Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #119982

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 76 { } movieClip 81 { } movieClip 82 { } movieClip 83 pretzel_root { frame 1 { speed = 19; acceleration = 1; accel_2 = 0.7; timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= this._xscale * speed / 100; speed -= accel_2; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && speed < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } ++timer; if (timer > 70) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 48 { stop(); } } movieClip 85 { } movieClip 116 beer_root { frame 1 { speed = 5; acceleration = 1; accel_2 = 0.1; timer = 0; grav = 15; ini_height = this._height; explode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe < 25) { this._x -= this._xscale * speed / 100; if (speed > 3) { speed -= accel_2; } this._y -= grav; --grav; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay('explosion'); } if (explode == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('explosion'); } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { --this._y; } } else { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true)) { this._y += 2; } } }; } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 25 { _parent.molotov_fire.start(); } frame 52 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 122 { } movieClip 127 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true) { stop(); } else { play(); } }; } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 61 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 71 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 84 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 136 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true) { stop(); } else { play(); } }; } } movieClip 138 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true || _global.pausemode == true || _currentframe < 7) { stop(); } else { play(); } }; } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 142 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true) { stop(); } else { play(); } }; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(4); } } movieClip 146 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true) { stop(); } else { play(); } }; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 148 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 151 { } movieClip 161 { } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 240 { } movieClip 249 { } movieClip 252 player_kenji { frame 1 { function toss_mail() { if (_global.hearts <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } --_global.hearts; _parent.s05.start(); toss_cd = 25; _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 35; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].movespeed_y = -2.6; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].idcount = _global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 25; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].idcount = _global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 15; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].movespeed_y = 2.6; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].idcount = _global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } function toss_pretzel() { if (_global.hearts <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } toss_cd = 100; --_global.hearts; _parent.s10.start(); _parent.attachMovie('k_pretzel', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 25; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].idcount = _global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } function toss_book() { if (_global.hearts <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } toss_cd = 10; --_global.hearts; _parent.s10.start(); _parent.attachMovie('k_book', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 15 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 35; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].flyspeed = 14; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].idcount = _global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } function toss_whiskey() { if (_global.hearts <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } toss_cd = 25; --_global.hearts; _parent.attachMovie('k_whiskey', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 15 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 25; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].dmg = 0; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].idcount = _global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } function crash() { if (_global.weapon == 'mail') { crash_mail(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'pretzel') { crash_pretzel(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'book') { crash_book(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'whiskey') { crash_whiskey(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'brofist') { crash_brofist(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'none') { crash_shaman(); } } } } } } } function crash_whiskey() { if (_global.hearts < 20) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } crash_cd = 230; _global.hearts -= 20; gotoAndPlay('crash_whiskey'); } function crash_pretzel() { if (_global.hearts < 15) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } crash_cd = 250; _global.hearts -= 15; gotoAndPlay('crash_pretzel'); } function crash_shaman() { if (_global.hearts < 10) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } crash_cd = 60; _global.hearts -= 10; gotoAndPlay('crash_shaman'); } function crash_mail() { if (_global.hearts < 10) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } crash_cd = 50; _global.hearts -= 10; gotoAndPlay('crash_mail'); } function crash_book() { if (_global.hearts < 10) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); return undefined; } crash_cd = 60; _global.hearts -= 10; gotoAndPlay('crash_book'); } } frame 1 { function animation() { if (toss_cd > 0) { --toss_cd; } if (crash_cd > 0) { --crash_cd; } if (aggression > 0) { --aggression; } if (_global.d_register) { if (_currentframe < 20 && crash_cd <= 0) { crash(); } } if (_global.a_register) { if (_global.go_up && _global.weapon != 'none' && toss_cd <= 0) { if (_currentframe < 20) { if (_global.weapon == 'brofist') { gotoAndPlay('brofist'); } else { gotoAndPlay('toss_stand'); } } else { if (_currentframe >= 20 && _currentframe <= 40) { if (_global.weapon == 'brofist') { gotoAndPlay('brofist'); } else { gotoAndPlay('toss_air'); } } } } else { if (_currentframe <= 15) { gotoAndPlay('atk_stand'); } else { if (_currentframe >= 20 && _currentframe <= 40) { gotoAndPlay('atk_air'); } else { if (_currentframe == 43) { gotoAndPlay('atk_crouch'); } } } } } if (_currentframe >= 190 && _currentframe <= 196 && _global.go_down) { this.gotoAndPlay(_currentframe + 20); } if (_currentframe <= 49 && grav == 0 && !hurting) { if (!_global.go_left && !_global.go_right && !_global.go_down && !_global.go_up && _currentframe != 30) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); } else { if ((_global.go_left || _global.go_right) && !_global.go_down) { this.gotoAndStop('move'); } else { if ((_currentframe <= 20 || _currentframe == 43) && _global.go_up) { this.gotoAndStop('up'); } else { if (_currentframe <= 20 && _global.go_down) { this.gotoAndPlay('crouching'); } } } } } } function checkAir() { if (_currentframe == 20 && _global.pausemode == true) { grav = -2; gotoAndStop('jump_up'); } if (grav < 0 && _currentframe < 20) { gotoAndStop('jump_up'); } else { if (grav > 0.5 && _currentframe <= 30) { if (!_root.stairslide.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { gotoAndStop('jump_down'); } } else { if (_currentframe == 30 && grounded) { if (airtime > 6 && !this.hitTest(_root.water)) { stance == 'get_up'; _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 4; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 6; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx;; } airtime = 0; gotoAndStop('standby'); } } } if (_currentframe == 30) { ++airtime; } if (grounded) { if (_currentframe >= 240 && _currentframe <= 248 && grav <= 0) { if (_global.go_down && _currentframe <= 244) { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 19); } else { gotoAndPlay(_currentframe - 39); } if (airtime > 6) {; } airtime = 0; } } } function checkHurt() { if (hurting == true && invincible <= 0) { total_damage = hurtdmg; _global.hero_hp -= total_damage; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { gotoAndPlay('death'); } else { if (knockback_power != 0) { nodamage(); _y = _y - 4; grav = -4; invincible = 50; this._xscale = -knockback_power; ctrl_time = 10; gotoAndPlay('knockout'); knockback_power = 0; } else { nodamage(); _y = _y - 4; grav = -4; gotoAndPlay('hurt'); ctrl_time = 10; invincible = 35; } } hurting = false; } else { if (hurting == true && invincible >= 0) { hurting = false; } } if (_currentframe >= 55 && _currentframe <= 65 && grounded && grav == 0) { stance = 'brake'; gotoAndPlay('standby'); } if (_currentframe == 72 && grounded) { gotoAndPlay('rolling'); } if (_currentframe >= 66 && _currentframe <= 96) { this._x -= 1.25 * _xscale / 100; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v3 = new Color(this); var v4 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v3.setTransform(v4); } else { var v3 = new Color(this); var v4 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v3.setTransform(v4); } --invincible; } else { var v3 = new Color(this); var v4 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v3.setTransform(v4); } } function antifreeze() { if (_currentframe == 41 || _currentframe == 51 || _currentframe == 66 || _currentframe == 80 || _currentframe == 102 || _currentframe == 190 || _currentframe == 210 || _currentframe == 230 || _currentframe == 250 || _currentframe == 261 || _currentframe == 272 || _currentframe == 289 || _currentframe == 353 || _currentframe == 430 || _currentframe == 510 || _currentframe == 565) { ++freezetimer; if (freezetimer > 2) { play(); } } else { freezetimer = 0; } } function suredeath() { if (_global.hero_hp <= 0 && _currentframe <= 50) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function nodamage() { dmg_invincible_time = 2; dmg_soundclip = 's00'; dmg = 0; dmg_name1 = '_none'; dmg_name2 = '_none'; dmg_height = 999; } invincible = 0; freezetimer = 0; hurting = false; knockback_power = 0; toss_cd = 3; mail_cd_ult = false; airtime = 0; aggression = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true) { if (_currentframe > 50) { gotoAndStop(2); } invincible = 2; stop(); } else { if (pausemode == false) { if (_global.hero_hp > 0) { wall(); falling(); fall_ground_floor(); checkHurt(); movement(); checkAir(); animation(); } suredeath(); force_physics(); } else { if (_currentframe == mid_action) { gotoAndStop('standby'); } } } antifreeze(); purge_check(); i = 0; while (i < 6) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + i, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width, _y + i, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + i, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + i, true)) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } ++i; } }; } frame 1 { function movement() { if (ctrl_timer > 0) { --ctrl_timer; } if (ctrl_timer <= 0 && (_currentframe <= 50 || _currentframe >= 230 && _currentframe <= 250 || _currentframe >= 261 && _currentframe <= 270)) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { if (_currentframe <= 40 || _currentframe >= 230 && _currentframe <= 250 || _currentframe >= 261 && _currentframe <= 270) { this._x += _global.movespeed_x; } if (_currentframe <= 40) { this._xscale = size; } } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { if (_currentframe <= 40 || _currentframe >= 230 && _currentframe <= 250 || _currentframe >= 261 && _currentframe <= 270) { this._x -= _global.movespeed_x; } if (_currentframe <= 40) { this._xscale = -size; } } } if (_global.s_register == true) { if (_currentframe <= 20 && grounded) { if (!_global.go_down) { _parent.jump.start(); grav = -_global.jumpHeight; _y = _y - jumpSpeed; } } if (_currentframe == 43 && (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) { floor_timer = 15; grav = -2; this.gotoAndPlay('jump_up'); } } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } function falling() { if (grav < 0 && grav > -0.8 * _global.jumpHeight && _global.s_press == false && _global.invincibility <= 5) { grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) { if (grav < 0 && _currentframe != 20) { grav = 0; } } if (grav <= _global.jumpHeight) { grav += adj_grav; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; dbljump = 0; _y = _y - adj_grav; grav = 0; } } function fall_ground_floor() { if (floor_timer > 0) { --floor_timer; } else { if (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) { if (grav < 0 && _currentframe != 20) { } } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; dbljump = 0; _y = _y - adj_grav; grav = 0; } } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } grav = 0; force = 0; floor_timer = 0; ini_width = 15; ini_height = 43; adj_grav = _global.gravSpeed; ctrl_timer = 0; jumpSpeed = 5; setspeed = speed; walkspeed = 2; size = 100; scale = _xscale; ex = 3; slam = false; } frame 2 { stop(); if (stance == 'get_up') { this.stand.gotoAndPlay('get_up'); } else { if (stance == 'get_down') { this.stand.gotoAndPlay('get_down'); } else { if (stance == 'brake') { this.stand.gotoAndPlay('brake'); } } } atk = ''; stance = ''; } frame 10 { stance = 'brake'; mid_action = _currentframe; } frame 16 { stance = 'get_down'; } frame 41 { stance = 'get_up'; } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 51 { if (_parent.chance(50)) { _parent.s14.start(); } else { _parent.s15.start(); } } frame 51 { _y = _y - 10; grav = -4; _global.regentimer = 100; } frame 65 { stance = 'brake'; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 66 { _parent.s50.start(); } frame 66 { _y = _y - 10; grav = -6; _global.regentimer = 50; } frame 72 { stop(); } frame 80 { force = -4 * _xscale / 100; } frame 81 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 90 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 97 { force = -2.5 * _xscale / 100; } frame 98 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 101 { stance = 'brake'; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 103 { if (_parent.chance(40)) { _parent.s16.start(); } else { _parent.s49.start(); } } frame 104 { _global.bgm = 0; ++_global.deathcount; if (_global.deathcount == 6) { _parent.attachMovie('popup_codmode', keys, 27756); _parent.keys._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent.keys._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s51.start(); } } frame 144 { _global.pausemode = true; } frame 158 { _parent.s46.start(); } frame 171 { _parent.attachMovie('die_fadein', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], 774747); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 189 { stop(); } frame 190 { if (_parent.chance(70) == true) { if (_parent.chance(35) == true) { _parent.s12.start(); } else { if (_parent.chance(30)) { _parent.s13.start(); } else { _parent.s47.start(); } } } } frame 190 { aggression = 5; } frame 197 { dmg_invincible_time = 10; dmg_soundclip = 's19'; dmg = 2; dmg_name1 = 'hit_whip'; dmg_name2 = '_none'; dmg_height = 37; } frame 198 { _parent.s07.start(); } frame 209 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 210 { if (_parent.chance(70) == true) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.s12.start(); } else { _parent.s13.start(); } } } frame 210 { aggression = 5; } frame 217 { _parent.s07.start(); } frame 217 { dmg_invincible_time = 10; dmg_soundclip = 's19'; dmg = 2; dmg_name1 = 'hit_whip'; dmg_name2 = '_none'; dmg_height = 12; } frame 229 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('crouch'); } frame 230 { if (_parent.chance(70) == true) { if (_parent.chance(35) == true) { _parent.s12.start(); } else { if (_parent.chance(30)) { _parent.s13.start(); } else { _parent.s47.start(); } } } } frame 230 { aggression = 5; } frame 237 { dmg_invincible_time = 10; dmg_soundclip = 's19'; dmg = 2; dmg_name1 = 'hit_whip'; dmg_name2 = '_none'; dmg_height = 37; } frame 238 { _parent.s07.start(); } frame 249 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 250 { if (_global.hearts <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); } aggression = 5; } frame 253 { if (_global.weapon == 'mail') { toss_mail(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'pretzel') { toss_pretzel(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'book') { toss_book(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'whiskey') { toss_whiskey(); } } } } } frame 260 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 261 { if (_global.hearts <= 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); } aggression = 5; } frame 264 { if (_global.weapon == 'mail') { toss_mail(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'pretzel') { toss_pretzel(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'book') { toss_book(); } else { if (_global.weapon == 'whiskey') { toss_whiskey(); } } } } } frame 271 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 272 { _parent.s66.start(); } frame 272 { if (_global.hearts > 0) { --_global.hearts; } else { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); } force = _xscale / 100; invincible = 8; if (grav != 0) { grav = -2; } } frame 277 { _parent.s25.start(); } frame 279 { atk = 'brofist'; force = 2 * _xscale / 100; dmg_invincible_time = 12; dmg_soundclip = 's23'; dmg = 4; dmg_name1 = 'hit_whop'; dmg_name2 = 'hit_holy'; dmg_height = 32; } frame 281 { _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 24 * _xscale / 100; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 31; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 283 { force = 0; } frame 288 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 289 { _parent.s32.start(); } frame 289 { _global.pausemode = true; } frame 315 { _parent.attachMovie('k_storm', 'crash', _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; _global.pausemode = false; } frame 352 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 353 { _global.pausemode = true; } frame 363 { _parent.s26.start(); } frame 389 { _global.pausemode = false; } frame 391 { _parent.s33.start(); } frame 396 { _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 75; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('k_giantpretz', ['crash'], _global.count_fx); _root.crash._x = this._x; _root.crash.lastmark = this._x; _root.vcam._y += 300; _root.crash._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.crash.atkcount = 1; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 429 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 430 { _parent.s35.start(); } frame 430 { _global.pausemode = true; _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 473 { _global.pausemode = false; } frame 475 { _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('k_shamanbeam', ['crash'], _global.count_fx); _root.crash._x = this._x - 2; _root.crash._y = this._y - 28; _root.crash._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 476 { _parent.s20.start(); } frame 496 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 511 { _parent.s26.start(); } frame 512 { _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 513 { _parent.s05.start(); _parent.s34.start(); } frame 514 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 517 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 518 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 521 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 522 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 524 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 525 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 528 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 529 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 531 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 532 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 533 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 535 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 536 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 538 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 539 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 540 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 543 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 544 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 546 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 547 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 548 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 551 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 552 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 554 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 555 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 558 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 558 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 560 { _parent.attachMovie('k_mail', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y - 45 + random(45); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 564 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 565 { _parent.s28.start(); _global.pausemode = true; } frame 574 { _global.pausemode = false; } frame 576 { _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 20; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('k_bookspam', ['crash'], _global.count_fx2); _root.crash._x = this._x; _root.crash._y = this._y + 140; _root.crash._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 610 { stance = ''; gotoAndStop('standby'); } } movieClip 254 item_meat { frame 1 { grav = -8; gravSpeed = 2.5; timer = 210; flicker = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.hearty.start(); _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 60) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 259 { } movieClip 260 { } movieClip 261 item_whiskey { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; weapon_type = 'whiskey'; flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0) { if (_global.weapon == weapon_type) { _parent.s42.start(); _global.hearts += 10; } else { if (_global.weapon != 'none') { _parent.attachMovie('item_' + _global.weapon, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root['item' + _global.count].invincible = 50; _root['item' + _global.count].movespeed = -2 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; ++_global.count; } _parent.s40.start(); _global.weapon = weapon_type; } _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 265 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 21 { gotoAndStop('neutral'); } } movieClip 267 { } movieClip 268 item_pretzel { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; weapon_type = 'pretzel'; flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0) { if (_global.weapon == weapon_type) { _parent.s42.start(); _global.hearts += 10; } else { if (_global.weapon != 'none') { _parent.attachMovie('item_' + _global.weapon, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root['item' + _global.count].invincible = 50; _root['item' + _global.count].movespeed = -2 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; ++_global.count; } _parent.s40.start(); _global.weapon = weapon_type; } _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 273 { } movieClip 274 item_mail { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; weapon_type = 'mail'; flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0) { if (_global.weapon == weapon_type) { _parent.s42.start(); _global.hearts += 10; } else { if (_global.weapon != 'none') { _parent.attachMovie('item_' + _global.weapon, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root['item' + _global.count].invincible = 50; _root['item' + _global.count].movespeed = -2 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; ++_global.count; } _parent.s40.start(); _global.weapon = weapon_type; } _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 276 { } movieClip 277 item_heart_big { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; weapon_type = 'brofist'; stop(); flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _global.hearts += 5; _parent.s42.start(); _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } frame 15 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 279 { } movieClip 280 item_heart { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -0.5; gravSpeed = 0.03; timer = 150; movespeed = 2; move_accel = -0.1; flicker = false; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (grav <= 1) { grav += gravSpeed; } if (movespeed > 2) { move_accel = -0.1; } else { if (movespeed < -2) { move_accel = 0.1; } } movespeed += move_accel; _x = _x + movespeed; _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; move_accel = 0; } if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this) && invincible <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _parent.s42.start(); ++_global.hearts; _root.hero.invincible = 2; play(); } if (_global.pausemode == false && grav == 0) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 60) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 286 item_healing { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0) { _global.hero_hp += _global.hero_maxHp / 2; if (_global.hero_hp > _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; } _parent.s42.start(); _parent.s44.start(); _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } frame 2 { rand = 2 + random(27); this._yscale = 125; this._xscale = 125; gotoAndStop(rand); } } movieClip 292 { } movieClip 293 item_brofist { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } grav = -3.5; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; weapon_type = 'brofist'; flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0) { if (_global.weapon == weapon_type) { _parent.s42.start(); _global.hearts += 10; } else { if (_global.weapon != 'none') { _parent.attachMovie('item_' + _global.weapon, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root['item' + _global.count].invincible = 50; _root['item' + _global.count].movespeed = -2 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; ++_global.count; } _parent.s40.start(); _global.weapon = weapon_type; } _parent.s26.start(); _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 295 item_bottle { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; weapon_type = 'brofist'; stop(); flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _root.hero.attachMovie('ef_invincible', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root.hero['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = 0; _root.hero['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = -_root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx2; _root.hero.invincible = 250; _parent.s08.start(); this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } frame 2 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 300 { } movieClip 302 item_book { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 300; weapon_type = 'book'; flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0) { if (_global.weapon == weapon_type) { _parent.s42.start(); _global.hearts += 10; } else { if (_global.weapon != 'none') { _parent.attachMovie('item_' + _global.weapon, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; _root['item' + _global.count].invincible = 50; _root['item' + _global.count].movespeed = -2 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; ++_global.count; } _parent.s40.start(); _global.weapon = weapon_type; } _root.hero.invincible = 5; this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 304 item_1up { frame 1 { function invincibility() { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } grav = -3; gravSpeed = 0.4; timer = 350; stop(); flicker = false; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (invincible == undefined) { invincible = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { invincibility(); purge_check(); if (grav <= 16) { grav += gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 1; grav = 0; gravSpeed = 0; movespeed = 0; } _x = _x + movespeed; if (_global.hero_hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && invincible <= 0 && _currentframe == 1) { _global.lives += 1; _parent.s51.start(); _root.hero.invincible = 5; _root.hero.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root.hero['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = 0; _root.hero['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = -_root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx2; this.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { --timer; } if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (timer < 100) { if (flicker) { this._alpha = 0; flicker = false; } else { this._alpha = 75; flicker = true; } } } }; } frame 2 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 308 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 310 { } // unknown tag 88 length 90 movieClip 316 { frame 1 { function set_id(_id) { id = _id; } function textSet(txt, spd) { text = txt; speed = spd; gotoAndPlay(2); } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } function textComplete() { message = text; gotoAndStop(1); } sound = 1; cnt = 1; stop(); } frame 2 { if (cnt < text.length) { message = text.substring(0, cnt); cnt += speed; if (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == '.' || text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == ' ' || text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == '?') { } else { if (sound == 1) { _parent.blipFemale.start(); } else { if (sound == 2) { _parent.blipMale.start(); } else { if (sound == 3) { _parent.blipText.start(); } else {} } } } } else { message = text; gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 321 popup_mutou { frame 1 { function translate(asc) { if (asc == 37) { return 'LEFT'; } else { if (asc == 39) { return 'RIGHT'; } else { if (asc == 38) { return 'UP'; } else { if (asc == 40) { return 'DOWN'; } else { if (asc == 32) { return 'SPACE'; } else { if (asc == 13) { return 'ENTER'; } else { if (asc == 17) { return 'CTRL'; } else { if (asc == 16) { return 'SHIFT'; } else { return String.fromCharCode(asc); } } } } } } } } } _parent._quality = 'high'; this.swapDepths(10297); onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } instance dialogue of movieClip 316 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { if (_currentframe != 1) { if (_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr] == undefined) { this.textSet(' ', 1); } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 4); } } this.textComplete(); ++timer; if (timer >= 6 || _currentframe == 1 && timer >= 3) { ++_parent.count_arr; timer = 0; if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } } } else { timer = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } } frame 52 { stop(); talk1 = 'My name is Akio Mutou, and this is a pre-recorded message.'; talk2 = 'If you\'ve managed to come across this, then I\'m afraid the worst has already happened.'; talk3 = 'For that you, the person whom I\'m gazing at, the person in front the computer screen in this very instant, have been diagnosed with OCD.'; talk4 = 'It has taken you ' + _global.deathcount + ' deaths get to this point, you should be very proud.'; talk5 = 'Alas, there was meant to be a massive manhood upgrade, but it could not be implemented due to time constraints.'; talk6 = 'Since you are powered by OCD, I suspect that very little will stand in your way regardless.'; talk7 = 'Fight on, OCD warrior, you are mankind\'s last hope against artificial difficulty.'; talk8 = '[End of Message]'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7, talk8]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop(); } frame 53 { play(); } frame 69 { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam._width = 800; _root.vcam._height = 500; _root.vcam._x = 400; _root.vcam._y = 250; _parent.gotoAndPlay('credits'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 326 { frame 1 { function set_txt(texty) { var v1 = texty; v1 = texty; } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 329 popup_keys3 { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; stop(); this.swapDepths(10295); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha += 5; if (this.crasho._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; }; } instance crasho of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('D'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } frame 110 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 333 popup_keys2 { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; stop(); this.swapDepths(10295); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha += 5; if (this.upo._alpha <= 0 && this._attacko._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; }; } instance attacko of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('S'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a) && _global.go_up) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } instance upo of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('↑'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a) && _global.go_up) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 334 popup_keys1 { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; stop(); this.swapDepths(10293); onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha += 5; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.righto._alpha <= 0 && this.lefto._alpha <= 0 && this.downo._alpha <= 0 && this.upo._alpha <= 0 && this.jumpo._alpha <= 0 && this._attacko._alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; }; } instance upo of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('↑'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_global.go_up) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } instance downo of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('↓'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_global.go_down) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } instance lefto of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('←'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_global.go_left) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } instance righto of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('→'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (_global.go_right) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } instance attacko of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('S'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } instance jumpo of movieClip 326 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this.permatext('A'); if (this._alpha > 50) { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { this._alpha = 50; } } else { this._alpha -= 5; } if (this._alpha <= 0) { this._visible = false; } } } frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 340 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_global.difficulty <= 1) { this.gotoAndStop('angry'); } } } button 344 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('pity1'); } } button 345 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('modify'); } } button 346 { on (release) { _parent.