[Tools][Expand/Collapse All]Note that automatic extraction of ActionScript 3 is still pretty much unsupported by swfchan. AS1/AS2 works okay most of the time.Frame 1 (195 B)
_root.soundready = false;
_root.sound1 = new Sound();
_root.sound1 = new Sound();
Frame 2 (1.53 KiB) ●
_root.countstart = 0;
_root.samePress = false;
_root.nextPress = false;
_root.level = 1;
var total = 0;
_root.life = 0;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.purse = 0;
var takeupdate = 0;
var takeupdatecount = 0;
var priceincrement = 0;
var reqcash = 300;
var playcount = 1;
if (!_root.soundready) {
if (_root.soundready) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
_root.sound1.onSoundComplete = function () {
} else {
_root.sound2 = new Sound();
_root.sound3 = new Sound();
_root.sound4 = new Sound();
_root.sound5 = new Sound();
_root.sound6 = new Sound();
_root.sound7 = new Sound();
_root.sound8 = new Sound();
_root.sound9 = new Sound();
_root.sound10 = new Sound();
_root.sound11 = new Sound();
_root.sound12 = new Sound();
_root.sound13 = new Sound();
_root.sound14 = new Sound();
Instance of Symbol 213 MovieClip "musicBtn" in Frame 2 (582 B)
on (release) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
_root.soundready = true;
} else if (_root.soundready == true) {
_root.soundready = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
Frame 16 (8 B)
Frame 28 (48.97 KiB) ● ● ● ●
function setTimer() {
if ((getTimer() - _root.InitTime) >= 1000) {
_root.InitTime = getTimer();
if (_root.timer < _root.valTime) {
_root.timer = _root.timer + 1;
if (_root.timer == (_root.valTime - 10)) {
_root.nextEnter = false;
_root.increment = 0;
if (_root.timer == (_root.valTime - 1)) {
_root.bg.closed._visible = true;
_root.bg.girlOutside._visible = false;
_root.bg.girlInside._visible = false;
inc1 = 0;
if (_root.timer == _root.valTime) {
_root.nextEnter = false;
_root.increment = 0;
_root.bg.closed._visible = true;
_root.girlDelay = false;
if (((((_root.fillSeat1 == false) && (_root.fillSeat2 == false)) && (_root.fillSeat3 == false)) && (_root.fillSeat4 == false)) && (_root.fillSeat5 == false)) {
delete onEnterFrame;
if (_root.scores >= _root.targets) {
_root.profit = _root.scores - _root.targets;
if (_root.profit < 0) {
_root.profit = 0;
_root.total = _root.total + _root.profit;
_root.purse = _root.total;
if (_root.life < 5) {
} else {
} else {
_root.profit = 0;
_root.total = _root.total + _root.profit;
_root.purse = _root.total;
if (_root.life < 5) {
} else {
function upgrades() {
if (((((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.pur2 == 2)) && (_root.pur3 == 2)) && (_root.pur4 == 2)) && (_root.pur5 == 2)) {
} else {
function coinPress() {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 6) {
_root.bg["coin" + _local4].onRelease = function () {
this.enabled = false;
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(15, 17));
_root["fillSeat" + _local3] = false;
_root.score = _root["ItemDis" + _local3];
_root.scores = _root.scores + _root.score;
this.timer = false;
_root["coinTimer" + _local3] = 0;
function pressObject() {
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 5) {
_root.bg["object" + _local5].onPress = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
startDrag (this);
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(17, 19));
_root.itemNo = _local3;
_root.bg["object" + _local5].onRelease = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
var _local5 = Number(String(this).substring(17, 19));
_root.itemNo = _local5;
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 4) {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 5) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3].showBox == true) {
if (_root.bg["object" + _root.itemNo].hits.hitTest(_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3])) {
_root.bg["object" + _root.itemNo]._x = _root.bg["object" + _root.itemNo].objxpos;
_root.bg["object" + _root.itemNo]._y = _root.bg["object" + _root.itemNo].objypos;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3].times1 = false;
_root["timerinc" + _local4] = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3].showBox = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3].box1._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3].startAction = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local3].objItem = _root.itemNo;
if (_root.countf >= 2) {
_root.countf = 0;
this._x = this.objxpos;
this._y = this.objypos;
_root.bg.object5.onPress = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
startDrag (this);
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 5) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].showBox == true) {
if (_root.bg.object5.hitTest(_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4])) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local3]._visible = true;
_root.bg["circles" + _local3].gotoAndStop(_local4);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].times1 = false;
_root["timerinc" + _local3] = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].box1._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].showBox = false;
_root.circlePressed = true;
_root.bg.object5._x = _root.bg.object5.objxpos;
_root.bg.object5._y = _root.bg.object5.objypos;
_root.bg.alphas._visible = true;
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 6) {
_root.bg["object" + _local5].enabled = false;
