Section 1
//enemy_1_inner_bar_mc_375 (thorenzitha_8_fla.enemy_1_inner_bar_mc_375)
package thorenzitha_8_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class enemy_1_inner_bar_mc_375 extends MovieClip {
public function enemy_1_inner_bar_mc_375(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package thorenzitha_8_fla
Section 2
//enemy_2_inner_bar_mc_377 (thorenzitha_8_fla.enemy_2_inner_bar_mc_377)
package thorenzitha_8_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class enemy_2_inner_bar_mc_377 extends MovieClip {
public function enemy_2_inner_bar_mc_377(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package thorenzitha_8_fla
Section 3
//gun_charge_box_348 (thorenzitha_8_fla.gun_charge_box_348)
package thorenzitha_8_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class gun_charge_box_348 extends MovieClip {
public var button__highlight_box:MovieClip;
public var white_selection_bracket:MovieClip;
public var highlight_box_weapon_2:MovieClip;
public var highlight_box_high:MovieClip;
public var highlight_box_weapon_1:MovieClip;
public var gun_charge_high:MovieClip;
public var button__highlight_box_high:MovieClip;
public var highlight_box:MovieClip;
public var weapon_select_icon_2:MovieClip;
public var button__weapon_1:MovieClip;
public var button__weapon_2:MovieClip;
public var white_selection_bracket_weapon:MovieClip;
public function gun_charge_box_348(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package thorenzitha_8_fla
Section 4
//hero_248 (thorenzitha_8_fla.hero_248)
package thorenzitha_8_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class hero_248 extends MovieClip {
public function hero_248(){
addFrameScript(17, frame18, 35, frame36, 53, frame54, 72, frame73, 75, frame76, 94, frame95, 112, frame113, 130, frame131, 148, frame149, 152, frame153, 164, frame165, 176, frame177, 187, frame188, 198, frame199, 211, frame212);
function frame18(){
function frame36(){
function frame54(){
function frame73(){
function frame76(){
function frame95(){
function frame113(){
function frame131(){
function frame149(){
function frame153(){
function frame165(){
function frame177(){
function frame188(){
function frame199(){
function frame212(){
}//package thorenzitha_8_fla
Section 5
//hero_inner_bar_mc_412 (thorenzitha_8_fla.hero_inner_bar_mc_412)
package thorenzitha_8_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class hero_inner_bar_mc_412 extends MovieClip {
public function hero_inner_bar_mc_412(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package thorenzitha_8_fla
Section 6
//MainTimeline (thorenzitha_8_fla.MainTimeline)
package thorenzitha_8_fla {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var character_speech_text_mc:MovieClip;
public var rpg_cyborg_shield_text:MovieClip;
public var use_hand:MovieClip;
public var HP_cy10:MovieClip;
public var enemy_2_info_box:MovieClip;
public var v1_go_right_trigger:MovieClip;
public var menu_box:MovieClip;
public var episode_credit:MovieClip;
public var hand_icon:MovieClip;
public var test_point_2:MovieClip;
public var help_box:MovieClip;
public var fps_text_mc:MovieClip;
public var boss_green_flash_target_2:MovieClip;
public var e2_green_flash_target_2:MovieClip;
public var use_text_mc:MovieClip;
public var shield_dots:MovieClip;
public var HP_cy10_disk:MovieClip;
public var boss_icon:MovieClip;
public var e2_e1_icon:MovieClip;
public var rpg_cyborg_shield:MovieClip;
public var rpg_boss_shot:MovieClip;
public var world:MovieClip;
public var next_button:MovieClip;
public var pc_inventory:MovieClip;
public var target_part_top_left:MovieClip;
public var boss_green_flash_target_3:MovieClip;
public var e2_green_flash_target_3:MovieClip;
public var green_nanoflash_mask:MovieClip;
public var rpg_e1_shot:MovieClip;
public var start_credits:MovieClip;
public var battle_won_text:MovieClip;
public var protection_bar:MovieClip;
public var rpg_shield_text:MovieClip;
public var enemy_1_info_box:MovieClip;
public var defences_icon_1_large:MovieClip;
public var rpg_enemy_explosion:MovieClip;
public var centre_black_box:MovieClip;
public var shield_info_box:MovieClip;
public var view_6_ahead_cha:MovieClip;
public var e1_green_flash_target_2:MovieClip;
public var AIM_bar:MovieClip;
public var credit_dots:MovieClip;
public var defences_icon_2_large:MovieClip;
public var defences_info_box:MovieClip;
public var tech_button_4:MovieClip;
public var fire:MovieClip;
public var cyborg_shield_bar:MovieClip;
public var sniper_site:MovieClip;
public var XP_bar:MovieClip;
public var e1_green_flash_target_3:MovieClip;
public var large_orange_battle_flash:MovieClip;
public var rpg_plasma_ball:MovieClip;
public var chat_select_mc:MovieClip;
public var film_bits_layer:MovieClip;
public var inventory_box:MovieClip;
public var defence_box:MovieClip;
public var green_nanoflash:MovieClip;
public var orange_plasma_explosion:MovieClip;
public var dome_buildings_3:MovieClip;
public var side_black_bars:MovieClip;
public var final_view_text:MovieClip;
public var inventory_button_hightlight:MovieClip;
public var battle_won_box:MovieClip;
public var damage_bar:MovieClip;
public var green_flash_1_target_3:MovieClip;
public var cyborg_shield_dots:MovieClip;
public var e2_shot:MovieClip;
public var robot_icon_1:MovieClip;
public var black_bars:MovieClip;
public var enemy_2_target_2:MovieClip;
public var tech_button_2:MovieClip;
public var dome_buildings_2:MovieClip;
public var play_button:MovieClip;
public var slide:MovieClip;
public var menu_button:MovieClip;
public var skip_button:MovieClip;
public var EPF_attack_time_bar:MovieClip;
public var back_button:MovieClip;
public var rpg_target:MovieClip;
public var target_part_bottom_left:MovieClip;
public var green_flash_1_target_2:MovieClip;
public var rpg_debit_text:MovieClip;
public var robot_icon_2:MovieClip;
public var enemy_2_target_3:MovieClip;
public var tech_button_3:MovieClip;
public var tech_button:MovieClip;
public var blue_plasma_explosion:MovieClip;
public var cam_targeter:MovieClip;
public var tech_info_box:MovieClip;
public var object_5_icon_holding:MovieClip;
public var health_cyborg:MovieClip;
public var chat_text:MovieClip;
public var retry_button:MovieClip;
public var menu_box_animated:MovieClip;
public var target_part_bottom_right:MovieClip;
public var backpack_hit_box:MovieClip;
public var inventory:MovieClip;
public var game_over_mc:MovieClip;
public var dome_buildings:MovieClip;
public var object_4_icon_holding:MovieClip;
public var testing:MovieClip;
public var health_bot_collected_icon:MovieClip;
public var green_flash_2_target_3:MovieClip;
public var rpg_cyborg_arm_pivot_mc:MovieClip;
public var HP_enemy_2_disk:MovieClip;
public var gun_charge_info_box:MovieClip;
public var enemy_2_target_1:MovieClip;
public var enemy_1_target_2:MovieClip;
public var defence_weapon_2:MovieClip;
public var dome_view:MovieClip;
public var large_black_bars:MovieClip;
public var health_green:MovieClip;
public var shield_bot_collected_icon:MovieClip;
public var green_flash_2_target_2:MovieClip;
public var rpg_credit_text:MovieClip;
public var rpg_cyborg_shot_2:MovieClip;
public var HP_enemy_1_disk:MovieClip;
public var enemy_1_target_3:MovieClip;
public var enemy_button_2:MovieClip;
public var attack_button:MovieClip;
public var fire_bitmap_mc:MovieClip;
public var shield_bar:MovieClip;
public var v1_go_this_way_trigger:MovieClip;
public var cursor_text:MovieClip;
public var object_6_icon_holding:MovieClip;
public var defeat_text_corridor:MovieClip;
public var inventory_button:MovieClip;
public var object_1_icon_holding:MovieClip;
public var top_right_disks:MovieClip;
public var arrow_icon:MovieClip;
public var cyborg_shield_info_box:MovieClip;
public var collect_object_text_mc:MovieClip;
public var rpg_cyborg_target:MovieClip;
public var debit_dots:MovieClip;
public var rpg_level_label:MovieClip;
public var gun_charge_box:MovieClip;
public var enemy_1_target_1:MovieClip;
public var defence_weapon_1_box:MovieClip;
public var rpg_cyborg:MovieClip;
public var defence_weapon_1:MovieClip;
public var loading_logo:MovieClip;
public var right_hand_hit_box:MovieClip;
public var single_enemy_target_1:MovieClip;
public var enemy_button_1:MovieClip;
public var defence_weapon_2_box:MovieClip;
public var dummy_1:MovieClip;
public var load_text_mc:MovieClip;
public var object_3_icon_holding:MovieClip;
public var use_with_cursor_text:MovieClip;
public var collect_object_box:MovieClip;
public var EPF_binoculars_site:MovieClip;
public var battle_view_2:MovieClip;
public var large_restart_label:MovieClip;
public var cam_targeter_2:MovieClip;
public var object_2_icon_holding:MovieClip;
public var defeat_text:MovieClip;
public var health_amber:MovieClip;
public var health_red:MovieClip;
public var rpg_help_button:MovieClip;
public var rpg_plasmaball_target:MovieClip;
public var target_part_top_right:MovieClip;
public var torch_beam:MovieClip;
public var e2_e2_icon:MovieClip;
public var bottom_HP_info_box:MovieClip;
public var single_enemy_target_3:MovieClip;
public var defence_weapon_1_2:MovieClip;
public var cam_targeter_dummy:MovieClip;
public var chat_test_mc:MovieClip;
public var cursor:MovieClip;
public var thorenzitha_credit:MovieClip;
public var ok_button:MovieClip;
public var map:MovieClip;
public var test_marker_2:MovieClip;
public var single_enemy_target_2:MovieClip;
public var defence_weapon_2_2:MovieClip;
public var playerType:String;
public var loading_timestep:Timer;
public var f_23710621_flag;
public var puzzle_bitmap:BitmapData;
public var bmp__puzzle_bitmap:Bitmap;
public var _hero;
public var cam_movement;
public var is_climbing;
public var f_5110728_flag;
public var thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed;
public var thor_scientist_fall_state;
public var workaround__quick_move_view_1_to_hero_active;
public var f_3111442_flag;
public var fade_large_black_bars_active;
public var f_31111139_flag;
public var _start_movie__view_4;
public var start_movie__1st_shuttle_x;
public var start_movie__1st_shuttle_y;
public var _start_movie__1st_shuttle;
public var _start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off;
public var fade_up_dish_plasma_timer;
public var fade_down_dish_plasma_active;
public var fade_up_dish_plasma_flag;
public var fade_up_dish_plasma_active;
public var _dish_plasma;
public var _dish_plasma_mask;
public var start_movie_CY10_shot_at_end_timer;
public var start_movie_CY10_shot_state;
public var _start_movie_CY10_shot;
public var _start_movie__shuttle_close;
public var _start_movie__view_12;
public var start_movie_active_flag;
public var fade_in_end_message_active;
public var f_281210201_flag;
public var f_2812101226_flag;
public var _mini_EPF_centre_damage;
public var end_movie_plasma_ex_flag;
public var end_movie_plasma_explosion_active;
public var _end_movie_plasma_explosion;
public var timer_end_movie_shot_hit;
public var end_movie_plasma_fire_flag;
public var end_movie_plasma_fire_timer;
public var end_movie_plasma_fire_active;
public var _end_movie_plasma_shot;
public var _v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF;
public var _mini_EPF_ship;
public var _v12_end_movie__out_cockpit;
public var end_movie_shuttle_x;
public var end_movie_shuttle_y;
public var _v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle;
public var _v12_end_movie__take_off;
public var _v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit;
public var v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer;
public var _v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door;
public var _v12_end_movie__shuttle_door;
public var _v12_end_movie__shuttle;
public var end_movie_active;
public var end_movie_active_flag;
public var male_cyborg_frame;
public var move_male_cyborg_arm_up_active;
public var move_male_cyborg_arm_down_active;
public var move_male_cyborg_arm_flag;
public var move_male_cyborg_arm_timer;
public var _cyborg_worker;
public var turn_engineer_head_clockwise_timer;
public var turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_timer;
public var engineer_head_frame;
public var turn_engineer_head_clockwise_active;
public var turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_active;
public var move_engineer_head_flag;
public var move_engineer_head_timer;
public var _v1_engineer;
public var f_2212101238_flag;
public var fade_out_gas_leak_sound_active;
public var fade_out_gas_leak_sound_flag;
public var fade_in_gas_leak_sound_flag;
public var fade_in_gas_leak_sound_active;
public var _v12_object__thor_at_cy10;
public var shuttle_thor_killed;
public var main_EPF_tower_door_unlocked;
public var sharpen_flag;
public var f_181210427_flag;
public var f_181210418_flag;
public var _v2_collision__top;
public var _v2_collision__bottom;
public var _v7_object__collector_hitpoint;
public var v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag;
public var v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_active;
public var _v1_movie__female_cyborg;
public var _v1_movie__CY10_at_female_cyborg;
public var _female_cyborg_worker_hit_area;
public var _v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker;
public var v1_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag;
public var _v1_movie__cyborg_worker;
public var v1_cyborg_worker_movie_active;
public var _cyborg_worker_hit_area;
public var thor_scientist_hit_timer_active;
public var f_31210857_flag;
public var thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_flag;
public var thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame;
public var f_31210838_flag;
public var _thor_hit_energy_discharge_mc;
public var rand__thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame;
public var thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_active;
public var hero_slow_shift_left;
public var mixer_tank_gas_height_limit;
public var v1_collision_object_left_timer;
public var v1_collision_object_right_timer;
public var _test;
public var v1_collision_object_left_flag;
public var v1_collision_object_right_flag;
public var _v1_collision_object_left;
public var _v1_collision_object_right;
public var workaround__set_cursor_to_arrow;
public var workaround__show_holding_on_ladder;
public var _EPF_warning_sign_view;
public var _v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign;
public var clicked_v10_exit__down_trigger;
public var hero_N_down_climb_flag;
public var hero_N_down_climb_timer;
public var hero_N_down_climb_active;
public var hero_N_up_climb_timer;
public var hero_N_up_climb_active;
public var hero_NW_down_climb_flag;
public var hero_NW_down_climb_timer;
public var hero_NW_down_climb_active;
public var hero_NW_up_climb_timer;
public var hero_NW_up_climb_active;
public var vent_valve_gas_timer;
public var _vent_valve_gas_holder;
public var _vent_valve_gas_holder_mask;
public var vent_valve_gas_active_flag;
public var vent_gas_alpha_speed;
public var vent_gas_speed;
public var valve_gas_allowed;
public var vent_gas_scale_speed;
public var _vent_gas_particle_1;
public var _vent_gas_particle_2;
public var _vent_gas_particle_3;
public var _vent_gas_particle_4;
public var _vent_gas_particle_5;
public var _vent_gas_particle_6;
public var _vent_gas_particle_7;
public var vent_valve_gas_active;
public var f_101110141_flag;
public var open_vent_valve_movie_timer;
public var open_vent_valve_movie_flag;
public var open_vent_valve_movie_active;
public var _v11_movie_object__metal_bar;
public var _v11_movie__open_valve;
public var hero_facing_w_collect_flag;
public var hero_facing_w_collect_arm;
public var hero_facing_w_collect_timer;
public var hero_facing_w_collect_active;
public var hero_facing_e_collect_flag;
public var hero_facing_e_collect_arm;
public var hero_facing_e_collect_timer;
public var hero_facing_e_collect_active;
public var _thor_scientist_with_radio;
public var f_811101122_flag;
public var _thor_scientist_using_radio_arm;
public var f_711101051_flag;
public var _v1_movie__cy10_using_radio_holding;
public var _CY10_arm_using_radio;
public var _v12_exit__up_ladder;
public var state__enemy_can_fire_shuttle_weapon;
public var thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_flag;
public var thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer;
public var thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_active;
public var thor_scientist_using_radio_timer;
public var thor_scientist_using_radio_active;
public var _v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio;
public var f_311101123_flag;
public var _v1_movie__cy10_using_radio;
public var f_311101114_flag;
public var use_radio_movie_timer;
public var use_radio_movie_state;
public var use_radio_movie_flag;
public var use_radio_movie_active;
public var _v1_trigger__radio;
public var flash_screen_power_button_timer;
public var flash_screen_power_button_active;
public var EPF_energy_fire_normal_false_flag;
public var testing_active;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__1;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__2;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__3;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__4;
public var EPF_energy_fire_frame;
public var EPF_energy_fire_normal_flag;
public var EPF_energy_fire_normal_timer;
public var _EPF_energy_fire;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_1;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_2;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_3;
public var _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_4;
public var EPF_energy_fire_normal_active;
public var _view_15;
public var EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag;
public var EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer;
public var EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__power;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPFs;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPCs;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3;
public var _EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4;
public var _view_16;
public var _v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen;
public var _EPF_control_screen;
public var _v9_exit__door_left;
public var _v14_exit__mixer_tank;
public var _view_14_floor;
public var _v14_exit__right;
public var _v9_object__cable_at_bottom;
public var _v5_exit__left;
public var _view_14;
public var _v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom;
public var _v7_object__collector;
public var _v9_object__cable;
public var _view_13_floor;
public var _v13_exit__up;
public var _v2_exit__right;
public var _v13_trigger__chain;
public var _view_13;
public var v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active_once_flag;
public var _v1_movie__cy10;
public var v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active;
public var _v1_movie__engineer;
public var _v1_engineer_hit_area;
public var object_state__mixer_tank_full;
public var _v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot;
public var random__shuttle_fireing_angle;
public var f_161010_flag;
public var object_state__smart_key_grabbable;
public var shuttle_weapon_active_timer;
public var _shuttle_weapon_active;
public var shuttle_fireing_flag_2;
public var random_shuttle_fire_once_flag;
public var random_shuttle_fire_timer;
public var random_shuttle_fire;
public var choose_random_shuttle_fire_flag;
public var choose_random_shuttle_fire;
public var _shuttle_target;
public var _shuttle_gun_start;
public var set_shuttle_shot;
public var shuttle_shot_speed;
public var shuttle_shot_angle;
public var _shuttle_shot_high;
public var _shuttle_shot_low;
public var shuttle_fireing_flag;
public var view_12_once_flag;
public var shuttle_charge_timer;
public var shuttle_fireing_active;
public var _v12_trigger__smart_key;
public var _v12__smart_key;
public var _v12_exit__down_ladder;
public var _v4_exit__up_ladder;
public var _view_12;
public var object_6_icon_click_flag;
public var _v9_trigger__top_vent_cover;
public var _clickable_cable_on_floor;
public var _none_click_cable_mc;
public var _v7_object__cable_in_vent;
public var object_state__checked_high_vent;
public var _v7_object__cable_on_floor;
public var _v4_two_steps;
public var _v10_stopping_floor;
public var open_vent_movie_active;
public var _v4_vent_cover_with_chain;
public var _slot_1;
public var _slot_2;
public var _slot_3;
public var _slot_4;
public var _slot_5;
public var _slot_6;
public var _slot_7;
public var order_slot_1;
public var order_slot_2;
public var order_slot_3;
public var order_slot_4;
public var order_slot_5;
public var order_slot_6;
public var order_slot_7;
public var removed_object_inventory_slot_timer;
public var removed_object_inventory_sort_active;
public var object_state__vent_open;
public var _object_1_hook;
public var _v11_exit__up;
public var _v11_trigger__vent_valve;
public var first_person_torch_active;
public var _view_11;
public var _v4_vent_grill;
public var _v10_exit__down;
public var _v2_exit__left;
public var _v10_trigger__metal_bar;
public var _view_10;
public var _view_10_floor;
public var _v7_trigger__power_tap;
public var hero_collect_flag;
public var hero_collect_animation_timer;
public var hero_collect_animation_active;
public var _v8_trigger__object_1;
public var _v8_exit__door;
public var _view_8_floor;
public var _v6_exit__door;
public var _v6_exit__stairs;
public var _view_8;
public var _object_1_in_world;
public var _v4_exit__down_ladder;
public var hero_n_climb_down_active;
public var climb_down_flag;
public var hero_n_climb_down_function_active_flag;
public var hero_n_climb_down_function_timer;
public var hero_n_climb_down_function_active;
public var _v3_exit__down_ladder;
public var _v4_exit__vent_hole;
public var climb_up_flag;
public var _view_4;
public var _v3_exit__up_ladder;
public var _v9_exit__door_right;
public var _view_9_floor;
public var _view_7_floor;
public var _view_9;
public var _v7_exit__door_left;
public var _v7_exit__door_right;
public var _v5_exit__right;
public var _view_7;
public var _v5_exit__collector_tank;
public var _v5_exit__stairs;
public var _v3_exit__door;
public var hero_n_climb_up_function_timer;
public var hero_n_climb_up_function_active_flag;
public var hero_n_climb_up_function_active;
public var hero_n_climb_up_active;
public var _v2_exit__ladder;
public var framerate_low_flag;
public var cursor_movement_active;
public var test;
public var test_b;
public var v2_fade_down_hold_timer;
public var f_29710430_flag;
public var v2_light_fade_up_active;
public var f_307101244_flag;
public var v2_light_fade_down_active;
public var v2_lf_select_timer;
public var v2_lf_timer;
public var _v2_faulty_light;
public var testing_flag;
public var _menu_ok_button;
public var fade_in_menu_inner_box;
public var cyborg_footstep_volume;
public var f_20710359_flag;
public var _planet;
public var start_sniper_timer;
public var f_197101138_flag;
public var f_187101126_flag;
public var _EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end;
public var state__final_view_timer;
public var off_transform;
public var set_ambient_music_to_start_2_active;
public var f_137101114_flag;
public var fade_up_ambient_music_2_active;
public var fade_down_sniper_music;
public var fade_sniper_music_to_music_active;
public var fade_music_to_sniper_music_active;
public var set_ambient_music_to_start_active;
public var f_11710218_flag;
public var ambient_music_volume;
public var corridor_fight_volume;
public var sniper_music_volume;
public var fade_up_ambient_music_active;
public var fade_down_corridor_fight_music_active;
public var allow_cyborg_facing_on_stop;
public var ease_world_active;
public var _start_movie__general_at_panel;
public var f_5710444_flag;
public var f_5710432_flag;
public var sm_CY10_face_timer;
public var hold_at_vehicle_view_timer;
public var show_title_2_active;
public var show_title_2_active_state_hold_timer;
public var show_title_2_active_state;
public var f_5710156_flag;
public var f_4710148_flag;
public var f_47101211_flag;
public var sm_vehicle_view_general_timer;
public var sm_vehicle_view_timer;
public var _start_movie__vehicle_view_general;
public var f_47101144_flag;
public var _start_movie__vehicle_view;
public var sm_face_scale_x;
public var sm_offset_face_x;
public var _start_movie__CY10_face;
public var show_title_active_state_hold_timer;
public var active_credit;
public var f_17101236_flag;
public var show_title_active_state;
public var show_title_active_timer;
public var f_17101130_flag;
public var show_title_active;
public var f_30610446_flag;
public var f_30610434_flag;
public var start_movie_active_timer;
public var f_30610427_flag;
public var start_movie_active;
public var start_movie_active_state;
public var _start_movie__outside_vehicle;
public var flash_start_screen_button_state;
public var active_flash_start_screen_button;
public var _start_screen_view;
public var _start_screen_info_button;
public var _start_screen_credits_button;
public var _start_screen_play_button;
public var _start_screen_desktop;
public var _start_screen_info;
public var _start_screen_credits;
public var _particle_quality_on_button;
public var _particle_quality_off_button;
public var _camera_shake_on_button;
public var _camera_shake_off_button;
public var _music_on_button;
public var _music_off_button;
public var _menu_items;
public var f_246101127_flag;
public var _menu_inner_box;
public var show_menu_active;
public var menu_button_click_flag;
public var _menu_button;
public var _final_view;
public var EPF_end_elevator_up_timer;
public var _elevator_cam_1_lift;
public var _elevator_cam_1;
public var f_206101020_flag;
public var _elevator_from_below_view;
public var _elevator_from_below;
public var EPF_end_movie_timer;
public var _CY10_arm_by_panel;
public var _elevator_cam_2;
public var EPF_end_movie_state;
public var _engineer_data_on_screen;
public var _v1_trigger_2__power_box;
public var _v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell;
public var _v3_object_2_trigger__container;
public var play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag;
public var CY10_dead_flag;
public var CY41_dead_flag;
public var view_3_once_flag;
public var _data_recorder_on_table;
public var CY41_ready_to_cover_timer;
public var CY41_ready_to_cover;
public var v4_CY41_head_forward_timer;
public var v4_CY41_head_hit_timer;
public var e1ct_max;
public var e1ct_min;
public var e1s_max;
public var e1s_min;
public var e2ct_max;
public var e2ct_min;
public var e2s_max;
public var e2s_min;
public var _view_6_floor;
public var _view_4_walkable_overlay;
public var _view_4_CY41_at_enemies;
public var _EPF_tower_view;
public var _view_4_CY41;
public var _view_4_CY10;
public var _view_end_corridor;
public var _EPF_sniper_wall_near;
public var _EPF_sniper_wall_CY41;
public var _EPF_sniper_wall_rifle;
public var _view_1;
public var _view_2;
public var _view_3;
public var _view_4_walkable;
public var _view_5;
public var _view_6;
public var f_19510719_flag;
public var _movie_screen_1;
public var _cy10_object_1_view;
public var f_19510532_flag;
public var move_cam_to_hero;
public var _v4_CY41_dead;
public var pick_up_move_active_timer;
public var pick_up_move_active;
public var _data_box_keyhole_trigger;
public var _data_recorder_box_lid;
public var object_4_icon_click_flag;
public var object_5_icon_click_flag;
public var mouse_move_hero_state_flag;
public var _v1_collision_object_1;
public var _click_point;
public var last_point_mouse_in;
public var f_2510200_flag;
public var _test_point;
public var hero_hitting_floor;
public var _view_1_floor;
public var _view_2_floor;
public var _view_3_floor;
public var _view_4_walkable_floor;
public var _view_5_floor;
public var mouse_move_hero_state;
public var last_floor_clicked;
public var mouse_hitting_floor_2;
public var _view_1_floor_2;
public var _object_1_icon;
public var _object_2_icon;
public var _object_3_icon;
public var _object_4_icon;
public var _object_5_icon;
public var _object_6_icon;
public var _use_with_grey_text_mc;
public var _use_with_grey_text;
public var _use_with_object_text_mc;
public var _use_with_object_text;
public var cursor_text_active;
public var f_224101146_flag;
public var object_2_icon_click_flag;
public var object_1_icon_click_flag;
public var _v6_trigger_1__tower;
public var object_3_icon_click_flag;
public var active_holding_object;
public var holding_object;
public var _CY10_stairwell;
public var sniper_kick_back_timer;
public var sniper_kick_back;
public var sniper_site_y_offset;
public var _EPF_tower_bottom_left_hit_area;
public var _EPF_tower_bottom_middle_hit_area;
public var _EPF_tower_bottom_right_hit_area;
public var _EPF_tower_vehicle_hit_area;
public var _EPF_tower_top_left_hit_area;
public var _EPF_tower_top_right_hit_area;
public var _EPF_thor_building_overlay;
public var cam_move_follow_hero_timer;
public var cam_move_follow_hero_flag;
public var just_clicked_map;
public var _view_4_floor;
public var fade_out_EPF_bar;
public var EPF_end_movie_flag;
public var testing_31310109;
public var f_313101159_flag;
public var f_30310332_flag;
public var rand_film_bit_1_rot;
public var film_bits_rand_timer;
public var rand_film_bit_1_pos_x;
public var rand_film_bit_1_pos_y;
public var rand_film_bit_1_scale;
public var rand_film_bit_1_colour;
public var rand_film_bit_1_rot__2;
public var film_bits_rand_timer__2;
public var rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__2;
public var rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__2;
public var rand_film_bit_1_scale__2;
public var rand_film_bit_1_colour__2;
public var rand_film_bit_1_rot__3;
public var film_bits_rand_timer__3;
public var rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__3;
public var rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__3;
public var rand_film_bit_1_scale__3;
public var rand_film_bit_1_colour__3;
public var film_bits_active;
public var f_27310143_flag;
public var CY10_dead_timer;
public var v4_CY41_head_knocked_back_timer;
public var v4_CY41_head_knocked_back_active;
public var v4_CY41_head_hit;
public var f_213101136_flag;
public var thors_defeat_timer;
public var f_193101245_flag;
public var thors_defeat_cyborgs_movie_active;
public var f_16310156_flag;
public var EPF_attack_time;
public var _EPF_attack_time_bar_mask;
public var EPF_end_movie_active;
public var f_153101136_flag;
public var all_EPF_enemies_killed_timer;
public var EPF_thor_building_killed_flag;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_flag;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_flag;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_flag;
public var EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_flag;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_killed_flag;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_killed_flag;
public var all_EPF_enemies_killed;
public var EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_stage;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_fall;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_acceleration;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_fall;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_acceleration;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed;
public var EPF_thor_building_killed_timer;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer;
public var EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_killed_timer;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_killed_timer;
public var EPF_thor_building_killed;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed;
public var EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed;
public var EPF_tower_vehicle_killed;
public var EPF_tower_top_left_killed;
public var EPF_tower_top_right_killed;
public var _EPF_thor_building;
public var _EPF_tower_bottom_left;
public var _EPF_tower_bottom_middle;
public var _EPF_tower_bottom_right;
public var _EPF_tower_vehicle;
public var _EPF_tower_top_left;
public var _EPF_tower_top_right;
public var _elevator;
public var EPF_thor_scientist_e_1_at;
public var _EPF_thor_scientist_e_1;
public var EPF_binoculars_view_flag_2;
public var EPF_binoculars_view_flag;
public var EPF_binoculars_view_active;
public var EPF_sniper_wall_far_timer;
public var EPF_sniper_wall_far_flag;
public var sniper_attack_flag;
public var EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active;
public var engineer_turn_right_active_flag;
public var engineer_turn_left_active_flag;
public var engineer_turn_frame;
public var engineer_turn_right_active;
public var engineer_turn_left_active;
public var engineer_turn_right_timer;
public var engineer_turn_left_timer;
public var next_to;
public var e1_choose_target_flag;
public var e1_choose_target_timer;
public var e2_choose_target_flag;
public var e2_choose_target_timer;
public var cam_focus_jump_timer;
public var cam_focus_jump;
public var view__ear_piece_shift_cam_timer;
public var f_172101108_flag;
public var view__ear_piece_shift_cam_active;
public var cam_shake_direction_flag;
public var cam_shake_timer;
public var cam_shake_timer_2;
public var cam_shake_timer_3;
public var cam_shake_active;
public var dummy_offset_x;
public var dummy_offset_y;
public var f_152101252_flag;
public var v4_to_corridor_timer;
public var v4_to_corridor_flag;
public var view_4_movie_2_active_flag;
public var view_4_movie_2_active;
public var CY10_dead;
public var CY41_dead;
public var CY10_health;
public var CY41_health;
public var CY41_fire_timer;
public var v4_enemy_hit;
public var CY41_fireing_false_flag;
public var CY41_choose_timer;
public var CY41_fireing_flag;
public var rpg_CY41_shot_face_angle_2;
public var v4_CY41_movement_type;
public var CY41_fireing;
public var CY41_shoot_timer;
public var CY41_shoot_timer_2;
public var view_4_entry_door_timer;
public var view_4_entry_door_flag;
public var v4_CY10_head_forward_timer;
public var v4_CY10_head_hit_timer;
public var v4_CY10_head_hit;
public var skew_active;
public var f_271101124_flag;
public var f_271101131_flag;
public var f_271101124_flag_2;
public var f_271101131_flag_2;
public var view_4_movie_1_active_flag;
public var view_4_movie_1_active;
public var f_261101040_flag;
public var CY10_fireing_flag;
public var CY10_fireing;
public var f_241101210_flag_e2;
public var f_241101139_flag_e2;
public var f_241101210_flag;
public var f_241101139_flag;
public var map_area_1_button__rolledover;
public var f_191101113_flag;
public var f191101110_flag;
public var orange_glow_active_flag_2;
public var test_var_1;
public var active_slider;
public var mouse_down;
public var active_orange_glow_object;
public var orange_glow_active;
public var main_objective;
public var f_2812091145_flag;
public var no_chat_active;
public var no_chat_active_flag;
public var txtFormat__letter_spacing:TextFormat;
public var txtFormat__left:TextFormat;
public var txtFormat__right:TextFormat;
public var txtFormat__center:TextFormat;
public var _thor_credit_text;
public var test_count_dec;
public var object_1_movie_active_flag;
public var times_checked_object_2;
public var times_checked_object_1;
public var mouse_hitting_head;
public var next_button_flag;
public var chat_selected;
public var show_chat_on_reach_character;
public var chat_select_active;
public var chat_select_active_flag;
public var movie_event;
public var object_1_movie_active;
public var change_view_to;
public var hero_on_stop_facing;
public var object_1_collected;
public var object_2_collected;
public var object_3_collected;
public var object_4_collected;
public var object_5_collected;
public var object_6_collected;
public var object_7_collected;
public var hero_mouse_move_SE_flag;
public var hero_SE_walk_active;
public var hero_SE_walk_allowed;
public var hero_SE_walk_timer;
public var hero_mouse_move_SW_flag;
public var hero_SW_walk_active;
public var hero_SW_walk_allowed;
public var hero_SW_walk_timer;
public var hero_mouse_move_NE_flag;
public var hero_NE_walk_active;
public var hero_NE_walk_allowed;
public var hero_NE_walk_timer;
public var hero_mouse_move_NW_flag;
public var hero_NW_walk_active;
public var hero_NW_walk_allowed;
public var hero_NW_walk_timer;
public var f318091153_flag;
public var hero_mouse_move_stop_flag;
public var hero_mouse_move_up_flag;
public var hero_mouse_move_left_flag;
public var hero_mouse_move_down_flag;
public var hero_mouse_move_right_flag;
public var hero_diverted;
public var f19809647_flag;
public var f198091112_flag;
public var f198091058_flag;
public var f198091015_flag;
public var f18809745_flag;
public var mouse_point_was_in;
public var hero_mouse_move;
public var f18809536_flag;
public var f18809223_flag;
public var mouse_move_hero;
public var mouse_hitting_floor;
public var defence_weapon_2_available;
public var defences_icon_large_active_flag;
public var active_defence_icon;
public var defences_icon_large_active;
public var move_white_targets_to_enemies;
public var oKeyDown;
public var dome_movement_active;
public var dome_movement_timer;
public var f_17609711_flag;
public var dome_buildings_timer;
public var dome_buildings_active;
public var f_156091151_flag;
public var flame_speed_factor;
public var rand_min__flames;
public var rand_max__flames;
public var no_of_starting_flames_used;
public var rand__fire_min;
public var rand__fire_max;
public var chosen_fire_flame;
public var fire_timer;
public var fire_active;
public var test_var_3;
public var test_var_4;
public var v2_e1_enemy_shot_start_x;
public var v2_e1_enemy_shot_start_y;
public var v2_e2_enemy_shot_start_x;
public var v2_e2_enemy_shot_start_y;
public var move_white_targets_to_enemy;
public var move_white_targets;
public var set_view_2;
public var enemy_1_bitmap;
public var click_baddie_flag;
public var click_baddie_b_flag;
public var p_ex_max;
public var p_ex_min;
public var plasma_explosion_timer;
public var f231008250_flag;
public var var__weapon_2_amount;
public var var__e1_HP_text;
public var var__e2_HP_text;
public var dead;
public var power_loss_active;
public var game_over_timer;
public var cyborg_dead_knocked_forward;
public var music_fade_down;
public var play_dead_sound_flag;
public var t_17509829_timer;
public var var__tech_button_3_amount;
public var f_16509438_flag;
public var collect_object_screen_active;
public var object_fade;
public var active_collected_object_icon;
public var f_10209542_flag;
public var active_object_view;
public var enter_key_down;
public var f_15509815_flag;
public var f_15509805_flag;
public var hitting_collect_object_d_trigger;
public var object_d_state;
public var show_object_d_once_flag;
public var object_d_collected;
public var collect_object_d_active;
public var test_var;
public var test_var_2;
public var var__battle_won_text_previous_XP_text;
public var battle_won_screen_timer;
public var var__battle_won_XP_increase_text;
public var var__XP_bar_text;
public var var__XP_bar_text_total;
public var rpg_level;
public var battle_won_screen_once_flag;
public var get_weapon_flag;
public var f2612081231_flag;
public var rpg_inventory_slot_timer;
public var s1;
public var s2;
public var s3;
public var s4;
public var s5;
public var s6;
public var s7;
public var oa;
public var ob;
public var oc;
public var od;
public var oe;
public var of;
public var og;
public var rpg_inventory_slot_check_active;
public var rpg_slot_check_active_object;
public var check_health_amounts;
public var sia_timer;
public var show_inventory_once_flag;
public var first_enemy_animation_active;
public var pre_battle_movie_1_active;
public var show_inventory_active;
public var show_help_info_active;
public var f9109243_flag;
public var high_charges_amount;
public var gun_charge_once_flag;
public var set_cyborg_hp_colour;
public var var__hero_HP_text;
public var var__hero_HP_text_total;
public var uuu;
public var numpad1KeyDown;
public var numpad2KeyDown;
public var numpad3KeyDown;
public var numpad4KeyDown;
public var numpad5KeyDown;
public var numpad6KeyDown;
public var green_nanoflash_active;
public var rpg_health_active;
public var rpg_credit_text_timer;
public var f111081123_flag;
public var rpg_health_active_flag;
public var credit_dots_flash_active;
public var credit_dots_timer;
public var debit_dots_timer;
public var f30309309_flag;
public var cyborg_body_knocked_back;
public var cyborg_weapon_rotation_f;
public var boss_shield_active;
public var f2212081136_flag;
public var f612081201_flag;
public var dead_fade_alpha_2;
public var dead_fade_alpha_power_2;
public var dead_fade_enemy_2_timer;
public var dead_fade_alpha_1;
public var dead_fade_enemy_1_timer;
public var dead_fade_alpha_power_1;
public var rpg_enemy_explosion_timer;
public var f1811081141_flag;
public var dead_fade_enemy_1_active;
public var dead_fade_enemy_2_active;
public var active_mc_x_dest;
public var active_mc_y_dest;
public var fade_in_and_ease_mc_flag;
public var mouse_info_active_flag;
public var flash_orange_battle_timer;
public var f1611081153_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_pause_2_timer;
public var numpad8KeyDown;
public var test_variable;
public var HP_enemy_2_part_2_flag_2;
public var HP_enemy_2_part_2_flag;
public var HP_enemy_1_part_2_flag_2;
public var f2210081240_flag;
public var debit_dots_flash_active;
public var rpg_debit_text_timer;
public var get_debit_text_active_b;
public var HP_enemy_1_part_2_flag;
public var f221008240_flag;
public var weapon_2_damage;
public var cyborg_shield_debit_text_active;
public var shield_debit_text_active;
public var HP_enemy_shield;
public var rpg_debit_text_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_gunfire_flag;
public var cyborg_head_rotation_f;
public var cyborg_head_knocked_forward;
public var rpg_choose_cyborg_attack_part_flag_2;
public var rpg_choose_cyborg_attack_part_flag;
public var f291008240_flag;
public var f2811081255_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_gunfire_flag_2;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_pause_timer;
public var f1812081232_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_pause_2;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_pause;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_pause_flag;
public var enemy_fire_sound_flag_2;
public var enemy_fire_sound_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_speed;
public var cyborg_head_knocked_back;
public var cyborg_weapon_knocked_forward;
public var cyborg_head_rotation;
public var cyborg_body_rotation;
public var rpg_cyborg_target_hit_flag;
public var enemy_fireing;
public var rpg_enemy_shot_angle;
public var cutter_fire_active_flag;
public var cutter_fire_active;
public var robotGunfireVolume;
public var show_v6_e2_prev_ready;
public var show_v4_e2_prev_ready;
public var show_v2_e2_prev_ready;
public var give_eye_health_flag_2;
public var e1_gun_charge_factor_was_set_at;
public var e2_gun_charge_factor_was_set_at;
public var e1_weapon_was_set_at;
public var e2_weapon_was_set_at;
public var enemy_1_arm_movement_timer;
public var v2_e1_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e1_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e1_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e1_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e2_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e2_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e2_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v2_e2_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e1_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e1_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e1_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e1_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e2_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e2_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e2_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v4_e2_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e1_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e1_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e1_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e1_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e2_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e2_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e2_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing;
public var v6_e2_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing;
public var show_v2_e1_prev_ready;
public var show_v4_e1_prev_ready;
public var show_v6_e1_prev_ready;
public var give_eye_health_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_target_cy_timer_2;
public var rpg_enemy_target_cy_max_2;
public var rpg_enemy_target_cy_min_2;
public var cyborg_part_attacked;
public var rpg_enemy_target_cy_timer;
public var rpg_enemy_target_cy_max;
public var rpg_enemy_target_cy_min;
public var f211081114_flag;
public var targetFrameRate;
public var frameCount;
public var frame_count;
public var fps;
public var timestep_1__updateFPS:Timer;
public var rpg_enemy_main_gunfire_timer;
public var rpg_enemy_gunfire_active;
public var allow_enemy_gunfire_if_not_dead;
public var plasma_explosion_active;
public var set_plasma_ball_explosion;
public var rpg_target_hit_flag;
public var cyborg_fire_sound_flag;
public var enemy_gunfire_if_not_dead_active;
public var rpg_debit_text_active;
public var rpg_target_hit;
public var set_rpg_cyborg_shot;
public var rpg_gunfire_active_once_flag;
public var cyborg_point_weapon;
public var rpg_gunfire_active_timer;
public var enemy_part_attacked;
public var enemy_attacked;
public var get_debit_text_active;
public var active_get_debit_text;
public var health_ticks;
public var old_green_flash;
public var target_green_flash_active_state;
public var active_green_flash_mc;
public var cyborg_arm_angle;
public var active_mouse_info_box;
public var prev_attack_box_active;
public var prev_attack_active_flag;
public var v2_e1_w1_c1_t2;
public var v2_e1_w1_c2_t2;
public var v2_e1_w2_c1_t2;
public var v2_e1_w2_c2_t2;
public var v2_e2_w1_c1_t2;
public var v2_e2_w1_c2_t2;
public var v2_e2_w2_c1_t2;
public var v2_e2_w2_c2_t2;
public var v2_e1_w1_c1_t3;
public var v2_e1_w1_c2_t3;
public var v2_e1_w2_c1_t3;
public var v2_e1_w2_c2_t3;
public var v2_e2_w1_c1_t3;
public var v2_e2_w1_c2_t3;
public var v2_e2_w2_c1_t3;
public var v2_e2_w2_c2_t3;
public var v4_e1_w1_c1_t2;
public var v4_e1_w1_c2_t2;
public var v4_e1_w2_c1_t2;
public var v4_e1_w2_c2_t2;
public var v4_e2_w1_c1_t2;
public var v4_e2_w1_c2_t2;
public var v4_e2_w2_c1_t2;
public var v4_e2_w2_c2_t2;
public var v4_e1_w1_c1_t3;
public var v4_e1_w1_c2_t3;
public var v4_e1_w2_c1_t3;
public var v4_e1_w2_c2_t3;
public var v4_e2_w1_c1_t3;
public var v4_e2_w1_c2_t3;
public var v4_e2_w2_c1_t3;
public var v4_e2_w2_c2_t3;
public var v6_e1_w1_c1_t2;
public var v6_e1_w1_c2_t2;
public var v6_e1_w2_c1_t2;
public var v6_e1_w2_c2_t2;
public var v6_e2_w1_c1_t2;
public var v6_e2_w1_c2_t2;
public var v6_e2_w2_c1_t2;
public var v6_e2_w2_c2_t2;
public var v6_e1_w1_c1_t3;
public var v6_e1_w1_c2_t3;
public var v6_e1_w2_c1_t3;
public var v6_e1_w2_c2_t3;
public var v6_e2_w1_c1_t3;
public var v6_e2_w1_c2_t3;
public var v6_e2_w2_c1_t3;
public var v6_e2_w2_c2_t3;
public var active_prev_text;
public var v2_e1_w1_c1_t2_got;
public var v2_e1_w1_c2_t2_got;
public var v2_e1_w2_c1_t2_got;
public var v2_e1_w2_c2_t2_got;
public var v2_e2_w1_c1_t2_got;
public var v2_e2_w1_c2_t2_got;
public var v2_e2_w2_c1_t2_got;
public var v2_e2_w2_c2_t2_got;
public var v2_e1_w1_c1_t3_got;
public var v2_e1_w1_c2_t3_got;
public var v2_e1_w2_c1_t3_got;
public var v2_e1_w2_c2_t3_got;
public var v2_e2_w1_c1_t3_got;
public var v2_e2_w1_c2_t3_got;
public var v2_e2_w2_c1_t3_got;
public var v2_e2_w2_c2_t3_got;
public var v4_e1_w1_c1_t2_got;
public var v4_e1_w1_c2_t2_got;
public var v4_e1_w2_c1_t2_got;
public var v4_e1_w2_c2_t2_got;
public var v4_e2_w1_c1_t2_got;
public var v4_e2_w1_c2_t2_got;
public var v4_e2_w2_c1_t2_got;
public var v4_e2_w2_c2_t2_got;
public var v4_e1_w1_c1_t3_got;
public var v4_e1_w1_c2_t3_got;
public var v4_e1_w2_c1_t3_got;
public var v4_e1_w2_c2_t3_got;
public var v4_e2_w1_c1_t3_got;
public var v4_e2_w1_c2_t3_got;
public var v4_e2_w2_c1_t3_got;
public var v4_e2_w2_c2_t3_got;
public var v6_e1_w1_c1_t2_got;
public var v6_e1_w1_c2_t2_got;
public var v6_e1_w2_c1_t2_got;
public var v6_e1_w2_c2_t2_got;
public var v6_e2_w1_c1_t2_got;
public var v6_e2_w1_c2_t2_got;
public var v6_e2_w2_c1_t2_got;
public var v6_e2_w2_c2_t2_got;
public var v6_e1_w1_c1_t3_got;
public var v6_e1_w1_c2_t3_got;
public var v6_e1_w2_c1_t3_got;
public var v6_e1_w2_c2_t3_got;
public var v6_e2_w1_c1_t3_got;
public var v6_e2_w1_c2_t3_got;
public var v6_e2_w2_c1_t3_got;
public var v6_e2_w2_c2_t3_got;
public var t2_clicked;
public var t3_clicked;
public var mouse_info_active;
public var ease_target_parts;
public var target_tl_x;
public var target_tl_y;
public var target_tr_x;
public var target_tr_y;
public var target_bl_x;
public var target_bl_y;
public var target_br_x;
public var target_br_y;
public var target_green_flash_active;
public var rpg_gunfire_active;
public var f192091239_flag;
public var character_view;
public var frameRateDiff;
public var clear_prev_attacks_got;
public var f201108521_flag;
public var first_person_holding_flag;
public var keys_3rd_person_flag;
public var rpg_cyborg_shot_starting_x;
public var rpg_cyborg_shot_starting_y;
public var TMangle;
public var TMdistance;
public var set_rpg_cyborg_weapon;
public var distTargetTotest_marker_2;
public var f53091200_flag;
public var f84091201_flag;
public var f1012081134_flag;
public var rpg_cyborg_target_hit;
public var rpg_last_view;
public var ease_enemy_1_HP_active;
public var ease_enemy_1_HP_timer;
public var f201108258_flag;
public var battle_won_screen_active;
public var zone_3_locked;
public var keys_active;
public var f3112081158_flag;
public var no_enemies_alive;
public var flash_orange_battle_intro;
public var rpg_enemy_1_killed;
public var rpg_enemy_2_killed;
public var enemy_bitmaps_made;
public var rpg_battle_system_flag;
public var f181108241_flag;
public var rpg_enemy_explosion_position;
public var rpg_enemy_explosion_active;
public var f181108245_flag;
public var boss_dead;
public var rpg_active_flag;
public var e1_arm_1_move;
public var gun_charge_factor;
public var rpg_weapon_2_collected;
public var f21091130_flag;
public var active_mc;
public var fade_in_and_ease_mc_active;
public var f3109735_flag;
public var active_mc_2;
public var fade_out_mc_active;
public var active_increase_fade_mc;
public var increase_fade_active;
public var f192091217_flag;
public var rpg_cyborg_shield_running;
public var active_mc_4;
public var fade_out_mc_4_active;
public var f19109307_flag;
public var main_music_flag;
public var HP_enemy_1_part_2;
public var HP_enemy_2_part_2;
public var HP_enemy_1_part_3;
public var HP_enemy_2_part_3;
public var tKeyDown;
public var numpad7KeyDown;
public var t_and_numpad_7_keys_down;
public var rpg_battle_system_active;
public var view_1_once_flag;
public var view_2_once_flag;
public var hero_down_walk_allowed;
public var walks_s_active;
public var render_displacement_active;
public var view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger_destination;
public var times_visited_view_2;
public var move_cam;
public var x_mouse_offset;
public var y_mouse_offset;
public var upKeyDown;
public var downKeyDown;
public var leftKeyDown;
public var rightKeyDown;
public var f21409524_flag;
public var f21409525_flag;
public var upKeyDown_flag;
public var downKeyDown_flag;
public var leftKeyDown_flag;
public var rightKeyDown_flag;
public var upLeftKeyDown_flag;
public var upRightKeyDown_flag;
public var downLeftKeyDown_flag;
public var downRightKeyDown_flag;
public var hero_up_walk_active;
public var hero_down_walk_active;
public var hero_left_walk_active;
public var hero_right_walk_active;
public var hero_up_walk_timer;
public var hero_down_walk_timer;
public var hero_left_walk_timer;
public var hero_right_walk_timer;
public var hero_frame;
public var stopKeyDown_flag;
public var dist_view_height_to_cha;
public var characterXOffsetWalkAdjust;
public var difference;
public var x_hero_speed;
public var y_hero_speed;
public var aaa;
public var bbb;
public var normal_ease;
public var ease_speed;
public var cam_targeter_active;
public var cam_targeter_x;
public var cam_targeter_y;
public var musicVolume;
public var enemy_arm_movement_throttle;
public var switch_a_view_used;
public var switch_a_object_view_used;
public var switch_b_view_used;
public var collect_object_b_view_used;
public var switch_b_object_view_used;
public var switch_c_view_used;
public var switch_c_object_view_used;
public var switch_d_view_used;
public var collect_object_d_view_used;
public var trigger_d_go_to_view;
public var switch_d_object_view_used;
public var switch_e_view_used;
public var collect_object_e_view_used;
public var switch_e_object_view_used;
public var collect_object_f_view_used;
public var orange_glow_filter:GlowFilter;
public var orange_glow_filter_inner:GlowFilter;
public var blur_filter:BlurFilter;
public var snd__plasma_sparks;
public var sndChannel__plasma_sparks:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__plasma_sparks:SoundTransform;
public var snd__space_rumble;
public var sndChannel__space_rumble:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__space_rumble:SoundTransform;
public var snd__thor_shuttle_take_off;
public var sndChannel__thor_shuttle_take_off:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__thor_shuttle_take_off:SoundTransform;
public var snd__slide_door_running;
public var sndChannel__slide_door_running:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__slide_door_running:SoundTransform;
public var snd__gas_leak;
public var sndChannel__gas_leak:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__gas_leak:SoundTransform;
public var snd__EPF_tower_hum;
public var sndChannel__EPF_tower_hum:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__EPF_tower_hum:SoundTransform;
public var snd__climb_steps;
public var sndChannel__climb_steps:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__climb_steps:SoundTransform;
public var snd__Sparking;
public var sndChannel__Sparking:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__Sparking:SoundTransform;
public var snd__shuttle_weapon_active;
public var sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_active:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__shuttle_weapon_active:SoundTransform;
public var snd__shuttle_weapon_power_up;
public var sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_power_up:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__shuttle_weapon_power_up:SoundTransform;
public var snd__pick_up;
public var sndChannel__pick_up:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__pick_up:SoundTransform;
public var snd__hatch_close;
public var sndChannel__hatch_close:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__hatch_close:SoundTransform;
public var snd__slide_door;
public var sndChannel__slide_door:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__slide_door:SoundTransform;
public var snd__start_screen_beep:start_screen_beep;
public var sndChannel__start_screen_beep:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__start_screen_beep:SoundTransform;
public var snd__music:_music;
public var sndChannel__music:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__music:SoundTransform;
public var snd__bang:bang;
public var sndChannel__bang:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__bang:SoundTransform;
public var snd__cyborg_weapon_1:cyborg_weapon_1;
public var sndChannel__cyborg_weapon_1:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__cyborg_weapon_1:SoundTransform;
public var snd__robot_ion_shot:robot_ion_shot;
public var sndChannel__robot_ion_shot:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__robot_ion_shot:SoundTransform;
public var snd__sniper_shot:sniper_shot;
public var sndChannel__sniper_shot:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__sniper_shot:SoundTransform;
public var snd__cyborg_footstep_quiet:cyborg_footstep_quiet;
public var sndChannel__cyborg_footstep_quiet:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__cyborg_footstep_quiet:SoundTransform;
public var snd__cyborg_footstep:cyborg_footstep;
public var sndChannel__cyborg_footstep:SoundChannel;
public var transform1__cyborg_footstep:SoundTransform;
public var fire_bitmap:BitmapData;
public var bmp__fire_bitmap:Bitmap;
public var my_cMenu:ContextMenu;
public var v1_characters_timestep:Timer;
