Frame 1 (54 B)
fscommand ("showmenu", false);
_quality = "MEDIUM";
Frame 2 (2.82 KiB) ●
start = new Sound();
rules = new Sound();
ddfinal1 = new Sound();
ddfinal2 = new Sound();
walkaway = new Sound();
win = new Sound();
doubledipwrong = new Sound();
a_prof = new Sound();
dim = new Sound();
fancydim = new Sound();
b_prof = new Sound();
c_prof = new Sound();
d_prof = new Sound();
finallose = new Sound();
audience = new Sound();
bouncie = new Sound();
lowerlose = new Sound();
midlose = new Sound();
timesupsound = new Sound();
half = new Sound();
lowerfinans = new Sound();
lowercorrect = new Sound();
uppercorrect = new Sound();
onekwin = new Sound();
onehundredkwin = new Sound();
midfinans = new Sound();
midcorrect = new Sound();
theme = new Sound();
a_def = new Sound();
a_ns = new Sound();
b_def = new Sound();
b_ns = new Sound();
c_def = new Sound();
c_ns = new Sound();
d_def = new Sound();
d_ns = new Sound();
noclue = new Sound();
function timesUp() {
_root.excuse = "time";
gotoAndPlay (732);
halfitxed = "";
callxed = "";
girlsxed = "";
bouncexed = "";
pollxed = "";
bounce = 0;
timer = 30;
questioncount = 1;
polled = 1;
score = 0;
function displayAnswer() {
if (correct == 1) {
if (correct == 2) {
if (correct == 3) {
if (correct == 4) {
function displayGuess() {
if (guess == 1) {
if (guess == 2) {
if (guess == 3) {
if (guess == 4) {
Frame 3 (18.06 KiB) ● ● ●
lowertierquestion = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40);
middletierquestion = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50);
uppertierquestion = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40);
milliontierquestion = new Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11);
function questionBankLower() {
if (pick == 1) {
question = "The common saying says that 'You are what you' what?";
answer1 = "A: Eat";
answer2 = "B: Drink";
answer3 = "C: Want to be";
answer4 = "D: Can pay for";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 48;
pollb = 30;
pollc = 12;
polld = 10;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 2) {
question = "What sport does John Madden commentate on ABC?";
answer1 = "A: Baseball";
answer2 = "B: Basketball";
answer3 = "C: Hockey";
answer4 = "D: Football";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 27;
pollb = 17;
pollc = 13;
polld = 43;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 3) {
question = "Fondue is usually cheese or chocolate served how?";
answer1 = "A: Frozen";
answer2 = "B: Melted";
answer3 = "C: A la mode";
answer4 = "D: Overpriced";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 10;
pollb = 70;
pollc = 17;
polld = 3;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 4) {
question = "What is the lowest possible opening board play in a game of Scrabble?";
answer1 = "A: 0";
answer2 = "B: 2";
answer3 = "C: 4";
answer4 = "D: 6";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 69;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 0;
polld = 6;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 5) {
question = "What do the gangsters use as names in the 1992 movie \"Reservoir Dogs\"?";
answer1 = "A: US States";
answer2 = "B: Colors";
answer3 = "C: Elements";
answer4 = "D: Comic Characters";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 14;
pollb = 71;
pollc = 2;
polld = 13;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 6) {
question = "The Phillies play baseball in what US City?";
answer1 = "A: Buffalo";
answer2 = "B: Kansas City";
answer3 = "C: Philadelphia";
answer4 = "D: Tampa Bay";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 7;
polla = 24;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 40;
polld = 11;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 7) {
question = "How many innings are there in a regulation Major League Baseball game?";
answer1 = "A: 5";
answer2 = "B: 7";
answer3 = "C: 9";
answer4 = "D: 10";
callabuddy = 3;
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
polla = 3;
pollb = 5;
pollc = 90;
polld = 2;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 8) {
question = "According to the song, what type of tree should you tie a yellow ribbon around?";
answer1 = "A: Pine";
answer2 = "B: Oak";
answer3 = "C: Ash";
answer4 = "D: Maple";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 46;
pollb = 52;
pollc = 2;
polld = 0;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 9) {
question = "In which Disney movie is Cruella de Vil encountered?";
answer1 = "A: Snow White";
answer2 = "B: The Aristocats";
answer3 = "C: Lion King";
answer4 = "D: 101 Dalmations";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 5;
pollb = 4;
pollc = 1;
polld = 90;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 10) {
question = "What is the name of McDonald's famous clown?";
answer1 = "A: Ronald";
answer2 = "B: Big Mac";
answer3 = "C: Krusty";
answer4 = "D: Donald";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 41;
pollb = 11;
pollc = 23;
polld = 25;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 11) {
question = "What is the essential ingredient of \"sauerkraut\"?";
answer1 = "A: Noodles";
answer2 = "B: Onion";
answer3 = "C: Potato";
answer4 = "D: Cabbage";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 27;
pollb = 19;
pollc = 1;
polld = 53;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 12) {
question = "What is the French word for a very thin pancake?";
answer1 = "A: Crep\u00EA";
answer2 = "B: Croissant";
answer3 = "C: Cassoulet";
answer4 = "D: Dommage";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 72;
pollb = 3;
pollc = 10;
polld = 15;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 13) {
question = "What does the letter \"S\" stand for in the abbreviation ASAP?";
answer1 = "A: Soon";
answer2 = "B: Straight";
answer3 = "C: Swiftly";
answer4 = "D: Stupid";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 80;
pollb = 10;
pollc = 5;
polld = 5;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 14) {
question = "On the TV sitcom \"Seinfeld\", for which Major League baseball team did George Costanza work?";
answer1 = "A: NY Mets";
answer2 = "B: Boston Red Sox";
answer3 = "C: NY Yankees";
answer4 = "D: LA Dodgers";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 1;
pollb = 30;
pollc = 55;
polld = 14;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 15) {
question = "Who replaced David Letterman as the host of NBC's \"Late Night\"?";
answer1 = "A: Conan O'Brien";
answer2 = "B: Jay Leno";
answer3 = "C: Craig Kilborne";
answer4 = "D: Jon Stewart";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 58;
pollb = 39;
pollc = 0;
polld = 3;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 16) {
question = "What language do the inhabitants of Venice speak?";
answer1 = "A: French";
answer2 = "B: Japanese";
answer3 = "C: Italian";
answer4 = "D: Hebrew";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 10;
pollb = 30;
pollc = 60;
polld = 0;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 17) {
question = "Which popular game has varieties called \"stud\" and \"draw\"?";
answer1 = "A: Dominoes";
answer2 = "B: Poker";
answer3 = "C: Chess";
answer4 = "D: Pineapple Remix";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 32;
pollb = 46;
pollc = 2;
polld = 20;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 18) {
question = "In which sitcom do the characters Ross, Chandler, and Phoebe regularly appear?";
answer1 = "A: Friends";
answer2 = "B: Cheers";
answer3 = "C: Frasier";
answer4 = "D: Cybill";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 84;
pollb = 2;
pollc = 13;
polld = 1;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 19) {
question = "Which two fruits flavor the 7-Up soft drink?";
answer1 = "A: Orange & Lime";
answer2 = "B: Lemon & Orange";
answer3 = "C: Lemon & Lime";
answer4 = "D: Grape & Lemon";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 17;
pollb = 2;
pollc = 64;
polld = 17;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 20) {
question = "What is the name of the FBI agent played by Gillian Anderson in \"The X Files\"?";
answer1 = "A: Scullery";
answer2 = "B: Scally";
answer3 = "C: Scullion";
