Frame 1
function _getHighScore() {
function ShowHighScore() {
if (NGameID != undefined) {
loadMovie ((("WBHighScores.swf?GameID=" + NGameID) + "&GameScore=") + _getHighScore(), this.createEmptyMovieClip("mcHSBoard", this.getNextHighestDepth()));
_global.$createTweenController = function () {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__tweenController__", 123432);
_local3.$_tweenPropList = new Array();
_local3.$_tTime = getTimer();
_local3.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens;
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$createTweenController", 1, 0);
_global.$removeTweenController = function () {
delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame;
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$removeTweenController", 1, 0);
_global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) {
if (timeSeconds == undefined) {
timeSeconds = 0;
if ((animType == undefined) || (animType == "")) {
animType = "easeOutExpo";
if (delay == undefined) {
delay = 0;
if (typeof(prop) == "string") {
var _local7 = [prop];
var _local11 = [mtarget[prop]];
var _local9 = [propDest];
} else {
var _local7 = [];
var _local11 = [];
var _local9 = [];
for (var _local32 in prop) {
for (var _local32 in prop) {
for (var _local32 in propDest) {
var _local12 = false;
if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local8 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
for (var _local32 in _local11) {
if ((_local9[_local32] != undefined) && (!mtarget.$_isTweenLocked)) {
if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
if ((_local4[_local3]._targ == mtarget) && (_local4[_local3]._prop == _local7[_local32])) {
if ((_local8 + (delay * 1000)) < _local4[_local3]._timeDest) {
_local4.splice(_local3, 1);
_local4.push({_prop:_local7[_local32], _targ:mtarget, _propStart:undefined, _propDest:_local9[_local32], _timeStart:_local8, _timeDest:_local8 + (timeSeconds * 1000), _animType:animType, _extra1:extra1, _extra2:extra2, _extras:extras, _delay:delay, _isPaused:false, _timePaused:0, _callback:(_local12 ? undefined : (callback))});
mtarget.$_tweenCount = ((mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) ? (mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1) : 1);
_local12 = true;
ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, "$_tweenCount", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$addTween", 1, 0);
_global.$updateTweens = function () {
var _local8 = (this.$_tTime = getTimer());
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) {
var _local3 = this.$_tweenPropList[_local6];
if (_local3._targ.toString() == undefined) {
this.$_tweenPropList.splice(_local6, 1);
} else if (((_local3._timeStart + (_local3._delay * 1000)) <= _local8) && (!_local3._isPaused)) {
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
if (_local3._prop.substr(0, 10) == "__special_") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ._currentframe;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ra;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().rb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ga;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().gb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ba;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().bb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().aa;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ab;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_r__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.textColor >> 16;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_g__") {
_local3._propStart = (_local3._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_b__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.textColor & 255;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.getVolume();
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.getPan();
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
_local3._propStart = 0;
_local3._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = _local3._targ._x;
_local3._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = _local3._targ._y;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_x__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_y__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_color__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].color;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].alpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].strength;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].distance;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].angle;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 45;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].highlightColor;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].highlightAlpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].shadowColor;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].shadowAlpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].strength;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ[_local3._prop];
} else {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ[_local3._prop];
var _local10 = _local3._timeDest + (_local3._delay * 1000);
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
var _local4 = _local3._propDest;
} else {
var _local4 = _global.findTweenValue(_local3._propStart, _local3._propDest, _local3._timeStart, _local8 - (_local3._delay * 1000), _local3._timeDest, _local3._animType, _local3._extra1, _local3._extra2);
_local3._targ[_local3._prop] = (_local3._extras.mustRound ? (Math.round(_local4)) : (_local4));
if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ra:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({rb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ga:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({gb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ba:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({bb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({aa:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ab:_local4});
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
var _local7 = _local3._extras;
var _local9 = _global.findPointOnCurve(_local7.__special_bst_ix__, _local7.__special_bst_iy__, _local7.__special_bst_cx__, _local7.__special_bst_cy__, _local7.__special_bst_dx__, _local7.__special_bst_dy__, _local4);
if (_local3._extras.mustRound) {
_local3._targ._x = Math.round(_local9.x);
_local3._targ._y = Math.round(_local9.y);
} else {
_local3._targ._x = _local9.x;
_local3._targ._y = _local9.y;
if ((typeof(_local3._targ) != "movieclip") && (_local3._prop == "__special_text_b__")) {
_local3._targ.textColor = ((_local3._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (_local3._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8)) + _local3._targ.__special_text_b__;
if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_x__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "blur_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_y__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "blur_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_color__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_color", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_alpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_strength", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_distance", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_angle", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_highlightColor", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_highlightAlpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_shadowColor", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_shadowAlpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_strength", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) {
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
if (_local3._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) {
_global.$stopTween(_local3._targ, [_local3._prop], false);
if (_local3._callback != undefined) {
if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) {
var _local11 = _local3._targ.createEmptyMovieClip("__child__", 122344);
_local3._callback.apply(_local11, null);
} else {
_local3._callback.apply(_local3._targ, null);
if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$updateTween", 1, 0);
_global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local7;
for (var _local9 in _local4) {
_local7 = _local4[_local9]._prop;
var _local5 = 0;
while ((_local5 < props.length) || ((_local5 < 1) && (props == undefined))) {
if (((_local4[_local9]._targ == mtarget) && ((_local7 == props[_local5]) || (props == undefined))) && (wipeFuture || ((_local4[_local9]._timeDest + (_local4[_local9]._delay * 1000)) <= getTimer()))) {
switch (_local7) {
case "__special_mc_frame__" :
case "__special_mc_ra__" :
case "__special_mc_rb__" :
case "__special_mc_ga__" :
case "__special_mc_gb__" :
case "__special_mc_ba__" :
case "__special_mc_bb__" :
case "__special_mc_aa__" :
case "__special_mc_ab__" :
case "__special_sound_volume__" :
case "__special_bst_t__" :
delete mtarget[_local7];
case "__special_text_b__" :
delete mtarget.__special_text_r__;
delete mtarget.__special_text_g__;
delete mtarget.__special_text_b__;
_local4.splice(_local9, 1);
if (props == undefined) {
delete mtarget.$_tweenCount;
} else {
mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0;
for (var _local9 in _local4) {
if (_local4[_local9]._targ == mtarget) {
if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) {
delete mtarget.$_tweenCount;
if (_local4.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$stopTween", 1, 0);
_global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) {
var _local1;
var _local7 = false;
var _local3 = [];
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "blur_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_blur_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_blur_quality__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local9;
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_blur_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_blur_quality__));
if (propName == "blur_blurX") {
_local9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, _local8);
if (propName == "blur_blurY") {
_local9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, _local8);
} else if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "glow_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_glow_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_glow_quality__;
if (extras.__special_glow_inner__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].inner = extras.__special_glow_inner__;
if (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].knockout = extras.__special_glow_knockout__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_glow_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_glow_quality__));
