Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

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This is the info page for
Flash #119621

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
frame 1 { function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) { var x; var g; var s; var fv; var sb; var u; var res; var mb; var mbc; var pv; mb = '__mochibot__'; mbc = ''; g = _global ? _global : _level0._root; if (g[mb + swfid]) { return g[mb + swfid]; } s =; x = mc._root.getSWFVersion; fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5); if (!s) { s = {}; } sb = s.sandboxType; if (sb == 'localWithFile') { return null; } x = s.allowDomain; if (x) { s.allowDomain(mbc); } x = s.allowInsecureDomain; if (x) { s.allowInsecureDomain(mbc); } pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version; u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : ''); lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv); g[mb + 'level'] = lv; if (fv == 5) { res = '_level' + lv; if (!eval(res)) { loadMovieNum(u, lv); } return res; } res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv); res.loadMovie(u); return res; } __com_mochibot__('66af3c9a', this, 10301, true); } frame 1 { function doSomething() {} stop(); = MENU; MENU = new ContextMenu(); MENU.hideBuiltInItems(); Functioned = new ContextMenuItem('This Game is copyrighted by Epic Llama', doSomething); MENU.customItems.push(Functioned); = MENU;; _focusrect = false; } frame 1 { } frame 1 { _root.volumenoso = 50; } movieClip 4 { } movieClip 6 { } instance of movieClip 6 { onClipEvent (load) { b_total = _root.getBytesTotal(); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { b_loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (b_loaded >= b_total) {; } else { porcentaje = (b_loaded / b_total) * 100; barra._xscale = porcentaje; time = getTimer() / 1000; bps = Math.round(b_loaded / time); bytes_left = b_total - b_loaded; seg_left = Math.ceil(bytes_left / bps); min_left = Math.floor(seg_left / 60); hrs_left = Math.floor(min_left / 60); min_left -= hrs_left * 60; seg_left -= (hrs_left * 60 + min_left) * 60; if (length(hrs_left) != 1) { } else { hrs_left = '0' + hrs_left; } 0; if (length(min_left) != 1) { } else { min_left = '0' + min_left; } 0; if (length(seg_left) != 1) { } else { seg_left = '0' + seg_left; } 0; kbps_temp = bps / 1024; kbps = Math.floor(kbps_temp * 10) / 10; output = hrs_left + ':' + min_left + ':' + seg_left + 'seg. a ' + kbps + 'kbps'; } } } movieClip 9 { } movieClip 10 { } frame 2 { stop(); } movieClip 30 { frame 79 { stop(); _root.nextFrame(); } } frame 3 { stop(); } // unknown tag 88 length 105 movieClip 39 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { removeMovieClip(_root.stage_clear); _root.vivos = 0; } frame 8 { _root.gotoAndStop('limpia'); } frame 9 { _root.sthero.maxcombo = 0; _root.tiempopelea = random(200) + 100; switch (_root.destino) { case 'izquierda': _root.gotoAndStop(_root.izquierda); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); cord = _root.izquierda_cord; _root.l._x = cord; _root.adelante._x = cord; _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso2._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso2._y; _root.l.hero._xscale = -100; break; case 'derecha': _root.gotoAndStop(_root.derecha); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); cord = _root.derecha_cord; _root.l._x = cord; _root.adelante._x = cord; _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso2._y; break; case 'abajo': _root.hero._x = 650; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.abajo); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); cord = _root.abajo_cord; _root.l._x = cord; _root.adelante._x = cord; _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso3._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso3._y; break; case 'arriva': _root.hero._x = 650; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.arriva); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); cord = _root.arriva_cord; _root.l._x = cord; _root.adelante._x = cord; _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y; break; case 'shop': _root.gotoAndStop('shop'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y - 100; break; case 'hotel': _root.gotoAndStop('hotel'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y - 100; break; case 'room': _root.gotoAndStop('room'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y - 100; break; case 'briefin': _root.gotoAndStop('briefin'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y - 100; break; case 'arenaentrance': _root.gotoAndStop('arenaentrance'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y; break; case 'v2': _root.gotoAndStop('v2'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.eso4._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.eso4._y; break; case 'pueblo1': _root.gotoAndStop('t1'); gotoAndStop(1); break; case 'secret1': _root.gotoAndStop('secret1'); gotoAndStop(1); break; case 'c1': _root.gotoAndStop('c1'); break; case 'v0': _root.gotoAndStop('v0'); break; case 'random2': _root.gotoAndStop('random2'); break; case 'random3': _root.gotoAndStop('random3'); break; case 'gameover': _root.gotoAndStop('gameover'); break; case 'load': _root.gotoAndStop('load'); break; case 'mainmenu': _root.gotoAndStop('mainmenu'); break; case 'mapa': _root.gotoAndStop('mapa'); _root.w.mapa.gotoAndStop(_root.lugardemapa); _root.choca = []; break; case 'v1': _root.gotoAndStop('v1'); _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); break; default: } _root.l.muertos = 0; _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); _root.w.mapa._y = _root.memoria_y; _root.w.mapa._x = _root.memoria_x; _root.yego = 0; _root.stoped = 0; var glow_color = 0; var glow_alpha = 1; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 1; var glow_quality = 3; var glow_inner = false; var glow_knockout = false; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality, glow_inner, glow_knockout); _root.l.hero.filters = [filter_glow]; } frame 10 { _root.limpio = 0; _root.sumons = 0; } } movieClip 44 { } movieClip 46 { } movieClip 48 { } movieClip 50 { } movieClip 52 { } movieClip 55 { } movieClip 57 { } movieClip 62 { frame 136 { _root.destino = 'mainmenu';; stop(); } frame 165 { stop(); } } movieClip 68 { } movieClip 73 { } movieClip 74 { } movieClip 76 { frame 1 { enemy = []; } } movieClip 81 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 86 { } movieClip 94 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 119 { } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 126 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 160 { } movieClip 166 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 170 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 180 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 202 ladron { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 1 { b1.gotoAndStop(6); b2.gotoAndStop(6); a1.gotoAndStop(2); a2.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 45 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado <= 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.l.invi == 1) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a1 * 0.1) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } else { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 52 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 57 { stun = 1; } frame 61 { if (disparo == 'dagaso') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('dagaso', 'dagaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 50; _root.m.dagger.cooldown = 7 - _root.sthero.tree_b3 * 2; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -15; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 15; } } } if (disparo == 'bombaso') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('bombaso', 'bombaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 60; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -15; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 15; } } _root.l.shockwave._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = _root.l.hero._y; } } frame 67 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 74 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 91 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 95 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 96 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 105 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 114 { stun = 1; } frame 118 { disparo = 'shockwave'; if (disparo == 'shockwave') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('raspando', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 100; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } } frame 122 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 136 { stun = 1; } frame 147 { _root.l.mina = _root.l.attachMovie('landmine', 'landmine' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 80; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.mina); _root.l.mina.swapDepths(_root.l.mina._x / 90 + (_root.l.mina._y + 20)); _root.l.mina._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.mina._y = _root.l.hero._y + 46; _root.l.mina.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 161 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 178 { stun = 1; } frame 180 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 5); } frame 199 { -= 10; _root.m.dead.cooldown = 12 - _root.sthero.tree_b3 * 2; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 3 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 204 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 208 { stun = 1; mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado <= 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.l.invi == 1) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a1 * 0.1) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } else { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 215 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 221 { stun = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado <= 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.l.invi == 1) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a1 * 0.1 + _root.sthero.tree_a3 * 0.33) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } else { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a3 * 0.33) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 227 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 233 { stun = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado <= 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 1.5 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 60; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 60; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado <= 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 1.5 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 60; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 60; } } } } } } frame 249 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 252 { stun = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 2.2 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 60; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 60; } } } } } } frame 262 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 213 { } movieClip 215 { } movieClip 217 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 218 { } movieClip 220 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 228 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 234 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 236 { } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 239 { } movieClip 242 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 250 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 252 { } movieClip 262 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 285 { frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_fire * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a2 * 0.2) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_fire) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 > 0) { _root.l.enemy[i].fire.gotoAndStop(2); _root.l.enemy[i].fire.tiempo = _root.sthero.tree_a3 * 48; } } } } } } movieClip 288 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 293 { } movieClip 296 lizarman_spearman { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 64 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 86 { stun = 1; } frame 88 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 6); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 105 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 114 { stun = 1; } frame 116 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 6); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 130 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 135 { stun = 1; } frame 137 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 6); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 151 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 156 { stun = 1; } frame 158 { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 6); } frame 165 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2)) { += _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2); } } } } } frame 167 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } frame 168 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } frame 169 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } frame 170 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } frame 171 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } frame 173 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 185 { stun = 1; } frame 189 { if (disparo == 'dagaso') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('lanza', 'dagaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 10; _root.m.z.cooldown = 4 - _root.sthero.tree_b1; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } if (disparo == 'bombaso') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('bombaso', 'bombaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 60; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -15; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 15; } } _root.l.shockwave._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = _root.l.hero._y; } } frame 194 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 203 { stun = 1; } frame 231 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 236 { stun = 1; } frame 241 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('icepath', 'wrath' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 25; _root.m.c.cooldown = 10 - _root.sthero.tree_b3 * 2; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y - 990)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } frame 242 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 270 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 273 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 274 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 283 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 304 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 310 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 314 { } movieClip 315 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.golpeado = 0; } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (tiempo > -1 and perro == 1) { tiempo -= 1; _parent.golpeado = 1; } if (tiempo < 0 and perro == 1) { perro = 2; _parent.golpeado = 0; gotoAndStop(1); } } stop(); tiempo = 70; perro = 1; } } movieClip 325 paladin { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 1 { antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(4); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(4); guant1.gotoAndStop(3); pierna1.gotoAndStop(2); pierna2.gotoAndStop(2); } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 45 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2)) { += _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2); } } } } } frame 53 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 58 { stun = 1; } frame 62 { if (disparo == 'dagaso') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('dagaso', 'dagaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 60; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -15; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 15; } } } if (disparo == 'bombaso') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('bombaso', 'bombaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 60; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -15; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 15; } } _root.l.shockwave._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = _root.l.hero._y; } } frame 68 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 75 { stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 92 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 96 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 97 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 106 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 115 { stun = 1; } frame 120 { disparo = 'shockwave'; if (disparo == 'shockwave') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('raspando', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 100; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } } frame 124 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 153 { stun = 1; } frame 154 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2)) { += _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2); } } } } } frame 163 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 171 { stun = 1; } frame 172 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a1 * 0.5) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2)) { += _root.sthero.tree_a4 * (_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 0.2); } } } } } frame 180 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 187 { stun = 1; } frame 188 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } frame 191 { if (_root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * +(0.05 * _root.sthero.tree_b3) > _root.sthero.maxhp) { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } else { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * +(0.05 * _root.sthero.tree_b3); } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 1.5 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 60; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 60; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 1.5 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 60; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 60; } } } } } } frame 210 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 222 { stun = 1; } frame 223 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_fire * (1 + 0.133 * _root.sthero.tree_a3) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_fire) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 60; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 60; } } } } } } frame 233 { if (_root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * (0.1 + 0.1 * _root.sthero.tree_b1) > _root.sthero.maxhp) { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } else { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * (0.1 + 0.1 * _root.sthero.tree_b1); } -= 100; _root.m.x.cooldown = 12; } frame 242 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 248 { stun = 1; } frame 249 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } frame 252 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('wrath', 'wrath' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 15; _root.m.c.cooldown = 17 - _root.sthero.tree_a2 * 3; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y - 990)); if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } frame 260 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 328 { } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 331 { } movieClip 333 { } movieClip 335 { } movieClip 337 { } movieClip 339 { } movieClip 341 { } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 349 { } movieClip 352 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 363 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 368 { } movieClip 369 { } movieClip 370 melissa { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 56 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 76 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 98 { stun = 1; } frame 99 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 109 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 118 { stun = 1; } frame 119 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 131 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 136 { stun = 1; } frame 137 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 145 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 150 { stun = 1; } frame 151 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } frame 154 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 160 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 172 { stun = 1; } frame 176 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('devil1', 'dagaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 30; _root.m.z.cooldown = 10 - _root.sthero.tree_a4 * 3; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.l.shockwave._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = _root.l.hero._y - 100; } frame 181 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 190 { stun = 1; } frame 194 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('raspando', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 70; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.m.x.cooldown = 1; if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } frame 198 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 210 { recargor = 0.02 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 0.01; dahp = _root.sthero.tree_b3 * 0.01; coldownerito = 3; _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.stun = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } frame 214 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } frame 219 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 223 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 229 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } frame 235 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 236 { gotoAndPlay('ice'); } frame 244 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 247 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 248 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 257 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 372 { } movieClip 374 { } movieClip 375 { } movieClip 378 { } movieClip 379 { } movieClip 384 { } movieClip 386 devil1 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { hp -= 1; if (_root.l.target_sumon == undefined) { gotoAndPlay('recon'); } if (_root.l.target_sumon.hp < 1) { gotoAndPlay('recon'); } for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 400)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.target_sumon._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.target_sumon._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.target_sumon._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.target_sumon._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.target_sumon._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.target_sumon._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.target_sumon._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.target_sumon._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.target_sumon._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.target_sumon._x > this._x and _root.l.target_sumon._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.target_sumon._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.target_sumon._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.target_sumon._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.target_sumon = undefined; removeMovieClip(this); } } } tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 240; maxhp = hp; speed = 8 + _root.sthero.tree_a2; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 12 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 21 { stun = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round((_root.sthero.dmg_fire * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a1 * 0.333) / 4) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 36 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 49 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 69 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 84 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 88 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 30; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -30; mira = -100; } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round((_root.sthero.dmg_fire / 3) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_fire) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 89 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 90 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 91 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 92 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 93 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 94 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 95 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 96 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 97 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 98 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 99 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 100 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 101 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 102 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 103 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 104 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 109 { buscando = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.target_sumon = _root.l.enemy[i]; } } } } frame 117 { buscando = 0; } frame 118 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 120 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; buscando = 1; } frame 126 { stop(); } } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 392 { } movieClip 394 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 399 { } movieClip 415 charmer { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 56 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 76 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 98 { stun = 1; } frame 99 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.2) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 105 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 114 { stun = 1; } frame 115 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.2) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 122 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 127 { stun = 1; } frame 128 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.2) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 135 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 140 { stun = 1; } frame 141 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'nina_attack1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'nina_attack2'; } else { tune = 'nina_attack3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.2) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 149 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 161 { stun = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_fire * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100) * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a1 * 0.5); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 200; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 200; } } } } } } frame 164 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 7 - _root.sthero.tree_a4 * 3; -= 40; } frame 173 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 182 { stun = 1; } frame 189 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('stun_charm', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 30; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.m.x.cooldown = 10 - _root.sthero.tree_a3 * 1; if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } frame 200 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 217 { -= 10; _root.m.c.cooldown = 6 - _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round((_root.sthero.dmg_normal * 3 * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100) * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_b4 * 0.2)); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 226 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 246 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 249 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 250 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 259 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 421 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 425 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 433 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 443 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent._parent.berzerk = 1; } frame 2 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 2 { _parent._parent.berzerk = 2 + _root.sthero.tree_a4 * 0.2; tiempo = _root.sthero.tree_a1; } frame 6 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 15 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 25 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 36 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 47 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 57 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 69 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 82 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 92 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 103 { if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; gotoAndPlay(50); } } frame 104 { _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 104 { _parent._parent.head.zerk.gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 463 warriota { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 56 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 74 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 98 { stun = 1; } frame 99 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'sophie1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'sophie2'; } else { tune = 'sophie3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2) { += 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * _parent.berzerk * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_parent.berzerk > 1) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > random(10) and _root.l.enemy[i].stuned == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('stuned', 'stuned' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned._xscale = -100; } } } } } } } frame 107 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 116 { stun = 1; } frame 117 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'sophie1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'sophie2'; } else { tune = 'sophie3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2) { += 