Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #114396

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 3 { } movieClip 5 { } movieClip 8 { } movieClip 10 { } movieClip 12 { } movieClip 14 { } movieClip 16 { } movieClip 18 { } movieClip 20 { } movieClip 22 { } movieClip 24 { } movieClip 25 { frame 60 { stop(); } } movieClip 27 { } movieClip 28 { } movieClip 29 { } movieClip 30 { } movieClip 32 { } movieClip 36 { } movieClip 38 { } movieClip 39 { } movieClip 40 { } movieClip 41 { } movieClip 42 { } movieClip 43 { } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 45 { } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 47 { } movieClip 48 { frame 1 { this.onEnterFrame = function () { _root.stop(); loading = _root.getBytesLoaded(); total = _root.getBytesTotal(); percent = (loading / total) * 100; if (loading != total) { bar.loading_animation.gotoAndStop(int(percent)); } else { delete this.onEnterFrame; play(); } }; stop(); } frame 265 { _root.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance of movieClip 48 { onClipEvent (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 383 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.init = function () { var v4 = _global.MovieClip; if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) { mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(v4); var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__OnEnterFrameBeacon', 9876); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { _global.MovieClip.broadcastMessage('onEnterFrame'); }; } }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 384 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.initialize = function (o, dontCreateArray) { if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) { delete o.broadcastMessage; } o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener; o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener; if (!dontCreateArray) { o._listeners = new Array(); } }; v2.addListener = function (o) { this.removeListener(o); if (this.broadcastMessage == undefined) { this.broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage; } return this._listeners.push(o); }; v2.removeListener = function (o) { var v2 = this._listeners; var v3 = v2.length; while (v3--) { if (v2[v3] == o) { v2.splice(v3, 1); if (!v2.length) { this.broadcastMessage = undefined; } return true; } } return false; }; v2.broadcastMessage = function () { var v5 = String(arguments.shift()); var v4 = this._listeners.concat(); var v6 = v4.length; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < v6) { v4[v3][v5].apply(v4[v3], arguments); ++v3; } }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 385 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) { mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); if (!arguments.length) { return undefined; } this.obj = obj; this.prop = prop; this.begin = begin; this.__set__position(begin); this.__set__duration(duration); this.useSeconds = useSeconds; if (func) { this.func = func; } this.__set__finish(finish); this._listeners = []; this.addListener(this); this.start(); }; mx.transitions.Tween = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v2.__set__time = function (t) { this.prevTime = this._time; if (t > this.__get__duration()) { if (this.looping) { this.rewind(t - this._duration); this.update(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionLooped', this); } else { if (this.useSeconds) { this._time = this._duration; this.update(); } this.stop(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionFinished', this); } } else { if (t < 0) { this.rewind(); this.update(); } else { this._time = t; this.update(); } } return this.__get__time(); }; v2.__get__time = function () { return this._time; }; v2.__set__duration = function (d) { this._duration = (d == null || d <= 0) ? _global.Infinity : d; return this.__get__duration(); }; v2.__get__duration = function () { return this._duration; }; v2.__set__FPS = function (fps) { var v2 = this.isPlaying; this.stopEnterFrame(); this._fps = fps; if (v2) { this.startEnterFrame(); } return this.__get__FPS(); }; v2.