var _local12 = ((extras.__special_glow_inner__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_glow_inner__));
var _local10 = ((extras.__special_glow_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_glow_knockout__));
if (propName == "glow_color") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_alpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_blurX") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_blurY") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_strength") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, _local8, _local12, _local10);
} else if (propName.substr(0, 6) == "bevel_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(6)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_bevel_quality__;
if (extras.__special_bevel_type__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].inner = extras.__special_bevel_type__;
if (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].knockout = extras.__special_bevel_knockout__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_bevel_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_bevel_quality__));
var _local11 = ((extras.__special_bevel_type__ == undefined) ? "inner" : (extras.__special_bevel_type__));
var _local10 = ((extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__));
if (propName == "bevel_distance") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_angle") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_highlightColor") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_highlightAlpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_shadowColor") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_shadowAlpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_blurX") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_blurY") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_strength") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, _local8, _local11, _local10);
} else {
mtarget.filters = _local3;
MovieClip.prototype.tween = (TextField.prototype.tween = (Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = (TextField.prototype.roundedTween = (Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = (TextField.prototype.stopTween = (Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
if (props != undefined) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < arguments.length) {
_global.$stopTween(this, props, true);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = (TextField.prototype.pauseTween = (Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) {
if (props != undefined) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
var _local6 = 1;
while (_local6 < Arguments.length) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local5;
for (var _local7 in _local4) {
if ((_local4[_local7]._targ == this) && (!_local4[_local7]._isPaused)) {
if (props != undefined) {
_local5 = false;
for (var _local6 in props) {
if (props[_local6] == _local4[_local7]._prop) {
_local5 = true;
if ((props == undefined) || (_local5)) {
_local4[_local7]._isPaused = true;
_local4[_local7]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = (TextField.prototype.resumeTween = (Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) {
if (props != undefined) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
var _local7 = 1;
while (_local7 < Arguments.length) {
var _local3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local5;
var _local6;
for (var _local8 in _local3) {
if ((_local3[_local8]._targ == this) && (_local3[_local8]._isPaused)) {
if (props != undefined) {
_local5 = false;
for (var _local7 in props) {
if (props[_local7] == _local3[_local8]._prop) {
_local5 = true;
if ((props == undefined) || (_local5)) {
_local3[_local8]._isPaused = false;
_local6 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - _local3[_local8]._timePaused;
_local3[_local8]._timeStart = _local3[_local8]._timeStart + _local6;
_local3[_local8]._timeDest = _local3[_local8]._timeDest + _local6;
_local3[_local8]._timePaused = 0;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = (TextField.prototype.lockTween = (Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () {
this.$_isTweenLocked = true;
ASSetPropFlags(this, "this.$_isTweenLocked", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = (TextField.prototype.unlockTween = (Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () {
delete this.$_isTweenLocked;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = (TextField.prototype.getTweens = (Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () {
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = (TextField.prototype.isTweening = (Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () {
return(((this.$_tweenCount > 0) ? true : false));
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = (TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_alpha", propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_mc_frame__", propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "frameTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = (TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_width", "_height"], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = (TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_rotation", propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = (TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_xscale", "_yscale"], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_xscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_yscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "scroll", propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scrollTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = (TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = (TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, _local3);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_local3.mustRound = true;
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, _local3);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_volume__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "volumeTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_pan__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "panTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
if (propDest_color == null) {
this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
} else {
var _local3 = propDest_color >> 16;
var _local5 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8;
var _local4 = propDest_color & 255;
this.colorTransformTo(0, _local3, 0, _local5, 0, _local4, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = propDest_color >> 16;
var _local6 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8;
var _local4 = propDest_color & 255;
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_text_r__", "__special_text_g__", "__special_text_b__"], [_local3, _local6, _local4], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]);
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTransformTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = (TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_blur_quality__:arguments[0].quality});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [arguments[0], arguments[0]], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], {__special_blur_quality__:arguments[1]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo = function (propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.xBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_blur_x__", propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.yBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_blur_y__", propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = (TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_glow_quality__:arguments[0].quality, __special_glow_inner__:arguments[0].inner, __special_glow_knockout__:arguments[0].knockout});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[2], arguments[3]], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], {__special_glow_quality__:arguments[4], __special_glow_inner__:arguments[5], __special_glow_knockout__:arguments[6]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.xGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.yGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = (TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_bevel_quality__:arguments[0].quality, __special_bevel_type__:arguments[0].type, __special_bevel_knockout__:arguments[0].knockout});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], {__special_bevel_quality__:arguments[8], __special_bevel_type__:arguments[9], __special_bevel_knockout__:arguments[10]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyBevelTo = (TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo = function (propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, type, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blur, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_bevel_quality__:quality, __special_bevel_type__:type, __special_bevel_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyBevelTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyBevelTo", 1, 0);
_global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) {
return({x:p1x + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cx - p1x)) + (t * (p2x - p1x)))), y:p1y + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cy - p1y)) + (t * (p2y - p1y))))});
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findPointOnCurve", 1, 0);
_global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) {
var _local8 = objProp._propStart >> 16;
var _local4 = objProp._propDest >> 16;
var _local5 = (objProp._propStart >> 8) & 255;
var _local6 = (objProp._propDest >> 8) & 255;
var _local9 = objProp._propStart & 255;
var _local7 = objProp._propDest & 255;
var _local12 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local8, _local4, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
var _local10 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local5, _local6, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
var _local3 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local9, _local7, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
return(((_local12 << 16) + (_local10 << 8)) + _local3);
_global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) {
var _local1 = _timeNow - _timeStart;
var _local4 = _propStart;
var _local2 = _propDest - _propStart;
var _local3 = _timeDest - _timeStart;
var _local6 = _extra1;
var _local7 = _extra2;
var _local5 = _extra1;
switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) {
case "linear" :
return(((_local2 * _local1) / _local3) + _local4);