public var v1_characters_timestep_2:Timer;
public var EPF_energy_fire_timestep:Timer;
public var engineer_timestep:Timer;
public var timestep__hero_climb:Timer;
public var timestep__hero_collect:Timer;
public var hero_timestep:Timer;
public var timestep__mouse_info_active:Timer;
public var timestep__battle_won_screen:Timer;
public var arm_move_speed;
public var timestep__fire_active:Timer;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3);
public function loading_timestep_function(_arg1:TimerEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
if ((((currentFrame == 1)) || ((currentFrame == 2)))){
cursor.x = mouseX;
cursor.y = mouseY;
if ((((playerType == "PlugIn")) || ((playerType == "ActiveX")))){
_local2 = stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
_local3 = stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
load_text_mc.load_text.text = (("Loading " + Math.round(((_local3 / _local2) * 100))) + "%");
if (_local3 >= _local2){
play_button.visible = true;
load_text_mc.visible = false;
public function myMouse_over_play_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_play_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_play_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function timestep_1__updateFPS_function(_arg1:TimerEvent){
fps_text_mc.fps_text.text = frame_count;
frameRateDiff = (targetFrameRate / frame_count);
frame_count = 0;
frameCount = 0;
public function myFunction(_arg1:Event){
public function sound_1_Complete(_arg1:Event):void{
public function myMouse_click__defence_weapon_1_box(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
attack_button.visible = true;
tech_button.visible = true;
if (defences_icon_1_large.visible == true){
defence_weapon_1.visible = true;
defence_weapon_1_2.visible = false;
defence_weapon_1_box.visible = false;
defence_weapon_2_box.visible = false;
if (defences_icon_2_large.visible == true){
defence_weapon_1_2.visible = true;
defence_weapon_1.visible = false;
defence_weapon_1_box.visible = false;
defence_weapon_2_box.visible = false;
defences_icon_large_active = false;
public function myMouse_over_menu_ok_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_menu_ok_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_menu_ok_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
show_menu_active = false;
public function myMouse_over_planet(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Thorenzitha";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_planet(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_over_health_cyborg(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "CY10";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_health_cyborg(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_over_particle_quality_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_particle_quality_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_particle_quality_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_over_particle_quality_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_particle_quality_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_particle_quality_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_over_camera_shake_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_camera_shake_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_camera_shake_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_over_camera_shake_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_camera_shake_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_camera_shake_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_over_music_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_music_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_music_off_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_over_music_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_music_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_music_on_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_over_menu_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out_menu_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click_menu_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
menu_button_click_flag = 0;
if (menu_button_click_flag == 0){
if (show_menu_active == false){
show_menu_active = true;
menu_button_click_flag = 1;
} else {
if (show_menu_active == true){
show_menu_active = false;
menu_button_click_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_over__chat_select_mccs_text_2_mc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__chat_select_mccs_text_2_mc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__chat_select_mccs_text_2_mc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button.visible = true;
if (chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text == "I found this in the vehicle's communication system"){
times_checked_object_1 = 1;
chat_selected = "ear_piece";
public function myMouse_over__chat_select_mccs_text_1_mc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__chat_select_mccs_text_1_mc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__chat_select_mccs_text_1_mc(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button.visible = true;
if (chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text == "I found this in the vehicle's communication system"){
chat_selected = "ear_piece";
times_checked_object_1 = 1;
if (chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text == "The vehicle's data recorder might tell us something"){
times_checked_object_2 = 1;
chat_selected = "data_recorder";
if (chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text == "Does it say where the vehicle went?"){
times_checked_object_2 = 2;
chat_selected = "data_recorder";
public function myMouse_over__worldcharacter_2character_2_head(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_hitting_head = true;
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldcharacter_2character_2_head(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_hitting_head = false;
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldcharacter_2character_2_head(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.click_point.x = 456;
world.click_point.y = 417;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none";
show_chat_on_reach_character = true;
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
public function myMouse_over__worldview_1_exit_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "Exit hangar";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldview_1_exit_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldview_1_exit_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.click_point.x = 88;
world.click_point.y = 384;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none_show_map";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
public function my_cMenu_select(_arg1:ContextMenuEvent):void{
if (playerType == "ActiveX"){
stage.frameRate = 31;
framerate_low_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_click__stage(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
testing._test_c.text = ("you clicked: " +;
if (playerType == "ActiveX"){
if (framerate_low_flag == 1){
stage.frameRate = 80;
framerate_low_flag = 0;
if (chat_test_mc.visible == false){
if (chat_text._text.text == "I don't need to contact the Thorenzithan in the shuttle anymore"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "The Thorenzithan in the shuttle is already using the radio"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I don't need to use this anymore"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the collector"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That won't work here"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "This is used to collect the plasma gases for conversion to power"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the vent cover and chain"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the chain"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the vent valve"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the metal bar"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That won't plug in the power tap"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the cable"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I cannot get through here"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work here"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I cannot force the door. The pressure from the plasma gases is too strong"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I don't need to use that now"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need to remove the cover first"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the vent cover"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I cannot use this here"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the smart key reader"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the ladder"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the control room's radio"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the control screen"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I have nothing to ask the engineer"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "No one is answering the radio"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "The mixer tank is no longer being supplied with power"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "The backup power can get to the top of the tower now"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "There is a vent to the roof in the tank next to this"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I can see a vent to the roof through here"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That’s strange. I let out the plasma gas but the door is still being held closed by more gas"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the smart key"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "Nothing happened"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I don’t know how to use the cable to get power to the roof"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need to get in first"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I've tied the chain to the vent cover"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "Pressure from the plasma gas is holding the door shut"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need something to prise open the valve"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need to tie it to something"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I cannot tie this to anything"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need something to help me climb back up the gas overflow vent"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "The vent cover is fixed to the wall"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "This is used to tap power from the backup"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the door"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the metal bar"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "That doesn't work with the power cable"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I don't need to use this"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need to get to the EPF tower"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_text._text.text == "I need a key"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (chat_test_mc.visible == true){
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
public function myMouse_click__world(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
if (chat_text._text.text == "The fuel cell hasn't been tampered with"){
chat_text.visible = false;
if (world.hero.visible == true){
if (mouse_hitting_floor == true){
last_floor_clicked = 1;
holding_object = false;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_5_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_6_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_6_icon_click_flag = 1;
mouse_point_was_in = "nothing";
hero_on_stop_facing = "nothing";
change_view_to = "nothing";
world.click_point.x = (root.mouseX - world.x);
world.click_point.y = (root.mouseY - world.y);
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if (mouse_hitting_floor_2 == true){
if (last_floor_clicked == 1){
last_floor_clicked = 2;
public function myMouse_over__maparea_3_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (map.area_3_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
active_orange_glow_object = map.area_3_button;
orange_glow_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__maparea_3_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (map.area_3_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
active_orange_glow_object = undefined;
map.area_3_button.filters = [];
orange_glow_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__maparea_3_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (map.area_3_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
world.view_1.visible = false;
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.view_4_walkable.visible = false;
world.view_4_walkable_overlay.visible = false;
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.hero.x = 395;
world.hero.y = 443;
world.hero.visible = false;
world.view_6.visible = true;
world.CY10_stairwell.visible = true;
map.visible = false;
public function myMouse_over__maparea_2_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (map.area_2_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
if (f_191101113_flag == 0){
active_orange_glow_object = map.area_2_button;
orange_glow_active = true;
f_191101113_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_out__maparea_2_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
f_191101113_flag = 0;
if (map.area_2_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
active_orange_glow_object = undefined;
map.area_2_button.filters = [];
cursor_text_active = false;
orange_glow_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__maparea_2_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.mouseEnabled = false;
if (map.area_2_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
world.view_1.visible = false;
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.view_4_walkable.visible = false;
world.view_4_walkable_overlay.visible = false;
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
world.view_5.visible = false;
if (f_152101252_flag == 1){
if (f_152101252_flag == 0){
world.hero.x = 524;
world.hero.y = 342;
world.view_1.visible = false;
world.view_4_entry_door.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
ambient_music_volume = 0;
f_152101252_flag = 1;
} else {
if (f_152101252_flag == 1){
world.hero.x = 488;
world.hero.y = 415;
world.view_5.visible = true;
map.visible = false;
public function myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_down = true;
active_slider = testing.test_slider_1;
public function myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_down = true;
active_slider = testing.test_slider_2;
public function myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_down = true;
active_slider = testing.test_slider_3;
public function myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_down = true;
active_slider = testing.test_slider_4;
public function myMouse_up__stage(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_down = false;
public function myMouse_over__maparea_1_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
map_area_1_button__rolledover = true;
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
if (map.area_1_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
if (f191101110_flag == 0){
active_orange_glow_object = map.area_1_button;
orange_glow_active = true;
f191101110_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_out__maparea_1_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
f191101110_flag = 0;
if (map.area_1_button.alpha == (100 / 100)){
active_orange_glow_object = undefined;
cursor_text_active = false;
orange_glow_active = false;
orange_glow_filter.blurX = (orange_glow_filter.blurY = 0);
map.area_1_button.filters = [];
orange_glow_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__maparea_1_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.mouseEnabled = false;
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.view_4_walkable.visible = false;
world.view_4_walkable_overlay.visible = false;
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.view_1.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.71);
world.hero.x = 110;
world.hero.y = 403;
map.visible = false;
public function myMouse_click___view_6_floor(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 1){
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_over__worldv1_exit__vehicle_door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldv1_exit__vehicle_door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldv1_exit__vehicle_door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (_hero.x <= _v1_collision_object_1.x){
world.click_point.x = 563;
world.click_point.y = 467;
} else {
if (_hero.x > _v1_collision_object_1.x){
world.click_point.x = 807;
world.click_point.y = 432;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "view_2";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v2_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v2_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v2_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.click_point.x = 819;
world.click_point.y = 408;
hero_on_stop_facing = "S";
change_view_to = "view_13";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v2_exit__left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v2_exit__left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v2_exit__left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.click_point.x = 64;
world.click_point.y = 493;
hero_on_stop_facing = "N";
change_view_to = "exit_left_to_view_10";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_clickable_cable_on_floor(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_clickable_cable_on_floor(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_clickable_cable_on_floor(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (object_state__checked_high_vent == false){
chat_text._text.text = "I don’t know how to use the cable to get power to the roof";
if (object_state__checked_high_vent == true){
world.click_point.x = 248;
world.click_point.y = 449;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none_place_cable_in_vent";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the cable";
public function myMouse_over_v14_exit__mixer_tank(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_14.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v14_exit__mixer_tank(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_14.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v14_exit__mixer_tank(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == true)) && ((object_state__vent_open == false)))){
world.click_point.x = 366;
world.click_point.y = 389;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none__try_mixer_tank_holding";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == true)) && ((object_state__vent_open == true)))){
world.click_point.x = 366;
world.click_point.y = 389;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none__try_mixer_tank_that's_strange";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == false)) && ((object_state__vent_open == false)))){
world.click_point.x = 366;
world.click_point.y = 389;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none__try_mixer_tank_holding";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == false)) && ((object_state__vent_open == true)))){
if (object_state__mixer_tank_full == false){
world.click_point.x = 376;
world.click_point.y = 390;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_9";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if (object_state__mixer_tank_full == true){
world.click_point.x = 366;
world.click_point.y = 389;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none__try_mixer_tank_that's_strange";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
public function myMouse_over_v14_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_14.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v14_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_14.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v14_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 743;
world.click_point.y = 485;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_14_to_view_5";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 326;
world.click_point.y = 444;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "none__speak_to_female_cyborg_worker";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_cyborg_worker_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_cyborg_worker_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_cyborg_worker_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 407;
world.click_point.y = 451;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "none__speak_to_cyborg_worker";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v13_exit__up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_13.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v13_exit__up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_13.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v13_exit__up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 170;
world.click_point.y = 389;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_13_to_view_2";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v13_trigger__chain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_13.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v13_trigger__chain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_13.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v13_trigger__chain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 600;
world.click_point.y = 392;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none_collect_v13_chain";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the chain";
public function myMouse_over_v12_trigger__smart_key(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_12.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v12_trigger__smart_key(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_12.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v12_trigger__smart_key(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
_v12_trigger__smart_key.visible = false;
_v12__smart_key.visible = false;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
pc_inventory.object_6_icon.visible = true;
object_6_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_6_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the smart key";
public function myMouse_over_v12_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_12.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v12_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_12.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v12_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
end_movie_active = true;
if (object_1_icon_holding.visible == true){
world.click_point.x = 286;
world.click_point.y = 473;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none_place_cable";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v12_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_12.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v12_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_12.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v12_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = true;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v7_trigger__power_tap(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "Power tap";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v7_trigger__power_tap(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v7_trigger__power_tap(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
chat_text._text.text = "This is used to tap power from the backup";
if (object_1_icon_holding.visible == true){
world.click_point.x = 286;
world.click_point.y = 473;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none_place_cable";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That won't plug in the power tap";
public function myMouse_over_v11_exit__up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_11.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v11_exit__up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_11.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v11_exit__up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cam_targeter.x = 468;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -146;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 480;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -100;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_11.visible = false;
_view_4.visible = true;
_hero.x = 468;
_hero.y = 480;
_hero.visible = true;
first_person_torch_active = false;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v11_trigger__vent_valve(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_11.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v11_trigger__vent_valve(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_11.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v11_trigger__vent_valve(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
chat_text._text.text = "I need something to prise open the valve";
if ((((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)) && ((object_state__mixer_tank_full == true)))){
object_state__vent_open = true;
open_vent_valve_movie_active = true;
object_state__mixer_tank_full = false;
if (_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == true){
object_state__mixer_tank_full = true;
open_vent_movie_active = true;
if ((((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)) && ((object_state__mixer_tank_full == false)))){
object_state__vent_open = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Nothing happened";
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the vent valve";
public function myMouse_over_v10_exit__down(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_10.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v10_exit__down(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_10.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v10_exit__down(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
clicked_v10_exit__down_trigger = true;
world.click_point.x = 354;
world.click_point.y = 474;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "exit_down_to_view_2";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v10_trigger__metal_bar(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_10.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v10_trigger__metal_bar(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_10.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v10_trigger__metal_bar(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 355;
world.click_point.y = 373;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none_collect_object_2";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the metal bar";
public function myMouse_over_v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_8.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_8.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 335;
world.click_point.y = 484;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none_collect_object_1";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the cable";
public function myMouse_over_v8_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_8.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v8_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_8.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v8_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 222;
world.click_point.y = 484;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_8_to_view_6";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
public function myMouse_over_v7_exit__door_left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v7_exit__door_left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v7_exit__door_left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
if (object_state__checked_high_vent == false){
world.click_point.x = 209;
world.click_point.y = 488;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none__check_through_v7_vent";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if (object_state__checked_high_vent == true){
chat_text._text.text = "There is a vent to the roof in the tank next to this";
if (object_2_icon_holding.visible == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I cannot get through here";
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work here";
public function myMouse_over_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 483;
world.click_point.y = 522;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "none__place_v9_cable";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the cable";
public function myMouse_over_v9_trigger__top_vent_cover(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v9_trigger__top_vent_cover(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v9_trigger__top_vent_cover(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 533;
world.click_point.y = 511;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_9_to_view_7";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v9_exit__door_left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v9_exit__door_left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v9_exit__door_left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 311;
world.click_point.y = 531;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_9_to_view_14";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v9_exit__door_right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v9_exit__door_right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_9.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v9_exit__door_right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 533;
world.click_point.y = 511;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_9_to_view_7";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v7_exit__door_right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v7_exit__door_right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_7.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v7_exit__door_right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 662;
world.click_point.y = 478;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_7_to_view_5";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
public function myMouse_over_v5_exit__left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v5_exit__left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v5_exit__left(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 274;
world.click_point.y = 525;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_14";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v5_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v5_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v5_exit__right(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 788;
world.click_point.y = 411;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_3";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v5_exit__collector_tank(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v5_exit__collector_tank(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v5_exit__collector_tank(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == true)) && ((object_state__vent_open == false)))){
world.click_point.x = 524;
world.click_point.y = 354;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none__try_collector_tank_door_holding";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == true)) && ((object_state__vent_open == true)))){
world.click_point.x = 524;
world.click_point.y = 354;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none__try_collector_tank_door_that's_strange";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == false)) && ((object_state__vent_open == false)))){
world.click_point.x = 524;
world.click_point.y = 354;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none__try_collector_tank_door_holding";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == false)) && ((object_state__vent_open == true)))){
if (object_state__mixer_tank_full == false){
world.click_point.x = 524;
world.click_point.y = 354;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_7";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if (object_state__mixer_tank_full == true){
world.click_point.x = 524;
world.click_point.y = 354;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none__try_collector_tank_door_that's_strange";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if (object_2_icon_holding.visible == true){
if (object_state__mixer_tank_full == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I cannot force the door. The pressure from the plasma gases is too strong";
} else {
if (object_state__mixer_tank_full == false){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
public function myMouse_over_v5_exit__stairs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v5_exit__stairs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v5_exit__stairs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 463;
world.click_point.y = 459;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_6";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v4_vent_cover_with_chain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v4_vent_cover_with_chain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v4_vent_cover_with_chain(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if ((((hero_NW_up_climb_active == false)) && ((hero_NW_down_climb_active == false)))){
_view_4.visible = false;
_view_11.visible = true;
_hero.visible = false;
first_person_torch_active = true;
cam_movement = "mouse";
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "I don't need to use that now";
public function myMouse_over_v4_vent_grill(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v4_vent_grill(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v4_vent_grill(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "The vent cover is fixed to the wall";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if (object_2_icon_holding.visible == true){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
_v4_vent_grill.visible = false;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.visible = true;
object_3_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_3_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
if ((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the vent cover";
if (object_4_icon_holding.visible == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I need to remove the cover first";
public function myMouse_over_v4_exit__vent_hole(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v4_exit__vent_hole(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v4_exit__vent_hole(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
chat_text._text.text = "I need something to help me climb back up the gas overflow vent";
if (object_1_icon_holding.visible == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I cannot tie this to anything";
if (object_4_icon_holding.visible == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I need to tie it to something";
if (object_3_icon_holding.visible == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I need to get in first";
if (object_5_icon_holding.visible == true){
holding_object = false;
object_5_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 1;
_object_5_icon.visible = false;
_object_5_icon.y = -10;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = true;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v4_vent_cover_with_chain.visible = true;
if (object_6_icon_holding.visible == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I cannot use this here";
public function myMouse_over_v6_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_6.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v6_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_6.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v6_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 359;
world.click_point.y = 489;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_8";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work here";
public function myMouse_over_v6_exit__stairs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_6.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v6_exit__stairs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_6.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v6_exit__stairs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
world.click_point.x = 561;
world.click_point.y = 516;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_6_to_view_5";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
public function myMouse_over_v4_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
if (hero_NW_down_climb_active == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v4_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v4_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_NW_down_climb_active == false){
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = true;
hero_NW_up_climb_active = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the ladder";
public function myMouse_over_v4_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
if (hero_NW_up_climb_active == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v4_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_4.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v4_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_NW_up_climb_active == false){
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = true;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the ladder";
public function myMouse_over_v3_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_3.visible == true){
if (hero_NW_up_climb_active == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v3_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v3_exit__down_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_NW_up_climb_active == false){
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = true;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the ladder";
public function myMouse_over_v3_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_3.visible == true){
if (hero_NW_down_climb_active == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v3_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v3_exit__up_ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_NW_down_climb_active == false){
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = true;
hero_NW_up_climb_active = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the ladder";
public function myMouse_over_v3_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "Smart key reader";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v3_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v3_exit__door(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (main_EPF_tower_door_unlocked == false){
chat_text._text.text = "Nothing happened";
} else {
if (main_EPF_tower_door_unlocked == true){
if ((((hero_NW_up_climb_active == false)) && ((hero_NW_down_climb_active == false)))){
cam_targeter.x = 718;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -229;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 444;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -88;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_3.visible = false;
_view_5.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
is_climbing = false;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.1);
cursor_text_active = false;
workaround__set_cursor_to_arrow = true;
_hero.x = 758;
_hero.y = 444;
if (object_6_icon_holding.visible == true){
main_EPF_tower_door_unlocked = true;
if (_hero =={
_view_3.visible = false;
_view_5.visible = true;
_hero.x = 758;
_hero.y = 444;
if (_hero == world.hero){
if ((((hero_NW_up_climb_active == false)) && ((hero_NW_down_climb_active == false)))){
cam_targeter.x = 718;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -229;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 444;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -88;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_3.visible = false;
_view_5.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
is_climbing = false;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.1);
cursor_text_active = false;
workaround__set_cursor_to_arrow = true;
_hero.x = 758;
_hero.y = 444;
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the smart key reader";
public function myMouse_over_v2_exit__ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v2_exit__ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v2_exit__ladder(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 95;
world.click_point.y = 470;
hero_on_stop_facing = "N";
change_view_to = "none__start_n_climb_up";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the ladder";
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__power(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__power(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__power(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (_v9_object__cable.visible == true){
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active = true;
back_button.visible = false;
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
} else {
if (_v9_object__cable.visible == false){
flash_screen_power_button_active = true;
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPCs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPCs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPCs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1.visible = true;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2.visible = true;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3.visible = true;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4.visible = true;
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_EPF_control_screen_button__EPFs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__EPFs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_16.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_EPF_control_screen_button__EPFs(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1.visible = true;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2.visible = true;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3.visible = true;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4.visible = true;
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 1, transform1__start_screen_beep);
public function myMouse_over_v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 568;
world.click_point.y = 436;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "none__look_at_sign";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v1_trigger__radio(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v1_trigger__radio(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v1_trigger__radio(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
if (_v9_object__cable.visible == true){
if (shuttle_thor_killed == false){
if (thor_scientist_using_radio_active == false){
world.click_point.x = 637;
world.click_point.y = 437;
hero_on_stop_facing = "N";
change_view_to = "none__use_radio";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
} else {
if (thor_scientist_using_radio_active == true){
chat_text._text.text = "The Thorenzithan in the shuttle is already using the radio";
} else {
if (shuttle_thor_killed == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I don't need to contact the Thorenzithan in the shuttle anymore";
} else {
if (_v9_object__cable.visible == false){
chat_text._text.text = "No one is answering the radio";
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the control room's radio";
public function myMouse_over_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (_v9_object__cable.visible == true){
if (shuttle_thor_killed == false){
world.click_point.x = 156;
world.click_point.y = 437;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_16";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
} else {
if (shuttle_thor_killed == true){
chat_text._text.text = "I don't need to use this anymore";
} else {
if (_v9_object__cable.visible == false){
world.click_point.x = 156;
world.click_point.y = 437;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "none_use_EPF_control_screen";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the control screen";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v1_engineer_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v1_engineer_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v1_engineer_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
if (_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == true){
world.click_point.x = 552;
world.click_point.y = 431;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "none__speak_to_engineer_at_start";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
} else {
if (_v8_trigger__object_1.visible == false){
chat_text._text.text = "I have nothing to ask the engineer";
public function myMouse_over__worldview_1_door_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldview_1_door_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldview_1_door_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 730;
world.click_point.y = 452;
hero_on_stop_facing = "S";
change_view_to = "view_2";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
public function myMouse_over__worldview_5_door_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
public function myMouse_out__worldview_5_door_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
public function myMouse_click__worldview_5_door_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 544;
world.click_point.y = 323;
hero_on_stop_facing = "S";
change_view_to = "none_show_map";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldview_4_door_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
public function myMouse_out__worldview_4_door_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
public function myMouse_click__worldview_4_door_trigger_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.click_point.x = 477;
world.click_point.y = 491;
hero_on_stop_facing = "S";
change_view_to = "none_show_map";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_over_v1_trigger_2__power_box(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Wireless power relay box";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v1_trigger_2__power_box(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v1_trigger_2__power_box(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "I don't need to use this";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the wireless power relay box";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Fuel cell";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 276;
world.click_point.y = 379;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NE";
change_view_to = "none_move_to_trolley";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the fuel cell";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over____v3_object_2_trigger__container(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Container";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out____v3_object_2_trigger__container(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click____v3_object_2_trigger__container(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "I don't need to pick this up";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the container";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldview_4_door_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
public function myMouse_out__worldview_4_door_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
public function myMouse_click__worldview_4_door_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.click_point.x = 466;
world.click_point.y = 340;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "view_5";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_over__worldview_5_door_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
public function myMouse_out__worldview_5_door_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
public function myMouse_click__worldview_5_door_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "I need to get to the EPF tower";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
public function myMouse_over__worldview_2_door_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
public function myMouse_out__worldview_2_door_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldview_2_door_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 758;
world.click_point.y = 401;
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
change_view_to = "view_1";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
public function myMouse_over___v6_trigger_1__tower(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Tower";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out___v6_trigger_1__tower(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__v6_trigger_1__tower(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
holding_object = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "It is too dark to see what the Thorenzithan scientists are doing";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if (object_3_icon_holding.visible == true){
fade_music_to_sniper_music_active = true;
world.view_6.visible = false;
_CY10_stairwell.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
holding_object = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
dummy_1.x = 580;
dummy_1.y = 580;
cam_targeter.x = 580;
cam_targeter.y = 580;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_far.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_near.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "There they are!";
if ((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the tower";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over___object_6_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Smart key";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out___object_6_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click___object_6_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
object_6_icon_click_flag = 0;
if ((((cursor.currentFrame == 2)) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_6_icon_click_flag == 0){
if ((((holding_object == false)) && ((object_6_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = true;
active_holding_object = object_6_icon_holding;
object_6_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((holding_object == true)) && ((object_6_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = false;
object_6_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_6_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the smart key";
public function myMouse_over___object_5_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Vent cover with chain";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out___object_5_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click___object_5_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
object_5_icon_click_flag = 0;
if ((((cursor.currentFrame == 2)) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_5_icon_click_flag == 0){
if ((((holding_object == false)) && ((object_5_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = true;
active_holding_object = object_5_icon_holding;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((holding_object == true)) && ((object_5_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = false;
object_5_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the vent cover and chain";
public function myMouse_over___object_4_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Chain";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out___object_4_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click___object_4_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
object_4_icon_click_flag = 0;
if ((((cursor.currentFrame == 2)) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_4_icon_click_flag == 0){
if ((((holding_object == false)) && ((object_4_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = true;
active_holding_object = object_4_icon_holding;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((holding_object == true)) && ((object_4_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_5_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_6_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_6_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the chain";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if (object_3_icon_holding.visible == true){
holding_object = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
_object_3_icon.visible = false;
_object_3_icon.y = -10;
_object_4_icon.visible = false;
_object_4_icon.y = -10;
pc_inventory.object_5_icon.visible = true;
object_5_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_5_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
chat_text._text.text = "I've tied the chain to the vent cover";
public function myMouse_over__pc_inventoryobject_3_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Vent cover";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__pc_inventoryobject_3_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__pc_inventoryobject_3_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
object_3_icon_click_flag = 0;
if ((((cursor.currentFrame == 2)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_3_icon_click_flag == 0){
if ((((holding_object == false)) && ((object_3_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = true;
active_holding_object = object_3_icon_holding;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((holding_object == true)) && ((object_3_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the vent cover";
if (object_4_icon_holding.visible == true){
holding_object = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
_object_3_icon.visible = false;
_object_3_icon.y = -10;
_object_4_icon.visible = false;
_object_4_icon.y = -10;
pc_inventory.object_5_icon.visible = true;
object_5_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_5_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
chat_text._text.text = "I've tied the chain to the vent cover";
public function myMouse_over__pc_inventoryobject_2_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Metal bar";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__pc_inventoryobject_2_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__pc_inventoryobject_2_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
object_2_icon_click_flag = 0;
if ((((cursor.currentFrame == 2)) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_2_icon_click_flag == 0){
if ((((holding_object == false)) && ((object_2_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = true;
active_holding_object = object_2_icon_holding;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((holding_object == true)) && ((object_2_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
active_holding_object = undefined;
holding_object = false;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((((((((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the metal bar";
public function myMouse_over___data_box_keyhole_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.object_2_view.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "Key hole";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out___data_box_keyhole_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.object_2_view.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click___data_box_keyhole_trigger(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (object_2_collected == false){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "I need a key";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if ((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the key hole";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
