Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #115817

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function preloadSite() { var siteLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); var siteTotal = _root.getBytesTotal(); var percentage = Math.round((siteLoaded / siteTotal) * 100); redloadingbar_mc._xscale = percentage; percent_text.text = percentage + '%'; if (siteLoaded >= siteTotal || loaded) { if (lfade >= 100) { clearInterval(loadingCall); fade = 100; gotoAndStop(2); return undefined; } else { loaded = 1; lfade += 10; if (lfade >= 100) { lfade = 100; } sheet_mc._alpha = lfade; } } } stop(); loadingbar_mc._xscale = 1; webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(1); var loadingCall = setInterval(preloadSite, 50); sheet_mc._x = 360; sheet_mc._y = 288; sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(1); sheet_mc.swapDepths(33333); lfade = 0; sheet_mc._alpha = 0; loaded = 0; } frame 1 { function doscene() { if (scene == 0) { doscene0(); } else { if (scene == 1) { doscene1(); } else { if (scene == 2) { doscene2(); } else { if (scene == 3) { doscene3(); } else { if (scene == 4) { doscene4(); } else { if (scene == 5) { doscene5(); } else { if (scene == 6) { doscene6(); } else { if (scene == 7) { doscene7(); } else { if (scene == 8) { doscene8(); } else { if (scene == 9) { doscene9(); } else { if (scene == 10) { doscene10(); } else { if (scene == 11) { doscene11(); } else { if (scene == 12) { doscene12(); } else { if (scene == 13) { doscene13(); } else { if (scene == 14) { doscene14(); } else { if (scene == 15) { doscene15(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } domover(); } function domon() { if (!debug) { mon0_mc.swapDepths(-10503); mon0_mc._x = -10000; return undefined; } mon0_mc.mon0_txt.text = mon0 + '\r' + mon1 + '\r' + mon2 + '\r' + mon3 + '\r' + mon4 + '\r' + mon5 + '\r' + mon6 + '\r' + mon7; mon0_mc._x = 210; mon0_mc.swapDepths(34902); } function drawCircle(cx, cy, r) { with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { var c1 = r * 0.4142135623730952; var c2 = r * Math.SQRT2 / 2; beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(cx + r, cy); curveTo(cx + r, cy + c1, cx + c2, cy + c2); curveTo(cx + c1, cy + r, cx, cy + r); curveTo(cx - c1, cy + r, cx - c2, cy + c2); curveTo(cx - r, cy + c1, cx - r, cy); curveTo(cx - r, cy - c1, cx - c2, cy - c2); curveTo(cx - c1, cy - r, cx, cy - r); curveTo(cx + c1, cy - r, cx + c2, cy - c2); curveTo(cx + r, cy - c1, cx + r, cy); endFill(); } } function say(windex, narrow, forcex, forcey) { ssay = windex; forcebuboff = 0; if (narrow == undefined) { narrow = 0; } i = windex * 4; savwordindex = i; if (language == 0) { words = English[i]; type = English[i + 1]; bubx = English[i + 2]; buby = English[i + 3]; } else { if (language == 1) { words = German[i]; type = German[i + 1]; bubx = German[i + 2]; buby = German[i + 3]; } else { if (language == 2) { words = French[i]; type = French[i + 1]; bubx = French[i + 2]; buby = French[i + 3]; } else { if (language == 3) { words = Italian[i]; type = Italian[i + 1]; bubx = Italian[i + 2]; buby = Italian[i + 3]; } } } } if (forcex != undefined && forcey != undefined) { bubx = forcex; buby = forcey; } if (bubx == 0 && buby == 0) { bubx = savbubx; buby = savbuby; } savbubx = bubx; savbuby = buby; strlen = words.length; if (type < 0) { return undefined; } speaking = 1; if (type == 11) { tmread = 0; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloon', 200); _root.twordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloonGraphic', 201); } else { _root.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloon', 32222); _root.wordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloonGraphic', 32223); } rolledon = 0; rolledoff = 0; _root.wordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (rolledoff > 10) { rolledon = 1; } } else { ++rolledoff; } }; trolledon = 0; trolledoff = 0; _root.twordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (trolledoff > 10) { trolledon = 1; tmread = 1; } } else { ++trolledoff; } }; if (type == 11) { tballoonFormat = new TextFormat(); if (fadefont) { tballoonFormat.font = 'arialfont'; tballoonFormat.size = 14; } else { tballoonFormat.font = 'Arial'; tballoonFormat.size = 12; } tballoonFormat.color = 0; tballoonFormat.align = 'center'; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75); _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true; if (fadefont) { _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true; } _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.setTextFormat(tballoonFormat); bTxtW = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width; bTxtH = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; with (_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); if (type == 11) { lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100); } else { lineStyle(2, 0, 100); } moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { balloonFormat = new TextFormat(); if (fadefont) { balloonFormat.font = 'arialfont'; balloonFormat.size = 14; } else { balloonFormat.font = 'Arial'; balloonFormat.size = 12; } balloonFormat.color = 0; balloonFormat.align = 'center'; if (narrow == -1) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 180, 100); } else { if (narrow == 2) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 80, 100); } else { if (narrow == 1) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 120, 100); } else { if (narrow == 1.5) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 95, 100); } else { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75); } } } } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true; if (fadefont) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.setTextFormat(balloonFormat); bTxtW = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width; bTxtH = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height; if (type >= 4 && type < 100) { if (type == 4) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); } else { if (type == 5) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); } else { if (type >= 10) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; } } } with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); if (type == 11) { lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100); } else { lineStyle(2, 0, 100); } moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } if (type == 4) { r = 3; cx = -1; cy = bTxtH + 30; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 4; cx = 5; cy = bTxtH + 24; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 5; cx = 10; cy = bTxtH + 16; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); } else { if (type == 5) { r = 3; cx = 1 + (bTxtW + 10); cy = bTxtH + 30; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 4; cx = -5 + (bTxtW + 10); cy = bTxtH + 24; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 5; cx = -10 + (bTxtW + 10); cy = bTxtH + 16; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); } } } else { if (type == 3) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx + 20; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 18); curveTo(-10, 20, -20, 0); curveTo(-10, 10, 0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { if (type == 2) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 30); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 10, bTxtW + 30, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 20, bTxtW + 10, 18); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { if (type == 111) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 40, bTxtH + 40); curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { if (type == 1) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 30); curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { ost = buby - (bTxtH + 30); if (ost < 0) { buby -= ost - 2; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(20, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(15, bTxtH + 20, 0, bTxtH + 30); curveTo(10, bTxtH + 20, 10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } } } } } balpha = 0; bfade = 20; extratime = strlen; ububtime = bubtime + extratime; } } function dofade() { do_fsprites(); if (bfade > 0) { balpha += bfade; if (balpha >= 100) { balpha = 100; bfade = 0; bubtimer = ububtime; bubtimer = 5; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; } else { if (bfade < 0) { balpha += bfade; if (balpha <= 0) { balpha = 0; bfade = 0; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000; speaking = 0; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; } } if (bubtimer > 0) { --bubtimer; if (bubtimer <= 0) { bubtimer = 0; } } if (bfade == 0 && bubtimer == 0 && (rolledon || forcebuboff)) { bfade = -20; } if (fadespeed < 0) { fade += fadespeed; if (fade <= 0) { fade = 0; fadespeed = 0; } sheet_mc._alpha = fade; sheet_mc.swapDepths(33333); } else { if (fadespeed > 0) { fade += fadespeed; if (fade >= 100) { fade = 100; fadespeed = 0; } sheet_mc._alpha = fade; if (fade <= 0) { sheet_mc.swapDepths(-33333); } } } } function startfadeout() { fadingout = 1; fadespeed = 2; sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } function startfadeoutwhite() { fadingout = 1; fadespeed = 0.5; sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } function startfadein() { fadingout = 0; fadespeed = -2; } function hideall(flag) { heart_mc._alpha = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; webmasters_mc._alpha = 0; webmasters_mc._x = -10000; webmasters_shad_mc._x = -10000; startbutton_mc._x = -10000; webmasters_mc.swapDepths(-10500); webmasters_shad_mc.swapDepths(-10501); startbutton_mc.swapDepths(-10502); flag1_mc.swapDepths(-10513); flag2_mc.swapDepths(-10514); flag3_mc.swapDepths(-10515); flag4_mc.swapDepths(-10516); vinebutton_mc.swapDepths(-10517); vinebutton2_mc.swapDepths(-10518); mon6 = ''; mon5 = ''; mon4 = ''; mon3 = ''; mon2 = ''; mon1 = ''; mon0 = ''; if (flag == 2) { } else { stoploop(); } oldmousex = mousex; adjy = 0; adjx = 0; attacharrow = 0; attach = 0; arrowcursor = 0; arrowx = -10000; arrow_mc._x = arrowx; arrow_mc.swapDepths(-10518); arrow2_mc.swapDepths(-10519); mouse_mc.swapDepths(-10521); mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(6); hidesprites(); bg1_mc._x = -10000; bg2_mc._x = -10000; bg3_mc._x = -10000; bg4_mc._x = -10000; bg1_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg3_mc._xscale = 100; bg4_mc._xscale = 100; bg1_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg3_mc._yscale = 100; bg4_mc._yscale = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; bg1_mc.swapDepths(-10100); bg2_mc.swapDepths(-10101); bg3_mc.swapDepths(-10102); bg4_mc.swapDepths(-10103); } function killsprites() { hidesprites(); } function hidesprites() { gothot = 0; i = 0; while (i < totalsprites) { fs_changing[i] = -1; fs_frame[i] = 0; fs_alpha[i] = 100; ii = i; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._xscale = 100; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._yscale = 100; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._rotation = 0; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2); _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i); if (i < 20) { _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 0; _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(9); _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10050 - i); } ++i; } } function startarrow(arx, ary, ardir) { if (bjphase == arrowphase) { return undefined; } arrowphase = bjphase; arrowangle = ardir * 90; arrowx = arx; arrowy = ary; arrowtype = 1; arrowalpha = 0; arrowblink = 0; arrowtime = 200; autopilot = 2; } function killarrow() { arrowtype = 0; arrowphase = -1; arrow_mc._x = -10000; autopilot = 0; } function doarrow() { if (arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime) { --arrowtime; } seearrow = 0; if (Key.isDown(72) && hint) { seearrow = 2; } else { if (Key.isDown(72) || arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime == 0) { seearrow = 1; } } if (swoosh) { doswoosh_arrow(); } if (autopilot != oautopilot && autopilot > 1) { } oautopilot = autopilot; if (autopilot && !seearrow) { if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) { arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; arrow2_mc._xscale = 100; aindex = 0; extra = 0; t = rnd(100); if (t <= 33) { d = -1; } else { if (t >= 66) { d = 1; } else { d = 0; } } tautoangle += d; if (tautoangle > 9) { tautoangle = 9; } if (tautoangle < -9) { tautoangle = -9; } dx = tautoangle - autoangle; autoangle += dx / 6; } else { if (autopilot == 2) { extra = 3; aindex = 3; if (finddir > 0) { autoangle += 0.5; if (autoangle >= 9) { finddir = -1; } } else { autoangle -= 0.5; if (autoangle <= -9) { finddir = 1; } } } else { if (autopilot == 3) { aindex = 6; extra = 4; t = rnd(100); if (t <= 33) { d = -1; } else { if (t >= 66) { d = 1; } else { d = 0; } } tautoangle += d; if (tautoangle > 9) { tautoangle = 9; } if (tautoangle < -9) { tautoangle = -9; } dx = tautoangle - autoangle; autoangle += dx / 6; } else { if (autopilot == 4) { aindex = 9; extra = 4; t = rnd(100); if (t <= 33) { d = -1; } else { if (t >= 66) { d = 1; } else { d = 0; } } tautoangle += d; if (tautoangle > 9) { tautoangle = 9; } if (tautoangle < -9) { tautoangle = -9; } dx = tautoangle - autoangle; autoangle += dx / 6; } else { if (autopilot == 5) { aindex = 12; extra = 0; autoangle = -45; } else { if (autopilot == 6 || autopilot == 8) { aindex = 15; extra = 0; autoangle = -45; } else { if (autopilot == 7) { aindex = 18; extra = 0; autoangle = -45; } } } } } } } if (showleft) { arrow_mc._x = -48 + showleft; } else { arrow_mc._x = 609 - extra; } if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) { arrow_mc._y = 477; } else { if (autopilot == 3) { arrow_mc._y = 482; } else { arrow_mc._y = 457; } } arrow_mc._y -= showhigh * 445; if (autopilot == 1.1) { arrow_mc._alpha = 0; } else { arrow_mc._alpha = 100; } arrow_mc._rotation = 45 + autoangle; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(28 + aindex); arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); if (autopilot == 5) { arrow_mc._yscale = ptasks * 400; arrow_mc._y = 500; } else { arrow_mc._yscale = 100; } atext = 0; if (showhigh) { if (mousex >= 650 && mousey <= 30) { atext = 1; if (language == 1) { atext = 31; } } } else { if (mousex >= 650 && mousey >= 510) { atext = 1; if (language == 1) { atext = 31; } } } if (autopilot == 8) { arrow_mc._x = -50; arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x; heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x; arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y; heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.gotoAndStop(80); heart_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(20008); arrow2_mc._alpha = powerbarsize; arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(54); arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(55); mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize; hearta = powerbarsize * 10; if (hearta > 100) { hearta = 100; } heart_mc._alpha = hearta; heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y - 100; heart_mc._y += (pokemax - 90) * 1.5; arrow2_mc._xscale = mpowerbarsize; arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize; arrow2_mc._y -= powerbarsize / 2; arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); if (powerbarcolor < 0) { arrow2_mc._x = -10000; arrow_mc._x = -10000; } arrow_mc._x = -10000; } else { if (autopilot == 6) { if (ssay == 696.1) { bfpowerbarpos(); } else { if (powerbarside > 0) { arrow_mc._x = 40; } } arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x; heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x; arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y; heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.gotoAndStop(80); heart_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(20008); if (atext) { if (hint) { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(46); } else { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex); } arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; } else { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(51 + powerbarcolor); mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize; if (mpowerbarsize > 100) { hearta = (mpowerbarsize - 100) * 10; heart_mc._alpha = hearta; mpowerbarsize = 100; } else { heart_mc._alpha = 0; } arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize; } arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); if (powerbarcolor < 0) { arrow2_mc._x = -10000; arrow_mc._x = -10000; } } else { if (autopilot == 5) { arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x; arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; if (atext) { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex); arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; } else { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(50); arrow2_mc._yscale = ptasksdone * 400; } arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); heart_mc._alpha = 0; } else { arrow2_mc._x = 609 - extra * 2; arrow2_mc._y = 502 - showhigh * 445; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex); arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; heart_mc._alpha = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(-20008); } } } arrow_mc._x += 80; arrow_mc._y += 54; heart_mc._x += 80; heart_mc._y += 54; arrow2_mc._x += 80; arrow2_mc._y += 54; return undefined; } arrow2_mc.swapDepths(-20004); arrow2_mc._x = -10000; heart_mc._alpha = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(-20008); if (seearrow == 2) { if (arrowalpha < 100) { arrowalpha += 5; } arrow_mc._x = hintx; arrow_mc._y = hinty; arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha; arrow_mc._rotation = hintangle; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor); arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); } else { if (arrowtype == 0) { arrow_mc._x = -10000; } else { if (arrowtype == 1) { if (Key.isDown(72) && arrowtime) { arrowtime = 0; } if (onhot) { arrowtime = 100; } if (arrowtime) { return undefined; } if (arrowblink == 0) { hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5; if (arrowalpha < 100) { arrowalpha += 5; } else { arrowblink = 1; } if (!onhot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5; } } else { if (arrowalpha > 0) { arrowalpha -= 5; --hotspot_mc._alpha; } else { arrowblink = 0; arrowtime = 100; } if (!onhot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5; } } arrow_mc._x = arrowx; arrow_mc._y = arrowy; arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha; arrow_mc._rotation = arrowangle; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor); arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); } } } } function doswoosh_arrow() { swoosh += 20; if (swoosh >= 180) { swoosh = 180; } if (swoosh < 90) { if (swalpha < 60) { swalpha += 20; } else { swalpha = 100; } } else { if (swoosh >= 90) { swalpha -= 20; hidemouse = 0; } } if (swalpha <= 0) { swalpha = 0; swoosh = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; return undefined; } if (ssay == 566) { swooshadd += (sine(swoosh) + 1) * (3 + fadjy); } else { swooshadd += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (3 + fadjy); } swoosha += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (4 + fadjx); if (swooshdir == 0) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx; swooshy -= swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy; } else { if (swooshdir == 1) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx + swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy; } else { if (swooshdir == 2) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx; mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd; } else { if (swooshdir == 3) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy; } else { mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd; } } } } mouse_mc.swapDepths(20007); mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(2); mouse_mc._alpha = swalpha; if (swooshdir == 7) { mouse_mc._rotation = 135; } else { mouse_mc._rotation = (swooshdir - 1) * 90; } } function sethotspot(xpos, ypos, wid, hit, dir) { startarrow(xpos, ypos, dir); hotdir = dir * 90; hotspot_mc._x = xpos; hotspot_mc._y = ypos; hotspot_mc._height = hit; hotspot_mc._width = wid; hotspot_mc.gotoAndStop(1); hotspot_mc.swapDepths(20002); if (!gothot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; } gothot = 1; } function killhotspot() { gothot = 0; onhot = 0; hidemouse = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; killarrow(); } function doshowpause() { pop_mc._x = 360; pop_mc._y = 400; if (pausing == 8) { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(pausing); flag4_mc._alpha = 0; flag3_mc._alpha = 0; flag2_mc._alpha = 0; flag1_mc._alpha = 0; pop_mc.swapDepths(25559); return undefined; } else { if (pausing >= 9) { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(pausing); } else { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(17); } } pop_mc.swapDepths(25559); if (language == 3) { pop_mc.txt.text = Italian[4]; } else { if (language == 2) { pop_mc.txt.text = French[4]; } else { if (language == 0) { pop_mc.txt.text = English[4]; } else { pop_mc.txt.text = German[4]; } } } sp = 64; cmousex = mousex - 360; cmousey = mousey - 240; tx = floor((cmousex + 192) / 64); ty = cmousey - 171; if (tx >= 0 && tx < 6 && ty >= 0 && ty < 40) { flag = tx; } else { flag = -1; } flag1_mc._x = 200; flag1_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(25560); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (flag == 0) { flag1_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag1_mc._alpha = 50; } flag2_mc._x = 200 + sp * 1 + fadjx; flag2_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag2_mc.swapDepths(25561); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (flag == 1) { flag2_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag2_mc._alpha = 50; } flag3_mc._x = 200 + sp * 2 + fadjx; flag3_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag3_mc.swapDepths(25562); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(3); if (flag == 2) { flag3_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag3_mc._alpha = 50; } if (pausing == 9) { flag4_mc._alpha = 0; flag3_mc._alpha = 0; flag2_mc._alpha = 0; flag1_mc._alpha = 0; } flag1_mc._yscale = 100; flag1_mc._xscale = 100; flag2_mc._yscale = 100; flag2_mc._xscale = 100; flag3_mc._yscale = 100; flag3_mc._xscale = 100; flag4_mc._yscale = 100; flag4_mc._xscale = 100; if (flag == 0) { pop_mc.txt.text = 'English'; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else { if (flag == 1) { pop_mc.txt.text = 'Deutsch'; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else { if (flag == 2) { pop_mc.txt.text = 'Français'; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } } } } function dolanguagebutton() { fxadj = -81 + zadjx; uggadj = 40 + wadjx; uggadjy = -8 + wadjy; if (mousex >= 272 + fxadj + uggadj && mousex <= 397 + fxadj + uggadj && mousey >= 554 + uggadjy) { flag1_mc._x = 360; flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(27019); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag1_mc._alpha = 100; flag1_mc._xscale = 100; flag1_mc._yscale = 100; flag4_mc._alpha = 0; flag3_mc._alpha = 0; flag2_mc._alpha = 0; if (buttonpress) { seenpause = 1; pausing = 1; } return undefined; } sp = 32; lbx = 328 + fxadj; flag1_mc._x = lbx; flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(25560); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); flag1_mc._alpha = 100; flag1_mc._xscale = 50; flag1_mc._yscale = 50; flag2_mc._x = lbx + sp * 1; flag2_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag2_mc.swapDepths(25561); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); flag2_mc._alpha = 100; flag2_mc._xscale = 50; flag2_mc._yscale = 50; flag3_mc._x = lbx + sp * 2; flag3_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag3_mc.swapDepths(25562); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(3); flag3_mc._alpha = 100; flag3_mc._xscale = 50; flag3_mc._yscale = 50; } function resay() { if (speaking) { say(savwordindex / 4, savbubx, savbuby); } } function domover() { if (!backmove) { if (mover < moverd) { mvspd = 100 / movertime; mover += mvspd; } else { mover = moverd; } } else { if (mover > 0) { mvspd = 100 / movertime; mover -= mvspd; } else { backmove = 0; moverd = 0; mover = 0; } } if (!mbackmove) { if (mmover < mmoverd) { mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime; mmover += mmvspd; } else { mmover = mmoverd; } } else { if (mmover > 0) { mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime; mmover -= mmvspd; } else { mbackmove = 0; mmoverd = 0; mmover = 0; } } mang = mover * 1.8; m100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2; mang = mmover * 1.8; mm100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2; } function dopop() { if (!buttonpress) { plinkrel = 1; } if (showpop) { if (mousey > 515 && mousex > 582) { showpoptype = 4; } else { showpoptype = 10; } if (showpoptype == 10) { pop_mc._x = 646; pop_mc._y = 538; } else { pop_mc._x = 610; pop_mc._y = 516; if (buttonpress && plinkrel) { getURL('', '_blank'); plinkrel = 0; } if (!buttonpress) { plinkrel = 1; } } pop_mc.gotoAndStop(showpoptype); pop_mc.swapDepths(25608); } else { pop_mc._x = -10000; } } function do_powerbar() { dopowerbar(); } function dopowerbar() { h100 = (horny + surge) / 100; powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (dosurge) { if (surge < 12 * dosurge) { surge += dosurge; } else { dosurge = 0; } } else { if (surge) { surge -= 0.5; } } sinehorny = sine(horny * 0.9) * 100; } function do_fsprites() { i = 0; while (i < totalsprites) { i1 = i + 1; if (fs_changing[i] > 0) { tfs = fs_fadestep[i]; if (fs_alpha[i + 1] < 100) { fs_alpha[i1] += tfs; if (fs_alpha[i1] >= 100) { fs_alpha[i1] = 100; fs_alpha[i] = 100 - tfs; } } else { if (fs_alpha[i] > 0) { fs_alpha[i] -= tfs; if (fs_alpha[i] <= 0) { fs_alpha[i] = 100; fs_frame[i] = fs_frame[i + 1]; fs_alpha[i + 1] = 0; fs_frame[i + 1] = 5; fs_changing[i] = 0; } } } _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i]; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i]); _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i1]; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i1]); _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._x = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._y = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._y; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._rotation = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._xscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._yscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale; } ++i; } } function fsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys, fadestep) { if (wspritea == undefined) { wspritea = 100; } if (wspritexs == undefined) { wspritexs = 100; } if (wspriteys == undefined) { wspriteys = 100; } if (fadestep == undefined) { fadestep = 25; } fs_fadestep[wspritei] = fadestep; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez); _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys; i = wspritei; i1 = i + 1; if (fadestep >= 100) { fs_changing[i] = 0; fs_frame[i] = wspritef; fs_alpha[i] = wspritea; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0; } else { if (fs_changing[i] > 0) { } else { if (fs_changing[i] < 0) { fs_changing[i] = 0; fs_frame[i] = wspritef; fs_alpha[i] = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0; } else { if (wspritef != fs_frame[i]) { fs_changing[i] = 1; fs_alpha[i] = 100; fs_frame[i1] = wspritef; fs_alpha[i1] = 0; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez + 1); } } } } } function wsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys) { if (wspritea == undefined) { wspritea = 100; } if (wspritexs == undefined) { wspritexs = 100; } if (wspriteys == undefined) { wspriteys = 100; } _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez); _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef); _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._alpha = wspritea; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys; } function wsperm(wspermi, wspermx, wspermy, wspermz, wspermr, wspermf, wsperma, wspermxs, wspermys) { if (wsperma == undefined) { wsperma = 100; } if (wspermxs == undefined) { wspermxs = 100; } if (wspermys == undefined) { wspermys = 100; } _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._x = wspermx; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._y = wspermy; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspermz); _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._rotation = wspermr; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspermf); _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._alpha = wsperma; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._xscale = wspermxs; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._yscale = wspermys; } function isnan(a) { if (a <= 0 || a >= 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function sine(deg) { rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; return Math.sin(rad); } function cosine(deg) { rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; return Math.cos(rad); } function rad2deg(rad) { deg = rad * 180 / Math.PI; return deg; } function deg2rad(deg) { rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; return rad; } function abs(n) { return Math.abs(n); } function floor(n) { return Math.floor(n); } function rnd(range) { r = floor(Math.random() * range); return r; } function rnd1() { r = rnd(65536); if (r < 32768) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function finddistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); return distance; } function dokeys() { if (!Key.isDown(27)) { escrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(27) && escrel) { escrel = 0; balpha = 0; bfade = 0; bubtimer = 0; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; fadespeed = 0; fadingout = 0; scenestarted = 0; } if (!Key.isDown(68)) { drel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(68) && drel && allowdebug && !pausing) { if (debug) { debug = 0; } else { debug = 1; } drel = 0; } if (!Key.isDown(83)) { srel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(83) && srel && (secretunlocked || debug || allowsceneswitch) && !pausing) { if (showpop) { showpop = 0; } if (showpoptype == 10) { showpoptype = 2; } fadingout = 0; fadespeed = 0; fade = 0; sheet_mc._alpha = fade; sheet_mc.swapDepths(-33333); srel = 0; hideall(); ++scene; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 0; } balpha = 0; bfade = 0; bubtimer = 0; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; fadespeed = 0; fadingout = 0; scenestarted = 0; stopsounds(); } if (debug) { if (Key.isDown(87)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++wadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --wadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --wadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++wadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(90)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++zadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --zadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --zadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++zadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(70)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++fadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --fadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --fadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++fadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(71)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++gadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --gadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --gadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++gadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++qadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --qadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --qadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++qadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++adjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --adjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --adjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++adjy; } } else { if (Key.isDown(66)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++vscale; xscroll += qadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --vscale; xscroll -= qadjx; } } else { if (Key.isDown(67)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { xscroll += 5; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { xscroll -= 5; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --yscroll; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++yscroll; } } } } } if (!teaser) { kk = Key.getCode(); if (keyseq == 0 && kk == 66) { keyseq = 1; } else { if (keyseq == 1) { if (kk == 66) { } else { if (kk == 73) { keyseq = 2; rkeyrel = 0; } else { keyseq = 0; } } } else { if (keyseq == 2) { if (kk == 73) { } else { if (kk == 78) { keyseq = 3; } else { keyseq = 0; } } } else { if (keyseq == 3) { if (kk == 78) { } else { if (Key.isDown(68)) { secretunlocked = 1; debug = 0; allowdebug = 1; highestscene = 10; = 10; = 1; keyseq = 0; sayfile('chimes.wav', 30); pausing = 9; } else { if (kk != 66) { keyseq = 0; } } } } } } } } if (!teaser) { kk = Key.getCode(); if (dkeyseq == 0 && kk == 65) { dkeyseq = 1; } else { if (dkeyseq == 1) { if (kk == 65) { } else { if (kk == 75) { dkeyseq = 2; } else { dkeyseq = 0; } } } else { if (dkeyseq == 2) { if (kk == 75) { } else { if (kk == 73) { dkeyseq = 3; } else { dkeyseq = 0; } } } else { if (dkeyseq == 3) { if (kk == 73) { } else { if (kk == 75) { dkeyseq = 4; } else { dkeyseq = 0; } } } else { if (dkeyseq == 4) { if (kk == 75) { } else { if (Key.isDown(79)) { allowdebug = 1; keyseq = 0; sayfile('chimes.wav', 30); pausing = 25; debug = 1; } else { if (kk != 72) { keyseq = 0; } } } } } } } } } mon1 = 'a:' + adjx + ' ' + adjy + ' f:' + fadjx + ' ' + fadjy + ' g:' + gadjx + ' ' + gadjy + ' z:' + zadjx + ' ' + zadjy + ' q:' + qadjx + ' ' + qadjy + ' w:' + wadjx + ' ' + wadjy; } function calcFPS() { ++numFrames; now = getTimer(); elapsedSeconds = (now - startTime) / 1000; tfps = numFrames / elapsedSeconds; fpstab[fpsi] = tfps; ++fpsi; if (fpsi >= 4) { fpsi = 0; } fps = (fpstab[0] + fpstab[1] + fpstab[2] + fpstab[3]) / 4; if (fps >= 29.5) { fps = 30; } if (fps >= 30) { speedadj = 1; } else { speedadj = 1 + (30 - fps) / 10; } } function initfps() { startTime = getTimer(); numFrames = 0; fps = 30; speedadj = 1; } function sss(tshx, tshy, tshrad, telrad, tfpx, tfpy, facingr) { reach = telrad + tshrad; reach5 = reach - 1; dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(tshx - tfpx, tshy - tfpy)); if (dist2point >= reach5) { xadd = sine(ang2point) * reach5; yadd = -cosine(ang2point) * reach5; tfpx = tshx + xadd; tfpy = tshy + yadd; dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy); } point2arm = ang2point + 180; if (facingr) { a = tshrad; b = telrad; } else { a = telrad; b = tshrad; } c = dist2point; angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((b * b + c * c - a * a) / 2 * b * c)); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((a * a + c * c - b * b) / 2 * a * c)); if (facingr) { ugsha = ang2point + angleB; ugela = point2arm - angleA + 180; } else { ugsha = ang2point - angleA; ugela = point2arm + angleB + 180; } } teaser = 0; if (teaser) { version1 = 'Teaser version'; } else { version1 = '1.1 '; } teasertime = 0; tmybug = 0; allowsceneswitch = 0; credits = 0; if (teaser) { mybug = 0; blackpause = 0; allowdebug = 0; debug = 0; } else { mybug = 0; blackpause = 0; blankpause = 0; allowsceneswitch = 0; allowdebug = 0; debug = 0; scene = 0; } ssay = 0; phase = 0; scenes = 6; scenetext = ['title', 'hankbj', 'office', 'Becky\'s room', 'Farm scene', '', '']; if (debug) { seenpause = 1; } else { seenpause = 0; } rolls = 0; fadefont = 0; language = 0; goblack = 0; resumegame = 0; scenestarted = 0; time = 0; framerate = 20; pusooypop = 0; showpop = 0; pausing = 0; pauserel = 0; smdelay = 0; slomo = 0; wait = 0; games = 0; noisy = 0; highestscene = 0; keyseq = 0; dkeyseq = 0; gadjy = 0; gadjx = 0; fadjy = 0; fadjx = 0; adjy = 0; adjx = 0; qadjy = 0; qadjx = 0; zadjy = 0; zadjx = 0; wadjy = 0; wadjx = 0; fadespeed = -2; lickingtits = 0; balpha = 0; bubtime = 30; bubtimer = 0; time = 0; testbubble = -1; skippy = 0; totalsprites = 32; English = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Press the space bar again to continue playing.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'If you want a kiss, you\'ll have to get me a peach.', 0, 567, 350, 'There\'s a ripe one. See it?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You hit it too hard and smashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You let it fall and squashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'You caught it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hasn\'t done the kissing reward scene yet, so we\'ll just start all over for now.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hint: Next time press the W key to instantly pick up the stick.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Go ahead, look at it.', 0, 450, 138, 'You know you want to.', 2, 712, 14, 'There now. Take a good look.', 3, 487, 75, 'You\'re just so shy.', 3, 0, 0, 'That just really makes me go ape!', 3, 0, 0, 'It\'s getting all red!', 0, 388, 165, 'Is it blushing?', 0, 0, 0, 'Naw it ain\'t shy.', 2, 490, 105, 'It\'s just hot.', 2, 0, 0, 'It\'s red hot for you.', 2, 0, 0, 'You\'re just so cute!', 2, 450, 110, 'I almost can\'t stand it. Makes me feel like I\'m ready to explode!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh yes! Just like that!', 2, 455, 125, 'God yeah!', 2, 432, 21, 'I want you to suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'I want you to suck it till it cums.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it \'till the cream squirts.', 2, 431, 21, 'Cream?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'I want to fill your mouth with sweet love cream.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Yeah!', 2, 431, 21, 'That\'s a good girl.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suck me.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'But let\'s let this down first.', 3, 417, 92, 'You are just so sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Almost!', 2, 456, 12, 'Do it again. Make me cum.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! What a cute little pussy!', 2, 355, 93, 'I got to nail her tender little ass.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'How did I get stuck in this dreary little office doing paperwork?', 0, 337, 241, 'I\'m a salesman. I\'m supposed to be out there selling!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, to be back out travelling again.', 1, 300, 100, 'I been thinkin\' about it every day!', 2, 221, 283, 'You said that next time you wanted me to suck your... What did you call it?', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, isn\'t that what you said your real name is?', 1, 232, 194, 'Yes, but in the city, that\'s also what they call one of these.', 2, 415, 117, 'That\'s why I don\'t much like that name.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, okay. I won\'t call you that.', 2, 220, 376, 'I just couldn\'t forget that you wanted me to suck the milk out.', 2, 226, 175, 'Last time it squirted all over the place!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Here. Rub it like this.', 2, 484, 6, 'Like this?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Now put your lips on it.', 2, 534, 5, 'But keep stroking!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... Okay.', 0, 348, 137, 'Faster!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, I don’t like the new hired hand.', 0, 555, 205, 'He’s… \rHe looks at me funny.', 0, 0, 0, 'It makes me feel really creepy.', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh, well I’m sorry Becky. He’s a good worker and I really need him right now.', 1, 200, 115, 'Anyway it’s only temporary, just until the back forty is harvested.', 1, 0, 0, 'That creep is staring at me again!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Are they talking to me?', 4, 510, 260, 'Only my mother calls me that. Who else would be calling me Richard?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! It is you! I haven’t seen you since the 7th grade!', 0, 190, 110, 'You moved away.', 1, 490, 65, 'So, do they still call you Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'I have to admit I just don’t like that name. Sorry.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh no, I haven’t been Dick in… forever.', 0, 550, 160, 'My friends started calling me "Slick" and it stuck.', 0, 0, 0, 'Just don’t call me Richard. I really don’t like that. Sorry.', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'So, are you married?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, no. I did meet a girl the other day. We…', 1, 515, 200, 'Well I met a guy the other day too. What’s new? Are you engaged?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, no.', 1, 515, 200, 'I just remembered, I made a pie. You just have to try it! You’re off work aren’t you?', 0, 192, 230, 'I am too. Please! You just have to taste my cherry pie!', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay. You said the magic word.', 1, 540, 192, 'Pie!', 1, 0, 0, 'I seem to remember you being very small. You seem so much taller now!', 0, 280, 150, 'It’s the heels. I always wear very high heels. It fools a lot of people.', 1, 162, 136, 'Truth is, I’m still very tiny. Nothing’s changed.', 1, 0, 0, 'And your hair. It’s very different. You always wore it in pig tails.', 1, 0, 0, 'You liked it that way?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, so the little girl look really does it for you.', 1, 503, 168, 'More pie?', 1, 0, 0, 'Your pie is just so good! I can’t resist!', 0, 280, 150, 'I\'ll be right back.', 1, 520, 206, 'You like my hair better like this?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'I just couldn\'t find any little girl clothes.', 1, 525, 96, 'I hope this is okay.', 0, 445, 80, 'I want to be just perfect for you.', 0, 525, 106, 'You know, in school,', 0, 482, 139, 'I always had the biggest crush on you.', 0, 0, 0, 'And now all these years later,', 0, 520, 156, 'Here we are.', 0, 0, 0, 'It feels so good to have you so deep inside me,', 2, 214, 213, 'But I\'m so small it hurts when you go too deep.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Okay. Is this better?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm yes.\r Now grab my hair.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Now put your other hand on my back.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower!', 2, 0, 0, 'More, lower.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Yessss!