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.bgm = 0; _global.purge = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('restart'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } button 347 { on (release) { _global.pausemode = false; _parent._quality = 'low'; this.removeMovieClip(); _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 73 button 354 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('modifying'); } } button 355 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mainmenu'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 // unknown tag 88 length 52 // unknown tag 88 length 52 // unknown tag 88 length 54 movieClip 381 { } movieClip 388 popup_control { frame 1 { function translate(asc) { if (asc == 37) { return 'LEFT'; } else { if (asc == 39) { return 'RIGHT'; } else { if (asc == 38) { return 'UP'; } else { if (asc == 40) { return 'DOWN'; } else { if (asc == 32) { return 'SPACE'; } else { if (asc == 13) { return 'ENTER'; } else { if (asc == 17) { return 'CTRL'; } else { if (asc == 16) { return 'SHIFT'; } else { return String.fromCharCode(asc); } } } } } } } } } _parent._quality = 'high'; this.swapDepths(10297); onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } instance of movieClip 316 { onClipEvent (load) { cue = 0; rnd = random(50); if (_global.difficulty <= 1) { rndtxt = '"Don\'t touch me, you filthy casual."'; } else { if (rnd < 2) { rndtxt = '"What can change the nature of a man?"'; } else { if (rnd < 10) { rndtxt = '"There can only be one, like that movie where there could only be one man, and at the end there was like one man, because that was the point."'; } else { if (rnd < 20) { rndtxt = '"It\'s time to finish this."'; } else { if (rnd < 27) { rndtxt = '"Akumajou Katawa X: Shoujo of Blood."'; } else { if (rnd < 35) { rndtxt = '"How many times have I warned you, how many times, bro?"'; } else { if (rnd < 44) { rndtxt = '"I get collision damage because they have cooties."'; } else { if (rnd < 46) { rndtxt = '"Here we are, the home base of the feminist invasion."'; } else { rndtxt = '"Women are terrible at stabbing things."'; } } } } } } } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cue == 0) { this.textSet(rndtxt, 1); ++cue; } } } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 35 { var txt_left = translate(_global.key_left); var txt_right = translate(_global.key_right); var txt_up = translate(_global.key_up); var txt_down = translate(_global.key_down); var txt_attack = translate(_global.key_a); var txt_jump = translate(_global.key_s); var txt_crash = translate(_global.key_d); count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); } instance of movieClip 316 { onClipEvent (load) { cue = 0; rnd = random(50); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (cue == 0) { this.textSet('Modifying Controls', 1); ++cue; } } } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { _global.currentkey = 'left'; } frame 48 { _global.currentkey = 'left'; } instance of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (keyDown) { _parent._parent.s40.start(); trace(Key.getCode()); if (_global.currentkey == 'left') { _global.key_left = Key.getCode(); } else { if (_global.currentkey == 'right') { _global.key_right = Key.getCode(); } else { if (_global.currentkey == 'up') { _global.key_up = Key.getCode(); } else { if (_global.currentkey == 'down') { _global.key_down = Key.getCode(); } else { if (_global.currentkey == 'attack') { _global.key_a = Key.getCode(); } else { if (_global.currentkey == 'jump') { _global.key_s = Key.getCode(); } else { if (_global.currentkey == 'crash') { _global.key_d = Key.getCode(); } } } } } } } _parent.nextFrame(); } } frame 49 { _global.currentkey = 'right'; } frame 50 { _global.currentkey = 'up'; } frame 51 { _global.currentkey = 'down'; } frame 52 { _global.key_s = 90; _global.currentkey = 'jump'; } frame 53 { _global.key_a = 88; _global.currentkey = 'attack'; } frame 54 { _global.key_d = 88; _global.currentkey = 'crash'; } frame 55 { gotoAndPlay('modify'); } frame 111 { stop(); } } movieClip 390 { } movieClip 392 { } // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 402 popup_codmode { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 42) { --this._alpha; } else { this._alpha += 5; } if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 110 { stop(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 73 // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 407 popup_ch2 { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 153) { --this._alpha; } else { this._alpha += 5; } if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 153 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 410 popup_ch1 { frame 1 { _alpha = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe > 42) { --this._alpha; } else { this._alpha += 5; } if (this._alpha < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 110 { stop(); } } movieClip 416 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 420 popup_akira { frame 1 { function translate(asc) { if (asc == 37) { return 'LEFT'; } else { if (asc == 39) { return 'RIGHT'; } else { if (asc == 38) { return 'UP'; } else { if (asc == 40) { return 'DOWN'; } else { if (asc == 32) { return 'SPACE'; } else { if (asc == 13) { return 'ENTER'; } else { if (asc == 17) { return 'CTRL'; } else { if (asc == 16) { return 'SHIFT'; } else { return String.fromCharCode(asc); } } } } } } } } } _parent._quality = 'high'; this.swapDepths(10297); onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } instance dialogue of movieClip 316 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { if (_currentframe != 1) { if (_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr] == undefined) { this.textSet(' ', 1); } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 4); } } this.textComplete(); ++timer; if (timer >= 6 || _currentframe == 1 && timer >= 3) { ++_parent.count_arr; timer = 0; if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } } } else { timer = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } } frame 30 { stop(); talk1 = 'So, you\'ve actually made it.'; talk2 = 'I\'m impressed, kid, I really am.'; talk3 = 'But now, Akira Setou\'s in the house.'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); this.akira.gotoAndStop('angry'); talk1 = 'In the next twenty seconds, your body will be maimed, and your spirit, destroyed.'; talk2 = 'There really is no point coming in here.'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); } frame 32 { play(); } frame 47 { _parent.spawn.gotoAndPlay(1); this.removeMovieClip(); } } // unknown tag 88 length 90 button 432 { on (release) { _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.s51.start(); _global.checkpoint =; _global.savepoint =; _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } button 433 { on (release) { _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.s48.start(); _global.checkpoint =; _global.savepoint =; _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } button 434 { on (release) { _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.s15.start(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('restart'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 440 die_fadein { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; }; } frame 40 { --_global.lives; _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; if (_global.difficulty < 3) { _global.hearts = 10; } else { _global.hearts = 1; } _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.purge = true; _global.checkpoint = _global.savepoint; if (_global.lives < 0) { _root.vcam.gotoAndStop(1); _global.bgm = 1; } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } frame 131 { if (_global.difficulty <= 1) { _global.hero_maxHp = 50; _global.hero_hp = 50; _global.hearts = 10; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 9; } else { if (_global.difficulty == 2) { _global.hero_maxHp = 35; _global.hero_hp = 35; _global.hearts = 10; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 3; } else { if (_global.difficulty >= 3) { _global.hero_maxHp = 25; _global.hero_hp = 25; _global.hearts = 1; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 3; } } } stop(); } } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 448 boss_hp { frame 1 { this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._alpha < 100) { this._alpha += 2.5; } }; } instance of movieClip 446 { onClipEvent (load) { ini_height = this._height; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.boss_hp > 0) { this._height = (_global.boss_hp / _global.boss_maxHp) * this.ini_height; } else { this._visible = false; } } } } movieClip 450 debris2 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(1) + 1; stop(); timer = 80 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (timer <= 0) { dissipate(); } this._alpha -= 0.5; if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 452 debris1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(1) + 1; stop(); timer = 100 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (timer <= 0) { dissipate(); } this._alpha -= 0.5; if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 453 stage2_snow { frame 1 { movespeed = -3; move_accel = 0.2; flyspeed = 4 + random(2); timer = 120; this._rotation = random(360); _yscale = 80 + random(40); _xscale = 80 + random(40); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == false) { movespeed += move_accel; if (movespeed > 3) { move_accel = -Math.abs(move_accel); } if (movespeed < -3) { move_accel = Math.abs(move_accel); } this._x -= movespeed; _y = _y + flyspeed; --timer; if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } movieClip 455 stage1_raindrop { frame 1 { movespeed = 4 + random(5); flyspeed = 20 + random(5); timer = 35; onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= movespeed; _y = _y + flyspeed; --timer; if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 461 k_storm { frame 1 { function spawn_rain(x_mark) { this.attachMovie('k_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark - 200; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -125; ++_global.count_fx; } type = 'whiskey'; timer1 = 5; timer2 = 4; timer3 = 4; timer4 = 5; timer5 = 6; timer6 = 2; timer7 = 8; timer8 = 1; soundclip = 's17'; dmg = 1; invincible_time = 16; crash_name1 = 'hit_flame'; crash_name2 = 'hit_holy_sm'; _parent.s20.start(); mastertimer = 0; soundtimer = 45; onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; ++soundtimer; if (soundtimer >= 45) { soundtimer = 0; } ++mastertimer; if (mastertimer < 200) { if (timer1 <= 0) { spawn_rain(60 - random(30)); timer1 = 3 + random(3); } --timer1; if (timer2 <= 0) { spawn_rain(110 - random(30)); timer2 = 2 + random(3); } --timer2; if (timer3 <= 0) { spawn_rain(160 - random(30)); timer3 = 3 + random(3); } --timer3; if (timer4 <= 0) { spawn_rain(210 - random(30)); timer4 = 2 + random(3); } --timer4; if (timer5 <= 0) { spawn_rain(260 - random(30)); timer5 = 3 + random(3); } --timer5; if (timer6 <= 0) { spawn_rain(310 - random(30)); timer6 = 2 + random(3); } --timer6; if (timer7 <= 0) { spawn_rain(360 - random(30)); timer7 = 3 + random(3); } --timer7; if (timer8 <= 0) { spawn_rain(410 - random(30)); timer8 = 2 + random(3); } --timer8; } else { if (mastertimer == 210) { this.gotoAndPlay('ending'); } } }; } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 463 { } movieClip 465 { } movieClip 466 k_shamanbeam { frame 1 { type = 'none'; soundclip = 's43'; dmg = 4; invincible_time = 15; crash_name1 = 'hit_whop'; crash_name2 = 'hit_holy'; } frame 16 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 468 k_raindrop { frame 1 { movespeed = 4 + random(1); flyspeed = 20 + random(2); timer = 15; onEnterFrame = function () { this._x -= movespeed; _y = _y + flyspeed; --timer; if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 472 k_giantpretz { frame 1 { flyspeed = 6; timer = 40 + random(10); _parent.attachMovie('focus', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 50; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 200; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; ++_global.count_fx; soundclip = 's23'; dmg = 2; invincible_time = 15; crash_name1 = 'hit_whop'; crash_name2 = 'hit_holy'; _parent.s20.start(); type = 'pretzel'; onEnterFrame = function () { this._y -= flyspeed; flyspeed += 1.5; --timer; if (timer <= 15) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (timer == 21) { this._name = 'notcrash'; _alpha = 25; } if (this.atkcount < 6 && timer == 20) { _parent.attachMovie('k_giantpretz', ['crash'], _global.count_fx); currentmark = _root.vcam._x + 150 - random(300); while (Math.abs(lastmark - currentmark) <= 100) { currentmark = _root.vcam._x + 150 - random(300); } _root.crash._x = currentmark; _root.crash.lastmark = currentmark; _root.vcam._y += 310; _root.crash._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.crash.atkcount = this.atkcount + 1; ++_global.count_fx; } }; } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 476 k_bookspam { frame 1 { function generate_page(fly) { _parent.attachMovie('k_book_page', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x - 75 + random(150); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y - 220 + random(200); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2].flyspeed = fly; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._rotation = this._rotation; ++_global.count_fx2; } soundclip = 's24'; dmg = 2; invincible_time = 12; crash_name1 = 'hit_whop'; crash_name2 = '_none'; type = 'book'; _parent.s27.start(); timer = 2; mastertimer = 40; onEnterFrame = function () { --timer; if (timer <= 0) { timer = random(3) + 1; generate_page(16 + random(5)); } --mastertimer; if (mastertimer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 16 { this.gotoAndPlay(10); } } movieClip 482 k_whiskey_flame { frame 1 { function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 18; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100 * facing; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 50; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.s17.start(); } replaycount = 0; x_mark = this._x + 1 * facing; type = 'whiskey'; dmg = 1; invincible_time = 8; timer = 0; walled = false; movespeed = 5; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; if (timer < 7) { movespeed -= 0.2; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 150; } else { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 200; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 4, _y - 15, true)) { _x = _x - 0.5; walled = true; } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 4, _y - 15, true)) { _x = _x + 0.5; walled = true; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - 0.5; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y + 1.5; } }; } frame 5 { if (replaycount > 1) { stop(); facing = (this._xscale / Math.abs(this._xscale)) * 100; this.removeMovieClip(); } } frame 6 { if (chaincount <= 3) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(x_mark, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(x_mark, _y + 1, true)) { y_mark = this._y; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(x_mark, _y + 10, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(x_mark, _y + 10, true)) { y_mark = this._y + 2; } else { y_mark = this._y + 3; } } if (walled == true) { x_mark = this._x + 0 * facing + _xscale / 100; } else { x_mark = this._x + -15 * facing + _xscale / 100; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { x_mark = this._x - 5; y_mark = this._y - 5; } nextsize = _xscale * 1; nextsize_y = _yscale * 1; setting = 0; if (_root.ground.hitTest(x_mark, _y - 12, true)) { chaincount += 2; nextsize = facing * 100; nextsize_y = 100; } _parent.attachMovie('k_whiskey_flame', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].dmg = 1; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = x_mark; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = y_mark; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = nextsize; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].facing = facing; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._yscale = nextsize_y; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].chaincount = this.chaincount + 1; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay('replay'); ++replaycount; } } movieClip 484 k_whiskey { frame 1 { function generate_hit() { _parent.attachMovie('k_whiskey_flame', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._x = this._x; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._y = this._y; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].dmg = 1; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].chaincount = 1; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_wpn].facing = _xscale / 100; ++_global.count_wpn; ++_global.count_fx; } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy_sm', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; generate_hit(); _parent.s06.start(); ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movespeed = 5.5; flyspeed = 4.5; dmg = 1; invincible_time = 5; type = 'whiskey_bottle'; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_xscale == 100) { this._rotation += 4; } else { this._rotation -= 4; } if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y += flyspeed; if (movespeed > 2) { } } ++timer; if (timer > 30) { dissipate(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 5, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - 5, _y, true)) { dissipate(); ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } movieClip 487 k_pretzel_fx { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_xscale == 100) { this._rotation += rotatespeed; } else { this._rotation -= rotatespeed; } }; } frame 16 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 488 k_pretzel { frame 1 { function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s17.start(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movespeed = 6; rotatespeed = 8; timer = 0; dmg = 2; invincible_time = 23; type = 'pretzel'; _parent.s18.start(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._x += movespeed * _xscale / 100; if (_xscale == 100) { this._rotation += rotatespeed; } else { this._rotation -= rotatespeed; } if (movespeed > -6) { movespeed -= 0.18; } if (movespeed > 0) { rotatespeed += 1.5; } else { if (movespeed <= 0 && _rotatespeed > 8) { rotatespeed -= 0.75; } } if (_currentframe <= 10 && movespeed > -1.5 && movespeed < 1.5) { this.sprite.gotoAndPlay('rotation'); } if (movespeed < 0 && _root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _root.hero.toss_cd = 0; ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 300) { _root.hero.toss_cd = 0; ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } ++timer; if (timer > 4) { _parent.attachMovie('k_pretzel_fx', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._rotation = this._rotation; ++_global.count_fx2; timer = 0; } }; } } movieClip 490 { } movieClip 494 k_mail { frame 1 { function generate_hit() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_knife', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_general', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale / 2; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = random(360); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s03.start(); if (_global.count_wpn - _global.count_wpn_min > 3) { ++_global.count_wpn_min; } this.removeMovieClip(); } timer = 16; movespeed = 17; type = 'mail'; dmg = 1; invincible_time = 1; if (movespeed_y == undefined) { movespeed_y = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y += movespeed_y; --timer; if (timer <= -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 5 * _xscale / 100, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 5, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 5 * _xscale / 100, _y, true)) { this._x -= 0.1 * _xscale / 100; } generate_hit(); _parent.s11.start(); if (_global.count_wpn - _global.count_wpn_min > 3) { ++_global.count_wpn_min; } this.removeMovieClip(); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 370) { ++_global.count_wpn_min; generate_hit(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(4); } } movieClip 496 k_book_hit { frame 1 { this._rotation = random(360); rotatespeed = 10; flyspeed = 4; movespeed = 3; alphaspeed = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= alphaspeed; ++alphaspeed; this._y -= flyspeed; flyspeed -= 0.5; _x = _x - movespeed * _xscale / 100; movespeed -= 0.1; if (_xscale == 100) { this._rotation += rotatespeed; } else { this._rotation -= rotatespeed; } rotatespeed -= 1; if (_alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 498 k_book_page { frame 1 { this._rotation = random(360); movespeed = 2 - random(4); if (movespeed < 0) { accel = 0.2 + 0.5 * random(2); } else { accel = -0.2 - 0.5 * random(2); } onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= 3; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > 0) { flyspeed -= 1; } else { flyspeed -= 0.1; } _x = _x + movespeed; movespeed -= accel; if (movespeed > 2) { accel = -accel; } if (movespeed < -2) { accel = -accel; } if (_alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 499 { } movieClip 500 k_book { frame 1 { function generate_page(fly) { _parent.attachMovie('k_book_page', ['effect' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2].flyspeed = fly; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx2]._rotation = this._rotation; ++_global.count_fx2; timer = -random(3); } function generate_hit() { generate_page(3 + random(3)); generate_page(5 + random(3)); generate_page(4 + random(3)); _parent.attachMovie('k_book_hit', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = this._rotation; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = this._rotation; ++_global.count_fx; } function guarded() { _parent.attachMovie('k_book_hit', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = this._rotation; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s11.start(); _parent.s11.start(); ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } function dissipate() { generate_hit(); _parent.s22.start(); ++_global.count_wpn_min; this.removeMovieClip(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movespeed = 3.5; gravity = 0.9; rotatespeed = 30; timer = 0; dmg = 2; invincible_time = 20; stop(); type = 'book'; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_xscale == -100) { this.sprite._rotation += rotatespeed; } else { this.sprite._rotation -= rotatespeed; } if (rotatespeed > 22) { rotatespeed -= 0.25; } if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -12) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } ++timer; if (timer > 6) { generate_page(random(5)); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 5 * _xscale / 100, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 5, true)) { generate_page(3 + random(3)); generate_page(5 + random(3)); generate_page(4 + random(3)); generate_page(4 + random(3)); generate_page(4 + random(3)); guarded(); } }; } } movieClip 505 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 509 { frame 4 { _parent._parent.attachMovie('B03_move_shadow', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx3], _global.count_fx3); _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._y = _parent._y; _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._xscale = -_parent._xscale; --_global.count_fx3; } frame 8 { _parent._parent.attachMovie('B03_move_shadow', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx3], _global.count_fx3); _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._y = _parent._y; _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._xscale = -_parent._xscale; --_global.count_fx3; } frame 12 { _parent._parent.attachMovie('B03_move_shadow', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx3], _global.count_fx3); _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._x = _parent._x; _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._y = _parent._y; _parent._parent['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._xscale = -_parent._xscale; --_global.count_fx3; } } movieClip 513 { frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(6); } } movieClip 514 { } movieClip 515 { } movieClip 555 { frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(4); } } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 577 B03_Iwanako { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 30; ++_global.count_fx; _root.hero.hurting = true; _parent.s03.start(); _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.force = 5 * _xscale / 100; _root.hero.knockback_power = this._xscale; } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && grav < 8) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe < 20) { evasive(); --atk_timer; if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (sequence >= sequence_arr.length) { if (_global.timestop == true) { gotoAndPlay('atk1_finish'); } else { random_attack(); gotoAndPlay(sequence_arr[sequence]); ++sequence; atk_timer = 160; } } else { gotoAndPlay(sequence_arr[sequence]); ++sequence; atk_timer = 160; } } } if (_currentframe == 2) { --move_timer; if (move_timer <= 0) { move_timer = 80 + random(40); gotoAndStop('move'); } } if (_currentframe == 11) { --move_timer; if (move_timer <= 0) { move_timer = 40; force = 2 * _xscale / 100; gotoAndStop('standby'); } _x = _x + movespeed * _xscale / 100; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 20 && _xscale == 100) { move_timer = 40; force = 2 * _xscale / 100; gotoAndStop('standby'); } else { if (distance < -20 && _xscale == -100) { move_timer = 40; force = 2 * _xscale / 100; gotoAndStop('standby'); } } } if (_currentframe == casting_frame) { if (_root.hero.grounded && Math.abs(distance) < 200) { gotoAndPlay('atk1_cast'); } } if (_currentframe == landing_frame && grounded) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 80) { gotoAndPlay('teleport'); } else { gotoAndStop('standby'); } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - 1, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 408) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (_currentframe > 474) { bloody(); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function random_attack() { sequence = 0; ran = random(100) + 1; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (ran < 10) { sequence_arr = ['atk6']; } else { if (ran < 20) { sequence_arr = ['drawcard', 'atk2']; } else { if (ran < 30) { sequence_arr = ['teleport']; } else { if (ran < 40 && Math.abs(distance) > 200) { sequence_arr = ['drawcard', 'atk3']; } else { if (ran < 50) { sequence_arr = ['drawcard', 'atk4']; } else { if (ran < 60) { sequence_arr = ['atk1', 'teleport', 'atk5', 'teleport', 'atk5']; } else { if (ran < 70 && Math.abs(distance) > 200) { sequence_arr = ['drawcard', 'atk3', 'drawcard', 'drawcard', 'atk5', 'atk3']; } else { if (ran < 80) { sequence_arr = ['atk6', 'atk1', 'drawcard', 'atk5_alt']; } else { if (ran < 90) { sequence_arr = ['drawcard', 'atk6', 'atk3', 'atk1', 'drawcard', 'atk2']; } else { sequence_arr = ['drawcard', 'atk5']; } } } } } } } } } } function evasive() { --evasion_timer; if (_root.hero.aggression > 0 && evasion_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(50) && Math.abs(distance) < 120) { gotoAndPlay('evade'); evasion_timer = 400; } _root.hero.aggression = 0; } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == dont_freeze) { play(); } } function bloody() { if (_parent.chance(50)) { _parent.attachMovie('blood', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = _x - 10 + random(20); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _y - ini_height / 2 + 20 - random(40); ++_global.count_fx; } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 44; ini_width = 35; ex = 10; shaking = 0; _global.boss_maxHp = 45; _global.boss_hp = 45; maxHp = 45; hp = 45; grav = 0; move_timer = 50; atk_timer = 120; movespeed = 2; evasion_timer = 200; _global.timestop_timer = -1; sequence_arr = ['atk6']; sequence = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _global.boss_hp = hp; purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { timestop_timer(); collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); wall(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != landing_frame && _currentframe != 2 && _currentframe != 11 && _currentframe != casting_frame) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } neutral_frame = _currentframe; } frame 11 { force = 1.25 * _xscale / 100; neutral_frame = _currentframe; } frame 21 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 61 { stop(); casting_frame = _currentframe; stopping_frame = _currentframe; } frame 62 { _parent.s65.start(); } frame 62 { if (_global.hero_hp > 0) { _global.timestop = true; } dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 86 { gotoAndStop('standby'); atk_timer = 30; move_timer = 50; } frame 87 { _parent.s09.start(); } frame 87 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 111 { _global.timestop = false; } frame 125 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 126 { _parent.s61.start(); } frame 126 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 150 { gotoAndStop('standby'); atk_timer = 0; } frame 151 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 156 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 156 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 14 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 35; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 13; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 0; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 0 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 158 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 10.5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 41; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.8; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -2.1; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 170 { gotoAndStop('standby'); if (_global.timestop == true) { atk_timer = 0; } if (sequence <= sequence_arr.length) { atk_timer = 0; } } frame 171 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 178 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 178 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 14 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.7; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 2.5; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 10 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 180 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 13.5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 33; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.7; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 1; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 2 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 191 { gotoAndStop('standby'); if (_global.timestop == true) { atk_timer = 0; } if (sequence <= sequence_arr.length) { atk_timer = 0; } } frame 192 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 200 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 200 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 14 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 33; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.6; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 2; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 2 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 14 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 27; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.6; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -2; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = -2 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 218 { gotoAndStop('standby'); if (_global.timestop == true) { atk_timer = 0; } if (sequence <= sequence_arr.length) { atk_timer = 0; } } frame 219 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250) { gotoAndPlay('atk5_alt'); } dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 225 { _y = _y - 5; grav = -8; } frame 249 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 249 { grav = -3; _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 25 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 25; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.5; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 2; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 251 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 14 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 10.5; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 7; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 15 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 257 { stop(); landing_frame = _currentframe; if (_global.timestop == true) { atk_timer = 0; } if (sequence <= sequence_arr.length) { atk_timer = 0; } } frame 260 { _parent.s62.start(); } frame 260 { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 268 { left_wall = _global.left_wall + ini_width; right_wall = _global.right_wall - ini_width; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_root.hero._x < left_wall + 90) { x_lock = _root.hero._x + 100 + random(50) * 3; } else { if (_root.hero._x < right_wall - 90) { x_lock = _root.hero._x - 100 - random(50) * 3; } else { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; x_lock = _root.hero._x - 100 - random(50) * 3; } else { x_lock = _root.hero._x + 100 + random(50) * 3; this._xscale = 100; } } } if (x_lock < left_wall) { x_lock = left_wall + 15; } if (x_lock > right_wall) { x_lock = right_wall - 15; } } frame 281 { _x = x_lock; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 295 { gotoAndStop('standby'); atk_timer = 15; } frame 296 { _parent.s08.start(); } frame 296 { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 304 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; } frame 307 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; left_wall = _global.left_wall + ini_width; right_wall = _global.right_wall - ini_width; if (_xscale == 100) { x_lock = _root.hero._x - 70; } else { x_lock = _root.hero._x + 70; } atk6spd = 4; if (x_lock < left_wall) { _xscale = -100; x_lock = _root.hero._x + 70; } if (x_lock > right_wall) { _xscale = 100; x_lock = _root.hero._x - 70; } _x = x_lock; } frame 318 { force = atk6spd * _xscale / 100; } frame 322 { force = 6 * _xscale / 100; } frame 328 { _parent.s67.start(); } frame 352 { stop(); landing_frame = _currentframe; if (_global.timestop == true) { atk_timer = 0; } if (sequence <= sequence_arr.length) { atk_timer = 60; } } frame 353 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 359 { _y = _y - 5; grav = -8; force = 6 * _xscale / 100; } frame 383 { _parent.s05.start(); } frame 383 { grav = -3; _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 12.5; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 2.5; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 5 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 385 { _parent.attachMovie('B03_projectile1', ['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 14 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 10.5; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 7; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = 15 * _xscale / 100; _root['k_projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 391 { stop(); landing_frame = _currentframe; if (_global.timestop == true) { atk_timer = 0; } if (sequence <= sequence_arr.length) { atk_timer = 0; } } frame 394 { _parent.s62.start(); } frame 394 { dont_freeze = _currentframe; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 394 { atk6spd = 3; } frame 408 { gotoAndPlay('atk6_action'); } frame 409 { _global.bgm = 1; } frame 422 { _parent.s53.start(); } frame 467 { _parent.s54.start(); } frame 734 { stop(); _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam._width = 800; _root.vcam._height = 500; _root.vcam._x = 400; _root.vcam._y = 250; if (_global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('good_end'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('bad_end'); } this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 578 B03_move_shadow { frame 15 { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 581 B03_projectile1 { frame 1 { function generate_hit() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_knife', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale / 2; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._rotation = random(360); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s03.start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } generate_hit(); this.removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { generate_hit(); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { generate_hit(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } timer = 16; dmg = 1; invincible_time = 1; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 15; } if (movespeed_y == undefined) { movespeed_y = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == false) { play(); checkHurt(); this._x += 0.5 * movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y += 0.5 * movespeed_y; --timer; if (timer <= -50) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 5 * _xscale / 100, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 5, true)) { generate_hit(); _parent.s11.start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _parent.s03.start(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; dissipate(); } } else { stop(); } }; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(4); } } movieClip 584 { } movieClip 586 { } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 593 { frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 615 { } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 622 { } movieClip 648 { frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(4); } } movieClip 649 { frame 31 { stop(); } } movieClip 651 { } movieClip 653 B02_akira { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_currentframe >= 455 && _currentframe <= 550) { if (this.hurtbox.