Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5191

Happy New Year!

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #119663

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


<p align="left"><font face="Arial" size="9" color="#ff6600" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1">00:00:00/00:00:00</font></p>

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
stop(); Firstplay = true; if (loading.loadtext == undefined) { loading.createTextField("loadtext", loading.getNextHighestDepth(), 50, 10 * -1, 100, 20); } loading._x = (Stage.width - loading._width) / 2; loading._y = (Stage.height - loading._height) / 2; loading.onEnterFrame = function () { loaded = int((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100); loading.loadtext.text = loaded + "%"; if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { loading.loadtext.text = ""; _root.nextFrame(); delete this.onEnterFrame; } };
Frame 2
function initPlayerStage(movieWidth, movieHeight) { Stage.scaleMode = "noScale"; Stage.align = "TL"; Stage.showMenu = false; Stage.addListener(_root); movie_width = movieWidth; movie_height = movieHeight; } function onResize() { _root.codebase.onResize(); } function initPlayerComponent() { _root.play_layer.stop_btn._visible = !Hide_stop_button; _root.play_layer.pre_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.next_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.slider_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.sound_btn._visible = !Hide_mute_button; _root.play_layer.volume_mc._visible = !Hide_volume_adjustment_bar; _root.play_layer.full_btn._visible = !Hide_fullscreen_button; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._visible = !Hide_playing_process_bar; _root.play_layer.progress_drag._visible = !Hide_playing_process_bar; _root.play_layer.played_mc._visible = !Hide_playing_process_bar; _root.play_layer.loaded_mc._visible = !Hide_playing_process_bar; _root.play_layer.time_mc._visible = !Hide_playing_time; } function initAutoHide(isAutoHideMouse, isAutoHideSkin, isAutoHideSlider, ishideDelay) { isMouseAutoHide = isAutoHideMouse; isSkinAutoHide = isAutoHideSkin; isSliderAutoHide = false; } function load_codebase() { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("codebase", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); mLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); listener = new Object(); listener.onLoadInit = function (mc) { if (!((_root.valid_Length == (1 * -1)) || (mc.time_Comparison(_root.start_Time, _root.valid_Length)))) { _root.attachMovie("expire_btn", "expire_btn", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.expire_btn._x = (Stage.width - _root.expire_btn._width) / 2; _root.expire_btn._y = (Stage.height - _root.expire_btn._height) / 2; _root.gotoAndStop(2); j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_root.mc_arr[j]]._visible = false; if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]][_root.mc_AD_arr[j][i]].stop(); i++; } } j++; } _root.play_layer._visible = false; _root.loading._visible = false; _root.effect_mc._visible = false; trace("timeout"); } else { mc._parent._x = 0; mc._parent._y = 0; mc.init(); mc.getbtninfo(); mc.onResize(); mc.setautohide(hide_delay); _root.gotoAndStop(2); } }; mLoader.addListener(listener); mLoader.loadClip(_root._url.slice(0, _root._url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "codebase.swf", _root.codebase); } function initPlayer() { initPlayerStage(640, 480); btn_Interval = 0; margins = 0; if (Hide_stop_button == undefined) { Hide_stop_button = false; } if (Hide_mute_button == undefined) { Hide_mute_button = false; } if (Hide_volume_adjustment_bar == undefined) { Hide_volume_adjustment_bar = false; } if (Hide_fullscreen_button == undefined) { Hide_fullscreen_button = false; } if (Hide_playing_process_bar == undefined) { Hide_playing_process_bar = false; } if (Hide_playing_time == undefined) { Hide_playing_time = false; } if (time_Style == undefined) { time_Style = 0; } initPlayerComponent(); if (player_auto_hide == undefined) { player_auto_hide = false; } if (mouse_auto_hide == undefined) { mouse_auto_hide = false; } if (hide_delay == undefined) { hide_delay = 3000; } initAutoHide(mouse_auto_hide, player_auto_hide, false, hide_delay); maxPlayTime = 0; if (Mute == undefined) { Mute = false; } if (Volume == undefined) { Volume = 100; } if (Player_align == undefined) { Player_align = "bottom"; } if (Maintain_aspect_ratio == undefined) { Maintain_aspect_ratio = false; } if (Player_over_movie == undefined) { Player_over_movie = false; } if (Auto_rewind == undefined) { Auto_rewind = false; } if (autoplay == undefined) { autoplay = false; } if (Pause_at_lat_frame == undefined) { Pause_at_lat_frame = false; } if (Show_replay == undefined) { Show_replay = false; } if (Text_replay == undefined) { Text_replay = "Replay"; } if (bigplay_btn_Align == undefined) { bigplay_btn_Align = "center"; } if (bigplay_btn_Align_Left == undefined) { bigplay_btn_Align_Left = 0; } if (bigplay_btn_Align_Top == undefined) { bigplay_btn_Align_Top = 0; } if (bigplay_btn_width == undefined) { bigplay_btn_width = 0; } if (bigplay_btn_height == undefined) { bigplay_btn_height = 0; } if (Show_bigplay == undefined) { Show_bigplay = true; } if (Show_player == undefined) { Show_player = true; } start_Time = "2012-12-21-18-58"; valid_Length = 1 * -1; isEmbedCodebase = true; watermarktop_arr = []; watermark_origin = "bottom-left"; watermark_offsetleft = 64; watermark_offsettop = 48 * -1; startframe = 2; framerate_str = "15.00"; framerate = Number(framerate_str); mc_arr = ["movie_mc"]; mc_frame_arr = [353]; mc_AD_arr = [[]]; default_video_link = ""; default_advert_link = ""; } if (_root.Firstplay == true) { _root.Firstplay = false; _root.play_layer.nosound_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.btnInterval_l._visible = false; _root.play_layer.btnInterval_r._visible = false; _root.play_layer.progInterval_l._visible = false; _root.play_layer.progInterval_r._visible = false; _root.play_layer.cut_mc._visible = false; _root.play_layer.slider_y._visible = false; if (_root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt == undefined) { _root.play_layer.time_mc.createTextField("time_txt", _root.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, 93, 28); _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.multiline = false; _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.selectable = false; _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.fontSize = 10; _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.textColor = 0; } initPlayer(); j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_root.mc_arr[j]]._visible = false; if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]][_root.mc_AD_arr[j][i]].stop(); i++; } } j++; } if (isEmbedCodebase != false) { if (!((_root.valid_Length == (1 * -1)) || (_root.codebase.time_Comparison(_root.start_Time, _root.valid_Length)))) { _root.attachMovie("expire_btn", "expire_btn", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.expire_btn._x = (Stage.width - _root.expire_btn._width) / 2; _root.expire_btn._y = (Stage.height - _root.expire_btn._height) / 2; _root.gotoAndStop(2); j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_root.mc_arr[j]]._visible = false; if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]][_root.mc_AD_arr[j][i]].stop(); i++; } } j++; } _root.play_layer._visible = false; _root.loading._visible = false; _root.effect_mc._visible = false; trace("timeout"); } else { trace("dsfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf:" + _root.codebase); _root.gotoAndStop(2); _root.codebase.playinit(); } } else { load_codebase(); } }
