| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES C SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229923 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2598 · P5196 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #120358 |
Click on the mouse to pass the ball to your receiver. Watch you for the defenders. get 3 receptions in 30 seconds to go to the next level. You will get bonus points if you catch more than 3 in a row. Have fun! |
1 |
ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 15 MovieClip in Frame 1//component parameters onClipEvent (construct) { xin_motion_val = "Down"; xin_alphatype_val = "Yes"; xout_motion_val = "Down"; xout_alphatype_val = "Yes"; perc_req_val = 90; show_perc_val = "Yes"; slow_factor_val = 0.3; init_action_val = "_root.stop();"; play_action_val = "_root.play();"; }Frame 133stop();Frame 134var LEVEL_START_TIME = 30000; var LEVEL_DECREMENT_TIME = 0; var PLAYER_MIN_X = 50; var PLAYER_MAX_X = 550; var CATCHES_NEEDED_START = 3; var CATCHES_INCREMENT = 2; var SCORE_FOR_REQUIRED_CATCH = 1; var SCORE_FOR_EXTRA_CATCH = 5; var MINIMUM_WALK_DISTANCE = 50; var RECIEVER_SPEED = 3; var DEFENDER_SPEED = 2; var DEFENDER_MAX_DISTANCE = 200; function initialize() { level = 0; score = 0; defenderSound = new Sound(this); defenderSound.attachSound("defenderSound"); recieverSound = new Sound(this); recieverSound.attachSound("recieverSound"); recieverSoundExtra = new Sound(this); recieverSoundExtra.attachSound("recieverSoundExtra"); missedSound = new Sound(this); missedSound.attachSound("missedSound"); nextLevelSound = new Sound(this); nextLevelSound.attachSound("nextLevelSound"); var _local2 = 1; while (true) { if (this["defender" + _local2]) { this["defender" + _local2].hitArea._visible = false; _local2++; } else { break; } } reciever.hitArea._visible = false; initializeLevel(); ballQuarterbackDistanceX = ball._x - quarterback._x; } function initializeLevel() { Mouse.show(); restartBall(); quearterback.gotoAndStop(1); level++; catches = 0; catchesForNextLevel = CATCHES_NEEDED_START + ((level - 1) * CATCHES_INCREMENT); initializeLevelPrompt(); scoreAndLevel.time_txt = time; if (level >= 2) { nextLevelSound.start(0, 1); } if (level == 3) { initializeDefenderAI(1); defender2._visible = true; } else if (level < 3) { defender2._visible = false; } } function initializeLevelPrompt() { levelPrompt._visible = true; levelPrompt.level_txt.text = level; levelPrompt.gotoAndPlay("levelPromptStart"); levelPrompt.forNext_txt.text = ("Get " + catchesForNextLevel) + " for next level"; } function initializePlay() { Mouse.hide(); startTime = getTimer(); levelPrompt._visible = false; addListeners(); initializeRecieverAI(); initializeDefenderAI(0); } function addListeners() { this.onEnterFrame = update; this.onMouseDown = startQuarterbackThrowAnimation; } function removeListeners() { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.onMouseDown = null; } function update() { switch (currentState) { case HOLDING_BALL : updateQuarterback(); updateBallPosition(); break; case BALL_THROWN : updateQuarterback(); } updateRecieverAI(); updateDefenderAI(); currentTime = getTimer() - startTime; if (currentTime >= (LEVEL_START_TIME + ((level - 1) * LEVEL_DECREMENT_TIME))) { removeListeners(); if (catches >= catchesForNextLevel) { initializeLevel(); } else { gameLost(); } } scoreAndLevel.timer_txt.text = formatTime(currentTime); scoreAndLevel.score_txt.text = score; scoreAndLevel.level_txt.text = level; } function formatTime() { var _local2 = Math.ceil(((LEVEL_START_TIME + ((level - 1) * LEVEL_DECREMENT_TIME)) / 1000) - (currentTime / 1000)); var _local1 = _local2 % 60; var _local3 = Math.floor(_local2 / 60); if (_local1 >= 10) { return((_local3 + ":") + _local1); } return((_local3 + ":0") + _local1); } function updateQuarterback() { quarterback._x = this._xmouse; } function updateBallPosition() { ball._x = quarterback._x + ballQuarterbackDistanceX; } function startQuarterbackThrowAnimation() { quarterback.gotoAndPlay("throwBall"); this.onMouseDown = null; } function throwBall() { currentState = BALL_THROWN; ball.gotoAndPlay("startFlight"); } function ballFinishedFlight(dontCheckHit) { var _local2 = checkHitTests(); if (!_local2) { restartBall(); this.onMouseDown = startQuarterbackThrowAnimation; } } function endRecieverCatchAnimation() { restartBall(); this.onMouseDown = startQuarterbackThrowAnimation; ball._visible = true; reciever.gotoAndStop(reciever.oldRunFrame); recieverState = MOVING_TO_POSITION; } function restartBall() { currentState = HOLDING_BALL; quarterback.gotoAndStop(1); ball.gotoAndStop(1); updateBallPosition(); } function checkHitTests() { var _local2 = defenderState.length - 1; while (_local2 >= 0) { if (this["defender" + (_local2 + 1)].hitArea.hitTest(ball)) { defenderSound.start(0, 1); return(false); } _local2--; } if (reciever.hitArea.hitTest(ball)) { catches++; if (catches <= catchesForNextLevel) { score = score + SCORE_FOR_REQUIRED_CATCH; recieverSound.start(0, 1); } else { score = score + SCORE_FOR_EXTRA_CATCH; recieverSoundExtra.start(0, 1); } if (recieverPositionX < reciever._x) { reciever.gotoAndPlay("caughtBallLeft"); } else if (recieverPositionX > reciever._x) { reciever.gotoAndPlay("caughtBallRight"); } ball._visible = false; recieverState = CAUGHT_BALL_STOP; return(true); } missedSound.start(0, 1); return(false); } function