Combined Code
frame 1 {
function preloadSite() {
var siteLoaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
var siteTotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
var percentage = Math.round((siteLoaded / siteTotal) * 100);
redloadingbar_mc._xscale = percentage;
percent_text.text = percentage + '%';
if (siteLoaded >= siteTotal || loaded) {
if (lfade >= 100) {
fade = 100;
return undefined;
} else {
loaded = 1;
lfade += 10;
if (lfade >= 100) {
lfade = 100;
sheet_mc._alpha = lfade;
loadingbar_mc._xscale = 1;
var loadingCall = setInterval(preloadSite, 50);
sheet_mc._x = 360;
sheet_mc._y = 288;
lfade = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = 0;
loaded = 0;
frame 1 {
function doscene() {
if (scene == 0) {
} else {
if (scene == 1) {
} else {
if (scene == 2) {
} else {
if (scene == 3) {
} else {
if (scene == 4) {
} else {
if (scene == 5) {
} else {
if (scene == 6) {
} else {
if (scene == 7) {
} else {
if (scene == 8) {
} else {
if (scene == 9) {
} else {
if (scene == 10) {
} else {
if (scene == 11) {
} else {
if (scene == 12) {
} else {
if (scene == 13) {
} else {
if (scene == 14) {
} else {
if (scene == 15) {
function domon() {
if (!debug) {
mon0_mc._x = -10000;
return undefined;
mon0_mc.mon0_txt.text = mon0 + '\r' + mon1 + '\r' + mon2 + '\r' + mon3 + '\r' + mon4 + '\r' + mon5 + '\r' + mon6 + '\r' + mon7;
mon0_mc._x = 210;
function drawCircle(cx, cy, r) {
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
var c1 = r * 0.4142135623730952;
var c2 = r * Math.SQRT2 / 2;
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(cx + r, cy);
curveTo(cx + r, cy + c1, cx + c2, cy + c2);
curveTo(cx + c1, cy + r, cx, cy + r);
curveTo(cx - c1, cy + r, cx - c2, cy + c2);
curveTo(cx - r, cy + c1, cx - r, cy);
curveTo(cx - r, cy - c1, cx - c2, cy - c2);
curveTo(cx - c1, cy - r, cx, cy - r);
curveTo(cx + c1, cy - r, cx + c2, cy - c2);
curveTo(cx + r, cy - c1, cx + r, cy);
function say(windex, narrow, forcex, forcey) {
ssay = windex;
forcebuboff = 0;
if (narrow == undefined) {
narrow = 0;
i = windex * 4;
savwordindex = i;
if (language == 0) {
words = English[i];
type = English[i + 1];
bubx = English[i + 2];
buby = English[i + 3];
} else {
if (language == 1) {
words = German[i];
type = German[i + 1];
bubx = German[i + 2];
buby = German[i + 3];
} else {
if (language == 2) {
words = French[i];
type = French[i + 1];
bubx = French[i + 2];
buby = French[i + 3];
} else {
if (language == 3) {
words = Italian[i];
type = Italian[i + 1];
bubx = Italian[i + 2];
buby = Italian[i + 3];
if (forcex != undefined && forcey != undefined) {
bubx = forcex;
buby = forcey;
if (bubx == 0 && buby == 0) {
bubx = savbubx;
buby = savbuby;
savbubx = bubx;
savbuby = buby;
strlen = words.length;
if (type < 0) {
return undefined;
speaking = 1;
if (type == 11) {
tmread = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloon', 200);
_root.twordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloonGraphic', 201);
} else {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloon', 32222);
_root.wordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloonGraphic', 32223);
rolledon = 0;
rolledoff = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if (rolledoff > 10) {
rolledon = 1;
} else {
trolledon = 0;
trolledoff = 0;
_root.twordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if (trolledoff > 10) {
trolledon = 1;
tmread = 1;
} else {
if (type == 11) {
tballoonFormat = new TextFormat();
if (fadefont) {
tballoonFormat.font = 'arialfont';
tballoonFormat.size = 14;
} else {
tballoonFormat.font = 'Arial';
tballoonFormat.size = 12;
tballoonFormat.color = 0;
tballoonFormat.align = 'center';
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75);
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true;
if (fadefont) {
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words;
bTxtW = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width;
bTxtH = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
if (type == 11) {
lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100);
} else {
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
balloonFormat = new TextFormat();
if (fadefont) {
balloonFormat.font = 'arialfont';
balloonFormat.size = 14;
} else {
balloonFormat.font = 'Arial';
balloonFormat.size = 12;
balloonFormat.color = 0;
balloonFormat.align = 'center';
if (narrow == -1) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 180, 100);
} else {
if (narrow == 2) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 80, 100);
} else {
if (narrow == 1) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 120, 100);
} else {
if (narrow == 1.5) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 95, 100);
} else {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true;
if (fadefont) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words;
bTxtW = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width;
bTxtH = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height;
if (type >= 4 && type < 100) {
if (type == 4) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
} else {
if (type == 5) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
} else {
if (type >= 10) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
if (type == 11) {
lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100);
} else {
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
if (type == 4) {
r = 3;
cx = -1;
cy = bTxtH + 30;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 4;
cx = 5;
cy = bTxtH + 24;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 5;
cx = 10;
cy = bTxtH + 16;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
} else {
if (type == 5) {
r = 3;
cx = 1 + (bTxtW + 10);
cy = bTxtH + 30;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 4;
cx = -5 + (bTxtW + 10);
cy = bTxtH + 24;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 5;
cx = -10 + (bTxtW + 10);
cy = bTxtH + 16;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
} else {
if (type == 3) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx + 20;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 18);
curveTo(-10, 20, -20, 0);
curveTo(-10, 10, 0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
if (type == 2) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 30);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 10, bTxtW + 30, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 20, bTxtW + 10, 18);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
if (type == 111) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 40, bTxtH + 40);
curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
if (type == 1) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 30);
curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
ost = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
if (ost < 0) {
buby -= ost - 2;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(20, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(15, bTxtH + 20, 0, bTxtH + 30);
curveTo(10, bTxtH + 20, 10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
balpha = 0;
bfade = 20;
extratime = strlen;
ububtime = bubtime + extratime;
function dofade() {
if (bfade > 0) {
balpha += bfade;
if (balpha >= 100) {
balpha = 100;
bfade = 0;
bubtimer = ububtime;
bubtimer = 5;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
} else {
if (bfade < 0) {
balpha += bfade;
if (balpha <= 0) {
balpha = 0;
bfade = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000;
speaking = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
if (bubtimer > 0) {
if (bubtimer <= 0) {
bubtimer = 0;
if (bfade == 0 && bubtimer == 0 && (rolledon || forcebuboff)) {
bfade = -20;
if (fadespeed < 0) {
fade += fadespeed;
if (fade <= 0) {
fade = 0;
fadespeed = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
} else {
if (fadespeed > 0) {
fade += fadespeed;
if (fade >= 100) {
fade = 100;
fadespeed = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
if (fade <= 0) {
function startfadeout() {
fadingout = 1;
fadespeed = 2;
function startfadeoutwhite() {
fadingout = 1;
fadespeed = 0.5;
function startfadein() {
fadingout = 0;
fadespeed = -2;
function hideall(flag) {
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
webmasters_mc._alpha = 0;
webmasters_mc._x = -10000;
webmasters_shad_mc._x = -10000;
startbutton_mc._x = -10000;
mon6 = '';
mon5 = '';
mon4 = '';
mon3 = '';
mon2 = '';
mon1 = '';
mon0 = '';
if (flag == 2) {
} else {
oldmousex = mousex;
adjy = 0;
adjx = 0;
attacharrow = 0;
attach = 0;
arrowcursor = 0;
arrowx = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = arrowx;
bg1_mc._x = -10000;
bg2_mc._x = -10000;
bg3_mc._x = -10000;
bg4_mc._x = -10000;
bg1_mc._xscale = 100;
bg2_mc._xscale = 100;
bg3_mc._xscale = 100;
bg4_mc._xscale = 100;
bg1_mc._yscale = 100;
bg2_mc._yscale = 100;
bg3_mc._yscale = 100;
bg4_mc._yscale = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
function killsprites() {
function hidesprites() {
gothot = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < totalsprites) {
fs_changing[i] = -1;
fs_frame[i] = 0;
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
ii = i;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._xscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._yscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._rotation = 0;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2);
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i);
if (i < 20) {
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 0;
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(9);
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10050 - i);
function startarrow(arx, ary, ardir) {
if (bjphase == arrowphase) {
return undefined;
arrowphase = bjphase;
arrowangle = ardir * 90;
arrowx = arx;
arrowy = ary;
arrowtype = 1;
arrowalpha = 0;
arrowblink = 0;
arrowtime = 200;
autopilot = 2;
function killarrow() {
arrowtype = 0;
arrowphase = -1;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
autopilot = 0;
function doarrow() {
if (arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime) {
seearrow = 0;
if (Key.isDown(72) && hint) {
seearrow = 2;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(72) || arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime == 0) {
seearrow = 1;
if (swoosh) {
if (autopilot != oautopilot && autopilot > 1) {
oautopilot = autopilot;
if (autopilot && !seearrow) {
if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) {
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
arrow2_mc._xscale = 100;
aindex = 0;
extra = 0;
t = rnd(100);
if (t <= 33) {
d = -1;
} else {
if (t >= 66) {
d = 1;
} else {
d = 0;
tautoangle += d;
if (tautoangle > 9) {
tautoangle = 9;
if (tautoangle < -9) {
tautoangle = -9;
dx = tautoangle - autoangle;
autoangle += dx / 6;
} else {
if (autopilot == 2) {
extra = 3;
aindex = 3;
if (finddir > 0) {
autoangle += 0.5;
if (autoangle >= 9) {
finddir = -1;
} else {
autoangle -= 0.5;
if (autoangle <= -9) {
finddir = 1;
} else {
if (autopilot == 3) {
aindex = 6;
extra = 4;
t = rnd(100);
if (t <= 33) {
d = -1;
} else {
if (t >= 66) {
d = 1;
} else {
d = 0;
tautoangle += d;
if (tautoangle > 9) {
tautoangle = 9;
if (tautoangle < -9) {
tautoangle = -9;
dx = tautoangle - autoangle;
autoangle += dx / 6;
} else {
if (autopilot == 4) {
aindex = 9;
extra = 4;
t = rnd(100);
if (t <= 33) {
d = -1;
} else {
if (t >= 66) {
d = 1;
} else {
d = 0;
tautoangle += d;
if (tautoangle > 9) {
tautoangle = 9;
if (tautoangle < -9) {
tautoangle = -9;
dx = tautoangle - autoangle;
autoangle += dx / 6;
} else {
if (autopilot == 5) {
aindex = 12;
extra = 0;
autoangle = -45;
} else {
if (autopilot == 6 || autopilot == 8) {
aindex = 15;
extra = 0;
autoangle = -45;
} else {
if (autopilot == 7) {
aindex = 18;
extra = 0;
autoangle = -45;
if (showleft) {
arrow_mc._x = -48 + showleft;
} else {
arrow_mc._x = 609 - extra;
if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) {
arrow_mc._y = 477;
} else {
if (autopilot == 3) {
arrow_mc._y = 482;
} else {
arrow_mc._y = 457;
arrow_mc._y -= showhigh * 445;
if (autopilot == 1.1) {
arrow_mc._alpha = 0;
} else {
arrow_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow_mc._rotation = 45 + autoangle;
arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(28 + aindex);
if (autopilot == 5) {
arrow_mc._yscale = ptasks * 400;
arrow_mc._y = 500;
} else {
arrow_mc._yscale = 100;
atext = 0;
if (showhigh) {
if (mousex >= 650 && mousey <= 30) {
atext = 1;
if (language == 1) {
atext = 31;
} else {
if (mousex >= 650 && mousey >= 510) {
atext = 1;
if (language == 1) {
atext = 31;
if (autopilot == 8) {
arrow_mc._x = -50;
arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x;
heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x;
arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y;
heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
heart_mc._rotation = 0;
arrow2_mc._alpha = powerbarsize;
mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize;
hearta = powerbarsize * 10;
if (hearta > 100) {
hearta = 100;
heart_mc._alpha = hearta;
heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y - 100;
heart_mc._y += (pokemax - 90) * 1.5;
arrow2_mc._xscale = mpowerbarsize;
arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize;
arrow2_mc._y -= powerbarsize / 2;
if (powerbarcolor < 0) {
arrow2_mc._x = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
if (autopilot == 6) {
if (ssay == 696.1) {
} else {
if (powerbarside > 0) {
arrow_mc._x = 40;
arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x;
heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x;
arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y;
heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
heart_mc._rotation = 0;
if (atext) {
if (hint) {
} else {
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex);
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
} else {
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(51 + powerbarcolor);
mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize;
if (mpowerbarsize > 100) {
hearta = (mpowerbarsize - 100) * 10;
heart_mc._alpha = hearta;
mpowerbarsize = 100;
} else {
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize;
if (powerbarcolor < 0) {
arrow2_mc._x = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
if (autopilot == 5) {
arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x;
arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
if (atext) {
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex);
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
} else {
arrow2_mc._yscale = ptasksdone * 400;
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
} else {
arrow2_mc._x = 609 - extra * 2;
arrow2_mc._y = 502 - showhigh * 445;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex);
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
arrow_mc._x += 80;
arrow_mc._y += 54;
heart_mc._x += 80;
heart_mc._y += 54;
arrow2_mc._x += 80;
arrow2_mc._y += 54;
return undefined;
arrow2_mc._x = -10000;
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
if (seearrow == 2) {
if (arrowalpha < 100) {
arrowalpha += 5;
arrow_mc._x = hintx;
arrow_mc._y = hinty;
arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha;
arrow_mc._rotation = hintangle;
arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor);
} else {
if (arrowtype == 0) {
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
if (arrowtype == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(72) && arrowtime) {
arrowtime = 0;
if (onhot) {
arrowtime = 100;
if (arrowtime) {
return undefined;
if (arrowblink == 0) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5;
if (arrowalpha < 100) {
arrowalpha += 5;
} else {
arrowblink = 1;
if (!onhot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5;
} else {
if (arrowalpha > 0) {
arrowalpha -= 5;
} else {
arrowblink = 0;
arrowtime = 100;
if (!onhot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5;
arrow_mc._x = arrowx;
arrow_mc._y = arrowy;
arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha;
arrow_mc._rotation = arrowangle;
arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor);
function doswoosh_arrow() {
swoosh += 20;
if (swoosh >= 180) {
swoosh = 180;
if (swoosh < 90) {
if (swalpha < 60) {
swalpha += 20;
} else {
swalpha = 100;
} else {
if (swoosh >= 90) {
swalpha -= 20;
hidemouse = 0;
if (swalpha <= 0) {
swalpha = 0;
swoosh = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
return undefined;
if (ssay == 566) {
swooshadd += (sine(swoosh) + 1) * (3 + fadjy);
} else {
swooshadd += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (3 + fadjy);
swoosha += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (4 + fadjx);
if (swooshdir == 0) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx;
swooshy -= swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy;
} else {
if (swooshdir == 1) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx + swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy;
} else {
if (swooshdir == 2) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd;
} else {
if (swooshdir == 3) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy;
} else {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd;
mouse_mc._alpha = swalpha;
if (swooshdir == 7) {
mouse_mc._rotation = 135;
} else {
mouse_mc._rotation = (swooshdir - 1) * 90;
function sethotspot(xpos, ypos, wid, hit, dir) {
startarrow(xpos, ypos, dir);
hotdir = dir * 90;
hotspot_mc._x = xpos;
hotspot_mc._y = ypos;
hotspot_mc._height = hit;
hotspot_mc._width = wid;
if (!gothot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
gothot = 1;
function killhotspot() {
gothot = 0;
onhot = 0;
hidemouse = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
function doshowpause() {
pop_mc._x = 360;
pop_mc._y = 400;
if (pausing == 8) {
flag4_mc._alpha = 0;
flag3_mc._alpha = 0;
flag2_mc._alpha = 0;
flag1_mc._alpha = 0;
return undefined;
} else {
if (pausing >= 9) {
} else {
if (language == 3) {
pop_mc.txt.text = Italian[4];
} else {
if (language == 2) {
pop_mc.txt.text = French[4];
} else {
if (language == 0) {
pop_mc.txt.text = English[4];
} else {
pop_mc.txt.text = German[4];
sp = 64;
cmousex = mousex - 360;
cmousey = mousey - 240;
tx = floor((cmousex + 192) / 64);
ty = cmousey - 171;
if (tx >= 0 && tx < 6 && ty >= 0 && ty < 40) {
flag = tx;
} else {
flag = -1;
flag1_mc._x = 200;
flag1_mc._y = 430 + fadjy;
if (flag == 0) {
flag1_mc._alpha = 100;
} else {
flag1_mc._alpha = 50;
flag2_mc._x = 200 + sp * 1 + fadjx;
flag2_mc._y = 430 + fadjy;
if (flag == 1) {
flag2_mc._alpha = 100;
} else {
flag2_mc._alpha = 50;
flag3_mc._x = 200 + sp * 2 + fadjx;
flag3_mc._y = 430 + fadjy;
if (flag == 2) {
flag3_mc._alpha = 100;
} else {
flag3_mc._alpha = 50;
if (pausing == 9) {
flag4_mc._alpha = 0;
flag3_mc._alpha = 0;
flag2_mc._alpha = 0;
flag1_mc._alpha = 0;
flag1_mc._yscale = 100;
flag1_mc._xscale = 100;
flag2_mc._yscale = 100;
flag2_mc._xscale = 100;
flag3_mc._yscale = 100;
flag3_mc._xscale = 100;
flag4_mc._yscale = 100;
flag4_mc._xscale = 100;
if (flag == 0) {
pop_mc.txt.text = 'English';
if (buttonpress) {
language = flag;
} else {
if (flag == 1) {
pop_mc.txt.text = 'Deutsch';
if (buttonpress) {
language = flag;
} else {
if (flag == 2) {
pop_mc.txt.text = 'Français';
if (buttonpress) {
language = flag;
function dolanguagebutton() {
fxadj = -81 + zadjx;
uggadj = 40 + wadjx;
uggadjy = -8 + wadjy;
if (mousex >= 272 + fxadj + uggadj && mousex <= 397 + fxadj + uggadj && mousey >= 554 + uggadjy) {
flag1_mc._x = 360;
flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag1_mc._alpha = 100;
flag1_mc._xscale = 100;
flag1_mc._yscale = 100;
flag4_mc._alpha = 0;
flag3_mc._alpha = 0;
flag2_mc._alpha = 0;
if (buttonpress) {
seenpause = 1;
pausing = 1;
return undefined;
sp = 32;
lbx = 328 + fxadj;
flag1_mc._x = lbx;
flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag1_mc._alpha = 100;
flag1_mc._xscale = 50;
flag1_mc._yscale = 50;
flag2_mc._x = lbx + sp * 1;
flag2_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag2_mc._alpha = 100;
flag2_mc._xscale = 50;
flag2_mc._yscale = 50;
flag3_mc._x = lbx + sp * 2;
flag3_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag3_mc._alpha = 100;
flag3_mc._xscale = 50;
flag3_mc._yscale = 50;
function resay() {
if (speaking) {
say(savwordindex / 4, savbubx, savbuby);
function domover() {
if (!backmove) {
if (mover < moverd) {
mvspd = 100 / movertime;
mover += mvspd;
} else {
mover = moverd;
} else {
if (mover > 0) {
mvspd = 100 / movertime;
mover -= mvspd;
} else {
backmove = 0;
moverd = 0;
mover = 0;
if (!mbackmove) {
if (mmover < mmoverd) {
mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime;
mmover += mmvspd;
} else {
mmover = mmoverd;
} else {
if (mmover > 0) {
mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime;
mmover -= mmvspd;
} else {
mbackmove = 0;
mmoverd = 0;
mmover = 0;
mang = mover * 1.8;
m100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2;
mang = mmover * 1.8;
mm100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2;
function dopop() {
if (!buttonpress) {
plinkrel = 1;
if (showpop) {
if (mousey > 515 && mousex > 582) {
showpoptype = 4;
} else {
showpoptype = 10;
if (showpoptype == 10) {
pop_mc._x = 646;
pop_mc._y = 538;
} else {
pop_mc._x = 610;
pop_mc._y = 516;
if (buttonpress && plinkrel) {
getURL('', '_blank');
plinkrel = 0;
if (!buttonpress) {
plinkrel = 1;
} else {
pop_mc._x = -10000;
function do_powerbar() {
function dopowerbar() {
h100 = (horny + surge) / 100;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (dosurge) {
if (surge < 12 * dosurge) {
surge += dosurge;
} else {
dosurge = 0;
} else {
if (surge) {
surge -= 0.5;
sinehorny = sine(horny * 0.9) * 100;
function do_fsprites() {
i = 0;
while (i < totalsprites) {
i1 = i + 1;
if (fs_changing[i] > 0) {
tfs = fs_fadestep[i];
if (fs_alpha[i + 1] < 100) {
fs_alpha[i1] += tfs;
if (fs_alpha[i1] >= 100) {
fs_alpha[i1] = 100;
fs_alpha[i] = 100 - tfs;
} else {
if (fs_alpha[i] > 0) {
fs_alpha[i] -= tfs;
if (fs_alpha[i] <= 0) {
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
fs_frame[i] = fs_frame[i + 1];
fs_alpha[i + 1] = 0;
fs_frame[i + 1] = 5;
fs_changing[i] = 0;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i];
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i]);
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i1];
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i1]);
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._x = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._y = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._y;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._rotation = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._xscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._yscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale;
function fsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys, fadestep) {
if (wspritea == undefined) {
wspritea = 100;
if (wspritexs == undefined) {
wspritexs = 100;
if (wspriteys == undefined) {
wspriteys = 100;
if (fadestep == undefined) {
fadestep = 25;
fs_fadestep[wspritei] = fadestep;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez);
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys;
i = wspritei;
i1 = i + 1;
if (fadestep >= 100) {
fs_changing[i] = 0;
fs_frame[i] = wspritef;
fs_alpha[i] = wspritea;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (fs_changing[i] > 0) {
} else {
if (fs_changing[i] < 0) {
fs_changing[i] = 0;
fs_frame[i] = wspritef;
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (wspritef != fs_frame[i]) {
fs_changing[i] = 1;
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
fs_frame[i1] = wspritef;
fs_alpha[i1] = 0;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez + 1);
function wsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys) {
if (wspritea == undefined) {
wspritea = 100;
if (wspritexs == undefined) {
wspritexs = 100;
if (wspriteys == undefined) {
wspriteys = 100;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez);
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef);
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._alpha = wspritea;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys;
function wsperm(wspermi, wspermx, wspermy, wspermz, wspermr, wspermf, wsperma, wspermxs, wspermys) {
if (wsperma == undefined) {
wsperma = 100;
if (wspermxs == undefined) {
wspermxs = 100;
if (wspermys == undefined) {
wspermys = 100;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._x = wspermx;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._y = wspermy;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspermz);
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._rotation = wspermr;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspermf);
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._alpha = wsperma;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._xscale = wspermxs;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._yscale = wspermys;
function isnan(a) {
if (a <= 0 || a >= 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function sine(deg) {
rad = deg * Math.PI / 180;
return Math.sin(rad);
function cosine(deg) {
rad = deg * Math.PI / 180;
return Math.cos(rad);
function rad2deg(rad) {
deg = rad * 180 / Math.PI;
return deg;
function deg2rad(deg) {
rad = deg * Math.PI / 180;
return rad;
function abs(n) {
return Math.abs(n);
function floor(n) {
return Math.floor(n);
function rnd(range) {
r = floor(Math.random() * range);
return r;
function rnd1() {
r = rnd(65536);
if (r < 32768) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
function finddistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));
return distance;
function dokeys() {
if (!Key.isDown(27)) {
escrel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(27) && escrel) {
escrel = 0;
balpha = 0;
bfade = 0;
bubtimer = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
fadespeed = 0;
fadingout = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
if (!Key.isDown(68)) {
drel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(68) && drel && allowdebug && !pausing) {
if (debug) {
debug = 0;
} else {
debug = 1;
drel = 0;
if (!Key.isDown(83)) {
srel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(83) && srel && (secretunlocked || debug || allowsceneswitch) && !pausing) {
if (showpop) {
showpop = 0;
if (showpoptype == 10) {
showpoptype = 2;
fadingout = 0;
fadespeed = 0;
fade = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
srel = 0;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 0;
balpha = 0;
bfade = 0;
bubtimer = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
fadespeed = 0;
fadingout = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
if (debug) {
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(70)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(71)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(81)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(66)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
xscroll += qadjx;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
xscroll -= qadjx;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
xscroll += 5;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
xscroll -= 5;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (!teaser) {
kk = Key.getCode();
if (keyseq == 0 && kk == 66) {
keyseq = 1;
} else {
if (keyseq == 1) {
if (kk == 66) {
} else {
if (kk == 73) {
keyseq = 2;
rkeyrel = 0;
} else {
keyseq = 0;
} else {
if (keyseq == 2) {
if (kk == 73) {
} else {
if (kk == 78) {
keyseq = 3;
} else {
keyseq = 0;
} else {
if (keyseq == 3) {
if (kk == 78) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
secretunlocked = 1;
debug = 0;
allowdebug = 1;
highestscene = 10; = 10; = 1;
keyseq = 0;
sayfile('chimes.wav', 30);
pausing = 9;
} else {
if (kk != 66) {
keyseq = 0;
if (!teaser) {
kk = Key.getCode();
if (dkeyseq == 0 && kk == 65) {
dkeyseq = 1;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 1) {
if (kk == 65) {
} else {
if (kk == 75) {
dkeyseq = 2;
} else {
dkeyseq = 0;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 2) {
if (kk == 75) {
} else {
if (kk == 73) {
dkeyseq = 3;
} else {
dkeyseq = 0;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 3) {
if (kk == 73) {
} else {
if (kk == 75) {
dkeyseq = 4;
} else {
dkeyseq = 0;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 4) {
if (kk == 75) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(79)) {
allowdebug = 1;
keyseq = 0;
sayfile('chimes.wav', 30);
pausing = 25;
debug = 1;
} else {
if (kk != 72) {
keyseq = 0;
mon1 = 'a:' + adjx + ' ' + adjy + ' f:' + fadjx + ' ' + fadjy + ' g:' + gadjx + ' ' + gadjy + ' z:' + zadjx + ' ' + zadjy + ' q:' + qadjx + ' ' + qadjy + ' w:' + wadjx + ' ' + wadjy;
function calcFPS() {
now = getTimer();
elapsedSeconds = (now - startTime) / 1000;
tfps = numFrames / elapsedSeconds;
fpstab[fpsi] = tfps;
if (fpsi >= 4) {
fpsi = 0;
fps = (fpstab[0] + fpstab[1] + fpstab[2] + fpstab[3]) / 4;
if (fps >= 29.5) {
fps = 30;
if (fps >= 30) {
speedadj = 1;
} else {
speedadj = 1 + (30 - fps) / 10;
function initfps() {
startTime = getTimer();
numFrames = 0;
fps = 30;
speedadj = 1;
function sss(tshx, tshy, tshrad, telrad, tfpx, tfpy, facingr) {
reach = telrad + tshrad;
reach5 = reach - 1;
dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy);
ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(tshx - tfpx, tshy - tfpy));
if (dist2point >= reach5) {
xadd = sine(ang2point) * reach5;
yadd = -cosine(ang2point) * reach5;
tfpx = tshx + xadd;
tfpy = tshy + yadd;
dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy);
point2arm = ang2point + 180;
if (facingr) {
a = tshrad;
b = telrad;
} else {
a = telrad;
b = tshrad;
c = dist2point;
angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((b * b + c * c - a * a) / 2 * b * c));
angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((a * a + c * c - b * b) / 2 * a * c));
if (facingr) {
ugsha = ang2point + angleB;
ugela = point2arm - angleA + 180;
} else {
ugsha = ang2point - angleA;
ugela = point2arm + angleB + 180;
teaser = 0;
if (teaser) {
version1 = 'Teaser version';
} else {
version1 = '1.1 ';
teasertime = 0;
tmybug = 0;
allowsceneswitch = 0;
credits = 0;
if (teaser) {
mybug = 0;
blackpause = 0;
allowdebug = 0;
debug = 0;
} else {
mybug = 0;
blackpause = 0;
blankpause = 0;
allowsceneswitch = 0;
allowdebug = 0;
debug = 0;
scene = 0;
ssay = 0;
phase = 0;
scenes = 6;
scenetext = ['title', 'hankbj', 'office', 'Becky\'s room', 'Farm scene', '', ''];
if (debug) {
seenpause = 1;
} else {
seenpause = 0;
rolls = 0;
fadefont = 0;
language = 0;
goblack = 0;
resumegame = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
time = 0;
framerate = 20;
pusooypop = 0;
showpop = 0;
pausing = 0;
pauserel = 0;
smdelay = 0;
slomo = 0;
wait = 0;
games = 0;
noisy = 0;
highestscene = 0;
keyseq = 0;
dkeyseq = 0;
gadjy = 0;
gadjx = 0;
fadjy = 0;
fadjx = 0;
adjy = 0;
adjx = 0;
qadjy = 0;
qadjx = 0;
zadjy = 0;
zadjx = 0;
wadjy = 0;
wadjx = 0;
fadespeed = -2;
lickingtits = 0;
balpha = 0;
bubtime = 30;
bubtimer = 0;
time = 0;
testbubble = -1;
skippy = 0;
totalsprites = 32;
English = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Press the space bar again to continue playing.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'If you want a kiss, you\'ll have to get me a peach.', 0, 567, 350, 'There\'s a ripe one. See it?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You hit it too hard and smashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You let it fall and squashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'You caught it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hasn\'t done the kissing reward scene yet, so we\'ll just start all over for now.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hint: Next time press the W key to instantly pick up the stick.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Go ahead, look at it.', 0, 450, 138, 'You know you want to.', 2, 712, 14, 'There now. Take a good look.', 3, 487, 75, 'You\'re just so shy.', 3, 0, 0, 'That just really makes me go ape!', 3, 0, 0, 'It\'s getting all red!', 0, 388, 165, 'Is it blushing?', 0, 0, 0, 'Naw it ain\'t shy.', 2, 490, 105, 'It\'s just hot.', 2, 0, 0, 'It\'s red hot for you.', 2, 0, 0, 'You\'re just so cute!', 2, 450, 110, 'I almost can\'t stand it. Makes me feel like I\'m ready to explode!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh yes! Just like that!', 2, 455, 125, 'God yeah!', 2, 432, 21, 'I want you to suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'I want you to suck it till it cums.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it \'till the cream squirts.', 2, 431, 21, 'Cream?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'I want to fill your mouth with sweet love cream.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Yeah!', 2, 431, 21, 'That\'s a good girl.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suck me.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'But let\'s let this down first.', 3, 417, 92, 'You are just so sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Almost!', 2, 456, 12, 'Do it again. Make me cum.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! What a cute little pussy!', 2, 355, 93, 'I got to nail her tender little ass.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'How did I get stuck in this dreary little office doing paperwork?', 0, 337, 241, 'I\'m a salesman. I\'m supposed to be out there selling!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, to be back out travelling again.', 1, 300, 100, 'I been thinkin\' about it every day!', 2, 221, 283, 'You said that next time you wanted me to suck your... What did you call it?', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, isn\'t that what you said your real name is?', 1, 232, 194, 'Yes, but in the city, that\'s also what they call one of these.', 2, 415, 117, 'That\'s why I don\'t much like that name.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, okay. I won\'t call you that.', 2, 220, 376, 'I just couldn\'t forget that you wanted me to suck the milk out.', 2, 226, 175, 'Last time it squirted all over the place!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Here. Rub it like this.', 2, 484, 6, 'Like this?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Now put your lips on it.', 2, 534, 5, 'But keep stroking!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... Okay.', 0, 348, 137, 'Faster!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, I don’t like the new hired hand.', 0, 555, 205, 'He’s… \rHe looks at me funny.', 0, 0, 0, 'It makes me feel really creepy.', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh, well I’m sorry Becky. He’s a good worker and I really need him right now.', 1, 200, 115, 'Anyway it’s only temporary, just until the back forty is harvested.', 1, 0, 0, 'That creep is staring at me again!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Are they talking to me?', 4, 510, 260, 'Only my mother calls me that. Who else would be calling me Richard?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! It is you! I haven’t seen you since the 7th grade!', 0, 190, 110, 'You moved away.', 1, 490, 65, 'So, do they still call you Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'I have to admit I just don’t like that name. Sorry.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh no, I haven’t been Dick in… forever.', 0, 550, 160, 'My friends started calling me "Slick" and it stuck.', 0, 0, 0, 'Just don’t call me Richard. I really don’t like that. Sorry.', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'So, are you married?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, no. I did meet a girl the other day. We…', 1, 515, 200, 'Well I met a guy the other day too. What’s new? Are you engaged?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, no.', 1, 515, 200, 'I just remembered, I made a pie. You just have to try it! You’re off work aren’t you?', 0, 192, 230, 'I am too. Please! You just have to taste my cherry pie!', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay. You said the magic word.', 1, 540, 192, 'Pie!', 1, 0, 0, 'I seem to remember you being very small. You seem so much taller now!', 0, 280, 150, 'It’s the heels. I always wear very high heels. It fools a lot of people.', 1, 162, 136, 'Truth is, I’m still very tiny. Nothing’s changed.', 1, 0, 0, 'And your hair. It’s very different. You always wore it in pig tails.', 1, 0, 0, 'You liked it that way?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, so the little girl look really does it for you.', 1, 503, 168, 'More pie?', 1, 0, 0, 'Your pie is just so good! I can’t resist!', 0, 280, 150, 'I\'ll be right back.', 1, 520, 206, 'You like my hair better like this?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'I just couldn\'t find any little girl clothes.', 1, 525, 96, 'I hope this is okay.', 0, 445, 80, 'I want to be just perfect for you.', 0, 525, 106, 'You know, in school,', 0, 482, 139, 'I always had the biggest crush on you.', 0, 0, 0, 'And now all these years later,', 0, 520, 156, 'Here we are.', 0, 0, 0, 'It feels so good to have you so deep inside me,', 2, 214, 213, 'But I\'m so small it hurts when you go too deep.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Okay. Is this better?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm yes.\r Now grab my hair.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Now put your other hand on my back.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower!', 2, 0, 0, 'More, lower.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Yessss!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'It\'s okay. You can cum now.', 2, 178, 299, 'Come on. Pull my hair!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Let me get you a toothbrush. How about dark blue?', 3, 413, 235, 'There\'s already a dark blue one.', 2, 177, 188, 'Red?', 3, 413, 235, 'No good.', 2, 177, 188, 'I\'m running out of colors!', 3, 374, 234, 'What!? Do you think you\'re the only man in the world?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Damn! I need to go to the doctor!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penecillin?\r\r The clap?\r\r Me?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll those toothbrushes!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! I hate the city!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'That\'s it!\r\r I\'ve had it!\r\rI\'m getting out!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'I\'m quitting that stinking job and moving to the country!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Smells like heaven!', 0, 476, 161, 'I hope you like these soft velvet ropes. I got them just for you.', 0, 490, 130, 'This is so fine.', 1, 267, 145, 'So soft. So sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'It really makes me horny.', 1, 0, 0, 'But it\'s these pink panties I really want to see.', 1, 269, 110, 'Let\'s just get this out of the way.', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh yeah.', 2, 267, 167, 'We won\'t need this anymore.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'I\'ve never been this close to heaven.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Ever had one of these?', 0, 415, 96, 'Turn around.', 0, 428, 77, 'Let\'s try this new rigging.', 0, 531, 254, 'This takes the arms up.', 3, 498, 196, 'And now the legs.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, yes. This is just right.', 3, 270, 107, 'Now suck my balls.', 3, 385, 90, 'You were so good!', 2, 363, 102, 'I almost lost it there.', 2, 0, 0, 'There you go, just relax a little.', 3, 455, 152, 'I want to make some more adjustments to the rigging.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh yes!', 0, 299, 82, 'Let\'s try a little of this.', 0, 447, 98, 'No!', 0, 586, 141, 'Not yet!', 3, 482, 94, 'I\'ve waited long enough.', 3, 302, 189, 'I just want to fuck.', 3, 0, 0, 'Do you want it too?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh yeah, juicy as watermelon.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, my pink panties is missing.', 3, 200, 235, 'They was hangin\' right here on the clothesline, and just disappeared!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh not now Becky! We got a busted fence. Some of the livestock got out.', 1, 540, 164, 'We gotta go round \'em up right away.', 1, 0, 0, 'Where\'e that darn fool hired hand when you need him!', 0, 278, 130, 'He shouldn\'t oughta be in his room this time of day.', 3, 292, 190, 'What the hell you doin\' there boy!', 3, 302, 351, 'Is that there Becky\'s drawers you done violated?', 1, 200, 105, 'Y\'all better get on outta here boy, \'fore I lose my temper and run you through with this.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnd of part Two\rThe Hired Hand', 0, 320, 240, '\rSecret unlock code for part 2:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rGame design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench translation:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Special thanks\rto the Pusooy Mods\rfor help in game design', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
German = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Drücke die Abstandstaste um fortzufahren.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Wenn du einen Kuss willst, musst du mir was Besonderes bieten.', 0, 567, 350, 'Hier ist ein vollentwickelts Ding?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr beansprucht und so überfordert!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr benützt und damit kaputtgemacht!', 0, 0, 0, 'Du verstehst!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hat die Kuss-Belohnungsszene noch nicht fertiggestellt, daher wir werden jetzt von hier aus beginnen.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hinweis: Zunächst die W Taste drücken, um gleich den richtigen Einstieg zu bekommen.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Los, schau ihn dir an.', 0, 450, 138, 'Klar willst du\'s.', 2, 712, 14, 'Da ist er. Schau ihn dir genau an.', 3, 487, 75, 'Du bist aber auch zu zickig.', 3, 0, 0, 'Aber genau davon werde ich ganz affengeil!', 3, 0, 0, 'Der wird jetzt ganz rot!', 0, 388, 165, 'Schämt er sich?', 0, 0, 0, 'Nein, er schämt sich überhaupt nicht.', 2, 490, 105, 'Er wird aber feuerrot.', 2, 0, 0, 'Nur, weil er dich vögeln will.', 2, 0, 0, 'Du schaust aber so geil aus!', 2, 450, 110, 'Ich kann\'s schon fast nicht mehr halten. Ich spür\', mich zerreißt\'s gleich!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh ja! Genau so!!', 2, 455, 125, 'Mein Gott, ja!', 2, 432, 21, 'Blas\' mir einen!', 2, 431, 21, 'Was?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch\' ihn, bis ich abspritze.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ähh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Saug daran, bis meine Ladung herauskonnt.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ladung?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch jetzt!', 2, 431, 21, 'Mmmmmm...', 2, 210, 233, 'Ich mag in deinen Mund spritzen, bis er voll ist.', 2, 431, 21, 'Mhm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Jaaaaa!', 2, 431, 21, 'Braves Mädchen!', 3, 428, 84, 'Lutsch es raus!', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt \'runter damit!', 3, 417, 92, 'Du schaust so geil aus!', 2, 434, 23, 'Fast!', 2, 456, 12, 'Nochmal! Mach\'s mir noch einmal.', 2, 0, 0, 'Teufel! Was für hübsche kleine Möse!', 2, 355, 93, 'Ich nagle ihr kleines süßes Arschloch.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Warum muss ich in diesem faden kleinen Büro versauern und Papierkram erledigen?', 0, 337, 241, 'Ich bin ja Verkäufer. Ich sollte da draußen sein und verkaufen!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ach, wäre ich nur draußen und könnte wieder reisen!', 1, 300, 100, 'Ich muss jeden Tag daran denken!', 2, 221, 283, 'Du hast gesagt, das nächste Mal möchtest du, dass ich an deinem - wie hast du ihn genannt? - sauge.', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'He, so heißt du doch selber, das hast du mir gesagt?!', 1, 232, 194, 'Ja, aber in der Stadt nennen sie den auch so.', 2, 415, 117, 'Darum mag ich den Namen nicht so.', 2, 0, 0, 'Also gut, ich nenn\' dich halt nicht mehr so.', 2, 220, 376, 'Ich muss stängig dran denken, dass du wolltest, dass ich deine Milch haraussauge.', 2, 226, 175, 'Das letzte Mal ist es hier überall herumgespritzt!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Hier. Reib ihn genau so.', 2, 484, 6, 'So?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Jetzt nimm ihn in den Mund.', 2, 534, 5, 'Aber, hör nicht mit dem Reiben auf!', 2, 0, 0, 'Hmmm... Gut.', 0, 348, 137, 'Schneller!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Papa, Ich mag den neuen Knecht nicht.', 0, 555, 205, 'Er ist so… \rEr schaut mir er so schräg aus.', 0, 0, 0, 'Er macht mir richtig Angst.', 0, 0, 0, 'Na sowas! Blöd für dich, Becky. Aber er arbeitet gut und ich brauche ihn geade jetzt wirklich.', 1, 200, 115, 'Es ist aber nur für kurze Zeit, bis der hintere 40 Morgen-Acker abgeerntet ist.', 1, 0, 0, 'Der Kerl starrt mich schon wieder an!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Bin ich gemeint?', 4, 510, 260, 'Eigentlich nennt mich nur meine Mutter so. Wer sonst noch würde mich Richard nennen?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Ach du bist es! Ich habe dich seit der 7. Klasse nicht mehr gesehen!', 0, 190, 110, 'Du bist weggezogen.', 1, 490, 65, 'Nennen sie dich immer noch Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Ich gebe zu, dass ich leider diesen Namen nicht mag.', 1, 0, 0, 'Ich wurde nicht mehr Dick genannt seit...ewig.', 0, 550, 160, 'Meine Feunde fingen an, mich "Slick" zu nennen und das ist mir geblieben.', 0, 0, 0, 'Aber nenne mich nicht mehr Richard. Das will ich wirklich nicht. Entschuldige!', 0, 0, 0, 'Gut... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Also, bist du verheiratet?', 0, 390, 180, 'Ach nein. Ich habe ein Mädchen kennengelernt vor einiger Zeit. Wir..', 1, 515, 200, 'Schon gut, Ich habe auch vor Kurzem einen Burschen kennengelernt. Was gibt es Neues? Bist du in festen Händen?', 0, 145, 240, 'Aber nein.', 1, 515, 200, 'Da fällt mir ein, ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken. Den musst du kosten! Du hast jetzt Feierabend, oder?', 0, 192, 230, 'Ich auch. Bitte! Du musst unbedingt meinen Kirschenkuchen kosten!', 0, 0, 0, 'Na gut. Das war das Zauberwort!', 1, 540, 192, 'Kuchen!', 1, 0, 0, 'Soweit ich mich erinnere, warst du immer ziemlich klein. Jetzt siehst du viel größer aus!', 0, 280, 150, 'Das liegt an den Schuhen. Ich trage immer High-Heels. Das täuscht eine Menge Leute.', 1, 162, 136, 'In Wahrheit bin ich immer noch ziemlich klein. Daran hat sich nichts geändert.', 1, 0, 0, 'Und dein Haar. Das ist sehr anders. Du hattest es immer zu Schwänzchen gebunden.', 1, 0, 0, 'Hat es dir so gefallen?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, also, der Jungmädchenlook hat es dir richtig angetan.', 1, 503, 168, 'Noch Kuchen?', 1, 0, 0, 'Dein Kuchen ist sooo gut. Ich kann nicht widerstehen!', 0, 280, 150, 'Ich komme gleich wieder.', 1, 520, 206, 'Du findest mein Haar so besser?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Ich konnte aber keine Jungmädchenkleider finden.', 1, 525, 96, 'Ich hoffe, das ist so in Ordnung.', 0, 445, 80, 'Ich möchte für dich ganz perfekt sein.', 0, 525, 106, 'Kannst du dich an die Schule erinnern?', 0, 482, 139, 'Ich habe immer fürchterlich auf dich gestanden.', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt, so viele Jahre später,', 0, 520, 156, 'Sind wir also da.', 0, 0, 0, 'Das tut so gut, dich tief in mir zu spüren', 2, 214, 213, 'Aber ich bin so eng, da tut es weh, wenn du so tief eindringst.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Gut. Ist das so besser?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm ja!\r Jetzt zieh\' mich an den Haaren.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Jetzt drück\' mit der anderen Hand auf meinen Rücken.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer!', 2, 0, 0, 'Weiter, tiefer.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Jaaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Was?', 3, 525, 199, 'Ist schon in Ordnung. Du kannst jetzt abspritzen.', 2, 178, 299, 'Los. Zieh mich an den Haaren!', 2, 0, 0, 'Jaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, 'Lass mich dir eine Zahnbürste geben. Was ist mit einer dunkelblauen?', 3, 413, 235, 'Da ist ja schon eine dunkelblaue.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rot?', 3, 413, 235, 'Die nicht.', 2, 177, 188, 'Mir gehen die Farben aus!', 3, 374, 234, 'Wieso!? Glaubs du, dass du der einzige Mann auf der Welt bist?', 2, 275, 302, 'Uiiii! Verdammt! Ich muss zum Arzt gehen!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penizillin?\r\r Tripper?\r\r Ich?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll diese Zahnbürsten!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Ich hasse die Stadt!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Das war\'s!\r\r Schluss!\r\rIch muss hier raus!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Ich kündige den stinkigen Job und gehe aufs Land!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Riecht himmlisch!', 0, 476, 161, 'Ich hoffe, du magst diese weichen Samtfesseln. Ich habe sie extra für dich besorgt.', 0, 490, 130, 'Das ist so fein.', 1, 267, 145, 'So sanft. So geil.', 1, 267, 145, 'Das törnt mich richtig an.', 1, 0, 0, 'Aber es ist das rosa Höschen, das ich wirklich sehen will.', 1, 269, 110, 'Tun wir das jetzt weg!', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh ja.', 2, 267, 167, 'Wir brauchen das jetzt nicht mehr.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Ich war dem Himmel noch nie so nah.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Hast du sowas schon mal erlebt?', 0, 415, 96, 'Dreh dich um.', 0, 428, 77, 'Probieren wir diese neue Verschnürung aus.', 0, 531, 254, 'Das zieht die Arme hoch.', 3, 498, 196, 'Und jetzt die Beine.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ach ja. So ist es jetzt richtig.', 3, 270, 107, 'Jetzt lutsch mir die Eier.', 3, 385, 90, 'Gut so!', 2, 363, 102, 'Ich bin fast ausgeflippt.', 2, 0, 0, 'Das war gut, aber jetzt ruh\' dich etwas aus.', 3, 455, 152, 'Ich will die Fesseln noch mehr anpassen.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh ja!', 0, 299, 82, 'Probieren wir das ein bisschen aus.', 0, 447, 98, 'Nein!', 0, 586, 141, 'Noch nicht!', 3, 482, 94, 'Ich habe schon lange genug gewartet.', 3, 302, 189, 'Ich will dich jetzt vögeln!', 3, 0, 0, 'Willst du auch?', 0, 321, 129, 'Ja, schön! Saftig wie eine Wassermelone.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mein rosa Höschen fehlt.', 3, 200, 235, 'Das war genau hier auf der Wäscheleine und jetzt ist es weg!', 3, 0, 0, 'Nicht jetzt Becky! Unser Zaun ist aufgegangen. Das Vieh ist ausgebüchst.', 1, 540, 164, 'Wir müssen es sofort wieder einfangen.', 1, 0, 0, 'Wo ist denn der verdammt blöde Erntehelfer, wenn man ihn braucht!', 0, 278, 130, 'So früh sollte er sich nicht in sein Loch verzogen haben.', 3, 292, 190, 'Was zur Hölle tust du da, Junge!', 3, 302, 351, 'Ist das nicht Beckys Unterwäsche, die du da als Wichsvorlage genommen hast?', 1, 200, 105, '\'Raus da, Junge, bevor mir der Kragen platzt und ich dich mit der Mistgabel aufspieße.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnde von Teil 1\rDer Erntehelfer', 0, 320, 240, '\rGeheimcode zum Entsperren von Teil 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rSpielentwurf, Programmierung, Zeichnungen and Musik von\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Deutsche Übersetzung: Arnulf\rFranzösische Übersetzung: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Besonderen Dank\ran die Pusooy Moderatoren\rfür ihre Unterstützung beim Spielentwurf', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
French = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Pressez la barre d\'espacement pour continuer à jouer.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Si tu veux un baiser, il va falloir que tu m\'attrapes une pêche.', 0, 567, 350, 'Il y en a une mûre juste là . Tu la vois ?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Tu l\'as frappée trop fort et elle s\'est détruite!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! tu l\'as laissée tomber et elle s\'est écrasé!', 0, 0, 0, 'tu l\'as eue!', 0, 0, 0, ' Puso n\'a pas encore fait la scène du baiser maintenant, alors nous allons recommencer du début pour maintenant.', 1, 468, 345, 'Indice: La prochaine fois, pressez la touche W pour prendre immédiatement le bâton.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Allez, regarde-la.', 0, 450, 138, 'Tu sais que tu le veux.', 2, 712, 14, 'Voilà , regarde-la bien.', 3, 487, 75, 'Tu es si timide.', 3, 0, 0, 'Ça me rend fou!', 3, 0, 0, 'Il devient tout rouge!', 0, 388, 165, 'Est-il gêné?', 0, 0, 0, 'Non, ce n\'est pas gêné.', 2, 490, 105, 'Il est simplement excité.', 2, 0, 0, 'Il est rouge d\'excitation pour toi.', 2, 0, 0, 'Tu es si mignonne!', 2, 450, 110, 'Je ne peux presque pas me contenir. Je sens que je suis prêt à exploser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh oui! Juste comme ça!', 2, 455, 125, 'Oh Bon Dieu oui!', 2, 432, 21, 'Je veux que tu le suces!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Je veux que tu le suces jusqu\'à ce que je vienne.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le jusqu\'à ce que la crème jaillisse.', 2, 431, 21, 'La crème?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'Je veux te remplir la bouche de ma crème d\'amour.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Ouais!', 2, 431, 21, 'Tu es une bonne fille.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suce moi.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mais avant, baissons ceci.', 3, 417, 92, 'Tu es si sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Presque!', 2, 456, 12, 'Fais-le encore. Fais moi jouir.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! Quelle jolie petite chatte!', 2, 355, 93, 'Je dois baiser ce beau petit cul.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Comment me suis-je retrouvé dans ce petit bureau merdique à faire de la paperasse?', 0, 337, 241, 'Je suis un vendeur. Je suis supposé être à l\'extérieur en train de vendre!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, voyager de nouveau.', 1, 300, 100, 'J\'y pense chaque jour!', 2, 221, 283, 'Tu m\'as dit que la prochaine fois que tu voulais que je suce... Tu l\'as appelé comment déjà ?', 1, 220, 256, 'Bite.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, tu ne m\'as pas dit que c\'était en fait ton vrai nom?', 1, 232, 194, 'Oui, mais en ville il appelle aussi ce truc par ce nom.', 2, 415, 117, 'C\'est pour cela que je n\'aime pas trop mon nom.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, d\'accord. Je ne t\'appellerais pas comme ça alors.', 2, 220, 376, 'Je ne peux pas oublier que tu voulais que je suce le lait vers l\'extérieur.', 2, 226, 175, 'La dernière fois, ça a giclé partout!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Voici. Masse le comme ceci.', 2, 484, 6, 'Comme ça?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Maintenant, place tes lèvres dessus.', 2, 534, 5, 'Mais continuer à le masser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... d\'accord.', 0, 348, 137, 'Plus vite!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, je n\'aime pas le nouvel employé.', 0, 555, 205, 'Il… \rIl me regarde de façon étrange.', 0, 0, 0, 'Il me met très mal à l\'aise.', 0, 0, 0, 'Eh bien, je suis désolé Becky. Il est un bon travailleur et j\'ai vraiment besoin de lui actuellement. ', 1, 200, 115, 'De toute façon, c\'est seulement temporaire jusqu\'à ce que les dernières récoltes soient complétées. ', 1, 0, 0, 'Ce pervers me regarde encore', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Est-ce qu\'il me parle?', 4, 510, 260, 'Seulement ma mère m\'appelle comme cela. Qui d\'autre m\'appellerait Richard ? ', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! C\'est vraiment toi! Je ne t\'avais pas vu depuis la 7e année!', 0, 190, 110, 'tu avais déménagé.', 1, 490, 65, 'Est-ce qu\'il t\'appelle toujours Bite? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Je dois t\'avouer que je n\'aime pas beaucoup ce nom. Désolé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh non, je ne suis plus Bite depuis... presque toujours.', 0, 550, 160, 'Mes amis ont commencé à m\'appeler "Slick" et c\'est resté.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ne m\'appelle pas Richard. Je n\'aime pas trop ça également. Désolé.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ok... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Alors, tu es marié?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, non. J\'ai rencontré une fille l\'autre jour. Nous…', 1, 515, 200, 'Bien j\'ai rencontré un garçon aussi l\'autre jour. Quoi de neuf? êtes-vous fiancés?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, non.', 1, 515, 200, 'Je me souviens, J\'ai fait une tarte hier. Tu dois y goûter! Tu as fini le boulot, n\'est-ce pas?', 0, 192, 230, 'Moi aussi. S\'il te plaît! Tu dois goûter à ma tarte à la cerise!', 0, 0, 0, 'D\'accord. Tu as dit le mot magique.', 1, 540, 192, 'Tarte!', 1, 0, 0, 'Je me souviens de toi comme étant plus petite. Tu sembles beaucoup plus grande maintenant!', 0, 280, 150, 'C\'est les talons. Je porte toujours des talons hauts. Ça confond beaucoup de gens.', 1, 162, 136, 'La vérité est que je suis encore toute menue. Rien n\'a changé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Et tes cheveux. C\'est très différent. Tu les portais toujours en queue de cheval.', 1, 0, 0, 'Tu les aimes comme ça?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, alors le look petite collégienne est vraiment ce que tu aimes.', 1, 503, 168, 'Une autre pointe de tarte?', 1, 0, 0, 'Ta tarte est si bonne! Je ne peux pas résister!', 0, 280, 150, 'Je reviens sous peu.', 1, 520, 206, 'Tu préfères mes cheveux comme ça?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Je n\'ai pas trouvé de vêtement d\'écolière.', 1, 525, 96, 'J,espère que ce sera bien tout de même.', 0, 445, 80, 'Je veux être parfaite pour toi.', 0, 525, 106, 'Tu sais, à l\'école,', 0, 482, 139, 'J\'avais vraiment un gros béguin pour toi.', 0, 0, 0, 'Et maintenant toutes ces années plus tard,', 0, 520, 156, 'Nous voilà .', 0, 0, 0, 'C\'est si bon de t\'avoir profondément en moi,', 2, 214, 213, 'Mais je suis si petite que c\'est douloureux lorsque tu vas trop profond.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Ok. Est-ce que c\'est mieux?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm Oui.\r Maitenant, prend mes cheveux.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Place ton autre main sur mon dos.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas!', 2, 0, 0, 'Encore plus bas.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Oooouuuuiiiii!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'C\'est ok. Tu peux jouir maintenant.', 2, 178, 299, 'Allez. Tire mes cheveux!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Laisse-moi te donner une brosse à dents. Bleu foncé, ça te va?', 3, 413, 235, 'Il y en a déj;a une de sortie.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rouge?', 3, 413, 235, 'Non.', 2, 177, 188, 'Je n\'ai plus d\'autres couleurs!', 3, 374, 234, 'Quoi!? Tu crois que tu es le seul homme au monde?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Merde! Je dois aller voir un médecin!', 2, 445, 130, 'Pénicilline?\r\r La gonorrhée?\r\r Moi?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rToutes ces brosses à dents!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Je déteste cette ville!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Voilà !\r\r J\'en ai assez!\r\rJe m\'en vais!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Je quitte cet emploi pourri et je m\'en vais à la campagne!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Ça sent comme le paradis!', 0, 476, 161, 'J\'espère que tu aimes ces cordes douces. Je les ai achetés juste pour toi.', 0, 490, 130, 'C\'est tellement joli.', 1, 267, 145, 'Si doux. Si sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'Ça me rend vraiment excité.', 1, 0, 0, 'Mais c\'est ta culotte rose que je veux vraiment voir.', 1, 269, 110, 'Enlevons cela .', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh oui.', 2, 267, 167, 'Nous n\'aurons plus besoin de ceci.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Je n\'ai jamais été aussi près du paradis.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Tu as déjà un comme celui-ci?', 0, 415, 96, 'Tourne toi.', 0, 428, 77, 'Essayons ce nouvel arrangement.', 0, 531, 254, 'Cela fait lever les bras.', 3, 498, 196, 'Et maintenant les jambes.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, oui. C\'est parfait.', 3, 270, 107, 'Maintenant suce mes balles.', 3, 385, 90, 'Tu étais si bonne!', 2, 363, 102, 'Je suis presque venu.', 2, 0, 0, 'Voilà , détend toi un petit peu.', 3, 455, 152, 'Je veux faire quelques ajustements à la machine.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh oui!', 0, 299, 82, 'Essayons un peu de ceci.', 0, 447, 98, 'Non!', 0, 586, 141, 'Pas tout de suite!', 3, 482, 94, 'J\'ai attendu assez longtemps.', 3, 302, 189, 'Je veux baiser.', 3, 0, 0, 'Tu le veux aussi?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh oui, juteux comme un melon d\'eau.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, ma culotte rose a disparu.', 3, 200, 235, 'Il était là dehors et elle a disparue!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh pas maintenant Becky! La barrière est brisée. Une partie du bétail s\'est enfui.', 1, 540, 164, 'Il faut les ramener tout de suite.', 1, 0, 0, 'Où est cet idiot d\'employé lorsque j\'en ai besoin!', 0, 278, 130, 'Il ne devrait pas être dans sa chambre à cette heure.', 3, 292, 190, 'Qu\'est-ce que tu fou là petit idiot!', 3, 302, 351, 'Est-ce que la culotte de Becky que tu as souillée?', 1, 200, 105, 'Tu es mieux de foutre le camp rapidement petit pervers, \'vant que je perde mon calme et que je te défonce le cul avec ceci.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rFin de la partie 1\rl\'employé', 0, 320, 240, '\rCode secret pour la partie 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r Tout droits réservés', 0, 320, 240, '\rDésign, codage, art et musique du jeu par\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Traduction allemande: Arnulf\rTraduction française:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Merci\rà tous les modérateurs de Pusooy\rpour leur aide dans le design du jeu', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (!soundstarted) {
Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.scaleMode = 'noBorder';
if (!teaser) {
gamesave = SharedObject.getLocal('gfsave');
if (teaser) {
oldscene = -1;
oldphase = 0;
gslastscene = 0;
secretunlocked = 1;
highestscene = 10;
} else {
oldscene = -1;
oldphase = 0;
gslastscene = 0;
secretunlocked = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
butrel = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('mousebutton', 1);
_root.onMouseDown = function () {
buttonpress = 1;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
buttonpress = 0;
butrel = 1;
hidemouse = 0;
mousemove = 0;
_root.onMouseMove = function () {
mousemove = 15;
if (mousex < 40 || mousex > 560 || mousey < 40 || mousey > 472) {;
} else {
if (hidemouse) {
} else {;
savmute = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
blinker = time & 8;
mousex = _root._xmouse;
mousey = _root._ymouse;
if (!seenpause) {
if (scene > 0 && !pausing) {
seenpause = 1;
if (pausing) {
if (lickingtits && ahvol > 0) {
if (mute != 99) {
savmute = mute;
mute = 99;
if (!blankpause) {
if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel || pausing == 8 && buttonpress) {
if (teaser && pausing == 8) {
fade = 100;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
scene = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
forcebuboff = 1;
teasertime = 0;
pausing = 0;
pauserel = 0;
slomo = 0;
ahwait = 0;
talking3 = 0;
talking2 = 0;
mute = savmute;
pop_mc._x = -10000;
if (mybug && blackpause) {
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (playingpalace) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel) {
pausing = 1;
seenpause = 1;
pauserel = 0;
slomo = 0;
if (mybug && blackpause) {
bg4a = 100;
bg4_mc._alpha = 100;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
} else {
if (teaser && pausing == 0 && scene >= 2 && teasertime > 200) {
pausing = 8;
} else {
if (debug && Key.isDown(86) || slomo) {
if (smdelay >= 25) {
smdelay = 0;
} else {
if (!Key.isDown(32)) {
pauserel = 1;
if (scene > highestscene && !teaser) {
highestscene = scene; = scene;
mon0 = 'mx:' + mousex + ' my:' + mousey + ' fps:' + floor(fps) + ' scene:' + scene + ' say:' + ssay + ' h:' + horny + ' p:' + pausing;
mon7 = '';
mon6 = '';
mon5 = '';
mon4 = '';
mon3 = '';
mon2 = '';
mon1 = '';
var mon0 = '';
bfade = 0;
rolledoff = 0;
rolledon = 0;
forcebuboff = 0;
fadingout = 0;
arrowcolor = 0;
arrowcursor = 0;
arrowangle = 0;
attacharrow = 0;
arrowy = 0;
arrowx = 0;
arrowtype = 0;
arrowphase = -1;
arrowblink = 0;
arrowalpha = 0;
bjphase = 0;
oautopilot = 0;
autopilot = 0;
tautoangle = 0;
autoangle = 0;
finddir = 1;
showhigh = 0;
showleft = 0;
ptasks = 14;
ptasksdone = 0;
powerbarsize = 0;
powerbarcolor = 0;
powerbarside = 0;
enjoy = 0;
hint = 0;
hintx = 0;
hinty = 0;
swoosh = 0;
swooshx = 0;
swooshy = 0;
swooshdir = 0;
swoosha = 0;
swooshadd = 0;
swalpha = 0;
onhot = 0;
hotdir = 0;
githot = 0;
hotspot_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gothot) {
onhot = 0;
return undefined;
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
onhot = 1;
hidemouse = 1;
mouse_mc._x = mousex;
mouse_mc._y = mousey;
if (ssay == 60) {
} else {
mouse_mc._alpha = 100;
mouse_mc._rotation = hotdir;
hotspot_mc._alpha = 20;
} else {
if (onhot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
onhot = 0;
hidemouse = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
fast = 0;
fastend = 0;
moverd = 0;
moverm = 0;
mover = 0;
movertime = 40;
mmoverd = 0;
mmoverm = 0;
mmover = 0;
mmovertime = 40;
backmove = 0;
mbackmove = 0;
showpoptype = 2;
plinkrel == 0;
showscenebar = 0;
onbeta = 0;
beta_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (showscenebar) {
return undefined;
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && scene != 1) {
onbeta = 1;
if (teaser) {
if (scene == 0) {
} else {
} else {
beta_mc._x = 176 + adjx;
beta_mc._y = 563 + adjy;
} else {
onbeta = 0;
beta_mc.txt.text = '\rVersion:' + version1 + ' ';
betarel = 1;
beta_mc._x = 49 + fadjx;
beta_mc._y = 565 + fadjy;
dosurge = 0;
surge = 0;
horny = 0;
fs_changing = [];
fs_frame = [];
fs_alpha = [];
fs_fadestep = [];
var PI = Math.PI;
escrel = 1;
fpsi = 0;
fpstab = [30, 30, 30, 30];
ugsha = 0;
ugela = 0;
movieClip 132 {
movieClip 135 {
frame 2 {
function doscene() {
if (scene == 0) {
} else {
if (scene == 1) {
} else {
if (scene == 2) {
} else {
if (scene == 3) {
} else {
if (scene == 4) {
} else {
if (scene == 5) {
} else {
if (scene == 6) {
} else {
if (scene == 7) {
} else {
if (scene == 8) {
} else {
if (scene == 9) {
} else {
if (scene == 10) {
} else {
if (scene == 11) {
} else {
if (scene == 12) {
} else {
if (scene == 13) {
} else {
if (scene == 14) {
} else {
if (scene == 15) {
function domon() {
if (!debug) {
mon0_mc._x = -10000;
return undefined;
mon0_mc.mon0_txt.text = mon0 + '\r' + mon1 + '\r' + mon2 + '\r' + mon3 + '\r' + mon4 + '\r' + mon5 + '\r' + mon6 + '\r' + mon7;
mon0_mc._x = 210;
function drawCircle(cx, cy, r) {
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
var c1 = r * 0.4142135623730952;
var c2 = r * Math.SQRT2 / 2;
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(cx + r, cy);
curveTo(cx + r, cy + c1, cx + c2, cy + c2);
curveTo(cx + c1, cy + r, cx, cy + r);
curveTo(cx - c1, cy + r, cx - c2, cy + c2);
curveTo(cx - r, cy + c1, cx - r, cy);
curveTo(cx - r, cy - c1, cx - c2, cy - c2);
curveTo(cx - c1, cy - r, cx, cy - r);
curveTo(cx + c1, cy - r, cx + c2, cy - c2);
curveTo(cx + r, cy - c1, cx + r, cy);
function say(windex, narrow, forcex, forcey) {
ssay = windex;
forcebuboff = 0;
if (narrow == undefined) {
narrow = 0;
i = windex * 4;
savwordindex = i;
if (language == 0) {
words = English[i];
type = English[i + 1];
bubx = English[i + 2];
buby = English[i + 3];
} else {
if (language == 1) {
words = German[i];
type = German[i + 1];
bubx = German[i + 2];
buby = German[i + 3];
} else {
if (language == 2) {
words = French[i];
type = French[i + 1];
bubx = French[i + 2];
buby = French[i + 3];
} else {
if (language == 3) {
words = Italian[i];
type = Italian[i + 1];
bubx = Italian[i + 2];
buby = Italian[i + 3];
if (forcex != undefined && forcey != undefined) {
bubx = forcex;
buby = forcey;
if (bubx == 0 && buby == 0) {
bubx = savbubx;
buby = savbuby;
savbubx = bubx;
savbuby = buby;
strlen = words.length;
if (type < 0) {
return undefined;
speaking = 1;
if (type == 11) {
tmread = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloon', 200);
_root.twordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('twordBalloonGraphic', 201);
} else {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloon', 32222);
_root.wordBalloon.createEmptyMovieClip('wordBalloonGraphic', 32223);
rolledon = 0;
rolledoff = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if (rolledoff > 10) {
rolledon = 1;
} else {
trolledon = 0;
trolledoff = 0;
_root.twordBalloon.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
if (trolledoff > 10) {
trolledon = 1;
tmread = 1;
} else {
if (type == 11) {
tballoonFormat = new TextFormat();
if (fadefont) {
tballoonFormat.font = 'arialfont';
tballoonFormat.size = 14;
} else {
tballoonFormat.font = 'Arial';
tballoonFormat.size = 12;
tballoonFormat.color = 0;
tballoonFormat.align = 'center';
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75);
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true;
if (fadefont) {
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words;
bTxtW = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width;
bTxtH = _root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2;
_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.twordBalloon.twordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
if (type == 11) {
lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100);
} else {
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
balloonFormat = new TextFormat();
if (fadefont) {
balloonFormat.font = 'arialfont';
balloonFormat.size = 14;
} else {
balloonFormat.font = 'Arial';
balloonFormat.size = 12;
balloonFormat.color = 0;
balloonFormat.align = 'center';
if (narrow == -1) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 180, 100);
} else {
if (narrow == 2) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 80, 100);
} else {
if (narrow == 1) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 120, 100);
} else {
if (narrow == 1.5) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 95, 100);
} else {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.createTextField('balloon_txt', 1, 5, 5, 150, 75);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.selectable = false;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.html = true;
if (fadefont) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.embedFonts = true;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.wordWrap = true;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.autoSize = true;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt.htmlText = words;
bTxtW = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._width;
bTxtH = _root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._height;
if (type >= 4 && type < 100) {
if (type == 4) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
} else {
if (type == 5) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
} else {
if (type >= 10) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - bTxtW / 2;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
if (type == 11) {
lineStyle(2, 12632256, 100);
} else {
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
if (type == 4) {
r = 3;
cx = -1;
cy = bTxtH + 30;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 4;
cx = 5;
cy = bTxtH + 24;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 5;
cx = 10;
cy = bTxtH + 16;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
} else {
if (type == 5) {
r = 3;
cx = 1 + (bTxtW + 10);
cy = bTxtH + 30;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 4;
cx = -5 + (bTxtW + 10);
cy = bTxtH + 24;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
r = 5;
cx = -10 + (bTxtW + 10);
cy = bTxtH + 16;
drawCircle(cx, cy, r);
} else {
if (type == 3) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx + 20;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 18);
curveTo(-10, 20, -20, 0);
curveTo(-10, 10, 0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
if (type == 2) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 30);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby;
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 10, bTxtW + 30, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 20, 20, bTxtW + 10, 18);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
if (type == 111) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 40, bTxtH + 40);
curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
if (type == 1) {
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx - (bTxtW + 10);
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(bTxtW + 0, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 30);
curveTo(bTxtW - 5, bTxtH + 20, bTxtW - 10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
} else {
ost = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
if (ost < 0) {
buby -= ost - 2;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._x = bubx;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = buby - (bTxtH + 30);
with (_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic) {
beginFill(16777215, 100);
lineStyle(2, 0, 100);
moveTo(10, 0);
lineTo(bTxtW, 0);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, 0, bTxtW + 10, 10);
lineTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH);
curveTo(bTxtW + 10, bTxtH + 10, bTxtW, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(20, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(15, bTxtH + 20, 0, bTxtH + 30);
curveTo(10, bTxtH + 20, 10, bTxtH + 10);
lineTo(10, bTxtH + 10);
curveTo(0, bTxtH + 10, 0, bTxtH);
lineTo(0, 10);
curveTo(0, 0, 10, 0);
balpha = 0;
bfade = 20;
extratime = strlen;
ububtime = bubtime + extratime;
function dofade() {
if (bfade > 0) {
balpha += bfade;
if (balpha >= 100) {
balpha = 100;
bfade = 0;
bubtimer = ububtime;
bubtimer = 5;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
} else {
if (bfade < 0) {
balpha += bfade;
if (balpha <= 0) {
balpha = 0;
bfade = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000;
speaking = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
if (bubtimer > 0) {
if (bubtimer <= 0) {
bubtimer = 0;
if (bfade == 0 && bubtimer == 0 && (rolledon || forcebuboff)) {
bfade = -20;
if (fadespeed < 0) {
fade += fadespeed;
if (fade <= 0) {
fade = 0;
fadespeed = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
} else {
if (fadespeed > 0) {
fade += fadespeed;
if (fade >= 100) {
fade = 100;
fadespeed = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
if (fade <= 0) {
function startfadeout() {
fadingout = 1;
fadespeed = 2;
function startfadeoutwhite() {
fadingout = 1;
fadespeed = 0.5;
function startfadein() {
fadingout = 0;
fadespeed = -2;
function hideall(flag) {
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
webmasters_mc._alpha = 0;
webmasters_mc._x = -10000;
webmasters_shad_mc._x = -10000;
startbutton_mc._x = -10000;
mon6 = '';
mon5 = '';
mon4 = '';
mon3 = '';
mon2 = '';
mon1 = '';
mon0 = '';
if (flag == 2) {
} else {
oldmousex = mousex;
adjy = 0;
adjx = 0;
attacharrow = 0;
attach = 0;
arrowcursor = 0;
arrowx = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = arrowx;
bg1_mc._x = -10000;
bg2_mc._x = -10000;
bg3_mc._x = -10000;
bg4_mc._x = -10000;
bg1_mc._xscale = 100;
bg2_mc._xscale = 100;
bg3_mc._xscale = 100;
bg4_mc._xscale = 100;
bg1_mc._yscale = 100;
bg2_mc._yscale = 100;
bg3_mc._yscale = 100;
bg4_mc._yscale = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
function killsprites() {
function hidesprites() {
gothot = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < totalsprites) {
fs_changing[i] = -1;
fs_frame[i] = 0;
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
ii = i;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._xscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._yscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc']._rotation = 0;
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2);
_root['sprite' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i);
if (i < 20) {
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc']._alpha = 0;
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(9);
