Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #114824

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)







Use the color pieces in the right side box to
place inside the empty box within the out line
without wasting a single piece.
Beware of the pieces which slips away while
Once the pieces are been placed it cannot
be replaced.
Game Controls
1. Use the mouse to interact.
2. To mute the sound, click the mute button.
3. To bring the game to pause, click the pause





















ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//b2CircleDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2CircleDef extends b2ShapeDef { public var localPosition:b2Vec2; public var radius:Number; public function b2CircleDef(){ localPosition = new b2Vec2(0, 0); super(); type = b2Shape.e_circleShape; radius = 1; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 2
//b2CircleShape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2CircleShape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2CircleShape extends b2Shape { public var m_radius:Number; public var m_localPosition:b2Vec2; public function b2CircleShape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef){ var _local2:b2CircleDef; m_localPosition = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); _local2 = (_arg1 as b2CircleDef); m_type = e_circleShape; m_localPosition.SetV(_local2.localPosition); m_radius = _local2.radius; } override public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local3 = _arg1.R; _local4 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local5 = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _local4 = (_arg2.x - _local4); _local5 = (_arg2.y - _local5); return ((((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)) <= (m_radius * m_radius))); } public function GetLocalPosition():b2Vec2{ return (m_localPosition); } override public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):Boolean{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local6 = _arg1.R; _local7 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local6.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local8 = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local6.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local6.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _local9 = (_arg4.p1.x - _local7); _local10 = (_arg4.p1.y - _local8); _local11 = (((_local9 * _local9) + (_local10 * _local10)) - (m_radius * m_radius)); if (_local11 < 0){ return (false); }; _local12 = (_arg4.p2.x - _arg4.p1.x); _local13 = (_arg4.p2.y - _arg4.p1.y); _local14 = ((_local9 * _local12) + (_local10 * _local13)); _local15 = ((_local12 * _local12) + (_local13 * _local13)); _local16 = ((_local14 * _local14) - (_local15 * _local11)); if ((((_local16 < 0)) || ((_local15 < Number.MIN_VALUE)))){ return (false); }; _local17 = -((_local14 + Math.sqrt(_local16))); if ((((0 <= _local17)) && ((_local17 <= (_arg5 * _local15))))){ _local17 = (_local17 / _local15); _arg2[0] = _local17; _arg3.x = (_local9 + (_local17 * _local12)); _arg3.y = (_local10 + (_local17 * _local13)); _arg3.Normalize(); return (true); }; return (false); } override public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ _arg1.mass = (((m_density * b2Settings.b2_pi) * m_radius) * m_radius);; _arg1.I = (_arg1.mass * (((0.5 * m_radius) * m_radius) + ((m_localPosition.x * m_localPosition.x) + (m_localPosition.y * m_localPosition.y)))); } override public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = _arg2.R; _local5 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local6 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _local4 = _arg3.R; _local7 = (_arg3.position.x + ((_local4.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local8 = (_arg3.position.y + ((_local4.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.Set((((_local5 < _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 - m_radius), (((_local6 < _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 - m_radius)); _arg1.upperBound.Set((((_local5 > _local7)) ? _local5 : _local7 + m_radius), (((_local6 > _local8)) ? _local6 : _local8 + m_radius)); } public function GetRadius():Number{ return (m_radius); } override public function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = (m_localPosition.x - _arg1.x); _local3 = (m_localPosition.y - _arg1.y); _local2 = Math.sqrt(((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3))); m_sweepRadius = ((_local2 + m_radius) - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); } override public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.x * m_localPosition.y))); _local5 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * m_localPosition.x) + (_local3.col2.y * m_localPosition.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.Set((_local4 - m_radius), (_local5 - m_radius)); _arg1.upperBound.Set((_local4 + m_radius), (_local5 + m_radius)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 3
//b2FilterData (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2FilterData) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { public class b2FilterData { public var maskBits:uint;// = 0xFFFF public var groupIndex:int;// = 0 public var categoryBits:uint;// = 1 public function b2FilterData(){ categoryBits = 1; maskBits = 0xFFFF; groupIndex = 0; super(); } public function Copy():b2FilterData{ var _local1:b2FilterData; _local1 = new b2FilterData(); _local1.categoryBits = categoryBits; _local1.maskBits = maskBits; _local1.groupIndex = groupIndex; return (_local1); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 4
//b2MassData (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2MassData) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2MassData { public var mass:Number;// = 0 public var center:b2Vec2; public var I:Number;// = 0 public function b2MassData(){ mass = 0; center = new b2Vec2(0, 0); I = 0; super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 5
//b2PolygonDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolygonDef extends b2ShapeDef { public var vertexCount:int; public var vertices:Array; private static var s_mat:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(); public function b2PolygonDef(){ var _local1:int; vertices = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); super(); type = b2Shape.e_polygonShape; vertexCount = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices) { vertices[_local1] = new b2Vec2(); _local1++; }; } public function SetAsOrientedBox(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2=null, _arg4:Number=0):void{ var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:int; vertexCount = 4; vertices[0].Set(-(_arg1), -(_arg2)); vertices[1].Set(_arg1, -(_arg2)); vertices[2].Set(_arg1, _arg2); vertices[3].Set(-(_arg1), _arg2); if (_arg3){ _local5 = _arg3; _local6 = s_mat; _local6.Set(_arg4); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < vertexCount) { _arg3 = vertices[_local7]; _arg1 = (_local5.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _arg3.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _arg3.y))); _arg3.y = (_local5.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _arg3.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _arg3.y))); _arg3.x = _arg1; _local7++; }; }; } public function SetAsBox(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ vertexCount = 4; vertices[0].Set(-(_arg1), -(_arg2)); vertices[1].Set(_arg1, -(_arg2)); vertices[2].Set(_arg1, _arg2); vertices[3].Set(-(_arg1), _arg2); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 6
//b2PolygonShape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2PolygonShape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolygonShape extends b2Shape { public var m_vertices:Array; public var m_normals:Array; private var s_supportVec:b2Vec2; public var m_obb:b2OBB; public var m_coreVertices:Array; public var m_centroid:b2Vec2; public var m_vertexCount:int; private static var s_computeMat:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(); private static var s_sweptAABB1:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); private static var s_sweptAABB2:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); public function b2PolygonShape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef){ var _local2:b2PolygonDef; var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; s_supportVec = new b2Vec2(); m_obb = new b2OBB(); m_vertices = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); m_normals = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); m_coreVertices = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); super(_arg1); m_type = e_polygonShape; _local2 = (_arg1 as b2PolygonDef); m_vertexCount = _local2.vertexCount; _local4 = _local3; _local5 = _local3; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { m_vertices[_local3] = _local2.vertices[_local3].Copy(); _local3++; }; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { _local4 = _local3; _local5 = (((_local3 + 1) < m_vertexCount)) ? (_local3 + 1) : 0; _local6 = (m_vertices[_local5].x - m_vertices[_local4].x); _local7 = (m_vertices[_local5].y - m_vertices[_local4].y); _local8 = Math.sqrt(((_local6 * _local6) + (_local7 * _local7))); m_normals[_local3] = new b2Vec2((_local7 / _local8), (-(_local6) / _local8)); _local3++; }; m_centroid = ComputeCentroid(_local2.vertices, _local2.vertexCount); ComputeOBB(m_obb, m_vertices, m_vertexCount); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { _local4 = (((_local3 - 1) >= 0)) ? (_local3 - 1) : (m_vertexCount - 1); _local5 = _local3; _local9 = m_normals[_local4].x; _local10 = m_normals[_local4].y; _local11 = m_normals[_local5].x; _local12 = m_normals[_local5].y; _local13 = (m_vertices[_local3].x - m_centroid.x); _local14 = (m_vertices[_local3].y - m_centroid.y); _local15 = (((_local9 * _local13) + (_local10 * _local14)) - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local16 = (((_local11 * _local13) + (_local12 * _local14)) - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local17 = (1 / ((_local9 * _local12) - (_local10 * _local11))); m_coreVertices[_local3] = new b2Vec2(((_local17 * ((_local12 * _local15) - (_local10 * _local16))) + m_centroid.x), ((_local17 * ((_local9 * _local16) - (_local11 * _local15))) + m_centroid.y)); _local3++; }; } override public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:int; var _local10:Number; _local4 = _arg1.R; _local5 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.position.x); _local6 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.position.y); _local7 = ((_local5 * _local4.col1.x) + (_local6 * _local4.col1.y)); _local8 = ((_local5 * _local4.col2.x) + (_local6 * _local4.col2.y)); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < m_vertexCount) { _local3 = m_vertices[_local9]; _local5 = (_local7 - _local3.x); _local6 = (_local8 - _local3.y); _local3 = m_normals[_local9]; _local10 = ((_local3.x * _local5) + (_local3.y * _local6)); if (_local10 > 0){ return (false); }; _local9++; }; return (true); } public function GetCoreVertices():Array{ return (m_coreVertices); } override public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):Boolean{ var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:b2Mat22; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:int; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; _local6 = 0; _local7 = _arg5; _local8 = (_arg4.p1.x - _arg1.position.x); _local9 = (_arg4.p1.y - _arg1.position.y); _local10 = _arg1.R; _local12 = ((_local8 * _local10.col1.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col1.y)); _local13 = ((_local8 * _local10.col2.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col2.y)); _local8 = (_arg4.p2.x - _arg1.position.x); _local9 = (_arg4.p2.y - _arg1.position.y); _local10 = _arg1.R; _local14 = ((_local8 * _local10.col1.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col1.y)); _local15 = ((_local8 * _local10.col2.x) + (_local9 * _local10.col2.y)); _local16 = (_local14 - _local12); _local17 = (_local15 - _local13); _local18 = -1; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < m_vertexCount) { _local11 = m_vertices[_local19]; _local8 = (_local11.x - _local12); _local9 = (_local11.y - _local13); _local11 = m_normals[_local19]; _local20 = ((_local11.x * _local8) + (_local11.y * _local9)); _local21 = ((_local11.x * _local16) + (_local11.y * _local17)); if ((((_local21 < 0)) && ((_local20 < (_local6 * _local21))))){ _local6 = (_local20 / _local21); _local18 = _local19; } else { if ((((_local21 > 0)) && ((_local20 < (_local7 * _local21))))){ _local7 = (_local20 / _local21); }; }; if (_local7 < _local6){ return (false); }; _local19++; }; if (_local18 >= 0){ _arg2[0] = _local6; _local10 = _arg1.R; _local11 = m_normals[_local18]; _arg3.x = ((_local10.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.x * _local11.y)); _arg3.y = ((_local10.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.y * _local11.y)); return (true); }; return (false); } public function GetCentroid():b2Vec2{ return (m_centroid); } override public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = 0; _local8 = (1 / 3); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < m_vertexCount) { _local10 = m_vertices[_local9]; _local11 = (((_local9 + 1) < m_vertexCount)) ? m_vertices[int((_local9 + 1))] : m_vertices[0]; _local12 = (_local10.x - _local6); _local13 = (_local10.y - _local7); _local14 = (_local11.x - _local6); _local15 = (_local11.y - _local7); _local16 = ((_local12 * _local15) - (_local13 * _local14)); _local17 = (0.5 * _local16); _local4 = (_local4 + _local17); _local2 = (_local2 + ((_local17 * _local8) * ((_local6 + _local10.x) + _local11.x))); _local3 = (_local3 + ((_local17 * _local8) * ((_local7 + _local10.y) + _local11.y))); _local18 = _local6; _local19 = _local7; _local20 = _local12; _local21 = _local13; _local22 = _local14; _local23 = _local15; _local24 = ((_local8 * ((0.25 * (((_local20 * _local20) + (_local22 * _local20)) + (_local22 * _local22))) + ((_local18 * _local20) + (_local18 * _local22)))) + ((0.5 * _local18) * _local18)); _local25 = ((_local8 * ((0.25 * (((_local21 * _local21) + (_local23 * _local21)) + (_local23 * _local23))) + ((_local19 * _local21) + (_local19 * _local23)))) + ((0.5 * _local19) * _local19)); _local5 = (_local5 + (_local16 * (_local24 + _local25))); _local9++; }; _arg1.mass = (m_density * _local4); _local2 = (_local2 * (1 / _local4)); _local3 = (_local3 * (1 / _local4));, _local3); _arg1.I = (m_density * _local5); } public function Support(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:int; var _local9:Number; var _local10:int; var _local11:Number; _local5 = _arg1.R; _local6 = ((_arg2 * _local5.col1.x) + (_arg3 * _local5.col1.y)); _local7 = ((_arg2 * _local5.col2.x) + (_arg3 * _local5.col2.y)); _local8 = 0; _local4 = m_coreVertices[0]; _local9 = ((_local4.x * _local6) + (_local4.y * _local7)); _local10 = 1; while (_local10 < m_vertexCount) { _local4 = m_coreVertices[_local10]; _local11 = ((_local4.x * _local6) + (_local4.y * _local7)); if (_local11 > _local9){ _local8 = _local10; _local9 = _local11; }; _local10++; }; _local5 = _arg1.R; _local4 = m_coreVertices[_local8]; s_supportVec.x = (_arg1.position.x + ((_local5.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local5.col2.x * _local4.y))); s_supportVec.y = (_arg1.position.y + ((_local5.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local5.col2.y * _local4.y))); return (s_supportVec); } public function GetVertexCount():int{ return (m_vertexCount); } override public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ var _local4:b2AABB; var _local5:b2AABB; _local4 = s_sweptAABB1; _local5 = s_sweptAABB2; ComputeAABB(_local4, _arg2); ComputeAABB(_local5, _arg3); _arg1.lowerBound.Set(((_local4.lowerBound.x < _local5.lowerBound.x)) ? _local4.lowerBound.x : _local5.lowerBound.x, ((_local4.lowerBound.y < _local5.lowerBound.y)) ? _local4.lowerBound.y : _local5.lowerBound.y); _arg1.upperBound.Set(((_local4.upperBound.x > _local5.upperBound.x)) ? _local4.upperBound.x : _local5.upperBound.x, ((_local4.upperBound.y > _local5.upperBound.y)) ? _local4.upperBound.y : _local5.upperBound.y); } public function GetVertices():Array{ return (m_vertices); } public function GetNormals():Array{ return (m_normals); } public function GetOBB():b2OBB{ return (m_obb); } public function GetFirstVertex(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulX(_arg1, m_coreVertices[0])); } public function Centroid(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulX(_arg1, m_centroid)); } override public function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; m_sweepRadius = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < m_vertexCount) { _local2 = m_coreVertices[_local3]; _local4 = (_local2.x - _arg1.x); _local5 = (_local2.y - _arg1.y); _local4 = Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5))); if (_local4 > m_sweepRadius){ m_sweepRadius = _local4; }; _local3++; }; } override public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local5 = s_computeMat; _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 = m_obb.R.col1; _local5.col1.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); _local5.col1.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); _local4 = m_obb.R.col2; _local5.col2.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); _local5.col2.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); _local5.Abs(); _local6 = _local5; _local4 = m_obb.extents; _local7 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local4.y)); _local8 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local4.y)); _local3 = _arg2.R; _local4 =; _local9 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y))); _local10 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y))); _arg1.lowerBound.Set((_local9 - _local7), (_local10 - _local8)); _arg1.upperBound.Set((_local9 + _local7), (_local10 + _local8)); } public static function ComputeCentroid(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:int; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; _local3 = new b2Vec2(); _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; _local6 = 0; _local7 = (1 / 3); _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < _arg2) { _local9 = _arg1[_local8]; _local10 = (((_local8 + 1) < _arg2)) ? _arg1[int((_local8 + 1))] : _arg1[0]; _local11 = (_local9.x - _local5); _local12 = (_local9.y - _local6); _local13 = (_local10.x - _local5); _local14 = (_local10.y - _local6); _local15 = ((_local11 * _local14) - (_local12 * _local13)); _local16 = (0.5 * _local15); _local4 = (_local4 + _local16); _local3.x = (_local3.x + ((_local16 * _local7) * ((_local5 + _local9.x) + _local10.x))); _local3.y = (_local3.y + ((_local16 * _local7) * ((_local6 + _local9.y) + _local10.y))); _local8++; }; _local3.x = (_local3.x * (1 / _local4)); _local3.y = (_local3.y * (1 / _local4)); return (_local3); } public static function ComputeOBB(_arg1:b2OBB, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:Array; var _local6:Number; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:b2Mat22; _local5 = new Array((b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices + 1)); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _arg3) { _local5[_local4] = _arg2[_local4]; _local4++; }; _local5[_arg3] = _local5[0]; _local6 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local4 = 1; while (_local4 <= _arg3) { _local7 = _local5[int((_local4 - 1))]; _local8 = (_local5[_local4].x - _local7.x); _local9 = (_local5[_local4].y - _local7.y); _local10 = Math.sqrt(((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9))); _local8 = (_local8 / _local10); _local9 = (_local9 / _local10); _local11 = -(_local9); _local12 = _local8; _local13 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local14 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local15 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local16 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _arg3) { _local19 = (_local5[_local17].x - _local7.x); _local20 = (_local5[_local17].y - _local7.y); _local21 = ((_local8 * _local19) + (_local9 * _local20)); _local22 = ((_local11 * _local19) + (_local12 * _local20)); if (_local21 < _local13){ _local13 = _local21; }; if (_local22 < _local14){ _local14 = _local22; }; if (_local21 > _local15){ _local15 = _local21; }; if (_local22 > _local16){ _local16 = _local22; }; _local17++; }; _local18 = ((_local15 - _local13) * (_local16 - _local14)); if (_local18 < (0.95 * _local6)){ _local6 = _local18; _arg1.R.col1.x = _local8; _arg1.R.col1.y = _local9; _arg1.R.col2.x = _local11; _arg1.R.col2.y = _local12; _local23 = (0.5 * (_local13 + _local15)); _local24 = (0.5 * (_local14 + _local16)); _local25 = _arg1.R; = (_local7.x + ((_local25.col1.x * _local23) + (_local25.col2.x * _local24))); = (_local7.y + ((_local25.col1.y * _local23) + (_local25.col2.y * _local24))); _arg1.extents.x = (0.5 * (_local15 - _local13)); _arg1.extents.y = (0.5 * (_local16 - _local14)); }; _local4++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 7
//b2Shape (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2Shape) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; public class b2Shape { public var m_type:int; public var m_sweepRadius:Number; public var m_density:Number; public var m_filter:b2FilterData; public var m_friction:Number; public var m_next:b2Shape; public var m_restitution:Number; public var m_userData; public var m_isSensor:Boolean; public var m_proxyId:uint; public var m_body:b2Body; public static const e_polygonShape:int = 1; public static const e_unknownShape:int = -1; public static const e_circleShape:int = 0; public static const e_shapeTypeCount:int = 2; private static var s_resetAABB:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); private static var s_syncAABB:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); private static var s_proxyAABB:b2AABB = new b2AABB(); public function b2Shape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef){ m_userData = _arg1.userData; m_friction = _arg1.friction; m_restitution = _arg1.restitution; m_density = _arg1.density; m_body = null; m_sweepRadius = 0; m_next = null; m_proxyId = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; m_filter = _arg1.filter.Copy(); m_isSensor = _arg1.isSensor; } public function TestPoint(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):Boolean{ return (false); } public function GetSweepRadius():Number{ return (m_sweepRadius); } public function GetNext():b2Shape{ return (m_next); } public function ComputeSweptAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):void{ } public function GetType():int{ return (m_type); } public function GetRestitution():Number{ return (m_restitution); } public function GetFriction():Number{ return (m_friction); } public function GetFilterData():b2FilterData{ return (m_filter.Copy()); } public function TestSegment(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Segment, _arg5:Number):Boolean{ return (false); } public function RefilterProxy(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2AABB; var _local4:Boolean; if (m_proxyId == b2Pair.b2_nullProxy){ return; }; _arg1.DestroyProxy(m_proxyId); _local3 = s_resetAABB; ComputeAABB(_local3, _arg2); _local4 = _arg1.InRange(_local3); if (_local4){ m_proxyId = _arg1.CreateProxy(_local3, this); } else { m_proxyId = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; }; } public function SetFilterData(_arg1:b2FilterData):void{ m_filter = _arg1.Copy(); } public function GetUserData(){ return (m_userData); } public function Synchronize(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2XForm):Boolean{ var _local4:b2AABB; if (m_proxyId == b2Pair.b2_nullProxy){ return (false); }; _local4 = s_syncAABB; ComputeSweptAABB(_local4, _arg2, _arg3); if (_arg1.InRange(_local4)){ _arg1.MoveProxy(m_proxyId, _local4); return (true); }; return (false); } public function ComputeMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ } public function IsSensor():Boolean{ return (m_isSensor); } public function DestroyProxy(_arg1:b2BroadPhase):void{ if (m_proxyId != b2Pair.b2_nullProxy){ _arg1.DestroyProxy(m_proxyId); m_proxyId = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; }; } public function UpdateSweepRadius(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ } public function ComputeAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ } public function GetBody():b2Body{ return (m_body); } public function CreateProxy(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2XForm):void{ var _local3:b2AABB; var _local4:Boolean; _local3 = s_proxyAABB; ComputeAABB(_local3, _arg2); _local4 = _arg1.InRange(_local3); if (_local4){ m_proxyId = _arg1.CreateProxy(_local3, this); } else { m_proxyId = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; }; } public function SetUserData(_arg1):void{ m_userData = _arg1; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2ShapeDef, _arg2):b2Shape{ switch (_arg1.type){ case e_circleShape: return (new b2CircleShape(_arg1)); case e_polygonShape: return (new b2PolygonShape(_arg1)); default: return (null); }; } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 8
//b2ShapeDef (Box2D.Collision.Shapes.b2ShapeDef) package Box2D.Collision.Shapes { public class b2ShapeDef { public var isSensor:Boolean;// = false public var density:Number;// = 0 public var type:int;// = -1 public var restitution:Number;// = 0 public var userData;// = null public var filter:b2FilterData; public var friction:Number;// = 0.2 public function b2ShapeDef(){ type = b2Shape.e_unknownShape; userData = null; friction = 0.2; restitution = 0; density = 0; isSensor = false; filter = new b2FilterData(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision.Shapes
Section 9
//b2AABB (Box2D.Collision.b2AABB) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2AABB { public var upperBound:b2Vec2; public var lowerBound:b2Vec2; public function b2AABB(){ lowerBound = new b2Vec2(); upperBound = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function IsValid():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Boolean; _local1 = (upperBound.x - lowerBound.x); _local2 = (upperBound.y - lowerBound.y); _local3 = (((_local1 >= 0)) && ((_local2 >= 0))); _local3 = ((((_local3) && (lowerBound.IsValid()))) && (upperBound.IsValid())); return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 10
//b2Bound (Box2D.Collision.b2Bound) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2Bound { public var proxyId:uint; public var stabbingCount:uint; public var value:uint; public function Swap(_arg1:b2Bound):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; _local2 = value; _local3 = proxyId; _local4 = stabbingCount; value = _arg1.value; proxyId = _arg1.proxyId; stabbingCount = _arg1.stabbingCount; _arg1.value = _local2; _arg1.proxyId = _local3; _arg1.stabbingCount = _local4; } public function IsLower():Boolean{ return (((value & 1) == 0)); } public function IsUpper():Boolean{ return (((value & 1) == 1)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 11
//b2BoundValues (Box2D.Collision.b2BoundValues) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2BoundValues { public var lowerValues:Array; public var upperValues:Array; public function b2BoundValues(){ lowerValues = [0, 0]; upperValues = [0, 0]; super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 12
//b2BroadPhase (Box2D.Collision.b2BroadPhase) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2BroadPhase { public var m_quantizationFactor:b2Vec2; public var m_worldAABB:b2AABB; public var m_bounds:Array; public var m_freeProxy:uint; public var m_proxyCount:int; public var m_proxyPool:Array; public var m_queryResultCount:int; public var m_pairManager:b2PairManager; public var m_timeStamp:uint; public var m_queryResults:Array; public static const b2_nullEdge:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static const b2_invalid:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static var s_validate:Boolean = false; public function b2BroadPhase(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2PairCallback){ var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Proxy; var _local7:int; m_pairManager = new b2PairManager(); m_proxyPool = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPairs); m_bounds = new Array((2 * b2Settings.b2_maxProxies)); m_queryResults = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxProxies); m_quantizationFactor = new b2Vec2(); super(); m_pairManager.Initialize(this, _arg2); m_worldAABB = _arg1; m_proxyCount = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies) { m_queryResults[_local3] = 0; _local3++; }; m_bounds = new Array(2); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { m_bounds[_local3] = new Array((2 * b2Settings.b2_maxProxies)); _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < (2 * b2Settings.b2_maxProxies)) { m_bounds[_local3][_local7] = new b2Bound(); _local7++; }; _local3++; }; _local4 = (_arg1.upperBound.x - _arg1.lowerBound.x); _local5 = (_arg1.upperBound.y - _arg1.lowerBound.y); m_quantizationFactor.x = (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX / _local4); m_quantizationFactor.y = (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX / _local5); _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < (b2Settings.b2_maxProxies - 1)) { _local6 = new b2Proxy(); m_proxyPool[_local3] = _local6; _local6.SetNext((_local3 + 1)); _local6.timeStamp = 0; _local6.overlapCount = b2_invalid; _local6.userData = null; _local3++; }; _local6 = new b2Proxy(); m_proxyPool[int((b2Settings.b2_maxProxies - 1))] = _local6; _local6.SetNext(b2Pair.b2_nullProxy); _local6.timeStamp = 0; _local6.overlapCount = b2_invalid; _local6.userData = null; m_freeProxy = 0; m_timeStamp = 1; m_queryResultCount = 0; } public function QueryAABB(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2, _arg3:int):int{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:Array; var _local6:uint; var _local7:uint; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Array; var _local10:int; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2Proxy; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = new Array(); ComputeBounds(_local4, _local5, _arg1); _local8 = [_local6]; _local9 = [_local7]; Query(_local8, _local9, _local4[0], _local5[0], m_bounds[0], (2 * m_proxyCount), 0); Query(_local8, _local9, _local4[1], _local5[1], m_bounds[1], (2 * m_proxyCount), 1); _local10 = 0; _local11 = 0; while ((((_local11 < m_queryResultCount)) && ((_local10 < _arg3)))) { _local12 = m_proxyPool[m_queryResults[_local11]]; _arg2[_local11] = _local12.userData; _local11++; _local10++; }; m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); return (_local10); } public function Commit():void{ m_pairManager.Commit(); } public function GetProxy(_arg1:int):b2Proxy{ var _local2:b2Proxy; _local2 = m_proxyPool[_arg1]; if ((((_arg1 == b2Pair.b2_nullProxy)) || ((_local2.IsValid() == false)))){ return (null); }; return (_local2); } private function IncrementTimeStamp():void{ var _local1:uint; if (m_timeStamp == b2Settings.USHRT_MAX){ _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies) { (m_proxyPool[_local1] as b2Proxy).timeStamp = 0; _local1++; }; m_timeStamp = 1; } else { m_timeStamp++; }; } private function Query(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:uint, _arg4:uint, _arg5:Array, _arg6:uint, _arg7:int):void{ var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:b2Bound; var _local11:uint; var _local12:int; var _local13:int; var _local14:b2Proxy; _local8 = BinarySearch(_arg5, _arg6, _arg3); _local9 = BinarySearch(_arg5, _arg6, _arg4); _local11 = _local8; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local10 = _arg5[_local11]; if (_local10.IsLower()){ IncrementOverlapCount(_local10.proxyId); }; _local11++; }; if (_local8 > 0){ _local12 = (_local8 - 1); _local10 = _arg5[_local12]; _local13 = _local10.stabbingCount; while (_local13) { _local10 = _arg5[_local12]; if (_local10.IsLower()){ _local14 = m_proxyPool[_local10.proxyId]; if (_local8 <= _local14.upperBounds[_arg7]){ IncrementOverlapCount(_local10.proxyId); _local13--; }; }; _local12--; }; }; _arg1[0] = _local8; _arg2[0] = _local9; } private function TestOverlapValidate(_arg1:b2Proxy, _arg2:b2Proxy):Boolean{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:b2Bound; var _local6:b2Bound; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { _local4 = m_bounds[_local3]; _local5 = _local4[_arg1.lowerBounds[_local3]]; _local6 = _local4[_arg2.upperBounds[_local3]]; if (_local5.value > _local6.value){ return (false); }; _local5 = _local4[_arg1.upperBounds[_local3]]; _local6 = _local4[_arg2.lowerBounds[_local3]]; if (_local5.value < _local6.value){ return (false); }; _local3++; }; return (true); } private function ComputeBounds(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2AABB):void{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local4 = _arg3.lowerBound.x; _local5 = _arg3.lowerBound.y; _local4 = b2Math.b2Min(_local4, m_worldAABB.upperBound.x); _local5 = b2Math.b2Min(_local5, m_worldAABB.upperBound.y); _local4 = b2Math.b2Max(_local4, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x); _local5 = b2Math.b2Max(_local5, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y); _local6 = _arg3.upperBound.x; _local7 = _arg3.upperBound.y; _local6 = b2Math.b2Min(_local6, m_worldAABB.upperBound.x); _local7 = b2Math.b2Min(_local7, m_worldAABB.upperBound.y); _local6 = b2Math.b2Max(_local6, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x); _local7 = b2Math.b2Max(_local7, m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y); _arg1[0] = (uint((m_quantizationFactor.x * (_local4 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x))) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1)); _arg2[0] = ((uint((m_quantizationFactor.x * (_local6 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x))) & 0xFFFF) | 1); _arg1[1] = (uint((m_quantizationFactor.y * (_local5 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y))) & (b2Settings.USHRT_MAX - 1)); _arg2[1] = ((uint((m_quantizationFactor.y * (_local7 - m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y))) & 0xFFFF) | 1); } public function CreateProxy(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2):uint{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:b2Proxy; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:Array; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:uint; var _local13:uint; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Array; var _local16:Array; var _local17:int; var _local18:int; var _local19:b2Bound; var _local20:b2Bound; var _local21:b2Bound; var _local22:int; var _local23:b2Proxy; _local5 = m_freeProxy; _local4 = m_proxyPool[_local5]; m_freeProxy = _local4.GetNext(); _local4.overlapCount = 0; _local4.userData = _arg2; _local6 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local7 = new Array(); _local8 = new Array(); ComputeBounds(_local7, _local8, _arg1); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < 2) { _local11 = m_bounds[_local9]; _local14 = [_local12]; _local15 = [_local13]; Query(_local14, _local15, _local7[_local9], _local8[_local9], _local11, _local6, _local9); _local12 = _local14[0]; _local13 = _local15[0]; _local16 = new Array(); _local18 = (_local6 - _local13); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _local18) { _local16[_local17] = new b2Bound(); _local19 = _local16[_local17]; _local20 = _local11[int((_local13 + _local17))]; _local19.value = _local20.value; _local19.proxyId = _local20.proxyId; _local19.stabbingCount = _local20.stabbingCount; _local17++; }; _local18 = _local16.length; _local22 = (_local13 + 2); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _local18) { _local20 = _local16[_local17]; _local19 = _local11[int((_local22 + _local17))]; _local19.value = _local20.value; _local19.proxyId = _local20.proxyId; _local19.stabbingCount = _local20.stabbingCount; _local17++; }; _local16 = new Array(); _local18 = (_local13 - _local12); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _local18) { _local16[_local17] = new b2Bound(); _local19 = _local16[_local17]; _local20 = _local11[int((_local12 + _local17))]; _local19.value = _local20.value; _local19.proxyId = _local20.proxyId; _local19.stabbingCount = _local20.stabbingCount; _local17++; }; _local18 = _local16.length; _local22 = (_local12 + 1); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _local18) { _local20 = _local16[_local17]; _local19 = _local11[int((_local22 + _local17))]; _local19.value = _local20.value; _local19.proxyId = _local20.proxyId; _local19.stabbingCount = _local20.stabbingCount; _local17++; }; _local13++; _local19 = _local11[_local12]; _local20 = _local11[_local13]; _local19.value = _local7[_local9]; _local19.proxyId = _local5; _local20.value = _local8[_local9]; _local20.proxyId = _local5; _local21 = _local11[int((_local12 - 1))]; _local19.stabbingCount = ((_local12 == 0)) ? 0 : _local21.stabbingCount; _local21 = _local11[int((_local13 - 1))]; _local20.stabbingCount = _local21.stabbingCount; _local3 = _local12; while (_local3 < _local13) { _local21 = _local11[_local3]; _local21.stabbingCount++; _local3++; }; _local3 = _local12; while (_local3 < (_local6 + 2)) { _local19 = _local11[_local3]; _local23 = m_proxyPool[_local19.proxyId]; if (_local19.IsLower()){ _local23.lowerBounds[_local9] = _local3; } else { _local23.upperBounds[_local9] = _local3; }; _local3++; }; _local9++; }; m_proxyCount++; _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < m_queryResultCount) { m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(_local5, m_queryResults[_local10]); _local10++; }; m_pairManager.Commit(); m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); return (_local5); } public function DestroyProxy(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:b2Bound; var _local3:b2Bound; var _local4:b2Proxy; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:uint; var _local10:uint; var _local11:uint; var _local12:uint; var _local13:Array; var _local14:int; var _local15:int; var _local16:int; var _local17:uint; var _local18:int; var _local19:b2Proxy; _local4 = m_proxyPool[_arg1]; _local5 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < 2) { _local8 = m_bounds[_local6]; _local9 = _local4.lowerBounds[_local6]; _local10 = _local4.upperBounds[_local6]; _local2 = _local8[_local9]; _local11 = _local2.value; _local3 = _local8[_local10]; _local12 = _local3.value; _local13 = new Array(); _local15 = ((_local10 - _local9) - 1); _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local15) { _local13[_local14] = new b2Bound(); _local2 = _local13[_local14]; _local3 = _local8[int(((_local9 + 1) + _local14))]; _local2.value = _local3.value; _local2.proxyId = _local3.proxyId; _local2.stabbingCount = _local3.stabbingCount; _local14++; }; _local15 = _local13.length; _local16 = _local9; _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local15) { _local3 = _local13[_local14]; _local2 = _local8[int((_local16 + _local14))]; _local2.value = _local3.value; _local2.proxyId = _local3.proxyId; _local2.stabbingCount = _local3.stabbingCount; _local14++; }; _local13 = new Array(); _local15 = ((_local5 - _local10) - 1); _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local15) { _local13[_local14] = new b2Bound(); _local2 = _local13[_local14]; _local3 = _local8[int(((_local10 + 1) + _local14))]; _local2.value = _local3.value; _local2.proxyId = _local3.proxyId; _local2.stabbingCount = _local3.stabbingCount; _local14++; }; _local15 = _local13.length; _local16 = (_local10 - 1); _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local15) { _local3 = _local13[_local14]; _local2 = _local8[int((_local16 + _local14))]; _local2.value = _local3.value; _local2.proxyId = _local3.proxyId; _local2.stabbingCount = _local3.stabbingCount; _local14++; }; _local15 = (_local5 - 2); _local17 = _local9; while (_local17 < _local15) { _local2 = _local8[_local17]; _local19 = m_proxyPool[_local2.proxyId]; if (_local2.IsLower()){ _local19.lowerBounds[_local6] = _local17; } else { _local19.upperBounds[_local6] = _local17; }; _local17++; }; _local15 = (_local10 - 1); _local18 = _local9; while (_local18 < _local15) { _local2 = _local8[_local18]; _local2.stabbingCount--; _local18++; }; Query([0], [0], _local11, _local12, _local8, (_local5 - 2), _local6); _local6++; }; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < m_queryResultCount) { m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1, m_queryResults[_local7]); _local7++; }; m_pairManager.Commit(); m_queryResultCount = 0; IncrementTimeStamp(); _local4.userData = null; _local4.overlapCount = b2_invalid; _local4.lowerBounds[0] = b2_invalid; _local4.lowerBounds[1] = b2_invalid; _local4.upperBounds[0] = b2_invalid; _local4.upperBounds[1] = b2_invalid; _local4.SetNext(m_freeProxy); m_freeProxy = _arg1; m_proxyCount--; } public function TestOverlap(_arg1:b2BoundValues, _arg2:b2Proxy):Boolean{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:b2Bound; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { _local4 = m_bounds[_local3]; _local5 = _local4[_arg2.upperBounds[_local3]]; if (_arg1.lowerValues[_local3] > _local5.value){ return (false); }; _local5 = _local4[_arg2.lowerBounds[_local3]]; if (_arg1.upperValues[_local3] < _local5.value){ return (false); }; _local3++; }; return (true); } public function Validate():void{ var _local1:b2Pair; var _local2:b2Proxy; var _local3:b2Proxy; var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Bound; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:uint; var _local10:b2Bound; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local6 = m_bounds[_local5]; _local7 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local8 = 0; _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local7) { _local10 = _local6[_local9]; if (_local10.IsLower() == true){ _local8++; } else { _local8--; }; _local9++; }; _local5++; }; } private function IncrementOverlapCount(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:b2Proxy; _local2 = m_proxyPool[_arg1]; if (_local2.timeStamp < m_timeStamp){ _local2.timeStamp = m_timeStamp; _local2.overlapCount = 1; } else { _local2.overlapCount = 2; m_queryResults[m_queryResultCount] = _arg1; m_queryResultCount++; }; } public function InRange(_arg1:b2AABB):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local2 = _arg1.lowerBound.x; _local3 = _arg1.lowerBound.y; _local2 = (_local2 - m_worldAABB.upperBound.x); _local3 = (_local3 - m_worldAABB.upperBound.y); _local4 = m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x; _local5 = m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y; _local4 = (_local4 - _arg1.upperBound.x); _local5 = (_local5 - _arg1.upperBound.y); _local2 = b2Math.b2Max(_local2, _local4); _local3 = b2Math.b2Max(_local3, _local5); return ((b2Math.b2Max(_local2, _local3) < 0)); } public function MoveProxy(_arg1:uint, _arg2:b2AABB):void{ var _local3:Array; var _local4:int; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; var _local7:b2Bound; var _local8:b2Bound; var _local9:b2Bound; var _local10:uint; var _local11:b2Proxy; var _local12:uint; var _local13:b2Proxy; var _local14:b2BoundValues; var _local15:b2BoundValues; var _local16:Array; var _local17:uint; var _local18:uint; var _local19:uint; var _local20:uint; var _local21:int; var _local22:int; var _local23:uint; var _local24:b2Proxy; if ((((_arg1 == b2Pair.b2_nullProxy)) || ((b2Settings.b2_maxProxies <= _arg1)))){ return; }; if (_arg2.IsValid() == false){ return; }; _local12 = (2 * m_proxyCount); _local13 = m_proxyPool[_arg1]; _local14 = new b2BoundValues(); ComputeBounds(_local14.lowerValues, _local14.upperValues, _arg2); _local15 = new b2BoundValues(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local7 = m_bounds[_local5][_local13.lowerBounds[_local5]]; _local15.lowerValues[_local5] = _local7.value; _local7 = m_bounds[_local5][_local13.upperBounds[_local5]]; _local15.upperValues[_local5] = _local7.value; _local5++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < 2) { _local16 = m_bounds[_local5]; _local17 = _local13.lowerBounds[_local5]; _local18 = _local13.upperBounds[_local5]; _local19 = _local14.lowerValues[_local5]; _local20 = _local14.upperValues[_local5]; _local7 = _local16[_local17]; _local21 = (_local19 - _local7.value); _local7.value = _local19; _local7 = _local16[_local18]; _local22 = (_local20 - _local7.value); _local7.value = _local20; if (_local21 < 0){ _local6 = _local17; while ((((_local6 > 0)) && ((_local19 < (_local16[int((_local6 - 1))] as b2Bound).value)))) { _local7 = _local16[_local6]; _local8 = _local16[int((_local6 - 1))]; _local23 = _local8.proxyId; _local24 = m_proxyPool[_local8.proxyId]; _local8.stabbingCount++; if (_local8.IsUpper() == true){ if (TestOverlap(_local14, _local24)){ m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(_arg1, _local23); }; _local3 = _local24.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; } else { _local3 = _local24.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; }; _local3 = _local13.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local8); _local6--; }; }; if (_local22 > 0){ _local6 = _local18; while ((((_local6 < (_local12 - 1))) && (((_local16[int((_local6 + 1))] as b2Bound).value <= _local20)))) { _local7 = _local16[_local6]; _local9 = _local16[int((_local6 + 1))]; _local10 = _local9.proxyId; _local11 = m_proxyPool[_local10]; _local9.stabbingCount++; if (_local9.IsLower() == true){ if (TestOverlap(_local14, _local11)){ m_pairManager.AddBufferedPair(_arg1, _local10); }; _local3 = _local11.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; } else { _local3 = _local11.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; }; _local3 = _local13.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local9); _local6++; }; }; if (_local21 > 0){ _local6 = _local17; while ((((_local6 < (_local12 - 1))) && (((_local16[int((_local6 + 1))] as b2Bound).value <= _local19)))) { _local7 = _local16[_local6]; _local9 = _local16[int((_local6 + 1))]; _local10 = _local9.proxyId; _local11 = m_proxyPool[_local10]; _local9.stabbingCount--; if (_local9.IsUpper()){ if (TestOverlap(_local15, _local11)){ m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1, _local10); }; _local3 = _local11.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; } else { _local3 = _local11.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; }; _local3 = _local13.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local9); _local6++; }; }; if (_local22 < 0){ _local6 = _local18; while ((((_local6 > 0)) && ((_local20 < (_local16[int((_local6 - 1))] as b2Bound).value)))) { _local7 = _local16[_local6]; _local8 = _local16[int((_local6 - 1))]; _local23 = _local8.proxyId; _local24 = m_proxyPool[_local23]; _local8.stabbingCount--; if (_local8.IsLower() == true){ if (TestOverlap(_local15, _local24)){ m_pairManager.RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1, _local23); }; _local3 = _local24.lowerBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount--; } else { _local3 = _local24.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4++; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.stabbingCount++; }; _local3 = _local13.upperBounds; _local4 = _local3[_local5]; _local4--; _local3[_local5] = _local4; _local7.Swap(_local8); _local6--; }; }; _local5++; }; } public static function BinarySearch(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:uint):uint{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2Bound; _local4 = 0; _local5 = (_arg2 - 1); while (_local4 <= _local5) { _local6 = ((_local4 + _local5) / 2); _local7 = _arg1[_local6]; if (_local7.value > _arg3){ _local5 = (_local6 - 1); } else { if (_local7.value < _arg3){ _local4 = (_local6 + 1); } else { return (uint(_local6)); }; }; }; return (uint(_local4)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 13
//b2BufferedPair (Box2D.Collision.b2BufferedPair) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2BufferedPair { public var proxyId1:uint; public var proxyId2:uint; } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 14
//b2Collision (Box2D.Collision.b2Collision) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Collision { public static const b2_nullFeature:uint = 0xFF; private static var b2CollidePolyTempVec:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public static function EdgeSeparation(_arg1:b2PolygonShape, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:int, _arg4:b2PolygonShape, _arg5:b2XForm):Number{ var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:b2Mat22; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:int; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; _local6 = _arg1.m_vertexCount; _local7 = _arg1.m_vertices; _local8 = _arg1.m_normals; _local9 = _arg4.m_vertexCount; _local10 = _arg4.m_vertices; _local11 = _arg2.R; _local12 = _local8[_arg3]; _local13 = ((_local11.col1.x * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.x * _local12.y)); _local14 = ((_local11.col1.y * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.y * _local12.y)); _local11 = _arg5.R; _local15 = ((_local11.col1.x * _local13) + (_local11.col1.y * _local14)); _local16 = ((_local11.col2.x * _local13) + (_local11.col2.y * _local14)); _local17 = 0; _local18 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < _local9) { _local12 = _local10[_local19]; _local25 = ((_local12.x * _local15) + (_local12.y * _local16)); if (_local25 < _local18){ _local18 = _local25; _local17 = _local19; }; _local19++; }; _local12 = _local7[_arg3]; _local11 = _arg2.R; _local20 = (_arg2.position.x + ((_local11.col1.x * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.x * _local12.y))); _local21 = (_arg2.position.y + ((_local11.col1.y * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.y * _local12.y))); _local12 = _local10[_local17]; _local11 = _arg5.R; _local22 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local11.col1.x * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.x * _local12.y))); _local23 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local11.col1.y * _local12.x) + (_local11.col2.y * _local12.y))); _local22 = (_local22 - _local20); _local23 = (_local23 - _local21); _local24 = ((_local22 * _local13) + (_local23 * _local14)); return (_local24); } public static function b2TestOverlap(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2AABB):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local3 = _arg2.lowerBound; _local4 = _arg1.upperBound; _local5 = (_local3.x - _local4.x); _local6 = (_local3.y - _local4.y); _local3 = _arg1.lowerBound; _local4 = _arg2.upperBound; _local7 = (_local3.x - _local4.x); _local8 = (_local3.y - _local4.y); if ((((_local5 > 0)) || ((_local6 > 0)))){ return (false); }; if ((((_local7 > 0)) || ((_local8 > 0)))){ return (false); }; return (true); } public static function FindIncidentEdge(_arg1:Array, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:int, _arg5:b2PolygonShape, _arg6:b2XForm):void{ var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:Array; var _local12:b2Mat22; var _local13:b2Vec2; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:int; var _local20:ClipVertex; var _local21:int; var _local22:int; var _local23:Number; _local7 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local8 = _arg2.m_normals; _local9 = _arg5.m_vertexCount; _local10 = _arg5.m_vertices; _local11 = _arg5.m_normals; _local12 = _arg3.R; _local13 = _local8[_arg4]; _local14 = ((_local12.col1.x * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local13.y)); _local15 = ((_local12.col1.y * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local13.y)); _local12 = _arg6.R; _local16 = ((_local12.col1.x * _local14) + (_local12.col1.y * _local15)); _local15 = ((_local12.col2.x * _local14) + (_local12.col2.y * _local15)); _local14 = _local16; _local17 = 0; _local18 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < _local9) { _local13 = _local11[_local19]; _local23 = ((_local14 * _local13.x) + (_local15 * _local13.y)); if (_local23 < _local18){ _local18 = _local23; _local17 = _local19; }; _local19++; }; _local21 = _local17; _local22 = (((_local21 + 1) < _local9)) ? (_local21 + 1) : 0; _local20 = _arg1[0]; _local13 = _local10[_local21]; _local12 = _arg6.R; _local20.v.x = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local12.col1.x * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local13.y))); _local20.v.y = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local12.col1.y * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local13.y))); = _arg4; = _local21; = 0; _local20 = _arg1[1]; _local13 = _local10[_local22]; _local12 = _arg6.R; _local20.v.x = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local12.col1.x * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local13.y))); _local20.v.y = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local12.col1.y * _local13.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local13.y))); = _arg4; = _local22; = 1; } public static function b2CollidePolygons(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2PolygonShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:ClipVertex; var _local7:int; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Number; var _local10:int; var _local11:Array; var _local12:Number; var _local13:b2PolygonShape; var _local14:b2PolygonShape; var _local15:b2XForm; var _local16:b2XForm; var _local17:int; var _local18:uint; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Array; var _local22:int; var _local23:Array; var _local24:b2Vec2; var _local25:b2Vec2; var _local26:b2Vec2; var _local27:b2Vec2; var _local28:b2Vec2; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Array; var _local33:Array; var _local34:int; var _local35:int; var _local36:int; var _local37:b2Vec2; var _local38:Number; var _local39:b2ManifoldPoint; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local7 = 0; _local8 = [_local7]; _local9 = FindMaxSeparation(_local8, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _arg5); _local7 = _local8[0]; if (_local9 > 0){ return; }; _local10 = 0; _local11 = [_local10]; _local12 = FindMaxSeparation(_local11, _arg4, _arg5, _arg2, _arg3); _local10 = _local11[0]; if (_local12 > 0){ return; }; _local15 = new b2XForm(); _local16 = new b2XForm(); _local19 = 0.98; _local20 = 0.001; if (_local12 > ((_local19 * _local9) + _local20)){ _local13 = _arg4; _local14 = _arg2; _local15.Set(_arg5); _local16.Set(_arg3); _local17 = _local10; _local18 = 1; } else { _local13 = _arg2; _local14 = _arg4; _local15.Set(_arg3); _local16.Set(_arg5); _local17 = _local7; _local18 = 0; }; _local21 = [new ClipVertex(), new ClipVertex()]; FindIncidentEdge(_local21, _local13, _local15, _local17, _local14, _local16); _local22 = _local13.m_vertexCount; _local23 = _local13.m_vertices; _local24 = _local23[_local17]; _local25 = _local24.Copy(); if ((_local17 + 1) < _local22){ _local24 = _local23[int((_local17 + 1))]; _local37 = _local24.Copy(); } else { _local24 = _local23[0]; _local37 = _local24.Copy(); }; _local26 = b2Math.SubtractVV(_local37, _local25); _local27 = b2Math.b2MulMV(_local15.R, b2Math.SubtractVV(_local37, _local25)); _local27.Normalize(); _local28 = b2Math.b2CrossVF(_local27, 1); _local25 = b2Math.b2MulX(_local15, _local25); _local37 = b2Math.b2MulX(_local15, _local37); _local29 = b2Math.b2Dot(_local28, _local25); _local30 = -(b2Math.b2Dot(_local27, _local25)); _local31 = b2Math.b2Dot(_local27, _local37); _local32 = [new ClipVertex(), new ClipVertex()]; _local33 = [new ClipVertex(), new ClipVertex()]; _local34 = ClipSegmentToLine(_local32, _local21, _local27.Negative(), _local30); if (_local34 < 2){ return; }; _local34 = ClipSegmentToLine(_local33, _local32, _local27, _local31); if (_local34 < 2){ return; }; _arg1.normal = (_local18) ? _local28.Negative() : _local28.Copy(); _local35 = 0; _local36 = 0; while (_local36 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { _local6 = _local33[_local36]; _local38 = (b2Math.b2Dot(_local28, _local6.v) - _local29); if (_local38 <= 0){ _local39 = _arg1.points[_local35]; _local39.separation = _local38; _local39.localPoint1 = b2Math.b2MulXT(_arg3, _local6.v); _local39.localPoint2 = b2Math.b2MulXT(_arg5, _local6.v); =; = _local18; _local35++; }; _local36++; }; _arg1.pointCount = _local35; } public static function FindMaxSeparation(_arg1:Array, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2PolygonShape, _arg5:b2XForm):Number{ var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Mat22; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:int; var _local15:Number; var _local16:int; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:Number; var _local20:int; var _local21:Number; var _local22:int; var _local23:Number; var _local24:int; var _local25:Number; _local6 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local7 = _arg2.m_normals; _local9 = _arg5.R; _local8 = _arg4.m_centroid; _local10 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local11 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local9 = _arg3.R; _local8 = _arg2.m_centroid; _local10 = (_local10 - (_arg3.position.x + ((_local9.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.x * _local8.y)))); _local11 = (_local11 - (_arg3.position.y + ((_local9.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local9.col2.y * _local8.y)))); _local12 = ((_local10 * _arg3.R.col1.x) + (_local11 * _arg3.R.col1.y)); _local13 = ((_local10 * _arg3.R.col2.x) + (_local11 * _arg3.R.col2.y)); _local14 = 0; _local15 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local16 = 0; while (_local16 < _local6) { _local8 = _local7[_local16]; _local25 = ((_local8.x * _local12) + (_local8.y * _local13)); if (_local25 > _local15){ _local15 = _local25; _local14 = _local16; }; _local16++; }; _local17 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local14, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local17 > 0){ return (_local17); }; _local18 = (((_local14 - 1) >= 0)) ? (_local14 - 1) : (_local6 - 1); _local19 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local18, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local19 > 0){ return (_local19); }; _local20 = (((_local14 + 1) < _local6)) ? (_local14 + 1) : 0; _local21 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local20, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local21 > 0){ return (_local21); }; if ((((_local19 > _local17)) && ((_local19 > _local21)))){ _local24 = -1; _local22 = _local18; _local23 = _local19; } else { if (_local21 > _local17){ _local24 = 1; _local22 = _local20; _local23 = _local21; } else { _arg1[0] = _local14; return (_local17); }; }; while (true) { if (_local24 == -1){ _local14 = (((_local22 - 1) >= 0)) ? (_local22 - 1) : (_local6 - 1); } else { _local14 = (((_local22 + 1) < _local6)) ? (_local22 + 1) : 0; }; _local17 = EdgeSeparation(_arg2, _arg3, _local14, _arg4, _arg5); if (_local17 > 0){ return (_local17); }; if (_local17 > _local23){ _local22 = _local14; _local23 = _local17; } else { break; }; }; _arg1[0] = _local22; return (_local23); } public static function ClipSegmentToLine(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):int{ var _local5:ClipVertex; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:ClipVertex; _local6 = 0; _local5 = _arg2[0]; _local7 = _local5.v; _local5 = _arg2[1]; _local8 = _local5.v; _local9 = (b2Math.b2Dot(_arg3, _local7) - _arg4); _local10 = (b2Math.b2Dot(_arg3, _local8) - _arg4); if (_local9 <= 0){ var _temp1 = _local6; _local6 = (_local6 + 1); var _local14 = _temp1; _arg1[_local14] = _arg2[0]; }; if (_local10 <= 0){ var _temp2 = _local6; _local6 = (_local6 + 1); _local14 = _temp2; _arg1[_local14] = _arg2[1]; }; if ((_local9 * _local10) < 0){ _local11 = (_local9 / (_local9 - _local10)); _local5 = _arg1[_local6]; _local12 = _local5.v; _local12.x = (_local7.x + (_local11 * (_local8.x - _local7.x))); _local12.y = (_local7.y + (_local11 * (_local8.y - _local7.y))); _local5 = _arg1[_local6]; if (_local9 > 0){ _local13 = _arg2[0]; =; } else { _local13 = _arg2[1]; =; }; _local6++; }; return (_local6); } public static function b2CollideCircles(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2CircleShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2CircleShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local6 = _arg3.R; _local7 = _arg2.m_localPosition; _local8 = (_arg3.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local9 = (_arg3.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local6 = _arg5.R; _local7 = _arg4.m_localPosition; _local10 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local6.col1.x * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.x * _local7.y))); _local11 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local6.col1.y * _local7.x) + (_local6.col2.y * _local7.y))); _local12 = (_local10 - _local8); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = ((_local12 * _local12) + (_local13 * _local13)); _local15 = _arg2.m_radius; _local16 = _arg4.m_radius; _local17 = (_local15 + _local16); if (_local14 > (_local17 * _local17)){ return; }; if (_local14 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ _local18 = -(_local17); _arg1.normal.Set(0, 1); } else { _local24 = Math.sqrt(_local14); _local18 = (_local24 - _local17); _local25 = (1 / _local24); _arg1.normal.x = (_local25 * _local12); _arg1.normal.y = (_local25 * _local13); }; _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local19 = _arg1.points[0]; = 0; _local19.separation = _local18; _local8 = (_local8 + (_local15 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local9 = (_local9 + (_local15 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local10 = (_local10 - (_local16 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local11 = (_local11 - (_local16 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local20 = (0.5 * (_local8 + _local10)); _local21 = (0.5 * (_local9 + _local11)); _local22 = (_local20 - _arg3.position.x); _local23 = (_local21 - _arg3.position.y); _local19.localPoint1.x = ((_local22 * _arg3.R.col1.x) + (_local23 * _arg3.R.col1.y)); _local19.localPoint1.y = ((_local22 * _arg3.R.col2.x) + (_local23 * _arg3.R.col2.y)); _local22 = (_local20 - _arg5.position.x); _local23 = (_local21 - _arg5.position.y); _local19.localPoint2.x = ((_local22 * _arg5.R.col1.x) + (_local23 * _arg5.R.col1.y)); _local19.localPoint2.y = ((_local22 * _arg5.R.col2.x) + (_local23 * _arg5.R.col2.y)); } public static function b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(_arg1:b2Manifold, _arg2:b2PolygonShape, _arg3:b2XForm, _arg4:b2CircleShape, _arg5:b2XForm):void{ var _local6:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:b2Mat22; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:int; var _local22:Array; var _local23:Array; var _local24:int; var _local25:int; var _local26:int; var _local27:b2Vec2; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; _arg1.pointCount = 0; _local12 = _arg5.R; _local11 = _arg4.m_localPosition; _local13 = (_arg5.position.x + ((_local12.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local11.y))); _local14 = (_arg5.position.y + ((_local12.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local11.y))); _local7 = (_local13 - _arg3.position.x); _local8 = (_local14 - _arg3.position.y); _local12 = _arg3.R; _local15 = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local16 = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local18 = 0; _local19 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local20 = _arg4.m_radius; _local21 = _arg2.m_vertexCount; _local22 = _arg2.m_vertices; _local23 = _arg2.m_normals; _local24 = 0; while (_local24 < _local21) { _local11 = _local22[_local24]; _local7 = (_local15 - _local11.x); _local8 = (_local16 - _local11.y); _local11 = _local23[_local24]; _local34 = ((_local11.x * _local7) + (_local11.y * _local8)); if (_local34 > _local20){ return; }; if (_local34 > _local19){ _local19 = _local34; _local18 = _local24; }; _local24++; }; if (_local19 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local11 = _local23[_local18]; _local12 = _arg3.R; _arg1.normal.x = ((_local12.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.x * _local11.y)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local12.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local12.col2.y * _local11.y)); _local6 = _arg1.points[0]; = _local18; = b2_nullFeature; = 0; = 0; _local9 = (_local13 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local10 = (_local14 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg3.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg3.position.y); _local12 = _arg3.R; _local6.localPoint1.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint1.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg5.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg5.position.y); _local12 = _arg5.R; _local6.localPoint2.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint2.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local6.separation = (_local19 - _local20); return; }; _local25 = _local18; _local26 = (((_local25 + 1) < _local21)) ? (_local25 + 1) : 0; _local11 = _local22[_local25]; _local27 = _local22[_local26]; _local28 = (_local27.x - _local11.x); _local29 = (_local27.y - _local11.y); _local30 = Math.sqrt(((_local28 * _local28) + (_local29 * _local29))); _local28 = (_local28 / _local30); _local29 = (_local29 / _local30); _local7 = (_local15 - _local11.x); _local8 = (_local16 - _local11.y); _local31 = ((_local7 * _local28) + (_local8 * _local29)); _local6 = _arg1.points[0]; if (_local31 <= 0){ _local32 = _local11.x; _local33 = _local11.y; = b2_nullFeature; = _local25; } else { if (_local31 >= _local30){ _local32 = _local27.x; _local33 = _local27.y; = b2_nullFeature; = _local26; } else { _local32 = ((_local28 * _local31) + _local11.x); _local33 = ((_local29 * _local31) + _local11.y); = _local18; = 0; }; }; _local7 = (_local15 - _local32); _local8 = (_local16 - _local33); _local17 = Math.sqrt(((_local7 * _local7) + (_local8 * _local8))); _local7 = (_local7 / _local17); _local8 = (_local8 / _local17); if (_local17 > _local20){ return; }; _arg1.pointCount = 1; _local12 = _arg3.R; _arg1.normal.x = ((_local12.col1.x * _local7) + (_local12.col2.x * _local8)); _arg1.normal.y = ((_local12.col1.y * _local7) + (_local12.col2.y * _local8)); _local9 = (_local13 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.x)); _local10 = (_local14 - (_local20 * _arg1.normal.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg3.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg3.position.y); _local12 = _arg3.R; _local6.localPoint1.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint1.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local7 = (_local9 - _arg5.position.x); _local8 = (_local10 - _arg5.position.y); _local12 = _arg5.R; _local6.localPoint2.x = ((_local7 * _local12.col1.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col1.y)); _local6.localPoint2.y = ((_local7 * _local12.col2.x) + (_local8 * _local12.col2.y)); _local6.separation = (_local17 - _local20); = 0; = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 15