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'It\'s okay. You can cum now.', 2, 178, 299, 'Come on. Pull my hair!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Let me get you a toothbrush. How about dark blue?', 3, 413, 235, 'There\'s already a dark blue one.', 2, 177, 188, 'Red?', 3, 413, 235, 'No good.', 2, 177, 188, 'I\'m running out of colors!', 3, 374, 234, 'What!? Do you think you\'re the only man in the world?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Damn! I need to go to the doctor!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penecillin?\r\r The clap?\r\r Me?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll those toothbrushes!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! I hate the city!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'That\'s it!\r\r I\'ve had it!\r\rI\'m getting out!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'I\'m quitting that stinking job and moving to the country!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Smells like heaven!', 0, 476, 161, 'I hope you like these soft velvet ropes. I got them just for you.', 0, 490, 130, 'This is so fine.', 1, 267, 145, 'So soft. So sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'It really makes me horny.', 1, 0, 0, 'But it\'s these pink panties I really want to see.', 1, 269, 110, 'Let\'s just get this out of the way.', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh yeah.', 2, 267, 167, 'We won\'t need this anymore.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'I\'ve never been this close to heaven.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Ever had one of these?', 0, 415, 96, 'Turn around.', 0, 428, 77, 'Let\'s try this new rigging.', 0, 531, 254, 'This takes the arms up.', 3, 498, 196, 'And now the legs.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, yes. This is just right.', 3, 270, 107, 'Now suck my balls.', 3, 385, 90, 'You were so good!', 2, 363, 102, 'I almost lost it there.', 2, 0, 0, 'There you go, just relax a little.', 3, 455, 152, 'I want to make some more adjustments to the rigging.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh yes!', 0, 299, 82, 'Let\'s try a little of this.', 0, 447, 98, 'No!', 0, 586, 141, 'Not yet!', 3, 482, 94, 'I\'ve waited long enough.', 3, 302, 189, 'I just want to fuck.', 3, 0, 0, 'Do you want it too?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh yeah, juicy as watermelon.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, my pink panties is missing.', 3, 200, 235, 'They was hangin\' right here on the clothesline, and just disappeared!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh not now Becky! We got a busted fence. Some of the livestock got out.', 1, 540, 164, 'We gotta go round \'em up right away.', 1, 0, 0, 'Where\'e that darn fool hired hand when you need him!', 0, 278, 130, 'He shouldn\'t oughta be in his room this time of day.', 3, 292, 190, 'What the hell you doin\' there boy!', 3, 302, 351, 'Is that there Becky\'s drawers you done violated?', 1, 200, 105, 'Y\'all better get on outta here boy, \'fore I lose my temper and run you through with this.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnd of part Two\rThe Hired Hand', 0, 320, 240, '\rSecret unlock code for part 2:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rGame design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench translation:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Special thanks\rto the Pusooy Mods\rfor help in game design', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; German = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Drücke die Abstandstaste um fortzufahren.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Wenn du einen Kuss willst, musst du mir was Besonderes bieten.', 0, 567, 350, 'Hier ist ein vollentwickelts Ding?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr beansprucht und so überfordert!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr benützt und damit kaputtgemacht!', 0, 0, 0, 'Du verstehst!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hat die Kuss-Belohnungsszene noch nicht fertiggestellt, daher wir werden jetzt von hier aus beginnen.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hinweis: Zunächst die W Taste drücken, um gleich den richtigen Einstieg zu bekommen.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Los, schau ihn dir an.', 0, 450, 138, 'Klar willst du\'s.', 2, 712, 14, 'Da ist er. Schau ihn dir genau an.', 3, 487, 75, 'Du bist aber auch zu zickig.', 3, 0, 0, 'Aber genau davon werde ich ganz affengeil!', 3, 0, 0, 'Der wird jetzt ganz rot!', 0, 388, 165, 'Schämt er sich?', 0, 0, 0, 'Nein, er schämt sich überhaupt nicht.', 2, 490, 105, 'Er wird aber feuerrot.', 2, 0, 0, 'Nur, weil er dich vögeln will.', 2, 0, 0, 'Du schaust aber so geil aus!', 2, 450, 110, 'Ich kann\'s schon fast nicht mehr halten. Ich spür\', mich zerreißt\'s gleich!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh ja! Genau so!!', 2, 455, 125, 'Mein Gott, ja!', 2, 432, 21, 'Blas\' mir einen!', 2, 431, 21, 'Was?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch\' ihn, bis ich abspritze.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ähh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Saug daran, bis meine Ladung herauskonnt.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ladung?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch jetzt!', 2, 431, 21, 'Mmmmmm...', 2, 210, 233, 'Ich mag in deinen Mund spritzen, bis er voll ist.', 2, 431, 21, 'Mhm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Jaaaaa!', 2, 431, 21, 'Braves Mädchen!', 3, 428, 84, 'Lutsch es raus!', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt \'runter damit!', 3, 417, 92, 'Du schaust so geil aus!', 2, 434, 23, 'Fast!', 2, 456, 12, 'Nochmal! Mach\'s mir noch einmal.', 2, 0, 0, 'Teufel! Was für hübsche kleine Möse!', 2, 355, 93, 'Ich nagle ihr kleines süßes Arschloch.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Warum muss ich in diesem faden kleinen Büro versauern und Papierkram erledigen?', 0, 337, 241, 'Ich bin ja Verkäufer. Ich sollte da draußen sein und verkaufen!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ach, wäre ich nur draußen und könnte wieder reisen!', 1, 300, 100, 'Ich muss jeden Tag daran denken!', 2, 221, 283, 'Du hast gesagt, das nächste Mal möchtest du, dass ich an deinem - wie hast du ihn genannt? - sauge.', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'He, so heißt du doch selber, das hast du mir gesagt?!', 1, 232, 194, 'Ja, aber in der Stadt nennen sie den auch so.', 2, 415, 117, 'Darum mag ich den Namen nicht so.', 2, 0, 0, 'Also gut, ich nenn\' dich halt nicht mehr so.', 2, 220, 376, 'Ich muss stängig dran denken, dass du wolltest, dass ich deine Milch haraussauge.', 2, 226, 175, 'Das letzte Mal ist es hier überall herumgespritzt!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Hier. Reib ihn genau so.', 2, 484, 6, 'So?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Jetzt nimm ihn in den Mund.', 2, 534, 5, 'Aber, hör nicht mit dem Reiben auf!', 2, 0, 0, 'Hmmm... Gut.', 0, 348, 137, 'Schneller!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Papa, Ich mag den neuen Knecht nicht.', 0, 555, 205, 'Er ist so… \rEr schaut mir er so schräg aus.', 0, 0, 0, 'Er macht mir richtig Angst.', 0, 0, 0, 'Na sowas! Blöd für dich, Becky. Aber er arbeitet gut und ich brauche ihn geade jetzt wirklich.', 1, 200, 115, 'Es ist aber nur für kurze Zeit, bis der hintere 40 Morgen-Acker abgeerntet ist.', 1, 0, 0, 'Der Kerl starrt mich schon wieder an!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Bin ich gemeint?', 4, 510, 260, 'Eigentlich nennt mich nur meine Mutter so. Wer sonst noch würde mich Richard nennen?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Ach du bist es! Ich habe dich seit der 7. Klasse nicht mehr gesehen!', 0, 190, 110, 'Du bist weggezogen.', 1, 490, 65, 'Nennen sie dich immer noch Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Ich gebe zu, dass ich leider diesen Namen nicht mag.', 1, 0, 0, 'Ich wurde nicht mehr Dick genannt seit...ewig.', 0, 550, 160, 'Meine Feunde fingen an, mich "Slick" zu nennen und das ist mir geblieben.', 0, 0, 0, 'Aber nenne mich nicht mehr Richard. Das will ich wirklich nicht. Entschuldige!', 0, 0, 0, 'Gut... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Also, bist du verheiratet?', 0, 390, 180, 'Ach nein. Ich habe ein Mädchen kennengelernt vor einiger Zeit. Wir..', 1, 515, 200, 'Schon gut, Ich habe auch vor Kurzem einen Burschen kennengelernt. Was gibt es Neues? Bist du in festen Händen?', 0, 145, 240, 'Aber nein.', 1, 515, 200, 'Da fällt mir ein, ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken. Den musst du kosten! Du hast jetzt Feierabend, oder?', 0, 192, 230, 'Ich auch. Bitte! Du musst unbedingt meinen Kirschenkuchen kosten!', 0, 0, 0, 'Na gut. Das war das Zauberwort!', 1, 540, 192, 'Kuchen!', 1, 0, 0, 'Soweit ich mich erinnere, warst du immer ziemlich klein. Jetzt siehst du viel größer aus!', 0, 280, 150, 'Das liegt an den Schuhen. Ich trage immer High-Heels. Das täuscht eine Menge Leute.', 1, 162, 136, 'In Wahrheit bin ich immer noch ziemlich klein. Daran hat sich nichts geändert.', 1, 0, 0, 'Und dein Haar. Das ist sehr anders. Du hattest es immer zu Schwänzchen gebunden.', 1, 0, 0, 'Hat es dir so gefallen?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, also, der Jungmädchenlook hat es dir richtig angetan.', 1, 503, 168, 'Noch Kuchen?', 1, 0, 0, 'Dein Kuchen ist sooo gut. Ich kann nicht widerstehen!', 0, 280, 150, 'Ich komme gleich wieder.', 1, 520, 206, 'Du findest mein Haar so besser?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Ich konnte aber keine Jungmädchenkleider finden.', 1, 525, 96, 'Ich hoffe, das ist so in Ordnung.', 0, 445, 80, 'Ich möchte für dich ganz perfekt sein.', 0, 525, 106, 'Kannst du dich an die Schule erinnern?', 0, 482, 139, 'Ich habe immer fürchterlich auf dich gestanden.', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt, so viele Jahre später,', 0, 520, 156, 'Sind wir also da.', 0, 0, 0, 'Das tut so gut, dich tief in mir zu spüren', 2, 214, 213, 'Aber ich bin so eng, da tut es weh, wenn du so tief eindringst.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Gut. Ist das so besser?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm ja!\r Jetzt zieh\' mich an den Haaren.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Jetzt drück\' mit der anderen Hand auf meinen Rücken.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer!', 2, 0, 0, 'Weiter, tiefer.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Jaaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Was?', 3, 525, 199, 'Ist schon in Ordnung. Du kannst jetzt abspritzen.', 2, 178, 299, 'Los. Zieh mich an den Haaren!', 2, 0, 0, 'Jaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, 'Lass mich dir eine Zahnbürste geben. Was ist mit einer dunkelblauen?', 3, 413, 235, 'Da ist ja schon eine dunkelblaue.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rot?', 3, 413, 235, 'Die nicht.', 2, 177, 188, 'Mir gehen die Farben aus!', 3, 374, 234, 'Wieso!? Glaubs du, dass du der einzige Mann auf der Welt bist?', 2, 275, 302, 'Uiiii! Verdammt! Ich muss zum Arzt gehen!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penizillin?\r\r Tripper?\r\r Ich?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll diese Zahnbürsten!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Ich hasse die Stadt!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Das war\'s!\r\r Schluss!\r\rIch muss hier raus!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Ich kündige den stinkigen Job und gehe aufs Land!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Riecht himmlisch!', 0, 476, 161, 'Ich hoffe, du magst diese weichen Samtfesseln. Ich habe sie extra für dich besorgt.', 0, 490, 130, 'Das ist so fein.', 1, 267, 145, 'So sanft. So geil.', 1, 267, 145, 'Das törnt mich richtig an.', 1, 0, 0, 'Aber es ist das rosa Höschen, das ich wirklich sehen will.', 1, 269, 110, 'Tun wir das jetzt weg!', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh ja.', 2, 267, 167, 'Wir brauchen das jetzt nicht mehr.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Ich war dem Himmel noch nie so nah.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Hast du sowas schon mal erlebt?', 0, 415, 96, 'Dreh dich um.', 0, 428, 77, 'Probieren wir diese neue Verschnürung aus.', 0, 531, 254, 'Das zieht die Arme hoch.', 3, 498, 196, 'Und jetzt die Beine.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ach ja. So ist es jetzt richtig.', 3, 270, 107, 'Jetzt lutsch mir die Eier.', 3, 385, 90, 'Gut so!', 2, 363, 102, 'Ich bin fast ausgeflippt.', 2, 0, 0, 'Das war gut, aber jetzt ruh\' dich etwas aus.', 3, 455, 152, 'Ich will die Fesseln noch mehr anpassen.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh ja!', 0, 299, 82, 'Probieren wir das ein bisschen aus.', 0, 447, 98, 'Nein!', 0, 586, 141, 'Noch nicht!', 3, 482, 94, 'Ich habe schon lange genug gewartet.', 3, 302, 189, 'Ich will dich jetzt vögeln!', 3, 0, 0, 'Willst du auch?', 0, 321, 129, 'Ja, schön! Saftig wie eine Wassermelone.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mein rosa Höschen fehlt.', 3, 200, 235, 'Das war genau hier auf der Wäscheleine und jetzt ist es weg!', 3, 0, 0, 'Nicht jetzt Becky! Unser Zaun ist aufgegangen. Das Vieh ist ausgebüchst.', 1, 540, 164, 'Wir müssen es sofort wieder einfangen.', 1, 0, 0, 'Wo ist denn der verdammt blöde Erntehelfer, wenn man ihn braucht!', 0, 278, 130, 'So früh sollte er sich nicht in sein Loch verzogen haben.', 3, 292, 190, 'Was zur Hölle tust du da, Junge!', 3, 302, 351, 'Ist das nicht Beckys Unterwäsche, die du da als Wichsvorlage genommen hast?', 1, 200, 105, '\'Raus da, Junge, bevor mir der Kragen platzt und ich dich mit der Mistgabel aufspieße.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnde von Teil 1\rDer Erntehelfer', 0, 320, 240, '\rGeheimcode zum Entsperren von Teil 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rSpielentwurf, Programmierung, Zeichnungen and Musik von\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Deutsche Übersetzung: Arnulf\rFranzösische Übersetzung: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Besonderen Dank\ran die Pusooy Moderatoren\rfür ihre Unterstützung beim Spielentwurf', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; French = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Pressez la barre d\'espacement pour continuer à jouer.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Si tu veux un baiser, il va falloir que tu m\'attrapes une pêche.', 0, 567, 350, 'Il y en a une mûre juste là. Tu la vois ?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Tu l\'as frappée trop fort et elle s\'est détruite!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! tu l\'as laissée tomber et elle s\'est écrasé!', 0, 0, 0, 'tu l\'as eue!', 0, 0, 0, ' Puso n\'a pas encore fait la scène du baiser maintenant, alors nous allons recommencer du début pour maintenant.', 1, 468, 345, 'Indice: La prochaine fois, pressez la touche W pour prendre immédiatement le bâton.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Allez, regarde-la.', 0, 450, 138, 'Tu sais que tu le veux.', 2, 712, 14, 'Voilà, regarde-la bien.', 3, 487, 75, 'Tu es si timide.', 3, 0, 0, 'Ça me rend fou!', 3, 0, 0, 'Il devient tout rouge!', 0, 388, 165, 'Est-il gêné?', 0, 0, 0, 'Non, ce n\'est pas gêné.', 2, 490, 105, 'Il est simplement excité.', 2, 0, 0, 'Il est rouge d\'excitation pour toi.', 2, 0, 0, 'Tu es si mignonne!', 2, 450, 110, 'Je ne peux presque pas me contenir. Je sens que je suis prêt à exploser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh oui! Juste comme ça!', 2, 455, 125, 'Oh Bon Dieu oui!', 2, 432, 21, 'Je veux que tu le suces!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Je veux que tu le suces jusqu\'à ce que je vienne.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le jusqu\'à ce que la crème jaillisse.', 2, 431, 21, 'La crème?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'Je veux te remplir la bouche de ma crème d\'amour.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Ouais!', 2, 431, 21, 'Tu es une bonne fille.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suce moi.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mais avant, baissons ceci.', 3, 417, 92, 'Tu es si sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Presque!', 2, 456, 12, 'Fais-le encore. Fais moi jouir.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! Quelle jolie petite chatte!', 2, 355, 93, 'Je dois baiser ce beau petit cul.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Comment me suis-je retrouvé dans ce petit bureau merdique à faire de la paperasse?', 0, 337, 241, 'Je suis un vendeur. Je suis supposé être à l\'extérieur en train de vendre!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, voyager de nouveau.', 1, 300, 100, 'J\'y pense chaque jour!', 2, 221, 283, 'Tu m\'as dit que la prochaine fois que tu voulais que je suce... Tu l\'as appelé comment déjà?', 1, 220, 256, 'Bite.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, tu ne m\'as pas dit que c\'était en fait ton vrai nom?', 1, 232, 194, 'Oui, mais en ville il appelle aussi ce truc par ce nom.', 2, 415, 117, 'C\'est pour cela que je n\'aime pas trop mon nom.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, d\'accord. Je ne t\'appellerais pas comme ça alors.', 2, 220, 376, 'Je ne peux pas oublier que tu voulais que je suce le lait vers l\'extérieur.', 2, 226, 175, 'La dernière fois, ça a giclé partout!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Voici. Masse le comme ceci.', 2, 484, 6, 'Comme ça?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Maintenant, place tes lèvres dessus.', 2, 534, 5, 'Mais continuer à le masser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... d\'accord.', 0, 348, 137, 'Plus vite!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, je n\'aime pas le nouvel employé.', 0, 555, 205, 'Il… \rIl me regarde de façon étrange.', 0, 0, 0, 'Il me met très mal à l\'aise.', 0, 0, 0, 'Eh bien, je suis désolé Becky. Il est un bon travailleur et j\'ai vraiment besoin de lui actuellement. ', 1, 200, 115, 'De toute façon, c\'est seulement temporaire jusqu\'à ce que les dernières récoltes soient complétées. ', 1, 0, 0, 'Ce pervers me regarde encore', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Est-ce qu\'il me parle?', 4, 510, 260, 'Seulement ma mère m\'appelle comme cela. Qui d\'autre m\'appellerait Richard ? ', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! C\'est vraiment toi! Je ne t\'avais pas vu depuis la 7e année!', 0, 190, 110, 'tu avais déménagé.', 1, 490, 65, 'Est-ce qu\'il t\'appelle toujours Bite? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Je dois t\'avouer que je n\'aime pas beaucoup ce nom. Désolé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh non, je ne suis plus Bite depuis... presque toujours.', 0, 550, 160, 'Mes amis ont commencé à m\'appeler "Slick" et c\'est resté.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ne m\'appelle pas Richard. Je n\'aime pas trop ça également. Désolé.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ok... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Alors, tu es marié?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, non. J\'ai rencontré une fille l\'autre jour. Nous…', 1, 515, 200, 'Bien j\'ai rencontré un garçon aussi l\'autre jour. Quoi de neuf? êtes-vous fiancés?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, non.', 1, 515, 200, 'Je me souviens, J\'ai fait une tarte hier. Tu dois y goûter! Tu as fini le boulot, n\'est-ce pas?', 0, 192, 230, 'Moi aussi. S\'il te plaît! Tu dois goûter à ma tarte à la cerise!', 0, 0, 0, 'D\'accord. Tu as dit le mot magique.', 1, 540, 192, 'Tarte!', 1, 0, 0, 'Je me souviens de toi comme étant plus petite. Tu sembles beaucoup plus grande maintenant!', 0, 280, 150, 'C\'est les talons. Je porte toujours des talons hauts. Ça confond beaucoup de gens.', 1, 162, 136, 'La vérité est que je suis encore toute menue. Rien n\'a changé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Et tes cheveux. C\'est très différent. Tu les portais toujours en queue de cheval.', 1, 0, 0, 'Tu les aimes comme ça?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, alors le look petite collégienne est vraiment ce que tu aimes.', 1, 503, 168, 'Une autre pointe de tarte?', 1, 0, 0, 'Ta tarte est si bonne! Je ne peux pas résister!', 0, 280, 150, 'Je reviens sous peu.', 1, 520, 206, 'Tu préfères mes cheveux comme ça?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Je n\'ai pas trouvé de vêtement d\'écolière.', 1, 525, 96, 'J,espère que ce sera bien tout de même.', 0, 445, 80, 'Je veux être parfaite pour toi.', 0, 525, 106, 'Tu sais, à l\'école,', 0, 482, 139, 'J\'avais vraiment un gros béguin pour toi.', 0, 0, 0, 'Et maintenant toutes ces années plus tard,', 0, 520, 156, 'Nous voilà.', 0, 0, 0, 'C\'est si bon de t\'avoir profondément en moi,', 2, 214, 213, 'Mais je suis si petite que c\'est douloureux lorsque tu vas trop profond.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Ok. Est-ce que c\'est mieux?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm Oui.\r Maitenant, prend mes cheveux.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Place ton autre main sur mon dos.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas!', 2, 0, 0, 'Encore plus bas.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Oooouuuuiiiii!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'C\'est ok. Tu peux jouir maintenant.', 2, 178, 299, 'Allez. Tire mes cheveux!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Laisse-moi te donner une brosse à dents. Bleu foncé, ça te va?', 3, 413, 235, 'Il y en a déj;a une de sortie.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rouge?', 3, 413, 235, 'Non.', 2, 177, 188, 'Je n\'ai plus d\'autres couleurs!', 3, 374, 234, 'Quoi!? Tu crois que tu es le seul homme au monde?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Merde! Je dois aller voir un médecin!', 2, 445, 130, 'Pénicilline?\r\r La gonorrhée?\r\r Moi?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rToutes ces brosses à dents!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Je déteste cette ville!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Voilà!\r\r J\'en ai assez!\r\rJe m\'en vais!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Je quitte cet emploi pourri et je m\'en vais à la campagne!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Ça sent comme le paradis!', 0, 476, 161, 'J\'espère que tu aimes ces cordes douces. Je les ai achetés juste pour toi.', 0, 490, 130, 'C\'est tellement joli.', 1, 267, 145, 'Si doux. Si sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'Ça me rend vraiment excité.', 1, 0, 0, 'Mais c\'est ta culotte rose que je veux vraiment voir.', 1, 269, 110, 'Enlevons cela .', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh oui.', 2, 267, 167, 'Nous n\'aurons plus besoin de ceci.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Je n\'ai jamais été aussi près du paradis.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Tu as déjà un comme celui-ci?', 0, 415, 96, 'Tourne toi.', 0, 428, 77, 'Essayons ce nouvel arrangement.', 0, 531, 254, 'Cela fait lever les bras.', 3, 498, 196, 'Et maintenant les jambes.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, oui. C\'est parfait.', 3, 270, 107, 'Maintenant suce mes balles.', 3, 385, 90, 'Tu étais si bonne!', 2, 363, 102, 'Je suis presque venu.', 2, 0, 0, 'Voilà, détend toi un petit peu.', 3, 455, 152, 'Je veux faire quelques ajustements à la machine.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh oui!', 0, 299, 82, 'Essayons un peu de ceci.', 0, 447, 98, 'Non!', 0, 586, 141, 'Pas tout de suite!', 3, 482, 94, 'J\'ai attendu assez longtemps.', 3, 302, 189, 'Je veux baiser.', 3, 0, 0, 'Tu le veux aussi?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh oui, juteux comme un melon d\'eau.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, ma culotte rose a disparu.', 3, 200, 235, 'Il était là dehors et elle a disparue!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh pas maintenant Becky! La barrière est brisée. Une partie du bétail s\'est enfui.', 1, 540, 164, 'Il faut les ramener tout de suite.', 1, 0, 0, 'Où est cet idiot d\'employé lorsque j\'en ai besoin!', 0, 278, 130, 'Il ne devrait pas être dans sa chambre à cette heure.', 3, 292, 190, 'Qu\'est-ce que tu fou là petit idiot!', 3, 302, 351, 'Est-ce que la culotte de Becky que tu as souillée?', 1, 200, 105, 'Tu es mieux de foutre le camp rapidement petit pervers, \'vant que je perde mon calme et que je te défonce le cul avec ceci.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rFin de la partie 1\rl\'employé', 0, 320, 240, '\rCode secret pour la partie 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r Tout droits réservés', 0, 320, 240, '\rDésign, codage, art et musique du jeu par\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Traduction allemande: Arnulf\rTraduction française:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Merci\rà tous les modérateurs de Pusooy\rpour leur aide dans le design du jeu', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (!soundstarted) { beta_mc.swapDepths(11110); beta_mc.gotoAndStop(1); initsound(); initfps(); } pop_mc.gotoAndStop(10); Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.scaleMode = 'noBorder'; hideall(); bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(1); arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (!teaser) { gamesave = SharedObject.getLocal('gfsave'); } if (teaser) { oldscene = -1; oldphase = 0; gslastscene = 0; secretunlocked = 1; highestscene = 10; } else { oldscene = -1; oldphase = 0; gslastscene = 0; secretunlocked = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } butrel = 0; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('mousebutton', 1); _root.onMouseDown = function () { buttonpress = 1; }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { buttonpress = 0; butrel = 1; }; hidemouse = 0; mousemove = 0; _root.onMouseMove = function () { mousemove = 15; if (mousex < 40 || mousex > 560 || mousey < 40 || mousey > 472) {; } else { if (hidemouse) { Mouse.hide(); } else {; } } }; newgame(); savmute = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { ++time; ++teasertime; blinker = time & 8; calcFPS(); mousex = _root._xmouse; mousey = _root._ymouse; dokeys(); if (!seenpause) { dolanguagebutton(); if (scene > 0 && !pausing) { seenpause = 1; } } if (pausing) { if (lickingtits && ahvol > 0) { fadeahloop(); } if (mute != 99) { savmute = mute; mute = 99; } if (!blankpause) { doshowpause(); } if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel || pausing == 8 && buttonpress) { if (teaser && pausing == 8) { fade = 100; sheet_mc._alpha = fade; sheet_mc.swapDepths(33333); scene = 0; scenestarted = 0; forcebuboff = 1; startfadein(); teasertime = 0; } pausing = 0; pauserel = 0; slomo = 0; ahwait = 0; talking3 = 0; talking2 = 0; mute = savmute; unmutepalace(); initfps(); pop_mc.gotoAndStop(10); pop_mc._x = -10000; flag1_mc.swapDepths(-10813); flag2_mc.swapDepths(-10814); flag3_mc.swapDepths(-10815); flag4_mc.swapDepths(-10816); if (mybug && blackpause) { bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; bg4_mc.swapDepths(-10103); } } else { if (playingpalace) { mutepalace(); } } } else { if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel) { pausing = 1; seenpause = 1; pauserel = 0; slomo = 0; if (mybug && blackpause) { bg4a = 100; bg4_mc._alpha = 100; bg4_mc.swapDepths(16666); bg4_mc.gotoAndStop(2); bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; } } else { if (teaser && pausing == 0 && scene >= 2 && teasertime > 200) { pausing = 8; } else { if (debug && Key.isDown(86) || slomo) { ++smdelay; if (smdelay >= 25) { smdelay = 0; doscene(); dofade(); doarrow(); } } else { doscene(); dofade(); doarrow(); dopop(); } } } } if (!Key.isDown(32)) { pauserel = 1; } if (scene > highestscene && !teaser) { highestscene = scene; = scene; } mon0 = 'mx:' + mousex + ' my:' + mousey + ' fps:' + floor(fps) + ' scene:' + scene + ' say:' + ssay + ' h:' + horny + ' p:' + pausing; domon(); }; mon7 = ''; mon6 = ''; mon5 = ''; mon4 = ''; mon3 = ''; mon2 = ''; mon1 = ''; var mon0 = ''; bfade = 0; rolledoff = 0; rolledon = 0; forcebuboff = 0; fadingout = 0; arrowcolor = 0; arrowcursor = 0; arrowangle = 0; attacharrow = 0; arrowy = 0; arrowx = 0; arrowtype = 0; arrowphase = -1; arrowblink = 0; arrowalpha = 0; bjphase = 0; oautopilot = 0; autopilot = 0; tautoangle = 0; autoangle = 0; finddir = 1; showhigh = 0; showleft = 0; ptasks = 14; ptasksdone = 0; powerbarsize = 0; powerbarcolor = 0; powerbarside = 0; enjoy = 0; hint = 0; hintx = 0; hinty = 0; swoosh = 0; swooshx = 0; swooshy = 0; swooshdir = 0; swoosha = 0; swooshadd = 0; swalpha = 0; onhot = 0; hotdir = 0; githot = 0; hotspot_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gothot) { onhot = 0; return undefined; } if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onhot = 1; hidemouse = 1; mouse_mc._x = mousex; mouse_mc._y = mousey; mouse_mc.swapDepths(20007); if (ssay == 60) { mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(14); } else { mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(10); } mouse_mc._alpha = 100; mouse_mc._rotation = hotdir; hotspot_mc._alpha = 20; } else { if (onhot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; } onhot = 0; hidemouse = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; } }; fast = 0; fastend = 0; moverd = 0; moverm = 0; mover = 0; movertime = 40; mmoverd = 0; mmoverm = 0; mmover = 0; mmovertime = 40; backmove = 0; mbackmove = 0; showpoptype = 2; plinkrel == 0; showscenebar = 0; onbeta = 0; beta_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (showscenebar) { return undefined; } if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && scene != 1) { onbeta = 1; if (teaser) { if (scene == 0) { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(11); } else { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(10); } } else { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } beta_mc._x = 176 + adjx; beta_mc._y = 563 + adjy; } else { onbeta = 0; beta_mc.gotoAndStop(1); beta_mc.txt.text = '\rVersion:' + version1 + ' '; betarel = 1; beta_mc._x = 49 + fadjx; beta_mc._y = 565 + fadjy; } }; dosurge = 0; surge = 0; horny = 0; fs_changing = []; fs_frame = []; fs_alpha = []; fs_fadestep = []; var PI = Math.PI; escrel = 1; fpsi = 0; fpstab = [30, 30, 30, 30]; ugsha = 0; ugela = 0; } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 135 { } frame 2 { function doscene() { if (scene == 0) { doscene0(); } else { if (scene == 1) { doscene1(); } else { if (scene == 2) { doscene2(); } else { if (scene == 3) { doscene3(); } else { if (scene == 4) { doscene4(); } else { if (scene == 5) { doscene5(); } else { if (scene == 6) { doscene6(); } else { if (scene == 7) { doscene7(); } else { if (scene == 8) { doscene8(); } else { if (scene == 9) { doscene9(); } else { if (scene == 10) { doscene10(); } else { if (scene == 11) { doscene11(); } else { if (scene == 12) { doscene12(); } else { if (scene == 13) { doscene13(); } else { if (scene == 14) { doscene14(); } else { if (scene == 15) { doscene15(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } domover(); } function domon() { if (!debug) { mon0_mc.swapDepths(-10503); mon0_mc._x = -10000; return undefined; } mon0_mc.mon0_txt.text = mon0 + '\r' + mon1 + '\r' + mon2 + '\r' + mon3 + '\r' + mon4 + '\r' + mon5 + '\r' + mon6 + '\r' + mon7; mon0_mc._x = 210; mon0_mc.swapDepths(34902); } function drawCircle(cx, cy, r) { with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { var c1 = r * 0.4142135623730952; var c2 = r * Math.SQRT2 / 2; beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(cx + r, cy); curveTo(cx + r, cy + c1, cx + c2, cy + c2); curveTo(cx + c1, cy + r, cx, cy + r); curveTo(cx - c1, cy + r, cx - c2, cy + c2); curveTo(cx - r, cy + c1, cx - r, cy); curveTo(cx - r, cy - c1, cx - c2, cy - c2); curveTo(cx - c1, cy - r, cx, cy - r); curveTo(cx + c1, cy - r, cx + c2, cy - c2); curveTo(cx + r, cy - c1, cx + r, cy); endFill(); } } function say(windex, narrow, forcex, forcey) { ssay = windex; forcebuboff = 0; if (narrow == undefined) { narrow = 0; } i = windex * 4; savwordindex = i; if (language == 0) { words = English[i]; type = English[i + 1]; bubx = English[i + 2]; buby = English[i + 3]; } else { if (language == 1) { words = German[i]; type = German[i + 1]; bubx = German[i + 2]; buby = German[i + 3]; } else { if (language == 2) { words = French[i]; type = French[i + 1]; bubx = French[i + 2]; buby = French[i + 3]; } else { if (language == 3) { words = Italian[i]; type = Italian[i + 1]; bubx = Italian[i + 2]; buby = Italian[i + 3]; } } } } if (forcex != undefined && forcey != undefined) { bubx = forcex; buby = forcey; } if (bubx == 0 && buby == 0) { bubx = savbubx; buby = savbuby; } savbubx = bubx; savbuby = buby; strlen = words.length; if (type < 0) { return undefined; } speaking = 1; if (type == 11) { tmread = 0; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloon', 200); _root.twordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloonGraphic', 201); } else { _root.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloon', 32222); _root.wordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloonGraphic', 32223); } rolledon = 0; rolledoff = 0; _root.wordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (rolledoff > 10) { rolledon = 1; } } else { ++rolledoff; } }; trolledon = 0; trolledoff = 0; _root.twordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () { if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { if (trolledoff > 10) { trolledon = 1; tmread = 1; } } else { ++trolledoff; } }; if (type == 11) { tballoonFormat = new TextFormat(); if (fadefont) { tballoonFormat.font = 'arialfont'; tballoonFormat.size = 14; } else { tballoonFormat.font = 'Arial'; tballoonFormat.size = 12; } tballoonFormat.color = 0; tballoonFormat.align = 'center'; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75); _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true; if (fadefont) { _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true; } _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.setTextFormat(tballoonFormat); bTxtW = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width; bTxtH = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2; _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; with (_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); if (type == 11) { lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100); } else { lineStyle(2, 0, 100); } moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { balloonFormat = new TextFormat(); if (fadefont) { balloonFormat.font = 'arialfont'; balloonFormat.size = 14; } else { balloonFormat.font = 'Arial'; balloonFormat.size = 12; } balloonFormat.color = 0; balloonFormat.align = 'center'; if (narrow == -1) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 180, 100); } else { if (narrow == 2) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 80, 100); } else { if (narrow == 1) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 120, 100); } else { if (narrow == 1.5) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 95, 100); } else { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75); } } } } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true; if (fadefont) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.setTextFormat(balloonFormat); bTxtW = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width; bTxtH = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height; if (type >= 4 && type < 100) { if (type == 4) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); } else { if (type == 5) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); } else { if (type >= 10) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; } } } with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); if (type == 11) { lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100); } else { lineStyle(2, 0, 100); } moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } if (type == 4) { r = 3; cx = -1; cy = bTxtH + 30; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 4; cx = 5; cy = bTxtH + 24; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 5; cx = 10; cy = bTxtH + 16; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); } else { if (type == 5) { r = 3; cx = 1 + (bTxtW + 10); cy = bTxtH + 30; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 4; cx = -5 + (bTxtW + 10); cy = bTxtH + 24; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); r = 5; cx = -10 + (bTxtW + 10); cy = bTxtH + 16; drawCircle(cx, cy, r); } } } else { if (type == 3) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx + 20; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 18); curveTo(-10, 20, -20, 0); curveTo(-10, 10, 0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { if (type == 2) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 30); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby; with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 10, bTxtW + 30, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 20, bTxtW + 10, 18); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { if (type == 111) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 40, bTxtH + 40); curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { if (type == 1) { _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10); _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 30); curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } else { ost = buby - (bTxtH + 30); if (ost < 0) { buby -= ost - 2; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30); with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) { beginFill(16777215, 100); lineStyle(2, 0, 100); moveTo(10, 0); lineTo(bTxtW, 0); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10); lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH); curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(20, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(15, bTxtH + 20, 0, bTxtH + 30); curveTo(10, bTxtH + 20, 10, bTxtH + 10); lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10); curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH); lineTo(0, 10); curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0); endFill(); } } } } } } balpha = 0; bfade = 20; extratime = strlen; ububtime = bubtime + extratime; } } function dofade() { do_fsprites(); if (bfade > 0) { balpha += bfade; if (balpha >= 100) { balpha = 100; bfade = 0; bubtimer = ububtime; bubtimer = 5; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; } else { if (bfade < 0) { balpha += bfade; if (balpha <= 0) { balpha = 0; bfade = 0; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000; speaking = 0; } _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; } } if (bubtimer > 0) { --bubtimer; if (bubtimer <= 0) { bubtimer = 0; } } if (bfade == 0 && bubtimer == 0 && (rolledon || forcebuboff)) { bfade = -20; } if (fadespeed < 0) { fade += fadespeed; if (fade <= 0) { fade = 0; fadespeed = 0; } sheet_mc._alpha = fade; sheet_mc.swapDepths(33333); } else { if (fadespeed > 0) { fade += fadespeed; if (fade >= 100) { fade = 100; fadespeed = 0; } sheet_mc._alpha = fade; if (fade <= 0) { sheet_mc.swapDepths(-33333); } } } } function startfadeout() { fadingout = 1; fadespeed = 2; sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(1); } function startfadeoutwhite() { fadingout = 1; fadespeed = 0.5; sheet_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } function startfadein() { fadingout = 0; fadespeed = -2; } function hideall(flag) { heart_mc._alpha = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; webmasters_mc._alpha = 0; webmasters_mc._x = -10000; webmasters_shad_mc._x = -10000; startbutton_mc._x = -10000; webmasters_mc.swapDepths(-10500); webmasters_shad_mc.swapDepths(-10501); startbutton_mc.swapDepths(-10502); flag1_mc.swapDepths(-10513); flag2_mc.swapDepths(-10514); flag3_mc.swapDepths(-10515); flag4_mc.swapDepths(-10516); vinebutton_mc.swapDepths(-10517); vinebutton2_mc.swapDepths(-10518); mon6 = ''; mon5 = ''; mon4 = ''; mon3 = ''; mon2 = ''; mon1 = ''; mon0 = ''; if (flag == 2) { } else { stoploop(); } oldmousex = mousex; adjy = 0; adjx = 0; attacharrow = 0; attach = 0; arrowcursor = 0; arrowx = -10000; arrow_mc._x = arrowx; arrow_mc.swapDepths(-10518); arrow2_mc.swapDepths(-10519); mouse_mc.swapDepths(-10521); mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(6); hidesprites(); bg1_mc._x = -10000; bg2_mc._x = -10000; bg3_mc._x = -10000; bg4_mc._x = -10000; bg1_mc._xscale = 100; bg2_mc._xscale = 100; bg3_mc._xscale = 100; bg4_mc._xscale = 100; bg1_mc._yscale = 100; bg2_mc._yscale = 100; bg3_mc._yscale = 100; bg4_mc._yscale = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; bg1_mc.swapDepths(-10100); bg2_mc.swapDepths(-10101); bg3_mc.swapDepths(-10102); bg4_mc.swapDepths(-10103); } function killsprites() { hidesprites(); } function hidesprites() { gothot = 0; i = 0; while (i < totalsprites) { fs_changing[i] = -1; fs_frame[i] = 0; fs_alpha[i] = 100; ii = i; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._xscale = 100; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._yscale = 100; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._rotation = 0; _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2); _root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i); if (i < 20) { _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 0; _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(9); _root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10050 - i); } ++i; } } function startarrow(arx, ary, ardir) { if (bjphase == arrowphase) { return undefined; } arrowphase = bjphase; arrowangle = ardir * 90; arrowx = arx; arrowy = ary; arrowtype = 1; arrowalpha = 0; arrowblink = 0; arrowtime = 200; autopilot = 2; } function killarrow() { arrowtype = 0; arrowphase = -1; arrow_mc._x = -10000; autopilot = 0; } function doarrow() { if (arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime) { --arrowtime; } seearrow = 0; if (Key.isDown(72) && hint) { seearrow = 2; } else { if (Key.isDown(72) || arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime == 0) { seearrow = 1; } } if (swoosh) { doswoosh_arrow(); } if (autopilot != oautopilot && autopilot > 1) { } oautopilot = autopilot; if (autopilot && !seearrow) { if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) { arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; arrow2_mc._xscale = 100; aindex = 0; extra = 0; t = rnd(100); if (t <= 33) { d = -1; } else { if (t >= 66) { d = 1; } else { d = 0; } } tautoangle += d; if (tautoangle > 9) { tautoangle = 9; } if (tautoangle < -9) { tautoangle = -9; } dx = tautoangle - autoangle; autoangle += dx / 6; } else { if (autopilot == 2) { extra = 3; aindex = 3; if (finddir > 0) { autoangle += 0.5; if (autoangle >= 9) { finddir = -1; } } else { autoangle -= 0.5; if (autoangle <= -9) { finddir = 1; } } } else { if (autopilot == 3) { aindex = 6; extra = 4; t = rnd(100); if (t <= 33) { d = -1; } else { if (t >= 66) { d = 1; } else { d = 0; } } tautoangle += d; if (tautoangle > 9) { tautoangle = 9; } if (tautoangle < -9) { tautoangle = -9; } dx = tautoangle - autoangle; autoangle += dx / 6; } else { if (autopilot == 4) { aindex = 9; extra = 4; t = rnd(100); if (t <= 33) { d = -1; } else { if (t >= 66) { d = 1; } else { d = 0; } } tautoangle += d; if (tautoangle > 9) { tautoangle = 9; } if (tautoangle < -9) { tautoangle = -9; } dx = tautoangle - autoangle; autoangle += dx / 6; } else { if (autopilot == 5) { aindex = 12; extra = 0; autoangle = -45; } else { if (autopilot == 6 || autopilot == 8) { aindex = 15; extra = 0; autoangle = -45; } else { if (autopilot == 7) { aindex = 18; extra = 0; autoangle = -45; } } } } } } } if (showleft) { arrow_mc._x = -48 + showleft; } else { arrow_mc._x = 609 - extra; } if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) { arrow_mc._y = 477; } else { if (autopilot == 3) { arrow_mc._y = 482; } else { arrow_mc._y = 457; } } arrow_mc._y -= showhigh * 445; if (autopilot == 1.1) { arrow_mc._alpha = 0; } else { arrow_mc._alpha = 100; } arrow_mc._rotation = 45 + autoangle; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(28 + aindex); arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); if (autopilot == 5) { arrow_mc._yscale = ptasks * 400; arrow_mc._y = 500; } else { arrow_mc._yscale = 100; } atext = 0; if (showhigh) { if (mousex >= 650 && mousey <= 30) { atext = 1; if (language == 1) { atext = 31; } } } else { if (mousex >= 650 && mousey >= 510) { atext = 1; if (language == 1) { atext = 31; } } } if (autopilot == 8) { arrow_mc._x = -50; arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x; heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x; arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y; heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.gotoAndStop(80); heart_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(20008); arrow2_mc._alpha = powerbarsize; arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(54); arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(55); mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize; hearta = powerbarsize * 10; if (hearta > 100) { hearta = 100; } heart_mc._alpha = hearta; heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y - 100; heart_mc._y += (pokemax - 90) * 1.5; arrow2_mc._xscale = mpowerbarsize; arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize; arrow2_mc._y -= powerbarsize / 2; arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); if (powerbarcolor < 0) { arrow2_mc._x = -10000; arrow_mc._x = -10000; } arrow_mc._x = -10000; } else { if (autopilot == 6) { if (ssay == 696.1) { bfpowerbarpos(); } else { if (powerbarside > 0) { arrow_mc._x = 40; } } arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x; heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x; arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y; heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.gotoAndStop(80); heart_mc._rotation = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(20008); if (atext) { if (hint) { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(46); } else { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex); } arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; } else { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(51 + powerbarcolor); mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize; if (mpowerbarsize > 100) { hearta = (mpowerbarsize - 100) * 10; heart_mc._alpha = hearta; mpowerbarsize = 100; } else { heart_mc._alpha = 0; } arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize; } arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); if (powerbarcolor < 0) { arrow2_mc._x = -10000; arrow_mc._x = -10000; } } else { if (autopilot == 5) { arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x; arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; if (atext) { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex); arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; } else { arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(50); arrow2_mc._yscale = ptasksdone * 400; } arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); heart_mc._alpha = 0; } else { arrow2_mc._x = 609 - extra * 2; arrow2_mc._y = 502 - showhigh * 445; arrow2_mc._alpha = 100; arrow2_mc._rotation = 0; arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex); arrow2_mc.swapDepths(20004); arrow2_mc._yscale = 100; heart_mc._alpha = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(-20008); } } } arrow_mc._x += 80; arrow_mc._y += 54; heart_mc._x += 80; heart_mc._y += 54; arrow2_mc._x += 80; arrow2_mc._y += 54; return undefined; } arrow2_mc.swapDepths(-20004); arrow2_mc._x = -10000; heart_mc._alpha = 0; heart_mc.swapDepths(-20008); if (seearrow == 2) { if (arrowalpha < 100) { arrowalpha += 5; } arrow_mc._x = hintx; arrow_mc._y = hinty; arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha; arrow_mc._rotation = hintangle; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor); arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); } else { if (arrowtype == 0) { arrow_mc._x = -10000; } else { if (arrowtype == 1) { if (Key.isDown(72) && arrowtime) { arrowtime = 0; } if (onhot) { arrowtime = 100; } if (arrowtime) { return undefined; } if (arrowblink == 0) { hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5; if (arrowalpha < 100) { arrowalpha += 5; } else { arrowblink = 1; } if (!onhot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5; } } else { if (arrowalpha > 0) { arrowalpha -= 5; --hotspot_mc._alpha; } else { arrowblink = 0; arrowtime = 100; } if (!onhot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5; } } arrow_mc._x = arrowx; arrow_mc._y = arrowy; arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha; arrow_mc._rotation = arrowangle; arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor); arrow_mc.swapDepths(20003); } } } } function doswoosh_arrow() { swoosh += 20; if (swoosh >= 180) { swoosh = 180; } if (swoosh < 90) { if (swalpha < 60) { swalpha += 20; } else { swalpha = 100; } } else { if (swoosh >= 90) { swalpha -= 20; hidemouse = 0; } } if (swalpha <= 0) { swalpha = 0; swoosh = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; return undefined; } if (ssay == 566) { swooshadd += (sine(swoosh) + 1) * (3 + fadjy); } else { swooshadd += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (3 + fadjy); } swoosha += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (4 + fadjx); if (swooshdir == 0) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx; swooshy -= swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy; } else { if (swooshdir == 1) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx + swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy; } else { if (swooshdir == 2) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx; mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd; } else { if (swooshdir == 3) { mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy; } else { mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd; mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd; } } } } mouse_mc.swapDepths(20007); mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(2); mouse_mc._alpha = swalpha; if (swooshdir == 7) { mouse_mc._rotation = 135; } else { mouse_mc._rotation = (swooshdir - 1) * 90; } } function sethotspot(xpos, ypos, wid, hit, dir) { startarrow(xpos, ypos, dir); hotdir = dir * 90; hotspot_mc._x = xpos; hotspot_mc._y = ypos; hotspot_mc._height = hit; hotspot_mc._width = wid; hotspot_mc.gotoAndStop(1); hotspot_mc.swapDepths(20002); if (!gothot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; } gothot = 1; } function killhotspot() { gothot = 0; onhot = 0; hidemouse = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; killarrow(); } function doshowpause() { pop_mc._x = 360; pop_mc._y = 400; if (pausing == 8) { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(pausing); flag4_mc._alpha = 0; flag3_mc._alpha = 0; flag2_mc._alpha = 0; flag1_mc._alpha = 0; pop_mc.swapDepths(25559); return undefined; } else { if (pausing >= 9) { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(pausing); } else { pop_mc.gotoAndStop(17); } } pop_mc.swapDepths(25559); if (language == 3) { pop_mc.txt.text = Italian[4]; } else { if (language == 2) { pop_mc.txt.text = French[4]; } else { if (language == 0) { pop_mc.txt.text = English[4]; } else { pop_mc.txt.text = German[4]; } } } sp = 64; cmousex = mousex - 360; cmousey = mousey - 240; tx = floor((cmousex + 192) / 64); ty = cmousey - 171; if (tx >= 0 && tx < 6 && ty >= 0 && ty < 40) { flag = tx; } else { flag = -1; } flag1_mc._x = 200; flag1_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(25560); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (flag == 0) { flag1_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag1_mc._alpha = 50; } flag2_mc._x = 200 + sp * 1 + fadjx; flag2_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag2_mc.swapDepths(25561); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (flag == 1) { flag2_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag2_mc._alpha = 50; } flag3_mc._x = 200 + sp * 2 + fadjx; flag3_mc._y = 430 + fadjy; flag3_mc.swapDepths(25562); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(3); if (flag == 2) { flag3_mc._alpha = 100; } else { flag3_mc._alpha = 50; } if (pausing == 9) { flag4_mc._alpha = 0; flag3_mc._alpha = 0; flag2_mc._alpha = 0; flag1_mc._alpha = 0; } flag1_mc._yscale = 100; flag1_mc._xscale = 100; flag2_mc._yscale = 100; flag2_mc._xscale = 100; flag3_mc._yscale = 100; flag3_mc._xscale = 100; flag4_mc._yscale = 100; flag4_mc._xscale = 100; if (flag == 0) { pop_mc.txt.text = 'English'; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else { if (flag == 1) { pop_mc.txt.text = 'Deutsch'; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } else { if (flag == 2) { pop_mc.txt.text = 'Français'; if (buttonpress) { language = flag; resay(); } } } } } function dolanguagebutton() { fxadj = -81 + zadjx; uggadj = 40 + wadjx; uggadjy = -8 + wadjy; if (mousex >= 272 + fxadj + uggadj && mousex <= 397 + fxadj + uggadj && mousey >= 554 + uggadjy) { flag1_mc._x = 360; flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(27019); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(10); flag1_mc._alpha = 100; flag1_mc._xscale = 100; flag1_mc._yscale = 100; flag4_mc._alpha = 0; flag3_mc._alpha = 0; flag2_mc._alpha = 0; if (buttonpress) { seenpause = 1; pausing = 1; } return undefined; } sp = 32; lbx = 328 + fxadj; flag1_mc._x = lbx; flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag1_mc.swapDepths(25560); flag1_mc.gotoAndStop(1); flag1_mc._alpha = 100; flag1_mc._xscale = 50; flag1_mc._yscale = 50; flag2_mc._x = lbx + sp * 1; flag2_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag2_mc.swapDepths(25561); flag2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); flag2_mc._alpha = 100; flag2_mc._xscale = 50; flag2_mc._yscale = 50; flag3_mc._x = lbx + sp * 2; flag3_mc._y = 556 + fadjy; flag3_mc.swapDepths(25562); flag3_mc.gotoAndStop(3); flag3_mc._alpha = 100; flag3_mc._xscale = 50; flag3_mc._yscale = 50; } function resay() { if (speaking) { say(savwordindex / 4, savbubx, savbuby); } } function domover() { if (!backmove) { if (mover < moverd) { mvspd = 100 / movertime; mover += mvspd; } else { mover = moverd; } } else { if (mover > 0) { mvspd = 100 / movertime; mover -= mvspd; } else { backmove = 0; moverd = 0; mover = 0; } } if (!mbackmove) { if (mmover < mmoverd) { mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime; mmover += mmvspd; } else { mmover = mmoverd; } } else { if (mmover > 0) { mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime; mmover -= mmvspd; } else { mbackmove = 0; mmoverd = 0; mmover = 0; } } mang = mover * 1.8; m100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2; mang = mmover * 1.8; mm100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2; } function dopop() { if (!buttonpress) { plinkrel = 1; } if (showpop) { if (mousey > 515 && mousex > 582) { showpoptype = 4; } else { showpoptype = 10; } if (showpoptype == 10) { pop_mc._x = 646; pop_mc._y = 538; } else { pop_mc._x = 610; pop_mc._y = 516; if (buttonpress && plinkrel) { getURL('', '_blank'); plinkrel = 0; } if (!buttonpress) { plinkrel = 1; } } pop_mc.gotoAndStop(showpoptype); pop_mc.swapDepths(25608); } else { pop_mc._x = -10000; } } function do_powerbar() { dopowerbar(); } function dopowerbar() { h100 = (horny + surge) / 100; powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (dosurge) { if (surge < 12 * dosurge) { surge += dosurge; } else { dosurge = 0; } } else { if (surge) { surge -= 0.5; } } sinehorny = sine(horny * 0.9) * 100; } function initscene0() { hideall(); if (credits) { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(6); } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(5); } bg1_mc.swapDepths(1); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(11); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2000); bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(12); bg3_mc.swapDepths(2005); bg4_mc.gotoAndStop(3); bg4_mc.swapDepths(2006); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; scenestarted = 1; if (credits) { init_credits(); } } function doscene0() { mon2 = ' w:' + wait + ' ba:' + bg2a; if (!scenestarted) { initscene0(); } if (goblack) { startbutton_mc._x = -10000; startbutton_mc.swapDepths(-27009); showpop = 0; if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } if (fade == 100) { if (!resumegame) { scene = 1; } else { scene = oldscene; } scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } else { if (oldscene >= 1) { if (onstartbutton) { if (mousex > 320) { startframe = 13; startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); startbutton_mc.txt.text = '\rStart new game\r\rthis will clear game save data'; if (buttonpress && !goblack) { goblack = 1; resumegame = 0; if (!teaser) { oldscene = 0; highestscene = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } } } else { startframe = 13; if (secretunlocked) { scenen =; scenet = scenetext[scenen]; } else { scenen = oldscene; scenet = scenetext[oldscene]; } startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); startbutton_mc.txt.text = '\rResume old game at:\rscene ' + scenen + '\r' + scenet; if (buttonpress && !goblack) { goblack = 1; resumegame = 1; } } } else { startframe = 10; startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); } } else { if (onstartbutton) { startframe = 2; if (buttonpress && !goblack) { goblack = 1; resumegame = 0; resumegame = 0; if (!teaser) { oldscene = 0; highestscene = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } } } else { startframe = 1; } } if (credits && rolls < 2) { startbutton_mc._x = -10000; } else { startbutton_mc._x = 360 + fadjx; } if (credits) { startbutton_mc._y = 483; } else { startbutton_mc._y = 441 + fadjy; } startbutton_mc.swapDepths(27009); startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); showpoptype = 10; showpop = 1; if (credits) { do_rollcredits(); } } } function init_credits() { rolls = 0; wch_cred = 0; weba = 0; fadeio = 1; wait = 100; } function do_rollcredits() { mon5 = 'wch:' + wch_cred + ' gb:' + goblack + ' w:' + wait + ' ' + fadeio; if (fadeio > 0) { if (wch_cred == 0) { ++weba; } else { weba += 10; } if (weba >= 100) { weba = 100; fadeio = 0; } } else { if (wait) { --wait; if (wait == 0) { fadeio = -1; } } else { if (fadeio < 0) { weba -= 10; if (weba <= 0) { fadeio = 1; ++wch_cred; if (wch_cred >= 6) { wch_cred = 0; ++rolls; } wait = 100; } } } } i = (200 + wch_cred) * 4; webmasters_shad_mc.swapDepths(11000); webmasters_mc.swapDepths(11001); webmasters_mc._x = 560 + wadjx; webmasters_mc._y = 331 + wadjy; webmasters_mc.gotoAndStop(8); webmasters_mc.txt.text = English[i]; webmasters_shad_mc.gotoAndStop(9); webmasters_shad_mc.txt.text = English[i]; if (webma < 100) { ++weba; } webmasters_mc._alpha = weba; webmasters_shad_mc._x = 563 + wadjx; webmasters_shad_mc._y = 333 + wadjy; webas = weba - 30; if (webas < 0) { webas = 0; } webmasters_shad_mc._alpha = webas; if (fade == 100) { scene = 0; scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } if (onstartbutton) { startframe = 3; if (buttonpress && !goblack) { if (!stopahloop) { killahloop(); } goblack = 1; if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } resumegame = 0; if (!teaser) { oldscene = 0; highestscene = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } } } else { startframe = 1; } if (rolls < 1) { startbutton_mc._x = -10000; } else { startbutton_mc._x = 349 + fadjx; } startbutton_mc._y = 543 + fadjy; startbutton_mc.swapDepths(27009); startbutton_mc.gotoAndStop(startframe); } function initsound() { i = 0; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990); sound0 = new Sound('' + i); i = 1; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990); sound1 = new Sound('' + i); i = 2; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990); sound2 = new Sound('' + i); i = 3; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990); sound3 = new Sound('' + i); soundstarted = 1; } function rand(low, high) { range = high - low; t = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + low; return t; } function stopsounds() { sound0.stop(); sound1.stop(); sound2.stop(); sound3.stop(); talking3 = 0; talking2 = 0; talking1 = 0; talking = 0; } function sayfile(what, sfvol) { if (sfvol == undefined) { sfvol = 100; } if (!talking) { sound0.attachSound(what); sound0.start(0, 1); sound0.setVolume(sfvol); talking = 1; } else { trace('ch 0 talking! skipped:' + what); } sound0.onSoundComplete = function () { talking = 0; }; } function sayfile1(what, sfvol) { if (sfvol == undefined) { sfvol = 100; } if (!talking1) { sound1.attachSound(what); sound1.start(0, 1); sound1.setVolume(sfvol); talking1 = 1; } else { trace('1 talking! ' + what); } sound1.onSoundComplete = function () { talking1 = 0; if (playingpalace) { playingpalace = 0; } }; } function sayfile2(what, sfvol) { if (sfvol == undefined) { sfvol = 100; } if (!talking2) { sound2.attachSound(what); sound2.start(0, 1); sound2.setVolume(sfvol); talking2 = 1; } else { trace('2 talking! ' + what); } sound2.onSoundComplete = function () { talking2 = 0; }; } function sayfile3(what, sfvol) { if (sfvol == undefined) { sfvol = 100; } if (!talking3) { sound3.attachSound(what); sound3.start(0, 1); sound3.setVolume(sfvol); talking3 = 1; } sound3.onSoundComplete = function () { talking3 = 0; }; } function saysnd(what, vol) { if (vol == undefined) { vol = 100; } if (what == 'cushion') { ++breathwch; if (breathwch > 1) { breathwch = 0; } ahsnd = 'cusion' + (breathwch + 1) + '.wav'; if (breathwch) { sayfile1(ahsnd, vol); } else { sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } } if (what == 'breathin') { ++breathwch; if (breathwch > 1) { breathwch = 0; } ahsnd = 'breathin' + breathwch + '.mp3'; sayfile1(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'breath') { ahsnd = 'breath' + breathwch + '.wav'; ++breathwch; if (breathwch > 5) { breathwch = 0; } sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'bbreath') { ++hurtwch; if (hurtwch > 1) { hurtwch = 0; } ahsnd = 'breathard' + hurtwch + '.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'muff') { ++mcum; if (mcum > 2) { mcum = 1; } ahsnd = 'muff' + mcum + '.mp3'; sayfile3(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'hurt') { ahsnd = 'hurt' + (hurtwch + 1) + '.mp3'; ++hurtwch; if (hurtwch > 3) { hurtwch = 0; } sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'drip') { ahsnd = 'drip' + (wchsplash + 1) + '.mp3'; wchsplash += 1 + rnd(2); wchsplash &= 3; sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'mcum') { if (mcum < 6) { ahsnd = 'mcum' + mcum + '.mp3'; } else { if (mcum == 6) { ahsnd = 'mcum4.mp3'; } else { if (mcum == 7) { ahsnd = 'mcum2.mp3'; } else { if (mcum == 8) { ahsnd = 'mcum1.mp3'; } } } } ++mcum; if (mcum > 8) { mcum = 1; } sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'eek') { ahsnd = 'eek.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'emo') { ahsnd = 'emoan' + emoan + '.mp3'; ++emoan; if (emoan > 7) { emoan = 1; } sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'moo') { ahsnd = 'ooo' + mooo + '.wav'; ++mooo; if (mooo > 4) { mooo = 1; } sayfile(ahsnd, 50); } if (what == 'morg') { ahsnd = 'morg' + morg + '.wav'; ++morg; if (morg > 5) { morg = 1; } sayfile(ahsnd, 20); } if (what == 'uhh') { ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3'; sayfile1(ahsnd, 10); ++wchuhh; if (wchuhh > 7) { wchuhh = 0; } } if (what == 'uhh0') { ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd, vol); ++wchuhh; if (wchuhh > 7) { wchuhh = 0; } } if (what == 'uhh2') { ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd, vol); if (wchuhh == 7) { wchuhh = 0; } else { wchuhh = 7; } } if (what == 'uhh3') { if (whcuhh == 0) { wchuhh = 1; } if (whcuhh == 7) { wchuhh = 1; } ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3'; sayfile1(ahsnd, 10); ++wchuhh; if (wchuhh > 7) { wchuhh = 0; } } if (what == 'uh2') { ++uhh; if (uhh > 8) { uhh -= 8; } ahsnd = 'u' + uhh + '.wav'; sayfile1(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'u3') { ++uhh; if (uhh > 8) { uhh -= 8; } ahsnd = 'u' + uhh + '.wav'; sayfile1(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'ouch') { ouchtab = ['ow1', 'ow3', 'ow4', 'ow5']; owsnd = ouchtab[oww] + '.wav'; sayfile2(owsnd, vol); ++oww; if (oww > 3) { oww = 0; } } if (what == 'oww') { oww &= 7; owwtab = ['ow1', 'ow3', 'ow4', 'ow5', 'ow6', 'ow1', 'ow8', 'ow5']; owsnd = owwtab[oww] + '.wav'; sayfile2(owsnd, vol); ++oww; } if (what == 'oh') { yessnd = 'oh' + doh + '.wav'; sayfile(yessnd, vol); --doh; if (doh < 1) { doh = 10; } } if (what == 'react') { rea &= 7; lastmm = mm; reatab = ['surprise1', 'giggle0', 'surprise2', 'giggle1', 'surprise3', 'giggle2', 'surprise4', 'giggle3']; ahsnd = reatab[rea] + '.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd); ++rea; } if (what == 'react1') { rea &= 7; lastmm = mm; reatab = ['surprise1', 'giggle0', 'surprise2', 'giggle1', 'surprise3', 'giggle2', 'surprise4', 'giggle3']; ahsnd = reatab[rea] + '.mp3'; sayfile1(ahsnd); ++rea; } if (what == 'nnh') { ++nnh; t = rand(1, 3); nnh += t; nnh &= 7; if (nnh == lastnnh) { nnh += 1; } nnh &= 7; t = (nnh & 7) + 1; ahsnd = 'nnh' + t + '.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd); talking = 1; } if (what == 'mm') { ++mm; mm &= 7; lastmm = mm; ahsnd = 'mm' + mm + '.mp3'; if (!talking) { sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } else { sayfile1(ahsnd, vol); } } if (what == 'slap') { slapwch = rnd1() + 3; slapsnd = 'slap' + slapwch + '.wav'; sayfile(slapsnd, vol); } if (what == 'slap1') { slapwch = rnd1() + 3; slapsnd = 'slap' + slapwch + '.wav'; sayfile1(slapsnd, vol); } if (what == 'muhh') { ahsnd = 'muhh6.wav'; sayfile(ahsnd); } if (what == 'nnh5') { ahsnd = 'nnh5.mp3'; sayfile(ahsnd); } if (what == 'squeak') { ahsnd = 'bedsqueak' + bedsq + '.mp3'; ++bedsq; if (bedsq > 3) { bedsq = 1; } sayfile(ahsnd, 60); talking = 1; } if (what == 'chimes') { ahsnd = 'chimes.wav'; sayfile(ahsnd, vol); } if (what == 'uh') { ++uhh; t = rand(1, 3); uhh += t; if (uhh > 8) { uhh -= 8; } ahsnd = 'u' + t + '.wav'; sayfile(ahsnd, 10); } if (what == 'blip') { ahsnd = 'blip.wav'; sayfile(ahsnd, 15); } if (what == 'swish') { sayfile('swish2.mp3', 100); } if (what == 'swish3') { sayfile2('swish2.mp3', 100); } if (what == 'gulp') { sayfile('gulp1.wav', 40); } } function doahloop(nosetvol) { if (stopahloop) { return undefined; } if (nosetvol == undefined) { ahvol = 5; } else { if (ahvol < nosetvol) { ahvol += 0.1; sound2.setVolume(ahvol); sound3.setVolume(ahvol); } } if (ahwait <= 0) { ahwait = 240; if (lastah == 2) { sayfile3('temple4.mp3', ahvol); lastah = 3; } else { sayfile2('temple4.mp3', ahvol); lastah = 2; } } else { --ahwait; } stopahloop = 0; } function fadeahloop() { stopahloop = 1; if (ahvol > 0) { ahvol -= 0.25; } if (ahvol < 0) { ahvol = 0; } sound2.setVolume(ahvol); sound3.setVolume(ahvol); ahwait = 0; } function fadeahloopfast() { stopahloop = 1; if (ahvol > 0) { ahvol -= 0.5; } if (ahvol < 0) { ahvol = 0; } sound2.setVolume(ahvol); sound3.setVolume(ahvol); ahwait = 0; } function killahloop() { stopahloop = 1; ahvol = 0; sound2.setVolume(0); sound3.setVolume(0); } function fadepalace() { if (palvol > 0) { palvol -= 0.25; } if (palvol < 0) { palvol = 0; } sound1.setVolume(palvol); if (palvol == 0) { talking1 = 0; playingpalace = 0; } } function mutepalace() { if (palvol > 0) { palvol -= 5; if (palvol < 0) { palvol = 0; } sound1.setVolume(palvol); } } function unmutepalace() { palvol = 30; sound1.setVolume(palvol); } function setloopvol(newvol) { ahvol = newvol; sound3.setVolume(ahvol); } function stoploop() { peesoundon = 0; waitsegs = 12; stoplooping = 1; sound3.stop(); } function chimes() { ++lastchime; if ((lastchime & 1) == 0) { sayfile2('chimes2.wav', 30); } else { sayfile('chimes.wav', 30); } } function peesound(wch, sfvol) { if (sfvol == undefined) { sfvol = 100; } peevol = sfvol; if (!talking3) { if (wch == 0) { what = 'pee_urinal.mp3'; } else { what = 'pee_face.mp3'; } sound3.attachSound(what); sound3.start(0, 99); sound3.setVolume(sfvol); peesoundon = 1; } } function dogoape() { if (mybug && buttonpress && butrel) { releasedick = 0; horny = 0; releasehold = 0; tpressd = 10; horny = 97; } mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; motion = 0; if (abs(mdx) > motion) { motion = abs(mdx); } if (abs(mdy) > motion) { motion = abs(mdy); } if (motion > 20) { motion = 20; } dopowerbar(); if (!tpressd) { tx = 235; ty = 35; sethotspot(tx, ty, 20, 20, 2); dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdy > 0) { killhotspot(); tpressd = 10; sayfile2('mm2.mp3', 40); } } utpressd = tpressd; if (releasehold) { utpressd = 0; } dx = utpressd - pressd; pressd += dx / 8; if (motion && pressd > 1 && horny < 100 && !grinda) { tpdep = 1 + 1.5 * h100; tpspd = 7 + 20 * h100; tjspd = 20 + 40 * h100; tjdep = 1; tx = hdx; ty = hdy; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (abs(dx) < 50 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx < 0 && pa < 180) { tslam = pspd * 0.6; if (slamrst && horny < 100) { swoosh = 1; swooshadd = 0; swooshdir = 3; swooshx = hdx - 10; swooshy = hdy - 50; slamrst = 0; if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } dosurge = 2; if (horny < 100) { horny += 3; if (horny < 100) { if (!talking) { saysnd('breath', 10); } } else { wchuhh = 2; saysnd('uhh', 30); grindreq = 1; horny = 100; autopilot = 0; } } } } else { tslam = 0; } } else { if (releasedick) { tpdep = 0.3; } else { tpdep = 0; } tpspd = 3; tjspd = 10; if (releasedick == 1) { tjdep = 2.7; } else { if (releasedick == 2) { tjdep = 3.8; } else { tjdep = 0; } } tslam = 0; if (releasehold) { becmul *= 0.99; } } dx = tpspd - pspd; if (pspd < tpspd) { pspd += dx / 4; } else { if (pspd > 0) { pspd -= 0.125; } } dx = tpdep - pdep; if (pdep < tpdep) { pdep += dx / 4; } else { pdep += dx / 24; } dx = tjspd - jspd; if (jspd < tjspd) { jspd += dx / 3; } else { jspd += dx / 24; } dx = tjdep - jdep; if (jdep < tjdep) { jdep += dx / 3; } else { jdep += dx / 24; } dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 2; } else { slam += dx / 16; } if (releasedick == 0) { if (!grind) { ja += jspd * speedadj; } else { if (ja < 270) { ja += 30; if (ja > 270) { ja = 270; } } } } else { if (releasedick == 1) { if (ja < 90) { ja += 5; if (ja >= 90) { releasedick = 2; } } else { if (ja < 270) { ja -= 5; if (ja <= 90) { releasedick = 2; } } else { ja += 5; if (ja >= 90 && ja < 270) { releasedick = 2; } } } } else { dx = 270 - ja; ja += dx / 8; } } if (ja >= 360) { ja -= 360; } jack = sine(ja) * jdep; if (grinda) { } else { if (pa < 180) { pa += pspd + slam; } else { pa += pspd - slam / 2; slamrst = 1; } } mon4 = 'laa:' + hlaa + ' t:' + thlaa; mon5 = ' pspd:' + floor(pspd) + ' jspd:' + floor(jspd); mon6 = 'ja:' + floor(ja) + ' rd:' + releasedick; mon6 = 'bm:' + becmul; if (pa >= 360) { pa -= 360; } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (grindreq) { grindreq = 0; grinda = 0.1; } } opa = pa; pump = sine(pa + 90) * pdep; cpump = sine(pa + 90 + 60) * pdep; if (grinda) { if (granda < 90) { grainda += 8; } else { grinda += 4; } if (grinda >= 10 && oga < 10) { sayfile2('surprise3.mp3', 20); } if (grinda >= 180) { grinda = 0; releasehold = 1; releasedick = 1; } } oga = grinda; grind = sine(grinda); quivera += 140; quiver = sine(quivera); pump += grind * -3; pump += quiver * grind * 0.15; if (releasedick >= 2) { padd = pump; if (padd > 0) { padd /= 2; } } else { padd *= 0.5; } pump += padd * quiver * 0.15; hx = 658; hy = 229; bx = 165; by = 611 + pressd; hha = 0; hcha = 0; hrla = 0; hlla = 0; hda = 0; hsha = 0; hela = 0; hlha = 0; bba = +(pressd * 0.2); hela += jack * 4.5; hsha += jack * 0.2; hcha += pump * 1.9; hha += pump * -1.6; hlla += pump * 1.3; hrla += pump * 1.4; hx += pump * 5.5; hy += pump * -1.3; hlha += pump * 0.4; hlha += cpump * -1.6; bba += cpump * -0.15 * becmul; by += cpump * -2 * becmul; bba += 5 * h100; hda += jack * 0.4; hda += cpump * 2.6; if (releasehold) { thlaa = -72 + fadjx; } else { thlaa = 0; } dx = thlaa - hlaa; hlaa += dx / 6; trad = 137; toa = 199; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hllx = hx + xadd; hlly = hy + yadd; trad = 105; toa = -93; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hrlx = hx + xadd; hrly = hy + yadd; trad = 142; toa = -116; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; trad = 75 + jack * 16; toa = -60; xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad; gdx = hdx + xadd; gdy = hdy + yadd; trad = 244.2; toa = 41.4; xadd = sine(toa + hela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hela) * trad; helx = gdx + xadd; hely = gdy + yadd; trad = 568 - pressd * 0.5; toa = 7; xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad; hlhx = bx + xadd; hlhy = by + yadd; trad = 379 + qadjx / 1; toa = 34 + qadjy / 1; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hlax = hx + xadd + hlaa * 3; hlay = hy + yadd + hlaa * 1.5; lrarmdep = 365; if (releasedick >= 2) { lrarmdep = 236; } wsprite(0, hx, hy, 500, hha + 45, 60); wsprite(1, hx, hy, 510, hcha + 45, 58); wsprite(2, hrlx, hrly, 250, hrla + 45, 62); wsprite(3, hllx, hlly, 845, hlla + 45, 63); wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 444, hda + 45, 64); wsprite(5, helx, hely, 235, hsha + 45, 66); wsprite(6, gdx, gdy, lrarmdep, hela + 45, 67); if (releasedick < 2) { wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68); } else { wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68, 0, 100, 100); } if (!releasehold) { wsprite(8, hlhx, hlhy, 840, hlha + 45, 65); } else { wsprite(8, hlax, hlay, 850, hlaa + 45, 59); } wsprite(10, bx, by, 260, bba - 45, 70); } function initgodyeah() { tpressd = 0; pressd = 0; jspd = 0; tjspd = 0; jdep = 0; tjdep = 0; ja = 0; jack = 0; pdep = 0; tpdep = 0; pspd = 0; tpspd = 0; pa = 0; pump = 0; h100 = 0; horny = 0; boost = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; grindreq = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; tslam = 0; slam = 0; slamrst = 0; releasehold = 1; thlaa = 0; hlaa = 0; releasedick = 3; ja = 90; padd = 0; becmul = 0; hlaa = -72; thlaa = -72; atcheek = 1; gdx = 223; tgdx = 223; gdy = 139; tgdy = 139; hsha = 33; thsha = 33; hela = 31; thela = 31; jackwait = 20; b1a = 0; b0a = 100; bseq = 0; blean = 0; tblean = 0; jumpback = 0; downhuh = 0; smallgrind = 0; } function dogodyeah() { if (mybug && buttonpress && butrel) { horny = 97; butrel = 0; } mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; motion = 0; if (abs(mdx) > motion) { motion = abs(mdx); } if (abs(mdy) > motion) { motion = abs(mdy); } if (motion > 20) { motion = 20; } dopowerbar(); if (!atcheek) { if (jackwait) { --jackwait; } } if (motion && !jackwait && horny < 100 && !grinda) { tpdep = 1 + 1 * h100; tpspd = 7 + 10 * h100; tjspd = 20 + 40 * h100; tjdep = 1; tx = hdx; ty = hdy; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (abs(dx) < 50 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx < 0 && pa < 180 && !jumpback) { tslam = pspd * 0.6; if (slamrst && horny < 100) { swoosh = 1; swooshadd = 0; swooshdir = 3; swooshx = hdx - 10; swooshy = hdy - 50; slamrst = 0; if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } dosurge = 2; bseq = 1; tblean = 5; if (horny < 100 && !jumpback) { horny += 5; if (horny < 100) { if (!talking) { saysnd('breath', 10); } } else { wchuhh = 2; saysnd('uhh', 30); grindreq = 1; horny = 100; autopilot = 0; } } } } else { tslam = 0; } } else { if (releasedick) { tpdep = 0.5; } else { tpdep = 0; } tpspd = 4; tjspd = 10; if (releasedick == 3) { tjdep = 1; } else { if (releasedick == 1) { tjdep = 2.7; } else { if (releasedick == 2) { tjdep = 3.8; } else { tjdep = 0; } } } tslam = 0; if (releasehold) { becmul *= 0.99; } } dx = tpspd - pspd; if (pspd < tpspd) { pspd += dx / 4; } else { if (pspd > 0) { pspd -= 0.125; } } dx = tpdep - pdep; if (pdep < tpdep) { pdep += dx / 4; } else { pdep += dx / 24; } dx = tjspd - jspd; if (jspd < tjspd) { jspd += dx / 3; } else { jspd += dx / 24; } dx = tjdep - jdep; if (jdep < tjdep) { jdep += dx / 3; } else { jdep += dx / 24; } dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 2; } else { slam += dx / 16; } if (releasedick == 0) { if (!grind) { ja += jspd * speedadj; } else { if (ja < 270) { ja += 30; if (ja > 270) { ja = 270; } } } } else { if (releasedick == 1) { if (ja < 90) { ja += 5; if (ja >= 90) { releasedick = 2; } } else { if (ja < 270) { ja -= 5; if (ja <= 90) { releasedick = 2; } } else { ja += 5; if (ja >= 90 && ja < 270) { releasedick = 2; } } } } else { if (releasedick == 2) { dx = 270 - ja; ja += dx / 8; } else { if (releasedick == 3) { ja = 90; } } } } if (ja >= 360) { ja -= 360; } jack = sine(ja) * jdep; cjack = cosine(ja) * jdep; if (grinda) { } else { if (pa < 180) { pa += pspd + slam; } else { pa += pspd - slam / 2; slamrst = 1; } } mon4 = 'laa:' + hlaa + ' t:' + thlaa; mon5 = ' pspd:' + floor(pspd) + ' jspd:' + floor(jspd) + ' ' + jdep; if (pa >= 360) { pa -= 360; } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (grindreq) { grindreq = 0; grinda = 0.1; } if (jumpback) { ++jumpback; } } opa = pa; pump = sine(pa + 90) * pdep; cpump = sine(pa + 90 + 60) * pdep; if (grinda) { if (smallgrind) { grinda += 3; } else { if (grinda < 90) { grinda += 8; if (grinda >= 90) { grinda = 90; } } else { if (grinda < 100) { grinda += 0.5; } else { grinda += 4; } } } if (grinda >= 90 && oga < 90 && !smallgrind) { sayfile2('surprise3.mp3', 20); tblean = 0; jumpback = 1; } if (grinda >= 180) { grinda = 0; if (!smallgrind) { horny = 0; } } } oga = grinda; grind = sine(grinda); quivera += 140; quiver = sine(quivera); if (smallgrind) { pump += grind * -2; pump += quiver * grind * 0.15; } else { pump += grind * -5; pump += quiver * grind * 0.15; } if (releasedick >= 2) { padd = pump; if (padd > 0) { padd /= 2; } } else { padd *= 0.5; } pump += padd * quiver * 0.15; dx = tblean - blean; blean += dx / 12; hx = 658; hy = 229; bx = 165; by = 611 + pressd; hha = 0; hcha = 0; hrla = 0; hlla = 0; hda = 0; hlha = 0; bba = 0; bha = bba; bba += blean; bha += blean * 0.4; bx += blean * (44 + wadjx) / 10; by += blean * (15 + wadjy) / 10; if (!smallgrind) { hx += grind * -20; } hcha += pump * 1.9; hha += pump * -1.6; hlla += pump * 1.3; hrla += pump * 1.4; hx += pump * 5.5; hy += pump * -1.3; hlha += pump * 0.4; hlha += cpump * -1.6; bba += cpump * -0.15 * becmul; by += cpump * -2 * becmul; hda += jack * 0.4; if (releasehold) { thlaa = -72; } else { thlaa = 0; } dx = thlaa - hlaa; hlaa += dx / 6; trad = 137; toa = 199; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hllx = hx + xadd; hlly = hy + yadd; trad = 105; toa = -93; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hrlx = hx + xadd; hrly = hy + yadd; trad = 142; toa = -116; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; if (atcheek) { tgdx = 223; tgdy = 139; thsha = 33; thela = 31; thela += jack * 4.5; thsha += jack * 0.2; } else { trad = 75 + jack * (43 + zadjx); toa = -60; xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad; tgdx = hdx + xadd; tgdy = hdy + yadd; if (jackwait) { thela = 7 + jack * 4.5; thsha = 11 + jack * 0.2; } else { thela = 7 + wadjy + cjack * -2.1; hela = thela; thsha = 11 + wadjx + cjack * -2.7; hsha = thsha; } } dx = thsha - hsha; hsha += dx / 6; dx = thela - hela; hela += dx / 6; dx = tgdx - gdx; gdx += dx / 6; dy = tgdy - gdy; gdy += dy / 6; trad = 244.2; toa = 41.4; xadd = sine(toa + hela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hela) * trad; helx = gdx + xadd; hely = gdy + yadd; trad = 568 - pressd * 0.5; toa = 7; xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad; hlhx = bx + xadd; hlhy = by + yadd; trad = 379; toa = 34; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hlax = hx + xadd + hlaa * 3; hlay = hy + yadd + hlaa * 1.5; trad = 417.6 + qadjx / 10; toa = -2.8 + qadjy / 10; xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; if (releasedick >= 2) { lrarmdep = 236; } else { if (gdx < 350) { lrarmdep = 236; } else { lrarmdep = 365; } } wsprite(0, hx, hy, 500, hha + 45, 60); wsprite(1, hx, hy, 510, hcha + 45, 58); wsprite(2, hrlx, hrly, 250, hrla + 45, 62); wsprite(3, hllx, hlly, 845, hlla + 45, 63); wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 444, hda + 45, 64); wsprite(5, helx, hely, 235, hsha + 45, 66); wsprite(6, gdx, gdy, lrarmdep, hela + 45, 67); if (releasedick < 2 && gdx > 300) { wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68); } else { wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68, 0, 100, 100); } if (!releasehold) { wsprite(8, hlhx, hlhy, 840, hlha + 45, 65); } else { wsprite(8, hlax, hlay, 850, hlaa + 45, 59); } if (bseq == 0) { if (b0a < 100) { b0a += 10; } else { if (b1a > 0) { b1a -= 10; } } } else { if (b1a < 100) { b1a += 10; } else { if (b0a > 0) { b0a -= 10; } } } upseq = 72; if (jumpback) { upseq = 74; } dnseq = 73; if (downhuh) { dnseq = 75; } wsprite(10, bhx, bhy, 262, bha - 45, upseq, b0a); wsprite(11, bhx, bhy, 261, bha - 45, dnseq, b1a); wsprite(12, bx, by, 260, bba - 45, 71); } function initgg4() { pushdown = 0; attached = 0; openup = 0; jawseq = 0; pushin = 0; newframe = 0; eyeframe = 0; blink = 0; oldfa = 100; newfa = 0; changing = 0; blinka = 0; wincea = 0; wince = 0; blinkdly = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; grindin = 0; engaged = 0; doengage = 1; maxinsert = 20; mininsert = 0; insreset = 1; gagged = 0; ba = -8; rta = ba; trta = rta; lta = trta; tlta = lta; ludx = 0; ltdx = 0; rudx = 0; rtdx = 0; horny = 0; gaga = 0; gag = 0; tdimx = 0; dimx = 0; odimx = 0; tslam = 0; slam = 0; slamrst = 0; tpdep = 0; pdep = 0; maxinsert = 10; mininsert = 0; boost = 0; cadd = 0; backoff = 0; tbreathdep = 0; breathdep = 0; breatha = 0; breath = 0; hbreatha = 0; hbreath = 0; pdtx = 0; fd0add = 0; fd0y = 0; fd0x = 0; fd0siz = 0; drips = 0; gslam = 0; } function dogg4() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { horny = 96; } if (mybug && Key.isDown(67)) { horny = 96; backoffs = 3; } mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; dopowerbar(); refx = 85; refxopen = 360 + adjx; refxin = 400; if (!attached) { if (ssay >= 49.1 && mousex < refx) { attached = 1; } } else { if (backoff == 2) { if (dimx > 0) { dimx -= 0.2; } tdimx = dimx; if (pdtx > 0) { pdtx -= 2; } if (pdtx <= 0 && dimx <= 0) { pdtx = 0; engaged = 0; horny = 0; tpdep = 0; dimx = 0; tdimx = 0; if (mousex < refx) { backoff = 0; drips = 0; doengage = 1; horny = 40 + backoffs * 10; ssay = 49.1; } } } else { if (backoff == 1) { if (dimx > 0) { dimx -= 0.1; } tdimx = dimx; if (pdtx > 40) { pdtx = 40; } else { if (pdtx > 20) { pdtx -= 0.1; } } } else { breathdep *= 0.9; pdtx = (mousex - refx) / 3; } } if (pdtx < 0) { pdtx = 0; } if (pdtx > 80) { pdtx = 80; } if (engaged) { pdtx = 80; } dx = pdtx - pushdown; if (backoff) { if (pushdown < 50 && backoff < 2) { tbreathdep = 1; } if (dx < -15) { dx = -15; } } pushdown += dx / 6; if (backoff) { tx = 0; } else { tx = (mousex - refxopen) / 1.5; } if (tx < 0) { tx = 0; } if (tx > 31) { tx = 31; } if (engaged) { tx = 31; } else { if (tx >= 31 && doengage) { engaged = 1; tdimx = 10; } } dx = tx - openup; openup += dx / 6; if (openup >= 5) { if (blink < 1) { blink = 1; } } else { blink = 0; } if (engaged) { tdimx = 10 + 20 * h100; dx = tdimx - dimx; dimx += dx / 6; pspd = 8 + 10 * h100; if (mdx > 0 && !pa && !backoff) { pa = 0.1; } } } hx = 640; hy = 240; bx = 48; by = 677; hha = -4.4; hrla = 0; hlla = 0; hda = 0; hba = 0; hcha = -4.7; hsha = 0; hela = 0; ba = -8; bha = 12; if (backoff) { if (backoff == 2) { if (tbreathdep > 0) { tbreathdep -= 0.005; } } bdx = tbreathdep - breathdep; breathdep += bdx / 8; breatha += 11; if (breatha > 360) { breatha -= 360; if (!talking) { saysnd('bbreath', 30); } } breath = sine(breatha) * breathdep; hbreatha += 4; hbreath = sine(hbreatha) * breathdep; if (hbreatha >= 720 && ssay < 50) { say(50); } } if (grinda) { if (cumming) { gslam = 6; } else { gslam = 0; } if (grinda < 90) { grinda += 4 + gslam; if (grinda >= 90) { grinda = 90; saysnd('muff', 10 * cumfade); } } else { if (grinda < 100) { grinda += 0.5; } else { if (grinda > 270) { grinda += 4 + gslam; } else { grinda += 2 + gslam; } } } if (!cumming) { if (grinda >= 180) { grinda = 0; backoff = 1; ++backoffs; doengage = 0; } } else { if (grinda > 360) { grinda = 0.1; saysnd('uhh', 20 * cumfade); } } } oga = grinda; grinddep = 0.5 + backoffs * 0.33; grind = sine(grinda) * grinddep; grind += quiver * grind * 0.03; if (grind < 0) { grind /= 4; } pgrind = grind; if (pgrind < 0) { pgrind = 0; } quivera += 140; quiver = sine(quivera); dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 2; } else { slam += dx / 16; } tpdep = 1; dx = tpdep - pdep; if (pdep < tpdep) { pdep += dx / 4; } else { pdep += dx / 24; } if (engaged) { if (grinda) { } else { if (pa) { if (pa < 180) { if (mdx > 1) { tslam = pspd * 0.4; } } else { tslam = 0; } if (pa < 180) { pa += pspd + slam; boost = 0; } else { if (pa < 270) { if (mdx > 0 && !backoff) { boost = 1; } cadd = pspd; pa += cadd; } else { if (mdx > 0 && !backoff) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = pspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } pa += cadd; } } if (pa >= 360) { if (boost) { pa = 0.1; if (!talking) { saysnd('breath', 10); } } else { pa = 0; if (backoff) { engaged = 0; } } } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (horny < 100) { if (!grinda && autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } horny += 2; if (horny >= 100 && !grinda && !backoff) { grinda = 0.1; autopilot = 0; if (backoffs >= 2) { cumming = 1; sayfile1('morg5.wav', 7); } else { saysnd('uhh', 20); } } } } } } opa = pa; } pump = sine(pa - 90) * pdep; ppump = pump; if (ppump < 0) { ppump = 0; } pump += 1; grindin = pump * 5; if (!grinda) { grindin += quiver * ppump * 0.15; } pushin = grindin * (10 + horny * (20 + wadjx) / 100) / 10; pushin += dimx; if (grind > 1.39) { blink = 5; } else { if (blink > 4) { blink = 4; } if (grind > 1.06) { blink = 4; } else { if (blink > 3) { blink = 3; } if (grind > 0.7300000000000001) { blink = 3; } else { if (blink > 2) { blink = 2; } if (grind > 0.4) { blink = 2; } else { if (pushin > 65 || backoff || cumming) { blink = 2; blinkdly = 12; } else { if (blinkdly) { --blinkdly; } else { if (blink > 1) { blink = 1; } } } } } } } mon5 = ' ga:' + grinda + ' pin:' + floor(pushin * 100) / 100; ba += pushdown * 0.2; bha += pushdown * 0.02; bx += pushdown * 0.7; by += pushdown * -0.1; hcha += pushdown * 0.08; hha += pushdown * 0.03; hx += pushdown * 0.2; ba += openup * 0.1; bha += openup * -0.03; ba += pushin * 0.12; bha += pushin * -0.02; by += pushin * 0.1; hda += pushin * -0.02; hha += pushin * 0.02; hcha += pushin * -0.03; hlla += pushin * -0.03; hrla += pushin * -0.03; hx += pushin * -0.02; hy += pushin * -0.03; pushin60 = pushin - 60; if (pushin60 < 0) { pushin60 = 0; } bha += pushin60 * -0.07000000000000001; hda += grindin * -0.31; hha += grindin * 0.48; hcha += grindin * -0.12; hlla += grindin * -0.15; hrla += grindin * -0.15; hx += grindin * -0.54; by += grindin * 0.43; bha += grindin * -0.22; pushin30 = pushin - 30; if (pushin30 < 0) { pushin30 = 0; } bha += (pushin30 * grindin / 10) * -0.14; by += (pushin30 * grindin / 10) * 0.2; hda += grind * 5.5; hha += grind * 1.9; hcha += grind * 7.8; hlla += grind * -3.5; hrla += grind * -3.5; hx += grind * -8; hy += grind * -6.3; by += grind * -6.3; bx += pgrind * 29.5; ba += pgrind * -2.6; bha += pgrind * 5.4; ba += breath * 0.5; bha += breath * -0.4; bx += breath * -1.7; by += breath * 0.9; phbreath = hbreath; if (phbreath < 0) { phbreath = 0; } hbreath += quiver * phbreath * 0.22; hcha += hbreath * (-4 + qadjx) / 10; hha += hbreath * (9 + qadjy) / 10; hlla += hbreath * (-6 + fadjy) / 10; hrla += hbreath * (-6 + fadjy) / 10; hx += hbreath * (-6 + adjx) / 10; hy += hbreath * (6 + adjy) / 10; hda += hbreath * (-4 + zadjx) / 10; trta = ba; tlta = trta; ltdx = tlta - lta; dx = ltdx - ludx; ludx += dx * 0.22; lta += ludx * 0.6; rtdx = trta - rta; dx = rtdx - rudx; rudx += dx * 0.17; rta += rudx * 0.6; trad = 122; toa = -128; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hrlx = hx + xadd; hrly = hy + yadd; trad = 173; toa = 194; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hllx = hx + xadd; hlly = hy + yadd; trad = 175; toa = -114; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; trad = 315 + pushdown * 0.15; toa = -21 + pushdown * 0.13; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; shx = hx + xadd; shy = hy + yadd; ux = ghx; uy = ghy; tshrad = 224; telrad = 230; sss(shx, shy, tshrad, telrad, ux, uy, 0); hsha = ugsha; hela = ugela; trad = 224; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hsha) * trad; elx = shx + xadd; ely = shy + yadd; hsha += 157; hela += 93; trad = 502.8; toa = 9.699999999999999; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; trad = 86; toa = 39; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; ghx = bhx + xadd; ghy = bhy + yadd; trad = 130; toa = 108; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; fdripx = bhx + xadd; fdripy = bhy + yadd; trad = 240 + zadjx / 10; toa = 19 + zadjy / 10; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; ttx = bx + xadd; tty = by + yadd; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 500, hha + 45, 80); wsprite(1, hrlx, hrly, 210, hrla + 45, 81); wsprite(2, hllx, hlly, 550, hlla + 45, 82); wsprite(3, hdx, hdy, 320, hda + 45, 83); wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 410, hba + 45, 84); wsprite(5, hx, hy, 555, hcha + 45, 85); wsprite(6, shx, shy, 200, hsha + 45, 86); wsprite(7, elx, ely, 201, hela + 45, 87); wsprite(8, bx, by, 300, ba - 45, 90); wsprite(9, bhx, bhy, 330, bha - 45, 91); jawseq = floor(openup * 0.2); wsprite(10, bhx, bhy, 340, bha - 45, 92 + jawseq); if (blink != eyeframe && !changing) { newframe = blink; changing = 1; } if (changing) { if (newfa < 100) { newfa += 20; } if (newfa >= 100) { if (oldfa > 0) { oldfa -= 20; } if (oldfa <= 0) { oldfa = 100; eyeframe = blink; newfa = 0; newframe = 0; changing = 0; } } } wsprite(11, bhx, bhy, 341, bha - 45, 110 + eyeframe, oldfa); wsprite(12, bhx, bhy, 342, bha - 45, 110 + newframe, newfa); wsprite(13, ttx, tty, 298, lta - 45, 105); wsprite(14, ttx, tty, 348, rta - 45, 104); if (backoff && !fd0siz && drips < 3 && pushdown < 60) { fd0siz = 0.1; if (drips == 0) { sayfile('cough.mp3', 5); } ++drips; } if (fd0siz) { if (fd0siz < 70 + drips * 10) { fd0siz += 8; fd0x = fdripx; fd0y = fdripy; fd0add = 8 + qadjy; dripxspeed = fdripx - ofdx; ofdx = fdripx; } else { fd0y += fd0add; fd0add += 1.5; fd0x += dripxspeed; if (fd0y > 610) { fd0siz = 0; } } wsperm(0, fd0x, fd0y, 1300, 0, 31, 44 + wadjy, 100 + wadjx, fd0siz); } } function initscene1() { hideall(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(20); bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(21); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1a = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; wait = 30; ssay = 19; scenestarted = 1; drips = 0; dripvol = 50; tpressd = 0; pressd = 0; jspd = 0; tjspd = 0; jdep = 0; tjdep = 0; ja = 0; jack = 0; pdep = 0; tpdep = 0; pspd = 0; tpspd = 0; pa = 0; pump = 0; h100 = 0; horny = 0; boost = 0; squirts = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; grindreq = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; tslam = 0; slam = 0; slamrst = 0; releasehold = 0; thlaa = 0; hlaa = 0; releasedick = 0; padd = 0; becmul = 1; backoffs = 0; cumfade = 1; } function doscene1() { mon6 = ' ' + bg1a + ' ' + bg2a; if (!scenestarted) { initscene1(); } if (ssay == 19) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { saysnd('drip', 50); wait = rnd(30) + 20; ++drips; } if (drips >= 7) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { ssay = 19.1; } dripvol -= 0.125; wait = 20; } } else { if (ssay == 19.1) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(20); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(22); } } else { if (ssay == 20) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(21); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(23); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 21) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { say(22); sayfile('gasp3.mp3', 2); wait = 20; } } } } else { if (ssay == 22) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(23); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 23) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(24); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(24); } } } else { if (ssay == 24) { if (balpha == 0) { dogoape(); if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(25); ssay = 24.1; wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 24.1) { dogoape(); if (becmul < 0.1) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { killsprites(); say(25); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 25) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(26); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(26); } } } else { if (ssay == 26) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(27); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 27) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(28); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 28) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(29); wait = 20; wait2 = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(27); } } } else { if (ssay == 29) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(30); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 30) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(31); wait2 = 30; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(28); } } } else { if (ssay == 31) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; if (bg2a == 0) { sayfile('giggle0.mp3', 20); } } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(32); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(28); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(24); initgodyeah(); wait = 40; } } } } else { if (ssay == 32) { if (balpha == 0) { dogodyeah(); if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 3; if (bg2a < 0) { bg2a = 0; } } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(33); } } } } else { if (ssay == 33) { dogodyeah(); if (balpha == 0) { atcheek = 0; releasedick = 0; ssay = 33.1; } } else { if (ssay == 33.1) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback) { if (jumpback > 3) { say(34); jumpback = 1; horny = 5; smallgrind = 1; grindreq = 1; } } } else { if (ssay == 34) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { jumpback = 1; horny = 10; bseq = 0; say(35, 1); } } else { if (ssay == 35) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (jumpback > 3) { jumpback = 1; horny = 15; say(36); grindreq = 1; } } } else { if (ssay == 36) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { jumpback = 1; horny = 20; say(37, 1); } } else { if (ssay == 37) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (jumpback > 3) { jumpback = 1; horny = 25; say(38); grindreq = 1; } } } else { if (ssay == 38) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { jumpback = 1; horny = 30; say(39, 1); } } else { if (ssay == 39) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (jumpback > 3) { jumpback = 1; horny = 35; say(40); grindreq = 1; } } } else { if (ssay == 40) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { horny = 40; downhuh = 1; bseq = 1; ssay = 40.1; } } else { if (ssay == 40.1) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 5) { horny = 50; say(40); ssay = 40.2; jumpback = 1; } } else { if (ssay == 40.2) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (jumpback > 3) { jumpback = 1; horny = 60; say(41, 1); tblean = 1; } } } else { if (ssay == 41) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (jumpback > 4) { jumpback = 1; horny = 70; say(42); tblean = 2; } } } else { if (ssay == 42) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (jumpback > 5) { jumpback = 1; horny = 80; say(43, 1); ssay; tblean = 3; } } } else { if (ssay == 43) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 6) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { jumpback = 1; tblean = 5; if (blean >= 4.75) { say(44); } } } else { if (ssay == 44) { dogodyeah(); if (jumpback > 7) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { jumpback = 1; tblean = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(29); ssay = 44.1; wait = 20; } } else { if (ssay == 44.1) { dogodyeah(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(45); wait = 20; killsprites(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(30); } } } else { if (ssay == 45) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { --bg2a; } else { say(46); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(31); wait = 30; wait2 = 90; } } } } else { if (ssay == 46) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { ++bg2a; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { ssay = 46.1; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(32); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 46.1) { if (bg2a > 0) { --bg2a; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(48); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(32); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(33); initgg4(); } } } else { if (ssay == 48) { if (balpha == 0) { dogg4(); if (bg2a > 0) { --bg2a; } else { say(49); } } } else { if (ssay == 49) { dogg4(); if (balpha == 0) { ssay = 49.1; } } else { if (ssay == 49.1) { dogg4(); wait = 30; if (cumming) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(34); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.25; } else { killsprites(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(35); ssay = 51.1; wait2 = 40; wait = 40; } cumfade = (100 - bg2a) / 100; } } else { if (ssay == 50) { dogg4(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(51); } } } else { if (ssay == 51) { dogg4(); if (balpha == 0) { backoff = 2; } } else { if (ssay == 51.1) { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { --bg2a; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(52); wait = 15; } } } } else { if (ssay == 52) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(53); wait = 40; } } } else { if (ssay == 53) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } if (fade == 100) { scene += 1; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 1; } scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a; bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a; omousex = mousex; omousey = mousey; if (!Key.isDown(191)) { slashrel = 1; } if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) { scenestarted = 0; killsprites(); } if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) { killsprites(); forcebuboff = 1; if (autopilot) { killhotspot(); autopilot = 0; } ssay = 24; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(24); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(25); ssay = 24.1; becmul = 0; tpressd = 10; ssay = 31; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(28); ssay = 32; wait = 0; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(28); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(24); initgodyeah(); jumpback = 1; tblean = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(29); ssay = 44.1; ssay = 49.1; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(32); bg2a = 0; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(33); initgg4(); } } function init_mb4() { slhx = 542; slhy = 320; slha = 0; reachh = 0; bendo = 0; grabdick = 0; jspd = 0; jdep = 0; jack = 0; ja = 180; tjspd = 8; tjdep = 0; bha = 0; tbha = 0; strokes = 0; jackdelay = -30; sda = 0; tsda = 0; pa = 0; pdep = 0; pump = 0; lhxadd = 0; horny = 0; maxhorn = 15; blinka = 0; blinkon = 0; blinkdel = 30; backoff = 0; puckera = 0; pucker = 0; phard = 0; } function domb4() { if (mybug && Key.isDown(80) && butrel) { butrel = 0; if (phard) { phard = 0; } else { phard = 1; } } dopowerbar(); if (ssay < 68.09999999999999) { reachh = 0; } else { if (reachh == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { reachh = 1; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 30; fromx = slhx; fromy = slhy; froma = 0; targetx = brhx; targety = brhy; deltax = targetx - fromx; deltay = targety - fromy; } } else { if (reachh == 1) { slhx = fromx + deltax * m100; slhy = fromy + deltay * m100; slha = 9 * m100; bendo = -10 * m100; if (mover == 100) { mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 40; fromx = slhx; fromy = slhy; froma = slha; targetx = jpx; targety = jpy; deltax = targetx - fromx; deltay = targety - fromy; deltaa = 18 - froma; reachh = 2; } } else { if (reachh == 2) { slhx = fromx + deltax * m100; slhy = fromy + deltay * m100; slha = froma + deltaa * m100; bendo = -10 + 10 * m100; if (mover == 100) { grabdick = 2; reachh = 3; rwait = 10; } } else { if (reachh == 3) { if (rwait) { --rwait; } else { reachh = 4; ja = 180; } } else { if (reachh == 4) { if (tjdep < 1) { tjdep += 0.1; } slhx = jpx; slhy = jpy; if (strokes >= 4) { reachh = 5; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 40; fromx = slhx; fromy = slhy; froma = slha; } } else { if (reachh == 5) { targetx = 596; targety = 244; deltax = targetx - fromx; deltay = targety - fromy; deltaa = -froma; slhx = fromx + deltax * m100; slhy = fromy + deltay * m100; slha = froma + deltaa * m100; if (mover == 100 && strokes >= 7) { reachh = 6; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 32; froma = tbha; } } else { if (reachh == 6) { targeta = -54; deltaa = targeta - froma; tbha = froma + deltaa * m100; if (mover == 100) { if (ssay < 70) { say(70); wait2 = 10; } if (ssay == 71 && balpha == 0) { reachh = 7; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 25; froma = tbha; } } } else { if (reachh == 7) { targeta = 0; deltaa = targeta - froma; tbha = froma + deltaa * m100; tjspd = 12; if (jackdelay < 0) { ++jackdelay; } maxhorn = 10; if (horny >= 10 && ssay < 72) { say(72); wait = 10; await = 20; } if (ssay == 72) { tjspd = 4; tjdep = 0; if (await) { --await; } else { dx = -3 - backoff; backoff += dx / 8; } } else { if (ssay == 73) { tjspd = 12; tjdep = 1; } } if (ssay >= 74 && backoff < 0) { backoff += 0.05; } if (ssay == 74.09999999999999) { if (backoff >= 0) { backoff = 0; reachh = 8; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 40; froma = tbha; frombo = backoff; fromda = tsda; } } } else { if (reachh == 8) { targeta = -7.9 + wadjx / 10; deltaa = targeta - froma; targetbo = 19.4 + wadjy / 10; deltabo = targetbo - frombo; targetda = -12 + qadjy; deltada = targetda - fromda; tbha = froma + deltaa * m100; backoff = frombo + deltabo * m100; tsda = fromda + deltada * m100; if (mover > 80) { pucker = 1; } if (mover == 100) { maxhorn = 20; phard = 1; } } } } } } } } } } } mon4 = 'r:' + reachh + ' gd:' + grabdick + ' str:' + strokes + ' bo:' + backoff + ' ph:' + phard; if (pucker) { if (puckera < 100) { puckera += 25; } } else { if (puckera > 0) { puckera -= 25; } } if (blinkon) { } else { if (blinkdel > 0) { --blinkdel; } else { if (ssay != 74.09999999999999) { blinkdel = 60 + rnd(120); blinkon = 1; } } } if (blinkon) { if (blinka < 74) { blinka += 25; } if (blinka >= 74) { blinkon = 0; } } else { if (blinka > 0) { blinka -= 25; } } dx = tjdep - jdep; jdep += dx / 32; dx = tjspd - jspd; jspd += dx / 8; ja += jspd; if (ja >= 360) { ja -= 360; } if (ja >= 180 && oja < 180) { if (jdep && countstrokes) { ++strokes; if (!pa) { pa = 0.1; } if (reachh >= 7) { if (horny < maxhorn) { ++horny; } } } } oja = ja; jack = sine(ja) * jdep; djack = sine(ja + jackdelay) * jdep; pspd = jspd + 1; if (horny < maxhorn || phard) { tpdep = 1; } else { tpdep = 0.5; } dx = tpdep - pdep; pdep += dx / 32; if (pa) { pa += pspd; if (pa > 360) { pa = 0; } } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (ssay == 74.09999999999999) { blinkon = 1; } } opa = pa; pump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * pdep; bx = 220; by = 458; sx = 612; sy = 145; ba = 0; blha = 0; brsha = 0; brela = 0; blsha = 0; blela = 0; sha = 0; scha = +bendo; slla = 0; srla = 0; sba = 0; if (reachh == 0) { tbha = 0; } else { if (reachh >= 6) { } else { if (reachh >= 4) { tbha = 0; } else { a2p = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bhx - slhx, bhy - slhy)); tbha = (a2p - 104) * 0.4; } } } dx = tbha - bha; bha += dx / 6; bta = bha * 0.6; if (reachh == 4) { uslha = slha + jack * 1.2; } else { uslha = slha; } bcha = djack * -0.25; bcha += backoff; if (reachh >= 8) { } else { if (grabdick) { tsda = -3; } else { tsda = 0; } } dx = tsda - sda; sda += dx / 6; sda += jack * -0.15; mon5 = 'bha:' + floor(bha) + ' t:' + floor(tbha); sha += pump * 0.8; scha += pump * -0.7; srla += pump * -0.2; slla += pump * -0.3; sx += pump * -0.7; sy += pump * 1; if (reachh >= 5) { lhxadd = pump * 0.8; uslha += pump * 0.5; } trad = 78; toa = -114; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; srlx = sx + xadd; srly = sy + yadd; trad = 91.3; toa = 198.9; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; sllx = sx + xadd; slly = sy + yadd; trad = 116; toa = -121; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; sdx = sx + xadd; sdy = sy + yadd; trad = 55; trad += jack * 11.2; toa = -65; xadd = sine(toa + sda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sda) * trad; jpx = sdx + xadd; jpy = sdy + yadd; trad = 114; toa = -117; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; spx = sx + xadd; spy = sy + yadd; trad = 334; toa = 2; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; trad = 99; toa = 11; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; btx = bhx + xadd; bty = bhy + yadd; trad = 218; toa = 48; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brhx = bx + xadd; brhy = by + yadd; trad = 244; toa = -4; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brshx = bx + xadd; brshy = by + yadd; if (reachh >= 5) { ux = jpx; uy = jpy; } else { if (reachh >= 2) { ux = slhx; uy = slhy; } else { ux = brhx; uy = brhy; } } tshrad = 176.5; telrad = 209; sss(brshx, brshy, tshrad, telrad, ux, uy, 1); brsha = ugsha; brela = ugela; trad = tshrad; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + brsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + brsha) * trad; brelx = brshx + xadd; brely = brshy + yadd; brsha += 183.7; brela += -105; trad = 115; toa = -146; xadd = sine(toa + srla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srla) * trad; blhx = srlx + xadd; blhy = srly + yadd; trad = 220; toa = 10; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; blshx = bx + xadd; blshy = by + yadd; ux = blhx; uy = blhy; tshrad = 111; telrad = 148; sss(blshx, blshy, tshrad, telrad, ux, uy, 1); blsha = ugsha; blela = ugela; trad = tshrad; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + blsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + blsha) * trad; blelx = blshx + xadd; blely = blshy + yadd; blsha += 222; blela += -56; wsprite(0, bx, by, 300, 0, 118); wsprite(1, bx, by, 320, bcha - 45, 119); wsprite(2, bhx, bhy, 340, bha - 45, 120); wsprite(3, btx, bty, 350, bta - 45, 121); wsprite(4, blshx, blshy, 210, blsha - 45, 137); wsprite(5, blelx, blely, 211, blela - 45, 138); wsprite(6, blelx, blely, 295, blela - 45, 139); mon6 = ' brshy:' + brsha; if (brsha > 340) { wsprite(7, brshx, brshy, 360, brsha - 45, 124); } else { wsprite(7, brshx, brshy, 360, brsha - 0, 123); } fsprite(8, brelx, brely, 371, brela - 45, 125 + grabdick); if (grabdick && !fs_changing[8]) { wsprite(10, brelx, brely, 329, brela - 45, 126); } else { wsprite(10, -10000, brely, -329, 0, 5); } wsprite(19, bhx, bhy, 341, bha - 45, 117, blinka); wsprite(20, bhx, bhy, 342, bha - 45, 116, puckera); wsprite(11, sx, sy, 400, sha + 45, 129); wsprite(12, sx, sy, 420, scha + 45, 130); wsprite(13, slhx + lhxadd, slhy, 600, uslha + 45, 131, 100, 90, 90); wsprite(14, sllx, slly, 500, slla + 45, 132); wsprite(15, srlx, srly, 290, srla + 45, 133); wsprite(16, sdx, sdy, 343, sda + 45, 134); wsprite(17, sdx, sdy, 344, sba + 45, 135); wsprite(18, spx, spy, 345, sha + 15, 136); } function init_mb6() { jawseq = 0; dickin = 0; maxhorn = 0; horny = 0; pdep = 0; tpdep = 0; hohead = 0; tjdep = 1; jdep = 1; jackrad = 97; tcram = 0; cram = 0; cpdep = 0; cadd = 0; boost = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; tslam = 0; slam = 0; dgrinda = 0; dgrind = 0; stopjack = 110; sj100 = 0; gslam = 0; cumfade = 1; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; squirts = 0; } function domb6() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { maxhorn = 100; horny = 100; autopilot = 6; } mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny / 2 + surge; if (hohead == 0) { if (horny >= 100) { hohead = 1; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 40; fromx = srhx; fromy = srhy; froma = srha; } } else { if (hohead == 1) { targetx = ahx; targety = ahy; targeta = 13; deltax = targetx - fromx; deltay = targety - fromy; deltaa = targeta - froma; srhx = fromx + deltax * m100; srhy = fromy + deltay * m100; srha = froma + deltaa * m100; if (mover == 100) { mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 20; fromx = srhx; fromy = srhy; froma = srha; hohead = 2; } } else { if (hohead == 2) { targetx = tohx; targety = tohy; targeta = 8; deltax = targetx - fromx; deltay = targety - fromy; deltaa = targeta - froma; srhx = fromx + deltax * m100; srhy = fromy + deltay * m100; srha = froma + deltaa * m100; if (mover == 100) { hohead = 3; } } else { if (hohead == 3) { if (horny >= 150) { fromx = bhax; fromy = bhay; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 20; hohead = 4; } } else { if (hohead == 4) { targetx = sx - 164; targety = sy + 260; deltax = targetx - fromx; deltay = targety - fromy; bhax = fromx + deltax * m100; bhay = fromy + deltay * m100; } } } } } if (hohead < 3) { tdi = 84 * h100; dx = tdi - dickin; dickin += dx / 6; if (maxhorn == horny) { tx = 351; ty = 254; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (abs(dx) < 40 && abs(dy) < 50 && mdx > 0) { swoosh = 1; swooshadd = 0; swooshdir = 1; swooshx = tx; swooshy = ty; if (maxhorn < 100) { maxhorn += 4; } dosurge = 1; } } } else { pspd = +(8 * h100); if (mdx > 0 && !pa) { pa = 0.1; } tcpdep = h100; dx = tcpdep - cpdep; cpdep += dx / 8; tpdep = h100; } mon4 = 'cram:' + cram; if (pucker) { if (puckera < 100) { puckera += 25; } } else { if (puckera > 0) { puckera -= 25; } } if (blinkon) { } else { if (blinkdel > 0) { --blinkdel; } else { if (ssay != 74.09999999999999) { blinkdel = 60 + rnd(120); blinkon = 1; } } } if (blinkon) { if (blinka < 74) { blinka += 25; } if (blinka >= 74) { blinkon = 0; } } else { if (blinka > 0) { blinka -= 25; } } stopjack = 110; if (hohead >= 3) { if (horny >= stopjack) { tjdep *= 0.995; if (tjspd > 4) { tjspd *= 0.95; } } else { sj100 = (horny - 100) / 10; tjdep = 1 - sj100 * 0.5; } } else { tjspd = 12 + h100 * 30; } dx = tjdep - jdep; jdep += dx / 32; dx = tjspd - jspd; jspd += dx / 8; ja += jspd; if (ja >= 360) { ja -= 360; } if (ja >= 180 && oja < 180) { if (jdep && hohead < 3) { ++strokes; if (!pa) { pa = 0.1; } if (horny < maxhorn) { if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } ++horny; } } } oja = ja; jack = sine(ja) * jdep; djack = sine(ja + jackdelay) * jdep; hjack = jack; if (hjack > 0) { diadj = 1 - (dickin / 100) * 0.5; hjack *= diadj; } if (hohead < 3) { if (horny < 50) { pspd = jspd + 1; } else { pspd = jspd / 2 + 1; } tpdep = 0.5; if (pa) { pa += pspd; if (pa > 360) { pa = 0; } } } else { dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 2; } else { slam += dx / 16; } if (grinda) { } else { if (pa) { if (pa < 180) { if (mdx > 1) { tslam = pspd * 0.4; } } else { tslam = 0; } if (pa < 180) { pa += pspd + slam; boost = 0; } else { if (pa < 270) { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } cadd = pspd; pa += cadd; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = pspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } pa += cadd; } } if (pa >= 360) { if (cumming) { pa = 0.1; } else { if (boost) { pa = 0.1; if (!talking) { saysnd('breath', 10); } } else { pa = 0; } } } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (cumming) { saysnd('uhh', 20 * cumfade); grinda = 0.1; ++squirts; } else { if (horny < 200) { if (horny < stopjack) { horny += 1; } else { horny += 2; } if (horny >= 200 && !grinda && !cumming) { grinda = 0.1; ++squirts; autopilot = 0; cumming = 1; sayfile1('morg5.wav', 7); } } } } } } opa = pa; } dx = tpdep - pdep; pdep += dx / 32; pump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * pdep; cpump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * pdep * cpdep; if (dgrinda) { dgrinda += 4; if (dgrinda >= 180) { dgrinda = 0; } } else { if (grinda) { grinda += 6; if (grinda >= 90 && oga < 90) { saysnd('muff', 10 * cumfade); dgrinda = 0.1; } if (grinda >= 180) { grinda = 0; } } } oga = grinda; grinddep = 1; dgrind = sine(dgrinda); dgrind += quiver * dgrind * 0.05; pdgrind = dgrind - 0.5; if (pdgrind < 0) { pdgrind = 0; } grind = sine(grinda) * grinddep; grind += quiver * grind * 0.03; grind += dgrind * 0.6; pump += grind * 2.8; quivera += 140; quiver = sine(quivera); mon6 = 'talk:' + talking; bx = 119; by = 562; sx = 695; sy = 285; if (hohead == 0) { srhx = sx - 141; srhy = sy + 132; srha = -60; } bba = 0; bcha = 0; bna = 0; blaa = 0; brsha = 0; brela = 0; bha = 0; sha = 0; scha = 0; slla = 0; sda = -4.2; slaa = 0; bcha = djack * -0.25; tsda = 0; dx = tsda - sda; sda += dx / 6; sda += jack * -0.15; sha += pump * 0.8; scha += pump * -0.7; srla += pump * -0.2; slla += pump * -0.3; sx += pump * -0.7; sy += pump * 1; bcha += dickin * 0.1; bha += dickin * 0.06; sda += dickin * -0.09; bcha += cram * 0.14; bcha += cpump * 1.5; srla += cpump * -0.2; slla += cpump * -0.2; sx += cpump * -2; bha += cpump * -0.2; slaa += grind * (-29 + fadjx) / 10; bcha += grind * (28 + wadjx) / 10; bcha += pdgrind * (-43 + wadjy) / 10; sy += dgrind * (-66 + zadjy) / 10; by += dgrind * (-66 + zadjy) / 10; bcha += dgrind * (-11 + zadjx) / 10; trad = 660; toa = 3; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; slax = sx + xadd; slay = sy + yadd; trad = 194; toa = -143; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; sllx = sx + xadd; slly = sy + yadd; trad = 196; toa = -102; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; sdx = sx + xadd; sdy = sy + yadd; if (hohead < 3) { jackrad = 97; ujackrad = jackrad + hjack * 15; } else { if (horny >= stopjack) { if (jackrad > 69) { jackrad -= 1; } } else { jackrad = 97 - cpump * 8; } ujackrad = jackrad + hjack * 15; } toa = -55; xadd = sine(toa + sda) * ujackrad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sda) * ujackrad; jpx = sdx + xadd; jpy = sdy + yadd; trad = 160 + zadjx / 10; toa = -61 + zadjy / 10; xadd = sine(toa + sda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sda) * trad; dtx = sdx + xadd; dty = sdy + yadd; trad = 304; toa = 18.4; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bnx = bx + xadd; bny = by + yadd; trad = 320; toa = 29.4; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; blax = bx + xadd; blay = by + yadd; trad = 211.7; toa = -0.7; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brshx = bx + xadd; brshy = by + yadd; trad = 146 + qadjx / 10; toa = 82 + qadjy / 10; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; lix = bnx + xadd; liy = bny + yadd; if (horny < 150) { bhax = jpx; bhay = jpy; } else {} tshrad = 286; telrad = 368; sss(brshx, brshy, tshrad, telrad, bhax, bhay, 1); brsha = ugsha; brela = ugela; trad = 286; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + brsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + brsha) * trad; brelx = brshx + xadd; brely = brshy + yadd; brsha += -150; brela += -46; trad = 70; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + bna) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bna) * trad; bhx = bnx + xadd; bhy = bny + yadd; trad = 249; toa = 27; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; ahx = bhx + xadd; ahy = bhy + yadd; trad = 183; toa = 26; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; tohx = bhx + xadd; tohy = bhy + yadd; if (hohead >= 3) { srhx = tohx; srhy = tohy; } jawseq = floor((lix - dtx) * 0.4); if (jawseq < 0) { jawseq = 0; } if (jawseq > 7) { jawseq = 7; } jawseqf = jawseq; if (horny >= 100 && jawseq == 7) { jawseqf = 8; } wsprite(0, bx, by, 300, -45, 149); wsprite(1, bx, by, 320, bcha - 45, 150); wsprite(2, bnx, bny, 340, bna - 45, 151); wsprite(3, blax, blay, 250, blaa - 45, 152); wsprite(4, brshx, brshy, 410, brsha - 45, 153); wsprite(5, brelx, brely, 460, brela - 45, 154); wsprite(6, bhx, bhy, 450, bha - 45, 155); fsprite(7, bhx, bhy, 451, bha - 45, 165 + jawseqf); fsprite(9, bhx, bhy, 392, bha - 45, 156 + jawseq); wsprite(11, sx, sy, 500, sha + 45, 143); wsprite(12, sx, sy, 520, scha + 45, 144); wsprite(13, sllx, slly, 510, slla + 45, 145); wsprite(14, sdx, sdy, 400, sda + 45, 146); wsprite(15, slax, slay, 600, slaa + 45, 147); if (hohead > 1) { raz = 457; } else { raz = 220; } wsprite(16, srhx, srhy, raz, srha + 45, 175); if (hohead >= 1) { wsprite(17, bhx, bhy, 458, bha - 45, 174); } } function initscene2() { hideall(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(36); bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(37); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1a = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; wait = 30; ssay = 55; scenestarted = 1; init_mb4(); strokes = 0; countstrokes = 1; await = 0; cumfade = 0; cumming = 0; squirts = 0; cumfade = 0; } function doscene2() { mon6 = ' ' + bg1a + ' ' + bg2a; if (!scenestarted) { initscene2(); } if (ssay == 55) { if (fadespeed == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(56); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 56) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(57); wait = 10; wait2 = 20; } } } else { if (ssay == 57) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(58); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(38); wait = 20; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 58) { if (balpha == 0) { if (!talking) { chimes(); } if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(59); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(39); } } } } else { if (ssay == 59) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(60); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 60) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(61, 1); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(40); } } } else { if (ssay == 61) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(62); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(41); } } } } else { if (ssay == 62) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(63); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 63) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(64); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 64) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(65); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(42); init_mb4(); } } } else { if (ssay == 65) { if (balpha == 0) { domb4(); if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(66); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 66) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(67); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 67) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(68); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 68) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { tx = slhx; ty = slhy; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx < 0) { swoosh = 1; swooshadd = 0; swooshdir = 3; swooshx = tx; swooshy = ty; ssay = 68.09999999999999; wait = 15; } } } else { if (ssay == 68.09999999999999) { domb4(); if (strokes == 2) { say(69); wait = 50; countstrokes = 0; } } else { if (ssay == 69) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { countstrokes = 1; } } else { if (ssay == 70) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(71); } } } else { if (ssay == 71) { domb4(); } else { if (ssay == 72) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(73); wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 73) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(74); } } } else { if (ssay == 74) { domb4(); if (balpha == 0) { tx = bhx + 30; ty = bhy - 20; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx > 0) { swoosh = 1; swooshadd = 0; swooshdir = 1; swooshx = tx; swooshy = ty; ssay = 74.09999999999999; } } } else { if (ssay == 74.09999999999999) { domb4(); if (horny >= 11) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(44); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.5; } else { killsprites(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(43); init_mb6(); ssay = 75; } } } else { if (ssay == 75) { domb6(); if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { ssay = 75.09999999999999; } } else { if (ssay == 75.09999999999999) { domb6(); if (cumming && squirts >= 2) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(45); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.25; } else { killsprites(); ssay = 75.2; wait = 40; } cumfade = (100 - bg2a) / 100; } } else { if (ssay == 75.2) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } if (fade == 100) { scene += 1; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 1; } scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a; bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a; omousex = mousex; omousey = mousey; if (!Key.isDown(191)) { slashrel = 1; } if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) { scenestarted = 0; killsprites(); } if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) { killsprites(); forcebuboff = 1; ssay = 65; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(42); init_mb4(); ssay = 68; wait = 10; ssay = 71; reachh = 7; slhx = 596; slhy = 244; slha = 0; froma = 0; jdep = 1; strokes = 12; grabdick = 2; tjdep = 1; tjspd = 12; maxhorn = 10; horny = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(43); init_mb6(); ssay = 75; } } function init_fdown() { yscroll = 0; tfeeler = 0; feeler = 0; lha2 = 0; lha1 = 0; lhandang = 0; slha = 0; brax = 240; bray = 252; sey = 0; sex = 0; fpy = 0; fpx = 0; ta2h = -125; a2h = -125; ta2e = 0; a2e = 0; llarmseq = 0; frontback = 1; fbreset = 0; feelarm = 0; tfeelarm = 0; blink = 0; eyesa = 100; fcmax = 30; famax = 30; fcrst = 0; farst = 0; feelin = 0; feelup = 0; tfeelup = 0; factoa = 0; tfactoa = 0; finoffx = 0; tfinoffx = 0; finoffy = 0; tfinoffy = 0; gdy = 0; tgdy = 0; armover = 0; fupready = 0; kiss = 0; kissa = 0; grabs = 0; kisses = 0; grabrst = 0; kissrst = 0; pantydown = 0; tpantydown = 0; pantytop = -85; tpantytop = -85; pantyfall = 0; pfadd = 0; pushher = 0; pushy = 0; pushx = 0; p100 = 0; tbha = 0; } function do_fdown() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { fcmax = 100; famax = 165; fupready = 2; frontback = -1; feelin = 1; tfeeler = 0; feeler = 0; tfeelarm = 165; feelarm = 165; factoa = -34.25; facrad = 84.3; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 40; fromgdy = 0; fromfactoa = factoa; fromfacrad = facrad; blink = 1; kisses = 16; grabs = 16; } if (pushher) { if (pushher == 1) { if (mover < 100) { targetys = 176 + adjy; deltays = targetys - fromys; yscroll = fromys + deltays * m100; p100 = m100; } else {} } } else { if (feelin) { tfeelarm = 0; dx = tfeelarm - feelarm; if (dx < -20) { dx = -20; } feelarm += dx / 8; feeler = 0; if (mover < 100) { yscroll = 60 * m100; tfeelup = 0; feelup = 0; finoffx = -26 * m100; finoffy = -24 * m100; targetgdy = 137; deltagdy = targetgdy - fromgdy; gdy = fromgdy + deltagdy * m100; deltafactoa = -fromfactoa; factoa = fromfactoa + deltafactoa * m100; deltafacrad = -fromfacrad; facrad = fromfacrad + deltafacrad * m100; fupready = 0; } else { dx = 68 - factoa; factoa += dx / 3; if (abs(dx) < 1) { armover = 300; yref = 460 - yscroll; if (fupready == 0) { if (mousey > yref) { fupready = 1; } } else { if (fupready == 2) { if (mousey < yref) { fupready = 2; } } else { tfeelup = yref - mousey; if (tfeelup > 176 + qadjy) { tfeelup = 176; } } } } } dx = tfeelup - feelup; feelup += dx / 6; if (pantyfall && feelup >= 0) { tfeelup = 0; feelup = 0; pushher = 1; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 120; fromys = yscroll; } } else { if (frontback == 0) { tfeeler = mousey - bray; if (tfeeler < -1) { fbreset = 1; } if (tfeeler > 0 && fbreset) { if (mousex > brax) { frontback = 1; } else { frontback = -1; } } } else { if (frontback == 1) { tfeeler = mousey - bray; if (tfeeler < 0) { tfeeler = 0; } if (tfeeler >= fcmax) { tfeeler = fcmax; fcrst = 0; if (farst == 0) { farst = 1; famax += 15; } } dx = tfeeler - feeler; feeler += dx / 6; if (feeler < 0.5) { fbreset = 0; frontback = 0; feeler = 0; } } else { if (frontback == -1) { tfeelarm = mousey - bray; if (tfeelarm < 0) { tfeelarm = 0; } if (tfeelarm >= famax) { tfeelarm = famax; farst = 0; if (fcrst == 0) { fcrst = 1; if (fcmax < 100) { fcmax += 10; } } if (tfeelarm >= 165) { feelin = 1; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 80; fromgdy = 0; fromfactoa = factoa; fromfacrad = facrad; } } dx = tfeelarm - feelarm; feelarm += dx / 8; if (feelarm < 0.5) { fbreset = 0; frontback = 0; feelarm = 0; } } } } mon4 = 'f:' + floor(tfeeler) + ' fa:' + floor(tfeelarm); } } bx = 303; by = 489; sx = 573; sy = 448 + gdy; ba = 0; bcha = 0; bha = 0; blaa = 0; braa = 0; blla = 0; brla = 0; bpba = ba; bpta = ba + 0; bta = 0; sa = 0; scha = 0; sha = 0; slsha = 0; slela = 0; slha = 24; srsha = 0; srela = 0; if (pushher) { ta2h = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(sex - bex, sey - bey)); dx = ta2h - a2h; if (dx > 3) { dx = 3; } a2h += dx / 6; sha = 82 + a2h * 0.6; ta2e = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bex - sex, bey - sey)); dx = ta2e - a2e; a2e += dx / 6; bha = 2 + a2e * 0.13; } else { if (sex) { ta2h = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(sex - fpx, sey - fpy)); } dx = ta2h - a2h; a2h += dx / 6; sha = 82 + a2h * 0.6; if (bex) { ta2e = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bex - sex, bey - sey)); } dx = ta2e - a2e; a2e += dx / 6; bha = 2 + a2e * 0.13; tbha = bha; } lhandang = feeler - 20; if (lhandang > 0) { lhandang = 0; } lha0 = lhandang; slha += lhandang * 0.6; lha1 = feeler - 20; if (lha1 < 0) { lha1 = 0; } slha += lha1 * 0.1; lha2 = feeler - 56; if (lha2 < 0) { lha2 = 0; } slha += lha2 * 0.25; bcha += lha0 * 0.03; bcha += lha2 * -0.03; scha += feeler * 0.03; if (feelin) { llarmseq = 3; } else { llarmseq = floor(feelarm * 30 / 100); if (llarmseq > 3) { llarmseq = 3; } } braa += feelarm * -0.03; scha += feelarm * -0.11; bcha += feelarm * -0.02; if (pushher) { blink = 0; } else { if (feelin) { blink = 1; } else { tb = feeler + feelarm; if (tb > 10) { blink = 1; } else { blink = 0; } } } if (blink) { if (eyesa > 0) { eyesa -= 20; } } else { if (eyesa < 100) { eyesa += 20; } } tfeelup = feelup; if (tfeelup < -92 + fadjx) { tfeelup = -92 + fadjx; } scha += tfeelup * 0.07000000000000001; bcha += tfeelup * 0.03; fupdn = tfeelup; if (fupdn > 0) { fupdn = 0; } sha += fupdn * -0.2; scha += fupdn * 0.07000000000000001; braa += fupdn * 0.12; bcha += fupdn * 0.02; dnkiss = feelup + 95; if (dnkiss > 0) { dnkiss = 0; } if (dnkiss < -30) { dnkiss = -30; } if (dnkiss < -15) { kiss = 1; if (kissrst) { if (kisses < grabs + 2) { ++kisses; } kissrst = 0; if (kisses > 16 && !pantyfall) { pantyfall = 0.01; pfadd = 0.1; } } } else { kiss = 0; kissrst = 1; } sha += dnkiss * -0.16; scha += dnkiss * 0.02; bcha += dnkiss * 0.05; bta += dnkiss * 0.17; tgrab = feelup - 150; if (tgrab < 0) { tgrab = 0; } bta += tgrab * -0.37; if (tgrab > 10) { if (grabrst) { grabrst = 0; if (grabs < kisses + 2) { ++grabs; } } } else { grabrst = 1; } bpta += pantydown * (40 + wadjx) / 100; if (pantyfall) { if (pantyfall < 250) { pantyfall += pfadd; pfadd += 0.2; } } bx += p100 * (-62 + fadjx); by += p100 * (138 + fadjy); sx += p100 * (-24 + zadjx); sy += p100 * (4 + zadjy); scha += p100 * (-13 + wadjx); sa += p100 * (-11 + wadjy); blla += p100 * (-25 + qadjx); brla += p100 * (-25 + qadjx); bcha += p100 * 2; ba += p100 * (-23 + adjx); trad = 336.1; toa = -9.6; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; trad = 77; toa = 61; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; bex = bhx + xadd; bey = bhy + yadd; trad = 145.5; toa = -1.7; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; btx = bx + xadd; bty = by + yadd; trad = 243.9; toa = -14.4; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brax = bx + xadd; blax = brax; bray = by + yadd; blay = bray; trad = 66; toa = 201; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; bllx = bx + xadd; blly = by + yadd; trad = 116; toa = 200; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; brlx = bx + xadd; brly = by + yadd; trad = 71.8; trad += pantydown * (-70 + wadjy) / 100; toppx = pantydown * (24 + qadjx) / 