_root['sperm' + ii + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10050 - i);
function startarrow(arx, ary, ardir) {
if (bjphase == arrowphase) {
return undefined;
arrowphase = bjphase;
arrowangle = ardir * 90;
arrowx = arx;
arrowy = ary;
arrowtype = 1;
arrowalpha = 0;
arrowblink = 0;
arrowtime = 200;
autopilot = 2;
function killarrow() {
arrowtype = 0;
arrowphase = -1;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
autopilot = 0;
function doarrow() {
if (arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime) {
seearrow = 0;
if (Key.isDown(72) && hint) {
seearrow = 2;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(72) || arrowtype == 1 && arrowtime == 0) {
seearrow = 1;
if (swoosh) {
if (autopilot != oautopilot && autopilot > 1) {
oautopilot = autopilot;
if (autopilot && !seearrow) {
if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) {
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
arrow2_mc._xscale = 100;
aindex = 0;
extra = 0;
t = rnd(100);
if (t <= 33) {
d = -1;
} else {
if (t >= 66) {
d = 1;
} else {
d = 0;
tautoangle += d;
if (tautoangle > 9) {
tautoangle = 9;
if (tautoangle < -9) {
tautoangle = -9;
dx = tautoangle - autoangle;
autoangle += dx / 6;
} else {
if (autopilot == 2) {
extra = 3;
aindex = 3;
if (finddir > 0) {
autoangle += 0.5;
if (autoangle >= 9) {
finddir = -1;
} else {
autoangle -= 0.5;
if (autoangle <= -9) {
finddir = 1;
} else {
if (autopilot == 3) {
aindex = 6;
extra = 4;
t = rnd(100);
if (t <= 33) {
d = -1;
} else {
if (t >= 66) {
d = 1;
} else {
d = 0;
tautoangle += d;
if (tautoangle > 9) {
tautoangle = 9;
if (tautoangle < -9) {
tautoangle = -9;
dx = tautoangle - autoangle;
autoangle += dx / 6;
} else {
if (autopilot == 4) {
aindex = 9;
extra = 4;
t = rnd(100);
if (t <= 33) {
d = -1;
} else {
if (t >= 66) {
d = 1;
} else {
d = 0;
tautoangle += d;
if (tautoangle > 9) {
tautoangle = 9;
if (tautoangle < -9) {
tautoangle = -9;
dx = tautoangle - autoangle;
autoangle += dx / 6;
} else {
if (autopilot == 5) {
aindex = 12;
extra = 0;
autoangle = -45;
} else {
if (autopilot == 6 || autopilot == 8) {
aindex = 15;
extra = 0;
autoangle = -45;
} else {
if (autopilot == 7) {
aindex = 18;
extra = 0;
autoangle = -45;
if (showleft) {
arrow_mc._x = -48 + showleft;
} else {
arrow_mc._x = 609 - extra;
if (autopilot == 1 || autopilot == 1.1) {
arrow_mc._y = 477;
} else {
if (autopilot == 3) {
arrow_mc._y = 482;
} else {
arrow_mc._y = 457;
arrow_mc._y -= showhigh * 445;
if (autopilot == 1.1) {
arrow_mc._alpha = 0;
} else {
arrow_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow_mc._rotation = 45 + autoangle;
arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(28 + aindex);
if (autopilot == 5) {
arrow_mc._yscale = ptasks * 400;
arrow_mc._y = 500;
} else {
arrow_mc._yscale = 100;
atext = 0;
if (showhigh) {
if (mousex >= 650 && mousey <= 30) {
atext = 1;
if (language == 1) {
atext = 31;
} else {
if (mousex >= 650 && mousey >= 510) {
atext = 1;
if (language == 1) {
atext = 31;
if (autopilot == 8) {
arrow_mc._x = -50;
arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x;
heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x;
arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y;
heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
heart_mc._rotation = 0;
arrow2_mc._alpha = powerbarsize;
mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize;
hearta = powerbarsize * 10;
if (hearta > 100) {
hearta = 100;
heart_mc._alpha = hearta;
heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y - 100;
heart_mc._y += (pokemax - 90) * 1.5;
arrow2_mc._xscale = mpowerbarsize;
arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize;
arrow2_mc._y -= powerbarsize / 2;
if (powerbarcolor < 0) {
arrow2_mc._x = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
if (autopilot == 6) {
if (ssay == 696.1) {
} else {
if (powerbarside > 0) {
arrow_mc._x = 40;
arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x;
heart_mc._x = arrow2_mc._x;
arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y;
heart_mc._y = arrow2_mc._y;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
heart_mc._rotation = 0;
if (atext) {
if (hint) {
} else {
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex);
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
} else {
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(51 + powerbarcolor);
mpowerbarsize = powerbarsize;
if (mpowerbarsize > 100) {
hearta = (mpowerbarsize - 100) * 10;
heart_mc._alpha = hearta;
mpowerbarsize = 100;
} else {
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
arrow2_mc._yscale = mpowerbarsize;
if (powerbarcolor < 0) {
arrow2_mc._x = -10000;
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
if (autopilot == 5) {
arrow2_mc._x = arrow_mc._x;
arrow2_mc._y = arrow_mc._y;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
if (atext) {
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex);
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
} else {
arrow2_mc._yscale = ptasksdone * 400;
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
} else {
arrow2_mc._x = 609 - extra * 2;
arrow2_mc._y = 502 - showhigh * 445;
arrow2_mc._alpha = 100;
arrow2_mc._rotation = 0;
arrow2_mc.gotoAndStop(29 + atext + aindex);
arrow2_mc._yscale = 100;
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
arrow_mc._x += 80;
arrow_mc._y += 54;
heart_mc._x += 80;
heart_mc._y += 54;
arrow2_mc._x += 80;
arrow2_mc._y += 54;
return undefined;
arrow2_mc._x = -10000;
heart_mc._alpha = 0;
if (seearrow == 2) {
if (arrowalpha < 100) {
arrowalpha += 5;
arrow_mc._x = hintx;
arrow_mc._y = hinty;
arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha;
arrow_mc._rotation = hintangle;
arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor);
} else {
if (arrowtype == 0) {
arrow_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
if (arrowtype == 1) {
if (Key.isDown(72) && arrowtime) {
arrowtime = 0;
if (onhot) {
arrowtime = 100;
if (arrowtime) {
return undefined;
if (arrowblink == 0) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5;
if (arrowalpha < 100) {
arrowalpha += 5;
} else {
arrowblink = 1;
if (!onhot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5;
} else {
if (arrowalpha > 0) {
arrowalpha -= 5;
} else {
arrowblink = 0;
arrowtime = 100;
if (!onhot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = arrowalpha / 5;
arrow_mc._x = arrowx;
arrow_mc._y = arrowy;
arrow_mc._alpha = arrowalpha;
arrow_mc._rotation = arrowangle;
arrow_mc.gotoAndStop(20 + arrowcolor);
function doswoosh_arrow() {
swoosh += 20;
if (swoosh >= 180) {
swoosh = 180;
if (swoosh < 90) {
if (swalpha < 60) {
swalpha += 20;
} else {
swalpha = 100;
} else {
if (swoosh >= 90) {
swalpha -= 20;
hidemouse = 0;
if (swalpha <= 0) {
swalpha = 0;
swoosh = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
return undefined;
if (ssay == 566) {
swooshadd += (sine(swoosh) + 1) * (3 + fadjy);
} else {
swooshadd += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (3 + fadjy);
swoosha += (sine(swoosh - 90) + 1) * (4 + fadjx);
if (swooshdir == 0) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx;
swooshy -= swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy;
} else {
if (swooshdir == 1) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx + swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy;
} else {
if (swooshdir == 2) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd;
} else {
if (swooshdir == 3) {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy;
} else {
mouse_mc._x = swooshx - swooshadd;
mouse_mc._y = swooshy + swooshadd;
mouse_mc._alpha = swalpha;
if (swooshdir == 7) {
mouse_mc._rotation = 135;
} else {
mouse_mc._rotation = (swooshdir - 1) * 90;
function sethotspot(xpos, ypos, wid, hit, dir) {
startarrow(xpos, ypos, dir);
hotdir = dir * 90;
hotspot_mc._x = xpos;
hotspot_mc._y = ypos;
hotspot_mc._height = hit;
hotspot_mc._width = wid;
if (!gothot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
gothot = 1;
function killhotspot() {
gothot = 0;
onhot = 0;
hidemouse = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
function doshowpause() {
pop_mc._x = 360;
pop_mc._y = 400;
if (pausing == 8) {
flag4_mc._alpha = 0;
flag3_mc._alpha = 0;
flag2_mc._alpha = 0;
flag1_mc._alpha = 0;
return undefined;
} else {
if (pausing >= 9) {
} else {
if (language == 3) {
pop_mc.txt.text = Italian[4];
} else {
if (language == 2) {
pop_mc.txt.text = French[4];
} else {
if (language == 0) {
pop_mc.txt.text = English[4];
} else {
pop_mc.txt.text = German[4];
sp = 64;
cmousex = mousex - 360;
cmousey = mousey - 240;
tx = floor((cmousex + 192) / 64);
ty = cmousey - 171;
if (tx >= 0 && tx < 6 && ty >= 0 && ty < 40) {
flag = tx;
} else {
flag = -1;
flag1_mc._x = 200;
flag1_mc._y = 430 + fadjy;
if (flag == 0) {
flag1_mc._alpha = 100;
} else {
flag1_mc._alpha = 50;
flag2_mc._x = 200 + sp * 1 + fadjx;
flag2_mc._y = 430 + fadjy;
if (flag == 1) {
flag2_mc._alpha = 100;
} else {
flag2_mc._alpha = 50;
flag3_mc._x = 200 + sp * 2 + fadjx;
flag3_mc._y = 430 + fadjy;
if (flag == 2) {
flag3_mc._alpha = 100;
} else {
flag3_mc._alpha = 50;
if (pausing == 9) {
flag4_mc._alpha = 0;
flag3_mc._alpha = 0;
flag2_mc._alpha = 0;
flag1_mc._alpha = 0;
flag1_mc._yscale = 100;
flag1_mc._xscale = 100;
flag2_mc._yscale = 100;
flag2_mc._xscale = 100;
flag3_mc._yscale = 100;
flag3_mc._xscale = 100;
flag4_mc._yscale = 100;
flag4_mc._xscale = 100;
if (flag == 0) {
pop_mc.txt.text = 'English';
if (buttonpress) {
language = flag;
} else {
if (flag == 1) {
pop_mc.txt.text = 'Deutsch';
if (buttonpress) {
language = flag;
} else {
if (flag == 2) {
pop_mc.txt.text = 'Français';
if (buttonpress) {
language = flag;
function dolanguagebutton() {
fxadj = -81 + zadjx;
uggadj = 40 + wadjx;
uggadjy = -8 + wadjy;
if (mousex >= 272 + fxadj + uggadj && mousex <= 397 + fxadj + uggadj && mousey >= 554 + uggadjy) {
flag1_mc._x = 360;
flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag1_mc._alpha = 100;
flag1_mc._xscale = 100;
flag1_mc._yscale = 100;
flag4_mc._alpha = 0;
flag3_mc._alpha = 0;
flag2_mc._alpha = 0;
if (buttonpress) {
seenpause = 1;
pausing = 1;
return undefined;
sp = 32;
lbx = 328 + fxadj;
flag1_mc._x = lbx;
flag1_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag1_mc._alpha = 100;
flag1_mc._xscale = 50;
flag1_mc._yscale = 50;
flag2_mc._x = lbx + sp * 1;
flag2_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag2_mc._alpha = 100;
flag2_mc._xscale = 50;
flag2_mc._yscale = 50;
flag3_mc._x = lbx + sp * 2;
flag3_mc._y = 556 + fadjy;
flag3_mc._alpha = 100;
flag3_mc._xscale = 50;
flag3_mc._yscale = 50;
function resay() {
if (speaking) {
say(savwordindex / 4, savbubx, savbuby);
function domover() {
if (!backmove) {
if (mover < moverd) {
mvspd = 100 / movertime;
mover += mvspd;
} else {
mover = moverd;
} else {
if (mover > 0) {
mvspd = 100 / movertime;
mover -= mvspd;
} else {
backmove = 0;
moverd = 0;
mover = 0;
if (!mbackmove) {
if (mmover < mmoverd) {
mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime;
mmover += mmvspd;
} else {
mmover = mmoverd;
} else {
if (mmover > 0) {
mmvspd = 100 / mmovertime;
mmover -= mmvspd;
} else {
mbackmove = 0;
mmoverd = 0;
mmover = 0;
mang = mover * 1.8;
m100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2;
mang = mmover * 1.8;
mm100 = (sine(mang - 90) + 1) / 2;
function dopop() {
if (!buttonpress) {
plinkrel = 1;
if (showpop) {
if (mousey > 515 && mousex > 582) {
showpoptype = 4;
} else {
showpoptype = 10;
if (showpoptype == 10) {
pop_mc._x = 646;
pop_mc._y = 538;
} else {
pop_mc._x = 610;
pop_mc._y = 516;
if (buttonpress && plinkrel) {
getURL('', '_blank');
plinkrel = 0;
if (!buttonpress) {
plinkrel = 1;
} else {
pop_mc._x = -10000;
function do_powerbar() {
function dopowerbar() {
h100 = (horny + surge) / 100;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (dosurge) {
if (surge < 12 * dosurge) {
surge += dosurge;
} else {
dosurge = 0;
} else {
if (surge) {
surge -= 0.5;
sinehorny = sine(horny * 0.9) * 100;
function initscene0() {
if (credits) {
} else {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
scenestarted = 1;
if (credits) {
function doscene0() {
mon2 = ' w:' + wait + ' ba:' + bg2a;
if (!scenestarted) {
if (goblack) {
startbutton_mc._x = -10000;
showpop = 0;
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
if (!resumegame) {
scene = 1;
} else {
scene = oldscene;
scenestarted = 0;
} else {
if (oldscene >= 1) {
if (onstartbutton) {
if (mousex > 320) {
startframe = 13;
startbutton_mc.txt.text = '\rStart new game\r\rthis will clear game save data';
if (buttonpress && !goblack) {
goblack = 1;
resumegame = 0;
if (!teaser) {
oldscene = 0;
highestscene = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
} else {
startframe = 13;
if (secretunlocked) {
scenen =;
scenet = scenetext[scenen];
} else {
scenen = oldscene;
scenet = scenetext[oldscene];
startbutton_mc.txt.text = '\rResume old game at:\rscene ' + scenen + '\r' + scenet;
if (buttonpress && !goblack) {
goblack = 1;
resumegame = 1;
} else {
startframe = 10;
} else {
if (onstartbutton) {
startframe = 2;
if (buttonpress && !goblack) {
goblack = 1;
resumegame = 0;
resumegame = 0;
if (!teaser) {
oldscene = 0;
highestscene = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
} else {
startframe = 1;
if (credits && rolls < 2) {
startbutton_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
startbutton_mc._x = 360 + fadjx;
if (credits) {
startbutton_mc._y = 483;
} else {
startbutton_mc._y = 441 + fadjy;
showpoptype = 10;
showpop = 1;
if (credits) {
function init_credits() {
rolls = 0;
wch_cred = 0;
weba = 0;
fadeio = 1;
wait = 100;
function do_rollcredits() {
mon5 = 'wch:' + wch_cred + ' gb:' + goblack + ' w:' + wait + ' ' + fadeio;
if (fadeio > 0) {
if (wch_cred == 0) {
} else {
weba += 10;
if (weba >= 100) {
weba = 100;
fadeio = 0;
} else {
if (wait) {
if (wait == 0) {
fadeio = -1;
} else {
if (fadeio < 0) {
weba -= 10;
if (weba <= 0) {
fadeio = 1;
if (wch_cred >= 6) {
wch_cred = 0;
wait = 100;
i = (200 + wch_cred) * 4;
webmasters_mc._x = 560 + wadjx;
webmasters_mc._y = 331 + wadjy;
webmasters_mc.txt.text = English[i];
webmasters_shad_mc.txt.text = English[i];
if (webma < 100) {
webmasters_mc._alpha = weba;
webmasters_shad_mc._x = 563 + wadjx;
webmasters_shad_mc._y = 333 + wadjy;
webas = weba - 30;
if (webas < 0) {
webas = 0;
webmasters_shad_mc._alpha = webas;
if (fade == 100) {
scene = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
if (onstartbutton) {
startframe = 3;
if (buttonpress && !goblack) {
if (!stopahloop) {
goblack = 1;
if (!fadingout) {
resumegame = 0;
if (!teaser) {
oldscene = 0;
highestscene = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
} else {
startframe = 1;
if (rolls < 1) {
startbutton_mc._x = -10000;
} else {
startbutton_mc._x = 349 + fadjx;
startbutton_mc._y = 543 + fadjy;
function initsound() {
i = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990);
sound0 = new Sound('' + i);
i = 1;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990);
sound1 = new Sound('' + i);
i = 2;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990);
sound2 = new Sound('' + i);
i = 3;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('ch' + i, i - 59990);
sound3 = new Sound('' + i);
soundstarted = 1;
function rand(low, high) {
range = high - low;
t = Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + low;
return t;
function stopsounds() {
talking3 = 0;
talking2 = 0;
talking1 = 0;
talking = 0;
function sayfile(what, sfvol) {
if (sfvol == undefined) {
sfvol = 100;
if (!talking) {
sound0.start(0, 1);
talking = 1;
} else {
trace('ch 0 talking! skipped:' + what);
sound0.onSoundComplete = function () {
talking = 0;
function sayfile1(what, sfvol) {
if (sfvol == undefined) {
sfvol = 100;
if (!talking1) {
sound1.start(0, 1);
talking1 = 1;
} else {
trace('1 talking! ' + what);
sound1.onSoundComplete = function () {
talking1 = 0;
if (playingpalace) {
playingpalace = 0;
function sayfile2(what, sfvol) {
if (sfvol == undefined) {
sfvol = 100;
if (!talking2) {
sound2.start(0, 1);
talking2 = 1;
} else {
trace('2 talking! ' + what);
sound2.onSoundComplete = function () {
talking2 = 0;
function sayfile3(what, sfvol) {
if (sfvol == undefined) {
sfvol = 100;
if (!talking3) {
sound3.start(0, 1);
talking3 = 1;
sound3.onSoundComplete = function () {
talking3 = 0;
function saysnd(what, vol) {
if (vol == undefined) {
vol = 100;
if (what == 'cushion') {
if (breathwch > 1) {
breathwch = 0;
ahsnd = 'cusion' + (breathwch + 1) + '.wav';
if (breathwch) {
sayfile1(ahsnd, vol);
} else {
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'breathin') {
if (breathwch > 1) {
breathwch = 0;
ahsnd = 'breathin' + breathwch + '.mp3';
sayfile1(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'breath') {
ahsnd = 'breath' + breathwch + '.wav';
if (breathwch > 5) {
breathwch = 0;
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'bbreath') {
if (hurtwch > 1) {
hurtwch = 0;
ahsnd = 'breathard' + hurtwch + '.mp3';
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'muff') {
if (mcum > 2) {
mcum = 1;
ahsnd = 'muff' + mcum + '.mp3';
sayfile3(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'hurt') {
ahsnd = 'hurt' + (hurtwch + 1) + '.mp3';
if (hurtwch > 3) {
hurtwch = 0;
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'drip') {
ahsnd = 'drip' + (wchsplash + 1) + '.mp3';
wchsplash += 1 + rnd(2);
wchsplash &= 3;
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'mcum') {
if (mcum < 6) {
ahsnd = 'mcum' + mcum + '.mp3';
} else {
if (mcum == 6) {
ahsnd = 'mcum4.mp3';
} else {
if (mcum == 7) {
ahsnd = 'mcum2.mp3';
} else {
if (mcum == 8) {
ahsnd = 'mcum1.mp3';
if (mcum > 8) {
mcum = 1;
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'eek') {
ahsnd = 'eek.mp3';
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'emo') {
ahsnd = 'emoan' + emoan + '.mp3';
if (emoan > 7) {
emoan = 1;
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'moo') {
ahsnd = 'ooo' + mooo + '.wav';
if (mooo > 4) {
mooo = 1;
sayfile(ahsnd, 50);
if (what == 'morg') {
ahsnd = 'morg' + morg + '.wav';
if (morg > 5) {
morg = 1;
sayfile(ahsnd, 20);
if (what == 'uhh') {
ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3';
sayfile1(ahsnd, 10);
if (wchuhh > 7) {
wchuhh = 0;
if (what == 'uhh0') {
ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3';
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (wchuhh > 7) {
wchuhh = 0;
if (what == 'uhh2') {
ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3';
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (wchuhh == 7) {
wchuhh = 0;
} else {
wchuhh = 7;
if (what == 'uhh3') {
if (whcuhh == 0) {
wchuhh = 1;
if (whcuhh == 7) {
wchuhh = 1;
ahsnd = 'uhh' + wchuhh + '.mp3';
sayfile1(ahsnd, 10);
if (wchuhh > 7) {
wchuhh = 0;
if (what == 'uh2') {
if (uhh > 8) {
uhh -= 8;
ahsnd = 'u' + uhh + '.wav';
sayfile1(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'u3') {
if (uhh > 8) {
uhh -= 8;
ahsnd = 'u' + uhh + '.wav';
sayfile1(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'ouch') {
ouchtab = ['ow1', 'ow3', 'ow4', 'ow5'];
owsnd = ouchtab[oww] + '.wav';
sayfile2(owsnd, vol);
if (oww > 3) {
oww = 0;
if (what == 'oww') {
oww &= 7;
owwtab = ['ow1', 'ow3', 'ow4', 'ow5', 'ow6', 'ow1', 'ow8', 'ow5'];
owsnd = owwtab[oww] + '.wav';
sayfile2(owsnd, vol);
if (what == 'oh') {
yessnd = 'oh' + doh + '.wav';
sayfile(yessnd, vol);
if (doh < 1) {
doh = 10;
if (what == 'react') {
rea &= 7;
lastmm = mm;
reatab = ['surprise1', 'giggle0', 'surprise2', 'giggle1', 'surprise3', 'giggle2', 'surprise4', 'giggle3'];
ahsnd = reatab[rea] + '.mp3';
if (what == 'react1') {
rea &= 7;
lastmm = mm;
reatab = ['surprise1', 'giggle0', 'surprise2', 'giggle1', 'surprise3', 'giggle2', 'surprise4', 'giggle3'];
ahsnd = reatab[rea] + '.mp3';
if (what == 'nnh') {
t = rand(1, 3);
nnh += t;
nnh &= 7;
if (nnh == lastnnh) {
nnh += 1;
nnh &= 7;
t = (nnh & 7) + 1;
ahsnd = 'nnh' + t + '.mp3';
talking = 1;
if (what == 'mm') {
mm &= 7;
lastmm = mm;
ahsnd = 'mm' + mm + '.mp3';
if (!talking) {
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
} else {
sayfile1(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'slap') {
slapwch = rnd1() + 3;
slapsnd = 'slap' + slapwch + '.wav';
sayfile(slapsnd, vol);
if (what == 'slap1') {
slapwch = rnd1() + 3;
slapsnd = 'slap' + slapwch + '.wav';
sayfile1(slapsnd, vol);
if (what == 'muhh') {
ahsnd = 'muhh6.wav';
if (what == 'nnh5') {
ahsnd = 'nnh5.mp3';
if (what == 'squeak') {
ahsnd = 'bedsqueak' + bedsq + '.mp3';
if (bedsq > 3) {
bedsq = 1;
sayfile(ahsnd, 60);
talking = 1;
if (what == 'chimes') {
ahsnd = 'chimes.wav';
sayfile(ahsnd, vol);
if (what == 'uh') {
t = rand(1, 3);
uhh += t;
if (uhh > 8) {
uhh -= 8;
ahsnd = 'u' + t + '.wav';
sayfile(ahsnd, 10);
if (what == 'blip') {
ahsnd = 'blip.wav';
sayfile(ahsnd, 15);
if (what == 'swish') {
sayfile('swish2.mp3', 100);
if (what == 'swish3') {
sayfile2('swish2.mp3', 100);
if (what == 'gulp') {
sayfile('gulp1.wav', 40);
function doahloop(nosetvol) {
if (stopahloop) {
return undefined;
if (nosetvol == undefined) {
ahvol = 5;
} else {
if (ahvol < nosetvol) {
ahvol += 0.1;
if (ahwait <= 0) {
ahwait = 240;
if (lastah == 2) {
sayfile3('temple4.mp3', ahvol);
lastah = 3;
} else {
sayfile2('temple4.mp3', ahvol);
lastah = 2;
} else {
stopahloop = 0;
function fadeahloop() {
stopahloop = 1;
if (ahvol > 0) {
ahvol -= 0.25;
if (ahvol < 0) {
ahvol = 0;
ahwait = 0;
function fadeahloopfast() {
stopahloop = 1;
if (ahvol > 0) {
ahvol -= 0.5;
if (ahvol < 0) {
ahvol = 0;
ahwait = 0;
function killahloop() {
stopahloop = 1;
ahvol = 0;
function fadepalace() {
if (palvol > 0) {
palvol -= 0.25;
if (palvol < 0) {
palvol = 0;
if (palvol == 0) {
talking1 = 0;
playingpalace = 0;
function mutepalace() {
if (palvol > 0) {
palvol -= 5;
if (palvol < 0) {
palvol = 0;
function unmutepalace() {
palvol = 30;
function setloopvol(newvol) {
ahvol = newvol;
function stoploop() {
peesoundon = 0;
waitsegs = 12;
stoplooping = 1;
function chimes() {
if ((lastchime & 1) == 0) {
sayfile2('chimes2.wav', 30);
} else {
sayfile('chimes.wav', 30);
function peesound(wch, sfvol) {
if (sfvol == undefined) {
sfvol = 100;
peevol = sfvol;
if (!talking3) {
if (wch == 0) {
what = 'pee_urinal.mp3';
} else {
what = 'pee_face.mp3';
sound3.start(0, 99);
peesoundon = 1;
function dogoape() {
if (mybug && buttonpress && butrel) {
releasedick = 0;
horny = 0;
releasehold = 0;
tpressd = 10;
horny = 97;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
motion = 0;
if (abs(mdx) > motion) {
motion = abs(mdx);
if (abs(mdy) > motion) {
motion = abs(mdy);
if (motion > 20) {
motion = 20;
if (!tpressd) {
tx = 235;
ty = 35;
sethotspot(tx, ty, 20, 20, 2);
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdy > 0) {
tpressd = 10;
sayfile2('mm2.mp3', 40);
utpressd = tpressd;
if (releasehold) {
utpressd = 0;
dx = utpressd - pressd;
pressd += dx / 8;
if (motion && pressd > 1 && horny < 100 && !grinda) {
tpdep = 1 + 1.5 * h100;
tpspd = 7 + 20 * h100;
tjspd = 20 + 40 * h100;
tjdep = 1;
tx = hdx;
ty = hdy;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (abs(dx) < 50 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx < 0 && pa < 180) {
tslam = pspd * 0.6;
if (slamrst && horny < 100) {
swoosh = 1;
swooshadd = 0;
swooshdir = 3;
swooshx = hdx - 10;
swooshy = hdy - 50;
slamrst = 0;
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
dosurge = 2;
if (horny < 100) {
horny += 3;
if (horny < 100) {
if (!talking) {
saysnd('breath', 10);
} else {
wchuhh = 2;
saysnd('uhh', 30);
grindreq = 1;
horny = 100;
autopilot = 0;
} else {
tslam = 0;
} else {
if (releasedick) {
tpdep = 0.3;
} else {
tpdep = 0;
tpspd = 3;
tjspd = 10;
if (releasedick == 1) {
tjdep = 2.7;
} else {
if (releasedick == 2) {
tjdep = 3.8;
} else {
tjdep = 0;
tslam = 0;
if (releasehold) {
becmul *= 0.99;
dx = tpspd - pspd;
if (pspd < tpspd) {
pspd += dx / 4;
} else {
if (pspd > 0) {
pspd -= 0.125;
dx = tpdep - pdep;
if (pdep < tpdep) {
pdep += dx / 4;
} else {
pdep += dx / 24;
dx = tjspd - jspd;
if (jspd < tjspd) {
jspd += dx / 3;
} else {
jspd += dx / 24;
dx = tjdep - jdep;
if (jdep < tjdep) {
jdep += dx / 3;
} else {
jdep += dx / 24;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 2;
} else {
slam += dx / 16;
if (releasedick == 0) {
if (!grind) {
ja += jspd * speedadj;
} else {
if (ja < 270) {
ja += 30;
if (ja > 270) {
ja = 270;
} else {
if (releasedick == 1) {
if (ja < 90) {
ja += 5;
if (ja >= 90) {
releasedick = 2;
} else {
if (ja < 270) {
ja -= 5;
if (ja <= 90) {
releasedick = 2;
} else {
ja += 5;
if (ja >= 90 && ja < 270) {
releasedick = 2;
} else {
dx = 270 - ja;
ja += dx / 8;
if (ja >= 360) {
ja -= 360;
jack = sine(ja) * jdep;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (pa < 180) {
pa += pspd + slam;
} else {
pa += pspd - slam / 2;
slamrst = 1;
mon4 = 'laa:' + hlaa + ' t:' + thlaa;
mon5 = ' pspd:' + floor(pspd) + ' jspd:' + floor(jspd);
mon6 = 'ja:' + floor(ja) + ' rd:' + releasedick;
mon6 = 'bm:' + becmul;
if (pa >= 360) {
pa -= 360;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (grindreq) {
grindreq = 0;
grinda = 0.1;
opa = pa;
pump = sine(pa + 90) * pdep;
cpump = sine(pa + 90 + 60) * pdep;
if (grinda) {
if (granda < 90) {
grainda += 8;
} else {
grinda += 4;
if (grinda >= 10 && oga < 10) {
sayfile2('surprise3.mp3', 20);
if (grinda >= 180) {
grinda = 0;
releasehold = 1;
releasedick = 1;
oga = grinda;
grind = sine(grinda);
quivera += 140;
quiver = sine(quivera);
pump += grind * -3;
pump += quiver * grind * 0.15;
if (releasedick >= 2) {
padd = pump;
if (padd > 0) {
padd /= 2;
} else {
padd *= 0.5;
pump += padd * quiver * 0.15;
hx = 658;
hy = 229;
bx = 165;
by = 611 + pressd;
hha = 0;
hcha = 0;
hrla = 0;
hlla = 0;
hda = 0;
hsha = 0;
hela = 0;
hlha = 0;
bba = +(pressd * 0.2);
hela += jack * 4.5;
hsha += jack * 0.2;
hcha += pump * 1.9;
hha += pump * -1.6;
hlla += pump * 1.3;
hrla += pump * 1.4;
hx += pump * 5.5;
hy += pump * -1.3;
hlha += pump * 0.4;
hlha += cpump * -1.6;
bba += cpump * -0.15 * becmul;
by += cpump * -2 * becmul;
bba += 5 * h100;
hda += jack * 0.4;
hda += cpump * 2.6;
if (releasehold) {
thlaa = -72 + fadjx;
} else {
thlaa = 0;
dx = thlaa - hlaa;
hlaa += dx / 6;
trad = 137;
toa = 199;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hllx = hx + xadd;
hlly = hy + yadd;
trad = 105;
toa = -93;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hrlx = hx + xadd;
hrly = hy + yadd;
trad = 142;
toa = -116;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
trad = 75 + jack * 16;
toa = -60;
xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad;
gdx = hdx + xadd;
gdy = hdy + yadd;
trad = 244.2;
toa = 41.4;
xadd = sine(toa + hela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hela) * trad;
helx = gdx + xadd;
hely = gdy + yadd;
trad = 568 - pressd * 0.5;
toa = 7;
xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad;
hlhx = bx + xadd;
hlhy = by + yadd;
trad = 379 + qadjx / 1;
toa = 34 + qadjy / 1;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hlax = hx + xadd + hlaa * 3;
hlay = hy + yadd + hlaa * 1.5;
lrarmdep = 365;
if (releasedick >= 2) {
lrarmdep = 236;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 500, hha + 45, 60);
wsprite(1, hx, hy, 510, hcha + 45, 58);
wsprite(2, hrlx, hrly, 250, hrla + 45, 62);
wsprite(3, hllx, hlly, 845, hlla + 45, 63);
wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 444, hda + 45, 64);
wsprite(5, helx, hely, 235, hsha + 45, 66);
wsprite(6, gdx, gdy, lrarmdep, hela + 45, 67);
if (releasedick < 2) {
wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68);
} else {
wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68, 0, 100, 100);
if (!releasehold) {
wsprite(8, hlhx, hlhy, 840, hlha + 45, 65);
} else {
wsprite(8, hlax, hlay, 850, hlaa + 45, 59);
wsprite(10, bx, by, 260, bba - 45, 70);
function initgodyeah() {
tpressd = 0;
pressd = 0;
jspd = 0;
tjspd = 0;
jdep = 0;
tjdep = 0;
ja = 0;
jack = 0;
pdep = 0;
tpdep = 0;
pspd = 0;
tpspd = 0;
pa = 0;
pump = 0;
h100 = 0;
horny = 0;
boost = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
grindreq = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
tslam = 0;
slam = 0;
slamrst = 0;
releasehold = 1;
thlaa = 0;
hlaa = 0;
releasedick = 3;
ja = 90;
padd = 0;
becmul = 0;
hlaa = -72;
thlaa = -72;
atcheek = 1;
gdx = 223;
tgdx = 223;
gdy = 139;
tgdy = 139;
hsha = 33;
thsha = 33;
hela = 31;
thela = 31;
jackwait = 20;
b1a = 0;
b0a = 100;
bseq = 0;
blean = 0;
tblean = 0;
jumpback = 0;
downhuh = 0;
smallgrind = 0;
function dogodyeah() {
if (mybug && buttonpress && butrel) {
horny = 97;
butrel = 0;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
motion = 0;
if (abs(mdx) > motion) {
motion = abs(mdx);
if (abs(mdy) > motion) {
motion = abs(mdy);
if (motion > 20) {
motion = 20;
if (!atcheek) {
if (jackwait) {
if (motion && !jackwait && horny < 100 && !grinda) {
tpdep = 1 + 1 * h100;
tpspd = 7 + 10 * h100;
tjspd = 20 + 40 * h100;
tjdep = 1;
tx = hdx;
ty = hdy;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (abs(dx) < 50 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx < 0 && pa < 180 && !jumpback) {
tslam = pspd * 0.6;
if (slamrst && horny < 100) {
swoosh = 1;
swooshadd = 0;
swooshdir = 3;
swooshx = hdx - 10;
swooshy = hdy - 50;
slamrst = 0;
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
dosurge = 2;
bseq = 1;
tblean = 5;
if (horny < 100 && !jumpback) {
horny += 5;
if (horny < 100) {
if (!talking) {
saysnd('breath', 10);
} else {
wchuhh = 2;
saysnd('uhh', 30);
grindreq = 1;
horny = 100;
autopilot = 0;
} else {
tslam = 0;
} else {
if (releasedick) {
tpdep = 0.5;
} else {
tpdep = 0;
tpspd = 4;
tjspd = 10;
if (releasedick == 3) {
tjdep = 1;
} else {
if (releasedick == 1) {
tjdep = 2.7;
} else {
if (releasedick == 2) {
tjdep = 3.8;
} else {
tjdep = 0;
tslam = 0;
if (releasehold) {
becmul *= 0.99;
dx = tpspd - pspd;
if (pspd < tpspd) {
pspd += dx / 4;
} else {
if (pspd > 0) {
pspd -= 0.125;
dx = tpdep - pdep;
if (pdep < tpdep) {
pdep += dx / 4;
} else {
pdep += dx / 24;
dx = tjspd - jspd;
if (jspd < tjspd) {
jspd += dx / 3;
} else {
jspd += dx / 24;
dx = tjdep - jdep;
if (jdep < tjdep) {
jdep += dx / 3;
} else {
jdep += dx / 24;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 2;
} else {
slam += dx / 16;
if (releasedick == 0) {
if (!grind) {
ja += jspd * speedadj;
} else {
if (ja < 270) {
ja += 30;
if (ja > 270) {
ja = 270;
} else {
if (releasedick == 1) {
if (ja < 90) {
ja += 5;
if (ja >= 90) {
releasedick = 2;
} else {
if (ja < 270) {
ja -= 5;
if (ja <= 90) {
releasedick = 2;
} else {
ja += 5;
if (ja >= 90 && ja < 270) {
releasedick = 2;
} else {
if (releasedick == 2) {
dx = 270 - ja;
ja += dx / 8;
} else {
if (releasedick == 3) {
ja = 90;
if (ja >= 360) {
ja -= 360;
jack = sine(ja) * jdep;
cjack = cosine(ja) * jdep;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (pa < 180) {
pa += pspd + slam;
} else {
pa += pspd - slam / 2;
slamrst = 1;
mon4 = 'laa:' + hlaa + ' t:' + thlaa;
mon5 = ' pspd:' + floor(pspd) + ' jspd:' + floor(jspd) + ' ' + jdep;
if (pa >= 360) {
pa -= 360;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (grindreq) {
grindreq = 0;
grinda = 0.1;
if (jumpback) {
opa = pa;
pump = sine(pa + 90) * pdep;
cpump = sine(pa + 90 + 60) * pdep;
if (grinda) {
if (smallgrind) {
grinda += 3;
} else {
if (grinda < 90) {
grinda += 8;
if (grinda >= 90) {
grinda = 90;
} else {
if (grinda < 100) {
grinda += 0.5;
} else {
grinda += 4;
if (grinda >= 90 && oga < 90 && !smallgrind) {
sayfile2('surprise3.mp3', 20);
tblean = 0;
jumpback = 1;
if (grinda >= 180) {
grinda = 0;
if (!smallgrind) {
horny = 0;
oga = grinda;
grind = sine(grinda);
quivera += 140;
quiver = sine(quivera);
if (smallgrind) {
pump += grind * -2;
pump += quiver * grind * 0.15;
} else {
pump += grind * -5;
pump += quiver * grind * 0.15;
if (releasedick >= 2) {
padd = pump;
if (padd > 0) {
padd /= 2;
} else {
padd *= 0.5;
pump += padd * quiver * 0.15;
dx = tblean - blean;
blean += dx / 12;
hx = 658;
hy = 229;
bx = 165;
by = 611 + pressd;
hha = 0;
hcha = 0;
hrla = 0;
hlla = 0;
hda = 0;
hlha = 0;
bba = 0;
bha = bba;
bba += blean;
bha += blean * 0.4;
bx += blean * (44 + wadjx) / 10;
by += blean * (15 + wadjy) / 10;
if (!smallgrind) {
hx += grind * -20;
hcha += pump * 1.9;
hha += pump * -1.6;
hlla += pump * 1.3;
hrla += pump * 1.4;
hx += pump * 5.5;
hy += pump * -1.3;
hlha += pump * 0.4;
hlha += cpump * -1.6;
bba += cpump * -0.15 * becmul;
by += cpump * -2 * becmul;
hda += jack * 0.4;
if (releasehold) {
thlaa = -72;
} else {
thlaa = 0;
dx = thlaa - hlaa;
hlaa += dx / 6;
trad = 137;
toa = 199;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hllx = hx + xadd;
hlly = hy + yadd;
trad = 105;
toa = -93;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hrlx = hx + xadd;
hrly = hy + yadd;
trad = 142;
toa = -116;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
if (atcheek) {
tgdx = 223;
tgdy = 139;
thsha = 33;
thela = 31;
thela += jack * 4.5;
thsha += jack * 0.2;
} else {
trad = 75 + jack * (43 + zadjx);
toa = -60;
xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad;
tgdx = hdx + xadd;
tgdy = hdy + yadd;
if (jackwait) {
thela = 7 + jack * 4.5;
thsha = 11 + jack * 0.2;
} else {
thela = 7 + wadjy + cjack * -2.1;
hela = thela;
thsha = 11 + wadjx + cjack * -2.7;
hsha = thsha;
dx = thsha - hsha;
hsha += dx / 6;
dx = thela - hela;
hela += dx / 6;
dx = tgdx - gdx;
gdx += dx / 6;
dy = tgdy - gdy;
gdy += dy / 6;
trad = 244.2;
toa = 41.4;
xadd = sine(toa + hela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hela) * trad;
helx = gdx + xadd;
hely = gdy + yadd;
trad = 568 - pressd * 0.5;
toa = 7;
xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad;
hlhx = bx + xadd;
hlhy = by + yadd;
trad = 379;
toa = 34;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hlax = hx + xadd + hlaa * 3;
hlay = hy + yadd + hlaa * 1.5;
trad = 417.6 + qadjx / 10;
toa = -2.8 + qadjy / 10;
xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
if (releasedick >= 2) {
lrarmdep = 236;
} else {
if (gdx < 350) {
lrarmdep = 236;
} else {
lrarmdep = 365;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 500, hha + 45, 60);
wsprite(1, hx, hy, 510, hcha + 45, 58);
wsprite(2, hrlx, hrly, 250, hrla + 45, 62);
wsprite(3, hllx, hlly, 845, hlla + 45, 63);
wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 444, hda + 45, 64);
wsprite(5, helx, hely, 235, hsha + 45, 66);
wsprite(6, gdx, gdy, lrarmdep, hela + 45, 67);
if (releasedick < 2 && gdx > 300) {
wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68);
} else {
wsprite(7, gdx, gdy, 450, hela + 45, 68, 0, 100, 100);
if (!releasehold) {
wsprite(8, hlhx, hlhy, 840, hlha + 45, 65);
} else {
wsprite(8, hlax, hlay, 850, hlaa + 45, 59);
if (bseq == 0) {
if (b0a < 100) {
b0a += 10;
} else {
if (b1a > 0) {
b1a -= 10;
} else {
if (b1a < 100) {
b1a += 10;
} else {
if (b0a > 0) {
b0a -= 10;
upseq = 72;
if (jumpback) {
upseq = 74;
dnseq = 73;
if (downhuh) {
dnseq = 75;
wsprite(10, bhx, bhy, 262, bha - 45, upseq, b0a);
wsprite(11, bhx, bhy, 261, bha - 45, dnseq, b1a);
wsprite(12, bx, by, 260, bba - 45, 71);
function initgg4() {
pushdown = 0;
attached = 0;
openup = 0;
jawseq = 0;
pushin = 0;
newframe = 0;
eyeframe = 0;
blink = 0;
oldfa = 100;
newfa = 0;
changing = 0;
blinka = 0;
wincea = 0;
wince = 0;
blinkdly = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
grindin = 0;
engaged = 0;
doengage = 1;
maxinsert = 20;
mininsert = 0;
insreset = 1;
gagged = 0;
ba = -8;
rta = ba;
trta = rta;
lta = trta;
tlta = lta;
ludx = 0;
ltdx = 0;
rudx = 0;
rtdx = 0;
horny = 0;
gaga = 0;
gag = 0;
tdimx = 0;
dimx = 0;
odimx = 0;
tslam = 0;
slam = 0;
slamrst = 0;
tpdep = 0;
pdep = 0;
maxinsert = 10;
mininsert = 0;
boost = 0;
cadd = 0;
backoff = 0;
tbreathdep = 0;
breathdep = 0;
breatha = 0;
breath = 0;
hbreatha = 0;
hbreath = 0;
pdtx = 0;
fd0add = 0;
fd0y = 0;
fd0x = 0;
fd0siz = 0;
drips = 0;
gslam = 0;
function dogg4() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
horny = 96;
if (mybug && Key.isDown(67)) {
horny = 96;
backoffs = 3;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
refx = 85;
refxopen = 360 + adjx;
refxin = 400;
if (!attached) {
if (ssay >= 49.1 && mousex < refx) {
attached = 1;
} else {
if (backoff == 2) {
if (dimx > 0) {
dimx -= 0.2;
tdimx = dimx;
if (pdtx > 0) {
pdtx -= 2;
if (pdtx <= 0 && dimx <= 0) {
pdtx = 0;
engaged = 0;
horny = 0;
tpdep = 0;
dimx = 0;
tdimx = 0;
if (mousex < refx) {
backoff = 0;
drips = 0;
doengage = 1;
horny = 40 + backoffs * 10;
ssay = 49.1;
} else {
if (backoff == 1) {
if (dimx > 0) {
dimx -= 0.1;
tdimx = dimx;
if (pdtx > 40) {
pdtx = 40;
} else {
if (pdtx > 20) {
pdtx -= 0.1;
} else {
breathdep *= 0.9;
pdtx = (mousex - refx) / 3;
if (pdtx < 0) {
pdtx = 0;
if (pdtx > 80) {
pdtx = 80;
if (engaged) {
pdtx = 80;
dx = pdtx - pushdown;
if (backoff) {
if (pushdown < 50 && backoff < 2) {
tbreathdep = 1;
if (dx < -15) {
dx = -15;
pushdown += dx / 6;
if (backoff) {
tx = 0;
} else {
tx = (mousex - refxopen) / 1.5;
if (tx < 0) {
tx = 0;
if (tx > 31) {
tx = 31;
if (engaged) {
tx = 31;
} else {
if (tx >= 31 && doengage) {
engaged = 1;
tdimx = 10;
dx = tx - openup;
openup += dx / 6;
if (openup >= 5) {
if (blink < 1) {
blink = 1;
} else {
blink = 0;
if (engaged) {
tdimx = 10 + 20 * h100;
dx = tdimx - dimx;
dimx += dx / 6;
pspd = 8 + 10 * h100;
if (mdx > 0 && !pa && !backoff) {
pa = 0.1;
hx = 640;
hy = 240;
bx = 48;
by = 677;
hha = -4.4;
hrla = 0;
hlla = 0;
hda = 0;
hba = 0;
hcha = -4.7;
hsha = 0;
hela = 0;
ba = -8;
bha = 12;
if (backoff) {
if (backoff == 2) {
if (tbreathdep > 0) {
tbreathdep -= 0.005;
bdx = tbreathdep - breathdep;
breathdep += bdx / 8;
breatha += 11;
if (breatha > 360) {
breatha -= 360;
if (!talking) {
saysnd('bbreath', 30);
breath = sine(breatha) * breathdep;
hbreatha += 4;
hbreath = sine(hbreatha) * breathdep;
if (hbreatha >= 720 && ssay < 50) {
if (grinda) {
if (cumming) {
gslam = 6;
} else {
gslam = 0;
if (grinda < 90) {
grinda += 4 + gslam;
if (grinda >= 90) {
grinda = 90;
saysnd('muff', 10 * cumfade);
} else {
if (grinda < 100) {
grinda += 0.5;
} else {
if (grinda > 270) {
grinda += 4 + gslam;
} else {
grinda += 2 + gslam;
if (!cumming) {
if (grinda >= 180) {
grinda = 0;
backoff = 1;
doengage = 0;
} else {
if (grinda > 360) {
grinda = 0.1;
saysnd('uhh', 20 * cumfade);
oga = grinda;
grinddep = 0.5 + backoffs * 0.33;
grind = sine(grinda) * grinddep;
grind += quiver * grind * 0.03;
if (grind < 0) {
grind /= 4;
pgrind = grind;
if (pgrind < 0) {
pgrind = 0;
quivera += 140;
quiver = sine(quivera);
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 2;
} else {
slam += dx / 16;
tpdep = 1;
dx = tpdep - pdep;
if (pdep < tpdep) {
pdep += dx / 4;
} else {
pdep += dx / 24;
if (engaged) {
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (pa) {
if (pa < 180) {
if (mdx > 1) {
tslam = pspd * 0.4;
} else {
tslam = 0;
if (pa < 180) {
pa += pspd + slam;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (pa < 270) {
if (mdx > 0 && !backoff) {
boost = 1;
cadd = pspd;
pa += cadd;
} else {
