[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Section 1 (673 B)
//TweenEvent (gs.events.TweenEvent)
package gs.events {
import flash.events.*;
public class TweenEvent extends Event {
public var info:Object;
public static const UPDATE:String = "update";
public static const START:String = "start";
public static const version:Number = 0.9;
public static const COMPLETE:String = "complete";
public function TweenEvent($type:String, $info:Object=null, $bubbles:Boolean=false, $cancelable:Boolean=false){
super($type, $bubbles, $cancelable);
this.info = $info;
override public function clone():Event{
return (new TweenEvent(this.type, this.info, this.bubbles, this.cancelable));
}//package gs.events
Section 2 (1.38 KiB) ●
//AutoAlphaPlugin (gs.plugins.AutoAlphaPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class AutoAlphaPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _tweenVisible:Boolean;
protected var _target:Object;
protected var _visible:Boolean;
protected var _tween:TweenLite;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function AutoAlphaPlugin(){
this.propName = "autoAlpha";
this.overwriteProps = ["alpha", "visible"];
this.onComplete = onCompleteTween;
override public function killProps($lookup:Object):void{
_tweenVisible = !(Boolean(("visible" in $lookup)));
public function onCompleteTween():void{
if (((((_tweenVisible) && (!((_tween.vars.runBackwards == true))))) && ((_tween.ease == _tween.vars.ease)))){
_target.visible = _visible;
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_tween = $tween;
_visible = Boolean(!(($value == 0)));
_tweenVisible = true;
addTween($target, "alpha", $target.alpha, $value, "alpha");
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
if (((!((_target.visible == true))) && (_tweenVisible))){
_target.visible = true;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 3 (694 B)
//BevelFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.BevelFilterPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class BevelFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function BevelFilterPlugin(){
this.propName = "bevelFilter";
this.overwriteProps = ["bevelFilter"];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_type = BevelFilter;
initFilter($value, new BevelFilter(0, 0, 0xFFFFFF, 0.5, 0, 0.5, 2, 2, 0, (($value.quality) || (2))));
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 4 (5.12 KiB) ● ●
//BezierPlugin (gs.plugins.BezierPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
public class BezierPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _future:Object;
protected var _orient:Boolean;
protected var _orientData:Array;
protected var _target:Object;
protected var _beziers:Object;
protected static const _RAD2DEG:Number = 57.2957795130823;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function BezierPlugin(){
_future = {};
this.propName = "bezier";
this.overwriteProps = [];
override public function killProps($lookup:Object):void{
var p:String;
for (p in _beziers) {
if ((p in $lookup)){
delete _beziers[p];
protected function init($tween:TweenLite, $beziers:Array, $through:Boolean):void{
var i:int;
var p:String;
_target = $tween.target;
if ($tween.exposedVars.orientToBezier == true){
_orientData = [["x", "y", "rotation", 0]];
_orient = true;
} else {
if (($tween.exposedVars.orientToBezier is Array)){
_orientData = $tween.exposedVars.orientToBezier;
_orient = true;
var props:Object = {};
i = 0;
while (i < $beziers.length) {
for (p in $beziers[i]) {
if (props[p] == undefined){
props[p] = [$tween.target[p]];
if (typeof($beziers[i][p]) == "number"){
} else {
props[p].push(($tween.target[p] + Number($beziers[i][p])));
for (p in props) {
this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = p;
if ($tween.exposedVars[p] != undefined){
if (typeof($tween.exposedVars[p]) == "number"){
} else {
props[p].push(($tween.target[p] + Number($tween.exposedVars[p])));
delete $tween.exposedVars[p];
i = ($tween.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ($tween.tweens[i].name == p){
$tween.tweens.splice(i, 1);
_beziers = parseBeziers(props, $through);
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
if (!($value is Array)){
return (false);
init($tween, ($value as Array), false);
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
var i:int;
var p:String;
var b:Object;
var t:Number;
var segments:uint;
var val:Number;
var neg:int;
var oldTarget:Object;
var oldRound:Boolean;
var dx:Number;
var dy:Number;
var cotb:Array;
var toAdd:Number;
if ($n == 1){
for (p in _beziers) {
i = (_beziers[p].length - 1);
_target[p] = _beziers[p][i][2];
} else {
for (p in _beziers) {
segments = _beziers[p].length;
if ($n < 0){
i = 0;
} else {
if ($n >= 1){
i = (segments - 1);
} else {
i = int((segments * $n));
t = (($n - (i * (1 / segments))) * segments);
b = _beziers[p][i];
if (this.round){
val = (b[0] + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (b[1] - b[0])) + (t * (b[2] - b[0])))));
neg = ((val)<0) ? -1 : 1;
_target[p] = ((((val % 1) * neg))>0.5) ? (int(val) + neg) : int(val);
} else {
_target[p] = (b[0] + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (b[1] - b[0])) + (t * (b[2] - b[0])))));
if (_orient){
oldTarget = _target;
oldRound = this.round;
_target = _future;
this.round = false;
_orient = false;
this.changeFactor = ($n + 0.01);
_target = oldTarget;
this.round = oldRound;
_orient = true;
i = 0;
while (i < _orientData.length) {
cotb = _orientData[i];
toAdd = ((cotb[3]) || (0));
dx = (_future[cotb[0]] - _target[cotb[0]]);
dy = (_future[cotb[1]] - _target[cotb[1]]);
_target[cotb[2]] = ((Math.atan2(dy, dx) * _RAD2DEG) + toAdd);
public static function parseBeziers($props:Object, $through:Boolean=false):Object{
var i:int;
var a:Array;
var b:Object;
var p:String;
var all:Object = {};
if ($through){
for (p in $props) {
a = $props[p];
b = [];
all[p] = b;
if (a.length > 2){
b[b.length] = [a[0], (a[1] - ((a[2] - a[0]) / 4)), a[1]];
i = 1;
while (i < (a.length - 1)) {
b[b.length] = [a[i], (a[i] + (a[i] - b[(i - 1)][1])), a[(i + 1)]];
} else {
b[b.length] = [a[0], ((a[0] + a[1]) / 2), a[1]];
} else {
for (p in $props) {
a = $props[p];
b = [];
all[p] = b;
if (a.length > 3){
b[b.length] = [a[0], a[1], ((a[1] + a[2]) / 2)];
i = 2;
while (i < (a.length - 2)) {
b[b.length] = [b[(i - 2)][2], a[i], ((a[i] + a[(i + 1)]) / 2)];
b[b.length] = [b[(b.length - 1)][2], a[(a.length - 2)], a[(a.length - 1)]];
} else {
if (a.length == 3){
b[b.length] = [a[0], a[1], a[2]];
} else {
if (a.length == 2){
b[b.length] = [a[0], ((a[0] + a[1]) / 2), a[1]];
return (all);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 5 (557 B)
//BezierThroughPlugin (gs.plugins.BezierThroughPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
public class BezierThroughPlugin extends BezierPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function BezierThroughPlugin(){
this.propName = "bezierThrough";
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
if (!($value is Array)){
return (false);
init($tween, ($value as Array), true);
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 6 (654 B)
//BlurFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.BlurFilterPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class BlurFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function BlurFilterPlugin(){
this.propName = "blurFilter";
this.overwriteProps = ["blurFilter"];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_type = BlurFilter;
initFilter($value, new BlurFilter(0, 0, (($value.quality) || (2))));
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 7 (5.28 KiB) ● ●
//ColorMatrixFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.ColorMatrixFilterPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class ColorMatrixFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin {
protected var _matrix:Array;
protected var _matrixTween:EndArrayPlugin;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.1;
protected static var _lumG:Number = 0.71516;
protected static var _lumR:Number = 0.212671;
protected static var _idMatrix:Array = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
protected static var _lumB:Number = 0.072169;
public function ColorMatrixFilterPlugin(){
this.propName = "colorMatrixFilter";
this.overwriteProps = ["colorMatrixFilter"];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_type = ColorMatrixFilter;
var cmf:Object = $value;
initFilter({remove:$value.remove, index:$value.index, addFilter:$value.addFilter}, new ColorMatrixFilter(_idMatrix.slice()));
_matrix = ColorMatrixFilter(_filter).matrix;
var endMatrix:Array = [];
if (((!((cmf.matrix == null))) && ((cmf.matrix is Array)))){
endMatrix = cmf.matrix;
} else {
if (cmf.relative == true){
endMatrix = _matrix.slice();
} else {
endMatrix = _idMatrix.slice();
endMatrix = setBrightness(endMatrix, cmf.brightness);