//b2ContactID (Box2D.Collision.b2ContactID) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2ContactID { public var _key:uint; public var features:Features; public function b2ContactID(){ features = new Features(); super(); features._m_id = this; } public function Set(_arg1:b2ContactID):void{ key = _arg1._key; } public function Copy():b2ContactID{ var _local1:b2ContactID; _local1 = new b2ContactID(); _local1.key = key; return (_local1); } public function get key():uint{ return (_key); } public function set key(_arg1:uint):void{ _key = _arg1; features._referenceEdge = (_key & 0xFF); features._incidentEdge = (((_key & 0xFF00) >> 8) & 0xFF); features._incidentVertex = (((_key & 0xFF0000) >> 16) & 0xFF); features._flip = (((_key & 4278190080) >> 24) & 0xFF); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 16
//b2ContactPoint (Box2D.Collision.b2ContactPoint) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2ContactPoint { public var separation:Number; public var normal:b2Vec2; public var position:b2Vec2; public var restitution:Number; public var shape1:b2Shape; public var shape2:b2Shape; public var id:b2ContactID; public var friction:Number; public var velocity:b2Vec2; public function b2ContactPoint(){ position = new b2Vec2(); velocity = new b2Vec2(); normal = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 17
//b2Distance (Box2D.Collision.b2Distance) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Distance { private static var s_p2s:Array = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; private static var s_p1s:Array = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; private static var s_points:Array = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; private static var gPoint:b2Point = new b2Point(); public static var g_GJK_Iterations:int = 0; public static function InPoints(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):Boolean{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local4 = (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg3) { _local6 = _arg2[_local5]; _local7 = Math.abs((_arg1.x - _local6.x)); _local8 = Math.abs((_arg1.y - _local6.y)); _local9 = Math.max(Math.abs(_arg1.x), Math.abs(_local6.x)); _local10 = Math.max(Math.abs(_arg1.y), Math.abs(_local6.y)); if ((((_local7 < (_local4 * (_local9 + 1)))) && ((_local8 < (_local4 * (_local10 + 1)))))){ return (true); }; _local5++; }; return (false); } public static function DistanceGeneric(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Array; var _local9:Array; var _local10:Array; var _local11:int; var _local12:Number; var _local13:int; var _local14:int; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:int; _local8 = s_p1s; _local9 = s_p2s; _local10 = s_points; _local11 = 0; _arg1.SetV(_arg3.GetFirstVertex(_arg4)); _arg2.SetV(_arg5.GetFirstVertex(_arg6)); _local12 = 0; _local13 = 20; _local14 = 0; while (_local14 < _local13) { _local15 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.x); _local16 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.y); _local17 = _arg3.Support(_arg4, _local15, _local16); _local18 = _arg5.Support(_arg6, -(_local15), -(_local16)); _local12 = ((_local15 * _local15) + (_local16 * _local16)); _local19 = (_local18.x - _local17.x); _local20 = (_local18.y - _local17.y); _local21 = ((_local15 * _local19) + (_local16 * _local20)); if ((_local12 - ((_local15 * _local19) + (_local16 * _local20))) <= (0.01 * _local12)){ if (_local11 == 0){ _arg1.SetV(_local17); _arg2.SetV(_local18); }; g_GJK_Iterations = _local14; return (Math.sqrt(_local12)); }; switch (_local11){ case 0: _local7 = _local8[0]; _local7.SetV(_local17); _local7 = _local9[0]; _local7.SetV(_local18); _local7 = _local10[0]; _local7.x = _local19; _local7.y = _local20; _arg1.SetV(_local8[0]); _arg2.SetV(_local9[0]); _local11++; break; case 1: _local7 = _local8[1]; _local7.SetV(_local17); _local7 = _local9[1]; _local7.SetV(_local18); _local7 = _local10[1]; _local7.x = _local19; _local7.y = _local20; _local11 = ProcessTwo(_arg1, _arg2, _local8, _local9, _local10); break; case 2: _local7 = _local8[2]; _local7.SetV(_local17); _local7 = _local9[2]; _local7.SetV(_local18); _local7 = _local10[2]; _local7.x = _local19; _local7.y = _local20; _local11 = ProcessThree(_arg1, _arg2, _local8, _local9, _local10); break; }; if (_local11 == 3){ g_GJK_Iterations = _local14; return (0); }; _local22 = -(Number.MAX_VALUE); _local23 = 0; while (_local23 < _local11) { _local7 = _local10[_local23]; _local22 = b2Math.b2Max(_local22, ((_local7.x * _local7.x) + (_local7.y * _local7.y))); _local23++; }; if ((((_local11 == 3)) || ((_local12 <= ((100 * Number.MIN_VALUE) * _local22))))){ g_GJK_Iterations = _local14; _local15 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.x); _local16 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.y); _local12 = ((_local15 * _local15) + (_local16 * _local16)); return (Math.sqrt(_local12)); }; _local14++; }; g_GJK_Iterations = _local13; return (Math.sqrt(_local12)); } public static function DistanceCC(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2CircleShape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2CircleShape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Mat22; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local7 = _arg4.R; _local8 = _arg3.m_localPosition; _local9 = (_arg4.position.x + ((_local7.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local10 = (_arg4.position.y + ((_local7.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local7 = _arg6.R; _local8 = _arg5.m_localPosition; _local11 = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local7.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local12 = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local7.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = (_local12 - _local10); _local15 = ((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14)); _local16 = (_arg3.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local17 = (_arg5.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local18 = (_local16 + _local17); if (_local15 > (_local18 * _local18)){ _local19 = Math.sqrt(((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14))); _local13 = (_local13 / _local19); _local14 = (_local14 / _local19); _local20 = (_local19 - _local18); _arg1.x = (_local9 + (_local16 * _local13)); _arg1.y = (_local10 + (_local16 * _local14)); _arg2.x = (_local11 - (_local17 * _local13)); _arg2.y = (_local12 - (_local17 * _local14)); return (_local20); }; if (_local15 > (Number.MIN_VALUE * Number.MIN_VALUE)){ _local19 = Math.sqrt(((_local13 * _local13) + (_local14 * _local14))); _local13 = (_local13 / _local19); _local14 = (_local14 / _local19); _arg1.x = (_local9 + (_local16 * _local13)); _arg1.y = (_local10 + (_local16 * _local14)); _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); }; _arg1.x = _local9; _arg1.y = _local10; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; return (0); } public static function ProcessThree(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array):int{ var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:b2Vec2; var _local14:b2Vec2; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; var _local39:Number; var _local40:Number; var _local41:Number; _local6 = _arg5[0]; _local7 = _arg5[1]; _local8 = _arg5[2]; _local9 = _arg3[0]; _local10 = _arg3[1]; _local11 = _arg3[2]; _local12 = _arg4[0]; _local13 = _arg4[1]; _local14 = _arg4[2]; _local15 = _local6.x; _local16 = _local6.y; _local17 = _local7.x; _local18 = _local7.y; _local19 = _local8.x; _local20 = _local8.y; _local21 = (_local17 - _local15); _local22 = (_local18 - _local16); _local23 = (_local19 - _local15); _local24 = (_local20 - _local16); _local25 = (_local19 - _local17); _local26 = (_local20 - _local18); _local27 = -(((_local15 * _local21) + (_local16 * _local22))); _local28 = ((_local17 * _local21) + (_local18 * _local22)); _local29 = -(((_local15 * _local23) + (_local16 * _local24))); _local30 = ((_local19 * _local23) + (_local20 * _local24)); _local31 = -(((_local17 * _local25) + (_local18 * _local26))); _local32 = ((_local19 * _local25) + (_local20 * _local26)); if ((((_local30 <= 0)) && ((_local32 <= 0)))){ _arg1.SetV(_local11); _arg2.SetV(_local14); _local9.SetV(_local11); _local12.SetV(_local14); _local6.SetV(_local8); return (1); }; _local33 = ((_local21 * _local24) - (_local22 * _local23)); _local34 = (_local33 * ((_local15 * _local18) - (_local16 * _local17))); _local36 = (_local33 * ((_local17 * _local20) - (_local18 * _local19))); if ((((((((_local36 <= 0)) && ((_local31 >= 0)))) && ((_local32 >= 0)))) && (((_local31 + _local32) > 0)))){ _local35 = (_local31 / (_local31 + _local32)); _arg1.x = (_local10.x + (_local35 * (_local11.x - _local10.x))); _arg1.y = (_local10.y + (_local35 * (_local11.y - _local10.y))); _arg2.x = (_local13.x + (_local35 * (_local14.x - _local13.x))); _arg2.y = (_local13.y + (_local35 * (_local14.y - _local13.y))); _local9.SetV(_local11); _local12.SetV(_local14); _local6.SetV(_local8); return (2); }; _local37 = (_local33 * ((_local19 * _local16) - (_local20 * _local15))); if ((((((((_local37 <= 0)) && ((_local29 >= 0)))) && ((_local30 >= 0)))) && (((_local29 + _local30) > 0)))){ _local35 = (_local29 / (_local29 + _local30)); _arg1.x = (_local9.x + (_local35 * (_local11.x - _local9.x))); _arg1.y = (_local9.y + (_local35 * (_local11.y - _local9.y))); _arg2.x = (_local12.x + (_local35 * (_local14.x - _local12.x))); _arg2.y = (_local12.y + (_local35 * (_local14.y - _local12.y))); _local10.SetV(_local11); _local13.SetV(_local14); _local7.SetV(_local8); return (2); }; _local38 = ((_local36 + _local37) + _local34); _local38 = (1 / _local38); _local39 = (_local36 * _local38); _local40 = (_local37 * _local38); _local41 = ((1 - _local39) - _local40); _arg1.x = (((_local39 * _local9.x) + (_local40 * _local10.x)) + (_local41 * _local11.x)); _arg1.y = (((_local39 * _local9.y) + (_local40 * _local10.y)) + (_local41 * _local11.y)); _arg2.x = (((_local39 * _local12.x) + (_local40 * _local13.x)) + (_local41 * _local14.x)); _arg2.y = (((_local39 * _local12.y) + (_local40 * _local13.y)) + (_local41 * _local14.y)); return (3); } public static function DistancePC(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2PolygonShape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2CircleShape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:b2Mat22; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Point; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local9 = gPoint; _local8 = _arg5.m_localPosition; _local7 = _arg6.R; _local9.p.x = (_arg6.position.x + ((_local7.col1.x * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.x * _local8.y))); _local9.p.y = (_arg6.position.y + ((_local7.col1.y * _local8.x) + (_local7.col2.y * _local8.y))); _local10 = DistanceGeneric(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4, _local9, b2Math.b2XForm_identity); _local11 = (_arg5.m_radius - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); if (_local10 > _local11){ _local10 = (_local10 - _local11); _local12 = (_arg2.x - _arg1.x); _local13 = (_arg2.y - _arg1.y); _local14 = Math.sqrt(((_local12 * _local12) + (_local13 * _local13))); _local12 = (_local12 / _local14); _local13 = (_local13 / _local14); _arg2.x = (_arg2.x - (_local11 * _local12)); _arg2.y = (_arg2.y - (_local11 * _local13)); } else { _local10 = 0; _arg2.x = _arg1.x; _arg2.y = _arg1.y; }; return (_local10); } public static function Distance(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Shape, _arg4:b2XForm, _arg5:b2Shape, _arg6:b2XForm):Number{ var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local7 = _arg3.m_type; _local8 = _arg5.m_type; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)))){ return (DistanceCC(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg3 as b2CircleShape), _arg4, (_arg5 as b2CircleShape), _arg6)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)))){ return (DistancePC(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg3 as b2PolygonShape), _arg4, (_arg5 as b2CircleShape), _arg6)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_circleShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)))){ return (DistancePC(_arg2, _arg1, (_arg5 as b2PolygonShape), _arg6, (_arg3 as b2CircleShape), _arg4)); }; if ((((_local7 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)) && ((_local8 == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)))){ return (DistanceGeneric(_arg1, _arg2, (_arg3 as b2PolygonShape), _arg4, (_arg5 as b2PolygonShape), _arg6)); }; return (0); } public static function ProcessTwo(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Array, _arg4:Array, _arg5:Array):int{ var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Vec2; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local6 = _arg5[0]; _local7 = _arg5[1]; _local8 = _arg3[0]; _local9 = _arg3[1]; _local10 = _arg4[0]; _local11 = _arg4[1]; _local12 = -(_local7.x); _local13 = -(_local7.y); _local14 = (_local6.x - _local7.x); _local15 = (_local6.y - _local7.y); _local16 = Math.sqrt(((_local14 * _local14) + (_local15 * _local15))); _local14 = (_local14 / _local16); _local15 = (_local15 / _local16); _local17 = ((_local12 * _local14) + (_local13 * _local15)); if ((((_local17 <= 0)) || ((_local16 < Number.MIN_VALUE)))){ _arg1.SetV(_local9); _arg2.SetV(_local11); _local8.SetV(_local9); _local10.SetV(_local11); _local6.SetV(_local7); return (1); }; _local17 = (_local17 / _local16); _arg1.x = (_local9.x + (_local17 * (_local8.x - _local9.x))); _arg1.y = (_local9.y + (_local17 * (_local8.y - _local9.y))); _arg2.x = (_local11.x + (_local17 * (_local10.x - _local11.x))); _arg2.y = (_local11.y + (_local17 * (_local10.y - _local11.y))); return (2); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 18
//b2Manifold (Box2D.Collision.b2Manifold) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Manifold { public var points:Array; public var pointCount:int;// = 0 public var normal:b2Vec2; public function b2Manifold(){ var _local1:int; pointCount = 0; super(); points = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { points[_local1] = new b2ManifoldPoint(); _local1++; }; normal = new b2Vec2(); } public function Set(_arg1:b2Manifold):void{ var _local2:int; pointCount = _arg1.pointCount; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { (points[_local2] as b2ManifoldPoint).Set(_arg1.points[_local2]); _local2++; }; normal.SetV(_arg1.normal); } public function Reset():void{ var _local1:int; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { (points[_local1] as b2ManifoldPoint).Reset(); _local1++; }; normal.SetZero(); pointCount = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 19
//b2ManifoldPoint (Box2D.Collision.b2ManifoldPoint) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2ManifoldPoint { public var separation:Number; public var localPoint2:b2Vec2; public var normalImpulse:Number; public var tangentImpulse:Number; public var localPoint1:b2Vec2; public var id:b2ContactID; public function b2ManifoldPoint(){ localPoint1 = new b2Vec2(); localPoint2 = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } public function Set(_arg1:b2ManifoldPoint):void{ localPoint1.SetV(_arg1.localPoint1); localPoint2.SetV(_arg1.localPoint2); separation = _arg1.separation; normalImpulse = _arg1.normalImpulse; tangentImpulse = _arg1.tangentImpulse; id.key =; } public function Reset():void{ localPoint1.SetZero(); localPoint2.SetZero(); separation = 0; normalImpulse = 0; tangentImpulse = 0; id.key = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 20
//b2OBB (Box2D.Collision.b2OBB) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2OBB { public var R:b2Mat22; public var center:b2Vec2; public var extents:b2Vec2; public function b2OBB(){ R = new b2Mat22(); center = new b2Vec2(); extents = new b2Vec2(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 21
//b2Pair (Box2D.Collision.b2Pair) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Pair { public var userData;// = null public var proxyId1:uint; public var proxyId2:uint; public var status:uint; public var next:uint; public static var e_pairFinal:uint = 4; public static var b2_tableMask:int = (b2_tableCapacity - 1); public static var e_pairRemoved:uint = 2; public static var b2_nullPair:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static var e_pairBuffered:uint = 1; public static var b2_nullProxy:uint = b2Settings.USHRT_MAX; public static var b2_tableCapacity:int = b2Settings.b2_maxPairs; public function b2Pair(){ userData = null; super(); } public function SetBuffered():void{ status = (status | e_pairBuffered); } public function IsBuffered():Boolean{ return (((status & e_pairBuffered) == e_pairBuffered)); } public function IsFinal():Boolean{ return (((status & e_pairFinal) == e_pairFinal)); } public function ClearRemoved():void{ status = (status & ~(e_pairRemoved)); } public function SetFinal():void{ status = (status | e_pairFinal); } public function IsRemoved():Boolean{ return (((status & e_pairRemoved) == e_pairRemoved)); } public function ClearBuffered():void{ status = (status & ~(e_pairBuffered)); } public function SetRemoved():void{ status = (status | e_pairRemoved); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 22
//b2PairCallback (Box2D.Collision.b2PairCallback) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2PairCallback { public function PairRemoved(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ } public function PairAdded(_arg1, _arg2){ return (null); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 23
//b2PairManager (Box2D.Collision.b2PairManager) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PairManager { public var m_pairCount:int; public var m_pairBuffer:Array; public var m_callback:b2PairCallback; public var m_pairs:Array; public var m_pairBufferCount:int; public var m_hashTable:Array; public var m_broadPhase:b2BroadPhase; public var m_freePair:uint; public function b2PairManager(){ var _local1:uint; super(); m_hashTable = new Array(b2Pair.b2_tableCapacity); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Pair.b2_tableCapacity) { m_hashTable[_local1] = b2Pair.b2_nullPair; _local1++; }; m_pairs = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPairs); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxPairs) { m_pairs[_local1] = new b2Pair(); _local1++; }; m_pairBuffer = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPairs); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxPairs) { m_pairBuffer[_local1] = new b2BufferedPair(); _local1++; }; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxPairs) { m_pairs[_local1].proxyId1 = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; m_pairs[_local1].proxyId2 = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; m_pairs[_local1].userData = null; m_pairs[_local1].status = 0; m_pairs[_local1].next = (_local1 + 1); _local1++; }; m_pairs[int((b2Settings.b2_maxPairs - 1))].next = b2Pair.b2_nullPair; m_pairCount = 0; m_pairBufferCount = 0; } private function FindHash(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint):b2Pair{ var _local4:b2Pair; var _local5:uint; _local5 = m_hashTable[_arg3]; _local4 = m_pairs[_local5]; while (((!((_local5 == b2Pair.b2_nullPair))) && ((Equals(_local4, _arg1, _arg2) == false)))) { _local5 =; _local4 = m_pairs[_local5]; }; if (_local5 == b2Pair.b2_nullPair){ return (null); }; return (_local4); } private function Find(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint):b2Pair{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; if (_arg1 > _arg2){ _local4 = _arg1; _arg1 = _arg2; _arg2 = _local4; }; _local3 = (Hash(_arg1, _arg2) & b2Pair.b2_tableMask); return (FindHash(_arg1, _arg2, _local3)); } private function ValidateBuffer():void{ } public function Commit():void{ var _local1:b2BufferedPair; var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:b2Pair; var _local6:b2Proxy; var _local7:b2Proxy; _local3 = 0; _local4 = m_broadPhase.m_proxyPool; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_pairBufferCount) { _local1 = m_pairBuffer[_local2]; _local5 = Find(_local1.proxyId1, _local1.proxyId2); _local5.ClearBuffered(); _local6 = _local4[_local5.proxyId1]; _local7 = _local4[_local5.proxyId2]; if (_local5.IsRemoved()){ if (_local5.IsFinal() == true){ m_callback.PairRemoved(_local6.userData, _local7.userData, _local5.userData); }; _local1 = m_pairBuffer[_local3]; _local1.proxyId1 = _local5.proxyId1; _local1.proxyId2 = _local5.proxyId2; _local3++; } else { if (_local5.IsFinal() == false){ _local5.userData = m_callback.PairAdded(_local6.userData, _local7.userData); _local5.SetFinal(); }; }; _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _local3) { _local1 = m_pairBuffer[_local2]; RemovePair(_local1.proxyId1, _local1.proxyId2); _local2++; }; m_pairBufferCount = 0; if (b2BroadPhase.s_validate){ ValidateTable(); }; } public function RemoveBufferedPair(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:b2BufferedPair; var _local4:b2Pair; _local4 = Find(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local4 == null){ return; }; if (_local4.IsBuffered() == false){ _local4.SetBuffered(); _local3 = m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount]; _local3.proxyId1 = _local4.proxyId1; _local3.proxyId2 = _local4.proxyId2; m_pairBufferCount++; }; _local4.SetRemoved(); if (b2BroadPhase.s_validate){ ValidateBuffer(); }; } private function RemovePair(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint){ var _local3:b2Pair; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:b2Pair; var _local7:uint; var _local8:uint; var _local9:*; if (_arg1 > _arg2){ _local7 = _arg1; _arg1 = _arg2; _arg2 = _local7; }; _local4 = (Hash(_arg1, _arg2) & b2Pair.b2_tableMask); _local5 = m_hashTable[_local4]; _local6 = null; while (_local5 != b2Pair.b2_nullPair) { if (Equals(m_pairs[_local5], _arg1, _arg2)){ _local8 = _local5; _local3 = m_pairs[_local5]; if (_local6){ =; } else { m_hashTable[_local4] =; }; _local3 = m_pairs[_local8]; _local9 = _local3.userData; = m_freePair; _local3.proxyId1 = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; _local3.proxyId2 = b2Pair.b2_nullProxy; _local3.userData = null; _local3.status = 0; m_freePair = _local8; m_pairCount--; return (_local9); } else { _local6 = m_pairs[_local5]; _local5 =; }; }; return (null); } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2BroadPhase, _arg2:b2PairCallback):void{ m_broadPhase = _arg1; m_callback = _arg2; } public function AddBufferedPair(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:b2BufferedPair; var _local4:b2Pair; _local4 = AddPair(_arg1, _arg2); if (_local4.IsBuffered() == false){ _local4.SetBuffered(); _local3 = m_pairBuffer[m_pairBufferCount]; _local3.proxyId1 = _local4.proxyId1; _local3.proxyId2 = _local4.proxyId2; m_pairBufferCount++; }; _local4.ClearRemoved(); if (b2BroadPhase.s_validate){ ValidateBuffer(); }; } private function AddPair(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint):b2Pair{ var _local3:uint; var _local4:b2Pair; var _local5:uint; var _local6:uint; if (_arg1 > _arg2){ _local6 = _arg1; _arg1 = _arg2; _arg2 = _local6; }; _local3 = (Hash(_arg1, _arg2) & b2Pair.b2_tableMask); _local4 = FindHash(_arg1, _arg2, _local3); if (_local4 != null){ return (_local4); }; _local5 = m_freePair; _local4 = m_pairs[_local5]; m_freePair =; _local4.proxyId1 = _arg1; _local4.proxyId2 = _arg2; _local4.status = 0; _local4.userData = null; = m_hashTable[_local3]; m_hashTable[_local3] = _local5; m_pairCount++; return (_local4); } private function ValidateTable():void{ } public static function EqualsPair(_arg1:b2BufferedPair, _arg2:b2BufferedPair):Boolean{ return ((((_arg1.proxyId1 == _arg2.proxyId1)) && ((_arg1.proxyId2 == _arg2.proxyId2)))); } public static function Hash(_arg1:uint, _arg2:uint):uint{ var _local3:uint; _local3 = (((_arg2 << 16) & 4294901760) | _arg1); _local3 = (~(_local3) + ((_local3 << 15) & 4294934528)); _local3 = (_local3 ^ ((_local3 >> 12) & 1048575)); _local3 = (_local3 + ((_local3 << 2) & 4294967292)); _local3 = (_local3 ^ ((_local3 >> 4) & 268435455)); _local3 = (_local3 * 2057); _local3 = (_local3 ^ ((_local3 >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); return (_local3); } public static function Equals(_arg1:b2Pair, _arg2:uint, _arg3:uint):Boolean{ return ((((_arg1.proxyId1 == _arg2)) && ((_arg1.proxyId2 == _arg3)))); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 24
//b2Point (Box2D.Collision.b2Point) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Point { public var p:b2Vec2; public function b2Point(){ p = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function GetFirstVertex(_arg1:b2XForm):b2Vec2{ return (p); } public function Support(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ return (p); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 25
//b2Proxy (Box2D.Collision.b2Proxy) package Box2D.Collision { public class b2Proxy { public var overlapCount:uint; public var lowerBounds:Array; public var upperBounds:Array; public var userData;// = null public var timeStamp:uint; public function b2Proxy(){ lowerBounds = [uint(0), uint(0)]; upperBounds = [uint(0), uint(0)]; userData = null; super(); } public function GetNext():uint{ return (lowerBounds[0]); } public function IsValid():Boolean{ return (!((overlapCount == b2BroadPhase.b2_invalid))); } public function SetNext(_arg1:uint):void{ lowerBounds[0] = (_arg1 & 0xFFFF); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 26
//b2Segment (Box2D.Collision.b2Segment) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Segment { public var p1:b2Vec2; public var p2:b2Vec2; public function b2Segment(){ p1 = new b2Vec2(); p2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function TestSegment(_arg1:Array, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Segment, _arg4:Number):Boolean{ var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; _local5 = _arg3.p1; _local6 = (_arg3.p2.x - _local5.x); _local7 = (_arg3.p2.y - _local5.y); _local8 = (p2.x - p1.x); _local9 = (p2.y - p1.y); _local10 = _local9; _local11 = -(_local8); _local12 = (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE); _local13 = -(((_local6 * _local10) + (_local7 * _local11))); if (_local13 > _local12){ _local14 = (_local5.x - p1.x); _local15 = (_local5.y - p1.y); _local16 = ((_local14 * _local10) + (_local15 * _local11)); if ((((0 <= _local16)) && ((_local16 <= (_arg4 * _local13))))){ _local17 = ((-(_local7) * _local15) + (_local7 * _local14)); if (((((-(_local12) * _local13) <= _local17)) && ((_local17 <= (_local13 * (1 + _local12)))))){ _local16 = (_local16 / _local13); _local18 = Math.sqrt(((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11))); _local10 = (_local10 / _local18); _local11 = (_local11 / _local18); _arg1[0] = _local16; _arg2.Set(_local10, _local11); return (true); }; }; }; return (false); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 27
//b2TimeOfImpact (Box2D.Collision.b2TimeOfImpact) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2TimeOfImpact { public static var s_xf1:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); public static var s_xf2:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); public static var s_p1:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public static var s_p2:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public static function TimeOfImpact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Sweep, _arg3:b2Shape, _arg4:b2Sweep):Number{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:int; var _local20:int; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:b2XForm; var _local27:b2XForm; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; _local7 = _arg1.m_sweepRadius; _local8 = _arg3.m_sweepRadius; _local9 = _arg2.t0; _local10 = (_arg2.c.x - _arg2.c0.x); _local11 = (_arg2.c.y - _arg2.c0.y); _local12 = (_arg4.c.x - _arg4.c0.x); _local13 = (_arg4.c.y - _arg4.c0.y); _local14 = (_arg2.a - _arg2.a0); _local15 = (_arg4.a - _arg4.a0); _local16 = 0; _local17 = s_p1; _local18 = s_p2; _local19 = 20; _local20 = 0; _local21 = 0; _local22 = 0; _local23 = 0; _local24 = 0; while (true) { _local25 = (((1 - _local16) * _local9) + _local16); _local26 = s_xf1; _local27 = s_xf2; _arg2.GetXForm(_local26, _local25); _arg4.GetXForm(_local27, _local25); _local23 = b2Distance.Distance(_local17, _local18, _arg1, _local26, _arg3, _local27); if (_local20 == 0){ if (_local23 > (2 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop)){ _local24 = (1.5 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); } else { _local5 = (0.05 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop); _local6 = (_local23 - (0.5 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop)); _local24 = ((_local5 > _local6)) ? _local5 : _local6; }; }; if (((((_local23 - _local24) < (0.05 * b2Settings.b2_toiSlop))) || ((_local20 == _local19)))){ break; }; _local21 = (_local18.x - _local17.x); _local22 = (_local18.y - _local17.y); _local28 = Math.sqrt(((_local21 * _local21) + (_local22 * _local22))); _local21 = (_local21 / _local28); _local22 = (_local22 / _local28); _local29 = ((((_local21 * (_local10 - _local12)) + (_local22 * (_local11 - _local13))) + (((_local14 < 0)) ? -(_local14) : _local14 * _local7)) + (((_local15 < 0)) ? -(_local15) : _local15 * _local8)); if (_local29 == 0){ _local16 = 1; break; }; _local30 = ((_local23 - _local24) / _local29); _local31 = (_local16 + _local30); if ((((_local31 < 0)) || ((1 < _local31)))){ _local16 = 1; break; }; if (_local31 < ((1 + (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE)) * _local16)){ break; }; _local16 = _local31; _local20++; }; return (_local16); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 28
//ClipVertex (Box2D.Collision.ClipVertex) package Box2D.Collision { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class ClipVertex { public var v:b2Vec2; public var id:b2ContactID; public function ClipVertex(){ v = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 29
//Features (Box2D.Collision.Features) package Box2D.Collision { public class Features { public var _referenceEdge:int; public var _incidentEdge:int; public var _flip:int; public var _incidentVertex:int; public var _m_id:b2ContactID; public function get referenceEdge():int{ return (_referenceEdge); } public function set incidentVertex(_arg1:int):void{ _incidentVertex = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 4278255615) | ((_incidentVertex << 16) & 0xFF0000)); } public function get flip():int{ return (_flip); } public function get incidentEdge():int{ return (_incidentEdge); } public function set referenceEdge(_arg1:int):void{ _referenceEdge = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 4294967040) | (_referenceEdge & 0xFF)); } public function set flip(_arg1:int):void{ _flip = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 0xFFFFFF) | ((_flip << 24) & 4278190080)); } public function get incidentVertex():int{ return (_incidentVertex); } public function set incidentEdge(_arg1:int):void{ _incidentEdge = _arg1; _m_id._key = ((_m_id._key & 4294902015) | ((_incidentEdge << 8) & 0xFF00)); } } }//package Box2D.Collision
Section 30
//b2Mat22 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Mat22) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Mat22 { public var col1:b2Vec2; public var col2:b2Vec2; public function b2Mat22(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:b2Vec2=null, _arg3:b2Vec2=null){ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; col1 = new b2Vec2(); col2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); if (((!((_arg2 == null))) && (!((_arg3 == null))))){ col1.SetV(_arg2); col2.SetV(_arg3); } else { _local4 = Math.cos(_arg1); _local5 = Math.sin(_arg1); col1.x = _local4; col2.x = -(_local5); col1.y = _local5; col2.y = _local4; }; } public function SetIdentity():void{ col1.x = 1; col2.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 1; } public function Set(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = Math.cos(_arg1); _local3 = Math.sin(_arg1); col1.x = _local2; col2.x = -(_local3); col1.y = _local3; col2.y = _local2; } public function SetVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1); col2.SetV(_arg2); } public function SetZero():void{ col1.x = 0; col2.x = 0; col1.y = 0; col2.y = 0; } public function SetM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ col1.SetV(_arg1.col1); col2.SetV(_arg1.col2); } public function AddM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ col1.x = (col1.x + _arg1.col1.x); col1.y = (col1.y + _arg1.col1.y); col2.x = (col2.x + _arg1.col2.x); col2.y = (col2.y + _arg1.col2.y); } public function Abs():void{ col1.Abs(); col2.Abs(); } public function Copy():b2Mat22{ return (new b2Mat22(0, col1, col2)); } public function Invert(_arg1:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local2 = col1.x; _local3 = col2.x; _local4 = col1.y; _local5 = col2.y; _local6 = ((_local2 * _local5) - (_local3 * _local4)); _local6 = (1 / _local6); _arg1.col1.x = (_local6 * _local5); _arg1.col2.x = (-(_local6) * _local3); _arg1.col1.y = (-(_local6) * _local4); _arg1.col2.y = (_local6 * _local2); return (_arg1); } public function GetAngle():Number{ return (Math.atan2(col1.y, col1.x)); } public function Solve(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local4 = col1.x; _local5 = col2.x; _local6 = col1.y; _local7 = col2.y; _local8 = ((_local4 * _local7) - (_local5 * _local6)); _local8 = (1 / _local8); _arg1.x = (_local8 * ((_local7 * _arg2) - (_local5 * _arg3))); _arg1.y = (_local8 * ((_local4 * _arg3) - (_local6 * _arg2))); return (_arg1); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 31
//b2Math (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Math) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Math { public static const b2Mat22_identity:b2Mat22 = new b2Mat22(0, new b2Vec2(1, 0), new b2Vec2(0, 1)); public static const b2XForm_identity:b2XForm = new b2XForm(b2Vec2_zero, b2Mat22_identity); public static const b2Vec2_zero:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(0, 0); public static function b2CrossVF(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg2 * _arg1.y), (-(_arg2) * _arg1.x)); return (_local3); } public static function AddVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1.x + _arg2.x), (_arg1.y + _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2IsValid(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ return (isFinite(_arg1)); } public static function b2MinV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Min(_arg1.x, _arg2.x), b2Min(_arg1.y, _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulX(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = b2MulMV(_arg1.R, _arg2); _local3.x = (_local3.x + _arg1.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + _arg1.position.y); return (_local3); } public static function b2DistanceSquared(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local4 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); return (((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4))); } public static function b2Swap(_arg1:Array, _arg2:Array):void{ var _local3:*; _local3 = _arg1[0]; _arg1[0] = _arg2[0]; _arg2[0] = _local3; } public static function b2AbsM(_arg1:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local2:b2Mat22; _local2 = new b2Mat22(0, b2AbsV(_arg1.col1), b2AbsV(_arg1.col2)); return (_local2); } public static function SubtractVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1.x - _arg2.x), (_arg1.y - _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulXT(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:Number; _local3 = SubtractVV(_arg2, _arg1.position); _local4 = ((_local3.x * _arg1.R.col1.x) + (_local3.y * _arg1.R.col1.y)); _local3.y = ((_local3.x * _arg1.R.col2.x) + (_local3.y * _arg1.R.col2.y)); _local3.x = _local4; return (_local3); } public static function b2Abs(_arg1:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > 0)) ? _arg1 : -(_arg1)); } public static function b2Clamp(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):Number{ return (b2Max(_arg2, b2Min(_arg1, _arg3))); } public static function b2AbsV(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Vec2; _local2 = new b2Vec2(b2Abs(_arg1.x), b2Abs(_arg1.y)); return (_local2); } public static function MulFV(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((_arg1 * _arg2.x), (_arg1 * _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2CrossVV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ return (((_arg1.x * _arg2.y) - (_arg1.y * _arg2.x))); } public static function b2Dot(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ return (((_arg1.x * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.y * _arg2.y))); } public static function b2CrossFV(_arg1:Number, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2((-(_arg1) * _arg2.y), (_arg1 * _arg2.x)); return (_local3); } public static function AddMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Mat22(0, AddVV(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col1), AddVV(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2Distance(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):Number{ var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local3 = (_arg1.x - _arg2.x); _local4 = (_arg1.y - _arg2.y); return (Math.sqrt(((_local3 * _local3) + (_local4 * _local4)))); } public static function b2MulTMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col1), b2Dot(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col1)); _local4 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg1.col1, _arg2.col2), b2Dot(_arg1.col2, _arg2.col2)); _local5 = new b2Mat22(0, _local3, _local4); return (_local5); } public static function b2MaxV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Max(_arg1.x, _arg2.x), b2Max(_arg1.y, _arg2.y)); return (_local3); } public static function b2IsPowerOfTwo(_arg1:uint):Boolean{ var _local2:Boolean; _local2 = (((_arg1 > 0)) && (((_arg1 & (_arg1 - 1)) == 0))); return (_local2); } public static function b2ClampV(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2MaxV(_arg2, b2MinV(_arg1, _arg3))); } public static function b2RandomRange(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = Math.random(); _local3 = (((_arg2 - _arg1) * _local3) + _arg1); return (_local3); } public static function b2MulTMV(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(b2Dot(_arg2, _arg1.col1), b2Dot(_arg2, _arg1.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2Min(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 < _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function b2Random():Number{ return (((Math.random() * 2) - 1)); } public static function b2MulMM(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Mat22):b2Mat22{ var _local3:b2Mat22; _local3 = new b2Mat22(0, b2MulMV(_arg1, _arg2.col1), b2MulMV(_arg1, _arg2.col2)); return (_local3); } public static function b2NextPowerOfTwo(_arg1:uint):uint{ _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 1) & 2147483647)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 2) & 1073741823)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 4) & 268435455)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 8) & 0xFFFFFF)); _arg1 = (_arg1 | ((_arg1 >> 16) & 0xFFFF)); return ((_arg1 + 1)); } public static function b2Max(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):Number{ return (((_arg1 > _arg2)) ? _arg1 : _arg2); } public static function b2MulMV(_arg1:b2Mat22, _arg2:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local3:b2Vec2; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_arg1.col1.x * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.col2.x * _arg2.y)), ((_arg1.col1.y * _arg2.x) + (_arg1.col2.y * _arg2.y))); return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 32
//b2Sweep (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Sweep) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Sweep { public var localCenter:b2Vec2; public var c:b2Vec2; public var a:Number; public var c0:b2Vec2; public var a0:Number; public var t0:Number; public function b2Sweep(){ localCenter = new b2Vec2(); c0 = new b2Vec2(); c = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function Advance(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; if ((((t0 < _arg1)) && (((1 - t0) > Number.MIN_VALUE)))){ _local2 = ((_arg1 - t0) / (1 - t0)); c0.x = (((1 - _local2) * c0.x) + (_local2 * c.x)); c0.y = (((1 - _local2) * c0.y) + (_local2 * c.y)); a0 = (((1 - _local2) * a0) + (_local2 * a)); t0 = _arg1; }; } public function GetXForm(_arg1:b2XForm, _arg2:Number):void{ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; if ((1 - t0) > Number.MIN_VALUE){ _local4 = ((_arg2 - t0) / (1 - t0)); _arg1.position.x = (((1 - _local4) * c0.x) + (_local4 * c.x)); _arg1.position.y = (((1 - _local4) * c0.y) + (_local4 * c.y)); _local5 = (((1 - _local4) * a0) + (_local4 * a)); _arg1.R.Set(_local5); } else { _arg1.position.SetV(c); _arg1.R.Set(a); }; _local3 = _arg1.R; _arg1.position.x = (_arg1.position.x - ((_local3.col1.x * localCenter.x) + (_local3.col2.x * localCenter.y))); _arg1.position.y = (_arg1.position.y - ((_local3.col1.y * localCenter.x) + (_local3.col2.y * localCenter.y))); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 33
//b2Vec2 (Box2D.Common.Math.b2Vec2) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2Vec2 { public var x:Number; public var y:Number; public function b2Vec2(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function Set(_arg1:Number=0, _arg2:Number=0):void{ x = _arg1; y = _arg2; } public function Multiply(_arg1:Number):void{ x = (x * _arg1); y = (y * _arg1); } public function Length():Number{ return (Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y)))); } public function LengthSquared():Number{ return (((x * x) + (y * y))); } public function SetZero():void{ x = 0; y = 0; } public function Add(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = (x + _arg1.x); y = (y + _arg1.y); } public function MaxV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = ((x > _arg1.x)) ? x : _arg1.x; y = ((y > _arg1.y)) ? y : _arg1.y; } public function SetV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = _arg1.x; y = _arg1.y; } public function Negative():b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(-(x), -(y))); } public function CrossVF(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = (_arg1 * y); y = (-(_arg1) * _local2); } public function Abs():void{ if (x < 0){ x = -(x); }; if (y < 0){ y = -(y); }; } public function Copy():b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(x, y)); } public function MulTM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = b2Math.b2Dot(this, _arg1.col1); y = b2Math.b2Dot(this, _arg1.col2); x = _local2; } public function IsValid():Boolean{ return (((b2Math.b2IsValid(x)) && (b2Math.b2IsValid(y)))); } public function MinV(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = ((x < _arg1.x)) ? x : _arg1.x; y = ((y < _arg1.y)) ? y : _arg1.y; } public function MulM(_arg1:b2Mat22):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = ((_arg1.col1.x * _local2) + (_arg1.col2.x * y)); y = ((_arg1.col1.y * _local2) + (_arg1.col2.y * y)); } public function Normalize():Number{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = Math.sqrt(((x * x) + (y * y))); if (_local1 < Number.MIN_VALUE){ return (0); }; _local2 = (1 / _local1); x = (x * _local2); y = (y * _local2); return (_local1); } public function Subtract(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ x = (x - _arg1.x); y = (y - _arg1.y); } public function CrossFV(_arg1:Number):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = x; x = (-(_arg1) * y); y = (_arg1 * _local2); } public static function Make(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 34
//b2XForm (Box2D.Common.Math.b2XForm) package Box2D.Common.Math { public class b2XForm { public var R:b2Mat22; public var position:b2Vec2; public function b2XForm(_arg1:b2Vec2=null, _arg2:b2Mat22=null):void{ position = new b2Vec2(); R = new b2Mat22(); super(); if (_arg1){ position.SetV(_arg1); R.SetM(_arg2); }; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Mat22):void{ position.SetV(_arg1); R.SetM(_arg2); } public function Set(_arg1:b2XForm):void{ position.SetV(_arg1.position); R.SetM(_arg1.R); } public function SetIdentity():void{ position.SetZero(); R.SetIdentity(); } } }//package Box2D.Common.Math
Section 35
//b2Color (Box2D.Common.b2Color) package Box2D.Common { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Color { private var _g:uint;// = 0 private var _b:uint;// = 0 private var _r:uint;// = 0 public function b2Color(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ _r = 0; _g = 0; _b = 0; super(); _r = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); _g = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg2, 0, 1))); _b = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg3, 0, 1))); } public function Set(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number):void{ _r = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); _g = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg2, 0, 1))); _b = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg3, 0, 1))); } public function get color():uint{ return (((_r | (_g << 8)) | (_b << 16))); } public function set r(_arg1:Number):void{ _r = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); } public function set b(_arg1:Number):void{ _b = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); } public function set g(_arg1:Number):void{ _g = uint((0xFF * b2Math.b2Clamp(_arg1, 0, 1))); } } }//package Box2D.Common
Section 36
//b2Settings (Box2D.Common.b2Settings) package Box2D.Common { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Settings { public static const b2_angularSleepTolerance:Number = 0.0111111111111111; public static const b2_linearSleepTolerance:Number = 0.01; public static const b2_angularSlop:Number = 0.0349065850398866; public static const b2_linearSlop:Number = 0.005; public static const b2_pi:Number = 3.14159265358979; public static const b2_maxProxies:int = 0x0200; public static const b2_maxAngularVelocitySquared:Number = 62500; public static const b2_maxPolygonVertices:int = 8; public static const b2_velocityThreshold:Number = 1; public static const b2_contactBaumgarte:Number = 0.2; public static const b2_maxPairs:int = 4096; public static const b2_maxTOIContactsPerIsland:int = 32; public static const b2_timeToSleep:Number = 0.5; public static const b2_maxManifoldPoints:int = 2; public static const b2_maxAngularVelocity:Number = 250; public static const b2_maxAngularCorrection:Number = 0.139626340159546; public static const USHRT_MAX:int = 0xFFFF; public static const b2_maxLinearVelocity:Number = 200; public static const b2_maxLinearCorrection:Number = 0.2; public static const b2_toiSlop:Number = 0.04; public static const b2_maxLinearVelocitySquared:Number = 40000; public static function b2Assert(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; if (!_arg1){ _local2.x++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Common
Section 37
//b2CircleContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2CircleContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; public class b2CircleContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; public var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2CircleContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape){ var _local3:b2ManifoldPoint; m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; m0 = new b2Manifold(); super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; m_manifold.pointCount = 0; _local3 = m_manifold.points[0]; _local3.normalImpulse = 0; _local3.tangentImpulse = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } override public function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactPoint; var _local8:b2ManifoldPoint; _local5 = m_shape1.m_body; _local6 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2Collision.b2CollideCircles(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2CircleShape), _local5.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2CircleShape), _local6.m_xf); _local7 = s_evalCP; _local7.shape1 = m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = m_shape2; _local7.friction = m_friction; _local7.restitution = m_restitution; if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ m_manifoldCount = 1; _local8 = m_manifold.points[0]; if (m0.pointCount == 0){ _local8.normalImpulse = 0; _local8.tangentImpulse = 0; if (_arg1){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local8.separation; =; _arg1.Add(_local7); }; } else { _local4 = m0.points[0]; _local8.normalImpulse = _local4.normalImpulse; _local8.tangentImpulse = _local4.tangentImpulse; if (_arg1){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local8.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local8.separation; =; _arg1.Persist(_local7); }; }; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; if ((((m0.pointCount > 0)) && (_arg1))){ _local4 = m0.points[0]; _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local7.separation = _local4.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local7); }; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2CircleContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 38
//b2Contact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2Contact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2Contact { public var m_shape1:b2Shape; public var m_shape2:b2Shape; public var m_prev:b2Contact; public var m_toi:Number; public var m_next:b2Contact; public var m_friction:Number; public var m_manifoldCount:int; public var m_node1:b2ContactEdge; public var m_node2:b2ContactEdge; public var m_restitution:Number; public var m_flags:uint; public static var e_toiFlag:uint = 8; public static var e_nonSolidFlag:uint = 1; public static var e_slowFlag:uint = 2; public static var e_islandFlag:uint = 4; public static var s_registers:Array; public static var s_initialized:Boolean = false; public function b2Contact(_arg1:b2Shape=null, _arg2:b2Shape=null){ m_node1 = new b2ContactEdge(); m_node2 = new b2ContactEdge(); super(); m_flags = 0; if (((!(_arg1)) || (!(_arg2)))){ m_shape1 = null; m_shape2 = null; return; }; if (((_arg1.IsSensor()) || (_arg2.IsSensor()))){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_nonSolidFlag); }; m_shape1 = _arg1; m_shape2 = _arg2; m_manifoldCount = 0; m_friction = Math.sqrt((m_shape1.m_friction * m_shape2.m_friction)); m_restitution = b2Math.b2Max(m_shape1.m_restitution, m_shape2.m_restitution); m_prev = null; m_next = null; = null; m_node1.prev = null; = null; m_node1.other = null; = null; m_node2.prev = null; = null; m_node2.other = null; } public function GetShape1():b2Shape{ return (m_shape1); } public function IsSolid():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_nonSolidFlag) == 0)); } public function GetNext():b2Contact{ return (m_next); } public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (null); } public function GetShape2():b2Shape{ return (m_shape2); } public function GetManifoldCount():int{ return (m_manifoldCount); } public function Update(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; _local2 = m_manifoldCount; Evaluate(_arg1); _local3 = m_manifoldCount; _local4 = m_shape1.m_body; _local5 = m_shape2.m_body; if ((((_local3 == 0)) && ((_local2 > 0)))){ _local4.WakeUp(); _local5.WakeUp(); }; if (((((((_local4.IsStatic()) || (_local4.IsBullet()))) || (_local5.IsStatic()))) || (_local5.IsBullet()))){ m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_slowFlag)); } else { m_flags = (m_flags | e_slowFlag); }; } public function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ } public static function InitializeRegisters():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:int; s_registers = new Array(b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount) { s_registers[_local1] = new Array(b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < b2Shape.e_shapeTypeCount) { s_registers[_local1][_local2] = new b2ContactRegister(); _local2++; }; _local1++; }; AddType(b2CircleContact.Create, b2CircleContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_circleShape, b2Shape.e_circleShape); AddType(b2PolyAndCircleContact.Create, b2PolyAndCircleContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_polygonShape, b2Shape.e_circleShape); AddType(b2PolygonContact.Create, b2PolygonContact.Destroy, b2Shape.e_polygonShape, b2Shape.e_polygonShape); } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ var _local3:int; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2ContactRegister; var _local6:Function; if (_arg1.m_manifoldCount > 0){ _arg1.m_shape1.m_body.WakeUp(); _arg1.m_shape2.m_body.WakeUp(); }; _local3 = _arg1.m_shape1.m_type; _local4 = _arg1.m_shape2.m_type; _local5 = s_registers[_local3][_local4]; _local6 = _local5.destroyFcn; _local6(_arg1, _arg2); } public static function AddType(_arg1:Function, _arg2:Function, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{ s_registers[_arg3][_arg4].createFcn = _arg1; s_registers[_arg3][_arg4].destroyFcn = _arg2; s_registers[_arg3][_arg4].primary = true; if (_arg3 != _arg4){ s_registers[_arg4][_arg3].createFcn = _arg1; s_registers[_arg4][_arg3].destroyFcn = _arg2; s_registers[_arg4][_arg3].primary = false; }; } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2ContactRegister; var _local7:Function; var _local8:b2Contact; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Manifold; if (s_initialized == false){ InitializeRegisters(); s_initialized = true; }; _local4 = _arg1.m_type; _local5 = _arg2.m_type; _local6 = s_registers[_local4][_local5]; _local7 = _local6.createFcn; if (_local7 != null){ if (_local6.primary){ return (_local7(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3)); }; _local8 = _local7(_arg2, _arg1, _arg3); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < _local8.m_manifoldCount) { _local10 = _local8.GetManifolds()[_local9]; _local8.GetManifolds()[_local9].normal = _local10.normal.Negative(); _local9++; }; return (_local8); //unresolved jump }; return (null); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 39
//b2ContactConstraint (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactConstraint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2ContactConstraint { public var points:Array; public var restitution:Number; public var body1:b2Body; public var manifold:b2Manifold; public var normal:b2Vec2; public var body2:b2Body; public var friction:Number; public var pointCount:int; public function b2ContactConstraint(){ var _local1:int; normal = new b2Vec2(); super(); points = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints); _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < b2Settings.b2_maxManifoldPoints) { points[_local1] = new b2ContactConstraintPoint(); _local1++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 40
//b2ContactConstraintPoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactConstraintPoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2ContactConstraintPoint { public var r2:b2Vec2; public var separation:Number; public var positionImpulse:Number; public var normalImpulse:Number; public var equalizedMass:Number; public var tangentMass:Number; public var tangentImpulse:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var normalMass:Number; public var velocityBias:Number; public var r1:b2Vec2; public function b2ContactConstraintPoint(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); r1 = new b2Vec2(); r2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 41
//b2ContactEdge (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactEdge) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2ContactEdge { public var next:b2ContactEdge; public var other:b2Body; public var contact:b2Contact; public var prev:b2ContactEdge; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 42
//b2ContactRegister (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactRegister) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { public class b2ContactRegister { public var primary:Boolean; public var createFcn:Function; public var destroyFcn:Function; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 43
//b2ContactResult (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactResult) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; public class b2ContactResult { public var normal:b2Vec2; public var position:b2Vec2; public var shape1:b2Shape; public var shape2:b2Shape; public var normalImpulse:Number; public var tangentImpulse:Number; public var id:b2ContactID; public function b2ContactResult(){ position = new b2Vec2(); normal = new b2Vec2(); id = new b2ContactID(); super(); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 44
