Archived flashes:
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Mario is Missing PUT 1.8.11.swf

This is the info page for
Flash #120455

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 158 { } movieClip 164 { frame 1 { if (_root.Peach.koopacolor == 'red') { gotoAndPlay(2); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 165 { frame 113 { stop(); if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('koopa', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._color = _color; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _root.Peach._x - _root.Peach._width / 2; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _root.Peach._y; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].char.notice = true; } else { if (veggiesex) { _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y; loadMovie('', _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex); } else { point = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); this.localToGlobal(point); _root.horny_respawn.globalToLocal(point); _root.peach._x = myPoint.x; _root.peach._y = myPoint.y; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = point.x; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = point.y; } } ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; loadMovie('', this); } } movieClip 167 { } movieClip 169 { } movieClip 171 { } movieClip 173 { } movieClip 175 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 177 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 182 { } movieClip 185 { } movieClip 189 { } movieClip 190 { } movieClip 193 { } movieClip 194 { } movieClip 201 { } movieClip 205 { } movieClip 206 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 207 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_remove); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_remove); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_remove); } } movieClip 209 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_remove); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_remove); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_remove); } } movieClip 211 { frame 1 { if (_root.DressNum == 14) { gotoAndPlay('Shadow Queen'); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } } frame 3 { if (_root.DressNum == 14) { gotoAndPlay('Shadow Queen'); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } } frame 5 { if (_root.DressNum == 14) { gotoAndPlay('Shadow Queen'); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } } frame 7 { if (_root.DressNum == 14) { gotoAndPlay('Shadow Queen'); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } } } movieClip 214 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_earring_color); } } movieClip 216 { } movieClip 222 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } } movieClip 223 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 224 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 2 { _type = 'turnip'; stop(); } frame 3 { _type = 'paprika'; stop(); } frame 4 { _type = 'carrot'; stop(); } frame 5 { _type = 'shell'; stop(); } frame 6 { _type = 'tubegreen'; stop(); } frame 7 { _type = 'tubered'; stop(); } frame 8 { _type = 'tubeblue'; stop(); } frame 9 { _type = 'tubeyellow'; stop(); } frame 10 { _type = 'tubeempty'; stop(); } frame 11 { _type = 'full'; stop(); } frame 12 { _type = 'clothing'; stop(); } } movieClip 225 veggie { frame 1 { stop(); gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { char_right = true; } else { char_right = false; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (on_ground) { _y = _y + grav; grav += gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - gravity; grav = 0; } if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = int(this._name.substring(6)); _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = types._type; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } else { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex and _root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); } } } } } else { if (!once) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state == 'walkright' or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'walkleft') { charspeed += 3; once = true; } } if (char_right) { _x = _x + charspeed; } else { _x = _x - charspeed; } if (_y > 3000) { loadMovie('', this); } _y = _y + grav; grav += gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { touchedGround = true; _y = _y - gravity; grav = 0; } if (touchedGround) { on_ground = true; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y, true)) { charspeed /= 2; _x = _x - charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char_right = false; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y, true)) { charspeed /= 2; _x = _x + charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char_right = true; } } } }; } } movieClip 227 { frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 228 leafpower { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _root.score_add(1500); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('feather'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_root.LockCostume == false) { if (_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 2 or _root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { _root.DressNum = 0; sound_hit2 = new Sound(this); sound_hit2.attachSound('peach ooh3'); sound_hit2.start(0, 1); } else {} } _root.peach_update_char('Leaf'); loadMovie('', this); } _y = _y + char.gravity; }; } instance char of movieClip 227 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 0.8; var grav = 0; var movement = true; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; } } } movieClip 230 { } movieClip 231 poisonshroom { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _root.score_add(2000); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Peach yell'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); addon = 1 + random(1); if (_root.horny_bar + addon < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.horny_bar += addon; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[0]; } _root.currentTip = 'You are stark naked!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.peach_update_char('Poison'); gotoAndPlay(2); delete onEnterFrame; } if (char.movement) { dist = _root.Peach._x - _x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; } } if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3 - 10, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; } } }; } instance char of movieClip 230 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.6; var grav = 0; var movement = true; var charspeed = 4; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; dist = _root.Peach._x - _parent._x; if (dist > 0) { _parent._xscale = 100; _right = false; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; _right = true; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 233 { } // unknown tag 88 length 77 movieClip 236 iButton { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (release) { parent._visible = false; _global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed = true; } } } movieClip 238 { } movieClip 239 bigshroom { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes') { _root.currentTip = 'Mushroom eaten! 2000 points!'; _root.score_add(2000); } else { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'yes'; _root.currentTip = 'Mushroom eaten! Peach can stand extra damage!'; _root.score_add(1500); } _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); addon = 1 + random(1); if (_root.horny_bar + addon < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.horny_bar += addon; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob - 1) { ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.heavyJump += 1; _root.Peach.maxJump += 1; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 1; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 1; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.heavyJump += 2; _root.Peach.maxJump += 2; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 2; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 2; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; } else {} } delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop(2); } if (char.movement) { if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3 - 10, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; } } }; stop(); } instance char of movieClip 238 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.2; var grav = 0; var movement = true; var charspeed = 3; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; dist = _root.Peach._x - _parent._x; if (dist > 0) { _parent._xscale = 100; _right = false; _parent.movedir = 'left'; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; _right = true; _parent.movedir = 'right'; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 241 { } movieClip 242 1upmushroom { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('Extra Life'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); _root.score_add(1000); _root.Lives += 1; gotoAndStop(3); delete onEnterFrame; } if (char.movement) { if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3 - 10, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; } } }; } instance char of movieClip 241 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.2; var grav = 0; var movement = true; var charspeed = 3; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; dist = _root.Peach._x - _parent._x; if (dist > 0) { _parent._xscale = 100; _right = false; _parent.movedir = 'left'; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; _right = true; _parent.movedir = 'right'; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 244 { } movieClip 246 FadeoutGlobal { frame 1 { stopAllSounds(); } instance Introfade2 of movieClip 244 { onClipEvent (press) {; } } frame 21 { loadMovie('', _root.VCam); _root.gotoAndStop(trans); this.unloadMovie(); } } movieClip 253 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 255 { } movieClip 257 { } movieClip 261 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 263 titfchars { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 266 { frame 1 { switch (_root.currentCharacter) { case 'peach': default: gotoAndPlay(1); goto 189; case 'daisy': //Invalid switch } gotoAndPlay(3); goto 189; case 'peach': gotoAndPlay(5); goto 189; case 'daisy': gotoAndPlay(7); goto 189; case 'rosa': gotoAndPlay(9); label 189: } } movieClip 271 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 273 { } movieClip 275 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumTits <= _root.CumTitsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTits); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumTitsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 277 titbchars { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 282 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.stockings_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); currentlabel = _root.stockings_type; } }; } } } movieClip 286 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.garter_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.stockings_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); currentlabel = _root.stockings_type; } }; } } } movieClip 294 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 299 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumLegs <= _root.CumLegsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegs); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumLegs <= _root.CumLegsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegs); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumLegs <= _root.CumLegsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegs); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumLegs <= _root.CumLegsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegs); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumLegs <= _root.CumLegsMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegs); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumLegsMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 301 thighchars { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 304 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 307 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } } movieClip 312 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 316 { } movieClip 319 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 13 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 15 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 17 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumHead <= _root.CumHeadMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHead); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumHeadMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 322 headforwardchars { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 327 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.garter_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.garter_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.garter_type); currentlabel = _root.garter_type; } }; } } } movieClip 329 { } movieClip 332 { } movieClip 334 { } movieClip 336 { } movieClip 339 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 13 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 343 { } movieClip 345 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 347 bodychars { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 349 { } movieClip 353 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 361 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.DressNum == '13') { if (_root.gloves_type == 'None') { gotoAndStop('Naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 363 { } movieClip 364 armupperchars { frame 1 { } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 369 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 379 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.DressNum == '13') { if (_root.gloves_type == 'None') { gotoAndStop('Naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 381 armforechars { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 385 { frame 2 { if (!n) { n = 0; } else { if (n > 4) { n = 0; loadMovie('', _parent); } } } frame 17 { ++n; gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 22 { stop(); loadMovie('', _parent); } } movieClip 386 fireball { frame 1 { gravity = 1.6; grav = -4; charspeed = 10; stop(); if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { char_right = true; } else { char_right = false; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!died) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state == 'walkright' or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'walkleft') { charspeed += 3; } if (char_right) { _x = _x + charspeed; } else { _x = _x - charspeed; } if (_y > 3000) { loadMovie('', this); } _y = _y + grav; grav += gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { touchedGround = true; _y = _y - gravity; grav = 0; } if (touchedGround) { touchedGround = false; grav = -7; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y, true)) { died = true; fireball.gotoAndPlay('vanish'); } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y, true)) { died = true; fireball.gotoAndPlay('vanish'); } else { if (_root.ceiling_collision.hitTest(_x, _y - _height, true)) { died = true; _y = _y - 5; fireball.gotoAndPlay('vanish'); } } } } }; } } movieClip 390 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._parent._color == 'blue' or _parent._parent._color == 'blue') { gotoAndStop('blue'); } else { if (_parent._parent._parent._color == 'green' or _parent._parent._color == 'green') { gotoAndStop('green'); } else { stop(); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 393 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } frame 2 { once = false; } frame 9 { if (!once) { once = true; _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'down'; } gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } frame 10 { once = false; } frame 17 { if (!once) { once = true; _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'up'; } gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } } movieClip 396 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.shyguy_belt); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.shyguy_belt); } } movieClip 399 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._parent._color == 'blue' or _parent._parent._color == 'blue') { gotoAndStop('blue'); } else { if (_parent._parent._parent._color == 'green' or _parent._parent._color == 'green') { gotoAndStop('green'); } else { stop(); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 403 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._parent._color == 'blue' or _parent._parent._color == 'blue') { gotoAndStop('blue'); } else { if (_parent._parent._parent._color == 'green' or _parent._parent._color == 'green') { gotoAndStop('green'); } else { stop(); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 406 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._parent._type == 'bad' or _parent._parent._type == 'bad') { gotoAndStop('bad'); } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 409 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._parent._type == 'bad' or _parent._parent._type == 'bad') { gotoAndStop('bad'); } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 410 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } frame 5 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 7 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(8); } } frame 9 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(10); } } frame 11 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(12); } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { stop(); } } movieClip 413 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 414 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 415 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ponytail_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ponytail_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ponytail_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ponytail_type); } } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 426 skirtdress { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 434 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 436 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 438 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach); } } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 442 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach); } } movieClip 444 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 452 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 462 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 464 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 472 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } } movieClip 473 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 479 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } } movieClip 483 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } } movieClip 495 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 497 { } movieClip 498 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 501 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 504 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } } frame 3 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } } frame 5 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 6 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 7 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 8 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 9 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 10 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 11 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 12 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 13 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 14 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 15 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 16 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 17 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 18 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 19 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 20 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 21 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 22 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 23 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 24 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 25 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 26 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 27 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 28 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 29 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 30 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 31 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 32 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 33 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 34 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } } } frame 35 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { if (_root.jump_to_fly) { gotoAndPlay('fly_tail'); _root.jump_to_fly = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } } frame 36 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 37 { _root.char.grav = -1; if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 38 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 39 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 40 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 41 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 42 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 43 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 44 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 45 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } } movieClip 507 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.PeachHasKey); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.PeachHasKey); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.PeachHasKey); } } movieClip 509 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 510 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } } movieClip 512 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 515 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 516 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 3 { _root.PrevBoob = 0; if (_root.lactate) { lactating.gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 5 { _root.PrevBoob = 1; if (_root.lactate) { lactating.gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 7 { _root.PrevBoob = 2; if (_root.lactate) { lactating.gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 9 { _root.PrevBoob = 3; if (_root.lactate) { lactating.gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 11 { _root.PrevBoob = 4; if (_root.lactate) { lactating.gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 13 { _root.PrevBoob = 5; if (_root.lactate) { lactating.gotoAndPlay(2); } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } } movieClip 523 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } } movieClip 524 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 528 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } } movieClip 533 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } } movieClip 545 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 547 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 550 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } } movieClip 552 { } movieClip 553 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } } movieClip 554 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } } movieClip 557 { } movieClip 561 { } movieClip 563 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 564 blushface_movie { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.blushType); } frame 2 { _global.PLAYER.blushAux = 'blush_steady'; } frame 3 { if (_global.PLAYER.blushType == 'fade_out' or _global.PLAYER.blushType == 'blush_blink') { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.blushType); } else { gotoAndPlay('blush_steady'); } } frame 4 { _global.PLAYER.blushAux = 'blush_blink'; } frame 76 { if (_global.PLAYER.blushType == 'fade_out' or _global.PLAYER.blushType == 'blush_blink') { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.blushType); } else { gotoAndPlay('blush_steady'); } } frame 77 { _global.PLAYER.blushAux = 'fade_out'; } frame 92 { if (_global.PLAYER.blushType == 'fade_in') { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.blushType); } else { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_off'; gotoAndPlay('blush_off'); } } frame 93 { _global.PLAYER.blushAux = 'fade_in'; } frame 107 { if (_global.PLAYER.blushType == 'fade_out' or _global.PLAYER.blushType == 'blush_blink') { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.blushType); } else { _global.PLAYER.blushType == 'blush_steady'; gotoAndPlay('blush_steady'); } } frame 108 { _global.PLAYER.blushAux = 'blush_off'; } frame 109 { if (_global.PLAYER.blushType == 'fade_in') { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.blushType); } else { gotoAndPlay('blush_off'); } } } movieClip 567 { } movieClip 569 { } movieClip 570 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 573 { } movieClip 575 { } movieClip 576 { frame 1 { i = ((_root.CharNum - 1) * 5 + _root.DressNum) * 2; gotoAndStop(i); } frame 3 { i = ((_root.CharNum - 1) * 5 + _root.DressNum) * 2; gotoAndStop(i); } frame 5 { i = ((_root.CharNum - 1) * 5 + _root.DressNum) * 2; gotoAndStop(i); } } movieClip 579 { } movieClip 580 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 581 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 583 { } movieClip 584 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 586 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 588 { } movieClip 589 { } movieClip 593 { } movieClip 595 { } movieClip 596 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 597 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 600 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 609 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 610 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 615 { frame 1 { } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay('dress'); } } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 620 { } movieClip 621 { } movieClip 623 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 627 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 631 { } movieClip 633 { frame 1 { } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay('dress'); } frame 6 { } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay('dress'); } frame 11 { } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay('dress'); } } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 636 { frame 1 { attachMovie('eye0normalchars', 'eye0normal', 1); loadMovie('', 'eye0normalbase'); } } movieClip 637 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 638 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 641 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 644 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 649 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 650 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { dress = 'dress'; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { dress = 'fire'; } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 653 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 654 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 655 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 657 { } movieClip 660 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 664 { } movieClip 665 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 668 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 669 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 3 { _root.PrevBoob = 0; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 5 { _root.PrevBoob = 1; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 7 { _root.PrevBoob = 2; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 9 { _root.PrevBoob = 3; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 11 { _root.PrevBoob = 4; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 13 { _root.PrevBoob = 5; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } } movieClip 670 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 13 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumBody <= _root.CumBodyMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBody); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumBodyMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 675 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.garter_type) { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } } }; } } } movieClip 676 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 3 { _root.PrevBoob = 0; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 5 { _root.PrevBoob = 1; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 7 { _root.PrevBoob = 2; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 9 { _root.PrevBoob = 3; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 11 { _root.PrevBoob = 4; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 13 { if (!_root.NoBoob) { _root.BoobSize = _root.PrevBoob; } gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } } movieClip 680 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; stop(); } } movieClip 686 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 693 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 695 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 697 { } // unknown tag 88 length 152 movieClip 705 { frame 5 { stop(); } } button 708 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { advance = true; } } movieClip 711 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent._parent._type == 'bad' or _parent._parent._type == 'bad') { gotoAndStop('bad'); } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 712 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); advance = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 7 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 21 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 26 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 31 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 32 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(300); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; ++_root.shyguy_laid_count[0]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'shyguyKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('shyguyKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 714 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 716 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 724 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } } movieClip 727 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 731 { } movieClip 734 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 740 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 760 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 765 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 769 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 770 { } movieClip 772 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 11 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 11 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 12 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 28 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 38 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 42 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 43 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 47 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 48 { _root.cloth_garter_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(300); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; ++_root.shyguy_laid_count[1]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'shyguyKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('shyguyKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 778 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 785 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 787 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 803 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { currentCharacter = 'daisy'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { currentCharacter = 'rosa'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 9 { currentCharacter = 'emorosa'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 11 { currentCharacter = 'toadette'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 82 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 806 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 808 { } movieClip 810 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 840 { frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 843 { } movieClip 860 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 873 { frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 879 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_root.nails_type); } } movieClip 881 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 886 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } } movieClip 891 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } } movieClip 903 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 905 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 928 { frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 929 { } movieClip 931 { instance of movieClip 929 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 932 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(4); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 6 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 7 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 11 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 17 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; if (horny_bar_buildup < horny_maximum) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 26 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 31 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 35 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 37 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 41 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; if (horny_bar_buildup < horny_maximum) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 42 { if (!_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { _root.clothes_skirt_remove = true; _root.sound_shred_random(); } _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(400); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.shyguy_laid_count[2]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'shyguyKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('shyguyKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); _root.peach_swollen_ass(); } } movieClip 933 { frame 2 { _root.soundFX('stomp.wav', 2); stop(); counterToDisappear = 90; counter = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; _parent._alpha -= 100 / counterToDisappear; if (counter >= counterToDisappear) { loadMovie('', _parent._parent); } }; } } movieClip 935 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 936 { instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this) and _root.movement and !_root.pausee) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this) and _root.movement and !_root.pausee) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } movieClip 937 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 4 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 5 { notice = false; stop(); } instance of movieClip 772 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 2; var grav = 0; var charspeed = 8; } } frame 25 { _root.score_add(200); ++_global.PLAYER.deaths; ++_global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; _root.on_action = false; stop(); _global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled = true; } frame 27 { if (stomped == true and alive) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; movement = false; alive = false; gotoAndStop('stomped'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jumping'); } } } movieClip 940 { } movieClip 943 { } movieClip 944 { frame 1 { } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 14 { _root.soundFX('exclamation', 3); } frame 71 { _parent.exclamation_towards_Peach = false; _parent.char.char.head.mouth.mouth_type = 'closed'; _parent.char.char.head.eye.gotoAndStop('enraged'); _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingdown'; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 945 shyguy { frame 1 { function checkDistanceToWalkAct() { if (dist_x > -400 and dist_x < 400) { if (dist_y > -200 and dist_y < 200) { char.movement = true; } else { char.movement = false; } } else { char.movement = false; } } function stomp() { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; char.movement = false; char.alive = false; char.gotoAndPlay('stomped'); char.notice = false; gravity_when_sleeping = true; delete eval(onEnterFrame()); } function do_scene() { _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.ShyGuy; if (char.alive) { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; _root.shyguy_fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; _root.shyguy_fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (!char.alive) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = _root.shyguy_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } } else { f = _root.shyguy_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } char.alive = false; } function follow_peach() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } stop(); movedir = 'left'; enemy_num = _root.ShyGuy; dist = 0; n = 0; scoreSquare = ''; exclamation_towards_Peach = false; xVel = 0; returned_walk = false; if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (char.alive and !jumping) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; checkDistanceToWalkAct(); } if (gravity_when_sleeping or sleeping) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { if (n < 8) { ++n; } _y = _y + n; } else { n = 0; } } if (jumping) { if (!once) { once = true; char.gotoAndPlay('jumping'); } } if (!_root.pausee) { if (char.movement) { if (char.alive) { if (!char.notice) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10 or exclamation_towards_Peach) { _running = true; char.charspeed = 4; follow_peach(); } else { char.charspeed = 2; _running = false; } } } if (_root.movement) { if (!_running) { if (char._right) { if (!exclamation_towards_Peach) { if (dist_x < 120 and dist_x > 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } else { if (dist_x > -120 and dist_x < 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } } if (char._right) { xVel += char.charspeed; } else { xVel -= char.charspeed; } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { xVel -= char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { xVel += char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } this._x += xVel; if (xVel == 0) { if (returned_walk) { char.char.gotoAndStop('stopped'); returned_walk = false; } } else { if (!returned_walk) { returned_walk = true; char.char.gotoAndPlay(1); } } xVel = 0; } } if (!char.stomped and char.alive) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(char) and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and !_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (!char.notice) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; char.movement = false; char.stomped = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { _root.Peach.grav = -20; } else { _root.Peach.grav = -12; } stomp(); } } } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !char.alive and !_root.on_action) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.shyguyTextRandomize(); _root.movement = false; char.do_over = true; do_scene(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2)) { _root.PlayScene = 2; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'2\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3)) { _root.PlayScene = 3; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'3\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key4)) { _root.PlayScene = 4; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'4\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key5)) { _root.PlayScene = 5; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'5\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key6)) { _root.PlayScene = 6; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'6\''; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key7)) { _root.PlayScene = 7; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'7\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key8)) { _root.PlayScene = 8; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'8\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { _root.PlayScene = 9; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'9\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0)) { _root.PlayScene = 10; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.ShyGuy] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'ShyGuy: Sex scene Changed to \'10\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } } } } } } } } } if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (touchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (char.alive) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; char.movement = false; char.do_over = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.shyguyTextRandomize(); _root.Peach.accelX = 0; char.notice = true; do_scene(); } } } } } } } } }; } instance char of movieClip 937 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.4; var grav = 0; var movement = false; var charspeed = 2; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; var stomped = false; var do_over = false; var movedir = 'left'; dist = _root.Peach._x - _parent._x; if (dist < 0) { _parent._xscale = 100; _right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; _right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } } } movieClip 951 { } movieClip 956 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 958 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 963 { frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 965 { } movieClip 966 { } movieClip 967 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 15 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 17 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 27 { repeater = random(2); if (repeater == 0 and !advance) { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 31 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 35 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 47 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 49 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } frame 55 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.blooper_laid_count[0]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'blooperKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('blooperKey'); } _parent._parent.fuckPuzzle = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } } frame 88 { stop(); } } movieClip 970 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 971 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 974 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 17 { if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); } frame 17 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 25 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 30 { repeater = random(2); if (repeater == 0 and !advance) { gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } frame 34 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 5) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 52 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 60 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 62 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 62 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 6) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } frame 68 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.blooper_laid_count[1]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'blooperKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('blooperKey'); } _parent._parent.fuckPuzzle = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } } frame 101 { stop(); } } movieClip 976 { } movieClip 977 { frame 1 { attachMovie('armupperchars', 'armupper', 1); loadMovie('', 'armupperbase'); } } movieClip 979 { frame 27 { stop(); } } movieClip 981 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; once1 = false; once2 = false; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 6 { if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); } frame 7 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 12 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right' and !once1) { once1 = true; gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 17 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 25 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 36 { repeater = random(2) + 1; if (!advance) { _root.balloontext_blooper3 = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; i = 'fuck' + repeater; gotoAndPlay(i); } } frame 37 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 46 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 58 { repeater = random(2) + 1; i = 'fuck' + repeater; } frame 58 { if (horny_bar_buildup > 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay(i); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay(i); } } frame 64 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 74 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 82 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 82 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 84 { if (horny_bar_buildup > 8) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } frame 88 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.blooper_laid_count[2]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'blooperKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('blooperKey'); } _parent._parent.fuckPuzzle = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } } frame 104 { stop(); } } movieClip 986 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 988 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 2 + random(3); horny_random2 = horny_random1 + random(3); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 8 { if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 12 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 24 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 35 { if (!advance) { repeater = random(2) + 1; i = 'fuck' + repeater; } } frame 35 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 37 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 48 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 55 { repeater = random(2) + 1; if (!advance) { balloontext_blooper4 = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; i = 'fuck' + repeater; gotoAndPlay(i); } else { advance = false; } } frame 63 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 75 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 75 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'right') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 77 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random2) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 81 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(1000); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.blooper_laid_count[3]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'blooperKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('blooperKey'); } _parent._parent.fuckPuzzle = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } } frame 97 { stop(); } } movieClip 989 { frame 16 { stop(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('squish'); } } movieClip 990 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; alive = true; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 991 blooper { frame 1 { function do_scene() { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.Blooper; if (char.alive) { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; _root.blooper_fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; _root.blooper_fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (!char.alive) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = _root.blooper_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } } else { f = _root.blooper_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } startover = false; char.alive = false; } if (!once and !this._name) { once = true; this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!pausee and _root.pausee) { pausee = true; stop(); } if (pausee and !_root.pausee) { pausee = false; play(); } if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { this.stop(); char.notice = true; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; do_scene(); } } } } }; } frame 2 { xmod = 0; ymod = 0; movedir = 'right'; char.gotoAndPlay('thrust'); } frame 6 { xmod = 50; ymod = -25; } frame 10 { xmod = 100; ymod = -50; } frame 17 { xmod = 100; ymod = -25; } frame 25 { xmod = 100; ymod = 0; } frame 33 { xmod = 100; ymod = 0; } frame 34 { char.gotoAndPlay('thrust'); xmod = 100; ymod = 0; movedir = 'left'; } frame 38 { xmod = 50; ymod = -25; } frame 42 { xmod = 0; ymod = -50; } frame 49 { xmod = 0; ymod = -25; } frame 57 { xmod = 0; ymod = -50; } frame 65 { xmod = 0; ymod = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 993 { } movieClip 996 { } movieClip 998 { } movieClip 1000 { } movieClip 1002 { } movieClip 1004 { } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1010 { } movieClip 1011 { } movieClip 1013 { } movieClip 1015 { } movieClip 1017 { } movieClip 1019 { } movieClip 1020 { } movieClip 1022 { } movieClip 1024 { } movieClip 1026 { } movieClip 1027 { } movieClip 1029 { } movieClip 1031 { } movieClip 1033 { } movieClip 1039 { } movieClip 1040 { frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1041 { frame 1 { var sound_fx = new Sound(); sound_fx.attachSound('explode_snd'); } frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and !_root.jumping) { gotoAndPlay('explode'); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 4 { } frame 14 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('explode_snd'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } instance explosion of movieClip 1040 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.movement = false; _root.masturbating = false; if (_root.char._x >= _root.bomb._x - 465.85 and !hit) { hit = true; _root.char.character.gotoAndStop('coverleft'); } else { if (!hit) { hit = true; _root.char.character.gotoAndStop('coverright'); } } _root.CumHead = _root.CumHeadMax; _root.CumTits = _root.CumTitsMax; _root.CumBody = _root.CumBodyMax; _root.CumLegs = _root.CumLegsMax; } } } frame 18 { _root.score_add(500); ++_global.PLAYER.death; ++_global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; sound_grow2 = new Sound(this); sound_grow2.attachSound('scream7'); sound_grow2.start(0, 1); if (_root.Peach.peach_state != 'descending') { _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; } if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('coverright'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('coverleft'); } } frame 29 { _root.bombactive = true; _parent._parent.exploded = true; stop(); _root.CumHead = _root.CumHeadMax; _root.CumTits = _root.CumTitsMax; _root.CumBody = _root.CumBodyMax; _root.CumLegs = _root.CumLegsMax; _root.CumButt = _root.CumButtMax; _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; } } movieClip 1042 bobomb_explode { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1045 { } movieClip 1047 { } movieClip 1048 { frame 23 { stop();; } } movieClip 1049 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 1052 { } movieClip 1054 { frame 1 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 6 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 26 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 27 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 31 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 32 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'gallery' or _root.MenuWindow == 'gallery') { stop(); } else { _root.CumHead += 2; } } frame 64 { stop(); _root.bombactive = true; _root.bomb.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1055 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _parent.stop(); _root.jump_pressed = true; _root.Peach.char.character._type.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Peach.char.grav = 0; enemy_num = _root.BobOmb; scene_num = 0; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); if (_root.BobombScene[scene_num] == true) { } else { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true;[enemy_num] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } alive = false; gotoAndStop(3); _root.BobombScene[scene_num] = true; } } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1057 { } movieClip 1059 { } movieClip 1060 { } movieClip 1061 { } movieClip 1063 { } movieClip 1064 { frame 23 { stop();; } } movieClip 1070 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 1080 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1082 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1088 { frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 1091 { } movieClip 1093 { } movieClip 1094 { } movieClip 1095 { frame 1 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 5 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 10 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 11 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 18 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 21 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 25 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 36 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } frame 36 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 41 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 42 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'gallery' or _root.MenuWindow == 'gallery') { stop(); } else { _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumTits += 2; } } frame 74 { stop(); _root.bombactive = true; _root.bomb.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1096 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.char.character._type.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.stop(); enemy_num = _root.BobOmb; scene_num = 1; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.Peach.char.grav = 0; if (_root.BobombScene[scene_num] == true) { } else { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true;[enemy_num] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } alive = false; gotoAndStop(3); _root.BobombScene[scene_num] = true; } } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1098 { } movieClip 1099 { } movieClip 1100 { } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1103 { frame 23 { stop();; } } movieClip 1104 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1105 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1109 { frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1120 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 1121 { frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1123 { frame 1 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 6 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 6 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 8 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 19 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 31 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 32 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); } frame 42 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 43 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'gallery' or _root.MenuWindow == 'gallery') { stop(); } else { _root.CumBody += 2; } } frame 75 { stop(); _root.bombactive = true; _root.bomb.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1124 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.char.character._type.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.stop(); enemy_num = _root.BobOmb; scene_num = 2; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.Peach.char.grav = 0; if (_root.BobombScene[scene_num] == true) { } else { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true;[enemy_num] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } alive = false; gotoAndStop(3); _root.BobombScene[scene_num] = true; } } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1125 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1128 { } movieClip 1137 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1139 { frame 1 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(4); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); } frame 4 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 5 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 9 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 11 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 15 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 23 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); } frame 29 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 33 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 41 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 43 { if (!_root.ShowText) { btext._alpha = 0; } else { btext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 1049 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 44 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 53 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 54 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'gallery' or _root.MenuWindow == 'gallery') { stop(); } else { _root.CumBody += 2; } } frame 69 { stop(); _root.bombactive = true; _root.bomb.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1140 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); _parent.stop(); enemy_num = _root.BobOmb; scene_num = 3; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.Peach.grav = 0; if (_root.BobombScene[scene_num] == true) { } else { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true;[enemy_num] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } alive = false; gotoAndStop(3); _root.BobombScene[scene_num] = true; } } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1141 bobomb { frame 1 { stop(); if (!once and !this._name) { once = true; this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(vision) or spawn) { spawn = false; gotoAndPlay('run'); loadMovie('', vision); char.movement = true; } }; } frame 2 { _root.bombactive = false; } instance bobombmain of movieClip 1055 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (alive != false) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } notice = true; this(notice); gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndStop('explode'); } } } } } } instance bobombmain of movieClip 1096 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (alive != false) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } notice = true; this(notice); gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndStop('explode'); } } } } } } frame 31 { if (walk_lengh == 'short') { gotoAndStop('run_short'); } } instance bobombmain of movieClip 1096 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (alive != false) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } notice = true; this(notice); gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndStop('explode'); } } } } } } instance bobombmain of movieClip 1124 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (alive != false) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } notice = true; this(notice); gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndStop('explode'); } } } } } } instance bobombmain of movieClip 1140 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (alive != false) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } notice = true; gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndStop('explode'); } } } } } } frame 81 { stop(); } frame 82 { stop(); } } movieClip 1143 { } movieClip 1145 { } movieClip 1147 { } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1150 { } movieClip 1151 { frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 1152 { frame 20 { sound_fall3 = new Sound(this); sound_fall3.attachSound('boo_sound'); sound_fall3.start(0, 1); stop(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } movieClip 1153 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1154 boo { frame 1 { function checkDistanceToWalkAct() { if (dist_x > -400 and dist_x < 400) { if (dist_y > -200 and dist_y < 200) { char.movement = true; } else { char.movement = false; } } else { char.movement = false; } } movedir = 'left'; var enemy_num = _root.Boo; var dist = 0; if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_boo' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (char.alive) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; checkDistanceToWalkAct(); if (!char.notice) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { char.charspeed = 4; } else { char.charspeed = 2; } } } if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.movement) { if (char.movement) { if (char.alive) { if (dist_x > 12) { if (!_root.Peach.peach_right) { if (!looking) { char.changing = false; looking = true; } if (!char.changing) { char.changing = true; char.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } else { if (looking) { char.changing = false; looking = false; } if (!char.changing) { char.changing = true; char.gotoAndPlay('unhide'); } _x = _x + char.charspeed; if (dist_y > 20) { _y = _y + char.charspeed; } else { if (dist_y < -20) { _y = _y - char.charspeed; } else {} } } if (!char._right) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } else { if (dist_x < -12) { if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { if (!looking) { char.changing = false; looking = true; } if (!char.changing) { char.changing = true; char.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } else { if (looking) { char.changing = false; looking = false; } if (!char.changing) { char.changing = true; char.gotoAndPlay('unhide'); } _x = _x - char.charspeed; if (dist_y > 20) { _y = _y + char.charspeed; } else { if (dist_y < -20) { _y = _y - char.charspeed; } else {} } } if (char._right) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } } else {} } } } } } if (!char.stomped) { if (_root.Peach._type.CollisionFeet.hitTest(char)) { if (!_root.Peach._type.CollisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (!char.notice) { if (_root.jumping == 0) { char.stomped = true; char.notice = false; } } } } if (_root.Peach._type.CollisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !char.alive and !_root.on_action) { _root.movement = false; char.do_over = true; char.gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Boo: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (touchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { char.notice = true; } } } } } } } } } } }; } instance char of movieClip 1153 { onClipEvent (load) { var movement = false; var charspeed = 2; var right = false; var alive = true; var stomped = false; var do_over = false; } } } movieClip 1159 { frame 1 { if (_color == 'red' or _parent._color == 'red' or _parent._parent._parent._color == 'red') { gotoAndPlay(2); } if (_color == 'white' or _parent._color == 'white' or _parent._parent._parent._color == 'white') { gotoAndPlay(3); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1162 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } frame 2 { once = false; } frame 9 { if (!once) { once = true; _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'down'; } gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } frame 10 { once = false; } frame 17 { if (!once) { once = true; _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'up'; } gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } } movieClip 1165 { frame 1 { if (_color == 'red' or _parent._color == 'red' or _parent._parent._parent._color == 'red') { gotoAndPlay(2); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1168 { } movieClip 1169 { } movieClip 1173 { } movieClip 1174 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1177 { frame 1 { onLoad = function () { char.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(16)); }; } frame 2 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 4 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(7); } } frame 8 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 10 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 12 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(13); } } frame 14 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 16 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(17); } } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 1179 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1181 { instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1185 { } movieClip 1188 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1189 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 1 { psays1 = 'Wow! Who knew a Koopa could be hiding something like this in its shell?'; psays2 = 'It must\'ve been hard being so pent up! I\'ll make sure its balls are empty before I go.'; } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 10 { head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 17 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 17 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 27 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 30 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 36 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 48 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 50 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 59 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 5) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 60 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(300); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumTits += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[0]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1190 { } movieClip 1192 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1194 { instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1197 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1198 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 2 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 17 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 20 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 20 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 24 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 25 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 31 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 31 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 6) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 37 { _root.cloth_stockings_remove(); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 45 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 50 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 51 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 54 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 61 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 66 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 69 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 70 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 9) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 71 { _root.cloth_heels_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[2]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } frame 72 { head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); stop(); } } movieClip 1201 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1206 { frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1207 { frame 1 {; } frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 1209 { instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1210 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 2 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; } frame 5 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 17 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 19 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 19 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 27 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 28 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 37 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 41 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 42 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 60 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 61 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 77 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 5) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 78 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(300); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[1]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1211 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 2 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 17 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 18 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 31 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 6) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 32 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 39 { head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 47 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 53 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 55 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 56 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 58 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 9) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 59 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[3]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1215 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 2 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 18 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 19 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 20 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 28 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 39 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 6) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 40 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 42 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 55 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 55 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 56 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 65 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 9) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 66 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(400); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[4]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } frame 67 { stop(); } } movieClip 1221 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1224 { instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1226 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 1 { psays1 = 'Wow! Who knew a Koopa could be hiding something like this in its shell?'; psays2 = 'It must\'ve been hard being so pent up! I\'ll make sure its balls are empty before I go.'; } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 5 { head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 11 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 13 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); } frame 14 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('normal'); } frame 21 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 24 { head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 27 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 27 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 28 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 31 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('liddedmore'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('liddedmore'); } frame 39 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 45 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 46 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 51 { head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 52 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('liddedmore'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('liddedmore'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 57 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 6) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('covered'); } else { gotoAndPlay('swing'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; if (_root.horny_bar < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } gotoAndPlay('swing'); } } frame 57 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 58 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 60 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 65 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 70 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 75 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 76 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 9) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 77 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(400); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumTits += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[5]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _root.peach_swollen_ass(); stop(); } } movieClip 1229 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1231 { } movieClip 1238 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1240 { } movieClip 1258 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1260 { instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1261 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 19 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 30 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 32 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 32 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 33 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 37 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 38 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 44 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 45 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 51 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 58 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 61 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 66 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 66 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 71 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 76 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 79 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 80 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 7) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } frame 81 { head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 82 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 89 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 90 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 93 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 96 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 99 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 100 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 9) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 101 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[6]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head3.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head3.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); _root.peach_swollen_ass(); } } movieClip 1263 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1264 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 1265 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 19 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 21 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 28 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 29 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 30 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; } frame 35 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 45 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 4) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 46 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 50 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 60 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 64 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 67 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 69 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 80 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 90 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('liddedmore'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('liddedmore'); } frame 91 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 7) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } frame 94 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 97 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 110 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 111 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; } frame 126 { stop(); } frame 126 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 10) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 128 { _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(1500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.koopa_laid_count[7]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'koopaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('koopaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } head2.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head2.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head3.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head3.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head4.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head4.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); _root.peach_swollen_ass(); stop(); } } movieClip 1266 { frame 1 { stop(); head.eyeRight.gotoAndStop('lookright'); } } movieClip 1267 { frame 150 { stop(); _parent.alive = true; _parent._parent.movement_shell = false; _parent.stomped = false; _parent._parent.can_be_fucked = true; _parent._parent.inside_shell = false; _parent.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1268 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 4 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 5 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 6 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 7 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 8 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 9 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 10 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 20 { notice = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this)) { _y = _y + 3; } }; stop(); } frame 21 { notice = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this)) { _y = _y + 3; } }; stop(); } } movieClip 1269 koopa { frame 1 { function checkDistanceToWalkAct() { if (dist_x > -400 and dist_x < 400) { if (dist_y > -200 and dist_y < 200) { char.movement = true; } else { char.movement = false; } } else { char.movement = false; } } function do_scene() { char.movement = false; _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.KoopaTroopa; if (char.alive) { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; _root.koopa_fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; _root.koopa_fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (!char.alive) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = _root.koopa_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } } else { f = _root.koopa_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } char.alive = false; } function follow_peach() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } movedir = 'left'; can_be_fucked = true; enemy_num = _root.KoopaTroopa; dist = 0; scoreSquare = ''; exclamation_towards_Peach = false; returned_walk = false; xVel = 0; if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!inside_shell and char.alive) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; checkDistanceToWalkAct(); } if (sleeping) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this)) { _y = _y + 3; } } if (!_root.pausee) { if (char.movement) { if (char.alive and !movement_shell) { if (!char.notice) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10 or exclamation_towards_Peach) { _running = true; char.charspeed = 4; follow_peach(); } else { _running = false; char.charspeed = 2; } } } if (_root.movement) { if (!_running) { if (!_sleeping) { if (char._right) { if (!exclamation_towards_Peach) { if (!inside_shell) { if (dist_x < 120 and dist_x > 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } } else { if (dist_x > -120 and dist_x < 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } } } if (char.alive) { if (char._right) { if (movement_shell) { xVel += char.charspeed + 8; } else { xVel += char.charspeed; } } else { if (movement_shell) { xVel -= char.charspeed + 8; } else { xVel -= char.charspeed; } } } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (char.alive) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2, _y - _height / 4, true)) { xVel -= char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; will_harm = true; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2, _y - _height / 4, true)) { xVel += char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; will_harm = true; } } this._x += xVel; if (xVel == 0) { if (returned_walk) { char.char.gotoAndStop('stopped'); returned_walk = false; } } else { if (!returned_walk) { returned_walk = true; char.char.gotoAndPlay(1); } } xVel = 0; } } if (!