Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #120468

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Frame 1
function init() { stat = new status(8); } function initGame() { percentage = 0; score = 0; level = 0; stat.update(); lifes = 3; multiplier = 1; } function initLevel() { level++; percentage = 0; frame.clear(); free.clear(); stix.clear(); occupied.clear(); i = 0; while (i < spx.length) { spx[i].clear(); i++; } spx = Array(); f = [[left, top], [right, top], [right, bottom], [left, bottom]]; f_ccw = f.slice(0); f_ccw.reverse(); frame.lineStyle(linewidth, 16777215, 100); drawPolygon(f, frame); free.beginFill(0, 100); drawPolygon(f, free); free.endFill(); mrkr = new marker(7); qix1 = new qix(5); qix2 = new qix(6); } function resume() { stix.clear(); qix1.regenerate(); i = 0; while (i < spx.length) { spx[i].clear(); i++; } spx[0] = new sparx(11, -1); spx[1] = new sparx(12, 1); spx[0].otherSide(); spx[1].otherSide(); mrkr.move(line[0][0], line[0][1]); start(); } function start() { tl = new timeline(0); if (spx.length == 0) { spx[0] = new sparx(11, -1); spx[1] = new sparx(12, 1); } if (soundflag) { mode = "intro"; spawnsnd.start(); } else { mode = "move"; } stix.moveTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, fastcolor, 100); dir = ""; ix = 0; line = [[mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y]]; odd = false; slow = false; mrkr.birth(); stat.update(); } function end() { var _local1 = score; initGame(); initLevel(); mode = "demo"; cnt = 856; lifes = 0; if (_local1 > stat.loscorevalue) { score = _local1; stat.update(); stat.submitHiscore(); } } function kill() { lifes--; mrkr.death(); thefuse.clear(); thefuse = null; ambientsnd.stop(); deadsnd.start(); mode = "dead"; if (lifes == 0) { if (!soundflag) { stat.gameOver(); } } else if (!soundflag) { stat.message(lifes + " LIFES LEFT\n\n\n\nPRESS SPACE TO CONTINUE"); } return(undefined); } function marker(depth) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("marker" + depth, depth); this.m = eval ("marker" + depth); this.m.lineStyle(linewidth * 1.5, red, 100); this.m.moveTo(markersize, 0); this.m.lineTo(0, markersize); this.m.lineTo(-markersize, 0); this.m.lineTo(0, -markersize); this.m.lineTo(markersize, 0); this.m.lineStyle(linewidth, white, 100); this.m.moveTo(0, -1); this.m.lineTo(0, 1); this.m._alpha = 0; this.move(left + (width / 2), top + height); } function status(depth) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("status" + depth, depth); this.m = eval ("status" + depth); this.m.createTextField("message", 0, left, top + (height / 8), width, (height * 7) / 8); this.m.message.embedFonts = true; this.m.message.multiline = true; this.m.message.wordWrap = true; this.m.message.border = false; this.m.message.selectable = false; this.m.createTextField("header", 1, left, top + (height / 10), width, height * 0.9); this.m.header.embedFonts = true; this.m.header.multiline = true; this.m.header.wordWrap = true; this.m.header.border = false; this.m.header.selectable = false; this.m.createTextField("claim", 3, left, 25, width, top); this.m.claim.embedFonts = true; this.m.claim.multiline = true; this.m.claim.wordWrap = true; this.m.claim.border = false; this.m.claim.selectable = false; this.m.createTextField("hiscore", 4, left, 7, width, top); this.m.hiscore.embedFonts = true; this.m.hiscore.multiline = true; this.m.hiscore.wordWrap = true; this.m.hiscore.border = false; this.m.hiscore.border = false; this.m.hiscore.selectable = false; this.m.createTextField("scored", 7, left, 8, width - 18, top); this.m.scored.embedFonts = true; this.m.scored.multiline = true; this.m.scored.wordWrap = true; this.m.scored.border = false; this.m.scored.border = false; this.m.scored.selectable = false; whiteformat.align = "center"; whiteformat.size = 16; this.m.createTextField("initials", 2, (left + (width / 2)) - 27, bottom - (height / 4), 54, 18); this.m.initials.variable = "theinitials"; this.m.initials.type = "input"; this.m.initials.embedFonts = true; this.m.initials.multiline = false; this.m.initials.wordWrap = false; this.m.initials.border = true; this.m.initials.borderColor = white; this.m.initials.maxChars = 3; this.m.initials.restrict = "A-Z0-9"; this.m.initials.selectable = true; this.m.initials.setNewTextFormat(whiteformat); this.m.initials.text = ""; this.m.initials._visible = false; this.m.theinitials = ""; this.loadHighscores(); } function timeline(depth) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("timeline" + depth, depth); this.m = eval ("timeline" + depth); this.n = 0; this.t = 1110; this.l = 0; this.update(); supersparx = false; } function