if (object_4_icon_holding.visible == true){
holding_object = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1);
pick_up_move_active = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldoutside_object_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_2_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Seat cover";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldoutside_object_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldoutside_object_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (object_2_collected == false){
world.click_point.x = 447;
world.click_point.y = 326;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "object_2_view";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the seat cover";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldoutside_object_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_1_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Communication system";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldoutside_object_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldoutside_object_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (object_1_collected == false){
world.click_point.x = 673;
world.click_point.y = 325;
hero_on_stop_facing = "NW";
change_view_to = "object_1_view";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the communication system";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__pc_inventoryobject_1_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Power cable";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__pc_inventoryobject_1_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__pc_inventoryobject_1_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
object_1_icon_click_flag = 0;
if ((((cursor.currentFrame == 2)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_1_icon_click_flag == 0){
if ((((holding_object == false)) && ((object_1_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = true;
active_holding_object = object_1_icon_holding;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((holding_object == true)) && ((object_1_icon_click_flag == 0)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
if ((((((((((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_5_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_6_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the power cable";
public function myMouse_click__EPF_tower_top_right_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_tower_top_right_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__EPF_tower_top_left_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_tower_top_left_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__EPF_tower_vehicle_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__EPF_tower_bottom_right_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__EPF_tower_bottom_middle_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__EPF_tower_bottom_left_hit_area(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__EPF_thor_building_overlay(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
EPF_thor_building_killed = true;
public function myMouse_click__worldEPF_tower_view(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (sniper_kick_back == false){
sndChannel__sniper_shot =, 1);
sniper_kick_back = true;
public function myMouse_over__retry_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out__retry_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click__retry_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.EPF_launch_view.visible == true){
thors_defeat_cyborgs_movie_active = false;
world.EPF_launch_view.visible = false;
EPF_tower_top_left_killed = false;
EPF_tower_top_right_killed = false;
EPF_thor_building_killed = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed = false;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed = false;
thors_defeat_timer = 0;
f_213101136_flag = 0;
defeat_text.visible = false;
defeat_text.alpha = 0;
f_193101245_flag = 0;
f_16310156_flag = 0;
_EPF_tower_top_right.visible = true;
_EPF_tower_top_right.alpha = (100 / 100);
EPF_tower_top_right_acceleration = 0;
_EPF_tower_top_right.x = 782;
_EPF_tower_top_right.y = 305;
EPF_tower_top_right_fall = false;
_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation = 0;
EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed = 0;
EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage = "1_down";
EPF_tower_top_right_killed_flag = false;
_EPF_tower_top_left.visible = true;
_EPF_tower_top_left.alpha = (100 / 100);
EPF_tower_top_left_acceleration = 0;
_EPF_tower_top_left.x = 619;
_EPF_tower_top_left.y = 299;
EPF_tower_top_left_fall = false;
_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation = 0;
EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed = 0;
EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage = "1_down";
EPF_tower_top_left_killed_flag = false;
_EPF_tower_vehicle.visible = true;
_EPF_tower_vehicle.alpha = (100 / 100);
_EPF_tower_vehicle.rotation = 0;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_stage = "1_slouch";
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_flag = false;
_EPF_tower_bottom_right.visible = true;
_EPF_tower_bottom_right.alpha = (100 / 100);
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer = 0;
_EPF_tower_bottom_right.rotation = 0;
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_flag = false;
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.visible = true;
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.alpha = (100 / 100);
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer = 0;
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.rotation = 0;
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_flag = false;
_EPF_tower_bottom_left.visible = true;
_EPF_thor_building.alpha = (100 / 100);
_EPF_tower_bottom_left.alpha = (100 / 100);
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer = 0;
_EPF_tower_bottom_left.rotation = 0;
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_flag = false;
EPF_thor_scientist_e_1_at = "start";
EPF_thor_building_killed_flag = false;
_EPF_thor_building.visible = true;
EPF_thor_building_killed_timer = 0;
_EPF_thor_building.rotation = 0;
_EPF_attack_time_bar_mask.x = 323;
sniper_attack_flag = 0;
EPF_attack_time = 100;
world.EPF_tower_view.x = 0;
world.EPF_tower_view.y = 0;
EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active = true;
retry_button.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
defeat_text.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__skip_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out__skip_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click__skip_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
menu_button.visible = true;
start_movie_active = false;
_start_movie__view_12.visible = false;
_start_movie__shuttle_close.visible = false;
_start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off.visible = false;
_start_movie__view_4.visible = false;
show_title_active = false;
show_title_2_active = false;
episode_credit.visible = false;
thorenzitha_credit.visible = false;
start_credits.visible = false;
fade_up_dish_plasma_active = false;
fade_down_dish_plasma_active = false;
hero_n_climb_down_active = false;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = false;
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
_hero.x = 743;
_hero.y = 449;
_view_1.visible = true;
fade_large_black_bars_active = true;
skip_button.visible = false;
ease_world_active = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_targeter.x = 735;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -217.95;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 453;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -90.8;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.94);
world.hero.x = 735;
world.hero.y = 453;
is_climbing = false;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = false;
_hero.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__next_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_out__next_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
public function myMouse_click__next_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
next_button_flag = 0;
if (next_button_flag == 0){
if (no_chat_active == true){
no_chat_active = false;
if (_EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end.visible == true){
if (chat_text._text.text == "Come on. We have very little time left"){
EPF_end_movie_active = true;
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
if (chat_text._text.text == "I have nothing to ask"){
_hero.scaleX = 1.05;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
if ((((_start_movie__CY10_face.visible == true)) || ((_start_movie__general_at_panel.visible == true)))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "General, I've reached the vehicle, going in now"){
_start_movie__CY10_face.visible = false;
_start_movie__general_at_panel.visible = true;
episode_credit.visible = false;
start_credits.visible = false;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "You may come in contact with other cyborg military";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "You may come in contact with other cyborg military")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "They seem to have scattered since the war with the robots";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "They seem to have scattered since the war with the robots")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "See if you can find out why this vehicle was left here";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "See if you can find out why this vehicle was left here")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
_start_movie__general_at_panel.visible = false;
_start_movie__CY10_face.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Understood";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Understood")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "General out";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "General out")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
_start_movie__CY10_face.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_shake_active = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
world.hero.visible = true;
next_button.visible = false;
world.click_point.x = 622;
world.click_point.y = 464;
hero_on_stop_facing = "E";
change_view_to = "start_movie_to_view_1";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if (world.view_end_corridor.visible == true){
if (chat_text._text.text == "Where are they going?"){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text._text.text = "They're going the EPF tower now!";
next_button_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "They're going the EPF tower now!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text._text.text = "This attack was just a ruse so the others could escape!";
next_button_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "This attack was just a ruse so the others could escape!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_shake_active = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
world.view_end_corridor.visible = false;
map.area_3_button.alpha = (100 / 100);
world.hero.x = 488;
world.hero.y = 415;
world.hero.visible = true;
world.view_5.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
next_button_flag = 1;
if (world.view_4_CY41.visible == true){
if (chat_text._text.text == "Looks like that's all of them"){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text._text.text = "Come on!";
next_button_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Come on!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_shake_active = false;
world.view_4_CY41.visible = false;
world.v4_to_corridor.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = false;
world.hero.visible = true;
next_button.visible = false;
world.hero.x = 658;
world.hero.y = 457;
fade_down_corridor_fight_music_active = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((((((world.EPF_sniper_wall_near.visible == true)) || ((world.EPF_tower_view.visible == true)))) || ((world.EPF_sniper_wall_CY41.visible == true)))) || ((world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle.visible == true)))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "There they are!"){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_near.visible = false;
EPF_binoculars_view_active = true;
chat_text._text.text = "They're guarding the tower";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "They're guarding the tower")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
EPF_binoculars_view_active = true;
chat_text._text.text = "They must already be in the control room trying to activate the EPFs";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "They must already be in the control room trying to activate the EPFs")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
EPF_binoculars_view_active = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_CY41.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "If they do that, they'll form the wormhole, get to Earth!";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "If they do that, they'll form the wormhole, get to Earth!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_CY41.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Is that a sniper rifle?";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Is that a sniper rifle?")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Yes, I can take em down from here";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Yes, I can take em down from here")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
cam_movement = "follow character";
cam_shake_active = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.x = 0;
world.EPF_tower_view.y = 0;
EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((((world.view_4_CY41.visible == true)) || ((world.view_4_CY10.visible == true)))) || ((world.view_4_CY41_at_enemies.visible == true)))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "Quick! Get down!"){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text._text.text = "There's more of em on the way!";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "There's more of em on the way!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text._text.text = "The Thorenzithan scientists!";
world.view_4_CY41.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY10.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "The Thorenzithan scientists!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text._text.text = "You know about em?";
world.view_4_CY10.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY41.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "You know about em?")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text._text.text = "Yes! I tracked them here";
world.view_4_CY41.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY10.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Yes! I tracked them here")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text._text.text = "It's not the cyborgs who want to make an emergency jump to Earth, it's them!";
world.view_4_CY41.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY10.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "It's not the cyborgs who want to make an emergency jump to Earth, it's them!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text._text.text = "Here they come! Blast em!";
world.view_4_CY10.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY41_at_enemies.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Here they come! Blast em!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_shake_active = false;
dummy_1.x = 394;
dummy_1.y = 372;
cam_targeter.x = 394;
cam_targeter.y = 372;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY41_at_enemies.visible = false;
world.view_4.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
next_button_flag = 1;
if (world.cy10_object_1_view.visible == true){
if (chat_text._text.text == "Wait! there's something in here"){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "What is this? It looks Thorenzithan";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "What is this? It looks Thorenzithan")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "The Thorenzithans may have been using this vehicle! But why?";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "The Thorenzithans may have been using this vehicle! But why?")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.x = (23 - (cam_targeter_dummy.x / 3.05));
dummy_1.y = (60 - (cam_targeter_dummy.y / 3));
film_bits_active = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
world.cy10_object_1_view.visible = false;
world.view_2.visible = true;
next_button.visible = false;
world.hero.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((_v1_movie__CY10_at_female_cyborg.visible == true)) || ((_v1_movie__female_cyborg.visible == true)))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "The tower elevator has been deliberately dropped to the ground"){
chat_text._text.text = "The force ripped off the ladder on the back of the elevators ribbon";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "The force ripped off the ladder on the back of the elevators ribbon")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That ladder was the only way to the surface";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "That ladder was the only way to the surface")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "Without it, we are stuck up here";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Without it, we are stuck up here")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
_v1_movie__female_cyborg.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_active = false;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
cam_shake_active = false;
world.click_point.x = 460;
world.click_point.y = 444;
_hero.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker.visible == true)) || ((_v1_movie__cyborg_worker.visible == true)))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "One of the shuttles took off. That one must contain the stolen parts from the tower"){
chat_text._text.text = "There’s one shuttle left. That’s the one that keeps firing at me if I try to get on top of the tower roof";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "There’s one shuttle left. That’s the one that keeps firing at me if I try to get on top of the tower roof")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "I fired on it and temporarily disabled its anti-grav dish but it won’t be long before it recovers";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "I fired on it and temporarily disabled its anti-grav dish but it won’t be long before it recovers")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker.visible = false;
_v1_movie__cyborg_worker.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "You could use that shuttle to get to their mini EPF ship";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "You could use that shuttle to get to their mini EPF ship")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "Before they use those stolen parts to form a wormhole and get to Earth";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Before they use those stolen parts to form a wormhole and get to Earth")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
_v1_movie__cyborg_worker.visible = false;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "But how do I disable the shuttle pilot so he doesn’t keep firing at me?";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "But how do I disable the shuttle pilot so he doesn’t keep firing at me?")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
v1_cyborg_worker_movie_active = false;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
cam_shake_active = false;
world.click_point.x = 460;
world.click_point.y = 444;
_hero.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((_v1_movie__engineer.visible == true)) || ((_v1_movie__cy10.visible == true)))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "The monitor shows the mixer tank is still producing plasma gas"){
chat_text._text.text = "You’ll need to shut that off if you want to enter the tanks";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "You’ll need to shut that off if you want to enter the tanks")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "I guess that fancy suit of yours’ll protect you";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "I guess that fancy suit of yours’ll protect you")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
_v1_movie__engineer.visible = false;
_v1_movie__cy10.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "... You don’t like cyborgs very much do you";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "... You don’t like cyborgs very much do you")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
_v1_movie__engineer.visible = false;
_v1_movie__cy10.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Look. I can last longer up there, that's all";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Look. I can last longer up there, that's all")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
_v1_movie__cy10.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active = false;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
cam_shake_active = false;
world.click_point.x = 460;
world.click_point.y = 444;
_hero.visible = true;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((world.movie_screen_1.visible == true)) && ((chat_selected == "data_recorder")))){
if (times_checked_object_1 == 0){
if (chat_text._text.text == "The vehicle's data recorder might tell us something"){
engineer_turn_right_active = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "According to this, the driver data is undefined";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "According to this, the driver data is undefined")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That can't be right";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "That can't be right")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Unless it's erased on purpose";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Unless it's erased on purpose")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
engineer_turn_left_active = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Well, yeah!";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Well, yeah!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
chat_select_active_flag = 0;
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == false)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == false)))){
chat_select_active = false;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = true;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((world.movie_screen_1.visible == true)) && ((chat_selected == "ear_piece")))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "I found this in the vehicle's communication system"){
chat_text._text.text = "I'm sure this earpiece is Thorenzithan design";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "I'm sure this earpiece is Thorenzithan design")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Looks exactly like equipment found down on the planet";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Looks exactly like equipment found down on the planet")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
engineer_turn_right_active = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Well, there's one way to find out";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Well, there's one way to find out")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I'll compare its energy signature to the magnetic key that was brought up";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "I'll compare its energy signature to the magnetic key that was brought up")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
engineer_turn_left_active = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Yep, signatures match";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Yep, signatures match")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "So Thorenzithans 'have' been in that vehicle";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "So Thorenzithans 'have' been in that vehicle")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Obviously!";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "Obviously!")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
chat_select_active_flag = 0;
if ((((world.movie_screen_1.visible == true)) && ((chat_selected == "data_recorder")))){
if (chat_text._text.text == "Does it say where the vehicle went?"){
engineer_turn_right_active = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "According to this, the Thorenzithans used the vehicle to get to the planning rooms at the military base";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "According to this, the Thorenzithans used the vehicle to get to the planning rooms at the military base")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
engineer_turn_left_active = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "The cyborg who made the speech could be a spy";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "The cyborg who made the speech could be a spy")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I need to get to that base, that's where they'll be hiding";
next_button_flag = 1;
if ((((chat_text._text.text == "I need to get to that base, that's where they'll be hiding")) && ((next_button_flag == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
map.area_2_button.alpha = (100 / 100);
main_objective = "Tower";
chat_select_active_flag = 0;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (object_1_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Wireless earpiece";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (world.object_1_view.visible == true){
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible = true;
back_button.visible = false;
object_1_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_1;
object_fade = true;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1);
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_1_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
object_1_movie_active = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the ear piece";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldview_3_exit_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text._text.text = "";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldview_3_exit_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldview_3_exit_trigger_1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
world.click_point.x = 310;
world.click_point.y = 410;
hero_on_stop_facing = "SE";
change_view_to = "view_3_to_view_1";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the door";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__back_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text._text.text = "Back";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__back_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__back_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (_EPF_warning_sign_view.visible == true){
_EPF_warning_sign_view.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
_hero.visible = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_targeter.x = 573;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -164;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 425;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -81;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
workaround__quick_move_view_1_to_hero_active = true;
if (world.object_2_view.visible == true){
world.object_2_view.visible = false;
_data_recorder_box_lid.visible = false;
world.object_2.visible = false;
world.hero.visible = true;
world.view_2.visible = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
world.x = -123;
world.y = -50;
world.outside_object_2.visible = true;
} else {
if (world.object_1_view.visible == true){
world.object_1_view.visible = false;
world.object_1.visible = false;
world.hero.visible = true;
world.view_2.visible = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
world.x = -197;
world.y = -49;
world.outside_object_1.visible = true;
} else {
if (_EPF_control_screen.visible == true){
_view_16.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
_hero.visible = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_targeter.x = 168;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -32.05;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 436;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -85.4;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
back_button.visible = false;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (object_2_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Event data recorder";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (cursor.currentFrame == 2){
if (object_2_collected == false){
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible = true;
object_2_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_2;
object_fade = true;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1);
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_2_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
if ((((((((object_3_icon_holding.visible == true)) || ((object_1_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_2_icon_holding.visible == true)))) || ((object_4_icon_holding.visible == true)))){
if (object_2_collected == false){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "That doesn't work with the event data recorder";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_3_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Pick up object 3?";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_3(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.visible = true;
object_3_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_3;
object_fade = true;
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_3_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_4_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Pick up object 4?";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_4(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
pc_inventory.object_4_icon.visible = true;
object_4_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_4;
object_fade = true;
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_4_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_5(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_5_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Pick up object 5?";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_5(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_5(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
pc_inventory.object_5_icon.visible = true;
object_5_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_5;
object_fade = true;
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_5_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_6(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_6_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Pick up object 6?";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_6(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_6(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
pc_inventory.object_6_icon.visible = true;
object_6_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_6;
object_fade = true;
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_6_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
public function myMouse_over__worldobject_7(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
if (object_7_collected == false){
cursor_text._text.text = "Pick up object 7?";
cursor_text_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__worldobject_7(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__worldobject_7(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
if (world.view_2.visible == true){
pc_inventory.object_7_icon.visible = true;
object_7_collected = true;
active_object_view = world.object_7;
object_fade = true;
cursor_text_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_7_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
public function myMove(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 13){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 87){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 83){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 65){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 68){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 84){
tKeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 79){
oKeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 97){
numpad1KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 98){
numpad2KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 99){
numpad3KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 100){
numpad4KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 101){
numpad5KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 102){
numpad6KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 103){
numpad7KeyDown = true;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 104){
numpad8KeyDown = true;
public function myMove2(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.LEFT){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.RIGHT){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.UP){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.DOWN){
if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 87){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 83){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 65){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 68){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 13){
if (_arg1.keyCode == 84){
tKeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 79){
oKeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 97){
numpad1KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 98){
numpad2KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 99){
numpad3KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 100){
numpad4KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 101){
numpad5KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 102){
numpad6KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 103){
numpad7KeyDown = false;
if (_arg1.keyCode == 104){
numpad8KeyDown = false;
public function myMouse_over__inventoryinventory_plasmagun_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_info_active = false;
active_mouse_info_box = inventory.thorenzitha_info_box;
inventory.thorenzitha_info_box.x = inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.x;
inventory.thorenzitha_info_box.y = inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.y;
inventory.robot_pistol_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.health_bot_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.shield_bot_info_box.visible = false;
mouse_info_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__inventoryinventory_plasmagun_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_info_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__inventoryinventory_plasmagun_icon(_arg1):void{
if (right_hand_hit_box.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
rpg_slot_check_active_object = inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
if (backpack_hit_box.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x == inventory.right_hand_box.x){
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x = inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.x;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.y = inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.y;
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.x = inventory.right_hand_box.x;
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.y = inventory.right_hand_box.y;
public function myMouse_over__inventoryinventory_weapon_2_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_info_active = false;
active_mouse_info_box = inventory.robot_pistol_info_box;
inventory.robot_pistol_info_box.x = inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x;
inventory.robot_pistol_info_box.y = inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.y;
inventory.thorenzitha_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.health_bot_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.shield_bot_info_box.visible = false;
mouse_info_active = true;
public function myMouse_out__inventoryinventory_weapon_2_icon(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
mouse_info_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__inventoryinventory_weapon_2_icon(_arg1):void{
if (right_hand_hit_box.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
rpg_slot_check_active_object = inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
if (backpack_hit_box.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.x == inventory.right_hand_box.x){
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.x = inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x;
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.y = inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.y;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x = inventory.right_hand_box.x;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.y = inventory.right_hand_box.y;
public function myMouse_click__inventory_button(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{
show_help_info_active = false;
if (show_inventory_active == false){
if (rpg_battle_system_active == false){
if (pre_battle_movie_1_active == false){
if (first_enemy_animation_active == false){
show_inventory_active = true;
} else {
if (show_inventory_active == true){
show_inventory_active = false;
public function myMouse_click__inventoryclose_inventory(_arg1):void{
show_inventory_active = false;
public function myFunction2(_arg1:Event){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:*;
var _local9:*;
var _local10:*;
var _local11:*;
var _local12:*;
var _local13:*;
var _local14:*;
var _local15:*;
var _local16:*;
var _local17:*;
var _local18:*;
var _local19:*;
var _local20:*;
var _local21:*;
var _local22:*;
var _local23:*;
var _local24:*;
var _local25:*;
var _local26:*;
var _local27:*;
var _local28:*;
var _local29:*;
var _local30:*;
var _local31:*;
var _local32:*;
var _local33:*;
var _local34:*;
var _local35:*;
var _local36:*;
var _local37:*;
var _local38:*;
var _local39:*;
var _local40:*;
var _local41:*;
var _local42:*;
var _local43:*;
var _local44:*;
var _local45:*;
var _local46:*;
var _local47:*;
var _local48:*;
stage.quality = StageQuality.HIGH;
XP_bar.XP_text.text = String(var__XP_bar_text);
XP_bar.XP_text_total.text = String(var__XP_bar_text_total);
battle_won_text.XP_increase_text.text = String(var__battle_won_XP_increase_text);
battle_won_text.previous_XP_text.text = String(var__battle_won_text_previous_XP_text);
tech_button_3.tech_button_3_amount.text = String(var__tech_button_3_amount);
HP_enemy_1_disk.e1_HP_text.text = String(var__e1_HP_text);
HP_enemy_2_disk.e2_HP_text.text = String(var__e2_HP_text);
gun_charge_box.weapon_select_icon_2.weapon_2_amount.text = String(var__weapon_2_amount);
testing.test_1.text = test_var_1;
testing.test_2.text = test_var_2;
testing.test_3.text = test_var_3;
testing.test_4.text = test_var_4;
if (start_movie_active == true){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 0){
large_black_bars.visible = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 1;
if (_start_movie__view_12.visible == true){
start_movie_active_timer = (start_movie_active_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((start_movie_active_timer >= 70)) && ((start_movie_active_timer < 310)))){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 1){
active_credit = thorenzitha_credit;
show_title_active = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 2;
if ((((start_movie_active_timer >= 310)) && ((start_movie_active_timer < 430)))){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 2){
show_title_active = false;
active_credit = episode_credit;
show_title_2_active = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 3;
if (start_movie_active_timer >= 430){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 3){
show_title_2_active = false;
_start_movie__view_12.visible = false;
_hero.visible = false;
_start_movie__shuttle_close.visible = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 4;
if (_start_movie__shuttle_close.visible == true){
start_movie_active_timer = (start_movie_active_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (start_movie_active_timer >= 40){
if (start_movie_CY10_shot_state == "shot_1"){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 4){
fade_up_dish_plasma_active = true;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.rotation = -69;
start_movie_active_flag = 5;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.x = (_start_movie_CY10_shot.x + ((439 - _start_movie_CY10_shot.x) / 20));
_start_movie_CY10_shot.y = (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y + ((172 - _start_movie_CY10_shot.y) / 20));
if (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y < 287){
_start_movie_CY10_shot.x = 312;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.y = 491;
start_movie_active_timer = 20;
start_movie_CY10_shot_state = "shot_2";
if (start_movie_CY10_shot_state == "shot_2"){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 5){
_start_movie_CY10_shot.rotation = -58;
start_movie_active_flag = 6;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.x = (_start_movie_CY10_shot.x + ((485 - _start_movie_CY10_shot.x) / 20));
_start_movie_CY10_shot.y = (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y + ((174 - _start_movie_CY10_shot.y) / 20));
if (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y < 287){
_start_movie_CY10_shot.x = 312;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.y = 491;
start_movie_active_timer = 20;
start_movie_CY10_shot_state = "shot_3";
if (start_movie_CY10_shot_state == "shot_3"){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 6){
_start_movie_CY10_shot.rotation = -69;
start_movie_active_flag = 7;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.x = (_start_movie_CY10_shot.x + ((439 - _start_movie_CY10_shot.x) / 20));
_start_movie_CY10_shot.y = (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y + ((172 - _start_movie_CY10_shot.y) / 20));
if (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y < 287){
_start_movie_CY10_shot.x = 312;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.y = 491;
start_movie_active_timer = 20;
start_movie_CY10_shot_state = "end";
if (start_movie_CY10_shot_state == "end"){
_start_movie_CY10_shot.visible = false;
start_movie_CY10_shot_at_end_timer = (start_movie_CY10_shot_at_end_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (start_movie_CY10_shot_at_end_timer >= 100){
_start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off.visible = true;
_start_movie__shuttle_close.visible = false;
if (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y < 460){
if (f_31111139_flag == 0){
sndChannel__cyborg_weapon_1 =, 1);
f_31111139_flag = 1;
} else {
if (_start_movie_CY10_shot.y >= 460){
f_31111139_flag = 0;
if (_start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off.visible == true){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 7){
sndChannel__thor_shuttle_take_off =, 999, transform1__thor_shuttle_take_off);
active_credit = start_credits;
start_credits.start_credits_text_small.text = "Art and Programming by";
start_credits.start_credits_text_large.text = "Programicks";
show_title_2_active = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 8;
start_movie__1st_shuttle_x = (start_movie__1st_shuttle_x + (0.0025 * frameRateDiff));
_start_movie__1st_shuttle.x = (_start_movie__1st_shuttle.x + (start_movie__1st_shuttle_x * frameRateDiff));
start_movie__1st_shuttle_y = (start_movie__1st_shuttle_y + (0.006 * frameRateDiff));
_start_movie__1st_shuttle.y = (_start_movie__1st_shuttle.y - (start_movie__1st_shuttle_y * frameRateDiff));
if ((((_start_movie__1st_shuttle.y <= -50)) && ((_start_movie__1st_shuttle.y > -200)))){
if (f_3111442_flag == 0){
active_credit = start_credits;
start_credits.start_credits_text_small.text = "Music by";
start_credits.start_credits_text_large.text = "Raza";
show_title_2_active = true;
f_3111442_flag = 1;
if (_start_movie__1st_shuttle.y <= -200){
_start_movie__view_4.visible = true;
_start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off.visible = false;
if (_start_movie__view_4.visible == true){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 8){
start_movie_active_timer = 0;
cam_targeter.x = 474;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -147;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 480;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -100;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_frame = 177;
_hero.x = 474;
_hero.y = 480;
_hero.scaleX = 1.1;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
_hero.visible = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 9;
start_movie_active_timer = (start_movie_active_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (start_movie_active_timer >= 20){
if (start_movie_active_flag == 9){
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = true;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = true;
start_movie_active_flag = 10;
if (fade_up_dish_plasma_active == true){
fade_up_dish_plasma_timer = (fade_up_dish_plasma_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (fade_up_dish_plasma_timer >= 10){
if (fade_up_dish_plasma_flag == 0){
sndChannel__plasma_sparks =, 1, transform1__plasma_sparks);
_dish_plasma.alpha = 0.01;
_dish_plasma.visible = true;
_dish_plasma_mask.visible = true;
fade_up_dish_plasma_flag = 1;
_dish_plasma.alpha = (_dish_plasma.alpha + (_dish_plasma.alpha * frameRateDiff));
_dish_plasma.scaleX = (_dish_plasma.scaleX + (0.01 * frameRateDiff));
_dish_plasma_mask.scaleX = (_dish_plasma_mask.scaleX + (0.03 * frameRateDiff));
_dish_plasma_mask.scaleY = (_dish_plasma_mask.scaleY + (0.012 * frameRateDiff));
if (_dish_plasma.alpha >= 1){
fade_up_dish_plasma_active = false;
fade_down_dish_plasma_active = true;
if (fade_down_dish_plasma_active == true){
_dish_plasma.alpha = (_dish_plasma.alpha - (0.01 * frameRateDiff));
_dish_plasma.scaleX = (_dish_plasma.scaleX + (0.01 * frameRateDiff));
_dish_plasma_mask.scaleX = (_dish_plasma_mask.scaleX + (0.03 * frameRateDiff));
_dish_plasma_mask.scaleY = (_dish_plasma_mask.scaleY + (0.012 * frameRateDiff));
if (_dish_plasma.alpha <= 0){
_dish_plasma.alpha = 0;
_dish_plasma.visible = false;
fade_down_dish_plasma_active = false;
if (show_title_active == true){
if (f_17101130_flag == 0){
active_credit.visible = true;
active_credit.alpha = 0;
f_17101130_flag = 1;
txtFormat__letter_spacing.letterSpacing = (txtFormat__letter_spacing.letterSpacing + (0.04 * frameRateDiff));
if (show_title_active_state == "fade_in"){
active_credit.alpha = (active_credit.alpha + ((2 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_credit.alpha >= (100 / 100)){
show_title_active_state = "hold";
if (show_title_active_state == "hold"){
show_title_active_state_hold_timer = (show_title_active_state_hold_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (show_title_active_state_hold_timer >= 30){
show_title_active_state = "fade_out";
if (show_title_active_state == "fade_out"){
active_credit.alpha = (active_credit.alpha - ((0.54 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_credit.alpha <= 0){
active_credit.alpha = 0;
show_title_active = false;
} else {
if (show_title_active == false){
thorenzitha_credit.visible = false;
if (show_title_2_active == true){
if (f_5710156_flag == 0){
active_credit.visible = true;
active_credit.alpha = 0;
f_5710156_flag = 1;
if (show_title_2_active_state == "fade_in"){
active_credit.alpha = (active_credit.alpha + ((5 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_credit.alpha >= (100 / 100)){
show_title_2_active_state = "hold";
if (show_title_2_active_state == "hold"){
show_title_2_active_state_hold_timer = (show_title_2_active_state_hold_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (show_title_2_active_state_hold_timer >= 60){
show_title_2_active_state = "fade_out";
if (show_title_2_active_state == "fade_out"){
active_credit.alpha = (active_credit.alpha - ((5 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_credit.alpha <= 0){
active_credit.alpha = 0;
show_title_2_active = false;
} else {
if (show_title_2_active == false){
show_title_2_active_state = "fade_in";
f_5710156_flag = 0;
show_title_2_active_state_hold_timer = 0;
t_17509829_timer = (t_17509829_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((t_17509829_timer >= 100)) && ((t_17509829_timer < 150)))){
t_17509829_timer = 200;
cursor.visible = true;
cursor.x = mouseX;
cursor.y = mouseY;
cursor_text.x = mouseX;
cursor_text.y = mouseY;
if (cursor_text.x <= (6 + (cursor_text.width / 2))){
cursor_text.x = (6 + (cursor_text.width / 2));
if (cursor_text.x >= (674 - (cursor_text.width / 2))){
cursor_text.x = (674 - (cursor_text.width / 2));
if (tKeyDown == true){
if (tKeyDown == false){
if (map.visible == true){
if (oKeyDown == true){
if (active_object_view == undefined){
frame_count = (frame_count + 1);
if (enter_key_down == true){
if (hitting_collect_object_d_trigger == true){
if (object_d_collected == false){
active_object_view = world.object_d_view;
object_fade = true;
if (f_10209542_flag == 0){
collect_object_text_mc.collect_object_text.text = "Health bot collected";
active_collected_object_icon = health_bot_collected_icon;
collect_object_screen_active = true;
var__tech_button_3_amount = (var__tech_button_3_amount - 1);
var__tech_button_3_amount = (var__tech_button_3_amount + 2);
f_10209542_flag = 1;
object_d_collected = true;
use_hand.visible = false;
use_text_mc.visible = false;
if (object_fade == true){
active_object_view.alpha = (active_object_view.alpha - ((8 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_object_view.alpha <= 0){
active_object_view.alpha = 0;
object_fade = false;
if (collect_object_d_view_used.visible == true){
collect_object_d_active = true;
} else {
if (collect_object_d_view_used.visible == false){
collect_object_d_active = false;
if (collect_object_d_active == true){
f_16509438_flag = 0;
if (object_d_collected == false){
if (show_object_d_once_flag == 0){
if (object_d_state == 1){
world.object_d_view.visible = true;
world.object_d_view.alpha = (100 / 100);
show_object_d_once_flag = 1;
if (world.collect_object_d_trigger.hitTestPoint((world.hero.x + world.x), (world.hero.y + world.x), true)){
f_15509815_flag = 0;
if (object_d_collected == false){
if (object_d_state == 1){
hitting_collect_object_d_trigger = true;
if (f_15509805_flag == 0){
use_hand.visible = true;
use_text_mc.visible = true;
use_text_mc.use_text.text = "Collect health bot?";
f_15509805_flag = 1;
} else {
f_15509805_flag = 0;
hitting_collect_object_d_trigger = false;
if (f_15509815_flag == 0){
use_hand.visible = false;
use_text_mc.visible = false;
f_15509815_flag = 1;
} else {
if (collect_object_d_active == false){
world.object_d_view.visible = false;
show_object_d_once_flag = 0;
hitting_collect_object_d_trigger = false;
if (f_16509438_flag == 0){
use_hand.visible = false;
use_text_mc.visible = false;
f_16509438_flag = 1;
gun_charge_box.gun_charge_high.gun_charge_high_amount.text = high_charges_amount;
x_hero_speed = (world.hero.scaleX / 0.25);
y_hero_speed = (world.hero.scaleX / 0.5);
if ((((((((upKeyDown == true)) && ((downKeyDown == false)))) && ((leftKeyDown == false)))) && ((rightKeyDown == false)))){
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (upKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 1;
hero_up_walk_active = true;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
upKeyDown_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((((((upKeyDown == false)) && ((downKeyDown == true)))) && ((leftKeyDown == false)))) && ((rightKeyDown == false)))){
if (walks_s_active == true){
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y + (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (downKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 37;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = true;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
downKeyDown_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((((((upKeyDown == false)) && ((downKeyDown == false)))) && ((leftKeyDown == true)))) && ((rightKeyDown == false)))){
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x - (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (leftKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 55;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = true;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
leftKeyDown_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((((((upKeyDown == false)) && ((downKeyDown == false)))) && ((leftKeyDown == false)))) && ((rightKeyDown == true)))){
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x + (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (rightKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 19;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = true;
rightKeyDown_flag = 1;
if ((((((((upKeyDown == true)) && ((downKeyDown == false)))) && ((leftKeyDown == true)))) && ((rightKeyDown == false)))){
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x - (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (upLeftKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 55;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = true;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 1;
if ((((((((upKeyDown == true)) && ((downKeyDown == false)))) && ((leftKeyDown == false)))) && ((rightKeyDown == true)))){
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x + (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (upRightKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 19;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = true;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 1;
if ((((((((upKeyDown == false)) && ((downKeyDown == true)))) && ((leftKeyDown == true)))) && ((rightKeyDown == false)))){
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x - (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (downLeftKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 55;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = true;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 1;
if ((((((((upKeyDown == false)) && ((downKeyDown == true)))) && ((leftKeyDown == false)))) && ((rightKeyDown == true)))){
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x + (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (downRightKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 55;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = true;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((((((upKeyDown == false)) && ((downKeyDown == false)))) && ((leftKeyDown == false)))) && ((rightKeyDown == false)))){
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
if (stopKeyDown_flag == 0){
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 1)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 19)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 19)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 37)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 37)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 55)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 55)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 73)))){
stopKeyDown_flag = 1;
test.text = ((((((cam_targeter.x + " ") + cam_targeter_dummy.x) + " ") + dummy_1.x) + " ") + world.x);
test_b.text = ((((((cam_targeter.y + " ") + cam_targeter_dummy.y) + " ") + dummy_1.y) + " ") + world.y);
if (active_object_view == undefined){
if (flash_orange_battle_intro == true){
flash_orange_battle_timer = (flash_orange_battle_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((flash_orange_battle_timer >= 0)) && ((flash_orange_battle_timer < 8)))){