_root.Peach._type.hitTest(char)) { touched = false; } if (!char.stomped) { if (!touched) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(char)) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (!char.notice) { char.alive = false; movement_shell = false; can_be_fucked = false; char.stomped = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { _root.Peach.grav = -20; } else { _root.Peach.grav = -12; } char.gotoAndPlay(1); char.gotoAndPlay('shell');; char.notice = false; touched = true; inside_shell = true; } } } } } } } } else { if (!touched) { if (!char.notice) { if (char.movement) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_x + 18, _y - _height / 2, true)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('kick'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); char.alive = true; movement_shell = true; movedir = 'left'; can_be_fucked = false; char._right = false; char.stomped = false; will_harm = false;; inside_shell = true; } else { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = true; _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'shell'; if (_color) { _root.Peach.koopacolor = _color; } else { _root.Peach.koopacolor = 'green'; } if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; setTimeout(function () { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; }, 500); loadMovie('', this); } } } else { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_x, _y - _height / 2, true)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('kick'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); char.alive = true; movement_shell = true; movedir = 'right'; can_be_fucked = false; will_harm = false; char._right = true; char.stomped = false;; inside_shell = true; } else { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = true; _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'shell'; if (_color) { _root.Peach.koopacolor = _color; } else { _root.Peach.koopacolor = 'green'; } if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; setTimeout(function () { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; }, 500); loadMovie('', this); } } } } } } } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (movement_shell) { if (will_harm) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } else { if (can_be_fucked) { if (!char.alive) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.masturbating) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND)) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.koopaTextRandomize(); sleeping = true; char.do_over = true; do_scene(); } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2)) { _root.PlayScene = 2; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'2\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3)) { _root.PlayScene = 3; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'3\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key4)) { _root.PlayScene = 4; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'4\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key5)) { _root.PlayScene = 5; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'5\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key6)) { _root.PlayScene = 6; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'6\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key7)) { _root.PlayScene = 7; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'7\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key8)) { _root.PlayScene = 8; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.KoopaTroopa] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Koopa: Sex scene Changed to \'8\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Sorry, not yet implemented'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0)) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Sorry, not yet implemented'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } else { if (!char.stomped) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (touchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (char.alive) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; char.do_over = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.koopaTextRandomize(); char.notice = true; sleeping = true; char.stomped = true; do_scene(); } } } } } } } } } } } } }; } instance char of movieClip 1268 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.4; var grav = 0; var movement = false; var charspeed = 2; var right = false; var alive = true; var stomped = false; var do_over = false; } } } movieClip 1272 endlevelcoins { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { } frame 4 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 6 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 7 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 12 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 16 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 17 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 18 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 19 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 21 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 22 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 26 { stop(); _parent.orgasms.gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 1275 endlevelkilled { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 6 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 7 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 12 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 16 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 17 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 18 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 19 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 21 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 22 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 27 { stop(); _parent.laid.gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 37 { stop(); _parent.laid.gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 1280 { } movieClip 1285 endlevellaid { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 4 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 6 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 7 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 12 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 16 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 17 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 18 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 19 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 21 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 22 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 27 { if (_global.PLAYER.laids == 0) { gotoAndPlay('virgin'); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.laids >= _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore) { gotoAndPlay('whore'); } } } instance of movieClip 1280 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered) { _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } else { if (_root.isXtechLevelTriggered) { _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } else { if (_root.isXtechLevelOut) { _root.isXtechLevelOut = false; _root.actual_level = 7; _root.worldmap1_list[8] = 'activated'; _root.actual_world = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('worldmap'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('worldmap'); } } } } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered) { _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } else { if (_root.isXtechLevelTriggered) { _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } else { if (_root.isXtechLevelOut) { _root.isXtechLevelOut = false; _root.actual_level = 6; _root.actual_world = 0; _root.gotoAndPlay('worldmap'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('worldmap'); } } } } } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 47 { _root.whore = true; stop(); } frame 57 { = true; stop(); } } movieClip 1286 { } movieClip 1288 { } movieClip 1290 { } movieClip 1294 { } movieClip 1296 { } movieClip 1302 { frame 2 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest( { soundeffect = new Sound(this); soundeffect.attachSound('piranha'); soundeffect.start(0, 1); } } } movieClip 1304 { } movieClip 1305 { } movieClip 1307 { } movieClip 1309 { } movieClip 1311 { } movieClip 1312 { frame 1 { body.head.stop(); } instance body of movieClip 1305 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(collision)) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } frame 5 { body.head.gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 80 { body.head.stop(); } frame 89 { body.head.stop(); if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_parent._parent.checkNear)) { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } } frame 94 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_parent._parent.checkNear)) { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } } frame 108 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_parent._parent.checkNear)) { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } movieClip 1313 { frame 1 { body.head.stop(); } frame 5 { body.head.gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 80 { body.head.stop(); } frame 89 { body.head.stop(); if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_parent.checkNear)) { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } frame 91 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_parent.checkNear)) { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } frame 92 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_parent.checkNear)) { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } else { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } movieClip 1314 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1315 PiranhaPlant { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_piranha' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } random_start = Math.floor(Math.random() * 88) + 2; piranhaMain.piranhaPlant.gotoAndPlay(random_start); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 1318 horny_respawn { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1322 coin { frame 1 { taken = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('taken'); delete eval(onEnterFrame()); } }; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 11 { if (_root.Score >= 99) { _root.Score = 0; _root.soundFX('Extra Life', 3); ++_root.Lives; } else { ++_root.Score; } _root.soundFX('sound_coin', 4); _root.score_add(200); taken = true; } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1324 water { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 1325 invulnerable { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.invulnerable = 1; _timer = 50; _counter = 0; semi_transparent = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!semi_transparent) { semi_transparent = true; _parent._alpha = 50; } else { semi_transparent = false; _parent._alpha = 100; } if (_counter < _timer) { ++_counter; } else { _root.invulnerable = 0; semi_transparent = false; _parent._alpha = 100; gotoAndStop(1); delete onEnterFrame; } }; stop(); } } movieClip 1328 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } frame 2 { once = false; } frame 9 { if (!once) { once = true; _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'down'; } gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } frame 10 { once = false; } frame 17 { if (!once) { once = true; _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'up'; } gotoAndPlay(_global.FLAGS.dickState); } } movieClip 1330 { } movieClip 1333 { } movieClip 1335 { } movieClip 1338 { } movieClip 1339 { frame 2 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 4 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(7); } } frame 8 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 10 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 1342 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); advance = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 7 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 26 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 27 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 31 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 32 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(200); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[0]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach_show(1); stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1345 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 11 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 11 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 28 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 38 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 42 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 42 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 47 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 48 { _root.cloth_garter_remove(); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(200); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[1]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach_show(1); stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1347 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 1349 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 1350 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 6 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 17 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 26 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 26 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 31 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 32 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(300); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumTits += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[2]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1351 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 1353 { instance of movieClip 1351 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1354 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 1356 { instance of movieClip 1354 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1357 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(2); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 13 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 13 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 26 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 33 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 41 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 41 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 46 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 47 { _root.cloth_stockings_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(300); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumTits += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[3]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1359 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1363 { frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1365 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1366 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(4); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 10 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 16 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 16 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 31 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 32 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 58 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 79 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 84 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 85 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[4]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1368 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1370 { instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1382 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 13 { stop(); } } movieClip 1383 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1384 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(4); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 8 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 8 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 17 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 22 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck1'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck1'); } } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 26 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); } frame 31 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; } frame 36 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 48 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 48 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 49 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 75 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 76 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[5]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1385 { } movieClip 1386 { } movieClip 1388 { instance of movieClip 1386 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1392 { frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 1393 { } movieClip 1395 { instance of movieClip 1393 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1396 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(5); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 17 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 18 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 19 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 27 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 31 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('talk'); } frame 48 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 61 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 64 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 65 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 69 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 70 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[6]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1398 { instance of movieClip 1386 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1409 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1411 { instance of movieClip 1393 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1412 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(4); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 6 { _root.cloth_vest_remove(); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 7 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 18 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 21 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 26 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 27 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 31 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 32 { _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[7]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1413 { } movieClip 1415 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1417 { instance of movieClip 929 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1418 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(4); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 6 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 10 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 15 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 18 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 31 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 36 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 37 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[8]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 1420 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1426 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 1428 { instance of movieClip 929 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1429 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(3); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 6 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 13 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 18 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 19 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 33 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 38 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 39 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[9]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); stop(); _root.peach_swollen_ass(); } } movieClip 1431 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1433 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1435 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1453 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 1458 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1462 { frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 1464 { instance of movieClip 808 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } } movieClip 1465 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 5 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 7 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 7 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 13 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 18 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 5) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('second'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck1'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck1'); } } frame 19 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 24 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 37 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 55 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 10) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('thurd'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck2'); } } frame 56 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 78 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 79 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 96 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 15) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck3'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck3'); } } frame 100 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 141 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext.gtext._xscale = -gtext.gtext._xscale; gtext.gtext._x += gtext.gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 142 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 150 { if (horny_bar_buildup == _root.horny_maximum) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 151 { _root.cloth_skirt_remove(); _root.check_blush(); _root.Peach_show(1); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(1500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[10]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); _root.peach_swollen_ass(); } } movieClip 1466 { } movieClip 1467 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 1468 { frame 2 { stop(); _root.soundFX('stomp.wav', 2); counterToDisappear = 90; counter = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { ++counter; _parent._alpha -= 100 / counterToDisappear; if (counter >= counterToDisappear) { loadMovie('', _parent._parent); } }; } } movieClip 1469 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 4 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 5 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 6 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 7 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 8 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 9 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 10 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 11 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 12 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 13 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 19 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 20 { _root.score_add(200); ++_global.PLAYER.deaths; ++_global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; if (_parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled = true; } stop(); } } movieClip 1470 goomba { frame 1 { function stomp() { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; char.movement = false; char.alive = false; char.gotoAndPlay('stomped'); } function checkDistanceToWalkAct() { if (dist_x > -400 and dist_x < 400) { if (dist_y > -200 and dist_y < 200) { char.movement = true; } else { char.movement = false; } } else { char.movement = false; } } function do_scene() { _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.Goomba; if (char.alive) { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; _root.goomba_fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; _root.goomba_fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (!char.alive) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = _root.goomba_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); } } else { f = _root.goomba_fucking_scene + 2; char.gotoAndPlay(f); char.alive = false; } } function follow_peach() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { if (stopped_before) { char.movement = true; char.gotoAndPlay('walk'); stopped_before = false; } this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { if (stopped_before) { char.movement = true; char.gotoAndPlay('walk'); stopped_before = false; } this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } stop(); if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } scoreSquare = ''; exclamation_towards_Peach = false; xVel = 0; returned_walk = false; movedir = 'left'; enemy_num = _root.Goomba; dist = 0; n = 0; char.gravity = 1.4; char.grav = 0; char.movement = false; char.charspeed = 2; char._right = false; char.alive = true; char.stomped = false; char.do_over = false; char.squish.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(11)); if (turnRight) { turnRight = false; if (stopped_before) { char.movement = true; char.gotoAndStop('walk'); stopped_before = false; } this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (char.alive) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; checkDistanceToWalkAct(); } if (gravity_when_sleeping or sleeping) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { if (n < 8) { ++n; } _y = _y + n; } else { n = 0; } } if (!_root.pausee) { if (char.movement) { if (char.alive) { if (!char.notice) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10 or exclamation_towards_Peach) { _running = true; char.charspeed = 4; follow_peach(); } else { _running = false; char.charspeed = 2; } } } if (_root.movement) { if (!_running) { if (char._right) { if (!exclamation_towards_Peach) { if (dist_x < 120 and dist_x > 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } else { if (dist_x > -120 and dist_x < 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } } } if (char.alive) { if (char._right) { xVel += char.charspeed; } else { xVel -= char.charspeed; } } if (_y > 3000) { loadMovie('', this); } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 2, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { xVel -= char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true) or turnRightAfterWalk) { turnRightAfterWalk = false; xVel += char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } this._x += xVel; if (xVel == 0) { if (returned_walk) { char.squish.gotoAndStop('stopped'); returned_walk = false; } } else { if (!returned_walk) { returned_walk = true; char.squish.gotoAndPlay(1); } } xVel = 0; } if (!char.stomped and char.alive) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(char) and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and !_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (!char.notice) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; char.stomped = true; stomp(); if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { _root.Peach.grav = -20; } else { _root.Peach.grav = -12; } char.notice = false; gravity_when_sleeping = true; } } } } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !char.stomped) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !char.alive and !_root.on_action) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; _root.goombaTextRandomize(); _root.movement = false; char.do_over = true; do_scene(); if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2)) { _root.PlayScene = 2; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'2\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3)) { _root.PlayScene = 3; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'3\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key4)) { _root.PlayScene = 4; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'4\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key5)) { _root.PlayScene = 5; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'5\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key6)) { _root.PlayScene = 6; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'6\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key7)) { _root.PlayScene = 7; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'7\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key8)) { _root.PlayScene = 8; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'8\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { _root.PlayScene = 9; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'9\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0)) { _root.PlayScene = 10; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Goomba: Sex scene Changed to \'10\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (touchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.goombaTextRandomize(); char.notice = true; char.movement = false; char.gotoAndStop('stop'); do_scene(); _root.Peach.accelX = 0; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }; } } // unknown tag 88 length 156 movieClip 1475 { } movieClip 1476 status_MC { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 122 { stop(); } } movieClip 1486 { } movieClip 1487 { } movieClip 1488 { } movieClip 1491 { } movieClip 1495 { } movieClip 1498 { } movieClip 1500 { } movieClip 1503 { } movieClip 1504 Puzzle_MC { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 108 { if (!auto_fadeout) { stop(); } } frame 123 { stop(); } frame 229 { stop(); } frame 349 { stop(); } frame 455 { stop(); } frame 561 { stop(); } } movieClip 1506 { } movieClip 1507 tips_MC { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 108 { _root.first_text_show = false; } frame 122 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 1 { function MUSIC(mus, loop) { BGMsound.attachSound(mus); BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); if (PlaySound == 'ON') { BGMsound.start(0, loop); } } function mySiteLink() { getURL('', '_blank'); } var PlaySound = 'ON'; var BGMsound = new Sound(); var SoundEffect = new Sound(); _global.GAMECONFIG = {'setScrolling': true, 'physicsSMB3': false, 'soundVolume': 80, 'soundHeels': true, 'keyboardLayout': 1, 'null': null}; _global.VISITEDAREAS = {'toadsworth': false, 'nurseryRoom': false, 'null': null}; _global.SAVED = {'Peach_with_long_skirt': false, 'peachBoobShowing': false, 'peachBottomlessShowing': false, 'blushType': false, 'null': null}; _global.NPCs = {'toadsworth_plot': false, 'toadette_plot': false, 'null': null}; _global.FLAGS = {'puzzleKilled': false, 'puzzleFucked': false, 'jump_out_of_water': false, 'musicalBlockJump': false, 'interactiveButtonPressed': false, 'cameraFocusAt': false, 'parasolActive': false, 'key_cannon': false, 'pathway1_8': false, 'pathway2_8': false, 'pathway3_8': false, 'pathway4_8': false, 'pathway5_8': false, 'pathway6_8': false, 'pathway7_8': false, 'enemyInstanceCount': 0, 'coinNumber': 0, 'lockedIntoMeeting': false, 'cameraFreedom': false, 'loadedGame': false, 'dickState': 'down', 'enemyOnlyOneMutex': false, 'vegetableOnlyOneMutex': false, 'resetgallery': false, 'veggieLeafMutex': false, 'soundVolume': 100, '_item': new Array(), 'doors': new Array(), 'isToadHouseBonus': false, 'isSlippering': false, 'enemiesLaidToBeWhore': 10, 'enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut': 80, 'peachIsWhatText': 'Peach is embarrassed', 'peachIsWhat2Text': 'Peach is a virgin', 'peachIsWhatRemNum': 10, 'peachIsWhatRem2Num': 80, 'veggieNumber': -1, 'veggieLimit': 20, 'shellNumber': 0, 'enemiesAtATime': 0, 'bossFightType': 'virgin', 'scrollingLevel': false, 'powerItemNumber': 0, 'isInTheGallery': false, 'isFireballLocked': false, 'fruitAmount': 0, 'null': null}; _global.PLAYER = {'Peach_with_long_skirt': false, 'assType': 'normal', 'isPeachCumDripping': 'no', 'isInvisible': false, 'isTouchingGround': true, 'isSuperPeach': 'no', 'isCarryingVeggie': false, 'isCarryingShell': false, 'isReadyToGrabVeggie': false, 'lockAnimation': false, 'blushType': 'fade_in', 'blushAux': 'fade_in', 'canMove': true, 'outfit': 'naked', 'bustSize': 'norm', 'coins': 0, 'lives': 3, 'laids': 0, 'deaths': 0, 'totalDeaths': 0, 'totalLaids': 0, 'startPlace': {'x': 0, 'y': 0}, 'scrollSmooth': 0.1, 'farScale': 200, 'closeScale': 300, 'isPeachHammerBros': 'no', 'null': null}; var rightClick = new ContextMenu(); rightClick.hideBuiltInItems(); = rightClick; var mySiteLink = new ContextMenuItem('MIM AE - Official Source Site', mySiteLink); rightClick.customItems.push(mySiteLink); } movieClip 1514 { } button 1519 { on (release) {; } on (keyPress '<Space>') {; } } movieClip 1520 { frame 1 { function timerHandler() { if (!loadingComplete) { var v2 = _root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal(); bar._xscale = 100 * v2; if (v2 == 1) { loadingComplete = true; if (AUTO_PLAY) { startMovie(); return undefined; } gotoAndPlay('loaded'); return undefined; } } } function startMovie() {; } _root.stop(); var AUTO_PLAY = false; var loadingComplete = false; timerHandler(); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 1525 { } button 1526 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 1529 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } // unknown tag 88 length 149 button 1543 { on (release) { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'title') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 1); } else { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } on (keyPress 'm') { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'title') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 1); } else { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } } movieClip 1544 { } frame 2 { function goombaTextRandomize() { if (_root.goomba_laid_count[_root.goomba_fucking_scene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_goomba' + _root.goomba_fucking_scene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.fucking_scene > 4) { this['balloontext_goomba' + _root.goomba_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_goomba' + _root.goomba_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } if (_root.goomba_laid_count[_root.PlayScene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_goomba' + _root.PlayScene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.PlayScene > 4) { this['balloontext_goomba' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_goomba' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } } function koopaTextRandomize() { if (_root.koopa_laid_count[_root.koopa_fucking_scene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_koopa' + _root.koopa_fucking_scene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.fucking_scene > 4) { this['balloontext_koopa' + _root.koopa_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_koopa' + _root.koopa_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } if (_root.koopa_laid_count[_root.PlayScene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_koopa' + _root.PlayScene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.PlayScene > 4) { this['balloontext_koopa' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_koopa' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } } function shyguyTextRandomize() { if (_root.shyguy_laid_count[_root.shyguy_fucking_scene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_shyguy' + _root.shyguy_fucking_scene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.fucking_scene > 4) { this['balloontext_shyguy' + _root.shyguy_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_shyguy' + _root.shyguy_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } if (_root.shyguy_laid_count[_root.PlayScene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_shyguy' + _root.PlayScene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.PlayScene > 4) { this['balloontext_shyguy' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_shyguy' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } } function blooperTextRandomize() { if (_root.blooper_laid_count[_root.blooper_fucking_scene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_blooper' + _root.blooper_fucking_scene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.fucking_scene > 3) { this['balloontext_blooper' + _root.blooper_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; balloontext_blooper3_1 = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_blooper' + _root.blooper_fucking_scene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } if (_root.blooper_laid_count[_root.PlayScene - 1] > 0) { this['balloontext_blooper' + _root.PlayScene + 'cum'] = _root.balloontext_cums_general[random(_root.balloontext_cums_general.length)]; if (_root.PlayScene > 4) { this['balloontext_blooper' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_pleasure[random(_root.balloontext_pleasure.length)]; } else { this['balloontext_blooper' + _root.PlayScene] = _root.balloontext_talks[random(_root.balloontext_talks.length)]; } } } function foot_sound1() { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement) { if ((_root.heels_type != 'None' or _root.heels_glued) and !_root.pausee) { _root.soundFX('heels_walk1', 1); } else { _root.soundFX('foot_walk1', 1); } } } } function foot_sound2() { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels) { if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement) { if ((_root.heels_type != 'None' or _root.heels_glued) and !_root.pausee) { _root.soundFX('heels_walk2', 1); } else { _root.soundFX('foot_walk2', 1); } } } } function peachGoFrontside() {} function peachGoBackside() { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('backsideveg'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('backside'); } _root.Peach.peach_state = 'backside'; } function changeLevel(level) { clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; _root.gotoAndPlay(level); } function interactiveButton_add() { _root.blackscreen.attachMovie('iButton', 'iButtonMC', 0); _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC._visible = true; _root.Peach.point = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); _root.Peach.localToGlobal(_root.Peach.point); _root.blackscreen.globalToLocal(_root.Peach.point); if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC._x = _root.Peach.point.x + 20; } else { _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC._x = _root.Peach.point.x - 20; } _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC._y = _root.Peach.point.y - 100; } function interactiveButton_show() { _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC._visible = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.Peach.peach_state = 'standright'; } function interactiveButton_hide() { _global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed = false; _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC._visible = false; } function interactiveButton_remove() { loadMovie('', _root.blackscreen.iButtonMC); } function peach_locked(_type) { game_timer_suspend = 1; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; movement = false; _root.Peach.accelX = 0; if (!_type or _type == 'standing') { if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standright'); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleftvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } } else { if (_type == 'backside') { _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('backside'); } else { if (_type == 'surprised') { _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('surprised'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standright'); } } } } function peach_unlocked() { _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.peach_stand_up(); } function peach_stand_up() { if (_root.Peach.peach_right) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standright'); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleftvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } _root.movement = true; if (!_root.cum) { _root.on_action = false; } _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } function cloth_bra_remove() { if (!_root.clothes_bra_remove) { _root.clothes_bra_remove = true; if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { _root.clothes_vest_remove = true; } _root.sound_shred_random(); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _root.peachBoobShowing = true; } } function cloth_garter_remove() { if (_root.garter_type != 'None') { _root.sound_shred_random(); _root.garter_type = 'None'; } } function cloth_stockings_remove() { if (_root.stockings_type != 'None') { _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.sound_shred_random(); } } function cloth_skirt_remove() { if (!_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _root.clothes_skirt_remove = true; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.sound_shred_random(); } } function cloth_vest_remove() { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; if (!_root.clothes_vest_remove) { if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { _root.clothes_bra_remove = true; _root.peachBoobShowing = true; } _root.sound_shred_random(); } } function cloth_heels_remove() { if (_root.heels_type != 'None') { _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.sound_shred_random(); } } function PeachRemoveKey() { _root.PeachHasKey = 'no'; _root.HUD.key.gotoAndPlay('no'); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('key_out_ass'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } function getPuzzleReward(type) { if (type == 'goombaKey' || type == 'shyguyKey' || type == 'koopaKey') { _root.PeachHasKey = 'yes'; _global.PLAYER.assType = 'swollen'; _root.HUD.key.gotoAndPlay('gold'); _root.statusBarMessage('You\'ve got a key!'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_off'; _root.soundFX('key_in_ass', 2); } } function keyboardLayout(type) { key0 = 48; key1 = 49; key2 = 50; key3 = 51; key4 = 52; key5 = 53; key6 = 54; key7 = 55; key8 = 56; key9 = 57; keyENTER = 13; keyDELETE = 46; keyESC = 17; keyEQUAL = 187; keyMINUS = 189; keyBACKSPACE = 8; keyM = 77; keyI = 73; keyINSERT = 45; keyCONTROL = 17; keyT = 84; keyGallery = 71; keyMUSIC = 111; keyPAGEUP = 33; keyPAGEDOWN = 34; keyHOME = 36; keyENDREALLY = 35; keyALT = 18; _root.do_over_key = 'SPACE'; switch (type) { case 1: keyUP = 38; keyDOWN = 40; keyLEFT = 37; keyRIGHT = 39; keySHIFT = 16; keySLASH = 76; keyCOLLON = ''; keyPERIOD = 75; keyZ = 90; keyMASTURBATE = 86; keyX = 88; keyC = 67; keyL = 76; keySPACE = 32; keyEND = 65; break; case 2: keyUP = 85; keyDOWN = 75; keyLEFT = 74; keyRIGHT = 76; keySHIFT = 77; keySLASH = ''; keyCOLLON = ''; keyPERIOD = ''; keyZ = 79; keyMASTURBATE = 78; keyW = ''; keyS = ''; keyX = 186; keyA = ''; keyB = ''; keyC = 73; keyD = ''; keySPACE = 32; keyEND = 80; break; case 3: keyUP = ''; keyDOWN = ''; keyLEFT = ''; keyRIGHT = ''; keySHIFT = 72; keyBACKSPACE = 8; keySLASH = ''; keyCOLLON = ''; keyPERIOD = 75; keyMASTURBATE = 70; keyZ = 74; keyW = 87; keyS = 83; keyX = ''; keyA = 65; keyB = ''; keyC = 76; keyD = 68; keySPACE = 32; keyEND = 86; break; case 4: keyUP = ''; keyDOWN = ''; keyLEFT = ''; keyRIGHT = ''; keySHIFT = 81; keySLASH = ''; keyCOLLON = ''; keyPERIOD = ''; keyMASTURBATE = 70; keyZ = 69; keyW = 87; keyS = 83; keyX = 16; keyA = 65; keyB = ''; keyC = 32; keyD = 68; keySPACE = 16; keyEND = 82; _root.do_over_key = 'SHIFT'; } } function cameraFocusAt(target, timer) { _root.HUD._visible = false; _global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt = target; if (timer) { ttimeout = setTimeout(function () {; }, timer); } } function newTip() { _root.currentTip = _root.tip[random(_root.tip.length - 1)]; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } function peach_update_dressNum_speed() { if (_root.CharMove == 'Dress' or _root.CharMove == 'Nurse') { Peach.gravity = 1.8; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -16 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 6.5 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Poison') { Peach.gravity = 1.8; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -17 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 7 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Fire' or _root.CharMove == 'Burn' or _root.CharMove == 'Striker') { Peach.gravity = 1.8; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -18 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 8 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Raccoon') { Peach.gravity = 1.7; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -18 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 7 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Leaf') { Peach.gravity = 1.7; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -18 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 7.5 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { Peach.gravity = 1.8; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -16 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 6 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'HammerBros') { Peach.gravity = 2; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -15 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 6 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } else { Peach.gravity = 1.8; Peach.heavyJump = _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.maxJump = -17 + _root.Peach_heavyJump; Peach.charheavyspeed = _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; Peach.charspeed = 7 - _root.Peach_charheavyspeed; } } } } } } } } function peachTextBoxPinkTalk(_text, _type) { _root.tipMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' or a given number to advance'); movement = false; on_action = true; game_timer_suspend = 1; Peach.grav = 0; Peach.accelX = 0; if (_type == 'surprised') { _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('surprised'); } else { if (Peach.peach_right) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standright'); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleftvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } movement = false; on_action = true; } currentPuzzle = _text; HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } function statusBarMessage(_text) { _root.currentStatusBar = _text; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay('show'); } function tipMessage(_text) { _root.currentTip = _text; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } function peachTextBoxPinkLeaves() { movement = true; on_action = false; game_timer_suspend = 0; HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); if (Peach.peach_right) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standright'); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleftvegetable'); } else { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } function peach_starts_half_naked() { _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumTits = 6; _root.CumBody = 6; _root.CumLegs = 6; _root.peach_update_char('Dress'); _root.heels_type = _root.heels[1]; _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings[0]; _root.garter_type = _root.garter[0]; _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves[0]; _root.nails_type = _root.nails[2]; _root.clothes_vest_remove = true; _root.clothes_skirt_remove = true; _root.clothes_bra_remove = true; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.peachBoobShowing = true; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } function peach_variable_situation_save() { _global.SAVED.Peach_with_long_skirt = _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt; _global.SAVED.peachBoobShowing = _root.peachBoobShowing; _global.SAVED.peachBottomlessShowing = _root.peachBottomlessShowing; _global.SAVED.blushType = _global.PLAYER.blushType; } function peach_variable_situation_restore() { if (_global.SAVED.Peach_with_long_skirt) { _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = _global.SAVED.Peach_with_long_skirt; } if (_global.SAVED.peachBoobShowing) { _root.peachBoobShowing = _global.SAVED.peachBoobShowing; } if (_global.SAVED.peachBottomlessShowing) { _root.peachBottomlessShowing = _global.SAVED.peachBottomlessShowing; } if (_global.SAVED.blushType) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = _global.SAVED.blushType; } } function peach_character_stats_save() { peach_variable_situation_save(); _root.clothes_tail_remove_saved = _root.clothes_tail_remove; _root.clothes_vest_remove_saved = _root.clothes_vest_remove; _root.clothes_skirt_remove_saved = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; _root.clothes_bra_remove_saved = _root.clothes_bra_remove; _root.CharNum_saved = _root.CharNum; _root.DressNum_saved = _root.DressNum; _root.peach_earring_color_saved = _root.peach_earring_color; _root.BoobSizeSaved = _root.BoobSize; _root.gloves_type_saved = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_saved = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_saved = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_saved = _root.garter_type; } function peach_character_stats_restore() { _root.ButtonsQUA._visible = true; _root.CharNum = _root.CharNum_saved; _root.DressNum = _root.DressNum_saved; _root.BoobSize = _root.BoobSizeSaved; _root.peach_earring_color = _root.peach_earring_color_saved; _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach_earring_color = _root.peach_earring_color_saved; _root.peach_update_dressNum(); _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves_type_saved; _root.heels_type = _root.heels_type_saved; _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_saved; _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_saved; _root.clothes_tail_remove = _root.clothes_tail_remove_saved; _root.clothes_vest_remove = _root.clothes_vest_remove_saved; _root.clothes_skirt_remove = _root.clothes_skirt_remove_saved; _root.clothes_bra_remove = _root.clothes_bra_remove_saved; peach_variable_situation_restore(); } function peach_update_dressNum() { if (DressNum == 1) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo) { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves_type_changeTo; } if (_root.heels_type_changeTo) { _root.heels_type = _root.heels_type_changeTo; } if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo) { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_changeTo; } if (_root.garter_type_changeTo) { _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_changeTo; } _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = false; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 14) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = true; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'none'; peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; if (_root.heels_type_changeTo) { _root.heels_type = _root.heels_type_changeTo; } if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo) { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_changeTo; } if (_root.garter_type_changeTo) { _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_changeTo; } _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = false; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 13) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo) { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves_type_changeTo; } if (_root.heels_type_changeTo) { _root.heels_type = _root.heels_type_changeTo; } if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo) { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_changeTo; } if (_root.garter_type_changeTo) { _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_changeTo; } _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = false; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = true; _root.heels_glued = true; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo) { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves_type_changeTo; } _root.heels_type = 'None'; if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo) { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_changeTo; } if (_root.garter_type_changeTo) { _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_changeTo; } _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; ears_remove = 'yes'; clothes_tail_remove = true; clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = false; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 8) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = true; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo) { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_changeTo; } _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_changeTo; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = false; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 9) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = true; _root.heels_glued = true; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo) { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_changeTo; } _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_changeTo; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = false; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 10) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 5) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 6 or DressNum == 7) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'shorter'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; } clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 4) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; ears_remove = 'yes'; clothes_tail_remove = true; clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; clothes_vest_remove = true; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = true; } else { if (DressNum == 11) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'yes'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; clothes_vest_remove = true; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = true; } else { if (DressNum == 12) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = true; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = false; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = false; ears_remove = 'yes'; clothes_tail_remove = true; clothes_vest_remove = false; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = false; } else { if (DressNum == 0) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _root.heels_glued = false; _root.ponytail_type = 'default'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros = 'no'; if (CharMove == 'Leaf') { clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; } else { clothes_tail_remove = true; ears_remove = 'yes'; _root.gloves_type = 'None'; _root.heels_type = 'None'; _root.stockings_type = 'None'; _root.garter_type = 'None'; _root.peachBoobShowing = true; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; } clothes_vest_remove = true; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = true; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } function peach_update_char(type) { _root.Peach._shadow.gotoAndPlay('no'); if (type == 'Nurse') { CharMove = 'Nurse'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[_root.Powerup_Pill]; frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; } else { if (type == 'Dress') { CharMove = 'Dress'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[_root.Powerup_Dress]; frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; } else { if (type == 'Poison') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; DressNum = Dress[_root.Powerup_Poison]; CharMove = 'Poison'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = true; } else { if (type == 'Fire') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; DressNum = Dress[_root.Powerup_Flower]; CharMove = 'Fire'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; _root.tipMessage('Peach is now Fire Peach! Press attack button to throw fireballs!'); } else { if (type == 'Burn') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; DressNum = Dress[_root.Powerup_Burn]; CharMove = 'Burn'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_stark_naked = true; } else { if (type == 'Raccoon') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[_root.Powerup_Raccoon]; CharMove = 'Raccoon'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 2; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; _root.tipMessage('Peach is now a Full Raccoon! Press \'Run\' in order to fly or \'Attack\' for a statue!'); } else { if (type == 'Leaf') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; CharMove = 'Leaf'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; clothes_tail_remove = false; ears_remove = 'no'; peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; _root.tipMessage('Peach is now a Raccoon! Run in order to fly!'); } else { if (type == 'Frog') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; DressNum = Dress[_root.Powerup_Frog]; CharMove = 'Frog'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = true; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; _root.tipMessage('Peach is now a frog! Use UP/DOWN while in the water!'); } else { if (type == 'Striker') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; DressNum = Dress[_root.Powerup_Burn]; CharMove = 'Striker'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; _root.tipMessage('Speedy Peach!'); } else { if (type == 'HammerBros') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; CharMove = 'HammerBros'; peach_update_dressNum_speed(); frog_movement = false; running_to_fly_meter = 1; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; peach_update_dressNum(); peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = true; _root.tipMessage('Peach is now Hammer Peach!'); } } } } } } } } } } } function soundFX(_snd, _channel, _loop) { if (!_channel) { _channel = 1; } _root['sound' + _channel] = new Sound(this); _root['sound' + _channel].attachSound(_snd); if (!_loop) { _root['sound' + _channel].start(0, 1); } else { _root['sound' + _channel].start(0, _loop); } } function set_level_variables(condition) { if (condition != 'continue_from_last_area') { _global.PLAYER.isInvisible = false; _global.PLAYER.assType = 'normal'; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; P_power_activated = false; P_power_time_frozen = 400; P_power_time_difference = 0; game_timer = 0; Drive = 3; score_add(0); isToadHouseLevelTriggered = false; if (CurrentArea == 'toadhouse') { game_timer_suspend = 1; game_timer = ''; } else { game_timer_suspend = 0; } } if (_root.CurrentArea != 'worldmap' and condition != 'notimer') { game_timer = 0; countdownInterval = setInterval(_root.countdown, 1000); } else { game_timer = ''; } _global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed = false; _root.goToDoor = false; _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount = 0; _root.Peach.once_sand_slow_speed = false; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = false; Peach.accelX = 0; Peach.accelY = 0; isAbleToGoDown = true; controlList.blackscreen._alpha = 100; GoToLevel = false; HUD.DELPressed = true; musicToPlay = false; door_go_to_next_level = false; climbing = false; _root.peach_unlocked(); can_grab_touch = false; can_touch_ground = true; piping = false; left_pressed_before = false; right_pressed_before = false; running_to_fly_meter = 2; coins_p_power_hide = 2; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; PuzzleSolved = false; PuzzleType = false; _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = false; _global.FLAGS.pizzleKilled = false; ceiling_collision._visible = false; boundary._visible = false; camera._visible = false; camera._x = Peach._x; camera._y = Peach._y; CheckPoint1X = Peach._x; CheckPoint1Y = Peach._y; CheckPoint2X = c2._x; CheckPoint2Y = c2._y; can_touch_ground = true; masturbating = false; can_masturbate = true; Peach.isBackside = false; on_action = false; on_pipe = false; invulnerable = 0; pausee = false; } function PeachZoom() { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { if (_root.zoommode == 1) { _root.HUD._yscale = 64; _root.HUD._xscale = 64; ++_root.zoommode; _root.HUD._visible = true; } else { if (_root.zoommode == 2) { ++_root.zoommode; _root.HUD._visible = false; } else { if (_root.zoommode == 3) { _root.HUD._yscale = 96.3; _root.HUD._xscale = 96.3; ++_root.zoommode; _root.HUD._visible = true; } else { if (_root.zoommode == 4) { _root.HUD._yscale = 80; _root.HUD._xscale = 80; _root.zoommode = 1; _root.HUD._visible = true; } } } } } } function score_add(scorepoints) { _root.leadingZeroes = '000000'; _root.score_points += scorepoints; if (_root.score_points < 0) { _root.score_points = 0; } _root.score_string = String(_root.score_points); _root.leadingZeroes = _root.leadingZeroes.substr(0, _root.leadingZeroes.length - _root.score_string.length); _root.score_string = String(_root.leadingZeroes + _root.score_string); } function countdown() { if (!_root.game_timer_suspend and !_root.pausee) { ++_root.game_timer; } if (_root.game_timer == 300) { sound_timer.start(0, 1); } else { if (_root.game_timer == 400) { if (score_points < 2000) { score_points = 0; } else { score_points -= 2000; } _root.tipMessage('Peach is Late! She may be punished anytime!'); soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); } } } function peachHornyIncrease() { if (!_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { if (horny_bar < horny_maximum) { ++horny_bar; HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(horny_bar); } } } function peachHornyCum() { if (!_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { cum = false; soundFX('Peach screech long', 2); horny_bar = 1; HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(horny_bar); } } function peach_restart() { _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = false; _global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled = false; newTip(); _root.Peach.once_sand_slow_speed = false; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; peach_earring_remove = 'no'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; _root.Peach._shadow.gotoAndPlay('no'); loadMovie('', _root.bigshroom2); loadMovie('', _root.poisonshroom2); _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = false; Peach.accelX = 0; _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); --Lives; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.can_grab_touch = false; _root.can_touch_ground = true; game_timer = 0; DressNum = 0; isAbleToGoDown = true; peachBoobShowing = true; peachBottomlessShowing = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; Peach_charheavyspeed = 0; Peach.charheavyspeed = 0; Peach_heavyJump = 0; Peach.heavyJump = 0; peach_update_char('Poison'); BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; PeachHasKey = 'no'; HUD.key.gotoAndPlay('no'); PuzzleType = false; PuzzleSolved = false;; if (_root.P_power_activated) { _root.P_power_time_frozen = 400 - _root.P_power_time_difference; } if (_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas and _root.musicToPlayBeginning and _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas != _root.musicToPlayBeginning) { stopAllSounds(); BGMsound.attachSound(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); if (PlaySound == 'ON') { BGMsound.start(0, 99); } } _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = _root.musicToPlayBeginning; var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 20) { _root['poweritem' + v3].gotoAndPlay(1); ground['poweritem' + v3].gotoAndPlay(1); ++v3; } item_name = 0; while (item_name < _global.FLAGS._item.length) { it = _global.FLAGS._item[item_name]; ground[it].gotoAndPlay(1); ++item_name; } soundFX('Peach nooo', 2); if (_root.Checkpoint1) { _root.Peach._x = _root.CheckPoint1X; _root.Peach._y = _root.CheckPoint1Y; } else { if (_root.Checkpoint2) { _root.Peach._x = _root.CheckPoint2X; _root.Peach._y = _root.CheckPoint2Y; } } GoToLevel = false; HUD.DELPressed = true; door_go_to_next_level = false; climbing = false; movement = true; can_masturbate = true; masturbating = false; piping = false; left_pressed_before = false; right_pressed_before = false; running_to_fly_meter = 2; running_mode = false; flying_mode = false; } function peach_swollen_ass() { if (_root.peachHasKey != 'yes') { _global.PLAYER.assType = 'swollen_hole'; } } function Peach_show(typex) { if (typex == 0) { _global.PLAYER.isInvisible = true; _root.Peach.backside.gotoAndStop(1); _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndPlay('stop'); _root.flying_mode = false; if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('walkfrogright'); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.Peach._visible = false; } else { if (typex == 'door') { _global.PLAYER.isInvisible = true; _root.Peach._visible = false; } else { _global.PLAYER.isInvisible = false; _root.Peach._visible = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } } } function peachVisible(typex) { if (typex == 'no') { _global.PLAYER.isInvisible = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('backside'); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndPlay('stop'); _root.flying_mode = false; if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('walkfrogright'); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); } _root.Peach._visible = false; } else { if (typex == 'yes') { _global.PLAYER.isInvisible = false; _root.Peach._visible = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } } } function peach_scared_sound_random() { var v1 = ['peach ooh2', 'peach scared', 'peach surprised', 'peach ooh4']; soundFX(v1[random(4)], 2); } function sound_shred_random() { soundFX('cloth shred tear', 2); } function peach_RemoveRandomClothing() { if (peach_stark_naked) { return 0; } RemoveRandom = 1 + random(7); switch (RemoveRandom) { case 1: if (clothes_vest_remove) { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { clothes_vest_remove = true; if (clothes_bra_remove) { _root.peachBoobShowing = true; } if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { clothes_bra_remove = true; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; _root.peachBoobShowing = true; } } break; case 2: if (clothes_skirt_remove) { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { clothes_skirt_remove = true; _global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt = false; _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; } break; case 3: if (clothes_bra_remove) { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { clothes_bra_remove = true; _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _root.peachBoobShowing = true; if (_root.DressNum == 4 or _root.DressNum == 5) { clothes_vest_remove = true; _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; _root.peachBottomlessShowing = true; } } break; case 4: if (heels_type == 'None') { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { heels_type = 'None'; } break; case 5: if (garter_type == 'None') { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { garter_type = 'None'; } break; case 6: if (gloves_type == 'None') { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { gloves_type = 'None'; } break; case 7: if (stockings_type == 'None') { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } else { stockings_type = 'None'; } } } function peach_CheckLastClothingItem() { count = 0; if (!clothes_vest_remove) { ++count; } if (!clothes_skirt_remove) { ++count; } if (!clothes_bra_remove) { ++count; } if (heels_type != 'None') { ++count; } if (garter_type != 'None') { ++count; } if (gloves_type != 'None') { ++count; } if (stockings_type != 'None') { ++count; } if (count > 1) { peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = false; } else { if (count == 1) { peach_LastClothingPiece = true; peach_stark_naked = false; } else { if (count == 0) { peach_LastClothingPiece = false; peach_stark_naked = true; } } } } function she_is_hit(hit_type) { if (hit_type == 'shred_and_tease') { if (!invulnerable) { if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; _root.statusBarMessage('You lose the mushroom ring!'); soundFX('Peach ooh5', 2); } else { peach_CheckLastClothingItem(); if (!peach_stark_naked) { peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); sound_shred_random(); } peach_scared_sound_random(); } _root.Peach.invulnerable.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } else { if (hit_type == 'fall') { _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumTits = 2; _root.CumBody = 2; _root.CumLegs = 2; peach_stark_naked = true; if (_root.Lives < 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('gameover'); } else { _root.Peach.invulnerable.gotoAndPlay('hit'); peach_restart(); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes') { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'no'; _root.statusBarMessage('You lose the mushroom ring!'); soundFX('Peach ooh5', 2); _root.Peach.invulnerable.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (!invulnerable) { peach_CheckLastClothingItem(); if (DressNum != 3 and !peach_LastClothingPiece and !peach_stark_naked) { sound_shred_random(); peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); _root.Peach.invulnerable.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (CharMove == 'Leaf' or DressNum != 0 or peach_LastClothingPiece and !peach_stark_naked) { if (peach_LastClothingPiece) { sound_shred_random(); peach_RemoveRandomClothing(); } if (CharMove == 'Leaf' and !peach_stark_naked) { soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); } else { soundFX('Peach ooh3', 2); _root.statusBarMessage('You lose the powerup!'); _root.score_add(200); peach_stark_naked = true; peach_update_char('Poison'); _root.peach_update_dressNum_speed(); } _root.Peach.invulnerable.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 13) { soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); _root.horny_bar = 12; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); _root.statusBarMessage('Caution! You\'re hurt! Horny bar decreased!'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 9) { soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); _root.horny_bar = 8; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); _root.statusBarMessage('Caution! You\'re hurt! Horny bar decreased!'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 5) { soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); _root.horny_bar = 4; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); _root.statusBarMessage('Warning! Horny bar almost zero!'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 1) { soundFX('Peach ooh2', 2); _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); _root.statusBarMessage('Peach is in Peril! Horny bar is zero!'); } else { _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumTits = 2; _root.CumBody = 2; _root.CumLegs = 2; _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); if (_root.Lives < 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('gameover'); } else { peach_restart(); P_power_activated = false; } } } } } _root.Peach.invulnerable.gotoAndPlay('hit'); } } } } } } } stop(); stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC('Bowser Theme', 1); var balloontext_pleasure = new Array('\nOhhhhhhh!', '\nAhhhh!', '\nNot now...', '\nOh God! It\'s so good!', '\nHey, don\'t touch me there!', '\nDon\'t!', '\nPlease DON\'T!', '\nDon\'t look!', '\nDo I really need to do this?', '\nI\'m becoming addicted to this!', '\nHe\'s eating...mee!', '\nAah! Aah!', '\nAh, ah aaah!', '\nOH!', '\nNooooo!', '\nOhh no!', '\nErhm, YES!', '\nI\'m so ashamed!', '\nWhy haven\'t I experienced this before?', '\nI\'ve never had it this good!', '\nI hope nobody else watching!', '\nMmm! My pussy feels so good!', '\nI\'m gonna cum! I\'m gonna cum!', '\nYes! Yes!', 'Fuck me! Fuck me harder!', '\nYour dick is pounding me!'); var balloontext_talks = new Array('\nWow! What a dick!', '\nIt\'s so addictive! Oooh!', '\nHow many times do I have to do this?', '\nI may need to repeat this all day!', '\nWhat a cute little mushroom! <3 <3', '\nIt\'s slippery!', '\nIt\'s stinky!', '\nSo wonderful!', 'I can\'t stand still seeing this dick banging along!', 'Am I an exhibitionist doing this all in the open?', 'Shouldn\'t we doing this at least in an hidden place?', '\nI\'m starting to really like this!', '\nMy...pussy is...itching!', '\nI\'m acting like a dirty slut!', 'I\'m acting like a dirty slut but it feels so good!', '\nI wonder how this would feel in my ass!', '\nI can\'t wait to have this in my pussy!', '\nI want this inside of me so bad!', '\nMmm! This is sooo good!', '\nThis is making me so hot!', '\nHurry up and give me your cum!'); var balloontext_cums_general = new Array('\nOhhh he doesn\'t stop cumming!', '\nThe smell is making me so horny!', '\nThis smell just makes me want to go WILD!', '\nThat smell is really making me dizzy!', '\nHe\'s making me cum harder than I\'ve ever cum before!', '\nIt\'s steamy all over there!', '\nGod, I need more of that pleasure!', 'Mm! That was good! I may want to search for more of these guys!', '\nOhh I\'m a dirty princess!', '\nHaaah...I could use a shower soon.', '\nI wonder if this will drip out while I\'m walking...', '\nAhhh I LOVE you!', '\nYou\'re MY king!', '\nI want you inside me much more!', '\nWith cocks like these who needs Mario?', '\nAhhh! It feels so good inside me!', '\nThere\'s so much cum inside me now!', '\nOh god! The cum is starting to overflow!', '\nAll this cum is making me so horny!', '\nMmmm...I never knew saving the kingdom was this much fun...', '\nKeep it cumming boy!', '\nYes! Cum all over my slutty body!', '\nI want more cum! I NEED more cum!', '\n I need this dick all the time!', '\nThis is causing me to shiver with odor!'); var balloontext_goombaA1 = ['Oh my! Is this what a Goomba cock is like? It\'s so...big....and thick...']; var balloontext_goombaA1cum = ['Oh! There\'s so much cum! But I can\'t do this anymore! The smell is making me so horny...']; var balloontext_goombaA2 = ['Ooh! I never dreamed goomba dick would taste this good!']; var balloontext_goombaA2cum = ['He cums so much...oh...']; var balloontext_goombaA3 = ['Oh my! It\'s harder than the others!']; var balloontext_goombaA3cum = ['Oh god! This smell just makes me want to go ...wild!']; var balloontext_goombaA4 = ['Mm! Maybe I\'ll just lick its cock a little more...']; var balloontext_goombaA4cum = ['Oh wow! That smell is making me dizzy...']; var balloontext_goombaA5 = ['*gulp* Nooooo! It\'s hard to breathe like this!']; var balloontext_goombaA5cum = ['Ahhhh.. He must have really been saving up! ']; var balloontext_goombaA5a = ['Hey, stop that? Ohhh you\'re teasing me!']; var balloontext_goombaA5acum = ['Ahhhh its going inside! ']; var balloontext_goombaA6 = ['His Cock! Cock! Inside little pussy!']; var balloontext_goombaA6cum = ['I can feel it oozing inside my pussy, ahh!']; var balloontext_goombaA7 = ['He\'s putting it all inside my... My...! Oh god!']; var balloontext_goombaA7cum = ['Oh god! Goomba cum is making me... cum!']; var balloontext_goombaA8 = ['Wow! I\'m so wet right now it just slid in. Ooh!']; var balloontext_goombaA8cum = ['This isn\'t right. I\'m being addicted! Ohhh cumming!']; var balloontext_goombaA9 = ['NOT in my ASS!!!']; var balloontext_goombaA9cum = ['My ass is dripping! Something gushing in! Oh no..']; var balloontext_goombaA10 = ['Oh, can\'t think straight, I just need more goombas! I think!']; var balloontext_goombaA10_1 = ['Ohh! Someone has pucked something in my mouth!']; var balloontext_goombaA10_2 = ['Hey! Ohhh I feel something in my ass!! Another Goomba??']; var balloontext_goombaA10cum = ['So much cum! It\'s so hot, I can\'t stop cumming! Ohhhhhhh Ahhhhhh']; var balloontext_goomba1 = balloontext_goombaA1[0]; var balloontext_goomba1cum = balloontext_goombaA1cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba2 = balloontext_goombaA2[0]; var balloontext_goomba2cum = balloontext_goombaA2cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba3 = balloontext_goombaA3[0]; var balloontext_goomba3cum = balloontext_goombaA3cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba4 = balloontext_goombaA4[0]; var balloontext_goomba4cum = balloontext_goombaA4cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba5 = balloontext_goombaA5[0]; var balloontext_goomba5cum = balloontext_goombaA5cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba5a = balloontext_goombaA5a[0]; var balloontext_goomba5acum = balloontext_goombaA5acum[0]; var balloontext_goomba6 = balloontext_goombaA6[0]; var balloontext_goomba6cum = balloontext_goombaA6cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba7 = balloontext_goombaA7[0]; var balloontext_goomba7cum = balloontext_goombaA7cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba8 = balloontext_goombaA8[0]; var balloontext_goomba8cum = balloontext_goombaA8cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba9 = balloontext_goombaA9[0]; var balloontext_goomba9cum = balloontext_goombaA9cum[0]; var balloontext_goomba10 = balloontext_goombaA10[0]; var balloontext_goomba10_1 = balloontext_goombaA10_1[0]; var balloontext_goomba10_2 = balloontext_goombaA10_2[0]; var balloontext_goomba10cum = balloontext_goombaA10cum[0]; var balloontext_koopaA1 = ['Who knew a Koopa could be hiding THIS in his shell?']; var balloontext_koopaA1cum = ['I may... make sure his.... balls are empty before I go.']; var balloontext_koopaA2 = ['Ahhhh, It\'s reaching so far up my pussy! Kissing my womb!']; var balloontext_koopaA2cum = ['\nHe\'s got a lot of cum stored up in its balls!']; var balloontext_koopaA3 = ['\nHe\'s filling me up!']; var balloontext_koopaA3cum = ['Ooh! Feeling that hot cum sliding down my thighs!']; var balloontext_koopaA4 = ['Koopa dick is coming! Ohhh!']; var balloontext_koopaA4cum = ['Nooo, it\'s steaming!']; var balloontext_koopaA5 = ['Oh.... That\'s Disgust....maybe not!']; var balloontext_koopaA5cum = ['They\'re sliding down my thighs!']; var balloontext_koopa1 = balloontext_koopaA1[0]; var balloontext_koopa1cum = balloontext_koopaA1cum[0]; var balloontext_koopa2 = balloontext_koopaA2[0]; var balloontext_koopa2cum = balloontext_koopaA2cum[0]; var balloontext_koopa3 = balloontext_koopaA3[0]; var balloontext_koopa3cum = balloontext_koopaA3cum[0]; var balloontext_koopa4 = balloontext_koopaA4[0]; var balloontext_koopa4cum = balloontext_koopaA4cum[0]; var balloontext_koopa5 = balloontext_koopaA5[0]; var balloontext_koopa5cum = balloontext_koopaA5cum[0]; var balloontext_shyguyA1 = ['Oh, he\'s gotten me! This little thing is exposed for me!']; var balloontext_shyguyA1cum = ['\nMy hands are now slimmy! How can I clean that?']; var balloontext_shyguyA2 = ['\nAaah, I\'m tasting a shyguy dick!']; var balloontext_shyguyA2cum = ['\nOhhh, it tastes like a apple mushroom!']; var balloontext_shyguyA3 = ['\nOhh he\'s pounding in my... pussy!']; var balloontext_shyguyA3cum = ['\nThis shyguy makes me crazy for more!']; var balloontext_shyguy1 = balloontext_shyguyA1[0]; var balloontext_shyguy1cum = balloontext_shyguyA1cum[0]; var balloontext_shyguy2 = balloontext_shyguyA2[0]; var balloontext_shyguy2cum = balloontext_shyguyA2cum[0]; var balloontext_shyguy3 = balloontext_shyguyA3[0]; var balloontext_shyguy3cum = balloontext_shyguyA3cum[0]; var balloontext_blooperA1 = ['Oh my! Its cock is so slick it slips into my mouth so easily!']; var balloontext_blooperA1cum = ['\n*Spluurt* Oh my God, its cumming right into my stomach!']; var balloontext_blooperA2 = ['\nOmg Its cock feels so slimey in my asshole!']; var balloontext_blooperA2cum = ['\nAh! Its cums so hard! I can feel it surging up my guts!']; var balloontext_blooperA3 = ['\nHeeey! Don\'t be rough!']; var balloontext_blooperA3_1 = ['\nOooooh! Ahhhhhh AhhhhH!']; var balloontext_blooperA3cum = ['\nI\'m cummiiiiiiiiiiing! AAAAAAAAAAH!']; var balloontext_blooperA4 = ['\nOhhhhh They\'re raping meeeee!']; var balloontext_blooperA4_1 = ['\nThis feels soo amazing!! Slamming my holes, OOOOOOH!']; var balloontext_blooperA4cum = ['\nCUUUUUUUUUUMMING!']; var balloontext_blooper1 = balloontext_blooperA1[0]; var balloontext_blooper1cum = balloontext_blooperA1cum[0]; var balloontext_blooper2 = balloontext_blooperA2[0]; var balloontext_blooper2cum = balloontext_blooperA2cum[0]; var balloontext_blooper3 = balloontext_blooperA3[0]; var balloontext_blooper3_1 = balloontext_blooperA3_1[0]; var balloontext_blooper3cum = balloontext_blooperA3cum[0]; var balloontext_blooper4 = balloontext_blooperA4[0]; var balloontext_blooper4cum = balloontext_blooperA4cum[0]; mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; var VERSION = '1.8.11'; var zoommode = 4; var zoomlevelsaved = zoommode; isBenchmarkActive = false; var isAbleToGoDown = true; MarioEyeType = 'Open'; CurrentArea = 'intro'; if (_root.countdownInterval) { clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); } ending = 0; actual_level = 'peach_castle'; actual_world = 0; same_world = 1; GoToLevel = false; allLevelsUnlockedOnce = false; var flying_mode = false; _quality = 'HIGH'; var movement = true; var pausee = false; var Score = 0; var Life = 0; var Lives = 3; var coinage = false; var Laid = 0; var Drive = 0; peachBoobShowing = true; peachBottomlessShowing = true; peachBoobShowing; var invulnerable = 0; var CharNum = 0; var DressNum = 0; BoobSizeNames = new Array('smaller', 'normal', 'big', 'bigger', 'biggest'); BoobMax = BoobSizeNames.length - 1; var BoobSize = 0; var MinBoob = 0; MaxBoob = BoobMax; MinimumBoob = BoobSizeNames[MinBoob]; MaximumBoob = BoobSizeNames[MaxBoob]; var NoBoob = false; var PrevBoob = 1; var expr = 0; var LockCostume = false; var CostumeLock = 'OFF'; var ShowText = true; var TextShow = 'ON'; var CurrentArea = 'title'; var Checkpoint = 0; CheckpointX = new Array(); CheckpointY = new Array(); CheckpointW = new Array(); CheckpointH = new Array(); var HUDshow = 'ON'; var ShowControls = 'Open'; var MenuWindow = 'hide'; var ShowCum = 'Yes'; var internals = 'OFF'; var fetish = 'ON'; var PlayScene = 11; var CumHead = 2; var CumTits = 2; var CumBody = 2; var CumLegs = 2; var CumButt = 2; var CumHeadMax = 16; var CumTitsMax = 10; var CumBodyMax = 12; var CumLegsMax = 8; var CumButtMax = 8; powername = new Array('Poison', 'Dress', 'Fire', 'Burn', 'Raccoon', 'Frog', 'Leaf', 'HammerBros', 'SuperPeach', 'Nurse'); Powerup_Poison = 0; Powerup_Dress = 1; Powerup_Flower = 2; Powerup_Burn = 3; Powerup_Raccoon = 4; Powerup_Frog = 5; Powerup_Leaf = 6; Powerup_HammerBros = 7; Powerup_SuperPeach = 8; Powerup_Pill = 9; EnemyTotal = new Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); EnemyMax = new Array(11, 8, 4, 4, 0, 3, 0, 0); EnemyAtMax = new Array(false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false); EnemyNames = new Array('Goomba', 'KoopaTroopa', 'BobOmb', 'Blooper', 'Boo', 'ShyGuy', 'Birdo', 'Pokey'); var Goomba = 0; var KoopaTroopa = 1; var BobOmb = 2; var Blooper = 3; var Boo = 4; var ShyGuy = 5; var Birdo = 6; var Pokey = 7; shyguy_belt = 'show'; TotalEnemy = length(EnemyNames) - 1; MortonScene = new Array(false, false, false, false); BowserScene = false; EndingScene = new Array(false, false, false, false); BobombScene = new Array(false, false, false, false); bombactive = false; var pokey_fucking_scene = 1; var goomba_fucking_scene = 1; var koopa_fucking_scene = 1; var bobomb_fucking_scene = 1; var blooper_fucking_scene = 1; var boo_fucking_scene = 1; var goomba_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); var koopa_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); var shyguy_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); var bobomb_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); var blooper_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); var boo_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); var pokey_laid_count = new Array('0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0'); CharSel = new Array('Peach', 'Fire Peach', 'Invisible'); CharCred = new Array('By Playshapes', 'By Playshapes', 'By IvanAedler'); DressSel = new Array('Naked', 'Princess', 'Fire Princess', 'Raccoon', 'Frog', 'Sling Bikini', 'Striker', 'Daisy Striker', 'Daisy Dress', 'Rosa Dress', 'Mario', 'Hammer Bros', 'X-naut', 'Nurse', 'Shadow Queen'); CostCred = new Array('By IvanAedler', 'By IvanAedler', 'By IvanAedler', 'By Playshapes', 'By LuftMallow', 'By LuftMallow', 'By Biles', 'By Biles', 'By LuftMallow', 'By LuftMallow', 'By IvanAedler', 'By IvanAedler', 'By LuftMallow', 'By LuftMallow', 'By IvanAedler'); CharacterCredit = CharCred[CharNum]; CostumeCredit = CostCred[DressNum]; DressChar = new Array(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); Dress = new Array(0, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 0, 7, 10, 13); CharMax = CharSel.length - 1; DressMax = DressSel.length - 1; CharName = CharSel[CharNum]; DressName = DressSel[DressNum]; NumChar = CharNum + 1; NumDress = DressNum + 1; MaxChar = CharMax; MaxDress = DressMax + 1; var invulnerable = 0; var hit_type = 'normal'; var world_name = new Array('Mushroom Kingdom', 'Dry Dry Land', 'Delfino Beach', 'Boggly Forest', 'Subcon Kingdom', 'Flurry Hills', 'Cuddle Clouds', 'Dark Land', 'The Moon'); var level_name = new Array(new Array('Mushroom Alley', 'The Forest', 'Watery', 'Grassland', 'Platty', 'The Pond', 'Castle', 'Osama Palace'), new Array('Sandy Plains', 'The Sahara', 'The Pyramid', 'Desert Castle', 'Catacombs', 'Sunny Day', 'Daisy Palace'), new Array('The Beach', 'Underwater mud', 'Bay of Nibbles'), new Array('The Clearance', 'Boggly Tree', 'The Giants', 'The Waterfall'), new Array('Ostro Clearance', 'The Undermines', 'The Diamonds', 'Shy Forest', 'Petals Town', 'Osama Palace'), new Array('Freezing Valley', 'Flock Paradise', 'Marshmallow Mountains', 'Smoothie Valley', 'Fahr Outpost', 'North Pole'), new Array('Happy Clouds', 'Heaven Stairs', 'GritzVille', 'White Castle'), new Array('Twilight alley', 'Lava Pits', 'Koopa Castle'), new Array('Act 1')); worldmap1_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap2_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap3_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap4_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap5_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap6_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap7_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap8_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); worldmap9_list = new Array('activated', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''); CharMove = ''; orgasms = 0; isToadHouseLevelTriggered = false; isXtechLevelTriggered = false; Peach_charheavyspeed = 0; Peach_heavyJump = 0; on_action = false; jump_to_fly = true; var P_power_activated = false; var P_power_time_frozen = 400; var P_power_time_difference = 0; var ears_remove = 'yes'; var PeachHasKey = 'no'; horny_bar = 0; cum = false; horny_maximum = 18; keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.ponytail_type = 'Default'; heels = new Array('Default', 'Red', 'None', 'Black'); stockings = new Array('White', 'Pink', 'None', 'Black'); garter = new Array('White', 'Pink', 'Black', 'None'); gloves = new Array('White', 'Pink', 'None', 'Black'); nails = new Array('White', 'Pink', 'Red', 'Black', 'Gold'); gloves_type = gloves[0]; garter_type = garter[0]; stockings_type = stockings[0]; nails_type = nails[2]; heels_type = heels[1]; gloves_type_changeTo = gloves_type; heels_type_changeTo = heels_type; stockings_type_changeTo = stockings_type; garter_type_changeTo = garter_type; peach_earring_remove = 'no'; peach_earring_color = 'blue'; peach_crown_remove = 'no'; peach_crown_color = 'gold'; clothes_tail_remove = true; clothes_vest_remove = true; clothes_skirt_remove = true; clothes_bra_remove = true; var musicPlayingSpecialAreas = false; var musicToPlay = false; gallery_running = false; FuckableEnemiesInLevel = 0; var sound_timer = new Sound(this); sound_timer.attachSound('time_short'); game_timer_suspend = 0; var score_points = 0; var score_string = new String(''); var score_string = String(_root.score_points); var leadingZeroes = new String('000000'); var game_timer = 0; var game_time_frozen = 0; var running_to_fly_meter = 1; var cheatEnabled = ''; var currentStatusBar = new String('Status Bar'); var currentPuzzle = new String(''); var tip = ['TIP: Press UP when in front of doors - you may enter them', 'TIP: Try to avoid bloopers. Some can let you stuck until cumming!', 'TIP: Upon starting a level, you can go back to worldmap if you enter inside Mario Castle or a white door (\'UP\' key)', 'TIP: Pressing BACKSPACE hides the HUD!', 'TIP: Pressing Minus key (-) or clicking on Peach changes zoom', 'TIP: Having more breasts let you earn more points but you walk slower', 'TIP: Game too slow? Pressing Equal key (=) changes game quality. (-) changes zoom.', 'TIP: Want to increase your udders? Go catch big mushrooms!', 'TIP: Doors locked? Talk to creatures like toads. May be a puzzle.', 'TIP: Want to decrease your udders? Go lactating!', 'TIP: Need to cheat? This game supports it. Check Legend of Krystal site.', 'TIP: Do you know there are bonus levels? Go search for special items!', 'TIP: Google chrome or a standalone flash player (projector) may boost game performance', 'TIP: Bugs may appear. If Peach locks up, try pressing SPACE a bit. If not, press DEL (she will lose a life).', 'TIP: You can change MUSIC volume and even heels\' sound in the options menu.', 'TIP: The kingdom prefer you naked. That\'s why poisons earns you more points!', 'TIP: Big mushrooms can recover your clothing parts depending on the actual powerup', 'TIP: You can access the X-NAUT base, finding a silver coin in world 1.', 'TIP: You can disable auto scrollable levels in OPTIONS MENU.', 'TIP: If you don\'t like SMB3 physics (like acceleration), you can disable it in OPTIONS MENU (SMB2 mode).', 'TIP: Beware of Poison Mushrooms! They may chase you!', 'TIP: You must save the kingdom and follow the counceilor orders! Remember that.', 'TIP: Jumping shyguys don\'t like sex.', 'TIP: Getting a leaf power while using another power except Dress outfits may let you naked!', 'TIP: You can survive more during enemy attacks if your horny bar is higher!', 'TIP: You can fly and descend slower if you\'re a Raccoon, pressing JUMP button!', 'TIP: Sometimes you can return to the previous pipe. Others are one-way.', 'TIP: You can earn points just destroying blocks. A nice way to earn some bonuses', 'TIP: Use 0-9 key (in a laid enemy) to choose a sex scene. Then press the DO-OVER key', 'TIP: Cumming while masturbating earns some points!', 'TIP: Pressing I key will activate/deactivate internal cumshots!', 'TIP: Do you know you can lose a life? Only God doesn\'t die!', 'TIP: If your horny bar is higher, you may survive enemy attacks!', 'TIP: Thwomps may be fat guys, but soon they will do you!', 'TIP: Press ENTER for PANIC mode! CTRL returns to the game. Then press M to re-enable sounds.', 'TIP: BoBombs have many different sex scenes. It depends on the time you catch them!', 'TIP: To finish a level, either you enter a door, get an item, or walk until disappearing at right!', 'TIP: If you\'re full of cum, go clean yourself in the bath or in checkpoints. You earn some points', 'TIP: You can use \'DEL\' key to let Peach lose a life if you\'re stuck!', 'TIP: Do you know Krystal? No? You must. Go search for her in Legend of Krystal!', 'TIP: Some enemies just don\'t want to...erhm...lay you down. Be careful!', 'TIP: If you get any bug, please contact the developer...erhm...Luigi?']; loadinfo = SharedObject.getLocal('MiMsaveAE'); if ( == undefined) { = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < TotalEnemy) {[i] = _root.EnemyAtMax[i]; ++i; } } if ( == undefined) { = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 4) {[i] = _root.MortonScene[i]; ++i; } } if ( == undefined) { = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 4) {[i] = _root.EndingScene[i]; ++i; } } if ( == undefined) { = _root.BowserScene; } if ( == undefined) { = new Array(0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); i = 0; while (i < _root.DressChar.length) {[i] = _root.DressChar[i]; ++i; } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.DressChar.length) { _root.DressChar[i] =[i]; ++i; } _root.CharNum = _root.DressChar[0]; } if ( == undefined) { = new Array(0, 1, 2, 6, 3, 4, 0, 7, 10, 13); i = 0; while (i < _root.Dress.length) {[i] = _root.Dress[i]; ++i; } } else { i = 0; while (i < _root.Dress.length) { _root.Dress[i] =[i]; ++i; } _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[0]; } if ( != undefined) { _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3 =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume =; } if ( != undefined) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels =; } if ( != undefined) { _root.isBenchmarkActive =; } _root.loadinfo.flush(); if ( != undefined) { _root.ShowCum =; } if ( != undefined) { _root.internals =; } _root.can_grab_coin = 1; function (canThrowNewFireball) { _global.FLAGS.isFireballLocked = false; }; Color.prototype.setTint = function (r, g, b, amount) { var v2 = new Object(); = 100 - amount; =; v2.ra =; var v3 = amount / 100; v2.rb = r * v3; = g * v3; = b * v3; this.setTransform(v2); }; MovieClip.prototype.isAtLabel = function (frameLabel, state) { state = state.toLowerCase(); if (state != 'stop' && state != 'play') { state = 'Play'; } if (state == 'play') { state = 'Play'; } if (state == 'stop') { state = 'Stop'; } var v3 = this._currentframe; this.gotoAndStop(frameLabel); var v4 = this._currentframe == v3; this['gotoAnd' + state](v3); return v4; }; Object.prototype.getFPS = function () { if (signal == true) { time = getTimer(); signal = !signal; return rate; } rate = int(1000 / (getTimer() - time)); signal = !signal; return rate; }; } movieClip 1551 { } movieClip 1557 { } movieClip 1558 { } movieClip 1561 { } movieClip 1563 { } movieClip 1564 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(34)); } } } movieClip 1565 { frame 1 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 1566 { } movieClip 1567 { } movieClip 1568 { frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 1585 { } movieClip 1587 { } movieClip 1589 { } movieClip 1591 { } movieClip 1593 { } movieClip 1595 { } movieClip 1598 { } movieClip 1599 { } movieClip 1601 { } movieClip 1603 { } movieClip 1605 { } movieClip 1607 { } movieClip 1609 { } movieClip 1611 { } movieClip 1612 { } movieClip 1615 { } movieClip 1617 { } movieClip 1619 { } movieClip 1621 { } movieClip 1623 { } movieClip 1625 { } movieClip 1627 { } movieClip 1629 { } movieClip 1631 { } movieClip 1632 { frame 1 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(13); } } } movieClip 1634 { } movieClip 1635 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(95)); } } } movieClip 1638 { } movieClip 1642 { } movieClip 1645 { } movieClip 1647 { } movieClip 1649 { } movieClip 1651 { } movieClip 1653 { } movieClip 1654 { } movieClip 1655 { } movieClip 1656 { } movieClip 1657 { frame 1 { koopa.head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('lookright'); stop(); } } movieClip 1661 { } movieClip 1667 { } movieClip 1669 { } movieClip 1671 { } movieClip 1673 { } movieClip 1675 { } movieClip 1676 { instance of movieClip 1667 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('morton'); } } instance of movieClip 1669 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.CurrentArea = 'gallery'; _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } } instance of movieClip 1671 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.CurrentArea = 'credits'; _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } } instance of movieClip 1673 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('morton'); } } instance of movieClip 1675 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.CurrentArea = 'gallery'; _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } } } movieClip 1677 { instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('morton'); } } } instance of movieClip 1667 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('morton'); } } instance of movieClip 1669 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.CurrentArea = 'gallery'; _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } } instance of movieClip 1671 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.CurrentArea = 'credits'; _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } } instance of movieClip 1673 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('load_game'); } } instance of movieClip 1675 { onClipEvent (release) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('achievements'); } } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(58); if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); _root.gotoAndPlay('select1'); } } } frame 3 { stop(); CurrentArea = 'select1'; } movieClip 1679 { } movieClip 1683 { frame 1 { if (_root.peachBoobShowing or _root.peachBottomlessShowing) { gotoAndPlay('embarassed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('none'); } } frame 3 { if (_root.peachBoobShowing or _root.peachBottomlessShowing) { gotoAndPlay('embarassed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('none'); } } frame 5 { if (_root.peachBoobShowing or _root.peachBottomlessShowing) { gotoAndPlay('embarassed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('none'); } } } movieClip 1688 { } button 1693 { on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.peach_CheckLastClothingItem(); if (_root.CurrentArea == 'select1') { _root.peach_starts_half_naked(); _root.peach_variable_situation_save(); _root.gotoAndPlay('keyboard_layout'); } } on (release) { _root.peach_CheckLastClothingItem(); if (_root.CurrentArea == 'select1') { _root.peach_starts_half_naked(); _root.peach_variable_situation_save(); _root.gotoAndPlay('keyboard_layout'); } } } button 1696 { on (release) { if (_root.CurrentArea != 'select1') { _root.peach_character_status_restore(); _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); _root.HUD.controlButton._visible = true; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; } } } button 1700 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('options'); } } button 1703 { on (release) { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } button 1706 { on (release) { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'select1') { _root.gotoAndPlay('load_game'); } else { _root.MenuWindow = 'load_game'; } } } button 1711 { on (release) { _root.Dress[2] = _root.DressNum; SetFire = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[2]]; } } button 1713 { on (release) { _root.Dress[3] = _root.DressNum; SetBurn = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[3]]; } } button 1716 { on (release) { _root.Dress[1] = _root.DressNum; SetDress = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[1]]; } } button 1723 { on (release) { if (_root.BoobSize > _root.MinBoob) { --_root.BoobSize; } } } button 1724 { on (release) { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { ++_root.BoobSize; } } } button 1728 { on (release) { _root.Dress[1] = _root.DressNum; _root.Dress[2] = _root.DressNum; _root.Dress[3] = _root.DressNum; _root.Dress[5] = _root.DressNum; _root.Dress[9] = _root.DressNum; SetDress = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[1]]; SetFire = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[2]]; SetBurn = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[3]]; SetFrog = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[5]]; SetPill = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[9]]; } } button 1731 { on (release) { _root.Dress[5] = _root.DressNum; SetFrog = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[5]]; } } button 1739 { on (release) { if (_root.CharNum < _root.CharMax) { ++_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = 0; } if (_root.CharNum == 2) { _root.CharNum = 0; } if (_root.CharNum == 0) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'blue'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'gold'; } else { if (_root.CharNum == 1) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'red'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'silver'; } } _root.NumChar = _root.CharNum + 1; _root.CharName = _root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]; _root.CharacterCredit = _root.CharCred[_root.CharNum]; } } button 1740 { on (release) { if (_root.CharNum > 0) { --_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = _root.CharMax; } if (_root.CharNum == 2) { --_root.CharNum; } if (_root.CharNum == 0) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'blue'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'gold'; } else { if (_root.CharNum == 1) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'red'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'silver'; } } _root.NumChar = _root.CharNum + 1; _root.CharName = _root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]; _root.CharacterCredit = _root.CharCred[_root.CharNum]; } } button 1741 { on (release) { if (_root.DressNum < _root.DressMax) { ++_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = 0; } if (_root.NoBoob) { _root.NoBoob = false; _root.BoobSize = _root.PrevBoob; } else { _root.PrevBoob = _root.BoobSize; } _root.NumDress = _root.DressNum + 1; _root.DressName = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; _root.CostumeCredit = _root.CostCred[_root.DressNum]; _root.peach_update_dressNum(); } } button 1742 { on (release) { if (_root.DressNum > 0) { --_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = _root.DressMax; } if (_root.NoBoob) { _root.NoBoob = false; _root.BoobSize = _root.PrevBoob; } else { _root.PrevBoob = _root.BoobSize; } _root.NumDress = _root.DressNum + 1; _root.DressName = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; _root.CostumeCredit = _root.CostCred[_root.DressNum]; _root.peach_update_dressNum(); } } button 1749 { on (release) { if (_root.heels_type_changeTo == 'Default') { _root.heels_type = _root.heels[1]; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels[1]; } else { if (_root.heels_type_changeTo == 'Red') { _root.heels_type = _root.heels[2]; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels[2]; } else { if (_root.heels_type_changeTo == 'None') { _root.heels_type = _root.heels[3]; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels[3]; } else { if (_root.heels_type_changeTo == 'Black') { _root.heels_type = _root.heels[0]; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels[0]; } } } } } } button 1752 { on (release) { if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo == 'White') { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings[1]; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings[1]; } else { if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo == 'Pink') { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings[3]; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings[3]; } else { if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo == 'Black') { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings[2]; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings[2]; } else { if (_root.stockings_type_changeTo == 'None') { _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings[0]; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings[0]; } } } } } } button 1755 { on (release) { if (_root.garter_type_changeTo == 'White') { _root.garter_type = _root.garter[1]; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter[1]; } else { if (_root.garter_type_changeTo == 'Pink') { _root.garter_type = _root.garter[2]; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter[2]; } else { if (_root.garter_type_changeTo == 'Black') { _root.garter_type = _root.garter[3]; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter[3]; } else { if (_root.garter_type_changeTo == 'None') { _root.garter_type = _root.garter[0]; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter[0]; } } } } } } button 1758 { on (release) { if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo == 'White') { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves[1]; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves[1]; } else { if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo == 'Pink') { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves[3]; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves[3]; } else { if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo == 'Black') { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves[2]; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves[2]; } else { if (_root.gloves_type_changeTo == 'None') { _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves[0]; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves[0]; } } } } } } button 1762 { on (release) { if (_root.nails_type == 'White') { _root.nails_type = _root.nails[1]; } else { if (_root.nails_type == 'Pink') { _root.nails_type = _root.nails[2]; } else { if (_root.nails_type == 'Red') { _root.nails_type = _root.nails[3]; } else { if (_root.nails_type == 'Black') { _root.nails_type = _root.nails[4]; } else { if (_root.nails_type == 'Gold') { _root.nails_type = _root.nails[0]; } } } } } } } movieClip 1767 { } button 1771 { on (release) { _root.Dress[9] = _root.DressNum; SetPill = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[9]]; } } movieClip 1782 { frame 26 { if (!