_root.bg.object5.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 5) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].showBox == true) {
if (_root.bg.object5.hitTest(_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4])) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local3]._visible = true;
_root.bg["circles" + _local3].gotoAndStop(_local4);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].times1 = false;
_root["timerinc" + _local3] = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].box1._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local4].showBox = false;
_root.circlePressed = true;
_root.bg.object5._x = _root.bg.object5.objxpos;
_root.bg.object5._y = _root.bg.object5.objypos;
_root.bg.alphas._visible = true;
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 6) {
_root.bg["object" + _local5].enabled = false;
if (_root.countf >= 2) {
_root.countf = 0;
this._x = this.objxpos;
this._y = this.objypos;
function circlPress() {
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 4) {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 5) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 4) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local5]["circ" + _local3]["dup" + _local4].onRollOver = function () {
if (_root.Paused) {
var _local3 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16738047, 2, 20, 20, 2, 1, false, false);
this.filters = [_local3];
_root.bg["circles" + _local5]["circ" + _local3]["dup" + _local4].onRollOut = function () {
this.filters = [];
_root.bg["circles" + _local5]["circ" + _local3].dup1.onPress = function () {
var _local5 = Number(String(this).substring(24, 26));
var _local4 = Number(String(this).substring(18, 20));
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local3]._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].startAction = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].objItem = 5;
_root.pressBow = 1;
_root.circlePressed = false;
_root.bg["circles" + _local5]["circ" + _local3].dup2.onPress = function () {
var _local5 = Number(String(this).substring(24, 26));
var _local4 = Number(String(this).substring(18, 20));
_root.pressBow = 2;
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local3]._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].startAction = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].objItem = 5;
_root.circlePressed = false;
_root.bg["circles" + _local5]["circ" + _local3].dup3.onPress = function () {
var _local5 = Number(String(this).substring(24, 26));
var _local4 = Number(String(this).substring(18, 20));
_root.pressBow = 3;
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local3]._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].startAction = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].objItem = 5;
_root.circlePressed = false;
function startAction() {
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 4) {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 5) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].startAction) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].startAction = false;
_root.bg.lady1._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem + 2);
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem == 5) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].dog7.bows.gotoAndStop(_root.pressBow);
_root.bg["seat" + _local2]._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].timerlast = true;
_root["timerlst" + _local2] = 0;
_root.bg.alphas._visible = true;
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 6) {
_root.bg["object" + _local4].enabled = false;
_local3 = 10;
_local2 = 10;
function Attach() {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 6) {
_root.bg["dgs" + _local4].onPress = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
startDrag (this);
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(14, 17));
_root.takenum = _local3;
_root.num = this._currentframe;
_root.bg["girls" + _local3].times = false;
if ((_root.num == 1) || (_root.num == 2)) {
takenums1 = 1;
_root.val1 = _root.num;
if ((_root.num == 3) || (_root.num == 4)) {
takenums1 = 2;
_root.val1 = _root.num - 2;
if ((_root.num == 5) || (_root.num == 6)) {
takenums1 = 3;
_root.val1 = _root.num - 4;
if ((_root.num == 7) || (_root.num == 8)) {
takenums1 = 4;
_root.val1 = _root.num - 6;
_root.bg["dgs" + _local4].onRelease = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
takenums = this._currentframe;
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(14, 17));
_root.takenum = _local3;
if ((takenums == 1) || (takenums == 2)) {
takenums1 = 1;
_root.val1 = takenums;
if ((takenums == 3) || (takenums == 4)) {
takenums1 = 2;
_root.val1 = takenums - 2;
if ((takenums == 5) || (takenums == 6)) {
takenums1 = 3;
_root.val1 = takenums - 4;
if ((takenums == 7) || (takenums == 8)) {
takenums1 = 4;
_root.val1 = takenums - 6;
if (((_root.seatFill1 == true) && (_root.seatFill2 == true)) && (_root.seatFill3 == true)) {
this._x = this.xpos;
this._y = this.ypos;
_root.bg["girls" + _root.takenum].times = true;
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
if (_root["seatFill" + _local3] == false) {
if (_root.bg["dgs" + _local4].hitTest(_root.bg["seat" + _local3].hits)) {
_root.bg["dgs" + _local4]._x = _root.bg["dgs" + _local4].xpos;
_root.bg["dgs" + _local4]._y = _root.bg["dgs" + _local4].ypos;
_root.bg["dgs" + _local4].gotoAndStop(9);