if (mdx > 0 && !backoff) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = pspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
pa += cadd;
if (pa >= 360) {
if (boost) {
pa = 0.1;
if (!talking) {
saysnd('breath', 10);
} else {
pa = 0;
if (backoff) {
engaged = 0;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (horny < 100) {
if (!grinda && autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
horny += 2;
if (horny >= 100 && !grinda && !backoff) {
grinda = 0.1;
autopilot = 0;
if (backoffs >= 2) {
cumming = 1;
sayfile1('morg5.wav', 7);
} else {
saysnd('uhh', 20);
opa = pa;
pump = sine(pa - 90) * pdep;
ppump = pump;
if (ppump < 0) {
ppump = 0;
pump += 1;
grindin = pump * 5;
if (!grinda) {
grindin += quiver * ppump * 0.15;
pushin = grindin * (10 + horny * (20 + wadjx) / 100) / 10;
pushin += dimx;
if (grind > 1.39) {
blink = 5;
} else {
if (blink > 4) {
blink = 4;
if (grind > 1.06) {
blink = 4;
} else {
if (blink > 3) {
blink = 3;
if (grind > 0.7300000000000001) {
blink = 3;
} else {
if (blink > 2) {
blink = 2;
if (grind > 0.4) {
blink = 2;
} else {
if (pushin > 65 || backoff || cumming) {
blink = 2;
blinkdly = 12;
} else {
if (blinkdly) {
} else {
if (blink > 1) {
blink = 1;
mon5 = ' ga:' + grinda + ' pin:' + floor(pushin * 100) / 100;
ba += pushdown * 0.2;
bha += pushdown * 0.02;
bx += pushdown * 0.7;
by += pushdown * -0.1;
hcha += pushdown * 0.08;
hha += pushdown * 0.03;
hx += pushdown * 0.2;
ba += openup * 0.1;
bha += openup * -0.03;
ba += pushin * 0.12;
bha += pushin * -0.02;
by += pushin * 0.1;
hda += pushin * -0.02;
hha += pushin * 0.02;
hcha += pushin * -0.03;
hlla += pushin * -0.03;
hrla += pushin * -0.03;
hx += pushin * -0.02;
hy += pushin * -0.03;
pushin60 = pushin - 60;
if (pushin60 < 0) {
pushin60 = 0;
bha += pushin60 * -0.07000000000000001;
hda += grindin * -0.31;
hha += grindin * 0.48;
hcha += grindin * -0.12;
hlla += grindin * -0.15;
hrla += grindin * -0.15;
hx += grindin * -0.54;
by += grindin * 0.43;
bha += grindin * -0.22;
pushin30 = pushin - 30;
if (pushin30 < 0) {
pushin30 = 0;
bha += (pushin30 * grindin / 10) * -0.14;
by += (pushin30 * grindin / 10) * 0.2;
hda += grind * 5.5;
hha += grind * 1.9;
hcha += grind * 7.8;
hlla += grind * -3.5;
hrla += grind * -3.5;
hx += grind * -8;
hy += grind * -6.3;
by += grind * -6.3;
bx += pgrind * 29.5;
ba += pgrind * -2.6;
bha += pgrind * 5.4;
ba += breath * 0.5;
bha += breath * -0.4;
bx += breath * -1.7;
by += breath * 0.9;
phbreath = hbreath;
if (phbreath < 0) {
phbreath = 0;
hbreath += quiver * phbreath * 0.22;
hcha += hbreath * (-4 + qadjx) / 10;
hha += hbreath * (9 + qadjy) / 10;
hlla += hbreath * (-6 + fadjy) / 10;
hrla += hbreath * (-6 + fadjy) / 10;
hx += hbreath * (-6 + adjx) / 10;
hy += hbreath * (6 + adjy) / 10;
hda += hbreath * (-4 + zadjx) / 10;
trta = ba;
tlta = trta;
ltdx = tlta - lta;
dx = ltdx - ludx;
ludx += dx * 0.22;
lta += ludx * 0.6;
rtdx = trta - rta;
dx = rtdx - rudx;
rudx += dx * 0.17;
rta += rudx * 0.6;
trad = 122;
toa = -128;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hrlx = hx + xadd;
hrly = hy + yadd;
trad = 173;
toa = 194;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hllx = hx + xadd;
hlly = hy + yadd;
trad = 175;
toa = -114;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
trad = 315 + pushdown * 0.15;
toa = -21 + pushdown * 0.13;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
shx = hx + xadd;
shy = hy + yadd;
ux = ghx;
uy = ghy;
tshrad = 224;
telrad = 230;
sss(shx, shy, tshrad, telrad, ux, uy, 0);
hsha = ugsha;
hela = ugela;
trad = 224;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hsha) * trad;
elx = shx + xadd;
ely = shy + yadd;
hsha += 157;
hela += 93;
trad = 502.8;
toa = 9.699999999999999;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
trad = 86;
toa = 39;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
ghx = bhx + xadd;
ghy = bhy + yadd;
trad = 130;
toa = 108;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
fdripx = bhx + xadd;
fdripy = bhy + yadd;
trad = 240 + zadjx / 10;
toa = 19 + zadjy / 10;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
ttx = bx + xadd;
tty = by + yadd;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 500, hha + 45, 80);
wsprite(1, hrlx, hrly, 210, hrla + 45, 81);
wsprite(2, hllx, hlly, 550, hlla + 45, 82);
wsprite(3, hdx, hdy, 320, hda + 45, 83);
wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 410, hba + 45, 84);
wsprite(5, hx, hy, 555, hcha + 45, 85);
wsprite(6, shx, shy, 200, hsha + 45, 86);
wsprite(7, elx, ely, 201, hela + 45, 87);
wsprite(8, bx, by, 300, ba - 45, 90);
wsprite(9, bhx, bhy, 330, bha - 45, 91);
jawseq = floor(openup * 0.2);
wsprite(10, bhx, bhy, 340, bha - 45, 92 + jawseq);
if (blink != eyeframe && !changing) {
newframe = blink;
changing = 1;
if (changing) {
if (newfa < 100) {
newfa += 20;
if (newfa >= 100) {
if (oldfa > 0) {
oldfa -= 20;
if (oldfa <= 0) {
oldfa = 100;
eyeframe = blink;
newfa = 0;
newframe = 0;
changing = 0;
wsprite(11, bhx, bhy, 341, bha - 45, 110 + eyeframe, oldfa);
wsprite(12, bhx, bhy, 342, bha - 45, 110 + newframe, newfa);
wsprite(13, ttx, tty, 298, lta - 45, 105);
wsprite(14, ttx, tty, 348, rta - 45, 104);
if (backoff && !fd0siz && drips < 3 && pushdown < 60) {
fd0siz = 0.1;
if (drips == 0) {
sayfile('cough.mp3', 5);
if (fd0siz) {
if (fd0siz < 70 + drips * 10) {
fd0siz += 8;
fd0x = fdripx;
fd0y = fdripy;
fd0add = 8 + qadjy;
dripxspeed = fdripx - ofdx;
ofdx = fdripx;
} else {
fd0y += fd0add;
fd0add += 1.5;
fd0x += dripxspeed;
if (fd0y > 610) {
fd0siz = 0;
wsperm(0, fd0x, fd0y, 1300, 0, 31, 44 + wadjy, 100 + wadjx, fd0siz);
function initscene1() {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1a = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
wait = 30;
ssay = 19;
scenestarted = 1;
drips = 0;
dripvol = 50;
tpressd = 0;
pressd = 0;
jspd = 0;
tjspd = 0;
jdep = 0;
tjdep = 0;
ja = 0;
jack = 0;
pdep = 0;
tpdep = 0;
pspd = 0;
tpspd = 0;
pa = 0;
pump = 0;
h100 = 0;
horny = 0;
boost = 0;
squirts = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
grindreq = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
tslam = 0;
slam = 0;
slamrst = 0;
releasehold = 0;
thlaa = 0;
hlaa = 0;
releasedick = 0;
padd = 0;
becmul = 1;
backoffs = 0;
cumfade = 1;
function doscene1() {
mon6 = ' ' + bg1a + ' ' + bg2a;
if (!scenestarted) {
if (ssay == 19) {
if (wait) {
} else {
saysnd('drip', 50);
wait = rnd(30) + 20;
if (drips >= 7) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
ssay = 19.1;
dripvol -= 0.125;
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 19.1) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 20) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 21) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
sayfile('gasp3.mp3', 2);
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 22) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 23) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 24) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
ssay = 24.1;
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 24.1) {
if (becmul < 0.1) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 25) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 26) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 27) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 28) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 29) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 30) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 31) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
if (bg2a == 0) {
sayfile('giggle0.mp3', 20);
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
bg2a = 100;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 32) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 3;
if (bg2a < 0) {
bg2a = 0;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 33) {
if (balpha == 0) {
atcheek = 0;
releasedick = 0;
ssay = 33.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 33.1) {
if (jumpback) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 5;
smallgrind = 1;
grindreq = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 34) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 10;
bseq = 0;
say(35, 1);
} else {
if (ssay == 35) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 15;
grindreq = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 36) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 20;
say(37, 1);
} else {
if (ssay == 37) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 25;
grindreq = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 38) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 30;
say(39, 1);
} else {
if (ssay == 39) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 35;
grindreq = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 40) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
horny = 40;
downhuh = 1;
bseq = 1;
ssay = 40.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 40.1) {
if (jumpback > 5) {
horny = 50;
ssay = 40.2;
jumpback = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 40.2) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 60;
say(41, 1);
tblean = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 41) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (jumpback > 4) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 70;
tblean = 2;
} else {
if (ssay == 42) {
if (jumpback > 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (jumpback > 5) {
jumpback = 1;
horny = 80;
say(43, 1);
tblean = 3;
} else {
if (ssay == 43) {
if (jumpback > 6) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
jumpback = 1;
tblean = 5;
if (blean >= 4.75) {
} else {
if (ssay == 44) {
if (jumpback > 7) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
jumpback = 1;
tblean = 10;
ssay = 44.1;
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 44.1) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 45) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 90;
} else {
if (ssay == 46) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
ssay = 46.1;
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 46.1) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
bg2a = 100;
} else {
if (ssay == 48) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 49) {
if (balpha == 0) {
ssay = 49.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 49.1) {
wait = 30;
if (cumming) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.25;
} else {
ssay = 51.1;
wait2 = 40;
wait = 40;
cumfade = (100 - bg2a) / 100;
} else {
if (ssay == 50) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 51) {
if (balpha == 0) {
backoff = 2;
} else {
if (ssay == 51.1) {
if (wait2) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 52) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 53) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
scene += 1;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 1;
scenestarted = 0;
bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a;
bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a;
bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a;
bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a;
omousex = mousex;
omousey = mousey;
if (!Key.isDown(191)) {
slashrel = 1;
if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) {
scenestarted = 0;
if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (autopilot) {
autopilot = 0;
ssay = 24;
ssay = 24.1;
becmul = 0;
tpressd = 10;
ssay = 31;
ssay = 32;
wait = 0;
bg2a = 100;
jumpback = 1;
tblean = 10;
ssay = 44.1;
ssay = 49.1;
bg2a = 0;
function init_mb4() {
slhx = 542;
slhy = 320;
slha = 0;
reachh = 0;
bendo = 0;
grabdick = 0;
jspd = 0;
jdep = 0;
jack = 0;
ja = 180;
tjspd = 8;
tjdep = 0;
bha = 0;
tbha = 0;
strokes = 0;
jackdelay = -30;
sda = 0;
tsda = 0;
pa = 0;
pdep = 0;
pump = 0;
lhxadd = 0;
horny = 0;
maxhorn = 15;
blinka = 0;
blinkon = 0;
blinkdel = 30;
backoff = 0;
puckera = 0;
pucker = 0;
phard = 0;
function domb4() {
if (mybug && Key.isDown(80) && butrel) {
butrel = 0;
if (phard) {
phard = 0;
} else {
phard = 1;
if (ssay < 68.09999999999999) {
reachh = 0;
} else {
if (reachh == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
reachh = 1;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 30;
fromx = slhx;
fromy = slhy;
froma = 0;
targetx = brhx;
targety = brhy;
deltax = targetx - fromx;
deltay = targety - fromy;
} else {
if (reachh == 1) {
slhx = fromx + deltax * m100;
slhy = fromy + deltay * m100;
slha = 9 * m100;
bendo = -10 * m100;
if (mover == 100) {
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 40;
fromx = slhx;
fromy = slhy;
froma = slha;
targetx = jpx;
targety = jpy;
deltax = targetx - fromx;
deltay = targety - fromy;
deltaa = 18 - froma;
reachh = 2;
} else {
if (reachh == 2) {
slhx = fromx + deltax * m100;
slhy = fromy + deltay * m100;
slha = froma + deltaa * m100;
bendo = -10 + 10 * m100;
if (mover == 100) {
grabdick = 2;
reachh = 3;
rwait = 10;
} else {
if (reachh == 3) {
if (rwait) {
} else {
reachh = 4;
ja = 180;
} else {
if (reachh == 4) {
if (tjdep < 1) {
tjdep += 0.1;
slhx = jpx;
slhy = jpy;
if (strokes >= 4) {
reachh = 5;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 40;
fromx = slhx;
fromy = slhy;
froma = slha;
} else {
if (reachh == 5) {
targetx = 596;
targety = 244;
deltax = targetx - fromx;
deltay = targety - fromy;
deltaa = -froma;
slhx = fromx + deltax * m100;
slhy = fromy + deltay * m100;
slha = froma + deltaa * m100;
if (mover == 100 && strokes >= 7) {
reachh = 6;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 32;
froma = tbha;
} else {
if (reachh == 6) {
targeta = -54;
deltaa = targeta - froma;
tbha = froma + deltaa * m100;
if (mover == 100) {
if (ssay < 70) {
wait2 = 10;
if (ssay == 71 && balpha == 0) {
reachh = 7;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 25;
froma = tbha;
} else {
if (reachh == 7) {
targeta = 0;
deltaa = targeta - froma;
tbha = froma + deltaa * m100;
tjspd = 12;
if (jackdelay < 0) {
maxhorn = 10;
if (horny >= 10 && ssay < 72) {
wait = 10;
await = 20;
if (ssay == 72) {
tjspd = 4;
tjdep = 0;
if (await) {
} else {
dx = -3 - backoff;
backoff += dx / 8;
} else {
if (ssay == 73) {
tjspd = 12;
tjdep = 1;
if (ssay >= 74 && backoff < 0) {
backoff += 0.05;
if (ssay == 74.09999999999999) {
if (backoff >= 0) {
backoff = 0;
reachh = 8;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 40;
froma = tbha;
frombo = backoff;
fromda = tsda;
} else {
if (reachh == 8) {
targeta = -7.9 + wadjx / 10;
deltaa = targeta - froma;
targetbo = 19.4 + wadjy / 10;
deltabo = targetbo - frombo;
targetda = -12 + qadjy;
deltada = targetda - fromda;
tbha = froma + deltaa * m100;
backoff = frombo + deltabo * m100;
tsda = fromda + deltada * m100;
if (mover > 80) {
pucker = 1;
if (mover == 100) {
maxhorn = 20;
phard = 1;
mon4 = 'r:' + reachh + ' gd:' + grabdick + ' str:' + strokes + ' bo:' + backoff + ' ph:' + phard;
if (pucker) {
if (puckera < 100) {
puckera += 25;
} else {
if (puckera > 0) {
puckera -= 25;
if (blinkon) {
} else {
if (blinkdel > 0) {
} else {
if (ssay != 74.09999999999999) {
blinkdel = 60 + rnd(120);
blinkon = 1;
if (blinkon) {
if (blinka < 74) {
blinka += 25;
if (blinka >= 74) {
blinkon = 0;
} else {
if (blinka > 0) {
blinka -= 25;
dx = tjdep - jdep;
jdep += dx / 32;
dx = tjspd - jspd;
jspd += dx / 8;
ja += jspd;
if (ja >= 360) {
ja -= 360;
if (ja >= 180 && oja < 180) {
if (jdep && countstrokes) {
if (!pa) {
pa = 0.1;
if (reachh >= 7) {
if (horny < maxhorn) {
oja = ja;
jack = sine(ja) * jdep;
djack = sine(ja + jackdelay) * jdep;
pspd = jspd + 1;
if (horny < maxhorn || phard) {
tpdep = 1;
} else {
tpdep = 0.5;
dx = tpdep - pdep;
pdep += dx / 32;
if (pa) {
pa += pspd;
if (pa > 360) {
pa = 0;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (ssay == 74.09999999999999) {
blinkon = 1;
opa = pa;
pump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * pdep;
bx = 220;
by = 458;
sx = 612;
sy = 145;
ba = 0;
blha = 0;
brsha = 0;
brela = 0;
blsha = 0;
blela = 0;
sha = 0;
scha = +bendo;
slla = 0;
srla = 0;
sba = 0;
if (reachh == 0) {
tbha = 0;
} else {
if (reachh >= 6) {
} else {
if (reachh >= 4) {
tbha = 0;
} else {
a2p = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bhx - slhx, bhy - slhy));
tbha = (a2p - 104) * 0.4;
dx = tbha - bha;
bha += dx / 6;
bta = bha * 0.6;
if (reachh == 4) {
uslha = slha + jack * 1.2;
} else {
uslha = slha;
bcha = djack * -0.25;
bcha += backoff;
if (reachh >= 8) {
} else {
if (grabdick) {
tsda = -3;
} else {
tsda = 0;
dx = tsda - sda;
sda += dx / 6;
sda += jack * -0.15;
mon5 = 'bha:' + floor(bha) + ' t:' + floor(tbha);
sha += pump * 0.8;
scha += pump * -0.7;
srla += pump * -0.2;
slla += pump * -0.3;
sx += pump * -0.7;
sy += pump * 1;
if (reachh >= 5) {
lhxadd = pump * 0.8;
uslha += pump * 0.5;
trad = 78;
toa = -114;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
srlx = sx + xadd;
srly = sy + yadd;
trad = 91.3;
toa = 198.9;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
sllx = sx + xadd;
slly = sy + yadd;
trad = 116;
toa = -121;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
sdx = sx + xadd;
sdy = sy + yadd;
trad = 55;
trad += jack * 11.2;
toa = -65;
xadd = sine(toa + sda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sda) * trad;
jpx = sdx + xadd;
jpy = sdy + yadd;
trad = 114;
toa = -117;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
spx = sx + xadd;
spy = sy + yadd;
trad = 334;
toa = 2;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
trad = 99;
toa = 11;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
btx = bhx + xadd;
bty = bhy + yadd;
trad = 218;
toa = 48;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brhx = bx + xadd;
brhy = by + yadd;
trad = 244;
toa = -4;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brshx = bx + xadd;
brshy = by + yadd;
if (reachh >= 5) {
ux = jpx;
uy = jpy;
} else {
if (reachh >= 2) {
ux = slhx;
uy = slhy;
} else {
ux = brhx;
uy = brhy;
tshrad = 176.5;
telrad = 209;
sss(brshx, brshy, tshrad, telrad, ux, uy, 1);
brsha = ugsha;
brela = ugela;
trad = tshrad;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + brsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + brsha) * trad;
brelx = brshx + xadd;
brely = brshy + yadd;
brsha += 183.7;
brela += -105;
trad = 115;
toa = -146;
xadd = sine(toa + srla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srla) * trad;
blhx = srlx + xadd;
blhy = srly + yadd;
trad = 220;
toa = 10;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
blshx = bx + xadd;
blshy = by + yadd;
ux = blhx;
uy = blhy;
tshrad = 111;
telrad = 148;
sss(blshx, blshy, tshrad, telrad, ux, uy, 1);
blsha = ugsha;
blela = ugela;
trad = tshrad;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + blsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + blsha) * trad;
blelx = blshx + xadd;
blely = blshy + yadd;
blsha += 222;
blela += -56;
wsprite(0, bx, by, 300, 0, 118);
wsprite(1, bx, by, 320, bcha - 45, 119);
wsprite(2, bhx, bhy, 340, bha - 45, 120);
wsprite(3, btx, bty, 350, bta - 45, 121);
wsprite(4, blshx, blshy, 210, blsha - 45, 137);
wsprite(5, blelx, blely, 211, blela - 45, 138);
wsprite(6, blelx, blely, 295, blela - 45, 139);
mon6 = ' brshy:' + brsha;
if (brsha > 340) {
wsprite(7, brshx, brshy, 360, brsha - 45, 124);
} else {
wsprite(7, brshx, brshy, 360, brsha - 0, 123);
fsprite(8, brelx, brely, 371, brela - 45, 125 + grabdick);
if (grabdick && !fs_changing[8]) {
wsprite(10, brelx, brely, 329, brela - 45, 126);
} else {
wsprite(10, -10000, brely, -329, 0, 5);
wsprite(19, bhx, bhy, 341, bha - 45, 117, blinka);
wsprite(20, bhx, bhy, 342, bha - 45, 116, puckera);
wsprite(11, sx, sy, 400, sha + 45, 129);
wsprite(12, sx, sy, 420, scha + 45, 130);
wsprite(13, slhx + lhxadd, slhy, 600, uslha + 45, 131, 100, 90, 90);
wsprite(14, sllx, slly, 500, slla + 45, 132);
wsprite(15, srlx, srly, 290, srla + 45, 133);
wsprite(16, sdx, sdy, 343, sda + 45, 134);
wsprite(17, sdx, sdy, 344, sba + 45, 135);
wsprite(18, spx, spy, 345, sha + 15, 136);
function init_mb6() {
jawseq = 0;
dickin = 0;
maxhorn = 0;
horny = 0;
pdep = 0;
tpdep = 0;
hohead = 0;
tjdep = 1;
jdep = 1;
jackrad = 97;
tcram = 0;
cram = 0;
cpdep = 0;
cadd = 0;
boost = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
tslam = 0;
slam = 0;
dgrinda = 0;
dgrind = 0;
stopjack = 110;
sj100 = 0;
gslam = 0;
cumfade = 1;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
squirts = 0;
function domb6() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
maxhorn = 100;
horny = 100;
autopilot = 6;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
powerbarsize = horny / 2 + surge;
if (hohead == 0) {
if (horny >= 100) {
hohead = 1;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 40;
fromx = srhx;
fromy = srhy;
froma = srha;
} else {
if (hohead == 1) {
targetx = ahx;
targety = ahy;
targeta = 13;
deltax = targetx - fromx;
deltay = targety - fromy;
deltaa = targeta - froma;
srhx = fromx + deltax * m100;
srhy = fromy + deltay * m100;
srha = froma + deltaa * m100;
if (mover == 100) {
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 20;
fromx = srhx;
fromy = srhy;
froma = srha;
hohead = 2;
} else {
if (hohead == 2) {
targetx = tohx;
targety = tohy;
targeta = 8;
deltax = targetx - fromx;
deltay = targety - fromy;
deltaa = targeta - froma;
srhx = fromx + deltax * m100;
srhy = fromy + deltay * m100;
srha = froma + deltaa * m100;
if (mover == 100) {
hohead = 3;
} else {
if (hohead == 3) {
if (horny >= 150) {
fromx = bhax;
fromy = bhay;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 20;
hohead = 4;
} else {
if (hohead == 4) {
targetx = sx - 164;
targety = sy + 260;
deltax = targetx - fromx;
deltay = targety - fromy;
bhax = fromx + deltax * m100;
bhay = fromy + deltay * m100;
if (hohead < 3) {
tdi = 84 * h100;
dx = tdi - dickin;
dickin += dx / 6;
if (maxhorn == horny) {
tx = 351;
ty = 254;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (abs(dx) < 40 && abs(dy) < 50 && mdx > 0) {
swoosh = 1;
swooshadd = 0;
swooshdir = 1;
swooshx = tx;
swooshy = ty;
if (maxhorn < 100) {
maxhorn += 4;
dosurge = 1;
} else {
pspd = +(8 * h100);
if (mdx > 0 && !pa) {
pa = 0.1;
tcpdep = h100;
dx = tcpdep - cpdep;
cpdep += dx / 8;
tpdep = h100;
mon4 = 'cram:' + cram;
if (pucker) {
if (puckera < 100) {
puckera += 25;
} else {
if (puckera > 0) {
puckera -= 25;
if (blinkon) {
} else {
if (blinkdel > 0) {
} else {
if (ssay != 74.09999999999999) {
blinkdel = 60 + rnd(120);
blinkon = 1;
if (blinkon) {
if (blinka < 74) {
blinka += 25;
if (blinka >= 74) {
blinkon = 0;
} else {
if (blinka > 0) {
blinka -= 25;
stopjack = 110;
if (hohead >= 3) {
if (horny >= stopjack) {
tjdep *= 0.995;
if (tjspd > 4) {
tjspd *= 0.95;
} else {
sj100 = (horny - 100) / 10;
tjdep = 1 - sj100 * 0.5;
} else {
tjspd = 12 + h100 * 30;
dx = tjdep - jdep;
jdep += dx / 32;
dx = tjspd - jspd;
jspd += dx / 8;
ja += jspd;
if (ja >= 360) {
ja -= 360;
if (ja >= 180 && oja < 180) {
if (jdep && hohead < 3) {
if (!pa) {
pa = 0.1;
if (horny < maxhorn) {
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
oja = ja;
jack = sine(ja) * jdep;
djack = sine(ja + jackdelay) * jdep;
hjack = jack;
if (hjack > 0) {
diadj = 1 - (dickin / 100) * 0.5;
hjack *= diadj;
if (hohead < 3) {
if (horny < 50) {
pspd = jspd + 1;
} else {
pspd = jspd / 2 + 1;
tpdep = 0.5;
if (pa) {
pa += pspd;
if (pa > 360) {
pa = 0;
} else {
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 2;
} else {
slam += dx / 16;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (pa) {
if (pa < 180) {
if (mdx > 1) {
tslam = pspd * 0.4;
} else {
tslam = 0;
if (pa < 180) {
pa += pspd + slam;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (pa < 270) {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
cadd = pspd;
pa += cadd;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = pspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
pa += cadd;
if (pa >= 360) {
if (cumming) {
pa = 0.1;
} else {
if (boost) {
pa = 0.1;
if (!talking) {
saysnd('breath', 10);
} else {
pa = 0;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (cumming) {
saysnd('uhh', 20 * cumfade);
grinda = 0.1;
} else {
if (horny < 200) {
if (horny < stopjack) {
horny += 1;
} else {
horny += 2;
if (horny >= 200 && !grinda && !cumming) {
grinda = 0.1;
autopilot = 0;
cumming = 1;
sayfile1('morg5.wav', 7);
opa = pa;
dx = tpdep - pdep;
pdep += dx / 32;
pump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * pdep;
cpump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * pdep * cpdep;
if (dgrinda) {
dgrinda += 4;
if (dgrinda >= 180) {
dgrinda = 0;
} else {
if (grinda) {
grinda += 6;
if (grinda >= 90 && oga < 90) {
saysnd('muff', 10 * cumfade);
dgrinda = 0.1;
if (grinda >= 180) {
grinda = 0;
oga = grinda;
grinddep = 1;
dgrind = sine(dgrinda);
dgrind += quiver * dgrind * 0.05;
pdgrind = dgrind - 0.5;
if (pdgrind < 0) {
pdgrind = 0;
grind = sine(grinda) * grinddep;
grind += quiver * grind * 0.03;
grind += dgrind * 0.6;
pump += grind * 2.8;
quivera += 140;
quiver = sine(quivera);
mon6 = 'talk:' + talking;
bx = 119;
by = 562;
sx = 695;
sy = 285;
if (hohead == 0) {
srhx = sx - 141;
srhy = sy + 132;
srha = -60;
bba = 0;
bcha = 0;
bna = 0;
blaa = 0;
brsha = 0;
brela = 0;
bha = 0;
sha = 0;
scha = 0;
slla = 0;
sda = -4.2;
slaa = 0;
bcha = djack * -0.25;
tsda = 0;
dx = tsda - sda;
sda += dx / 6;
sda += jack * -0.15;
sha += pump * 0.8;
scha += pump * -0.7;
srla += pump * -0.2;
slla += pump * -0.3;
sx += pump * -0.7;
sy += pump * 1;
bcha += dickin * 0.1;
bha += dickin * 0.06;
sda += dickin * -0.09;
bcha += cram * 0.14;
bcha += cpump * 1.5;
srla += cpump * -0.2;
slla += cpump * -0.2;
sx += cpump * -2;
bha += cpump * -0.2;
slaa += grind * (-29 + fadjx) / 10;
bcha += grind * (28 + wadjx) / 10;
bcha += pdgrind * (-43 + wadjy) / 10;
sy += dgrind * (-66 + zadjy) / 10;
by += dgrind * (-66 + zadjy) / 10;
bcha += dgrind * (-11 + zadjx) / 10;
trad = 660;
toa = 3;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
slax = sx + xadd;
slay = sy + yadd;
trad = 194;
toa = -143;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
sllx = sx + xadd;
slly = sy + yadd;
trad = 196;
toa = -102;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
sdx = sx + xadd;
sdy = sy + yadd;
if (hohead < 3) {
jackrad = 97;
ujackrad = jackrad + hjack * 15;
} else {
if (horny >= stopjack) {
if (jackrad > 69) {
jackrad -= 1;
} else {
jackrad = 97 - cpump * 8;
ujackrad = jackrad + hjack * 15;
toa = -55;
xadd = sine(toa + sda) * ujackrad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sda) * ujackrad;
jpx = sdx + xadd;
jpy = sdy + yadd;
trad = 160 + zadjx / 10;
toa = -61 + zadjy / 10;
xadd = sine(toa + sda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sda) * trad;
dtx = sdx + xadd;
dty = sdy + yadd;
trad = 304;
toa = 18.4;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bnx = bx + xadd;
bny = by + yadd;
trad = 320;
toa = 29.4;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
blax = bx + xadd;
blay = by + yadd;
trad = 211.7;
toa = -0.7;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brshx = bx + xadd;
brshy = by + yadd;
trad = 146 + qadjx / 10;
toa = 82 + qadjy / 10;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
lix = bnx + xadd;
liy = bny + yadd;
if (horny < 150) {
bhax = jpx;
bhay = jpy;
} else {}
tshrad = 286;
telrad = 368;
sss(brshx, brshy, tshrad, telrad, bhax, bhay, 1);
brsha = ugsha;
brela = ugela;
trad = 286;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + brsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + brsha) * trad;
brelx = brshx + xadd;
brely = brshy + yadd;
brsha += -150;
brela += -46;
trad = 70;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + bna) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bna) * trad;
bhx = bnx + xadd;
bhy = bny + yadd;
trad = 249;
toa = 27;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
ahx = bhx + xadd;
ahy = bhy + yadd;
trad = 183;
toa = 26;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
tohx = bhx + xadd;
tohy = bhy + yadd;
if (hohead >= 3) {
srhx = tohx;
srhy = tohy;
jawseq = floor((lix - dtx) * 0.4);
if (jawseq < 0) {
jawseq = 0;
if (jawseq > 7) {
jawseq = 7;
jawseqf = jawseq;
if (horny >= 100 && jawseq == 7) {
jawseqf = 8;
wsprite(0, bx, by, 300, -45, 149);
wsprite(1, bx, by, 320, bcha - 45, 150);
wsprite(2, bnx, bny, 340, bna - 45, 151);
wsprite(3, blax, blay, 250, blaa - 45, 152);
wsprite(4, brshx, brshy, 410, brsha - 45, 153);
wsprite(5, brelx, brely, 460, brela - 45, 154);
wsprite(6, bhx, bhy, 450, bha - 45, 155);
fsprite(7, bhx, bhy, 451, bha - 45, 165 + jawseqf);
fsprite(9, bhx, bhy, 392, bha - 45, 156 + jawseq);
wsprite(11, sx, sy, 500, sha + 45, 143);
wsprite(12, sx, sy, 520, scha + 45, 144);
wsprite(13, sllx, slly, 510, slla + 45, 145);
wsprite(14, sdx, sdy, 400, sda + 45, 146);
wsprite(15, slax, slay, 600, slaa + 45, 147);
if (hohead > 1) {
raz = 457;
} else {
raz = 220;
wsprite(16, srhx, srhy, raz, srha + 45, 175);
if (hohead >= 1) {
wsprite(17, bhx, bhy, 458, bha - 45, 174);
function initscene2() {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1a = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
wait = 30;
ssay = 55;
scenestarted = 1;
strokes = 0;
countstrokes = 1;
await = 0;
cumfade = 0;
cumming = 0;
squirts = 0;
cumfade = 0;
function doscene2() {
mon6 = ' ' + bg1a + ' ' + bg2a;
if (!scenestarted) {
if (ssay == 55) {
if (fadespeed == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 56) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 57) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 58) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (!talking) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 59) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 60) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(61, 1);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 61) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 62) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 63) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 64) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 65) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 66) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 67) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 68) {
if (balpha == 0) {
tx = slhx;
ty = slhy;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx < 0) {
swoosh = 1;
swooshadd = 0;
swooshdir = 3;
swooshx = tx;
swooshy = ty;
ssay = 68.09999999999999;
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 68.09999999999999) {
if (strokes == 2) {
wait = 50;
countstrokes = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 69) {
if (balpha == 0) {
countstrokes = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 70) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait2) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 71) {
} else {
if (ssay == 72) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 73) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 74) {
if (balpha == 0) {
tx = bhx + 30;
ty = bhy - 20;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx > 0) {
swoosh = 1;
swooshadd = 0;
swooshdir = 1;
swooshx = tx;
swooshy = ty;
ssay = 74.09999999999999;
} else {
if (ssay == 74.09999999999999) {
if (horny >= 11) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 75;
} else {
if (ssay == 75) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 75.09999999999999;
} else {
if (ssay == 75.09999999999999) {
if (cumming && squirts >= 2) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.25;
} else {
ssay = 75.2;
wait = 40;
cumfade = (100 - bg2a) / 100;
} else {
if (ssay == 75.2) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
scene += 1;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 1;
scenestarted = 0;
bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a;
bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a;
bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a;
bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a;
omousex = mousex;
omousey = mousey;
if (!Key.isDown(191)) {
slashrel = 1;
if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) {
scenestarted = 0;
if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) {
forcebuboff = 1;
ssay = 65;
ssay = 68;
wait = 10;
ssay = 71;
reachh = 7;
slhx = 596;
slhy = 244;
slha = 0;
froma = 0;
jdep = 1;
strokes = 12;
grabdick = 2;
tjdep = 1;
tjspd = 12;
maxhorn = 10;
horny = 10;
ssay = 75;
function init_fdown() {
yscroll = 0;
tfeeler = 0;
feeler = 0;
lha2 = 0;
lha1 = 0;
lhandang = 0;
slha = 0;
brax = 240;
bray = 252;
sey = 0;
sex = 0;
fpy = 0;
fpx = 0;
ta2h = -125;
a2h = -125;
ta2e = 0;
a2e = 0;
llarmseq = 0;
frontback = 1;
fbreset = 0;
feelarm = 0;
tfeelarm = 0;
blink = 0;
eyesa = 100;
fcmax = 30;
famax = 30;
fcrst = 0;
farst = 0;
feelin = 0;
feelup = 0;
tfeelup = 0;
factoa = 0;
tfactoa = 0;
finoffx = 0;
tfinoffx = 0;
finoffy = 0;
tfinoffy = 0;
gdy = 0;
tgdy = 0;
armover = 0;
fupready = 0;
kiss = 0;
kissa = 0;
grabs = 0;
kisses = 0;
grabrst = 0;
kissrst = 0;
pantydown = 0;
tpantydown = 0;
pantytop = -85;
tpantytop = -85;
pantyfall = 0;
pfadd = 0;
pushher = 0;
pushy = 0;
pushx = 0;
p100 = 0;
tbha = 0;
function do_fdown() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
fcmax = 100;
famax = 165;
fupready = 2;
frontback = -1;
feelin = 1;
tfeeler = 0;
feeler = 0;
tfeelarm = 165;
feelarm = 165;
factoa = -34.25;
facrad = 84.3;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 40;
fromgdy = 0;
fromfactoa = factoa;
fromfacrad = facrad;
blink = 1;
kisses = 16;
grabs = 16;
if (pushher) {
if (pushher == 1) {
if (mover < 100) {
targetys = 176 + adjy;
deltays = targetys - fromys;
yscroll = fromys + deltays * m100;
p100 = m100;
} else {}
} else {
if (feelin) {
tfeelarm = 0;
dx = tfeelarm - feelarm;
if (dx < -20) {
dx = -20;
feelarm += dx / 8;
feeler = 0;
if (mover < 100) {
yscroll = 60 * m100;
tfeelup = 0;
feelup = 0;
finoffx = -26 * m100;
finoffy = -24 * m100;
targetgdy = 137;
deltagdy = targetgdy - fromgdy;
gdy = fromgdy + deltagdy * m100;
deltafactoa = -fromfactoa;
factoa = fromfactoa + deltafactoa * m100;
deltafacrad = -fromfacrad;
facrad = fromfacrad + deltafacrad * m100;
fupready = 0;
} else {
dx = 68 - factoa;
factoa += dx / 3;
if (abs(dx) < 1) {
armover = 300;
yref = 460 - yscroll;
if (fupready == 0) {
if (mousey > yref) {
fupready = 1;
} else {
if (fupready == 2) {
if (mousey < yref) {
fupready = 2;
} else {
tfeelup = yref - mousey;
if (tfeelup > 176 + qadjy) {
tfeelup = 176;
dx = tfeelup - feelup;
feelup += dx / 6;
if (pantyfall && feelup >= 0) {
tfeelup = 0;
feelup = 0;
pushher = 1;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 120;
fromys = yscroll;
} else {
if (frontback == 0) {
tfeeler = mousey - bray;
if (tfeeler < -1) {
fbreset = 1;
if (tfeeler > 0 && fbreset) {
if (mousex > brax) {
frontback = 1;
} else {
frontback = -1;
} else {
if (frontback == 1) {
tfeeler = mousey - bray;
if (tfeeler < 0) {
tfeeler = 0;
if (tfeeler >= fcmax) {
tfeeler = fcmax;
fcrst = 0;
if (farst == 0) {
farst = 1;
famax += 15;
dx = tfeeler - feeler;
feeler += dx / 6;
if (feeler < 0.5) {
fbreset = 0;
frontback = 0;
feeler = 0;
} else {
if (frontback == -1) {
tfeelarm = mousey - bray;
if (tfeelarm < 0) {
tfeelarm = 0;
if (tfeelarm >= famax) {
tfeelarm = famax;
farst = 0;
if (fcrst == 0) {
fcrst = 1;
if (fcmax < 100) {
fcmax += 10;
if (tfeelarm >= 165) {
feelin = 1;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 80;
fromgdy = 0;
fromfactoa = factoa;
fromfacrad = facrad;
dx = tfeelarm - feelarm;
feelarm += dx / 8;
if (feelarm < 0.5) {
fbreset = 0;
frontback = 0;
feelarm = 0;
mon4 = 'f:' + floor(tfeeler) + ' fa:' + floor(tfeelarm);
bx = 303;
by = 489;
sx = 573;
sy = 448 + gdy;
ba = 0;
bcha = 0;
bha = 0;
blaa = 0;
braa = 0;
blla = 0;
brla = 0;
bpba = ba;
bpta = ba + 0;
bta = 0;
sa = 0;
scha = 0;
sha = 0;
slsha = 0;
slela = 0;
slha = 24;
srsha = 0;
srela = 0;
if (pushher) {
ta2h = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(sex - bex, sey - bey));
dx = ta2h - a2h;
if (dx > 3) {
dx = 3;
a2h += dx / 6;
sha = 82 + a2h * 0.6;
ta2e = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bex - sex, bey - sey));
dx = ta2e - a2e;
a2e += dx / 6;
bha = 2 + a2e * 0.13;
} else {
if (sex) {
ta2h = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(sex - fpx, sey - fpy));
dx = ta2h - a2h;
a2h += dx / 6;
sha = 82 + a2h * 0.6;
if (bex) {
ta2e = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bex - sex, bey - sey));
dx = ta2e - a2e;
a2e += dx / 6;
bha = 2 + a2e * 0.13;
tbha = bha;
lhandang = feeler - 20;
if (lhandang > 0) {
lhandang = 0;
lha0 = lhandang;
slha += lhandang * 0.6;
lha1 = feeler - 20;
if (lha1 < 0) {
lha1 = 0;
slha += lha1 * 0.1;
lha2 = feeler - 56;
if (lha2 < 0) {
lha2 = 0;
slha += lha2 * 0.25;
bcha += lha0 * 0.03;
bcha += lha2 * -0.03;
scha += feeler * 0.03;
if (feelin) {
llarmseq = 3;
} else {
llarmseq = floor(feelarm * 30 / 100);
if (llarmseq > 3) {
llarmseq = 3;
braa += feelarm * -0.03;
scha += feelarm * -0.11;
bcha += feelarm * -0.02;
if (pushher) {
blink = 0;
} else {
if (feelin) {
blink = 1;
} else {
tb = feeler + feelarm;
if (tb > 10) {
blink = 1;
} else {
blink = 0;
if (blink) {
if (eyesa > 0) {
eyesa -= 20;
} else {
if (eyesa < 100) {
eyesa += 20;
tfeelup = feelup;
if (tfeelup < -92 + fadjx) {
tfeelup = -92 + fadjx;
scha += tfeelup * 0.07000000000000001;
bcha += tfeelup * 0.03;
fupdn = tfeelup;
if (fupdn > 0) {
fupdn = 0;
sha += fupdn * -0.2;
scha += fupdn * 0.07000000000000001;
braa += fupdn * 0.12;
bcha += fupdn * 0.02;
dnkiss = feelup + 95;
if (dnkiss > 0) {
dnkiss = 0;
if (dnkiss < -30) {
dnkiss = -30;
if (dnkiss < -15) {
kiss = 1;
if (kissrst) {
if (kisses < grabs + 2) {
kissrst = 0;
if (kisses > 16 && !pantyfall) {
pantyfall = 0.01;
pfadd = 0.1;
} else {
kiss = 0;
kissrst = 1;
sha += dnkiss * -0.16;
scha += dnkiss * 0.02;
bcha += dnkiss * 0.05;
bta += dnkiss * 0.17;
tgrab = feelup - 150;
if (tgrab < 0) {
tgrab = 0;
bta += tgrab * -0.37;
if (tgrab > 10) {
if (grabrst) {
grabrst = 0;
if (grabs < kisses + 2) {
} else {
grabrst = 1;
bpta += pantydown * (40 + wadjx) / 100;
if (pantyfall) {
if (pantyfall < 250) {
pantyfall += pfadd;
pfadd += 0.2;
bx += p100 * (-62 + fadjx);
by += p100 * (138 + fadjy);
sx += p100 * (-24 + zadjx);
sy += p100 * (4 + zadjy);
scha += p100 * (-13 + wadjx);
sa += p100 * (-11 + wadjy);
blla += p100 * (-25 + qadjx);
brla += p100 * (-25 + qadjx);
bcha += p100 * 2;
ba += p100 * (-23 + adjx);
trad = 336.1;
toa = -9.6;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
trad = 77;
toa = 61;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
bex = bhx + xadd;
bey = bhy + yadd;
trad = 145.5;
toa = -1.7;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
btx = bx + xadd;
bty = by + yadd;
trad = 243.9;
toa = -14.4;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brax = bx + xadd;
blax = brax;
bray = by + yadd;
blay = bray;
trad = 66;
toa = 201;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
bllx = bx + xadd;
blly = by + yadd;
trad = 116;
toa = 200;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