_root.pausee) { if (!_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping); } else { gotoAndPlay('no'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('no'); } } frame 90 { if (!_root.pausee) { if (!_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping); } } else { gotoAndPlay('no'); } } } movieClip 1783 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.FLAGS.isSlippering) { _global.FLAGS.isSlippering = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } }; stop(); } frame 10 { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 1789 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 1796 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1798 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1799 { frame 1 { n = 0; } frame 2 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); if (_global.PLAYER.isInvisible) { stop(); } } frame 10 { if (_global.PLAYER.isInvisible) { stop(); } } frame 42 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 44 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 49 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 51 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 68 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 70 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 75 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 77 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 96 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); if (_global.PLAYER.isInvisible) { stop(); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.laids >= 10) { _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; stop(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('dance'); } } } frame 107 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 109 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 132 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 136 { if (n > 4) { gotoAndPlay('sleep'); } else { ++n; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 138 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('o'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 143 { _root.soundFX('peach_yawn', 2); } frame 146 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 154 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 155 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('o'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 162 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 163 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 206 { gotoAndPlay('sleeping'); } } movieClip 1806 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 1813 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1815 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1821 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 1828 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1830 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1831 { frame 1 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 2 { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } frame 3 { _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 4 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); if (_root.BoobSize == _root.MaxBoob and _root.movement) { _root.soundFX('boingwalk', 3); } } frame 5 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 7 { _root.foot_sound2(); } frame 8 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 9 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 1832 { frame 2 { _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 8 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 9 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 10 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); _root.foot_sound2(); } frame 11 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 1833 { frame 4 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 8 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 10 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 12 { _root.foot_sound2(); } } movieClip 1846 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1848 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 1849 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } } movieClip 1851 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1856 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.stockings_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); currentlabel = _root.stockings_type; } }; } } } movieClip 1865 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1867 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1870 { frame 1 { if (_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum] != 'Naked') { gotoAndPlay('show'); } } frame 3 { if (_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum] == 'Naked') { gotoAndPlay('hide'); } else { gotoAndPlay('show'); } } frame 5 { if (_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum] == 'Naked') { gotoAndPlay('hide'); } else { gotoAndPlay('show'); } } } movieClip 1875 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } } movieClip 1879 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } } movieClip 1891 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1893 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1895 { } movieClip 1896 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1899 { frame 83 { gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 1910 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { currentCharacter = 'daisy'; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { currentCharacter = 'rosa'; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 9 { currentCharacter = 'emorosa'; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 11 { currentCharacter = 'toadette'; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 18 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 26 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 28 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 30 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 32 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 34 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 42 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 44 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 46 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 52 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 54 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 56 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 58 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 60 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 62 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 64 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 66 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 72 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 74 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 76 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 78 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 80 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 82 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1911 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.assType); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.assType); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.assType); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.assType); } } movieClip 1913 { frame 1 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumButt <= _root.CumButtMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButt); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButtMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 3 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumButt <= _root.CumButtMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButt); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButtMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumButt <= _root.CumButtMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButt); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButtMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumButt <= _root.CumButtMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButt); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButtMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (!_parent._parent.NPC) { if (_root.CumButt <= _root.CumButtMax) { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButt); } else { gotoAndPlay(_root.CumButtMax); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 1920 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1922 { } movieClip 1924 { } movieClip 1926 { } movieClip 1927 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1929 { } movieClip 1936 { } movieClip 1937 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1939 { } movieClip 1941 { } movieClip 1943 { } movieClip 1948 { } movieClip 1949 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1951 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } frame 3 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } frame 5 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 6 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 7 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 8 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 9 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 10 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 11 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 12 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 13 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 14 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 15 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 16 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 17 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 18 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 19 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 20 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 21 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 22 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 23 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 24 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 25 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } } frame 26 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndPlay('remove'); } else { gotoAndPlay('move'); } } } movieClip 1953 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } } movieClip 1955 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_remove); } } movieClip 1956 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.peach_crown_color); } } movieClip 1961 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } } movieClip 1963 { } movieClip 1969 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1972 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 1973 { } movieClip 1974 { } movieClip 1975 { frame 1 { if (_root.door_go_to_next_level or _root.goToDoor or _root.door_go_to_worldmap) { gotoAndPlay('enter'); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.climbing) { gotoAndPlay('climb'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 60 { _parent.grav = 0; _root.movement = false; _root.can_masturbate = false; } frame 76 { _root.Peach_show('door'); } frame 82 { _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.goToDoor) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = _root[_root.goToDoor]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root[_root.goToDoor]._y; _root.goToDoor = false; _parent.isBackside = false; _parent.grav = 0; _parent.accelX = 0; _parent.peach_state = 'standright'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } else { if (_root.door_go_to_next_level) { _root.door_go_to_next_level = false; _root.changeLevel('score1'); } else { if (_root.door_go_to_worldmap) { _root.GoToLevel = 'worldmap'; _root.changeLevel('relay'); } } } stop(); } frame 83 { _root.movement = true; } frame 94 { gotoAndPlay('climbing'); } } movieClip 1980 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.stockings_type); } } movieClip 1984 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } } movieClip 1996 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 1998 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2003 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.stockings_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.stockings_type); currentlabel = _root.stockings_type; } }; } } } movieClip 2011 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2013 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2016 { } movieClip 2018 { } movieClip 2029 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2032 { } movieClip 2034 { } movieClip 2035 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2039 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2041 { } movieClip 2046 { } movieClip 2051 { } movieClip 2052 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2061 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2064 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2065 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 3 { _root.PrevBoob = 0; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 5 { _root.PrevBoob = 1; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 7 { _root.PrevBoob = 2; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 9 { _root.PrevBoob = 3; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 11 { _root.PrevBoob = 4; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 13 { _root.PrevBoob = 5; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } } movieClip 2067 { } movieClip 2069 { } movieClip 2072 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2073 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 2075 { } movieClip 2078 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } } movieClip 2082 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2085 { } movieClip 2089 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2090 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2092 { } movieClip 2095 { } movieClip 2097 { } movieClip 2098 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2102 { } movieClip 2111 { } movieClip 2112 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2113 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 3 { _root.PrevBoob = 0; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 5 { _root.PrevBoob = 1; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 7 { _root.PrevBoob = 2; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 9 { _root.PrevBoob = 3; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 11 { _root.PrevBoob = 4; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } frame 13 { _root.PrevBoob = 5; gotoAndPlay(_root.BoobSizeNames[_root.BoobSize]); } } movieClip 2114 { frame 7 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 15 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 2115 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2118 { } button 2120 { on (release) { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'select1') { _parent.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } } button 2121 { on (release) { = _root.HUDshow; = _root.PlaySound; = _root.ShowText; = _root.TextShow; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.LockCostume; = _root.CostumeLock; = _root.internals; = _root.fetish; = _root.MinBoob; = _root.MaxBoob; = _root._quality; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.internals; = _root.isBenchmarkActive; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling; = _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } button 2122 { on (release) { _root.HUDshow = 'ON'; _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; _root.ShowText = true; _root.TextShow = 'ON'; _root.ShowCum = 'Yes'; _root.LockCostume = false; _root.CostumeLock = 'OFF'; _root.internals = 'ON'; _root.fetish = 'ON'; _root.MinBoob = 1; _root.MaxBoob = _root.BoobMax; _root._quality = 'HIGH'; _root.zoomout = false; _root.zoomin = true; } } button 2130 { on (release) { if (_root.LockCostume == true) { _root.LockCostume = false; _root.CostumeLock = 'OFF'; } else { _root.LockCostume = true; _root.CostumeLock = 'ON'; } } } button 2133 { on (release) { if (_root.ShowText == true) { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; } else { _root.ShowText = true; _root.TextShow = 'ON'; } } } button 2136 { on (release) { if (_root.internals == 'ON') { _root.internals = 'OFF'; } else { _root.internals = 'ON'; } } } button 2145 { on (release) { if (_root.MaxBoob > 0 and _root.MaxBoob > _root.MinBoob) { --_root.MaxBoob; _root.MaximumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MaxBoob]; if (_root.BoobSize > _root.MaxBoob) { if (!_root.NoBoob) { _root.BoobSize = _root.MaxBoob; } else { _root.PrevBoob = _root.MaxBoob; } } } } } button 2146 { on (release) { if (_root.MinBoob > 0) { --_root.MinBoob; _root.MinimumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MinBoob]; } } } button 2149 { on (release) { if (_root.MaxBoob < _root.BoobMax) { ++_root.MaxBoob; _root.MaximumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MaxBoob]; } } } button 2150 { on (release) { if (_root.MinBoob < _root.MaxBoob and _root.MinBoob < _root.BoobMax) { ++_root.MinBoob; _root.MinimumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MinBoob]; if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MinBoob) { if (!_root.NoBoob) { _root.BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; } else { _root.PrevBoob = _root.MinBoob; } } } } } button 2152 { on (release) { if (_root.isBenchmarkActive) { _root.isBenchmarkActive = false; _root.HUD.FPS_counter.text = ''; _root.HUD.FPS_label.text = ''; _root.buttonFPSBench = 'NO'; } else { _root.isBenchmarkActive = true; _root.buttonFPSBench = 'YES'; } } } button 2158 { on (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume = 40; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } } button 2160 { on (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume = 100; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } } button 2163 { on (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume = 20; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } } button 2164 { on (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume = 80; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } } button 2167 { on (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume = 60; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } } button 2170 { on (release) { if (_root.ShowCum == 'No') { _root.ShowCum = 'Yes'; } else { _root.ShowCum = 'No'; } } } button 2174 { on (release) { if (_root.HUDshow == 'ON') { _root.HUDshow = 'OFF'; _root.HUD._visible = false; } else { _root.HUDshow = 'ON'; _root.HUD._visible = true; } } } button 2177 { on (release) { _quality = 'MEDIUM'; } } button 2179 { on (release) { _quality = 'HIGH'; } } button 2182 { on (release) { _quality = 'LOW'; } } button 2185 { on (release) { if (!_global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels) { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels = true; _heels.text = 'YES'; } else { _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels = false; _heels.text = 'NO'; } } } button 2188 { on (release) { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } } button 2191 { on (release) { if (!_global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling) { _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling = true; if (_root.scrollStartPosition) { _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = true; } _scroll.text = 'YES'; } else { _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling = false; _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; _scroll.text = 'NO'; } } } button 2193 { on (release) { if (!_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { _global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3 = true; _physics.text = 'YES'; } else { _global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3 = false; _physics.text = 'NO'; } } } movieClip 2195 { frame 1 { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling) { _scroll.text = 'YES'; } else { _scroll.text = 'NO'; } if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { _physics.text = 'YES'; } else { _physics.text = 'NO'; } if (_global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels) { _heels.text = 'YES'; } else { _heels.text = 'NO'; } stop(); } } movieClip 2196 { frame 1 { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'select1') { new_game_button._visible = true; go_back_button._visible = false; main_menu._visible = false; } else { new_game_button._visible = false; go_back_button._visible = true; main_menu._visible = true; } _root.NumChar = _root.CharNum + 1; _root.CharName = _root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]; _root.CharacterCredit = _root.CharCred[_root.CharNum]; _root.NumDress = _root.DressNum + 1; _root.DressName = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; _root.CostumeCredit = _root.CostCred[_root.DressNum]; SetPoison = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[0]]; SetDress = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[1]]; SetFire = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[2]]; SetBurn = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[3]]; SetRaccoon = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[4]]; SetFrog = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[5]]; SetSuperPeach = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[8]]; SetPill = _root.DressSel[_root.Dress[9]]; SetPoisonChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[0]]; SetDressChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[1]]; SetFireChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[2]]; SetBurnChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[3]]; SetRaccoonChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[4]]; SetFrogChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[5]]; SetLeafChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[6]]; SetSuperPeachChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[8]]; SetPillChar = _root.CharSel[_root.DressChar[9]]; if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MinBoob) { _root.BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; } else { if (_root.BoobSize > _root.MaxBoob) { _root.BoobSize = _root.MaxBoob; } } stop(); } instance of movieClip 1767 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.CharNum_saved = _root.CharNum; _root.peach_earring_color_saved = _root.peach_earring_color; } } instance of movieClip 2115 { onClipEvent (load) { n = 1; } onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay(n); if (n == 6) { n = 1; } else { ++n; } } } frame 2 { stop(); if (!_root.ShowText) { _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; } else { _root.TextShow = 'ON'; } if (!_root.LockCostume) { _root.CostumeLock = 'OFF'; } else { _root.CostumeLock = 'ON'; } _root.MinimumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MinBoob]; _root.MaximumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MaxBoob]; } } frame 4 { stop(); _root.MUSIC('music_enemy', 99); } movieClip 2202 { frame 1 { if (_parent.lights == 'yellow') { gotoAndStop(4); } else { if (_parent.lights == 'green') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2212 { frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 12 { stop(); } } movieClip 2215 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; if (!coins) { coins = 1; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!functioning) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.Peach.grav < -2 || _root.underwater)) { functioning = true; --coins; if (_root.Score >= 99) { _root.Score = 0; sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('Extra Life'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); ++_root.Lives; } else { ++_root.Score; } _root.score_add(200); gotoAndPlay('coinboxupdown'); } } }; } } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 16 { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); _root.Peach.grav = 1; } frame 22 { if (coins < 1) { gotoAndStop('off'); } else { functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 2218 { } movieClip 2219 { } movieClip 2221 { frame 84 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2222 { } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('level1'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('level1'); } } frame 5 { stop(); game_timer_suspend = 0; score_points = 0; Score = 0; _root.CharNum = 0; _root.peach_starts_half_naked(); } movieClip 2227 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (_root.bombactive) { gotoAndStop(3); } } } movieClip 2235 { } movieClip 2236 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2238 { } movieClip 2241 { } movieClip 2246 { } movieClip 2248 { } movieClip 2249 { } movieClip 2252 { } movieClip 2254 { } movieClip 2255 { frame 1 { parasol_eyes = _parent._parent.parasol_eyes; if (parasol_eyes == 'blink') { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(20)); } else { if (parasol_eyes == 'sleep') { gotoAndStop('sleep'); } else { stop(); } } } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 49 { stop(); } } movieClip 2256 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 2257 { } movieClip 2259 { frame 1 { parasol_eyes = 'open'; stop(); } } movieClip 2261 { } movieClip 2264 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice) { gotoAndPlay('open'); } } frame 10 { notice = false; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay('opened'); if (!notice) { sound = new Sound(this); sound.attachSound('Door Shut'); sound.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 2266 { } movieClip 2269 { } movieClip 2272 { } movieClip 2274 { } movieClip 2277 { } movieClip 2278 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; _color = 'white'; } } } movieClip 2280 { } movieClip 2282 { } movieClip 2284 { } movieClip 2285 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(14)); } } movieClip 2288 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; _color = 'white'; } } } movieClip 2303 { } movieClip 2307 { } movieClip 2308 { instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } if (_root.bomb.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _parent._parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 142 { stop(); } } movieClip 2312 { instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } } movieClip 2316 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay(35); } } movieClip 2319 { } movieClip 2321 { instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('select1'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('select1'); } } } movieClip 2322 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stopAllSounds(); _root.BGMsound.attachSound('music_intro'); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 1); } stop(); } } movieClip 2325 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk, _type); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); loadMovie('', this); } } }; } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_global.FLAGS.finishedWorld) { loadMovie('', this); } level_of_conversation = 0; talk = ' Peach:I must remember I need to give the key to toadsworth to activate the cannon! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } frame 7 { stop(); peach_to_go = false; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.bunker2._visible = false; _root.CurrentArea = 'worldmap'; _root.HUD_time.text = ''; if (_root.worldmap1_list[7] == 'finished') { loadMovie('', _root.airship1); } stopAllSounds(); if (_root.actual_world == '0') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'worldmap1'; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '1') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'worldmap2'; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '2') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '3') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '4') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '5') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '6') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '7') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '8') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } } } } } } } } } _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); current_level = _root.actual_level + 1; current_world = _root.actual_world + 1; if (_global.FLAGS.finishedWorld) { _global.FLAGS.finishedWorld = false; _root.Peach._x = _root.bunker._x; _root.Peach._y = _root.bunker._y; } else { if (_root.actual_level == 'peach_castle') { _root.Peach._x = _root.peach_castle._x; _root.Peach._y = _root.peach_castle._y; } else { if (_root.actual_level == 'bunker') { _root.Peach._x = _root.bunker._x; _root.Peach._y = _root.bunker._y; } else { _root.Peach._x = _root['l' + current_world + '_' + current_level]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root['l' + current_world + '_' + current_level]._y; } } } if (_global.FLAGS.pathway1_8 == 'spawn') { _root.Peach._x = _root.bunker._x; _root.Peach._y = _root.bunker._y; _global.FLAGS.pathway1_8 = 'spawned_before'; _root.c8.gotoAndPlay('spawn'); } else { if (_global.FLAGS.pathway1_8 == 'spawned_before') { _root.c8.gotoAndStop('spawned'); } } if (_root.actual_level != 'peach_castle') { if (_root['worldmap' + current_world + '_list'][current_level + 1] == '') { _root['worldmap' + current_world + '_list'][current_level + 1] = 'activated'; } if (_root.door_go_to_worldmap) { _root.door_go_to_worldmap = false; } else { _root['l' + current_world + '_' + (current_level + 1)].gotoAndStop('activated'); } } var world = 1; while (world <= 9) { _root['l' + world + '_1'].gotoAndStop('activated'); for (var level in _root['worldmap' + world + '_list']) { if (_root['worldmap' + world + '_list'][level - 2] == 'finished' or _root['worldmap' + world + '_list'][level - 2] == 'activated') { _root['l' + world + '_' + (level - 3)].gotoAndStop('activated'); } } ++world; } _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fadein_circle'); } movieClip 2327 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2332 { frame 1 { if (_root.peachBoobShowing or _root.peachBottomlessShowing) { gotoAndPlay('embarassed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('none'); } } frame 3 { if (_root.peachBoobShowing or _root.peachBottomlessShowing) { gotoAndPlay('embarassed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('none'); } } frame 5 { if (_root.peachBoobShowing or _root.peachBottomlessShowing) { gotoAndPlay('embarassed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('none'); } } } movieClip 2335 { } movieClip 2338 { } movieClip 2340 { } movieClip 2342 { } movieClip 2344 { } movieClip 2345 { } movieClip 2346 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(35)); } } } movieClip 2348 { } movieClip 2358 { frame 1 { if (_color == 'red') { gotoAndStop('red'); } else { if (_color == 'yellow') { gotoAndStop('yellow'); } else { if (_color == 'grey') { gotoAndStop('grey'); } else { if (_color == 'orange') { gotoAndStop('orange'); } else { stop(); } } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2364 { frame 1 { if (_parent._color == 'red' or _color == 'red') { gotoAndStop('red'); } else { if (_parent._color == 'yellow' or _color == 'yellow') { gotoAndStop('yellow'); } else { if (_parent._color == 'grey' or _color == 'grey') { gotoAndStop('grey'); } else { if (_parent._color == 'orange' or _color == 'orange') { gotoAndStop('orange'); } else { stop(); } } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2367 { } movieClip 2369 { } movieClip 2370 { } movieClip 2372 { } movieClip 2374 { } movieClip 2376 { } movieClip 2378 { } movieClip 2380 { } movieClip 2382 { } movieClip 2385 { } movieClip 2386 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 2387 { } movieClip 2389 { } movieClip 2391 { } movieClip 2394 { } movieClip 2395 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; randomizer = 2 + random(28); } gotoAndPlay(randomizer); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_stop and _root.pausee) { _stop = true; stop(); } if (_stop and !_root.pausee) { _stop = false; play(); } }; } frame 33 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(vision) and !_root.pausee) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('bombfire'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } frame 115 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2396 { frame 1 { if (_root.CurrentArea != 'worldmap') { if (_root.movement and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(cannon.ball) and !_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(cannon.ball)) { n = 0; cannon.stop(); _root.Peach.char.grav = -10; gotoAndPlay('falling'); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('kick'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } else { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(cannon.ball)) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 4 { if (!inverted) { cannon.ball._y += 10; } else { cannon.ball._y -= 10; } ++n; if (n > 100) { cannon.gotoAndPlay(1); gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay('falling'); } } } movieClip 2398 { } movieClip 2399 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(collision)) { disable_once = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { _root.climbing = true; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } } else { if (disable_once) { disable_once = false; _root.climbing = false; } } }; stop(); } } movieClip 2401 { } movieClip 2402 { } movieClip 2403 { } movieClip 2404 { } movieClip 2409 { frame 1 { if (victory) { gotoAndPlay('victory'); } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay('victory'); } } movieClip 2410 { instance of movieClip 2409 { onClipEvent (load) { victory = true; } } } movieClip 2415 { frame 1 { if (_parent._parent.hole == 'no') { gotoAndStop('no'); } else { if (_parent._parent.hole == 'higher') { gotoAndStop('higher'); } else { stop(); } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (_parent._parent.hole == 'no') { gotoAndStop('no'); } else { stop(); } } } movieClip 2417 { } movieClip 2419 { } movieClip 2420 { } movieClip 2424 { } movieClip 2425 { } movieClip 2426 { } movieClip 2429 { } movieClip 2431 { } movieClip 2434 { } movieClip 2436 { } movieClip 2438 { } movieClip 2440 { } movieClip 2442 { } movieClip 2444 { } movieClip 2446 { } movieClip 2448 { } movieClip 2450 { } movieClip 2452 { } movieClip 2455 { } movieClip 2458 { } movieClip 2461 { } movieClip 2464 { } movieClip 2470 { } movieClip 2473 { } movieClip 2476 { } movieClip 2477 { } movieClip 2478 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2479 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2480 { frame 1 { if (_root.door_go_to_next_level or _root.goToDoor or _root.door_go_to_worldmap) { gotoAndPlay('enter'); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.climbing) { gotoAndPlay('climb'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 60 { _root.Peach.char.grav = 0; _root.movement = false; _root.can_masturbate = false; } frame 76 { _root.Peach_show('door'); } frame 82 { _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.goToDoor) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = _root[_root.goToDoor]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root[_root.goToDoor]._y; _root.goToDoor = false; } else { if (_root.door_go_to_next_level) { _root.door_go_to_next_level = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('score1'); } else { if (_root.door_go_to_worldmap) { _root.GoToLevel = 'worldmap'; _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); } } } _root.Peach.char.isBackside = false; _root.Peach.char.grav = 0; _root.Peach.char.accelX = 0; _root.Peach.peach_state = 'standright'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; stop(); } frame 83 { _root.movement = true; } frame 94 { gotoAndPlay('climbing'); } } movieClip 2481 { } movieClip 2482 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(center)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } }; } frame 23 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.Peach.peach_state = 'standright'; gotoAndPlay(1); if (musicToPlay == 'stop') { stopAllSounds(); } else { if (musicToPlay) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } } } } movieClip 2483 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(18)); } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay('victory'); } } movieClip 2486 { } movieClip 2488 { } movieClip 2489 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(34)); } } } movieClip 2491 { } movieClip 2492 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(34)); } } } movieClip 2494 { } movieClip 2495 { frame 1 { if (_color == 'red') { gotoAndStop('red'); } else { if (_color == 'yellow') { gotoAndStop('yellow'); } else { if (_color == 'grey') { gotoAndStop('grey'); } else { if (_color == 'orange') { gotoAndStop('orange'); } else { stop(); } } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2497 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2498 { } movieClip 2502 { } movieClip 2503 { frame 1 { function resetFocus() { zoomfactor = 0.01; _root.HUD._visible = true; _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = false; _global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt = false; } function wait() { _root.camtheft = false; clearInterval(myTimer); } function centerOnPeach() { _x = _root.Peach._x; _y = _root.Peach._y; } function refocus_until_ok() { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x - boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x - Math.floor(move_this_amount_x); } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x + boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x - Math.floor(move_this_amount_x); } } if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y2, true)) { _y = _y - Math.floor(move_this_amount_y); } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y, true)) { _y = _y - Math.floor(move_this_amount_y); } } } function calibrate() { f = 1; while (f < 400) { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x - boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x + 1; } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x + boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x - 1; } } if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y2, true)) { _y = _y + 1; } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; } } ++f; ++f; } } } frame 2 { function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; if (_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; if (zoomfactor > 0.007) { zoomfactor -= 0.0001; } } var v3 = camH * (_yscale * zoomfactor); var v2 = camW * (_xscale * zoomfactor); var v5 = sH / v3; var v4 = sW / v2; _x2 = (v2 / 2) * v4; _y2 = (v3 / 1.3) * v5; _xscale2 = v4 * 100; _yscale2 = v5 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x += value - v2.x; } function get_x2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.x; } function set_y2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._y += value - v2.y; } function get_y2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.y; } function get_xscale2() { return _parent._xscale; } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2('_xscale', value); } function get_yscale2() { return _parent._yscale; } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2('_yscale', value); } function get_rotation2() { return parent.rotation; } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2('_rotation', value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var v3 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v3); _parent[prop] = n; var v4 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v4); _parent._x -= v4.x - v3.x; _parent._y -= v4.y - v3.y; _root.HUD._x = _x - widthHUD; _root.HUD._y = _y - heightHUD; _root.controlList._x = _x - widthControlList; _root.controlList._y = _y - heightControlList; } boundary_x = _width / 2; boundary_x2 = -_width / 2 + _width; boundary_y = _height / 5; boundary_y2 = -2 * _height * 0.4; boundary_y3 = _height / 3 - _height / 2; calibrate(); zoomfactor = 0.01; zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; addProperty('_x2', get_x2, set_x2); addProperty('_y2', get_y2, set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; var widthHUD = _width / 2; var heightHUD = _height * 2 / 3 + 13; var widthControlList = _width / 30; var heightControlList = _height / 4 + 15; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { nn = 0; calculate_total = true; move_this_amount_y = (_root.Peach._y - _y) / 4; _y = Math.floor(_y + move_this_amount_y); move_this_amount_x = (_root.Peach._x - _x) / 3; _x = Math.floor(_x + move_this_amount_x); } else { _x = _root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x; _y = _root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y; } if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom) { refocus_until_ok(); } if (_root.zoomout) { _root.controlList._x -= 1; _root.controlList._y -= 2; } if (!once) { once = true; _root.controlList._xscale = 38; _root.controlList._yscale = 39; _root.HUD._yscale = 80; _root.HUD._xscale = 80; } camControl(); }; this.onUnload = reset; stop(); } } movieClip 2506 { } movieClip 2509 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2510 { } movieClip 2512 { } movieClip 2515 { } movieClip 2517 { } movieClip 2519 { frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 30 { stop(); } } movieClip 2520 { frame 1 { stop(); level_number.text = int(this._name.substring(3)); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore and _root.movement) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('sound_hit_block'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); level_number.text = int(this._name.substring(3)); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); this.gotoAndStop('going_in'); _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk'); _root.actual_level = int(this._name.substring(3)) - 2; _root.actual_world = int(this._name.substring(1, 2)) - 1; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeout_circle'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to start the level'); } }; } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 2523 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2525 { } movieClip 2527 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2528 { } movieClip 2529 { frame 1 { stopAllSounds(); } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 30 { stop(); if (_root['b' + (_root.actual_world + 1)]) { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = 'true'; _root.cameraFreedomTimeout = setTimeout(function () { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = false; }, 500); _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.boundary._x = _root['b' + (_root.actual_world + 1)]._x; _root.boundary._y = _root['b' + (_root.actual_world + 1)]._y; _root.Peach._x = _root['l' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + '_' + (_root.actual_level + 2)]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root['l' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + '_' + (_root.actual_level + 2)]._y; _root.Peach._y = _root['l' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + '_' + (_root.actual_level + 2)].gotoAndPlay('activated'); _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root['worldmap' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + '_list'][_root.actual_level + 1] = 'activated'; if (_root.actual_world == '0') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'worldmap1'; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '1') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'worldmap2'; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '2') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '3') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '4') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '5') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '6') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '7') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '8') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } } } } } } } } } _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); } _parent.gotoAndPlay('warp'); } } movieClip 2530 { frame 1 { stop(); castle_level = true; level_number.text = int(this._name.substring(3)); onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore and _root.movement) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('sound_hit_block'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); level_number.text = int(this._name.substring(3)); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.actual_level = int(this._name.substring(3)) - 2; _root.actual_world = int(this._name.substring(1, 2)) - 1; _root.CurrentArea = 'palace' + (_root.actual_world + 1); this.gotoAndStop('going_in'); _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk'); _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeout_circle'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to start the level'); } }; } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { delete onEnterFrame; } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2532 { frame 1 { stop(); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); this.gotoAndStop('going_in'); _root.Peach.char.gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk'); _root.actual_level = 'peach_castle'; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeout_circle'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to start the level'); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2534 { frame 1 { stop(); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2536 { frame 1 { stop(); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (DISABLED) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); this.gotoAndStop('going_in'); _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk'); _root.actual_level = int(this._name.substring(3)) - 2; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeout_circle'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to start the level'); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2538 { } movieClip 2540 { } movieClip 2542 { } movieClip 2545 { } movieClip 2546 { } movieClip 2548 { } movieClip 2551 { } movieClip 2553 { } movieClip 2555 { } movieClip 2557 { } movieClip 2559 { } movieClip 2562 { } movieClip 2564 { } movieClip 2566 { } movieClip 2567 { } movieClip 2568 { } movieClip 2570 { frame 1 { stop(); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (DISABLED) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore) { pressedSpaceBefore = true; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); this.gotoAndStop('going_in'); _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk'); _root.actual_level = 'peach_castle'; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fadeout_circle'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to start the level'); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2572 { } movieClip 2576 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2578 { } movieClip 2580 { } movieClip 2582 { } movieClip 2584 { } movieClip 2586 { frame 1 { struggle_times = 1; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } ++struggle_times; if (struggle_times == 2) { _root.soundFX('ohhh_no', 4); struggle_times = 3; } } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 28 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 30 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 33 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 36 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 38 { if (advance) { gotoAndPlay('fire'); } else { gotoAndPlay('struggle'); } } frame 133 { _root.actual_world = 1; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = _root.poll2._x + 20; _root.Peach._y = _root.poll2._y; _root.CheckPoint1X = _root.Peach._x; _root.CheckPoint1Y = _root.Peach._y; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); if (_root.actual_world == '0') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'worldmap1'; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '1') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'worldmap2'; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '2') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '3') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '4') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '5') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '6') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '7') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } else { if (_root.actual_world == '8') { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = ''; } } } } } } } } } stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _parent.gotoAndPlay('reactivate'); } } movieClip 2587 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { } frame 42 { stop(); pressedSpaceBefore = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { pressedSpaceBefore = false; } if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(hole)) { notice = true; if (!_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !pressedSpaceBefore and _root.movement) { stopAllSounds(); pressedSpaceBefore = true; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); cannon.gotoAndPlay('go'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } else { notice = false; can_alert = true; } if (notice and can_alert) { can_alert = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to use the cannon'); } }; } } movieClip 2590 { } movieClip 2592 { } movieClip 2595 { } movieClip 2596 { } movieClip 2597 { } movieClip 2598 { } movieClip 2599 { frame 1 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 2 { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 4 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); if (_root.BoobSize == _root.MaxBoob) { sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('boingwalk'); sound_1.start(0, 1); } } frame 5 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 7 { _root.foot_sound2(); } frame 8 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 9 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 2600 { frame 3 { _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 8 { _root.foot_sound2(); } } movieClip 2601 { frame 3 { _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 7 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 8 { _root.foot_sound2(); } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 2602 { frame 1 { Peach_setX = 0; Peach_setY = 0; heels = true; gravity = 0; maxJump = 0; heavyJump = 0; charspeed = 0; charheavyspeed = 0; can_grab_coin = true; can_drift = true; _root.peach_update_dressNum_speed(); grav = 0; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround = true; _root.can_touch_ground = true; masturbating = false; peach_right = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.movement and !_root.pausee) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { action = 'walkright'; if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { moving = 'right'; Peach_setX += charspeed / 2; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + 1 + Peach_setX, this._y, true)) { Peach_setX -= charspeed / 2; } } gotoAndStop('walkright'); peach_right = true; } } } } } else { if (peach_right and action != 'walkup' and action != 'walkdown') { moving = false; gotoAndStop('standright'); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { action = 'walkleft'; if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { moving = 'left'; Peach_setX -= charspeed / 2; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - 1 + Peach_setX, this._y, true)) { Peach_setX += charspeed / 2; } } gotoAndStop('walkleft'); peach_right = false; } } } } } else { if (!peach_right and action != 'walkup' and action != 'walkdown') { moving = false; gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { stopUpOnce = true; action = 'walkup'; if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { Peach_setY -= charspeed / 4; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y - 1 + Peach_setY, true)) { Peach_setY += charspeed / 4; } } } gotoAndStop('backsidewalk');; } if (stopUpOnce and !Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { gotoAndStop('backsidewalk'); stopUpOnce = false; _type.stop(); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { stopDownOnce = true; action = 'walkdown'; if (_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { Peach_setY += charspeed / 4; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y + 4 + Peach_setY, true)) { Peach_setY -= charspeed / 4; } } } gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk');; } } if (stopDownOnce and !Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { gotoAndStop('frontsidewalk'); stopDownOnce = false; _type.stop(); } _x = _x + Peach_setX; _y = _y + Peach_setY; Peach_setX = 0; Peach_setY = 0; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } } movieClip 2604 { } movieClip 2605 { } movieClip 2606 { } movieClip 2607 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } frame 70 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2610 { } movieClip 2611 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(90)); } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.bunker1._visible = true; _root.bunker2._visible = false; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.bunker1._visible = false; _root.bunker2._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.bunker1._visible = true; _root.bunker2._visible = false; } } } movieClip 2614 { } movieClip 2620 { frame 1 { if (_color == 'red') { gotoAndStop('red'); } else { if (_color == 'yellow') { gotoAndStop('yellow'); } else { if (_color == 'grey') { gotoAndStop('grey'); } else { if (_color == 'orange') { gotoAndStop('orange'); } else { stop(); } } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2622 { } movieClip 2625 { } movieClip 2627 { frame 1 { if (_parent._color == 'red') { gotoAndStop('red'); } else { if (_parent._color == 'yellow') { gotoAndStop('yellow'); } else { if (_parent._color == 'grey') { gotoAndStop('grey'); } else { if (_parent._color == 'orange') { gotoAndStop('orange'); } else { stop(); } } } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2628 { frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); stop(); } } movieClip 2635 { frame 17 { stop(); } } movieClip 2636 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 21 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType); } } movieClip 2642 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 2648 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2650 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2651 { frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); stop(); } } movieClip 2652 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2653 { frame 1 { } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { frontside_types.gotoAndStop(2); } else { frontside_types.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.piping) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; } _root.isAbleToGoDown = false; _root.on_pipe = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 31 { if (destination and _root.piping) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.piping = false; _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay(animation_destiny_pipe); } else { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.movement = true; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.on_action = false; setTimeout(function () { _root.isAbleToGoDown = true; }, 500); } if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } else { _root.underwater = false; } if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } if (musicToPlay) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 36 { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { frontside_types.gotoAndStop(2); } else { frontside_types.gotoAndStop(1); } if (_root.piping) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; } _root.isAbleToGoDown = false; _root.on_pipe = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 64 { if (destination and _root.piping) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.piping = false; _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay(animation_destiny_pipe); } else { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; setTimeout(function () { _root.isAbleToGoDown = true; }, 500); } if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } else { _root.underwater = false; } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 65 { head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('opened'); if (_root.piping) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach_show(0); } _root.on_pipe = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 82 { _root.soundFX('scream16', 2); } frame 88 { if (destination and _root.piping) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.piping = false; _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay(animation_destiny_pipe); } else { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; } if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } else { _root.underwater = false; } if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } if (musicToPlay) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 89 { head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('opened'); if (_root.piping) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; } _root.on_pipe = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 107 { _root.soundFX('scream16', 2); } frame 112 { if (destination and _root.piping) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.piping = false; _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay(animation_destiny_pipe); } else { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } } if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } else { _root.underwater = false; } if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } if (musicToPlay) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); } gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 2658 { frame 1 { _root.running_to_fly_meter = 2; _root.flying_mode = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and !_root.flying_mode) { decrease = true; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.flying_mode = false; decrease = false; } frame 8 { _root.running_to_fly_meter = 4; } frame 14 { if (decrease) { gotoAndPlay('start_running'); } } frame 15 { _root.running_to_fly_meter = 6; } frame 21 { if (decrease) { decrease = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } } frame 22 { _root.running_to_fly_meter = 8; } frame 28 { if (decrease) { decrease = false; gotoAndPlay('2'); } } frame 29 { _root.running_to_fly_meter = 10; } frame 35 { if (decrease) { decrease = false; gotoAndPlay('3'); } } frame 36 { _root.running_to_fly_meter = 12; _root.flying_mode = true; } frame 138 { _root.flying_mode = false; _parent.gotoAndPlay('last'); gotoAndPlay('4'); } } movieClip 2660 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 19 { } } movieClip 2663 { frame 2 { _root.running_mode = false; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.running_to_fly_meter); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.running_to_fly_meter); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.running_to_fly_meter); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.running_to_fly_meter); } frame 11 { gotoAndPlay(_root.running_to_fly_meter); } frame 14 { _root.running_mode = true; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(_root.running_to_fly_meter); } } movieClip 2666 { frame 1 { if (_root.CharMove == 'Poison' or !_root.CharMove) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Dress') { gotoAndPlay(4); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay(6); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Raccoon') { gotoAndPlay(8); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Striker') { gotoAndPlay(10); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { gotoAndPlay(12); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'SuperPeach') { gotoAndPlay(14); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Leaf') { gotoAndPlay(16); } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Nurse') { gotoAndPlay(18); } } } } } } } } } } frame 3 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Poison') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Dress') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(4); } } frame 7 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 9 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Raccoon') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(8); } } frame 11 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Striker') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(10); } } frame 13 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Frog') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(12); } } frame 15 { if (_root.CharMove != 'SuperPeach') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(14); } } frame 17 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Leaf') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(16); } } frame 19 { if (_root.CharMove != 'Leaf') { gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(16); } } } movieClip 2677 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 2696 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny0'); _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; } frame 2 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny0'); _root.horny_bar = 2; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 3 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny0'); _root.horny_bar = 3; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 4 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); _root.horny_bar = 4; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 5 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); _root.horny_bar = 5; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 6 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); _root.horny_bar = 6; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 7 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); _root.horny_bar = 7; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 8 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); _root.horny_bar = 8; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 9 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); _root.horny_bar = 9; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 10 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); _root.horny_bar = 10; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 11 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); _root.horny_bar = 11; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'no'; stop(); } frame 12 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); _root.horny_bar = 12; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'yes'; stop(); } frame 13 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); _root.horny_bar = 13; _root.isPeachCumDipping = 'yes'; stop(); } frame 14 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); _root.horny_bar = 14; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'yes'; stop(); } frame 15 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); _root.horny_bar = 15; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'yes'; stop(); } frame 16 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny4'); _root.horny_bar = 16; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'yes'; stop(); } frame 17 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny4'); _root.horny_bar = 17; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'yes'; stop(); } frame 18 { _root.HUD.peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny4'); _root.horny_bar = 18; _root.cum = true; _root.orgasms += 1; _global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping = 'yes'; stop(); } } movieClip 2701 { } button 2702 { on (release) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('pause_sound'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume / 2); } _root.ButtonsQUA._visible = false; _root.Peach.char.character.gotoAndStop('standright'); _root.peach_character_stats_save(); _visible = false; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; } } } button 2705 { on (release) { _root.movement = true; _root.ShowCredits = false; gotoAndStop('showmenu'); } } movieClip 2708 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 2709 { frame 2 { FPS_label.text = ''; stop(); if (_root.worldmap1_list[_root.actual_level] == 'finished') { exitLevel._visible = true; } else { exitLevel._visible = false; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.isBenchmarkActive) { FPS_counter.text = _root.getFPS(); FPS_label.text = 'FPS'; } else { FPS_counter.text = ''; FPS_label.text = ''; } laidsCurrentLevel.text = _global.PLAYER.laids; deathsCurrentLevel.text = _global.PLAYER.deaths; world_name.text = _root.actual_world_name; level_name.text = _root.actual_level_name; HUD_time.text = _root.game_timer; HUD_score_points.text = _root.score_string; if (!call_once_sound) { allsound = new Sound(); call_once_sound = true; } if (_root.game_time_difference > 30) { _root.game_time_difference = 0; _root.game_time_frozen = _root.game_timer; if (_root.horny_bar > 1) { --_root.horny_bar; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } } else { _root.game_time_difference = _root.game_timer - _root.game_time_frozen; } if (_root.P_power_activated) { _root.coins_p_power_hide = '4'; if (_root.P_power_time_difference > 13) { _global.FLAGS.coinNumber = 0; _root.coins_p_power_hide = '2'; _root.sound_p_power.stop(); _root.P_power_time_difference = 0; _root.P_power_time_frozen = _root.game_timer; _root.P_power_activated = false; if (_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas != _root.musicToPlayBeginning) { _root.BGMsound.attachSound(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); } else { _root.BGMsound.attachSound(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } } else { _root.P_power_time_difference = _root.game_timer - _root.P_power_time_frozen; } } else { _root.P_power_time_frozen = _root.game_timer; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyENTER) and !ENTERPressed) { _root.clothes_tail_remove_saved = _root.clothes_tail_remove; _root.clothes_vest_remove_saved = _root.clothes_vest_remove; _root.clothes_skirt_remove_saved = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; _root.clothes_bra_remove_saved = _root.clothes_bra_remove; _root.BoobSizeSaved = _root.BoobSize; _root.CharNum_saved = _root.CharNum; _root.DressNum_saved = _root.DressNum; _root.peach_earring_color_saved = _root.peach_earring_color; _root.gloves_type_saved = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_saved = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_saved = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_saved = _root.garter_type; ENTERPressed = true; allsound.setVolume(0); stopAllSounds(); _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; _root.MenuWindow = 'panic'; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyENTER)) { ENTERPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0) and !CheatPressed) { CheatPressed = true; if (_root.cheatEnabled == '') { _root.cheatEnabled = 'Cheat Mode! No Bonuses!'; } } } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyMINUS) and !keyMinusPressed) { keyMinusPressed = true; if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { if (_root.zoommode == 1) { _root.HUD._yscale = 64; _root.HUD._xscale = 64; ++_root.zoommode; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 100; } } else { if (_root.zoommode == 2) { ++_root.zoommode; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 0; } } else { if (_root.zoommode == 3) { _root.HUD._yscale = 96.3; _root.HUD._xscale = 96.3; ++_root.zoommode; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 100; } } else { _root.HUD._yscale = 80; _root.HUD._xscale = 80; _root.zoommode = 1; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 100; } } } } _root.zoomlevelsaved = _root.zoommode; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyMINUS)) { keyMinusPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyESC) and !ESCpressed) { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume / 2); } _root.ButtonsQUA._visible = false; ESCpressed = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('pause_sound'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { _root.clothes_tail_remove_saved = _root.clothes_tail_remove; _root.clothes_vest_remove_saved = _root.clothes_vest_remove; _root.clothes_skirt_remove_saved = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; _root.clothes_bra_remove_saved = _root.clothes_bra_remove; _root.CharNum_saved = _root.CharNum; _root.DressNum_saved = _root.DressNum; _root.peach_earring_color_saved = _root.peach_earring_color; _root.gloves_type_saved = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_saved = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_saved = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_saved = _root.garter_type; controlButton._visible = false; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } _root.ButtonsQUA._visible = true; if (!_root.on_action) { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); } _root.CharNum = _root.CharNum_saved; _root.DressNum = _root.DressNum_saved; _root.BoobSize = _root.BoobSizeSaved; _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach_update_dressNum(); _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves_type_saved; _root.heels_type = _root.heels_type_saved; _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_saved; _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_saved; _root.peach_earring_color = _root.peach_earring_color_saved; _root.clothes_tail_remove = _root.clothes_tail_remove_saved; _root.clothes_vest_remove = _root.clothes_vest_remove_saved; _root.clothes_skirt_remove = _root.clothes_skirt_remove_saved; _root.clothes_bra_remove = _root.clothes_bra_remove_saved; controlButton._visible = true; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyESC)) { ESCpressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyMUSIC) and !MPressed) { MPressed = true; if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: Sound Effects with no Music'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: ALL SOUNDS OFF'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: Sound Effects and Music ON'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyM)) { MPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyT) and !TPressed) { TPressed = true; if (_root.ShowText == true) { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: No Text Balloons'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _root.ShowText = true; _root.TextShow = 'ON'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: Text Balloons ON'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyT)) { TPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEQUAL) and !EQUALPressed) { EQUALPressed = true; if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: MEDIUM QUALITY'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_quality == 'MEDIUM') { _quality = 'Low'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: LOW QUALITY'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _quality = 'High'; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: HIGH QUALITY'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyEQUAL)) { EQUALPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyBACKSPACE) and !BACKSPACEPressed) { BACKSPACEPressed = true; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 0; _root.HUDshow = false; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Setup: HUD and Status BAR ON'; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.HUD._alpha = 100; _root.HUDshow = true; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyBACKSPACE)) { BACKSPACEPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyDELETE)) { if (!_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (!DELPressed) { DELPressed = true; _root.she_is_hit('fall'); _global.FLAGS.lockedAnimation = false; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.masturbating = false; _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.piping = false; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.left_pressed_before = false; _root.right_pressed_before = false; _root.running_to_fly_meter = 2; _root.running_mode = false; _root.flying_mode = false; } } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyDELETE)) { DELPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyINSERT) and _root.movement and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { _root.Peach._x = _root._xmouse; _root.Peach._y = _root._ymouse; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyPAGEUP) and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { if (!PAGEUPPressed) { PAGEUPPressed = true; _root.currentTip = 'CHEAT: Horny bar almost full!