_root["seatFill" + _local3] = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + takenums1].takeNum = _root.takenum;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + takenums1]._visible = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + takenums1].box1._visible = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + takenums1].gotoAndStop(_root.val1);
_local4 = random(_root.itemArray.length);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + takenums1].frameNo = _root.itemArray[_local4];
_root.itemArray.splice(_local4, 1);
if (_root.itemArray.length < 1) {
_root.itemArray = [1, 2];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0];
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + takenums1].times1 = true;
_root["timerinc" + _local3] = 0;
_local3 = 5;
function girlEnter() {
if (((((_root.fillSeat1 == true) && (_root.fillSeat2 == true)) && (_root.fillSeat3 == true)) && (_root.fillSeat4 == true)) && (_root.fillSeat5 == true)) {
_root.timeSrtar = true;
_root.timeforSrtas = 0;
} else {
var _local2 = _root.i;
while (_local2 < 6) {
if (_root["fillSeat" + _local2] == true) {
if (_local2 == 5) {
_local2 = 0;
} else {
_root.i = _local2;
if (_root["fillSeat" + _root.i] == false) {
_root.bg["girls" + _root.i].gotoAndStop(_root.rands1);
if ((_root.rands1 == 3) || (_root.rands1 == 6)) {
_root.bg["dgs" + _root.i].gotoAndStop(4 + _root.randDogs);
_root.bg["dgs" + _root.i].dogNum = 4 + _root.randDogs;
} else {
_root.bg["dgs" + _root.i].gotoAndStop(_root.randDogs);
_root.bg["dgs" + _root.i].dogNum = _root.randDogs;
_root.bg["dgs" + _root.i].xpos = _root.bg["dgs" + _root.i]._x;
_root.bg["dgs" + _root.i].ypos = _root.bg["dgs" + _root.i]._y;
_root["fillSeat" + _root.i] = true;
_root.bg["girls" + _root.i].girlNum = _root.rands1;
_root.bg.girlInside._visible = false;
_root.bg["girls" + _root.i].times = true;
_root["inc1" + _root.i] = 0;
_root.timeSrtar = false;
_root.timeforSrtas = 0;
_root.increment = 0;
_root.nextEnter = true;
if (_root.i == 6) {
_root.i = 1;
function randCases() {
_root.girlDelay = true;
_root.val2 = 50;
_root.inc1 = 0;
_root.rands1 = 1 + random(6);
if ((_root.rands1 == 3) || (_root.rands1 == 6)) {
_root.randDogs = 1 + random(4);
} else {
_root.randDogs = 1 + random(8);
function init() {
_root.Paused = false;
depth = 10;
deps = 1000000 /* 0x0F4240 */;
depths = 500;
inc2 = 0;
inc3 = 0;
inc4 = 0;
inc5 = 0;
var _local6 = 1;
while (_local6 <= 5) {
if (_local6 <= _root.life) {
_root.bg["life" + _local6]._visible = false;
_root.countf = 0;
deps1 = 40000;
_root.timers = 0;
_root.timer = 0;
_root.nextEnter = false;
_local6 = 1;
while (_local6 < 6) {
_root.bg["coin" + _local6].timer = false;
_root.bg["coin" + _local6]._visible = false;
_root.bg["object" + _local6].objxpos = _root.bg["object" + _local6]._x;
_root.bg["object" + _local6].objypos = _root.bg["object" + _local6]._y;
_root.bg["girls" + _local6].gotoAndStop(7);
_root.bg["dgs" + _local6].gotoAndStop(9);
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 4) {
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 5) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local2].nextTookItem = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local2].times1 = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local2].timerlast = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local2].showBox = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local3) + _local2].startAction = false;
var _local7 = 1;
while (_local7 < 4) {
_root.bg["circles" + _local7]._visible = false;
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 5) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local7) + _local4]._visible = false;
_local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < _root.arrayUp.length) {
if (_root.arrayUp[_local6] == 1) {
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 6) {
_root.bg["stool" + _local5].gotoAndStop(2);
if (_root.arrayUp[_local6] == 2) {
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 6) {
_root.bg["stool" + _local5].gotoAndStop(3);
if (_root.arrayUp[_local6] == 3) {
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 6) {
_root.bg["stool" + _local5].gotoAndStop(4);
if (_root.arrayUp[_local6] == 4) {
if (_root.arrayUp[_local6] == 5) {
_root.i = 1;
_root.bg.girlInside._visible = false;
_root.bg.girlOutside._visible = false;
_root.rands1 = 1 + random(6);
if ((_root.rands1 == 3) || (_root.rands1 == 6)) {
_root.randDogs = 1 + random(4);
} else {
_root.randDogs = 1 + random(8);
var _local8 = 1;
while (_local8 < 6) {
_root["seatFill" + _local8] = false;
_root["fillSeat" + _local8] = false;
_root.price1 = 40;
_root.price2 = 50;
_root.price3 = 70;
_root.price4 = 80;
_root.price5 = 60;
switch (_root.level) {
case 1 :
_root.takeupdate = false;
_root.arrayUp = new Array();
inc1 = 30;
var _local9 = 1;
while (_local9 < 6) {
_root["pur" + _local9] = 0;
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.countstart = 0;
_root.total = 0;
_root.targets = 200;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 80;
_root.enteringtime = 60;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 20;
_root.enterTime = 100;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
case 2 :
inc1 = 30;
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 3, 4];
_root.targets = 400;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 80;
_root.enteringtime = 60;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 50;
_root.enterTime = 140;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