brlx = bx + xadd;
brly = by + yadd;
trad = 71.8;
trad += pantydown * (-70 + wadjy) / 100;
toppx = pantydown * (24 + qadjx) / 100;
if (toppx < -8 + qadjy) {
toppx = -8 + qadjy;
pxwid = pantydown * (-12 + zadjx) / 100;
pywid = pantydown * (-19 + zadjy) / 100;
mon5 = 'roppx:' + toppx;
toa = 185.3;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
bpx = bx + xadd;
bpy = by + yadd;
bpy += pantyfall;
if (feelin) {
tpantytop = -85 - kisses * 3;
dx = tpantytop - pantytop;
pantytop += dx / 6;
ufeelup = feelup;
if (ufeelup < pantytop) {
ufeelup = pantytop;
tpd = ufeelup + 85;
if (tpd < tpantydown) {
tpantydown = tpd;
pantydown = tpantydown;
trad = facrad;
toa = factoa;
trad -= ufeelup * -1;
if (feelup > 0) {
toa -= ufeelup * 0.29;
} else {
toa += ufeelup * 0.23;
} else {
trad = 286;
toa = -4;
if (frontback == 1) {
trad -= feeler * 1.2;
toa -= feeler * -0.18;
toa += lha2 * -0.13;
} else {
if (frontback == -1) {
trad -= feelarm * 1.6;
toa -= feelarm * 0.24;
facrad = trad;
factoa = toa;
tfactoa = factoa;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
fpx = bx + xadd;
fpy = by + yadd;
if (feelin) {
fpx += finoffx;
fpy += finoffy;
trad = 338;
toa = -12;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
shx = sx + xadd;
shy = sy + yadd;
trad = 96;
toa = -95;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
sex = shx + xadd;
sey = shy + yadd;
trad = 281;
toa = -5;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
srshx = sx + xadd;
srshy = sy + yadd;
sssx = fpx;
sssy = fpy;
tshrad = 207;
telrad = 205;
sss(srshx, srshy, tshrad, telrad, sssx, sssy, 0);
srsha = ugsha;
srela = ugela;
trad = tshrad;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + srsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srsha) * trad;
srelx = srshx + xadd;
srely = srshy + yadd;
srsha += 166;
srela += 63;
trad = 268;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
slshx = sx + xadd;
slshy = sy + yadd;
sssx = fpx;
sssy = fpy;
tshrad = 212;
telrad = 252;
sss(slshx, slshy, tshrad, telrad, sssx, sssy, 0);
slsha = ugsha;
slela = ugela;
trad = 212;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + slsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + slsha) * trad;
slelx = slshx + xadd;
slely = slshy + yadd;
slsha += 171;
slela += 62;
trad = 183.1;
toa = -70.90000000000001;
xadd = sine(toa + slela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + slela) * trad;
slhx = slelx + xadd;
slhy = slely + yadd;
wsprite(0, bx, by - yscroll, 300, ba - 45, 193);
wsprite(1, bx, by - yscroll, 320, bcha - 45, 194);
wsprite(2, bhx, bhy - yscroll, 340, bha - 45, 195);
wsprite(20, bhx, bhy - yscroll, 341, bha - 45, 196, eyesa);
wsprite(3, blax, blay - yscroll, 250, blaa - 45, 197);
wsprite(4, brax, bray - yscroll, 410 + armover, braa - 45, 198);
wsprite(5, bllx, blly - yscroll, 260, blla - 45, 199);
wsprite(6, brlx, brly - yscroll, 308, brla - 45, 200);
wsprite(7, bpx, bpy - yscroll, 310, bpba - 45, 201, 100, 100 + pxwid, 100 + pywid);
wsprite(9, bpx + toppx, bpy - yscroll, 311, bpta - 45, 202);
wsprite(22, btx, bty - yscroll, 321, bta - 45, 192);
wsprite(23, bpx, bpy - yscroll, 258, bpba - 45, 203, 100, 100 + pxwid, 100 + pywid);
wsprite(11, sx, sy - yscroll, 520, sa + 45, 180);
wsprite(12, sx, sy - yscroll, 500, scha + 45, 181);
wsprite(13, shx, shy - yscroll, 530, sha + 45, 182);
wsprite(14, slshx, slshy - yscroll, 600, slsha + 45, 184);
fsprite(15, slelx, slely - yscroll, 620, slela + 45, 205 + llarmseq, 100, 100, 100, 50);
if (llarmseq == 0) {
lhanda = 100;
} else {
if (fs_changing[i] > 0) {
lhanda = fs_alpha[15];
} else {
lhanda = 0;
if (slha < 28) {
wsprite(17, slhx, slhy - yscroll, 619, slha + 45, 186, lhanda);
} else {
wsprite(17, slhx, slhy - yscroll, 619, slha + 0, 187, lhanda);
wsprite(18, srshx, srshy - yscroll, 280, srsha + 45, 188);
wsprite(19, srelx, srely - yscroll, 281, srela + 45, 189);
if (kiss) {
if (kissa < 100) {
kissa += 20;
} else {
if (kissa > 0) {
kissa -= 20;
wsprite(21, shx, shy - yscroll, 531, sha + 45, 183, kissa);
bg1_mc._y = 288 - yscroll;
function init_lick4() {
lickit = 0;
tlickit = 0;
breath = 0;
breatha = 0;
inhalea = 0;
inhaleda = 0;
exhalea = 100;
deep = 0;
spasma = 0;
spasm = 0;
cspd = 5;
lickrst = 0;
horny = 0;
ca = 0;
circle = 0;
slam = 0;
cadd = 0;
waves = 0;
dgrind = 0;
dgrinda = 0;
grind = 0;
grinda = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
engaged = 0;
cldx = 0;
cldy = 0;
clry = 0;
clrx = 0;
ulsa = 0;
tlsa = 0;
spasmdep = 0;
tslam = 0;
slam = 0;
tcdep = 0;
cdep = 0;
cumadd = 0;
cumfade = 1;
backbend = 0;
backbenda = 0;
bg3a = 100;
function do_lick4() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
horny = 96;
refx = 604;
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (!engaged) {
tlickit = (refx - mousex) / 1;
if (tlickit < 0) {
tlickit = 0;
if (tlickit >= 100) {
tlickit = 100;
engaged = 1;
ca = 0.1;
} else {
if (!cummed) {
tlickit = 100;
if (mdx < 0 && !ca) {
ca = 0.1;
} else {
if (tlickit > 70) {
tlickit -= 0.1;
if (horny > 50) {
dx = tlickit - lickit;
lickit += dx / 6;
mon4 = 'cummd:' + cummed;
bx = 327;
by = 290;
sx = 1219;
sy = 478;
hhx = 130;
hhy = 483;
ba = 0;
brla = 0;
blla = 0;
bcha = 0;
brsha = 0;
brela = 0;
bha = 0;
scha = 0;
sha = 0;
slsha = 0;
slha = 14;
sta = sha + 11;
breathdep = 1;
if (deep) {
if (inhaleda < 100) {
inhaleda += 10 + 10 * h100;
if (breatha == 180) {
} else {
if (breatha < 180) {
breatha += 20 + 10 * h100;
if (breatha > 180) {
breatha = 180;
} else {
breatha -= 20 + 10 * h100;
if (breatha < 180) {
breatha = 180;
} else {
if (inhaleda > 0) {
inhaleda -= 4;
breatha += 4 + 8 * h100;
if (breatha > 360) {
breatha -= 360;
breath = ((sine(breatha - 90) + 1) / 2) * breathdep;
breathd = ((sine(breatha - 0) + 1) / 2) * breathdep;
breathdd = ((sine(breatha - 180) + 1) / 2) * breathdep;
inhalea = breath * 100;
if (spasma) {
if (spasma < 90) {
spasma += 6 + 4 * h100;
} else {
spasma += 2 + 4 * h100;
if (spasma >= 180) {
spasma = 0;
spasm = sine(spasma) * spasmdep;
spasmdep = 0.5 + 0.5 * h100;
cspd = 5 + 10 * h100;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (ca) {
if (ca < 180) {
if (mdx < -1) {
tslam = cspd / 2;
} else {
tslam *= 0.95;
} else {
if (mdx > 0) {
} else {
tslam *= 0.95;
dx = tslam - slam;
slam += dx / 16;
mon5 = 'slam:' + floor(slam) + ' ts:' + tslam;
if (ca < 180) {
ca += cspd + slam;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (ca < 270) {
if (mdx < 0) {
boost = 1;
cadd = cspd - slam / 2;
ca += cadd;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = cspd - slam / 2;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
ca += cadd;
if (ca >= 360) {
if (cummed) {
ca = 0;
} else {
if (cumming) {
ca = 0.1;
} else {
if (boost) {
ca = 0.1;
} else {
ca = 0;
triggerpoint = 135;
if (ca >= triggerpoint && oca < triggerpoint) {
if (cumming) {
if (waves < 8) {
grinda = 0.1;
if (!deep) {
deep = 20;
cumfade = 1 - waves * 0.1 * 0.8;
ohfile = 'oh' + (9 - waves) + '.wav';
sayfile(ohfile, 40 * cumfade);
} else {
if (!cummed) {
cummed = 1;
} else {
if (horny < 100) {
if (!deep) {
deep = 20;
saysnd('breathin', 30);
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
if (horny < 100) {
horny += 2;
if (horny >= 100) {
cumming = 1;
grinda = 0.1;
autopilot = 1.1;
sayfile('coh4.mp3', 20);
} else {
spasma = 0.1;
dosurge = 1;
oca = ca;
if (!cumming) {
tcdep = 1;
} else {
tcdep = 0.125;
dx = tcdep - cdep;
cdep += dx / 16;
uca = ca + 180;
bca = uca + 90;
circle = -sine(bca) * cdep;
ccircle = cosine(bca) * cdep;
hcircle = cosine(uca) * cdep;
tca = uca + 150;
if (cumming) {
if (cummed) {
ttcircle = -1;
if (cumadd > 0) {
cumadd -= 0.1;
} else {
ttcircle = 0.9;
if (cumadd < 1) {
cumadd += 0.1;
dx = ttcircle - tcircle;
tcircle += dx / 8;
} else {
tcircle = sine(tca);
if (dgrinda) {
dgrinda += 4;
if (dgrinda >= 180) {
dgrinda = 0;
} else {
if (grinda) {
grinda += 6 - (waves / 8) * 2;
if (grinda >= 90 && oga < 90) {
dgrinda = 0.1;
if (grinda >= 180) {
grinda = 0;
backbenda = 0.1;
oga = grinda;
grinddep = 1 - waves * 0.05;
dgrind = sine(dgrinda);
dgrind += quiver * dgrind * 0.05;
pdgrind = dgrind - 0.5;
if (pdgrind < 0) {
pdgrind = 0;
grind = sine(grinda) * grinddep;
grind += quiver * grind * 0.03;
grind += dgrind * 0.6;
if (backbenda) {
backbenda += 6 - (waves / 8) * 2;
if (backbenda >= 180) {
backbenda = 0;
backbend = sine(backbenda);
backbend += quiver * backbend * 0.11;
grind += backbend * -1;
mon6 = ' bb:' + backbend;
spasm += grind * 1;
quivera += 140;
quiver = sine(quivera);
sx += lickit * -0.8100000000000001;
sy += lickit * 0.03;
hhx += lickit * 0.06;
hhy += lickit * 0.02;
slha += lickit * 0.01;
ba += breathd * 0.48;
bha += breathdd * -0.58;
ba += spasm * -2.1;
bcha += spasm * 1.7;
bha += spasm * 1.9;
bx += spasm * 1.4;
by += spasm * -1;
brllen = 100 + spasm * 6;
blla += spasm * 2.2;
sx += circle * 3.9;
sy += ccircle * 1.9;
sha += hcircle * 1.9;
sha += cumadd * 0.7;
sx += cumadd * -3.7;
tout = tcircle * 12;
h110 = h100 + 0.1;
hhx += circle * -6.6 * h110;
hhy += circle * -3 * h110;
slsha += circle * 2.1 * h110;
lspoint = 85;
tlsa = ca - lspoint;
if (tlsa < 0) {
tlsa = 0;
if (tlsa > 90) {
tlsa = 0;
dx = tlsa - ulsa;
ulsa += dx / 5;
labstretch = sine(ulsa) * -2.1;
ba += 2 * h100;
bcha += 6 * h100;
hhx += grind * -7.8;
hhy += grind * -4.8;
trad = 185;
toa = -64;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
trad = 272.6;
toa = 97.5;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
bllx = bx + xadd;
blly = by + yadd;
trad = 87;
toa = 131;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
brlx = bx + xadd;
brly = by + yadd;
trad = 244.1;
toa = -84.40000000000001;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brshx = bx + xadd;
brshy = by + yadd;
sssx = hhx;
sssy = hhy;
tshrad = 310;
telrad = 309;
sss(brshx, brshy, tshrad, telrad, sssx, sssy, 1);
brsha = ugsha;
brela = ugela;
trad = 310;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + brsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + brsha) * trad;
brelx = brshx + xadd;
brely = brshy + yadd;
brsha += 137;
brela += -94;
trad = 314;
toa = 90;
xadd = sine(toa + brela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + brela) * trad;
slhx = brelx + xadd;
slhy = brely + yadd;
trad = 183;
toa = 95;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
clx = bx + xadd;
cly = by + yadd;
if (clrx == 0) {
clrx = clx;
clry = cly;
} else {
cldx = clx - clrx;
cldy = cly - clry;
sx += cldx;
sy += cldy;
trad = 532;
toa = -64;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
shx = sx + xadd;
shy = sy + yadd;
trad = 149;
trad += tout;
toa = -115.5;
xadd = sine(toa + sha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sha) * trad;
stx = shx + xadd;
sty = shy + yadd;
trad = 428.1;
toa = -79.59999999999999;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
slshx = sx + xadd;
slshy = sy + yadd;
wsprite(0, bx, by, 300, ba - 45, 211);
wsprite(1, bllx, blly, 320, blla - 45, 212);
wsprite(2, brlx, brly, 740, brla - 0, 230, 100, 100, brllen);
wsprite(3, bx, by, 250, bcha - 45, 227, exhalea);
wsprite(4, bx, by, 251, bcha - 45, 228, inhalea);
wsprite(5, bx, by, 252, bcha - 45, 229, inhaleda);
wsprite(6, brshx, brshy, 410, brsha - 45, 215);
wsprite(7, brelx, brely, 420, brela - 45, 216);
wsprite(8, bhx, bhy, 240, bha - 45, 217);
wsprite(9, bx, by, 518, ba - 45 + labstretch, 210);
wetalpha = horny / 2 + (waves / 8) * 50;
wsprite(10, bx, by, 519, ba - 45, 231, wetalpha);
wsprite(11, sx, sy, 500, scha + 45, 220);
wsprite(12, shx, shy, 520, sha + 45, 221);
wsprite(13, slshx, slshy, 530, slsha + 45, 222);
wsprite(14, slhx, slhy, 430, slha + 45, 223);
wsprite(15, slhx, slhy, 418, slha + 45, 224);
wsprite(16, stx, sty, 517, sta + 45, 225);
function initscene3() {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1a = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
wait = 90;
ssay = 76;
scenestarted = 1;
sayfile('canary.mp3', 10);
facealpha = 0;
pushher = 0;
function openeyes() {
bx = 399 + fadjx;
by = 245 + fadjy;
wsprite(0, bx, by, 2005, 0, 177, facealpha);
function doscene3() {
if (!scenestarted) {
if (ssay == 76) {
if (fadespeed == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.5;
} else {
wait = 40;
wait2 = 50;
ssay = 76.09999999999999;
sayfile('canary.mp3', 10);
} else {
if (ssay == 76.09999999999999) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (facealpha < 100) {
facealpha += 3;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
ssay = 76.2;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.2) {
if (facealpha > 0) {
facealpha -= 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
if (wait == 0) {
} else {
if (bg2a % 40 == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 76.3;
wait = 80;
kisses = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.3) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 76.40000000000001;
wait = 80;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.40000000000001) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 76.5;
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.5) {
if (kisses >= 5 && bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 0.5;
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 3;
} else {
ssay = 76.59999999999999;
wait = rnd(20);
} else {
if (ssay == 76.59999999999999) {
if (kisses >= 5 && bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 0.5;
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 3;
} else {
if (bg3a < 100) {
ssay = 76.5;
wait = 10;
} else {
ssay = 76.7;
wait = 40;
bg2a = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.7) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 0.5;
} else {
if (pushher) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
if (mover > 75) {
bg2a += 0.5;
} else {
bg1_mc._y = 288;
ssay = 76.70999999999999;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.70999999999999) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 76.72;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.72) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.5;
} else {
ssay = 76.73;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.73) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
if (!cumming) {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 0.1;
} else {
if (bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 0.2;
if (cummed > 280) {
ssay = 76.8;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 76.8) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 0.5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
scene += 1;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 1;
scenestarted = 0;
bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a;
bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a;
bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a;
bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a;
omousex = mousex;
omousey = mousey;
if (!Key.isDown(191)) {
slashrel = 1;
if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) {
scenestarted = 0;
if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (ssay != 76.7) {
ssay = 76.7;
wait = 0;
bg2a = 0;
return undefined;
ssay = 76.73;
bg3a = 0;
function initscene4() {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1a = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
wait = 20;
ssay = 76.90000000000001;
scenestarted = 1;
function doscene4() {
if (!scenestarted) {
if (ssay == 76.90000000000001) {
if (fadespeed == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 77) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 78) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 79) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 80) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 60;
} else {
if (ssay == 81) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
ssay = 81.09999999999999;
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 81.09999999999999) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
wait2 = 45;
} else {
if (ssay == 82) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 60;
ssay = 82.09999999999999;
} else {
if (ssay == 82.09999999999999) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
scene += 1;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 1;
scenestarted = 0;
bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a;
bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a;
bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a;
bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a;
omousex = mousex;
omousey = mousey;
if (!Key.isDown(191)) {
slashrel = 1;
if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) {
scenestarted = 0;
if (debug && Key.isDown(191) && slashrel) {
forcebuboff = 1;
function initkitf() {
sliseq = 0;
rebseq = 0;
pokes = 0;
boost = 0;
function dokitf3() {
mon4 = 'pokes:' + pokes;
if (boost) {
if (boost == 1) {
if (k3del <= 0) {
rebseq = 1;
k3del = 10;
boost = 2;
} else {
if (boost == 2) {
if (k3del <= 0) {
sliseq = 0;
k3del = 10;
boost = 3;
} else {
if (boost == 3) {
if (k3del <= 0) {
rebseq = 0;
k3del = 10;
boost = 4;
} else {
if (boost == 4) {
if (k3del <= 0) {
pokes += 2;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
sliseq = 1;
k3del = 10;
if (k3del) {
sx = 310;
sy = 577;
rx = 435;
ry = 577;
fdspd = 5 + (pokes / 20) * 5;
fsprite(0, rx, ry, 100, 0, 235 + rebseq, 100, 100, 100, fdspd);
fsprite(2, sx, sy, 120, 0, 237 + sliseq, 100, 100, 100, fdspd);
function init_kit5f() {
pump = 0;
pa = 0;
cadd = 4;
pspd = 4;
horny = 0;
slam = 0;
tslam = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
boost = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
function kill_kit5fsprites() {
i = 0;
while (i < totalsprites) {
if (i >= 4 && i < 22) {
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i);
function do_kit5f() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
horny = 88;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (mdx > 0 && !pa) {
pa = 0.1;
if (horny < 100) {
pspd = 7 + 11 * h100;
pdep = 2 + h100;
th100 = 1;
} else {
autopilot = 1.1;
if (th100 > 0) {
th100 -= 0.005;
pspd = 2 + 16 * th100;
pdep = 2 + th100;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 2;
} else {
slam += dx / 16;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (pa) {
if (pa < 180) {
if (mdx > 1 && horny < 100) {
tslam = pspd * 0.4;
} else {
tslam = 0;
if (pa < 180) {
pa += (pspd + slam) * speedadj;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (pa < 270) {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
boost = 1;
cadd = pspd;
pa += cadd * speedadj;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = pspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
pa += cadd * speedadj;
if (pa >= 360) {
if (cumming) {
pa = 0.1;
} else {
if (boost) {
pa = 0.1;
} else {
pa = 0;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (horny < 100) {
saysnd('cushion', 30);
if (cumming) {
grinda = 0.1;
} else {
if (horny < 100) {
if (!grinda && autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
horny += 1;
hmod = horny % 10;
if (hmod == 0) {
if (ssay == 123.5 || ssay == 123.8) {
ssay = 123.7;
} else {
if (horny < 100) {
ssay = 123.8;
} else {
sayfile2('uhh4.mp3', 40);
opa = pa;
pump = sine(pa) * pdep;
cpump = cosine(pa) * pdep;
delay = 45 * h100;
spump = sine(pa + delay) * pdep;
if (bg2a >= 100) {
return undefined;
rx = 394;
ry = 354;
sx = 297;
sy = 412;
ra = 0;
rcha = 0;
rha = 0;
rraa = 0;
rlsha = 0;
rlela = 0;
rrla = 0;
rlla = 0;
sa = 0;
scha = 0;
slaa = 0;
srsha = 0;
srela = 0;
srla = 0;
srka = 0;
srha = 8;
chx = 174;
chy = 582;
cha = 0;
sa += spump * 2;
sx += spump * -0.6;
scha += spump * 0.2;
scha += cpump * -0.7;
srla += spump * -0.6;
srka += spump * -1.5;
srha += spump * -2.1;
ra += pump * -2.2;
rx += pump * 0.6;
ry += cpump * -0.8;
rcha += pump * 0.3;
rcha += cpump * 0.6;
rrla += pump * 0.7;
rlla += pump * 0.7;
cha += spump * -0.2;
chx += spump * -0.3;
chy += spump * 0.5;
mon4 = ' ' + floor(pa);
trad = 189;
toa = -8;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
srshx = sx + xadd;
srshy = sy + yadd;
trad = 65;
toa = 136;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
shx = rx + xadd;
shy = ry + yadd;
tshrad = 196;
telrad = 104;
sss(srshx, srshy, tshrad, telrad, shx, shy, 1);
srsha = ugsha;
srela = ugela;
trad = 196;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + srsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srsha) * trad;
srelx = srshx + xadd;
srely = srshy + yadd;
srsha += 202;
srela += -64;
trad = 97.90000000000001;
toa = 62.6;
xadd = sine(toa + srela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srela) * trad;
srhx = srelx + xadd;
srhy = srely + yadd;
trad = 81.5;
toa = 63.6;
xadd = sine(toa + srela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srela) * trad;
rhnx = srelx + xadd;
rhny = srely + yadd;
trad = 80;
toa = 154;
xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad;
srlx = sx + xadd;
srly = sy + yadd;
trad = 230.1;
toa = 103.7;
xadd = sine(toa + srla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srla) * trad;
srkx = srlx + xadd;
srky = srly + yadd;
trad = 229.4;
toa = 14.6;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
rhx = rx + xadd;
rhy = ry + yadd;
trad = 176.1;
toa = 28;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
rlshx = rx + xadd;
rlshy = ry + yadd;
tshrad = 141.3;
telrad = 145;
sss(rlshx, rlshy, tshrad, telrad, rhnx, rhny, 0);
rlsha = ugsha;
rlela = ugela;
trad = 141.3;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + rlsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rlsha) * trad;
rlelx = rlshx + xadd;
rlely = rlshy + yadd;
rlsha += 210.6;
rlela += 116;
trad = 47;
toa = -151;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
rrlx = rx + xadd;
rrly = ry + yadd;
trad = 61;
toa = 168;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
rllx = rx + xadd;
rlly = ry + yadd;
wsprite(4, rx, ry, 640, ra - 45, 249, bg3a);
wsprite(5, rx, ry, 650, rcha - 45, 250, bg3a);
wsprite(6, rhx, rhy, 660, rha - 45, 251, bg3a);
wsprite(7, rrax, rray, 250, rraa - 45, 252, bg3a);
wsprite(8, rlshx, rlshy, 670, rlsha - 45, 253, bg3a);
wsprite(9, rlelx, rlely, 824, rlela - 45, 254, bg3a);
wsprite(19, rlelx, rlely, 875, rlela - 45, 257, bg3a);
wsprite(10, rrlx, rrly, 250, rrla - 45, 255, bg3a);
wsprite(11, rllx, rlly, 820, rlla - 45, 256, bg3a);
wsprite(12, sx, sy, 500, sa - 45, 241, bg3a);
wsprite(13, sx, sy, 651, scha - 45, 242, bg3a);
wsprite(14, slax, slay, 510, slaa - 45, 243, bg3a);
wsprite(15, srshx, srshy, 830, srsha - 45, 244, bg3a);
wsprite(16, srelx, srely, 825, srela - 45, 245, bg3a);
wsprite(17, srlx, srly, 610, srla - 45, 246, bg3a);
wsprite(20, srkx, srky, 609, srka - 45, 247, bg3a);
wsprite(21, srhx, srhy, 824, srha - 45, 259, bg3a);
wsprite(18, chx, chy, 260, cha - 45, 240, bg3a);
function kill_insertsprites() {
i = 0;
while (i < totalsprites) {
if (i < 4 || i >= 22) {
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i);
function do_insert() {
rx = 353;
ry = 150;
sx = 351;
sy = 310;
ctx = 360;
cty = 576;
shx = rx;
shy = ry - 70;
rrla = 0;
rlla = 0;
srla = 0;
slla = 0;
slha = 5.3;
srha = -6.1;
ra = 0;
sa = 0;
sy += spump * 3.6;
slla += spump * -1;
srla += spump * 1;
slha += spump * -0.5;
srha += spump * 0.5;
ry += pump * -1.5;
cty += spump * -0.4;
rsiz = 100;
lsiz = spump * -0.44;
lsiz += 100;
trad = 117;
toa = -82;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
rllx = rx + xadd;
rlly = ry + yadd;
trad = 125;
toa = 83;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
rrlx = rx + xadd;
rrly = ry + yadd;
trad = 50;
toa = 79;
xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad;
sllx = sx + xadd;
slly = sy + yadd;
trad = 47;
toa = -80;
xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad;
srlx = sx + xadd;
srly = sy + yadd;
trad = 299;
trad += spump * 1.9;
toa = -68.5;
xadd = sine(toa + srla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + srla) * trad;
rllx = srlx + xadd;
rlly = srly + yadd;
trad = 294;
trad += spump * 1.9;
toa = 69;
xadd = sine(toa + slla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + slla) * trad;
rrlx = sllx + xadd;
rrly = slly + yadd;
rlla = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(rllx - rx, rlly - ry));
rlla += -81.2;
rrla = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(rrlx - rx, rrly - ry));
rrla += 80.2;
wsprite(0, rx, ry, 2300, -45, 270, bg2a, rsiz, rsiz);
wsprite(1, rllx, rlly, 2310, rlla - 45, 273, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz);
wsprite(2, rrlx, rrly, 2320, rrla - 45, 274, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz);
wsprite(3, ctx, cty, 2250, -45, 262, bg2a);
wsprite(22, sx, sy, 2200, -45, 264, bg2a);
wsprite(23, sx, sy, 2230, -45, 263, bg2a);
wsprite(24, sllx, slly, 2210, slla - 45, 265, bg2a);
wsprite(25, srlx, srly, 2220, srla - 45, 266, bg2a);
wsprite(26, shx, shy, 2410, slha - 45, 276, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz);
wsprite(27, shx, shy, 2420, srha - 45, 277, bg2a, lsiz, lsiz);
function init_chair8(reenter) {
pullout = 100;
tpullout = 100;
attached = 0;
pump = 0;
pa = 0;
cadd = 4;
pspd = 4;
horny = 0;
slam = 0;
tslam = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
sgrinda = 0;
sgrind = 0;
sgdep = 0;
boost = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
rtjump = 0;
rtja = 0;
ltjump = 0;
ltja = 0;
ppd = 0;
handseq = 0;
grabtit = 0;
treacht = -34;
reacht = -34;
tlhtrad = 39;
lhtrad = 39;
tlhtoa = 94;
lhtoa = 94;
tmasst = 0;
masst = 0;
maxmasst = 15;
masstrst = 1;
sgrinds = 0;
wchuhh = 4;
snuggledep = 3.8;
hurts = 0;
grabhair = 0;
lowonly = 1;
refy = 0;
refx = 0;
ltalpha = 100;
rheadseq = 0;
bendoa = 0;
bendo = 0;
bendodel = 40;
bendodel2 = 60;
rcummed = 0;
breathdep = 0;
breatha = 0;
breath = 0;
breathspd = 6;
pulltaila = 0;
pulltail = 0;
tshorny = 0;
shorny = 0;
sslam = 0;
scummed = 0;
scumming = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
grinda = 0;
grind = 0;
cumdep = 0;
squirts = 0;
if (reenter) {
pullout = 0;
attached = 2;
grabhair = 3;
horny = 100;
h100 = 1;
bendoa = 180;
handseq = 3;
ltalpha = 0;
rheadseq = 1;
refy = 210;
rcummed = 1;
sgdep = 0;
breathspd = 6;
wchuhh = 6;
function do_chair8() {
if (mybug && Key.isDown(71)) {
grabhair = 1;
hurts = 1;
snuggledep = 0;
grabtit = 5;
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
horny = 90;
mon6 = 'gh:' + grabhair + ' ' + pulltail + ' ' + breath + ' ' + rx;
gtoa = -70;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
dx = tshorny - shorny;
shorny += dx / 8;
if (scummed) {
if (tshorny > 0) {
tshorny -= 1;
sh100 = shorny / 100;
if (!attached) {
tpullout = 100;
if (mousex > 587) {
attached = 1;
} else {
if (attached == 1) {
tpullout = (mousex - 537) * 2;
if (tpullout <= 0) {
tpullout = 0;
if (tpullout > 100) {
tpullout = 100;
dx = tpullout - pullout;
pullout += dx / 6;
if (pullout < 0.25) {
pullout = 0;
attached = 2;
} else {
if (grabhair == 1) {
tx = lhx;
ty = lhy;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 10 && abs(dy) < 10) {
grabhair = 2;
refy = mousey;
} else {
if (grabhair == 2) {
dx = lhx - gtx;
dy = lhy - gty;
if (abs(dx) < 5 && abs(dy) < 5) {
grabhair = 3;
handseq = 3;
ltalpha = 0;
rheadseq = 1;
sayfile2('ow3.wav', 10);
} else {
if (grabhair == 3) {
if (bendodel) {
} else {
if (bendoa < 180) {
bendoa += 3;
} else {
if (bendodel2) {
} else {
if (ssay < 129) {
say(129, 1);
} else {
if (grabtit == 1) {
treacht = 390 - mousex;
if (treacht <= -39) {
grabtit = 2;
treacht = -39;
} else {
if (grabtit == 2) {
treacht = 390 - mousex;
if (treacht > 0) {
treacht = 0;
if (treacht < -39) {
treacht = -39;
if (reacht > -0.25) {
grabtit = 3;
tlhtrad = 0;
lhtrad = 0;
tlhtoa = gtoa;
lhtoa = tlhtoa;
} else {
if (grabtit == 3) {
treacht = 390 - mousex;
if (treacht < 0) {
treacht = 0;
if (treacht >= 89) {
treacht = 89;
grabtit = 4;
handseq = floor(reacht * 23 / 1000);
if (handseq > 2) {
handseq = 2;
if (handseq < 0) {
handseq = 0;
} else {
if (grabtit == 4) {
treacht = 89;
handseq = 2;
tmasst = mousex - 316;
if (tmasst < 0) {
tmasst = 0;
if (tmasst > maxmasst) {
tmasst = maxmasst;
if (!masstrst && masst < 10) {
sgrinds = 0;
masstrst = 1;
if (maxmasst < 65) {
maxmasst += 10;
} else {
if (ssay < 124) {
wait = 20;
wait2 = 20;
grabtit = 5;
if (masstrst && sgrinds >= 1 && ssay < 124) {
masstrst = 0;
saysnd('uhh', 10);
} else {
if (grabtit == 5) {
if (masst > 0) {
} else {
if (mdx > 0 && !pa) {
pa = 0.1;
dy = treacht - reacht;
reacht += dy / 6;
dy = tmasst - masst;
masst += dy / 12;
if (rcummed) {
if (scummed) {
if (pulltaila > 0) {
pulltaila -= 5;
} else {
if (pulltaila && pulltaila < 180) {
pulltaila += 10;
pulltail = (sine(pulltaila - 90) + 1) / 2;
if (ssay < 137.1) {
if (breathdep < 1) {
breathdep += 0.05;
} else {
if (breathdep > 0) {
breathdep -= 0.005;
if (breathspd > 3) {
breathspd -= 0.01;
breatha += breathspd;
breath = sine(breatha) * breathdep;
quivera += 120;
quiver = sine(quivera);
if (grinda) {
grinda += 4 - squirts * 0.2;
if (grinda >= 80 && oga < 80) {
saysnd('oww', 7);
if (grinda >= 180) {
grinda = 0;
oga = grinda;
grind = sine(grinda) * cumdep;
grind += quiver * grind * 0.06;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (sgrinda) {
if (rcummed) {
if (!scummed) {
sgspd = 5 + 15 * sh100;
sslam = sgspd * 0.5 * sh100;
} else {
sgspd = 3;
sslam = 0;
if (ssay >= 137.1) {
if (sgrinda == 0) {
sgrinda = 0.1;
if (scummed) {
if (sgdep > 0.5) {
sgdep -= 0.1;
} else {
if (pulltaila) {
if (sgdep < 1) {
sgdep += 0.05;
} else {
if (sgdep < 0.5) {
sgdep += 0.005;
} else {
sgspd = 5;
if (hurts) {
if (sgdep > 0.8) {
sgdep -= 0.01;
} else {
if (sgdep < 1) {
sgdep += 0.1;
if (sgrinda > 180) {
sgrinda += sgspd + sslam;
} else {
sgrinda += sgspd - sslam;
if (sgrinda >= 360) {
sgrinda -= 360;
if (rcummed && ssay >= 137.1) {
if (scumming) {
if (!scummed) {
grinda = 0.1;
saysnd('uhh', 20);
if (squirts >= 6) {
scummed = 1;
} else {
if (pulltaila && !scummed) {
if (tshorny < 100) {
tshorny += 10;
} else {
scumming = 1;
grinda = 0.1;
saysnd('uhh', 20);
} else {
if (masst >= maxmasst - 5) {
sayfile2('nnnn.mp3', 2);
} else {
if (sgdep > 0) {
sgdep -= 0.1;
sgrind = sine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep;
csgrind = cosine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep;
if (scumming) {
if (cumdep < 1.8) {
cumdep += 0.1;
sgrind += grind;
if (rtja) {
if (rtja < 90) {
rtja += 20;
} else {
rtja += 5;
if (rtja >= 180) {
rtja = 0;
rtjump = sine(rtja);
if (ltja) {
if (ltja < 90) {
ltja += 20;
} else {
ltja += 3;
if (ltja >= 180) {
ltja = 0;
ltjump = sine(ltja);
if (horny < 100) {
pspd = 7 + 11 * h100;
pdep = 2 + h100 * 2;
th100 = 1;
} else {
if (grabtit == 0) {
if (pspd > 4) {
pspd -= 0.5;
if (pdep > 0) {
pdep -= 0.1;
if (pspd <= 4 && pdep <= 0) {
pdep = 0;
grabtit = 1;
sgrinda = 0.1;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 1.5;
} else {
slam += dx / 8;
if (grinda) {
} else {
if (pa) {
if (pa > 180) {
if (mdx < 0 && horny < 100) {
tslam = pspd * 0.9;
} else {
tslam = 0;
if (pa < 180) {
pa += (pspd + slam) * speedadj;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (pa < 270) {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
boost = 1;
cadd = pspd;
pa += cadd * speedadj;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = pspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
pa += cadd * speedadj;
if (pa >= 360) {
if (cumming) {
pa = 0.1;
} else {
if (boost) {
pa = 0.1;
} else {
pa = 0;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (horny < 100) {
saysnd('cushion', 30);
if (cumming) {
grinda = 0.1;
} else {
if (horny < 100) {
if (!grinda && autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
horny += 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
autopilot = 0;
if (pdep > 0.5) {
ltja = 0.1;
rtja = 0.1;
opa = pa;
pump = sine(pa - 90) * pdep;
cpump = cosine(pa - 90) * pdep;
delay = (-33 + adjx) * h100;
spump = sine(pa - 90 + delay) * pdep;
rx = 394;
ry = 330;
sx = 510;
sy = 291;
ra = 0;
rcha = 0;
rha = 0;
rrta = 0;
rlta = 0;
rraa = 0;
rlsha = 0;
rlela = 0;
rurla = 0;
rrka = 5;
rulla = 0;
rlka = 0;
sa = 0;
scha = 0;
sraa = 0;
slsha = 0;
slela = 0;
sda = 0;
sba = 0;
srla = 0;
sulla = 0;
slka = 0;
chx = 338;
chy = 574;
cha = 0;
sx += pullout * 0.12;
sa += pullout * -0.12;
srla += pullout * 0.03;
sulla += pullout * 0.07000000000000001;
rx += pullout * -0.3;
rcha += pullout * 0.09;
sx += spump * 1.2;
sa += spump * -2.4;
srla += spump * 0.4;
sulla += spump * 0.62;
scha += spump * 0.2;
if (!rcummed) {
scha += -17 * h100;
} else {
refy = 210;
trad = 87;
toa = -151;
xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad;
sdx = sx + xadd;
sdy = sy + yadd;
trad = 76;
toa = 114;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
ppx = rx + xadd;
ppy = ry + yadd;
pussypush = sdx - ppx;
if (pussypush > 0) {
pussypush = 0;
rx += pump * -1.7;
rx += pussypush * 0.9;
rcha += pump * 0.4;
ra += cpump * -1;
ry += cpump * 0.8;
rha += pussypush * -0.3;
sa += sgrind * 5.4;
sx += sgrind * -1;
sy += csgrind * 1.5;
srla += sgrind * -0.49;
sulla += sgrind * -1.79;
scha += sgrind * -0.8;
rx += sgrind * -5.4;
ra += sgrind * -4;
ry += sgrind * 3.2;
rx += sgdep * snuggledep;
rcha += masst * 2 / 10;
scha += masst * 1 / 10;
rlta = rha;
rrta = rlta;
rrta += rtjump * -2.5;
rlta += ltjump * -2.5;
dx = pussypush - ppd;
if (dx < 0) {
ppd = pussypush;
} else {
ppd += dx / 8;
rrta += ppd * 0.3;
rlta += ppd * 0.3;
chx += pussypush * 0.16;
cha += pump * 0.06;
if (grabhair >= 2) {
scha += (refy - ghy) * 0.1;
bendo = ((sine(bendoa - 90) + 1) / 2) * 10;
rcha += bendo * -1.9;
rha += bendo * -1.6;
ra += bendo * -1.5;
ry += bendo * 1.1;
scha += bendo * -0.3;
rcha += breath;
rha += pulltail * 7;
rcha += pulltail * 3;
scha += pulltail * -3;
rha += sh100 * 15;
rcha += sh100 * 17;
rha += grind * 5.3;
rcha += grind * 3;
if (rcummed) {
rha += sgrind * -1.6;
lkadj = 394 - rx;
if (lkadj < 0) {
ry += lkadj * -0.24;
if (grabhair == 3) {
trad = 205.4;
toa = -38.7;
} else {
trad = 204.8;
toa = -41.3;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
rhx = rx + xadd;
rhy = ry + yadd;
trad = 70;
toa = 3;
xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad;
rltx = rhx + xadd;
rlty = rhy + yadd;
if (grabhair == 3) {
trad = 69;
toa = 155;
} else {
trad = -65;
toa = 325;
xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad;
gtx = rltx + xadd;
gty = rlty + yadd;
trad = 76;
toa = -37;
xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad;
rrtx = rhx + xadd;
rrty = rhy + yadd;
if (grabhair == 3) {
ghx = gtx;
ghy = gty;
} else {
if (grabhair == 2) {
tghx = mousex;
tghy = mousey;
if (tghx < 290) {
tghx = 290;
if (tghx > 430) {
tghx = 430;
if (tghy < 125) {
tghy = 125;
if (lowonly) {
if (tghy < 280) {
tghy = 280;
dx = tghx - ghx;
ghx += dx / 6;
dy = tghy - ghy;
ghy += dy / 6;
if (ghx >= 415) {
lowonly = 0;
} else {
if (grabtit == 0) {
trad = 39;
toa = 94;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
ghx = rx + xadd;
ghy = ry + yadd;
} else {
if (grabtit <= 2) {
tlhtrad = -reacht;
tlhtoa = 94;
dx = tlhtrad - lhtrad;
lhtrad += dx / 8;
dx = tlhtoa - lhtoa;
lhtoa += dx / 8;
xadd = sine(lhtoa + ra) * lhtrad;
yadd = -cosine(lhtoa + ra) * lhtrad;
ghx = rx + xadd;
ghy = ry + yadd;
} else {
tlhtrad = +reacht;
tlhtoa = gtoa;
dx = tlhtrad - lhtrad;
lhtrad += dx / 8;
dx = tlhtoa - lhtoa;
lhtoa += dx / 8;
xadd = sine(lhtoa + rcha) * lhtrad;
yadd = -cosine(lhtoa + rcha) * lhtrad;
ghx = rx + xadd;
ghy = ry + yadd;
trad = 171;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + scha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + scha) * trad;
slshx = sx + xadd;
slshy = sy + yadd;
tshrad = 150;
telrad = 154;
sss(slshx, slshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0);
slsha = ugsha;
slela = ugela;
trad = 150;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + slsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + slsha) * trad;
slelx = slshx + xadd;
slely = slshy + yadd;
slsha += 204.7;
slela += 118;
trad = 154;
toa = -119;
xadd = sine(toa + slela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + slela) * trad;
lhx = slelx + xadd;
lhy = slely + yadd;
trad = 53.3;
toa = 170.4;
xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad;
sullx = sx + xadd;
sully = sy + yadd;
trad = 53;
toa = -105;
xadd = sine(toa + sa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sa) * trad;
srlx = sx + xadd;
srly = sy + yadd;
trad = 38;
toa = -9;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
srax = rx + xadd;
sray = ry + yadd;
if (!grabhair) {
sraa = slela;
trad = 217;
toa = -26;
xadd = sine(toa + cha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + cha) * trad;
gcx = chx + xadd;
gcy = chy + yadd;
trad = 147.8;
toa = -37.8;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
rlshx = rx + xadd;
rlshy = ry + yadd;
tshrad = 124.8;
telrad = 128;
sss(rlshx, rlshy, tshrad, telrad, gcx, gcy, 0);
rlsha = ugsha;
rlela = ugela;
trad = 124.8;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + rlsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rlsha) * trad;
rlelx = rlshx + xadd;
rlely = rlshy + yadd;
rlsha += 207.7;
rlela += 113;
trad = 44.7;
toa = 113.5;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
rullx = rx + xadd;
rully = ry + yadd;
trad = 98;
toa = 54;
xadd = sine(toa + cha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + cha) * trad;
lkpx = chx + xadd;
lkpy = chy + yadd;
rulla = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(rullx - lkpx, rully - lkpy));
rulla += 174;
trad = 174.9;
toa = -172.5;
xadd = sine(toa + rulla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rulla) * trad;
rlkx = rullx + xadd;
rlky = rully + yadd;
trad = 23;
toa = 127.5;
xadd = sine(toa + ra) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ra) * trad;
rrlx = rx + xadd;
rrly = ry + yadd;
rurla = rulla;
trad = 140.5;
toa = 192.5;
xadd = sine(toa + rurla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rurla) * trad;
rrkx = rrlx + xadd;
rrky = rrly + yadd;
trad = 252.4;
toa = -25.4;
xadd = sine(toa + cha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + cha) * trad;
rrax = chx + xadd;
rray = chy + yadd;
rraa = rlela;
slhdep = 840;
if (!lowonly) {
slhdep = 1840;
wsprite(0, sx, sy, 400, sa - 45, 280);
wsprite(1, sx, sy, 420, scha - 45, 281);
wsprite(2, slshx, slshy, 830, slsha - 45, 282);
mon5 = 'ela:' + slela;
if (handseq == 3 && fs_changing[3] == 0) {
if (slela > 380 + wadjx) {
wsprite(3, slelx, slely, slhdep, slela - 90, 311);
} else {
wsprite(3, slelx, slely, slhdep, slela - 45, 310);
} else {
fsprite(3, slelx, slely, slhdep, slela - 45, 307 + handseq);
wsprite(5, srax, sray, 225, sraa - 45, 284);
wsprite(6, sdx, sdy, 410, sda - 45, 285);
wsprite(7, sdx, sdy, 411, sba - 45, 286);
wsprite(8, sullx, sully, 590, sulla - 45, 287);
wsprite(9, srhx, srhy, 299, srha - 45, 259);
wsprite(10, srlx, srly, 390, srla - 45, 289);
wsprite(12, rx, ry, 600, ra - 45, 293);
wsprite(13, rx, ry, 620, rcha - 45, 294);
wsprite(14, rlshx, rlshy, 1630, rlsha - 45, 295);
wsprite(15, rlelx, rlely, 1640, rlela - 45, 296);
wsprite(16, rrax, rray, 380, rraa - 45, 297);