endMatrix = setContrast(endMatrix, cmf.contrast);
endMatrix = setHue(endMatrix, cmf.hue);
endMatrix = setSaturation(endMatrix, cmf.saturation);
endMatrix = setThreshold(endMatrix, cmf.threshold);
if (!isNaN(cmf.colorize)){
endMatrix = colorize(endMatrix, cmf.colorize, cmf.amount);
_matrixTween = new EndArrayPlugin();
_matrixTween.init(_matrix, endMatrix);
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
_matrixTween.changeFactor = $n;
ColorMatrixFilter(_filter).matrix = _matrix;
super.changeFactor = $n;
public static function setSaturation($m:Array, $n:Number):Array{
if (isNaN($n)){
return ($m);
var inv:Number = (1 - $n);
var r:Number = (inv * _lumR);
var g:Number = (inv * _lumG);
var b:Number = (inv * _lumB);
var temp:Array = [(r + $n), g, b, 0, 0, r, (g + $n), b, 0, 0, r, g, (b + $n), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return (applyMatrix(temp, $m));
public static function setHue($m:Array, $n:Number):Array{
if (isNaN($n)){
return ($m);
$n = ($n * (Math.PI / 180));
var c:Number = Math.cos($n);
var s:Number = Math.sin($n);
var temp:Array = [((_lumR + (c * (1 - _lumR))) + (s * -(_lumR))), ((_lumG + (c * -(_lumG))) + (s * -(_lumG))), ((_lumB + (c * -(_lumB))) + (s * (1 - _lumB))), 0, 0, ((_lumR + (c * -(_lumR))) + (s * 0.143)), ((_lumG + (c * (1 - _lumG))) + (s * 0.14)), ((_lumB + (c * -(_lumB))) + (s * -0.283)), 0, 0, ((_lumR + (c * -(_lumR))) + (s * -((1 - _lumR)))), ((_lumG + (c * -(_lumG))) + (s * _lumG)), ((_lumB + (c * (1 - _lumB))) + (s * _lumB)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1];
return (applyMatrix(temp, $m));
public static function setThreshold($m:Array, $n:Number):Array{
if (isNaN($n)){
return ($m);
var temp:Array = [(_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * $n), (_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * $n), (_lumR * 0x0100), (_lumG * 0x0100), (_lumB * 0x0100), 0, (-256 * $n), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return (applyMatrix(temp, $m));
public static function applyMatrix($m:Array, $m2:Array):Array{
var y:int;
var x:int;
if (((!(($m is Array))) || (!(($m2 is Array))))){
return ($m2);
var temp:Array = [];
var i:int;
var z:int;
y = 0;
while (y < 4) {
x = 0;
while (x < 5) {
if (x == 4){
z = $m[(i + 4)];
} else {
z = 0;
temp[(i + x)] = ((((($m[i] * $m2[x]) + ($m[(i + 1)] * $m2[(x + 5)])) + ($m[(i + 2)] * $m2[(x + 10)])) + ($m[(i + 3)] * $m2[(x + 15)])) + z);
i = (i + 5);
return (temp);
public static function colorize($m:Array, $color:Number, $amount:Number=1):Array{
if (isNaN($color)){
return ($m);
if (isNaN($amount)){
$amount = 1;
var r:Number = ((($color >> 16) & 0xFF) / 0xFF);
var g:Number = ((($color >> 8) & 0xFF) / 0xFF);
var b:Number = (($color & 0xFF) / 0xFF);
var inv:Number = (1 - $amount);
var temp:Array = [(inv + (($amount * r) * _lumR)), (($amount * r) * _lumG), (($amount * r) * _lumB), 0, 0, (($amount * g) * _lumR), (inv + (($amount * g) * _lumG)), (($amount * g) * _lumB), 0, 0, (($amount * b) * _lumR), (($amount * b) * _lumG), (inv + (($amount * b) * _lumB)), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return (applyMatrix(temp, $m));
public static function setBrightness($m:Array, $n:Number):Array{
if (isNaN($n)){
return ($m);
$n = (($n * 100) - 100);
return (applyMatrix([1, 0, 0, 0, $n, 0, 1, 0, 0, $n, 0, 0, 1, 0, $n, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1], $m));
public static function setContrast($m:Array, $n:Number):Array{
if (isNaN($n)){
return ($m);
$n = ($n + 0.01);
var temp:Array = [$n, 0, 0, 0, (128 * (1 - $n)), 0, $n, 0, 0, (128 * (1 - $n)), 0, 0, $n, 0, (128 * (1 - $n)), 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
return (applyMatrix(temp, $m));
}//package gs.plugins
Section 8 (768 B)
//DropShadowFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.DropShadowFilterPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class DropShadowFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function DropShadowFilterPlugin(){
this.propName = "dropShadowFilter";
this.overwriteProps = ["dropShadowFilter"];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_type = DropShadowFilter;
initFilter($value, new DropShadowFilter(0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, (($value.quality) || (2)), $value.inner, $value.knockout, $value.hideObject));
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 9 (1.55 KiB) ●
//EndArrayPlugin (gs.plugins.EndArrayPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
public class EndArrayPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _a:Array;
protected var _info:Array;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function EndArrayPlugin(){
_info = [];
this.propName = "endArray";
this.overwriteProps = ["endArray"];
public function init($start:Array, $end:Array):void{
_a = $start;
var i:int = ($end.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if (((!(($start[i] == $end[i]))) && (!(($start[i] == null))))){
_info[_info.length] = new ArrayTweenInfo(i, _a[i], ($end[i] - _a[i]));
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
if (((!(($target is Array))) || (!(($value is Array))))){
return (false);
init(($target as Array), $value);
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
var i:int;
var ti:ArrayTweenInfo;
var val:Number;
var neg:int;
if (this.round){
i = (_info.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = _info[i];
val = (ti.start + (ti.change * $n));
neg = ((val)<0) ? -1 : 1;
_a[ti.index] = ((((val % 1) * neg))>0.5) ? (int(val) + neg) : int(val);
} else {
i = (_info.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = _info[i];
_a[ti.index] = (ti.start + (ti.change * $n));
}//package gs.plugins
Section 10 (3.02 KiB) ●
//FilterPlugin (gs.plugins.FilterPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
public class FilterPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _remove:Boolean;
protected var _target:Object;
protected var _index:int;
protected var _filter:BitmapFilter;
protected var _type:Class;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.03;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function FilterPlugin(){
public function onCompleteTween():void{
var i:int;
var filters:Array;
if (_remove){
filters = _target.filters;
if (!(filters[_index] is _type)){
i = (filters.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ((filters[i] is _type)){
filters.splice(i, 1);
} else {
filters.splice(_index, 1);
_target.filters = filters;
protected function initFilter($props:Object, $default:BitmapFilter):void{
var p:String;
var i:int;
var colorTween:HexColorsPlugin;
var filters:Array = _target.filters;
_index = -1;
if ($props.index != null){
_index = $props.index;
} else {
i = (filters.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ((filters[i] is _type)){
_index = i;
if ((((((_index == -1)) || ((filters[_index] == null)))) || (($props.addFilter == true)))){
_index = (($props.index)!=null) ? $props.index : filters.length;
filters[_index] = $default;
_target.filters = filters;
_filter = filters[_index];
_remove = Boolean(($props.remove == true));
if (_remove){
this.onComplete = onCompleteTween;
var props:Object = (($props.isTV)==true) ? $props.exposedVars : $props;
for (p in props) {
if (((((((((!((p in _filter))) || ((_filter[p] == props[p])))) || ((p == "remove")))) || ((p == "index")))) || ((p == "addFilter")))){
} else {
if ((((((p == "color")) || ((p == "highlightColor")))) || ((p == "shadowColor")))){
colorTween = new HexColorsPlugin();
colorTween.initColor(_filter, p, _filter[p], props[p]);
_tweens[_tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(colorTween, "changeFactor", 0, 1, p, false);
} else {
if ((((((((p == "quality")) || ((p == "inner")))) || ((p == "knockout")))) || ((p == "hideObject")))){
_filter[p] = props[p];
} else {
addTween(_filter, p, _filter[p], props[p], p);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
var i:int;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var filters:Array = _target.filters;
i = (_tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = _tweens[i];
ti.target[ti.property] = (ti.start + (ti.change * $n));
if (!(filters[_index] is _type)){
_index = (filters.length - 1);
i = (filters.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ((filters[i] is _type)){
_index = i;
filters[_index] = _filter;
_target.filters = filters;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 11 (904 B)
//FramePlugin (gs.plugins.FramePlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class FramePlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _target:MovieClip;
public var frame:int;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function FramePlugin(){
this.propName = "frame";
this.overwriteProps = ["frame"];
this.round = true;
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
if (((!(($target is MovieClip))) || (isNaN($value)))){