fuse(depth) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("fuse" + depth, depth); this.m = eval ("fuse" + depth); this.m.attachMovie("fuse", "fs", 0); this.m.fs._alpha = 0; this.m.fs._x = line[0][0]; this.m.fs._y = line[0][1]; this.dx = 0; this.dy = 0; = false; this.point = 0; this.counter = 0; } function sparx(depth, dir) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("sparx" + depth, depth); this.m = eval ("sparx" + depth); if (supersparx) { this.m.attachMovie("supersparx", "sp" + depth, 0); } else { this.m.attachMovie("sparx", "sp" + depth, 0); } this.direction = dir; this.depth = depth; this.m._x = left + (width / 2); this.m._y = top; this.checkf = true; if (dir == 1) { this.dx = speed; this.nextpoint = 2; this.path = [[left, bottom], [right, bottom], [right, top], [left, top]]; } else { this.dx = -speed; this.nextpoint = 0; this.path = [[left, top], [right, top], [right, bottom], [left, bottom]]; } this.nextsuperpoint = ""; this.dy = 0; } function qix(depth) { _root.createEmptyMovieClip("qix" + depth, depth); this.m = eval ("qix" + depth); this.previous = new Array(4); = new Array(4); = new Array(4); this.current = Array(5); this.lines = new Array(); this.col = blue; this.step = 0; this.n = 10; this.l = 0; with (this) { previous[0] = left + (Math.random() * width); previous[1] = top + (Math.random() * height); do { foo = ((Math.random() * 2)-1); l = (Math.random() * 60) + 20; previous[2] = previous[0] + (foo * l); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { previous[3] = previous[1] + (Math.sqrt(1 - (foo * foo)) * 30); } else { previous[3] = previous[1] - (Math.sqrt(1 - (foo * foo)) * 30); } } while (!free.hitTest(previous[2], previous[3], true)); selectTarget(); } } function splitPolygon(p, l, slow) { var _local6 = (l.length-1); if ((l[0][0] == l[_local6][0]) && (l[0][1] == l[_local6][1])) { if ((((l[1][0] - l[0][0]) * (l[_local6][1] - l[(_local6-1)][1])) - ((l[1][1] - l[0][1]) * (l[_local6][0] - l[(_local6-1)][0]))) > 0) { l.reverse(); } } var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < p.length) { var _local5 = (_local4+1) % p.length; if ((p[_local4][0] == p[_local5][0]) && (p[_local4][0] == l[0][0])) { if ((Math.min(p[_local4][1], p[_local5][1]) <= l[0][1]) && (Math.max(p[_local4][1], p[_local5][1]) >= l[0][1])) { s = (_local4+1); break; } } if ((p[_local4][1] == p[_local5][1]) && (p[_local4][1] == l[0][1])) { if ((Math.min(p[_local4][0], p[_local5][0]) <= l[0][0]) && (Math.max(p[_local4][0], p[_local5][0]) >= l[0][0])) { s = (_local4+1); break; } } _local4++; } p.splice(s, 0, l[0]); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < p.length) { var _local5 = (_local4+1) % p.length; if ((p[_local4][0] == p[_local5][0]) && (p[_local4][0] == l[_local6][0])) { if ((Math.min(p[_local4][1], p[_local5][1]) <= l[_local6][1]) && (Math.max(p[_local4][1], p[_local5][1]) >= l[_local6][1])) { e = (_local4+1); break; } } if ((p[_local4][1] == p[_local5][1]) && (p[_local4][1] == l[_local6][1])) { if ((Math.min(p[_local4][0], p[_local5][0]) <= l[_local6][0]) && (Math.max(p[_local4][0], p[_local5][0]) >= l[_local6][0])) { e = (_local4+1); break; } } _local4++; } p.splice(e, 0, l[_local6]); if (e <= s) { s++; var _local7 = p.slice(0, e); _local4 = (l.length-1); while (_local4 >= 0) { _local7.push(l[_local4]); _local4--; } _local4 = (s+1); while (_local4 < p.length) { _local7.push(p[_local4]); _local4++; } var _local8 = l; _local4 = e; while (_local4 < s) { _local8.push(p[_local4]); _local4++; } } else { var _local7 = p.slice(0, s); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < l.length) { _local7.push(l[_local4]); _local4++; } _local4 = (e+1); while (_local4 < p.length) { _local7.push(p[_local4]); _local4++; } var _local8 = l; _local4 = e; while (_local4 > s) { _local8.push(p[_local4]); _local4--; } _local8.reverse(); } free.clear(); free.beginFill(0, 100); drawPolygon(_local7, free); free.endFill(); if (free.hitTest(qix1.current[0], qix1.current[1], true)) { f = _local7; r = _local8; var _local10 = true; } else { f = _local8; r = _local7; var _local10 = false; } if (level > 2) { if (free.hitTest(qix2.current[0], qix2.current[1], true)) { if (!