fsprite(17, rhx, rhy, 650, rha - 45, 312 + rheadseq);
wsprite(19, rltx, rlty, 660, rlta - 45, 299, ltalpha);
wsprite(20, rrtx, rrty, 645, rrta - 45, 300, ltalpha);
wsprite(21, rullx, rully, 720, rulla - 45, 301);
wsprite(22, rlkx, rlky, 710, rlka - 45, 302);
wsprite(23, rrlx, rrly, 394, rurla - 45, 303);
wsprite(24, rrkx, rrky, 388, rrka - 45, 304);
wsprite(28, chx, chy, 391, cha - 45, 305);
function init_tailview() {
sgrinda = 0;
sgrind = 0;
sgrinda = 0.1;
sgdep = 1;
sgrinds = 0;
slam = 0;
saa = 0;
await = 120;
movedown = 0;
mdsteps = 0;
mdstepsize = 30;
moving = 0;
dmover = 0;
mover = 0;
m100 = 0;
movertime = 45;
ttha = 0;
tha = 0;
rubs = 0;
rubdep = 0;
ruba = 0;
rubc = 0;
rub = 0;
boost = 0;
cadd = 0;
horny = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
waves = 0;
spasma = 0;
spasm = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
pokdep = 0;
rubspd = 8;
trubspd = 8;
anusa = 0;
anusy = 0;
doh = 10;
pullthumb = 0;
function do_tailview() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
mdsteps = 3;
sgrinds = 0;
ssay = 135;
rubdep = 0.1;
ruba = 0.1;
saa = 90;
horny = 95;
movedown = mdsteps * 38;
return undefined;
if (ssay == 135) {
if (horny < 44) {
horny = 44;
} else {
saa = 90;
await = 0;
if (ssay < 131) {
wait = 10;
mon3 = 'mdsteps:' + mdsteps + 'pd:' + pokdep;
mon4 = 'ra:' + ruba + ' rd:' + rubdep;
mon5 = ' tha:' + ttha;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (cummed) {
h50 *= 0.95;
if (pullthumb < 10) {
pullthumb += 0.125;
} else {
if (anusa > 0) {
anusa -= 2;
} else {
h50 = h100 - 0.5;
if (h50 < 0) {
h50 = 0;
h90 = h100 - 0.9;
if (h90 < 0) {
h90 = 0;
mdstepsize = 38;
if (moving == 3) {
ttha = (mdsteps + m100) * -4;
} else {
ttha = mdsteps * -4;
if (moving == 0) {
tx = rx;
ty = hoay;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 40 && abs(dy) < 10) {
} else {
moving = 1;
} else {
if (moving == 1) {
} else {
if (moving == 2) {
tx = rx;
ty = hoay;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 40 && abs(dy) < 10 && mdy > 0) {
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 45;
moving = 3;
} else {
if (moving == 3) {
movedown = mdsteps * mdstepsize + mdstepsize * m100;
if (mover == 100) {
moving = 0;
dmover = 0;
m100 = 0;
mover = 0;
if (await) {
} else {
if (saa < 90) {
saa += 0.5;
salpha = 100 - (sine(saa - 90) + 1) * 91;
quivera += 120;
quiver = sine(quivera);
if (spasma > 0.001) {
spasma += 3;
if (spasma >= 180) {
spasma = 0;
spasm = sine(spasma);
spasm += quiver * spasm * 0.06;
if (horny >= 50) {
if (cummed) {
pokdep *= 0.95;
} else {
if (rubdep > 0) {
rubdep -= 0.1;
} else {
if (pokdep < 1) {
pokdep += 0.1;
} else {
if (anusa < 100) {
anusa += 2;
trubspd = sgspd;
} else {
if (rubdep > 0 && rubdep < 1) {
rubdep += 0.1;
trubspd = 8 + 8 * h100;
if (rubdep) {
if (ruba == 0) {
if (mdy) {
ruba = 0.1;
dx = trubspd - rubspd;
rubspd += dx / 8;
if (ruba) {
if (ruba < 180) {
ruba += rubspd * speedadj;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (ruba < 270) {
if (mdy || mdx) {
boost = 1;
cadd = rubspd;
ruba += cadd * speedadj;
} else {
if (mdy || mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = rubspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
ruba += cadd * speedadj;
if (ruba >= 360) {
if (horny >= 50 && anusa < 100) {
ruba = 0;
} else {
if (boost) {
ruba = 0.1;
} else {
ruba = 0;
if (rubdep >= 1) {
rub = sine(ruba) * rubdep;
rubc = cosine(ruba) * rubdep;
poke = sine(ruba) * pokdep;
pokec = cosine(ruba) * pokdep;
if (spasma > 0.001) {
} else {
if (horny < 50) {
if (sgdep < 0.5) {
sgdep += 0.1;
if (ruba) {
if (sgdep < 1) {
sgdep += 0.1;
} else {
if (sgdep > 0.5) {
sgdep -= 0.05;
} else {
sgdep = 1 + h50 * 2;
if (spasma == 0.001) {
if (sgrinda >= 180) {
sgrinda += 20;
} else {
sgrinda -= 20;
if (sgrinda <= 0) {
sgrinda = 360;
} else {
if (cumming) {
slam = 0;
if (cummed) {
if (sgspd > 2) {
sgspd *= 0.9;
} else {
sgspd = 5 + 10 * h100;
slam = h50 * sgspd;
slam += h90 * 1 * sgspd;
if (sgrinda > 180) {
sgrinda += sgspd + slam;
} else {
sgrinda += sgspd - slam;
if (sgrinda >= 360) {
sgrinda -= 360;
if (saa >= 90) {
if (ruba || horny >= 90) {
if (cummed) {
} else {
if (cumming) {
if (waves < 7) {
spasma = 0.1;
saysnd('oh', 17);
} else {
cummed = 1;
} else {
if (horny < 50) {
horny += 2;
} else {
if (horny < 100) {
if (horny < 90) {
horny += 2;
} else {
horny += 1;
dosurge = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
cumming = 1;
spasma = 0.1;
autopilot = 1.1;
sayfile('coh4.mp3', 30);
if (spasma == 0.001) {
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
spasma = 0.1;
dosurge = 2;
if (horny >= 50 && !cumming) {
saysnd('cushion', 30);
sgrind = sine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep;
csgrind = cosine(sgrinda + 90) * sgdep;
rx = 350;
ry = 470;
rchx = rx - 1;
rchy = ry - 105;
sshy = 0;
sdx = 351;
sdy = 637;
rcha = 0;
rsha = 0;
lsha = 0;
rela = 0;
lela = 0;
rha = 0;
slha = 0;
slaa = 0;
srela = 0;
sraa = 0;
swa = 0;
sgrind += spasm * 2;
rchy += sgrind * 4.7;
atysiz = 100 + sgrind * -3.9;
abxsiz = 100 + sgrind * 0;
abysiz = 100 + sgrind * 5.6;
rsha += sgrind * -1.9;
lsha += sgrind * 1.9;
sshy += sgrind * -3.3;
sdy += sgrind * -8.1;
rha += sgrind * -1.2;
apx = rx;
apy = ry + 33 + sgrind * 2.5;
rhx = rchx + 40.6;
rhy = rchy - 265.1;
hoax = rx + 69;
hoay = ry - 133;
rsteps = 4 - mdsteps;
hoay += sgrind * (rsteps * 0.5);
hoay += movedown;
hoax += movedown * 0.11;
hoay += spasm * 2;
hoax += rub * 1;
hoay += rubc * -0.8;
ttha += rubc * 2.5;
sshy += rubc * -3.7;
hoax += poke * -2.1;
hoay += poke * 0.3;
hoax += pokdep * 9;
hoay += pokdep * 4.6;
ttha += pokdep * 2.2;
hoax += h50 * -51;
ttha += h50 * -14;
asize = 100 + h50 * (74 + fadjx);
axskoot = h50 * (-3 + wadjx);
ayskoot = h50 * (-28 + wadjy);
hoay += sgrind * pokdep * 1.3;
anusy = sgrind * (16 + adjy) / 10;
hoax += pullthumb * 1.1;
sshy += pokdep * 32.7;
dx = ttha - tha;
tha += dx / 8;
trad = 185;
toa = -33;
xadd = sine(toa + rha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rha) * trad;
slhx = rhx + xadd;
slhy = rhy + yadd;
ghx = 74;
ghy = sshy - 26 + adjy;
ghy += pokdep * -34;
tshrad = 271;
telrad = 100;
sss(slhx, slhy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0);
slha = ugsha;
slaa = ugela;
trad = 271;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + slha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + slha) * trad;
slelx = slhx + xadd;
slely = slhy + yadd;
slha += 120.6;
slaa += -9;
ghx = 650;
ghy = -101 + sshy;
tshrad = 332.8;
telrad = 378;
sss(hoax, hoay, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 1);
sraa = ugsha;
srela = ugela;
trad = 332.8;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + sraa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sraa) * trad;
srelx = hoax + xadd;
srely = hoay + yadd;
sraa += -74;
srela += 15;
swa = sraa;
trad = 38.7;
toa = 77.2;
xadd = sine(toa + sraa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + sraa) * trad;
swx = hoax + xadd;
swy = hoay + yadd;
trad = 38.9;
toa = -136;
xadd = sine(toa + swa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + swa) * trad;
thx = swx + xadd;
thy = swy + yadd;
trad = 101;
toa = -94;
xadd = sine(toa + tha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + tha) * trad;
thpx = thx + xadd;
thpy = thy + yadd;
trad = 241.1;
toa = 29.2;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
rshx = rchx + xadd;
rshy = rchy + yadd;
trad = 232.1;
toa = -25.3;
xadd = sine(toa + rcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rcha) * trad;
lshx = rchx + xadd;
lshy = rchy + yadd;
ghx = 489;
ghy = 329;
tshrad = 217.5;
telrad = 130;
sss(rshx, rshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0);
rsha = ugsha;
rela = ugela;
trad = tshrad;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + rsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + rsha) * trad;
relx = rshx + xadd;
rely = rshy + yadd;
rsha += 222.1;
rela += 101;
ghx = 227;
ghy = 363;
tshrad = 320.5;
telrad = 183;
sss(lshx, lshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 1);
lsha = ugsha;
lela = ugela;
trad = 230.5;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + lsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + lsha) * trad;
lelx = lshx + xadd;
lely = lshy + yadd;
lsha += 145.7;
lela += -75;
wsprite(0, rx, ry, 420, 0, 321, 100, 100, atysiz);
wsprite(1, rx, ry, 400, 0, 322, 100, abxsiz, abysiz);
wsprite(11, rx, ry, 520, 0, 335, 100, abxsiz, abysiz);
wsprite(17, rx + axskoot, ry + ayskoot + anusy, 758, 0, 343, anusa, asize, asize);
wsprite(2, rchx, rchy, 350, rcha - 45, 323);
wsprite(3, rshx, rshy, 340, rsha - 45, 324);
wsprite(4, lshx, lshy, 341, lsha - 45, 325);
wsprite(5, relx, rely, 330, rela - 45, 326);
wsprite(6, lelx, lely, 331, lela - 45, 327);
wsprite(7, slelx, slely, 640, slaa - 45, 329);
wsprite(8, slhx, slhy, 630, slha - 45, 330);
wsprite(9, srelx, srely, 650, srela - 45, 331);
wsprite(10, hoax, hoay, 649, sraa - 45, 332);
wsprite(12, sdx, sdy, 519, -45, 334);
wsprite(13, rhx, rhy, 290, rha + 45, 336);
wsprite(14, thx, thy, 651, tha - 45, 338);
wsprite(16, swx, swy, 648, swa - 45, 340);
hipsiz = 100 + sgrind * -2.6;
chsiz = 100 + sgrind * 2.2;
sx = rx - 12;
sy = 343;
wsprite(15, sx, sy, 852, 0, 341, salpha, 100, chsiz);
function initscene5() {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1a = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
wait = 20;
ssay = 84;
scenestarted = 1;
if (!skipahead) {
sayfile('city.wav', 40);
rublega = 0;
rubs = 0;
boost = 0;
autopilot = 0;
function doscene5() {
if (!scenestarted) {
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (ssay == 84) {
if (fadespeed == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 85) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
sayfile1('city1.wav', 20);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 86) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 90;
} else {
if (ssay == 87) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 88) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 89) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 90) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 91) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 92) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 93) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 94) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 95) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 96) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 97) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 5;
} else {
if (ssay == 98) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 17;
} else {
if (ssay == 99) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(100, 1);
wait = 20;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 100) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 101) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 17;
} else {
if (ssay == 102) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 103) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(104, 1);
wait = 20;
wait2 = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 104) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 105) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 106) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 107) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 108) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 109) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 110) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 111) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 112) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 113) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 114) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 20;
wait2 = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 115) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a == 0) {
sayfile1('chair1.wav', 20);
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 10;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
say(116, 2);
wait = 20;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 116) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 117) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 118) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 119) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 120) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
wait2 = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 121) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 122) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
rublega = 0;
bg2a = 0;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 123) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 1;
if (boost) {
rublega += 6;
if (rublega >= 360) {
rublega -= 360;
boost = 0;
bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50;
if (rubs >= 5) {
ssay = 123.1;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.1) {
if (bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 0.5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 123.2;
rubs = 0;
boost = 0;
rublega += 7;
if (rublega >= 360) {
rublega -= 360;
bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.2) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 0.5;
if (boost) {
rublega += 8;
if (rublega >= 360) {
rublega -= 360;
boost = 0;
bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50;
if (rubs >= 10) {
ssay = 123.3;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.3) {
rublega += 9;
if (rublega >= 360) {
rublega -= 360;
bg2a = (sine(rublega - 90) + 1) * 50;
if (bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 0.5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
bg2a = 0;
ssay = 123.4;
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.4) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 0.5;
if (pokes >= 12) {
ssay = 123.5;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.5) {
if (bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.7) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
if (bg2a >= 100) {
if (horny <= 100 && th100 <= 0) {
ssay = 123.9;
bg1a = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.8) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
if (bg2a <= 0) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 123.9) {
if (bg1a < 100) {
bg1a += 0.5;
} else {
bg2a = 100;
bg3a = 0;
ssay = 123.91;
autopilot = 0;
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.91) {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 123.92;
} else {
if (ssay == 123.92) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (ssay == 124) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
hurts = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 125) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (snuggledep > 0) {
snuggledep -= 0.19;
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 126) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
grabhair = 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 127) {
} else {
if (ssay == 129) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
ssay = 129.1;
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 129.1) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (sgrinds >= 1) {
say(130, 1);
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 130) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
sgrinds = 0;
say(131, 1);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 131) {
if (moving == 1) {
moving = 2;
if (moving == 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (mdsteps == 1) {
if (wait) {
} else {
sgrinds = 0;
say(132, 1);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 132) {
if (moving == 1) {
moving = 2;
if (moving == 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (mdsteps == 2) {
if (wait) {
} else {
sgrinds = 0;
say(133, 1);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 133) {
if (moving == 1) {
moving = 2;
if (moving == 3) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (mdsteps == 3) {
sgrinds = 0;
say(134, 1);
spasma = 0.001;
sayfile('coh4.mp3', 30);
} else {
if (ssay == 134) {
dx = mousex - thpx;
dy = mousey - thpy;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && spasma == 0) {
if (rubdep <= 0) {
rubdep = 0.1;
ruba = 0.1;
ssay = 135;
spasma = 0.001;
sayfile('nnh2.mp3', 10);
} else {
if (ssay == 135) {
if (cummed > 150) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
autopilot = 0;
ssay = 135.1;
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 135.1) {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(136, 1);
wait = 10;
wait2 = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 136) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
say(137, 1);
} else {
if (ssay == 137) {
if (balpha == 0) {
ssay = 137.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 137.1) {
dx = mousex - lhx;
dy = mousey - lhy;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && mdx > 0) {
pulltaila = 0.1;
sayfile('ow1.wav', 10);
autopilot = 1.1;
ssay = 138;
if (sgrinds >= 5) {
say(138, 1);
} else {
if (ssay == 138) {
dx = mousex - lhx;
dy = mousey - lhy;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && mdx > 0) {
forcebuboff = 1;
if (!pulltaila && !scummed) {
pulltaila = 0.1;
sayfile('ow1.wav', 10);
autopilot = 1.1;
if (balpha == 0) {
if (scummed >= 230) {
wait = 20;
ssay = 139;
} else {
if (ssay == 139) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 140) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(141, 1);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 141) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(142, 1);
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 142) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
say(143, 1);
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 143) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 65;
} else {
if (ssay == 144) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 144.1;
wait = 5;
} else {
if (ssay == 144.1) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 145) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 145.1;
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 145.1) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 146) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 147) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 148) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 149) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 150) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 90;
} else {
if (ssay == 151) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
scene += 1;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 1;
scenestarted = 0;
bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a;
bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a;
bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a;
bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a;
omousex = mousex;
omousey = mousey;
if (!Key.isDown(191)) {
slashrel = 1;
if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) {
scenestarted = 0;
skipahead = 1;
if (mybug && (Key.isDown(191) && slashrel || skipahead == 1)) {
skipahead = 0;
forcebuboff = 1;
ssay = 96;
ssay = 104;
ssay = 114;
ssay = 123;
rublega = 0;
bg2a = 0;
return undefined;
ssay = 123.4;
bg2a = 0;
ssay = 123.5;
bg3a = 100;
ssay = 123.7;
bg2a = 100;
bg3a = 0;
ssay = 123.91;
autopilot = 0;
bg2a = 0;
wait = 0;
ssay = 129.1;
ssay = 136;
bg2a = 100;
ssay = 139;
ssay = 145.1;
function do_b89() {
horny = (jhorn + phorn) / 2;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
p100 = phorn / 100;
j100 = jhorn / 100;
tx = 283;
ty = 266;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) {
pboost = 4;
dosurge = 1;
tx = 423;
ty = 472;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && pboost) {
jboost = 4;
dosurge = 1;
paspd = 6 + p100 * 10;
if (pboost) {
pa += paspd;
if (pa >= 360) {
pa -= 360;
if (phorn < 100) {
phorn += 4;
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
pump = (sine(pa - 90) + 1) * 50;
bg2a = pump;
jaspd = 12 + j100 * 15;
if (jboost) {
ja += jaspd;
if (ja >= 360) {
ja -= 360;
if (jhorn < 100) {
jhorn += 3;
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
if (jboost == 0) {
jdep = 0;
} else {
if (jboost == 1) {
jdep = (360 - ja) / 360;
} else {
jdep = 1;
jack = sine(ja) * jdep;
hx = 477;
hy = 482;
hdx = 444;
hdy = 494;
hda = 0;
jha = 0;
hda += jack * (9 + wadjx) / 10;
jha += jack * (20 + wadjy) / 10;
trad = 33 + qadjx / 1;
trad += jack * (48 + zadjx) / 10;
toa = -44 + qadjy / 10;
xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad;
jpx = hdx + xadd;
jpy = hdy + yadd;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 2420, 0, 346);
wsprite(1, hdx, hdy, 2410, hda - 45, 347);
wsprite(2, jpx, jpy, 2405, jha - 45, 348);
wsprite(3, jpx, jpy, 2415, jha - 45, 349);
mon4 = 'pa:' + pa + ' ' + pump + ' ' + pboost;
function kill019() {
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i);
function kill20() {
i = 20;
while (i < 30) {
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x = -10000;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation = 0;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(2);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].swapDepths(-10000 - i);
function do_sci() {
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (backoff) {
if (ldep > 0) {
ldep -= 0.02;
if (bg3a <= 0) {
if (tdive > 0) {
} else {
} else {
if (!attached) {
tx = 491;
ty = 331;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) {
attached = 1;
refx = 491;
} else {
if (attached == 1) {
tdive = refx - mousex;
if (tdive < -5) {
tdive = -5;
if (tdive > 20) {
tdive = 20;
if (gja) {
tdive = 20;
if (dive >= 19.25 && grst) {
gja = 0.1;
if (bspd < 6) {
bspd = 6;
sayfile('gasp3.mp3', 2);
autopilot = 6;
dosurge = 2;
} else {
saysnd('oww', 10);
grst = 0;
if (gooses >= 5) {
attached = 2;
if (!gja && tdive < 15) {
grst = 1;
} else {
lspd = 6 + 6 * h100;
if (ldep < 1 && !gja) {
ldep += 0.1;
if (mdx < 0 && !la && horny < 100) {
la = 0.1;
dx = tdive - dive;
dive += dx / 12;
sdive = sine((dive / 20) * 90);
cdive = cosine((dive / 20) * 90);
mon4 = 'dive:' + tdive + ' ' + gja;
mon5 = 'la:' + la + ' sd:' + sdive;
if (bspd > 3) {
if (bbdep < 1) {
bbdep += 0.1;
if (gja) {
if (bba < 180) {
bba += 30;
if (bba > 180) {
bba = 180;
} else {
if (bba > 180) {
bba -= 30;
if (bba < 180) {
bba = 180;
} else {
bba += bspd;
if (bba >= 360) {
bba -= 360;
bbreath = sine(bba - 90) * bbdep;
if (gga) {
} else {
if (gja) {
if (gja < 180) {
gja += 12;
} else {
gja += 4;
if (gja >= 180) {
gja = 0;
if (gja >= 90 && ogja < 90) {
gga = 0.1;
if (shockeda < 100) {
shockeda += 25;
} else {
if (shockeda > 0) {
shockeda -= 5;
ogja = gja;
goosejump = sine(gja);
if (gga) {
gga += 4;
if (gga >= 180) {
gga = 0;
if (gga >= 90 && ogga < 90) {
saysnd('oww', 10);
ogga = gga;
ggrind = sine(gga);
ggrind += quiver * ggrind * 0.08;
goosejump += ggrind;
quivera += 120;
quiver = sine(quivera);
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 1.5;
} else {
slam += dx / 8;
if (gga) {
} else {
if (la) {
if (la > 180) {
if (mdx < 0 && horny < 100) {
tslam = lspd * 0.9;
} else {
tslam = 0;
if (horny >= 100 && la >= 270) {
lick5 = 2;
backoff = 1;
} else {
if (la < 180) {
la += (lspd + slam) * speedadj;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (la < 270) {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
boost = 1;
cadd = lspd;
la += cadd * speedadj;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = lspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
la += cadd * speedadj;
if (la >= 360) {
if (boost) {
la = 0.1;
} else {
la = 0;
if (la >= 90 && ola < 90) {
if (horny < 100) {
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
horny += 2;
if (horny < 92) {
if (horny % 14 == 0) {
gga = 0.1;
dosurge = 2;
} else {
gga = 0.1;
dosurge = 2;
if (horny >= 100) {
autopilot = 0;
} else {
if (licks == 5) {
lick5 = 1;
ola = la;
lick = sine(la - 90) * ldep;
coslick = cosine(la - 90) * ldep;
hx = 696;
hy = 678;
hcha = 0;
hna = -5;
hha = -10;
hrela = 0;
hrsha = 0;
hlela = 0;
hlsha = 0;
bx = 286;
by = 295;
bhipa = -5;
bcha = -5;
bha = 0;
blaa = 0;
braa = 0;
brla = -5;
blla = -5;
hx += dive * -2;
hy += dive * 0.3;
hna += dive * 0.5;
hha += dive * 1;
brla += dive * 0.43;
blla += dive * 0.26;
bx += dive * -0.3;
by += dive * -0.2;
bcha += dive * 0.2;
braa += dive * 0.6;
blaa += dive * 0.6;
bhipa += goosejump * 1.4;
bcha += goosejump * 0.3;
bx += goosejump * -0.6;
by += goosejump * -0.5;
hx += goosejump * -1.2;
hy += goosejump * 0.7;
hna += goosejump * -1.7;
hha += goosejump * 0.6;
bcha += bbreath * 0.4;
bchwid = 100 + bbreath * 0.6;
bchlen = 100 + bbreath * 0.4;
bhipa += coslick * (-6 + wadjx) / 10;
bcha += lick * (3 + wadjy) / 10;
bx += lick * (-6 + qadjx) / 10;
by += lick * (-5 + qadjy) / 10;
brla += lick * 0.5;
blla += coslick * 0.6;
hx += lick * (-28 + zadjx) / 10;
hy += coslick * (-7 + zadjy) / 10;
hna += coslick * (-17 + fadjx) / 10;
hha += lick * (6 + fadjy) / 10;
trad = 260.3;
toa = -27.2;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
trad = 194.9;
toa = -26.7;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brax = bx + xadd;
bray = by + yadd;
trad = 202.8;
toa = -16.8;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
blax = bx + xadd;
blay = by + yadd;
trad = 89.90000000000001;
toa = 102.5;
xadd = sine(toa + bhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bhipa) * trad;
brlx = bx + xadd;
brly = by + yadd;
trad = 89.8;
toa = 105;
xadd = sine(toa + bhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bhipa) * trad;
bllx = bx + xadd;
blly = by + yadd;
trad = 155.6;
toa = 186.7;
xadd = sine(toa + blla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + blla) * trad;
glx = bllx + xadd;
gly = blly + yadd;
trad = -118;
toa = -80;
xadd = sine(toa + bhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bhipa) * trad;
ghx = bx + xadd;
ghy = by + yadd;
trad = 328.2;
toa = -20.4;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hnx = hx + xadd;
hny = hy + yadd;
trad = 60.2;
toa = -47.5;
xadd = sine(toa + hna) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hna) * trad;
hhx = hnx + xadd;
hhy = hny + yadd;
trad = 264;
toa = -11;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hrshx = hx + xadd;
hrshy = hy + yadd;
tshrad = 176.6;
telrad = 173;
sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0);
hrsha = ugsha;
hrela = ugela;
trad = 176.6;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
hrelx = hrshx + xadd;
hrely = hrshy + yadd;
hrsha += 117;
hrela += 24;
trad = 294.7;
toa = -16.9;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hlshx = hx + xadd;
hlshy = hy + yadd;
tshrad = 208.6;
telrad = 194;
sss(hlshx, hlshy, tshrad, telrad, glx, gly, 0);
hlsha = ugsha;
hlela = ugela;
trad = 208.6;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hlsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hlsha) * trad;
hlelx = hlshx + xadd;
hlely = hlshy + yadd;
hlsha += 161;
hlela += 48.2;
if (bg3a < 100) {
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 640, hcha - 45, 352);
wsprite(1, hnx, hny, 620, hna - 45, 353);
wsprite(2, hhx, hhy, 630, hha - 45, 354);
wsprite(3, hrshx, hrshy, 420, hrsha - 45, 355);
wsprite(4, hrelx, hrely, 245, hrela - 45, 356);
wsprite(5, hlshx, hlshy, 820, hlsha - 45, 357);
wsprite(6, hlelx, hlely, 830, hlela - 45, 359);
wsprite(10, bx, by, 635, bhipa - 45, 361);
wsprite(11, bx, by, 520, bcha - 45, 362, 100, bchwid, bchlen);
wsprite(12, bhx, bhy, 550, bha - 45, 363);
wsprite(13, brax, bray, 220, braa - 45, 364);
wsprite(14, blax, blay, 880, blaa - 45, 365);
wsprite(15, brlx, brly, 250, brla - 45, 366);
wsprite(16, bllx, blly, 700, blla - 45, 367);
wsprite(17, bhx, bhy, 551, bha - 45, 368, shockeda);
if (lick5) {
if (lick5 == 1 && bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 10;
if (bg3a >= 100) {
} else {
if (lick5 == 2) {
bg3a -= 2;
if (bg3a <= 0) {
return undefined;
l5hx = 705 + adjx;
l5hx -= 4 * h100;
l5hy = 385 + adjy;
l5bx = 155 + adjx;
l5by = 136 + adjy;
l5hcha = 0;
l5hna = 0;
l5hha = 0;
l5hta = 0;
l5bhipa = 0;
l5bcha = 0;
l5blla = 0;
l5hx += ggrind * -1.2;
l5hy += ggrind * 9.300000000000001;
l5hha += ggrind * 3.2;
l5bhipa += coslick * -0.6;
l5bcha += lick * 0.9;
l5bx += lick * -0.6;
l5by += lick * -0.5;
l5blla += coslick * 0.6;
l5hx += lick * -2.8;
l5hy += coslick * -0.7;
l5hna += coslick * -1.7;
l5hha += lick * 0.6;
l5hcha += lick * 0.6;
l5bhipa += goosejump * 1.4;
l5bcha += goosejump * 0.3;
l5bx += goosejump * -0.6;
l5by += goosejump * -0.5;
l5hx += goosejump * -1.2;
l5hy += goosejump * 0.7;
l5hna += goosejump * -1.7;
l5hha += goosejump * 0.6;
trad = 159;
toa = -43;
xadd = sine(toa + l5hna) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + l5hna) * trad;
l5hhx = l5hx + xadd;
l5hhy = l5hy + yadd;
trad = 148;
toa = -95;
trad += coslick * 12;
xadd = sine(toa + l5hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + l5hha) * trad;
l5htx = l5hhx + xadd;
l5hty = l5hhy + yadd;
trad = 158.9;
toa = 143.6;
xadd = sine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad;
l5bllx = l5bx + xadd;
l5blly = l5by + yadd;
trad = 317.4;
toa = 117.9;
xadd = sine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + l5bhipa) * trad;
l5bax = l5bx + xadd;
l5bay = l5by + yadd;
wsprite(20, l5hx, l5hy, 3640, l5hcha - 45, 371, bg3a);
wsprite(21, l5hx, l5hy, 3620, l5hna - 45, 372, bg3a);
wsprite(22, l5hhx, l5hhy, 3630, l5hha - 45, 373, bg3a);
wsprite(23, l5htx, l5hty, 3540, l5hta - 45, 374, bg3a);
wsprite(24, l5bx, l5by, 3440, l5bhipa - 45, 376, bg3a);
wsprite(25, l5bx, l5by, 3430, l5bcha - 45, 377, bg3a);
wsprite(26, l5bllx, l5blly, 3635, l5blla - 45, 378, bg3a);
coslickp = coslick - 0.5;
if (coslickp < 0) {
coslickp = 0;
aysiz = 100 + coslickp * (44 * h100);
wsprite(27, l5bax, l5bay, 3545, l5bhipa, 380, bg3a, 100, aysiz);
function init_jack5() {
jspd = 0;
jdep = 0;
jack = 0;
ja = 0;
cadd = 0;
boost = 0;
pa = 0.1;
pspd = 0;
pdep = 0;
pump = 0;
padd = 0;
pboost = 0;
slam = 0;
tslam = 0;
sspd = 0;
sdep = 0;
suck = 0;
sa = 0;
sadd = 0;
sboost = 0;
shold = 0;
bsuck = 0;
wchball = 0;
awchball = 0;
rbstretch = 0;
lbstretch = 0;
suckmax = 0;
psuck = 0;
tpsuck = 0;
srst = 0;
hrba = 0;
hlba = 0;
thrba = 0;
thlba = 0;
horny = 0;
grind = 0;
ga = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
cumming = 0;
function do_jack5() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
horny = 97;
mon4 = 'c:' + cumming + ' ' + ga;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
jspd = 20 + 20 * h100;
if (jdep < 1) {
jdep += 0.1;
if (mdx < 0 && !ja && horny < 100) {
ja = 0.1;
if (cumming >= 2) {
if (pspd > 3) {
pspd -= 0.5;
} else {
pspd = 6 + 10 * h100;
if (wchball == 0) {
nrbs = -rbstretch / 7;
} else {
nrbs = -lbstretch / 7;
if (nrbs > pdep) {
pdep = nrbs;
} else {
if (cumming) {
dx = 0.8 - pdep;
pdep += dx / 16;
} else {
if (pdep > 0.2) {
pdep *= 0.98;
quivera += 120;
quiver = sine(quivera);
if (ga) {
ga += 2;
if (ga >= 180) {
ga = 0;
cumming = 2;
autopilot = 1.1;
grind = sine(ga);
grind += quiver * grind * 0.06;
if (cumming) {
if (ja < 360) {
ja += jspd;
} else {
ja = 360;
} else {
if (ja) {
if (ja < 180) {
ja += jspd * speedadj;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (ja < 270) {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
boost = 1;
boost = 1;
cadd = jspd;
ja += cadd * speedadj;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = jspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
ja += cadd * speedadj;
if (ja >= 360) {
if (boost) {
ja = 0.1;
} else {
ja = 0;
jack = sine(ja - 90) * jdep;
jack += grind * -0.8;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 1.5;
} else {
slam += dx / 8;
if (ga) {
} else {
if (pa) {
if (pa > 180) {
if (horny < 100) {
tslam = pspd * 0.9 * h100;
} else {
tslam = 0;
if (pa < 180) {
pa += (pspd + slam) * speedadj;
pboost = 0;
} else {
if (pa < 270) {
if (horny >= 100) {
pboost = 1;
if (bsuck) {
pboost = 1;
padd = pspd;
pa += padd * speedadj;
} else {
if (cumming) {
pboost = 1;
if (bsuck) {
pboost = 1;
if (pboost) {
padd = pspd;
} else {
if (padd > 2) {
padd *= 0.9;
pa += padd * speedadj;
if (pa >= 360) {
if (pboost) {
pa = 0.1;
} else {
pa = 0;
if (cumming) {
if (cumming >= 2) {
bsuck = 0;
} else {
if (bsuck && suck > 0) {
if (bsuck > 3) {
bsuck = 0;
if (wchball >= 2) {
wchball = 0;
if (pa >= 180 && opa < 180) {
if (cumming == 1 && !ga) {
ga = 0.1;
sayfile2('morg5.wav', 5);
opa = pa;
pump = sine(pa - 90) * pdep;
pump += grind * 3.6;
if (bsuck) {
if (suckmax < 100) {
suckmax += 10;
} else {
if (suckmax > 0) {
suckmax -= 10;
if (cumming == 1) {
dx = 1 - suck;
suck += dx / 4;
bsuck = 1;
} else {
if (cumming >= 2) {
bsuck = 0;
dx = -suck;
suck += dx / 16;
} else {
refy = 264;
ty = (mousey - refy) * 2;
if (ty < -100) {
ty = -100;
if (bsuck == 0) {
bsuck = 1;
if (ty > suckmax) {
ty = suckmax;
suck = ty / 100;
if (bsuck) {
if (wchball == 0) {
rbstretch = (suck + 1) * -7;
lbstretch = rbstretch * 0.5;
} else {
lbstretch = (suck + 1) * -7;
rbstretch *= 0.5;
} else {
rbstretch *= 0.87;
lbstretch *= 0.87;
tpsuck = suck;
if (tpsuck < 0) {
tpsuck = 0;
dx = tpsuck - psuck;
psuck += dx / 4;
if (bsuck > 0 && pa == 0) {
pa = 0.1;
if (suck <= 0) {
srst = 1;
if (bsuck && srst && psuck > 0.9) {
srst = 0;
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
if (horny < 100) {
horny += 4;
dosurge = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
cumming = 1;
} else {
saysnd('uhh', 20);
hx = 480;
hy = 100;
bx = 220 + fadjx;
by = 684 + fadjy;
hcha = 0;
hhipa = 0;
hrla = 0;
hlla = 0;
hlka = 0;
hda = 0;
hlha = 0;
hraa = 0;
hrha = 0;
bcha = 0;
braa = 0;
blaa = 0;
bha = 0;
bna = 0;
hda += jack * 1.6;
hrha = hda;
hraa += jack * 0.3;
hralen = 100 + jack * -3.6;
hx += pump * -1.3;
hy += pump * -0.8;
hhipa += pump * 0.8;
hcha += pump * -0.5;
hlla += pump * -0.5;
hlllen = 100 + pump * 0.9;
hlka += pump * 0.9;
hrla += pump * -0.6;
hlha += pump * -0.5;
bcha += pump * -0.3;
blaa += pump * 0.5;
bx += pump * 1.8;
by += pump * -0.6;
bna += suck * (39 + wadjx) / 10;
bha += suck * (-30 + wadjy) / 10;
by += psuck * 9.9;
hy += psuck * 5;
hrla += psuck * 2.2;
hlla += psuck * -2.2;
hlka += psuck * 2.8;
hhipa += psuck * -1.9;
blaa += psuck * -2.1;
braa += psuck * 0.9;
dx = wchball - awchball;
awchball += dx / 8;
by += awchball * -7.8;
bna += awchball * 5;
bha += awchball * 8.6;
trad = 348.7;
toa = 22.4;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bnx = bx + xadd;
bny = by + yadd;
trad = 70.59999999999999;
toa = 37.5;
xadd = sine(toa + bna) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bna) * trad;
bhx = bnx + xadd;
bhy = bny + yadd;
trad = 66;
toa = -2;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
bmx = bhx + xadd;
bmy = bhy + yadd;
trad = 324.1;
toa = 31.8;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
blax = bx + xadd;
blay = by + yadd;
trad = 341.8;
toa = 11;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brax = bx + xadd;
bray = by + yadd;
trad = 53.2;
toa = 165.5;
xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
hullx = hx + xadd;
hully = hy + yadd;
trad = 339.1;
trad += pump * 2.7;
toa = 160.4;
xadd = sine(toa + hlla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hlla) * trad;
hlkx = hullx + xadd;
hlky = hully + yadd;
trad = 129.4;
toa = -140;
xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
hrlx = hx + xadd;
hrly = hy + yadd;
trad = 92;
toa = -134;
xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
hlbx = hx + xadd;
hlby = hy + yadd;
trad = 102.6;
toa = -128.3;
xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
hrbx = hx + xadd;
hrby = hy + yadd;
trad = 98.3;
toa = -128.7;
xadd = sine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hhipa) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
trad = 51;
trad += jack * (10 + 10 * h100);
toa = -48;
xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad;
gdx = hdx + xadd;
hrhx = gdx;
gdy = hdy + yadd;
hrhy = gdy;
trad = 351;
toa = 37;
xadd = sine(toa + blaa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + blaa) * trad;
hlhx = blax + xadd;
hlhy = blay + yadd;
ang2rball = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(bmx - hrbx, bmy - hrby));
thrba = ang2rball + (-28 + adjx) / 10;
thlba = ang2rball + +adjx / 10;
dx = thrba - hrba;
hrba += dx / 2;
dx = thlba - hlba;
hlba += dx / 2;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 635, hhipa - 45, 383);
wsprite(1, hx, hy, 630, hcha - 45, 384);
wsprite(2, hullx, hully, 731, hlla - 22, 405, 100, 100, hlllen);
wsprite(11, hlkx, hlky, 730, hlka - 22, 406);
wsprite(3, hrlx, hrly, 640, hrla - 45, 386);
wsprite(4, hlbx, hlby, 654, hlba - 0, 387, 100, 100, 100 - lbstretch);
wsprite(5, hrbx, hrby, 653, hrba - 0, 388, 100, 100, 100 - rbstretch);
wsprite(6, hdx, hdy, 660, hda - 45, 389);
wsprite(7, hlhx, hlhy, 890, hlha - 45, 390);
wsprite(8, hrhx, hrhy, 655, hraa - 45, 391, 100, 100, hralen);
wsprite(9, hrhx, hrhy, 656, hrha - 45, 392);
wsprite(10, hrhx, hrhy, 670, hrha - 45, 393);
wsprite(12, bx, by, 720, bcha - 45, 396);
wsprite(13, blax, blay, 820, blaa - 45, 397);
wsprite(14, brax, bray, 710, braa - 45, 398);
wsprite(15, bnx, bny, 700, bna - 45, 399);
wsprite(16, bhx, bhy, 650, bha - 45, 400);
wsprite(17, bhx, bhy, 657, bha - 45, 401);
function do_swing4() {
if (!attached) {
tx = 223;
ty = 188;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 30 && abs(dy) < 40 && mdx > 0) {
attached = 1;
refx = 223;
} else {
if (tpushbec < 16) {
tpushbec = (mousex - refx) / 2;
if (tpushbec < 0) {
tpushbec = 0;
if (tpushbec >= 16) {
tpushbec = 16;
swa = 0.1;
} else {
if (waitarm) {
if (waitarm == 0) {
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 45;
dx = tpushbec - pushbec;
pushbec += dx / 8;
swdep = 1;
if (swa) {
swa += 4;
if (swa >= 360) {
swa -= 360;
swing = sine(swa) * swdep;
ysw = swa;
if (ysw > 180) {
ysw -= 180;
if (ysw > 90) {
ysw = 180 - ysw;
hx = 144;
hy = 577;
hhx = 144.5;
hhy = 40;
hha = 4;
hlax = 137;
hlay = 70;
bx = 398 + fadjx;
by = 310 + fadjy;
shx = bx - 15 + qadjx;
shy = 559 + qadjy;
ba = 0;
hlaa = -pushbec;
hlax += pushbec * -0.3;
hlay += pushbec * 1.3;
sha = 0;
shal = 54 - zadjx;
ba = swing * -0.7;
bx += swing * 23;
by += ysw * -0.023;
hlax += m100 * 7;
hlay += m100 * 36;
hlaa += m100 * 41;
hha += swing * -2.5;
shx += swing * (400 + wadjx) / 10;
shy += swing * +wadjy / 10;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 640, 0, 408);
wsprite(4, hhx, hhy, 641, hha - 45, 413);
wsprite(1, hlax, hlay, 620, hlaa - 45, 409);
wsprite(2, bx, by, 730, ba - 45, 411);
wsprite(3, shx, shy, 820, sha, 412, shal, 200, 100);
function init_swing3() {
ga = 0;
grind = 0;
horny = 0;
cumming = 0;
attached = 0;
ja = 0;
slam = 0;
boost = 0;
jdep = 0;
swing = 0;
udx = 0;
tdx = 0;
targ = 0;
thsw = 0;
hswing = 0;
tswing = 0;
hswing = 0;
thsw = 0;
targ = 0;
diffx = 0;
swrst = 1;
peaksw = 0;
targadd = 0;
function do_swing3() {
if (mybug && buttonpress) {
horny = 95;
swdep = 1;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
refx = 192;
if (!attached) {
