Frame 1
_highquality = "0";
tellTarget ("/pan") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Frame 14
Frame 15
loadMovieNum ("electro.swf", 50);
level = "0";
Set("poto1/poto01/:level", "0");
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndStop ("level0");
NbLasers = "2000";
LaserEnCours = "0";
NbMonstres = "0";
MonstresEnCours = "0";
NbXplosions = "1000";
IntervalleTemps = "2000";
LastShoot = getTimer();
dead = "0";
Set("score/:score", "0");
startDrag ("/Draggable", true, "30", "50", "720", "380");
Frame 16
if (Dead == "1") {
gotoAndStop ("Dead");
Frame 17
if (Dead == "1") {
gotoAndStop ("Dead");
Frame 19
if (Shoot == "1") {
if (getTimer() >= (StartTimer + IntervalleTemps)) {
StartTimer = getTimer();
Frame 21
thisX = getProperty("/Draggable", _x);
thisY = getProperty("/Draggable", _y);
spX = getProperty("/Goldee", _x);
spY = getProperty("/Goldee", _y);
difX = thisX - spX;
difY = thisY - spY;
xStp = difX / "5";
yStp = difY / "5";
setProperty("/Goldee", _x , spX + xStp);
setProperty("/Goldee", _y , spY + yStp);
Frame 23
if (((LaserEnCours < "6") and (Shoot == "1")) and ("100" < (getTimer() - LastShoot))) {
tellTarget ("/TirLaser") {
duplicateMovieClip ("laserbase", "laser" add NbLasers, NbLasers);
Set(("laser" add NbLasers) add "/:laser", NbLasers);
setProperty("laser" add NbLasers, _x , getProperty("/Goldee", _x) + "40");
setProperty("laser" add NbLasers, _y , getProperty("/Goldee", _y));
Set(("laser" add NbLasers) add "/:xpos", getProperty("laser" add NbLasers, _x));
LaserEnCours = LaserEnCours + "1";
NbLasers = NbLasers + "1";
if (NbLasers >= "2900") {
NbLasers = "2000";
LastShoot = getTimer();
Shoot = "0";
Frame 25
if (level == "4") {
TypeMonstre = random("9");
} else if (level == "3") {
TypeMonstre = random("7");
} else if (level == "2") {
TypeMonstre = random("3") + "1";
} else if (level == "1") {
TypeMonstre = random("7");
} else {
TypeMonstre = random("4");
if ("6" < TypeMonstre) {
nab = "0";
pab = random("200") + "70";
while (nab < "3") {
duplicateMovieClip ("/TypeMonstre" add TypeMonstre, "Monstre" add NbMonstres, NbMonstres + "500");
setProperty("Monstre" add NbMonstres, _x , "0");
setProperty("Monstre" add NbMonstres, _y , "0");
Set(("Monstre" add NbMonstres) add "/:Monstre", NbMonstres);
Set(("Monstre" add NbMonstres) add "/:nab", nab);
Set(("Monstre" add NbMonstres) add "/:p", pab);
tellTarget ("Monstre" add NbMonstres) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
MonstresEnCours = MonstresEnCours + "1";
NbMonstres = NbMonstres + "1";
nab = nab + "1";
} else {
duplicateMovieClip ("/TypeMonstre" add TypeMonstre, "Monstre" add NbMonstres, NbMonstres + "500");
setProperty("Monstre" add NbMonstres, _x , "0");
setProperty("Monstre" add NbMonstres, _y , "0");
Set(("Monstre" add NbMonstres) add "/:Monstre", NbMonstres);
tellTarget ("Monstre" add NbMonstres) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
MonstresEnCours = MonstresEnCours + "1";
NbMonstres = NbMonstres + "1";
if (NbMonstres >= "900") {
NbMonstres = "100";
if (NbMonstres >= "150") {
if (level == "3") {
level = "4";
Set("/poto1/poto01/:level", "4");
IntervalleTemps = "2000";
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay ("level4");
} else if (NbMonstres >= "100") {
if (level == "2") {
level = "3";
Set("/poto1/poto01/:level", "3");
IntervalleTemps = "3000";
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay ("level3");
} else if (NbMonstres >= "50") {
if (level == "1") {
level = "2";
Set("/poto1/poto01/:level", "2");
IntervalleTemps = "1500";
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay ("level2");
} else if (NbMonstres >= "20") {
if (level == "0") {
level = "1";
Set("/poto1/poto01/:level", "1");
IntervalleTemps = "3000";
tellTarget ("/level") {
gotoAndPlay ("level1");
Frame 27
Frame 28
n = NbMonstres - MonstresEnCours;
while (NbMonstres >= n) {
removeMovieClip("Monstre" add n);
n = n + "1";
unloadMovieNum (50);
Frame 31
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 28
setProperty("../Shootable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("../Shootable2", _visible , "1");
Set("../:Activation", "2");
Symbol 36 MovieClip Frame 140
setProperty("../Shootable", _visible , "1");
setProperty("../Shootable2", _visible , "0");
Set("../:vitesse", "10");
Set("../:Activation", "3");
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 57 Button
on (release) {
StartTimer = getTimer();
Symbol 60 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 86 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 1
Life = "5";
LifeOld = Life;
Death = "0";
StartTimer = "GetTimer";
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 2
if (Life < LifeOld) {
tellTarget ("touche") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
LifeOld = Life;
tellTarget ("../energy") {