answer4 = "D: Scully";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 3;
pollb = 10;
pollc = 3;
polld = 84;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 21) {
question = "What is the name of the video game character who ate ghosts and dots?";
answer1 = "A: Super Mario";
answer2 = "B: Pac-Man";
answer3 = "C: Crash Bandicoot";
answer4 = "D: Lara Croft";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 26;
pollb = 48;
pollc = 2;
polld = 24;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 22) {
question = "What is the capital of Ireland?";
answer1 = "A: London";
answer2 = "B: Paris";
answer3 = "C: Dublin";
answer4 = "D: Washington, DC";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 2;
pollb = 31;
pollc = 61;
polld = 2;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 23) {
question = "What was the last US state to be admitted into the union?";
answer1 = "A: California";
answer2 = "B: New Mexico";
answer3 = "C: Alaska";
answer4 = "D: Hawaii";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 3;
pollb = 6;
pollc = 11;
polld = 80;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 24) {
question = "What kind of music does Ludacris usually release?";
answer1 = "A: Rap";
answer2 = "B: Rock";
answer3 = "C: Country";
answer4 = "D: Punk";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 96;
pollb = 2;
pollc = 1;
polld = 1;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 25) {
question = "According to a 1997 horror movie, \u201CI Know What You Did\u2026\u201D when?";
answer1 = "A: Fall semester";
answer2 = "B: Last summer";
answer3 = "C: Last night";
answer4 = "D: Yesterday";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 14;
pollb = 66;
pollc = 3;
polld = 17;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 26) {
question = "What is a painting called that depicts someone in an unclothed state?";
answer1 = "A: A naked";
answer2 = "B: A nude";
answer3 = "C: A birthday suit";
answer4 = "D: A one-night stand";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 3;
pollb = 96;
pollc = 0;
polld = 1;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 27) {
question = "According to the popular song, where would you find the \u201C99 bottles of beer\u201D?";
answer1 = "A: Under the bed";
answer2 = "B: Up a tree";
answer3 = "C: On the wall";
answer4 = "D: Out of the closet";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 25;
pollb = 15;
pollc = 53;
polld = 7;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 28) {
question = "What group popularized the phrase \u201CGag me with a spoon\u201D?";
answer1 = "A: Valley Girls";
answer2 = "B: Spice Girls";
answer3 = "C: Hollywood Wives";
answer4 = "D: Beastie Boys";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 70;
pollb = 16;
pollc = 7;
polld = 7;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 29) {
question = "Which of these foods is cultivated in a field known as a \u201Cpaddy\u201D?";
answer1 = "A: Cake";
answer2 = "B: Rice";
answer3 = "C: Pork";
answer4 = "D: Peppermint";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 6;
pollb = 90;
pollc = 3;
polld = 1;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 30) {
question = "What material is commonly covered in fabric to make a bungee cord?";
answer1 = "A: Plastic";
answer2 = "B: Wood";
answer3 = "C: Rubber";
answer4 = "D: Taffy";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 30;
pollb = 5;
pollc = 64;
polld = 1;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 31) {
question = "How many strings does a normal guitar have?";
answer1 = "A: 3";
answer2 = "B: 6";
answer3 = "C: 9";
answer4 = "D: 12";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 14;
pollb = 64;
pollc = 9;
polld = 13;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 32) {
question = "Who is the host of Super Millionaire on ABC?";
answer1 = "A: Merideth Viera";
answer2 = "B: Chris Tarrant";
answer3 = "C: Mike Grazcyk";
answer4 = "D: Regis Philbin";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 18;
pollb = 2;
pollc = 5;
polld = 75;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 33) {
question = "What religion does Adam Sandler hold to?";
answer1 = "A: Christianity";
answer2 = "B: Judaism";
answer3 = "C: Buddhism";
answer4 = "D: Mormonism";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 0;
pollb = 100;
pollc = 0;
polld = 0;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 34) {
question = "What is the convience store that Homer Simpson frequents?";
answer1 = "A: Gulp-n-Go";
answer2 = "B: Kwik-e-Mart";
answer3 = "C: Gas-u-Pass";
answer4 = "D: Pack-i-Shop";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 30;
pollb = 64;
pollc = 5;
polld = 1;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 35) {
question = "Which term is used to wish a stage performer good luck?";
answer1 = "A: Twist an ankle!";
answer2 = "B: Stub your toe!";
answer3 = "C: Break a leg!";
answer4 = "D: Bite your tongue!";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 4;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 84;
polld = 4;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 36) {
question = "Mah-Jongg originated in what country?";
answer1 = "A: England";
answer2 = "B: China";
answer3 = "C: Japan";
answer4 = "D: Russia";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 17;
pollb = 45;
pollc = 24;
polld = 14;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 37) {
question = "Which city's streets were used for the first edition of Monopoly?";
answer1 = "A: New York City";
answer2 = "B: Philadelphia";
answer3 = "C: Atlantic City";
answer4 = "D: Boston";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 30;
pollb = 5;
pollc = 64;
polld = 1;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 38) {
question = "What would a vertically challenged person lack?";
answer1 = "A: Hair";
answer2 = "B: Teeth";
answer3 = "C: Intelligence";
answer4 = "D: Height";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 6;
pollb = 5;
pollc = 2;
polld = 87;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 39) {
question = "The name of which other fruit is used to describe a very small and round tomato?";
answer1 = "A: Olive";
answer2 = "B: Cherry";
answer3 = "C: Grape";
answer4 = "D: Apricot";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 0;
pollb = 3;
pollc = 96;
polld = 1;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 40) {
question = "With which Motown group was Diana Ross a singer in the 1960s?";
answer1 = "A: The Chiffons";
answer2 = "B: The Supremes";
answer3 = "C: The Ronettes";
answer4 = "D: The Shirelles";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 0;
pollb = 98;
pollc = 2;
polld = 1;
correct = 2;
function questionBankMillion() {
if (pick == 1) {
question = "Which of these geological periods came first?";
answer1 = "A: Cretaceous";
answer2 = "B: Devonian";
answer3 = "C: Silurian";
answer4 = "D: Triassic";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 25;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 25;
polld = 25;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 2) {
question = "How many immigrants entered Ellis Island from 1892 to 1954";
answer1 = "A: 230 million";
answer2 = "B: 12 million";
answer3 = "C: 6 million";
answer4 = "D: 2 million";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 40;
pollb = 40;
pollc = 10;
polld = 10;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 3) {
question = "Which was the first Soviet Republic to declare independence from Moscow in 1991?";
answer1 = "A: Lithuania";
answer2 = "B: Estonia";
answer3 = "C: Latvia";
answer4 = "D: Georgia";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 30;
pollb = 20;
pollc = 30;
polld = 20;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 4) {
question = "What is the name for a Japanese paper or silk wall hanging with a roller at the bottom?";
answer1 = "A: Hokemana";
answer2 = "B: Ikebana";
answer3 = "C: Okayama";
answer4 = "D: Kakemono";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 30;
pollb = 20;
pollc = 20;
polld = 30;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 5) {
question = "The U-2 spyplane is nicknamed what?";
answer1 = "A: Nighthawk";
