Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2574 · P5148

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #113513

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 27 l_osv_uron { frame 2 { _root.sfx.sfx(24, 0); } frame 11 { this.swapDepths(666); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 30 m_hint2 { frame 2 { if (t > 0) { --t; gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 32 m_hint { frame 2 { if (t > 0) { --t; gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 34 m_RES { frame 2 { if (t > 0) { --t; gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 36 m_zat { frame 15 { _root.onEnterFrame = function () {}; if ( >= 100 or finalll) { _root.sfx.sfx(6, 0); } else { _root.sfx.sfx(7, 0); } _root.nextFrame(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 37 m_osv { frame 2 { = false; = 0; _root.prog.gotoAndStop(1); _root.help_exist = true;; } frame 21 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 39 pre_zat { frame 1 { tt = 30; onEnterFrame = function () { if (tt > 0) { --tt; } else { _root.attachMovie('m_zat', 'm_zat', 3000); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 45 pena { frame 15 { stop(); } } frame 1 { function goToThisURL() { getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } stop(); var url = _root._url; Playtomic.Log.View(3074, '903c5864ede54f41', url);''); var lc = new LocalConnection(); _root.gamedomain = lc.domain(); _root.gamename = 'Inimitable_Zebray'; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('temp', 1123); loadMovie('', temp); var clickurl = '' + _root.gamename + '&utm_source=' + _root.gamedomain + '&utm_content=ingame&checkpartner=1'; linkURL = clickurl; var myMenu = new ContextMenu(); var copyright = new ContextMenuItem('!!!PLAY MORE GAMES!!!', goToThisURL); myMenu.customItems.push(copyright); myMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); = myMenu; } button 49 { on (release) { Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('SplashScreen', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } } movieClip 51 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 58 { } movieClip 59 { } movieClip 61 { } movieClip 66 { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 71 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 75 { } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 79 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 83 { } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 93 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 98 { } movieClip 101 { } movieClip 104 { frame 163 { stop(); } } movieClip 106 { } movieClip 110 { } movieClip 113 { } movieClip 116 { } movieClip 118 { } // unknown tag 88 length 136 movieClip 122 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 123 { on (release) { Playtomic.Log.Play(); _root.nextFrame(); } } movieClip 124 { frame 2 { } frame 169 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 122 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.getBytesLoaded() >= _root.getBytesTotal()) { _parent.gotoAndPlay(_parent._currentframe + 1); this.txt.text = 100; } else { var pr = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); this.txt.text = pr; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round(pr * 200 / 100)); } } } frame 190 { stop(); } } movieClip 480 __Packages.Playtomic.LogRequest { #initclip if (!_global.Playtomic) { _global.Playtomic = new Object(); } if (!_global.Playtomic.LogRequest) { var v1 = function () {}; Playtomic.LogRequest = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.Queue = function (data) { ++this.Pieces; this.Data += ((this.Data == '') ? '' : '~') + data; if (this.Pieces == 8 || this.Data.length > 300) { this.Pieces = 0; this.Ready = true; } }; v2.Send = function () { var v3 = function (success) { if (this.Data.indexOf('v/') == 0 || this.Data.indexOf('~v/') > -1) { Playtomic.Log.IncreaseViews(); } if (this.Data.indexOf('p/') == 0 || this.Data.indexOf('~p/') > -1) { Playtomic.Log.IncreasePlays(); } }; var v2 = new LoadVars(); v2.sendAndLoad('http://g' + Playtomic.Log.GUID + '' + Playtomic.Log.SWFID + '&q=' + this.Data + '&url=' + Playtomic.Log.SourceUrl + '&' + Math.random() + 'z', v3, 'POST'); }; v2.Data = ''; v2.Ready = false; ASSetPropFlags(Playtomic.LogRequest.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 481 __Packages.Playtomic.Log { #initclip if (!_global.Playtomic) { _global.Playtomic = new Object(); } if (!_global.Playtomic.Log) { var v1 = function () {}; Playtomic.Log = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.View = function (swfid, guid, defaulturl) { if (swfid == undefined) { swfid = 0; } if (guid == undefined) { guid = ''; } if (defaulturl == undefined) { defaulturl = ''; } if (Playtomic.Log.SWFID > 0) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.SWFID = swfid; Playtomic.Log.GUID = guid; Playtomic.Log.Enabled = true; if (Playtomic.Log.SWFID == 0 || Playtomic.Log.GUID == '') { Playtomic.Log.Enabled = false; return undefined; } if (defaulturl.indexOf('http://') != 0) { Playtomic.Log.Enabled = false; return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.SourceUrl = defaulturl; if (Playtomic.Log.SourceUrl == null || Playtomic.Log.SourceUrl == '' || Playtomic.Log.SourceUrl.indexOf('https://') == 0) { Playtomic.Log.Enabled = false; return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Cookie = SharedObject.getLocal('playtomic'); var v5 = Playtomic.Log.GetCookie('views'); Playtomic.Log.Send('v/' + v5, true); _global.setTimeout(Playtomic.Log.PingServer, 60000); }; v1.ForceSend = function () { if (Playtomic.Log.Request == null) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Request.Send(); Playtomic.Log.Request = new Playtomic.LogRequest(); }; v1.Play = function () { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } trace('Play'); Playtomic.Log.LevelCounters = new Array(); Playtomic.Log.LevelAverages = new Array(); Playtomic.Log.LevelRangeds = new Array(); Playtomic.Log.Send('p/' + (Playtomic.Log.Plays + 1), true); }; v1.CustomMetric = function (name, group, unique) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } if (group == null || group == undefined) { group = ''; } if (unique == null || unique == undefined) { unique = false; } if (unique) { if (Playtomic.Log.Customs.indexOf(name) > -1) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Customs.push(name); } Playtomic.Log.Send('c/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(group)); }; v1.Link = function (url, name, group, unique, total, fail) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('l/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(group) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(url) + '/' + unique + '/' + total + '/' + fail); }; v1.LevelCounterMetric = function (name, level, unique) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } if (unique) { if (Playtomic.Log.LevelCounters.indexOf(name) > -1) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.LevelCounters.push(name); } Playtomic.Log.Send('lc/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(level)); }; v1.LevelRangedMetric = function (name, level, value, unique) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } if (unique) { if (Playtomic.Log.LevelRangeds.indexOf(name) > -1) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.LevelRangeds.push(name); Playtomic.Log.SaveCookie('lr_' + name, 1); } Playtomic.Log.Send('lr/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(level) + '/' + value); }; v1.LevelAverageMetric = function (name, level, value, unique) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } if (unique) { if (Playtomic.Log.LevelAverages.indexOf(name) > -1) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.LevelAverages.push(name); } Playtomic.Log.Send('la/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(level) + '/' + value); }; v1.Heatmap = function (name, group, x, y) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('h/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(group) + '/' + x + '/' + y); }; v1.Funnel = function (name, step, stepnum) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('f/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(name) + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Clean(step) + '/' + stepnum); }; v1.PlayerLevelStart = function (levelid) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('pls/' + levelid); }; v1.PlayerLevelWin = function (levelid) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('plw/' + levelid); }; v1.PlayerLevelQuit = function (levelid) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('plq/' + levelid); }; v1.PlayerLevelRetry = function (levelid) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('plr/' + levelid); }; v1.PlayerLevelFlag = function (levelid) { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } Playtomic.Log.Send('plf/' + levelid); }; v1.PingServer = function () { if (!Playtomic.Log.Enabled) { return undefined; } ++Playtomic.Log.Pings; Playtomic.Log.Send('t/' + (Playtomic.Log.FirstPing ? 'y' : 'n') + '/' + Playtomic.Log.Pings, true); if (Playtomic.Log.FirstPing) { Playtomic.Log.FirstPing = false; setInterval(Playtomic.Log.PingServer, 60000); } }; v1.Send = function (s, view) { if (view == undefined) { view = false; } Playtomic.Log.Request.Queue(s); if (Playtomic.Log.Request.Ready || view || !Playtomic.Log.Queue) { Playtomic.Log.Request.Send(); Playtomic.Log.Request = new Playtomic.LogRequest(); } }; v1.GetCookie = function (n) { if ([n] == undefined) { return 0; } else { return parseInt([n]); } }; v1.SaveCookie = function (n, v) {[n] = v.toString(); Playtomic.Log.Cookie.flush(); }; v1.Clean = function (s) { while (s.indexOf('/') > -1) { s = Playtomic.Log.Replace(s, '/', '\\'); } while (s.indexOf('~') > -1) { s = Playtomic.Log.Replace(s, '~', '-'); } return escape(s); }; v1.Replace = function (str, find, replace) { return (str.split(find)).join(replace); }; v1.IncreaseViews = function () { var v1 = Playtomic.Log.GetCookie('views'); ++v1; Playtomic.Log.SaveCookie('views', v1); }; v1.IncreasePlays = function () { ++Playtomic.Log.Plays; }; v1.Enabled = false; v1.Queue = true; v1.SWFID = 0; v1.GUID = ''; v1.Request = new Playtomic.LogRequest(); v1.FirstPing = true; v1.Pings = 0; v1.Plays = 0; v1.HighestGoal = 0; v1.Customs = new Array(); v1.LevelCounters = new Array(); v1.LevelAverages = new Array(); v1.LevelRangeds = new Array(); ASSetPropFlags(Playtomic.Log.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 2 { nextFrame(); } // unknown tag 88 length 219 movieClip 129 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 3 { nextFrame(); } frame 4 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); } frame 4 { pro_plus = function (plus) { += plus; _root.prog.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(; if (win != true) { if ( >= 100) { win = true; if (timer.time < 12) { var v2 = timer.time / 12; } else { var v2 = 1; } _root.score += 100 * v2; trace(_root.score); _root.attachMovie('pre_zat', 'pre_zat', 2999); } } }; } frame 4 { drag_option = function (id, sp, pridel, spin, zatuh, uskor) { id.xl = _root._xmouse; id.sp = sp; id.pridel = pridel; id.spin = spin; id.zatuh = zatuh; id.uskor = uskor; }; myDrag = function (id) { id._x = _xmouse; id._y = _ymouse; var v2 = id._x - id.xl; if (v2 > 0) { if (id._rotation < id.pridel) { id._rotation += Math.abs(v2) / id.spin; } id.sp = 0; } if (v2 < 0) { if (id._rotation > -id.pridel) { id._rotation -= Math.abs(v2) / id.spin; } id.sp = 0; } id.xl = id._x; var v3 = 0; v3 = -id._rotation / id.uskor; if (Math.abs(id._rotation) < 1) { id._rotation = 0; v3 = 0; } id.sp = (id.sp + v3) / id.zatuh; id._rotation += id.sp; }; } frame 4 { function rasterizeMovieClip(obj, bdLev) { var v3 = obj._parent; var v5 = bdLev || v3.getNextHighestDepth(); var v2 = v3.createEmptyMovieClip(obj._name + 'BD', v5); var v4 = new flash.display.BitmapData(obj._width, obj._height, true, 0); v4.draw(obj); v2.attachBitmap(v4, v2.getNextHighestDepth()); v2._x = obj._x; v2._y = obj._y; obj.swapDepths(v3.getNextHighestDepth()); obj.removeMovieClip(); } stop(); _quality = 'BEST'; qual = 0; _root.score = 0; = 0; _global.pdis = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var v3 = x2 - x1; var v2 = y2 - y1; var v1 = v3 * v3 + v2 * v2; v1 = Math.sqrt(v1); return v1; }; _global.pdir = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var v4 = x2 - x1; var v2 = y2 - y1; var v3 = Math.atan2(v2, v4); var v1 = v3 * 57.32; if (v1 < 0) { v1 += 360; } return 360 - v1; }; _global.choose = function () { return arguments[random(arguments.length)]; }; _global.mod = function (x) { if (x > 0) { return x; } x = -x; return x; }; = function (id) { id.gotoAndPlay(id._currentframe + 1); }; } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 134 { } // unknown tag 88 length 56 movieClip 137 { } instance mus of movieClip 137 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.music_loaded != true) { _root.music_loaded = true; so = new Sound(this); so.attachSound('so_BG'); so.start(0, 30000); _root.backsound_play = true; } else { so = new Sound(this); so.attachSound('so_BG'); so.start(0, 30000); if (_root.backsound_play == false) { so.setVolume(0); } } } } movieClip 139 { } instance sfx of movieClip 139 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sound_loaded != true) { _root.sound_loaded = true; _root.sound_play = true; } s1 = new Sound(this); s1.attachSound('s1_knopki'); s2 = new Sound(this); s2.attachSound('so_dush'); s3 = new Sound(this); s3.attachSound('so_fen'); s4 = new Sound(this); s4.attachSound('s4_drag'); s5 = new Sound(this); s5.attachSound('s5_drop'); s6 = new Sound(this); s6.attachSound('swin'); s7 = new Sound(this); s7.attachSound('s_faild'); s8 = new Sound(this); s8.attachSound('so_gubka'); s9 = new Sound(this); s9.attachSound('so_korm'); s10 = new Sound(this); s10.attachSound('so_korm_suh'); s11 = new Sound(this); s11.attachSound('so_click'); s12 = new Sound(this); s12.attachSound('so_pena'); s13 = new Sound(this); s13.attachSound('so_pilka'); s14 = new Sound(this); s14.attachSound('so_teret'); s15 = new Sound(this); s15.attachSound('s9_clock'); s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_miau'); s17 = new Sound(this); s17.attachSound('so_ras'); s18 = new Sound(this); s18.attachSound('so_b1'); s19 = new Sound(this); s19.attachSound('so_b2'); s20 = new Sound(this); s20.attachSound('so_b3'); s21 = new Sound(this); s21.attachSound('so_b4'); s22 = new Sound(this); s22.attachSound('so_b5'); s23 = new Sound(this); s23.attachSound('so_b6'); s24 = new Sound(this); s24.attachSound('s_uron'); SFX = [[0, 0], [s1, 0], [s2, 0], [s3, 0], [s4, 0], [s5, 0], [s6, 0], [s7, 0], [s8, 0], [s9, 0], [s10, 0], [s11, 0], [s12, 0], [s13, 0], [s14, 0], [s15, 0], [s16, 0], [s17, 0], [s18, 0], [s19, 0], [s20, 0], [s21, 0], [s22, 0], [s23, 0], [s24, 0]]; sfx = function (num, zad) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var v4 = SFX[num][0]; var v3 = SFX[num][1]; if (v3 == 0) { v4.start(); SFX[num][1] = zad; } } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { var ln = SFX.length; var i = 0; while (i < ln) { if (SFX[i][1] > 0) { --SFX[i][1]; } ++i; } } } movieClip 141 { } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 147 { } movieClip 150 { } movieClip 153 { } movieClip 156 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 165 { } movieClip 168 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 173 { } // unknown tag 88 length 219 button 178 { on (release) { _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); _root.nextFrame(); } } button 182 { on (release) { _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('MainMenuMOREGAMES', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } } button 187 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('MainMenuPPlogo', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 190 { } // unknown tag 88 length 105 movieClip 197 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance kn2 of movieClip 197 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sound_play != true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sound_play = false; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.sound_play = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 199 { } instance kn1 of movieClip 199 { onClipEvent (release) { switch (_root.qual) { case 0: _root._quality = 'MEDIUM'; ++_root.qual; break; case 1: _root._quality = 'LOW'; ++_root.qual; break; case 2: _root._quality = 'HIGH'; _root.qual = 0; } } } movieClip 201 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance kn3 of movieClip 201 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.backsound_play == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.backsound_play == true) { _root.backsound_play = false;; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.backsound_play = true;; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } frame 5 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); } movieClip 204 { } button 210 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } } button 211 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('InstructionMOREGAMES', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 224 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 227 { } frame 6 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); _root.prog.gotoAndStop(1); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 11.12; } movieClip 231 { } movieClip 232 { frame 1 { MR = [ma1, ma2, ma3, ma4, ma5, ma6, ma7, ma8, ma9]; } } instance dog_mask of movieClip 232 { onClipEvent (load) { tt = 0; yy = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tt += 0.1; if (tt > 360) { tt = 0; } _y = yy + Math.sin(tt); } } movieClip 235 { } movieClip 236 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { if (_alpha == 100) { _root.sfx.sfx(8, 20); } } frame 5 { stop(); } } instance gubka of movieClip 236 { onClipEvent (load) { faild_nowater = false; _alpha = 0; hide_zad = 10; pena_dp = 0; _root.drag_option(this, 0, 60, 5, 1.2, 5); zad = 0; _press = false; size = 0; al_d = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } } if (_xscale > 80) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } }; al_u = function () { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + 1; _yscale = _xscale + 1; } }; create = function () { if (_root.dog_mask.