_local10) { return(splitQix()); } } else if (_local10) { return(splitQix()); } } free.clear(); _local4 = (f.length-1); while (_local4 > 0) { if ((f[_local4][0] == f[(_local4+1)][0]) && (f[_local4][1] == f[(_local4+1)][1])) { f.splice((_local4+1), 1); } _local4--; } if ((f[0][0] == f[(f.length-1)][0]) && (f[0][1] == f[(f.length-1)][1])) { f.shift(); } f_ccw = f.slice(0); f_ccw.reverse(); frame.clear(); frame.lineStyle(linewidth, 16777215, 100); drawPolygon(f, frame); free.clear(); free.beginFill(0, 100); drawPolygon(f, free); free.endFill(); occupied.lineStyle(linewidth, 16777215, 100); if (slow) { score = score + (multiplier * Math.round((polygonArea(r) - lineArea(l)) * 20000)); occupied.beginFill(slowcolor); var _local9 = slowsnd; } else { score = score + (multiplier * Math.round((polygonArea(r) - lineArea(l)) * 10000)); occupied.beginFill(fastcolor); var _local9 = fastsnd; } if (soundflag) { mode = "sound"; } else { mode = "move"; } drawPolygon(r, occupied); occupied.endFill(); percentage = 100 - Math.round(100 * polygonArea(f)); stat.update(); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < spx.length) { spx[_local4].checkf = true; spx[_local4].nextsuperpoint = ""; _local4++; } slow = false; _local9.start(); } function checkThreshold() { if (mode != "demo") { if (percentage >= threshold) { ambientsnd.stop("ambient"); bonussnd.start(); bonussnd.bonus = true; var _local1 = Math.round(percentage - threshold); var _local2 = (multiplier * _local1) * 1000; score = score + _local2; if (_local2 == 0) { _local2 = "NO BONUS"; } if (_local1 < 10) { _local1 = " " + _local1; } stat.message((((((("THRESHOLD: " + threshold) + "\nPERCENTAGE: ") + percentage) + "\n BONUS: ") + _local1) + " * 1000\n\n") + _local2); mode = "sound"; initLevel(); } else { mode = "move"; } } } function splitQix() { ambientsnd.stop("ambient"); bonussnd.start(); bonussnd.bonus = true; multiplier++; stat.message(("split qix\n\nall scores now\n" + multiplier) + "*\noriginal value"); mode = "sound"; initLevel(); } function hitPoint(l, p, open) { var _local14 = p.length; if (open) { _local14--; } if (_local14 == 0) { return(null); } if (l[0] == l[2]) { l[2] = l[2] + 0.01; } if (l[1] == l[3]) { l[3] = l[3] + 0.01; } var _local4 = (l[3] - l[1]) / (l[2] - l[0]); var _local6 = l[1] - (_local4 * l[0]); var _local5 = 1 / _local4; var _local7 = l[0] - (_local5 * l[1]); var _local8 = Math.min(l[0], l[2]); var _local9 = Math.max(l[0], l[2]); var _local10 = Math.min(l[1], l[3]); var _local11 = Math.max(l[1], l[3]); var _local12 = 0; while (_local12 < _local14) { var _local13 = (_local12+1) % p.length; if (p[_local12][0] == p[_local13][0]) { y = (_local4 * p[_local12][0]) + _local6; if ((y >= _local10) && (y <= _local11)) { if ((y <= Math.max(p[_local12][1], p[_local13][1])) && (y >= Math.min(p[_local12][1], p[_local13][1]))) { return([p[_local12][0], y]); } } } else { x = (_local5 * p[_local12][1]) + _local7; if ((x >= _local8) && (x <= _local9)) { if ((x <= Math.max(p[_local12][0], p[_local13][0])) && (x >= Math.min(p[_local12][0], p[_local13][0]))) { return([x, p[_local12][1]]); } } } _local12++; } return(null); } function drawPolygon(p, m) { m.moveTo(p[(p.length-1)][0], p[(p.length-1)][1]); i = 0; while (i < p.length) { m.lineTo(p[i][0], p[i][1]); i++; } } function lineArea(l) { var _local2 = 0; i = 0; while (i < (l.length-1)) { _local2 = _local2 + Math.abs(((l[i][0] - l[(i+1)][0]) + l[i][1]) - l[(i+1)][1]); i++; } return((linewidth * val) / (height * width)); } function polygonArea(p) { var _local2 = 0; i = 0; while (i < p.length) { j = (i+1) % p.length; _local2 = _local2 + (p[i][0] * p[j][1]); _local2 = _local2 - (p[i][1] * p[j][0]); i++; } _local2 = _local2 / 2; if (_local2 < 0) { _local2 = -_local2; } return(_local2 / (height * width)); } function doDemo() { cnt++; if (cnt == 1) { init(); initGame(); initLevel(); lifes = 0; } else if (cnt == 2) { mrkr.birth(); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, fastcolor, 100); stix.moveTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); stat.message("COPYRIGHT 1981 BY\nTAITO AMERICA CORP"); } else if (cnt == 70) { stat.message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nyour marker\n\ncontrolled with\narrow keys"); } else if (cnt < 100) { } else if (cnt == 130) { stat.message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nto draw stix\n\npress fast [z]\nor slow [x]"); } else if (cnt < 135) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x - speed, mrkr.m._y); stix.moveTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt < 155) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y - speed); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt < 183) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x + speed, mrkr.m._y); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt < 213) { stat.message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nto draw stix\n\npress fast [z]\nor slow [x]\n\n\n\n\nstix "); } else if (cnt < 233) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y + speed); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt == 233) { occupied.beginFill(fastcolor); occupied.lineStyle(linewidth, white, 100); fastsnd.start(); stix.clear(); drawPolygon([[mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y], [mrkr.m._x - (speed * 28), mrkr.m._y], [mrkr.m._x - (speed * 28), mrkr.m._y - (speed * 20)], [mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y - (speed * 20)]], occupied); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, slowcolor, 100); stat.message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nclaim areas\nby joining walls\nwith stix"); } else if (cnt < 255) { } else if (cnt < 265) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x + speed, mrkr.m._y); stix.moveTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt < 305) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y - (speed / 2)); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt < 361) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x + (speed / 2), mrkr.m._y); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt < 401) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y + (speed / 2)); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); } else if (cnt == 401) { occupied.beginFill(slowcolor); occupied.lineStyle(linewidth, white, 100); slowsnd.start(); stix.clear(); drawPolygon([[mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y], [mrkr.m._x - (speed * 28), mrkr.m._y], [mrkr.m._x - (speed * 28), mrkr.m._y - (speed * 20)], [mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y - (speed * 20)]], occupied); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, slowcolor, 100); stat.message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nscores based on area\n\n\n\nfast score slow score\n250 500"); } else if (cnt < 480) { } else if (cnt == 480) { stat.message("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nclaim more than\n75% of playfield\nfor special bonus"); } else if (cnt < 550) { } else if (cnt == 550) { stat.message("your enemies "); } else if (cnt < 560) { } else if (cnt == 560) { qix1 = new qix(5); qix1.previous = [right - 100, bottom - 150, right - 180, bottom - 180]; = [right - 200, bottom - 250, right - 80, bottom - 240]; i = 0; while (i < 4) {[i] = ([i] - qix1.previous[i]) / 8; i++; } } else if (cnt < 568) { qix1.move(); } else if (cnt == 568) { stat.message("your enemies \n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n the qix"); spx[0] = new sparx(11, -1); spx[1] = new sparx(12, 1); } else if (cnt < 647) { spx[0].move(); spx[1].move(); } else if (cnt == 647) { stat.message("your enemies \n\n <sparx>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n the qix"); mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y - (20 * speed)); stix.moveTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, fastcolor, 100); line = Array(); line[0] = [mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y]; } else if (cnt < 653) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y - speed); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); line[1] = [mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y]; } else if (cnt < 695) { mrkr.move(mrkr.m._x - speed, mrkr.m._y); stix.lineTo(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y); line[2] = [mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y]; } else if (cnt == 695) { thefuse = new fuse(9); } else if (cnt < 767) { if (cnt == 700) { stat.message("your enemies \n\n <sparx>\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n the qix\n\n\n\n\n\n the fuse"); } thefuse.move(); mode = "demo"; } else if (cnt == 857) { initLevel(); stat.showHiscores(); } else if (cnt == 1000) { cnt = 0; } } _quality = "LOW"; this.createEmptyMovieClip("time", 0); this.createEmptyMovieClip("free", 1); this.createEmptyMovieClip("occupied", 2); this.createEmptyMovieClip("stix", 3); this.createEmptyMovieClip("frame", 4); soundflag = true; if (soundflag) { slowsnd = new Sound(); slowsnd.attachSound("slow"); slowsnd.setVolume(50); fastsnd = new Sound(); fastsnd.attachSound("fast"); fastsnd.setVolume(50); ambientsnd = new Sound(); ambientsnd.attachSound("ambient"); ambientsnd.setVolume(50); spawnsnd = new Sound(); spawnsnd.attachSound("spawn"); spawnsnd.setVolume(50); deadsnd = new Sound(); deadsnd.attachSound("dead"); deadsnd.setVolume(50); fusesnd = new Sound(); fusesnd.attachSound("fusesound"); fusesnd.setVolume(50); supersparxsnd = new Sound(); supersparxsnd.attachSound("startsupersparx"); supersparxsnd.setVolume(50); bonussnd = new Sound(); bonussnd.attachSound("bonus"); bonussnd.setVolume(50); spawnsnd.onSoundComplete = function () { mode = "move"; ambientsnd.start(0, 1000); }; fastsnd.onSoundComplete = checkThreshold; slowsnd.onSoundComplete = checkThreshold; deadsnd.onSoundComplete = function () { if (lifes > 0) { resume(); } else { stat.gameOver(); } }; bonussnd.onSoundComplete = function () { if ((level > 2) && (this.bonus)) { bonussnd.start(); bonussnd.bonus = false; stat.message("points multiply\nif stix splits\n2 qix"); } else { stat.clear(); start(); } }; } left = 16; top = 60; width = 448; height = 400; right = left + width; bottom = top + height; linewidth = 2; speed = 4; markersize = 6; threshold = 75; slowcolor = 9511954 /* 0x912412 */; fastcolor = 32639; yellow = 16777033 /* 0xFFFF49 */; green = 4849481 /* 0x49FF49 */; blue = 4803071 /* 0x4949FF */; red = 16730441 /* 0xFF4949 */; white = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; gray = 4802889 /* 0x494949 */; yellowformat = new TextFormat(); yellowformat.color = yellow; yellowformat.font = "QixSmall"; yellowformat.size = 16; yellowformat.leading = 4; yellowformat.align = "center"; whiteformat = new TextFormat(); whiteformat.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; whiteformat.font = "QixBig"; whiteformat.size = 18; whiteformat.leading = 6; whiteformat.align = "right"; spx = Array(); lifes = 0; cnt = 0; mode = "demo"; this.onEnterFrame = function () { if (mode == "loading") { } else if (mode == "gameover") { cnt++; if (cnt > 60) { end(); } } else if (mode == "demo") { doDemo(); if (Key.isDown(32)) { lifes = 0; stat.clear(); initGame(); initLevel(); start(); } } else if (mode == "dead") { if (Key.isDown(32) && (lifes == 0)) { if (lifes == 0) { stat.clear(); initGame(); initLevel(); start(); } else { resume(); } } } else if (mode == "intro") { qix1.move(); if (level > 2) { qix2.move(); } } else if (mode != "sound") { qix1.move(); if (level > 2) { qix2.move(); } i = 0; while (i < spx.length) { spx[i].move(); i++; } if (mode == "dead") { return(undefined); } with (mrkr.m) { dx = 0; dy = 0; if (Key.isDown(39)) { dx = speed; newdir = "r"; } else if (Key.isDown(37)) { dx = -speed; newdir = "l;"; } else if (Key.isDown(38)) { dy = -speed; newdir = "u"; } else if (Key.isDown(40)) { dy = speed; newdir = "d"; } halfwaytest = f.hitTest(_x + (dx / 2), _y + (dy / 2)); fulltest = f.hitTest(_x + dx, _y + dy); if (((fulltest && (!halfwaytest)) && (Key.isDown(90) || Key.isDown(88))) && (mode == "move")) { if (free.hitTest(_x + (dx / 2), _y + (dy / 2), true)) { ix++; line[ix] = [_x, _y]; dir = newdir; _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; stix.LineTo(_x, _y); ix++; line[ix] = [_x, _y]; splitPolygon(f, line, slow); line = [[_x, _y]]; ix = 0; dir = ""; stix.clear(); stix.moveTo(_x, _y); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, fastcolor, 100); } } else if (fulltest && (halfwaytest || (mode == "cut"))) { if (newdir != dir) { ix++; line[ix] = [_x, _y]; dir = newdir; } _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; stix.LineTo(_x, _y); ix++; line[ix] = [_x, _y]; if (mode == "cut") { if (thefuse != null) { thefuse.clear(); thefuse = null; } splitPolygon(f, line, slow); } line = [[_x, _y]]; ix = 0; dir = ""; stix.clear(); stix.moveTo(_x, _y); stix.lineStyle(linewidth, fastcolor, 100); } else if (((!line.hitTest(_x + dx, _y + dy, true)) && free.hitTest(_x + dx, _y + dy, true)) && (Key.isDown(90) || Key.isDown(88))) { if (Key.isDown(88)) { if (mode == "move") { slow = true; stix.lineStyle(linewidth, slowcolor, 100); } } else if (slow) { stix.lineStyle(linewidth, fastcolor, 100); stix.moveTo(line[0][0], line[0][1]); i = 1; while (i < line.length) { stix.lineTo(line[i][0], line[i][1]); i++; } stix.lineTo(_x, _y); slow = false; } if (odd) { odd = false; if (slow) { return(undefined); } } else { odd = true; } if (dir == "") { dir = newdir; } if (newdir != dir) { if ((line[ix][0] != _x) || (line[ix][1] != _y)) { ix++; line[ix] = [_x, _y]; dir = newdir; } } if (mode == "move") { thefuse = new fuse(9); } mode = "cut"; _x = _x + dx; _y = _y + dy; line[(ix+1)] = [_x, _y]; stix.LineTo(_x, _y); thefuse.pause(); } else if (mode == "cut") { thefuse.move(); } } tl.update(); } }; marker.prototype.birth = function () { mrkr.m._alpha = 100; this.m.attachMovie("birth", "birth1", 1); }; marker.prototype.death = function () { this.m.attachMovie("death", "death1", 1); }; marker.prototype.move = function (x, y) { this.m._x = x; this.m._y = y; }; status.prototype = new XML(); status.prototype.clear = function () { this.m.message.text = ""; this.m.header.text = ""; this.m.clear(); }; status.prototype.update = function () { var i; var x; var y; with (this.m) { if ((((mode != "move") && (mode != "cut")) && (mode != "sound")) && (mode != "intro")) { claim.text = "CREDITS\n99"; } else if (percentage < 10) { claim.text = ((("CLAIMED\n0" + percentage) + "% ") + threshold) + "%"; } else { claim.text = ((("CLAIMED\n" + percentage) + "% ") + threshold) + "%"; } claim.setTextFormat(yellowformat); if (score < 10) { scored.text = "0" + score; } else { scored.text = score; } whiteformat.align = "right"; whiteformat.size = 18; scored.setTextFormat(whiteformat); i = 1; while (i < 4) { x = right - (linewidth * 4); y = (top - (12 * linewidth)) - ((linewidth * 4) * i); if (i == lifes) { lineStyle(linewidth, white, 100); } else { lineStyle(linewidth, red, 100); } this.m.moveTo(x + (linewidth * 1.5), y); this.m.lineTo(x, y + (linewidth * 1.5)); this.m.lineTo(x - (linewidth * 1.5), y); this.m.lineTo(x, y - (linewidth * 1.5)); this.m.lineTo(x + (linewidth * 1.5), y); i++; } } }; status.prototype.showHiscores = function () { this.clear(); whiteformat.align = "center"; whiteformat.size = 16; this.m.header.setTextFormat(whiteformat); this.message("CLICK GAME THEN press spacebar to start"); }; status.prototype.gameOver = function () { with (this.m) { header.text = "\n\n\nGAME OVER"; whiteformat.align = "center"; whiteformat.size = 16; header.setTextFormat(whiteformat); beginFill(0, 100); lineStyle(linewidth, white, 100); moveTo((left + (width / 2)) - 80, top + 95); lineTo((left + (width / 2)) + 80, top + 95); lineTo((left + (width / 2)) + 80, top + 124); lineTo((left + (width / 2)) - 80, top + 124); lineTo((left + (width / 2)) - 80, top + 95); endFill(); mode = "gameover"; cnt = 0; } }; status.prototype.onKeyDown = function () { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (this.m.initials.text.length < 1) { this.clear(); this.message("\n\n\n\nsubmitting high score"); Key.removeListener(this); mode = "loading"; cnt = 856; } } }; status.prototype.submitHiscore = function () { mode = "loading"; this.m.clear(); this.m.header.text = ""; whiteformat.align = "center"; whiteformat.size = 16; this.m.header.setTextFormat(whiteformat); this.message("\n\n\n\nsubmitting score"); gscore = score; gname = "qix"; getURL ("index.php?act=Arcade&do=newscore", "_self", "POST"); }; status.prototype.message = function (txt) { with (this.m) { message.text = txt.toUpperCase(); message.setTextFormat(yellowformat); } }; timeline.prototype.update = function () { var sec; with (this) { sec = Math.ceil(t / 30); if ((sec >= 0) && (l != (sec * 6))) { l = sec * 6; m.clear(); m.lineStyle(linewidth, red, 100); m.moveTo((left + (width / 2)) - l, top - 4); m.lineTo((left + (width / 2)) + l, top - 4); if (sec == 0) { if (n == 1) { supersparxsnd.start(0, 15); i = 0; while (i < spx.length) { spx[i].makeSuper(); i++; } supersparx = true; } else { spx.push(new sparx(11 + spx.length, 1)); spx.push(new sparx(11 + spx.length, -1)); } } } else if (sec == -1) { t = 600; n++; } t--; } }; fuse.prototype.clear = function () { fusesnd.stop("fusesound"); this.m.removeMovieClip(); }; fuse.prototype.pause = function () { if ( { this.m.fs._alpha = 0; fusesnd.stop("fusesound"); = false; } }; fuse.prototype.move = function () { with (this) { if (!active) { fusesnd.start(0, 1000); active = true; } counter++; m.fs._alpha = 100; if (counter > 20) { if ((line[point][0] == m.fs._x) && (line[point][1] == m.fs._y)) { point++; if (line[point][0] == m.fs._x) { if (line[point][1] != m.fs._y) { if (line[point][1] > m.fs._y) { dy = speed; } else { dy = -speed; } dx = 0; } } else { if (line[point][0] > m.fs._x) { dx = speed; } else { dx = -speed; } dy = 0; } } m.lineStyle(linewidth, gray, 100); m.moveTo(m.fs._x, m.fs._y); m.fs._x = m.fs._x + dx; m.fs._y = m.fs._y + dy; m.lineTo(m.fs._x, m.fs._y); if ((m.fs._x == mrkr.m._x) && (m.fs._y == mrkr.m._y)) { return(kill()); } } } }; sparx.prototype.clear = function () { this.m.removeMovieClip(); }; sparx.prototype.makeSuper = function () { this.m.attachMovie("supersparx", "sp" + this.depth, 0); }; sparx.prototype.otherSide = function () { var _local2 = 0; if (this.direction == 1) { g = f_ccw; } else { g = f; } var _local8 = line[0][0]; var _local9 = line[0][1]; var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < g.length) { var _local6 = (_local5+1) % g.length; if (g[_local5][0] == g[_local6][0]) { _local2 = _local2 + Math.abs(g[_local5][1] - g[_local6][1]); if (_local8 == g[_local5][0]) { if ((_local9 <= Math.max(g[_local5][1], g[_local6][1])) && (_local9 >= Math.min(g[_local5][1], g[_local6][1]))) { var _local3 = _local5; var _local4 = Math.abs(g[_local5][1] - _local9); } } } else { _local2 = _local2 + Math.abs(g[_local5][0] - g[_local6][0]); if (_local9 == g[_local5][1]) { if ((_local8 <= Math.max(g[_local5][0], g[_local6][0])) && (_local8 >= Math.min(g[_local5][0], g[_local6][0]))) { var _local3 = _local5; var _local4 = Math.abs(g[_local5][0] - _local8); } } } _local5++; } _local2 = (_local2 / 2) + _local4; var _local7 = _local3; while (_local7 < (g.length + _local3)) { _local5 = _local7 % g.length; var _local6 = (_local7+1) % g.length; _local2 = _local2 - Math.abs(((g[_local5][0] - g[_local6][0]) + g[_local5][1]) - g[_local6][1]); if (_local2 <= 0) { this.path = g.slice(0); this.nextpoint = _local5; if (g[_local5][0] == g[_local6][0]) { this.m._x = g[_local5][0]; this.dx = 0; if (g[_local5][1] > g[_local6][1]) { this.dy = speed; this.m._y = g[_local6][1] - _local2; } else { this.dy = -speed; this.m._y = g[_local6][1] + _local2; } return(undefined); } this.m._y = g[_local5][1]; this.dy = 0; if (g[_local5][0] > g[_local6][0]) { this.dx = speed; this.m._x = g[_local6][0] - _local2; } else { this.dx = -speed; this.m._x = g[_local6][0] + _local2; } return(undefined); } _local7++; } }; sparx.prototype.move = function () { var i; var j; var g; with (this) { if (direction == 1) { g = f_ccw; } else { g = f; } if ((m._x == mrkr.m._x) && (m._y == mrkr.m._y)) { return(kill()); } m._x = m._x + dx; m._y = m._y + dy; if ((m._x == mrkr.m._x) && (m._y == mrkr.m._y)) { return(kill()); } if (supersparx && (mode == "cut")) { if ((m._x == line[0][0]) && (m._y == line[0][1])) { nextsuperpoint = 0; } } if (nextsuperpoint != "") { if ((line[nextsuperpoint][0] == m._x) && (line[nextsuperpoint][1] == m._y)) { nextsuperpoint++; if (line[nextsuperpoint][0] == m._x) { if (line[nextsuperpoint][1] != m._y) { if (line[nextsuperpoint][1] > m._y) { dy = speed; } else { dy = -speed; } dx = 0; return(undefined); } } else { if (line[nextsuperpoint][0] > m._x) { dx = speed; } else { dx = -speed; } dy = 0; return(undefined); } } } if (checkf) { i = 0; while (i < g.length) { if ((g[i][0] == m._x) && (g[i][1] == m._y)) { j = ((i + g.length)-1) % g.length; if (g[j][0] == g[i][0]) { if (g[j][1] != g[i][1]) { if (g[j][1] > g[i][1]) { dy = speed; } else { dy = -speed; } path = g.slice(0); nextpoint = j; checkf = false; dx = 0; return(undefined); } } else { if (g[j][0] > g[i][0]) { dx = speed; } else { dx = -speed; } path = g.slice(0); nextpoint = j; checkf = false; dy = 0; return(undefined); } } i++; } } if ((((m._x < left) || (m._x > right)) || (m._y < top)) || (m._y > bottom)) { otherSide(); } if ((path[nextpoint][0] == m._x) && (path[nextpoint][1] == m._y)) { nextpoint = ((nextpoint + path.length)-1) % path.length; if (path[nextpoint][0] == m._x) { if (path[nextpoint][1] != m._y) { if (path[nextpoint][1] > m._y) { dy = speed; } else { dy = -speed; } dx = 0; return(undefined); } } else { if (path[nextpoint][0] > m._x) { dx = speed; } else { dx = -speed; } dy = 0; return(undefined); } } } }; qix.prototype.selectTarget = function () { var dx; var dy; var minlength; var div; with (this) { div = 1.8; this.step = 1; do { next[0] = Math.round(previous[0] + (((Math.random() - 0.5) * width) / div)); next[1] = Math.round(previous[1] + (((Math.random() - 0.5) * height) / div)); } while ((!free.hitTest(next[0], next[1], true)) || (f.hitTest(next[0], next[1]))); minlength = 50; do { dx = ((Math.random() * 2)-1); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { dy = Math.sqrt(1 - (dx * dx)); } else { dy = -Math.sqrt(1 - (dx * dx)); } l = (Math.random() * 70) + minlength; next[2] = next[0] + (dx * l); next[3] = next[1] + (dy * l); if (minlength > 25) { minlength--; } } while (hitPoint(next, f) != null); i = 0; while (i < 4) { delta[i] = (next[i] - previous[i]) / n; i++; } } }; qix.prototype.isValid = function (l) { var i; var d; with (this) { d = Math.max(Math.abs(delta[0]), Math.abs(delta[1])) / 2; i = 1; while (i < d) { g = (step-1) + (i / d); m.lineTo(previous[0] + (delta[0] * g), previous[1] + (delta[1] * g)); if (!free.hitTest(previous[0] + (delta[0] * g), previous[1] + (delta[1] * g), true)) { return(false); } i = i + 2; } if (!free.hitTest(previous[0] + (delta[0] * step), previous[1] + (delta[1] * step), true)) { return(false); } d = Math.max(Math.abs(delta[2]), Math.abs(delta[3])) / 2; i = 1; while (i < d) { g = (step-1) + (i / d); m.lineTo(previous[2] + (delta[2] * g), previous[3] + (delta[3] * g)); if (!free.hitTest(previous[2] + (delta[2] * g), previous[3] + (delta[3] * g), true)) { return(false); } i = i + 2; } if (!free.hitTest(previous[2] + (delta[2] * step), previous[3] + (delta[3] * step), true)) { return(false); } } return(true); }; qix.prototype.regenerate = function () { with (this) { previous = next.slice(0); selectTarget(); lines = new Array(); } }; qix.prototype.move = function () { var