answer2 = "B: Old Faithful";
answer3 = "C: The Black Widow";
answer4 = "D: Spirit";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 40;
pollb = 20;
pollc = 20;
polld = 20;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 6) {
question = "What are you frightened of if you are alektorophobic?";
answer1 = "A: Bats";
answer2 = "B: Seagulls";
answer3 = "C: Chickens";
answer4 = "D: Bulls";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 10;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 30;
polld = 35;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 7) {
question = "In which year was Marie Antoinette, the wife of Louis XVI of France, executed?";
answer1 = "A: 1791";
answer2 = "B: 1793";
answer3 = "C: 1795";
answer4 = "D: 1797";
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 2;
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
polla = 25;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 25;
polld = 25;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 8) {
question = "What was the middle name of President Rutherford B. Hayes?";
answer1 = "A: Blanchett";
answer2 = "B: Blanchard";
answer3 = "C: Birchard";
answer4 = "D: Birchman";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 15;
pollb = 30;
pollc = 25;
polld = 30;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 9) {
question = "What is the name of the knot that is used to make a lasso?";
answer1 = "A: Suzuki";
answer2 = "B: Toyota";
answer3 = "C: Honda";
answer4 = "D: Nissan";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 7;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 25;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 25;
polld = 25;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 10) {
question = "The 'USS Monitor' was one of the first what?";
answer1 = "A: Frigates";
answer2 = "B: Dreadnoughts";
answer3 = "C: Battleships";
answer4 = "D: Ironclads";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 25;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 25;
polld = 25;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 11) {
question = "In which of the following movies did Michelle Pfeiffer not star?";
answer1 = "A: Tequila Sunrise";
answer2 = "B: The Age of Innocence";
answer3 = "C: Courage Under Fire";
answer4 = "D: Wolf";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 25;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 25;
polld = 25;
correct = 3;
Frame 21 (18.69 KiB) ● ● ●
function questionBankMiddle() {
if (pick == 1) {
question = "According to the comic strip, what is the name of Dilbert\u2019s pet dog?";
answer1 = "A: Poochie";
answer2 = "B: Dogbert";
answer3 = "C: Santa\u2019s Little Helper";
answer4 = "D: Growler";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 13;
pollb = 48;
pollc = 34;
polld = 5;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 2) {
question = "Hsing-Hsing, a 1972 gift from China to the U.S., was what kind of animal?";
answer1 = "A: Snow leopard";
answer2 = "B: Giant panda";
answer3 = "C: Siberian tiger";
answer4 = "D: Siamese cat";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
polla = 26;
pollb = 58;
pollc = 16;
polld = 0;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 3) {
question = "What is the term for the ornamental art of carving on whale or walrus bone?";
answer1 = "A: Scrimshaw";
answer2 = "B: Batik";
answer3 = "C: Tatting";
answer4 = "D: Crewel";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 79;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 3;
polld = 10;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 4) {
question = "On the TV sitcom 'Frasier,' what type of terrier is Eddie?";
answer1 = "A: Fox";
answer2 = "B: Skye";
answer3 = "C: Dandie Dinmont";
answer4 = "D: Jack Russell";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
polla = 21;
pollb = 18;
pollc = 4;
polld = 57;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 5) {
question = "In the 1999 film \u201CThe Blair Witch Project,\u201D the characters disappear in the woods of what state?";
answer1 = "A: Oregon";
answer2 = "B: Maine";
answer3 = "C: Wisconsin";
answer4 = "D: Maryland";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
polla = 23;
pollb = 3;
pollc = 24;
polld = 50;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 6) {
question = "In the 1985 song 'Money For Nothing' by Dire Straits, what completes the lyric, 'I want my\u2026'?";
answer1 = "A: MTV";
answer2 = "B: BMW";
answer3 = "C: VH1";
answer4 = "D: HBO";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 90;
pollb = 9;
pollc = 1;
polld = 0;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 7) {
question = "The 18-month-old child rescued from a Texas well shaft in October, 1987 was known as 'Baby\u2026' who?";
answer1 = "A: Michelle";
answer2 = "B: Ashley";
answer3 = "C: Jessica";
answer4 = "D: Jennifer";
callabuddy = 1;
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
polla = 7;
pollb = 2;
pollc = 79;
polld = 12;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 8) {
question = "What company traditionally awards pink Cadillacs to its most successful salespeople?";
answer1 = "A: Amway";
answer2 = "B: Avon";
answer3 = "C: Mary Kay Cosmetics";
answer4 = "D: Tupperware";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 13;
pollb = 26;
pollc = 53;
polld = 8;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 9) {
question = "What character on the animated TV series 'South Park' dies in almost every episode?";
answer1 = "A: Cartman";
answer2 = "B: Kenny";
answer3 = "C: Wendy";
answer4 = "D: Stan";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 21;
pollb = 61;
pollc = 0;
polld = 18;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 10) {
question = "The flag of which nation has a white cross centered against a field of red?";
answer1 = "A: Switzerland";
answer2 = "B: Norway";
answer3 = "C: Finland";
answer4 = "D: Denmark";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 83;
pollb = 2;
pollc = 0;
polld = 15;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 11) {
question = "The Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco is an example of what kind of bridge structure?";
answer1 = "A: Arch";
answer2 = "B: Cantilever";
answer3 = "C: Suspension";
answer4 = "D: Beam";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 10;
pollb = 1;
pollc = 81;
polld = 8;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 12) {
question = "Edgar Allan Poe wrote a poem describing the tintinnabulation of what objects?";
answer1 = "A: Bells";
answer2 = "B: Cats";
answer3 = "C: Ravens";
answer4 = "D: Trees";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 50;
pollb = 13;
pollc = 4;
polld = 33;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 13) {
question = "Who provided the voice of the neurotic ant 'Z' in the 1998 movie 'Antz'?";
answer1 = "A: Woody Allen";
answer2 = "B: Charles Grodin";
answer3 = "C: John Cusack";
answer4 = "D: Cuba Gooding, Jr.";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 7;
polla = 68;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 7;
polld = 17;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 14) {
question = "What animal was featured on an American Revolutionary War flag that read 'Don\u2019t tread on me'?";
answer1 = "A: Bald eagle";
answer2 = "B: Pony";
answer3 = "C: Buffalo";
answer4 = "D: Rattlesnake";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 22;
pollb = 4;
pollc = 12;
polld = 62;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 15) {
question = "In what museum would you find Archie Bunker\u2019s armchair from the TV show 'All in the Family'?";
answer1 = "A: Smithsonian Institution";
answer2 = "B: Museum of Radio & TV";
answer3 = "C: Guggenheim Museum";
answer4 = "D: Whitney Museum";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 57;
pollb = 42;
pollc = 0;
polld = 1;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 16) {
question = "In an old Burns and Allen routine, what was the usual response to Burns saying, 'Say good night, Gracie!'?";
answer1 = "A: Good night, Gracie";
answer2 = "B: Good night, America";
answer3 = "C: Good night, George";