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero.invincible <= 0 && _global.hero_hp > 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s45.start(); _root.vcam.shaking = 4; _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 7; _root.hero.knockback_power = -this._xscale; _root.hero.force = -5 * this._xscale / 100; } } else { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s03.start(); _root.hero._xscale = this._xscale; _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 7; _root.hero.knockback_power = -this._xscale; _root.hero.force = -5 * this._xscale / 100; } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; if (vulnerable) { gotoAndStop('hurt'); } _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; if (vulnerable) { gotoAndStop('hurt'); } _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; if (vulnerable) { gotoAndStop('hurt'); } _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && grav < 8) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (_currentframe == 50) { if (grav >= 0) { gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } } if (_currentframe == 69) { if (grounded) { gotoAndPlay('landing'); } } if (_xscale == 100) { distance_walls = _global.left_wall - _x; if (distance_walls > -40) { x_speed = 0; force = 0; } } else { distance_walls = _global.right_wall - _x; if (distance_walls < 40) { x_speed = 0; force = 0; } } if (_currentframe >= 455 && _currentframe <= 550) { _x = _x + x_speed; grav += antigrav; if (Math.abs(x_speed) <= ini_width) { x_speed += x_accel; } if (_currentframe >= 497) { vulnerable = true; } } else { vulnerable = false; } if (_currentframe == landing_frame) { if (grounded) { if (hp > 0) { gotoAndPlay('landing'); } else { gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } if (_currentframe == 2) { --atk_timer; if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (ult == 0 && hp < maxHp * 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('atk7'); atk_timer = 5; ++ult; } else { if (ult == 1 && hp < maxHp * 0.3) { gotoAndPlay('atk7'); atk_timer = 5; ++ult; } else { if (ult == 2 && hp < maxHp * 0.15) { gotoAndPlay('atk6'); atk_timer = 35; ++ult; } else { if (_parent.chance(20) == true) { gotoAndPlay('teleport'); atk_timer = 10; } else { if (Math.abs(distance) < 100 && _parent.chance(40) == true) { gotoAndPlay('teleport'); atk_timer = 10; } else { rand = 1 + random(100); if (rand < 15) { gotoAndPlay('jump'); atk_timer = 30; } else { if (rand < 30) { if (Math.abs(distance) > 130) { atk_timer = 10; gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('atk4'); atk_timer = 20; } } else { if (rand < 42) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 140) { atk_timer = 30; gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jump'); } } else { if (rand < 54) { gotoAndPlay('atk4'); atk_timer = 10; } else { if (rand < 71) { gotoAndPlay('atk5'); atk_timer = 10; } else { if (rand < 86) { if (hp < maxHp * 0.8) { gotoAndPlay('atk6'); atk_timer = 25; } else { gotoAndPlay('jump'); atk_timer = 20; } } else { if (hp < maxHp * 0.5) { gotoAndPlay('atk7'); atk_timer = 10; } else { gotoAndPlay('teleport'); atk_timer = 20; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == dontfreeze) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 550) { this.gotoAndStop('hurt'); } if (_currentframe >= 569 && _currentframe < 740) { if (_parent.chance(inc)) { firey(); _parent.s41.start(); } if (_root.camlock.bottom < 261) { _root.camlock.bottom += 1; } inc += 0.2; } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function firey() { if (_parent.chance(60) == true) { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_parent.chance(35)) { _parent.s24.start(); } } else { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - widthy / 2 - 2 + random(widthy); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2 - heighty / 2 - 2 + random(heighty); ++_global.count_fx; widthy += 0.5; heighty += 0.5; } invincible = 0; ini_height = 43; ini_width = 75; ini_xscale = 100; tpcount = 0; heighty = 0; widthy = 0; inc = 30; ex = 10; shaking = 0; _global.boss_maxHp = 80; _global.boss_hp = 80; maxHp = 80; hp = 80; grav = 0; atk_timer = 40; ult = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { _global.boss_hp = hp; purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); wall(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } if (_currentframe != landing_frame && _currentframe != stopping_frame) { play(); } } else { stop(); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } stopping_frame = _currentframe; } frame 11 { dontfreeze = _currentframe; if (tpcount > 3) { gotoAndStop('standby'); atk_timer = 0; } else { ++tpcount; _parent.s56.start(); _parent.s62.start(); left_wall = _global.left_wall + ini_width; right_wall = _global.right_wall - ini_width; x_lock = left_wall + random(right_wall - left_wall); distance = _x - _root.hero._x; tp_distance = Math.abs(this._x - x_lock); while (tp_distance < 40) { x_lock = left_wall + random(right_wall - left_wall); tp_distance = Math.abs(this._x - x_lock); } if (this._x > x_lock) { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } _parent.attachMovie('akira_tp_shadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_lock; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale * 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = this._yscale; ++_global.count_fx; } } frame 15 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_tp_shadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 19 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_tp_shadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + this._xscale / 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 23 { this._x = x_lock; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } } frame 26 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_tp_shadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + this._xscale / 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 30 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_tp_shadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + this._xscale / 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 35 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_tp_shadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + this._xscale / 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 42 { if (_parent.chance(50) == true && multitp >= 2) { gotoAndPlay('teleport'); ++multitp; } else { gotoAndStop('standby'); } } frame 43 { grav = -10; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } atk3repeat = 0; dontfreeze = _currentframe; --tpcount; } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { _parent.grunt2.start(); } frame 51 { distance_x = this._x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = this._y - _root.hero._y; if (distance_y > -120) { distance_y = -120; } if (distance_x > 100) { distance_x = 100; } dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 57 { _parent.s57.start(); } frame 57 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk1_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale * 0.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count].movespeed_x = distance_x / 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count].movespeed_y = -6.5; ++_global.count; } frame 69 { stop(); landing_frame = this._currentframe; } frame 70 { dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 83 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 84 { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } atk3repeat = 0; dontfreeze = _currentframe; --tpcount; } frame 88 { _parent.s63.start(); } frame 91 { if (this._xscale == -ini_xscale) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk2_laser_toright', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 14.5 * this._xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 36.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } else { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk2_laser_toleft', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 14.5 * this._xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 36.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 200; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 171 { _parent.s58.start(); _parent.s45.start(); } frame 171 { force = this._xscale / 100; dontfreeze = _currentframe; _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk2_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 30.5 * this._xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 32.7; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = _xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 213 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 214 { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } ++atk3repeat; dontfreeze = _currentframe; --tpcount; } frame 216 { _parent.drawblade.start(); } frame 219 { _parent.s61.start(); } frame 241 { _parent.s59.start(); } frame 241 { force = -5.5 * this._xscale / 100; dontfreeze = _currentframe; } instance of movieClip 615 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent._x += _parent._xscale / -30; } } frame 249 { gotoAndPlay('atk3_end'); } frame 256 { _parent.pistol.start(); } frame 256 { force = -1 * this._xscale / 100; dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 295 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 296 { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } atk3repeat = 0; dontfreeze = _currentframe; --tpcount; } frame 305 { _parent.s59.start(); } frame 308 { _parent.s43.start(); } frame 308 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk4_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 8; _root['projectile' + _global.count].movespeed = 6.5; ++_global.count; _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk4_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 9; _root['projectile' + _global.count].movespeed = 3.5; ++_global.count; _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk4_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count].movespeed = 1; ++_global.count; } frame 339 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 347 { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } atk3repeat = 0; dontfreeze = _currentframe; --tpcount; } frame 348 { _parent.s64.start(); } frame 352 { _parent.s10.start(); } frame 352 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk5_homer', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = _root.hero._y; ++_global.count; _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk5_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 25; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 8 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count].movespeed = 2 + random(2); _root['projectile' + _global.count].follower = 'projectile' + (_global.count - 1); ++_global.count; } frame 396 { if (_parent.chance(33) == true) { gotoAndPlay('atk5'); } } frame 399 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 401 { dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 402 { _parent.s64.start(); } frame 409 { _parent.s20.start(); } frame 409 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk6_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 20 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 35; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = -0.35; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_threshold = 3; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_accel = 0.15; ++_global.count; } frame 415 { if (hp <= maxHp * 0.2) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk6_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 10 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 80; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 0; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_threshold = -1; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_accel = -0.01; ++_global.count; } } frame 421 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk6_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 20 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 0; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_threshold = -0.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_accel = -0.03; ++_global.count; } frame 427 { if (hp <= maxHp * 0.2) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk6_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 30 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 0; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = 3; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_threshold = -5; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_accel = -0.25; ++_global.count; } } frame 433 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk6_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._xscale = -this._xscale / 2; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._yscale = 50; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 0 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 40; _root['projectile' + _global.count].flyspeed = -1; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_threshold = 1; _root['projectile' + _global.count].fly_accel = 0.25; ++_global.count; } frame 453 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 455 { grav = -8; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { force = -10; } else { force = 10; } x_speed = 0; x_accel = 0; antigrav = 0; dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 466 { } frame 469 { x_speed = 0; } frame 486 { _parent.s58.start(); } frame 486 { grav = -5; x_speed = 0; } frame 488 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 70 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 492 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 60 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 497 { _parent.s08.start(); } frame 497 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 65 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 497 { if (_xscale == 100) { x_speed = -1; x_accel = -0.5; } else { x_speed = 1; x_accel = 0.5; } } frame 502 { antigrav = _global.gravSpeed * 0.5; } frame 504 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 508 { antigrav = -_global.gravSpeed * 2.4; } frame 509 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 513 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 50 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 516 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 50 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 519 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 30 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 523 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 527 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 528 { antigrav = 0; distance_wall = 0; } frame 530 { if (hp < maxHp * 0.35) { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk7_linger', ['projectile' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['projectile' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } } frame 532 { x_accel = 0; x_speed = 0; } frame 535 { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { this._xscale = -ini_xscale; } else { this._xscale = ini_xscale; } } frame 550 { stop(); landing_frame = this._currentframe; } frame 551 { _parent.s60.start(); } frame 551 { stop(); distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } grav = -4; _y = _y - 4; force = 3 * _xscale / 100; landing_frame = this._currentframe; } frame 556 { dontfreeze = _currentframe; } frame 569 { _global.bgm = 0; } frame 765 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = _x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._yscale = _y - 35; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 767 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = _x + 5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._yscale = _y - 30; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 769 { _parent.s27.start(); } frame 769 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = _x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._yscale = _y - 15; ++_global.count_fx2; _parent.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _root.wall_left_fix._x = 150; _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = 150; _root.camlock.bottom = 261; _root.ground.gotoAndStop('neutral'); _root.ground_img.gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 769 { _parent.attachMovie('fadeout_white', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._xscale = _root.vcam._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._yscale = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx2; } frame 833 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 654 akira_tp_shadow { frame 15 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 664 akira_atk7_linger { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); dissipate(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; dissipate(); _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } function dissipate() { _parent.s41.start(); gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } ini_height = 24; ini_width = 28; gravity = 0.3; _xscale = 50; _yscale = 50; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true) == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true) == false) { _y = _y + 1; } onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0 && !_global.pausemode) { _root.hero.force = 3 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale * 2; } } } }; } frame 1 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 74 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 666 { } movieClip 669 { } movieClip 673 akira_atk6_projectile { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); dissipate(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; dissipate(); _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } function dissipate() { _parent.s41.start(); gotoAndPlay('explode'); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movespeed = -1 * (5 + random(2)); movespeed_threshold = 15; accel = 1; if (flyspeed == undefined) { flyspeed = 0; fly_accel = -0.7; fly_threshold = 3; } timer = 240; gravity = 0.4; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_currentframe == 53) { play(); } if (_global.pausemode == false) { if (_currentframe < 50) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; } if (_currentframe >= 30) { if (movespeed < movespeed_threshold) { movespeed += accel; accel += 0.1; } if (Math.abs(flyspeed) < Math.abs(fly_threshold)) { flyspeed += fly_accel; } } else { if (_currentframe < 30) { if (movespeed < -1) { movespeed += 0.75; } if (fly_threshold > 0 && flyspeed < -1) { flyspeed += 0.25; } else { if (fly_threshold < 0 && flyspeed > 1) { flyspeed -= 0.25; } } } } if (_currentframe == 35 && _root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0 && !_global.pausemode) { _root.hero.force = 3 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale * 2; } if (_currentframe < 50) { gotoAndPlay('explode'); } } if (_currentframe < 50) { checkHurt(); } --timer; if (timer == 0 && _currentframe < 50) { dissipate(); } } }; } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 35 { _parent.s43.start(); } frame 53 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 112 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 674 akira_atk5_projectile { frame 1 { function rotatehoming() { var v6 = this._x; var v5 = this._y; var v7 = _root[follower]._y; var v8 = _root[follower]._x; var v3 = v8 - v6; var v9 = v7 - v5; var v10 = Math.atan(v9 / v3); var v4 = v10 / 0.0174532925199433; if (v3 > 0) { this._rotation = v4 + 90; } else { if (v3 < 0) { this._rotation = 270 + v4; } } if (_currentframe >= 40) { speedx = Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.0174532925199433) * 2; speedy = Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.0174532925199433) * 2 * -1; this._x += speedx * movespeed; this._y += speedy * movespeed; } distance = _x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = _y - _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; _x = _x + movespeed_x; _y = _y + movespeed_y; } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); dissipate(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; dissipate(); _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } function dissipate() { _parent.s41.start(); gotoAndPlay('explode'); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 1.65; } gravity = 0.35; if (follower == undefined) { follower == 'hero'; } homing = 0; movespeed_x = 0; accel_x = 0.25; movespeed_y = 0; accel_y = 0.15; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { if (_currentframe <= 40) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -10) { flyspeed -= gravity; } if (movespeed > 3) { movespeed -= 0.1; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + this._height / 2, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + this._height / 2, true)) { --this._y; } this.gotoAndPlay('explode'); } } if (_currentframe > 30 && _currentframe <= 160) { rotatehoming(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0 && !_global.pausemode) { _root.hero.force = 3 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale * 2; } if (_currentframe < 160) { gotoAndPlay('explode'); } } if (_currentframe < 160) { checkHurt(); } if (_root[follower].hitTest(_x, _y, true && homing == 0) && _currentframe < 160) { gotoAndPlay('explode'); } } }; } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay('homing'); } frame 32 { _parent.s43.start(); } frame 160 { _parent.ultimate_fire.start(); } frame 219 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 675 akira_atk5_homer { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } timer = 200; movespeed_x = 0; accel_x = 0.5; movespeed_y = 0; accel_y = 0.5; threshold = 25; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = _y - _root.hero._y + _root.hero.ini_height / 5; _x = _x + movespeed_x; _y = _y + movespeed_y; movespeed_x = -distance / 10; movespeed_y = -distance_y / 30; --timer; if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } }; } } movieClip 677 { } movieClip 678 { } movieClip 679 akira_atk4_projectile { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); dissipate(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; dissipate(); _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } function dissipate() { _parent.s41.start(); gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } ini_height = 24; ini_width = 28; gravity = 0.3; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -10) { flyspeed -= gravity; } if (_parent.chance(10) == true) { _parent.attachMovie('explosion', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(25) - 12; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y + random(25) - 12; ++_global.count_fx; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true) && _currentframe == 1) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true)) { this._y -= 0.1; } this.gotoAndPlay('explode_ground'); } } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0 && !_global.pausemode) { _root.hero.force = 3 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale * 2; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { checkHurt(); } } }; } frame 2 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 75 { this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 80 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 153 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 684 akira_atk2_projectile { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale * 2; _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 7; _root.hero.force = 5 * -_xscale / 50; _root.hero.knockback_power = -this._xscale * 2; } } }; } frame 14 { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 688 { } movieClip 689 akira_atk2_laser_toright { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._width = distance - 10; } else { this._width = 500; } }; } frame 81 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 690 akira_atk2_laser_toleft { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); this._width = distance - 10; } else { this._width = 500; } }; } frame 80 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 697 { } movieClip 698 akira_atk1_shards { frame 1 { function dissipate() { gotoAndPlay('explode'); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } timer = 0; stop(); if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 0; } if (movespeed_y == undefined) { movespeed_y = 0; } gravity = 0.42; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y += movespeed_y; movespeed_y += gravity; _rotation = _rotation + (2.05 + movespeed * 0.3) * _xscale / 100; } ++timer; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } if (_currentframe == 1) { dissipate(); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { checkHurt(); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 20, true) && _currentframe == 1) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 100 && _currentframe == 1) { dissipate(); } }; } frame 5 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 62 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 701 { } movieClip 702 { } movieClip 703 akira_atk1_projectile { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); dissipate(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; dissipate(); _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } function dissipate() { _parent.s41.start(); gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } gravity = 1; ini_height = 24; ini_width = 24; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { if (_currentframe == 1) { this._x -= movespeed_x; this._y -= movespeed_y; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width, _y, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true)) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + ini_height / 2, true)) { --this._y; } this.gotoAndPlay('explode_ground'); } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0 && !_global.pausemode) { _root.hero.force = 3 * (this._xscale / 100); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero._xscale = -this._xscale * 2; } if (_currentframe == 1) { gotoAndPlay('explode_air'); } } if (_currentframe == 1) { checkHurt(); } } }; } frame 2 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 4 { _parent.s06.start(); _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk1_shards', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -12; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1.5; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk1_shards', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 3; ++_global.count_fx; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 6 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 9 { _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk1_shards', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -12; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1.5; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('akira_atk1_shards', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 3; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 10 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 14 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 69 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 70 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 127 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 705 { } movieClip 707 { } movieClip 712 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe == 20) { number = random(101); if (number > 50) { this.gotoAndPlay(1); } } target_hero = _parent._parent._parent._parent.hero; if (target_hero.hitbox.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (target_hero._x > this._x) { target_hero._xscale = -100; } else { target_hero._xscale = 100; } target_hero.hurting = true; target_hero.hurtdmg = 5; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _root.hero.force = -2; } else { _root.hero.force = 2; } } } }; } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 713 { } movieClip 714 { } movieClip 715 { } movieClip 717 { } movieClip 721 { } movieClip 722 { } movieClip 723 { frame 1 { function chance(percent) { chance_temp1 = random(100); if (Math.abs(chance_temp1 - lastchance) < 50) { chance_temp1 = random(100); } lastchance = chance_temp1; if (percent > chance_temp1) { return true; } else { return false; } } } instance of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.chance(10) == true) { this.stop(); } if (_parent.chance(10) == true) {; } if (_parent.chance(10) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(100)); } } } instance of movieClip 722 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_parent.chance(5) == true) { this.stop(); } if (_parent.chance(5) == true) {; } if (_parent.chance(5) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay(random(100)); } } } } movieClip 732 { frame 1 { function spawn_blood() { _parent._parent.attachMovie('B01_projectile2', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x - 11 + random(22); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y + 30.5; _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5 * random(10); rand = random(100); if (rand > 50) { _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -100; } _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 9 + 0.5 * random(12); ++_global.count_fx; _parent._parent.attachMovie('B01_projectile2', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x - 11 + random(22); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y + 30.5; _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0.5 * random(10); rand = random(100); if (rand > 50) { _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -100; } _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 9 + 0.5 * random(12); ++_global.count_fx; } function spawn_baby() { _parent._parent.attachMovie('B01_projectile1', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _parent._x - 11 + random(22); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _parent._y + 46.5; _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 5 - random(10); _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 2 + 0.5 * random(8); if (rand > 50) { _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; } else { _parent._parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -100; } ++_global.count_fx; } stop(); } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(100); } } frame 112 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 130 { _parent._parent.s53.start(); } frame 148 { spawn_blood(); } frame 149 { spawn_blood(); } frame 150 { spawn_blood(); } frame 151 { spawn_blood(); } frame 152 { spawn_blood(); } frame 164 { spawn_blood(); } frame 166 { spawn_blood(); } frame 168 { spawn_blood(); } frame 169 { spawn_blood(); } frame 170 { spawn_blood(); } frame 198 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 205 { _parent._parent.s52.start(); } frame 241 { spawn_baby(); } frame 245 { spawn_baby(); } frame 249 { spawn_baby(); } frame 252 { spawn_baby(); } frame 256 { spawn_baby(); } frame 261 { spawn_baby(); } frame 293 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 294 { slap_direction = 100; } frame 356 { _parent._parent.s04.start(); } frame 384 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 385 { slap_direction = -100; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(100); } } frame 449 { _parent._parent.s04.start(); } frame 477 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 733 { frame 30 { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } movieClip 741 { frame 26 { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } movieClip 742 B01B_avatar { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.head.