if (mousex < refx) {
attached = 1;
} else {
if (mousex >= refx && !ja) {
ja = 0.1;
diffx = npx - apx;
if (diffx > 0) {
targ = diffx * 0.4;
if (mdx > 0) {
if (horny < 100) {
horny += 0.2;
if (horny >= 1 && autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
dosurge = 2;
} else {
targadd = 0;
autopilot = 0;
} else {
targ = 0;
if (targadd) {
if (targadd > 20) {
dosurge = 1;
targadd = 0;
if (horny >= 100) {
if (thsw > -10) {
thsw -= 1;
} else {
thsw = (refx - mousex) / 8;
if (thsw < -10) {
thsw = -10;
if (thsw > 1) {
thsw = 1;
if (diffx > 0) {
thsw -= diffx * -0.9;
dx = thsw - hswing;
hswing += dx / 8;
mon6 = 'tadd:' + targadd;
tdx = targ - tswing;
dx = tdx - udx;
udx += dx * 0.005;
tswing += udx * 0.38;
swing = tswing;
if (abs(tswing) > 2) {
xs = abs(tswing) - 2;
zadjjy = 105;
} else {
xs = 0;
mon4 = 'tdx:' + floor(tdx * 100) / 100 + ' dx:' + floor(dx * 100) / 100 + ' udx:' + floor(udx * 100) / 100;
mon5 = 'sw:' + floor(swing * 100) / 100 + ' xs:' + xs;
ysw = 0;
if (horny >= 100) {
if (jspd > 2) {
} else {
jspd = 2;
autopilot = 0;
} else {
jspd = 20 + 20 * h100;
jdep = 1.7 - h100 * 0.7;
if (cumming) {
if (ja < 360) {
ja += jspd;
} else {
ja = 360;
} else {
if (ja) {
if (ja < 180) {
ja += jspd * speedadj;
boost = 0;
} else {
if (ja < 270) {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
boost = 1;
boost = 1;
cadd = jspd;
ja += cadd * speedadj;
} else {
if (mdx) {
boost = 1;
if (boost) {
cadd = jspd;
} else {
if (cadd > 2) {
cadd *= 0.9;
ja += cadd * speedadj;
if (ja >= 360) {
if (boost) {
ja = 0.1;
} else {
ja = 0;
jack = sine(ja - 90) * jdep;
jack += grind * -0.8;
hx = 137;
hy = 427;
bx = 351 + fadjx;
by = 244 + fadjy;
ha = 0;
hcha = 0;
hha = 0;
hlsha = 0;
hrsha = 0;
hrela = 0;
hda = adjy;
hba = adjx;
bba = 0;
blla = 0;
bcha = 0;
brela = 0;
rra = 0;
bba += swing * -1;
bcha += swing * -2;
bx += swing * 23;
by += ysw * -0.023;
blla += swing * -4.1;
brela += swing * -0.4;
hda += jack * -1.4;
njack = jack + 0.5;
if (njack > 0) {
njack = 0;
hba += njack * -2.9;
hcha += hswing * -1.4;
hha += hswing * 1.1;
hlsha += hswing * -0.2;
trad = 112;
toa = -54;
xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad;
bllx = bx + xadd;
blly = by + yadd;
trad = 119;
toa = -63;
xadd = sine(toa + bba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bba) * trad;
apx = bx + xadd;
apy = by + yadd;
trad = 162;
toa = 120;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brelx = bx + xadd;
brely = by + yadd;
trad = 161;
toa = 21;
xadd = sine(toa + brela) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + brela) * trad;
rrx = brelx + xadd;
rry = brely + yadd;
trad = 245.2;
toa = -0.6;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hhx = hx + xadd;
hhy = hy + yadd;
trad = 75;
toa = 89;
xadd = sine(toa + hha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hha) * trad;
npx = hhx + xadd;
npy = hhy + yadd;
trad = 208;
toa = 14;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hlshx = hx + xadd;
hlshy = hy + yadd;
hlshx += hswing * 1.2;
hlshy += hswing * 0.5;
trad = 157.2;
toa = -35.6;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hrshx = hx + xadd;
hrshy = hy + yadd;
trad = 86.5;
toa = 164;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
trad = 37;
trad += jack * 5;
toa = 57;
xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad;
gdx = hdx + xadd;
gdy = hdy + yadd;
tshrad = 143.7;
telrad = 181 + wadjx;
sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, gdx, gdy, 1);
hrsha = ugsha;
hrela = ugela;
trad = 143.7;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
hrelx = hrshx + xadd;
hrely = hrshy + yadd;
hrsha += 170;
hrela += -106.2;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 400, 0, 416);
wsprite(1, hx, hy, 450, hcha - 45, 417);
wsprite(2, hhx, hhy, 498, hha - 45, 418);
wsprite(3, hlshx, hlshy, 445, hlsha - 45, 419);
wsprite(4, hrshx, hrshy, 500, hrsha - 45, 420);
wsprite(5, hrelx, hrely, 460, hrela - 45, 421);
wsprite(6, hrelx, hrely, 475, hrela - 45, 422);
wsprite(7, hdx, hdy, 470, hda - 45, 423);
wsprite(8, hdx, hdy, 455, hba - 45, 424);
wsprite(9, hdx, hdy, 456, -45, 425);
wsprite(10, bx, by, 800, bba - 45, 428);
wsprite(11, bllx, blly, 200, blla - 45, 429);
wsprite(12, bx, by, 790, bcha - 45, 430);
wsprite(13, brelx, brely, 810, brela - 45, 431);
wsprite(14, rrx, rry, 820, rra, 432);
function init_head6() {
hswa = 0;
hswing = 0;
swdep = 0;
swa = 0;
swing = 0;
swings = 0;
swspd = 3.5;
swdep = 0.1;
tswdep = 0.1;
attached = 0;
pokein = 0;
upokein = 0;
hooa = 0;
hoo = 0;
ga = 0;
grind = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
slam = 0;
tslam = 0;
horny = 0;
cummed = 0;
function do_head6() {
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (!attached) {
tx = hdx;
ty = hdy;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 30 && abs(dy) < 30 && mdx < 0) {
attached = 1;
refx = mousex;
} else {
if (attached == 1) {
pokein = (refx - mousex) / 2;
if (pokein < 0) {
pokein = 0;
if (pokein > 100) {
pokein = 100;
if (upokein > 99.5 && swa == 0) {
swa = 0.1;
attached = 2;
hoo = 45;
saysnd('uhh', 20);
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
dosurge = 2;
} else {
if (attached == 2) {
if (cummed) {
if (pokein > 0) {
if (pokein <= 0) {
say(179, 1);
} else {
} else {
pokein = 100;
dx = pokein - upokein;
upokein += dx / 6;
mon5 = 'swd:' + tswdep + ' slam:' + floor(slam);
mon6 = 'swa:' + swa + ' hoo:' + hoo;
if (ga || hoo > 0) {
if (hoo) {
if (hooa < 100) {
hooa += 5;
} else {
if (hooa > 0) {
hooa -= 5;
if (cummed) {
quivera += 70 + zadjy;
} else {
quivera += 110;
quiver = sine(quivera);
if (ga) {
ga += 7 + (1 - h100) * 12;
if (ga >= 180) {
ga = 0;
grind = sine(ga);
hgrind = grind + quiver * grind * 0.1;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 1.5;
} else {
slam += dx / 8;
if (!cummed) {
swdep = 0.5 + 0.8 * h100;
} else {
if (swdep > 0) {
swdep *= 0.95;
swspd = 3.5 + 3.5 * h100;
if (hoo || ga) {
} else {
if (swa) {
if (swa > 180) {
if (mdx < -1) {
tslam = swspd / 1;
} else {
if (tslam > 0) {
tslam -= 0.1;
if (tslam < 0) {
tslam = 0;
swa += swspd + slam;
} else {
tslam = 0;
swa += swspd - slam / 4;
if (swa >= 360) {
swa -= 360;
if (tslam) {
hoo = 5 + floor(5 * h100);
ga = 0.1;
saysnd('uhh', 20);
if (horny >= 100) {
hoo = 30;
cummed = 1;
autopilot = 0;
swa = 0;
if (swa >= 270 && oswa < 270) {
if (tslam) {
if (horny < 100) {
horny += 4;
dosurge = 1;
oswa = swa;
swing = sine(swa + 90) * swdep;
hswing = sine(swa + 90) * swdep;
swing += (grind * 20 / 100) * h100;
hswing += (hgrind * 40 / 100) * h100;
pswing = sine(swa);
if (pswing < 0) {
pswing = 0;
aax = 33;
aay = 11;
hx = 609 + aax;
hy = 340 + aay;
bx = 350 - aax;
by = 300 - aay;
ha = 0;
hcha = 0;
hrela = 0;
hrsha = 0;
hda = 0;
hlla = 0;
hrla = 0;
ba = 0;
bha = 0;
blaa = 0;
braa = 0;
if (cummed > 1) {
ha += quiver * (200 + zadjx) / 1000;
hx += quiver * (319 + qadjx) / 1000;
hx -= upokein * (aax / 100);
hy -= upokein * (aay / 100);
nupokein = 100 - upokein;
hlll = 100 - nupokein * 0.3;
hrlh = 100 - nupokein * 0.2;
hcha += nupokein * -0.05;
bx += upokein * (aax / 100);
by += upokein * (aay / 100);
bx += swing * 30;
by += swing * 10;
braa += swing * -3.9;
blaa += swing * 4.3;
bhw = 100 + swing * -1.3;
bhx = bx;
bhy = by;
bhx += swing * -3.9;
bhy += swing * -1.3;
hx += hswing * -15;
hy += hswing * -5;
hlll -= hswing * -0.91;
hrlh -= hswing * -8.800000000000001;
hchx = hx;
hchy = hy;
hchx += hswing * 3.9;
hchy += hswing * 1.3;
hcha += hswing * 1.3;
apart = hdx - bhx - 170;
if (apart > 0) {
apart = 0;
bx += apart * 3 * 0.5;
by += apart * 1 * 0.5;
bhx += apart * 3 * 0.5;
bhy += apart * 1 * 0.5;
mon4 = 'ap:' + apart;
trad = 138;
toa = -85;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hrshx = hx + xadd;
hrshy = hy + yadd;
ghx = bhx - 92;
ghy = bhy + 13;
tshrad = 206;
telrad = 234;
sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, ghx, ghy, 0);
hrsha = ugsha;
hrela = ugela;
trad = 206;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
hrelx = hrshx + xadd;
hrely = hrshy + yadd;
hrsha += 153;
hrela += 19;
trad = 43;
toa = -137;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
trad = 113;
toa = -162.6;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hrlx = hx + xadd;
hrly = hy + yadd;
trad = -62.7;
toa = -173.7;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hllx = hx + xadd;
hlly = hy + yadd;
trad = 177.1;
toa = 1.5;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
brax = bx + xadd;
bray = by + yadd;
trad = 174.2;
toa = 207.5;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
blax = bx + xadd;
blay = by + yadd;
trad = 11 + zadjx / 1;
phswing = hswing;
if (phswing < 0) {
phswing = 0;
trad += phswing * (20 + qadjx);
toa = -76 + zadjy / 1;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
lmpx = bhx + xadd;
lmpy = bhy + yadd;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 400, ha - 45, 443);
wsprite(1, hchx, hchy, 300, hcha - 45, 444);
wsprite(2, hrshx, hrshy, 280, hrsha - 45, 445);
wsprite(3, hrelx, hrely, 290, hrela - 45, 446);
wsprite(4, hdx, hdy, 600, hda - 45, 447);
wsprite(5, hrlx, hrly, 410, hrla - 45, 448, 100, 100, hrlh);
wsprite(6, hllx, hlly, 420, hlla - 0, 449, 100, hlll, 100);
wsprite(7, hchx, hchy, 301, hcha - 45, 451, hooa);
wsprite(10, bx, by, 550, ba - 45, 435);
wsprite(11, bhx, bhy, 500, bha - 45, 436, 100, bhw, bhw);
wsprite(12, bhx, bhy, 700, bha - 45, 437, 100, bhw, bhw);
wsprite(13, brax, bray, 610, braa - 45, 439);
wsprite(14, blax, blay, 620, blaa - 45, 440);
lumpalpha = 36 * (pswing / 2 + 0.5);
wsprite(15, lmpx, lmpy, 701, bha - 45, 438, lumpalpha);
function init_goforit4() {
tbdep = 0;
bdep = 0;
bang = 0;
bag = 0;
bspd = 0;
slam = 0;
tslam = 0;
horny = 0;
starter = 2;
rub = 0;
trub = 0;
rubs = 0;
rubrst = 0;
starter = 2;
rstarter = 2;
trstarter = 2;
holddick = 1;
gwroperad = 131;
gwropetoa = -95;
brst = 0;
rta = 0;
trta = 0;
rudx = 0;
rtdx = 0;
bcha = 0;
poof = 0;
hdown = 0;
m100 = 0;
moverd = 0;
mover = 0;
gdep = 0;
grind = 0;
ga = 0;
boink = 0;
bta = -25;
ubta = -25;
squirts = 0;
cummed = 0;
cumming = 0;
ogrind = 0;
oga = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
backwait = 0;
drips = 0;
fd0add = 0;
fd0y = 0;
fd0x = 0;
fd0siz = 0;
yscroll = 0;
scspd = 0;
pdseq = 0;
function do_goforit4() {
if (0 && mybug && buttonpress) {
if (holddick < 3) {
rubs = 6;
holddick = 3;
trstarter = 2;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 10;
horny = 95;
tbdep = 1;
powerbarsize = horny + surge;
if (holddick == 1) {
trstarter = 2;
tx = 304;
ty = 352;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) {
refx = tx;
refy = 352;
holddick = 2;
} else {
if (holddick == 2) {
trstarter = 2;
trub = (mousey - refy) / 4;
if (trub > 11) {
trub = 11;
if (trub < -5) {
trub = -5;
if (trub < -2) {
rubrst = 1;
if (rubrst && trub > 2) {
rubrst = 0;
if (rubs >= 6 && rub > 10.75) {
holddick = 3;
trstarter = 2;
mover = 0;
moverd = 100;
movertime = 40;
} else {
if (holddick == 3) {
trub = 11;
if (mover == 100) {
holddick = 4;
} else {
if (holddick == 4) {
trub = 11;
pokein = (mousex - refx) / 40;
if (pokein < 0) {
pokein = 0;
if (pokein >= 2) {
pokein = 2;
trstarter = 2 - pokein;
if (rstarter <= 0.25) {
holddick = 0;
bag = 90.09999999999999;
} else {
if (!cummed) {
trstarter = 0;
if (tbdep < 0.5) {
tbdep += 0.1;
if (cummed) {
if (bspd > 3) {
bspd *= 0.9;
if (ubdep < 0.3) {
if (cummed > 270) {
if (trstarter < 4) {
trstarter += 0.05;
} else {
if (bspd < 5) {
bspd += 0.125;
} else {
bspd = 5 + 20 * h100;
dx = trub - rub;
rub += dx / 6;
dx = trstarter - rstarter;
rstarter += dx / 6;
starter = rstarter;
mon4 = '' + trstarter + ' ' + cummed;
quivera += 140 - squirts * 5;
quiver = sine(quivera);
if (ga) {
gspd = 40;
ga += gspd;
if (ga >= 180) {
ga = 0;
grind = sine(ga) * h100;
if (oga) {
ogspd = 3 - squirts / 8;
oga += ogspd;
if (oga >= 180) {
oga = 0;
if (!cummed && squirts >= 7) {
cummed = 1;
ogrind = sine(oga);
ogrind += quiver * ogrind * 0.03;
dx = tslam - slam;
if (slam < tslam) {
slam += dx / 1.5;
} else {
slam += dx / 8;
dx = tbdep - bdep;
bdep += dx / 4;
h50 = h100 - 0.5;
if (h50 < 0) {
h50 = 0;
hslam = bspd * h50;
if (backwait) {
} else {
if (cummed && ubdep > 0.3) {
} else {
if (ga || oga) {
} else {
if (bag) {
if (cummed) {
bag += bspd;
} else {
if (bag < 180) {
if (last5) {
tslam = 25;
} else {
if (mdx > 1) {
if (tbdep < 1) {
if (brst) {
tbdep += 0.1733333333333333;
if (tbdep > 1) {
tbdep = 1;
brst = 0;
} else {
tslam = bspd / 1;
} else {
if (tslam > 0) {
tslam -= 0.1;
if (tslam < 0) {
tslam = 0;
if (brst && tbdep > 0.5) {
tbdep -= 0.02;
bag += bspd + slam;
} else {
if (cumming) {
bag += bspd - slam / 2 - hslam / 2;
} else {
if (last5) {
brst = 1;
tslam = 0;
bag += bspd - slam / 2 - hslam / 2 - last5 * 2.1;
} else {
brst = 1;
tslam = 0;
bag += bspd - slam / 2 - hslam / 2;
if (bag >= 360) {
bag -= 360;
if (bag == 0) {
bag = 0.1;
if (cumming && !cummed) {
backwait = squirts * 2;
if (bag >= 180 && obag < 180 && !cummed) {
if (tslam || cumming || last5) {
ga = 0.1;
boink = 4 + 20 * h100;
if (horny >= 100) {
if (last5 < 6) {
if (last5 >= 6) {
cumming = 1;
oga = 0.1;
squirts = 1;
sayfile1('morg5.wav', 5);
} else {
saysnd('uhh', 40);
} else {
if (squirts < 8) {
oga = 0.1;
if (squirts == 2) {
sayfile1('morg4.wav', 4);
wchuhh = 1;
} else {
saysnd('uhh', 100);
} else {
if (autopilot != 6) {
autopilot = 6;
dosurge = 2;
} else {
dosurge = 0.5;
if (horny >= 100) {
last5 = 1;
autopilot = 1.1;
saysnd('uhh', 80);
} else {
if (bdep < 0.6) {
if (horny > 10) {
if (horny > 50) {
if (horny > 75) {
obag = bag;
if (cummed) {
if (ubdep > 0.2) {
ubdep *= 0.95;
} else {
ubdep = bdep + bdep * h100 * (100 + gadjx) / 100;
hbang = sine(bag + 90) * ubdep;
if (backwait) {
hbang += quiver * 0.09;
bbang = sine(bag + 90) * ubdep;
lbang = sine(bag + 90 + 11) * ubdep;
rbang = sine(bag + 90 - 11) * ubdep;
if (bbang > 0) {
bbang *= 2 * h100;
if (lbang > 0) {
lbang *= 2 * h100;
if (rbang > 0) {
rbang *= 2 * h100;
hbang += grind * -0.8;
hbang += ogrind * (-30 + gadjx) / 10;
bbang += ogrind * -(-30 + gadjx) / 10;
rbang += ogrind * -(-30 + gadjx) / 10;
lbang += ogrind * -(-30 + gadjx) / 10;
trta = bcha / 2;
if (debug && Key.isDown(84)) {
trta += wadjy / 10;
if (boink) {
trta += boink;
boink = 0;
rtdx = trta - rta;
dx = rtdx - rudx;
rta += rudx * (50 + fadjx) / 100;
rudx += dx * (31 + fadjy) / 100;
arpx = 360;
arpy = -253;
lrpx = 200;
lrpy = -253;
hx = 264;
hy = 300;
hdown = pokein * 3;
hy += hdown;
bx = 410;
by = 350;
hcha = 0;
ha = 0;
hrela = 0;
hrsha = 0;
hlela = 0;
hlsha = 0;
hda = 0;
hlla = 6 - pokein * 3;
hrla = hlla;
bcha = 0;
ba = 0;
brta = rta;
bha = 0;
bba = -18;
blaa = 0;
braa = 0;
blla = 0;
brla = 0;
blara = 0;
brara = 0;
bllra = 0;
brlra = 0;
by += ogrind * (-85 + gadjy) / 10;
hda += rub * 1.1;
hcha += rub * 0.1;
starter += rub * 0.02;
bbang += starter;
lbang += starter;
rbang += starter;
hbang += starter * 0.8;
hcha += starter * 0.4;
hda += -23;
hda += starter * 0.9;
bx += bbang * 8;
hx += hbang * -8;
hy += hbang * 1.3;
ba += bbang * -1.3;
ha += hbang * 2.7;
bcha += bbang * -1.7;
hcha += hbang * 1.2;
hlla += hbang * -3;
hrla += hbang * -3;
braa += rbang * -1.9;
blaa += lbang * -1.9;
brla += rbang * -1.6;
blla += lbang * -1.6;
brara += lbang * -2.4;
blara += rbang * -2.4;
brlra += lbang * -1.2;
bllra += rbang * -1.2;
hcha += ogrind * -10;
trad = 65;
toa = 140;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hpx = hx + xadd;
hpy = hy + yadd;
trad = 89;
toa = -89;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
bpx = bx + xadd;
bpy = by + yadd;
dddiffx = ddiffx;
ddiffx = diffx;
diffx = (hpx - bpx) / 2;
if (diffx < 0) {
diffx = 0;
diffxl = diffx;
if (diffxl > 3) {
diffxl = 3;
bx += diffx * 1.5;
by += diffx * -0.5;
ba += diffx * -0.3;
bha += diffx * -0.7;
bba += ddiffx * -0.9;
braa += diffxl * -1.2;
blaa += diffxl * -1.2;
brla += diffxl * -0.8;
blla += diffxl * -0.8;
tgrind = grind * (-149 + qadjy) / 10;
if (tgrind > poof) {
dx = tgrind - poof;
poof += dx / 1.5;
} else {
dx = tgrind - poof;
poof += dx / 12;
tailwid = 100 - poof * 3;
tbta = bha - 30 + bbang * -1.2;
dx = tbta - bta;
bta += dx / 4;
ubta = bta;
ubta += grind * -3.5;
if (holddick == 3) {
gwroperad = 131 - 97 * m100;
gwropetoa = -95 + 88 * m100;
trad = gwroperad;
toa = gwropetoa;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
rgrx = bx + xadd;
rgry = by + yadd;
trad = 52;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
lgrx = bx + xadd;
lgry = by + yadd;
trad = 60;
toa = 152;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hdx = hx + xadd;
hdy = hy + yadd;
trad = 25;
toa = 131;
xadd = sine(toa + hda) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hda) * trad;
gdx = hdx + xadd;
gdy = hdy + yadd;
trad = 191.9;
toa = 4.3;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hrshx = hx + xadd;
hrshy = hy + yadd;
if (holddick == 1 || holddick == 2) {
rgx = gdx;
rgy = gdy;
} else {
rgx = rgrx;
rgy = rgry;
tshrad = 141.9;
telrad = 153;
sss(hrshx, hrshy, tshrad, telrad, rgx, rgy, 1);
hrsha = ugsha;
hrela = ugela;
trad = 141.9;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hrsha) * trad;
hrelx = hrshx + xadd;
hrely = hrshy + yadd;
hrsha += 186;
hrela += -119;
trad = 180;
toa = 9;
xadd = sine(toa + hcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hcha) * trad;
hlshx = hx + xadd;
hlshy = hy + yadd;
tshrad = 123.3;
telrad = 127;
sss(hlshx, hlshy, tshrad, telrad, lgrx, lgry, 1);
hlsha = ugsha;
hlela = ugela;
trad = 123.3;
toa = 0;
xadd = sine(toa + hlsha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + hlsha) * trad;
hlelx = hlshx + xadd;
hlely = hlshy + yadd;
hlsha += 184;
hlela += -115;
trad = 65.2;
toa = 188.3;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hrlx = hx + xadd;
hrly = hy + yadd;
trad = 26.5;
toa = 144;
xadd = sine(toa + ha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ha) * trad;
hllx = hx + xadd;
hlly = hy + yadd;
trad = 107.1;
toa = 81.59999999999999;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brtx = bx + xadd;
brty = by + yadd;
trad = 223.1;
toa = 67.3;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
bhx = bx + xadd;
bhy = by + yadd;
trad = 70;
toa = 49;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
btx = bhx + xadd;
bty = bhy + yadd;
trad = 70;
toa = 102;
xadd = sine(toa + bha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bha) * trad;
bbx = bhx + xadd;
bby = bhy + yadd;
trad = 179;
toa = 59;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
blax = bx + xadd;
blay = by + yadd;
trad = 188;
toa = 58;
xadd = sine(toa + bcha) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + bcha) * trad;
brax = bx + xadd;
bray = by + yadd;
trad = 49.9;
toa = -77.09999999999999;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
bllx = bx + xadd;
blly = by + yadd;
trad = 70.09999999999999;
toa = -104;
xadd = sine(toa + ba) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + ba) * trad;
brlx = bx + xadd;
brly = by + yadd;
trad = 249;
toa = -80;
xadd = sine(toa + brla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + brla) * trad;
brlrx = brlx + xadd;
brlry = brly + yadd;
trad = 167;
toa = -66;
xadd = sine(toa + blla) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + blla) * trad;
bllrx = bllx + xadd;
bllry = blly + yadd;
trad = 128;
toa = 27;
xadd = sine(toa + braa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + braa) * trad;
brarx = brax + xadd;
brary = bray + yadd;
trad = 95;
toa = 18;
xadd = sine(toa + blaa) * trad;
yadd = -cosine(toa + blaa) * trad;
blarx = blax + xadd;
blary = blay + yadd;
ara = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(brarx - arpx, brary - arpy));
brara = ara + 25;
blara = ara + 34;
lra = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(brlrx - lrpx, brlry - lrpy));
brlra = lra - 7;
bllra = lra - 14;
wsprite(0, hx, hy, 390, ha - 45, 454);
wsprite(1, hx, hy, 700, hcha - 45, 455);
wsprite(2, hrshx, hrshy, 820, hrsha - 45, 456);
if (holddick) {
raz = 748;
} else {
raz = 810;
wsprite(3, hrelx, hrely, raz, hrela - 45, 457);
wsprite(4, hlshx, hlshy, 320, hlsha - 45, 458);
wsprite(5, hlelx, hlely, 310, hlela - 45, 459);
wsprite(6, hdx, hdy, 380, hda - 45, 460);
wsprite(7, hrlx, hrly, 470, hrla - 45, 461);
wsprite(8, hllx, hlly, 375, hlla - 45, 462);
wsprite(12, bx, by, 620, ba - 45, 465);
wsprite(13, bx, by, 610, bcha - 45, 466);
wsprite(14, brtx, brty, 630, brta - 45, 467);
wsprite(15, bhx, bhy, 640, bha - 45, 468);
wsprite(16, btx, bty, 660, ubta - 45, 469, 100, tailwid, 100);
wsprite(17, bbx, bby, 650, bba - 45, 470, 100, 100, tailwid);
wsprite(18, brax, bray, 670, braa - 45, 471);
wsprite(19, blax, blay, 590, blaa - 45, 472);
wsprite(20, brlx, brly, 750, brla - 45, 473);
wsprite(21, bllx, blly, 200, blla - 45, 474);
wsprite(22, bllrx, bllry, 201, bllra - 45, 476);
wsprite(23, brlrx, brlry, 681, brlra - 45, 476);
wsprite(24, blarx, blary, 591, blara - 45, 475);
wsprite(25, brarx, brary, 671, brara - 45, 475);
function do_creampie() {
dripsspdtab = [0, 9, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10];
dripxspdtab = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.3, 0.8, 1.3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
fdripx = 383 + adjx;
fdripy = 280 + adjy;
pdx = 425 + fadjx;
pdy = 864 + fadjy;
if (0 && mybug && buttonpress) {
drips = 10;
if (fd0siz == 0 && drips < 9) {
fd0siz = 0.1;
if (drips == 0) {
} else {}
stretchspd = dripsspdtab[drips];
dripxspeed = dripxspdtab[drips];
if (drips < 12) {
mon4 = ' ' + pdseq + ' ' + drips + ' xs:' + dripxspeed;
if (fd0siz > 0) {
if (fd0siz < 70 + drips * 10) {
fd0siz += 1 + stretchspd;
fd0x = fdripx;
fd0y = fdripy;
fd0add = 2 + qadjy;
} else {
fd0y += fd0add;
fd0add += 0.7 + qadjx / 10;
if (drips > 5) {
fd0x += dripxspeed;
if (fd0y > 818 + wadjy) {
if (drips < 9) {
fd0siz = 0;
} else {
fd0siz = -1;
drips = 10;
if (drips > 5 && pdseq < 4) {
wsperm(0, fd0x, fd0y - yscroll, 1300, 0, 32, 44 + wadjy, 100 + wadjx, fd0siz);
wsperm(1, pdx, pdy - yscroll, 1200, 0, 139 + pdseq);
bg1_mc._y = 288 - yscroll;
if (drips > 3) {
if (yscroll < 402) {
if (scspd < 2) {
scspd += 0.05;
} else {
if (scspd > 0) {
scspd -= 0.05;
yscroll += scspd;
mon5 = yscroll;
function initscene6() {
bg1_mc._x = 360;
bg1_mc._y = 288;
bg2_mc._x = 360;
bg2_mc._y = 288;
bg3_mc._x = 360;
bg3_mc._y = 288;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
bg1a = 100;
bg1_mc._alpha = 100;
bg2a = 0;
bg2_mc._alpha = 0;
bg3a = 0;
bg3_mc._alpha = 0;
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
wait = 90;
ssay = 153;
scenestarted = 1;
drips = 0;
paspd = 0;
pump = 0;
pa = 0;
jaspd = 0;
jack = 0;
ja = 0;
phorn = 0;
jhorn = 0;
jboost = 0;
pboost = 0;
jdep = 0;
pdep = 0;
dive = 0;
tdive = 0;
attached = 0;
gja = 0;
goosejump = 0;
gsrt = 0;
gga = 0;
ggrind = 0;
quivera = 0;
quiver = 0;
bbreath = 0;
bba = 0;
bbdep = 0.5;
bspd = 3;
shockeda = 0;
gooses = 0;
ldep = 0;
lspd = 0;
la = 0;
lick = 0;
boost = 0;
cadd = 0;
slam = 0;
tslam = 0;
horny = 0;
lick5 = 0;
licks = 0;
gooses = 0;
backoff = 0;
waitfade = 0;
pushbec = 0;
tpushbec = 0;
swdep = 0;
swa = 0;
swing = 0;
waitarm = 30;
autopilot = 0;
swings = 0;
function doscene6() {
if (!scenestarted) {
mdx = mousex - omousex;
mdy = mousey - omousey;
if (ssay == 153) {
if (fadespeed == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 153.1;
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 153.1) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 154) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
saysnd('chimes', 30);
wait = 30;
ssay = 154.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 154.1) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 0.5;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 154.2;
} else {
if (ssay == 154.2) {
if (wait) {
} else {
saysnd('drip', 20);
wait = rnd(30) + 20;
if (drips >= 6) {
wait = 20;
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
ssay = 154.3;
wait = 30;
dripvol -= 0.125;
} else {
if (ssay == 154.3) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 155) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 156) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 157) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 158) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 159) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (bg2a <= 0) {
sayfile('nnh3.mp3', 8);
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 160) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait2) {
if (wait2 == 10) {
sayfile('ow4.wav', 10);
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 161) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 5;
if (bg2a <= 0) {
sayfile('ballthud.mp3', 5);
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
wait2 = 45;
} else {
if (ssay == 162) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 163) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
bg3a = 100;
wait = 10;
wait2 = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 164) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 1;
if (horny >= 100) {
ssay = 164.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 164.1) {
if (bg3a < 100) {
bg3a += 5;
if (bg3a >= 100) {
sayfile('uhh6.mp3', 20);
autopilot = 0;
bg2a = 0;
wait = 120;
wait2 = 20;
ssay = 164.2;
} else {
if (ssay == 164.2) {
if (wait) {
if (wait == 90) {
sayfile1('nnh3.mp3', 8);
} else {
if (bg3a > 0) {
bg3a -= 1;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
tx = 528;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20 && mdy > 0) {
ssay = 166;
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 166) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 60;
} else {
if (ssay == 167) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
tx = 345;
ty = 280;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) {
ssay = 167.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 167.1) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
tx = 497;
ty = 416;
dx = mousex - tx;
dy = mousey - ty;
if (abs(dx) < 20 && abs(dy) < 20) {
ssay = 167.2;
horny = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 167.2) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (waitfade > 40) {
ssay = 167.3;
} else {
if (ssay == 167.3) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
ssay = 167.4;
} else {
if (ssay == 167.4) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 168) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 169) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (bg2a == 50) {
saysnd('oww', 6);
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 170) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 20;
} else {
if (ssay == 171) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
bg2a = 100;
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 172) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (cumming > 100) {
autopilot = 0;
ssay = 172.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 172.1) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 173) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 174) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 175) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 176) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 176.1;
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 176.1) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
} else {
if (ssay == 177) {
if (balpha == 0) {
bg2a = 100;
ssay = 177.1;
attached = 0;
} else {
if (ssay == 177.1) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (swings >= 5) {
ssay = 177.2;
wait = 45;
} else {
if (ssay == 177.2) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 177.5;
ewait = 120;
} else {
if (ssay == 177.5) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
if (horny >= 100) {
if (ewait) {
} else {
ssay = 177.6;
wait = 45;
} else {
if (ssay == 177.6) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 40;
} else {
if (ssay == 178) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
} else {
if (ssay == 179) {
if (balpha == 0) {
ssay = 179.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 179.1) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
wait = 30;
wait2 = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 180) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 181) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 182) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 15;
} else {
if (ssay == 183) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 15;
wait = 75;
} else {
if (ssay == 184) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
ssay = 184.1;
} else {
if (ssay == 184.1) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
if (cummed && rstarter >= 3.8) {
ssay = 184.2;
} else {
if (ssay == 184.2) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
ssay = 184.3;
bg2a = 0;
wait2 = 120;
} else {
if (ssay == 184.3) {
if (drips == 10) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 1;
} else {
bg1_mc._y = 288;
ssay = 184.4;
wait = 90;
wait2 = 45;
} else {
if (ssay == 184.4) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 1;
} else {
if (wait2) {
} else {
wait = 10;
ssay = 184.5;
} else {
if (ssay == 184.5) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 2;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 186) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 187) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 188) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 189) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 190) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 30;
} else {
if (ssay == 191) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 192) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a < 100) {
bg2a += 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 10;
} else {
if (ssay == 193) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (bg2a > 0) {
bg2a -= 4;
} else {
if (wait) {
} else {
wait = 45;
} else {
if (ssay == 194) {
if (balpha == 0) {
if (wait) {
} else {
if (!fadingout) {
if (fade == 100) {
goblack = 0;
credits = 1;
scene = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
bg1_mc._alpha = bg1a;
bg2_mc._alpha = bg2a;
bg3_mc._alpha = bg3a;
bg4_mc._alpha = bg4a;
omousex = mousex;
omousey = mousey;
if (!Key.isDown(191)) {
slashrel = 1;
if (debug && Key.isDown(27)) {
scenestarted = 0;
skipahead = 1;
if (mybug && (Key.isDown(191) && slashrel || skipahead == 1)) {
skipahead = 0;
forcebuboff = 1;
ssay = 158;
bg2a = 100;
ssay = 163;
bg2a = 0;
wait2 = 0;
wait = 0;
horny = 100;
ssay = 164.1;
ssay = 167.2;
horny = 0;
lick5 = 1;
licks = 96;
horny = 96;
attached = 2;
tdive = 20;
ssay = 167.4;
ssay = 172;
bg2a = 100;
ssay = 172.1;
bg2a = 100;
ssay = 177.1;
bg2a = 0;
attached = 0;
ssay = 177.5;
ewait = 70;
ssay = 177.6;
wait = 45;
ssay = 178;
wait = 40;
ssay = 179.1;
ssay = 184.1;
bg2a = 0;
ssay = 184.3;
function do_fsprites() {
i = 0;
while (i < totalsprites) {
i1 = i + 1;
if (fs_changing[i] > 0) {
tfs = fs_fadestep[i];
if (fs_alpha[i + 1] < 100) {
fs_alpha[i1] += tfs;
if (fs_alpha[i1] >= 100) {
fs_alpha[i1] = 100;
fs_alpha[i] = 100 - tfs;
} else {
if (fs_alpha[i] > 0) {
fs_alpha[i] -= tfs;
if (fs_alpha[i] <= 0) {
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
fs_frame[i] = fs_frame[i + 1];
fs_alpha[i + 1] = 0;
fs_frame[i + 1] = 5;
fs_changing[i] = 0;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i];
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i]);
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = fs_alpha[i1];
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(fs_frame[i1]);
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._x = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._x;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._y = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._y;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._rotation = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._rotation;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._xscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._xscale;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._yscale = _root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._yscale;
function fsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys, fadestep) {
if (wspritea == undefined) {
wspritea = 100;
if (wspritexs == undefined) {
wspritexs = 100;
if (wspriteys == undefined) {
wspriteys = 100;
if (fadestep == undefined) {
fadestep = 25;
fs_fadestep[wspritei] = fadestep;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez);
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys;
i = wspritei;
i1 = i + 1;
if (fadestep >= 100) {
fs_changing[i] = 0;
fs_frame[i] = wspritef;
fs_alpha[i] = wspritea;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (fs_changing[i] > 0) {
} else {
if (fs_changing[i] < 0) {
fs_changing[i] = 0;
fs_frame[i] = wspritef;
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef);
_root['sprite' + i + '_mc']._alpha = 100;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc']._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (wspritef != fs_frame[i]) {
fs_changing[i] = 1;
fs_alpha[i] = 100;
fs_frame[i1] = wspritef;
fs_alpha[i1] = 0;
_root['sprite' + i1 + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez + 1);
function wsprite(wspritei, wspritex, wspritey, wspritez, wspriter, wspritef, wspritea, wspritexs, wspriteys) {
if (wspritea == undefined) {
wspritea = 100;
if (wspritexs == undefined) {
wspritexs = 100;
if (wspriteys == undefined) {
wspriteys = 100;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._x = wspritex;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._y = wspritey;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspritez);
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._rotation = wspriter;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspritef);
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._alpha = wspritea;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._xscale = wspritexs;
_root['sprite' + wspritei + '_mc']._yscale = wspriteys;
function wsperm(wspermi, wspermx, wspermy, wspermz, wspermr, wspermf, wsperma, wspermxs, wspermys) {
if (wsperma == undefined) {
wsperma = 100;
if (wspermxs == undefined) {
wspermxs = 100;
if (wspermys == undefined) {
wspermys = 100;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._x = wspermx;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._y = wspermy;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].swapDepths(wspermz);
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._rotation = wspermr;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc'].gotoAndStop(wspermf);
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._alpha = wsperma;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._xscale = wspermxs;
_root['sperm' + wspermi + '_mc']._yscale = wspermys;
function isnan(a) {
if (a <= 0 || a >= 0) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
function sine(deg) {
rad = deg * Math.PI / 180;
return Math.sin(rad);
function cosine(deg) {
rad = deg * Math.PI / 180;
return Math.cos(rad);
function rad2deg(rad) {
deg = rad * 180 / Math.PI;
return deg;
function deg2rad(deg) {
rad = deg * Math.PI / 180;
return rad;
function abs(n) {
return Math.abs(n);
function floor(n) {
return Math.floor(n);
function rnd(range) {
r = floor(Math.random() * range);
return r;
function rnd1() {
r = rnd(65536);
if (r < 32768) {
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
function finddistance(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
distance = Math.sqrt((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1));
return distance;
function dokeys() {
if (!Key.isDown(27)) {
escrel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(27) && escrel) {
escrel = 0;
balpha = 0;
bfade = 0;
bubtimer = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
fadespeed = 0;
fadingout = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
if (!Key.isDown(68)) {
drel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(68) && drel && allowdebug && !pausing) {
if (debug) {
debug = 0;
} else {
debug = 1;
drel = 0;
if (!Key.isDown(83)) {
srel = 1;
if (Key.isDown(83) && srel && (secretunlocked || debug || allowsceneswitch) && !pausing) {
if (showpop) {
showpop = 0;
if (showpoptype == 10) {
showpoptype = 2;
fadingout = 0;
fadespeed = 0;
fade = 0;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
srel = 0;
if (scene > scenes) {
scene = 0;
balpha = 0;
bfade = 0;
bubtimer = 0;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._y = 10000;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic._alpha = balpha;
_root.wordBalloon.wordBalloonGraphic.balloon_txt._alpha = balpha;
fadespeed = 0;
fadingout = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
if (debug) {
if (Key.isDown(87)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(90)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(70)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(71)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(81)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(65)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(66)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
xscroll += qadjx;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
xscroll -= qadjx;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(67)) {
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
xscroll += 5;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
xscroll -= 5;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (!teaser) {
kk = Key.getCode();
if (keyseq == 0 && kk == 66) {
keyseq = 1;
} else {
if (keyseq == 1) {
if (kk == 66) {
} else {
if (kk == 73) {
keyseq = 2;
rkeyrel = 0;
} else {
keyseq = 0;
} else {
if (keyseq == 2) {
if (kk == 73) {
} else {
if (kk == 78) {
keyseq = 3;
} else {
keyseq = 0;
} else {
if (keyseq == 3) {
if (kk == 78) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(68)) {
secretunlocked = 1;
debug = 0;
allowdebug = 1;
highestscene = 10; = 10; = 1;
keyseq = 0;
sayfile('chimes.wav', 30);
pausing = 9;
} else {
if (kk != 66) {
keyseq = 0;
if (!teaser) {
kk = Key.getCode();
if (dkeyseq == 0 && kk == 65) {
dkeyseq = 1;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 1) {
if (kk == 65) {
} else {
if (kk == 75) {
dkeyseq = 2;
} else {
dkeyseq = 0;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 2) {
if (kk == 75) {
} else {
if (kk == 73) {
dkeyseq = 3;
} else {
dkeyseq = 0;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 3) {
if (kk == 73) {
} else {
if (kk == 75) {
dkeyseq = 4;
} else {
dkeyseq = 0;
} else {
if (dkeyseq == 4) {
if (kk == 75) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(79)) {
allowdebug = 1;
keyseq = 0;
sayfile('chimes.wav', 30);
pausing = 25;
debug = 1;
} else {
if (kk != 72) {
keyseq = 0;
mon1 = 'a:' + adjx + ' ' + adjy + ' f:' + fadjx + ' ' + fadjy + ' g:' + gadjx + ' ' + gadjy + ' z:' + zadjx + ' ' + zadjy + ' q:' + qadjx + ' ' + qadjy + ' w:' + wadjx + ' ' + wadjy;
function calcFPS() {
now = getTimer();
