[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Combined Code (294.35 KiB) ● ● ● ●
movieClip 2 {
button 9 {
on (release) {
button 20 {
on (release) {
æ示.text = '音é‡è°ƒæ•´ä¸º100';
button 21 {
on (release) {
æ示.text = '音é‡è°ƒæ•´ä¸º80';
button 22 {
on (release) {
æ示.text = '音é‡è°ƒæ•´ä¸º60';
button 23 {
on (release) {
æ示.text = '音é‡è°ƒæ•´ä¸º30';
button 24 {
on (release) {
æ示.text = '音é‡è°ƒæ•´ä¸º10';
button 25 {
on (release) {
æ示.text = '音é‡è°ƒæ•´ä¸º0';
button 28 {
on (release) {
button 29 {
on (release) {
InstanceName_0.text = _root.游æˆè¯´æ˜Ž;
button 36 {
on (release) {
if (代ç .text == '') {
tishi.text = '请您输入作弊å·ç ';
} else {
if (代ç .text == 'é’±++') {
tishi.text = 'ä¸å¯èƒ½éƒ½ç”¨è¿™ä¸ªä½œå¼Šç å§';
} else {
if (代ç .text == '比目鱼') {
tishi.text = 'ä¸æ˜¯è¿™ä¸ªï¼';
} else {
if (代ç .text == '比目鱼动画') {
tishi.text = '这个ä¸æ˜¯ä½œå¼Šç ï¼';
} else {
if (代ç .text == '测试') {
tishi.text = '您输入错误ï¼';
} else {
tishi.text = '您输入错误ï¼';
movieClip 43 BoundingBox {
movieClip 45 BrdrShdw {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'shadowColor');
movieClip 47 BrdrFace {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'buttonColor');
movieClip 48 SimpleButtonDown {
movieClip 50 BrdrBlk {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'borderColor');
movieClip 52 BrdrHilght {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'highlightColor');
movieClip 53 SimpleButtonIn {
movieClip 54 SimpleButtonUp {
movieClip 55 Defaults {
Object.registerClass('Defaults', mx.skins.halo.Defaults);
movieClip 56 UIObjectExtensions {
Object.registerClass('UIObjectExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions);
movieClip 57 UIObject {
Object.registerClass('UIObject', mx.core.UIObject);
frame 1 {
button 60 {
on (keyPress '<Tab>') {
movieClip 61 {
Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager);
if (_root.focusManager == undefined) {
_root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--);
frame 1 {
movieClip 62 FocusRect {
Object.registerClass('FocusRect', mx.skins.halo.FocusRect);
movieClip 63 FocusManager {
Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager);
frame 1 {
movieClip 64 UIComponentExtensions {
Object.registerClass('UIComponentExtensions', mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions);
movieClip 65 UIComponent {
Object.registerClass('UIComponent', mx.core.UIComponent);
frame 1 {
movieClip 66 SimpleButton {
Object.registerClass('SimpleButton', mx.controls.SimpleButton);
frame 1 {
movieClip 67 Border {
Object.registerClass('Border', mx.skins.Border);
frame 1 {
movieClip 68 RectBorder {
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder));
Object.registerClass('RectBorder', mx.skins.halo.RectBorder);
frame 1 {
movieClip 69 ButtonSkin {
Object.registerClass('ButtonSkin', mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin);
movieClip 70 Button {
Object.registerClass('Button', mx.controls.Button);
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 66 SimpleButton {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 71 CustomBorder {
Object.registerClass('CustomBorder', mx.skins.CustomBorder);
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement('CustomBorder', mx.skins.CustomBorder);
frame 1 {
movieClip 74 ScrollTrack {
movieClip 81 ScrollDownArrowDisabled {
movieClip 83 ScrollThemeColor1 {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor');
movieClip 85 ScrollThemeColor2 {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor');
movieClip 86 ScrollDownArrowDown {
movieClip 87 ScrollDownArrowOver {
movieClip 88 ScrollDownArrowUp {
movieClip 94 ScrollThumbBottomDisabled {
movieClip 96 ThumbThemeColor1 {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor');
movieClip 98 ThumbThemeColor3 {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor');
movieClip 99 ScrollThumbBottomDown {
movieClip 100 ScrollThumbBottomOver {
movieClip 101 ScrollThumbBottomUp {
movieClip 103 ScrollThumbGripDisabled {
movieClip 105 ThumbThemeColor2 {
frame 1 {
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, 'themeColor');
movieClip 106 ScrollThumbGripDown {
movieClip 107 ScrollThumbGripOver {
movieClip 108 ScrollThumbGripUp {
movieClip 110 ScrollThumbMiddleDisabled {
movieClip 111 ScrollThumbMiddleDown {
movieClip 112 {
movieClip 114 {
movieClip 115 ScrollThumbMiddleOver {
movieClip 116 ScrollThumbMiddleUp {
movieClip 117 ScrollThumbTopDisabled {
movieClip 118 ScrollThumbTopDown {
movieClip 119 ScrollThumbTopOver {
movieClip 120 ScrollThumbTopUp {
movieClip 121 ScrollTrackDisabled {
movieClip 122 ScrollUpArrowDisabled {
movieClip 123 ScrollUpArrowDown {
movieClip 124 ScrollUpArrowOver {
movieClip 125 ScrollUpArrowUp {
movieClip 126 BtnDownArrow {
Object.registerClass('BtnDownArrow', mx.controls.SimpleButton);
movieClip 127 BtnUpArrow {
Object.registerClass('BtnUpArrow', mx.controls.SimpleButton);
movieClip 128 ScrollBarAssets {
movieClip 129 VScrollBar {
Object.registerClass('VScrollBar', mx.controls.VScrollBar);
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 70 Button {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
icon = '';
label = 'Button';
labelPlacement = 'right';
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
instance of movieClip 66 SimpleButton {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 130 HScrollBar {
Object.registerClass('HScrollBar', mx.controls.HScrollBar);
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 70 Button {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
icon = '';
label = 'Button';
labelPlacement = 'right';
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
instance of movieClip 66 SimpleButton {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
selected = false;
toggle = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 131 UIScrollBar {
Object.registerClass('UIScrollBar', mx.controls.UIScrollBar);
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 129 VScrollBar {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
instance of movieClip 130 HScrollBar {
onClipEvent (initialize) {
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 158 系统设置 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 131 UIScrollBar {
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetInstanceName = 'InstanceName_0';
horizontal = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
button 160 {
on (press) {
movieClip 162 选择å°æ ¼å {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
movieClip 164 使用å°æ ¼å {
movieClip 167 å˜æ¡£æ示 {
frame 1 {
frame 1 {
Stage.showMenu = false;
Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
play_btn._visible = false;
frame 1 {
var CPMStarPoolID = 13381;
var CPMStarSubPoolID = 28;
adBox.loadMovie('http://server.cpmstar.com/adviewas2.swf?poolid=' + CPMStarPoolID + '&subpoolid=' + CPMStarSubPoolID);
onEnterFrame = function () {
byteloaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
bytetotal = _root.getBytesTotal();
bili = int((byteloaded / bytetotal) * 100);
txt.text = 'download ' + bili + ' %';
if (bili >= 100) {
delete onEnterFrame;
txt._visible = false;
play_btn._visible = true;
tishi._visible = false;
movieClip 170 {
movieClip 173 {
// unknown tag 88 length 62
button 177 {
on (release) {
movieClip 1118 __Packages.mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions) {
_global.mx.transitions = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.init = function () {
var v4 = _global.MovieClip;
if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) {
var v3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('__OnEnterFrameBeacon', 9876);
v3.onEnterFrame = function () {
v1.version = '';
ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 1119 __Packages.mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions) {
_global.mx.transitions = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.initialize = function (o, dontCreateArray) {
if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) {
delete o.broadcastMessage;
o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener;
o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener;
if (!dontCreateArray) {
o._listeners = new Array();
v2.addListener = function (o) {
if (this.broadcastMessage == undefined) {
this.broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage;
return this._listeners.push(o);
v2.removeListener = function (o) {
var v2 = this._listeners;
var v3 = v2.length;
while (v3--) {
if (v2[v3] == o) {
v2.splice(v3, 1);
if (!v2.length) {
this.broadcastMessage = undefined;
return true;
return false;
v2.broadcastMessage = function () {
var v5 = String(arguments.shift());
var v4 = this._listeners.concat();
var v6 = v4.length;
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < v6) {
v4[v3][v5].apply(v4[v3], arguments);
v1.version = '';
ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 1120 __Packages.mx.transitions.Tween {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions) {
_global.mx.transitions = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions.Tween) {
var v1 = function (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) {
if (!arguments.length) {
return undefined;
this.obj = obj;
this.prop = prop;
this.begin = begin;
this.useSeconds = useSeconds;
if (func) {
this.func = func;
this._listeners = [];
mx.transitions.Tween = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.__set__time = function (t) {
this.prevTime = this._time;
if (t > this.__get__duration()) {
if (this.looping) {
this.rewind(t - this._duration);
this.broadcastMessage('onMotionLooped', this);
} else {
if (this.useSeconds) {
this._time = this._duration;
this.broadcastMessage('onMotionFinished', this);
} else {
if (t < 0) {
} else {
this._time = t;
return this.__get__time();
v2.__get__time = function () {
return this._time;
v2.__set__duration = function (d) {
this._duration = (d == null || d <= 0) ? _global.Infinity : d;
return this.__get__duration();
v2.__get__duration = function () {
return this._duration;
v2.__set__FPS = function (fps) {
var v2 = this.isPlaying;
this._fps = fps;
if (v2) {
return this.__get__FPS();
v2.__get__FPS = function () {
return this._fps;
v2.__set__position = function (p) {
return this.__get__position();
v2.setPosition = function (p) {
this.prevPos = this._pos;
this._pos = p;
this.obj[this.prop] = this._pos;
this.broadcastMessage('onMotionChanged', this, this._pos);
v2.__get__position = function () {
return this.getPosition();
v2.getPosition = function (t) {
if (t == undefined) {
t = this._time;
return this.func(t, this.begin, this.change, this._duration);
v2.__set__finish = function (f) {
this.change = f - this.begin;
return this.__get__finish();
v2.__get__finish = function () {
return this.begin + this.change;
v2.continueTo = function (finish, duration) {
this.begin = this.position;
if (duration != undefined) {
v2.yoyo = function () {
this.continueTo(this.begin, this.__get__time());
v2.startEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._fps == undefined) {
} else {
this._intervalID = setInterval(this, 'onEnterFrame', 1000 / this._fps);
this.isPlaying = true;
v2.stopEnterFrame = function () {
if (this._fps == undefined) {
} else {
this.isPlaying = false;
v2.start = function () {
this.broadcastMessage('onMotionStarted', this);
v2.stop = function () {
this.broadcastMessage('onMotionStopped', this);
v2.resume = function () {
this.broadcastMessage('onMotionResumed', this);
v2.rewind = function (t) {
this._time = (t == undefined) ? 0 : t;
v2.fforward = function () {
v2.nextFrame = function () {
if (this.useSeconds) {
this.__set__time((getTimer() - this._startTime) / 1000);
} else {
this.__set__time(this._time + 1);
v2.onEnterFrame = function () {
v2.prevFrame = function () {
if (!this.useSeconds) {
this.__set__time(this._time - 1);
v2.toString = function () {
return '[Tween]';
v2.fixTime = function () {
if (this.useSeconds) {
this._startTime = getTimer() - this._time * 1000;
v2.update = function () {
v1.version = '';
v1.__initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init();
v1.__initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true);
v2.func = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * t / d + b;
v2.addProperty('FPS', v2.__get__FPS, v2.__set__FPS);
v2.addProperty('duration', v2.__get__duration, v2.__set__duration);
v2.addProperty('finish', v2.__get__finish, v2.__set__finish);
v2.addProperty('position', v2.__get__position, v2.__set__position);
v2.addProperty('time', v2.__get__time, v2.__set__time);
ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 1121 __Packages.mx.transitions.easing.None {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions) {
_global.mx.transitions = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions.easing) {
_global.mx.transitions.easing = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.transitions.easing.None) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.transitions.easing.None = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.easeNone = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * t / d + b;
v1.easeIn = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * t / d + b;
v1.easeOut = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * t / d + b;
v1.easeInOut = function (t, b, c, d) {
return c * t / d + b;
v1.version = '';
ASSetPropFlags(mx.transitions.easing.None.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 38 __Packages.mx.core.UIObject {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core) {
_global.mx.core = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core.UIObject) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.core.UIObject = v1;
var v2 = new MovieClip();
mx.core.UIObject.prototype = v2;
v2.__get__width = function () {
return this._width;
v2.__get__height = function () {
return this._height;
v2.__get__left = function () {
return this._x;
v2.__get__x = function () {
return this._x;
v2.__get__top = function () {
return this._y;
v2.__get__y = function () {
return this._y;
v2.__get__right = function () {
return this._parent.width - (this._x + this.__get__width());
v2.__get__bottom = function () {
return this._parent.height - (this._y + this.__get__height());
v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) {
return this._minHeight;
v2.setMinHeight = function (h) {
this._minHeight = h;
v2.__get__minHeight = function () {
return this.getMinHeight();
v2.__set__minHeight = function (h) {
return this.__get__minHeight();
v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) {
return this._minWidth;
v2.setMinWidth = function (w) {
this._minWidth = w;
v2.__get__minWidth = function () {
return this.getMinWidth();
v2.__set__minWidth = function (w) {
return this.__get__minWidth();
v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) {
if (x != this._visible) {
this._visible = x;
if (noEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': x ? 'reveal' : 'hide'});
v2.__get__visible = function () {
return this._visible;
v2.__set__visible = function (x) {
this.setVisible(x, false);
return this.__get__visible();
v2.__get__scaleX = function () {
return this._xscale;
v2.__set__scaleX = function (x) {
this._xscale = x;
return this.__get__scaleX();
v2.__get__scaleY = function () {
return this._yscale;
v2.__set__scaleY = function (y) {
this._yscale = y;
return this.__get__scaleY();
v2.doLater = function (obj, fn) {
if (this.methodTable == undefined) {
this.methodTable = new Array();
this.methodTable.push({'obj': obj, 'fn': fn});
this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher;
v2.doLaterDispatcher = function (Void) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (this.invalidateFlag) {
var v3 = this.methodTable;
this.methodTable = new Array();
if (v3.length > 0) {
var v2;
v2 = v3.shift();
while (v2 != undefined) {
v2.cancelAllDoLaters = function (Void) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.methodTable = new Array();
v2.invalidate = function (Void) {
this.invalidateFlag = true;
this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher;
v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) {
v2.redraw = function (bAlways) {
if (this.invalidateFlag || bAlways) {
this.invalidateFlag = false;
var v2;
for (v2 in this.tfList) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'draw'});
v2.draw = function (Void) {};
v2.move = function (x, y, noEvent) {
var v3 = this._x;
var v2 = this._y;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
if (noEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'move', 'oldX': v3, 'oldY': v2});
v2.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) {
var v2 = this.__width;
var v3 = this.__height;
this.__width = w;
this.__height = h;
if (noEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'oldWidth': v2, 'oldHeight': v3});
v2.size = function (Void) {
this._width = this.__width;
this._height = this.__height;
v2.drawRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this.moveTo(x1, y1);
this.lineTo(x2, y1);
this.lineTo(x2, y2);
this.lineTo(x1, y2);
this.lineTo(x1, y1);
v2.createLabel = function (name, depth, text) {
this.createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var v2 = this[name];
v2._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList;
v2._visible = false;
v2.__text = text;
if (this.tfList == undefined) {
this.tfList = new Object();
this.tfList[name] = v2;
v2.styleName = this;
return v2;
v2.createObject = function (linkageName, id, depth, initobj) {
return this.attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj);
v2.createClassObject = function (className, id, depth, initobj) {
var v3 = className.symbolName == undefined;
if (v3) {
Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className);
var v4 = this.createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj);
if (v3) {
Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner);
return v4;
v2.createEmptyObject = function (id, depth) {
return this.createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth);
v2.destroyObject = function (id) {
var v2 = this[id];
if (v2.getDepth() < 0) {
var v4 = this.buildDepthTable();
var v5 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(0, v4, 'up');
var v3 = v5;
delete this[id];
v2.getSkinIDName = function (tag) {
return this.idNames[tag];
v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initObj) {
if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) {
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement);
return this.createObject(linkageName, this.getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj);
v2.createSkin = function (tag) {
var v2 = this.getSkinIDName(tag);
this.createEmptyObject(v2, tag);
return this[v2];
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {};
v2._createChildren = function (Void) {
this.childrenCreated = true;
v2.constructObject = function (Void) {
if (this._name == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (this.validateNow) {
} else {
v2.initFromClipParameters = function (Void) {
var v4 = false;
var v2;
for (v2 in this.clipParameters) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(v2)) {
v4 = true;
this['def_' + v2] = this[v2];
delete this[v2];
if (v4) {
for (v2 in this.clipParameters) {
var v3 = this['def_' + v2];
if (v3 != undefined) {
this[v2] = v3;
v2.init = function (Void) {
this.__width = this._width;
this.__height = this._height;
if (this.initProperties == undefined) {
} else {
if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) {
this.stylecache = new Object();
v2.getClassStyleDeclaration = function (Void) {
var v4 = this;
var v3 = this.className;
while (v3 != undefined) {
if (this.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[v3] == undefined) {
if (_global.styles[v3] != undefined) {
return _global.styles[v3];
v4 = v4.__proto__;
v3 = v4.className;
v2.setColor = function (color) {};
v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) {
var v8 = this.stylecache.tf;
if (v8 != undefined) {
var v3;
for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) {
if (tf[v3] == undefined) {
tf[v3] = v8[v3];
return false;
var v6 = false;
for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) {
if (tf[v3] == undefined) {
var v5 = this._tf[v3];
if (v5 != undefined) {
tf[v3] = v5;
} else {
if (v3 == 'font' && this.fontFamily != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontFamily;
} else {
if (v3 == 'size' && this.fontSize != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontSize;
} else {
if (v3 == 'color' && this.color != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.color;
} else {
if (v3 == 'leftMargin' && this.marginLeft != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.marginLeft;
} else {
if (v3 == 'rightMargin' && this.marginRight != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.marginRight;
} else {
if (v3 == 'italic' && this.fontStyle != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontStyle == v3;
} else {
if (v3 == 'bold' && this.fontWeight != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontWeight == v3;
} else {
if (v3 == 'align' && this.textAlign != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.textAlign;
} else {
if (v3 == 'indent' && this.textIndent != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.textIndent;
} else {
if (v3 == 'underline' && this.textDecoration != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.textDecoration == v3;
} else {
if (v3 == 'embedFonts' && this.embedFonts != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.embedFonts;
} else {
v6 = true;
if (v6) {
var v9 = this.styleName;
if (v9 != undefined) {
if (typeof v9 != 'string') {
v6 = v9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
} else {
if (_global.styles[v9] != undefined) {
v6 = _global.styles[v9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
if (v6) {
var v10 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration();
if (v10 != undefined) {
v6 = v10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
if (v6) {
if (_global.cascadingStyles) {
if (this._parent != undefined) {
v6 = this._parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false);
if (v6) {
v6 = _global.style.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
return v6;
v2._getTextFormat = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.stylecache.tf;
if (v2 != undefined) {
return v2;
v2 = new TextFormat();
this.__getTextFormat(v2, true);
this.stylecache.tf = v2;
if (this.enabled == false) {
var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor');
v2.color = v3;
return v2;
v2.getStyleName = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.styleName;
if (v2 != undefined) {
if (typeof v2 != 'string') {
return v2.getStyleName();
} else {
return v2;
if (this._parent != undefined) {
return this._parent.getStyleName();
} else {
return undefined;
v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) {
var v3;
if (this[styleProp] != undefined) {
return this[styleProp];
var v6 = this.styleName;
if (v6 != undefined) {
if (typeof v6 != 'string') {
v3 = v6.getStyle(styleProp);
} else {
var v7 = _global.styles[v6];
v3 = v7.getStyle(styleProp);
if (v3 != undefined) {
return v3;
v7 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration();
if (v7 != undefined) {
v3 = v7[styleProp];
if (v3 != undefined) {
return v3;
if (_global.cascadingStyles) {
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) {
var v5 = this.stylecache;
if (v5 != undefined) {
if (v5[styleProp] != undefined) {
return v5[styleProp];
if (this._parent != undefined) {
v3 = this._parent.getStyle(styleProp);
} else {
v3 = _global.style[styleProp];
if (v5 != undefined) {
v5[styleProp] = v3;
return v3;
if (v3 == undefined) {
v3 = _global.style[styleProp];
return v3;
v1.mergeClipParameters = function (o, p) {
for (var v3 in p) {
o[v3] = p[v3];
return true;
v1.symbolName = 'UIObject';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject;
v1.version = '';
v1.textColorList = {'color': 1, 'disabledColor': 1};
v2.invalidateFlag = false;
v2.lineWidth = 1;
v2.lineColor = 0;
v2.tabEnabled = false;
v2.clipParameters = {'visible': 1, 'minHeight': 1, 'minWidth': 1, 'maxHeight': 1, 'maxWidth': 1, 'preferredHeight': 1, 'preferredWidth': 1};
v2.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, function () {});
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, function () {});
v2.addProperty('minHeight', v2.__get__minHeight, v2.__set__minHeight);
v2.addProperty('minWidth', v2.__get__minWidth, v2.__set__minWidth);
v2.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, function () {});
v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX);
v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY);
v2.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, function () {});
v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible);
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, function () {});
v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIObject.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 39 __Packages.mx.core.UIComponent {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core) {
_global.mx.core = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core.UIComponent) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.core.UIComponent = v1;
var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject();
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype = v2;
v2.__get__width = function () {
return this.__width;
v2.__get__height = function () {
return this.__height;
v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) {
super.setVisible(x, noEvent);
v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) {
delete this.stylecache.tf;
return newValue;
v2.setEnabled = function (enabled) {
v2.getFocus = function () {
var selFocus = Selection.getFocus();
return (selFocus === null) ? null : eval(selFocus);
v2.setFocus = function () {
v2.getFocusManager = function () {
var v2 = this;
while (v2 != undefined) {
if (v2.focusManager != undefined) {
return v2.focusManager;
v2 = v2._parent;
return undefined;
v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) {
this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this);
this.removeEventListener('keyUp', this);
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusOut'});
v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) {
this.addEventListener('keyDown', this);
this.addEventListener('keyUp', this);
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusIn'});
if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) {
v2.findFocusInChildren = function (o) {
if (o.focusTextField != undefined) {
return o.focusTextField;
if (o.tabEnabled == true) {
return o;
return undefined;
v2.findFocusFromObject = function (o) {
if (o.tabEnabled != true) {
if (o._parent == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) {
o = o._parent;
return o;
if (o._parent.tabChildren) {
o = this.findFocusInChildren(o._parent);
return o;
o = this.findFocusFromObject(o._parent);
return o;
v2.pressFocus = function () {
var v3 = this.findFocusFromObject(this);
var v2 = this.getFocus();
if (v3 != v2) {
if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) {
v2.releaseFocus = function () {
var v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(this);
if (v2 != this.getFocus()) {
v2.isParent = function (o) {
while (o != undefined) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
o = o._parent;
return false;
v2.size = function () {};
v2.init = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;
this.watch('enabled', this.enabledChanged);
if (this.enabled == false) {
v2.dispatchValueChangedEvent = function (value) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'valueChanged', 'value': value});
v1.symbolName = 'UIComponent';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
v1.version = '';
v1.kStretch = 5000;
v2.focusEnabled = true;
v2.tabEnabled = true;
v2.origBorderStyles = {'themeColor': 16711680};
v2.clipParameters = {};
v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters);
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 40 __Packages.mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.scrollClasses) {
_global.mx.controls.scrollClasses = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar = v1;
var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent();
mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype = v2;
v2.__get__scrollPosition = function () {
return this._scrollPosition;
v2.__set__scrollPosition = function (pos) {
this._scrollPosition = pos;
if (this.isScrolling != true) {