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * _parent.berzerk * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_parent.berzerk > 1) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > random(10) and _root.l.enemy[i].stuned == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('stuned', 'stuned' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned._xscale = -100; } } } } } } } frame 126 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 131 { stun = 1; } frame 132 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'sophie1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'sophie2'; } else { tune = 'sophie3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2) { += 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * _parent.berzerk * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_parent.berzerk > 1) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > random(10) and _root.l.enemy[i].stuned == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('stuned', 'stuned' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned._xscale = -100; } } } } } } } frame 140 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 145 { stun = 1; } frame 146 { mmySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'sophie1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'sophie2'; } else { tune = 'sophie3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2) { += 6 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 2; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * _parent.berzerk * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_parent.berzerk > 1) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > random(10) and _root.l.enemy[i].stuned == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('stuned', 'stuned' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned._xscale = -100; } } } } } } } frame 153 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 165 { stun = 1; } frame 169 {; head.zerk.gotoAndStop(2); -= 80; _root.m.z.cooldown = 5; _root.m.z.tiempo = 0; } frame 174 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 183 { stun = 1; } frame 185 { _root.m.x.cooldown = 5; if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + 20) { += 20; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe) and _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado != 1) { _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.l.enemy[i].slowed == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].slowed = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('slowed', 'slowed' + getTimer(), 2000); if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 > 0) { _root.l.enemy[i].dmg_down = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('dmg_down', 'dmg_down' + getTimer(), 3050); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].dmg_down._xscale = -100; } } if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].slowed._xscale = -100; } } } } } } frame 203 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 219 { -= 40; _root.m.c.cooldown = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > random(10) and _root.l.enemy[i].stuned == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('stuned', 'stuned' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].stuned._xscale = -100; } } _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_a2 * 0.33) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 70; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 70; } } } } } } frame 228 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 237 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 240 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 241 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.tree_b4 * 15) { += _root.sthero.tree_b4 * 15; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } } frame 247 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 471 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 475 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 483 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 491 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 496 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 508 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 509 { } movieClip 525 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 526 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 527 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 39 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 530 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 534 { } movieClip 535 { instance display of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_xscale > _parent.hp._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; } else { if (_xscale < _parent.hp._xscale) { _xscale = _parent.hp._xscale; } } } } instance hp of movieClip 534 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = (_parent._parent.hp / _parent._parent.maxhp) * 100; if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = 0; } } } } movieClip 538 { } movieClip 539 { frame 26 { stop(); } } movieClip 540 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (tiempo > -1 and perro == 1) { tiempo -= 1; _parent.hp -= _root.sthero.dmg_fire * 0.02; } if (tiempo < 0 and perro == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); perro = 2; } } stop(); tiempo = 90; perro = 1; } } movieClip 543 { } movieClip 544 { } movieClip 545 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (tiempo > -1 and perro == 1) { tiempo -= 1; } if (tiempo < 0 and perro == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); perro = 2; _parent.speed *= 4; } } _parent.speed /= 4; stop(); perro = 1; } } movieClip 546 { } movieClip 547 { } movieClip 548 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 549 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { function onEnterFrame() { if (tiempo > -1 and perro == 1) { tiempo -= 1; } if (tiempo < 0 and perro == 1) { gotoAndStop(1); perro = 2; _parent.armor_normal = galga; _parent.speed *= 8; } } _parent.speed /= 8; if (galga == undefined) { galga = _parent.armor_normal; } _parent.armor_normal = _parent.armor_normal / 2 - 10 * _root.sthero.tree_b2; stop(); tiempo = 60; perro = 1; } } movieClip 550 inerdiablomalo { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.sumons -= 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } _root.sumons += 1; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; maxhp = hp; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 12 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 21 { stun = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 36 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 49 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 69 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 84 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 88 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 30; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -30; mira = -100; } } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 89 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 90 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 91 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 92 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 93 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 94 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 95 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 96 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 97 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 98 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 99 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 100 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 101 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 102 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 103 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 104 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 105 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 109 { buscando = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.target_sumon = _root.l.enemy[i]; } } } } frame 117 { buscando = 0; } frame 118 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 120 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; buscando = 1; } frame 126 { stop(); } } movieClip 562 { } movieClip 563 fireball { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 5)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { tiempo = 75; perro = 1; } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } removeMovieClip(_parent); } } } } movieClip 566 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 572 { } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 574 sworda { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 5)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { tiempo = 75; perro = 1; } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } removeMovieClip(_parent); } } } } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 580 wrath { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[v3].hp -= _root.sthero.dmg_fire * 0.01 + _root.sthero.tree_a2 * 0.005 * _root.sthero.dmg_fire; if (_root.l.enemy[v3].hp < 1) { _root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado = 1; } } } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 39)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 39)); removeMovieClip(this); } } this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 100; } } movieClip 581 Symbol 1 { } movieClip 584 stuned { frame 1 { _parent.gotoAndStop('bash'); _parent.stun = 1; _parent.golpeado = 0; } frame 2 { _parent.golpeado = 0; } frame 57 { this._name = cacohjggjgjjna; _parent.stuned = undefined; _parent.gotoAndPlay('stand'); removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 590 stun_charm { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; this._yscale += 8; this._xscale *= 1.05; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x + 38; } else { this._x = _root.l.hero._x - 38; } this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 7; this._alpha = 80; perro = 1; } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { knockback = 2; dmg = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe) and _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado != 1) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].armor_shadow < random(100) and _root.l.enemy[i].charmed == undefined) { _root.l.enemy[i].charmed = _root.l.enemy[i].attachMovie('charmed', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._xscale == -100) { _root.l.enemy[i].charmed._xscale = -100; } } } } } } } movieClip 601 stage_clear { frame 1 { +=; _root.sthero.score += 10 * _root.sthero.maxcombo; _root.limpio = 1; if (_root.sthero.achievement10 == 0 and > 400) { _root.sthero.achievement10 = 1;; } } frame 138 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 603 SnowFlake { } movieClip 605 { } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 609 slowed { frame 2 { _parent.speed /= 4; } frame 117 { _parent.speed *= 4; this._name = asdasdazzzzzzzzzzz; _parent.slowed = undefined; removeMovieClip(this); } } // unknown tag 88 length 47 movieClip 612 { } movieClip 613 { } movieClip 614 runa_heal { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; } frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; _alpha = _alpha - 10; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } tiempo = 100; } frame 2 { _alpha = 20; } frame 3 { _alpha = 30; } frame 4 { _alpha = 50; } frame 5 { _alpha = 70; } frame 6 { _alpha = 100; } instance of movieClip 613 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.healing = _root.l.attachMovie('healing', 'healing' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); if (_root.l.enemy[i].hp > 2) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].hp + _parent.healingpower > _root.l.enemy[i].maxhp) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp = _root.l.enemy[i].maxhp; _root.l.healing.muestra = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.healing._x = _root.l.enemy[i]._x; _root.l.healing._y = _root.l.enemy[i]._y; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.healing); } else { _root.l.healing.muestra = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.healing._x = _root.l.enemy[i]._x; _root.l.healing._y = _root.l.enemy[i]._y; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.healing); _root.l.enemy[i].hp += _parent.healingpower; } } } } } } frame 18 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 18 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 20 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 21 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 32 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 620 raspando { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; this._yscale += 8; this._xscale *= 1.05; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 10 + _root.sthero.tree_b4 * 5; this._alpha = 80; perro = 1; } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { knockback = 2; dmg = 10; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 > 0) { if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.dmg_fire * (0.07000000000000001 * _root.sthero.tree_a3) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_fire) / 100) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.dmg_fire * (0.07000000000000001 * _root.sthero.tree_a3) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_fire) / 100; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round((_root.sthero.dmg_fire * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_fire) / 100) * (1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.1)); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x and _parent.speed > 0) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 30; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x and _parent.speed < 0) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 30; } } } } } } } movieClip 622 normal_attack_shadow { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[v3].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_shadow * (100 - _root.l.enemy[v3].armor_shadow) / 100); _root.sthero.hp += Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_shadow * (100 - _root.l.enemy[v3].armor_shadow) / 100 / 5); _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; _root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado_anima = 1; } } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 1; } } movieClip 624 normal_attack_ice { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[v3].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_ice * (100 - _root.l.enemy[v3].armor_ice) / 100); _root.l.enemy[v3].cold.gotoAndStop(2); _root.l.enemy[v3].cold.tiempo = 30; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; _root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado_anima = 1; } } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 1; } } movieClip 626 normal_attack_fire { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[v3].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_fire * (100 - _root.l.enemy[v3].armor_fire) / 100); _root.l.enemy[v3].fire.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; _root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado_anima = 1; } } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 1; } } movieClip 628 normal_attack { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[v3].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[v3].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[v3].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 1; } } movieClip 632 { } movieClip 634 { } movieClip 637 misil { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + this._y); } } frame 1 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'caida meteo1'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 13 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hithard'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 13 { _root.l._y -= 10; } frame 14 { _root.l._y += 10; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.spell * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 30) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 23 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; } frame 50 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 100 { stun = 1; } frame 106 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(2); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'lizardman_attack2'; } else { tune = 'lizardman_attack'; } if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 108 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('flecha', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 134 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 200 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 207 { stun = 0; } frame 219 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 300 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 303 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'lizardman_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 318 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 656 levelup { frame 1 { +=; _root.sthero.score += 10 * _root.sthero.maxcombo; _root.sthero.maxhp += _root.m.hp; _root.sthero.maxenergy +=; _root.sthero.dmg_normal += _root.m.normal_dmg; _root.sthero.dmg_fire += _root.m.magic_dmg; _root.sthero.extrapoints += 1; _root.sthero.lvl += 1; _root.sthero.maxexp = Math.round(_root.sthero.maxexp + _root.sthero.maxexp * 0.5); _root.sthero.expe = 0; _root.limpio = 1; if (_root.sthero.lvl == 11) { _root.sthero.achievement11 = 1;; } } frame 195 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 661 { } movieClip 662 { } movieClip 663 lanza { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 28)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y - 5; tiempo = 40; perro = 1; } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { knockback = 2; dmg = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i].cold._currentframe == 2) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (_root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.15) * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); } if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 > 0) { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x and _parent.speed > 0) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 20; removeMovieClip(_parent); } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x and _parent.speed < 0) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 20; removeMovieClip(_parent); } } } removeMovieClip(_parent); } } } } } movieClip 669 { frame 120 { _parent.esplota = 'si'; } } movieClip 677 { } movieClip 680 landmine { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (tiempo == undefined) { tiempo = 8; } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); if (esplota == 'si') { play(); tiempo -= 1; if (tiempo < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _parent.esplota = 'si'; } } } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { knockback = 2; dmg = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; _root.l.enemy[i].poison.gotoAndStop(2); _root.l.enemy[i].poison.tiempo = 60; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 30; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 30; } } } } } } } movieClip 686 icepath { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[v3].cold.gotoAndStop(2); _root.l.enemy[v3].cold.tiempo = 20; } } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 39)); if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 39)); removeMovieClip(this); } } this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; tiempo = 100; } } movieClip 690 healing { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); } } frame 30 { removeMovieClip(this); } frame 31 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 692 fuegon { } movieClip 696 { } movieClip 697 flecha { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { tiempo = 75; perro = 1; } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 699 { } movieClip 700 { } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 704 { } movieClip 706 { } movieClip 708 { } movieClip 710 { } movieClip 712 { } movieClip 714 { } movieClip 718 { } movieClip 719 { } movieClip 720 { } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 723 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 724 firia { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 56 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 76 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 98 { stun = 1; } frame 99 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 109 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 118 { stun = 1; } frame 119 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 131 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 136 { stun = 1; } frame 137 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 145 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 150 { stun = 1; } frame 151 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } frame 154 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 160 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 172 { stun = 1; } frame 176 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('devil1', 'dagaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 30; _root.m.z.cooldown = 10 - _root.sthero.tree_a4 * 3; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.l.shockwave._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = _root.l.hero._y - 100; } frame 181 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 190 { stun = 1; } frame 194 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('raspando', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 70; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.m.x.cooldown = 1; if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } frame 198 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 210 { recargor = 0.02 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 0.01; dahp = _root.sthero.tree_b3 * 0.01; coldownerito = 3; _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.stun = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } frame 214 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } frame 219 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 223 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 229 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } frame 235 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 236 { gotoAndPlay('ice'); } frame 244 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 247 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 248 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 257 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 729 { frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 731 espantapajaro { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 22)); } stop(); } frame 18 { removeMovieClip(this); } } movieClip 736 { } movieClip 737 { } movieClip 739 dmg_down { frame 2 { _parent.dmg /= 1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.33; } frame 117 { _parent.dmg *= 1 + _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 0.33; stop(); removeMovieClip(this); } } // unknown tag 88 length 143 button 758 { on (keyPress 'k') { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); = _root.lugardemapa; = _root.sthero.nombre; = _root.sthero.bestcombo; = _root.sthero.armor; = _root.sthero.hp; = _root.sthero.expe; = _root.sthero.maxexp; = _root.sthero.lvl; = _root.sthero.maxhp; =; = _root.sthero.maxenergy; = _root.sthero.regen; = _root.sthero.handicap; =; = _root.sthero.armorlvl; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor1; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor2; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor3; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor4; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor5; = _root.sthero.weaponlvl; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor1; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor2; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor3; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor4; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor5; = _root.sthero.elemento; = _root.sthero.core1; = _root.sthero.core2; = _root.sthero.core3; = _root.sthero.core4; = _root.sthero.dmg_normal; = _root.sthero.dmg_fire; = _root.sthero.dmg_ice; = _root.sthero.dmg_shadow; = _root.sthero.seleccionenergy; = _root.sthero.item1; = _root.sthero.item2; = _root.sthero.item3; = _root.sthero.item4; = _root.sthero.item5; = _root.sthero.item6; = _root.sthero.item7; = _root.sthero.item8; = _root.sthero.item9; = _root.sthero.item10; =; = _root.sthero.pelo; = _root.sthero.detalle; = _root.sthero.gamba1; = _root.sthero.gamba2; = _root.sthero.chaketa; = _root.sthero.cinto; = _root.sthero.cuchi1; = _root.sthero.cuchi2; = _root.memoria_x; = _root.memoria_y; = _root.sthero.tree_a1; = _root.sthero.tree_a2; = _root.sthero.tree_a3; = _root.sthero.tree_a4; = _root.sthero.tree_b1; = _root.sthero.tree_b2; = _root.sthero.tree_b3; = _root.sthero.tree_b4; = _root.sthero.clase; = _root.sthero.energyregen; = _root.sthero.extrapoints; = _root.sthero.achievement1; = _root.sthero.achievement2; = _root.sthero.achievement3; = _root.sthero.achievement4; = _root.sthero.achievement5; = _root.sthero.achievement6; = _root.sthero.achievement7; = _root.sthero.achievement8; = _root.sthero.achievement9; = _root.sthero.achievement10; = _root.sthero.achievement11; = _root.musikita._currentframe; = _root._currentframe; _root.savefile.flush(); nextFrame(); } } movieClip 761 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; if (_root.sthero.nombre != 'Sophie') { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } } } movieClip 765 { frame 1 { _root.sthero.item1 = 'wrench'; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); stop(); if ( == 3) { = 4; } } } movieClip 771 { } button 772 { on (keyPress 'k') { nextFrame(); } } movieClip 778 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 7 {; removeMovieClip(_parent._parent); } } button 781 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 782 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( > 11 and _root.sthero.armorvendedor1 != 'ya') { gotoAndStop(2); -= 12; _root.sthero.armorlvl += 1; _root.sthero.armor += 5; _root.sthero.armorvendedor1 = 'ya'; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 785 { frame 1 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 197 button 790 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 791 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( > llamagold - 1) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.armorlvl += 1; _root.sthero.armorvendedor1 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.armor += _root.m.armor; _root.sthero.hp += 30; _root.sthero.maxhp += 30; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.armorlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement9 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 794 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.armorlvl; llamagold = _root.sthero.armorlvl * 20; } } button 796 { on (keyPress 'k') { _root.destino = 'izquierda'; _root.izquierda = 'movies';; removeMovieClip(_parent); } } button 804 { on (keyPress 'k') {; removeMovieClip(_parent); } } button 809 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 810 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( > llamagold - 1) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.armorlvl += 1; _root.sthero.armorvendedor2 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.armor += _root.m.armor; _root.sthero.hp += 30; _root.sthero.maxhp += 30; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.armorlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement9 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 811 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.armorlvl; llamagold = _root.sthero.armorlvl * 20; } } button 814 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 815 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( > llamagold - 1) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.armorlvl += 1; _root.sthero.armorvendedor3 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.armor += _root.m.armor; _root.sthero.hp += 30; _root.sthero.maxhp += 30; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.armorlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement9 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 816 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.armorlvl; llamagold = _root.sthero.armorlvl * 20; } } button 819 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 820 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( > llamagold - 1) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.armorlvl += 1; _root.sthero.armorvendedor4 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.armor += _root.m.armor; _root.sthero.hp += 30; _root.sthero.maxhp += 30; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.armorlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement9 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 821 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.armorlvl; llamagold = _root.sthero.armorlvl * 20; } } // unknown tag 88 length 197 button 824 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 825 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( >= llamagold) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.weaponlvl += 1; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor2 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.dmg_normal += _root.m.wnormal; _root.sthero.dmg_fire += _root.m.wmagic; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.weaponlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement8 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 828 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.weaponlvl; llamagold = 80; } } button 830 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 831 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( >= llamagold) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.weaponlvl += 1; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor3 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.dmg_normal += _root.m.wnormal; _root.sthero.dmg_fire += _root.m.wmagic; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.weaponlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement8 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 832 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.weaponlvl; llamagold = 160; } } button 834 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 835 { on (keyPress 'k') { if ( >= llamagold) { gotoAndStop(3); -= llamagold; _root.sthero.weaponlvl += 1; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor4 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.dmg_normal += _root.m.wnormal; _root.sthero.dmg_fire += _root.m.wmagic; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.weaponlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement8 = 1;; } } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 836 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.weaponlvl; llamagold = 240; } } button 839 { on (keyPress 'n') { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 840 { on (keyPress 'k') { gotoAndStop(3); _root.sthero.weaponlvl += 1; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor1 = 'ya'; _root.sthero.dmg_normal += _root.m.wnormal; _root.sthero.dmg_fire += _root.m.wmagic; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if (_root.sthero.weaponlvl == 4) { _root.sthero.achievement8 = 1;; } } } movieClip 841 { frame 1 { stop(); llamalvl = _root.sthero.weaponlvl; llamagold = _root.sthero.weaponlvl * 20; } } movieClip 857 { frame 1 { stop(); gotoAndStop(_parent.dialogo); } instance of movieClip 765 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.item1 == 'wrench') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 785 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.armorvendedor1 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 794 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.armorvendedor1 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 811 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.armorvendedor2 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 816 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.armorvendedor3 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 821 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.armorvendedor4 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 828 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.weaponvendedor2 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 832 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.weaponvendedor3 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 836 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.weaponvendedor4 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } instance of movieClip 841 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.weaponvendedor1 == 'ya') { gotoAndStop(3); } } } } movieClip 860 dialogo1 { frame 6 { stop(); } frame 10 { removeMovieClip(this); stop(); } } movieClip 862 { } movieClip 863 dagaso { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y - 2; tiempo = 50; perro = 1; } } frame 1 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'throwknife2'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { knockback = 2; dmg = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; _root.l.enemy[i].poison.gotoAndStop(2); _root.l.enemy[i].poison.tiempo = 60; removeMovieClip(_parent); if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x and _parent.speed > 0) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 30; removeMovieClip(_parent); } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x and _parent.speed < 0) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 30; removeMovieClip(_parent); } } } } } } } movieClip 865 { } movieClip 866 { } movieClip 867 coldboltaso { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 5)); _x = _x + speed; if (tiempo > 0) { tiempo -= 1; } else { removeMovieClip(this); } } if (perro == undefined) { tiempo = 75; perro = 1; } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } removeMovieClip(_parent); } } } } movieClip 872 charmed { frame 1 { _parent.gotoAndStop('bash'); _parent.stun = 1; _parent.golpeado = 1; _parent.hp -= _root.sthero.dmg_fire * (_root.sthero.tree_a2 * 0.33); _parent.armor_normal -= 15 * _root.sthero.tree_b3; } frame 2 { _parent.stun = 1; _parent.golpeado = 0; } frame 3 { _parent.stun = 1; _parent.golpeado = 0; } frame 23 { this._name = cacona; _parent.charmed = undefined; } frame 72 { _parent.armor_normal += 15 * _root.sthero.tree_b3; _parent.gotoAndPlay('stand'); stop(); } } movieClip 877 { } movieClip 879 { } movieClip 882 bombaso { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { if (tiempo == undefined) { tiempo = 24; } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 15)); tiempo -= 1; if (tiempo < 0) { removeMovieClip(this); } } } instance golpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { knockback = 2; dmg = 5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x > _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x += 30; } else { if (_root.l.enemy[i]._x < _parent._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._x -= 30; } } } } } } } movieClip 885 { } movieClip 887 { } movieClip 889 { } movieClip 892 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 898 { frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 900 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 905 armadura_mala { frame 1 { golpeado = 0; camina = 0; } frame 15 { stun = 0; } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 50 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 84 { stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 90 { _parent.hit = 1; } frame 95 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 104 { stun = 1; } frame 107 { _parent.hit = 1; } frame 112 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 115 { stun = 1; } frame 119 { _parent.hit = 1; } frame 123 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 128 { stun = 1; } frame 132 { _parent.hit = 1; } frame 137 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 149 { stun = 1; } frame 160 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 170 { stun = 1; } frame 181 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('sworda', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y + 35; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -7; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 7; } } } frame 194 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 257 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 258 { head.ojos.gotoAndStop(20); } frame 283 { gotoAndPlay('dormido'); } frame 284 { head.ojos.gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 290 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 324 { _parent.hit = 1; } frame 330 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 353 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 359 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 909 { } movieClip 910 _misilaso { } movieClip 951 { frame 3 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(2); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); dialogo = 12; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(8); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(4); dialogo = 14; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(3); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(3); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(1); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(3); dialogo = 15; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 951 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 9 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m2'); _root.vivos = 0; _root.aumento = 3; velocity = 12; stop(); saveFile = ''; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); } movieClip 958 { } movieClip 960 { } movieClip 961 { } movieClip 964 { } movieClip 972 { } movieClip 974 { } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 989 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 998 { } // unknown tag 88 length 150 button 1003 { on (release, keyPress '<Enter>') { gotoAndStop('load'); } } movieClip 1005 { } movieClip 1006 { } button 1009 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1011 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1014 { on (release) { getURL(' ', '_blank'); } } button 1016 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('load'); } } button 1018 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('opciones'); } } button 1020 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('creditos'); } } button 1022 { on (release) { getURL(' ', '_blank'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 91 movieClip 1034 { frame 2 { stopAllSounds(); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'campirana'; if (casasda == undefined) { _root.musikita.mySound.setVolume(50); } casasda = 'chupala por gil'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 9999); stop(); } frame 3 { stopAllSounds(); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'm3'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 9999); stop(); } frame 4 { stopAllSounds(); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'm1'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 9999); stop(); } frame 5 { stopAllSounds(); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'm2'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 9999); stop(); } frame 6 { stopAllSounds(); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'm1'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 9999); stop(); } } movieClip 1037 { } instance of movieClip 1037 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tiempo = _root.saveFile; } } movieClip 1040 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 8 { _root.gotoAndStop('c1'); _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); } } button 1045 { on (release) { _root.destino = 'mainmenu';; } } button 1055 { on (release) { = undefined; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1071 { } movieClip 1078 { } movieClip 1083 { } movieClip 1088 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1095 { } movieClip 1096 { frame 1 { gold =; } frame 2 { gold =; armor =; weapon =; level =; nombre =; } instance of movieClip 1095 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_parent.nombre); } } } instance of movieClip 1096 { onClipEvent (load) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('save1'); if ( == undefined) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1096 { onClipEvent (load) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('save2'); if ( == undefined) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1098 { on (release) { saveFile = 'save1'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); if ( == undefined) { _root.gotoAndStop('dificultad'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('se1'); } } } button 1099 { on (release) { saveFile = 'save2'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); if ( == undefined) { _root.gotoAndStop('dificultad'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('se1'); } } } instance of movieClip 1096 { onClipEvent (load) { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal('save3'); if ( == undefined) { stop(); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } button 1100 { on (release) { saveFile = 'save3'; var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); if ( == undefined) { _root.gotoAndStop('dificultad'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('se1'); } } } button 1110 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('char'); dificultad = 0; } } button 1112 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndStop('char'); dificultad = 0.4; } } movieClip 1116 { frame 554 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1037 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { tiempo = _root.sthero.lvl; } } movieClip 1122 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { removeMovieClip(_root.stage_clear); _root.vivos = 0; } frame 9 { var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); _root.lugardemapa =; _root.sthero.nombre =; _root.sthero.armor =; _root.sthero.hp =; _root.sthero.expe =; _root.sthero.maxexp =; _root.sthero.lvl =; _root.sthero.maxhp =; =; _root.sthero.maxenergy =; _root.sthero.regen =; _root.sthero.handicap =; =; _root.sthero.bestcombo =; _root.sthero.armorlvl =; _root.sthero.armorvendedor1 =; _root.sthero.armorvendedor2 =; _root.sthero.armorvendedor3 =; _root.sthero.armorvendedor4 =; _root.sthero.armorvendedor5 =; _root.sthero.weaponlvl =; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor1 =; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor2 =; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor3 =; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor4 =; _root.sthero.weaponvendedor5 =; _root.sthero.elemento =; _root.sthero.core1 =; _root.sthero.core2 =; _root.sthero.core3 =; _root.sthero.core4 =; _root.sthero.dmg_normal =; _root.sthero.dmg_fire =; _root.sthero.dmg_ice =; _root.sthero.dmg_shadow =; _root.sthero.seleccionenergy =; _root.sthero.item1 =; _root.sthero.item1 =; _root.sthero.item2 =; _root.sthero.item3 =; _root.sthero.item4 =; _root.sthero.item5 =; _root.sthero.item6 =; _root.sthero.item7 =; _root.sthero.item8 =; _root.sthero.item9 =; _root.sthero.item10 =; =; _root.sthero.pelo =; _root.sthero.detalle =; _root.sthero.gamba1 =; _root.sthero.gamba2 =; _root.sthero.chaketa =; _root.sthero.cinto =; _root.sthero.cuchi1 =; _root.sthero.cuchi2 =; _root.memoria_y =; _root.memoria_x =; _root.sthero.tree_a1 =; _root.sthero.tree_a2 =; _root.sthero.tree_a3 =; _root.sthero.tree_a4 =; _root.sthero.tree_b1 =; _root.sthero.tree_b2 =; _root.sthero.tree_b3 =; _root.sthero.tree_b4 =; _root.sthero.clase =; _root.sthero.energyregen =; _root.sthero.extrapoints =; _root.sthero.achievement1 =; _root.sthero.achievement2 =; _root.sthero.achievement3 =; _root.sthero.achievement4 =; _root.sthero.achievement5 =; _root.sthero.achievement6 =; _root.sthero.achievement7 =; _root.sthero.achievement8 =; _root.sthero.achievement9 =; _root.sthero.achievement10 =; _root.sthero.achievement11 =; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop(; _root.gotoAndStop(; _root.l.hero = _root.l.attachMovie(_root.sthero.clase, 'hero' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.hero._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.hero._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y; _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); var glow_color = 0; var glow_alpha = 1; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 1; var glow_quality = 3; var glow_inner = false; var glow_knockout = false; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality, glow_inner, glow_knockout); _root.l.hero.filters = [filter_glow]; } frame 10 { _root.limpio = 0; } } movieClip 1124 { } movieClip 1126 { } movieClip 1127 { frame 1 { dragger._x = _root.volumenoso; dragger.onPress = function () { this.startDrag(true, 0, 0, line._width, 0); this.onEnterFrame = function () { ratio = Math.round(this._x * 100 / line._width); }; }; dragger.onreleaseOutside = stopDrag; dragger.onRelease = dragger.onreleaseOutside; } } instance mySlider of movieClip 1127 { onClipEvent (load) { ratio = _root.volumenoso; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.musikita.mySound.setVolume(ratio); _root.volumenoso = ratio; } } // unknown tag 88 length 197 button 1132 { on (press) { _quality = 'Low'; } } button 1134 { on (press) { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } } button 1136 { on (press) { _quality = 'BEST'; } } movieClip 1140 { } movieClip 1141 { frame 1 { quest = 1; cartas = 2; lvl = 1; expe = 0; maxexp = 60; clase = 'paladin'; energyregen = 1.5; if (_root.secondoplay == undefined) { extrapoints = 0; } else { extrapoints = _root.secondoplay; } combo = 0; maxcombo = 0; score = 0; bestcombo = 0; tiempo_muere = 40; armor = 1; hp = 300; regen = 0.25; handicap = 'normal'; maxhp = 300; energy = 100; maxenergy = 100; gold = 0; armorlvl = 1; armorvendedor1 = ''; armorvendedor2 = ''; armorvendedor3 = ''; armorvendedor4 = ''; armorvendedor5 = ''; weaponlvl = 1; weaponvendedor1 = ''; weaponvendedor2 = ''; weaponvendedor3 = ''; weaponvendedor4 = ''; weaponvendedor5 = ''; elemento = 'normal'; core1 = 'normal'; core2 = 'undefined'; core3 = 'undefined'; core4 = 'undefined'; dmg_normal = 20; dmg_fire = 60; dmg_ice = 0; dmg_shadow = 0; seleccionenergy = 20; item1 = 1; item2 = ''; item3 = ''; item4 = ''; item5 = ''; item6 = ''; item7 = ''; item8 = ''; item9 = ''; item10 = ''; tree_a1 = 0; tree_a2 = 0; tree_a3 = 0; tree_a4 = 0; tree_b1 = 0; tree_b2 = 0; tree_b3 = 0; tree_b4 = 0; pelo = 3; detalle = 5; gamba1 = 1; gamba2 = 2; chaketa = 1; cinto = 8; cuchi1 = 1; cuchi2 = 2; achievement1 = 0; achievement2 = 0; achievement3 = 0; achievement4 = 0; achievement5 = 0; achievement6 = 0; achievement7 = 0; achievement8 = 0; achievement9 = 0; achievement10 = 0; achievement11 = 0; } instance of movieClip 1140 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.sthero.tiempocombo -= 1; if (_root.sthero.tiempocombo < 0) { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } if (_root.sthero.combo > 1) { _root.m.combos.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.combo); } else { _root.m.combos.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.sthero.maxcombo < _root.sthero.combo) { _root.sthero.maxcombo = _root.sthero.combo; } if (_root.sthero.bestcombo < _root.sthero.combo) { _root.sthero.bestcombo = _root.sthero.combo; } } } } instance sthero of movieClip 1141 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.l.hero.swapDepths(_root.l.hero._x / 90 + (_root.l.hero._y + 20)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1) { if (Key.isDown(39) and == 1) { _root.l.hero._x += _root.velocity; } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.l.hero._xscale = 100; _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); = 1; } else { if ( == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } if (Key.isDown(37) and _root.l.hero.sis == 1) { _root.l.hero._x -= _root.velocity; } else { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.l.hero._xscale = -100; _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); _root.l.hero.sis = 1; } else { if (_root.l.hero.sis == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } if (Key.isDown(38) and == 1) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 3; } else { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); = 1; } else { if ( == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } if (Key.isDown(40) and _root.l.hero.sos == 1) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 3; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); _root.l.hero.sos = 1; } else { if (_root.l.hero.sos == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(_root.l.hero); myColor.setRGB(16724736); _root.l.hero.gotoAndStop('bash'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; tiempo_muere -= 1; _root.l.hero._alpha -= 3; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.destino = 'gameover';; } } } } frame 35 {; } instance sthero of movieClip 1141 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.l.hero.swapDepths(_root.l.hero._x / 90 + (_root.l.hero._y + 20)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1) { if (Key.isDown(39) and == 1) { _root.l.hero._x += _root.velocity; } else { if (Key.isDown(39)) { _root.l.hero._xscale = 100; _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); = 1; } else { if ( == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } if (Key.isDown(37) and _root.l.hero.sis == 1) { _root.l.hero._x -= _root.velocity; } else { if (Key.isDown(37)) { _root.l.hero._xscale = -100; _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); _root.l.hero.sis = 1; } else { if (_root.l.hero.sis == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } if (Key.isDown(38) and == 1) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 3; } else { if (Key.isDown(38)) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); = 1; } else { if ( == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } if (Key.isDown(40) and _root.l.hero.sos == 1) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 3; } else { if (Key.isDown(40)) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); _root.l.hero.sos = 1; } else { if (_root.l.hero.sos == 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(_root.l.hero); myColor.setRGB(16724736); _root.l.hero.gotoAndStop('bash'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; tiempo_muere -= 1; _root.l.hero._alpha -= 3; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.gotoAndPlay('se1'); } } } } button 1142 { on (rollOver) { _root.display1.gotoAndStop('Shengy'); } on (release) { _root.sthero.clase = 'ladron'; velocity = 10; _root.sthero.maxhp = 280; _root.sthero.dmg_normal = 35; _root.sthero.dmg_fire = 10; _root.sthero.energyregen = 0.4; _root.sthero.regen = 0.4 + _root.dificultad; _root.sthero.nombre = 'Shengu'; _root.sthero.pelo = 3; _root.sthero.detalle = 5; _root.sthero.gamba1 = 1; _root.sthero.gamba2 = 2; _root.sthero.chaketa = 12; _root.sthero.cinto = 3; _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 1; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 1; _root.destino = 'v0';; } } button 1143 { on (rollOver) { _root.display1.gotoAndStop('lion'); } on (release) { _root.sthero.clase = 'paladin'; _root.sthero.maxhp = 350; _root.sthero.hp = 350; _root.sthero.regen = 0.3 + _root.dificultad; _root.sthero.dmg_normal = 20; _root.sthero.dmg_fire = 40; _root.velocity = 10; _root.sthero.energyregen = 0.22; _root.sthero.maxenergy = 450; = 450; _root.sthero.nombre = 'Lion'; _root.sthero.pelo = 10; _root.sthero.detalle = 7; _root.sthero.gamba1 = 1; _root.sthero.gamba2 = 2; _root.sthero.chaketa = 11; _root.sthero.cinto = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 5; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 5; _root.destino = 'v0';; } } button 1145 { on (rollOver) { _root.display1.gotoAndStop('jifhoo'); } on (release) { _root.sthero.clase = 'Lizarman_spearman'; _root.sthero.maxhp = 230; _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; _root.sthero.regen = 0.3 + _root.dificultad; _root.sthero.dmg_normal = 30; _root.sthero.dmg_fire = 30; _root.velocity = 8; _root.sthero.energyregen = 0.3; _root.sthero.maxenergy = 150; = 150; _root.sthero.nombre = 'Jifhoo'; _root.sthero.pelo = 9; _root.sthero.detalle = 7; _root.sthero.gamba1 = 6; _root.sthero.gamba2 = 6; _root.sthero.chaketa = 11; _root.sthero.cinto = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 5; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 5; _root.destino = 'v0';; } } button 1146 { on (rollOver) { _root.display1.gotoAndStop('melissa'); } on (release) { _root.sthero.clase = 'melissa'; _root.sthero.maxhp = 160; _root.sthero.hp = 130; _root.sthero.regen = 0.4 + _root.dificultad; _root.sthero.dmg_normal = 10; _root.sthero.dmg_fire = 50; _root.velocity = 11; _root.sthero.energyregen = 0.3; _root.sthero.maxenergy = 150; = 150; _root.sthero.nombre = 'Marion'; _root.sthero.pelo = 10; _root.sthero.detalle = 7; _root.sthero.gamba1 = 6; _root.sthero.gamba2 = 6; _root.sthero.chaketa = 11; _root.sthero.cinto = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 5; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 5; _root.destino = 'v0';; } } button 1147 { on (rollOver) { _root.display1.gotoAndStop('joey'); } on (release) { _root.sthero.clase = 'charmer'; _root.sthero.maxhp = 230; _root.sthero.hp = 230; _root.sthero.regen = 0.4 + _root.dificultad; _root.sthero.dmg_normal = 20; _root.sthero.dmg_fire = 24; _root.velocity = 12; _root.sthero.energyregen = 0.3; _root.sthero.maxenergy = 150; = 150; _root.sthero.nombre = 'Slash'; _root.sthero.pelo = 10; _root.sthero.detalle = 7; _root.sthero.gamba1 = 1; _root.sthero.gamba2 = 1; _root.sthero.chaketa = 11; _root.sthero.cinto = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 5; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 5; _root.destino = 'v0';; } } button 1148 { on (rollOver) { _root.display1.gotoAndStop('sophie'); } on (release) { _root.sthero.clase = 'warriota'; _root.sthero.maxhp = 430; _root.sthero.hp = 430; _root.sthero.regen = 0.4 + _root.dificultad; _root.sthero.dmg_normal = 30; _root.sthero.dmg_fire = 10; _root.velocity = 14; _root.sthero.energyregen = 0; _root.sthero.maxenergy = 150; = 0; _root.sthero.nombre = 'Sophie'; _root.sthero.pelo = 10; _root.sthero.detalle = 7; _root.sthero.gamba1 = 1; _root.sthero.gamba2 = 1; _root.sthero.chaketa = 11; _root.sthero.cinto = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 5; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 5; _root.destino = 'v0';; } } movieClip 1156 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1159 { } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1163 { } movieClip 1165 { } movieClip 1190 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 296 lizarman_spearman { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(10); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); gamba1.gotoAndStop(6); gamba2.gotoAndStop(6); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(11); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(10); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(5); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance of movieClip 325 paladin { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(10); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(2); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(11); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(10); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(5); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance of movieClip 415 charmer { onClipEvent (load) { gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(5); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(2); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 1195 { } movieClip 1206 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1208 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1211 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1216 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1219 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1222 { } movieClip 1224 { } movieClip 1226 { } button 1227 { on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(1); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1228 { on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(2); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1229 { on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(3); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1230 { on (rollOver) { descnormal.gotoAndStop(1); descnormal._x = _xmouse; descnormal._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descnormal._x = 9999; descnormal._y = 9999; } } movieClip 1235 { instance display of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_xscale > _parent.hp._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; } else { if (_xscale < _parent.hp._xscale) { _xscale = _parent.hp._xscale; } } } } instance hp of movieClip 534 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = (_root.sthero.hp / _root.sthero.maxhp) * 100; _parent.muestra = 'HP' + Math.round(_root.sthero.hp) + '/' + _root.sthero.maxhp; if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = 0; } if (_root.sthero.hp < _root.sthero.maxhp and _root.sthero.hp > 0) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.regen; } } } } movieClip 1237 { } movieClip 1239 { } movieClip 1241 { instance energy of movieClip 1239 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ( / _root.sthero.maxenergy) * 100; _parent.muestra = 'RP' + + '/' + _root.sthero.maxenergy; if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = 0; } if ( < _root.sthero.maxenergy) { += _root.sthero.energyregen; } } } } button 1243 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1) { switch (_root.sthero.combo) { case 0: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 1: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 2: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 3: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 4: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 5: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 6: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); break; case 7: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 8: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 9: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 10: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 11: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 12: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 13: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); break; case 14: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 15: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 16: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 17: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 18: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 19: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 20: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); break; default: } if (_root.sthero.combo > 20) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); _root.sthero.combo = 0; } } } } button 1245 { on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 79 and _root.m.z.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque2'); _root.l.hero.disparo = 'dagaso'; } } } button 1246 { on (keyPress 'v') { if (_root.hero.stun != 1 and _root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { if (_root.sthero.elemento == 'normal') { _root.m.e.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 2; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 2; _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(2); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(2); } else { if (_root.sthero.elemento == 'fire') { _root.m.e.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 1; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 1; _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(1); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(1); } } } } } button 1247 { on (keyPress 's') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > -1 and _root.m.x.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('fire'); } } } movieClip 1251 { frame 1 { _parent._y += 10; } frame 2 { _parent._y -= 10; } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1275 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 != 1) { _root.sthero.achievement7 = 1;; } } frame 21 { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 != 1) { _root.sthero.achievement7 = 1;; } } frame 22 { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 != 1) { _root.sthero.achievement7 = 1;; } } frame 23 { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 != 1) { _root.sthero.achievement7 = 1;; } } frame 24 { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 != 1) { _root.sthero.achievement7 = 1;; } } frame 25 { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 != 1) { _root.sthero.achievement7 = 1;; } } } button 1276 { on (keyPress 'd') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 39 and _root.m.c.