answer4 = "D: Good night to you all";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 64;
pollb = 10;
pollc = 3;
polld = 23;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 17) {
question = "In what U.S. state are the counties known as 'parishes'?";
answer1 = "A: Louisiana";
answer2 = "B: Alabama";
answer3 = "C: New Hampshire";
answer4 = "D: Alaska";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 51;
pollb = 20;
pollc = 27;
polld = 2;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 18) {
question = "The southernmost city in the United States is located in what state?";
answer1 = "A: California";
answer2 = "B: Texas";
answer3 = "C: Florida";
answer4 = "D: Hawaii";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 25;
pollb = 30;
pollc = 10;
polld = 35;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 19) {
question = "On the TV series 'Murphy Brown,' who is replaced in almost every episode?";
answer1 = "A: Murphy\u2019s producer";
answer2 = "B: Murphy\u2019s secretary";
answer3 = "C: Murphy\u2019s co-anchor";
answer4 = "D: Murphy\u2019s painter";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 22;
pollb = 49;
pollc = 16;
polld = 13;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 20) {
question = "What three initials adorn most zippers?";
answer1 = "A: YKK";
answer2 = "B: BMN";
answer3 = "C: TZC";
answer4 = "D: IOI";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 60;
pollb = 31;
pollc = 4;
polld = 5;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 21) {
question = "Which game show host holds the record for most different game shows hosted?";
answer1 = "A: Bill Cullen";
answer2 = "B: Art James";
answer3 = "C: Bob Eubanks";
answer4 = "D: Bob Barker";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 71;
pollb = 23;
pollc = 3;
polld = 3;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 22) {
question = "Which of the following songs were not sung by the band The White Stripes?";
answer1 = "A: I Can't Wait";
answer2 = "B: Black Math";
answer3 = "C: Seven Nation Army";
answer4 = "D: Walking in the Dark";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
polla = 2;
pollb = 4;
pollc = 34;
polld = 60;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 23) {
question = "At the end of the song \"One Week\" by Barenaked Ladies, what is Birchmount Stadium the home of?";
answer1 = "A: The Bobbie";
answer2 = "B: The Robbie";
answer3 = "C: The Lobby";
answer4 = "D: The Smallie";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 21;
pollb = 71;
pollc = 2;
polld = 6;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 24) {
question = "What part of the body is affected when one has splenomegaly?";
answer1 = "A: The spleen";
answer2 = "B: The stomach";
answer3 = "C: The eyelids";
answer4 = "D: The small intestine";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 54;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 6;
polld = 32;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 25) {
question = "What is the 5th line of Pascal's Triangle?";
answer1 = "A: 1, 3, 3, 1";
answer2 = "B: 1, 5, 10, 10, 5, 1";
answer3 = "C: 1, 4, 6, 4, 1";
answer4 = "D: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 7;
pollb = 44;
pollc = 47;
polld = 2;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 26) {
question = "The Agnus Dei has what creature symbolizing Christ?";
answer1 = "A: A lamb";
answer2 = "B: A horse";
answer3 = "C: A dove";
answer4 = "D: A child";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 54;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 6;
polld = 32;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 27) {
question = "What was Hester Prynne's scarlet letter?";
answer1 = "A: A";
answer2 = "B: B";
answer3 = "C: C";
answer4 = "D: D";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 52;
pollb = 22;
pollc = 7;
polld = 19;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 28) {
question = "In what sport are you most likely to stem turn?";
answer1 = "A: NASCAR racing";
answer2 = "B: Skateboarding";
answer3 = "C: Skiing";
answer4 = "D: Horse racing";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 31;
pollb = 13;
pollc = 53;
polld = 3;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 29) {
question = "When is United Nations Day?";
answer1 = "A: January 1";
answer2 = "B: March 18";
answer3 = "C: July 11";
answer4 = "D: October 24";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 7;
polla = 4;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 20;
polld = 68;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 30) {
question = "In the song \"Rapper\u2019s Delight\" by Sugar Hill Gang, what does the chicken taste like?";
answer1 = "A: Wood";
answer2 = "B: Mess";
answer3 = "C: Turkey";
answer4 = "D: Chicken";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 54;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 6;
polld = 32;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 31) {
question = "Which of these singers also has a Food Network TV show?";
answer1 = "A: John Linnell";
answer2 = "B: Steve Miller";
answer3 = "C: Lisa Loeb";
answer4 = "D: Joss Stone";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 42;
pollb = 0;
pollc = 43;
polld = 15;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 32) {
question = "The Counting Crows video for their song \"A Long December\" featured which actress?";
answer1 = "A: Courteney Cox";
answer2 = "B: Lisa Kudrow";
answer3 = "C: Julia Roberts";
answer4 = "D: Jennifer Aniston";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 39;
pollb = 37;
pollc = 14;
polld = 10;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 33) {
question = "Originally appearing in Italian theatre, what role did a scaramouche play?";
answer1 = "A: The lead";
answer2 = "B: The villian";
answer3 = "C: The victim";
answer4 = "D: The buffoon";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 13;
pollb = 13;
pollc = 33;
polld = 41;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 34) {
question = "In the song \"Fell In Love With A Girl,\" who \"don't consider it cheating it now?\"";
answer1 = "A: Johnny";
answer2 = "B: Bobby";
answer3 = "C: Jimmy";
answer4 = "D: Larry";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
polla = 21;
pollb = 48;
pollc = 11;
polld = 20;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 35) {
question = "Jon Bon Jovi is the owner of what Philadelphia sports team?";
answer1 = "A: Phantom";
answer2 = "B: Kixx";
answer3 = "C: Soul";
answer4 = "D: Wings";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 17;
pollb = 8;
pollc = 63;
polld = 12;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 36) {
question = "What band sings the theme song to the TV show \"Friends?\"";
answer1 = "A: R.E.M";
answer2 = "B: The Rembrandts";
answer3 = "C: The New Radicals";
answer4 = "D: Semisonic";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 30;
pollb = 45;
pollc = 23;
polld = 2;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 37) {
question = "How many arrows are used in the video game \"Dance Dance Revolution: Solo Mix?\"";
answer1 = "A: 4";
answer2 = "B: 5";
answer3 = "C: 6";
answer4 = "D: 7";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 7;
polla = 38;
pollb = 13;
pollc = 39;
polld = 10;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 38) {
question = "What is the name of the song whose chorus starts, \"I get knocked down, but I get up again?\"";
answer1 = "A: I Get Knocked Down";
answer2 = "B: Tubthumping";
answer3 = "C: Chumbawumba";
answer4 = "D: The Drinking Song";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 14;
pollb = 46;
pollc = 32;
polld = 8;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 39) {
question = "What nationality is the lead rapper in the group House of Pain?";
answer1 = "A: African American";
answer2 = "B: British";
answer3 = "C: Irish";
answer4 = "D: Jamaican";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 27;
pollb = 20;
pollc = 38;
polld = 15;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 40) {
question = "Which toy maker recently dropped its lawsuit with music group Aqua?";
answer1 = "A: Mattel";
answer2 = "B: Pressman";