pos = Math.min(pos, this.maxPos);
pos = Math.max(pos, this.minPos);
var v3 = (pos - this.minPos) * (this.scrollTrack_mc.height - this.scrollThumb_mc._height) / (this.maxPos - this.minPos) + this.scrollTrack_mc.top;
this.scrollThumb_mc.move(0, v3);
return this.__get__scrollPosition();
v2.__get__pageScrollSize = function () {
return this.largeScroll;
v2.__set__pageScrollSize = function (lScroll) {
this.largeScroll = lScroll;
return this.__get__pageScrollSize();
v2.__set__lineScrollSize = function (sScroll) {
this.smallScroll = sScroll;
return this.__get__lineScrollSize();
v2.__get__lineScrollSize = function () {
return this.smallScroll;
v2.__get__virtualHeight = function () {
return this.__height;
v2.init = function (Void) {
this._scrollPosition = 0;
this.tabEnabled = false;
this.focusEnabled = false;
this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false;
this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0;
this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0;
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {
if (this.scrollTrack_mc == undefined) {
this.setSkin(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDTrack, this.scrollTrackName);
this.scrollTrack_mc.visible = false;
var v3 = new Object();
v3.enabled = false;
v3.preset = mx.controls.SimpleButton.falseDisabled;
v3.initProperties = 0;
v3.autoRepeat = true;
v3.tabEnabled = false;
var v2;
if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) {
v2 = this.createButton(this.upArrowName, 'upArrow_mc', mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDUpArrow, v3);
v2.buttonDownHandler = this.onUpArrow;
v2.clickHandler = this.onScrollChanged;
this._minHeight = v2.height;
this._minWidth = v2.width;
if (this.downArrow_mc == undefined) {
v2 = this.createButton(this.downArrowName, 'downArrow_mc', mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDDownArrow, v3);
v2.buttonDownHandler = this.onDownArrow;
v2.clickHandler = this.onScrollChanged;
this._minHeight += v2.height;
v2.createButton = function (linkageName, id, skinID, o) {
if (skinID == mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDUpArrow) {
o.falseUpSkin = this.upArrowUpName;
o.falseDownSkin = this.upArrowDownName;
o.falseOverSkin = this.upArrowOverName;
var v3 = this.createObject(linkageName, id, skinID, o);
this[id].visible = false;
this[id].useHandCursor = false;
return v3;
o.falseUpSkin = this.downArrowUpName;
o.falseDownSkin = this.downArrowDownName;
o.falseOverSkin = this.downArrowOverName;
var v3 = this.createObject(linkageName, id, skinID, o);
this[id].visible = false;
this[id].useHandCursor = false;
return v3;
v2.createThumb = function (Void) {
var v2 = new Object();
v2.validateNow = true;
v2.tabEnabled = false;
v2.leftSkin = this.thumbTopName;
v2.middleSkin = this.thumbMiddleName;
v2.rightSkin = this.thumbBottomName;
v2.gripSkin = this.thumbGripName;
this.createClassObject(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb, 'scrollThumb_mc', mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDThumb, v2);
v2.setScrollProperties = function (pSize, mnPos, mxPos, ls) {
var v4;
var v2 = this.scrollTrack_mc;
this.pageSize = pSize;
this.largeScroll = (ls != undefined && ls > 0) ? ls : pSize;
this.minPos = Math.max(mnPos, 0);
this.maxPos = Math.max(mxPos, 0);
this._scrollPosition = Math.max(this.minPos, this._scrollPosition);
this._scrollPosition = Math.min(this.maxPos, this._scrollPosition);
if (this.maxPos - this.minPos > 0 && this.enabled) {
var v5 = this._scrollPosition;
if (!this.initializing) {
this.upArrow_mc.enabled = true;
this.downArrow_mc.enabled = true;
v2.onDragOver = this.startTrackScroller;
v2.onPress = v2.onDragOver;
v2.onRelease = this.releaseScrolling;
v2.stopScrolling = this.stopScrolling;
v2.onDragOut = v2.stopScrolling;
v2.onReleaseOutside = this.releaseScrolling;
v2.useHandCursor = false;
if (this.scrollThumb_mc == undefined) {
var v3 = this.scrollThumb_mc;
if (this.scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) {
v2.onRollOver = this.trackOver;
v2.onRollOut = this.trackOut;
v4 = (this.pageSize / (this.maxPos - this.minPos + this.pageSize)) * v2.height;
if (v4 < v3.minHeight) {
if (v2.height < v3.minHeight) {
} else {
v4 = v3.minHeight;
v3.setSize(this._minWidth, v3.minHeight + 0);
} else {
v3.setSize(this._minWidth, v4);
v3.setRange(this.upArrow_mc.__get__height() + 0, this.__get__virtualHeight() - this.downArrow_mc.__get__height() - v3.__get__height(), this.minPos, this.maxPos);
v5 = Math.min(v5, this.maxPos);
this.__set__scrollPosition(Math.max(v5, this.minPos));
} else {
if (!this.initializing) {
this.upArrow_mc.enabled = false;
this.downArrow_mc.enabled = false;
delete v2.onPress;
delete v2.onDragOver;
delete v2.onRelease;
delete v2.onDragOut;
delete v2.onRollOver;
delete v2.onRollOut;
delete v2.onReleaseOutside;
if (this.initializing) {
v2.setEnabled = function (enabledFlag) {
this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos, this.largeScroll);
v2.draw = function (Void) {
if (this.initializing) {
this.initializing = false;
this.scrollTrack_mc.visible = true;
v2.size = function (Void) {
if (this._height == 1) {
return undefined;
if (this.upArrow_mc == undefined) {
return undefined;
var v3 = this.upArrow_mc.__get__height();
var v2 = this.downArrow_mc.__get__height();
this.upArrow_mc.move(0, 0);
var v4 = this.scrollTrack_mc;
v4._y = v3;
v4._height = this.__get__virtualHeight() - v3 - v2;
this.downArrow_mc.move(0, this.__get__virtualHeight() - v2);
this.setScrollProperties(this.pageSize, this.minPos, this.maxPos, this.largeScroll);
v2.dispatchScrollEvent = function (detail) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scroll', 'detail': detail});
v2.isScrollBarKey = function (k) {
if (k == 36) {
if (this.__get__scrollPosition() != 0) {
return true;
return false;
if (k == 35) {
if (this.__get__scrollPosition() < this.maxPos) {
return true;
return false;
v2.scrollIt = function (inc, mode) {
var v3 = this.smallScroll;
if (inc != 'Line') {
v3 = (this.largeScroll == 0) ? this.pageSize : this.largeScroll;
var v2 = this._scrollPosition + mode * v3;
if (v2 > this.maxPos) {
v2 = this.maxPos;
} else {
if (v2 < this.minPos) {
v2 = this.minPos;
if (this.__get__scrollPosition() != v2) {
var v4 = mode < 0 ? this.minusMode : this.plusMode;
this.dispatchScrollEvent(inc + v4);
v2.startTrackScroller = function (Void) {
if (this._parent.scrollTrackDownName.length > 0) {
if (this._parent.scrollTrackDown_mc == undefined) {
this._parent.setSkin(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDTrackDown, this.scrollTrackDownName);
} else {
this._parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = true;
this._parent.scrolling = setInterval(this._parent, 'scrollInterval', this.getStyle('repeatDelay'), 'Page', -1);
v2.scrollInterval = function (inc, mode) {
if (inc == 'Page') {
} else {
this.scrollIt(inc, mode);
this.scrolling = setInterval(this, 'scrollInterval', this.getStyle('repeatInterval'), inc, mode);
v2.trackScroller = function (Void) {
if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y + this.scrollThumb_mc.__get__height() < this._ymouse) {
this.scrollIt('Page', 1);
} else {
if (this.scrollThumb_mc._y > this._ymouse) {
this.scrollIt('Page', -1);
v2.dispatchScrollChangedEvent = function (Void) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scrollChanged'});
v2.stopScrolling = function (Void) {
this._parent.scrollTrackDown_mc.visible = false;
v2.releaseScrolling = function (Void) {
v2.trackOver = function (Void) {
if (this._parent.scrollTrackOverName.length > 0) {
if (this._parent.scrollTrackOver_mc == undefined) {
this._parent.setSkin(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.skinIDTrackOver, this.scrollTrackOverName);
} else {
this._parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = true;
v2.trackOut = function (Void) {
this._parent.scrollTrackOver_mc.visible = false;
v2.onUpArrow = function (Void) {
this._parent.scrollIt('Line', -1);
v2.onDownArrow = function (Void) {
this._parent.scrollIt('Line', 1);
v2.onScrollChanged = function (Void) {
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
v2.className = 'ScrollBar';
v2.minPos = 0;
v2.maxPos = 0;
v2.pageSize = 0;
v2.largeScroll = 0;
v2.smallScroll = 1;
v2._scrollPosition = 0;
v2.scrollTrackName = 'ScrollTrack';
v2.scrollTrackOverName = '';
v2.scrollTrackDownName = '';
v2.upArrowName = 'BtnUpArrow';
v2.upArrowUpName = 'ScrollUpArrowUp';
v2.upArrowOverName = 'ScrollUpArrowOver';
v2.upArrowDownName = 'ScrollUpArrowDown';
v2.downArrowName = 'BtnDownArrow';
v2.downArrowUpName = 'ScrollDownArrowUp';
v2.downArrowOverName = 'ScrollDownArrowOver';
v2.downArrowDownName = 'ScrollDownArrowDown';
v2.thumbTopName = 'ScrollThumbTopUp';
v2.thumbMiddleName = 'ScrollThumbMiddleUp';
v2.thumbBottomName = 'ScrollThumbBottomUp';
v2.thumbGripName = 'ScrollThumbGripUp';
v1.skinIDTrack = 0;
v1.skinIDTrackOver = 1;
v1.skinIDTrackDown = 2;
v1.skinIDUpArrow = 3;
v1.skinIDDownArrow = 4;
v1.skinIDThumb = 5;
v2.idNames = new Array('scrollTrack_mc', 'scrollTrackOver_mc', 'scrollTrackDown_mc', 'upArrow_mc', 'downArrow_mc');
v2.clipParameters = {'minPos': 1, 'maxPos': 1, 'pageSize': 1, 'scrollPosition': 1, 'lineScrollSize': 1, 'pageScrollSize': 1, 'visible': 1, 'enabled': 1};
v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters);
v2.initializing = true;
v2.addProperty('lineScrollSize', v2.__get__lineScrollSize, v2.__set__lineScrollSize);
v2.addProperty('pageScrollSize', v2.__get__pageScrollSize, v2.__set__pageScrollSize);
v2.addProperty('scrollPosition', v2.__get__scrollPosition, v2.__set__scrollPosition);
v2.addProperty('virtualHeight', v2.__get__virtualHeight, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 41 __Packages.mx.controls.UIScrollBar {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.UIScrollBar) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.UIScrollBar = v1;
var v2 = new mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar();
mx.controls.UIScrollBar.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function (Void) {
this.textField.owner = this;
if (this.__get__horizontal()) {
(this.textField != undefined) ? super.setSize(this.textField._width, 16) : super.setSize(this.__width, this.__height);
} else {
(this.textField != undefined) ? super.setSize(16, this.textField._height) : super.setSize(this.__width, this.__height);
if (this.__get__horizontal()) {
var v3 = this.__width;
this.__height = this.__width;
this.width = v3;
this.__width = 16;
this.textField.onScroller = function () {
this.hPosition = this.hscroll;
this.vPosition = this.scroll - 1;
if (this.__get___targetInstanceName() != undefined) {
v2.__get___targetInstanceName = function () {
return this.textField;
v2.__get__height = function () {
if (this.wasHorizontal) {
return this.__width;
} else {
return this.__height;
v2.__get__width = function () {
if (this.wasHorizontal) {
return this.__height;
} else {
return this.__width;
v2.size = function (Void) {
v2.draw = function () {
v2.__set___targetInstanceName = function (t) {
if (t == undefined) {
delete this.textField[this.__get__horizontal() ? 'hScroller' : 'vScroller'];
if (this.textField.hScroller != undefined && this.textField.vScroller != undefined) {
var v3 = this._parent[t];
this.textField = this._parent[t];
return this.__get___targetInstanceName();
v2.setSize = function (w, h) {
if (this.__get__horizontal()) {
super.setSize(h, w);
} else {
super.setSize(w, h);
v2.onTextChanged = function (Void) {
if (this.textField == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (this.__get__horizontal()) {
var v2 = this.textField.hscroll;
this.setScrollProperties(this.textField._width, 0, this.textField.maxhscroll);
this.__set__scrollPosition(Math.min(v2, this.textField.maxhscroll));
} else {
var v2 = this.textField.scroll;
var v3 = this.textField.bottomScroll - this.textField.scroll;
this.setScrollProperties(v3, 1, this.textField.maxscroll);
this.__set__scrollPosition(Math.min(v2, this.textField.maxscroll));
v2.__get__horizontal = function () {
return this.wasHorizontal;
v2.__set__horizontal = function (v) {
this.wasHorizontal = v;
if (v and this.initializing) {
if (this._rotation == 90) {
return undefined;
this._xscale = -100;
this._rotation = -90;
if (!this.initializing) {
if (v) {
if (this._rotation == 0) {
this._rotation = -90;
this._xscale = -100;
} else {
if (this._rotation == -90) {
this._rotation = 0;
this._xscale = 100;
return this.__get__horizontal();
v2.callback = function (prop, oldval, newval) {
this.hScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.hScroller, 'onTextChanged', 50);
this.vScroller.synchScroll = setInterval(this.vScroller, 'onTextChanged', 50);
return newval;
v2.setScrollTarget = function (tF) {
if (tF == undefined) {
delete this.textField[this.__get__horizontal() ? 'hScroller' : 'vScroller'];
if (this.textField.hScroller != undefined && this.textField.vScroller != undefined) {
this.textField = undefined;
if (!(tF instanceof TextField)) {
return undefined;
this.textField = tF;
if (this.__get__horizontal()) {
this.textField.hScroller = this;
this.textField.hScroller.lineScrollSize = 5;
} else {
this.textField.vScroller = this;
this.textField.vScroller.lineScrollSize = 1;
this.onChanged = function (Void) {
this.onScroller = function (Void) {
if (!this.isScrolling) {
if (!this.horizontal) {
this.scrollPosition = this.textField.scroll;
} else {
this.scrollPosition = this.textField.hscroll;
this.textField.watch('text', this.callback);
this.textField.watch('htmlText', this.callback);
v2.scrollHandler = function (Void) {
if (this.__get__horizontal()) {
var v2 = this.textField.background;
this.textField.hscroll = this.scrollPosition;
this.textField.background = v2;
} else {
this.textField.scroll = this.scrollPosition;
v2.setEnabled = function (enable) {
if (enable) {
} else {
v2.dispatchScrollEvent = function (detail) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'scroll'});
v1.symbolName = 'UIScrollBar';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.UIScrollBar;
v2.className = 'UIScrollBar';
v2.clipParameters = {'_targetInstanceName': 1, 'horizontal': 1};
v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.UIScrollBar.prototype.clipParameters);
v1.version = '';
v2.addProperty('_targetInstanceName', v2.__get___targetInstanceName, v2.__set___targetInstanceName);
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('horizontal', v2.__get__horizontal, v2.__set__horizontal);
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.UIScrollBar.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 132 __Packages.mx.skins.SkinElement {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.SkinElement) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.SkinElement = v1;
var v2 = new MovieClip();
mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype = v2;
v1.registerElement = function (name, className) {
Object.registerClass(name, (className == undefined) ? mx.skins.SkinElement : className);
_global.skinRegistry[name] = true;
v2.__set__visible = function (visible) {
this._visible = visible;
v2.move = function (x, y) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
v2.setSize = function (w, h) {
this._width = w;
this._height = h;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 133 __Packages.mx.styles.CSSTextStyles {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles) {
_global.mx.styles = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles.CSSTextStyles) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.CSSTextStyles = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.addTextStyles = function (o, bColor) {
o.addProperty('textAlign', function () {
return this._tf.align;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.align = x;
o.addProperty('fontWeight', function () {
return (this._tf.bold != undefined) ? (this._tf.bold ? 'bold' : 'none') : undefined;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.bold = x == 'bold';
if (bColor) {
o.addProperty('color', function () {
return this._tf.color;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.color = x;
o.addProperty('fontFamily', function () {
return this._tf.font;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.font = x;
o.addProperty('textIndent', function () {
return this._tf.indent;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.indent = x;
o.addProperty('fontStyle', function () {
return (this._tf.italic != undefined) ? (this._tf.italic ? 'italic' : 'none') : undefined;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.italic = x == 'italic';
o.addProperty('marginLeft', function () {
return this._tf.leftMargin;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.leftMargin = x;
o.addProperty('marginRight', function () {
return this._tf.rightMargin;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.rightMargin = x;
o.addProperty('fontSize', function () {
return this._tf.size;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.size = x;
o.addProperty('textDecoration', function () {
return (this._tf.underline != undefined) ? (this._tf.underline ? 'underline' : 'none') : undefined;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.underline = x == 'underline';
o.addProperty('embedFonts', function () {
return this._tf.embedFonts;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.embedFonts = x;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 134 __Packages.mx.styles.StyleManager {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles) {
_global.mx.styles = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles.StyleManager) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.StyleManager = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) {
mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true;
v1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true;
v1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) {
mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true;
v1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true;
v1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) {
mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue;
v1.isColorName = function (colorName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined;
v1.getColorName = function (colorName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName];
v1.inheritingStyles = {'color': true, 'direction': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'fontSize': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'textAlign': true, 'textIndent': true};
v1.colorStyles = {'barColor': true, 'trackColor': true, 'borderColor': true, 'buttonColor': true, 'color': true, 'dateHeaderColor': true, 'dateRollOverColor': true, 'disabledColor': true, 'fillColor': true, 'highlightColor': true, 'scrollTrackColor': true, 'selectedDateColor': true, 'shadowColor': true, 'strokeColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor': true, 'symbolColor': true, 'symbolDisabledColor': true, 'themeColor': true, 'todayIndicatorColor': true, 'shadowCapColor': true, 'borderCapColor': true, 'focusColor': true};
v1.colorNames = {'black': 0, 'white': 16777215, 'red': 16711680, 'green': 65280, 'blue': 255, 'magenta': 16711935, 'yellow': 16776960, 'cyan': 65535, 'haloGreen': 8453965, 'haloBlue': 2881013, 'haloOrange': 16761344};
v1.TextFormatStyleProps = {'font': true, 'size': true, 'color': true, 'leftMargin': false, 'rightMargin': false, 'italic': true, 'bold': true, 'align': true, 'indent': true, 'underline': false, 'embedFonts': false};
v1.TextStyleMap = {'textAlign': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'color': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'textIndent': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'lineHeight': true, 'marginLeft': true, 'marginRight': true, 'fontSize': true, 'textDecoration': true, 'embedFonts': true};
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.StyleManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 135 __Packages.mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles) {
_global.mx.styles = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) {
var v5 = false;
if (this._tf != undefined) {
var v2;
for (v2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v2]) {
if (tf[v2] == undefined) {
var v3 = this._tf[v2];
if (v3 != undefined) {
tf[v2] = v3;
} else {
v5 = true;
return v5;
v5 = true;
return v5;
v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) {
var v2 = this[styleProp];
var v3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(v2);
return (v3 == undefined) ? v2 : v3;
v1.classConstruct = function () {
mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true);
return true;
v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.classConstruct();
v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 136 __Packages.mx.skins.Border {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.Border) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.Border = v1;
var v2 = new mx.core.UIObject();
mx.skins.Border.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function (Void) {
v1.symbolName = 'Border';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border;
v2.className = 'Border';
v2.tagBorder = 0;
v2.idNames = new Array('border_mc');
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.Border.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 137 __Packages.mx.skins.CustomBorder {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.CustomBorder) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.CustomBorder = v1;
var v2 = new mx.skins.Border();
mx.skins.CustomBorder.prototype = v2;
v2.__get__width = function () {
return this.__width;
v2.__get__height = function () {
return this.__height;
v2.init = function (Void) {
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {};
v2.draw = function (Void) {
if (this.l_mc == undefined) {
var v2 = this.setSkin(mx.skins.CustomBorder.tagL, this.leftSkin);
if (this.horizontal) {
this.minHeight = this.l_mc._height;
this.minWidth = this.l_mc._width;
} else {
this.minHeight = this.l_mc._height;
this.minWidth = this.l_mc._width;
if (this.m_mc == undefined) {
this.setSkin(mx.skins.CustomBorder.tagM, this.middleSkin);
if (this.horizontal) {
this.minHeight = this.m_mc._height;
this.minWidth += this.m_mc._width;
} else {
this.minHeight += this.m_mc._height;
this.minWidth = this.m_mc._width;
if (this.r_mc == undefined) {
this.setSkin(mx.skins.CustomBorder.tagR, this.rightSkin);
if (this.horizontal) {
this.minHeight = this.r_mc._height;
this.minWidth += this.r_mc._width;
} else {
this.minHeight += this.r_mc._height;
this.minWidth = this.r_mc._width;
v2.size = function (Void) {
this.l_mc.move(0, 0);
if (this.horizontal) {
this.r_mc.move(this.__get__width() - this.r_mc.width, 0);
this.m_mc.move(this.l_mc.width, 0);
this.m_mc.setSize(this.r_mc.x - this.m_mc.x, this.m_mc.height);
} else {
this.r_mc.move(0, this.__get__height() - this.r_mc.height, 0);
this.m_mc.move(0, this.l_mc.height);
this.m_mc.setSize(this.m_mc.width, this.r_mc.y - this.m_mc.y);
v1.symbolName = 'CustomBorder';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder;
v1.version = '';
v2.className = 'CustomBorder';
v1.tagL = 0;
v1.tagM = 1;
v1.tagR = 2;
v2.idNames = new Array('l_mc', 'm_mc', 'r_mc');
v2.leftSkin = 'F3PieceLeft';
v2.middleSkin = 'F3PieceMiddle';
v2.rightSkin = 'F3PieceRight';
v2.horizontal = true;
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.CustomBorder.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 138 __Packages.mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.scrollClasses) {
_global.mx.controls.scrollClasses = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb = v1;
var v2 = new mx.skins.CustomBorder();
mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb.prototype = v2;
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {
this.useHandCursor = false;
v2.setRange = function (_ymin, _ymax, _datamin, _datamax) {
this.ymin = _ymin;
this.ymax = _ymax;
this.datamin = _datamin;
this.datamax = _datamax;
v2.dragThumb = function (Void) {
this.scrollMove = this._ymouse - this.lastY;
this.scrollMove += this._y;
if (this.scrollMove < this.ymin) {
this.scrollMove = this.ymin;
} else {
if (this.scrollMove > this.ymax) {
this.scrollMove = this.ymax;
this._parent.isScrolling = true;
this._y = this.scrollMove;
var v2 = Math.round((this.datamax - this.datamin) * (this._y - this.ymin) / (this.ymax - this.ymin)) + this.datamin;
this._parent.scrollPosition = v2;
v2.stopDragThumb = function (Void) {
this._parent.isScrolling = false;
delete this.onMouseMove;
v2.onPress = function (Void) {
this.lastY = this._ymouse;
this.onMouseMove = this.dragThumb;
v2.onRelease = function (Void) {
v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) {
v2.draw = function () {
if (this.grip_mc == undefined) {
this.setSkin(3, this.gripSkin);
v2.size = function () {
this.grip_mc.move((this.__get__width() - this.grip_mc.width) / 2, (this.__get__height() - this.grip_mc.height) / 2);
v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.CustomBorder.symbolOwner;
v2.className = 'ScrollThumb';
v2.btnOffset = 0;
v2.horizontal = false;
v2.idNames = new Array('l_mc', 'm_mc', 'r_mc', 'grip_mc');
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollThumb.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 139 __Packages.mx.controls.SimpleButton {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.SimpleButton) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.SimpleButton = v1;
var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent();
mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function (Void) {
if (this.preset == undefined) {
this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false;
this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0;
this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0;
this.useHandCursor = false;
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {
if (this.preset != undefined) {
var v2 = this[this.idNames[this.preset]];
this[this.refNames[this.preset]] = v2;
this.skinName = v2;
if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) {
this.rolloverSkin = this.fus;
if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) {
this.rolloverIcon = this.fui;
this.initializing = false;
} else {
if (this.__state == true) {
} else {
if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) {
this.rolloverSkin = this.fus;
if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) {
this.rolloverIcon = this.fui;
v2.setIcon = function (tag, linkageName) {
return this.setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName);
v2.changeIcon = function (tag, linkageName) {
this.linkLength = linkageName.length;
var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Icon';
this[v2] = linkageName;
this[this.idNames[tag + 8]] = v2;
v2.changeSkin = function (tag, linkageName) {
var v2 = this.stateNames[tag] + 'Skin';
this[v2] = linkageName;
this[this.idNames[tag]] = v2;
v2.viewIcon = function (varName) {
var v4 = varName + 'Icon';
var v3 = this[v4];
if (typeof v3 == 'string') {
var v5 = v3;
if (this.__emphasized) {
if (this[v3 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) {
v3 += 'Emphasized';
if (this[v3].length == 0) {
return undefined;
v3 = this.setIcon(this.tagMap[v5], this[v3]);
if (v3 == undefined && _global.isLivePreview) {
v3 = this.setIcon(0, 'ButtonIcon');
this[v4] = v3;
this.iconName._visible = false;
this.iconName = v3;
this.iconName._visible = true;
v2.removeIcons = function () {
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < 2) {
var v2 = 8;
while (v2 < 16) {
this[this.stateNames[v2 - 8] + 'Icon'] = '';
v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) {
if (initobj == undefined) {
var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, {'styleName': this});
this.calcSize(tag, v3);
return v3;
var v3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj);
this.calcSize(tag, v3);
return v3;
v2.calcSize = function (Void) {
this.__width = this._width;
this.__height = this._height;
v2.viewSkin = function (varName, initObj) {
var v3 = varName + 'Skin';
var v2 = this[v3];
if (typeof v2 == 'string') {
var v4 = v2;
if (this.__emphasized) {
if (this[v2 + 'Emphasized'].length > 0) {
v2 += 'Emphasized';
if (this[v2].length == 0) {
return undefined;
v2 = this.setSkin(this.tagMap[v4], this[v2], (initObj != undefined) ? initObj : {'styleName': this});
this[v3] = v2;
this.skinName._visible = false;
this.skinName = v2;
this.skinName._visible = true;
v2.showEmphasized = function (e) {