case "easeinquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((-_local2) * _local1) * (_local1 - 2)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((_local1 * (_local1 - 2)) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquad" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuad") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuad") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeincubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutcubic" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutcubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutincubic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCubic") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCubic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquart" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return(((-_local2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquart" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuart") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuart") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquint" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquint" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuint") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuint") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinsine" :
return((((-_local2) * Math.cos((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeoutsine" :
return((_local2 * Math.sin((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local4);
case "easeinoutsine" :
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * _local1) / _local3) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinsine" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutSine") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInSine") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinexpo" :
return(((_local1 == 0) ? (_local4) : ((_local2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((_local1 / _local3) - 1))) + _local4)));
case "easeoutexpo" :
return(((_local1 == _local3) ? (_local4 + _local2) : ((_local2 * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / _local3)) + 1)) + _local4)));
case "easeinoutexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (_local1 - 1))) + _local4);
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / 1)) + 1)) + _local4);
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, (10 * (_local1 - 2)) / 1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeincirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((-_local2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutcirc" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1))) + _local4);
case "easeinoutcirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutincirc" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCirc") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCirc") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-((_local6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7))) + _local4);
case "easeoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
return((((_local6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7)) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeinoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 == 2) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.45;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-0.5 * ((_local6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7))) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return(((((_local6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7)) * 0.5) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeoutinelastic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutElastic") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInElastic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) - _local5)) + _local4);
case "easeoutback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) + _local5)) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local5 = _local5 * 1.525;
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) - _local5))) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
_local5 = _local5 * 1.525;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) + _local5)) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinback" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBack") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBack") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinbounce" :
return((_local2 - findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local3 - _local1, _local3, "easeOutBounce")) + _local4);
case "easeoutbounce" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 < 0.363636363636364) {
return((_local2 * ((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1)) + _local4);
if (_local1 < 0.727272727272727) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.545454545454545;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.75)) + _local4);
if (_local1 < 0.909090909090909) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.818181818181818;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.9375)) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 0.954545454545455;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.984375)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
trace(("MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there's no \"" + _animType) + "\" animation type.");
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findTweenValue", 1, 0);
_global.theRoot = this;
_global.gotoCharSelect = false;
Frame 15
_global.theSound = new Sound();
Frame 31
Symbol 12 MovieClip Frame 1
function executeCallback() {
trace("WAIT COMPLETE" + getTimer());
createBMP(true, _targetClip, _onComplete, _generatedClip, x_offSet, y_offSet);
function checkDelay() {
trace("CREATING INTERVAL" + getTimer());
if (intervalId != null) {
if (delay > 0) {
intervalId = setInterval(this, "executeCallback", delay * 1000);
} else {
function createBMP(isTransparent, _targetClip, _onComplete, _generatedClip, x_offSet, y_offSet) {
var myPath;
if (_propertyClip != "") {
myPath = eval ((_parent + ".") + _propertyClip);
} else {
myPath = eval ((_parent + ".") + _targetClip);
if (scope == "_parent") {
scope = eval ((_parent + ".") + _targetClip)._parent;
} else {
scope = eval ((_parent + ".") + _targetClip);
trace("SCOPE: " + scope);
this.bgBMP = new flash.display.BitmapData(myPath._width, myPath._height, true, 0);
trace("Caching Bitmap for " + _targetClip);
trace((((((((((("MYPATH: " + myPath) + " WIDTH: ") + myPath._width) + " HEIGHT: ") + myPath._height) + " X: ") + myPath._x) + " Y: ") + myPath._y) + " SCOPE: ") + scope);
if (this.bgBMP_holder == undefined) {
this.bgBMP_holder = eval (scope).createEmptyMovieClip(_generatedClip, eval (scope).getNextHighestDepth());
this.bgBMP_holder.attachBitmap(this.bgBMP, eval (scope).getNextHighestDepth(), _pixelSnapping, _smoothing);
var targetBounds = new Object();
targetBounds = myPath.getBounds(scope);
var myMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix());
myMatrix.scale(eval (myPath + "._xscale") / 100, eval (myPath + "._yscale") / 100);
var translateMatrix = (new flash.geom.Matrix());
translateMatrix.translate(myPath._x + (targetBounds.xMin * -1), myPath._y + (targetBounds.yMin * -1));
trace((((((("TRANSLATE MATRIX: X/Y:" + targetBounds.xMin) + ", ") + targetBounds.yMin) + " SCALE: ") + eval (myPath + "._xscale")) + " / ") + eval (myPath + "._yscale"));
this.bgBMP.draw(myPath, myMatrix);
eval ((scope + ".") + _generatedClip)._x = targetBounds.xMin + x_offSet;
eval ((scope + ".") + _generatedClip)._y = targetBounds.yMin + y_offSet;
if (_removeClip == true) {
eval ((_parent + ".") + _targetClip).swapDepths(eval ((_parent + ".") + _targetClip).getNextHighestDepth());
eval ((_parent + ".") + _targetClip).removeMovieClip();
function cacheNow() {
lastClick = getTimer();
_brackets._visible = false;
var intervalId;
var lastClick;
if (autoStart) {
Symbol 25 MovieClip [scooby] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 25 MovieClip [scooby] Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "scoob";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 25 MovieClip [scooby] Frame 24
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 31 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "cat";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 34 MovieClip [ballooncat] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
this.wile.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Symbol 34 MovieClip [ballooncat] Frame 34
Symbol 76 MovieClip [taz] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
Symbol 76 MovieClip [taz] Frame 14
Symbol 97 MovieClip Frame 42
Symbol 98 MovieClip [rosie] Frame 1
this.rosieRun = new Sound(this);
Symbol 98 MovieClip [rosie] Frame 10
Symbol 98 MovieClip [rosie] Frame 39
Symbol 109 MovieClip [bugs] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 109 MovieClip [bugs] Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "bugs";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 109 MovieClip [bugs] Frame 56
Symbol 122 MovieClip [wilee] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
this.wile.cacheAsBitmap = true;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 122 MovieClip [wilee] Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "scorch";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = false;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 122 MovieClip [wilee] Frame 15
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "wile";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc2";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = false;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 122 MovieClip [wilee] Frame 20
Symbol 126 MovieClip [cactus] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 126 MovieClip [cactus] Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "cactus";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 126 MovieClip [cactus] Frame 21
Symbol 132 MovieClip [tntCrate] Frame 1
this._hitArea._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip [tntCrate] Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "tnt";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip [tntCrate] Frame 13
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "charred";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = false;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 132 MovieClip [tntCrate] Frame 14
Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.gameGoing) {
trace((("CACHING " + this.vectors) + " USING ") + this.cacher);
onEnterFrame = function () {
onEnterFrame = null;
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip "cacher" in Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "vectors";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = false;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 34