Symbol 485 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 497 MovieClip Frame 49
Symbol 481 MovieClip Frame 1
function time_Comparison(start_Time, valid_Length) { trace((("time_Comparison:" + start_Time) + " ") + valid_Length); date = new Date(); now_year = date.getFullYear(); now_month = date.getMonth(); now_date = date.getDate(); now_hours = date.getHours(); now_minutes = date.getMinutes(); now_Time = new Date(now_year, now_month, now_date, now_hours, now_minutes); var startdate_arr = start_Time.split("-"); start_date = new Date(startdate_arr[0], startdate_arr[1] - 1, startdate_arr[2], startdate_arr[3], startdate_arr[4], 0); valid_Time = start_date.getTime() + ((valid_Length * 3600) * 1000); if (!((Number(now_Time.getTime()) >= Number(start_date.getTime())) && (Number(now_Time.getTime()) < Number(valid_Time)))) { return(false); } return(true); } function getbtninfo() { cut_x = _root.play_layer.cut_mc._x; btn_arr = []; if ((_root.play_layer.pre_btn != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.pre_btn._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.pre_btn._x); temp_arr.push("pre_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.next_btn != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.next_btn._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.next_btn._x); temp_arr.push("next_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if (_root.play_layer.play_btn != undefined) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.play_btn._x); temp_arr.push("play_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.stop_btn != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.stop_btn._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.stop_btn._x); temp_arr.push("stop_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.slider_btn != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.slider_btn._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.slider_btn._x); temp_arr.push("slider_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.sound_btn != undefined) && ((_root.play_layer.sound_btn._visible != false) || (_root.play_layer.nosound_btn._visible != false))) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.sound_btn._x); temp_arr.push("sound_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.volume_mc._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.volume_mc._x); temp_arr.push("volume_mc"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.full_btn != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.full_btn._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.full_btn._x); temp_arr.push("full_btn"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } if ((_root.play_layer.time_mc != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.time_mc._visible != false)) { temp_arr = []; temp_arr.push(_root.play_layer.time_mc._x); temp_arr.push("time_mc"); btn_arr.push(temp_arr); } arr_sort(); } function arr_sort() { i = 0; while (i < (btn_arr.length - 1)) { j = i + 1; while (j < btn_arr.length) { if (btn_arr[j][0] < btn_arr[i][0]) { temp = btn_arr[j]; btn_arr[j] = btn_arr[i]; btn_arr[i] = temp; } j++; } i++; } } function set_play_layer() { if (_root.Show_player != false) { _root.play_layer._visible = true; } else { _root.play_layer._visible = false; } _root.play_layer._x = _root.margins; if (_root.Player_align != "top") { _root.play_layer._y = Stage.height - _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg._height; } else { _root.play_layer._y = _root.play_layer.slider_y._height - _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg._height; } _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg.ctrlbg_c._width = ((Stage.width - _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg.ctrlbg_r._width) - _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg.ctrlbg_l._width) - (_root.margins * 2); _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg.ctrlbg_r._x = _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg.ctrlbg_l._width + _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg.ctrlbg_c._width; i = 0; while (i < btn_arr.length) { if (i != 0) { if (btn_arr[i][0] >= cut_x) { j = btn_arr.length; while (i < j) { if (j != btn_arr.length) { j--; _root.play_layer[btn_arr[j][1]]._x = (_root.play_layer[btn_arr[j + 1][1]]._x - _root.play_layer[btn_arr[j][1]]._width) - _root.btn_Interval; } else { j--; _root.play_layer[btn_arr[j][1]]._x = (_root.play_layer.ctrl_bg._width - _root.play_layer[btn_arr[j][1]]._width) - _root.play_layer.btnInterval_r._width; } } if (_root.play_layer.progress_mc._y >= _root.play_layer.play_btn._y) { _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x = (_root.play_layer[btn_arr[i - 1][1]]._x + _root.play_layer[btn_arr[i - 1][1]]._width) + _root.btn_Interval; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._c._width = (((_root.play_layer[btn_arr[j][1]]._x - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x) - _root.btn_Interval) - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._r._width) - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._l._width; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._r._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._l._width + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._c._width; } else if (!