__get__FPS = function () { return this._fps; }; v2.__set__position = function (p) { this.setPosition(p); return this.__get__position(); }; v2.setPosition = function (p) { this.prevPos = this._pos; this._pos = p; this.obj[this.prop] = this._pos; this.broadcastMessage('onMotionChanged', this, this._pos); updateAfterEvent(); }; v2.__get__position = function () { return this.getPosition(); }; v2.getPosition = function (t) { if (t == undefined) { t = this._time; } return this.func(t, this.begin, this.change, this._duration); }; v2.__set__finish = function (f) { this.change = f - this.begin; return this.__get__finish(); }; v2.__get__finish = function () { return this.begin + this.change; }; v2.continueTo = function (finish, duration) { this.begin = this.position; this.__set__finish(finish); if (duration != undefined) { this.__set__duration(duration); } this.start(); }; v2.yoyo = function () { this.continueTo(this.begin, this.__get__time()); }; v2.startEnterFrame = function () { if (this._fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.addListener(this); } else { this._intervalID = setInterval(this, 'onEnterFrame', 1000 / this._fps); } this.isPlaying = true; }; v2.stopEnterFrame = function () { if (this._fps == undefined) { _global.MovieClip.removeListener(this); } else { clearInterval(this._intervalID); } this.isPlaying = false; }; v2.start = function () { this.rewind(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionStarted', this); }; v2.stop = function () { this.stopEnterFrame(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionStopped', this); }; v2.resume = function () { this.fixTime(); this.startEnterFrame(); this.broadcastMessage('onMotionResumed', this); }; v2.rewind = function (t) { this._time = (t == undefined) ? 0 : t; this.fixTime(); this.update(); }; v2.fforward = function () { this.__set__time(this._duration); this.fixTime(); }; v2.nextFrame = function () { if (this.useSeconds) { this.__set__time((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000); } else { this.__set__time(this._time + 1); } }; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.nextFrame(); }; v2.prevFrame = function () { if (!this.useSeconds) { this.__set__time(this._time - 1); } }; v2.toString = function () { return '[Tween]'; }; v2.fixTime = function () { if (this.useSeconds) { this._startTime = getTimer() - this._time * 1000; } }; v2.update = function () { this.__set__position(this.getPosition(this._time)); }; v1.version = ''; v1.__initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init(); v1.__initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true); v2.func = function (t, b, c, d) { return c * t / d + b; }; v2.addProperty('FPS', v2.__get__FPS, v2.__set__FPS); v2.addProperty('duration', v2.__get__duration, v2.__set__duration); v2.addProperty('finish', v2.__get__finish, v2.__set__finish); v2.addProperty('position', v2.__get__position, v2.__set__position); v2.addProperty('time', v2.__get__time, v2.__set__time); ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 386 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.easing.Elastic = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.easeIn = function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return b; } t /= d; if (t == 1) { return b + c; } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var v7 = p / 4; t -= 1; return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / p)) + b; } v7 = (p / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / a); t -= 1; return -(a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / p)) + b; }; v1.easeOut = function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return b; } t /= d; if (t == 1) { return b + c; } if (!p) { p = d * 0.3; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var v7 = p / 4; return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / p) + c + b; } v7 = (p / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / a); return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / p) + c + b; }; v1.easeInOut = function (t, b, c, d, a, p) { if (t == 0) { return b; } t /= d / 2; if (t == 2) { return