var loadRatio;
onEnterFrame = function () {
loadRatio = _global.theRoot.getBytesLoaded() / _global.theRoot.getBytesTotal();
if (loadRatio >= 1) {
onEnterFrame = null;
Symbol 167 MovieClip Frame 77
Symbol 172 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.gotoCharSelect) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 177 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 185 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!dialGo) {
Symbol 203 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 216 MovieClip Frame 12
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () {
if (_parent.charsReadyToSelect) {
_global.selectedChar = "FOGHORN";
this.onRollOver = function () {
gotoAndPlay ("OVER");
this.onRollOut = function () {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 217 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 226 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 1
this.hitArea.onRelease = function () {
if (_parent.charsReadyToSelect) {
_global.selectedChar = "FRED";
this.hitArea.onRollOver = function () {
this.hitArea.onRollOut = function () {
Symbol 227 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 235 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 236 MovieClip Frame 1
this.hitArea.onRelease = function () {
if (_parent.charsReadyToSelect) {
_global.selectedChar = "YOGI";
this.hitArea.onRollOver = function () {
this.hitArea.onRollOut = function () {
Symbol 236 MovieClip Frame 26
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 1
this.onRelease = function () {
_global.gotoCharSelect = false;
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 48
if (_global.gotoCharSelect) {
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 82
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 105
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 121
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 155
var charsReadyToSelect = false;
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 219
charsReadyToSelect = true;
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 236
Symbol 243 MovieClip Frame 249
Symbol 244 MovieClip Frame 11
Instance of Symbol 249 MovieClip "groundMarker" in Symbol 250 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4 = this.getBounds(_root);
if (_local4.xMax < 0) {
Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4 = this.getBounds(_root);
if (_local4.xMax < 0) {
Instance of Symbol 12 MovieClip in Symbol 270 MovieClip Frame 1
//component parameters
onClipEvent (construct) {
_targetClip = "crowd";
_onComplete = "onComplete";
_generatedClip = "mc";
_removeClip = true;
_smoothing = true;
_pixelSnapping = "Auto";
scope = "_parent";
delay = 0;
autoStart = true;
x_offSet = 0;
y_offSet = 0;
_propertyClip = "";
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 278 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 300 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 301 MovieClip Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4 = this.getBounds(_root);
if (_local4.xMax < 0) {
Symbol 302 MovieClip Frame 1
groundMarker._visible = false;
Symbol 318 MovieClip Frame 1
if (!dialGo) {
Symbol 323 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.highScore == undefined) {
this._visible = false;
if (_global.highScore == 1) {
highScore.text = _global.highScore + " YARD";
} else {
highScore.text = _global.highScore + " YARDS";
Symbol 324 MovieClip Frame 23
Symbol 338 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_global.highScore == 1) {
highScore.text = _global.highScore + " YARD";
} else {
highScore.text = _global.highScore + " YARDS";
if (_global.highScore == undefined) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 1
_global.yardMenu = this;
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 2
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_global.yardCount == 1) {
yards.yards.text = _global.yardCount + " YARD";
} else {
yards.yards.text = _global.yardCount + " YARDS";
onEnterFrame = null;
btn.onRelease = function () {
redirect = "GAME";
gotoAndPlay ("OUT");
btn2.onRelease = function () {
redirect = "INTRO";
_global.gotoCharSelect = true;
gotoAndPlay ("OUT");
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 339 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 343 MovieClip Frame 1
function setYTarget(yTarget) {
cam.yTarget = yTarget;
cam.back.yTarget = yTarget;
function moveXCam(xDiff, scaleSkew, float) {
cam.xTarget = cam.xTarget + (xDiff * scaleSkew);
cam._x = cam._x - ((cam._x - cam.xTarget) * float);
cam.back._x = cam.back._x - ((cam.back._x - cam.back.xTarget) * (float - 0.1));
function moveYCam(yDiff, scaleSkew, float) {
cam._y = cam._y - ((cam._y - cam.yTarget) * float);
function tilingManager(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff) {
checkTiling(, -3);
checkTiling(cam.back.back, -2);
function initCharArray() {
charArray = new Array();
function obstacleManager(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff) {
crateFrequency = 15 + random(18);
charFrequency = 30 + random(40);
if (linkage == "ballooncat") {
yardsSinceLastObj = crateFrequency;
yardsSinceLastChar = crateFrequency;
} else {
yardsSinceLastObj = _global.yardCount - _global.lastObjYard;
yardsSinceLastChar = _global.yardCount - _global.lastCharYard;
var _local8 = _global.yardCount + 5;
if ((_local8 % signFrequency) == 0) {
var _local6 = (_local8 / signFrequency) * signFrequency;
if (_global.lastSign != _local6) {
var linkage = "signMarker";
_global.lastSign = _local6;
var _local7 = {x:edgeMarker._x, y:edgeMarker._y};
cam.mid.attachMovie(linkage, linkage + _global.objCount, cam.mid.getNextHighestDepth() - 10);
var _local5 = cam.mid[linkage + _global.objCount];
_local5.linkage = linkage;
_local5._y = cam.mid.groundMarker._y;
_local5._x = (_local7.x + (ballXEdgePadding * 2)) + _local5._width;
_local5.yards.text = _local6;
trace("SIGN: " + _local6);
_local5.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.myBounds = new Object();
this.myBounds = this.getBounds(_root);
if (this.myBounds.xMax < 0) {
if (yardsSinceLastObj >= crateFrequency) {
_global.lastObjYard = _global.yardCount;
var linkage = "";
if (yardsSinceLastChar >= charFrequency) {
if (charArray.length == 0) {
var _local9 = random(charArray.length);
if (linkage != "ballooncat") {
_global.lastCharYard = _global.yardCount - 10;
linkage = charArray[_local9];
charArray.splice(_local9, 1);
trace((("CHAR " + linkage) + " ////// REMAINING: ") + charArray);
initObstacle(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff, linkage);
} else {
switch (random(3)) {
case 0 :
linkage = "tntCrate";
case 1 :
linkage = "cactus";
case 2 :
linkage = "tntCrate";
initObstacle(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff, linkage);
function initObstacle(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff, linkage) {
var _local6 = {x:edgeMarker._x, y:edgeMarker._y};
cam.mid.attachMovie(linkage, linkage + _global.objCount, cam.mid.getNextHighestDepth() + 100);
var _local5 = cam.mid[linkage + _global.objCount];
_local5.linkage = linkage;
_local5._y = cam.mid.groundMarker._y;
_local5._x = (_local6.x + (ballXEdgePadding * 2)) + _local5._width;
if (linkage == "ballooncat") {
_local5._y = (cam.mid.groundMarker._y - 250) - random(100);
_local5.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local5 = new Object();
_local5 = this.getBounds(_root);
if (_local5.xMax < 0) {
if (_local5.x < (-this._width)) {
if (this._hitArea.hitTest(_global.theBall)) {
switch (this.linkage) {
case "wilee" :
_global.theBall.ymove = -100;
_global.theBall.xmove = _global.theBall.xmove + random(25);
case "bugs" :
_global.theBall.ymove = 0;
_global.theBall.xmove = -2;
case "scooby" :
_global.theBall.ymove = -15;
_global.theBall.xmove = random(8) - 4;
case "taz" :
_global.theBall.ymove = -60;
_global.theBall.xmove = _global.theBall.xmove + (random(20) + 20);
case "tntCrate" :
_global.theBall.ymove = (60 + random(20)) * -1;
_global.theBall.xmove = _global.theBall.xmove + (random(8) + 10);
case "cactus" :
_global.theBall.ymove = (40 + random(40)) * -1;
_global.theBall.xmove = _global.theBall.xmove + (random(5) + 5);
case "ballooncat" :
_global.theBall.ymove = _global.theBall.ymove * -2;
_global.theBall.xmove = _global.theBall.xmove + random(5);
default :
_global.theBall.ymove = -100;
_global.theBall.xmove = _global.theBall.xmove + random(8);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this.myBounds = new Object();
this.myBounds = this.getBounds(_root);
if (this.myBounds.xMax < 0) {
function checkTiling(mc, spacingAdjustment) {
if (mc.frontTile == undefined) {
mc.frontTile = mc;
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4 = mc.frontTile.getBounds(_root);
if (_local4.xMax < 550) {
var _local3 = mc._parent[mc._name + "_copy"];
if (_local3 == undefined) {
mc.duplicateMovieClip(mc._name + "_copy", mc._parent.getNextHighestDepth());
_local3 = mc._parent[mc._name + "_copy"];
_local3._y = mc._y;
_local3._x = (mc._x + mc._width) + spacingAdjustment;
mc.frontTile = _local3;
} else if (_local3._x < mc._x) {
_local3._x = (mc._x + mc._width) + spacingAdjustment;
mc.frontTile = _local3;
} else if (mc._x < _local3._x) {
mc._x = (_local3._x + mc._width) + spacingAdjustment;
mc.frontTile = mc;
_global.$createTweenController = function () {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__tweenController__", 123432);
_local3.$_tweenPropList = new Array();
_local3.$_tTime = getTimer();
_local3.onEnterFrame = _global.$updateTweens;
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$createTweenController", 1, 0);
_global.$removeTweenController = function () {
delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
delete _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
delete _root.__tweenController__.onEnterFrame;
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$removeTweenController", 1, 0);
_global.$addTween = function (mtarget, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, extras) {
if (timeSeconds == undefined) {
timeSeconds = 0;
if ((animType == undefined) || (animType == "")) {
animType = "easeOutExpo";
if (delay == undefined) {
delay = 0;
if (typeof(prop) == "string") {
var _local7 = [prop];
var _local11 = [mtarget[prop]];
var _local9 = [propDest];
} else {
var _local7 = [];
var _local11 = [];
var _local9 = [];
for (var _local32 in prop) {
for (var _local32 in prop) {
for (var _local32 in propDest) {
var _local12 = false;
if (_root.__tweenController__ == undefined) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local8 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
for (var _local32 in _local11) {
if ((_local9[_local32] != undefined) && (!mtarget.$_isTweenLocked)) {
if (mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local4.length) {