answer3 = "C: Tyco";
answer4 = "D: Milton Bradley";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
polla = 54;
pollb = 35;
pollc = 4;
polld = 7;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 41) {
question = "Edward Elgar got the name for \"Pomp and Circumstance\" from a line from what Shakespearean play?";
answer1 = "A: Othello";
answer2 = "B: Hamlet";
answer3 = "C: King Lear";
answer4 = "D: Macbeth";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 44;
pollb = 41;
pollc = 1;
polld = 14;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 42) {
question = "A single day on what planet is approximately 244 days on Earth, the longest day span of any planet?";
answer1 = "A: Mercury";
answer2 = "B: Venus";
answer3 = "C: Neptune";
answer4 = "D: Pluto";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
polla = 3;
pollb = 55;
pollc = 3;
polld = 39;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 43) {
question = "Approximately how much did it cost to make the 1997 remake of Titanic?";
answer1 = "A: $100 million";
answer2 = "B: $200 million";
answer3 = "C: $350 million";
answer4 = "D: $500 million";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 6;
polla = 0;
pollb = 33;
pollc = 21;
polld = 46;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 44) {
question = "Students attend school approximately 250 days of the year, the longest span of any nation, in what country?";
answer1 = "A: Japan";
answer2 = "B: China";
answer3 = "C: North Korea";
answer4 = "D: Philippines";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
polla = 1;
pollb = 37;
pollc = 33;
polld = 29;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 45) {
question = "What radio format is the most popular in the US with well over 2,000 stations?";
answer1 = "A: News";
answer2 = "B: Classic Rock";
answer3 = "C: Contemporary";
answer4 = "D: Country";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 7;
polla = 6;
pollb = 24;
pollc = 30;
polld = 40;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 46) {
question = "Oliver Pollock created which of the following symbols in 1778?";
answer1 = "A: Dollar Sign";
answer2 = "B: Ampersand";
answer3 = "C: Asterisk";
answer4 = "D: Percent Sign";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 33;
pollb = 33;
pollc = 9;
polld = 25;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 47) {
question = "In what year was the 1,000,000th point scored in the National Basketball Association?";
answer1 = "A: 1937";
answer2 = "B: 1951";
answer3 = "C: 1962";
answer4 = "D: 1980";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 3;
polla = 12;
pollb = 23;
pollc = 37;
polld = 28;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 48) {
question = "What was the full name of the title character in the television series MacGyver?";
answer1 = "A: Roscoe MacGyver";
answer2 = "B: MacGyver Roscoe";
answer3 = "C: Angus MacGyver";
answer4 = "D: MacGyver Angus";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 9;
polla = 26;
pollb = 33;
pollc = 23;
polld = 18;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 49) {
question = "In order for a storm to be considered a hurricane, winds much reach a minimum of how many miles per hour?";
answer1 = "A: 58";
answer2 = "B: 64";
answer3 = "C: 69";
answer4 = "D: 74";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 4;
polla = 1;
pollb = 37;
pollc = 14;
polld = 48;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 50) {
question = "What was the second Coca-Cola beverage ever made, 74 years after the original Coke? ";
answer1 = "A: Diet Coke";
answer2 = "B: Sprite";
answer3 = "C: TAB";
answer4 = "D: Fanta";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 5;
polla = 38;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 30;
polld = 7;
correct = 4;
function amountCheck() {
if (questioncount == 1) {
amount = 1000;
} else if (questioncount == 2) {
amount = 2000;
} else if (questioncount == 3) {
amount = 3000;
} else if (questioncount == 4) {
amount = 4000;
} else if (questioncount == 5) {
amount = 5000;
} else if (questioncount == 6) {
amount = 10000;
} else if (questioncount == 7) {
amount = 20000;
} else if (questioncount == 8) {
amount = 30000;
} else if (questioncount == 9) {
amount = 50000;
} else if (questioncount == 10) {
amount = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
} else if (questioncount == 11) {
amount = 500000 /* 0x07A120 */;
} else if (questioncount == 12) {
amount = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */;
} else if (questioncount == 13) {
amount = 2500000 /* 0x2625A0 */;
} else if (questioncount == 14) {
amount = 5000000 /* 0x4C4B40 */;
} else if (questioncount == 15) {
amount = 10000000 /* 0x989680 */;
Frame 31 (15.36 KiB) ● ● ●
function questionBankUpper() {
if (pick == 1) {
question = "What regular newspaper feature debuted in December, 1913 in the 'New York World'?";
answer1 = "A: Horoscopes";
answer2 = "B: Crossword puzzle";
answer3 = "C: Weather forecast";
answer4 = "D: Wedding announcements";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 22;
pollb = 48;
pollc = 13;
polld = 17;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 2) {
question = "What book by Irma Rombauer has gone through six editions and has sold over 14 million copies?";
answer1 = "A: I\u2019m Okay\u2014You\u2019re Okay";
answer2 = "B: Joy of Cooking";
answer3 = "C: Goodnight Moon";
answer4 = "D: The Road Less Traveled";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 17;
pollb = 18;
pollc = 27;
polld = 38;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 3) {
question = "What day of the week is also the name of a 1995 movie starring Ice Cube?";
answer1 = "A: Friday";
answer2 = "B: Sunday";
answer3 = "C: Saturday";
answer4 = "D: Thursday";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 44;
pollb = 21;
pollc = 23;
polld = 12;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 4) {
question = "In the comic strip 'Calvin and Hobbes,' what is Calvin\u2019s space hero alter ego?";
answer1 = "A: Astro Ace";
answer2 = "B: Spaceman Spiff";
answer3 = "C: Rocket Rod";
answer4 = "D: Captain Cosmos";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 28;
pollb = 39;
pollc = 13;
polld = 20;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 5) {
question = "Introduced in 1954, what food was featured in the first Swanson 'TV Dinner'?";
answer1 = "A: Meat loaf";
answer2 = "B: Turkey";
answer3 = "C: Fried chicken";
answer4 = "D: Salisbury steak";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 8;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 29;
pollb = 21;
pollc = 20;
polld = 30;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 6) {
question = "What country was founded in the 1820\u2019s as a refuge for freed American slaves?";
answer1 = "A: Liberia";
answer2 = "B: Jamaica";
answer3 = "C: Haiti";
answer4 = "D: Cameroon";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 14;
pollb = 24;
pollc = 25;
polld = 37;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 7) {
question = "On February 27, 1997, the country of Ireland legalized what?";
answer1 = "A: Marijuana";
answer2 = "B: Gay marriages";
answer3 = "C: Divorce";
answer4 = "D: 16 as legal drinking age";
callabuddy = 1;
wisegirls = 3;
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
polla = 40;
pollb = 10;
pollc = 36;
polld = 14;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 8) {
question = "Edward R. Murrow concluded his CBS radio broadcasts with his famous phrase 'Good night and\u2026' what?";
answer1 = "A: Good luck";
answer2 = "B: Godspeed";
answer3 = "C: Be well";
answer4 = "D: Peace";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 22;
pollb = 41;
pollc = 22;
polld = 15;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 9) {
question = "What method of food preservation did Nicolas Appert develop to help feed Napolean\u2019s army?";
answer1 = "A: Canning";
answer2 = "B: Pressure cooking";
answer3 = "C: Ash cooking";
answer4 = "D: Dry heat cooking";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 5;
pollb = 75;
pollc = 5;
polld = 15;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 10) {