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ice'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; } } } button 1279 { on (press, keyPress 'i') { gotoAndStop(2); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'menuses'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } movieClip 1282 { } movieClip 1296 { } button 1298 { on (press, keyPress 'i') { gotoAndStop(1); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'menuses'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } movieClip 1312 { } movieClip 1315 { } button 1321 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(3); } } button 1323 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(4); } } button 1328 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(3); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1330 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(4); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1332 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_a4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; _root.velocity += 2; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(5); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1334 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(2); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1344 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(6); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1346 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(7); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1348 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(8); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1350 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_b4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; _root.sthero.maxenergy += 50; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(9); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } movieClip 1403 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1415 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(10); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1417 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(11); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1419 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(12); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1421 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_a4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(13); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1423 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(14); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1425 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(15); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1427 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(16); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1429 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_b4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; _root.sthero.energyregen = 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(17); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1441 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; _root.velocity += 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(18); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1443 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(19); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1445 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(20); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1447 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_a4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(21); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1449 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(22); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1451 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(23); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1453 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(24); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1455 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_b4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(25); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1467 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(26); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1469 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(27); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1471 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(28); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1473 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_a4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(29); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1475 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(30); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1477 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(31); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1479 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(32); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1481 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_b4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(33); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1493 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(34); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1495 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(35); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1497 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(36); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1499 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_a4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(37); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1501 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(38); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1503 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(39); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1505 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(40); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1507 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_b4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(41); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1519 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(42); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1521 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(43); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1523 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_a3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(44); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1525 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_a3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_a1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_a4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(45); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1527 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b1 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b1 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(46); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1529 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b2 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b2 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(47); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1531 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b3 < 3 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { _root.sthero.tree_b3 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(48); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } button 1533 { on (release) { if (_root.sthero.tree_b4 < 1 and _root.sthero.extrapoints > 0 and _root.sthero.tree_b3 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b2 > 2 and _root.sthero.tree_b1 > 2) { _root.sthero.tree_b4 += 1; _root.sthero.extrapoints -= 1; } } on (rollOver) { descripcion.gotoAndStop(49); descripcion._x = _xmouse; descripcion._y = _ymouse; } on (rollOut) { descripcion._x = 9999; descripcion._y = 9999; } } movieClip 1534 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 1540 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 1542 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(2); } } button 1545 { on (release) { _root.destino = 'load';; } } button 1547 { on (release) { _root.destino = 'mainmenu';; } } movieClip 1550 { frame 1 { _root.stage_clear._x = 350; } frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1282 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(2); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sthero.extrapoints > 0) { gotoAndStop(1); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 2 { galgo = _root.sthero.expe + ' / ' + _root.sthero.maxexp; _root.stage_clear._x = -700; } instance of movieClip 1296 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.weaponlvl); } } instance of movieClip 1534 { onClipEvent (load) { play(); gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement1 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement2 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement3 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement4 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement5 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement6 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement7 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement8 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement9 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement10 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance of movieClip 1540 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement11 == 1) { gotoAndStop(2); } } } instance mySlider of movieClip 1127 { onClipEvent (load) { ratio = _root.volumenoso; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.musikita.mySound.setVolume(ratio); _root.volumenoso = ratio; } } } movieClip 1555 { } movieClip 1559 { } // unknown tag 88 length 74 movieClip 1563 { } movieClip 1564 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1567 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1570 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1573 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1574 { on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 39 and _root.m.z.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque2'); _root.l.hero.disparo = 'dagaso'; } } } button 1575 { on (keyPress 's') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 29 and _root.m.x.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('fire'); } } } button 1576 { on (keyPress 'd') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 9 and _root.m.c.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ice'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; } } } movieClip 1578 { instance energy of movieClip 1239 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ( / _root.sthero.maxenergy) * 100; _parent.muestra = 'E:' + Math.round( + '/' + _root.sthero.maxenergy; if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = 0; } if ( < _root.sthero.maxenergy) { += _root.sthero.energyregen; } } } } movieClip 1582 { } movieClip 1585 { } movieClip 1588 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1591 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1594 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1595 { on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 29 and _root.m.z.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque2'); _root.l.hero.disparo = 'dagaso'; } } } button 1596 { on (keyPress 's') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 69 and _root.m.x.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('fire'); } } } button 1597 { on (keyPress 'd') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and _root.m.c.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ice'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; } } } movieClip 1601 { } movieClip 1604 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1606 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1609 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1610 { on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 9 and _root.m.z.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque2'); _root.l.hero.disparo = 'dagaso'; } } } button 1611 { on (keyPress 's') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 14 and _root.m.x.cooldown == '') { if (_root.sthero.tree_a4 < 1) { _root.l.hero.head.gotoAndPlay('fuego'); _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('fire'); _root.m.x.cooldown = 7; } else { _root.l.hero.head.gotoAndPlay('fuego'); _root.m.x.cooldown = 7; } -= 40; } } } button 1612 { on (keyPress 'd') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 24 and _root.m.c.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ice'); } } } movieClip 1616 { } movieClip 1618 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1621 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1624 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1625 { on (keyPress 's') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 99 and _root.m.x.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('heal'); } } } button 1626 { on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.hero.l.stun != 1 and > 69 and _root.m.z.cooldown == '') {; -= 70 - _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 10; _root.m.z.cooldown = 10 - _root.sthero.tree_b2 * 1; } } } button 1627 { on (keyPress 'd') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 14 and _root.m.c.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('whrat'); } } } movieClip 1631 { } movieClip 1634 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1637 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } movieClip 1640 { instance re of movieClip 1206 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { gogo = _parent.cooldown; if (_parent.cooldown != '') { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(1); } } } } button 1641 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1) { switch (_root.sthero.combo) { case 0: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 1: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 2: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 3: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 4: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 5: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 6: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); break; case 7: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 8: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 9: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 10: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 11: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 12: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 13: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); break; case 14: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 15: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 16: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 17: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 18: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 19: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 20: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); break; default: } if (_root.sthero.combo > 20) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo4'); _root.sthero.combo = 0; } } } } button 1642 { on (keyPress 's') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 49 and _root.m.dagger.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque2'); _root.l.hero.disparo = 'dagaso'; } } } button 1643 { on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.hero.l.stun != 1 and > 99 and _root.m.hide.cooldown == '') { _root.m.hide.cooldown = 12;; } } } button 1644 { on (keyPress 'd') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 9 and _root.m.dead.cooldown == '') { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('super'); } } } movieClip 1648 { } movieClip 1651 { } movieClip 1653 { } movieClip 1655 { } movieClip 1657 { } movieClip 1658 { } movieClip 1663 { frame 1 { _root.sthero.elemento = 'normal'; _root.sthero.seleccionenergy = 20; stop(); _parent.normal.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 2 { _root.sthero.elemento = 'fire'; _root.sthero.seleccionenergy = 50; stop(); _parent.normal.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 1665 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1671 { } movieClip 1675 { } movieClip 1676 { instance display of movieClip 532 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_xscale > _parent.hp._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale - 1; } else { if (_xscale < _parent.hp._xscale) { _xscale = _parent.hp._xscale; } } } } instance hp of movieClip 534 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = (_root.sthero.hp / _root.sthero.maxhp) * 100; if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = 0; } if (_root.sthero.hp < _root.sthero.maxhp and _root.sthero.hp > 0) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.regen; } } } } movieClip 1677 { instance energy of movieClip 1239 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _xscale = ( / _root.sthero.maxenergy) * 100; if (_xscale < 0) { _xscale = 0; } if ( < _root.sthero.maxenergy) { += _root.sthero.energyregen; } } } } button 1678 { on (keyPress 'c') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 79) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('mina'); } } } button 1679 { on (keyPress 'z') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 99) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('super'); } } } button 1680 { on (keyPress 'x') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > 59) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque2'); _root.l.hero.disparo = 'bombaso'; } } } movieClip 1684 { } movieClip 1685 { } movieClip 1687 { } button 1688 { on (keyPress 'v') { if (_root.hero.stun != 1 and _root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { if (_root.sthero.elemento == 'normal') { _root.m.e.gotoAndStop(2); _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 12; _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(12); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(10); } else { if (_root.sthero.elemento == 'fire') { _root.m.e.gotoAndStop(1); _root.sthero.cuchi1 = 10; _root.sthero.cuchi2 = 11; _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(11); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(10); } } } } } button 1689 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.l.hero.stun != 1 and > _root.sthero.seleccionenergy) { switch (_root.sthero.combo) { case 0: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 1: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 2: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 3: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 4: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 5: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 6: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo5'); break; case 7: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 8: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 9: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 10: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 11: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 12: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 13: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo5'); break; case 0: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 14: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 15: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); break; case 16: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo3'); break; case 17: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 18: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo2'); break; case 19: _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo5'); break; default: } if (_root.sthero.combo > 19) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('combo5'); _root.sthero.combo = 0; } } } } movieClip 1690 { frame 1 { normal_dmg = 5; magic_dmg = 2; hp = 15; mp = 0; armor = 5; wnormal = 10; wmagic = 0; } instance x of movieClip 1208 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance c of movieClip 1211 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance z of movieClip 1219 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } frame 2 { normal_dmg = 3; magic_dmg = 3; hp = 7; mp = 8; armor = 2; wnormal = 4; wmagic = 4; } instance z of movieClip 1567 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance x of movieClip 1570 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance c of movieClip 1573 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } frame 3 { normal_dmg = 1; magic_dmg = 6; hp = 4; mp = 12; armor = 1; wnormal = 1; wmagic = 10; } instance z of movieClip 1588 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance x of movieClip 1591 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance c of movieClip 1594 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } frame 4 { normal_dmg = 4; magic_dmg = 4; hp = 5; mp = 4; armor = 2; wnormal = 4; wmagic = 7; } instance z of movieClip 1604 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance x of movieClip 1606 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance c of movieClip 1609 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } frame 5 { normal_dmg = 3; magic_dmg = 3; hp = 20; mp = 0; armor = 7; wnormal = 6; wmagic = 3; } instance z of movieClip 1618 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; cooldown._x = 10000; } } } instance x of movieClip 1621 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance c of movieClip 1624 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } frame 6 { normal_dmg = 6; magic_dmg = 1; hp = 6; mp = 0; armor = 2; wnormal = 9; wmagic = 0; } instance hide of movieClip 1634 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance dagger of movieClip 1637 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance dead of movieClip 1640 { onClipEvent (load) { cooldown = ''; tiempo = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cooldown != '') { tiempo += 1; } if (tiempo > 23) { cooldown -= 1; tiempo = 0; } if (cooldown == 0) { cooldown = ''; } } } instance cambia of movieClip 1665 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { gotoAndStop(2); } } } } instance m of movieClip 1690 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } } frame 58 { stop(); _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m2'); _root.vivos = 0; _root.aumento = 3; _root.tiempopelea = 168; muertos = 0; empujar = []; enemy = []; magia = []; choca = []; } movieClip 1697 { } movieClip 1698 { } movieClip 1701 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1703 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1705 { } movieClip 1707 { } movieClip 1710 { } movieClip 1712 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1713 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1717 { } movieClip 1719 { } movieClip 1724 { } movieClip 1725 { } movieClip 1729 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1731 { } movieClip 1735 { } movieClip 1736 { } // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 1740 { } movieClip 1746 { } movieClip 1749 { } movieClip 1750 { } movieClip 1754 { } movieClip 1755 { } movieClip 1756 { } movieClip 1766 { } movieClip 1769 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1771 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 1773 { } movieClip 1774 { } movieClip 1775 { } movieClip 1776 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.empujar = []; _root.enemy = []; _root.magia = []; _root.choca = []; pelea = 'pelea1'; } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.destino = 'castillo1';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 1004.1; _root.memoria_y = 1489.5; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.destino = 'pueblo1';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 1108.1; _root.memoria_y = 2185.3; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.destino = 'secret1';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 2103.8; _root.memoria_y = 1293.8; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.destino = 'shop';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 't1'; _root.destino = 'derecha'; _root.derecha_cord = 635.3;; _root.derecha_cord = 635.3; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x - 60; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.destino = 'derecha'; _root.derecha = 'v7'; _root.derecha_cord = 544;; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y + 30; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.lugardemapa = 2; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 1220.7; _root.memoria_y = 800; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.lugardemapa = 3; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 886.8; _root.memoria_y = -136.1; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { this._x = -1259.9; } _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 1736 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 1740 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.choca) { if (_parent._parent.targetgolpe.hitTest(_root.choca[i])) { _root.tiempopelea += 1; } } if (_root.tiempopelea == 0) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha_cord = 180; _root.derecha = _parent.pelea; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } frame 2 { pelea = 'pelea1'; } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha_cord = -635.3; _root.derecha = 'shop2'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.lugardemapa = 1; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = -259.6; _root.memoria_y = 786; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'a1'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.derecha_cord = 30.9; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 50; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } } } frame 3 { pelea = 'pelea2'; } instance of movieClip 1749 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 1750 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { this._y = 0; } _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha_cord = -635.3; _root.derecha = 'shop3'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.lugardemapa = 1; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 746.8; _root.memoria_y = 1088; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'd1'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.derecha_cord = 30.9; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 50; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.lugardemapa = 4; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = -259.6; _root.memoria_y = 786; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.achievement6 == 1) { this._x = 600; this._y = -700; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1;; _root.derecha = 'pelea7'; _root.destino = 'derecha'; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y; _root.derecha_cord = 56.8; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha_cord = -635.3; _root.derecha = 'shopa1'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } frame 4 { pelea = 'pelea3'; } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha_cord = -635.3; _root.derecha = 'shop4'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha_cord = -635.3; _root.derecha = 'shopa3'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'y1'; _root.destino = 'derecha'; _root.derecha_cord = 16;;; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } instance of movieClip 1731 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; _root.lugardemapa = 3; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = 1220.7; _root.memoria_y = 800; } } } instance of movieClip 1775 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.sthero.core4 != 'fire') { this._y = -2796.7; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.w.targetgolpe)) { _root.stoped = 1; _root.derecha = 'z1'; _root.destino = 'derecha'; _root.derecha_cord = 16;;; _root.yego = 1; _root.memoria_x = _parent._x; _root.memoria_y = _parent._y - 30; } } } } movieClip 1778 { frame 1 { stop(); dir = 1; } frame 2 { dir = 2; } frame 3 { dir = 3; } frame 4 { dir = 4; } } movieClip 1786 { frame 1 { gol = ''; sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; camina2 = 0; camina3 = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 2 { gotoAndStop('stand'); } frame 3 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; camina2 = 0; camina3 = 0; gol = ''; } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 11 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; camina3 = 0; gol = 2; camina2 = 1; } frame 18 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37)) { gotoAndPlay('camina2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand2'); } } frame 19 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; camina2 = 0; gol = 3; camina3 = 1; } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(38)) { gotoAndPlay('camina3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand3'); } } frame 27 { stun = 0; camina = 0; camina2 = 0; camina3 = 0; } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay('stand3'); } frame 29 { stun = 0; camina = 0; camina3 = 0; camina2 = 0; } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay('stand2'); } } movieClip 1788 { } movieClip 1789 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1795 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1797 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } instance hero of movieClip 370 melissa { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } instance hero of movieClip 325 paladin { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } instance hero of movieClip 296 lizarman_spearman { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } instance hero of movieClip 415 charmer { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } instance hero of movieClip 463 warriota { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } } movieClip 1798 { frame 1 { _root.empujar = []; _root.enemy = []; _root.magia = []; _root.choca = []; } instance mapa of movieClip 1776 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.w.mapa.gotoAndStop(_root.lugardemapa); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.stoped != 1) { if (Key.isDown(37) and Key.isDown(40) != true and Key.isDown(38) != true) { _x = _x + _root.velocity / 2; _root.w.targetgolpe.gotoAndStop(3); if (_parent.minihero.hero.camina2 != 1) { _parent.minihero.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina2'); } _root.tiempopelea -= 1; } if (Key.isDown(39) and Key.isDown(40) != true and Key.isDown(38) != true) { _x = _x - _root.velocity / 2; _root.w.targetgolpe.gotoAndStop(4); if (_parent.minihero.hero.camina2 != 1) { _parent.minihero.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina2'); } _root.tiempopelea -= 1; } if (Key.isDown(40) and Key.isDown(39) != true and Key.isDown(37) != true) { _y = _y - _root.velocity / 2; _root.w.targetgolpe.gotoAndStop(1); if (_parent.minihero.hero.camina != 1) { _parent.minihero.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); _root.tiempopelea -= 1; } } if (Key.isDown(38) and Key.isDown(39) != true and Key.isDown(37) != true) { _y = _y + _root.velocity / 2; _root.w.targetgolpe.gotoAndStop(2); if (_parent.minihero.hero.camina3 != 1) { _parent.minihero.