((_root.play_layer.progInterval_l != undefined) && (_root.play_layer.progInterval_r != undefined))) { _root.play_layer.progress_mc._c._width = _root.play_layer.ctrl_bg._width - 20; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._r._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._l._width + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._c._width; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x = 10; } else { _root.play_layer.progress_mc._c._width = (((_root.play_layer.ctrl_bg._width - _root.play_layer.progInterval_l._width) - _root.play_layer.progInterval_r._width) - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._l._width) - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._r._width; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._r._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._l._width + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._c._width; _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x = _root.play_layer.progInterval_l._width; } break; } _root.play_layer[btn_arr[i][1]]._x = (_root.play_layer[btn_arr[i - 1][1]]._x + _root.play_layer[btn_arr[i - 1][1]]._width) + _root.btn_Interval; } else { _root.play_layer[btn_arr[i][1]]._x = _root.play_layer.btnInterval_l._width; } i++; } _root.play_layer.nosound_btn._x = _root.play_layer.sound_btn._x; _root.play_layer.nosound_btn._y = _root.play_layer.sound_btn._y; _root.play_layer.pause_btn._x = _root.play_layer.play_btn._x; _root.play_layer.pause_btn._y = _root.play_layer.play_btn._y; _root.play_layer.played_mc._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; _root.play_layer.played_mc._y = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._y; _root.play_layer.loaded_mc._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; _root.play_layer.loaded_mc._y = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._y; _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x + (((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) * _root.ns.time) / _root.flv_duration); } function set_movie_mc() { if (_root.play_layer._visible != false) { if (_root.Maintain_aspect_ratio != false) { if (_root.Player_over_movie != true) { if ((Stage.width / (Stage.height - _root.play_layer.slider_y._height)) < (_root.movie_width / _root.movie_height)) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = Stage.width; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = _root.movie_height * (Stage.width / _root.movie_width); i++; } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = _root.movie_width * ((Stage.height - _root.play_layer.slider_y._height) / _root.movie_height); _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = Stage.height - _root.play_layer.slider_y._height; i++; } } } else if ((Stage.width / Stage.height) < (_root.movie_width / _root.movie_height)) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = Stage.width; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = _root.movie_height * (Stage.width / _root.movie_width); i++; } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = _root.movie_width * (Stage.height / _root.movie_height); _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = Stage.height; i++; } } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = Stage.width; if (_root.Player_over_movie != true) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = Stage.height - _root.play_layer.slider_y._height; } else { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = Stage.height; } i++; } } if (_root.Player_over_movie != true) { if (_root.Player_align != "top") { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._x = (Stage.width - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width) / 2; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._y = ((Stage.height - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height) - _root.play_layer.slider_y._height) / 2; i++; } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._x = (Stage.width - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width) / 2; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._y = _root.play_layer.slider_y._height; i++; } } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._x = (Stage.width - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width) / 2; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._y = (Stage.height - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height) / 2; i++; } } } else { if (_root.Maintain_aspect_ratio != false) { if ((Stage.width / Stage.height) < (_root.movie_width / _root.movie_height)) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = Stage.width; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = _root.movie_height * (Stage.width / _root.movie_width); i++; } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = _root.movie_width * (Stage.height / _root.movie_height); _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = Stage.height; i++; } } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width = Stage.width; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height = Stage.height; i++; } } i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._x = (Stage.width - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._width) / 2; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._y = (Stage.height - _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._height) / 2; i++; } } } function onResize() { before_width = _root.movie_mc._width; before_height = _root.movie_mc._height; set_play_layer(); set_movie_mc(); set_bigplay_btn(); set_watermark_mc(); set_watermarktop(); set_addons(); } function set_bigplay_btn() { if ((_root.bigplay_btn_width != 0) && (_root.bigplay_btn_height != 0)) { _root.bigplay_btn._width = _root.bigplay_btn_width; _root.bigplay_btn._height = _root.bigplay_btn_height; } mcAlignment(_root.bigplay_btn, _root.movie_mc, _root.bigplay_btn_Align, _root.bigplay_btn_Align_Left, _root.bigplay_btn_Align_Top); _root.bigplay_btn._x = _root.bigplay_btn._x + _root.movie_mc._x; _root.bigplay_btn._y = _root.bigplay_btn._y + _root.movie_mc._y; } function load_addons() { var xml = new XML(); xml.ignoreWhite = true; xml.load(_root._url.slice(0, _root._url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + "addonslist.xml"); xml.onLoad = function (success) { if (success) { _root.addons_length = xml.firstChild.childNodes.length; i = 0; while (i < xml.firstChild.childNodes.length) { _root.addons_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("addons_" + i, _root.addons_mc.getNextHighestDepth()); this["mLoader" + i] = new MovieClipLoader(); this["listener" + i] = new Object(); this["listener" + i].onLoadInit = function (mc) { mc._x = 0; mc._y = 0; }; this["mLoader" + i].addListener(this["listener" + i]); this["mLoader" + i].loadClip(_root._url.slice(0, _root._url.lastIndexOf("/") + 1) + xml.firstChild.childNodes[i].attributes.href, _root.addons_mc["addons_" + i]); i++; } } }; } function set_addons() { var j = 0; while (j < _root.addons_length) { _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j].resetaddons(); j++; } } function mcAlignment(mc, _stage, origin, offsetleft, offsettop) { offsetleft = int(offsetleft); offsettop = int(offsettop); var mc_x; var mc_y; if (origin == "top-left") { mc_x = 0 + offsetleft; mc_y = 0 + offsettop; } else if (origin == "top-center") { mc_x = ((_stage._width - mc._width) / 2) + offsetleft; mc_y = 0 + offsettop; } else if (origin == "top-right") { mc_x = (_stage._width - mc._width) + offsetleft; mc_y = 0 + offsettop; } else if (origin == "left") { mc_x = 0 + offsetleft; mc_y = ((_stage._height - mc._height) / 2) + offsettop; } else if (origin == "center") { mc_x = ((_stage._width - mc._width) / 2) + offsetleft; mc_y = ((_stage._height - mc._height) / 2) + offsettop; } else if (origin == "right") { mc_x = (_stage._width - mc._width) + offsetleft; mc_y = ((_stage._height - mc._height) / 2) + offsettop; } else if (origin == "bottom-left") { mc_x = 0 + offsetleft; mc_y = (_stage._height - mc._height) + offsettop; } else if (origin == "bottom-center") { mc_x = ((_stage._width - mc._width) / 2) + offsetleft; mc_y = (_stage._height - mc._height) + offsettop; } else if (origin == "bottom-right") { mc_x = (_stage._width - mc._width) + offsetleft; mc_y = (_stage._height - mc._height) + offsettop; } mc._x = mc_x; mc._y = mc_y; } function onImgLoadInit(mc) { mc._parent._x = mc._parent.x; mc._parent._y = mc._parent.y; mc._parent._width = mc._parent.w; mc._parent._height = mc._parent.h; } function creatwatermark_top(type, path, click_url, click_target, origin, offsetleft, offsettop, w_width, w_height, transparency, sound, options, fontname, fontsize, fontcolor, fontstyle) { _root.watermark_top.click_url = click_url; _root.watermark_top.click_target = click_target; _root.watermark_top.origin = origin; _root.watermark_top.offsetleft = offsetleft; _root.watermark_top.offsettop = offsettop; _root.watermark_top.w = w_width; _root.watermark_top.h = w_height; _root.watermark_top.transparency = 100 - transparency; _root.watermark_top.fontsize = fontsize; _root.watermark_top.fontname = fontname; _root.watermark_top.fontcolor = fontcolor; _root.watermark_top.fontstyle = fontstyle; _root.watermark_top.sound = sound; _root.watermark_top._alpha = _root.watermark_top.transparency; if (!((type == "image") || (type == "swf"))) { if (type != "flv") { if (type == "text") { _root.watermark_top.attachMovie("mask_mc", "bg_mc", _root.watermark_top.getNextHighestDepth(), {_x:0, _y:0, _width:_root.watermark_mc["watermark_mc" + id].w, _height:_root.watermark_mc["watermark_mc" + id].h}); _root.watermark_top.bg_mc._alpha = 0; _root.watermark_top.createTextField("watermark_txt", _root.watermark_top.getNextHighestDepth(), 0, 0, _root.watermark_top.w, _root.watermark_top.h); _root.watermark_top.watermark_txt.text = path; var watermarktxt = new TextFormat(); watermarktxt.align = "center"; watermarktxt.size = _root.watermark_top.fontsize; watermarktxt.font = _root.watermark_top.fonttype; watermarktxt.color = _root.watermark_top.fontcolor; if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "b") { watermarktxt.bold = true; } else if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "i") { watermarktxt.italic = true; } else if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "l") { watermarktxt.underline = true; } else if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "bi") { watermarktxt.bold = true; watermarktxt.italic = true; } else if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "bl") { watermarktxt.bold = true; watermarktxt.underline = true; } else if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "bil") { watermarktxt.bold = true; watermarktxt.italic = true; watermarktxt.underline = true; } else if (_root.watermark_top.fontstyle == "il") { watermarktxt.italic = true; watermarktxt.underline = true; } else { watermarktxt.bold = false; watermarktxt.italic = false; watermarktxt.underline = false; } _root.watermark_top.fontstyle; _root.watermark_top.watermark_txt.setTextFormat(watermarktxt); _root.watermark_top.watermark_txt.wordWrap = true; _root.watermark_top._width = _root.watermark_top.w * (_root.movie_mc._width / _root.movie_width); _root.watermark_top._height = _root.watermark_top.h * (_root.movie_mc._height / _root.movie_height); mcAlignment(_root.watermark_top, _root.movie_mc, _root.watermark_top.origin, _root.watermark_top.offsetleft, _root.watermark_top.offsettop); _root.watermark_top._x = _root.watermark_top._x + _root.movie_mc._x; _root.watermark_top._y = _root.watermark_top._y + _root.movie_mc._y; } } else { if ( == undefined) { = new NetConnection();; } _root.watermark_top.attachMovie("video_mc", "video_mc", _root.watermark_top.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.watermark_top.watermark_ns = new NetStream(; _root.watermark_top.watermark_ns.onStatus = function (info) { if (info.code != "NetStream.Play.Start") { if (info.code != "NetStream.Buffer.Full") { if (info.code == "NetStream.Play.Stop") {; status_txt1.text = "play end"; } } else { status_txt1.text = ""; } } else { status_txt1.text = ""; } };; _root.watermark_top.video_mc.attachAudio(_root.watermark_top.watermark_ns); _root.watermark_top.watermark_sound = new Sound(_root.watermark_top.video_mc); if (_root.watermark_top.sound == "0") { _root.watermark_top.watermark_sound.setVolume(0); } _root.watermark_top._width = _root.watermark_top.w * (_root.movie_mc._width / _root.movie_width); _root.watermark_top._height = _root.watermark_top.h * (_root.movie_mc._height / _root.movie_height); mcAlignment(_root.watermark_top, _root.movie_mc, _root.watermark_top.origin, _root.watermark_top.offsetleft, _root.watermark_top.offsettop); _root.watermark_top._x = _root.watermark_top._x + _root.movie_mc._x; _root.watermark_top._y = _root.watermark_top._y + _root.movie_mc._y;; } } else { _root.watermark_top.createEmptyMovieClip("pic", _root.watermark_top.getNextHighestDepth()); mLoader = new MovieClipLoader(); listener = new Object(); listener.onLoadInit = function (mc) { mc._parent._width = mc._parent.w * (_root.movie_mc._width / _root.movie_width); mc._parent._height = mc._parent.h * (_root.movie_mc._height / _root.movie_height); mcAlignment(mc._parent, _root.movie_mc, mc._parent.origin, mc._parent.offsetleft, mc._parent.offsettop); mc._parent._x = mc._parent._x + _root.movie_mc._x; mc._parent._y = mc._parent._y + _root.movie_mc._y; }; mLoader.addListener(listener); mLoader.loadClip(path, _root.watermark_top.pic); } _root.watermark_top.onPress = function () { if ((this.click_url != "") && (this.click_url != undefined)) { getURL (this.click_url, this.click_target); } }; } function init() { trace("codebase init"); set_movie_mc(); j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_root.mc_arr[j]]._visible = false; if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]][_root.mc_AD_arr[j][i]].stop(); i++; } } j++; } before_width = _root.movie_mc._width; before_height = _root.movie_mc._height; if (0 < _root.watermarktop_arr.length) { creatwatermark_top(_root.watermarktop_arr[0], _root.watermarktop_arr[1], _root.watermarktop_arr[2], _root.watermarktop_arr[3], _root.watermarktop_arr[4], _root.watermarktop_arr[5], _root.watermarktop_arr[6], _root.watermarktop_arr[7], _root.watermarktop_arr[8], _root.watermarktop_arr[9], _root.watermarktop_arr[10], _root.watermarktop_arr[11], _root.watermarktop_arr[12], _root.watermarktop_arr[13], _root.watermarktop_arr[14], _root.watermarktop_arr[15]); } set_watermark_mc(); draging = false; play_swf(); sound = new Sound(_root.movie_mc.video_mc); if (100 >= _root.Volume) { if (_root.Volume < 0) { _root.Volume = 0; } } else { _root.Volume = 100; } _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x = ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width) * _root.Volume) / 100; sound.setVolume(_root.Volume); if (_root.Mute == true) { sound.setVolume(0); if (_root.play_layer.sound_btn._visible != false) { _root.play_layer.sound_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.nosound_btn._visible = true; } } } function set_watermarktop() { _root.watermark_top._width = _root.watermark_top._width * (_root.movie_mc._width / before_width); _root.watermark_top._height = _root.watermark_top._height * (_root.movie_mc._height / before_height); mcAlignment(_root.watermark_top, _root.movie_mc, _root.watermark_top.origin, _root.watermark_top.offsetleft, _root.watermark_top.offsettop); _root.watermark_top._x = _root.watermark_top._x + _root.movie_mc._x; _root.watermark_top._y = _root.watermark_top._y + _root.movie_mc._y; } function set_watermark_mc() { _root.watermark._width = _root.watermark._width * (_root.movie_mc._width / before_width); _root.watermark._height = _root.watermark._height * (_root.movie_mc._height / before_height); mcAlignment(_root.watermark, _root.movie_mc, _root.watermark_origin, _root.watermark_offsetleft, _root.watermark_offsettop); _root.watermark._x = _root.watermark._x + _root.movie_mc._x; _root.watermark._y = _root.watermark._y + _root.movie_mc._y; trace((((((("set_watermark:" + before_width) + " ") + before_height) + " ") + _root.watermark._x) + " ") + _root.watermark._y); } function play_next_mc(num) { _root.nextFrame(); i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._visible = false; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]].gotoAndStop(1); if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[i].length) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_AD_arr[i].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]][_root.mc_AD_arr[i][j]].stop(); j++; } } i++; } _root[_root.mc_arr[num]]._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[num]].play(); if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[num].length) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_AD_arr[num].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[num]][_root.mc_AD_arr[num][j]].play(); j++; } } } function play_swf() { _root.play_layer.next_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.pre_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.slider_btn._visible = false; getbtninfo(); onResize(); if (_root.bigplay_btn == undefined) { _root.attachMovie("bigplay_btn", "bigplay_btn", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); } set_bigplay_btn(); _root.bigplay_btn.onRelease = function () { _root.play_layer.play_btn.onRelease(); }; if (_root.autoplay != true) { trace((("autoplay:" + _root.autoplay) + " ") + _root.mc_arr[0]); _root.gotoAndStop(2); _root[_root.mc_arr[0]]._visible = true; _root.play_layer.play_btn._visible = true; _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = false; if (_root.Show_bigplay != true) { _root.bigplay_btn._visible = false; } else { _root.bigplay_btn._visible = true; } } else { draging = true; if (_root.addons_mc.addons_0 == undefined) { load_addons(); } _root.bigplay_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.play_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[0]]._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[0]].play(); } draging = true; i = 0; mc_totalframes = 0; while (i < _root.mc_frame_arr.length) { mc_totalframes = mc_totalframes + _root.mc_frame_arr[i]; i++; } Total_duration = setTime(mc_totalframes / _root.framerate); id = setInterval(playswfTime, 1000); } function video_frame() { i = 0; current_frame = 0; while (i < (_root._currentframe - _root.startframe)) { current_frame = current_frame + _root.mc_frame_arr[i]; i++; } _frame = current_frame + _root[_root.mc_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe]]._currentframe; return(_frame); } function goto_frame(framepos) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_root.mc_arr[j]]._visible = false; if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]][_root.mc_AD_arr[j][i]].stop(); i++; } } j++; } i = 0; totalframe = 0; while (_root._totalframes >= i) { totalframe = totalframe + _root.mc_frame_arr[i]; if (framepos < totalframe) { break; } i++; } _root.gotoAndStop(_root.startframe + i); _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]].gotoAndPlay(framepos - (totalframe - _root.mc_frame_arr[i])); if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[i].length) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_AD_arr[i].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]][_root.mc_AD_arr[i][j]].play(); j++; } } j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_arr.length) { if (j != i) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]].gotoAndStop(1); _root[_root.mc_arr[j]]._visible = false; if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { k = 0; while (k < _root.mc_AD_arr[j].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[j]][_root.mc_AD_arr[j][k]].gotoAndStop(1); k++; } } } j++; } } function play_complete() { i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._visible = false; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]].gotoAndStop(1); i++; } draging = false; _root.gotoAndStop(2); _root[_root.mc_arr[0]]._visible = true; if (_root.Auto_rewind != true) { _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.play_btn._visible = true; _root.bigplay_btn._visible = true; } else { _root[_root.mc_arr[0]].play(); } if ((_root.addons_length != undefined) && (_root.addons_length != "")) { var j = 0; while (_root.addons_length >= j) { if (_root.addons_mc["addons_" + j] != undefined) { _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j]; _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j].addons_mc.ns.close(); _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j].removeMovieClip(); } j++; } } } function playswfTime() { if (Total_duration == undefined) { Total_duration = "00:00"; } now_frame = video_frame(); time = setTime(int(now_frame / _root.framerate)); if (_root.time_Style != 0) { if (_root.time_Style != 1) { if (_root.time_Style == 2) { _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.text = Total_duration; } } else { _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.text = time; } } else { _root.play_layer.time_mc.time_txt.text = (time + "/") + Total_duration; } _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x + (((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) * now_frame) / mc_totalframes); if (1 >= (_root.play_layer.progress_drag._x - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x)) { _root.play_layer.played_mc._width = 0; } else { _root.play_layer.played_mc._width = _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x - _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; } } function time_to_sec(time) { house = time.slice(0, 2) * 1; min = time.slice(3, 5) * 1; sec = time.slice(6, 8) * 1; return((((house * 60) * 60) + (min * 60)) + sec); } function setTime(oTime) { var duration; if (0 >= oTime) { duration = "00:00:00"; } else { var hours = Math.floor(oTime / 3600); var time = (oTime % 3600); var min = Math.floor(time / 60); time = time % 60; var sec = Math.floor(time); time = time % 1; duration = ((((((((hours < 10) ? "0" : "") + hours) + ":") + ((min < 10) ? "0" : "")) + min) + ":") + ((sec < 10) ? "0" : "")) + sec; } return(duration); } function autohide() { if (_root.isMouseAutoHide == true) { Mouse.hide(); mouse_hide = true; } if (_root.isSkinAutoHide == true) { _root.play_layer._visible = false; playlayer_hide = true; before_width = _root[_root.mc_arr[0]]._width; before_height = _root[_root.mc_arr[0]]._height; set_movie_mc(); set_watermark_mc(); set_watermarktop(); set_addons(); } } function setautohide(time) { _root.onMouseMove = function () { if (mouse_hide == true) {; mouse_hide = false; } if (playlayer_hide == true) { _root.play_layer._visible = true; playlayer_hide = false; before_width = _root.movie_mc._width; before_height = _root.movie_mc._height; set_movie_mc(); set_watermark_mc(); set_watermarktop(); set_addons(); } clearTimeout(hide_id); if (((((_root.play_layer._x + _root.play_layer._width) < _root._xmouse) || (_root._xmouse < _root.play_layer._x)) || ((_root.play_layer._y + _root.play_layer.slider_y._height) < _root._ymouse)) || (_root._ymouse < _root.play_layer._y)) { hide_id = setTimeout(autohide, time); } }; } function playinit() { init(); getbtninfo(); _root.codebase.onResize(); setautohide(_root.hide_delay); _root.play_layer.play_btn.onRelease = function () { draging = true; _root.play_layer.play_btn._visible = false; _root.bigplay_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe]].play(); if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe].length) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_AD_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]][_root.mc_AD_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe][j]].play(); j++; } } if (_root.addons_mc.addons_0 != undefined) { if ((_root.addons_length != undefined) && (_root.addons_length != "")) { var j = 0; while (_root.addons_length >= j) { if (_root.addons_mc["addons_" + j] != undefined) { _root.addons_mc["addons_" + i]; _root.addons_mc["addons_" + i].addons_mc.ns.pause(false); _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j]._visible = true; } j++; } } } else { load_addons(); } }; _root.play_layer.pause_btn.onRelease = function () { _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.play_btn._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe]].stop(); if ((_root.addons_length != undefined) && (_root.addons_length != "")) { var j = 0; while (_root.addons_length >= j) { if (_root.addons_mc["addons_" + j] != undefined) { _root.addons_mc["addons_" + i].addons_mc.gotoAndStop(_root.addons_mc["addons_" + i].addons_mc._currentFrame); _root.addons_mc["addons_" + i].addons_mc.ns.pause(true); _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j]._visible = false; } j++; } } if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe].length) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_AD_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]][_root.mc_AD_arr[_root._currentframe - _root.startframe][j]].stop(); j++; } } }; _root.play_layer.stop_btn.onRelease = function () { draging = false; _root.gotoAndStop(_root.startframe); i = 0; while (i < _root.mc_arr.length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]]._visible = false; _root[_root.mc_arr[i]].gotoAndStop(1); if (0 < _root.mc_AD_arr[i].length) { j = 0; while (j < _root.mc_AD_arr[i].length) { _root[_root.mc_arr[i]][_root.mc_AD_arr[i][j]].stop(); j++; } } i++; } if ((_root.addons_length != undefined) && (_root.addons_length != "")) { var j = 0; while (_root.addons_length >= j) { if (_root.addons_mc["addons_" + j] != undefined) { _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j]; _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j].addons_mc.ns.close(); _root.addons_mc["addons_" + j].removeMovieClip(); } j++; } } _root[_root.mc_arr[0]]._visible = true; _root[_root.mc_arr[0]].stop(); _root.play_layer.pause_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.play_btn._visible = true; _root.bigplay_btn._x = _root.movie_mc._x + ((_root.movie_mc._width - _root.bigplay_btn._width) / 2); _root.bigplay_btn._y = _root.movie_mc._y + ((_root.movie_mc._height - _root.bigplay_btn._height) / 2); _root.bigplay_btn.onRelease = function () { _root.play_layer.play_btn.onRelease(); }; _root.bigplay_btn._visible = true; }; _root.play_layer.progress_drag.onPress = function () { _root.play_layer.progress_mc.onPress(); }; _root.play_layer.progress_drag.onRelease = (_root.play_layer.progress_drag.onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.play_layer.progress_mc.onRelease(); }); _root.play_layer.progress_mc.onPress = function () { if (!draging) { return(undefined); } if ((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse < 0) || ((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) < _root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse)) { if ((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) < _root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse) { _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = (_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; } return(undefined); } pos = Math.floor((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse / (_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width)) * mc_totalframes); goto_frame(pos); _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; this.onMouseMove = function () { if ((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse < 0) || ((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) < _root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse)) { if ((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) < _root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse) { _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = (_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width) + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; } return(undefined); } pos = Math.floor((_root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse / (_root.play_layer.progress_mc._width - _root.play_layer.progress_drag._width)) * mc_totalframes); goto_frame(pos); _root.play_layer.progress_drag._x = _root.play_layer.progress_mc._xmouse + _root.play_layer.progress_mc._x; }; }; _root.play_layer.progress_mc.onRelease = function () { if (flvplaying == true) { setNextAdvert(); } delete this.onMouseMove; }; _root.play_layer.progress_mc.onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.play_layer.progress_mc.onRelease(); }; _root.play_layer.full_btn.onPress = function () { Stage.displayState = ((Stage.displayState == "normal") ? "fullScreen" : "normal"); clearTimeout(hide_id); hide_id = setTimeout(autohide, 1000); }; _root.play_layer.sound_btn.onPress = function () { sound.setVolume(0); _root.play_layer.sound_btn._visible = false; _root.play_layer.nosound_btn._visible = true; }; _root.play_layer.nosound_btn.onPress = function () { sound.setVolume(((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._x) / _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width) * 100); _root.play_layer.sound_btn._visible = true; _root.play_layer.nosound_btn._visible = false; }; _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr.onPress = function () { _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds.onPress(); }; _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr.onRelease = (_root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr.onReleaseOutside = function () { _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds.onRelease(); }); _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds.onPress = function () { if (_root.play_layer.nosound_btn._visible == true) { return(undefined); } if (!((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse < 0) || ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width) < _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse))) { _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x = _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse; } else if ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width) < _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse) { _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x = _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width; } sound.setVolume((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse / (_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width)) * 100); this.onMouseMove = function () { if ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse < 0) || ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width) < _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse)) { if ((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width) < _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse) { _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x = _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width; } if (_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse < 0) { _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x = 0; } return(undefined); } sound.setVolume((_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse / (_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._width - _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._width)) * 100); _root.play_layer.volume_mc.dr._x = _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds._xmouse; }; }; _root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds.onRelease = (_root.play_layer.volume_mc.ds.onReleaseOutside = function () { delete this.onMouseMove; }); }
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1100 MovieClip Frame 26
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 1101 MovieClip Frame 1
onRollOver = function () { Fullscreen_btn.gotoAndPlay(2); }; onRollOut = function () { Fullscreen_btn.gotoAndStop(1); };
Symbol 1009 MovieClip Frame 353
Symbol 1013 Button
on (press) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }

Library Items

Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:483Used by:485
Symbol 485 MovieClipUses:484Used by:497
Symbol 486 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 487 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 488 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 489 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 490 GraphicUsed by:497
Symbol 491 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 492 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 493 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 494 ShapeTweeningUsed by:497
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:497
Symbol 496 GraphicUsed by:497
Symbol 497 MovieClipUses:485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496Used by:498
Symbol 498 MovieClipUses:497Used by:499
Symbol 499 MovieClipUses:498Used by:502
Symbol 500 FontUsed by:501
Symbol 501 EditableTextUses:500Used by:502
Symbol 481 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 502 MovieClipUses:499 501Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1014 BitmapUsed by:1012
Symbol 1012 GraphicUses:1014Used by:1013
Symbol 1016 GraphicUsed by:1019
Symbol 1017 GraphicUsed by:1019
Symbol 1018 GraphicUsed by:1019
Symbol 1019 ButtonUses:1016 1017 1018Used by:1022
Symbol 1020 FontUsed by:1021 1120
Symbol 1021 EditableTextUses:1020Used by:1022
Symbol 1022 MovieClip [replay_mc]Uses:1019 1021
Symbol 1023 GraphicUsed by:1027
Symbol 1024 GraphicUsed by:1027
Symbol 1025 GraphicUsed by:1027
Symbol 1026 GraphicUsed by:1027
Symbol 1027 Button [bigplay_btn]Uses:1023 1024 1025 1026
Symbol 1029 MovieClip [video_mc]Uses:1028
Symbol 1030 GraphicUsed by:1031
Symbol 1031 MovieClip [slider_bg]Uses:1030
Symbol 1032 GraphicUsed by:1033
Symbol 1033 MovieClip [mask_mc]Uses:1032
Symbol 1034 GraphicUsed by:1036
Symbol 1035 GraphicUsed by:1036
Symbol 1036 MovieClip [forward_mc]Uses:1034 1035
Symbol 1037 GraphicUsed by:1039
Symbol 1038 GraphicUsed by:1039
Symbol 1039 MovieClip [backward_mc]Uses:1037 1038
Symbol 1040 GraphicUsed by:1041
Symbol 1041 MovieClipUses:1040Used by:1046
Symbol 1042 GraphicUsed by:1043
Symbol 1043 MovieClipUses:1042Used by:1046
Symbol 1044 GraphicUsed by:1045
Symbol 1045 MovieClipUses:1044Used by:1046
Symbol 1046 MovieClipUses:1041 1043 1045Used by:1122
Symbol 1047 GraphicUsed by:1051 1079
Symbol 1048 GraphicUsed by:1051
Symbol 1049 GraphicUsed by:1051 1079
Symbol 1050 GraphicUsed by:1051 1079
Symbol 1051 ButtonUses:1047 1048 1049 1050Used by:1122
Symbol 1052 GraphicUsed by:1057 1096
Symbol 1053 GraphicUsed by:1057
Symbol 1054 GraphicUsed by:1057
Symbol 1055 GraphicUsed by:1057
Symbol 1056 GraphicUsed by:1057
Symbol 1057 ButtonUses:1052 1053 1054 1055 1056Used by:1122