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _parent.s22.start(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 7; _root.hero.knockback_power = -this.head.slap_direction; _root.hero.force = -5 * (this.head.slap_direction / 100); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 2 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this.head._x += shaking; this.head._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this.head._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this.head._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (this.head._currentframe <= 110) { --atk_timer; _x = _x + movespeed; if (_parent.chance(10)) { movespeed *= -1; } if (this._x > right_wall) { movespeed = -Math.abs(movespeed); } if (_x < left_wall) { movespeed = Math.abs(movespeed); } } if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { this.head.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } else { this.head.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } else { if (distance > 0) { this.head.gotoAndPlay('atk3'); } else { this.head.gotoAndPlay('atk4'); } } atk_timer = 150; } } function anti_freeze() {} function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 10) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } if (_currentframe >= 15 && _currentframe <= 230) { this._alpha -= 0.5; if (_currentframe >= 180) { if (_parent.chance(30)) { firey(); } } else { firey(); } } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function chance(percent) { chance_temp1 = random(100); if (Math.abs(chance_temp1 - lastchance) < 50) { chance_temp1 = random(100); } lastchance = chance_temp1; if (percent > chance_temp1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function firey() { if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent.s24.start(); } else { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent.s41.start(); } _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - ini_width / 2 - 2 + random(ini_width + 5); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2 - 2 + random(ini_height + 5); ++_global.count_fx; ini_width += 0.5; ini_height += 0.7; } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 100; ini_width = 80; ex = 5; shaking = 0; _global.boss_maxHp = 70; _global.boss_hp = 70; hp = 70; grav = 0; atk_timer = 100; move_timer = 10; movespeed = 0.25; right_wall = this._x + 40; left_wall = this._x - 40; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); } purge_check(); _global.boss_hp = hp; }; } instance head of movieClip 732 { onClipEvent (load) { rotator = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._rotation > 20) { this._rotation -= 1; } if (this._rotation < -20) { this._rotation += 1; } this._rotation += this.rotator; if (_parent.chance(10) == true) { rotator *= -1; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 12 { _global.bgm = 0; _parent.s54.start(); _root.vcam.enemy.removeMovieClip(); } instance head of movieClip 741 { onClipEvent (load) { rotator = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._rotation > 20) { this._rotation -= 1; } if (this._rotation < -20) { this._rotation += 1; } this._rotation += this.rotator; if (_parent.chance(10) == true) { rotator *= -1; } } } frame 380 { _global.purge = true; _global.intro = true; _global.hero_hp = _global.hero_maxHp; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_1'; = 'stage2_1'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_1'; _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); this.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 744 { } movieClip 747 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 16 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 755 { } movieClip 756 B01_painting { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _root.hero.force = -5; } else { _root.hero.force = 5; } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { force = 3; } else { force = -3; } if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type != 'mail') { if (_root.hero._x > this._x && movespeed > 0) { movespeed = -3; } else { movespeed = 3; } } distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type != 'book') { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; } else { hp -= 1.25; } _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { force = 3; } else { force = -3; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x && movespeed > 0) { movespeed = -3; } else { movespeed = 3; } shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { force = 3; } else { force = -3; } if (_root.hero._x > this._x && movespeed > 0) { movespeed = -3; } else { movespeed = 3; } distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe >= 2 && _currentframe <= 150) { --atk_timer; bake_timer -= 2; if (atk_timer == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); atk_timer = 250; } if (_currentframe >= 11 && _currentframe <= 80) { this._x += movespeed * 0.9; } else { this._x += movespeed; } this._y += flyspeed; if (this._x > right_wall && movespeed > -x_threshold) { movespeed -= move_accel; x_threshold = 2 + random(2); } else { if (this._x < left_wall && movespeed < x_threshold) { movespeed += move_accel; x_threshold = 2 + random(2); } } flyspeed += fly_accel; if (flyspeed > y_threshold) { fly_accel = -Math.abs(fly_accel); } else { if (flyspeed < -y_threshold) { fly_accel = Math.abs(fly_accel); } } if (_y > height_lock + 10) { _y = _y - 0.5; } else { if (_y < height_lock - 10) { _y = _y + 0.5; } } --dive_timer; if (dive_timer == 0) { dive_timer = 250; gotoAndPlay('dive'); } } if (bake_timer == 0) { _parent.attachMovie('B01_projectile2', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (eyesight == 1) { _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 4.5 * _xscale / 100; } else { if (eyesight == -1) { _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 9.6 * _xscale / 100; } } _root['effect' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = random(1); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100 * eyesight; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 0; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 22; ++_global.count_fx; bake_timer = 100; if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { eyesight = 1; } else { eyesight = -1; } } if (_currentframe >= 81 && _currentframe <= 116) { fallspeed += 0.3; _y = _y + fallspeed; } else { if (_currentframe >= 117 && _currentframe <= 150) { if (fallspeed > 2) { fallspeed = 2; } fallspeed -= 0.3; _y = _y + fallspeed; } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 150) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function firey() { if (_parent.chance(60) == true) { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); if (_parent.chance(35)) { _parent.s24.start(); } } else { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - ini_width / 2 - 2 + random(ini_width + 5); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2 - 2 + random(ini_height + 5); ++_global.count_fx; ini_width += 0.5; ini_height += 0.7; } function antifreeze() { if (_currentframe == 81 || _currentframe == 11 || _currentframe == 153) { play(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 15; ini_width = 15; shaking = 0; _global.boss_maxHp = 16; _global.boss_hp = 16; hp = 16; grav = 0; laugh = 0; flyspeed = 0; fly_accel = -0.1; y_threshold = 1; movespeed = 3; move_accel = 0.4; x_threshold = 3; right_wall = this._x + 150; left_wall = this._x - 150; height_lock = this._y; atk_timer = 100; dive_timer = 250; bake_timer = 100; eyesight = 1; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.pausemode == true) { stop(); } else { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); antifreeze(); if (_currentframe != 2) { play(); } } _global.boss_hp = hp; purge_check(); }; } instance of movieClip 747 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 100 - _parent.bake_timer; if (_parent.bake_timer == 90) { this.gotoAndPlay('eject'); } if (_parent.eyesight == -1 && this._currentframe == 1) { this._alpha = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 747 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 100 - _parent.bake_timer; if (_parent.bake_timer == 90) { this.gotoAndPlay('eject'); } if (_parent.eyesight == 1 && this._currentframe == 1) { this._alpha = 0; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 55 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; _parent.attachMovie('B01_projectile1', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 55 { _parent.s20.start(); } frame 80 { gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 81 { if (movespeed > 0) { x_speed = 4; } else { x_speed = -4; } fallspeed = -2; } frame 102 { movespeed *= 2; } frame 102 { _parent.s43.start(); } frame 152 { gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 153 { _global.bgm = 2; } frame 153 { firey(); } frame 154 { firey(); } frame 155 { firey(); } frame 156 { firey(); } frame 157 { firey(); } frame 158 { firey(); } frame 159 { firey(); } frame 160 { firey(); } frame 161 { firey(); } frame 162 { firey(); } frame 163 { firey(); } frame 164 { firey(); } frame 165 { firey(); } frame 166 { firey(); } frame 167 { firey(); } frame 168 { firey(); } frame 169 { firey(); } frame 170 { firey(); } frame 171 { firey(); } frame 172 { firey(); } frame 173 { firey(); } frame 174 { firey(); } frame 175 { firey(); } frame 176 { firey(); } frame 177 { firey(); } frame 178 { firey(); } frame 179 { firey(); } frame 180 { firey(); } frame 181 { firey(); } frame 182 { firey(); } frame 183 { firey(); } frame 184 { firey(); } frame 185 { firey(); } frame 186 { firey(); } frame 187 { firey(); } frame 188 { firey(); } frame 189 { firey(); } frame 190 { firey(); } frame 191 { firey(); } frame 192 { firey(); } frame 193 { firey(); } frame 194 { firey(); } frame 195 { firey(); } frame 196 { firey(); } frame 197 { firey(); } frame 198 { firey(); } frame 199 { firey(); } frame 200 { firey(); } frame 201 { firey(); } frame 202 { firey(); } frame 203 { firey(); } frame 204 { firey(); } frame 205 { firey(); } frame 206 { firey(); } frame 207 { firey(); } frame 208 { firey(); } frame 209 { firey(); } frame 210 { firey(); } frame 211 { firey(); } frame 212 { firey(); } frame 213 { firey(); } frame 214 { firey(); } frame 215 { firey(); } frame 216 { firey(); } frame 217 { firey(); } frame 221 { firey(); } frame 224 { _parent.s20.start(); } frame 226 { firey(); } frame 230 { firey(); } frame 238 { firey(); } frame 242 { firey(); } frame 257 { firey(); } frame 261 { firey(); } frame 400 { stop();; _parent.spawn2._visible = true; this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 761 B01_projectile2 { frame 1 { function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_bloodsplat', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 100; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } timer = 0; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = random(3) * 2; } if (move_decel == undefined) { move_decel = 0.01; } if (flyspeed == undefined) { flyspeed = 3; } gravity = 0.5; onEnterFrame = function () { if (timer >= 0) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; if (movespeed > 2) { movespeed -= move_decel; } this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -15) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } ++timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_bloodsplat', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; dissipate(); } checkHurt(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (timer >= 100) { dissipate(); } }; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } movieClip 764 { } movieClip 765 B01_projectile1 { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -1 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); this.gotoAndPlay('disappear'); } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 6 || _currentframe == 17) {; } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail' || _root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'whiskey_bottle') { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe == 2) { --timer; if (timer == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('disappear'); } _y = _y - flyspeed; _x = _x + movespeed; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = _y - _root.hero._y; if (distance > 30) { _xscale = -100; move_accel = -0.2; } else { if (distance < -30) { _xscale = 100; move_accel = 0.2; } } if (movespeed < 2 && move_accel > 0) { if (distance < -50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance < -110) { _x = _x + movespeed; } else { if (distance > -50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (movespeed > -2 && move_accel < 0) { if (distance > 50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance > 110) { x += movespeed; } else { if (distance < 50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (flyspeed > threshold) { fly_accel = -0.1; } if (flyspeed < -threshold) { fly_accel = 0.1; } if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 90 && Math.abs(fly_accel) < 1) { } flyspeed += fly_accel; } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 6) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 600) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function rotatehoming() { var v6 = this._x; var v5 = this._y; var v7 = _root.hero._y; var v8 = _root.hero._x; var v3 = v8 - v6; var v9 = v7 - v5; var v10 = Math.atan(v9 / v3); var v4 = v10 / 0.0174532925199433; if (v3 > 0) { this._rotation = v4; } else { if (v3 < 0) { this._rotation = 180 + v4; } } if (_currentframe >= 40) { speedx = Math.sin(this._rotation * 0.0174532925199433) * 2; speedy = Math.cos(this._rotation * 0.0174532925199433) * 2 * -1; this._x += speedx * movespeed; this._y += speedy * movespeed; } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 25; ini_width = 21; shaking = 0; hp = 1; grav = 0; timer = 200; if (flyspeed == undefined) { flyspeed = 3; } if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 1.5; } if (fly_accel == undefined) { fly_accel = -0.05; } if (threshold == undefined) { threshold = 4; } onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (timer % 15 == 0) { _parent.attachMovie('B01_projectile1_shadow', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _y; ++_global.count_fx; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 27 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 766 B01_projectile1_shadow { frame 10 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 768 { } movieClip 769 11_mishatrain { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (_parent.chance(35) == true && laugh == 0) { _parent.s39.start(); laugh = 1; } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { --timer; if (timer <= 0) { _parent.attachMovie('11_tail', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx3], _global.count_fx3); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx3]._y = this._y; --_global.count_fx3; timer = 2; } _y = _y - flyspeed; _x = _x + movespeed; if (_currentframe == 2) { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = _y - _root.hero._y; if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 120) { --atk_timer; } if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(75) && Math.abs(distance_y) <= 60) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } atk_timer = 100; } if (distance > 70) { _xscale = -100; move_accel = -0.2; } else { if (distance < -70) { _xscale = 100; move_accel = 0.2; } } if (movespeed < 2 && move_accel > 0) { if (distance < -50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.8; } else { if (distance < -110) { _x = _x + movespeed; } else { if (distance > -50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (movespeed > -2 && move_accel < 0) { if (distance > 50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance > 110) { x += movespeed; } else { if (distance < 50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (flyspeed > 3) { fly_accel = -0.11; } if (flyspeed < -3) { fly_accel = 0.11; } if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 90 && Math.abs(fly_accel) < 1) { } flyspeed += fly_accel; if (this._y < _root.hero._y - 250) { _y = _y - 0.15; } else { _y = _y + 0.1; } if (this._y > _root.vcam._y + 100) { _y = _y - 1; } if (this._y < _root.vcam._y - 100) { _y = _y + 1; } } } function rotatehoming() { var v6 = this._x; var v5 = this._y; var v7 = _root.hero._y; var v8 = _root.hero._x; var v3 = v8 - v6; var v9 = v7 - v5; var v10 = Math.atan(v9 / v3); var v4 = v10 / 0.0174532925199433; if (v3 > 0) { this._rotation = v4 + 90; } else { if (v3 < 0) { this._rotation = 270 + v4; } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 15) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 18; ini_width = 16; shaking = 0; hp = 4; grav = 0; laugh = 0; follower = 'hero'; timer = 8; flyspeed = 0; movespeed = 2.3; fly_accel = -0.15; threshold = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); if (_currentframe == 2) { combat(); } purge_check(); }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 18 { force = -2 * _xscale / 100; if (_parent.chance(50)) { if (_parent.chance(50)) { _parent.s39.start(); } else { _parent.s38.start(); } } } frame 56 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 771 11_tail { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (_parent.chance(20) == true) { _parent.s39.start(); } } } } timer = 24; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { collision(); --timer; if (timer <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 776 { frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 787 10_hanako { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.nodamage(); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } distance = _x - _root.hero._x; movespeed = 0; if (distance > 0) { _root.hero.force = -3; force = 3; } else { _root.hero.force = 3; force = -3; } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { movespeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (distance > 0) { force = 4; } else { force = -4; } distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { movespeed = 0; if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } if (distance > 0) { force = 4; } else { force = -4; } shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { movespeed = 0; if (distance > 0) { force = 4; } else { force = -4; } if (_currentframe == 2) { gotoAndPlay('hurt'); } distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 2 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': bright_timer, 'ga': '100', 'gb': bright_timer, 'ba': '100', 'bb': bright_timer}; v2.setTransform(v3); bright_timer += bright_mod; if (bright_timer > 100) { bright_mod = -2; } else { if (bright_timer < 0) { bright_mod = 2; } } } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { --bake_timer; if (bake_timer == 0) { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 5 + random(10); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 5 + random(10); ++_global.count_fx; bake_timer = 5 + random(10); } _y = _y - flyspeed; _x = _x + movespeed; if (_currentframe == 2) { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = _y - _root.hero._y; if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 120) { --atk_timer; } if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(75) && Math.abs(distance_y) <= 60) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } atk_timer = 100; } if (distance > 70) { _xscale = -100; move_accel = -0.2; } else { if (distance < -70) { _xscale = 100; move_accel = 0.2; } } if (movespeed < 2 && move_accel > 0) { if (distance < -50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance < -110) { _x = _x + movespeed; } else { if (distance > -50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (movespeed > -2 && move_accel < 0) { if (distance > 50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance > 110) { x += movespeed; } else { if (distance < 50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (flyspeed > 3) { fly_accel = -0.1; } if (flyspeed < -3) { fly_accel = 0.1; } if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 90 && Math.abs(fly_accel) < 1) { flyaccel *= 2; } flyspeed += fly_accel; if (this._y < _root.hero._y - 250) { _y = _y - 0.15; } else { _y = _y + 0.1; } if (this._y > _root.vcam._y + 100) { _y = _y - 1; } if (this._y < _root.vcam._y - 100) { _y = _y + 1; } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 139) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 18; ini_width = 16; shaking = 0; hp = 6; grav = 0; laugh = 0; flyspeed = 0; movespeed = 1.5; fly_accel = -0.1; threshold = 3; atk_timer = 100; bake_timer = 10; bright_timer = 0; bright_mod = 2; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); if (_currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 10 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } movespeed = 0; force = -3 * _xscale / 100; } frame 21 { _parent.attachMovie('10_projectile1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 42 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 6; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 0; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s25.start(); force = -2 * _xscale / 100; } frame 37 { gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 51 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } movespeed = 0; flyspeed = 1; force = -3 * _xscale / 100; } frame 80 { _parent.attachMovie('10_projectile2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x + random(50) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 98 { _parent.attachMovie('10_projectile2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x + random(50) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 114 { _parent.attachMovie('10_projectile2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x + random(50) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 123 { movespeed = 0; flyspeed = -4; gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 136 { gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 140 { force = -2 * _xscale / 100; _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('falling_spark', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(5); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(1); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('falling_spark', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(3); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 3 + random(4); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('falling_spark', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 3 + random(2); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 148 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 808 10_projectile2 { frame 1 { _parent.s43.start(); } frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } looplimit = 0; for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && looplimit < 250)) break; _y = _y + 1; ++looplimit; } looplimit = 0; for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && looplimit < 250)) break; _y = _y - 1; ++looplimit; } this._alpha = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha += 3; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } dissipate(); } }; } frame 27 { this._alpha = 100; } frame 28 { _parent.s24.start(); } frame 42 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 809 10_projectile1 { frame 1 { function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(20); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } timer = 0; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 5; } if (movespeed_y == undefined) { movespeed_y = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y += movespeed_y; ++timer; if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s41.start(); _parent.s24.start(); dissipate(); } checkHurt(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (timer >= 150) { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 815 { frame 43 { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } movieClip 834 { } movieClip 836 { } movieClip 839 09_emi_super { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && grav < 7) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } } else { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (this.hp > 0) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; --atk_timer; if ((_currentframe <= 20 || _currentframe >= 101 && _currentframe <= 116) && _root.hero.aggression > 0 && Math.abs(distance) <= 100) { if (_root.hero._y + 10 <= this._y) { gotoAndPlay('backslide'); } else { if (!_global.go_down && _parent.chance(50)) { gotoAndPlay('slide'); } else { if (_parent.chance(66)) { gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } else { _x = _x + -5 * _xscale / 100; gotoAndPlay('backslide'); } } } } if (_currentframe == 2) { --move_timer; if (move_timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('shorthop'); move_timer = 35; } } if (_currentframe == 2 && Math.abs(distance) >= 130 && Math.abs(distance) <= 225) { if (_parent.chance(5) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } } if (_currentframe == 17 && grounded) { if (Math.abs(distance) < 60 && _parent.chance(50) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('backslide'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('crouch'); } } if (_currentframe == 60 && grounded) { force = _xscale / 50; this._xscale *= -1; this.gotoAndPlay('crouch'); } if (_currentframe == 100 && grounded) { force = 3.5 * _xscale / 100; this._xscale *= -1; this.gotoAndPlay('atk2_land'); } if (_currentframe >= 30 && _currentframe <= 60) { this._x += 2.2 * _xscale / 100; } if (_currentframe > 60 && _currentframe <= 100) { this._x += x_lock; } if (_currentframe > 136 && _currentframe <= 160) { this._x += 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 10 || _currentframe == 177 || _currentframe == 30 || _currentframe == 61 || _currentframe == 87 || _currentframe == 101 || _currentframe == 110 || _currentframe == 117 || _currentframe == 161) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 177) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 43; ini_width = 13; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; atk_timer = 10; move_timer = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); wall(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != 17 && _currentframe != 100 && _currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 10 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 120 && _parent.chance(28) && atk_timer <= 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('slide'); atk_timer = 50; } else { grav = -3; _y = _y - 5; if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { force = -3 * _xscale / 100; } else { force = 3 * _xscale / 100; } } } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 30 { grav = -5; _y = _y - 5; force = 5 * _xscale / 100; } frame 60 { stop(); } frame 61 { grav = -8; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { x_lock = -distance / 40; } else { x_lock = -distance / 35; } _y = _y - 7; force = 1 * _xscale / 100; } frame 100 { stop(); } frame 101 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 106 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 110 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 116 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) <= 120 && atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(66)) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('shorthop'); } atk_timer = 120; } else { if (Math.abs(distance) >= 120 && Math.abs(distance) <= 250 && atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(75)) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('shorthop'); } atk_timer = 180; } else { if (Math.abs(distance) > 100) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('shorthop'); } } } } frame 117 { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y + 1; } grav = 0; } frame 120 { force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } frame 136 { force = 5 * _xscale / 100; } frame 139 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 142 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 145 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 148 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 151 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 160 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } atk_timer = 50; gotoAndStop('crouch'); } frame 161 { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y, true))) break; _y = _y + 1; } grav = 0; force = -4 * _xscale / 100; } frame 162 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 165 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 168 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_dusty', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 176 { gotoAndPlay('crouch'); } frame 177 { grav = -7; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { _xscale = -100; } else { _xscale = 100; } _y = _y - 5; force = -3 * _xscale / 100; } frame 178 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 183 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 187 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 190 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 193 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 195 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 197 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 200 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 20 - random(40); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 40 + random(20); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 202 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b3', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b5', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 841 { } movieClip 843 { } movieClip 846 { } movieClip 858 08_rinbin { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _parent.s23.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whip', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero.force = 5 * _xscale / 100; _root.hero.knockback_power = this._xscale; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero._x -= 5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 1 + ini_width * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height, true)) { if (_currentframe <= 75) { } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function checkBlock() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.blockbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'book') { _root['k_projectile' + i].guarded(); } if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'whiskey_bottle') { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } _parent.s11.start(); shaking = 2; _parent.attachMovie('ef_guard', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 70; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 70; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 75; ++_global.count_fx; } ++i; } if (this.blockbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 2; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent.s11.start(); _parent.attachMovie('ef_guard', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 70; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 70; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 75; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.blockbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; shaking = 4; _parent.s11.start(); _parent.attachMovie('ef_guard', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 70; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 70; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._alpha = 75; ++_global.count_fx; } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } if (grav != 0) { } else { this._rotation = 0; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { --atk_timer; distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (_currentframe == 2 && atk_timer <= 0 && Math.abs(distance) <= 150) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk'); } if (_currentframe <= 20 && Math.abs(distance) <= 30 && _root.hero._y + 30 < this._y) { } if (_currentframe <= 20 && Math.abs(distance) <= 10) { this.gotoAndPlay('kick'); atk_timer = 100; } if (_currentframe <= 25 && _root.hero.aggression > 0) { this.gotoAndStop('standby'); if (atk_timer < 20) { atk_timer = 20; } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 123) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 42; ini_width = 25; shaking = 0; hp = 1; grav = 0; atk_timer = 75; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); checkBlock(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); wall(); if (_currentframe > 10) { play(); } } else { stop(); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 11 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 48 { _parent.attachMovie('08_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 36; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 0; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('08_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 41; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 4.