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina3'); _root.tiempopelea -= 1; } } if (_parent.minihero.hero.camina == 1 and Key.isDown(39) != true and Key.isDown(37) != true and Key.isDown(40) != true and Key.isDown(38) != true) { _parent.minihero.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand' + _parent.minihero.hero.gol); } if (_root.yego != 1) { for (var i in _root.choca) { if (_parent.targetgolpe.hitTest(_root.choca[i])) { this._x = _root.memoria_x; this._y = _root.memoria_y; } } _root.memoria_x = this._x; _root.memoria_y = this._y; } } } } instance minihero of movieClip 1797 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.targetgolpe.dir == 3) { this._xscale = -100; } if (_parent.targetgolpe.dir == 4) { this._xscale = 100; } } } } instance der of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and this.hitTest(_root.l.eso2) == false) { _root.l._x -= _root.velocity; _root.adelante._x -= _root.velocity * 2; _root.l.detector._x -= _root.l.velocity; } } } instance izk of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and this.hitTest(_root.l.eso) == false) { _root.l._x += _root.velocity; _root.adelante._x += _root.velocity * 2; _root.l.detector._x += _root.l.velocity; } } } instance borde_I of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._x += _root.velocity; } } } instance borde_d of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._x -= _root.velocity; } } } movieClip 1801 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.velocity *= 2; } frame 25 { _root.velocity /= 2; } } movieClip 1806 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { tiempo = _root.sthero.tree_a2; } frame 2 { times = _root.sthero.tree_a2; -= 100; _root.l.invi = 1; _root.l.hero._alpha = 60; _root.l.dumy = _root.l.attachMovie('espantapajaro', 'espantapajaro' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.dumy); _root.l.dumy.swapDepths(_root.l.dumy._x / 90 + (_root.l.dumy._y + 20)); _root.l.dumy._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.dumy._y = _root.l.hero._y; if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.dumy._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.dumy.speed = 15; } } } frame 25 { if (tiempo > 0) { gotoAndPlay(3); tiempo -= 1; } } frame 57 { _root.l.invi = 0; _root.l.hero._alpha = 100;; } } movieClip 1808 { } instance of movieClip 1808 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.muertos == _root.vivos and _root.vivos != 0) { _root.sthero.expe += _root.exp; if (_root.sthero.maxexp < _root.sthero.expe or _root.sthero.maxexp == _root.sthero.expe) { _root.stage_clear = _root.attachMovie('levelup', 'normal_attack' + getTimer(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.stage_clear._x = 350; _root.stage_clear._y = 200; _root.vivos = 0; } else { _root.stage_clear = _root.attachMovie('stage_clear', 'normal_attack' + getTimer(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.stage_clear._x = 350; _root.stage_clear._y = 200; _root.vivos = 0; } } } } frame 64 { stop(); _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('pain'); _root.lugardemapa = 1; _root.memoria_x = 858.9; _root.memoria_y = -120; } button 1809 { on (keyPress 'k') { _root.destino = 'v1';; } } movieClip 1812 { } movieClip 1814 { } movieClip 1815 { frame 576 { _root.destino = 'v1';; } } movieClip 1819 { } movieClip 1820 { } movieClip 1821 { } movieClip 1825 { frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(random(120) + 2); } } frame 65 { = random(7) + 3; _root.exp = 34; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('pain'); derecha = 'v2'; derecha_cord = 601; if (_root.sthero.nombre == 'Kaszuo') { _root.m.gotoAndStop(2); } stop(); var savefile = SharedObject.getLocal(saveFile); = _root.lugardemapa; = _root.sthero.nombre; = _root.sthero.bestcombo; = _root.sthero.armor; = _root.sthero.hp; = _root.sthero.expe; = _root.sthero.maxexp; = _root.sthero.lvl; = _root.sthero.maxhp; =; = _root.sthero.maxenergy; = _root.sthero.regen; = _root.sthero.handicap; =; = _root.sthero.armorlvl; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor1; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor2; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor3; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor4; = _root.sthero.armorvendedor5; = _root.sthero.weaponlvl; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor1; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor2; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor3; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor4; = _root.sthero.weaponvendedor5; = _root.sthero.elemento; = _root.sthero.core1; = _root.sthero.core2; = _root.sthero.core3; = _root.sthero.core4; = _root.sthero.dmg_normal; = _root.sthero.dmg_fire; = _root.sthero.dmg_ice; = _root.sthero.dmg_shadow; = _root.sthero.seleccionenergy; = _root.sthero.item1; = _root.sthero.item2; = _root.sthero.item3; = _root.sthero.item4; = _root.sthero.item5; = _root.sthero.item6; = _root.sthero.item7; = _root.sthero.item8; = _root.sthero.item9; = _root.sthero.item10; =; = _root.sthero.pelo; = _root.sthero.detalle; = _root.sthero.gamba1; = _root.sthero.gamba2; = _root.sthero.chaketa; = _root.sthero.cinto; = _root.sthero.cuchi1; = _root.sthero.cuchi2; = _root.memoria_x; = _root.memoria_y; = _root.sthero.tree_a1; = _root.sthero.tree_a2; = _root.sthero.tree_a3; = _root.sthero.tree_a4; = _root.sthero.tree_b1; = _root.sthero.tree_b2; = _root.sthero.tree_b3; = _root.sthero.tree_b4; = _root.sthero.clase; = _root.sthero.energyregen; = _root.sthero.extrapoints; = _root.sthero.achievement1; = _root.sthero.achievement2; = _root.sthero.achievement3; = _root.sthero.achievement4; = _root.sthero.achievement5; = _root.sthero.achievement6; = _root.sthero.achievement7; = _root.sthero.achievement8; = _root.sthero.achievement9; = _root.sthero.achievement10; = _root.sthero.achievement11; = _root.musikita._currentframe; = _root._currentframe; } movieClip 1832 { } movieClip 1834 { } movieClip 1836 { } movieClip 1837 { } movieClip 1838 { } movieClip 1839 { frame 1 { sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; dmg_normal = 30; dmg_fire = 10; dmg_ice = 25; dmg_shadow = 25; } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 56 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 1; } frame 76 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 98 { stun = 1; } frame 99 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 109 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 118 { stun = 1; } frame 119 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 131 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 136 { stun = 1; } frame 137 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 145 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 150 { stun = 1; } frame 151 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(3); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'meli1'; } else { if (numerin == 1) { tune = 'meli2'; } else { tune = 'meli3'; } } mySound.setVolume(80); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } frame 154 { if (this._xscale == 100) { this._x -= 10; } else { this._x += 10; } } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } instance of movieClip 720 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (_root.l.enemy[i].golpeado == 0 and this.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].targetgolpe)) { _root.l.enemy[i].hp -= Math.round(_root.sthero.dmg_normal * (100 - _root.l.enemy[i].armor_normal) / 100); _root.l.enemy[i].golpeado_anima = 1; _root.sthero.combo += 1; _root.sthero.tiempocombo = 30; } } } } frame 160 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 172 { stun = 1; } frame 176 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('devil1', 'dagaso' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 30; _root.m.z.cooldown = 10 - _root.sthero.tree_a4 * 3; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.l.shockwave._x = _root.l.hero._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = _root.l.hero._y - 100; } frame 181 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 190 { stun = 1; } frame 194 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('raspando', 'raspando' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); -= 70; _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 20)); _root.m.x.cooldown = 1; if (_root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -30; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 30; } } } frame 198 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 210 { recargor = 0.02 + _root.sthero.tree_b1 * 0.01; dahp = _root.sthero.tree_b3 * 0.01; coldownerito = 3; _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; } instance of movieClip 721 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(32) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { _parent.stun = 0; _parent.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } } frame 214 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } frame 219 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 223 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 229 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; if (_root.sthero.maxhp > _root.sthero.hp + _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp) { _root.sthero.hp += _root.sthero.maxhp * dahp; } else { _root.sthero.hp = _root.sthero.maxhp; } } frame 235 { if (_root.sthero.maxenergy > + _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor) { += _root.sthero.maxenergy * recargor; } else { = _root.sthero.maxenergy; } _root.m.c.cooldown = coldownerito; _root.m.c.tiempo = 0; } frame 236 { gotoAndPlay('ice'); } frame 244 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(38) or Key.isDown(40)) { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } else { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } frame 247 { camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 248 { _root.sthero.combo = 0; } frame 257 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 1840 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(12); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(14); aq1.gotoAndStop(2); aq2.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 30; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 1839 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(12); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(14); aq1.gotoAndStop(2); aq2.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 16; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 1840 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } movieClip 1842 { } movieClip 1843 { } frame 66 { = random(7) + 3; _root.exp = 34; = random(4); izquierda = 'v1'; _root.derecha = 'v3'; _root.derecha_cord = 750; _root.izquierda_cord = 179; stop(); } movieClip 1845 { } movieClip 1847 { } movieClip 1848 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 41 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 48 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 53 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 59 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 66 { stun = 0; } frame 75 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 80 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 84 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 90 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 106 { stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 122 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 1849 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(8); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 7; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(13); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(13); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); q1.gotoAndStop(3); q2.gotoAndStop(3); antebrazo = 7; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(13); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 67 { = random(7) + 3; _root.exp = 34; = random(5) + 1; izquierda = 'v2'; _root.derecha = 'v4'; _root.derecha_cord = 600; _root.izquierda_cord = 30; stop(); } movieClip 1859 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1867 { frame 1 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 13 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 22 { stun = 1; } frame 27 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(2); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'babosa_attack2'; } else { tune = 'babosa_attack'; } if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 31 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 40 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 50 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 70 { this._alpha = 100; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 70 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 73 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'babosa_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 85 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 91 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'babosa_tele1'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 92 { this._alpha -= 40; } frame 97 { this._y += random(50); this._x += random(300); } frame 97 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'babosa_tele'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 100 { this._alpha += 40; } frame 106 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 1868 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(1); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(3); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(3); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 68 { = random(7) + 3; _root.exp = 34; izquierda = 'v3'; _root.derecha = 'v5'; _root.derecha_cord = 700; _root.izquierda_cord = 330; stop(); } movieClip 1869 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(3); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(8); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 7; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(13); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 69 { = random(7) + 20; _root.exp = 100; = 2; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); izquierda = 'movies'; _root.izquierda_cord = 550; _root.derecha = 'movies'; } movieClip 1874 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 39 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 42 { stun = 1; } frame 45 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'minita_magia'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 60 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 67 { stun = 0; } frame 75 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 79 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; mySound = new Sound(this); golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 84 { this._y += random(50); this._x += random(600) - 300; } frame 89 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 102 { if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'coldbolt2') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y + 30; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } _root.l.shockwave2 = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha2' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave2); _root.l.shockwave2.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave2._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave2._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave2._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave2._y = this._y + 60; _root.l.shockwave2.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave2.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave2._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave2.speed = 25; } } _root.l.shockwave3 = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha2' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave3); _root.l.shockwave3.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave3._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave3._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave3._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave3._y = this._y + 0; _root.l.shockwave3.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave3.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave3._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave3.speed = 25; } } } mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'minita_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 110 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 1875 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1874 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(30); actividad = 0; hp = 430; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = coldbolt; magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(30); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(30); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.sthero.achievement1 = 1;; _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } movieClip 1877 { } movieClip 1878 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(14); aq1.gotoAndStop(2); aq2.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 17; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 71 { _root.izquierda = 'mapa'; _root.derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 1879 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(14); aq1.gotoAndStop(2); aq2.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 18; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 1879 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 74 { derecha = 'mapa'; izquierda = 'mapa'; _root.memoria_x = 1128.2; _root.memoria_y = 2685.3; derecha_cord = 131.1; izquierda_cord = -912.9; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('journey'); stop(); if ( == 2) { = 3; } } movieClip 1882 { } movieClip 1885 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 1886 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } } instance l of movieClip 1886 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } movieClip 1888 { } movieClip 1894 { } movieClip 1895 { frame 116 { _root.derecha = 'v7'; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } frame 82 { derecha = 'a2'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 131.1; izquierda_cord = -912.9; stop(); if ( == 4) { = 5; } } movieClip 1901 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1902 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 1903 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 1903 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } movieClip 1905 { } frame 83 { = random(7) + 3; _root.exp = 34; _root.izquierda = 'a1'; _root.derecha = 'a3'; _root.derecha_cord = 30.9; _root.izquierda_cord = -355.1; stop(); } movieClip 1909 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1910 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 1911 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 84 { = random(5) + 1; _root.exp = 34; izquierda = 'a2'; derecha = 'a5'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -912.9; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 1914 { } movieClip 1916 { } movieClip 1921 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1925 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1); } } movieClip 1929 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1936 { frame 1 { stop(); _parent.zerked = 0; } frame 2 { _parent._parent.dmg *= 2; _parent.zerked = 1; } frame 105 { _parent._parent.dmg /= 2; _parent.zerked = 0; } } movieClip 1941 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1947 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(random(5) + 1); } } movieClip 1952 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(random(4) + 1); } } movieClip 1953 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 29 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 41 { stun = 1; } frame 43 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'perro_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 65 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 70 { stun = 0; } frame 76 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 82 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 27; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -27; mira = -100; } } frame 83 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 84 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 85 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 86 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 87 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 88 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 89 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 90 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 91 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 92 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 93 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 94 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 95 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 96 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 97 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += 10; stun = 1; } frame 98 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 107 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 117 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 1954 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 100; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 100; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 85 { = random(2) + 1; _root.exp = 34; arriva = 6; arriva_cord = -92; izquierda = 4; izquierda_cord = -912.9; derecha = 3; derecha_cord = 60.9; abajo = 'a3'; abajo_cord = -1340.8; stop(); } movieClip 1956 { } movieClip 1958 { } movieClip 1965 { frame 1 { stop(); color = 'rojo'; } instance of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100 and _root.sthero.item1 == 'wrench') {; } } } frame 2 { play(); } frame 21 { stop(); color = 'verde'; } } movieClip 1967 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1965 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_a == 1) { gotoAndStop(21); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 18)); if (color == 'verde') { _root.swich_a = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } movieClip 1969 { } frame 86 { = random(5) + 6; _root.exp = 34; izquierda = 'a3'; derecha = 'a6'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 1972 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 1973 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 87 { = random(8) + 4; _root.exp = 34; arriva = 'a7'; izquierda = 'a5'; derecha = 'a7'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 1976 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 1979 { } movieClip 1981 { } movieClip 1982 { } movieClip 1985 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 5 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 17 { stun = 1; } frame 19 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'columna'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 41 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 42 { stun = 0; } frame 43 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 51 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 55 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'columna_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 67 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 85 { if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'columna'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 93 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 1986 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1985 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(90); actividad = 0; hp = 1; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = 'coldbolt'; magia2 = 'misil'; spell = 30; speed = 3; dmg = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(90); actitud = 1; if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(90); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(90); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1985 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(90); actividad = 0; hp = 1; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = 'coldbolt'; magia2 = 'misil'; spell = 30; speed = 3; dmg = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(90); actitud = 1; if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(90); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(90); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 88 { = random(5) + 2; _root.exp = 34; arriva = 'a8'; izquierda = 'a6'; derecha = 'a9'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 1987 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance feo of movieClip 1985 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(90); actividad = 0; hp = 1; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = 'coldbolt'; magia2 = 'misil'; spell = 30; speed = 3; dmg = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(90); actitud = 1; if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(90); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(90); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 89 { abajo = 'a7'; _root.exp = 34; abajo_cord = -754.5; stop(); _root.swich_a = 1; _root.swich_be = 1; _root.memoria_x = 1905.7; _root.memoria_y = 2347.2; } movieClip 1989 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); _root.l.hero.cuchi1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi1); _root.l.hero.cuchi2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cuchi2); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 1989 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 90 { = random(7) + 5; arriva = 'a8'; izquierda = 'a7'; if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { derecha = 'mapa'; } else { derecha = 'a10'; } derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 1991 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 1991 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 91 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('pain'); = 20; _root.exp = 99; arriva = 'a8'; izquierda = 'fire'; derecha = 'fire'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 1993 { } movieClip 1995 { } movieClip 1997 { } movieClip 1999 { } movieClip 2001 { } movieClip 2004 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.l._y -= 10; if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 22 { _root.l._y -= 10; if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 33 { _root.l._y -= 10; if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 43 { _root.l._y -= 10; if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 53 { _root.l._y -= 10; if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } } movieClip 2005 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 6 { _parent.magia2 = 'misil'; if (_parent.magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (_parent.magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 13 { if (_parent.magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (_parent.magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 20 { if (_parent.magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (_parent.magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 27 { if (_parent.magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (_parent.magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 33 { if (_parent.magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (_parent.magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } frame 39 { if (_parent.magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = _parent.healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (_parent.magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.targetgolpe._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.targetgolpe._y + 10; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = _parent.spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } } movieClip 2006 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.l._y += 10; } frame 3 { _root.l._y -= 10; } } movieClip 2008 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 17 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 26 { stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 28 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'pollo_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 51 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 61 { } frame 61 { stun = 0; } frame 62 {; } frame 72 {; } frame 74 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 91 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 93 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'pollo_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 99 { golpeado = 0; stun = 1; gotoAndPlay('dash'); } frame 106 { if (this._xscale == -100) { velosidash = 30; mira = -100; } else { velosidash = -30; mira = 100; } } frame 107 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 108 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 109 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 110 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'pollo_charge'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 110 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * 2 * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 80; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 80; } } } } frame 111 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 112 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 113 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 114 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 115 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 116 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 117 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 118 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 119 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 120 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 121 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 122 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 126 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 135 { } frame 135 {; } frame 147 { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } movieClip 2009 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance boss of movieClip 2008 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 350; dmg = 30; spell = 20; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; magia2 = 'misil'; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 80)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(100); actitud = random(3); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(40) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } if (actitud == 2 and actividad != 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(40) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 80 > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 80 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 80 < -140) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 150 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -150 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 80 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 80 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 80 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.sthero.achievement2 = 1;; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 95 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if ( == 5) { = 6; } _root.sthero.core2 = 'fire'; _root.sthero.item5 = 'fire'; } movieClip 2010 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hero of movieClip 296 lizarman_spearman { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(10); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); gamba1.gotoAndStop(6); gamba2.gotoAndStop(6); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(11); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(10); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(5); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance hero of movieClip 325 paladin { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(10); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(2); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(11); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(10); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(5); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance hero of movieClip 415 charmer { onClipEvent (load) { gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(5); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(2); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(1); } } } movieClip 2013 { } movieClip 2015 { } movieClip 2016 { } movieClip 2021 { } movieClip 2022 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance display1 of movieClip 2010 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } } frame 2 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 13 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 28 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 44 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('stand'); } frame 78 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('bash'); } frame 96 { stop(); _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.moveson.