b + c; } if (!p) { p = d * 0.45; } if (!a || a < Math.abs(c)) { a = c; var v7 = p / 4; } else { var v7 = (p / 6.283185307179586) * Math.asin(c / a); } if (t < 1) { t -= 1; return -0.5 * (a * Math.pow(2, 10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / p)) + b; } t -= 1; return a * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t * d - v7) * 6.283185307179586 / p) * 0.5 + c + b; }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } movieClip 387 { #initclip if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { = new Object(); } if (! { var v1 = function () {}; mx.transitions.easing.Regular = v1; var v2 = v1.prototype; v1.easeIn = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d; return c * t * t + b; }; v1.easeOut = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d; return -c * t * (t - 2) + b; }; v1.easeInOut = function (t, b, c, d) { t /= d / 2; if (t < 1) { return (c / 2) * t * t + b; } return (-c / 2) * (--t * (t - 2) - 1) + b; }; v1.version = ''; ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.easing.Regular.prototype, null, 1); } #endinitclip } frame 5 { function HomePage() { OneGame = false; gotoAndStop('HomeFrame'); HomePic.PlayOn.onRelease = function () { NewGame(); }; HomePic.MoreGamesOn.onRelease = MoreGameOK; } function MoreGameOK() { getURL('', '_blank'); } function NewGame() { gotoAndStop('GameFrame'); RoleUrl = GamePic.Girl; ColorUrl = RGB.a; if (!OneGame) { RoleInit(RoleUrl); RoleInit(GamePic.Boy); OneGame = true; } NewMenu(TypeIng); DressReady('Dress'); } function RoleInit(Obj) { for (var v3 in Obj) { var v1 = Obj[v3]; v1.stop(); if (v1._name == 'YJ') { v1._visible = false; } else { if (v1._name == 'BB') { v1._visible = false; } else { if (v1._name == 'XZ') { v1._visible = false; } } } } GamePic.BJ.gotoAndStop(1); } function SelectRole(Type, EditType) { if (Type == 'Girl') { GamePic.Boy._visible = false; GamePic.Girl._visible = true; } else { if (Type == 'Boy') { GamePic.Girl._visible = false; GamePic.Boy._visible = true; } } RoleUrl = GamePic[Type]; EditPic.gotoAndStop(Type); MenuTypeOK(Type); if (EditType == 'BoyAndGirl') { ButtonClub.NextOn.onRelease = function () { ButtonClub.NextOn._visible = false; SelectRole('Boy', 'BoyAndGirl'); ReadyTween('X', GamePic.Boy, GamePic.Boy._x, 300); ReadyTween('X', GamePic.Girl, GamePic.Girl._x, 0); }; } else { GamePic.Boy.onRelease = null; GamePic.Girl.onRelease = null; } } function Hair_MenuReady(Type) { HairPic.TF.gotoAndStop(1); HairPic.TFDown.onRelease = function () { ChangeFrameDown(HairPic.TF); }; HairPic.TFUp.onRelease = function () { ChangeFrameUp(HairPic.TF); }; HairPic.TFOn.onRelease = function () { ChangeFrameOK('TF', HairPic.TF._currentframe); }; HairPic.TF.stop(); NewGoToAndVisible(HairPic, 'a', GamePic.Girl.ARH); NewGoToAndVisible(HairPic, 'b', GamePic.Girl.BRH); } function NewGoToAndVisible(MenuS, AB, Obj) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 15) { var v3 = MenuS[AB + v2]; v3.Obj = Obj; v3.s = int(v2 + 1); v3.onRelease = function () { if (this.Obj._currentframe == this.s and this.Obj._visible) { this.Obj._visible = false; } else { this.Obj._visible = true; this.Obj.gotoAndStop(this.s); } }; ++v2; } } function YF_Change(Type, BoyAndGirlType) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 10) { var v3 = EditPic['a' + v2]; var v4 = EditPic['b' + v2]; v3.s = int(v2 + 1); v4.s = int(v2 + 1); v3.onRelease = function () { ChangeFrameOK(Type, this.s); }; v4.onRelease = function () { ChangeFrameOK('XZ', this.s); }; ++v2; } EditPic.onNextOn.onRelease = function () { EditPic.nextFrame(); MenuTypeOK(BoyAndGirlType); }; EditPic.onUpOn.onRelease = function () { EditPic.prevFrame(); MenuTypeOK(BoyAndGirlType); }; } function MenuTypeOK(BoyAndGirlType) { if (BoyAndGirlType == 'Girl') { if (EditPic._currentframe == 1) { YF_Change('YF', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 2) { YF_Change('BB', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 3) { YF_Change('YJ', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 4) { YF_Change('RH', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 5) { YF_Change('YJ', BoyAndGirlType); } } else { if (BoyAndGirlType == 'Boy') { if (EditPic._currentframe == 20) { YF_Change('YF', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 21) { YF_Change('TF', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 22) { YF_Change('BB', BoyAndGirlType); } if (EditPic._currentframe == 23) { YF_Change('TF', BoyAndGirlType); } } } } function ChangeFrameOK(Type, Frame) { if (RoleUrl[Type]._currentframe == Frame and RoleUrl[Type]._visible) { RoleUrl[Type]._visible = false; } else { RoleUrl[Type]._visible = true; RoleUrl[Type].gotoAndStop(Frame); } } function ChangeFrameDown(Obj) { if (Obj._currentframe == Obj._totalframes) { Obj.gotoAndStop(1); } else { Obj.nextFrame(); } } function ChangeFrameUp(Obj) { if (Obj._currentframe == 1) { Obj.gotoAndStop(Obj._totalframes); } else { Obj.prevFrame(); } } function NewMenu(Type) { for (var v3 in MenuClub) { var v2 = ToolPic[MenuClub[v3]]; v2.Type = MenuClub[v3]; v2.onRelease = function () { NewMouse(this.Type); }; } NewMouse(TypeIng); } function NewButtonReady(Type) { ButtonClub.gotoAndStop(Type); if (Type == 'Dress') { ButtonClub.Next.onRelease = function () { DressReady('PantsFrame'); }; } else { if (Type == 'PantsFrame') { ButtonClub.DoneOn.onRelease = DoneOK; ButtonClub.BackOn.onRelease = function () { DressReady('Dress'); }; ButtonClub.BJ.onRelease = function () { ChangeFrameDown(GamePic.BJ); }; } else { if (Type == 'DoneOK') { ButtonClub.BackOn.onRelease = function () { DressReady('Dress'); }; ButtonClub.PlayAianOn.onRelease = HomePage; } } } } function NewMouse(Type) { MouseIoc.a.gotoAndStop(Type); TypeIng = Type; NewColorReady(Type); } function NewColorReady(Type) { var v2 = 0; while (v2 < 7) { var v3 = ToolPic.ColorPic[Type]['a' + v2]; v3.s = int(v2 + 1); v3.onRelease = function () { MouseIocReady(this.s); }; var v4 = ToolPic.ColorPic[MenuClub[v2]]; v4._alpha = 30; NewBlur(v4, 5); ++v2; } MouseIocReady(1); ToolPic.ColorPic[Type]._alpha = 100; ToolPic.ColorPic[Type].filters = null; } function MouseIocReady(Frame) { MouseIoc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (EditTypeIng == 'Dress') { this._x = _xmouse; this._y = _ymouse; if (MouseShow.hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) { this._visible = false;; } else { this._visible = true; Mouse.hide(); } if (Key.isDown(1)) {; ChangeType(); } } else { this._visible = false; } }; MouseIoc.a.a.gotoAndStop(Frame); MouseIoc.Frame = Frame; } function ChangeType() { var v1 = RoleUrl; if (MouseIoc.hitTest(v1[TypeIng])) { v1[TypeIng].gotoAndStop(MouseIoc.Frame); } } function ChangeTFFrame(s, Type) { RoleUrl[Type].gotoAndStop(s); } function DressReady(Type) { NewButtonReady(Type); if (Type == 'Dress') { RoleUrl = GamePic.Girl; SelectRole('Girl'); GamePic.Girl.ARH._visible = false; GamePic.Girl.BRH._visible = false; XYZ(RoleUrl, 1000, 1600, 447, 850); ReadyTween('X', ToolPic, ToolPic._x, 24.3); ReadyTween('X', HairPic, HairPic._x, 458); Hair_MenuReady(); EditPic._visible = false; ToolPic._visible = true; HairPic._visible = true; } else { if (Type == 'PantsFrame') { SelectRole('Girl', 'BoyAndGirl'); RoleUrl.Boy._visible = true; ButtonClub.Next._visible = true; XYZ(RoleUrl, 250, 400, 300, 230); ReadyTween('X', EditPic, EditPic._x, 327); EditPic._visible = true; ToolPic._visible = false; HairPic._visible = false;; } } EditTypeIng = Type; } function DoneOK() { ReadyTween('X', EditPic, EditPic._x, 1300); ReadyTween('X', GamePic.Boy, GamePic.Boy._x, 500); ReadyTween('X', GamePic.Girl, GamePic.Girl._x, 400); GamePic.Boy.onRelease = null; GamePic.Girl.onRelease = null; GamePic.Boy._visible = true; GamePic.Girl._visible = true; NewButtonReady('DoneOK'); } function ReadyTween(Type, Mc, Min, Max) { switch (Type) { case 'X': var v7 = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_x', Effect, Min, Max, 1, true); break; case 'Y': Effect = mx.transitions.easing.Elastic.easeInOut; var v6 = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_y', Effect, Min, Max, 1, true); break; case 'XY': var v7 = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_x', Effect, Min, Max, 1, true); var v6 = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_y', Effect, Min, Max, 