return (false);
_target = ($target as MovieClip);
this.frame = _target.currentFrame;
addTween(this, "frame", this.frame, $value, "frame");
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
}//package gs.plugins
Section 12 (726 B)
//GlowFilterPlugin (gs.plugins.GlowFilterPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.filters.*;
public class GlowFilterPlugin extends FilterPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function GlowFilterPlugin(){
this.propName = "glowFilter";
this.overwriteProps = ["glowFilter"];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_type = GlowFilter;
initFilter($value, new GlowFilter(0xFFFFFF, 0, 0, 0, (($value.strength) || (1)), (($value.quality) || (2)), $value.inner, $value.knockout));
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 13 (1.65 KiB) ●
//HexColorsPlugin (gs.plugins.HexColorsPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class HexColorsPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _colors:Array;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function HexColorsPlugin(){
this.propName = "hexColors";
this.overwriteProps = [];
_colors = [];
override public function killProps($lookup:Object):void{
var i:int = (_colors.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ($lookup[_colors[i][1]] != undefined){
_colors.splice(i, 1);
public function initColor($target:Object, $propName:String, $start:uint, $end:uint):void{
var r:Number;
var g:Number;
var b:Number;
if ($start != $end){
r = ($start >> 16);
g = (($start >> 8) & 0xFF);
b = ($start & 0xFF);
_colors[_colors.length] = [$target, $propName, r, (($end >> 16) - r), g, ((($end >> 8) & 0xFF) - g), b, (($end & 0xFF) - b)];
this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = $propName;
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
var i:int;
var a:Array;
i = (_colors.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
a = _colors[i];
a[0][a[1]] = ((((a[2] + ($n * a[3])) << 16) | ((a[4] + ($n * a[5])) << 8)) | (a[6] + ($n * a[7])));
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
var p:String;
for (p in $value) {
initColor($target, p, uint($target[p]), uint($value[p]));
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 14 (320 B)
//RemoveTintPlugin (gs.plugins.RemoveTintPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
public class RemoveTintPlugin extends TintPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function RemoveTintPlugin(){
this.propName = "removeTint";
}//package gs.plugins
Section 15 (642 B)
//RoundPropsPlugin (gs.plugins.RoundPropsPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class RoundPropsPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function RoundPropsPlugin(){
this.propName = "roundProps";
this.overwriteProps = [];
this.round = true;
public function add($object:Object, $propName:String, $start:Number, $change:Number):void{
addTween($object, $propName, $start, ($start + $change), $propName);
this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = $propName;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 16 (1.27 KiB) ●
//ShortRotationPlugin (gs.plugins.ShortRotationPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class ShortRotationPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function ShortRotationPlugin(){
this.propName = "shortRotation";
this.overwriteProps = [];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
var p:String;
if (typeof($value) == "number"){
trace("WARNING: You appear to be using the old shortRotation syntax. Instead of passing a number, please pass an object with properties that correspond to the rotations values For example, TweenMax.to(mc, 2, {shortRotation:{rotationX:-170, rotationY:25}})");
return (false);
for (p in $value) {
initRotation($target, p, $target[p], $value[p]);
return (true);
public function initRotation($target:Object, $propName:String, $start:Number, $end:Number):void{
var dif:Number = (($end - $start) % 360);
if (dif != (dif % 180)){
dif = ((dif)<0) ? (dif + 360) : (dif - 360);
addTween($target, $propName, $start, ($start + dif), $propName);
this.overwriteProps[this.overwriteProps.length] = $propName;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 17 (1.77 KiB) ●
//TintPlugin (gs.plugins.TintPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
public class TintPlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _target:DisplayObject;
protected var _ct:ColorTransform;
protected var _ignoreAlpha:Boolean;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
protected static var _props:Array = ["redMultiplier", "greenMultiplier", "blueMultiplier", "alphaMultiplier", "redOffset", "greenOffset", "blueOffset", "alphaOffset"];
public function TintPlugin(){
this.propName = "tint";
this.overwriteProps = ["tint"];
public function init($target:DisplayObject, $end:ColorTransform):void{
var i:int;
var p:String;
_target = $target;
_ct = _target.transform.colorTransform;
i = (_props.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
p = _props[i];
if (_ct[p] != $end[p]){
_tweens[_tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(_ct, p, _ct[p], ($end[p] - _ct[p]), "tint", false);
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
if (!($target is DisplayObject)){
return (false);
var end:ColorTransform = new ColorTransform();
if (((!(($value == null))) && (!(($tween.exposedVars.removeTint == true))))){
end.color = uint($value);
_ignoreAlpha = true;
init(($target as DisplayObject), end);
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
var ct:ColorTransform;
if (_ignoreAlpha){
ct = _target.transform.colorTransform;
_ct.alphaMultiplier = ct.alphaMultiplier;
_ct.alphaOffset = ct.alphaOffset;
_target.transform.colorTransform = _ct;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 18 (2.48 KiB) ●
//TweenPlugin (gs.plugins.TweenPlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
public class TweenPlugin {
public var overwriteProps:Array;
protected var _tweens:Array;
public var propName:String;
public var onComplete:Function;
public var round:Boolean;
protected var _changeFactor:Number;// = 0
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.03;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function TweenPlugin(){
_tweens = [];
protected function updateTweens($changeFactor:Number):void{
var i:int;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var val:Number;
var neg:int;
if (this.round){
i = (_tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = _tweens[i];
val = (ti.start + (ti.change * $changeFactor));
neg = ((val)<0) ? -1 : 1;
ti.target[ti.property] = ((((val % 1) * neg))>0.5) ? (int(val) + neg) : int(val);
} else {
i = (_tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = _tweens[i];
ti.target[ti.property] = (ti.start + (ti.change * $changeFactor));
public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
_changeFactor = $n;
protected function addTween($object:Object, $propName:String, $start:Number, $end, $overwriteProp:String=null):void{
var change:Number;
if ($end != null){
change = ((typeof($end))=="number") ? ($end - $start) : Number($end);
if (change != 0){
_tweens[_tweens.length] = new TweenInfo($object, $propName, $start, change, (($overwriteProp) || ($propName)), false);
public function killProps($lookup:Object):void{
var i:int;
i = (this.overwriteProps.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ((this.overwriteProps[i] in $lookup)){
this.overwriteProps.splice(i, 1);
i = (_tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ((_tweens[i].name in $lookup)){
_tweens.splice(i, 1);
public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
addTween($target, this.propName, $target[this.propName], $value, this.propName);
return (true);
public function get changeFactor():Number{
return (_changeFactor);
public static function activate($plugins:Array):Boolean{
var i:int;
var instance:Object;
i = ($plugins.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
instance = new ($plugins[i]);
TweenLite.plugins[instance.propName] = $plugins[i];
return (true);
}//package gs.plugins
Section 19 (1 KiB)
//VisiblePlugin (gs.plugins.VisiblePlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
public class VisiblePlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _target:Object;
protected var _visible:Boolean;
protected var _tween:TweenLite;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function VisiblePlugin(){
this.propName = "visible";
this.overwriteProps = ["visible"];
this.onComplete = onCompleteTween;
public function onCompleteTween():void{
if (((!((_tween.vars.runBackwards == true))) && ((_tween.ease == _tween.vars.ease)))){
_target.visible = _visible;
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
_target = $target;
_tween = $tween;
_visible = Boolean($value);
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