large_orange_battle_flash.visible = true;
large_orange_battle_flash.alpha = (100 / 100);
} else {
if ((((flash_orange_battle_timer >= 8)) && ((large_orange_battle_flash.alpha > 0)))){
large_orange_battle_flash.alpha = (large_orange_battle_flash.alpha - ((5 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((flash_orange_battle_timer >= 10)) && ((large_orange_battle_flash.alpha <= 0)))){
large_orange_battle_flash.alpha = 0;
flash_orange_battle_intro = false;
} else {
if (flash_orange_battle_intro == false){
flash_orange_battle_timer = 0;
large_orange_battle_flash.visible = false;
world.hero_collision_point_n.x = world.hero.x;
world.hero_collision_point_n.y = (world.hero.y - (world.hero.scaleY * 10));
world.hero_collision_point_e.x = (world.hero.x + (world.hero.scaleY * 10));
world.hero_collision_point_e.y = world.hero.y;
world.hero_collision_point_s.x = world.hero.x;
world.hero_collision_point_s.y = (world.hero.y + (world.hero.scaleY * 10));
world.hero_collision_point_w.x = (world.hero.x - (world.hero.scaleY * 10));
world.hero_collision_point_w.y = world.hero.y;
aaa = 0;
bbb = 0;
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
if (view_1_once_flag == 0){
view_2_once_flag = 0;
view_3_once_flag = 0;
hero_down_walk_allowed = true;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.alpha = 0;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.x = 200000;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.y = 200000;
view_1_once_flag = 1;
world.view_2_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible = false;
if (_v1_collision_object_left.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "world"){
if ((((((hero_mouse_move == "right")) || ((hero_mouse_move == "up_right")))) || ((hero_mouse_move == "down_right")))){
mouse_move_hero_state = "v1_collision_object_left";
if (_v1_collision_object_right.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "world"){
if ((((((hero_mouse_move == "left")) || ((hero_mouse_move == "up_left")))) || ((hero_mouse_move == "down_left")))){
mouse_move_hero_state = "v1_collision_object_right";
if (_v1_collision_object_1.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "world"){
mouse_move_hero_state = "v1_collision_object_1_1";
if (_view_1_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (world.x <= -25){
} else {
if (world.x > -25){
v1_go_this_way_trigger.visible = false;
if (world.x >= -158){
} else {
if (world.x < -158){
v1_go_right_trigger.visible = false;
if (world.view_1_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_1_floor_2.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
mouse_hitting_floor_2 = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor_2 = false;
if (world.view_1_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_n.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_n.y + world.y), true)){
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y + ((y_hero_speed * 1.03) * frameRateDiff));
if (world.view_1_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_s.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_s.y + world.y), true)){
if (world.view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible == true){
hero_down_walk_allowed = false;
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - ((y_hero_speed * 1.03) * frameRateDiff));
if (world.view_1_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_e.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_e.y + world.y), true)){
if (world.view_1_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_w.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_w.y + world.y), true)){
if (set_view_2.visible == true){
if (view_2_once_flag == 0){
hero_down_walk_allowed = true;
view_1_once_flag = 0;
view_2_once_flag = 1;
world.view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible = false;
if (_view_2_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (world.view_2_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_N_up_climb_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_N_up_climb_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (world.view_2_turn_cam_180_trigger.hitTestPoint((world.hero.x + world.x), (world.hero.y + world.y), true)){
} else {
world.view_2_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible = false;
if (world.view_2_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_n.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_n.y + world.y), true)){
if (world.view_2_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_s.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_s.y + world.y), true)){
if (world.view_2_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible == true){
hero_down_walk_allowed = false;
if (world.view_2_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_e.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_e.y + world.y), true)){
if (world.view_2_collision.hitTestPoint((world.hero_collision_point_w.x + world.x), (world.hero_collision_point_w.y + world.y), true)){
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
f_224101146_flag = 0;
if (view_3_once_flag == 0){
_data_recorder_on_table.visible = false;
_engineer_data_on_screen.visible = false;
view_3_once_flag = 1;
_engineer_data_on_screen.visible = false;
if (_view_3_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_3_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (cursor_text.visible == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (world.view_4.visible == true){
if (_view_4_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
if (_view_4_walkable_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_4_walkable_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (world.view_5.visible == true){
if (_view_5_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_5_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (move_cam == true){
if (world.view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible == true){
if (render_displacement_active == true){
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - 30);
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 0;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = (cam_targeter_dummy.x + 400);
times_visited_view_2 = (times_visited_view_2 + 1);
world.view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger._visible = false;
world.view_1.visible = false;
set_view_2.visible = true;
if (times_visited_view_2 == 2){
if (world.view_2_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible == true){
if (render_displacement_active == true){
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - 30);
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 0;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = (cam_targeter_dummy.x + 400);
set_view_2.visible = false;
world.view_1.visible = true;
move_cam = false;
if (cam_targeter_active == true){
if (world.hero.visible == true){
if (cam_targeter_x == true){
cam_targeter.x = world.hero.x;
if (cam_targeter_y == true){
cam_targeter.y = world.hero.y;
if ((((_view_11.visible == true)) || ((_view_15.visible == true)))){
} else {
if ((((_view_5.visible == true)) || ((_view_14.visible == true)))){
if (cam_targeter.x < 168){
cam_targeter.x = 168;
if (cam_targeter.x > 718){
cam_targeter.x = 718;
if (cam_targeter.y < 190){
cam_targeter.y = 190;
if (cam_targeter.y > 500){
cam_targeter.y = 500;
} else {
if (_view_7.visible == true){
if (cam_targeter.x < 205){
cam_targeter.x = 205;
if (cam_targeter.x > 686){
cam_targeter.x = 686;
if (cam_targeter.y < 190){
cam_targeter.y = 190;
if (cam_targeter.y > 500){
cam_targeter.y = 500;
} else {
if (cam_targeter.x < 168){
cam_targeter.x = 168;
if (cam_targeter.x > 755){
cam_targeter.x = 755;
if (cam_targeter.y < 190){
cam_targeter.y = 190;
if (cam_targeter.y > 500){
cam_targeter.y = 500;
if (cam_movement == "mouse"){
f_19510719_flag = 0;
f_197101138_flag = 0;
cam_move_follow_hero_timer = 0;
if (world.EPF_tower_view.visible == true){
dummy_1.x = (dummy_1.x + (((-((root.mouseX + 34)) / 1) - dummy_1.x) / 3));
dummy_1.y = (dummy_1.y + (((-((root.mouseY + y_mouse_offset)) / 0.8) - dummy_1.y) / 3));
cam_targeter_dummy.x = root.mouseX;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = root.mouseY;
} else {
if (world.EPF_launch_view.visible == true){
y_mouse_offset = 0;
} else {
y_mouse_offset = 0;
dummy_1.x = (dummy_1.x + (((-((root.mouseX + x_mouse_offset)) / 3) - dummy_1.x) / 1));
dummy_1.y = (dummy_1.y + (((-((root.mouseY + y_mouse_offset)) / 5) - dummy_1.y) / 1));
cam_targeter_dummy.x = root.mouseX;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = root.mouseY;
world.x = (world.x + ((dummy_1.x - world.x) / 12));
world.y = (world.y + ((dummy_1.y - world.y) / 12));
} else {
if (cam_movement == "follow_character"){
f_19510532_flag = 0;
if (f_19510719_flag == 0){
f_197101138_flag = 0;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.x = (23 - (cam_targeter_dummy.x / 3.05));
dummy_1.y = (60 - (cam_targeter_dummy.y / 3));
if ((((((((_view_1.visible == true)) || ((_view_2.visible == true)))) || ((_view_3.visible == true)))) || ((_view_5.visible == true)))){
world.x = dummy_1.x;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
f_19510719_flag = 1;
if (ease_world_active == true){
if (normal_ease == 1){
cam_targeter_dummy.x = (cam_targeter_dummy.x + ((cam_targeter.x - cam_targeter_dummy.x) / 12));
cam_targeter_dummy.y = (cam_targeter_dummy.y + ((cam_targeter.y - cam_targeter_dummy.y) / 12));
if (_view_2.visible == true){
dummy_1.x = (56 - (cam_targeter_dummy.x / 2.64));
dummy_1.y = (60 - (cam_targeter_dummy.y / 3));
} else {
if (world.view_1.visible == true){
dummy_1.x = (23 - (cam_targeter_dummy.x / 3.05));
dummy_1.y = (60 - (cam_targeter_dummy.y / 3));
} else {
if (_view_7.visible == true){
dummy_1.x = (90 - (cam_targeter_dummy.x / 2.2));
dummy_1.y = (60 - (cam_targeter_dummy.y / 3));
} else {
if (world.EPF_launch_view.visible == true){
dummy_1.x = -20;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = -20;
cam_targeter.x = -20;
dummy_1.y = -20;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = -20;
cam_targeter.y = -20;
} else {
dummy_1.x = (10 - (cam_targeter_dummy.x / 3));
dummy_1.y = (60 - (cam_targeter_dummy.y / 3));
world.x = (world.x + (((dummy_1.x - world.x) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
world.y = (world.y + (((dummy_1.y - world.y) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (cam_movement == "hand_held"){
f_19510719_flag = 0;
cam_move_follow_hero_timer = 0;
if (f_19510532_flag == 0){
f_19510532_flag = 1;
if ((((cam_shake_active == true)) && ((_camera_shake_on_button.currentFrame == 1)))){
cam_shake_timer_2 = (cam_shake_timer_2 + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((cam_shake_timer_2 >= 0)) && ((cam_shake_timer_2 < 10)))){
if (cam_shake_direction_flag == 0){
_local2 = 2;
_local3 = 1;
cam_shake_timer = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local2 - _local3) + 1))) + _local3);
_local4 = 2;
_local5 = 1;
cam_shake_timer_3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local4 - _local5) + 1))) + _local5);
cam_shake_direction_flag = 1;
if (cam_shake_timer == 1){
dummy_offset_x = (dummy_offset_x + 0.2);
if (cam_shake_timer == 2){
dummy_offset_x = (dummy_offset_x - 0.2);
if (cam_shake_timer_3 == 1){
dummy_offset_y = (dummy_offset_y - 0.2);
if (cam_shake_timer_3 == 2){
dummy_offset_y = (dummy_offset_y + 0.2);
if (dummy_offset_x >= 20){
cam_shake_timer = 2;
dummy_offset_x = 20;
if (dummy_offset_x <= -20){
cam_shake_timer = 1;
dummy_offset_x = -20;
if (dummy_offset_y >= 20){
cam_shake_timer_3 = 1;
dummy_offset_y = 20;
if (dummy_offset_y <= -20){
cam_shake_timer_3 = 2;
dummy_offset_y = -20;
} else {
if (cam_shake_timer_2 >= 10){
cam_shake_direction_flag = 0;
cam_shake_timer_2 = 0;
if (f_197101138_flag == 0){
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
f_197101138_flag = 1;
world.x = (world.x + (((-99 - dummy_offset_x) - world.x) / 10));
world.y = (world.y + (((-38 - dummy_offset_y) - world.y) / 10));
} else {
if (cam_movement == "off"){
if (is_climbing == false){
if (_view_9.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.46) / 9000);
} else {
if (_view_14.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.92) / 123000);
} else {
if (_view_7.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.82) / 69000);
} else {
if (_view_8.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.53) / 9000);
} else {
if (_view_10.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.53) / 9000);
} else {
if (_view_2.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.67) / 23000);
} else {
if (_view_1.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.48) / 9000);
} else {
if (_view_13.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.55) / 9000);
} else {
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.95) / 122000);
} else {
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 2.05) / 264000);
} else {
if (_view_5.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.51) / 9000);
} else {
if (_view_6.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.49) / 9000);
} else {
if (_start_movie__outside_vehicle.visible == true){
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.48) / 10000);
} else {
world.hero.scaleY = (Math.pow(world.hero.y, 1.94) / 122000);
world.hero.scaleX = world.hero.scaleY;
if ((((tKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad1KeyDown == true)))){
fps_text_mc.visible = true;
if ((((tKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad2KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((tKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad3KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((tKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad4KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((tKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad7KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((tKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad8KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((oKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad1KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((oKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad2KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((oKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad3KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((oKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad4KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((oKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad5KeyDown == true)))){
if ((((oKeyDown == true)) && ((numpad6KeyDown == true)))){
if (ease_target_parts == true){
target_part_top_left.x = (target_part_top_left.x + (((target_tl_x - target_part_top_left.x) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_top_left.y = (target_part_top_left.y + (((target_tl_y - target_part_top_left.y) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_top_right.x = (target_part_top_right.x + (((target_tr_x - target_part_top_right.x) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_top_right.y = (target_part_top_right.y + (((target_tr_y - target_part_top_right.y) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_bottom_left.x = (target_part_bottom_left.x + (((target_bl_x - target_part_bottom_left.x) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_bottom_left.y = (target_part_bottom_left.y + (((target_bl_y - target_part_bottom_left.y) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_bottom_right.x = (target_part_bottom_right.x + (((target_br_x - target_part_bottom_right.x) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
target_part_bottom_right.y = (target_part_bottom_right.y + (((target_br_y - target_part_bottom_right.y) / 4) * frameRateDiff));
if (fade_in_and_ease_mc_active == true){
if (fade_in_and_ease_mc_flag == 0){
active_mc_x_dest = active_mc.x;
active_mc_y_dest = (active_mc.y + 3);
active_mc.y = (active_mc.y - 12);
active_mc.alpha = 0;
active_mc.visible = true;
fade_in_and_ease_mc_flag = 1;
} else {
if (fade_in_and_ease_mc_flag == 1){
if (active_mc.y < (active_mc_y_dest - 1)){
active_mc.alpha = (active_mc.alpha + ((8 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
active_mc.x = (active_mc.x + ((active_mc_x_dest - active_mc.x) / 10));
active_mc.y = (active_mc.y + ((active_mc_y_dest - active_mc.y) / 10));
} else {
if (active_mc.y >= (active_mc_y_dest - 1)){
active_mc.alpha = (100 / 100);
fade_in_and_ease_mc_active = false;
} else {
if (fade_in_and_ease_mc_active == false){
fade_in_and_ease_mc_flag = 0;
if (fade_out_mc_active == true){
active_mc_2.alpha = (active_mc_2.alpha - ((8 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_mc_2.alpha <= 0){
active_mc_2.visible = false;
fade_out_mc_active = false;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_check_active == true){
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = (rpg_inventory_slot_timer + 1);
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 1){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s1.x)) && ((oa.y == s1.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s1.x)) && ((ob.y == s1.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s1.x)) && ((oc.y == s1.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s1.x)) && ((od.y == s1.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s1.x)) && ((oe.y == s1.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s1.x)) && ((of.y == s1.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s1.x)) && ((og.y == s1.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s1.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s1.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 2){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s2.x)) && ((oa.y == s2.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s2.x)) && ((ob.y == s2.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s2.x)) && ((oc.y == s2.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s2.x)) && ((od.y == s2.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s2.x)) && ((oe.y == s2.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s2.x)) && ((of.y == s2.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s2.x)) && ((og.y == s2.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s2.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s2.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 3){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s3.x)) && ((oa.y == s3.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s3.x)) && ((ob.y == s3.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s3.x)) && ((oc.y == s3.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s3.x)) && ((od.y == s3.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s3.x)) && ((oe.y == s3.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s3.x)) && ((of.y == s3.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s3.x)) && ((og.y == s3.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s3.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s3.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 4){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s4.x)) && ((oa.y == s4.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s4.x)) && ((ob.y == s4.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s4.x)) && ((oc.y == s4.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s4.x)) && ((od.y == s4.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s4.x)) && ((oe.y == s4.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s4.x)) && ((of.y == s4.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s4.x)) && ((og.y == s4.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s4.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s4.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 5){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s5.x)) && ((oa.y == s5.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s5.x)) && ((ob.y == s5.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s5.x)) && ((oc.y == s5.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s5.x)) && ((od.y == s5.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s5.x)) && ((oe.y == s5.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s5.x)) && ((of.y == s5.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s5.x)) && ((og.y == s5.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s5.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s5.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 6){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s6.x)) && ((oa.y == s6.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s6.x)) && ((ob.y == s6.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s6.x)) && ((oc.y == s6.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s6.x)) && ((od.y == s6.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s6.x)) && ((oe.y == s6.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s6.x)) && ((of.y == s6.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s6.x)) && ((og.y == s6.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s6.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s6.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer == 7){
if ((((((((((((((((oa.x == s7.x)) && ((oa.y == s7.y)))) || ((((ob.x == s7.x)) && ((ob.y == s7.y)))))) || ((((oc.x == s7.x)) && ((oc.y == s7.y)))))) || ((((od.x == s7.x)) && ((od.y == s7.y)))))) || ((((oe.x == s7.x)) && ((oe.y == s7.y)))))) || ((((of.x == s7.x)) && ((of.y == s7.y)))))) || ((((og.x == s7.x)) && ((og.y == s7.y)))))){
} else {
rpg_slot_check_active_object.x = s7.x;
rpg_slot_check_active_object.y = s7.y;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 50;
if (rpg_inventory_slot_timer > 7){
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = false;
} else {
if (rpg_inventory_slot_check_active == false){
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 0;
if (removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true){
if ((((oa.x == s1.x)) && ((oa.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s1.x)) && ((ob.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s1.x)) && ((oc.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s1.x)) && ((od.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s1.x)) && ((oe.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s1.x)) && ((of.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s1.x)) && ((og.y == s1.y)))){
order_slot_1 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_1 = "undefined";
if ((((oa.x == s2.x)) && ((oa.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s2.x)) && ((ob.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s2.x)) && ((oc.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s2.x)) && ((od.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s2.x)) && ((oe.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s2.x)) && ((of.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s2.x)) && ((og.y == s2.y)))){
order_slot_2 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_2 = "undefined";
if ((((oa.x == s3.x)) && ((oa.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s3.x)) && ((ob.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s3.x)) && ((oc.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s3.x)) && ((od.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s3.x)) && ((oe.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s3.x)) && ((of.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s3.x)) && ((og.y == s3.y)))){
order_slot_3 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_3 = "undefined";
if ((((oa.x == s4.x)) && ((oa.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s4.x)) && ((ob.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s4.x)) && ((oc.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s4.x)) && ((od.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s4.x)) && ((oe.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s4.x)) && ((of.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s4.x)) && ((og.y == s4.y)))){
order_slot_4 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_4 = "undefined";
if ((((oa.x == s5.x)) && ((oa.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s5.x)) && ((ob.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s5.x)) && ((oc.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s5.x)) && ((od.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s5.x)) && ((oe.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s5.x)) && ((of.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s5.x)) && ((og.y == s5.y)))){
order_slot_5 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_5 = "undefined";
if ((((oa.x == s6.x)) && ((oa.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s6.x)) && ((ob.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s6.x)) && ((oc.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s6.x)) && ((od.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s6.x)) && ((oe.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s6.x)) && ((of.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s6.x)) && ((og.y == s6.y)))){
order_slot_6 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_6 = "undefined";
if ((((oa.x == s7.x)) && ((oa.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_1_icon";
} else {
if ((((ob.x == s7.x)) && ((ob.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_2_icon";
} else {
if ((((oc.x == s7.x)) && ((oc.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_3_icon";
} else {
if ((((od.x == s7.x)) && ((od.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_4_icon";
} else {
if ((((oe.x == s7.x)) && ((oe.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_5_icon";
} else {
if ((((of.x == s7.x)) && ((of.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_6_icon";
} else {
if ((((og.x == s7.x)) && ((og.y == s7.y)))){
order_slot_7 = "object_7_icon";
} else {
order_slot_7 = undefined;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s1.x;
oa.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s1.x;
ob.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s1.x;
oc.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s1.x;
od.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s1.x;
oe.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s1.x;
of.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s1.x;
og.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_1 == "undefined")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
_object_1_icon.x = _slot_1.x;
_object_1_icon.y = _slot_1.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s1.x;
ob.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s1.x;
oc.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s1.x;
od.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s1.x;
oe.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s1.x;
of.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s1.x;
og.y = s1.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s2.x;
oa.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s2.x;
ob.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s2.x;
oc.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s2.x;
od.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s2.x;
oe.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s2.x;
of.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s2.x;
og.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s3.x;
oa.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s3.x;
ob.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s3.x;
oc.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s3.x;
od.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s3.x;
oe.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s3.x;
of.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s3.x;
og.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s4.x;
oa.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s4.x;
ob.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s4.x;
oc.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s4.x;
od.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s4.x;
oe.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s4.x;
of.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s4.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s5.x;
oa.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s5.x;
ob.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s5.x;
oc.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s5.x;
od.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s5.x;
oe.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s5.x;
of.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s5.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s2.x;
oa.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s2.x;
ob.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s2.x;
oc.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s2.x;
od.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s2.x;
oe.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s2.x;
of.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s2.x;
og.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_2 == "undefined")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
_object_1_icon.x = _slot_2.x;
_object_1_icon.y = _slot_2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s2.x;
ob.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s2.x;
oc.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s2.x;
od.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s2.x;
oe.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s2.x;
of.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s2.x;
og.y = s2.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s3.x;
oa.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s3.x;
ob.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s3.x;
oc.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s3.x;
od.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s3.x;
oe.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s3.x;
of.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s3.x;
og.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s4.x;
oa.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s4.x;
ob.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s4.x;
oc.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s4.x;
od.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s4.x;
oe.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s4.x;
of.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s4.x;
og.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s5.x;
oa.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s5.x;
ob.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s5.x;
oc.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s5.x;
od.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s5.x;
oe.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s5.x;
of.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s5.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s3.x;
oa.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s3.x;
ob.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s3.x;
oc.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s3.x;
od.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s3.x;
oe.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s3.x;
of.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s3.x;
og.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_3 == "undefined")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s3.x;
oa.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s3.x;
ob.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s3.x;
oc.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s3.x;
od.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s3.x;
oe.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s3.x;
of.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s3.x;
og.y = s3.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s4.x;
oa.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s4.x;
ob.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s4.x;
oc.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s4.x;
od.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s4.x;
oe.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s4.x;
of.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s4.x;
og.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s5.x;
oa.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s5.x;
ob.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s5.x;
oc.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s5.x;
od.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s5.x;
oe.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s5.x;
of.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s5.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s4.x;
oa.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s4.x;
ob.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s4.x;
oc.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s4.x;
od.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s4.x;
oe.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s4.x;
of.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s4.x;
og.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_4 == "undefined")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s4.x;
oa.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s4.x;
ob.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s4.x;
oc.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s4.x;
od.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s4.x;
oe.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s4.x;
of.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s4.x;
og.y = s4.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s5.x;
oa.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s5.x;
ob.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s5.x;
oc.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s5.x;
od.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s5.x;
oe.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s5.x;
of.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s5.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s5.x;
oa.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s5.x;
ob.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s5.x;
oc.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s5.x;
od.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s5.x;
oe.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s5.x;
of.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s5.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_5 == "undefined")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s5.x;
oa.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s5.x;
ob.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s5.x;
oc.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s5.x;
od.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s5.x;
oe.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s5.x;
of.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s5.x;
og.y = s5.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_6 == "undefined")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_1_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oa.x = s6.x;
oa.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_2_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
ob.x = s6.x;
ob.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_3_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oc.x = s6.x;
oc.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_4_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
od.x = s6.x;
od.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_5_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
oe.x = s6.x;
oe.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_6_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
of.x = s6.x;
of.y = s6.y;
if ((((order_slot_7 == "object_7_icon")) && ((removed_object_inventory_sort_active == true)))){
og.x = s6.x;
og.y = s6.y;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
if (check_health_amounts == true){
if (var__tech_button_3_amount == 1){
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.alpha = 0;
} else {
if (var__tech_button_3_amount == 2){
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.alpha = 0;
} else {
if (var__tech_button_3_amount == 3){
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.alpha = 0;
} else {
if (var__tech_button_3_amount == 4){
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_1.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_2.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_3.alpha = 0;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.visible = true;
inventory.rpg_health_bot_icon_4.alpha = 0;
check_health_amounts = false;
if (dead == true){
rpg_enemy_gunfire_active = false;
if (play_dead_sound_flag == 0){
music_fade_down = true;
cyborg_dead_knocked_forward = true;
rpg_cyborg_shield.visible = false;
active_mc_2 = cyborg_shield_info_box;
fade_out_mc_active = true;
cyborg_shield_bar.visible = false;
play_dead_sound_flag = 1;
game_over_timer = (game_over_timer + 1);
if ((((game_over_timer >= 0)) && ((game_over_timer < 5)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "G";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 5)) && ((game_over_timer < 10)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Ga";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 10)) && ((game_over_timer < 15)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Gam";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 15)) && ((game_over_timer < 20)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 20)) && ((game_over_timer < 25)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game ";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 25)) && ((game_over_timer < 30)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game o";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 30)) && ((game_over_timer < 35)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game ov";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 35)) && ((game_over_timer < 40)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game ove";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 40)) && ((game_over_timer < 45)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game over";
} else {
if ((((game_over_timer >= 45)) && ((game_over_timer < 50)))){
game_over_mc.game_over.text = "Game over";
power_loss_active = true;
if (plasma_explosion_active == true){
if (f231008250_flag == 0){
if (rpg_gunfire_active == true){
set_plasma_ball_explosion.x = rpg_plasmaball_target.x;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.y = rpg_plasmaball_target.y;
} else {
if (rpg_enemy_gunfire_active == true){
set_plasma_ball_explosion.x = rpg_cyborg_target.x;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.y = rpg_cyborg_target.y;
f231008250_flag = 1;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.visible = true;
plasma_explosion_timer = (plasma_explosion_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((plasma_explosion_timer >= 1)) && ((plasma_explosion_timer < 2)))){
set_plasma_ball_explosion.alpha = (100 / 100);
set_plasma_ball_explosion.scaleX = (100 / 100);
set_plasma_ball_explosion.scaleY = (100 / 100);
p_ex_max = 360;
p_ex_min = 0;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((p_ex_max - p_ex_min) + 1))) + p_ex_min);
} else {
if ((((plasma_explosion_timer >= 2)) && ((plasma_explosion_timer < 6)))){
set_plasma_ball_explosion.scaleX = (set_plasma_ball_explosion.scaleX + ((12 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
set_plasma_ball_explosion.scaleY = (set_plasma_ball_explosion.scaleY + ((12 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
set_plasma_ball_explosion.alpha = (set_plasma_ball_explosion.alpha - ((15 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (plasma_explosion_timer >= 6){
plasma_explosion_active = false;
} else {
if (plasma_explosion_active == false){
f231008250_flag = 0;
set_plasma_ball_explosion.visible = false;
click_baddie_flag = 0;
click_baddie_b_flag = 0;
plasma_explosion_timer = 0;
if (rpg_enemy_shot_pause_2_timer >= 10){
rpg_enemy_gunfire_active = false;
if (mouse_move_hero == true){
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "world"){
mouse_move_hero_state_flag = 0;
v1_collision_object_left_flag = 0;
v1_collision_object_left_timer = 0;
v1_collision_object_right_flag = 0;
v1_collision_object_right_timer = 0;
if ((((world.hero.x < world.click_point.x)) && ((world.hero.y < world.click_point.y)))){
if (f18809745_flag == 0){
f198091015_flag = 0;
f19809647_flag = 0;
f198091112_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move = "down_right";
mouse_point_was_in = "down_right";
if (mouse_point_was_in == "nothing"){
hero_mouse_move = "down_right";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "up_left"){
hero_mouse_move = "right";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "down_left"){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
f18809745_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((world.hero.x < world.click_point.x)) && ((world.hero.y > world.click_point.y)))){
if (f198091015_flag == 0){
f18809745_flag = 0;
f198091112_flag = 0;
f19809647_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move = "up_right";
if (mouse_point_was_in == "nothing"){
hero_mouse_move = "up_right";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "down_right"){
hero_mouse_move = "right";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "up_left"){
hero_mouse_move = "up";
f198091015_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((world.hero.x > world.click_point.x)) && ((world.hero.y < world.click_point.y)))){
if (f198091112_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move = "down_left";
f18809745_flag = 0;
f19809647_flag = 0;
f198091015_flag = 0;
if (mouse_point_was_in == "nothing"){
hero_mouse_move = "down_left";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "down_right"){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "up_left"){
hero_mouse_move = "left";
f198091112_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((world.hero.x > world.click_point.x)) && ((world.hero.y > world.click_point.y)))){
if (f19809647_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move = "up_left";
mouse_point_was_in = "up_left";
f18809745_flag = 0;
f198091015_flag = 0;
f198091112_flag = 0;
if (mouse_point_was_in == "nothing"){
hero_mouse_move = "up_left";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "down_left"){
hero_mouse_move = "left";
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "up_right"){
hero_mouse_move = "up";
f19809647_flag = 1;
if (hero_hitting_floor == false){
if (f_2510200_flag == 0){
if ((((_click_point.x > _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y < _hero.y)))){
if (_view_2.visible == true){
} else {
hero_mouse_move = "right";
if ((((_click_point.x < _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y < _hero.y)))){
hero_mouse_move = "left";
if ((((_click_point.x < _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y > _hero.y)))){
if (_view_1.visible == true){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
} else {
if (_view_2.visible == true){
} else {
if (_view_5.visible == true){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
} else {
if (_view_7.visible == true){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
} else {
hero_mouse_move = "left";
if ((((_click_point.x > _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y > _hero.y)))){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
f_2510200_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_hitting_floor == true){
f_2510200_flag = 0;
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "v1_collision_object_1_1"){
if (mouse_move_hero_state_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
mouse_move_hero_state_flag = 1;
if ((((_hero.y > _v1_collision_object_1.y)) && ((_hero.x < _v1_collision_object_1.x)))){
if (mouse_move_hero_state_flag == 1){
hero_mouse_move = "right";
mouse_move_hero_state_flag = 2;
} else {
if ((((_hero.y > _v1_collision_object_1.y)) && ((_hero.x > _v1_collision_object_1.x)))){
if (mouse_move_hero_state_flag == 1){
hero_mouse_move = "left";
mouse_move_hero_state_flag = 2;
if (hero_mouse_move == "right"){
if (_hero.x > _v1_collision_object_1.x){
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "left"){
if (_hero.x < _v1_collision_object_1.x){
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "v1_collision_object_left"){
if (v1_collision_object_left_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
v1_collision_object_left_flag = 1;
v1_collision_object_left_timer = (v1_collision_object_left_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((v1_collision_object_left_timer >= 20)) && ((v1_collision_object_left_timer < 40)))){
if (v1_collision_object_left_flag == 1){
hero_mouse_move = "right";
v1_collision_object_left_flag = 2;
if (v1_collision_object_left_timer >= 40){
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
if (mouse_move_hero_state == "v1_collision_object_right"){
if (v1_collision_object_right_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
v1_collision_object_right_flag = 1;
v1_collision_object_right_timer = (v1_collision_object_right_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((v1_collision_object_right_timer >= 20)) && ((v1_collision_object_right_timer < 40)))){
if (v1_collision_object_right_flag == 1){
hero_mouse_move = "left";
v1_collision_object_right_flag = 2;
if (v1_collision_object_right_timer >= 40){
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
if (hero_mouse_move == "up"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_up_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 7;
hero_up_walk_active = true;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "left"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x - (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_left_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 61;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = true;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "up_left"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x - (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_NW_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 137;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = true;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "up_right"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x + (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y - (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_NE_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 83;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = true;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "down_left"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x - (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y + (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_SW_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 119;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = true;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "down_right"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x + (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y + (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_SE_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 101;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = true;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "right"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.x = (world.hero.x + (x_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_right_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 25;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = true;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "down"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
world.hero.y = (world.hero.y + (y_hero_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_mouse_move_down_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 43;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = true;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 1;
} else {
if (hero_mouse_move == "stop"){
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
if (hero_mouse_move_stop_flag == 0){
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 1)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 19)))){
if (start_movie_active == false){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 19)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 37)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 37)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 55)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 55)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 73)))){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 1;
} else {
if (mouse_move_hero == false){
if (hero_mouse_move_stop_flag == 0){
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 1)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 19)))){
if (start_movie_active == false){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 19)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 37)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 37)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 55)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 55)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 73)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 77)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 95)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 95)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 113)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 113)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 131)))){
} else {
if ((((world.hero.currentFrame >= 131)) && ((world.hero.currentFrame < 149)))){
if (change_view_to == "nothing"){
} else {
if (change_view_to == "v12_end_movie__shuttle_door"){
_v12_end_movie__shuttle.visible = false;
_hero.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door.visible = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__try_mixer_tank_that's_strange"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__try_mixer_tank_holding"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__try_collector_tank_door_that's_strange"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__try_collector_tank_door_holding"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__use_metal_bar_on_collector_tank_door"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__look_at_sign"){
_view_1.visible = false;
_hero.visible = false;
cam_movement = "off";
world.x = -124;
world.y = -28;
_EPF_warning_sign_view.visible = true;
back_button.visible = true;
if (change_view_to == "none_use_EPF_control_screen"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__use_radio"){
use_radio_movie_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "view_16"){
_view_1.visible = false;
cam_movement = "off";
world.x = -124;
world.y = -28;
_view_16.visible = true;
_hero.visible = false;
back_button.visible = true;
if (change_view_to == "view_9_to_view_14"){
cam_targeter.x = 363;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -110;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 389;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -69;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_9.visible = false;
_view_14.visible = true;
sndChannel__hatch_close =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.76);
_hero.x = 363;
_hero.y = 389;
if (change_view_to == "view_14_to_view_5"){
cam_targeter.x = 335;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -101;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_14.visible = false;
_view_5.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.42);
_hero.x = 335;
_hero.y = 526;
if (change_view_to == "none__check_through_v7_vent"){
chat_text._text.text = "I can see a vent to the roof through here";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
object_state__checked_high_vent = true;
if (change_view_to == "none_collect_v13_chain"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "start_movie_to_view_1"){
start_credits.visible = false;
thorenzitha_credit.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = false;
_view_2.visible = true;
pc_inventory.visible = true;
top_right_disks.visible = true;
menu_button.visible = true;
menu_box.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.x = 262;
_hero.y = 330;
if (change_view_to == "none__speak_to_female_cyborg_worker"){
_view_1.visible = false;
_v1_movie__female_cyborg.visible = true;
_hero.visible = false;
v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__speak_to_cyborg_worker"){
_view_1.visible = false;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker.visible = true;
_hero.visible = false;
v1_cyborg_worker_movie_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__speak_to_engineer_at_start"){
_view_1.visible = false;
_v1_movie__engineer.visible = true;
_hero.visible = false;
v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "none__start_movie_state_is_CY10_face_vehicle_view"){
start_movie_active_state = "hold_at_vehicle_view";
if (change_view_to == "none_hide_v1_go_left"){
if (change_view_to == "none_hide_v1_go_right"){
if (change_view_to == "none__start_n_climb_up"){
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = true;
hero_slow_shift_left = true;
hero_N_up_climb_active = true;
if (change_view_to == "object_1_view"){
world.hero.visible = false;
world.view_2.visible = false;
cam_movement = "off";
world.x = -124;
world.y = -28;
world.object_1_view.visible = true;
world.object_1.visible = true;
if ((((cursor_text._text.text == "Communication system")) && ((cursor_text.visible == true)))){
cursor_text_active = false;
back_button.visible = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "object_2_view"){
world.hero.visible = false;
world.view_2.visible = false;
cam_movement = "off";
world.x = -124;
world.y = -28;
world.object_2_view.visible = true;
_data_recorder_box_lid.visible = true;
world.object_2.visible = true;
back_button.visible = true;
world.outside_object_2.visible = false;
cursor_text_active = false;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_1"){
cam_targeter.x = 735;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -217.95;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 453;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -90.8;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
world.view_2.visible = false;
world.view_1.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.94);
world.outside_object_2.visible = false;
world.hero.x = 735;
world.hero.y = 453;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_4"){
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.view_4.visible = true;
world.hero.x = 551;
world.hero.y = 345;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_4_walkable"){
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.view_4_walkable.visible = true;
world.view_4_walkable_overlay.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.59);
world.hero.x = 460;
world.hero.y = 343;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_5"){
world.view_4.visible = false;
world.view_4_walkable.visible = false;
world.view_4_walkable_overlay.visible = false;
world.view_5.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.96);
world.hero.x = 308;
world.hero.y = 434;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_6"){
cam_targeter.x = 546;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -171;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_5.visible = false;
_view_6.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.2);
world.hero.x = 546;
world.hero.y = 511;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_6_to_view_5"){
cam_targeter.x = 473;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -147;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 450;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -90;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_6.visible = false;
_view_5.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.12);
world.hero.x = 473;
world.hero.y = 450;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_7_to_view_5"){
cam_targeter.x = 522;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -164;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 371;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -63;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_7.visible = false;
