if (selectsound == 0) { slosh1 = new Sound(); slosh1.attachSound('slosh1a'); slosh1.start(); } if (selectsound == 1) { slosh2 = new Sound(); slosh2.attachSound('slosh2a'); slosh2.start(); } if (selectsound == 2) { slosh3 = new Sound(); slosh3.attachSound('slosh3a'); slosh3.start(); } if (selectsound == 3) { slosh4 = new Sound(); slosh4.attachSound('slosh4a'); slosh4.start(); } if (selectsound == 4) { slosh5 = new Sound(); slosh5.attachSound('slosh5a'); slosh5.start(); } if (selectsound == 5) { slosh6 = new Sound(); slosh6.attachSound('slosh6a'); slosh6.start(); } if (selectsound == 6) { slosh7 = new Sound(); slosh7.attachSound('slosh7a'); slosh7.start(); } if (selectsound == 7) { slosh8 = new Sound(); slosh8.attachSound('slosh8a'); slosh8.start(); } } frame 31 { if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax / 2) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 32 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); head.gotoAndStop(4); } frame 41 { eyes.gotoAndStop(3); head.gotoAndStop(3); selectsound = random(8); if (selectsound == 0) { slosh1 = new Sound(); slosh1.attachSound('slosh1a'); slosh1.start(); } if (selectsound == 1) { slosh2 = new Sound(); slosh2.attachSound('slosh2a'); slosh2.start(); } if (selectsound == 2) { slosh3 = new Sound(); slosh3.attachSound('slosh3a'); slosh3.start(); } if (selectsound == 3) { slosh4 = new Sound(); slosh4.attachSound('slosh4a'); slosh4.start(); } if (selectsound == 4) { slosh5 = new Sound(); slosh5.attachSound('slosh5a'); slosh5.start(); } if (selectsound == 5) { slosh6 = new Sound(); slosh6.attachSound('slosh6a'); slosh6.start(); } if (selectsound == 6) { slosh7 = new Sound(); slosh7.attachSound('slosh7a'); slosh7.start(); } if (selectsound == 7) { slosh8 = new Sound(); slosh8.attachSound('slosh8a'); slosh8.start(); } } frame 50 { if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax / 2) { gotoAndPlay(32); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 754 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 755 peter1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'PETER'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 15; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.soda = attack; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (!getup) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!masturbate) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; getup = false; getupt = 0; _parent.shadow1._visible = false; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { _parent.shadow1._visible = true; rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; getup = false; getupt = 0; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 757 { } movieClip 760 { } movieClip 761 { instance of movieClip 760 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 766 { } movieClip 767 { instance of movieClip 766 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 768 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 775 { } movieClip 779 { } movieClip 780 { instance of movieClip 779 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 785 { } movieClip 786 { instance of movieClip 785 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 791 { } movieClip 792 { instance of movieClip 791 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 797 { } movieClip 798 { instance of movieClip 797 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 803 { } movieClip 804 { instance of movieClip 803 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 807 { } movieClip 809 { } movieClip 811 { } movieClip 813 { } movieClip 815 { } movieClip 817 { } movieClip 819 { } movieClip 821 { } movieClip 823 { } movieClip 825 { } movieClip 827 { instance of movieClip 825 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 829 { } movieClip 830 { instance of movieClip 829 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 832 { } movieClip 833 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 837 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 840 { } movieClip 841 { instance of movieClip 840 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 844 { } movieClip 845 { instance of movieClip 844 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 848 { } movieClip 850 { } movieClip 853 { } movieClip 856 { } movieClip 858 { } movieClip 861 { frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 862 { } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 869 { } movieClip 870 { } movieClip 873 { } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 880 { } movieClip 882 { } movieClip 884 { } movieClip 886 { } movieClip 888 { } movieClip 891 { } movieClip 893 { } movieClip 895 { frame 1 { sec = 0; } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 65 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 897 { } movieClip 899 { } movieClip 901 { } movieClip 903 { } movieClip 905 { } movieClip 908 { } movieClip 911 { } movieClip 916 { frame 6 { _root.matilda.animate.t1.gotoAndStop('u'); } } movieClip 917 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 919 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 928 { } movieClip 931 { } movieClip 934 { } movieClip 936 { } movieClip 937 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 939 { } movieClip 940 { instance pants of movieClip 901 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance shirt of movieClip 939 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 941 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 942 matilda1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'MATILDA'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 5; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 4; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 5; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 6; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 5; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 5; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 40; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 20; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } movieClip 944 { } movieClip 946 { } movieClip 948 { } movieClip 950 { } movieClip 953 { } movieClip 954 { instance of movieClip 953 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 956 { } movieClip 959 { } movieClip 960 { instance of movieClip 959 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 963 { } movieClip 964 { instance of movieClip 963 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 966 { } movieClip 967 { instance of movieClip 966 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb <= 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb <= 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 969 { } movieClip 971 { } movieClip 974 { } movieClip 975 { instance of movieClip 974 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 978 { instance of movieClip 977 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb <= 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb <= 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 984 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 989 { } movieClip 994 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 996 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 999 { } movieClip 1001 { } movieClip 1004 { } movieClip 1005 { instance of movieClip 1004 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1009 { instance of movieClip 1008 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1011 { } movieClip 1016 { } movieClip 1021 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1022 { } movieClip 1023 { } movieClip 1024 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1026 { frame 1 { head.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 1027 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1028 { instance of movieClip 967 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1030 { } movieClip 1031 { } movieClip 1032 { } movieClip 1033 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1034 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1035 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1037 { } movieClip 1039 { } movieClip 1041 { } movieClip 1043 { } movieClip 1045 { } movieClip 1046 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(1); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 7) { gotoAndPlay(42); sec = 0; } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 42 { eyes.gotoAndStop(1); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1048 { } movieClip 1049 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 46 { if (sec >= 7) { gotoAndPlay(47); sec = 0; } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 71 { gotoAndPlay(47); } } movieClip 1051 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 70 { stop(); } } movieClip 1052 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(1); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 7) { gotoAndPlay(42); sec = 0; } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 42 { eyes.gotoAndStop(1); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1053 { } movieClip 1054 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1055 mampy1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'MAMPY'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 300; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 10; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.soda = attack; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { clothnumb = 0; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 5; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 5; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(23); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('bomb1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } if (attsel == 3) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } if (attsel == 4) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(7); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 3) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(7); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 4) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; ++cumt; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = random(2); rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1057 { } movieClip 1059 { } movieClip 1061 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1067 { } movieClip 1069 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1073 { } movieClip 1075 { } movieClip 1079 { } movieClip 1083 { } movieClip 1086 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1090 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1093 { } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1097 { } movieClip 1099 { } movieClip 1101 { } movieClip 1103 { } movieClip 1105 { } movieClip 1111 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1115 { } movieClip 1120 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1122 { } movieClip 1123 { } movieClip 1126 { } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1129 { } movieClip 1131 { } movieClip 1132 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1134 { } movieClip 1136 { } movieClip 1138 { } movieClip 1140 { } movieClip 1142 { } movieClip 1144 { } movieClip 1146 { } movieClip 1147 { frame 1 { mouth.gotoAndStop(2); eyes.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1149 { } movieClip 1150 { } movieClip 1151 { } movieClip 1152 { frame 1 { mouth.gotoAndStop(2); eyes.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1162 { frame 1 { mouth.gotoAndStop(1); eyes.gotoAndStop(1); stop(); } frame 2 { mouth.gotoAndStop(1); eyes.