if (_target.visible != true){
_target.visible = true;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 20 (916 B)
//VolumePlugin (gs.plugins.VolumePlugin)
package gs.plugins {
import gs.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.media.*;
public class VolumePlugin extends TweenPlugin {
protected var _target:Object;
protected var _st:SoundTransform;
public static const VERSION:Number = 1.01;
public static const API:Number = 1;
public function VolumePlugin(){
this.propName = "volume";
this.overwriteProps = ["volume"];
override public function onInitTween($target:Object, $value, $tween:TweenLite):Boolean{
if (((isNaN($value)) || (!($target.hasOwnProperty("soundTransform"))))){
return (false);
_target = $target;
_st = _target.soundTransform;
addTween(_st, "volume", _st.volume, $value, "volume");
return (true);
override public function set changeFactor($n:Number):void{
_target.soundTransform = _st;
}//package gs.plugins
Section 21 (385 B)
//ArrayTweenInfo (gs.utils.tween.ArrayTweenInfo)
package gs.utils.tween {
public class ArrayTweenInfo {
public var change:Number;
public var start:Number;
public var index:uint;
public function ArrayTweenInfo($index:uint, $start:Number, $change:Number){
this.index = $index;
this.start = $start;
this.change = $change;
}//package gs.utils.tween
Section 22 (593 B)
//TweenInfo (gs.utils.tween.TweenInfo)
package gs.utils.tween {
public class TweenInfo {
public var start:Number;
public var name:String;
public var change:Number;
public var target:Object;
public var property:String;
public var isPlugin:Boolean;
public function TweenInfo($target:Object, $property:String, $start:Number, $change:Number, $name:String, $isPlugin:Boolean){
this.target = $target;
this.property = $property;
this.start = $start;
this.change = $change;
this.name = $name;
this.isPlugin = $isPlugin;
}//package gs.utils.tween
Section 23 (3.06 KiB) ●
//OverwriteManager (gs.OverwriteManager)
package gs {
import gs.utils.tween.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
public class OverwriteManager {
public static const ALL:int = 1;
public static const NONE:int = 0;
public static const AUTO:int = 2;
public static const CONCURRENT:int = 3;
public static const version:Number = 3.12;
public static var mode:int;
public static var enabled:Boolean;
public static function killVars($killVars:Object, $vars:Object, $tweens:Array):void{
var i:int;
var p:String;
var ti:TweenInfo;
i = ($tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = $tweens[i];
if ((ti.name in $killVars)){
$tweens.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (((ti.isPlugin) && ((ti.name == "_MULTIPLE_")))){
if (ti.target.overwriteProps.length == 0){
$tweens.splice(i, 1);
for (p in $killVars) {
delete $vars[p];
public static function manageOverwrites($tween:TweenLite, $targetTweens:Array):void{
var i:int;
var tween:TweenLite;
var tweens:Array;
var v:Object;
var j:int;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var overwriteProps:Array;
var vars:Object = $tween.vars;
var m:int = ((vars.overwrite)==undefined) ? mode : int(vars.overwrite);
if ((((m < 2)) || (($targetTweens == null)))){
var startTime:Number = $tween.startTime;
var a:Array = [];
var index = -1;
i = ($targetTweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
tween = $targetTweens[i];
if (tween == $tween){
index = i;
} else {
if ((((((i < index)) && ((tween.startTime <= startTime)))) && (((tween.startTime + ((tween.duration * 1000) / tween.combinedTimeScale)) > startTime)))){
a[a.length] = tween;
if ((((a.length == 0)) || (($tween.tweens.length == 0)))){
if (m == AUTO){
tweens = $tween.tweens;
v = {};
i = (tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = tweens[i];
if (ti.isPlugin){
if (ti.name == "_MULTIPLE_"){
overwriteProps = ti.target.overwriteProps;
j = (overwriteProps.length - 1);
while (j > -1) {
v[overwriteProps[j]] = true;
} else {
v[ti.name] = true;
v[ti.target.propName] = true;
} else {
v[ti.name] = true;
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
killVars(v, a[i].exposedVars, a[i].tweens);
} else {
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
a[i].enabled = false;
public static function init($mode:int=2):int{
if (TweenLite.version < 10.09){
trace("TweenLite warning: Your TweenLite class needs to be updated to work with OverwriteManager (or you may need to clear your ASO files). Please download and install the latest version from http://www.tweenlite.com.");
TweenLite.overwriteManager = OverwriteManager;
mode = $mode;
enabled = true;
return (mode);
}//package gs
Section 24 (10.19 KiB) ● ●
//TweenLite (gs.TweenLite)
package gs {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
import gs.plugins.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class TweenLite {
public var started:Boolean;
public var delay:Number;
protected var _hasUpdate:Boolean;
protected var _hasPlugins:Boolean;
public var initted:Boolean;
public var active:Boolean;
public var startTime:Number;
public var target:Object;
public var duration:Number;
public var gc:Boolean;
public var tweens:Array;
public var vars:Object;
public var ease:Function;
public var exposedVars:Object;
public var initTime:Number;
public var combinedTimeScale:Number;
public static const version:Number = 10.092;
private static var _timer:Timer = new Timer(2000);
public static var defaultEase:Function = TweenLite.easeOut;
public static var plugins:Object = {};
public static var currentTime:uint;
public static var masterList:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false);
protected static var _reservedProps:Object = {ease:1, delay:1, overwrite:1, onComplete:1, onCompleteParams:1, runBackwards:1, startAt:1, onUpdate:1, onUpdateParams:1, roundProps:1, onStart:1, onStartParams:1, persist:1, renderOnStart:1, proxiedEase:1, easeParams:1, yoyo:1, loop:1, onCompleteListener:1, onUpdateListener:1, onStartListener:1, orientToBezier:1, timeScale:1};
public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf;
public static var timingSprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
public static var overwriteManager:Object;
private static var _tlInitted:Boolean;
public function TweenLite($target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object){
if ($target == null){
if (!_tlInitted){
TweenPlugin.activate([TintPlugin, RemoveTintPlugin, FramePlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin, VisiblePlugin, VolumePlugin, EndArrayPlugin]);
currentTime = getTimer();
timingSprite.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, updateAll, false, 0, true);
if (overwriteManager == null){
overwriteManager = {mode:1, enabled:false};
_timer.addEventListener("timer", killGarbage, false, 0, true);
_tlInitted = true;
this.vars = $vars;
this.duration = (($duration) || (0.001));
this.delay = (($vars.delay) || (0));
this.combinedTimeScale = (($vars.timeScale) || (1));
this.active = Boolean(((($duration == 0)) && ((this.delay == 0))));
this.target = $target;
if (typeof(this.vars.ease) != "function"){
this.vars.ease = defaultEase;
if (this.vars.easeParams != null){
this.vars.proxiedEase = this.vars.ease;
this.vars.ease = easeProxy;
this.ease = this.vars.ease;
this.exposedVars = ((this.vars.isTV)==true) ? this.vars.exposedVars : this.vars;
this.tweens = [];
this.initTime = currentTime;
this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * 1000));
var mode:int = (((($vars.overwrite == undefined)) || (((!(overwriteManager.enabled)) && (($vars.overwrite > 1)))))) ? overwriteManager.mode : int($vars.overwrite);
if (((!(($target in masterList))) || ((mode == 1)))){
masterList[$target] = [this];
} else {
if ((((((this.vars.runBackwards == true)) && (!((this.vars.renderOnStart == true))))) || (this.active))){
if (this.active){
render((this.startTime + 1));
} else {
if (((((!((this.exposedVars.visible == null))) && ((this.vars.runBackwards == true)))) && ((this.target is DisplayObject)))){
this.target.visible = this.exposedVars.visible;
public function get enabled():Boolean{
return ((this.gc) ? false : true);
public function set enabled($b:Boolean):void{
var a:Array;
var found:Boolean;
var i:int;
if ($b){
if (!(this.target in masterList)){
masterList[this.target] = [this];
} else {
a = masterList[this.target];
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if (a[i] == this){
found = true;
if (!found){
a[a.length] = this;
this.gc = ($b) ? false : true;
if (this.gc){
this.active = false;
} else {
this.active = this.started;
public function clear():void{
this.tweens = [];
this.vars = (this.exposedVars = {ease:this.vars.ease});
_hasUpdate = false;
public function render($t:uint):void{
var factor:Number;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var i:int;
var time:Number = (($t - this.startTime) * 0.001);
if (time >= this.duration){
time = this.duration;