100; if (toppx < -8 + qadjy) { toppx = -8 + qadjy; } pxwid = pantydown * (-12 + zadjx) / 100; pywid = pantydown * (-19 + zadjy) / 100; mon5 = 'roppx:' + toppx; toa = 185.3; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; bpx = bx + xadd; bpy = by + yadd; bpy += pantyfall; if (feelin) { tpantytop = -85 - kisses * 3; dx = tpantytop - pantytop; pantytop += dx / 6; ufeelup = feelup; if (ufeelup < pantytop) { ufeelup = pantytop; } tpd = ufeelup + 85; if (tpd < tpantydown) { tpantydown = tpd; } pantydown = tpantydown; trad = facrad; toa = factoa; trad -= ufeelup * -1; if (feelup > 0) { toa -= ufeelup * 0.29; } else { toa += ufeelup * 0.23; } } else { trad = 286; toa = -4; if (frontback == 1) { trad -= feeler * 1.2; toa -= feeler * -0.18; toa += lha2 * -0.13; } else { if (frontback == -1) { trad -= feelarm * 1.6; toa -= feelarm * 0.24; } } facrad = trad; factoa = toa; tfactoa = factoa; } xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; fpx = bx + xadd; fpy = by + yadd; if (feelin) { fpx += finoffx; fpy += finoffy; } trad = 338; toa = -12; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; shx = sx + xadd; shy = sy + yadd; trad = 96; toa = -95; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; sex = shx + xadd; sey = shy + yadd; trad = 281; toa = -5; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; srshx = sx + xadd; srshy = sy + yadd; sssx = fpx; sssy = fpy; tshrad = 207; telrad = 205; sss(srshx, srshy, tshrad, telrad, sssx, sssy, 0); srsha = ugsha; srela = ugela; trad = tshrad; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + srsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srsha) * trad; srelx = srshx + xadd; srely = srshy + yadd; srsha += 166; srela += 63; trad = 268; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; slshx = sx + xadd; slshy = sy + yadd; sssx = fpx; sssy = fpy; tshrad = 212; telrad = 252; sss(slshx, slshy, tshrad, telrad, sssx, sssy, 0); slsha = ugsha; slela = ugela; trad = 212; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + slsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + slsha) * trad; slelx = slshx + xadd; slely = slshy + yadd; slsha += 171; slela += 62; trad = 183.1; toa = -70.90000000000001; xadd = sine(toa + slela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + slela) * trad; slhx = slelx + xadd; slhy = slely + yadd; wsprite(0, bx, by - yscroll, 300, ba - 45, 193); wsprite(1, bx, by - yscroll, 320, bcha - 45, 194); wsprite(2, bhx, bhy - yscroll, 340, bha - 45, 195); wsprite(20, bhx, bhy - yscroll, 341, bha - 45, 196, eyesa); wsprite(3, blax, blay - yscroll, 250, blaa - 45, 197); wsprite(4, brax, bray - yscroll, 410 + armover, braa - 45, 198); wsprite(5, bllx, blly - yscroll, 260, blla - 45, 199); wsprite(6, brlx, brly - yscroll, 308, brla - 45, 200); wsprite(7, bpx, bpy - yscroll, 310, bpba - 45, 201, 100, 100 + pxwid, 100 + pywid); wsprite(9, bpx + toppx, bpy - yscroll, 311, bpta - 45, 202); wsprite(22, btx, bty - yscroll, 321, bta - 45, 192); wsprite(23, bpx, bpy - yscroll, 258, bpba - 45, 203, 100, 100 + pxwid, 100 + pywid); wsprite(11, sx, sy - yscroll, 520, sa + 45, 180); wsprite(12, sx, sy - yscroll, 500, scha + 45, 181); wsprite(13, shx, shy - yscroll, 530, sha + 45, 182); wsprite(14, slshx, slshy - yscroll, 600, slsha + 45, 184); fsprite(15, slelx, slely - yscroll, 620, slela + 45, 205 + llarmseq, 100, 100, 100, 50); if (llarmseq == 0) { lhanda = 100; } else { if (fs_changing[i] > 0) { lhanda = fs_alpha[15]; } else { lhanda = 0; } } if (slha < 28) { wsprite(17, slhx, slhy - yscroll, 619, slha + 45, 186, lhanda); } else { wsprite(17, slhx, slhy - yscroll, 619, slha + 0, 187, lhanda); } wsprite(18, srshx, srshy - yscroll, 280, srsha + 45, 188); wsprite(19, srelx, srely - yscroll, 281, srela + 45, 189); if (kiss) { if (kissa < 100) { kissa += 20; } } else { if (kissa > 0) { kissa -= 20; } } wsprite(21, shx, shy - yscroll, 531, sha + 45, 183, kissa); bg1_mc._y = 288 - yscroll; } function init_lick4() { lickit = 0; tlickit = 0; breath = 0; breatha = 0; inhalea = 0; inhaleda = 0; exhalea = 100; deep = 0; spasma = 0; spasm = 0; cspd = 5; lickrst = 0; horny = 0; ca = 0; circle = 0; slam = 0; cadd = 0; waves = 0; dgrind = 0; dgrinda = 0; grind = 0; grinda = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; engaged = 0; cldx = 0; cldy = 0; clry = 0; clrx = 0; ulsa = 0; tlsa = 0; spasmdep = 0; tslam = 0; slam = 0; tcdep = 0; cdep = 0; cumadd = 0; cumfade = 1; backbend = 0; backbenda = 0; bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(10); bg3a = 100; bg3_mc.swapDepths(2003); } function do_lick4() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { horny = 96; } refx = 604; dopowerbar(); mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (!engaged) { tlickit = (refx - mousex) / 1; if (tlickit < 0) { tlickit = 0; } if (tlickit >= 100) { tlickit = 100; engaged = 1; ca = 0.1; } } else { if (!cummed) { tlickit = 100; if (mdx < 0 && !ca) { ca = 0.1; } } else { ++cummed; if (tlickit > 70) { tlickit -= 0.1; } if (horny > 50) { --horny; } } } dx = tlickit - lickit; lickit += dx / 6; mon4 = 'cummd:' + cummed; bx = 327; by = 290; sx = 1219; sy = 478; hhx = 130; hhy = 483; ba = 0; brla = 0; blla = 0; bcha = 0; brsha = 0; brela = 0; bha = 0; scha = 0; sha = 0; slsha = 0; slha = 14; sta = sha + 11; breathdep = 1; if (deep) { if (inhaleda < 100) { inhaleda += 10 + 10 * h100; } if (breatha == 180) { --deep; } else { if (breatha < 180) { breatha += 20 + 10 * h100; if (breatha > 180) { breatha = 180; } } else { breatha -= 20 + 10 * h100; if (breatha < 180) { breatha = 180; } } } } else { if (inhaleda > 0) { inhaleda -= 4; } breatha += 4 + 8 * h100; } if (breatha > 360) { breatha -= 360; } breath = ((sine(breatha - 90) + 1) / 2) * breathdep; breathd = ((sine(breatha - 0) + 1) / 2) * breathdep; breathdd = ((sine(breatha - 180) + 1) / 2) * breathdep; inhalea = breath * 100; if (spasma) { if (spasma < 90) { spasma += 6 + 4 * h100; } else { spasma += 2 + 4 * h100; } if (spasma >= 180) { spasma = 0; } } spasm = sine(spasma) * spasmdep; spasmdep = 0.5 + 0.5 * h100; cspd = 5 + 10 * h100; if (grinda) { } else { if (ca) { if (ca < 180) { if (mdx < -1) { tslam = cspd / 2; } else { tslam *= 0.95; } } else { if (mdx > 0) { } else { tslam *= 0.95; } } dx = tslam - slam; slam += dx / 16; mon5 = 'slam:' + floor(slam) + ' ts:' + tslam; if (ca < 180) { ca += cspd + slam; boost = 0; } else { if (ca < 270) { if (mdx < 0) { boost = 1; } cadd = cspd - slam / 2; ca += cadd; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = cspd - slam / 2; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } ca += cadd; } } if (ca >= 360) { if (cummed) { ca = 0; } else { if (cumming) { ca = 0.1; } else { if (boost) { ca = 0.1; } else { ca = 0; } } } } triggerpoint = 135; if (ca >= triggerpoint && oca < triggerpoint) { if (cumming) { if (waves < 8) { grinda = 0.1; ++waves; if (!deep) { deep = 20; } cumfade = 1 - waves * 0.1 * 0.8; ohfile = 'oh' + (9 - waves) + '.wav'; sayfile(ohfile, 40 * cumfade); } else { if (!cummed) { cummed = 1; } } } else { if (horny < 100) { if (!deep) { deep = 20; saysnd('breathin', 30); } if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } if (horny < 100) { horny += 2; } if (horny >= 100) { cumming = 1; grinda = 0.1; autopilot = 1.1; sayfile('coh4.mp3', 20); } else { spasma = 0.1; } dosurge = 1; } } } } } oca = ca; if (!cumming) { tcdep = 1; } else { tcdep = 0.125; } dx = tcdep - cdep; cdep += dx / 16; uca = ca + 180; bca = uca + 90; circle = -sine(bca) * cdep; ccircle = cosine(bca) * cdep; hcircle = cosine(uca) * cdep; tca = uca + 150; if (cumming) { if (cummed) { ttcircle = -1; if (cumadd > 0) { cumadd -= 0.1; } } else { ttcircle = 0.9; if (cumadd < 1) { cumadd += 0.1; } } dx = ttcircle - tcircle; tcircle += dx / 8; } else { tcircle = sine(tca); } if (dgrinda) { dgrinda += 4; if (dgrinda >= 180) { dgrinda = 0; } } else { if (grinda) { grinda += 6 - (waves / 8) * 2; if (grinda >= 90 && oga < 90) { dgrinda = 0.1; } if (grinda >= 180) { grinda = 0; backbenda = 0.1; } } } oga = grinda; grinddep = 1 - waves * 0.05; dgrind = sine(dgrinda); dgrind += quiver * dgrind * 0.05; pdgrind = dgrind - 0.5; if (pdgrind < 0) { pdgrind = 0; } grind = sine(grinda) * grinddep; grind += quiver * grind * 0.03; grind += dgrind * 0.6; if (backbenda) { backbenda += 6 - (waves / 8) * 2; if (backbenda >= 180) { backbenda = 0; } } backbend = sine(backbenda); backbend += quiver * backbend * 0.11; grind += backbend * -1; mon6 = ' bb:' + backbend; spasm += grind * 1; quivera += 140; quiver = sine(quivera); sx += lickit * -0.8100000000000001; sy += lickit * 0.03; hhx += lickit * 0.06; hhy += lickit * 0.02; slha += lickit * 0.01; ba += breathd * 0.48; bha += breathdd * -0.58; ba += spasm * -2.1; bcha += spasm * 1.7; bha += spasm * 1.9; bx += spasm * 1.4; by += spasm * -1; brllen = 100 + spasm * 6; blla += spasm * 2.2; sx += circle * 3.9; sy += ccircle * 1.9; sha += hcircle * 1.9; sha += cumadd * 0.7; sx += cumadd * -3.7; tout = tcircle * 12; h110 = h100 + 0.1; hhx += circle * -6.6 * h110; hhy += circle * -3 * h110; slsha += circle * 2.1 * h110; lspoint = 85; tlsa = ca - lspoint; if (tlsa < 0) { tlsa = 0; } if (tlsa > 90) { tlsa = 0; } dx = tlsa - ulsa; ulsa += dx / 5; labstretch = sine(ulsa) * -2.1; ba += 2 * h100; bcha += 6 * h100; hhx += grind * -7.8; hhy += grind * -4.8; trad = 185; toa = -64; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; trad = 272.6; toa = 97.5; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; bllx = bx + xadd; blly = by + yadd; trad = 87; toa = 131; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; brlx = bx + xadd; brly = by + yadd; trad = 244.1; toa = -84.40000000000001; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brshx = bx + xadd; brshy = by + yadd; sssx = hhx; sssy = hhy; tshrad = 310; telrad = 309; sss(brshx, brshy, tshrad, telrad, sssx, sssy, 1); brsha = ugsha; brela = ugela; trad = 310; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + brsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + brsha) * trad; brelx = brshx + xadd; brely = brshy + yadd; brsha += 137; brela += -94; trad = 314; toa = 90; xadd = sine(toa + brela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + brela) * trad; slhx = brelx + xadd; slhy = brely + yadd; trad = 183; toa = 95; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; clx = bx + xadd; cly = by + yadd; if (clrx == 0) { clrx = clx; clry = cly; } else { cldx = clx - clrx; cldy = cly - clry; } sx += cldx; sy += cldy; trad = 532; toa = -64; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; shx = sx + xadd; shy = sy + yadd; trad = 149; trad += tout; toa = -115.5; xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad; stx = shx + xadd; sty = shy + yadd; trad = 428.1; toa = -79.59999999999999; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; slshx = sx + xadd; slshy = sy + yadd; wsprite(0, bx, by, 300, ba - 45, 211); wsprite(1, bllx, blly, 320, blla - 45, 212); wsprite(2, brlx, brly, 740, brla - 0, 230, 100, 100, brllen); wsprite(3, bx, by, 250, bcha - 45, 227, exhalea); wsprite(4, bx, by, 251, bcha - 45, 228, inhalea); wsprite(5, bx, by, 252, bcha - 45, 229, inhaleda); wsprite(6, brshx, brshy, 410, brsha - 45, 215); wsprite(7, brelx, brely, 420, brela - 45, 216); wsprite(8, bhx, bhy, 240, bha - 45, 217); wsprite(9, bx, by, 518, ba - 45 + labstretch, 210); wetalpha = horny / 2 + (waves / 8) * 50; wsprite(10, bx, by, 519, ba - 45, 231, wetalpha); wsprite(11, sx, sy, 500, scha + 45, 220); wsprite(12, shx, shy, 520, sha + 45, 221); wsprite(13, slshx, slshy, 530, slsha + 45, 222); wsprite(14, slhx, slhy, 430, slha + 45, 223); wsprite(15, slhx, slhy, 418, slha + 45, 224); wsprite(16, stx, sty, 517, sta + 45, 225); } function initscene3() { hideall(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(46); bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(47); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg3_mc.swapDepths(2005); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1a = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; wait = 90; ssay = 76; scenestarted = 1; sayfile('canary.mp3', 10); facealpha = 0; pushher = 0; } function openeyes() { bx = 399 + fadjx; by = 245 + fadjy; wsprite(0, bx, by, 2005, 0, 177, facealpha); } function doscene3() { if (!scenestarted) { initscene3(); } if (ssay == 76) { if (fadespeed == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.5; } else { wait = 40; wait2 = 50; ssay = 76.09999999999999; sayfile('canary.mp3', 10); } } } } else { if (ssay == 76.09999999999999) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { openeyes(); if (facealpha < 100) { facealpha += 3; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { ssay = 76.2; wait = 40; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(48); } } } } else { if (ssay == 76.2) { openeyes(); if (facealpha > 0) { facealpha -= 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; if (wait == 0) { chimes(); } } else { if (bg2a % 40 == 0) { chimes(); } if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { killsprites(); ssay = 76.3; wait = 80; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(49); kisses = 0; } } } } else { if (ssay == 76.3) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.5; } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(50); bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(52); ssay = 76.40000000000001; wait = 80; } } } else { if (ssay == 76.40000000000001) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { ssay = 76.5; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(51); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 76.5) { if (kisses >= 5 && bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 0.5; } if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 3; } else { ssay = 76.59999999999999; wait = rnd(20); } } } else { if (ssay == 76.59999999999999) { if (kisses >= 5 && bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 0.5; } if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 3; } else { ++kisses; if (bg3a < 100) { ssay = 76.5; wait = 10; } else { ssay = 76.7; wait = 40; bg2a = 0; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(53); init_fdown(); } } } } else { if (ssay == 76.7) { do_fdown(); if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 0.5; } else { if (pushher) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(54); if (bg2a < 100) { if (mover > 75) { bg2a += 0.5; } } else { killsprites(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(55); bg1_mc._y = 288; ssay = 76.70999999999999; wait = 40; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 76.70999999999999) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(56); ssay = 76.72; wait = 40; } } } else { if (ssay == 76.72) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.5; } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(57); ssay = 76.73; wait = 40; init_lick4(); } } } else { if (ssay == 76.73) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { do_lick4(); if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { if (!cumming) { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 0.1; } } else { if (bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 0.2; } } if (cummed > 280) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(58); ssay = 76.8; wait = 40; } } } } else { if (ssay == 76.8) { do_lick4(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 0.5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (!fadingout) { startfadeoutwhite(); } if (fade == 100) { scene += 1; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 1; } scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a; bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a; omousex = mousex; omousey = mousey; if (!Key.isDown(191)) { slashrel = 1; } if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) { scenestarted = 0; killsprites(); } if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) { killsprites(); forcebuboff = 1; if (ssay != 76.7) { ssay = 76.7; wait = 0; bg2a = 0; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(53); init_fdown(); } return undefined; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(57); ssay = 76.73; init_lick4(); bg3a = 0; } } function initscene4() { hideall(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(59); bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(60); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg3_mc.swapDepths(2005); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1a = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; wait = 20; ssay = 76.90000000000001; scenestarted = 1; } function doscene4() { if (!scenestarted) { initscene4(); } if (ssay == 76.90000000000001) { if (fadespeed == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(77); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 77) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(78); wait = 20; } } } else { if (ssay == 78) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(79); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 79) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(80); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 80) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(81); wait = 30; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(61); wait2 = 60; } } } else { if (ssay == 81) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(62); ssay = 81.09999999999999; wait = 30; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 81.09999999999999) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(82); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(63); wait2 = 45; } } } else { if (ssay == 82) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(64); wait = 60; ssay = 82.09999999999999; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 82.09999999999999) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } if (fade == 100) { scene += 1; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 1; } scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } } } } } } } } } } } bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a; bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a; omousex = mousex; omousey = mousey; if (!Key.isDown(191)) { slashrel = 1; } if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) { scenestarted = 0; killsprites(); } if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) { killsprites(); forcebuboff = 1; } } function initkitf() { sliseq = 0; rebseq = 0; pokes = 0; boost = 0; } function dokitf3() { mon4 = 'pokes:' + pokes; if (boost) { if (boost == 1) { if (k3del <= 0) { rebseq = 1; k3del = 10; boost = 2; } } else { if (boost == 2) { if (k3del <= 0) { sliseq = 0; k3del = 10; boost = 3; } } else { if (boost == 3) { if (k3del <= 0) { rebseq = 0; k3del = 10; boost = 4; } } else { if (boost == 4) { if (k3del <= 0) { pokes += 2; boost = 0; } } } } } } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; sliseq = 1; k3del = 10; } } if (k3del) { --k3del; } sx = 310; sy = 577; rx = 435; ry = 577; fdspd = 5 + (pokes / 20) * 5; fsprite(0, rx, ry, 100, 0, 235 + rebseq, 100, 100, 100, fdspd); fsprite(2, sx, sy, 120, 0, 237 + sliseq, 100, 100, 100, fdspd); } function init_kit5f() { pump = 0; pa = 0; cadd = 4; pspd = 4; horny = 0; slam = 0; tslam = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; boost = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; } function kill_kit5fsprites() { i = 0; while (i < totalsprites) { if (i >= 4 && i < 22) { _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i); } ++i; } } function do_kit5f() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { horny = 88; } dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (mdx > 0 && !pa) { pa = 0.1; } if (horny < 100) { pspd = 7 + 11 * h100; pdep = 2 + h100; th100 = 1; } else { autopilot = 1.1; if (th100 > 0) { th100 -= 0.005; } pspd = 2 + 16 * th100; pdep = 2 + th100; } dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 2; } else { slam += dx / 16; } if (grinda) { } else { if (pa) { if (pa < 180) { if (mdx > 1 && horny < 100) { tslam = pspd * 0.4; } } else { tslam = 0; } if (pa < 180) { pa += (pspd + slam) * speedadj; boost = 0; } else { if (pa < 270) { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (horny >= 100) { boost = 1; } cadd = pspd; pa += cadd * speedadj; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = pspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } pa += cadd * speedadj; } } if (pa >= 360) { if (cumming) { pa = 0.1; } else { if (boost) { pa = 0.1; } else { pa = 0; } } } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (horny < 100) { saysnd('cushion', 30); } if (cumming) { grinda = 0.1; ++squirts; } else { if (horny < 100) { if (!grinda && autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } horny += 1; hmod = horny % 10; if (hmod == 0) { if (ssay == 123.5 || ssay == 123.8) { ssay = 123.7; } else { if (horny < 100) { ssay = 123.8; } else { sayfile2('uhh4.mp3', 40); } } } } } } } } opa = pa; pump = sine(pa) * pdep; cpump = cosine(pa) * pdep; delay = 45 * h100; spump = sine(pa + delay) * pdep; if (bg2a >= 100) { return undefined; } rx = 394; ry = 354; sx = 297; sy = 412; ra = 0; rcha = 0; rha = 0; rraa = 0; rlsha = 0; rlela = 0; rrla = 0; rlla = 0; sa = 0; scha = 0; slaa = 0; srsha = 0; srela = 0; srla = 0; srka = 0; srha = 8; chx = 174; chy = 582; cha = 0; sa += spump * 2; sx += spump * -0.6; scha += spump * 0.2; scha += cpump * -0.7; srla += spump * -0.6; srka += spump * -1.5; srha += spump * -2.1; ra += pump * -2.2; rx += pump * 0.6; ry += cpump * -0.8; rcha += pump * 0.3; rcha += cpump * 0.6; rrla += pump * 0.7; rlla += pump * 0.7; cha += spump * -0.2; chx += spump * -0.3; chy += spump * 0.5; mon4 = ' ' + floor(pa); trad = 189; toa = -8; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; srshx = sx + xadd; srshy = sy + yadd; trad = 65; toa = 136; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; shx = rx + xadd; shy = ry + yadd; tshrad = 196; telrad = 104; sss(srshx, srshy, tshrad, telrad, shx, shy, 1); srsha = ugsha; srela = ugela; trad = 196; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + srsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srsha) * trad; srelx = srshx + xadd; srely = srshy + yadd; srsha += 202; srela += -64; trad = 97.90000000000001; toa = 62.6; xadd = sine(toa + srela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srela) * trad; srhx = srelx + xadd; srhy = srely + yadd; trad = 81.5; toa = 63.6; xadd = sine(toa + srela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srela) * trad; rhnx = srelx + xadd; rhny = srely + yadd; trad = 80; toa = 154; xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad; srlx = sx + xadd; srly = sy + yadd; trad = 230.1; toa = 103.7; xadd = sine(toa + srla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srla) * trad; srkx = srlx + xadd; srky = srly + yadd; trad = 229.4; toa = 14.6; xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; rhx = rx + xadd; rhy = ry + yadd; trad = 176.1; toa = 28; xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; rlshx = rx + xadd; rlshy = ry + yadd; tshrad = 141.3; telrad = 145; sss(rlshx, rlshy, tshrad, telrad, rhnx, rhny, 0); rlsha = ugsha; rlela = ugela; trad = 141.3; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + rlsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rlsha) * trad; rlelx = rlshx + xadd; rlely = rlshy + yadd; rlsha += 210.6; rlela += 116; trad = 47; toa = -151; xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; rrlx = rx + xadd; rrly = ry + yadd; trad = 61; toa = 168; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; rllx = rx + xadd; rlly = ry + yadd; wsprite(4, rx, ry, 640, ra - 45, 249, bg3a); wsprite(5, rx, ry, 650, rcha - 45, 250, bg3a); wsprite(6, rhx, rhy, 660, rha - 45, 251, bg3a); wsprite(7, rrax, rray, 250, rraa - 45, 252, bg3a); wsprite(8, rlshx, rlshy, 670, rlsha - 45, 253, bg3a); wsprite(9, rlelx, rlely, 824, rlela - 45, 254, bg3a); wsprite(19, rlelx, rlely, 875, rlela - 45, 257, bg3a); wsprite(10, rrlx, rrly, 250, rrla - 45, 255, bg3a); wsprite(11, rllx, rlly, 820, rlla - 45, 256, bg3a); wsprite(12, sx, sy, 500, sa - 45, 241, bg3a); wsprite(13, sx, sy, 651, scha - 45, 242, bg3a); wsprite(14, slax, slay, 510, slaa - 45, 243, bg3a); wsprite(15, srshx, srshy, 830, srsha - 45, 244, bg3a); wsprite(16, srelx, srely, 825, srela - 45, 245, bg3a); wsprite(17, srlx, srly, 610, srla - 45, 246, bg3a); wsprite(20, srkx, srky, 609, srka - 45, 247, bg3a); wsprite(21, srhx, srhy, 824, srha - 45, 259, bg3a); wsprite(18, chx, chy, 260, cha - 45, 240, bg3a); } function kill_insertsprites() { i = 0; while (i < totalsprites) { if (i < 4 || i >= 22) { _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i); } ++i; } } function do_insert() { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(90); rx = 353; ry = 150; sx = 351; sy = 310; ctx = 360; cty = 576; shx = rx; shy = ry - 70; rrla = 0; rlla = 0; srla = 0; slla = 0; slha = 5.3; srha = -6.1; ra = 0; sa = 0; sy += spump * 3.6; slla += spump * -1; srla += spump * 1; slha += spump * -0.5; srha += spump * 0.5; ry += pump * -1.5; cty += spump * -0.4; rsiz = 100; lsiz = spump * -0.44; lsiz += 100; trad = 117; toa = -82; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; rllx = rx + xadd; rlly = ry + yadd; trad = 125; toa = 83; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; rrlx = rx + xadd; rrly = ry + yadd; trad = 50; toa = 79; xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad; sllx = sx + xadd; slly = sy + yadd; trad = 47; toa = -80; xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad; srlx = sx + xadd; srly = sy + yadd; trad = 299; trad += spump * 1.9; toa = -68.5; xadd = sine(toa + srla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + srla) * trad; rllx = srlx + xadd; rlly = srly + yadd; trad = 294; trad += spump * 1.9; toa = 69; xadd = sine(toa + slla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + slla) * trad; rrlx = sllx + xadd; rrly = slly + yadd; rlla = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(rllx - rx, rlly - ry)); rlla += -81.2; rrla = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(rrlx - rx, rrly - ry)); rrla += 80.2; wsprite(0, rx, ry, 2300, -45, 270, bg2a, rsiz, rsiz); wsprite(1, rllx, rlly, 2310, rlla - 45, 273, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz); wsprite(2, rrlx, rrly, 2320, rrla - 45, 274, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz); wsprite(3, ctx, cty, 2250, -45, 262, bg2a); wsprite(22, sx, sy, 2200, -45, 264, bg2a); wsprite(23, sx, sy, 2230, -45, 263, bg2a); wsprite(24, sllx, slly, 2210, slla - 45, 265, bg2a); wsprite(25, srlx, srly, 2220, srla - 45, 266, bg2a); wsprite(26, shx, shy, 2410, slha - 45, 276, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz); wsprite(27, shx, shy, 2420, srha - 45, 277, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz); } function init_chair8(reenter) { pullout = 100; tpullout = 100; attached = 0; pump = 0; pa = 0; cadd = 4; pspd = 4; horny = 0; slam = 0; tslam = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; sgrinda = 0; sgrind = 0; sgdep = 0; boost = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; rtjump = 0; rtja = 0; ltjump = 0; ltja = 0; ppd = 0; handseq = 0; grabtit = 0; treacht = -34; reacht = -34; tlhtrad = 39; lhtrad = 39; tlhtoa = 94; lhtoa = 94; tmasst = 0; masst = 0; maxmasst = 15; masstrst = 1; sgrinds = 0; wchuhh = 4; snuggledep = 3.8; hurts = 0; grabhair = 0; lowonly = 1; refy = 0; refx = 0; ltalpha = 100; rheadseq = 0; bendoa = 0; bendo = 0; bendodel = 40; bendodel2 = 60; rcummed = 0; breathdep = 0; breatha = 0; breath = 0; breathspd = 6; pulltaila = 0; pulltail = 0; tshorny = 0; shorny = 0; sslam = 0; scummed = 0; scumming = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; grinda = 0; grind = 0; cumdep = 0; squirts = 0; if (reenter) { pullout = 0; attached = 2; grabhair = 3; horny = 100; h100 = 1; bendoa = 180; handseq = 3; ltalpha = 0; rheadseq = 1; refy = 210; rcummed = 1; sgdep = 0; breathspd = 6; wchuhh = 6; } } function do_chair8() { if (mybug && Key.isDown(71)) { grabhair = 1; hurts = 1; snuggledep = 0; grabtit = 5; } if (mybug && buttonpress) { horny = 90; } mon6 = 'gh:' + grabhair + ' ' + pulltail + ' ' + breath + ' ' + rx; gtoa = -70; dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; dx = tshorny - shorny; shorny += dx / 8; if (scummed) { ++scummed; if (tshorny > 0) { tshorny -= 1; } } sh100 = shorny / 100; if (!attached) { tpullout = 100; if (mousex > 587) { attached = 1; } } else { if (attached == 1) { tpullout = (mousex - 537) * 2; if (tpullout <= 0) { tpullout = 0; } if (tpullout > 100) { tpullout = 100; } dx = tpullout - pullout; pullout += dx / 6; if (pullout < 0.25) { pullout = 0; attached = 2; } } else { if (grabhair == 1) { tx = lhx; ty = lhy; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 10 && abs(dy) < 10) { grabhair = 2; refy = mousey; } } else { if (grabhair == 2) { dx = lhx - gtx; dy = lhy - gty; if (abs(dx) < 5 && abs(dy) < 5) { grabhair = 3; handseq = 3; ltalpha = 0; rheadseq = 1; sayfile2('ow3.wav', 10); } } else { if (grabhair == 3) { if (bendodel) { --bendodel; } else { if (bendoa < 180) { bendoa += 3; } else { if (bendodel2) { --bendodel2; } else { if (ssay < 129) { say(129, 1); } } } } } else { if (grabtit == 1) { treacht = 390 - mousex; if (treacht <= -39) { grabtit = 2; } treacht = -39; } else { if (grabtit == 2) { treacht = 390 - mousex; if (treacht > 0) { treacht = 0; } if (treacht < -39) { treacht = -39; } if (reacht > -0.25) { grabtit = 3; tlhtrad = 0; lhtrad = 0; tlhtoa = gtoa; lhtoa = tlhtoa; } } else { if (grabtit == 3) { treacht = 390 - mousex; if (treacht < 0) { treacht = 0; } if (treacht >= 89) { treacht = 89; grabtit = 4; } handseq = floor(reacht * 23 / 1000); if (handseq > 2) { handseq = 2; } if (handseq < 0) { handseq = 0; } } else { if (grabtit == 4) { treacht = 89; handseq = 2; tmasst = mousex - 316; if (tmasst < 0) { tmasst = 0; } if (tmasst > maxmasst) { tmasst = maxmasst; } if (!masstrst && masst < 10) { sgrinds = 0; masstrst = 1; if (maxmasst < 65) { maxmasst += 10; } else { if (ssay < 124) { say(124); wait = 20; wait2 = 20; grabtit = 5; } } } if (masstrst && sgrinds >= 1 && ssay < 124) { masstrst = 0; saysnd('uhh', 10); } } else { if (grabtit == 5) { if (masst > 0) { --tmasst; } } else { if (mdx > 0 && !pa) { pa = 0.1; } } } } } } } } } dy = treacht - reacht; reacht += dy / 6; dy = tmasst - masst; masst += dy / 12; } } if (rcummed) { if (scummed) { if (pulltaila > 0) { pulltaila -= 5; } } else { if (pulltaila && pulltaila < 180) { pulltaila += 10; } } pulltail = (sine(pulltaila - 90) + 1) / 2; if (ssay < 137.1) { if (breathdep < 1) { breathdep += 0.05; } } else { if (breathdep > 0) { breathdep -= 0.005; } } if (breathspd > 3) { breathspd -= 0.01; } } breatha += breathspd; breath = sine(breatha) * breathdep; quivera += 120; quiver = sine(quivera); if (grinda) { grinda += 4 - squirts * 0.2; if (grinda >= 80 && oga < 80) { saysnd('oww', 7); } if (grinda >= 180) { grinda = 0; } } oga = grinda; grind = sine(grinda) * cumdep; grind += quiver * grind * 0.06; if (grinda) { } else { if (sgrinda) { if (rcummed) { if (!scummed) { sgspd = 5 + 15 * sh100; sslam = sgspd * 0.5 * sh100; } else { sgspd = 3; sslam = 0; } if (ssay >= 137.1) { if (sgrinda == 0) { sgrinda = 0.1; } if (scummed) { if (sgdep > 0.5) { sgdep -= 0.1; } } else { if (pulltaila) { if (sgdep < 1) { sgdep += 0.05; } } else { if (sgdep < 0.5) { sgdep += 0.005; } } } } } else { sgspd = 5; if (hurts) { if (sgdep > 0.8) { sgdep -= 0.01; } } else { if (sgdep < 1) { sgdep += 0.1; } } } if (sgrinda > 180) { sgrinda += sgspd + sslam; } else { sgrinda += sgspd - sslam; } if (sgrinda >= 360) { sgrinda -= 360; if (rcummed && ssay >= 137.1) { if (scumming) { if (!scummed) { grinda = 0.1; ++squirts; saysnd('uhh', 20); if (squirts >= 6) { scummed = 1; } } } else { ++sgrinds; if (pulltaila && !scummed) { if (tshorny < 100) { tshorny += 10; } else { scumming = 1; grinda = 0.1; ++squirts; saysnd('uhh', 20); } } } } else { if (masst >= maxmasst - 5) { ++sgrinds; sayfile2('nnnn.mp3', 2); } } } } else { if (sgdep > 0) { sgdep -= 0.1; } } } sgrind = sine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep; csgrind = cosine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep; if (scumming) { if (cumdep < 1.8) { cumdep += 0.1; } sgrind += grind; } if (rtja) { if (rtja < 90) { rtja += 20; } else { rtja += 5; } if (rtja >= 180) { rtja = 0; } } rtjump = sine(rtja); if (ltja) { if (ltja < 90) { ltja += 20; } else { ltja += 3; } if (ltja >= 180) { ltja = 0; } } ltjump = sine(ltja); if (horny < 100) { pspd = 7 + 11 * h100; pdep = 2 + h100 * 2; th100 = 1; } else { if (grabtit == 0) { if (pspd > 4) { pspd -= 0.5; } if (pdep > 0) { pdep -= 0.1; } if (pspd <= 4 && pdep <= 0) { pdep = 0; grabtit = 1; sgrinda = 0.1; } } } dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 1.5; } else { slam += dx / 8; } if (grinda) { } else { if (pa) { if (pa > 180) { if (mdx < 0 && horny < 100) { tslam = pspd * 0.9; } } else { tslam = 0; } if (pa < 180) { pa += (pspd + slam) * speedadj; boost = 0; } else { if (pa < 270) { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (horny >= 100) { boost = 1; } cadd = pspd; pa += cadd * speedadj; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = pspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } pa += cadd * speedadj; } } if (pa >= 360) { if (cumming) { pa = 0.1; } else { if (boost) { pa = 0.1; } else { pa = 0; } } } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (horny < 100) { saysnd('cushion', 30); } if (cumming) { grinda = 0.1; ++squirts; } else { if (horny < 100) { if (!grinda && autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } horny += 1; if (horny >= 100) { autopilot = 0; } } } if (pdep > 0.5) { ltja = 0.1; rtja = 0.1; } } } } opa = pa; pump = sine(pa - 90) * pdep; cpump = cosine(pa - 90) * pdep; delay = (-33 + adjx) * h100; spump = sine(pa - 90 + delay) * pdep; rx = 394; ry = 330; sx = 510; sy = 291; ra = 0; rcha = 0; rha = 0; rrta = 0; rlta = 0; rraa = 0; rlsha = 0; rlela = 0; rurla = 0; rrka = 5; rulla = 0; rlka = 0; sa = 0; scha = 0; sraa = 0; slsha = 0; slela = 0; sda = 0; sba = 0; srla = 0; sulla = 0; slka = 0; chx = 338; chy = 574; cha = 0; sx += pullout * 0.12; sa += pullout * -0.12; srla += pullout * 0.03; sulla += pullout * 0.07000000000000001; rx += pullout * -0.3; rcha += pullout * 0.09; sx += spump * 1.2; sa += spump * -2.4; srla += spump * 0.4; sulla += spump * 0.62; scha += spump * 0.2; if (!rcummed) { scha += -17 * h100; } else { refy = 210; } trad = 87; toa = -151; xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad; sdx = sx + xadd; sdy = sy + yadd; trad = 76; toa = 114; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; ppx = rx + xadd; ppy = ry + yadd; pussypush = sdx - ppx; if (pussypush > 0) { pussypush = 0; } rx += pump * -1.7; rx += pussypush * 0.9; rcha += pump * 0.4; ra += cpump * -1; ry += cpump * 0.8; rha += pussypush * -0.3; sa += sgrind * 5.4; sx += sgrind * -1; sy += csgrind * 1.5; srla += sgrind * -0.49; sulla += sgrind * -1.79; scha += sgrind * -0.8; rx += sgrind * -5.4; ra += sgrind * -4; ry += sgrind * 3.2; rx += sgdep * snuggledep; rcha += masst * 2 / 10; scha += masst * 1 / 10; rlta = rha; rrta = rlta; rrta += rtjump * -2.5; rlta += ltjump * -2.5; dx = pussypush - ppd; if (dx < 0) { ppd = pussypush; } else { ppd += dx / 8; } rrta += ppd * 0.3; rlta += ppd * 0.3; chx += pussypush * 0.16; cha += pump * 0.06; if (grabhair >= 2) { scha += (refy - ghy) * 0.1; } bendo = ((sine(bendoa - 90) + 1) / 2) * 10; rcha += bendo * -1.9; rha += bendo * -1.6; ra += bendo * -1.5; ry += bendo * 1.1; scha += bendo * -0.3; rcha += breath; rha += pulltail * 7; rcha += pulltail * 3; scha += pulltail * -3; rha += sh100 * 15; rcha += sh100 * 17; rha += grind * 5.3; rcha += grind * 3; if (rcummed) { rha += sgrind * -1.6; } lkadj = 394 - rx; if (lkadj < 0) { ry += lkadj * -0.24; } if (grabhair == 3) { trad = 205.4; toa = -38.7; } else { trad = 204.8; toa = -41.3; } xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; rhx = rx + xadd; rhy = ry + yadd; trad = 70; toa = 3; xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad; rltx = rhx + xadd; rlty = rhy + yadd; if (grabhair == 3) { trad = 69; toa = 155; } else { trad = -65; toa = 325; } xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad; gtx = rltx + xadd; gty = rlty + yadd; trad = 76; toa = -37; xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad; rrtx = rhx + xadd; rrty = rhy + yadd; if (grabhair == 3) { ghx = gtx; ghy = gty; } else { if (grabhair == 2) { tghx = mousex; tghy = mousey; if (tghx < 290) { tghx = 290; } if (tghx > 430) { tghx = 430; } if (tghy < 125) { tghy = 125; } if (lowonly) { if (tghy < 280) { tghy = 280; } } dx = tghx - ghx; ghx += dx / 6; dy = tghy - ghy; ghy += dy / 6; if (ghx >= 415) { lowonly = 0; } } else { if (grabtit == 0) { trad = 39; toa = 94; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; ghx = rx + xadd; ghy = ry + yadd; } else { if (grabtit <= 2) { tlhtrad = -reacht; tlhtoa = 94; dx = tlhtrad - lhtrad; lhtrad += dx / 8; dx = tlhtoa - lhtoa; lhtoa += dx / 8; xadd = sine(lhtoa + ra) * lhtrad; yadd = -cosine(lhtoa + ra) * lhtrad; ghx = rx + xadd; ghy = ry + yadd; } else { tlhtrad = +reacht; tlhtoa = gtoa; dx = tlhtrad - lhtrad; lhtrad += dx / 8; dx = tlhtoa - lhtoa; lhtoa += dx / 8; xadd = sine(lhtoa + rcha) * lhtrad; yadd = -cosine(lhtoa + rcha) * lhtrad; ghx = rx + xadd; ghy = ry + yadd; } } } } trad = 171; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad; slshx = sx + xadd; slshy = sy + yadd; tshrad = 150; telrad = 154; sss(slshx, slshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0); slsha = ugsha; slela = ugela; trad = 150; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + slsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + slsha) * trad; slelx = slshx + xadd; slely = slshy + yadd; slsha += 204.7; slela += 118; trad = 154; toa = -119; xadd = sine(toa + slela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + slela) * trad; lhx = slelx + xadd; lhy = slely + yadd; trad = 53.3; toa = 170.4; xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad; sullx = sx + xadd; sully = sy + yadd; trad = 53; toa = -105; xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad; srlx = sx + xadd; srly = sy + yadd; trad = 38; toa = -9; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; srax = rx + xadd; sray = ry + yadd; if (!grabhair) { sraa = slela; } trad = 217; toa = -26; xadd = sine(toa + cha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + cha) * trad; gcx = chx + xadd; gcy = chy + yadd; trad = 147.8; toa = -37.8; xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; rlshx = rx + xadd; rlshy = ry + yadd; tshrad = 124.8; telrad = 128; sss(rlshx, rlshy, tshrad, telrad, gcx, gcy, 0); rlsha = ugsha; rlela = ugela; trad = 124.8; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + rlsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rlsha) * trad; rlelx = rlshx + xadd; rlely = rlshy + yadd; rlsha += 207.7; rlela += 113; trad = 44.7; toa = 113.5; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; rullx = rx + xadd; rully = ry + yadd; trad = 98; toa = 54; xadd = sine(toa + cha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + cha) * trad; lkpx = chx + xadd; lkpy = chy + yadd; rulla = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(rullx - lkpx, rully - lkpy)); rulla += 174; trad = 174.9; toa = -172.5; xadd = sine(toa + rulla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rulla) * trad; rlkx = rullx + xadd; rlky = rully + yadd; trad = 23; toa = 127.5; xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad; rrlx = rx + xadd; rrly = ry + yadd; rurla = rulla; trad = 140.5; toa = 192.5; xadd = sine(toa + rurla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rurla) * trad; rrkx = rrlx + xadd; rrky = rrly + yadd; trad = 252.4; toa = -25.4; xadd = sine(toa + cha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + cha) * trad; rrax = chx + xadd; rray = chy + yadd; rraa = rlela; slhdep = 840; if (!lowonly) { slhdep = 1840; } wsprite(0, sx, sy, 400, sa - 45, 280); wsprite(1, sx, sy, 420, scha - 45, 281); wsprite(2, slshx, slshy, 830, slsha - 45, 282); mon5 = 'ela:' + slela; if (handseq == 3 && fs_changing[3] == 0) { if (slela > 380 + wadjx) { wsprite(3, slelx, slely, slhdep, slela - 90, 311); } else { wsprite(3, slelx, slely, slhdep, slela - 45, 310); } } else { fsprite(3, slelx, slely, slhdep, slela - 45, 307 + handseq); } wsprite(5, srax, sray, 225, sraa - 45, 284); wsprite(6, sdx, sdy, 410, sda - 45, 285); wsprite(7, sdx, sdy, 411, sba - 45, 286); wsprite(8, sullx, sully, 590, sulla - 45, 287); wsprite(9, srhx, srhy, 299, srha - 45, 259); wsprite(10, srlx, srly, 390, srla - 45, 289); wsprite(12, rx, ry, 600, ra - 45, 293); wsprite(13, rx, ry, 620, rcha - 45, 294); wsprite(14, rlshx, rlshy, 1630, rlsha - 45, 295); wsprite(15, rlelx, rlely, 1640, rlela - 45, 296); wsprite(16, rrax, rray, 380, rraa - 45, 297); fsprite(17, rhx, rhy, 650, rha - 45, 312 + rheadseq); wsprite(19, rltx, rlty, 660, rlta - 45, 299, ltalpha); wsprite(20, rrtx, rrty, 645, rrta - 45, 300, ltalpha); wsprite(21, rullx, rully, 720, rulla - 45, 301); wsprite(22, rlkx, rlky, 710, rlka - 45, 302); wsprite(23, rrlx, rrly, 394, rurla - 45, 303); wsprite(24, rrkx, rrky, 388, rrka - 45, 304); wsprite(28, chx, chy, 391, cha - 45, 305); } function init_tailview() { sgrinda = 0; sgrind = 0; sgrinda = 0.1; sgdep = 1; sgrinds = 0; slam = 0; saa = 0; await = 120; movedown = 0; mdsteps = 0; mdstepsize = 30; moving = 0; dmover = 0; mover = 0; m100 = 0; movertime = 45; ttha = 0; tha = 0; rubs = 0; rubdep = 0; ruba = 0; rubc = 0; rub = 0; boost = 0; cadd = 0; horny = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; waves = 0; spasma = 0; spasm = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; pokdep = 0; rubspd = 8; trubspd = 8; anusa = 0; anusy = 0; doh = 10; pullthumb = 0; } function do_tailview() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { mdsteps = 3; sgrinds = 0; ssay = 135; rubdep = 0.1; ruba = 0.1; saa = 90; horny = 95; movedown = mdsteps * 38; return undefined; if (ssay == 135) { if (horny < 44) { horny = 44; } } else { saa = 90; await = 0; if (ssay < 131) { say(131); wait = 10; } } } mon3 = 'mdsteps:' + mdsteps + 'pd:' + pokdep; mon4 = 'ra:' + ruba + ' rd:' + rubdep; mon5 = ' tha:' + ttha; dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (cummed) { ++cummed; h50 *= 0.95; if (pullthumb < 10) { pullthumb += 0.125; } else { if (anusa > 0) { anusa -= 2; } } } else { h50 = h100 - 0.5; if (h50 < 0) { h50 = 0; } h90 = h100 - 0.9; if (h90 < 0) { h90 = 0; } } mdstepsize = 38; if (moving == 3) { ttha = (mdsteps + m100) * -4; } else { ttha = mdsteps * -4; } if (moving == 0) { tx = rx; ty = hoay; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 40 && abs(dy) < 10) { } else { moving = 1; } } else { if (moving == 1) { } else { if (moving == 2) { tx = rx; ty = hoay; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 40 && abs(dy) < 10 && mdy > 0) { mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 45; moving = 3; } } else { if (moving == 3) { movedown = mdsteps * mdstepsize + mdstepsize * m100; if (mover == 100) { moving = 0; dmover = 0; m100 = 0; mover = 0; ++mdsteps; } } } } } if (await) { --await; } else { if (saa < 90) { saa += 0.5; } } salpha = 100 - (sine(saa - 90) + 1) * 91; quivera += 120; quiver = sine(quivera); if (spasma > 0.001) { spasma += 3; if (spasma >= 180) { spasma = 0; } } spasm = sine(spasma); spasm += quiver * spasm * 0.06; if (horny >= 50) { if (cummed) { pokdep *= 0.95; } else { if (rubdep > 0) { rubdep -= 0.1; } else { if (pokdep < 1) { pokdep += 0.1; } else { if (anusa < 100) { anusa += 2; } } } } trubspd = sgspd; } else { if (rubdep > 0 && rubdep < 1) { rubdep += 0.1; } trubspd = 8 + 8 * h100; } if (rubdep) { if (ruba == 0) { if (mdy) { ruba = 0.1; } } } dx = trubspd - rubspd; rubspd += dx / 8; if (ruba) { if (ruba < 180) { ruba += rubspd * speedadj; boost = 0; } else { if (ruba < 270) { if (mdy || mdx) { boost = 1; } cadd = rubspd; ruba += cadd * speedadj; } else { if (mdy || mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = rubspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } ruba += cadd * speedadj; } } if (ruba >= 360) { if (horny >= 50 && anusa < 100) { ruba = 0; } else { if (boost) { ruba = 0.1; } else { ruba = 0; } } if (rubdep >= 1) { ++rubs; } } } rub = sine(ruba) * rubdep; rubc = cosine(ruba) * rubdep; poke = sine(ruba) * pokdep; pokec = cosine(ruba) * pokdep; if (spasma > 0.001) { } else { if (horny < 50) { if (sgdep < 0.5) { sgdep += 0.1; } if (ruba) { if (sgdep < 1) { sgdep += 0.1; } } else { if (sgdep > 0.5) { sgdep -= 0.05; } } } else { sgdep = 1 + h50 * 2; } if (spasma == 0.001) { if (sgrinda >= 180) { sgrinda += 20; } else { sgrinda -= 20; if (sgrinda <= 0) { sgrinda = 360; } } } else { if (cumming) { slam = 0; if (cummed) { if (sgspd > 2) { sgspd *= 0.9; } } } else { sgspd = 5 + 10 * h100; slam = h50 * sgspd; slam += h90 * 1 * sgspd; } if (sgrinda > 180) { sgrinda += sgspd + slam; } else { sgrinda += sgspd - slam; } } if (sgrinda >= 360) { sgrinda -= 360; if (saa >= 90) { ++sgrinds; if (ruba || horny >= 90) { if (cummed) { } else { if (cumming) { ++waves; if (waves < 7) { spasma = 0.1; saysnd('oh', 17); } else { cummed = 1; } } else { if (horny < 50) { horny += 2; } else { if (horny < 100) { if (horny < 90) { horny += 2; } else { horny += 1; dosurge = 1; } if (horny >= 100) { cumming = 1; spasma = 0.1; autopilot = 1.1; sayfile('coh4.mp3', 30); } } } } } } } if (spasma == 0.001) { if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } spasma = 0.1; dosurge = 2; } if (horny >= 50 && !cumming) { saysnd('cushion', 30); } } } sgrind = sine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep; csgrind = cosine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep; rx = 350; ry = 470; rchx = rx - 1; rchy = ry - 105; sshy = 0; sdx = 351; sdy = 637; rcha = 0; rsha = 0; lsha = 0; rela = 0; lela = 0; rha = 0; slha = 0; slaa = 0; srela = 0; sraa = 0; swa = 0; sgrind += spasm * 2; rchy += sgrind * 4.7; atysiz = 100 + sgrind * -3.9; abxsiz = 100 + sgrind * 0; abysiz = 100 + sgrind * 5.6; rsha += sgrind * -1.9; lsha += sgrind * 1.9; sshy += sgrind * -3.3; sdy += sgrind * -8.1; rha += sgrind * -1.2; apx = rx; apy = ry + 33 + sgrind * 2.5; rhx = rchx + 40.6; rhy = rchy - 265.1; hoax = rx + 69; hoay = ry - 133; rsteps = 4 - mdsteps; hoay += sgrind * (rsteps * 0.5); hoay += movedown; hoax += movedown * 0.11; hoay += spasm * 2; hoax += rub * 1; hoay += rubc * -0.8; ttha += rubc * 2.5; sshy += rubc * -3.7; hoax += poke * -2.1; hoay += poke * 0.3; hoax += pokdep * 9; hoay += pokdep * 4.6; ttha += pokdep * 2.2; hoax += h50 * -51; ttha += h50 * -14; asize = 100 + h50 * (74 + fadjx); axskoot = h50 * (-3 + wadjx); ayskoot = h50 * (-28 + wadjy); hoay += sgrind * pokdep * 1.3; anusy = sgrind * (16 + adjy) / 10; hoax += pullthumb * 1.1; sshy += pokdep * 32.7; dx = ttha - tha; tha += dx / 8; trad = 185; toa = -33; xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad; slhx = rhx + xadd; slhy = rhy + yadd; ghx = 74; ghy = sshy - 26 + adjy; ghy += pokdep * -34; tshrad = 271; telrad = 100; sss(slhx, slhy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0); slha = ugsha; slaa = ugela; trad = 271; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + slha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + slha) * trad; slelx = slhx + xadd; slely = slhy + yadd; slha += 120.6; slaa += -9; ghx = 650; ghy = -101 + sshy; tshrad = 332.8; telrad = 378; sss(hoax, hoay, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 1); sraa = ugsha; srela = ugela; trad = 332.8; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + sraa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sraa) * trad; srelx = hoax + xadd; srely = hoay + yadd; sraa += -74; srela += 15; swa = sraa; trad = 38.7; toa = 77.2; xadd = sine(toa + sraa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + sraa) * trad; swx = hoax + xadd; swy = hoay + yadd; trad = 38.9; toa = -136; xadd = sine(toa + swa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + swa) * trad; thx = swx + xadd; thy = swy + yadd; trad = 101; toa = -94; xadd = sine(toa + tha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + tha) * trad; thpx = thx + xadd; thpy = thy + yadd; trad = 241.1; toa = 29.2; xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; rshx = rchx + xadd; rshy = rchy + yadd; trad = 232.1; toa = -25.3; xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad; lshx = rchx + xadd; lshy = rchy + yadd; ghx = 489; ghy = 329; tshrad = 217.5; telrad = 130; sss(rshx, rshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0); rsha = ugsha; rela = ugela; trad = tshrad; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + rsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + rsha) * trad; relx = rshx + xadd; rely = rshy + yadd; rsha += 222.1; rela += 101; ghx = 227; ghy = 363; tshrad = 320.5; telrad = 183; sss(lshx, lshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 1); lsha = ugsha; lela = ugela; trad = 230.5; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + lsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + lsha) * trad; lelx = lshx + xadd; lely = lshy + yadd; lsha += 145.7; lela += -75; wsprite(0, rx, ry, 420, 0, 321, 100, 100, atysiz); wsprite(1, rx, ry, 400, 0, 322, 100, abxsiz, abysiz); wsprite(11, rx, ry, 520, 0, 335, 100, abxsiz, abysiz); wsprite(17, rx + axskoot, ry + ayskoot + anusy, 758, 0, 343, anusa, asize, asize); wsprite(2, rchx, rchy, 350, rcha - 45, 323); wsprite(3, rshx, rshy, 340, rsha - 45, 324); wsprite(4, lshx, lshy, 341, lsha - 45, 325); wsprite(5, relx, rely, 330, rela - 45, 326); wsprite(6, lelx, lely, 331, lela - 45, 327); wsprite(7, slelx, slely, 640, slaa - 45, 329); wsprite(8, slhx, slhy, 630, slha - 45, 330); wsprite(9, srelx, srely, 650, srela - 45, 331); wsprite(10, hoax, hoay, 649, sraa - 45, 332); wsprite(12, sdx, sdy, 519, -45, 334); wsprite(13, rhx, rhy, 290, rha + 45, 336); wsprite(14, thx, thy, 651, tha - 45, 338); wsprite(16, swx, swy, 648, swa - 45, 340); hipsiz = 100 + sgrind * -2.6; chsiz = 100 + sgrind * 2.2; sx = rx - 12; sy = 343; wsprite(15, sx, sy, 852, 0, 341, salpha, 100, chsiz); } function initscene5() { hideall(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(66); bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(67); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg3_mc.swapDepths(2005); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1a = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; wait = 20; ssay = 84; scenestarted = 1; if (!skipahead) { sayfile('city.wav', 40); } rublega = 0; rubs = 0; boost = 0; autopilot = 0; } function doscene5() { if (!scenestarted) { initscene5(); } mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (ssay == 84) { if (fadespeed == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(85); wait = 10; wait2 = 15; } } } else { if (ssay == 85) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { sayfile1('city1.wav', 20); say(86); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 86) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(87); wait = 90; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(68); } } } else { if (ssay == 87) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(88); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 88) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(89); wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 89) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(90); wait = 30; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(69); wait2 = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 90) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(91); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 91) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(92); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 92) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(93); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 93) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(94); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 94) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(95); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 95) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(96); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(70); wait2 = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 96) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(97); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(71); wait2 = 15; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 97) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(98); wait = 5; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 98) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(99); wait = 17; } } } else { if (ssay == 99) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(100, 1); wait = 20; wait2 = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(72); } } } else { if (ssay == 100) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(101); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 101) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(102); wait = 17; } } } else { if (ssay == 102) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(103); wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 103) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(104, 1); wait = 20; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(73); wait2 = 15; } } } else { if (ssay == 104) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(105); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(74); wait2 = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 105) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(106); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 106) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(107); wait = 10; wait2 = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 107) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(108); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(75); wait2 = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 108) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(109); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 109) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(110); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 110) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(111); wait = 40; } } } else { if (ssay == 111) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(112); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 112) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(113); wait = 20; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 113) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(114); wait = 30; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(76); wait2 = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 114) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(115); wait = 20; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(77); wait2 = 20; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 115) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a == 0) { sayfile1('chair1.wav', 20); } if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 10; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(116, 2); wait = 20; wait2 = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 116) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(117); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(78); } } } else { if (ssay == 117) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { say(118); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(79); } } } } else { if (ssay == 118) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(119); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(80); } } } } else { if (ssay == 119) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { say(120); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 120) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(121); wait = 20; wait2 = 20; bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(81); } } } else { if (ssay == 121) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(122); wait = 20; } } } } else { if (ssay == 122) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(123); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(82); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(83); rublega = 0; bg2a = 0; boost = 0; } } } else { if (ssay == 123) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 1; } if (boost) { rublega += 6; if (rublega >= 360) { rublega -= 360; ++rubs; boost = 0; } bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50; if (rubs >= 5) { bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(86); ssay = 123.1; wait = 40; } } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 123.1) { if (bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 0.5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(84); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(85); ssay = 123.2; rubs = 0; boost = 0; } } rublega += 7; if (rublega >= 360) { rublega -= 360; ++rubs; } bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50; } else { if (ssay == 123.2) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 0.5; } if (boost) { rublega += 8; if (rublega >= 360) { rublega -= 360; ++rubs; boost = 0; } bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50; if (rubs >= 10) { bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(87); ssay = 123.3; wait = 40; } } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } } } } else { if (ssay == 123.3) { rublega += 9; if (rublega >= 360) { rublega -= 360; ++rubs; } bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50; if (bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 0.5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { bg2a = 0; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(88); initkitf(); ssay = 123.4; wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 123.4) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 0.5; } dokitf3(); if (pokes >= 12) { bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(89); init_kit5f(); ssay = 123.5; bg3_mc.swapDepths(199); } } } else { if (ssay == 123.5) { if (bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 1; dokitf3(); } do_kit5f(); } else { if (ssay == 123.7) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; if (bg2a >= 100) { kill_kit5fsprites(); } } do_kit5f(); do_insert(); if (horny <= 100 && th100 <= 0) { ssay = 123.9; bg1a = 0; } } else { if (ssay == 123.8) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; if (bg2a <= 0) { kill_insertsprites(); } else { do_insert(); } } do_kit5f(); } else { if (ssay == 123.9) { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(91); bg1_mc.swapDepths(3001); do_kit5f(); do_insert(); if (bg1a < 100) { bg1a += 0.5; } else { killsprites(); bg2a = 100; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(91); bg3a = 0; bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg3_mc.swapDepths(2005); ssay = 123.91; autopilot = 0; wait = 40; } } else { if (ssay == 123.91) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(92); init_chair8(0); ssay = 123.92; } } else { if (ssay == 123.92) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 124) { if (balpha == 0) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(93); if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(125); wait = 10; hurts = 1; } } } } do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 125) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (snuggledep > 0) { snuggledep -= 0.19; } else { say(126); wait = 20; } } } } do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 126) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(127); wait = 30; grabhair = 1; } } do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 127) { do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 129) { do_chair8(); if (balpha == 0) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(94); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { killsprites(); ssay = 129.1; wait = 30; init_tailview(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(95); } } } else { if (ssay == 129.1) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } do_tailview(); if (sgrinds >= 1) { say(130, 1); wait = 40; } } } else { if (ssay == 130) { do_tailview(); if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { sgrinds = 0; say(131, 1); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 131) { do_tailview(); if (moving == 1) { moving = 2; } if (moving == 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (mdsteps == 1) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { sgrinds = 0; say(132, 1); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 132) { do_tailview(); if (moving == 1) { moving = 2; } if (moving == 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (mdsteps == 2) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { sgrinds = 0; say(133, 1); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 133) { do_tailview(); if (moving == 1) { moving = 2; } if (moving == 3) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (mdsteps == 3) { sgrinds = 0; say(134, 1); spasma = 0.001; sayfile('coh4.mp3', 30); } } } else { if (ssay == 134) { do_tailview(); dx = mousex - thpx; dy = mousey - thpy; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) { forcebuboff = 1; } if (balpha == 0) { if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && spasma == 0) { if (rubdep <= 0) { rubdep = 0.1; ruba = 0.1; ssay = 135; spasma = 0.001; sayfile('nnh2.mp3', 10); } } } } else { if (ssay == 135) { do_tailview(); if (cummed > 150) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { killsprites(); autopilot = 0; ssay = 135.1; wait = 20; } } } else { if (ssay == 135.1) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(136, 1); wait = 10; wait2 = 20; init_chair8(1); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(92); } } else { if (ssay == 136) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { --bg2a; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(137, 1); } } do_chair8(); } } } else { if (ssay == 137) { if (balpha == 0) { ssay = 137.1; } do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 137.1) { do_chair8(); dx = mousex - lhx; dy = mousey - lhy; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && mdx > 0) { pulltaila = 0.1; sayfile('ow1.wav', 10); autopilot = 1.1; ssay = 138; } if (sgrinds >= 5) { say(138, 1); } } else { if (ssay == 138) { dx = mousex - lhx; dy = mousey - lhy; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && mdx > 0) { forcebuboff = 1; if (!pulltaila && !scummed) { pulltaila = 0.1; sayfile('ow1.wav', 10); autopilot = 1.1; } } if (balpha == 0) { if (scummed >= 230) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(96); wait = 20; ssay = 139; } } do_chair8(); } else { if (ssay == 139) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { killsprites(); say(140); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(97); } } } else { if (ssay == 140) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(141, 1); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 141) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(142, 1); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 142) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(143, 1); wait = 20; } } } } else { if (ssay == 143) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(144); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(98); wait = 65; } } } else { if (ssay == 144) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(99); ssay = 144.1; wait = 5; } } } } else { if (ssay == 144.1) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(145); wait = 20; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } } else { if (ssay == 145) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { ssay = 145.1; wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(100); } } } } else { if (ssay == 145.1) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(146); wait = 20; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(101); } } } else { if (ssay == 146) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(147); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(102); } } } } else { if (ssay == 147) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(148); wait = 20; } } } } else { if (ssay == 148) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(149); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(103); } } } else { if (ssay == 149) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(150); wait = 10; } } } } else { if (ssay == 150) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(151); wait = 90; } } } else { if (ssay == 151) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } if (fade == 100) { scene += 1; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 1; } scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a; bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a; omousex = mousex; omousey = mousey; if (!Key.isDown(191)) { slashrel = 1; } if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) { scenestarted = 0; killsprites(); skipahead = 1; } if (mybug && (Key.isDown(191) && slashrel || skipahead == 1)) { skipahead = 0; killsprites(); forcebuboff = 1; ssay = 96; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(70); ssay = 104; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(73); ssay = 114; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(76); ssay = 123; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(82); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(83); rublega = 0; bg2a = 0; return undefined; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(88); initkitf(); ssay = 123.4; bg2a = 0; bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(89); init_kit5f(); ssay = 123.5; bg3_mc.swapDepths(199); bg3a = 100; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(90); init_kit5f(); ssay = 123.7; bg2a = 100; bg3a = 0; bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg3_mc.swapDepths(2005); ssay = 123.91; autopilot = 0; bg2a = 0; wait = 0; init_tailview(); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(94); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(95); ssay = 129.1; ssay = 136; init_chair8(1); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(92); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(96); bg2a = 100; ssay = 139; ssay = 145.1; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(100); } } function do_b89() { dopowerbar(); horny = (jhorn + phorn) / 2; powerbarsize = horny + surge; p100 = phorn / 100; j100 = jhorn / 100; tx = 283; ty = 266; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) { pboost = 4; dosurge = 1; } tx = 423; ty = 472; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && pboost) { jboost = 4; dosurge = 1; } paspd = 6 + p100 * 10; if (pboost) { pa += paspd; if (pa >= 360) { pa -= 360; --pboost; if (phorn < 100) { phorn += 4; } if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } } } pump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * 50; bg2a = pump; jaspd = 12 + j100 * 15; if (jboost) { ja += jaspd; if (ja >= 360) { ja -= 360; --jboost; if (jhorn < 100) { jhorn += 3; } if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } } } if (jboost == 0) { jdep = 0; } else { if (jboost == 1) { jdep = (360 - ja) / 360; } else { jdep = 1; } } jack = sine(ja) * jdep; hx = 477; hy = 482; hdx = 444; hdy = 494; hda = 0; jha = 0; hda += jack * (9 + wadjx) / 10; jha += jack * (20 + wadjy) / 10; trad = 33 + qadjx / 1; trad += jack * (48 + zadjx) / 10; toa = -44 + qadjy / 10; xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad; jpx = hdx + xadd; jpy = hdy + yadd; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 2420, 0, 346); wsprite(1, hdx, hdy, 2410, hda - 45, 347); wsprite(2, jpx, jpy, 2405, jha - 45, 348); wsprite(3, jpx, jpy, 2415, jha - 45, 349); mon4 = 'pa:' + pa + ' ' + pump + ' ' + pboost; } function kill019() { i = 0; while (i < 20) { _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i); ++i; } } function kill20() { i = 20; while (i < 30) { _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i); ++i; } } function do_sci() { dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (backoff) { if (ldep > 0) { ldep -= 0.02; } if (bg3a <= 0) { if (tdive > 0) { --tdive; } else { ++waitfade; } } } else { if (!attached) { tx = 491; ty = 331; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) { attached = 1; refx = 491; } } else { if (attached == 1) { tdive = refx - mousex; if (tdive < -5) { tdive = -5; } if (tdive > 20) { tdive = 20; } if (gja) { tdive = 20; } if (dive >= 19.25 && grst) { gja = 0.1; if (bspd < 6) { bspd = 6; sayfile('gasp3.mp3', 2); autopilot = 6; dosurge = 2; } else { saysnd('oww', 10); } grst = 0; ++gooses; if (gooses >= 5) { attached = 2; } } if (!gja && tdive < 15) { grst = 1; } } else { lspd = 6 + 6 * h100; if (ldep < 1 && !gja) { ldep += 0.1; } if (mdx < 0 && !la && horny < 100) { la = 0.1; } } } } dx = tdive - dive; dive += dx / 12; sdive = sine((dive / 20) * 90); cdive = cosine((dive / 20) * 90); mon4 = 'dive:' + tdive + ' ' + gja; mon5 = 'la:' + la + ' sd:' + sdive; if (bspd > 3) { if (bbdep < 1) { bbdep += 0.1; } } if (gja) { if (bba < 180) { bba += 30; if (bba > 180) { bba = 180; } } else { if (bba > 180) { bba -= 30; if (bba < 180) { bba = 180; } } } } else { bba += bspd; if (bba >= 360) { bba -= 360; } } bbreath = sine(bba - 90) * bbdep; if (gga) { } else { if (gja) { if (gja < 180) { gja += 12; } else { gja += 4; } if (gja >= 180) { gja = 0; } if (gja >= 90 && ogja < 90) { gga = 0.1; } if (shockeda < 100) { shockeda += 25; } } else { if (shockeda > 0) { shockeda -= 5; } } } ogja = gja; goosejump = sine(gja); if (gga) { gga += 4; if (gga >= 180) { gga = 0; } if (gga >= 90 && ogga < 90) { saysnd('oww', 10); } } ogga = gga; ggrind = sine(gga); ggrind += quiver * ggrind * 0.08; goosejump += ggrind; quivera += 120; quiver = sine(quivera); dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 1.5; } else { slam += dx / 8; } if (gga) { } else { if (la) { if (la > 180) { if (mdx < 0 && horny < 100) { tslam = lspd * 0.9; } } else { tslam = 0; } if (horny >= 100 && la >= 270) { lick5 = 2; backoff = 1; } else { if (la < 180) { la += (lspd + slam) * speedadj; boost = 0; } else { if (la < 270) { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (horny >= 100) { boost = 1; } cadd = lspd; la += cadd * speedadj; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = lspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } la += cadd * speedadj; } } } if (la >= 360) { if (boost) { la = 0.1; } else { la = 0; } } if (la >= 90 && ola < 90) { if (horny < 100) { if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } horny += 2; if (horny < 92) { if (horny % 14 == 0) { gga = 0.1; dosurge = 2; } } else { gga = 0.1; dosurge = 2; } if (horny >= 100) { autopilot = 0; } else { ++licks; if (licks == 5) { lick5 = 1; } } } } } } ola = la; lick = sine(la - 90) * ldep; coslick = cosine(la - 90) * ldep; hx = 696; hy = 678; hcha = 0; hna = -5; hha = -10; hrela = 0; hrsha = 0; hlela = 0; hlsha = 0; bx = 286; by = 295; bhipa = -5; bcha = -5; bha = 0; blaa = 0; braa = 0; brla = -5; blla = -5; hx += dive * -2; hy += dive * 0.3; hna += dive * 0.5; hha += dive * 1; brla += dive * 0.43; blla += dive * 0.26; bx += dive * -0.3; by += dive * -0.2; bcha += dive * 0.2; braa += dive * 0.6; blaa += dive * 0.6; bhipa += goosejump * 1.4; bcha += goosejump * 0.3; bx += goosejump * -0.6; by += goosejump * -0.5; hx += goosejump * -1.2; hy += goosejump * 0.7; hna += goosejump * -1.7; hha += goosejump * 0.6; bcha += bbreath * 0.4; bchwid = 100 + bbreath * 0.6; bchlen = 100 + bbreath * 0.4; bhipa += coslick * (-6 + wadjx) / 10; bcha += lick * (3 + wadjy) / 10; bx += lick * (-6 + qadjx) / 10; by += lick * (-5 + qadjy) / 10; brla += lick * 0.5; blla += coslick * 0.6; hx += lick * (-28 + zadjx) / 10; hy += coslick * (-7 + zadjy) / 10; hna += coslick * (-17 + fadjx) / 10; hha += lick * (6 + fadjy) / 10; trad = 260.3; toa = -27.2; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; trad = 194.9; toa = -26.7; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brax = bx + xadd; bray = by + yadd; trad = 202.8; toa = -16.8; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; blax = bx + xadd; blay = by + yadd; trad = 89.90000000000001; toa = 102.5; xadd = sine(toa + bhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bhipa) * trad; brlx = bx + xadd; brly = by + yadd; trad = 89.8; toa = 105; xadd = sine(toa + bhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bhipa) * trad; bllx = bx + xadd; blly = by + yadd; trad = 155.6; toa = 186.7; xadd = sine(toa + blla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + blla) * trad; glx = bllx + xadd; gly = blly + yadd; trad = -118; toa = -80; xadd = sine(toa + bhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bhipa) * trad; ghx = bx + xadd; ghy = by + yadd; trad = 328.2; toa = -20.4; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hnx = hx + xadd; hny = hy + yadd; trad = 60.2; toa = -47.5; xadd = sine(toa + hna) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hna) * trad; hhx = hnx + xadd; hhy = hny + yadd; trad = 264; toa = -11; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hrshx = hx + xadd; hrshy = hy + yadd; tshrad = 176.6; telrad = 173; sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0); hrsha = ugsha; hrela = ugela; trad = 176.6; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad; hrelx = hrshx + xadd; hrely = hrshy + yadd; hrsha += 117; hrela += 24; trad = 294.7; toa = -16.9; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hlshx = hx + xadd; hlshy = hy + yadd; tshrad = 208.6; telrad = 194; sss(hlshx, hlshy, tshrad, telrad, glx, gly, 0); hlsha = ugsha; hlela = ugela; trad = 208.6; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hlsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hlsha) * trad; hlelx = hlshx + xadd; hlely = hlshy + yadd; hlsha += 161; hlela += 48.2; if (bg3a < 100) { wsprite(0, hx, hy, 640, hcha - 45, 352); wsprite(1, hnx, hny, 620, hna - 45, 353); wsprite(2, hhx, hhy, 630, hha - 45, 354); wsprite(3, hrshx, hrshy, 420, hrsha - 45, 355); wsprite(4, hrelx, hrely, 245, hrela - 45, 356); wsprite(5, hlshx, hlshy, 820, hlsha - 45, 357); wsprite(6, hlelx, hlely, 830, hlela - 45, 359); wsprite(10, bx, by, 635, bhipa - 45, 361); wsprite(11, bx, by, 520, bcha - 45, 362, 100, bchwid, bchlen); wsprite(12, bhx, bhy, 550, bha - 45, 363); wsprite(13, brax, bray, 220, braa - 45, 364); wsprite(14, blax, blay, 880, blaa - 45, 365); wsprite(15, brlx, brly, 250, brla - 45, 366); wsprite(16, bllx, blly, 700, blla - 45, 367); wsprite(17, bhx, bhy, 551, bha - 45, 368, shockeda); } if (lick5) { if (lick5 == 1 && bg3a < 100) { bg3a += 10; if (bg3a >= 100) { kill019(); } } else { if (lick5 == 2) { bg3a -= 2; if (bg3a <= 0) { kill20(); return undefined; } } } l5hx = 705 + adjx; l5hx -= 4 * h100; l5hy = 385 + adjy; l5bx = 155 + adjx; l5by = 136 + adjy; l5hcha = 0; l5hna = 0; l5hha = 0; l5hta = 0; l5bhipa = 0; l5bcha = 0; l5blla = 0; l5hx += ggrind * -1.2; l5hy += ggrind * 9.300000000000001; l5hha += ggrind * 3.2; l5bhipa += coslick * -0.6; l5bcha += lick * 0.9; l5bx += lick * -0.6; l5by += lick * -0.5; l5blla += coslick * 0.6; l5hx += lick * -2.8; l5hy += coslick * -0.7; l5hna += coslick * -1.7; l5hha += lick * 0.6; l5hcha += lick * 0.6; l5bhipa += goosejump * 1.4; l5bcha += goosejump * 0.3; l5bx += goosejump * -0.6; l5by += goosejump * -0.5; l5hx += goosejump * -1.2; l5hy += goosejump * 0.7; l5hna += goosejump * -1.7; l5hha += goosejump * 0.6; trad = 159; toa = -43; xadd = sine(toa + l5hna) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + l5hna) * trad; l5hhx = l5hx + xadd; l5hhy = l5hy + yadd; trad = 148; toa = -95; trad += coslick * 12; xadd = sine(toa + l5hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + l5hha) * trad; l5htx = l5hhx + xadd; l5hty = l5hhy + yadd; trad = 158.9; toa = 143.6; xadd = sine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad; l5bllx = l5bx + xadd; l5blly = l5by + yadd; trad = 317.4; toa = 117.9; xadd = sine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad; l5bax = l5bx + xadd; l5bay = l5by + yadd; wsprite(20, l5hx, l5hy, 3640, l5hcha - 45, 371, bg3a); wsprite(21, l5hx, l5hy, 3620, l5hna - 45, 372, bg3a); wsprite(22, l5hhx, l5hhy, 3630, l5hha - 45, 373, bg3a); wsprite(23, l5htx, l5hty, 3540, l5hta - 45, 374, bg3a); wsprite(24, l5bx, l5by, 3440, l5bhipa - 45, 376, bg3a); wsprite(25, l5bx, l5by, 3430, l5bcha - 45, 377, bg3a); wsprite(26, l5bllx, l5blly, 3635, l5blla - 45, 378, bg3a); coslickp = coslick - 0.5; if (coslickp < 0) { coslickp = 0; } aysiz = 100 + coslickp * (44 * h100); wsprite(27, l5bax, l5bay, 3545, l5bhipa, 380, bg3a, 100, aysiz); } } function init_jack5() { jspd = 0; jdep = 0; jack = 0; ja = 0; cadd = 0; boost = 0; pa = 0.1; pspd = 0; pdep = 0; pump = 0; padd = 0; pboost = 0; slam = 0; tslam = 0; sspd = 0; sdep = 0; suck = 0; sa = 0; sadd = 0; sboost = 0; shold = 0; bsuck = 0; wchball = 0; awchball = 0; rbstretch = 0; lbstretch = 0; suckmax = 0; psuck = 0; tpsuck = 0; srst = 0; hrba = 0; hlba = 0; thrba = 0; thlba = 0; horny = 0; grind = 0; ga = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; cumming = 0; } function do_jack5() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { horny = 97; } mon4 = 'c:' + cumming + ' ' + ga; dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; jspd = 20 + 20 * h100; if (jdep < 1) { jdep += 0.1; } if (mdx < 0 && !ja && horny < 100) { ja = 0.1; } if (cumming >= 2) { if (pspd > 3) { pspd -= 0.5; } ++cumming; } else { pspd = 6 + 10 * h100; } if (wchball == 0) { nrbs = -rbstretch / 7; } else { nrbs = -lbstretch / 7; } if (nrbs > pdep) { pdep = nrbs; } else { if (cumming) { dx = 0.8 - pdep; pdep += dx / 16; } else { if (pdep > 0.2) { pdep *= 0.98; } } } quivera += 120; quiver = sine(quivera); if (ga) { ga += 2; if (ga >= 180) { ga = 0; cumming = 2; autopilot = 1.1; } } grind = sine(ga); grind += quiver * grind * 0.06; if (cumming) { if (ja < 360) { ja += jspd; } else { ja = 360; } } else { if (ja) { if (ja < 180) { ja += jspd * speedadj; boost = 0; } else { if (ja < 270) { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (horny >= 100) { boost = 1; } boost = 1; cadd = jspd; ja += cadd * speedadj; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = jspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } ja += cadd * speedadj; } } if (ja >= 360) { if (boost) { ja = 0.1; } else { ja = 0; } } } } jack = sine(ja - 90) * jdep; jack += grind * -0.8; dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 1.5; } else { slam += dx / 8; } if (ga) { } else { if (pa) { if (pa > 180) { if (horny < 100) { tslam = pspd * 0.9 * h100; } } else { tslam = 0; } if (pa < 180) { pa += (pspd + slam) * speedadj; pboost = 0; } else { if (pa < 270) { if (horny >= 100) { pboost = 1; } if (bsuck) { pboost = 1; } padd = pspd; pa += padd * speedadj; } else { if (cumming) { pboost = 1; } if (bsuck) { pboost = 1; } if (pboost) { padd = pspd; } else { if (padd > 2) { padd *= 0.9; } } pa += padd * speedadj; } } if (pa >= 360) { if (pboost) { pa = 0.1; } else { pa = 0; } if (cumming) { if (cumming >= 2) { bsuck = 0; } } else { if (bsuck && suck > 0) { ++bsuck; if (bsuck > 3) { bsuck = 0; ++wchball; if (wchball >= 2) { wchball = 0; } } } } } if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) { if (cumming == 1 && !ga) { ga = 0.1; sayfile2('morg5.wav', 5); } } } } opa = pa; pump = sine(pa - 90) * pdep; pump += grind * 3.6; if (bsuck) { if (suckmax < 100) { suckmax += 10; } } else { if (suckmax > 0) { suckmax -= 10; } } if (cumming == 1) { dx = 1 - suck; suck += dx / 4; bsuck = 1; } else { if (cumming >= 2) { bsuck = 0; dx = -suck; suck += dx / 16; } else { refy = 264; ty = (mousey - refy) * 2; if (ty < -100) { ty = -100; if (bsuck == 0) { bsuck = 1; } } if (ty > suckmax) { ty = suckmax; } suck = ty / 100; } } if (bsuck) { if (wchball == 0) { rbstretch = (suck + 1) * -7; lbstretch = rbstretch * 0.5; } else { lbstretch = (suck + 1) * -7; rbstretch *= 0.5; } } else { rbstretch *= 0.87; lbstretch *= 0.87; } tpsuck = suck; if (tpsuck < 0) { tpsuck = 0; } dx = tpsuck - psuck; psuck += dx / 4; if (bsuck > 0 && pa == 0) { pa = 0.1; } if (suck <= 0) { srst = 1; } if (bsuck && srst && psuck > 0.9) { srst = 0; if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; } if (horny < 100) { horny += 4; dosurge = 1; if (horny >= 100) { cumming = 1; } else { saysnd('uhh', 20); } } } hx = 480; hy = 100; bx = 220 + fadjx; by = 684 + fadjy; hcha = 0; hhipa = 0; hrla = 0; hlla = 0; hlka = 0; hda = 0; hlha = 0; hraa = 0; hrha = 0; bcha = 0; braa = 0; blaa = 0; bha = 0; bna = 0; hda += jack * 1.6; hrha = hda; hraa += jack * 0.3; hralen = 100 + jack * -3.6; hx += pump * -1.3; hy += pump * -0.8; hhipa += pump * 0.8; hcha += pump * -0.5; hlla += pump * -0.5; hlllen = 100 + pump * 0.9; hlka += pump * 0.9; hrla += pump * -0.6; hlha += pump * -0.5; bcha += pump * -0.3; blaa += pump * 0.5; bx += pump * 1.8; by += pump * -0.6; bna += suck * (39 + wadjx) / 10; bha += suck * (-30 + wadjy) / 10; by += psuck * 9.9; hy += psuck * 5; hrla += psuck * 2.2; hlla += psuck * -2.2; hlka += psuck * 2.8; hhipa += psuck * -1.9; blaa += psuck * -2.1; braa += psuck * 0.9; dx = wchball - awchball; awchball += dx / 8; by += awchball * -7.8; bna += awchball * 5; bha += awchball * 8.6; trad = 348.7; toa = 22.4; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bnx = bx + xadd; bny = by + yadd; trad = 70.59999999999999; toa = 37.5; xadd = sine(toa + bna) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bna) * trad; bhx = bnx + xadd; bhy = bny + yadd; trad = 66; toa = -2; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; bmx = bhx + xadd; bmy = bhy + yadd; trad = 324.1; toa = 31.8; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; blax = bx + xadd; blay = by + yadd; trad = 341.8; toa = 11; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brax = bx + xadd; bray = by + yadd; trad = 53.2; toa = 165.5; xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad; hullx = hx + xadd; hully = hy + yadd; trad = 339.1; trad += pump * 2.7; toa = 160.4; xadd = sine(toa + hlla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hlla) * trad; hlkx = hullx + xadd; hlky = hully + yadd; trad = 129.4; toa = -140; xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad; hrlx = hx + xadd; hrly = hy + yadd; trad = 92; toa = -134; xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad; hlbx = hx + xadd; hlby = hy + yadd; trad = 102.6; toa = -128.3; xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad; hrbx = hx + xadd; hrby = hy + yadd; trad = 98.3; toa = -128.7; xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; trad = 51; trad += jack * (10 + 10 * h100); toa = -48; xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad; gdx = hdx + xadd; hrhx = gdx; gdy = hdy + yadd; hrhy = gdy; trad = 351; toa = 37; xadd = sine(toa + blaa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + blaa) * trad; hlhx = blax + xadd; hlhy = blay + yadd; ang2rball = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bmx - hrbx, bmy - hrby)); thrba = ang2rball + (-28 + adjx) / 10; thlba = ang2rball + +adjx / 10; dx = thrba - hrba; hrba += dx / 2; dx = thlba - hlba; hlba += dx / 2; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 635, hhipa - 45, 383); wsprite(1, hx, hy, 630, hcha - 45, 384); wsprite(2, hullx, hully, 731, hlla - 22, 405, 100, 100, hlllen); wsprite(11, hlkx, hlky, 730, hlka - 22, 406); wsprite(3, hrlx, hrly, 640, hrla - 45, 386); wsprite(4, hlbx, hlby, 654, hlba - 0, 387, 100, 100, 100 - lbstretch); wsprite(5, hrbx, hrby, 653, hrba - 0, 388, 100, 100, 100 - rbstretch); wsprite(6, hdx, hdy, 660, hda - 45, 389); wsprite(7, hlhx, hlhy, 890, hlha - 45, 390); wsprite(8, hrhx, hrhy, 655, hraa - 45, 391, 100, 100, hralen); wsprite(9, hrhx, hrhy, 656, hrha - 45, 392); wsprite(10, hrhx, hrhy, 670, hrha - 45, 393); wsprite(12, bx, by, 720, bcha - 45, 396); wsprite(13, blax, blay, 820, blaa - 45, 397); wsprite(14, brax, bray, 710, braa - 45, 398); wsprite(15, bnx, bny, 700, bna - 45, 399); wsprite(16, bhx, bhy, 650, bha - 45, 400); wsprite(17, bhx, bhy, 657, bha - 45, 401); } function do_swing4() { if (!attached) { tx = 223; ty = 188; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 30 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx > 0) { attached = 1; refx = 223; } } else { if (tpushbec < 16) { tpushbec = (mousex - refx) / 2; if (tpushbec < 0) { tpushbec = 0; } if (tpushbec >= 16) { tpushbec = 16; swa = 0.1; } } else { if (waitarm) { --waitarm; if (waitarm == 0) { mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 45; } } } } dx = tpushbec - pushbec; pushbec += dx / 8; swdep = 1; if (swa) { swa += 4; if (swa >= 360) { swa -= 360; ++swings; } } swing = sine(swa) * swdep; ysw = swa; if (ysw > 180) { ysw -= 180; } if (ysw > 90) { ysw = 180 - ysw; } hx = 144; hy = 577; hhx = 144.5; hhy = 40; hha = 4; hlax = 137; hlay = 70; bx = 398 + fadjx; by = 310 + fadjy; shx = bx - 15 + qadjx; shy = 559 + qadjy; ba = 0; hlaa = -pushbec; hlax += pushbec * -0.3; hlay += pushbec * 1.3; sha = 0; shal = 54 - zadjx; ba = swing * -0.7; bx += swing * 23; by += ysw * -0.023; hlax += m100 * 7; hlay += m100 * 36; hlaa += m100 * 41; hha += swing * -2.5; shx += swing * (400 + wadjx) / 10; shy += swing * +wadjy / 10; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 640, 0, 408); wsprite(4, hhx, hhy, 641, hha - 45, 413); wsprite(1, hlax, hlay, 620, hlaa - 45, 409); wsprite(2, bx, by, 730, ba - 45, 411); wsprite(3, shx, shy, 820, sha, 412, shal, 200, 100); } function init_swing3() { ga = 0; grind = 0; horny = 0; cumming = 0; attached = 0; ja = 0; slam = 0; boost = 0; jdep = 0; swing = 0; udx = 0; tdx = 0; targ = 0; thsw = 0; hswing = 0; tswing = 0; hswing = 0; thsw = 0; targ = 0; diffx = 0; swrst = 1; peaksw = 0; targadd = 0; } function do_swing3() { if (mybug && buttonpress) { horny = 95; } swdep = 1; dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; refx = 192; if (!attached) { if (mousex < refx) { attached = 1; } } else { if (mousex >= refx && !ja) { ja = 0.1; } diffx = npx - apx; if (diffx > 0) { targ = diffx * 0.4; if (mdx > 0) { if (horny < 100) { ++targadd; horny += 0.2; if (horny >= 1 && autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; dosurge = 2; } } else { targadd = 0; autopilot = 0; } } } else { targ = 0; if (targadd) { if (targadd > 20) { dosurge = 1; } targadd = 0; } } if (horny >= 100) { if (thsw > -10) { thsw -= 1; } } else { thsw = (refx - mousex) / 8; } if (thsw < -10) { thsw = -10; } if (thsw > 1) { thsw = 1; } if (diffx > 0) { thsw -= diffx * -0.9; } dx = thsw - hswing; hswing += dx / 8; } mon6 = 'tadd:' + targadd; tdx = targ - tswing; dx = tdx - udx; udx += dx * 0.005; tswing += udx * 0.38; swing = tswing; if (abs(tswing) > 2) { xs = abs(tswing) - 2; zadjjy = 105; } else { xs = 0; } mon4 = 'tdx:' + floor(tdx * 100) / 100 + ' dx:' + floor(dx * 100) / 100 + ' udx:' + floor(udx * 100) / 100; mon5 = 'sw:' + floor(swing * 100) / 100 + ' xs:' + xs; ysw = 0; if (horny >= 100) { if (jspd > 2) { --jspd; } else { jspd = 2; } autopilot = 0; } else { jspd = 20 + 20 * h100; jdep = 1.7 - h100 * 0.7; } if (cumming) { if (ja < 360) { ja += jspd; } else { ja = 360; } } else { if (ja) { if (ja < 180) { ja += jspd * speedadj; boost = 0; } else { if (ja < 270) { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (horny >= 100) { boost = 1; } boost = 1; cadd = jspd; ja += cadd * speedadj; } else { if (mdx) { boost = 1; } if (boost) { cadd = jspd; } else { if (cadd > 2) { cadd *= 0.9; } } ja += cadd * speedadj; } } if (ja >= 360) { if (boost) { ja = 0.1; } else { ja = 0; } } } } jack = sine(ja - 90) * jdep; jack += grind * -0.8; hx = 137; hy = 427; bx = 351 + fadjx; by = 244 + fadjy; ha = 0; hcha = 0; hha = 0; hlsha = 0; hrsha = 0; z; hrela = 0; hda = adjy; hba = adjx; bba = 0; blla = 0; bcha = 0; brela = 0; rra = 0; bba += swing * -1; bcha += swing * -2; bx += swing * 23; by += ysw * -0.023; blla += swing * -4.1; brela += swing * -0.4; hda += jack * -1.4; njack = jack + 0.5; if (njack > 0) { njack = 0; } hba += njack * -2.9; hcha += hswing * -1.4; hha += hswing * 1.1; hlsha += hswing * -0.2; trad = 112; toa = -54; xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad; bllx = bx + xadd; blly = by + yadd; trad = 119; toa = -63; xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad; apx = bx + xadd; apy = by + yadd; trad = 162; toa = 120; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brelx = bx + xadd; brely = by + yadd; trad = 161; toa = 21; xadd = sine(toa + brela) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + brela) * trad; rrx = brelx + xadd; rry = brely + yadd; trad = 245.2; toa = -0.6; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hhx = hx + xadd; hhy = hy + yadd; trad = 75; toa = 89; xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad; npx = hhx + xadd; npy = hhy + yadd; trad = 208; toa = 14; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hlshx = hx + xadd; hlshy = hy + yadd; hlshx += hswing * 1.2; hlshy += hswing * 0.5; trad = 157.2; toa = -35.6; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hrshx = hx + xadd; hrshy = hy + yadd; trad = 86.5; toa = 164; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; trad = 37; trad += jack * 5; toa = 57; xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad; gdx = hdx + xadd; gdy = hdy + yadd; tshrad = 143.7; telrad = 181 + wadjx; sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, gdx, gdy, 1); hrsha = ugsha; hrela = ugela; trad = 143.7; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad; hrelx = hrshx + xadd; hrely = hrshy + yadd; hrsha += 170; hrela += -106.2; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 400, 0, 416); wsprite(1, hx, hy, 450, hcha - 45, 417); wsprite(2, hhx, hhy, 498, hha - 45, 418); wsprite(3, hlshx, hlshy, 445, hlsha - 45, 419); wsprite(4, hrshx, hrshy, 500, hrsha - 45, 420); wsprite(5, hrelx, hrely, 460, hrela - 45, 421); wsprite(6, hrelx, hrely, 475, hrela - 45, 422); wsprite(7, hdx, hdy, 470, hda - 45, 423); wsprite(8, hdx, hdy, 455, hba - 45, 424); wsprite(9, hdx, hdy, 456, -45, 425); wsprite(10, bx, by, 800, bba - 45, 428); wsprite(11, bllx, blly, 200, blla - 45, 429); wsprite(12, bx, by, 790, bcha - 45, 430); wsprite(13, brelx, brely, 810, brela - 45, 431); wsprite(14, rrx, rry, 820, rra, 432); } function init_head6() { hswa = 0; hswing = 0; swdep = 0; swa = 0; swing = 0; swings = 0; swspd = 3.5; swdep = 0.1; tswdep = 0.1; attached = 0; pokein = 0; upokein = 0; hooa = 0; hoo = 0; ga = 0; grind = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; slam = 0; tslam = 0; horny = 0; cummed = 0; } function do_head6() { dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (!attached) { tx = hdx; ty = hdy; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 30 && abs(dy) < 30 && mdx < 0) { attached = 1; refx = mousex; } } else { if (attached == 1) { pokein = (refx - mousex) / 2; if (pokein < 0) { pokein = 0; } if (pokein > 100) { pokein = 100; } if (upokein > 99.5 && swa == 0) { swa = 0.1; attached = 2; hoo = 45; saysnd('uhh', 20); if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; dosurge = 2; } } } else { if (attached == 2) { if (cummed) { if (pokein > 0) { --pokein; if (pokein <= 0) { say(179, 1); } } else { ++cummed; } } else { pokein = 100; } } } } dx = pokein - upokein; upokein += dx / 6; mon5 = 'swd:' + tswdep + ' slam:' + floor(slam); mon6 = 'swa:' + swa + ' hoo:' + hoo; if (ga || hoo > 0) { if (hoo) { --hoo; } if (hooa < 100) { hooa += 5; } } else { if (hooa > 0) { hooa -= 5; } } if (cummed) { quivera += 70 + zadjy; } else { quivera += 110; } quiver = sine(quivera); if (ga) { ga += 7 + (1 - h100) * 12; if (ga >= 180) { ga = 0; } } grind = sine(ga); hgrind = grind + quiver * grind * 0.1; dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 1.5; } else { slam += dx / 8; } if (!cummed) { swdep = 0.5 + 0.8 * h100; } else { if (swdep > 0) { swdep *= 0.95; } } swspd = 3.5 + 3.5 * h100; if (hoo || ga) { } else { if (swa) { if (swa > 180) { if (mdx < -1) { tslam = swspd / 1; } else { if (tslam > 0) { tslam -= 0.1; } if (tslam < 0) { tslam = 0; } } swa += swspd + slam; } else { tslam = 0; swa += swspd - slam / 4; } if (swa >= 360) { swa -= 360; ++swings; if (tslam) { hoo = 5 + floor(5 * h100); ga = 0.1; saysnd('uhh', 20); if (horny >= 100) { hoo = 30; cummed = 1; autopilot = 0; swa = 0; } } } if (swa >= 270 && oswa < 270) { if (tslam) { if (horny < 100) { horny += 4; } dosurge = 1; } } } } oswa = swa; swing = sine(swa + 90) * swdep; hswing = sine(swa + 90) * swdep; swing += (grind * 20 / 100) * h100; hswing += (hgrind * 40 / 100) * h100; pswing = sine(swa); if (pswing < 0) { pswing = 0; } aax = 33; aay = 11; hx = 609 + aax; hy = 340 + aay; bx = 350 - aax; by = 300 - aay; ha = 0; hcha = 0; hrela = 0; hrsha = 0; hda = 0; hlla = 0; hrla = 0; ba = 0; bha = 0; blaa = 0; braa = 0; if (cummed > 1) { ha += quiver * (200 + zadjx) / 1000; hx += quiver * (319 + qadjx) / 1000; } hx -= upokein * (aax / 100); hy -= upokein * (aay / 100); nupokein = 100 - upokein; hlll = 100 - nupokein * 0.3; hrlh = 100 - nupokein * 0.2; hcha += nupokein * -0.05; bx += upokein * (aax / 100); by += upokein * (aay / 100); bx += swing * 30; by += swing * 10; braa += swing * -3.9; blaa += swing * 4.3; bhw = 100 + swing * -1.3; bhx = bx; bhy = by; bhx += swing * -3.9; bhy += swing * -1.3; hx += hswing * -15; hy += hswing * -5; hlll -= hswing * -0.91; hrlh -= hswing * -8.800000000000001; hchx = hx; hchy = hy; hchx += hswing * 3.9; hchy += hswing * 1.3; hcha += hswing * 1.3; apart = hdx - bhx - 170; if (apart > 0) { apart = 0; } bx += apart * 3 * 0.5; by += apart * 1 * 0.5; bhx += apart * 3 * 0.5; bhy += apart * 1 * 0.5; mon4 = 'ap:' + apart; trad = 138; toa = -85; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hrshx = hx + xadd; hrshy = hy + yadd; ghx = bhx - 92; ghy = bhy + 13; tshrad = 206; telrad = 234; sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0); hrsha = ugsha; hrela = ugela; trad = 206; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad; hrelx = hrshx + xadd; hrely = hrshy + yadd; hrsha += 153; hrela += 19; trad = 43; toa = -137; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; trad = 113; toa = -162.6; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hrlx = hx + xadd; hrly = hy + yadd; trad = -62.7; toa = -173.7; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hllx = hx + xadd; hlly = hy + yadd; trad = 177.1; toa = 1.5; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; brax = bx + xadd; bray = by + yadd; trad = 174.2; toa = 207.5; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; blax = bx + xadd; blay = by + yadd; trad = 11 + zadjx / 1; phswing = hswing; if (phswing < 0) { phswing = 0; } trad += phswing * (20 + qadjx); toa = -76 + zadjy / 1; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; lmpx = bhx + xadd; lmpy = bhy + yadd; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 400, ha - 45, 443); wsprite(1, hchx, hchy, 300, hcha - 45, 444); wsprite(2, hrshx, hrshy, 280, hrsha - 45, 445); wsprite(3, hrelx, hrely, 290, hrela - 45, 446); wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 600, hda - 45, 447); wsprite(5, hrlx, hrly, 410, hrla - 45, 448, 100, 100, hrlh); wsprite(6, hllx, hlly, 420, hlla - 0, 449, 100, hlll, 100); wsprite(7, hchx, hchy, 301, hcha - 45, 451, hooa); wsprite(10, bx, by, 550, ba - 45, 435); wsprite(11, bhx, bhy, 500, bha - 45, 436, 100, bhw, bhw); wsprite(12, bhx, bhy, 700, bha - 45, 437, 100, bhw, bhw); wsprite(13, brax, bray, 610, braa - 45, 439); wsprite(14, blax, blay, 620, blaa - 45, 440); lumpalpha = 36 * (pswing / 2 + 0.5); wsprite(15, lmpx, lmpy, 701, bha - 45, 438, lumpalpha); } function init_goforit4() { tbdep = 0; bdep = 0; bang = 0; bag = 0; bspd = 0; slam = 0; tslam = 0; horny = 0; starter = 2; rub = 0; trub = 0; rubs = 0; rubrst = 0; starter = 2; rstarter = 2; trstarter = 2; holddick = 1; gwroperad = 131; gwropetoa = -95; brst = 0; rta = 0; trta = 0; rudx = 0; rtdx = 0; bcha = 0; poof = 0; hdown = 0; m100 = 0; moverd = 0; mover = 0; gdep = 0; grind = 0; ga = 0; boink = 0; bta = -25; ubta = -25; squirts = 0; cummed = 0; cumming = 0; ogrind = 0; oga = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; backwait = 0; drips = 0; fd0add = 0; fd0y = 0; fd0x = 0; fd0siz = 0; yscroll = 0; scspd = 0; pdseq = 0; } function do_goforit4() { if (0 && mybug && buttonpress) { if (holddick < 3) { rubs = 6; holddick = 3; trstarter = 2; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 10; horny = 95; tbdep = 1; } } dopowerbar(); powerbarsize = horny + surge; if (holddick == 1) { trstarter = 2; tx = 304; ty = 352; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) { refx = tx; refy = 352; holddick = 2; } } else { if (holddick == 2) { trstarter = 2; trub = (mousey - refy) / 4; if (trub > 11) { trub = 11; } if (trub < -5) { trub = -5; } if (trub < -2) { rubrst = 1; } if (rubrst && trub > 2) { ++rubs; rubrst = 0; } if (rubs >= 6 && rub > 10.75) { holddick = 3; trstarter = 2; mover = 0; moverd = 100; movertime = 40; } } else { if (holddick == 3) { trub = 11; if (mover == 100) { holddick = 4; } } else { if (holddick == 4) { trub = 11; pokein = (mousex - refx) / 40; if (pokein < 0) { pokein = 0; } if (pokein >= 2) { pokein = 2; } trstarter = 2 - pokein; if (rstarter <= 0.25) { holddick = 0; bag = 90.09999999999999; } } else { if (!cummed) { trstarter = 0; } if (tbdep < 0.5) { tbdep += 0.1; } if (cummed) { if (bspd > 3) { bspd *= 0.9; } if (ubdep < 0.3) { ++cummed; } if (cummed > 270) { if (trstarter < 4) { trstarter += 0.05; } } } else { if (bspd < 5) { bspd += 0.125; } else { bspd = 5 + 20 * h100; } } } } } } dx = trub - rub; rub += dx / 6; dx = trstarter - rstarter; rstarter += dx / 6; starter = rstarter; mon4 = '' + trstarter + ' ' + cummed; quivera += 140 - squirts * 5; quiver = sine(quivera); if (ga) { gspd = 40; ga += gspd; if (ga >= 180) { ga = 0; } } grind = sine(ga) * h100; if (oga) { ogspd = 3 - squirts / 8; oga += ogspd; if (oga >= 180) { oga = 0; if (!cummed && squirts >= 7) { cummed = 1; } } } ogrind = sine(oga); ogrind += quiver * ogrind * 0.03; dx = tslam - slam; if (slam < tslam) { slam += dx / 1.5; } else { slam += dx / 8; } dx = tbdep - bdep; bdep += dx / 4; h50 = h100 - 0.5; if (h50 < 0) { h50 = 0; } hslam = bspd * h50; if (backwait) { --backwait; } else { if (cummed && ubdep > 0.3) { } else { if (ga || oga) { } else { if (bag) { if (cummed) { bag += bspd; } else { if (bag < 180) { if (last5) { tslam = 25; } else { if (mdx > 1) { if (tbdep < 1) { if (brst) { tbdep += 0.1733333333333333; if (tbdep > 1) { tbdep = 1; } brst = 0; } } else { tslam = bspd / 1; } } else { if (tslam > 0) { tslam -= 0.1; } if (tslam < 0) { tslam = 0; } if (brst && tbdep > 0.5) { tbdep -= 0.02; } } } bag += bspd + slam; } else { if (cumming) { bag += bspd - slam / 2 - hslam / 2; } else { if (last5) { brst = 1; tslam = 0; bag += bspd - slam / 2 - hslam / 2 - last5 * 2.1; } else { brst = 1; tslam = 0; bag += bspd - slam / 2 - hslam / 2; } } } } if (bag >= 360) { bag -= 360; if (bag == 0) { bag = 0.1; } if (cumming && !cummed) { backwait = squirts * 2; } } if (bag >= 180 && obag < 180 && !cummed) { if (tslam || cumming || last5) { ga = 0.1; boink = 4 + 20 * h100; if (horny >= 100) { if (last5 < 6) { ++last5; if (last5 >= 6) { cumming = 1; oga = 0.1; squirts = 1; sayfile1('morg5.wav', 5); } else { saysnd('uhh', 40); } } else { if (squirts < 8) { oga = 0.1; ++squirts; if (squirts == 2) { sayfile1('morg4.wav', 4); wchuhh = 1; } else { saysnd('uhh', 100); } } } } else { if (autopilot != 6) { autopilot = 6; dosurge = 2; } else { ++horny; dosurge = 0.5; if (horny >= 100) { last5 = 1; autopilot = 1.1; saysnd('uhh', 80); } } } } else { if (bdep < 0.6) { if (horny > 10) { --horny; } if (horny > 50) { --horny; } if (horny > 75) { --horny; } } } } obag = bag; } } } } if (cummed) { if (ubdep > 0.2) { ubdep *= 0.95; } } else { ubdep = bdep + bdep * h100 * (100 + gadjx) / 100; } hbang = sine(bag + 90) * ubdep; if (backwait) { hbang += quiver * 0.09; } bbang = sine(bag + 90) * ubdep; lbang = sine(bag + 90 + 11) * ubdep; rbang = sine(bag + 90 - 11) * ubdep; if (bbang > 0) { bbang *= 2 * h100; } if (lbang > 0) { lbang *= 2 * h100; } if (rbang > 0) { rbang *= 2 * h100; } hbang += grind * -0.8; hbang += ogrind * (-30 + gadjx) / 10; bbang += ogrind * -(-30 + gadjx) / 10; rbang += ogrind * -(-30 + gadjx) / 10; lbang += ogrind * -(-30 + gadjx) / 10; trta = bcha / 2; if (debug && Key.isDown(84)) { trta += wadjy / 10; } if (boink) { trta += boink; boink = 0; } rtdx = trta - rta; dx = rtdx - rudx; rta += rudx * (50 + fadjx) / 100; rudx += dx * (31 + fadjy) / 100; arpx = 360; arpy = -253; lrpx = 200; lrpy = -253; hx = 264; hy = 300; hdown = pokein * 3; hy += hdown; bx = 410; by = 350; hcha = 0; ha = 0; hrela = 0; hrsha = 0; hlela = 0; hlsha = 0; hda = 0; hlla = 6 - pokein * 3; hrla = hlla; bcha = 0; ba = 0; brta = rta; bha = 0; bba = -18; blaa = 0; braa = 0; blla = 0; brla = 0; blara = 0; brara = 0; bllra = 0; brlra = 0; by += ogrind * (-85 + gadjy) / 10; hda += rub * 1.1; hcha += rub * 0.1; starter += rub * 0.02; bbang += starter; lbang += starter; rbang += starter; hbang += starter * 0.8; hcha += starter * 0.4; hda += -23; hda += starter * 0.9; bx += bbang * 8; hx += hbang * -8; hy += hbang * 1.3; ba += bbang * -1.3; ha += hbang * 2.7; bcha += bbang * -1.7; hcha += hbang * 1.2; hlla += hbang * -3; hrla += hbang * -3; braa += rbang * -1.9; blaa += lbang * -1.9; brla += rbang * -1.6; blla += lbang * -1.6; brara += lbang * -2.4; blara += rbang * -2.4; brlra += lbang * -1.2; bllra += rbang * -1.2; hcha += ogrind * -10; trad = 65; toa = 140; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hpx = hx + xadd; hpy = hy + yadd; trad = 89; toa = -89; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; bpx = bx + xadd; bpy = by + yadd; dddiffx = ddiffx; ddiffx = diffx; diffx = (hpx - bpx) / 2; if (diffx < 0) { diffx = 0; } diffxl = diffx; if (diffxl > 3) { diffxl = 3; } bx += diffx * 1.5; by += diffx * -0.5; ba += diffx * -0.3; bha += diffx * -0.7; bba += ddiffx * -0.9; braa += diffxl * -1.2; blaa += diffxl * -1.2; brla += diffxl * -0.8; blla += diffxl * -0.8; tgrind = grind * (-149 + qadjy) / 10; if (tgrind > poof) { dx = tgrind - poof; poof += dx / 1.5; } else { dx = tgrind - poof; poof += dx / 12; } tailwid = 100 - poof * 3; tbta = bha - 30 + bbang * -1.2; dx = tbta - bta; bta += dx / 4; ubta = bta; ubta += grind * -3.5; if (holddick == 3) { gwroperad = 131 - 97 * m100; gwropetoa = -95 + 88 * m100; } trad = gwroperad; toa = gwropetoa; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; rgrx = bx + xadd; rgry = by + yadd; trad = 52; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; lgrx = bx + xadd; lgry = by + yadd; trad = 60; toa = 152; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hdx = hx + xadd; hdy = hy + yadd; trad = 25; toa = 131; xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad; gdx = hdx + xadd; gdy = hdy + yadd; trad = 191.9; toa = 4.3; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hrshx = hx + xadd; hrshy = hy + yadd; if (holddick == 1 || holddick == 2) { rgx = gdx; rgy = gdy; } else { rgx = rgrx; rgy = rgry; } tshrad = 141.9; telrad = 153; sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, rgx, rgy, 1); hrsha = ugsha; hrela = ugela; trad = 141.9; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad; hrelx = hrshx + xadd; hrely = hrshy + yadd; hrsha += 186; hrela += -119; trad = 180; toa = 9; xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad; hlshx = hx + xadd; hlshy = hy + yadd; tshrad = 123.3; telrad = 127; sss(hlshx, hlshy, tshrad, telrad, lgrx, lgry, 1); hlsha = ugsha; hlela = ugela; trad = 123.3; toa = 0; xadd = sine(toa + hlsha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + hlsha) * trad; hlelx = hlshx + xadd; hlely = hlshy + yadd; hlsha += 184; hlela += -115; trad = 65.2; toa = 188.3; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hrlx = hx + xadd; hrly = hy + yadd; trad = 26.5; toa = 144; xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad; hllx = hx + xadd; hlly = hy + yadd; trad = 107.1; toa = 81.59999999999999; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brtx = bx + xadd; brty = by + yadd; trad = 223.1; toa = 67.3; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; bhx = bx + xadd; bhy = by + yadd; trad = 70; toa = 49; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; btx = bhx + xadd; bty = bhy + yadd; trad = 70; toa = 102; xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad; bbx = bhx + xadd; bby = bhy + yadd; trad = 179; toa = 59; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; blax = bx + xadd; blay = by + yadd; trad = 188; toa = 58; xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad; brax = bx + xadd; bray = by + yadd; trad = 49.9; toa = -77.09999999999999; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; bllx = bx + xadd; blly = by + yadd; trad = 70.09999999999999; toa = -104; xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad; brlx = bx + xadd; brly = by + yadd; trad = 249; toa = -80; xadd = sine(toa + brla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + brla) * trad; brlrx = brlx + xadd; brlry = brly + yadd; trad = 167; toa = -66; xadd = sine(toa + blla) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + blla) * trad; bllrx = bllx + xadd; bllry = blly + yadd; trad = 128; toa = 27; xadd = sine(toa + braa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + braa) * trad; brarx = brax + xadd; brary = bray + yadd; trad = 95; toa = 18; xadd = sine(toa + blaa) * trad; yadd = -cosine(toa + blaa) * trad; blarx = blax + xadd; blary = blay + yadd; ara = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(brarx - arpx, brary - arpy)); brara = ara + 25; blara = ara + 34; lra = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(brlrx - lrpx, brlry - lrpy)); brlra = lra - 7; bllra = lra - 14; wsprite(0, hx, hy, 390, ha - 45, 454); wsprite(1, hx, hy, 700, hcha - 45, 455); wsprite(2, hrshx, hrshy, 820, hrsha - 45, 456); if (holddick) { raz = 748; } else { raz = 810; } wsprite(3, hrelx, hrely, raz, hrela - 45, 457); wsprite(4, hlshx, hlshy, 320, hlsha - 45, 458); wsprite(5, hlelx, hlely, 310, hlela - 45, 459); wsprite(6, hdx, hdy, 380, hda - 45, 460); wsprite(7, hrlx, hrly, 470, hrla - 45, 461); wsprite(8, hllx, hlly, 375, hlla - 45, 462); wsprite(12, bx, by, 620, ba - 45, 465); wsprite(13, bx, by, 610, bcha - 45, 466); wsprite(14, brtx, brty, 630, brta - 45, 467); wsprite(15, bhx, bhy, 640, bha - 45, 468); wsprite(16, btx, bty, 660, ubta - 45, 469, 100, tailwid, 100); wsprite(17, bbx, bby, 650, bba - 45, 470, 100, 100, tailwid); wsprite(18, brax, bray, 670, braa - 45, 471); wsprite(19, blax, blay, 590, blaa - 45, 472); wsprite(20, brlx, brly, 750, brla - 45, 473); wsprite(21, bllx, blly, 200, blla - 45, 474); wsprite(22, bllrx, bllry, 201, bllra - 45, 476); wsprite(23, brlrx, brlry, 681, brlra - 45, 476); wsprite(24, blarx, blary, 591, blara - 45, 475); wsprite(25, brarx, brary, 671, brara - 45, 475); } function do_creampie() { dripsspdtab = [0, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10]; dripxspdtab = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.8, 1.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; fdripx = 383 + adjx; fdripy = 280 + adjy; pdx = 425 + fadjx; pdy = 864 + fadjy; if (0 && mybug && buttonpress) { drips = 10; } if (fd0siz == 0 && drips < 9) { fd0siz = 0.1; if (drips == 0) { } else {} stretchspd = dripsspdtab[drips]; dripxspeed = dripxspdtab[drips]; if (drips < 12) { ++drips; } } mon4 = ' ' + pdseq + ' ' + drips + ' xs:' + dripxspeed; if (fd0siz > 0) { if (fd0siz < 70 + drips * 10) { fd0siz += 1 + stretchspd; fd0x = fdripx; fd0y = fdripy; fd0add = 2 + qadjy; } else { fd0y += fd0add; fd0add += 0.7 + qadjx / 10; if (drips > 5) { fd0x += dripxspeed; } if (fd0y > 818 + wadjy) { if (drips < 9) { fd0siz = 0; } else { fd0siz = -1; drips = 10; } if (drips > 5 && pdseq < 4) { ++pdseq; } } } wsperm(0, fd0x, fd0y - yscroll, 1300, 0, 32, 44 + wadjy, 100 + wadjx, fd0siz); } wsperm(1, pdx, pdy - yscroll, 1200, 0, 139 + pdseq); bg1_mc._y = 288 - yscroll; if (drips > 3) { if (yscroll < 402) { if (scspd < 2) { scspd += 0.05; } } else { if (scspd > 0) { scspd -= 0.05; } } yscroll += scspd; } mon5 = yscroll; } function initscene6() { hideall(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(105); bg1_mc.swapDepths(5); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(106); bg2_mc.swapDepths(2004); bg3_mc.swapDepths(3005); bg1_mc._x = 360; bg1_mc._y = 288; bg2_mc._x = 360; bg2_mc._y = 288; bg3_mc._x = 360; bg3_mc._y = 288; bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; bg1a = 100; bg1_mc._alpha = 100; bg2a = 0; bg2_mc._alpha = 0; bg3a = 0; bg3_mc._alpha = 0; bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; wait = 90; ssay = 153; scenestarted = 1; drips = 0; paspd = 0; pump = 0; pa = 0; jaspd = 0; jack = 0; ja = 0; phorn = 0; jhorn = 0; jboost = 0; pboost = 0; jdep = 0; pdep = 0; dive = 0; tdive = 0; attached = 0; gja = 0; goosejump = 0; gsrt = 0; gga = 0; ggrind = 0; quivera = 0; quiver = 0; bbreath = 0; bba = 0; bbdep = 0.5; bspd = 3; shockeda = 0; gooses = 0; ldep = 0; lspd = 0; la = 0; lick = 0; boost = 0; cadd = 0; slam = 0; tslam = 0; horny = 0; lick5 = 0; licks = 0; gooses = 0; backoff = 0; waitfade = 0; pushbec = 0; tpushbec = 0; swdep = 0; swa = 0; swing = 0; waitarm = 30; autopilot = 0; swings = 0; } function doscene6() { if (!scenestarted) { initscene6(); } mdx = mousex - omousex; mdy = mousey - omousey; if (ssay == 153) { if (fadespeed == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { ssay = 153.1; wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 153.1) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(154); wait = 30; } } } } else { if (ssay == 154) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { saysnd('chimes', 30); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(107); wait = 30; ssay = 154.1; } } } else { if (ssay == 154.1) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 0.5; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { ssay = 154.2; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(108); } } } else { if (ssay == 154.2) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { saysnd('drip', 20); wait = rnd(30) + 20; ++drips; } if (drips >= 6) { wait = 20; if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { ssay = 154.3; wait = 30; } dripvol -= 0.125; } } else { if (ssay == 154.3) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(155); wait = 30; wait2 = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(109); } } else { if (ssay == 155) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(156); wait = 15; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 156) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(157); wait = 30; } } } else { if (ssay == 157) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(158); wait = 30; wait2 = 30; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(110); } } } else { if (ssay == 158) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(159); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(111); wait = 30; wait2 = 30; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 159) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; if (bg2a <= 0) { sayfile('nnh3.mp3', 8); } } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(160); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(112); wait = 10; wait2 = 30; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 160) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; if (wait2 == 10) { sayfile('ow4.wav', 10); } } else { say(161); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(113); wait = 10; wait2 = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 161) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 5; if (bg2a <= 0) { sayfile('ballthud.mp3', 5); } } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(162); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(114); wait = 10; wait2 = 45; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 162) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(163); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(115); wait = 30; wait2 = 30; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 163) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(164); bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(115); bg3a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(116); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(117); wait = 10; wait2 = 30; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 164) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 1; } do_b89(); if (horny >= 100) { bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(118); ssay = 164.1; } } } else { if (ssay == 164.1) { if (bg3a < 100) { do_b89(); bg3a += 5; if (bg3a >= 100) { sayfile('uhh6.mp3', 20); autopilot = 0; killsprites(); bg2a = 0; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(119); wait = 120; wait2 = 20; ssay = 164.2; } } } else { if (ssay == 164.2) { if (wait) { --wait; if (wait == 90) { sayfile1('nnh3.mp3', 8); } } else { if (bg3a > 0) { bg3a -= 1; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { tx = 528; ty451; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && mdy > 0) { ssay = 166; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(120); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 166) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(167); wait = 60; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(121); } } } else { if (ssay == 167) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { tx = 345; ty = 280; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(122); ssay = 167.1; } } } } else { if (ssay == 167.1) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { tx = 497; ty = 416; dx = mousex - tx; dy = mousey - ty; if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(123); bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(124); ssay = 167.2; horny = 0; } } } else { if (ssay == 167.2) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } do_sci(); if (waitfade > 40) { ssay = 167.3; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } else { if (ssay == 167.3) { do_sci(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { killsprites(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(125); ssay = 167.4; } } else { if (ssay == 167.4) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { say(168); wait = 20; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(126); } } else { if (ssay == 168) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(169); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(127); } } } } else { if (ssay == 169) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; if (bg2a == 50) { saysnd('oww', 6); } } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(170); wait = 20; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(128); } } } } else { if (ssay == 170) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(171); wait = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(129); } } } } else { if (ssay == 171) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(172); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(129); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(130); init_jack5(); wait = 15; } } } } else { if (ssay == 172) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } do_jack5(); if (cumming > 100) { autopilot = 0; ssay = 172.1; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(131); } } } else { if (ssay == 172.1) { do_jack5(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { killsprites(); say(173); wait = 15; } } } else { if (ssay == 173) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(174); wait = 15; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(132); } } } else { if (ssay == 174) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(175); wait = 15; } } } } else { if (ssay == 175) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(176); wait = 40; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } } } else { if (ssay == 176) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { ssay = 176.1; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(133); wait = 15; } } } } else { if (ssay == 176.1) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(177); } } } else { if (ssay == 177) { if (balpha == 0) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(133); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(134); ssay = 177.1; attached = 0; } } else { if (ssay == 177.1) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } do_swing4(); if (swings >= 5) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(136); ssay = 177.2; wait = 45; } } else { if (ssay == 177.2) { do_swing4(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { killsprites(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(135); ssay = 177.5; init_swing3(); ewait = 120; } } } else { if (ssay == 177.5) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } do_swing3(); if (horny >= 100) { if (ewait) { --ewait; } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(137); ssay = 177.6; wait = 45; } } } else { if (ssay == 177.6) { do_swing3(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { killsprites(); say(178); wait = 40; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(138); init_head6(); } } } else { if (ssay == 178) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } do_head6(); } } else { if (ssay == 179) { do_head6(); if (balpha == 0) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(139); ssay = 179.1; } } else { if (ssay == 179.1) { do_head6(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { killsprites(); say(180); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(140); wait = 30; wait2 = 10; } } else { if (ssay == 180) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { say(181); wait = 10; } } } } } else { if (ssay == 181) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(182); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(141); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 182) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(183); wait = 15; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(142); } } } } else { if (ssay == 183) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(184); wait = 15; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(143); wait = 75; } } } } else { if (ssay == 184) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(144); ssay = 184.1; init_goforit4(); } } } } else { if (ssay == 184.1) { do_goforit4(); if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } if (cummed && rstarter >= 3.8) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(145); ssay = 184.2; } } else { if (ssay == 184.2) { do_goforit4(); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { killsprites(); ssay = 184.3; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(145); bg2a = 0; wait2 = 120; } } else { if (ssay == 184.3) { do_creampie(); if (drips == 10) { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(146); if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 1; } else { killsprites(); bg1_mc._y = 288; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(2); ssay = 184.4; wait = 90; wait2 = 45; } } } else { if (ssay == 184.4) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 1; } else { if (wait2) { --wait2; } else { bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(147); wait = 10; ssay = 184.5; } } } } else { if (ssay == 184.5) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 2; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(186); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 186) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(187); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 187) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(188); wait = 10; } } } else { if (ssay == 188) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(189); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(148); } } } else { if (ssay == 189) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(190); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(149); } } } } else { if (ssay == 190) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(191); wait = 30; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(150); } } } } else { if (ssay == 191) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(192); wait = 10; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(151); } } } } else { if (ssay == 192) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a < 100) { bg2a += 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(193); wait = 10; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(152); } } } } else { if (ssay == 193) { if (balpha == 0) { if (bg2a > 0) { bg2a -= 4; } else { if (wait) { --wait; } else { say(194); wait = 45; } } } } else { if (ssay == 194) { if (balpha == 0) { if (wait) { --wait; } else { if (!fadingout) { startfadeout(); } if (fade == 100) { goblack = 0; credits = 1; scene = 0; scenestarted = 0; startfadein(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a; bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a; bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a; bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a; omousex = mousex; omousey = mousey; if (!Key.isDown(191)) { slashrel = 1; } if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) { scenestarted = 0; killsprites(); skipahead = 1; } if (mybug && (Key.isDown(191) && slashrel || skipahead == 1)) { skipahead = 0; killsprites(); forcebuboff = 1; ssay = 158; bg2a = 100; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(110); ssay = 163; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(115); bg2a = 0; wait2 = 0; wait = 0; bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(118); horny = 100; ssay = 164.1; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(123); bg3_mc.gotoAndStop(124); ssay = 167.2; horny = 0; lick5 = 1; licks = 96; horny = 96; attached = 2; tdive = 20; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(125); ssay = 167.4; ssay = 172; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(129); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(130); init_jack5(); ssay = 172.1; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(131); bg2a = 100; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(134); ssay = 177.1; bg2a = 0; attached = 0; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(135); ssay = 177.5; init_swing3(); ewait = 70; bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(137); ssay = 177.6; wait = 45; ssay = 178; wait = 40; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(138); init_head6(); bg2_mc.gotoAndStop(139); ssay = 179.1; bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(144); ssay = 184.1; init_goforit4(); bg1_mc.gotoAndStop(145); bg2a = 0; ssay = 184.3; } } function do_fsprites() { i = 0; while (i < totalsprites) { i1 = i + 1; if (fs_changing[i] > 0) { tfs = fs_fadestep[i]; if (fs_alpha[i + 1] < 100) { fs_alpha[i1] += tfs; if (fs_alpha[i1] >= 100) { fs_alpha[i1] = 100; fs_alpha[i] = 100 - tfs; } } else { if (fs_alpha[i] > 0) { fs_alpha[i] -= tfs; if (fs_alpha[i] <= 0) { fs_alpha[i] = 100; fs_frame[i] = fs_frame[i + 1]; fs_alpha[i + 1] = 0; fs_frame[i + 1] = 5; fs_changing[i] = 0; } } } _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i]; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i]); _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i1]; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i1]); _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._x = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._y = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._y; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._rotation = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._xscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._yscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale; } ++i; } } function fsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys, fadestep) { if (wspritea == undefined) { wspritea = 100; } if (wspritexs == undefined) { wspritexs = 100; } if (wspriteys == undefined) { wspriteys = 100; } if (fadestep == undefined) { fadestep = 25; } fs_fadestep[wspritei] = fadestep; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez); _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys; i = wspritei; i1 = i + 1; if (fadestep >= 100) { fs_changing[i] = 0; fs_frame[i] = wspritef; fs_alpha[i] = wspritea; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0; } else { if (fs_changing[i] > 0) { } else { if (fs_changing[i] < 0) { fs_changing[i] = 0; fs_frame[i] = wspritef; fs_alpha[i] = 100; _root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef); _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0; } else { if (wspritef != fs_frame[i]) { fs_changing[i] = 1; fs_alpha[i] = 100; fs_frame[i1] = wspritef; fs_alpha[i1] = 0; _root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez + 1); } } } } } function wsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys) { if (wspritea == undefined) { wspritea = 100; } if (wspritexs == undefined) { wspritexs = 100; } if (wspriteys == undefined) { wspriteys = 100; } _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez); _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef); _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._alpha = wspritea; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs; _root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys; } function wsperm(wspermi, wspermx, wspermy, wspermz, wspermr, wspermf, wsperma, wspermxs, wspermys) { if (wsperma == undefined) { wsperma = 100; } if (wspermxs == undefined) { wspermxs = 100; } if (wspermys == undefined) { wspermys = 100; } _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._x = wspermx; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._y = wspermy; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspermz); _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._rotation = wspermr; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspermf); _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._alpha = wsperma; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._xscale = wspermxs; _root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._yscale = wspermys; } function isnan(a) { if (a <= 0 || a >= 0) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } function sine(deg) { rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; return Math.sin(rad); } function cosine(deg) { rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; return Math.cos(rad); } function rad2deg(rad) { deg = rad * 180 / Math.PI; return deg; } function deg2rad(deg) { rad = deg * Math.PI / 180; return rad; } function abs(n) { return Math.abs(n); } function floor(n) { return Math.floor(n); } function rnd(range) { r = floor(Math.random() * range); return r; } function rnd1() { r = rnd(65536); if (r < 32768) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function finddistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) { distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)); return distance; } function dokeys() { if (!Key.isDown(27)) { escrel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(27) && escrel) { escrel = 0; balpha = 0; bfade = 0; bubtimer = 0; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; fadespeed = 0; fadingout = 0; scenestarted = 0; } if (!Key.isDown(68)) { drel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(68) && drel && allowdebug && !pausing) { if (debug) { debug = 0; } else { debug = 1; } drel = 0; } if (!Key.isDown(83)) { srel = 1; } if (Key.isDown(83) && srel && (secretunlocked || debug || allowsceneswitch) && !pausing) { if (showpop) { showpop = 0; } if (showpoptype == 10) { showpoptype = 2; } fadingout = 0; fadespeed = 0; fade = 0; sheet_mc._alpha = fade; sheet_mc.swapDepths(-33333); srel = 0; hideall(); ++scene; if (scene > scenes) { scene = 0; } balpha = 0; bfade = 0; bubtimer = 0; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha; _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha; fadespeed = 0; fadingout = 0; scenestarted = 0; stopsounds(); } if (debug) { if (Key.isDown(87)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++wadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --wadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --wadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++wadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(90)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++zadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --zadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --zadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++zadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(70)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++fadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --fadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --fadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++fadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(71)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++gadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --gadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --gadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++gadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(81)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++qadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --qadjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --qadjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++qadjy; } } if (Key.isDown(65)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++adjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --adjx; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --adjy; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++adjy; } } else { if (Key.isDown(66)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { ++vscale; xscroll += qadjx; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { --vscale; xscroll -= qadjx; } } else { if (Key.isDown(67)) { if (Key.isDown(39)) { xscroll += 5; } if (Key.isDown(37)) { xscroll -= 5; } if (Key.isDown(38)) { --yscroll; } if (Key.isDown(40)) { ++yscroll; } } } } } if (!teaser) { kk = Key.getCode(); if (keyseq == 0 && kk == 66) { keyseq = 1; } else { if (keyseq == 1) { if (kk == 66) { } else { if (kk == 73) { keyseq = 2; rkeyrel = 0; } else { keyseq = 0; } } } else { if (keyseq == 2) { if (kk == 73) { } else { if (kk == 78) { keyseq = 3; } else { keyseq = 0; } } } else { if (keyseq == 3) { if (kk == 78) { } else { if (Key.isDown(68)) { secretunlocked = 1; debug = 0; allowdebug = 1; highestscene = 10; = 10; = 1; keyseq = 0; sayfile('chimes.wav', 30); pausing = 9; } else { if (kk != 66) { keyseq = 0; } } } } } } } } if (!teaser) { kk = Key.getCode(); if (dkeyseq == 0 && kk == 65) { dkeyseq = 1; } else { if (dkeyseq == 1) { if (kk == 65) { } else { if (kk == 75) { dkeyseq = 2; } else { dkeyseq = 0; } } } else { if (dkeyseq == 2) { if (kk == 75) { } else { if (kk == 73) { dkeyseq = 3; } else { dkeyseq = 0; } } } else { if (dkeyseq == 3) { if (kk == 73) { } else { if (kk == 75) { dkeyseq = 4; } else { dkeyseq = 0; } } } else { if (dkeyseq == 4) { if (kk == 75) { } else { if (Key.isDown(79)) { allowdebug = 1; keyseq = 0; sayfile('chimes.wav', 30); pausing = 25; debug = 1; } else { if (kk != 72) { keyseq = 0; } } } } } } } } } mon1 = 'a:' + adjx + ' ' + adjy + ' f:' + fadjx + ' ' + fadjy + ' g:' + gadjx + ' ' + gadjy + ' z:' + zadjx + ' ' + zadjy + ' q:' + qadjx + ' ' + qadjy + ' w:' + wadjx + ' ' + wadjy; } function calcFPS() { ++numFrames; now = getTimer(); elapsedSeconds = (now - startTime) / 1000; tfps = numFrames / elapsedSeconds; fpstab[fpsi] = tfps; ++fpsi; if (fpsi >= 4) { fpsi = 0; } fps = (fpstab[0] + fpstab[1] + fpstab[2] + fpstab[3]) / 4; if (fps >= 29.5) { fps = 30; } if (fps >= 30) { speedadj = 1; } else { speedadj = 1 + (30 - fps) / 10; } } function initfps() { startTime = getTimer(); numFrames = 0; fps = 30; speedadj = 1; } function sss(tshx, tshy, tshrad, telrad, tfpx, tfpy, facingr) { reach = telrad + tshrad; reach5 = reach - 1; dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy); ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(tshx - tfpx, tshy - tfpy)); if (dist2point >= reach5) { xadd = sine(ang2point) * reach5; yadd = -cosine(ang2point) * reach5; tfpx = tshx + xadd; tfpy = tshy + yadd; dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy); } point2arm = ang2point + 180; if (facingr) { a = tshrad; b = telrad; } else { a = telrad; b = tshrad; } c = dist2point; angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((b * b + c * c - a * a) / 2 * b * c)); angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((a * a + c * c - b * b) / 2 * a * c)); if (facingr) { ugsha = ang2point + angleB; ugela = point2arm - angleA + 180; } else { ugsha = ang2point - angleA; ugela = point2arm + angleB + 180; } } teaser = 0; if (teaser) { version1 = 'Teaser version'; } else { version1 = '1.1 '; } teasertime = 0; tmybug = 0; allowsceneswitch = 0; credits = 0; if (teaser) { mybug = 0; blackpause = 0; allowdebug = 0; debug = 0; } else { mybug = 0; blackpause = 0; blankpause = 0; allowsceneswitch = 0; allowdebug = 0; debug = 0; scene = 0; } ssay = 0; phase = 0; scenes = 6; scenetext = ['title', 'hankbj', 'office', 'Becky\'s room', 'Farm scene', '', '']; if (debug) { seenpause = 1; } else { seenpause = 0; } rolls = 0; fadefont = 0; language = 0; goblack = 0; resumegame = 0; scenestarted = 0; time = 0; framerate = 20; pusooypop = 0; showpop = 0; pausing = 0; pauserel = 0; smdelay = 0; slomo = 0; wait = 0; games = 0; noisy = 0; highestscene = 0; keyseq = 0; dkeyseq = 0; gadjy = 0; gadjx = 0; fadjy = 0; fadjx = 0; adjy = 0; adjx = 0; qadjy = 0; qadjx = 0; zadjy = 0; zadjx = 0; wadjy = 0; wadjx = 0; fadespeed = -2; lickingtits = 0; balpha = 0; bubtime = 30; bubtimer = 0; time = 0; testbubble = -1; skippy = 0; totalsprites = 32; English = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Press the space bar again to continue playing.