_v7_object__collector.visible = false;
_view_5.visible = true;
sndChannel__hatch_close =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.84);
world.hero.x = 522;
world.hero.y = 371;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_8_to_view_6"){
cam_targeter.x = 354;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -107;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 497;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -105;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_8.visible = false;
_view_6.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.15);
world.hero.x = 354;
world.hero.y = 497;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_9"){
cam_targeter.x = 318;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -96;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_14.visible = false;
_view_9.visible = true;
object_state__checked_high_vent = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.04);
_hero.x = 318;
_hero.y = 527;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_9_to_view_7"){
_view_9.visible = false;
_view_7.visible = true;
_v7_object__collector.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.96);
_hero.x = 134;
_hero.y = 506;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "exit_left_to_view_10"){
cam_targeter.x = 350;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -106;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 441;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -87;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_2.visible = false;
_view_10.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.23);
_hero.x = 350;
_hero.y = 441;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_14"){
cam_targeter.x = 718;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -229;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_5.visible = false;
_view_14.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.24);
_hero.x = 736;
_hero.y = 501;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_13"){
cam_targeter.x = 183;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -51;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 404;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -74.65;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_2.visible = false;
_view_13.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.21);
_hero.x = 183;
_hero.y = 404;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_13_to_view_2"){
cam_targeter.x = 755;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -229;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 404;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -74;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_13.visible = false;
_view_2.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.97);
_hero.x = 827;
_hero.y = 404;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "exit_down_to_view_2"){
cam_targeter.x = 168;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -7;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_10.visible = false;
_view_2.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.41);
_hero.x = 77;
_hero.y = 504;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_3_to_view_1"){
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.view_1.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.69);
world.hero.x = 180;
world.hero.y = 393;
f198091058_flag = 0;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_2"){
cam_targeter.x = 755;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -229;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 404;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -74;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
world.view_1.visible = false;
world.view_2.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.97);
world.hero.x = 761;
world.hero.y = 404;
hero_on_stop_facing = "SE";
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_3"){
cam_targeter.x = 376;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -115;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 486;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -101;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = true;
is_climbing = true;
hero_frame = 177;
workaround__show_holding_on_ladder = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.17);
world.hero.x = 376;
world.hero.y = 486;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_show_map"){
map.visible = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none__place_v9_cable"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_place_cable"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_place_cable_in_vent"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_collect_object_1"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_collect_object_2"){
hero_collect_animation_active = true;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_move_to_trolley"){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_text._text.text = "The fuel cell hasn't been tampered with";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_run_EPF_movie"){
dummy_1.x = 580;
dummy_1.y = 580;
cam_targeter.x = 580;
cam_targeter.y = 580;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_far.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_near.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "There they are!";
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_continue_v4_movie"){
dummy_1.x = 560;
dummy_1.y = 524;
cam_targeter.x = 560;
cam_targeter.y = 524;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
world.view_4_entry_door.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.view_4_CY41.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Quick! Get down!";
} else {
if (change_view_to == "none_continue_v4_corridor_movie"){
dummy_1.x = 506;
dummy_1.y = 530;
cam_targeter.x = 506;
cam_targeter.y = 530;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
world.v4_to_corridor.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.view_end_corridor.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Where are they going?";
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_7"){
cam_targeter.x = 686;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -221;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.view_7.visible = true;
_v7_object__collector.visible = true;
sndChannel__hatch_close =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.19);
world.hero.x = 693;
world.hero.y = 503;
} else {
if (change_view_to == "view_8"){
cam_targeter.x = 229;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -66;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 498;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -105;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
_view_6.visible = false;
_view_8.visible = true;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 1.48);
_hero.x = 229;
_hero.y = 498;
if (mouse_hitting_head == false){
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
cursor_text_active = false;
if (show_chat_on_reach_character == true){
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == false)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == false)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I have nothing to ask";
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_select_active = false;
no_chat_active = true;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == false)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == true)))){
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_active = true;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 1)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I have nothing to ask";
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_select_active = false;
no_chat_active = true;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == true)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == false)))){
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_active = true;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I have nothing to ask";
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_select_active = false;
no_chat_active = true;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
} else {
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == true)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == true)))){
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_active = true;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 1)))){
chat_select_active = true;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_active = true;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 1)))){
test_count_dec = (test_count_dec + 1);
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I have nothing to ask";
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_select_active = false;
no_chat_active = true;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 2)))){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "I have nothing to ask";
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_select_active = false;
no_chat_active = true;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
if (_movie_screen_1.visible == true){
_data_recorder_on_table.visible = _object_2_icon.visible;
} else {
if (show_chat_on_reach_character == false){
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "N"){
if (start_movie_active == false){
} else {
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "E"){
} else {
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "S"){
} else {
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "W"){
} else {
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "NE"){
} else {
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "SE"){
} else {
if (hero_on_stop_facing == "NW"){
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 1;
if (world.click_point.hitTestPoint((world.hero.x + world.x), (world.hero.y + world.y), true)){
if (f198091058_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move = "stop";
mouse_point_was_in = "nothing";
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
if (_view_13.visible == true){
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
f18809745_flag = 0;
f19809647_flag = 0;
f198091015_flag = 0;
f198091112_flag = 0;
mouse_move_hero = false;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
f198091058_flag = 1;
} else {
f198091058_flag = 0;
world.outside_object_1.visible = world.view_2.visible;
world.outside_object_2.visible = world.view_2.visible;
if (character_view == "1st_person"){
if (workaround__show_holding_on_ladder == true){
hero_frame = 177;
workaround__show_holding_on_ladder = false;
if (object_1_movie_active == true){
if (object_1_movie_active_flag == 0){
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
dummy_1.x = 548;
dummy_1.y = 586;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 548;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = 586;
cam_targeter.x = 548;
cam_targeter.y = 586;
view__ear_piece_shift_cam_active = true;
next_button.visible = true;
world.object_1_view.visible = false;
world.object_1.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
world.cy10_object_1_view.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "Wait! there's something in here";
object_1_movie_active_flag = 1;
if (view__ear_piece_shift_cam_active == true){
view__ear_piece_shift_cam_timer = (view__ear_piece_shift_cam_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (view__ear_piece_shift_cam_timer >= 40){
if (f_172101108_flag == 0){
cam_shake_active = true;
cam_targeter.x = 584;
cam_targeter.y = 552;
cam_focus_jump = true;
view__ear_piece_shift_cam_active = false;
f_172101108_flag = 1;
if (cam_focus_jump == true){
cam_focus_jump_timer = (cam_focus_jump_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((cam_focus_jump_timer >= 10)) && ((cam_focus_jump_timer < 24)))){
blur_filter.blurX = (blur_filter.blurX + (1.2 * frameRateDiff));
blur_filter.blurY = (blur_filter.blurY + (1.2 * frameRateDiff));
world.cy10_object_1_view.filters = [blur_filter];
} else {
if ((((cam_focus_jump_timer >= 24)) && ((cam_focus_jump_timer < 38)))){
blur_filter.blurX = (blur_filter.blurX - (1.2 * frameRateDiff));
blur_filter.blurY = (blur_filter.blurY - (1.2 * frameRateDiff));
world.cy10_object_1_view.filters = [blur_filter];
} else {
if (cam_focus_jump_timer >= 38){
world.cy10_object_1_view.filters = [];
cam_focus_jump = false;
} else {
if (cam_focus_jump == false){
cam_focus_jump_timer = 0;
if (EPF_binoculars_view_active == true){
if (EPF_binoculars_view_flag == 0){
EPF_binoculars_view_flag_2 = 0;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_near.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = true;
EPF_binoculars_site.visible = true;
world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_3_thor_scientists.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.x = -186;
world.EPF_tower_view.y = -592;
EPF_binoculars_view_flag = 1;
} else {
if (EPF_binoculars_view_active == false){
if (EPF_binoculars_view_flag_2 == 0){
EPF_binoculars_view_flag = 0;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = false;
EPF_binoculars_site.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_3_thor_scientists.visible = false;
EPF_binoculars_view_flag_2 = 1;
if (EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active == true){
if (sniper_attack_flag == 0){
EPF_attack_time_bar.visible = true;
cam_movement = "mouse";
world.hero.visible = false;
world.view_2.visible = false;
pc_inventory.visible = false;
sniper_site.visible = true;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = true;
sniper_attack_flag = 1;
sniper_site.x = mouseX;
sniper_site.y = (mouseY + sniper_site_y_offset);
if (EPF_attack_time_bar.alpha == (100 / 100)){
EPF_attack_time = (EPF_attack_time - (0.18 * frameRateDiff));
_EPF_attack_time_bar_mask.x = (EPF_attack_time / 0.3175);
if (EPF_attack_time <= 0){
if (f_16310156_flag == 0){
thors_defeat_cyborgs_movie_active = true;
f_16310156_flag = 1;
} else {
if (EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active == false){
sniper_attack_flag = 0;
if (thors_defeat_cyborgs_movie_active == true){
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
if (f_193101245_flag == 0){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active = false;
sniper_site.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = false;
world.EPF_launch_view.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
EPF_attack_time_bar.visible = false;
f_193101245_flag = 1;
thors_defeat_timer = (thors_defeat_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (thors_defeat_timer >= 20){
if (f_213101136_flag == 0){
defeat_text.visible = true;
defeat_text.alpha = 0;
f_213101136_flag = 1;
if (defeat_text.alpha < (100 / 100)){
defeat_text.alpha = (defeat_text.alpha + (2 / 100));
} else {
if (defeat_text.alpha >= (100 / 100)){
retry_button.visible = true;
if (EPF_tower_top_right_killed == true){
EPF_tower_top_right_killed_flag = true;
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "1_down"){
if (EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed <= 1.8){
EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed = (EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed + (0.05 * frameRateDiff));
_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation + EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed);
} else {
if (EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed > 1.8){
EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed = (1.8 * frameRateDiff);
_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation + EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed);
if (_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation > 90){
EPF_tower_top_right_fall = true;
} else {
if ((((EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "2_up")) || ((EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "3_down")))){
_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation + (0.5 * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "4_fade_out"){
_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_right.rotation + (0.001 * frameRateDiff));
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall == true){
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "1_down"){
_EPF_tower_top_right.x = (_EPF_tower_top_right.x + ((802 - _EPF_tower_top_right.x) / 18));
EPF_tower_top_right_acceleration = (EPF_tower_top_right_acceleration + 0.02);
_EPF_tower_top_right.y = (_EPF_tower_top_right.y + EPF_tower_top_right_acceleration);
if (_EPF_tower_top_right.y > 945){
EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage = "2_up";
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "2_up"){
_EPF_tower_top_right.y = (_EPF_tower_top_right.y + ((930 - _EPF_tower_top_right.y) / 20));
if (_EPF_tower_top_right.y < 935){
EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage = "3_down";
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "3_down"){
_EPF_tower_top_right.y = (_EPF_tower_top_right.y + ((950 - _EPF_tower_top_right.y) / 20));
if (_EPF_tower_top_right.y > 945){
EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage = "4_fade_out";
if (EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage == "4_fade_out"){
_EPF_tower_top_right.alpha = (_EPF_tower_top_right.alpha - ((2 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (_EPF_tower_top_right.alpha <= 0){
_EPF_tower_top_right.visible = false;
EPF_tower_top_right_killed = false;
if (EPF_tower_top_left_killed == true){
EPF_tower_top_left_killed_flag = true;
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "1_down"){
if (EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed <= 1.8){
EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed = (EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed + (0.05 * frameRateDiff));
_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation - EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed);
} else {
if (EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed > 1.8){
EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed = (1.8 * frameRateDiff);
_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation - EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed);
if (_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation < -90){
EPF_tower_top_left_fall = true;
} else {
if ((((EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "2_up")) || ((EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "3_down")))){
_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation - (0.5 * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "4_fade_out"){
_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation = (_EPF_tower_top_left.rotation - (0.001 * frameRateDiff));
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall == true){
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "1_down"){
_EPF_tower_top_left.x = (_EPF_tower_top_left.x + ((590 - _EPF_tower_top_left.x) / 18));
EPF_tower_top_left_acceleration = (EPF_tower_top_left_acceleration + 0.02);
_EPF_tower_top_left.y = (_EPF_tower_top_left.y + EPF_tower_top_left_acceleration);
if (_EPF_tower_top_left.y > 945){
EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage = "2_up";
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "2_up"){
_EPF_tower_top_left.y = (_EPF_tower_top_left.y + ((930 - _EPF_tower_top_left.y) / 20));
if (_EPF_tower_top_left.y < 935){
EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage = "3_down";
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "3_down"){
_EPF_tower_top_left.y = (_EPF_tower_top_left.y + ((950 - _EPF_tower_top_left.y) / 20));
if (_EPF_tower_top_left.y > 945){
EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage = "4_fade_out";
if (EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage == "4_fade_out"){
_EPF_tower_top_left.alpha = (_EPF_tower_top_left.alpha - ((2 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (_EPF_tower_top_left.alpha <= 0){
_EPF_tower_top_left.visible = false;
EPF_tower_top_left_killed = false;
if (EPF_tower_vehicle_killed == true){
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_flag = true;
if (EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_stage == "1_slouch"){
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer = (EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer >= 0)) && ((EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer < 30)))){
_EPF_tower_vehicle.rotation = (_EPF_tower_vehicle.rotation + ((75 - _EPF_tower_vehicle.rotation) / 120));
} else {
if (EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer >= 30){
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_stage = "2_fade_out";
} else {
if (EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_stage == "2_fade_out"){
_EPF_tower_vehicle.alpha = (_EPF_tower_vehicle.alpha - ((4 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (_EPF_tower_vehicle.alpha <= 0){
_EPF_tower_vehicle.visible = false;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed = false;
if (EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed == true){
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_flag = true;
if (_EPF_tower_bottom_right.rotation <= 90){
_EPF_tower_bottom_right.rotation = (_EPF_tower_bottom_right.rotation + ((1 + _EPF_tower_bottom_right.rotation) / 25));
if (_EPF_tower_bottom_right.rotation > 40){
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer = (EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer >= 0)) && ((EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer < 50)))){
_EPF_tower_bottom_right.alpha = (_EPF_tower_bottom_right.alpha - ((16 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer >= 50){
_EPF_tower_bottom_right.visible = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed = false;
if (EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed == true){
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_flag = true;
if (_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.rotation <= 90){
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.rotation = (_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.rotation + ((1 + _EPF_tower_bottom_middle.rotation) / 25));
} else {
if (_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.rotation > 40){
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer = (EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer >= 0)) && ((EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer < 50)))){
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.alpha = (_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.alpha - ((16 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer >= 50){
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle.visible = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed = false;
if (EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed == true){
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_flag = true;
if (_EPF_tower_bottom_left.rotation <= 90){
_EPF_tower_bottom_left.rotation = (_EPF_tower_bottom_left.rotation + ((1 + _EPF_tower_bottom_left.rotation) / 25));
} else {
if (_EPF_tower_bottom_left.rotation > 40){
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer = (EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer >= 0)) && ((EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer < 50)))){
_EPF_tower_bottom_left.alpha = (_EPF_tower_bottom_left.alpha - ((16 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer >= 50){
_EPF_tower_bottom_left.visible = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed = false;
if (EPF_thor_building_killed == true){
EPF_thor_building_killed_flag = true;
if (_EPF_thor_building.rotation <= 70){
_EPF_thor_building.rotation = (_EPF_thor_building.rotation + ((1 + _EPF_thor_building.rotation) / 25));
} else {
if (_EPF_thor_building.rotation > 12){
EPF_thor_building_killed_timer = (EPF_thor_building_killed_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_thor_building_killed_timer >= 0)) && ((EPF_thor_building_killed_timer < 50)))){
_EPF_thor_building.alpha = (_EPF_thor_building.alpha - ((15 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (EPF_thor_building_killed_timer >= 50){
_EPF_thor_building.visible = false;
EPF_thor_building_killed = false;
if ((((((((((((((EPF_thor_building_killed_flag == true)) && ((EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_flag == true)))) && ((EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_flag == true)))) && ((EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_flag == true)))) && ((EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_flag == true)))) && ((EPF_tower_top_left_killed_flag == true)))) && ((EPF_tower_top_right_killed_flag == true)))){
if (f_153101136_flag == 0){
all_EPF_enemies_killed = true;
fade_out_EPF_bar = true;
f_153101136_flag = 1;
if (all_EPF_enemies_killed == true){
all_EPF_enemies_killed_timer = (all_EPF_enemies_killed_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (all_EPF_enemies_killed_timer >= 110){
if (f_187101126_flag == 0){
EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active = false;
fade_down_sniper_music = true;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = false;
sniper_site.visible = false;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
_EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end.visible = true;
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_text._text.text = "Come on. We have very little time left";
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
next_button.visible = true;
f_187101126_flag = 1;
if (EPF_end_movie_active == true){
if (EPF_end_movie_flag == 0){
_EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
_elevator_cam_2.visible = true;
EPF_end_movie_state = "panel";
EPF_end_movie_flag = 1;
if (EPF_end_movie_state == "panel"){
_elevator_cam_2.visible = true;
EPF_end_movie_timer = (EPF_end_movie_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_end_movie_timer >= 20)) && ((EPF_end_movie_timer < 50)))){
_CY10_arm_by_panel.y = (_CY10_arm_by_panel.y + ((528 - _CY10_arm_by_panel.y) / 30));
} else {
if (EPF_end_movie_timer >= 50){
EPF_end_movie_timer = 0;
EPF_end_movie_state = "elevator_down";
if (EPF_end_movie_state == "elevator_down"){
if (f_206101020_flag == 0){
_elevator_from_below.scaleX = (30 / 100);
f_206101020_flag = 1;
_elevator_cam_2.visible = false;
_elevator_from_below_view.visible = true;
_elevator_from_below.scaleX = (_elevator_from_below.scaleX + ((0.3 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (_elevator_from_below.scaleX >= (90 / 100)){
EPF_end_movie_state = "elevator_up";
_elevator_from_below.scaleY = _elevator_from_below.scaleX;
if (EPF_end_movie_state == "elevator_up"){
_elevator_from_below_view.visible = false;
_elevator_cam_1.visible = true;
EPF_end_elevator_up_timer = (EPF_end_elevator_up_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (EPF_end_elevator_up_timer >= 50){
_elevator_cam_1_lift.y = (_elevator_cam_1_lift.y - (0.45 * frameRateDiff));
if (_elevator_cam_1_lift.y <= -50){
EPF_end_movie_state = "final_view";
if (EPF_end_movie_state == "final_view"){
_elevator_cam_1.visible = false;
_final_view.visible = true;
state__final_view_timer = (state__final_view_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (state__final_view_timer >= 80){
EPF_end_movie_state = "final_view_with_final_text";
if (EPF_end_movie_state == "final_view_with_final_text"){
final_view_text.visible = true;
final_view_text.alpha = (final_view_text.alpha + ((4 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
final_view_text.visible = true;
if (final_view_text.alpha >= 100){
final_view_text.alpha = 100;
EPF_end_movie_state = "end";
if (fade_out_EPF_bar == true){
EPF_attack_time_bar.alpha = (EPF_attack_time_bar.alpha - ((2 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (EPF_attack_time_bar.alpha <= 0){
EPF_attack_time_bar.visible = false;
fade_out_EPF_bar = false;
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == true){
world.view_4_door_trigger_1.visible = true;
world.view_4_door_trigger_2.visible = true;
} else {
if (world.view_4_walkable.visible == false){
world.view_4_door_trigger_1.visible = false;
world.view_4_door_trigger_2.visible = false;
world.view_5_door_trigger_1.visible = world.view_5.visible;
world.view_5_door_trigger_2.visible = world.view_5.visible;
world.view_1_door_trigger.visible = world.view_1.visible;
world.v1_exit__vehicle_door.visible = world.view_1.visible;
world.view_1_exit_trigger_2.visible = world.view_1.visible;
world.view_2_door_trigger.visible = world.view_2.visible;
world.view_3_exit_trigger_1.visible = world.view_3.visible;
world.character_2.visible = world.view_3.visible;
if (chat_select_active == true){
if (chat_select_active_flag == 0){
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
if (f_224101146_flag == 0){
active_holding_object = undefined;
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
f_224101146_flag = 1;
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == false)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == false)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.x = 2000;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.y = 2000;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
} else {
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == false)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == true)))){
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "The vehicle's data recorder might tell us something";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "Does it say where the vehicle went?";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 1)))){
world.movie_screen_1.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = true;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
} else {
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == true)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == false)))){
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "I found this in the vehicle's communication system";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
world.movie_screen_1.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = true;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
} else {
if ((((pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible == true)) && ((pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible == true)))){
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_2.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_2.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "The vehicle's data recorder might tell us something";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "I found this in the vehicle's communication system";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 0)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 1)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "I found this in the vehicle's communication system";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 0)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "Does it say where the vehicle went?";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 1)))){
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.x = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.x;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.y = chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.y;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.text_1.text = "Does it say where the vehicle went?";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.text_2.text = "";
chat_select_mc.cs_text_3_mc.text_3.text = "";
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_select_mc.visible = true;
} else {
if ((((times_checked_object_1 == 1)) && ((times_checked_object_2 == 2)))){
world.movie_screen_1.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = true;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_active_flag = 1;
} else {
if (chat_select_active == false){
if (chat_select_active_flag == 1){
large_black_bars.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
next_button.visible = false;
chat_select_active_flag = 0;
if (no_chat_active == true){
f_2812091145_flag = 0;
if (no_chat_active_flag == 0){
next_button.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
world.hero.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
world.x = -99;
world.y = -38;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = true;
active_holding_object = undefined;
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
f_224101146_flag = 1;
no_chat_active_flag = 1;
} else {
if (no_chat_active == false){
if (f_2812091145_flag == 0){
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
next_button.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
world.hero.visible = true;
world.view_3.visible = true;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = true;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = false;
chat_text.visible = false;
f_2812091145_flag = 1;
no_chat_active_flag = 0;
if (orange_glow_active == true){
orange_glow_active_flag_2 = 0;
if ((((orange_glow_filter.blurX >= 0)) && ((orange_glow_filter.blurX < 30)))){
orange_glow_filter.blurX = (orange_glow_filter.blurX + ((30 - orange_glow_filter.blurX) / 8));
orange_glow_filter.blurY = (orange_glow_filter.blurY + ((30 - orange_glow_filter.blurY) / 8));
orange_glow_filter_inner.strength = 1;
orange_glow_filter_inner.blurX = 70;
orange_glow_filter_inner.blurY = 70;
active_orange_glow_object.filters = [orange_glow_filter, orange_glow_filter_inner];
} else {
if (orange_glow_filter.blurX >= 30){
} else {
if (orange_glow_active == false){
orange_glow_filter.blurX = 0;
orange_glow_filter.blurY = 0;
if (orange_glow_active_flag_2 == 0){
orange_glow_active_flag_2 = 1;
if (testing.visible == true){
if (testing_flag == 0){
fps_text_mc.visible = true;
testing_flag = 1;
if (mouse_down == true){
active_slider.x = mouseX;
if (active_slider == testing.test_slider_1){
test_var_1 = ((testing.test_slider_1.x - 300) / 100);
if (active_slider == testing.test_slider_2){
test_var_2 = ((testing.test_slider_2.x - 300) * 2);
if (active_slider == testing.test_slider_3){
test_var_3 = ((testing.test_slider_3.x - 300) / 100);
if (active_slider == testing.test_slider_4){
test_var_4 = ((testing.test_slider_4.x - 300) * 1);
if (world.v4_to_corridor.visible == true){
v4_to_corridor_timer = (v4_to_corridor_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (v4_to_corridor_timer >= 35){
if (v4_to_corridor_flag == 0){
world.click_point.x = 518;
world.click_point.y = 365;
change_view_to = "none_continue_v4_corridor_movie";
hero_on_stop_facing = "N";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
v4_to_corridor_flag = 1;
if (world.view_4_entry_door.visible == true){
view_4_entry_door_timer = (view_4_entry_door_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (view_4_entry_door_timer >= 35){
if (view_4_entry_door_flag == 0){
world.click_point.x = 449;
world.click_point.y = 361;
change_view_to = "none_continue_v4_movie";
hero_on_stop_facing = "W";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
view_4_entry_door_flag = 1;
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
chat_select_active = false;
if (film_bits_active == true){
film_bits_layer.visible = true;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_1.x = -100;
_local6 = 35;
_local7 = 1;
film_bits_rand_timer = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local6 - _local7) + 1))) + _local7);
if (film_bits_rand_timer == 35){
_local12 = 700;
_local13 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_x = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local12 - _local13) + 1))) + _local13);
_local14 = 350;
_local15 = 100;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_y = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local14 - _local15) + 1))) + _local15);
_local16 = 360;
_local17 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_rot = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local16 - _local17) + 1))) + _local17);
_local18 = (40 / 100);
_local19 = (4 / 100);
rand_film_bit_1_scale = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local18 - _local19) + 1))) + _local19);
_local20 = 4;
_local21 = 1;
rand_film_bit_1_colour = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local20 - _local21) + 1))) + _local21);
film_bits_layer.film_bits_1.x = rand_film_bit_1_pos_x;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_1.y = rand_film_bit_1_pos_y;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_1.rotation = rand_film_bit_1_rot;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_1.scaleX = rand_film_bit_1_scale;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_1.scaleY = rand_film_bit_1_scale;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_2.x = -100;
_local8 = 35;
_local9 = 1;
film_bits_rand_timer__2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local8 - _local9) + 1))) + _local9);
if (film_bits_rand_timer__2 == 35){
_local22 = 700;
_local23 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local22 - _local23) + 1))) + _local23);
_local24 = 350;
_local25 = 100;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local24 - _local25) + 1))) + _local25);
_local26 = 360;
_local27 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_rot__2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local26 - _local27) + 1))) + _local27);
_local28 = (40 / 100);
_local29 = (4 / 100);
rand_film_bit_1_scale__2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local28 - _local29) + 1))) + _local29);
_local30 = 4;
_local31 = 1;
rand_film_bit_1_colour__2 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local30 - _local31) + 1))) + _local31);
film_bits_layer.film_bits_2.x = rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__2;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_2.y = rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__2;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_2.rotation = rand_film_bit_1_rot__2;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_2.scaleX = rand_film_bit_1_scale__2;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_2.scaleY = rand_film_bit_1_scale__2;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_3.x = -100;
_local10 = 35;
_local11 = 1;
film_bits_rand_timer__3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local10 - _local11) + 1))) + _local11);
if (film_bits_rand_timer__3 == 35){
_local32 = 700;
_local33 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local32 - _local33) + 1))) + _local33);
_local34 = 350;
_local35 = 100;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local34 - _local35) + 1))) + _local35);
_local36 = 360;
_local37 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_rot__3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local36 - _local37) + 1))) + _local37);
_local38 = (40 / 100);
_local39 = (4 / 100);
rand_film_bit_1_scale__3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local38 - _local39) + 1))) + _local39);
_local40 = 4;
_local41 = 1;
rand_film_bit_1_colour__3 = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local40 - _local41) + 1))) + _local41);
film_bits_layer.film_bits_3.x = rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__3;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_3.y = rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__3;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_3.rotation = rand_film_bit_1_rot__3;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_3.scaleX = rand_film_bit_1_scale__3;
film_bits_layer.film_bits_3.scaleY = rand_film_bit_1_scale__3;
} else {
if (film_bits_active == false){
film_bits_layer.visible = false;
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == true){
f_313101159_flag = 0;
if (f_30310332_flag == 0){
dummy_1.x = 560;
dummy_1.y = 524;
cam_targeter.x = 560;
cam_targeter.y = 524;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
f_30310332_flag = 1;
} else {
if (world.movie_screen_1.visible == false){
f_30310332_flag = 0;
if (f_313101159_flag == 0){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_shake_active = false;
f_313101159_flag = 1;
if (testing_31310109 == true){
dummy_1.x = test_var_1;
dummy_1.y = test_var_2;
cam_targeter.x = test_var_1;
cam_targeter.y = test_var_2;
if (sniper_kick_back == true){
sniper_kick_back_timer = (sniper_kick_back_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((sniper_kick_back_timer >= 0)) && ((sniper_kick_back_timer < 4)))){
sniper_site_y_offset = (sniper_site_y_offset + ((-50 - sniper_site_y_offset) / 2));
y_mouse_offset = (y_mouse_offset + ((-45 - y_mouse_offset) / 2));
} else {
if ((((sniper_kick_back_timer >= 4)) && ((sniper_kick_back_timer < 20)))){
sniper_site_y_offset = (sniper_site_y_offset + ((0 - sniper_site_y_offset) / 9));
y_mouse_offset = (y_mouse_offset + ((0 - y_mouse_offset) / 9));
} else {
if (sniper_kick_back_timer >= 20){
sniper_kick_back = false;
} else {
if (sniper_kick_back == false){
sniper_kick_back_timer = 0;
if (holding_object == true){
if (cursor_movement_active == true){
active_holding_object.x = mouseX;
active_holding_object.y = mouseY;
} else {
if (cursor_movement_active == false){
active_holding_object.x = 10000;
active_holding_object.y = 10000;
active_holding_object.visible = true;
if (cursor_text_active == true){
if (use_with_cursor_text.visible == false){
cursor_text.visible = true;
} else {
if (use_with_cursor_text.visible == true){
cursor_text.visible = false;
} else {
if (cursor_text_active == false){
cursor_text.visible = false;
if (mouse_point_was_in == "up_left"){
last_point_mouse_in = mouse_point_was_in;
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "up_right"){
last_point_mouse_in = mouse_point_was_in;
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "down_left"){
last_point_mouse_in = mouse_point_was_in;
} else {
if (mouse_point_was_in == "down_right"){
last_point_mouse_in = mouse_point_was_in;
if (pick_up_move_active == true){
pick_up_move_active_timer = (pick_up_move_active_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((pick_up_move_active_timer >= 0)) && ((pick_up_move_active_timer < 20)))){
_data_recorder_box_lid.x = (_data_recorder_box_lid.x + ((-150 - _data_recorder_box_lid.x) / 30));
_data_recorder_box_lid.y = (_data_recorder_box_lid.y + ((400 - _data_recorder_box_lid.y) / 30));
_data_recorder_box_lid.scaleX = (_data_recorder_box_lid.scaleX + (2 / 100));
_data_recorder_box_lid.scaleY = _data_recorder_box_lid.scaleX;
} else {
if (pick_up_move_active_timer >= 20){
pick_up_move_active = false;
} else {
if (pick_up_move_active == false){
pick_up_move_active_timer = 0;
if (world.view_3.visible == true){
_v3_object_2_trigger__container.visible = world.view_3.visible;
if (show_menu_active == true){
if (f_246101127_flag == 0){
fade_in_menu_inner_box = true;
_menu_inner_box.visible = true;
_menu_items.visible = true;
_menu_items.alpha = 0;
f_246101127_flag = 1;
if (fade_in_menu_inner_box == true){
_menu_items.alpha = (_menu_items.alpha + ((6 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (_menu_items.alpha >= (100 / 100)){
_menu_items.alpha = (100 / 100);
fade_in_menu_inner_box = false;
if (show_menu_active == false){
_menu_inner_box.visible = false;
f_246101127_flag = 0;
_menu_items.visible = false;
_menu_items.alpha = 0;
fade_in_menu_inner_box = false;
if (_start_screen_view.visible == true){
if (flash_start_screen_button_state == "start"){
active_flash_start_screen_button.alpha = (73 / 100);
flash_start_screen_button_state = "fade_out";
if (flash_start_screen_button_state == "fade_out"){
active_flash_start_screen_button.alpha = (active_flash_start_screen_button.alpha - ((6 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (active_flash_start_screen_button.alpha <= 0){
active_flash_start_screen_button.alpha = (0 / 100);
flash_start_screen_button_state = "off";
if (fade_down_sniper_music == true){
if (fade_up_ambient_music_2_active == true){
if (f_137101114_flag == 0){
sndChannel__music =, 999999);
set_ambient_music_to_start_2_active = true;
f_137101114_flag = 1;
ambient_music_volume = (ambient_music_volume + (0.03 * frameRateDiff));
transform1__music.volume = ambient_music_volume;
sndChannel__music.soundTransform = transform1__music;
if (ambient_music_volume >= 1){
ambient_music_volume = 1;
fade_up_ambient_music_2_active = false;
if (set_ambient_music_to_start_2_active == true){
if (sndChannel__music.position >= 182000){
sndChannel__music =, 999999);
set_ambient_music_to_start_2_active = false;
if (fade_up_ambient_music_active == true){
if (f_11710218_flag == 0){
sndChannel__music =, 999999);
set_ambient_music_to_start_active = true;
f_11710218_flag = 1;
ambient_music_volume = (ambient_music_volume + (0.03 * frameRateDiff));
transform1__music.volume = ambient_music_volume;
sndChannel__music.soundTransform = transform1__music;
if (ambient_music_volume >= 1){
ambient_music_volume = 1;
fade_up_ambient_music_active = false;
if (set_ambient_music_to_start_active == true){
if (sndChannel__music.position >= 182000){
sndChannel__music =, 999999);
set_ambient_music_to_start_active = false;
if (fade_music_to_sniper_music_active == true){
if (fade_sniper_music_to_music_active == true){
if (_music_on_button.currentFrame == 2){
transform1__music.leftToLeft = 0;
transform1__music.leftToRight = 0;
transform1__music.rightToLeft = 0;
transform1__music.rightToRight = 0;
sndChannel__music.soundTransform = transform1__music;
if (_music_on_button.currentFrame == 1){
transform1__music.leftToLeft = 0.8;
transform1__music.leftToRight = 0.8;
transform1__music.rightToLeft = 0.8;
transform1__music.rightToRight = 0.8;
sndChannel__music.soundTransform = transform1__music;
if (hero_n_climb_up_function_active == true){
if (hero_n_climb_up_function_active_flag == 0){
is_climbing = true;
hero_n_climb_up_active = true;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_up_function_timer = (hero_n_climb_up_function_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((hero_n_climb_up_function_timer >= 0)) && ((hero_n_climb_up_function_timer < 40)))){
if (_view_4.visible == true){
_hero.y = (_hero.y - (((_hero.scaleY * 2.055) * 1) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
_hero.y = (_hero.y - (((_hero.scaleY * 2.055) * 1.08) * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_n_climb_up_function_timer >= 40){
if ((((_view_2.visible == true)) && ((climb_up_flag == 0)))){
cam_targeter.x = 376;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -115;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 486;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -101;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_n_climb_up_active = false;
hero_N_up_climb_active = false;
_view_2.visible = false;
hero_slow_shift_left = false;
_view_3.visible = true;
hero_frame = 177;
_hero.x = 376;
_hero.y = 486;
_hero.scaleX = 1.17;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
climb_up_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = false;
if ((((_view_3.visible == true)) && ((climb_up_flag == 0)))){
cam_targeter.x = 474;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -147;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 480;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -102;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_n_climb_up_active = false;
hero_NW_up_climb_active = false;
_view_3.visible = false;
_view_4.visible = true;
hero_frame = 177;
_hero.x = 474;
_hero.y = 480;
_hero.scaleX = 1.1;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
climb_up_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = false;
if ((((_view_4.visible == true)) && ((climb_up_flag == 0)))){
cam_targeter.x = 432;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -134;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 500;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -106;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_n_climb_up_active = false;
hero_NW_up_climb_active = false;
_view_4.visible = false;
_view_12.visible = true;
if (shuttle_thor_killed == false){
_v12_object__thor_at_cy10.visible = true;
} else {
if (shuttle_thor_killed == true){
_v12_object__thor_at_cy10.visible = false;
hero_frame = 177;
_hero.x = 432;
_hero.y = 528;
_hero.scaleX = 1.17;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
climb_up_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = false;
if ((((_view_12.visible == true)) && ((climb_up_flag == 0)))){
hero_n_climb_up_active = false;
_view_12.visible = false;
_hero.x = 392;
_hero.y = 503;
climb_up_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = false;
} else {
if (hero_n_climb_up_function_active == false){
climb_up_flag = 0;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active_flag = 0;
hero_n_climb_up_function_timer = 0;
if (hero_n_climb_down_function_active == true){
if (hero_n_climb_down_function_active_flag == 0){
hero_n_climb_down_active = true;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_down_function_timer = (hero_n_climb_down_function_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((hero_n_climb_down_function_timer >= 0)) && ((hero_n_climb_down_function_timer < 40)))){
if (_view_12.visible == true){
_hero.y = (_hero.y + (((_hero.scaleY * 2.055) * 1.24) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
_hero.y = (_hero.y + (((_hero.scaleY * 2.055) * 1.1) * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_n_climb_down_function_timer >= 40){
if ((((_view_3.visible == true)) && ((climb_down_flag == 0)))){
cam_targeter.x = 168;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -7;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 474;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -98;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_n_climb_down_active = false;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = false;
_view_3.visible = false;
_view_2.visible = true;
is_climbing = false;
_hero.x = 111;
_hero.y = 474;
_hero.scaleX = 1.27;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
climb_down_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = false;
if ((((_view_4.visible == true)) && ((climb_down_flag == 0)))){
cam_targeter.x = 376;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -115;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 486;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -102;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_n_climb_down_active = false;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = false;
_view_4.visible = false;
_view_3.visible = true;
hero_frame = 177;
_hero.x = 376;
_hero.y = 486;
_hero.scaleX = 1.17;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
climb_down_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = false;
if ((((_start_movie__view_4.visible == true)) && ((climb_down_flag == 0)))){
start_movie_active = false;
menu_button.visible = true;
_start_movie__view_4.visible = false;
hero_n_climb_down_active = false;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
fade_large_black_bars_active = true;
episode_credit.visible = false;
start_credits.visible = false;
thorenzitha_credit.visible = false;
show_title_active = false;
show_title_2_active = false;
skip_button.visible = false;
ease_world_active = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_targeter.x = 735;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -217.95;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 453;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -90.8;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
sndChannel__slide_door =, 1);
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.94);
world.hero.x = 735;
world.hero.y = 453;
is_climbing = false;
climb_down_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = false;
if ((((_view_12.visible == true)) && ((climb_down_flag == 0)))){
cam_targeter.x = 474;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -147;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 480;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -100;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
hero_n_climb_down_active = false;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = false;
_view_12.visible = false;
_view_4.visible = true;
hero_frame = 177;
_hero.x = 474;
_hero.y = 480;
_hero.scaleX = 1.1;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
climb_down_flag = 1;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = false;
} else {
if (hero_n_climb_down_function_active == false){
climb_down_flag = 0;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active_flag = 0;
hero_n_climb_down_function_timer = 0;
if (_view_6.visible == true){
if (_view_6_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_7.visible == true){
if (_view_7_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_7_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if ((((hero_facing_w_collect_active == false)) && ((hero_facing_e_collect_active == false)))){
if (_v7_object__cable_on_floor.visible == true){
if (_clickable_cable_on_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_click_point.y >= 484){
_click_point.y = 484;
if (_view_8.visible == true){
if (_view_8_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_8_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_9.visible == true){
if (_view_9_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_10.visible == true){
if (_view_10_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_10_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_12.visible == true){
if (view_12_once_flag == 0){
f_161010_flag = 0;
if (object_6_collected == false){
_v12_trigger__smart_key.visible = true;
if (state__enemy_can_fire_shuttle_weapon == true){
_v12_exit__up_ladder.visible = false;
sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_power_up =, 1, transform1__shuttle_weapon_power_up);
_shuttle_weapon_active = true;
choose_random_shuttle_fire = true;
if (state__enemy_can_fire_shuttle_weapon == false){
_v12_exit__up_ladder.visible = true;
view_12_once_flag = 1;
} else {
if (_view_12.visible == false){
if (f_161010_flag == 0){
f_161010_flag = 1;
view_12_once_flag = 0;
_shuttle_weapon_active = false;
shuttle_charge_timer = 0;
shuttle_fireing_active = false;
choose_random_shuttle_fire = false;
set_shuttle_shot.visible = false;
if (_view_13.visible == true){
if (_view_13_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_13_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_14.visible == true){
if (_view_14_floor.hitTestPoint((_hero.x + world.x), (_hero.y + world.y), true)){
hero_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
hero_hitting_floor = false;
if (_view_14_floor.hitTestPoint(root.mouseX, root.mouseY, true)){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
mouse_hitting_floor = true;
} else {
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
} else {
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (choose_random_shuttle_fire == true){
random_shuttle_fire_timer = (random_shuttle_fire_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (random_shuttle_fire_timer >= 10){
_local42 = 4;
_local43 = 1;
random_shuttle_fire = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local42 - _local43) + 1))) + _local43);
random_shuttle_fire_timer = 0;
if (random_shuttle_fire == 4){
if (random_shuttle_fire_once_flag == 0){
shuttle_fireing_active = true;
random_shuttle_fire_once_flag = 1;
if (_shuttle_weapon_active == true){
shuttle_weapon_active_timer = (shuttle_weapon_active_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (shuttle_weapon_active_timer >= 60){
sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_active =, 999);
_v12_trigger__smart_key.visible = false;
shuttle_fireing_active = true;
_shuttle_weapon_active = false;
} else {
if (_shuttle_weapon_active == false){
shuttle_weapon_active_timer = 0;
if (shuttle_fireing_active == true){
shuttle_charge_timer = (shuttle_charge_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((shuttle_charge_timer >= 0)) && ((shuttle_charge_timer < 55)))){
if (shuttle_fireing_flag == 0){
shuttle_fireing_flag = 1;
if (shuttle_charge_timer >= 55){
if (shuttle_fireing_flag_2 == 0){
set_shuttle_shot.visible = false;
set_shuttle_shot.visible = true;
sndChannel__robot_ion_shot =, 1);
shuttle_fireing_flag_2 = 1;
shuttle_shot_speed = (shuttle_shot_speed + ((0.46 * shuttle_shot_speed) * frameRateDiff));
set_shuttle_shot.scaleX = (set_shuttle_shot.scaleX + ((set_shuttle_shot.scaleX * 0.22) * frameRateDiff));