factor = ((((this.ease == this.vars.ease)) || ((this.duration == 0.001)))) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
factor = this.ease(time, 0, 1, this.duration);
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[i];
ti.target[ti.property] = (ti.start + (factor * ti.change));
if (_hasUpdate){
this.vars.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams);
if (time == this.duration){
public function activate():void{
this.started = (this.active = true);
if (!this.initted){
if (this.vars.onStart != null){
this.vars.onStart.apply(null, this.vars.onStartParams);
if (this.duration == 0.001){
this.startTime = (this.startTime - 1);
public function initTweenVals():void{
var p:String;
var i:int;
var plugin:*;
var ti:TweenInfo;
if (((!((this.exposedVars.timeScale == undefined))) && (this.target.hasOwnProperty("timeScale")))){
this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(this.target, "timeScale", this.target.timeScale, (this.exposedVars.timeScale - this.target.timeScale), "timeScale", false);
for (p in this.exposedVars) {
if ((p in _reservedProps)){
} else {
if ((p in plugins)){
plugin = new (plugins[p]);
if (plugin.onInitTween(this.target, this.exposedVars[p], this) == false){
this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(this.target, p, this.target[p], ((typeof(this.exposedVars[p]))=="number") ? (this.exposedVars[p] - this.target[p]) : Number(this.exposedVars[p]), p, false);
} else {
this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(plugin, "changeFactor", 0, 1, ((plugin.overwriteProps.length)==1) ? plugin.overwriteProps[0] : "_MULTIPLE_", true);
_hasPlugins = true;
} else {
this.tweens[this.tweens.length] = new TweenInfo(this.target, p, this.target[p], ((typeof(this.exposedVars[p]))=="number") ? (this.exposedVars[p] - this.target[p]) : Number(this.exposedVars[p]), p, false);
if (this.vars.runBackwards == true){
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[i];
ti.start = (ti.start + ti.change);
ti.change = -(ti.change);
if (this.vars.onUpdate != null){
_hasUpdate = true;
if (((TweenLite.overwriteManager.enabled) && ((this.target in masterList)))){
overwriteManager.manageOverwrites(this, masterList[this.target]);
this.initted = true;
protected function easeProxy($t:Number, $b:Number, $c:Number, $d:Number):Number{
return (this.vars.proxiedEase.apply(null, arguments.concat(this.vars.easeParams)));
public function killVars($vars:Object):void{
if (overwriteManager.enabled){
overwriteManager.killVars($vars, this.exposedVars, this.tweens);
public function complete($skipRender:Boolean=false):void{
var i:int;
if (!$skipRender){
if (!this.initted){
this.startTime = (currentTime - ((this.duration * 1000) / this.combinedTimeScale));
if (_hasPlugins){
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if (((this.tweens[i].isPlugin) && (!((this.tweens[i].target.onComplete == null))))){
if (this.vars.persist != true){
this.enabled = false;
if (this.vars.onComplete != null){
this.vars.onComplete.apply(null, this.vars.onCompleteParams);
public static function updateAll($e:Event=null):void{
var a:Array;
var i:int;
var tween:TweenLite;
var time:uint = (currentTime = getTimer());
var ml:Dictionary = masterList;
for each (a in ml) {
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
tween = a[i];
if (tween.active){
} else {
if (tween.gc){
a.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (time >= tween.startTime){
public static function removeTween($tween:TweenLite, $clear:Boolean=true):void{
if ($tween != null){
if ($clear){
$tween.enabled = false;
public static function killTweensOf($target:Object=null, $complete:Boolean=false):void{
var a:Array;
var i:int;
var tween:TweenLite;
if (((!(($target == null))) && (($target in masterList)))){
a = masterList[$target];
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
tween = a[i];
if ((($complete) && (!(tween.gc)))){
delete masterList[$target];
public static function from($target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object):TweenLite{
$vars.runBackwards = true;
return (new TweenLite($target, $duration, $vars));
public static function easeOut($t:Number, $b:Number, $c:Number, $d:Number):Number{
$t = ($t / $d);
return ((((-($c) * $t) * ($t - 2)) + $b));
protected static function killGarbage($e:TimerEvent):void{
var tgt:Object;
var ml:Dictionary = masterList;
for (tgt in ml) {
if (ml[tgt].length == 0){
delete ml[tgt];
public static function delayedCall($delay:Number, $onComplete:Function, $onCompleteParams:Array=null):TweenLite{
return (new TweenLite($onComplete, 0, {delay:$delay, onComplete:$onComplete, onCompleteParams:$onCompleteParams, overwrite:0}));
public static function to($target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object):TweenLite{
return (new TweenLite($target, $duration, $vars));
}//package gs
Section 25 (19.86 KiB) ● ● ●
//TweenMax (gs.TweenMax)
package gs {
import flash.events.*;
import gs.utils.tween.*;
import gs.plugins.*;
import gs.events.*;
import flash.utils.*;
public class TweenMax extends TweenLite implements IEventDispatcher {
protected var _dispatcher:EventDispatcher;
protected var _callbacks:Object;
public var pauseTime:Number;
protected var _repeatCount:Number;
protected var _timeScale:Number;
public static const version:Number = 10.12;
public static var removeTween:Function = TweenLite.removeTween;
private static var _overwriteMode:int = (OverwriteManager.enabled) ? OverwriteManager.mode : OverwriteManager.init();
protected static var _pausedTweens:Dictionary = new Dictionary(false);
protected static var _globalTimeScale:Number = 1;
public static var killTweensOf:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf;
public static var killDelayedCallsTo:Function = TweenLite.killTweensOf;
private static var _activatedPlugins:Boolean = TweenPlugin.activate([TintPlugin, RemoveTintPlugin, FramePlugin, AutoAlphaPlugin, VisiblePlugin, VolumePlugin, EndArrayPlugin, HexColorsPlugin, BlurFilterPlugin, ColorMatrixFilterPlugin, BevelFilterPlugin, DropShadowFilterPlugin, GlowFilterPlugin, RoundPropsPlugin, BezierPlugin, BezierThroughPlugin, ShortRotationPlugin]);
public function TweenMax($target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object){
super($target, $duration, $vars);
if (TweenLite.version < 10.092){
trace("TweenMax error! Please update your TweenLite class or try deleting your ASO files. TweenMax requires a more recent version. Download updates at http://www.TweenMax.com.");
if (((!((this.combinedTimeScale == 1))) && ((this.target is TweenMax)))){
_timeScale = 1;
this.combinedTimeScale = _globalTimeScale;
} else {
_timeScale = this.combinedTimeScale;
this.combinedTimeScale = (this.combinedTimeScale * _globalTimeScale);
if (((!((this.combinedTimeScale == 1))) && (!((this.delay == 0))))){
this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
if (((((!((this.vars.onCompleteListener == null))) || (!((this.vars.onUpdateListener == null))))) || (!((this.vars.onStartListener == null))))){
if (((($duration == 0)) && ((this.delay == 0)))){
_repeatCount = 0;
if (((!(isNaN(this.vars.yoyo))) || (!(isNaN(this.vars.loop))))){
this.vars.persist = true;
if ((((this.delay == 0)) && (!((this.vars.startAt == null))))){
this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0;
new TweenMax(this.target, 0, this.vars.startAt);
public function dispatchEvent($e:Event):Boolean{
if (_dispatcher == null){
return (false);
return (_dispatcher.dispatchEvent($e));
public function get reversed():Boolean{
return ((this.ease == reverseEase));
public function set reversed($b:Boolean):void{
if (this.reversed != $b){
public function get progress():Number{
var t:Number = (isNaN(this.pauseTime)) ? currentTime : this.pauseTime;
var p:Number = (((((t - this.initTime) * 0.001) - (this.delay / this.combinedTimeScale)) / this.duration) * this.combinedTimeScale);
if (p > 1){
return (1);
if (p < 0){
return (0);
return (p);
override public function set enabled($b:Boolean):void{
if (!$b){
_pausedTweens[this] = null;
delete _pausedTweens[this];
super.enabled = $b;
if ($b){
this.combinedTimeScale = (_timeScale * _globalTimeScale);
protected function onStartDispatcher(... _args):void{
if (_callbacks.onStart != null){
_callbacks.onStart.apply(null, this.vars.onStartParams);
_dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.START));
public function setDestination($property:String, $value, $adjustStartValues:Boolean=true):void{
var i:int;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var varsOld:Object;
var exposedVarsOld:Object;
var tweensOld:Array;
var hadPlugins:Boolean;
var addedTweens:Array;
var killVars:Object;
var p:Number = this.progress;
if (this.initted){
if (!$adjustStartValues){
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[i];
if (ti.name == $property){
ti.target[ti.property] = ti.start;
varsOld = this.vars;
exposedVarsOld = this.exposedVars;
