| STORY LOOP FURRY PORN GAMES • C • SERVICES [?] [R] RND POPULAR | Archived flashes: 229953 |
/disc/ · /res/ — /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/ | P0001 · P2599 · P5197 |
![]() | This is the info page for Flash #121050 |
Cow Girl Game |
M |
M for Mature due to sexual content and moo |
version 0.7 |
by PrimalEmotion |
x2 |
x4 |
Give: |
<p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"></p> |
<p align="right"></p> |
<p align="right"></p> |
<p align="right"></p> |
<p align="right"></p> |
<p align="right"></p> |
<p align="right"></p> |
Chest Size: |
Current Milk |
Production Rate |
Milk Full |
Milk Max |
Happiness |
<p align="center"></p> |
<p align="center"></p> |
A |
A |
You're not supposed to see this far down |
<p align="center"></p> |
Maximum Size! |
Daisy: I'M DONE WITH THIS! *Beats you up and leaves* |
Daisy: Is it time for milking? |
Dr Bevine: Ah yes, hello there. My name's Doctor Bevine. |
Dr Bevine: You're the volunteer Ushichichi trainer, yes? |
Dr Bevine: What? You didn't know? Let me see. |
Dr Bevine: Ah I see. You just mindlessly signed our contract. |
Dr Bevine: Right, so you've volunteered to help an Ushichichi test out growth hormones. |
Dr Bevine: Here she is. This is Daisy, your charge. |
Dr Bevine: You don't need to worry she'll manage herself for the most part. You just need to milk her to keep her in shape. |
Dr Bevine: Oh and make sure to keep her happy. If you don't something bad will happen. |
Dr Bevine: It'll involve tearing off your arms and beating you with them. |
Dr Bevine: Maybe. |
Dr Bevine: Alright. I'll check up on her in two weeks, and every two weeks after that. |
Daisy: It sounds like you've never milked an Ushichichi before. Click the stance button until it shows a drop symbol. (Click next to skip) |
Daisy: Good. Now click and hold on my chest. |
Daisy: Oooh. The current milk level decreases. This will help us stay in control of my milk levels Click next. |
Daisy: A night has passed and my current milk increases based on the production rate. This only happens overnight. Click the candy. |
Daisy: Mmm. Candy increases my prod. rate and makes me happy. Click stance again. |
Daisy: If you keep the current milk number over full but below max my breasts will grow the best. Going over max is painful! Click stance again. |
Daisy: Milking, and candy both make me happy so those are good. Click stance to end this tutorial. |
Dr Bevine: Inspection day! |
Dr Bevine: Let's see how Daisy is doing. |
Dr Bevine: You're doing well I hope? |
Daisy: |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Yes I'm</b></font></p> |
Dr Bevine: Now let's get your measurements. |
Daisy: Ooh that tickles. |
Dr Bevine: You're now at |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>growth</b></font></p> |
So you've grown by |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>size</b></font></p> |
Dr Bevine: That's good progress. |
Dr Bevine: Alright I'll see you in two weeks. |
Dr Bevine: What? Why are we doing this? |
Dr Bevine: Because Ushichichi breast milk is valuable, and larger breasts can make more milk. |
Dr Bevine: That all? Bye then. |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Yes I'm</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>growth</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>size</b></font></p> |
Dr Bevine: |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>That's good </b></font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>progress.</b></font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p> |
Dr Bevine: Final Inspection! |
Dr Bevine: So how's everything going? |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Yes I'm</b></font></p> |
Dr Bevine: Let's get the final measurements. |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>growth</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>size</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>That's good </b></font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>progress.</b></font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p> |
Dr Bevine: It's too bad we can't use the milk from this one. |
Daisy: Why not? |
Dr Bevine: Trace amounts of chemical made it into the milk. |
Dr Bevine: That's it for this experiment. You can keep doing stuff if you like. |
Dr Bevine: I'll see you next time. |
Dr Bevine: HOLY COWSA! |
Dr Bevine: Are you ok, Daisy? |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>Yes I'm</b></font></p> |