if (e && !this.__emphatic) {
if (mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) {
this.__emphaticStyleName = this.styleName;
this.styleName = mx.controls.SimpleButton.emphasizedStyleDeclaration;
this.__emphatic = true;
} else {
if (this.__emphatic) {
this.styleName = this.__emphaticStyleName;
this.__emphatic = false;
v2.refresh = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.getState();
if (this.enabled == false) {
} else {
this.setView(this.phase == 'down');
this.iconName.enabled = this.enabled;
v2.setView = function (offset) {
if (this.iconName == undefined) {
return undefined;
var v2 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0;
this.iconName._x = (this.__width - this.iconName._width) / 2 + v2;
this.iconName._y = (this.__height - this.iconName._height) / 2 + v2;
v2.setStateVar = function (state) {
if (state) {
if (this.trueOverSkin.length == 0) {
this.rolloverSkin = this.tus;
} else {
this.rolloverSkin = this.trs;
if (this.trueOverIcon.length == 0) {
this.rolloverIcon = this.tui;
} else {
this.rolloverIcon = this.tri;
this.upSkin = this.tus;
this.downSkin = this.tds;
this.disabledSkin = this.dts;
this.upIcon = this.tui;
this.downIcon = this.tdi;
this.disabledIcon = this.dti;
} else {
if (this.falseOverSkin.length == 0) {
this.rolloverSkin = this.fus;
} else {
this.rolloverSkin = this.frs;
if (this.falseOverIcon.length == 0) {
this.rolloverIcon = this.fui;
} else {
this.rolloverIcon = this.fri;
this.upSkin = this.fus;
this.downSkin = this.fds;
this.disabledSkin = this.dfs;
this.upIcon = this.fui;
this.downIcon = this.fdi;
this.disabledIcon = this.dfi;
this.__state = state;
v2.setState = function (state) {
if (state != this.__state) {
v2.size = function (Void) {
v2.draw = function (Void) {
if (this.initializing) {
this.initializing = false;
this.skinName.visible = true;
this.iconName.visible = true;
v2.getState = function (Void) {
return this.__state;
v2.setToggle = function (val) {
this.__toggle = val;
if (this.__toggle == false) {
v2.getToggle = function (Void) {
return this.__toggle;
v2.__set__toggle = function (val) {
return this.__get__toggle();
v2.__get__toggle = function () {
return this.getToggle();
v2.__set__value = function (val) {
return this.__get__value();
v2.__get__value = function () {
return this.getSelected();
v2.__set__selected = function (val) {
return this.__get__selected();
v2.__get__selected = function () {
return this.getSelected();
v2.setSelected = function (val) {
if (this.__toggle) {
} else {
this.setState(this.initializing ? val : this.__state);
v2.getSelected = function () {
return this.__state;
v2.setEnabled = function (val) {
if (this.enabled != val) {
v2.onPress = function (Void) {
this.phase = 'down';
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'});
if (this.autoRepeat) {
this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressDelay', this.getStyle('repeatDelay'));
v2.onPressDelay = function (Void) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'});
if (this.autoRepeat) {
this.interval = setInterval(this, 'onPressRepeat', this.getStyle('repeatInterval'));
v2.onPressRepeat = function (Void) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDown'});
v2.onRelease = function (Void) {
this.phase = 'rollover';
if (this.interval != undefined) {
delete this.interval;
if (this.getToggle()) {
} else {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'});
v2.onDragOut = function (Void) {
this.phase = 'up';
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'buttonDragOut'});
v2.onDragOver = function (Void) {
if (this.phase != 'up') {
return undefined;
} else {
this.phase = 'down';
v2.onReleaseOutside = function (Void) {
this.phase = 'up';
if (this.interval != undefined) {
delete this.interval;
v2.onRollOver = function (Void) {
this.phase = 'rollover';
v2.onRollOut = function (Void) {
this.phase = 'up';
v2.getLabel = function (Void) {
return this.fui.text;
v2.setLabel = function (val) {
if (typeof this.fui == 'string') {
this.createLabel('fui', 8, val);
this.fui.styleName = this;
} else {
this.fui.text = val;
var v4 = this.fui._getTextFormat();
var v2 = v4.getTextExtent2(val);
this.fui._width = v2.width + 5;
this.fui._height = v2.height + 5;
this.iconName = this.fui;
v2.__get__emphasized = function () {
return this.__emphasized;
v2.__set__emphasized = function (val) {
this.__emphasized = val;
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < 8) {
this[this.idNames[v2]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Skin';
if (typeof this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] == 'movieclip') {
this[this.idNames[v2 + 8]] = this.stateNames[v2] + 'Icon';
return this.__get__emphasized();
v2.keyDown = function (e) {
if (e.code == 32) {
v2.keyUp = function (e) {
if (e.code == 32) {
v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) {
if (this.phase != 'up') {
this.phase = 'up';
v1.symbolName = 'SimpleButton';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton;
v1.version = '';
v2.className = 'SimpleButton';
v2.style3dInset = 4;
v2.btnOffset = 1;
v2.__toggle = false;
v2.__state = false;
v2.__emphasized = false;
v2.__emphatic = false;
v1.falseUp = 0;
v1.falseDown = 1;
v1.falseOver = 2;
v1.falseDisabled = 3;
v1.trueUp = 4;
v1.trueDown = 5;
v1.trueOver = 6;
v1.trueDisabled = 7;
v2.falseUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp';
v2.falseDownSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn';
v2.falseOverSkin = '';
v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonUp';
v2.trueUpSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn';
v2.trueDownSkin = '';
v2.trueOverSkin = '';
v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'SimpleButtonIn';
v2.falseUpIcon = '';
v2.falseDownIcon = '';
v2.falseOverIcon = '';
v2.falseDisabledIcon = '';
v2.trueUpIcon = '';
v2.trueDownIcon = '';
v2.trueOverIcon = '';
v2.trueDisabledIcon = '';
v2.phase = 'up';
v2.fui = 'falseUpIcon';
v2.fus = 'falseUpSkin';
v2.fdi = 'falseDownIcon';
v2.fds = 'falseDownSkin';
v2.frs = 'falseOverSkin';
v2.fri = 'falseOverIcon';
v2.dfi = 'falseDisabledIcon';
v2.dfs = 'falseDisabledSkin';
v2.tui = 'trueUpIcon';
v2.tus = 'trueUpSkin';
v2.tdi = 'trueDownIcon';
v2.tds = 'trueDownSkin';
v2.trs = 'trueOverSkin';
v2.tri = 'trueOverIcon';
v2.dts = 'trueDisabledSkin';
v2.dti = 'trueDisabledIcon';
v2.rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs;
v2.rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri;
v2.upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus;
v2.downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds;
v2.disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs;
v2.upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui;
v2.downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi;
v2.disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi;
v2.initializing = true;
v2.idNames = ['fus', 'fds', 'frs', 'dfs', 'tus', 'tds', 'trs', 'dts', 'fui', 'fdi', 'fri', 'dfi', 'tui', 'tdi', 'tri', 'dti'];
v2.stateNames = ['falseUp', 'falseDown', 'falseOver', 'falseDisabled', 'trueUp', 'trueDown', 'trueOver', 'trueDisabled'];
v2.refNames = ['upSkin', 'downSkin', 'rolloverSkin', 'disabledSkin'];
v2.tagMap = {'falseUpSkin': 0, 'falseDownSkin': 1, 'falseOverSkin': 2, 'falseDisabledSkin': 3, 'trueUpSkin': 4, 'trueDownSkin': 5, 'trueOverSkin': 6, 'trueDisabledSkin': 7, 'falseUpIcon': 0, 'falseDownIcon': 1, 'falseOverIcon': 2, 'falseDisabledIcon': 3, 'trueUpIcon': 4, 'trueDownIcon': 5, 'trueOverIcon': 6, 'trueDisabledIcon': 7};
v2.addProperty('emphasized', v2.__get__emphasized, v2.__set__emphasized);
v2.addProperty('selected', v2.__get__selected, v2.__set__selected);
v2.addProperty('toggle', v2.__get__toggle, v2.__set__toggle);
v2.addProperty('value', v2.__get__value, v2.__set__value);
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 140 __Packages.mx.controls.VScrollBar {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.VScrollBar) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.VScrollBar = v1;
var v2 = new mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar();
mx.controls.VScrollBar.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function (Void) {
v2.isScrollBarKey = function (k) {
if (k == 38) {
this.scrollIt('Line', -1);
return true;
return super.isScrollBarKey(k);
if (k == 40) {
this.scrollIt('Line', 1);
return true;
return super.isScrollBarKey(k);
if (k == 33) {
this.scrollIt('Page', -1);
return true;
return super.isScrollBarKey(k);
if (k == 34) {
this.scrollIt('Page', 1);
return true;
return super.isScrollBarKey(k);
v1.symbolName = 'VScrollBar';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
v1.version = '';
v2.className = 'VScrollBar';
v2.minusMode = 'Up';
v2.plusMode = 'Down';
v2.minMode = 'AtTop';
v2.maxMode = 'AtBottom';
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.VScrollBar.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 141 __Packages.mx.controls.Button {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.Button) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.Button = v1;
var v2 = new mx.controls.SimpleButton();
mx.controls.Button.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function (Void) {
v2.draw = function () {
if (this.initializing) {
this.labelPath.visible = true;
if (this.initIcon != undefined) {
delete this.initIcon;
v2.onRelease = function (Void) {
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {
v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initobj) {
return super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj);
v2.viewSkin = function (varName) {
var v3 = this.getState() ? 'true' : 'false';
v3 += this.enabled ? this.phase : 'disabled';
super.viewSkin(varName, {'styleName': this, 'borderStyle': v3});
v2.invalidateStyle = function (c) {
v2.setColor = function (c) {
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < 8) {
v2.setEnabled = function (enable) {
this.labelPath.enabled = enable;
v2.calcSize = function (tag, ref) {
if (this.__width == undefined || this.__height == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (tag < 7) {
ref.setSize(this.__width, this.__height, true);
v2.size = function (Void) {
this.setHitArea(this.__width, this.__height);
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < 8) {
var v4 = this.idNames[v3];
if (typeof this[v4] == 'movieclip') {
this[v4].setSize(this.__width, this.__height, true);
v2.__set__labelPlacement = function (val) {
this.__labelPlacement = val;
return this.__get__labelPlacement();
v2.__get__labelPlacement = function () {
return this.__labelPlacement;
v2.getLabelPlacement = function (Void) {
return this.__labelPlacement;
v2.setLabelPlacement = function (val) {
this.__labelPlacement = val;
v2.getBtnOffset = function (Void) {
if (this.getState()) {
var v2 = this.btnOffset;
return v2;
if (this.phase == 'down') {
v2 = this.btnOffset;
return v2;
v2 = 0;
return v2;
v2.setView = function (offset) {
var v16 = offset ? this.btnOffset : 0;
var v12 = this.getLabelPlacement();
var v7 = 0;
var v6 = 0;
var v9 = 0;
var v8 = 0;
var v5 = 0;
var v4 = 0;
var v3 = this.labelPath;
var v2 = this.iconName;
var v15 = v3.textWidth;
var v14 = v3.textHeight;
var v10 = this.__width - this.borderW - this.borderW;
var v11 = this.__height - this.borderW - this.borderW;
if (v2 != undefined) {
v7 = v2._width;
v6 = v2._height;
if (v12 == 'left' || v12 == 'right') {
if (v3 != undefined) {
v9 = Math.min(v10 - v7, v15 + 5);
v3._width = v9;
v8 = Math.min(v11, v14 + 5);
v3._height = v8;
if (v12 == 'right') {
v5 = v7;
if (this.centerContent) {
v5 += (v10 - v9 - v7) / 2;
v2._x = v5 - v7;
} else {
v5 = v10 - v9 - v7;
if (this.centerContent) {
v5 /= 2;
v2._x = v5 + v9;
v4 = 0;
v2._y = v4;
if (this.centerContent) {
v2._y = (v11 - v6) / 2;
v4 = (v11 - v8) / 2;
if (!this.centerContent) {
v2._y += Math.max(0, (v8 - v6) / 2);
} else {
if (v3 != undefined) {
v9 = Math.min(v10, v15 + 5);
v3._width = v9;
v8 = Math.min(v11 - v6, v14 + 5);
v3._height = v8;
v5 = (v10 - v9) / 2;
v2._x = (v10 - v7) / 2;
if (v12 == 'top') {
v4 = v11 - v8 - v6;
if (this.centerContent) {
v4 /= 2;
v2._y = v4 + v8;
} else {
v4 = v6;
if (this.centerContent) {
v4 += (v11 - v8 - v6) / 2;
v2._y = v4 - v6;
var v13 = this.borderW + v16;
v3._x = v5 + v13;
v3._y = v4 + v13;
v2._x += v13;
v2._y += v13;
v2.__set__label = function (lbl) {
return this.__get__label();
v2.setLabel = function (label) {
if (label == '') {
return undefined;
if (this.labelPath == undefined) {
var v2 = this.createLabel('labelPath', 200, label);
v2._width = v2.textWidth + 5;
v2._height = v2.textHeight + 5;
if (this.initializing) {
v2.visible = false;
} else {
delete this.labelPath.__text;
this.labelPath.text = label;
v2.getLabel = function (Void) {
return (this.labelPath.__text != undefined) ? this.labelPath.__text : this.labelPath.text;
v2.__get__label = function () {
return this.getLabel();
v2._getIcon = function (Void) {
return this._iconLinkageName;
v2.__get__icon = function () {
if (this.initializing) {
return this.initIcon;
return this._iconLinkageName;
v2._setIcon = function (linkage) {
if (this.initializing) {
if (linkage == '') {
return undefined;
this.initIcon = linkage;
} else {
if (linkage == '') {
return undefined;
super.changeIcon(0, linkage);
super.changeIcon(1, linkage);
super.changeIcon(3, linkage);
super.changeIcon(4, linkage);
super.changeIcon(5, linkage);
this._iconLinkageName = linkage;
v2.__set__icon = function (linkage) {
return this.__get__icon();
v2.setHitArea = function (w, h) {
if (this.hitArea_mc == undefined) {
this.createEmptyObject('hitArea_mc', 100);
var v2 = this.hitArea_mc;
v2.drawRect(0, 0, w, h);
v1.symbolName = 'Button';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.controls.Button;
v2.className = 'Button';
v1.version = '';
v2.btnOffset = 0;
v2._color = 'buttonColor';
v2.__label = 'default value';
v2.__labelPlacement = 'right';
v2.falseUpSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.falseDownSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.falseOverSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.falseDisabledSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.trueUpSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.trueDownSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.trueOverSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.trueDisabledSkin = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.falseUpIcon = '';
v2.falseDownIcon = '';
v2.falseOverIcon = '';
v2.falseDisabledIcon = '';
v2.trueUpIcon = '';
v2.trueDownIcon = '';
v2.trueOverIcon = '';
v2.trueDisabledIcon = '';
v2.clipParameters = {'labelPlacement': 1, 'icon': 1, 'toggle': 1, 'selected': 1, 'label': 1};
v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.Button.prototype.clipParameters, mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.clipParameters);
v2.centerContent = true;
v2.borderW = 1;
v2.addProperty('icon', v2.__get__icon, v2.__set__icon);
v2.addProperty('label', v2.__get__label, v2.__set__label);
v2.addProperty('labelPlacement', v2.__get__labelPlacement, v2.__set__labelPlacement);
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.Button.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 142 __Packages.mx.events.EventDispatcher {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.events) {
_global.mx.events = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.events.EventDispatcher) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.events.EventDispatcher = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1._removeEventListener = function (queue, event, handler) {
if (queue != undefined) {
var v4 = queue.length;
var v1;
v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v4) {
var v2 = queue[v1];
if (v2 == handler) {
queue.splice(v1, 1);
return undefined;
v1.initialize = function (object) {
if (mx.events.EventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher == undefined) {
mx.events.EventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher = new mx.events.EventDispatcher();
object.addEventListener = mx.events.EventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.addEventListener;
object.removeEventListener = mx.events.EventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener;
object.dispatchEvent = mx.events.EventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent;
object.dispatchQueue = mx.events.EventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue;
v2.dispatchQueue = function (queueObj, eventObj) {
var v7 = '__q_' + eventObj.type;
var v4 = queueObj[v7];
if (v4 != undefined) {
var v5;
for (v5 in v4) {
var v1 = v4[v5];
var v3 = typeof v1;
if (v3 == 'object' || v3 == 'movieclip') {
if (v1.handleEvent != undefined) {
if (v1[eventObj.type] != undefined) {
if (mx.events.EventDispatcher.exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) {
} else {
v1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]);
v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) {
if (eventObj.target == undefined) {
eventObj.target = this;
this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj);
this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj);
v2.addEventListener = function (event, handler) {
var v3 = '__q_' + event;
if (this[v3] == undefined) {
this[v3] = new Array();
_global.ASSetPropFlags(this, v3, 1);
mx.events.EventDispatcher._removeEventListener(this[v3], event, handler);
v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) {
var v2 = '__q_' + event;
mx.events.EventDispatcher._removeEventListener(this[v2], event, handler);
v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined;
v1.exceptions = {'move': 1, 'draw': 1, 'load': 1};
ASSetPropFlags(mx.events.EventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 143 __Packages.mx.events.UIEventDispatcher {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.events) {
_global.mx.events = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.events.UIEventDispatcher) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.events.UIEventDispatcher = v1;
var v2 = new mx.events.EventDispatcher();
mx.events.UIEventDispatcher.prototype = v2;
v1.addKeyEvents = function (obj) {
if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) {
obj.keyHandler = new Object();
var v1 = obj.keyHandler;
v1.owner = obj;
v1.onKeyDown = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.onKeyDown;
v1.onKeyUp = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.onKeyUp;
v1.removeKeyEvents = function (obj) {
v1.addLoadEvents = function (obj) {
if (obj.onLoad == undefined) {
obj.onLoad = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.onLoad;
obj.onUnload = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.onUnload;
if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) {
obj.doLater(obj, 'onLoad');
v1.removeLoadEvents = function (obj) {
delete obj.onLoad;
delete obj.onUnload;
v1.initialize = function (obj) {
if (mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher == undefined) {
mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher = new mx.events.UIEventDispatcher();
obj.addEventListener = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.__addEventListener;
obj.__origAddEventListener = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.addEventListener;
obj.removeEventListener = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener;
obj.dispatchEvent = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent;
obj.dispatchQueue = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher._fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue;
v2.dispatchEvent = function (eventObj) {
if (eventObj.target == undefined) {
eventObj.target = this;
this[eventObj.type + 'Handler'](eventObj);
this.dispatchQueue(mx.events.EventDispatcher, eventObj);
this.dispatchQueue(this, eventObj);
v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) {
this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyDown', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)});
v2.onKeyUp = function (Void) {
this.owner.dispatchEvent({'type': 'keyUp', 'code': Key.getCode(), 'ascii': Key.getAscii(), 'shiftKey': Key.isDown(16), 'ctrlKey': Key.isDown(17)});
v2.onLoad = function (Void) {
if (this.__sentLoadEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'load'});
this.__sentLoadEvent = true;
v2.onUnload = function (Void) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'unload'});
v2.__addEventListener = function (event, handler) {
this.__origAddEventListener(event, handler);
var v3 = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher.lowLevelEvents;
for (var v5 in v3) {
if (mx.events.UIEventDispatcher[v5][event] != undefined) {
var v2 = v3[v5][0];
v2.removeEventListener = function (event, handler) {
var v6 = '__q_' + event;
mx.events.EventDispatcher._removeEventListener(this[v6], event, handler);
if (this[v6].length == 0) {
var v2 = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher.lowLevelEvents;
for (var v5 in v2) {
if (mx.events.UIEventDispatcher[v5][event] != undefined) {
var v3 = v2[v5][1];
v1.keyEvents = {'keyDown': 1, 'keyUp': 1};
v1.loadEvents = {'load': 1, 'unload': 1};
v1.lowLevelEvents = {'keyEvents': ['addKeyEvents', 'removeKeyEvents'], 'loadEvents': ['addLoadEvents', 'removeLoadEvents']};
v1._fEventDispatcher = undefined;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.events.UIEventDispatcher.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 144 __Packages.mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.setColor = function (c) {
if (c != undefined) {
var v2 = new Color(this);
v2.draw = function (Void) {
this.onEnterFrame = undefined;
v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) {
this.onEnterFrame = this.draw;
v1.setColorStyle = function (p, colorStyle) {
if (p._color == undefined) {
p._color = colorStyle;
p.setColor = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.setColor;
p.invalidateStyle = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.invalidateStyle;
p.draw = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.mixins.draw;
v1.mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement();
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 145 __Packages.mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core) {
_global.mx.core = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core.ext) {
_global.mx.core.ext = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.addGeometry = function (tf, ui) {
tf.addProperty('width', ui.__get__width, null);
tf.addProperty('height', ui.__get__height, null);
tf.addProperty('left', ui.__get__left, null);
tf.addProperty('x', ui.__get__x, null);
tf.addProperty('top', ui.__get__top, null);
tf.addProperty('y', ui.__get__y, null);
tf.addProperty('right', ui.__get__right, null);
tf.addProperty('bottom', ui.__get__bottom, null);
tf.addProperty('visible', ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible);
v1.Extensions = function () {
if (mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended == true) {
return true;
mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.bExtended = true;
var v6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype;
var v9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype;
mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v9, v6);
var v13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement;
var v5 = MovieClip.prototype;
v5.getTopLevel = v6.getTopLevel;
v5.createLabel = v6.createLabel;
v5.createObject = v6.createObject;
v5.createClassObject = v6.createClassObject;
v5.createEmptyObject = v6.createEmptyObject;
v5.destroyObject = v6.destroyObject;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getTopLevel', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createLabel', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createObject', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createClassObject', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'createEmptyObject', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'destroyObject', 1);
v5.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat;
v5._getTextFormat = v6._getTextFormat;
v5.getStyleName = v6.getStyleName;
v5.getStyle = v6.getStyle;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '__getTextFormat', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, '_getTextFormat', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyleName', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v5, 'getStyle', 1);
var v7 = TextField.prototype;
mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.addGeometry(v7, v6);
v7.addProperty('enabled', function () {
return this.__enabled;
}, function (x) {
this.__enabled = x;
v7.move = v9.move;
v7.setSize = v9.setSize;
v7.invalidateStyle = function () {
this.invalidateFlag = true;
v7.draw = function () {
if (this.invalidateFlag) {
this.invalidateFlag = false;
var v2 = this._getTextFormat();
this.embedFonts = v2.embedFonts == true;
if (this.__text != undefined) {
if (this.text == '') {
this.text = this.__text;
delete this.__text;
this._visible = true;
v7.setColor = function (color) {
this.textColor = color;
v7.getStyle = v5.getStyle;
v7.__getTextFormat = v6.__getTextFormat;
v7.setValue = function (v) {
this.text = v;
v7.getValue = function () {
return this.text;
v7.addProperty('value', function () {
return this.getValue();
}, function (v) {
v7._getTextFormat = function () {
var v2 = this.stylecache.tf;
if (v2 != undefined) {
return v2;
v2 = new TextFormat();
this.stylecache.tf = v2;
if (this.__enabled == false) {
if (this.enabledColor == undefined) {
var v4 = this.getTextFormat();
this.enabledColor = v4.color;
var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor');
v2.color = v3;
return v2;
if (this.enabledColor != undefined) {
if (v2.color == undefined) {
v2.color = this.enabledColor;
return v2;
v7.getPreferredWidth = function () {
return this.textWidth + 4;
v7.getPreferredHeight = function () {
return this.textHeight + 4;
TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) {
var v3 = _root._getTextExtent;
if (v3 == undefined) {
_root.createTextField('_getTextExtent', -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100);
v3 = _root._getTextExtent;
v3._visible = false;
_root._getTextExtent.text = s;
var v4 = this.align;
this.align = 'left';
this.align = v4;
return {'width': v3.textWidth, 'height': v3.textHeight};
if (_global.style == undefined) {
_global.style = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
_global.cascadingStyles = true;
_global.styles = new Object();
_global.skinRegistry = new Object();
if (_global._origWidth == undefined) {
_global.origWidth = Stage.width;
_global.origHeight = Stage.height;
var v4 = _root;
while (v4._parent != undefined) {
v4 = v4._parent;
v4.addProperty('width', function () {
return Stage.width;
}, null);
v4.addProperty('height', function () {
return Stage.height;
}, null);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'width', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v4, 'height', 1);
return true;
v1.bExtended = false;
v1.UIObjectExtended = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions();
v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject;
v1.SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement;
v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles;
v1.UIEventDispatcherDependency = mx.events.UIEventDispatcher;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 146 __Packages.mx.skins.halo.Defaults {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo) {
_global.mx.skins.halo = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo.Defaults) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.skins.halo.Defaults = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.setThemeDefaults = function () {
var v2 = _global.style;
v2.themeColor = 8453965;
v2.disabledColor = 8684164;
v2.modalTransparency = 0;
v2.filled = true;
v2.stroked = true;
v2.strokeWidth = 1;
v2.strokeColor = 0;
v2.fillColor = 16777215;
v2.repeatInterval = 35;
v2.repeatDelay = 500;
v2.fontFamily = '_sans';
v2.fontSize = 12;
v2.selectionColor = 13500353;
v2.rollOverColor = 14942166;
v2.useRollOver = true;
v2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253;
v2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253;
v2.selectionDuration = 200;
v2.openDuration = 250;
v2.borderStyle = 'inset';
v2.color = 734012;
v2.textSelectedColor = 24371;
v2.textRollOverColor = 2831164;
v2.textDisabledColor = 16777215;
v2.vGridLines = true;
v2.hGridLines = false;
v2.vGridLineColor = 6710886;
v2.hGridLineColor = 6710886;