tweensOld = this.tweens;
hadPlugins = _hasPlugins;
this.tweens = [];
this.vars = (this.exposedVars = {});
this.vars[$property] = $value;
if (((!((this.ease == reverseEase))) && ((varsOld.ease is Function)))){
this.ease = varsOld.ease;
if ((($adjustStartValues) && (!((p == 0))))){
addedTweens = this.tweens;
this.vars = varsOld;
this.exposedVars = exposedVarsOld;
this.tweens = tweensOld;
killVars = {};
killVars[$property] = true;
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[i];
if (ti.name == $property){
this.tweens.splice(i, 1);
} else {
if (((ti.isPlugin) && ((ti.name == "_MULTIPLE_")))){
if (ti.target.overwriteProps.length == 0){
this.tweens.splice(i, 1);
this.tweens = this.tweens.concat(addedTweens);
_hasPlugins = Boolean(((hadPlugins) || (_hasPlugins)));
this.vars[$property] = (this.exposedVars[$property] = $value);
override public function initTweenVals():void{
var i:int;
var j:int;
var prop:String;
var multiProps:String;
var rp:Array;
var plugin:Object;
var ti:TweenInfo;
if (((!((this.vars.startAt == null))) && (!((this.delay == 0))))){
this.vars.startAt.overwrite = 0;
new TweenMax(this.target, 0, this.vars.startAt);
if ((((this.exposedVars.roundProps is Array)) && (!((TweenLite.plugins.roundProps == null))))){
rp = this.exposedVars.roundProps;
i = (rp.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
prop = rp[i];
j = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (j > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[j];
if (ti.name == prop){
if (ti.isPlugin){
ti.target.round = true;
} else {
if (plugin == null){
plugin = new TweenLite.plugins.roundProps();
plugin.add(ti.target, prop, ti.start, ti.change);
_hasPlugins = true;
this.tweens[j] = new TweenInfo(plugin, "changeFactor", 0, 1, prop, true);
} else {
plugin.add(ti.target, prop, ti.start, ti.change);
this.tweens.splice(j, 1);
} else {
if (((((ti.isPlugin) && ((ti.name == "_MULTIPLE_")))) && (!(ti.target.round)))){
multiProps = ((" " + ti.target.overwriteProps.join(" ")) + " ");
if (multiProps.indexOf(((" " + prop) + " ")) != -1){
ti.target.round = true;
public function restart($includeDelay:Boolean=false):void{
if ($includeDelay){
this.initTime = currentTime;
this.startTime = (currentTime + (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
} else {
this.startTime = currentTime;
this.initTime = (currentTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
_repeatCount = 0;
if (this.target != this.vars.onComplete){
this.pauseTime = NaN;
_pausedTweens[this] = null;
delete _pausedTweens[this];
this.enabled = true;
public function removeEventListener($type:String, $listener:Function, $useCapture:Boolean=false):void{
if (_dispatcher != null){
_dispatcher.removeEventListener($type, $listener, $useCapture);
public function addEventListener($type:String, $listener:Function, $useCapture:Boolean=false, $priority:int=0, $useWeakReference:Boolean=false):void{
if (_dispatcher == null){
if (((($type == TweenEvent.UPDATE)) && (!((this.vars.onUpdate == onUpdateDispatcher))))){
this.vars.onUpdate = onUpdateDispatcher;
_hasUpdate = true;
_dispatcher.addEventListener($type, $listener, $useCapture, $priority, $useWeakReference);
protected function adjustStartValues():void{
var factor:Number;
var inv:Number;
var endValue:Number;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var i:int;
var p:Number = this.progress;
if (p != 0){
factor = this.ease(p, 0, 1, 1);
inv = (1 / (1 - factor));
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[i];
endValue = (ti.start + ti.change);
if (ti.isPlugin){
ti.change = ((endValue - factor) * inv);
} else {
ti.change = ((endValue - ti.target[ti.property]) * inv);
ti.start = (endValue - ti.change);
override public function render($t:uint):void{
var factor:Number;
var ti:TweenInfo;
var i:int;
var time:Number = ((($t - this.startTime) * 0.001) * this.combinedTimeScale);
if (time >= this.duration){
time = this.duration;
factor = ((((this.ease == this.vars.ease)) || ((this.duration == 0.001)))) ? 1 : 0;
} else {
factor = this.ease(time, 0, 1, this.duration);
i = (this.tweens.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
ti = this.tweens[i];
ti.target[ti.property] = (ti.start + (factor * ti.change));
if (_hasUpdate){
this.vars.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams);
if (time == this.duration){
protected function initDispatcher():void{
var v:Object;
var p:String;
if (_dispatcher == null){
_dispatcher = new EventDispatcher(this);
_callbacks = {onStart:this.vars.onStart, onUpdate:this.vars.onUpdate, onComplete:this.vars.onComplete};
if (this.vars.isTV == true){
this.vars = this.vars.clone();
} else {
v = {};
for (p in this.vars) {
v[p] = this.vars[p];
this.vars = v;
this.vars.onStart = onStartDispatcher;
this.vars.onComplete = onCompleteDispatcher;
if ((this.vars.onStartListener is Function)){
_dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.START, this.vars.onStartListener, false, 0, true);
if ((this.vars.onUpdateListener is Function)){
_dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.UPDATE, this.vars.onUpdateListener, false, 0, true);
this.vars.onUpdate = onUpdateDispatcher;
_hasUpdate = true;
if ((this.vars.onCompleteListener is Function)){
_dispatcher.addEventListener(TweenEvent.COMPLETE, this.vars.onCompleteListener, false, 0, true);
public function willTrigger($type:String):Boolean{
if (_dispatcher == null){
return (false);
return (_dispatcher.willTrigger($type));
public function get repeatCount():Number{
return (_repeatCount);
public function reverse($adjustDuration:Boolean=true, $forcePlay:Boolean=true):void{
this.ease = ((this.vars.ease)==this.ease) ? reverseEase : this.vars.ease;
var p:Number = this.progress;
if ((($adjustDuration) && ((p > 0)))){
this.startTime = (currentTime - ((((1 - p) * this.duration) * 1000) / this.combinedTimeScale));
this.initTime = (this.startTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
if ($forcePlay != false){
if (p < 1){
} else {
protected function onUpdateDispatcher(... _args):void{
if (_callbacks.onUpdate != null){
_callbacks.onUpdate.apply(null, this.vars.onUpdateParams);
_dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.UPDATE));
public function set paused($b:Boolean):void{
if ($b){
} else {
public function resume():void{
this.enabled = true;
if (!isNaN(this.pauseTime)){
this.initTime = (this.initTime + (currentTime - this.pauseTime));
this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
this.pauseTime = NaN;
if (((!(this.started)) && ((currentTime >= this.startTime)))){
} else {
this.active = this.started;
_pausedTweens[this] = null;
delete _pausedTweens[this];
public function get paused():Boolean{
return (!(isNaN(this.pauseTime)));
public function set repeatCount($n:Number):void{
_repeatCount = $n;
public function reverseEase($t:Number, $b:Number, $c:Number, $d:Number):Number{
return (this.vars.ease(($d - $t), $b, $c, $d));
public function killProperties($names:Array):void{
var i:int;
var v:Object = {};
i = ($names.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
v[$names[i]] = true;
public function set progress($n:Number):void{
this.startTime = (currentTime - ((this.duration * $n) * 1000));
this.initTime = (this.startTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
if (!this.started){
if (!isNaN(this.pauseTime)){
this.pauseTime = currentTime;
this.startTime = 999999999999999;
this.active = false;
public function hasEventListener($type:String):Boolean{
if (_dispatcher == null){
return (false);
return (_dispatcher.hasEventListener($type));
public function pause():void{
if (isNaN(this.pauseTime)){
this.pauseTime = currentTime;
this.startTime = 999999999999999;
this.enabled = false;
_pausedTweens[this] = this;
override public function complete($skipRender:Boolean=false):void{
if (((((!(isNaN(this.vars.yoyo))) && ((((_repeatCount < this.vars.yoyo)) || ((this.vars.yoyo == 0)))))) || (((!(isNaN(this.vars.loop))) && ((((_repeatCount < this.vars.loop)) || ((this.vars.loop == 0)))))))){
if (!isNaN(this.vars.yoyo)){
this.ease = ((this.vars.ease)==this.ease) ? reverseEase : this.vars.ease;
this.startTime = ($skipRender) ? (this.startTime + (this.duration * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))) : currentTime;
this.initTime = (this.startTime - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale)));
} else {
if (this.vars.persist == true){
public function set timeScale($n:Number):void{
if ($n < 1E-5){
$n = (_timeScale = 1E-5);
} else {
_timeScale = $n;
$n = ($n * _globalTimeScale);
this.initTime = ((currentTime - ((((currentTime - this.initTime) - (this.delay * (1000 / this.combinedTimeScale))) * this.combinedTimeScale) * (1 / $n))) - (this.delay * (1000 / $n)));
if (this.startTime != 999999999999999){
this.startTime = (this.initTime + (this.delay * (1000 / $n)));
this.combinedTimeScale = $n;