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } frame 3 { mouth.gotoAndStop(2); eyes.gotoAndStop(2); stop(); } frame 4 { mouth.gotoAndStop(3); eyes.gotoAndStop(3); stop(); } } movieClip 1163 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1164 lukka1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'FAWN'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1167 { } movieClip 1170 { } movieClip 1178 { } movieClip 1179 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1187 { } movieClip 1194 { } movieClip 1201 { } movieClip 1206 { } movieClip 1208 { } movieClip 1220 { } movieClip 1222 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1231 { } movieClip 1233 { } movieClip 1235 { } movieClip 1236 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(6); } } movieClip 1242 { } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1250 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1252 { } movieClip 1283 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1289 { } movieClip 1290 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1292 { } movieClip 1297 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1319 { } movieClip 1320 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop('rt'); } frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1337 { } movieClip 1338 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } frame 70 { stop(); } } movieClip 1340 { } movieClip 1343 { } movieClip 1346 { } movieClip 1348 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1351 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1358 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1361 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1364 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { shirt._visible = true; } else { shirt._visible = false; } if (_parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { pants._visible = true; } else { pants._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1372 { } movieClip 1373 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1380 { } movieClip 1387 { } movieClip 1394 { } movieClip 1399 { } movieClip 1401 { } movieClip 1412 { } movieClip 1414 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1418 { frame 1 { sec = 0; } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 2 { eyesel = random(5); mouthsel = random(6); mouth.gotoAndStop(mouthsel); eyes.gotoAndStop(eyesel); } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 42 { eyesel = random(5); mouthsel = random(6); mouth.gotoAndStop(mouthsel); eyes.gotoAndStop(eyesel); } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1419 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1420 lola1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'LOLA'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 10; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(2); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('sonicboom1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 80; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 35; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 35; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1422 { } movieClip 1424 { } movieClip 1425 { } movieClip 1426 healthup1a { instance animate of movieClip 1425 { onClipEvent (load) { rtime = 0; rtimemax = 300; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } rtime += 1; if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { += 50; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (rtime >= rtimemax / 1.5) { _alpha = 50; } if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } movieClip 1427 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1428 gunther1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'FAWN'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1430 { } movieClip 1431 groundhit1a { instance animate of movieClip 1430 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 100; alpha_dn = 7; stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound('ghit1a'); stagemusic1a.start(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = _alpha - alpha_dn; if (_alpha <= 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 1433 { } movieClip 1434 gosymbol1a { instance animate of movieClip 1433 { onClipEvent (load) { rtime = 0; rtimemax = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } movieClip 1440 { } movieClip 1442 { } // unknown tag 88 length 64 movieClip 1446 { } movieClip 1447 fightbar1a { instance animate of movieClip 1446 { onClipEvent (load) { _parent.swapDepths(2002); attached = true; _y = 110; _x = 200; bar._width = _root.esc * 3; outline._width = _root.escmax * 3; bar._height = 60; outline._height = 60; textselect = random(3); if (textselect == 0) { text1 = 'ESCAPE!'; } if (textselect == 1) { text1 = 'GET AWAY!'; } if (textselect == 2) { text1 = 'RELEASE!'; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.zoomin) { bar._width = _root.esc * 3; outline._width = _root.escmax * 3; } else { bar._width = _root.esc * 2; outline._width = _root.escmax * 2; } bar._height = 60; outline._height = 60; if (_root.esc <= 0) { bar._width = 0; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { bar._width = _root.escmax; } if (!_root.rape_breakable) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 1449 { } movieClip 1451 { } movieClip 1453 { } movieClip 1455 { } movieClip 1457 { } movieClip 1459 { } movieClip 1461 { } movieClip 1463 { } movieClip 1465 { } movieClip 1467 { } movieClip 1469 { } movieClip 1471 { } movieClip 1473 { } movieClip 1476 { } movieClip 1478 { } movieClip 1482 { } movieClip 1492 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1496 { instance of movieClip 1455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1463 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1476 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1476 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1498 { } movieClip 1500 { } movieClip 1502 { } movieClip 1504 { } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1508 { } movieClip 1510 { } movieClip 1512 { } movieClip 1514 { } movieClip 1516 { } movieClip 1518 { } movieClip 1521 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1523 { } movieClip 1525 { } movieClip 1526 { instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1528 { } movieClip 1535 { instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1536 { instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 1537 { instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 1539 { instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1540 { instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1541 { instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1543 { } movieClip 1545 { } movieClip 1546 { instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1547 { instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1549 { instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1551 { } movieClip 1553 { } movieClip 1556 { } movieClip 1557 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1559 { } movieClip 1561 { } movieClip 1563 { } movieClip 1565 { } movieClip 1566 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 5) { sec = 0; gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 42 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 49 { sec += 1; } frame 57 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1577 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1514 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { cum1 = new Sound(); cum1.attachSound('splat1'); cum1.start(); } frame 58 { stop(); } } movieClip 1579 { } movieClip 1581 { } movieClip 1582 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 1455 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1463 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1471 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1476 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1583 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1584 fawn1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'FAWN'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 10; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 15; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 20; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1586 { frame 1 { } frame 21 { _root.gotoAndStop(_root.stagego); stop(); } } movieClip 1587 fadeout1a { instance animate of movieClip 1586 { onClipEvent (load) { } } } movieClip 1589 { } movieClip 1591 { } movieClip 1593 { } movieClip 1595 { } movieClip 1597 { } movieClip 1599 { } movieClip 1601 { } movieClip 1603 { } movieClip 1605 { } movieClip 1607 { } movieClip 1609 { } movieClip 1614 { } movieClip 1619 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1620 { instance of movieClip 1601 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1607 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1622 { } movieClip 1624 { } movieClip 1626 { } movieClip 1628 { } movieClip 1630 { } movieClip 1632 { } movieClip 1634 { } movieClip 1636 { } movieClip 1638 { } movieClip 1640 { } movieClip 1642 { } movieClip 1644 { } movieClip 1649 { } movieClip 1653 { } movieClip 1656 { } movieClip 1658 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1660 { } movieClip 1662 { } movieClip 1663 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1666 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1667 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1668 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1669 { instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 1670 { instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1671 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1672 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1674 { } movieClip 1676 { } movieClip 1678 { } movieClip 1679 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1680 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1628 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1681 { instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1638 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1642 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1662 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1683 { } movieClip 1685 { } movieClip 1687 { } movieClip 1692 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1693 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; facesel = random(4); mouthsel = random(4); if (facesel == 0) { eyes.gotoAndStop(1); } if (facesel == 1) { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } if (facesel == 2) { eyes.gotoAndStop(3); } if (facesel == 3) { eyes.gotoAndStop(4); } if (mouthsel == 0) { mouth.gotoAndStop(1); } if (mouthsel == 1) { mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } if (mouthsel == 2) { mouth.gotoAndStop(3); } if (mouthsel == 3) { mouth.gotoAndStop(4); } } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 42 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); mouth.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 52 { sec += 1; } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1695 { } movieClip 1697 { } movieClip 1699 { } movieClip 1702 { frame 1 { eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 1697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1601 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1699 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1703 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1704 erika1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { sexable = false; cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'ERIKA'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 300; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 5; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.soda = attack; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { clothnumb = 0; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 10; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 10; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 2; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 5; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(2); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 20; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; ++cumt; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 50) { sexable = true; } else { sexable = false; } if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1706 { } movieClip 1708 { } movieClip 1709 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1710 enknife1a { instance animate of movieClip 1709 { onClipEvent (load) { hitspeed = 5; speed = 7; bly_offset = -50; kospeed = random(30) - random(40); godir = random(360); rtime = 0; rtimemax = 150; ko = false; kot = 0; komax = 50; rot_speed = 50; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } if (dir == -1) { _xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _parent.swapDepths(_y); if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; _x = _x + speed; } if (dir == -1) { _xscale = -100; _x = _x - speed; } if (!ko) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; gotoAndStop('a'); ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { ko = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { ko = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { ko = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.glimit)) { ko = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood2' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood3' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood4' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood5' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; -= 10; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 2.5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { -= 3; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.animate._x -= hitspeed; } else { _root.p1.animate._x += hitspeed; } ko = true; } } } } } } } } } } } if (ko) { gotoAndStop('b'); ++kot; --kospeed; _y = _y - kospeed; if (dir == 1) { _rotation = _rotation + rot_speed; } else { _rotation = _rotation + rot_speed; } x += kspeedx; y += kspeedy; if (kot >= komax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1711 enemyai1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); if (namesel == 0) { ename = 'ARTHUR'; } if (namesel == 1) { ename = 'ASSHAT'; } if (namesel == 2) { ename = 'FUCKER'; } power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 25; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { clothnumb = 0; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } if (!down) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { attsel = random(3); at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = random(2); rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 20; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; ++cumt; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = random(2); rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.glimit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1712 enemy1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; ename = 'P.BAG'; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 100; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; speed = 3; duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fag = rapedsel; if (var_reset) { _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (!down) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; if (dir == _root.p1.animate.dir) { } dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { if (!block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (_root.en_rape_numb == 0) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _root.p1.animate._y - 50; -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; rapesel = random(2); rape = true; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); block = false; } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { attsel = random(3); at1 = true; } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 3) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 20; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { kick = false; punch = false; attackt = 0; attack = false; } } else { at1 = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images._visible = false; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } ++cumt; if (cumt >= 2) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; if (!rasp) { rapedsel = random(2); rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.glimit)) { if (life <= 50) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; ++hitt; if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; gotoAndStop(10); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.enemydead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1716 { } movieClip 1717 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1718 en_laser1a { instance animate of movieClip 1717 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 12; bly_offset = -50; kospeed = random(30) - random(40); godir = random(360); rtime = 0; rtimemax = 90; ko = false; kot = 0; komax = 50; rot_speed = 50; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } if (dir == -1) { _xscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _parent.swapDepths(_y); if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; _x = _x + speed; } if (dir == -1) { _xscale = -100; _x = _x - speed; } if (!ko) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; gotoAndStop('a'); ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { ko = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood2' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood3' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood4' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood5' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; -= 10; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 2.5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } } } } } } } if (ko) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } movieClip 1720 { } movieClip 1722 { } movieClip 1724 { } movieClip 1727 { } movieClip 1728 { instance of movieClip 1727 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.bosslevelmax) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bosslevelmax) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1730 { } movieClip 1733 { } movieClip 1734 { instance of movieClip 1733 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.bosslevelmax) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bosslevelmax) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1736 { } movieClip 1738 { } movieClip 1740 { } movieClip 1742 { } movieClip 1744 { } movieClip 1746 { } movieClip 1748 { } movieClip 1752 { } movieClip 1754 { } movieClip 1755 { instance of movieClip 1754 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1757 { } movieClip 1758 { instance of movieClip 1757 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1761 { } movieClip 1762 { instance of movieClip 1761 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.bosslevelmax) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.bosslevelmax) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1763 { } movieClip 1764 { } movieClip 1765 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 1766 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 1767 { } movieClip 1768 { } movieClip 1770 { } movieClip 1772 { } movieClip 1773 { } movieClip 1774 { instance of movieClip 98 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.dead) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.sexable) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1775 { frame 1 { sec = 0; eyes.gotoAndStop(2); } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.p1.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 20 { sec += 1; } frame 41 { if (sec >= 4) { gotoAndPlay(42); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 63 { gotoAndPlay(42); } } movieClip 1777 { } movieClip 1778 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1791 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 95 { stop(); } } movieClip 1792 { } movieClip 1793 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1794 deborah1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'DEBORAH'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 5; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1797 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1798 cum1a { instance animate of movieClip 1797 { onClipEvent (load) { rtime = 0; rtimemax = 150; _alpha = 100; dir = random(2); yspeed = random(50) - random(60); xspeed = random(5) - random(10); size = random(100) - random(100); _xscale = size; _yscale = size; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } rtime += 1; if (rtime >= rtimemax / 1.2) { _alpha = 50; } if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_x >= 550) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_x < 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y < yspot) { --yspeed; _y = _y - yspeed; gotoAndStop('a'); _x = _x + xspeed; } else { gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } } movieClip 1800 { } movieClip 1803 { } movieClip 1806 { } movieClip 1808 { } movieClip 1810 { } movieClip 1815 { } movieClip 1819 { } movieClip 1823 { } movieClip 1827 { } movieClip 1831 { } movieClip 1832 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1835 { } movieClip 1837 { } movieClip 1839 { } movieClip 1841 { } movieClip 1843 { } movieClip 1844 { instance of movieClip 1832 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.mousex = _xmouse; _root.mousey = _ymouse; if (_ymouse < 100 and _ymouse > 10) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_ymouse < -20 and _ymouse > -100) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_ymouse < 100 and _xmouse > 10) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_ymouse > -100 and _xmouse > 10) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 1841 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cshirt = false; if (_root.cshirt) { _visible = true; } if (!_root.cshirt) { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.cshirt) { _visible = true; } if (!_root.cshirt) { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.cshirt = false; } } instance of movieClip 1843 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.cshoes = true; if (_root.cshoes) { _visible = true; } if (!_root.cshoes) { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.cshoes) { _visible = true; } if (!_root.cshoes) { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { _root.cshoes = false; } } } movieClip 1845 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1846 carmelita1a { instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { cumt = 0; bly_offset = -50; _root.clothing_numb = 1; fallt = 0; putin = true; fallmax = random(5); dot = 0; domax = 100; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; masturbate = false; masturbatet = 0; masturbatemax = 100; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; namesel = random(3); ename = 'FAWN'; epic = ename; power_x = 3; power_y = 2; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; life = 180; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 30; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; downmaxlimit = 250; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; attack2go = 8; attack2max = 50; speedselection = random(3); if (speedselection == 0) { speed = 2; } if (speedselection == 1) { speed = 3; } if (speedselection == 2) { speed = 2.5; } goselect = 1; if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { frontgo = false; backgo = true; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { frontgo = false; backgo = false; chill = true; } frontgot = 0; backgot = 0; chillt = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); backgomax = random(300) - random(300); chillmax = random(300) - random(300); duck = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; rapehalf = 200; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 8; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; shadow_y = 50; rapedsel = random(2); cloth = true; clothnumb = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.aak = att2t; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; if (life >= 100) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 100 and life >= 50) { clothnumb = 1; } if (life < 50) { sexable = true; clothnumb = 0; } else { sexable = false; } if (!rape) { xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; } _root.fuss = fallt; if (var_reset) { attack2 = false; attack2t = 0; masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_x >= 620) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= -70) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 10; if (!fta1) { fta1 = true; } if (fallt <= fallmax) { hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (fallt > fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; life -= 15; downmax += 15; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta1 = false; } } if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!block) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hit = true; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 20; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!attack) { attsel = random(3); if (!attack2) { if (!block) { if (!masturbate) { ++att2t; if (att2t >= att2max) { att2t = 0; att2max = random(9999) - random(9999); attack2 = true; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { masturbate = true; } if (frontgo) { frontgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = -90; } else { xdist = 120; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (frontgot >= frontgomax) { frontgot = 0; frontgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } if (backgo) { backgot += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); ydist = -10; if (_root.p1.animate.dir == 1) { xdist = 120; } else { xdist = -90; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x + xdist) { _x = _x + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x + xdist) { _x = _x - speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_root.p1.animate._y >= _y + ydist) { _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.p1.animate._y < _y + ydist) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (backgot >= backgomax) { backgot = 0; backgomax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; chill = false; backgo = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; chill = false; frontgo = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; frontgo = false; backgo = false; } } } if (chill) { chillt += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); ydist = 10; if (_root.p1.animate._x >= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; dir = 1; } if (_root.p1.animate._x <= _x) { _parent.images._xscale = -100; dir = -1; } if (_parent.images.character.glimit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { dosel = random(2); if (dosel == 0) { block = true; } if (dosel == 1) { attack = true; } } if (chillt >= chillmax) { chillt = 0; chillmax = random(300) - random(300); goselect = random(3); if (goselect == 0) { frontgo = true; backgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 1) { backgo = true; frontgo = false; chill = false; } if (goselect == 2) { chill = true; backgo = false; frontgo = false; } } } } if (masturbate) { masturbatet += 1; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(22); if (masturbatet >= masturbatemax) { masturbatet = 0; masturbate = false; } } } if (block) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); blockt += 1; if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!bl1) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl1 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (bl2) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl2 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!bl3) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp * 5; } else { _x = _x + hit_sp * 5; } life -= 2; bl3 = true; } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } else { bl3 = false; } if (blockt >= blockmax) { blockt = 0; block = false; } } } if (attack2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attack2t += 1; if (attack2t == attack2go) { _root.attachMovie('enknife1a', 'enknife1a' + _root.ebullet, _root.ebullet++); if (dir == 1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot + 20; } if (dir == -1) { _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._x = xspot - 20; } _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate._y = yspot; _root['enknife1a' + _root.ebullet].animate.dir = dir; } if (attack2t >= attack2max) { attack2t = 0; attack2 = false; } } } if (attack) { attackt += 1; if (!at1) { at1 = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.character.