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (faild_nowater == false) { if ( < 100) { if (pena_dp >= 30) { faild_nowater = true; _root.attachMovie('pre_zat', 'pre_zat', 2999); } } } if (pena_dp < 30) { if (zad > 0) { --zad; } else { _root.sfx.sfx(12, 3); _root.wet_prog.gotoAndStop(101 - Math.round((pena_dp / 30) * 100)); zad = 2; ++pena_dp; var v4 = _root.dog_mask.attachMovie('pena', 'pena' + pena_dp, pena_dp); v4._x = _root._xmouse - _root.dog_mask._x; v4._y = _root._ymouse - _root.dog_mask._y; if (size < 50) { size += 5; } v4._xscale = 50 + size; v4._yscale = v4._xscale; var v5 = random(100); if (v5 < 50) { v4._xscale *= -1; } var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 9) { var v2 = _root.dog_mask.MR[v3]; if (v2.en != true) { if (v2.hitTest(v4)) { v2.en = true; _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); } } ++v3; } } } } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (hide_zad > 0) { --hide_zad; } else { if (_root._ymouse < 90 or _root.helper.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) { hide = false; } else { hide = true; } if (hide == true && _root.help_exist == false) { Mouse.hide(); _root.myDrag(this); al_u(); } else {; al_d(); } _root.myDrag(this); if (_alpha >= 100) { if (_press == true) { create(); } } } } onClipEvent (mouseDown) { _press = true; if (this._currentframe < 2) { this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { _press = false; size = 0; if (this._currentframe < 6) { this.gotoAndPlay(6); } } } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 241 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance wet_prog of movieClip 241 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(100); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _x = _root._xmouse - 40; _y = _root._ymouse - 40; _alpha = _root.gubka._alpha; } } movieClip 243 { } // unknown tag 88 length 171 movieClip 261 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 262 { } movieClip 268 { frame 12 { tx.tx.gotoAndStop(txt); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); _parent.mordaha.enabled = true; _root.help_exist = false; } } movieClip 269 { frame 1 { clix = function () { if (dial._currentframe > 26) { if (dial._currentframe < 28) { dial.gotoAndPlay(28); _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); } } }; } instance of movieClip 227 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_parent.dial._currentframe == 40) { _parent.dial.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.help_exist = true; _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); } if (_parent.dial._currentframe == 27) { _parent.clix(); } } } instance dial of movieClip 268 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = 100 * _currentframe / 16; if (_currentframe > 30) { _alpha = 100 - 100 * (_currentframe - 30) / 9; } } onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(); } } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 1; } } movieClip 274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 278 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('InGameMOREGAMES', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } } movieClip 279 { } instance kn2 of movieClip 197 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sound_play != true) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sound_play = false; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.sound_play = true; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance kn1 of movieClip 199 { onClipEvent (release) { switch (_root.qual) { case 0: _root._quality = 'MEDIUM'; ++_root.qual; break; case 1: _root._quality = 'LOW'; ++_root.qual; break; case 2: _root._quality = 'HIGH'; _root.qual = 0; } } } instance kn3 of movieClip 201 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.backsound_play == false) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.backsound_play == true) { _root.backsound_play = false;; this.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.backsound_play = true;; this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 281 { } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } frame 7 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000);; pro = 0; pro_step1 = 16.66666666666667; } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 283 { } movieClip 285 { } movieClip 286 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 285 { onClipEvent (load) { rot_last = 0; sp = 0; krug_now = 0; krug_max = 6; krug_pred = 100; del = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (del == true) { _alpha = _alpha - 12; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); this.swapDepths(666); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { var pds = pdis(_parent._x, _parent._y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); if (pds < 60 && !_root.help_exist) { var pdr = pdir(_parent._x, _parent._y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); var rot = _rotation; if (rot < 0) { rot += 360; } rot = 360 - rot; if (rot == 360) { rot = 0; } if (rot_last > rot) { ++krug_now; krug_pred = 100 - 70 * (krug_now / krug_max); if (krug_now >= krug_max) { trace('del'); del = true; } } rot_last = rot; var dd = pdr - rot; var go = false; if (pdr > rot) { go = true; } if (rot > 260) { if (pdr + 360 > rot) { go = true; } } if (dd < 120) { if (go) { if (dd < 0) { dd += 360; } _rotation = _rotation - dd / 2; if (Math.abs(dd) > 10) { if (_xscale > krug_pred) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } } } } } else { krug_pred = 0; krug_now = 0; if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + (100 - _xscale) / 3; _yscale = _xscale + (100 - _xscale) / 3; if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } } var a = 0; a = -_rotation / 5; if (Math.abs(_rotation) < 1) { _rotation = 0; a = 0; } sp = (sp + a) / 1.2; _rotation = _rotation + sp; } } } } frame 2 { trace('HIW'); } } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 289 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 288 { onClipEvent (load) { rot_last = 0; sp = 0; krug_now = 0; krug_max = 6; krug_pred = 100; del = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (del == true) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); this.swapDepths(666); this.removeMovieClip(); } } else { var pds = pdis(_parent._x, _parent._y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); if (pds < 60 && !