Symbol 1058 GraphicUsed by:1062
Symbol 1059 GraphicUsed by:1062
Symbol 1060 GraphicUsed by:1062
Symbol 1061 GraphicUsed by:1062
Symbol 1062 ButtonUses:1058 1059 1060 1061Used by:1122
Symbol 1063 GraphicUsed by:1067
Symbol 1064 GraphicUsed by:1067
Symbol 1065 GraphicUsed by:1067
Symbol 1066 GraphicUsed by:1067
Symbol 1067 ButtonUses:1063 1064 1065 1066Used by:1122
Symbol 1068 GraphicUsed by:1072
Symbol 1069 GraphicUsed by:1072
Symbol 1070 GraphicUsed by:1072
Symbol 1071 GraphicUsed by:1072
Symbol 1072 ButtonUses:1068 1069 1070 1071Used by:1122
Symbol 1073 GraphicUsed by:1077 1081
Symbol 1074 GraphicUsed by:1077 1081
Symbol 1075 GraphicUsed by:1077
Symbol 1076 GraphicUsed by:1077 1081
Symbol 1077 ButtonUses:1073 1074 1075 1076Used by:1122
Symbol 1078 GraphicUsed by:1079
Symbol 1079 ButtonUses:1047 1078 1049 1050Used by:1122
Symbol 1080 GraphicUsed by:1081
Symbol 1081 ButtonUses:1073 1074 1080 1076Used by:1122
Symbol 1082 GraphicUsed by:1083 1084
Symbol 1083 MovieClipUses:1082Used by:1122
Symbol 1084 MovieClipUses:1082Used by:1122
Symbol 1085 GraphicUsed by:1086
Symbol 1086 MovieClipUses:1085Used by:1122
Symbol 1087 GraphicUsed by:1088
Symbol 1088 MovieClipUses:1087Used by:1122
Symbol 1089 GraphicUsed by:1090
Symbol 1090 MovieClipUses:1089Used by:1096
Symbol 1091 GraphicUsed by:1095
Symbol 1092 GraphicUsed by:1095
Symbol 1093 GraphicUsed by:1095
Symbol 1094 GraphicUsed by:1095
Symbol 1095 ButtonUses:1091 1092 1093 1094Used by:1096
Symbol 1096 MovieClipUses:1052 1090 1095Used by:1122
Symbol 1097 GraphicUsed by:1100
Symbol 1098 GraphicUsed by:1099
Symbol 1099 MovieClipUses:1098Used by:1100
Symbol 1100 MovieClipUses:1097 1099Used by:1101
Symbol 1101 MovieClipUses:1100Used by:1122
Symbol 1102 GraphicUsed by:1103
Symbol 1103 MovieClipUses:1102Used by:1122
Symbol 1104 GraphicUsed by:1105
Symbol 1105 MovieClipUses:1104Used by:1122
Symbol 1106 GraphicUsed by:1107
Symbol 1107 MovieClipUses:1106Used by:1112
Symbol 1108 GraphicUsed by:1109
Symbol 1109 MovieClipUses:1108Used by:1112
Symbol 1110 GraphicUsed by:1111
Symbol 1111 MovieClipUses:1110Used by:1112
Symbol 1112 MovieClipUses:1107 1109 1111Used by:1122
Symbol 1113 GraphicUsed by:1114
Symbol 1114 MovieClipUses:1113Used by:1122
Symbol 1115 GraphicUsed by:1118
Symbol 1116 GraphicUsed by:1118
Symbol 1117 GraphicUsed by:1118
Symbol 1118 ButtonUses:1115 1116 1117Used by:1122
Symbol 1119 GraphicUsed by:1121
Symbol 1120 EditableTextUses:1020Used by:1121
Symbol 1121 MovieClipUses:1119 1120Used by:1122
Symbol 1008 VideoUsed by:1009
Symbol 1009 MovieClipUses:1008 SS1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1011 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 1013 ButtonUses:1012Used by:Timeline
Symbol 1015 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 1028 VideoUsed by:1029
Symbol 1122 MovieClipUses:1046 1051 1057 1062 1067 1072 1077 1079 1081 1083 1084 1086 1088 1096 1101 1103 1105 1112 1114 1118 1121Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 1009 MovieClip

Instance Names

"codebase"Frame 1Symbol 481 MovieClip
"loading"Frame 1Symbol 502 MovieClip
"movie_mc"Frame 2Symbol 1009 MovieClip
"addons_mc"Frame 2Symbol 1011 MovieClip
"watermark"Frame 2Symbol 1013 Button
"watermark_top"Frame 2Symbol 1015 MovieClip
"play_layer"Frame 2Symbol 1122 MovieClip
"loadtext"Symbol 502 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 501 EditableText
"replay_text"Symbol 1022 MovieClip [replay_mc] Frame 1Symbol 1021 EditableText
"video"Symbol 1029 MovieClip [video_mc] Frame 1Symbol 1028 Video
"ctrlbg_l"Symbol 1046 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1041 MovieClip
"ctrlbg_r"Symbol 1046 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1043 MovieClip
"ctrlbg_c"Symbol 1046 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1045 MovieClip
"ds"Symbol 1096 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1090 MovieClip
"dr"Symbol 1096 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1095 Button
"Fullscreen_btn"Symbol 1101 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1100 MovieClip
"_l"Symbol 1112 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1107 MovieClip
"_r"Symbol 1112 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1109 MovieClip
"_c"Symbol 1112 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1111 MovieClip
"time_txt"Symbol 1121 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1120 EditableText
"ctrl_bg"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1046 MovieClip
"play_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1051 Button
"stop_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1057 Button
"pre_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1062 Button
"next_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1067 Button
"slider_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1072 Button
"sound_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1077 Button
"pause_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1079 Button
"nosound_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1081 Button
"btnInterval_l"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1083 MovieClip
"btnInterval_r"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1084 MovieClip
"progInterval_l"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1086 MovieClip
"progInterval_r"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1088 MovieClip
"volume_mc"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1096 MovieClip
"full_btn"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1101 MovieClip
"cut_mc"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1103 MovieClip
"slider_y"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1105 MovieClip
"progress_mc"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1112 MovieClip
"played_mc"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1114 MovieClip
"loaded_mc"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1114 MovieClip
"progress_drag"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1118 Button
"time_mc"Symbol 1122 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 1121 MovieClip

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2.
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1022 as "replay_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1027 as "bigplay_btn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1029 as "video_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1031 as "slider_bg"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1033 as "mask_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1036 as "forward_mc"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 2Symbol 1039 as "backward_mc"
Created: 5/3 -2019 18:18:16 Last modified: 5/3 -2019 18:18:16 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:20:35