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.horny_bar = 14; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyPAGEUP)) { PAGEUPPressed = false; } }; } instance PuzzleMC of movieClip 1504 Puzzle_MC { onClipEvent (load) { auto_fadeout = false; } } instance horny_bar of movieClip 2696 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } } instance controlButton of movieClip 2708 { } } movieClip 2712 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this) and goTo) { if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (side == 'right') { _root.Peach._x = _root[goTo]._x + 70; } else { _root.Peach._x = _root[goTo]._x - 70; } _root.Peach._y = _root[goTo]._y; } }; } } instance room1 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room2'; side = 'right'; } } instance room2 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room1'; } } movieClip 2713 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } } movieClip 2717 { frame 2 { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; } frame 13 { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = false;;; } frame 17 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 18 { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; } frame 29 { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = false;;; } frame 33 { gotoAndStop(1); } frame 34 { stopAllSounds(); _root.soundFX('smb3enter', 3); } instance Introfade2 of movieClip 244 { onClipEvent (press) {; } } frame 60 { _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); gotoAndStop(1); } frame 61 { _root.movement = false; _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true;; } instance Introfade2 of movieClip 244 { onClipEvent (press) {; } } frame 70 { _root.movement = true; _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = false;; } frame 72 { _root.movement = false; } frame 87 { _root.movement = true; gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 2721 { } button 2727 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'options'; } } // unknown tag 88 length 68 movieClip 2752 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 2760 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_tail_remove) { gotoAndStop(4); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2763 { } movieClip 2767 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.ears_remove); } } movieClip 2769 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2771 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2773 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2775 { frame 1 { if (_root.gloves_type == 'None') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2776 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 2778 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_skirt_remove) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2780 { frame 1 { if (_root.gloves_type == 'None') { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2782 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { gotoAndStop(3); } else { gotoAndStop(2); } } } movieClip 2783 { } movieClip 2788 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { destination = '2'; } else { destination = '4'; } gotoAndPlay(destination); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(destination); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(destination); } } movieClip 2795 { frame 1 { if (_root.clothes_bra_remove) { destination = '2'; } else { destination = '4'; } gotoAndPlay(destination); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(destination); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(destination); } } movieClip 2800 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 2803 { } movieClip 2804 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 2807 { } button 2817 { on (release) { _root.soundFX('soundsurprise3', 1); _root.MenuWindow = 'diary'; } } button 2821 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'gallery'; } } button 2825 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'credits'; } } button 2829 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'charsel'; } } button 2833 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'achievements'; } } button 2837 { on (release) { restart._visible = false; confirm._visible = true; cancel._visible = true; } } button 2840 { on (release) { _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach.character_stats_restore(); _root.HUD.controlButton._visible = true; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.HUD.controlButton._visible = true; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('pause_sound'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } button 2843 { on (release) { = _root.peach_earring_color; = _root.peach_crown_color; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.internals; = _root.isBenchmarkActive; = _root.actual_world; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'worldmap') { = _root.actual_level; } else { = _root.actual_level - 1; } = _root.score_points; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.PLAYER.laids; = _global.PLAYER.deaths; = _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; = _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling; = _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels; = _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout; = _root.pokey_fucking_scene; = _root.goomba_fucking_scene; = _root.koopa_fucking_scene; = _root.bobomb_fucking_scene; = _root.blooper_fucking_scene; = _root.boo_fucking_scene; = _root.BoobSize; = _root.CharMove; = _root.CharNum; = _root.Lives; = _root.CumHead; = _root.CumLegs; = _root.CumButt; = _root.CumBody; = _root.heels_type; = _root.garter_type; = _root.stockings_type; = _root.heels_type; = _root.gloves_type; = _root.horny_bar; = _root.clothes_tail_remove; = _root.clothes_vest_remove; = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; = _root.clothes_bra_remove; = _root.cheatEnabled; = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap1_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap2_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap3_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap4_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap5_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap6_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap7_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap8_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap9_list[i]; ++i; } = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); gotoAndPlay('apply'); } } button 2844 { on (release) { = _root.peach_earring_color; = _root.peach_crown_color; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.internals; = _root.isBenchmarkActive; = _root.actual_world; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'worldmap') { = _root.actual_level; } else { = _root.actual_level - 1; } = _root.score_points; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.PLAYER.laids; = _global.PLAYER.deaths; = _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; = _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling; = _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels; = _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout; = _root.pokey_fucking_scene; = _root.goomba_fucking_scene; _2 = _root.koopa_fucking_scene; = _2; = _root.bobomb_fucking_scene; = _root.blooper_fucking_scene; = _root.boo_fucking_scene; = _root.BoobSize; = _root.CharMove; = _root.CharNum; = _root.Lives; = _root.CumHead; = _root.CumLegs; = _root.CumButt; = _root.CumBody; = _root.heels_type; = _root.garter_type; = _root.stockings_type; = _root.heels_type; = _root.gloves_type; = _root.horny_bar; = _root.clothes_tail_remove; = _root.clothes_vest_remove; = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; = _root.clothes_bra_remove; = _root.cheatEnabled; = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap1_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap2_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap3_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap4_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap5_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap6_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap7_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap8_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap9_list[i]; ++i; } = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); gotoAndPlay('apply'); } } button 2845 { on (release) { = _root.peach_earring_color; = _root.peach_crown_color; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.internals; = _root.isBenchmarkActive; = _root.actual_world; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'worldmap') { = _root.actual_level; } else { = _root.actual_level - 1; } = _root.score_points; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.PLAYER.laids; = _global.PLAYER.deaths; = _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; = _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling; = _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels; = _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout; = _root.pokey_fucking_scene; = _root.goomba_fucking_scene; _3 = _root.koopa_fucking_scene; = _3; = _root.bobomb_fucking_scene; = _root.blooper_fucking_scene; = _root.boo_fucking_scene; = _root.BoobSize; = _root.CharMove; = _root.CharNum; = _root.Lives; = _root.CumHead; = _root.CumLegs; = _root.CumButt; = _root.CumBody; = _root.heels_type; = _root.garter_type; = _root.stockings_type; = _root.heels_type; = _root.gloves_type; = _root.horny_bar; = _root.clothes_tail_remove; = _root.clothes_vest_remove; = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; = _root.clothes_bra_remove; = _root.cheatEnabled; = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap1_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap2_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap3_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap4_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap5_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap6_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap7_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap8_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap9_list[i]; ++i; } = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); gotoAndPlay('apply'); } } button 2846 { on (release) { = _root.peach_earring_color; = _root.peach_crown_color; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.internals; = _root.isBenchmarkActive; = _root.actual_world; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'worldmap') { = _root.actual_level; } else { = _root.actual_level - 1; } = _root.score_points; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.PLAYER.laids; = _global.PLAYER.deaths; = _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; = _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling; = _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels; = _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout; = _root.pokey_fucking_scene; = _root.goomba_fucking_scene; _4 = _root.koopa_fucking_scene; = _4; = _root.bobomb_fucking_scene; = _root.blooper_fucking_scene; = _root.boo_fucking_scene; = _root.BoobSize; = _root.CharMove; = _root.CharNum; = _root.Lives; = _root.CumHead; = _root.CumLegs; = _root.CumButt; = _root.CumBody; = _root.heels_type; = _root.garter_type; = _root.stockings_type; = _root.heels_type; = _root.gloves_type; = _root.horny_bar; = _root.clothes_tail_remove; = _root.clothes_vest_remove; = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; = _root.clothes_bra_remove; = _root.cheatEnabled; = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap1_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap2_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap3_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap4_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap5_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap6_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap7_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap8_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap9_list[i]; ++i; } = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); gotoAndPlay('apply'); } } button 2847 { on (release) { = _root.peach_earring_color; = _root.peach_crown_color; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.internals; = _root.isBenchmarkActive; = _root.actual_world; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'worldmap') { = _root.actual_level; } else { = _root.actual_level - 1; } = _root.score_points; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.PLAYER.laids; = _global.PLAYER.deaths; = _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; = _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; if (! { = new Object(); } = _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling; = _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume; = _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels; = _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout; = _root.pokey_fucking_scene; = _root.goomba_fucking_scene; _5 = _root.koopa_fucking_scene; = _5; = _root.bobomb_fucking_scene; = _root.blooper_fucking_scene; = _root.boo_fucking_scene; = _root.BoobSize; = _root.CharMove; = _root.CharNum; = _root.Lives; = _root.CumHead; = _root.CumLegs; = _root.CumButt; = _root.CumBody; = _root.heels_type; = _root.garter_type; = _root.stockings_type; = _root.heels_type; = _root.gloves_type; = _root.horny_bar; = _root.clothes_tail_remove; = _root.clothes_vest_remove; = _root.clothes_skirt_remove; = _root.clothes_bra_remove; = _root.cheatEnabled; = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap1_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap2_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap3_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap4_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap5_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap6_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap7_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap8_list[i]; ++i; } = new Array(); i = 0; while (i < 14) {[i] = _root.worldmap9_list[i]; ++i; } = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); gotoAndPlay('apply'); } } movieClip 2854 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _parent.loadgame._visible = false; } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 22 { gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.loadgame._visible = true; } } button 2858 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'load_game'; } } button 2862 { on (release) { restart._visible = true; confirm._visible = false; cancel._visible = false; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 2865 { on (release) { restart._visible = true; confirm._visible = false; cancel._visible = false; } } button 2868 { on (release) { saved.gotoAndPlay('slots'); } } button 2880 { on (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'gallery'; } } button 2881 { on (release) { _root.ButtonsQUA._visible = true; _root.CharNum = _root.CharNum_saved; _root.DressNum = _root.DressNum_saved; _root.peach_earring_color = _root.peach_earring_color_saved; _root.BoobSize = _root.BoobSizeSaved; _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach_update_dressNum(); _root.gloves_type = _root.gloves_type_saved; _root.heels_type = _root.heels_type_saved; _root.stockings_type = _root.stockings_type_saved; _root.garter_type = _root.garter_type_saved; _root.clothes_tail_remove = _root.clothes_tail_remove_saved; _root.clothes_vest_remove = _root.clothes_vest_remove_saved; _root.clothes_skirt_remove = _root.clothes_skirt_remove_saved; _root.clothes_bra_remove = _root.clothes_bra_remove_saved; _root.HUD.controlButton._visible = true; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.HUD.controlButton._visible = true; _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('pause_sound'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } movieClip 2886 { frame 1 { pause_title.text = _root.actual_world_name + ' : ' + _root.actual_level_name; infotext.gotoAndPlay(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); restart._visible = true; confirm._visible = false; cancel._visible = false; savegame._visible = true; loadgame._visible = true; laidtotal = _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; deathtotal = _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; onEnterFrame = function () { laids.text = laidtotal; deaths.text = deathtotal; }; if (_root.horny_bar < 4) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny0'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 8) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 12) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 16) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); } else { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny4'); } } } } if (_global.PLAYER.laids == 0) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatText = 'Peach is embarrassed'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore; peachtext1._visible = true; peachtext2._visible = true; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.laids < _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatText = 'Peach did nasty things!'; if (_global.PLAYER.laids > 10) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = ''; peachtext1._visible = false; peachtext2._visible = false; } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore - _global.PLAYER.laids; peachtext1._visible = true; peachtext2._visible = true; } } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatText = 'Peach, the slut of the day!'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = ''; peachtext1._visible = false; peachtext2._visible = false; } } if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids == 0) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach is a virgin'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut; peachtext3._visible = true; peachtext4._visible = true; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids <= _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut / 2) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach is indecent!'; if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids > 80) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = ''; peachtext3._visible = false; peachtext4._visible = false; } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut - _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; peachtext3._visible = true; peachtext4._visible = true; } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids < _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach is screwed!'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut - _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; peachtext3._visible = true; peachtext4._visible = true; } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach, the SLUT of the kingdom!'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = ''; peachtext3._visible = false; peachtext4._visible = false; } } } } frame 2 { stop(); if (_root.horny_bar < 4) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny0'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 8) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 12) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 16) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); } else { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny4'); } } } } if (_global.PLAYER.laids == 0) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatText = 'Peach is embarrassed'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore; peachtext1._visible = true; peachtext2._visible = true; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.laids < _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatText = 'Peach did nasty things!'; if (_global.PLAYER.laids > 10) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = ''; peachtext1._visible = false; peachtext2._visible = false; } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore - _global.PLAYER.laids; peachtext1._visible = true; peachtext2._visible = true; } } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatText = 'Peach, the slut of the day!'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRemNum = ''; peachtext1._visible = false; peachtext2._visible = false; } } if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids == 0) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach is a virgin'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut; peachtext3._visible = true; peachtext4._visible = true; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids <= _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut / 2) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach is indecent!'; if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids > 80) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = ''; peachtext3._visible = false; peachtext4._visible = false; } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut - _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; peachtext3._visible = true; peachtext4._visible = true; } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids < _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut) { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach is screwed!'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut - _global.PLAYER.totalLaids; peachtext3._visible = true; peachtext4._visible = true; } else { _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhat2Text = 'Peach, the SLUT of the kingdom!'; _global.FLAGS.peachIsWhatRem2Num = ''; peachtext3._visible = false; peachtext4._visible = false; } } } } } button 2893 { on (release) { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'credits') { _root.CurrentArea = 'select1'; _root.gotoAndPlay('title'); } else { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } } button 2897 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 2900 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 2903 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } button 2905 { on (press) { getURL('', '_blank'); } } movieClip 2906 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.movement = false; } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (release) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach ouch3'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (release) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach ouch4'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (release) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach nooo'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } } movieClip 2909 { } movieClip 2910 { } movieClip 2914 { } movieClip 2916 { } movieClip 2917 { } movieClip 2921 { } movieClip 2923 { } movieClip 2924 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 2926 { } button 2966 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('goomba'); } } button 2967 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('koopatroopa'); } } button 2968 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('morton'); } } button 2969 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('bowser'); } } button 2970 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('endings'); } } button 2971 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('bobomb'); } } button 2972 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('boo'); } } button 2973 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('shyguy'); } } button 2974 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('blooper'); } } movieClip 2980 { frame 1 { lockhelp = ''; } } button 2981 { on (release) { if (_root.DressNum > 0) { --_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = _root.DressMax; } if (_root.NoBoob) { _root.NoBoob = false; _root.BoobSize = _root.PrevBoob; } else { _root.PrevBoob = _root.BoobSize; } _root.peach_update_dressNum(); } } button 2982 { on (release) { if (_root.DressNum < _root.DressMax) { ++_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = 0; } if (_root.NoBoob) { _root.NoBoob = false; _root.BoobSize = _root.PrevBoob; } else { _root.PrevBoob = _root.BoobSize; } _root.peach_update_dressNum(); } } button 2984 { on (release) { if (_root.NoBoob == false) { if (_root.BoobSize > 0) { --_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = 4; } } } } button 2985 { on (release) { if (_root.NoBoob == false) { if (_root.BoobSize < 4) { ++_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = 0; } } } } button 3004 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('cancel'); } } button 3006 { on (release) { i = 0; while (i < _root.TotalEnemy) { _root.EnemyAtMax[i] = false;[i] = false; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 4) { _root.MortonScene[i] = false;[i] = false; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 4) { _root.EndingScene[i] = false;[i] = false; ++i; } _root.BowserScene = false; = false; gotoAndStop('cancel'); _global.FLAGS.resetgallery = false; _parent.gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3008 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 3011 { } button 3013 { on (release) { if (_root.DressNum > 0) { --_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = _root.DressMax; } _root.NoBoob = false; } } movieClip 3015 { } movieClip 3017 { } movieClip 3019 { } button 3021 { on (release) { if (!n or n > 5) { n = 1; } _background.gotoAndPlay(n); ++n; } } button 3022 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3023 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } button 3024 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } button 3025 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } button 3026 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } button 3032 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(7); } } button 3033 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(8); } } button 3034 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } button 3035 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(10); } } button 3036 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } movieClip 3044 { } button 3046 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(13); } } button 3048 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(12); } } button 3050 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(14); } } button 3053 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3055 { on (release) { g = _currentframe; gotoAndStop('replay'); } } movieClip 3062 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 3069 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 3071 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3075 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3076 { } movieClip 3080 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3081 { frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } movieClip 3083 { frame 1 { _root.Peach_show(0); horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 1 + random(2); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 13 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 14 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 17 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 24 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 26 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 41 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 49 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 51 { _root.check_blush(); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(500); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumLegs += 2; _root.CumButt += 2; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach_show(1); stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } button 3084 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } movieClip 3085 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 7 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 8 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 9 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 10 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 11 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 12 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 13 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 14 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay(g); } } button 3086 { on (release) { if (_root.CharNum > 0) { --_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = _root.CharMax; } if (_root.CharNum == 0) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'blue'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'gold'; } else { if (_root.CharNum == 1) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'red'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'silver'; } } } } button 3087 { on (release) { if (_root.CharNum < _root.CharMax) { ++_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = 0; } if (_root.CharNum == 0) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'blue'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'gold'; } else { if (_root.CharNum == 1) { _root.peach_earring_color = 'red'; _root.peach_crown_color = 'silver'; } } } } button 3093 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('choice'); } } movieClip 3097 { } button 3099 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3100 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } button 3101 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } button 3102 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } button 3106 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } button 3108 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(7); } } button 3110 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(8); } } button 3112 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } button 3114 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('choice'); } } button 3115 { on (release) { g = _currentframe; gotoAndStop('replay'); } } button 3116 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3117 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 7 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 8 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 9 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(g); } } movieClip 3119 { } movieClip 3121 { frame 23 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3122 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3123 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } button 3126 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } button 3127 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } button 3131 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('choice'); } } button 3132 { on (release) { g = _currentframe; gotoAndStop('replay'); } } button 3133 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3134 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(g); } } movieClip 3136 { frame 12 { SceneNum = random(2) + 1; if (SceneNum == 1) { gotoAndPlay('part1'); } } frame 25 { SceneNum = random(2) + 1; if (SceneNum == 1) { gotoAndPlay('part1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('part2'); } } } button 3137 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3138 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } button 3141 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } button 3142 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 3146 { } button 3147 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3148 { on (release) { g = _currentframe; gotoAndStop('replay'); } } movieClip 3149 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(g); } } movieClip 3153 { } button 3154 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3155 { on (release) { g = _currentframe; gotoAndStop('replay'); } } movieClip 3156 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(g); } } button 3157 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3158 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 3162 { } button 3164 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } button 3166 { on (release) { gotoAndStop(1); } } button 3167 { on (release) { g = _currentframe; gotoAndStop('replay'); } } movieClip 3168 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(g); } } button 3169 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3171 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } button 3173 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(4); } } button 3175 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } movieClip 3187 { frame 1 { if (_parent._color) { gotoAndPlay(_parent._color); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 3189 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; if (!_parent._parent._blush) { _parent._parent._blush = 'noblush'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent._blush); } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent._blush); } frame 41 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent._blush); } } movieClip 3191 { } movieClip 3192 { frame 27 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3200 { } movieClip 3202 { } movieClip 3204 { } movieClip 3205 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.marioDressNum); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.marioDressNum); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.marioDressNum); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.marioDressNum); } } movieClip 3207 { } movieClip 3209 { } movieClip 3211 { } movieClip 3212 { frame 2 { if ( { gotoAndPlay('talk'); } else { stop(); } } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(; } } movieClip 3218 { } movieClip 3219 { frame 1 { } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay('dress'); } } movieClip 3224 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._parent.eyeRightMario) { _parent._parent.eyeRightMario = 'opened'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeRightMario); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeRightMario); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeRightMario); } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeRightMario); } } movieClip 3225 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._parent.eyeLeftMario) { _parent._parent.eyeLeftMario = 'opened'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeLeftMario); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeLeftMario); } frame 38 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeLeftMario); } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeLeftMario); } } movieClip 3227 { } movieClip 3228 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(; } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(; } } movieClip 3230 { } movieClip 3231 { frame 2 { if ( { gotoAndPlay('talk'); } else { stop(); } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(; } } movieClip 3234 { } movieClip 3237 { } movieClip 3239 { } movieClip 3240 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._parent.marioHat) { _parent._parent.marioHat = 'normal'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.marioHat); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.marioHat); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.marioHat); } } movieClip 3242 { } button 3243 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } } button 3245 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } button 3246 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3247 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } button 3248 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } } button 3249 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('sucking'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('sucking'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('sucking'); } } movieClip 3254 { frame 8 { stop(); } } movieClip 3255 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); _root.marioDressNum = 'full'; stop(); if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } } frame 2 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Right'; } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } frame 18 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Close'; } frame 26 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 33 { stop(); if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 34 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Open'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 37 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } frame 40 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 47 { gotoAndPlay('sucking'); } frame 49 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Close'; } frame 52 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('sucking'); } } frame 55 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 67 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.MenuWindow == 'gallery' or _root.CurrentArea == 'gallery') { loadMovie('', this); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } } } movieClip 3257 { } button 3258 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('in'); } on (keyPress '<Up>') { gotoAndPlay('in'); } on (keyPress 'w') { gotoAndPlay('in'); } } button 3259 { on (release) { if (_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { _parent.gotoAndStop('choice'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } } button 3264 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } on (keyPress '<Down>') { gotoAndPlay('out'); } on (keyPress 's') { gotoAndPlay('out'); } } button 3265 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } button 3268 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('ending'); } } movieClip 3270 { instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(1); } onClipEvent (keyPress 'm') { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'b') { if (_root.LockCostume and !_root.NoBoob) { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { ++_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; } } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'q') { if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; } else { _quality = 'High'; } } } frame 71 { gotoAndPlay('out'); } frame 143 { gotoAndPlay('in'); } } button 3271 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('choice'); } } movieClip 3284 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3290 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 3293 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } button 3298 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } } button 3299 { on (release) { if (_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { _parent.gotoAndStop('choice'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb1'); } } } button 3301 { on (release) { if (_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { _parent.gotoAndStop('choice'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } } button 3302 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3303 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('deep'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('deep'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('deep'); } } button 3306 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); } } movieClip 3308 { frame 1 { stop(); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); eyeRightMario = 'closed'; eyeLeftMario = 'closed'; marioHat = 'sleeping'; _root.marioDressNum = 'shirt'; } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 18 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay('kiss'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 39 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 65 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 75 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.MenuWindow == 'gallery' or _root.CurrentArea == 'gallery') { loadMovie('', this); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb3'); } } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb3'); } } } frame 94 { gotoAndPlay('mario2'); } } movieClip 3313 { } movieClip 3315 { } button 3316 { on (release) { if (_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('choice'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('theend'); } } } button 3317 { on (release) { if (_global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery) { _parent._parent.gotoAndStop('choice'); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } } button 3320 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } button 3321 { on (release) { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } on (keyPress '<Left>') { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } on (keyPress 'a') { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb2'); } } } button 3325 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } button 3326 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay(1); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3328 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } movieClip 3329 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); stop(); _root.marioDressNum = 'shirt'; } frame 2 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Right'; } frame 9 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Close'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 19 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Right'; } frame 20 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 24 { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } frame 26 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 29 { _root.MarioEyeType = 'Close'; } frame 36 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.MenuWindow == 'gallery' or _root.CurrentArea == 'gallery') { loadMovie('', this); } } onClipEvent (release) { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('theend'); } } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { if (_root.MenuWindow != 'gallery' and _root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay('theend'); } } } frame 51 { gotoAndPlay('fly'); } } movieClip 3331 { instance of movieClip 1383 { onClipEvent (keyPress 'm') { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'b') { if (_root.LockCostume and !_root.NoBoob) { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { ++_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; } } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'q') { if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; } else { _quality = 'High'; } } } } movieClip 3334 { frame 10 { stop(); } } movieClip 3335 { frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } movieClip 3336 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.EndingScene[0]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Do you know how SMB1 really ended?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.EndingScene[1]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Do you know how SMB2 really ended?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.EndingScene[2]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Do you know how SMB3 really ended?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.EndingScene[3]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Was your virginity intact when you got to the castle?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 3344 { } button 3345 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3347 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('tit'); } } button 3352 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } } button 3353 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } button 3355 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } button 3356 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('tit'); } } button 3380 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } } movieClip 3417 { frame 1 { stop(); if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('tit'); } } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 40 { gotoAndPlay('tit'); } frame 44 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('tit'); } } frame 118 { stop(); } frame 122 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('tit'); } } frame 140 { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } frame 144 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 178 { if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 209 { gotoAndPlay('screw'); } frame 226 { stop(); if (Key.isDown(39) or Key.isDown(68)) { gotoAndPlay('cum2'); } if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } } button 3418 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('choice'); } } movieClip 3419 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; } } button 3421 { on (release) { _root.Drive = 2; gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3423 { on (release) { _root.Drive = 1; gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3425 { on (release) { _root.Drive = 3; gotoAndPlay(2); } } button 3427 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 3432 { } movieClip 3436 { } button 3437 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('2'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('2'); } } movieClip 3438 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 3439 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } button 3443 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('4'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('4'); } } button 3444 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('1'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } button 3449 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('6'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('6'); } } button 3453 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } } button 3457 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('go'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('go'); } } button 3462 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } } button 3463 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('8'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('8'); } } movieClip 3464 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 3467 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } button 3470 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('doit'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('doit'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('doit'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('doit'); } } button 3471 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('8'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('8'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('8'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('8'); } } button 3477 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('drip'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('drip'); } } button 3478 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } } button 3482 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } } button 3486 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('inside'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('inside'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('inside'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('inside'); } } button 3487 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } } movieClip 3498 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } button 3502 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } } button 3503 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } } button 3507 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('outside'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('outside'); } } movieClip 3513 { frame 1 { if (_root.internals != 'ON') { gotoAndStop('OFF'); } } frame 11 { stop(); } } button 3517 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('fallen'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('fallen'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('fallen'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('fallen'); } } button 3518 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } } movieClip 3519 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } button 3523 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } } button 3524 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } } button 3528 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('facial'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('facial'); } } button 3532 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } } button 3533 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } } button 3537 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('finale'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('finale'); } } button 3538 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } } button 3539 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('finalrest'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('finalrest'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('finalrest'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('finalrest'); } } button 3540 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } } button 3544 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('black'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('black'); } } button 3545 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } } movieClip 3546 { frame 1 { onRelease = function () { _root.PeachZoom(); }; if (_global.FLAGS.bossFightType == 'virgin') { Style = 3; } else { if (_global.FLAGS.bossFightType == 'normal') { Style = 2; } else { Style = 1; } } i = Style - 1; _root.MortonScene[i] = true;[i] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(1); } frame 2 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 2 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk1 = '\nWhoa! Wendy? Where\'s the Princess?'; mfucktalk1a = 'Well, I was gonna\ngrab Mario when he comes for the Princess,'; mfucktalk1b = 'but in the meantime I don\'t mind taking\nher place!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk1 = 'He he he, Princess...\nI\'ve been waiting for\nthis ever since I was a\nkoopaling !'; mfucktalk1a = 'Morton! I demand\nyou stop at-Aah! What the fuck is that thing!?'; mfucktalk1b = 'Please stop pointing that huge dick at me! It\'s distracting!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk1 = 'He he he, Princess...\nI\'ve been waiting for\nthis ever since I was a\nkoopaling !'; mfucktalk1a = 'Morton! End\nyour attacks at once and--well,'; mfucktalk1b = 'I can wait for you to get some pants...No rush, though.'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk1 = 'He he he, Princess...\nI\'ve been waiting for\nthis ever since I was a\nkoopaling !'; mfucktalk1a = ' Oh wow. You\'re right. I can see how pent up you are!'; mfucktalk1b = 'Glad you don\'t wear pants, if you get my meaning.'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk1 = ''; mfucktalk1a = ''; mfucktalk1b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk1 = ''; mfucktalk1a = ''; mfucktalk1b = ''; } } frame 2 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletextm._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletextm._alpha = 100; } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay('1'); } frame 7 { if (!already_used1) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used1 = true; } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 8 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } } frame 8 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk2 = 'See something you like?'; mfucktalk2a = 'Brother, how\ndid you ever hide something like that?'; mfucktalk2b = 'Mario is a child compared to\nyour dick!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk2 = 'See something you like?'; mfucktalk2a = 'I\'ve never seen\none so large. It looks\nso thick and hard.'; mfucktalk2b = 'May I touch it? I wonder if it will fit\nin my hand.'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk2 = 'See something you like?'; mfucktalk2a = '\nWell I guess I was going to ask you to stop attacking us,'; mfucktalk2b = 'but there seems to be a BIGGER problem here, isn\'t there?'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk2 = 'See something you like?'; mfucktalk2a = '\nOh, I\'ve been\nwaiting for this all day!'; mfucktalk2b = 'I\'ll make your LONG, HARD wait worth\nevery second!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk2 = ''; mfucktalk2a = ''; mfucktalk2b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk2 = ''; mfucktalk2a = ''; mfucktalk2b = ''; } } frame 8 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay('3'); } frame 10 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 14 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk3 = 'Well, Mario\'s not here, so go ahead Wendy, get on your knees... It\'s Boss Time, bitch!'; mfucktalk3a = '\n\nHey! Hey! Not so rough!'; mfucktalk3b = 'No need to be rude. I\'m getting to it.'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk3 = 'Well, Mario\'s not here, so go ahead Princess, get on your knees... It\'s Boss Time, bitch!'; mfucktalk3a = 'No! I\'ll not touch\nsuch a large...thick--*Cough*... I\'ll do as'; mfucktalk3b = 'you ask, but don\'t imagine I\'ll allow this to go any further!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk3 = 'Well, Mario\'s not here, so go ahead Princess, get on your knees... It\'s Boss Time, bitch!'; mfucktalk3a = 'Be patient. I\'m still\ngetting in the mood. And your cock is much'; mfucktalk3b = 'bigger than a Goomba dick. Let me just get a feel for it for now.'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk3 = 'Well, Mario\'s not here, so go ahead Princess, get on your knees... It\'s Boss Time, bitch!'; mfucktalk3a = 'Enough chit-chat! I\njust want to feel your big dick throbbing! Just'; mfucktalk3b = 'put yourself in my hands, and you\'ll be gushing in no time!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk3 = ''; mfucktalk3a = ''; mfucktalk3b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk3 = ''; mfucktalk3a = ''; mfucktalk3b = ''; } } frame 14 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay('5'); } frame 16 { if (!_root.gallery_running) { stopAllSounds(); } } frame 17 { if (!_root.gallery_running) { _root.MUSIC('Battle Theme', 99); } } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 25 { if (!already_used2) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used2 = true; } } frame 26 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk4 = 'Yeah, like that! And while you\'re down there it\'s proper manners to jerk me off a bit.'; mfucktalk4a = '\nJeez! Have\nsome patience! Oh.'; mfucktalk4b = 'Wow. Now that I\'m down here, it\'s bigger than I thought!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk4 = 'Yeah, like that! And while you\'re down there it\'s proper manners to jerk me off a bit.'; mfucktalk4a = 'Fine, fine! I\'ll do whatever it takes to save my kingdom!'; mfucktalk4b = 'I hope this will satisf-- Oh, wow. I can\'t cover it with both hands.'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk4 = 'Yeah, like that! And while you\'re down there it\'s proper manners to jerk me off a bit.'; mfucktalk4a = 'Getting this\nhuge thing off isn\'t going to be easy!'; mfucktalk4b = 'I can barely get both hands around it!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk4 = 'Yeah, like that! And while you\'re down there it\'s proper manners to jerk me off a bit.'; mfucktalk4a = 'Fuck you\'re fussy.\nIf you want the goods, you gotta give me'; mfucktalk4b = 'some room to work my magic. In a minute you\'ll be in heaven.'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk4 = ''; mfucktalk4a = ''; mfucktalk4b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk4 = ''; mfucktalk4a = ''; mfucktalk4b = ''; } } frame 26 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay('7'); } frame 32 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 32 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk5 = 'That\'s it sis, play\nwith my dick. I\'m gonna blow my load all over that slutty face!'; mfucktalk5a = '\nI can\'t wait to\nsee this bad boy go!'; mfucktalk5b = 'You\'ve gotta have a ton of cum in those massive balls!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk5 = 'That\'s right, Princess, play with my dick. I\'m gonna blow my load all over that royal face!'; mfucktalk5a = 'Couldn\'t you do this yourself? Does it feel better when I do it or--'; mfucktalk5b = 'Hey! Why\'s it throbbing so much now? Are you going to-?'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk5 = 'That\'s right, Princess, play with my dick. I\'m gonna blow my load all over that royal face!'; mfucktalk5a = 'This dick is so huge, and hard, and thick, and the smell is just'; mfucktalk5b = 'driving me crazy! I really wanna see how much you cum!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk5 = 'That\'s right, Princess, play with my dick. I\'m gonna blow my load all over that royal face!'; mfucktalk5a = 'Don\'t disappoint me, now! The Goombas were a quick shot, so I'; mfucktalk5b = 'expect you to last a bit longer, and give me a real cum shower!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk5 = ''; mfucktalk5a = ''; mfucktalk5b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk5 = ''; mfucktalk5a = ''; mfucktalk5b = ''; } } frame 32 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletextm._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletextm._alpha = 100; } } frame 48 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } frame 55 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 55 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk6 = 'How\'s that Wendy? How\'s it feel to get a cum shower from your brother?'; mfucktalk6a = '\nWhew!\nOh yeah! I love it!'; mfucktalk6b = 'Keep it coming! It smells so good!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk6 = 'Awww yeah, Princess! You like thick koopa spunk all over your face don\'t you?'; mfucktalk6a = 'There! I hope you\'re satisfied. Now take your troops and get out'; mfucktalk6b = 'of my kingdom! I never want to see you or your filthy cock again!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk6 = 'Awww yeah, Princess! You like thick koopa spunk all over your face don\'t you?'; mfucktalk6a = 'Hey! You could\'ve warned me! Well, at least it tastes good.'; mfucktalk6b = 'And it\'s sooo thick! I love it! So, is that all you\'ve got, big boy?'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk6 = 'Awww yeah, Princess! You like thick koopa spunk all over your face don\'t you?'; mfucktalk6a = 'Yes! Give it to me! I love feeling your hot cum all over my face!'; mfucktalk6b = 'There\'s even more than all the Goomba cum inside me!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk6 = ''; mfucktalk6a = ''; mfucktalk6b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk6 = ''; mfucktalk6a = ''; mfucktalk6b = ''; } } frame 55 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletextm._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletextm._alpha = 100; } } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay('cummy'); } frame 69 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk7 = '\nHere then! Get it from the source!'; mfucktalk7a = '\nHey! What are you---Mmf? Nng!'; mfucktalk7b = 'Oh god! I\'m deepthroating my brother!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk7 = '\nIf my cock is so dirty, why not clean it up with your mouth?'; mfucktalk7a = '\nHey! What are you---Mmf? Nng!'; mfucktalk7b = 'C-can\'t breathe! Quick breaths! In out, in out. Just like his dick....'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk7 = 'Not a chance! I\'m\ngonna fuck your pretty mouth and shut you up for good!'; mfucktalk7a = 'Whoa! Not so fa--!'; mfucktalk7b = 'Whew! Sucking Morton\'s cock is making me so horny!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk7 = 'Dammit! Why do I always get the sloppy seconds!? Choke on my cock, whore!'; mfucktalk7a = '\nOh yeah! Give it to me deep!'; mfucktalk7b = 'So good! So GOOD! I\'m going to cum just from sucking this huge dick!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk7 = ''; mfucktalk7a = ''; mfucktalk7b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk7 = ''; mfucktalk7a = ''; mfucktalk7b = ''; } } frame 69 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; } } frame 71 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 83 { if (!already_used3) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used3 = true; } } frame 84 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 97 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } gotoAndPlay('suck'); } frame 101 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 111 { if (!already_used13) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used13 = true; } } frame 124 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 137 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 150 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk8 = 'Yeah, that\'s it! Swallow all my cum! Wendy!'; mfucktalk8a = '*gulp* Oh god!\nI\'ve never drank so much cum in my life!'; mfucktalk8b = 'I\'m going to have to visit my dear brother more often!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk8 = 'Yeah, that\'s it! Swallow all my cum! I\'ve been building up just for you!'; mfucktalk8a = 'Gah! His cum is shooting out so hard, and it\'s so thick! I can\'t take any'; mfucktalk8b = 'take anymore! It\'s oozing down my throat and filling my mouth!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk8 = 'Oh god! I can\'t believe I\'m cumming inside the Princess\'s throat!'; mfucktalk8a = 'Wow! It\ntastes so funky,\nbut it\'s soooo good!'; mfucktalk8b = '*hngh*! Oh, wow! I *ngh* came just from drinking his cum!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk8 = 'Princess! I\'m\ncumming! You\'re sucking all my cum out!'; mfucktalk8a = 'Yes! Yes! Ooohh. I can\'t stop cumming! Every time I swallow a'; mfucktalk8b = 'load, I cum! Oh god! I\'m cumming again! Aagh!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk8 = ''; mfucktalk8a = ''; mfucktalk8b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk8 = ''; mfucktalk8a = ''; mfucktalk8b = ''; } } frame 150 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 151 { gotoAndPlay('breathe'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 162 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 171 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk9 = 'Heh heh! Hope it wasn\'t too much for you.'; mfucktalk9a = '\nWow, Morton. I didn\'t know you had it in you.'; mfucktalk9b = 'I\'ll be back for more once you\'ve recovered.'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk9 = 'Heh heh! Hope it wasn\'t too much for you. I\'ve got a lot more to come!'; mfucktalk9a = '*cough* More? No\nway! There was so much already! I can\'t'; mfucktalk9b = ' handle anymore... No! I must! I will save... my... kingdom!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk9 = 'Now that the foreplay is over, I\'ll show you how much I saved for up this!'; mfucktalk9a = 'I\'ve never been\nreadier! My pussy\nis so wet right now.'; mfucktalk9b = 'I hope Mario takes his sweet time finding us this time!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk9 = 'Wow, that drained my balls dry. I\'ve just got for now. Whew!'; mfucktalk9a = 'Oh god! That\nwas so good! I can\'t believe I came so much!'; mfucktalk9b = 'Wait, what? Rest? Oh no, you\'re not getting any sleep tonight!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk9 = ''; mfucktalk9a = ''; mfucktalk9b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk9 = ''; mfucktalk9a = ''; mfucktalk9b = ''; } } frame 171 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 172 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } gotoAndPlay('knees'); } frame 177 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 181 { if (!already_used4) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used4 = true; } } frame 182 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk10 = 'I\'m recovered now! How do you like that, sis?'; mfucktalk10a = 'What? Ah! Morton!\nHow could you fuck your own sister?'; mfucktalk10b = 'You\'re disgusting, Morton! Now fuck me harder! Cum for me!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk10 = 'C\'mon Princess! You didn\'t think that would be all of it, did you?'; mfucktalk10a = 'Oh no! My pussy\ncan\'t handle it! You\'re going to break me!'; mfucktalk10b = 'Oh...Oh god! It\'s in so deep! I\'ve never had such a huge cock!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk10 = 'Damn, babe! I can go all night long, so let\'s get this party started!'; mfucktalk10a = 'Ugh! Wow, that\'s\nbig! Hngh. So deep!\nIt\'s hitting my cervix!'; mfucktalk10b = 'It\'s so good! I\'m gonna cum! Fuck me, Morton! I\'m cumming!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk10 = 'Fine! You want it that way? I\'ll fuck you until you\'re cross-eyed!'; mfucktalk10a = 'Yes! I want your huge cock all the way inside me! That\'s right! Keep'; mfucktalk10b = 'slamming it deep! Cum inside me! I wanna feel all your cum!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk10 = ''; mfucktalk10a = ''; mfucktalk10b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk10 = ''; mfucktalk10a = ''; mfucktalk10b = ''; } } frame 182 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 188 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 188 { if (!already_used14) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used14 = true; } } frame 195 { if (!already_used5) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used5 = true; } } frame 200 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 209 { gotoAndPlay('doggy'); } frame 210 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 212 { if (!already_used10) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used10 = true; } } frame 218 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk11 = 'Ugh! Wendy! I\'m gonna cum inside you! I\'m cumming in my sister!'; mfucktalk11a = 'I\'m cumming,\nMorton! Fuck my\npussy full of your cum!'; mfucktalk11b = 'Your hot sperm is making me cum again!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk11 = 'Fuck! Take it all! I\'ll fuck you \'til you can\'t go back to Mario again!'; mfucktalk11a = '\nNo! Please, not\ninside! Your cum is too'; mfucktalk11b = 'thick! I\'ll get pregnant! Mario, save me!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk11 = 'Yeah! I\'ll fill your tight cunt with my cum, Princess! Take it all!'; mfucktalk11a = 'Oh! Oh yes! I\'m cumming! I\'m cumming from your hot cum!'; mfucktalk11b = 'I\'ve never been so full of cum! It\'s coming out of my pussy!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk11 = 'Here it comes, Princess! I\'m cumming inside your tight pussy! Take it all!'; mfucktalk11a = 'Oh yes! Your thick\ncum is filling my pussy! Keep fucking me!'; mfucktalk11b = 'I want more! Fuck my ass! I want your cum inside all my holes! '; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk11 = ''; mfucktalk11a = ''; mfucktalk11b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk11 = ''; mfucktalk11a = ''; mfucktalk11b = ''; } } frame 218 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 219 { gotoAndPlay('internal'); } frame 221 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 229 { if (!already_used15) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used15 = true; } } frame 237 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk12 = 'Ah. Wendy! Your ass is so tight!'; mfucktalk12a = 'Argh! Too big! Too\nbig! It\'s too deep!\nBut it feels so good!'; mfucktalk12b = 'Don\'t stop! Fuck my ass harder!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk12 = 'Ah. I\'ve always wanted to sink my dick in your delicious ass, princess!'; mfucktalk12a = 'Argh! I\'ve never\nhad anything in my ass before! Please, please! '; mfucktalk12b = 'Take it out! It\'s so deep! Your cock is too huge, Morton!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk12 = 'Now for some back-door action. Your tight ass will taunt me no more!'; mfucktalk12a = 'What? No! That\'s the wrong--! Ungh! Oh god! Stop it! Your dick is'; mfucktalk12b = 'ripping my ass apart! Ah! Damn! It feels so good! Keep going!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk12 = 'Fuck, Princess! I\'m gonna stuff you \'til I can\'t fit anymore inside!'; mfucktalk12a = 'Oh! God! Yes!\nOh! Yes! Your cock\nis filling my asshole!'; mfucktalk12b = 'I\'m cumming from my ass!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk12 = ''; mfucktalk12a = ''; mfucktalk12b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk12 = ''; mfucktalk12a = ''; mfucktalk12b = ''; } } frame 237 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletextm._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletextm._alpha = 100; } } frame 238 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 241 { if (!already_used6) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used6 = true; } } frame 242 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 251 { if (!already_used16) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used16 = true; } } frame 252 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } gotoAndPlay('anal2'); } frame 261 { if (!already_used11) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used11 = true; } } frame 266 { if (!already_used12) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used12 = true; } } frame 271 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 271 { if (!already_used7) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used7 = true; } } frame 283 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk13 = 'Fuck! Wendy! I\'m cumming again! Your ass is too good!'; mfucktalk13a = 'Oh god, Morton!\nMy brother\'s cock\nmade my ass cum!'; mfucktalk13b = 'All this hot cum! I love it! Let me feel your cum, Morton!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk13 = 'Ooh! Princess! How about a cum shower to clean you off? Ha ha ha!'; mfucktalk13a = '\nOh! Oh no! I\'m cumming! It\'s too hot!'; mfucktalk13b = 'I\'m cumming! Your cum on my back is making me cum!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk13 = 'I love you, Princess! Your mouth, your cunt, your ass! I\'ll fill \'em all!'; mfucktalk13a = 'Oh god! I can\'t stop cumming! I love having your cum all over me!'; mfucktalk13b = 'I never want to stop cumming! Put it back in and fuck me more!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk13 = 'Princess! How do you like my cum shower? That\'s the last of my cum!'; mfucktalk13a = 'I\'m cumming,\nMorton! My gaping ass and pussy are coming!'; mfucktalk13b = 'And I\'m still cumming! Fuck! My fingers aren\'t enough! I want more!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk13 = ''; mfucktalk13a = ''; mfucktalk13b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk13 = ''; mfucktalk13a = ''; mfucktalk13b = ''; } } frame 283 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 285 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 302 { gotoAndPlay('external'); } frame 306 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 313 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk14 = 'Whew. Thanks for draining my balls, sis. You can find your own way out.'; mfucktalk14a = '\nHa ha! You\'re funny!\nI ain\'t leaving \'til my'; mfucktalk14b = ' pussy can\'t hold any more of your cum!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk14 = 'Whew. That drained my balls. I\'m done now. You can find your own way out.'; mfucktalk14a = 'Morton! I\'ve sucked your dick. My stomach is full of your cum.'; mfucktalk14b = 'You even fucked my ass. For my kingdom, I will fuck you dry!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk14 = 'No can do, babe. My balls are dry. I\'ll give it to you again after a nap.'; mfucktalk14a = '\nFuck that, Morton!\nI\'m not done, so'; mfucktalk14b = 'you\'re not done. Get ready! It\'s heroine time, bitch!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk14 = 'Too bad, Princess. I can\'t cum anymore. I\'m going to sleep now...'; mfucktalk14a = 'No! You can\'t! I\nwon\'t allow it! You get your dick standing and'; mfucktalk14b = 'ready to fuck right now! No? Then I\'ll just have to do THIS!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk14 = ''; mfucktalk14a = ''; mfucktalk14b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk14 = ''; mfucktalk14a = ''; mfucktalk14b = ''; } } frame 313 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 314 { gotoAndPlay('rest'); } frame 322 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 323 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk15 = 'Uh, Wendy? You don\'t have to--ugh! Damn. You\'re too good!'; mfucktalk15a = '\nWhat\'s a matter, big boy? Trying to dodge'; mfucktalk15b = 'responsibility for getting your sister pregnant?'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk15 = 'Uh, Princess? You don\'t have to--ugh! Damn. Why\'re you so good!'; mfucktalk15a = 'This is the end for\nyou, Morton! I\'ll show you what I\'m good for!'; mfucktalk15b = 'I\'ll suck all the cum out of your balls with my special talents!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk15 = 'Dammit, Princess! Why are you so good at this? I\'m gonna cum again!'; mfucktalk15a = 'I knew you had it in you! You just needed some encouragement!'; mfucktalk15b = 'I want to feel your cum all over my tits, so make sure to cum lots!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk15 = 'No, Princess! You can\'t! It\'s too much! You\'re too good!'; mfucktalk15a = 'You\'re going to get hard and stay hard, Morton! This huge'; mfucktalk15b = '*slurp* delicious cock isn\'t going to get away from me! Now CUM!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk15 = ''; mfucktalk15a = ''; mfucktalk15b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk15 = ''; mfucktalk15a = ''; mfucktalk15b = ''; } } frame 323 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 332 { if (!already_used17) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used17 = true; } } frame 344 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } gotoAndPlay('boobjob'); } frame 368 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 371 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk16 = 'I\'m sorry. I get it. I\'ll take responsibility. Just stop! Please?'; mfucktalk16a = '\nHah! Not a chance, Morton! After all, a'; mfucktalk16b = 'sister\'s gotta take care of her brother, right? Now, cum!'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk16 = 'Argh! I\'m cumming again! It\'s over. You can go now. Please?'; mfucktalk16a = 'No, Morton. I\nwon\'t leave until\nyou\'ve surrendered'; mfucktalk16b = 'everything left in\nyour balls!'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk16 = 'I\'m coming again! Oh god! It hurts! It feels good and it hurts!'; mfucktalk16a = 'That\'s right, honey! Spray it on my face!\nIt feels so good!'; mfucktalk16b = 'Hey! You\'re dick is still ready to go another round, too!'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk16 = 'Ungh! Princess! I\'m cumming again! When will this be over?'; mfucktalk16a = 'Ha ha! Yes! Cover me with your cum, Morton! I want it all over me!'; mfucktalk16b = 'I\'m cumming again from your cum!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk16 = ''; mfucktalk16a = ''; mfucktalk16b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk16 = ''; mfucktalk16a = ''; mfucktalk16b = ''; } } frame 371 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 389 { gotoAndPlay('lookup'); } frame 390 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 410 { if (!already_used8) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used8 = true; } } frame 414 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 414 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk17 = 'Wendy! Your pussy\'s so tight! I can\'t hold on!'; mfucktalk17a = '\nMorton! This is it!\nI\'m gonna cum again!'; mfucktalk17b = 'I\'m taking everything left in your balls!'; } else { if (_root.Drive == 3) { mtaunttalk17 = 'Why is your cunt so tight? Please stop! I get it! I\'ll stop attacking!'; mfucktalk17a = 'This big cock is my\ntoy now, Morton. Keep it ready to go whenever'; mfucktalk17b = 'I want! Now give me your final load!\nCum for me!'; } else { if (_root.Drive == 2) { mtaunttalk17 = 'Please let me stop now! My dick is too sore, and my balls hurt.'; mfucktalk17a = 'I love your dick, Morton! I can feel your balls slapping my pussy'; mfucktalk17b = 'every time your dick slams my womb!\nI\'m in heaven!'; } else { if (_root.Drive == 1) { mtaunttalk17 = 'Wha-? Wait! Stop! Princess! My cock hurts! I don\'t want to cum!'; mfucktalk17a = 'Whoo! Yeah! Fuck my pussy deep, Morton! How\'s that? You\'re'; mfucktalk17b = 'balls deep in my pussy! I can\'t stop cumming on your giant prick!'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk17 = ''; mfucktalk17a = ''; mfucktalk17b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk17 = ''; mfucktalk17a = ''; mfucktalk17b = ''; } } frame 414 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 423 { if (Style == 3) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } gotoAndPlay('ride'); } frame 425 { if (!already_used9) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); already_used9 = true; } } frame 434 { gotoAndPlay('lastcum'); } frame 435 { _root.peachHornyCum(); } frame 441 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 450 { if (_root.ShowText) { if (_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum] == 'Wendy' and _root.fetish == 'ON') { mtaunttalk18 = 'Fuck, Wendy! When did you turn into such a horny sister?'; mfucktalk18a = 'I\'ve always been.\nI just never thought\nto fuck my brother.'; mfucktalk18b = 'Hmm. I wonder how\nmy other brothers\nhave grown?'; } else { if (Style == 3) { mtaunttalk18 = 'Is it over? It\'s over right? I can\'t fight anymore. No more...'; mfucktalk18a = 'I win, Morton.\nLet this be a lesson.\nNever again attack my'; mfucktalk18b = 'kingdom! I\'ll be back later to fuck again, so get some rest.'; } else { if (Style == 2) { mtaunttalk18 = 'What? It\'s over? You\'re really not going to make me fuck you anymore?'; mfucktalk18a = 'Oooh yeah! I think\nI\'ve cum enough\nfor now. So rest up!'; mfucktalk18b = 'I can think of a few more positions to try for the next time.'; } else { if (Style == 1) { mtaunttalk18 = 'Please let it be over now. I\'ll do whatever you want. Just stop.'; mfucktalk18a = 'You\'re my fucktoy now, Morton. Be ready to fuck the next time I'; mfucktalk18b = 'come back. Next up, are your brothers as hung as you?'; } else { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; mtaunttalk18 = ''; mfucktalk18a = ''; mfucktalk18b = ''; } } } } } else { mtaunttalk18 = ''; mfucktalk18a = ''; mfucktalk18b = ''; } } frame 450 { if (!_root.ShowText) { bubbletext1._alpha = 0; bubbletext2._alpha = 0; } else { bubbletext1._alpha = 100; bubbletext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 451 { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } frame 452 { stopAllSounds(); _root.BossScene[_root.Morton] = true; if (_root.gallery_running) { stop(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'castle1') { _parent.gotoAndPlay('black'); } } } frame 480 { _root.check_blush(); _root.same_world = false; _global.FLAGS.finishedWorld = true; _root.changeLevel('palace'); } } button 3547 { on (release) { gotoAndStop('choice'); } } movieClip 3549 { } movieClip 3551 { } button 3552 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('2'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('2'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('2'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('2'); } } button 3553 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('black'); } } movieClip 3555 { } movieClip 3557 { } button 3558 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('4'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('4'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('4'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('4'); } } button 3559 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('1'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('1'); } on (keyPress '<Left>') { gotoAndPlay('1'); } on (keyPress 'a') { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } movieClip 3561 { } movieClip 3563 { } button 3564 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('6'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('6'); } on (keyPress '<Right>') { gotoAndPlay('6'); } on (keyPress 'd') { gotoAndPlay('6'); } } movieClip 3566 { } movieClip 3568 { } button 3569 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } } button 3570 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('1'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } movieClip 3572 { } movieClip 3574 { } button 3575 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('go'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('go'); } } movieClip 3577 { } movieClip 3579 { } button 3580 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } } button 3581 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('8'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('8'); } } movieClip 3583 { } movieClip 3585 { } button 3586 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('doit'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('doit'); } } movieClip 3588 { } movieClip 3590 { } button 3591 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('drip'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('drip'); } } button 3592 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } } movieClip 3594 { } movieClip 3596 { } button 3597 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } } button 3598 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } } movieClip 3600 { } movieClip 3602 { } button 3603 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('inside'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('inside'); } } movieClip 3605 { } movieClip 3607 { } button 3608 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } } button 3609 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('pull'); } } movieClip 3611 { } movieClip 3613 { } button 3614 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('outside'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('outside'); } } button 3615 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('fallen'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('fallen'); } } button 3616 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('adjust'); } } movieClip 3618 { } movieClip 3620 { } button 3621 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } } movieClip 3622 { } movieClip 3624 { } movieClip 3626 { } button 3627 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('facial'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('facial'); } } movieClip 3629 { } movieClip 3631 { } button 3632 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } } button 3633 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('kneel'); } } movieClip 3635 { } movieClip 3637 { } button 3638 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('finale'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('finale'); } } button 3639 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('finalrest'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('finalrest'); } } button 3640 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } on (keyPress '<Backspace>') { gotoAndPlay('mount'); } } movieClip 3642 { } movieClip 3644 { } button 3645 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('black'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { gotoAndPlay('black'); } } movieClip 3647 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3648 { frame 1 { MortonScene[3] = true;[3] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3549 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3551 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay('1'); } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3555 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3557 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay('3'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } instance of movieClip 3439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3561 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3563 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 15 { gotoAndPlay('5'); } frame 16 { if (!_root.gallery_running) { stopAllSounds(); } } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3568 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay('7'); } frame 32 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3572 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3574 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3577 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3579 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 68 { gotoAndPlay('cummy'); } frame 69 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 76 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); } instance of movieClip 3438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3467 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3583 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } instance of movieClip 3585 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 97 { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } frame 105 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 151 { gotoAndPlay('breathe'); } frame 162 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); } frame 172 { gotoAndPlay('knees'); } frame 209 { gotoAndPlay('doggy'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 219 { gotoAndPlay('internal'); } frame 226 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 252 { gotoAndPlay('anal2'); } frame 262 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 283 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 302 { gotoAndPlay('external'); } frame 307 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 314 { gotoAndPlay('rest'); } frame 318 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 325 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 344 { gotoAndPlay('boobjob'); } frame 378 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 389 { gotoAndPlay('lookup'); } frame 401 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 422 { gotoAndPlay('ride'); } frame 433 { gotoAndPlay('lastcum'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 450 { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } frame 451 { _root.BossScene[_root.Morton] = true; _root.movement = true; _root.peach_show(1); stop(); } } movieClip 3649 { frame 1 { stop(); _root.gallery_running = false; } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.MortonScene[2]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Try to get to the castle with your virginity intact'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.MortonScene[1]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Try to get to the castle without fucking EVERYTHING'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.MortonScene[0]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Make sure to fuck everything along the way'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } if (_root.MortonScene[3]) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Morton\'s ready to go another round'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } frame 2 { stop(); notice = false; _root.gallery_running = true; } instance of movieClip 3546 { onClipEvent (load) { gallery = true; } } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; } instance of movieClip 3648 { onClipEvent (load) { gallery = true; } } } movieClip 3650 { frame 1 { stop(); if (_root.CurrentArea == 'gallery') { _options._visible = false; _menu._visible = false; _title._visible = true; } else { _options._visible = true; _menu._visible = true; _title._visible = false; } ShowText = true; PlaySound = 'ON'; if ( == true) { i = 0; while (i < _root.TotalEnemy) { _root.EnemyAtMax[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 4) { _root.MortonScene[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 4) { _root.EndingScene[i] =[i]; ++i; } _root.BowserScene =; } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Sparky; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Chucky; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Boo; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'There\'s more than one way to fuck a Boo'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.BobOmb; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'There\'s more than one way to defuse a bomb'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Goomba; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Try fucking some Goombas'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.ShyGuy; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'There\'s more Shyguys to..erhm..fuck'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Birdo; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.KoopaTroopa; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Try fucking some Koopa Troopas'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Subcon; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Lakitu; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Blooper; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Try fucking some Bloopers'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Wiggler; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.BowserScene) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Did you get 100 coins?