if ((_local4[_local3]._targ == mtarget) && (_local4[_local3]._prop == _local7[_local32])) {
if ((_local8 + (delay * 1000)) < _local4[_local3]._timeDest) {
_local4.splice(_local3, 1);
_local4.push({_prop:_local7[_local32], _targ:mtarget, _propStart:undefined, _propDest:_local9[_local32], _timeStart:_local8, _timeDest:_local8 + (timeSeconds * 1000), _animType:animType, _extra1:extra1, _extra2:extra2, _extras:extras, _delay:delay, _isPaused:false, _timePaused:0, _callback:(_local12 ? undefined : (callback))});
mtarget.$_tweenCount = ((mtarget.$_tweenCount > 0) ? (mtarget.$_tweenCount + 1) : 1);
_local12 = true;
ASSetPropFlags(mtarget, "$_tweenCount", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$addTween", 1, 0);
_global.$updateTweens = function () {
var _local8 = (this.$_tTime = getTimer());
var _local6 = 0;
while (_local6 < this.$_tweenPropList.length) {
var _local3 = this.$_tweenPropList[_local6];
if (_local3._targ.toString() == undefined) {
this.$_tweenPropList.splice(_local6, 1);
} else if (((_local3._timeStart + (_local3._delay * 1000)) <= _local8) && (!_local3._isPaused)) {
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
if (_local3._prop.substr(0, 10) == "__special_") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ._currentframe;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ra;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().rb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ga;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().gb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ba;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().bb;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().aa;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
_local3._propStart = new Color(_local3._targ).getTransform().ab;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_r__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.textColor >> 16;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_g__") {
_local3._propStart = (_local3._targ.textColor & 65280) >> 8;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_text_b__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.textColor & 255;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.getVolume();
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.getPan();
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
_local3._propStart = 0;
_local3._extras.__special_bst_ix__ = _local3._targ._x;
_local3._extras.__special_bst_iy__ = _local3._targ._y;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_x__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_y__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_color__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].color;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].alpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].strength;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].distance;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].angle;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 45;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].highlightColor;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].highlightAlpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].shadowColor;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].shadowAlpha;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurX;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].blurY;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 0;
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") {
var _local5 = 0;
while (_local5 < _local3._targ.filters.length) {
if (_local3._targ.filters[_local5] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ.filters[_local5].strength;
if (_local3._propStart == undefined) {
_local3._propStart = 1;
} else {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ[_local3._prop];
} else {
_local3._propStart = _local3._targ[_local3._prop];
var _local10 = _local3._timeDest + (_local3._delay * 1000);
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
var _local4 = _local3._propDest;
} else {
var _local4 = _global.findTweenValue(_local3._propStart, _local3._propDest, _local3._timeStart, _local8 - (_local3._delay * 1000), _local3._timeDest, _local3._animType, _local3._extra1, _local3._extra2);
_local3._targ[_local3._prop] = (_local3._extras.mustRound ? (Math.round(_local4)) : (_local4));
if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_frame__") {
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ra__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ra:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_rb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({rb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ga__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ga:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_gb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({gb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ba__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ba:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_bb__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({bb:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_aa__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({aa:_local4});
} else if (_local3._prop == "__special_mc_ab__") {
new Color(_local3._targ).setTransform({ab:_local4});
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bst_t__") {
var _local7 = _local3._extras;
var _local9 = _global.findPointOnCurve(_local7.__special_bst_ix__, _local7.__special_bst_iy__, _local7.__special_bst_cx__, _local7.__special_bst_cy__, _local7.__special_bst_dx__, _local7.__special_bst_dy__, _local4);
if (_local3._extras.mustRound) {
_local3._targ._x = Math.round(_local9.x);
_local3._targ._y = Math.round(_local9.y);
} else {
_local3._targ._x = _local9.x;
_local3._targ._y = _local9.y;
if ((typeof(_local3._targ) != "movieclip") && (_local3._prop == "__special_text_b__")) {
_local3._targ.textColor = ((_local3._targ.__special_text_r__ << 16) + (_local3._targ.__special_text_g__ << 8)) + _local3._targ.__special_text_b__;
if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_volume__") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_sound_pan__") {
if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_x__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "blur_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_blur_y__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "blur_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_color__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_color", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_alpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_alpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurX__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_blurY__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_glow_strength__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "glow_strength", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_distance__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_distance", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_angle__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_angle", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightColor__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_highlightColor", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_highlightAlpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowColor__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_shadowColor", _global.findTweenColor(_local3, _local8), _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_shadowAlpha", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurX__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_blurX", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_blurY__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_blurY", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._prop == "__special_bevel_strength__") {
_global.$setFilterProperty(_local3._targ, "bevel_strength", _local4, _local3._extras);
if (_local3._targ.onTweenUpdate != undefined) {
if (_local10 <= _local8) {
if (_local3._targ.onTweenComplete != undefined) {
_global.$stopTween(_local3._targ, [_local3._prop], false);
if (_local3._callback != undefined) {
if (_global.backwardCallbackTweening) {
var _local11 = _local3._targ.createEmptyMovieClip("__child__", 122344);
_local3._callback.apply(_local11, null);
} else {
_local3._callback.apply(_local3._targ, null);
if (this.$_tweenPropList.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$updateTween", 1, 0);
_global.$stopTween = function (mtarget, props, wipeFuture) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local7;
for (var _local9 in _local4) {
_local7 = _local4[_local9]._prop;
var _local5 = 0;
while ((_local5 < props.length) || ((_local5 < 1) && (props == undefined))) {
if (((_local4[_local9]._targ == mtarget) && ((_local7 == props[_local5]) || (props == undefined))) && (wipeFuture || ((_local4[_local9]._timeDest + (_local4[_local9]._delay * 1000)) <= getTimer()))) {
switch (_local7) {
case "__special_mc_frame__" :
case "__special_mc_ra__" :
case "__special_mc_rb__" :
case "__special_mc_ga__" :
case "__special_mc_gb__" :
case "__special_mc_ba__" :
case "__special_mc_bb__" :
case "__special_mc_aa__" :
case "__special_mc_ab__" :
case "__special_sound_volume__" :
case "__special_bst_t__" :
delete mtarget[_local7];
case "__special_text_b__" :
delete mtarget.__special_text_r__;
delete mtarget.__special_text_g__;
delete mtarget.__special_text_b__;
_local4.splice(_local9, 1);
if (props == undefined) {
delete mtarget.$_tweenCount;
} else {
mtarget.$_tweenCount = 0;
for (var _local9 in _local4) {
if (_local4[_local9]._targ == mtarget) {
if (mtarget.$_tweenCount == 0) {
delete mtarget.$_tweenCount;
if (_local4.length == 0) {
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "$stopTween", 1, 0);
_global.$setFilterProperty = function (mtarget, propName, propValue, extras) {
var _local1;
var _local7 = false;
var _local3 = [];
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "blur_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.BlurFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_blur_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_blur_quality__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local9;
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_blur_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_blur_quality__));
if (propName == "blur_blurX") {
_local9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(propValue, 0, _local8);
if (propName == "blur_blurY") {
_local9 = new flash.filters.BlurFilter(0, propValue, _local8);