gameLost() { Mouse.show(); gotoAndStop ("Game Over"); gameOver_txt.text = score; } function initializeRecieverAI() { recieverState = GET_NEW_POSITION; } function updateRecieverAI() { switch (recieverState) { case GET_NEW_POSITION : calculateNewRecieverPosition(); recieverState = MOVING_TO_POSITION; return; case MOVING_TO_POSITION : if (reciever._x > (recieverPositionX + RECIEVER_SPEED)) { reciever._x = reciever._x - RECIEVER_SPEED; } else if (reciever._x < (recieverPositionX - RECIEVER_SPEED)) { reciever._x = reciever._x + RECIEVER_SPEED; } else { recieverState = GET_NEW_POSITION; } return; case CAUGHT_BALL_STOP : } } function calculateNewRecieverPosition() { recieverPositionX = PLAYER_MIN_X + ((PLAYER_MAX_X - PLAYER_MIN_X) * Math.random()); if (Math.abs(recieverPositionX - reciever._x) < MINIMUM_WALK_DISTANCE) { var _local1 = (recieverPositionX - reciever._x) / Math.abs(recieverPositionX - reciever._x); recieverPositionX = reciever._x + (_local1 * MINIMUM_WALK_DISTANCE); } if (reciever._x < recieverPositionX) { reciever.gotoAndStop("runRight"); reciever.oldRunFrame = reciever._currentframe; } else { reciever.gotoAndStop("runLeft"); reciever.oldRunFrame = reciever._currentframe; } } function initializeDefenderAI(number) { defenderState[number] = GET_NEW_POSITION; } function updateDefenderAI() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < defenderState.length) { switch (defenderState[_local2]) { case GET_NEW_POSITION : calculateNewDefenderPosition(_local2); defenderState[_local2] = MOVING_TO_POSITION; break; case MOVING_TO_POSITION : if (this["defender" + [_local2 + 1]]._x > ((defenderPositionX[_local2] + DEFENDER_SPEED) + 1)) { this["defender" + [_local2 + 1]]._x = this["defender" + [_local2 + 1]]._x - DEFENDER_SPEED; } else if (this["defender" + [_local2 + 1]]._x < ((defenderPositionX[_local2] - DEFENDER_SPEED) - 1)) { this["defender" + [_local2 + 1]]._x = this["defender" + [_local2 + 1]]._x + DEFENDER_SPEED; } else { defenderState[_local2] = GET_NEW_POSITION; } } _local2++; } } function calculateNewDefenderPosition(number) { defenderPositionX[number] = reciever._x + (DEFENDER_MAX_DISTANCE * Math.random()); if (defenderPosition < PLAYER_MIN_X) { defenderPositionX[number] = PLAYER_MIN_X; } if (defenderPosition > PLAYER_MAX_X) { defenderPositionY[number] = PLAYER_MIN_Y; } if (Math.abs(defenderPositionX[number] - this["defender" + (number + 1)]._x) < MINIMUM_WALK_DISTANCE) { var _local3 = (defenderPositionX[number] - this["defender" + (number + 1)]._x) / Math.abs(defenderPositionX[number] - this["defender" + (number + 1)]._x); defenderPositionX[number] = this["defender" + (number + 1)]._x + (_local3 * MINIMUM_WALK_DISTANCE); } if (this["defender" + [number + 1]]._x < defenderPositionX[number]) { this["defender" + [number + 1]].gotoAndStop("runRight"); this["defender" + [number + 1]].oldRunFrame = this["defender" + [number + 1]]._currentframe; } else { this["defender" + [number + 1]].gotoAndStop("runLeft"); this["defender" + [number + 1]].oldRunFrame = this["defender" + [number + 1]]._currentframe; } } function setLivesGraphicsHolder(graphics) { livesGraphicsHolder = graphics; } function setupLifeGraphics() { for (var _local2 in livesGraphicsHolder) { livesGraphicsHolder[_local2].removeMovieClip(); } var _local3 = 0; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < numLives) { var _local4 = livesGraphicsHolder.attachMovie("GoodLife", "goodLife" + _local3, _local3++); _local4._x = _local2 * life_graphics_spacing; _local2++; } if (show_bad_lives) { var _local1 = num_lives; while (_local1 > numLives) { var _local5 = livesGraphicsHolder.attachMovie("BadLife", "badLife" + _local3, _local3++); _local5._x = (_local1 - 1) * life_graphics_spacing; _local1--; } } } stop(); var level; var score; var ballQuarterbackDistanceX; var catches; var catchesForNextLevel; var defenderSound; var receiverSound; var recieverSoundExtra; var missedSound; var nextLevelSound; var startTime; var currentTime; var HOLDING_BALL = "HOLDING_BALL"; var BALL_THROWN = "BALL_THROWN"; var currentState = HOLDING_BALL; var recieverPositionX; var MOVING_TO_POSITION = "moving_to_position"; var GET_NEW_POSITION = "get_new_position"; var CAUGHT_BALL_STOP = "caught_ball_stop"; var recieverState; var defenderPositionX = new Array(); var defenderState = new Array(); var livesGraphicsHolder; var numLives; var num_lives; initialize();Frame 135stop();Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Instance of Symbol 14 MovieClip "swfloader" in Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1onClipEvent (load) { function strip_spaces(str) { var _local3 = new String(""); var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < str.length) { if ((str.charAt(_local1) != " ") && (str.charAt(_local1) != ";")) { _local3 = _local3 + str.charAt(_local1); } _local1++; } return(_local3); } function simple_script(action, timeline) { action = strip_spaces(action); if ((action.length > 0) && ((action.indexOf(")") != -1) && (action.indexOf("(") != -1))) { var _local3 = action.split("."); var _local5 = _local3.pop(); var _local7 = _local5.indexOf("("); var _local9 = _local5.indexOf(")"); var _local8 = _local5.substr(0, _local7); var _local4 = _local5.substr(_local7 + 1, _local9 - (_local7 + 1)); var _local2 = timeline; var _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3.length) { _local2 = _local2[_local3[_local1]]; _local1++; } if (_local4.indexOf("\"") != -1) { _local4 = _local4.substr(1, _local4.length - 2); } _local2[_local8](_local4); } } function execute_action() { unloaded = true; _parent._visible = false; simple_script(_parent.play_action_val, _parent); } _parent.anim.gotoAndStop(1); simple_script(_parent.init_action_val, _parent); var done = false; var unloaded = false; var orig_x = _parent._x; var orig_y = _parent._y; var dist_x = (_parent._x + ((_parent._width * 2) / 3)); var dist_y = (_parent._y + ((_parent._height * 2) / 3)); var orig_a = _parent._alpha; var accel_jump = 0.75; var slow_factor = _parent.slow_factor_val; var speed_factor = (1 + (slow_factor / (1 - slow_factor))); var ready = false; var perc_fadeout = 0; _parent.perc._x = _parent.anim._x - (_parent.perc._width / 2); _parent.perc._y = _parent.anim._y - (_parent.perc._height / 2); if (slow_factor < 1) { switch (_parent.xin_motion_val) { case "Up" : _parent._y = orig_y + (dist_y * 2); break; case "Down" : _parent._y = orig_y - (dist_y * 2); break; case "Left" : _parent._x = orig_x + (dist_x * 2); break; case "Right" : _parent._x = orig_x - (dist_x * 2); break; case "Toward" : _parent._xscale = (_parent._yscale = 1); break; case "None" : _parent._alpha = 0; } } else { ready = true; } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (unloaded) { return(undefined); } if (!ready) { switch (_parent.xin_motion_val) { case "Toward" : _parent._xscale = _parent._xscale + ((100 - _parent._xscale) * slow_factor); _parent._yscale = _parent._xscale; if (_parent.xin_alphatype_val == "Yes") { _parent._alpha = Math.round((orig_a / 100) * Math.max(0, Math.min(_parent._xscale, 100))); } if (Math.abs(100 - _parent._xscale) < 0.5) { _parent._xscale = (_parent._yscale = 100); _parent._alpha = orig_a; ready = true; } break; default : _parent._x = _parent._x + ((orig_x - _parent._x) * slow_factor); _parent._y = _parent._y + ((orig_y - _parent._y) * slow_factor); if (_parent.xin_alphatype_val == "Yes") { if (_parent.xin_motion_val == "None") { _parent._alpha = _parent._alpha + ((orig_a - _parent._alpha) * slow_factor); } else if (Math.abs(orig_x - _parent._x) > Math.abs(orig_y - _parent._y)) { _parent._alpha = 100 - Math.round(((orig_a / 100) * (Math.min(dist_x, Math.abs(_parent._x - orig_x)) / dist_x)) * 100); } else { _parent._alpha = 100 - Math.round(((orig_a / 100) * (Math.min(dist_y, Math.abs(_parent._y - orig_y)) / dist_y)) * 100); } } if (!(((_parent.xin_motion_val == "None") && (Math.abs(_parent._alpha - orig_a) <= 1)) || (((_parent.xin_motion_val != "None") && (Math.abs(_parent._y - orig_y) < 0.5)) && (Math.abs(_parent._x - orig_x) < 0.5)))) { break; } _parent._x = orig_x; _parent._y = orig_y; _parent._alpha = orig_a; ready = true; } } else if (!done) { var rl = _root.getBytesLoaded(); var rt = (_root.getBytesTotal() * (_parent.perc_req_val / 100)); if ((rl > 10) && (rt > 10)) { rl = Math.min(rl, rt); var new_frame = (_parent.anim._currentframe + Math.ceil(((_parent.anim._totalframes * (rl / rt)) - _parent.anim._currentframe) / 4)); new_frame = Math.max(1, new_frame); if (_parent.show_perc_val == "Yes") { _parent.perc.text = Math.round(((new_frame - 1) / (_parent.anim._totalframes - 1)) * 100) + " %"; } if (new_frame != _parent.anim._currentframe) { _parent.anim.gotoAndStop(new_frame); } if ((_parent.anim._totalframes == _parent.anim._currentframe) && (rl >= rt)) { done = true; } } } else if (slow_factor < 1) { switch (_parent.xout_motion_val) { case "Down" : if (_parent._y <= orig_y) { _parent._y = orig_y + accel_jump; } _parent._y = orig_y + (Math.abs(_parent._y - orig_y) * speed_factor); perc_fadeout = Math.round((Math.min(dist_y, Math.abs(_parent._y - orig_y)) / dist_y) * 100); if (_parent._y > (orig_y + (dist_y * 2))) { execute_action(); } break; case "Up" : if (_parent._y >= orig_y) { _parent._y = orig_y - accel_jump; } _parent._y = orig_y - (Math.abs(_parent._y - orig_y) * speed_factor); perc_fadeout = Math.round((Math.min(dist_y, Math.abs(_parent._y - orig_y)) / dist_y) * 100); if (_parent._y < (orig_y - (dist_y * 2))) { execute_action(); } break; case "Right" : if (_parent._x <= orig_x) { _parent._x = orig_x + accel_jump; } _parent._x = orig_x + (Math.abs(_parent._x - orig_x) * speed_factor); perc_fadeout = Math.round((Math.min(dist_x, Math.abs(_parent._x - orig_x)) / dist_x) * 100); if (_parent._x > (orig_x + (dist_x * 2))) { execute_action(); } break; case "Left" : if (_parent._x >= orig_x) { _parent._x = orig_x - accel_jump; } _parent._x = orig_x - (Math.abs(_parent._x - orig_x) * speed_factor); perc_fadeout = Math.round((Math.min(dist_x, Math.abs(_parent._x - orig_x)) / dist_x) * 100); if (_parent._x < (orig_x - (dist_x * 2))) { execute_action(); } break; case "Away" : if ((_parent._xscale >= 100) || (_parent._yscale >= 100)) { _parent._xscale = (_parent._yscale = 100 - accel_jump); } _parent._xscale = (_parent._yscale = Math.max(0.5, 100 - ((100 - _parent._yscale) * speed_factor))); perc_fadeout = 100 - Math.round(Math.max(0, Math.min(_parent._xscale, 100))); if (_parent._xscale < 1) { execute_action(); } break; default : perc_fadeout = perc_fadeout + ((100 - perc_fadeout) * slow_factor); if (Math.abs(perc_fadeout - 100) > 1) { break; } execute_action(); } if (!