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (!_root.p1.animate.block) { hardpunch1a.start(); _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; if (attsel == 0) { -= 15; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 20; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } if (attsel == 1) { -= 5; _root.rape_max_level += 7; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = _root.rape_max_level; _root.en_rape_numb += 1; attack = false; attackt = 0; rapesel = 1; rape = true; } if (attsel == 2) { -= 10; _root.p1.animate.hit = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; } } if (_root.p1.animate.block) { if (!blocka) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _root.p1.animate._x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = yspot - 30; -= 1; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - 50; _root.p1.animate.x += 3; } else { _x = _x + 50; _root.p1.animate.x -= 3; } blocka = true; } } _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; } } } } } } } } } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (attsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 30; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 20; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(4); attackmax = 30; } if (attackt >= attackmax) { attackt = 0; attack = false; } else { at1 = false; } } else { blocka = false; } } if (rape) { ++rapet; attack = false; attackt = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = true; _root.p1.animate.rapedt = 0; _root.p1.animate.xspot = xspot; _root.p1.animate.yspot = yspot; _root.p1.images.gotoAndStop(36); _root.p1.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.rapedt >= 2) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.nohit = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; hitfly = true; life -= 10; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; } if (rapesel == 0) { rapemax = 600; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; } else { gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.shadow1._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 50; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } if (rapesel == 1) { rapemax = 500; rapehalf = 400; if (rapet >= rapehalf) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.rape_breakable = false; } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); _root.rape_breakable = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { -= 5; _root.p1.animate.raped = false; _root.p1.animate._visible = true; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; _root.p1.images._visible = true; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } } } if (raped) { down = false; downt = 0; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; if (dir == 1) { _root.p1.images._xscale = -100; } else { _root.p1.images._xscale = 100; } if (!rasp) { var_reset = true; rapedsel = 0; rasp = true; } if (!_root.p1.animate.killoff) { xspot = _root.p1.animate.xspot; yspot = _root.p1.animate.yspot; _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; if (rapedsel == 0) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(19); } if (rapedsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(20); } } if (_root.p1.animate.killoff) { hitfly = true; life -= 100; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; raped = false; } if (!_root.p1.animate.rape) { hit = true; _root.p1.animate.hit_sp = 3; _root.p1.animate.hitmax = 10; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { rasp = false; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } if (_root.pl_rape_numb == 0) { if (downt >= 10) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { if (this.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { if (sexable) { _root.pl_rape_numb = 1; _root.p1.animate.rape = true; raped = true; downt = 0; down = false; } } } } } if (downt >= downmax) { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } if (bounce) { _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; rape = false; rapet = 0; hitsnd = random(3); if (!hitsndstart) { fallt += 1; if (hitsnd == 1) { ow1.start(); } hitsndstart = true; } ++hitt; if (hitt >= 10) { if (!hitit) { if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } else { fta2 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; downmax += 20; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; hitt = 0; life -= 10; hit_sp = _root.p1.animate.power_x; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.stat_show = true; _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { spinner = true; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ++_root.hitcounter; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = true; dir = -_root.p1.animate.dir; if (dir == 1) { _xscale = 100; } else { _xscale = -100; } hitfly = true; life -= 10; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = _root.p1.animate.power_x; hitfly_y = _root.p1.animate.power_y; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; _root.enemy_name = ename; _root.ebar.epic.gotoAndStop(epic); _root.enemy_life = life; _root.stat_show = true; _root.stat_showt = 0; hitit = true; } } } if (fallt >= fallmax) { fallt = 0; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitfly = true; downmax += 50; hitfly_x = 5; hitfly_y = 10; bounce_y = hitfly_y / 2; } if (down) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitit = false; hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { fallt = 0; fallmax = random(5); rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { spinner = false; hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } if (dead) { if (!dt) { _root.score += 1; _root.enemy_dead += 1; dt = true; } _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { addondead = random(10); if (addondead == 5) { _root.attachMovie('healthup1a', 'healthup' + _root.shadowlayer, _root.shadowlayer++); _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._x = xspot; _root['healthup' + _root.shadowlayer].animate._y = yspot; } _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1851 { } movieClip 1852 { } movieClip 1860 { frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 1861 { } movieClip 1862 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1863 bomb1a { instance animate of movieClip 1861 { onClipEvent (load) { thrown = true; thrownt = 0; explode = false; explodet = 0; explodemax = 20; sit = false; sitt = 0; sitmax = 100; yspeed = 5; xspeed = 5; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; _parent.images._y = _y - 10; _parent.images._x = xspot; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot; if (thrown) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); ++thrownt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.images._y -= yspeed; _parent.images._x = xspot; --yspeed; if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation += xspeed * 5; _x = _x + xspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation -= xspeed * 5; _x = _x - xspeed; } if (thrownt >= 4) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { sit = true; thrown = false; } } } if (sit) { ++sitt; _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); if (sitt >= sitmax) { explode = true; sit = false; } } if (explode) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _parent.images._y = yspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.shadow1._visible = false; if (!_root.p1.animate.dead) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hitfly) { if (!_root.p1.animate.bounce) { if (!_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (!_root.p1.animate.hit) { if (!_root.p1.animate.down) { if (!_root.p1.animate.getup) { if (!_root.p1.animate.nohit) { if (_parent.images.limit.hitTest(_root.p1.animate.limit)) { _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood2' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood2' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood3' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood3' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood4' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood4' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.attachMovie('blood1a', 'blood5' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['blood5' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _root.p1.animate.hitfly = true; -= 10; _root.p1.animate.dir = -dir; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_x = 2.5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_main_y = 5; _root.p1.animate.hitfly_y = 10; _root.p1.animate.spinner = true; } } } } } } } } } ++explodet; if (explodet >= explodemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } movieClip 1866 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1867 blood1a { instance animate of movieClip 1866 { onClipEvent (load) { rtime = 0; rtimemax = 150; _alpha = 100; dir = random(2); yspeed = random(50) - random(60); xspeed = random(5) - random(10); size = random(100) - random(100); _xscale = size; _yscale = size; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } rtime += 1; if (rtime >= rtimemax / 1.2) { _alpha = 50; } if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_x >= 550) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_x < 0) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } if (_y < yspot) { _parent.swapDepths(this._y); --yspeed; _y = _y - yspeed; gotoAndStop('a'); _x = _x + xspeed; } else { gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } } movieClip 1870 { } movieClip 1873 { } movieClip 1875 { } movieClip 1877 { } movieClip 1879 { } movieClip 1881 { } movieClip 1883 { } movieClip 1885 { } movieClip 1887 { } movieClip 1889 { } movieClip 1891 { } movieClip 1894 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1891 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1896 { } movieClip 1898 { } movieClip 1899 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1900 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1902 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1905 { } movieClip 1907 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1891 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1905 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 1910 { } movieClip 1911 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1891 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1905 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 1912 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1914 { } movieClip 1915 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1891 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1917 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 1920 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1891 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1921 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1923 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1925 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1927 { } movieClip 1928 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1881 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1883 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1891 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1929 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1930 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1931 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1932 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1896 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1933 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1935 { instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.aziz = _parent._parent._parent.animate.cloth; if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 1) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 32 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1936 { instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 