_root.help_exist) { var pdr = pdir(_parent._x, _parent._y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); var rot = _rotation; if (rot < 0) { rot += 360; } rot = 360 - rot; if (rot == 0) { rot = 360; } if (rot_last < rot) { ++krug_now; krug_pred = 100 - 70 * (krug_now / krug_max); if (krug_now >= krug_max) { trace('del'); del = true; } } rot_last = rot; var dd = pdr - rot; var go = false; if (pdr < rot) { go = true; } else { dd = pdr - 360 - rot; if (rot < 120) { if (pdr - 360 < rot) { go = true; } } } if (Math.abs(dd) < 120) { if (go) { _rotation = _rotation - dd / 2; if (Math.abs(dd) > 10) { if (_xscale > krug_pred) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } } } } } else { krug_pred = 0; krug_now = 0; if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + (100 - _xscale) / 3; _yscale = _xscale + (100 - _xscale) / 3; if (_xscale > 100) { _xscale = 100; } } var a = 0; a = -_rotation / 5; if (Math.abs(_rotation) < 1) { _rotation = 360; a = 0; } sp = (sp + a) / 1.2; _rotation = _rotation + sp; } } } } frame 2 { trace('HIW'); _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 2; } } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } frame 8 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 0.2; } movieClip 306 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 307 { instance prog of movieClip 306 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; pro = 0; al_d = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } } if (_xscale > 80) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } }; al_u = function () { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + 1; _yscale = _xscale + 1; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (pro <= 100) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { if (_root._currentframe != 10) { _root.sfx.sfx(14, 26); } al_u(); _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); pro += 2; this.gotoAndStop(Math.round((pro / 100) * 16)); if (_alpha == 100) { zad = 30; } } } } else { if (zad > 0) { --zad; } else { al_d(); } } } } } movieClip 310 { } instance of movieClip 310 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; _root.drag_option(this, 0, 60, 5, 1.5, 5); al_d = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } } if (_xscale > 80) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } }; al_u = function () { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + 1; _yscale = _xscale + 1; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._ymouse < 90 or _root.helper.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) { hide = false; } else { hide = true; } if (hide == true && _root.help_exist == false) { Mouse.hide(); _root.myDrag(this); al_u(); } else {; al_d(); } } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 3; } } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } frame 9 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 0.07002801120448179; } movieClip 311 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 105 { stop(); this.swapDepths(666); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 312 { frame 1 { hit_test = function (id) { if (id.hitTest(_root.dush.dush_mask)) { _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); id.gotoAndStop(id._currentframe + 1); } }; } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 311 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } } instance pena of movieClip 312 { onClipEvent (load) { tt = 0; yy = _y; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tt += 0.1; if (tt > 360) { tt = 0; } _y = yy + Math.sin(tt); } } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 318 { } movieClip 320 { } movieClip 321 { } instance dush of movieClip 321 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; _root.drag_option(this, 0, 60, 5, 1.5, 5); al_d = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } } if (_xscale > 80) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } }; al_u = function () { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + 1; _yscale = _xscale + 1; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_alpha > 60) { _root.sfx.sfx(2, 4); } if (_root._ymouse < 90 or _root.helper.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) { hide = false; } else { hide = true; } if (hide == true && _root.help_exist == false) { Mouse.hide(); _root.myDrag(this); al_u(); } else {; al_d(); } } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 4; } } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } frame 10 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 0.05555555555555555; } movieClip 325 { frame 30 { var rr = Math.random() * 100; if (rr > 5) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 1); } } } movieClip 326 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); this.swapDepths(666); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 327 { frame 1 { hit_test = function (id) { if (id.hitTest(_root.pol._mask)) { if ( == undefined) { = 0; } if ( < 100) { += 0.5; } _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); id.gotoAndStop(Math.round(( / 100) * 35)); } }; } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } instance of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (mouseMove) { _parent.hit_test(this); } } } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 331 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance pol of movieClip 331 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.drag_option(this, 0, 60, 5, 1.2, 5); al_d = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } } if (_xscale > 80) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } }; al_u = function () { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + 1; _yscale = _xscale + 1; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._ymouse < 90 or _root.helper.