v2.headerColor = 15395562;
v2.indentation = 17;
v2.folderOpenIcon = 'TreeFolderOpen';
v2.folderClosedIcon = 'TreeFolderClosed';
v2.defaultLeafIcon = 'TreeNodeIcon';
v2.disclosureOpenIcon = 'TreeDisclosureOpen';
v2.disclosureClosedIcon = 'TreeDisclosureClosed';
v2.popupDuration = 150;
v2.todayColor = 6710886;
_global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v2 = _global.styles.ScrollSelectList;
v2.backgroundColor = 16777215;
v2.borderColor = 13290186;
v2.borderStyle = 'inset';
_global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v2 = _global.styles.ComboBox;
v2.borderStyle = 'inset';
_global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v2 = _global.styles.NumericStepper;
v2.textAlign = 'center';
_global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v2 = _global.styles.RectBorder;
v2.borderColor = 14015965;
v2.buttonColor = 7305079;
v2.shadowColor = 15658734;
v2.highlightColor = 12897484;
v2.shadowCapColor = 14015965;
v2.borderCapColor = 9542041;
var v4 = new Object();
v4.borderColor = 16711680;
v4.buttonColor = 16711680;
v4.shadowColor = 16711680;
v4.highlightColor = 16711680;
v4.shadowCapColor = 16711680;
v4.borderCapColor = 16711680;
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = v4;
var v3;
_global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.TextInput;
v3.backgroundColor = 16777215;
v3.borderStyle = 'inset';
_global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput;
_global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.Window;
v3.borderStyle = 'default';
_global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.windowStyles;
v3.fontWeight = 'bold';
_global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.dataGridStyles;
v3.fontWeight = 'bold';
_global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.Alert;
v3.borderStyle = 'alert';
_global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.ScrollView;
v3.borderStyle = 'inset';
_global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.View;
v3.borderStyle = 'none';
_global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.ProgressBar;
v3.color = 11187123;
v3.fontWeight = 'bold';
_global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.AccordionHeader;
v3.fontWeight = 'bold';
v3.fontSize = '11';
_global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.Accordion;
v3.borderStyle = 'solid';
v3.backgroundColor = 16777215;
v3.borderColor = 9081738;
v3.headerHeight = 22;
v3.marginBottom = -1;
v3.marginTop = -1;
v3.marginRight = -1;
v3.marginLeft = -1;
v3.verticalGap = -1;
_global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.DateChooser;
v3.borderColor = 9542041;
v3.headerColor = 16777215;
_global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.CalendarLayout;
v3.fontSize = 10;
v3.textAlign = 'right';
v3.color = 2831164;
_global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.WeekDayStyle;
v3.fontWeight = 'bold';
v3.fontSize = 11;
v3.textAlign = 'center';
v3.color = 2831164;
_global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.TodayStyle;
v3.color = 16777215;
_global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration();
v3 = _global.styles.HeaderDateText;
v3.fontSize = 12;
v3.fontWeight = 'bold';
v3.textAlign = 'center';
v2.drawRoundRect = function (x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) {
if (typeof r == 'object') {
var v18 = r.br;
var v16 = r.bl;
var v15 = r.tl;
var v10 = r.tr;
} else {
var v10 = r;
var v15 = v10;
var v16 = v15;
var v18 = v16;
if (typeof c == 'object') {
if (typeof alpha != 'object') {
var v9 = [alpha, alpha];
} else {
var v9 = alpha;
if (ratios == undefined) {
ratios = [0, 255];
var v14 = h * 0.7;
if (typeof rot != 'object') {
var v11 = {'matrixType': 'box', 'x': -v14, 'y': v14, 'w': w * 2, 'h': h * 4, 'r': rot * 0.0174532925199433};
} else {
var v11 = rot;
if (gradient == 'radial') {
this.beginGradientFill('radial', c, v9, ratios, v11);
} else {
this.beginGradientFill('linear', c, v9, ratios, v11);
} else {
if (c != undefined) {
this.beginFill(c, alpha);
r = v18;
var v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2;
var v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095;
this.moveTo(x + w, y + h - r);
this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r);
this.curveTo(x + w, y + h - v12, x + w - v13, y + h - v13);
this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y + h, x + w - r, y + h);
r = v16;
v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2;
v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095;
this.lineTo(x + r, y + h);
this.curveTo(x + v12, y + h, x + v13, y + h - v13);
this.curveTo(x, y + h - v12, x, y + h - r);
r = v15;
v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2;
v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095;
this.lineTo(x, y + r);
this.curveTo(x, y + v12, x + v13, y + v13);
this.curveTo(x + v12, y, x + r, y);
r = v10;
v13 = r - r * Math.SQRT1_2;
v12 = r - r * 0.414213562373095;
this.lineTo(x + w - r, y);
this.curveTo(x + w - v12, y, x + w - v13, y + v13);
this.curveTo(x + w, y + v12, x + w, y + r);
this.lineTo(x + w, y + h - r);
if (c != undefined) {
v1.classConstruct = function () {
mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect;
return true;
v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.classConstruct();
v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
v1.UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 147 __Packages.mx.managers.DepthManager {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers) {
_global.mx.managers = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers.DepthManager) {
var v1 = function () {
MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = this.createClassChildAtDepth;
MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = this.createChildAtDepth;
MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = this.setDepthTo;
MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = this.setDepthAbove;
MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = this.setDepthBelow;
MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = this.findNextAvailableDepth;
MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = this.shuffleDepths;
MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = this.getDepthByFlag;
MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = this.buildDepthTable;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createClassChildAtDepth', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'createChildAtDepth', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthTo', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthAbove', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'setDepthBelow', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'findNextAvailableDepth', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'shuffleDepths', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'getDepthByFlag', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, 'buildDepthTable', 1);
mx.managers.DepthManager = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.sortFunction = function (a, b) {
if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) {
return 1;
return -1;
v1.test = function (depth) {
if (depth == mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
v1.createClassObjectAtDepth = function (className, depthSpace, initObj) {
var v1;
switch (depthSpace) {
case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor:
v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj);
return v1;
case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip:
v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj);
return v1;
return v1;
v1.createObjectAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) {
var v1;
switch (depthSpace) {
case mx.managers.DepthManager.kCursor:
v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost, initObj);
return v1;
case mx.managers.DepthManager.kTooltip:
v1 = mx.managers.DepthManager.holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop, initObj);
return v1;
return v1;
v2.createClassChildAtDepth = function (className, depthFlag, initObj) {
if (this._childCounter == undefined) {
this._childCounter = 0;
var v3 = this.buildDepthTable();
var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3);
var v6 = 'down';
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) {
v6 = 'up';
var v5;
if (v3[v2] != undefined) {
v5 = v2;
v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6);
var v4 = this.createClassObject(className, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj);
if (v5 != undefined) {
v3[v2] = v4;
this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6);
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) {
v4._topmost = true;
return v4;
v2.createChildAtDepth = function (linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) {
if (this._childCounter == undefined) {
this._childCounter = 0;
var v3 = this.buildDepthTable();
var v2 = this.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v3);
var v6 = 'down';
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) {
v6 = 'up';
var v5;
if (v3[v2] != undefined) {
v5 = v2;
v2 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(v2, v3, v6);
var v4 = this.createObject(linkageName, 'depthChild' + this._childCounter++, v2, initObj);
if (v5 != undefined) {
v3[v2] = v4;
this.shuffleDepths(v4, v5, v3, v6);
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) {
v4._topmost = true;
return v4;
v2.setDepthTo = function (depthFlag) {
var v2 = this._parent.buildDepthTable();
var v3 = this._parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, v2);
if (v2[v3] != undefined) {
this.shuffleDepths(this, v3, v2, undefined);
} else {
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) {
this._topmost = true;
} else {
delete this._topmost;
v2.setDepthAbove = function (targetInstance) {
if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) {
return undefined;
var v2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1;
var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable();
if (v3[v2] != undefined && this.getDepth() < v2) {
v2 -= 1;
if (v2 > mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) {
v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth;
if (v2 == mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) {
this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, 'down');
} else {
if (v3[v2] != undefined) {
this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v2, v3, undefined);
} else {
v2.setDepthBelow = function (targetInstance) {
if (targetInstance._parent != this._parent) {
return undefined;
var v6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1;
var v3 = this._parent.buildDepthTable();
if (v3[v6] != undefined && this.getDepth() > v6) {
v6 += 1;
var v4 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
var v5;
for (v5 in v3) {
var v2 = v3[v5];
if (v2._parent != undefined) {
v4 = Math.min(v4, v2.getDepth());
if (v6 < v4) {
v6 = v4;
if (v6 == v4) {
this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, 'up');
} else {
if (v3[v6] != undefined) {
this._parent.shuffleDepths(this, v6, v3, undefined);
} else {
v2.findNextAvailableDepth = function (targetDepth, depthTable, direction) {
var v5 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
if (targetDepth < v5) {
targetDepth = v5;
if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) {
return targetDepth;
var v2 = targetDepth;
var v1 = targetDepth;
if (direction == 'down') {
while (depthTable[v1] != undefined) {
return v1;
while (depthTable[v2] != undefined) {
return v2;
v2.shuffleDepths = function (subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) {
var v9 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
var v8 = v9;
var v5;
for (v5 in depthTable) {
var v7 = depthTable[v5];
if (v7._parent != undefined) {
v9 = Math.min(v9, v7.getDepth());
if (direction == undefined) {
if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) {
direction = 'up';
} else {
direction = 'down';
var v1 = new Array();
for (v5 in depthTable) {
v7 = depthTable[v5];
if (v7._parent != undefined) {
if (direction == 'up') {
var v3;
var v11;
while (v1.length > 0) {
v3 = v1.pop();
if (v3 == subject) {
while (v1.length > 0) {
v11 = subject.getDepth();
v3 = v1.pop();
var v4 = v3.getDepth();
if (v11 > v4 + 1) {
if (v4 >= 0) {
subject.swapDepths(v4 + 1);
} else {
if (v11 > v8 && v4 < v8) {
if (v4 == targetDepth) {
} else {
if (direction == 'down') {
var v3;
while (v1.length > 0) {
v3 = v1.shift();
if (v3 == subject) {
while (v1.length > 0) {
var v11 = v3.getDepth();
v3 = v1.shift();
var v4 = v3.getDepth();
if (v11 < v4 - 1 && v4 > 0) {
subject.swapDepths(v4 - 1);
if (v4 == targetDepth) {
v2.getDepthByFlag = function (depthFlag, depthTable) {
var v2 = 0;
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop || depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kNotopmost) {
var v5 = 0;
var v7 = false;
var v8;
for (v8 in depthTable) {
var v9 = depthTable[v8];
var v3 = typeof v9;
if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) {
if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) {
if (!v9._topmost) {
v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth());
} else {
if (!v7) {
v5 = v9.getDepth();
v7 = true;
} else {
v5 = Math.min(v5, v9.getDepth());
v2 += 20;
if (v7) {
if (v2 >= v5) {
v2 = v5 - 1;
} else {
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kBottom) {
for (var v8 in depthTable) {
var v9 = depthTable[v8];
var v3 = typeof v9;
if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) {
if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) {
v2 = Math.min(v2, v9.getDepth());
v2 -= 20;
} else {
if (depthFlag == mx.managers.DepthManager.kTopmost) {
for (var v8 in depthTable) {
var v9 = depthTable[v8];
var v3 = typeof v9;
if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v9.__getTextFormat != undefined) {
if (v9.getDepth() <= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) {
v2 = Math.max(v2, v9.getDepth());
v2 += 100;
if (v2 >= mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth) {
v2 = mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth;
var v6 = mx.managers.DepthManager.lowestDepth + mx.managers.DepthManager.numberOfAuthortimeLayers;
for (v9 in depthTable) {
var v4 = depthTable[v9];
if (v4._parent != undefined) {
v6 = Math.min(v6, v4.getDepth());
if (v2 <= v6) {
v2 = v6;
return v2;
v2.buildDepthTable = function (Void) {
var v5 = new Array();
var v4;
for (v4 in this) {
var v2 = this[v4];
var v3 = typeof v2;
if (v3 == 'movieclip' || v3 == 'object' && v2.__getTextFormat != undefined) {
if (v2._parent == this) {
v5[v2.getDepth()] = v2;
return v5;
v1.reservedDepth = 1048575;
v1.highestDepth = 1048574;
v1.lowestDepth = -16383;
v1.numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383;
v1.kCursor = 101;
v1.kTooltip = 102;
v1.kTop = 201;
v1.kBottom = 202;
v1.kTopmost = 203;
v1.kNotopmost = 204;
v1.holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip('reserved', mx.managers.DepthManager.reservedDepth);
v1.__depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager();
ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.DepthManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 148 __Packages.mx.managers.SystemManager {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers) {
_global.mx.managers = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers.SystemManager) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.managers.SystemManager = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.init = function (Void) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized == false) {
mx.managers.SystemManager._initialized = true;
mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager.addEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager.removeEventListener = mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener;
v1.addFocusManager = function (f) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f;
v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) {};
v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) {
var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
v1.onResize = function (Void) {
var v7 = Stage.width;
var v6 = Stage.height;
var v9 = _global.origWidth;
var v8 = _global.origHeight;
var v3 = Stage.align;
var v5 = (v9 - v7) / 2;
var v4 = (v8 - v6) / 2;
if (v3 == 'T') {
v4 = 0;
} else {
if (v3 == 'B') {
v4 = v8 - v6;
} else {
if (v3 == 'L') {
v5 = 0;
} else {
if (v3 == 'R') {
v5 = v9 - v7;
} else {
if (v3 == 'LT') {
v4 = 0;
v5 = 0;
} else {
if (v3 == 'TR') {
v4 = 0;
v5 = v9 - v7;
} else {
if (v3 == 'LB') {
v4 = v8 - v6;
v5 = 0;
} else {
if (v3 == 'RB') {
v4 = v8 - v6;
v5 = v9 - v7;
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen = new Object();
mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.x = v5;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.y = v4;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.width = v7;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen.height = v6;
mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize'});
v1.__get__screen = function () {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen == undefined) {
return mx.managers.SystemManager.__screen;
v1._initialized = false;
v1.idleFrames = 0;
v1.isMouseDown = false;
v1.forms = new Array();
v1.addProperty('screen', v1.__get__screen, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.SystemManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 149 __Packages.mx.managers.FocusManager {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers) {
_global.mx.managers = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers.FocusManager) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.managers.FocusManager = v1;
var v2 = new mx.core.UIComponent();
mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype = v2;
v2.__get__defaultPushButton = function () {
return this.__defaultPushButton;
v2.__set__defaultPushButton = function (x) {
if (x != this.__defaultPushButton) {
this.__defaultPushButton = x;
this.defPushButton = x;
return this.__get__defaultPushButton();
v2.getMaxTabIndex = function (o) {
var v3 = 0;
var v6;
for (v6 in o) {
var v2 = o[v6];
if (v2._parent == o) {
if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) {
if (v2.tabIndex > v3) {
v3 = v2.tabIndex;
if (v2.tabChildren == true) {
var v4 = this.getMaxTabIndex(v2);
if (v4 > v3) {
v3 = v4;
return v3;
v2.getNextTabIndex = function (Void) {
return this.getMaxTabIndex(this.form) + 1;
v2.__get__nextTabIndex = function () {
return this.getNextTabIndex();
v2.relocate = function (Void) {
var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen();
this.move(v2.x - 1, v2.y - 1);
v2.init = function (Void) {
this.tabEnabled = false;
this._height = 1;
this._width = 1;
this._y = -1;
this._x = -1;
this._alpha = 0;
this._parent.focusManager = this;
this._parent.tabChildren = true;
this._parent.tabEnabled = false;
this.form = this._parent;
this._parent.addEventListener('hide', this);
this._parent.addEventListener('reveal', this);
this.tabCapture.tabIndex = 0;
this.watch('enabled', this.enabledChanged);
this.lastMouse = new Object();
_global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'focusManager', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabChildren', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(this._parent, 'tabEnabled', 1);
v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) {
this._visible = newValue;
return newValue;
v2.activate = function (Void) {
this._visible = true;
this.activated = this._visible;
if (this.lastFocus != undefined) {
this.bNeedFocus = true;
if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) {
this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus');
v2.deactivate = function (Void) {
this._visible = false;
this.activated = this._visible;
var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus();
var v3 = this.getActualFocus(v2);
if (this.isOurFocus(v3)) {
this.lastSelFocus = v2;
this.lastFocus = v3;
v2.isOurFocus = function (o) {
if (o.focusManager == this) {
return true;
while (o != undefined) {
if (o.focusManager != undefined) {
return false;
if (o._parent == this._parent) {
return true;
o = o._parent;
return false;
v2.onSetFocus = function (o, n) {
if (n == null) {
if (this.activated) {
this.bNeedFocus = true;
} else {
var v2 = this.getFocus();
if (this.isOurFocus(v2)) {
this.bNeedFocus = false;
this.lastFocus = v2;
this.lastSelFocus = n;
v2.restoreFocus = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.lastSelFocus.hscroll;
if (v2 != undefined) {
var v5 = this.lastSelFocus.scroll;
var v4 = this.lastSelFocus.background;
var v3 = Selection;
Selection.setSelection(v3.lastBeginIndex, v3.lastEndIndex);
if (v2 != undefined) {
this.lastSelFocus.scroll = v5;
this.lastSelFocus.hscroll = v2;
this.lastSelFocus.background = v4;
v2.onUnload = function (Void) {
v2.setFocus = function (o) {
if (o == null) {
} else {
if (o.setFocus == undefined) {
} else {
v2.getActualFocus = function (o) {
var v1 = o._parent;
while (v1 != undefined) {
if (v1.focusTextField != undefined) {
while (v1.focusTextField != undefined) {
o = v1;
v1 = v1._parent;
if (v1 == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (v1.focusTextField == undefined) {
return o;
if (v1.tabEnabled != true) {
return o;
o = v1;
v1 = o._parent;
return undefined;
v2.getSelectionFocus = function () {
var m = Selection.getFocus();
var o = eval(m);
return o;
v2.getFocus = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.getSelectionFocus();
return this.getActualFocus(v2);
v2.walkTree = function (p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) {
var v5 = true;
var v11;
for (v11 in p) {
var v2 = p[v11];
if (v2._parent == p && v2.enabled != false && v2._visible != false && (v2.tabEnabled == true || v2.tabEnabled != false && (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined || v2.onReleaseOutside != undefined || v2.onDragOut != undefined || v2.onDragOver != undefined || v2.onRollOver != undefined || v2.onRollOut != undefined || v2 instanceof TextField))) {
if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) {
v2._searchKey = this._searchKey;
if (v2 != this._lastTarget) {
if ((v2.groupName != undefined || groupName != undefined) && v2.groupName == groupName) {
if (v2 instanceof TextField && v2.selectable == false) {
if (v5 || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._firstNode.groupName && v2.selected == true) {
if (firstChild) {
this._firstNode = v2;
firstChild = false;
if (this._nextIsNext == true) {
if (v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._nextNode.groupName && v2.selected == true || this._nextNode == undefined && (v2.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName != groupName)) {
this._nextNode = v2;
if (v2.groupName == undefined || groupName != v2.groupName) {
if (this._lastx.groupName != undefined && v2.groupName == this._lastx.groupName && this._lastx.selected == true) {
} else {
this._lastx = v2;
} else {
this._prevNode = this._lastx;
this._needPrev = false;
this._nextIsNext = true;
if (v2.tabIndex != undefined) {
if (v2.tabIndex == index) {
if (this._foundList[v2._name] == undefined) {
if (this._needPrev) {
this._prevObj = v2;
this._needPrev = false;
this._nextObj = v2;
if (dir && v2.tabIndex > index) {
if (this._nextObj == undefined || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._nextObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._nextObj.groupName) || this._nextObj.groupName != undefined && this._nextObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._nextObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._nextObj.tabIndex > v2.tabIndex)) {
this._nextObj = v2;
} else {
if (!dir && v2.tabIndex < index) {
if (this._prevObj == undefined || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._prevObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._prevObj.groupName) || this._prevObj.groupName != undefined && this._prevObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._prevObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || this._prevObj.tabIndex < v2.tabIndex)) {
this._prevObj = v2;
if (this._firstObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._firstObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._firstObj.groupName) || this._firstObj.groupName != undefined && this._firstObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._firstObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex < this._firstObj.tabIndex)) {
this._firstObj = v2;
if (this._lastObj == undefined || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex && (v2.groupName == undefined || this._lastObj.groupName == undefined || v2.groupName != this._lastObj.groupName) || this._lastObj.groupName != undefined && this._lastObj.groupName == v2.groupName && this._lastObj.selected != true && (v2.selected == true || v2.tabIndex > this._lastObj.tabIndex)) {
this._lastObj = v2;
if (v2.tabChildren) {
this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild);
v5 = false;
} else {
if (v2._parent == p && v2.tabChildren == true && v2._visible != false) {
if (v2 == this._lastTarget) {
if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) {
v2._searchKey = this._searchKey;
if (this._prevNode == undefined) {
var v3 = this._lastx;
var v7 = false;
while (v3 != undefined) {
if (v3 == v2) {
v7 = true;
v3 = v3._parent;
if (v7 == false) {
this._prevNode = this._lastx;
this._needPrev = false;
if (this._nextNode == undefined) {
this._nextIsNext = true;
} else {
if (!(v2.focusManager != undefined && v2.focusManager._parent == v2)) {
if (v2._searchKey == this._searchKey) {
v2._searchKey = this._searchKey;
this.getTabCandidateFromChildren(v2, index, groupName, dir, v5 && firstChild);
v5 = false;
this._lastNode = this._lastx;
if (lookup) {
if (p._parent != undefined) {
if (p != this._parent) {
if (this._prevNode == undefined && dir) {
this._needPrev = true;
} else {
if (this._nextNode == undefined && !dir) {
this._nextIsNext = false;
this._lastTarget = this._lastTarget._parent;
this.getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true);
v2.getTabCandidate = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) {
var v2;
var v3 = true;
if (o == this._parent) {
v2 = o;
v3 = false;
} else {
v2 = o._parent;
if (v2 == undefined) {
v2 = o;
v3 = false;
this.walkTree(v2, index, groupName, dir, v3, firstChild);
v2.getTabCandidateFromChildren = function (o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) {
this.walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild);
v2.getFocusManagerFromObject = function (o) {
while (o != undefined) {
if (o.focusManager != undefined) {
return o.focusManager;
o = o._parent;
return undefined;
v2.tabHandler = function (Void) {
this.bDrawFocus = true;
var v5 = this.getSelectionFocus();
var v4 = this.getActualFocus(v5);
if (v4 != v5) {
v5 = v4;
if (this.getFocusManagerFromObject(v5) != this) {
v5 == undefined;
if (v5 == undefined) {
v5 = this.form;
} else {
if (v5.tabIndex != undefined) {
if (this._foundList != undefined || this._foundList.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) {
this._foundList = new Object();
this._foundList.tabIndex = v5.tabIndex;
this._foundList[v5._name] = v5;
var v3 = Key.isDown(16) != true;
this._searchKey = getTimer();
this._needPrev = true;
this._nextIsNext = false;
this._lastx = undefined;
this._firstNode = undefined;
this._lastNode = undefined;
this._nextNode = undefined;
this._prevNode = undefined;
this._firstObj = undefined;
this._lastObj = undefined;
this._nextObj = undefined;
this._prevObj = undefined;
this._lastTarget = v5;
var v6 = v5;
this.getTabCandidate(v6, (v5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : v5.tabIndex, v5.groupName, v3, true);
var v2;
if (v3) {
if (this._nextObj != undefined) {
v2 = this._nextObj;
} else {
v2 = this._firstObj;
} else {
if (this._prevObj != undefined) {
v2 = this._prevObj;
} else {
v2 = this._lastObj;
if (v2.tabIndex != v5.tabIndex) {
this._foundList = new Object();
this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex;
this._foundList[v2._name] = v2;
} else {
if (this._foundList == undefined) {
this._foundList = new Object();
this._foundList.tabIndex = v2.tabIndex;
this._foundList[v2._name] = v2;
if (v2 == undefined) {
if (v3 == false) {
if (this._nextNode != undefined) {
v2 = this._nextNode;
} else {
v2 = this._firstNode;
} else {
if (this._prevNode == undefined || v5 == this.form) {
v2 = this._lastNode;
} else {
v2 = this._prevNode;