i; var hp; with (this) { if (mode == "cut") { if (m.hitTest(mrkr.m._x, mrkr.m._y, true)) { this.m.attachMovie("qix_hit", "hit", 0); this.m.hit._x = mrkr.m._x; this.m.hit._y = mrkr.m._y; return(kill()); } } m.clear(); i = 0; do { if (isValid()) { break; } i++; previous = current.slice(0, 4); selectTarget(); } while (i <= 10); i = 0; while (i < 4) { current[i] = previous[i] + (step * delta[i]); i++; } current[4] = col; lines.push(current.slice(0)); if (lines.length > 7) { lines.shift(); } i = 0; while (i < lines.length) { m.lineStyle(linewidth, lines[i][4], 100); m.moveTo(lines[i][0], lines[i][1]); m.lineTo(lines[i][2], lines[i][3]); i++; } step++; if (step == n) { previous = next.slice(0); selectTarget(); } if (Math.random() < 0.15) { foo = Math.random(); if (foo < 0.33) { col = blue; } else if (foo < 0.66) { col = red; } else { col = green; } } hp = hitPoint(current, line, true); if (hp != null) { this.m.attachMovie("qix_hit", "hit", 0); this.m.hit._x = hp[0]; this.m.hit._y = hp[1]; return(kill()); } } }; Array.prototype.hitTest = function (x, y, open) { var _local7 = this.length; if (open) { _local7--; } if (_local7 == 0) { return(null); } var _local5 = 0; while (_local5 < _local7) { var _local6 = (_local5+1) % this.length; if (this[_local5][0] == this[_local6][0]) { if (x == this[_local5][0]) { if ((y <= Math.max(this[_local5][1], this[_local6][1])) && (y >= Math.min(this[_local5][1], this[_local6][1]))) { return(true); } } } else if (y == this[_local5][1]) { if ((x <= Math.max(this[_local5][0], this[_local6][0])) && (x >= Math.min(this[_local5][0], this[_local6][0]))) { return(true); } } _local5++; } return(false); };
Symbol 33 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 42 MovieClip [qix_hit] Frame 15
Symbol 44 MovieClip Frame 50

Library Items

Symbol 8 Sound [startsupersparx]
Symbol 5 Sound [spawn]
Symbol 1 Sound [slow]
Symbol 3 Sound [fusesound]
Symbol 4 Sound [fast]
Symbol 7 Sound [dead]
Symbol 6 Sound [bonus]
Symbol 2 Sound [ambient]
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 13 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 15 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:17
Symbol 17 MovieClip [supersparx]Uses:12 13 14 15 16
Symbol 18 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 MovieClip [fuse]Uses:18 19 20 21 22
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:29
Symbol 29 MovieClip [sparx]Uses:24 25 26 27 28
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:33 44
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 32 GraphicUsed by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClipUses:30 31 32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip [birth]Uses:33
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 39 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 41 GraphicUsed by:42
Symbol 42 MovieClip [qix_hit]Uses:35 36 37 38 39 40 41
Symbol 43 GraphicUsed by:44
Symbol 44 MovieClipUses:30 43Used by:45
Symbol 45 MovieClip [death]Uses:44
Symbol 10 FontUsed by:46
Symbol 46 EditableTextUses:10Used by:Timeline
Symbol 9 BitmapUsed by:47
Symbol 47 GraphicUses:9Used by:Timeline
Symbol 11 FontUsed by:48
Symbol 48 EditableTextUses:11Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"l2"Symbol 34 MovieClip [birth] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip
"l4"Symbol 34 MovieClip [birth] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip
"l3"Symbol 34 MovieClip [birth] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip
"l1"Symbol 34 MovieClip [birth] Frame 1Symbol 33 MovieClip

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "startsupersparx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 5 as "spawn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 1 as "slow"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 3 as "fusesound"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 4 as "fast"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 7 as "dead"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "bonus"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 2 as "ambient"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "supersparx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 23 as "fuse"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 29 as "sparx"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 34 as "birth"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 42 as "qix_hit"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 45 as "death"
Tag 0x259 (601)Timeline Frame 2
Created: 5/3 -2019 08:01:42 Last modified: 5/3 -2019 08:01:42 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:44:42