//b2ContactSolver (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2ContactSolver) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2ContactSolver { public var m_constraintCount:int; public var m_constraints:Array; public var m_allocator; public var m_step:b2TimeStep; public function b2ContactSolver(_arg1:b2TimeStep, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4){ var _local5:b2Contact; var _local6:int; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Mat22; var _local9:int; var _local10:b2Body; var _local11:b2Body; var _local12:int; var _local13:Array; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:int; var _local23:b2Manifold; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:b2ContactConstraint; var _local27:uint; var _local28:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local29:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; var _local39:Number; var _local40:Number; var _local41:Number; var _local42:Number; var _local43:Number; var _local44:Number; var _local45:Number; var _local46:Number; var _local47:Number; m_step = new b2TimeStep(); m_constraints = new Array(); super(); m_step.dt = _arg1.dt; m_step.inv_dt = _arg1.inv_dt; m_step.maxIterations = _arg1.maxIterations; m_allocator = _arg4; m_constraintCount = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3) { _local5 = _arg2[_local6]; m_constraintCount = (m_constraintCount + _local5.m_manifoldCount); _local6++; }; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < m_constraintCount) { m_constraints[_local6] = new b2ContactConstraint(); _local6++; }; _local9 = 0; _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3) { _local5 = _arg2[_local6]; _local10 = _local5.m_shape1.m_body; _local11 = _local5.m_shape2.m_body; _local12 = _local5.m_manifoldCount; _local13 = _local5.GetManifolds(); _local14 = _local5.m_friction; _local15 = _local5.m_restitution; _local16 = _local10.m_linearVelocity.x; _local17 = _local10.m_linearVelocity.y; _local18 = _local11.m_linearVelocity.x; _local19 = _local11.m_linearVelocity.y; _local20 = _local10.m_angularVelocity; _local21 = _local11.m_angularVelocity; _local22 = 0; while (_local22 < _local12) { _local23 = _local13[_local22]; _local24 = _local23.normal.x; _local25 = _local23.normal.y; _local26 = m_constraints[_local9]; _local26.body1 = _local10; _local26.body2 = _local11; _local26.manifold = _local23; _local26.normal.x = _local24; _local26.normal.y = _local25; _local26.pointCount = _local23.pointCount; _local26.friction = _local14; _local26.restitution = _local15; _local27 = 0; while (_local27 < _local26.pointCount) { _local28 = _local23.points[_local27]; _local29 = _local26.points[_local27]; _local29.normalImpulse = _local28.normalImpulse; _local29.tangentImpulse = _local28.tangentImpulse; _local29.separation = _local28.separation; _local29.positionImpulse = 0; _local29.localAnchor1.SetV(_local28.localPoint1); _local29.localAnchor2.SetV(_local28.localPoint2); _local8 = _local10.m_xf.R; _local32 = (_local28.localPoint1.x - _local10.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local33 = (_local28.localPoint1.y - _local10.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local30 = ((_local8.col1.x * _local32) + (_local8.col2.x * _local33)); _local33 = ((_local8.col1.y * _local32) + (_local8.col2.y * _local33)); _local32 = _local30; _local29.r1.Set(_local32, _local33); _local8 = _local11.m_xf.R; _local34 = (_local28.localPoint2.x - _local11.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local35 = (_local28.localPoint2.y - _local11.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local30 = ((_local8.col1.x * _local34) + (_local8.col2.x * _local35)); _local35 = ((_local8.col1.y * _local34) + (_local8.col2.y * _local35)); _local34 = _local30; _local29.r2.Set(_local34, _local35); _local36 = ((_local32 * _local32) + (_local33 * _local33)); _local37 = ((_local34 * _local34) + (_local35 * _local35)); _local38 = ((_local32 * _local24) + (_local33 * _local25)); _local39 = ((_local34 * _local24) + (_local35 * _local25)); _local40 = (_local10.m_invMass + _local11.m_invMass); _local40 = (_local40 + ((_local10.m_invI * (_local36 - (_local38 * _local38))) + (_local11.m_invI * (_local37 - (_local39 * _local39))))); _local29.normalMass = (1 / _local40); _local41 = ((_local10.m_mass * _local10.m_invMass) + (_local11.m_mass * _local11.m_invMass)); _local41 = (_local41 + (((_local10.m_mass * _local10.m_invI) * (_local36 - (_local38 * _local38))) + ((_local11.m_mass * _local11.m_invI) * (_local37 - (_local39 * _local39))))); _local29.equalizedMass = (1 / _local41); _local42 = _local25; _local43 = -(_local24); _local44 = ((_local32 * _local42) + (_local33 * _local43)); _local45 = ((_local34 * _local42) + (_local35 * _local43)); _local46 = (_local10.m_invMass + _local11.m_invMass); _local46 = (_local46 + ((_local10.m_invI * (_local36 - (_local44 * _local44))) + (_local11.m_invI * (_local37 - (_local45 * _local45))))); _local29.tangentMass = (1 / _local46); _local29.velocityBias = 0; if (_local29.separation > 0){ _local29.velocityBias = (-60 * _local29.separation); }; _local30 = (((_local18 + (-(_local21) * _local35)) - _local16) - (-(_local20) * _local33)); _local31 = (((_local19 + (_local21 * _local34)) - _local17) - (_local20 * _local32)); _local47 = ((_local26.normal.x * _local30) + (_local26.normal.y * _local31)); if (_local47 < -(b2Settings.b2_velocityThreshold)){ _local29.velocityBias = (_local29.velocityBias + (-(_local26.restitution) * _local47)); }; _local27++; }; _local9++; _local22++; }; _local6++; }; } public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2ContactConstraint; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:int; var _local19:int; var _local20:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:b2ContactConstraintPoint; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_constraintCount) { _local6 = m_constraints[_local5]; _local7 = _local6.body1; _local8 = _local6.body2; _local9 = _local7.m_invMass; _local10 = _local7.m_invI; _local11 = _local8.m_invMass; _local12 = _local8.m_invI; _local13 = _local6.normal.x; _local14 = _local6.normal.y; _local15 = _local14; _local16 = -(_local13); if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local19 = _local6.pointCount; _local18 = 0; while (_local18 < _local19) { _local20 = _local6.points[_local18]; _local6.points[_local18].normalImpulse = (_local20.normalImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local20.tangentImpulse = (_local20.tangentImpulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local21 = ((_local20.normalImpulse * _local13) + (_local20.tangentImpulse * _local15)); _local22 = ((_local20.normalImpulse * _local14) + (_local20.tangentImpulse * _local16)); _local7.m_angularVelocity = (_local7.m_angularVelocity - (_local10 * ((_local20.r1.x * _local22) - (_local20.r1.y * _local21)))); _local7.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local7.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local9 * _local21)); _local7.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local7.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local9 * _local22)); _local8.m_angularVelocity = (_local8.m_angularVelocity + (_local12 * ((_local20.r2.x * _local22) - (_local20.r2.y * _local21)))); _local8.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local8.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local11 * _local21)); _local8.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local8.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local11 * _local22)); _local18++; }; } else { _local19 = _local6.pointCount; _local18 = 0; while (_local18 < _local19) { _local23 = _local6.points[_local18]; _local23.normalImpulse = 0; _local23.tangentImpulse = 0; _local18++; }; }; _local5++; }; } public function SolvePositionConstraints(_arg1:Number):Boolean{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2ContactConstraint; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:Number; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:int; var _local20:int; var _local21:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:Number; var _local38:Number; _local2 = 0; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_constraintCount) { _local6 = m_constraints[_local5]; _local7 = _local6.body1; _local8 = _local6.body2; _local9 = _local7.m_sweep.c; _local10 = _local7.m_sweep.a; _local11 = _local8.m_sweep.c; _local12 = _local8.m_sweep.a; _local13 = (_local7.m_mass * _local7.m_invMass); _local14 = (_local7.m_mass * _local7.m_invI); _local15 = (_local8.m_mass * _local8.m_invMass); _local16 = (_local8.m_mass * _local8.m_invI); _local17 = _local6.normal.x; _local18 = _local6.normal.y; _local19 = _local6.pointCount; _local20 = 0; while (_local20 < _local19) { _local21 = _local6.points[_local20]; _local3 = _local7.m_xf.R; _local4 = _local7.m_sweep.localCenter; _local22 = (_local21.localAnchor1.x - _local4.x); _local23 = (_local21.localAnchor1.y - _local4.y); _local26 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local22) + (_local3.col2.x * _local23)); _local23 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local22) + (_local3.col2.y * _local23)); _local22 = _local26; _local3 = _local8.m_xf.R; _local4 = _local8.m_sweep.localCenter; _local24 = (_local21.localAnchor2.x - _local4.x); _local25 = (_local21.localAnchor2.y - _local4.y); _local26 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local24) + (_local3.col2.x * _local25)); _local25 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local24) + (_local3.col2.y * _local25)); _local24 = _local26; _local27 = (_local9.x + _local22); _local28 = (_local9.y + _local23); _local29 = (_local11.x + _local24); _local30 = (_local11.y + _local25); _local31 = (_local29 - _local27); _local32 = (_local30 - _local28); _local33 = (((_local31 * _local17) + (_local32 * _local18)) + _local21.separation); _local2 = b2Math.b2Min(_local2, _local33); _local34 = (_arg1 * b2Math.b2Clamp((_local33 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0)); _local35 = (-(_local21.equalizedMass) * _local34); _local36 = _local21.positionImpulse; _local21.positionImpulse = b2Math.b2Max((_local36 + _local35), 0); _local35 = (_local21.positionImpulse - _local36); _local37 = (_local35 * _local17); _local38 = (_local35 * _local18); _local9.x = (_local9.x - (_local13 * _local37)); _local9.y = (_local9.y - (_local13 * _local38)); _local10 = (_local10 - (_local14 * ((_local22 * _local38) - (_local23 * _local37)))); _local7.m_sweep.a = _local10; _local7.SynchronizeTransform(); _local11.x = (_local11.x + (_local15 * _local37)); _local11.y = (_local11.y + (_local15 * _local38)); _local12 = (_local12 + (_local16 * ((_local24 * _local38) - (_local25 * _local37)))); _local8.m_sweep.a = _local12; _local8.SynchronizeTransform(); _local20++; }; _local5++; }; return ((_local2 >= (-1.5 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop))); } public function SolveVelocityConstraints():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:b2ContactConstraintPoint; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:b2Mat22; var _local18:b2Vec2; var _local19:int; var _local20:b2ContactConstraint; var _local21:b2Body; var _local22:b2Body; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:b2Vec2; var _local26:b2Vec2; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; var _local33:Number; var _local34:Number; var _local35:Number; var _local36:Number; var _local37:int; var _local38:Number; _local19 = 0; while (_local19 < m_constraintCount) { _local20 = m_constraints[_local19]; _local21 = _local20.body1; _local22 = _local20.body2; _local23 = _local21.m_angularVelocity; _local24 = _local22.m_angularVelocity; _local25 = _local21.m_linearVelocity; _local26 = _local22.m_linearVelocity; _local27 = _local21.m_invMass; _local28 = _local21.m_invI; _local29 = _local22.m_invMass; _local30 = _local22.m_invI; _local31 = _local20.normal.x; _local32 = _local20.normal.y; _local33 = _local32; _local34 = -(_local31); _local35 = _local20.friction; _local37 = _local20.pointCount; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local37) { _local2 = _local20.points[_local1]; _local7 = (((_local26.x + (-(_local24) * _local2.r2.y)) - _local25.x) - (-(_local23) * _local2.r1.y)); _local8 = (((_local26.y + (_local24 * _local2.r2.x)) - _local25.y) - (_local23 * _local2.r1.x)); _local9 = ((_local7 * _local31) + (_local8 * _local32)); _local11 = (-(_local2.normalMass) * (_local9 - _local2.velocityBias)); _local10 = ((_local7 * _local33) + (_local8 * _local34)); _local12 = (_local2.tangentMass * -(_local10)); _local13 = b2Math.b2Max((_local2.normalImpulse + _local11), 0); _local11 = (_local13 - _local2.normalImpulse); _local38 = (_local35 * _local2.normalImpulse); _local14 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local2.tangentImpulse + _local12), -(_local38), _local38); _local12 = (_local14 - _local2.tangentImpulse); _local15 = ((_local11 * _local31) + (_local12 * _local33)); _local16 = ((_local11 * _local32) + (_local12 * _local34)); _local25.x = (_local25.x - (_local27 * _local15)); _local25.y = (_local25.y - (_local27 * _local16)); _local23 = (_local23 - (_local28 * ((_local2.r1.x * _local16) - (_local2.r1.y * _local15)))); _local26.x = (_local26.x + (_local29 * _local15)); _local26.y = (_local26.y + (_local29 * _local16)); _local24 = (_local24 + (_local30 * ((_local2.r2.x * _local16) - (_local2.r2.y * _local15)))); _local2.normalImpulse = _local13; _local2.tangentImpulse = _local14; _local1++; }; _local21.m_angularVelocity = _local23; _local22.m_angularVelocity = _local24; _local19++; }; } public function FinalizeVelocityConstraints():void{ var _local1:int; var _local2:b2ContactConstraint; var _local3:b2Manifold; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local6:b2ContactConstraintPoint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < m_constraintCount) { _local2 = m_constraints[_local1]; _local3 = _local2.manifold; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.pointCount) { _local5 = _local3.points[_local4]; _local6 = _local2.points[_local4]; _local5.normalImpulse = _local6.normalImpulse; _local5.tangentImpulse = _local6.tangentImpulse; _local4++; }; _local1++; }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 45
//b2NullContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2NullContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2NullContact extends b2Contact { override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (null); } override public function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 46
//b2PolyAndCircleContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2PolyAndCircleContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PolyAndCircleContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; public var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2PolyAndCircleContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape){ var _local3:b2ManifoldPoint; m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; m0 = new b2Manifold(); super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; b2Settings.b2Assert((m_shape1.m_type == b2Shape.e_polygonShape)); b2Settings.b2Assert((m_shape2.m_type == b2Shape.e_circleShape)); m_manifold.pointCount = 0; _local3 = m_manifold.points[0]; _local3.normalImpulse = 0; _local3.tangentImpulse = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } override public function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:Array; var _local9:b2ContactPoint; var _local10:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:uint; var _local13:int; _local6 = m_shape1.m_body; _local7 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2Collision.b2CollidePolygonAndCircle(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2PolygonShape), _local6.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2CircleShape), _local7.m_xf); _local8 = [false, false]; _local9 = s_evalCP; _local9.shape1 = m_shape1; _local9.shape2 = m_shape2; _local9.friction = m_friction; _local9.restitution = m_restitution; if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_manifold.pointCount) { _local10 = m_manifold.points[_local2]; _local10.normalImpulse = 0; _local10.tangentImpulse = 0; _local11 = false; _local12 =; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local8[_local13] == true){ } else { _local5 = m0.points[_local13]; if ( == _local12){ _local8[_local13] = true; _local10.normalImpulse = _local5.normalImpulse; _local10.tangentImpulse = _local5.tangentImpulse; _local11 = true; if (_arg1 != null){ _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local9.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Persist(_local9); }; break; }; }; _local13++; }; if ((((_local11 == false)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){ _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local9.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Add(_local9); }; _local2++; }; m_manifoldCount = 1; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; }; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local8[_local2]){ } else { _local5 = m0.points[_local2]; _local9.position = _local6.GetWorldPoint(_local5.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local5.localPoint1); _local4 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local5.localPoint2); _local9.velocity.Set((_local4.x - _local3.x), (_local4.y - _local3.y)); _local9.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local9.separation = _local5.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local9); }; _local2++; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2PolyAndCircleContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 47
//b2PolygonContact (Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.b2PolygonContact) package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; public class b2PolygonContact extends b2Contact { private var m_manifolds:Array; private var m0:b2Manifold; public var m_manifold:b2Manifold; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2PolygonContact(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape):void{ m0 = new b2Manifold(); m_manifolds = [new b2Manifold()]; super(_arg1, _arg2); m_manifold = m_manifolds[0]; m_manifold.pointCount = 0; } override public function GetManifolds():Array{ return (m_manifolds); } override public function Evaluate(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ var _local2:b2Vec2; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactPoint; var _local8:int; var _local9:Array; var _local10:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:uint; var _local13:int; _local5 = m_shape1.m_body; _local6 = m_shape2.m_body; m0.Set(m_manifold); b2Collision.b2CollidePolygons(m_manifold, (m_shape1 as b2PolygonShape), _local5.m_xf, (m_shape2 as b2PolygonShape), _local6.m_xf); _local9 = [false, false]; _local7 = s_evalCP; _local7.shape1 = m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = m_shape2; _local7.friction = m_friction; _local7.restitution = m_restitution; if (m_manifold.pointCount > 0){ _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < m_manifold.pointCount) { _local10 = m_manifold.points[_local8]; _local10.normalImpulse = 0; _local10.tangentImpulse = 0; _local11 = false; _local12 =; _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local9[_local13] == true){ } else { _local4 = m0.points[_local13]; if ( == _local12){ _local9[_local13] = true; _local10.normalImpulse = _local4.normalImpulse; _local10.tangentImpulse = _local4.tangentImpulse; _local11 = true; if (_arg1 != null){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Persist(_local7); }; break; }; }; _local13++; }; if ((((_local11 == false)) && (!((_arg1 == null))))){ _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local10.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m_manifold.normal); _local7.separation = _local10.separation; = _local12; _arg1.Add(_local7); }; _local8++; }; m_manifoldCount = 1; } else { m_manifoldCount = 0; }; if (_arg1 == null){ return; }; _local8 = 0; while (_local8 < m0.pointCount) { if (_local9[_local8]){ } else { _local4 = m0.points[_local8]; _local7.position = _local5.GetWorldPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local2 = _local5.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint1); _local3 = _local6.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local4.localPoint2); _local7.velocity.Set((_local3.x - _local2.x), (_local3.y - _local2.y)); _local7.normal.SetV(m0.normal); _local7.separation = _local4.separation; =; _arg1.Remove(_local7); }; _local8++; }; } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape, _arg3):b2Contact{ return (new b2PolygonContact(_arg1, _arg2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts
Section 48
//b2DistanceJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2DistanceJoint extends b2Joint { public var m_mass:Number; public var m_u:b2Vec2; public var m_impulse:Number; public var m_dampingRatio:Number; public var m_frequencyHz:Number; public var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_bias:Number; public var m_gamma:Number; public var m_length:Number; public function b2DistanceJoint(_arg1:b2DistanceJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_u = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_length = _arg1.length; m_frequencyHz = _arg1.frequencyHz; m_dampingRatio = _arg1.dampingRatio; m_impulse = 0; m_gamma = 0; m_bias = 0; m_inv_dt = 0; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } override public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = new b2Vec2(); _local1.SetV(m_u); _local1.Multiply((m_inv_dt * m_impulse)); return (_local1); } override public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ var _local1:b2Mat22; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; if (m_frequencyHz > 0){ return (true); }; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local1 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local4 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local1.col1.x * _local4) + (_local1.col2.x * _local5)); _local5 = ((_local1.col1.y * _local4) + (_local1.col2.y * _local5)); _local4 = _local6; _local1 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local7 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local1.col1.x * _local7) + (_local1.col2.x * _local8)); _local8 = ((_local1.col1.y * _local7) + (_local1.col2.y * _local8)); _local7 = _local6; _local9 = (((_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local7) - _local2.m_sweep.c.x) - _local4); _local10 = (((_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local8) - _local2.m_sweep.c.y) - _local5); _local11 = Math.sqrt(((_local9 * _local9) + (_local10 * _local10))); _local9 = (_local9 / _local11); _local10 = (_local10 / _local11); _local12 = (_local11 - m_length); _local12 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local12, -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local13 = (-(m_mass) * _local12); m_u.Set(_local9, _local10); _local14 = (_local13 * m_u.x); _local15 = (_local13 * m_u.y); _local2.m_sweep.c.x = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x - (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_sweep.c.y = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y - (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_sweep.a = (_local2.m_sweep.a - (_local2.m_invI * ((_local4 * _local15) - (_local5 * _local14)))); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local14)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local15)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local7 * _local15) - (_local8 * _local14)))); _local2.SynchronizeTransform(); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((b2Math.b2Abs(_local12) < b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)); } override public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; m_inv_dt = _arg1.inv_dt; _local4 = m_body1; _local5 = m_body2; _local2 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local3 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local6) + (_local2.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local6) + (_local2.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local3; _local2 = _local5.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local3 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local8) + (_local2.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local8) + (_local2.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local3; m_u.x = (((_local5.m_sweep.c.x + _local8) - _local4.m_sweep.c.x) - _local6); m_u.y = (((_local5.m_sweep.c.y + _local9) - _local4.m_sweep.c.y) - _local7); _local10 = Math.sqrt(((m_u.x * m_u.x) + (m_u.y * m_u.y))); if (_local10 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u.Multiply((1 / _local10)); } else { m_u.SetZero(); }; _local11 = ((_local6 * m_u.y) - (_local7 * m_u.x)); _local12 = ((_local8 * m_u.y) - (_local9 * m_u.x)); _local13 = (((_local4.m_invMass + ((_local4.m_invI * _local11) * _local11)) + _local5.m_invMass) + ((_local5.m_invI * _local12) * _local12)); m_mass = (1 / _local13); if (m_frequencyHz > 0){ _local14 = (_local10 - m_length); _local15 = ((2 * Math.PI) * m_frequencyHz); _local16 = (((2 * m_mass) * m_dampingRatio) * _local15); _local17 = ((m_mass * _local15) * _local15); m_gamma = (1 / (_arg1.dt * (_local16 + (_arg1.dt * _local17)))); m_bias = (((_local14 * _arg1.dt) * _local17) * m_gamma); m_mass = (1 / (_local13 + m_gamma)); }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ m_impulse = (m_impulse * _arg1.dtRatio); _local18 = (m_impulse * m_u.x); _local19 = (m_impulse * m_u.y); _local4.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local4.m_invMass * _local18)); _local4.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local4.m_invMass * _local19)); _local4.m_angularVelocity = (_local4.m_angularVelocity - (_local4.m_invI * ((_local6 * _local19) - (_local7 * _local18)))); _local5.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local5.m_invMass * _local18)); _local5.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local5.m_invMass * _local19)); _local5.m_angularVelocity = (_local5.m_angularVelocity + (_local5.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local19) - (_local9 * _local18)))); } else { m_impulse = 0; }; } override public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ return (0); } override public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; _local3 = m_body1; _local4 = m_body2; _local2 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local5) + (_local2.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local5) + (_local2.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local2 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local2.col1.x * _local8) + (_local2.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local2.col1.y * _local8) + (_local2.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; _local10 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local6)); _local11 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local5)); _local12 = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local4.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)); _local13 = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local4.m_angularVelocity * _local8)); _local14 = ((m_u.x * (_local12 - _local10)) + (m_u.y * (_local13 - _local11))); _local15 = (-(m_mass) * ((_local14 + m_bias) + (m_gamma * m_impulse))); m_impulse = (m_impulse + _local15); _local16 = (_local15 * m_u.x); _local17 = (_local15 * m_u.y); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local3.m_invMass * _local17)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity - (_local3.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local17) - (_local6 * _local16)))); _local4.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local4.m_invMass * _local16)); _local4.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local4.m_invMass * _local17)); _local4.m_angularVelocity = (_local4.m_angularVelocity + (_local4.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local17) - (_local9 * _local16)))); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 49
//b2DistanceJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2DistanceJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2DistanceJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var length:Number; public var dampingRatio:Number; public var frequencyHz:Number; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public function b2DistanceJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_distanceJoint; length = 1; frequencyHz = 0; dampingRatio = 0; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2):void{ var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1.SetV(body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3)); localAnchor2.SetV(body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg4)); _local5 = (_arg4.x - _arg3.x); _local6 = (_arg4.y - _arg3.y); length = Math.sqrt(((_local5 * _local5) + (_local6 * _local6))); frequencyHz = 0; dampingRatio = 0; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 50
//b2GearJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2GearJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2GearJoint extends b2Joint { public var m_force:Number; public var m_mass:Number; public var m_prismatic1:b2PrismaticJoint; public var m_prismatic2:b2PrismaticJoint; public var m_ground1:b2Body; public var m_ground2:b2Body; public var m_constant:Number; public var m_revolute1:b2RevoluteJoint; public var m_revolute2:b2RevoluteJoint; public var m_groundAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_groundAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var m_ratio:Number; public var m_J:b2Jacobian; public function b2GearJoint(_arg1:b2GearJointDef){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; m_groundAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_groundAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_J = new b2Jacobian(); super(_arg1); _local2 = _arg1.joint1.m_type; _local3 = _arg1.joint2.m_type; m_revolute1 = null; m_prismatic1 = null; m_revolute2 = null; m_prismatic2 = null; m_ground1 = _arg1.joint1.m_body1; m_body1 = _arg1.joint1.m_body2; if (_local2 == b2Joint.e_revoluteJoint){ m_revolute1 = (_arg1.joint1 as b2RevoluteJoint); m_groundAnchor1.SetV(m_revolute1.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(m_revolute1.m_localAnchor2); _local4 = m_revolute1.GetJointAngle(); } else { m_prismatic1 = (_arg1.joint1 as b2PrismaticJoint); m_groundAnchor1.SetV(m_prismatic1.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(m_prismatic1.m_localAnchor2); _local4 = m_prismatic1.GetJointTranslation(); }; m_ground2 = _arg1.joint2.m_body1; m_body2 = _arg1.joint2.m_body2; if (_local3 == b2Joint.e_revoluteJoint){ m_revolute2 = (_arg1.joint2 as b2RevoluteJoint); m_groundAnchor2.SetV(m_revolute2.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(m_revolute2.m_localAnchor2); _local5 = m_revolute2.GetJointAngle(); } else { m_prismatic2 = (_arg1.joint2 as b2PrismaticJoint); m_groundAnchor2.SetV(m_prismatic2.m_localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(m_prismatic2.m_localAnchor2); _local5 = m_prismatic2.GetJointTranslation(); }; m_ratio = _arg1.ratio; m_constant = (_local4 + (m_ratio * _local5)); m_force = 0; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } override public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = new b2Vec2((m_force * m_J.linear2.x), (m_force * m_J.linear2.y)); return (_local1); } override public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; _local1 = 0; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; if (m_revolute1){ _local4 = m_revolute1.GetJointAngle(); } else { _local4 = m_prismatic1.GetJointTranslation(); }; if (m_revolute2){ _local5 = m_revolute2.GetJointAngle(); } else { _local5 = m_prismatic2.GetJointTranslation(); }; _local6 = (m_constant - (_local4 + (m_ratio * _local5))); _local7 = (-(m_mass) * _local6); _local2.m_sweep.c.x = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local2.m_invMass * _local7) * m_J.linear1.x)); _local2.m_sweep.c.y = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local2.m_invMass * _local7) * m_J.linear1.y)); _local2.m_sweep.a = (_local2.m_sweep.a + ((_local2.m_invI * _local7) * m_J.angular1)); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local7) * m_J.linear2.x)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local7) * m_J.linear2.y)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + ((_local3.m_invI * _local7) * m_J.angular2)); _local2.SynchronizeTransform(); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); return ((_local1 < b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)); } override public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:b2Mat22; var _local11:b2Vec2; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; _local2 = m_ground1; _local3 = m_ground2; _local4 = m_body1; _local5 = m_body2; _local14 = 0; m_J.SetZero(); if (m_revolute1){ m_J.angular1 = -1; _local14 = (_local14 + _local4.m_invI); } else { _local10 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local11 = m_prismatic1.m_localXAxis1; _local6 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.x * _local11.y)); _local7 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.y * _local11.y)); _local10 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local13 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local8) + (_local10.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local8) + (_local10.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local13; _local12 = ((_local8 * _local7) - (_local9 * _local6)); m_J.linear1.Set(-(_local6), -(_local7)); m_J.angular1 = -(_local12); _local14 = (_local14 + (_local4.m_invMass + ((_local4.m_invI * _local12) * _local12))); }; if (m_revolute2){ m_J.angular2 = -(m_ratio); _local14 = (_local14 + ((m_ratio * m_ratio) * _local5.m_invI)); } else { _local10 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11 = m_prismatic2.m_localXAxis1; _local6 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.x * _local11.y)); _local7 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local11.x) + (_local10.col2.y * _local11.y)); _local10 = _local5.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local5.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local13 = ((_local10.col1.x * _local8) + (_local10.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local10.col1.y * _local8) + (_local10.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local13; _local12 = ((_local8 * _local7) - (_local9 * _local6)); m_J.linear2.Set((-(m_ratio) * _local6), (-(m_ratio) * _local7)); m_J.angular2 = (-(m_ratio) * _local12); _local14 = (_local14 + ((m_ratio * m_ratio) * (_local5.m_invMass + ((_local5.m_invI * _local12) * _local12)))); }; m_mass = (1 / _local14); if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local15 = (_arg1.dt * m_force); _local4.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local4.m_invMass * _local15) * m_J.linear1.x)); _local4.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local4.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local4.m_invMass * _local15) * m_J.linear1.y)); _local4.m_angularVelocity = (_local4.m_angularVelocity + ((_local4.m_invI * _local15) * m_J.angular1)); _local5.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local5.m_invMass * _local15) * m_J.linear2.x)); _local5.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local5.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local5.m_invMass * _local15) * m_J.linear2.y)); _local5.m_angularVelocity = (_local5.m_angularVelocity + ((_local5.m_invI * _local15) * m_J.angular2)); } else { m_force = 0; }; } override public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ var _local1:b2Mat22; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; _local1 = m_body2.m_xf.R; _local2 = (m_localAnchor1.x - m_body2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local3 = (m_localAnchor1.y - m_body2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local4 = ((_local1.col1.x * _local2) + (_local1.col2.x * _local3)); _local3 = ((_local1.col1.y * _local2) + (_local1.col2.y * _local3)); _local2 = _local4; _local4 = ((m_force * m_J.angular2) - ((_local2 * (m_force * m_J.linear2.y)) - (_local3 * (m_force * m_J.linear2.x)))); return (_local4); } public function GetRatio():Number{ return (m_ratio); } override public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = m_J.Compute(_local2.m_linearVelocity, _local2.m_angularVelocity, _local3.m_linearVelocity, _local3.m_angularVelocity); _local5 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_mass) * _local4); m_force = (m_force + _local5); _local6 = (_arg1.dt * _local5); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local2.m_invMass * _local6) * m_J.linear1.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local2.m_invMass * _local6) * m_J.linear1.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + ((_local2.m_invI * _local6) * m_J.angular1)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local6) * m_J.linear2.x)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local3.m_invMass * _local6) * m_J.linear2.y)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local3.m_invI * _local6) * m_J.angular2)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 51
//b2GearJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2GearJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { public class b2GearJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var joint2:b2Joint; public var joint1:b2Joint; public var ratio:Number; public function b2GearJointDef(){ type = b2Joint.e_gearJoint; joint1 = null; joint2 = null; ratio = 1; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 52
//b2Jacobian (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Jacobian) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2Jacobian { public var linear1:b2Vec2; public var linear2:b2Vec2; public var angular2:Number; public var angular1:Number; public function b2Jacobian(){ linear1 = new b2Vec2(); linear2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); } public function Set(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):void{ linear1.SetV(_arg1); angular1 = _arg2; linear2.SetV(_arg3); angular2 = _arg4; } public function SetZero():void{ linear1.SetZero(); angular1 = 0; linear2.SetZero(); angular2 = 0; } public function Compute(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:Number):Number{ return ((((((linear1.x * _arg1.x) + (linear1.y * _arg1.y)) + (angular1 * _arg2)) + ((linear2.x * _arg3.x) + (linear2.y * _arg3.y))) + (angular2 * _arg4))); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 53
//b2Joint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2Joint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2Joint { public var m_islandFlag:Boolean; public var m_body1:b2Body; public var m_prev:b2Joint; public var m_next:b2Joint; public var m_type:int; public var m_collideConnected:Boolean; public var m_node1:b2JointEdge; public var m_node2:b2JointEdge; public var m_inv_dt:Number; public var m_userData; public var m_body2:b2Body; public static const e_unknownJoint:int = 0; public static const e_inactiveLimit:int = 0; public static const e_atUpperLimit:int = 2; public static const e_atLowerLimit:int = 1; public static const e_gearJoint:int = 6; public static const e_revoluteJoint:int = 1; public static const e_equalLimits:int = 3; public static const e_distanceJoint:int = 3; public static const e_pulleyJoint:int = 4; public static const e_prismaticJoint:int = 2; public static const e_mouseJoint:int = 5; public function b2Joint(_arg1:b2JointDef){ m_node1 = new b2JointEdge(); m_node2 = new b2JointEdge(); super(); m_type = _arg1.type; m_prev = null; m_next = null; m_body1 = _arg1.body1; m_body2 = _arg1.body2; m_collideConnected = _arg1.collideConnected; m_islandFlag = false; m_userData = _arg1.userData; } public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (null); } public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (null); } public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ } public function GetType():int{ return (m_type); } public function GetBody2():b2Body{ return (m_body2); } public function GetNext():b2Joint{ return (m_next); } public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ return (0); } public function GetUserData(){ return (m_userData); } public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ return (null); } public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ return (false); } public function SetUserData(_arg1):void{ m_userData = _arg1; } public function GetBody1():b2Body{ return (m_body1); } public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ } public function InitPositionConstraints():void{ } public static function Destroy(_arg1:b2Joint, _arg2):void{ } public static function Create(_arg1:b2JointDef, _arg2):b2Joint{ var _local3:b2Joint; _local3 = null; switch (_arg1.type){ case e_distanceJoint: _local3 = new b2DistanceJoint((_arg1 as b2DistanceJointDef)); break; case e_mouseJoint: _local3 = new b2MouseJoint((_arg1 as b2MouseJointDef)); break; case e_prismaticJoint: _local3 = new b2PrismaticJoint((_arg1 as b2PrismaticJointDef)); break; case e_revoluteJoint: _local3 = new b2RevoluteJoint((_arg1 as b2RevoluteJointDef)); break; case e_pulleyJoint: _local3 = new b2PulleyJoint((_arg1 as b2PulleyJointDef)); break; case e_gearJoint: _local3 = new b2GearJoint((_arg1 as b2GearJointDef)); break; default: break; }; return (_local3); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 54
//b2JointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2JointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2JointDef { public var collideConnected:Boolean; public var body1:b2Body; public var body2:b2Body; public var userData; public var type:int; public function b2JointDef(){ type = b2Joint.e_unknownJoint; userData = null; body1 = null; body2 = null; collideConnected = false; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 55
//b2JointEdge (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2JointEdge) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2JointEdge { public var joint:b2Joint; public var other:b2Body; public var next:b2JointEdge; public var prev:b2JointEdge; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 56
//b2MouseJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2MouseJoint extends b2Joint { public var m_beta:Number; public var m_mass:b2Mat22; public var m_target:b2Vec2; public var m_impulse:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor:b2Vec2; private var K1:b2Mat22; private var K2:b2Mat22; private var K:b2Mat22; public var m_gamma:Number; public var m_C:b2Vec2; public var m_maxForce:Number; public function b2MouseJoint(_arg1:b2MouseJointDef){ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; K = new b2Mat22(); K1 = new b2Mat22(); K2 = new b2Mat22(); m_localAnchor = new b2Vec2(); m_target = new b2Vec2(); m_impulse = new b2Vec2(); m_mass = new b2Mat22(); m_C = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_target.SetV(; _local2 = (m_target.x - m_body2.m_xf.position.x); _local3 = (m_target.y - m_body2.m_xf.position.y); _local4 = m_body2.m_xf.R; m_localAnchor.x = ((_local2 * _local4.col1.x) + (_local3 * _local4.col1.y)); m_localAnchor.y = ((_local2 * _local4.col2.x) + (_local3 * _local4.col2.y)); m_maxForce = _arg1.maxForce; m_impulse.SetZero(); _local5 = m_body2.m_mass; _local6 = ((2 * b2Settings.b2_pi) * _arg1.frequencyHz); _local7 = (((2 * _local5) * _arg1.dampingRatio) * _local6); _local8 = ((_arg1.timeStep * _local5) * (_local6 * _local6)); m_gamma = (1 / (_local7 + _local8)); m_beta = (_local8 / (_local7 + _local8)); } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_target); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor)); } override public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ return (m_impulse); } override public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ return (true); } override public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local4 = (m_localAnchor.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local5 = (m_localAnchor.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4) + (_local3.col2.x * _local5)); _local5 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4) + (_local3.col2.y * _local5)); _local4 = _local6; _local7 = _local2.m_invMass; _local8 = _local2.m_invI; K1.col1.x = _local7; K1.col2.x = 0; K1.col1.y = 0; K1.col2.y = _local7; K2.col1.x = ((_local8 * _local5) * _local5); K2.col2.x = ((-(_local8) * _local4) * _local5); K2.col1.y = ((-(_local8) * _local4) * _local5); K2.col2.y = ((_local8 * _local4) * _local4); K.SetM(K1); K.AddM(K2); K.col1.x = (K.col1.x + m_gamma); K.col2.y = (K.col2.y + m_gamma); K.Invert(m_mass); m_C.x = ((_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local4) - m_target.x); m_C.y = ((_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local5) - m_target.y); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity * 0.98); _local9 = (_arg1.dt * m_impulse.x); _local10 = (_arg1.dt * m_impulse.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local7 * _local9)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local7 * _local10)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local8 * ((_local4 * _local10) - (_local5 * _local9)))); } override public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ return (0); } public function SetTarget(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ if (m_body2.IsSleeping()){ m_body2.WakeUp(); }; m_target = _arg1; } override public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local4 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local6) + (_local3.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local6) + (_local3.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local4; _local8 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local7)); _local9 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local6)); _local3 = m_mass; _local4 = ((_local8 + ((m_beta * _arg1.inv_dt) * m_C.x)) + ((m_gamma * _arg1.dt) * m_impulse.x)); _local5 = ((_local9 + ((m_beta * _arg1.inv_dt) * m_C.y)) + ((m_gamma * _arg1.dt) * m_impulse.y)); _local10 = (-(_arg1.inv_dt) * ((_local3.col1.x * _local4) + (_local3.col2.x * _local5))); _local11 = (-(_arg1.inv_dt) * ((_local3.col1.y * _local4) + (_local3.col2.y * _local5))); _local12 = m_impulse.x; _local13 = m_impulse.y; m_impulse.x = (m_impulse.x + _local10); m_impulse.y = (m_impulse.y + _local11); _local14 = m_impulse.Length(); if (_local14 > m_maxForce){ m_impulse.Multiply((m_maxForce / _local14)); }; _local10 = (m_impulse.x - _local12); _local11 = (m_impulse.y - _local13); _local15 = (_arg1.dt * _local10); _local16 = (_arg1.dt * _local11); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local16)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local6 * _local16) - (_local7 * _local15)))); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 57
//b2MouseJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2MouseJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2MouseJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var frequencyHz:Number; public var dampingRatio:Number; public var maxForce:Number; public var target:b2Vec2; public var timeStep:Number; public function b2MouseJointDef(){ target = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_mouseJoint; maxForce = 0; frequencyHz = 5; dampingRatio = 0.7; timeStep = (1 / 60); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 58
//b2PrismaticJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PrismaticJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PrismaticJoint extends b2Joint { public var m_limitForce:Number; public var m_refAngle:Number; public var m_lowerTranslation:Number; public var m_localXAxis1:b2Vec2; public var m_torque:Number; public var m_enableLimit:Boolean; public var m_motorForce:Number; public var m_force:Number; public var m_localYAxis1:b2Vec2; public var m_motorMass:Number; public var m_maxMotorForce:Number; public var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var m_angularMass:Number; public var m_limitState:int; public var m_linearMass:Number; public var m_upperTranslation:Number; public var m_motorJacobian:b2Jacobian; public var m_limitPositionImpulse:Number; public var m_motorSpeed:Number; public var m_linearJacobian:b2Jacobian; public var m_enableMotor:Boolean; public function b2PrismaticJoint(_arg1:b2PrismaticJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localXAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localYAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); m_linearJacobian = new b2Jacobian(); m_motorJacobian = new b2Jacobian(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_localXAxis1.SetV(_arg1.localAxis1); m_localYAxis1.x = -(m_localXAxis1.y); m_localYAxis1.y = m_localXAxis1.x; m_refAngle = _arg1.referenceAngle; m_linearJacobian.SetZero(); m_linearMass = 0; m_force = 0; m_angularMass = 0; m_torque = 0; m_motorJacobian.SetZero(); m_motorMass = 0; m_motorForce = 0; m_limitForce = 0; m_limitPositionImpulse = 0; m_lowerTranslation = _arg1.lowerTranslation; m_upperTranslation = _arg1.upperTranslation; m_maxMotorForce = _arg1.maxMotorForce; m_motorSpeed = _arg1.motorSpeed; m_enableLimit = _arg1.enableLimit; m_enableMotor = _arg1.enableMotor; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } public function EnableMotor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_enableMotor = _arg1; } public function GetUpperLimit():Number{ return (m_upperTranslation); } public function GetLowerLimit():Number{ return (m_lowerTranslation); } public function GetJointTranslation():Number{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local4 = _local1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1); _local5 = _local2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2); _local6 = (_local5.x - _local4.x); _local7 = (_local5.y - _local4.y); _local8 = _local1.GetWorldVector(m_localXAxis1); _local9 = ((_local8.x * _local6) + (_local8.y * _local7)); return (_local9); } public function SetLimits(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ m_lowerTranslation = _arg1; m_upperTranslation = _arg2; } public function GetMotorSpeed():Number{ return (m_motorSpeed); } override public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Mat22; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = m_body1.m_xf.R; _local2 = (m_limitForce * ((_local1.col1.x * m_localXAxis1.x) + (_local1.col2.x * m_localXAxis1.y))); _local3 = (m_limitForce * ((_local1.col1.y * m_localXAxis1.x) + (_local1.col2.y * m_localXAxis1.y))); _local4 = (m_force * ((_local1.col1.x * m_localYAxis1.x) + (_local1.col2.x * m_localYAxis1.y))); _local5 = (m_force * ((_local1.col1.y * m_localYAxis1.x) + (_local1.col2.y * m_localYAxis1.y))); return (new b2Vec2(((m_limitForce * _local2) + (m_force * _local4)), ((m_limitForce * _local3) + (m_force * _local5)))); } override public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:b2Mat22; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; var _local29:Number; var _local30:Number; var _local31:Number; var _local32:Number; _local3 = m_body1; _local4 = m_body2; _local5 = _local3.m_invMass; _local6 = _local4.m_invMass; _local7 = _local3.m_invI; _local8 = _local4.m_invI; _local9 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local12 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local10 = ((_local9.col1.x * _local11) + (_local9.col2.x * _local12)); _local12 = ((_local9.col1.y * _local11) + (_local9.col2.y * _local12)); _local11 = _local10; _local9 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local13 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local14 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local10 = ((_local9.col1.x * _local13) + (_local9.col2.x * _local14)); _local14 = ((_local9.col1.y * _local13) + (_local9.col2.y * _local14)); _local13 = _local10; _local15 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local11); _local16 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local12); _local17 = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + _local13); _local18 = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + _local14); _local19 = (_local17 - _local15); _local20 = (_local18 - _local16); _local9 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local21 = ((_local9.col1.x * m_localYAxis1.x) + (_local9.col2.x * m_localYAxis1.y)); _local22 = ((_local9.col1.y * m_localYAxis1.x) + (_local9.col2.y * m_localYAxis1.y)); _local23 = ((_local21 * _local19) + (_local22 * _local20)); _local23 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local23, -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local24 = (-(m_linearMass) * _local23); _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local5 * _local24) * m_linearJacobian.linear1.x)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local5 * _local24) * m_linearJacobian.linear1.y)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + ((_local7 * _local24) * m_linearJacobian.angular1)); _local4.m_sweep.c.x = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local6 * _local24) * m_linearJacobian.linear2.x)); _local4.m_sweep.c.y = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local6 * _local24) * m_linearJacobian.linear2.y)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + ((_local8 * _local24) * m_linearJacobian.angular2)); _local25 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local23); _local26 = ((_local4.m_sweep.a - _local3.m_sweep.a) - m_refAngle); _local26 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local26, -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection); _local27 = (-(m_angularMass) * _local26); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a - (_local3.m_invI * _local27)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + (_local4.m_invI * _local27)); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); _local28 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local26); if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local9 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local12 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local10 = ((_local9.col1.x * _local11) + (_local9.col2.x * _local12)); _local12 = ((_local9.col1.y * _local11) + (_local9.col2.y * _local12)); _local11 = _local10; _local9 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local13 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local14 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local10 = ((_local9.col1.x * _local13) + (_local9.col2.x * _local14)); _local14 = ((_local9.col1.y * _local13) + (_local9.col2.y * _local14)); _local13 = _local10; _local15 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local11); _local16 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local12); _local17 = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + _local13); _local18 = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + _local14); _local19 = (_local17 - _local15); _local20 = (_local18 - _local16); _local9 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local29 = ((_local9.col1.x * m_localXAxis1.x) + (_local9.col2.x * m_localXAxis1.y)); _local30 = ((_local9.col1.y * m_localXAxis1.x) + (_local9.col2.y * m_localXAxis1.y)); _local31 = ((_local29 * _local19) + (_local30 * _local20)); _local32 = 0; if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits){ _local1 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local31, -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local32 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local1); _local25 = b2Math.b2Max(_local25, b2Math.b2Abs(_local26)); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ _local1 = (_local31 - m_lowerTranslation); _local25 = b2Math.b2Max(_local25, -(_local1)); _local1 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local1 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local32 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local1); _local2 = m_limitPositionImpulse; m_limitPositionImpulse = b2Math.b2Max((m_limitPositionImpulse + _local32), 0); _local32 = (m_limitPositionImpulse - _local2); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ _local1 = (_local31 - m_upperTranslation); _local25 = b2Math.b2Max(_local25, _local1); _local1 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local1 - b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), 0, b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection); _local32 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local1); _local2 = m_limitPositionImpulse; m_limitPositionImpulse = b2Math.b2Min((m_limitPositionImpulse + _local32), 0); _local32 = (m_limitPositionImpulse - _local2); }; }; }; _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local5 * _local32) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.x)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local5 * _local32) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.y)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a + ((_local7 * _local32) * m_motorJacobian.angular1)); _local4.m_sweep.c.x = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + ((_local6 * _local32) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.x)); _local4.m_sweep.c.y = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + ((_local6 * _local32) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.y)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + ((_local8 * _local32) * m_motorJacobian.angular2)); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); }; return ((((_local25 <= b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)) && ((_local28 <= b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)))); } public function GetJointSpeed():Number{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:b2Vec2; var _local16:b2Vec2; var _local17:b2Vec2; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local3 = _local1.m_xf.R; _local4 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4) + (_local3.col2.x * _local5)); _local5 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4) + (_local3.col2.y * _local5)); _local4 = _local6; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local7 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local6 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local7) + (_local3.col2.x * _local8)); _local8 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local7) + (_local3.col2.y * _local8)); _local7 = _local6; _local9 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + _local4); _local10 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + _local5); _local11 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local7); _local12 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local8); _local13 = (_local11 - _local9); _local14 = (_local12 - _local10); _local15 = _local1.GetWorldVector(m_localXAxis1); _local16 = _local1.m_linearVelocity; _local17 = _local2.m_linearVelocity; _local18 = _local1.m_angularVelocity; _local19 = _local2.m_angularVelocity; _local20 = (((_local13 * (-(_local18) * _local15.y)) + (_local14 * (_local18 * _local15.x))) + ((_local15.x * (((_local17.x + (-(_local19) * _local8)) - _local16.x) - (-(_local18) * _local5))) + (_local15.y * (((_local17.y + (_local19 * _local7)) - _local16.y) - (_local18 * _local4))))); return (_local20); } public function SetMotorSpeed(_arg1:Number):void{ m_motorSpeed = _arg1; } override public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; var _local27:Number; var _local28:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local6) + (_local4.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local6) + (_local4.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local10 = _local2.m_invMass; _local11 = _local3.m_invMass; _local12 = _local2.m_invI; _local13 = _local3.m_invI; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local14 = ((_local4.col1.x * m_localYAxis1.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_localYAxis1.y)); _local15 = ((_local4.col1.y * m_localYAxis1.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_localYAxis1.y)); _local16 = ((_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local8) - _local2.m_sweep.c.x); _local17 = ((_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local9) - _local2.m_sweep.c.y); m_linearJacobian.linear1.x = -(_local14); m_linearJacobian.linear1.y = -(_local15); m_linearJacobian.linear2.x = _local14; m_linearJacobian.linear2.y = _local15; m_linearJacobian.angular1 = -(((_local16 * _local15) - (_local17 * _local14))); m_linearJacobian.angular2 = ((_local8 * _local15) - (_local9 * _local14)); m_linearMass = (((_local10 + ((_local12 * m_linearJacobian.angular1) * m_linearJacobian.angular1)) + _local11) + ((_local13 * m_linearJacobian.angular2) * m_linearJacobian.angular2)); m_linearMass = (1 / m_linearMass); m_angularMass = (_local12 + _local13); if (m_angularMass > Number.MIN_VALUE){ m_angularMass = (1 / m_angularMass); }; if (((m_enableLimit) || (m_enableMotor))){ _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local18 = ((_local4.col1.x * m_localXAxis1.x) + (_local4.col2.x * m_localXAxis1.y)); _local19 = ((_local4.col1.y * m_localXAxis1.x) + (_local4.col2.y * m_localXAxis1.y)); m_motorJacobian.linear1.x = -(_local18); m_motorJacobian.linear1.y = -(_local19); m_motorJacobian.linear2.x = _local18; m_motorJacobian.linear2.y = _local19; m_motorJacobian.angular1 = -(((_local16 * _local19) - (_local17 * _local18))); m_motorJacobian.angular2 = ((_local8 * _local19) - (_local9 * _local18)); m_motorMass = (((_local10 + ((_local12 * m_motorJacobian.angular1) * m_motorJacobian.angular1)) + _local11) + ((_local13 * m_motorJacobian.angular2) * m_motorJacobian.angular2)); m_motorMass = (1 / m_motorMass); if (m_enableLimit){ _local20 = (_local16 - _local6); _local21 = (_local17 - _local7); _local22 = ((_local18 * _local20) + (_local19 * _local21)); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperTranslation - m_lowerTranslation)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)){ m_limitState = e_equalLimits; } else { if (_local22 <= m_lowerTranslation){ if (m_limitState != e_atLowerLimit){ m_limitForce = 0; }; m_limitState = e_atLowerLimit; } else { if (_local22 >= m_upperTranslation){ if (m_limitState != e_atUpperLimit){ m_limitForce = 0; }; m_limitState = e_atUpperLimit; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_limitForce = 0; }; }; }; }; }; if (m_enableMotor == false){ m_motorForce = 0; }; if (m_enableLimit == false){ m_limitForce = 0; }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local23 = (_arg1.dt * ((m_force * m_linearJacobian.linear1.x) + ((m_motorForce + m_limitForce) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.x))); _local24 = (_arg1.dt * ((m_force * m_linearJacobian.linear1.y) + ((m_motorForce + m_limitForce) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.y))); _local25 = (_arg1.dt * ((m_force * m_linearJacobian.linear2.x) + ((m_motorForce + m_limitForce) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.x))); _local26 = (_arg1.dt * ((m_force * m_linearJacobian.linear2.y) + ((m_motorForce + m_limitForce) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.y))); _local27 = (_arg1.dt * (((m_force * m_linearJacobian.angular1) - m_torque) + ((m_motorForce + m_limitForce) * m_motorJacobian.angular1))); _local28 = (_arg1.dt * (((m_force * m_linearJacobian.angular2) + m_torque) + ((m_motorForce + m_limitForce) * m_motorJacobian.angular2))); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local10 * _local23)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local10 * _local24)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local12 * _local27)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local11 * _local25)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local11 * _local26)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local13 * _local28)); } else { m_force = 0; m_torque = 0; m_limitForce = 0; m_motorForce = 0; }; m_limitPositionImpulse = 0; } public function GetMotorForce():Number{ return (m_motorForce); } public function SetMaxMotorForce(_arg1:Number):void{ m_maxMotorForce = _arg1; } public function EnableLimit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_enableLimit = _arg1; } override public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ return (m_torque); } public function IsLimitEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableLimit); } public function IsMotorEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableMotor); } override public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_invMass; _local5 = _local3.m_invMass; _local6 = _local2.m_invI; _local7 = _local3.m_invI; _local9 = m_linearJacobian.Compute(_local2.m_linearVelocity, _local2.m_angularVelocity, _local3.m_linearVelocity, _local3.m_angularVelocity); _local10 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_linearMass) * _local9); m_force = (m_force + _local10); _local11 = (_arg1.dt * _local10); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local4 * _local11) * m_linearJacobian.linear1.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local4 * _local11) * m_linearJacobian.linear1.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + ((_local6 * _local11) * m_linearJacobian.angular1)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local5 * _local11) * m_linearJacobian.linear2.x)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local5 * _local11) * m_linearJacobian.linear2.y)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local7 * _local11) * m_linearJacobian.angular2)); _local12 = (_local3.m_angularVelocity - _local2.m_angularVelocity); _local13 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_angularMass) * _local12); m_torque = (m_torque + _local13); _local14 = (_arg1.dt * _local13); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - (_local6 * _local14)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local7 * _local14)); if (((m_enableMotor) && (!((m_limitState == e_equalLimits))))){ _local15 = (m_motorJacobian.Compute(_local2.m_linearVelocity, _local2.m_angularVelocity, _local3.m_linearVelocity, _local3.m_angularVelocity) - m_motorSpeed); _local16 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_motorMass) * _local15); _local17 = m_motorForce; m_motorForce = b2Math.b2Clamp((m_motorForce + _local16), -(m_maxMotorForce), m_maxMotorForce); _local16 = (m_motorForce - _local17); _local11 = (_arg1.dt * _local16); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local4 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local4 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + ((_local6 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.angular1)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local5 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.x)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local5 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.y)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local7 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.angular2)); }; if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local18 = m_motorJacobian.Compute(_local2.m_linearVelocity, _local2.m_angularVelocity, _local3.m_linearVelocity, _local3.m_angularVelocity); _local19 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_motorMass) * _local18); if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits){ m_limitForce = (m_limitForce + _local19); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ _local8 = m_limitForce; m_limitForce = b2Math.b2Max((m_limitForce + _local19), 0); _local19 = (m_limitForce - _local8); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ _local8 = m_limitForce; m_limitForce = b2Math.b2Min((m_limitForce + _local19), 0); _local19 = (m_limitForce - _local8); }; }; }; _local11 = (_arg1.dt * _local19); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local4 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local4 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear1.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + ((_local6 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.angular1)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_local5 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.x)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_local5 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.linear2.y)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local7 * _local11) * m_motorJacobian.angular2)); }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 59