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) { hide = false; } else { hide = true; } if (hide == true && _root.help_exist == false) { Mouse.hide(); _root.myDrag(this); al_u(); } else {; al_d(); } } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 5; } } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } frame 11 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 4; } movieClip 333 { } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 6; } } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 90; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } movieClip 338 { } instance of movieClip 338 { onClipEvent (load) { sp = 3; zad = 50; reset = function () { zad = 10 * Math.random() + Math.random() * 100 * (100 - / 100; sp = 3 + 0.02 *; var v2 = int(2.9 * Math.random(1)); if (v2 == 0) { _x = -100; _y = random(480); } if (v2 == 1) { _x = random(640); _y = -100; } if (v2 == 2) { _x = 740; _y = random(480); } }; reset(); uron = function () { _root.attachMovie('l_osv_uron', 'l_osv_uron', 1001); _root.timer.time -= 6; if (_root.timer.time < 0) { _root.timer.time = 0; } _root.sfx.sfx(15, 20); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (zad > 0) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { --zad; } } else { var pd = pdir(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); _x = _x + sp * Math.cos(pd); _y = _y - sp * Math.sin(pd); pd = pdis(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); trace(pd); if (pd < 100) { uron(); reset(); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); reset(); } } } instance of movieClip 338 { onClipEvent (load) { sp = 3; zad = 50; reset = function () { zad = 10 * Math.random() + Math.random() * 100 * (100 - / 100; sp = 3 + 0.02 *; var v2 = int(2.9 * Math.random(1)); if (v2 == 0) { _x = -100; _y = random(480); } if (v2 == 1) { _x = random(640); _y = -100; } if (v2 == 2) { _x = 740; _y = random(480); } }; reset(); uron = function () { _root.attachMovie('l_osv_uron', 'l_osv_uron', 1001); _root.timer.time -= 6; if (_root.timer.time < 0) { _root.timer.time = 0; } _root.sfx.sfx(15, 20); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (zad > 0) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { --zad; } } else { var pd = pdir(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); _x = _x + sp * Math.cos(pd); _y = _y - sp * Math.sin(pd); pd = pdis(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); trace(pd); if (pd < 100) { uron(); reset(); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); reset(); } } } instance of movieClip 338 { onClipEvent (load) { sp = 3; zad = 50; reset = function () { zad = 10 * Math.random() + Math.random() * 100 * (100 - / 100; sp = 3 + 0.02 *; var v2 = int(2.9 * Math.random(1)); if (v2 == 0) { _x = -100; _y = random(480); } if (v2 == 1) { _x = random(640); _y = -100; } if (v2 == 2) { _x = 740; _y = random(480); } }; reset(); uron = function () { _root.attachMovie('l_osv_uron', 'l_osv_uron', 1001); _root.timer.time -= 6; if (_root.timer.time < 0) { _root.timer.time = 0; } _root.sfx.sfx(15, 20); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (zad > 0) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { --zad; } } else { var pd = pdir(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); _x = _x + sp * Math.cos(pd); _y = _y - sp * Math.sin(pd); pd = pdis(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); trace(pd); if (pd < 100) { uron(); reset(); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); reset(); } } } instance of movieClip 338 { onClipEvent (load) { sp = 3; zad = 50; reset = function () { zad = 10 * Math.random() + Math.random() * 100 * (100 - / 100; sp = 3 + 0.02 *; var v2 = int(2.9 * Math.random(1)); if (v2 == 0) { _x = -100; _y = random(480); } if (v2 == 1) { _x = random(640); _y = -100; } if (v2 == 2) { _x = 740; _y = random(480); } }; reset(); uron = function () { _root.attachMovie('l_osv_uron', 'l_osv_uron', 1001); _root.timer.time -= 6; if (_root.timer.time < 0) { _root.timer.time = 0; } _root.sfx.sfx(15, 20); }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (zad > 0) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { --zad; } } else { var pd = pdir(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); _x = _x + sp * Math.cos(pd); _y = _y - sp * Math.sin(pd); pd = pdis(_x, _y, _root.fly_trg._x, _root.fly_trg._y); trace(pd); if (pd < 100) { uron(); reset(); } } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { _root.sfx.sfx(1, 0); _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1); reset(); } } } frame 12 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 0.4901960784313726; } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 353 { } movieClip 356 { } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 362 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 365 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 371 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 377 { } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 383 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 399 { } movieClip 402 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 405 { frame 1 { el0.gotoAndStop(37); el1.gotoAndStop(37); el2.gotoAndStop(37); el3.gotoAndStop(37); clix = function (id, num) { if (_root._currentframe == 12) { if (id._currentframe != 37) { if (!