} else if (propName.substr(0, 5) == "glow_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.GlowFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(5)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_glow_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_glow_quality__;
if (extras.__special_glow_inner__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].inner = extras.__special_glow_inner__;
if (extras.__special_glow_knockout__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].knockout = extras.__special_glow_knockout__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_glow_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_glow_quality__));
var _local12 = ((extras.__special_glow_inner__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_glow_inner__));
var _local10 = ((extras.__special_glow_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_glow_knockout__));
if (propName == "glow_color") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_alpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, propValue, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_blurX") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, propValue, 0, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_blurY") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 1, _local8, _local12, _local10);
if (propName == "glow_strength") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 1, 0, 0, propValue, _local8, _local12, _local10);
} else if (propName.substr(0, 6) == "bevel_") {
_local1 = 0;
while (_local1 < mtarget.filters.length) {
if (_local3[_local1] instanceof flash.filters.BevelFilter) {
_local3[_local1][propName.substr(6)] = propValue;
if (extras.__special_bevel_quality__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].quality = extras.__special_bevel_quality__;
if (extras.__special_bevel_type__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].inner = extras.__special_bevel_type__;
if (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ != undefined) {
_local3[_local1].knockout = extras.__special_bevel_knockout__;
_local7 = true;
if (!_local7) {
var _local8 = ((extras.__special_bevel_quality__ == undefined) ? 2 : (extras.__special_bevel_quality__));
var _local11 = ((extras.__special_bevel_type__ == undefined) ? "inner" : (extras.__special_bevel_type__));
var _local10 = ((extras.__special_bevel_knockout__ == undefined) ? false : (extras.__special_bevel_knockout__));
if (propName == "bevel_distance") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(propValue, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_angle") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, propValue, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_highlightColor") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, propValue, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_highlightAlpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, propValue, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_shadowColor") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, propValue, 1, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_shadowAlpha") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, propValue, 0, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_blurX") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, propValue, 0, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_blurY") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, propValue, 1, _local8, _local11, _local10);
if (propName == "bevel_strength") {
var _local9 = new flash.filters.BevelFilter(0, 45, 16777215, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, propValue, _local8, _local11, _local10);
} else {
mtarget.filters = _local3;
MovieClip.prototype.tween = (TextField.prototype.tween = (Sound.prototype.tween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "tween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedTween = (TextField.prototype.roundedTween = (Sound.prototype.roundedTween = function (prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, prop, propDest, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "roundedTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.stopTween = (TextField.prototype.stopTween = (Sound.prototype.stopTween = function (props) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
if (props != undefined) {
var _local4 = 1;
while (_local4 < arguments.length) {
_global.$stopTween(this, props, true);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "stopTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.pauseTween = (TextField.prototype.pauseTween = (Sound.prototype.pauseTween = function (props) {
if (props != undefined) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
var _local6 = 1;
while (_local6 < Arguments.length) {
var _local4 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local5;
for (var _local7 in _local4) {
if ((_local4[_local7]._targ == this) && (!_local4[_local7]._isPaused)) {
if (props != undefined) {
_local5 = false;
for (var _local6 in props) {
if (props[_local6] == _local4[_local7]._prop) {
_local5 = true;
if ((props == undefined) || (_local5)) {
_local4[_local7]._isPaused = true;
_local4[_local7]._timePaused = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "pauseTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resumeTween = (TextField.prototype.resumeTween = (Sound.prototype.resumeTween = function (props) {
if (props != undefined) {
if (typeof(props) == "string") {
props = [props];
var _local7 = 1;
while (_local7 < Arguments.length) {
var _local3 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tweenPropList;
var _local5;
var _local6;
for (var _local8 in _local3) {
if ((_local3[_local8]._targ == this) && (_local3[_local8]._isPaused)) {
if (props != undefined) {
_local5 = false;
for (var _local7 in props) {
if (props[_local7] == _local3[_local8]._prop) {
_local5 = true;
if ((props == undefined) || (_local5)) {
_local3[_local8]._isPaused = false;
_local6 = _root.__tweenController__.$_tTime - _local3[_local8]._timePaused;
_local3[_local8]._timeStart = _local3[_local8]._timeStart + _local6;
_local3[_local8]._timeDest = _local3[_local8]._timeDest + _local6;
_local3[_local8]._timePaused = 0;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "resumeTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.lockTween = (TextField.prototype.lockTween = (Sound.prototype.lockTween = function () {
this.$_isTweenLocked = true;
ASSetPropFlags(this, "this.$_isTweenLocked", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "lockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.unlockTween = (TextField.prototype.unlockTween = (Sound.prototype.unlockTween = function () {
delete this.$_isTweenLocked;
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "unlockTween", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.getTweens = (TextField.prototype.getTweens = (Sound.prototype.getTweens = function () {
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "getTweens", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.isTweening = (TextField.prototype.isTweening = (Sound.prototype.isTweening = function () {
return(((this.$_tweenCount > 0) ? true : false));
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "isTweening", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.alphaTo = (TextField.prototype.alphaTo = function (propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_alpha", propDest_a, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "alphaTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.frameTo = function (propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_mc_frame__", propDest_frame, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "frameTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.resizeTo = (TextField.prototype.resizeTo = function (propDest_width, propDest_height, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_width", "_height"], [propDest_width, propDest_height], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "resizeTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.rotateTo = (TextField.prototype.rotateTo = function (propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_rotation", propDest_rotation, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "rotateTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.scaleTo = (TextField.prototype.scaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_xscale", "_yscale"], [propDest_scale, propDest_scale], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.xScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_xscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xScaleTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yScaleTo = (TextField.prototype.yScaleTo = function (propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_yscale", propDest_scale, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yScaleTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.scrollTo = function (propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "scroll", propDest_scroll, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "scrollTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.slideTo = (TextField.prototype.slideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "slideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedSlideTo = function (propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["_x", "_y"], [propDest_x, propDest_y], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.xSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedXSlideTo = function (propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_x", propDest_x, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedXSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.ySlideTo = (TextField.prototype.ySlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "ySlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedYSlideTo = function (propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "_y", propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {mustRound:true});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedYSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.bezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, _local3);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = (TextField.prototype.roundedBezierSlideTo = function (cpoint_x, cpoint_y, propDest_x, propDest_y, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = new Object();
_local3.__special_bst_ix__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_iy__ = undefined;
_local3.__special_bst_cx__ = cpoint_x;
_local3.__special_bst_cy__ = cpoint_y;
_local3.__special_bst_dx__ = propDest_x;
_local3.__special_bst_dy__ = propDest_y;
_local3.mustRound = true;