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = 19; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } frame 104 { mala.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); } frame 119 { _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.moveson.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = 20; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; stop(); } frame 165 { _root.izquierda = 'a11'; _root.derecha = 'a11'; _root.derecha_cord = 89.5; _root.destino = 'derecha';; stop(); } } frame 96 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if ( == 5) { = 6; } _root.sthero.core3 = 'fire'; _root.sthero.item3 = 'fire'; } movieClip 2029 { } movieClip 2030 { } movieClip 2032 { } movieClip 2034 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2036 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance display1 of movieClip 2010 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } } frame 2 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 13 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 28 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 44 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('stand'); } frame 78 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('bash'); } frame 96 { stop(); _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.moveson.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = 41; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } frame 104 { mala.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); } frame 119 { _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.moveson.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = 42; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; stop(); } frame 165 { _root.izquierda = 'd11'; _root.derecha = 'd11'; _root.derecha_cord = 89.5; _root.destino = 'derecha';; stop(); } } frame 98 { izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2038 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2038 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 100 { = random(2) + 1; derecha = 'b2'; izquierda = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); derecha_cord = 131.1; izquierda_cord = -912.9; stop(); } movieClip 2041 { } movieClip 2043 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2044 { } movieClip 2045 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 80; armor_normal = 40; armor_fire = -70; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); } } } movieClip 2047 { } frame 101 { = random(2) + 1; izquierda = 'b1'; derecha = 'a9'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1240.8; arriva_cord = -92; } movieClip 2049 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2058 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _parent._x > _root.l.hero._x) { _root.l.hero._x -= _root.velocity; } if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _parent._x < _root.l.hero._x) { _root.l.hero._x += _root.velocity; } } } } movieClip 2059 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 100; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } instance of movieClip 2058 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.swich_jiji == 1) { _x = 99999; } gotoAndPlay(random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 45)); } } } frame 111 { izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } button 2065 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cartas); } } button 2068 { on (release) {; _root.destino = 'room'; } } movieClip 2075 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2078 { } movieClip 2079 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 213 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(random(35) + 1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 20)); } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(4); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 16; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { _root.l.hero.torso.armor.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.chaketa); _root.l.hero.torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.cinto); _root.l.hero.gamba1.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba1); _root.l.hero.gamba2.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.gamba2); _root.l.hero.head.pelo.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.pelo); _root.l.hero.head.detalle.gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.detalle); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } movieClip 2082 { } frame 127 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m2'); _root.limpio = 1; izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 41.4; arriva = 't2'; arriva_cord = -702.3; } movieClip 2087 { } movieClip 2088 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2089 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1839 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 21; if (_root.sthero.core2 == 'fire') { this._y = 1000; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(4); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(2); hombro1.gotoAndStop(1); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 39; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(6); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(3); hombro1.gotoAndStop(1); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(3); dialogo = 38; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2089 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 128 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); _root.limpio = 1; izquierda = 'mapa'; izquierda_cord = -774.9; derecha = 'mapa'; _root.limpio = 1; arriva = 't4'; arriva_cord = -702.3; } movieClip 2091 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2092 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(7); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(8); hombro1.gotoAndStop(1); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(1); bota2.gotoAndStop(1); mainhand.gotoAndStop(4); dialogo = 37; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2092 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 129 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2097 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2101 { } movieClip 2102 { } movieClip 2104 { } movieClip 2106 { } movieClip 2108 { } movieClip 2110 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(4); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 31; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2110 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 130 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -774.9; stop(); arriva = 'room'; arriva_cord = -702.3; } movieClip 2111 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(1); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(3); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(1); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(3); dialogo = 16; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2111 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 131 { abajo = 't3'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m2'); abajo_cord = -774.9; } movieClip 2113 { } movieClip 2115 { } movieClip 2116 { } movieClip 2117 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2118 { } movieClip 2119 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2119 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } button 2121 { on (keyPress '<Space>') {; derecha = 'pelea' + _root.sthero.item1; _root.destino = 'derecha'; } } movieClip 2140 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2141 { instance of movieClip 2140 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.item1); } } } frame 141 { = random(4) + 3; _root.exp = 34; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2142 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; torso.gotoAndStop(1); hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(8); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 7; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(13); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(8); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 7; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(13); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } movieClip 2144 { } movieClip 2146 { } instance of movieClip 2146 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.lvl); } } movieClip 2147 { } frame 142 { = random(9) + 20; _root.exp = 34; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2151 { } movieClip 2153 { instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (load) { _root.choca.push(this); } } } movieClip 2155 { } movieClip 2157 { } movieClip 2159 { } movieClip 2161 { } movieClip 2162 { } movieClip 2165 { } movieClip 2169 { } movieClip 2171 { frame 1 { sombra._alpha = 0; } frame 1 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } instance sombra of movieClip 2165 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha -= 15; } } instance healtbar of movieClip 535 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = _parent.sombra._alpha; } } frame 13 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 22 { sombra._alpha = 0; } frame 22 { stun = 1; } frame 27 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(2); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'babosa_attack2'; } else { tune = 'babosa_attack'; } if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 31 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 40 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 50 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 70 { sombra._alpha = 100; } frame 70 { this._alpha = 100; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 70 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 73 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'babosa_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 85 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 92 { this._alpha -= 40; } frame 97 { this._y += random(50); numero = random(2); if (numero == 1) { this._x += 300; } else { this._x -= 300; } } frame 100 { this._alpha += 40; } frame 106 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2173 { } movieClip 2175 { } movieClip 2179 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2180 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(40); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud > 0) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(20) + 30; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 35 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 300 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -300 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.l.mirror.hp = -10; removeMovieClip(this); } } } tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); speedsumon = 9; fuerzasumon = 6; hpsumon = 140; } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 41 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 47 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } if (magia2 == 'fireball') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y + 30; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 58 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 65 { stun = 0; } frame 74 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 79 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 83 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 89 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 105 { stun = 1; } frame 106 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = -speed; mira = -100; } else { velosidash = speed; mira = 100; } } frame 107 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 108 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 109 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 110 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 111 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 112 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 113 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 114 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 115 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 116 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 117 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 118 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 119 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 120 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } movieClip 2181 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 250; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 250; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2180 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 30; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; magia2 = 'fireball'; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } movieClip 2182 { } frame 143 { = random(5) + 60; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2186 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 41 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 50 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 53 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 59 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 66 { stun = 0; } frame 76 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 80 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 84 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 90 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 99 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 20; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -20; mira = -100; } } frame 100 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 101 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 102 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_dash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 102 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * 2 * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 80; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 80; } } } } frame 103 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 104 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 105 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 106 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 107 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 108 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 109 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 110 { if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); } } frame 110 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 111 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 112 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 113 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 114 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 115 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 116 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 117 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 118 { if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); } } frame 118 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 119 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 120 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 121 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 122 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 123 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 124 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 125 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 126 { if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); } } frame 126 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 127 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } movieClip 2187 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2186 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(4); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 2; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(9); dmg = 20; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 340; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; armor_normal = 50; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2186 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(4); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 2; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(9); dmg = 20; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 340; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; armor_normal = 50; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2186 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(4); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 2; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(9); dmg = 20; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 340; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; armor_normal = 50; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 144 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('campirana'); izquierda = 'secret1'; derecha = 'secret1'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2190 { } movieClip 2191 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(2); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 900; maxhp = hp; speed = 2; dmg = 0; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.timero.minutos = 99999999999999.0; _root.timero.segundos = 999999999999.0; _root.timero.swapDepths(16000); removeMovieClip(_root.timero); removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } movieClip 2196 { } instance timero of movieClip 2196 { onClipEvent (load) { minutos = 0; segundos = 59; framero = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (minutos == 0 and segundos == 0) { this._x = 287987918279879.0;; _root.destino = 'mapa'; } if (segundos == 0 and framero == 24) { framero = 0; minutos -= 1; segundos = 59; } if (framero == 24) { segundos -= 1; framero = 0; } framero += 1; } } frame 145 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'secret1'; derecha = 'secret1'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2198 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 39 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 42 { stun = 1; } frame 45 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'minita_magia'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 60 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 67 { stun = 0; } frame 75 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 79 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'minita_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 89 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 102 { if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'coldbolt2') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y + 30; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } _root.l.shockwave2 = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha2' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave2); _root.l.shockwave2.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave2._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave2._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave2._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave2._y = this._y + 60; _root.l.shockwave2.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave2.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave2._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave2.speed = 25; } } _root.l.shockwave3 = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha2' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave3); _root.l.shockwave3.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave3._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave3._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave3._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave3._y = this._y + 0; _root.l.shockwave3.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave3.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave3._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave3.speed = 25; } } } mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'minita_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 110 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2199 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2198 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(8); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(10); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(4); guante2.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(5); bota2.gotoAndStop(5); mainhand.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 240; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = coldbolt; magia2 = 'heal'; speed = 3; dmg = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(70); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2198 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(8); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(10); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(4); guante2.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(5); bota2.gotoAndStop(5); mainhand.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 240; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = coldbolt; magia2 = 'heal'; speed = 3; dmg = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(70); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2186 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(4); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 2; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(9); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 340; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; armor_normal = 50; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 146 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'secret1'; derecha = 'secret1'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2200 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 260; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 17; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 641 lizardman_ranged { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 260; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 17; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 200; dmg = 15; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 147 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2202 { } movieClip 2204 { } movieClip 2206 { } movieClip 2208 { } movieClip 2210 { } movieClip 2211 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(40); actitud = random(3); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud > 0) { gotoAndPlay('elije'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(20) + 30; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 35 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 110 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -110 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.l.mirror.hp = -10; _root.sthero.achievement6 = 1;; removeMovieClip(this); } } } tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); speedsumon = 9; fuerzasumon = 6; hpsumon = 140; } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 15 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 18 { stun = 1; } frame 23 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay('elije'); } frame 33 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 40 { stun = 0; } frame 47 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 51 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 55 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay('elije'); } frame 70 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 30; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -30; mira = -100; } } frame 71 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 72 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 73 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 74 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 75 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 76 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 77 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 78 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 79 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 80 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 81 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 82 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 83 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 84 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 85 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 86 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 93 { stun = 1; randomico = random(3); if (randomico == 0 and head.zerked == 0) { gotoAndPlay('zerk'); } else { if (randomico == 0) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); } } if (randomico == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); } if (randomico == 2) { gotoAndPlay('evacion'); } } frame 102 { stun = 1; } frame 108 {; } frame 116 { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 141 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = -speed; mira = -100; } else { velosidash = speed; mira = 100; } } frame 142 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 143 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 144 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 145 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 146 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 147 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 148 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 149 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 150 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 151 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 152 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 153 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 154 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 155 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } movieClip 2212 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2211 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 850; maxhp = hp; speed = 11; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } } frame 148 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2214 { } movieClip 2215 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(40); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud > 0) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(20) + 30; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 35 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.l.mirror.hp = -10; removeMovieClip(this); } } } tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); speedsumon = 9; fuerzasumon = 6; hpsumon = 140; } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 41 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 47 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 58 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 65 { stun = 0; } frame 74 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 79 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 83 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 89 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 105 { stun = 1; } frame 106 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = -speed; mira = -100; } else { velosidash = speed; mira = 100; } } frame 107 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 108 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 109 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 110 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 111 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 112 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 113 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 114 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 115 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 116 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 117 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 118 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 119 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 120 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 135 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2216 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(8); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 270; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 15; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(8); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 270; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 15; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(8); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 270; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 15; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } } frame 149 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2219 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(40); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud > 0) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(20) + 30; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 35 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.l.mirror.hp = -10; removeMovieClip(this); } } } tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); speedsumon = 9; fuerzasumon = 6; hpsumon = 140; } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 41 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 44 { stun = 1; } frame 47 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 58 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 65 { stun = 0; } frame 74 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 79 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 83 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 89 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 105 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 24; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -24; mira = -100; } } frame 106 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 107 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 108 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 109 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 110 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 111 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 112 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 113 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 114 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 115 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 116 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 117 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 118 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 119 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 120 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2220 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(8); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 270; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 15; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2219 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(2); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2219 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(2); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } } frame 150 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2221 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2219 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(2); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 10; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 250; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2180 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 30; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; magia2 = 'fireball'; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2180 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 30; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; magia2 = 'fireball'; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } } frame 151 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('campirana'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2224 { } movieClip 2229 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) {; _root.destino = 'mapa'; if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 9 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 34 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 61 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 81 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 96 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } instance of movieClip 175 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _parent.hp = -30; } } } frame 101 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = -speed; mira = -100; } else { velosidash = speed; mira = 100; } } frame 102 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 103 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 104 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 105 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 106 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 107 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 108 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 109 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 110 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 111 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 112 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 113 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 114 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 115 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 116 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 117 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 118 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 119 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 120 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 121 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 122 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 123 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 124 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 125 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 126 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 127 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 128 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 129 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 130 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 131 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 132 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 133 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 134 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 135 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 136 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 137 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 138 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 139 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 140 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 141 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 142 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 143 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 144 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 145 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 146 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 147 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 148 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y -= speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 149 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 150 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 151 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 152 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 153 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 154 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 155 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 156 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 157 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 158 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 159 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 160 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 161 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 162 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 163 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 164 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 164 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } } movieClip 2230 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance fan1 of movieClip 2229 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 1.0e+018; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; dmg = 240; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(200) + 200; actitud = random(1); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 10) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance fan3 of movieClip 2229 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 1.0e+018; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 240; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(200) + 200; actitud = random(1); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 10) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance fan2 of movieClip 2229 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 1.0e+018; maxhp = hp; speed = 7; dmg = 240; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(200) + 200; actitud = random(1); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 10) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } instance timero of movieClip 2196 { onClipEvent (load) { minutos = 0; segundos = 59; framero = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (minutos == 0 and segundos == 0) { this._x = 287987918279879.0; _root.l.fan1.hp = -100; _root.l.fan2.hp = -100; _root.l.fan3.hp = -100; } if (segundos == 0 and framero == 24) { framero = 0; minutos -= 1; segundos = 59; } if (framero == 24) { segundos -= 1; framero = 0; } framero += 1; } } frame 152 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2231 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2198 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(11); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(9); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(3); guante2.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(6); bota2.gotoAndStop(6); mainhand.gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 230; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = coldbolt; magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; speed = 8; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(70); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2198 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(11); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(9); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(3); guante2.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(6); bota2.gotoAndStop(6); mainhand.gotoAndStop(5); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 230; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = coldbolt; magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; speed = 8; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(70); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 200; dmg = 15; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 153 { = random(5) + 1; stop(); _root.exp = 34; _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2234 { } movieClip 2236 { } movieClip 2237 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 4 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 32 { stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent.maxhp > Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100) + _parent.hp) { _parent.hp += Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); } else { _parent.hp = _parent.maxhp; } if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 39 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 48 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 58 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 78 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 93 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 135 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 30; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -30; mira = -100; } } frame 136 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 137 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 138 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 139 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 140 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 141 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 142 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 143 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 144 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 145 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 146 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 147 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 148 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 149 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 150 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 151 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } movieClip 2238 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 250; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 250; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2237 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(9); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(9); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(5); guante2.gotoAndStop(5); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(6); bota2.gotoAndStop(6); mainhand.gotoAndStop(4); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 154 { = random(5) + 1; _root.exp = 34; stop(); _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2241 { } movieClip 2246 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2251 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2259 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2279 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 20 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 29 { stun = 1; } frame 31 { if (categoria == 'boss') { numero = random(4); if (numero == 0) { magia2 = 'misil2'; } if (numero == 1) { magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; } if (numero == 2) { magia2 = 'devil1'; } if (numero == 3) { magia2 = 'rayote'; } } } frame 35 { if (magia2 == 'coldbolt') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } if (magia2 == 'heal') { _root.l.runa_heal = _root.l.attachMovie('runa_heal', 'runa_heal' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.runa_heal); _root.l.runa_heal._x = this._x; _root.l.runa_heal._y = this._y; _root.l.runa_heal.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.runa_heal.healingpower = healingpower; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'misil') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.detector._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.detector._y + 25; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } if (magia2 == 'devil1' and _root.sumons < 7) { gotoAndPlay('summon'); } else { if (magia2 == 'devil1') { _root.l.magia_misil = _root.l.attachMovie('misil', 'misil' + getTimer() + _root.l.aumento(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.magia_misil); _root.l.magia_misil._x = _root.l.detector._x; _root.l.magia_misil._y = _root.l.detector._y + 25; _root.l.magia_misil.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y - 10)); _root.l.magia_misil.spell = spell; _root.l.aumento += 1.5; } } if (magia2 == 'coldbolt2') { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } _root.l.shockwave2 = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha2' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave2); _root.l.shockwave2.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave2._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave2._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave2._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave2._y = this._y + 30; _root.l.shockwave2.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave2.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave2._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave2.speed = 25; } } _root.l.shockwave3 = _root.l.attachMovie('coldboltaso', 'flecha2' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave3); _root.l.shockwave3.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave3._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave3._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave3._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave3._y = this._y - 30; _root.l.shockwave3.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave3.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave3._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave3.speed = 25; } } } if (magia2 == 'misil2') { chain.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (magia2 == 'rayote') { gotoAndPlay('rayote'); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 47 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 57 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 77 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 92 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 100 { this._y += random(50); numero = random(2); if (numero == 1) { this._x += 300; } else { this._x -= 300; } } frame 106 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 135 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('inerdiablomalo', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.speed = speedsumon; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = fuerzasumon; _root.l.shockwave.hp = hpsumon; } frame 144 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 173 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2280 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2279 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 40; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(12); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); magia2 = 'devil'; robe1.gotoAndStop(1); robe2.gotoAndStop(1); medallon.gotoAndStop(1); spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2279 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 40; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(12); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); magia2 = 'misil'; robe1.gotoAndStop(1); robe2.gotoAndStop(1); medallon.gotoAndStop(1); spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2279 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 200; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 20; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(14); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); medallon.gotoAndStop(3); magia2 = 'devil1'; robe1.gotoAndStop(3); robe2.gotoAndStop(3); speedsumon = 8; fuerzasumon = 10; hpsumon = 10; spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 155 { = random(5) + 1; _root.exp = 34; stop(); _root.sthero.item1 += 1; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 635.3; izquierda_cord = 635.3; } movieClip 2281 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 2279 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 850; maxhp = hp; speed = 13; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 20; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(17); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); medallon.gotoAndStop(7); robe1.gotoAndStop(4); robe2.gotoAndStop(4); magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; categoria = 'boss'; speedsumon = 8; fuerzasumon = 17; hpsumon = 10; spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } } frame 166 { derecha = 'd2'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 131.1; izquierda_cord = -912.9; stop(); if ( == 4) { = 5; } } movieClip 2282 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2282 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } movieClip 2285 { } frame 167 { = random(7) + 7; _root.exp = 60; _root.izquierda = 'd1'; _root.derecha = 'd3'; _root.derecha_cord = 30.9; _root.izquierda_cord = -355.1; stop(); } movieClip 2288 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2289 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 168 { = random(5) + 8; _root.exp = 65; izquierda = 'd2'; derecha = 'd5'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -912.9; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2292 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2293 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 250; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 169 { = random(5) + 6; _root.exp = 67; izquierda = 'd3'; derecha = 'd6'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2295 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; sas = 0; ses = 0; sis = 0; sos = 0; golpeado = 0; stun = 0; camina = 0; } frame 9 { stun = 0; } frame 50 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 100 { stun = 1; } frame 106 { mySound = new Sound(this); numerin = random(2); if (numerin == 0) { tune = 'lizardman_attack2'; } else { tune = 'lizardman_attack'; } if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 108 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('flecha', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 134 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 200 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 207 { stun = 0; } frame 219 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 300 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 303 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'lizardman_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 318 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2296 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 300; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 33; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 300; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 33; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 170 { = random(8) + 4; _root.exp = 68; arriva = 'd7'; izquierda = 'd5'; derecha = 'd7'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2297 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 300; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 33; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 171 { = random(5) + 7; _root.exp = 67; arriva = 'd8'; izquierda = 'd6'; derecha = 'd9'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2299 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2300 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 330; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 4; dmg = 43; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 150; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 172 { = random(7) + 5; arriva = 'd8'; izquierda = 'd7'; derecha = 'd10'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2301 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2301 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 173 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('pain'); = 90; _root.exp = 232; arriva = 'a8'; izquierda = 'fire2'; derecha = 'fire2'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2304 { } movieClip 2306 { } movieClip 2315 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 20 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 29 { stun = 1; } frame 31 { if (categoria == 'boss') { numero = random(4); if (numero == 0) { magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; } if (numero == 1) { magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; } if (numero == 2) { magia2 = 'devil1'; } if (numero == 3) { magia2 = 'rayote'; } } if (magia2 == 'devil1') { gotoAndPlay('summon'); } if (magia2 == 'rayote') { gotoAndPlay('rayote'); } } frame 35 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 1; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg * 1.5; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -10; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; _root.l.shockwave._yscale = 100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 10; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = 100; _root.l.shockwave._yscale = 100; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 47 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 57 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 77 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 82 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 90 { this._y += random(50); numero = random(2); if (numero == 1) { this._x += 300; } else { this._x -= 300; } } frame 96 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 108 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 110 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 112 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 15; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 114 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 116 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 118 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 120 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 122 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 15; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 124 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 126 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 128 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 130 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 134 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 144 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 20; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -20; mira = -100; } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 145 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 146 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 147 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 148 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 149 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 150 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 151 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 152 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 153 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 154 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 155 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 156 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 157 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 158 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 159 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 160 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 161 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 162 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 163 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 164 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 165 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 166 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 167 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 168 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 169 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 170 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 171 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 172 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 172 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2316 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 2315 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 750; maxhp = hp; speed = 13; dmg = 30; armor_normal = 20; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(17); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); medallon.gotoAndStop(7); robe1.gotoAndStop(4); robe2.gotoAndStop(4); magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; categoria = 'boss'; speedsumon = 8; fuerzasumon = 17; hpsumon = 2; spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.sthero.achievement3 = 1;; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 174 { izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2317 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2317 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 178 { derecha = 'y2'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 131.1; izquierda_cord = -912.9; stop(); if ( == 4) { = 5; } } movieClip 2318 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2318 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 179 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 200; _root.izquierda = 'y1'; _root.derecha = 'y3'; _root.derecha_cord = 30.9; _root.izquierda_cord = -355.1; stop(); } movieClip 2319 { frame 1 { function onEnterFrame() { for (var v3 in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[v3]._y) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[v3].