_root.help_exist) { _root.sfx.sfx(4, 0); var v3 = id._currentframe + num * 12; _parent.inv.it_drag.gotoAndStop(v3); _parent.inv.it_drag._visible = true; switch (num) { case 0: _parent.inv.itt0_none = xxx; break; case 1: _parent.inv.itt1_none = xxx; break; case 2: _parent.inv.itt2_none = xxx; } _parent.inv.itt_drag = v3; id.gotoAndStop(37); } } } }; onEnterFrame = function () { el3.gotoAndStop(el2._currentframe); }; } instance el2 of movieClip 357 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this, 2); } } instance el1 of movieClip 378 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this, 1); } } instance el0 of movieClip 404 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this, 0); } } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 411 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 417 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 421 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 425 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 428 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 436 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 438 { frame 1 { stop(); raz1.gotoAndStop(2); ITM = []; ITM.push(it1, it2, it3, it4, it5, it6); itt0 = [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]]; itt1 = [[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18], [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24]]; itt2 = [[25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30], [31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36]]; itt_vis = [itt0, itt1, itt2]; itt_cur = 0; page_cur = 0; itt0_none = undefined; itt1_none = undefined; itt2_none = undefined; itt_drag = undefined; item_update = function () { var id_img = 0; var i = 0; while (i < ITM.length) { var id = ITM[i]; var frm = itt_vis[itt_cur][page_cur][id_img]; id.myID = frm; id.gotoAndStop(frm); var itt_none = eval('itt' + itt_cur + '_none'); if (itt_none == frm) { id.gotoAndStop(37); } if (itt_drag == frm) { id.gotoAndStop(37); } ++id_img; ++i; } }; razdel_change = function (id) { if (!_root.help_exist) { _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); if_it_drag_vis(); var i = 1; while (i < 4) { var id2 = eval('raz' + i); id2.enabled = true; id2.gotoAndStop(1); ++i; } id.enabled = false; id.gotoAndStop(2); switch (id._name) { case 'raz1': itt_cur = 0; break; case 'raz2': itt_cur = 1; break; case 'raz3': itt_cur = 2; } page_cur = 0; item_update(); bt_lf.enabled = false; bt_lf._alpha = 0; bt_rt.enabled = true; bt_rt._alpha = 100; } }; clix = function (id) { if (!_root.help_exist) { _root.sfx.sfx(4, 0); itt_drag = id.myID; it_drag.gotoAndStop(id.myID); it_drag._visible = true; item_update(); } }; itt_none_sw = function (xxx) { switch (itt_cur) { case 0: itt0_none = xxx; break; case 1: itt1_none = xxx; break; case 2: itt2_none = xxx; } }; if_it_drag_vis = function () { if (!_root.help_exist) { if (it_drag._visible == true) { itt_drag = undefined; it_drag._visible = false; _root.sfx.sfx(5, 0); } } }; item_update(); } instance bt_rt of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (press) { if (!_root.help_exist) { _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); _parent.if_it_drag_vis(); ++_parent.page_cur; _parent.item_update(); _parent.bt_lf.enabled = true; _parent.bt_lf._alpha = 100; enabled = false; _alpha = 0; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance bt_lf of movieClip 411 { onClipEvent (load) { _alpha = 0; enabled = false; } onClipEvent (press) { if (!_root.help_exist) { _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); _parent.if_it_drag_vis(); --_parent.page_cur; _parent.item_update(); _parent.bt_rt.enabled = true; _parent.bt_rt._alpha = 100; _alpha = 0; enabled = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(1); } } instance raz1 of movieClip 417 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.razdel_change(this); } } instance raz2 of movieClip 421 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.razdel_change(this); } } instance raz3 of movieClip 425 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.razdel_change(this); } } instance it1 of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this); } } instance it2 of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this); } } instance it3 of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this); } } instance it4 of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this); } } instance it5 of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this); } } instance it6 of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (press) { _parent.clix(this); } } instance it_drag of movieClip 436 { onClipEvent (load) { function who_ell() { var ell; switch (_parent.itt_cur) { trace(ell); return ell; case 0: ell =; trace(ell); return ell; case 1: ell =; trace(ell); return ell; case 2: ell =; trace(ell); return ell; } trace(ell); return ell; } _root.drag_option(this, 0, 60, 5, 1.2, 5); _visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.myDrag(this); _x = _x - _parent._x; _y = _y - _parent._y; } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (, _root._ymouse, 1)) { var ell = who_ell(); if (_visible) { _root.sfx.sfx(5, 0); } ell.gotoAndStop(_parent.itt_drag - _parent.itt_cur * 12); _parent.itt_none_sw(_parent.itt_drag); _parent.it_drag._visible = false; } else { _parent.if_it_drag_vis(); } _parent.item_update(); } } } movieClip 442 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance bt_rt of movieClip 442 { onClipEvent (press) { if (!_root.help_exist) { _root.sfx.sfx(11, 0); _root.pro_plus(100); enabled = false; = false; = false; = false; } } onClipEvent (rollOver) { gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (rollOut) { gotoAndStop(4); } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 7; } } frame 13 { _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pro = 0; pro_step1 = 10; } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 451 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { } } movieClip 452 { } instance of movieClip 452 { onClipEvent (load) { xx = _x; sp = 0; sp2 = 3; zd = 0; enabled = false; dir = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( == 100) { xx += 500; = 101; } if (_root.help_exist == false) { enabled = true; } else { enabled = false; } if (_root.help_exist == false) { var pdr = pdir(_x, _y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); var ras = pdis(_x, _y, _root._xmouse, _root._ymouse); sp2 = 20 - ras / 20; if (sp2 > 10) { sp2 = 10; } if (sp2 < 2) { sp2 = 2; } if (_x > 550 or _x < 150 