case 3 :
if (_root.pur1 == 2) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 30;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 100) {
_root.priceincrement = 5;
} else if ((_local10 > 100) && (_local10 <= 200)) {
_root.priceincrement = 10;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 15;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 0;
inc1 = 30;
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemsecond = [3, 5, 3, 4, 4];
_root.targets = 750;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 70;
_root.enteringtime = 50;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 50;
_root.enterTime = 140;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
case 4 :
inc1 = 30;
if ((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 45;
} else if ((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 35;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 100) {
_root.priceincrement = 30;
} else if ((_local10 > 100) && (_local10 <= 200)) {
_root.priceincrement = 35;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 40;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 0;
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemsecond = [4, 5, 3, 4, 4];
_root.targets = 1000;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 60;
_root.enteringtime = 50;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 30;
_root.enterTime = 100;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
case 5 :
if ((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 50;
} else if ((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 35;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 100) {
_root.priceincrement = 35;
} else if ((_local10 > 100) && (_local10 <= 200)) {
_root.priceincrement = 40;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 50;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 0;
if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 50;
inc1 = 30;
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemsecond = [5, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4];
_root.targets = 1300;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 60;
_root.enteringtime = 40;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 30;
_root.enterTime = 100;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
case 6 :
if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 70;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 65;
} else if ((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 55;
} else if ((_root.pur1 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 45;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 100) {
_root.priceincrement = 60;
} else if ((_local10 > 100) && (_local10 <= 200)) {
_root.priceincrement = 65;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 70;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 20;
inc1 = 30;
_root.itemsecond = [4, 5, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 1500;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 60;
_root.enteringtime = 40;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 30;
_root.enterTime = 100;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
case 7 :
if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 90;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 150) {
_root.priceincrement = 75;
} else if ((_local10 > 150) && (_local10 <= 250)) {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 85;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 30;
inc1 = 30;
_root.itemsecond = [4, 3, 5, 4, 5, 4, 3];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 2000;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 60;
_root.enteringtime = 30;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 30;
_root.enterTime = 100;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
if (_root.level >= 8) {
inc1 = 30;
if (_root.nextPress == true) {
_root.countstart = _root.countstart + 200;
_root.nextPress = false;
if (_root.samePress == true) {
_root.samePress = false;
if (_root.level == 8) {
if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 100;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 80;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 150) {
_root.priceincrement = 75;
} else if ((_local10 > 150) && (_local10 <= 250)) {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 85;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 40;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 5, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 2200;
if (_root.level == 9) {
if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 100;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 100;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 85;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 150) {
_root.priceincrement = 85;
} else if ((_local10 > 150) && (_local10 <= 250)) {
_root.priceincrement = 90;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 100;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 50;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 2500;
if (_root.level == 10) {
if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 140;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 120;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 100;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 90;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 100;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 105;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 110;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 50;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 3000;