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = -3.5; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('08_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 35 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 33; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 4.5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed_y = 3.5; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 78 { gotoAndStop('standby'); atk_timer = 140; } frame 122 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 123 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 130 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 859 08_projectile { frame 1 { function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_bloodsplat', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 100; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } timer = 0; if (movespeed == undefined) { movespeed = 5; } if (movespeed_y == undefined) { movespeed_y = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y += movespeed_y; ++timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; dissipate(); } checkHurt(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (timer >= 100) { dissipate(); } }; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } movieClip 870 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 21 { gotoAndStop('neutral'); } } movieClip 887 07h_nurse { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 2 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } } else { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (this.hp > 0) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (_currentframe == 2) { --atk_timer; --move_timer; if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { gotoAndPlay('atk_down'); } else { gotoAndPlay('atk_up'); } atk_timer = 33; move_timer = 0; } else { if (move_timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('move'); } else { gotoAndPlay('move_back'); } move_timer = 20; } } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 10 || _currentframe == 35 || _currentframe == 61 || _currentframe == 93 || _currentframe == 125) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 125) { this._alpha = 66; this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 46; ini_width = 18; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 12; grav = 0; atk_timer = 10; move_timer = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); wall(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 13 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 16 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 19 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 22 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 25 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 38 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 41 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 44 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 47 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 50 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 53 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 81 { _parent.attachMovie('07_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 10 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 38; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].host_name = this._name; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 89 { atk_timer = 25; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 115 { _parent.attachMovie('07_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 10 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].rotate_type = 'underhand'; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].host_name = this._name; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 124 { atk_timer = 25; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 125 { force = -3 * _xscale / 100; grav = -5; } frame 128 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 136 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 139 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 144 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 147 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 148 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 150 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 151 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 154 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 156 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 157 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 158 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 161 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 163 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 166 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 167 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 170 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 172 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 180 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 888 07_nurse { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 2 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } } else { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (this.hp > 0) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (_currentframe == 2) { --atk_timer; --move_timer; if (atk_timer <= 0) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { gotoAndPlay('atk_down'); } else { gotoAndPlay('atk_up'); } atk_timer = 50; move_timer = 0; } else { if (move_timer <= 0) { if (Math.abs(distance) >= 100) { gotoAndPlay('move'); } else { gotoAndPlay('move_back'); } move_timer = 20; } } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 10 || _currentframe == 35 || _currentframe == 61 || _currentframe == 93 || _currentframe == 125) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 125) { this._alpha = 66; this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 46; ini_width = 18; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 8; grav = 0; atk_timer = 10; move_timer = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); wall(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 13 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 16 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 19 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 22 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 25 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 28 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 38 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 41 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 44 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 47 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 50 { if (grav >= -1 && grav <= 1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 53 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 81 { _parent.attachMovie('07_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 10 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 47; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].host_name = this._name; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 89 { atk_timer = 25; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 115 { _parent.attachMovie('07_projectile', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 10 * _xscale / 100; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 15; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].rotate_type = 'underhand'; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].host_name = this._name; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 124 { atk_timer = 25; gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 125 { force = -3 * _xscale / 100; grav = -5; } frame 128 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 136 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 139 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 144 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 147 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 148 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 150 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 151 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 154 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 156 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 157 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 158 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 161 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 163 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 166 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 167 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 170 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(40) - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 172 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 180 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 889 07_projectile_falling { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movespeed = 0; flyspeed = 0; this._alpha = 50; gravity = 0.5; stop(); timer = -6; rotate = 12; movespeed = -2; flyspeed = 4; rotatespd = 40; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); _rotation = _rotation + rotatespd; if (rotatespd > 10) { rotatespd -= 2; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; movespeed += 0.002; this._y -= flyspeed; ++timer; flyspeed -= gravity; if (flyspeed < -8) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 890 07_projectile { frame 1 { function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('hit_general', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('07_projectile_falling', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s11.start(); this.removeMovieClip(); } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } movespeed = 4.5; if (rotate_type == 'underhand') { rotate_accel = -0.2; rotatespeed = -15; } else { rotate_accel = 0.2; rotatespeed = 15; } timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; purge_check(); this._x += movespeed * _xscale / 100; ++timer; if (_xscale == 100) { this._rotation += rotatespeed; } else { this._rotation -= rotatespeed; } if (movespeed > -8 && timer >= 25) { movespeed -= 0.1; } if (movespeed > 0) { rotatespeed += rotate_accel; } else { if (movespeed <= 0 && _rotatespeed > 8) { rotatespeed -= 2 * rotate_accel; } } if ((movespeed > -2 && movespeed < 2 || movespeed > 4) && this.sprite._currentframe <= 10) { this.sprite.gotoAndPlay('rotation'); } if (_root[host_name].hitTest(_x, _y, true) && movespeed < 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _parent.attachMovie('hit_blood', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } } checkHurt(); distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (timer >= 400) { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 896 { } movieClip 904 06B_shizune { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (_currentframe == 86) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 10, true)) { this.gotoAndPlay('death2'); } } if (_currentframe == 15) { --atk_timer; if (grounded) { this.gotoAndPlay('standby'); } } if (_currentframe <= 15) { if (atk_timer < 0 && Math.abs(distance) < 200) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk'); atk_timer = 10 + 10 * random(2); } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 82 || _currentframe == 25 || _currentframe == 87 || _currentframe == 2) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 82) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 46; ini_width = 18; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; atk_timer = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); wall(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != 15 && _currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 5 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { force = (-2 - 0.25 * random(2)) * _xscale / 100; } else { force = (2 + 0.25 * random(2)) * _xscale / 100; } grav = -3; } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 37 { _parent.attachMovie('06_projectile3', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 37; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 77 { gotoAndPlay('standby'); } frame 82 { grav = -3; force = -3 * _xscale / 100; _parent.attachMovie('06_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -2; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { force = -1 * _xscale / 100; } frame 131 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 905 06_shizune { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && grav < 5) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - ex, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (_currentframe == 86) { if (grounded) { this.gotoAndPlay('death2'); } } if (_currentframe == 15) { --atk_timer; if (grounded) { this.gotoAndPlay('standby'); } } if (_currentframe <= 15) { if (atk_timer < 0 && Math.abs(distance) < 200) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk'); atk_timer = 10 + 10 * random(2); } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 82 || _currentframe == 25 || _currentframe == 87 || _currentframe == 2) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 82) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 46; ini_width = 18; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; atk_timer = 10; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); wall(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != 15 && _currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 4, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } frame 5 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 100) { force = (-2 - 0.25 * random(2)) * _xscale / 100; } else { force = (2 + 0.25 * random(2)) * _xscale / 100; } grav = -3; } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 33 { if (_parent.chance(20) == true) { _parent.attachMovie('06_projectile2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } else { _parent.attachMovie('06_projectile1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); } _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 11; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 52 { _parent.attachMovie('06_projectile1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 8; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 3.5; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 70 { _parent.attachMovie('06_projectile1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 6; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 81 { gotoAndPlay('standby'); } frame 82 { grav = -3; force = -3 * _xscale / 100; _parent.attachMovie('06_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -2; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 86 { stop(); } frame 87 { force = -1 * _xscale / 100; } frame 131 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 906 06_projectile3 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { gotoAndPlay(2); _rotation = _rotation + 30 * _xscale / 100; movespeed = -2 - random(3); flyspeed = 3 + random(2); } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } movespeed = 8; flyspeed = 0; gravity = 0.5; stop(); timer = -6; rotate = 12; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; movespeed -= 0.0001; this._y -= flyspeed; ++timer; if (_currentframe == 1) { if (timer < 0) { movespeed -= 0.2; flyspeed += 0.1; _rotation = _rotation - 0.2 * _xscale / 100; } else { if (timer < 6) { flyspeed -= 0.05; } } if (timer > 0 && timer <= 18) { rotate -= 0.1111111111111111; movespeed -= 0.05555555555555555; flyspeed -= 0.02222222222222222; if (timer <= 9) { flyspeed += gravity; } else { flyspeed -= gravity; } movespeed -= 0.6; _rotation = _rotation - rotate * _xscale / 100; } else { if (timer > 18 && timer <= 34) { if (timer <= 27) { flyspeed -= gravity; } else { flyspeed += gravity * 1.05; } movespeed += 0.6; _rotation = _rotation - rotate * _xscale / 100; } else { if (timer > 34 && timer <= 54) { movespeed += 0.04; flyspeed += gravity / 4; _rotation = _rotation - rotate * _xscale / 2000; } else { if (timer > 54 & timer <= 66) { movespeed -= 0.1; flyspeed -= gravity / 5; _rotation = _rotation - rotate * _xscale / 2000; } else { if (timer == 90) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } } } } else { if (_currentframe >= 2) { flyspeed -= gravity / 2; } } checkHurt(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_general2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; gotoAndPlay(2); _rotation = _rotation + 30 * _xscale / 100; movespeed = -2 - random(3); flyspeed = 3 + random(2); } }; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 908 06_projectile2 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } gravity = 0.5; stop(); timer = 80; rotate = 1.2; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { this._rotation += rotate * _xscale / 100; --timer; if (timer >= 0) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } checkHurt(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 7; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_general2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; dissipate(); movespeed = -2 - random(3); flyspeed = 3 + random(2); } } }; } } movieClip 910 { } movieClip 911 06_projectile1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } dissipate(); } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { dissipate(); } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { dissipate(); } } gravity = 0.5; stop(); timer = 80; rotate = 5 + random(5); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (timer >= 0) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } checkHurt(); if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -2 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } _parent.attachMovie('hit_general2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; gotoAndPlay(2); movespeed = -2 - random(3); flyspeed = 3 + random(2); } } }; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 913 06_b1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.09 * random(5); rotate = 2 + random(5); stop(); timer = 40 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 920 { } movieClip 924 { } movieClip 925 { } movieClip 936 05_giantmisha { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } movespeed = 0; if (distance > 0) { _root.hero.force = -3; force = 5; } else { _root.hero.force = 3; force = -5; } if (_parent.chance(35) == true && laugh == 0) { _parent.s39.start(); laugh = 1; } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { movespeed = 0; if (distance > 0) { force = 5; } else { force = -5; } distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { movespeed = 0; if (distance > 0) { if (movespeed < 2) { movespeed = 3.5; } force = 5; } else { if (movespeed > -2) { movespeed = -3.5; } force = -5; } shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { movespeed = 0; if (distance > 0) { force = 5; } else { force = -5; } distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe == 36) { distance = _x - _root.hero._x; distance_y = _y - (_root.hero._y - 40); if (distance > 70) { _xscale = -100; move_accel = -0.2; } else { if (distance < -70) { _xscale = 100; move_accel = 0.2; } } if (movespeed < 4 && move_accel > 0) { if (distance < -50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance < -110) { _x = _x + movespeed; } else { if (distance > -50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (movespeed > -4 && move_accel < 0) { if (distance > 50) { _x = _x - movespeed * 0.4; } else { if (distance > 110) { x += movespeed; } else { if (distance < 50) { movespeed += move_accel; } } } movespeed += move_accel; } if (flyspeed > 4) { fly_accel = -0.1; } if (flyspeed < -4) { fly_accel = 0.1; } flyspeed += fly_accel; _y = _y - flyspeed; _x = _x + movespeed; if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 40 && Math.abs(fly_accel) < 1) { flyaccel *= 2; } if (this._y < _root.hero._y - 100) { _y = _y - 0.15; } else { _y = _y + 0.1; } if (this._y > _root.vcam._y + 100) { _y = _y - 1; } if (this._y < _root.vcam._y - 100) { _y = _y + 1; } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 50) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 18; ini_width = 16; shaking = 0; hp = 4; grav = 0; laugh = 0; flyspeed = 0; movespeed = 2.6; fly_accel = -0.15; threshold = 5.4; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); } else {} purge_check(); }; } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 52 { force = -2 * _xscale / 100; if (_parent.chance(50)) { if (_parent.chance(50)) { _parent.s39.start(); } else { _parent.s38.start(); } } } frame 85 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 938 { } movieClip 939 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 968 04_lilly { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hurtbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 8; _root.hero.force = -3.5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); if (_currentframe >= 72 && _currentframe <= 77) { _root.hero.force = 5 * _xscale / 100; _root.hero.knockback_power = this._xscale; } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (_currentframe >= 98) { x_speed = -2; force = -6 * _xscale / 100; } distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { if (_currentframe >= 98) { x_speed = -2; force = -6 * _xscale / 100; } shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; if (_currentframe >= 98) { x_speed = -2; force = -6 * _xscale / 100; } invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 1, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true) && grav < 6) { if (_currentframe > 40 && _currentframe <= 98) { grav += _global.gravSpeed * 3; } else { grav += _global.gravSpeed * 0.85; } } _y = _y + grav; } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - 1, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 1) { this._x += force; force -= 1; } else { if (force <= -1) { this._x += force; force += 1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe == 104) { distance = _root.hero._x - this._x; if (grav > -1 && (grav > 2 || grounded)) { this.gotoAndPlay('swing'); } } if (_currentframe >= 104 && _currentframe <= 119 && !_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 60 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height, true)) { this._x += x_speed * _xscale / 100; } if (_currentframe == 2) { --atk_timer; if (atk_timer < 0) { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 110) { if (_parent.chance(75) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk1'); } else { this.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); } atk_timer = 40; } else { if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { if (_parent.chance(40) == true) { this.gotoAndPlay('atk2'); atk_timer = 40; } else { this.gotoAndPlay('move'); atk_timer = 20; } } else { this.gotoAndPlay('move'); atk_timer = 20; } } } } } function anti_freeze() { if (_currentframe == 45 || _currentframe == 111 || _currentframe == 146) { play(); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 145) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 46; ini_width = 18; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 8; grav = 0; atk_timer = 35; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); wall(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); anti_freeze(); if (_currentframe != 104 && _currentframe != 2) { play(); } } else { stop(); } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 3, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 3, true) || (_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y + 3, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y + 3, true))) { grounded = true; } else { grounded = false; } }; } frame 2 { distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } stop(); } frame 15 { force = 2 * _xscale / 100; } frame 20 { force = 3 * _xscale / 100; } frame 41 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 72 { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 50 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height, true)) { force = 8.5 * _xscale / 100; this._x += 15 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 72 { _parent.attachMovie('04_atkshadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 7.85; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 5.75; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 74 { _parent.attachMovie('04_atkshadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 7.85; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 5.75; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 76 { _parent.attachMovie('04_atkshadow', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x - 7.85; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 5.75; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 97 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 98 { distance = Math.abs(this._x - _root.hero._x); x_speed = distance / 33; } frame 103 { grav = -4.5; _y = _y - 18; force = 5 * _xscale / 100; } frame 104 { stop(); } frame 119 { force = 4 * _xscale / 100; } frame 137 { gotoAndStop('standby'); } frame 146 { _parent.attachMovie('04_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -2; ++_global.count_fx; } frame 219 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 970 04_b1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.09 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 10; stop(); timer = 40 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 971 04_atkshadow { frame 13 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 976 { } movieClip 979 { } movieClip 981 { } movieClip 982 03B_molly_wheel { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero._x -= 5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); this.force = 4 * -_xscale / 100; } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 1 + ini_width * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height, true)) { if (_currentframe <= 75) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this.force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } if (grav != 0) { } else { this._rotation = 0; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe <= 75 && _currentframe >= 2) { this._x += 2.5 * _xscale / 100; } if (grav == 0) { grav = -0.1 * random(10); } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 75) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 25; ini_width = 29; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); wall(); play(); } else { stop(); } }; } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay('walking'); } frame 79 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03B_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b3', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b5', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 86 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 984 { } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 988 { } movieClip 989 03_emi_wheel { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); _root.hero._x -= 5 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); this.force = 4 * -_xscale / 100; } } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 1 + ini_width * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height, true)) { if (_currentframe <= 75) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this.force = -1.5 * _xscale / 100; this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 1, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } if (grav != 0) { } else { this._rotation = 0; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe <= 75 && _currentframe >= 2 && activate == 1) { this._x += 2 * _xscale / 100; } distance = _x - _root.hero._x; if (activate == 0 && hp > 0) { this.gotoAndStop(2); if (Math.abs(distance) <= 143) { activate = 1; gotoAndPlay(3); } if (distance < -180 && _xscale == 100 && _root.hero._xscale == 100 || distance > 180 && _xscale == -100 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { activate = 1; gotoAndPlay(3); } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 75) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 24; ex = 1; ini_width = 29; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; activate = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); wall(); play(); } else { stop(); } }; } frame 12 { force = 3 * _xscale / 100; } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay('walking'); } frame 79 { _parent.attachMovie('ef_explosion1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b3', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b5', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 5 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b6', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 20; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('03_b7', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 10; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 2 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (2 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 86 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 990 03_b7 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.09 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 15 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 991 03_b6 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.09 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 15 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 993 03_b5 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 995 03_b4 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 5 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 997 03_b3 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 999 03_b2 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 20 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1001 03_b1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1003 03B_b1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } _alpha = 75; gravity = 0.5 + 0.09 * random(5); stop(); timer = 15 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { } if (timer >= 0) { if (movespeed > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1007 { } movieClip 1008 02_misha { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -1 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { if (_parent.chance(50)) { _parent.s39.start(); } else { _parent.s38.start(); } } } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe == 2) { this._x += movespeed * _xscale / 100; this._y += flyspeed; flyspeed += fly_accel; if (flyspeed > threshold) { fly_accel *= -1; flyspeed += fly_accel; } else { if (flyspeed < -threshold) { fly_accel *= -1; flyspeed += fly_accel; } } } distance = _x - _root.hero._x; } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 16) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } distance = this._x - _root.hero._x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 400) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 18; ini_width = 16; shaking = 0; hp = 1; grav = 0; laugh = 0; flyspeed = 0; movespeed = 2.6; fly_accel = -0.3; threshold = 5.4; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 17 { force = -2 * _xscale / 100; } frame 41 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1031 01B_saki { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 3, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe == 2) { } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - 1, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; this._xscale = -100; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; this._xscale = 100; } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 51) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 44; ini_width = 12; ex = 5; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); wall(); play(); } else { stop(); } }; } frame 2 { delay = 0; } frame 7 { if (grav <= 1 && grav >= -1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true)) { } else { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 2 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 31 { if (grav <= 1 && grav >= -1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true)) { } else { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 2 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay('walking'); } frame 90 { if (_global.difficulty <= 1 && delay == 0) { this.gotoAndPlay('death_r'); delay = 1; } } frame 99 { hp = 2; } frame 104 { gotoAndPlay('walking'); } } movieClip 1035 01_saki { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.nodamage(); _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); shaking = 2; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.dmg_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling() { if (this.hp > 0) { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function combat() { if (_currentframe == 2) { } } function wall() { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height - 1, true)) { if (grav < 0) { grav = 0; } } while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - ini_height, true)) { _y = _y + 0.1; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2 + ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; --this._x; this._xscale = -100; } for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 2, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height / 6, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2 - ex, _y - ini_height, true))) break; ++this._x; this._xscale = 100; } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe < 51) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 36; ex = 1; ini_width = 12; shaking = 0; hp = 2; grav = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); suredeath(); force_physics(); combat(); wall(); play(); } else { stop(); } }; } frame 7 { if (grav <= 1 && grav >= -1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true)) { } else { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 2 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 31 { if (grav <= 1 && grav >= -1) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y + 5, true)) { } else { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 15 * _xscale / 100, _y - ini_height / 2, true)) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } force = 2 * _xscale / 100; } } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay('walking'); } frame 51 { force = -5 * _xscale / 100; grav = -3; facing = -_xscale / 100; } frame 63 { facing = -_xscale / 100; _parent.attachMovie('01_b1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('01_b2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('01_b3', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('01_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('01_b5', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('01_b4', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -(1 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 98 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1037 01_b5 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (Math.abs(movespeed) > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1039 01_b4 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (Math.abs(movespeed) > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1041 01_b3 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (Math.abs(movespeed) > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1043 01_b2 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (Math.abs(movespeed) > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1045 01_b1 { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5 + 0.05 * random(5); rotate = random(5) + 1; stop(); timer = 10 + random(15); onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); this._rotation += rotate; --timer; if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { dissipate(); } if (timer >= 0) { if (Math.abs(movespeed) > 1) { movespeed -= 0.1; } this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } }; } } movieClip 1048 00_dummy { frame 1 { function collision() { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root.hero.invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._xscale = 100; } _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; _root.hero.force = -3 * (_root.hero._xscale / 100); } } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'pretzel') { if (invincible_proj <= 0) { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); invincible_proj = 20; shaking = 2; hp -= 2; } } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'whiskey') { if (invincible_proj <= 0) { _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(10) - 5; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 4; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s24.start(); _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); invincible_proj = 12; shaking = 2; hp -= 1; } } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { shaking = 2; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); hp -= 1; } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'book') { shaking = 3; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); hp -= 2; } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'whiskey_bottle') { shaking = 0; _root['k_projectile' + i]._y += 15; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } else { shaking = 0; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } } } } } if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero.atk == 'brofist') { shaking = 4; invincible = 10; _parent.s23.