Dr Bevine: Let's just get a measurement. |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>growth</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>size</b></font></p> |
<p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>That's good </b></font></p><p align="center"><font face="Arial" size="18" color="#000000" letterSpacing="0.000000" kerning="1"><b>progress.</b></font></p><p align="center"></p><p align="center"></p> |
Dr Bevine: Um, yeah, experiment over. |
Dr Bevine: Conclusion? Holy cow. |
Dr Bevine: She's at maximum size. But i"m sure you noticed the arrow on the left. |
Daisy: Don't be too rough on me, okay? |
Daisy: Us Ushichichi are stronger than we look. I can lift my own weight! |
Daisy: It's a nice day out so I don't need a shirt, Hee hee! |
Daisy: We tend to be more productive when we're happy. |
Daisy: I don't like the strain of overfull. It's painfull. |
Daisy: We don't need cows when Ushichichis make so much milk. |
Daisy: The candy things make my teeth feel kinda mooshy. |
Daisy: Am I artificial? Have a feel. Do I feel artificial? |
Daisy: I don't see how you can eat other animals. I'll stick with plants. |
Daisy: What's for dinner? Milk! ... and I dunno... |
Daisy: I can't believe you humans don't have tails. They're wonderful! |
Daisy: Some of us don't wear bells because it makes us look owned. |
Daisy: How much can I drink? More than you I bet! |
Daisy: I heard Dr Bevine was one of the first Ushichichi. |
Daisy: Dr Bevine has a sister. I think they're not related though. |
Daisy: My ear's itchy can you scratch it for me? |
Daisy: Some Ushichichis can control their breast size. I wish I could... |
Daisy: How many licks in a candy? *Nom* One! |
Daisy: Careful with my tail. It's sensitive. |
Daisy: I hope eating all this candy doesn't make me fat. |
Daisy: I'm doing this stuff to pay for college. What are you in for? |
Daisy: My back kinda aches. Can you give me a massage? |
Daisy: I have a shirt over there. I don't think it'll fit anymore though. |
Daisy: I wish I was as smart as Dr Bevine. She's got a Phd. |
Daisy: A baby from an Ushichichi is human or ushi based on gender. |
Daisy: My favorite color is pink. What's yours? |
Daisy: Ushichichi are vegetarian but milk is ok for us. |
Daisy: I used to work as waitress but they said I was too clumsy. |
Daisy: I like the bars better than the candies. I want more of those. |
Daisy: Is that a rocket in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? |
Daisy: So how big am I going to get? |
Daisy: I have to be careful when I turn around now. |
Daisy: Don't pull to hard or I'll fall over. |
Daisy: I need to rest these on the table after this. |
Daisy: I'm awfully full... ooh I'll take more candy! |
Daisy: I'm ok. Just don't tip ' me over. |
Daisy: I may need help getting out the door today. |
Daisy: Even being so big they are still sensitive. |
Daisy: I can't reach my nipple but it itches. |
Daisy: It's a bit hard to walk, but not impossible. |
ActionScript [AS3] (39.24 KiB)
Section 1 (269 B)//bell2_7 (testfl01cgg_fla.bell2_7) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bell2_7 extends MovieClip { public function bell2_7(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 2 (489 B)//bevineeyes_25 (testfl01cgg_fla.bevineeyes_25) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bevineeyes_25 extends MovieClip { public var blinkChance:Number; public function bevineeyes_25(){ addFrameScript(2, frame3, 29, frame30); } function frame3(){ blinkChance = 0; blinkChance = (Math.random() * 10); if (blinkChance > 9.5){ gotoAndPlay(6); }; } function frame30(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 3 (1.41 KiB)●//cgface1_11 (testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.events.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class cgface1_11 extends MovieClip { public var blinkChance:Number; public function cgface1_11(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 29, frame30, 50, frame51, 73, frame74, 75, frame76, 99, frame100, 120, frame121); } function frame2(){ blinkChance = 0; blinkChance = (Math.random() * 10); if (blinkChance > 9.5){ gotoAndPlay("cblink"); } else { gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); }; } function frame30(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } function frame51(){ gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } function frame74(){ gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } function frame76(){ blinkChance = (Math.random() * 10); if (blinkChance > 9.5){ gotoAndPlay("ublink"); } else { gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); }; } function frame100(){ gotoAndPlay(75); } function frame121(){ gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 4 (478 B)//cgnippleL_20 (testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleL_20) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cgnippleL_20 extends MovieClip { public var milk1_mc:MovieClip; public function cgnippleL_20(){ addFrameScript(2, frame3, 4, frame5); } function frame3(){ milk1_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((Math.random() * 15) + 1))); } function frame5(){ milk1_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((Math.random() * 15) + 1))); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 5 (478 B)//cgnippleR_18 (testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleR_18) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cgnippleR_18 extends MovieClip { public var milk1_mc:MovieClip; public function cgnippleR_18(){ addFrameScript(2, frame3, 4, frame5); } function frame3(){ milk1_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((Math.random() * 15) + 1))); } function frame5(){ milk1_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((Math.random() * 15) + 1))); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 6 (852 B)//cowgirl1chest_13 (testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cowgirl1chest_13 extends MovieClip { public var nippleR:MovieClip; public var nippleL:MovieClip; public function cowgirl1chest_13(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 39, frame40, 119, frame120, 179, frame180, 298, frame299, 350, frame351, 539, frame540, 899, frame900, 1499, frame1500); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ trace("f cup"); } function frame120(){ trace("i cup"); } function frame180(){ trace("m cup"); } function frame299(){ } function frame351(){ trace("r cup"); } function frame540(){ trace("z cup"); } function frame900(){ trace("massive cup"); } function frame1500(){ trace("maximum size"); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 7 (856 B)//cowgirl1chest2_17 (testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest2_17) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cowgirl1chest2_17 extends MovieClip { public var nippleR:MovieClip; public var nippleL:MovieClip; public function cowgirl1chest2_17(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 39, frame40, 119, frame120, 179, frame180, 298, frame299, 350, frame351, 539, frame540, 899, frame900, 1499, frame1500); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame40(){ trace("f cup"); } function frame120(){ trace("i cup"); } function frame180(){ trace("m cup"); } function frame299(){ } function frame351(){ trace("r cup"); } function frame540(){ trace("z cup"); } function frame900(){ trace("massive cup"); } function frame1500(){ trace("maximum size"); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 8 (578 B)//cowgirl1nipple_14 (testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cowgirl1nipple_14 extends MovieClip { public var milk1_mc:MovieClip; public var milk2_mc:MovieClip; public function cowgirl1nipple_14(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 2, frame3, 4, frame5); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame3(){ milk1_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((Math.random() * 15) + 1))); } function frame5(){ milk2_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((Math.random() * 15) + 1))); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 9 (462 B)//CowGirlbase1_3 (testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class CowGirlbase1_3 extends MovieClip { public var chest2_mc:MovieClip; public var face_btn:SimpleButton; public var bell:MovieClip; public var face_mc:MovieClip; public var chest_mc:MovieClip; public function CowGirlbase1_3(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 10 (512 B)//ears01_8 (testfl01cgg_fla.ears01_8) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ears01_8 extends MovieClip { public var twitchChance:Number; public function ears01_8(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2, 39, frame40); } function frame2(){ twitchChance = 0; twitchChance = (Math.random() * 10); if (twitchChance > 9.7){ gotoAndPlay("twitch"); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); }; } function frame40(){ gotoAndPlay(1); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 11 (297 B)//hurtbubbles_48 (testfl01cgg_fla.hurtbubbles_48) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hurtbubbles_48 extends MovieClip { public function hurtbubbles_48(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ play(); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 12 (21.46 KiB)●●●//MainTimeline (testfl01cgg_fla.MainTimeline) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.events.