//b2PrismaticJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PrismaticJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2PrismaticJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var localAxis1:b2Vec2; public var referenceAngle:Number; public var maxMotorForce:Number; public var motorSpeed:Number; public var upperTranslation:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var enableLimit:Boolean; public var enableMotor:Boolean; public var lowerTranslation:Number; public function b2PrismaticJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); localAxis1 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_prismaticJoint; localAxis1.Set(1, 0); referenceAngle = 0; enableLimit = false; lowerTranslation = 0; upperTranslation = 0; enableMotor = false; maxMotorForce = 0; motorSpeed = 0; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2):void{ body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAxis1 = body1.GetLocalVector(_arg4); referenceAngle = (body2.GetAngle() - body1.GetAngle()); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 60
//b2PulleyJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PulleyJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2PulleyJoint extends b2Joint { public var m_ground:b2Body; public var m_maxLength2:Number; public var m_limitForce1:Number; public var m_maxLength1:Number; public var m_limitState1:int; public var m_limitState2:int; public var m_limitPositionImpulse2:Number; public var m_force:Number; public var m_limitPositionImpulse1:Number; public var m_constant:Number; public var m_state:int; public var m_ratio:Number; public var m_groundAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_groundAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var m_positionImpulse:Number; public var m_limitMass2:Number; public var m_limitMass1:Number; public var m_pulleyMass:Number; public var m_u1:b2Vec2; public var m_u2:b2Vec2; public var m_limitForce2:Number; public static const b2_minPulleyLength:Number = 2; public function b2PulleyJoint(_arg1:b2PulleyJointDef){ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; m_groundAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_groundAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_u1 = new b2Vec2(); m_u2 = new b2Vec2(); super(_arg1); m_ground = m_body1.m_world.m_groundBody; m_groundAnchor1.x = (_arg1.groundAnchor1.x - m_ground.m_xf.position.x); m_groundAnchor1.y = (_arg1.groundAnchor1.y - m_ground.m_xf.position.y); m_groundAnchor2.x = (_arg1.groundAnchor2.x - m_ground.m_xf.position.x); m_groundAnchor2.y = (_arg1.groundAnchor2.y - m_ground.m_xf.position.y); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_ratio = _arg1.ratio; m_constant = (_arg1.length1 + (m_ratio * _arg1.length2)); m_maxLength1 = b2Math.b2Min(_arg1.maxLength1, (m_constant - (m_ratio * b2_minPulleyLength))); m_maxLength2 = b2Math.b2Min(_arg1.maxLength2, ((m_constant - b2_minPulleyLength) / m_ratio)); m_force = 0; m_limitForce1 = 0; m_limitForce2 = 0; } public function GetGroundAnchor2():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = m_ground.m_xf.position.Copy(); _local1.Add(m_groundAnchor2); return (_local1); } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } override public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = m_u2.Copy(); _local1.Multiply(m_force); return (_local1); } override public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ var _local1:b2Body; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; _local1 = m_body1; _local2 = m_body2; _local4 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor1.x); _local5 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor1.y); _local6 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor2.x); _local7 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor2.y); _local23 = 0; if (m_state == e_atUpperLimit){ _local3 = _local1.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local22 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local8) + (_local3.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local8) + (_local3.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local22; _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local22 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local10) + (_local3.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local10) + (_local3.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local22; _local12 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + _local8); _local13 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + _local9); _local14 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local10); _local15 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local11); m_u1.Set((_local12 - _local4), (_local13 - _local5)); m_u2.Set((_local14 - _local6), (_local15 - _local7)); _local16 = m_u1.Length(); _local17 = m_u2.Length(); if (_local16 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u1.Multiply((1 / _local16)); } else { m_u1.SetZero(); }; if (_local17 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u2.Multiply((1 / _local17)); } else { m_u2.SetZero(); }; _local18 = ((m_constant - _local16) - (m_ratio * _local17)); _local23 = b2Math.b2Max(_local23, -(_local18)); _local18 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local18 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local19 = (-(m_pulleyMass) * _local18); _local20 = m_positionImpulse; m_positionImpulse = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_positionImpulse + _local19)); _local19 = (m_positionImpulse - _local20); _local12 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.x); _local13 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.y); _local14 = ((-(m_ratio) * _local19) * m_u2.x); _local15 = ((-(m_ratio) * _local19) * m_u2.y); _local1.m_sweep.c.x = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + (_local1.m_invMass * _local12)); _local1.m_sweep.c.y = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + (_local1.m_invMass * _local13)); _local1.m_sweep.a = (_local1.m_sweep.a + (_local1.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local13) - (_local9 * _local12)))); _local2.m_sweep.c.x = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_sweep.c.y = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_sweep.a = (_local2.m_sweep.a + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local10 * _local15) - (_local11 * _local14)))); _local1.SynchronizeTransform(); _local2.SynchronizeTransform(); }; if (m_limitState1 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local3 = _local1.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local1.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local22 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local8) + (_local3.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local8) + (_local3.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local22; _local12 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + _local8); _local13 = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + _local9); m_u1.Set((_local12 - _local4), (_local13 - _local5)); _local16 = m_u1.Length(); if (_local16 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u1.x = (m_u1.x * (1 / _local16)); m_u1.y = (m_u1.y * (1 / _local16)); } else { m_u1.SetZero(); }; _local18 = (m_maxLength1 - _local16); _local23 = b2Math.b2Max(_local23, -(_local18)); _local18 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local18 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local19 = (-(m_limitMass1) * _local18); _local21 = m_limitPositionImpulse1; m_limitPositionImpulse1 = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_limitPositionImpulse1 + _local19)); _local19 = (m_limitPositionImpulse1 - _local21); _local12 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.x); _local13 = (-(_local19) * m_u1.y); _local1.m_sweep.c.x = (_local1.m_sweep.c.x + (_local1.m_invMass * _local12)); _local1.m_sweep.c.y = (_local1.m_sweep.c.y + (_local1.m_invMass * _local13)); _local1.m_sweep.a = (_local1.m_sweep.a + (_local1.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local13) - (_local9 * _local12)))); _local1.SynchronizeTransform(); }; if (m_limitState2 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local3 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local22 = ((_local3.col1.x * _local10) + (_local3.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local3.col1.y * _local10) + (_local3.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local22; _local14 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local10); _local15 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local11); m_u2.Set((_local14 - _local6), (_local15 - _local7)); _local17 = m_u2.Length(); if (_local17 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u2.x = (m_u2.x * (1 / _local17)); m_u2.y = (m_u2.y * (1 / _local17)); } else { m_u2.SetZero(); }; _local18 = (m_maxLength2 - _local17); _local23 = b2Math.b2Max(_local23, -(_local18)); _local18 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local18 + b2Settings.b2_linearSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxLinearCorrection), 0); _local19 = (-(m_limitMass2) * _local18); _local21 = m_limitPositionImpulse2; m_limitPositionImpulse2 = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_limitPositionImpulse2 + _local19)); _local19 = (m_limitPositionImpulse2 - _local21); _local14 = (-(_local19) * m_u2.x); _local15 = (-(_local19) * m_u2.y); _local2.m_sweep.c.x = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_sweep.c.y = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_sweep.a = (_local2.m_sweep.a + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local10 * _local15) - (_local11 * _local14)))); _local2.SynchronizeTransform(); }; return ((_local23 < b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)); } override public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local5) + (_local4.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local5) + (_local4.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; _local10 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.x + _local5); _local11 = (_local2.m_sweep.c.y + _local6); _local12 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local8); _local13 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local9); _local14 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor1.x); _local15 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor1.y); _local16 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor2.x); _local17 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor2.y); m_u1.Set((_local10 - _local14), (_local11 - _local15)); m_u2.Set((_local12 - _local16), (_local13 - _local17)); _local18 = m_u1.Length(); _local19 = m_u2.Length(); if (_local18 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u1.Multiply((1 / _local18)); } else { m_u1.SetZero(); }; if (_local19 > b2Settings.b2_linearSlop){ m_u2.Multiply((1 / _local19)); } else { m_u2.SetZero(); }; _local20 = ((m_constant - _local18) - (m_ratio * _local19)); if (_local20 > 0){ m_state = e_inactiveLimit; m_force = 0; } else { m_state = e_atUpperLimit; m_positionImpulse = 0; }; if (_local18 < m_maxLength1){ m_limitState1 = e_inactiveLimit; m_limitForce1 = 0; } else { m_limitState1 = e_atUpperLimit; m_limitPositionImpulse1 = 0; }; if (_local19 < m_maxLength2){ m_limitState2 = e_inactiveLimit; m_limitForce2 = 0; } else { m_limitState2 = e_atUpperLimit; m_limitPositionImpulse2 = 0; }; _local21 = ((_local5 * m_u1.y) - (_local6 * m_u1.x)); _local22 = ((_local8 * m_u2.y) - (_local9 * m_u2.x)); m_limitMass1 = (_local2.m_invMass + ((_local2.m_invI * _local21) * _local21)); m_limitMass2 = (_local3.m_invMass + ((_local3.m_invI * _local22) * _local22)); m_pulleyMass = (m_limitMass1 + ((m_ratio * m_ratio) * m_limitMass2)); m_limitMass1 = (1 / m_limitMass1); m_limitMass2 = (1 / m_limitMass2); m_pulleyMass = (1 / m_pulleyMass); if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local23 = ((_arg1.dt * (-(m_force) - m_limitForce1)) * m_u1.x); _local24 = ((_arg1.dt * (-(m_force) - m_limitForce1)) * m_u1.y); _local25 = ((_arg1.dt * ((-(m_ratio) * m_force) - m_limitForce2)) * m_u2.x); _local26 = ((_arg1.dt * ((-(m_ratio) * m_force) - m_limitForce2)) * m_u2.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local23)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local24)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local24) - (_local6 * _local23)))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local25)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local26)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local26) - (_local9 * _local25)))); } else { m_force = 0; m_limitForce1 = 0; m_limitForce2 = 0; }; } override public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ return (0); } public function GetRatio():Number{ return (m_ratio); } public function GetLength2():Number{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2); _local2 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor2.x); _local3 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor2.y); _local4 = (_local1.x - _local2); _local5 = (_local1.y - _local3); return (Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)))); } override public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local5 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local5) + (_local4.col2.x * _local6)); _local6 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local5) + (_local4.col2.y * _local6)); _local5 = _local7; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local7; if (m_state == e_atUpperLimit){ _local10 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local6)); _local11 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local5)); _local12 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)); _local13 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local8)); _local18 = (-(((m_u1.x * _local10) + (m_u1.y * _local11))) - (m_ratio * ((m_u2.x * _local12) + (m_u2.y * _local13)))); _local19 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_pulleyMass) * _local18); _local20 = m_force; m_force = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_force + _local19)); _local19 = (m_force - _local20); _local14 = ((-(_arg1.dt) * _local19) * m_u1.x); _local15 = ((-(_arg1.dt) * _local19) * m_u1.y); _local16 = (((-(_arg1.dt) * m_ratio) * _local19) * m_u2.x); _local17 = (((-(_arg1.dt) * m_ratio) * _local19) * m_u2.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local15) - (_local6 * _local14)))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local17)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local17) - (_local9 * _local16)))); }; if (m_limitState1 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local10 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local6)); _local11 = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local5)); _local18 = -(((m_u1.x * _local10) + (m_u1.y * _local11))); _local19 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_limitMass1) * _local18); _local20 = m_limitForce1; m_limitForce1 = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_limitForce1 + _local19)); _local19 = (m_limitForce1 - _local20); _local14 = ((-(_arg1.dt) * _local19) * m_u1.x); _local15 = ((-(_arg1.dt) * _local19) * m_u1.y); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local2.m_invMass * _local14)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity + (_local2.m_invI * ((_local5 * _local15) - (_local6 * _local14)))); }; if (m_limitState2 == e_atUpperLimit){ _local12 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)); _local13 = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local8)); _local18 = -(((m_u2.x * _local12) + (m_u2.y * _local13))); _local19 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_limitMass2) * _local18); _local20 = m_limitForce2; m_limitForce2 = b2Math.b2Max(0, (m_limitForce2 + _local19)); _local19 = (m_limitForce2 - _local20); _local16 = ((-(_arg1.dt) * _local19) * m_u2.x); _local17 = ((-(_arg1.dt) * _local19) * m_u2.y); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local17)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local17) - (_local9 * _local16)))); }; } public function GetLength1():Number{ var _local1:b2Vec2; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1); _local2 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.x + m_groundAnchor1.x); _local3 = (m_ground.m_xf.position.y + m_groundAnchor1.y); _local4 = (_local1.x - _local2); _local5 = (_local1.y - _local3); return (Math.sqrt(((_local4 * _local4) + (_local5 * _local5)))); } public function GetGroundAnchor1():b2Vec2{ var _local1:b2Vec2; _local1 = m_ground.m_xf.position.Copy(); _local1.Add(m_groundAnchor1); return (_local1); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 61
//b2PulleyJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2PulleyJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2PulleyJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var maxLength2:Number; public var length1:Number; public var length2:Number; public var maxLength1:Number; public var ratio:Number; public var groundAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var groundAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public function b2PulleyJointDef(){ groundAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); groundAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_pulleyJoint; groundAnchor1.Set(-1, 1); groundAnchor2.Set(1, 1); localAnchor1.Set(-1, 0); localAnchor2.Set(1, 0); length1 = 0; maxLength1 = 0; length2 = 0; maxLength2 = 0; ratio = 1; collideConnected = true; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Vec2, _arg5:b2Vec2, _arg6:b2Vec2, _arg7:Number):void{ var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; groundAnchor1.SetV(_arg3); groundAnchor2.SetV(_arg4); localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg5); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg6); _local8 = (_arg5.x - _arg3.x); _local9 = (_arg5.y - _arg3.y); length1 = Math.sqrt(((_local8 * _local8) + (_local9 * _local9))); _local10 = (_arg6.x - _arg4.x); _local11 = (_arg6.y - _arg4.y); length2 = Math.sqrt(((_local10 * _local10) + (_local11 * _local11))); ratio = _arg7; _local12 = (length1 + (ratio * length2)); maxLength1 = (_local12 - (ratio * b2PulleyJoint.b2_minPulleyLength)); maxLength2 = ((_local12 - b2PulleyJoint.b2_minPulleyLength) / ratio); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 62
//b2RevoluteJoint (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJoint) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Common.*; public class b2RevoluteJoint extends b2Joint { public var m_limitForce:Number; public var m_motorForce:Number; public var m_pivotMass:b2Mat22; public var m_enableLimit:Boolean; public var m_limitState:int; public var m_motorMass:Number; public var m_localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var m_localAnchor2:b2Vec2; private var K1:b2Mat22; private var K2:b2Mat22; private var K3:b2Mat22; private var K:b2Mat22; public var m_pivotForce:b2Vec2; public var m_motorSpeed:Number; public var m_enableMotor:Boolean; public var m_limitPositionImpulse:Number; public var m_maxMotorTorque:Number; public var m_referenceAngle:Number; public var m_lowerAngle:Number; public var m_upperAngle:Number; public static var tImpulse:b2Vec2 = new b2Vec2(); public function b2RevoluteJoint(_arg1:b2RevoluteJointDef){ K = new b2Mat22(); K1 = new b2Mat22(); K2 = new b2Mat22(); K3 = new b2Mat22(); m_localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); m_localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); m_pivotForce = new b2Vec2(); m_pivotMass = new b2Mat22(); super(_arg1); m_localAnchor1.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor1); m_localAnchor2.SetV(_arg1.localAnchor2); m_referenceAngle = _arg1.referenceAngle; m_pivotForce.Set(0, 0); m_motorForce = 0; m_limitForce = 0; m_limitPositionImpulse = 0; m_lowerAngle = _arg1.lowerAngle; m_upperAngle = _arg1.upperAngle; m_maxMotorTorque = _arg1.maxMotorTorque; m_motorSpeed = _arg1.motorSpeed; m_enableLimit = _arg1.enableLimit; m_enableMotor = _arg1.enableMotor; } override public function GetAnchor1():b2Vec2{ return (m_body1.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor1)); } override public function GetAnchor2():b2Vec2{ return (m_body2.GetWorldPoint(m_localAnchor2)); } public function EnableMotor(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_enableMotor = _arg1; } public function GetUpperLimit():Number{ return (m_upperAngle); } public function GetLowerLimit():Number{ return (m_lowerAngle); } public function SetLimits(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ m_lowerAngle = _arg1; m_upperAngle = _arg2; } public function GetMotorSpeed():Number{ return (m_motorSpeed); } override public function GetReactionForce():b2Vec2{ return (m_pivotForce); } override public function SolvePositionConstraints():Boolean{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:Number; var _local6:b2Mat22; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; var _local22:Number; var _local23:Number; var _local24:Number; var _local25:Number; var _local26:Number; _local3 = m_body1; _local4 = m_body2; _local5 = 0; _local6 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local8 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local9 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local7) + (_local6.col2.x * _local8)); _local8 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local7) + (_local6.col2.y * _local8)); _local7 = _local9; _local6 = _local4.m_xf.R; _local10 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local11 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local4.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local9 = ((_local6.col1.x * _local10) + (_local6.col2.x * _local11)); _local11 = ((_local6.col1.y * _local10) + (_local6.col2.y * _local11)); _local10 = _local9; _local12 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x + _local7); _local13 = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y + _local8); _local14 = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + _local10); _local15 = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + _local11); _local16 = (_local14 - _local12); _local17 = (_local15 - _local13); _local5 = Math.sqrt(((_local16 * _local16) + (_local17 * _local17))); _local18 = _local3.m_invMass; _local19 = _local4.m_invMass; _local20 = _local3.m_invI; _local21 = _local4.m_invI; K1.col1.x = (_local18 + _local19); K1.col2.x = 0; K1.col1.y = 0; K1.col2.y = (_local18 + _local19); K2.col1.x = ((_local20 * _local8) * _local8); K2.col2.x = ((-(_local20) * _local7) * _local8); K2.col1.y = ((-(_local20) * _local7) * _local8); K2.col2.y = ((_local20 * _local7) * _local7); K3.col1.x = ((_local21 * _local11) * _local11); K3.col2.x = ((-(_local21) * _local10) * _local11); K3.col1.y = ((-(_local21) * _local10) * _local11); K3.col2.y = ((_local21 * _local10) * _local10); K.SetM(K1); K.AddM(K2); K.AddM(K3); K.Solve(tImpulse, -(_local16), -(_local17)); _local22 = tImpulse.x; _local23 = tImpulse.y; _local3.m_sweep.c.x = (_local3.m_sweep.c.x - (_local3.m_invMass * _local22)); _local3.m_sweep.c.y = (_local3.m_sweep.c.y - (_local3.m_invMass * _local23)); _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a - (_local3.m_invI * ((_local7 * _local23) - (_local8 * _local22)))); _local4.m_sweep.c.x = (_local4.m_sweep.c.x + (_local4.m_invMass * _local22)); _local4.m_sweep.c.y = (_local4.m_sweep.c.y + (_local4.m_invMass * _local23)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + (_local4.m_invI * ((_local10 * _local23) - (_local11 * _local22)))); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); _local24 = 0; if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local25 = ((_local4.m_sweep.a - _local3.m_sweep.a) - m_referenceAngle); _local26 = 0; if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits){ _local2 = b2Math.b2Clamp(_local25, -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection), b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection); _local26 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local2); _local24 = b2Math.b2Abs(_local2); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ _local2 = (_local25 - m_lowerAngle); _local24 = b2Math.b2Max(0, -(_local2)); _local2 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local2 + b2Settings.b2_angularSlop), -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection), 0); _local26 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local2); _local1 = m_limitPositionImpulse; m_limitPositionImpulse = b2Math.b2Max((m_limitPositionImpulse + _local26), 0); _local26 = (m_limitPositionImpulse - _local1); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ _local2 = (_local25 - m_upperAngle); _local24 = b2Math.b2Max(0, _local2); _local2 = b2Math.b2Clamp((_local2 - b2Settings.b2_angularSlop), 0, b2Settings.b2_maxAngularCorrection); _local26 = (-(m_motorMass) * _local2); _local1 = m_limitPositionImpulse; m_limitPositionImpulse = b2Math.b2Min((m_limitPositionImpulse + _local26), 0); _local26 = (m_limitPositionImpulse - _local1); }; }; }; _local3.m_sweep.a = (_local3.m_sweep.a - (_local3.m_invI * _local26)); _local4.m_sweep.a = (_local4.m_sweep.a + (_local4.m_invI * _local26)); _local3.SynchronizeTransform(); _local4.SynchronizeTransform(); }; return ((((_local5 <= b2Settings.b2_linearSlop)) && ((_local24 <= b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)))); } public function GetJointSpeed():Number{ return ((m_body2.m_angularVelocity - m_body1.m_angularVelocity)); } public function SetMotorSpeed(_arg1:Number):void{ m_motorSpeed = _arg1; } public function SetMaxMotorTorque(_arg1:Number):void{ m_maxMotorTorque = _arg1; } public function GetJointAngle():Number{ return (((m_body2.m_sweep.a - m_body1.m_sweep.a) - m_referenceAngle)); } override public function InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local6) + (_local4.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local6) + (_local4.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local10 = _local2.m_invMass; _local11 = _local3.m_invMass; _local12 = _local2.m_invI; _local13 = _local3.m_invI; K1.col1.x = (_local10 + _local11); K1.col2.x = 0; K1.col1.y = 0; K1.col2.y = (_local10 + _local11); K2.col1.x = ((_local12 * _local7) * _local7); K2.col2.x = ((-(_local12) * _local6) * _local7); K2.col1.y = ((-(_local12) * _local6) * _local7); K2.col2.y = ((_local12 * _local6) * _local6); K3.col1.x = ((_local13 * _local9) * _local9); K3.col2.x = ((-(_local13) * _local8) * _local9); K3.col1.y = ((-(_local13) * _local8) * _local9); K3.col2.y = ((_local13 * _local8) * _local8); K.SetM(K1); K.AddM(K2); K.AddM(K3); K.Invert(m_pivotMass); m_motorMass = (1 / (_local12 + _local13)); if (m_enableMotor == false){ m_motorForce = 0; }; if (m_enableLimit){ _local14 = ((_local3.m_sweep.a - _local2.m_sweep.a) - m_referenceAngle); if (b2Math.b2Abs((m_upperAngle - m_lowerAngle)) < (2 * b2Settings.b2_angularSlop)){ m_limitState = e_equalLimits; } else { if (_local14 <= m_lowerAngle){ if (m_limitState != e_atLowerLimit){ m_limitForce = 0; }; m_limitState = e_atLowerLimit; } else { if (_local14 >= m_upperAngle){ if (m_limitState != e_atUpperLimit){ m_limitForce = 0; }; m_limitState = e_atUpperLimit; } else { m_limitState = e_inactiveLimit; m_limitForce = 0; }; }; }; } else { m_limitForce = 0; }; if (_arg1.warmStarting){ _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x - ((_arg1.dt * _local10) * m_pivotForce.x)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y - ((_arg1.dt * _local10) * m_pivotForce.y)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - ((_arg1.dt * _local12) * ((((_local6 * m_pivotForce.y) - (_local7 * m_pivotForce.x)) + m_motorForce) + m_limitForce))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + ((_arg1.dt * _local11) * m_pivotForce.x)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + ((_arg1.dt * _local11) * m_pivotForce.y)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_arg1.dt * _local13) * ((((_local8 * m_pivotForce.y) - (_local9 * m_pivotForce.x)) + m_motorForce) + m_limitForce))); } else { m_pivotForce.SetZero(); m_motorForce = 0; m_limitForce = 0; }; m_limitPositionImpulse = 0; } public function EnableLimit(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_enableLimit = _arg1; } public function GetMotorTorque():Number{ return (m_motorForce); } override public function GetReactionTorque():Number{ return (m_limitForce); } public function IsLimitEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableLimit); } public function IsMotorEnabled():Boolean{ return (m_enableMotor); } override public function SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; var _local9:Number; var _local10:Number; var _local11:Number; var _local12:Number; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; var _local16:Number; var _local17:Number; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:Number; var _local21:Number; _local2 = m_body1; _local3 = m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf.R; _local6 = (m_localAnchor1.x - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local7 = (m_localAnchor1.y - _local2.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local6) + (_local4.col2.x * _local7)); _local7 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local6) + (_local4.col2.y * _local7)); _local6 = _local5; _local4 = _local3.m_xf.R; _local8 = (m_localAnchor2.x - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.x); _local9 = (m_localAnchor2.y - _local3.m_sweep.localCenter.y); _local5 = ((_local4.col1.x * _local8) + (_local4.col2.x * _local9)); _local9 = ((_local4.col1.y * _local8) + (_local4.col2.y * _local9)); _local8 = _local5; _local11 = (((_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (-(_local3.m_angularVelocity) * _local9)) - _local2.m_linearVelocity.x) - (-(_local2.m_angularVelocity) * _local7)); _local12 = (((_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_angularVelocity * _local8)) - _local2.m_linearVelocity.y) - (_local2.m_angularVelocity * _local6)); _local13 = (-(_arg1.inv_dt) * ((m_pivotMass.col1.x * _local11) + (m_pivotMass.col2.x * _local12))); _local14 = (-(_arg1.inv_dt) * ((m_pivotMass.col1.y * _local11) + (m_pivotMass.col2.y * _local12))); m_pivotForce.x = (m_pivotForce.x + _local13); m_pivotForce.y = (m_pivotForce.y + _local14); _local15 = (_arg1.dt * _local13); _local16 = (_arg1.dt * _local14); _local2.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.x - (_local2.m_invMass * _local15)); _local2.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local2.m_linearVelocity.y - (_local2.m_invMass * _local16)); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - (_local2.m_invI * ((_local6 * _local16) - (_local7 * _local15)))); _local3.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.x + (_local3.m_invMass * _local15)); _local3.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local3.m_linearVelocity.y + (_local3.m_invMass * _local16)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + (_local3.m_invI * ((_local8 * _local16) - (_local9 * _local15)))); if (((m_enableMotor) && (!((m_limitState == e_equalLimits))))){ _local17 = ((_local3.m_angularVelocity - _local2.m_angularVelocity) - m_motorSpeed); _local18 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_motorMass) * _local17); _local19 = m_motorForce; m_motorForce = b2Math.b2Clamp((m_motorForce + _local18), -(m_maxMotorTorque), m_maxMotorTorque); _local18 = (m_motorForce - _local19); _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - ((_local2.m_invI * _arg1.dt) * _local18)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local3.m_invI * _arg1.dt) * _local18)); }; if (((m_enableLimit) && (!((m_limitState == e_inactiveLimit))))){ _local20 = (_local3.m_angularVelocity - _local2.m_angularVelocity); _local21 = ((-(_arg1.inv_dt) * m_motorMass) * _local20); if (m_limitState == e_equalLimits){ m_limitForce = (m_limitForce + _local21); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atLowerLimit){ _local10 = m_limitForce; m_limitForce = b2Math.b2Max((m_limitForce + _local21), 0); _local21 = (m_limitForce - _local10); } else { if (m_limitState == e_atUpperLimit){ _local10 = m_limitForce; m_limitForce = b2Math.b2Min((m_limitForce + _local21), 0); _local21 = (m_limitForce - _local10); }; }; }; _local2.m_angularVelocity = (_local2.m_angularVelocity - ((_local2.m_invI * _arg1.dt) * _local21)); _local3.m_angularVelocity = (_local3.m_angularVelocity + ((_local3.m_invI * _arg1.dt) * _local21)); }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 63
//b2RevoluteJointDef (Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.b2RevoluteJointDef) package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; public class b2RevoluteJointDef extends b2JointDef { public var referenceAngle:Number; public var upperAngle:Number; public var lowerAngle:Number; public var motorSpeed:Number; public var maxMotorTorque:Number; public var localAnchor1:b2Vec2; public var localAnchor2:b2Vec2; public var enableLimit:Boolean; public var enableMotor:Boolean; public function b2RevoluteJointDef(){ localAnchor1 = new b2Vec2(); localAnchor2 = new b2Vec2(); super(); type = b2Joint.e_revoluteJoint; localAnchor1.Set(0, 0); localAnchor2.Set(0, 0); referenceAngle = 0; lowerAngle = 0; upperAngle = 0; maxMotorTorque = 0; motorSpeed = 0; enableLimit = false; enableMotor = false; } public function Initialize(_arg1:b2Body, _arg2:b2Body, _arg3:b2Vec2):void{ body1 = _arg1; body2 = _arg2; localAnchor1 = body1.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); localAnchor2 = body2.GetLocalPoint(_arg3); referenceAngle = (body2.GetAngle() - body1.GetAngle()); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics.Joints
Section 64
//b2Body (Box2D.Dynamics.b2Body) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2Body { public var m_next:b2Body; public var m_contactList:b2ContactEdge; public var m_angularVelocity:Number; public var m_shapeList:b2Shape; public var m_force:b2Vec2; public var m_mass:Number; public var m_sweep:b2Sweep; public var m_xf:b2XForm; public var m_torque:Number; public var m_userData; public var m_flags:uint; public var m_world:b2World; public var m_prev:b2Body; public var m_invMass:Number; public var m_type:int; public var m_linearDamping:Number; public var m_angularDamping:Number; public var m_invI:Number; public var m_linearVelocity:b2Vec2; public var m_sleepTime:Number; public var m_shapeCount:int; public var m_jointList:b2JointEdge; public var m_I:Number; public static var e_fixedRotationFlag:uint = 64; public static var e_frozenFlag:uint = 2; public static var e_maxTypes:uint = 3; public static var e_sleepFlag:uint = 8; private static var s_massData:b2MassData = new b2MassData(); public static var e_bulletFlag:uint = 32; public static var e_staticType:uint = 1; public static var e_islandFlag:uint = 4; public static var e_allowSleepFlag:uint = 16; private static var s_xf1:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); public static var e_dynamicType:uint = 2; public function b2Body(_arg1:b2BodyDef, _arg2:b2World){ var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; m_xf = new b2XForm(); m_sweep = new b2Sweep(); m_linearVelocity = new b2Vec2(); m_force = new b2Vec2(); super(); m_flags = 0; if (_arg1.isBullet){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_bulletFlag); }; if (_arg1.fixedRotation){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_fixedRotationFlag); }; if (_arg1.allowSleep){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_allowSleepFlag); }; if (_arg1.isSleeping){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_sleepFlag); }; m_world = _arg2; m_xf.position.SetV(_arg1.position); m_xf.R.Set(_arg1.angle); m_sweep.localCenter.SetV(; m_sweep.t0 = 1; m_sweep.a0 = (m_sweep.a = _arg1.angle); _local3 = m_xf.R; _local4 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); m_jointList = null; m_contactList = null; m_prev = null; m_next = null; m_linearDamping = _arg1.linearDamping; m_angularDamping = _arg1.angularDamping; m_force.Set(0, 0); m_torque = 0; m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; m_sleepTime = 0; m_invMass = 0; m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; m_mass = _arg1.massData.mass; if (m_mass > 0){ m_invMass = (1 / m_mass); }; if ((m_flags & b2Body.e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0){ m_I = _arg1.massData.I; }; if (m_I > 0){ m_invI = (1 / m_I); }; if ((((m_invMass == 0)) && ((m_invI == 0)))){ m_type = e_staticType; } else { m_type = e_dynamicType; }; m_userData = _arg1.userData; m_shapeList = null; m_shapeCount = 0; } public function GetLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (new b2Vec2((m_linearVelocity.x + (m_angularVelocity * (_arg1.y - m_sweep.c.y))), (m_linearVelocity.x - (m_angularVelocity * (_arg1.x - m_sweep.c.x))))); } public function SetLinearVelocity(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ m_linearVelocity.SetV(_arg1); } public function WakeUp():void{ m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_sleepFlag)); m_sleepTime = 0; } public function GetLocalCenter():b2Vec2{ return (m_sweep.localCenter); } public function ApplyTorque(_arg1:Number):void{ if (IsSleeping()){ WakeUp(); }; m_torque = (m_torque + _arg1); } public function IsFrozen():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_frozenFlag) == e_frozenFlag)); } public function IsDynamic():Boolean{ return ((m_type == e_dynamicType)); } public function GetLinearVelocity():b2Vec2{ return (m_linearVelocity); } public function SynchronizeTransform():void{ var _local1:b2Mat22; var _local2:b2Vec2; m_xf.R.Set(m_sweep.a); _local1 = m_xf.R; _local2 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_xf.position.x = (m_sweep.c.x - ((_local1.col1.x * _local2.x) + (_local1.col2.x * _local2.y))); m_xf.position.y = (m_sweep.c.y - ((_local1.col1.y * _local2.x) + (_local1.col2.y * _local2.y))); } public function GetInertia():Number{ return (m_I); } public function IsSleeping():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_sleepFlag) == e_sleepFlag)); } public function SetMassFromShapes():void{ var _local1:b2Shape; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:b2MassData; var _local5:b2Mat22; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:int; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return; }; m_mass = 0; m_invMass = 0; m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; _local2 = 0; _local3 = 0; _local4 = s_massData; _local1 = m_shapeList; while (_local1) { _local1.ComputeMass(_local4); m_mass = (m_mass + _local4.mass); _local2 = (_local2 + (_local4.mass *; _local3 = (_local3 + (_local4.mass *; m_I = (m_I + _local4.I); _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; if (m_mass > 0){ m_invMass = (1 / m_mass); _local2 = (_local2 * m_invMass); _local3 = (_local3 * m_invMass); }; if ((((m_I > 0)) && (((m_flags & e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0)))){ m_I = (m_I - (m_mass * ((_local2 * _local2) + (_local3 * _local3)))); m_invI = (1 / m_I); } else { m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; }; m_sweep.localCenter.Set(_local2, _local3); _local5 = m_xf.R; _local6 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local5.col1.x * _local6.x) + (_local5.col2.x * _local6.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local5.col1.y * _local6.x) + (_local5.col2.y * _local6.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); _local1 = m_shapeList; while (_local1) { _local1.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; _local7 = m_type; if ((((m_invMass == 0)) && ((m_invI == 0)))){ m_type = e_staticType; } else { m_type = e_dynamicType; }; if (_local7 != m_type){ _local1 = m_shapeList; while (_local1) { _local1.RefilterProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; }; } public function PutToSleep():void{ m_flags = (m_flags | e_sleepFlag); m_sleepTime = 0; m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; m_force.SetZero(); m_torque = 0; } public function GetJointList():b2JointEdge{ return (m_jointList); } public function SetXForm(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number):Boolean{ var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Mat22; var _local5:b2Vec2; var _local6:Boolean; var _local7:Boolean; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return (true); }; if (IsFrozen()){ return (false); }; m_xf.R.Set(_arg2); m_xf.position.SetV(_arg1); _local4 = m_xf.R; _local5 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local4.col1.x * _local5.x) + (_local4.col2.x * _local5.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local4.col1.y * _local5.x) + (_local4.col2.y * _local5.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); m_sweep.a0 = (m_sweep.a = _arg2); _local6 = false; _local3 = m_shapeList; while (_local3) { _local7 = _local3.Synchronize(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf, m_xf); if (_local7 == false){ _local6 = true; break; }; _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; if (_local6 == true){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_frozenFlag); m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; _local3 = m_shapeList; while (_local3) { _local3.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase); _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; return (false); }; m_world.m_broadPhase.Commit(); return (true); } public function GetLocalPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulXT(m_xf, _arg1)); } public function ApplyForce(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ if (IsSleeping()){ WakeUp(); }; m_force.x = (m_force.x + _arg1.x); m_force.y = (m_force.y + _arg1.y); m_torque = (m_torque + (((_arg2.x - m_sweep.c.x) * _arg1.y) - ((_arg2.y - m_sweep.c.y) * _arg1.x))); } public function SynchronizeShapes():Boolean{ var _local1:b2XForm; var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:Boolean; _local1 = s_xf1; _local1.R.Set(m_sweep.a0); _local2 = _local1.R; _local3 = m_sweep.localCenter; _local1.position.x = (m_sweep.c0.x - ((_local2.col1.x * _local3.x) + (_local2.col2.x * _local3.y))); _local1.position.y = (m_sweep.c0.y - ((_local2.col1.y * _local3.x) + (_local2.col2.y * _local3.y))); _local5 = true; _local4 = m_shapeList; while (_local4) { _local5 = _local4.Synchronize(m_world.m_broadPhase, _local1, m_xf); if (_local5 == false){ break; }; _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; if (_local5 == false){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_frozenFlag); m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); m_angularVelocity = 0; _local4 = m_shapeList; while (_local4) { _local4.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase); _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; return (false); }; return (true); } public function GetAngle():Number{ return (m_sweep.a); } public function GetXForm():b2XForm{ return (m_xf); } public function ApplyImpulse(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2):void{ if (IsSleeping()){ WakeUp(); }; m_linearVelocity.x = (m_linearVelocity.x + (m_invMass * _arg1.x)); m_linearVelocity.y = (m_linearVelocity.y + (m_invMass * _arg1.y)); m_angularVelocity = (m_angularVelocity + (m_invI * (((_arg2.x - m_sweep.c.x) * _arg1.y) - ((_arg2.y - m_sweep.c.y) * _arg1.x)))); } public function GetNext():b2Body{ return (m_next); } public function GetMass():Number{ return (m_mass); } public function GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; _local2 = m_xf.R; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_local2.col1.x * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.x * _arg1.y)), ((_local2.col1.y * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.y * _arg1.y))); _local3.x = (_local3.x + m_xf.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + m_xf.position.y); return (new b2Vec2((m_linearVelocity.x + (m_angularVelocity * (_local3.y - m_sweep.c.y))), (m_linearVelocity.x - (m_angularVelocity * (_local3.x - m_sweep.c.x))))); } public function GetAngularVelocity():Number{ return (m_angularVelocity); } public function SetAngularVelocity(_arg1:Number):void{ m_angularVelocity = _arg1; } public function SetMass(_arg1:b2MassData):void{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2Mat22; var _local4:b2Vec2; var _local5:int; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return; }; m_invMass = 0; m_I = 0; m_invI = 0; m_mass = _arg1.mass; if (m_mass > 0){ m_invMass = (1 / m_mass); }; if ((m_flags & b2Body.e_fixedRotationFlag) == 0){ m_I = _arg1.I; }; if (m_I > 0){ m_invI = (1 / m_I); }; m_sweep.localCenter.SetV(; _local3 = m_xf.R; _local4 = m_sweep.localCenter; m_sweep.c.x = ((_local3.col1.x * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.x * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.y = ((_local3.col1.y * _local4.x) + (_local3.col2.y * _local4.y)); m_sweep.c.x = (m_sweep.c.x + m_xf.position.x); m_sweep.c.y = (m_sweep.c.y + m_xf.position.y); m_sweep.c0.SetV(m_sweep.c); _local2 = m_shapeList; while (_local2) { _local2.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _local5 = m_type; if ((((m_invMass == 0)) && ((m_invI == 0)))){ m_type = e_staticType; } else { m_type = e_dynamicType; }; if (_local5 != m_type){ _local2 = m_shapeList; while (_local2) { _local2.RefilterProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; }; } public function IsStatic():Boolean{ return ((m_type == e_staticType)); } public function GetWorldVector(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulMV(m_xf.R, _arg1)); } public function GetShapeList():b2Shape{ return (m_shapeList); } public function Advance(_arg1:Number):void{ m_sweep.Advance(_arg1); m_sweep.c.SetV(m_sweep.c0); m_sweep.a = m_sweep.a0; SynchronizeTransform(); } public function SetBullet(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_bulletFlag); } else { m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_bulletFlag)); }; } public function CreateShape(_arg1:b2ShapeDef):b2Shape{ var _local2:b2Shape; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return (null); }; _local2 = b2Shape.Create(_arg1, m_world.m_blockAllocator); _local2.m_next = m_shapeList; m_shapeList = _local2; m_shapeCount++; _local2.m_body = this; _local2.CreateProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase, m_xf); _local2.UpdateSweepRadius(m_sweep.localCenter); return (_local2); } public function IsConnected(_arg1:b2Body):Boolean{ var _local2:b2JointEdge; _local2 = m_jointList; while (_local2) { if (_local2.other == _arg1){ return ((_local2.joint.m_collideConnected == false)); }; _local2 =; }; return (false); } public function DestroyShape(_arg1:b2Shape):void{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:Boolean; if (m_world.m_lock == true){ return; }; _arg1.DestroyProxy(m_world.m_broadPhase); _local2 = m_shapeList; _local3 = null; _local4 = false; while (_local2 != null) { if (_local2 == _arg1){ if (_local3){ _local3.m_next = _arg1.m_next; } else { m_shapeList = _arg1.m_next; }; _local4 = true; break; }; _local3 = _local2; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _arg1.m_body = null; _arg1.m_next = null; m_shapeCount--; b2Shape.Destroy(_arg1, m_world.m_blockAllocator); } public function GetUserData(){ return (m_userData); } public function IsBullet():Boolean{ return (((m_flags & e_bulletFlag) == e_bulletFlag)); } public function GetWorldCenter():b2Vec2{ return (m_sweep.c); } public function AllowSleeping(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1){ m_flags = (m_flags | e_allowSleepFlag); } else { m_flags = (m_flags & ~(e_allowSleepFlag)); WakeUp(); }; } public function SetUserData(_arg1):void{ m_userData = _arg1; } public function GetLocalVector(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ return (b2Math.b2MulTMV(m_xf.R, _arg1)); } public function GetWorldPoint(_arg1:b2Vec2):b2Vec2{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; _local2 = m_xf.R; _local3 = new b2Vec2(((_local2.col1.x * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.x * _arg1.y)), ((_local2.col1.y * _arg1.x) + (_local2.col2.y * _arg1.y))); _local3.x = (_local3.x + m_xf.position.x); _local3.y = (_local3.y + m_xf.position.y); return (_local3); } public function GetWorld():b2World{ return (m_world); } public function GetPosition():b2Vec2{ return (m_xf.position); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 65
//b2BodyDef (Box2D.Dynamics.b2BodyDef) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; public class b2BodyDef { public var isSleeping:Boolean; public var position:b2Vec2; public var isBullet:Boolean; public var allowSleep:Boolean; public var userData; public var angularDamping:Number; public var fixedRotation:Boolean; public var angle:Number; public var linearDamping:Number; public var massData:b2MassData; public function b2BodyDef(){ massData = new b2MassData(); position = new b2Vec2(); super();; massData.mass = 0; massData.I = 0; userData = null; position.Set(0, 0); angle = 0; linearDamping = 0; angularDamping = 0; allowSleep = true; isSleeping = false; fixedRotation = false; isBullet = false; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 66
//b2BoundaryListener (Box2D.Dynamics.b2BoundaryListener) package Box2D.Dynamics { public class b2BoundaryListener { public function Violation(_arg1:b2Body):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 67
//b2ContactFilter (Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactFilter) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; public class b2ContactFilter { public static var b2_defaultFilter:b2ContactFilter = new (b2ContactFilter); ; public function ShouldCollide(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2Shape):Boolean{ var _local3:b2FilterData; var _local4:b2FilterData; var _local5:Boolean; _local3 = _arg1.GetFilterData(); _local4 = _arg2.GetFilterData(); if ((((_local3.groupIndex == _local4.groupIndex)) && (!((_local3.groupIndex == 0))))){ return ((_local3.groupIndex > 0)); }; _local5 = ((!(((_local3.maskBits & _local4.categoryBits) == 0))) && (!(((_local3.categoryBits & _local4.maskBits) == 0)))); return (_local5); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 68
//b2ContactListener (Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactListener) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2ContactListener { public function Add(_arg1:b2ContactPoint):void{ } public function Remove(_arg1:b2ContactPoint):void{ } public function Persist(_arg1:b2ContactPoint):void{ } public function Result(_arg1:b2ContactResult):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 69
//b2ContactManager (Box2D.Dynamics.b2ContactManager) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2ContactManager extends b2PairCallback { public var m_world:b2World; public var m_destroyImmediate:Boolean; public var m_nullContact:b2NullContact; private static const s_evalCP:b2ContactPoint = new b2ContactPoint(); public function b2ContactManager(){ m_nullContact = new b2NullContact(); super(); m_world = null; m_destroyImmediate = false; } override public function PairAdded(_arg1, _arg2){ var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Contact; _local3 = (_arg1 as b2Shape); _local4 = (_arg2 as b2Shape); _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; if (((_local5.IsStatic()) && (_local6.IsStatic()))){ return (m_nullContact); }; if (_local3.m_body == _local4.m_body){ return (m_nullContact); }; if (_local6.IsConnected(_local5)){ return (m_nullContact); }; if (((!((m_world.m_contactFilter == null))) && ((m_world.m_contactFilter.ShouldCollide(_local3, _local4) == false)))){ return (m_nullContact); }; _local7 = b2Contact.Create(_local3, _local4, m_world.m_blockAllocator); if (_local7 == null){ return (m_nullContact); }; _local3 = _local7.m_shape1; _local4 = _local7.m_shape2; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; _local7.m_prev = null; _local7.m_next = m_world.m_contactList; if (m_world.m_contactList != null){ m_world.m_contactList.m_prev = _local7; }; m_world.m_contactList = _local7; = _local7; _local7.m_node1.other = _local6; _local7.m_node1.prev = null; = _local5.m_contactList; if (_local5.m_contactList != null){ _local5.m_contactList.prev = _local7.m_node1; }; _local5.m_contactList = _local7.m_node1; = _local7; _local7.m_node2.other = _local5; _local7.m_node2.prev = null; = _local6.m_contactList; if (_local6.m_contactList != null){ _local6.m_contactList.prev = _local7.m_node2; }; _local6.m_contactList = _local7.m_node2; m_world.m_contactCount++; return (_local7); } override public function PairRemoved(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3):void{ var _local4:b2Contact; if (_arg3 == null){ return; }; _local4 = (_arg3 as b2Contact); if (_local4 == m_nullContact){ return; }; Destroy(_local4); } public function Destroy(_arg1:b2Contact):void{ var _local2:b2Shape; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Body; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:Array; var _local10:b2ContactPoint; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2Manifold; var _local13:int; var _local14:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local15:b2Vec2; var _local16:b2Vec2; _local2 = _arg1.m_shape1; _local3 = _arg1.m_shape2; _local4 = _arg1.m_manifoldCount; if ((((_local4 > 0)) && (m_world.m_contactListener))){ _local7 = _local2.m_body; _local8 = _local3.m_body; _local9 = _arg1.GetManifolds(); _local10 = s_evalCP; _local10.shape1 = _arg1.m_shape1; _local10.shape2 = _arg1.m_shape1; _local10.friction = _arg1.m_friction; _local10.restitution = _arg1.m_restitution; _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local4) { _local12 = _local9[_local11]; _local10.normal.SetV(_local12.normal); _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < _local12.pointCount) { _local14 = _local12.points[_local13]; _local10.position = _local7.GetWorldPoint(_local14.localPoint1); _local15 = _local7.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local14.localPoint1); _local16 = _local8.GetLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint(_local14.localPoint2); _local10.velocity.Set((_local16.x - _local15.x), (_local16.y - _local15.y)); _local10.separation = _local14.separation; =; m_world.m_contactListener.Remove(_local10); _local13++; }; _local11++; }; }; if (_arg1.m_prev){ _arg1.m_prev.m_next = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_next){ _arg1.m_next.m_prev = _arg1.m_prev; }; if (_arg1 == m_world.m_contactList){ m_world.m_contactList = _arg1.m_next; }; _local5 = _local2.m_body; _local6 = _local3.m_body; if (_arg1.m_node1.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node1.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node1 == _local5.m_contactList){ _local5.m_contactList =; }; if (_arg1.m_node2.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node2.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node2 == _local6.m_contactList){ _local6.m_contactList =; }; b2Contact.Destroy(_arg1, m_world.m_blockAllocator); m_world.m_contactCount--; } public function Collide():void{ var _local1:b2Contact; var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; _local1 = m_world.m_contactList; while (_local1) { _local2 = _local1.m_shape1.m_body; _local3 = _local1.m_shape2.m_body; if (((_local2.IsSleeping()) && (_local3.IsSleeping()))){ } else { _local1.Update(m_world.m_contactListener); }; _local1 = _local1.m_next; }; } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 70
//b2DebugDraw (Box2D.Dynamics.b2DebugDraw) package Box2D.Dynamics { import flash.display.*; import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2DebugDraw { public var m_xformScale:Number;// = 1 public var m_fillAlpha:Number;// = 1 public var m_alpha:Number;// = 1 public var m_lineThickness:Number;// = 1 public var m_drawFlags:uint; public var m_sprite:Sprite; public var m_drawScale:Number;// = 1 public static var e_coreShapeBit:uint = 4; public static var e_shapeBit:uint = 1; public static var e_centerOfMassBit:uint = 64; public static var e_aabbBit:uint = 8; public static var e_obbBit:uint = 16; public static var e_pairBit:uint = 32; public static var e_jointBit:uint = 2; public function b2DebugDraw(){ m_drawScale = 1; m_lineThickness = 1; m_alpha = 1; m_fillAlpha = 1; m_xformScale = 1; super(); m_drawFlags = 0; } public function DrawSolidPolygon(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:b2Color):void{ var _local4:int;, _arg3.color, m_alpha);[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale));, m_fillAlpha); _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < _arg2) {[_local4].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[_local4].y * m_drawScale)); _local4++; };[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale));; } public function DrawCircle(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Color):void{, _arg3.color, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale), (_arg2 * m_drawScale)); } public function DrawXForm(_arg1:b2XForm):void{, 0xFF0000, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.position.y * m_drawScale)); + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col1.x)) * m_drawScale), ((_arg1.position.y + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col1.y)) * m_drawScale));, 0xFF00, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.position.y * m_drawScale)); + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col2.x)) * m_drawScale), ((_arg1.position.y + (m_xformScale * _arg1.R.col2.y)) * m_drawScale)); } public function ClearFlags(_arg1:uint):void{ m_drawFlags = (m_drawFlags & ~(_arg1)); } public function DrawSolidCircle(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:Number, _arg3:b2Vec2, _arg4:b2Color):void{, _arg4.color, m_alpha);, 0);, m_fillAlpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale), (_arg2 * m_drawScale));; * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale)); + (_arg3.x * _arg2)) * m_drawScale), ((_arg1.y + (_arg3.y * _arg2)) * m_drawScale)); } public function SetFlags(_arg1:uint):void{ m_drawFlags = _arg1; } public function AppendFlags(_arg1:uint):void{ m_drawFlags = (m_drawFlags | _arg1); } public function DrawSegment(_arg1:b2Vec2, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:b2Color):void{, _arg3.color, m_alpha); * m_drawScale), (_arg1.y * m_drawScale)); * m_drawScale), (_arg2.y * m_drawScale)); } public function GetFlags():uint{ return (m_drawFlags); } public function DrawPolygon(_arg1:Array, _arg2:int, _arg3:b2Color):void{ var _local4:int;, _arg3.color, m_alpha);[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale)); _local4 = 1; while (_local4 < _arg2) {[_local4].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[_local4].y * m_drawScale)); _local4++; };[0].x * m_drawScale), (_arg1[0].y * m_drawScale)); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 71