(_parent.xout_alphatype_val === "Yes")) { } else { _parent._alpha = (orig_a / 100) * (100 - perc_fadeout); } } else { execute_action(); } }Symbol 138 Buttonon (press) { gotoAndStop (134); }Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 19_parent.endRecieverCatchAnimation();Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 37_parent.endRecieverCatchAnimation();Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2play();Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 33_parent.ballFinishedFlight();Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 2play();Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 9_parent.throwBall(); play();Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 40stop();Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1stop();Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 2play();Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 50_parent.initializePlay(); stop();Symbol 227 Buttonon (press) { this.gotoAndStop("Starting Screen"); }
Library Items
Symbol 1 Sound [recieverSoundExtra] | ||
Symbol 2 Sound [nextLevelSound] | ||
Symbol 3 Sound [missedSound] | ||
Symbol 4 Sound [defenderSound] | ||
Symbol 5 Sound [recieverSound] | ||
Symbol 6 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 7 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 8 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 9 Graphic | Used by:10 | |
Symbol 10 MovieClip | Uses:6 7 8 9 | Used by:15 |
Symbol 11 Font | Used by:12 140 209 210 211 215 216 217 220 | |
Symbol 12 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:13 |
Symbol 13 MovieClip | Uses:12 | Used by:15 |
Symbol 14 MovieClip | Used by:15 | |
Symbol 15 MovieClip | Uses:10 13 14 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 16 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 17 MovieClip | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 18 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 19 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 20 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 21 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 22 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 23 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 24 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 25 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 26 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 27 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 28 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 29 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 30 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 31 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 32 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 33 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 34 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 35 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 36 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 38 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 40 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 41 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 42 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 43 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 44 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 45 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 47 Sound | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 48 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 49 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 50 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 53 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 55 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 57 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 58 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 59 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 60 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 61 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 62 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 63 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 64 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 65 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 66 Sound | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 67 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 70 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 72 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 73 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 75 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 77 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 78 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 79 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 80 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 81 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 82 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 83 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 84 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 85 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 86 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 87 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 88 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 89 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 90 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 91 Sound | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 92 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 93 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 