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { i = 0; while (i < 4) { if (_root.EndingScene[i]) { this._visible = false; } ++i; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Did you watch the endings?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Fluffy; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.BulletBills; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Flurry; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.X - naut; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Punio; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.BuzzyBeetle; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { enemy_num = _root.Toad; if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 2980 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num]) { this._visible = false; } if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } } onClipEvent (release) { lockhelp = 'Future enemies!'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_global.FLAGS.resetgallery) { this._visible = false; } else { this._visible = true; } } } instance of movieClip 3008 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.BowserScene = false; = false; _global.FLAGS.resetgallery = false; } } instance galleryunlock of movieClip 3011 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.FLAGS.resetgallery = true; } } instance _title of movieClip 3015 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('title'); } } instance _options of movieClip 3017 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.MenuWindow = 'options'; } } instance _menu of movieClip 3019 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } } button 3653 { on (release) { = _root.HUDshow; = _root.PlaySound; = _root.ShowText; = _root.TextShow; = _root.ShowCum; = _root.LockCostume; = _root.CostumeLock; = _root.internals; = _root.fetish; = _root.MinBoob; = _root.MaxBoob; = _root._quality; = _root.zoomout; = _root.zoomin;; _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; if (_root.CurrentArea == 'select1') { _parent.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } } button 3655 { on (release) { _root.HUDshow = 'ON'; _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; _root.ShowText = true; _root.TextShow = 'ON'; _root.ShowCum = 'Yes'; _root.LockCostume = false; _root.CostumeLock = 'OFF'; _root.internals = 'ON'; _root.fetish = 'ON'; _root.MinBoob = 1; _root.MaxBoob = _root.BoobMax; _root._quality = 'HIGH'; _root.zoomout = false; _root.zoomin = true; } } button 3658 { on (release) { _root.pausee = false; if (!_root.on_action) { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); } _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach_character_stats_restore(); controlButton._visible = true; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; } } // unknown tag 88 length 83 movieClip 3667 { } movieClip 3668 { } movieClip 3670 { } movieClip 3673 { } movieClip 3677 { } movieClip 3679 { } movieClip 3681 { } movieClip 3683 { } movieClip 3685 { } movieClip 3686 { instance of movieClip 3673 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3677 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3679 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3681 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3683 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3685 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } } button 3688 { on (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } movieClip 3689 { instance of movieClip 3673 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3677 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3679 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3681 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3683 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3685 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } } movieClip 3690 { instance of movieClip 3673 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3677 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3679 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 5 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3681 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 6 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3683 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 7 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3685 { onClipEvent (release) { gotoAndPlay('close'); } } } movieClip 3691 { frame 1 { left_p = 2; right_p = 2; moving_p = 2; total_pages = 5; } instance of movieClip 3668 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('open'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { right_p = 3; left_p = 2; rightpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p); } instance rightpage of movieClip 3686 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('next page'); } } frame 21 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3689 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('close'); } } frame 22 { left_p = 2; moving_p = 2; right_p = 3; rightpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p); } frame 40 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 3667 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('open'); } } frame 41 { rightpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p - 1); rightpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p); moving_p = left_p; movingpage.gotoAndPlay(moving_p); } instance rightpage of movieClip 3686 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_parent.right_p < _parent.total_pages + 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('next page'); } } } frame 42 { left_p -= 2; leftpage.gotoAndPlay(left_p); } instance leftpage of movieClip 3689 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_parent.left_p == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('close'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('previous page'); } } } frame 51 { --moving_p; movingpage.gotoAndPlay(moving_p); } frame 59 { right_p -= 2; rightpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p); stop(); } frame 60 { leftpage.gotoAndPlay(left_p); movingpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p); } frame 61 { right_p += 2; rightpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p); } instance rightpage of movieClip 3686 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_parent.right_p < _parent.total_pages + 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('next page'); } } } frame 69 { left_p += 2; movingpage.gotoAndPlay(right_p - 1); } frame 78 { leftpage.gotoAndPlay(left_p); stop(); } instance leftpage of movieClip 3689 { onClipEvent (release) { if (_parent.left_p == 2) { _parent.gotoAndPlay('close'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('previous page'); } } } } movieClip 3692 { } movieClip 3712 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[0] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = -1; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3715 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[1] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 0; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3718 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[2] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 1; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3721 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[3] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 2; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3724 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[4] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 3; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3727 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[5] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 4; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3730 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[6] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 5; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3733 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap1_list[7] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = 6; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3736 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap2_list[0] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = -1; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3737 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap2_list[1] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = -1; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3738 { frame 1 { if (_root.worldmap2_list[2] == 'finished') { gotoAndPlay('activated'); } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); onRelease = function () { _root.actual_world = 0; _root.actual_level = -1; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); }; } } movieClip 3742 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } button 3750 { on (release) { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'load_game') { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } } movieClip 3751 { frame 1 { stop(); if ( { b1.gotoAndPlay('full'); } if ( { b2.gotoAndPlay('full'); } if ( { b3.gotoAndPlay('full'); } if ( { b4.gotoAndPlay('full'); } if ( { b5.gotoAndPlay('full'); } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap1_list.length) { _root.worldmap1_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap2_list.length) { _root.worldmap2_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap3_list.length) { _root.worldmap3_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap4_list.length) { _root.worldmap4_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap5_list.length) { _root.worldmap5_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap6_list.length) { _root.worldmap6_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap7_list.length) { _root.worldmap7_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap8_list.length) { _root.worldmap8_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } if ( { i = 0; while (i < _root.worldmap9_list.length) { _root.worldmap9_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } } } instance b1 of movieClip 3742 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( { _root.peach_earring_color =; _root.peach_crown_color =; _root.ShowCum =; _root.internals =; _root.isBenchmarkActive =; _root.cheatEnabled =; _root.actual_world =; _root.actual_level =; _root.score_points =; _root.score_add(0); _root.CharMove =; _root.CharNum =; _root.peach_update_char(_root.CharMove); _root.BoobSize =; _root.Lives =; _root.CumHead =; _root.CumLegs =; _root.CumButt =; _root.CumBody =; _root.heels_type =; _root.stockings_type =; _root.gloves_type =; _root.garter_type =; _root.horny_bar =; _root.clothes_tail_remove =; _root.clothes_vest_remove =; _root.clothes_skirt_remove =; _root.clothes_bra_remove =; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter_type; _root.pokey_fucking_scene =; _root.goomba_fucking_scene =; _root.koopa_fucking_scene =; _root.bobomb_fucking_scene =; _root.blooper_fucking_scene =; _root.boo_fucking_scene =; _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling =; _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3 =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels =; _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout =; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _global.PLAYER.laids =; _global.PLAYER.deaths =; _global.PLAYER.totalLaids =; _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths =; i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap1_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap2_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap3_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap4_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap5_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap6_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap7_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap8_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap9_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _global.FLAGS.loadedGame = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); } else { gotoAndPlay('empty'); } } } instance b2 of movieClip 3742 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( { _root.peach_earring_color =; _root.peach_crown_color =; _root.ShowCum =; _root.internals =; _root.isBenchmarkActive =; _root.cheatEnabled =; _root.actual_world =; _root.actual_level =; _root.score_points =; _root.score_add(0); _root.CharMove =; _root.CharNum =; _root.peach_update_char(_root.CharMove); _root.BoobSize =; _root.Lives =; _root.CumHead =; _root.CumLegs =; _root.CumButt =; _root.CumBody =; _root.heels_type =; _root.stockings_type =; _root.gloves_type =; _root.garter_type =; _root.horny_bar =; _root.clothes_tail_remove =; _root.clothes_vest_remove =; _root.clothes_skirt_remove =; _root.clothes_bra_remove =; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter_type; _root.pokey_fucking_scene =; _root.goomba_fucking_scene =; _root.koopa_fucking_scene =; _root.bobomb_fucking_scene =; _root.blooper_fucking_scene =; _root.boo_fucking_scene =; _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling =; _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3 =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels =; _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout =; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _global.PLAYER.laids =; _global.PLAYER.deaths =; _global.PLAYER.totalLaids =; _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths =; i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap1_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap2_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap3_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap4_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap5_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap6_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap7_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap8_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap9_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _global.FLAGS.loadedGame = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); } else { gotoAndPlay('empty'); } } } instance b3 of movieClip 3742 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( { _root.peach_earring_color =; _root.peach_crown_color =; _root.ShowCum =; _root.internals =; _root.isBenchmarkActive =; _root.cheatEnabled =; _root.actual_world =; _root.actual_level =; _root.score_points =; _root.score_add(0); _root.CharMove =; _root.CharNum =; _root.peach_update_char(_root.CharMove); _root.BoobSize =; _root.Lives =; _root.CumHead =; _root.CumLegs =; _root.CumButt =; _root.CumBody =; _root.heels_type =; _root.stockings_type =; _root.gloves_type =; _root.garter_type =; _root.horny_bar =; _root.clothes_tail_remove =; _root.clothes_vest_remove =; _root.clothes_skirt_remove =; _root.clothes_bra_remove =; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter_type; _root.pokey_fucking_scene =; _root.goomba_fucking_scene =; _root.koopa_fucking_scene =; _root.bobomb_fucking_scene =; _root.blooper_fucking_scene =; _root.boo_fucking_scene =; _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling =; _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3 =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels =; _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout =; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _global.PLAYER.laids =; _global.PLAYER.deaths =; _global.PLAYER.totalLaids =; _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths =; i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap1_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap2_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap3_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap4_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap5_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap6_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap7_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap8_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap9_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _global.FLAGS.loadedGame = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); } else { gotoAndPlay('empty'); } } } instance b4 of movieClip 3742 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( { _root.peach_earring_color =; _root.peach_crown_color =; _root.ShowCum =; _root.internals =; _root.isBenchmarkActive =; _root.cheatEnabled =; _root.actual_world =; _root.actual_level =; _root.score_points =; _root.score_add(0); _root.CharMove =; _root.CharNum =; _root.peach_update_char(_root.CharMove); _root.BoobSize =; _root.Lives =; _root.CumHead =; _root.CumLegs =; _root.CumButt =; _root.CumBody =; _root.heels_type =; _root.stockings_type =; _root.gloves_type =; _root.garter_type =; _root.horny_bar =; _root.clothes_tail_remove =; _root.clothes_vest_remove =; _root.clothes_skirt_remove =; _root.clothes_bra_remove =; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter_type; _root.pokey_fucking_scene =; _root.goomba_fucking_scene =; _root.koopa_fucking_scene =; _root.bobomb_fucking_scene =; _root.blooper_fucking_scene =; _root.boo_fucking_scene =; _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling =; _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3 =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels =; _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout =; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _global.PLAYER.laids =; _global.PLAYER.deaths =; _global.PLAYER.totalLaids =; _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths =; i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap1_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap2_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap3_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap4_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap5_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap6_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap7_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap8_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap9_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _global.FLAGS.loadedGame = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); } else { gotoAndPlay('empty'); } } } instance b5 of movieClip 3742 { onClipEvent (release) { if ( { _root.peach_earring_color =; _root.peach_crown_color =; _root.ShowCum =; _root.internals =; _root.isBenchmarkActive =; _root.cheatEnabled =; _root.actual_world =; _root.actual_level =; _root.score_points =; _root.score_add(0); _root.CharMove =; _root.CharNum =; _root.peach_update_char(_root.CharMove); _root.BoobSize =; _root.Lives =; _root.CumHead =; _root.CumLegs =; _root.CumButt =; _root.CumBody =; _root.heels_type =; _root.stockings_type =; _root.gloves_type =; _root.garter_type =; _root.horny_bar =; _root.clothes_tail_remove =; _root.clothes_vest_remove =; _root.clothes_skirt_remove =; _root.clothes_bra_remove =; _root.gloves_type_changeTo = _root.gloves_type; _root.heels_type_changeTo = _root.heels_type; _root.stockings_type_changeTo = _root.stockings_type; _root.garter_type_changeTo = _root.garter_type; _root.pokey_fucking_scene =; _root.goomba_fucking_scene =; _root.koopa_fucking_scene =; _root.bobomb_fucking_scene =; _root.blooper_fucking_scene =; _root.boo_fucking_scene =; _global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling =; _global.GAMECONFIG.plysicsSMB3 =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume =; _global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels =; _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout =; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _global.PLAYER.laids =; _global.PLAYER.deaths =; _global.PLAYER.totalLaids =; _global.PLAYER.totalDeaths =; i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap1_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap2_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap3_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap4_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap5_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap6_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap7_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap8_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } i = 0; while (i < 14) { _root.worldmap9_list[i] =[i]; ++i; } clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _global.FLAGS.loadedGame = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); } else { gotoAndPlay('empty'); } } } } movieClip 3752 { } movieClip 3753 { frame 8 { head.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 47 { head.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 55 { head.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 57 { head.eyeLeft.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRight.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } } button 3756 { on (release) { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'achievements') { _root.gotoAndPlay(2); } else { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } } } movieClip 3757 { frame 1 { stop(); } } button 3763 { on (release) { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume / 2); } ESCpressed = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('pause_sound'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { _root.peach_character_stats_save(); controlButton._visible = false; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } if (!_root.on_action) { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); } _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach_character_stats_restore(); controlButton._visible = true; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; } } } movieClip 3764 { frame 1 { stop(); root_movement = false; } } movieClip 3765 { frame 2 { if (!_root.zoommode_recorded) { _root.zoommode = 4; } else { _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; } if (!root.on_action) { _root.pausee = false; } stop(); } frame 3 { _root.zoommode_recorded = _root.zoommode; _root.zoommode = 2; _root.BoobSizeSaved = _root.BoobSize; _root.pausee = true; _root.Peach.char.character.gotoAndStop('standright'); help.infotext.gotoAndPlay(_root.keyboardLayout_now); stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); if (!_root.ShowText) { _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; } else { _root.TextShow = 'ON'; } if (!_root.LockCostume) { _root.CostumeLock = 'OFF'; } else { _root.CostumeLock = 'ON'; } _root.MinimumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MinBoob]; _root.MaximumBoob = _root.BoobSizeNames[_root.MaxBoob]; } frame 6 { stop(); _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = true; } frame 7 { _root.pausee = true; if (_root.zoommode != 2) { _root.zoommode_recorded = _root.zoommode; _root.zoommode = 2; } stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.pausee = true; if (_root.zoommode != 2) { _root.zoommode_recorded = _root.zoommode; _root.zoommode = 2; } stop(); } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 9 { _root.CurrentArea = 'pipe_area'; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(0); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 3767 { } movieClip 3769 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3771 { } movieClip 3772 { } movieClip 3775 { frame 1 { function wait() { _root.camtheft = false; clearInterval(myTimer); } function resetFocus() { zoom_return = true; _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = false; _global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt = false; } function centerOnPeach() { _x = _root.Peach._x; _y = _root.Peach._y; } function restartScroll() { if (_root.scrollStartPosition) { _x = _root.scrollStartPosition._x; } } function refocus_until_ok() { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x - boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x - Math.floor(move_this_amount_x); } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x + boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x - Math.floor(move_this_amount_x); } } if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y2, true)) { _y = _y - Math.floor(move_this_amount_y); } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y, true)) { _y = _y - Math.floor(move_this_amount_y); } } } function calibrate() { f = 1; while (f < 400) { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x - boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x + 1; } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x + boundary_x, _y + boundary_y3, true)) { _x = _x - 1; } } if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y2, true)) { _y = _y + 1; } else { if (!_root.boundary.hitTest(_x, _y + boundary_y, true)) { _y = _y - 1; } } ++f; ++f; } } } frame 2 { function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; if (_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; if (zoomfactor > 0.008999999999999999) { zoomfactor -= 0.0001; } } else { if (zoom_return) { if (zoomfactor < zoomOriginal) { zoomfactor += 0.0001; } else { if (_root.HUDshow == 'ON') { _root.HUD._visible = true; } zoomreturn = false; } } } var v4 = camH * (_yscale * zoomfactor); var v3 = camW * (_xscale * zoomfactor); var v6 = sH / v4; var v5 = sW / v3; _x2 = (v3 / 2) * v5; _y2 = (v4 / 1.1) * v6; _xscale2 = v5 * 100; _yscale2 = v6 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x += value - v2.x; } function get_x2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.x; } function set_y2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._y += value - v2.y; } function get_y2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.y; } function get_xscale2() { return _parent._xscale; } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2('_xscale', value); } function get_yscale2() { return _parent._yscale; } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2('_yscale', value); } function get_rotation2() { return parent.rotation; } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2('_rotation', value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var v3 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v3); _parent[prop] = n; var v4 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v4); _parent._x -= v4.x - v3.x; _parent._y -= v4.y - v3.y; _root.HUD._x = _x - widthHUD; _root.HUD._y = _y - heightHUD; _root.controlList._x = _x - widthControlList; _root.controlList._y = _y - heightControlList; } boundary_x = _width / 2; boundary_x2 = -_width / 2 + _width; boundary_y = _height / 5; boundary_y2 = -2 * _height * 0.4; boundary_y3 = _height / 3 - _height / 2; calibrate(); zoomfactor = 0.01; zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; addProperty('_x2', get_x2, set_x2); addProperty('_y2', get_y2, set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; var widthHUD = _width / 2; var heightHUD = _height * 2 / 3 + 15; var widthControlList = _width / 30; var heightControlList = _height / 4 + 13; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { nn = 0; calculate_total = true; move_this_amount_y = (_root.Peach._y - _y) / 4; _y = Math.floor(_y + move_this_amount_y); if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (!_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _x = _x + 2; } else {} } else { move_this_amount_x = (_root.Peach._x - _x) / 3; _x = Math.floor(_x + move_this_amount_x); } } else { if (calculate_total) { nn = 0; calculate_total = false; each_zoom_step_x = (_x - _root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x) / 20; each_zoom_step_y = (_y - (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y + 60)) / 20; if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x < _x) { each_zoom_step_x *= -1; } if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y > _y) { each_zoom_step_y *= -1; } } if (nn < 19) { _x = _x + each_zoom_step_x; _y = _y + each_zoom_step_y; ++nn; } else {} } if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom) { refocus_until_ok(); } if (_root.zoomout) { _root.controlList._x -= 1; _root.controlList._y -= 2; } if (!once) { once = true; if (_root.zoommode != _root.zoomlevelsaved) { _root.HUD._yscale = 64; _root.HUD._xscale = 64; } _root.zoommode = _root.zoomlevelsaved; if (zoomfactor) { zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; } } camControl(); if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { if (_root.zoommode == 1) { gotoAndStop('out'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 2) { gotoAndStop('in'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 4) { gotoAndStop('out2'); } } } } }; this.onUnload = reset; stop(); } frame 3 { function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; if (_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; if (zoomfactor > 0.008) { zoomfactor -= 0.0001; } } else { if (zoom_return) { if (zoomfactor < zoomOriginal) { zoomfactor += 0.0001; } else { if (_root.HUDshow == 'ON') { _root.HUD._visible = true; } zoomreturn = false; } } } var v4 = camH * (_yscale * zoomfactor); var v3 = camW * (_xscale * zoomfactor); var v6 = sH / v4; var v5 = sW / v3; _x2 = (v3 / 2) * v5; _y2 = (v4 / 1.3) * v6; _xscale2 = v5 * 100; _yscale2 = v6 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x += value - v2.x; } function get_x2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.x; } function set_y2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._y += value - v2.y; } function get_y2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.y; } function get_xscale2() { return _parent._xscale; } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2('_xscale', value); } function get_yscale2() { return _parent._yscale; } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2('_yscale', value); } function get_rotation2() { return parent.rotation; } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2('_rotation', value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var v3 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v3); _parent[prop] = n; var v4 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v4); _parent._x -= v4.x - v3.x; _parent._y -= v4.y - v3.y; _root.HUD._x = _x - widthHUD; _root.HUD._y = _y - heightHUD; _root.controlList._x = _x - widthControlList; _root.controlList._y = _y - heightControlList; } boundary_x = _width / 2; boundary_x2 = -_width / 2 + _width; boundary_y = _height / 5; boundary_y2 = -2 * _height * 0.4; boundary_y3 = _height / 3 - _height / 2; calibrate(); zoomfactor = 0.01; zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; addProperty('_x2', get_x2, set_x2); addProperty('_y2', get_y2, set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; var widthHUD = _width / 2; var heightHUD = _height * 2 / 3 + 11; var widthControlList = _width / 30; var heightControlList = _height / 4 + 13; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { nn = 0; calculate_total = true; move_this_amount_y = (_root.Peach._y - _y) / 4; _y = Math.floor(_y + move_this_amount_y); if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (!_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _x = _x + 2; } else {} } else { move_this_amount_x = (_root.Peach._x - _x) / 3; _x = Math.floor(_x + move_this_amount_x); } } else { if (calculate_total) { nn = 0; calculate_total = false; each_zoom_step_x = (_x - _root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x) / 20; each_zoom_step_y = (_y - (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y + 50)) / 20; if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x < _x) { each_zoom_step_x *= -1; } if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y > _y) { each_zoom_step_y *= -1; } } if (nn < 19) { _x = _x + each_zoom_step_x; _y = _y + each_zoom_step_y; ++nn; } else {} } if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom) { refocus_until_ok(); } if (_root.zoomout) { _root.controlList._x -= 1; _root.controlList._y -= 2; } if (!once) { once = true; if (_root.zoommode != _root.zoomlevelsaved) { _root.HUD._yscale = 100; _root.HUD._xscale = 100; } _root.zoommode = _root.zoomlevelsaved; if (zoomfactor) { zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; } } camControl(); if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { if (_root.zoommode == 1) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 3) { gotoAndPlay('in2'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 4) { gotoAndPlay('out2'); } } } } }; this.onUnload = reset; stop(); } frame 4 { function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; if (_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; if (zoomfactor > 0.007) { zoomfactor -= 0.0001; } } else { if (zoom_return) { if (zoomfactor < zoomOriginal) { zoomfactor += 0.0001; } else { if (_root.HUDshow == 'ON') { _root.HUD._visible = true; } zoomreturn = false; } } } var v4 = camH * (_yscale * zoomfactor); var v3 = camW * (_xscale * zoomfactor); var v6 = sH / v4; var v5 = sW / v3; _x2 = (v3 / 2) * v5; _y2 = (v4 / 1.3) * v6; _xscale2 = v5 * 100; _yscale2 = v6 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x += value - v2.x; } function get_x2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.x; } function set_y2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._y += value - v2.y; } function get_y2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.y; } function get_xscale2() { return _parent._xscale; } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2('_xscale', value); } function get_yscale2() { return _parent._yscale; } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2('_yscale', value); } function get_rotation2() { return parent.rotation; } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2('_rotation', value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var v3 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v3); _parent[prop] = n; var v4 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v4); _parent._x -= v4.x - v3.x; _parent._y -= v4.y - v3.y; _root.HUD._x = _x - widthHUD; _root.HUD._y = _y - heightHUD; _root.controlList._x = _x - widthControlList; _root.controlList._y = _y - heightControlList; } boundary_x = _width / 2; boundary_x2 = -_width / 2 + _width; boundary_y = _height / 5; boundary_y2 = -2 * _height * 0.4; boundary_y3 = _height / 3 - _height / 2; calibrate(); zoomfactor = 0.01; zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; addProperty('_x2', get_x2, set_x2); addProperty('_y2', get_y2, set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; var widthHUD = _width / 2; var heightHUD = _height * 2 / 3 + 13; var widthControlList = _width / 30; var heightControlList = _height / 4 + 13; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { nn = 0; calculate_total = true; move_this_amount_y = (_root.Peach._y - _y) / 4; _y = Math.floor(_y + move_this_amount_y); if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (!_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _x = _x + 2; } else {} } else { move_this_amount_x = (_root.Peach._x - _x) / 3; _x = Math.floor(_x + move_this_amount_x); } } else { if (calculate_total) { nn = 0; calculate_total = false; each_zoom_step_x = (_x - _root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x) / 20; each_zoom_step_y = (_y - (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y + 40)) / 20; if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x < _x) { each_zoom_step_x *= -1; } if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y > _y) { each_zoom_step_y *= -1; } } if (nn < 19) { _x = _x + each_zoom_step_x; _y = _y + each_zoom_step_y; ++nn; } else {} } if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom) { refocus_until_ok(); } if (_root.zoomout) { _root.controlList._x -= 1; _root.controlList._y -= 2; } if (!once) { once = true; if (_root.zoommode != _root.zoomlevelsaved) { _root.HUD._yscale = 96.3; _root.HUD._xscale = 96.3; } _root.zoommode = _root.zoomlevelsaved; if (zoomfactor) { zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; } } camControl(); if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { if (_root.zoommode == 2) { gotoAndPlay('in'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 3) { gotoAndPlay('in2'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 4) { gotoAndPlay('out2'); } } } } }; this.onUnload = reset; stop(); } frame 5 { function camControl() { rp.x = _x; rp.y = _y; if (_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; if (zoomfactor > 0.007) { zoomfactor -= 0.0001; } } else { if (zoom_return) { if (zoomfactor < zoomOriginal) { zoomfactor += 0.0001; } else { if (_root.HUDshow == 'ON') { _root.HUD._visible = true; } zoomreturn = false; } } } var v4 = camH * (_yscale * zoomfactor); var v3 = camW * (_xscale * zoomfactor); var v6 = sH / v4; var v5 = sW / v3; _x2 = (v3 / 2) * v5; _y2 = (v4 / 1.3) * v6; _xscale2 = v5 * 100; _yscale2 = v6 * 100; _rotation2 = -_rotation; } function reset() { _parent._xscale = 100; _parent._yscale = 100; _parent._x = 0; _parent._y = 0; _parent._rotation = 0; _parent._visible = true; } function set_x2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._x += value - v2.x; } function get_x2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.x; } function set_y2(value) { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); _parent._y += value - v2.y; } function get_y2() { var v2 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v2); return v2.y; } function get_xscale2() { return _parent._xscale; } function set_xscale2(value) { setProperty2('_xscale', value); } function get_yscale2() { return _parent._yscale; } function set_yscale2(value) { setProperty2('_yscale', value); } function get_rotation2() { return parent.rotation; } function set_rotation2(value) { setProperty2('_rotation', value); } function setProperty2(prop, n) { var v3 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v3); _parent[prop] = n; var v4 = {'x': rp.x, 'y': rp.y}; _parent.localToGlobal(v4); _parent._x -= v4.x - v3.x; _parent._y -= v4.y - v3.y; _root.HUD._x = _x - widthHUD; _root.HUD._y = _y - heightHUD; _root.controlList._x = _x - widthControlList; _root.controlList._y = _y - heightControlList; } boundary_x = _width / 2; boundary_x2 = -_width / 2 + _width; boundary_y = _height / 5; boundary_y2 = -2 * _height * 0.4; boundary_y3 = _height / 3 - _height / 2; calibrate(); zoomfactor = 0.01; if (zoomfactor) { zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; } addProperty('_x2', get_x2, set_x2); addProperty('_y2', get_y2, set_y2); addProperty('_xscale2', get_xscale2, set_xscale2); addProperty('_yscale2', get_yscale2, set_yscale2); addProperty('_rotation2', get_rotation2, set_rotation2); var oldScaleMode = stage.scaleMode; stage.scaleMode = 'exactFit'; var sW = Stage.width; var sH = Stage.height; stage.scaleMode = oldScaleMode; var bounds_obj = this.getBounds(this); var camH = Math.abs(bounds_obj.yMax - bounds_obj.yMin); var camW = Math.abs(bounds_obj.xMax - bounds_obj.xMin); var rp = {'x': this._x, 'y': this._y}; var widthHUD = _width / 2; var heightHUD = _height * 2 / 3 + 15; var widthControlList = _width / 30; var heightControlList = _height / 4 + 13; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { nn = 0; calculate_total = true; move_this_amount_y = (_root.Peach._y - _y) / 4; _y = Math.floor(_y + move_this_amount_y); if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (!_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _x = _x + 2; } else {} } else { move_this_amount_x = (_root.Peach._x - _x) / 3; _x = Math.floor(_x + move_this_amount_x); } } else { if (calculate_total) { nn = 0; calculate_total = false; each_zoom_step_x = (_x - _root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x) / 20; each_zoom_step_y = (_y - (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y + 30)) / 20; if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._x < _x) { each_zoom_step_x *= -1; } if (_root[_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt]._y > _y) { each_zoom_step_y *= -1; } } if (nn < 19) { _x = _x + each_zoom_step_x; _y = _y + each_zoom_step_y; ++nn; } else {} } if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom) { refocus_until_ok(); } if (_root.zoomout) { _root.controlList._x -= 1; _root.controlList._y -= 2; } if (!once) { once = true; if (_root.zoommode != _root.zoomlevelsaved) { _root.HUD._yscale = 80; _root.HUD._xscale = 80; } _root.zoommode = _root.zoomlevelsaved; if (zoomfactor) { zoomOriginal = zoomfactor; } } camControl(); if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { if (_root.zoommode == 1) { gotoAndPlay('out'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 2) { gotoAndPlay('in'); } else { if (_root.zoommode == 3) { gotoAndPlay('in2'); } } } } }; this.onUnload = reset; stop(); } } movieClip 3777 { instance pipe4 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -540; pipe1y = -450; destination = 'pipe5'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe4 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -540; pipe1y = -450; destination = 'pipe5'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe4 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -540; pipe1y = -450; destination = 'pipe5'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe4 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -540; pipe1y = -450; destination = 'pipe5'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } } movieClip 3778 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 3780 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 7 { _root.CharNum = 2; } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 3781 { frame 1 { if (_root.cum) { _root.cum = false; gotoAndPlay('face'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 2 { if (_root.cum) { _root.cum = false; gotoAndPlay('face'); } _root.masturbating = true; _root.movement = false; advance = false; } frame 3 { if (_root.cum) { _root.cum = false; gotoAndPlay('face'); } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 4 { if (_root.cum) { _root.cum = false; gotoAndPlay('face'); } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 6 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 7 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 12 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 3) { advance = false; } else { ++_root.horny_bar; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 18 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 19 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 21 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 22 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 8) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { ++_root.horny_bar; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); gotoAndPlay('close'); } } } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 27 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 28 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 29 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 30 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 31 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 32 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 33 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 34 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 35 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 36 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 37 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar > 17) { _root.score_add(100); advance = false; gotoAndPlay('face'); } else { ++_root.horny_bar; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); gotoAndPlay('orgasm'); } } } frame 38 { if (_root.cum) { _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); advance = false; } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 39 { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach screech long'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } frame 40 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 41 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 42 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 43 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 44 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 45 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 46 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 47 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; } } frame 48 { if (advance) { gotoAndPlay('goawayrise'); } else { gotoAndPlay('end'); } } frame 53 { _root.cum = false; _root.masturbating = false; _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); stop(); } } movieClip 3782 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3783 { frame 9 { stop(); _root.peachHornyIncrease(); _root.peachHornyIncrease(); _root.peachHornyIncrease(); _root.can_grab_touch = false; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } } movieClip 3784 { } movieClip 3785 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; } frame 7 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 8 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('talk'); } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 35 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 44 { _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; stop(); } } movieClip 3786 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3787 { frame 1 { _root.masturbating = true; _root.movement = false; advance = false; boob_squeezes = 1; } frame 2 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 3 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 4 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 6 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 7 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); if (_root.BoobSize > _root.MinBoob) { lactating.gotoAndPlay('lactate'); } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { advance = true; gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); ++boob_squeezes; if (_root.horny_bar < 18) { ++_root.horny_bar; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } if (boob_squeezes == 2) { sound2 = new Sound(this); sound2.attachSound('Lick'); sound2.start(0, 1); } else { if (boob_squeezes == 3) { sound2 = new Sound(this); sound2.attachSound('Lick'); sound2.start(0, 1); } else { if (boob_squeezes == 4) { if (_root.BoobSize > 2) { lactating2.gotoAndPlay('lactate'); } } else { if (boob_squeezes == 5) { sound = new Sound(this); sound.attachSound('peachooh'); sound.start(0, 1); if (_root.BoobSize == _root.MaxBoob) { sound2 = new Sound(this); sound2.attachSound('pop'); sound2.start(0, 1); --_root.BoobSize; _parent.heavyJump -= 2; _parent.maxJump -= 2; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _parent.heavyJump; _parent.charheavyspeed -= 2; _parent.charspeed += 2; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _parent.charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.BoobSize > _root.MinBoob) { sound2 = new Sound(this); sound2.attachSound('pop'); sound2.start(0, 1); --_root.BoobSize; _parent.heavyJump -= 1; _parent.maxJump -= 1; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _parent.heavyJump; _parent.charheavyspeed -= 1; _parent.charspeed += 1; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _parent.charheavyspeed; } } if (_root.horny_bar > 16) { _root.cum = true; } gotoAndPlay('goaway'); } } } } gotoAndPlay(2); } frame 17 { _root.movement = true; _root.masturbating = false; stop(); } } movieClip 3790 { frame 26 { if (!_root.pausee) { if (!_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping); } } else { gotoAndPlay('no'); } } frame 83 { if (!_root.pausee) { if (!_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachCumDripping); } } else { gotoAndPlay('no'); } } } movieClip 3791 { frame 1 { _root.expr = 0; } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3792 { } movieClip 3794 { } movieClip 3795 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 5 { _root.frog_walking = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 13 { _root.frog_walking = false; } frame 15 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 3796 { frame 4 { _root.foot_sound1(); } frame 12 { _root.foot_sound2(); } frame 16 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3797 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.can_grab_touch = false; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } }; } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3798 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 18 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 20 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 36 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3806 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.gloves_type) { gotoAndStop(_root.gloves_type); currentlabel = _root.gloves_type; } }; } } } movieClip 3813 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 3816 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3817 { frame 1 { _root.swimming = true; _parent.can_drift = false; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 5 { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { sound1 = new Sound(this); sound1.attachSound('swim'); sound1.start(0, 1); } } frame 10 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 17 { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { sound1 = new Sound(this); sound1.attachSound('swim'); sound1.start(0, 1); } } frame 24 { _root.swimming = false; _parent.can_drift = true; } } movieClip 3819 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.jumping = true; } frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; stop(); } }; } frame 3 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); _root.can_touch_ground = false; } frame 8 { _root.jumping = false; } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 10 { if ((_root.CharMove == 'Raccoon' or _root.CharMove == 'Leaf') and !_root.clothes_tail_remove and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and !_root.underwater) { if (_root.flying_mode) { _parent.gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('descending'); } } else { _parent.gotoAndPlay('descending'); } stop(); } } movieClip 3820 { frame 1 { if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; _x = _x - 4; } else { this._xscale = -100; _x = _x + 4; } if (!_global.FLAGS.parasolActive) { loadMovie('', parasol); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround or _root.Peach.touchingSand) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _parent.gotoAndStop('standright'); _parent.accelX = 0; stop(); } if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } }; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 3821 { frame 1 { if (!_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale *= -1; } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyZ) or Key.isDown(_root.keyH)) { gotoAndPlay('statue'); } } frame 22 { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.movement = true; } } movieClip 3822 { frame 1 { _root.expr = 0; if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } frame 3 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', getNextHighestDepth()); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.soundFX('peach_oh', 4); } frame 5 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 9 { stop(); } } movieClip 3823 { frame 1 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 7 { _root.clothes_tail_remove = true; } frame 8 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 20 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); _root.clothes_tail_remove = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3824 { frame 1 { _root.expr = 0; if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } frame 3 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 5 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 7 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 9 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 16 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 18 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 20 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 37 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 43 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); stop(); } } movieClip 3827 { frame 1 { } } movieClip 3828 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_global.PLAYER.isPeachHammerBros); } } movieClip 3829 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); currentlabel = _root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 3833 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3834 { } movieClip 3835 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 10 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 12 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 40 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 45 { _root.peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _root.peach_earring_remove = 'yes'; } frame 57 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 65 { _root.peach_update_char('Poison'); _root.peach_crown_remove = 'yes'; _root.peach_earring_remove = 'yes'; } frame 75 { stop(); _parent._shadow.gotoAndPlay('yes'); _root.peach_removed_clothes = true; _root.currentPuzzle = '(PEACH REMOVED HER CLOTHES) - PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } } movieClip 3836 { frame 1 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } } frame 12 { _root.peach_stand_up(); stop(); } } movieClip 3845 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { if (_root.clothes_vest_remove and _root.DressNum != 3) { gotoAndStop('naked'); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); } currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 3847 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3853 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.heels_type); } } movieClip 3865 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (currentlabel != _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]) { gotoAndStop(_root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]); currentlabel = _root.DressSel[_root.DressNum]; } }; } } } movieClip 3866 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3867 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3870 { } movieClip 3871 { } movieClip 3873 { } movieClip 3874 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 3875 { frame 1 { _global.PLAYER.underfootPose = false; } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 3877 { } movieClip 3878 { frame 1 { advance = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = 2 + random(2); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 13 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 24 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 32 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } else { _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); gotoAndPlay('look'); } } frame 34 { _root.soundFX('whore', 3); } frame 37 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 41 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); _root.soundFX('Lick2', 2); } frame 48 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('stick'); } else { _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); gotoAndPlay('force'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; if (_root.horny_bar < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } gotoAndPlay('force'); } } frame 49 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = true; } frame 62 { stop(); _root.peach_unlocked(); _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = false; } } movieClip 3879 { } movieClip 3880 { frame 1 { _parent.peach_state = 'grab'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 6 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 8 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); _root.soundFX('sound_veg', 3); } frame 9 { _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = true; } frame 10 { if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType == 'straw') { handleft._visible = false; handright._visible = false; } } frame 11 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 13 { handleft._visible = true; handright._visible = true; } frame 17 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 23 { stop(); _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = false; _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType != 'straw') { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = true; if (_root.Peach.char.peach_right) { _parent.gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('standleftvegetable'); } } } } movieClip 3881 { frame 1 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; } frame 5 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 8 { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'thrown_shell' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber, 90 + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber); _root.horny_respawn['thrown_shell' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber]._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn['thrown_shell' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber]._color = _root.Peach.koopacolor; _root.horny_respawn['thrown_shell' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber]._y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height; } else { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggie' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber, 10 + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber); _root.horny_respawn['veggie' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber]._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn['veggie' + _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber]._y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height; } _root.soundFX('sound_veg_drop', 3); } frame 11 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; } frame 13 { stop(); if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; } _root.can_touch_ground = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; if (_parent.peach_right) { _parent.gotoAndStop('standright'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } } movieClip 3882 { frame 1 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 2 { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; if (_global.GAMECONFIG.soundHeels) { if ((_root.heels_type != 'None' or _root.DressNum == 2 or _root.DressNum == 7 or _root.DressNum == 8 or _root.DressNum == 9) and !_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (!_root.on_action) { _root.soundFX('soundheels', 1); } } } } frame 4 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); if (_root.BoobSize == _root.MaxBoob) { sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('boingwalk'); sound_1.start(0, 1); } } frame 5 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 8 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 9 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 3883 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 24 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 26 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 28 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } } movieClip 3884 { } movieClip 3885 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.jumping = true; } frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and !_root.Peach.runPressed) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { stop(); gotoAndPlay('throw'); delete onEnterFrame; } } }; } frame 3 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); _root.can_touch_ground = false; } frame 8 { _root.jumping = false; } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 11 { stop(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('descendingveg'); } frame 12 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; } frame 16 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 19 { if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > 8) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggie' + _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber, 10 + _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber); _root.horny_respawn['veggie' + _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber]._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn['veggie' + _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber]._y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height; ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('sound_veg_drop'); sound_1.start(0, 1); } frame 22 { sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 24 { stop(); _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; _root.jumping = false; _root.can_touch_ground = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; if (_parent.peach_right) { _parent.gotoAndStop('standright'); } else { _parent.gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } } movieClip 3886 { frame 1 { if (_root.door_go_to_next_level or _root.goToDoor or _root.door_go_to_worldmap) { gotoAndPlay('enter'); } } frame 59 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 60 { _parent.grav = 0; _root.movement = false; _root.can_masturbate = false; } frame 76 { _root.Peach_show('door'); } frame 82 { _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; if (_root.goToDoor) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = _root[_root.goToDoor]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root[_root.goToDoor]._y; _root.goToDoor = false; _parent.isBackside = false; _parent.grav = 0; _parent.character.gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); _parent.accelX = 0; _parent.peach_state = 'standright'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } else { if (_root.door_go_to_next_level) { _root.door_go_to_next_level = false; _root.changeLevel('score1'); } else { if (_root.door_go_to_worldmap) { _root.GoToLevel = 'worldmap'; _root.changeLevel('relay'); } } } stop(); } } movieClip 3887 { frame 1 { _root.jumping = false; if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround or _root.Peach.touchingSand) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _parent.gotoAndStop('standrightveg'); _parent.accelX = 0; stop(); } if (_parent.peach_right) { this._xscale = 100; } else { this._xscale = -100; } }; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 9 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 3888 { frame 1 { grav = 0; gravity = 0; maxJump = -17; heavyJump = 0; charspeed = 0; charheavyspeed = 0; can_grab_coin = true; can_drift = true; _root.peach_update_dressNum_speed(); real_gravity = gravity; _root.underwater = false; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround = true; _root.can_touch_ground = true; masturbating = false; peach_right = true; fireballNumber = 0; Peach_setX = 0; Peach_setY = 0; accelX = 0; accelY = 0; onRelease = function () { _root.PeachZoom(); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.jump_released) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { _root.jump_pressed = true; _root.jump_released = false; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyC) and !Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { _root.jump_released = true; } if (_root.water.hitTest(this._x + Peach_setX, this._y - this._height / 2 + Peach_setY, true)) { if (!ability_to_jump_when_go_out_water) { ability_to_jump_when_go_out_water = true; _root.underwater = true; grav = 2; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; real_gravity = 0.3; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('descendingveg'); } else { gotoAndStop('descending'); } } } else { if (ability_to_jump_when_go_out_water) { grav = -2; real_gravity = gravity; _root.underwater = false; ability_to_jump_when_go_out_water = false; if (!_root.on_action and _root.movement and !_root.pausee) { _global.FLAGS.jump_out_of_water = true; } } } if (grav < 0) { goUpUntilLimit = 0; up = 0; while (up < -grav) { if (_root.ceiling_collision.hitTest(_root.Peach._x + Peach_setX, _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height + 25 + Peach_setY, true)) { grav = 0; break; } else { ++goUpUntilLimit; } ++up; } Peach_setY -= goUpUntilLimit; } if (grav < -5) { _root.can_grab_touch = true; } else { _root.can_grab_touch = false; } if (_root.on_action or _root.pausee) { grav = 0; } else { if (!_root.on_pipe) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - 3 + Peach_setY, true)) { Peach_setY -= 0.5; } aa = 0; while (aa < grav + real_gravity) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { grav = 0; break; } if (!_root.climbing) { if (_root.underwater) { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { grav = 0; break; } else { ++Peach_setY; } } else { if (touchingSand) { Peach_setY += 0.5; if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyC) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { grav = 0; } } else { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - 2 + Peach_setY, true)) { ++Peach_setY; } } } } else { grav = 0; break; } ++aa; } } } if (_global.FLAGS.parasolActive) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and grav < 10) { grav += real_gravity; } } else { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and grav < 26) { grav += real_gravity; } } if (_root.climbing and !_root.jumping and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { grav = 0; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { Peach_setY -= 3;; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { Peach_setY += 3;; } } else { _type.stop(); } } } else { if (!_root.underwater and !_root.on_pipe) { } else { if (_root.CharMove != 'Frog' and !_root.on_pipe) { if (!_root.on_action) { while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - 2 + Peach_setY, true)) { Peach_setY -= real_gravity; grav = 0; } } } } } if (_root.movement and !_root.pausee) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y + Peach_setY, true)) { _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround = true; _shadow._visible = true; } else { _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround = false; _shadow._visible = false; } if (_root.sand.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y + Peach_setY, true)) { if (_root.sand.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - 20 + Peach_setY, true)) { sand_jump = -7; } else { sand_jump = -14; } touchingSand = true; if (!once_sand_slow_speed) { once_sand_slow_speed = true; charspeed /= 3; } } else { touchingSand = false; if (once_sand_slow_speed) { once_sand_slow_speed = false; charspeed *= 3; } } if (!_root.clothes_tail_remove) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_root.jumping) { if (_root.jump_pressed) { if (!_root.underwater and !_root.climbing) { _root.jump_to_fly = true; if (_root.flying_mode) { if (!_root.ceiling_collision.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - _height + 25 + Peach_setY, true)) { grav = -7; } } else { grav = 0; } } } } } } if (_root.climbing) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _root.masturbating = true; gotoAndStop('backside'); } } else { _root.masturbating = false; } if (_root.left_pressed_before and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or _root.right_pressed_before and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { _root.left_pressed_before = false; _root.right_pressed_before = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { if (!peach_right and accelX > 2) { if (!slips_once) { slips_once = true; if (!_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.soundFX('marioslippering', 3); _global.FLAGS.isSlippering = true; } } } else { slips_once = false; peach_state = 'walkright'; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3 - 3 + Peach_setX, _y - _height / 5 + Peach_setY, true)) { moving = 'right'; } if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX >= + / 2) { } } else { Peach_setX += 3; } } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog' and _root.frog_walking and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 2 + Peach_setX, _y - _height / 5 + Peach_setY, true)) { if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX >= + / 2) { } } else { Peach_setX += 10; } } } else { if (!_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie and !_root.right_pressed_before and !_root.flying_mode and (Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD))) { _root.right_pressed_before = true; _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndPlay('start_running'); } if (!_root.flying_mode and !Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { running = false; _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.right_pressed_before = false; } if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { running = true; if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX >= + / 2) { } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed + 2) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX += accelX; } else { Peach_setX += charspeed + 2; } } } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed + 2) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX += accelX; } else { Peach_setX += charspeed + 2; } } } else { if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX >= + / 2) { } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX += accelX; } else { Peach_setX += charspeed; } } } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX += accelX; } else { Peach_setX += charspeed; } } } } } peach_right = true; if (!_root.climbing) { if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndStop('swimright'); } else { if (_root.frog_movement and (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround or !_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround)) { if (!_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { grav = -10; } gotoAndStop('walkfrogright'); } else { if (_root.running_mode) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y + 4, true)) { gotoAndStop('runright'); } else { gotoAndStop('fly'); } } else { if (_root.flying_mode and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { if (grav <= 10) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('walkrightvegetable'); } else { if (running) { gotoAndStop('jauntingright'); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt) { gotoAndStop('walkright'); } else { gotoAndStop('walk2right'); } } } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('descendingveg'); } else { gotoAndStop('descending'); } } } } } } } } } } else { if (peach_right and peach_state != 'backside') { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX > 0) { accelX -= 1; } Peach_setX += accelX; } else {} peach_state = 'standright'; moving = false; if (!_root.climbing) { if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { gotoAndStop('swimright'); } else { if (can_drift) { gotoAndStop('driftright'); } } } else { if (_root.flying_mode and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { if (!_root.jumping) { if (_root.frog_movement) { gotoAndStop('standfrogright'); } else { if (grav <= 10) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('standrightvegetable'); } else { gotoAndStop('standright'); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('descendingveg'); } else { gotoAndStop('descending'); } } } } } } } } if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX <= - / 2 + 20) { Peach_setX += 2; gotoAndStop('walkright'); } } } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA)) { if (peach_right and accelX > 2) { if (!slips_once) { slips_once = true; if (!_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.soundFX('marioslippering', 3); _global.FLAGS.isSlippering = true; } } } else { slips_once = false; peach_state = 'walkleft'; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3 - 6 + Peach_setX, _y - _height / 5 + Peach_setY, true)) { moving = 'left'; } if (!_root.frog_movement and _root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX <= - / 2 + 20) { Peach_setX += 2; } } else { Peach_setX -= 3; } } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog' and _root.frog_walking and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 2 + Peach_setX, _y - _height / 5 + Peach_setY, true)) { if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX <= - / 2 + 20) { Peach_setX += 2; } } else { Peach_setX -= 10; } } } else { if (!_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie and !_root.left_pressed_before and !_root.flying_mode and (Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD))) { _root.left_pressed_before = true; _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndPlay('start_running'); } if (!_root.flying_mode and !Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { running = false; _root.left_pressed_before = false; _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndStop(1); } if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { running = true; if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX <= - / 2 + 20) { Peach_setX += 2; } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed + 2) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX -= accelX; } else { Peach_setX -= charspeed + 2; } } } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed + 2) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX -= accelX; } else { Peach_setX -= charspeed + 2; } } } else { if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX <= - / 2 + 20) { Peach_setX += 2; } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX -= accelX; } else { Peach_setX -= charspeed; } } } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX <= charspeed) { accelX += 1; } Peach_setX -= accelX; } else { Peach_setX -= charspeed; } } } } } peach_right = false; if (!_root.climbing) { if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndStop('swimleft'); } else { if (_root.frog_movement and (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround or !_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround)) { if (!_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { grav = -10; } gotoAndStop('walkfrogleft'); } else { if (_root.running_mode) { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y + 4, true)) { gotoAndStop('runleft'); } else { gotoAndStop('fly'); } } else { if (_root.flying_mode and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { if (grav <= 10) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('walkleftvegetable'); } else { if (running) { gotoAndStop('jauntingleft'); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.Peach_with_long_skirt) { gotoAndStop('walkleft'); } else { gotoAndStop('walk2left'); } } } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('descendingveg'); } else { gotoAndStop('descending'); } } } } } } } } } } else { if (!peach_right and peach_state != 'backside') { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { if (accelX > 0) { accelX -= 1; } Peach_setX -= accelX; } else {} peach_state = 'standleft'; moving = false; if (!_root.climbing) { if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { gotoAndStop('swimleft'); } else { if (can_drift) { gotoAndStop('driftleft'); } } } else { if (_root.flying_mode and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { if (!_root.jumping) { if (_root.frog_movement) { gotoAndStop('standfrogleft'); } else { if (grav <= 10) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('standleftvegetable'); } else { gotoAndStop('standleft'); } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('descendingveg'); } else { gotoAndStop('descending'); } } } } } } } } if (_global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel) { if (_x + Peach_setX <= - / 2 + 20) { Peach_setX += 2; gotoAndStop('walkright'); } } } } if (!_root.flying_mode and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndStop(1); } if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySHIFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { peach_state = 'lactating'; if (peach_right) { gotoAndStop('lactateright'); } else { gotoAndStop('lactateleft'); } } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (_root.underwater and _root.CharMove == 'Frog') { if (peach_right) { gotoAndStop('swimright'); } else { gotoAndStop('swimleft'); } if (_root.ceiling_collision.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - _height + Peach_setY + 25, true)) { } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { amount = 1; while (amount <= 5 and _root.ceiling_collision.hitTest(_x + Peach_setX, _y - _height + 25 + Peach_setY, false)) { Peach_setY -= 1; ++amount; } } } } else { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and !_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { doorNum = 1; while (doorNum < 11) { if (_type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root['door' + doorNum])) { if (_root['door' + doorNum].destination) { _root.goToDoor = _root['door' + doorNum].destination; } else { if (_root['door' + doorNum].leavingToadHouse) { _root.on_action = true; _root.door_go_to_next_level = true; _root.isLeavingToadHouse = true; } else { if (_root['door' + doorNum].door_go_to_worldmap) { _root.door_go_to_worldmap = true; _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.isLeavingToadHouse = false; } else { if (_root['door' + doorNum].goToNextLevel) { _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; _root.door_go_to_next_level = true; _root.on_action = true; _root.isLeavingToadHouse = false; } } } } break; } _root.goToDoor = false; ++doorNum; } accelX = 0; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndStop('backsideveg'); } else { gotoAndStop('backside'); } peach_state = 'backside'; } } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { runPressed = false; } if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and !runPressed) { runPressed = true; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; peach_state = 'throw_vegetable'; if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; } if (peach_right) { gotoAndPlay('vegthrowright'); } else { gotoAndPlay('vegthrowleft'); } } } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyZ)) { if (_root.CharMove == 'Raccoon') { peach_state = 'statue'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; gotoAndStop('statue'); _root.movement = false; } else { if (_root.CharMove == 'Fire') { peach_state = 'attack'; if (!_global.FLAGS.isFireballLocked and !isFireballLockedBecauseOfThree) { if (fireballNumber > 2) { fireballNumber = 0; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('fireball', 'fireball' + fireballNumber, 1000 + fireballNumber); _root.horny_respawn['fireball' + fireballNumber]._x = _x; _root.horny_respawn['fireball' + fireballNumber]._y = _y - _height / 1.5; _root.horny_respawn['fireball' + fireballNumber].gotoAndPlay(2); _global.FLAGS.isFireballLocked = true; if (_root.horny_respawn.fireball1 and _root.horny_respawn.fireball2 and _root.horny_respawn.fireball3) { isFireballLockedBecauseOfThree = true; } else { isFireballLockedBecauseOfThree = false; } sound3 = new Sound(this); sound3.attachSound('soundfireball'); sound3.start(0, 1); ++fireballNumber; _root.HUD.fireball_timeout.gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } } if (_root.jump_pressed) { if (_root.underwater) { if (!_root.cum and _root.Charmove != 'Frog') { peach_state = 'swim'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; if (peach_right) { gotoAndStop('swimright'); } else { gotoAndStop('swimleft'); } _root.sound_FX('swim', 2); if (_root.jump_pressed) { grav = -5; } } } else { if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (touchingSand) { grav = sand_jump; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { peach_state = 'jump'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; if (peach_right) { gotoAndPlay('jumpvegright'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jumpvegleft'); } } else { peach_state = 'jump'; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; if (peach_right) { gotoAndPlay('jumpright'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jumpleft'); } } } else { if (_global.FLAGS.jump_out_of_water) { grav = -15; _global.FLAGS.jump_out_of_water = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; if (peach_right) { gotoAndPlay('jumpvegright'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jumpvegleft'); } } else { if (_root.running_mode) { gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { if (peach_right) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; gotoAndPlay('jumpright'); } else { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; gotoAndPlay('jumpleft'); } } } } else { if (!_root.cum) { if (!_root.climbing) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (grav > -2) { grav = maxJump; if (_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = false; grav -= 4; } if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; if (peach_right) { gotoAndPlay('jumpvegright'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jumpvegleft'); } } else { if (_root.running_mode) { gotoAndStop('fly'); } else { if (peach_right) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; gotoAndPlay('jumpright'); } else { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; gotoAndPlay('jumpleft'); } } } } } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD) or Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { if (_root.jump_pressed) { grav = maxJump; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; if (peach_right) { gotoAndStop('jumpvegright'); } else { gotoAndStop('jumpvegleft'); } } else { _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = true; if (peach_right) { gotoAndStop('jumpright'); } else { gotoAndStop('jumpleft'); } } } } } } } } } } } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + 4 + Peach_setX, _y - _height / 4 + Peach_setY, true)) { if (_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { Peach_setX -= 3; } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { Peach_setX -= accelX; } else { if (running) { Peach_setX -= charspeed + 2; } else { Peach_setX -= charspeed; } } } accelX = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - 12 + Peach_setX, _y - _height / 4 + Peach_setY, true)) { accelX = 0; if (_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { Peach_setX += 3; } else { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.physicsSMB3) { Peach_setX += accelX + 1; } else { if (running) { Peach_setX += charspeed + 2; } else { Peach_setX += charspeed; } } } accelX = 0; } } if (_root.cum and _root.movement) { if (!_root.underwater and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); _root.movement = false; _root.masturbating = true; gotoAndStop('mastright'); } else { _root.cum = false; _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); sound1 = new Sound(this); sound1.attachSound('Peach screech long'); sound1.start(0, 1); sound2 = new Sound(this); sound2.attachSound('Squish Lick2'); sound2.start(0, 1); _root.on_action = false; } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { if (_root.underwater and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.CharMove == 'Frog') { Peach_setY += 4; } if (peach_right and !_root.swimming) { gotoAndStop('swimright'); } else { if (!_root.swimming) { gotoAndStop('swimleft'); } } } } } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyMASTURBATE)) { if (_root.can_masturbate) { if (!_global.PLAYER.lockAnimation) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyA)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { if (_root.movement) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_root.masturbating) { if (!_root.jumping) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.on_pipe_to_go_down) { if (peach_right) { gotoAndStop('mastright'); } else { gotoAndStop('mastleft'); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } _x = _x + Peach_setX; _y = _y + Peach_setY; if (!_root.flying_mode and Peach_setX == 0 and Peach_setY == 0) { _root.HUD.running_bar.running_states.gotoAndStop(1); } Peach_setX = 0; Peach_setY = 0; _root.jump_pressed = false; }; } frame 1 { } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } instance _type of movieClip 3783 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { right = true; } } frame 13 { stop(); } instance _type of movieClip 3783 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { right = false; } } frame 14 { stop(); } frame 15 { stop(); } frame 16 { stop(); } frame 17 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } frame 19 { stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } frame 21 { stop(); } frame 22 { stop(); } frame 23 { stop(); } frame 24 { stop(); } frame 25 { stop(); } frame 26 { stop(); } frame 27 { stop(); } frame 28 { stop(); } frame 29 { stop(); } frame 30 { stop(); } frame 31 { stop(); } frame 32 { stop(); } frame 33 { stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } frame 36 { stop(); } frame 37 { stop(); } frame 38 { stop(); } frame 39 { stop(); } frame 40 { stop(); } frame 41 { stop(); } frame 42 { stop(); } frame 43 { stop(); } frame 44 { stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } frame 46 { stop(); } frame 47 { stop(); } frame 48 { stop(); } frame 49 { stop(); } frame 50 { stop(); } frame 51 { stop(); } frame 52 { stop(); } } movieClip 3893 { frame 1 { odd = true; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay('stop'); } frame 9 { if (odd) { odd = false; _global.FLAGS.isFireballLocked = false; gotoAndPlay('stop'); } } frame 16 { odd = true; _global.FLAGS.isFireballLocked = false; gotoAndPlay('stop'); } } movieClip 3905 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } button 3908 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('score1'); } } movieClip 3910 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3911 { frame 2 { FPS_label.text = ''; _root.newTip(); stop(); exitLevel._visible = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.isBenchmarkActive) { FPS_counter.text = _root.getFPS(); FPS_label.text = 'FPS'; } else { FPS_counter.text = ''; FPS_label.text = ''; } laidsCurrentLevel.text = _global.PLAYER.laids; deathsCurrentLevel.text = _global.PLAYER.deaths; world_name.text = _root.actual_world_name; level_name.text = _root.actual_level_name; HUD_time.text = _root.game_timer; HUD_score_points.text = _root.score_string; if (!call_once_sound) { allsound = new Sound(); call_once_sound = true; } if (_root.game_time_difference > 30) { _root.game_time_difference = 0; _root.game_time_frozen = _root.game_timer; if (_root.horny_bar > 1) { --_root.horny_bar; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } } else { _root.game_time_difference = _root.game_timer - _root.game_time_frozen; } if (_root.P_power_activated) { _root.coins_p_power_hide = '4'; if (_root.P_power_time_difference > 13) { _global.FLAGS.coinNumber = 0; _root.coins_p_power_hide = '2'; _root.sound_p_power.stop(); _root.P_power_time_difference = 0; _root.P_power_time_frozen = _root.game_timer; _root.P_power_activated = false; if (_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas != _root.musicToPlayBeginning) { _root.BGMsound.attachSound(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); } else { _root.BGMsound.attachSound(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } } else { _root.P_power_time_difference = _root.game_timer - _root.P_power_time_frozen; } } else { _root.P_power_time_frozen = _root.game_timer; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyENTER) and !ENTERPressed) { _root.peach_character_stats_save(); ENTERPressed = true; allsound.setVolume(0); stopAllSounds(); _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; _root.MenuWindow = 'panic'; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyENTER)) { ENTERPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyGallery) and !GalleryPressed) { if (_root.MenuWindow == 'gallery') { _root.pausee = false; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; GalleryPressed = true; _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.zoommode = _root.zoommode_recorded; } else { _root.pausee = true; _root.zoommode_recorded = _root.zoommode; _root.zoommode = 2; _root.peach_character_stats_save(); _root.MenuWindow = 'gallery'; GalleryPressed = true; _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = true; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyGallery)) { GalleryPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0) and !CheatPressed) { CheatPressed = true; if (_root.cheatEnabled == '') { _root.cheatEnabled = 'Cheat Mode! No Bonuses!'; } } } } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyMINUS) and !keyMinusPressed) { if (!