//b2DestructionListener (Box2D.Dynamics.b2DestructionListener) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; public class b2DestructionListener { public function SayGoodbyeJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ } public function SayGoodbyeShape(_arg1:b2Shape):void{ } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 72
//b2Island (Box2D.Dynamics.b2Island) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2Island { public var m_joints:Array; public var m_listener:b2ContactListener; public var m_positionIterationCount:int; public var m_bodyCapacity:int; public var m_bodies:Array; public var m_jointCapacity:int; public var m_contactCount:int; public var m_contacts:Array; public var m_contactCapacity:int; public var m_jointCount:int; public var m_allocator; public var m_bodyCount:int; private static var s_reportCR:b2ContactResult = new b2ContactResult(); public function b2Island(_arg1:int, _arg2:int, _arg3:int, _arg4, _arg5:b2ContactListener){ var _local6:int; super(); m_bodyCapacity = _arg1; m_contactCapacity = _arg2; m_jointCapacity = _arg3; m_bodyCount = 0; m_contactCount = 0; m_jointCount = 0; m_allocator = _arg4; m_listener = _arg5; m_bodies = new Array(_arg1); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg1) { m_bodies[_local6] = null; _local6++; }; m_contacts = new Array(_arg2); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg2) { m_contacts[_local6] = null; _local6++; }; m_joints = new Array(_arg3); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _arg3) { m_joints[_local6] = null; _local6++; }; m_positionIterationCount = 0; } public function AddBody(_arg1:b2Body):void{ var _local2 = m_bodyCount++; m_bodies[_local2] = _arg1; } public function AddJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ var _local2 = m_jointCount++; m_joints[_local2] = _arg1; } public function Report(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:b2Mat22; var _local3:b2Vec2; var _local4:int; var _local5:b2Contact; var _local6:b2ContactConstraint; var _local7:b2ContactResult; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:int; var _local12:b2Manifold; var _local13:int; var _local14:b2ManifoldPoint; var _local15:b2ContactConstraintPoint; if (m_listener == null){ return; }; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < m_contactCount) { _local5 = m_contacts[_local4]; _local6 = _arg1[_local4]; _local7 = s_reportCR; _local7.shape1 = _local5.m_shape1; _local7.shape2 = _local5.m_shape2; _local8 = _local7.shape1.m_body; _local9 = _local5.m_manifoldCount; _local10 = _local5.GetManifolds(); _local11 = 0; while (_local11 < _local9) { _local12 = _local10[_local11]; _local7.normal.SetV(_local12.normal); _local13 = 0; while (_local13 < _local12.pointCount) { _local14 = _local12.points[_local13]; _local15 = _local6.points[_local13]; _local7.position = _local8.GetWorldPoint(_local14.localPoint1); _local7.normalImpulse = _local15.normalImpulse; _local7.tangentImpulse = _local15.tangentImpulse; =; m_listener.Result(_local7); _local13++; }; _local11++; }; _local4++; }; } public function Solve(_arg1:b2TimeStep, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:Boolean):void{ var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2Joint; var _local8:b2ContactSolver; var _local9:int; var _local10:Boolean; var _local11:Boolean; var _local12:Boolean; var _local13:Number; var _local14:Number; var _local15:Number; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local5]; if (_local6.IsStatic()){ } else { _local6.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.x + (_arg1.dt * (_arg2.x + (_local6.m_invMass * _local6.m_force.x)))); _local6.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.y + (_arg1.dt * (_arg2.y + (_local6.m_invMass * _local6.m_force.y)))); _local6.m_angularVelocity = (_local6.m_angularVelocity + ((_arg1.dt * _local6.m_invI) * _local6.m_torque)); _local6.m_force.SetZero(); _local6.m_torque = 0; _local6.m_linearVelocity.Multiply(b2Math.b2Clamp((1 - (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearDamping)), 0, 1)); _local6.m_angularVelocity = (_local6.m_angularVelocity * b2Math.b2Clamp((1 - (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_angularDamping)), 0, 1)); if (_local6.m_linearVelocity.LengthSquared() > b2Settings.b2_maxLinearVelocitySquared){ _local6.m_linearVelocity.Normalize(); _local6.m_linearVelocity.x = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.x * b2Settings.b2_maxLinearVelocity); _local6.m_linearVelocity.y = (_local6.m_linearVelocity.y * b2Settings.b2_maxLinearVelocity); }; if ((_local6.m_angularVelocity * _local6.m_angularVelocity) > b2Settings.b2_maxAngularVelocitySquared){ if (_local6.m_angularVelocity < 0){ _local6.m_angularVelocity = -(b2Settings.b2_maxAngularVelocity); } else { _local6.m_angularVelocity = b2Settings.b2_maxAngularVelocity; }; }; }; _local5++; }; _local8 = new b2ContactSolver(_arg1, m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator); _local8.InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local5]; _local7.InitVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local5++; }; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.maxIterations) { _local8.SolveVelocityConstraints(); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local9]; _local7.SolveVelocityConstraints(_arg1); _local9++; }; _local5++; }; _local8.FinalizeVelocityConstraints(); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local5]; if (_local6.IsStatic()){ } else { _local6.m_sweep.c0.SetV(_local6.m_sweep.c); _local6.m_sweep.a0 = _local6.m_sweep.a; _local6.m_sweep.c.x = (_local6.m_sweep.c.x + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearVelocity.x)); _local6.m_sweep.c.y = (_local6.m_sweep.c.y + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_linearVelocity.y)); _local6.m_sweep.a = (_local6.m_sweep.a + (_arg1.dt * _local6.m_angularVelocity)); _local6.SynchronizeTransform(); }; _local5++; }; if (_arg3){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local5]; _local7.InitPositionConstraints(); _local5++; }; m_positionIterationCount = 0; while (m_positionIterationCount < _arg1.maxIterations) { _local10 = _local8.SolvePositionConstraints(b2Settings.b2_contactBaumgarte); _local11 = true; _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_jointCount) { _local7 = m_joints[_local5]; _local12 = _local7.SolvePositionConstraints(); _local11 = ((_local11) && (_local12)); _local5++; }; if (((_local10) && (_local11))){ break; }; m_positionIterationCount++; }; }; Report(_local8.m_constraints); if (_arg4){ _local13 = Number.MAX_VALUE; _local14 = (b2Settings.b2_linearSleepTolerance * b2Settings.b2_linearSleepTolerance); _local15 = (b2Settings.b2_angularSleepTolerance * b2Settings.b2_angularSleepTolerance); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local5]; if (_local6.m_invMass == 0){ } else { if ((_local6.m_flags & b2Body.e_allowSleepFlag) == 0){ _local6.m_sleepTime = 0; _local13 = 0; }; if (((((((_local6.m_flags & b2Body.e_allowSleepFlag) == 0)) || (((_local6.m_angularVelocity * _local6.m_angularVelocity) > _local15)))) || ((b2Math.b2Dot(_local6.m_linearVelocity, _local6.m_linearVelocity) > _local14)))){ _local6.m_sleepTime = 0; _local13 = 0; } else { _local6.m_sleepTime = (_local6.m_sleepTime + _arg1.dt); _local13 = b2Math.b2Min(_local13, _local6.m_sleepTime); }; }; _local5++; }; if (_local13 >= b2Settings.b2_timeToSleep){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < m_bodyCount) { _local6 = m_bodies[_local5]; m_bodies[_local5].m_flags = (_local6.m_flags | b2Body.e_sleepFlag); _local6.m_linearVelocity.SetZero(); _local6.m_angularVelocity = 0; _local5++; }; }; }; } public function AddContact(_arg1:b2Contact):void{ var _local2 = m_contactCount++; m_contacts[_local2] = _arg1; } public function Clear():void{ m_bodyCount = 0; m_contactCount = 0; m_jointCount = 0; } public function SolveTOI(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:b2ContactSolver; var _local4:Number; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:Boolean; _local3 = new b2ContactSolver(_arg1, m_contacts, m_contactCount, m_allocator); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.maxIterations) { _local3.SolveVelocityConstraints(); _local2++; }; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < m_bodyCount) { _local5 = m_bodies[_local2]; if (_local5.IsStatic()){ } else { _local5.m_sweep.c0.SetV(_local5.m_sweep.c); _local5.m_sweep.a0 = _local5.m_sweep.a; _local5.m_sweep.c.x = (_local5.m_sweep.c.x + (_arg1.dt * _local5.m_linearVelocity.x)); _local5.m_sweep.c.y = (_local5.m_sweep.c.y + (_arg1.dt * _local5.m_linearVelocity.y)); _local5.m_sweep.a = (_local5.m_sweep.a + (_arg1.dt * _local5.m_angularVelocity)); _local5.SynchronizeTransform(); }; _local2++; }; _local4 = 0.75; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _arg1.maxIterations) { _local6 = _local3.SolvePositionConstraints(_local4); if (_local6){ break; }; _local2++; }; Report(_local3.m_constraints); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 73
//b2TimeStep (Box2D.Dynamics.b2TimeStep) package Box2D.Dynamics { public class b2TimeStep { public var warmStarting:Boolean; public var positionCorrection:Boolean; public var dt:Number; public var maxIterations:int; public var dtRatio:Number; public var inv_dt:Number; } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 74
//b2World (Box2D.Dynamics.b2World) package Box2D.Dynamics { import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import Box2D.Common.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Contacts.*; public class b2World { public var m_inv_dt0:Number; public var m_boundaryListener:b2BoundaryListener; public var m_contactList:b2Contact; public var m_blockAllocator; public var m_contactListener:b2ContactListener; public var m_allowSleep:Boolean; public var m_broadPhase:b2BroadPhase; public var m_destructionListener:b2DestructionListener; public var m_jointCount:int; public var m_bodyCount:int; public var m_lock:Boolean; public var m_positionIterationCount:int; public var m_groundBody:b2Body; public var m_contactCount:int; public var m_debugDraw:b2DebugDraw; public var m_contactFilter:b2ContactFilter; public var m_bodyList:b2Body; public var m_stackAllocator; public var m_jointList:b2Joint; public var m_gravity:b2Vec2; public var m_contactManager:b2ContactManager; private static var s_jointColor:b2Color = new b2Color(0.5, 0.8, 0.8); public static var m_continuousPhysics:Boolean; public static var m_warmStarting:Boolean; private static var s_coreColor:b2Color = new b2Color(0.9, 0.6, 0.6); public static var m_positionCorrection:Boolean; private static var s_xf:b2XForm = new b2XForm(); public function b2World(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:b2Vec2, _arg3:Boolean){ var _local4:b2BodyDef; m_contactManager = new b2ContactManager(); super(); m_destructionListener = null; m_boundaryListener = null; m_contactFilter = b2ContactFilter.b2_defaultFilter; m_contactListener = null; m_debugDraw = null; m_bodyList = null; m_contactList = null; m_jointList = null; m_bodyCount = 0; m_contactCount = 0; m_jointCount = 0; m_positionCorrection = true; m_warmStarting = true; m_continuousPhysics = true; m_allowSleep = _arg3; m_gravity = _arg2; m_lock = false; m_inv_dt0 = 0; m_contactManager.m_world = this; m_broadPhase = new b2BroadPhase(_arg1, m_contactManager); _local4 = new b2BodyDef(); m_groundBody = CreateBody(_local4); } public function DrawJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2XForm; var _local5:b2XForm; var _local6:b2Vec2; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Color; var _local11:b2PulleyJoint; var _local12:b2Vec2; var _local13:b2Vec2; _local2 = _arg1.m_body1; _local3 = _arg1.m_body2; _local4 = _local2.m_xf; _local5 = _local3.m_xf; _local6 = _local4.position; _local7 = _local5.position; _local8 = _arg1.GetAnchor1(); _local9 = _arg1.GetAnchor2(); _local10 = s_jointColor; switch (_arg1.m_type){ case b2Joint.e_distanceJoint: m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); break; case b2Joint.e_pulleyJoint: _local11 = (_arg1 as b2PulleyJoint); _local12 = _local11.GetGroundAnchor1(); _local13 = _local11.GetGroundAnchor2(); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local12, _local8, _local10); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local13, _local9, _local10); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local12, _local13, _local10); break; case b2Joint.e_mouseJoint: m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); break; default: if (_local2 != m_groundBody){ m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local6, _local8, _local10); }; m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); if (_local3 != m_groundBody){ m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local7, _local9, _local10); }; }; } public function Refilter(_arg1:b2Shape):void{ _arg1.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, _arg1.m_body.m_xf); } public function SetDebugDraw(_arg1:b2DebugDraw):void{ m_debugDraw = _arg1; } public function SetContinuousPhysics(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_continuousPhysics = _arg1; } public function GetProxyCount():int{ return (m_broadPhase.m_proxyCount); } public function DrawDebugData():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:int; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:b2Joint; var _local6:b2BroadPhase; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:b2Vec2; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:b2Color; var _local11:b2XForm; var _local12:b2AABB; var _local13:b2AABB; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Boolean; var _local16:uint; var _local17:b2Pair; var _local18:b2Proxy; var _local19:b2Proxy; var _local20:b2Vec2; var _local21:b2Vec2; var _local22:b2Proxy; var _local23:b2PolygonShape; var _local24:b2OBB; var _local25:b2Vec2; var _local26:b2Mat22; var _local27:b2Vec2; var _local28:Number; if (m_debugDraw == null){ return; };; _local1 = m_debugDraw.GetFlags(); _local7 = new b2Vec2(); _local8 = new b2Vec2(); _local9 = new b2Vec2(); _local10 = new b2Color(0, 0, 0); _local12 = new b2AABB(); _local13 = new b2AABB(); _local14 = [new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2(), new b2Vec2()]; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit)){ _local15 = ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit) == b2DebugDraw.e_coreShapeBit); _local3 = m_bodyList; while (_local3) { _local11 = _local3.m_xf; _local4 = _local3.GetShapeList(); while (_local4) { if (_local3.IsStatic()){ DrawShape(_local4, _local11, new b2Color(0.5, 0.9, 0.5), _local15); } else { if (_local3.IsSleeping()){ DrawShape(_local4, _local11, new b2Color(0.5, 0.5, 0.9), _local15); } else { DrawShape(_local4, _local11, new b2Color(0.9, 0.9, 0.9), _local15); }; }; _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_jointBit)){ _local5 = m_jointList; while (_local5) { DrawJoint(_local5); _local5 = _local5.m_next; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_pairBit)){ _local6 = m_broadPhase; _local7.Set((1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.x), (1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.y)); _local10.Set(0.9, 0.9, 0.3); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < b2Pair.b2_tableCapacity) { _local16 = _local6.m_pairManager.m_hashTable[_local2]; while (_local16 != b2Pair.b2_nullPair) { _local17 = _local6.m_pairManager.m_pairs[_local16]; _local18 = _local6.m_proxyPool[_local17.proxyId1]; _local19 = _local6.m_proxyPool[_local17.proxyId2]; _local12.lowerBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local18.lowerBounds[0]].value)); _local12.lowerBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local18.lowerBounds[1]].value)); _local12.upperBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local18.upperBounds[0]].value)); _local12.upperBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local18.upperBounds[1]].value)); _local13.lowerBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local19.lowerBounds[0]].value)); _local13.lowerBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local19.lowerBounds[1]].value)); _local13.upperBound.x = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local19.upperBounds[0]].value)); _local13.upperBound.y = (_local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local19.upperBounds[1]].value)); _local8.x = (0.5 * (_local12.lowerBound.x + _local12.upperBound.x)); _local8.y = (0.5 * (_local12.lowerBound.y + _local12.upperBound.y)); _local9.x = (0.5 * (_local13.lowerBound.x + _local13.upperBound.x)); _local9.y = (0.5 * (_local13.lowerBound.y + _local13.upperBound.y)); m_debugDraw.DrawSegment(_local8, _local9, _local10); _local16 =; }; _local2++; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_aabbBit)){ _local6 = m_broadPhase; _local20 = _local6.m_worldAABB.lowerBound; _local21 = _local6.m_worldAABB.upperBound; _local7.Set((1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.x), (1 / _local6.m_quantizationFactor.y)); _local10.Set(0.9, 0.3, 0.9); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < b2Settings.b2_maxProxies) { _local22 = _local6.m_proxyPool[_local2]; if (_local22.IsValid() == false){ } else { _local12.lowerBound.x = (_local20.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local22.lowerBounds[0]].value)); _local12.lowerBound.y = (_local20.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local22.lowerBounds[1]].value)); _local12.upperBound.x = (_local20.x + (_local7.x * _local6.m_bounds[0][_local22.upperBounds[0]].value)); _local12.upperBound.y = (_local20.y + (_local7.y * _local6.m_bounds[1][_local22.upperBounds[1]].value)); _local14[0].Set(_local12.lowerBound.x, _local12.lowerBound.y); _local14[1].Set(_local12.upperBound.x, _local12.lowerBound.y); _local14[2].Set(_local12.upperBound.x, _local12.upperBound.y); _local14[3].Set(_local12.lowerBound.x, _local12.upperBound.y); m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, 4, _local10); }; _local2++; }; _local14[0].Set(_local20.x, _local20.y); _local14[1].Set(_local21.x, _local20.y); _local14[2].Set(_local21.x, _local21.y); _local14[3].Set(_local20.x, _local21.y); m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, 4, new b2Color(0.3, 0.9, 0.9)); }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_obbBit)){ _local10.Set(0.5, 0.3, 0.5); _local3 = m_bodyList; while (_local3) { _local11 = _local3.m_xf; _local4 = _local3.GetShapeList(); while (_local4) { if (_local4.m_type != b2Shape.e_polygonShape){ } else { _local23 = (_local4 as b2PolygonShape); _local24 = _local23.GetOBB(); _local25 = _local24.extents; _local14[0].Set(-(_local25.x), -(_local25.y)); _local14[1].Set(_local25.x, -(_local25.y)); _local14[2].Set(_local25.x, _local25.y); _local14[3].Set(-(_local25.x), _local25.y); _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 4) { _local26 = _local24.R; _local27 = _local14[_local2]; _local28 = ( + ((_local26.col1.x * _local27.x) + (_local26.col2.x * _local27.y))); _local14[_local2].y = ( + ((_local26.col1.y * _local27.x) + (_local26.col2.y * _local27.y))); _local14[_local2].x = _local28; _local26 = _local11.R; _local28 = (_local11.position.x + ((_local26.col1.x * _local27.x) + (_local26.col2.x * _local27.y))); _local14[_local2].y = (_local11.position.y + ((_local26.col1.y * _local27.x) + (_local26.col2.y * _local27.y))); _local14[_local2].x = _local28; _local2++; }; m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, 4, _local10); }; _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; }; if ((_local1 & b2DebugDraw.e_centerOfMassBit)){ _local3 = m_bodyList; while (_local3) { _local11 = s_xf; _local11.R = _local3.m_xf.R; _local11.position = _local3.GetWorldCenter(); m_debugDraw.DrawXForm(_local11); _local3 = _local3.m_next; }; }; } public function DestroyBody(_arg1:b2Body):void{ var _local2:b2JointEdge; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2JointEdge; var _local5:b2Shape; if (m_lock == true){ return; }; _local2 = _arg1.m_jointList; while (_local2) { _local4 = _local2; _local2 =; if (m_destructionListener){ m_destructionListener.SayGoodbyeJoint(_local4.joint); }; DestroyJoint(_local4.joint); }; _local3 = _arg1.m_shapeList; while (_local3) { _local5 = _local3; _local3 = _local3.m_next; if (m_destructionListener){ m_destructionListener.SayGoodbyeShape(_local5); }; _local5.DestroyProxy(m_broadPhase); b2Shape.Destroy(_local5, m_blockAllocator); }; if (_arg1.m_prev){ _arg1.m_prev.m_next = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_next){ _arg1.m_next.m_prev = _arg1.m_prev; }; if (_arg1 == m_bodyList){ m_bodyList = _arg1.m_next; }; m_bodyCount--; } public function SetContactFilter(_arg1:b2ContactFilter):void{ m_contactFilter = _arg1; } public function GetGroundBody():b2Body{ return (m_groundBody); } public function DrawShape(_arg1:b2Shape, _arg2:b2XForm, _arg3:b2Color, _arg4:Boolean):void{ var _local5:b2Color; var _local6:b2CircleShape; var _local7:b2Vec2; var _local8:Number; var _local9:b2Vec2; var _local10:int; var _local11:b2PolygonShape; var _local12:int; var _local13:Array; var _local14:Array; var _local15:Array; _local5 = s_coreColor; switch (_arg1.m_type){ case b2Shape.e_circleShape: _local6 = (_arg1 as b2CircleShape); _local7 = b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local6.m_localPosition); _local8 = _local6.m_radius; _local9 = _arg2.R.col1; m_debugDraw.DrawSolidCircle(_local7, _local8, _local9, _arg3); if (_arg4){ m_debugDraw.DrawCircle(_local7, (_local8 - b2Settings.b2_toiSlop), _local5); }; break; case b2Shape.e_polygonShape: _local11 = (_arg1 as b2PolygonShape); _local12 = _local11.GetVertexCount(); _local13 = _local11.GetVertices(); _local14 = new Array(b2Settings.b2_maxPolygonVertices); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local12) { _local14[_local10] = b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local13[_local10]); _local10++; }; m_debugDraw.DrawSolidPolygon(_local14, _local12, _arg3); if (_arg4){ _local15 = _local11.GetCoreVertices(); _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local12) { _local14[_local10] = b2Math.b2MulX(_arg2, _local15[_local10]); _local10++; }; m_debugDraw.DrawPolygon(_local14, _local12, _local5); }; break; }; } public function GetContactCount():int{ return (m_contactCount); } public function Solve(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Island; var _local4:b2Contact; var _local5:b2Joint; var _local6:int; var _local7:Array; var _local8:b2Body; var _local9:int; var _local10:int; var _local11:b2Body; var _local12:b2ContactEdge; var _local13:b2JointEdge; var _local14:Boolean; m_positionIterationCount = 0; _local3 = new b2Island(m_bodyCount, m_contactCount, m_jointCount, m_stackAllocator, m_contactListener); _local2 = m_bodyList; while (_local2) { _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _local4 = m_contactList; while (_local4) { _local4.m_flags = (_local4.m_flags & ~(b2Contact.e_islandFlag)); _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; _local5 = m_jointList; while (_local5) { _local5.m_islandFlag = false; _local5 = _local5.m_next; }; _local6 = m_bodyCount; _local7 = new Array(_local6); _local8 = m_bodyList; while (_local8) { if ((_local8.m_flags & ((b2Body.e_islandFlag | b2Body.e_sleepFlag) | b2Body.e_frozenFlag))){ } else { if (_local8.IsStatic()){ } else { _local3.Clear(); _local9 = 0; var _temp1 = _local9; _local9 = (_local9 + 1); var _local15 = _temp1; _local7[_local15] = _local8; _local8.m_flags = (_local8.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); while (_local9 > 0) { --_local9; _local2 = _local7[_local9]; _local3.AddBody(_local2); _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_sleepFlag)); if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local12 = _local2.m_contactList; while (_local12) { if (( & (b2Contact.e_islandFlag | b2Contact.e_nonSolidFlag))){ } else { if ( == 0){ } else { _local3.AddContact(; = ( | b2Contact.e_islandFlag); _local11 = _local12.other; if ((_local11.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { var _temp2 = _local9; _local9 = (_local9 + 1); var _local16 = _temp2; _local7[_local16] = _local11; _local11.m_flags = (_local11.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; }; _local12 =; }; _local13 = _local2.m_jointList; while (_local13) { if (_local13.joint.m_islandFlag == true){ } else { _local3.AddJoint(_local13.joint); _local13.joint.m_islandFlag = true; _local11 = _local13.other; if ((_local11.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { var _temp3 = _local9; _local9 = (_local9 + 1); _local16 = _temp3; _local7[_local16] = _local11; _local11.m_flags = (_local11.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; _local13 =; }; }; }; _local3.Solve(_arg1, m_gravity, m_positionCorrection, m_allowSleep); if (_local3.m_positionIterationCount > m_positionIterationCount){ m_positionIterationCount = _local3.m_positionIterationCount; }; _local10 = 0; while (_local10 < _local3.m_bodyCount) { _local2 = _local3.m_bodies[_local10]; if (_local2.IsStatic()){ _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); }; _local10++; }; }; }; _local8 = _local8.m_next; }; _local2 = m_bodyList; while (_local2) { if ((_local2.m_flags & (b2Body.e_sleepFlag | b2Body.e_frozenFlag))){ } else { if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local14 = _local2.SynchronizeShapes(); if ((((_local14 == false)) && (!((m_boundaryListener == null))))){ m_boundaryListener.Violation(_local2); }; }; }; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; m_broadPhase.Commit(); } public function Query(_arg1:b2AABB, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int):int{ var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local4 = new Array(_arg3); _local5 = m_broadPhase.QueryAABB(_arg1, _local4, _arg3); _local6 = 0; while (_local6 < _local5) { _arg2[_local6] = _local4[_local6]; _local6++; }; return (_local5); } public function SetGravity(_arg1:b2Vec2):void{ m_gravity = _arg1; } public function SolveTOI(_arg1:b2TimeStep):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2Shape; var _local4:b2Shape; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:b2ContactEdge; var _local8:b2Island; var _local9:int; var _local10:Array; var _local11:b2Contact; var _local12:b2Contact; var _local13:Number; var _local14:b2Body; var _local15:int; var _local16:b2TimeStep; var _local17:int; var _local18:Number; var _local19:Number; var _local20:b2Body; var _local21:Boolean; _local8 = new b2Island(m_bodyCount, b2Settings.b2_maxTOIContactsPerIsland, 0, m_stackAllocator, m_contactListener); _local9 = m_bodyCount; _local10 = new Array(_local9); _local2 = m_bodyList; while (_local2) { _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); _local2.m_sweep.t0 = 0; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; _local11 = m_contactList; while (_local11) { _local11.m_flags = (_local11.m_flags & ~((b2Contact.e_toiFlag | b2Contact.e_islandFlag))); _local11 = _local11.m_next; }; while (true) { _local12 = null; _local13 = 1; _local11 = m_contactList; for (;_local11;(_local11 = _local11.m_next)) { if ((_local11.m_flags & (b2Contact.e_slowFlag | b2Contact.e_nonSolidFlag))){ } else { _local18 = 1; if ((_local11.m_flags & b2Contact.e_toiFlag)){ _local18 = _local11.m_toi; } else { _local3 = _local11.m_shape1; _local4 = _local11.m_shape2; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; if (((((_local5.IsStatic()) || (_local5.IsSleeping()))) && (((_local6.IsStatic()) || (_local6.IsSleeping()))))){ continue; }; _local19 = _local5.m_sweep.t0; if (_local5.m_sweep.t0 < _local6.m_sweep.t0){ _local19 = _local6.m_sweep.t0; _local5.m_sweep.Advance(_local19); } else { if (_local6.m_sweep.t0 < _local5.m_sweep.t0){ _local19 = _local5.m_sweep.t0; _local6.m_sweep.Advance(_local19); }; }; _local18 = b2TimeOfImpact.TimeOfImpact(_local11.m_shape1, _local5.m_sweep, _local11.m_shape2, _local6.m_sweep); if ((((_local18 > 0)) && ((_local18 < 1)))){ _local18 = (((1 - _local18) * _local19) + _local18); if (_local18 > 1){ _local18 = 1; }; }; _local11.m_toi = _local18; _local11.m_flags = (_local11.m_flags | b2Contact.e_toiFlag); }; if ((((Number.MIN_VALUE < _local18)) && ((_local18 < _local13)))){ _local12 = _local11; _local13 = _local18; }; }; }; if ((((_local12 == null)) || (((1 - (100 * Number.MIN_VALUE)) < _local13)))){ break; }; _local3 = _local12.m_shape1; _local4 = _local12.m_shape2; _local5 = _local3.m_body; _local6 = _local4.m_body; _local5.Advance(_local13); _local6.Advance(_local13); _local12.Update(m_contactListener); _local12.m_flags = (_local12.m_flags & ~(b2Contact.e_toiFlag)); if (_local12.m_manifoldCount == 0){ } else { _local14 = _local5; if (_local14.IsStatic()){ _local14 = _local6; }; _local8.Clear(); _local15 = 0; var _temp1 = _local15; _local15 = (_local15 + 1); var _local22 = _temp1; _local10[_local22] = _local14; _local14.m_flags = (_local14.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); while (_local15 > 0) { --_local15; _local2 = _local10[_local15]; _local8.AddBody(_local2); _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_sleepFlag)); if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local7 = _local2.m_contactList; while (_local7) { if (_local8.m_contactCount == _local8.m_contactCapacity){ } else { if (( & ((b2Contact.e_islandFlag | b2Contact.e_slowFlag) | b2Contact.e_nonSolidFlag))){ } else { if ( == 0){ } else { _local8.AddContact(; = ( | b2Contact.e_islandFlag); _local20 = _local7.other; if ((_local20.m_flags & b2Body.e_islandFlag)){ } else { if (_local20.IsStatic() == false){ _local20.Advance(_local13); _local20.WakeUp(); }; var _temp2 = _local15; _local15 = (_local15 + 1); var _local23 = _temp2; _local10[_local23] = _local20; _local20.m_flags = (_local20.m_flags | b2Body.e_islandFlag); }; }; }; }; _local7 =; }; }; }; _local16 = new b2TimeStep(); _local16.dt = ((1 - _local13) * _arg1.dt); _local16.inv_dt = (1 / _local16.dt); _local16.maxIterations = _arg1.maxIterations; _local8.SolveTOI(_local16); _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _local8.m_bodyCount) { _local2 = _local8.m_bodies[_local17]; _local2.m_flags = (_local2.m_flags & ~(b2Body.e_islandFlag)); if ((_local2.m_flags & (b2Body.e_sleepFlag | b2Body.e_frozenFlag))){ } else { if (_local2.IsStatic()){ } else { _local21 = _local2.SynchronizeShapes(); if ((((_local21 == false)) && (!((m_boundaryListener == null))))){ m_boundaryListener.Violation(_local2); }; _local7 = _local2.m_contactList; while (_local7) { = ( & ~(b2Contact.e_toiFlag)); _local7 =; }; }; }; _local17++; }; _local17 = 0; while (_local17 < _local8.m_contactCount) { _local11 = _local8.m_contacts[_local17]; _local8.m_contacts[_local17].m_flags = (_local11.m_flags & ~((b2Contact.e_toiFlag | b2Contact.e_islandFlag))); _local17++; }; m_broadPhase.Commit(); }; }; } public function GetJointList():b2Joint{ return (m_jointList); } public function Validate():void{ m_broadPhase.Validate(); } public function GetPairCount():int{ return (m_broadPhase.m_pairManager.m_pairCount); } public function GetBodyList():b2Body{ return (m_bodyList); } public function SetWarmStarting(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_warmStarting = _arg1; } public function SetPositionCorrection(_arg1:Boolean):void{ m_positionCorrection = _arg1; } public function CreateJoint(_arg1:b2JointDef):b2Joint{ var _local2:b2Joint; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Shape; _local2 = b2Joint.Create(_arg1, m_blockAllocator); _local2.m_prev = null; _local2.m_next = m_jointList; if (m_jointList){ m_jointList.m_prev = _local2; }; m_jointList = _local2; m_jointCount++; _local2.m_node1.joint = _local2; _local2.m_node1.other = _local2.m_body2; _local2.m_node1.prev = null; = _local2.m_body1.m_jointList; if (_local2.m_body1.m_jointList){ _local2.m_body1.m_jointList.prev = _local2.m_node1; }; _local2.m_body1.m_jointList = _local2.m_node1; _local2.m_node2.joint = _local2; _local2.m_node2.other = _local2.m_body1; _local2.m_node2.prev = null; = _local2.m_body2.m_jointList; if (_local2.m_body2.m_jointList){ _local2.m_body2.m_jointList.prev = _local2.m_node2; }; _local2.m_body2.m_jointList = _local2.m_node2; if (_arg1.collideConnected == false){ _local3 = ((_arg1.body1.m_shapeCount < _arg1.body2.m_shapeCount)) ? _arg1.body1 : _arg1.body2; _local4 = _local3.m_shapeList; while (_local4) { _local4.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, _local3.m_xf); _local4 = _local4.m_next; }; }; return (_local2); } public function DestroyJoint(_arg1:b2Joint):void{ var _local2:Boolean; var _local3:b2Body; var _local4:b2Body; var _local5:b2Body; var _local6:b2Shape; _local2 = _arg1.m_collideConnected; if (_arg1.m_prev){ _arg1.m_prev.m_next = _arg1.m_next; }; if (_arg1.m_next){ _arg1.m_next.m_prev = _arg1.m_prev; }; if (_arg1 == m_jointList){ m_jointList = _arg1.m_next; }; _local3 = _arg1.m_body1; _local4 = _arg1.m_body2; _local3.WakeUp(); _local4.WakeUp(); if (_arg1.m_node1.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node1.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node1 == _local3.m_jointList){ _local3.m_jointList =; }; _arg1.m_node1.prev = null; = null; if (_arg1.m_node2.prev){ =; }; if ({ = _arg1.m_node2.prev; }; if (_arg1.m_node2 == _local4.m_jointList){ _local4.m_jointList =; }; _arg1.m_node2.prev = null; = null; b2Joint.Destroy(_arg1, m_blockAllocator); m_jointCount--; if (_local2 == false){ _local5 = ((_local3.m_shapeCount < _local4.m_shapeCount)) ? _local3 : _local4; _local6 = _local5.m_shapeList; while (_local6) { _local6.RefilterProxy(m_broadPhase, _local5.m_xf); _local6 = _local6.m_next; }; }; } public function SetContactListener(_arg1:b2ContactListener):void{ m_contactListener = _arg1; } public function CreateBody(_arg1:b2BodyDef):b2Body{ var _local2:b2Body; if (m_lock == true){ return (null); }; _local2 = new b2Body(_arg1, this); _local2.m_prev = null; _local2.m_next = m_bodyList; if (m_bodyList){ m_bodyList.m_prev = _local2; }; m_bodyList = _local2; m_bodyCount++; return (_local2); } public function SetBoundaryListener(_arg1:b2BoundaryListener):void{ m_boundaryListener = _arg1; } public function SetDestructionListener(_arg1:b2DestructionListener):void{ m_destructionListener = _arg1; } public function Step(_arg1:Number, _arg2:int):void{ var _local3:b2TimeStep; m_lock = true; _local3 = new b2TimeStep(); _local3.dt = _arg1; _local3.maxIterations = _arg2; if (_arg1 > 0){ _local3.inv_dt = (1 / _arg1); } else { _local3.inv_dt = 0; }; _local3.dtRatio = (m_inv_dt0 * _arg1); _local3.positionCorrection = m_positionCorrection; _local3.warmStarting = m_warmStarting; m_contactManager.Collide(); if (_local3.dt > 0){ Solve(_local3); }; if (((m_continuousPhysics) && ((_local3.dt > 0)))){ SolveTOI(_local3); }; DrawDebugData(); m_inv_dt0 = _local3.inv_dt; m_lock = false; } public function GetBodyCount():int{ return (m_bodyCount); } public function GetJointCount():int{ return (m_jointCount); } } }//package Box2D.Dynamics
Section 75
//asDSsndButtoncopy_351 (build_fla.asDSsndButtoncopy_351) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class asDSsndButtoncopy_351 extends MovieClip { public var sndon:SimpleButton; public var sndoff:MovieClip; public function asDSsndButtoncopy_351(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ stop(); } } }//package build_fla
Section 76
//asDSsound_but_village_355 (build_fla.asDSsound_but_village_355) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class asDSsound_but_village_355 extends MovieClip { public var Line:MovieClip; } }//package build_fla
Section 77
//congL_412 (build_fla.congL_412) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class congL_412 extends MovieClip { public var nameT:MovieClip; public var submitScore:SimpleButton; public var moreGames:SimpleButton; public var done:Boolean; public var playAgain:SimpleButton; public function congL_412(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function submitMyScore(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!((MovieClip(this.parent.parent).congNameText.text == ""))) && (!((MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.selectedItem.label == "All Countries"))))){ trace(("Game score" + MyVar.score)); = false; ScoreSubmit.sendMyScore(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).congNameText.text, String(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.selectedItem.label), MyVar.score, 10173, "", "1"); submitScore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitMyScore); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndStop("TitlePage"); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.removeAll(); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.editable = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.parent.removeChild(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo); } else { MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg.visible = true; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.alpha = 0.5; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.mouseEnabled = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.mouseChildren = false; if (!done){ this.parent.parent.swapChildren(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo, MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg); done = true; }; if (MovieClip(this.parent.parent).congNameText.text == ""){ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg.tex.text = "Enter your name"; } else { if (MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.selectedItem.label == "All Countries"){ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg.tex.text = "Select your country"; }; }; }; } public function okclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg.visible = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.alpha = 1; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.mouseEnabled = true; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.mouseChildren = true; } public function gotoBee(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); moreGames.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBee); } public function playagainclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndStop("GamePage"); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.removeAll(); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.editable = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo.parent.removeChild(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo); } function frame1(){ done = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).congNameText.restrict = "a-z A-Z 0-9\\ ."; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).congNameText.maxChars = 12; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg.visible = false; playAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playagainclick); moreGames.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBee); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg.okBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, okclick); submitScore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitMyScore); } } }//package build_fla
Section 78
//congs_399 (build_fla.congs_399) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class congs_399 extends MovieClip { public var nameText:TextField; } }//package build_fla
Section 79
//ddssdaaxaaasasacccMask_171 (build_fla.ddssdaaxaaasasacccMask_171) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ddssdaaxaaasasacccMask_171 extends MovieClip { public function ddssdaaxaaasasacccMask_171(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package build_fla
Section 80
//ddssdaaxaaasasacccSymbol17na_bar_169 (build_fla.ddssdaaxaaasasacccSymbol17na_bar_169) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ddssdaaxaaasasacccSymbol17na_bar_169 extends MovieClip { public var tras:MovieClip; public var maskbar:MovieClip; } }//package build_fla
Section 81
//dgdfjgj_437 (build_fla.dgdfjgj_437) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class dgdfjgj_437 extends MovieClip { public var o14:MovieClip; } }//package build_fla
Section 82
//finalfrontbg1_173 (build_fla.finalfrontbg1_173) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class finalfrontbg1_173 extends MovieClip { public var start:SimpleButton; public var instructions:SimpleButton; public function finalfrontbg1_173(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function instclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent).gotoAndStop("Instructions"); } public function startclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent).gotoAndStop("GamePage"); } function frame1(){ start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startclick); instructions.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, instclick); } } }//package build_fla
Section 83
//finalL_198 (build_fla.finalL_198) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; public dynamic class finalL_198 extends MovieClip { public var back:SimpleButton; public function finalL_198(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function backclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndStop("TitlePage"); } function frame1(){ back.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backclick); } } }//package build_fla
Section 84
//finalpreloader_1 (build_fla.finalpreloader_1) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class finalpreloader_1 extends MovieClip { public var total_txt:TextField; public var bar:MovieClip; public var load_txt:TextField; public var percentage:Number; public function finalpreloader_1(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function BeeMoving(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = loaderInfo.bytesLoaded; _local3 = loaderInfo.bytesTotal; percentage = Math.round(((_local2 / _local3) * 100)); load_txt.text = (String(percentage) + "%"); bar.maskbar.gotoAndStop(percentage); if (_local2 == _local3){ gotoAndStop(2); stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, BeeMoving); }; } function frame1(){ stop(); percentage = 0; total_txt.text = (String(100) + "%"); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, BeeMoving); } } }//package build_fla
Section 85
//goL_387 (build_fla.goL_387) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class goL_387 extends MovieClip { public var submitScore:SimpleButton; public var moreGames:SimpleButton; public var playAgain:SimpleButton; public var done1:Boolean; public function goL_387(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function submitMyScore(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((!((MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gameNameText.text == ""))) && (!((MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.selectedItem.label == "All Countries"))))){ trace(("Game score" + MyVar.score)); = false; ScoreSubmit.sendMyScore(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gameNameText.text, String(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.selectedItem.label), MyVar.score, 10173, "", "1"); submitScore.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitMyScore); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndStop("TitlePage"); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.removeAll(); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.editable = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.parent.removeChild(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1); } else { MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1.visible = true; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.alpha = 0.5; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.mouseEnabled = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.mouseChildren = false; if (!done1){ this.parent.parent.swapChildren(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1, MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1); done1 = true; }; if (MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gameNameText.text == ""){ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1.tex1.text = "Enter your name"; } else { if (MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.selectedItem.label == "All Countries"){ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1.tex1.text = "Select your country"; }; }; }; } public function okclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1.visible = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.alpha = 1; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.mouseEnabled = true; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.mouseChildren = true; } public function gotoBee(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); moreGames.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBee); } public function playagainclick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndStop("GamePage"); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.removeAll(); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.editable = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1.parent.removeChild(MovieClip(this.parent.parent).myCombo1); } function frame1(){ done1 = false; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gameNameText.restrict = "a-z A-Z 0-9\\ ."; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gameNameText.maxChars = 12; MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1.visible = false; playAgain.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playagainclick); moreGames.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBee); MovieClip(this.parent.parent).msg1.okBtn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, okclick); submitScore.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, submitMyScore); } } }//package build_fla
Section 86
//insaSymbol1_419 (build_fla.insaSymbol1_419) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class insaSymbol1_419 extends MovieClip { public var tex:TextField; public var okBtn:SimpleButton; } }//package build_fla
Section 87
//insaSymbol1copy_394 (build_fla.insaSymbol1copy_394) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; public dynamic class insaSymbol1copy_394 extends MovieClip { public var okBtn1:SimpleButton; public var tex1:TextField; } }//package build_fla
Section 88
//KL_247 (build_fla.KL_247) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import*; import*; public dynamic class KL_247 extends MovieClip { public var logo:SimpleButton; public function KL_247(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function gotoBee2(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(""), "_blank"); } function frame1(){ logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBee2); } } }//package build_fla
Section 89
//MainTimeline (build_fla.MainTimeline) package build_fla { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; import*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var gameScoreText:TextField; public var dp1:DataProvider; public var cn1:Number; public var myCombo1:ComboBox; public var gameNameText:TextField; public var cn:Number; public var congratulations:MovieClip; public var arr:Array; public var preloader:MovieClip; public var msg:MovieClip; public var contestMenu:ContextMenu; public var congNameText:TextField; public var gamePage:MovieClip; public var instructions:MovieClip; public var dp:DataProvider; public var congScoreText:TextField; public var contextmenuItem:ContextMenuItem; public var myCombo:ComboBox; public var msg1:MovieClip; public var gameOver:MovieClip; public var titlepage:MovieClip; public var arr1:Array; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10, 29, frame30, 39, frame40, 49, frame50); } function frame10(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ contestMenu = new ContextMenu(); contestMenu.hideBuiltInItems(); stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.EXACT_FIT; contextmenuItem = new ContextMenuItem(""); contextmenuItem.addEventListener(ContextMenuEvent.MENU_ITEM_SELECT, Site); contestMenu.customItems.push(contextmenuItem); this.contextMenu = contestMenu; stage.tabChildren = false; } public function Site(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:URLRequest; _local2 = new URLRequest(""); navigateToURL(_local2, "_blank"); } function frame30(){ MochiBot.track(this, "52641e40"); stop(); } function frame40(){ stop(); dp1 = new DataProvider(); cn1 = 0; arr1 = new Array("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "Andorra", "Angola", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Brazil", "Brunei", "Darussalam", "Bulgaria", "Burkina", "Faso", "Burma (Myanmar)", "Burundi", "Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cape", "Verde", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", "China", "Colombia", "Comoros", "Congo", "Costa Rica", "Croatia", "Cuba", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "Ecuador", "East", "Timor", "Egypt", "Salvador", "England", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eritrea", "Estonia", "Ethiopia", "Fiji", "Finland", "France", "Gabon", "Gambia", "Georgia", "Germany", "Ghana", "Great Britain", "Greece", "Grenada", "Guatemala", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Honduras", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Israel", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Jordan", "Kazakhstan", "Kenya", "Kiribati", "Korea (North)", "Korea (South)", "Kosovo", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyzstan", "Laos", "Latvia", "Lebanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Macedonia", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshall Islands", "Mauritania", "Mauritius", "Mexico", "Micronesia", "Moldova", "Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montenegro", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Norway", "Northern Ireland", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Palestinian", "Panama", "Papua new Guinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippines", "Poland", "Portugal", "Qatar", "Romania", "Russia", "Rwanda", "Nevis", "Lucia Vincent", "Arabia", "Scotland", "Senegal", "Serbia", "Seychelles", "Sierra", "Leone", "Singapore", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "Spain", "Sri Lanka", "Sudan", "Suriname", "Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Syria", "Taiwan", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "Togo", "Tonga", "Trinidad", "Tobago", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Tuvalu", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Vatican", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Western Sahara*", "Wales", "Yemen", "Zaire", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe"); arr1 = arr1.sort(); dp1.addItem({label:"All Countries"}); cn1 = 0; while (cn1 < arr1.length) { dp1.addItem({label:arr1[cn1]}); cn1++; }; myCombo1 = new ComboBox(); myCombo1.x = 420; myCombo1.y = 351; myCombo1.width = 165; myCombo1.height = 35; myCombo1.dataProvider = dp1; addChild(myCombo1); gameScoreText.text = MyVar.score.toString(); MyVar.timeCount = 0; } function frame50(){ stop(); dp = new DataProvider(); cn = 0; arr = new Array("Afghanistan", "Albania", "Algeria", "Andorra", "Angola", "Antigua and Barbuda", "Argentina", "Armenia", "Australia", "Austria", "Azerbaijan", "Bahamas", "Bahrain", "Bangladesh", "Barbados", "Belarus", "Belgium", "Belize", "Benin", "Bhutan", "Bolivia", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Botswana", "Brazil", "Brunei", "Darussalam", "Bulgaria", "Burkina", "Faso", "Burma (Myanmar)", "Burundi", "Cambodia", "Cameroon", "Canada", "Cape", "Verde", "Central African Republic", "Chad", "Chile", "China", "Colombia", "Comoros", "Congo", "Costa Rica", "Croatia", "Cuba", "Cyprus", "Czech Republic", "Denmark", "Djibouti", "Dominica", "Dominican Republic", "Ecuador", "East", "Timor", "Egypt", "Salvador", "England", "Equatorial Guinea", "Eritrea", "Estonia", "Ethiopia", "Fiji", "Finland", "France", "Gabon", "Gambia", "Georgia", "Germany", "Ghana", "Great Britain", "Greece", "Grenada", "Guatemala", "Guinea", "Guinea-Bissau", "Guyana", "Haiti", "Honduras", "Hungary", "Iceland", "India", "Indonesia", "Iran", "Iraq", "Ireland", "Israel", "Italy", "Jamaica", "Japan", "Jordan", "Kazakhstan", "Kenya", "Kiribati", "Korea (North)", "Korea (South)", "Kosovo", "Kuwait", "Kyrgyzstan", "Laos", "Latvia", "Lebanon", "Lesotho", "Liberia", "Libya", "Liechtenstein", "Lithuania", "Luxembourg", "Macedonia", "Madagascar", "Malawi", "Malaysia", "Maldives", "Mali", "Malta", "Marshall Islands", "Mauritania", "Mauritius", "Mexico", "Micronesia", "Moldova", "Monaco", "Mongolia", "Montenegro", "Morocco", "Mozambique", "Myanmar", "Namibia", "Nauru", "Nepal", "Netherlands", "New Zealand", "Nicaragua", "Niger", "Nigeria", "Norway", "Northern Ireland", "Oman", "Pakistan", "Palau", "Palestinian", "Panama", "Papua new Guinea", "Paraguay", "Peru", "Philippines", "Poland", "Portugal", "Qatar", "Romania", "Russia", "Rwanda", "Nevis", "Lucia Vincent", "Arabia", "Scotland", "Senegal", "Serbia", "Seychelles", "Sierra", "Leone", "Singapore", "Slovakia", "Slovenia", "Solomon Islands", "Somalia", "South Africa", "Spain", "Sri Lanka", "Sudan", "Suriname", "Swaziland", "Sweden", "Switzerland", "Syria", "Taiwan", "Tajikistan", "Tanzania", "Thailand", "Togo", "Tonga", "Trinidad", "Tobago", "Tunisia", "Turkey", "Turkmenistan", "Tuvalu", "Uganda", "Ukraine", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "United States", "Uruguay", "Uzbekistan", "Vanuatu", "Vatican", "Venezuela", "Vietnam", "Western Sahara*", "Wales", "Yemen", "Zaire", "Zambia", "Zimbabwe"); arr = arr.sort(); dp.addItem({label:"All Countries"}); cn = 0; while (cn < arr.length) { dp.addItem({label:arr[cn]}); cn++; }; myCombo = new ComboBox(); myCombo.x = 420; myCombo.y = 351; myCombo.width = 165; myCombo.height = 35; myCombo.dataProvider = dp; addChild(myCombo); MyVar.score = ((MyVar.score * (2000 / MyVar.timeCount)) + 5000); congScoreText.text = MyVar.score.toString(); MyVar.timeCount = 0; } } }//package build_fla
Section 90
//o14copy_243 (build_fla.o14copy_243) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o14copy_243 extends MovieClip { public var o14:MovieClip; } }//package build_fla
Section 91
//OLJIPD_222 (build_fla.OLJIPD_222) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class OLJIPD_222 extends MovieClip { public var brickPanelBorder:MovieClip; public var brickContainerIn:MovieClip; } }//package build_fla
Section 92
//qeqwerwerwygsgsrgg_360 (build_fla.qeqwerwerwygsgsrgg_360) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class qeqwerwerwygsgsrgg_360 extends MovieClip { public var submit:SimpleButton; } }//package build_fla
Section 93
//sdsfsdffdsdfsdfdfsdfgroup_307 (build_fla.sdsfsdffdsdfsdfdfsdfgroup_307) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class sdsfsdffdsdfsdfdfsdfgroup_307 extends MovieClip { public function sdsfsdffdsdfsdfdfsdfgroup_307(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 14, frame15); } function frame15(){ MovieClip(this.parent.parent).gotoAndStop("Congratulations"); stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame2(){ trace("play"); } } }//package build_fla
Section 94
//sgklgmskm_266 (build_fla.sgklgmskm_266) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class sgklgmskm_266 extends MovieClip { public var building:MovieClip; } }//package build_fla
Section 95