set_shuttle_shot.scaleY = (set_shuttle_shot.scaleY + ((set_shuttle_shot.scaleY / 3.3) * frameRateDiff));
shuttle_shot_angle = Math.atan2((_shuttle_target.y - set_shuttle_shot.y), (_shuttle_target.x - set_shuttle_shot.x));
set_shuttle_shot.x = (set_shuttle_shot.x + (Math.cos(shuttle_shot_angle) * (shuttle_shot_speed * frameRateDiff)));
set_shuttle_shot.y = (set_shuttle_shot.y + (Math.sin(shuttle_shot_angle) * (shuttle_shot_speed * frameRateDiff)));
_local44 = (_shuttle_target.x - set_shuttle_shot.x);
_local45 = (_shuttle_target.y - set_shuttle_shot.y);
_local46 = ((Math.atan2(_local45, _local44) * 180) / Math.PI);
set_shuttle_shot.rotation = _local46;
if (set_shuttle_shot.y >= _shuttle_target.y){
shuttle_fireing_active = false;
} else {
if (shuttle_fireing_active == false){
set_shuttle_shot.visible = false;
shuttle_fireing_flag = 0;
shuttle_fireing_flag_2 = 0;
shuttle_shot_speed = 0.41;
set_shuttle_shot.scaleX = (10 / 100);
set_shuttle_shot.scaleY = (8 / 100);
random_shuttle_fire_once_flag = 0;
set_shuttle_shot.x = _shuttle_gun_start.x;
set_shuttle_shot.y = _shuttle_gun_start.y;
_local47 = 440;
_local48 = 210;
random__shuttle_fireing_angle = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local47 - _local48) + 1))) + _local48);
_shuttle_target.x = random__shuttle_fireing_angle;
if (hero_collect_animation_active == true){
hero_collect_animation_timer = (hero_collect_animation_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (hero_collect_animation_timer >= 40){
if (_view_14.visible == true){
if ((((change_view_to == "none__try_mixer_tank_holding")) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "Pressure from the plasma gas is holding the door shut";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((change_view_to == "none__try_mixer_tank_that's_strange")) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That’s strange. I let out the plasma gas but the door is still being held closed by more gas";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if (_view_5.visible == true){
if ((((change_view_to == "none__try_collector_tank_door_holding")) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "Pressure from the plasma gas is holding the door shut";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((change_view_to == "none__try_collector_tank_door_that's_strange")) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "That’s strange. I let out the plasma gas but the door is still being held closed by more gas";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((_view_1.visible == true)) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
chat_text._text.text = "Nothing happened";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((_view_13.visible == true)) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v13_trigger__chain.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_4_icon.visible = true;
object_4_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_4_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((_view_9.visible == true)) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v9_object__cable.visible = true;
_v9_object__cable_at_bottom.visible = false;
chat_text._text.text = "The backup power can get to the top of the tower now";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((_view_8.visible == true)) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v8_trigger__object_1.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible = true;
object_1_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_1_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
chat_text._text.text = "The mixer tank is no longer being supplied with power";
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((_view_10.visible == true)) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v10_trigger__metal_bar.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible = true;
object_2_collected = true;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = pc_inventory.object_2_icon;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = true;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((((_view_7.visible == true)) && ((_v7_object__cable_on_floor.visible == false)))) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v7_object__cable_on_floor.visible = true;
_object_1_icon.visible = false;
_object_1_icon.x = -100;
_object_1_icon.y = -100;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = true;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
if ((((((_view_7.visible == true)) && ((_v7_object__cable_on_floor.visible == true)))) && ((hero_collect_flag == 0)))){
_v7_object__cable_on_floor.visible = false;
sndChannel__pick_up =, 1, transform1__pick_up);
_v7_object__cable_in_vent.visible = true;
_v9_object__cable_at_bottom.visible = true;
hero_collect_flag = 1;
hero_collect_animation_active = false;
} else {
if (hero_collect_animation_active == false){
hero_collect_flag = 0;
hero_collect_animation_timer = 0;
if (first_person_torch_active == true){
torch_beam.x = mouseX;
torch_beam.y = mouseY;
torch_beam.visible = true;
} else {
if (first_person_torch_active == false){
torch_beam.visible = false;
if (_view_11.visible == true){
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
if (open_vent_movie_active == true){
open_vent_movie_active = false;
if (v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_active == true){
if (v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag == 0){
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
dummy_1.x = 548;
dummy_1.y = 586;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 548;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = 586;
cam_targeter.x = 548;
cam_targeter.y = 586;
next_button.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "The tower elevator has been deliberately dropped to the ground";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag = 1;
} else {
if (v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_active == false){
v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag = 0;
if (v1_cyborg_worker_movie_active == true){
if (v1_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag == 0){
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
dummy_1.x = 548;
dummy_1.y = 586;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 548;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = 586;
cam_targeter.x = 548;
cam_targeter.y = 586;
next_button.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "One of the shuttles took off. That one must contain the stolen parts from the tower";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
v1_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag = 1;
} else {
if (v1_cyborg_worker_movie_active == false){
v1_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag = 0;
if (v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active == true){
if (v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active_once_flag == 0){
cam_movement = "hand_held";
cam_shake_active = true;
dummy_1.x = 548;
dummy_1.y = 586;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 548;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = 586;
cam_targeter.x = 548;
cam_targeter.y = 586;
next_button.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
chat_text._text.text = "The monitor shows the mixer tank is still producing plasma gas";
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFD800;
chat_text.y = 311;
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active_once_flag = 1;
} else {
if (v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active == false){
v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active_once_flag = 0;
if (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active == true){
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer = (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer >= 50)) && ((EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer < 100)))){
if (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag == 0){
_view_16.visible = false;
back_button.visible = false;
_view_15.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag = 1;
if ((((EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer >= 100)) && ((EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer < 160)))){
if (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag == 1){
EPF_energy_fire_normal_active = true;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag = 2;
if ((((EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer >= 160)) && ((EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer < 200)))){
if (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag == 2){
EPF_energy_fire_normal_active = false;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag = 3;
if (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer >= 200){
_view_15.visible = false;
back_button.visible = true;
_view_16.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active = false;
} else {
if (EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active == false){
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer = 0;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag = 0;
if (testing_active == true){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
is_climbing = true;
_hero.x = test_var_1;
_hero.y = test_var_2;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = test_var_3);
if (flash_screen_power_button_active == true){
flash_screen_power_button_timer = (flash_screen_power_button_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((flash_screen_power_button_timer >= 0)) && ((flash_screen_power_button_timer < 15)))){
if ((((flash_screen_power_button_timer >= 15)) && ((flash_screen_power_button_timer < 30)))){
if (flash_screen_power_button_timer >= 30){
flash_screen_power_button_active = false;
} else {
if (flash_screen_power_button_active == false){
flash_screen_power_button_timer = 0;
if (use_radio_movie_active == true){
if (use_radio_movie_flag == 0){
f_31210857_flag = 0;
use_radio_movie_flag = 1;
use_radio_movie_timer = (use_radio_movie_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((use_radio_movie_timer >= 0)) && ((use_radio_movie_timer < 60)))){
if (f_311101114_flag == 0){
dummy_1.x = 338;
dummy_1.y = 308;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = 338;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = 308;
cam_targeter.x = 338;
cam_targeter.y = 308;
cam_movement = "hand_held";
_view_1.visible = false;
_hero.visible = false;
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio.visible = true;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.x = 719;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.y = 646;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
f_311101114_flag = 1;
if ((((use_radio_movie_timer >= 60)) && ((use_radio_movie_timer < 100)))){
if (f_5110728_flag == 0){
_CY10_arm_using_radio.visible = true;
f_5110728_flag = 1;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.x = (_CY10_arm_using_radio.x + (((543 - _CY10_arm_using_radio.x) / 16) * frameRateDiff));
_CY10_arm_using_radio.y = (_CY10_arm_using_radio.y + (((454 - _CY10_arm_using_radio.y) / 16) * frameRateDiff));
if ((((use_radio_movie_timer >= 100)) && ((use_radio_movie_timer < 200)))){
if (f_311101123_flag == 0){
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio.visible = false;
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio_holding.visible = true;
f_311101123_flag = 1;
if ((((use_radio_movie_timer >= 200)) && ((use_radio_movie_timer < 230)))){
if (f_711101051_flag == 0){
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio_holding.visible = false;
_v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.visible = true;
f_711101051_flag = 1;
if ((((use_radio_movie_timer >= 230)) && ((use_radio_movie_timer < 330)))){
if (f_811101122_flag == 0){
f_811101122_flag = 1;
_thor_scientist_using_radio_arm.y = (_thor_scientist_using_radio_arm.y + (((-8 - _thor_scientist_using_radio_arm.y) / 13) * frameRateDiff));
if (use_radio_movie_timer >= 330){
_v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
_hero.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
thor_scientist_using_radio_active = true;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
use_radio_movie_active = false;
} else {
if (use_radio_movie_active == false){
if (f_31210857_flag == 0){
f_5110728_flag = 0;
f_711101051_flag = 0;
f_311101114_flag = 0;
f_311101123_flag = 0;
f_811101122_flag = 0;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.visible = false;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.x = 719;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.y = 646;
_thor_scientist_using_radio_arm.y = 138;
use_radio_movie_flag = 0;
use_radio_movie_timer = 0;
f_31210857_flag = 1;
if (thor_scientist_using_radio_active == true){
thor_scientist_using_radio_timer = (thor_scientist_using_radio_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (thor_scientist_using_radio_timer >= 530){
thor_scientist_using_radio_active = false;
} else {
if (thor_scientist_using_radio_active == false){
thor_scientist_using_radio_timer = 0;
if (thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_active == true){
if (thor_scientist_hit_timer_active == true){
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer = (thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer >= 50)) && ((thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer < 60)))){
if (thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_flag == 0){
EPF_energy_fire_normal_active = false;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active = false;
_view_15.visible = false;
_view_16.visible = false;
_thor_scientist_using_radio_arm.y = -8;
_v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.visible = true;
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer >= 60)) && ((thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer < 110)))){
if (f_31210838_flag == 0){
shuttle_thor_killed = true;
thor_scientist_hit_timer_active = false;
thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_active = true;
f_31210838_flag = 1;
} else {
if ((((thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer >= 110)) && ((thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer < 160)))){
if ((((_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation >= 0)) && ((_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation < 15)))){
thor_scientist_fall_state = "speed_up";
} else {
if ((((_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation >= 15)) && ((_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation < 30)))){
thor_scientist_fall_state = "slow_down";
} else {
if (_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation >= 30){
thor_scientist_fall_state = "none";
if (thor_scientist_fall_state == "speed_up"){
thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed = (thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed + (0.05 * frameRateDiff));
_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation = (_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation + (thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed * frameRateDiff));
if (thor_scientist_fall_state == "slow_down"){
thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed = (thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed - (0.05 * frameRateDiff));
_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation = (_thor_scientist_with_radio.rotation + (thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer >= 160){
_v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.visible = false;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active = false;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_active = false;
_hero.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
state__enemy_can_fire_shuttle_weapon = false;
_view_16.visible = false;
_view_1.visible = true;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.89);
cam_targeter.x = 168;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -32;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 436;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -85;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_active = false;
if (open_vent_valve_movie_active == true){
if (open_vent_valve_movie_flag == 0){
_view_11.visible = false;
first_person_torch_active = false;
cam_movement = "off";
_v11_movie__open_valve.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
open_vent_valve_movie_flag = 1;
open_vent_valve_movie_timer = (open_vent_valve_movie_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((open_vent_valve_movie_timer >= 0)) && ((open_vent_valve_movie_timer < 30)))){
_v11_movie_object__metal_bar.rotation = (_v11_movie_object__metal_bar.rotation + ((-10 - _v11_movie_object__metal_bar.rotation) / 16));
} else {
if ((((open_vent_valve_movie_timer >= 30)) && ((open_vent_valve_movie_timer < 130)))){
if (f_101110141_flag == 0){
vent_valve_gas_active = true;
fade_in_gas_leak_sound_active = true;
f_101110141_flag = 1;
} else {
if (open_vent_valve_movie_active == false){
open_vent_valve_movie_flag = 0;
open_vent_valve_movie_timer = 0;
_v11_movie_object__metal_bar.rotation = 0;
_vent_gas_particle_1.y = 51;
_vent_gas_particle_2.y = 86;
_vent_gas_particle_3.y = 131.35;
_vent_gas_particle_4.y = 168.35;
_vent_gas_particle_5.y = 206.3;
_vent_gas_particle_6.y = 242.3;
_vent_gas_particle_7.y = 288.3;
f_101110141_flag = 0;
if (vent_valve_gas_active == true){
mixer_tank_gas_height_limit = -240;
vent_gas_scale_speed = 8.2;
vent_gas_speed = 6.5;
vent_gas_alpha_speed = 0.7;
if (vent_valve_gas_active_flag == 0){
_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_1.alpha = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_2.alpha = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_3.alpha = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_4.alpha = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_5.alpha = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_6.alpha = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_7.alpha = (100 / 100);
vent_valve_gas_active_flag = 1;
vent_valve_gas_timer = (vent_valve_gas_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (_vent_gas_particle_1.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_1.y = (_vent_gas_particle_1.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_1.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_1.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_1.y = (_vent_gas_particle_1.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_1.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_1.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_1.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_1.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_1.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_1.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_1.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (_vent_gas_particle_2.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_2.y = (_vent_gas_particle_2.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_2.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_2.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_2.y = (_vent_gas_particle_2.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_2.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_2.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_2.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_2.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_2.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_2.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_2.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (_vent_gas_particle_3.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_3.y = (_vent_gas_particle_3.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_3.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_3.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_3.y = (_vent_gas_particle_3.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_3.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_3.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_3.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_3.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_3.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_3.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_3.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (_vent_gas_particle_4.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_4.y = (_vent_gas_particle_4.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_4.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_4.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_4.y = (_vent_gas_particle_4.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_4.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_4.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_4.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_4.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_4.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_4.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_4.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (_vent_gas_particle_5.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_5.y = (_vent_gas_particle_5.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_5.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_5.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_5.y = (_vent_gas_particle_5.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_5.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_5.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_5.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_5.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_5.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_5.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_5.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (_vent_gas_particle_6.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_6.y = (_vent_gas_particle_6.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_6.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_6.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_6.y = (_vent_gas_particle_6.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_6.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_6.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_6.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_6.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_6.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_6.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_6.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (_vent_gas_particle_7.y >= 20){
_vent_gas_particle_7.y = (_vent_gas_particle_7.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((_vent_gas_particle_7.y > mixer_tank_gas_height_limit)) && ((_vent_gas_particle_7.y < 20)))){
_vent_gas_particle_7.y = (_vent_gas_particle_7.y - (vent_gas_speed * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleX = (_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleX + ((vent_gas_scale_speed / 100) * frameRateDiff));
_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleY = _vent_gas_particle_7.scaleX;
_vent_gas_particle_7.alpha = (_vent_gas_particle_7.alpha - (vent_gas_alpha_speed / 100));
} else {
if (_vent_gas_particle_7.y <= mixer_tank_gas_height_limit){
if (valve_gas_allowed == true){
_vent_gas_particle_7.y = 20;
_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleX = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_7.scaleY = (100 / 100);
_vent_gas_particle_7.alpha = (100 / 100);
if ((((vent_valve_gas_timer >= 0)) && ((vent_valve_gas_timer < 40)))){
valve_gas_allowed = false;
if ((((vent_valve_gas_timer >= 40)) && ((vent_valve_gas_timer < 110)))){
valve_gas_allowed = true;
if ((((vent_valve_gas_timer >= 110)) && ((vent_valve_gas_timer < 150)))){
valve_gas_allowed = false;
if (f_2212101238_flag == 0){
fade_out_gas_leak_sound_active = true;
f_2212101238_flag = 1;
if (vent_valve_gas_timer >= 150){
open_vent_valve_movie_active = false;
_v11_movie__open_valve.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
_view_11.visible = true;
torch_beam.x = mouseX;
torch_beam.y = mouseY;
torch_beam.visible = true;
first_person_torch_active = true;
cam_movement = "mouse";
vent_valve_gas_active = false;
} else {
if (vent_valve_gas_active == false){
vent_valve_gas_active_flag = 0;
vent_valve_gas_timer = 0;
f_2212101238_flag = 0;
if (workaround__set_cursor_to_arrow == true){
workaround__set_cursor_to_arrow = false;
if (hero_slow_shift_left == true){
_hero.x = (_hero.x - (0.3 * frameRateDiff));
if (thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_active == true){
if (thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_flag == 0){
_thor_hit_energy_discharge_mc.visible = true;
sndChannel__Sparking =, 999, transform1__Sparking);
thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_flag = 1;
thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame = (thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame + 1);
if (thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame == 25){
_thor_hit_energy_discharge_mc.visible = false;
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer = 110;
thor_scientist_hit_timer_active = true;
thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_active = false;
if (world.x >= 0){
world.x = 0;
if (world.x <= -230){
world.x = -230;
if (world.y >= 0){
world.y = 0;
if (world.y <= -108){
world.y = -108;
if (_view_2.visible == true){
if (_v2_collision__top.hitTestPoint((world.hero.x + world.x), (world.hero.y + world.y), true)){
if (f_181210418_flag == 0){
if ((((_click_point.x > _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y < _hero.y)))){
hero_mouse_move = "right";
if ((((_click_point.x < _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y > _hero.y)))){
hero_mouse_move = "down";
f_181210418_flag = 1;
} else {
f_181210418_flag = 0;
if (_view_2.visible == true){
if (_v2_collision__bottom.hitTestPoint((world.hero.x + world.x), (world.hero.y + world.y), true)){
if (f_181210427_flag == 0){
if ((((_click_point.x > _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y < _hero.y)))){
hero_mouse_move = "up";
if ((((_click_point.x < _hero.x)) && ((_click_point.y > _hero.y)))){
hero_mouse_move = "left";
f_181210427_flag = 1;
} else {
f_181210427_flag = 0;
if (fade_in_gas_leak_sound_active == true){
if (fade_in_gas_leak_sound_flag == 0){
sndChannel__gas_leak =, 999, transform1__gas_leak);
fade_in_gas_leak_sound_flag = 1;
transform1__gas_leak.volume = (transform1__gas_leak.volume + (0.15 * frameRateDiff));
sndChannel__gas_leak.soundTransform = transform1__gas_leak;
if (transform1__gas_leak.volume >= 1){
transform1__gas_leak.volume = 1;
fade_in_gas_leak_sound_active = false;
} else {
if (fade_in_gas_leak_sound_active == false){
fade_in_gas_leak_sound_flag = 0;
if (fade_out_gas_leak_sound_active == true){
if (fade_out_gas_leak_sound_flag == 0){
fade_out_gas_leak_sound_flag = 1;
transform1__gas_leak.volume = (transform1__gas_leak.volume - (0.15 * frameRateDiff));
sndChannel__gas_leak.soundTransform = transform1__gas_leak;
if (transform1__gas_leak.volume <= 0){
transform1__gas_leak.volume = 0;
fade_out_gas_leak_sound_active = false;
} else {
if (fade_out_gas_leak_sound_active == false){
fade_out_gas_leak_sound_flag = 0;
move_engineer_head_timer = (move_engineer_head_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((move_engineer_head_timer >= 120)) && ((move_engineer_head_timer < 218)))){
if (move_engineer_head_flag == 0){
turn_engineer_head_clockwise_active = true;
move_engineer_head_flag = 1;
} else {
if (move_engineer_head_timer >= 218){
if (move_engineer_head_flag == 1){
turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_active = true;
move_engineer_head_timer = 0;
move_engineer_head_flag = 0;
move_male_cyborg_arm_timer = (move_male_cyborg_arm_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((move_male_cyborg_arm_timer >= 160)) && ((move_male_cyborg_arm_timer < 200)))){
if (move_male_cyborg_arm_flag == 0){
move_male_cyborg_arm_up_active = true;
move_male_cyborg_arm_flag = 1;
} else {
if (move_male_cyborg_arm_timer >= 200){
if (move_male_cyborg_arm_flag == 1){
move_male_cyborg_arm_down_active = true;
move_male_cyborg_arm_timer = 0;
move_male_cyborg_arm_flag = 0;
if (end_movie_active == true){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 0){
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
is_climbing = false;
_view_12.visible = false;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
_hero.x = 489;
_hero.y = 447;
_hero.visible = true;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle.visible = true;
end_movie_active_flag = 1;
if (_v12_end_movie__shuttle.visible == true){
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if ((((v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer >= 0)) && ((v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer < 80)))){
} else {
if (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer >= 80){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 1){
world.click_point.x = 425;
world.click_point.y = 400;
hero_on_stop_facing = "N";
change_view_to = "v12_end_movie__shuttle_door";
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
mouse_move_hero = true;
f198091058_flag = 0;
end_movie_active_flag = 2;
if (_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door.visible == true){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 2){
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = 0;
end_movie_active_flag = 3;
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer >= 40){
if (f_2812101226_flag == 0){
sndChannel__slide_door_running =, 999, transform1__slide_door_running);
f_2812101226_flag = 1;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door.x = (_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door.x + (1.5 * frameRateDiff));
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door.rotation = (_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door.rotation + (0.002 * frameRateDiff));
if (_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door.x >= 450){
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit.visible = true;
if (_v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit.visible == true){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 3){
is_climbing = false;
_hero.x = 331;
_hero.y = 447;
_hero.scaleX = 1.13;
_hero.scaleY = _hero.scaleX;
_hero.visible = true;
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = 0;
end_movie_active_flag = 4;
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer >= 60){
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__take_off.visible = true;
if (_v12_end_movie__take_off.visible == true){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 4){
sndChannel__thor_shuttle_take_off =, 999, transform1__thor_shuttle_take_off);
_hero.visible = false;
end_movie_active_flag = 5;
end_movie_shuttle_x = (end_movie_shuttle_x + (0.002 * frameRateDiff));
end_movie_shuttle_y = (end_movie_shuttle_y + (0.004 * frameRateDiff));
_v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle.x = (_v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle.x + end_movie_shuttle_x);
_v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle.y = (_v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle.y - end_movie_shuttle_y);
if (_v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle.y < 146){
_v12_end_movie__take_off.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__out_cockpit.visible = true;
if (_v12_end_movie__out_cockpit.visible == true){
if (f_281210201_flag == 0){
sndChannel__space_rumble =, 999, transform1__space_rumble);
f_281210201_flag = 1;
_mini_EPF_ship.scaleX = (_mini_EPF_ship.scaleX + (0.002 * frameRateDiff));
_mini_EPF_ship.scaleY = _mini_EPF_ship.scaleX;
if (_mini_EPF_ship.scaleX >= 0.91){
_mini_EPF_ship.scaleX = 0.91;
_mini_EPF_ship.scaleY = _mini_EPF_ship.scaleX;
_v12_end_movie__out_cockpit.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF.visible = true;
if (_v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF.visible == true){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 5){
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = 0;
end_movie_plasma_fire_active = true;
end_movie_active_flag = 6;
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer >= 30){
if (end_movie_active_flag == 6){
end_movie_plasma_fire_active = true;
end_movie_active_flag = 7;
if (end_movie_plasma_fire_active == true){
if (timer_end_movie_shot_hit < 5){
end_movie_plasma_fire_timer = (end_movie_plasma_fire_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (end_movie_plasma_fire_timer >= 20){
if (end_movie_plasma_fire_flag == 0){
_end_movie_plasma_shot.x = 232;
_end_movie_plasma_shot.visible = true;
sndChannel__robot_ion_shot =, 1, transform1__robot_ion_shot);
end_movie_plasma_fire_flag = 1;
_end_movie_plasma_shot.x = (_end_movie_plasma_shot.x + (20 * frameRateDiff));
if (_end_movie_plasma_shot.x >= 592){
timer_end_movie_shot_hit = (timer_end_movie_shot_hit + 1);
_end_movie_plasma_shot.visible = false;
end_movie_plasma_explosion_active = true;
sndChannel__bang =, 1, transform1__bang);
_mini_EPF_centre_damage.visible = true;
_end_movie_plasma_shot.x = 232;
end_movie_plasma_fire_flag = 0;
end_movie_plasma_fire_timer = 0;
end_movie_plasma_fire_active = true;
} else {
if (timer_end_movie_shot_hit >= 5){
fade_in_end_message_active = true;
end_movie_plasma_fire_active = false;
if (end_movie_plasma_explosion_active == true){
if (end_movie_plasma_ex_flag == 0){
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX = 0.3;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleY = _end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.rotation = (_end_movie_plasma_explosion.rotation + 41);
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.visible = true;
end_movie_plasma_ex_flag = 1;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX = (_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX + (0.15 * frameRateDiff));
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleY = _end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.alpha = (_end_movie_plasma_explosion.alpha - (0.001 * frameRateDiff));
if (_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX >= 1){
end_movie_plasma_explosion_active = false;
} else {
if (end_movie_plasma_explosion_active == false){
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.visible = false;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.alpha = 1;
end_movie_plasma_ex_flag = 0;
if (fade_in_end_message_active == true){
final_view_text.visible = true;
final_view_text.alpha = (final_view_text.alpha + ((4 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
final_view_text.visible = true;
if (final_view_text.alpha >= 100){
final_view_text.alpha = 100;
fade_in_end_message_active = false;
if (fade_large_black_bars_active == true){
large_black_bars.alpha = (large_black_bars.alpha - (0.04 * frameRateDiff));
if (large_black_bars.alpha <= 0){
large_black_bars.alpha = 0;
large_black_bars.visible = false;
large_black_bars.alpha = 1;
fade_large_black_bars_active = false;
if (workaround__quick_move_view_1_to_hero_active == true){
cam_movement = "follow_character";
cam_targeter.x = 563;
cam_targeter_dummy.x = cam_targeter.x;
dummy_1.x = -161;
world.x = dummy_1.x;
cam_targeter.y = 436;
cam_targeter_dummy.y = cam_targeter.y;
dummy_1.y = -85;
world.y = dummy_1.y;
workaround__quick_move_view_1_to_hero_active = false;
public function v1_characters_timestep_function(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (turn_engineer_head_clockwise_active == true){
engineer_head_frame = (engineer_head_frame + 1);
if (_v1_engineer.currentFrame >= 5){
turn_engineer_head_clockwise_active = false;
if (turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_active == true){
engineer_head_frame = (engineer_head_frame - 1);
if (_v1_engineer.currentFrame <= 1){
turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_active = false;
public function v1_characters_timestep_function_2(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (move_male_cyborg_arm_up_active == true){
male_cyborg_frame = (male_cyborg_frame + 1);
if (_cyborg_worker.currentFrame >= 8){
move_male_cyborg_arm_up_active = false;
if (move_male_cyborg_arm_down_active == true){
male_cyborg_frame = (male_cyborg_frame - 1);
if (_cyborg_worker.currentFrame <= 1){
move_male_cyborg_arm_down_active = false;
public function EPF_energy_fire_timestep_function(_arg1:TimerEvent){
var _local2:*;
var _local3:*;
var _local4:*;
var _local5:*;
var _local6:*;
var _local7:*;
var _local8:*;
var _local9:*;
var _local10:*;
var _local11:*;
if (EPF_energy_fire_normal_active == true){
if (EPF_energy_fire_normal_flag == 0){
if (_EPF_control_screen.currentFrame == 1){
_EPF_energy_fire.x = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_1.x;
_EPF_energy_fire.y = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_1.y;
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = true;
sndChannel__Sparking =, 999, transform1__Sparking);
} else {
if (_EPF_control_screen.currentFrame == 2){
_EPF_energy_fire.x = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_2.x;
_EPF_energy_fire.y = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_2.y;
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = true;
sndChannel__Sparking =, 999, transform1__Sparking);
if (thor_scientist_using_radio_active == true){
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_active = true;
} else {
if (_EPF_control_screen.currentFrame == 3){
_EPF_energy_fire.x = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_3.x;
_EPF_energy_fire.y = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_3.y;
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = true;
sndChannel__Sparking =, 999, transform1__Sparking);
} else {
if (_EPF_control_screen.currentFrame == 4){
_EPF_energy_fire.x = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_4.x;
_EPF_energy_fire.y = _EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_4.y;
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = true;
sndChannel__Sparking =, 999, transform1__Sparking);
} else {
if (_EPF_control_screen.currentFrame > 4){
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = false;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_false_flag = 0;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_flag = 1;
_local2 = 100;
_local3 = 104;
_EPF_energy_fire.scaleX = ((Math.random() * (((_local2 - _local3) + 1) + _local3)) / 100);
if (_EPF_energy_fire.scaleX <= 0.49){
_EPF_energy_fire.scaleX = 0.49;
_local4 = 1090;
_local5 = 0;
_EPF_energy_fire__1.y = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local4 - _local5) + 1))) + _local5);
_local6 = 1090;
_local7 = 0;
_EPF_energy_fire__2.y = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local6 - _local7) + 1))) + _local7);
_local8 = 1090;
_local9 = 0;
_EPF_energy_fire__3.y = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local8 - _local9) + 1))) + _local9);
_local10 = 1090;
_local11 = 0;
_EPF_energy_fire__4.y = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((_local10 - _local11) + 1))) + _local11);
_EPF_energy_fire__1.x = (_EPF_energy_fire__1.y / 25.4);
_EPF_energy_fire__1.rotation = -1.9;
_EPF_energy_fire__2.x = (_EPF_energy_fire__2.y / 29.7);
_EPF_energy_fire__2.rotation = -2.2;
_EPF_energy_fire__3.x = (_EPF_energy_fire__3.y / -29);
_EPF_energy_fire__3.rotation = 2.5;
_EPF_energy_fire__4.x = (_EPF_energy_fire__4.y / -34);
_EPF_energy_fire__4.rotation = 2.3;
} else {
if (EPF_energy_fire_normal_active == false){
if (EPF_energy_fire_normal_false_flag == 0){
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = false;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_flag = 0;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_false_flag = 1;
public function engineer_timestep_function(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (engineer_turn_right_active == true){
if (engineer_turn_right_active_flag == 0){
engineer_turn_frame = 1;
_engineer_data_on_screen.visible = true;
engineer_turn_right_active_flag = 1;
engineer_turn_right_timer = (engineer_turn_right_timer + 1);
if (engineer_turn_right_timer == 1){
if ((((engineer_turn_frame >= 1)) && ((engineer_turn_frame < 10)))){
engineer_turn_frame = (engineer_turn_frame + 1);
} else {
engineer_turn_right_active = false;
engineer_turn_right_timer = 0;
} else {
if (engineer_turn_right_active == false){
engineer_turn_right_active_flag = 0;
if (engineer_turn_left_active == true){
if (engineer_turn_left_active_flag == 0){
engineer_turn_frame = 9;
engineer_turn_left_active_flag = 1;
engineer_turn_left_timer = (engineer_turn_left_timer + 1);
if (engineer_turn_left_timer == 1){
if ((((engineer_turn_frame >= 1)) && ((engineer_turn_frame < 10)))){
engineer_turn_frame = (engineer_turn_frame - 1);
} else {
engineer_turn_left_active = false;
engineer_turn_left_timer = 0;
} else {
if (engineer_turn_left_active == false){
engineer_turn_left_active_flag = 0;
public function timestep_function__hero_climb(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (hero_NW_up_climb_active == true){
hero_NW_up_climb_timer = (hero_NW_up_climb_timer + 1);
if (hero_NW_up_climb_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 177)) && ((hero_frame < 198)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 177;
if (hero_frame == 188){
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 1);
if (hero_frame == 198){
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 1);
hero_NW_up_climb_timer = 0;
if (hero_NW_down_climb_active == true){
hero_NW_down_climb_timer = (hero_NW_down_climb_timer + 1);
if (hero_NW_down_climb_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 178)) && ((hero_frame < 198)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame - 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 197;
if (hero_frame == 188){
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 1);
if (hero_frame == 179){
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 1);
hero_NW_down_climb_timer = 0;
if (hero_N_up_climb_active == true){
hero_N_up_climb_timer = (hero_N_up_climb_timer + 1);
if (hero_N_up_climb_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 199)) && ((hero_frame < 222)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 199;
if (hero_frame == 208){
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 1);
if (hero_frame == 220){
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 1);
hero_N_up_climb_timer = 0;
public function timestep_function__hero_collect(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == true){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 153;
hero_facing_e_collect_flag = 1;
hero_facing_e_collect_timer = (hero_facing_e_collect_timer + 1);
if (hero_facing_e_collect_arm == "up"){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 153)) && ((hero_frame < 164)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_facing_e_collect_arm = "down";
hero_facing_e_collect_timer = 0;
if (hero_facing_e_collect_arm == "down"){
if (hero_facing_e_collect_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 154)) && ((hero_frame < 165)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame - 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 74;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = false;
hero_facing_e_collect_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_facing_e_collect_active == false){
hero_facing_e_collect_flag = 0;
hero_facing_e_collect_arm = "up";
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == true){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_flag == 0){
hero_frame = 165;
hero_facing_w_collect_flag = 1;
hero_facing_w_collect_timer = (hero_facing_w_collect_timer + 1);
if (hero_facing_w_collect_arm == "up"){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 165)) && ((hero_frame < 176)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_facing_w_collect_arm = "down";
hero_facing_w_collect_timer = 0;
if (hero_facing_w_collect_arm == "down"){
if (hero_facing_w_collect_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 166)) && ((hero_frame < 177)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame - 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 76;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = false;
hero_facing_w_collect_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_facing_w_collect_active == false){
hero_facing_w_collect_flag = 0;
hero_facing_w_collect_arm = "up";
public function hero_timestep_function(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (hero_up_walk_active == true){
hero_up_walk_timer = (hero_up_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_up_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 1)) && ((hero_frame < 18)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 1;
hero_up_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_NE_walk_active == true){
if (hero_NE_walk_allowed == true){
hero_NE_walk_timer = (hero_NE_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_NE_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 77)) && ((hero_frame < 94)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 77;
hero_NE_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_NE_walk_allowed == false){
} else {
if (hero_NW_walk_active == true){
if (hero_NW_walk_allowed == true){
hero_NW_walk_timer = (hero_NW_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_NW_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 131)) && ((hero_frame < 148)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 131;
hero_NW_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_NW_walk_allowed == false){
} else {
if (hero_SE_walk_active == true){
if (hero_SE_walk_allowed == true){
hero_SE_walk_timer = (hero_SE_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_SE_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 95)) && ((hero_frame < 112)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 95;
hero_SE_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_SE_walk_allowed == false){
} else {
if (hero_SW_walk_active == true){
if (hero_SW_walk_allowed == true){
hero_SW_walk_timer = (hero_SW_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_SW_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 113)) && ((hero_frame < 130)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 113;
hero_SW_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_SW_walk_allowed == false){
} else {
if (hero_down_walk_active == true){
if (hero_down_walk_allowed == true){
hero_down_walk_timer = (hero_down_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_down_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 37)) && ((hero_frame < 54)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 37;
hero_down_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_down_walk_allowed == false){
} else {
if (hero_left_walk_active == true){
hero_left_walk_timer = (hero_left_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_left_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 55)) && ((hero_frame < 72)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 55;
hero_left_walk_timer = 0;
} else {
if (hero_right_walk_active == true){
hero_right_walk_timer = (hero_right_walk_timer + 1);
if (hero_right_walk_timer == 1){
if ((((hero_frame >= 19)) && ((hero_frame < 36)))){
hero_frame = (hero_frame + 1);
} else {
hero_frame = 19;
hero_right_walk_timer = 0;
if (play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag == 0){
if ((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((_hero.currentFrame == 3)) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 12)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 21)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 30)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 39)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 48)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 57)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 66)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 79)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 88)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 97)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 106)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 115)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 124)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 133)))) || ((_hero.currentFrame == 142)))){
if (_music_on_button.currentFrame == 1){
sndChannel__cyborg_footstep =, 1);
if (_music_on_button.currentFrame == 2){
sndChannel__cyborg_footstep_quiet =, 1);
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 1)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 3)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 4)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 12)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 13)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 21)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 22)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 30)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 31)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 39)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 40)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 48)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 49)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 57)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 58)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 66)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 67)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 79)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 80)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 88)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 89)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 97)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 98)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 106)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 107)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 115)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 116)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 124)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 125)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 133)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
} else {
if ((((_hero.currentFrame >= 134)) && ((_hero.currentFrame < 142)))){
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
public function timestep_function__mouse_info_active(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (mouse_info_active == true){
if (mouse_info_active_flag == 0){
active_mouse_info_box.visible = true;
active_mouse_info_box.alpha = 0;
mouse_info_active_flag = 1;
if (active_mouse_info_box.alpha < (100 / 100)){
active_mouse_info_box.visible = true;
active_mouse_info_box.alpha = (active_mouse_info_box.alpha + ((10 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if (active_mouse_info_box.alpha >= (100 / 100)){
active_mouse_info_box.visible = true;
active_mouse_info_box.alpha = (100 / 100);
} else {
if (mouse_info_active == false){
mouse_info_active_flag = 0;
active_mouse_info_box.visible = false;
public function timestep_function__battle_won_screen(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (battle_won_screen_active == true){
keys_active = false;
f2612081231_flag = 0;
if (get_weapon_flag == 0){
battle_won_text.enemy_weapon_collected_mc.visible = true;
rpg_weapon_2_collected = true;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.visible = true;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x = inventory.left_back_hold_box.x;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.y = inventory.left_back_hold_box.y;
get_weapon_flag = 1;
battle_won_text.enemy_weapon_collected_mc.alpha = battle_won_text.alpha;
if (battle_won_screen_once_flag == 0){
HP_cy10.visible = false;
XP_bar.x = 157.35;
XP_bar.y = 190.35;
if (rpg_level == 1){
var__XP_bar_text_total = 120;
var__battle_won_text_previous_XP_text = var__XP_bar_text;
var__battle_won_XP_increase_text = 60;
var__XP_bar_text = (var__XP_bar_text + var__battle_won_XP_increase_text);
if (var__XP_bar_text >= var__XP_bar_text_total){
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible = true;
rpg_level = 2;
rpg_level_label.rpg_level_label_amount.text = 2;
HP_cy10.x = 207.95;
HP_cy10.y = 172;
AIM_bar.x = 161.45;
AIM_bar.y = 242.1;
HP_cy10.hero_HP_text.text = 180;
HP_cy10.hero_HP_text_total.text = 180;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.previous_HP_text.text = 150;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.HP_increase_text.text = 30;
AIM_bar.AIM_text.text = 20;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.previous_AIM_tex.text = 15;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.AIM_increase_text.text = 5;
HP_cy10.hero_inner_bar_mc.width = ((HP_cy10.hero_HP_text.text / HP_cy10.hero_HP_text_total.text) * 100);
health_red.visible = false;
health_amber.visible = false;
health_green.visible = true;
if (battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible == false){
HP_cy10.visible = true;
} else {
if (rpg_level == 2){
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible = false;
XP_bar.XP_text_total.text = 120;
battle_won_text.previous_XP_text.text = XP_bar.XP_text.text;
battle_won_text.XP_increase_text.text = 60;
var__XP_bar_text = (var__XP_bar_text + var__battle_won_XP_increase_text);
if (var__XP_bar_text >= var__XP_bar_text_total){
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible = true;
rpg_level = 3;
rpg_level_label.rpg_level_label_amount.text = 3;
HP_cy10.x = 207.95;
HP_cy10.y = 172;
AIM_bar.x = 161.45;
AIM_bar.y = 242.1;
HP_cy10.hero_HP_text.text = 260;
HP_cy10.hero_HP_text_total.text = 260;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.previous_HP_text.text = 180;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.HP_increase_text.text = 80;
AIM_bar.AIM_text.text = 25;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.previous_AIM_text.text = 20;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.AIM_increase_text.text = 5;
HP_cy10.hero_inner_bar_mc.width = ((HP_cy10.HP_text.text / HP_cy10.HP_text_total.text) * 100);
health_red.visible = false;
health_amber.visible = false;
health_green.visible = true;
if (battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible == false){
HP_cy10.visible = true;
} else {
if (rpg_level == 3){
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible = false;
XP_bar.XP_text_total.text = 120;
battle_won_text.previous_XP_text.text = XP_bar.XP_text.text;
battle_won_text.XP_increase_text.text = 60;
var__XP_bar_text = (var__XP_bar_text + var__battle_won_XP_increase_text);
if (battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible == false){
HP_cy10.visible = true;
battle_won_screen_once_flag = 1;
XP_bar.XP_inner_bar_mc.width = ((XP_bar.XP_text.text / XP_bar.XP_text_total.text) * 100);
AIM_bar.AIM_inner_bar_mc.width = AIM_bar.AIM_text.text;
battle_won_screen_timer = (battle_won_screen_timer + (1 * frameRateDiff));
if (battle_won_screen_timer >= 20){
battle_won_box.visible = true;
battle_won_box.alpha = (100 / 100);
if ((((battle_won_screen_timer >= 20)) && ((battle_won_screen_timer < 30)))){
battle_won_text.visible = true;
battle_won_text.alpha = 0;
XP_bar.visible = true;
XP_bar.alpha = 0;
if (battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible == true){
HP_cy10.visible = true;
HP_cy10.alpha = 0;
AIM_bar.visible = true;
AIM_bar.alpha = 0;
XP_bar.visible = true;
XP_bar.alpha = 0;
} else {
if ((((battle_won_screen_timer >= 30)) && ((battle_won_text.alpha < (100 / 100))))){
battle_won_text.visible = true;
battle_won_text.alpha = (battle_won_text.alpha + ((10 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
XP_bar.visible = true;
XP_bar.alpha = (XP_bar.alpha + ((10 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
if (battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible == true){
HP_cy10.visible = true;
HP_cy10.alpha = (HP_cy10.alpha + ((10 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
AIM_bar.visible = true;
AIM_bar.alpha = (AIM_bar.alpha + ((10 / 100) * frameRateDiff));
} else {
if ((((battle_won_screen_timer >= 30)) && ((battle_won_text.alpha >= (100 / 100))))){
battle_won_text.visible = true;
battle_won_text.alpha = (100 / 100);
XP_bar.visible = true;
XP_bar.alpha = (100 / 100);