if (v2 == undefined) {
return undefined;
this.lastTabFocus = v2;
if (v2.emphasized != undefined) {
if (this.defPushButton != undefined) {
v5 = this.defPushButton;
this.defPushButton = v2;
v5.emphasized = false;
v2.emphasized = true;
} else {
if (this.defPushButton != undefined && this.defPushButton != this.__defaultPushButton) {
v5 = this.defPushButton;
this.defPushButton = this.__defaultPushButton;
v5.emphasized = false;
v2.onKeyDown = function (Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
if (this.defaultPushButtonEnabled) {
if (Key.getCode() == 13) {
if (this.__get__defaultPushButton() != undefined) {
this.doLater(this, 'sendDefaultPushButtonEvent');
v2.sendDefaultPushButtonEvent = function (Void) {
this.defPushButton.dispatchEvent({'type': 'click'});
v2.getMousedComponentFromChildren = function (x, y, o) {
for (var v7 in o) {
var v2 = o[v7];
if (v2._visible && v2.enabled && v2._parent == o && v2._searchKey != this._searchKey) {
v2._searchKey = this._searchKey;
if (v2.hitTest(x, y, true)) {
if (v2.onPress != undefined || v2.onRelease != undefined) {
return v2;
var v3 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, v2);
if (v3 != undefined) {
return v3;
return v2;
return undefined;
v2.mouseActivate = function (Void) {
if (!this.bNeedFocus) {
return undefined;
this._searchKey = getTimer();
var v2 = this.getMousedComponentFromChildren(this.lastMouse.x, this.lastMouse.y, this.form);
if (v2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) {
return undefined;
v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(v2);
if (v2 == this.lastFocus) {
return undefined;
if (v2 == undefined) {
this.doLater(this, 'restoreFocus');
return undefined;
var v3 = v2.hscroll;
if (v3 != undefined) {
var v6 = v2.scroll;
var v5 = v2.background;
var v4 = Selection;
Selection.setSelection(v4.lastBeginIndex, v4.lastEndIndex);
if (v3 != undefined) {
v2.scroll = v6;
v2.hscroll = v3;
v2.background = v5;
v2._onMouseDown = function (Void) {
this.bDrawFocus = false;
if (this.lastFocus != undefined) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
var v3 = Selection;
v3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex();
v3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex();
this.lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse;
this.lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse;
v2.onMouseUp = function (Void) {
if (this._visible) {
this.doLater(this, 'mouseActivate');
v2.handleEvent = function (e) {
if (e.type == 'reveal') {
} else {
v1.enableFocusManagement = function () {
if (!mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized) {
mx.managers.FocusManager.initialized = true;
Object.registerClass('FocusManager', mx.managers.FocusManager);
if (_root.focusManager == undefined) {
_root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, 'focusManager', mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--);
v1.symbolName = 'FocusManager';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager;
v1.version = '';
v2.className = 'FocusManager';
v2.bNeedFocus = false;
v2.bDrawFocus = false;
v2.defaultPushButtonEnabled = true;
v2.activated = true;
v1.initialized = false;
v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
v2.addProperty('defaultPushButton', v2.__get__defaultPushButton, v2.__set__defaultPushButton);
v2.addProperty('nextTabIndex', v2.__get__nextTabIndex, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.FocusManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 150 __Packages.mx.skins.halo.FocusRect {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo) {
_global.mx.skins.halo = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo.FocusRect) {
var v1 = function () {
this.boundingBox_mc._visible = false;
this.boundingBox_mc._height = 0;
this.boundingBox_mc._width = 0;
mx.skins.halo.FocusRect = v1;
var v2 = new mx.skins.SkinElement();
mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype = v2;
v2.draw = function (o) {
v2.setSize = function (w, h, r, a, rectCol) {
this._yscale = 100;
this._xscale = 100;
if (typeof r == 'object') {
r.br = r.br > 2 ? r.br - 2 : 0;
r.bl = r.bl > 2 ? r.bl - 2 : 0;
r.tr = r.tr > 2 ? r.tr - 2 : 0;
r.tl = r.tl > 2 ? r.tl - 2 : 0;
this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r);
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r);
r.br = r.br > 1 ? r.br + 1 : 0;
r.bl = r.bl > 1 ? r.bl + 1 : 0;
r.tr = r.tr > 1 ? r.tr + 1 : 0;
r.tl = r.tl > 1 ? r.tl + 1 : 0;
this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r);
r.br = r.br > 1 ? r.br - 1 : 0;
r.bl = r.bl > 1 ? r.bl - 1 : 0;
r.tr = r.tr > 1 ? r.tr - 1 : 0;
r.tl = r.tl > 1 ? r.tl - 1 : 0;
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r);
} else {
var v5;
if (r != 0) {
v5 = r - 2;
} else {
v5 = 0;
this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r);
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5);
this.beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3);
if (r != 0) {
v5 = r - 2;
r -= 1;
} else {
v5 = 0;
r = 0;
this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r);
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, v5);
v2.handleEvent = function (e) {
if (e.type == 'unload') {
this._visible = true;
} else {
if (e.type == 'resize') {
} else {
if (e.type == 'move') {
v1.classConstruct = function () {
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) {
var v2 = this._parent.focus_mc;
if (!focused) {
v2._visible = false;
this.removeEventListener('unload', v2);
this.removeEventListener('move', v2);
this.removeEventListener('resize', v2);
} else {
if (v2 == undefined) {
v2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth('FocusRect', mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop);
v2.tabEnabled = false;
this._parent.focus_mc = v2;
} else {
v2._visible = true;
if (v2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) {
this.addEventListener('unload', v2);
this.addEventListener('move', v2);
this.addEventListener('resize', v2);
mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () {
var v2 = this.getStyle('themeColor');
if (v2 == undefined) {
v2 = 8453965;
var v3 = this._parent.focus_mc;
v3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, v2);
v3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2);
TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus;
TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect;
mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect;
return true;
v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.classConstruct();
v1.DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults;
v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 151 __Packages.mx.managers.OverlappedWindows {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers) {
_global.mx.managers = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.managers.OverlappedWindows) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.managers.OverlappedWindows = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.checkIdle = function (Void) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({'type': 'idle'});
} else {
v1.__addEventListener = function (e, o, l) {
if (e == 'idle') {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100);
mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l);
v1.__removeEventListener = function (e, o, l) {
if (e == 'idle') {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) {
} else {
mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l);
v1.onMouseDown = function (Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true;
var v5 = _root;
var v3;
var v8 = _root._xmouse;
var v7 = _root._ymouse;
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) {
var v6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length;
var v4;
v4 = 0;
while (v4 < v6) {
var v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v4];
if (v2._visible) {
if (v2.hitTest(v8, v7)) {
if (v3 == undefined) {
v3 = v2.getDepth();
v5 = v2;
} else {
if (v3 < v2.getDepth()) {
v3 = v2.getDepth();
v5 = v2;
if (v5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) {
var v9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
v1.onMouseMove = function (Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
v1.onMouseUp = function (Void) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false;
mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0;
v1.activate = function (f) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) {
var v1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f;
v1.deactivate = function (f) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f && mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) {
var v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length;
var v1;
var v2;
v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v3) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) {
v1 += 1;
while (v1 < v3) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) {
v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1];
mx.managers.SystemManager.form = v2;
} else {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1]._visible == true) {
v2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1];
v5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form;
v1.addFocusManager = function (f) {
v1.removeFocusManager = function (f) {
var v3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length;
var v1;
v1 = 0;
while (v1 < v3) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[v1] == f) {
if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) {
mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(v1, 1);
return undefined;
v1.enableOverlappedWindows = function () {
if (!mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized) {
mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.initialized = true;
mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.checkIdle;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__addEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.__removeEventListener;
mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseDown;
mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseMove;
mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.onMouseUp;
mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.activate;
mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.deactivate;
mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.addFocusManager;
mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.removeFocusManager;
v1.initialized = false;
v1.SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 152 __Packages.mx.styles.CSSSetStyle {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles) {
_global.mx.styles = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.styles.CSSSetStyle) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.CSSSetStyle = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2._setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) {
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) {
if (styleProp == 'color') {
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
return undefined;
return undefined;
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) {
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (styleProp == 'themeColor') {
var v7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue;
var v6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen;
var v8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange;
var v4 = {};
v4[v7] = 12188666;
v4[v6] = 13500353;
v4[v8] = 16766319;
var v5 = {};
v5[v7] = 13958653;
v5[v6] = 14942166;
v5[v8] = 16772787;
var v9 = v4[newValue];
var v10 = v5[newValue];
if (v9 == undefined) {
v9 = newValue;
if (v10 == undefined) {
v10 = newValue;
this.setStyle('selectionColor', v9);
this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v10);
_level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue);
} else {
if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
return undefined;
_level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(this.styleName, styleProp, newValue);
v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = function (styleProp) {
var v4 = getTimer();
var v5;
for (v5 in this) {
var v2 = this[v5];
if (v2._parent == this) {
if (v2.searchKey != v4) {
if (v2.stylecache != undefined) {
delete v2.stylecache.tf;
delete v2.stylecache[styleProp];
v2.searchKey = v4;
v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = function (sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) {
var v6 = getTimer();
var v7;
for (v7 in this) {
var v2 = this[v7];
if (v2._parent == this) {
if (v2.searchKey != v6) {
if (v2.getStyleName() == sheetName || sheetName == undefined || sheetName == '_global') {
if (v2.stylecache != undefined) {
delete v2.stylecache[colorStyle];
if (typeof v2._color == 'string') {
if (v2._color == colorStyle) {
var v4 = v2.getStyle(colorStyle);
if (colorStyle == 'color') {
if (this.stylecache.tf.color != undefined) {
this.stylecache.tf.color = v4;
} else {
if (v2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) {
if (typeof v2 != 'movieclip') {
} else {
v2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue);
v2.searchKey = v6;
v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = function (sheetName, styleProp, newValue) {
var v5 = getTimer();
var v6;
for (v6 in this) {
var v2 = this[v6];
if (v2._parent == this) {
if (v2.searchKey != v5) {
if (v2.styleName == sheetName || v2.styleName != undefined && typeof v2.styleName == 'movieclip' || sheetName == undefined) {
if (v2.stylecache != undefined) {
delete v2.stylecache[styleProp];
delete v2.stylecache.tf;
delete v2.enabledColor;
v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue);
v2.searchKey = v5;
v2.setStyle = function (styleProp, newValue) {
if (this.stylecache != undefined) {
delete this.stylecache[styleProp];
delete this.stylecache.tf;
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) {
if (isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (styleProp == 'themeColor') {
var v10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue;
var v9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen;
var v11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange;
var v6 = {};
v6[v10] = 12188666;
v6[v9] = 13500353;
v6[v11] = 16766319;
var v7 = {};
v7[v10] = 13958653;
v7[v9] = 14942166;
v7[v11] = 16772787;
var v12 = v6[newValue];
var v13 = v7[newValue];
if (v12 == undefined) {
v12 = newValue;
if (v13 == undefined) {
v13 = newValue;
this.setStyle('selectionColor', v12);
this.setStyle('rollOverColor', v13);
if (typeof this._color == 'string') {
if (this._color == styleProp) {
if (styleProp == 'color') {
if (this.stylecache.tf.color != undefined) {
this.stylecache.tf.color = newValue;
} else {
if (this._color[styleProp] != undefined) {
this.changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue);
} else {
if (styleProp == 'backgroundColor' && isNaN(newValue)) {
newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue);
this[styleProp] = newValue;
if (newValue == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || styleProp == 'styleName') {
var v8;
var v5 = newValue;
if (styleProp == 'styleName') {
v8 = (typeof newValue == 'string') ? _global.styles[newValue] : v5;
v5 = v8.themeColor;
if (v5 != undefined) {
v8.selectionColor = v5;
v8.rollOverColor = v8.selectionColor;
this.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue);
v1.enableRunTimeCSS = function () {};
v1.classConstruct = function () {
var v2 = MovieClip.prototype;
var v3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype;
mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = v3._setStyle;
v2.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren;
v2.changeColorStyleInChildren = v3.changeColorStyleInChildren;
v2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = v3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren;
v2.setStyle = v3.setStyle;
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeTextStyleInChildren', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'changeColorStyleInChildren', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'notifyStyleChangeInChildren', 1);
_global.ASSetPropFlags(v2, 'setStyle', 1);
var v4 = TextField.prototype;
v4.setStyle = v2.setStyle;
v4.changeTextStyleInChildren = v3.changeTextStyleInChildren;
return true;
v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.classConstruct();
v1.CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 153 __Packages.mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core) {
_global.mx.core = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core.ext) {
_global.mx.core.ext = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions) {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.Extensions = function () {
if (mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended == true) {
return true;
mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.bExtended = true;
TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () {
TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) {
if (this.tabEnabled != false) {
if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus) {
TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) {
if (this.tabEnabled != false) {
TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus;
TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager;
v1.bExtended = false;
v1.UIComponentExtended = mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.Extensions();
v1.UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent;
v1.FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager;
v1.OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 154 __Packages.mx.skins.RectBorder {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.RectBorder) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.RectBorder = v1;
var v2 = new mx.skins.Border();
mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype = v2;
v2.__get__width = function () {
return this.__width;
v2.__get__height = function () {
return this.__height;
v2.init = function (Void) {
v2.draw = function (Void) {
v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.offset;
if (this.__borderMetrics == undefined) {
this.__borderMetrics = {'left': v2, 'top': v2, 'right': v2, 'bottom': v2};
return this.__borderMetrics;
this.__borderMetrics.left = v2;
this.__borderMetrics.top = v2;
this.__borderMetrics.right = v2;
this.__borderMetrics.bottom = v2;
return this.__borderMetrics;
v2.__get__borderMetrics = function () {
return this.getBorderMetrics();
v2.drawBorder = function (Void) {};
v2.size = function (Void) {
v2.setColor = function (Void) {
v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder;
v1.version = '';
v2.className = 'RectBorder';
v2.borderStyleName = 'borderStyle';
v2.borderColorName = 'borderColor';
v2.shadowColorName = 'shadowColor';
v2.highlightColorName = 'highlightColor';
v2.buttonColorName = 'buttonColor';
v2.backgroundColorName = 'backgroundColor';
v2.addProperty('borderMetrics', v2.__get__borderMetrics, function () {});
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 155 __Packages.mx.skins.halo.RectBorder {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo) {
_global.mx.skins.halo = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo.RectBorder) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.halo.RectBorder = v1;
var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder();
mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function (Void) {
this.borderWidths.default = 3;
v2.getBorderMetrics = function (Void) {
if (this.offset == undefined) {
var v3 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName);
this.offset = this.borderWidths[v3];
if (this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'default' || this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName) == 'alert') {
this.__borderMetrics = {'left': 3, 'top': 1, 'right': 3, 'bottom': 3};
return this.__borderMetrics;
return super.getBorderMetrics();
v2.drawBorder = function (Void) {
var v6 = _global.styles[this.className];
if (v6 == undefined) {
v6 = _global.styles.RectBorder;
var v5 = this.getStyle(this.borderStyleName);
var v7 = this.getStyle(this.borderColorName);
if (v7 == undefined) {
v7 = v6[this.borderColorName];
var v8 = this.getStyle(this.backgroundColorName);
if (v8 == undefined) {
v8 = v6[this.backgroundColorName];
var v16 = this.getStyle('backgroundImage');
if (v5 != 'none') {
var v14 = this.getStyle(this.shadowColorName);
if (v14 == undefined) {
v14 = v6[this.shadowColorName];
var v13 = this.getStyle(this.highlightColorName);
if (v13 == undefined) {
v13 = v6[this.highlightColorName];
var v12 = this.getStyle(this.buttonColorName);
if (v12 == undefined) {
v12 = v6[this.buttonColorName];
var v11 = this.getStyle(this.borderCapColorName);
if (v11 == undefined) {
v11 = v6[this.borderCapColorName];
var v10 = this.getStyle(this.shadowCapColorName);
if (v10 == undefined) {
v10 = v6[this.shadowCapColorName];
this.offset = this.borderWidths[v5];
var v9 = this.offset;
var v3 = this.__get__width();
var v4 = this.__get__height();
this._color = undefined;
if (v5 == 'none') {
} else {
if (v5 == 'inset') {
this._color = this.colorList;
this.draw3dBorder(v11, v12, v7, v13, v14, v10);
} else {
if (v5 == 'outset') {
this._color = this.colorList;
this.draw3dBorder(v11, v7, v12, v14, v13, v10);
} else {
if (v5 == 'alert') {
var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor');
this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10);
this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, 3, v15, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100);
} else {
if (v5 == 'default') {
this.drawRoundRect(0, 5, v3, v4 - 5, {'tl': 5, 'tr': 5, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 6184542, 10);
this.drawRoundRect(1, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 5, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 4, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(2, 0, v3 - 4, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 3, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(3, 1, v3 - 6, v4 - 4, {'tl': 2, 'tr': 2, 'br': 0, 'bl': 0}, 16777215, 100);
} else {
if (v5 == 'dropDown') {
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, {'tl': 4, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, 'linear');
this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, {'tl': 3, 'tr': 0, 'br': 0, 'bl': 3}, 16777215, 100);
} else {
if (v5 == 'menuBorder') {
var v15 = this.getStyle('themeColor');
this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 2, v4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(4, 4, v3 - 1, v4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10);
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, 'linear');
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, v3 + 1, v4, 0, v15, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, v3 - 3, v4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100);
} else {
if (v5 == 'comboNonEdit') {
} else {
this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v4);
this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, v4 - 1);
this._color = this.borderColorName;
if (v8 != undefined) {
this.drawRect(v9, v9, this.__get__width() - v9, this.__get__height() - v9);
v2.draw3dBorder = function (c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) {
var v3 = this.__get__width();
var v2 = this.__get__height();
this.drawRect(0, 0, v3, v2);
this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, v2);
this.drawRect(1, 0, v3 - 1, 1);
this.drawRect(1, v2 - 1, v3 - 1, v2);
this.drawRect(1, 1, v3 - 1, 2);
this.drawRect(1, v2 - 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 1);
this.drawRect(1, 2, v3 - 1, v2 - 2);
this.drawRect(2, 2, v3 - 2, v2 - 2);
v1.classConstruct = function () {
_global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder;
_global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true;
return true;
v1.symbolName = 'RectBorder';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder;
v1.version = '';
v2.borderCapColorName = 'borderCapColor';
v2.shadowCapColorName = 'shadowCapColor';
v2.colorList = {'highlightColor': 0, 'borderColor': 0, 'buttonColor': 0, 'shadowColor': 0, 'borderCapColor': 0, 'shadowCapColor': 0};
v2.borderWidths = {'none': 0, 'solid': 1, 'inset': 2, 'outset': 2, 'alert': 3, 'dropDown': 2, 'menuBorder': 2, 'comboNonEdit': 2};
v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.classConstruct();
v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.RectBorder.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 156 __Packages.mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins) {
_global.mx.skins = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo) {
_global.mx.skins.halo = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin = v1;
var v2 = new mx.skins.RectBorder();
mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.prototype = v2;
v2.init = function () {
v2.size = function () {
this.drawHaloRect(this.__get__width(), this.__get__height());
v2.drawHaloRect = function (w, h) {
var v6 = this.getStyle('borderStyle');
var v4 = this.getStyle('themeColor');
var v5 = this._parent.emphasized;
switch (v6) {
case 'falseup':
if (v5) {
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 75);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 85, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 75);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
} else {
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [13291985, 16250871], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [9542041, 13818586], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(3, 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
case 'falsedown':
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, v4, 20);
case 'falserollover':
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
case 'falsedisabled':
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100);
case 'trueup':
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16250871, 100);
case 'truedown':
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 10066329, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16579836], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 40);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, v4, 20);
case 'truerollover':
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, 9542041, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x(), this.__get__y(), w, h, 5, v4, 50);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, [3355443, 16777215], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 1, this.__get__y() + 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, v4, 40);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, 'radial');
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 2, this.__get__y() + 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, v4, 40);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 16777215, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(this.__get__x() + 3, this.__get__y() + 4, w - 6, h - 7, 2, 16316664, 100);
case 'truedisabled':
this.drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, 5, 13159628, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, 4, 15921906, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, 3, 13949401, 100);
this.drawRoundRect(3, 3, w - 6, h - 6, 2, 15921906, 100);
v1.classConstruct = function () {
_global.skinRegistry.ButtonSkin = true;
return true;
v1.symbolName = 'ButtonSkin';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin;
v2.className = 'ButtonSkin';
v2.backgroundColorName = 'buttonColor';
v1.classConstructed = mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.classConstruct();
v1.UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.halo.ButtonSkin.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 157 __Packages.mx.controls.HScrollBar {
if (!_global.mx) {
_global.mx = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls) {
_global.mx.controls = new Object();
if (!_global.mx.controls.HScrollBar) {
var v1 = function () {
mx.controls.HScrollBar = v1;
var v2 = new mx.controls.scrollClasses.ScrollBar();
mx.controls.HScrollBar.prototype = v2;
v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) {
return this._minHeight;
v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) {
return this._minWidth;
v2.init = function (Void) {
this._xscale = -100;
this._rotation = -90;
v2.__get__virtualHeight = function () {
return this.__width;