elapsedSeconds = (now - startTime) / 1000;
tfps = numFrames / elapsedSeconds;
fpstab[fpsi] = tfps;
if (fpsi >= 4) {
fpsi = 0;
fps = (fpstab[0] + fpstab[1] + fpstab[2] + fpstab[3]) / 4;
if (fps >= 29.5) {
fps = 30;
if (fps >= 30) {
speedadj = 1;
} else {
speedadj = 1 + (30 - fps) / 10;
function initfps() {
startTime = getTimer();
numFrames = 0;
fps = 30;
speedadj = 1;
function sss(tshx, tshy, tshrad, telrad, tfpx, tfpy, facingr) {
reach = telrad + tshrad;
reach5 = reach - 1;
dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy);
ang2point = rad2deg(-Math.atan2(tshx - tfpx, tshy - tfpy));
if (dist2point >= reach5) {
xadd = sine(ang2point) * reach5;
yadd = -cosine(ang2point) * reach5;
tfpx = tshx + xadd;
tfpy = tshy + yadd;
dist2point = finddistance(tshx, tshy, tfpx, tfpy);
point2arm = ang2point + 180;
if (facingr) {
a = tshrad;
b = telrad;
} else {
a = telrad;
b = tshrad;
c = dist2point;
angleA = rad2deg(Math.acos((b * b + c * c - a * a) / 2 * b * c));
angleB = rad2deg(Math.acos((a * a + c * c - b * b) / 2 * a * c));
if (facingr) {
ugsha = ang2point + angleB;
ugela = point2arm - angleA + 180;
} else {
ugsha = ang2point - angleA;
ugela = point2arm + angleB + 180;
teaser = 0;
if (teaser) {
version1 = 'Teaser version';
} else {
version1 = '1.1 ';
teasertime = 0;
tmybug = 0;
allowsceneswitch = 0;
credits = 0;
if (teaser) {
mybug = 0;
blackpause = 0;
allowdebug = 0;
debug = 0;
} else {
mybug = 0;
blackpause = 0;
blankpause = 0;
allowsceneswitch = 0;
allowdebug = 0;
debug = 0;
scene = 0;
ssay = 0;
phase = 0;
scenes = 6;
scenetext = ['title', 'hankbj', 'office', 'Becky\'s room', 'Farm scene', '', ''];
if (debug) {
seenpause = 1;
} else {
seenpause = 0;
rolls = 0;
fadefont = 0;
language = 0;
goblack = 0;
resumegame = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
time = 0;
framerate = 20;
pusooypop = 0;
showpop = 0;
pausing = 0;
pauserel = 0;
smdelay = 0;
slomo = 0;
wait = 0;
games = 0;
noisy = 0;
highestscene = 0;
keyseq = 0;
dkeyseq = 0;
gadjy = 0;
gadjx = 0;
fadjy = 0;
fadjx = 0;
adjy = 0;
adjx = 0;
qadjy = 0;
qadjx = 0;
zadjy = 0;
zadjx = 0;
wadjy = 0;
wadjx = 0;
fadespeed = -2;
lickingtits = 0;
balpha = 0;
bubtime = 30;
bubtimer = 0;
time = 0;
testbubble = -1;
skippy = 0;
totalsprites = 32;
English = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Press the space bar again to continue playing.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'If you want a kiss, you\'ll have to get me a peach.', 0, 567, 350, 'There\'s a ripe one. See it?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You hit it too hard and smashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! You let it fall and squashed it!', 0, 0, 0, 'You caught it!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hasn\'t done the kissing reward scene yet, so we\'ll just start all over for now.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hint: Next time press the W key to instantly pick up the stick.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Go ahead, look at it.', 0, 450, 138, 'You know you want to.', 2, 712, 14, 'There now. Take a good look.', 3, 487, 75, 'You\'re just so shy.', 3, 0, 0, 'That just really makes me go ape!', 3, 0, 0, 'It\'s getting all red!', 0, 388, 165, 'Is it blushing?', 0, 0, 0, 'Naw it ain\'t shy.', 2, 490, 105, 'It\'s just hot.', 2, 0, 0, 'It\'s red hot for you.', 2, 0, 0, 'You\'re just so cute!', 2, 450, 110, 'I almost can\'t stand it. Makes me feel like I\'m ready to explode!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh yes! Just like that!', 2, 455, 125, 'God yeah!', 2, 432, 21, 'I want you to suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'I want you to suck it till it cums.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it \'till the cream squirts.', 2, 431, 21, 'Cream?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suck it!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'I want to fill your mouth with sweet love cream.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Yeah!', 2, 431, 21, 'That\'s a good girl.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suck me.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'But let\'s let this down first.', 3, 417, 92, 'You are just so sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Almost!', 2, 456, 12, 'Do it again. Make me cum.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! What a cute little pussy!', 2, 355, 93, 'I got to nail her tender little ass.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'How did I get stuck in this dreary little office doing paperwork?', 0, 337, 241, 'I\'m a salesman. I\'m supposed to be out there selling!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, to be back out travelling again.', 1, 300, 100, 'I been thinkin\' about it every day!', 2, 221, 283, 'You said that next time you wanted me to suck your... What did you call it?', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, isn\'t that what you said your real name is?', 1, 232, 194, 'Yes, but in the city, that\'s also what they call one of these.', 2, 415, 117, 'That\'s why I don\'t much like that name.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, okay. I won\'t call you that.', 2, 220, 376, 'I just couldn\'t forget that you wanted me to suck the milk out.', 2, 226, 175, 'Last time it squirted all over the place!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Here. Rub it like this.', 2, 484, 6, 'Like this?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Now put your lips on it.', 2, 534, 5, 'But keep stroking!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... Okay.', 0, 348, 137, 'Faster!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, I don’t like the new hired hand.', 0, 555, 205, 'He’s… \rHe looks at me funny.', 0, 0, 0, 'It makes me feel really creepy.', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh, well I’m sorry Becky. He’s a good worker and I really need him right now.', 1, 200, 115, 'Anyway it’s only temporary, just until the back forty is harvested.', 1, 0, 0, 'That creep is staring at me again!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Are they talking to me?', 4, 510, 260, 'Only my mother calls me that. Who else would be calling me Richard?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! It is you! I haven’t seen you since the 7th grade!', 0, 190, 110, 'You moved away.', 1, 490, 65, 'So, do they still call you Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'I have to admit I just don’t like that name. Sorry.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh no, I haven’t been Dick in… forever.', 0, 550, 160, 'My friends started calling me "Slick" and it stuck.', 0, 0, 0, 'Just don’t call me Richard. I really don’t like that. Sorry.', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'So, are you married?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, no. I did meet a girl the other day. We…', 1, 515, 200, 'Well I met a guy the other day too. What’s new? Are you engaged?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, no.', 1, 515, 200, 'I just remembered, I made a pie. You just have to try it! You’re off work aren’t you?', 0, 192, 230, 'I am too. Please! You just have to taste my cherry pie!', 0, 0, 0, 'Okay. You said the magic word.', 1, 540, 192, 'Pie!', 1, 0, 0, 'I seem to remember you being very small. You seem so much taller now!', 0, 280, 150, 'It’s the heels. I always wear very high heels. It fools a lot of people.', 1, 162, 136, 'Truth is, I’m still very tiny. Nothing’s changed.', 1, 0, 0, 'And your hair. It’s very different. You always wore it in pig tails.', 1, 0, 0, 'You liked it that way?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, so the little girl look really does it for you.', 1, 503, 168, 'More pie?', 1, 0, 0, 'Your pie is just so good! I can’t resist!', 0, 280, 150, 'I\'ll be right back.', 1, 520, 206, 'You like my hair better like this?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'I just couldn\'t find any little girl clothes.', 1, 525, 96, 'I hope this is okay.', 0, 445, 80, 'I want to be just perfect for you.', 0, 525, 106, 'You know, in school,', 0, 482, 139, 'I always had the biggest crush on you.', 0, 0, 0, 'And now all these years later,', 0, 520, 156, 'Here we are.', 0, 0, 0, 'It feels so good to have you so deep inside me,', 2, 214, 213, 'But I\'m so small it hurts when you go too deep.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Okay. Is this better?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm yes.\r Now grab my hair.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Now put your other hand on my back.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower.', 2, 210, 124, 'Lower!', 2, 0, 0, 'More, lower.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Yessss!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'It\'s okay. You can cum now.', 2, 178, 299, 'Come on. Pull my hair!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Let me get you a toothbrush. How about dark blue?', 3, 413, 235, 'There\'s already a dark blue one.', 2, 177, 188, 'Red?', 3, 413, 235, 'No good.', 2, 177, 188, 'I\'m running out of colors!', 3, 374, 234, 'What!? Do you think you\'re the only man in the world?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Damn! I need to go to the doctor!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penecillin?\r\r The clap?\r\r Me?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll those toothbrushes!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! I hate the city!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'That\'s it!\r\r I\'ve had it!\r\rI\'m getting out!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'I\'m quitting that stinking job and moving to the country!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Smells like heaven!', 0, 476, 161, 'I hope you like these soft velvet ropes. I got them just for you.', 0, 490, 130, 'This is so fine.', 1, 267, 145, 'So soft. So sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'It really makes me horny.', 1, 0, 0, 'But it\'s these pink panties I really want to see.', 1, 269, 110, 'Let\'s just get this out of the way.', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh yeah.', 2, 267, 167, 'We won\'t need this anymore.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'I\'ve never been this close to heaven.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Ever had one of these?', 0, 415, 96, 'Turn around.', 0, 428, 77, 'Let\'s try this new rigging.', 0, 531, 254, 'This takes the arms up.', 3, 498, 196, 'And now the legs.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, yes. This is just right.', 3, 270, 107, 'Now suck my balls.', 3, 385, 90, 'You were so good!', 2, 363, 102, 'I almost lost it there.', 2, 0, 0, 'There you go, just relax a little.', 3, 455, 152, 'I want to make some more adjustments to the rigging.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh yes!', 0, 299, 82, 'Let\'s try a little of this.', 0, 447, 98, 'No!', 0, 586, 141, 'Not yet!', 3, 482, 94, 'I\'ve waited long enough.', 3, 302, 189, 'I just want to fuck.', 3, 0, 0, 'Do you want it too?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh yeah, juicy as watermelon.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Paw, my pink panties is missing.', 3, 200, 235, 'They was hangin\' right here on the clothesline, and just disappeared!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh not now Becky! We got a busted fence. Some of the livestock got out.', 1, 540, 164, 'We gotta go round \'em up right away.', 1, 0, 0, 'Where\'e that darn fool hired hand when you need him!', 0, 278, 130, 'He shouldn\'t oughta be in his room this time of day.', 3, 292, 190, 'What the hell you doin\' there boy!', 3, 302, 351, 'Is that there Becky\'s drawers you done violated?', 1, 200, 105, 'Y\'all better get on outta here boy, \'fore I lose my temper and run you through with this.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnd of part Two\rThe Hired Hand', 0, 320, 240, '\rSecret unlock code for part 2:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rGame design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench translation:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Special thanks\rto the Pusooy Mods\rfor help in game design', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
German = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Drücke die Abstandstaste um fortzufahren.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Wenn du einen Kuss willst, musst du mir was Besonderes bieten.', 0, 567, 350, 'Hier ist ein vollentwickelts Ding?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr beansprucht und so überfordert!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Du hast ihn zu sehr benützt und damit kaputtgemacht!', 0, 0, 0, 'Du verstehst!', 0, 0, 0, 'Puso hat die Kuss-Belohnungsszene noch nicht fertiggestellt, daher wir werden jetzt von hier aus beginnen.', 1, 468, 345, 'Hinweis: Zunächst die W Taste drücken, um gleich den richtigen Einstieg zu bekommen.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Los, schau ihn dir an.', 0, 450, 138, 'Klar willst du\'s.', 2, 712, 14, 'Da ist er. Schau ihn dir genau an.', 3, 487, 75, 'Du bist aber auch zu zickig.', 3, 0, 0, 'Aber genau davon werde ich ganz affengeil!', 3, 0, 0, 'Der wird jetzt ganz rot!', 0, 388, 165, 'Schämt er sich?', 0, 0, 0, 'Nein, er schämt sich überhaupt nicht.', 2, 490, 105, 'Er wird aber feuerrot.', 2, 0, 0, 'Nur, weil er dich vögeln will.', 2, 0, 0, 'Du schaust aber so geil aus!', 2, 450, 110, 'Ich kann\'s schon fast nicht mehr halten. Ich spür\', mich zerreißt\'s gleich!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh ja! Genau so!!', 2, 455, 125, 'Mein Gott, ja!', 2, 432, 21, 'Blas\' mir einen!', 2, 431, 21, 'Was?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch\' ihn, bis ich abspritze.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ähh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Saug daran, bis meine Ladung herauskonnt.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ladung?', 2, 170, 195, 'Lutsch jetzt!', 2, 431, 21, 'Mmmmmm...', 2, 210, 233, 'Ich mag in deinen Mund spritzen, bis er voll ist.', 2, 431, 21, 'Mhm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Jaaaaa!', 2, 431, 21, 'Braves Mädchen!', 3, 428, 84, 'Lutsch es raus!', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt \'runter damit!', 3, 417, 92, 'Du schaust so geil aus!', 2, 434, 23, 'Fast!', 2, 456, 12, 'Nochmal! Mach\'s mir noch einmal.', 2, 0, 0, 'Teufel! Was für hübsche kleine Möse!', 2, 355, 93, 'Ich nagle ihr kleines süßes Arschloch.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Warum muss ich in diesem faden kleinen Büro versauern und Papierkram erledigen?', 0, 337, 241, 'Ich bin ja Verkäufer. Ich sollte da draußen sein und verkaufen!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ach, wäre ich nur draußen und könnte wieder reisen!', 1, 300, 100, 'Ich muss jeden Tag daran denken!', 2, 221, 283, 'Du hast gesagt, das nächste Mal möchtest du, dass ich an deinem - wie hast du ihn genannt? - sauge.', 1, 220, 256, 'Dick.', 2, 410, 100, 'He, so heißt du doch selber, das hast du mir gesagt?!', 1, 232, 194, 'Ja, aber in der Stadt nennen sie den auch so.', 2, 415, 117, 'Darum mag ich den Namen nicht so.', 2, 0, 0, 'Also gut, ich nenn\' dich halt nicht mehr so.', 2, 220, 376, 'Ich muss stängig dran denken, dass du wolltest, dass ich deine Milch haraussauge.', 2, 226, 175, 'Das letzte Mal ist es hier überall herumgespritzt!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Hier. Reib ihn genau so.', 2, 484, 6, 'So?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Jetzt nimm ihn in den Mund.', 2, 534, 5, 'Aber, hör nicht mit dem Reiben auf!', 2, 0, 0, 'Hmmm... Gut.', 0, 348, 137, 'Schneller!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Papa, Ich mag den neuen Knecht nicht.', 0, 555, 205, 'Er ist so… \rEr schaut mir er so schräg aus.', 0, 0, 0, 'Er macht mir richtig Angst.', 0, 0, 0, 'Na sowas! Blöd für dich, Becky. Aber er arbeitet gut und ich brauche ihn geade jetzt wirklich.', 1, 200, 115, 'Es ist aber nur für kurze Zeit, bis der hintere 40 Morgen-Acker abgeerntet ist.', 1, 0, 0, 'Der Kerl starrt mich schon wieder an!', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Bin ich gemeint?', 4, 510, 260, 'Eigentlich nennt mich nur meine Mutter so. Wer sonst noch würde mich Richard nennen?', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Ach du bist es! Ich habe dich seit der 7. Klasse nicht mehr gesehen!', 0, 190, 110, 'Du bist weggezogen.', 1, 490, 65, 'Nennen sie dich immer noch Dick? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Ich gebe zu, dass ich leider diesen Namen nicht mag.', 1, 0, 0, 'Ich wurde nicht mehr Dick genannt seit...ewig.', 0, 550, 160, 'Meine Feunde fingen an, mich "Slick" zu nennen und das ist mir geblieben.', 0, 0, 0, 'Aber nenne mich nicht mehr Richard. Das will ich wirklich nicht. Entschuldige!', 0, 0, 0, 'Gut... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Also, bist du verheiratet?', 0, 390, 180, 'Ach nein. Ich habe ein Mädchen kennengelernt vor einiger Zeit. Wir..', 1, 515, 200, 'Schon gut, Ich habe auch vor Kurzem einen Burschen kennengelernt. Was gibt es Neues? Bist du in festen Händen?', 0, 145, 240, 'Aber nein.', 1, 515, 200, 'Da fällt mir ein, ich habe einen Kuchen gebacken. Den musst du kosten! Du hast jetzt Feierabend, oder?', 0, 192, 230, 'Ich auch. Bitte! Du musst unbedingt meinen Kirschenkuchen kosten!', 0, 0, 0, 'Na gut. Das war das Zauberwort!', 1, 540, 192, 'Kuchen!', 1, 0, 0, 'Soweit ich mich erinnere, warst du immer ziemlich klein. Jetzt siehst du viel größer aus!', 0, 280, 150, 'Das liegt an den Schuhen. Ich trage immer High-Heels. Das täuscht eine Menge Leute.', 1, 162, 136, 'In Wahrheit bin ich immer noch ziemlich klein. Daran hat sich nichts geändert.', 1, 0, 0, 'Und dein Haar. Das ist sehr anders. Du hattest es immer zu Schwänzchen gebunden.', 1, 0, 0, 'Hat es dir so gefallen?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, also, der Jungmädchenlook hat es dir richtig angetan.', 1, 503, 168, 'Noch Kuchen?', 1, 0, 0, 'Dein Kuchen ist sooo gut. Ich kann nicht widerstehen!', 0, 280, 150, 'Ich komme gleich wieder.', 1, 520, 206, 'Du findest mein Haar so besser?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Ich konnte aber keine Jungmädchenkleider finden.', 1, 525, 96, 'Ich hoffe, das ist so in Ordnung.', 0, 445, 80, 'Ich möchte für dich ganz perfekt sein.', 0, 525, 106, 'Kannst du dich an die Schule erinnern?', 0, 482, 139, 'Ich habe immer fürchterlich auf dich gestanden.', 0, 0, 0, 'Und jetzt, so viele Jahre später,', 0, 520, 156, 'Sind wir also da.', 0, 0, 0, 'Das tut so gut, dich tief in mir zu spüren', 2, 214, 213, 'Aber ich bin so eng, da tut es weh, wenn du so tief eindringst.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Gut. Ist das so besser?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm ja!\r Jetzt zieh\' mich an den Haaren.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Jetzt drück\' mit der anderen Hand auf meinen Rücken.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer.', 2, 210, 124, 'Tiefer!', 2, 0, 0, 'Weiter, tiefer.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Jaaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Was?', 3, 525, 199, 'Ist schon in Ordnung. Du kannst jetzt abspritzen.', 2, 178, 299, 'Los. Zieh mich an den Haaren!', 2, 0, 0, 'Jaaaa!', 2, 0, 0, 'Lass mich dir eine Zahnbürste geben. Was ist mit einer dunkelblauen?', 3, 413, 235, 'Da ist ja schon eine dunkelblaue.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rot?', 3, 413, 235, 'Die nicht.', 2, 177, 188, 'Mir gehen die Farben aus!', 3, 374, 234, 'Wieso!? Glaubs du, dass du der einzige Mann auf der Welt bist?', 2, 275, 302, 'Uiiii! Verdammt! Ich muss zum Arzt gehen!', 2, 445, 130, 'Penizillin?\r\r Tripper?\r\r Ich?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rAll diese Zahnbürsten!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Ich hasse die Stadt!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Das war\'s!\r\r Schluss!\r\rIch muss hier raus!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Ich kündige den stinkigen Job und gehe aufs Land!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Riecht himmlisch!', 0, 476, 161, 'Ich hoffe, du magst diese weichen Samtfesseln. Ich habe sie extra für dich besorgt.', 0, 490, 130, 'Das ist so fein.', 1, 267, 145, 'So sanft. So geil.', 1, 267, 145, 'Das törnt mich richtig an.', 1, 0, 0, 'Aber es ist das rosa Höschen, das ich wirklich sehen will.', 1, 269, 110, 'Tun wir das jetzt weg!', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh ja.', 2, 267, 167, 'Wir brauchen das jetzt nicht mehr.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Ich war dem Himmel noch nie so nah.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Hast du sowas schon mal erlebt?', 0, 415, 96, 'Dreh dich um.', 0, 428, 77, 'Probieren wir diese neue Verschnürung aus.', 0, 531, 254, 'Das zieht die Arme hoch.', 3, 498, 196, 'Und jetzt die Beine.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ach ja. So ist es jetzt richtig.', 3, 270, 107, 'Jetzt lutsch mir die Eier.', 3, 385, 90, 'Gut so!', 2, 363, 102, 'Ich bin fast ausgeflippt.', 2, 0, 0, 'Das war gut, aber jetzt ruh\' dich etwas aus.', 3, 455, 152, 'Ich will die Fesseln noch mehr anpassen.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh ja!', 0, 299, 82, 'Probieren wir das ein bisschen aus.', 0, 447, 98, 'Nein!', 0, 586, 141, 'Noch nicht!', 3, 482, 94, 'Ich habe schon lange genug gewartet.', 3, 302, 189, 'Ich will dich jetzt vögeln!', 3, 0, 0, 'Willst du auch?', 0, 321, 129, 'Ja, schön! Saftig wie eine Wassermelone.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mein rosa Höschen fehlt.', 3, 200, 235, 'Das war genau hier auf der Wäscheleine und jetzt ist es weg!', 3, 0, 0, 'Nicht jetzt Becky! Unser Zaun ist aufgegangen. Das Vieh ist ausgebüchst.', 1, 540, 164, 'Wir müssen es sofort wieder einfangen.', 1, 0, 0, 'Wo ist denn der verdammt blöde Erntehelfer, wenn man ihn braucht!', 0, 278, 130, 'So früh sollte er sich nicht in sein Loch verzogen haben.', 3, 292, 190, 'Was zur Hölle tust du da, Junge!', 3, 302, 351, 'Ist das nicht Beckys Unterwäsche, die du da als Wichsvorlage genommen hast?', 1, 200, 105, '\'Raus da, Junge, bevor mir der Kragen platzt und ich dich mit der Mistgabel aufspieße.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rEnde von Teil 1\rDer Erntehelfer', 0, 320, 240, '\rGeheimcode zum Entsperren von Teil 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, '\rSpielentwurf, Programmierung, Zeichnungen and Musik von\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Deutsche Übersetzung: Arnulf\rFranzösische Übersetzung: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Besonderen Dank\ran die Pusooy Moderatoren\rfür ihre Unterstützung beim Spielentwurf', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
French = ['', 0, 320, 240, 'Pressez la barre d\'espacement pour continuer à jouer.', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Si tu veux un baiser, il va falloir que tu m\'attrapes une pêche.', 0, 567, 350, 'Il y en a une mûre juste là . Tu la vois ?', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! Tu l\'as frappée trop fort et elle s\'est détruite!', 0, 0, 0, 'Oh! tu l\'as laissée tomber et elle s\'est écrasé!', 0, 0, 0, 'tu l\'as eue!', 0, 0, 0, ' Puso n\'a pas encore fait la scène du baiser maintenant, alors nous allons recommencer du début pour maintenant.', 1, 468, 345, 'Indice: La prochaine fois, pressez la touche W pour prendre immédiatement le bâton.', 10, 360, 300, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 320, 240, 'Allez, regarde-la.', 0, 450, 138, 'Tu sais que tu le veux.', 2, 712, 14, 'Voilà , regarde-la bien.', 3, 487, 75, 'Tu es si timide.', 3, 0, 0, 'Ça me rend fou!', 3, 0, 0, 'Il devient tout rouge!', 0, 388, 165, 'Est-il gêné?', 0, 0, 0, 'Non, ce n\'est pas gêné.', 2, 490, 105, 'Il est simplement excité.', 2, 0, 0, 'Il est rouge d\'excitation pour toi.', 2, 0, 0, 'Tu es si mignonne!', 2, 450, 110, 'Je ne peux presque pas me contenir. Je sens que je suis prêt à exploser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh oui! Juste comme ça!', 2, 455, 125, 'Oh Bon Dieu oui!', 2, 432, 21, 'Je veux que tu le suces!', 2, 431, 21, 'Huh?', 2, 170, 195, 'Je veux que tu le suces jusqu\'à ce que je vienne.', 2, 431, 21, 'Hnnn?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le jusqu\'à ce que la crème jaillisse.', 2, 431, 21, 'La crème?', 2, 170, 195, 'Suce le!', 2, 431, 21, 'Nnnnn...', 2, 210, 233, 'Je veux te remplir la bouche de ma crème d\'amour.', 2, 431, 21, 'Ummmm...', 2, 211, 244, 'Ouais!', 2, 431, 21, 'Tu es une bonne fille.', 3, 428, 84, 'Suce moi.', 3, 460, 117, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mais avant, baissons ceci.', 3, 417, 92, 'Tu es si sexy!', 2, 434, 23, 'Presque!', 2, 456, 12, 'Fais-le encore. Fais moi jouir.', 2, 0, 0, 'Fuck! Quelle jolie petite chatte!', 2, 355, 93, 'Je dois baiser ce beau petit cul.', 2, 355, 93, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Comment me suis-je retrouvé dans ce petit bureau merdique à faire de la paperasse?', 0, 337, 241, 'Je suis un vendeur. Je suis supposé être à l\'extérieur en train de vendre!', 0, 0, 0, 'Ah, voyager de nouveau.', 1, 300, 100, 'J\'y pense chaque jour!', 2, 221, 283, 'Tu m\'as dit que la prochaine fois que tu voulais que je suce... Tu l\'as appelé comment déjà ?', 1, 220, 256, 'Bite.', 2, 410, 100, 'Hey, tu ne m\'as pas dit que c\'était en fait ton vrai nom?', 1, 232, 194, 'Oui, mais en ville il appelle aussi ce truc par ce nom.', 2, 415, 117, 'C\'est pour cela que je n\'aime pas trop mon nom.', 2, 0, 0, 'Oh, d\'accord. Je ne t\'appellerais pas comme ça alors.', 2, 220, 376, 'Je ne peux pas oublier que tu voulais que je suce le lait vers l\'extérieur.', 2, 226, 175, 'La dernière fois, ça a giclé partout!', 2, 0, 0, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Voici. Masse le comme ceci.', 2, 484, 6, 'Comme ça?', 0, 354, 78, 'Mmmm!', 2, 534, 5, 'Maintenant, place tes lèvres dessus.', 2, 534, 5, 'Mais continuer à le masser!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ummm... d\'accord.', 0, 348, 137, 'Plus vite!', 0, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, je n\'aime pas le nouvel employé.', 0, 555, 205, 'Il… \rIl me regarde de façon étrange.', 0, 0, 0, 'Il me met très mal à l\'aise.', 0, 0, 0, 'Eh bien, je suis désolé Becky. Il est un bon travailleur et j\'ai vraiment besoin de lui actuellement. ', 1, 200, 115, 'De toute façon, c\'est seulement temporaire jusqu\'à ce que les dernières récoltes soient complétées. ', 1, 0, 0, 'Ce pervers me regarde encore', 5, 255, 140, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, 'Richard?', 0, 5, 168, 'Richard? Est-ce qu\'il me parle?', 4, 510, 260, 'Seulement ma mère m\'appelle comme cela. Qui d\'autre m\'appellerait Richard ? ', 4, 0, 0, 'Rebecca?', 1, 490, 65, 'Oh! C\'est vraiment toi! Je ne t\'avais pas vu depuis la 7e année!', 0, 190, 110, 'tu avais déménagé.', 1, 490, 65, 'Est-ce qu\'il t\'appelle toujours Bite? ', 1, 180, 192, 'Je dois t\'avouer que je n\'aime pas beaucoup ce nom. Désolé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Oh non, je ne suis plus Bite depuis... presque toujours.', 0, 550, 160, 'Mes amis ont commencé à m\'appeler "Slick" et c\'est resté.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ne m\'appelle pas Richard. Je n\'aime pas trop ça également. Désolé.', 0, 0, 0, 'Ok... Slick.', 1, 180, 192, 'Alors, tu es marié?', 0, 390, 180, 'Uh, non. J\'ai rencontré une fille l\'autre jour. Nous…', 1, 515, 200, 'Bien j\'ai rencontré un garçon aussi l\'autre jour. Quoi de neuf? êtes-vous fiancés?', 0, 145, 240, 'Uh, non.', 1, 515, 200, 'Je me souviens, J\'ai fait une tarte hier. Tu dois y goûter! Tu as fini le boulot, n\'est-ce pas?', 0, 192, 230, 'Moi aussi. S\'il te plaît! Tu dois goûter à ma tarte à la cerise!', 0, 0, 0, 'D\'accord. Tu as dit le mot magique.', 1, 540, 192, 'Tarte!', 1, 0, 0, 'Je me souviens de toi comme étant plus petite. Tu sembles beaucoup plus grande maintenant!', 0, 280, 150, 'C\'est les talons. Je porte toujours des talons hauts. Ça confond beaucoup de gens.', 1, 162, 136, 'La vérité est que je suis encore toute menue. Rien n\'a changé.', 1, 0, 0, 'Et tes cheveux. C\'est très différent. Tu les portais toujours en queue de cheval.', 1, 0, 0, 'Tu les aimes comme ça?', 1, 503, 168, 'Mmmmm hmmmm.', 0, 250, 138, 'Hmmm, alors le look petite collégienne est vraiment ce que tu aimes.', 1, 503, 168, 'Une autre pointe de tarte?', 1, 0, 0, 'Ta tarte est si bonne! Je ne peux pas résister!', 0, 280, 150, 'Je reviens sous peu.', 1, 520, 206, 'Tu préfères mes cheveux comme ça?', 1, 478, 100, 'Oh!', 0, 268, 146, 'Je n\'ai pas trouvé de vêtement d\'écolière.', 1, 525, 96, 'J,espère que ce sera bien tout de même.', 0, 445, 80, 'Je veux être parfaite pour toi.', 0, 525, 106, 'Tu sais, à l\'école,', 0, 482, 139, 'J\'avais vraiment un gros béguin pour toi.', 0, 0, 0, 'Et maintenant toutes ces années plus tard,', 0, 520, 156, 'Nous voilà .', 0, 0, 0, 'C\'est si bon de t\'avoir profondément en moi,', 2, 214, 213, 'Mais je suis si petite que c\'est douloureux lorsque tu vas trop profond.', 2, 233, 435, 'Oh... Ok. Est-ce que c\'est mieux?', 0, 402, 91, 'Mmmm Oui.\r Maitenant, prend mes cheveux.', 2, 184, 231, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Place ton autre main sur mon dos.', 2, 173, 302, 'Mmmm.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas.', 2, 210, 124, 'Plus bas!', 2, 0, 0, 'Encore plus bas.', 2, 0, 0, 'Ohhh... Oooouuuuiiiii!', 2, 0, 0, '', 2, 0, 0, 'Huh?', 3, 525, 199, 'C\'est ok. Tu peux jouir maintenant.', 2, 178, 299, 'Allez. Tire mes cheveux!', 2, 0, 0, 'Ow!', 2, 0, 0, 'Laisse-moi te donner une brosse à dents. Bleu foncé, ça te va?', 3, 413, 235, 'Il y en a déj;a une de sortie.', 2, 177, 188, 'Rouge?', 3, 413, 235, 'Non.', 2, 177, 188, 'Je n\'ai plus d\'autres couleurs!', 3, 374, 234, 'Quoi!? Tu crois que tu es le seul homme au monde?', 2, 275, 302, 'Owwww! Merde! Je dois aller voir un médecin!', 2, 445, 130, 'Pénicilline?\r\r La gonorrhée?\r\r Moi?\r', 0, 292, 142, '\rToutes ces brosses à dents!\r\r', 1, 223, 277, '\rUh! Je déteste cette ville!\r\r', 1, 0, 0, 'Voilà !\r\r J\'en ai assez!\r\rJe m\'en vais!\r', 1, 209, 243, 'Je quitte cet emploi pourri et je m\'en vais à la campagne!', 1, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Mmmm... Ça sent comme le paradis!', 0, 476, 161, 'J\'espère que tu aimes ces cordes douces. Je les ai achetés juste pour toi.', 0, 490, 130, 'C\'est tellement joli.', 1, 267, 145, 'Si doux. Si sexy.', 1, 267, 145, 'Ça me rend vraiment excité.', 1, 0, 0, 'Mais c\'est ta culotte rose que je veux vraiment voir.', 1, 269, 110, 'Enlevons cela .', 2, 228, 228, 'Oh oui.', 2, 267, 167, 'Nous n\'aurons plus besoin de ceci.', 0, 507, 124, 'Mmmm...', 0, 387, 251, 'Je n\'ai jamais été aussi près du paradis.', 0, 450, 392, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Tu as déjà un comme celui-ci?', 0, 415, 96, 'Tourne toi.', 0, 428, 77, 'Essayons ce nouvel arrangement.', 0, 531, 254, 'Cela fait lever les bras.', 3, 498, 196, 'Et maintenant les jambes.', 1, 187, 124, 'Ah, oui. C\'est parfait.', 3, 270, 107, 'Maintenant suce mes balles.', 3, 385, 90, 'Tu étais si bonne!', 2, 363, 102, 'Je suis presque venu.', 2, 0, 0, 'Voilà , détend toi un petit peu.', 3, 455, 152, 'Je veux faire quelques ajustements à la machine.', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh oui!', 0, 299, 82, 'Essayons un peu de ceci.', 0, 447, 98, 'Non!', 0, 586, 141, 'Pas tout de suite!', 3, 482, 94, 'J\'ai attendu assez longtemps.', 3, 302, 189, 'Je veux baiser.', 3, 0, 0, 'Tu le veux aussi?', 0, 321, 129, 'Oh oui, juteux comme un melon d\'eau.', 3, 316, 123, '', 0, 0, 0, 'Pa, ma culotte rose a disparu.', 3, 200, 235, 'Il était là dehors et elle a disparue!', 3, 0, 0, 'Oh pas maintenant Becky! La barrière est brisée. Une partie du bétail s\'est enfui.', 1, 540, 164, 'Il faut les ramener tout de suite.', 1, 0, 0, 'Où est cet idiot d\'employé lorsque j\'en ai besoin!', 0, 278, 130, 'Il ne devrait pas être dans sa chambre à cette heure.', 3, 292, 190, 'Qu\'est-ce que tu fou là petit idiot!', 3, 302, 351, 'Est-ce que la culotte de Becky que tu as souillée?', 1, 200, 105, 'Tu es mieux de foutre le camp rapidement petit pervers, \'vant que je perde mon calme et que je te défonce le cul avec ceci.', 1, 210, 168, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '\r\rFin de la partie 1\rl\'employé', 0, 320, 240, '\rCode secret pour la partie 1:\rbind', 0, 320, 240, 'Farmer\'s Daughter 2\rcopyright 2011\r Tout droits réservés', 0, 320, 240, '\rDésign, codage, art et musique du jeu par\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Traduction allemande: Arnulf\rTraduction française:: Vinny53\r', 0, 320, 240, 'Merci\rà tous les modérateurs de Pusooy\rpour leur aide dans le design du jeu', 0, 320, 240, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 'The End', 0, 320, 240, 'Secret unlock code for part 3:\rgold', 0, 320, 240, 'Mummy Love\rcopyright 2011\r all rights reserved', 0, 320, 240, 'Game design, coding, art and music by\rPuso', 0, 320, 240, 'Original Teenage Mummy concept suggested by Fejken', 0, 320, 240, 'German translation: Arnulf\rFrench: Vinny53\rItalian: Oaiki', 0, 320, 240, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, '', 1, 0, 0, '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0];
if (!soundstarted) {
Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.scaleMode = 'noBorder';
if (!teaser) {
gamesave = SharedObject.getLocal('gfsave');
if (teaser) {
oldscene = -1;
oldphase = 0;
gslastscene = 0;
secretunlocked = 1;
highestscene = 10;
} else {
oldscene = -1;
oldphase = 0;
gslastscene = 0;
secretunlocked = 0; = 0; = 0; = 0;
butrel = 0;
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('mousebutton', 1);
_root.onMouseDown = function () {
buttonpress = 1;
_root.onMouseUp = function () {
buttonpress = 0;
butrel = 1;
hidemouse = 0;
mousemove = 0;
_root.onMouseMove = function () {
mousemove = 15;
if (mousex < 40 || mousex > 560 || mousey < 40 || mousey > 472) {;
} else {
if (hidemouse) {
} else {;
savmute = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
blinker = time & 8;
mousex = _root._xmouse;
mousey = _root._ymouse;
if (!seenpause) {
if (scene > 0 && !pausing) {
seenpause = 1;
if (pausing) {
if (lickingtits && ahvol > 0) {
if (mute != 99) {
savmute = mute;
mute = 99;
if (!blankpause) {
if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel || pausing == 8 && buttonpress) {
if (teaser && pausing == 8) {
fade = 100;
sheet_mc._alpha = fade;
scene = 0;
scenestarted = 0;
forcebuboff = 1;
teasertime = 0;
pausing = 0;
pauserel = 0;
slomo = 0;
ahwait = 0;
talking3 = 0;
talking2 = 0;
mute = savmute;
pop_mc._x = -10000;
if (mybug && blackpause) {
bg4a = 0;
bg4_mc._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (playingpalace) {
} else {
if (Key.isDown(32) & pauserel) {
pausing = 1;
seenpause = 1;
pauserel = 0;
slomo = 0;
if (mybug && blackpause) {
bg4a = 100;
bg4_mc._alpha = 100;
bg4_mc._x = 360;
bg4_mc._y = 288;
} else {
if (teaser && pausing == 0 && scene >= 2 && teasertime > 200) {
pausing = 8;
} else {
if (debug && Key.isDown(86) || slomo) {
if (smdelay >= 25) {
smdelay = 0;
} else {
if (!Key.isDown(32)) {
pauserel = 1;
if (scene > highestscene && !teaser) {
highestscene = scene; = scene;
mon0 = 'mx:' + mousex + ' my:' + mousey + ' fps:' + floor(fps) + ' scene:' + scene + ' say:' + ssay + ' h:' + horny + ' p:' + pausing;
mon7 = '';
mon6 = '';
mon5 = '';
mon4 = '';
mon3 = '';
mon2 = '';
mon1 = '';
var mon0 = '';
bfade = 0;
rolledoff = 0;
rolledon = 0;
forcebuboff = 0;
fadingout = 0;
arrowcolor = 0;
arrowcursor = 0;
arrowangle = 0;
attacharrow = 0;
arrowy = 0;
arrowx = 0;
arrowtype = 0;
arrowphase = -1;
arrowblink = 0;
arrowalpha = 0;
bjphase = 0;
oautopilot = 0;
autopilot = 0;
tautoangle = 0;
autoangle = 0;
finddir = 1;
showhigh = 0;
showleft = 0;
ptasks = 14;
ptasksdone = 0;
powerbarsize = 0;
powerbarcolor = 0;
powerbarside = 0;
enjoy = 0;
hint = 0;
hintx = 0;
hinty = 0;
swoosh = 0;
swooshx = 0;
swooshy = 0;
swooshdir = 0;
swoosha = 0;
swooshadd = 0;
swalpha = 0;
onhot = 0;
hotdir = 0;
githot = 0;
hotspot_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!gothot) {
onhot = 0;
return undefined;
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true)) {
onhot = 1;
hidemouse = 1;
mouse_mc._x = mousex;
mouse_mc._y = mousey;
if (ssay == 60) {
} else {
mouse_mc._alpha = 100;
mouse_mc._rotation = hotdir;
hotspot_mc._alpha = 20;
} else {
if (onhot) {
hotspot_mc._alpha = 0;
onhot = 0;
hidemouse = 0;
mouse_mc._alpha = 0;
fast = 0;
fastend = 0;
moverd = 0;
moverm = 0;
mover = 0;
movertime = 40;
mmoverd = 0;
mmoverm = 0;
mmover = 0;
mmovertime = 40;
backmove = 0;
mbackmove = 0;
showpoptype = 2;
plinkrel == 0;
showscenebar = 0;
onbeta = 0;
beta_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (showscenebar) {
return undefined;
if (this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true) && scene != 1) {
onbeta = 1;
if (teaser) {
if (scene == 0) {
} else {
} else {
beta_mc._x = 176 + adjx;
beta_mc._y = 563 + adjy;
} else {
onbeta = 0;
beta_mc.txt.text = '\rVersion:' + version1 + ' ';
betarel = 1;
beta_mc._x = 49 + fadjx;
beta_mc._y = 565 + fadjy;
dosurge = 0;
surge = 0;
horny = 0;
startframe = 1;
startframe = 1;
onstartbutton = 0;
startbutton_mc.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (pausing) {
startbutton_mc._x = -10000;
onstartbutton = 0;
} else {
onstartbutton = this.hitTest(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse, true);
talking3 = 0;
talking2 = 0;
talking1 = 0;
talking = 0;
omute = 3;
mute = 3;
soundstarted = 0;
lastoh = 1;
lastswish = 1;
cricket2 = 0;
cricket1 = 0;
talking = 0;
bedsq = 1;
morg = 1;
coh = 1;
nnh = 0;
mm = 0;
uhh = 0;
lastmm = 0;
rea = 0;
lastnnh = 0;
mooo = 1;
oww = 0;
emoan = 1;
mcum = 1;
wchuhh = 7;
wchsplash = 1;
hurtwch = 0;
breathwch = 0;
doh = 10;
stoplooping = 1;
ahvol = 5;
lastah = 2;
ahwait = 0;
stopahloop = 0;
playingpalace = 0;
palvol = 30;
lastchime = 0;
peesoundon = 0;
peevol = 0;
fs_changing = [];
fs_frame = [];
fs_alpha = [];
fs_fadestep = [];
var PI = Math.PI;
escrel = 1;
fpsi = 0;
fpstab = [30, 30, 30, 30];
ugsha = 0;
ugela = 0;
movieClip 140 {
movieClip 411 {
movieClip 1104 {
movieClip 1139 {
movieClip 1143 {
movieClip 1213 {
movieClip 1413 {
movieClip 1415 {
movieClip 1421 {
movieClip 1423 {
movieClip 1434 {
movieClip 1439 {