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_bst_t__", 1, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, _local3);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "roundedBezierSlideTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.volumeTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_volume__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "volumeTo", 1, 0);
Sound.prototype.panTo = function (propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_sound_pan__", propDest_volume, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(Sound.prototype, "panTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
if (propDest_color == null) {
this.colorTransformTo(100, 0, 100, 0, 100, 0, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
} else {
var _local3 = propDest_color >> 16;
var _local5 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8;
var _local4 = propDest_color & 255;
this.colorTransformTo(0, _local3, 0, _local5, 0, _local4, undefined, undefined, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
TextField.prototype.colorTo = function (propDest_color, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
var _local3 = propDest_color >> 16;
var _local6 = (propDest_color & 65280) >> 8;
var _local4 = propDest_color & 255;
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_text_r__", "__special_text_g__", "__special_text_b__"], [_local3, _local6, _local4], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "colorTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.colorTransformTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0].ra, arguments[0].rb, arguments[0].ga, arguments[0].gb, arguments[0].ba, arguments[0].bb, arguments[0].aa, arguments[0].ab], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6]);
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_mc_ra__", "__special_mc_rb__", "__special_mc_ga__", "__special_mc_gb__", "__special_mc_ba__", "__special_mc_bb__", "__special_mc_aa__", "__special_mc_ab__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13]);
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "colorTransformTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.blurTo = (TextField.prototype.blurTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_blur_quality__:arguments[0].quality});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [arguments[0], arguments[0]], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[7], {__special_blur_quality__:arguments[1]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "blurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.xyBlurTo = function (propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_blur_x__", "__special_blur_y__"], [propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.xBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_blur_x__", propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yBlurTo = (TextField.prototype.yBlurTo = function (propDest_blur, quality, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, "__special_blur_y__", propDest_blur, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_blur_quality__:quality});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yBlurTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yBlurTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.glowTo = (TextField.prototype.glowTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [arguments[0].color, arguments[0].alpha, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_glow_quality__:arguments[0].quality, __special_glow_inner__:arguments[0].inner, __special_glow_knockout__:arguments[0].knockout});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[2], arguments[3]], arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12], {__special_glow_quality__:arguments[4], __special_glow_inner__:arguments[5], __special_glow_knockout__:arguments[6]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "glowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.xyGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.xGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurX__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.yGlowTo = (TextField.prototype.yGlowTo = function (propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength, quality, inner, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_glow_color__", "__special_glow_alpha__", "__special_glow_blurY__", "__special_glow_strength__"], [propDest_color, propDest_alpha, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_glow_quality__:quality, __special_glow_inner__:inner, __special_glow_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "yGlowTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "yGlowTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.bevelTo = (TextField.prototype.bevelTo = function () {
if ((typeof(arguments[0]) == "object") && (arguments[0] != undefined)) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [arguments[0].distance, arguments[0].angle, arguments[0].highlightColor, arguments[0].highlightAlpha * 100, arguments[0].shadowColor, arguments[0].shadowAlpha * 100, arguments[0].blurX, arguments[0].blurY, arguments[0].strength], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], {__special_bevel_quality__:arguments[0].quality, __special_bevel_type__:arguments[0].type, __special_bevel_knockout__:arguments[0].knockout});
} else {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [arguments[0], arguments[1], arguments[2], arguments[3], arguments[4], arguments[5], arguments[6], arguments[6], arguments[7]], arguments[11], arguments[12], arguments[13], arguments[14], arguments[15], arguments[16], {__special_bevel_quality__:arguments[8], __special_bevel_type__:arguments[9], __special_bevel_knockout__:arguments[10]});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "bevelTo", 1, 0);
MovieClip.prototype.xyBevelTo = (TextField.prototype.xyBevelTo = function (propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blurX, propDest_blurY, propDest_strength, quality, type, knockout, timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2) {
_global.$addTween(this, ["__special_bevel_distance__", "__special_bevel_angle__", "__special_bevel_highlightColor__", "__special_bevel_highlightAlpha__", "__special_bevel_shadowColor__", "__special_bevel_shadowAlpha__", "__special_bevel_blurX__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_blurY__", "__special_bevel_strength__"], [propDest_distance, propDest_angle, propDest_highlightColor, propDest_highlightAlpha, propDest_shadowColor, propDest_shadowAlpha, propDest_blur, propDest_blur, propDest_strength], timeSeconds, animType, delay, callback, extra1, extra2, {__special_bevel_quality__:quality, __special_bevel_type__:type, __special_bevel_knockout__:knockout});
ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "xyBevelTo", 1, 0);
ASSetPropFlags(TextField.prototype, "xyBevelTo", 1, 0);
_global.findPointOnCurve = function (p1x, p1y, cx, cy, p2x, p2y, t) {
return({x:p1x + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cx - p1x)) + (t * (p2x - p1x)))), y:p1y + (t * (((2 * (1 - t)) * (cy - p1y)) + (t * (p2y - p1y))))});
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findPointOnCurve", 1, 0);
_global.findTweenColor = function (objProp, tTime) {
var _local8 = objProp._propStart >> 16;
var _local4 = objProp._propDest >> 16;
var _local5 = (objProp._propStart >> 8) & 255;
var _local6 = (objProp._propDest >> 8) & 255;
var _local9 = objProp._propStart & 255;
var _local7 = objProp._propDest & 255;
var _local12 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local8, _local4, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
var _local10 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local5, _local6, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
var _local3 = Math.round(_global.findTweenValue(_local9, _local7, objProp._timeStart, tTime - (objProp._delay * 1000), objProp._timeDest, objProp._animType, objProp._extra1, objProp._extra2));
return(((_local12 << 16) + (_local10 << 8)) + _local3);
_global.findTweenValue = function (_propStart, _propDest, _timeStart, _timeNow, _timeDest, _animType, _extra1, _extra2) {
var _local1 = _timeNow - _timeStart;
var _local4 = _propStart;
var _local2 = _propDest - _propStart;
var _local3 = _timeDest - _timeStart;
var _local6 = _extra1;
var _local7 = _extra2;
var _local5 = _extra1;
switch (_animType.toLowerCase()) {
case "linear" :
return(((_local2 * _local1) / _local3) + _local4);
case "easeinquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((-_local2) * _local1) * (_local1 - 2)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquad" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((_local1 * (_local1 - 2)) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquad" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuad") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuad") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeincubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutcubic" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutcubic" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutincubic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCubic") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCubic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquart" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return(((-_local2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquart" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return((((-_local2) / 2) * ((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) - 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquart" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuart") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuart") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
case "easeoutquint" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutquint" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((((((_local2 / 2) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((((_local1 * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) * _local1) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinquint" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutQuint") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInQuint") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinsine" :
return((((-_local2) * Math.cos((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeoutsine" :
return((_local2 * Math.sin((_local1 / _local3) * (Math.PI/2))) + _local4);
case "easeinoutsine" :
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.cos((Math.PI * _local1) / _local3) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinsine" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutSine") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInSine") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinexpo" :
return(((_local1 == 0) ? (_local4) : ((_local2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * ((_local1 / _local3) - 1))) + _local4)));