if (("0" >= LifeOld) and (Death == "0")) {
Death = "1";
gotoAndStop ("end");
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 94 MovieClip Frame 45
Set("../:Dead", "1");
Symbol 97 Button
on (press) {
if ("0" < ../Goldee/:Life) {
Set("../:Shoot", "1");
Symbol 101 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 1
nb_plateaux = "3";
vitesse = "5";
setProperty("wall_progress", _visible , "0");
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 2
duplicateMovieClip ("wall_progress", "wall0", (/:n_murs * "10") + "7");
setProperty("wall0", _x , "0");
setProperty("wall0", _y , "0");
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 6
av = getProperty("wall0", _x) - ("250" / vitesse);
setProperty("wall0", _x , av);
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 7
if (av < "-400") {
i = "1";
gotoAndPlay ("stop1");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("av");
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 8
duplicateMovieClip ("wall_progress", "wall" add i, (/:n_murs * "10") + ("6" - i));
setProperty("wall" add i, _y , i * "84.6");
setProperty("wall" add i, _x , av);
tellTarget ("wall" add i) {
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 23
i = i + "1";
if (i < nb_plateaux) {
gotoAndPlay ("stop1");
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("av2");
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 24
n = "0";
while (n < nb_plateaux) {
av = getProperty("wall" add n, _x) - ("250" / vitesse);
setProperty("wall" add n, _x , av);
n = n + "1";
Symbol 102 MovieClip Frame 25
if (getProperty("wall", _x) < "-900") {
Set("/:mur_unload", /:mur_unload + "1");
removeMovieClip("/mur" add /:mur_unload);
trace("/mur_u" add /:mur_unload);
} else {
gotoAndPlay ("av2");
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 117 MovieClip Frame 11
Set("../:vitesse", "100");
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 1
vitesse = "10";
Life = "1";
LifeOld = Life;
death = "0";
sine_table = "0.000/.0698/.1392/.2079/.2756/.3420/.4067/.4695/.5299/.5878/.6561/.7071/.7547/.7986/.8387/.8746/.9063/.9336/.9563/.9744/.9877/.9962/.9998";
counter = "0";
asc = "0";
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 2
XPos = "800";
YPos1 = random("300") + "50";
YPos = YPos1;
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("chenille", _x , XPos);
setProperty("chenille", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "0");
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 7
XPos = XPos - vitesse;
if (counter == "22") {
if (asc == "0") {
asc = "1";
if (asc == "2") {
asc = "3";
if (counter == "1") {
if (asc == "1") {
asc = "2";
if (asc == "3") {
asc = "0";
YPos = substring(sine_table, (counter * "6") + "1", "5");
if (asc == "0") {
YPos = YPos1 + (YPos * "100");
counter = counter + "1";
if (asc == "2") {
YPos = YPos1 - (YPos * "50");
counter = counter + "1";
if (asc == "1") {
YPos = YPos1 + (YPos * "100");
counter = counter - "1";
if (asc == "3") {
YPos = YPos1 - (YPos * "50");
counter = counter - "1";
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("chenille", _x , XPos);
setProperty("chenille", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
Symbol 118 MovieClip Frame 8
if (Life < LifeOld) {
tellTarget ("touche") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
LifeOld = Life;
if (("0" >= Life) and (Death == "0")) {
setProperty("touche", _visible , "0");
setProperty("touchable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("shootable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("chenille", _visible , "0");
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "1");
tellTarget ("Xplosion") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/score/:score", /score/:score + "1");
Death = "1";
if (Death == "0") {
MonstreX = getProperty("Touchable", _x);
MonstreY = getProperty("Touchable", _y);
MonstreHeight = getProperty("Touchable", _height);
MonstreWidth = getProperty("Touchable", _width);
MonstreTop = MonstreY - (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreBottom = MonstreY + (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreLeft = MonstreX - (MonstreWidth / "2");
MonstreRight = MonstreX + (MonstreWidth / "2");
Visible = getProperty("../Monstre" add monstre, _visible);
if ((((((("500" < (getTimer() - ../Goldee/:StartTimer)) and ((../:spX + ../:xStp) ne "")) and (MonstreLeft < ((../:spX + ../:xStp) + "25"))) and (((../:spX + ../:xStp) - "30") < MonstreRight)) and ((../:spY + ../:yStp) ne "")) and (MonstreTop < ((../:spY + ../:yStp) + "40"))) and (((../:spY + ../:yStp) - "40") < MonstreBottom)) {
Set("../Goldee/:Life", ../Goldee/:Life - "1");
Set("../Goldee/:StartTimer", getTimer());
if ("-100" >= XPos) {
Set("../:MonstresEnCours", ../:MonstresEnCours - "1");