117 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 0) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 123 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 111 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 115 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1938 { } movieClip 1941 { } movieClip 1943 { } movieClip 1944 { instance of movieClip 1941 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent._parent._parent.animate.clothnumb == 2) { _visible = true; } else { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 1945 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } } movieClip 1946 aries1a { instance shadow1 of movieClip 27 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.animate.raped) { _visible = false; } if (_parent.animate.rape) { _visible = false; } if (_parent.animate.raped and _parent.animate.rape) { _visible = true; } } } instance images of movieClip 1945 { } instance animate of movieClip 57 { onClipEvent (load) { bly_offset = -50; cumt = 0; _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; dir = 1; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; _root.p1name = 'ARIES'; power_x = _root.power_x; power_y = _root.power_y; bounce = false; bounce_max = 5; bounce_y = bounce_max; stamina = 100; staminamax = 100; life = _root.p1life; nohit = false; nohitt = 0; nohitmax = 60; hit = false; hitt = 0; hitmax = 20; hit_sp = 3; hitfly = false; hitflyt = 0; hitfly_x = 0; hitfly_main_y = 0; hitfly_y = hitfly_main_y; down = false; downt = 0; downmax = 20; getup = false; getupt = 0; getupmax = 20; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 150; _root.p1x = _x; _root.p1y = _y; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; attackspeed = 2; attackmax = 30; att_numb = 0; att_resett = 0; att_resetmax = 80; air_attack = false; hup1 = false; fall_max = -7; speed = 5; _root.movespeed = speed; ground = false; jump = false; jumpmax = 15; jspeed = jumpmax; jumpt = 0; fall = false; fallt = 0; fspeed = 6; duck = false; up = false; raped = false; rapedt = 0; rapedmax = 2; rape = false; rapet = 0; rapesel = 1; rapemax = 300; nothing = false; yes = true; no = false; rstop = false; lstop = true; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; pickupmax = 50; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec2max = 50; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; spec3max = 50; block = false; blockt = 0; blockmax = 50; kick = false; punch = false; up = false; dn = false; rt = false; lft = false; dash = false; dasht = 0; dashmax = 200; dashsp = 12; dead = false; deadt = 0; deadmax = 100; _root.p1x = bounce; _root.p1y = down; _root.p1h = getup; shadow_y = 50; whoosh1 = new Sound(); whoosh1.attachSound('whish1'); whoosh2 = new Sound(); whoosh2.attachSound('whish2'); whoosh3 = new Sound(); whoosh3.attachSound('whish3'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.azn = clothnumb; _root.p1life = life; _root.p1x = raped; _root.p1y = down; _root.p1h = getup; xspot = _x; yspot = _y; _parent.shadow1._x = xspot; _parent.shadow1._y = yspot + shadow_y; x_image_spot = _x; y_image_spot = _y; if (life >= 30) { clothnumb = 2; } if (life < 30) { clothnumb = 0; } if (var_reset) { _root.hitcounter = 0; dash = false; pickup = false; pickupt = 0; spec1 = false; spec1t = 0; spec1max = 50; spec2 = false; spec2t = 0; spec3 = false; spec3t = 0; block = false; blockt = 0; attack = false; attackt = 0; attsel = 1; kick = false; punch = false; var_reset = false; } if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (!_root.anistop) { if (_x >= 550) { _x = _x - 10; } if (_x <= 0) { _x = _x + 10; } if (_y >= _root.player_y_max) { _y = _y - speed; } if (_y <= _root.player_y_min) { _y = _y + speed; } if (, _y + 25, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 50; } if ( - 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x + 10; } if ( + 10, _y, true)) { _x = _x - 10; } if (, _y - 10, true)) { _y = _y + 10; } if (, _y + 10, true)) { _y = _y - 10; } if (!dead) { if (nohit) { ++nohitt; _parent.images._alpha = 50; if (nohitt >= nohitmax) { _parent.images._alpha = 100; nohitt = 0; nohit = false; } } if (!hitfly) { if (!hit) { if (!bounce) { killoff = false; _parent.swapDepths(this._y); _root.movespeed = speed; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; if (!down) { if (!getup) { if (!raped) { if (!rape) { if (!pickup) { if (!spec1) { if (!spec2) { if (!spec3) { if (!attack) { if (!dash) { if (!block) { if (stamina <= staminamax) { stamina += 0.2; } if (_root.cont_rt) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.images._xscale = 100; _x = _x + speed; dir = 1; } if (_root.cont_lft) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); _parent.images._xscale = -100; _x = _x - speed; dir = -1; } if (_root.cont_up) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); _y = _y - speed; } if (_root.cont_dn) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(2); _y = _y + speed; } if (_root.cont_attk) { kick = true; punch = false; attack = true; } if (_root.cont_kick) { punch = true; kick = false; attack = true; } if (stamina >= 60) { } if (stamina > 0) { if (_root.cont_jumpb) { block = true; } } else { block = false; } if (!_root.cont_up and !_root.cont_dn and !_root.cont_lft and !_root.cont_rt) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(1); } } if (block) { stamina -= 0.5; if (stamina <= 0) { stamina -= 25; block = false; } if (!_root.cont_rt and !_root.cont_lft) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(14); } if (!_root.cont_jumpb) { block = false; } if (_root.cont_rt) { dash = true; } if (_root.cont_lft) { dash = true; } } } if (dash) { stamina -= 0.5; _root.movespeed = dashsp; block = false; if (!_root.cont_rt and !_root.cont_lft) { dash = false; } if (_root.cont_rt) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.images._xscale = 100; _x = _x + dashsp; dir = 1; } if (_root.cont_lft) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(3); _parent.images._xscale = -100; _x = _x - dashsp; dir = -1; } if (!_root.cont_jumpb) { dash = false; } if (stamina <= 0) { stamina -= 25; dash = false; } } } if (attack) { _root.cont_attk = false; _root.cont_kick = false; _root.movespeed = attackspeed; attackt += 1; if (!at1) { attsel += 1; at1 = true; } if (attsel >= 4) { attsel = 1; } if (dir == 1) { _x = _x + attackspeed; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x - attackspeed; } if (punch) { if (!pa) { soundsel = random(3); if (soundsel == 0) { whoosh1.start(); } if (soundsel == 1) { whoosh2.start(); } if (soundsel == 2) { whoosh3.start(); } pa = true; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(8); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(9); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 3) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(10); attackmax = 20; } } if (kick) { if (!ka) { soundsel = random(3); if (soundsel == 0) { whoosh1.start(); } if (soundsel == 1) { whoosh2.start(); } if (soundsel == 2) { whoosh3.start(); } ka = true; } if (attsel == 1) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(5); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(6); attackmax = 15; } if (attsel == 3) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(7); attackmax = 20; } } if (attackt >= attackmax) { kick = false; punch = false; attackt = 0; attack = false; } } else { ka = false; pa = false; at1 = false; } } if (spec3) { _root.cont_attk = false; _root.cont_kick = false; _root.cont_jumpb = false; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(13); spec3t += 1; if (spec3t >= spec3max) { spec3t = 0; spec3 = false; } } } if (spec2) { _root.cont_attk = false; _root.cont_kick = false; _root.cont_jumpb = false; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(12); spec2t += 1; if (spec2t >= spec2max) { spec2t = 0; spec2 = false; } } } if (spec1) { _root.cont_attk = false; _root.cont_kick = false; _root.cont_jumpb = false; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(11); spec1t += 1; if (spec1t >= spec1max) { spec1t = 0; spec1 = false; } } } } if (rape) { if (!ra) { var_reset = true; rapesel = false; ra = true; } _parent.shadow1._visible = false; ++cumt; if (cumt >= 20) { _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 50; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; cumt = 0; } rapet += 1; if (rapet < rapemax / 1.2) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(36); } if (rapet >= rapemax / 1.2) { if (!dol) { life += 10; dol = true; } _root.attachMovie('cum1a', 'cum1' + _root.debris, _root.debris++); if (dir == 1) { _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x + 35; } else { _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._x = _x - 35; } _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate._y = _y - 30; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.xspot = xspot; _root['cum1' + _root.debris].animate.yspot = yspot - bly_offset; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(21); _root.pl_rape_numb = 0; killoff = true; } if (rapet >= rapemax) { _parent.shadow1._visible = true; rapet = 0; rape = false; } } else { dol = false; ra = false; } } if (raped) { rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.shadow1._visible = false; ++rapedt; if (!rped) { _root.attachMovie('fightbar1a', 'fightbar1', 50); rped = true; } if (_root.esc >= _root.escmax) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(36); nohit = true; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } if (rapedt >= 2) { nohit = true; _visible = true; rapedt = 0; raped = false; } } else { _parent.shadow1._visible = true; rped = false; rapedt = 0; } } if (getup) { ++getupt; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(15); if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; } else { _parent.images._xscale = -100; } if (getupt >= getupmax) { nohit = true; getupt = 0; getup = false; } } } if (down) { if (stamina <= staminamax) { stamina += 0.7; } _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); ++downt; if (downt >= downmax) { if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } else { downt = 0; getup = true; down = false; } } } } if (bounce) { xspot = _x; _root.movespeed = hitfly_x; _parent.images._y -= bounce_y; _parent.images._x = xspot; --bounce_y; if (dir == 1) { if (spinner) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x * 2; } _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { if (spinner) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x * 2; } _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (!ghit) { bounce_max = hitfly_main_y / 2; _root.attachMovie('groundhit1a', 'ghit', _root.debris); _root.ghit.animate._x = _x; _root.ghit.animate._y = _y + 40; ghit = true; } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); } else { _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); } if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { _parent.images._rotation = 0; spinner = false; down = true; bounce_y = bounce_max; bounce = false; } } else { ghit = false; } } if (hit) { var_reset = true; _parent.images._x = x_image_spot; _parent.images._y = y_image_spot; _root.pl_rape_numb = 0; ++hitt; rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(16); _root.movespeed = hit_sp; if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hit_sp; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hit_sp; } if (hitt >= hitmax) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._xscale = 100; } else { _parent.images._xscale = -100; } hitt = 0; nohit = true; hit = false; } } else { hitsndstart = false; } } if (hitfly) { _x = xspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; _root.pl_rape_numb = 0; rape = false; rapet = 0; _parent.images._y -= hitfly_y; --hitfly_y; ++hitflyt; var_reset = true; _root.movespeed = hitfly_x; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(17); if (dir == 1) { _x = _x - hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _x = _x + hitfly_x; } if (spinner) { if (dir == 1) { _parent.images._rotation -= hitfly_x; } if (dir == -1) { _parent.images._rotation += hitfly_x; } } if (hitflyt >= 3) { if (_parent.images._y >= yspot) { hitflyt = 0; bounce = true; hitfly = false; } } } else { hitflysndstart = false; } } if (dead) { _x = xspot; _parent.images._x = xspot; _root.movespeed = hitfly_x; _parent.images.gotoAndStop(18); deadt += 1; if (deadt >= deadmax / 2) { _parent.images._alpha = 50; } if (deadt >= deadmax) { if (_root.lives >= 0) { life = 100; var_reset = true; _root.lives -= 1; nohit = true; down = false; downt = 0; deadt = 0; dead = false; } if (_root.lives < 0) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } } } } } } } } frame 1 { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } __com_mochibot__('ec1b9f1a', this, 10301, true); } frame 1 { Stage.showMenu = false; _root.sound = true; _root.quality_key = 81; _root.pause = false; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactfit'; _root.rt_key = 39; _root.lft_key = 37; _root.up_key = 38; _root.dn_key = 40; _root.attk_key = 68; _root.kick_key = 65; _root.jump_key = 