Combined Code
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iurl = '';
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title = 'Finn the Human / Jake the Dog';
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length_seconds = '1356';
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movieClip 20480 __Packages.cgyuSP {
if (!cgyuSP) {
_global.cgyuSP = function () {};
var v1 = _global.cgyuSP.prototype;
_global.cgyuSP.main = function (clip) {
var loadClip = clip.createEmptyMovieClip('loadClip', 1);
super = new MovieClipLoader();
clip.addCallback = function (fn) {
if (clip.enablejsapi == '1' && flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {
super = function () {
return clip[fn](arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3]);
flash.external.ExternalInterface.addCallback(_global.escape(fn), {}, super);
clip.destroy = function () {
clip.playerLoaded = false;
clip.isPlayerLoaded = function () {
return clip.playerLoaded;
var v3 = clip.swf;
var v4 = clip.swf.split('/');
var v5 = v4[0];
if (v5 != 'http:' && v5 != 'https:') {
v5 = 'http:';
var v6 = v4[2];
if (v6 != '') {
var v7 = clip.swf.indexOf('-vfl');
var v8 = clip.swf.indexOf('.swf');
var v9 = clip.swf.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;
var v10 = 'cps';
if (v7 > -1) {
v10 = clip.swf.substring(v9, v7);
} else {
if (v8 > -1) {
v10 = clip.swf.substring(v9, v8);
var v11 = (loadClip._url.split('/'))[2];
v3 = v5 + '//' + v11 + '/swfbin/' + v10 + '.swf';
super.loadClip(v3, loadClip);
ASSetPropFlags(v1, null, 1);
frame 1 {
frame 1 {'*');
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