removeMovieClip("../Monstre" add Monstre);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 1
vitesse = "5";
Life = "3";
LifeOld = Life;
death = "0";
Activation = "0";
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 2
XPos = "800";
YPos = random("300") + "50";
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable2", _x , XPos + "10");
setProperty("shootable2", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("blind", _x , XPos - "9");
setProperty("blind", _y , YPos + "9");
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "0");
setProperty("shootable2", _visible , "0");
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 7
XPos = XPos - vitesse;
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable2", _x , XPos + "10");
setProperty("shootable2", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("blind", _x , XPos - "9");
setProperty("blind", _y , YPos + "9");
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
Symbol 119 MovieClip Frame 8
if ((Life < LifeOld) and (Activation == "2")) {
tellTarget ("touche") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
LifeOld = Life;
if ((Life < LifeOld) and (Activation <> "2")) {
Life = LifeOld;
if (("0" >= Life) and (Death == "0")) {
setProperty("touche", _visible , "0");
setProperty("touchable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("shootable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("blind", _visible , "0");
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "1");
tellTarget ("Xplosion") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/score/:score", /score/:score + "1");
Death = "1";
if (Death == "0") {
MonstreX = getProperty("Touchable", _x);
MonstreY = getProperty("Touchable", _y);
MonstreHeight = getProperty("Touchable", _height);
MonstreWidth = getProperty("Touchable", _width);
MonstreTop = MonstreY - (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreBottom = MonstreY + (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreLeft = MonstreX - (MonstreWidth / "2");
MonstreRight = MonstreX + (MonstreWidth / "2");
Visible = getProperty("../Monstre" add monstre, _visible);
if ((((((("500" < (getTimer() - ../Goldee/:StartTimer)) and ((../:spX + ../:xStp) ne "")) and (MonstreLeft < ((../:spX + ../:xStp) + "25"))) and (((../:spX + ../:xStp) - "30") < MonstreRight)) and ((../:spY + ../:yStp) ne "")) and (MonstreTop < ((../:spY + ../:yStp) + "40"))) and (((../:spY + ../:yStp) - "40") < MonstreBottom)) {
Set("../Goldee/:Life", ../Goldee/:Life - "1");
Set("../Goldee/:StartTimer", getTimer());
if (("550" >= XPos) and (Activation == "0")) {
Vitesse = "0";
Activation = "1";
tellTarget ("blind") {
if ("-100" >= XPos) {
Set("../:MonstresEnCours", ../:MonstresEnCours - "1");
removeMovieClip("../Monstre" add Monstre);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 1
vitesse = "3";
Life = "10000";
LifeOld = Life;
death = "0";
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 2
XPos = "800";
YPos = random("300") + "50";
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("mine", _x , XPos);
setProperty("mine", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "0");
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 7
XPos = XPos - vitesse;
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("mine", _x , XPos);
setProperty("mine", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
Symbol 121 MovieClip Frame 8
if (Life < LifeOld) {
tellTarget ("touche") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
LifeOld = Life;
if (("0" >= Life) and (Death == "0")) {
setProperty("touche", _visible , "0");
setProperty("touchable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("shootable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("mine", _visible , "0");
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "1");
tellTarget ("Xplosion") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/score/:score", /score/:score + "1");
Death = "1";
if (Death == "0") {
MonstreX = getProperty("Touchable", _x);
MonstreY = getProperty("Touchable", _y);
MonstreHeight = getProperty("Touchable", _height);
MonstreWidth = getProperty("Touchable", _width);
MonstreTop = MonstreY - (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreBottom = MonstreY + (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreLeft = MonstreX - (MonstreWidth / "2");
MonstreRight = MonstreX + (MonstreWidth / "2");
Visible = getProperty("../Monstre" add monstre, _visible);
if ((((((("500" < (getTimer() - ../Goldee/:StartTimer)) and ((../:spX + ../:xStp) ne "")) and (MonstreLeft < ((../:spX + ../:xStp) + "25"))) and (((../:spX + ../:xStp) - "30") < MonstreRight)) and ((../:spY + ../:yStp) ne "")) and (MonstreTop < ((../:spY + ../:yStp) + "40"))) and (((../:spY + ../:yStp) - "40") < MonstreBottom)) {
Set("../Goldee/:Life", ../Goldee/:Life - "1");