if (_root.level == 11) {
if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 140;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 135;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 90;
} else if ((_root.pur2 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 140;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 120;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 125;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 130;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 50;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 5, 4, 4, 4, 3, 5, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 3500;
if (_root.level == 12) {
if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 160;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 140;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 135;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 120;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 125;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 130;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 60;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 4, 5];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 4000;
if (_root.level == 13) {
if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 180;
} else if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 160;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 145;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 135;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 145;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 160;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 180;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 60;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 4500;
if (_root.level == 14) {
if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 250;
} else if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 200;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 145;
} else if ((_root.pur3 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 135;
if ((_root.pur5 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 200;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 180;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 185;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 190;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 70;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 5000;
if (_root.level == 15) {
if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 250;
} else if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 220;
if ((_root.pur5 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 230;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 180;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 185;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 190;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 5300;
if (_root.level == 16) {
if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 250;
} else if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 230;
if ((_root.pur5 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 250;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 230;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 240;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 250;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 80;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 5500;
if (_root.level == 17) {
if ((_root.pur5 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.takeupdate = 2;
_root.priceincrement = 250;
} else if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 1)) {
_root.priceincrement = 250;
} else if ((_root.pur4 == 2) && (_root.takeupdate == 2)) {
_root.priceincrement = 230;
if (_root.playcount > 2) {
if (_root.total < _root.reqcash) {
var _local10 = _root.reqcash - _root.total;
if (_local10 <= 200) {
_root.priceincrement = 220;
} else if ((_local10 > 200) && (_local10 <= 300)) {
_root.priceincrement = 225;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 230;
} else {
_root.priceincrement = 130;
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 6000;
if (_root.level == 18) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 6200;
if (_root.level == 19) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 6500;
if (_root.level == 20) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 6800;
if (_root.level == 21) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 7000;
if (_root.level > 21) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4, 5, 3, 4];
_root.itemArray = [2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.itemcheck = [0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
_root.targets = 7500;
_root.val1 = 20;
_root.val2 = 50;
_root.enteringtime = 20;
_root.waitingtimeEnter = 20;
_root.enterTime = 80;
_root.waitforitem = 20;
_root.waitforitemGot = 200;
_root.price1 = _root.price1 + _root.priceincrement;
_root.price2 = _root.price2 + _root.priceincrement;
_root.price3 = _root.price3 + _root.priceincrement;
_root.price4 = _root.price4 + _root.priceincrement;
_root.price5 = _root.price5 + _root.priceincrement;
_root.bg.alphas._visible = false;
_root.bg.opens._visible = true;
_root.bg.closed._visible = false;