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 32; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 32; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 4; } else { shaking = 3; invincible = 10; _parent.s19.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whip', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; if (_root.hero._currentframe >= 210 && _root.hero._currentframe <= 230) { _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 12; } else { _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 37; } _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 2; } if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; if (_root.crash.type == 'whiskey') { shaking = 2; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height + 12; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 50; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 1; invincible_proj = 20; } if (_root.crash.type == 'pretzel') { shaking = 3; invincible_proj = 15; _parent.s23.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 2; } if (_root.crash.type == 'none') { shaking = 3; invincible_proj = 15; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 4; } if (_root.crash.type == 'book') { shaking = 3; invincible_proj = 22; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 2; } if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function falling2() { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } _y = _y + grav; grav += _global.gravSpeed; } function falling() { for (;;) { if (!(_root.ground.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true))) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } for (;;) { if (!((_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x + ini_width / 2, _y, true) || _root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x - ini_width / 2, _y, true)) && grav >= 0 && _currentframe != 20)) break; _y = _y - _global.gravSpeed; grav = 0; } if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && !_root.ground_floor.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true) && grav > -8) { grav += _global.gravSpeed; } _y = _y + grav; } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 20; ini_width = 33; shaking = 0; _global.boss_maxHp = 65; _global.boss_hp = 65; maxHp = 65; hp = 65; grav = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { collision(); checkHurt(); invincibility(); shake(); falling(); _global.boss_hp = hp; if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe <= 2) { gotoAndPlay('death'); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 9 { _global.bgm = 0; _parent.s52.start(); } frame 140 { stop(); _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam._width = 800; _root.vcam._height = 500; _root.vcam._x = 400; _root.vcam._y = 250; _parent.gotoAndPlay('credits'); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1049 hitting { frame 6 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1058 hit_whop { frame 9 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1064 hit_whip { frame 6 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1069 hit_knife { frame 5 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1079 hit_holy_sm { frame 12 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1083 hit_general2 { frame 4 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1089 hit_general { frame 6 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1096 hit_flame { frame 7 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1100 hit_bloodsplat { frame 6 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1101 hit_blood { frame 7 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1103 focus { frame 1 { scalespd = 2; _alpha = 75; alphaspd = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += scalespd; this._yscale += scalespd; ++scalespd; _alpha = _alpha - alphaspd; ++alphaspd; if (_alpha <= 0) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 1104 ef_fire { frame 13 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1105 falling_spark { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 0.5; stop(); timer = 30; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); --timer; if (timer >= 0) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; this._alpha -= 1.5; if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed -= 0.05; } if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } if (timer % 10 == 0) { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } }; } } movieClip 1107 falling_glass { frame 1 { function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function dissipate() { this.removeMovieClip(); } gravity = 1; stop(); timer = 40; _alpha = 50; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); --timer; if (timer >= 0) { this._x += movespeed * this._xscale / 100; this._y -= flyspeed; if (movespeed > 0) { movespeed -= 0.05; } if (flyspeed > -8) { flyspeed -= gravity; } } else { dissipate(); } if (timer % 10 == 0) { _parent.attachMovie('ef_fire_short', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; } }; } } movieClip 1110 fadeout_wide { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; }; } frame 15 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1113 fadeout_white { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; }; } frame 50 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1115 fadeout { frame 15 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1121 explosion { frame 6 { this.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 1122 hit_holy { frame 12 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1127 step_water { frame 9 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1128 ef_invincible { frame 1 { timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; if (_parent.invincible < 5) { _parent.invincible = 6; } if (timer > 100 && timer % 50 == 0) { _parent._parent.s24.start(); } if (timer > 200) { if (timer % 2 == 0) { this._alpha = 100; } else { this._alpha = 0; } } if (timer > 250) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } movieClip 1136 ef_guard { frame 8 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1137 ef_fire_short { frame 9 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1138 ef_explosion1 { frame 21 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1149 ef_dusty { frame 11 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1150 blood { frame 20 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } frame 1 { _global.key_left = 37; _global.key_right = 39; _global.key_up = 38; _global.key_down = 40; _global.key_a = 83; _global.key_s = 65; _global.key_d = 68; _global.key_e = 69; _global.key_ult1 = 49; _global.key_ult2 = 50; _global.key_ult3 = 51; } frame 1 { _global.movespeed_default = 3; _global.movespeed_x = 3; _global.jumpHeight = 7; _global.gravSpeed = 0.4; _global.slipspeed = 0.1; _global.deathcount = 0; _global.difficulty = 2; _global.hero_maxHp = 35; _global.hero_hp = 35; _global.hearts = 10; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 3; } frame 1 { _quality = 'high'; _global.purge = false; _global.player = 'player_kenji'; Stage.showMenu = false; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_1'; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_1'; _global.intro = true; _root.vcam.follower = 'hero'; _global.count_fx = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.count_fx = 90000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.k_proj_array = []; _global.pausemode = false; } frame 1 { globalSound = new Sound(); i = 1; while (i <= 9) { this['s0' + i] = new Sound(this); this['s0' + i].attachSound(['s0' + i]); ++i; } i = 10; while (i <= 90) { this['s' + i] = new Sound(this); this['s' + i].attachSound(['s' + i]); ++i; } i = 1; while (i <= 15) { this['bgm' + i] = new Sound(this); this['bgm' + i].attachSound(['bgm' + i]); ++i; } jump = new Sound(this); jump.attachSound('jump'); slide = new Sound(this); slide.attachSound('slide'); land = new Sound(this); land.attachSound('land'); } frame 1 { function chance(percent) { chance_temp1 = random(100); if (Math.abs(chance_temp1 - lastchance) < 50) { chance_temp1 = random(100); } lastchance = chance_temp1; if (percent > chance_temp1) { return true; } else { return false; } } function spawn_monster(monster_id, xCor, yCor, xScl) { attachMovie(monster_id, ['enemy' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['enemy' + _global.count]._x = xCor; _root['enemy' + _global.count]._y = yCor; if (xScl != undefined) { _root['enemy' + _global.count]._xscale = xScl; } ++_global.count; } function dropitem(lvl) { chance_temp2 = random(100); addition = 0; if (chance_temp2 < 25) { return drop_name; } } function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'pretzel') { if (invincible_proj <= 0) { _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); invincible_proj = 20; shaking = 2; hp -= 2; } } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'whiskey') { if (invincible_proj <= 0) { _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + random(10) - 5; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height / 4; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.s24.start(); _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); invincible_proj = 12; shaking = 2; hp -= 1; } } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { shaking = 2; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); hp -= 1; } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'book') { shaking = 3; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); hp -= 2; } else { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'whiskey_bottle') { shaking = 0; _root['k_projectile' + i]._y += 15; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } else { shaking = 0; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } } } } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { if (_root.hero.atk == 'brofist') { shaking = 4; invincible = 10; _parent.s23.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 32; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 32; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 4; } else { shaking = 3; invincible = 10; _parent.s19.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whip', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; if (_root.hero._currentframe >= 210 && _root.hero._currentframe <= 230) { _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 21; } else { _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - 37; } _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 2; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (_root.crash.type == 'whiskey') { shaking = 2; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height + 12; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = 50; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._yscale = 50; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_flame', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 1; invincible_proj = 20; } if (_root.crash.type == 'pretzel') { shaking = 3; invincible_proj = 15; _parent.s23.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 2; } if (_root.crash.type == 'none') { shaking = 3; invincible_proj = 15; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('hit_holy', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 4; } if (_root.crash.type == 'book') { shaking = 3; invincible_proj = 15; _parent.s24.start(); _parent.attachMovie('hit_whop', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - ini_height; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; ++_global.count_fx; hp -= 2; } } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { v2 = new Color(this); v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } } lastchance = 0; } frame 1 { _global.bgm = 1; } movieClip 1155 { } movieClip 1157 { frame 1 { _root.stop(); PercentLoaded = (_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100; if (PercentLoaded != 100) { bar._width = PercentLoaded * 4; } else { bar._width = 400;; } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1159 { frame 1 { i = 0; while (i < 9) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm1.start(0); stop(); } frame 1 { stop(); i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 70 movieClip 1163 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 22 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm1.start(0); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1165 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 22 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm2.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1167 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 1 { timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; if (timer == 1262) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer == 2500) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer == 3840) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer >= 4149) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); timer = 0; } }; } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 22 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm3.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1169 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm4.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1171 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm5.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1173 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm6.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1175 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm7.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1177 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(65); _parent._parent.bgm8.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1178 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 1 { timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; if (timer == 1262) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer == 2500) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer == 3840) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer >= 4149) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); timer = 0; } }; } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm9.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1180 { frame 1 { vol = 100; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 1 { timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; if (timer == 1262) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer == 2500) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer == 3840) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); } if (timer >= 4149) { _parent._parent.thunder.gotoAndPlay(2); timer = 0; } }; } frame 2 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 3 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 4 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 5 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 6 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 7 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 8 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 9 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 10 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 11 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 12 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 13 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 14 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 15 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 16 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 17 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 18 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 19 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 20 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 21 { vol -= 5; _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(vol); } frame 23 { i = 0; while (i < 15) { _parent._parent['bgm' + i].stop('bgm' + i); ++i; } _parent._parent.globalSound.setVolume(100); _parent._parent.bgm10.start(0, 999); stop(); } frame 4450 { gotoAndPlay(384); } } movieClip 1181 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.mute == true) { this.gotoAndStop('bgm0'); } else { bgm_choice = 'bgm' + _global.bgm; this.gotoAndStop(bgm_choice); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1181 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; this.swapDepths(978604); } } frame 2 { this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); } button 1185 { on (release) { bgm1.stop('bgm1'); gotoAndPlay('intro'); } } button 1189 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('options'); } } button 1190 { on (release) { bgm1.stop('bgm1'); gotoAndPlay('restart'); } } movieClip 1194 { } movieClip 1196 { } movieClip 1201 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { this.gotoAndStop(_global.weapon); }; } } movieClip 1203 { frame 1 { function sparking() { if (timer > 0) { if (timer % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '100', 'ga': '30', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '50', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --timer; } } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.hearts >= req) { sparking(); } else { var v3 = new Color(this); var v4 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v3.setTransform(v4); } }; if (_global.weapon == 'none') { req = 10; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'whiskey') { req = 20; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'pretzel') { req = 15; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'book') { req = 10; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'brofist') { req = 99; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'mail') { req = 10; } } } } } } timer = 4; } frame 2 { this.hearts = _global.hearts; } } movieClip 1214 { } movieClip 1218 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe == 1) { play(); } }; } frame 25 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1219 { frame 1 { function zooming() { if (zoom_in == true) { if (this._width >= 200) { this._width -= 25; this._height -= 15; this._y += 4; } } else { if (this._width <= 400) { this._width += 25; this._height += 15; this._y -= 4; } } } function regen() { if (_global.regentimer > 0) { --_global.regentimer; } if (_global.regentimer <= 0 && _global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp) { _global.hero_hp += 0.15; } if (_global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp) { this.regen_screen._alpha = 100 * ((_global.hero_maxHp - _global.hero_hp) / _global.hero_maxHp); } else { this.regen_screen._alpha = 0; } } follow = true; follower = 'hero'; shake = 3; onEnterFrame = function () { this.swapDepths(_global.count + 99999999); zooming(); camControl(); if (_global.difficulty <= 0) { regen(); } else { this.regen_screen._alpha = 0; } if (follow) { if (follower != 'none') { _x = _x + Math.floor((_root[follower]._x - _x) / 8); } } if (!follow) { _y = _y + (250 - _y) / 4; _x = _x + (400 - _x) / 4; } if (follower == 'hero') { if (_root.hero._x < _root.wall_left_fix._x) { follower = 'wall_left_fix'; } else { if (_root.hero._x > _root.wall_right_fix._x) { follower = 'wall_right_fix'; } } } else { if (follower == 'wall_left_fix') { if (_root.hero._x >= _root.wall_left_fix._x) { follower = 'hero'; } } else { if (follower == 'wall_right_fix') { if (_root.hero._x <= _root.wall_right_fix._x) { follower = 'hero'; } } } } if (shaking > 0) { this._y += shake; shake *= -1; --shaking; } }; } frame 1 { function camControl() { parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); var v4 = sX / this._width; var v3 = sY / this._height; v4 = sX / this._width; v3 = sY / this._height; _parent._x = cX - this._x * v4; _parent._y = cY - this._y * v3; _parent._xscale = (100 + zoom) * v4; _parent._yscale = (100 + zoom) * v3; } function resetStage() { var v2 = {'ra': 100, 'rb': 0, 'ga': 100, 'gb': 0, 'ba': 100, 'bb': 0, 'aa': 100, 'ab': 0}; parentColor.setTransform(v2); _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; } parentColor.setTransform(camColor.getTransform()); this._visible = true; var oldMode = Stage.scaleMode; Stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var cX = Stage.width / 2; var cY = Stage.height / 2; var sX = Stage.width; var sY = Stage.height; Stage.scaleMode = oldMode; var camColor = new Color(this); var parentColor = new Color(_parent); camControl(); this.onUnload = resetStage; zoom = 0; } frame 2 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1196 { onClipEvent (load) { ini_height = this._height; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.hero_hp > 0) { this._height = (_global.hero_hp / _global.hero_maxHp) * this.ini_height; } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1214 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { numb = _global.lives * 0.1 - _global.lives % 10; this.gotoAndStop(_global.lives / 10 + 1); if (_global.lives > 99) { this.gotoAndStop(10); } if (_global.lives < 10) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance of movieClip 1214 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { numb = _global.lives; if (_global.lives > 9) { numb %= 10; } this.gotoAndStop(numb + 1); } } } instance vcam of movieClip 1219 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99999999); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 16 { stop(); } button 1224 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mainmenu'); } } movieClip 1227 { frame 1 { stop(); onRelease = function () { if (this._currentframe < 10) { this.gotoAndStop('yes'); } else { this.gotoAndStop('no'); } }; } } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 66 { _global.bgm = 2; } frame 66 { this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.purge = false; } movieClip 1234 { frame 1 { function set_id(_id) { id = _id; } function textSet(txt, spd) { text = txt; speed = spd; gotoAndPlay(2); } function permatext(txt) { message = txt; } function textComplete() { message = text; gotoAndStop(1); } sound = 1; cnt = 1; stop(); } frame 2 { if (cnt < text.length) { message = text.substring(0, cnt); cnt += speed; if (text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == '.' || text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == ' ' || text.substring(cnt - 1, cnt) == '?') { } else { if (sound == 1) { _parent.blipFemale.start(); } else { if (sound == 2) { _parent.blipMale.start(); } else { if (sound == 3) { _parent.blipText.start(); } else {} } } } } else { message = text; gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance dialogue of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { if (_currentframe != 1) { if (_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr] == undefined) { this.textSet(' ', 1); } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 4); } } this.textComplete(); ++timer; if (timer >= 6 || _currentframe == 1 && timer >= 3) { ++_parent.count_arr; timer = 0; if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } } } else { timer = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } } instance vcam of movieClip 1219 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99999999); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 88 { stop(); talk1 = '“Different” is a word that people never say to me, but imply nonetheless.'; talk2 = 'So I wasn’t exactly convinced when they sent me here,'; talk3 = '“Your condition is only a big deal if you make it out to be,” they said.\n“Yamaku is place that could give you a future,” they said.'; talk4 = 'Imagine the cynical angst brooding and radiating out of me at the time, imagine a self loathing teenager emitting steaming emo against every living thing in the world.'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop(); } instance of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { } } } frame 89 { talk1 = 'I’d rather reality hit me like a truck.'; talk2 = 'I’d rather things go back to the way they were, miserable, troubled, “different”.'; talk3 = '...because at least then, I’d be right.'; talk4 = 'Funny,'; talk5 = 'Because that truck never came.'; talk6 = 'So instead I went on to make great friends, learn valuable lessons about life, meet my significant other...'; talk7 = 'Then I just... grew up into a wonderful person.'; talk8 = 'Reflecting on my angst back then, I almost miss those times, those times when I wasn’t so happy.'; talk9 = 'Those times when I thought I was the only sane man in a world full of insanity, those times when I question the obvious, those times when I defend my pride at the cost of everything else...'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5, talk6, talk7, talk8, talk9]; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); } movieClip 1235 { } instance of movieClip 1235 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this._x <= 434.7) { this._x += 0.1; } } } frame 90 { _global.bgm = 0; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet('...those times when the patterns start to line up, those times when the deceptions were visible...', 2); } frame 91 { talk1 = 'and that time when A SUCCUBUS ALMOST SUCKED OUT MY SOUL'; talk2 = 'and....and.....AND THAT TIME'; talk3 = 'THAT TIME WHEN THE THEY DRUGGED OUR WHISKEY AT THE MANLY PICNIC...'; talk4 = '...INSTRUMENTED THE DEATH OF MY BROTHER IN ARM...'; talk5 = '...AND THEN PRONOUNCED VENDETTA UPON ALL OF MANKIND!!'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4, talk5]; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 3); stop(); } frame 92 { _global.bgm = 3; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet('MY NAME IS KENJI SETOU, \nIN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT, I *WILL* HAVE MY VENGEANCE!!', 1); } instance of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.dialogue._currentframe == 1) { ++timer; } if (timer >= 100) {; } } } frame 93 { this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } frame 97 { this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.purge = false; } frame 98 { _global.savepoint = 'stage1_1'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_1'; } movieClip 1241 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1241 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._visible = true; } } movieClip 1245 { } movieClip 1248 { } movieClip 1249 { } movieClip 1250 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } movieClip 1255 { } instance vcam of movieClip 1219 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99999999); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 124 { this.s43.start(); this.s31.start(); _quality = 'high'; if (_global.difficulty <= 1) { _global.hero_maxHp = 50; _global.hero_hp = 50; _global.hearts = 10; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 9; } else { if (_global.difficulty == 2) { _global.hero_maxHp = 35; _global.hero_hp = 35; _global.hearts = 10; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 3; } else { if (_global.difficulty >= 3) { _global.hero_maxHp = 25; _global.hero_hp = 25; _global.hearts = 1; _global.weapon = 'none'; _global.lives = 3; } } } } movieClip 1260 { } frame 126 { this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _global.purge = false; } instance vcam of movieClip 1219 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99999999); this.gotoAndStop(1); } } frame 143 { stop(); } movieClip 1262 { } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.heart._y = 260; } onClipEvent (release) { if (_global.savepoint == 'stage1_1') { _parent.gotoAndPlay('intro'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.heart._y = 323; } onClipEvent (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('stageselect'); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _root.heart._y = 387.5; } onClipEvent (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('difficultyselect'); } } frame 151 { this.input_txt.text = '-Type here-'; if (chance(25)) { this.display_txt = 'Press Enter to confirm'; } else { this.display_txt = 'Press Enter to confirm\nPsst: type HELPME for shits and giggles.'; } } button 1266 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mainmenu2'); } } instance controller of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (timer > 0) { --timer; } if (Key.isDown(13) && timer <= 0) { timer = 10; if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'HISAONECKTIE') { = 'stage2_1'; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_1'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_1'; _parent.display_txt = 'Stage 2 confirmed!'; _global.intro = true; _parent.s42.start(); } else { if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'CAWADOOTIE') { _global.deathcount += 10; _parent.display_txt = 'Easy mode unlocked!'; _parent.s42.start(); } else { if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'CRED DITZ') { _parent.gotoAndPlay('credits'); _parent.s42.start(); } else { if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'RAINBOWWIZARD') { = 'stage1_1'; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_12'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_12'; _parent.display_txt = 'Start immediately against Rainbow Wizard, the Hallway Portrait Avatar'; _global.intro = true; _parent.s52.start(); } else { if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'KIRAAKIRA') { = 'stage1_1'; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_13'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_13'; _parent.display_txt = 'You\'re supposed to get the Brofist to get there, bro.'; _parent.s63.start(); _global.intro = true; } else { if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'LETTERCATALYST') { = 'stage2_1'; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_6'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_6'; _parent.s65.start(); _parent.display_txt = 'Get wrecked, mate.'; _global.intro = true; } else { if (_parent.input_txt.text == 'HELPME') { ran = random(100); if (ran < 20) { _parent.display_txt = 'Hint#125: Don\'t rush, pick your surroundings carefully, and always leave no one alive.'; } else { if (ran < 40) { _parent.display_txt = 'Hint#034: Healing is scarce, so health is extremely important; it\'s much better to waste all your hearts doing item crash than to risk getting hurt.'; } else { if (ran < 60) { _parent.display_txt = 'Hint#125: Don\'t rush, pick your surroundings carefully, and always leave no one alive.'; } else { if (ran < 80) { _parent.display_txt = 'Hint#009: There are hidden items throughout every area, whack the wall for wallturkey.'; } else { _parent.display_txt = 'Hint#731: Don\'t play on Casual you filthy easymode casual peasant.\nOr are you such a plebian that needs CAWADOOTIE to spoonfeed you for 7 hours? Get a grip!'; } } } } _parent.s44.start(); } else { if (_parent.chance(30)) { _parent.display_txt = 'Access Denied'; } else { if (_parent.chance(30)) { _parent.display_txt = 'Incorrect Password'; } else { if (_parent.chance(30)) { _parent.display_txt = 'Kenji is too blind to type'; } else { if (_parent.chance(30)) { _parent.display_txt = 'Wrong password, you feminist'; } else { _parent.display_txt = 'Nope'; } } } } _parent.s48.start(); } } } } } } } } } } frame 160 { stop(); } frame 162 { if (_global.deathcount <= 5) { _root.cod._visible = false; } else { _root.cod._visible = true; } } button 1269 { on (rollOver) { this.dialogue.textSet('Cawadootie:\n 150% HP, Regenrating Health, Extra lives, Less Enemies.\n "We\'re making it accessible to a wider audience."', 4); } on (rollOut) { this.dialogue.textSet(' ', 1); } on (release) { _global.difficulty = 0; s44.start(); } } button 1270 { on (rollOver) { this.dialogue.textSet('Casual:\n 150% HP, Extra Lives, Less enemies.\n Recommended for disabled players.', 4); } on (rollOut) { this.dialogue.textSet(' ', 1); } on (release) { _global.difficulty = 1; s40.start(); } } button 1271 { on (rollOver) { this.dialogue.textSet('Challenging:\n 100% HP, Normal Spawns, 3 Lives.\n Default difficulty.', 4); } on (rollOut) { this.dialogue.textSet(' ', 1); } on (release) { _global.difficulty = 2; s40.start(); } } button 1272 { on (rollOver) { this.dialogue.textSet('Kenji Must Die:\n 70% HP, Extra enemies, 3 Lives, Start with 1 heart.