if (battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible == true){
HP_cy10.visible = true;
HP_cy10.alpha = (100 / 100);
AIM_bar.visible = true;
AIM_bar.alpha = (100 / 100);
} else {
if (battle_won_screen_active == false){
if (f2612081231_flag == 0){
AIM_bar.visible = false;
HP_cy10.x = 66;
HP_cy10.y = 3.4;
XP_bar.visible = false;
XP_bar.alpha = 0;
f2612081231_flag = 1;
battle_won_screen_once_flag = 0;
battle_won_screen_timer = 0;
battle_won_text.alpha = 0;
battle_won_box.alpha = 0;
battle_won_text.visible = false;
battle_won_box.visible = false;
public function show_text__narrator(){
chat_text._text.textColor = 0xFFFFFF;
chat_text.y = 380;
chat_test_mc.visible = true;
chat_text.visible = true;
public function return_object_to_inventory(){
holding_object = false;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_5_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 1;
object_6_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_6_icon_click_flag = 1;
public function timestep_function__fire_active(_arg1:TimerEvent){
if (fire_active == true){
fire_bitmap_mc.visible = true;
fire.starting_flames_1.y = (fire.starting_flames_1.y - (0.6 * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_1.scaleX = (fire.starting_flames_1.scaleX + ((0.6 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_1.scaleY = (fire.starting_flames_1.scaleY + ((0.6 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_1.y < 105){
fire.starting_flames_1.alpha = (fire.starting_flames_1.alpha - ((9 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_1.y < 100){
fire.starting_flames_1.y = 130;
rand_max__flames = 360;
rand_min__flames = 1;
fire.starting_flames_1.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((rand_max__flames - rand_min__flames) + 1))) + rand_min__flames);
fire.starting_flames_1.alpha = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_1.scaleX = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_1.scaleY = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_2.y = (fire.starting_flames_2.y - (0.8 * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_2.scaleX = (fire.starting_flames_2.scaleX + ((0.64 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_2.scaleY = (fire.starting_flames_2.scaleY + ((0.64 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_2.y < 102){
fire.starting_flames_2.alpha = (fire.starting_flames_2.alpha - ((9 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_2.y < 95){
fire.starting_flames_2.y = 140;
rand_max__flames = 360;
rand_min__flames = 1;
fire.starting_flames_2.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((rand_max__flames - rand_min__flames) + 1))) + rand_min__flames);
fire.starting_flames_2.alpha = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_2.scaleX = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_2.scaleY = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_3.y = (fire.starting_flames_3.y - 0.6);
fire.starting_flames_3.scaleX = (fire.starting_flames_3.scaleX + ((0.7 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_3.scaleY = (fire.starting_flames_3.scaleY + ((0.7 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_3.y < 105){
fire.starting_flames_3.alpha = (fire.starting_flames_3.alpha - ((9 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_3.y < 100){
fire.starting_flames_3.y = 130;
rand_max__flames = 360;
rand_min__flames = 1;
fire.starting_flames_3.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((rand_max__flames - rand_min__flames) + 1))) + rand_min__flames);
fire.starting_flames_3.alpha = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_3.scaleX = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_3.scaleY = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_4.y = (fire.starting_flames_4.y - (0.8 * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_4.scaleX = (fire.starting_flames_4.scaleX + ((0.72 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_4.scaleY = (fire.starting_flames_4.scaleY + ((0.72 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_4.y < 102){
fire.starting_flames_4.alpha = (fire.starting_flames_4.alpha - ((9 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_4.y < 95){
fire.starting_flames_4.y = 140;
rand_max__flames = 360;
rand_min__flames = 1;
fire.starting_flames_4.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((rand_max__flames - rand_min__flames) + 1))) + rand_min__flames);
fire.starting_flames_4.alpha = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_4.scaleX = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_4.scaleY = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_5.y = (fire.starting_flames_5.y - (0.6 * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_5.scaleX = (fire.starting_flames_5.scaleX + ((0.7 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_5.scaleY = (fire.starting_flames_5.scaleY + ((0.7 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_5.y < 105){
fire.starting_flames_5.alpha = (fire.starting_flames_5.alpha - ((9 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_5.y < 100){
fire.starting_flames_5.y = 130;
rand_max__flames = 360;
rand_min__flames = 1;
fire.starting_flames_5.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((rand_max__flames - rand_min__flames) + 1))) + rand_min__flames);
fire.starting_flames_5.alpha = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_5.scaleX = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_5.scaleY = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_6.y = (fire.starting_flames_6.y - (0.8 * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_6.scaleX = (fire.starting_flames_6.scaleX + ((0.72 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
fire.starting_flames_6.scaleY = (fire.starting_flames_6.scaleY + ((0.72 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_6.y < 102){
fire.starting_flames_6.alpha = (fire.starting_flames_6.alpha - ((9 / 100) * flame_speed_factor));
if (fire.starting_flames_6.y < 95){
fire.starting_flames_6.y = 140;
rand_max__flames = 360;
rand_min__flames = 1;
fire.starting_flames_6.rotation = (Math.round((Math.random() * ((rand_max__flames - rand_min__flames) + 1))) + rand_min__flames);
fire.starting_flames_6.alpha = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_6.scaleX = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_6.scaleY = (100 / 100);
fire.starting_flames_1.x = (fire.starting_flames_1.x - 0.3);
fire.starting_flames_2.x = (fire.starting_flames_2.x - 0.3);
fire.starting_flames_3.x = (fire.starting_flames_3.x - 0.3);
fire.starting_flames_4.x = (fire.starting_flames_4.x - 0.3);
fire.starting_flames_5.x = (fire.starting_flames_5.x - 0.3);
fire.starting_flames_6.x = (fire.starting_flames_6.x - 0.3);
if (fire.starting_flames_1.x < 0){
fire.starting_flames_1.x = 185;
if (fire.starting_flames_2.x < 0){
fire.starting_flames_2.x = 185;
if (fire.starting_flames_3.x < 0){
fire.starting_flames_3.x = 185;
if (fire.starting_flames_4.x < 0){
fire.starting_flames_4.x = 185;
if (fire.starting_flames_5.x < 0){
fire.starting_flames_5.x = 185;
if (fire.starting_flames_6.x < 0){
fire.starting_flames_6.x = 185;
fire_bitmap.fillRect(fire_bitmap.rect, 0);
} else {
if (fire_active == false){
fire_bitmap_mc.visible = false;
function frame1(){
cursor.mouseEnabled = false;
play_button.visible = false;
playerType = Capabilities.playerType;
loading_timestep = new Timer(12);
loading_timestep.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, loading_timestep_function);
f_23710621_flag = 0;
puzzle_bitmap = new BitmapData(731, 494, true, 0xFFFFFF);
bmp__puzzle_bitmap = new Bitmap(puzzle_bitmap);
puzzle_bitmap.fillRect(puzzle_bitmap.rect, 0);
play_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_play_button);
play_button.buttonMode = true;
play_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_play_button);
play_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_play_button);
function frame3(){
_hero = world.hero;
_hero.visible = false;
cam_movement = "follow_character";
is_climbing = true;
_hero.x = 448;
_hero.y = 456;
_hero.scaleX = (_hero.scaleY = 0.71);
_hero.visible = true;
skip_button.visible = true;
testing.visible = false;
f_5110728_flag = 0;
thor_scientist_with_radio_rot_speed = 0;
thor_scientist_fall_state = "speed_up";
workaround__quick_move_view_1_to_hero_active = false;
f_3111442_flag = 0;
fade_large_black_bars_active = false;
f_31111139_flag = 0;
_start_movie__view_4 = world.start_movie__view_4;
_start_movie__view_4.visible = false;
start_movie__1st_shuttle_x = 0;
start_movie__1st_shuttle_y = 0;
_start_movie__1st_shuttle = world.start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off.start_movie__1st_shuttle;
_start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off = world.start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off;
_start_movie__1st_shuttle_take_off.visible = false;
fade_up_dish_plasma_timer = 0;
fade_down_dish_plasma_active = false;
fade_up_dish_plasma_flag = 0;
fade_up_dish_plasma_active = false;
_dish_plasma = world.start_movie__shuttle_close.dish_plasma;
_dish_plasma.visible = false;
_dish_plasma_mask = world.start_movie__shuttle_close.dish_plasma_mask;
_dish_plasma_mask.visible = false;
_dish_plasma.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_dish_plasma_mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_dish_plasma.mask = _dish_plasma_mask;
start_movie_CY10_shot_at_end_timer = 0;
start_movie_CY10_shot_state = "shot_1";
_start_movie_CY10_shot = world.start_movie__shuttle_close.start_movie_CY10_shot;
_start_movie_CY10_shot.visible = true;
_start_movie__shuttle_close = world.start_movie__shuttle_close;
_start_movie__shuttle_close.visible = false;
_start_movie__view_12 = world.start_movie__view_12;
start_movie_active_flag = 0;
fade_in_end_message_active = false;
f_281210201_flag = 0;
f_2812101226_flag = 0;
_mini_EPF_centre_damage = world.v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF.mini_EPF_centre_damage;
_mini_EPF_centre_damage.visible = false;
end_movie_plasma_ex_flag = 0;
end_movie_plasma_explosion_active = false;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion = world.v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF.end_movie_plasma_explosion;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.visible = false;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX = 0.3;
_end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleY = _end_movie_plasma_explosion.scaleX;
timer_end_movie_shot_hit = 0;
end_movie_plasma_fire_flag = 0;
end_movie_plasma_fire_timer = 0;
end_movie_plasma_fire_active = false;
_end_movie_plasma_shot = world.v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF.end_movie_plasma_shot;
_end_movie_plasma_shot.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF = world.v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF;
_v12_end_movie__inside_mini_EPF.visible = false;
_mini_EPF_ship = world.v12_end_movie__out_cockpit.mini_EPF_ship;
_mini_EPF_ship.scaleX = 0.08;
_mini_EPF_ship.scaleY = _mini_EPF_ship.scaleX;
_v12_end_movie__out_cockpit = world.v12_end_movie__out_cockpit;
_v12_end_movie__out_cockpit.visible = false;
end_movie_shuttle_x = 0;
end_movie_shuttle_y = 0;
_v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle = world.v12_end_movie__take_off.v12_end_movie__take_off__shuttle;
_v12_end_movie__take_off = world.v12_end_movie__take_off;
_v12_end_movie__take_off.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit = world.v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_cockpit.visible = false;
v12_end_movie__shuttle_timer = 0;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door = world.v12_end_movie__shuttle_door.v12_end_movie__shuttle_door_door;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door = world.v12_end_movie__shuttle_door;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle_door.visible = false;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle = world.v12_end_movie__shuttle;
_v12_end_movie__shuttle.visible = false;
end_movie_active = false;
end_movie_active_flag = 0;
male_cyborg_frame = 1;
move_male_cyborg_arm_up_active = false;
move_male_cyborg_arm_down_active = false;
move_male_cyborg_arm_flag = 0;
move_male_cyborg_arm_timer = 0;
_cyborg_worker = world.view_1.cyborg_worker;
turn_engineer_head_clockwise_timer = 0;
turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_timer = 0;
engineer_head_frame = 1;
turn_engineer_head_clockwise_active = false;
turn_engineer_head_anticlockwise_active = false;
move_engineer_head_flag = 0;
move_engineer_head_timer = 0;
_v1_engineer = world.view_1.v1_engineer;
f_2212101238_flag = 0;
fade_out_gas_leak_sound_active = false;
fade_out_gas_leak_sound_flag = 0;
fade_in_gas_leak_sound_flag = 0;
fade_in_gas_leak_sound_active = false;
_v12_object__thor_at_cy10 = world.view_12.v12_object__thor_at_cy10;
shuttle_thor_killed = false;
main_EPF_tower_door_unlocked = false;
sharpen_flag = 0;
f_181210427_flag = 0;
f_181210418_flag = 0;
_v2_collision__top = world.view_2.v2_collision__top;
_v2_collision__top.visible = false;
_v2_collision__bottom = world.view_2.v2_collision__bottom;
_v2_collision__bottom.visible = false;
_v7_object__collector_hitpoint = world.v7_object__collector.v7_object__collector_hitpoint;
v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag = 0;
v1_female_cyborg_worker_movie_active = false;
_v1_movie__female_cyborg = world.v1_movie__female_cyborg;
_v1_movie__female_cyborg.visible = false;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_female_cyborg = world.v1_movie__CY10_at_female_cyborg;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_female_cyborg.visible = false;
_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area = world.view_1.female_cyborg_worker.female_cyborg_worker_hit_area;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker = world.v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker;
_v1_movie__CY10_at_cyborg_worker.visible = false;
v1_cyborg_worker_movie_once_flag = 0;
_v1_movie__cyborg_worker = world.v1_movie__cyborg_worker;
_v1_movie__cyborg_worker.visible = false;
v1_cyborg_worker_movie_active = false;
_cyborg_worker_hit_area = world.view_1.cyborg_worker.cyborg_worker_hit_area;
thor_scientist_hit_timer_active = true;
f_31210857_flag = 0;
thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_flag = 0;
thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame = 0;
f_31210838_flag = 0;
_thor_hit_energy_discharge_mc = world.v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.thor_scientist_with_radio.thor_hit_energy_discharge_mc;
_thor_hit_energy_discharge_mc.visible = false;
rand__thor_hit_energy_discharge_frame = 0;
thor_hit_by_energy_discharge_active = false;
hero_slow_shift_left = false;
mixer_tank_gas_height_limit = -240;
v1_collision_object_left_timer = 0;
v1_collision_object_right_timer = 0;
_test = false;
v1_collision_object_left_flag = 0;
v1_collision_object_right_flag = 0;
_v1_collision_object_left = world.view_1.v1_collision_object_left;
_v1_collision_object_right = world.view_1.v1_collision_object_right;
workaround__set_cursor_to_arrow = false;
workaround__show_holding_on_ladder = false;
_EPF_warning_sign_view = world.EPF_warning_sign_view;
_EPF_warning_sign_view.visible = false;
_v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign = world.view_1.v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign;
clicked_v10_exit__down_trigger = false;
hero_N_down_climb_flag = 0;
hero_N_down_climb_timer = 0;
hero_N_down_climb_active = false;
hero_N_up_climb_timer = 0;
hero_N_up_climb_active = false;
hero_NW_down_climb_flag = 0;
hero_NW_down_climb_timer = 0;
hero_NW_down_climb_active = false;
hero_NW_up_climb_timer = 0;
hero_NW_up_climb_active = false;
vent_valve_gas_timer = 0;
_vent_valve_gas_holder = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder;
_vent_valve_gas_holder_mask = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder_mask;
_vent_valve_gas_holder.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_vent_valve_gas_holder_mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_vent_valve_gas_holder.mask = _vent_valve_gas_holder_mask;
vent_valve_gas_active_flag = 0;
vent_gas_alpha_speed = 1;
vent_gas_speed = 1;
valve_gas_allowed = true;
vent_gas_scale_speed = 1;
_vent_gas_particle_1 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_1;
_vent_gas_particle_2 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_2;
_vent_gas_particle_3 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_3;
_vent_gas_particle_4 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_4;
_vent_gas_particle_5 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_5;
_vent_gas_particle_6 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_6;
_vent_gas_particle_7 = world.v11_movie__open_valve.vent_valve_gas_holder.vent_gas_particle_7;
vent_valve_gas_active = false;
f_101110141_flag = 0;
open_vent_valve_movie_timer = 0;
open_vent_valve_movie_flag = 0;
open_vent_valve_movie_active = false;
_v11_movie_object__metal_bar = world.v11_movie__open_valve.v11_movie_object__metal_bar;
_v11_movie__open_valve = world.v11_movie__open_valve;
_v11_movie__open_valve.visible = false;
hero_facing_w_collect_flag = 0;
hero_facing_w_collect_arm = "up";
hero_facing_w_collect_timer = 0;
hero_facing_w_collect_active = false;
hero_facing_e_collect_flag = 0;
hero_facing_e_collect_arm = "up";
hero_facing_e_collect_timer = 0;
hero_facing_e_collect_active = false;
_thor_scientist_with_radio = world.v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.thor_scientist_with_radio;
f_811101122_flag = 0;
_thor_scientist_using_radio_arm = world.v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.thor_scientist_with_radio.thor_scientist_using_radio_arm;
f_711101051_flag = 0;
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio_holding = world.v1_movie__cy10_using_radio_holding;
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio_holding.visible = false;
_CY10_arm_using_radio = world.v1_movie__cy10_using_radio.CY10_arm_using_radio;
_CY10_arm_using_radio.visible = false;
_v12_exit__up_ladder = world.view_12.v12_exit__up_ladder;
state__enemy_can_fire_shuttle_weapon = true;
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_flag = 0;
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_timer = 0;
thor_scientist_hit_by_energy_active = false;
thor_scientist_using_radio_timer = 0;
thor_scientist_using_radio_active = false;
_v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio = world.v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio;
_v1_movie__thor_scientist_using_radio.visible = false;
f_311101123_flag = 0;
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio = world.v1_movie__cy10_using_radio;
_v1_movie__cy10_using_radio.visible = false;
f_311101114_flag = 0;
use_radio_movie_timer = 0;
use_radio_movie_state = "";
use_radio_movie_flag = 0;
use_radio_movie_active = false;
_v1_trigger__radio = world.view_1.v1_trigger__radio;
flash_screen_power_button_timer = 0;
flash_screen_power_button_active = false;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_false_flag = 0;
testing_active = false;
_EPF_energy_fire__1 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire.EPF_energy_fire_mcs.EPF_energy_fire__1;
_EPF_energy_fire__2 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire.EPF_energy_fire_mcs.EPF_energy_fire__2;
_EPF_energy_fire__3 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire.EPF_energy_fire_mcs.EPF_energy_fire__3;
_EPF_energy_fire__4 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire.EPF_energy_fire_mcs.EPF_energy_fire__4;
EPF_energy_fire_frame = 0;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_flag = 0;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_timer = 0;
_EPF_energy_fire = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire;
_EPF_energy_fire.visible = false;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_1 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_1;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_1.visible = false;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_2 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_2;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_2.visible = false;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_3 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_3;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_3.visible = false;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_4 = world.view_15.EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_4;
_EPF_energy_fire__start_pos_4.visible = false;
EPF_energy_fire_normal_active = false;
_view_15 = world.view_15;
_view_15.visible = false;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_once_flag = 0;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_timer = 0;
EPF_energy_fireing_movie_active = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__power = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__power;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPFs = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPFs;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPCs = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPCs;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_1;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_2;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_3;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPF_4;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_1.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_2.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_3.visible = false;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4 = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4;
_EPF_control_screen_button__EPC_4.visible = false;
_view_16 = world.view_16;
_view_16.visible = false;
_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen = world.view_1.v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen;
_EPF_control_screen = world.view_16.EPF_control_screen;
_v9_exit__door_left = world.view_9.v9_exit__door_left;
_v14_exit__mixer_tank = world.view_14.v14_exit__mixer_tank;
_view_14_floor = world.view_14.view_14_floor;
_v14_exit__right = world.view_14.v14_exit__right;
_v9_object__cable_at_bottom = world.view_9.v9_object__cable_at_bottom;
_v9_object__cable_at_bottom.visible = false;
_v5_exit__left = world.view_5.v5_exit__left;
_view_14 = world.view_14;
_view_14.visible = false;
_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom = world.view_9.v9_object__cable_at_bottom.v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom;
_v7_object__collector = world.v7_object__collector;
_v7_object__collector.visible = false;
_v9_object__cable = world.view_9.v9_object__cable;
_v9_object__cable.visible = false;
_view_13_floor = world.view_13.view_13_floor;
_v13_exit__up = world.view_13.v13_exit__up;
_v2_exit__right = world.view_2.v2_exit__right;
_v13_trigger__chain = world.view_13.v13_trigger__chain;
_view_13 = world.view_13;
_view_13.visible = false;
v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active_once_flag = 0;
_v1_movie__cy10 = world.v1_movie__cy10;
_v1_movie__cy10.visible = false;
v1_engineer_cy10_movie_active = false;
_v1_movie__engineer = world.v1_movie__engineer;
_v1_movie__engineer.visible = false;
_v1_engineer_hit_area = world.view_1.v1_engineer.v1_engineer_hit_area;
object_state__mixer_tank_full = true;
_v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot = world.view_8.v8_trigger__object_1.v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot;
random__shuttle_fireing_angle = 0;
f_161010_flag = 0;
object_state__smart_key_grabbable = false;
shuttle_weapon_active_timer = 0;
_shuttle_weapon_active = false;
shuttle_fireing_flag_2 = 0;
random_shuttle_fire_once_flag = 0;
random_shuttle_fire_timer = 0;
random_shuttle_fire = 0;
choose_random_shuttle_fire_flag = 0;
choose_random_shuttle_fire = false;
_shuttle_target = world.shuttle_target;
_shuttle_target.visible = false;
_shuttle_gun_start = world.shuttle_gun_start;
_shuttle_gun_start.visible = false;
set_shuttle_shot = world.shuttle_shot_high;
set_shuttle_shot.visible = false;
set_shuttle_shot.scaleX = (25 / 100);
set_shuttle_shot.scaleY = (25 / 100);
shuttle_shot_speed = 0.2;
shuttle_shot_angle = 0;
_shuttle_shot_high = world.shuttle_shot_high;
_shuttle_shot_high.visible = false;
_shuttle_shot_low = world.shuttle_shot_low;
_shuttle_shot_low.visible = false;
shuttle_fireing_flag = 0;
view_12_once_flag = 0;
shuttle_charge_timer = 0;
shuttle_fireing_active = false;
_v12_trigger__smart_key = world.view_12.v12_trigger__smart_key;
_v12__smart_key = world.view_12.v12__smart_key;
_v12_exit__down_ladder = world.view_12.v12_exit__down_ladder;
_v4_exit__up_ladder = world.view_4.v4_exit__up_ladder;
_view_12 = world.view_12;
_view_12.visible = false;
object_6_icon_click_flag = 0;
_v9_trigger__top_vent_cover = world.view_9.v9_trigger__top_vent_cover;
_clickable_cable_on_floor = world.view_7.v7_object__cable_on_floor.clickable_cable_on_floor;
_none_click_cable_mc = world.view_7.v7_object__cable_on_floor.none_click_cable_mc;
_v7_object__cable_in_vent = world.view_7.v7_object__cable_in_vent;
_v7_object__cable_in_vent.visible = false;
object_state__checked_high_vent = false;
_v7_object__cable_on_floor = world.view_7.v7_object__cable_on_floor;
_v7_object__cable_on_floor.visible = false;
_v4_two_steps = world.view_4.v4_two_steps;
_v4_two_steps.visible = false;
_v10_stopping_floor = world.view_10.v10_stopping_floor;
open_vent_movie_active = false;
_v4_vent_cover_with_chain = world.view_4.v4_vent_cover_with_chain;
_v4_vent_cover_with_chain.visible = false;
_slot_1 = pc_inventory.slot_1;
_slot_2 = pc_inventory.slot_2;
_slot_3 = pc_inventory.slot_3;
_slot_4 = pc_inventory.slot_4;
_slot_5 = pc_inventory.slot_5;
_slot_6 = pc_inventory.slot_6;
_slot_7 = pc_inventory.slot_7;
order_slot_1 = undefined;
order_slot_2 = undefined;
order_slot_3 = undefined;
order_slot_4 = undefined;
order_slot_5 = undefined;
order_slot_6 = undefined;
order_slot_7 = undefined;
removed_object_inventory_slot_timer = 0;
removed_object_inventory_sort_active = false;
object_state__vent_open = false;
_object_1_hook = world.view_8.object_1_hook;
_v11_exit__up = world.view_11.v11_exit__up;
_v11_trigger__vent_valve = world.view_11.v11_trigger__vent_valve;
torch_beam.visible = false;
first_person_torch_active = false;
_view_11 = world.view_11;
_view_11.visible = false;
_v4_vent_grill = world.view_4.v4_vent_grill;
_v10_exit__down = world.view_10.v10_exit__down;
_v2_exit__left = world.view_2.v2_exit__left;
_v10_trigger__metal_bar = world.view_10.v10_trigger__metal_bar;
_view_10 = world.view_10;
_view_10.visible = false;
_view_10_floor = world.view_10.view_10_floor;
_v7_trigger__power_tap = world.view_7.v7_trigger__power_tap;
hero_collect_flag = 0;
hero_collect_animation_timer = 0;
hero_collect_animation_active = false;
_v8_trigger__object_1 = world.view_8.v8_trigger__object_1;
_v8_exit__door = world.view_8.v8_exit__door;
_view_8_floor = world.view_8.view_8_floor;
_v6_exit__door = world.view_6.v6_exit__door;
_v6_exit__stairs = world.view_6.v6_exit__stairs;
_view_8 = world.view_8;
_view_8.visible = false;
_object_1_in_world = world.view_8.object_1_in_world;
_v4_exit__down_ladder = world.view_4.v4_exit__down_ladder;
hero_n_climb_down_active = false;
climb_down_flag = 0;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active_flag = 0;
hero_n_climb_down_function_timer = 0;
hero_n_climb_down_function_active = false;
_v3_exit__down_ladder = world.view_3.v3_exit__down_ladder;
_v4_exit__vent_hole = world.view_4.v4_exit__vent_hole;
climb_up_flag = 0;
_view_4 = world.view_4;
_v3_exit__up_ladder = world.view_3.v3_exit__up_ladder;
_v9_exit__door_right = world.view_9.v9_exit__door_right;
_view_9_floor = world.view_9.view_9_floor;
_view_7_floor = world.view_7.view_7_floor;
_view_9 = world.view_9;
_view_9.visible = false;
_v7_exit__door_left = world.view_7.v7_exit__door_left;
_v7_exit__door_right = world.view_7.v7_exit__door_right;
_v5_exit__right = world.view_5.v5_exit__right;
_view_7 = world.view_7;
_view_7.visible = false;
_v5_exit__collector_tank = world.view_5.v5_exit__collector_tank;
_v5_exit__stairs = world.view_5.v5_exit__stairs;
_v3_exit__door = world.view_3.v3_exit__door;
hero_n_climb_up_function_timer = 0;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active_flag = false;
hero_n_climb_up_function_active = false;
hero_n_climb_up_active = false;
_v2_exit__ladder = world.view_2.v2_exit__ladder;
framerate_low_flag = 0;
cursor_movement_active = true;
test = testing._test;
test_b = testing._test_b;
v2_fade_down_hold_timer = 0;
f_29710430_flag = 0;
v2_light_fade_up_active = false;
f_307101244_flag = 0;
v2_light_fade_down_active = false;
v2_lf_select_timer = 0;
v2_lf_timer = 0;
_v2_faulty_light = world.view_2.v2_faulty_light;
_v2_faulty_light.visible = false;
fps_text_mc.visible = false;
testing_flag = 0;
top_right_disks.visible = true;
large_black_bars.visible = true;
world.start_movie__outside_vehicle.visible = false;
cursor.x = mouseX;
cursor.y = mouseY;
_menu_ok_button = menu_box.menu_items.menu_ok_button;
fade_in_menu_inner_box = false;
menu_box_animated.visible = false;
cyborg_footstep_volume = 1;
f_20710359_flag = 0;
_planet = top_right_disks.planet;
start_sniper_timer = false;
f_197101138_flag = 0;
f_187101126_flag = 0;
_EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end = world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end;
_EPF_sniper_wall_rifle_end.visible = false;
final_view_text.visible = false;
final_view_text.alpha = 0;
state__final_view_timer = 0;
episode_credit.visible = false;
set_ambient_music_to_start_2_active = false;
f_137101114_flag = 0;
fade_up_ambient_music_2_active = false;
fade_down_sniper_music = false;
fade_sniper_music_to_music_active = false;
fade_music_to_sniper_music_active = false;
set_ambient_music_to_start_active = false;
f_11710218_flag = 0;
ambient_music_volume = 1;
corridor_fight_volume = 1;
sniper_music_volume = 1;
fade_up_ambient_music_active = false;
fade_down_corridor_fight_music_active = false;
allow_cyborg_facing_on_stop = false;
ease_world_active = false;
world.x = -16.65;
world.y = -70.1;
world.view_1.visible = false;
use_text_mc.visible = false;
world.outside_object_1.visible = false;
world.outside_object_2.visible = false;
battle_won_box.visible = false;
battle_won_text.visible = false;
menu_button.visible = false;
menu_box.visible = true;
_start_movie__general_at_panel = world.start_movie__general_at_panel;
_start_movie__general_at_panel.visible = false;
f_5710444_flag = 0;
f_5710432_flag = 0;
sm_CY10_face_timer = 0;
start_credits.visible = false;
hold_at_vehicle_view_timer = 0;
show_title_2_active = false;
show_title_2_active_state_hold_timer = 0;
show_title_2_active_state = "fade_in";
f_5710156_flag = 0;
cam_targeter_2.visible = false;
f_4710148_flag = 0;
f_47101211_flag = 0;
sm_vehicle_view_general_timer = 0;
sm_vehicle_view_timer = 0;
_start_movie__vehicle_view_general = world.start_movie__vehicle_view_general;
_start_movie__vehicle_view_general.visible = false;
f_47101144_flag = 0;
_start_movie__vehicle_view = world.start_movie__vehicle_view;
_start_movie__vehicle_view.visible = false;
sm_face_scale_x = 80;
sm_offset_face_x = 173;
_start_movie__CY10_face = world.start_movie__CY10_face;
_start_movie__CY10_face.visible = false;
show_title_active_state_hold_timer = 0;
active_credit = undefined;
f_17101236_flag = 0;
show_title_active_state = "fade_in";
show_title_active_timer = 0;
f_17101130_flag = 0;
thorenzitha_credit.visible = false;
show_title_active = false;
f_30610446_flag = 0;
f_30610434_flag = 0;
start_movie_active_timer = 0;
f_30610427_flag = 0;
start_movie_active = true;
start_movie_active_state = "3rd_person_vehicle_view";
_start_movie__outside_vehicle = world.start_movie__outside_vehicle;
flash_start_screen_button_state = "off";
active_flash_start_screen_button = undefined;
pc_inventory.visible = true;
_start_screen_view = world.start_screen_view;
_start_screen_view.visible = false;
_start_screen_info_button = world.start_screen_view.start_screen_info_button;
_start_screen_info_button.alpha = (0 / 100);
_start_screen_credits_button = world.start_screen_view.start_screen_credits_button;
_start_screen_credits_button.alpha = (0 / 100);
_start_screen_play_button = world.start_screen_view.start_screen_play_button;
_start_screen_play_button.alpha = (0 / 100);
_start_screen_desktop = world.start_screen_view.start_screen_desktop;
_start_screen_desktop.visible = false;
_start_screen_info = world.start_screen_view.start_screen_info;
_start_screen_info.visible = false;
_start_screen_credits = world.start_screen_view.start_screen_credits;
_start_screen_credits.visible = false;
_particle_quality_on_button = menu_box.menu_items.particle_quality_on_button;
_particle_quality_off_button = menu_box.menu_items.particle_quality_off_button;
_camera_shake_on_button = menu_box.menu_items.camera_shake_on_button;
_camera_shake_off_button = menu_box.menu_items.camera_shake_off_button;
_music_on_button = menu_box.menu_items.music_on_button;
_music_off_button = menu_box.menu_items.music_off_button;
_menu_items = menu_box.menu_items;
_menu_items.visible = false;
f_246101127_flag = 0;
_menu_inner_box = menu_box.menu_inner_box;
_menu_inner_box.visible = false;
help_box.visible = false;
show_menu_active = false;
menu_button_click_flag = 0;
_menu_button = menu_button;
_final_view = world.final_view;
_final_view.visible = false;
EPF_end_elevator_up_timer = 0;
_elevator_cam_1_lift = world.elevator_cam_1.elevator_cam_1_lift;
_elevator_cam_1 = world.elevator_cam_1;
_elevator_cam_1.visible = false;
f_206101020_flag = 0;
_elevator_from_below_view = world.elevator_from_below_view;
_elevator_from_below_view.visible = false;
_elevator_from_below = world.elevator_from_below_view.elevator_from_below;
EPF_end_movie_timer = 0;
_CY10_arm_by_panel = world.elevator_cam_2.CY10_arm_by_panel;
_elevator_cam_2 = world.elevator_cam_2;
_elevator_cam_2.visible = false;
EPF_end_movie_state = "none";
_engineer_data_on_screen = world.movie_screen_1.engineer_data_on_screen;
_engineer_data_on_screen.visible = false;
_v1_trigger_2__power_box = world.view_1.v1_trigger_2__power_box;
_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell = world.view_1.v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell;
_v3_object_2_trigger__container = world.v3_object_2_trigger__container;
play_cyborg_footstep_sound_flag = 0;
test_point_2.visible = false;
CY10_dead_flag = 0;
CY41_dead_flag = 0;
view_3_once_flag = 0;
_data_recorder_on_table = world.movie_screen_1.data_recorder_on_table;
_data_recorder_on_table.visible = false;
CY41_ready_to_cover_timer = 0;
CY41_ready_to_cover = false;
v4_CY41_head_forward_timer = 0;
v4_CY41_head_hit_timer = 0;
e1ct_max = 2;
e1ct_min = 1;
e1s_max = 8;
e1s_min = 1;
e2ct_max = 2;
e2ct_min = 1;
e2s_max = 8;
e2s_min = 1;
_view_6_floor = world.view_6.view_6_floor;
_view_4_walkable_overlay = world.view_4_walkable_overlay;
_view_4_CY41_at_enemies = world.view_4_CY41_at_enemies;
_EPF_tower_view = world.EPF_tower_view;
_view_4_CY41 = world.view_4_CY41;
_view_4_CY10 = world.view_4_CY10;
_view_end_corridor = world.view_end_corridor;
_EPF_sniper_wall_near = world.EPF_sniper_wall_near;
_EPF_sniper_wall_CY41 = world.EPF_sniper_wall_CY41;
_EPF_sniper_wall_rifle = world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle;
_view_1 = world.view_1;
_view_2 = world.view_2;
_view_3 = world.view_3;
_view_4_walkable = world.view_4_walkable;
_view_5 = world.view_5;
_view_6 = world.view_6;
f_19510719_flag = 0;
_movie_screen_1 = world.movie_screen_1;
_cy10_object_1_view = world.cy10_object_1_view;
f_19510532_flag = 0;
move_cam_to_hero = false;
_v4_CY41_dead = world.v4_CY41_dead;
_v4_CY41_dead.visible = false;
pick_up_move_active_timer = 0;
pick_up_move_active = false;
_data_box_keyhole_trigger = world.data_recorder_box_lid.data_box_keyhole_trigger;
_data_recorder_box_lid = world.data_recorder_box_lid;
_data_recorder_box_lid.visible = false;
object_4_icon_click_flag = 0;
object_5_icon_click_flag = 0;
mouse_move_hero_state_flag = 0;
_v1_collision_object_1 = world.v1_collision_object_1;
_v1_collision_object_1.visible = false;
_click_point = world.click_point;
last_point_mouse_in = "nothing";
f_2510200_flag = 0;
_test_point = world.test_point;
_test_point.visible = false;
hero_hitting_floor = false;
_view_1_floor = world.view_1_floor;
_view_2_floor = world.view_2_floor;
_view_3_floor = world.view_3.view_3_floor;
_view_4_walkable_floor = world.view_4_walkable.view_4_walkable_floor;
_view_5_floor = world.view_5.view_5_floor;
mouse_move_hero_state = "world";
last_floor_clicked = 1;
mouse_hitting_floor_2 = false;
_view_1_floor_2 = world.view_1.view_1_floor_2;
_view_1_floor_2.visible = false;
_object_1_icon = pc_inventory.object_1_icon;
_object_2_icon = pc_inventory.object_2_icon;
_object_3_icon = pc_inventory.object_3_icon;
_object_4_icon = pc_inventory.object_4_icon;
_object_5_icon = pc_inventory.object_5_icon;
_object_6_icon = pc_inventory.object_6_icon;
chat_test_mc.visible = false;
_use_with_grey_text_mc = use_with_cursor_text.use_with_grey_text_mc;
_use_with_grey_text = use_with_cursor_text.use_with_grey_text_mc.use_with_grey_text;
_use_with_object_text_mc = use_with_cursor_text.use_with_object_text_mc;
_use_with_object_text = use_with_cursor_text.use_with_object_text_mc.use_with_object_text;
_use_with_object_text.text = "";
_use_with_grey_text.text = "Use with ...";
cursor_text_active = false;
use_with_cursor_text.visible = false;
ok_button.visible = false;
f_224101146_flag = 0;
object_2_icon_click_flag = 0;
object_1_icon_click_flag = 0;
_v6_trigger_1__tower = world.view_6.v6_trigger_1__tower;
object_3_icon_click_flag = 0;
object_1_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_2_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_3_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_4_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_5_icon_holding.visible = false;
object_6_icon_holding.visible = false;
active_holding_object = undefined;
holding_object = false;
_CY10_stairwell = world.CY10_stairwell;
world.CY10_stairwell.visible = false;
world.view_6.visible = false;
sniper_kick_back_timer = 0;
sniper_kick_back = false;
sniper_site_y_offset = 0;
_EPF_tower_bottom_left_hit_area = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_bottom_left.EPF_tower_bottom_left_hit_area;
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle_hit_area = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_bottom_middle.EPF_tower_bottom_middle_hit_area;
_EPF_tower_bottom_right_hit_area = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_bottom_right.EPF_tower_bottom_right_hit_area;
_EPF_tower_vehicle_hit_area = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_vehicle.EPF_tower_vehicle_hit_area;
_EPF_tower_top_left_hit_area = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_top_left.EPF_tower_top_left_hit_area;
_EPF_tower_top_right_hit_area = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_top_right.EPF_tower_top_right_hit_area;
_EPF_thor_building_overlay = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_thor_building.EPF_thor_building_overlay;
world.view_4_walkable_overlay.visible = false;
cam_move_follow_hero_timer = 0;
cam_move_follow_hero_flag = 0;
world.view_4_walkable.visible = false;
_view_4_walkable_floor.visible = false;
world.view_3_overlay.visible = false;
just_clicked_map = false;
_view_4_floor = world.view_4.view_4_floor;
_view_3_floor.visible = false;
_view_4_floor.visible = false;
_view_5_floor.visible = false;
fade_out_EPF_bar = false;
EPF_end_movie_flag = 0;
testing_31310109 = false;
f_313101159_flag = 0;
f_30310332_flag = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_rot = 0;
film_bits_rand_timer = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_x = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_y = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_scale = (40 / 100);
rand_film_bit_1_colour = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_rot__2 = 0;
film_bits_rand_timer__2 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__2 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__2 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_scale__2 = (40 / 100);
rand_film_bit_1_colour__2 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_rot__3 = 0;
film_bits_rand_timer__3 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_x__3 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_pos_y__3 = 0;
rand_film_bit_1_scale__3 = (40 / 100);
rand_film_bit_1_colour__3 = 0;
film_bits_active = false;
film_bits_layer.visible = false;
f_27310143_flag = 0;
defeat_text_corridor.visible = false;
defeat_text_corridor.alpha = 0;
world.v4_CY10_dead.visible = false;
CY10_dead_timer = 0;
v4_CY41_head_knocked_back_timer = 0;
v4_CY41_head_knocked_back_active = true;
v4_CY41_head_hit = false;
retry_button.visible = false;
f_213101136_flag = 0;
defeat_text.visible = false;
defeat_text.alpha = 0;
thors_defeat_timer = 0;
f_193101245_flag = 0;
world.EPF_launch_view.visible = false;
thors_defeat_cyborgs_movie_active = false;
f_16310156_flag = 0;
EPF_attack_time = 100;
_EPF_attack_time_bar_mask = EPF_attack_time_bar.EPF_attack_time_bar_mask;
EPF_attack_time_bar.visible = false;
EPF_end_movie_active = false;
f_153101136_flag = 0;
all_EPF_enemies_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_thor_building_killed_flag = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_flag = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_flag = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_flag = false;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_flag = false;
EPF_tower_top_left_killed_flag = false;
EPF_tower_top_right_killed_flag = false;
all_EPF_enemies_killed = false;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_stage = "1_slouch";
EPF_tower_top_right_fall_stage = "1_down";
EPF_tower_top_right_rotation_speed = 0;
EPF_tower_top_right_fall = false;
EPF_tower_top_right_acceleration = 0;
EPF_tower_top_left_fall_stage = "1_down";
EPF_tower_top_left_fall = false;
EPF_tower_top_left_acceleration = 0;
EPF_tower_top_left_rotation_speed = 0;
EPF_thor_building_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_top_left_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_tower_top_right_killed_timer = 0;
EPF_thor_building_killed = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_left_killed = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_middle_killed = false;
EPF_tower_bottom_right_killed = false;
EPF_tower_vehicle_killed = false;
EPF_tower_top_left_killed = false;
EPF_tower_top_right_killed = false;
_EPF_thor_building = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_thor_building;
_EPF_tower_bottom_left = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_bottom_left;
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_bottom_middle;
_EPF_tower_bottom_right = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_bottom_right;
_EPF_tower_vehicle = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_vehicle;
_EPF_tower_top_left = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_top_left;
_EPF_tower_top_right = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_tower_top_right;
_elevator = world.EPF_tower_view.elevator;
EPF_thor_scientist_e_1_at = "start";
_EPF_thor_scientist_e_1 = world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_thor_scientist_e_1;
world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_thor_scientist_w.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_thor_scientist_e_1.visible = false;
_elevator.visible = false;
_EPF_thor_scientist_e_1.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_rifle.visible = false;
EPF_binoculars_view_flag_2 = 0;
world.EPF_tower_view.EPF_3_thor_scientists.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_CY41.visible = false;
EPF_binoculars_site.visible = false;
EPF_binoculars_view_flag = 0;
EPF_binoculars_view_active = false;
EPF_sniper_wall_far_timer = 0;
EPF_sniper_wall_far_flag = 0;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_far.visible = false;
world.EPF_sniper_wall_near.visible = false;
sniper_attack_flag = 0;
EPF_tower_sniper_attack_active = false;
sniper_site.visible = false;
engineer_turn_right_active_flag = 0;
engineer_turn_left_active_flag = 0;
engineer_turn_frame = 1;
engineer_turn_right_active = false;
engineer_turn_left_active = false;
engineer_turn_right_timer = 0;
engineer_turn_left_timer = 0;
v1_go_right_trigger.visible = false;
v1_go_this_way_trigger.visible = false;
next_to = "none";
e1_choose_target_flag = 0;
e1_choose_target_timer = 0;
e2_choose_target_flag = 0;
e2_choose_target_timer = 0;
cam_focus_jump_timer = 0;
cam_focus_jump = false;
view__ear_piece_shift_cam_timer = 0;
f_172101108_flag = 0;
view__ear_piece_shift_cam_active = false;
cam_shake_direction_flag = 0;
cam_shake_timer = 0;
cam_shake_timer_2 = 0;
cam_shake_timer_3 = 0;
cam_shake_active = false;
dummy_offset_x = 0;
dummy_offset_y = 0;
f_152101252_flag = 0;
world.view_5.visible = false;
world.EPF_tower_view.visible = false;
world.view_end_corridor.visible = false;
v4_to_corridor_timer = 0;
v4_to_corridor_flag = 0;
world.v4_to_corridor.visible = false;
view_4_movie_2_active_flag = 0;
view_4_movie_2_active = false;
world.view_4_CY41_at_enemies.visible = false;
CY10_dead = false;
CY41_dead = false;
CY10_health = 100;
CY41_health = 100;
CY41_fire_timer = 0;
CY41_fireing_false_flag = 0;
CY41_choose_timer = 0;
CY41_fireing_flag = 0;
rpg_CY41_shot_face_angle_2 = 0;
v4_CY41_movement_type = "attack";
CY41_fireing = false;
CY41_shoot_timer = 0;
CY41_shoot_timer_2 = 0;
world.view_4_CY10.visible = false;
world.view_4_CY41.visible = false;
view_4_entry_door_timer = 0;
view_4_entry_door_flag = 0;
world.view_4_entry_door.visible = false;
v4_CY10_head_forward_timer = 0;
v4_CY10_head_hit_timer = 0;
v4_CY10_head_hit = false;
skew_active = true;
f_271101124_flag = 0;
f_271101131_flag = 0;
f_271101124_flag_2 = 0;
f_271101131_flag_2 = 0;
view_4_movie_1_active_flag = 0;
view_4_movie_1_active = false;
f_261101040_flag = 0;
CY10_fireing_flag = 0;
CY10_fireing = false;
f_241101210_flag_e2 = 0;
f_241101139_flag_e2 = 0;
f_241101210_flag = 0;
f_241101139_flag = 0;
map_area_1_button__rolledover = false;
f_191101113_flag = 0;
f191101110_flag = 0;
orange_glow_active_flag_2 = 0;
map.area_2_button.alpha = (50 / 100);
map.area_3_button.alpha = (50 / 100);
testing.test_slider_1.x = 350;
testing.test_slider_2.x = 350;
testing.test_slider_3.x = 350;
testing.test_slider_4.x = 350;
test_var_1 = 1;
mouse_down = false;
map.area_1_button.alpha = 1;
orange_glow_active = false;
arrow_icon.visible = false;
hand_icon.visible = false;
world.view_1_exit_trigger_2.visible = false;
main_objective = "";
f_2812091145_flag = 0;
no_chat_active = false;
no_chat_active_flag = 0;
txtFormat__letter_spacing = new TextFormat();
txtFormat__letter_spacing.letterSpacing = 24;
txtFormat__left = new TextFormat();
txtFormat__left.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
txtFormat__right = new TextFormat();
txtFormat__right.align = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT;
txtFormat__center = new TextFormat();
txtFormat__center.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
_thor_credit_text = thorenzitha_credit.thor_credit_text;
test_count_dec = 0;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_object_2.visible = false;
object_1_movie_active_flag = 0;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.visible = false;
times_checked_object_2 = 0;
times_checked_object_1 = 0;
mouse_hitting_head = false;
next_button_flag = 0;
chat_selected = "";
chat_text.visible = false;
world.movie_screen_1.visible = false;
show_chat_on_reach_character = false;
world.character_2.visible = false;
chat_select_active = false;
chat_select_active_flag = 0;
chat_select_mc.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_1.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_2.visible = false;
chat_select_mc.chat_select_slot_3.visible = false;
world.view_3.visible = false;
world.click_point.visible = false;
world.object_3.visible = false;
world.object_4.visible = false;
world.object_5.visible = false;
world.object_6.visible = false;
world.object_7.visible = false;
back_button.visible = false;
world.object_1_view.visible = false;
world.object_2_view.visible = false;
movie_event = 0;
next_button.visible = false;
character_speech_text_mc.visible = false;
world.cy10_object_1_view.visible = false;
object_1_movie_active = false;
world.object_1.visible = false;
world.object_2.visible = false;
change_view_to = "no_change";
hero_on_stop_facing = "N";
pc_inventory.slot_1.visible = false;
pc_inventory.slot_2.visible = false;
pc_inventory.slot_3.visible = false;
pc_inventory.slot_4.visible = false;
pc_inventory.slot_5.visible = false;
pc_inventory.slot_6.visible = false;
pc_inventory.slot_7.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.visible = true;
pc_inventory.object_4_icon.visible = true;
pc_inventory.object_5_icon.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_6_icon.visible = false;
pc_inventory.object_7_icon.visible = false;
object_1_collected = false;
object_2_collected = false;
object_3_collected = false;
object_4_collected = false;
object_5_collected = false;
object_6_collected = false;
object_7_collected = false;
hero_mouse_move_SE_flag = 0;
hero_SE_walk_active = false;
hero_SE_walk_allowed = true;
hero_SE_walk_timer = 0;
hero_mouse_move_SW_flag = 0;
hero_SW_walk_active = false;
hero_SW_walk_allowed = true;
hero_SW_walk_timer = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NE_flag = 0;
hero_NE_walk_active = false;
hero_NE_walk_allowed = true;
hero_NE_walk_timer = 0;
hero_mouse_move_NW_flag = 0;
hero_NW_walk_active = false;
hero_NW_walk_allowed = true;
hero_NW_walk_timer = 0;
cursor_text.visible = false;
f318091153_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_stop_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_up_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_left_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_down_flag = 0;
hero_mouse_move_right_flag = 0;
hero_diverted = false;
f19809647_flag = 0;
f198091112_flag = 0;
f198091058_flag = 0;
f198091015_flag = 0;
f18809745_flag = 0;
mouse_point_was_in = "nothing";
world.view_1_floor.visible = false;
world.view_2_floor.visible = false;
hero_mouse_move = "stop";
f18809536_flag = 0;
f18809223_flag = 0;
mouse_move_hero = false;
mouse_hitting_floor = false;
black_bars.visible = false;
defence_weapon_2_available = false;
defence_weapon_1_2.visible = false;
defence_weapon_2_2.visible = false;
defences_icon_2_large.visible = false;
defences_info_box.visible = false;
defences_icon_large_active_flag = 0;
defences_icon_1_large.visible = false;
defences_icon_large_active = false;
defence_weapon_1_box.visible = false;
defence_weapon_2_box.visible = false;
defence_box.defences_1_highlight.alpha = 0;
defence_box.defences_2_highlight.alpha = 0;
defence_box.visible = false;
move_white_targets_to_enemies = false;
oKeyDown = false;
defence_weapon_1.visible = false;
defence_weapon_2.visible = false;
dome_movement_active = false;
dome_movement_timer = 0;
f_17609711_flag = 0;
dome_buildings_timer = 0;
dome_buildings.visible = false;
dome_buildings_2.visible = false;
dome_buildings_3.visible = false;
dome_buildings_active = false;
f_156091151_flag = 0;
fire_bitmap_mc.visible = false;
flame_speed_factor = 2.2;
rand_min__flames = 1;
rand_max__flames = 1;
no_of_starting_flames_used = 1;
fire_timer = 0;
fire_active = false;
fire.visible = false;
test_var_3 = 0;
test_var_4 = 0;
v2_e1_enemy_shot_start_x = 325;
v2_e1_enemy_shot_start_y = 135;
v2_e2_enemy_shot_start_x = 403;
v2_e2_enemy_shot_start_y = 136;
move_white_targets_to_enemy = false;
move_white_targets = false;
dome_view.visible = false;
set_view_2 = world.view_2;
world.view_2.visible = false;
battle_view_2.visible = false;
click_baddie_flag = 0;
click_baddie_b_flag = 0;
p_ex_max = 0;
p_ex_min = 0;
plasma_explosion_timer = 0;
f231008250_flag = 0;
orange_plasma_explosion.visible = false;
blue_plasma_explosion.visible = false;
var__weapon_2_amount = 3;
var__e1_HP_text = 80;
var__e2_HP_text = 80;
dead = false;
power_loss_active = false;
game_over_timer = 0;
cyborg_shield_info_box.visible = false;
cyborg_dead_knocked_forward = false;
rpg_cyborg_shield.visible = false;
music_fade_down = 0;
play_dead_sound_flag = 0;
t_17509829_timer = 0;
var__tech_button_3_amount = 2;
f_16509438_flag = 0;
collect_object_screen_active = false;
object_fade = false;
active_collected_object_icon = undefined;
shield_bot_collected_icon.visible = false;
health_bot_collected_icon.visible = false;
collect_object_text_mc.visible = false;
collect_object_box.visible = false;
f_10209542_flag = 0;
active_object_view = undefined;
enter_key_down = false;
f_15509815_flag = 0;
use_text_mc.text = "test";
use_hand.visible = false;
f_15509805_flag = 0;
hitting_collect_object_d_trigger = false;
world.collect_object_d_trigger.visible = true;
object_d_state = 1;
show_object_d_once_flag = false;
object_d_collected = false;
collect_object_d_active = false;
world.object_d_view.visible = false;
test_var = 0;
test_var_2 = 1.4;
battle_won_text.level_up_label_mc.visible = false;
var__battle_won_text_previous_XP_text = 0;
battle_won_screen_timer = 0;
var__battle_won_XP_increase_text = 0;
var__XP_bar_text = 0;
var__XP_bar_text_total = 120;
rpg_level = 1;
battle_won_screen_once_flag = 0;
get_weapon_flag = 0;
f2612081231_flag = 0;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.x = inventory.left_back_hold_box.x;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.y = inventory.left_back_hold_box.y;
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.x = inventory.right_hand_box.x;
rpg_inventory_slot_timer = 0;
s1 = pc_inventory.slot_1;
s2 = pc_inventory.slot_2;
s3 = pc_inventory.slot_3;
s4 = pc_inventory.slot_4;
s5 = pc_inventory.slot_5;
s6 = pc_inventory.slot_6;
s7 = pc_inventory.slot_7;
oa = pc_inventory.object_1_icon;
ob = pc_inventory.object_2_icon;
oc = pc_inventory.object_3_icon;
od = pc_inventory.object_4_icon;
oe = pc_inventory.object_5_icon;
of = pc_inventory.object_6_icon;
og = pc_inventory.object_7_icon;
inventory.rpg_object_icon_1.visible = false;
inventory.rpg_object_icon_2.visible = false;
inventory_button_hightlight.visible = false;
inventory.shield_bot_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.health_bot_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.robot_pistol_info_box.visible = false;
inventory.thorenzitha_info_box.visible = false;
backpack_hit_box.visible = false;
right_hand_hit_box.visible = false;
rpg_inventory_slot_check_active = false;
rpg_slot_check_active_object = undefined;
check_health_amounts = false;
sia_timer = 0;
show_inventory_once_flag = 0;
first_enemy_animation_active = false;
pre_battle_movie_1_active = false;
show_inventory_active = false;
show_help_info_active = false;
inventory_button.visible = false;
inventory.visible = false;
inventory_box.visible = false;
f9109243_flag = 0;
high_charges_amount = 4;
gun_charge_box.gun_charge_high.gun_charge_high_amount.text = high_charges_amount;
gun_charge_once_flag = 0;
gun_charge_box.white_selection_bracket.x = 100;
gun_charge_box.white_selection_bracket.y = 100;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box.visible = true;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box.alpha = 0;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_high.visible = true;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_high.alpha = 0;
gun_charge_box.visible = false;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_weapon_1.visible = true;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_weapon_1.alpha = 0;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_weapon_2.visible = true;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_weapon_2.alpha = 0;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_high.buttonMode = false;
gun_charge_box.highlight_box_high.mouseChildren = false;
gun_charge_box.weapon_select_icon_2.visible = false;
set_cyborg_hp_colour = false;
var__hero_HP_text = 150;
var__hero_HP_text_total = 150;
uuu = "f";
numpad1KeyDown = false;
numpad2KeyDown = false;
numpad3KeyDown = false;
numpad4KeyDown = false;
numpad5KeyDown = false;
numpad6KeyDown = false;
green_nanoflash.visible = false;
green_nanoflash_mask.visible = false;
green_nanoflash_active = false;
rpg_health_active = false;
rpg_credit_text_timer = 0;
f111081123_flag = 0;
rpg_health_active_flag = 0;
rpg_credit_text.visible = false;