public function invalidate($adjustStartValues:Boolean=true):void{
var p:Number;
if (this.initted){
p = this.progress;
if (((!($adjustStartValues)) && (!((p == 0))))){
this.progress = 0;
this.tweens = [];
_hasPlugins = false;
this.exposedVars = ((this.vars.isTV)==true) ? this.vars.exposedProps : this.vars;
_timeScale = ((this.vars.timeScale) || (1));
this.combinedTimeScale = (_timeScale * _globalTimeScale);
this.delay = ((this.vars.delay) || (0));
if (isNaN(this.pauseTime)){
this.startTime = (this.initTime + ((this.delay * 1000) / this.combinedTimeScale));
if (((((!((this.vars.onCompleteListener == null))) || (!((this.vars.onUpdateListener == null))))) || (!((this.vars.onStartListener == null))))){
if (_dispatcher != null){
this.vars.onStart = _callbacks.onStart;
this.vars.onUpdate = _callbacks.onUpdate;
this.vars.onComplete = _callbacks.onComplete;
_dispatcher = null;
if (p != 0){
if ($adjustStartValues){
} else {
this.progress = p;
public function get timeScale():Number{
return (_timeScale);
protected function onCompleteDispatcher(... _args):void{
if (_callbacks.onComplete != null){
_callbacks.onComplete.apply(null, this.vars.onCompleteParams);
_dispatcher.dispatchEvent(new TweenEvent(TweenEvent.COMPLETE));
public static function set globalTimeScale($n:Number):void{
public static function pauseAll($tweens:Boolean=true, $delayedCalls:Boolean=false):void{
changePause(true, $tweens, $delayedCalls);
public static function killAllDelayedCalls($complete:Boolean=false):void{
killAll($complete, false, true);
public static function setGlobalTimeScale($scale:Number):void{
var i:int;
var a:Array;
if ($scale < 1E-5){
$scale = 1E-5;
var ml:Dictionary = masterList;
_globalTimeScale = $scale;
for each (a in ml) {
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if ((a[i] is TweenMax)){
a[i].timeScale = (a[i].timeScale * 1);
public static function get globalTimeScale():Number{
return (_globalTimeScale);
public static function getTweensOf($target:Object):Array{
var tween:TweenLite;
var i:int;
var a:Array = masterList[$target];
var toReturn:Array = [];
if (a != null){
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if (!a[i].gc){
toReturn[toReturn.length] = a[i];
for each (tween in _pausedTweens) {
if (tween.target == $target){
toReturn[toReturn.length] = tween;
return (toReturn);
public static function delayedCall($delay:Number, $onComplete:Function, $onCompleteParams:Array=null, $persist:Boolean=false):TweenMax{
return (new TweenMax($onComplete, 0, {delay:$delay, onComplete:$onComplete, onCompleteParams:$onCompleteParams, persist:$persist, overwrite:0}));
public static function isTweening($target:Object):Boolean{
var a:Array = getTweensOf($target);
var i:int = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if (((((a[i].active) || ((a[i].startTime == currentTime)))) && (!(a[i].gc)))){
return (true);
return (false);
public static function changePause($pause:Boolean, $tweens:Boolean=true, $delayedCalls:Boolean=false):void{
var isDC:Boolean;
var a:Array = getAllTweens();
var i:int = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
isDC = (a[i].target == a[i].vars.onComplete);
if ((((a[i] is TweenMax)) && ((((isDC == $delayedCalls)) || (!((isDC == $tweens))))))){
a[i].paused = $pause;
public static function killAllTweens($complete:Boolean=false):void{
killAll($complete, true, false);
public static function from($target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object):TweenMax{
$vars.runBackwards = true;
return (new TweenMax($target, $duration, $vars));
public static function killAll($complete:Boolean=false, $tweens:Boolean=true, $delayedCalls:Boolean=true):void{
var isDC:Boolean;
var i:int;
var a:Array = getAllTweens();
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
isDC = (a[i].target == a[i].vars.onComplete);
if ((((isDC == $delayedCalls)) || (!((isDC == $tweens))))){
if ($complete){
} else {
TweenLite.removeTween(a[i], true);
public static function getAllTweens():Array{
var a:Array;
var i:int;
var tween:TweenLite;
var ml:Dictionary = masterList;
var toReturn:Array = [];
for each (a in ml) {
i = (a.length - 1);
while (i > -1) {
if (!a[i].gc){
toReturn[toReturn.length] = a[i];
for each (tween in _pausedTweens) {
toReturn[toReturn.length] = tween;
return (toReturn);
public static function resumeAll($tweens:Boolean=true, $delayedCalls:Boolean=false):void{
changePause(false, $tweens, $delayedCalls);
public static function to($target:Object, $duration:Number, $vars:Object):TweenMax{
return (new TweenMax($target, $duration, $vars));
}//package gs
Section 26 (955 B)
//bruja_44 (Kiss_Beach_fla.bruja_44)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class bruja_44 extends MovieClip {
public function bruja_44(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 18, frame19, 60, frame61, 66, frame67);
function frame61(){
function frame1(){
function frame19(){
if (parent["Besukeiro"]){
var _local1 = parent;
function frame67(){
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 27 (1.13 KiB) ●
//intro_mc_16 (Kiss_Beach_fla.intro_mc_16)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class intro_mc_16 extends MovieClip {
public var audioLoad:SoundLoad;
public var audioCanal:SoundChannel;
public var btn_logo:SimpleButton;
public var btn_full:SimpleButton;
public var s1:MovieClip;
public var s2:MovieClip;
public function intro_mc_16(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 85, frame86, 215, frame216);
function frame216(){
function frame1(){
audioLoad = new SoundLoad();
audioCanal = audioLoad.play(0, 3);
function frame86(){
s2.mask = s1;
s1.cacheAsBitmap = true;
s2.cacheAsBitmap = true;
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 28 (10.33 KiB) ● ●
//MainTimeline (Kiss_Beach_fla.MainTimeline)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import gs.*;
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.text.*;
import Kisses_fla.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.xml.*;
import gs.easing.*;
public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip {
public var porcentaje:Number;
public var Canal_Foto:SoundChannel;
public var peso:Number;
public var my_menu:ContextMenu;
public var Level_txt:TextField;
public var Superscore:int;
public var Yoko:SimpleButton;
public var Play_bt:SimpleButton;
public var Count_txt:TextField;
public var Score_txt:TextField;
public var Foto:MovieClip;
public var Beso_snd:kiss;
public var Corax:Corazones;
public var Intervalo:int;
public var Mute:Boolean;
public var Camara:Boolean;
public var Vida_1:MovieClip;
public var Vida_2:MovieClip;
public var Vida_3:MovieClip;
public var intro_mc:MovieClip;
public var More_bt:SimpleButton;
public var Barra:MovieClip;
public var Movies:Array;
public var Loader_txt:TextField;
public var Cuenta;
public var PlayAgain_bt_3:SimpleButton;
public var Fotografo:Object;
public var Cachondos:S_46;
public var Yoko_bt:SimpleButton;
public var More_bt_screen:SimpleButton;
public var carga:Number;
public var Page:MovieClip;
public var How_bt:SimpleButton;
public var Puntos:int;
public var Play_BTN:SimpleButton;
public var Foto_snd:camera;
public var Foto_1:MovieClip;
public var Foto_2:MovieClip;
public var Foto_3:MovieClip;
public var cargador:MovieClip;
public var Canal:SoundChannel;
public var Nivel:int;
public var Canal_Beso:SoundChannel;
public var PlayAgain_bt_screen:SimpleButton;
public var Besukeiro:Boolean;
public var Vidas:int;
public var Bar:MovieClip;
public var Mutador:MovieClip;
public var Periodistas;
public var Musica:Background;
public function MainTimeline(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 1, frame2, 2, frame3, 3, frame4, 4, frame5, 5, frame6, 6, frame7, 7, frame8, 8, frame9);
public function RemoveListeners():void{
Superscore = (Superscore + Puntos);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Apretar);
stage.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, Cancelar);
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Frame);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, Presion_Tecla);
stage.removeEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, Sube_Tecla);
Periodistas.removeEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, Azar);
public function Suena(event:MouseEvent):void{
var transform:SoundTransform;
if (!Mute){
Mute = true;
} else {
Canal = Musica.play(0, 10000);
transform = Canal.soundTransform;
transform.volume = 0.5;
Canal.soundTransform = transform;
Mute = false;
public function randRange(min:Number, max:Number):Number{
var randomNum:Number = (Math.round((Math.random() * (max - min))) + min);
return (randomNum);
public function Shot():void{
if (!Mute){
Canal_Foto = Foto_snd.play();
MovieClip(getChildByName(("Vida_" + Vidas))).visible = false;
if (Vidas <= 0){
public function Clear():void{
if (this.currentLabel == "Game"){
public function How(event:MouseEvent):void{