question = "Where was \u201CLord of the Dance\u201D star Michael Flatley born and raised?";
answer1 = "A: Dublin";
answer2 = "B: Chicago";
answer3 = "C: London";
answer4 = "D: New Delhi";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 1;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 37;
pollb = 18;
pollc = 33;
polld = 12;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 11) {
question = "On Christopher Columbus\u2019s 1492 journey to America, which ship did not safely return to Spain?";
answer1 = "A: Pinta";
answer2 = "B: Santa Maria";
answer3 = "C: Nina";
answer4 = "D: Gallega";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 41;
pollb = 45;
pollc = 13;
polld = 1;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 12) {
question = "In the Peanuts comic strip, what is the name of Linus and Lucy\u2019s little brother?";
answer1 = "A: Rerun";
answer2 = "B: Benny";
answer3 = "C: Pig-Pen";
answer4 = "D: Max";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 3;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 36;
pollb = 22;
pollc = 22;
polld = 20;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 13) {
question = "On November 22, 1963, where was Lee Harvey Oswald arrested?";
answer1 = "A: Department Store";
answer2 = "B: Movie Theatre";
answer3 = "C: Book Depository";
answer4 = "D: Drugstore";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 7;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 45;
pollb = 25;
pollc = 17;
polld = 13;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 14) {
question = "The name of what toy translates into English as 'play well'?";
answer1 = "A: Lego";
answer2 = "B: Hacky Sack";
answer3 = "C: Yo-Yo";
answer4 = "D: Atari";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 4;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 40;
pollb = 19;
pollc = 14;
polld = 27;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 15) {
question = "The North American Vexillological Association is concerned with what?";
answer1 = "A: Postcards";
answer2 = "B: Puzzles";
answer3 = "C: Flags";
answer4 = "D: Coins";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 39;
pollb = 27;
pollc = 23;
polld = 11;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 16) {
question = "What do the six flags historically stand for in the Six Flags amusement park chain?";
answer1 = "A: Pioneer trails";
answer2 = "B: Governments of Texas";
answer3 = "C: Classic roller coasters";
answer4 = "D: Native American tribes";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 1;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 46;
pollb = 17;
pollc = 11;
polld = 26;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 17) {
question = "What modern-day city now stands where Tenochtitlan was originally founded?";
answer1 = "A: Mexico City";
answer2 = "B: Guadalajara";
answer3 = "C: Quito";
answer4 = "D: Caracas";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 33;
pollb = 15;
pollc = 29;
polld = 23;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 18) {
question = "By definition, a Luddite is opposed to which of the following?";
answer1 = "A: Political parties";
answer2 = "B: New technology";
answer3 = "C: Public prayer";
answer4 = "D: Dancing";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 8;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 43;
pollb = 22;
pollc = 12;
polld = 23;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 19) {
question = "Around 500 B.C., what title was given to the Indian prince Siddhartha?";
answer1 = "A: Buddha";
answer2 = "B: Dalai Lama";
answer3 = "C: Krishna";
answer4 = "D: Confucius";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 2;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 50;
pollb = 11;
pollc = 30;
polld = 9;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 20) {
question = "In the movie 'Back to the Future,' what speed must the DeLorean reach in order to travel through time?";
answer1 = "A: 66 miles per hour";
answer2 = "B: 77 miles per hour";
answer3 = "C: 88 miles per hour";
answer4 = "D: 99 miles per hour";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 19;
pollb = 13;
pollc = 40;
polld = 28;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 21) {
question = "What is a chandler?";
answer1 = "A: Lighting expert";
answer2 = "B: Candlemaker";
answer3 = "C: Horseshoe maker";
answer4 = "D: Amateur scientist";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 34;
pollb = 38;
pollc = 11;
polld = 17;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 22) {
question = "Who was the director of improvised fake documentary movies such as \"A Mighty Wind\" and \"Waiting for Guffman\"?";
answer1 = "A: Scott Storm";
answer2 = "B: Lasse Hallstr\u00F6m";
answer3 = "C: Phillip Draycott";
answer4 = "D: Christopher Guest";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 5;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 40;
pollb = 15;
pollc = 12;
polld = 33;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 23) {
question = "Who was Elvis Presley's drummer through most of his career?";
answer1 = "A: Joe Esposito";
answer2 = "B: D.J. Fontana";
answer3 = "C: Keith Carlock";
answer4 = "D: Mike Lowry";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 7;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 28;
pollb = 33;
pollc = 28;
polld = 11;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 24) {
question = "What do British guardsmen do with a \u2018busby\u2019?";
answer1 = "A: Arrest it";
answer2 = "B: Shoot it";
answer3 = "C: Wear it";
answer4 = "D: Protect it";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 7;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 41;
pollb = 0;
pollc = 44;
polld = 15;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 25) {
question = "Arsphenamine is also known by which number?";
answer1 = "A: 404";
answer2 = "B: 555";
answer3 = "C: 599";
answer4 = "D: 606";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 23;
pollb = 22;
pollc = 31;
polld = 34;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 26) {
question = "What kind of animal is an acanthocephalan?";
answer1 = "A: A worm";
answer2 = "B: A beetle";
answer3 = "C: A dinosaur";
answer4 = "D: A bacteria";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 5;
wisegirls = 1;
polla = 41;
pollb = 37;
pollc = 10;
polld = 12;
correct = 1;
if (pick == 27) {
question = "In the play \"The Matchmaker\", in what city does Horace Vandergelder lead the lodge parade?";
answer1 = "A: Catskill";
answer2 = "B: Spuyten Duyvil";
answer3 = "C: Syracuse";
answer4 = "D: Utica";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 2;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 11;
pollb = 37;
pollc = 21;
polld = 21;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 27) {
question = "Which state has the motto \u201CSalus populi suprema lex esto?\u201D";
answer1 = "A: New York";
answer2 = "B: Arkansas";
answer3 = "C: Missouri";
answer4 = "D: North Dakota";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 7;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 9;
pollb = 38;
pollc = 51;
polld = 2;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 28) {
question = "Someone in a pari-mutuel betting pool bets on how many teams that place?";
answer1 = "A: 2";
answer2 = "B: 3";
answer3 = "C: 4";
answer4 = "D: 5";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 7;
pollb = 36;
pollc = 47;
polld = 10;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 29) {
question = "Where are you most likely to see a steenbok?";
answer1 = "A: On a plane";
answer2 = "B: In southern Africa";
answer3 = "C: Outside Detroit";
answer4 = "D: In a nightclub";
halfpick1 = 3;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 8;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 13;
pollb = 32;
pollc = 33;
polld = 22;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 30) {
question = "Which skateboarding company uses a form\u00E8e as its logo?";
answer1 = "A: Element";
answer2 = "B: Birdhouse";
answer3 = "C: Independent";
answer4 = "D: Circa";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 15;
pollb = 26;
pollc = 36;