//ss_200 (build_fla.ss_200) package build_fla { import flash.display.*; import Box2D.Collision.Shapes.*; import Box2D.Common.Math.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.Joints.*; import Box2D.Dynamics.*; import Box2D.Collision.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.system.*; import*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class ss_200 extends MovieClip { public var allow1:Boolean; public var py:Number; public var px:Number; public var finalOutput:MovieClip; public var piecesArray:Array; public var bt1:Point; public var buildingContainer:MovieClip; public var debug_sprite:MovieClip; public var sndBtn:MovieClip; public var dontAllow:Boolean; public var m_iterations:int; public var boxDef:b2PolygonDef; public var myTimer2:Timer; public var gravity:b2Vec2; public var baseLine:MovieClip; public var i:Number; public var objectArray:Array; public var real_x_mouse:Number; public var p10:MovieClip; public var p11:MovieClip; public var p12:MovieClip; public var p15:MovieClip; public var p16:MovieClip; public var p17:MovieClip; public var p18:MovieClip; public var p19:MovieClip; public var p13:MovieClip; public var p14:MovieClip; public var alpha4:MovieClip; public var pauseBut:SimpleButton; public var brickRun:Boolean; public var p20:MovieClip; public var sallow:Boolean; public var over:Boolean; public var scoreText:TextField; public var mouseJoint:b2MouseJoint; public var finalLine1:MovieClip; public var finalLine2:MovieClip; public var finalLine3:MovieClip; public var finalLine4:MovieClip; public var worldAABB:b2AABB; public var tempPt:Point; public var myTimer:Timer; public var obj:Object; public var bodyDef:b2BodyDef; public var doSleep:Boolean; public var brickType:int; public var m_contactListener; public var count:int; public var congAlpha:MovieClip; public var dbt1:Point; public var missedCount:int; public var brickContainer:MovieClip; public var allow:Boolean; public var upCount:int; public var brickOut:MovieClip; public var soundCount:int; public var mousePVec:b2Vec2; public var missedcount:Number; public var m_world:b2World; public var alphaNew:MovieClip; public var mcBase:MovieClip; public var md:b2MouseJointDef; public var timeText:TextField; public var scoreCount:Number; public var body:b2Body; public var totalPieces:Number; public var debug_draw:b2DebugDraw; public var side1:MovieClip; public var side2:MovieClip; public var p1:MovieClip; public var p2:MovieClip; public var p3:MovieClip; public var p5:MovieClip; public var p8:MovieClip; public var p9:MovieClip; public var p6:MovieClip; public var mc:MovieClip; public var emptyCount:Number; public var p4:MovieClip; public var p7:MovieClip; public var temp:Point; public var real_y_mouse:Number; public var pixels_in_a_meter:Number; public var gameOver:Boolean; public var brickStop:Boolean; public var buildingOut:MovieClip; public var pause:MovieClip; public var disturb:Boolean; public function ss_200(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } public function on_mouse_down(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:b2MouseJointDef; dontAllow = false; _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); _local2 = GetBodyAtMouse(); if (_local2){ _local3 = new b2MouseJointDef(); _local3.body1 = m_world.GetGroundBody(); _local3.body2 = _local2; / pixels_in_a_meter), (mouseY / pixels_in_a_meter)); _local3.maxForce = 10000; _local3.timeStep = (1 / 30); mouseJoint = (m_world.CreateJoint(_local3) as b2MouseJoint); }; } function frame1(){ myTimer2 = new Timer(0, 0); myTimer2.start(); myTimer2.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, run2); pause.visible = false; allow = false; sallow = false; pauseBut.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, pauseClick); allow1 = false; soundCount = 0; if (soundCount == 0){ MyVar.soundChannel2 =, int.MAX_VALUE, MyVar.trans2); myTimer2.start(); soundCount++; }; MyVar.soundToggle = true; sndBtn.buttonMode = true; sndBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, getSound); brickRun = false; pixels_in_a_meter = 30; mousePVec = new b2Vec2(); piecesArray = new Array(""); i = 0; px = 0; py = 0; totalPieces = 20; m_iterations = 10; worldAABB = new b2AABB(); gravity = new b2Vec2(0, 10); doSleep = true; count = 0; missedCount = 0; debug_draw = new b2DebugDraw(); debug_sprite = new MovieClip(); dontAllow = false; upCount = 0; disturb = false; gameOver = false; mcBase = new MovieClip(); temp = new Point(0, 0); missedcount = 0; brickStop = false; m_contactListener = new b2ContactListener(); emptyCount = 0; over = false; scoreCount = 0; tempPt = new Point(); temp.y = 600;;, 0, 500, 5); mcBase.y = 493; mc = new MovieClip();, 0, 5, 5); mc.y = 493; addChild(mc); objectArray = new Array(); worldAABB.lowerBound.Set(-100, -100); worldAABB.upperBound.Set(100, 100); m_world = new b2World(worldAABB, gravity, doSleep); debug_draw.m_sprite = debug_sprite; debug_draw.m_drawScale = 30; debug_draw.m_fillAlpha = 1; debug_draw.m_lineThickness = 0; debug_draw.m_drawFlags = b2DebugDraw.e_shapeBit; m_world.SetDebugDraw(debug_draw); bodyDef = new b2BodyDef(); bodyDef.position.Set(6.6, 17); boxDef = new b2PolygonDef(); boxDef.SetAsBox(4.6, 0.5); boxDef.friction = 0.3; boxDef.density = 0; body = m_world.CreateBody(bodyDef); body.CreateShape(boxDef); body.SetMassFromShapes(); bodyDef = new b2BodyDef(); bodyDef.position.Set(12, -7); boxDef = new b2PolygonDef(); boxDef.SetAsBox(14, 0.5); boxDef.friction = 0.3; boxDef.density = 0; body = m_world.CreateBody(bodyDef); body.CreateShape(boxDef); body.SetMassFromShapes(); finalOutput.visible = false; scoreText.text = "0"; MyVar.score = 0; myTimer = new Timer(1000, 0); timeText.text = "00"; myTimer.start(); myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, calc); i = 1; while (i <= totalPieces) { piecesArray[i] = this[("p" + i)]; piecesArray[i].mouseChildren = false; piecesArray[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, moves); i++; }; } public function calc(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ MyVar.timeCount++; if (MyVar.timeCount < 10){ timeText.text = ("0" + MyVar.timeCount.toString()); } else { timeText.text = MyVar.timeCount.toString(); }; } public function run(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:b2Body; var _local3:*; var _local4:*; var _local5:b2Vec2; m_world.Step((1 / 30), 10); if (mouseJoint){ _local3 = (mouseX / pixels_in_a_meter); _local4 = (mouseY / pixels_in_a_meter); _local5 = new b2Vec2(_local3, _local4); mouseJoint.SetTarget(_local5); }; if (((body.IsSleeping()) && (!(disturb)))){ disturb = true; if (body.m_userData.y < temp.y){ tempPt.y = mc.y; trace(mc.y); mc.y = (body.m_userData.y + (body.m_userData.height / 2)); mc.y = (mc.y - body.m_userData.height); temp.y = body.m_userData.y; tempPt.y = (tempPt.y - mc.y); if (tempPt.y >= 95){ scoreCount = (scoreCount + 6); } else { if ((((tempPt.y >= 80)) && ((tempPt.y < 95)))){ scoreCount = (scoreCount + 5); } else { if ((((tempPt.y >= 70)) && ((tempPt.y < 80)))){ scoreCount = (scoreCount + 4); } else { if ((((tempPt.y >= 50)) && ((tempPt.y < 70)))){ scoreCount = (scoreCount + 3); } else { if ((((tempPt.y >= 45)) && ((tempPt.y < 50)))){ scoreCount = (scoreCount + 2); } else { if ((((tempPt.y >= 30)) && ((tempPt.y < 45)))){ scoreCount = (scoreCount + 1); }; }; }; }; }; }; trace(mc.y); trace(tempPt.y); trace(("scroe count" + scoreCount)); MyVar.score = (MyVar.score + (scoreCount * 50)); scoreText.text = MyVar.score.toString(); if (MyVar.soundToggle){; }; }; }; if ((((mc.y < 76)) || ((missedcount >= 1)))){ stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run); MovieClip(this.parent).gotoAndStop("GameOver"); myTimer.stop(); myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, calc); soundStop(); }; i = 0; while (i < objectArray.length) { if (!dontAllow){ if ((((((objectArray[i].y > stage.stageHeight)) || ((objectArray[i].x > (stage.stageWidth + 50))))) || ((objectArray[i].x < -50)))){ objectArray.splice(i, 1); trace(objectArray); dontAllow = true; missedcount++; trace(("missed count " + missedcount)); if (MyVar.soundToggle){; }; }; }; i++; }; if ((((((missedCount == 0)) && ((emptyCount >= 20)))) && (MovieClip(obj).hitTestObject(congAlpha)))){ if (((((((!(HitTest.complexHitTestObject(MovieClip(obj), finalLine1, 1))) && (!(HitTest.complexHitTestObject(MovieClip(obj), finalLine2, 1))))) && (!(HitTest.complexHitTestObject(MovieClip(obj), finalLine3, 1))))) && (!(HitTest.complexHitTestObject(MovieClip(obj), finalLine4, 1))))){ if (((!(HitTest.complexHitTestObject(MovieClip(obj), side1, 1))) && (!(HitTest.complexHitTestObject(MovieClip(obj), side2, 1))))){ if (body.IsSleeping()){ stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run); i = 0; while (i < objectArray.length) { MovieClip(objectArray[i]).visible = false; i++; }; finalOutput.visible = true; finalOutput.gotoAndPlay(2); soundStop(); myTimer.stop(); myTimer.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, calc); }; }; }; }; _local2 = m_world.m_bodyList; while (_local2) { if ((_local2.m_userData is MovieClip)){ _local2.m_userData.x = (_local2.GetPosition().x * 30); _local2.m_userData.y = (_local2.GetPosition().y * 30); _local2.m_userData.rotation = (_local2.GetAngle() * (180 / Math.PI)); }; _local2 = _local2.m_next; }; } public function moves(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Class; = false; piecesArray[].missed = 0; _local2 = (getDefinitionByName(("o" + as Class); obj = new (_local2); = ("i" +; addChild(DisplayObject(obj)); obj.x =; obj.y =; obj.startDrag(true); brickType =; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, on_mouse_down); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, on_mouse_up); fun(); obj.mouseChildren = false; upCount = 0; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, moves1); } public function on_mouse_up(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ disturb = false; if (mouseJoint){ m_world.DestroyJoint(mouseJoint); mouseJoint = null; }; } public function run2(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ MyVar.timerStopCount++; } public function GetBodyAtMouse(_arg1:Boolean=false):b2Body{ var _local2:b2AABB; var _local3:int; var _local4:Array; var _local5:int; var _local6:b2Body; var _local7:int; var _local8:b2Shape; var _local9:Boolean; real_x_mouse = (stage.mouseX / pixels_in_a_meter); real_y_mouse = (stage.mouseY / pixels_in_a_meter); mousePVec.Set(real_x_mouse, real_y_mouse); _local2 = new b2AABB(); _local2.lowerBound.Set((real_x_mouse - 0.001), (real_y_mouse - 0.001)); _local2.upperBound.Set((real_x_mouse + 0.001), (real_y_mouse + 0.001)); _local3 = 10; _local4 = new Array(); _local5 = m_world.Query(_local2, _local4, _local3); _local6 = null; _local7 = 0; while (_local7 < _local5) { if ((((_local4[_local7].m_body.IsStatic() == false)) || (_arg1))){ _local8 = (_local4[_local7] as b2Shape); _local9 = (_local4[_local7] as b2Shape).TestPoint(_local8.m_body.GetXForm(), mousePVec); if (_local9){ _local6 = _local8.m_body; break; }; }; _local7++; }; return (_local6); } public function pauseClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!allow){ MyVar.soundToggle = false; MyVar.soundChannel2.stop(); trace(MyVar.timerStopCount); MyVar.soundChannel1 =, int.MAX_VALUE, MyVar.trans1); myTimer2.stop(); MyVar.pauseClicked = true; pause.visible = true; myTimer.stop(); allow = true; } else { if (sndBtn.currentFrame == 1){ MyVar.soundToggle = true; MyVar.soundChannel1.stop(); trace(MyVar.timerStopCount); MyVar.soundChannel2 =, int.MAX_VALUE, MyVar.trans2); myTimer2.start(); }; trace("checking"); allow = false; MyVar.pauseClicked = false; pause.visible = false; myTimer.start(); }; } public function getSound(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!allow1){ MyVar.soundChannel2.stop(); myTimer2.stop(); trace(MyVar.timerStopCount); MyVar.soundToggle = false; MyVar.soundChannel1 =, int.MAX_VALUE, MyVar.trans1); allow1 = true; sndBtn.gotoAndStop(2); } else { MyVar.soundChannel1.stop(); myTimer2.start(); trace(MyVar.timerStopCount); MyVar.soundChannel2 =, int.MAX_VALUE, MyVar.trans2); MyVar.soundToggle = true; allow1 = false; sndBtn.gotoAndStop(1); }; } public function fun(){ m_world.SetContactListener(m_contactListener); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, run); bodyDef = new b2BodyDef(); bodyDef.position.Set((obj.x / 30), (obj.y / 30)); boxDef = new b2PolygonDef(); boxDef.friction = 0.3; boxDef.density = 1; boxDef.restitution = 0.3; bodyDef.userData = obj; if (brickType == 1){ boxDef.vertexCount = 3; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-0.07, -1.43); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(1.8, 1.45); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(-1.8, 1.47); }; if (brickType == 2){ boxDef.SetAsBox(1.28, 1.72); }; if (brickType == 3){ boxDef.SetAsBox(1.76, 0.66); }; if (brickType == 4){ boxDef.SetAsBox(0.63, 1.03); }; if (brickType == 5){ boxDef.vertexCount = 4; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-1.35, -0.85); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(1.3, -0.85); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(0.35, 0.97); boxDef.vertices[3].Set(-1.35, 0.97); }; if (brickType == 6){ boxDef.SetAsBox(2.05, 0.8); }; if (brickType == 7){ boxDef.SetAsBox(1.05, 0.88); }; if (brickType == 8){ boxDef.vertexCount = 4; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-0.8, -0.9); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(0.75, -0.9); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(1.8, 0.9); boxDef.vertices[3].Set(-1.8, 0.9); }; if (brickType == 9){ boxDef.SetAsBox(1.6, 0.79); }; if (brickType == 10){ boxDef.vertexCount = 3; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-1.63, -1.08); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(1.64, -1.08); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(-1.75, 1.02); }; if (brickType == 11){ boxDef.vertexCount = 4; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-1.25, -0.8); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(2.15, -0.8); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(2.15, 0.8); boxDef.vertices[3].Set(-2.15, 0.8); }; if (brickType == 12){ boxDef.SetAsBox(0.85, 1.65); }; if (brickType == 13){ boxDef.SetAsBox(1.05, 1.5); }; if (brickType == 14){ boxDef.vertexCount = 3; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(1.65, -1.1); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(1.65, 1.05); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(-1.7, 1.05); }; if (brickType == 15){ boxDef.SetAsBox(1.85, 0.8); }; if (brickType == 16){ boxDef.SetAsBox(0.66, 0.61); }; if (brickType == 17){ boxDef.vertexCount = 4; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-1.25, -0.87); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(1.28, -0.87); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(1.28, 0.89); boxDef.vertices[3].Set(-0.25, 0.89); }; if (brickType == 18){ boxDef.vertexCount = 4; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-2.55, -1.4); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(0.7, -1.4); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(2.55, 1.4); boxDef.vertices[3].Set(-0.7, 1.42); }; if (brickType == 19){ boxDef.SetAsBox(0.82, 0.87); }; if (brickType == 20){ boxDef.vertexCount = 4; boxDef.vertices[0].Set(-0.85, -0.8); boxDef.vertices[1].Set(0.95, -0.8); boxDef.vertices[2].Set(-0.05, 0.8); boxDef.vertices[3].Set(-0.85, 0.8); }; body = m_world.CreateBody(bodyDef); body.CreateShape(boxDef); body.SetMassFromShapes(); } public function soundStop():void{ if (MyVar.soundToggle){ MyVar.soundChannel2.stop(); myTimer2.stop(); MyVar.soundToggle = false; MyVar.soundChannel1 =, int.MAX_VALUE, MyVar.trans1); }; } public function moves1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, moves1); _arg1.updateAfterEvent(); if (((brickOut.hitTestObject(MovieClip(obj))) && (!(alphaNew.hitTestObject(MovieClip(obj)))))){ piecesArray[].visible = true; piecesArray[].missed = 1; obj.parent.removeChild(MovieClip(obj)); m_world.DestroyBody(body); } else { over = true; stopDrag(); objectArray.push(obj); emptyCount++; }; } } }//package build_fla
Section 96
//BaseScrollPane (fl.containers.BaseScrollPane) package fl.containers { import fl.core.*; import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; public class BaseScrollPane extends UIComponent { protected var defaultLineScrollSize:Number;// = 4 protected var _maxHorizontalScrollPosition:Number;// = 0 protected var vScrollBar:Boolean; protected var disabledOverlay:Shape; protected var hScrollBar:Boolean; protected var availableWidth:Number; protected var _verticalPageScrollSize:Number;// = 0 protected var vOffset:Number;// = 0 protected var _verticalScrollBar:ScrollBar; protected var useFixedHorizontalScrolling:Boolean;// = false protected var contentWidth:Number;// = 0 protected var contentHeight:Number;// = 0 protected var _horizontalPageScrollSize:Number;// = 0 protected var background:DisplayObject; protected var _useBitmpScrolling:Boolean;// = false protected var contentPadding:Number;// = 0 protected var availableHeight:Number; protected var _horizontalScrollBar:ScrollBar; protected var contentScrollRect:Rectangle; protected var _horizontalScrollPolicy:String; protected var _verticalScrollPolicy:String; protected static const SCROLL_BAR_STYLES:Object = {upArrowDisabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", downArrowDisabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", thumbDownSkin:"thumbDownSkin", thumbOverSkin:"thumbOverSkin", thumbUpSkin:"thumbUpSkin", thumbIcon:"thumbIcon", trackDisabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", trackDownSkin:"trackDownSkin", trackOverSkin:"trackOverSkin", trackUpSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"}; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35, skin:"ScrollPane_upSkin", contentPadding:0, disabledAlpha:0.5}; public function BaseScrollPane(){ contentWidth = 0; contentHeight = 0; contentPadding = 0; vOffset = 0; _maxHorizontalScrollPosition = 0; _horizontalPageScrollSize = 0; _verticalPageScrollSize = 0; defaultLineScrollSize = 4; useFixedHorizontalScrolling = false; _useBitmpScrolling = false; super(); } protected function handleWheel(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (((((!(enabled)) || (!(_verticalScrollBar.visible)))) || ((contentHeight <= availableHeight)))){ return; }; _verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition = (_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition - ( * verticalLineScrollSize)); setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition); dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL,, horizontalScrollPosition)); } public function get verticalScrollPosition():Number{ return (_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition); } protected function drawDisabledOverlay():void{ if (enabled){ if (contains(disabledOverlay)){ removeChild(disabledOverlay); }; } else { disabledOverlay.x = (disabledOverlay.y = contentPadding); disabledOverlay.width = availableWidth; disabledOverlay.height = availableHeight; disabledOverlay.alpha = (getStyleValue("disabledAlpha") as Number); addChild(disabledOverlay); }; } public function set verticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ drawNow(); _verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition = _arg1; setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false); } protected function setContentSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ if ((((((contentWidth == _arg1)) || (useFixedHorizontalScrolling))) && ((contentHeight == _arg2)))){ return; }; contentWidth = _arg1; contentHeight = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function get horizontalScrollPosition():Number{ return (_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition); } public function get horizontalScrollBar():ScrollBar{ return (_horizontalScrollBar); } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (enabled == _arg1){ return; }; _verticalScrollBar.enabled = _arg1; _horizontalScrollBar.enabled = _arg1; super.enabled = _arg1; } public function get verticalLineScrollSize():Number{ return (_verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize); } public function get horizontalScrollPolicy():String{ return (_horizontalScrollPolicy); } protected function calculateAvailableSize():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; _local1 = ScrollBar.WIDTH; _local2 = (contentPadding = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding"))); _local3 = ((height - (2 * _local2)) - vOffset); vScrollBar = (((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((contentHeight > _local3))))); _local4 = ((width - (vScrollBar) ? _local1 : 0) - (2 * _local2)); _local5 = (useFixedHorizontalScrolling) ? _maxHorizontalScrollPosition : (contentWidth - _local4); hScrollBar = (((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_local5 > 0))))); if (hScrollBar){ _local3 = (_local3 - _local1); }; if (((((((hScrollBar) && (!(vScrollBar)))) && ((_verticalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)))) && ((contentHeight > _local3)))){ vScrollBar = true; _local4 = (_local4 - _local1); }; availableHeight = (_local3 + vOffset); availableWidth = _local4; } public function get maxVerticalScrollPosition():Number{ drawNow(); return (Math.max(0, (contentHeight - availableHeight))); } public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ drawNow(); _horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition = _arg1; setHorizontalScrollPosition(_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false); } public function get horizontalLineScrollSize():Number{ return (_horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize); } public function set verticalPageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{ _verticalPageScrollSize = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function get verticalScrollPolicy():String{ return (_verticalScrollPolicy); } protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ } public function get useBitmapScrolling():Boolean{ return (_useBitmpScrolling); } protected function handleScroll(_arg1:ScrollEvent):void{ if ( == _verticalScrollBar){ setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1.position); } else { setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1.position); }; } public function set verticalLineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{ _verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = _arg1; } public function get verticalScrollBar():ScrollBar{ return (_verticalScrollBar); } protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ } public function set horizontalPageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{ _horizontalPageScrollSize = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){ setStyles(); drawBackground(); if (contentPadding != getStyleValue("contentPadding")){ invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawLayout(); }; updateChildren(); super.draw(); } public function set horizontalScrollPolicy(_arg1:String):void{ _horizontalScrollPolicy = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } override protected function configUI():void{ var _local1:Graphics; super.configUI(); contentScrollRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 85, 85); _verticalScrollBar = new ScrollBar(); _verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, handleScroll, false, 0, true); _verticalScrollBar.visible = false; _verticalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = defaultLineScrollSize; addChild(_verticalScrollBar); copyStylesToChild(_verticalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES); _horizontalScrollBar = new ScrollBar(); _horizontalScrollBar.direction = ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL; _horizontalScrollBar.addEventListener(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, handleScroll, false, 0, true); _horizontalScrollBar.visible = false; _horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = defaultLineScrollSize; addChild(_horizontalScrollBar); copyStylesToChild(_horizontalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES); disabledOverlay = new Shape(); _local1 =; _local1.beginFill(0xFFFFFF); _local1.drawRect(0, 0, width, height); _local1.endFill(); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_WHEEL, handleWheel, false, 0, true); } protected function calculateContentWidth():void{ } public function get verticalPageScrollSize():Number{ if (isNaN(availableHeight)){ drawNow(); }; return (((((_verticalPageScrollSize == 0)) && (!(isNaN(availableHeight))))) ? availableHeight : _verticalPageScrollSize); } protected function drawLayout():void{ calculateAvailableSize(); calculateContentWidth(); background.width = width; background.height = height; if (vScrollBar){ _verticalScrollBar.visible = true; _verticalScrollBar.x = ((width - ScrollBar.WIDTH) - contentPadding); _verticalScrollBar.y = contentPadding; _verticalScrollBar.height = availableHeight; } else { _verticalScrollBar.visible = false; }; _verticalScrollBar.setScrollProperties(availableHeight, 0, (contentHeight - availableHeight), verticalPageScrollSize); setVerticalScrollPosition(_verticalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false); if (hScrollBar){ _horizontalScrollBar.visible = true; _horizontalScrollBar.x = contentPadding; _horizontalScrollBar.y = ((height - ScrollBar.WIDTH) - contentPadding); _horizontalScrollBar.width = availableWidth; } else { _horizontalScrollBar.visible = false; }; _horizontalScrollBar.setScrollProperties(availableWidth, 0, (useFixedHorizontalScrolling) ? _maxHorizontalScrollPosition : (contentWidth - availableWidth), horizontalPageScrollSize); setHorizontalScrollPosition(_horizontalScrollBar.scrollPosition, false); drawDisabledOverlay(); } protected function drawBackground():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; _local1 = background; background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("skin")); background.width = width; background.height = height; addChildAt(background, 0); if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } public function set horizontalLineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{ _horizontalScrollBar.lineScrollSize = _arg1; } public function get horizontalPageScrollSize():Number{ if (isNaN(availableWidth)){ drawNow(); }; return (((((_horizontalPageScrollSize == 0)) && (!(isNaN(availableWidth))))) ? availableWidth : _horizontalPageScrollSize); } public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number{ drawNow(); return (Math.max(0, (contentWidth - availableWidth))); } protected function setStyles():void{ copyStylesToChild(_verticalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES); copyStylesToChild(_horizontalScrollBar, SCROLL_BAR_STYLES); } protected function updateChildren():void{ _verticalScrollBar.enabled = (_horizontalScrollBar.enabled = enabled); _verticalScrollBar.drawNow(); _horizontalScrollBar.drawNow(); } public function set verticalScrollPolicy(_arg1:String):void{ _verticalScrollPolicy = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function set useBitmapScrolling(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _useBitmpScrolling = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, ScrollBar.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.containers
Section 97
//CellRenderer (fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer) package fl.controls.listClasses { import fl.controls.*; import*; public class CellRenderer extends LabelButton implements ICellRenderer { protected var _data:Object; protected var _listData:ListData; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"CellRenderer_upSkin", downSkin:"CellRenderer_downSkin", overSkin:"CellRenderer_overSkin", disabledSkin:"CellRenderer_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin", textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, embedFonts:null, textPadding:5}; public function CellRenderer():void{ toggle = true; focusEnabled = false; } override protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ } override public function get selected():Boolean{ return (super.selected); } public function set listData(_arg1:ListData):void{ _listData = _arg1; label = _listData.label; setStyle("icon", _listData.icon); } override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.selected = _arg1; } public function set data(_arg1:Object):void{ _data = _arg1; } public function get listData():ListData{ return (_listData); } override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2); } override protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); _local2 = 0; if (icon != null){ icon.x = _local1; icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) >> 1)); _local2 = (icon.width + _local1); }; if (label.length > 0){ textField.visible = true; _local3 = Math.max(0, ((width - _local2) - (_local1 * 2))); textField.width = _local3; textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4); textField.x = (_local2 + _local1); textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) >> 1)); } else { textField.visible = false; }; background.width = width; background.height = height; } public function get data():Object{ return (_data); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 98
//ICellRenderer (fl.controls.listClasses.ICellRenderer) package fl.controls.listClasses { public interface ICellRenderer { function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void; function get listData():ListData; function get data():Object; function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void; function set x(_arg1:Number):void; function set y(_arg1:Number):void; function set data(_arg1:Object):void; function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void; function set listData(_arg1:ListData):void; function get selected():Boolean; } }//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 99
//ListData (fl.controls.listClasses.ListData) package fl.controls.listClasses { import fl.core.*; public class ListData { protected var _index:uint; protected var _owner:UIComponent; protected var _label:String; protected var _icon:Object;// = null protected var _row:uint; protected var _column:uint; public function ListData(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:UIComponent, _arg4:uint, _arg5:uint, _arg6:uint=0){ _icon = null; super(); _label = _arg1; _icon = _arg2; _owner = _arg3; _index = _arg4; _row = _arg5; _column = _arg6; } public function get owner():UIComponent{ return (_owner); } public function get label():String{ return (_label); } public function get row():uint{ return (_row); } public function get index():uint{ return (_index); } public function get icon():Object{ return (_icon); } public function get column():uint{ return (_column); } } }//package fl.controls.listClasses
Section 100
//BaseButton (fl.controls.BaseButton) package fl.controls { import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import flash.utils.*; public class BaseButton extends UIComponent { protected var _selected:Boolean;// = false private var unlockedMouseState:String; protected var pressTimer:Timer; protected var mouseState:String; protected var background:DisplayObject; private var _mouseStateLocked:Boolean;// = false protected var _autoRepeat:Boolean;// = false private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"Button_upSkin", downSkin:"Button_downSkin", overSkin:"Button_overSkin", disabledSkin:"Button_disabledSkin", selectedDisabledSkin:"Button_selectedDisabledSkin", selectedUpSkin:"Button_selectedUpSkin", selectedDownSkin:"Button_selectedDownSkin", selectedOverSkin:"Button_selectedOverSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35}; public function BaseButton(){ _selected = false; _autoRepeat = false; _mouseStateLocked = false; super(); buttonMode = true; mouseChildren = false; useHandCursor = false; setupMouseEvents(); setMouseState("up"); pressTimer = new Timer(1, 0); pressTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, buttonDown, false, 0, true); } protected function endPress():void{ pressTimer.reset(); } public function set mouseStateLocked(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseStateLocked = _arg1; if (_arg1 == false){ setMouseState(unlockedMouseState); } else { unlockedMouseState = mouseState; }; } public function get autoRepeat():Boolean{ return (_autoRepeat); } public function set autoRepeat(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _autoRepeat = _arg1; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; mouseEnabled = _arg1; } public function get selected():Boolean{ return (_selected); } protected function mouseEventHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN){ setMouseState("down"); startPress(); } else { if ((((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER)) || ((_arg1.type == MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP)))){ setMouseState("over"); endPress(); } else { if (_arg1.type == MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT){ setMouseState("up"); endPress(); }; }; }; } public function setMouseState(_arg1:String):void{ if (_mouseStateLocked){ unlockedMouseState = _arg1; return; }; if (mouseState == _arg1){ return; }; mouseState = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } protected function startPress():void{ if (_autoRepeat){ pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatDelay")); pressTimer.start(); }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true)); } protected function buttonDown(_arg1:TimerEvent):void{ if (!_autoRepeat){ endPress(); return; }; if (pressTimer.currentCount == 1){ pressTimer.delay = Number(getStyleValue("repeatInterval")); }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, true)); } public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_selected == _arg1){ return; }; _selected = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } override protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawBackground(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; super.draw(); } protected function setupMouseEvents():void{ addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, mouseEventHandler, false, 0, true); } protected function drawLayout():void{ background.width = width; background.height = height; } protected function drawBackground():void{ var _local1:String; var _local2:DisplayObject; _local1 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled"; if (selected){ _local1 = (("selected" + _local1.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local1.substr(1)); }; _local1 = (_local1 + "Skin"); _local2 = background; background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local1)); addChildAt(background, 0); if (((!((_local2 == null))) && (!((_local2 == background))))){ removeChild(_local2); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 101
//Button (fl.controls.Button) package fl.controls { import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import fl.managers.*; public class Button extends LabelButton implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var emphasizedBorder:DisplayObject; protected var _emphasized:Boolean;// = false private static var defaultStyles:Object = {emphasizedSkin:"Button_emphasizedSkin", emphasizedPadding:2}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function Button(){ _emphasized = false; super(); } override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:*; super.drawFocus(_arg1); if (_arg1){ _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding")); if ((((_local2 < 0)) || (!(_emphasized)))){ _local2 = 0; }; _local3 = getStyleValue("focusRectPadding"); _local3 = ((_local3)==null) ? 2 : _local3; _local3 = (_local3 + _local2); uiFocusRect.x = -(_local3); uiFocusRect.y = -(_local3); uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local3 * 2)); uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local3 * 2)); }; } public function set emphasized(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _emphasized = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } override protected function draw():void{ if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)) || (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)))){ drawEmphasized(); }; super.draw(); if (emphasizedBorder != null){ setChildIndex(emphasizedBorder, (numChildren - 1)); }; } public function get emphasized():Boolean{ return (_emphasized); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (Button.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ Button.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawEmphasized():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:Number; if (emphasizedBorder != null){ removeChild(emphasizedBorder); }; emphasizedBorder = null; if (!_emphasized){ return; }; _local1 = getStyleValue("emphasizedSkin"); if (_local1 != null){ emphasizedBorder = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local1); }; if (emphasizedBorder != null){ addChildAt(emphasizedBorder, 0); _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("emphasizedPadding")); emphasizedBorder.x = (emphasizedBorder.y = -(_local2)); emphasizedBorder.width = (width + (_local2 * 2)); emphasizedBorder.height = (height + (_local2 * 2)); }; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (UIComponent.mergeStyles(LabelButton.getStyleDefinition(), defaultStyles)); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 102
//ButtonLabelPlacement (fl.controls.ButtonLabelPlacement) package fl.controls { public class ButtonLabelPlacement { public static const TOP:String = "top"; public static const LEFT:String = "left"; public static const BOTTOM:String = "bottom"; public static const RIGHT:String = "right"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 103
//ComboBox (fl.controls.ComboBox) package fl.controls { import fl.controls.listClasses.*; import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class ComboBox extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _dropdownWidth:Number; protected var highlightedCell:int;// = -1 protected var _prompt:String; protected var isOpen:Boolean;// = false protected var list:List; protected var _rowCount:uint;// = 5 protected var currentIndex:int; protected var isKeyDown:Boolean;// = false protected var _labels:Array; protected var background:BaseButton; protected var inputField:TextInput; protected var listOverIndex:uint; protected var editableValue:String; protected var _editable:Boolean;// = false private var collectionItemImport:SimpleCollectionItem; protected static const BACKGROUND_STYLES:Object = {overSkin:"overSkin", downSkin:"downSkin", upSkin:"upSkin", disabledSkin:"disabledSkin", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"}; protected static const LIST_STYLES:Object = {upSkin:"comboListUpSkin", overSkin:"comboListOverSkin", downSkin:"comobListDownSkin", disabledSkin:"comboListDisabledSkin", downArrowDisabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", upArrowDisabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", thumbDownSkin:"thumbDownSkin", thumbOverSkin:"thumbOverSkin", thumbUpSkin:"thumbUpSkin", thumbIcon:"thumbIcon", trackDisabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", trackDownSkin:"trackDownSkin", trackOverSkin:"trackOverSkin", trackUpSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval", textFormat:"textFormat", disabledAlpha:"disabledAlpha", skin:"listSkin"}; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"ComboBox_upSkin", downSkin:"ComboBox_downSkin", overSkin:"ComboBox_overSkin", disabledSkin:"ComboBox_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:3, buttonWidth:24, disabledAlpha:null, listSkin:null}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function ComboBox(){ _rowCount = 5; _editable = false; isOpen = false; highlightedCell = -1; isKeyDown = false; super(); } protected function drawList():void{ list.rowCount = Math.max(0, Math.min(_rowCount, list.dataProvider.length)); } public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{ inputField.imeMode = _arg1; } public function get dropdown():List{ return (list); } public function get dropdownWidth():Number{ return (list.width); } public function sortItemsOn(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){ return (list.sortItemsOn(_arg1, _arg2)); } protected function onEnter(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); } public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):void{ list.removeItemAt(_arg1); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function open():void{ currentIndex = selectedIndex; if (((isOpen) || ((length == 0)))){ return; }; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.OPEN)); isOpen = true; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener, false, 0, true); positionList(); list.scrollToSelected(); stage.addChild(list); } public function get selectedItem():Object{ return (list.selectedItem); } public function set text(_arg1:String):void{ if (!editable){ return; }; inputField.text = _arg1; } public function get labelField():String{ return (list.labelField); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:uint; var _local4:Number; var _local5:int; isKeyDown = true; if (_arg1.ctrlKey){ switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.UP: if (highlightedCell > -1){ selectedIndex = highlightedCell; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; close(); break; case Keyboard.DOWN: open(); break; }; return; }; _arg1.stopPropagation(); _local2 = Math.max(((calculateAvailableHeight() / list.rowHeight) << 0), 1); _local3 = selectedIndex; _local4 = ((highlightedCell)==-1) ? selectedIndex : highlightedCell; _local5 = -1; switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.SPACE: if (isOpen){ close(); } else { open(); }; return; case Keyboard.ESCAPE: if (isOpen){ if (highlightedCell > -1){ selectedIndex = selectedIndex; }; close(); }; return; case Keyboard.UP: _local5 = Math.max(0, (_local4 - 1)); break; case Keyboard.DOWN: _local5 = Math.min((length - 1), (_local4 + 1)); break; case Keyboard.PAGE_UP: _local5 = Math.max((_local4 - _local2), 0); break; case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN: _local5 = Math.min((_local4 + _local2), (length - 1)); break; case Keyboard.HOME: _local5 = 0; break; case Keyboard.END: _local5 = (length - 1); break; case Keyboard.ENTER: if (((_editable) && ((highlightedCell == -1)))){ editableValue = inputField.text; selectedIndex = -1; } else { if (((isOpen) && ((highlightedCell > -1)))){ editableValue = null; selectedIndex = highlightedCell; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; }; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER)); close(); return; default: if (editable){ break; }; _local5 = list.getNextIndexAtLetter(String.fromCharCode(_arg1.keyCode), _local4); break; }; if (_local5 > -1){ if (isOpen){ highlightCell(_local5); inputField.text = list.itemToLabel(getItemAt(_local5)); } else { highlightCell(); selectedIndex = _local5; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; }; } public function set dropdownWidth(_arg1:Number):void{ _dropdownWidth = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function get editable():Boolean{ return (_editable); } override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ super.focusInHandler(_arg1); if (editable){ stage.focus = inputField.textField; }; } protected function onStageClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ if (!isOpen){ return; }; if (((!(contains(( as DisplayObject)))) && (!(list.contains(( as DisplayObject)))))){ if (highlightedCell != -1){ selectedIndex = highlightedCell; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; close(); }; } protected function handleDataChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{ invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ isKeyDown = false; } protected function onListItemUp(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:*; stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onListItemUp); if (((!(( is ICellRenderer))) || (!(list.contains(( as DisplayObject)))))){ return; }; editableValue = null; _local2 = selectedIndex; selectedIndex =; if (_local2 != selectedIndex){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; close(); } public function removeAll():void{ list.removeAll(); inputField.text = ""; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function set selectedItem(_arg1:Object):void{ list.selectedItem = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED); } protected function highlightCell(_arg1:int=-1):void{ var _local2:ICellRenderer; if (highlightedCell > -1){ _local2 = list.itemToCellRenderer(getItemAt(highlightedCell)); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.setMouseState("up"); }; }; if (_arg1 == -1){ return; }; list.scrollToIndex(_arg1); list.drawNow(); _local2 = list.itemToCellRenderer(getItemAt(_arg1)); if (_local2 != null){ _local2.setMouseState("over"); highlightedCell = _arg1; }; } public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{ if (_arg1 == null){ return (""); }; return (list.itemToLabel(_arg1)); } public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{ list.addItemAt(_arg1, _arg2); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{ return (list.replaceItemAt(_arg1, _arg2)); } protected function showPrompt():void{ inputField.text = _prompt; } public function set rowCount(_arg1:uint):void{ _rowCount = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function get restrict():String{ return (inputField.restrict); } protected function setEmbedFonts():void{ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ inputField.textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } public function sortItems(... _args){ return (list.sortItems.apply(list, _args)); } public function set labelField(_arg1:String):void{ list.labelField = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _editable = _arg1; drawTextField(); } public function set prompt(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == ""){ _prompt = null; } else { _prompt = _arg1; }; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function get length():int{ return (list.length); } protected function drawTextField():void{ inputField.setStyle("upSkin", ""); inputField.setStyle("disabledSkin", ""); inputField.enabled = enabled; inputField.editable = _editable; inputField.textField.selectable = ((enabled) && (_editable)); inputField.mouseEnabled = (inputField.mouseChildren = ((enabled) && (_editable))); inputField.focusEnabled = false; if (_editable){ inputField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onInputFieldFocus, false, 0, true); inputField.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onInputFieldFocusOut, false, 0, true); } else { inputField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onInputFieldFocus); inputField.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, onInputFieldFocusOut); }; } protected function onInputFieldFocusOut(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ inputField.removeEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, onEnter); selectedIndex = selectedIndex; } protected function passEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ dispatchEvent(_arg1); } public function get imeMode():String{ return (inputField.imeMode); } public function get labelFunction():Function{ return (list.labelFunction); } protected function calculateAvailableHeight():Number{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding")); return ((list.height - (_local1 * 2))); } public function get selectedIndex():int{ return (list.selectedIndex); } override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ isKeyDown = false; if (isOpen){ if (((!(_arg1.relatedObject)) || (!(list.contains(_arg1.relatedObject))))){ if (((!((highlightedCell == -1))) && (!((highlightedCell == selectedIndex))))){ selectedIndex = highlightedCell; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; close(); }; }; super.focusOutHandler(_arg1); } public function get selectedLabel():String{ if (editableValue != null){ return (editableValue); }; if (selectedIndex == -1){ return (null); }; return (itemToLabel(selectedItem)); } public function get text():String{ return (inputField.text); } protected function onListChange(_arg1:Event):void{ editableValue = null; dispatchEvent(_arg1); invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED); if (isKeyDown){ return; }; close(); } protected function onToggleListVisibility(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); dispatchEvent(_arg1); if (isOpen){ close(); } else { open(); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onListItemUp, false, 0, true); }; } override protected function draw():void{ var _local1:*; _local1 = selectedIndex; if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (((((!((prompt == null))) || (editable))) || ((length == 0)))))){ _local1 = Math.max(-1, Math.min(_local1, (length - 1))); } else { editableValue = null; _local1 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local1, (length - 1))); }; if (list.selectedIndex != _local1){ list.selectedIndex = _local1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){ setStyles(); setEmbedFonts(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.DATA, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawTextFormat(); drawLayout(); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.DATA)){ drawList(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED, true); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SELECTED)){ if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (!((editableValue == null))))){ inputField.text = editableValue; } else { if (_local1 > -1){ if (length > 0){ inputField.horizontalScrollPosition = 0; inputField.text = itemToLabel(list.selectedItem); }; } else { if ((((_local1 == -1)) && (!((_prompt == null))))){ showPrompt(); } else { inputField.text = ""; }; }; }; if (((((editable) && ((selectedIndex > -1)))) && ((stage.focus == inputField.textField)))){ inputField.setSelection(0, inputField.length); }; }; drawTextField(); super.draw(); } public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{ list.addItem(_arg1); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function get rowCount():uint{ return (_rowCount); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); background = new BaseButton(); background.focusEnabled = false; copyStylesToChild(background, BACKGROUND_STYLES); background.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onToggleListVisibility, false, 0, true); addChild(background); inputField = new TextInput(); inputField.focusTarget = (this as IFocusManagerComponent); inputField.focusEnabled = false; inputField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onTextInput, false, 0, true); addChild(inputField); list = new List(); list.focusEnabled = false; copyStylesToChild(list, LIST_STYLES); list.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, onListChange, false, 0, true); list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, onListChange, false, 0, true); list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT, passEvent, false, 0, true); list.addEventListener(ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER, passEvent, false, 0, true); list.verticalScrollBar.addEventListener(Event.SCROLL, passEvent, false, 0, true); } protected function positionList():void{ var _local1:Point; _local1 = localToGlobal(new Point(0, 0)); list.x = _local1.x; if (((_local1.y + height) + list.height) > stage.stageHeight){ list.y = (_local1.y - list.height); } else { list.y = (_local1.y + height); }; } public function get value():String{ var _local1:Object; if (editableValue != null){ return (editableValue); }; _local1 = selectedItem; if (((!(_editable)) && (!(( == null))))){ return (; }; return (itemToLabel(_local1)); } public function get prompt():String{ return (_prompt); } public function set dataProvider(_arg1:DataProvider):void{ _arg1.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true); list.dataProvider = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{ if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){ _arg1 = null; }; if (!_editable){ return; }; inputField.restrict = _arg1; } protected function onTextInput(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); if (!_editable){ return; }; editableValue = inputField.text; selectedIndex = -1; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); } protected function onInputFieldFocus(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ inputField.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.ENTER, onEnter, false, 0, true); close(); } public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{ return (list.getItemAt(_arg1)); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (ComboBox.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ ComboBox.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; _local1 = (getStyleValue("buttonWidth") as Number); _local2 = (getStyleValue("textPadding") as Number); background.setSize(width, height); inputField.x = (inputField.y = _local2); inputField.setSize(((width - _local1) - _local2), (height - _local2)); list.width = (isNaN(_dropdownWidth)) ? width : _dropdownWidth; background.enabled = enabled; background.drawNow(); } public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{ return (list.removeItem(_arg1)); } private function addCloseListener(_arg1:Event){ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, addCloseListener); if (!isOpen){ return; }; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick, false, 0, true); } public function get dataProvider():DataProvider{ return (list.dataProvider); } public function get textField():TextInput{ return (inputField); } protected function setStyles():void{ copyStylesToChild(background, BACKGROUND_STYLES); copyStylesToChild(list, LIST_STYLES); } public function set labelFunction(_arg1:Function):void{ list.labelFunction = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } protected function drawTextFormat():void{ var _local1:TextFormat; _local1 = (getStyleValue((_enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local1 == null){ _local1 = new TextFormat(); }; inputField.textField.defaultTextFormat = _local1; inputField.textField.setTextFormat(_local1); setEmbedFonts(); } public function set selectedIndex(_arg1:int):void{ list.selectedIndex = _arg1; highlightCell(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED); } public function close():void{ highlightCell(); highlightedCell = -1; if (!isOpen){ return; }; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CLOSE)); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onStageClick); isOpen = false; stage.removeChild(list); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, List.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 104
//LabelButton (fl.controls.LabelButton) package fl.controls { import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class LabelButton extends BaseButton implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _labelPlacement:String;// = "right" protected var _toggle:Boolean;// = false protected var icon:DisplayObject; protected var oldMouseState:String; protected var mode:String;// = "center" public var textField:TextField; protected var _label:String;// = "Label" private static var defaultStyles:Object = {icon:null, upIcon:null, downIcon:null, overIcon:null, disabledIcon:null, selectedDisabledIcon:null, selectedUpIcon:null, selectedDownIcon:null, selectedOverIcon:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:5, embedFonts:false}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function LabelButton(){ _labelPlacement = ButtonLabelPlacement.RIGHT; _toggle = false; _label = "Label"; mode = "center"; super(); } protected function toggleSelected(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ selected = !(selected); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true)); } public function get labelPlacement():String{ return (_labelPlacement); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!enabled){ return; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ if (oldMouseState == null){ oldMouseState = mouseState; }; setMouseState("down"); startPress(); }; } protected function setEmbedFont(){ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } override protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!enabled){ return; }; if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.SPACE){ setMouseState(oldMouseState); oldMouseState = null; endPress(); dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK)); }; } override public function get selected():Boolean{ return ((_toggle) ? _selected : false); } public function set labelPlacement(_arg1:String):void{ _labelPlacement = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function set toggle(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (((!(_arg1)) && (super.selected))){ selected = false; }; _toggle = _arg1; if (_toggle){ addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected, false, 0, true); } else { removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, toggleSelected); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function get label():String{ return (_label); } override public function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _selected = _arg1; if (_toggle){ invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); }; } override protected function draw():void{ if (textField.text != _label){ label = _label; }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawBackground(); drawIcon(); drawTextFormat(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); }; }; validate(); } public function get toggle():Boolean{ return (_toggle); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); textField = new TextField(); textField.type = TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; textField.selectable = false; addChild(textField); } override protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:String; var _local3:Number; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Number; var _local7:Number; var _local8:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); _local2 = ((((icon == null)) && ((mode == "center")))) ? ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP : _labelPlacement; textField.height = (textField.textHeight + 4); _local3 = (textField.textWidth + 4); _local4 = (textField.textHeight + 4); _local5 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.width + _local1); _local6 = ((icon)==null) ? 0 : (icon.height + _local1); textField.visible = (label.length > 0); if (icon != null){ icon.x = Math.round(((width - icon.width) / 2)); icon.y = Math.round(((height - icon.height) / 2)); }; if (textField.visible == false){ textField.width = 0; textField.height = 0; } else { if ((((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM)) || ((_local2 == ButtonLabelPlacement.TOP)))){ _local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, (width - (2 * _local1)))); if ((height - 2) > _local4){ _local8 = _local4; } else { _local8 = (height - 2); }; _local3 = _local7; textField.width = _local3; _local4 = _local8; textField.height = _local4; textField.x = Math.round(((width - _local3) / 2)); textField.y = Math.round(((((height - textField.height) - _local6) / 2) + ((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? _local6 : 0)); if (icon != null){ icon.y = Math.round(((_local2)==ButtonLabelPlacement.BOTTOM) ? (textField.y - _local6) : ((textField.y + textField.height) + _local1)); }; } else { _local7 = Math.max(0, Math.min(_local3, ((width - _local5) - (2 * _local1)))); _local3 = _local7; textField.width = _local3; textField.x = Math.round(((((width - _local3) - _local5) / 2) + ((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? _local5 : 0)); textField.y = Math.round(((height - textField.height) / 2)); if (icon != null){ icon.x = Math.round(((_local2)!=ButtonLabelPlacement.LEFT) ? (textField.x - _local5) : ((textField.x + _local3) + _local1)); }; }; }; super.drawLayout(); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ LabelButton.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } protected function drawIcon():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:String; var _local3:Object; _local1 = icon; _local2 = (enabled) ? mouseState : "disabled"; if (selected){ _local2 = (("selected" + _local2.substr(0, 1).toUpperCase()) + _local2.substr(1)); }; _local2 = (_local2 + "Icon"); _local3 = getStyleValue(_local2); if (_local3 == null){ _local3 = getStyleValue("icon"); }; if (_local3 != null){ icon = getDisplayObjectInstance(_local3); }; if (icon != null){ addChildAt(icon, 1); }; if (((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == icon))))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } public function set label(_arg1:String):void{ _label = _arg1; if (textField.text != _label){ textField.text = _label; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.LABEL_CHANGE)); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } protected function drawTextFormat():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:TextFormat; var _local3:TextFormat; _local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); _local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat); textField.setTextFormat(_local2); _local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local3 != null){ textField.setTextFormat(_local3); } else { _local3 = _local2; }; textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3; setEmbedFont(); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseButton.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 105
//List (fl.controls.List) package fl.controls { import fl.controls.listClasses.*; import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; public class List extends SelectableList implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _labelField:String;// = "label" protected var _rowHeight:Number;// = 20 protected var _cellRenderer:Object; protected var _iconField:String;// = "icon" protected var _labelFunction:Function; protected var _iconFunction:Function; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function List(){ _rowHeight = 20; _labelField = "label"; _iconField = "icon"; super(); } public function get iconField():String{ return (_iconField); } protected function doKeySelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{ var _local4:Boolean; var _local5:int; var _local6:Array; var _local7:int; var _local8:int; _local4 = false; if (_arg2){ _local6 = []; _local7 = lastCaretIndex; _local8 = _arg1; if (_local7 == -1){ _local7 = ((caretIndex)!=-1) ? caretIndex : _arg1; }; if (_local7 > _local8){ _local8 = _local7; _local7 = _arg1; }; _local5 = _local7; while (_local5 <= _local8) { _local6.push(_local5); _local5++; }; selectedIndices = _local6; caretIndex = _arg1; _local4 = true; } else { selectedIndex = _arg1; caretIndex = (lastCaretIndex = _arg1); _local4 = true; }; if (_local4){ dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); }; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } override protected function drawList():void{ var _local1:Rectangle; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Object; var _local6:ICellRenderer; var _local7:Dictionary; var _local8:Dictionary; var _local9:Boolean; var _local10:String; var _local11:Object; var _local12:Sprite; var _local13:String; listHolder.x = (listHolder.y = contentPadding); _local1 = listHolder.scrollRect; _local1.x = _horizontalScrollPosition; _local1.y = (Math.floor(_verticalScrollPosition) % rowHeight); listHolder.scrollRect = _local1; listHolder.cacheAsBitmap = useBitmapScrolling; _local2 = Math.floor((_verticalScrollPosition / rowHeight)); _local3 = Math.min(length, ((_local2 + rowCount) + 1)); _local7 = (renderedItems = new Dictionary(true)); _local4 = _local2; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local7[_dataProvider.getItemAt(_local4)] = true; _local4++; }; _local8 = new Dictionary(true); while (activeCellRenderers.length > 0) { _local6 = (activeCellRenderers.pop() as ICellRenderer); _local5 =; if ((((_local7[_local5] == null)) || ((invalidItems[_local5] == true)))){ availableCellRenderers.push(_local6); } else { _local8[_local5] = _local6; invalidItems[_local5] = true; }; list.removeChild((_local6 as DisplayObject)); }; invalidItems = new Dictionary(true); _local4 = _local2; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local9 = false; _local5 = _dataProvider.getItemAt(_local4); if (_local8[_local5] != null){ _local9 = true; _local6 = _local8[_local5]; delete _local8[_local5]; } else { if (availableCellRenderers.length > 0){ _local6 = (availableCellRenderers.pop() as ICellRenderer); } else { _local6 = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("cellRenderer")) as ICellRenderer); _local12 = (_local6 as Sprite); if (_local12 != null){ _local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, handleCellRendererClick, false, 0, true); _local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, handleCellRendererMouseEvent, false, 0, true); _local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, handleCellRendererMouseEvent, false, 0, true); _local12.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleCellRendererChange, false, 0, true); _local12.doubleClickEnabled = true; _local12.addEventListener(MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK, handleCellRendererDoubleClick, false, 0, true); if (_local12["setStyle"] != null){ for (_local13 in rendererStyles) { var _local16 = _local12; _local16["setStyle"](_local13, rendererStyles[_local13]); }; }; }; }; }; list.addChild((_local6 as Sprite)); activeCellRenderers.push(_local6); _local6.y = (rowHeight * (_local4 - _local2)); _local6.setSize((availableWidth + _maxHorizontalScrollPosition), rowHeight); _local10 = itemToLabel(_local5); _local11 = null; if (_iconFunction != null){ _local11 = _iconFunction(_local5); } else { if (_iconField != null){ _local11 = _local5[_iconField]; }; }; if (!_local9){ = _local5; }; _local6.listData = new ListData(_local10, _local11, this, _local4, _local4, 0); _local6.selected = !((_selectedIndices.indexOf(_local4) == -1)); if ((_local6 is UIComponent)){ (_local6 as UIComponent).drawNow(); }; _local4++; }; } public function get iconFunction():Function{ return (_iconFunction); } public function set iconField(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == _iconField){ return; }; _iconField = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ var _local2:int; if (!selectable){ return; }; switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.UP: case Keyboard.DOWN: case Keyboard.END: case Keyboard.HOME: case Keyboard.PAGE_UP: case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN: moveSelectionVertically(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection))); break; case Keyboard.LEFT: case Keyboard.RIGHT: moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection))); break; case Keyboard.SPACE: if (caretIndex == -1){ caretIndex = 0; }; doKeySelection(caretIndex, _arg1.shiftKey, _arg1.ctrlKey); scrollToSelected(); break; default: _local2 = getNextIndexAtLetter(String.fromCharCode(_arg1.keyCode), selectedIndex); if (_local2 > -1){ selectedIndex = _local2; scrollToSelected(); }; break; }; _arg1.stopPropagation(); } override public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{ if (_labelFunction != null){ return (String(_labelFunction(_arg1))); }; return (((_arg1[_labelField])!=null) ? String(_arg1[_labelField]) : ""); } public function get labelField():String{ return (_labelField); } override protected function moveSelectionVertically(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{ var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:int; _local4 = Math.max(Math.floor((calculateAvailableHeight() / rowHeight)), 1); _local5 = -1; _local6 = 0; switch (_arg1){ case Keyboard.UP: if (caretIndex > 0){ _local5 = (caretIndex - 1); }; break; case Keyboard.DOWN: if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){ _local5 = (caretIndex + 1); }; break; case Keyboard.PAGE_UP: if (caretIndex > 0){ _local5 = Math.max((caretIndex - _local4), 0); }; break; case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN: if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){ _local5 = Math.min((caretIndex + _local4), (length - 1)); }; break; case Keyboard.HOME: if (caretIndex > 0){ _local5 = 0; }; break; case Keyboard.END: if (caretIndex < (length - 1)){ _local5 = (length - 1); }; break; }; if (_local5 >= 0){ doKeySelection(_local5, _arg2, _arg3); scrollToSelected(); }; } public function set labelField(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == _labelField){ return; }; _labelField = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function set rowCount(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding")); _local3 = ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_maxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0)))))) ? 15 : 0; height = (((rowHeight * _arg1) + (2 * _local2)) + _local3); } override protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ list.x = -(_arg1); super.setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1, true); } public function set iconFunction(_arg1:Function):void{ if (_iconFunction == _arg1){ return; }; _iconFunction = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function get labelFunction():Function{ return (_labelFunction); } override protected function moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{ } override protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ invalidate(InvalidationType.SCROLL); super.setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1, true); } protected function calculateAvailableHeight():Number{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("contentPadding")); return (((height - (_local1 * 2)) - ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.ON)) || ((((_horizontalScrollPolicy == ScrollPolicy.AUTO)) && ((_maxHorizontalScrollPosition > 0)))))) ? 15 : 0)); } override protected function draw():void{ var _local1:Boolean; _local1 = !((contentHeight == (rowHeight * length))); contentHeight = (rowHeight * length); if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES)){ setStyles(); drawBackground(); if (contentPadding != getStyleValue("contentPadding")){ invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (_cellRenderer != getStyleValue("cellRenderer")){ _invalidateList(); _cellRenderer = getStyleValue("cellRenderer"); }; }; if (((isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STATE)) || (_local1))){ drawLayout(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.RENDERER_STYLES)){ updateRendererStyles(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.DATA, InvalidationType.SCROLL, InvalidationType.SELECTED)){ drawList(); }; updateChildren(); validate(); } override protected function configUI():void{ useFixedHorizontalScrolling = true; _horizontalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO; _verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO; super.configUI(); } override public function get rowCount():uint{ return (Math.ceil((calculateAvailableHeight() / rowHeight))); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (List.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ List.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } override public function scrollToIndex(_arg1:int):void{ var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; drawNow(); _local2 = (Math.floor(((_verticalScrollPosition + availableHeight) / rowHeight)) - 1); _local3 = Math.ceil((_verticalScrollPosition / rowHeight)); if (_arg1 < _local3){ verticalScrollPosition = (_arg1 * rowHeight); } else { if (_arg1 > _local2){ verticalScrollPosition = (((_arg1 + 1) * rowHeight) - availableHeight); }; }; } public function get rowHeight():Number{ return (_rowHeight); } public function set labelFunction(_arg1:Function):void{ if (_labelFunction == _arg1){ return; }; _labelFunction = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function set rowHeight(_arg1:Number):void{ _rowHeight = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, SelectableList.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 106