_root.profit = 0;
_root.prices = 0;
_root.scores = 0;
_root.InitTime = getTimer();
_root.valTime = 100;
_root.score = 0;
_root.timer = 0;
_root.timeSrtar = false;
_root.pressBow = 0;
_root.coinCount = 0;
_root.circlePressed = false;
_root.InitTime = getTimer();
depths1 = 10000;
_root.girlsArray = new Array();
_root.girlDelay = true;
var itemArray = new Array();
var itemArray2 = new Array();
var itemcheck = new Array();
var itemsecond = new Array();
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.Paused == false) {
if (_root.girlDelay) {
if (inc1 == (_root.val2 - 5)) {
_root.bg.girlOutside._visible = true;
_root.bg.girlOutside["girl" + _root.rands1].dogs.gotoAndStop(_root.randDogs);
_root.bg.opens._visible = false;
if (inc1 == _root.val2) {
_root.bg.girlOutside._visible = false;
_root.bg.girlInside._visible = true;
_root.bg.girlInside["girl" + _root.rands1].dogs.gotoAndStop(_root.randDogs);
if (inc1 == (_root.val2 + 15)) {
inc1 = 0;
_root.girlDelay = false;
if (_root.nextEnter) {
if (_root.increment == _root.enteringtime) {
_root.nextEnter = false;
_root.increment = 0;
if (_root.timeSrtar) {
if (_root.timeforSrtas == _root.waitingtimeEnter) {
_root.bg.girlInside._visible = false;
_root.nextEnter = true;
_root.timeSrtar = false;
_root.timeforSrtas = 0;
var _local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 6) {
if (_root.bg["girls" + _local5].times == true) {
_root["inc1" + _local5]++;
if (_root["inc1" + _local5] == (_root.enterTime - 10)) {
_root.bg["dgs" + _local5]["dogenter" + _root.bg["dgs" + _local5].dogNum].gotoAndStop(2);
_root.bg["dgs" + _local5].enabled = false;
if (_root["inc1" + _local5] == _root.enterTime) {
_root["fillSeat" + _local5] = false;
_root.bg["dgs" + _local5].enabled = true;
_root.bg["life" + _root.life]._visible = false;
_root.bg["girls" + _local5].gotoAndStop(7);
_root.bg["dgs" + _local5].gotoAndStop(9);
_root.bg["dgs" + _local5].dogNum = 0;
_root.bg["girls" + _local5].girlNum = 0;
_root["inc1" + _local5] = 0;
_root.bg["girls" + _local5].times = false;
if (_root.life == 5) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < 4) {
_local5 = 1;
while (_local5 < 5) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].times1 == true) {
_root["timerinc" + _local4]++;
if (_root["timerinc" + _local4] == _root.waitforitem) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].showBox = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].box1._visible = true;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].frameNo == 2) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].nextTookItem == true) {
if ((_root.level >= 2) && (_root.level < 4)) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
if ((_root.level >= 4) && (_root.level < 7)) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [5, 4];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
if ((_root.level >= 7) && (_root.level < 9)) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
if (_root.level >= 9) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].box1.items1.gotoAndStop(_local8);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].getItem = _local8;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].objItem = 0;
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].box1.items1.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].getItem = 1;
} else if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].nextTookItem == true) {
var itm;
if ((_root.level >= 2) && (_root.level < 4)) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
if ((_root.level >= 4) && (_root.level < 7)) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [5, 4];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
if ((_root.level >= 7) && (_root.level < 9)) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
if (_root.level >= 9) {
if (_root.itemsecond.length < 1) {
_root.itemsecond = [3, 4, 5];
itm = random(_root.itemsecond.length);
var _local8 = _root.itemsecond[itm];
_root.itemsecond.splice(itm, 1);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].box1.items1.gotoAndStop(_local8);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].getItem = _local8;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].objItem = 0;
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].box1.items1.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].getItem = 2;
if (_root["timerinc" + _local4] == _root.waitforitemGot) {
_root.mainBox = _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].takeNum;
_root["seatFill" + _local4] = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].getItem = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].frameNo = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].nextTookItem = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].showBox = false;
_root["timerinc" + _local4] = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5].times1 = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local4) + _local5]._visible = false;
_root.bg["life" + _root.life]._visible = false;
_root.bg["girls" + _root.mainBox].gotoAndStop(7);
_root["fillSeat" + _root.mainBox] = false;
if (_root.life == 5) {
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 4) {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 5) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].timerlast == true) {
_root["timerlst" + _local2]++;
if (_root["timerlst" + _local2] == 30) {