v2.isScrollBarKey = function (k) {
if (k == 37) {
this.scrollIt('Line', -1);
return true;
return super.isScrollBarKey(k);
if (k == 39) {
this.scrollIt('Line', 1);
return true;
return super.isScrollBarKey(k);
v1.symbolName = 'HScrollBar';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
v1.version = '';
v2.className = 'HScrollBar';
v2.minusMode = 'Left';
v2.plusMode = 'Right';
v2.minMode = 'AtLeft';
v2.maxMode = 'AtRight';
v2.addProperty('virtualHeight', v2.__get__virtualHeight, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.controls.HScrollBar.prototype, null, 1);
frame 2 {
var Music = new Sound();
frame 2 {
frame 2 {
说明._visible = false;
游æˆè¯´æ˜Ž = 'Where am I?\n One day you happen to find that you are in a strange seaside-the dream seaside.\nCrowds of enemies want to destroy your boat,\nbut for your dream,\nyou must stop all their destruction.';
å¼€å‘手记 = '';
æˆ‘çš„æ¸¸æˆ = '';
frame 2 {
movieClip 181 {
movieClip 186 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 186 {
onClipEvent (release) {
getURL('http://www.twitter.com/freegameswow', '_blank');
movieClip 190 {
frame 1 {
instance of movieClip 190 {
onClipEvent (release) {
getURL('http://www.facebook.com/freegameswow', '_blank');
button 196 {
on (release) {
getURL('http://www.freegameswow.com', '_blank');
button 197 {
on (release) {
getURL('http://www.freegameswow.com', '_blank');
button 198 {
on (release) {
button 199 {
on (release) {
说明._visible = true;
说明.文本.text = 游æˆè¯´æ˜Ž;
button 200 {
on (release) {
my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('DwarfWorld');
if (my_so.data.金钱 !== undefined) {
读å˜æ¡£ = 1;
} else {
movieClip 202 {
movieClip 205 {
movieClip 208 {
movieClip 211 {
movieClip 214 {
movieClip 217 {
movieClip 220 {
movieClip 223 {
movieClip 226 {
movieClip 229 {
movieClip 232 {
movieClip 249 {
movieClip 267 {
movieClip 270 {
movieClip 275 {
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frame 1 {
frame 36 {
instance of movieClip 277 {
onClipEvent (release) {
getURL('http://www.freegameswow.com', '_blank');
button 281 {
on (release) {
movieClip 282 {
frame 1 {
function å…³é—() {
this._visible = false;
instance of movieClip 131 UIScrollBar {
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetInstanceName = '文本';
horizontal = false;
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visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 284 æš—å½± {
movieClip 288 {
movieClip 289 å®ç®± {
frame 1 {
frame 20 {
movieClip 291 ç¨‹åº {
button 295 {
on (release) {
movieClip 300 {
movieClip 307 é“å…·å°æ¿ {
movieClip 311 é“å…·é¢æ¿ {
frame 1 {
function å…³é—() {
movieClip 313 法术范围 {
movieClip 320 {
movieClip 321 {
movieClip 330 {
movieClip 331 {
movieClip 334 攻击效果 {
movieClip 338 {
movieClip 340 {
movieClip 342 {
movieClip 344 {
movieClip 345 {
movieClip 350 {
movieClip 351 {
movieClip 352 {
movieClip 353 {
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movieClip 392 {
movieClip 393 {
// unknown tag 88 length 59
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movieClip 487 {
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frame 1 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 532 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 537 {
movieClip 538 {
movieClip 539 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 543 {
movieClip 544 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 550 {
movieClip 551 {
movieClip 552 {
movieClip 553 {
frame 1 {
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frame 1 {
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movieClip 566 {
movieClip 567 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 573 {
movieClip 574 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 577 {
movieClip 578 {
movieClip 579 {
movieClip 580 {
movieClip 581 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 584 {
movieClip 585 {
movieClip 586 {
movieClip 587 {
movieClip 588 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 591 {
movieClip 592 {
movieClip 593 {
movieClip 594 {
movieClip 595 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 598 {
movieClip 599 {
movieClip 600 {
movieClip 601 {
movieClip 602 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 605 {
movieClip 606 {
movieClip 607 {
movieClip 608 {
movieClip 609 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 612 {
movieClip 613 {
movieClip 614 {
movieClip 615 {
movieClip 616 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 619 {
movieClip 620 {
movieClip 621 {
movieClip 622 {
movieClip 623 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 626 {
movieClip 627 {
movieClip 628 {
movieClip 629 {
movieClip 630 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 631 怪物图 {
movieClip 634 {
movieClip 635 å…‰çƒ {
movieClip 638 {
movieClip 641 {
movieClip 644 {
movieClip 647 {
movieClip 650 {
movieClip 653 {
movieClip 656 {
movieClip 659 {
movieClip 662 {
movieClip 663 轰天 {
frame 10 {
movieClip 675 技能图 {
// unknown tag 88 length 59
movieClip 682 {
movieClip 687 {
button 688 {
on (release) {
getURL('http://www.freegameswow.com', '_blank');
movieClip 689 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 690 结æŸå§ {
frame 1 {
积分.text = '$' + _root.积分;
instance of movieClip 682 {
onClipEvent (release) {
_root.scoreObj.game_score = _root.积分;
onClipEvent (release) {
getURL('http://www.freegameswow.com', '_blank');
instance of movieClip 131 UIScrollBar {
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetInstanceName = '文本';
horizontal = false;
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 693 {
movieClip 696 {
movieClip 699 {
movieClip 702 {
movieClip 705 {
movieClip 708 {
movieClip 711 {
movieClip 714 {
movieClip 715 é›·å¼¹ {
frame 9 {
movieClip 718 {
movieClip 721 {
movieClip 724 {
movieClip 727 {
movieClip 730 {
movieClip 733 {
movieClip 736 {
movieClip 739 {
movieClip 742 {
movieClip 745 {
movieClip 746 慢速 {
frame 11 {
movieClip 749 {
movieClip 752 {
movieClip 755 {
movieClip 758 {
movieClip 761 {
movieClip 764 {
movieClip 767 {
movieClip 770 {
movieClip 771 å‡çº§æ•ˆæžœ {
frame 9 {
movieClip 774 {
movieClip 775 {
movieClip 776 {
movieClip 777 {
movieClip 778 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 781 {
movieClip 782 {
movieClip 783 {
movieClip 784 {
movieClip 785 {
frame 1 {
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movieClip 789 {
movieClip 790 {
movieClip 791 {
movieClip 792 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 795 {
movieClip 796 {
movieClip 797 {
movieClip 798 {
movieClip 799 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 802 {
movieClip 803 {
movieClip 804 {
movieClip 805 {
movieClip 806 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 809 {
movieClip 810 {
movieClip 811 {
movieClip 812 {
movieClip 813 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 816 {
movieClip 817 {
movieClip 818 {
movieClip 819 {
movieClip 820 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 823 {
movieClip 824 {
movieClip 825 {
movieClip 826 {
movieClip 827 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 828 所有我方 {
movieClip 834 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 845 效果æ€æ€ {
frame 12 {
movieClip 848 {
movieClip 858 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 860 宴会 {
frame 1 {
图._visible = false;
文本._visible = false;
frame 6 {
图._visible = true;
文本._visible = true;
frame 74 {
movieClip 863 {
movieClip 866 {
movieClip 869 {
movieClip 872 {
movieClip 875 {
movieClip 878 {
movieClip 879 震雷 {
frame 7 {
movieClip 880 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 882 {
frame 5901 {
movieClip 884 {
movieClip 885 {
movieClip 901 {
button 903 {
on (release) {
_root.难度 = 1;
button 904 {
on (release) {
_root.难度 = 2;
button 905 {
on (release) {
_root.难度 = 3;
button 906 {
on (release) {
_root.难度 = 4;
button 907 {
on (release) {
_root.难度 = 5;
movieClip 909 {
movieClip 911 {
movieClip 912 {
frame 14 {
frame 73 {
frame 4 {
function ServerData(Temp) {
my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('DwarfWorld');
my_so.data = Object();
my_so.data.所有主角 = _root.所有主角;
my_so.data.难度 = _root.难度;
my_so.data.我的é“å…· = _root.我的é“å…·;
my_so.data.积分 = _root.积分;
my_so.data.金钱 = _root.金钱;
my_so.data.è€ä¹… = _root.è€ä¹…;
my_so.data.当å‰æ³¢æ•° = _root.当å‰æ³¢æ•°;
my_so.data.修船数 = _root.修船数;
é”çš„çŠ¶æ€ = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i] = Object();
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].id = _root['人物设施' + i].id;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].å称 = _root['人物设施' + i].å称;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id = _root['人物设施' + i].ä½ç½®id;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].åŠ›é‡ = _root['人物设施' + i].力é‡;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].æ•æ· = _root['人物设施' + i].æ•æ·;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].范围 = _root['人物设施' + i].范围;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ç‰çº§ = _root['人物设施' + i].ç‰çº§;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ç»éªŒ = _root['人物设施' + i].ç»éªŒ;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].攻击d = _root['人物设施' + i].攻击d;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].速度d = _root['人物设施' + i].速度d;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].范围d = _root['人物设施' + i].范围d;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].强化 = _root['人物设施' + i].强化;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].价值 = _root['人物设施' + i].价值;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].åŠ ç‚¹ = _root['人物设施' + i].åŠ ç‚¹;
my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].剩余 = _root['人物设施' + i].剩余;
if (_root['é”' + i]._visible == false) {
} else {
my_so.data['å‚数设施' + i] = _root['å‚数设施' + i];
my_so.data.é”çš„çŠ¶æ€ = _root.é”的状æ€;
function LoadData(s) {
my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('DwarfWorld');
åœ°å›¾æ ¼å显现();
_root.所有主角 = my_so.data.所有主角;
_root.难度 = my_so.data.难度;
_root.我的é“å…· = my_so.data.我的é“å…·;
_root.积分 = my_so.data.积分;
_root.金钱 = my_so.data.金钱;
_root.è€ä¹… = my_so.data.è€ä¹…;
_root.当å‰æ³¢æ•° = my_so.data.当å‰æ³¢æ•°;
_root.é”çš„çŠ¶æ€ = my_so.data.é”的状æ€;
_root.修船数 = my_so.data.修船数;
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
_root['å‚数设施' + i] = my_so.data['å‚数设施' + i];
function 监视è¯å¥() {
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
trace('ä½ç½®ID:' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id + '_' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].id + '_' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].å称 + '_' + '_' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].力é‡);
frame 4 {
var MySound = new Sound();
MySound.start(0, 100);
frame 4 {
function åœ°å›¾æ ¼å显现() {
æ ¼å数值 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 17) {
d = 0;
while (d < 11) {
if (this['地图å‚æ•°' + d][i] == 1) {
attachMovie('使用å°æ ¼å', '使用å°æ ¼å' + æ ¼å数值, 2400 + æ ¼å数值, {'_x': i * 32, '_y': d * 32});
this['使用å°æ ¼å' + æ ¼å数值].id = æ ¼å数值;
++æ ¼å数值;
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (_root['人物设施' + i] !== undefined) {
_root['人物设施' + i].ä½ç½®.removeMovieClip();
地图å‚æ•°0 = Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);
地图å‚æ•°1 = Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2);
地图å‚æ•°2 = Array(2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1);
地图å‚æ•°3 = Array(2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1);
地图å‚æ•°4 = Array(2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1);
地图å‚æ•°5 = Array(1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1);
地图å‚æ•°6 = Array(1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1);
地图å‚æ•°7 = Array(1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1);
地图å‚æ•°8 = Array(1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1);
地图å‚æ•°9 = Array(1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
地图å‚æ•°10 = Array(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2);
frame 4 {
所有é“å…· = Array();
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 0, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Luffy', '价值': 500, '说明': 'necesssary items for upgrading Luffy.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 1, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Zoro', '价值': 500, '说明': 'necesssary items for upgrading Zoro.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 2, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Nami', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necesssary items for upgrading Nami.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 3, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Usopp', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necesssary items for upgrading Usopp.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 4, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Sanji', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necesssary items for upgrading Sanji.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 5, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Chopper', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necesssary items for upgrading Chopper.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 6, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Robin', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necesssary items for upgrading Robin.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 7, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Upgrade Ace', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necesssary items for upgrading Ace.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 8, 'ç§ç±»': 'Attack ', 'å称': 'slow speed power', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Area attack, it enable your enemies slow dowm for a while.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 9, 'ç§ç±»': 'Attack ', 'å称': 'Fire bomb ', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Eliminate a monster\'s 50% HP at one time, it will die once under 50% HP.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 10, 'ç§ç±»': 'Attack ', 'å称': 'Destroy thunder', '价值': 500, '说明': 'se a destroyed attack to kill a monster and it will die inmediately.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 11, 'ç§ç±»': 'Attack ', 'å称': 'Lethal Weapon', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Scope of attack can Knock out a small piece of 30% blood.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 12, 'ç§ç±»': 'Treasure ', 'å称': 'A small amount of treasure', '价值': 100, '说明': 'Left by the monsters(to change money).'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 13, 'ç§ç±»': 'Treasure ', 'å称': 'A package of treasure', '价值': 300, '说明': 'Left by the monsters(to change money).'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 14, 'ç§ç±»': 'Treasure ', 'å称': 'A pile of treasure', '价值': 800, '说明': 'Left by the monsters(to change money).'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 15, 'ç§ç±»': 'Treasure ', 'å称': 'A box of treasure', '价值': 1600, '说明': 'Left by the monsters(to change money).'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 16, 'ç§ç±»': 'Unlock ', 'å称': 'Unlock usopp', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necessary items for unlocking usopp.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 17, 'ç§ç±»': 'Unlock ', 'å称': 'Unlock Sanji', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necessary items for unlocking Sanji.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 18, 'ç§ç±»': 'Unlock ', 'å称': 'Unlock Chopper', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necessary items for unlocking Chopper.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 19, 'ç§ç±»': 'Unlock ', 'å称': 'Unlock Robin', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necessary items for unlocking Robin.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 20, 'ç§ç±»': 'Unlock ', 'å称': 'Unlock Ace', '价值': 500, '说明': 'Necessary items for unlocking Ace.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 21, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Power Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Increase attack strength.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 22, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Speed Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Increase attack speed.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 23, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Scope Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Increase attack scope.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 24, 'ç§ç±»': 'Gabbage ', 'å称': 'A bag of sundries', '价值': 10, '说明': 'It is of no use, only occupying room.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 25, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Growth Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Fruit that can upgrade your level.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 26, 'ç§ç±»': 'Treasure ', 'å称': 'Treature', '价值': 2800, '说明': 'Precious Treasure.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 27, 'ç§ç±»': 'Upgrade ', 'å称': 'Strengthen Stone', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Each character has one strengthen strone.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 28, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Upgrad Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Use it in the rest interval to refresh the wave of the enemy.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 29, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Energy Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Fruit that can improve the attack ability.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 30, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'Fast Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Friut that can make you faster.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 31, 'ç§ç±»': 'Fruit ', 'å称': 'extended Fruit', '价值': 1000, '说明': 'Friut that can extend your strength scope.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 32, 'ç§ç±»': 'Secret treasure ', 'å称': 'Recovery Friut', '价值': 3000, '说明': 'Recovery for a site.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 33, 'ç§ç±»': 'Secret treasure ', 'å称': 'Character Convey', '价值': 3000, '说明': 'Remove your location.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 34, 'ç§ç±»': 'Secret treasure ', 'å称': 'Lucky Fruit', '价值': 3000, '说明': 'ncrease the character\'s abilities.'});
所有é“å…·.push({'id': 35, 'ç§ç±»': 'Secret treasure ', 'å称': 'uper Treasure', '价值': 10000, '说明': 'The most valuable treasure.'});
解é”é“å…· = Array();
强化é“å…· = Array();
果实é“å…· = Array();
è´¢å®é“å…· = Array();
攻击é“å…· = Array();
垃圾é“å…· = Array();
秘å®é“å…· = Array();
trace('有多少é“具:' + 所有é“å…·.length);
i = 0;
while (i < 所有é“å…·.length) {
if (所有é“å…·[i].ç§ç±» == '强化') {
if (所有é“å…·[i].ç§ç±» == '果实') {
if (所有é“å…·[i].ç§ç±» == 'è´¢å®') {
if (所有é“å…·[i].ç§ç±» == '攻击') {
if (所有é“å…·[i].ç§ç±» == '垃圾') {
if (所有é“å…·[i].ç§ç±» == '秘å®') {
开始按.onRelease = function () {
this._visible = false;
控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
trace('解é”é“å…·:' + 解é”é“å…· + '\n强化é“å…·:' + 强化é“å…· + '\n果实é“å…·:' + 果实é“å…· + '\nè´¢å®é“å…·:' + è´¢å®é“å…· + '\n攻击é“å…·:' + 攻击é“å…· + '\n垃圾é“å…·:' + 垃圾é“å…·);
我的é“å…· = Array();
frame 4 {
function 显示更新() {
金TXT.text = 'Money:' + 金钱;
显示æ¿.积分TXT.text = '$' + 积分;
è€ä¹…TXT.text = 'Duration:' + è€ä¹…;
function 建ç‘建设() {
attachMovie('所有我方', 'å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡', 220);
_root.画圆函数(å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡, 所有主角[建设å‚æ•°].范围 * 25);
_root.circle2_mc._x = _xmouse;
_root.circle2_mc._y = _ymouse;
å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡._x = _xmouse;
å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡._y = _ymouse + 5;
å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡.gotoAndStop(建设å‚æ•° + 1);
å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡.人.stop();
åœ°å›¾æ ¼å显现();
å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.circle2_mc._x = _xmouse;
_root.circle2_mc._y = _ymouse;
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse + 5;
onMouseUp = function () {
if (å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡ !== undefined) {
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
if (_root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
if (_root['å‚数设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°] == 0) {
_root['å‚数设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°] = 1;
attachMovie('所有我方', '人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°, 7932 + _root.建设å‚æ•°, {'_x': _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i]._x + 15, '_y': _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i]._y + 25});
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].gotoAndStop(_root.建设å‚æ•° + 1);
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].人.行走.stop();
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].id = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].id;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].swapDepths(21000 + this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°]._y + this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].id);
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].å称 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].å称;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].åŠ›é‡ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].力é‡;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].æ•æ· = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].æ•æ·;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].范围 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].范围;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].ç»éªŒ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].ç»éªŒ;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].攻击d = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].攻击d;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].速度d = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].速度d;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].范围d = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].范围d;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].强化 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].强化;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].价值 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].价值;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].剩余 = å‡çº§è¦æ±‚[所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ + 1];
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].ä½ç½® = _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i];
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].ä½ç½®id = i;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].onPress = function () {
if (_root.范围表示 == undefined or _root.é€‰æ‹©çš„äººæ˜¯è° !== this.id) {
_root.é€‰æ‹©çš„äººæ˜¯è° = this.id;
_root.范围表示 = 1;
_root.画圆函数(this, this.范围 * 25 + this.范围d * 0.4 + this.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
_root.人物属性的é¢æ¿.文本.text = this.å称;
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = true;
} else {
_root.é€‰æ‹©çš„äººæ˜¯è° = undefined;
_root.范围表示 = undefined;
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
å»ºè®¾çš„ç›®æ ‡.removeMovieClip();
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
this['使用å°æ ¼å' + i].removeMovieClip();
onMouseUp = function () {};
function 显示控制é¢æ¿å†…容(选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°) {
_root.控制é¢æ¿.tou.gotoAndStop(选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•° + 1);
_root.控制é¢æ¿.å称TXT.text = _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].å称;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.ç‰çº§TXT.text = 'level:' + _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.积分TXT.text = '$ ' + _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].价值;
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].剩余 = å‡çº§è¦æ±‚[_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ + 1];
_root.控制é¢æ¿.å‡çº§ç‚¹TXT.text = _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].剩余;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.攻击TXT.text = _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].攻击d;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.速度TXT.text = _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].速度d;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.范围TXT.text = _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].范围d;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.强化TXT.text = 'intensify:' + _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].强化;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.剩余TXT.text = _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.按0.onPress = function () {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ >= 99) {
} else {
if (金钱 >= _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].剩余) {
金钱 -= _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].剩余;
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ += 1;
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ += 1;
attachMovie('å‡çº§æ•ˆæžœ', 'å‡çº§æ•ˆæžœ' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°, 173432, {'_x': _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°]._x, '_y': _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°]._y - 20});
_root.控制é¢æ¿.按1.onPress = function () {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].攻击d >= 99) {
} else {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ > 0) {
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ -= 1;
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].攻击d += 1;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.按2.onPress = function () {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].速度d >= 99) {
} else {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ > 0) {
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ -= 1;
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].速度d += 1;
_root.控制é¢æ¿.按3.onPress = function () {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].范围d >= 99) {
} else {
if (_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ > 0) {
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ -= 1;
_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].范围d += 1;
_root.画圆函数(_root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°], _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].范围 * 25 + _root['人物设施' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°].范围d * 0.4);
_root.控制é¢æ¿.技0.onRelease = function () {
有多少雷 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.我的é“å…·.length) {
if (_root.我的é“å…·[i].id == 9) {
有多少雷 += 1;
_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½® = i;
if (有多少雷 == 0) {
} else {
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
attachMovie('æš—å½±', 'æš—å½±', 80002, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
attachMovie('技能图', '技能图', 80003, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
技能图.onEnterFrame = function () {
技能图._x = _xmouse;
技能图._y = _ymouse;
onMouseDown = function () {
碰撞怪 = undefined;
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (技能图.hitTest(_root['怪物图' + i]._x, _root['怪物图' + i]._y, true)) {
碰撞怪 = i;
if (碰撞怪 !== undefined) {
attachMovie('雷弹', '雷弹', 86000, {'_x': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._x, '_y': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._y});
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½®, 1);
_root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].血 -= _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].百分比 * 50;
if (_root.攻击的å‚数值和 > 2080) {
_root.攻击的å‚数值和 = 2000;
attachMovie('效果æ€æ€', '效果æ€æ€' + _root.攻击的å‚数值和, _root.攻击的å‚数值和 + 2200, {'_x': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._x, '_y': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._y});
if (_root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].血 > 0) {
_root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].è¡€æ¡.gotoAndStop(Math.round((_root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].è¡€ / _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].百分比 * 100) * 100));
} else {
_root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].removeMovieClip();
onMouseDown = function () {};
_root.控制é¢æ¿.技1.onRelease = function () {
有多少雷 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.我的é“å…·.length) {
if (_root.我的é“å…·[i].id == 10) {