83; _root.cont_rt = false; _root.cont_lft = false; _root.cont_up = false; _root.cont_dn = false; _root.zoomin = true; _root.mover = false; _root.movel = false; _root.moved = false; _root.moveu = false; } frame 2 { _root.sound = true; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactfit'; } frame 2 { stop(); stopAllSounds(); _quality = 'high'; } movieClip 1948 { } // unknown tag 88 length 64 movieClip 1951 { } instance of movieClip 1951 { onClipEvent (load) { rtime = _root.getBytesLoaded(); rtmax = _root.getBytesTotal(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (rtime >= rtmax) { _root.gotoAndStop('loaded'); } else { rtime = _root.getBytesLoaded(); percentage = (rtime / rtmax) * 100; bar._xscale = percentage * 3; results1 = Math.floor(percentage) + '% THE CHEETAHMEN PT.1!'; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 69 movieClip 1956 { } instance of movieClip 1956 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.intext = 'TOON PIMP'; } onClipEvent (rollOut) { _root.intext = ''; } onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 'gropesville'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(9)) { _root.gotoAndPlay('loader'); } } } movieClip 1963 { } instance of movieClip 1963 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 1); } } movieClip 1968 { } instance of movieClip 1968 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 1); } } movieClip 1971 { } instance of movieClip 1971 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 1); } } movieClip 1974 { } instance of movieClip 1974 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 1); } } movieClip 1977 { } instance of movieClip 1977 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 1); } } movieClip 1980 { } instance of movieClip 1980 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 1); } } frame 3 { stop(); } movieClip 1983 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1983 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('prop'); } } frame 4 { stop(); } movieClip 1987 { } instance of movieClip 1987 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } } movieClip 1989 { } instance of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (load) { rtime = 0; rtimemax = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { rtime += 1; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { _root.gotoAndStop('title'); } } } frame 5 { function clean() { for (i in _root) { _root[i].removeMovieClip(); } } stopAllSounds(); _root.clean(); stop(); } movieClip 1995 { } instance of movieClip 1983 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('st1a'); } } movieClip 1998 { } instance of movieClip 1956 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', 'gropesville'); } } frame 6 { _root.score = 0; _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.anistop = false; _root.attachMovie('aries1a', 'p1', 121); _root.p1.animate._x = 100; _root.p1.animate._y = 300; _root.map1._x = 889; _root.map1._y = 300; _root.top_bg._x = 813; _root.top_bg._y = 300; _root.player_y_max = 340; _root.player_y_min = 150; _root.power_x = 3; _root.power_y = 20; _root.pl_rape_numb = 0; _root.en_rape_numb = 0; _root.enemydead = 0; _root.enemydeadmax = 6; _root.rape_max_level = 0; _root.esc = 0; _root.escmax = 0; _root.strenght = 1; _root.p1life = 100; _root.lives = 3; _root.music_level = 1; _root.bgremoval = false; stop(); } movieClip 2002 { } instance of movieClip 2002 { } movieClip 2006 { } movieClip 2007 { } instance map1 of movieClip 2007 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.mapx = _x; _root.mapy = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.mapx = _x; _root.mapy = _y; if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 2011 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2011 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 5; dead = false; stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound('explosion_snd'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.bgremoval) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); removeMovieClip(this); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!dead) { gotoAndStop('a'); if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!ga) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga = true; } } else { ga = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (!ga1) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga1 = true; } } else { ga1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!ga2) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga2 = true; } } else { ga2 = false; } if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } } if (dead) { if (!d1) { _root.score += 1; stagemusic1a.start(); d1 = true; } gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } instance of movieClip 2011 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 5; dead = false; stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound('explosion_snd'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.bgremoval) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); removeMovieClip(this); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!dead) { gotoAndStop('a'); if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!ga) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga = true; } } else { ga = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (!ga1) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga1 = true; } } else { ga1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!ga2) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga2 = true; } } else { ga2 = false; } if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } } if (dead) { if (!d1) { _root.score += 1; stagemusic1a.start(); d1 = true; } gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } instance of movieClip 2011 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 5; dead = false; stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound('explosion_snd'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.bgremoval) { _parent.removeMovieClip(); removeMovieClip(this); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (!dead) { gotoAndStop('a'); if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!ga) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga = true; } } else { ga = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (!ga1) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga1 = true; } } else { ga1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!ga2) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga2 = true; } } else { ga2 = false; } if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } } if (dead) { if (!d1) { _root.score += 1; stagemusic1a.start(); d1 = true; } gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { jump_ok = false; p1_x_max = 230; p1_x_min = 270; yes = false; no = true; nothing = false; rstop = false; lstop = true; qstart = false; _root.counterstart = false; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstartmax = 100; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!root.pause) { if (Key.isDown(_root.rt_key)) { _root.cont_rt = true; _root.cont_lft = false; } else { _root.cont_rt = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.lft_key)) { _root.cont_lft = true; _root.cont_rt = false; } else { _root.cont_lft = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.up_key)) { _root.cont_up = true; _root.cont_dn = false; } else { _root.cont_up = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.dn_key)) { _root.cont_dn = true; _root.cont_up = false; } else { _root.cont_dn = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.attk_key)) { if (!att_ok) { _root.cont_attk = true; att_ok = true; } } else { att_ok = false; _root.cont_attk = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.kick_key)) { if (!kick_ok) { _root.cont_kick = true; kick_ok = true; } } else { kick_ok = false; _root.cont_kick = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.jump_key)) { if (!jump_ok) { _root.cont_jumpb = true; jump_ok = true; } } else { jump_ok = false; _root.cont_jumpb = false; } if (_root.p1.animate.raped) { if (_root.rape_breakable) { if (_root.cont_lft and _root.cont_rt) { nothing = true; } else { nothing = false; } if (!nothing) { if (!rstop) { if (_root.cont_rt) { if (no) { _root.esc += _root.strenght; yes = true; no = false; } rstop = true; } } else { rstop = false; } if (!lstop) { if (_root.cont_lft) { if (yes) { _root.esc += _root.strenght; no = true; yes = false; } lstop = true; } } else { lstop = false; } } } } if (_root.p1.animate._x > p1_x_min and _root.mapx >= _root.mapx_min) { _root.mover = true; _root.movel = false; } else { _root.mover = false; } if (_root.p1.animate._x < p1_x_max and _root.mapx <= _root.mapx_max) { _root.movel = true; _root.mover = false; } else { _root.movel = false; } if (_root.counterstart) { ++_root.counterstartt; if (_root.hitcounter >= 3) { if (!cntadd) { _root.attachMovie('hitcounterbar1a', 'hitcounterbar', 50); _root.hitcounterbar.animate._x = 88; _root.hitcounterbar.animate._y = 115; cntadd = true; } } if (_root.hitcounter >= _root.maximum_combo) { _root.maximum_combo = _root.hitcounter; } if (_root.counterstartt >= _root.counterstartmax) { _root.hitcounterbar.removeMovieClip(); cntadd = false; _root.hitcounter = 0; _root.counterstartt = 0; _root.counterstart = false; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.quality_key)) { if (!qstart) { ++_root.qualnumb; qstart = true; } } else { qstart = false; } if (_root.qualnumb >= 4) { _root.qualnumb = 1; } if (_root.qualnumb == 1) { _quality = 'low'; } if (_root.qualnumb == 2) { _quality = 'medium'; } if (_root.qualnumb == 3) { _quality = 'high'; } } } } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { starter = false; starter1 = false; starter2 = false; starter3 = false; named_enemy = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy1 = 'rhubella1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 2; _root.mapx_min = -181; _root.mapx_max = 919; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 2; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mapx <= 800) { starter = true; } if (starter) { _root.mapx_min = 919; _root.mapx_max = 719; _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = _root.spot1._x; spoty = _root.spot1._y; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = _root.spot2._x; spoty = _root.spot2._y; } if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (addt == 200) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 300) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 123); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } _root.gotoAndStop('st1b'); } } } } } movieClip 2013 { } instance music_box of movieClip 2013 { onClipEvent (load) { vol = 0; fadein = true; fadeout = false; stopAllSounds(); s1 = 0; _root.mapdp = 10; _root.ebullet = 530; _root.pbullets = 200; _root.shadowlayer = 70; _root.partslayer = 500; _root.debris = 60; _root.itlayer = 650; _root.spark = 680; if (!_root.sound) { stopAllSounds(); } stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.volume = vol; stagemusic1a.attachSound('cheetapho1a'); stagemusic1a.onSoundComplete = function () { stagemusic1b.start(); }; stagemusic1b = new Sound(); stagemusic1b.volume = vol; stagemusic1b.attachSound('cheetapho1b'); stagemusic1b.onSoundComplete = function () { stagemusic1b.start(); }; stagemusic1c = new Sound(); stagemusic1c.volume = vol; stagemusic1c.attachSound('cheetahjam'); stagemusic1c.onSoundComplete = function () { stagemusic1c.start(); }; stagemusic1d = new Sound(); stagemusic1d.volume = vol; stagemusic1d.attachSound('technocheetah1a'); stagemusic1d.onSoundComplete = function () { stagemusic1d.start(); }; stagemusic1e = new Sound(); stagemusic1e.volume = vol; stagemusic1e.attachSound('cheetahorchestra1a'); stagemusic1e.onSoundComplete = function () { stagemusic1e.start(); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.revstop) { = 100; } if (!_root.sound) { stopAllSounds(); a = false; if (Key.isDown(77)) { if (!m) { _root.sound = true; m = true; } } else { m = false; } } if (_root.sound) { if (fadein) { if (vol < 100) { ++vol; } if (vol >= 100) { fadein = false; } } if (fadeout) { if (vol >= 0) { --vol; } if (vol < 100) { fadeout = false; } } if (!a) { if (_root.music_level == 1) { stagemusic1a.start(); } if (_root.music_level == 2) { stagemusic1c.start(); } if (_root.music_level == 3) { stagemusic1d.start(); } if (_root.music_level == 4) { stagemusic1e.start(); } a = true; } if (Key.isDown(77)) { if (!m) { _root.sound = false; m = true; } } else { m = false; } } if (!