Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2563 · P5125

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #114072

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 14 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 19 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 23 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 27 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 30 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 33 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 34 { } movieClip 35 paint { instance of movieClip 34 { onClipEvent (load) { _y = _y + _parent.myArray[0][0]; _x = _x + _parent.myArray[0][0]; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.myArray[0][1]); } } instance of movieClip 34 { onClipEvent (load) { _y = _y + _parent.myArray[1][0]; _x = _x + _parent.myArray[1][0]; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.myArray[1][1]); } } instance of movieClip 34 { onClipEvent (load) { _y = _y + _parent.myArray[2][0]; _x = _x + _parent.myArray[2][0]; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.myArray[2][1]); } } instance of movieClip 34 { onClipEvent (load) { _y = _y + _parent.myArray[3][0]; _x = _x + _parent.myArray[3][0]; this.gotoAndStop(_parent.myArray[3][1]); } } instance of movieClip 34 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(_parent.myArray[4]); } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 37 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 41 spikesBad { instance of movieClip 37 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 40 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !_root.plane.ImHit) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI + 1; } if (p._x < -500 || _global.killScreen || _root.plane.endTime && _global.panels == 'closed') { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 43 spikesCol { } movieClip 65 tentacleCol { } movieClip 73 blank { } movieClip 75 tentacleBad { instance shadows of movieClip 65 tentacleCol { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } this.gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance of movieClip 73 blank { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; if (p.flippy == 1) { p.shadows._x -= 10; } else { p.shadows._x += 10; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !_root.plane.ImHit) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI + 1; } if (p._x < -150 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 21 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } frame 33 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } } movieClip 77 { } movieClip 80 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 84 { } movieClip 85 { frame 1 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } } movieClip 88 flameBad { instance of movieClip 77 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 85 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !_root.plane.ImHit) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI + 1; } if (p._x < -100 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 91 { } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 93 flameCol { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 99 flameGood { } movieClip 102 { } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 108 tentacleGood { } movieClip 111 { } movieClip 112 spearsGood { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 116 shurikenCol { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 122 { } movieClip 123 { } movieClip 124 shurikenBad { instance of movieClip 73 blank { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; if (p._y > 180) { p.shur.stick._yscale = -100; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !_root.plane.ImHit) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI + 1; } if (p._x < -100 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } frame 8 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } frame 23 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } } movieClip 127 { } movieClip 130 { } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 134 shurikenGood { } movieClip 137 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 141 bombGood { } movieClip 143 { } movieClip 146 { } movieClip 147 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(46); } } movieClip 148 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(46); } } movieClip 151 { } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 155 { } movieClip 156 bossPlaneBad { instance of movieClip 151 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var door1 = p.door1; var door2 = p.door2; var myMode = 'comeDown'; var timer = 60; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; var ySpeed = 0; var ySpeedWant = 0; var yDest = 120; var explodeTimer = 5; var explodeI = 0; var maxY = _root.plane.maxY; var minY = _root.plane.minY; var percUnit = (maxY - minY) / 100; var currBomb = 1; var bombTime = 0; var set1 = [20, 90, 30, 50, 100, 20, 50, 30, 85, 100, 0, 45, 90, 75, 80, 40, 5, 25, 20, 100, 50, 25, 85, 10, 100, 30, 5, 60, 95, 40, 25, 70, 10, 85, 30, 100]; var set2 = [5, 100, 80, 60, 40, 20, -1, 20, -1, 5, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, -1, 30, -1, 1, 100, 80, 60, 40, 20, -1, 30, -1, 1, 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, -1, 30, -1, 1, 100, 0, 85, 15, 70, 30, -1, 30, -1, 1, 50, -1, 10, -1, 1, 30, 70, -1, 10, -1, 1, 0, 50, 100, -1, 10, -1, 1, 70, 30, -1, 10, -1, 1, 100, 50, 0, -1, 10, -1, 1, 30, 70, -1, 10, -1, 1, 0, 50, 100, -1, 10, -1, 1, 70, 30, -1, 10, -1, 1, 100, 50, 0, -1, 10, -1, 1, 30, 70, -1, 10, -1, 1, 0, 50, 100, -1, 10]; var dodges = ['high', 'low', 'high', 'low', 'low', 'highBomb', 'low', 'highBomb', 'high', 'low']; var currDodge = 0; _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._y += ySpeed; ySpeedWant = (yDest - p._y) * 0.5; ySpeed -= (ySpeed - ySpeedWant) * 0.3; good._y = p._y; good._x = p._x; if (myMode == 'comeDown') { yDest = 120; p._x -= (p._x - 400) * 0.05; if (timer == 0) { myMode = 'openDoors'; timer = 30;;; if (_root.sfx) {; } } --timer; } else { if (myMode == 'openDoors') { --timer; if (timer == 0) { myMode = 'moveToTop'; yDest = 55; if (_root.sfx) {; } } if (_root.plane.scrollSpeed < 6) { _root.plane.scrollSpeed += 0.2; } } else { if (myMode == 'moveToTop') { if (Math.round(p._y) == 55) { myMode = 'bombs1'; timer = set1[0]; if (_root.sfx) {; } } } else { if (myMode == 'bombs1') { if (timer > 0) { --timer; } else { if (currBomb == set1.length) { myMode = 'waitASec'; timer = 60; } else { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * set1[currBomb] + minY); timer = set1[0]; ++currBomb; } } yDest = 20; } else { if (myMode == 'waitASec') { --timer; if (timer == 0) { timer = 60; myMode = 'comeToMiddle'; if (_root.sfx) {; } } } else { if (myMode == 'comeToMiddle') { yDest = 180; if (timer > 0) { --timer; if (_root.plane.scrollSpeed < 10) { _root.plane.scrollSpeed += 0.2; } } else { myMode = 'dodges'; timer = 60; if (_root.sfx) {; } } } else { if (myMode == 'dodges') { if (dodges[currDodge] == 'low') { yDest = 300; if (timer == 45) { _root.createWall('top', 100); } } else { yDest = 50; if (timer == 45) { if (dodges[currDodge] == 'high') { _root.createWall('bottom', 100); } else { _root.createWall('bottom', 50); } } if (dodges[currDodge] == 'highBomb') { if (timer == 55) { if (currDodge == 5) { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * 33 + minY); } else { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * 70 + minY); } } else { if (timer == 51) { if (currDodge == 5) { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * 70 + minY); } else { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * 50 + minY); } } else { if (timer == 47) { if (currDodge == 5) { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * 20 + minY); } else { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * 30 + minY); } } } } } } --timer; if (timer == 0) { ++currDodge; timer = 60; if (currDodge == dodges.length) { myMode = 'finalBombs'; yDest = -20; timer = set2[0]; bombTime = timer; currBomb = 1; if (_root.sfx) {; } } else { if (currDodge != 4 && currDodge != 8) { if (_root.sfx) {; } } } } } else { if (myMode == 'finalBombs') { if (timer > 0) { --timer; } else { if (currBomb == set2.length) { myMode = 'waitAnotherSec'; timer = 30; } else { if (set2[currBomb] >= 0) { _root.createBomb(p._x + 35, percUnit * set2[currBomb] + minY); timer = bombTime; ++currBomb; } else { ++currBomb; timer = set2[currBomb]; bombTime = timer; ++currBomb; } } } } else { if (myMode == 'waitAnotherSec') { --timer; if (timer <= 0) { myMode = 'dieTime'; if (_root.sfx) {; } } } else { if (myMode == 'dieTime') { ++timer; if (timer == 77) { _root.createWall('top', 60); _root.createWall('bottom', 60); } else { if (timer == 75) { yDest = 75; if (_root.sfx) {; } } else { if (timer == 60) { yDest = 275; if (_root.sfx) {; } } else { if (timer == 45) { yDest = 75; if (_root.sfx) {; } } else { if (timer == 30) { yDest = 275; if (_root.sfx) {; } } else { if (timer < 30) { yDest = 180; } } } } } } if (_root.wallH.hitTest(p._x + p._width / 2 - 25, p._y, true)) { myMode = 'fall'; _root.plane.bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; } } else { if (myMode == 'fall') { _root.plane.bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; p._x -= _root.plane.scrollSpeed; if (_root.plane.scrollSpeed > 3) { _root.plane.scrollSpeed -= 0.2; } if (explodeI == 0) { _root.createExplode('top', p._x + random(_width) - _width / 2 - 50, p._y + random(_height) - _height / 2); explodeI = explodeTimer; } else { --explodeI; } if (p._x <= -185) { _root.plane.pauseTimer = false; _root.plane.miniBossTime = false; good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } } } } } } } } } if (_global.killScreen) { good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 159 bossPlaneGood { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 163 bombBad { instance obj of movieClip 162 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var topSpeed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var xSpeed = 0; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; var yDest = p.yDest; var myMode = 'fall'; var ratio = 0.3; var speedInc = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._y -= (p._y - yDest) * ratio; col._y = p._y; good._y = col._y; if (myMode == 'fall') { if (Math.round(p._y) >= Math.floor(yDest)) { myMode = 'propel'; } _rotation = (p._y / yDest) * 180 - 90; col.thingy._rotation = (p._y / yDest) * 180 - 90; good.thingy._rotation = col.thingy._rotation; } else { if (xSpeed < topSpeed) { xSpeed += speedInc; } else { xSpeed = topSpeed; } p._x -= xSpeed; col._x -= xSpeed; good._x -= xSpeed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true)) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); } } if (p._x < -100 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 165 bombCol { } movieClip 167 safeZone { } movieClip 170 { } movieClip 171 wall { instance of movieClip 167 safeZone { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 170 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var plane = _root.plane; _rotation = random(4) * 90; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= plane.scrollSpeed; if (p._x < -200 || _global.killScreen) { p.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (p.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true)) { _root.planeHit('wall'); } } } } } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 177 { } movieClip 178 spearsBad { instance of movieClip 73 blank { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !_root.plane.ImHit) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI + 1; } if (p._x < -785 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 180 { } movieClip 181 { } movieClip 182 spearsCol { } movieClip 187 { } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 189 teethGood { } movieClip 191 { } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 196 { instance of movieClip 193 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 197 { frame 32 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } frame 49 { if (_root.sfx && !_root.plane.endingSequence) {; } } } movieClip 200 teethBad { instance of movieClip 191 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 73 blank { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !_root.plane.ImHit) { _root.planeHit(p.myType); _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI + 1; } if (p._x < -350 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 202 { } movieClip 203 { } movieClip 205 teethCol { } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 210 { } movieClip 211 { } movieClip 212 { } movieClip 213 { frame 25 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 214 explode { } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 219 { instance of movieClip 216 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 228 { instance of movieClip 225 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 231 { instance of movieClip 221 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } } movieClip 232 spiderBad { instance of movieClip 231 { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var plane = _root.plane; var mouth1 = this.mouth1; var mouth2 = this.mouth2; var mouth = 'closed'; var mouthTime = 40; var mouthI = 0; var leg1 = p.leg1; var leg2 = p.leg2; var moveLegs = false; var leg1go = false; var leg2go = false; var leg1Dir; var leg2Dir; var legDist = 50; var legSpeed = 5; var legPos = [[leg1._y, leg1._y + legDist], [leg2._y, leg2._y - legDist]]; var lastY = _y; var myMode = 'creepIn'; var creepSpeed = 10; var timer = 0; _global.returnEventI = p.myEventI; var spidie; var col; var currSpew = 0; var spewTimeI = 0; var spewTime = 0; var speedVectors = new Array(); var allSpidies = new Array(); var spidieMenu = [[0, 1], [1, 1], [0, 100], [2, 20], [0, 35], [4, 60], [3, 50], [4, 90], [6, 90], [5, 60], [0, 50], [-1, 5, 45, 2], [-1, 5, 45, 3], [-1, 5, 45, 2], [-1, 5, 45, 3], [-1, 5, 45, 4], [-1, 5, 45, 2], [-1, 5, 45, 3], [-1, 5, 40, 3], [-1, 7, 60, 4], [-2, 1, 1], [0, 120], [-2, 3, 30], [0, 33], [-1, 5, 40, 4], [-1, 5, 40, 3], [-1, 5, 40, 4], [-1, 5, 40, 4], [-1, 5, 40, 3], [-1, 5, 40, 2], [-1, 5, 40, 2], [-1, 5, 40, 3], [0, 26], [5, 60], [3, 40], [5, 60], [3, 40], [5, 60], [3, 40], [5, 60], [3, 40], [0, 60], [3, 45], [-2, 1, 1], [3, 45], [-2, 2, 20], [3, 45], [-2, 3, 30], [0, 40], [-1, 5, 45, 4], [-2, 1, 1], [-1, 5, 45, 2], [-2, 2, 20], [-1, 5, 45, 4], [-2, 3, 30], [-1, 5, 45, 2], [-2, 4, 40], [0, 30], [2, 35], [2, 35], [2, 25], [2, 25], [2, 25], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [2, 20], [0, 100], []]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (myMode == 'creepIn') { if (p._x > 400) { p._x -= plane.scrollSpeed; } else { myMode = 'openMouth'; moveLegs = true; timer = 60; mouth = 'open'; mouthI = mouthTime; if (_root.sfx) {; } } plane.bossMusicVol = 0; } else { if (myMode == 'openMouth') { if (timer == 0) { myMode = 'spewTime'; } --timer; } else { if (myMode == 'spewTime') { if (spewTimeI == 0) { if (spidieMenu[currSpew][0] != 0 && _root.sfx) {; } if (spidieMenu[currSpew][0] > 0) { i = 0; while (i < spidieMenu[currSpew][0]) { speedVectors = _root.spew(spidieMenu[currSpew][0], i, -90 + _rotation, spidieMenu[currSpew][1], plane.scrollSpeed); allSpidies[allSpidies.length] = _root.createSpidie(p._x + _x - 50, p._y + _y, speedVectors, false); ++i; } mouth = 'open'; mouthI = mouthTime; } else { if (spidieMenu[currSpew][0] == 0) { spewTime = spidieMenu[currSpew][1]; } else { if (spidieMenu[currSpew][0] == -1) { i = 0; while (i < spidieMenu[currSpew][1]) { if (i + 1 != spidieMenu[currSpew][3]) { speedVectors = _root.spew(spidieMenu[currSpew][1], i, -90 + _rotation, spidieMenu[currSpew][2], plane.scrollSpeed); allSpidies[allSpidies.length] = _root.createSpidie(p._x + _x - 50, p._y + _y, speedVectors, false); } ++i; } mouth = 'open'; mouthI = mouthTime; } else { if (spidieMenu[currSpew][0] == -2) { i = 0; while (i < spidieMenu[currSpew][1]) { speedVectors = _root.spew(spidieMenu[currSpew][1], i, -90 + _rotation, spidieMenu[currSpew][2], plane.scrollSpeed); allSpidies[allSpidies.length] = _root.createSpidie(p._x + _x - 50, p._y + _y, speedVectors, true); ++i; } mouth = 'open'; mouthI = mouthTime; } } } } spewTimeI = spewTime; ++currSpew; } else { --spewTimeI; } if (currSpew >= spidieMenu.length) { myMode = 'spewHeart'; } } else { if (myMode == 'spewHeart') { _root.createHeart(p._x); mouth = 'open'; mouthI = mouthTime; myMode = 'wait'; timer = 300; } else { if (myMode == 'wait') { --timer; if (timer == 0) { myMode = 'spewTime'; spewTimeI = 0; currSpew = 0; } if (_global.touched) { myMode = 'touched'; timer = 60; if (_root.sfx) {;; } } } else { if (myMode == 'touched') { _root.plane.bossMusicVol = 0; mouth = 'open'; mouthI = mouthTime - random(mouthTime / 2);; --timer; if (timer == 0) { myMode = 'goDie'; timer = 2; _root.paintCol.attachMovie('safeZone', 'safeZone', 1); } } else { if (myMode == 'goDie') { p._x -= plane.scrollSpeed; if (timer == 0) { if (random(2)) { _root.createExplode('top', random(_width) - _width / 2 + p._x + _x - 75, random(_height) - _height / 2 + p._y + _y); } else { _root.createExplode('bot', random(_width) - _width / 2 + p._x + _x - 75, random(_height) - _height / 2 + p._y + _y); } timer = 2; } else { --timer; }; if (_root.paintH.daylight._x + _root.paintH._x > -5) { _root.paintH.daylight._x -= plane.scrollSpeed; } else { plane.pauseTimer = false; plane.bossTime = false; plane.endingSequence = true; p.removeMovieClip(); } _root.plane.bossMusicVol = 0; } } } } } } } j = 0; while (j < allSpidies.length) { spidie = _root.badH['bad' + allSpidies[j]]; spidie._x += spidie.mySpeeds[0]; spidie._y += spidie.mySpeeds[1]; if (spidie._x < -100) { spidie.removeMovieClip(); allSpidies.splice(j, 1); --j; } if (spidie.follower) { if (spidie._x < 350) { if (spidie._x > 100) { if (spidie._y < plane._y - 20) { spidie.mySpeeds = [plane.scrollSpeed * -0.75, plane.scrollSpeed / 3]; spidie.spidie._rotation -= (spidie.spidie._rotation + 30) * 0.2; } else { if (spidie._y > plane._y + 20) { spidie.mySpeeds = [plane.scrollSpeed * -0.75, plane.scrollSpeed / -3]; spidie.spidie._rotation -= (spidie.spidie._rotation - 30) * 0.2; } else { spidie.mySpeeds = [plane.scrollSpeed * -1, 0]; spidie.spidie._rotation -= spidie.spidie._rotation * 0.2; } } } else { spidie.mySpeeds = [plane.scrollSpeed * -1, 0]; spidie.spidie._rotation -= spidie.spidie._rotation * 0.2; } } } col = _root.colH['col' + allSpidies[j]]; col._x = spidie._x; col._y = spidie._y; col._rotation = spidie.spidie._rotation; if (_root.colH.hitTest(plane._x, plane._y, true)) { _root.planeHit('spidie'); } ++j; } if (mouth == 'closed') { mouth1._rotation -= (mouth1._rotation + 20) * 0.2; mouth2._rotation = mouth1._rotation * -1; } else { mouth1._rotation -= (mouth1._rotation - ((mouthI / mouthTime) * 80 - 20)) * 0.2; if (mouthI > 0) { --mouthI; } else { mouth = 'closed'; } mouth2._rotation = mouth1._rotation * -1; } xDest = (leg1._x + leg2._x) / 2 + 30; yDest = (leg1._y + leg2._y) / 2; _x = _x - (_x - xDest) * 0.2; _y = _y - (_y - yDest) * 0.2; rotDest = (_y - lastY) * 1.5; _rotation = _rotation - (_rotation - rotDest) * 0.2; lastY = _y; if (moveLegs && myMode != 'goDie') { if (leg1._x < 50) { leg1go = true; leg1Dir = 'lift'; } else { if (leg2._x < 50) { leg2go = true; leg2Dir = 'lift'; } } if (leg1._y == legPos[0][0]) { leg1._x -= plane.scrollSpeed; } else { leg1._x += plane.scrollSpeed * 1.5; } if (leg2._y == legPos[1][0]) { leg2._x -= plane.scrollSpeed; } else { leg2._x += plane.scrollSpeed * 1.5; } if (leg1go) { if (leg1Dir == 'lift') { if (leg1._y < legPos[0][1]) { leg1._y += legSpeed; } else { leg1Dir = 'drop'; } } else { if (leg1._y > legPos[0][0]) { leg1._y -= legSpeed; } else { leg1go = false; } } leg1._rotation = ((leg1._y - legPos[0][0]) / 50) * 10; } if (leg2go) { if (leg2Dir == 'lift') { if (leg2._y > legPos[1][1]) { leg2._y -= legSpeed; } else { leg2Dir = 'drop'; } } else { if (leg2._y < legPos[1][0]) { leg2._y += legSpeed; } else { leg2go = false; } } leg2._rotation = ((legPos[1][0] - leg2._y) / 50) * -10; } } else { if (myMode == 'goDie') { if (leg1._y > legPos[0][0]) { leg1._y -= legSpeed; } leg1._rotation = ((leg1._y - legPos[0][0]) / 50) * 10; if (leg2._y < legPos[1][0]) { leg2._y += legSpeed; } leg2._rotation = ((legPos[1][0] - leg2._y) / 50) * -10; } } if (_global.killScreen) { j = 0; while (j < allSpidies.length) { spidie = _root.badH['bad' + allSpidies[j]]; spidie.removeMovieClip(); col = _root.colH['col' + allSpidies[j]]; col.removeMovieClip(); ++j; } p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 235 { frame 1 { if (_parent.follower) { gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 240 spidieBad { } movieClip 242 { } movieClip 245 heartBad { instance of movieClip 242 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 73 blank { onClipEvent (load) { var p = _parent; var speedDest = _root.plane.scrollSpeed / 2; var startSpeed = _root.plane.scrollSpeed * 2; var speed = startSpeed; var col = _root.colH['col' + p.myIndex]; var good = _root.goodH['good' + p.myIndex]; var touched = false; var retreatInc = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { p._x -= speed; col._x -= speed; good._x -= speed; good.rays._rotation += 1; if (col.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true) && !touched) { touched = true; if (_root.sfx) {; }; _root.plane.bossMusicVol = 0; _root.plane.oceanVol = 0; } if (touched) { speed -= retreatInc; if (p._x > 450) { _global.touched = true; } _root.plane.bossMusicVol = 0; } else { if (speed > speedDest) { speed -= 0.1; } } if (p._x < -200 || p._x > 800 || _global.killScreen) { col.removeMovieClip(); good.removeMovieClip(); p.removeMovieClip(); } } } } movieClip 248 { } movieClip 249 { } movieClip 252 heartGood { } movieClip 254 heartCol { } movieClip 256 spidieCol { } movieClip 258 spikesGood { } frame 1 { = true; _root.sfx = true; _root.shadows = true; _root.quality = 'HIGH'; _root.rapidFire = false; _global.menuPlayed = false; stop(); } movieClip 274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 277 { instance tape of movieClip 274 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(12); } } instance hotKeys of movieClip 276 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } } movieClip 280 { } movieClip 281 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(30); } frame 2 { _global.panels = 'open'; stop(); } frame 17 { if (_root.sfx) {; } } frame 30 { _global.panels = 'closed'; stop(); } frame 31 { _global.killScreen = false; } frame 38 { if (_root.sfx) {; } } frame 57 { gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 291 { } movieClip 292 { instance of movieClip 282 { onClipEvent (load) { var ratio = 0; var percLoaded = 0; var percInc = 2.5; var roll = _root.preloader.roll; var rollY = roll._y; var yDest = rollY; var xSpeed = 0; var maxSpeed = 6; var xInc = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ratio = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); if (percLoaded < ratio * 100) { percLoaded += percInc; } else { percLoaded = 150; } if (roll._x > 755) {;; } _xscale = 100 - roll._x / 6; if (roll._x < percLoaded * 6) { if (xSpeed < maxSpeed) { xSpeed += xInc; } } else { if (xSpeed > 0) { xSpeed -= xInc * 2; } } roll.tex._x += xSpeed / 1.5; roll._x += xSpeed; yDest = rollY + Math.sin(roll._x) * 1.5; roll._y -= (roll._y - yDest) * 0.3; } } } movieClip 294 { } frame 2 { _root.hideMainButtons = function () { _root.b1._visible = false; _root.b2._visible = false; _root.b3._visible = false; _root.b4._visible = false; }; _root.showMainButtons = function () { _root.b1._visible = true; _root.b2._visible = true; _root.b3._visible = true; _root.b4._visible = true; }; stop(); } movieClip 298 { } button 302 { on (press) { getURL('', ''); } } button 306 { on (press) { getURL('', ''); } } movieClip 309 { } instance bPlayS of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { _visible = false; } } } instance bHowPlayS of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { _visible = false; } } } instance bHowWinS of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { _visible = false; } } } instance bSettingsS of movieClip 309 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { _visible = false; } } } instance stickShadow of movieClip 282 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { _visible = false; } } } movieClip 317 { } movieClip 319 { } instance logoShadow of movieClip 319 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { _visible = false; } } } movieClip 322 { instance roll of movieClip 319 { onClipEvent (load) { _visible = false; } } } button 323 { on (press) { _root.actions.bPlayM = 'in'; if (_root.sfx) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bPlayM = 'out'; if (_root._xmouse > b1._x) { _root.bPlay._rotation = _root._ymouse - b1._y; } else { _root.bPlay._rotation = b1._y - _root._ymouse; } _root.bPlay._yscale = 110; _root.bPlay._xscale = 110; _root.actions.myMode = 'play'; _root.hideMainButtons(); } on (releaseOutside) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bPlayM = 'out'; _root.bPlayS._yscale = 110; _root.bPlayS._xscale = 110; _root.bPlay._yscale = 110; _root.bPlay._xscale = 110; } } button 324 { on (press) { _root.actions.bHowPlayM = 'in'; if (_root.sfx) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bHowPlayM = 'out'; if (_root._xmouse > b2._x) { _root.bHowPlay._rotation = _root._ymouse - b2._y; } else { _root.bHowPlay._rotation = b2._y - _root._ymouse; } _root.bHowPlay._yscale = 110; _root.bHowPlay._xscale = 110; _root.actions.myMode = 'howToPlay'; _root.hideMainButtons(); } on (releaseOutside) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bHowPlayM = 'out'; _root.bHowPlayS._yscale = 110; _root.bHowPlayS._xscale = 110; _root.bHowPlay._yscale = 110; _root.bHowPlay._xscale = 110; } } button 325 { on (press) { _root.actions.bHowWinM = 'in'; if (_root.sfx) {; } } on (release) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bHowWinM = 'out'; if (_root._xmouse > b3._x) { _root.bHowWin._rotation = _root._ymouse - b3._y; } else { _root.bHowWin._rotation = b3._y - _root._ymouse; } _root.bHowWin._yscale = 110; _root.bHowWin._xscale = 110; _root.actions.myMode = 'howToWin'; _root.hideMainButtons(); } on (releaseOutside) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bHowWinM = 'out'; _root.bHowWinS._yscale = 110; _root.bHowWinS._xscale = 110; _root.bHowWin._yscale = 110; _root.bHowWin._xscale = 110; } } button 326 { on (press) { _root.actions.bSettingsM = 'in'; if (_root.sfx) {; } } on (release) { _root.actions.bSettingsM = 'out'; if (_root._xmouse > b4._x) { _root.bSettings._rotation = _root._ymouse - b4._y; } else { _root.bSettings._rotation = b4._y - _root._ymouse; } _root.bSettings._yscale = 110; _root.bSettings._xscale = 110; _root.actions.myMode = 'settings'; _root.hideMainButtons(); if (_root.sfx) {; } } on (releaseOutside) { if (_root.sfx) {; } _root.actions.bSettingsM = 'out'; _root.bSettingsS._yscale = 110; _root.bSettingsS._xscale = 110; _root.bSettings._yscale = 110; _root.bSettings._xscale = 110; } } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 333 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 334 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 335 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 336 { on (press) { if ( { = false; _root.mySettings.s1.gotoAndStop(2); _root.actions.menuVol = 0; } else { = true; _root.mySettings.s1.gotoAndStop(1); _root.actions.menuVol = 100; } if (_root.sfx) {; } } } button 337 { on (press) { if (_root.sfx) { _root.sfx = false; _root.mySettings.s2.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.sfx = true; _root.mySettings.s2.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.sfx) {; } } } button 338 { on (press) { if (_root._quality == 'HIGH') { _root._quality = 'LOW'; _root.mySettings.s3.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root._quality = 'HIGH'; _root.mySettings.s3.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.sfx) {; } } } button 339 { on (press) { if (_root.shadows) { _root.shadows = false; _root.mySettings.s4.gotoAndStop(2); _root.lensFilter._visible = false; _root.bPlayS._visible = false; _root.bHowPlayS._visible = false; _root.bHowWinS._visible = false; _root.bSettingsS._visible = false; _root.logoShadow._visible = false; _root.stickShadow._visible = false; } else { _root.shadows = true; _root.mySettings.s4.gotoAndStop(1); _root.lensFilter._visible = true; _root.bPlayS._visible = true; _root.bHowPlayS._visible = true; _root.bHowWinS._visible = true; _root.bSettingsS._visible = true; _root.logoShadow._visible = true; _root.stickShadow._visible = true; } if (_root.sfx) {; } } } button 343 { on (press) { _root.actions.myMode = 'main'; } } movieClip 344 { instance s3 of movieClip 335 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.quality != 'HIGH') { this.gotoAndStop(2); } else {} } } instance s2 of movieClip 335 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.sfx) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s1 of movieClip 335 { onClipEvent (load) { if (! { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance s4 of movieClip 335 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.shadows) { this.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } button 349 { on (press) { _root.actions.myMode = 'main'; } } movieClip 350 { } movieClip 354 { } // unknown tag 88 length 197 movieClip 358 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 361 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance actions of movieClip 73 blank { onClipEvent (load) { var myMode = 'comeFromLoading'; var logo = _root.logo; var logoS = _root.logoShadow; var bPlay = _root.bPlay; var bHowPlay = _root.bHowPlay; var bHowWin = _root.bHowWin; var bSettings = _root.bSettings; var bPlayS = _root.bPlayS; var bHowPlayS = _root.bHowPlayS; var bHowWinS = _root.bHowWinS; var bSettingsS = _root.bSettingsS; bPlay.gotoAndStop(1); bHowPlay.gotoAndStop(2); bHowWin.gotoAndStop(3); bSettings.gotoAndStop(4); var inScale = 90; var dampK = 0.9; var stiffK = 0.2; var bPlayRot = 0; var bHowPlayRot = 0; var bHowWinRot = 0; var bSettingsRot = 0; var bPlaySc = 0; var bHowPlaySc = 0; var bHowWinSc = 0; var bSettingsSc = 0; var bPlayM = 'out'; var bHowPlayM = 'out'; var bHowWinM = 'out'; var bSettingsM = 'out'; _root.mySettings._visible = false; _root.howToPlay._visible = false; _root.howToWin._visible = false; if (!_global.menuPlayed) { _root.attachMovie('blank', 'blank20', 20); _root.menuMusic = new Sound(_root.blank20); _root.menuMusic.attachSound('menuMusic'); _root.menuMusic.start(5.4, 0); _root.menuMusic.setVolume(0); _root.menuMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.menuMusic.start(0, 9999); }; _global.menuPlayed = true; } var menuVol = 0; var rotDest = 2; var rot = 2; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ( { if (myMode != 'play') { if (menuVol < 100) { menuVol += 0.5; } } else { if (menuVol > 0) { menuVol -= 0.5; } } } _root.menuMusic.setVolume(menuVol); rot -= (rot - rotDest) * 0.1; logo._rotation -= rot; logoS._rotation = logo._rotation; if (_root.logo.roll.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { rotDest = 0.2; } else { rotDest = 2; } if (myMode == 'comeFromLoading') { if (_global.panels == 'closed') {; myMode = 'idle'; } } else { if (myMode == 'idle') { } else { if (myMode == 'play') { if (_global.panels == 'open') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11);; } else {;; } } else { if (myMode == 'howToPlay') { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; } else { _root.howToPlay._visible = true;; myMode = 'idle'; } } else { if (myMode == 'howToWin') { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; } else { _root.howToWin._visible = true;; myMode = 'idle'; } } else { if (myMode == 'settings') { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; } else { _root.mySettings._visible = true;; myMode = 'idle'; } } else { if (myMode == 'main') { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; } else { _root.mySettings._visible = false; _root.howToPlay._visible = false; _root.howToWin._visible = false; _root.showMainButtons();; myMode = 'idle'; } } } } } } } } if (bPlayM == 'out') { if (bPlay.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { bPlayRot += ((bPlay._x - _root._xmouse) / -10 - bPlay._rotation) * stiffK; } else { bPlayRot += -bPlay._rotation * stiffK; } bPlayRot *= dampK; bPlay._rotation += bPlayRot; bPlaySc += (100 - bPlay._xscale) * stiffK; bPlaySc *= dampK; bPlay._xscale += bPlaySc; bPlay._yscale = bPlay._xscale; } else { bPlay._yscale = inScale; bPlay._xscale = bPlay._yscale; } bPlayS._rotation = bPlay._rotation; bPlayS._yscale = bPlay._xscale; bPlayS._xscale = bPlayS._yscale; bPlayS._alpha = (110 - bPlay._xscale) * 2 + 40; bPlayS._x = bPlay._x - (bPlay._xscale - inScale) - 3; bPlayS._y = bPlay._y + (bPlay._yscale - inScale) + 3; if (bHowPlayM == 'out') { if (bHowPlay.