Play_bt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Play);
How_bt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, How);
public function progreso(event:Event):void{
peso = root.loaderInfo.bytesTotal;
carga = root.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded;
porcentaje = Math.floor(((carga * 100) / peso));
Loader_txt.text = String(porcentaje);
if (peso == carga){
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, progreso);
public function Azar(event:TimerEvent):void{
Fotografo = MovieClip(getChildByName(("Foto_" + randRange(1, Nivel))));
public function Cancelar(event:MouseEvent):void{
public function Frame(event:Event):void{
var Mc:Corazon;
if (Besukeiro){
Mc = new Corazon();
Mc.x = randRange(250, 600);
Mc.y = randRange(200, 300);
Mc.scaleX = (randRange(5, 20) / 100);
Mc.scaleY = Mc.scaleX;
Mc.gotoAndStop(randRange(1, 4));
TweenMax.to(Mc, 3, {bezier:[{x:randRange(250, 600), y:randRange(200, 300)}, {x:550, y:0}]});
TweenLite.to(Mc, 3, {autoAlpha:0});
Barra.Verde.scaleX = (Barra.Verde.scaleX + 0.5);
Puntos = (Puntos + 2);
Score_txt.text = Puntos.toString();
if (Barra.Verde.scaleX >= 290){
if (Nivel > 3){
} else {
public function Play(event:MouseEvent):void{
Besukeiro = false;
Camara = false;
Nivel = 1;
Superscore = 0;
Play_bt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Play);
How_bt.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, How);
public function Play2(event:MouseEvent):void{
Play_BTN.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Play2);
function frame3(){
function frame6(){
More_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
Fotografo = MovieClip(getChildByName("Foto_1"));
Besukeiro = false;
Corax = new Corazones();
Corax.x = 0;
Corax.y = 0;
Vidas = 3;
Puntos = 0;
Score_txt.text = Puntos.toString();
Count_txt.text = "100";
switch (Nivel){
case 1:
Intervalo = 5000;
case 2:
Intervalo = 4000;
case 3:
Intervalo = 3000;
Level_txt.text = ("Level: " + String(Nivel));
Periodistas = new Timer(Intervalo, 0);
Periodistas.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, Azar);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, Apretar);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, Cancelar);
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, Frame);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, Presion_Tecla);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, Sube_Tecla);
Movies = new Array();
function frame7(){
More_bt_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
Yoko_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
PlayAgain_bt_3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, PlayAgain);
Score_txt.text = String(Superscore);
public function PlayAgain(event:MouseEvent):void{
Besukeiro = false;
Camara = false;
Nivel = 1;
Superscore = 0;
event.currentTarget.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, PlayAgain);
function frame4(){
Yoko.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
More_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
Play_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Play);
How_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, How);
Mutador.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Suena);
function frame5(){
Play_BTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Play2);
More_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
function frame1(){
Besukeiro = false;
Camara = false;
Movies = new Array();
Mute = false;
Nivel = 1;
Superscore = 0;
Musica = new Background();
Foto_snd = new camera();
Beso_snd = new kiss();
Cuenta = new Timer(1000, 0);
Cuenta.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, Count);
my_menu = new ContextMenu();
contextMenu = my_menu;
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, progreso);
public function Sube_Tecla(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
if (event.keyCode == 32){
public function More(event:MouseEvent):void{
var localDomainLC:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
var flashCurrentDomainName:String = localDomainLC.domain;
var btnUrl:* = (("http://www.dressupone.com/?utm_source=" + flashCurrentDomainName) + "&utm_medium=game&utm_campaign=Dressupone%20game%20-%20Beach%20Surf%20And%20Kiss");
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(btnUrl);
navigateToURL(request, "_blank");
function frame8(){
More_bt_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
Yoko_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
PlayAgain_bt_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, PlayAgain);
Score_txt.text = String(Superscore);
function frame2(){
intro_mc.btn_logo.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
intro_mc.btn_full.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
function frame9(){
More_bt_screen.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
Yoko_bt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, More);
Play_BTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Play2);
public function Presion_Tecla(event:KeyboardEvent):void{
if ((((event.keyCode == 32)) && (!(Besukeiro)))){
public function Apretar(event:MouseEvent):void{
public function iniciarJuego():void{
trace("iniciar juego");
Canal = Musica.play(0, 10000);
var transform:SoundTransform = Canal.soundTransform;
transform.volume = 0.5;
Canal.soundTransform = transform;
public function Cancelar_fnc():void{
if (!Mute){
Besukeiro = false;
public function Count(event:TimerEvent):void{
Count_txt.text = String((Number(Count_txt.text) - 1));
if (Number(Count_txt.text) <= 0){
public function Apretar_fnc():void{
Besukeiro = true;
if (Fotografo.currentFrame > 1){
if (!Mute){
Canal_Beso = Beso_snd.play(0, 1000);
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 29 (301 B)
//mc_main_0014_21 (Kiss_Beach_fla.mc_main_0014_21)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class mc_main_0014_21 extends MovieClip {
public function mc_main_0014_21(){
addFrameScript(34, frame35);
function frame35(){
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 30 (254 B)
//S_24 (Kiss_Beach_fla.S_24)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class S_24 extends MovieClip {
public function S_24(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 31 (254 B)
//S_32 (Kiss_Beach_fla.S_32)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class S_32 extends MovieClip {
public function S_32(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1);
function frame1(){
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 32 (939 B)
//S_46 (Kiss_Beach_fla.S_46)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class S_46 extends MovieClip {
public function S_46(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 18, frame19, 61, frame62, 67, frame68);
function frame62(){
function frame1(){
function frame19(){
if (parent["Besukeiro"]){
var _local1 = parent;
function frame68(){
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 33 (949 B)
//S_47 (Kiss_Beach_fla.S_47)
package Kiss_Beach_fla {
import flash.events.*;
import flash.display.*;
import flash.geom.*;
import flash.filters.*;
import flash.media.*;
import flash.ui.*;
import flash.text.*;
import flash.utils.*;
import flash.errors.*;
import adobe.utils.*;
import flash.accessibility.*;
import flash.external.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.printing.*;
import flash.profiler.*;
import flash.sampler.*;
import flash.system.*;
import flash.xml.*;
public dynamic class S_47 extends MovieClip {
public function S_47(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 20, frame21, 61, frame62, 67, frame68);
function frame62(){
function frame21(){
if (parent["Besukeiro"]){
var _local1 = parent;
function frame1(){
function frame68(){
}//package Kiss_Beach_fla
Section 34 (306 B)
//S_46 (Kisses_fla.S_46)
package Kisses_fla {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class S_46 extends MovieClip {
public function S_46(){
addFrameScript(0, frame1, 38, frame39);
function frame39(){
function frame1(){
}//package Kisses_fla
Section 35 (124 B)
//Background (Background)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class Background extends Sound {
Section 36 (112 B)
//camera (camera)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class camera extends Sound {
Section 37 (121 B)
//Corazon (Corazon)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Corazon extends MovieClip {
Section 38 (127 B)
//Corazones (Corazones)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class Corazones extends MovieClip {
Section 39 (106 B)
//kiss (kiss)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class kiss extends Sound {
Section 40 (118 B)
//neck_1 (neck_1)
package {
import flash.display.*;
public dynamic class neck_1 extends MovieClip {
Section 41 (120 B)
//SoundLoad (SoundLoad)
package {
import flash.media.*;
public dynamic class SoundLoad extends Sound {