credit_dots_flash_active = false;
credit_dots_timer = 0;
debit_dots_timer = 0;
f30309309_flag = 0;
debit_dots.visible = false;
credit_dots.visible = false;
shield_dots.visible = false;
cyborg_shield_dots.visible = false;
cyborg_body_knocked_back = false;
cyborg_weapon_rotation_f = "forward";
boss_shield_active = false;
f2212081136_flag = 0;
f612081201_flag = 0;
dead_fade_alpha_2 = 0;
dead_fade_alpha_power_2 = 0;
dead_fade_enemy_2_timer = 0;
dead_fade_alpha_1 = 0;
dead_fade_enemy_1_timer = 0;
dead_fade_alpha_power_1 = 0;
rpg_enemy_explosion_timer = 0;
rpg_enemy_explosion.visible = false;
f1811081141_flag = 0;
dead_fade_enemy_1_active = false;
dead_fade_enemy_2_active = false;
active_mc_x_dest = 0;
active_mc_y_dest = 0;
fade_in_and_ease_mc_flag = 0;
mouse_info_active_flag = 0;
flash_orange_battle_timer = 0;
rpg_cyborg.rpg_cyborg_weapon_2.visible = false;
f1611081153_flag = 0;
rpg_enemy_shot_pause_2_timer = 0;
numpad8KeyDown = false;
rpg_debit_text.rpg_debit_text_text.text = 1;
world.view_4.visible = false;
world.view_6.visible = false;
test_variable = 77;
rpg_cyborg_shield_text.visible = false;
rpg_debit_text.visible = false;
rpg_shield_text.visible = false;
HP_enemy_2_part_2_flag_2 = 0;
HP_enemy_2_part_2_flag = 0;
HP_enemy_1_part_2_flag_2 = 0;
f2210081240_flag = 0;
debit_dots_flash_active = false;
rpg_debit_text_timer = 0;
get_debit_text_active_b = false;
HP_enemy_1_part_2_flag = 0;
f221008240_flag = 0;
weapon_2_damage = 0;
cyborg_shield_debit_text_active = false;
shield_debit_text_active = false;
HP_enemy_shield = 100;
rpg_debit_text_flag = 0;
HP_cy10.hero_HP_text_total.text = 150;
rpg_enemy_gunfire_flag = 0;
cyborg_head_rotation_f = "forward";
cyborg_head_knocked_forward = false;
rpg_choose_cyborg_attack_part_flag_2 = 0;
rpg_choose_cyborg_attack_part_flag = 0;
f291008240_flag = 0;
f2811081255_flag = 0;
rpg_enemy_gunfire_flag_2 = 0;
rpg_enemy_shot_pause_timer = 0;
f1812081232_flag = 0;
rpg_enemy_shot_pause_2 = false;
rpg_enemy_shot_pause = false;
rpg_enemy_shot_pause_flag = 0;
enemy_fire_sound_flag_2 = 0;
enemy_fire_sound_flag = 0;
rpg_enemy_shot_speed = 24;
cyborg_head_knocked_back = true;
cyborg_weapon_knocked_forward = true;
cyborg_head_rotation = "back";
cyborg_body_rotation = "back";
rpg_cyborg_target_hit_flag = 0;
enemy_fireing = 1;
rpg_enemy_shot_angle = 0;
cutter_fire_active_flag = 0;
cutter_fire_active = false;
robotGunfireVolume = 1;
show_v6_e2_prev_ready = false;
show_v4_e2_prev_ready = false;
show_v2_e2_prev_ready = false;
give_eye_health_flag_2 = 0;
e1_gun_charge_factor_was_set_at = 1;
e2_gun_charge_factor_was_set_at = 1;
e1_weapon_was_set_at = "weapon_1";
e2_weapon_was_set_at = "weapon_1";
enemy_1_arm_movement_timer = 1;
v2_e1_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e1_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e1_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e1_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e2_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e2_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e2_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v2_e2_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e1_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e1_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e1_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e1_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e2_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e2_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e2_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v4_e2_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e1_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e1_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e1_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e1_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e2_w1_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e2_w1_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e2_w2_c1_t3_non_repairing = 0;
v6_e2_w2_c2_t3_non_repairing = 0;
show_v2_e1_prev_ready = false;
show_v4_e1_prev_ready = false;
show_v6_e1_prev_ready = false;
give_eye_health_flag = 0;
rpg_cyborg_target.visible = false;
rpg_enemy_target_cy_timer_2 = 0;
rpg_enemy_target_cy_max_2 = 100;
rpg_enemy_target_cy_min_2 = 0;
cyborg_part_attacked = 1;
rpg_enemy_target_cy_timer = 0;
rpg_enemy_target_cy_max = 100;
rpg_enemy_target_cy_min = 1;
f211081114_flag = 0;
targetFrameRate = 30;
frameCount = 0;
frame_count = 0;
fps = 0;
timestep_1__updateFPS = new Timer(1000);
timestep_1__updateFPS.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timestep_1__updateFPS_function);
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myFunction);
e2_shot.visible = false;
rpg_enemy_main_gunfire_timer = 0;
rpg_enemy_gunfire_active = false;
allow_enemy_gunfire_if_not_dead = false;
blue_plasma_explosion.visible = false;
rpg_plasma_ball.visible = false;
rpg_cyborg_shot_2.visible = false;
plasma_explosion_active = false;
set_plasma_ball_explosion = blue_plasma_explosion;
rpg_target_hit_flag = 0;
cyborg_fire_sound_flag = 0;
enemy_gunfire_if_not_dead_active = false;
rpg_debit_text_active = false;
rpg_target_hit = 0;
set_rpg_cyborg_shot = rpg_plasma_ball;
rpg_gunfire_active_once_flag = false;
cyborg_point_weapon = false;
rpg_gunfire_active_timer = 0;
enemy_part_attacked = 0;
enemy_attacked = 0;
get_debit_text_active = false;
active_get_debit_text = "";
health_ticks = 0;
old_green_flash = world.particle_overlay;
target_green_flash_active_state = 0;
green_flash_1_target_2.visible = false;
green_flash_1_target_3.visible = false;
green_flash_2_target_2.visible = false;
green_flash_2_target_3.visible = false;
e1_green_flash_target_2.visible = false;
e1_green_flash_target_3.visible = false;
e2_green_flash_target_2.visible = false;
e2_green_flash_target_3.visible = false;
boss_green_flash_target_2.visible = false;
boss_green_flash_target_3.visible = false;
active_green_flash_mc = undefined;
cyborg_arm_angle = 0;
active_mouse_info_box = undefined;
prev_attack_box_active = false;
prev_attack_active_flag = 0;
v2_e1_w1_c1_t2 = undefined;
v2_e1_w1_c2_t2 = undefined;
v2_e1_w2_c1_t2 = undefined;
v2_e1_w2_c2_t2 = undefined;
v2_e2_w1_c1_t2 = undefined;
v2_e2_w1_c2_t2 = undefined;
v2_e2_w2_c1_t2 = undefined;
v2_e2_w2_c2_t2 = undefined;
v2_e1_w1_c1_t3 = undefined;
v2_e1_w1_c2_t3 = undefined;
v2_e1_w2_c1_t3 = undefined;
v2_e1_w2_c2_t3 = undefined;
v2_e2_w1_c1_t3 = undefined;
v2_e2_w1_c2_t3 = undefined;
v2_e2_w2_c1_t3 = undefined;
v2_e2_w2_c2_t3 = undefined;
v4_e1_w1_c1_t2 = undefined;
v4_e1_w1_c2_t2 = undefined;
v4_e1_w2_c1_t2 = undefined;
v4_e1_w2_c2_t2 = undefined;
v4_e2_w1_c1_t2 = undefined;
v4_e2_w1_c2_t2 = undefined;
v4_e2_w2_c1_t2 = undefined;
v4_e2_w2_c2_t2 = undefined;
v4_e1_w1_c1_t3 = undefined;
v4_e1_w1_c2_t3 = undefined;
v4_e1_w2_c1_t3 = undefined;
v4_e1_w2_c2_t3 = undefined;
v4_e2_w1_c1_t3 = undefined;
v4_e2_w1_c2_t3 = undefined;
v4_e2_w2_c1_t3 = undefined;
v4_e2_w2_c2_t3 = undefined;
v6_e1_w1_c1_t2 = undefined;
v6_e1_w1_c2_t2 = undefined;
v6_e1_w2_c1_t2 = undefined;
v6_e1_w2_c2_t2 = undefined;
v6_e2_w1_c1_t2 = undefined;
v6_e2_w1_c2_t2 = undefined;
v6_e2_w2_c1_t2 = undefined;
v6_e2_w2_c2_t2 = undefined;
v6_e1_w1_c1_t3 = undefined;
v6_e1_w1_c2_t3 = undefined;
v6_e1_w2_c1_t3 = undefined;
v6_e1_w2_c2_t3 = undefined;
v6_e2_w1_c1_t3 = undefined;
v6_e2_w1_c2_t3 = undefined;
v6_e2_w2_c1_t3 = undefined;
v6_e2_w2_c2_t3 = undefined;
active_prev_text = "test";
v2_e1_w1_c1_t2_got = false;
v2_e1_w1_c2_t2_got = false;
v2_e1_w2_c1_t2_got = false;
v2_e1_w2_c2_t2_got = false;
v2_e2_w1_c1_t2_got = false;
v2_e2_w1_c2_t2_got = false;
v2_e2_w2_c1_t2_got = false;
v2_e2_w2_c2_t2_got = false;
v2_e1_w1_c1_t3_got = false;
v2_e1_w1_c2_t3_got = false;
v2_e1_w2_c1_t3_got = false;
v2_e1_w2_c2_t3_got = false;
v2_e2_w1_c1_t3_got = false;
v2_e2_w1_c2_t3_got = false;
v2_e2_w2_c1_t3_got = false;
v2_e2_w2_c2_t3_got = false;
v4_e1_w1_c1_t2_got = false;
v4_e1_w1_c2_t2_got = false;
v4_e1_w2_c1_t2_got = false;
v4_e1_w2_c2_t2_got = false;
v4_e2_w1_c1_t2_got = false;
v4_e2_w1_c2_t2_got = false;
v4_e2_w2_c1_t2_got = false;
v4_e2_w2_c2_t2_got = false;
v4_e1_w1_c1_t3_got = false;
v4_e1_w1_c2_t3_got = false;
v4_e1_w2_c1_t3_got = false;
v4_e1_w2_c2_t3_got = false;
v4_e2_w1_c1_t3_got = false;
v4_e2_w1_c2_t3_got = false;
v4_e2_w2_c1_t3_got = false;
v4_e2_w2_c2_t3_got = false;
v6_e1_w1_c1_t2_got = false;
v6_e1_w1_c2_t2_got = false;
v6_e1_w2_c1_t2_got = false;
v6_e1_w2_c2_t2_got = false;
v6_e2_w1_c1_t2_got = false;
v6_e2_w1_c2_t2_got = false;
v6_e2_w2_c1_t2_got = false;
v6_e2_w2_c2_t2_got = false;
v6_e1_w1_c1_t3_got = false;
v6_e1_w1_c2_t3_got = false;
v6_e1_w2_c1_t3_got = false;
v6_e1_w2_c2_t3_got = false;
v6_e2_w1_c1_t3_got = false;
v6_e2_w1_c2_t3_got = false;
v6_e2_w2_c1_t3_got = false;
v6_e2_w2_c2_t3_got = false;
t2_clicked = false;
t3_clicked = false;
mouse_info_active = false;
target_part_top_left.visible = false;
target_part_top_right.visible = false;
target_part_bottom_left.visible = false;
target_part_bottom_right.visible = false;
ease_target_parts = false;
target_tl_x = 319.95;
target_tl_y = 115;
target_tr_x = 376.95;
target_tr_y = 115;
target_bl_x = 319.95;
target_bl_y = 223;
target_br_x = 376.95;
target_br_y = 223;
target_green_flash_active = false;
rpg_boss_shot.visible = false;
rpg_cyborg_arm_pivot_mc.visible = false;
rpg_gunfire_active = false;
f192091239_flag = 0;
character_view = undefined;
rpg_plasmaball_target.visible = false;
rpg_target.visible = false;
frameRateDiff = 1;
view_6_ahead_cha.visible = false;
world.object_b_view.visible = false;
world.particle_overlay.visible = false;
rpg_e1_shot.visible = false;
f201108521_flag = 0;
first_person_holding_flag = 0;
keys_3rd_person_flag = 0;
rpg_cyborg_shot_starting_x = 229.15;
rpg_cyborg_shot_starting_y = 176.5;
TMangle = 0;
TMdistance = 0;
set_rpg_cyborg_weapon = rpg_cyborg.rpg_cyborg_weapon;
distTargetTotest_marker_2 = Math.sqrt((Math.pow((rpg_cyborg_arm_pivot_mc.x - test_marker_2.x), 2) + Math.pow((rpg_cyborg_arm_pivot_mc.y - test_marker_2.y), 2)));
f53091200_flag = 0;
f84091201_flag = 0;
f1012081134_flag = 0;
rpg_cyborg_target_hit = 0;
rpg_last_view = "view_2";
ease_enemy_1_HP_active = false;
ease_enemy_1_HP_timer = 0;
f201108258_flag = 0;
battle_won_screen_active = false;
zone_3_locked = true;
keys_active = true;
f3112081158_flag = 0;
no_enemies_alive = 2;
flash_orange_battle_intro = false;
rpg_enemy_1_killed = false;
rpg_enemy_2_killed = false;
enemy_bitmaps_made = false;
rpg_battle_system_flag = 0;
f181108241_flag = 0;
rpg_enemy_explosion_position = 1;
rpg_enemy_explosion_active = false;
f181108245_flag = 0;
boss_dead = false;
character_view = "off";
rpg_active_flag = 0;
e1_arm_1_move = true;
gun_charge_factor = 1;
rpg_weapon_2_collected = false;
f21091130_flag = 0;
active_mc = undefined;
fade_in_and_ease_mc_active = false;
f3109735_flag = 0;
active_mc_2 = undefined;
fade_out_mc_active = false;
active_increase_fade_mc = undefined;
increase_fade_active = false;
f192091217_flag = 0;
rpg_cyborg_shield_running = false;
active_mc_4 = undefined;
fade_out_mc_4_active = false;
f19109307_flag = 0;
main_music_flag = 0;
HP_enemy_1_part_2 = 0;
HP_enemy_2_part_2 = 0;
HP_enemy_1_part_3 = 0;
HP_enemy_2_part_3 = 0;
test_marker_2.visible = false;
large_orange_battle_flash.visible = false;
rpg_cyborg.visible = false;
tKeyDown = false;
numpad7KeyDown = false;
t_and_numpad_7_keys_down = false;
rpg_battle_system_active = false;
cyborg_shield_bar.visible = false;
enemy_1_info_box.visible = false;
shield_info_box.visible = false;
enemy_2_info_box.visible = false;
shield_bar.visible = false;
HP_enemy_1_disk.visible = false;
HP_enemy_2_disk.visible = false;
e2_e1_icon.visible = false;
robot_icon_1.visible = false;
boss_icon.visible = false;
e2_e2_icon.visible = false;
robot_icon_2.visible = false;
health_green.visible = false;
health_amber.visible = false;
health_red.visible = false;
health_cyborg.visible = true;
HP_cy10_disk.visible = false;
rpg_level_label.visible = false;
HP_cy10.visible = false;
bottom_HP_info_box.visible = false;
gun_charge_info_box.visible = false;
tech_info_box.visible = false;
attack_button.visible = false;
tech_button.visible = false;
enemy_button_1.visible = false;
enemy_button_2.visible = false;
single_enemy_target_2.visible = false;
single_enemy_target_3.visible = false;
enemy_1_target_2.visible = false;
enemy_1_target_3.visible = false;
enemy_2_target_2.visible = false;
enemy_2_target_3.visible = false;
tech_button_3.visible = false;
tech_button_4.visible = false;
gun_charge_box.visible = false;
XP_bar.visible = false;
damage_bar.visible = false;
protection_bar.visible = false;
AIM_bar.visible = false;
map.visible = false;
large_restart_label.visible = false;
view_1_once_flag = 0;
view_2_once_flag = 0;
hero_down_walk_allowed = true;
walks_s_active = true;
render_displacement_active = false;
view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger_destination = set_view_2;
times_visited_view_2 = 0;
move_cam = false;
world.view_2_collision.visible = false;
world.view_1_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible = false;
world.view_2_turn_cam_180_trigger.visible = false;
world.hero_collision_point_n.visible = false;
world.hero_collision_point_e.visible = false;
world.hero_collision_point_s.visible = false;
world.hero_collision_point_w.visible = false;
x_mouse_offset = 12;
y_mouse_offset = 0;
upKeyDown = false;
downKeyDown = false;
leftKeyDown = false;
rightKeyDown = false;
f21409524_flag = 0;
f21409525_flag = 0;
upKeyDown_flag = 0;
downKeyDown_flag = 0;
leftKeyDown_flag = 0;
rightKeyDown_flag = 0;
upLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
upRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
downLeftKeyDown_flag = 0;
downRightKeyDown_flag = 0;
hero_up_walk_active = false;
hero_down_walk_active = false;
hero_left_walk_active = false;
hero_right_walk_active = false;
hero_up_walk_timer = 0;
hero_down_walk_timer = 0;
hero_left_walk_timer = 0;
hero_right_walk_timer = 0;
hero_frame = 1;
stopKeyDown_flag = 0;
dist_view_height_to_cha = 0;
characterXOffsetWalkAdjust = 0;
difference = 0;
x_hero_speed = 5;
y_hero_speed = 5;
aaa = 0;
bbb = 0;
world.view_1_collision.visible = false;
normal_ease = 1;
ease_speed = 1;
cam_targeter_active = true;
cam_targeter_x = true;
cam_targeter_y = true;
HP_cy10_disk.visible = false;
cam_targeter.visible = false;
cam_targeter_dummy.visible = false;
dummy_1.visible = false;
musicVolume = 80;
enemy_arm_movement_throttle = 1;
switch_a_view_used = world.view_2;
switch_a_object_view_used = world.view_3;
switch_b_view_used = world.view_3;
collect_object_b_view_used = world.view_4;
switch_b_object_view_used = world.view_1;
switch_c_view_used = world.view_4;
switch_c_object_view_used = world.view_2;
switch_d_view_used = world.view_5;
collect_object_d_view_used = set_view_2;
trigger_d_go_to_view = world.view_8;
switch_d_object_view_used = world.view_1;
switch_e_view_used = world.view_8;
collect_object_e_view_used = world.view_4;
switch_e_object_view_used = world.view_1;
collect_object_f_view_used = world.view_1;
orange_glow_filter = new GlowFilter();
orange_glow_filter.color = 16753707;
orange_glow_filter.strength = 2;
orange_glow_filter_inner = new GlowFilter();
orange_glow_filter_inner.color = 16753707;
orange_glow_filter_inner.strength = 32;
orange_glow_filter_inner.blurX = 138;
orange_glow_filter_inner.blurY = 138;
orange_glow_filter_inner.inner = true;
blur_filter = new BlurFilter();
blur_filter.blurX = 1;
blur_filter.blurY = 1;
snd__plasma_sparks = new plasma_sparks();
sndChannel__plasma_sparks =, 999);
transform1__plasma_sparks = new SoundTransform();
transform1__plasma_sparks.volume = 2;
sndChannel__plasma_sparks.soundTransform = transform1__plasma_sparks;
snd__space_rumble = new space_rumble();
sndChannel__space_rumble =, 999);
transform1__space_rumble = new SoundTransform();
transform1__space_rumble.volume = 1.3;
sndChannel__space_rumble.soundTransform = transform1__space_rumble;
snd__thor_shuttle_take_off = new thor_shuttle_take_off();
sndChannel__thor_shuttle_take_off =, 999);
transform1__thor_shuttle_take_off = new SoundTransform();
transform1__thor_shuttle_take_off.volume = 1.3;
sndChannel__thor_shuttle_take_off.soundTransform = transform1__thor_shuttle_take_off;
snd__slide_door_running = new slide_door_running();
sndChannel__slide_door_running =, 999);
transform1__slide_door_running = new SoundTransform();
transform1__slide_door_running.volume = 1.3;
sndChannel__slide_door_running.soundTransform = transform1__slide_door_running;
snd__gas_leak = new gas_leak();
sndChannel__gas_leak =, 999);
transform1__gas_leak = new SoundTransform();
transform1__gas_leak.volume = 0;
sndChannel__gas_leak.soundTransform = transform1__gas_leak;
snd__EPF_tower_hum = new EPF_tower_hum();
sndChannel__EPF_tower_hum =, 999);
transform1__EPF_tower_hum = new SoundTransform();
transform1__EPF_tower_hum.volume = 1;
sndChannel__EPF_tower_hum.soundTransform = transform1__EPF_tower_hum;
snd__climb_steps = new climb_steps();
sndChannel__climb_steps =, 999);
transform1__climb_steps = new SoundTransform();
transform1__climb_steps.volume = 0.7;
sndChannel__climb_steps.soundTransform = transform1__climb_steps;
snd__Sparking = new Sparking();
sndChannel__Sparking =, 999);
transform1__Sparking = new SoundTransform();
transform1__Sparking.volume = 1.8;
sndChannel__Sparking.soundTransform = transform1__Sparking;
snd__shuttle_weapon_active = new shuttle_weapon_active();
sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_active =, 999);
transform1__shuttle_weapon_active = new SoundTransform();
transform1__shuttle_weapon_active.volume = 0.8;
sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_active.soundTransform = transform1__shuttle_weapon_active;
snd__shuttle_weapon_power_up = new shuttle_weapon_power_up();
sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_power_up =, 999);
transform1__shuttle_weapon_power_up = new SoundTransform();
transform1__shuttle_weapon_power_up.volume = 0.9;
sndChannel__shuttle_weapon_power_up.soundTransform = transform1__shuttle_weapon_power_up;
snd__pick_up = new pick_up();
sndChannel__pick_up =, 999);
transform1__pick_up = new SoundTransform();
transform1__pick_up.volume = 0.9;
sndChannel__pick_up.soundTransform = transform1__pick_up;
snd__hatch_close = new hatch_close();
sndChannel__hatch_close =, 999);
transform1__hatch_close = new SoundTransform();
transform1__hatch_close.volume = 1;
sndChannel__hatch_close.soundTransform = transform1__hatch_close;
snd__slide_door = new slide_door();
sndChannel__slide_door =, 999);
transform1__slide_door = new SoundTransform();
transform1__slide_door.volume = 0.2;
sndChannel__slide_door.soundTransform = transform1__slide_door;
snd__start_screen_beep = new start_screen_beep();
sndChannel__start_screen_beep =, 999);
transform1__start_screen_beep = new SoundTransform();
transform1__start_screen_beep.volume = 0.3;
sndChannel__start_screen_beep.soundTransform = transform1__start_screen_beep;
snd__music = new _music();
sndChannel__music =, 999);
transform1__music = new SoundTransform();
transform1__music.volume = ambient_music_volume;
sndChannel__music.soundTransform = transform1__music;
sndChannel__music =, 999999);
sndChannel__music.addEventListener(Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, sound_1_Complete);
snd__bang = new bang();
sndChannel__bang =, 999);
transform1__bang = new SoundTransform();
transform1__bang.volume = 0.8;
sndChannel__bang.soundTransform = transform1__bang;
snd__cyborg_weapon_1 = new cyborg_weapon_1();
sndChannel__cyborg_weapon_1 =, 999);
transform1__cyborg_weapon_1 = new SoundTransform();
transform1__cyborg_weapon_1.volume = 0.8;
sndChannel__cyborg_weapon_1.soundTransform = transform1__cyborg_weapon_1;
snd__robot_ion_shot = new robot_ion_shot();
sndChannel__robot_ion_shot =, 999);
transform1__robot_ion_shot = new SoundTransform();
transform1__robot_ion_shot.volume = 0.3;
sndChannel__robot_ion_shot.soundTransform = transform1__robot_ion_shot;
snd__sniper_shot = new sniper_shot();
sndChannel__sniper_shot =, 999);
transform1__sniper_shot = new SoundTransform();
transform1__sniper_shot.volume = 2;
sndChannel__sniper_shot.soundTransform = transform1__sniper_shot;
snd__cyborg_footstep_quiet = new cyborg_footstep_quiet();
sndChannel__cyborg_footstep_quiet =, 999);
transform1__cyborg_footstep_quiet = new SoundTransform();
transform1__cyborg_footstep_quiet.volume = 1;
sndChannel__cyborg_footstep_quiet.soundTransform = transform1__cyborg_footstep_quiet;
snd__cyborg_footstep = new cyborg_footstep();
sndChannel__cyborg_footstep =, 999);
transform1__cyborg_footstep = new SoundTransform();
transform1__cyborg_footstep.leftToLeft = 1;
transform1__cyborg_footstep.leftToRight = 1;
transform1__cyborg_footstep.rightToLeft = 1;
transform1__cyborg_footstep.rightToRight = 1;
transform1__cyborg_footstep.volume = 1;
sndChannel__cyborg_footstep.soundTransform = transform1__cyborg_footstep;
fire_bitmap = new BitmapData(161, 142, true, 0xFFFFFF);
bmp__fire_bitmap = new Bitmap(fire_bitmap);
green_nanoflash.cacheAsBitmap = true;
green_nanoflash_mask.cacheAsBitmap = true;
green_nanoflash.mask = green_nanoflash_mask;
defence_weapon_1_box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__defence_weapon_1_box);
defence_weapon_1_box.buttonMode = true;
defences_icon_1_large.mouseChildren = false;
_shuttle_shot_high.mouseEnabled = false;
_shuttle_shot_low.mouseEnabled = false;
_v7_object__collector.mouseEnabled = false;
_v9_object__cable.mouseEnabled = false;
_none_click_cable_mc.mouseEnabled = false;
_v7_object__cable_on_floor.mouseEnabled = true;
_v4_two_steps.mouseEnabled = false;
_object_1_hook.mouseEnabled = false;
torch_beam.mouseEnabled = false;
top_right_disks.mouseEnabled = false;
chat_text.mouseEnabled = false;
chat_text.mouseChildren = false;
world.view_3_overlay.mouseEnabled = false;
test_point_2.mouseEnabled = false;
sniper_site.mouseEnabled = false;
_view_4_walkable_overlay.mouseEnabled = false;
object_1_icon_holding.mouseEnabled = false;
object_2_icon_holding.mouseEnabled = false;
object_3_icon_holding.mouseEnabled = false;
object_4_icon_holding.mouseEnabled = false;
object_5_icon_holding.mouseEnabled = false;
object_6_icon_holding.mouseEnabled = false;
arrow_icon.mouseEnabled = false;
hand_icon.mouseEnabled = false;
cursor_text.mouseEnabled = false;
use_with_cursor_text.mouseEnabled = false;
world.hero.mouseEnabled = false;
cursor.mouseEnabled = false;
cursor_text._text.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.CENTER;
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_menu_ok_button.buttonMode = true;
_menu_ok_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_menu_ok_button);
_menu_ok_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_menu_ok_button);
_planet.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_planet);
_planet.buttonMode = true;
_planet.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_planet);
health_cyborg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_health_cyborg);
health_cyborg.buttonMode = true;
health_cyborg.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_health_cyborg);
_particle_quality_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_particle_quality_off_button);
_particle_quality_off_button.buttonMode = true;
_particle_quality_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_particle_quality_off_button);
_particle_quality_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_particle_quality_off_button);
_particle_quality_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_particle_quality_on_button);
_particle_quality_on_button.buttonMode = true;
_particle_quality_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_particle_quality_on_button);
_particle_quality_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_particle_quality_on_button);
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_camera_shake_on_button.buttonMode = true;
_camera_shake_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_camera_shake_on_button);
_camera_shake_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_camera_shake_on_button);
_camera_shake_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_camera_shake_off_button);
_camera_shake_off_button.buttonMode = true;
_camera_shake_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_camera_shake_off_button);
_camera_shake_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_camera_shake_off_button);
_music_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_music_off_button);
_music_off_button.buttonMode = true;
_music_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_music_off_button);
_music_off_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_music_off_button);
_music_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_music_on_button);
_music_on_button.buttonMode = true;
_music_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_music_on_button);
_music_on_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_music_on_button);
_menu_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_menu_button);
_menu_button.buttonMode = true;
_menu_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_menu_button);
_menu_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_menu_button);
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__chat_select_mccs_text_2_mc);
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.buttonMode = true;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__chat_select_mccs_text_2_mc);
chat_select_mc.cs_text_2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__chat_select_mccs_text_2_mc);
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__chat_select_mccs_text_1_mc);
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.buttonMode = true;
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__chat_select_mccs_text_1_mc);
chat_select_mc.cs_text_1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__chat_select_mccs_text_1_mc);
world.character_2.character_2_head.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldcharacter_2character_2_head);
world.character_2.character_2_head.buttonMode = true;
world.character_2.character_2_head.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldcharacter_2character_2_head);
world.character_2.character_2_head.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldcharacter_2character_2_head);
world.view_1_exit_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_1_exit_trigger_2);
world.view_1_exit_trigger_2.buttonMode = true;
world.view_1_exit_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_1_exit_trigger_2);
world.view_1_exit_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_1_exit_trigger_2);
my_cMenu = new ContextMenu();
contextMenu = my_cMenu;
my_cMenu.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT, my_cMenu_select);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__stage);
world.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__world);
world.mouseEnabled = true;
map.area_3_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__maparea_3_button);
map.area_3_button.buttonMode = true;
map.area_3_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__maparea_3_button);
map.area_3_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__maparea_3_button);
map.area_2_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__maparea_2_button);
map.area_2_button.buttonMode = true;
map.area_2_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__maparea_2_button);
map.area_2_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__maparea_2_button);
testing.test_slider_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_1);
testing.test_slider_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_2);
testing.test_slider_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_3);
testing.test_slider_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, myMouse_down__testing_test_slider_4);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, myMouse_up__stage);
map.area_1_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__maparea_1_button);
map.area_1_button.buttonMode = true;
map.area_1_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__maparea_1_button);
map.area_1_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__maparea_1_button);
_view_6_floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click___view_6_floor);
_view_6_floor.buttonMode = true;
world.v1_exit__vehicle_door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldv1_exit__vehicle_door);
world.v1_exit__vehicle_door.buttonMode = true;
world.v1_exit__vehicle_door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldv1_exit__vehicle_door);
world.v1_exit__vehicle_door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldv1_exit__vehicle_door);
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_v2_exit__right.buttonMode = true;
_v2_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v2_exit__right);
_v2_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v2_exit__right);
_v2_exit__left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v2_exit__left);
_v2_exit__left.buttonMode = true;
_v2_exit__left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v2_exit__left);
_v2_exit__left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v2_exit__left);
_clickable_cable_on_floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_clickable_cable_on_floor);
_clickable_cable_on_floor.buttonMode = true;
_clickable_cable_on_floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_clickable_cable_on_floor);
_clickable_cable_on_floor.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_clickable_cable_on_floor);
_v14_exit__mixer_tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v14_exit__mixer_tank);
_v14_exit__mixer_tank.buttonMode = true;
_v14_exit__mixer_tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v14_exit__mixer_tank);
_v14_exit__mixer_tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v14_exit__mixer_tank);
_v14_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v14_exit__right);
_v14_exit__right.buttonMode = true;
_v14_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v14_exit__right);
_v14_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v14_exit__right);
_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area);
_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area.buttonMode = true;
_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area);
_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_female_cyborg_worker_hit_area);
_cyborg_worker_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_cyborg_worker_hit_area);
_cyborg_worker_hit_area.buttonMode = true;
_cyborg_worker_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_cyborg_worker_hit_area);
_cyborg_worker_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_cyborg_worker_hit_area);
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_v13_exit__up.buttonMode = true;
_v13_exit__up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v13_exit__up);
_v13_exit__up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v13_exit__up);
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_v13_trigger__chain.buttonMode = true;
_v13_trigger__chain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v13_trigger__chain);
_v13_trigger__chain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v13_trigger__chain);
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_v12_trigger__smart_key.buttonMode = true;
_v12_trigger__smart_key.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v12_trigger__smart_key);
_v12_trigger__smart_key.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v12_trigger__smart_key);
_v12_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v12_exit__up_ladder);
_v12_exit__up_ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v12_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v12_exit__up_ladder);
_v12_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v12_exit__up_ladder);
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_v12_exit__down_ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v12_exit__down_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v12_exit__down_ladder);
_v12_exit__down_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v12_exit__down_ladder);
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_v7_trigger__power_tap.buttonMode = true;
_v7_trigger__power_tap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v7_trigger__power_tap);
_v7_trigger__power_tap.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v7_trigger__power_tap);
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_v11_exit__up.buttonMode = true;
_v11_exit__up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v11_exit__up);
_v11_exit__up.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v11_exit__up);
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_v11_trigger__vent_valve.buttonMode = true;
_v11_trigger__vent_valve.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v11_trigger__vent_valve);
_v11_trigger__vent_valve.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v11_trigger__vent_valve);
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_v10_exit__down.buttonMode = true;
_v10_exit__down.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v10_exit__down);
_v10_exit__down.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v10_exit__down);
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_v10_trigger__metal_bar.buttonMode = true;
_v10_trigger__metal_bar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v10_trigger__metal_bar);
_v10_trigger__metal_bar.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v10_trigger__metal_bar);
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_v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v8_trigger__object_1_hotspot);
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_v8_exit__door.buttonMode = true;
_v8_exit__door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v8_exit__door);
_v8_exit__door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v8_exit__door);
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_v7_exit__door_left.buttonMode = true;
_v7_exit__door_left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v7_exit__door_left);
_v7_exit__door_left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v7_exit__door_left);
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_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom);
_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v9_trigger__cable_at_bottom);
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_v9_trigger__top_vent_cover.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v9_trigger__top_vent_cover);
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_v9_exit__door_left.buttonMode = true;
_v9_exit__door_left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v9_exit__door_left);
_v9_exit__door_left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v9_exit__door_left);
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_v9_exit__door_right.buttonMode = true;
_v9_exit__door_right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v9_exit__door_right);
_v9_exit__door_right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v9_exit__door_right);
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_v7_exit__door_right.buttonMode = true;
_v7_exit__door_right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v7_exit__door_right);
_v7_exit__door_right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v7_exit__door_right);
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_v5_exit__left.buttonMode = true;
_v5_exit__left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v5_exit__left);
_v5_exit__left.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v5_exit__left);
_v5_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v5_exit__right);
_v5_exit__right.buttonMode = true;
_v5_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v5_exit__right);
_v5_exit__right.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v5_exit__right);
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_v5_exit__collector_tank.buttonMode = true;
_v5_exit__collector_tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v5_exit__collector_tank);
_v5_exit__collector_tank.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v5_exit__collector_tank);
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_v5_exit__stairs.buttonMode = true;
_v5_exit__stairs.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v5_exit__stairs);
_v5_exit__stairs.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v5_exit__stairs);
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_v4_vent_cover_with_chain.buttonMode = true;
_v4_vent_cover_with_chain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v4_vent_cover_with_chain);
_v4_vent_cover_with_chain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v4_vent_cover_with_chain);
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_v4_vent_grill.buttonMode = true;
_v4_vent_grill.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v4_vent_grill);
_v4_vent_grill.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v4_vent_grill);
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_v4_exit__vent_hole.buttonMode = true;
_v4_exit__vent_hole.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v4_exit__vent_hole);
_v4_exit__vent_hole.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v4_exit__vent_hole);
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_v6_exit__door.buttonMode = true;
_v6_exit__door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v6_exit__door);
_v6_exit__door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v6_exit__door);
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_v6_exit__stairs.buttonMode = true;
_v6_exit__stairs.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v6_exit__stairs);
_v6_exit__stairs.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v6_exit__stairs);
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_v4_exit__up_ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v4_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v4_exit__up_ladder);
_v4_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v4_exit__up_ladder);
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_v4_exit__down_ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v4_exit__down_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v4_exit__down_ladder);
_v4_exit__down_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v4_exit__down_ladder);
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_v3_exit__down_ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v3_exit__down_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v3_exit__down_ladder);
_v3_exit__down_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v3_exit__down_ladder);
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_v3_exit__up_ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v3_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v3_exit__up_ladder);
_v3_exit__up_ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v3_exit__up_ladder);
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_v3_exit__door.buttonMode = true;
_v3_exit__door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v3_exit__door);
_v3_exit__door.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v3_exit__door);
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_v2_exit__ladder.buttonMode = true;
_v2_exit__ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v2_exit__ladder);
_v2_exit__ladder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v2_exit__ladder);
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_EPF_control_screen_button__power.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_EPF_control_screen_button__power);
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_v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v1_trigger__EPF_warning_sign);
_v1_trigger__radio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v1_trigger__radio);
_v1_trigger__radio.buttonMode = true;
_v1_trigger__radio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v1_trigger__radio);
_v1_trigger__radio.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v1_trigger__radio);
_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen);
_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen.buttonMode = true;
_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen);
_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v1_trigger__EPF_control_screen);
_v1_engineer_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v1_engineer_hit_area);
_v1_engineer_hit_area.buttonMode = true;
_v1_engineer_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v1_engineer_hit_area);
_v1_engineer_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v1_engineer_hit_area);
world.view_1_door_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_1_door_trigger);
world.view_1_door_trigger.buttonMode = true;
world.view_1_door_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_1_door_trigger);
world.view_1_door_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_1_door_trigger);
world.view_5_door_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_5_door_trigger_2);
world.view_5_door_trigger_2.buttonMode = true;
world.view_5_door_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_5_door_trigger_2);
world.view_5_door_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_5_door_trigger_2);
world.view_4_door_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_4_door_trigger_2);
world.view_4_door_trigger_2.buttonMode = true;
world.view_4_door_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_4_door_trigger_2);
world.view_4_door_trigger_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_4_door_trigger_2);
_v1_trigger_2__power_box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v1_trigger_2__power_box);
_v1_trigger_2__power_box.buttonMode = true;
_v1_trigger_2__power_box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v1_trigger_2__power_box);
_v1_trigger_2__power_box.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v1_trigger_2__power_box);
_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell);
_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell.buttonMode = true;
_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell);
_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click_v1_trigger_1__fuel_cell);
_v3_object_2_trigger__container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over____v3_object_2_trigger__container);
_v3_object_2_trigger__container.buttonMode = true;
_v3_object_2_trigger__container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out____v3_object_2_trigger__container);
_v3_object_2_trigger__container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click____v3_object_2_trigger__container);
world.view_4_door_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_4_door_trigger_1);
world.view_4_door_trigger_1.buttonMode = true;
world.view_4_door_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_4_door_trigger_1);
world.view_4_door_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_4_door_trigger_1);
world.view_5_door_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_5_door_trigger_1);
world.view_5_door_trigger_1.buttonMode = true;
world.view_5_door_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_5_door_trigger_1);
world.view_5_door_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_5_door_trigger_1);
world.view_2_door_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_2_door_trigger);
world.view_2_door_trigger.buttonMode = true;
world.view_2_door_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_2_door_trigger);
world.view_2_door_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_2_door_trigger);
_v6_trigger_1__tower.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over___v6_trigger_1__tower);
_v6_trigger_1__tower.buttonMode = true;
_v6_trigger_1__tower.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out___v6_trigger_1__tower);
_v6_trigger_1__tower.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__v6_trigger_1__tower);
_object_6_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over___object_6_icon);
_object_6_icon.buttonMode = true;
_object_6_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out___object_6_icon);
_object_6_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click___object_6_icon);
_object_5_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over___object_5_icon);
_object_5_icon.buttonMode = true;
_object_5_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out___object_5_icon);
_object_5_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click___object_5_icon);
_object_4_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over___object_4_icon);
_object_4_icon.buttonMode = true;
_object_4_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out___object_4_icon);
_object_4_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click___object_4_icon);
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__pc_inventoryobject_3_icon);
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.buttonMode = true;
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__pc_inventoryobject_3_icon);
pc_inventory.object_3_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__pc_inventoryobject_3_icon);
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__pc_inventoryobject_2_icon);
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.buttonMode = true;
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__pc_inventoryobject_2_icon);
pc_inventory.object_2_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__pc_inventoryobject_2_icon);
_data_box_keyhole_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over___data_box_keyhole_trigger);
_data_box_keyhole_trigger.buttonMode = true;
_data_box_keyhole_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out___data_box_keyhole_trigger);
_data_box_keyhole_trigger.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click___data_box_keyhole_trigger);
world.outside_object_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldoutside_object_2);
world.outside_object_2.buttonMode = true;
world.outside_object_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldoutside_object_2);
world.outside_object_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldoutside_object_2);
world.outside_object_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldoutside_object_1);
world.outside_object_1.buttonMode = true;
world.outside_object_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldoutside_object_1);
world.outside_object_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldoutside_object_1);
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__pc_inventoryobject_1_icon);
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.buttonMode = true;
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__pc_inventoryobject_1_icon);
pc_inventory.object_1_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__pc_inventoryobject_1_icon);
_EPF_tower_top_right_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_tower_top_right_hit_area);
_EPF_tower_top_left_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_tower_top_left_hit_area);
_EPF_tower_vehicle_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_tower_vehicle_hit_area);
_EPF_tower_bottom_right_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_tower_bottom_right_hit_area);
_EPF_tower_bottom_middle_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_tower_bottom_middle_hit_area);
_EPF_tower_bottom_left_hit_area.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_tower_bottom_left_hit_area);
_EPF_thor_building_overlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__EPF_thor_building_overlay);
world.EPF_tower_view.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldEPF_tower_view);
retry_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__retry_button);
retry_button.buttonMode = true;
retry_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__retry_button);
retry_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__retry_button);
skip_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__skip_button);
skip_button.buttonMode = true;
skip_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__skip_button);
skip_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__skip_button);
next_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__next_button);
next_button.buttonMode = true;
next_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__next_button);
next_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__next_button);
world.object_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_1);
world.object_1.buttonMode = true;
world.object_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_1);
world.object_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_1);
world.view_3_exit_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldview_3_exit_trigger_1);
world.view_3_exit_trigger_1.buttonMode = true;
world.view_3_exit_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldview_3_exit_trigger_1);
world.view_3_exit_trigger_1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldview_3_exit_trigger_1);
back_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__back_button);
back_button.buttonMode = true;
back_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__back_button);
back_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__back_button);
world.object_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_2);
world.object_2.buttonMode = true;
world.object_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_2);
world.object_2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_2);
world.object_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_3);
world.object_3.buttonMode = true;
world.object_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_3);
world.object_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_3);
world.object_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_4);
world.object_4.buttonMode = true;
world.object_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_4);
world.object_4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_4);
world.object_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_5);
world.object_5.buttonMode = true;
world.object_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_5);
world.object_5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_5);
world.object_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_6);
world.object_6.buttonMode = true;
world.object_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_6);
world.object_6.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_6);
world.object_7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, myMouse_over__worldobject_7);
world.object_7.buttonMode = true;
world.object_7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, myMouse_out__worldobject_7);
world.object_7.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__worldobject_7);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, myMove);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, myMove2);
world.x = (world.x + 1);
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, myMouse_over__inventoryinventory_plasmagun_icon);
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, myMouse_out__inventoryinventory_plasmagun_icon);
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.buttonMode = true;
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.mouseChildren = false;
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__inventoryinventory_plasmagun_icon);
inventory.inventory_plasmagun_icon.buttonMode = true;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, myMouse_over__inventoryinventory_weapon_2_icon);
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, myMouse_out__inventoryinventory_weapon_2_icon);
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.buttonMode = true;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.mouseChildren = false;
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__inventoryinventory_weapon_2_icon);
inventory.inventory_weapon_2_icon.buttonMode = true;
inventory_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__inventory_button);
inventory_button.buttonMode = true;
inventory_button.mouseChildren = false;
inventory.close_inventory.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myMouse_click__inventoryclose_inventory);
inventory.close_inventory.buttonMode = true;
inventory.close_inventory.mouseChildren = false;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, myFunction2);
v1_characters_timestep = new Timer(150);
v1_characters_timestep.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, v1_characters_timestep_function);
v1_characters_timestep_2 = new Timer(100);
v1_characters_timestep_2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, v1_characters_timestep_function_2);
EPF_energy_fire_timestep = new Timer(50);
EPF_energy_fire_timestep.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, EPF_energy_fire_timestep_function);
engineer_timestep = new Timer(38);
engineer_timestep.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, engineer_timestep_function);
timestep__hero_climb = new Timer(42);
timestep__hero_climb.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timestep_function__hero_climb);
timestep__hero_collect = new Timer(42);
timestep__hero_collect.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timestep_function__hero_collect);
hero_timestep = new Timer(42);
hero_timestep.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, hero_timestep_function);
timestep__mouse_info_active = new Timer(17);
timestep__mouse_info_active.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timestep_function__mouse_info_active);
timestep__battle_won_screen = new Timer(12);
timestep__battle_won_screen.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timestep_function__battle_won_screen);
arm_move_speed = 7;
timestep__fire_active = new Timer(30);
timestep__fire_active.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timestep_function__fire_active);
centre_black_box.visible = false;
}//package thorenzitha_8_fla
Section 7
//_music (_music)
package {
public dynamic class _music extends Sound {
Section 8
//bang (bang)
package {
public dynamic class bang extends Sound {
Section 9
//climb_steps (climb_steps)
package {
public dynamic class climb_steps extends Sound {
Section 10
//cyborg_footstep (cyborg_footstep)
package {
public dynamic class cyborg_footstep extends Sound {
Section 11
//cyborg_footstep_quiet (cyborg_footstep_quiet)
package {
public dynamic class cyborg_footstep_quiet extends Sound {
Section 12
//cyborg_weapon_1 (cyborg_weapon_1)
package {
public dynamic class cyborg_weapon_1 extends Sound {
Section 13
//EPF_tower_hum (EPF_tower_hum)
package {
public dynamic class EPF_tower_hum extends Sound {
Section 14
//gas_leak (gas_leak)
package {
public dynamic class gas_leak extends Sound {
Section 15
//hatch_close (hatch_close)
package {
public dynamic class hatch_close extends Sound {
Section 16
//pick_up (pick_up)
package {
public dynamic class pick_up extends Sound {
Section 17
//plasma_sparks (plasma_sparks)
package {
public dynamic class plasma_sparks extends Sound {
Section 18
//robot_ion_shot (robot_ion_shot)
package {
public dynamic class robot_ion_shot extends Sound {
Section 19
//shuttle_weapon_active (shuttle_weapon_active)
package {
public dynamic class shuttle_weapon_active extends Sound {
Section 20
//shuttle_weapon_power_up (shuttle_weapon_power_up)
package {
public dynamic class shuttle_weapon_power_up extends Sound {
Section 21
//slide_door (slide_door)
package {
public dynamic class slide_door extends Sound {
Section 22
//slide_door_running (slide_door_running)
package {
public dynamic class slide_door_running extends Sound {
Section 23
//sniper_shot (sniper_shot)
package {
public dynamic class sniper_shot extends Sound {
Section 24
//space_rumble (space_rumble)
package {
public dynamic class space_rumble extends Sound {
Section 25
//Sparking (Sparking)
package {
public dynamic class Sparking extends Sound {
Section 26
//start_screen_beep (start_screen_beep)
package {
public dynamic class start_screen_beep extends Sound {
Section 27
//thor_shuttle_take_off (thor_shuttle_take_off)
package {
public dynamic class thor_shuttle_take_off extends Sound {