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { bHowPlayRot += ((bHowPlay._x - _root._xmouse) / -10 - bHowPlay._rotation) * stiffK; } else { bHowPlayRot += -bHowPlay._rotation * stiffK; } bHowPlayRot *= dampK; bHowPlay._rotation += bHowPlayRot; bHowPlaySc += (100 - bHowPlay._xscale) * stiffK; bHowPlaySc *= dampK; bHowPlay._xscale += bHowPlaySc; bHowPlay._yscale = bHowPlay._xscale; } else { bHowPlay._yscale = inScale; bHowPlay._xscale = bHowPlay._yscale; } bHowPlayS._rotation = bHowPlay._rotation; bHowPlayS._yscale = bHowPlay._xscale; bHowPlayS._xscale = bHowPlayS._yscale; bHowPlayS._alpha = (110 - bHowPlay._xscale) * 2 + 40; bHowPlayS._x = bHowPlay._x - (bHowPlay._xscale - inScale) - 3; bHowPlayS._y = bHowPlay._y + (bHowPlay._yscale - inScale) + 3; if (bHowWinM == 'out') { if (bHowWin.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { bHowWinRot += ((bHowWin._x - _root._xmouse) / -10 - bHowWin._rotation) * stiffK; } else { bHowWinRot += -bHowWin._rotation * stiffK; } bHowWinRot *= dampK; bHowWin._rotation += bHowWinRot; bHowWinSc += (100 - bHowWin._xscale) * stiffK; bHowWinSc *= dampK; bHowWin._xscale += bHowWinSc; bHowWin._yscale = bHowWin._xscale; } else { bHowWin._yscale = inScale; bHowWin._xscale = bHowWin._yscale; } bHowWinS._rotation = bHowWin._rotation; bHowWinS._yscale = bHowWin._xscale; bHowWinS._xscale = bHowWinS._yscale; bHowWinS._alpha = (110 - bHowWin._xscale) * 2 + 40; bHowWinS._x = bHowWin._x - (bHowWin._xscale - inScale) - 3; bHowWinS._y = bHowWin._y + (bHowWin._yscale - inScale) + 3; if (bSettingsM == 'out') { if (bSettings.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { bSettingsRot += ((bSettings._x - _root._xmouse) / -10 - bSettings._rotation) * stiffK; } else { bSettingsRot += -bSettings._rotation * stiffK; } bSettingsRot *= dampK; bSettings._rotation += bSettingsRot; bSettingsSc += (100 - bSettings._xscale) * stiffK; bSettingsSc *= dampK; bSettings._xscale += bSettingsSc; bSettings._yscale = bSettings._xscale; } else { bSettings._yscale = inScale; bSettings._xscale = bSettings._yscale; } bSettingsS._rotation = bSettings._rotation; bSettingsS._yscale = bSettings._xscale; bSettingsS._xscale = bSettingsS._yscale; bSettingsS._alpha = (110 - bSettings._xscale) * 2 + 40; bSettingsS._x = bSettings._x - (bSettings._xscale - inScale) - 3; bSettingsS._y = bSettings._y + (bSettings._yscale - inScale) + 3; } } movieClip 364 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 367 { frame 1 { stop(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 3 { _global.objectI = 0; _global.touched = false; topY = 30; botY = 330; _root.colH._visible = false; _root.paintCol._visible = false; _global.killScreen = false; i = 0; while (i < 9) { _root.attachMovie('blank', 'blank' + (i + 1), i + 5); ++i; } if ( { _root.mainMusic = new Sound(_root.blank1); _root.mainMusic.attachSound('mainMusic'); _root.mainMusic.start(25.7, 7); _root.mainMusic.setVolume(0); _root.mainMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.mainMusic.stop(); _root.mainMusic.start(0, 9999); }; _root.ocean1 = new Sound(_root.blank2); _root.ocean1.attachSound('oceanWave'); _root.ocean1.start(3, 0); _root.ocean1.setVolume(0); _root.ocean1.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.ocean1.start(0, 9999); }; _root.ocean2 = new Sound(_root.blank3); _root.ocean2.attachSound('oceanWave'); _root.ocean2.start(8.5, 0); _root.ocean2.setVolume(0); _root.ocean2.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.ocean2.start(0, 9999); }; _root.bossPlaneMusic = new Sound(_root.blank8); _root.bossPlaneMusic.attachSound('bossPlaneMusic'); _root.bossPlaneMusic.setVolume(0); _root.bossPlaneMusic.start(0, 9999); _root.bossPlaneMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.bossPlaneMusic.start(0, 9999); }; _root.bossMusic = new Sound(_root.blank9); _root.bossMusic.attachSound('bossMusic'); _root.bossMusic.setVolume(0); _root.bossMusic.start(0, 9999); _root.bossMusic.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.bossMusic.start(0, 9999); }; } if (_root.sfx) { _root.pWeak = new Sound(_root.blank4); _root.pWeak.attachSound('pWeak'); _root.pMedium = new Sound(_root.blank5); _root.pMedium.attachSound('pMedium'); _root.pFierce = new Sound(_root.blank6); _root.pFierce.attachSound('pFierce'); _root.chargeUp = new Sound(_root.blank7); _root.chargeUp.attachSound('chargeUp'); } _root.planeHit = function (myType) { if (!_root.paintCol.hitTest(_root.plane._x, _root.plane._y, true)) { if (_root.plane.ImHit == false && !_root.plane.endingSequence) { _root.plane.ImHit = true; --_root.plane.lives; _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = true; if (myType == 'spikes') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (myType == 'tentacle') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (myType == 'flame') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(3); } else { if (myType == 'shuriken') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (myType == 'spears') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (myType == 'teeth') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(6); } else { if (myType == 'bomb') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(7); } else { if (myType == 'wall') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(8); } else { if (myType == 'spidie') { _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(9); } } } } } } } } } _root.panels.panel.tape._rotation = random(100) / 10 - 5; _root.chargeUp.stop(); } } }; _root.getPaintValues = function () { num = 6; array = [[random(2000) / 100 - 1, random(num) + 1], [random(3000) / 100 - 1.5, random(num) + 1], [random(4000) / 100 - 2, random(num) + 1], [random(5000) / 100 - 2.5, random(num) + 1], random(num) + 1]; return array; }; _root.checkCheckpoint = function (eventI) { --eventI; _root.plane.scrollSpeed = 3; if (eventI >= 79) { _root.plane.pauseTimer = false; return 79; } else { if (eventI >= 33) { return 33; } else { if (eventI >= 32) { _root.plane.pauseTimer = false; return 32; } else { return 1; } } } }; _root.easeMove = function (currX, x1, x2, topSpeed) { if (x2 > x1) { totalDist = x2 - x1; midPoint = (x2 + x1) / 2; halfDist = (x2 - x1) / 2; fromMid = Math.abs(currX - midPoint); speed = (1 - fromMid / halfDist) * topSpeed; if (currX == x1) { speed = (topSpeed / totalDist) * 100; } return speed; } totalDist = x1 - x2; midPoint = (x1 + x2) / 2; halfDist = (x1 - x2) / 2; fromMid = Math.abs(currX - midPoint); speed = (1 - fromMid / halfDist) * topSpeed; if (currX == x1) { speed = (topSpeed / totalDist) * 100; } speed *= -1; return speed; }; _root.createSpikes = function (eventI, side, size) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('spikesCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('spikesBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('spikesGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'spikes'; b.myEventI = eventI; g._x = 650; b._x = 650; c._x = 650; if (side == 'top') { g._y = topY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._xscale = size; b._xscale = g._xscale; c._xscale = g._xscale; g._yscale = size * -1; b._yscale = g._yscale; c._yscale = g._yscale; } else { if (side == 'bot') { g._y = botY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._xscale = size; b._xscale = g._xscale; c._xscale = g._xscale; g._yscale = size; b._yscale = g._yscale; c._yscale = g._yscale; } } ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createFlame = function (eventI, side) { size = 100; c = _root.colH.attachMovie('flameCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('flameBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('flameGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'flame'; b.myEventI = eventI; g._x = 650; b._x = 650; c._x = 650; if (side == 'top') { g._y = topY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._xscale = size; b._xscale = g._xscale; c._xscale = g._xscale; g._yscale = size * -1; b._yscale = g._yscale; c._yscale = g._yscale; } else { if (side == 'bot') { g._y = botY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._xscale = size; b._xscale = g._xscale; c._xscale = g._xscale; g._yscale = size; b._yscale = g._yscale; c._yscale = g._yscale; } } ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createTentacle = function (eventI, side, flippy, size) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('tentacleCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('tentacleBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('tentacleGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'tentacle'; b.flippy = flippy; b.myEventI = eventI; if (side == 'top') { g._y = topY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._xscale = size * flippy; b._xscale = g._xscale; c._xscale = g._xscale; g._yscale = size * -1; b._yscale = g._yscale; c._yscale = g._yscale; } else { if (side == 'bot') { g._y = botY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._xscale = size * flippy; b._xscale = g._xscale; c._xscale = g._xscale; g._yscale = size; b._yscale = g._yscale; c._yscale = g._yscale; } } if (flippy == -1) { g._x = 700; b._x = 700; c._x = 700; if (_root.plane.endingSequence) { g._x += 50; } } else { g._x = 650; b._x = 650; c._x = 650; } ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createShuriken = function (eventI, yPerc) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('shurikenCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('shurikenBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('shurikenGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'shuriken'; b.myEventI = eventI; g._x = 650; b._x = 650; c._x = 650; g._y = ((botY - topY) / 100) * yPerc; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createSpears = function (eventI, side) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('spearsCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('spearsBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('spearsGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'spears'; b.myEventI = eventI; g._x = 650; b._x = 650; c._x = 650; if (side == 'top') { g._y = topY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; g._yscale = -100; b._yscale = -100; c._yscale = -100; } else { if (side == 'bot') { g._y = botY; b._y = g._y; c._y = g._y; } } ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createTeeth = function (eventI) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('teethCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('teethBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('teethGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'teeth'; b.myEventI = eventI; c._x = 650; g._x = 650; b._x = 650; c._y = botY; g._y = c._y; b._y = c._y; ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createBossPlane = function (eventI) { b = _root.badH.attachMovie('bossPlaneBad', 'bad' + (_global.objectI + 1000), _global.objectI + 1000); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('bossPlaneGood', 'good' + (_global.objectI + 1000), _global.objectI + 1000); b.myIndex = _global.objectI + 1000; b.myEventI = eventI; g._x = 800; b._x = 800; g._y = -20; b._y = -20; }; _root.createBomb = function (xVal, yDest) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('bombCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('bombBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('bombGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'bomb'; b.yDest = yDest; g._x = xVal; b._x = g._x; c._x = g._x; g._y = -20; b._y = -20; c._y = -20; ++_global.objectI; if (_root.sfx) {; } }; _root.createWall = function (side, pos) { c = _root.wallH.attachMovie('wall', 'wall' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); c._x = 610; if (side == 'top') { c._y = 35; c._y -= c._height - (pos / 100) * c._height; c._yscale = -100; } else { c._y = 340; c._y += c._height - (pos / 100) * c._height; } ++_global.objectI; }; _root.createExplode = function (side, xPos, yPos) { c = _root.explodeH.attachMovie('explode', 'e' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); c._x = xPos; c._y = yPos; if (side == 'top') { c._yscale = -100; } ++_global.objectI; if (_root.sfx) {; } }; _root.createSpider = function (eventI) { b = _root.badH.attachMovie('spiderBad', 'bad' + (_global.objectI + 1000), _global.objectI + 1000); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('spiderGood', 'good' + (_global.objectI + 1000), _global.objectI + 1000); b.myIndex = _global.objectI + 1000; b.myEventI = eventI; g._x = 650; b._x = 650; g._y = 180; b._y = 180; }; _root.createSpidie = function (xVal, yVal, speeds, follower) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('spidieCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('spidieBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; b.myType = 'spidie'; b.mySpeeds = speeds; c._rotation = speeds[1] * -40; b.spidie._rotation = c._rotation; b.follower = follower; b._x = xVal; c._x = b._x; b._y = yVal; c._y = b._y; ++_global.objectI; return _global.objectI - 1; }; _root.spew = function (numSpidies, currSpidie, startDeg, spreadAngle, currSpeed) { rot = startDeg; if (numSpidies > 1) { rot = startDeg; rot -= (spreadAngle / (numSpidies - 1)) * currSpidie; rot += spreadAngle / 2; } ySpeed = currSpeed * Math.cos(0.0174532925199433 * rot); xSpeed = currSpeed * Math.sin(0.0174532925199433 * rot); return [xSpeed, ySpeed]; }; _root.createHeart = function (xVal) { c = _root.colH.attachMovie('heartCol', 'col' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b = _root.badH.attachMovie('heartBad', 'bad' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); g = _root.goodH.attachMovie('heartGood', 'good' + _global.objectI, _global.objectI); b.myIndex = _global.objectI; g._x = xVal + 30; b._x = g._x; c._x = g._x; g._y = 180; b._y = 180; c._y = 180; ++_global.objectI; }; } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 373 { } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 387 { instance of movieClip 384 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.shadows == false) { _visible = false; } } } } instance plane of movieClip 387 { onClipEvent (load) { var shot = false; var hit = false; var endTime = false; var endChoice = 'none'; _root.ending._visible = false; var introTime = true; var timer = 0; _y = 280; var yPos = 200; var yInc = 7; var maxY = 300; var minY = 65; var dampK = 0.7; var stiffK = 0.3; var defPlaneX = _x; var planeX = 0; var wire1 = _root.pWire1; var wire2 = _root.pWire2; wire2._yscale = -100; var midY = (maxY - minY) / 2 + minY; var totalY = maxY - minY; var wings = _root.wings.wings; var sideSmall = _root.wings.sideSmall; var sideBig = _root.wings.sideBig; var dipAmt = 0; var maxDip = 60; wings._yscale = dipAmt; sideSmall._y = (dipAmt / -100) * 26; sideBig._y = (dipAmt / -100) * 54; var paintPower = 100; var powerDec = 2; var powerInc = 0.5; var currPower = 0; var miniBossTime = false; var bossTime = false; var p; var c; var paintI = 1; var paintArray = new Array(); var paintTime = 0; var pArray = new Array(); var scrollSpeed = 0; var gameTime = 0; var pauseTimer = true; var lives = 3; var life3 = _root.life3; var life2 = _root.life2; var life1 = _root.life1; var spunOut = false; var checkpoint = 0; _global.returnEventI = 0; var musicVol = 0; var bossMusicVol = 0; var bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; var oceanVol = 0; var musicInc = 0.5; var endingSequence = false; var powerBar = _root.powerBar; var defBarX = powerBar._x; var barLength = powerBar._width - 50; var powerBarX = 0; var ImHit = false; var explodeTimer = 10; var explodeI = 0; var eventArray = new Array(); eventArray = [['time', 1], ['spikes', 40, 'top', 50], ['spikes', 20, 'bot', 50], ['spikes', 40, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 60, 'top', 125], ['spikes', 30, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 70, 'top', 50], ['flame', 60, 'bot'], ['spikes', 90, 'top', 75], ['flame', 90, 'bot'], ['flame', 20, 'top'], ['spikes', 100, 'top', 50], ['tentacle', 40, 'bot', 1, 90], ['spikes', 60, 'bot', 75], ['spikes', 100, 'top', 75], ['tentacle', 60, 'top', 1, 