_global.FLAGS.cameraFocusAt) { keyMinusPressed = true; if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { if (_root.zoommode == 1) { _root.HUD._yscale = 64; _root.HUD._xscale = 64; ++_root.zoommode; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 100; } } else { if (_root.zoommode == 2) { ++_root.zoommode; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 0; } } else { if (_root.zoommode == 3) { _root.HUD._yscale = 96.3; _root.HUD._xscale = 96.3; ++_root.zoommode; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 100; } } else { _root.HUD._yscale = 80; _root.HUD._xscale = 80; _root.zoommode = 1; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 100; } } } } _root.zoomlevelsaved = _root.zoommode; } } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyMINUS)) { keyMinusPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyESC) and !ESCpressed) { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume / 2); } ESCpressed = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('pause_sound'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { _root.peach_character_stats_save(); controlButton._visible = false; _root.ShowControls = 'Close'; _root.MenuWindow = 'show'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.setVolume(_global.GAMECONFIG.soundVolume); } if (!_root.on_action) { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); } _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = false; _root.peach_character_stats_restore(); controlButton._visible = true; _root.ShowControls = 'Open'; _root.MenuWindow = 'hide'; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyESC)) { ESCpressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyMUSIC) and !MPressed) { MPressed = true; if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: Sound Effects with no Music'); } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: ALL SOUNDS OFF'); } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: Sound Effects and Music ON'); } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyMUSIC)) { MPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyT) and !TPressed) { TPressed = true; if (_root.ShowText == true) { _root.ShowText = false; _root.TextShow = 'OFF'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: No Text Balloons'); } else { _root.ShowText = true; _root.TextShow = 'ON'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: Text Balloons ON'); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyT)) { TPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEQUAL) and !EQUALPressed) { EQUALPressed = true; if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: MEDIUM QUALITY'); } else { if (_quality == 'MEDIUM') { _quality = 'Low'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: LOW QUALITY'); } else { _quality = 'High'; _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: HIGH QUALITY'); } } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyEQUAL)) { EQUALPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyBACKSPACE) and !BACKSPACEPressed) { BACKSPACEPressed = true; if (_root.HUDshow) { _root.HUD._alpha = 0; _root.HUDshow = false; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { _root.statusBarMessage('Setup: HUD and Status BAR ON'); _root.HUD._alpha = 100; _root.HUDshow = true; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyBACKSPACE)) { BACKSPACEPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyDELETE)) { if (!_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (!DELPressed) { DELPressed = true; _root.she_is_hit('fall'); _global.FLAGS.lockedAnimation = false; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.masturbating = false; _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.piping = false; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.left_pressed_before = false; _root.right_pressed_before = false; _root.running_to_fly_meter = 2; _root.running_mode = false; _root.flying_mode = false; } } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyDELETE)) { DELPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyINSERT) and _root.movement and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { _root.Peach._x = _root._xmouse; _root.Peach._y = _root._ymouse; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyPAGEDOWN) and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { if (!PAGEDOWNPressed) { PAGEDOWNPressed = true; if (!_root.allLevelsUnlockedOnce) { _root.allLevelsUnlockedOnce = true; _root.worldmap1_list[1] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[2] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[3] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[4] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[5] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[6] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[7] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[8] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap1_list[9] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[1] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[2] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[3] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[4] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[5] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[6] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[7] = 'activated'; _root.worldmap2_list[8] = 'activated'; _global.FLAGS.pathway1_8 = 'spawned_before'; _global.FLAGS.pathway2_8 = 'spawned_before'; _global.FLAGS.pathway3_8 = 'spawned_before'; _global.FLAGS.pathway4_8 = 'spawned_before'; _global.FLAGS.pathway5_8 = 'spawned_before'; _global.FLAGS.pathway6_8 = 'spawned_before'; _global.FLAGS.pathway7_8 = 'spawned_before'; } if (_root.CurrentArea == '8-0') { _root.isXtechLevelOut = true; } _root.GoToLevel = false; _root.score_points = 0; _root.Score = 0; _root.changeLevel('score1'); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyPAGEDOWN)) { PAGEDOWNPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyPAGEUP) and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { if (!PAGEUPPressed) { PAGEUPPressed = true; _root.tipMessage('CHEAT: Horny bar almost full!'); _root.horny_bar = 14; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyPAGEUP)) { PAGEUPPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyHOME) and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { if (!HOMEPressed) { HOMEPressed = true; if (n > 10 or !n) { n = 0; } ++n; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', 'enemygenerator' + n, n); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + n]._x = _root.Peach._x + 285; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + n]._y = _root.Peach._y - 20; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + n].spawn = true; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyHOME)) { HOMEPressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keyENDREALLY) and _root.cheatEnabled != '') { if (!ENDREALLYPressed) { ENDREALLYPressed = true; if (n > 10 or !n) { n = 0; } ++n; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('shyguy', 'enemygenerator' + n, n); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + n]._x = _root.Peach._x + 285; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + n]._y = _root.Peach._y - 20; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + n].spawn = true; } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyENDREALLY)) { ENDREALLYPressed = false; } }; } instance PuzzleMC of movieClip 1504 Puzzle_MC { onClipEvent (load) { auto_fadeout = false; } } instance horny_bar of movieClip 2696 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } } instance controlButton of movieClip 2708 { } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 10 { stopAllSounds(); stop(); } movieClip 3919 { } movieClip 3924 { } movieClip 3936 { } movieClip 3940 { } movieClip 3942 { } movieClip 3944 { } movieClip 3945 { } movieClip 3946 { } movieClip 3948 { } movieClip 3949 { } movieClip 3955 { } movieClip 3959 { } movieClip 3960 { } movieClip 3968 { } movieClip 3970 { } movieClip 3972 { frame 1 { this._visible = false; } frame 4 { this._visible = true; } frame 11 { this._visible = false; } frame 14 { this._visible = true; } frame 25 { this._visible = true; } } movieClip 3976 { } movieClip 3977 { } movieClip 3978 { } movieClip 3979 { } movieClip 3980 { } movieClip 3981 { frame 1 { body.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(38)); spark.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(28)); stop(); } } movieClip 3984 { frame 1 { unlocked = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!functioning) { if (unlocked) { gotoAndPlay('open'); } else { if (_root.PuzzleType == PuzzleType) { _root.PeachHasKey = 'no'; unlocked = true; _root.soundFX('key_out_ass'); } } } } }; stop(); } frame 2 { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = false; stop(); } frame 3 { functioning = true; } frame 10 { } frame 15 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { functioning = false; _root.soundFX('Door Shut', 3); gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndPlay('opened'); } } } movieClip 3989 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 3991 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 3992 { frame 1 { this._x -= speed; if (this._x - _root.boundary._x < 0) { this._x = _root.boundary._x + _root.boundary._width; } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 3993 { } movieClip 3995 { frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; _root.can_grab_touch = false; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 8 { _root.score_add(200); ++_root.Score; } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 3997 { } movieClip 4001 { } movieClip 4003 { } movieClip 4004 { } movieClip 4006 { } movieClip 4008 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4010 { } movieClip 4016 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._type) { _parent._type = 'red'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } } movieClip 4019 { } movieClip 4023 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_type == 'green') { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(center)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } }; } frame 23 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = gotoX; _root.Peach._y = gotoY; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.Peach.peach_state = 'standright'; gotoAndPlay(1); if (musicToPlay == 'stop') { stopAllSounds(); } else { if (musicToPlay) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } } } } movieClip 4025 { frame 1 { if (_color == 'red' or _parent._color == 'red' or _parent._parent._parent._color == 'red') { gotoAndPlay(2); } stop(); } } movieClip 4027 { } movieClip 4029 { } movieClip 4032 { } movieClip 4036 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; if (!_parent._parent._parent.eyeType) { _parent._parent._parent.eyeType = 'blue'; } } gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent._parent.eyeType); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent._parent.eyeType); } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent._parent.eyeType); } } movieClip 4037 { } movieClip 4039 { } movieClip 4040 { } movieClip 4042 { } movieClip 4044 { } movieClip 4045 { } movieClip 4046 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 1568 { onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2395 { onClipEvent (load) { stop(); } } frame 9 { stop(); } frame 10 { stop(); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 12 { stop(); } instance doorslide2 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } frame 13 { stop(); } frame 14 { stop(); } instance doorslide2 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance doorslide2 of movieClip 3984 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } frame 18 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 2497 { onClipEvent (load) { lights = 'green'; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } frame 19 { stop(); } } movieClip 4047 { frame 1 { if (_root.isXtechLevelTriggered) { _root.isXtechLevelTriggered = false; _root.GoToLevel = false; _root.actual_level = 0; _root.actual_world = 8; _root.actual_world_name = _root.world_name[_root.actual_world]; _root.actual_level_name = _root.level_name[_root.actual_world][_root.actual_level]; } else { if (!_root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered) { if (_root.ending == 1) { _root.gotoAndPlay('ending'); } if (_root.actual_level != 'peach_castle') { ++_root.actual_level; } _root.actual_world_name = _root.world_name[_root.actual_world]; _root.actual_level_name = _root.level_name[_root.actual_world][_root.actual_level]; } } _root.Checkpoint1 = true; _root.Checkpoint2 = false; _root.orgasms = 0; _global.PLAYER.laids = 0; _global.PLAYER.deaths = 0; level_screen_lives.text = _root.Lives; if (_root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered) { _root.actual_level_name = 'Toad House'; world_name.text = 'Bonus Level'; level_name.text = 'Toad House'; map_portrait.gotoAndStop('toad house'); } else { if (_root.actual_level == 'peach_castle') { _root.actual_level_name = 'Peach\'s Castle'; world_name.text = 'Mushroom Kingdom'; level_name.text = 'Peach\'s Castle'; map_portrait.gotoAndStop('peach_castle'); } else { world_name.text = 'World ' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + ' - ' + (_root.actual_level + 1); level_name.text = _root.actual_level_name; map_portrait.gotoAndStop(_root.actual_world + '-' + _root.actual_level); } } if (_root.horny_bar < 4) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny0'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 8) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny1'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 12) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny2'); } else { if (_root.horny_bar < 16) { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny3'); } else { peach_face.gotoAndStop('horny4'); } } } } onRelease = function () { if (_root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered) { _root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('toadhouse'); } else { if (_root.actual_level == 'peach_castle') { _root.GoToLevel = 'peach_castle'; } else { if (_root.CurrentArea.substring(6) == 'palace') { _root.GoToLevel = 'palace'; } else { _root.GoToLevel = _root.actual_world + '-' + _root.actual_level; } } } _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { if (_root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered) { _root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('toadhouse'); } else { if (_root.actual_level == 'peach_castle') { _root.GoToLevel = 'peach_castle'; } else { if (_root.CurrentArea.substring(0, 6) == 'palace') { _root.GoToLevel = 'palace'; } else { _root.GoToLevel = _root.actual_world + '-' + _root.actual_level; } } } _root.gotoAndPlay('relay'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; stop(); } } frame 12 { _root.CurrentArea = 'peach_castle'; if (!_global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot) { loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth3); } else { if (_global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot == 1) { loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth1); loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth3); } else { if (_global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot == 2) { loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth1); loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth2); } else { loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth1); loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth2); loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth3); } } } if (_global.FLAGS.key_cannon) { loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth1); loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth2); loadMovie('', _root.toadsworth3); } else { loadMovie('', toadsworthkey); } _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); i = 0; while (i < _root.TotalEnemy) { _root.EnemyTotal[i] = 0; ++i; } stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC('Mushroom Kingdom', 99); _root.set_level_variables('no_timer'); stop(); } movieClip 4049 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4050 { } movieClip 4052 { } movieClip 4053 { } movieClip 4060 { } instance of movieClip 2409 { onClipEvent (load) { victory = true; } } instance of movieClip 2409 { onClipEvent (load) { victory = true; } } instance of movieClip 2409 { onClipEvent (load) { victory = true; } } instance of movieClip 2409 { onClipEvent (load) { victory = true; } } movieClip 4063 { } movieClip 4064 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(collision)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { _root.climbing = true; } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(leftcollision) or _root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(rightcollision) or _root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(upcollision) or _root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(downcollision)) { _root.climbing = false; } }; } } movieClip 4067 { } movieClip 4069 { } movieClip 4071 { } movieClip 4074 { } movieClip 4076 { } movieClip 4078 { } movieClip 4080 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) || Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (destination) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); } } } }; } frame 3 { delete onEnterFrame; } frame 31 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.peach_unlocked(); if (destination and _root[destination]) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root[destination].point = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); _root[destination].localToGlobal(_root[destination].point); _root.globalToLocal(_root[destination].point); _root.Peach._x = _root[destination].point.x; _root.Peach._y = _root[destination].point.y; } gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4082 { } movieClip 4084 { } movieClip 4086 { } movieClip 4088 { } movieClip 4090 { } movieClip 4093 { } movieClip 4095 { } movieClip 4099 { } movieClip 4101 { } movieClip 4104 { } movieClip 4105 { } movieClip 4107 { } movieClip 4109 { } movieClip 4116 { } movieClip 4118 { frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; _root.can_grab_touch = false; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 10 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; _root.can_grab_touch = false; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit2.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(11); _root.score_add(50); } else { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 4119 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4121 { instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } if (_root.bomb.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance door1 of movieClip 4080 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door4'; } } instance door2 of movieClip 4080 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.Peach.char.hitTest(this)) { infotext = false; } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (_root.Peach.char.hitTest(this)) { if (!infotext) { infotext = true; _root.tipMessage('Toads Bedroom'); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: It\'s locked.'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } movieClip 4125 { } instance door3 of movieClip 4080 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door6'; } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad1.hitTest(this) or _root.Toad2.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 4128 { } movieClip 4130 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(500); sound_peach = new Sound(this); sound_peach.attachSound('Peach phew'); sound_peach.start(0, 1); _root.peach_update_char('Dress'); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 4132 { } movieClip 4134 { } movieClip 4136 { } movieClip 4138 { } movieClip 4140 { } movieClip 4144 { } movieClip 4147 { } movieClip 4152 { } movieClip 4154 { frame 1 { switch (_root.currentCharacter) { case 'peach': default: gotoAndPlay(1); goto 189; case 'daisy': //Invalid switch } gotoAndPlay(3); goto 189; case 'peach': gotoAndPlay(5); goto 189; case 'daisy': gotoAndPlay(7); goto 189; case 'rosa': gotoAndPlay(9); label 189: } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { switch (_root.currentCharacter) { case 'peach': default: gotoAndPlay(1); goto 189; case 'daisy': //Invalid switch } gotoAndPlay(3); goto 189; case 'peach': gotoAndPlay(5); goto 189; case 'daisy': gotoAndPlay(7); goto 189; case 'rosa': gotoAndPlay(9); label 189: } frame 4 { gotoAndPlay(3); } frame 5 { switch (_root.currentCharacter) { case 'peach': default: gotoAndPlay(1); goto 189; case 'daisy': //Invalid switch } gotoAndPlay(3); goto 189; case 'peach': gotoAndPlay(5); goto 189; case 'daisy': gotoAndPlay(7); goto 189; case 'rosa': gotoAndPlay(9); label 189: } frame 6 { gotoAndPlay(5); } frame 7 { switch (_root.currentCharacter) { case 'peach': default: gotoAndPlay(1); goto 189; case 'daisy': //Invalid switch } gotoAndPlay(3); goto 189; case 'peach': gotoAndPlay(5); goto 189; case 'daisy': gotoAndPlay(7); goto 189; case 'rosa': gotoAndPlay(9); label 189: } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(7); } frame 9 { switch (_root.currentCharacter) { case 'peach': default: gotoAndPlay(1); goto 189; case 'daisy': //Invalid switch } gotoAndPlay(3); goto 189; case 'peach': gotoAndPlay(5); goto 189; case 'daisy': gotoAndPlay(7); goto 189; case 'rosa': gotoAndPlay(9); label 189: } frame 10 { gotoAndPlay(9); } } movieClip 4155 { } movieClip 4157 { } movieClip 4158 { } movieClip 4159 { } movieClip 4161 { } movieClip 4164 { } movieClip 4165 { frame 19 { gotoAndPlay('juggle'); } } movieClip 4167 { } movieClip 4168 { } movieClip 4169 { } movieClip 4170 { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 button 4175 { on (release) { _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumTits = 2; _root.CumBody = 2; _root.CumLegs = 2; gotoAndPlay('finished'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumTits = 2; _root.CumBody = 2; _root.CumLegs = 2; gotoAndPlay('finished'); } } button 4176 { on (release) { focus = 0; } } button 4181 { on (release) { focus = 1; } } button 4182 { on (release) { focus = 2; } } button 4183 { on (release) { focus = 3; } } movieClip 4186 { } movieClip 4189 { } button 4192 { on (release) { _root.bubblespeech._alpha = 100; gotoAndPlay('stopped'); } on (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.bubblespeech._alpha = 100; gotoAndPlay('stopped'); } } movieClip 4193 { frame 1 { decide = random(3); cumrepeat = 0; _root.masturbating = false; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; _root.focusTarget = _root.bath; _root.bubblespeech._alpha = 0; } frame 10 { prevsc = decide; decide = random(3); while (decide == prevsc) { decide = random(3); } if (focus < 3) { decide = focus; } switch (decide) { case 0: gotoAndPlay('head'); break; case 1: gotoAndPlay('tits'); break; case 2: gotoAndPlay('legs'); break; default: gotoAndPlay('decision'); } } frame 15 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 22 { if (_root.CumHead > 2) { _root.score_add(100); _root.CumHead -= 2; if (_root.horny_bar < 17) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } } if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } frame 23 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 33 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 50 { if (focus == 0) { gotoAndPlay('headhold'); } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('roll'); } frame 57 { gotoAndPlay('decision'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 64 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 73 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 86 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 94 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 97 { if (_root.CumTits > 2) { _root.score_add(100); _root.CumTits -= 2; if (_root.horny_bar < 17) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } } if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } frame 104 { gotoAndPlay('decision'); } frame 106 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 111 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 113 { head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 114 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); } frame 128 { if (_root.CumLegs > 2) { _root.score_add(100); _root.CumLegs -= 2; } if (_root.CumButt > 2) { _root.score_add(50); _root.CumButt -= 2; } if (_root.horny_bar < 17) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } frame 139 { if (_root.CumBody > 2) { _root.score_add(200); _root.CumBody -= 2; } if (focus == 2) { gotoAndPlay('leghold'); } if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } frame 140 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 146 { gotoAndPlay('decision'); } frame 147 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 151 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 155 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('crossed'); _root.horny_bar = 1; head.mouth.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 164 { gotoAndPlay('cum'); } frame 165 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.focusTarget = undefined; _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.horny_bar = 1; _root.on_action = false; _root.peach_unlocked(); _parent.gotoAndStop('idle'); } } movieClip 4194 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4195 { } movieClip 4196 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(500); _root.peach_update_char('Nurse'); } frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 4197 { } instance of movieClip 4197 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } else { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: I don\'t have time to have a sit...'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } movieClip 4200 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._parent.eyeToad) { _parent._parent.eyeToad = 'blinking'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeToad); } frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeToad); } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._parent.eyeToad); } } movieClip 4203 { } movieClip 4204 { frame 2 { if (_parent._parent.beardMove) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 9 { if (_parent._parent.beardMove) { gotoAndPlay(2); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } movieClip 4205 { } movieClip 4207 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 4211 { frame 1 { stop(); if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 4221 { frame 1 { advance = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if (!dead and !notice) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } else { if (!notice) { if (!_root.on_action && Key.isDown(_root.keyEND)) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } } } } else { _root.can_masturbate = true; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 14 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('ashamed'); } else { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } frame 16 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 20 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 25 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 27 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('2'); } } frame 28 { beardMove = true; } frame 28 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 30 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('4'); } else { gotoAndPlay('3'); } } frame 31 { beardMove = false; } frame 31 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 33 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('5'); } else { gotoAndPlay('4'); } } frame 34 { beardMove = true; } frame 34 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 36 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('unhide'); } else { gotoAndPlay('5'); } } frame 37 { beardMove = false; } frame 41 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 51 { beardMove = true; } frame 51 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 55 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('7'); } else { gotoAndPlay('6'); } } frame 56 { beardMove = false; } frame 56 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 63 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('8'); } else { gotoAndPlay('7'); } } frame 64 { beardMove = true; } frame 64 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 68 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('9'); } else { gotoAndPlay('8'); } } frame 69 { beardMove = false; } frame 69 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 75 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('10'); } else { gotoAndPlay('9'); } } frame 76 { beardMove = true; } frame 76 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 80 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('11'); } else { gotoAndPlay('10'); } } frame 81 { beardMove = false; } frame 81 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 82 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 89 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('12'); } else { gotoAndPlay('11'); } } frame 90 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 102 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.on_action = false; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot = 1; stop(); loadMovie('', this); } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } movieClip 4222 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4222 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'black'; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } movieClip 4224 { frame 12 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 4224 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'black'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < 0) { if (!used) { this._xscale *= -1; used = true; } } else { if (used) { used = false; this._xscale *= -1; } } } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < 0) { if (!used) { this._xscale *= -1; used = true; } } else { if (used) { used = false; this._xscale *= -1; } } } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { this._xscale *= -1; _color = 'green'; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < 0) { if (!used) { this._xscale *= -1; used = true; } } else { if (used) { used = false; this._xscale *= -1; } } } } movieClip 4225 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; n = 0; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(25)); } } frame 20 { if (n == 5) { n = 0; } else { ++n; gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 29 { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; if (dist_x > -300 and dist_x < 300) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 150) { _root.soundFX('Squishall', 2); } } } frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 4225 { onClipEvent (load) { _blush = 'blush'; } } movieClip 4226 { } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { this._xscale *= -1; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < 0) { if (!used) { this._xscale *= -1; used = true; } } else { if (used) { used = false; this._xscale *= -1; } } } } movieClip 4227 { frame 1 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 4 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(6); } } frame 7 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 10 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(12); } } frame 13 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 16 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(18); } } frame 19 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4228 { frame 1 { _parent._parent.stopped_after_jump = true; } frame 3 { if (_parent._parent.dist_x > -300 and _parent._parent.dist_x < 300) { if (_parent._parent.dist_y > -150 and _parent._parent.dist_y < 150) { _root.soundFX('toadjump', 4); } } } frame 4 { _parent._parent.stopped_after_jump = false; } frame 19 { _parent._parent.stopped_after_jump = true; } } movieClip 4229 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if ((notice or do_over) and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.Toad; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); if (alive == false) { _root.Laid += 0; } else { ++_root.Laid; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (alive == false) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = fucking_scene + 2; gotoAndPlay(f); } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; gotoAndPlay(f); } } else { f = fucking_scene + 2; gotoAndPlay(f); } alive = false; } } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 4231 { frame 1 { function check_distance_horny() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } movedir = 'left'; var dist = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(vision)) { if (jumping) { char.charspeed_base = 3; char.gotoAndPlay('jump'); } else { char.charspeed_base = 2; char.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } loadMovie('', vision); char.movement = true; } if (char.alive and !char.notice and _root.horny_bar > 10) { char.charspeed = 4; check_distance_horny(); } else { char.charspeed = char.charspeed_base; } if (char.movement) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; if (char.alive) { if (!stopped_after_jump) { if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } } } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 5, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 5, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(char) and _root.movement and !_root.pausee) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !char.alive and !_root.on_action and !_root.masturbating) { char.gotoAndPlay('squish'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Toad: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } } }; } instance char of movieClip 4229 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 2; var grav = 0; var movement = false; var charspeed = 2; var right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; var do_over = false; } } } instance Toad2 of movieClip 4231 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'blue'; } } movieClip 4234 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._braidsMove) { stop(); } else { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(9)); } } } } movieClip 4238 { } movieClip 4240 { } movieClip 4241 { frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4242 { } movieClip 4245 { } movieClip 4246 { frame 48 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4247 { frame 1 { _braidsMove = false; } frame 15 { stop(); } } movieClip 4248 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4256 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 4260 { frame 1 { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } movieClip 4264 { } movieClip 4265 { frame 1 { advance = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!dead and !notice) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } else { if (!notice) { if (!_root.on_action && Key.isDown(_root.keyEND)) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } } } } else { _root.can_masturbate = true; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 10 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } frame 11 { beardMove = true; } frame 11 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 13 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('2'); } } frame 14 { beardMove = false; } frame 19 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 21 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 23 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 24 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('do'); } else { gotoAndPlay('4'); } } frame 29 { beardMove = true; } frame 29 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 35 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 35 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 49 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('6'); } else { gotoAndPlay('5'); } } frame 50 { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); beardMove = false; } frame 50 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 50 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 58 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 60 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 69 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 73 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('8'); } else { gotoAndPlay('7'); } } frame 74 { advance = false; } frame 74 { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } frame 74 { beardMove = true; } frame 74 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 77 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 82 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 84 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 87 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 88 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 93 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('go'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } } frame 94 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 95 { beardMove = false; } frame 95 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 100 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 110 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 115 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } else { gotoAndPlay('cummy'); } } frame 116 { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } frame 116 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); beardMove = true; } frame 116 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 130 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('zzz'); } else { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } frame 132 { eyeToad = 'sleep'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); beardMove = false; } frame 132 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; gtext2._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; gtext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 139 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('sleep'); } else { gotoAndPlay('zzz'); } } frame 140 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.on_action = false; _root.CumHead += 2; _global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot = 2; if (!dead) { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('Extra Life'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); _root.Lives += 1; randomPoints = 100 * (1 + random(4)); _root.score_add(500 + randomPoints); } dead = true; notice = false; stop(); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 4276 { frame 1 { advance = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!dead and !notice) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } else { if (!notice) { if (!_root.on_action && Key.isDown(_root.keyEND)) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } } } } else { _root.can_masturbate = true; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { beardMove = true; } frame 3 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 5 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } frame 6 { beardMove = false; } frame 6 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 13 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('sleep'); } } frame 14 { beardMove = false; } frame 18 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 20 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 22 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 23 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('do'); } else { gotoAndPlay('4'); } } frame 28 { beardMove = true; } frame 28 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 34 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 34 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 48 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('6'); } else { gotoAndPlay('5'); } } frame 49 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); beardMove = false; } frame 49 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 49 { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } frame 49 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 57 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 59 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 68 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 72 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('8'); } else { gotoAndPlay('7'); } } frame 73 { advance = false; } frame 73 { beardMove = true; } frame 73 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 73 { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } frame 76 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 81 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 83 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 86 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 87 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 92 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('go'); } else { gotoAndPlay('jerk'); } } frame 93 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 94 { beardMove = false; } frame 94 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 99 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); } frame 114 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('swallow'); } else { gotoAndPlay('cummy'); } } frame 115 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); beardMove = true; } frame 115 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 115 { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } frame 129 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('zzz'); } else { gotoAndPlay('suck'); } } frame 131 { eyeToad = 'sleep'; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); beardMove = false; } frame 131 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; gtext2._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; gtext2._alpha = 100; } } frame 138 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('sleep'); } else { gotoAndPlay('zzz'); } } frame 139 { _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.on_action = false; _root.CumHead += 2; _global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot = 3; currentPuzzle = 'To be implemented soon. Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to finish'; HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); dead = true; stop(); } } movieClip 4279 { frame 1 { advance = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!dead and !notice) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } else { if (!notice) { if (!_root.on_action && Key.isDown(_root.keyEND)) { notice = true; _root.can_masturbate = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; gotoAndPlay('1'); } } } } else { _root.can_masturbate = true; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 14 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } frame 15 { beardMove = true; } frame 15 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 19 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('2'); } } frame 20 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 20 { if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 21 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 40 { if (_global.FLAGS.key_cannon == 'world1') { _global.FLAGS.pathway1_8 = 'spawn'; } if (_global.FLAGS.key_cannon == 'world2') { _global.FLAGS.pathway2_8 = 'spawn'; } _global.FLAGS.key_cannon = false; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.on_action = false; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); loadMovie('', this); } } instance of movieClip 4226 { onClipEvent (load) { _blush = 'blush'; } } instance Toad3 of movieClip 4231 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'blue'; jumping = true; } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'black'; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 3192 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'blue'; _blush = 'blush'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < 0) { if (!used) { this._xscale *= -1; used = true; } } else { if (used) { used = false; this._xscale *= -1; } } } } instance of movieClip 4225 { onClipEvent (load) { _sleep = true; } } movieClip 4280 { } instance of movieClip 4280 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'green'; _sleep = true; } } movieClip 4287 { frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.ShowText) { notice = false; this(notice); } else { notice = true; this(notice); } } } frame 3 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = false; } if (notice) { gotoAndPlay('open'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 4 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = false; } if (notice) { gotoAndPlay('open'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (notice) { gotoAndPlay('open'); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'I wish I hadn\'t'; this('I wish I hadn\'t'); talk2 = 'loaned my camcorder'; this('loaned my camcorder'); talk3 = ' to my cousin'; this(' to my cousin'); talk4 = '(sigh)'; this('(sigh)'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'ZZZzzzz'; this('ZZZzzzz'); talk3 = 'I\'m slapping Princess Ass...'; this('I\'m slapping Princess Ass...'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'ZZZzzzz'; this('ZZZzzzz'); talk3 = 'zzzZZZZ'; this('zzzZZZZ'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } } } movieClip 4288 { } button 4292 { on (release) { if (!_root.on_action) { _root.bathtime.gotoAndStop('cleanup'); _root.masturbating = false; _root.movement = false; _root.char.character._alpha = 0; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; } } } movieClip 4294 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.bathtime)) { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { gotoAndStop(3); } } else { gotoAndStop(2); } }; stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 100; talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'C\'mon, a Goomba\'s cock'; this('C\'mon, a Goomba\'s cock'); talk3 = 'shouldn\'t be too gross...'; this('shouldn\'t be too gross...'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'We promise we won\'t'; this('We promise we won\'t'); talk3 = 'tell Mario any of this.'; this('tell Mario any of this.'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = 'Walking like this will'; this('Walking like this will'); talk2 = 'let all the goombas crazy'; this('let all the goombas crazy'); talk3 = 'for sure!'; this('for sure!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = 'Use Mushrooms'; this('Use Mushrooms'); talk2 = 'to grow bigger! ;)'; this('to grow bigger! ;)'); talk3 = 'The Goombas will like that!'; this('The Goombas will like that!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'Erm..Can I..'; this('Erm..Can I..'); talk3 = 'touch you, Princess?'; this('touch you, Princess?'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'More sex means...'; this('More sex means...'); talk3 = 'more positions!'; this('more positions!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'I\'m not seeing you walking'; this('I\'m not seeing you walking'); talk3 = 'in the bush, I swear!'; this('in the bush, I swear!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'We won\'t watch! We swear!'; this('We won\'t watch! We swear!'); talk3 = ''; this(''); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'All you have to do'; this('All you have to do'); talk2 = 'Is..erhm..fuck our enemies.'; this('Is..erhm..fuck our enemies.'); talk3 = 'There\'s no shame in that.'; this('There\'s no shame in that.'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'C\'mon, save us Princess!'; this('C\'mon, save us Princess!'); talk2 = 'Take in some Goomba dick'; this('Take in some Goomba dick'); talk3 = 'for Mushroom Kingdom!'; this('for Mushroom Kingdom!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'Princess!!'; this('Princess!!'); talk3 = 'You\'re so beautiful naked!!'; this('You\'re so beautiful naked!!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'I can\'t believe I\'m gonna'; this('I can\'t believe I\'m gonna'); talk3 = 'Get to see the Princess'; this('Get to see the Princess'); talk4 = 'NAKED!'; this('NAKED!'); } } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = 'Are you nuts'; this('Are you nuts'); talk2 = 'to wander around like'; this('to wander around like'); talk3 = 'that, Princess?'; this('that, Princess?'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'We know you want this!'; this('We know you want this!'); talk3 = ''; this(''); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { this._alpha = 100; talk1 = 'Seriously? You\'re going'; this('Seriously? You\'re going'); talk2 = 'to swallow a Goomba\'s'; this('to swallow a Goomba\'s'); talk3 = 'load? That\'s disgusting.'; this('load? That\'s disgusting.'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'We heard everything!'; this('We heard everything!'); talk2 = 'You have to fuck them! You'; this('You have to fuck them! You'); talk3 = 'have to fuck the goombas!'; this('have to fuck the goombas!'); talk4 = 'Or we\'re doomed!'; this('Or we\'re doomed!'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Are you going to do it?'; this('Are you going to do it?'); talk2 = 'Will you save us?'; this('Will you save us?'); talk3 = 'Please Princess!'; this('Please Princess!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = 'Princess!! Why are you'; this('Princess!! Why are you'); talk2 = 'wandering naked? Don\'t'; this('wandering naked? Don\'t'); talk3 = 'you dare'; this('you dare'); talk4 = 'do Nasty Things!'; this('do Nasty Things!'); _root.toadette.gotoAndStop(2); } else { talk1 = 'Princess, that\'s better!'; this('Princess, that\'s better!'); talk2 = 'Please keep you dressed'; this('Please keep you dressed'); talk3 = 'and sweep out these enemies'; this('and sweep out these enemies'); talk4 = 'the classic way!'; this('the classic way!'); _root.toadette.gotoAndStop(1); } } else { _root.toadette.gotoAndStop(1); } } } instance d2 of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot) { loadMovie('', this); } _type = 'surprised'; level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: What I have done?? And how about ...fucking them? It must be a prank! Me, using precious pussy with those creatures? NO WAY! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance d1 of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot) { loadMovie('', this); } level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Oh, I\'m a mess! Where is my beloved Mario? I have to find him! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'I haven\'t seen the'; this('I haven\'t seen the'); talk2 = 'princess naked since'; this('princess naked since'); talk3 = 'palace Christmas'; this('palace Christmas'); talk4 = 'party!'; this('party!'); } } instance d3 of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { if (_global.NPCs.toadsworth_plot) { loadMovie('', this); } _type = 'surprised'; level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: What\'s that? (SIGH). That\'s shameful!! Pictures of me...doing ...those things? WHO DID THIS? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } movieClip 4297 { frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; if (_global.VISITEDAREAS.toadsworth) { loadMovie('', this); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this) and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_global.VISITEDAREAS.toadsworth) { notice = true; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } } if (notice) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Toadsworth?? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _global.VISITEDAREAS.toadsworth = true; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; notice = false; } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; if (_global.VISITEDAREAS.nurseryRoom) { loadMovie('', this); } } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this) and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_global.VISITEDAREAS.nurseryRoom) { notice = true; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } } if (notice) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Oh the nursery room. I remember when I (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _global.VISITEDAREAS.nurseryRoom = true; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; notice = false; } } } } } movieClip 4300 { } button 4309 { on (release) { _quality = 'Medium'; } } button 4315 { on (release) { _quality = 'High'; } } button 4318 { on (release) { _quality = 'Low'; } } movieClip 4320 { } movieClip 4324 { frame 2 { stop(); } } instance door4 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door1'; } } movieClip 4327 { frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (warp_to) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.GoToLevel = warp_to; _root.changeLevel('relay'); loadMovie('', this); } } }; stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4327 { onClipEvent (load) { warp_to = 'worldmap'; } } instance door6 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door3'; } } instance room1 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room2'; } } instance room2 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room1'; side = 'right'; } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!touched_it and _root.Peach._x - this._x < 400) { touched_it = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Splash'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } else { touched_it = false; } if (!touched_it2) { if (_root.Toad1.hitTest(this) and _root.Peach._x - this._x < 400) { touched_it2 = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Splash'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } if (!touched_it3) { if (_root.Toad2.hitTest(this) and _root.Peach._x - this._x < 400) { touched_it3 = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Splash'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 14 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-0'; _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); mouseEnabled = false; mouseChildren = false; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(6724095); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); i = 0; while (i < _root.TotalEnemy) { _root.EnemyTotal[i] = 0; ++i; } _root.set_level_variables(); stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC('Mushroom Kingdom', 99); stop(); } movieClip 4329 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4335 { } movieClip 4338 { } movieClip 4341 { } movieClip 4344 { } movieClip 4346 { } movieClip 4347 { } movieClip 4349 { } instance of movieClip 2497 { onClipEvent (load) { lights = 'green'; } } movieClip 4354 { } movieClip 4356 { } movieClip 4357 { } movieClip 4358 { } movieClip 4359 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4360 { } movieClip 4361 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(collision)) { disable_once = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { _root.climbing = true; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } } else { if (disable_once) { disable_once = false; _root.climbing = false; } } }; stop(); } } movieClip 4363 { } movieClip 4365 { } movieClip 4366 { frame 2 { got_this_pole_instead = true; stop(); } frame 3 { got_this_pole_instead = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(5000); stopAllSounds(); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); _root.blushface_movie.gotoAndPlay('blush1'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 4 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 5 { _root.Peach._y += 8; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 6 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 7 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 8 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 9 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(2000); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 10 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 11 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 12 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 13 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 14 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(1000); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 15 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 16 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 17 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 18 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 19 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(500); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 20 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 21 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 22 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 23 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 24 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(200); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 25 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 26 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 27 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.Peach._y += 8; _root.movement = true; stopAllSounds(); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level_jingle.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 4370 { frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4371 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance pole1 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('start_pole'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole2 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole1'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole3 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole2'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole4 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole3'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole5 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole4'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); } } } } movieClip 4375 { } movieClip 4377 { } movieClip 4379 { } movieClip 4381 { } movieClip 4382 { } movieClip 4383 { } movieClip 4385 { } movieClip 4387 { } movieClip 4388 { } movieClip 4395 { } movieClip 4398 { } movieClip 4402 { } movieClip 4405 { } movieClip 4406 { } movieClip 4410 { } movieClip 4411 { } movieClip 4413 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4413 { onClipEvent (load) { lights = 'yellow'; } } movieClip 4416 { } movieClip 4418 { } movieClip 4420 { } movieClip 4421 { } movieClip 4423 { } movieClip 4425 { } movieClip 4427 { } movieClip 4430 { } movieClip 4432 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Raccoon'); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 4433 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 22 { stop(); } } movieClip 4434 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('1upmushroom', 'upmushroom2', 70); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.upmushroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.upmushroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4437 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.soundFX('Powerup', 2); gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.peach_update_char('Fire'); _root.score_add(1000); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 4438 { frame 2 { stop(); if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes' || _root.CharMove == 'Racer' || _root.CharMove == 'Dress' || _root.CharMove == 'Leaf' || _root.CharMove == 'Raccoon' || _root.CharMove == 'Frog' || _root.CharMove == 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay('flower'); } } frame 22 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } frame 35 { stop(); } } movieClip 4439 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 22 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('poisonshroom', 'poisonshroom2', 65); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.poisonshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.poisonshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4442 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'item' + _global.FLAGS._item.length; _global.FLAGS._item.push(this._name); } still_on_it = 0; } frame 2 { if (!fixed and _root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it += 1; if (still_on_it >= 50) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } } frame 3 { if (!fixed and _root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it += 1; if (still_on_it >= 50) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } else { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 5 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 6 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 7 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 8 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 9 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 10 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 11 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 12 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 13 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 14 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 15 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 16 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 17 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 18 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 19 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 20 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 21 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 22 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 23 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 24 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 25 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 26 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 27 { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { still_on_it = 0; gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 28 { } frame 47 { stop(); } } movieClip 4445 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes' || _root.CharMove == 'Racer' || _root.CharMove == 'Dress' || _root.CharMove == 'Leaf' || _root.CharMove == 'Raccoon' || _root.CharMove == 'Frog' || _root.CharMove == 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay('flower'); } } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 4447 { frame 1 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 9 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); gotoAndPlay(1); } else { gotoAndPlay(10); } } } movieClip 4452 { instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 930; pipe1y = 1300; destination = 'pipe2'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 2985; pipe1y = -210; destination = 'pipe1'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe_functioning = false; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Don\'t forget to check your status and keyboard config in pause menu (CRTL key)!'; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 2; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 2; } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Use \'go up\' key, like UP or W, to explore some houses or doors.'; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } movieClip 4453 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Striker'); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 4456 { } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 4459 { } movieClip 4461 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes') { _root.currentTip = 'Mushroom eaten! 2000 points!'; _root.score_add(2000); } else { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'yes'; _root.currentTip = 'Mushroom eaten! Peach can stand extra damage!'; _root.score_add(1500); } _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); addon = 1 + random(1); if (_root.horny_bar + addon < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.horny_bar += addon; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob - 1) { ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.heavyJump += 1; _root.Peach.maxJump += 1; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 1; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 1; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.heavyJump += 2; _root.Peach.maxJump += 2; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 2; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 2; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; } else {} } delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndStop(3); } }; } instance char of movieClip 238 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.2; var grav = 0; var movement = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { } instance of movieClip 1322 coin { } movieClip 4463 { } movieClip 4466 { } movieClip 4468 { } button 4470 { on (release) { if (_root.CumTits > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } _root.CumTits = 2; } } button 4472 { on (release) { if (_root.CumBody > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } _root.CumBody = 2; } } button 4474 { on (release) { if (_root.CumLegs > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } _root.CumLegs = 2; } } button 4476 { on (release) { if (_root.CumLegs > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } if (_root.CumBody > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } if (_root.CumTits > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } if (_root.CumHead > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumTits = 2; _root.CumBody = 2; _root.CumLegs = 2; } } button 4478 { on (release) { if (_root.CumHead > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } _root.CumHead = 2; } } movieClip 4481 { } movieClip 4482 { frame 1 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; gotoAndPlay('up'); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay('down'); } frame 11 { stop(); } frame 14 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 19 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } } movieClip 4488 { } movieClip 4490 { } movieClip 4492 { } movieClip 4493 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!hog_hole_functioning) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(vision)) { hog_hole_functioning = true; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); gotoAndPlay('start'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } }; } frame 3 { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 48 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 40; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 155 { hog_hole_functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance of movieClip 4224 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'black'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < 0) { if (!used) { this._xscale *= -1; used = true; } } else { if (used) { used = false; this._xscale *= -1; } } } } movieClip 4494 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.Goomba; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); if (alive == false) { _root.Laid += 0; } else { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true;[enemy_num] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } if (!alive) { gotoAndPlay('scene1'); } else { gotoAndPlay('scene1'); } alive = false; } } frame 3 { stop(); notice = false; _parent.fuckPuzzleLaid = true; } } movieClip 4495 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and _root.movement and !_root.pausee) { if (_root.horny_bar > 13) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _rovot.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } goomba.notice = true; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !_root.on_action and !_root.masturbating) { goomba.notice = true; if (!alive) { goomba.gotoAndPlay('mount'); } } } } }; } } movieClip 4496 { } instance toadd of movieClip 4496 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } movieClip 4498 { } instance of movieClip 4498 { onClipEvent (load) { _blush = 'blush'; } } movieClip 4500 { } movieClip 4502 { } movieClip 4504 { } movieClip 4506 { } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if ((_root.DressNum == 0 or _root.DressNum == 1) and _root.clothes_skirt_remove) { talk1 = 'Walking like this will'; this('Walking like this will'); talk2 = 'let all the goombas crazy'; this('let all the goombas crazy'); talk3 = 'for sure!'; this('for sure!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } else { talk1 = 'Use Mushrooms'; this('Use Mushrooms'); talk2 = 'to grow bigger! ;)'; this('to grow bigger! ;)'); talk3 = 'The Goombas will like that!'; this('The Goombas will like that!'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = '(He he he...) '; this('(He he he...) '); talk2 = 'Princess, here is a Goomba!'; this('Princess, here is a Goomba!'); talk3 = 'You...have to follow our'; this('You...have to follow our'); talk4 = 'Chancellor orders.'; this('Chancellor orders.'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Bridge is out...'; this('Bridge is out...'); talk2 = 'You\'ll have to jump on'; this('You\'ll have to jump on'); talk3 = 'those brick-blocks.'; this('those brick-blocks.'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'These are warp zones'; this('These are warp zones'); talk2 = 'to Rogueport. They\'re not'; this('to Rogueport. They\'re not'); talk3 = 'working. They may be fixed'; this('working. They may be fixed'); talk4 = 'later on.'; this('later on.'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Dear princess!'; this('Dear princess!'); talk2 = 'Free coins for you!'; this('Free coins for you!'); talk3 = 'But...I...want'; this('But...I...want'); talk4 = 'something later!...'; this('something later!...'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'Welcome, Princess!'; this('Welcome, Princess!'); talk3 = 'Nobody knows about Mario.'; this('Nobody knows about Mario.'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: An hidden area! It\'s beautiful! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } movieClip 4513 { frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('fall'); } }; stop(); } } movieClip 4516 { frame 1 { goToNextLevel = true; this._visible = false; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (!once) { once = true; _root.statusBarMessage('Press UP key to finish the level'); } } else { once = false; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance door1 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door2'; } } instance door2 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door1'; } } instance door4 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door3'; } } instance door3 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door4'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 16 { stop(); if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids == 0) { _global.FLAGS.bossFightType = 'virgin'; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids < _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut) { _global.FLAGS.bossFightType = 'ok'; } else { _global.FLAGS.bossFightType = 'whore'; } } _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber = 0; _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; if (_root.actual_level != 'peach_castle') { _root['worldmap' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + '_list'][_root.actual_level] = 'finished';['worldmap' + (_root.actual_world + 1) + '_list'][_root.actual_level] = 'finished'; } _root.warp_castle = true; clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); if (_global.PLAYER.laids < 1) { _root.Drive = 3; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.laids < _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore) { _root.Drive = 2; } else { if (_global.PLAYER.laids >= _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeWhore) { _root.Drive = 1; } } } endlevel.gotoAndPlay(1); if (!_root.GoToLevel) { stopAllSounds(); } } movieClip 4517 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4520 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 5 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 6 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 7 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 12 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 16 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 17 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 18 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 19 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 21 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 22 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(32)) { stopAllSounds(); gotoAndPlay('end_animation'); } } frame 27 { stop(); _parent.death.gotoAndPlay('start'); } frame 37 { stop(); _parent.death.gotoAndPlay('start'); } } movieClip 4522 { } movieClip 4524 { } movieClip 4525 { frame 1 { if (_root.isToadHouseNameLevel) { textlname.level_name.text = 'Toad House'; _root.isToadHouseNameLevel = false; } else { if (_root.actual_level == 'peach_castle') { textlname.level_name.text = 'Peach Castle'; } else { textlname.level_name.text = _root.actual_level_name; } } textwname.world_name.text = _root.actual_world_name; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 23 { _parent.coins2.gotoAndPlay('start'); stop(); } frame 45 { stop(); } } movieClip 4526 { frame 2 { endtitle.gotoAndPlay('start'); stop(); } } frame 17 { _root.CurrentArea = 'castle'; _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'ghost_house'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.set_level_variables('continue_from_last_area'); stop(); } movieClip 4529 { } movieClip 4531 { } movieClip 4533 { } movieClip 4535 { } movieClip 4537 { } movieClip 4539 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('fall'); } }; } } movieClip 4541 { } movieClip 4543 { } movieClip 4545 { } movieClip 4548 { instance of movieClip 4539 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('fall'); } } } instance of movieClip 4539 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('fall'); } } } instance of movieClip 4539 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('fall'); } } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 10; } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 2; } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } movieClip 4552 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!hog_hole_functioning) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach.char.hitTest(vision)) { hog_hole_functioning = true; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); gotoAndPlay('start'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } }; } frame 3 { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 24 { if (!enemies) { enemies = new Array('goomba', 'koopa', 'shyguy'); } any = enemies[random(3)]; gotoAndPlay(any); } frame 48 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 40; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 72 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('koopa', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 40; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 96 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('shyguy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 40; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 203 { hog_hole_functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4555 { } movieClip 4556 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) || Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (destination) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { gotoAndPlay('openveg'); } else { gotoAndPlay('open'); } delete onEnterFrame; } } } }; } frame 2 { _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.can_masturbate = false; } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('entering'); } frame 15 { _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.can_masturbate = false; } frame 27 { gotoAndPlay('entering'); } frame 47 { if (destination) { _root.Peach._x = _root[destination]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root[destination]._y - 50; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); } _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); gotoAndStop(1); } frame 67 { if (destination) { _root.Peach._x = _root[destination]._x; _root.Peach._y = _root[destination]._y - 50; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); } _root.can_masturbate = true; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); gotoAndStop(1); } } instance g1 of movieClip 4556 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'g2'; } } instance g3 of movieClip 4556 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'g4'; } } button 4557 { on (release) { if (_root.CumTits > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } _root.CumTits = 2; if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumButt == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } } button 4559 { on (release) { if (_root.CumLegs > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } _root.CumLegs = 2; if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumButt == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } } button 4561 { on (release) { if (_root.CumLegs > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } if (_root.CumBody > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } if (_root.CumTits > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } if (_root.CumHead > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } if (_root.CumButt > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } _root.CumHead = 2; _root.CumButt = 2; _root.CumTits = 2; _root.CumBody = 2; _root.CumLegs = 2; if (_root.CharNum != '0') { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } } button 4562 { on (release) { if (_root.CumHead > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } _root.CumHead = 2; if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumButt == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } } button 4563 { on (release) { if (_root.CumBody > 2) { _root.score_add(100); } _root.CumBody = 2; if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumButt == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } } button 4565 { on (release) { if (_root.CumButt > 2) { _root.score_add(50); } _root.CumButt = 2; if (_root.CharNum != '0' and _root.CumHead == 2 and _root.CumBody == 2 and _root.CumLegs == 2 and _root.CumButt == 2 and _root.CumTits == 2) { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_out'; } } } movieClip 4566 { frame 1 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; gotoAndPlay('up'); } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay('down'); } frame 11 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; } } frame 12 { gotoAndPlay('high'); if (notice and _root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumHead > 2 or _root.CumTits > 2 or _root.CumBody > 2 or _root.CumLegs > 2) { gotoAndPlay('clean'); } } } frame 14 { gotoAndPlay('clean'); if (_root.ShowCum == 'Yes') { if (_root.CumHead <= 2 and _root.CumTits <= 2 and _root.CumBody <= 2 and _root.CumLegs <= 2) { gotoAndPlay('high'); } } else { gotoAndPlay('high'); } if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = false; gotoAndPlay('high'); } } } instance c2 of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 4569 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!hog_hole_functioning) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(vision)) { hog_hole_functioning = true; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); gotoAndPlay('start'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } }; } frame 3 { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 48 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('koopa', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 40; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 155 { hog_hole_functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4570 { frame 1 { functioning = false; if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!functioning) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { functioning = true; gotoAndPlay('start'); } } if (!_root.on_action) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(thwomp)) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } }; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 79 { functioning = false; gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 4573 { } movieClip 4574 { frame 2 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 4 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 6 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(7); } } frame 8 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 10 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 12 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(13); } } frame 14 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 16 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(17); } } frame 18 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(19); } } frame 20 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(21); } } frame 22 { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { gotoAndPlay(23); } } } movieClip 4576 { } movieClip 4577 { } movieClip 4579 { } movieClip 4580 { } movieClip 4582 { } movieClip 4583 { frame 3 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest( { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('birdo attack'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } frame 8 { } frame 19 { } frame 31 { _parent.movement = true; _parent.attack = false; _parent._parent.can_attack_soon = 1; stop(); _parent.gotoAndPlay('walk'); } } movieClip 4584 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (attack and alive) { movement = false; gotoAndPlay('attack'); } } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } } movieClip 4585 { frame 1 { function checkDistanceToWalkAct() { if (dist_x > -400 and dist_x < 400) { if (dist_y > -200 and dist_y < 200) { char.movement = true; } else { char.movement = false; } } else { char.movement = false; } } function reInitializeTimer() { clearTimeout(char.attackTimer); char._timeout = 4000 + random(6000); char.attackTimer = setTimeout(doAttack, char._timeout); } function doAttack() { turn_towards_peach(); char.movement = false; char.attack = true; } function turn_towards_peach() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } movedir = 'left'; var enemy_num = _root.Birdo; var dist = 0; var spawn = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (char.alive) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; checkDistanceToWalkAct(); } if (sleeping) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this)) { _y = _y + 3; } } if (!_root.pausee) { if (char.movement) { if (char.alive) { if (!char.notice) { if (_root.movement) { if (char._right) { if (!exclamation_towards_Peach) { if (dist_x < 120 and dist_x > 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } else { if (dist_x > -120 and dist_x < 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { exclamation_towards_Peach = true; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } } if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { char.charspeed = 5; turn_towards_peach(); } else { char.charspeed = 2; } } } if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !char.alive and !_root.on_action) { _root.movement = false; char.do_over = true; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2)) { _root.PlayScene = 2; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'2\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3)) { _root.PlayScene = 3; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'3\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key4)) { _root.PlayScene = 4; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'4\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key5)) { _root.PlayScene = 5; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'5\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key6)) { _root.PlayScene = 6; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'6\''; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key7)) { _root.PlayScene = 7; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'7\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key8)) { _root.PlayScene = 8; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'8\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { _root.PlayScene = 9; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'9\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0)) { _root.PlayScene = 10; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Birdo] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Birdo: Sex scene Changed to \'10\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (touchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }; stop(); } instance char of movieClip 4584 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.6; var grav = 0; var movement = false; var charspeed = 2; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; var stomped = false; var do_over = false; var movedir = 'left'; var walk_for_a_bit = 0; var attack = false; var _timeout = 4000 + random(10000); var attackTimer = setTimeout(_parent.doAttack, _timeout); } } } instance of movieClip 4585 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(char)) { _root.changeLevel('score1'); } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'It\'s AWFUL!!! Birdo\'s '; this('It\'s AWFUL!!! Birdo\'s '); talk2 = 'took over this'; this('took over this'); talk3 = 'fortress! It\'s dangerous!'; this('fortress! It\'s dangerous!'); talk4 = 'Be cautious, Princess!'; this('Be cautious, Princess!'