_root.bg["seat" + _local2]._visible = true;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].getItem == _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem == 5) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(9);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].bow.gotoAndStop(_root.pressBow);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].wins = "win";
_root.prices = _root.prices + _root["price" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem];
_root["ItemDis" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].takeNum] = _root.prices;
_root.prices = 0;
} else if (_root.level >= 2) {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem == false) {
var _local7 = random(_root.itemcheck.length);
var _local9 = _root.itemcheck[_local7];
_root.itemcheck.splice(_local7, 1);
if (_local9 == 1) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem = false;
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem = true;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem == false) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].timerlast = false;
_root["timerlst" + _local2] = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem = true;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].times1 = true;
_root["timerinc" + _local2] = 0;
_root.prices = _root.prices + _root["price" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem];
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(8);
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem = false;
if (_local3 == 1) {
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].wins = "win";
_root.prices = _root.prices + _root["price" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem];
_root["ItemDis" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].takeNum] = _root.prices;
_root.prices = 0;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].frameNo == 7) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(9);
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(8);
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].nextTookItem = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].wins = "win";
if (_local3 == 1) {
} else {
_root.prices = _root.prices + _root["price" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem];
_root["ItemDis" + _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].takeNum] = _root.prices;
_root.prices = 0;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].frameNo == 7) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(9);
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(8);
} else {
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].objItem == 5) {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].frameNo + 11);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].bow.gotoAndStop(_root.pressBow);
} else {
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].gotoAndStop(_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].frameNo + 9);
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].wins = "lose";
if (_local3 == 1) {
} else {
_root.bg.alphas._visible = false;
var _local6 = 1;
while (_local6 < 6) {
_root.bg["object" + _local6].enabled = true;
_root.bg.lady1._visible = true;
if (_root["timerlst" + _local2] == 50) {
_root.coinBox = _root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].takeNum;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3]._visible = false;
_root["seatFill" + _local2] = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].times1 = false;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].getItem = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].frameNo = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].showBox = false;
_root.bg["girls" + _root.coinBox].gotoAndStop(7);
_root["timerlst" + _local2] = 0;
_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].timerlast = false;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].wins == "win") {
_root.bg["coin" + _root.coinBox].enabled = true;
_root.bg["coin" + _root.coinBox]._visible = true;
_root.bg["coin" + _root.coinBox].timer = true;
_root["coinTimer" + _root.coinBox] = 0;
if (_root.bg[("dogmain" + _local2) + _local3].wins == "lose") {
_root.bg["life" + _root.life]._visible = false;
_root["fillSeat" + _root.coinBox] = false;
if (_root.life == 5) {
var _local10 = 1;
while (_local10 < 5) {
if (_root.circlePressed) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
Instance of Symbol 462 MovieClip "musicBtn1" in Frame 28 (712 B)
on (release) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
_root.soundready = true;
} else if (_root.soundready == true) {
_root.soundready = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
Frame 29 (8 B)
Symbol 20 Button (131 B)
on (release) {
_root.games.del.enabled = true;
_root.done.enabled = true;
_root.Paused = false;
Symbol 28 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 52 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 143 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 156 MovieClip [mc4] Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 1 (14 B)
Symbol 163 MovieClip Frame 2 (355 B)
fLoaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded());
fTotal = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal());
fPercent = fLoaded / fTotal;
loaderTxt.text = ("Loading... " + Math.round(fPercent * 100)) + "%";
logoMask._y = 60 - (fPercent * 70);
if (fLoaded >= fTotal) {
loaderTxt._y = -3000;