1, true); break; case 'WH': Effect = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeInOut; var v4 = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_xscale', Effect, Min, Max, 0.5, true); var v5 = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_yscale', Effect, Min, Max, 0.5, true); } storedv4.onMotionChanged = function () {}; storedv4.onMotionFinished = function () {}; } function XYZ(Mc, W, H, X, Y) { Effect = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeInOut; Wx = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_width', Effect, Mc._width, W, 1, true); Hx = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_height', Effect, Mc._height, H, 1, true); Xx = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_x', Effect, Mc._x, X, 1, true); Yx = new mx.transitions.Tween(Mc, '_y', Effect, Mc._y, Y, 1, true); } function PrintPicReady() { BackMenuButton._visible = false; var v3 = this.createEmptyMovieClip('mc', 0); var v4 = new flash.display.BitmapData(700, 500); v3.attachBitmap(v4, 0); v4.draw(_root); getURL('printasbitmap:', v3); BackMenuButton._visible = true; v3.onPress = function () { removeMovieClip(this); }; } function NewBlur(Obj, Num) { var v1 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(10, 10, 2); v1.blurY = Num; Obj.filters = new Array(v1); } stop(); ColorProperty.init(); var MenuClub = ['YZ', 'JM', 'MM', 'YY', 'SH', 'KH']; var RoleUrl; var ColorUrl; var EditTypeIng; var OneGame; var RoleFrame = 1; var TypeIng = 'KH'; HomePage(); var Effect = mx.transitions.easing.Regular.easeInOut; var TweenX; var TweenY; var TweenWidth; var TweenHeight; var TweenXscale; var TweenYscale; } movieClip 92 { } movieClip 94 { } movieClip 96 { } movieClip 100 { } movieClip 102 { } button 104 { on (release) { _root.MoreGameOK(); } } movieClip 105 { } movieClip 108 { } button 110 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } on (release) { _root.soundstatus = 'off'; } } movieClip 113 { } button 114 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (release) { _root.soundstatus = 'on'; } } movieClip 115 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 116 { } // unknown tag 88 length 61 movieClip 120 { } movieClip 121 { instance of movieClip 120 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.soundstatus = 'on'; _root.mySound = new Sound(_level0); _root.mySound2 = new Sound(_level1); _root.mySound3 = new Sound(_level2); _root.mySound4 = new Sound(_level3); _root.mySound5 = new Sound(_level4); maxvolume = 100; minvolume = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.soundstatus == 'on') { step = 5; } if (_root.soundstatus == 'off') { step = -5; } maxvolume += step; if (maxvolume > 100) { maxvolume = 100; } if (maxvolume < 0) { maxvolume = 0; } _root.mySound.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound2.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound3.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound4.setVolume(maxvolume); _root.mySound5.setVolume(maxvolume); } } } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 178 { } movieClip 188 { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 200 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 211 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 233 { } movieClip 239 { } movieClip 245 { } movieClip 251 { } movieClip 258 { } movieClip 264 { } movieClip 270 { } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 282 { } movieClip 288 { } movieClip 289 { } movieClip 290 { } movieClip 302 { } movieClip 303 { } movieClip 324 { } movieClip 326 { } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 330 { } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 336 { } movieClip 338 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 344 { } movieClip 347 { } movieClip 351 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 366 { } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 380 { } movieClip 381 { } movieClip 382 { frame 1 { stop(); } }
Created: 10/3 -2019 19:31:33 Last modified: 10/3 -2019 19:31:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 05:12:31