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Take the castle back!'; this('Take the castle back!'); talk2 = 'Give your'; this('Give your'); talk3 = 'peace to this area \\D'; this('peace to this area \\D'); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } movieClip 4586 { } movieClip 4587 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _root.invulnerable = 1; _root.char._alpha = 50; } frame 3 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 4 { _root.char._alpha = 50; } frame 5 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 6 { _root.char._alpha = 50; } frame 7 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 8 { _root.char._alpha = 50; } frame 9 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 10 { _root.char._alpha = 50; } frame 11 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 12 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 13 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 14 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 15 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 16 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 17 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 18 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 19 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 20 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 21 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 22 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 23 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 24 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 25 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 26 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 27 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 28 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 29 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 30 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 31 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 32 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 33 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 34 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 35 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 36 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 37 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 38 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 39 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 40 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 41 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 42 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 43 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 44 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 45 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 46 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 47 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 48 { _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 49 { _root.invulnerable = 0; _root.char._alpha = 100; } frame 50 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4588 { instance of movieClip 4587 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } } } } movieClip 4589 { } movieClip 4590 { } instance of movieClip 4513 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.gotoAndPlay('kingdom1'); } } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 18 { clearInterval(_root.countdownInterval); stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC('game over.mp3', 1); _root.cheatEnabled = ''; stop(); } movieClip 4592 { } movieClip 4594 { } movieClip 4595 { frame 1 { if (_global.PLAYER.totalLaids >= _global.FLAGS.enemiesLaidToBeTotalSlut / 2) { gotoAndStop(2); } else { stop(); } } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4598 { instance of movieClip 1280 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('title'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('title'); } } frame 24 { stop(); } } frame 19 { stopAllSounds(); stop(); _root.CurrentArea = 'ending'; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.MUSIC('MiM Theme', 99); } button 4602 { on (release) { facial.gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4610 { instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.CurrentArea == 'ending'; _root.gotoAndPlay('smb1'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.CurrentArea == 'ending'; _root.gotoAndPlay('smb1'); } } } frame 20 { stop(); } movieClip 4615 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4622 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4625 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4628 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4629 { instance of movieClip 4615 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 2; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } } instance of movieClip 4622 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 1; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '1') { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 1; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '2') { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 2; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '3') { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 3; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '4') { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 4; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } } instance of movieClip 4625 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 3; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } } instance of movieClip 4628 { onClipEvent (release) { _global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout = 4; _root.keyboardLayout(_global.GAMECONFIG.keyboardLayout); _root.gotoAndPlay('changelevel'); } } } frame 21 { stop(); _root.EndingScene[0] = true;[0] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } frame 23 { stop(); _root.EndingScene[1] = true;[1] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } frame 25 { stop(); _root.EndingScene[2] = true;[2] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } frame 28 { _root.CurrentArea = 'toadhouse'; _root.isToadHouseNameLevel = true; _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'toad_house_music'; BGMsound.attachSound(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); if (PlaySound == 'ON') { BGMsound.start(0, 99); } _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4631 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2497 { onClipEvent (load) { lights = 'green'; } } movieClip 4633 { instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } movieClip 4635 { } movieClip 4636 { frame 1 { gotoAndStop(2 + random(10)); } frame 2 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Dress'; } frame 3 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Fire'; } frame 4 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Raccoon'; } frame 5 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Burn'; } frame 6 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Frog'; } frame 7 { stop(); _parent.bonus = '1up'; } frame 8 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Leaf'; } frame 9 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Bigshroom'; } frame 10 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Coins'; } frame 11 { stop(); _parent.bonus = 'Nurse'; } } movieClip 4640 { } movieClip 4641 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (!once) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) || Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { gotoAndPlay('open'); _root.treasure1.once = true; _root.treasure2.once = true; _root.treasure3.once = true; } } } }; stop(); } frame 20 { if (bonus == 'Bigshroom') { _root.score_add(1500); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes') { _root.currentTip = 'Mushroom eaten! 2000 points!'; _root.score_add(2000); } else { _global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach = 'yes'; _root.currentTip = 'Mushroom eaten! Peach can stand extra damage!'; _root.score_add(1500); } _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); addon = 1 + random(1); if (_root.horny_bar + addon < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.horny_bar += addon; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob - 1) { ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.char.charheavyspeed = 0.7; _root.Peach.char.charspeed -= _root.Peach.char.charheavyspeed; } else { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.char.charheavyspeed = 1.2; _root.Peach.char.charspeed -= _root.Peach.char.charheavyspeed; } else {} } } else { if (bonus == 'Nurse') { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Nurse'); } else { if (bonus == 'Frog') { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[5]; _root.NoBoob = false; } _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Frog'); } else { if (bonus == 'Leaf') { _root.score_add(1500); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('feather'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); addon = 1 + random(1); if (_root.LockCostume == false) { if (_root.DressNum > 1) { _root.DressNum = 0; sound_hit2 = new Sound(this); sound_hit2.attachSound('peach ooh3'); sound_hit2.start(0, 1); } else {} } _root.peach_update_char('Leaf'); } else { if (bonus == 'Raccoon') { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('feather'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[4]; _root.NoBoob = false; } _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Raccoon'); } else { if (bonus == 'Burn') { if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[3]; } _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Striker'); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); } else { if (bonus == 'Fire') { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Powerup'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[2]; } _root.peach_update_char('Fire'); _root.score_add(1000); } else { if (bonus == 'Dress') { _root.score_add(500); sound_peach = new Sound(this); sound_peach.attachSound('Peach phew'); sound_peach.start(0, 1); if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[1]; } _root.peach_update_char('Dress'); } else { if (bonus == '1up') { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('Extra Life'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); _root.score_add(1000); _root.Lives += 1; } else { if (bonus == 'Coins') { _root.Score += 25; _root.score_add(5000); if (_root.Score > 99) { _root.Score -= 100; sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('Extra Life'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); ++_root.Lives; } _root.currentTip = '25 Coins!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } } } } } } } } stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Princess, you can'; this('Princess, you can'); talk2 = 'take one item of'; this('take one item of'); talk3 = 'these treasure chests'; this('these treasure chests'); talk4 = 'if you want.'; this('if you want.'); } } instance door1 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'door2'; } } instance door2 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { leavingToadHouse = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (!once) { once = true; _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.MUSIC('music_toad_interior', 99); } } } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 29 { stop(); CurrentArea = 'load_game'; } frame 30 { stop(); CurrentArea = 'achievements'; } frame 31 { stop(); if (Key.isDown(37) or Key.isDown(65)) { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb3'); } } instance of movieClip 3335 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Drive != 3) { loadMovie('', this); } else { _root.EndingScene[3] = true;[3] = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } } button 4643 { on (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('smb3'); } } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('coinage'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('coinage'); } onClipEvent (keyPress 'm') { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'b') { if (_root.LockCostume and !_root.NoBoob) { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { ++_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; } } } onClipEvent (keyPress '*') { if (_root.CharNum < _root.CharMax) { ++_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '/') { if (_root.CharNum > 0) { --_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = _root.CharMax; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '+') { if (_root.DressNum < _root.DressMax) { ++_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = 0; } _root.NoBoob = false; } onClipEvent (keyPress '-') { if (_root.DressNum > 0) { --_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = _root.DressMax; } _root.NoBoob = false; } onClipEvent (keyPress 'q') { if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; } else { _quality = 'High'; } } } instance of movieClip 3081 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Drive != 1) { loadMovie('', this); } } } frame 33 { stop(); if (_global.FLAGS.loadedGame) { _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; _global.FLAGS.loadedGame = false; _root.gotoAndPlay('worldmap'); } else { if (_root.GoToLevel) { stop(); _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.GoToLevel); _root.GoToLevel = false; } } } frame 34 { stopAllSounds(); stop(); } movieClip 4646 { frame 10 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 4635 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.Score += 1; Sound_2 = new Sound(this); Sound_2.attachSound('Coin'); Sound_2.start(0); loadMovie('', this); gotoAndPlay('grab'); this(undefined); } } } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { if (!_root.coinage) { _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('bowser'); } } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { if (!_root.coinage) { _root.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { _root.gotoAndPlay('bowser'); } } } frame 35 { stopAllSounds(); stop(); if (_root.coinage) { _root.BowserScene = true; = true; _root.loadinfo.flush(); } } movieClip 4652 { } movieClip 4654 { } movieClip 4656 { } movieClip 4658 { } instance of movieClip 2222 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.gotoAndPlay('continue'); } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.gotoAndPlay('continue'); } onClipEvent (keyPress 'm') { allsound = new Sound(); if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.PlaySound = 'NO BGM'; } else { if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { _root.PlaySound = 'OFF'; } else { _root.PlaySound = 'ON'; } } if (_root.PlaySound == 'ON') { _root.BGMsound.start(0, 99); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'NO BGM') { stopAllSounds(); } if (_root.PlaySound == 'OFF') { allsound.setVolume(0); } else { allsound.setVolume(100); } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'b') { if (_root.LockCostume and !_root.NoBoob) { if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { ++_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = _root.MinBoob; } } } onClipEvent (keyPress '*') { if (_root.CharNum < _root.CharMax) { ++_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = 0; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '/') { if (_root.CharNum > 0) { --_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = _root.CharMax; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '+') { if (_root.DressNum < _root.DressMax) { ++_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = 0; } _root.NoBoob = false; } onClipEvent (keyPress '-') { if (_root.DressNum > 0) { --_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = _root.DressMax; } _root.NoBoob = false; } onClipEvent (keyPress 'q') { if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; } else { _quality = 'High'; } } } frame 37 { stop(); if (_root.CurrentArea != 'credits') { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } else { _root.CurrentArea = 'credits'; } } movieClip 4660 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } frame 38 { stop(); _global.FLAGS.isInTheGallery = true; if (_root.CurrentArea != 'gallery') { _root.gotoAndPlay(_root.CurrentArea); } else { _root.CurrentArea = 'gallery'; } } button 4661 { on (release) { _root.CurrentArea = 'select1'; _root.gotoAndPlay('title'); } } frame 40 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-1'; _root.exit1._visible = false; _root.exit2._visible = false; _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_3'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4665 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4513 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.char.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('fall'); } } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2420 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } movieClip 4674 { frame 1 { stop(); button.onRelease = function () { activateMeeting = true; level_of_conversation = 0; }; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!activateMeeting and _root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { button._visible = true; } else { button._visible = false; } if (activateMeeting) { if (!_root.PuzzleSolved) { if (!_global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked and !_global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled) { if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Toad: Hi Princess! I need your help! A goomba has stolen my keys. He\'s was seen next to a bunch of pipes. You must..erhm.. fuck him in order to steal the key! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageFriend'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.tipMessage('Press a number to choose:'); level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = '1) Peach: I will not do that! I prefer to kill him!\n2) Peach: Erhm....Ok!'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('peachno2'); sound_1.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Toad: Oh! The Chancellor will be upset now! :/ (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageFriend'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { _root.tipMessage('Toad\'s sadness poisoned the air, inflicting magic to Peach breasts.'); if (_root.score_points > 1500) { _root.score_points -= 1500; } else { _root.score_points = 0; } _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); uu = _root.BoobSize; while (uu < _root.MaxBoob - 1) { _root.Peach.heavyJump += 1; _root.Peach.maxJump += 1; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 1; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 1; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; ++_root.BoobSize; ++uu; } if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { _root.Peach.heavyJump += 2; _root.Peach.maxJump += 2; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 2; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 2; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('boing1'); sound_1.start(0, 1); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach ooh4'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); _root.PuzzleType = 'goombaKey'; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', _root.PuzzleType, 1); _root.horny_respawn[_root.PuzzleType]._x = 1800; _root.horny_respawn[_root.PuzzleType]._y = -300; _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = false; _global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled = false; level_of_conversation = false; activateMeeting = false; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Toad: Okay, I\'ll wait here! Thank you, my Princess! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageFriend'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { _root.first_text_show = false; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.PuzzleType = 'goombaKey'; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', _root.PuzzleType, 1); _root.horny_respawn[_root.PuzzleType]._x = 1900; _root.horny_respawn[_root.PuzzleType]._y = -260; _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = false; _global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled = false; level_of_conversation = false; activateMeeting = false; } } } } } } } else { if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.PeachRemoveKey(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Toad: Thank you very much!! The doors are now unlocked! Good luck in your Quest! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageFriend'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _global.FLAGS.puzzleFucked = false; _global.FLAGS.puzzleKilled = false; _root.PuzzleType = false; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.PuzzleSolved = true; level_of_conversation = false; activateMeeting = false; } } } } } }; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } movieClip 4676 { } movieClip 4677 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'gold' + _global.FLAGS.coinNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.coinNumber; } } frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch or _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; _root.can_grab_touch = false; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('brick_gold'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_root.P_power_activated) { _root.attachMovie('coin', 'coin' + this._name, 800 + this._name.substring(4)); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root['coin' + this._name]._x = auxPoint.x + 15; _root['coin' + this._name]._y = auxPoint.y + 10; gotoAndPlay(9); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } } frame 8 { stop(); } frame 10 { if (!_root.P_power_activated) { if (!_root['coin' + this._name].taken) { loadMovie('', _root['coin' + this._name]); gotoAndPlay(1); } else { stop(); loadMovie('', _root['coin' + this._name]); loadMovie('', this); } } else { gotoAndPlay(9); } } } movieClip 4680 { frame 2 { if (touched_once) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); } } frame 3 { if (touched_once) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); } } frame 4 { if (touched_once) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 5 { _root.BGMsound.stop(); _root.sound_grab = new Sound(this); _root.sound_grab.attachSound('Rock Enemy'); _root.sound_grab.start(0, 1); _global.FLAGS.coinNumber = 0; _root.P_power_activated = true; } frame 17 { _root.sound_p_power = new Sound(this); _root.sound_p_power.attachSound('p_power'); _root.sound_p_power.start(0, 99); stop(); } } movieClip 4681 { frame 1 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } frame 8 { _root.score_add(200); } frame 9 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(p) and !p.touched_once) { p.touched_once = true; } }; } } movieClip 4682 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(500); sound_peach = new Sound(this); sound_peach.attachSound('Peach phew'); sound_peach.start(0, 1); _root.peach_update_char('Dress'); } frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 4683 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(40); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 4687 { } movieClip 4689 { instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 2; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -1975; pipe1y = 840; destination = 'pipe4'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; animation_source_pipe = 'upside_down_enter'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) { pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } } } instance pipe5 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 1515; pipe1y = -700; destination = 'pipe2'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.isAbleToGoDown = false; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 1645; pipe1y = -310; destination = 'pipe1'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.isAbleToGoDown = false; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe4 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -540; pipe1y = -450; destination = 'pipe5'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 10; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe6 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'pipe7'; pipe1x = 1695; pipe1y = -300; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.isAbleToGoDown = false; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (load) { fixed = true; } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4442 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'If you fail a given puzzle, try to contact any friend you did before.'; } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'You can grab a vegetable or a given item from the ground, pressing RUN key. Pressing it again will throw the item.'; } } } instance of movieClip 4439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2420 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } movieClip 4691 { } movieClip 4692 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _root.score_add(2000); sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('Peach yell'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); addon = 1 + random(1); if (_root.horny_bar + addon < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.horny_bar += addon; _root.HUD.horny_bar.gotoAndStop(_root.horny_bar); } if (_root.LockCostume == false) { _root.DressNum = _root.Dress[0]; } _root.currentTip = 'You are stark naked!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.peach_update_char('Poison'); gotoAndPlay(2); delete onEnterFrame; } if (char.movement) { dist = _root.Peach._x - _x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; } } if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; } } }; } instance char of movieClip 230 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.6; var grav = 0; var movement = true; var charspeed = 5; var _right = false; var alive = true; var notice = false; dist = _root.Peach._x - _parent._x; if (dist > 0) { _parent._xscale = 100; _right = false; } else { _parent._xscale = -100; _right = true; } } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4692 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { char.movement = false; } } movieClip 4693 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { } frame 10 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('leafpower', 'leafrespawn', 68); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._x = auxPoint.x + 15; _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4695 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('sound_fruit'); sound_1.start(0, 1); if (_global.FLAGS.fruitAmount == 5) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } if (_global.FLAGS.fruitAmount >= 10) { _global.FLAGS.fruitAmount = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.fruitAmount; } _root.score_add(20); loadMovie('', this); } }; } } movieClip 4699 { frame 1 { if (!once) { vegTypes = new Array('turnip', 'paprika', 'carrot'); once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(11)); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_state == 'grabbed') { if (_global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); _global.FLAGS.veggieLeafMutex = false; } } else { if (!_global.FLAGS.veggieLeafMutex and _root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this) and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.veggieLeafMutex = true; _state = 'grabbed'; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = vegTypes[random(vegTypes.length)]; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.score_add(40); } } } } }; } } movieClip 4700 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.coins_p_power_hide); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.coins_p_power_hide); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.coins_p_power_hide); } } movieClip 4703 { instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _parent._parent.taken = true; _root.isToadHouseLevelTriggered = true; _root.score_add(500); _root.currentTip = 'Toad House Bonus Level!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); loadMovie('', _parent); _parent.gotoAndPlay('grab'); _parent(undefined); } } } frame 20 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance c2 of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 4707 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!functioning) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(vision)) { functioning = true; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 300 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } } }; stop(); } frame 3 { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 27 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 300 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x - 18; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 25; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; } frame 110 { functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 4708 { } instance of movieClip 4708 { onClipEvent (load) { stop(); _sleep = true; } } movieClip 4710 { } movieClip 4714 { } movieClip 4716 { } movieClip 4717 { } movieClip 4718 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 4718 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } else { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: He doesn\'t want to erhm....interact with me (yet)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } instance of movieClip 1141 bobomb { onClipEvent (load) { walk_lengh = 'short'; } } instance of movieClip 1141 bobomb { onClipEvent (load) { walk_lengh = 'short'; } } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _parent.bobomb2.gotoAndPlay('run'); loadMovie('', this); } } } movieClip 4721 { } movieClip 4724 { } movieClip 4726 { frame 171 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4727 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; fish.gotoAndPlay(70 + random(100)); } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { ++_global.PLAYER.deaths; ++_global.PLAYER.totalDeaths; n = 0; fish.stop(); gotoAndPlay('falling'); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('kick'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } else { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.movement and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 4 { fish._y += 50; ++n; if (n > 100) { loadMovie('', this); stop(); } else { gotoAndPlay('falling'); } } } instance of movieClip 4727 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(70 + random(100)); } } movieClip 4729 { } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { in_area = true; } else { in_area = false; once = false; } if (in_area and !once) { once = true; sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('scream20'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Welcome again, Princess!'; this('Welcome again, Princess!'); talk2 = 'How\'s going? We\'ve been'; this('How\'s going? We\'ve been'); talk3 = 'waiting for our brother'; this('waiting for our brother'); talk4 = 'but he\'s lost. \\\\'; this('but he\'s lost. \\\\'); } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = ''; this(''); talk2 = 'Forever Alone...'; this('Forever Alone...'); talk3 = ''; this(''); talk4 = ''; this(''); } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Phew! I\'ve got it! But no clue about Mario! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: I think I\'m finally at the end of this area! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) || Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (!_root.PuzzleSolved) { _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = true; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: The Door inside is locked. I may need to talk to someone to open it.'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); if (!sound_once) { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('door locked'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); sound_once = true; } } else { _root.movement = false; _root.door_go_to_next_level = true; _root.Peach.char.character.gotoAndStop('backside'); } } } } } movieClip 4732 { frame 2 { door_go_to_worldmap = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (!once) { once = true; _root.statusBarMessage('Press UP key to go back to Worldmap'); } } else { once = false; } }; stop(); } } movieClip 4735 { frame 2 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) || Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { if (!_root.PuzzleSolved) { _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = true; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: The Door inside is locked. I may need to talk to someone to open it.'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); if (!sound_once) { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('door locked'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); sound_once = true; } } else { goToNextLevel = true; } } } }; stop(); } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 42 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-6'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(3355443); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'Music Castle3'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4736 { } movieClip 4738 { } movieClip 4739 { instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4445 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: This place is scary! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 4327 { onClipEvent (load) { warp_to = 'castle'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 44 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-2'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(6724044); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_2'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4742 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4744 { } movieClip 4748 { } movieClip 4749 { } movieClip 4750 { } movieClip 4755 { } movieClip 4759 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('opened'); if (_root.piping) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; } _root.on_pipe = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 26 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (_root.piping) { _root.Peach.grav = 0; _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; } if (destination && _root.piping) { _root.piping = false; if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_up_pipe') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_pipe'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_down') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_in') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_out') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_out'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'upside_down_exit') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('upside_down_exit'); } } } } } } if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } else { _root.underwater = false; } if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } if (musicToPlay) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 27 { if (_root.piping) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); } _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 42 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 46 { _root.peach_scared_sound_random(); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 58 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.piping = false; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.on_action = false; _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.running_to_fly_meter = 2; _root.coins_p_power_hide = 2; _root.running_mode = false; _root.flying_mode = false; if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; } else { _root.underwater = false; } _root.movement = true; _root.Peach.peach_right = true; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4761 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('opened'); if (_root.piping) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; } _root.on_pipe = true; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 26 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (_root.piping) { _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; } if (destination && _root.piping) { _root.piping = false; if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_up_pipe') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_pipe'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_down') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_in') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'going_out') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_out'); } else { if (animation_destiny_pipe == 'upside_down_exit') { _parent[destination].gotoAndPlay('upside_down_exit'); } } } } } } if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } if (musicToPlay) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 27 { if (_root.piping) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); } _root.on_pipe = true; _root.soundFX('Hit', 3); } frame 42 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 46 { _root.peach_scared_sound_random(); } frame 51 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 58 { _root.black_screen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; _root.piping = false; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.left_pressed_before = false; _root.right_pressed_before = false; _root.running_to_fly_meter = 2; _root.coins_p_power_hide = 2; _root.running_mode = false; _root.flying_mode = false; if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('swimleft'); } else { _root.underwater = false; } _root.movement = true; _root.Peach.peach_right = false; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4763 { frame 2 { stop(); if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 22 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('1upmushroom', 'upmushroom2', 70); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.upmushroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.upmushroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4764 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes' || _root.CharMove == 'Racer' || _root.CharMove == 'Dress' || _root.CharMove == 'Leaf' || _root.CharMove == 'Raccoon' || _root.CharMove == 'Frog' || _root.CharMove == 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay('leaf'); } } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } frame 23 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('leafpower', 'leafrespawn', 68); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._x = auxPoint.x + 15; _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4766 { instance pipe_left of movieClip 4759 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 1550; pipe1y = 600; musicToPlay = false; destination = 'pipe_right'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyD) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 4759 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -970; pipe1y = 400; musicToPlay = 'music_water'; destination = 'pipe_enter_water'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (pipe1x and pipe1y) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyD) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { _root.on_pipe = true; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } } instance pipe_end_level of movieClip 4759 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 2640; pipe1y = 620; musicToPlay = 'music_water'; destination = 'pipe_to_end'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe_right of movieClip 4761 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 1255; pipe1y = 430; musicToPlay = false; destination = 'pipe_left'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } instance pipe_to_end of movieClip 4759 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 660; pipe1y = -600; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_2'; destination = 'pipe_end_level'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyD) or Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } instance pipe_bonus_out of movieClip 4761 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 2470; pipe1y = 860; musicToPlay = false; destination = 'pipe7'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } instance pipe7 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 1680; pipe1y = 85; destination = 'pipe_bonus_out'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'You can stomp and kick out shells. You gain more points but running shells can harm you.'; } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Many pipes allow you to return to the last area.'; } } } movieClip 4767 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(1000); _root.peach_update_char('Frog'); } frame 33 { stop(); } } movieClip 4768 { } instance c2 of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this)) { _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_water'; _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 4770 { } movieClip 4773 { } movieClip 4775 { } movieClip 4776 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); } frame 2 { horny_bar_buildup = 1; } frame 10 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 697 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 18 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; } frame 19 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 20 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 21 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 22 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 23 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 24 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 25 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 26 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 27 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 28 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 29 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 30 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 31 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 6) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 48 { if (_parent._parent.movedir == 'left') { gtext._xscale = -gtext._xscale; gtext._x += gtext._width; } if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } instance of movieClip 770 { onClipEvent (load) { if (!_root.ShowText) { this._alpha = 0; } else { this._alpha = 100; } } } frame 56 { _root.blushtype = 'blush1'; } frame 57 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 58 { if (horny_bar_buildup == 9) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; _root.peachHornyIncrease(); gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 59 { _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.check_blush(); _root.CumBody += 2; _root.CumLegs += 2; if (!_root.cum) { _root.on_action = false; } _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); stop(); } } movieClip 4777 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if ((notice or do_over) and !_root.on_action) { _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; enemy_num = _root.Bertha; if (alive == false) { _global.PLAYER.laid += 0; } else { ++_global.PLAYER.laid; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (alive == false) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = fucking_scene + 2; gotoAndPlay(f); } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; gotoAndPlay(f); } } else { f = fucking_scene + 2; gotoAndPlay(f); } alive = false; } } frame 3 { notice = false; stop(); } } movieClip 4779 { frame 21 { bounced = bounce[random(7)]; if (bounced == 10 and _parent.baseline < _parent._y) { _parent.char.grav = -bounced; } else { if (bounced == -10 and _parent.baseline > _parent._y) { _parent.char.grav = -bounced; } else { _parent.char.grav = bounced; } } } } movieClip 4780 { frame 1 { function check_distance_horny() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } movedir = 'left'; var enemy_num = _root.CheepDaddy; var dist = 0; var baseline = this._y; stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (char.alive and !char.notice and _root.horny_bar > 10) { char.charspeed = 4; check_distance_horny(); } else { char.charspeed = 2; } if (char.movement) { if (char.alive) { if (char._right) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; } else { _x = _x - char.charspeed; } } if (char.grav > 0) { _y = _y + char.grav; --char.grav; } else { if (char.grav < 0) { _y = _y + char.grav; ++char.grav; } } if (baseline > this._y) { _y = _y + 1; } else { if (baseline < this._y) { _y = _y - 1; } } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and _root.movement and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action and !_root.jumping) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { } } }; } instance char of movieClip 4777 { onClipEvent (load) { var gravity = 1.4; var grav = 0; var movement = true; var charspeed = 2; var right = false; var alive = true; var stomped = false; var do_over = false; } } instance bounce of movieClip 4779 { onClipEvent (load) { var bounce = new Array('2', '-2', '4', '-4', '0', '10', '-10'); } } } movieClip 4781 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and _root.movement) { _root.she_is_hit(); } }; } } instance of movieClip 4781 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CoinGrab.hitTest(this) and _root.movement) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } instance of movieClip 1269 koopa { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'red'; } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'This is an underwater level!'; this('This is an underwater level!'); talk2 = 'Be careful, there are white'; this('Be careful, there are white'); talk3 = 'gummies! I\'m so frightened!'; this('gummies! I\'m so frightened!'); talk4 = 'Good Luck!'; this('Good Luck!'); } } instance door9 of movieClip 4516 { onClipEvent (load) { goToNextLevel = true; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 46 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-5'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(6723993); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'MiM Theme'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4783 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'higher'; } } instance of movieClip 2494 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } instance of movieClip 2431 { onClipEvent (load) { hole = 'no'; } } movieClip 4784 { } movieClip 4785 { } movieClip 4788 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { n = random(10); _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; if (_root.piping) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); } } frame 31 { advance = false; first_time = false; } frame 32 { if (!first_time) { _root.soundFX('peach ohmy', 2); first_time = true; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 33 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } if (n == 4) { if (!_root.skirt_remove) { _root.skirt_remove = true; sound_shred_random(); } } } frame 34 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 35 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 40 { if (!advance) { gotoAndPlay('struggle'); } } frame 52 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.movement = true; _root.piping = false; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; if (_root.Peach.hitTest(_root.water)) { _root.underwater = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; } else { _root.underwater = false; } if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } if (musicToPlay) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.BGMsound.attachSound(musicToPlay); } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 53 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.on_action = true; first_time = false; _root.on_pipe = true; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; } frame 77 { advance = false; if (!first_time) { sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach ooh2'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); first_time = true; } } frame 78 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 79 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 80 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 81 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 82 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 83 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 84 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 85 { } frame 86 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 87 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 88 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 89 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 90 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 91 { _root.expr = 'Normal'; } frame 92 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.movement = true; _root.on_action = false; _root.jump_pressed = true; _root.Peach.grav = 0; _root.Peach.peach_right = true; _root.on_pipe = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4793 { instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 2; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2607 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 2607 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 2607 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoAndPlay(1 + random(40)); } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 2770; pipe1y = -300; destination = 'pipe4'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance vase1 of movieClip 4788 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -1625; pipe1y = 820; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.on_pipe = true; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_vase'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance poweritem3 of movieClip 4445 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 700; pipe1y = 770; destination = 'pipe2'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance poweritem1 of movieClip 4434 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4677 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4681 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4433 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance vase2 of movieClip 4788 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 3170; pipe1y = 650; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.on_pipe = true; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_vase'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 4439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance poweritem6 of movieClip 4445 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance life1 of movieClip 4763 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance poweritem5 of movieClip 4445 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -1450; pipe1y = -200; destination = 'vase1'; musicToPlay = 'MiM Theme'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.ground[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_vase'); } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 3240; pipe1y = -140; destination = 'vase2'; musicToPlay = 'MiM Theme'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.ground[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_vase'); } } } } movieClip 4796 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(vision) and !_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 24 { if (!n or n >= 8) { n = 0; } ++n; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('shyguy', 'shyguygenerator' + n, 100 + n); _root.horny_respawn['shyguygenerator' + n]._x = _x + 22; _root.horny_respawn['shyguygenerator' + n]._y = _y; } frame 90 { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(vision)) { gotoAndPlay(3); } else { gotoAndPlay(2); } } } movieClip 4799 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { stop(); if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!hog_hole_functioning) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(vision)) { hog_hole_functioning = true; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); gotoAndPlay('start'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } }; } frame 3 { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 48 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('shyguy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 100 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 40; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; gotoAndPlay('end'); } frame 155 { hog_hole_functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance c2 of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance of movieClip 945 shyguy { onClipEvent (load) { jumping = true; } } instance of movieClip 945 shyguy { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'blue'; _type = 'bad'; } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: I\'m now in the SubCon land! With whom can I ask for help? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance door9 of movieClip 4516 { onClipEvent (load) { goToNextLevel = true; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 48 { function palace1_engine() { loadMovie('', _root.onProgress); if (_root.worldmap1_list[7] == 'finished') { _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_osama_castle'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); loadMovie('', _root.Osama2); loadMovie('', _root.Osama); loadMovie('', _root.warp1); loadMovie('', _root.dialog1); } else { if (_global.FLAGS.finishedWorld) { controlList.blackscreen._alpha = 100; ceiling_collision._visible = false; camera._visible = false; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('white_fade_out'); _global.FLAGS.parasolActive = true; loadMovie('', _root.warp1); loadMovie('', _root.dialog1); loadMovie('', _root.dialog2); loadMovie('', _root.Osama); _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_falling'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 1); _root.Peach._x = '-750'; _root.Peach._y = '-500'; _root.Peach.gravity = 0.2; } else { _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_osama_castle'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); loadMovie('', _root.Osama2); loadMovie('', _root.dialog2); } } } function palace2_engine() { _root.anchor.gotoAndPlay('descend'); if (_root.worldmap2_list[7] == 'finished') { _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_osama_castle'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); loadMovie('', _root.Osama2); loadMovie('', _root.Osama); loadMovie('', _root.warp1); loadMovie('', _root.osamaDialog); } else { if (_global.FLAGS.finishedWorld) { controlList.blackscreen._alpha = 100; ceiling_collision._visible = false; camera._visible = false; _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('white_fade_out'); _global.FLAGS.parasolActive = true; loadMovie('', _root.warp1); loadMovie('', _root.osamaDialog); loadMovie('', _root.dialog); loadMovie('', _root.Osama2); loadMovie('', _root.Osama); _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_falling'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 1); _root.Peach._x = '-750'; _root.Peach._y = '-500'; _root.Peach.gravity = 0.2; } else { _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_osama_castle'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); loadMovie('', _root.Osama2); loadMovie('', _root.Osama); loadMovie('', _root.Osamadialog); loadMovie('', _root.dialog); } } } = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace1') { warp1.warp_to = 'airship1'; walls.gotoAndStop('smb3'); palace1_engine(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace2') { warp1.warp_to = 'airship2'; walls.gotoAndStop('daisy'); palace2_engine(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace3') { palace3_engine(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace4') { palace4_engine(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace5') { palace5_engine(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace6') { palace6_engine(); } else { if (_root.CurrentArea == 'palace7') { palace7_engine(); } } } } } } } stop(); } movieClip 4801 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4803 { } movieClip 4806 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } movieClip 4807 { } movieClip 4808 { } movieClip 4809 { } movieClip 4811 { } movieClip 4813 { } movieClip 4814 { } movieClip 4815 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 70 { stop(); } } instance anchor of movieClip 4815 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _root.Osama.meeting = 2; } } } movieClip 4817 { } movieClip 4818 { } movieClip 4820 { } movieClip 4822 { } movieClip 4824 { } movieClip 4827 { } movieClip 4830 { } movieClip 4834 { } movieClip 4836 { } movieClip 4838 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 13 { gotoAndPlay('talk'); } } movieClip 4840 { } movieClip 4841 { } movieClip 4843 { } movieClip 4844 { frame 1 { function Osama_talk() { head.beard.gotoAndPlay('talk'); } function Osama_silent() { head.beard.gotoAndPlay('mute'); } stop(); } } instance Osama of movieClip 4844 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; meeting = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!solved and meeting == 1) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.jumping and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; Osama_talk(); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Osama: Hi my Dear! Ohh...Sorry about that, I was going to the bathroom! Are you ready to go to the enemy airship? (PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageKing'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { Osama_silent(); level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentTip = 'Press a number to choose:'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.currentPuzzle = '1) Peach: Noooo! \n2) Peach: Yes, we need to get rid of them!'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { Osama_talk(); sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('peachno2'); sound_1.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Osama: Then you\'re fucked! I\'ll teach you a lesson! (PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageKing'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { Osama_silent(); level_of_conversation = 0; if (_root.score_points > 1500) { _root.score_points -= 1500; } else { _root.score_points = 0; } _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); uu = _root.BoobSize; while (uu < _root.MaxBoob - 1) { _root.Peach.heavyJump += 1; _root.Peach.maxJump += 1; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 1; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 1; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; ++_root.BoobSize; ++uu; } if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { _root.Peach.heavyJump += 2; _root.Peach.maxJump += 2; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 2; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 2; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('boing1'); sound_1.start(0, 1); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach ooh4'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 0; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { Osama_talk(); _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Osama: Thank you, my dear! I\'ll wait here! (PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageKing'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { Osama_silent(); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; _root.first_text_show = false; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.anchor.gotoAndPlay('descend'); once = true; _root.currentTip = 'Hint: the anchor went down! Climb it to go to Airship level!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } } } } } else { if (meeting == 2) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.jumping and level_of_conversation == 0) { Osama_talk(); _root.movement = false; _root.Peach.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Osama: What do you want, my dear? I\'ve already said, you need to climb there to go to the Airship! (PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageKing'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { Osama_silent(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.PuzzleType = false; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; } } } } } } movieClip 4846 { } movieClip 4847 { } movieClip 4849 { } movieClip 4855 { frame 1 { function Osama_talk() { head2.beard.gotoAndPlay('talk'); } function Osama_silent() { head2.beard.gotoAndPlay('mute'); } advance = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; parasol_eyes = 'blink'; } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and !spacePressed) { spacePressed = true; _parent.advance = true; } } } frame 36 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('crossed'); } frame 50 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 58 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 60 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('openmore'); } frame 64 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 66 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('2'); } else { gotoAndPlay('1'); } } frame 67 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); } frame 67 { Osama_talk(); if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 68 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('openclose'); } frame 77 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; head.mouth.gotoAndStop('openmore'); } frame 78 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('3'); } else { gotoAndPlay('2'); } } frame 79 { Osama_silent(); } frame 90 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('3'); } } frame 91 { parasol.blush.gotoAndPlay('blushmore'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('roll'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 100 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('o'); } frame 111 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('5'); } else { gotoAndPlay('4'); } } frame 112 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('squint'); head.mouth.gotoAndStop('frown'); } frame 112 { Osama_talk(); if (!_root.ShowText) { gtext._alpha = 0; } else { gtext._alpha = 100; } } frame 120 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('end'); } else { gotoAndPlay('5'); } } frame 140 { _global.FLAGS.finishedWorld = true; _global.FLAGS.key_cannon = 'world1'; _root.changeLevel('score1'); stop(); } } instance osamaDialog of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { _type = 'surprised'; level_of_conversation = 0; if (_root.DressNum == 0) { talk = 'Peach: Oh no! I\'m stark naked in the Osama Palace! I have to act quickly! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } else { if (_root.peachBoobShowing and !_root.peachBottomlessShowing) { talk = 'Peach: Oh no! My boobs are out in the open in the Osama Palace! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } else { if (_root.peachBottomlessShowing) { talk = 'Peach: Oh no! My pussy and ass are totally exposed in the Osama Palace! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } else { talk = 'Peach: Oh! I\'m in the Osama Palace, he is the King of SubCon! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } } } } instance dialog of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: I dont\' think I still need to do anything here. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!once) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.Peach.gravity += 1; _root.Peach.real_gravity += 1; _root.Peach._x = _root.Osama2._x - 100; _root.Peach._y = _root.Osama2._y; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _global.FLAGS.parasolActive = false; _root.Osama2.gotoAndPlay('start'); _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('white_fade_out'); once = true; } } } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.Peach.grav = -5; _root.Peach.gravity -= 1; _root.Peach.real_gravity -= 1; _root.Peach.character.gotoAndPlay('descending'); loadMovie('', this); } } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 50 { colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(6724095); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); ceiling_collision._visible = false; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'airship music'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables('continue_from_last_area'); stop(); _root.Peach.grav = -4; } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } movieClip 4858 { } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } movieClip 4861 { } movieClip 4864 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('grab'); delete onEnterFrame; } }; stop(); } frame 2 { _root.peach_update_char('Fire'); _root.score_add(1000); } frame 32 { stop(); } } movieClip 4865 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.score_add(40); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { stop(); } } movieClip 4867 { instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance poweritem1 of movieClip 4865 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { coins = 10; } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 550; pipe1y = 640; destination = 'pipe2'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'upside_down_exit'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2396 { onClipEvent (load) { inverted = true; } } instance of movieClip 2396 { onClipEvent (load) { inverted = true; } } movieClip 4869 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 4870 { frame 1 { stopAllSounds(); _root.BossScene[_root.Morton] = true; } frame 29 { _root.gotoAndPlay('ending'); } } movieClip 4877 { } movieClip 4880 { } movieClip 4881 { frame 1 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 6 { _root.currentCharacter = 'daisy'; } frame 7 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } frame 8 { _root.currentCharacter = 'rosa'; } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(_root.CharSel[_root.CharNum]); } } movieClip 4883 { frame 1 { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.next_sc = false; } instance Wakeup of movieClip 4880 { onClipEvent (release) { _root.next_sc = true; } onClipEvent (keyPress '<Space>') { _root.next_sc = true; } onClipEvent (keyPress '*') { if (_root.CharNum < 9) { ++_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = 1; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '/') { if (_root.CharNum > 1) { --_root.CharNum; } else { _root.CharNum = 9; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '+') { if (_root.DressNum < 5) { ++_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = 1; } } onClipEvent (keyPress '-') { if (_root.DressNum > 1) { --_root.DressNum; } else { _root.DressNum = 5; } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'b') { if (_root.BoobSize < 4) { ++_root.BoobSize; } else { _root.BoobSize = 1; } } onClipEvent (keyPress 'q') { if (_quality == 'HIGH') { _quality = 'Medium'; } else { _quality = 'High'; } } } frame 79 { if (_root.next_sc == true) { gotoAndPlay('wakeup'); } else { gotoAndPlay('asleep'); } } frame 80 { next_sc = false; } frame 112 { stop(); _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); } } movieClip 4884 { frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(1); if (notice) { _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); if (_root.Laid == 0) { _global.FLAGS.bossFightType = 'virgin'; } else { if (_root.Laid < 50) { _global.FLAGS.bossFightType = 'ok'; } else { _global.FLAGS.bossFightType = 'whore'; } } HUDstate = _root.HUDshow; _root.HUDshow = 'OFF'; gotoAndPlay('first'); } } frame 4 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 5 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 6 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 7 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 8 { stop(); notice = false; } frame 9 { stop(); notice = false; } } instance of movieClip 4884 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _root.can_masturbate = false; notice = true; this(notice); } else { _root.can_masturbate = true; } } } movieClip 4888 { instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _parent._parent.taken = true; _root.CurrentArea = ''; _root.currentTip = 'Peach unlocked the X-Naut base!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.isXtechLevelTriggered = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('grab'); } } } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 10 { stop(); _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('score1'); } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Gross! I will need to avoid those bombs! I can\'t let them..erhm...touch me! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } movieClip 4891 { frame 2 { stop(); this._name = 'scrollStartPosition'; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { if (_global.GAMECONFIG.setScrolling) { _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = true; } } }; } } movieClip 4893 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.scrollingLevel = false; } }; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 52 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-3'; ceiling_collision._visible = false; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_3'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4895 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4899 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 189 { if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } if (!_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(vision)) { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 150 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); } else { gotoAndPlay(35); } } else { gotoAndPlay(35); } } frame 205 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', 'enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 150 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x - 30; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 60; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].spawn = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; } } movieClip 4900 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(collision)) { disable_once = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { _root.climbing = true; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } } else { if (disable_once) { disable_once = false; _root.climbing = false; } } }; stop(); } } movieClip 4903 { } movieClip 4905 { instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 1280; pipe1y = -480; destination = 'pipe3'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and !_root.pipeDOWNbuttonPressed and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); _root.PiranhaPlant1.piranhaMain.piranhaPlant.gotoAndPlay(66); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyS) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.pipeDOWNbuttonPressed = false; } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4445 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -520; pipe1y = 830; destination = 'pipe2'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance poweritem3 of movieClip 4693 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Be careful, Princess! Some enemies can appear in some pipes and castles!'; } } } instance of movieClip 4763 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } movieClip 4907 { instance vision of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } } frame 2 { if (_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime > 9) { _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime = 0; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (!functioning) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(vision)) { functioning = true; _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('dummy', 'enemygenerator2' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 310 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); gotoAndPlay('start'); } } } } }; stop(); } frame 3 { if (_root.on_action) { gotoAndPlay(2); } } frame 27 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('goomba', 'enemygenerator2' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime, 310 + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime); _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator2' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._x = _x + 50; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator2' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime]._y = _y + 25; _root.horny_respawn['enemygenerator2' + _global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime].turnRight = true; ++_global.FLAGS.enemiesAtATime; } frame 110 { functioning = false; gotoAndPlay(2); } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Oh no! I heard goombas! I hope they\'re not all out looking for me!? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 54 { _root.CurrentArea = '0-4'; ceiling_collision._visible = false; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_2'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4909 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 4912 { } movieClip 4914 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes' || _root.CharMove == 'Racer' || _root.CharMove == 'Dress' || _root.CharMove == 'Leaf' || _root.CharMove == 'Raccoon' || _root.CharMove == 'Frog' || _root.CharMove == 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay('flower'); } } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } frame 34 { stop(); } } movieClip 4916 { frame 1 { n = 50; movedir = 'left'; charspeed = -3; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(vision)) { loadMovie('', vision); movement = true; } if (movement and !_root.pausee and _root.movement) { if (n < -50) { charspeed = 3; movedir = 'right'; } else { if (n > 50) { charspeed = -3; movedir = 'left'; } } if (movedir == 'right') { ++n; if (n > 45) { charspeed = 0.5; } else { if (n > 30) { charspeed = 1; } } } else { --n; if (n < -45) { charspeed = -0.5; } else { if (n < -30) { charspeed = -1; } } } _x = _x + charspeed; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.Peach._x += charspeed; } } }; } } movieClip 4917 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 22 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('1upmushroom', 'upmushroom2', 70); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.upmushroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.upmushroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4918 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 10 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 23 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('poisonshroom', 'poisonshroom2', 65); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.poisonshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.poisonshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4919 { instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 660; pipe1y = 910; destination = 'pipe2'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 4438 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4445 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Huh? Do I need to go through this area? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 56 { _root.CurrentArea = '1-0'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(16777164); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_2'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4921 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } movieClip 4925 { } movieClip 4926 { frame 2 { got_this_pole_instead = true; stop(); } frame 3 { got_this_pole_instead = false; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(5000); stopAllSounds(); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); _root.blushface_movie.gotoAndPlay('blush1'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 4 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 5 { _root.Peach._y += 8; head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 6 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 7 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 8 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 9 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(2000); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 10 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 11 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 12 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 13 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 14 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(1000); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 15 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 16 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 17 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 18 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 19 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(500); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 20 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 21 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 22 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 23 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 24 { _root.Peach._y += 8; if (got_this_pole_instead) { got_this_pole_instead = false; stopAllSounds(); _root.Peach_show(0); _root.movement = false; _root.score_add(200); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } } frame 25 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 26 { _root.Peach._y += 8; } frame 27 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.Peach._y += 8; _root.movement = true; stopAllSounds(); sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('end_level_jingle.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 28 { stop(); } } movieClip 4927 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance pole1 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('start_pole'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole2 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole1'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole3 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole2'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole4 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole3'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole5); } } } instance pole5 of movieClip 4370 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _parent.poleanimation.gotoAndPlay('pole4'); loadMovie('', this); loadMovie('', _parent.pole); loadMovie('', _parent.pole2); loadMovie('', _parent.pole3); loadMovie('', _parent.pole4); } } } } movieClip 4929 { } movieClip 4935 { } movieClip 4937 { } movieClip 4939 { } movieClip 4940 { } movieClip 4941 { } movieClip 4942 { } movieClip 4944 { } movieClip 4945 { } movieClip 4948 { } movieClip 4949 { } movieClip 4950 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (!functioning) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach.grav > 8) { functioning = true; gotoAndPlay('spring'); } } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { if (_root.jump_pressed) { ready = true; } } frame 5 { if (_root.jump_pressed) { ready = true; } } frame 6 { if (_root.jump_pressed) { ready = true; } } frame 7 { if (_root.jump_pressed) { ready = true; } } frame 8 { if (!_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { if (ready and !root.jump_pressed) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = true; } } } frame 9 { if (!_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { if (ready and !root.jump_pressed) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = true; } } } frame 10 { if (!_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { if (ready and !root.jump_pressed) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = true; } } } frame 11 { if (!_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { if (ready and !root.jump_pressed) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = true; } } } frame 12 { if (!_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { if (ready and !root.jump_pressed) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = true; } } } frame 13 { if (!_global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump) { if (ready and !root.jump_pressed) { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = true; } } } frame 14 { _global.FLAGS.musicalBlockJump = false; ready = false; } frame 15 { functioning = false; gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 4952 { } movieClip 4953 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 11 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('leafpower', 'leafrespawn', 68); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._x = auxPoint.x + 15; _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4955 { instance of movieClip 4914 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; pipe1x = -740; pipe1y = 390; destination = 'pipe2'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; pipe1x = 175; pipe1y = -770; destination = 'pipe3'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'upside_down_exit'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } movieClip 4957 { } movieClip 4960 { } movieClip 4963 { } movieClip 4964 { frame 1 { if (!mouth_type) { mouth_type = 'closed'; } gotoAndPlay(mouth_type); } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(mouth_type); } frame 25 { gotoAndPlay(mouth_type); } } movieClip 4968 { } movieClip 4969 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 4970 { } movieClip 4971 { frame 2 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(3); } } frame 4 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(5); } } frame 6 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(7); } } frame 8 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(9); } } frame 10 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(11); } } frame 12 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(13); } } frame 14 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(15); } } frame 16 { if (_parent._parent._running) { gotoAndPlay(17); } } frame 17 { gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 4973 { } movieClip 4974 { frame 1 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); advance = false; horny_bar_buildup = 1; horny_random1 = random(4); } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { this._visible = false; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { gotoAndPlay('dead'); } } } frame 4 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('lidded'); } frame 7 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'fade_in'; } frame 8 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 9 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 10 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 11 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 12 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 13 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 14 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 15 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 16 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 17 { if (horny_bar_buildup > horny_random1) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('cum'); } else { gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; if (_root.horny_bar < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } gotoAndPlay('fuck'); } } frame 22 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } frame 27 { _global.PLAYER.blushType = 'blush_blink'; } frame 28 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 29 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 30 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 31 { if (hornybar_last_increase) { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('dead'); } else { gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } else { ++horny_bar_buildup; hornybar_last_increase = true; if (_root.horny_bar < _root.horny_maximum) { _root.peachHornyIncrease(); } gotoAndPlay('covered'); } } frame 32 { _root.cloth_bra_remove(); if (!_root.gallery_running) { if (!_parent.do_over) { _root.score_add(200); } _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.CumHead += 2; ++_root.goomba_laid_count[0]; if (_parent._parent._name == _root.PuzzleType) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'goombaKey') { _root.getPuzzleReward('goombaKey'); } _parent._parent.fuckPuzzle = true; } _parent._parent.sleeping = true; } _root.Peach_show(1); stop(); _root.Peach.char.character.gotoAndPlay('standingup'); } } movieClip 4975 { } movieClip 4976 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { notice = false; stop(); } frame 20 { stop(); } } movieClip 4977 { frame 1 { function stomp() { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; char.notice = false; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyC) or Key.isDown(_root.keySLASH)) { _root.Peach.grav = -20; } else { _root.Peach.grav = -12; } } function checkDistanceToWalkAct() { if (dist_x > -400 and dist_x < 400) { if (dist_y > -200 and dist_y < 200) { char.movement = true; } else { char.movement = false; } } else { char.movement = false; } } function do_scene() { _root.movement = false; _root.statusBarMessage('Press ' + _root.do_over_key + ' to advance'); _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.jump_pressed = false; char.notice = true; char.movement = false; _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; if (char.alive) { ++_global.PLAYER.laids; ++_global.PLAYER.totalLaids; if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] < _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { ++_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; _root.pokey_fucking_scene = _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]; } else { if (_root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num] >= _root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]) { _root.EnemyAtMax[enemy_num] = true; _root.pokey_fucking_scene = 1 + random(_root.EnemyMax[enemy_num]); } } } if (!char.alive) { if (_root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { f = _root.pokey_fucking_scene + 2; } else { f = _root.PlayScene + 2; } } else { f = _root.pokey_fucking_scene + 2; char.alive = false; } } function follow_peach() { dist = _root.Peach._x - this._x; if (dist < -12) { if (stopped_before) { char.movement = true; char.gotoAndPlay('walk'); stopped_before = false; } this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (dist > 12) { if (stopped_before) { char.movement = true; char.gotoAndPlay('walk'); stopped_before = false; } this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } else {} } } stop(); if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } scoreSquare = ''; exclamation_towards_Peach = false; xVel = 0; returned_walk = false; movedir = 'left'; enemy_num = _root.Pokey; dist = 0; n = 0; char.gravity = 1.4; char.grav = 0; char.movement = false; char.charspeed = 1.5; char._right = false; char.alive = true; char.stomped = false; char.do_over = false; char.squish.gotoAndPlay(1 + random(11)); if (turnRight) { turnRight = false; if (stopped_before) { char.movement = true; stopped_before = false; } this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (char.alive) { dist_x = _root.Peach._x - this._x; dist_y = _root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2 - this._y + 50; checkDistanceToWalkAct(); } if (gravity_when_sleeping or sleeping) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 5, true)) { if (n < 8) { ++n; } _y = _y + n; } else { n = 0; } } if (!_root.pausee) { if (char.movement) { if (_root.doorslide1) { if (this.hitTest(_root.doorslide1)) { _root.doorslide1.notice = true; } else { if (_root.doorslide2) { if (this.hitTest(_root.doorslide2)) { _root.doorslide2.notice = true; } else { if (_root.doorslide3) { if (this.hitTest(_root.doorslide3)) { _root.doorslide3.notice = true; } else { if (_root.doorslide4) { if (this.hitTest(_root.doorslide4)) { _root.doorslide4.notice = true; } else { if (_root.doorslide5) { if (this.hitTest(_root.doorslide5)) { _root.doorslide5.notice = true; } } } } } } } } } } if (char.alive) { if (!char.notice) { if (_root.horny_bar > 10 or exclamation_towards_Peach) { follow_peach(); _running = true; char.charspeed = 3; } else { _running = false; char.charspeed = 1.5; } } } if (_root.movement) { if (!