case "easeoutexpo" :
return(((_local1 == _local3) ? (_local4 + _local2) : ((_local2 * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / _local3)) + 1)) + _local4)));
case "easeinoutexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * Math.pow(2, 10 * (_local1 - 1))) + _local4);
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinexpo" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
if (_local1 == _local3) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((-Math.pow(2, (-10 * _local1) / 1)) + 1)) + _local4);
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.pow(2, (10 * (_local1 - 2)) / 1) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeincirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return(((-_local2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutcirc" :
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1))) + _local4);
case "easeinoutcirc" :
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
return((((-_local2) / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) - 1)) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (Math.sqrt(1 - (_local1 * _local1)) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeoutincirc" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutCirc") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInCirc") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-((_local6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7))) + _local4);
case "easeoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 == 1) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.3;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
return((((_local6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7)) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeinoutelastic" :
if (_local1 == 0) {
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 == 2) {
return(_local4 + _local2);
if (!_local7) {
_local7 = _local3 * 0.45;
if ((!_local6) || (_local6 < Math.abs(_local2))) {
_local6 = _local2;
_local5 = _local7 / 4;
} else {
_local5 = (_local7 / (Math.PI*2)) * Math.asin(_local2 / _local6);
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return((-0.5 * ((_local6 * Math.pow(2, 10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7))) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 1;
return(((((_local6 * Math.pow(2, -10 * _local1)) * Math.sin((((_local1 * _local3) - _local5) * (Math.PI*2)) / _local7)) * 0.5) + _local2) + _local4);
case "easeoutinelastic" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutElastic") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInElastic") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
return((((_local2 * _local1) * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) - _local5)) + _local4);
case "easeoutback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = (_local1 / _local3) - 1;
return((_local2 * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) + _local5)) + 1)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutback" :
if (_local5 == undefined) {
_local5 = 1.70158;
_local1 = _local1 / (_local3 / 2);
if (_local1 < 1) {
_local5 = _local5 * 1.525;
return(((_local2 / 2) * ((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) - _local5))) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 2;
_local5 = _local5 * 1.525;
return(((_local2 / 2) * (((_local1 * _local1) * (((_local5 + 1) * _local1) + _local5)) + 2)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinback" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBack") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBack") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeinbounce" :
return((_local2 - findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local3 - _local1, _local3, "easeOutBounce")) + _local4);
case "easeoutbounce" :
_local1 = _local1 / _local3;
if (_local1 < 0.363636363636364) {
return((_local2 * ((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1)) + _local4);
if (_local1 < 0.727272727272727) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.545454545454545;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.75)) + _local4);
if (_local1 < 0.909090909090909) {
_local1 = _local1 - 0.818181818181818;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.9375)) + _local4);
_local1 = _local1 - 0.954545454545455;
return((_local2 * (((7.5625 * _local1) * _local1) + 0.984375)) + _local4);
case "easeinoutbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
case "easeoutinbounce" :
if (_local1 < (_local3 / 2)) {
return((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, _local1 * 2, _local3, "easeOutBounce") * 0.5) + _local4);
return(((findTweenValue(0, _local2, 0, (_local1 * 2) - _local3, _local3, "easeInBounce") * 0.5) + (_local2 * 0.5)) + _local4);
trace(("MC TWEEN ### Error on transition: there's no \"" + _animType) + "\" animation type.");
ASSetPropFlags(_global, "findTweenValue", 1, 0);
var power = 0;
var angle = 0;
var maxPower = 75;
var bounceFactor = 0.6;
var groundFriction = 0.92;
var ballContactFrame = 10;
var camStartY = (cam._y - 20);
var camStartX = cam._x;
var ballXEdgePadding = 100;
var ballYBtmEdgePadding = 150;
var ballYTopEdgePadding = 100;
var pixelsPerYard = 100;
var ballTravelDistance = 0;
var yardsSinceLastObj = 0;
var signFrequency = 50;
var firstSwing = true;
var charArray = new Array();
_global.gravity = 1.5;
_global.objCount = 0;
_global.lastObjYard = 0;
_global.lastCharYard = 0;
_global.theBall = cam.ball;
_global.theSound = new Sound();
_global.gameGoing = false;
_global.lastSign = 0;
_global.gameController = this;
var gameSound = new Sound();
edgeMarker._visible = false;
moveClouds = function () {
var cloudSpeed = 0;
createEmptyMovieClip("cloudController", this.getNextHighestDepth());
cloudController.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (cloudSpeed < 0.5) {
cloudSpeed = cloudSpeed + 0.02;
cam.back._x = cam.back._x - cloudSpeed;
checkTiling(cam.back.back, -2);
stopClouds = function () {
cloudController.onEnterFrame = null;
prepAngle = function (btn) {;
interfaceMenu.angleDial.dialGo = true;
btn.btn.onPress = function () {
if (interfaceMenu.angleDial._currentframe <= 20) {
angle = (interfaceMenu.angleDial._currentframe / 20) * 70;
} else {
angle = ((40 - interfaceMenu.angleDial._currentframe) / 20) * 70;
prepPower = function (btn) {;
interfaceMenu.powerDial.dialGo = true;
btn.btn.onPress = function () {
if (interfaceMenu.powerDial._currentframe <= 16) {
power = ((interfaceMenu.powerDial._currentframe / 16) * maxPower) + 2;
} else {
power = (((32 - interfaceMenu.powerDial._currentframe) / 16) * maxPower) + 2;
cam.ball.xmove = Math.cos((Math.PI/180) * angle) * power;
cam.ball.ymove = Math.sin((Math.PI/180) * angle) * power;
cam.ball.frameMS = 32.258064516129;
cam.ball.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((this._parent.charContainer.char._currentframe >= ballContactFrame) || (this.hitOK != undefined)) {
this.hitOK = true;
if (this.lastFrame == undefined) {
this.frameCompensation = 1;
} else {
this.frameCompensation = (getTimer() - this.lastFrame) / this.frameMS;
this._x = this._x + this.xmove;
this._y = this._y - this.ymove;
this.ymove = this.ymove - _global.gravity;
if (((this._y - this.ymove) > this._parent.groundMarker._y) && (this.ymove < 0)) {
this._y = this._parent.groundMarker._y;
this.ymove = this.ymove * (-1 * bounceFactor);
this.xmove = this.xmove * groundFriction;
var _local3 = Math.abs(this.ymove);
if (_local3 > 2) {
var _local4 = new Sound();
var _local5 = _local3;
if (_local3 > 10) {
_local5 = 10;
_local4.setVolume(_local5 * 10);
if (Math.abs(this.xmove) < 1) {
this.xmove = 0;
if (Math.abs(this.ymove) < 2) {
this.ymove = 0;
if ((this.xmove == 0) && (this.ymove == 0)) {
this.onEnterFrame = null;
this.lastFrame = getTimer();
prepCam = function () {
var ballCoords = new Object();
var prevX = cam.ball._x;
var prevY = cam.ball._y;
var ballX = cam.ball._x;
var ballY = cam.ball._y;
var camMoving = false;
var _local5 = 0;
var xDiff = (prevX - ballX);
var yDiff = (prevY - ballY);
var float = 0.8;
cam.xTarget = cam._x;
cam.yTarget = cam._y;
cam.back.xTarget = cam.back._x;
cam.back.yTarget = cam.back._y;
var scaleSkew = 0.65;
_global.gameGoing = true;
interfaceMenu.alphaTo(0, 0.5, "easeOutQuad");
interfaceMenu.onTweenComplete = function () {
interfaceMenu._visible = false;
cam.scaleTo(scaleSkew * 100, 0.5, "easeOutQuad");
cam.onTweenComplete = function (propName) {
if ((propName == "_xscale") || (propName == "_yscale")) {;
this.onTweenComplete = null;
onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local4 = new Object();
_local4.x = ballCoords.x;
_local4.y = ballCoords.y;
ballCoords.x = cam.ball._x;
ballCoords.y = cam.ball._y;
prevX = ballX;
prevY = ballY;
ballX = cam.ball._x;
ballY = cam.ball._y;
xDiff = prevX - ballX;
yDiff = prevY - ballY;
camXDiff = Math.abs(cam.xTarget - cam._x);
if ((Math.abs(xDiff) > 0.5) || (Math.abs(yDiff) > 0.5)) {
firstSwing = false;
ballTravelDistance = ballTravelDistance - xDiff;
_global.yardCount = Math.round(ballTravelDistance / pixelsPerYard);
score.yards_white.text = _global.yardCount + " YARDS";
cam.ball._rotation = cam.ball._rotation + Math.abs(xDiff);
if (ballCoords.x > (550 - ballXEdgePadding)) {
camMoving = true;
if (camMoving) {
if (Math.abs(xDiff) > 0) {
moveXCam(xDiff, scaleSkew, float);
} else if (camXDiff > 0) {
moveXCam(camXDiff, scaleSkew, float);
} else if (ballCoords.x > 550) {
moveXCam(ballCoords.x - 550, scaleSkew, float);
if ((yDiff < 0) && ((cam._y + yDiff) < camStartY)) {
moveYCam(yDiff * 0.25, scaleSkew, float);
} else if ((yDiff > 0) && (ballCoords.y < (0 + ballYTopEdgePadding))) {
moveYCam(yDiff, scaleSkew, float);
} else if ((yDiff < 0) && (ballCoords.y > (375 - ballYBtmEdgePadding))) {
moveYCam(yDiff, scaleSkew, float);
} else if (yDiff > 0) {
moveYCam(yDiff * 0.2, scaleSkew, float);
} else if (yDiff <= 0) {
moveYCam(yDiff * 0.5, scaleSkew, float);
tilingManager(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff);
obstacleManager(ballX, ballY, xDiff, yDiff);
if ((Math.abs(cam.yTarget - cam._y) < 0.5) && (Math.abs(cam.xTarget - cam._x) < 0.5)) {
camMoving = false;
} else {
trace((((Math.abs(xDiff) + "< 0.5 && ") + Math.abs(yDiff)) + " < 0.5 && ") + (!firstSwing));
if (((Math.abs(xDiff) < 0.5) && (Math.abs(yDiff) < 0.5)) && (!firstSwing)) {
if ((_global.highScore == undefined) || (_global.highScore < _global.yardCount)) {
_global.highScore = _global.yardCount;
cam.attachMovie("rosie", "rosie", cam.getNextHighestDepth());
var _local3 = cam.rosie;
_local3._x = ballX - (700 / scaleSkew);
_local3._y = cam.groundMarker._y;
_local3.xSlideTo(ballX - 237, 1.5, "linear");
_local3.onTweenComplete = function (propName) {
if (propName == "_x") {
onEnterFrame = null;
_global.measureMenuPop = function () {