polld = 23;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 31) {
question = "What is the second most abundant element in the earth\u2019s crust?";
answer1 = "A: Aluminum";
answer2 = "B: Oxygen";
answer3 = "C: Calcium";
answer4 = "D: Silicon";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 25;
pollb = 43;
pollc = 11;
polld = 21;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 32) {
question = "Who discovered the first asteroid?";
answer1 = "A: Karl Ludwig Harding";
answer2 = "B: Heinrich Olbers";
answer3 = "C: Giuseppe Piazzi";
answer4 = "D: John Russell Hind";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 20;
pollb = 28;
pollc = 22;
polld = 30;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 33) {
question = "On July 6, 1945, what country became the first to ratify the United Nations Charter?";
answer1 = "A: New Zealand";
answer2 = "B: Luxembourg";
answer3 = "C: United States";
answer4 = "D: Nicaragua";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 7;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 16;
pollb = 33;
pollc = 34;
polld = 17;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 34) {
question = "What country annually consumes the most sugar per capita?";
answer1 = "A: Belize";
answer2 = "B: Cuba";
answer3 = "C: Iceland";
answer4 = "D: Israel";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 5;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 22;
pollb = 60;
pollc = 10;
polld = 8;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 35) {
question = "Behind the US, what country has the most cable television subscribers?";
answer1 = "A: Poland";
answer2 = "B: Germany";
answer3 = "C: Russia";
answer4 = "D: Brazil";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 22;
pollb = 17;
pollc = 24;
polld = 37;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 36) {
question = "What country suffered a ship collision off its coast in 1987 that killed 1,840 people?";
answer1 = "A: Brazil";
answer2 = "B: Libya";
answer3 = "C: Italy";
answer4 = "D: Philippines";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 4;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 19;
pollb = 11;
pollc = 21;
polld = 49;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 37) {
question = "What color did ancient Egyptians use to floor the bottoms of their temples?";
answer1 = "A: White";
answer2 = "B: Green";
answer3 = "C: Red";
answer4 = "D: Black";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 3;
callabuddy = 6;
wisegirls = 2;
polla = 20;
pollb = 10;
pollc = 30;
polld = 40;
correct = 2;
if (pick == 38) {
question = "In 1928, what Major League Baseball team became the first to use numbers on its uniforms?";
answer1 = "A: St. Louis Cardinals";
answer2 = "B: Cleveland Indians";
answer3 = "C: Pittsburgh Pirates";
answer4 = "D: New York Yankees";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 4;
polla = 8;
pollb = 30;
pollc = 31;
polld = 31;
correct = 4;
if (pick == 39) {
question = "Teddy Roosevelt was the first and only president to deliver an inaugural speech without what word?";
answer1 = "A: The";
answer2 = "B: A";
answer3 = "C: I";
answer4 = "D: You";
halfpick1 = 2;
halfpick2 = 4;
callabuddy = 8;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 4;
pollb = 39;
pollc = 43;
polld = 14;
correct = 3;
if (pick == 40) {
question = "Private Kenneth Shadrick was the first US fatality of what war?";
answer1 = "A: Civil War";
answer2 = "B: World War II";
answer3 = "C: Korean War";
answer4 = "D: Vietnam War";
halfpick1 = 1;
halfpick2 = 2;
callabuddy = 9;
wisegirls = 3;
polla = 27;
pollb = 15;
pollc = 38;
polld = 20;
correct = 3;
Frame 48 (783 B)
function halfit() {
if (halfitxed == "X") {
halfpick1 = 5;
halfpick2 = 5;
if (halfpick1 == 1) {
timer = timer + 10;
answer1 = "";
} else if (halfpick1 == 2) {
timer = timer + 10;
answer2 = "";
} else if (halfpick1 == 3) {
timer = timer + 10;
answer3 = "";
} else if (halfpick1 == 4) {
timer = timer + 10;
answer4 = "";
if (halfpick2 == 1) {
answer1 = "";
} else if (halfpick2 == 2) {
answer2 = "";
} else if (halfpick2 == 3) {
answer3 = "";
} else if (halfpick2 == 4) {
answer4 = "";
function poll() {
if (pollxed == "X") {
polled = 2;
if (polled == 1) {
timer = timer + 10;
Frame 54 (1.28 KiB) ●
function CallABud() {
if (callxed == "X") {
callabuddy = 10;
if (callabuddy == 1) {
timer = timer + 15;
a_def.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_a._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 2) {
timer = timer + 15;
b_def.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_b._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 3) {
timer = timer + 15;
c_def.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_c._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 4) {
timer = timer + 15;
d_def.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_d._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 5) {
timer = timer + 15;
a_ns.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_a._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 6) {
timer = timer + 15;
b_ns.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_b._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 7) {
timer = timer + 15;
c_ns.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_c._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 8) {
timer = timer + 15;
d_ns.onSoundComplete = function () {
cab_d._visible = true;
} else if (callabuddy == 9) {
timer = timer + 15;
Frame 61 (1.24 KiB) ●
function Professor() {
if (girlsxed == "X") {
wisegirls = 10;
if (wisegirls == 1) {
timer = timer + 15;
a_prof.onSoundComplete = function () {
girls_a._visible = true;
} else if (wisegirls == 2) {
timer = timer + 15;
b_prof.onSoundComplete = function () {
girls_b._visible = true;
} else if (wisegirls == 3) {
timer = timer + 15;
c_prof.onSoundComplete = function () {
girls_c._visible = true;
} else if (wisegirls == 4) {
timer = timer + 15;
d_prof.onSoundComplete = function () {
girls_d._visible = true;
function bounceBack() {
if (bouncexed == "X") {
bounce = 3;
if (bounce == 1) {
walkstatus = "";
walkbutton._visible = false;
leave._visible = false;
bounceicon._visible = true;
function DoubleDipRemove1() {
if (guess == 1) {
answer1 = "";
} else if (guess == 2) {
answer2 = "";
} else if (guess == 3) {
answer3 = "";
} else if (guess == 4) {
answer4 = "";
if (afteraction == "maingame") {
} else if (afteraction == "rules") {
gotoAndPlay (747);
} else if (afteraction == "credits") {
gotoAndPlay (748);
Frame 62 (339 B)
cab_a._visible = false;
cab_b._visible = false;
cab_c._visible = false;
cab_d._visible = false;
timer = 30;
amountdisp = "$" + amount;
picklower = lowertierquestion.length;
temporary = random(picklower);
pick = lowertierquestion[temporary];
lowertierquestion.splice(temporary, 1);
Frame 66 (80 B)
Frame 96 (99 B)
if (guess == correct) {
gotoAndPlay (383);
} else {
excuse = "wrong";
gotoAndPlay (732);
Frame 97 (410 B)
cab_a._visible = false;
cab_b._visible = false;
cab_c._visible = false;
cab_d._visible = false;
timer = 45;
walkstatus = "press ''w'' to walk";
amountdisp = "$" + amount;
picklower = middletierquestion.length;
temporary = random(picklower);
pick = middletierquestion[temporary];
middletierquestion.splice(temporary, 1);
Frame 101 (85 B)
Frame 146 (118 B)
if (guess == correct) {
gotoAndPlay (398);
} else {
excuse = "wrong";
gotoAndPlay (732);
Frame 147 (694 B)
cab_a._visible = false;
cab_b._visible = false;
cab_c._visible = false;
cab_d._visible = false;
girls_a._visible = false;
girls_b._visible = false;
girls_c._visible = false;
girls_d._visible = false;
bounceicon._visible = false;
timer = 45;
if (bounce != 1) {
walkstatus = "press ''w'' to walk";
walkbutton._visible = true;
amountdisp = "$" + amount;
picklower = uppertierquestion.length;
temporary = random(picklower);
pick = uppertierquestion[temporary];
uppertierquestion.splice(temporary, 1);
} else {
walkstatus = "";
walkbutton._visible = false;
bounceicon._visible = true;
Frame 151 (221 B)
if (bouncefa == 1) {
bouncefa = 2;
} else if (bouncefa == 2) {
bouncefa = 3;
} else {
Frame 227 (443 B)
if (bounce == 1) {
if (correct == guess) {
bounce = 2;
bouncefa = 3;
gotoAndPlay (413);
} else {