_running) { if (char._right) { if (!exclamation_towards_Peach) { if (dist_x < 120 and dist_x > 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; char.char.head.eye.gotoAndStop('desired'); char.char.head.mouth.mouth_type = 'opened'; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } else { if (dist_x > -120 and dist_x < 0) { if (dist_y > -150 and dist_y < 0 or dist_y < 150 and dist_y > 0) { _global.FLAGS.dickState = 'goingup'; exclamation_towards_Peach = true; char.char.head.eye.gotoAndStop('desired'); char.char.head.mouth.mouth_type = 'opened'; scoreAndMarks.gotoAndPlay('exclamation'); } } } } } } if (char.alive) { if (char._right) { xVel += char.charspeed; } else { xVel -= char.charspeed; } } if (_y > 3000) { loadMovie('', this); } _y = _y + char.grav; char.grav += char.gravity; while (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y - 2, true)) { _y = _y - char.gravity; char.grav = 0; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x, _y + 4, true)) { touchingGround = true; } else { touchingGround = false; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { xVel -= char.charspeed; this._xscale = 100; char._right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true) or turnRightAfterWalk) { turnRightAfterWalk = false; xVel += char.charspeed; this._xscale = -100; char._right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } this._x += xVel; if (xVel == 0) { if (returned_walk) { char.squish.gotoAndStop('stopped'); returned_walk = false; } } else { if (!returned_walk) { returned_walk = true; char.squish.gotoAndPlay(1); } } xVel = 0; } } if (!char.stomped and char.alive) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(char) and !_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and !_root.on_action and !_root.pausee) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char)) { if (!char.notice) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { _global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex = true; stomp(); } } } } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(char) and !char.stomped) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyEND) and !char.alive and !_root.on_action) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { char.do_over = true; _root.pokeyTextRandomize(); if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1)) { _root.PlayScene = 1; _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'1\''; _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2)) { _root.PlayScene = 2; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'2\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3)) { _root.PlayScene = 3; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'3\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key4)) { _root.PlayScene = 4; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'4\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key5)) { _root.PlayScene = 5; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'5\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key6)) { _root.PlayScene = 6; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'6\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key7)) { _root.PlayScene = 7; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'7\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key8)) { _root.PlayScene = 8; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'8\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key9)) { _root.PlayScene = 9; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'9\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key0)) { _root.PlayScene = 10; if (!_root.EnemyAtMax[_root.Goomba] and _root.PlayScene > _root.EnemyTotal[enemy_num]) { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Not enough sex with living creatures yet!'; } else { _root.currentStatusBar = 'Pokey: Sex scene Changed to \'10\''; } _root.HUD.statMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } else { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (touchingGround) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { char.do_over = false; if (char.alive) { if (!_global.FLAGS.enemyOnlyOneMutex) { if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell) { _global.PLAYER.isCarryingShell = false; } _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('veggie', 'veggiesex', 99); _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.veggiesex = true; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex.charspeed = 0; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._x = _root.Peach._x; _root.horny_respawn.veggiesex._y = _root.Peach._y; } _root.pokeyTextRandomize(); } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } }; } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Am I in the desert? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 58 { _root.CurrentArea = '1-1'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(16777164); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_3'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4979 { } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } movieClip 4981 { } movieClip 4984 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); delete onEnterFrame; gotoAndPlay(3); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 4986 { } movieClip 4988 { instance of movieClip 4984 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; pipe1x = -670; pipe1y = 425; destination = 'pipe2'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; animation_source_pipe = 'going_down_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_out'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe6) or _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe7)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) and !_root.piping and _root.isAbleToGoDown and _root.movement) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } instance of movieClip 4984 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 4759 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; pipe1x = 155; pipe1y = -750; destination = 'pipe3'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_3'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'upside_down_exit'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.hitTest(this.PipeAction)) { if (!_root.on_action) { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyA) or Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyD) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT)) { _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_in'); } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Beware of Quicksands! Keep jumping to go out of them!'; } } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'orange'; } } movieClip 4991 { } movieClip 4992 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(30)); } } } movieClip 4994 { } movieClip 4995 { } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 60 { _root.CurrentArea = '1-2'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(16763955); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_2'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 4997 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5000 { } movieClip 5002 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(collision)) { disable_once = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { _root.climbing = true; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } } else { if (disable_once) { disable_once = false; _root.climbing = false; } } }; stop(); } } movieClip 5004 { } movieClip 5008 { instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { PuzzleType = 'doorkey1'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.PuzzleType == PuzzleType) { loadMovie('', this); } } } } instance of movieClip 4914 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance vase1 of movieClip 4788 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 450; pipe1y = 600; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.on_pipe = true; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_vase'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance poweritem1 of movieClip 4434 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -75; pipe1y = -730; destination = 'vase2'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.ground[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_vase'); } } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Some doors require a key. Find it, and use RUN key to grab it'; } } } instance doorslide1 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance doorslide2 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance doorkey1 of movieClip 3984 { onClipEvent (load) { PuzzleType = 'doorkey1'; } } instance doorslide3 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 5011 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } if (_root[keydoor].unlocked) { loadMovie('', this); } } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (!oncetext) { oncetext = true; _root.statusBarMessage('Press RUN key to grab it (safely)'); } if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { _root.PeachHasKey = 'yes'; _root.HUD.key.gotoAndPlay('yes'); _root.soundFX('key_in_ass', 2); _root.soundFX('peach ouch5', 3); gotoAndStop('taken'); _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } else { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex) { _root.Peach._x = this._x + 3; _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _root.peach_locked(); _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('getkey'); } } } } _root.PuzzleType = keydoor; } else { oncetext = false; } }; } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); delete onEnterFrame; } } instance of movieClip 5011 { onClipEvent (load) { keydoor = 'doorkey1'; } } movieClip 5012 { frame 1 { movement = true; _speed = 2 + random(2); if (!once) { once = true; if (!this._name) { this._name = 'enemy_' + _global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; ++_global.FLAGS.enemyInstanceCount; } } while (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y + this._height / 2, true)) { _y = _y + 1; } _y = _y + 2; moving = 'left'; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.movement and !_root.pausee and !_root.on_action) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } if (movement) { if (moving == 'left') { _x = _x - _speed; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - this._width / 2, this._y + this._height / 2, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y + this._height / 2, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + this._width / 2 - 8 - _speed, this._y + this._height / 2, true)) { moving = 'down'; } } } } else { if (moving == 'down') { _y = _y + _speed; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + this._width / 2, this._y + this._height / 2, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + this._width / 2, this._y, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + this._width / 2, this._y - this._height / 2 + 8 + _speed, true)) { moving = 'right'; } } } } else { if (moving == 'right') { _x = _x + _speed; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x + this._width / 2, this._y - this._height / 2, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x, this._y - this._height / 2, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - this._width / 2 + 8 + _speed, this._y - this._height / 2, true)) { moving = 'up'; } } } } else { if (moving == 'up') { _y = _y - _speed; if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - this._width / 2, this._y - this._height / 2, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - this._width / 2, this._y, true)) { if (!_root.ground.hitTest(this._x - this._width / 2, this._y + this._height / 2 - 10 - _speed, true)) { moving = 'left'; } } } } } } } } }; stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Is that.....the key? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance room1 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room2'; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; side = 'right'; } } instance room2 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room1'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_2'; } } instance room3 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room4'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_2'; side = 'right'; } } instance room4 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room3'; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 62 { _root.CurrentArea = '1-3'; _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'ghost_house'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 5014 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } movieClip 5020 { } movieClip 5027 { instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { this.coins = 5; } } instance of movieClip 4118 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 50; pipe1y = -350; destination = 'pipe2'; animation_source_pipe = 'upside_down_enter'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'upside_down_exit'; _color = 'grey'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) { pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = -350; pipe1y = 50; destination = 'pipe2'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'going_up_pipe'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'upside_down_exit'; _color = 'grey'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionHead.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) { pipe_functioning = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay(animation_source_pipe); } } } } } } instance of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance g5 of movieClip 4556 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'g6'; } } instance g1 of movieClip 4556 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'g2'; } } instance g3 of movieClip 4556 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'g4'; } } instance g4 of movieClip 4556 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'g3'; } } instance c2 of movieClip 4566 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.CollisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { _root.Checkpoint2 = true; _root.Checkpoint1 = false; notice = true; this(notice); } } } movieClip 5028 { frame 1 { functioning = false; if (!once) { once = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!functioning) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { functioning = true; gotoAndPlay('start'); } } if (!_root.on_action) { if (_root.movement) { if (!_root.pausee) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(thwomp)) { _root.she_is_hit(); } } } } }; } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 79 { functioning = false; gotoAndStop(2); } } instance of movieClip 4585 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(char)) { _root.changeLevel('score1'); } } } instance of movieClip 4287 { onClipEvent (load) { talk1 = 'Princess!! Be careful on'; this('Princess!! Be careful on'); talk2 = 'this castle. There are more of'; this('this castle. There are more of'); talk3 = 'those frightening ghosts...and...'; this('those frightening ghosts...and...'); talk4 = 'there are spikes!'; this('there are spikes!'); } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 64 { _root.CurrentArea = '1-4'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(16768113); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'MiM Theme'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 5030 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5034 { } movieClip 5036 { } movieClip 5037 { } movieClip 5038 { } movieClip 5039 { } movieClip 5040 { } movieClip 5041 { } movieClip 5042 { } movieClip 5043 { } movieClip 5044 { } movieClip 5045 { } movieClip 5046 { } movieClip 5047 { } movieClip 5048 { } movieClip 5049 { } movieClip 5051 { } movieClip 5053 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(collision)) { disable_once = true; if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN) or Key.isDown(_root.keyS)) { _root.climbing = true; _root.jumping = false; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; } } else { if (disable_once) { disable_once = false; _root.climbing = false; } } }; stop(); } } movieClip 5055 { } movieClip 5057 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; this._name = 'poweritem' + _global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; ++_global.FLAGS.powerItemNumber; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionHead.hitTest(this) and (_root.can_grab_touch || _root.underwater)) { _root.Peach.grav = 1; sound_hit1 = new Sound(this); sound_hit1.attachSound('hit1.mp3'); sound_hit1.start(0, 1); gotoAndPlay(3); delete onEnterFrame; } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 8 { if (_global.PLAYER.isSuperPeach == 'yes' || _root.CharMove == 'Racer' || _root.CharMove == 'Dress' || _root.CharMove == 'Leaf' || _root.CharMove == 'Raccoon' || _root.CharMove == 'Frog' || _root.CharMove == 'Fire') { gotoAndPlay('leaf'); } } frame 9 { sound_grow = new Sound(this); sound_grow.attachSound('mushgrow.mp3'); sound_grow.start(0, 1); } frame 21 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('bigshroom', 'bigshroom2', 60); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._x = auxPoint.x; _root.horny_respawn.bigshroom2._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } frame 23 { _root.horny_respawn.attachMovie('leafpower', 'leafrespawn', 68); auxPoint = new flash.geom.Point(0, 0); localToGlobal(auxPoint); _root.globalToLocal(auxPoint); _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._x = auxPoint.x + 15; _root.horny_respawn.leafrespawn._y = auxPoint.y + 5; stop(); } } movieClip 5061 { frame 2 { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = 11; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'straw'; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); } if (canTake and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(this)) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex and _root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); } } } } gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 5064 { instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { PuzzleType = 'doorkey2'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.PuzzleType == PuzzleType) { loadMovie('', this); } } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (load) { PuzzleType = 'doorkey1'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.PuzzleType == PuzzleType) { loadMovie('', this); } } } } instance of movieClip 5057 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance vase2 of movieClip 4788 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = _root.vase_in2._x; pipe1y = _root.vase_in2._y; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.on_pipe = true; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_vase'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4439 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = _root.vase_out1._x; pipe1y = _root.vase_out1._y; destination = 'vase3'; musicToPlay = 'MiM Theme'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.ground[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_vase'); } } } instance vase1 of movieClip 4788 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = _root.vase_in1._x; pipe1y = _root.vase_in1._y; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.vase2)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.on_pipe = true; _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_vase'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } instance of movieClip 4917 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 5057 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = _root.vase_out2._x; pipe1y = _root.vase_out2._y; destination = 'vase2'; musicToPlay = 'MiM Theme'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); if (musicToPlay and !_root.P_power_activated) { _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } _root.Peach._x = pipe1x; _root.Peach._y = pipe1y; _root.ground[destination].gotoAndPlay('going_up_vase'); } } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Be aware of Phantos. They can chase you endlessly if you steal their key.'; } } } instance doorslide2 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance doorkey2 of movieClip 3984 { onClipEvent (load) { PuzzleType = 'doorkey2'; } } instance doorslide3 of movieClip 2264 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { notice = true; this(notice); } } } instance doorkey1 of movieClip 3984 { onClipEvent (load) { PuzzleType = 'doorkey1'; } } instance of movieClip 5011 { onClipEvent (load) { keydoor = 'doorkey2'; } } instance of movieClip 5011 { onClipEvent (load) { keydoor = 'doorkey1'; } } movieClip 5066 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5068 { } movieClip 5069 { frame 3 { _root.soundFX('phanto_sound', 2); } frame 24 { _root.soundFX('Peach_whoow', 2); } frame 25 { stop(); _parent._parent.movement = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('normal'); } } movieClip 5070 { frame 1 { n = 0; _parent._parent.movement = false; eyeLeft.gotoAndStop('hit'); eyeRight.gotoAndStop('hit'); } frame 24 { if (n < 2) { ++n; gotoAndPlay(2); } else { n = 0; stop(); eyeLeft.gotoAndStop('normal'); eyeRight.gotoAndStop('normal'); _parent._parent.movement = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('normal'); } } } movieClip 5071 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } } movieClip 5072 { frame 1 { goesup = true; xVel = 0; yVel = 0; smoothness = 300; movement = false; started_to_move = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (hit) { hit = false; movement = false; _root.soundFX('Rock Enemy'); char.gotoAndPlay('hit'); xVel = 0; yVel = 0; } if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('shred_and_tease'); } if (_root.PeachHasKey == 'yes') { if (_root.PuzzleType == keydoor and !once_tremble) { once_tremble = true; char.gotoAndPlay('tremble'); } } else { desaccel_step = 20; desaccel_to_stop = true; movement = false; once_tremble = false; } if (desaccel_to_stop) { if (desaccel_step > 0) { --desaccel_step; xVel -= xVel / 20; yVel -= yVel / 20; this._x += xVel; this._y += yVel; } else { xVel = 0; yVel = 0; desaccel_to_stop = false; } } if (movement) { phantoDistance_x = this._x - _root.Peach._x; phantoDistance_y = this._y - (_root.Peach._y - _root.Peach._height / 2); if (wait) { if (xVel <= 0 and xVel > -5) { --xVel; } else { if (xVel > 0 and xVel < 5) { ++xVel; } } yVel -= 2 * ((phantoDistance_y - (goesup ? -50 : 50) / 2) / smoothness); } else { if (started_to_move) { started_to_move = false; wait = true; timeout = setTimeout(function () { wait = false; }, 2000); choice = random(2); if (choice == 1) { xVel = 5 + random(5); } else { xVel = -5 - random(5); } yVel = -5 - random(5); } else { xVel -= 0.25 * ((phantoDistance_x - phantoDistance_y / 2) / smoothness); yVel -= 2 * ((phantoDistance_y - (goesup ? -50 : 50) / 2) / smoothness); } } if (xVel > 10) { xVel = 10; } else { if (xVel < -10) { xVel = -10; } } if (yVel > 10) { yVel = 10; } else { if (yVel < -10) { yVel = -10; } } if (!wait and phantoDistance_x >= 0 and phantoDistance_x < 30) { wait = true; timeout = setTimeout(function () { wait = false; }, 600 + random(300)); } if (!wait and phantoDistance_x < 0 and phantoDistance_x > -30) { wait = true; timeout = setTimeout(function () { wait = false; }, 600 + random(300)); } this._x += xVel; this._y += yVel; if (phantoDistance_y <= 50) { goesup = true; } else { goesup = false; } goesup; } }; stop(); } } instance pantho1 of movieClip 5072 { onClipEvent (load) { keydoor = 'doorkey2'; } } instance room1 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room2'; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; side = 'right'; } } instance room3 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room4'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_2'; side = 'right'; } } instance room4 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room3'; musicToPlay = 'Mario2'; } } instance room2 of movieClip 2712 { onClipEvent (load) { goTo = 'room1'; musicToPlay = 'music_mario3_2'; } } instance door2 of movieClip 4324 { onClipEvent (load) { destination = 'warehouse'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 66 { _root.CurrentArea = '1-5'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(9687511); = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_mario3_2'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 5073 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2358 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } movieClip 5076 { instance of movieClip 4677 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4914 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4447 { onClipEvent (load) { talk = 'Please take care of the SUN.'; } } instance of movieClip 4914 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 4918 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } instance pipe3 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'yellow'; } } } movieClip 5077 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; counter = 0; } chasing = false; } frame 19 { if (counter == 5) { counter = 0; gotoAndPlay('chase_right'); } else { ++counter; gotoAndPlay('rotate_at_left'); } } frame 20 { chasing = true; } frame 57 { counter = 0; } frame 58 { chasing = false; } frame 76 { if (counter == 5) { counter = 0; gotoAndPlay('chase_left'); } else { ++counter; gotoAndPlay('rotate_at_right'); } } frame 77 { chasing = true; } frame 116 { counter = 0; once = false; } } movieClip 5078 { frame 1 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('shred_and_tease'); } this._x = _root.Peach._x - 160; this._y = _root.Peach._y - 200; if (angry) { gotoAndStop(2); } }; } frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _root.she_is_hit('shred_and_tease'); } this._x = _root.Peach._x - 160; if (!char.chasing) { this._y = _root.Peach._y - 200; } else { if (!angry) { gotoAndStop(1); } } }; } } movieClip 5079 { } movieClip 5081 { } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.sun.angry = false; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.sun.angry = true; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.sun.angry = true; } } } instance of movieClip 680 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.sun.angry = false; } } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 68 { _root.marioDressNum = 'full'; colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(6724095); _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); ceiling_collision._visible = false; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'airship music'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables('continue_from_last_area'); stop(); _root.Peach.grav = -4; } movieClip 5083 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } instance of movieClip 3992 { onClipEvent (load) { speed = 3 + random(4); } } movieClip 5085 { } movieClip 5086 { } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2495 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } movieClip 5088 { } movieClip 5090 { } movieClip 5092 { } movieClip 5093 { } movieClip 5096 { } movieClip 5099 { instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance poweritem1 of movieClip 4865 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe2 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2215 { onClipEvent (load) { coins = 10; } } instance of movieClip 3995 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { } } instance pipe1 of movieClip 2653 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } onClipEvent (load) { pipe1x = 550; pipe1y = 640; destination = 'pipe2'; musicToPlay = 'music_under'; animation_destiny_pipe = 'upside_down_exit'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe1) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe2) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe3) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe4) or _root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(_root.ground.pipe5)) { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = true; if (_root.Peach._type.collisionFeet.hitTest(PipeAction) && !_root.piping) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyS) or Key.isDown(_root.keyDOWN)) { _root.movement = false; _root.piping = true; _root.on_pipe = true; gotoAndPlay('going_down_pipe'); } } } else { _root.on_pipe_to_go_down = false; } } } } instance of movieClip 2364 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2620 { onClipEvent (load) { _color = 'grey'; } } instance of movieClip 2396 { onClipEvent (load) { inverted = true; } } movieClip 5100 { } instance of movieClip 5100 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.hitTest(this)) { _root.changeLevel('ending'); } } } instance of movieClip 1141 bobomb { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { walk_lengh = 'short'; } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Here I go...again... (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } } frame 103 { _root.CurrentArea = '8-0'; _root.peach_update_char('Dress'); CumHead = 2; CumTits = 6; CumLegs = 6; CumButt = 2; _root.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); colorBackground = new Color(backColor); colorBackground.setRGB(6724095); ceiling_collision._visible = false; = _root.CurrentArea; _root.loadinfo.flush(); stopAllSounds(); _root.musicToPlayBeginning = 'music_x-naut'; _root.MUSIC(_root.musicToPlayBeginning, 99); _root.set_level_variables(); stop(); } movieClip 5103 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5110 { } movieClip 5111 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(36)); } } } movieClip 5113 { } movieClip 5116 { } movieClip 5118 { } movieClip 5121 { } movieClip 5122 { } movieClip 5124 { } movieClip 5126 { } movieClip 5131 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; gotoAndPlay(1 + random(30)); } } } movieClip 5132 { } movieClip 5134 { } movieClip 5136 { } instance of movieClip 4023 { onClipEvent (load) { _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5138 { } movieClip 5140 { } movieClip 5142 { } movieClip 5144 { } movieClip 5147 { } movieClip 5151 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5153 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5153 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } else { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: There are many buttons. I\'ve pressed some of them but nothing happens.'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } movieClip 5155 { } instance doorc of movieClip 4023 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -2225; gotoY = -715; _type = 'red'; musicToPlay = 'stop'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5161 { } movieClip 5162 { } movieClip 5166 { } movieClip 5168 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_type == 'green') { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(door)) { if (_root.movement and !_root.on_action) { if (leftside) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA)) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } }; } frame 23 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = gotoX; _root.Peach._y = gotoY; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance of movieClip 5168 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = 1300; gotoY = -175; _type = 'green'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5170 { } movieClip 5177 { } movieClip 5178 { } movieClip 5180 { } movieClip 5181 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5182 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(door)) { if ((_type == 'green' or _type == 'absent') and gotoX) { if (_root.movement and !_root.on_action) { if (leftside) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyA)) { _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) or Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { _root.movement = false; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } }; } frame 23 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = gotoX; _root.Peach._y = gotoY; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; gotoAndPlay(1); if (musicToPlay) { _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = musicToPlay; _root.MUSIC(musicToPlay, 99); } } } instance of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -200; gotoY = 860; _type = 'green'; leftside = true; musicToPlay = 'music_x-naut'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 5153 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } else { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: There are many buttons. I\'ve pressed some of them but nothing happens.'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } movieClip 5188 { } movieClip 5191 { } movieClip 5195 { } movieClip 5197 { } movieClip 5199 { } movieClip 5202 { } movieClip 5204 { } movieClip 5206 { } movieClip 5207 { frame 43 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 44 { stop(); } } movieClip 5213 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; if (!_type) { _type = 'off'; } } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_type); } frame 40 { stop(); _root.soundFX('Coin', 4); } frame 78 { stop(); _root.soundFX('sound_fail', 4); _parent.button.gotoAndPlay('fail'); } frame 133 { gotoAndPlay(_type); } } movieClip 5216 { } movieClip 5219 { } movieClip 5220 { frame 1 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 5216 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'init') { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); _root.currentTip = 'Press the button to talk to TEC-XXX'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: TEC! It is you! I thought you were erased! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _parent.m1._type = 'love'; _parent.m2._type = 'love'; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I was, Princess Peach. I got reformatted and received an upgrade. I\'m now TEC-XXX. But you can still call me TEC. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: But how do you remember me? Didn\'t they erase your knowledge of me? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I secured all details about you in a hidden database before my erasure. But I did not call you here for small talk. I need you to go to the concoctionator room one more time. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Why is that? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 6; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I will open the lab door. Its light will be shining green. Please take the first elevator on your left, then go left. It\'s the last front facing door. We have little time. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { _parent.m1._type = 'off'; _parent.m2._type = 'off'; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.doorc._type = 'green'; _root.elevator1._type = 'green'; _root.PuzzleType = 'lab1'; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _parent.m1._type = 'off'; _parent.m2._type = 'off'; } } } } } } } } } else { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'rest') { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); _root.currentTip = 'Press the button to talk to TEC-XXX'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: TEC? I...I did it! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _parent.m1._type = 'love'; _parent.m2._type = 'love'; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Thanks, Princess Peach, I\'m analysing the data now. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Please return to your room and try to rest... I will call you later. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { _parent.m1._type = 'off'; _parent.m2._type = 'off'; _root.peach_unlocked(); spacePressed = true; _root.PuzzleType = 'rest'; level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _parent.m1._type = 'off'; _parent.m2._type = 'off'; } } } } } } else { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'after_rest') { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); _root.currentTip = 'Press the button to talk to TEC-XXX'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: TEC? Did you find anything? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _parent.m1._type = 'love'; _parent.m2._type = 'love'; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Yes. The data revels the floor plans. And I\'ve discovered a way for you to escape. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: (STILL IMPLEMENTING: Please take the grey coin in the Sir Grodus room to exit this level). (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Oh....okay... (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { _parent.m1._type = 'off'; _parent.m2._type = 'off'; _root.peach_unlocked(); spacePressed = true; _root.door_lounge._type = 'green'; _root.PuzzleType = 'spaceship'; level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 5223 { } movieClip 5225 { } movieClip 5227 { } movieClip 5229 { } movieClip 5233 { } movieClip 5235 { } movieClip 5236 { } movieClip 5237 { } movieClip 5238 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; eyeType = 'blue'; } stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5238 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; meeting = 1; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { meeting = 1; } if (meeting == 1 and _root.PuzzleType == 'lounge') { if (!solved and _root.CharNum != 2) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.jumping and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); level_of_conversation = 1; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Sir Grodus: Princess Peach! I want the MAP!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('stopped'); level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentTip = 'Press a number to choose:'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.currentPuzzle = '1) Peach: I don\'t have it! \n2) Peach: My request is: RELEASE ME!'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('peachno2'); sound_1.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 3; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Sir Grodus: I will investigate you!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { this.gotoAndStop('stopped'); level_of_conversation = 0; if (_root.score_points > 1500) { _root.score_points -= 1500; } else { _root.score_points = 0; } _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); uu = _root.BoobSize; while (uu < _root.MaxBoob - 1) { _root.Peach.heavyJump += 1; _root.Peach.maxJump += 1; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 1; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 1; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; ++_root.BoobSize; ++uu; } if (_root.BoobSize < _root.MaxBoob) { _root.Peach.heavyJump += 2; _root.Peach.maxJump += 2; _root.Peach_heavyJump = _root.Peach.heavyJump; ++_root.BoobSize; _root.Peach.charheavyspeed += 2; _root.Peach.charspeed -= 2; _root.Peach_charheavyspeed = _root.Peach.charheavyspeed; _root.cloth_bra_remove(); } sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('boing1'); sound_1.start(0, 1); sound_fall = new Sound(this); sound_fall.attachSound('Peach ooh4'); sound_fall.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 0; meeting = 0; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentTip = ''; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Sir Grodus: Not after me screwing you up!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { this.gotoAndStop('stopped'); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; solved = true; _root.first_text_show = false; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); once = true; } } } } } } } } else { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'diskInserted') { if (!solved2) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.jumping and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 1; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); eyeType = 'red'; _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('surprised'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Sir Grodus: Hey!! What\'s that?? You slut, who do you think you are to invade my room? You are in a BIG trouble!!! (PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('stopped'); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; solved2 = true; _root.first_text_show = false; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); once = true; } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4023 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = 1300; gotoY = 375; _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5245 { } movieClip 5248 { } movieClip 5249 { frame 1 { if (!_parent._type) { _parent._type = 'red'; } gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } frame 5 { gotoAndPlay(_parent._type); } } movieClip 5251 { } movieClip 5253 { } movieClip 5255 { frame 2 { stop(); onEnterFrame = function () { if (_type == 'green') { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(light)) { if (Key.isDown(_root.keyUP) or Key.isDown(_root.keyW)) { _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach_show(0); gotoAndPlay('open'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } }; } frame 34 { _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.Peach._x = gotoX; _root.Peach._y = gotoY; _root.movement = true; _root.Peach_show(1); _root.on_action = false; _root.Peach.peach_state = 'standright'; gotoAndPlay(1); } } instance elevator1 of movieClip 5255 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -900; gotoY = -140; _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 5255 { onClipEvent (load) { _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 5255 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -900; gotoY = 860; _type = 'green'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 4023 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = 1300; gotoY = 375; _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 4105 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: that.. CUM?'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.interactiveButton_show(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } movieClip 5259 { } instance bed of movieClip 5259 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: How gross! am I supposed to sleep on THIS?'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 2; _root.statusBarMessage('Press a number to choose'); _root.currentPuzzle = '1) Sleep \n2) Masturbate under the sheets (diminishes horny bar)\n3) Go away'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = '(PEACH SLEPT)'; if (_root.PuzzleType == 'rest2') { _root.PuzzleType = 'rest3'; } _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = '(not yet implemented, sorry)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3 or Key.isDown(_root.key3) and level_of_conversation == 2) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -2310; gotoY = 275; _type = 'absent'; leftside = true; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5261 { } movieClip 5266 { } instance of movieClip 5266 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } else { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: I\'m so pretty! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } movieClip 5268 { } movieClip 5270 { } movieClip 5271 { } instance toilet of movieClip 5271 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (showing) { showing = false; _root.interactiveButton_remove(); } } else { if (!showing) { showing = true; _root.interactiveButton_add(); } if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (_global.FLAGS.interactiveButtonPressed or _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside')) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _root.interactiveButton_hide(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Hmmm a toilet! Well... Even princesses like me need to know...(PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 2; _root.statusBarMessage('Press a number to choose'); _root.currentPuzzle = '1) Use the toilet! \n2) Masturbate in the toilet!\n3) Go away'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = '(not yet implemented, sorry)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = '(not yet implemented, sorry)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3 or Key.isDown(_root.key3) and level_of_conversation == 2) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.interactiveButton_show(); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } } } } } } movieClip 5274 { frame 1 { stop(); } } instance of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { _type = 'red'; leftside = true; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5276 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5284 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } } movieClip 5286 { frame 1 { stop(); put_in = false; alreadybackside = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { once_infotext = false; } if (!concoct) { if (!put_in) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state != 'backside') { alreadybackside = false; } if (_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (!once_infotext) { once_infotext = true; _root.currentTip = 'Press \'UP\' key to insert a test tube in ' + this._name; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (!alreadybackside and _root.CharNum != 'Frog' and _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside') { if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType == 'tubeblue') { loaded_tube = 'tubeblue'; button.gotoAndPlay('blue'); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType == 'tubeyellow') { loaded_tube = 'tubeyellow'; button.gotoAndPlay('yellow'); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType == 'tubegreen') { loaded_tube = 'tubegreen'; button.gotoAndPlay('green'); } else { if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType == 'tubered') { loaded_tube = 'tubered'; button.gotoAndPlay('red'); } } } } if (loaded_tube) { monitor.gotoAndPlay('run'); veggieNum = _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.soundFX('sound_throw', 3); put_in = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('backside'); alreadybackside = true; if (correctTube != _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType) { monitor.gotoAndPlay('fail'); } } else { _root.currentTip = 'You can insert Test Tubes only!'; alreadybackside = true; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } } } } } else { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state != 'backside') { alreadybackside = false; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (!once_infotext) { once_infotext = true; _root.currentTip = 'Press \'UP\' key to remove a test tube from ' + this._name; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (!alreadybackside and _root.CharNum != 'Frog' and _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside') { _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = veggieNum; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = loaded_tube; _root.soundFX('sound_veg', 3); put_in = false; alreadybackside = true; loaded_tube = false; button.gotoAndPlay('off'); monitor.gotoAndPlay('off'); _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('backsideveg'); } } } } } }; } } instance CC1 of movieClip 5286 { onClipEvent (load) { correctTube = 'tubered'; } } instance CC2 of movieClip 5286 { onClipEvent (load) { correctTube = 'tubegreen'; } } instance CC3 of movieClip 5286 { onClipEvent (load) { correctTube = 'tubeyellow'; } } instance CC4 of movieClip 5286 { onClipEvent (load) { correctTube = 'tubeblue'; } } movieClip 5288 { frame 1 { stop(); gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; alreadybackside = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (!used and !_parent.concocting) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state != 'backside') { alreadybackside = false; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (!alreadybackside and _root.CharNum != 'Frog' and _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside') { _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = true; _root.soundFX('sound_veg', 3); _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'tubeempty'; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('backsideveg'); used = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('remove'); loadMovie('', this); } } } } }; } } movieClip 5290 { frame 1 { stop(); gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; alreadybackside = true; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lab2' and !concocting) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state != 'backside') { alreadybackside = false; } if (!_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { if (!alreadybackside and _root.CharNum != 'Frog' and _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside') { _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.soundFX('sound_veg', 3); _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'full'; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = true; _root.messagebox1.drink = true; _root.PuzzleType = 'lab3'; _parent.gotoAndPlay('remove'); loadMovie('', this); } } } } }; } } movieClip 5291 { frame 1 { onEnterFrame = function () { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(b)) { once_infotext = false; } if (!concocting) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(b)) { if (!once_infotext) { once_infotext = true; _root.currentTip = 'Press \'UP\' key to start concocting!'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); } if (_root.CharNum != 'Frog' and _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside') { if (!used) { if (_root.CC1.loaded_tube and _root.CC2.loaded_tube and _root.CC3.loaded_tube and _root.CC4.loaded_tube) { used = true; concocting = true; gotoAndPlay('concoct'); b.gotoAndPlay('red'); delete onEnterFrame; } else { if (!level_of_conversation) { _root.peach_locked(); _root.peachGoBackside(); _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: You need to put all test tubes inside all machines! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; _root.Peach.peach_state = 'standright'; } } } } } } } }; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { delete onEnterFrame; } frame 15 { stop(); } instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (load) { alreadybackside = true; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.peach_state != 'backside') { alreadybackside = false; } if (!used) { if (!alreadybackside and _root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.CharNum != 'Frog' and _root.Peach.peach_state == 'backside') { if (_global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType == 'tubeempty') { _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.soundFX('sound_veg_drop', 3); used = true; _root.Peach.char.character.gotoAndPlay('backside'); _parent.gotoAndPlay('add'); loadMovie('', this); } } } } } } frame 16 { _root.soundFX('sound_alarm', 3, 7); } frame 65 { stop();'full'); concocting = false; b.gotoAndPlay('off'); alreadybackside = true; _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = 'music_x-naut'; if (!_root.P_power_activated) { stopAllSounds(); _root.MUSIC('music_x-naut', 99); } } } instance ccc of movieClip 5291 { } instance of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -2725; gotoY = 870; _type = 'absent'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance door1 of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -1960; gotoY = 890; _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -2300; gotoY = 890; _type = 'absent'; leftside = true; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance door_lounge of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -100; gotoY = -140; _type = 'red'; musicToPlay = 'music_computer'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -480; gotoY = -150; leftside = true; _type = 'green'; musicToPlay = 'music_x-naut'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance door_tec of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = 1300; gotoY = 375; _type = 'green'; musicToPlay = 'music_computer2'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance doorc2 of movieClip 4023 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = -2040; gotoY = -140; _type = 'green'; musicToPlay = 'music_x-naut'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5295 { } movieClip 5297 { } movieClip 5300 { } movieClip 5301 { } instance of movieClip 5301 { onClipEvent (load) { solved = false; level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lounge3') { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (level_of_conversation == 0 and (Key.isDown(_root.keyW) or Key.isDown(_root.keyUP)) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyLEFT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyRIGHT) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyA) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyD)) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked('backside'); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.soundFX('peach_did_it', 2); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: I did it! Found the disk! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { solved = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; level_of_conversation = 0; _root.PuzzleType = 'disk'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); delete onEnterFrame; } } } } else {} } } movieClip 5305 { } movieClip 5306 { } movieClip 5307 { } movieClip 5309 { } movieClip 5310 { } instance door_spaceship of movieClip 5182 { onClipEvent (load) { _type = 'red'; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } instance of movieClip 5168 { onClipEvent (load) { gotoX = 825; gotoY = -175; _type = 'green'; leftside = true; light.gotoAndStop(_type); } } movieClip 5312 { instance of movieClip 935 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!once and _root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { once = true; _root.isXtechLevelOut = true; _parent.gotoAndPlay('grab'); } } } frame 9 { gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 10 { stop(); worldmap1_list[7] = 'activated'; _global.FLAGS.cameraFreedom = true; _root.gotoAndPlay('score1'); } } instance of movieClip 4130 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach.char.character._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'takeDress') { _root.PuzzleType = 'after_bath'; } } } } movieClip 5313 { } movieClip 5314 { frame 22 { gotoAndPlay('run'); } } movieClip 5315 { } movieClip 5316 { frame 1 { function reset() { clearTimeout(timeout); } stop(); timeout = setTimeout(function () { gotoAndPlay('running'); }, 5000 / (1 + random(10))); movement = false; this.onUnload = reset; } frame 2 { timeout = setTimeout(function () { gotoAndPlay('breathing'); }, 10000 / (1 + random(10))); stop(); movement = true; if (!once) { once = true; _right = false; charspeed = 3; grav = 0; gravity = 1; } change_direction = random(2); if (change_direction == 1) { change_direction = 0; if (_right) { _x = _x - charspeed; this._xscale = 100; _right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { _x = _x + charspeed; this._xscale = -100; _right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } onEnterFrame = function () { if (movement) { if (_right) { _x = _x + charspeed; } else { _x = _x - charspeed; } if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x + _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x - charspeed; this._xscale = 100; _right = false; movedir = 'left'; } else { if (_root.ground.hitTest(_x - _width / 3, _y - _height / 4, true)) { _x = _x + charspeed; this._xscale = -100; _right = true; movedir = 'right'; } } } }; } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); movement = false; } } instance of movieClip 5316 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; meeting = 1; questions = new Array('X-Naut PHD: Hey! What are YOU doing here?\n(PRESS SPACE)', 'X-Naut PHD: WAIT WAIT WAIT! Why are you outside your room?\n(PRESS SPACE)', 'X-Naut PHD: Huh? You here? Explain yourself!\n(PRESS SPACE)'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { meeting = 1; } if (_root.CharNum != 2 and !solved and meeting == 1 and !_root.on_action) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.jumping and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; clearTimeout(timeout); movement = false; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); level_of_conversation = 1; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentPuzzle = questions[random(3)]; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('stopped'); level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentTip = 'Press a number to choose:'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.currentPuzzle = '1) I don\'t know! \n2) I\'ve lost my clothes!\n3) I\'m searching for Mario!'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('peachno2'); sound_1.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 3; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'X-Naut PHD: I will lead you to your room!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.Peach._x = _root.bed._x; _root.Peach._y = _root.bed._y; _root.soundFX('Peach nooo', 2); _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; meeting = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); movement = true; this.gotoAndStop('breathing'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentTip = ''; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'X-Naut PHD: Then you are ready to be fucked!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { this.gotoAndStop('breathing'); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; solved = true; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); movement = true; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3) and level_of_conversation == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentTip = ''; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'X-Naut PHD: Oh!! Really?\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { this.gotoAndStop('breathing'); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; solved = true; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); movement = true; } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 5316 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; meeting = 1; questions = new Array('X-Naut PHD: Hey! What are YOU doing here?\n(PRESS SPACE)', 'X-Naut PHD: WAIT WAIT WAIT! Why are you outside your room?\n(PRESS SPACE)', 'X-Naut PHD: Huh? You here? Explain yourself!\n(PRESS SPACE)'); } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { meeting = 1; } if (_root.CharNum != 2 and !solved and meeting == 1 and !_root.on_action) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.jumping and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.Peach.accelX = 0; clearTimeout(timeout); movement = false; _root.movement = false; _root.Peach.gotoAndStop(1); _root.Peach._type.gotoAndStop(1); level_of_conversation = 1; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentPuzzle = questions[random(3)]; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { this.gotoAndStop('stopped'); level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentTip = 'Press a number to choose:'; _root.HUD.tipsMC.gotoAndPlay(3); _root.currentPuzzle = '1) I don\'t know! \n2) I\'ve lost my clothes!\n3) I\'m searching for Mario!'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { _root.currentTip = ''; sound_1 = new Sound(this); sound_1.attachSound('peachno2'); sound_1.start(0, 1); level_of_conversation = 3; this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'X-Naut PHD: I will lead you to your room!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.Peach._x = _root.bed._x; _root.Peach._y = _root.bed._y; _root.soundFX('Peach nooo', 2); _root.controlList.blackscreen.gotoAndPlay('fade_out'); _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; meeting = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); movement = true; this.gotoAndStop('breathing'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentTip = ''; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'X-Naut PHD: Then you are ready to be fucked!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { this.gotoAndStop('breathing'); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; solved = true; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); movement = true; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key3) and level_of_conversation == 2) { this.gotoAndStop('talk'); _root.currentTip = ''; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'X-Naut PHD: Oh!! Really?\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageEnemy'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { this.gotoAndStop('breathing'); meeting = 0; level_of_conversation = 0; solved = true; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); movement = true; } } } } } } } } } } } movieClip 5318 { frame 1 { stop(); } } movieClip 5320 { } movieClip 5322 { } button 5325 { on (release) { level_of_conversation = 0; button._visible = false; _root.currentTip = ''; onEnterFrame = function () { if (level_of_conversation == 0) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'disk') { sit = true; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Okay! I will stick the disk!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'diskInserted') { _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: I already have done that!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: I don\'t have the disk!\n(PRESS SPACE)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } } } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { if (sit) { sit = false; _root.game_timer_suspend = 1; _root.Peach_show(0); _root.chair.gotoAndPlay('sit'); _root.PuzzleType = 'diskInserted'; } else { _root.peach_unlocked(); } level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); delete onEnterFrame; } } }; } } movieClip 5326 { frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('show'); } else { gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } frame 4 { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { gotoAndPlay('show'); } else { gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } movieClip 5328 { } movieClip 5330 { } movieClip 5332 { } movieClip 5334 { } movieClip 5336 { } movieClip 5337 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 13 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 24 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 27 { _root.currentPuzzle = '(PRESS SPACE when completed)'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } frame 29 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 31 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 32 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 33 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 34 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('closed'); } frame 35 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 36 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('lidded'); } frame 37 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 38 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 39 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 40 { head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('opened'); } frame 41 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 42 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 43 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 44 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 45 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 46 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 47 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 48 { if (advance) { advance = false; gotoAndPlay('exit'); } else { gotoAndPlay('blink'); } } frame 49 { _root.game_timer_suspend = 0; _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.Peach_show(1); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); stop(); } } movieClip 5339 { } movieClip 5342 { frame 1 { if (!once) { once = true; _type = 'close'; } } frame 2 { gotoAndPlay(_type); } frame 8 { gotoAndPlay(_type); } } movieClip 5344 { } movieClip 5346 { } movieClip 5349 { frame 1 { _open = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _open = true; _parent.buttonopen._visible = false; _parent.buttonclose._visible = false; _parent.topen._visible = false; _parent.tclose._visible = false; } frame 13 { stop(); _parent.buttonopen._visible = false; _parent.buttonclose._visible = true; _parent.topen._visible = false; _parent.tclose._visible = true; } frame 14 { _open = false; _parent.buttonopen._visible = false; _parent.buttonclose._visible = false; _parent.topen._visible = false; _parent.tclose._visible = false; } frame 25 { stop(); _parent.buttonopen._visible = true; _parent.buttonclose._visible = false; _parent.topen._visible = true; _parent.tclose._visible = false; } } movieClip 5351 { } movieClip 5353 { } movieClip 5355 { } movieClip 5357 { } movieClip 5360 { frame 1 { buttonopen._visible = false; buttonclose._visible = false; topen._visible = false; tclose._visible = false; } instance buttonclose of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.curtain.gotoAndPlay('close'); } } instance buttonopen of movieClip 233 { onClipEvent (release) { _parent.curtain.gotoAndPlay('open'); } } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { if (curtain._open) { buttonopen._visible = false; buttonclose._visible = true; topen._visible = false; tclose._visible = true; } else { buttonopen._visible = true; buttonclose._visible = false; topen._visible = true; tclose._visible = false; } } frame 50 { shower._type = 'open'; } frame 95 { shower._type = 'close'; } frame 123 { gotoAndPlay(1); _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.Peach_show(1); _parent.button._visible = true; } } button 5361 { on (release) { level_of_conversation = 0; button._visible = false; _root.currentTip = ''; onEnterFrame = function () { if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.movement = false; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Hmmm I may take a shower!\n1) Take a shower\n2) Go away'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.currentTip = ''; _root.soundFX('Peach sigh4', 2); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.Peach_show(0); bath.gotoAndPlay('start'); delete onEnterFrame; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 1) { level_of_conversation = 0; _root.movement = true; _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); button._visible = true; delete onEnterFrame; } else {} } } }; } } movieClip 5362 { frame 2 { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(bath.curtain)) { gotoAndPlay('show'); } else { gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } frame 4 { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(bath.curtain)) { gotoAndPlay('show'); } else { gotoAndPlay('hide'); } } } movieClip 5364 { frame 7 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('closed'); } frame 15 { head.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); head.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndStop('opened'); } } movieClip 5365 { frame 1 { advance = false; } frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { _root.Peach_show(0); _root.peach_locked(); } frame 55 { _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = false; } frame 81 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.peach_unlocked(); _root.peach_went_to_locker = true; gotoAndPlay(1); } frame 82 { _root.Peach_show(0); _root.peach_locked(); } frame 127 { _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Oh my!! The LOCKED!'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } frame 128 { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { advance = true; } } frame 129 { if (!advance) { gotoAndPlay('repeat'); } } frame 130 { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _type.sidehead.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); } frame 156 { _root.Peach_show(1); _root.peach_went_to_locker = true; gotoAndPlay(1); } } movieClip 5367 { } movieClip 5368 { frame 1 { gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } else { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex and _root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'tubered'; _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); } } } } }; } } movieClip 5369 { frame 1 { gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } else { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex and _root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'tubeyellow'; _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); } } } } }; } } movieClip 5370 { frame 1 { gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } else { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex and _root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'tubeblue'; _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); } } } } }; } } movieClip 5371 { frame 1 { gravity = 1.4; grav = -2; charspeed = 6; onEnterFrame = function () { if (taken and _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie) { if (_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber > _global.FLAGS.veggieLimit) { _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber = 0; } else { ++_global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; } _global.FLAGS.carryingVeggieNumber = _global.FLAGS.veggieNumber; _global.PLAYER.isReadyToGrabVeggie = false; loadMovie('', this); } if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keyX) and !Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) { canTake = true; } else { if ((Key.isDown(_root.keyX) or Key.isDown(_root.keyPERIOD)) and canTake and !_global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie) { canTake = false; if (!_global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex and _root.CharNum != 'Frog') { _global.FLAGS.vegetableOnlyOneMutex = true; taken = true; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'tubegreen'; _root.movement = false; _root.on_action = true; _root.Peach.runPressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('grabvegetable'); } } } } }; } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'What happened? Wait a second... This room seems familiar! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'I remember! This is the room I was held in when those X-Nauts kidnapped me. But ... oh my! this bathroom is dirtier than before! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'bath') { if (_global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.PuzzleType = 'after_bath'; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'after_bath') { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 1;; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Princess Peach! Are you listening me? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: TEC?? Is you?? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; if (_root.CharMove == 'Poison') { level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Please dress yourself! They will...notice you! Then I will open that door. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { level_of_conversation = 6; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Please go to my room. Its in the green door in the end of the corridor. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Hey! Are ou seeing me? How you dare! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Oh! Okay...Sorry! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')';'close'); _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.door1._type = 'red'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.PuzzleType = 'takeDress'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.door1._type = 'green'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.PuzzleType = 'init'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!once) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked('surprised'); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Huh? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) {'close'); spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); _global.PLAYER.lockAnimation = false; level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); infotext = false; once = true; delete onEnterFrame; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lab1') { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Now I will have you concoct another potion that will make you tranparent. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: I know.... that will make me invisible. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Exactly. Then you will enter Sir Grodus\'s room. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Oh...not again! How do I make it in that new room? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: You must first set all of the potions on the desk in the Concoctinator computers. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 6; _root.currentPuzzle = '(INFO) Use \'RUN KEY\' to get each potion, then press \'UP\' to put in the computer. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 7; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: It\'s those 4 machines in the left. But I still do not know which potion to set where. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 7) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 8; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: The screens will inform you if you procceded correctly. Then press the higher red button of the right mainframe (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 8) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 9; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Please use them as references and insert the right potions in the machines. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 9) { spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = 'music_cooking'; _root.MUSIC('music_cooking', 99); infotext = false; _root.ccc.used = false; _root.doorc2._type = 'red'; _root.door_tec._type = 'red'; _root.PuzzleType = 'lab2'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } instance messagebox1 of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lab3' and drink) { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: By my calculations, it should be finished but...Did it come out correctly, do you think? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach:\n1) Yes!\n2) Hmm I prefer to try again'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.key2) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); _root.ccc.gotoAndPlay('add'); _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas = 'music_cooking'; _root.MUSIC('music_cooking', 99); _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; infotext = false; drink = false; } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.key1) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Very good. Then please drink it. All of it, if you please. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: This one smells...funny! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Please, you must drink it! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { spacePressed = true; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('drinking'); level_of_conversation = 6; _global.PLAYER.isCarryingVeggie = false; _root.ccc.gotoAndPlay(1); stopAllSounds(); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { _root.CharNumSaved = _root.CharNum; _root.Peach.effects.gotoAndPlay('invisible'); spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 7; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('standright'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: You have done it! You have successfully made yourself transparent. Congratulations! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 7) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 8; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: But... I must ask you to take off your dress and put in that lockers, in order nobody will notice. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 8) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 9; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: This potion don\'t make your dress invisible. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 9) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 10; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: What?!? Do I need to be...stark naked again? That\'s indecent! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 10) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 11; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: ...Oh, fine. I guess... If it\'s the only way...(PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 11) { spacePressed = true; _root.peach_locked(); _root.Peach.gotoAndStop('remove_clothes'); level_of_conversation = 12; } else { if (!spacePressed and _root.peach_removed_clothes and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 12) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.peach_removed_clothes = false; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'clothing'; _root.locker_clothes.gotoAndPlay('go'); level_of_conversation = 13; } else { if (!spacePressed and _root.peach_went_to_locker and level_of_conversation == 13) { _root.peach_went_to_locker = false; spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); infotext = false; drink = false; _root.PuzzleType = 'lab4'; _root.messagebox2.naked = true; _root.Peach._x += 80; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } instance messagebox2 of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lab4' and naked) { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!spacePressed and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: When you go to Sir Grodus\'s room, first locate the disk with recorded data. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Then insert that disk in his personal computer and connect to the network. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: When you are finished with that, please come back to this room. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I will teach you how to make yourself normal again. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Gee, this is kind of a complicated plan, huh? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 6; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I suppose. Now, please go to Sir Grodus\'s room, in the end of the corridor. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); infotext = false; _root.door_lounge._type = 'green'; _root.door_tec._type = 'red'; _root.doorc2._type = 'green'; _root.PuzzleType = 'lounge'; naked = false; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 2325 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Gross!!! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Oh my GOD! Did they filmed me being...fucked?'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and !_root.Peach.peach_right and _root.touchingGround and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk, 'surprised'); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); loadMovie('', this); } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach (THINKING): Oh my God! I must avoid making noises! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lounge') { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this) and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk, 'surprised'); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); _root.PuzzleType = 'lounge2'; } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Great! I\'ll have to expose myself in this corridor... (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'diskInserted') { if (_root.Peach._type.collisionBody.hitTest(this)) { if (_root.movement and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.CharNum = _root.CharNumSaved; _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); _root.PuzzleType = 'diskInserted2'; } } } } } } instance messagebox3 of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'diskInserted2') { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (!spacePressed and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Welcome back, Princess Peach. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.Peach._type.eyeRightPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); _root.Peach._type.eyeLeftPeach.gotoAndPlay('squint'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Welcome back? Did you notice I\'m visible again? Why did you do this to me? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: That\'s not my fault, Princess Peach! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Well...then I\'ll take my clothes back! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.peach_removed_clothes = false; _global.PLAYER.currentVeggieType = 'clothing'; _root.locker_clothes.gotoAndPlay('go2'); level_of_conversation = 5; } else { if (!spacePressed and _root.peach_went_to_locker and level_of_conversation == 5) { _root.peach_went_to_locker = false; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 6; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: The locker isn\'t opening! Please help me! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 7; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Sorry but that locker isn\'t connected to the network! I can\'t do anything, sorry! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 7) { _root.peach_went_to_locker = false; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 8; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Ohhhh what can I do? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 8) { _root.peach_went_to_locker = false; spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 9; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I\'m aware of your role to save your kingdom, and I\'ve been watching you, so I think you\'ll be fine. You will get used to it. Now, please go back to your room while I analyse the data. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 9) { spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 10; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicToPlayBeginning); _root.BGMsound.stop(_root.musicPlayingSpecialAreas); infotext = false; _root.door_tec._type = 'red'; _root.PuzzleType = 'rest'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'lounge2') { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; _root.peach_locked(); level_of_conversation = 1; _root.CharNum = _root.CharNumSaved; _root.Peach.gotoAndPlay('surprised'); _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Oh nooooo!! I became visible again!! I\'m stark naked! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: It seems the effects changed a bit since last time. And I have bad news: Guards just arrived in the hallway. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: But...But... How will I escape from this base like this? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I have no idea. The rooms have been altered. The complete floor plans haven\'t been added to my system yet. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 5; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: So it seems like I must do this all by myself, huh? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 5) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 6; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I suppose so Princess Peach. So dont get your ass so exposed around the corrridors. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 6) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 7; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: What? Are you talking about my ass? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 7) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 8; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: I must apologize about my statement, Princess Peach. There must be some bugs in my new programming. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 8) { spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 9; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Now, please go to the concotionator room again. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 9) { spacePressed = true; _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); infotext = false; _root.PuzzleType = 'lounge3'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; talk = 'Peach: Hmmm the door is locked! I will try the other door. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { if (!_root.PuzzleType) { if (!_root.Peach.peach_right and _global.PLAYER.isTouchingGround and level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkTalk(talk); level_of_conversation = 1; } else { if (Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peachTextBoxPinkLeaves(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.PuzzleType = 'bath'; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'rest') { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Ok, enough of this! I\'ll take a rest in that ...bed. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.PuzzleType = 'rest2'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } instance of movieClip 4297 { onClipEvent (load) { level_of_conversation = 0; } onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.PuzzleType == 'rest3') { if (!_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (_root.Peach._type.hitTest(this)) { _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = true; } } if (_global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting) { if (!Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE)) { spacePressed = false; } if (level_of_conversation == 0) { _root.peach_locked(); spacePressed = true; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.auto_fadeout = false; level_of_conversation = 1; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Good morning, Princess Peach! (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 1) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 2; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: (Sign) Did you analyse the disk? (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 2) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 3; _root.currentPuzzle = 'TEC-XXX: Yes, Princess Peach. Please go to my room now. (PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('messageTEC'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 3) { spacePressed = true; level_of_conversation = 4; _root.currentPuzzle = 'Peach: Ok...(PRESS ' + _root.do_over_key + ')'; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('message'); } else { if (!spacePressed and Key.isDown(_root.keySPACE) and level_of_conversation == 4) { _root.peach_unlocked(); level_of_conversation = 0; _root.HUD.PuzzleMC.gotoAndPlay('hide'); _root.PuzzleType = 'after_rest'; _global.FLAGS.lockedIntoMeeting = false; } } } } } } } } } instance controlList of movieClip 3765 { onClipEvent (enterFrame) { if (_root.ShowCredits == true) { gotoAndStop('credits'); } else { if (_root.ShowControls == 'Open') { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } else { gotoAndStop(_root.MenuWindow); } } } }
Created: 5/3 -2019 08:12:00 Last modified: 5/3 -2019 08:12:00 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:48:53