94 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 95 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 96 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 97 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 98 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 99 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 100 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 101 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 102 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 103 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 104 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 105 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 106 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 107 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 108 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 109 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 110 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 111 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 112 Graphic | Used by:113 | |
Symbol 113 MovieClip | Uses:18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 114 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 115 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 116 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 117 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 118 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 119 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 120 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 121 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 122 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 123 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 124 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 125 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 126 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 127 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 128 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 129 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 130 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 131 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 132 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 133 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 134 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 135 Graphic | Used by:138 227 | |
Symbol 136 Graphic | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 137 Graphic | Used by:138 | |
Symbol 138 Button | Uses:135 136 137 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 139 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 140 Text | Uses:11 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 141 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 142 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 143 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 144 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 145 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 146 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:148 | |
Symbol 148 MovieClip | Uses:142 143 144 145 146 147 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 149 Graphic | Used by:155 | |
Symbol 150 Graphic | Used by:155 | |
Symbol 151 Graphic | Used by:155 168 173 | |
Symbol 152 Graphic | Used by:155 | |
Symbol 153 Graphic | Used by:155 | |
Symbol 154 Graphic | Used by:155 | |
Symbol 155 MovieClip | Uses:149 150 151 152 153 154 | Used by:173 |
Symbol 156 Graphic | Used by:157 | |
Symbol 157 MovieClip | Uses:156 | Used by:173 183 191 |
Symbol 158 Graphic | Used by:173 Timeline | |
Symbol 159 Graphic | Used by:173 Timeline | |
Symbol 160 Graphic | Used by:173 Timeline | |
Symbol 161 Graphic | Used by:173 Timeline | |
Symbol 162 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 163 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 164 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 165 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 166 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 167 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 168 MovieClip | Uses:163 164 151 165 166 167 | Used by:173 |
Symbol 169 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 170 Graphic | Used by:173 199 | |
Symbol 171 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 172 Graphic | Used by:173 | |
Symbol 173 MovieClip | Uses:155 157 158 159 160 161 162 168 169 170 171 151 172 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 174 Graphic | Used by:182 188 190 | |
Symbol 175 Graphic | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 177 Graphic | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 178 Graphic | Used by:182 | |
Symbol 179 Graphic | Used by:182 188 190 | |
Symbol 180 Graphic | Used by:182 188 190 | |
Symbol 181 Graphic | Used by:182 188 190 | |
Symbol 182 MovieClip | Uses:174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 | Used by:183 |
Symbol 183 MovieClip | Uses:182 157 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 184 Graphic | Used by:188 190 | |
Symbol 185 Graphic | Used by:188 | |
Symbol 186 Graphic | Used by:188 190 | |
Symbol 187 Graphic | Used by:188 190 | |
Symbol 188 MovieClip | Uses:179 184 185 186 187 180 181 174 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 189 Graphic | Used by:190 | |