75], ['tentacle', 130, 'top', 1, 100], ['tentacle', 30, 'bot', -1, 50], ['spikes', 90, 'top', 150], ['spikes', 90, 'bot', 150], ['spikes', 40, 'bot', 75], ['tentacle', 90, 'top', 1, 75], ['flame', 30, 'bot'], ['spikes', 40, 'top', 125], ['spikes', 80, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 10, 'top', 40], ['flame', 100, 'bot'], ['spikes', 60, 'bot', 50], ['tentacle', 30, 'top', -1, 90], ['spikes', 10, 'bot', 50], ['spikes', 40, 'top', 125], ['spikes', 280, 'bot', 100], ['bossPlane', 20], ['shuriken', 43, 50], ['shuriken', 43, 30], ['shuriken', 35, 50], ['spikes', 80, 'bot', 125], ['spikes', 70, 'top', 75], ['shuriken', 40, 15], ['shuriken', 40, 80], ['shuriken', 40, 55], ['flame', 40, 'bot'], ['spikes', 110, 'top', 100], ['tentacle', 70, 'bot', 1, 100], ['shuriken', 40, 0], ['shuriken', 40, 33], ['shuriken', 40, 66], ['spikes', 40, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 40, 'top', 150], ['flame', 90, 'top'], ['shuriken', 35, 60], ['shuriken', 35, 65], ['shuriken', 35, 70], ['shuriken', 35, 75], ['shuriken', 35, 80], ['shuriken', 20, 85], ['spikes', 70, 'top', 100], ['spears', 230, 'bot'], ['tentacle', 30, 'top', -1, 75], ['spikes', 30, 'bot', 125], ['shuriken', 80, 20], ['spikes', 60, 'top', 100], ['shuriken', 5, 80], ['spikes', 30, 'bot', 100], ['shuriken', 5, 15], ['shuriken', 35, 90], ['shuriken', 35, 25], ['shuriken', 10, 80], ['spikes', 25, 'top', 75], ['spikes', 70, 'bot', 125], ['spears', 80, 'top'], ['spikes', 120, 'top', 150], ['spikes', 140, 'bot', 100], ['teeth', 120], ['spikes', 20, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 30, 'top', 125], ['spikes', 20, 'bot', 50], ['spikes', 160, 'top', 75], ['time', 1], ['spider', 1], ['spikes', 30, 'bot', 50], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 75], ['flame', 30, 'bot'], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 125], ['flame', 70, 'bot'], ['tentacle', 50, 'bot', 1, 100], ['tentacle', 40, 'bot', -1, 80], ['teeth', 120], ['tentacle', 50, 'bot', -1, 90], ['tentacle', 40, 'bot', 1, 75], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 100], ['shuriken', 1, 20], ['spikes', 34, 'bot', 125], ['shuriken', 1, 30], ['spikes', 34, 'top', 100], ['shuriken', 15, 20], ['spears', 20, 'bot'], ['shuriken', 0, 40], ['seagull', 0], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 100], ['spikes', 50, 'top', 125], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 125], ['spikes', 50, 'top', 150], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 150], ['spikes', 50, 'top', 200], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 200], ['spikes', 50, 'top', 200], ['spikes', 50, 'bot', 200], ['spikes', 50, 'top', 200], ['end', 1], []]; var eventI = 0; var nextEventTime = 0; var nextEventName = eventArray[eventI][0]; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (ImHit) { if (oceanVol > 0) { oceanVol -= 1; } else { oceanVol = 0; } if (musicVol > 0) { musicVol -= 1; } else { musicVol = 0; } if (bossMusicVol > 0) { bossMusicVol -= 1; } else { bossMusicVol = 0; } if (bossPlaneMusicVol > 0) { bossPlaneMusicVol -= 1; } else { bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; } } else { if (introTime) { if (timer > 100) { if (oceanVol > 0) { oceanVol -= musicInc / 2; musicVol += musicInc / 2; } } else { if (oceanVol < 100) { oceanVol += musicInc; } } } else { if (endTime) { if (oceanVol > 0) { oceanVol -= musicInc * 4; } if (musicVol > 0) { musicVol -= musicInc * 4; } if (bossMusicVol > 0) { bossMusicVol -= musicInc * 4; } if (bossPlaneMusicVol > 0) { bossPlaneMusicVol -= musicInc * 4; } } else { if (endingSequence) { if (bossMusicVol > 0) { bossMusicVol -= musicInc; } if (oceanVol < 100) { oceanVol += musicInc / 2; } else { oceanVol = 100; } if (musicVol > 0) { musicVol = 0; } _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } else { if (miniBossTime) { if (musicVol > 0) { musicVol -= musicInc * 2; } if (bossPlaneMusicVol < 100) { bossPlaneMusicVol += musicInc; } if (oceanVol > 0) { oceanVol -= musicInc; } } else { if (bossTime) { if (musicVol > 0) { musicVol -= musicInc; } if (bossMusicVol < 100) { bossMusicVol += musicInc; } if (oceanVol > 0) { oceanVol -= musicInc; } } else { if (oceanVol > 0) { oceanVol -= musicInc; musicVol += musicInc; } else { if (musicVol < 100) { musicVol += musicInc; } } if (bossMusicVol > 0) { bossMusicVol -= musicInc * 4; } if (bossPlaneMusicVol > 0) { bossPlaneMusicVol -= musicInc * 4; } else { bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; } } } } } } } if (oceanVol > 100) { oceanVol = 100; } else { if (oceanVol < 0) { oceanVol = 0; } } if (musicVol > 100) { musicVol = 100; } else { if (musicVol < 0) { musicVol = 0; } } if (bossMusicVol > 100) { bossMusicVol = 100; } else { if (bossMusicVol < 0) { bossMusicVol = 0; } } if (bossPlaneMusicVol > 100) { bossPlaneMusicVol = 100; } else { if (bossPlaneMusicVol < 0) { bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; } } _root.ocean1.setVolume(oceanVol); _root.ocean2.setVolume(oceanVol); _root.mainMusic.setVolume(musicVol); _root.bossMusic.setVolume(bossMusicVol); _root.bossPlaneMusic.setVolume(bossPlaneMusicVol); if (introTime) { if (_root.menuMusic.getVolume() > 0) { _root.menuMusic.setVolume(_root.menuMusic.getVolume() - 0.5); } else { _root.menuMusic.setVolume(0); } ++timer; _root.paintH.introGrass._x -= scrollSpeed; _root.actualGrass._x -= scrollSpeed; if (timer > 160) { if (scrollSpeed > 3) { scrollSpeed -= 0.1; } else { scrollSpeed = 3; } } else { if (timer > 30) { if (scrollSpeed < 8) { scrollSpeed += 0.1; } } } if (timer > 250) { introTime = false; pauseTimer = false; _root.paintH.introGrass._visible = false; _root.actualGrass._visible = false; } if (timer > 80) { if (_y > 180) { _y = _y - 0.5; } if (_y > 230) { if (dipAmt < maxDip) { dipAmt += 1; } } else { if (dipAmt > 0) { dipAmt -= 1; } } } } else { if (endTime) { if (_global.panels == 'closed') { if (endChoice == 'none') { if (lives > 0) { if (_root.rapidFire && shot) { _root.ending.gotoAndStop(5); } else { if (shot) { _root.ending.gotoAndStop(1); } else { if (hit) { _root.ending.gotoAndStop(2); } else { _root.rapidFire = true; _root.ending.gotoAndStop(3); } } } } else { _root.ending.gotoAndStop(4); } _root.ending._visible = true;; } else { if (endChoice == 'again') { pauseTimer = false; _root.ending._visible = false; endTime = false; if (eventI > 100) { eventI = 0; shot = false; hit = false; } nextEventTime = 0; nextEventName = eventArray[eventI][0];; _y = 180; _x = 100; if (lives == 2) {; } else { if (lives == 1) {;; } else { if (lives == 0) {;;; } } } lives = 3; spunOut = false; _global.killScreen = true; _y = 180; yPos = 180; ImHit = false; paintPower = 100; currPower = 0; _global.touched = false; endChoice = 'none'; miniBossTime = false; bossTime = false; bossPlaneTime = false; scrollSpeed = 3; _root.paintH.daylight._x = 900; _root.paintCol.safeZone.removeMovieClip(); endingSequence = false; i = 0; while (i < paintArray.length) { p = _root.paintH['paint' + paintArray[i]]; c = _root.paintCol['paintCol' + paintArray[i]]; removeMovieClip(p); removeMovieClip(c); paintArray.splice(i, 1); --i; ++i; } } else { if (endChoice == 'menu') { _root.ending._visible = false;; _root.mainMusic.stop(); _root.bossMusic.stop(); _root.bossPlaneMusic.stop(); _root.ocean1.stop(); _root.ocean2.stop(); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } } else { if (!ImHit) { if (Key.isDown(38)) { if (yPos > minY) { yPos -= yInc; } dipAmt -= (dipAmt - maxDip) * 0.1; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { if (yPos < maxY) { yPos += yInc; } dipAmt -= (dipAmt - maxDip * -1) * 0.1; } else { dipAmt -= dipAmt * 0.3; } } _y = _y - (_y - yPos) * 0.2; if (Key.isDown(32) && paintTime == 0) { if (currPower == 0 && _root.sfx) { _root.chargeUp.start(0, 0); } if (paintPower >= powerDec) { paintPower -= powerDec; currPower += powerDec; } else { _root.chargeUp.stop(); } _x = _x - (_x - (100 - currPower)) * 0.2; } else { if (currPower > 0) { shot = true; if (miniBossTime) { bossPlaneMusicVol -= Math.round(currPower); } else { if (bossTime) { bossMusicVol -= Math.round(currPower); } else { if (!endingSequence) { musicVol -= Math.round(currPower); } } } if (!endingSequence) { oceanVol += Math.round(currPower); } if (_root.sfx) { if (currPower > 66) { _root.pFierce.start(0, 0); } else { if (currPower > 33) { _root.pMedium.start(0, 0); } else { _root.pWeak.start(0, 0); } } _root.chargeUp.stop(); } if (!endingSequence) { p = _root.paintH.attachMovie('paint', 'paint' + paintI, paintI); c = _root.paintCol.attachMovie('paint', 'paintCol' + paintI, paintI); pArray = _root.getPaintValues(); c.myArray = pArray; p.myArray = c.myArray; c._x = defPlaneX + 60; p._x = c._x; c._y = _y; p._y = c._y; if (yPos > minY + 20 && yPos < maxY - 20) { c._rotation = dipAmt / -5; p._rotation = c._rotation; } c._yscale = currPower * 0.75 + 10; c._xscale = c._yscale; p._yscale = c._yscale; p._xscale = c._yscale; paintArray.push(paintI); ++paintI; } currPower = 0; if (!