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[v3]._x) { _root.l.enemy[v3]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(40); actitud = random(3); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud > 0) { gotoAndPlay('elije'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(20) + 30; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 35 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 35 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 110 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -110 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.l.mirror.hp = -10; removeMovieClip(this); } } } tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); speedsumon = 9; fuerzasumon = 6; hpsumon = 140; } frame 2 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; } frame 15 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 18 { stun = 1; } frame 23 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_attack'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay('elije'); } frame 33 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 40 { stun = 0; } frame 47 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 51 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; } frame 55 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'shielder_bash'; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay('elije'); } frame 70 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = 30; mira = 100; } else { velosidash = -30; mira = -100; } } frame 71 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 72 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 73 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 74 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 75 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 76 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 77 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 78 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 79 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 80 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 81 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 82 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 83 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 84 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 85 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 86 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 93 { stun = 1; randomico = random(3); if (randomico == 0 and head.zerked == 0) { gotoAndPlay('zerk'); } else { if (randomico == 0) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); } } if (randomico == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); } if (randomico == 2) { gotoAndPlay('evacion'); } } frame 102 { stun = 1; } frame 108 {; } frame 116 { gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 141 { if (this._xscale == 100) { velosidash = -speed; mira = -100; } else { velosidash = speed; mira = 100; } } frame 142 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 143 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 144 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 145 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 146 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 147 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 148 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 149 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 150 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; this._y += speed / 2; stun = 1; } frame 151 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 152 { this._x += velosidash; this._y += speed / 2; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 153 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 154 { this._x += velosidash; this._xscale = mira; stun = 1; } frame 155 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } movieClip 2320 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 180 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 200; izquierda = 'y2'; derecha = 'y5'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -912.9; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2321 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 181 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 200; izquierda = 'y3'; derecha = 'y6'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2322 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 300; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 33; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 182 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 200; arriva = 'y7'; izquierda = 'y5'; derecha = 'y7'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2323 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 300; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 33; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 183 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 240; arriva = 'y8'; izquierda = 'y6'; derecha = 'y9'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2324 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 184 { = random(7) + 5; arriva = 'y8'; izquierda = 'y7'; derecha = 'y10'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2325 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 185 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('pain'); = 20; _root.exp = 532; arriva = 'y8'; izquierda = 'fire3'; derecha = 'fire3'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2332 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2334 { } movieClip 2336 { } movieClip 2338 { } movieClip 2340 { } movieClip 2342 { } movieClip 2347 { } movieClip 2351 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2353 { } movieClip 2363 elfo_gordo { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 26 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 35 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 47 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 69 { stun = 1; } frame 71 { } frame 72 { } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 84 { gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 96 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 114 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 119 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 123 { culo3 = random(3); if (culo3 == 0) { memuevopor = 30; } if (culo3 == 1) { memuevopor = -30; } if (culo3 == 2) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse2'); } this._x += memuevopor; } frame 124 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 125 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 126 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 127 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 128 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 129 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 130 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 131 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 132 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 133 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 166 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 168 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 170 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 15; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 172 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 174 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 176 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 178 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 180 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 15; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 182 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 184 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 186 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 226 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 246 { stun = 1; } frame 254 { this._x = _root.l.hero._x + random(3); } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 266 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2364 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 2363 elfo_gordo { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 1450; maxhp = hp; speed = 6; dmg = 50; armor_normal = 20; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(17); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); medallon.gotoAndStop(7); robe1.gotoAndStop(4); robe2.gotoAndStop(4); magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; categoria = 'boss'; speedsumon = 8; fuerzasumon = 17; hpsumon = 2; spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 200 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -200 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.sthero.achievement4 = 1;; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 188 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if ( == 5) { = 6; } _root.sthero.core4 = 'fire'; _root.sthero.item4 = 'fire'; } movieClip 2366 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance display1 of movieClip 2010 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } } frame 2 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 13 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 28 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 44 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('stand'); } frame 78 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('bash'); } frame 96 { stop(); _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.moveson.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = 43; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } frame 104 { mala.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); } frame 119 { _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.moveson.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = 44; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; stop(); } frame 165 { _root.izquierda = 'y11'; _root.derecha = 'y11'; _root.derecha_cord = 89.5; _root.destino = 'derecha';; stop(); } } frame 189 { izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2367 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2367 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 197 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('town'); _root.limpio = 1; izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 't2'; derecha_cord = -626.9; arriva = 't3'; arriva_cord = -702.3; } instance l of movieClip 2089 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } movieClip 2368 { } frame 198 { _root.limpio = 1; izquierda = 't1'; izquierda_cord = -774.9; derecha = 'mapa'; _root.limpio = 1; arriva = 't4'; arriva_cord = -702.4; } instance l of movieClip 2092 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 199 { abajo = 't1'; arriva = 't90'; abajo_cord = 305.3; arriva_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2370 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2372 { } movieClip 2373 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(4); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 36; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2373 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 200 { abajo = 't2'; abajo_cord = -1574.8; stop(); } instance l of movieClip 2111 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 205 { derecha = 'z2'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('beast'); izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha_cord = 131.1; izquierda_cord = -912.9; stop(); if ( == 4) { = 5; } } movieClip 2376 { frame 1 { _root.empujar.push(this); } } movieClip 2377 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2377 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 206 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 400; _root.izquierda = 'z1'; _root.derecha = 'z3'; _root.derecha_cord = 30.9; _root.izquierda_cord = -355.1; stop(); } movieClip 2378 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 1848 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(8); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 7; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(13); dmg = 60; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 500; maxhp = hp; speed = 8; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(1); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 400; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; dmg = 90; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(1); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 400; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; dmg = 90; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 1867 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.gotoAndStop(1); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 400; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; dmg = 90; armor_normal = 0; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 207 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 400; izquierda = 'z2'; derecha = 'z5'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -912.9; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2379 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 80; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2180 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 90; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 500; magia2 = 'fireball'; maxhp = hp; speed = 8; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 90; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2171 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 12; dmg = 80; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 30; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 30; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2180 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(2); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(11); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 5; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dmg = 90; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 500; magia2 = 'fireball'; maxhp = hp; speed = 8; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 90; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 208 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 400; izquierda = 'z3'; derecha = 'z6'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2380 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 630; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 7; dmg = 99; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 500; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 70; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2295 { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(7); body.gotoAndStop(10); tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 500; maxhp = hp; speed = 5; dmg = 70; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 60)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 60 < -110) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -500 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 60 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 60 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 905 armadura_mala { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(12); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(11); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(2); guante1.gotoAndStop(6); guante2.gotoAndStop(6); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); bota1.gotoAndStop(7); bota2.gotoAndStop(7); mainhand.gotoAndStop(6); } onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(50); actividad = 0; hp = 630; maxhp = hp; healingpower = 40; magia1 = misil; magia2 = 'misil'; speed = 7; dmg = 99; armor_normal = 10; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = -20; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(50); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('magia'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(50); actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 50 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 30 < -50) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -100 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 30 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 30 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 209 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 400; arriva = 'z7'; izquierda = 'z5'; derecha = 'z7'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2381 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 2186 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(4); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 2; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(9); dmg = 90; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 640; maxhp = hp; speed = 8; armor_normal = 50; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 2186 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(4); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(2); gamba1.gotoAndStop(2); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); antebrazo = 2; antebrazo1.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); antebrazo2.gotoAndStop(antebrazo); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(9); dmg = 70; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 540; maxhp = hp; speed = 8; armor_normal = 50; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('dash'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = random(200) + 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y - 20 < -30) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y + 20 > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y - 20 > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 210 { = random(13) + 3; _root.exp = 440; arriva = 'z8'; izquierda = 'z6'; derecha = 'z9'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2382 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 2319 { onClipEvent (load) { tail.gotoAndStop(1); head.gotoAndStop(4); chin.gotoAndStop(3); dmg = 40; tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 450; maxhp = hp; speed = 10; armor_normal = 30; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } } instance of movieClip 1953 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(100); actividad = 0; hp = 180; dmg = 30; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; armor_normal = 11; armor_fire = 0; armor_ice = 0; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 10)); if (actividad == 1) { if (buelta > 0) { this._x += speed * 2; this._y += speed; } else { this._x -= speed * 2; this._y += speed; } _alpha = _alpha - 1; tiempobuelta -= 1; if (tiempobuelta < 0) { _alpha = 100; actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 150; } } if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(210); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1 and actividad != 1) { buelta = _root.l.hero._x - this._x; actividad = 1; tiempobuelta = 48; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.detector.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -70 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 211 { = random(7) + 5; arriva = 'z8'; izquierda = 'z7'; derecha = 'z10'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2383 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2383 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 212 { _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('pain'); _root.stheronombre = _root.sthero.nombre; = 20; _root.exp = 0; arriva = 'z8'; izquierda = 'fire4'; derecha = 'fire4'; derecha_cord = 89.5; izquierda_cord = -1740.8; arriva_cord = -92; stop(); } movieClip 2384 { frame 1 { camina = 0; golpeado = 0; teleporto = 1; } frame 26 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 34 { camina = 1; golpeado = 0; } frame 53 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 76 { stun = 1; } frame 79 { } frame 81 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 87 {; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 92 { stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 123 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 138 { culo3 = random(3); if (culo3 == 0) { memuevopor = 70; } if (culo3 == 1) { memuevopor = -70; } if (culo3 == 2) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse2'); } muevepor = (this._x / 100) * 70; this._x += memuevopor; } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 139 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 140 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 141 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 142 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 143 { this._x += memuevopor; } frame 144 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 175 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 177 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 179 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 15; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 181 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 183 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 185 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 187 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 189 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 15; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 191 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y - 10; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 193 { _root.l.shockwave = _root.l.attachMovie('fireball', 'flecha' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.l.empujar.push(_root.l.shockwave); _root.l.shockwave.swapDepths(_root.l.shockwave._x / 90 + (_root.l.shockwave._y + 60)); _root.l.shockwave._x = this._x; _root.l.shockwave._y = this._y; _root.l.shockwave.dmg = dmg; if (this._xscale == -100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = -25; _root.l.shockwave._xscale = -100; } else { if (this._xscale == 100) { _root.l.shockwave.speed = 25; } } } frame 195 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1) { _root.l.hero.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); _root.l.hero.stun = 1; _root.sthero.hp -= Math.round(_parent.dmg * (100 - _root.sthero.armor) / 100); if (_parent._x - _root.l.targetgolpe._x > 0) { _root.l.hero._x -= 40; } else { _root.l.hero._x += 40; } } } } frame 218 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 225 { golpeado = 1; stun = 1; camina = 0; golpeado = 1; stun = 1; golpeson = random(3); mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'hit' + golpeson; if (_root.l.hero._x - this._x > 0) { volumen = (100 * (_root.l.hero._x - this._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } else { volumen = (100 * (this._x - _root.l.hero._x) / 700 - 100) * -1; } if (volumen > 0) { mySound.setVolume(volumen); mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); } } frame 235 { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); } frame 265 { stun = 1; } frame 273 { this._x = _root.l.hero._x + random(3); } frame 285 { golpeado = 0; stun = 0; gotoAndPlay('stand'); } } movieClip 2385 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 2384 { onClipEvent (load) { tiempo_muere = 20; tiempo = random(70); actividad = 0; hp = 1450; maxhp = hp; speed = 9; dmg = 90; armor_normal = 20; armor_fire = 10; armor_ice = 10; armor_shadow = 0; armor_special = 0; head.pelo.gotoAndStop(17); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(8); medallon.gotoAndStop(7); robe1.gotoAndStop(4); robe2.gotoAndStop(4); magia2 = 'coldbolt2'; categoria = 'boss'; speedsumon = 8; fuerzasumon = 17; hpsumon = 2; spell = 30; _root.vivos += 1; _root.l.empujar.push(this); _root.l.enemy.push(this); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { for (var i in _root.l.enemy) { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x and this._y < _root.l.enemy[i]._y) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y += 0.5; } else { if (colision.hitTest(_root.l.enemy[i].colision) and this._x != _root.l.enemy[i]._x) { _root.l.enemy[i]._y -= 0.5; } } } if (golpeado_anima == 1) { golpeado_anima = 0; this.gotoAndPlay('golpeado'); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 0)); if (tiempo == 0 and actividad == 0) { tiempo = random(70); actitud = random(2); if (actitud == 0) { gotoAndPlay('stand'); stun = 1; } if (actitud == 1) { gotoAndPlay('teleportarse'); actividad = 0; stun = 0; tiempo = 70; actitud = 0; stun = 1; } } else { if (stun != 1 and actividad == 0) { tiempo -= 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 or _root.l.hero.golpeado != 1 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y > 0 and this._y - _root.l.detector._y < 10) { if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 600 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x > 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = -100; stun = 1; } if (this._x - _root.l.detector._x > -600 and this._x - _root.l.detector._x < 0) { gotoAndPlay('ataque'); this._xscale = 100; stun = 1; } } if (stun != 1) { if (_root.l.detector._x < this._x) { this._x = _x - speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = -100; } else { if (_root.l.detector._x > this._x and _root.l.detector._x - _x > 40) { this._x = _x + speed; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } this._xscale = 100; } } if (_root.l.detector._y < this._y and _y - _root.l.detector._y > 10) { this._y = _y - speed / 2; if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } else { if (_root.l.detector._y > this._y) { this._y = _y + speed / 2; } if (camina == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } } } } if (hp < 0) { myColor = new Color(this); myColor.setRGB(16763904); gotoAndStop('bash'); tiempo_muere -= 1; this._alpha -= 5; if (tiempo_muere < 0) { _root.l.muertos += 1; _root.sthero.achievement5 = 1;; _root.futurosecond = _root.sthero.lvl - 1; removeMovieClip(this); } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } frame 215 { mySound = new Sound(this); tune = 'resive'; mySound.attachSound(tune); mySound.start(0, 1); if ( == 5) { = 6; } _root.sthero.core4 = 'fire'; _root.sthero.item4 = 'fire'; } movieClip 2386 { instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance display1 of movieClip 2010 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.sthero.nombre); } } frame 2 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 13 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 28 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 44 { display1.hero.gotoAndStop('stand'); } frame 69 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 88 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('stand'); } frame 103 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('ataque'); } frame 113 { display1.hero.gotoAndPlay('camina'); } frame 165 { _root.izquierda = 'sponsor'; _root.derecha = 'sponsor'; _root.derecha_cord = 89.5; _root.destino = 'derecha';; stop(); } } frame 216 { izquierda = 'mapa'; derecha = 'mapa'; } movieClip 2387 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == -100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'izquierda';; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1 and _root.l.hero._xscale == 100) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'derecha';; } } } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance of movieClip 1838 { onClipEvent (load) { dialogo = 9; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } } instance l of movieClip 2387 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 219 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2388 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(1); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 22; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(1); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(3); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(1); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(3); dialogo = 50; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2388 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 220 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2389 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(2); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 23; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(2); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(3); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(1); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(3); dialogo = 52; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2389 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 221 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2390 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 527 { onClipEvent (load) { cabeza.peinado.gotoAndStop(3); torso.vestido.gotoAndStop(3); hombro1.gotoAndStop(2); hombro2.gotoAndStop(1); guante1.gotoAndStop(2); guante2.gotoAndStop(1); gamba1.gotoAndStop(3); gamba2.gotoAndStop(3); bota1.gotoAndStop(3); bota2.gotoAndStop(3); mainhand.gotoAndStop(3); dialogo = 51; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 30)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(2); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 23; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2390 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 222 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2391 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(4); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 25; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2391 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 223 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2392 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(5); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 26; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2392 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 224 { abajo = 'mapa'; _root.musikita.gotoAndStop('m3'); abajo_cord = -691.9; stop(); } movieClip 2393 { frame 1 { enemy = []; muertos = 0; } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y -= _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe)) { _root.l.hero._y += _root.velocity / 2; } } } instance eso2 of movieClip 76 { } instance eso3 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'arriva';; } } } instance eso4 of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and _root.limpio == 1 and _root.l.hero.camina == 1) { _root.limpio = 0; _root.destino = 'abajo';; } } } instance detector of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.l.invi == 0 or _root.l.invi == undefined) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 15; } } } instance targetgolpe of movieClip 215 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._x = _root.l.hero._x; this._y = _root.l.hero._y + 35; } } instance of movieClip 218 { onClipEvent (load) { torso.armor.gotoAndStop(5); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(4); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); head.pelo.gotoAndStop(6); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(2); dialogo = 27; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.swapDepths(this._x / 90 + (this._y + 20)); if (this._x > _parent.hero._x) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) and pisa == 1) { pisa = 0; _root.charla = _root.attachMovie('dialogo1', 'dialogo1' + getTimer(), _root.l.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.charla.dialogo = dialogo; _root.charla._x = 334.5; _root.charla._y = 272.3; } if (detector.hitTest(_root.l.targetgolpe) == false) { pisa = 1; if (_root.charla.dialogo == dialogo) { removeMovieClip(_root.charla); } } } } } instance l of movieClip 2393 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _root.limpio = 1; } } frame 225 { _root.vivos = 0; } movieClip 2399 { } // unknown tag 88 length 139 movieClip 2404 { frame 1 { function randRange(min, max) { var v1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; return v1; } function moveSnow() { if (this.moving) { this._y += this.speed; this._x += Math.cos(this._y / 10); if (this.hitTest(_root.rect_mc.Ice_mc)) { this.moving = false; this.stopCounter = 0; } if (this._y > 700) { removeMovieClip(this); } } else { ++this.stopCounter; if (this.stopCounter > 500) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.removeMovieClip(); } } } function createSnow() { i = _root.n.getNextHighestDepth(); tmp = _root.n.attachMovie('fuegon', 'fuegon_mc' + i, i); tmp._x = randRange(1, 750); tmp._y = -1; tmp._alpha = randRange(50, 100); tmp.speed = randRange(1, 10); tmp._xscale = randRange(70, 110); tmp._yscale = tmp._xscale; tmp.moving = true; tmp.onEnterFrame = moveSnow; } control_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { createSnow(); }; } } frame 231 { _root.destino = 'load';; } movieClip 2412 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance hero of movieClip 296 lizarman_spearman { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(10); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); gamba1.gotoAndStop(6); gamba2.gotoAndStop(6); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(11); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(10); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(5); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance hero of movieClip 325 paladin { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(10); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(7); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(2); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(11); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(10); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(5); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(5); } } instance hero of movieClip 415 charmer { onClipEvent (load) { gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(1); } } instance hero of movieClip 202 ladron { onClipEvent (load) { head.pelo.gotoAndStop(3); head.detalle.gotoAndStop(5); gamba1.gotoAndStop(1); gamba2.gotoAndStop(2); torso.armor.gotoAndStop(1); torso.cinto.gotoAndStop(3); cuchi1.gotoAndStop(1); cuchi2.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 2412 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.stheronombre); } } button 2415 { on (release) { _root.destino = 'mainmenu'; _root.secondoplay = _root.futurosecond;; } }
Created: 5/3 -2019 18:42:06 Last modified: 5/3 -2019 18:42:06 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:12:53