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'If you want a kiss, you\'ll have to get me a peach.', 0, 567, 350, 'There\'s a ripe one. See it?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You hit it too hard and smashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You let it fall and squashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'You caught it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hasn\'t done the kissing reward scene yet, so we\'ll just start all over for now.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hint: Next time press the W key to instantly pick up the stick.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Go ahead, look at it.', 0, 450, 138, 'You know you want to.', 2, 712, 14, 'There now. Take a good look.', 3, 487, 75, 'You\'re just so shy.', 3, 0, 0, 'That just really makes me go ape!', 3, 0, 0, 'It\'s getting all red!', 0, 388, 165, 'Is it blushing?', 0, 0, 0, 'Naw it ain\'t shy.', 2, 490, 105, 'It\'s just hot.', 2, 0, 0, 'It\'s red hot for you.', 2, 0, 0, 'You\'re just so cute!', 2, 450, 110, 'I almost can\'t stand it. Makes me feel like I\'m ready to explode!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh yes! Just like that!', 2, 455, 125, 'God yeah!', 2, 432, 21, 'I want you to suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'I want you to suck it till it cums.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it \'till the cream squirts.', 2, 431, 21, 'Cream?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'I want to fill your mouth with sweet love cream.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Yeah!', 2, 431, 21, 'That\'s a good girl.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suck me.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'But let\'s let this down first.', 3, 417, 92, 'You are just so sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Almost!', 2, 456, 12, 'Do it again. Make me cum.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! What a cute little pussy!', 2, 355, 93, 'I got to nail her tender little ass.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'How did I get stuck in this dreary little office doing paperwork?', 0, 337, 241, 'I\'m a salesman. I\'m supposed to be out there selling!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, to be back out travelling again.', 1, 300, 100, 'I been thinkin\' about it every day!', 2, 221, 283, 'You said that next time you wanted me to suck your... What did you call it?', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, isn\'t that what you said your real name is?', 1, 232, 194, 'Yes, but in the city, that\'s also what they call one of these.', 2, 415, 117, 'That\'s why I don\'t much like that name.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, okay. I won\'t call you that.', 2, 220, 376, 'I just couldn\'t forget that you wanted me to suck the milk out.', 2, 226, 175, 'Last time it squirted all over the place!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Here. Rub it like this.', 2, 484, 6, 'Like this?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Now put your lips on it.', 2, 534, 5, 'But keep stroking!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... Okay.', 0, 348, 137, 'Faster!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, I don’t like the new hired hand.', 0, 555, 205, 'He’s… \rHe looks at me funny.', 0, 0, 0, 'It makes me feel really creepy.', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh, well I’m sorry Becky. He’s a good worker and I really need him right now.', 1, 200, 115, 'Anyway it’s only temporary, just until the back forty is harvested.', 1, 0, 0, 'That creep is staring at me again!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Are they talking to me?', 4, 510, 260, 'Only my mother calls me that. Who else would be calling me Richard?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! It is you! I haven’t seen you since the 7th grade!', 0, 190, 110, 'You moved away.', 1, 490, 65, 'So, do they still call you Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'I have to admit I just don’t like that name. Sorry.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh no, I haven’t been Dick in… forever.', 0, 550, 160, 'My friends started calling me "Slick" and it stuck.', 0, 0, 0, 'Just don’t call me Richard. I really don’t like that. Sorry.', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'So, are you married?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, no. I did meet a girl the other day. We…', 1, 515, 200, 'Well I met a guy the other day too. What’s new? Are you engaged?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, no.', 1, 515, 200, 'I just remembered, I made a pie. You just have to try it! You’re off work aren’t you?', 0, 192, 230, 'I am too. Please! You just have to taste my cherry pie!', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay. You said the magic word.', 1, 540, 192, 'Pie!', 1, 0, 0, 'I seem to remember you being very small. You seem so much taller now!', 0, 280, 150, 'It’s the heels. I always wear very high heels. It fools a lot of people.', 1, 162, 136, 'Truth is, I’m still very tiny. Nothing’s changed.', 1, 0, 0, 'And your hair. It’s very different. You always wore it in pig tails.', 1, 0, 0, 'You liked it that way?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, so the little girl look really does it for you.', 1, 503, 168, 'More pie?', 1, 0, 0, 'Your pie is just so good! I can’t resist!', 0, 280, 150, 'I\'ll be right back.', 1, 520, 206, 'You like my hair better like this?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'I just couldn\'t find any little girl clothes.', 1, 525, 96, 'I hope this is okay.', 0, 445, 80, 'I want to be just perfect for you.', 0, 525, 106, 'You know, in school,', 0, 482, 139, 'I always had the biggest crush on you.', 0, 0, 0, 'And now all these years later,', 0, 520, 156, 'Here we are.', 0, 0, 0, 'It feels so good to have you so deep inside me,', 2, 214, 213, 'But I\'m so small it hurts when you go too deep.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Okay. Is this better?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm yes.\r Now grab my hair.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Now put your other hand on my back.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower!', 2, 0, 0, 'More, lower.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Yessss!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'It\'s okay. You can cum now.', 2, 178, 299, 'Come on. Pull my hair!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Let me get you a toothbrush. How about dark blue?', 3, 413, 235, 'There\'s already a dark blue one.', 2, 177, 188, 'Red?', 3, 413, 235, 'No good.', 2, 177, 188, 'I\'m running out of colors!', 3, 374, 234, 'What!? Do you think you\'re the only man in the world?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Damn! I need to go to the doctor!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penecillin?\r\r The clap?\r\r Me?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll those toothbrushes!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! I hate the city!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'That\'s it!\r\r I\'ve had it!\r\rI\'m getting out!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'I\'m quitting that stinking job and moving to the country!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Smells like heaven!', 0, 476, 161, 'I hope you like these soft velvet ropes. I got them just for you.', 0, 490, 130, 'This is so fine.', 1, 267, 145, 'So soft. So sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'It really makes me horny.', 1, 0, 0, 'But it\'s these pink panties I really want to see.', 1, 269, 110, 'Let\'s just get this out of the way.', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh yeah.', 2, 267, 167, 'We won\'t need this anymore.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'I\'ve never been this close to heaven.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Ever had one of these?', 0, 415, 96, 'Turn around.', 0, 428, 77, 'Let\'s try this new rigging.', 0, 531, 254, 'This takes the arms up.', 3, 498, 196, 'And now the legs.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, yes. This is just right.', 3, 270, 107, 'Now suck my balls.', 3, 385, 90, 'You were so good!', 2, 363, 102, 'I almost lost it there.', 2, 0, 0, 'There you go, just relax a little.', 3, 455, 152, 'I want to make some more adjustments to the rigging.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh yes!', 0, 299, 82, 'Let\'s try a little of this.', 0, 447, 98, 'No!', 0, 586, 141, 'Not yet!', 3, 482, 94, 'I\'ve waited long enough.', 3, 302, 189, 'I just want to fuck.', 3, 0, 0, 'Do you want it too?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh yeah, juicy as watermelon.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, my pink panties is missing.', 3, 200, 235, 'They was hangin\' right here on the clothesline, and just disappeared!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh not now Becky! We got a busted fence. Some of the livestock got out.', 1, 540, 164, 'We gotta go round \'em up right away.', 1, 0, 0, 'Where\'e that darn fool hired hand when you need him!', 0, 278, 130, 'He shouldn\'t oughta be in his room this time of day.', 3, 292, 190, 'What the hell you doin\' there boy!', 3, 302, 351, 'Is that there Becky\'s drawers you done violated?', 1, 200, 105, 'Y\'all better get on outta here boy, \'fore I lose my temper and run you through with this.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnd of part Two\rThe Hired Hand', 0, 320, 240, '\rSecret unlock code for part 2:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rGame design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench translation:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Special thanks\rto the Pusooy Mods\rfor help in game design', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; German = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Drücke die Abstandstaste um fortzufahren.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Wenn du einen Kuss willst, musst du mir was Besonderes bieten.', 0, 567, 350, 'Hier ist ein vollentwickelts Ding?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr beansprucht und so überfordert!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr benützt und damit kaputtgemacht!', 0, 0, 0, 'Du verstehst!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hat die Kuss-Belohnungsszene noch nicht fertiggestellt, daher wir werden jetzt von hier aus beginnen.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hinweis: Zunächst die W Taste drücken, um gleich den richtigen Einstieg zu bekommen.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Los, schau ihn dir an.', 0, 450, 138, 'Klar willst du\'s.', 2, 712, 14, 'Da ist er. Schau ihn dir genau an.', 3, 487, 75, 'Du bist aber auch zu zickig.', 3, 0, 0, 'Aber genau davon werde ich ganz affengeil!', 3, 0, 0, 'Der wird jetzt ganz rot!', 0, 388, 165, 'Schämt er sich?', 0, 0, 0, 'Nein, er schämt sich überhaupt nicht.', 2, 490, 105, 'Er wird aber feuerrot.', 2, 0, 0, 'Nur, weil er dich vögeln will.', 2, 0, 0, 'Du schaust aber so geil aus!', 2, 450, 110, 'Ich kann\'s schon fast nicht mehr halten. Ich spür\', mich zerreißt\'s gleich!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh ja! Genau so!!', 2, 455, 125, 'Mein Gott, ja!', 2, 432, 21, 'Blas\' mir einen!', 2, 431, 21, 'Was?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch\' ihn, bis ich abspritze.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ähh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Saug daran, bis meine Ladung herauskonnt.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ladung?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch jetzt!', 2, 431, 21, 'Mmmmmm...', 2, 210, 233, 'Ich mag in deinen Mund spritzen, bis er voll ist.', 2, 431, 21, 'Mhm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Jaaaaa!', 2, 431, 21, 'Braves Mädchen!', 3, 428, 84, 'Lutsch es raus!', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt \'runter damit!', 3, 417, 92, 'Du schaust so geil aus!', 2, 434, 23, 'Fast!', 2, 456, 12, 'Nochmal! Mach\'s mir noch einmal.', 2, 0, 0, 'Teufel! Was für hübsche kleine Möse!', 2, 355, 93, 'Ich nagle ihr kleines süßes Arschloch.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Warum muss ich in diesem faden kleinen Büro versauern und Papierkram erledigen?', 0, 337, 241, 'Ich bin ja Verkäufer. Ich sollte da draußen sein und verkaufen!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ach, wäre ich nur draußen und könnte wieder reisen!', 1, 300, 100, 'Ich muss jeden Tag daran denken!', 2, 221, 283, 'Du hast gesagt, das nächste Mal möchtest du, dass ich an deinem - wie hast du ihn genannt? - sauge.', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'He, so heißt du doch selber, das hast du mir gesagt?!', 1, 232, 194, 'Ja, aber in der Stadt nennen sie den auch so.', 2, 415, 117, 'Darum mag ich den Namen nicht so.', 2, 0, 0, 'Also gut, ich nenn\' dich halt nicht mehr so.', 2, 220, 376, 'Ich muss stängig dran denken, dass du wolltest, dass ich deine Milch haraussauge.', 2, 226, 175, 'Das letzte Mal ist es hier überall herumgespritzt!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Hier. Reib ihn genau so.', 2, 484, 6, 'So?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Jetzt nimm ihn in den Mund.', 2, 534, 5, 'Aber, hör nicht mit dem Reiben auf!', 2, 0, 0, 'Hmmm... Gut.', 0, 348, 137, 'Schneller!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Papa, Ich mag den neuen Knecht nicht.', 0, 555, 205, 'Er ist so… \rEr schaut mir er so schräg aus.', 0, 0, 0, 'Er macht mir richtig Angst.', 0, 0, 0, 'Na sowas! Blöd für dich, Becky. Aber er arbeitet gut und ich brauche ihn geade jetzt wirklich.', 1, 200, 115, 'Es ist aber nur für kurze Zeit, bis der hintere 40 Morgen-Acker abgeerntet ist.', 1, 0, 0, 'Der Kerl starrt mich schon wieder an!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Bin ich gemeint?', 4, 510, 260, 'Eigentlich nennt mich nur meine Mutter so. Wer sonst noch würde mich Richard nennen?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Ach du bist es! Ich habe dich seit der 7. Klasse nicht mehr gesehen!', 0, 190, 110, 'Du bist weggezogen.', 1, 490, 65, 'Nennen sie dich immer noch Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Ich gebe zu, dass ich leider diesen Namen nicht mag.', 1, 0, 0, 'Ich wurde nicht mehr Dick genannt seit...ewig.', 0, 550, 160, 'Meine Feunde fingen an, mich "Slick" zu nennen und das ist mir geblieben.', 0, 0, 0, 'Aber nenne mich nicht mehr Richard. Das will ich wirklich nicht. Entschuldige!', 0, 0, 0, 'Gut... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Also, bist du verheiratet?', 0, 390, 180, 'Ach nein. Ich habe ein Mädchen kennengelernt vor einiger Zeit. Wir..', 1, 515, 200, 'Schon gut, Ich habe auch vor Kurzem einen Burschen kennengelernt. Was gibt es Neues? Bist du in festen Händen?', 0, 145, 240, 'Aber nein.', 1, 515, 200, 'Da fällt mir ein, ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken. Den musst du kosten! Du hast jetzt Feierabend, oder?', 0, 192, 230, 'Ich auch. Bitte! Du musst unbedingt meinen Kirschenkuchen kosten!', 0, 0, 0, 'Na gut. Das war das Zauberwort!', 1, 540, 192, 'Kuchen!', 1, 0, 0, 'Soweit ich mich erinnere, warst du immer ziemlich klein. Jetzt siehst du viel größer aus!', 0, 280, 150, 'Das liegt an den Schuhen. Ich trage immer High-Heels. Das täuscht eine Menge Leute.', 1, 162, 136, 'In Wahrheit bin ich immer noch ziemlich klein. Daran hat sich nichts geändert.', 1, 0, 0, 'Und dein Haar. Das ist sehr anders. Du hattest es immer zu Schwänzchen gebunden.', 1, 0, 0, 'Hat es dir so gefallen?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, also, der Jungmädchenlook hat es dir richtig angetan.', 1, 503, 168, 'Noch Kuchen?', 1, 0, 0, 'Dein Kuchen ist sooo gut. Ich kann nicht widerstehen!', 0, 280, 150, 'Ich komme gleich wieder.', 1, 520, 206, 'Du findest mein Haar so besser?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Ich konnte aber keine Jungmädchenkleider finden.', 1, 525, 96, 'Ich hoffe, das ist so in Ordnung.', 0, 445, 80, 'Ich möchte für dich ganz perfekt sein.', 0, 525, 106, 'Kannst du dich an die Schule erinnern?', 0, 482, 139, 'Ich habe immer fürchterlich auf dich gestanden.', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt, so viele Jahre später,', 0, 520, 156, 'Sind wir also da.', 0, 0, 0, 'Das tut so gut, dich tief in mir zu spüren', 2, 214, 213, 'Aber ich bin so eng, da tut es weh, wenn du so tief eindringst.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Gut. Ist das so besser?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm ja!\r Jetzt zieh\' mich an den Haaren.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Jetzt drück\' mit der anderen Hand auf meinen Rücken.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer!', 2, 0, 0, 'Weiter, tiefer.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Jaaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Was?', 3, 525, 199, 'Ist schon in Ordnung. Du kannst jetzt abspritzen.', 2, 178, 299, 'Los. Zieh mich an den Haaren!', 2, 0, 0, 'Jaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, 'Lass mich dir eine Zahnbürste geben. Was ist mit einer dunkelblauen?', 3, 413, 235, 'Da ist ja schon eine dunkelblaue.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rot?', 3, 413, 235, 'Die nicht.', 2, 177, 188, 'Mir gehen die Farben aus!', 3, 374, 234, 'Wieso!? Glaubs du, dass du der einzige Mann auf der Welt bist?', 2, 275, 302, 'Uiiii! Verdammt! Ich muss zum Arzt gehen!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penizillin?\r\r Tripper?\r\r Ich?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll diese Zahnbürsten!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Ich hasse die Stadt!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Das war\'s!\r\r Schluss!\r\rIch muss hier raus!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Ich kündige den stinkigen Job und gehe aufs Land!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Riecht himmlisch!', 0, 476, 161, 'Ich hoffe, du magst diese weichen Samtfesseln. Ich habe sie extra für dich besorgt.', 0, 490, 130, 'Das ist so fein.', 1, 267, 145, 'So sanft. So geil.', 1, 267, 145, 'Das törnt mich richtig an.', 1, 0, 0, 'Aber es ist das rosa Höschen, das ich wirklich sehen will.', 1, 269, 110, 'Tun wir das jetzt weg!', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh ja.', 2, 267, 167, 'Wir brauchen das jetzt nicht mehr.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Ich war dem Himmel noch nie so nah.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Hast du sowas schon mal erlebt?', 0, 415, 96, 'Dreh dich um.', 0, 428, 77, 'Probieren wir diese neue Verschnürung aus.', 0, 531, 254, 'Das zieht die Arme hoch.', 3, 498, 196, 'Und jetzt die Beine.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ach ja. So ist es jetzt richtig.', 3, 270, 107, 'Jetzt lutsch mir die Eier.', 3, 385, 90, 'Gut so!', 2, 363, 102, 'Ich bin fast ausgeflippt.', 2, 0, 0, 'Das war gut, aber jetzt ruh\' dich etwas aus.', 3, 455, 152, 'Ich will die Fesseln noch mehr anpassen.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh ja!', 0, 299, 82, 'Probieren wir das ein bisschen aus.', 0, 447, 98, 'Nein!', 0, 586, 141, 'Noch nicht!', 3, 482, 94, 'Ich habe schon lange genug gewartet.', 3, 302, 189, 'Ich will dich jetzt vögeln!', 3, 0, 0, 'Willst du auch?', 0, 321, 129, 'Ja, schön! Saftig wie eine Wassermelone.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mein rosa Höschen fehlt.', 3, 200, 235, 'Das war genau hier auf der Wäscheleine und jetzt ist es weg!', 3, 0, 0, 'Nicht jetzt Becky! Unser Zaun ist aufgegangen. Das Vieh ist ausgebüchst.', 1, 540, 164, 'Wir müssen es sofort wieder einfangen.', 1, 0, 0, 'Wo ist denn der verdammt blöde Erntehelfer, wenn man ihn braucht!', 0, 278, 130, 'So früh sollte er sich nicht in sein Loch verzogen haben.', 3, 292, 190, 'Was zur Hölle tust du da, Junge!', 3, 302, 351, 'Ist das nicht Beckys Unterwäsche, die du da als Wichsvorlage genommen hast?', 1, 200, 105, '\'Raus da, Junge, bevor mir der Kragen platzt und ich dich mit der Mistgabel aufspieße.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnde von Teil 1\rDer Erntehelfer', 0, 320, 240, '\rGeheimcode zum Entsperren von Teil 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rSpielentwurf, Programmierung, Zeichnungen and Musik von\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Deutsche Übersetzung: Arnulf\rFranzösische Übersetzung: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Besonderen Dank\ran die Pusooy Moderatoren\rfür ihre Unterstützung beim Spielentwurf', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; French = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Pressez la barre d\'espacement pour continuer à jouer.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Si tu veux un baiser, il va falloir que tu m\'attrapes une pêche.', 0, 567, 350, 'Il y en a une mûre juste là. Tu la vois ?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Tu l\'as frappée trop fort et elle s\'est détruite!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! tu l\'as laissée tomber et elle s\'est écrasé!', 0, 0, 0, 'tu l\'as eue!', 0, 0, 0, ' Puso n\'a pas encore fait la scène du baiser maintenant, alors nous allons recommencer du début pour maintenant.', 1, 468, 345, 'Indice: La prochaine fois, pressez la touche W pour prendre immédiatement le bâton.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Allez, regarde-la.', 0, 450, 138, 'Tu sais que tu le veux.', 2, 712, 14, 'Voilà, regarde-la bien.', 3, 487, 75, 'Tu es si timide.', 3, 0, 0, 'Ça me rend fou!', 3, 0, 0, 'Il devient tout rouge!', 0, 388, 165, 'Est-il gêné?', 0, 0, 0, 'Non, ce n\'est pas gêné.', 2, 490, 105, 'Il est simplement excité.', 2, 0, 0, 'Il est rouge d\'excitation pour toi.', 2, 0, 0, 'Tu es si mignonne!', 2, 450, 110, 'Je ne peux presque pas me contenir. Je sens que je suis prêt à exploser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh oui! Juste comme ça!', 2, 455, 125, 'Oh Bon Dieu oui!', 2, 432, 21, 'Je veux que tu le suces!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Je veux que tu le suces jusqu\'à ce que je vienne.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le jusqu\'à ce que la crème jaillisse.', 2, 431, 21, 'La crème?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'Je veux te remplir la bouche de ma crème d\'amour.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Ouais!', 2, 431, 21, 'Tu es une bonne fille.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suce moi.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mais avant, baissons ceci.', 3, 417, 92, 'Tu es si sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Presque!', 2, 456, 12, 'Fais-le encore. Fais moi jouir.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! Quelle jolie petite chatte!', 2, 355, 93, 'Je dois baiser ce beau petit cul.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Comment me suis-je retrouvé dans ce petit bureau merdique à faire de la paperasse?', 0, 337, 241, 'Je suis un vendeur. Je suis supposé être à l\'extérieur en train de vendre!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, voyager de nouveau.', 1, 300, 100, 'J\'y pense chaque jour!', 2, 221, 283, 'Tu m\'as dit que la prochaine fois que tu voulais que je suce... Tu l\'as appelé comment déjà?', 1, 220, 256, 'Bite.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, tu ne m\'as pas dit que c\'était en fait ton vrai nom?', 1, 232, 194, 'Oui, mais en ville il appelle aussi ce truc par ce nom.', 2, 415, 117, 'C\'est pour cela que je n\'aime pas trop mon nom.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, d\'accord. Je ne t\'appellerais pas comme ça alors.', 2, 220, 376, 'Je ne peux pas oublier que tu voulais que je suce le lait vers l\'extérieur.', 2, 226, 175, 'La dernière fois, ça a giclé partout!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Voici. Masse le comme ceci.', 2, 484, 6, 'Comme ça?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Maintenant, place tes lèvres dessus.', 2, 534, 5, 'Mais continuer à le masser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... d\'accord.', 0, 348, 137, 'Plus vite!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, je n\'aime pas le nouvel employé.', 0, 555, 205, 'Il… \rIl me regarde de façon étrange.', 0, 0, 0, 'Il me met très mal à l\'aise.', 0, 0, 0, 'Eh bien, je suis désolé Becky. Il est un bon travailleur et j\'ai vraiment besoin de lui actuellement. ', 1, 200, 115, 'De toute façon, c\'est seulement temporaire jusqu\'à ce que les dernières récoltes soient complétées. ', 1, 0, 0, 'Ce pervers me regarde encore', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Est-ce qu\'il me parle?', 4, 510, 260, 'Seulement ma mère m\'appelle comme cela. Qui d\'autre m\'appellerait Richard ? ', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! C\'est vraiment toi! Je ne t\'avais pas vu depuis la 7e année!', 0, 190, 110, 'tu avais déménagé.', 1, 490, 65, 'Est-ce qu\'il t\'appelle toujours Bite? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Je dois t\'avouer que je n\'aime pas beaucoup ce nom. Désolé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh non, je ne suis plus Bite depuis... presque toujours.', 0, 550, 160, 'Mes amis ont commencé à m\'appeler "Slick" et c\'est resté.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ne m\'appelle pas Richard. Je n\'aime pas trop ça également. Désolé.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ok... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Alors, tu es marié?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, non. J\'ai rencontré une fille l\'autre jour. Nous…', 1, 515, 200, 'Bien j\'ai rencontré un garçon aussi l\'autre jour. Quoi de neuf? êtes-vous fiancés?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, non.', 1, 515, 200, 'Je me souviens, J\'ai fait une tarte hier. Tu dois y goûter! Tu as fini le boulot, n\'est-ce pas?', 0, 192, 230, 'Moi aussi. S\'il te plaît! Tu dois goûter à ma tarte à la cerise!', 0, 0, 0, 'D\'accord. Tu as dit le mot magique.', 1, 540, 192, 'Tarte!', 1, 0, 0, 'Je me souviens de toi comme étant plus petite. Tu sembles beaucoup plus grande maintenant!', 0, 280, 150, 'C\'est les talons. Je porte toujours des talons hauts. Ça confond beaucoup de gens.', 1, 162, 136, 'La vérité est que je suis encore toute menue. Rien n\'a changé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Et tes cheveux. C\'est très différent. Tu les portais toujours en queue de cheval.', 1, 0, 0, 'Tu les aimes comme ça?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, alors le look petite collégienne est vraiment ce que tu aimes.', 1, 503, 168, 'Une autre pointe de tarte?', 1, 0, 0, 'Ta tarte est si bonne! Je ne peux pas résister!', 0, 280, 150, 'Je reviens sous peu.', 1, 520, 206, 'Tu préfères mes cheveux comme ça?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Je n\'ai pas trouvé de vêtement d\'écolière.', 1, 525, 96, 'J,espère que ce sera bien tout de même.', 0, 445, 80, 'Je veux être parfaite pour toi.', 0, 525, 106, 'Tu sais, à l\'école,', 0, 482, 139, 'J\'avais vraiment un gros béguin pour toi.', 0, 0, 0, 'Et maintenant toutes ces années plus tard,', 0, 520, 156, 'Nous voilà.', 0, 0, 0, 'C\'est si bon de t\'avoir profondément en moi,', 2, 214, 213, 'Mais je suis si petite que c\'est douloureux lorsque tu vas trop profond.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Ok. Est-ce que c\'est mieux?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm Oui.\r Maitenant, prend mes cheveux.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Place ton autre main sur mon dos.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas!', 2, 0, 0, 'Encore plus bas.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Oooouuuuiiiii!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'C\'est ok. Tu peux jouir maintenant.', 2, 178, 299, 'Allez. Tire mes cheveux!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Laisse-moi te donner une brosse à dents. Bleu foncé, ça te va?', 3, 413, 235, 'Il y en a déj;a une de sortie.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rouge?', 3, 413, 235, 'Non.', 2, 177, 188, 'Je n\'ai plus d\'autres couleurs!', 3, 374, 234, 'Quoi!? Tu crois que tu es le seul homme au monde?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Merde! Je dois aller voir un médecin!', 2, 445, 130, 'Pénicilline?\r\r La gonorrhée?\r\r Moi?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rToutes ces brosses à dents!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Je déteste cette ville!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Voilà!\r\r J\'en ai assez!\r\rJe m\'en vais!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Je quitte cet emploi pourri et je m\'en vais à la campagne!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Ça sent comme le paradis!', 0, 476, 161, 'J\'espère que tu aimes ces cordes douces. Je les ai achetés juste pour toi.', 0, 490, 130, 'C\'est tellement joli.', 1, 267, 145, 'Si doux. Si sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'Ça me rend vraiment excité.', 1, 0, 0, 'Mais c\'est ta culotte rose que je veux vraiment voir.', 1, 269, 110, 'Enlevons cela .', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh oui.', 2, 267, 167, 'Nous n\'aurons plus besoin de ceci.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Je n\'ai jamais été aussi près du paradis.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Tu as déjà un comme celui-ci?', 0, 415, 96, 'Tourne toi.', 0, 428, 77, 'Essayons ce nouvel arrangement.', 0, 531, 254, 'Cela fait lever les bras.', 3, 498, 196, 'Et maintenant les jambes.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, oui. C\'est parfait.', 3, 270, 107, 'Maintenant suce mes balles.', 3, 385, 90, 'Tu étais si bonne!', 2, 363, 102, 'Je suis presque venu.', 2, 0, 0, 'Voilà, détend toi un petit peu.', 3, 455, 152, 'Je veux faire quelques ajustements à la machine.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh oui!', 0, 299, 82, 'Essayons un peu de ceci.', 0, 447, 98, 'Non!', 0, 586, 141, 'Pas tout de suite!', 3, 482, 94, 'J\'ai attendu assez longtemps.', 3, 302, 189, 'Je veux baiser.', 3, 0, 0, 'Tu le veux aussi?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh oui, juteux comme un melon d\'eau.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, ma culotte rose a disparu.', 3, 200, 235, 'Il était là dehors et elle a disparue!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh pas maintenant Becky! La barrière est brisée. Une partie du bétail s\'est enfui.', 1, 540, 164, 'Il faut les ramener tout de suite.', 1, 0, 0, 'Où est cet idiot d\'employé lorsque j\'en ai besoin!', 0, 278, 130, 'Il ne devrait pas être dans sa chambre à cette heure.', 3, 292, 190, 'Qu\'est-ce que tu fou là petit idiot!', 3, 302, 351, 'Est-ce que la culotte de Becky que tu as souillée?', 1, 200, 105, 'Tu es mieux de foutre le camp rapidement petit pervers, \'vant que je perde mon calme et que je te défonce le cul avec ceci.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rFin de la partie 1\rl\'employé', 0, 320, 240, '\rCode secret pour la partie 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r Tout droits réservés', 0, 320, 240, '\rDésign, codage, art et musique du jeu par\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Traduction allemande: Arnulf\rTraduction française:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Merci\rà tous les modérateurs de Pusooy\rpour leur aide dans le design du jeu', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]; if (!soundstarted) { beta_mc.swapDepths(11110); beta_mc.gotoAndStop(1); initsound(); initfps(); } pop_mc.gotoAndStop(10); Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.scaleMode = 'noBorder'; hideall(); bubble_mc.gotoAndStop(1); arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (!teaser) { gamesave = SharedObject.getLocal('gfsave'); } if (teaser) { oldscene = -1; oldphase = 0; gslastscene = 0; secretunlocked = 1; highestscene = 10; } else { oldscene = -1; oldphase = 0; gslastscene = 0; secretunlocked = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0; } butrel = 0; _root.createEmptyMovieClip('mousebutton', 1); _root.onMouseDown = function () { buttonpress = 1; }; _root.onMouseUp = function () { buttonpress = 0; butrel = 1; }; hidemouse = 0; mousemove = 0; _root.onMouseMove = function () { mousemove = 15; if (mousex < 40 || mousex > 560 || mousey < 40 || mousey > 472) {; } else { if (hidemouse) { Mouse.hide(); } else {; } } }; newgame(); savmute = 0; _root.onEnterFrame = function () { ++time; ++teasertime; blinker = time & 8; calcFPS(); mousex = _root._xmouse; mousey = _root._ymouse; dokeys(); if (!seenpause) { dolanguagebutton(); if (scene > 0 && !pausing) { seenpause = 1; } } if (pausing) { if (lickingtits && ahvol > 0) { fadeahloop(); } if (mute != 99) { savmute = mute; mute = 99; } if (!blankpause) { doshowpause(); } if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel || pausing == 8 && buttonpress) { if (teaser && pausing == 8) { fade = 100; sheet_mc._alpha = fade; sheet_mc.swapDepths(33333); scene = 0; scenestarted = 0; forcebuboff = 1; startfadein(); teasertime = 0; } pausing = 0; pauserel = 0; slomo = 0; ahwait = 0; talking3 = 0; talking2 = 0; mute = savmute; unmutepalace(); initfps(); pop_mc.gotoAndStop(10); pop_mc._x = -10000; flag1_mc.swapDepths(-10813); flag2_mc.swapDepths(-10814); flag3_mc.swapDepths(-10815); flag4_mc.swapDepths(-10816); if (mybug && blackpause) { bg4a = 0; bg4_mc._alpha = 0; bg4_mc.swapDepths(-10103); } } else { if (playingpalace) { mutepalace(); } } } else { if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel) { pausing = 1; seenpause = 1; pauserel = 0; slomo = 0; if (mybug && blackpause) { bg4a = 100; bg4_mc._alpha = 100; bg4_mc.swapDepths(16666); bg4_mc.gotoAndStop(2); bg4_mc._x = 360; bg4_mc._y = 288; } } else { if (teaser && pausing == 0 && scene >= 2 && teasertime > 200) { pausing = 8; } else { if (debug && Key.isDown(86) || slomo) { ++smdelay; if (smdelay >= 25) { smdelay = 0; doscene(); dofade(); doarrow(); } } else { doscene(); dofade(); doarrow(); dopop(); } } } } if (!Key.isDown(32)) { pauserel = 1; } if (scene > highestscene && !teaser) { highestscene = scene; = scene; } mon0 = 'mx:' + mousex + ' my:' + mousey + ' fps:' + floor(fps) + ' scene:' + scene + ' say:' + ssay + ' h:' + horny + ' p:' + pausing; domon(); }; mon7 = ''; mon6 = ''; mon5 = ''; mon4 = ''; mon3 = ''; mon2 = ''; mon1 = ''; var mon0 = ''; bfade = 0; rolledoff = 0; rolledon = 0; forcebuboff = 0; fadingout = 0; arrowcolor = 0; arrowcursor = 0; arrowangle = 0; attacharrow = 0; arrowy = 0; arrowx = 0; arrowtype = 0; arrowphase = -1; arrowblink = 0; arrowalpha = 0; bjphase = 0; oautopilot = 0; autopilot = 0; tautoangle = 0; autoangle = 0; finddir = 1; showhigh = 0; showleft = 0; ptasks = 14; ptasksdone = 0; powerbarsize = 0; powerbarcolor = 0; powerbarside = 0; enjoy = 0; hint = 0; hintx = 0; hinty = 0; swoosh = 0; swooshx = 0; swooshy = 0; swooshdir = 0; swoosha = 0; swooshadd = 0; swalpha = 0; onhot = 0; hotdir = 0; githot = 0; hotspot_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (!gothot) { onhot = 0; return undefined; } if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) { onhot = 1; hidemouse = 1; mouse_mc._x = mousex; mouse_mc._y = mousey; mouse_mc.swapDepths(20007); if (ssay == 60) { mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(14); } else { mouse_mc.gotoAndStop(10); } mouse_mc._alpha = 100; mouse_mc._rotation = hotdir; hotspot_mc._alpha = 20; } else { if (onhot) { hotspot_mc._alpha = 0; } onhot = 0; hidemouse = 0; mouse_mc._alpha = 0; } }; fast = 0; fastend = 0; moverd = 0; moverm = 0; mover = 0; movertime = 40; mmoverd = 0; mmoverm = 0; mmover = 0; mmovertime = 40; backmove = 0; mbackmove = 0; showpoptype = 2; plinkrel == 0; showscenebar = 0; onbeta = 0; beta_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (showscenebar) { return undefined; } if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && scene != 1) { onbeta = 1; if (teaser) { if (scene == 0) { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(11); } else { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(10); } } else { beta_mc.gotoAndStop(2); } beta_mc._x = 176 + adjx; beta_mc._y = 563 + adjy; } else { onbeta = 0; beta_mc.gotoAndStop(1); beta_mc.txt.text = '\rVersion:' + version1 + ' '; betarel = 1; beta_mc._x = 49 + fadjx; beta_mc._y = 565 + fadjy; } }; dosurge = 0; surge = 0; horny = 0; startframe = 1; startframe = 1; onstartbutton = 0; startbutton_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { if (pausing) { startbutton_mc._x = -10000; onstartbutton = 0; } else { onstartbutton = this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true); } }; talking3 = 0; talking2 = 0; talking1 = 0; talking = 0; omute = 3; mute = 3; soundstarted = 0; lastoh = 1; lastswish = 1; cricket2 = 0; cricket1 = 0; talking = 0; bedsq = 1; morg = 1; coh = 1; nnh = 0; mm = 0; uhh = 0; lastmm = 0; rea = 0; lastnnh = 0; mooo = 1; oww = 0; emoan = 1; mcum = 1; wchuhh = 7; wchsplash = 1; hurtwch = 0; breathwch = 0; doh = 10; stoplooping = 1; ahvol = 5; lastah = 2; ahwait = 0; stopahloop = 0; playingpalace = 0; palvol = 30; lastchime = 0; peesoundon = 0; peevol = 0; fs_changing = []; fs_frame = []; fs_alpha = []; fs_fadestep = []; var PI = Math.PI; escrel = 1; fpsi = 0; fpstab = [30, 30, 30, 30]; ugsha = 0; ugela = 0; } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 1104 { } movieClip 1139 { } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1213 { } movieClip 1413 { } movieClip 1415 { } movieClip 1421 { } movieClip 1423 { } movieClip 1434 { } movieClip 1439 { }
Created: 5/2 -2019 10:40:03 Last modified: 5/2 -2019 10:40:03 Server time: 15/11 -2024 03:53:25