_root.rapidFire) { paintTime = 30; } else { paintTime = 1; } } else { if (musicOffset > 0) { musicOffset -= musicInc; } else { musicOffset = 0; } } planeX += (defPlaneX - _x) * stiffK; planeX *= dampK; _x = _x + planeX; if (paintTime > 0) { --paintTime; } else { if (paintPower < 100) { paintPower += powerInc; if (_root.rapidFire) { paintPower = 100; } } } } if (Key.isDown(81)) { endTime = true; endChoice = 'menu'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(12);; _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } else { if (Key.isDown(82) && _global.panels == 'open') { endTime = true; endChoice = 'again'; eventI = 200; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11);; _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } } } else { if (yPos < 350) { yPos += yInc / 2; _x = _x + 3;; dipAmt -= (dipAmt - maxDip * -1) * 0.05; } _y = _y - (_y - yPos) * 0.2; if (_global.panels == 'closed') { if (!spunOut) { life3._y -= (life3._y - 266) * 0.3; life2._y -= (life2._y - 266) * 0.35; life1._y -= (life1._y - 266) * 0.4; if (life3._y == 414.5 && _root.sfx) {; } if (life3._y < 267) { if (lives == 2) {; } else { if (lives == 1) {; } else { if (lives == 0) {; } } } _global.killScreen = true; } } else { if (life1._y < 450) { life3._y += (life3._y - 265) * 0.6; life2._y += (life2._y - 265) * 0.5; life1._y += (life1._y - 265) * 0.4; if (life3._y == 275.3 && _root.sfx) {; } } else { if (lives > 0) { spunOut = false; _global.killScreen = false; _y = 180; yPos = 180; _x = 0; ImHit = false; hit = true;; if (bossTime || miniBossTime) { eventI = _root.checkCheckpoint(eventI); } else { eventI = _global.returnEventI; nextEventTime = 0; } nextEventName = eventArray[eventI][0]; paintPower = 100; currPower = 0; scrollSpeed = 3; bossMusicVol = 0; bossPlaneMusicVol = 0; i = 0; while (i < paintArray.length) { p = _root.paintH['paint' + paintArray[i]]; c = _root.paintCol['paintCol' + paintArray[i]]; removeMovieClip(p); removeMovieClip(c); paintArray.splice(i, 1); --i; ++i; } } else {; endTime = true; endChoice = 'none'; pauseTimer = true; eventI = _root.checkCheckpoint(eventI); } } } } else { if (_y > 250 && _global.panels == 'open') {; } } if (explodeI <= 0 && _global.panels == 'open') { _root.createExplode('bot', _x - 30, _y); explodeI = explodeTimer; } else { --explodeI; } } } } _root.wings._x = _x; _root.wings._y = _y; wings._yscale = dipAmt; sideSmall._y = (dipAmt / -100) * 26; sideBig._y = (dipAmt / -100) * 54; _yscale = 100 - Math.abs(dipAmt / 3); sideBig._yscale = 100 - Math.abs(dipAmt / 2); sideSmall._yscale = sideBig._yscale; if (dipAmt > 0) { wings.shade._visible = true; } else { wings.shade._visible = false; } wire2._x = _x; wire1._x = wire2._x; wire1._y = _y - 10; wire2._y = _y + 10; wire1._rotation = ((defPlaneX - _x) / 4) * (1.25 - (_y - minY) / totalY); wire2._rotation = ((defPlaneX - _x) / -4) * ((_y - minY) / totalY + 0.25); powerBarX = defBarX - (1 - paintPower / 100) * barLength; powerBar._x -= (powerBar._x - powerBarX) * 0.2; i = 0; while (i < paintArray.length) { p = _root.paintH['paint' + paintArray[i]]; c = _root.paintCol['paintCol' + paintArray[i]]; p._x -= scrollSpeed; c._x -= scrollSpeed; if (p._x < -700) { removeMovieClip(p); removeMovieClip(c); paintArray.splice(i, 1); --i; } ++i; } _root.bgBad1._x -= scrollSpeed; _root.bgBad2._x -= scrollSpeed; _root.bgGood1._x -= scrollSpeed; _root.bgGood2._x -= scrollSpeed; if (_root.bgBad1._x <= -1144) { _root.bgBad1._x = _root.bgBad2._x + 1140; _root.bgGood1._x = _root.bgGood2._x + 1140; } else { if (_root.bgBad2._x <= -1144) { _root.bgBad2._x = _root.bgBad1._x + 1140; _root.bgGood2._x = _root.bgGood1._x + 1140; } } if (!pauseTimer && !ImHit) { ++gameTime; } if (gameTime >= nextEventTime) { if (nextEventName == 'spikes') { _root.createSpikes(eventI, eventArray[eventI][2], eventArray[eventI][3]); } else { if (nextEventName == 'flame') { _root.createFlame(eventI, eventArray[eventI][2]); } else { if (nextEventName == 'tentacle') { _root.createTentacle(eventI, eventArray[eventI][2], eventArray[eventI][3], eventArray[eventI][4]); } else { if (nextEventName == 'shuriken') { _root.createShuriken(eventI, eventArray[eventI][2]); } else { if (nextEventName == 'bossPlane') { _root.createBossPlane(); pauseTimer = true; miniBossTime = true; } else { if (nextEventName == 'spears') { _root.createSpears(eventI, eventArray[eventI][2]); } else { if (nextEventName == 'teeth') { _root.createTeeth(eventI); } else { if (nextEventName == 'spider') { _root.createSpider(); pauseTimer = true; bossTime = true; } else { if (nextEventName == 'end') { endTime = true;; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(10); } else { if (nextEventName == 'seagull') { if (_root.sfx) {; } } } } } } } } } } } nextEventTime = eventArray[eventI][1] + gameTime; ++eventI; nextEventName = eventArray[eventI][0]; } } } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 392 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 399 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 402 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 405 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 407 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 410 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 413 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 418 { on (press) { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; _root.plane.endChoice = 'again'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11); _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } } } button 422 { on (press) { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; _root.plane.endChoice = 'menu'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(12); _root.mainMusic.stop(); _root.bossMusic.stop(); _root.bossPlaneMusic.stop(); _root.ocean1.stop(); _root.ocean2.stop(); _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } } } button 427 { on (press) { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; _root.plane.endChoice = 'again'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11); _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } } } button 432 { on (press) { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; _root.plane.endChoice = 'again'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11); _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } } } button 437 { on (press) { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; _root.plane.endTime = true; _root.plane.endChoice = 'again'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11); _root.panels.panel.hotKeys._visible = false; } } } button 442 { on (press) { if (_global.panels == 'open') {; _root.plane.endChoice = 'again'; _root.panels.panel.tape.gotoAndStop(11); } } } movieClip 443 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 449 { } movieClip 454 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 457 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 460 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 463 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 466 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 469 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 472 { } movieClip 475 { } movieClip 476 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 50 { _root.plane.spunOut = true; stop(); } } movieClip 477 { }
Created: 11/3 -2019 03:08:17 Last modified: 11/3 -2019 03:08:17 Server time: 04/06 -2024 15:26:24