有多少雷 += 1;
_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½® = i;
if (有多少雷 == 0) {
} else {
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
attachMovie('æš—å½±', 'æš—å½±', 80002, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
attachMovie('技能图', '技能图', 80003, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
技能图.onEnterFrame = function () {
技能图._x = _xmouse;
技能图._y = _ymouse;
onMouseDown = function () {
碰撞怪 = undefined;
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (技能图.hitTest(_root['怪物图' + i]._x, _root['怪物图' + i]._y, true)) {
碰撞怪 = i;
if (碰撞怪 !== undefined) {
attachMovie('震雷', '震雷', 86000, {'_x': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._x, '_y': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._y});
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½®, 1);
if (_root.攻击的å‚数值和 > 2080) {
_root.攻击的å‚数值和 = 2000;
attachMovie('效果æ€æ€', '效果æ€æ€' + _root.攻击的å‚数值和, _root.攻击的å‚数值和 + 2200, {'_x': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._x, '_y': _root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪]._y});
_root['怪物图' + 碰撞怪].removeMovieClip();
onMouseDown = function () {};
_root.控制é¢æ¿.技4.onRelease = function () {
有多少雷 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.我的é“å…·.length) {
if (_root.我的é“å…·[i].id == 11) {
有多少雷 += 1;
_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½® = i;
if (有多少雷 == 0) {
} else {
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
attachMovie('æš—å½±', 'æš—å½±', 80002, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
attachMovie('技能图', '技能图', 80003, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
技能图.onEnterFrame = function () {
技能图._x = _xmouse;
技能图._y = _ymouse;
onMouseDown = function () {
attachMovie('法术范围', '法术范围', 80004, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
撞到有多少 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root.法术范围.hitTest(_root['怪物图' + i]._x, _root['怪物图' + i]._y, true)) {
撞到有多少.push(_root['怪物图' + i]);
attachMovie('轰天', '轰天', 86000, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½®, 1);
if (撞到有多少.length !== 0) {
i = 0;
while (i < 撞到有多少.length) {
_root.撞到有多少[i].血 -= _root.撞到有多少[i].百分比 * 30;
if (_root.攻击的å‚数值和 > 2080) {
_root.攻击的å‚数值和 = 2000;
attachMovie('效果æ€æ€', '效果æ€æ€' + _root.攻击的å‚数值和, _root.攻击的å‚数值和 + 2200, {'_x': _root.撞到有多少[i]._x, '_y': _root.撞到有多少[i]._y});
if (_root.撞到有多少[i].血 > 0) {
撞到有多少[i].è¡€æ¡.gotoAndStop(Math.round((撞到有多少[i].è¡€ / 撞到有多少[i].百分比 * 100) * 100));
} else {
onMouseDown = function () {};
_root.控制é¢æ¿.技3.onRelease = function () {
有多少雷 = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.我的é“å…·.length) {
if (_root.我的é“å…·[i].id == 8) {
有多少雷 += 1;
_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½® = i;
if (有多少雷 == 0) {
} else {
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
attachMovie('æš—å½±', 'æš—å½±', 80002, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
attachMovie('技能图', '技能图', 80003, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
技能图.onEnterFrame = function () {
技能图._x = _xmouse;
技能图._y = _ymouse;
onMouseDown = function () {
attachMovie('法术范围', '法术范围', 80004, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
撞到有多少 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root.法术范围.hitTest(_root['怪物图' + i]._x, _root['怪物图' + i]._y, true)) {
撞到有多少.push(_root['怪物图' + i]);
attachMovie('慢速', '慢速', 86000, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(_root.è®°ä½é›·åœ¨çš„ä½ç½®, 1);
if (撞到有多少.length !== 0) {
i = 0;
while (i < 撞到有多少.length) {
撞到有多少[i].çŠ¶æ€ = 2;
if (_root.攻击的å‚数值和 > 2080) {
_root.攻击的å‚数值和 = 2000;
attachMovie('效果æ€æ€', '效果æ€æ€' + _root.攻击的å‚数值和, _root.攻击的å‚数值和 + 2200, {'_x': _root.撞到有多少[i]._x, '_y': _root.撞到有多少[i]._y});
onMouseDown = function () {};
function 回归函数() {
_root.画圆函数(_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°], _root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围 * 25 + _root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d * 0.4 + _root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = true;
function éšè—èµ·æ¥() {
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
this['å»ºé€ åŒºåŸŸ' + i]._visible = true;
d = 0;
while (d < å ç”¨æ ¼å.length) {
this['å»ºé€ åŒºåŸŸ' + å ç”¨æ ¼å[d]]._visible = false;
åˆå§‹é’±æ•° = Array(0, 300, 1200, 4800, 10000, 50000);
金钱 = åˆå§‹é’±æ•°[_root.难度];
积分 = 3000;
è€ä¹… = 2000;
显怪血 = 0;
所有主角 = Array();
所有主角.push({'id': 0, 'å称': 'Luffy', '力é‡': 6, 'æ•æ·': 4, '范围': 5, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 1, 'å称': 'Zoro', '力é‡': 5, 'æ•æ·': 3, '范围': 3, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 2, 'å称': 'Nami', '力é‡': 3, 'æ•æ·': 4, '范围': 4, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 3, 'å称': 'usopp', '力é‡': 3, 'æ•æ·': 3, '范围': 5, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 4, 'å称': 'sunkist', '力é‡': 4, 'æ•æ·': 4, '范围': 3, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 5, 'å称': 'CHOPPER', '力é‡': 4, 'æ•æ·': 3, '范围': 3, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 6, 'å称': 'Robbin', '力é‡': 3, 'æ•æ·': 3, '范围': 6, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
所有主角.push({'id': 7, 'å称': 'Els', '力é‡': 4, 'æ•æ·': 4, '范围': 4, 'ç‰çº§': 1, 'ç»éªŒ': 0});
i = 0;
while (i < 所有主角.length) {
所有主角[i].åŠ ç‚¹ = 0;
所有主角[i].攻击d = 0;
所有主角[i].速度d = 0;
所有主角[i].范围d = 0;
所有主角[i].价值 = 1000;
所有主角[i].强化 = 0;
控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
å ç”¨æ ¼å = Array();
大怪物数æ®åº“资料 = Array();
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 0, 'å称': 'Blank'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 1, 'å称': 'Rats'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 2, 'å称': 'Cats'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 3, 'å称': 'chicken'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 4, 'å称': 'walked pigeon'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 5, 'å称': 'Seagull'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 6, 'å称': 'Birds'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 7, 'å称': 'White dogs'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 8, 'å称': 'Yellow dogs'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 9, 'å称': 'Sheep'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 10, 'å称': 'Yellowcheek sheep'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 11, 'å称': 'Bats'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 12, 'å称': 'Eagle'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 13, 'å称': 'Multi-horns sheep'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 14, 'å称': 'Goat'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 15, 'å称': 'Wildfire'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 16, 'å称': 'Snakes'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 17, 'å称': 'Bees'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 18, 'å称': 'Slime'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 19, 'å称': 'Elves'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 20, 'å称': 'The old man'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 21, 'å称': 'Oshy girls'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 22, 'å称': 'Undine'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 23, 'å称': 'Salamander'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 24, 'å称': 'pixie'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 25, 'å称': 'little demon'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 26, 'å称': 'The Wolf Man'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 27, 'å称': 'The mountain spirit'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 28, 'å称': 'Orcs'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 29, 'å称': 'Netherfiend '});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 30, 'å称': 'Sylph'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 31, 'å称': 'Jakes'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 32, 'å称': 'pandamen'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 33, 'å称': 'Fullbody'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 34, 'å称': 'Uncle box'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 35, 'å称': 'Tina'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 36, 'å称': 'Mohji'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 37, 'å称': 'Cabaji'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 38, 'å称': 'MR.5'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 39, 'å称': 'Alvida'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 40, 'å称': 'MR.4'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 41, 'å称': 'Miss Christmas'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 42, 'å称': 'Buggy'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 43, 'å称': 'Clow'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 44, 'å称': 'Krieg'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 45, 'å称': 'MR.1'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 46, 'å称': 'Arlong'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 47, 'å称': 'Crocodile'});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料.push({'id': 48, 'å称': 'Dracula Mihawk'});
å›ºå®šæ˜¾ç¤ºé¢ = 'Welcome to hero tower defense mode! \nPlace hero next to the road to shoot at the rats.\nPurchase more hero towers that you can afford.\nUpgrade towers by clicking on them after they’ve been placed.';
显示æ¿.文本.text = å›ºå®šæ˜¾ç¤ºé¢ + '\n ';
å‡çº§è¦æ±‚ = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 102) {
å‡çº§è¦æ±‚.push(4 * i * i + 5);
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
this['å‚数设施' + i] = 0;
this['é”' + i].onRelease = function () {
人物属性的é¢æ¿.文本.text = 'unlock';
é”0._visible = false;
é”1._visible = false;
é”2._visible = false;
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
this['å»ºé€ åŒºåŸŸ' + i].属性 = i;
this['å»ºé€ åŒºåŸŸ' + i]._visible = false;
最大深度 = 1048887;
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
this['选人' + i].属性 = i;
this['选人' + i].onPress = function () {
if (_root['å‚数设施' + this.属性] == 0) {
_root.建设å‚æ•° = this.属性;
} else {}
frame 4 {
function 生æˆæ€ªç‰©ç¯‡() {
i < 0;
while (i < 怪物åºåˆ—å·.length) {
暂时装怪.push({'kkk': i, 'ppp': i});
i = 0;
while (i < 怪物åºåˆ—å·.length) {
暂时装怪[i] = 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[怪物åºåˆ—å·[i]];
暂时装怪[i].å‚æ•° = i;
i = 0;
while (i < 怪物åºåˆ—å·.length) {
所有怪物.push({'id': 记录怪物id, 'å‚æ•°': 怪物åºåˆ—å·[i]});
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].è¡€ = (i * 600 + i * i * 4) * _root.难度;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].防 = i * 20;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].速 = 1 - i * 0.005;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].ç»éªŒ = i * i * 2 + 6;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].声望 = i * i * 10 * _root.难度;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].çŠ¶æ€ = 0;
if (怪物åºåˆ—å·[i] < 31) {
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].属性 = 'soldiers';
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].什么 = 'soldiers';
} else {
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].属性 = 'boss';
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].什么 = 'boss';
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].è¡€ * 2;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].ç»éªŒ * 2;
大怪物数æ®åº“资料[暂时装怪[i].id].声望 * 2;
trace('怪物资料——id:' + i + '_属性:' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[i].å‚æ•°].属性 + '_å‚数:' + 所有怪物[i].å‚æ•° + '_å称:' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[记录怪物id - 1].å‚æ•°].å称 + '_血:' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[记录怪物id - 1].å‚æ•°].è¡€ + '_防:' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[记录怪物id - 1].å‚æ•°].防 + '_速:' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[记录怪物id - 1].å‚æ•°].速 + '_ç»éªŒï¼š' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[记录怪物id - 1].å‚æ•°].ç»éªŒ + '_声望:' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[记录怪物id - 1].å‚æ•°].声望);
function 波数装入() {
刷怪记录 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 20) {
function 开始出怪() {
修船数 = 3;
è®°å½•ä¸€ä¸‹çŽ°åœ¨ç¬¬å‡ æ³¢.text = 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].å‚æ•°].什么 + ':start wave' + 当å‰æ³¢æ•° + ':' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].å‚æ•°].å称;
显示æ¿.文本.text = 固定显示é¢;
人物属性的é¢æ¿.文本.text = 'start wave。\n name' + 当å‰æ³¢æ•° + ':' + 大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].å‚æ•°].å称;
出怪数 = 0;
已出怪 = 0;
åœæ¢åˆ·æ€ª = 0;
function 执行出怪() {
if (大怪物数æ®åº“资料[所有怪物[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].å‚æ•°].å称 !== undefined) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
_root['怪物图' + i].removeMovieClip();
attachMovie('结æŸå§', '结æŸå§', 190000, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
结æŸå§.文本.text = 'You saved your boat and defeat all enemies successfully. \n Well done! \n';
结æŸå§.文本.text += 'You have chosen level:' + 难度 + '。\n';
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (_root['人物设施' + i] !== undefined) {
结æŸå§.文本.text += _root['人物设施' + i].å称 + ':level:' + _root['人物设施' + i].ç‰çº§ + '\n bonus:$' + _root['人物设施' + i].价值 + '\n';
} else {}
结æŸå§.文本.text += 'Thanks for playing!';
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
function æå‰ç»“æŸæ¸¸æˆå§() {
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
_root['怪物图' + i].removeMovieClip();
attachMovie('结æŸå§', '结æŸå§', 190000, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
结æŸå§.文本.text = 'You failedï¼\n';
结æŸå§.文本.text += 'You have chosen level:' + 难度 + '。\n';
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (_root['人物设施' + i] !== undefined) {
结æŸå§.文本.text += _root['人物设施' + i].å称 + ':level:' + _root['人物设施' + i].ç‰çº§ + '\n bonus:$' + _root['人物设施' + i].价值 + '\n';
} else {}
结æŸå§.文本.text += 'Thanks for playing!';
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
function 更新船信æ¯() {
_root.海贼船.è¡€æ¡.gotoAndStop(Math.round(è€ä¹… / 10));
function 这么执行的() {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (ä¸€æ³¢ç»“æŸ == 0) {
if (è€ä¹… > 0) {
} else {
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
_root['怪物图' + i].removeMovieClip();
attachMovie('结æŸå§', '结æŸå§', 190000, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
结æŸå§.文本.text = 'You failed!ï¼\n you are in wave' + 当å‰æ³¢æ•° + '\n';
结æŸå§.文本.text += 'Your game difficulty:' + 难度 + '。\n';
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (_root['人物设施' + i] !== undefined) {
结æŸå§.文本.text += _root['人物设施' + i].å称 + ':level:' + _root['人物设施' + i].ç‰çº§ + '\n bonus:$' + _root['人物设施' + i].价值 + '\n';
} else {}
结æŸå§.文本.text += 'Thanks for playing!';
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
if (时间数 > 出怪间隔 * 8) {
时间数 = 0;
if (时间数 % 出怪间隔 == 0) {
if (åœæ¢åˆ·æ€ª == 0) {
attachMovie('怪物图', '怪物图' + 出怪数, 620 + 出怪数);
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].id = 出怪数;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].å‚æ•° = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].id;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].è¡€ = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].è¡€;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].百分比 = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].è¡€ / 100;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].è¡€æ¡.gotoAndStop(100);
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].防 = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].防;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].速 = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].速;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].ç»éªŒ = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].ç»éªŒ;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].声望 = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].声望;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].属性 = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].属性;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].çŠ¶æ€ = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].状æ€;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].什么 = 暂时装怪[当å‰æ³¢æ•° - 1].什么;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].gotoAndStop(this['怪物图' + 出怪数].å‚æ•°);
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].怪.gotoAndStop('左');
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].åæ ‡ = 0;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数]._x = z0._x;
this['怪物图' + 出怪数]._y = z0._y;
执行它移动(this['怪物图' + 出怪数]);
if (_root.显怪血 == 0) {
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].è¡€æ¡._visible = false;
} else {
this['怪物图' + 出怪数].è¡€æ¡._visible = true;
if (出怪数 == 20) {
åœæ¢åˆ·æ€ª = 1;
出怪数 = 0;
已出怪 = 1;
if (_root.人物设施0 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施0.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施0.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施0.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施0._x, _root.人物设施0._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施0.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施0.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施0.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施0._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施0._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施0._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施0._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + 攻击的å‚数值, 攻击的å‚数值, {'_x': _root.人物设施0._x, '_y': root.人物设施0._y});
this['攻击效果' + 攻击的å‚数值].gotoAndStop(1);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施0.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施0.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施0.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施0.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施0.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施0.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› * 2 + _root.人物设施0.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施0.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施0.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施0.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施0.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› * 2 + _root.人物设施0.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施0.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施0.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施0.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施0._x, _root.人物设施0._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + 攻击的å‚数值], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施0, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施1 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施1.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施1.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施1.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施1._x, _root.人物设施1._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施1.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施1.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施1.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施1._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施1._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施1._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施1._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 200), 攻击的å‚数值 + 200, {'_x': _root.人物设施1._x, '_y': root.人物设施1._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 200)].gotoAndStop(2);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施1.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施1.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施1.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施1.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施1.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施1.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› * 2 + _root.人物设施1.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施1.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施1.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施1.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施1.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› * 2 + _root.人物设施1.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施1.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施1.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施1.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施1._x, _root.人物设施1._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 200)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施1, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施2 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施2.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施2.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施2.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施2._x, _root.人物设施2._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施2.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施2.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施2.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施2._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施2._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施2._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施2._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 400), 攻击的å‚数值 + 400, {'_x': _root.人物设施2._x, '_y': root.人物设施2._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 400)].gotoAndStop(3);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施2.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施2.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施2.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施2.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施2.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
_root.数清楚[0].çŠ¶æ€ = 2;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施2.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施2.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施2.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施2.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施2.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施2.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施2.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施2.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施2.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施2.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施2._x, _root.人物设施2._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 400)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施2, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施3 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施3.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施3.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施3.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施3._x, _root.人物设施3._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施3.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施3.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施3.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施3._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施3._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施3._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施3._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 600), 攻击的å‚数值 + 600, {'_x': _root.人物设施3._x, '_y': root.人物设施3._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 600)].gotoAndStop(4);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施3.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施3.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施3.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施3.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施3.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施3.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施3.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施3.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施3.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施3.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施3.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施3.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施3.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施3.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施3.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施3._x, _root.人物设施3._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 600)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施3, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施4 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施4.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施4.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施4._x, _root.人物设施4._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施4.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施4.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施4._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施4._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施4._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施4._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 800), 攻击的å‚数值 + 800, {'_x': _root.人物设施4._x, '_y': root.人物设施4._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 800)].gotoAndStop(5);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施4.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施4.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施4.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施4._x, _root.人物设施4._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 800)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施4, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.数清楚[1] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 800), 攻击的å‚数值 + 800, {'_x': _root.人物设施4._x, '_y': root.人物设施4._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 800)].gotoAndStop(5);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[1].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施4.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
if (random(20) == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
_root.数清楚[1].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施4.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施4.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施4.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施4._x, _root.人物设施4._y, _root.数清楚[1]._x, _root.数清楚[1]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 800)], _root.数清楚[1], _root.人物设施4, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施5 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施5.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施5.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施5.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施5._x, _root.人物设施5._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施5.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施5.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施5.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施5._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施5._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施5._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施5._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1000), 攻击的å‚数值 + 1000, {'_x': _root.人物设施5._x, '_y': root.人物设施5._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1000)].gotoAndStop(6);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施5.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施5.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施5.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施5.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施5.强化 * 100;
_root.数清楚[0].çŠ¶æ€ = 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施5.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施5.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施5.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施5.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施5.强化 * 100) * 8;
_root.数清楚[0].çŠ¶æ€ = 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施5.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施5.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施5.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施5.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施5.强化 * 100) * 4;