//ScrollBar (fl.controls.ScrollBar) package fl.controls { import fl.core.*; import*; import*; public class ScrollBar extends UIComponent { private var _direction:String;// = "vertical" protected var inDrag:Boolean;// = false protected var upArrow:BaseButton; private var _pageScrollSize:Number;// = 0 protected var downArrow:BaseButton; private var _pageSize:Number;// = 10 private var thumbScrollOffset:Number; private var _maxScrollPosition:Number;// = 0 private var _scrollPosition:Number;// = 0 protected var track:BaseButton; private var _minScrollPosition:Number;// = 0 private var _lineScrollSize:Number;// = 1 protected var thumb:LabelButton; protected static const THUMB_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"thumbDisabledSkin", downSkin:"thumbDownSkin", overSkin:"thumbOverSkin", upSkin:"thumbUpSkin", icon:"thumbIcon", textPadding:0}; public static const WIDTH:Number = 15; protected static const DOWN_ARROW_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"downArrowDisabledSkin", downSkin:"downArrowDownSkin", overSkin:"downArrowOverSkin", upSkin:"downArrowUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"}; protected static const UP_ARROW_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"upArrowDisabledSkin", downSkin:"upArrowDownSkin", overSkin:"upArrowOverSkin", upSkin:"upArrowUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"}; protected static const TRACK_STYLES:Object = {disabledSkin:"trackDisabledSkin", downSkin:"trackDownSkin", overSkin:"trackOverSkin", upSkin:"trackUpSkin", repeatDelay:"repeatDelay", repeatInterval:"repeatInterval"}; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {downArrowDisabledSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin", downArrowDownSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_downSkin", downArrowOverSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_overSkin", downArrowUpSkin:"ScrollArrowDown_upSkin", thumbDisabledSkin:"ScrollThumb_upSkin", thumbDownSkin:"ScrollThumb_downSkin", thumbOverSkin:"ScrollThumb_overSkin", thumbUpSkin:"ScrollThumb_upSkin", trackDisabledSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackDownSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackOverSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", trackUpSkin:"ScrollTrack_skin", upArrowDisabledSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin", upArrowDownSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_downSkin", upArrowOverSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_overSkin", upArrowUpSkin:"ScrollArrowUp_upSkin", thumbIcon:"ScrollBar_thumbIcon", repeatDelay:500, repeatInterval:35}; public function ScrollBar(){ _pageSize = 10; _pageScrollSize = 0; _lineScrollSize = 1; _minScrollPosition = 0; _maxScrollPosition = 0; _scrollPosition = 0; _direction = ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL; inDrag = false; super(); setStyles(); focusEnabled = false; } public function get minScrollPosition():Number{ return (_minScrollPosition); } public function set minScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ setScrollProperties(_pageSize, _arg1, _maxScrollPosition); } public function setScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ var _local3:Number; _local3 = scrollPosition; _scrollPosition = Math.max(_minScrollPosition, Math.min(_maxScrollPosition, _arg1)); if (_local3 == _scrollPosition){ return; }; if (_arg2){ dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(_direction, (scrollPosition - _local3), scrollPosition)); }; updateThumb(); } public function set scrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ setScrollPosition(_arg1, true); } public function get pageScrollSize():Number{ return (((_pageScrollSize)==0) ? _pageSize : _pageScrollSize); } public function set pageSize(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 > 0){ _pageSize = _arg1; }; } public function setScrollProperties(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number=0):void{ this.pageSize = _arg1; _minScrollPosition = _arg2; _maxScrollPosition = _arg3; if (_arg4 >= 0){ _pageScrollSize = _arg4; }; enabled = (_maxScrollPosition > _minScrollPosition); setScrollPosition(_scrollPosition, false); updateThumb(); } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; downArrow.enabled = (track.enabled = (thumb.enabled = (upArrow.enabled = ((enabled) && ((_maxScrollPosition > _minScrollPosition)))))); updateThumb(); } protected function updateThumb():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = ((_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition) + _pageSize); if ((((((track.height <= 12)) || ((_maxScrollPosition <= _minScrollPosition)))) || ((((_local1 == 0)) || (isNaN(_local1)))))){ thumb.height = 12; thumb.visible = false; } else { thumb.height = Math.max(13, ((_pageSize / _local1) * track.height)); thumb.y = (track.y + ((track.height - thumb.height) * ((_scrollPosition - _minScrollPosition) / (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)))); thumb.visible = enabled; }; } protected function thumbPressHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ inDrag = true; thumbScrollOffset = (mouseY - thumb.y); thumb.mouseStateLocked = true; mouseChildren = false; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleThumbDrag, false, 0, true); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler, false, 0, true); } protected function thumbReleaseHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ inDrag = false; mouseChildren = true; thumb.mouseStateLocked = false; stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, handleThumbDrag); stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, thumbReleaseHandler); } public function set pageScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 >= 0){ _pageScrollSize = _arg1; }; } protected function handleThumbDrag(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; _local2 = Math.max(0, Math.min((track.height - thumb.height), ((mouseY - track.y) - thumbScrollOffset))); setScrollPosition((((_local2 / (track.height - thumb.height)) * (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)) + _minScrollPosition)); } public function set direction(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Boolean; if (_direction == _arg1){ return; }; _direction = _arg1; if (isLivePreview){ return; }; setScaleY(1); _local2 = (_direction == ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL); if (((_local2) && (componentInspectorSetting))){ if (rotation == 90){ return; }; setScaleX(-1); rotation = -90; }; if (!componentInspectorSetting){ if (((_local2) && ((rotation == 0)))){ rotation = -90; setScaleX(-1); } else { if (((!(_local2)) && ((rotation == -90)))){ rotation = 0; setScaleX(1); }; }; }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function set lineScrollSize(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_arg1 > 0){ _lineScrollSize = _arg1; }; } override public function get height():Number{ return (((_direction)==ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL) ? super.width : super.height); } protected function scrollPressHandler(_arg1:ComponentEvent):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; _arg1.stopImmediatePropagation(); if (_arg1.currentTarget == upArrow){ setScrollPosition((_scrollPosition - _lineScrollSize)); } else { if (_arg1.currentTarget == downArrow){ setScrollPosition((_scrollPosition + _lineScrollSize)); } else { _local2 = (((track.mouseY / track.height) * (_maxScrollPosition - _minScrollPosition)) + _minScrollPosition); _local3 = ((pageScrollSize)==0) ? pageSize : pageScrollSize; if (_scrollPosition < _local2){ setScrollPosition(Math.min(_local2, (_scrollPosition + _local3))); } else { if (_scrollPosition > _local2){ setScrollPosition(Math.max(_local2, (_scrollPosition - _local3))); }; }; }; }; } public function get pageSize():Number{ return (_pageSize); } public function set maxScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ setScrollProperties(_pageSize, _minScrollPosition, _arg1); } public function get scrollPosition():Number{ return (_scrollPosition); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } override protected function draw():void{ var _local1:Number; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ _local1 = super.height; downArrow.move(0, Math.max(upArrow.height, (_local1 - downArrow.height))); track.setSize(WIDTH, Math.max(0, (_local1 - (downArrow.height + upArrow.height)))); updateThumb(); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ setStyles(); }; downArrow.drawNow(); upArrow.drawNow(); track.drawNow(); thumb.drawNow(); validate(); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); track = new BaseButton(); track.move(0, 14); track.useHandCursor = false; track.autoRepeat = true; track.focusEnabled = false; addChild(track); thumb = new LabelButton(); thumb.label = ""; thumb.setSize(WIDTH, 15); thumb.move(0, 15); thumb.focusEnabled = false; addChild(thumb); downArrow = new BaseButton(); downArrow.setSize(WIDTH, 14); downArrow.autoRepeat = true; downArrow.focusEnabled = false; addChild(downArrow); upArrow = new BaseButton(); upArrow.setSize(WIDTH, 14); upArrow.move(0, 0); upArrow.autoRepeat = true; upArrow.focusEnabled = false; addChild(upArrow); upArrow.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true); downArrow.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true); track.addEventListener(ComponentEvent.BUTTON_DOWN, scrollPressHandler, false, 0, true); thumb.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, thumbPressHandler, false, 0, true); enabled = false; } public function get direction():String{ return (_direction); } public function get lineScrollSize():Number{ return (_lineScrollSize); } override public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ if (_direction == ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL){ super.setSize(_arg2, _arg1); } else { super.setSize(_arg1, _arg2); }; } public function get maxScrollPosition():Number{ return (_maxScrollPosition); } override public function get width():Number{ return (((_direction)==ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL) ? super.height : super.width); } protected function setStyles():void{ copyStylesToChild(downArrow, DOWN_ARROW_STYLES); copyStylesToChild(thumb, THUMB_STYLES); copyStylesToChild(track, TRACK_STYLES); copyStylesToChild(upArrow, UP_ARROW_STYLES); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 107
//ScrollBarDirection (fl.controls.ScrollBarDirection) package fl.controls { public class ScrollBarDirection { public static const HORIZONTAL:String = "horizontal"; public static const VERTICAL:String = "vertical"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 108
//ScrollPolicy (fl.controls.ScrollPolicy) package fl.controls { public class ScrollPolicy { public static const OFF:String = "off"; public static const ON:String = "on"; public static const AUTO:String = "auto"; } }//package fl.controls
Section 109
//SelectableList (fl.controls.SelectableList) package fl.controls { import fl.controls.listClasses.*; import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; import fl.containers.*; public class SelectableList extends BaseScrollPane implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var invalidItems:Dictionary; protected var renderedItems:Dictionary; protected var listHolder:Sprite; protected var _allowMultipleSelection:Boolean;// = false protected var lastCaretIndex:int;// = -1 protected var _selectedIndices:Array; protected var availableCellRenderers:Array; protected var list:Sprite; protected var caretIndex:int;// = -1 protected var updatedRendererStyles:Object; protected var preChangeItems:Array; protected var activeCellRenderers:Array; protected var rendererStyles:Object; protected var _verticalScrollPosition:Number; protected var _dataProvider:DataProvider; protected var _horizontalScrollPosition:Number; private var collectionItemImport:SimpleCollectionItem; protected var _selectable:Boolean;// = true private static var defaultStyles:Object = {skin:"List_skin", cellRenderer:CellRenderer, contentPadding:null, disabledAlpha:null}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function SelectableList(){ _allowMultipleSelection = false; _selectable = true; caretIndex = -1; lastCaretIndex = -1; super(); activeCellRenderers = []; availableCellRenderers = []; invalidItems = new Dictionary(true); renderedItems = new Dictionary(true); _selectedIndices = []; if (dataProvider == null){ dataProvider = new DataProvider(); }; verticalScrollPolicy = ScrollPolicy.AUTO; rendererStyles = {}; updatedRendererStyles = {}; } protected function drawList():void{ } public function set allowMultipleSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 == _allowMultipleSelection){ return; }; _allowMultipleSelection = _arg1; if (((!(_arg1)) && ((_selectedIndices.length > 1)))){ _selectedIndices = [_selectedIndices.pop()]; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); }; } public function sortItemsOn(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object=null){ return (_dataProvider.sortOn(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{ return (_dataProvider.removeItemAt(_arg1)); } public function get selectedItem():Object{ return (((_selectedIndices.length)==0) ? null : _dataProvider.getItemAt(selectedIndex)); } override protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (!selectable){ return; }; switch (_arg1.keyCode){ case Keyboard.UP: case Keyboard.DOWN: case Keyboard.END: case Keyboard.HOME: case Keyboard.PAGE_UP: case Keyboard.PAGE_DOWN: moveSelectionVertically(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection))); _arg1.stopPropagation(); break; case Keyboard.LEFT: case Keyboard.RIGHT: moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1.keyCode, ((_arg1.shiftKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection)), ((_arg1.ctrlKey) && (_allowMultipleSelection))); _arg1.stopPropagation(); break; }; } public function get selectable():Boolean{ return (_selectable); } public function itemToCellRenderer(_arg1:Object):ICellRenderer{ var _local2:*; var _local3:ICellRenderer; if (_arg1 != null){ for (_local2 in activeCellRenderers) { _local3 = (activeCellRenderers[_local2] as ICellRenderer); if ( == _arg1){ return (_local3); }; }; }; return (null); } public function getNextIndexAtLetter(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):int{ var _local3:int; var _local4:Number; var _local5:Number; var _local6:Object; var _local7:String; if (length == 0){ return (-1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.toUpperCase(); _local3 = (length - 1); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local5 = ((_arg2 + 1) + _local4); if (_local5 > (length - 1)){ _local5 = (_local5 - length); }; _local6 = getItemAt(_local5); if (_local6 == null){ break; }; _local7 = itemToLabel(_local6); if (_local7 == null){ } else { if (_local7.charAt(0).toUpperCase() == _arg1){ return (_local5); }; }; _local4++; }; return (-1); } public function invalidateList():void{ _invalidateList(); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; list.mouseChildren = _enabled; } public function get selectedIndices():Array{ return (_selectedIndices.concat()); } public function set selectable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 == _selectable){ return; }; if (!_arg1){ selectedIndices = []; }; _selectable = _arg1; } public function itemToLabel(_arg1:Object):String{ return (_arg1["label"]); } public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{ _dataProvider.addItemAt(_arg1, _arg2); invalidateList(); } public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{ return (_dataProvider.replaceItemAt(_arg1, _arg2)); } protected function handleDataChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:String; var _local5:uint; _local2 = _arg1.startIndex; _local3 = _arg1.endIndex; _local4 = _arg1.changeType; if (_local4 == DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL){ clearSelection(); invalidateList(); } else { if (_local4 == DataChangeType.INVALIDATE){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _arg1.items.length) { invalidateItem(_arg1.items[_local5]); _local5++; }; } else { if (_local4 == DataChangeType.ADD){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _selectedIndices.length) { if (_selectedIndices[_local5] >= _local2){ _selectedIndices[_local5] = (_selectedIndices[_local5] + (_local2 - _local3)); }; _local5++; }; } else { if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REMOVE){ _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _selectedIndices.length) { if (_selectedIndices[_local5] >= _local2){ if (_selectedIndices[_local5] <= _local3){ delete _selectedIndices[_local5]; } else { _selectedIndices[_local5] = (_selectedIndices[_local5] - ((_local2 - _local3) + 1)); }; }; _local5++; }; } else { if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL){ clearSelection(); } else { if (_local4 == DataChangeType.REPLACE){ } else { selectedItems = preChangeItems; preChangeItems = null; }; }; }; }; }; }; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } protected function _invalidateList():void{ availableCellRenderers = []; while (activeCellRenderers.length > 0) { list.removeChild((activeCellRenderers.pop() as DisplayObject)); }; } protected function updateRendererStyles():void{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:String; _local1 = availableCellRenderers.concat(activeCellRenderers); _local2 = _local1.length; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (_local1[_local3].setStyle == null){ } else { for (_local4 in updatedRendererStyles) { _local1[_local3].setStyle(_local4, updatedRendererStyles[_local4]); }; _local1[_local3].drawNow(); }; _local3++; }; updatedRendererStyles = {}; } public function set selectedItem(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:int; _local2 = _dataProvider.getItemIndex(_arg1); selectedIndex = _local2; } public function sortItems(... _args){ return (_dataProvider.sort.apply(_dataProvider, _args)); } public function removeAll():void{ _dataProvider.removeAll(); } protected function handleCellRendererChange(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:ICellRenderer; var _local3:uint; _local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer); _local3 = _local2.listData.index; _dataProvider.invalidateItemAt(_local3); } protected function moveSelectionVertically(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{ } override protected function setHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 == _horizontalScrollPosition){ return; }; _local3 = (_arg1 - _horizontalScrollPosition); _horizontalScrollPosition = _arg1; if (_arg2){ dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.HORIZONTAL, _local3, _arg1)); }; } public function scrollToSelected():void{ scrollToIndex(selectedIndex); } public function invalidateItem(_arg1:Object):void{ if (renderedItems[_arg1] == null){ return; }; invalidItems[_arg1] = true; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } protected function handleCellRendererClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:ICellRenderer; var _local3:uint; var _local4:int; var _local5:int; var _local6:uint; if (!_enabled){ return; }; _local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer); _local3 = _local2.listData.index; if (((!(dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(ListEvent.ITEM_CLICK, false, true, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local3, || (!(_selectable)))){ return; }; _local4 = selectedIndices.indexOf(_local3); if (!_allowMultipleSelection){ if (_local4 != -1){ return; }; _local2.selected = true; _selectedIndices = [_local3]; lastCaretIndex = (caretIndex = _local3); } else { if (_arg1.shiftKey){ _local6 = ((_selectedIndices.length)>0) ? _selectedIndices[0] : _local3; _selectedIndices = []; if (_local6 > _local3){ _local5 = _local6; while (_local5 >= _local3) { _selectedIndices.push(_local5); _local5--; }; } else { _local5 = _local6; while (_local5 <= _local3) { _selectedIndices.push(_local5); _local5++; }; }; caretIndex = _local3; } else { if (_arg1.ctrlKey){ if (_local4 != -1){ _local2.selected = false; _selectedIndices.splice(_local4, 1); } else { _local2.selected = true; _selectedIndices.push(_local3); }; caretIndex = _local3; } else { _selectedIndices = [_local3]; lastCaretIndex = (caretIndex = _local3); }; }; }; dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE)); invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); } public function get length():uint{ return (_dataProvider.length); } public function get allowMultipleSelection():Boolean{ return (_allowMultipleSelection); } protected function onPreChange(_arg1:DataChangeEvent):void{ switch (_arg1.changeType){ case DataChangeType.REMOVE: case DataChangeType.ADD: case DataChangeType.INVALIDATE: case DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL: case DataChangeType.REPLACE: case DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL: break; default: preChangeItems = selectedItems; break; }; } public function getRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):Object{ return (rendererStyles[_arg1]); } override protected function setVerticalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var _local3:Number; if (_arg1 == _verticalScrollPosition){ return; }; _local3 = (_arg1 - _verticalScrollPosition); _verticalScrollPosition = _arg1; if (_arg2){ dispatchEvent(new ScrollEvent(ScrollBarDirection.VERTICAL, _local3, _arg1)); }; } protected function moveSelectionHorizontally(_arg1:uint, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean):void{ } public function set selectedIndices(_arg1:Array):void{ if (!_selectable){ return; }; _selectedIndices = ((_arg1)==null) ? [] : _arg1.concat(); invalidate(InvalidationType.SELECTED); } public function get selectedIndex():int{ return (((_selectedIndices.length)==0) ? -1 : _selectedIndices[(_selectedIndices.length - 1)]); } override protected function draw():void{ super.draw(); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); listHolder = new Sprite(); addChild(listHolder); listHolder.scrollRect = contentScrollRect; list = new Sprite(); listHolder.addChild(list); } public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{ _dataProvider.addItem(_arg1); invalidateList(); } protected function handleCellRendererMouseEvent(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:ICellRenderer; var _local3:String; _local2 = ( as ICellRenderer); _local3 = ((_arg1.type)==MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER) ? ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OVER : ListEvent.ITEM_ROLL_OUT; dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(_local3, false, false, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local2.listData.index,; } public function clearRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:int=-1):void{ delete rendererStyles[_arg1]; updatedRendererStyles[_arg1] = null; invalidate(InvalidationType.RENDERER_STYLES); } protected function handleCellRendererDoubleClick(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:ICellRenderer; var _local3:uint; if (!_enabled){ return; }; _local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as ICellRenderer); _local3 = _local2.listData.index; dispatchEvent(new ListEvent(ListEvent.ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK, false, true, _local2.listData.column, _local2.listData.row, _local3,; } public function get rowCount():uint{ return (0); } public function isItemSelected(_arg1:Object):Boolean{ return ((selectedItems.indexOf(_arg1) > -1)); } public function set dataProvider(_arg1:DataProvider):void{ if (_dataProvider != null){ _dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange); _dataProvider.removeEventListener(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, onPreChange); }; _dataProvider = _arg1; _dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, handleDataChange, false, 0, true); _dataProvider.addEventListener(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, onPreChange, false, 0, true); clearSelection(); invalidateList(); } override protected function drawLayout():void{ super.drawLayout(); contentScrollRect = listHolder.scrollRect; contentScrollRect.width = availableWidth; contentScrollRect.height = availableHeight; listHolder.scrollRect = contentScrollRect; } public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{ return (_dataProvider.getItemAt(_arg1)); } override protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (SelectableList.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ SelectableList.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } public function scrollToIndex(_arg1:int):void{ } public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{ return (_dataProvider.removeItem(_arg1)); } public function get dataProvider():DataProvider{ return (_dataProvider); } public function set maxHorizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:Number):void{ _maxHorizontalScrollPosition = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); } public function setRendererStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object, _arg3:uint=0):void{ if (rendererStyles[_arg1] == _arg2){ return; }; updatedRendererStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; rendererStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.RENDERER_STYLES); } public function invalidateItemAt(_arg1:uint):void{ var _local2:Object; _local2 = _dataProvider.getItemAt(_arg1); if (_local2 != null){ invalidateItem(_local2); }; } public function set selectedItems(_arg1:Array):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:uint; var _local4:int; if (_arg1 == null){ selectedIndices = null; return; }; _local2 = []; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _arg1.length) { _local4 = _dataProvider.getItemIndex(_arg1[_local3]); if (_local4 != -1){ _local2.push(_local4); }; _local3++; }; selectedIndices = _local2; } public function clearSelection():void{ selectedIndex = -1; } override public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():Number{ return (_maxHorizontalScrollPosition); } public function get selectedItems():Array{ var _local1:Array; var _local2:uint; _local1 = []; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < _selectedIndices.length) { _local1.push(_dataProvider.getItemAt(_selectedIndices[_local2])); _local2++; }; return (_local1); } public function set selectedIndex(_arg1:int):void{ selectedIndices = ((_arg1)==-1) ? null : [_arg1]; } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (mergeStyles(defaultStyles, BaseScrollPane.getStyleDefinition())); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 110
//TextInput (fl.controls.TextInput) package fl.controls { import fl.core.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.ui.*; public class TextInput extends UIComponent implements IFocusManagerComponent { protected var _html:Boolean;// = false protected var _savedHTML:String; protected var background:DisplayObject; protected var _editable:Boolean;// = true public var textField:TextField; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {upSkin:"TextInput_upSkin", disabledSkin:"TextInput_disabledSkin", focusRectSkin:null, focusRectPadding:null, textFormat:null, disabledTextFormat:null, textPadding:0, embedFonts:false}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; public function TextInput(){ _editable = true; _html = false; super(); } override public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (focusTarget != null){ focusTarget.drawFocus(_arg1); return; }; super.drawFocus(_arg1); } public function set imeMode(_arg1:String):void{ _imeMode = _arg1; } override protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ return ((((_arg1 == textField)) || (super.isOurFocus(_arg1)))); } protected function handleKeyDown(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.ENTER, true)); }; } public function set text(_arg1:String):void{ textField.text = _arg1; _html = false; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } protected function updateTextFieldType():void{ textField.type = (((enabled) && (editable))) ? TextFieldType.INPUT : TextFieldType.DYNAMIC; textField.selectable = enabled; } public function get selectionEndIndex():int{ return (textField.selectionEndIndex); } public function get editable():Boolean{ return (_editable); } override protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:IFocusManager; if ( == this){ stage.focus = textField; }; _local2 = focusManager; if (((editable) && (_local2))){ _local2.showFocusIndicator = true; if (((textField.selectable) && ((textField.selectionBeginIndex == textField.selectionBeginIndex)))){ setSelection(0, textField.length); }; }; super.focusInHandler(_arg1); if (editable){ setIMEMode(true); }; } public function get selectionBeginIndex():int{ return (textField.selectionBeginIndex); } public function set alwaysShowSelection(_arg1:Boolean):void{ textField.alwaysShowSelection = _arg1; } override public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ super.enabled = _arg1; updateTextFieldType(); } protected function setEmbedFont(){ var _local1:Object; _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; } public function get horizontalScrollPosition():int{ return (textField.scrollH); } public function set condenseWhite(_arg1:Boolean):void{ textField.condenseWhite = _arg1; } public function set displayAsPassword(_arg1:Boolean):void{ textField.displayAsPassword = _arg1; } public function set horizontalScrollPosition(_arg1:int):void{ textField.scrollH = _arg1; } public function get restrict():String{ return (textField.restrict); } public function get textWidth():Number{ return (textField.textWidth); } public function get textHeight():Number{ return (textField.textHeight); } public function set editable(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _editable = _arg1; updateTextFieldType(); } public function get maxChars():int{ return (textField.maxChars); } public function get length():int{ return (textField.length); } public function getLineMetrics(_arg1:int):TextLineMetrics{ return (textField.getLineMetrics(_arg1)); } public function get imeMode():String{ return (_imeMode); } override protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ super.focusOutHandler(_arg1); if (editable){ setIMEMode(false); }; } public function set htmlText(_arg1:String):void{ if (_arg1 == ""){ text = ""; return; }; _html = true; _savedHTML = _arg1; textField.htmlText = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.DATA); invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } public function get text():String{ return (textField.text); } override public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (super.enabled); } public function get condenseWhite():Boolean{ return (textField.condenseWhite); } public function get alwaysShowSelection():Boolean{ return (textField.alwaysShowSelection); } override protected function draw():void{ var _local1:Object; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.STYLES, InvalidationType.STATE)){ drawTextFormat(); drawBackground(); _local1 = getStyleValue("embedFonts"); if (_local1 != null){ textField.embedFonts = _local1; }; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE, false); }; if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE)){ drawLayout(); }; super.draw(); } protected function handleTextInput(_arg1:TextEvent):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); dispatchEvent(new TextEvent(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, true, false, _arg1.text)); } override protected function configUI():void{ super.configUI(); tabChildren = true; textField = new TextField(); addChild(textField); updateTextFieldType(); textField.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, handleTextInput, false, 0, true); textField.addEventListener(Event.CHANGE, handleChange, false, 0, true); textField.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, handleKeyDown, false, 0, true); } public function setSelection(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ textField.setSelection(_arg1, _arg2); } public function get displayAsPassword():Boolean{ return (textField.displayAsPassword); } public function appendText(_arg1:String):void{ textField.appendText(_arg1); } public function set restrict(_arg1:String):void{ if (((componentInspectorSetting) && ((_arg1 == "")))){ _arg1 = null; }; textField.restrict = _arg1; } public function get htmlText():String{ return (textField.htmlText); } protected function drawBackground():void{ var _local1:DisplayObject; var _local2:String; _local1 = background; _local2 = (enabled) ? "upSkin" : "disabledSkin"; background = getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue(_local2)); if (background == null){ return; }; addChildAt(background, 0); if (((((!((_local1 == null))) && (!((_local1 == background))))) && (contains(_local1)))){ removeChild(_local1); }; } override public function setFocus():void{ stage.focus = textField; } protected function drawLayout():void{ var _local1:Number; _local1 = Number(getStyleValue("textPadding")); if (background != null){ background.width = width; background.height = height; }; textField.width = (width - (2 * _local1)); textField.height = (height - (2 * _local1)); textField.x = (textField.y = _local1); } public function set maxChars(_arg1:int):void{ textField.maxChars = _arg1; } public function get maxHorizontalScrollPosition():int{ return (textField.maxScrollH); } protected function drawTextFormat():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:TextFormat; var _local3:TextFormat; _local1 = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); _local2 = (enabled) ? (_local1.defaultTextFormat as TextFormat) : (_local1.defaultDisabledTextFormat as TextFormat); textField.setTextFormat(_local2); _local3 = (getStyleValue((enabled) ? "textFormat" : "disabledTextFormat") as TextFormat); if (_local3 != null){ textField.setTextFormat(_local3); } else { _local3 = _local2; }; textField.defaultTextFormat = _local3; setEmbedFont(); if (_html){ textField.htmlText = _savedHTML; }; } protected function handleChange(_arg1:Event):void{ _arg1.stopPropagation(); dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE, true)); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } } }//package fl.controls
Section 111
//ComponentShim (fl.core.ComponentShim) package fl.core { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComponentShim extends MovieClip { } }//package fl.core
Section 112
//InvalidationType (fl.core.InvalidationType) package fl.core { public class InvalidationType { public static const SIZE:String = "size"; public static const ALL:String = "all"; public static const DATA:String = "data"; public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll"; public static const STATE:String = "state"; public static const STYLES:String = "styles"; public static const SELECTED:String = "selected"; public static const RENDERER_STYLES:String = "rendererStyles"; } }//package fl.core
Section 113
//UIComponent (fl.core.UIComponent) package fl.core { import flash.display.*; import*; import fl.managers.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.system.*; public class UIComponent extends Sprite { protected var _enabled:Boolean;// = true private var _mouseFocusEnabled:Boolean;// = true protected var startHeight:Number; protected var _height:Number; protected var _oldIMEMode:String;// = null protected var startWidth:Number; public var focusTarget:IFocusManagerComponent; protected var errorCaught:Boolean;// = false protected var uiFocusRect:DisplayObject; protected var _width:Number; public var version:String;// = "" protected var isFocused:Boolean;// = false protected var callLaterMethods:Dictionary; private var _focusEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var tempText:TextField; protected var invalidateFlag:Boolean;// = false protected var _inspector:Boolean;// = false protected var sharedStyles:Object; protected var invalidHash:Object; protected var isLivePreview:Boolean;// = false protected var _imeMode:String;// = null protected var instanceStyles:Object; protected var _x:Number; protected var _y:Number; public static var inCallLaterPhase:Boolean = false; private static var defaultStyles:Object = {focusRectSkin:"focusRectSkin", focusRectPadding:2, textFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), disabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0), defaultDisabledTextFormat:new TextFormat("_sans", 11, 0x999999, false, false, false, "", "", TextFormatAlign.LEFT, 0, 0, 0, 0)}; public static var createAccessibilityImplementation:Function; private static var focusManagers:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false); public function UIComponent(){ version = ""; isLivePreview = false; invalidateFlag = false; _enabled = true; isFocused = false; _focusEnabled = true; _mouseFocusEnabled = true; _imeMode = null; _oldIMEMode = null; errorCaught = false; _inspector = false; super(); instanceStyles = {}; sharedStyles = {}; invalidHash = {}; callLaterMethods = new Dictionary(); StyleManager.registerInstance(this); configUI(); invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL); tabEnabled = (this is IFocusManagerComponent); focusRect = false; if (tabEnabled){ addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler); addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler); addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, keyUpHandler); }; initializeFocusManager(); addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility, false, 0, true); } public function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:Number; isFocused = _arg1; if (((!((uiFocusRect == null))) && (contains(uiFocusRect)))){ removeChild(uiFocusRect); uiFocusRect = null; }; if (_arg1){ uiFocusRect = (getDisplayObjectInstance(getStyleValue("focusRectSkin")) as Sprite); if (uiFocusRect == null){ return; }; _local2 = Number(getStyleValue("focusRectPadding")); uiFocusRect.x = -(_local2); uiFocusRect.y = -(_local2); uiFocusRect.width = (width + (_local2 * 2)); uiFocusRect.height = (height + (_local2 * 2)); addChildAt(uiFocusRect, 0); }; } private function callLaterDispatcher(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; if (_arg1.type == Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE){ removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher); stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); stage.invalidate(); return; };, callLaterDispatcher); if (stage == null){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); return; }; inCallLaterPhase = true; _local2 = callLaterMethods; for (_local3 in _local2) { _local3(); delete _local2[_local3]; }; inCallLaterPhase = false; } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener("addedToStage", addedHandler); initializeFocusManager(); } protected function getStyleValue(_arg1:String):Object{ return (((instanceStyles[_arg1])==null) ? sharedStyles[_arg1] : instanceStyles[_arg1]); } protected function isOurFocus(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ return ((_arg1 == this)); } override public function get scaleX():Number{ return ((width / startWidth)); } override public function get scaleY():Number{ return ((height / startHeight)); } override public function set height(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_height == _arg1){ return; }; setSize(width, _arg1); } protected function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ } protected function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:IFocusManager; if (isOurFocus(( as DisplayObject))){ _local2 = focusManager; if (((_local2) && (_local2.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); isFocused = true; }; }; } public function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ if ((((instanceStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; instanceStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); } override public function get visible():Boolean{ return (super.visible); } public function get componentInspectorSetting():Boolean{ return (_inspector); } override public function get x():Number{ return ((isNaN(_x)) ? super.x : _x); } override public function get y():Number{ return ((isNaN(_y)) ? super.y : _y); } protected function setIMEMode(_arg1:Boolean){ var enabled = _arg1; if (_imeMode != null){ if (enabled){ IME.enabled = true; _oldIMEMode = IME.conversionMode; try { if (((!(errorCaught)) && (!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){ IME.conversionMode = _imeMode; }; errorCaught = false; } catch(e:Error) { errorCaught = true; throw (new Error(("IME mode not supported: " + _imeMode))); }; } else { if (((!((IME.conversionMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))) && (!((_oldIMEMode == IMEConversionMode.UNKNOWN))))){ IME.conversionMode = _oldIMEMode; }; IME.enabled = false; }; }; } public function set enabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ if (_arg1 == _enabled){ return; }; _enabled = _arg1; invalidate(InvalidationType.STATE); } public function setSharedStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ if ((((sharedStyles[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; sharedStyles[_arg1] = _arg2; if (instanceStyles[_arg1] == null){ invalidate(InvalidationType.STYLES); }; } protected function keyUpHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ } public function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _focusEnabled = _arg1; } override public function set scaleX(_arg1:Number):void{ setSize((startWidth * _arg1), height); } public function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean{ return (_mouseFocusEnabled); } override public function set scaleY(_arg1:Number):void{ setSize(width, (startHeight * _arg1)); } protected function getDisplayObjectInstance(_arg1:Object):DisplayObject{ var classDef:Object; var skin = _arg1; classDef = null; if ((skin is Class)){ return ((new (skin) as DisplayObject)); }; if ((skin is DisplayObject)){ (skin as DisplayObject).x = 0; (skin as DisplayObject).y = 0; return ((skin as DisplayObject)); }; try { classDef = getDefinitionByName(skin.toString()); } catch(e:Error) { try { classDef = (loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(skin.toString()) as Object); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; if (classDef == null){ return (null); }; return ((new (classDef) as DisplayObject)); } protected function copyStylesToChild(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:String; for (_local3 in _arg2) { _arg1.setStyle(_local3, getStyleValue(_arg2[_local3])); }; } protected function beforeComponentParameters():void{ } protected function callLater(_arg1:Function):void{ if (inCallLaterPhase){ return; }; callLaterMethods[_arg1] = true; if (stage != null){ stage.addEventListener(Event.RENDER, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); stage.invalidate(); } else { addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, callLaterDispatcher, false, 0, true); }; } protected function createFocusManager():void{ if (focusManagers[stage] == null){ focusManagers[stage] = new FocusManager(stage); }; } override public function set visible(_arg1:Boolean):void{ var _local2:String; if (super.visible == _arg1){ return; }; super.visible = _arg1; _local2 = (_arg1) ? ComponentEvent.SHOW : ComponentEvent.HIDE; dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(_local2, true)); } protected function hookAccessibility(_arg1:Event):void{ removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, hookAccessibility); initializeAccessibility(); } public function set componentInspectorSetting(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _inspector = _arg1; if (_inspector){ beforeComponentParameters(); } else { afterComponentParameters(); }; } override public function set x(_arg1:Number):void{ move(_arg1, _y); } public function drawNow():void{ draw(); } override public function set y(_arg1:Number):void{ move(_x, _arg1); } protected function checkLivePreview():Boolean{ var className:String; if (parent == null){ return (false); }; try { className = getQualifiedClassName(parent); } catch(e:Error) { }; return ((className == "fl.livepreview::LivePreviewParent")); } protected function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if (isOurFocus(( as DisplayObject))){ drawFocus(false); isFocused = false; }; } public function set mouseFocusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _mouseFocusEnabled = _arg1; } public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{ if (stage){ return (stage.focus); }; return (null); } protected function validate():void{ invalidHash = {}; } override public function get height():Number{ return (_height); } public function invalidate(_arg1:String="all", _arg2:Boolean=true):void{ invalidHash[_arg1] = true; if (_arg2){ this.callLater(draw); }; } public function get enabled():Boolean{ return (_enabled); } protected function getScaleX():Number{ return (super.scaleX); } protected function getScaleY():Number{ return (super.scaleY); } public function get focusEnabled():Boolean{ return (_focusEnabled); } protected function afterComponentParameters():void{ } protected function draw():void{ if (isInvalid(InvalidationType.SIZE, InvalidationType.STYLES)){ if (((isFocused) && (focusManager.showFocusIndicator))){ drawFocus(true); }; }; validate(); } protected function configUI():void{ var _local1:Number; var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; isLivePreview = checkLivePreview(); _local1 = rotation; rotation = 0; _local2 = super.width; _local3 = super.height; var _local4 = 1; super.scaleY = _local4; super.scaleX = _local4; setSize(_local2, _local3); move(super.x, super.y); rotation = _local1; startWidth = _local2; startHeight = _local3; if (numChildren > 0){ removeChildAt(0); }; } protected function setScaleX(_arg1:Number):void{ super.scaleX = _arg1; } protected function setScaleY(_arg1:Number):void{ super.scaleY = _arg1; } private function initializeFocusManager():void{ if (stage == null){ addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, addedHandler, false, 0, true); } else { createFocusManager(); }; } public function set focusManager(_arg1:IFocusManager):void{ UIComponent.focusManagers[this] = _arg1; } public function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{ setStyle(_arg1, null); } protected function isInvalid(_arg1:String, ... _args):Boolean{ if (((invalidHash[_arg1]) || (invalidHash[InvalidationType.ALL]))){ return (true); }; while (_args.length > 0) { if (invalidHash[_args.pop()]){ return (true); }; }; return (false); } public function setSize(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ _width = _arg1; _height = _arg2; invalidate(InvalidationType.SIZE); dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.RESIZE, false)); } override public function set width(_arg1:Number):void{ if (_width == _arg1){ return; }; setSize(_arg1, height); } public function setFocus():void{ if (stage){ stage.focus = this; }; } protected function initializeAccessibility():void{ if (UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation != null){ UIComponent.createAccessibilityImplementation(this); }; } public function get focusManager():IFocusManager{ var _local1:DisplayObject; _local1 = this; while (_local1) { if (UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1] != null){ return (IFocusManager(UIComponent.focusManagers[_local1])); }; _local1 = _local1.parent; }; return (null); } override public function get width():Number{ return (_width); } public function move(_arg1:Number, _arg2:Number):void{ _x = _arg1; _y = _arg2; super.x = Math.round(_arg1); super.y = Math.round(_arg2); dispatchEvent(new ComponentEvent(ComponentEvent.MOVE)); } public function validateNow():void{ invalidate(InvalidationType.ALL, false); draw(); } public function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{ return (instanceStyles[_arg1]); } public static function getStyleDefinition():Object{ return (defaultStyles); } public static function mergeStyles(... _args):Object{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Object; var _local6:String; _local2 = {}; _local3 = _args.length; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3) { _local5 = _args[_local4]; for (_local6 in _local5) { if (_local2[_local6] != null){ } else { _local2[_local6] = _args[_local4][_local6]; }; }; _local4++; }; return (_local2); } } }//package fl.core
Section 114
//DataProvider ( package { import*; import*; public class DataProvider extends EventDispatcher { protected var data:Array; public function DataProvider(_arg1:Object=null){ if (_arg1 == null){ data = []; } else { data = getDataFromObject(_arg1); }; } protected function dispatchPreChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{ dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.PRE_DATA_CHANGE, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); } public function invalidateItemAt(_arg1:int):void{ checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1)); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.INVALIDATE, [data[_arg1]], _arg1, _arg1); } public function getItemIndex(_arg1:Object):int{ return (data.indexOf(_arg1)); } protected function getDataFromObject(_arg1:Object):Array{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:Array; var _local4:uint; var _local5:Object; var _local6:XML; var _local7:XMLList; var _local8:XML; var _local9:XMLList; var _local10:XML; var _local11:XMLList; var _local12:XML; if ((_arg1 is Array)){ _local3 = (_arg1 as Array); if (_local3.length > 0){ if ((((_local3[0] is String)) || ((_local3[0] is Number)))){ _local2 = []; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local3.length) { _local5 = {label:String(_local3[_local4]), data:_local3[_local4]}; _local2.push(_local5); _local4++; }; return (_local2); }; }; return (_arg1.concat()); //unresolved jump }; if ((_arg1 is DataProvider)){ return (_arg1.toArray()); }; if ((_arg1 is XML)){ _local6 = (_arg1 as XML); _local2 = []; _local7 = _local6.*; for each (_local8 in _local7) { _arg1 = {}; _local9 = _local8.attributes(); for each (_local10 in _local9) { _arg1[_local10.localName()] = _local10.toString(); }; _local11 = _local8.*; for each (_local12 in _local11) { if (_local12.hasSimpleContent()){ _arg1[_local12.localName()] = _local12.toString(); }; }; _local2.push(_arg1); }; return (_local2); //unresolved jump }; throw (new TypeError((("Error: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert " + _arg1) + " to Array or DataProvider."))); } public function removeItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{ var _local2:Array; checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1)); dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE, data.slice(_arg1, (_arg1 + 1)), _arg1, _arg1); _local2 = data.splice(_arg1, 1); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE, _local2, _arg1, _arg1); return (_local2[0]); } public function addItem(_arg1:Object):void{ dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], (data.length - 1), (data.length - 1)); data.push(_arg1); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], (data.length - 1), (data.length - 1)); } public function sortOn(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object=null){ var _local3:Array; dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1)); _local3 = data.sortOn(_arg1, _arg2); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1)); return (_local3); } public function sort(... _args){ var _local2:Array; dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1)); _local2 = data.sort.apply(data, _args); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.SORT, data.concat(), 0, (data.length - 1)); return (_local2); } public function addItems(_arg1:Object):void{ addItemsAt(_arg1, data.length); } public function concat(_arg1:Object):void{ addItems(_arg1); } public function clone():DataProvider{ return (new DataProvider(data)); } public function toArray():Array{ return (data.concat()); } public function get length():uint{ return (data.length); } public function addItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{ checkIndex(_arg2, data.length); dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], _arg2, _arg2); data.splice(_arg2, 0, _arg1); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [_arg1], _arg2, _arg2); } public function getItemAt(_arg1:uint):Object{ checkIndex(_arg1, (data.length - 1)); return (data[_arg1]); } override public function toString():String{ return ((("DataProvider [" + data.join(" , ")) + "]")); } public function invalidateItem(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:uint; _local2 = getItemIndex(_arg1); if (_local2 == -1){ return; }; invalidateItemAt(_local2); } protected function dispatchChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Array, _arg3:int, _arg4:int):void{ dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, _arg1, _arg2, _arg3, _arg4)); } protected function checkIndex(_arg1:int, _arg2:int):void{ if ((((_arg1 > _arg2)) || ((_arg1 < 0)))){ throw (new RangeError((((("DataProvider index (" + _arg1) + ") is not in acceptable range (0 - ") + _arg2) + ")"))); }; } public function addItemsAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):void{ var _local3:Array; checkIndex(_arg2, data.length); _local3 = getDataFromObject(_arg1); dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, _local3, _arg2, ((_arg2 + _local3.length) - 1)); data.splice.apply(data, [_arg2, 0].concat(_local3)); dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, _local3, _arg2, ((_arg2 + _local3.length) - 1)); } public function replaceItem(_arg1:Object, _arg2:Object):Object{ var _local3:int; _local3 = getItemIndex(_arg2); if (_local3 != -1){ return (replaceItemAt(_arg1, _local3)); }; return (null); } public function removeItem(_arg1:Object):Object{ var _local2:int; _local2 = getItemIndex(_arg1); if (_local2 != -1){ return (removeItemAt(_local2)); }; return (null); } public function merge(_arg1:Object):void{ var _local2:Array; var _local3:uint; var _local4:uint; var _local5:uint; var _local6:Object; _local2 = getDataFromObject(_arg1); _local3 = _local2.length; _local4 = data.length; dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, data.slice(_local4, data.length), _local4, ( - 1)); _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local3) { _local6 = _local2[_local5]; if (getItemIndex(_local6) == -1){ data.push(_local6); }; _local5++; }; if (data.length > _local4){ dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, data.slice(_local4, data.length), _local4, ( - 1)); } else { dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.ADD, [], -1, -1); }; } public function replaceItemAt(_arg1:Object, _arg2:uint):Object{ var _local3:Array; checkIndex(_arg2, (data.length - 1)); _local3 = [data[_arg2]]; dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REPLACE, _local3, _arg2, _arg2); data[_arg2] = _arg1; dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REPLACE, _local3, _arg2, _arg2); return (_local3[0]); } public function invalidate():void{ dispatchEvent(new DataChangeEvent(DataChangeEvent.DATA_CHANGE, DataChangeType.INVALIDATE_ALL, data.concat(), 0, data.length)); } public function removeAll():void{ var _local1:Array; _local1 = data.concat(); dispatchPreChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL, _local1, 0, _local1.length); data = []; dispatchChangeEvent(DataChangeType.REMOVE_ALL, _local1, 0, _local1.length); } } }//package
Section 115
//SimpleCollectionItem ( package { public dynamic class SimpleCollectionItem { public var label:String; public var data:String; public function toString():String{ return ((((("[SimpleCollectionItem: " + label) + ",") + data) + "]")); } } }//package
Section 116
//ComponentEvent ( package { import*; public class ComponentEvent extends Event { public static const HIDE:String = "hide"; public static const BUTTON_DOWN:String = "buttonDown"; public static const MOVE:String = "move"; public static const RESIZE:String = "resize"; public static const ENTER:String = "enter"; public static const LABEL_CHANGE:String = "labelChange"; public static const SHOW:String = "show"; public function ComponentEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("ComponentEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable")); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new ComponentEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable)); } } }//package
Section 117
//DataChangeEvent ( package { import*; public class DataChangeEvent extends Event { protected var _items:Array; protected var _endIndex:uint; protected var _changeType:String; protected var _startIndex:uint; public static const PRE_DATA_CHANGE:String = "preDataChange"; public static const DATA_CHANGE:String = "dataChange"; public function DataChangeEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Array, _arg4:int=-1, _arg5:int=-1):void{ super(_arg1); _changeType = _arg2; _startIndex = _arg4; _items = _arg3; _endIndex = ((_arg5)==-1) ? _startIndex : _arg5; } public function get changeType():String{ return (_changeType); } public function get startIndex():uint{ return (_startIndex); } public function get items():Array{ return (_items); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new DataChangeEvent(type, _changeType, _items, _startIndex, _endIndex)); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("DataChangeEvent", "type", "changeType", "startIndex", "endIndex", "bubbles", "cancelable")); } public function get endIndex():uint{ return (_endIndex); } } }//package
Section 118
//DataChangeType ( package { public class DataChangeType { public static const ADD:String = "add"; public static const REMOVE:String = "remove"; public static const REMOVE_ALL:String = "removeAll"; public static const CHANGE:String = "change"; public static const REPLACE:String = "replace"; public static const INVALIDATE:String = "invalidate"; public static const INVALIDATE_ALL:String = "invalidateAll"; public static const SORT:String = "sort"; } }//package
Section 119
//ListEvent ( package { import*; public class ListEvent extends Event { protected var _index:int; protected var _item:Object; protected var _columnIndex:int; protected var _rowIndex:int; public static const ITEM_DOUBLE_CLICK:String = "itemDoubleClick"; public static const ITEM_ROLL_OUT:String = "itemRollOut"; public static const ITEM_ROLL_OVER:String = "itemRollOver"; public static const ITEM_CLICK:String = "itemClick"; public function ListEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Boolean=false, _arg3:Boolean=false, _arg4:int=-1, _arg5:int=-1, _arg6:int=-1, _arg7:Object=null){ super(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3); _rowIndex = _arg5; _columnIndex = _arg4; _index = _arg6; _item = _arg7; } public function get rowIndex():Object{ return (_rowIndex); } public function get index():int{ return (_index); } public function get item():Object{ return (_item); } public function get columnIndex():int{ return (_columnIndex); } override public function clone():Event{ return (new ListEvent(type, bubbles, cancelable, _columnIndex, _rowIndex)); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("ListEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "columnIndex", "rowIndex", "index", "item")); } } }//package