\n Recommended for players with OCD.', 4); } on (rollOut) { this.dialogue.textSet(' ', 1); } on (release) { _global.difficulty = 3; s40.start(); } } instance heart of movieClip 1262 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.difficulty <= 0) { this._y = 95; } else { if (_global.difficulty == 1) { this._y = 145; } else { if (_global.difficulty == 2) { this._y = 199; } else { if (_global.difficulty >= 3) { this._y = 253; } } } } } } frame 173 { stop(); } frame 175 { this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); } instance controller of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (load) { presstemp = 0; presstemp_s = 0; presstemp_d; zoomcount = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.count_fx > 9000) { _global.count_fx = 1000; } if (_global.count_fx2 > 9500) { _global.count_fx2 = 9000; } _parent.silence.start(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.go_up = true; _global.go_down = false; } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = true; } else { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = false; } } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = true; } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { _global.go_left = true; _global.go_right = false; } else { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = false; } } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { _global.a_press = true; if (presstemp == 0) { _global.a_register = true; ++presstemp; } else { _global.a_register = false; } } else { presstemp = 0; _global.a_press = false; _global.a_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { _global.d_press = true; if (presstemp_d == 0) { _global.d_register = true; ++presstemp_d; } else { _global.d_register = false; } } else { presstemp_d = 0; _global.d_press = false; _global.d_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { _global.s_press = true; if (presstemp_s == 0) { _global.s_register = true; ++presstemp_s; } else { _global.s_register = false; } } else { presstemp_s = 0; _global.s_press = false; _global.s_register = false; } if (_global.zooming_in) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale -= zoomcount * 2; _root.vcam._yscale -= zoomcount * 2; --zoomcount; } } if (_global.zooming_out) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale += zoomcount * 2; _root.vcam._yscale += zoomcount * 2; --zoomcount; } } if (_global.runcd > 0) { --_global.runcd; } _root.vcam.camControl(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_up; } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_down; } else { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_mid; } } _root.debug2 = _global.hero_nextatk; } } frame 177 { _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); this.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _quality = 'low'; if (_global.lives <= 0) { } _global.purge = true; } instance vcam of movieClip 1219 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(99999999); } } instance of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _parent.gotoAndStop(_global.checkpoint); this._visible = false; } } frame 184 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_1'; = 'stage1_1'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -218; _root.hero._y = 431; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1250 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1275 { } instance of movieClip 1275 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.85; } } movieClip 1278 { frame 1 { timer = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++timer; if (timer % 10 == 0 && _parent.chance(25) == true) { x_mark = 350 - random(500); this.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -200; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = 300 - random(50); this.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -220; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = 200 + random(50); this.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 20 == 0 && _parent.chance(20) == true) { x_mark = 100 - random(400); this.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -240; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = -random(250); this.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -280; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = 250 - random(500); this.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; this['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = -220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 1600 == 0) { } }; } frame 1 { stop(); } } instance thunder of movieClip 1278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1288 { } movieClip 1295 { frame 8 { stop(); _parent.s45.start(); } } instance of movieClip 1295 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x && _currentframe == 1) { _root.vcam.shaking = 4; this.gotoAndPlay(2); _parent.attachMovie('popup_ch1', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; } } } movieClip 1298 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1300 { } instance ground of movieClip 1300 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1302 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1302 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1304 { } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 327; bottom = 359; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } movieClip 1306 { } instance wall_left_fix of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 0; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance wall_right_fix of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 0; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } } // unknown tag 88 length 62 button 1312 { on (release) { if (_global.weapon == 'none') { _global.weapon = 'mail'; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'mail') { _global.weapon = 'brofist'; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'brofist') { _global.weapon = 'book'; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'book') { _global.weapon = 'whiskey'; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'whiskey') { _global.weapon = 'pretzel'; } else { if (_global.weapon == 'pretzel') { _global.weapon = 'none'; } } } } } } } } movieClip 1315 { } movieClip 1316 { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } invincible_proj = 1; distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe <= 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } hp = 1; invincible_proj = 0; invincible = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { checkHurt(); suredeath(); purge_check(); }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.s41.start(); _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _parent.attachMovie('falling_spark', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(4); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('falling_glass', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(5); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('falling_glass', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(5); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 28 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance lantern1 of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.difficulty <= 1) { this.dropname = 'item_1up'; } else { this.dropname = 'item_brofist'; } } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(10001); this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _parent.attachMovie('popup_keys2', keys, 27756); _parent.keys._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent.keys._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.lantern1.gotoAndPlay('death'); activate = 1; } } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = undefined; spd = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 150) { if (_parent.chance(15) == true) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 150 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y - 100; _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); } else { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); } } if (timer == 300) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } if (timer == 88) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', 861, 351, -100); } } } if (timer == 233) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', 861, 351, -100); } } } if (timer == 266) { if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('07_nurse', 861, 351, -100); } } } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; _parent.attachMovie('popup_keys1', popup1, _global.count_fx); _parent.popup1._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent.popup1._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (timer % 10 == 0 && _parent.chance(25) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - 200 - random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + 200 + random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 20 == 0 && _parent.chance(20) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 240; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 280; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 1600 == 0) { } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 410) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 410) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 310 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_1A'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_2'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { _parent.keys.removeMovieClip(); if (_root.hero._x > this._x) { _parent.attachMovie('popup_keys3', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 27756); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.lantern1.gotoAndPlay('death'); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 410) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_1B'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_2'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 194 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_2'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); if (_global.from_map == 'stage1_1B') { _root.hero._x = -546; _root.hero._y = 340; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; } else { _root.hero._x = -546; _root.hero._y = 424; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; } stop(); } movieClip 1318 { } instance of movieClip 1318 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.6; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; } } movieClip 1323 { } movieClip 1325 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1325 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1327 { } instance ground of movieClip 1327 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1329 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1329 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 270; bottom = 364; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(10001); this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(10002); this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } movieClip 1331 { } // unknown tag 88 length 73 movieClip 1336 { } movieClip 1337 { frame 1 { lightacc = -1; onEnterFrame = function () { this.lightsource._alpha += lightacc; if (this.lightsource._alpha >= 100) { lightacc = -1; } if (this.lightsource._alpha <= 30) { lightacc = 1; } if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this.hitbox)) { if (_global.go_up && _root.hero._currentframe == 16) { ++startup; } else { startup = 0; } if (startup > 6 && pausemode == false) { startup = 0; _global.pausemode = true; _parent.attachMovie('popup_control', popup3, _global.count_fx); _parent.popup3._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent.popup3._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; } this.interact._visible = true; } else { this.interact._visible = false; } }; } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = undefined; spd = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 150) { if (_parent.chance(15) == true) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 150 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y - 100; _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); } else { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); } } if (timer == 300) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } if (timer == 88) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', 861, 351, -100); } } } if (timer == 233) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', 861, 351, -100); } } } if (timer == 266) { if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('07_nurse', 861, 351, -100); } } } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (timer % 10 == 0 && _parent.chance(25) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - 200 - random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + 200 + random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 20 == 0 && _parent.chance(20) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 240; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 280; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 1600 == 0) { } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { if (_global.difficulty <= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('07_nurse', _x, _y, -100); } else { _parent.spawn_monster('07h_nurse', _x, _y, -100); } activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_2'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_3'; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 200 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } frame 204 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 47; _root.hero._y = 357; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1339 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1339 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.97; } } movieClip 1341 { } movieClip 1347 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1347 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1349 { } instance ground of movieClip 1349 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1351 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1351 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 265; bottom = 360; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_whiskey'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.swapDepths(10005); this.dropname = 'item_brofist'; } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (timer % 10 == 0 && _parent.chance(25) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - 200 - random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + 200 + random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 20 == 0 && _parent.chance(20) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 240; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 280; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage1_raindrop', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 1600 == 0) { } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_3'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_4'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 300) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } frame 214 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_4'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -661; _root.hero._y = 362; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1354 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1354 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; } } movieClip 1357 { } instance thunder of movieClip 1357 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1365 { } movieClip 1367 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1367 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1369 { } instance ground of movieClip 1369 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1371 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1371 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || !_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 242; bottom = 262; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } movieClip 1375 { } movieClip 1376 { } movieClip 1377 { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } invincible_proj = 1; distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == -_root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe <= 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } hp = 1; invincible_proj = 0; invincible = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { checkHurt(); suredeath(); purge_check(); }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.s41.start(); _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; } frame 28 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_whiskey'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 300) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 220) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 220) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 70) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 220) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 220) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 260 && _root.hero._y > this._y) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (distance > 260 && _root.hero._y > this._y) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 40) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 220 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 70) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_4'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_5'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 220 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } frame 224 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -565; _root.hero._y = 321; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1379 { } instance thunder of movieClip 1379 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1381 { } movieClip 1383 { } instance ground of movieClip 1383 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 212; bottom = 320; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_brofist'; if (_global.difficulty <= 1) { this.unloadMovie(); } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_1up'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 300) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 230 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 300) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_5'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_6'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_5_A'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_7'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_5_B'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_7'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_5_C'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_7'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { i = 1; while (i < _global.count) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i])) { _root['enemy' + i].removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 260 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } frame 234 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; _global.block = 0; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_6'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 264; _root.hero._y = 747; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1250 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.992; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._y = _root.vcam._y; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1387 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance thunder of movieClip 1387 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1389 { } movieClip 1391 { } instance ground of movieClip 1391 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1393 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1393 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 70.09999999999999; bottom = 650; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } movieClip 1395 { } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero._x -= 0.1; } if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _global.block = 1; _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance block2 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { while (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _root.hero._x -= 0.1; } if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this) && _global.block == 1) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (3 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (3 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (3 + random(4)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('item_healing', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 200) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 160) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 100 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 160) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 160) { if (_global.difficulty <= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('07_nurse', _x, _y, -100); } else { _parent.spawn_monster('07h_nurse', _x, _y, -100); } activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_6'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_9'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 244 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.from_map == 'stage1_5_A') { attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero.grav = -10; _root.hero._x = 4; _root.hero._y = -50; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { if (_global.from_map == 'stage1_5_B') { attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero.grav = -10; _root.hero._x = 374; _root.hero._y = -50; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } else { if (_global.from_map == 'stage1_5_C') { attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero.grav = -10; _root.hero._x = 587; _root.hero._y = -50; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } } } ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1397 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1397 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1379 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.6; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.92; } } movieClip 1405 { } movieClip 1407 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1407 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8; } } movieClip 1409 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9993); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1409 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1413 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1413 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --timer; if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && timer <= 0) { timer = 30; _parent.attachMovie('step_water', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; ++_global.count_fx; } } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 128; bottom = 243; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_healing'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.difficulty <= 2) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } else { this.dropname = 'item_brofist'; } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } movieClip 1416 { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { if (this.blockbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && _root.hero._currentframe >= 282 && _root.hero._currentframe <= 283) { this.force = 10 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; _root.vcam.shake = 5; _parent.s31.start(); _root.ground.gotoAndStop('alter'); debris(); debris(); } } function checkBlock() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.blockbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; invincible_proj = _root['k_projectile' + i].invincible_time; if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'book') { _root['k_projectile' + i].guarded(); } _parent.s11.start(); shaking = 2; _parent.attachMovie('ef_guard', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 50 * _xscale / 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; } ++i; } if (this.blockbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 2; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent.s11.start(); _parent.attachMovie('ef_guard', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 50 * _xscale / 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.blockbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; shaking = 4; _parent.s11.start(); _parent.attachMovie('ef_guard', ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 50 * _xscale / 100; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y - _root.hero.ini_height / 2; ++_global.count_fx; } } function invincibility() { if (invincible_proj > 0) { if (invincible_proj % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible_proj; } else { if (invincible > 0) { if (invincible % 3 == 0) { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '70', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '70', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '70'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '20', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '20', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '20'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } --invincible; } else { var v2 = new Color(this); var v3 = {'ra': '100', 'rb': '0', 'ga': '100', 'gb': '0', 'ba': '100', 'bb': '0'}; v2.setTransform(v3); } } } function shake() { if (shaking > 0.5) { this._x += shaking; this._x -= 0.5; shaking -= 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking < -0.5) { this._x += shaking; shaking += 0.5; shaking *= -1; } else { if (shaking != 0) { this._x -= 0.5; shaking = 0; } } } } function force_physics() { if (force >= 0.1) { this._x += force; force -= 0.1; } else { if (force <= -0.1) { this._x += force; force += 0.1; } else { force = 0; } } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } function debris() { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (50 + random(40)) * _xscale / 100 - 40; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y + random(50) - 34; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 4 * (1 - random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + (50 + random(40)) * _xscale / 100 - 35; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y + random(50) - 34; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 4 * (1 - random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; } incinvible = 0; ini_height = 42; ini_width = 25; shaking = 0; hp = 1; grav = 0; atk_timer = 75; onEnterFrame = function () { purge_check(); if (_global.pausemode == false) { checkHurt(); checkBlock(); invincibility(); shake(); force_physics(); if (_currentframe > 10) { play(); } } else { stop(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 220) { _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 200) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; spd = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 130) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0 && timer > 400) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = _global.hero_maxHp; _root.hero._visible = false; } i = 1; while (i < _global.count) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i])) { _root['enemy' + i].removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 9; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_7'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_8'; _root.vcam._x = -600; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_7'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_13'; _root.vcam._x = 250; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 254 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -697; _root.hero._y = 319; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1419 { } movieClip 1421 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1421 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance water of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { --timer; if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && timer <= 0) { _parent.attachMovie('step_water', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.hero._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.hero._y; ++_global.count_fx; } if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) { timer = 10; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || !_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 142; bottom = 243; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } movieClip 1423 { frame 1 { function checkHurt() { i = _global.count_wpn_min; while (i <= _global.count_wpn) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].hitTest(this.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { if (_root['k_projectile' + i].type == 'mail') { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].generate_hit(); _root['k_projectile' + i].removeMovieClip(); } else { hp -= _root['k_projectile' + i].dmg; _root['k_projectile' + i].dissipate(); } invincible_proj = 1; distance = this._x - _root['k_projectile' + i]._x; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } ++i; } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.hero.damagebox) && invincible <= 0) { shaking = 4; invincible = _root.hero.dmg_invincible_time; _parent[_root.hero.dmg_soundclip].start(); hp -= _root.hero.dmg; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.hero.dmg_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0 && _xscale == _root.hero._xscale) { _xscale = _xscale * -1; } } if (this.hitbox.hitTest(_root.crash.hitbox) && invincible_proj <= 0) { distance = this._x - _root.crash._x; invincible_proj = _root.crash.invincible_time; hp -= _root.crash.dmg; shaking = 4; _parent[_root.crash.soundclip].start(); _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name1, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie(_root.crash.crash_name2, ['hitting' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['hitting' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx; if (hp <= 0) { if (distance > 0) { this._xscale = -100; } else { this._xscale = 100; } } } } function suredeath() { if (hp <= 0 && _currentframe <= 2) { this.gotoAndPlay('death'); } } function purge_check() { if (_global.purge == true) { this.removeMovieClip(); } } hp = 1; invincible_proj = 0; invincible = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { checkHurt(); suredeath(); purge_check(); }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.s41.start(); _parent.s45.start(); _parent.attachMovie(dropname, ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y - 30; ++_global.count; _parent.attachMovie('falling_spark', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(4); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(5); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('falling_glass', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = -this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y - 30; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 3 + random(6); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 + random(5); ++_global.count_fx; } frame 28 { stop(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_bottle'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; spd = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 130) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + (235 - random(100)) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40 - random(80); _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); x_placement = _root.hero._x + (335 - random(100)) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40 - random(80); _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); x_placement = _root.hero._x + (435 - random(100)) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40 - random(80); _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = _global.hero_maxHp; _root.hero._visible = false; } i = 1; while (i < _global.count) { if (this.hitTest(_root['enemy' + i])) { _root['enemy' + i].removeMovieClip(); } ++i; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + (235 - random(100)) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40 - random(80); _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); x_placement = _root.hero._x + (335 - random(100)) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40 - random(80); _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); x_placement = _root.hero._x + (435 - random(100)) * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40 - random(80); _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_8'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_12'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 264 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 3; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 765; _root.hero._y = 439; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1354 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1379 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1425 { } movieClip 1427 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9999); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1427 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8; } } movieClip 1429 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1429 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1431 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1431 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 143; bottom = 327; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_1up'; } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.weapon != 'pretzel') { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } else { this.dropname = 'item_whiskey'; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (distance < -150) { _parent.spawn_monster('03B_molly_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (distance < -220 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; spd = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 200 && _global.difficulty == 2) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } else { if (timer == 130 && _global.difficulty == 3) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0 && (timer > 250 || Math.abs(distance) < 200) && _global.difficulty >= 2) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_9'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_10'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 274 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 4; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_10'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 914; _root.hero._y = 366; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1433 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1379 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8 + 120; } } movieClip 1438 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1407 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; } } movieClip 1441 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1441 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || this.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20) { for (;;) { if (!((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || !_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; _root.hero.grav = 0; _root.hero._y += 0.1; } _root.hero.grav = 0; if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 413; bottom = 448; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; if (_global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp) { _parent.attachMovie('item_healing', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } else { _parent.attachMovie('item_heart_big', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _root.ground.gotoAndStop('alter'); _root.ground_visual.gotoAndStop('alter'); _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_10'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_11'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 284 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 4; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', 300); if (_global.from_map == 'stage1_10') { _root.hero._x = 701; _root.hero._y = 221; _root.hero._xscale = -100; } else { _root.hero._x = 80; _root.hero._y = 221; _root.hero._xscale = 100; } stop(); } instance of movieClip 1397 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8 + 50; } } movieClip 1443 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1445 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1445 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 240; bottom = 333; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } movieClip 1448 { frame 1 { function debris() { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 200 - random(400); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = 180; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -2 + -1 * random(5); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0; ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x + 200 - random(400); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = 180; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = -2; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 0; ++_global.count_fx; } stop(); this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_currentframe >= 2 && _currentframe <= 80) { if (_parent.chance(10) == true) { debris(); _parent.s31.start(); } if (_root.vcam.shaking != 4) { _root.vcam.shaking = 4; } } }; } frame 2 { _parent.s43.start(); } frame 51 { _global.bgm = 6; } instance of movieClip 715 { onClipEvent (load) { this.gotoAndPlay(100); } } frame 111 { _parent.s52.start(); } frame 206 { stop(); _parent.attachMovie('B01B_avatar', ['enemy' + _global.count], _global.count); _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._x = this._x - 7; _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._y = this._y + 79.8; _parent.vcam.enemybar.removeMovieClip(); _parent.vcam.attachMovie('boss_hp', 'enemybar', _global.count); _parent.vcam.enemybar._x = 363; _parent.vcam.enemybar._y = -133; ++_global.count; this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1449 { } movieClip 1450 { } movieClip 1451 { frame 1 { stop(); this._visible = false; } frame 222 { stop(); _global.bgm = 5; _parent.attachMovie('B01_painting', ['enemy' + _global.count], _global.count); _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._y = this._y + 41; _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._xscale = -100; _parent.vcam.attachMovie('boss_hp', 'enemybar', _global.count); _parent.vcam.enemybar._x = 363; _parent.vcam.enemybar._y = -133; ++_global.count; this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } frame 277 { stop(); _global.bgm = 5; _parent.attachMovie('00_dummy', ['enemy' + _global.count], _global.count); _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._y = this._y; _parent['enemy' + _global.count]._xscale = 100; _parent.vcam.attachMovie('boss_hp', 'enemybar', _global.count); _parent.vcam.enemybar._x = 363; _parent.vcam.enemybar._y = -133; ++_global.count; this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance_y) < 40) { _root.wall_left_fix._x = 379; _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = 379; _root.wall_right_fix._x = 389; _root.wall_right_fix.x_lock = 389; if (_global.difficulty >= 1) { _root.spawn1._visible = true;; } else { _root.spawn1._visible = true; _root.spawn1.gotoAndPlay('cod'); } activate = 1; } } } } frame 294 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 4; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_12'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -175; _root.hero._y = 366; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1379 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8 + 120; } } instance of movieClip 1407 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; this._y = _root.vcam._y; } } movieClip 1453 { frame 1 { this.swapDepths(9993); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1453 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } instance ground of movieClip 1441 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if ((this.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || this.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20) { for (;;) { if (!((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || !_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; _root.hero.grav = 0; _root.hero._y += 0.1; } _root.hero.grav = 0; if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 415; bottom = 416; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; if (_global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp) { _parent.attachMovie('item_healing', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } else { _parent.attachMovie('item_heart_big', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _root.ground.gotoAndStop('alter'); _root.ground_visual.gotoAndStop('alter'); _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_whiskey'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_12'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_11'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 304 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 4; _global.savepoint = 'stage1_13'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 676; _root.hero._y = 316; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1397 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; this._y = _root.vcam._y * 0.8 + 50; } } movieClip 1455 { } movieClip 1457 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1457 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 260; bottom = 261; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; if (_global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp) { _parent.attachMovie('item_healing', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } else { _parent.attachMovie('item_1up', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_whiskey'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_13'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_14'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 314 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 0; _global.right_wall = 470; _global.left_wall = 181; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 713; _root.hero._y = 318; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1250 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1459 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1459 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; } } movieClip 1461 { } instance thunder of movieClip 1461 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1469 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 1472 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1472 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance camlock of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 164; bottom = 261; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance wall_left_fix of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; original_x = 135; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 0; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance wall_right_fix of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; original_x = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 0; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } } movieClip 1474 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.camlock.bottom > 164 && activate == 1) { _root.camlock.bottom -= 2; } }; } frame 1 { stop(); } frame 64 { _parent.s55.start(); } frame 66 { _root.ground.gotoAndStop('alter'); _root.ground_img.gotoAndPlay('alter'); _root.wall_right_fix.x_lock = 328; _root.wall_right_fix._x = 328; _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = 328; _root.wall_left_fx._x = 328; activate = 1; } frame 106 { _global.pausemode = false; } frame 106 { stop(); _global.bgm = 7; _parent.attachMovie('B02_Akira', ['akira'], _global.count); _parent.akira._x = 229; _parent.akira._y = 266.5; _parent.akira._xscale = -100; _parent.vcam.attachMovie('boss_hp', 'enemybar', _global.count); _parent.vcam.enemybar._x = 363; _parent.vcam.enemybar._y = -133; ++_global.count; this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 80 && _root.hero.grounded) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.spawn._visible = true; if (_global.akiraboss != true) { startup = 0; _global.akiraboss = true; _parent.attachMovie('popup_akira', popup3, _global.count_fx); _parent.popup3._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent.popup3._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; } else {; } activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage1_14'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage1_15'; _root.vcam._x = 500; _parent.attachMovie('fadeout', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 324 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 0; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 607; _root.hero._y = 398; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1476 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1478 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1478 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance camlock of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 332; bottom = 342; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } movieClip 1480 { } movieClip 1484 { } movieClip 1486 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 101 { gotoAndPlay('replay'); } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 40 && _root.hero.grounded) { _global.bgm = 8; _global.pausemode = true; startup = 0;; _parent.attachMovie('popup_mutou', popup3, _global.count_fx); _parent.popup3._x = _root.vcam._x; _parent.popup3._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; activate = 1; } } } } frame 334 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_1'; = 'stage2_1'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -204; _root.hero._y = 390; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); if (_global.intro == true) { this.attachMovie('popup_ch2', keys, 27756); this.keys._x = _root.vcam._x; this.keys._y = _root.vcam._y; _global.intro = false; } } instance controller of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (load) { presstemp = 0; presstemp_s = 0; presstemp_d; zoomcount = 0; this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.count_fx > 9000) { _global.count_fx = 1000; } if (_global.count_fx2 > 9500) { _global.count_fx2 = 9000; } if (_global.count_fx3 < 1000) { _global.count_fx3 = 8000; } _parent.silence.start(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.go_up = true; _global.go_down = false; } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = true; } else { _global.go_up = false; _global.go_down = false; } } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_right)) { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = true; } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_left)) { _global.go_left = true; _global.go_right = false; } else { _global.go_left = false; _global.go_right = false; } } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_a)) { _global.a_press = true; if (presstemp == 0) { _global.a_register = true; ++presstemp; } else { _global.a_register = false; } } else { presstemp = 0; _global.a_press = false; _global.a_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_d)) { _global.d_press = true; if (presstemp_d == 0) { _global.d_register = true; ++presstemp_d; } else { _global.d_register = false; } } else { presstemp_d = 0; _global.d_press = false; _global.d_register = false; } if (Key.isDown(_global.key_s)) { _global.s_press = true; if (presstemp_s == 0) { _global.s_register = true; ++presstemp_s; } else { _global.s_register = false; } } else { presstemp_s = 0; _global.s_press = false; _global.s_register = false; } if (_global.zooming_in) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale -= zoomcount * 2; _root.vcam._yscale -= zoomcount * 2; --zoomcount; } } if (_global.zooming_out) { if (zoomcount > 0) { _root.vcam._xscale += zoomcount * 2; _root.vcam._yscale += zoomcount * 2; --zoomcount; } } if (_global.runcd > 0) { --_global.runcd; } _root.vcam.camControl(); if (Key.isDown(_global.key_up)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_up; } else { if (Key.isDown(_global.key_down)) { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_down; } else { _global.hero_nextatk = _global.hero_nextatk_mid; } } _root.debug2 = _global.hero_nextatk; } } instance of movieClip 1459 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.65; } } instance of movieClip 1397 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.7; } } movieClip 1493 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1497 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance ground of movieClip 1497 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } movieClip 1499 { } instance ground_floor of movieClip 1499 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 162; bottom = 356; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance wall_left_fix of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock - 0; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance wall_right_fix of movieClip 1306 { onClipEvent (load) { x_lock = this._x; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.vcam.zoom_in == false) { this._x = x_lock; } else { this._x = x_lock + 0; } if (_global.testmode == true) { this._visible = true; } else { this._visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; if (_global.hero_hp < _global.hero_maxHp) { _parent.attachMovie('item_healing', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } else { _parent.attachMovie('item_heart_big', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); } _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _root.ground.gotoAndStop('alter'); _root.ground_visual.gotoAndStop('alter'); _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_1up'; } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = undefined; spd = 0.5; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 150) { if (_parent.chance(15) == true) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 150 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y - 100; _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); } else { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); } } if (timer == 300) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } if (timer == 88) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', 861, 351, -100); } } } if (timer == 233) { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', 861, 351, -100); } } } if (timer == 266) { if (_parent.chance(30) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', 85, 287, 100); } else { if (_parent.chance(50) == true) { _parent.spawn_monster('07_nurse', 861, 351, -100); } } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 410) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_1'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_2'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y - 24; if (distance_y < 0) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (distance_y < 0) { _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = 150; _root.wall_left_fix._x = 150; } else { _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = -20; _root.wall_left_fix._x = -20; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 230 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y - 24; if (distance_y < 0) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y - 24; if (distance_y < 0) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y - 24; if (distance_y < 0) { _parent.spawn_monster('01_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y - 150; if (distance_y < 0) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 400) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (distance > 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } frame 343 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -192; _root.hero._y = 74; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_1'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_2'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (distance_y < 0 && distance > 0) { _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = 150; _root.wall_left_fix._x = 150; } else { _root.wall_left_fix.x_lock = -20; _root.wall_left_fix._x = -20; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y - 24; if (Math.abs(distance) < 150) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 150 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 100) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } frame 353 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 1394; _root.hero._y = 284; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1250 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1502 { } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8 - 70; } } instance thunder of movieClip 1278 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1504 { } instance of movieClip 1504 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.28 + 200; } } movieClip 1506 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.purge == true) { this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 1506 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.27 + 200; } } movieClip 1508 { } movieClip 1510 { } instance ground of movieClip 1510 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 128; bottom = 187; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_2'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_3'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 130) { _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('07h_nurse', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_2'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_1B'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = _global.hero_maxHp; _root.hero._visible = false; } } } frame 363 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_3'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 1523; _root.hero._y = 202; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1502 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8 + 220; } } movieClip 1512 { } instance thunder of movieClip 1512 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x * 0.05; } } movieClip 1515 { } movieClip 1517 { } instance ground of movieClip 1517 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 145; bottom = 367; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_bottle'; } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero.hitbox) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) > 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 50 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('05_giantmisha', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('01B_saki', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0 && _root.hero.invincible <= 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = 5; } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; spd = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 350 && _global.difficulty <= 1) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } else { if (timer == 280 && _global.difficulty <= 2) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_3'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_4'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _global.hero_hp > 0) { _root.hero.hurting = true; _root.hero.hurtdmg = _global.hero_maxHp; _root.hero._visible = false; } } } frame 373 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 1287; _root.hero._y = 400; _root.hero._xscale = -100; ++_global.count; stop(); } instance of movieClip 1339 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.95; } } instance of movieClip 1506 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.27; } } instance of movieClip 1506 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.3; } } movieClip 1520 { } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20 && Math.abs(_root.hero.force) < 1) { if (_root.hero.grav < 0.5) { for (;;) { if (!(!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 5, true) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; if (_root.hero.grav > 0) { _root.hero.grav = 0; } _root.hero._y += 0.1; } } if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('10_hanako', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 1298 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1522 { } instance ground of movieClip 1522 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._xscale == 100 && (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || this.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20) { for (;;) { if (!((!_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x - _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true) || !_root.ground.hitTest(_root.hero._x + _root.hero.ini_width / 2, _root.hero._y + 5, true)) && _root.hero._currentframe != 20)) break; _root.hero.grav = 0; _root.hero._y += 0.1; } _root.hero.grav = 0; if (_root.hero._currentframe == 10 && _root.hero._xscale == -100) { } } this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 19; bottom = 319; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_healing'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1423 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_whiskey'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('03_emi_wheel', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('07h_nurse', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (_root.hero.hitTest(this)) { _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', _x - 120, _y - 70, -100); activate = 1; _parent.spawn_monster('09_emi_super', _x + 120, _y - 70, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('08_rinbin', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 40) { _parent.spawn_monster('07h_nurse', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && Math.abs(distance_y) < 40) { _parent.spawn_monster('07h_nurse', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; spd = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { timer += spd; if (timer == 200 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { x_placement = _root.hero._x + 335 * _root.hero._xscale / 100; y_placement = _root.hero._y + 40; _parent.spawn_monster('02_misha', x_placement, y_placement, -_root.hero._xscale); timer = 0; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_4'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_5'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 383 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count_fx3 = 8000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_5'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = -614; _root.hero._y = 384; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1525 { instance thunder of movieClip 1379 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _parent._x * 0.8; } } } movieClip 1527 { } instance ground of movieClip 1527 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 247; bottom = 380; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_bottle'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_1up'; } } instance of movieClip 1316 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_healing'; } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06B_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('06_shizune', _x, _y, -100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 2) { _parent.spawn_monster('04_lilly', _x, _y, 100); activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.attachMovie('11_mishatrain', ['enemy' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.attachMovie('11_mishatrain', ['enemy' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.attachMovie('11_mishatrain', ['enemy' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250 && _global.difficulty >= 3) { _parent.attachMovie('11_mishatrain', ['enemy' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; if (Math.abs(distance) < 250) { _parent.attachMovie('11_mishatrain', ['enemy' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._x = this._x; _parent['enemy' + _global.count_fx2]._y = this._y; ++_global.count_fx2; activate = 1; } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_5'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_6'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 393 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count_fx3 = 8000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 9; _global.savepoint = 'stage2_6'; attachMovie('fadeout_wide', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], 7003934); _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 56; _root.hero._y = 400; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); } movieClip 1529 { } movieClip 1531 { } instance ground of movieClip 1531 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 357; bottom = 357; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_mail'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_pretzel'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_heart_big'; } } instance of movieClip 1377 { onClipEvent (load) { this.dropname = 'item_book'; } } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('item_healing', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance block1 of movieClip 1395 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { this._alpha = 0; if (_root.hero.damagebox.hitTest(this)) { _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris1', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 6 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = 1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('debris2', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._xscale = this._xscale; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._x = this._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx]._y = this._y; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].flyspeed = 4 + random(4); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx].movespeed = -1 * (1 + random(2)); ++_global.count_fx; _parent.attachMovie('item_whiskey', ['item' + _global.count], _global.count); _root['item' + _global.count]._x = this._x; _root['item' + _global.count]._y = this._y; ++_global.count; _parent.s31.start(); this._x += 9999; } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { _visible = false; if (_root.hero.hitbox.hitTest(this)) { _global.purge = true; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.from_map = 'stage2_6'; _global.checkpoint = 'stage2_7'; _root.vcam.removeMovieClip(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('initialize'); } } } frame 403 { _global.purge = false; _global.pausemode = false; _global.count_fx = 1000; _global.count_fx2 = 9000; _global.count_fx3 = 8000; _global.count = 1; _global.count_wpn = 1; _global.count_wpn_min = 0; _global.bgm = 2; _global.left_wall = 3; _global.right_wall = 364; _global.timestop = false; _root.vcam.fadeout.gotoAndPlay(1); attachMovie(_global.player, 'hero', _global.count); _root.hero._x = 155; _root.hero._y = 377; _root.hero._xscale = 100; ++_global.count; stop(); s62.start(); this.attachMovie('fadeout_white', ['projectile' + _global.count_fx2], _global.count_fx2); _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._x = _root.vcam._x; _root['projectile' + _global.count_fx2]._y = _root.vcam._y; ++_global.count_fx2; } instance of movieClip 1235 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; } } movieClip 1534 { } movieClip 1538 { frame 19 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1538 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { distance = this._x - _root.vcam._x; this._x = _root.vcam._x * 0.8; } } movieClip 1541 { } movieClip 1544 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.timestop == true && _currentframe < 20) { gotoAndPlay('timestop'); } else { if (_global.timestop == false && _currentframe >= 20) { gotoAndPlay('neutral'); } } }; } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } } movieClip 1546 { } instance ground of movieClip 1546 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance of movieClip 1304 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; top = 284; bottom = 284; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.hero._y - 30 > top && _root.hero._y - 30 < bottom) { _root.vcam._y = _root.hero._y - 30; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 <= top) { _root.vcam._y = top; } else { if (_root.hero._y - 30 >= bottom) { _root.vcam._y = bottom; } } } } } movieClip 1548 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 111 { bgm = 0; _parent.s65.start(); _global.timestop = true; } frame 156 { _parent.s62.start(); } frame 175 { _global.timestop = false; bgm = 6; } frame 191 { _global.pausemode = false; } frame 191 { stop(); _global.bgm = 6; _parent.attachMovie('B03_Iwanako', ['iwanako'], _global.count); _parent.iwanako._x = 749; _parent.iwanako._y = 376; _parent.iwanako._xscale = -100; _parent.vcam.attachMovie('boss_hp', 'enemybar', _global.count); _parent.vcam.enemybar._x = 363; _parent.vcam.enemybar._y = -133; ++_global.count; this.unloadMovie(); this.removeMovieClip(); } } instance trigger of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.pausemode == false) { ++timer; if (timer % 10 == 0 && _parent.chance(25) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage2_snow', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 200; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - 200 - random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage2_snow', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + 200 + random(50); _parent.attachMovie('stage2_snow', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 20 == 0 && _parent.chance(20) == true) { x_mark = _root.hero._x + 250 - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage2_snow', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 240; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x - random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage2_snow', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 280; ++_global.count_fx; x_mark = _root.hero._x + random(500); _parent.attachMovie('stage2_snow', ['effect' + _global.count_fx], _global.count_fx); _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._x = x_mark; _parent['effect' + _global.count_fx]._y = _root.vcam._y - 220; ++_global.count_fx; } if (timer % 1600 == 0) { } } } } instance of movieClip 76 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; activate = 0; timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { ++timer; if (activate == 0) { distance = _root.hero._x - _x; distance_y = _root.hero._y - _y; if (Math.abs(distance) < 40 && _root.hero.grounded) { _global.pausemode = true; _root.spawn._visible = true;; activate = 1; } } } } frame 420 { _root.vcam._x = 400; _root.vcam._y = 250; _global.bgm = 1; } instance dialogue of movieClip 1234 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { if (_currentframe != 1) { if (_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr] == undefined) { this.textSet(' ', 1); } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 4); } } this.textComplete(); ++timer; if (timer >= 6 || _currentframe == 1 && timer >= 3) { ++_parent.count_arr; timer = 0; if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } } } else { timer = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyUp) { if (_currentframe != 1) { this.textComplete(); } else { if (_parent.count_arr + 1 > _parent.arr.length) {; } else { this.textSet(_parent.arr[_parent.count_arr], 1); ++_parent.count_arr; } } } } instance of movieClip 381 { onClipEvent (load) { timer = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(17)) { } } } frame 421 { stop(); talk1 = 'Incredible.'; talk2 = 'Truly Incredible.'; talk3 = 'You truly are the hero that Yamaku deserves.'; talk4 = 'and uh...'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); stop(); } frame 422 { talk1 = 'The developer didn\'t really... wans\'t... erm...'; talk2 = 'The developer wasn\'t EXPECTING you to beat Iwanako at challenging difficulties.'; talk3 = 'She was harder than the goddamn secret boss, for christ\'s sake'; talk4 = 'But now you\'ve seen everything, huh?'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); _root.kenji.gotoAndStop('angry'); } frame 423 { talk1 = 'Truly deserving of the Shaman Eye.'; talk2 = 'Good to see a visual novel like KS didn\'t completely turn you into a plebian with absolutely no reflxes.'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2]; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); _root.kenji.gotoAndStop('neutral'); } frame 424 { gotoAndPlay('credits'); } frame 430 { _root.vcam._x = 400; _root.vcam._y = 250; _global.bgm = 1; } frame 431 { stop(); talk1 = 'Wow, good job.'; talk2 = 'You beat the game as a casual.'; talk3 = 'Good job man, good job, that\'s impressive.'; talk4 = 'No, seriously, look at this badass beating a flash game on CASUAL.'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1, talk2, talk3, talk4]; this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); _root.kenji.gotoAndStop('angry'); stop(); } frame 432 { talk1 = 'Have a cookie or something, Iunno.'; count_arr = 1; arr = [talk1]; stop(); this.dialogue.textSet(arr[0], 1); _root.kenji.gotoAndStop('angry'); } frame 433 { gotoAndPlay('credits'); } frame 441 { stop(); _global.bgm = 10; } movieClip 1550 { } instance of movieClip 1550 { onClipEvent (load) { } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.difficulty >= 2) { this._y -= 0.7; } else { if (_y > 0) { this._y -= 0.7; } else { this._y -= 100; } } movespeed += 1; if (this._y < -1450) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('restart'); } } }
Created: 24/1 -2019 07:50:58 Last modified: 24/1 -2019 07:50:58 Server time: 11/03 -2025 13:01:18