_root.pause) { if (Key.isDown(80)) { if (!p) { _root.pause = true; p = true; } } else { p = false; } } if (_root.pause) { if (Key.isDown(80)) { if (!p) { _root.pause = false; p = true; } } else { p = false; } } if (_root.mapdp >= 15) { _root.mapdp = 10; } if (_root.pbullets >= 230) { _root.pbullets = 200; } if (_root.shadowlayer >= 79) { _root.shadowlayer = 70; } if (_root.partslayer >= 515) { _root.partslayer = 500; } if (_root.ebullet >= 560) { _root.ebullet = 530; } if (_root.debris >= 90) { _root.debris = 60; } if (_root.itlayer >= 670) { _root.itlayer = 650; } if (_root.spark >= 710) { _root.spark = 680; } } } movieClip 2017 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2020 { } movieClip 2023 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1832 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.mousex = _xmouse; _root.mousey = _ymouse; if (_ymouse < 100 and _ymouse > 10) { gotoAndStop(2); } if (_ymouse < -20 and _ymouse > -100) { gotoAndStop(1); } if (_ymouse < 100 and _xmouse > 10) { gotoAndStop(4); } if (_ymouse > -100 and _xmouse > 10) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2026 { instance plifemax of movieClip 2017 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } instance ebar of movieClip 2026 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; rtime = 0; rtimemax = 200; _root.stat_showt = 0; name1 = _root.enemy_name; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.stat_show) { _visible = true; ++_root.stat_showt; name1 = _root.enemy_name; if (_root.enemy_life >= 300) { plife._width = 182; plife.gotoAndStop('b'); } if (_root.enemy_life >= 182 and _root.enemy_life < 300) { plife._width = 182; plife.gotoAndStop('g'); } if (_root.enemy_life >= 0 and _root.enemy_life < 182) { plife._width = _root.enemy_life; plife.gotoAndStop('y'); } if (_root.enemy_life <= 0) { plife._width = 0; } if (_root.stat_showt >= rtimemax) { _root.stat_showt = 0; _root.stat_show = false; } } else { rtime = 0; _visible = false; } } } movieClip 2030 { } movieClip 2031 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2036 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2041 { instance plifemax of movieClip 2017 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance plifemax of movieClip 2017 { onClipEvent (load) { _height = 20; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } instance of movieClip 2041 { onClipEvent (load) { score = _root.score; plife._width =; plife._height = 20; name1 = _root.p1name; staminabar._width = _root.p1.animate.stamina; staminabar._height = 20; lives = _root.lives; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { score = _root.score; lives = _root.lives; name1 = _root.p1name; plife._height = 20; if ( >= 100) { = 100; plife._width = 100; } if ( > 0 and < 100) { plife._width =; } if ( <= 0) { = 0; plife._width = 0; } if (_root.p1.animate.stamina >= 100) { _root.p1.animate.stamina = 100; staminabar._width = 100; } if (_root.p1.animate.stamina > 0 and _root.p1.animate.stamina < 100) { staminabar._width = _root.p1.animate.stamina; } if (_root.p1.animate.stamina <= 0) { staminabar._width = 0; } } } movieClip 2043 { frame 1 { function camControl() { if (_root.zoomin) { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v5 = sX / this._width; var v4 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v5; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v4; _parent._xscale = 100 * v5; _parent._yscale = 100 * v4; } } function resetStage() { if (_root.zoomin) { var v3 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v3); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } } this._visible = false; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; if (_root.zoomin) { var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); this.onEnterFrame = camControl; camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; } } } instance zoombox of movieClip 2043 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.zoomin) { _visible = false; } oldx = 270; oldy = 200; _x = oldx; _y = oldy; oldh = 400; oldw = 550; currenth = oldh; currentw = oldw; newx = 150; newy = 100; newh = 200; neww = 250; _width = currentw; _height = currenth; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { = _x; if (_root.zoomin) { _root.fightbar1.animate._x = _x - 50; _root.fightbar1.animate._y = _y - 70; _width = currentw; _height = currenth; if (_root.p1.animate.raped or _root.p1.animate.rape) { _x = _root.p1.animate._x; if (_y > _root.p1.animate._y - 35) { _y = _y - 10; } if (_y < _root.p1.animate._y - 35) { _y = _y + 10; } currentw = neww; currenth = newh; } else { _x = oldx; _y = oldy; currentw = oldw; currenth = oldh; } } } } } instance spot1 of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } instance spot2 of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 2044 { frame 16 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2044 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(2002); } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { starter = false; starter1 = false; starter2 = false; starter3 = false; named_enemy = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy1 = 'rhubella1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 4; _root.mapx_min = -160; _root.mapx_max = 880; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 4; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mapx <= 500) { starter = true; } if (starter) { _root.mapx_min = 719; _root.mapx_max = 419; _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = _root.spot1._x; spoty = _root.spot1._y; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = _root.spot2._x; spoty = _root.spot2._y; } if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (addt == 200) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 300) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 123); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 400) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e3', 123); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 500) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 123); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } _root.gotoAndStop('st1c'); } } } } } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.stagego = 'st1d'; starter = false; starter1 = false; starter2 = false; starter3 = false; named_enemy = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy1 = 'rhubella1a'; named_enemy2 = 'proxy1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 5; _root.mapx_min = -160; _root.mapx_max = 880; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 5; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mapx <= 300) { starter = true; } if (starter) { _root.mapx_min = 419; _root.mapx_max = -181; _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (addt == 200) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt == 300) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e2', 123); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in2 = true; } } if (addt == 400) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 123); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in3 = true; } } if (addt == 500) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e4', 123); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in4 = true; } } if (addt == 600) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e5', 123); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in5 = true; } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= 520) { _root.bgremoval = true; if (!a0) { _root.attachMovie('fadeout1a', 'fadeout', 1000); _root.fadeout.animate._x = 306; _root.fadeout.animate._y = 201; a0 = true; } } } } } } } frame 9 { function clean() { for (i in _root) { _root[i].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.clean(); _root.mapx_min = 30; _root.mapx_max = 500; _root.music_level = 2; _root.bgremoval = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.music_box.a = false; _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.anistop = false; _root.attachMovie('aries1a', 'p1', 121); _root.p1.animate._x = 100; _root.p1.animate._y = 300; _root.map1._x = 521; _root.map1._y = 279; _root.map2._x = 567; _root.map2._y = 81; _root.top_bg._x = 813; _root.top_bg._y = 300; _root.attachMovie('spike1a', 'e7', 160); _root.e7.animate._x = 350; _root.e7.animate._y = 200; stop(); } movieClip 2048 { } instance map2 of movieClip 2048 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 2051 { } instance map1 of movieClip 2051 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.mapx = _x; _root.mapy = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.mapx = _x; _root.mapy = _y; if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 2054 { } movieClip 2056 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2056 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 5; dead = false; stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound('explosion_snd'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (!dead) { gotoAndStop('a'); if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!ga) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga = true; } } else { ga = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (!ga1) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga1 = true; } } else { ga1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!ga2) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga2 = true; } } else { ga2 = false; } if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } } if (dead) { if (!d1) { _root.score += 1; stagemusic1a.start(); d1 = true; } gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } instance of movieClip 2056 { onClipEvent (load) { life = 5; dead = false; stagemusic1a = new Sound(); stagemusic1a.attachSound('explosion_snd'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(_y); if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } if (!dead) { gotoAndStop('a'); if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limit)) { if (!ga) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga = true; } } else { ga = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limita)) { if (!ga1) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga1 = true; } } else { ga1 = false; } if (limit.hitTest(_root.p1.images.character.limitb)) { if (!ga2) { life -= 1; _root.attachMovie('spark1a', 'spark1' + _root.spark, _root.spark++); _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._x = _x; _root['spark1' + _root.spark].animate._y = _y - 50; ga2 = true; } } else { ga2 = false; } if (life <= 0) { dead = true; } } if (dead) { if (!d1) { _root.score += 1; stagemusic1a.start(); d1 = true; } gotoAndStop('b'); } } } } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { in1 = false; in2 = false; in3 = false; in4 = false; in5 = false; in6 = false; rtime = 0; rtimemax = 150; named_enemy = 'deborah1a'; named_enemy1 = 'erika1a'; named_enemy2 = 'mampy1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; _root.stagego = 'st1e'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (wave == 1) { add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (add_on_numb < add_on_numb_max) { if (addt == addmax) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 2) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 124); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; } in2 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 3) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 125); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } in3 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 4) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 126); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } in4 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 5) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e5', 127); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; } in5 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 6) { if (!in6) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e6', 128); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; } in6 = true; } } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { add_on_numb = 0; addt = 0; in1 = false; in2 = false; in3 = false; in4 = false; in5 = false; in6 = false; _root.enemy_dead = 0; wave = 2; } } if (wave == 2) { add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (add_on_numb < add_on_numb_max) { if (addt == addmax) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 2) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 124); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; } in2 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 3) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 125); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } in3 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 4) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 126); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } in4 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 5) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e5', 127); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; } in5 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 6) { if (!in6) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e6', 128); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; } in6 = true; } } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { add_on_numb = 0; addt = 0; ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { if (!a0) { _root.attachMovie('fadeout1a', 'fadeout', 1000); _root.fadeout.animate._x = 306; _root.fadeout.animate._y = 201; a0 = true; } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 2044 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(2002); } } frame 10 { function clean() { for (i in _root) { _root[i].removeMovieClip(); } } _root.clean(); _root.mapx_min = -570; _root.mapx_max = 445; _root.music_level = 3; _root.bgremoval = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.music_box.a = false; _root.rape_breakable = false; _root.anistop = false; _root.attachMovie('aries1a', 'p1', 121); _root.p1.animate._x = 100; _root.p1.animate._y = 300; _root.map1._x = 450; _root.map1._y = 283; _root.map2._x = 785; _root.map2._y = 88; _root.top_bg._x = 813; _root.top_bg._y = 300; _root.p1life = 100; stop(); } movieClip 2059 { } instance map1 of movieClip 2059 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.mapx = _x; _root.mapy = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.mapx = _x; _root.mapy = _y; if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } movieClip 2062 { } instance map2 of movieClip 2062 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mover) { _x = _x - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.movel) { _x = _x + _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moveu) { _y = _y - _root.movespeed; } if (_root.moved) { _y = _y + _root.movespeed; } } } } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; starter = false; starter1 = false; starter2 = false; starter3 = false; named_enemy = 'matilda1a'; named_enemy1 = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy2 = 'erika1a'; named_enemy3 = 'rhubella1a'; named_enemy4 = 'deborah1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 5; _root.mapx_min = -570; _root.mapx_max = 445; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 5; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mapx <= 300) { starter = true; } if (starter) { _root.mapx_min = 200; _root.mapx_max = 300; _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (addt == 200) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e1', 122); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 300) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e2', 123); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 400) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e3', 124); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } } if (addt == 500) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy3, 'e4', 125); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } } if (addt == 600) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy4, 'e5', 126); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } } if (_root.enemy_dead == _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } _root.gotoAndStop('st1f'); } } } } } instance of movieClip 2044 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(2002); } } frame 11 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { starter = false; starter1 = false; starter2 = false; starter3 = false; named_enemy = 'matilda1a'; named_enemy1 = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy2 = 'lola1a'; named_enemy3 = 'rhubella1a'; named_enemy4 = 'deborah1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 5; _root.mapx_min = -570; _root.mapx_max = 445; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 5; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mapx <= 0) { starter = true; } if (starter) { _root.mapx_min = -150; _root.mapx_max = 0; _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (addt == 200) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e1', 122); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 300) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e2', 123); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 400) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e3', 124); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } } if (addt == 500) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy3, 'e4', 125); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } } if (addt == 600) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy4, 'e5', 126); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } } if (_root.enemy_dead == _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } _root.gotoAndStop('st1g'); } } } } } frame 12 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { starter = false; starter1 = false; starter2 = false; starter3 = false; named_enemy = 'matilda1a'; named_enemy1 = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy2 = 'lola1a'; named_enemy3 = 'rhubella1a'; named_enemy4 = 'deborah1a'; named_enemy5 = 'mampy1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; _root.mapx_min = -570; _root.mapx_max = 445; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (_root.mapx <= -250) { starter = true; } if (starter) { _root.mapx_min = -350; _root.mapx_max = -250; _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (addt == 200) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 300) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e2', 123); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 400) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e3', 124); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } } if (addt == 500) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy3, 'e4', 125); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } } if (addt == 600) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy4, 'e5', 126); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } if (addt == 700) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy5, 'e6', 127); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } _root.gotoAndStop('st1h'); } } } } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.stagego = 'title'; _root.mapx_min = -570; _root.mapx_max = -350; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; _root.attachMovie('peter1a', 'e7', 160); _root.e7.animate._x = 570; _root.e7.animate._y = 200; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { if (!gd) { _root.attachMovie('gosymbol1a', 'gosymb', 2000); _root.gosymb.animate._x = 400; _root.gosymb.animate._y = 120; gd = true; } if (_root.p1.animate._x >= 520) { _root.bgremoval = true; if (!a0) { _root.attachMovie('fadeout1a', 'fadeout', 1000); _root.fadeout.animate._x = 306; _root.fadeout.animate._y = 201; a0 = true; } } } } } frame 14 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { in1 = false; in2 = false; in3 = false; in4 = false; in5 = false; in6 = false; rtime = 0; rtimemax = 150; named_enemy = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy1 = 'erika1a'; named_enemy2 = 'mampy1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; _root.stagego = 'title'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (wave == 1) { add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (add_on_numb < add_on_numb_max) { if (addt == addmax) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 2) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 124); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; } in2 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 3) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 125); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } in3 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 4) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 126); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } in4 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 5) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e5', 127); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; } in5 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 6) { if (!in6) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e6', 128); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; } in6 = true; } } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { add_on_numb = 0; addt = 0; in1 = false; in2 = false; in3 = false; in4 = false; in5 = false; in6 = false; _root.enemy_dead = 0; wave = 2; } } if (wave == 2) { add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (add_on_numb < add_on_numb_max) { if (addt == addmax) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 2) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 124); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; } in2 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 3) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 125); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } in3 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 4) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 126); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } in4 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 5) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e5', 127); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; } in5 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 6) { if (!in6) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e6', 128); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; } in6 = true; } } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { add_on_numb = 0; addt = 0; ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { if (!a0) { _root.attachMovie('fadeout1a', 'fadeout', 1000); _root.fadeout.animate._x = 306; _root.fadeout.animate._y = 201; a0 = true; } } } } } } } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 30 { onClipEvent (load) { in1 = false; in2 = false; in3 = false; in4 = false; in5 = false; in6 = false; rtime = 0; rtimemax = 150; named_enemy = 'fawn1a'; named_enemy1 = 'erika1a'; named_enemy2 = 'mampy1a'; _root.enemy_dead = 0; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; _root.mapy_min = 0; _root.mapy_max = 500; addt = 0; addmax = 1500; add_on_numb = 0; add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.add_on_numb = add_on_numb; wave = 1; wave_max = 3; _root.stagego = 'title'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.pause) { _root.add_on_numb = addt; addt += 1; spotsel = random(2); if (spotsel == 0) { spotx = 600; spoty = 250; } if (spotsel == 1) { spotx = -20; spoty = 250; } if (wave == 1) { add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (add_on_numb < add_on_numb_max) { if (addt == addmax) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy1, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 2) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 124); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; } in2 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 3) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 125); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } in3 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 4) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 126); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } in4 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 5) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e5', 127); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; } in5 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 6) { if (!in6) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e6', 128); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; } in6 = true; } } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { add_on_numb = 0; addt = 0; in1 = false; in2 = false; in3 = false; in4 = false; in5 = false; in6 = false; _root.enemy_dead = 0; wave = 2; } } if (wave == 2) { add_on_numb_max = 6; _root.enemy_dead_max = 6; if (_root.enemy_dead < _root.enemy_dead_max) { if (add_on_numb < add_on_numb_max) { if (addt == addmax) { if (!in1) { if (!_root.e1.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy2, 'e1', 123); _root.e1.animate._x = spotx; _root.e1.animate._y = spoty; addt = 0; } in1 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 2) { if (!in2) { if (!_root.e2.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e2', 124); _root.e2.animate._x = spotx; _root.e2.animate._y = spoty; } in2 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 3) { if (!in3) { if (!_root.e3.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e3', 125); _root.e3.animate._x = spotx; _root.e3.animate._y = spoty; } in3 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 4) { if (!in4) { if (!_root.e4.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e4', 126); _root.e4.animate._x = spotx; _root.e4.animate._y = spoty; } in4 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 5) { if (!in5) { if (!_root.e5.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e5', 127); _root.e5.animate._x = spotx; _root.e5.animate._y = spoty; } in5 = true; } } if (addt >= addmax / 6) { if (!in6) { if (!_root.e6.animate.putin) { add_on_numb += 1; _root.attachMovie(named_enemy, 'e6', 128); _root.e6.animate._x = spotx; _root.e6.animate._y = spoty; } in6 = true; } } } } if (_root.enemy_dead >= _root.enemy_dead_max) { add_on_numb = 0; addt = 0; ++rtime; if (rtime >= rtimemax) { if (!a0) { _root.attachMovie('fadeout1a', 'fadeout', 1000); _root.fadeout.animate._x = 306; _root.fadeout.animate._y = 201; a0 = true; } } } } } } }
Created: 12/3 -2019 02:57:13 Last modified: 12/3 -2019 02:57:13 Server time: 14/11 -2024 07:08:47