Section 120
//ScrollEvent ( package { import*; public class ScrollEvent extends Event { private var _position:Number; private var _direction:String; private var _delta:Number; public static const SCROLL:String = "scroll"; public function ScrollEvent(_arg1:String, _arg2:Number, _arg3:Number){ super(ScrollEvent.SCROLL, false, false); _direction = _arg1; _delta = _arg2; _position = _arg3; } override public function clone():Event{ return (new ScrollEvent(_direction, _delta, _position)); } public function get position():Number{ return (_position); } override public function toString():String{ return (formatToString("ScrollEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "direction", "delta", "position")); } public function get delta():Number{ return (_delta); } public function get direction():String{ return (_direction); } } }//package
Section 121
//FocusManager (fl.managers.FocusManager) package fl.managers { import fl.core.*; import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.ui.*; public class FocusManager implements IFocusManager { private var focusableObjects:Dictionary; private var _showFocusIndicator:Boolean;// = true private var defButton:Button; private var focusableCandidates:Array; private var _form:DisplayObjectContainer; private var _defaultButtonEnabled:Boolean;// = true private var activated:Boolean;// = false private var _defaultButton:Button; private var calculateCandidates:Boolean;// = true private var lastFocus:InteractiveObject; private var lastAction:String; public function FocusManager(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer){ activated = false; calculateCandidates = true; _showFocusIndicator = true; _defaultButtonEnabled = true; super(); focusableObjects = new Dictionary(true); if (_arg1 != null){ _form = _arg1; addFocusables(DisplayObject(_arg1)); _arg1.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, addedHandler); _arg1.addEventListener(Event.REMOVED, removedHandler); activate(); }; } public function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean{ return (_showFocusIndicator); } private function getIndexOfNextObject(_arg1:int, _arg2:Boolean, _arg3:Boolean, _arg4:String):int{ var _local5:int; var _local6:int; var _local7:DisplayObject; var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup; var _local9:int; var _local10:DisplayObject; var _local11:IFocusManagerGroup; _local5 = focusableCandidates.length; _local6 = _arg1; while (true) { if (_arg2){ _arg1--; } else { _arg1++; }; if (_arg3){ if (((_arg2) && ((_arg1 < 0)))){ break; }; if (((!(_arg2)) && ((_arg1 == _local5)))){ break; }; } else { _arg1 = ((_arg1 + _local5) % _local5); if (_local6 == _arg1){ break; }; }; if (isValidFocusCandidate(focusableCandidates[_arg1], _arg4)){ _local7 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_arg1])); if ((_local7 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local7); _local9 = 0; while (_local9 < focusableCandidates.length) { _local10 = focusableCandidates[_local9]; if ((_local10 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local11 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local10); if ((((_local11.groupName == _local8.groupName)) && (_local11.selected))){ _arg1 = _local9; break; }; }; _local9++; }; }; return (_arg1); }; }; return (_arg1); } public function set form(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer):void{ _form = _arg1; } private function addFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Boolean=false):void{ var focusable:IFocusManagerComponent; var io:InteractiveObject; var doc:DisplayObjectContainer; var i:int; var child:DisplayObject; var o = _arg1; var skipTopLevel = _arg2; if (!skipTopLevel){ if ((o is IFocusManagerComponent)){ focusable = IFocusManagerComponent(o); if (focusable.focusEnabled){ if (((focusable.tabEnabled) && (isTabVisible(o)))){ focusableObjects[o] = true; calculateCandidates = true; }; o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); }; } else { if ((o is InteractiveObject)){ io = (o as InteractiveObject); if (((((io) && (io.tabEnabled))) && ((findFocusManagerComponent(io) == io)))){ focusableObjects[io] = true; calculateCandidates = true; }; io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); io.addEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); }; }; }; if ((o is DisplayObjectContainer)){ doc = DisplayObjectContainer(o); o.addEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler); if ((((((doc is Stage)) || ((doc.parent is Stage)))) || (doc.tabChildren))){ i = 0; while (i < doc.numChildren) { try { child = doc.getChildAt(i); if (child != null){ addFocusables(doc.getChildAt(i)); }; } catch(error:SecurityError) { }; i = (i + 1); }; }; }; } private function getChildIndex(_arg1:DisplayObjectContainer, _arg2:DisplayObject):int{ return (_arg1.getChildIndex(_arg2)); } private function mouseFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ if ((_arg1.relatedObject is TextField)){ return; }; _arg1.preventDefault(); } private function focusOutHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = ( as InteractiveObject); } private function isValidFocusCandidate(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:String):Boolean{ var _local3:IFocusManagerGroup; if (!isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1)){ return (false); }; if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local3 = IFocusManagerGroup(_arg1); if (_arg2 == _local3.groupName){ return (false); }; }; return (true); } public function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = _arg1; while (_arg1) { if ((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (_local2); } private function sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:InteractiveObject; focusableCandidates = []; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { _local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1); if (((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))){ focusableCandidates.push(_local2); }; }; focusableCandidates.sort(sortByTabIndex); } private function removeFocusables(_arg1:DisplayObject):void{ var _local2:Object; var _local3:DisplayObject; if ((_arg1 is DisplayObjectContainer)){ _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE, tabChildrenChangeHandler); _arg1.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE, tabIndexChangeHandler); for (_local2 in focusableObjects) { _local3 = DisplayObject(_local2); if (DisplayObjectContainer(_arg1).contains(_local3)){ if (_local3 == lastFocus){ lastFocus = null; }; _local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); delete focusableObjects[_local2]; calculateCandidates = true; }; }; }; } private function addedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObject; _local2 = DisplayObject(; if (_local2.stage){ addFocusables(DisplayObject(; }; } private function getTopLevelFocusTarget(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject{ while (_arg1 != InteractiveObject(form)) { if ((((((((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).focusEnabled))) && (IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).mouseFocusEnabled))) && (UIComponent(_arg1).enabled))){ return (_arg1); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; if (_arg1 == null){ break; }; }; return (null); } private function tabChildrenChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; if ( != _arg1.currentTarget){ return; }; calculateCandidates = true; _local2 = DisplayObjectContainer(; if (_local2.tabChildren){ addFocusables(_local2, true); } else { removeFocusables(_local2); }; } public function sendDefaultButtonEvent():void{ defButton.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent(MouseEvent.CLICK)); } public function getFocus():InteractiveObject{ var _local1:InteractiveObject; _local1 = form.stage.focus; return (findFocusManagerComponent(_local1)); } private function isEnabledAndVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; var _local3:TextField; var _local4:SimpleButton; _local2 = DisplayObject(form).parent; while (_arg1 != _local2) { if ((_arg1 is UIComponent)){ if (!UIComponent(_arg1).enabled){ return (false); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is TextField)){ _local3 = TextField(_arg1); if ((((_local3.type == TextFieldType.DYNAMIC)) || (!(_local3.selectable)))){ return (false); }; } else { if ((_arg1 is SimpleButton)){ _local4 = SimpleButton(_arg1); if (!_local4.enabled){ return (false); }; }; }; }; if (!_arg1.visible){ return (false); }; _arg1 = _arg1.parent; }; return (true); } public function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void{ var _local2:Button; _local2 = (_arg1) ? Button(_arg1) : null; if (_local2 != _defaultButton){ if (_defaultButton){ _defaultButton.emphasized = false; }; if (defButton){ defButton.emphasized = false; }; _defaultButton = _local2; defButton = _local2; if (_local2){ _local2.emphasized = true; }; }; } private function deactivateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; } public function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void{ if ((_arg1 is IFocusManagerComponent)){ IFocusManagerComponent(_arg1).setFocus(); } else { form.stage.focus = _arg1; }; } private function setFocusToNextObject(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; if (!hasFocusableObjects()){ return; }; _local2 = getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1.shiftKey); if (_local2){ setFocus(_local2); }; } private function hasFocusableObjects():Boolean{ var _local1:Object; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { return (true); }; return (false); } private function tabIndexChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ calculateCandidates = true; } private function sortFocusableObjects():void{ var _local1:Object; var _local2:InteractiveObject; focusableCandidates = []; for (_local1 in focusableObjects) { _local2 = InteractiveObject(_local1); if (((((_local2.tabIndex) && (!(isNaN(Number(_local2.tabIndex)))))) && ((_local2.tabIndex > 0)))){ sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex(); return; }; focusableCandidates.push(_local2); }; focusableCandidates.sort(sortByDepth); } private function keyFocusChangeHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ showFocusIndicator = true; if ((((((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB)) || ((_arg1.keyCode == 0)))) && (!(_arg1.isDefaultPrevented())))){ setFocusToNextObject(_arg1); _arg1.preventDefault(); }; } private function getIndexOfFocusedObject(_arg1:DisplayObject):int{ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; _local2 = focusableCandidates.length; _local3 = 0; _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < _local2) { if (focusableCandidates[_local3] == _arg1){ return (_local3); }; _local3++; }; return (-1); } public function hideFocus():void{ } private function removedHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:int; var _local3:DisplayObject; var _local4:InteractiveObject; _local3 = DisplayObject(; if ((((_local3 is IFocusManagerComponent)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){ if (_local3 == lastFocus){ IFocusManagerComponent(lastFocus).drawFocus(false); lastFocus = null; }; _local3.removeEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); delete focusableObjects[_local3]; calculateCandidates = true; } else { if ((((_local3 is InteractiveObject)) && ((focusableObjects[_local3] == true)))){ _local4 = (_local3 as InteractiveObject); if (_local4){ if (_local4 == lastFocus){ lastFocus = null; }; delete focusableObjects[_local4]; calculateCandidates = true; }; _local3.addEventListener(Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE, tabEnabledChangeHandler); }; }; removeFocusables(_local3); } private function sortByDepth(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):Number{ var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:int; var _local6:String; var _local7:String; var _local8:String; var _local9:DisplayObject; var _local10:DisplayObject; _local3 = ""; _local4 = ""; _local8 = "0000"; _local9 = DisplayObject(_arg1); _local10 = DisplayObject(_arg2); while (((!((_local9 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local9.parent))) { _local5 = getChildIndex(_local9.parent, _local9); _local6 = _local5.toString(16); if (_local6.length < 4){ _local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6); }; _local3 = (_local7 + _local3); _local9 = _local9.parent; }; while (((!((_local10 == DisplayObject(form)))) && (_local10.parent))) { _local5 = getChildIndex(_local10.parent, _local10); _local6 = _local5.toString(16); if (_local6.length < 4){ _local7 = (_local8.substring(0, (4 - _local6.length)) + _local6); }; _local4 = (_local7 + _local4); _local10 = _local10.parent; }; return (((_local3 > _local4)) ? 1 : ((_local3 < _local4)) ? -1 : 0); } public function get defaultButton():Button{ return (_defaultButton); } private function activateHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; if (lastFocus){ if ((lastFocus is IFocusManagerComponent)){ IFocusManagerComponent(lastFocus).setFocus(); } else { form.stage.focus = lastFocus; }; }; lastAction = "ACTIVATE"; } public function showFocus():void{ } public function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _defaultButtonEnabled = _arg1; } public function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject{ var _local2:DisplayObject; var _local3:String; var _local4:int; var _local5:Boolean; var _local6:int; var _local7:int; var _local8:IFocusManagerGroup; if (!hasFocusableObjects()){ return (null); }; if (calculateCandidates){ sortFocusableObjects(); calculateCandidates = false; }; _local2 = form.stage.focus; _local2 = DisplayObject(findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2))); _local3 = ""; if ((_local2 is IFocusManagerGroup)){ _local8 = IFocusManagerGroup(_local2); _local3 = _local8.groupName; }; _local4 = getIndexOfFocusedObject(_local2); _local5 = false; _local6 = _local4; if (_local4 == -1){ if (_arg1){ _local4 = focusableCandidates.length; }; _local5 = true; }; _local7 = getIndexOfNextObject(_local4, _arg1, _local5, _local3); return (findFocusManagerComponent(focusableCandidates[_local7])); } private function mouseDownHandler(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; if (_arg1.isDefaultPrevented()){ return; }; _local2 = getTopLevelFocusTarget(InteractiveObject(; if (!_local2){ return; }; showFocusIndicator = false; if (((((!((_local2 == lastFocus))) || ((lastAction == "ACTIVATE")))) && (!((_local2 is TextField))))){ setFocus(_local2); }; lastAction = "MOUSEDOWN"; } private function isTabVisible(_arg1:DisplayObject):Boolean{ var _local2:DisplayObjectContainer; _local2 = _arg1.parent; while (((((_local2) && (!((_local2 is Stage))))) && (!(((_local2.parent) && ((_local2.parent is Stage))))))) { if (!_local2.tabChildren){ return (false); }; _local2 = _local2.parent; }; return (true); } public function get nextTabIndex():int{ return (0); } private function keyDownHandler(_arg1:KeyboardEvent):void{ if (_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.TAB){ lastAction = "KEY"; if (calculateCandidates){ sortFocusableObjects(); calculateCandidates = false; }; }; if (((((((defaultButtonEnabled) && ((_arg1.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER)))) && (defaultButton))) && (defButton.enabled))){ sendDefaultButtonEvent(); }; } private function focusInHandler(_arg1:FocusEvent):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; var _local3:Button; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; if (form.contains(_local2)){ lastFocus = findFocusManagerComponent(InteractiveObject(_local2)); if ((lastFocus is Button)){ _local3 = Button(lastFocus); if (defButton){ defButton.emphasized = false; defButton = _local3; _local3.emphasized = true; }; } else { if (((defButton) && (!((defButton == _defaultButton))))){ defButton.emphasized = false; defButton = _defaultButton; _defaultButton.emphasized = true; }; }; }; } private function tabEnabledChangeHandler(_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:InteractiveObject; var _local3:Boolean; calculateCandidates = true; _local2 = InteractiveObject(; _local3 = (focusableObjects[_local2] == true); if (_local2.tabEnabled){ if (((!(_local3)) && (isTabVisible(_local2)))){ if (!(_local2 is IFocusManagerComponent)){ _local2.focusRect = false; }; focusableObjects[_local2] = true; }; } else { if (_local3){ delete focusableObjects[_local2]; }; }; } public function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void{ _showFocusIndicator = _arg1; } public function get form():DisplayObjectContainer{ return (_form); } private function sortByTabIndex(_arg1:InteractiveObject, _arg2:InteractiveObject):int{ return (((_arg1.tabIndex > _arg2.tabIndex)) ? 1 : ((_arg1.tabIndex < _arg2.tabIndex)) ? -1 : sortByDepth(_arg1, _arg2)); } public function activate():void{ if (activated){ return; }; form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true); form.stage.addEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler, false, 0, true); form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true); form.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true); form.stage.addEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler, false, 0, true); form.stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler, false, 0, true); form.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); form.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true); activated = true; if (lastFocus){ setFocus(lastFocus); }; } public function deactivate():void{ form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.MOUSE_FOCUS_CHANGE, mouseFocusChangeHandler); form.stage.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.KEY_FOCUS_CHANGE, keyFocusChangeHandler); form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, focusInHandler, true); form.removeEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_OUT, focusOutHandler, true); form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.ACTIVATE, activateHandler); form.stage.removeEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, deactivateHandler); form.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler); form.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, keyDownHandler, true); activated = false; } public function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean{ return (_defaultButtonEnabled); } } }//package fl.managers
Section 122
//IFocusManager (fl.managers.IFocusManager) package fl.managers { import fl.controls.*; import flash.display.*; public interface IFocusManager { function getFocus():InteractiveObject; function deactivate():void; function set defaultButton(_arg1:Button):void; function set showFocusIndicator(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get defaultButtonEnabled():Boolean; function get nextTabIndex():int; function get defaultButton():Button; function get showFocusIndicator():Boolean; function setFocus(_arg1:InteractiveObject):void; function activate():void; function showFocus():void; function set defaultButtonEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function hideFocus():void; function findFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:InteractiveObject):InteractiveObject; function getNextFocusManagerComponent(_arg1:Boolean=false):InteractiveObject; } }//package fl.managers
Section 123
//IFocusManagerComponent (fl.managers.IFocusManagerComponent) package fl.managers { public interface IFocusManagerComponent { function set focusEnabled(_arg1:Boolean):void; function drawFocus(_arg1:Boolean):void; function setFocus():void; function get focusEnabled():Boolean; function get tabEnabled():Boolean; function get tabIndex():int; function get mouseFocusEnabled():Boolean; } }//package fl.managers
Section 124
//IFocusManagerGroup (fl.managers.IFocusManagerGroup) package fl.managers { public interface IFocusManagerGroup { function set groupName(_arg1:String):void; function set selected(_arg1:Boolean):void; function get groupName():String; function get selected():Boolean; } }//package fl.managers
Section 125
//StyleManager (fl.managers.StyleManager) package fl.managers { import fl.core.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class StyleManager { private var globalStyles:Object; private var classToDefaultStylesDict:Dictionary; private var styleToClassesHash:Object; private var classToStylesDict:Dictionary; private var classToInstancesDict:Dictionary; private static var _instance:StyleManager; public function StyleManager(){ styleToClassesHash = {}; classToInstancesDict = new Dictionary(true); classToStylesDict = new Dictionary(true); classToDefaultStylesDict = new Dictionary(true); globalStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); } public static function clearComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3]; if (((!((_local4 == null))) && (!((_local4[_arg2] == null))))){ delete _local4[_arg2]; invalidateComponentStyle(_local3, _arg2); }; } private static function getClassDef(_arg1:Object):Class{ var component = _arg1; if ((component is Class)){ return ((component as Class)); }; try { return ((getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class)); } catch(e:Error) { if ((component is UIComponent)){ try { return ((component.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedClassName(component)) as Class)); } catch(e:Error) { }; }; }; return (null); } public static function clearStyle(_arg1:String):void{ setStyle(_arg1, null); } public static function setComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String, _arg3:Object):void{ var _local4:Class; var _local5:Object; _local4 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local5 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4]; if (_local5 == null){ _local5 = (getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local4] = {}); }; if (_local5 == _arg3){ return; }; _local5[_arg2] = _arg3; invalidateComponentStyle(_local4, _arg2); } private static function setSharedStyles(_arg1:UIComponent):void{ var _local2:StyleManager; var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; var _local5:String; _local2 = getInstance(); _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = _local2.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3]; for (_local5 in _local4) { _arg1.setSharedStyle(_local5, getSharedStyle(_arg1, _local5)); }; } public static function getComponentStyle(_arg1:Object, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance().classToStylesDict[_local3]; return (((_local4)==null) ? null : _local4[_arg2]); } private static function getInstance(){ if (_instance == null){ _instance = new (StyleManager); }; return (_instance); } private static function invalidateComponentStyle(_arg1:Class, _arg2:String):void{ var _local3:Dictionary; var _local4:Object; var _local5:UIComponent; _local3 = getInstance().classToInstancesDict[_arg1]; if (_local3 == null){ return; }; for (_local4 in _local3) { _local5 = (_local4 as UIComponent); if (_local5 == null){ } else { _local5.setSharedStyle(_arg2, getSharedStyle(_local5, _arg2)); }; }; } private static function invalidateStyle(_arg1:String):void{ var _local2:Dictionary; var _local3:Object; _local2 = getInstance().styleToClassesHash[_arg1]; if (_local2 == null){ return; }; for (_local3 in _local2) { invalidateComponentStyle(Class(_local3), _arg1); }; } public static function registerInstance(_arg1:UIComponent):void{ var inst:StyleManager; var classDef:Class; var target:Class; var defaultStyles:Object; var styleToClasses:Object; var n:String; var instance = _arg1; inst = getInstance(); classDef = getClassDef(instance); if (classDef == null){ return; }; if (inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] == null){ inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef] = new Dictionary(true); target = classDef; while (defaultStyles == null) { if (target["getStyleDefinition"] != null){ defaultStyles = target["getStyleDefinition"](); break; }; try { target = (instance.loaderInfo.applicationDomain.getDefinition(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class); } catch(err:Error) { try { target = (getDefinitionByName(getQualifiedSuperclassName(target)) as Class); } catch(e:Error) { defaultStyles = UIComponent.getStyleDefinition(); break; }; }; }; styleToClasses = inst.styleToClassesHash; for (n in defaultStyles) { if (styleToClasses[n] == null){ styleToClasses[n] = new Dictionary(true); }; styleToClasses[n][classDef] = true; }; inst.classToDefaultStylesDict[classDef] = defaultStyles; inst.classToStylesDict[classDef] = {}; }; inst.classToInstancesDict[classDef][instance] = true; setSharedStyles(instance); } public static function getStyle(_arg1:String):Object{ return (getInstance().globalStyles[_arg1]); } private static function getSharedStyle(_arg1:UIComponent, _arg2:String):Object{ var _local3:Class; var _local4:StyleManager; var _local5:Object; _local3 = getClassDef(_arg1); _local4 = getInstance(); _local5 = _local4.classToStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]; if (_local5 != null){ return (_local5); }; _local5 = _local4.globalStyles[_arg2]; if (_local5 != null){ return (_local5); }; return (_local4.classToDefaultStylesDict[_local3][_arg2]); } public static function setStyle(_arg1:String, _arg2:Object):void{ var _local3:Object; _local3 = getInstance().globalStyles; if ((((_local3[_arg1] === _arg2)) && (!((_arg2 is TextFormat))))){ return; }; _local3[_arg1] = _arg2; invalidateStyle(_arg1); } } }//package fl.managers
Section 126
//Bd (Bd) package { import*; public dynamic class Bd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 127
//BDo (BDo) package { import*; public dynamic class BDo extends Sound { } }//package
Section 128
//Bg (Bg) package { import*; public dynamic class Bg extends Sound { } }//package
Section 129
//CellRenderer_disabledSkin (CellRenderer_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 130
//CellRenderer_downSkin (CellRenderer_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 131
//CellRenderer_overSkin (CellRenderer_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 132
//CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin (CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 133
//CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin (CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 134
//CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin (CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 135
//CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin (CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 136
//CellRenderer_upSkin (CellRenderer_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CellRenderer_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 137
//ComboBox_disabledSkin (ComboBox_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComboBox_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 138
//ComboBox_downSkin (ComboBox_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComboBox_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 139
//ComboBox_overSkin (ComboBox_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComboBox_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 140
//ComboBox_upSkin (ComboBox_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ComboBox_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 141
//focusRectSkin (focusRectSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class focusRectSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 142
//HitTest (HitTest) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.geom.*; public class HitTest { protected static function getDrawMatrix(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:Rectangle, _arg3:Number):Matrix{ var _local4:Point; var _local5:Matrix; var _local6:Matrix; _local6 = _arg1.root.transform.concatenatedMatrix; _local4 = _arg1.localToGlobal(new Point()); _local5 = _arg1.transform.concatenatedMatrix; _local5.tx = (_local4.x - _arg2.x); _local5.ty = (_local4.y - _arg2.y); _local5.a = (_local5.a / _local6.a); _local5.d = (_local5.d / _local6.d); if (_arg3 != 1){ _local5.scale(_arg3, _arg3); }; return (_local5); } public static function complexHitTestObject(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Number=1):Boolean{ return (!((complexIntersectionRectangle(_arg1, _arg2, _arg3).width == 0))); } public static function complexIntersectionRectangle(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject, _arg3:Number=1):Rectangle{ var _local4:Rectangle; var _local5:BitmapData; var _local6:Rectangle; if (_arg3 <= 0){ throw (new Error("ArgumentError: Error #5001: Invalid value for accurracy", 5001)); }; if (!_arg1.hitTestObject(_arg2)){ return (new Rectangle()); }; _local4 = intersectionRectangle(_arg1, _arg2); if (((((_local4.width * _arg3) < 1)) || (((_local4.height * _arg3) < 1)))){ return (new Rectangle()); }; _local5 = new BitmapData((_local4.width * _arg3), (_local4.height * _arg3), false, 0); _local5.draw(_arg1, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(_arg1, _local4, _arg3), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, -255, -255, 0xFF)); _local5.draw(_arg2, HitTest.getDrawMatrix(_arg2, _local4, _arg3), new ColorTransform(1, 1, 1, 1, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), BlendMode.DIFFERENCE); _local6 = _local5.getColorBoundsRect(4294967295, 4278255615); _local5.dispose(); if (_arg3 != 1){ _local6.x = (_local6.x / _arg3); _local6.y = (_local6.y / _arg3); _local6.width = (_local6.width / _arg3); _local6.height = (_local6.height / _arg3); }; _local6.x = (_local6.x + _local4.x); _local6.y = (_local6.y + _local4.y); return (_local6); } public static function intersectionRectangle(_arg1:DisplayObject, _arg2:DisplayObject):Rectangle{ var _local3:Rectangle; var _local4:Rectangle; var _local5:Rectangle; if (((((!(_arg1.root)) || (!(_arg2.root)))) || (!(_arg1.hitTestObject(_arg2))))){ return (new Rectangle()); }; _local3 = _arg1.getBounds(_arg1.root); _local4 = _arg2.getBounds(_arg2.root); _local5 = new Rectangle(); _local5.x = Math.max(_local3.x, _local4.x); _local5.y = Math.max(_local3.y, _local4.y); _local5.width = Math.min(((_local3.x + _local3.width) - _local5.x), ((_local4.x + _local4.width) - _local5.x)); _local5.height = Math.min(((_local3.y + _local3.height) - _local5.y), ((_local4.y + _local4.height) - _local5.y)); return (_local5); } } }//package
Section 143
//HS (HS) package { import*; public dynamic class HS extends Sound { } }//package
Section 144
//List_skin (List_skin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class List_skin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 145
//MochiBot (MochiBot) package { import flash.display.*; import flash.system.*; import*; public dynamic class MochiBot extends Sprite { public static function track(_arg1:Sprite, _arg2:String):MochiBot{ var _local3:MochiBot; var _local4:String; var _local5:URLVariables; var _local6:String; var _local7:URLRequest; var _local8:Loader; if (Security.sandboxType == "localWithFile"){ return (null); }; _local3 = new (MochiBot); _arg1.addChild(_local3); Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); _local4 = ""; _local5 = new URLVariables(); _local5["sb"] = Security.sandboxType; _local5["v"] = Capabilities.version; _local5["swfid"] = _arg2; _local5["mv"] = "8"; _local5["fv"] = "9"; _local6 = _local3.root.loaderInfo.loaderURL; if (_local6.indexOf("http") == 0){ _local5["url"] = _local6; } else { _local5["url"] = "local"; }; _local7 = new URLRequest(_local4); _local7.contentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; _local7.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = _local5; _local8 = new Loader(); _local3.addChild(_local8); _local8.load(_local7); return (_local3); } } }//package
Section 146
//MyVar (MyVar) package { import*; public class MyVar { public static var soundPlayed:Boolean = false; public static var soundToggle:Boolean = true; public static var bg:Bg = new Bg(); public static var trans1:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(0, 0); public static var trans2:SoundTransform = new SoundTransform(1, 0); public static var pauseClicked:Boolean = false; public static var brickDrop:Bd = new Bd(); public static var timeCount:Number = 0; public static var score:int = 0; public static var timerStopCount:int = 0; public static var heightSound:HS = new HS(); public static var brickDropOutside:BDo = new BDo(); public static var soundChannel1:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); public static var soundChannel2:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); } }//package
Section 147
//o1 (o1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 148
//o10 (o10) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o10 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 149
//o11 (o11) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o11 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 150
//o12 (o12) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o12 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 151
//o13 (o13) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o13 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 152
//o14 (o14) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o14 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 153
//o15 (o15) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o15 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 154
//o16 (o16) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o16 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 155
//o17 (o17) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o17 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 156
//o18 (o18) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o18 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 157
//o19 (o19) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o19 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 158
//o2 (o2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 159
//o20 (o20) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o20 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 160
//o3 (o3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 161
//o4 (o4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 162
//o5 (o5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 163
//o6 (o6) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o6 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 164
//o7 (o7) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o7 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 165
//o8 (o8) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o8 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 166
//o9 (o9) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class o9 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 167
//ScoreSubmit (ScoreSubmit) package { import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.system.*; import*; public class ScoreSubmit extends Sprite { public static function sendMyScore(_arg1:String, _arg2:String, _arg3:Number, _arg4:Number, _arg5:String, _arg6:String):void{ var receivedData:String; var processedData:String; var addressRequest:URLRequest; var dataObject:URLVariables; var addressLoader:URLLoader; var callMe:Function; var myName = _arg1; var myCountry = _arg2; var myScore = _arg3; var myGameId = _arg4; var mySite = _arg5; var myLevels = _arg6; callMe = function (_arg1:Event):void{ var _local2:Number; var _local3:Number; receivedData =; if (receivedData.match("success=0")){ } else { if (receivedData.match("success=1")){ trace(receivedData); _local2 = receivedData.indexOf("scoreid"); _local3 = receivedData.indexOf("&"); if (_local2 == 0){ processedData = receivedData.substring(_local2, _local3); } else { processedData = receivedData.substring(_local2); }; if (mySite.match("123bee")){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(((("" + myGameId) + "&") + processedData))); } else { if (mySite.match("123peppy")){ navigateToURL(new URLRequest(((("" + myGameId) + "&") + processedData))); }; }; }; }; }; Security.allowDomain("*"); Security.allowInsecureDomain("*"); if (mySite.match("123bee")){ addressRequest = new URLRequest(""); } else { if (mySite.match("123peppy")){ addressRequest = new URLRequest(""); }; }; dataObject = new URLVariables(); dataObject.fname = myName; = myCountry; dataObject.score = myScore; dataObject.Levels = myLevels; dataObject.gameid = myGameId; = dataObject; addressLoader = new URLLoader(); addressLoader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES; addressLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, callMe); addressLoader.load(addressRequest); } } }//package
Section 168
//ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin (ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 169
//ScrollArrowDown_downSkin (ScrollArrowDown_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 170
//ScrollArrowDown_overSkin (ScrollArrowDown_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 171
//ScrollArrowDown_upSkin (ScrollArrowDown_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowDown_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 172
//ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin (ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 173
//ScrollArrowUp_downSkin (ScrollArrowUp_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 174
//ScrollArrowUp_overSkin (ScrollArrowUp_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 175
//ScrollArrowUp_upSkin (ScrollArrowUp_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollArrowUp_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 176
//ScrollBar_thumbIcon (ScrollBar_thumbIcon) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollBar_thumbIcon extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 177
//ScrollThumb_downSkin (ScrollThumb_downSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollThumb_downSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 178
//ScrollThumb_overSkin (ScrollThumb_overSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollThumb_overSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 179
//ScrollThumb_upSkin (ScrollThumb_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollThumb_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 180
//ScrollTrack_skin (ScrollTrack_skin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ScrollTrack_skin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 181
//TextInput_disabledSkin (TextInput_disabledSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TextInput_disabledSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 182
//TextInput_upSkin (TextInput_upSkin) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class TextInput_upSkin extends MovieClip { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {HS}
Symbol 2 Sound {Bd}
Symbol 3 Sound {BDo}
Symbol 4 Sound {Bg}
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClipUses:5Used by:22 71 72
Symbol 7 MovieClip {fl.core.ComponentShim}Used by:22 41 70 71 72
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:9
Symbol 9 MovieClip {focusRectSkin}Uses:8Used by:22 70 71 72
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:11
Symbol 11 MovieClip {ComboBox_upSkin}Uses:10Used by:72
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip {ComboBox_disabledSkin}Uses:12Used by:72
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip {ComboBox_overSkin}Uses:14Used by:72
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip {ComboBox_downSkin}Uses:16Used by:72
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 MovieClip {TextInput_disabledSkin}Uses:18Used by:22
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:21
Symbol 21 MovieClip {TextInput_upSkin}Uses:20Used by:22
Symbol 22 MovieClip {fl.controls.TextInput}Uses:6 7 19 21 9Used by:72
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:24
Symbol 24 MovieClip {List_skin}Uses:23Used by:71
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip {CellRenderer_upSkin}Uses:25Used by:41
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip {CellRenderer_disabledSkin}Uses:27Used by:41
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:30
Symbol 30 MovieClip {CellRenderer_downSkin}Uses:29Used by:41
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClip {CellRenderer_overSkin}Uses:31Used by:41
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip {CellRenderer_selectedDisabledSkin}Uses:33Used by:41
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:36
Symbol 36 MovieClip {CellRenderer_selectedDownSkin}Uses:35Used by:41
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:38
Symbol 38 MovieClip {CellRenderer_selectedOverSkin}Uses:37Used by:41
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:40
Symbol 40 MovieClip {CellRenderer_selectedUpSkin}Uses:39Used by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClip {fl.controls.listClasses.CellRenderer}Uses:26 7 28 30 32 34 36 38 40Used by:71
Symbol 42 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 MovieClip {ScrollTrack_skin}Uses:42Used by:70
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:47
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46 49 53 63
Symbol 46 MovieClipUses:45Used by:47 57 59
Symbol 47 MovieClip {ScrollArrowUp_downSkin}Uses:44 46Used by:70
Symbol 48 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 MovieClip {ScrollArrowDown_downSkin}Uses:48 45Used by:70
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip {ScrollThumb_downSkin}Uses:50Used by:70
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip {ScrollArrowDown_overSkin}Uses:52 45Used by:70
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:55
Symbol 55 MovieClip {ScrollThumb_overSkin}Uses:54Used by:70
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClip {ScrollArrowUp_overSkin}Uses:56 46Used by:70
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip {ScrollArrowUp_upSkin}Uses:58 46Used by:70
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip {ScrollThumb_upSkin}Uses:60Used by:70
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip {ScrollArrowDown_upSkin}Uses:62 45Used by:70
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip {ScrollArrowDown_disabledSkin}Uses:64Used by:70
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 MovieClip {ScrollArrowUp_disabledSkin}Uses:66Used by:70
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:69
Symbol 69 MovieClip {ScrollBar_thumbIcon}Uses:68Used by:70
Symbol 70 MovieClip {fl.controls.ScrollBar}Uses:43 7 9 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69Used by:71
Symbol 71 MovieClip {fl.controls.List}Uses:6 7 24 41 9 70Used by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClip {fl.controls.ComboBox}Uses:6 7 9 11 13 15 17 22 71
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:74 744
Symbol 74 MovieClipUses:73Used by:77
Symbol 75 GraphicUsed by:76 745
Symbol 76 MovieClipUses:75Used by:77
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:74 76Used by:78 784
Symbol 78 MovieClip {o20}Uses:77
Symbol 79 GraphicUsed by:82 740
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:81 739
Symbol 81 MovieClipUses:80Used by:82
Symbol 82 MovieClipUses:79 81Used by:83 784
Symbol 83 MovieClip {o5}Uses:82
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:85 741
Symbol 85 MovieClipUses:84Used by:88
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87 742
Symbol 87 MovieClipUses:86Used by:88
Symbol 88 MovieClipUses:85 87Used by:89 669
Symbol 89 MovieClip {o6}Uses:88
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClipUses:90Used by:94
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:93
Symbol 93 MovieClipUses:92Used by:94
Symbol 94 MovieClipUses:91 93Used by:95 649
Symbol 95 MovieClip {build_fla.dgdfjgj_437}Uses:94Used by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClip {o14}Uses:95
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:98 714
Symbol 98 MovieClipUses:97Used by:99 645
Symbol 99 MovieClip {o1}Uses:98
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101 710
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:100Used by:102 646
Symbol 102 MovieClip {o2}Uses:101
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:108 724
Symbol 104 GraphicUsed by:105 722
Symbol 105 MovieClipUses:104Used by:108
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:107 723
Symbol 107 MovieClipUses:106Used by:108
Symbol 108 MovieClipUses:103 105 107Used by:109 688
Symbol 109 MovieClip {o11}Uses:108
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111 712
Symbol 111 MovieClipUses:110Used by:112 647
Symbol 112 MovieClip {o8}Uses:111
Symbol 113 GraphicUsed by:114 728
Symbol 114 MovieClipUses:113Used by:117
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:116 729
Symbol 116 MovieClipUses:115Used by:117
Symbol 117 MovieClipUses:114 116Used by:118 683
Symbol 118 MovieClip {o17}Uses:117
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120 713
Symbol 120 MovieClipUses:119Used by:121 684
Symbol 121 MovieClip {o18}Uses:120
Symbol 122 GraphicUsed by:123 703
Symbol 123 MovieClipUses:122Used by:124 687
Symbol 124 MovieClip {o10}Uses:123
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:126 711
Symbol 126 MovieClipUses:125Used by:127 685
Symbol 127 MovieClip {o19}Uses:126
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:129 704
Symbol 129 MovieClipUses:128Used by:132
Symbol 130 GraphicUsed by:131 708
Symbol 131 MovieClipUses:130Used by:132
Symbol 132 MovieClipUses:129 131Used by:133 682
Symbol 133 MovieClip {o16}Uses:132
Symbol 134 GraphicUsed by:135 716
Symbol 135 MovieClipUses:134Used by:138
Symbol 136 GraphicUsed by:137 717
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:136Used by:138
Symbol 138 MovieClipUses:135 137Used by:139 648
Symbol 139 MovieClip {o9}Uses:138
Symbol 140 GraphicUsed by:141 715
Symbol 141 MovieClipUses:140Used by:142 686
Symbol 142 MovieClip {o7}Uses:141
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:144 734
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:143Used by:147
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146 735
Symbol 146 MovieClipUses:145Used by:147
Symbol 147 MovieClipUses:144 146Used by:148 643
Symbol 148 MovieClip {o3}Uses:147
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150 737
Symbol 150 MovieClipUses:149Used by:152
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152 738
Symbol 152 MovieClipUses:150 151Used by:153 644
Symbol 153 MovieClip {o4}Uses:152
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:155 719
Symbol 155 MovieClipUses:154Used by:158
Symbol 156 GraphicUsed by:157 720
Symbol 157 MovieClipUses:156Used by:158
Symbol 158 MovieClipUses:155 157Used by:159 689
Symbol 159 MovieClip {o12}Uses:158
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161 731
Symbol 161 MovieClipUses:160Used by:164
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:163 732
Symbol 163 MovieClipUses:162Used by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClipUses:161 163Used by:165 681
Symbol 165 MovieClip {o13}Uses:164
Symbol 166 GraphicUsed by:167 725 840
Symbol 167 MovieClipUses:166Used by:170
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:169 726
Symbol 169 MovieClipUses:168Used by:170
Symbol 170 MovieClipUses:167 169Used by:171 668
Symbol 171 MovieClip {o15}Uses:170
Symbol 172 GraphicUsed by:535
Symbol 173 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClipUses:173Used by:535
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClipUses:175Used by:177
Symbol 177 MovieClipUses:176Used by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClipUses:177Used by:535
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:180
Symbol 180 MovieClipUses:179Used by:181
Symbol 181 MovieClipUses:180Used by:535
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:183 213
Symbol 183 MovieClipUses:182Used by:535
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:521
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:187
Symbol 187 MovieClipUses:186Used by:469 496 503
Symbol 188 GraphicUsed by:189
Symbol 189 MovieClipUses:188Used by:192 473
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:191
Symbol 191 MovieClipUses:190Used by:192
Symbol 192 MovieClipUses:189 191Used by:195
Symbol 193 GraphicUsed by:194
Symbol 194 MovieClipUses:193Used by:195 473
Symbol 195 MovieClipUses:192 194Used by:503
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:201
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:198
Symbol 198 MovieClipUses:197Used by:201
Symbol 199 GraphicUsed by:200
Symbol 200 MovieClipUses:199Used by:201
Symbol 201 MovieClipUses:196 198 200Used by:503
Symbol 202 GraphicUsed by:203
Symbol 203 MovieClipUses:202Used by:503
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:208 476
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:206
Symbol 206 MovieClipUses:205Used by:207
Symbol 207 MovieClipUses:206Used by:208 476
Symbol 208 MovieClipUses:204 207Used by:503
Symbol 209 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 210 GraphicUsed by:225
Symbol 211 GraphicUsed by:212
Symbol 212 MovieClipUses:211Used by:225 481
Symbol 213 MovieClipUses:182Used by:225 481
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:215
Symbol 215 MovieClipUses:214Used by:225
Symbol 216 GraphicUsed by:225 481
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:218
Symbol 218 MovieClipUses:217Used by:225 481
Symbol 219 GraphicUsed by:220
Symbol 220 MovieClipUses:219Used by:225 481
Symbol 221 GraphicUsed by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClipUses:221Used by:225 481
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:224
Symbol 224 MovieClipUses:223Used by:225 481
Symbol 225 MovieClipUses:210 212 213 215 216 218 220 222 224Used by:226
Symbol 226 MovieClipUses:225Used by:231
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:230
Symbol 228 GraphicUsed by:229
Symbol 229 MovieClipUses:228Used by:230
Symbol 230 MovieClipUses:227 229Used by:231 483
Symbol 231 MovieClipUses:226 230Used by:503
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:241
Symbol 233 GraphicUsed by:234
Symbol 234 MovieClipUses:233Used by:241 252 278 288 291 294 297 299 303 307 311 315 331 353 375 379 383 387 389 393 397 405 411 417 421 425 431 435 439 453 459 485 491
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:236
Symbol 236 MovieClipUses:235Used by:241 278 289 297 303 311 331 353 375 379 387 393 421 435 453 485
Symbol 237 GraphicUsed by:238
Symbol 238 MovieClipUses:237Used by:241 278 289 297 303 311 331 353 375 379 387 393 421 435 453 485
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:240
Symbol 240 MovieClipUses:239Used by:241 278 289 297 303 311 331 353 375 379 387 393 421 435 453 485
Symbol 241 MovieClipUses:232 234 236 238 240Used by:503
Symbol 242 GraphicUsed by:245
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:244
Symbol 244 MovieClipUses:243Used by:245 282 489 495
Symbol 245 MovieClipUses:242 244Used by:503
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:246Used by:503
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:249
Symbol 249 MovieClipUses:248Used by:252
Symbol 250 GraphicUsed by:251
Symbol 251 MovieClipUses:250Used by:252 278 288 291 294 297 299 303 307 311 315 383 387 389 393 397 405 411 417 421 425 431 435 439 453 459 485 491
Symbol 252 MovieClipUses:249 251 234Used by:503
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:254
Symbol 254 MovieClipUses:253Used by:503
Symbol 255 GraphicUsed by:496 503
Symbol 256 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:260
Symbol 258 GraphicUsed by:259
Symbol 259 MovieClipUses:258Used by:260
Symbol 260 MovieClipUses:257 259Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClipUses:261Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:264
Symbol 264 MovieClipUses:263Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 265 GraphicUsed by:266
Symbol 266 MovieClipUses:265Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 267 GraphicUsed by:268
Symbol 268 MovieClipUses:267Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:269Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:272
Symbol 272 MovieClipUses:271Used by:498 500 503
Symbol 273 GraphicUsed by:274
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Symbol 276 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 277 GraphicUsed by:278
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Symbol 283 GraphicUsed by:284
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Symbol 285 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 286 GraphicUsed by:289
Symbol 287 GraphicUsed by:288
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Symbol 292 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 293 GraphicUsed by:294
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Symbol 295 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 296 GraphicUsed by:297
Symbol 297 MovieClipUses:296 251 234 236 238 240Used by:503
Symbol 298 GraphicUsed by:299
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Symbol 300 GraphicUsed by:301
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Symbol 302 GraphicUsed by:303
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Symbol 304 GraphicUsed by:305
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Symbol 306 GraphicUsed by:307
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Symbol 308 GraphicUsed by:309
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Symbol 310 GraphicUsed by:311
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Symbol 314 GraphicUsed by:315
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Symbol 316 GraphicUsed by:317
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Symbol 318 GraphicUsed by:319
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Symbol 320 GraphicUsed by:321
Symbol 321 MovieClipUses:320Used by:503
Symbol 322 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 323 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 324 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 325 GraphicUsed by:326
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Symbol 329 GraphicUsed by:469 503
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Symbol 334 GraphicUsed by:335
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Symbol 336 MovieClipUses:335Used by:337
Symbol 337 MovieClipUses:336Used by:338 339
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Symbol 339 MovieClipUses:337Used by:503
Symbol 340 GraphicUsed by:341
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Symbol 342 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 343 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 344 GraphicUsed by:347
Symbol 345 GraphicUsed by:347
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Symbol 350 GraphicUsed by:351
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Symbol 352 GraphicUsed by:353
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Symbol 356 GraphicUsed by:357
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Symbol 358 GraphicUsed by:359
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Symbol 361 MovieClipUses:360Used by:503
Symbol 362 GraphicUsed by:363
Symbol 363 MovieClipUses:362Used by:503
Symbol 364 GraphicUsed by:365
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Symbol 366 GraphicUsed by:367
Symbol 367 MovieClipUses:366Used by:503
Symbol 368 GraphicUsed by:369
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Symbol 372 GraphicUsed by:373
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Symbol 374 GraphicUsed by:375
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Symbol 378 GraphicUsed by:379
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Symbol 382 GraphicUsed by:383
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Symbol 384 GraphicUsed by:385
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Symbol 386 GraphicUsed by:387
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Symbol 396 GraphicUsed by:397
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Symbol 400 GraphicUsed by:401
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Symbol 412 GraphicUsed by:413
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Symbol 414 GraphicUsed by:415
Symbol 415 MovieClipUses:414Used by:503
Symbol 416 GraphicUsed by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClipUses:416 251 234Used by:503
Symbol 418 GraphicUsed by:419
Symbol 419 MovieClipUses:418Used by:503
Symbol 420 GraphicUsed by:421
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Symbol 422 GraphicUsed by:423
Symbol 423 MovieClipUses:422Used by:503
Symbol 424 GraphicUsed by:425
Symbol 425 MovieClipUses:424 251 234Used by:503
Symbol 426 GraphicUsed by:427
Symbol 427 MovieClipUses:426Used by:503
Symbol 428 GraphicUsed by:429
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Symbol 430 GraphicUsed by:431
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Symbol 432 GraphicUsed by:433
Symbol 433 MovieClipUses:432Used by:503
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Symbol 436 GraphicUsed by:437
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Symbol 438 GraphicUsed by:439
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Symbol 442 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 443 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 444 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 445 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 446 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 447 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 448 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 449 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 450 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 451 GraphicUsed by:503
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Symbol 456 GraphicUsed by:457
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Symbol 460 GraphicUsed by:461
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Symbol 463 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 464 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 465 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 466 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 467 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 468 GraphicUsed by:503
Symbol 469 MovieClipUses:329 187Used by:503
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Symbol 473 MovieClipUses:470 189 472 194Used by:503
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Symbol 475 MovieClipUses:474Used by:476 481 485 489 491 495 496 500
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Symbol 478 MovieClipUses:477Used by:503
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:481
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:481
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Symbol 482 MovieClipUses:481Used by:483
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Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:484 251 234 236 238 240 475Used by:503
Symbol 486 GraphicUsed by:487
Symbol 487 MovieClipUses:486Used by:503
Symbol 488 GraphicUsed by:489
Symbol 489 MovieClipUses:488 244 475Used by:503
Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:491
Symbol 491 MovieClipUses:490 251 234 475Used by:503
Symbol 492 GraphicUsed by:493
Symbol 493 MovieClipUses:492Used by:503
Symbol 494 GraphicUsed by:495
Symbol 495 MovieClipUses:494 244 475Used by:503
Symbol 496 MovieClipUses:255 187 475Used by:503
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Symbol 498 MovieClipUses:497 260 262 264 266 268 270 272 274Used by:503
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Symbol 502 GraphicUsed by:503
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Symbol 506 GraphicUsed by:507
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Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:511
Symbol 511 MovieClipUses:510Used by:512
Symbol 512 MovieClipUses:507 509 511Used by:520
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Symbol 519 MovieClipUses:514 516 518Used by:520
Symbol 520 MovieClipUses:505 512 519Used by:521
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Symbol 542 GraphicUsed by:543
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Symbol 549 GraphicUsed by:550
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Symbol 825 TextUses:570Used by:828 871
Symbol 826 TextUses:570Used by:828 871
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Symbol 832 MovieClipUses:563Used by:833
Symbol 833 MovieClipUses:536 786 787 541 789 791 796 798 799 800 803 806 830 831 832Used by:Timeline
Symbol 834 GraphicUsed by:835
Symbol 835 ButtonUses:834Used by:836
Symbol 836 MovieClipUses:835Used by:838
Symbol 837 GraphicUsed by:838
Symbol 838 MovieClipUses:836 837Used by:843 880
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Symbol 840 ButtonUses:660 166Used by:843 880
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Symbol 845 EditableTextUses:596Used by:Timeline
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Symbol 848 MovieClipUses:539Used by:855 874 877
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Symbol 850 MovieClipUses:849Used by:877
Symbol 851 MovieClipUses:545Used by:852
Symbol 852 MovieClipUses:544 851Used by:877
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Symbol 854 GraphicUsed by:855
Symbol 855 MovieClipUses:854 848Used by:856
Symbol 856 MovieClipUses:855Used by:857
Symbol 857 MovieClipUses:853 856Used by:877
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Symbol 859 MovieClipUses:858Used by:877
Symbol 860 MovieClipUses:555Used by:877
Symbol 861 GraphicUsed by:877
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Symbol 863 GraphicUses:862Used by:864
Symbol 864 MovieClipUses:863Used by:877
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Symbol 866 GraphicUses:865Used by:867
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Instance Names

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Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access network only, Metadata not present, AS3.


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Created: 10/3 -2019 09:50:17 Last modified: 10/3 -2019 09:50:17 Server time: 18/01 -2025 06:19:26