or _y < 150 or _y > 300) { zd += 10; } else { if (zd > 0) { zd -= 40; } if (zd < 0) { zd = 0; } } dir = pdr - 180; dir += zd; if (Math.abs(ras - 300) < 10) { if (this.bones._currentframe < 2) { this.bones.gotoAndPlay(2); } } if (ras > 300) { dir = pdr; sp2 /= 2; } if (dir < 0) { dir += 360; } if (dir > 360) { dir -= 360; } _x = _x + sp2 * Math.cos(dir / 57.32); _y = _y - sp2 * Math.sin(dir / 57.32); } } onClipEvent (press) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { if ( < 100) { if (_root.bone._visible == false) { _root.bone._visible = true; _root.sfx.sfx(4, 0); } else { _root.bone._visible = false; _root.sfx.sfx(5, 0); } } else { enabled = false; } } } } movieClip 454 { } instance bone of movieClip 454 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; _root.drag_option(this, 0, 60, 5, 1.2, 5); di; al_d = function () { if (_alpha > 0) { _alpha = _alpha - 10; if (_alpha < 0) { _alpha = 0; } } if (_xscale > 80) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; _yscale = _xscale - 1; } }; al_u = function () { if (_alpha < 100) { _alpha = _alpha + 20; if (_alpha > 100) { _alpha = 100; } } if (_xscale < 100) { _xscale = _xscale + 1; _yscale = _xscale + 1; } }; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._ymouse < 90 or _root.helper.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, 1)) { hide = false; } else { hide = true; } if (hide == true && _root.help_exist == false) { if (_visible) { Mouse.hide(); } _root.myDrag(this); al_u(); } else {; al_d(); } } onClipEvent (mouseUp) { if (_root.help_exist == false) { if (this._visible == true) { if (_root.morda_mask.hitTest(this)) { _root.pro_plus(_root.pro_step1);; _root.sfx.sfx(9, 0); } else { _root.sfx.sfx(5, 0); } _visible = false;; } } } } instance helper of movieClip 269 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 8; } } instance timer of movieClip 281 { onClipEvent (load) { t = 0; time = 60; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (time <= 0) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } _root.nextFrame(); } if (_root.help_exist == false) { ++t; if (time != 0) { if (t > 24) { --time; t = 0; } } } } } frame 14 { function mod(x) { if (x > 0) { return x; } x = -x; return x; } _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); pet._x = 218; pet._y = 108; trace('win'); time = 0; wt = true; onEnterFrame = function () { ++time; if (wt == true) { if (time > 180) { _root.pro_plus(100); wt = false; } } }; _root.game_result = Math.round(_root.score / 7); if (game_result > 100) { game_result = 100; } if (game_result < 0) { game_result = 0; } trace(_root.game_result); if (game_result < 0) { game_result = 1; } if (game_result > 100) { game_result = 100; } h = 0; ++h; var mc = _root.m_krepej.attachMovie('m_RES', 'RES' + h, 200 + h); mc._x = 0; mc._y = 20; mc.t = 66 + h * 10 + 20; var txr = 'NOT BAD!'; if (game_result > 40) { txr = 'GOOD!'; } if (game_result > 50) { txr = 'SUPERB!'; } if (game_result > 60) { txr = 'GREAT!'; } if (game_result > 70) { txr = 'MARVELOUS!'; } if (game_result > 80) { txr = 'COOL!'; } if (game_result > 90) { txr = 'AWESOME!'; } mc.txt.text = txr; ++h; var mc = _root.m_krepej.attachMovie('m_hint2', 'hint2' + h, 200 + h); mc._x = 0; mc._y = 60; mc.t = 66 + h * 10 + 20; mc.txt.text = 'your score: ' + game_result + ' / 100'; } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 460 { } movieClip 462 { } movieClip 464 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 465 { } movieClip 466 { frame 1 { nn = 3; } instance of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(31); } } frame 62 { --nn; if (nn > 0) { gotoAndPlay('bk'); } else { if (_root.game_result > 40) { gotoAndPlay('WIN'); } else { gotoAndPlay('faild'); } } } frame 64 { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s7.start(); } } frame 137 { gotoAndPlay('bk_faild'); } frame 139 { if (_root.sound_play == true) { _root.sfx.s6.start(); } } frame 202 { gotoAndPlay('bk_WIN'); } } movieClip 467 { instance dial of movieClip 268 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = 100 * _currentframe / 16; if (_currentframe > 30) { _alpha = 100 - 100 * (_currentframe - 30) / 9; } } } } instance helper of movieClip 467 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 9; } } movieClip 469 { } instance m_krepej of movieClip 469 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(200); } } frame 15 { _root.b_more.swapDepths(301); _root.b_play.swapDepths(302); _root.attachMovie('m_osv', 'm_osv', 3000); } movieClip 470 { frame 1 { } instance of movieClip 227 { onClipEvent (press) { if (_parent.dial._currentframe == 40) { _parent.dial.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.help_exist = true; } if (_parent.dial._currentframe == 27) { _parent.clix(); } } } instance dial of movieClip 268 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(11); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _alpha = 100 * _currentframe / 16; if (_currentframe > 30) { _alpha = 100 - 100 * (_currentframe - 30) / 9; } } } } instance helper of movieClip 470 { onClipEvent (load) { dial.txt = 10; } } button 472 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('JoinMeYes', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } } button 474 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } _root.m_krepej.removeMovieClip(); _root.m1.removeMovieClip(); _root.b_more.removeMovieClip(); _root.b_play.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } button 478 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } _root.m_krepej.removeMovieClip(); _root.m1.removeMovieClip(); _root.b_more.removeMovieClip(); _root.b_play.removeMovieClip(); _root.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); } } button 479 { on (release) { if (_root.sound_play == true) { var s16 = new Sound(this); s16.attachSound('so_click'); this.s16.start(); } Playtomic.Log.CustomMetric('ENDGameMOREGAMES', 'Links'); Playtomic.Log.ForceSend(); getURL(_root.linkURL, '_blank'); } }
Created: 11/3 -2019 15:53:43 Last modified: 11/3 -2019 15:53:43 Server time: 05/11 -2024 08:35:22