_root.数清楚[0].çŠ¶æ€ = 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施5._x, _root.人物设施5._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1000)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施5, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施6 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施6.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施6.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施6.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施6._x, _root.人物设施6._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施6.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施6.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施6.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施6._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施6._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施6._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施6._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1200), 攻击的å‚数值 + 1200, {'_x': _root.人物设施6._x, '_y': root.人物设施6._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1200)].gotoAndStop(7);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施6.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施6.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施6.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施6.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施6.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施6.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施6.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施6.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施6.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施6.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施6.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施6.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施6.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施6.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施6.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施6._x, _root.人物设施6._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1200)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施6, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.人物设施7 !== undefined) {
if (时间数 % Math.round(_root.人物设施7.æ•æ· * 5 - _root.人物设施7.速度d * 0.1 - _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ * 0.05) == 0) {
_root.数清楚 = Array();
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
_root.判æ–è·ç¦»(_root.人物设施7._x, _root.人物设施7._y, (eval('怪物图' + i))._x, (eval('怪物图' + i))._y, _root.人物设施7.范围 * 25 + _root.人物设施7.范围d * 0.4 + _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
if (_root.打得到 == 1) {
_root.数清楚.push(this['怪物图' + i]);
if (_root.数清楚[0] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x < _root.人物设施7._x - 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._x > _root.人物设施7._x + 10) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y > _root.人物设施7._y) {
} else {
if (_root.数清楚[0]._y < _root.人物设施7._y) {
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400), 攻击的å‚数值 + 1400, {'_x': _root.人物设施7._x, '_y': root.人物设施7._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400)].gotoAndStop(8);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› = random(20);
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
if (éšæœºæ‰“出å¨åŠ› == 1) {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100) * 8;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 3;
} else {
_root.数清楚[0].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施7._x, _root.人物设施7._y, _root.数清楚[0]._x, _root.数清楚[0]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400)], _root.数清楚[0], _root.人物设施7, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.数清楚[1] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400), 攻击的å‚数值 + 1400, {'_x': _root.人物设施7._x, '_y': root.人物设施7._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400)].gotoAndStop(8);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[1].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
if (random(20) == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
_root.数清楚[1].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施7._x, _root.人物设施7._y, _root.数清楚[1]._x, _root.数清楚[1]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400)], _root.数清楚[1], _root.人物设施7, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
if (_root.数清楚[2] !== undefined) {
if (攻击的å‚数值 > 2020) {
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
attachMovie('攻击效果', '攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400), 攻击的å‚数值 + 1400, {'_x': _root.人物设施7._x, '_y': root.人物设施7._y});
this['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400)].gotoAndStop(8);
if (random(20) > 2) {
_root.数清楚[2].è¡€ -= _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 1;
} else {
if (random(20) == 0) {
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 0;
} else {
_root.数清楚[2].è¡€ -= (_root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * 全局å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.攻击d * åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› + _root.人物设施7.åŠ›é‡ * _root.人物设施7.ç‰çº§ + _root.人物设施7.强化 * 100) * 4;
ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡» = 2;
æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(_root.人物设施7._x, _root.人物设施7._y, _root.数清楚[2]._x, _root.数清楚[2]._y, 0, _root['攻击效果' + (攻击的å‚数值 + 1400)], _root.数清楚[2], _root.人物设施7, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœæ”»å‡»);
function æ”»å‡»ç›®æ ‡(自X, 自Y, 怪物X, 怪物Y, 图行å‚æ•°, 对象, ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©, è°ä¸¢çš„, ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœå‚æ•°çš„) {
var v3 = Math.atan2(自Y - 怪物Y, 自X - 怪物X);
对象._rotation += int(v3 * 180 / Math.PI);
var v10 = new mx.transitions.Tween(对象, '_x', yunDongXingShi, 自X, 怪物X, 0.2, true);
var v2 = new mx.transitions.Tween(对象, '_y', yunDongXingShi, 自Y, 怪物Y, 0.2, true);
v2.onMotionChanged = function () {};
v2.onMotionFinished = function () {
if (攻击的å‚数值和 > 2040) {
攻击的å‚数值和 = 2000;
attachMovie('效果æ€æ€', '效果æ€æ€' + 攻击的å‚数值和, 攻击的å‚数值和 + 2000, {'_x': 对象._x, '_y': 对象._y});
ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.è¡€æ¡.gotoAndStop(Math.round(ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.è¡€ / ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.百分比));
if (ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœå‚æ•°çš„ == 0) {
_root['效果æ€æ€' + 攻击的å‚数值和].å—.gotoAndStop(2);
} else {
if (ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœå‚æ•°çš„ == 2) {
_root['效果æ€æ€' + 攻击的å‚数值和].å—.gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
if (ä¼ é€’æ•ˆæžœå‚æ•°çš„ == 3) {
_root['效果æ€æ€' + 攻击的å‚数值和].å—.gotoAndStop(4);
if (ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.è¡€ <= 0) {
if (ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.id !== undefined) {
if (ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.什么 == 'å…µ') {
生æˆå®ç®±d(100, 80, 攻击的å‚数值和, 对象);
if (ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.什么 == 'boss') {
生æˆå®ç®±d(10, 4, 攻击的å‚数值和, 对象);
è°ä¸¢çš„.价值 += ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.声望;
_root.积分 += ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.声望;
_root.金钱 += ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.ç»éªŒ;
ç›®æ ‡æ€ªç‰©.removeMovieClip();
function 生æˆå®ç®±d(å‚æ•°, 必须的, 攻击的å‚数值和, 对象) {
éšæœºæŽ‰è½ç‰©å“çš„éšæœºæ•° = random(å‚æ•°);
if (éšæœºæŽ‰è½ç‰©å“çš„éšæœºæ•° > 必须的) {
if (å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•° > 20) {
å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•° = 0;
attachMovie('å®ç®±', 'å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°, 攻击的å‚数值和 - 1200 + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°, {'_x': 对象._x - random(10), '_y': 对象._y - random(10)});
掉什么好呢 = random(100);
if (掉什么好呢 > 95) {
this['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].é“å…· = 所有é“å…·[秘å®é“å…·[random(秘å®é“å…·.length)]];
} else {
if (掉什么好呢 > 90) {
this['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].é“å…· = 所有é“å…·[果实é“å…·[random(果实é“å…·.length)]];
} else {
if (掉什么好呢 > 85) {
this['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].é“å…· = 所有é“å…·[强化é“å…·[random(强化é“å…·.length)]];
} else {
if (掉什么好呢 > 60) {
this['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].é“å…· = 所有é“å…·[攻击é“å…·[random(攻击é“å…·.length)]];
} else {
if (掉什么好呢 > 20) {
this['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].é“å…· = 所有é“å…·[è´¢å®é“å…·[Math.floor(_root.当å‰æ³¢æ•° / 10)]];
} else {
this['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].é“å…· = 所有é“å…·[垃圾é“å…·[random(垃圾é“å…·.length)]];
_root['å®ç®±' + å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•°].onPress = function () {
this.onPress = function () {};
if (_root.我的é“å…·.length < 35) {
_root.积分 += 当å‰æ³¢æ•° * 50;
生æˆé—ªå…‰(this, (random(10) + 1) / 10);
生æˆé—ªå…‰(this, (random(10) + 1) / 10);
生æˆé—ªå…‰(this, (random(10) + 1) / 10);
生æˆé—ªå…‰(this, (random(10) + 1) / 10);
} else {
this.文本.text = 'Item package is full';
function 生æˆé—ªå…‰(对象, 速度) {
if (å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦ > 19005) {
å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦ = 19000;
attachMovie('å…‰çƒ', 'å…‰çƒ' + å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦, å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦, {'_x': 对象._x - 20, '_y': 对象._y - 20});
this['å…‰çƒ' + å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦].gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1);
闪光行走(this['å…‰çƒ' + å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦], 对象, 速度);
function 闪光行走(ç›®æ ‡, 对象, 速度) {
var v4 = new mx.transitions.Tween(ç›®æ ‡, '_x', yunDongXingShi, 对象._x, 31, 速度, true);
var v1 = new mx.transitions.Tween(ç›®æ ‡, '_y', yunDongXingShi, 对象._y, 400, 速度, true);
v1.onMotionChanged = function () {};
v1.onMotionFinished = function () {
ç›®æ ‡.removeMovieClip();
function 执行完事判æ–() {
if (已出怪 == 1) {
临时记å‚æ•° = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
if (_root['怪物图' + i] !== undefined) {
if (临时记å‚æ•° == 0) {
清空查询地图上怪多少 = Array();
ä¸€æ³¢ç»“æŸ = 1;
attachMovie('å˜æ¡£æ示', 'å˜æ¡£æ示', 9021, {'_x': 5, '_y': 265});
å˜æ¡£æ示.onPress = function () {
trace('是å¦å˜æ¡£ï¼š' + my_so.data.金钱);
_root.开始按._visible = true;
_root.开始按.onRelease = function () {
ä¸€æ³¢ç»“æŸ = 0;
_root.开始按._visible = false;
function 判æ–è·ç¦»(thisX, thisY, 怪X, 怪Y, 有效攻击范围) {
var v3 = new flash.geom.Point(thisX, thisY);
var v2 = new flash.geom.Point(怪X, 怪Y);
var v4 = flash.geom.Point.distance(v3, v2);
if (v4 < 有效攻击范围) {
_root.打得到 = 1;
} else {
_root.打得到 = 0;
function 执行它移动(对象) {
if (对象 !== undefined) {
对象.X值 = this['z' + 对象.åæ ‡]._x;
对象.Y值 = this['z' + 对象.åæ ‡]._y;
对象.ç›®æ ‡X = this['z' + (对象.åæ ‡ + 1)]._x;
对象.ç›®æ ‡Y = this['z' + (对象.åæ ‡ + 1)]._y;
if (对象.X值 > 对象.ç›®æ ‡X) {
对象.æ–¹å‘ = 'å·¦';
} else {
if (对象.X值 < 对象.ç›®æ ‡X) {
对象.æ–¹å‘ = 'å³';
} else {
if (对象.Y值 > 对象.ç›®æ ‡Y) {
对象.æ–¹å‘ = '上';
} else {
if (对象.Y值 < 对象.ç›®æ ‡Y) {
对象.æ–¹å‘ = '下';
function è¿ç®—(对象) {
var v2 = 对象.速;
if (对象.çŠ¶æ€ == 0) {
} else {
对象.çŠ¶æ€ -= 1;
v2 *= 4;
var v6 = new mx.transitions.Tween(对象, '_x', yunDongXingShi, 对象.X值, 对象.ç›®æ ‡X, v2, true);
var v3 = new mx.transitions.Tween(对象, '_y', yunDongXingShi, 对象.Y值, 对象.ç›®æ ‡Y, v2, true);
v3.onMotionChanged = function () {
v3.onMotionFinished = function () {
if (对象 !== undefined) {
++对象.åæ ‡;
if (对象.åæ ‡ == 49) {
attachMovie('效果æ€æ€', '效果æ€æ€8000', 8000, {'_x': 对象._x, '_y': 对象._y});
è€ä¹… -= 100;
è€ä¹…TXT.text = 'duration:' + è€ä¹…;
} else {
function 画圆函数(对象, åŠå¾„) {
this.createEmptyMovieClip('circle2_mc', 2);
circle2_mc.lineStyle(0, 52224);
drawCircle(circle2_mc, 对象._x, 对象._y, åŠå¾„, 10092288, 30);
function drawCircle(mc, x, y, r, fillColor, fillAlpha) {
mc.beginFill(fillColor, fillAlpha);
mc.moveTo(x + r, y);
mc.curveTo(r + x, 0.414213562373095 * r + y, Math.SQRT1_2 * r + x, Math.SQRT1_2 * r + y);
mc.curveTo(0.414213562373095 * r + x, r + y, x, r + y);
mc.curveTo(-0.414213562373095 * r + x, r + y, -Math.SQRT1_2 * r + x, Math.SQRT1_2 * r + y);
mc.curveTo(-r + x, 0.414213562373095 * r + y, -r + x, y);
mc.curveTo(-r + x, -0.414213562373095 * r + y, -Math.SQRT1_2 * r + x, -Math.SQRT1_2 * r + y);
mc.curveTo(-0.414213562373095 * r + x, -r + y, x, -r + y);
mc.curveTo(0.414213562373095 * r + x, -r + y, Math.SQRT1_2 * r + x, -Math.SQRT1_2 * r + y);
mc.curveTo(r + x, -0.414213562373095 * r + y, r + x, y);
function 打开系统设置() {
attachMovie('系统设置', '系统设置', 183730, {'_x': 64, '_y': 48});
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
function 打开é“å…·é¢æ¿() {
attachMovie('é“å…·é¢æ¿', 'é“å…·é¢æ¿', 183730, {'_x': 30, '_y': 23});
é“å…·é¢æ¿.æ ‡é¢˜.text = 'Select Item';
é“å…·é¢æ¿.æ示.text = '*fruit, intensify and treasure can be operated here.';
i = 0;
while (i < 35) {
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i]._visible = false;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].id = i;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.我的é“å…·.length) {
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].文本.text = _root.我的é“å…·[i].å称;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i]._visible = true;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].é“å…· = _root.我的é“å…·[i];
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].onRollOver = function () {
é“å…·é¢æ¿.文本.text = this.é“å…·.ç§ç±» + 'Item :' + this.é“å…·.å称 + '\n Item :' + this.é“å…·.价值 + '\n description:' + this.é“å…·.说明;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].onRollOut = function () {
é“å…·é¢æ¿.文本.text = '';
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].onPress = function () {
if (this.é“å…·.id == 21) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d < 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d += 1;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 22) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d < 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d += 1;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 23) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d < 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d += 1;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 29) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d < 98) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d += 2;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 30) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d < 98) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d += 1;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 31) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d < 98) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d += 2;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 28) {
if (_root.ä¸€æ³¢ç»“æŸ == 1) {
if (_root.当å‰æ³¢æ•° > 2) {
_root.当å‰æ³¢æ•° -= 1;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 32) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].åŠ ç‚¹ += _root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d + _root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d + _root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d = 0;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d = 0;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d = 0;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 33) {
åœ°å›¾æ ¼å显现();
attachMovie('æš—å½±', 'æš—å½±', 80002, {'_x': 0, '_y': 0});
attachMovie('技能图', '技能图', 80003, {'_x': _xmouse, '_y': _ymouse});
记录移动é“å…·ä½ç½® = this.id;
技能图.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.é“å…·é¢æ¿ !== undefined) {
技能图._x = _xmouse;
技能图._y = _ymouse;
onMouseDown = function () {
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
if (_root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, true)) {
if (_root.技能图 !== undefined) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].ä½ç½® = _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i];
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].ä½ç½®id = i;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°]._x = _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i]._x + 15;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°]._y = _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i]._y + 25;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(记录移动é“å…·ä½ç½®, 1);
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
_root['使用å°æ ¼å' + i].removeMovieClip();
onMouseDown = function () {};
if (this.é“å…·.id == 25) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].ç‰çº§ < 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].ç‰çº§ += 1;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].åŠ ç‚¹ += 1;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 34) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d += 1;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d += 1;
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d += 1;
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d > 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].攻击d = 99;
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d > 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].速度d = 99;
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d > 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].范围d = 99;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 27) {
if (_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].强化 < 99) {
_root['人物设施' + _root.选择的人是è°].强化 += 1;
attachMovie('å‡çº§æ•ˆæžœ', 'å‡çº§æ•ˆæžœ' + 选é¢æ¿çš„å‚æ•°, 173432, {'_x': 25, '_y': 395});
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
if (this.é“å…·.id == 12 or this.é“å…·.id == 13 or this.é“å…·.id == 14 or this.é“å…·.id == 15 or this.é“å…·.id == 24 or this.é“å…·.id == 26 or this.é“å…·.id == 35) {
_root.金钱 += this.é“å…·.价值;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
function éšè—这些乱七八糟的东西å§() {
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
function 打开出售é¢æ¿() {
attachMovie('é“å…·é¢æ¿', 'é“å…·é¢æ¿', 183730, {'_x': 30, '_y': 23});
é“å…·é¢æ¿.æ ‡é¢˜.text = 'For sale';
é“å…·é¢æ¿.æ示.text = '*click mouse to sell items, anything is ok. Don’t miss it!';
i = 0;
while (i < 35) {
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i]._visible = false;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].id = i;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.我的é“å…·.length) {
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].文本.text = _root.我的é“å…·[i].å称;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i]._visible = true;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].é“å…· = _root.我的é“å…·[i];
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].onRollOver = function () {
é“å…·é¢æ¿.文本.text = this.é“å…·.ç§ç±» + 'Item:' + this.é“å…·.å称 + '\n value:' + this.é“å…·.价值 + '\n description:' + this.é“å…·.说明;
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].onRollOut = function () {
é“å…·é¢æ¿.文本.text = '';
é“å…·é¢æ¿['ä½ç½®' + i].onPress = function () {
_root.金钱 += this.é“å…·.价值;
if (this.é“å…·.ç§ç±» == 'è´¢å®') {
_root.积分 += 33 * _root.当å‰æ³¢æ•°;
_root.我的é“å…·.splice(this.id, 1);
function 判æ–事件å‘生() {
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 7) {
é”3._visible = false;
人物解é”了.åå—TXT.text = 'usopp';
人物解é”了.文本TXT.text = 'usopp is unlock! \n he can attend the battle now. \n(repair boat)';
所有主角[3].ç‰çº§ = 7;
所有主角[3].åŠ ç‚¹ = 7;
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 14) {
é”4._visible = false;
人物解é”了.åå—TXT.text = 'sunkist';
人物解é”了.文本TXT.text = 'sunkist is unlock! \n he can attend the battle now. \n(double attack)';
所有主角[4].ç‰çº§ = 14;
所有主角[4].åŠ ç‚¹ = 14;
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 21) {
é”5._visible = false;
人物解é”了.åå—TXT.text = 'CHOPPER';
人物解é”了.文本TXT.text = 'CHOPPER is unlock! \n he can attend the battle now. \n(slow down)';
所有主角[5].ç‰çº§ = 21;
所有主角[5].åŠ ç‚¹ = 21;
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 28) {
é”6._visible = false;
人物解é”了.åå—TXT.text = 'Robbin';
人物解é”了.文本TXT.text = 'Robbin is unlock! \n he can attend the battle now. \n(RANGED ATTACK)';
所有主角[6].ç‰çº§ = 28;
所有主角[6].åŠ ç‚¹ = 28;
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 35) {
é”7._visible = false;
人物解é”了.åå—TXT.text = 'Els';
人物解é”了.文本TXT.text = ' Els is unlock! \n he can attend the battle now. \n(fourfold attack)';
所有主角[7].ç‰çº§ = 34;
所有主角[7].åŠ ç‚¹ = 34;
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 8) {
attachMovie('宴会', '宴会', 189734, {'_x': 278, '_y': 166});
å¥–åŠ±éš¾åº¦åŠ ç‚¹();
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 16) {
attachMovie('宴会', '宴会', 189734, {'_x': 278, '_y': 166});
å¥–åŠ±éš¾åº¦åŠ ç‚¹();
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 24) {
attachMovie('宴会', '宴会', 189734, {'_x': 278, '_y': 166});
å¥–åŠ±éš¾åº¦åŠ ç‚¹();
if (当å‰æ³¢æ•° == 32) {
attachMovie('宴会', '宴会', 189734, {'_x': 278, '_y': 166});
å¥–åŠ±éš¾åº¦åŠ ç‚¹();
function å¥–åŠ±éš¾åº¦åŠ ç‚¹() {
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (_root['人物设施' + i] !== undefined) {
_root['人物设施' + i].åŠ ç‚¹ += _root.难度;
yunDongXingShi = mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone;
i = 0;
while (i < 51) {
this['z' + i]._visible = false;
怪物åºåˆ—å· = Array(1, 2, 31, 3, 4, 32, 5, 6, 33, 7, 8, 34, 9, 10, 35, 11, 12, 36, 13, 14, 37, 15, 16, 38, 17, 18, 39, 19, 20, 40, 21, 22, 41, 23, 24, 42, 25, 26, 43, 27, 28, 44, 29, 30, 45, 46, 47, 48);
全局å¨åŠ› = 40;
åŠ æˆåŠ å¨åŠ› = 20;
记录怪物id = 0;
所有怪物 = Array();
暂时装怪 = Array();
当å‰æ³¢æ•° = 1;
刷怪记录 = Array();
数值 = 0;
出怪数 = 0;
时间数 = 0;
出怪间隔 = 40;
åœæ¢åˆ·æ€ª = 0;
_root.数清楚 = Array();
攻击的å‚数值 = 2000;
攻击的å‚数值和 = 2000;
å®ç®±ä¸ªæ•° = 0;
å…‰çƒæ·±åº¦ = 19000;
ä¸€æ³¢ç»“æŸ = 0;
清空查询地图上怪多少 = Array();
frame 4 {
function submitScore() {
var v3 = this.createEmptyMovieClip('score_mc', this.getNextHighestDepth());
v3._lockroot = true;
var v2 = new Object();
v2.onLoadInit = function (clip) {
v2.onLoadError = function () {
trace('Load ad_as2 Error');
var scoreObj = new Object();
scoreObj.game_id = '100007669';
scoreObj.game_key = '45fbc64b0bd49118';
scoreObj.game_name = 'One Piece Tower Defense';
scoreObj.game_score = '3000';
frame 4 {
if (_root.读å˜æ¡£ == 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (_root.é”的状æ€[i] == 0) {
_root['é”' + i]._visible = false;
} else {
_root['é”' + i]._visible = true;
i = 0;
while (i < 8) {
if (my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].id !== undefined) {
attachMovie('所有我方', '人物设施' + i, 7932 + i, {'_x': _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id]._x + 15, '_y': _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id]._y + 25});
trace(this['人物设施' + i] + '_' + _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id]);
this['人物设施' + i].gotoAndStop(my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].id + 1);
trace('摆设:' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].id);
this['人物设施' + i].ä½ç½® = _root['使用å°æ ¼å' + my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id];
this['人物设施' + i].ä½ç½®id = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ä½ç½®id;
this['人物设施' + i]._x = my_so.data['人物设施' + i].ä½ç½®._x - 15;
this['人物设施' + i]._y = my_so.data['人物设施' + i].ä½ç½®._y - 25;
this['人物设施' + i].id = i;
this['人物设施' + i].å称 = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].å称;
this['人物设施' + i].åŠ›é‡ = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].力é‡;
this['人物设施' + i].æ•æ· = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].æ•æ·;
this['人物设施' + i].范围 = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].范围;
this['人物设施' + i].ç‰çº§ = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ç‰çº§;
this['人物设施' + i].ç»éªŒ = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].ç»éªŒ;
this['人物设施' + i].攻击d = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].攻击d;
this['人物设施' + i].速度d = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].速度d;
this['人物设施' + i].范围d = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].范围d;
this['人物设施' + i].强化 = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].强化;
this['人物设施' + i].价值 = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].价值;
this['人物设施' + i].åŠ ç‚¹ = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].åŠ ç‚¹;
this['人物设施' + i].剩余 = my_so.data['人物设施å˜' + i].剩余;
this['人物设施' + i].人.行走.stop();
this['人物设施' + i].swapDepths(21000 + this['人物设施' + i]._y + this['人物设施' + i].id);
this['人物设施' + i].onPress = function () {
if (_root.范围表示 == undefined or _root.é€‰æ‹©çš„äººæ˜¯è° !== this.id) {
_root.é€‰æ‹©çš„äººæ˜¯è° = this.id;
_root.范围表示 = 1;
_root.画圆函数(this, this.范围 * 25 + this.范围d * 0.4 + this.ç‰çº§ * 0.2);
_root.人物属性的é¢æ¿.文本.text = this.å称;
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = true;
} else {
_root.é€‰æ‹©çš„äººæ˜¯è° = undefined;
_root.范围表示 = undefined;
_root.控制é¢æ¿._visible = false;
i = 0;
while (i < 96) {
this['使用å°æ ¼å' + i].removeMovieClip();
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].人.行走.stop();
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].id = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].id;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].swapDepths(21000 + this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°]._y + this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].id);
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].å称 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].å称;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].åŠ›é‡ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].力é‡;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].æ•æ· = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].æ•æ·;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].范围 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].范围;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].ç»éªŒ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].ç»éªŒ;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].攻击d = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].攻击d;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].速度d = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].速度d;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].范围d = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].范围d;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].强化 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].强化;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].价值 = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].价值;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹ = 所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].åŠ ç‚¹;
this['人物设施' + _root.建设å‚æ•°].剩余 = å‡çº§è¦æ±‚[所有主角[_root.建设å‚æ•°].ç‰çº§ + 1];
movieClip 916 {
movieClip 919 {
movieClip 920 {
movieClip 921 {
movieClip 922 {
movieClip 923 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 926 {
movieClip 927 {
movieClip 928 {
movieClip 929 {
movieClip 930 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 933 {
movieClip 934 {
movieClip 935 {
movieClip 936 {
movieClip 937 {
frame 1 {
// unknown tag 88 length 51
movieClip 969 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 974 {
movieClip 977 {
movieClip 982 {
movieClip 983 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 984 {
instance of movieClip 984 {
onClipEvent (release) {
getURL('http://www.freegameswow.com', '_blank');
movieClip 990 {
movieClip 1019 {
movieClip 1022 {
movieClip 1031 {
movieClip 1032 {
movieClip 1051 {
movieClip 1053 {
button 1061 {
on (press) {
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
_root['怪物图' + i].è¡€æ¡._visible = false;
_root.显怪血 = 0;
button 1062 {
on (press) {
i = 0;
while (i < 21) {
_root['怪物图' + i].è¡€æ¡._visible = true;
_root.显怪血 = 1;
button 1063 {
on (release) {
if (_root.é“å…·é¢æ¿ == undefined or _root.é“å…·é¢æ¿.æ ‡é¢˜.text == '出售') {
} else {
button 1064 {
on (release) {
if (_root.é“å…·é¢æ¿ == undefined or _root.é“å…·é¢æ¿.æ ‡é¢˜.text == 'é“å…·æ ') {
} else {
movieClip 1066 {
button 1068 {
on (press) {
button 1069 {
on (release) {
if (_root.人物设施3 == undefined) {
修船æ示.文本TXT.text = 'Usopp is not involved';
} else {
if (记时器._currentframe == 100) {
if (_root.è€ä¹… < 2000) {
if (_root.修船数 <= 0) {
修船æ示.文本TXT.text = 'repair only 3 times in each wave';
} else {
_root.修船数 -= 1;
修船æ示.文本TXT.text = 'repair where damaged';
_root.è€ä¹… += 100;
if (_root.è€ä¹… > 2000) {
_root.è€ä¹… = 2000;
} else {
修船æ示.文本TXT.text = 'The boat is fineï¼';
} else {
修船æ示.文本TXT.text = 'The repair is under cooling time';
movieClip 1071 {
movieClip 1073 {
frame 9 {
movieClip 1083 {
movieClip 1085 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1092 {
frame 100 {
movieClip 1094 {
movieClip 1096 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
文本TXT._visible = false;
frame 7 {
文本TXT._visible = true;
movieClip 1097 {
movieClip 1099 {
movieClip 1107 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 1108 {
movieClip 1110 {
movieClip 1113 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
头åƒ._visible = false;
文本TXT._visible = false;
åå—TXT._visible = false;
frame 8 {
头åƒ._visible = true;
文本TXT._visible = true;
åå—TXT._visible = true;
movieClip 1115 {
movieClip 1116 {
frame 26 {