wrong = wrong + 1;
if (wrong == 2) {
excuse = "wrong";
gotoAndPlay (732);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (147);
if (bounce != 1) {
if (guess == correct) {
gotoAndPlay (413);
} else {
excuse = "wrong";
gotoAndPlay (732);
Frame 228 (760 B)
if (bouncexed != "X") {
bounce = 0;
cab_a._visible = false;
cab_b._visible = false;
cab_c._visible = false;
cab_d._visible = false;
girls_a._visible = false;
girls_b._visible = false;
girls_c._visible = false;
girls_d._visible = false;
bounceicon._visible = false;
timer = 60;
if (bounce != 1) {
walkstatus = "press ''w'' to walk";
walkbutton._visible = true;
amountdisp = "$" + amount;
picklower = milliontierquestion.length;
temporary = random(picklower);
pick = milliontierquestion[temporary];
milliontierquestion.splice(temporary, 1);
} else {
walkstatus = "";
walkbutton._visible = false;
bounceicon._visible = true;
Frame 232 (221 B)
if (bouncefa == 1) {
bouncefa = 2;
} else if (bouncefa == 2) {
bouncefa = 3;
} else {
Frame 382 (426 B)
if (bounce == 1) {
if (correct == guess) {
bounce = 2;
gotoAndPlay (428);
} else {
wrong = wrong + 1;
if (wrong == 2) {
excuse = "wrong";
gotoAndPlay (732);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (228);
if (bounce != 1) {
if (guess == correct) {
gotoAndPlay (428);
} else {
excuse = "wrong";
gotoAndPlay (732);
Frame 383 (448 B)
if (questioncount == 5) {
onekwin.onSoundComplete = function () {
gotoAndPlay (443);
} else {
lowercorrect.onSoundComplete = function () {
questioncount = questioncount + 1;
gotoAndPlay (62);
if (questioncount == 5) {
status = "You have reached a benchmark! That $5,000 is yours to keep.";
} else {
status = "You are correct!";
Frame 386 (99 B)
Frame 390 (17 B)
Frame 393 (99 B)
Frame 397 (39 B)
timer = 30;
Frame 398 (490 B)
if (questioncount == 10) {
onehundredkwin.onSoundComplete = function () {
gotoAndPlay (467);
} else {
midcorrect.onSoundComplete = function () {
questioncount = questioncount + 1;
gotoAndPlay (97);
if (questioncount == 10) {
status = "You have reached a benchmark! That $100,000 is yours to keep.";
} else {
status = "You are correct!";
Frame 401 (99 B)
Frame 405 (17 B)
Frame 408 (99 B)
Frame 412 (39 B)
timer = 30;
Frame 413 (511 B)
if (questioncount == 14) {
onehundredkwin.onSoundComplete = function () {
questioncount = 15;
gotoAndPlay (228);
} else {
uppercorrect.onSoundComplete = function () {
questioncount = questioncount + 1;
gotoAndPlay (147);
if (questioncount == 14) {
status = "There's one more question! Here's the final question...";
} else {
status = "You are correct!";
Frame 416 (99 B)
Frame 420 (17 B)
Frame 423 (99 B)
Frame 427 (39 B)
timer = 30;
Frame 428 (134 B)
status = "You have just won 10 million dollars!!!";
Frame 431 (99 B)
Frame 435 (17 B)
Frame 438 (99 B)
Frame 442 (39 B)
timer = 30;
Frame 443 (13 B)
Frame 444 (63 B)
score = 5000;
questioncount = 6;
Frame 466 (69 B)
dim.onSoundComplete = function () {
gotoAndPlay (97);
Frame 467 (29 B)
Frame 580 (82 B)
score = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
questioncount = 11;
Frame 731 (28 B)
gotoAndPlay (147);
Frame 732 (762 B)
if (excuse == "time") {
status = ("You are out of time! You leave here with $" + score) + ". Thanks for playing Super Generic Quiz Game!";
} else if (excuse == "wrong") {
if (questioncount == 15) {
} else if (questioncount < 14) {
} else if (questioncount < 6) {
status = ("Sorry, that's incorrect. You leave here with $" + score) + ". Thanks for playing Super Generic Quiz Game!";
} else if (excuse == "walk") {
questioncount = questioncount - 1;
status = ("You walked! You leave here with $" + amount) + ". Thanks for playing Super Generic Quiz Game!";
Frame 733 (30 B)
Frame 735 (99 B)
Frame 739 (34 B)
Frame 742 (99 B)
Frame 746 (43 B)
Frame 747 (30 B)
rules.start(0, 100);
Frame 748 (19 B)
theme.start(0, 0);
Frame 1077 (70 B)
theme.onSoundComplete = function () {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 49 Button (31 B)
on (release) {;
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 1 (193 B)
PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100;
if (PercentLoaded != 100) {
setProperty(bar, _xscale , PercentLoaded);
} else {
gotoAndStop (3);
Symbol 50 MovieClip Frame 2 (17 B)
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 1 (71 B)
localCamera = camera.get();
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 21 (8 B)
Symbol 68 MovieClip Frame 27 (8 B)
Symbol 72 Button (80 B)
on (release, keyPress "c") {
afteraction = "credits";
Symbol 73 Button (88 B)
on (release, keyPress "d") {
getURL ("", "_blank", "GET");
Symbol 77 Button (81 B)
on (release, keyPress "a") {
afteraction = "maingame";
Symbol 78 Button (78 B)
on (release, keyPress "b") {
afteraction = "rules";
Symbol 89 MovieClip Frame 20 (78 B)
if (_root.timer == 0) {
_root.timer = _root.timer - 1;
Symbol 97 Button (59 B)
on (release, keyPress "1") {
halfitxed = "X";
Symbol 102 Button (55 B)
on (release, keyPress "2") {
pollxed = "X";
Symbol 105 Button (59 B)
on (release, keyPress "3") {
callxed = "X";
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 2 (8 B)
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 3 (8 B)
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 4 (8 B)
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 109 Button (61 B)
on (release, keyPress "c") {
guess = 3;
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 110 Button (61 B)
on (release, keyPress "d") {
guess = 4;
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 111 Button (61 B)
on (release, keyPress "a") {
guess = 1;
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 112 Button (61 B)
on (release, keyPress "b") {
guess = 2;
gotoAndPlay (66);
Symbol 114 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 130 MovieClip Frame 50 (376 B)
if (_root.answer1 != "") {
result1 = _root.polla + "%";
abar._yscale = _root.polla;
if (_root.answer2 != "") {
result2 = _root.pollb + "%";
bbar._yscale = _root.pollb;
if (_root.answer3 != "") {
result3 = _root.pollc + "%";
cbar._yscale = _root.pollc;
if (_root.answer4 != "") {
result4 = _root.polld + "%";
dbar._yscale = _root.polld;
Symbol 143 Button (89 B)
on (keyPress "w") {
guess = 0;
excuse = "walk";
gotoAndPlay (732);
Symbol 145 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "c") {
guess = 3;
gotoAndPlay (101);
Symbol 146 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "d") {
guess = 4;
gotoAndPlay (101);
Symbol 147 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "a") {
guess = 1;
gotoAndPlay (101);
Symbol 148 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "b") {
guess = 2;
gotoAndPlay (101);
Symbol 170 Button (61 B)
on (release, keyPress "4") {
girlsxed = "X";
Symbol 173 Button (100 B)
on (release, keyPress "5") {
bounce = bounce + 1;
bouncefa = 1;
bouncexed = "X";
Symbol 175 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "c") {
guess = 3;
gotoAndPlay (151);
Symbol 176 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "d") {
guess = 4;
gotoAndPlay (151);
Symbol 177 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "a") {
guess = 1;
gotoAndPlay (151);
Symbol 178 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "b") {
guess = 2;
gotoAndPlay (151);
Symbol 202 Button (61 B)
on (release, keyPress "4") {
girlsxed = "X";
Symbol 203 Button (100 B)
on (release, keyPress "5") {
bounce = bounce + 1;
bouncefa = 1;
bouncexed = "X";
Symbol 205 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "c") {
guess = 3;
gotoAndPlay (232);
Symbol 206 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "d") {
guess = 4;
gotoAndPlay (232);
Symbol 207 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "a") {
guess = 1;
gotoAndPlay (232);
Symbol 208 Button (62 B)
on (release, keyPress "b") {
guess = 2;
gotoAndPlay (232);
Symbol 257 Button (151 B)
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
if (questioncount == 5) {
gotoAndPlay (443);
} else {
questioncount = questioncount + 1;
gotoAndPlay (62);
Symbol 337 Button (52 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 341 MovieClip Frame 25 (8 B)
Symbol 379 Button (34 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 406 Button (49 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (2);