Set("../Goldee/:StartTimer", getTimer());
if ("-100" >= XPos) {
Set("../:MonstresEnCours", ../:MonstresEnCours - "1");
removeMovieClip("../Monstre" add Monstre);
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 1
vitesse = "6";
Life = "2";
LifeOld = Life;
death = "0";
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 2
XPos = "800" + (nab * "40");
YPos = p + (nab * "30");
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("ab", _x , XPos - "9");
setProperty("ab", _y , YPos + "9");
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "0");
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 7
XPos = XPos - vitesse;
setProperty("touche", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touche", _y , YPos);
setProperty("shootable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("shootable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("touchable", _x , XPos);
setProperty("touchable", _y , YPos);
setProperty("ab", _x , XPos - "9");
setProperty("ab", _y , YPos + "9");
setProperty("Xplosion", _x , XPos);
setProperty("Xplosion", _y , YPos);
Symbol 122 MovieClip Frame 8
if (Life < LifeOld) {
tellTarget ("touche") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
LifeOld = Life;
if (("0" >= Life) and (Death == "0")) {
setProperty("touche", _visible , "0");
setProperty("touchable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("shootable", _visible , "0");
setProperty("ab", _visible , "0");
setProperty("Xplosion", _visible , "1");
tellTarget ("Xplosion") {
gotoAndStop (2);
Set("/score/:score", /score/:score + "1");
Death = "1";
if (Death == "0") {
MonstreX = getProperty("Touchable", _x);
MonstreY = getProperty("Touchable", _y);
MonstreHeight = getProperty("Touchable", _height);
MonstreWidth = getProperty("Touchable", _width);
MonstreTop = MonstreY - (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreBottom = MonstreY + (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreLeft = MonstreX - (MonstreWidth / "2");
MonstreRight = MonstreX + (MonstreWidth / "2");
Visible = getProperty("../Monstre" add monstre, _visible);
if ((((((("500" < (getTimer() - ../Goldee/:StartTimer)) and ((../:spX + ../:xStp) ne "")) and (MonstreLeft < ((../:spX + ../:xStp) + "25"))) and (((../:spX + ../:xStp) - "30") < MonstreRight)) and ((../:spY + ../:yStp) ne "")) and (MonstreTop < ((../:spY + ../:yStp) + "40"))) and (((../:spY + ../:yStp) - "40") < MonstreBottom)) {
Set("../Goldee/:Life", ../Goldee/:Life - "1");
Set("../Goldee/:StartTimer", getTimer());
if ("-100" >= XPos) {
Set("../:MonstresEnCours", ../:MonstresEnCours - "1");
removeMovieClip("../Monstre" add Monstre);
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 14
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 1
setProperty("../laser" add laser, _x , xpos);
if ("800" < eval (("../laser" add laser) add "/:xpos")) {
gotoAndStop ("end2");
xpos = xpos + "30";
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 2
i = (../:NbMonstres - ../:MonstresEnCours) - "1";
while (../:NbMonstres >= i) {
MonstreX = getProperty(("../Monstre" add i) add "/Shootable", _x);
MonstreY = getProperty(("../Monstre" add i) add "/Shootable", _y);
MonstreHeight = getProperty(("../Monstre" add i) add "/Shootable", _height);
MonstreWidth = getProperty(("../Monstre" add i) add "/Shootable", _width);
MonstreTop = MonstreY - (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreBottom = MonstreY + (MonstreHeight / "2");
MonstreLeft = MonstreX - (MonstreWidth / "2");
MonstreRight = MonstreX + (MonstreWidth / "2");
LaserX = getProperty("../Laser" add laser, _x);
LaserY = getProperty("../Laser" add laser, _y);
LaserHeight = getProperty("../Laser" add laser, _height);
LaserWidth = getProperty("../Laser" add laser, _width);
LaserTop = LaserY - (LaserHeight / "2");
LaserBottom = LaserY + (LaserHeight / "2");
LaserLeft = LaserX - (LaserWidth / "2");
LaserRight = LaserX + (LaserWidth / "2");
Visible = getProperty("../Monstre" add i, _visible);
if (((((((LaserX ne "") and (MonstreLeft < LaserX)) and (LaserX < MonstreRight)) and (LaserY ne "")) and (MonstreTop < LaserY)) and (LaserY < MonstreBottom)) and ("0" < eval (("../Monstre" add i) add "/:Life"))) {
gotoAndStop ("end");
tellTarget ("../Monstre" add i) {
Life = Life - "1";
i = i + "1";
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 26
tellTarget ("/elect") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 126 MovieClip Frame 36
Set("../:LaserEnCours", ../:LaserEnCours - "1");
removeMovieClip("../laser" add laser);
Symbol 136 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 205
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 158 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 171 Button
on (release) {
StartTimer = getTimer();
gotoAndPlay (15);