Symbol 190 MovieClip | Uses:179 184 189 186 187 180 181 174 | Used by:191 |
Symbol 191 MovieClip | Uses:188 157 190 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 192 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 193 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 194 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 195 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 196 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 197 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 198 Graphic | Used by:199 | |
Symbol 199 MovieClip | Uses:170 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 200 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 201 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 202 Sound | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 203 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 204 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 205 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 206 Graphic | Used by:207 | |
Symbol 207 MovieClip | Uses:200 201 202 203 204 205 206 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 208 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 209 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:213 |
Symbol 210 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:213 |
Symbol 211 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:213 |
Symbol 212 Graphic | Used by:213 | |
Symbol 213 MovieClip | Uses:208 209 210 211 212 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 214 Graphic | Used by:218 | |
Symbol 215 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:218 |
Symbol 216 Text | Uses:11 | Used by:218 |
Symbol 217 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:218 |
Symbol 218 MovieClip | Uses:214 215 216 217 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 219 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 220 EditableText | Uses:11 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 221 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 222 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 223 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 224 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 225 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 226 Graphic | Used by:227 | |
Symbol 227 Button | Uses:135 222 223 224 225 226 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names
"reciever" | Frame 134 | Symbol 173 MovieClip |
"defender1" | Frame 134 | Symbol 183 MovieClip |
"defender2" | Frame 134 | Symbol 191 MovieClip |
"ball" | Frame 134 | Symbol 199 MovieClip |
"quarterback" | Frame 134 | Symbol 207 MovieClip |
"scoreAndLevel" | Frame 134 | Symbol 213 MovieClip |
"levelPrompt" | Frame 134 | Symbol 218 MovieClip |
"gameOver_txt" | Frame 135 | Symbol 220 EditableText |
"anim" | Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 10 MovieClip |
"perc" | Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 13 MovieClip |
"swfloader" | Symbol 15 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 14 MovieClip |
"hitArea" | Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 157 MovieClip |
"hitArea" | Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 157 MovieClip |
"defender2" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 188 MovieClip |
"hitArea" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 157 MovieClip |
"level_txt" | Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 209 EditableText |
"score_txt" | Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 210 EditableText |
"timer_txt" | Symbol 213 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 211 EditableText |
"level_txt" | Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 215 EditableText |
"forNext_txt" | Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 217 EditableText |
Special Tags
FileAttributes (69) | Timeline Frame 1 | Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS1/AS2. |
Protect (24) | Timeline Frame 1 | 0 bytes "" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 1 as "recieverSoundExtra" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 2 as "nextLevelSound" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 3 as "missedSound" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 4 as "defenderSound" |
ExportAssets (56) | Timeline Frame 1 | Symbol 5 as "recieverSound" |
"white_space_so_that_assets_initializer_can_work" | Frame 3 |
"giaf" | Frame 8 |
"Starting Screen" | Frame 133 |
"Game Over" | Frame 135 |
"01" | Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 70 |
"01" | Symbol 113 MovieClip Frame 87 |
"runRight" | Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"caughtBallRight" | Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"runLeft" | Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 20 |
"caughtBallLeft" | Symbol 173 MovieClip Frame 21 |
"runLeft" | Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"runRight" | Symbol 183 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"runLeft" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 1 |
"runRight" | Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"startFlight" | Symbol 199 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"throwBall" | Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 2 |
"levelPromptStart" | Symbol 218 MovieClip Frame 2 |
Dynamic Text Variables
text | Symbol 12 EditableText | "" |