loaderTxt._x = -3000;
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1 (103 B)
fSitebutton.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("http://www.games2girls.com/", "_blank");
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 123 (23 B)
Symbol 203 Button (65 B)
on (press) {
getURL ("http://www.games2girls.com/", "_blank");
Symbol 208 Button (39 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("help");
Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 217 Button (42 B)
on (press) {
Symbol 221 Button (61 B)
on (release) {
gotoAndStop ("menu");
Symbol 231 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 234 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 238 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 248 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 251 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 267 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 5 (8 B)
Symbol 271 MovieClip Frame 11 (8 B)
Symbol 275 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 285 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 299 MovieClip Frame 22 (41 B)
gotoAndStop (1);
this._visible = false;
Symbol 304 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 349 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 358 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 385 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 390 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 415 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 420 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 425 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 441 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 452 Button (158 B)
on (press) {
_root.Paused = true;
_root.games.del.enabled = false;
_root.done.enabled = false;
_root.attachMovie("help", "help", 909, {_x:400, _y:300});
Symbol 456 Button (252 B)
on (release) {
delete _root.onEnterFrame;
Symbol 462 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 468 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 471 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 474 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 478 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 482 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Symbol 497 Button (133 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.scores < _root.targets) {
} else {
Symbol 513 Button (1.56 KiB) ●
on (release) {
if (_root.pur1 != 2) {
if (_root.purse >= 300) {
_root.purchase.purch1.enabled = true;
} else {
_root.purchase.purch1.enabled = false;
} else if (_root.pur1 == 2) {
_root.purchase.purch1.enabled = false;
if (_root.pur2 != 2) {
if ((_root.purse >= 700) && (_root.pur1 == 2)) {
_root.purchase.purch2.enabled = true;
} else {
_root.purchase.purch2.enabled = false;
} else if (_root.pur2 == 2) {
_root.purchase.purch2.enabled = false;
if (_root.pur3 != 2) {
if ((_root.purse >= 1400) && (_root.pur2 == 2)) {
} else {
_root.purchase.purch3.enabled = false;
} else if (_root.pur3 == 2) {
_root.purchase.purch3.enabled = false;
if (_root.pur4 != 2) {
if ((_root.purse >= 1900) && (_root.pur3 == 2)) {
} else {
_root.purchase.purch4.enabled = false;
} else if (_root.pur4 == 2) {
_root.purchase.purch4.enabled = false;
if (_root.pur5 != 2) {
if ((_root.purse >= 2900) && (_root.pur4 == 2)) {
} else {
_root.purchase.purch5.enabled = false;
} else if (_root.pur5 == 2) {
_root.purchase.purch5.enabled = false;
Symbol 517 Button (121 B)
on (release) {
_root.nextPress = true;
_root.level = _root.level + 1;
Symbol 525 Button (69 B)
on (release) {
_root.samePress = true;
Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1 (8 B)
Instance of Symbol 468 MovieClip "purch2" in Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1 (308 B)
on (press) {
if ((_root.purse >= 700) && (_root.pur1 == 2)) {
_root.pur2 = 2;
_root.total = _root.total - 700;
_root.purse = _root.total;
_root.takeupdate = 1;
_root.takeupdatecount = 2;
_root.reqcash = 1400;
_root.playcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 471 MovieClip "purch3" in Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1 (310 B)
on (press) {
if ((_root.purse >= 1400) && (_root.pur2 == 2)) {
_root.pur3 = 2;
_root.total = _root.total - 1400;
_root.purse = _root.total;
_root.takeupdate = 1;
_root.takeupdatecount = 3;
_root.reqcash = 1900;
_root.playcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 474 MovieClip "purch1" in Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1 (276 B)
on (press) {
if (_root.purse >= 300) {
_root.pur1 = 2;
_root.total = _root.total - 300;
_root.purse = _root.total;
_root.takeupdate = 1;
_root.takeupdatecount = 1;
_root.reqcash = 700;
_root.playcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 478 MovieClip "purch4" in Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1 (310 B)
on (press) {
if ((_root.purse >= 1900) && (_root.pur3 == 2)) {
_root.pur4 = 2;
_root.total = _root.total - 1900;
_root.purse = _root.total;
_root.takeupdate = 1;
_root.takeupdatecount = 4;
_root.reqcash = 2900;
_root.playcount = 0;
Instance of Symbol 482 MovieClip "purch5" in Symbol 526 MovieClip Frame 1 (263 B)
on (press) {
if ((_root.purse >= 2900) && (_root.pur4 == 2)) {
_root.pur5 = 2;
_root.total = _root.total - 2900;
_root.purse = _root.total;
_root.takeupdate = 1;
_root.takeupdatecount = 5;
Symbol 546 Button (66 B)
on (release) {
Symbol 563 Button (66 B)
on (release) {