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class MainTimeline extends MovieClip { public var bar_txt:TextField; public var textBox1:MovieClip; public var size1_txt:TextField; public var date_txt:TextField; public var bbar:MovieClip; public var block:MovieClip; public var bknob:MovieClip; public var morn_txt:TextField; public var reset_btn:SimpleButton; public var nextT_btn:SimpleButton; public var cggtext:MovieClip; public var auto_btn:SimpleButton; public var bglow:MovieClip; public var play1_btn:SimpleButton; public var bar_btn:SimpleButton; public var arrow2_btn:SimpleButton; public var arrow_btn:SimpleButton; public var zknob:MovieClip; public var cndy_txt:TextField; public var talk_btn:SimpleButton; public var stance_btn:SimpleButton; public var zbar:MovieClip; public var candy_btn:SimpleButton; public var autoeffect:MovieClip; public var maxSize:MovieClip; public var drop_mc:MovieClip; public var cowgirl_mc:MovieClip; public var mode_btn:SimpleButton; public var bevine:MovieClip; public var chestSize:Number; public var chestFrame:Number; public var milkC:Number; public var milkF:Number; public var milkM:Number; public var milkP:Number; public var milkTP:Number; public var happinessVal:Number; public var talkDay:Boolean; public var milkMT:Number; public var day:Number; public var inspection:Number; public var inspecNum:Number; public var prevChestS:Number; public var morning:Boolean; public var milking:Boolean; public var overMax:Boolean; public var game:Number; public var curSize:Number; public var newSize:Number; public var difSize:Number; public var addCount:Number; public var gameOver:Number; public var texBoxVis:Number; public var textBoxFade:Boolean; public var tutorial:Boolean; public var gameMode:Number; public var autoMode:Number; public var autoNum:Number; public var candyTot:int; public var barTot:int; public var emotion:String; public var volumebounds:Rectangle; public var bbounds:Rectangle; public function MainTimeline(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 4, frame5); } public function play1(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndStop(5); } public function startdragvol(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.target.startDrag(false, volumebounds); } public function stopdragvol(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.target.stopDrag(); } public function eframe(_arg1:Event):void{ cowgirl_mc.scaleX = (((zknob.x - 30) / 100) + 0.8); cowgirl_mc.scaleY = (((zknob.x - 30) / 100) + 0.8); if (textBoxFade != false){ texBoxVis--; if ((((texBoxVis < 0)) && ((gameOver == 0)))){ textBox1.alpha = (textBox1.alpha - 0.1); }; }; if (gameMode == 0){ if (happinessVal > 50){ emotion = "cute"; } else { emotion = "unhappy"; }; if (milking == true){ cowgirl_mc.face_mc.gotoAndPlay("blush"); curSize = Math.round(((chestSize * 4) + (milkC * 4))); if (milkC < 25){ milkC = (milkC - 0.1); }; if (milkC >= 25){ milkC = (milkC - 0.2); }; if (milkC >= 50){ milkC = (milkC - 0.2); }; if (milkC >= 100){ milkC = (milkC - 0.6); }; if (milkC < 0){ milkC = 0; }; if (milkC != 0){ happinessVal = (happinessVal + 0.1); }; newSize = Math.round(((chestSize * 4) + (milkC * 4))); difSize = (newSize - curSize); addCount = 1; }; chestSize = (Math.round((chestSize * 100)) / 100); milkF = (Math.round((milkF * 100)) / 100); milkM = (Math.round((milkM * 100)) / 100); cggtext.chestS_txt.text = String(chestSize); cggtext.milkC_txt.text = String(((Math.round(((milkC / 4) * 100)) / 100) + " L")); cggtext.milkF_txt.text = String(((Math.round(((milkF / 4) * 100)) / 100) + " L")); cggtext.milkM_txt.text = String(((Math.round(((milkMT / 4) * 100)) / 100) + " L")); if (milkP <= 0){ milkP = 0.1; }; milkP = (Math.round((milkP * 100)) / 100); milkTP = (Math.round((milkTP * 100)) / 100); cggtext.milkP_txt.text = String((Math.round(((milkP + milkTP) * 100)) / 100)); if (happinessVal > 100){ happinessVal = 100; } else { if ((((happinessVal <= 0)) && ((gameOver == 0)))){ gameOver = 1; textBox1.alpha = 1; gameOverEvent(_arg1); }; }; happinessVal = (Math.round((happinessVal * 100)) / 100); cggtext.happy_txt.text = String((happinessVal + "%")); cndy_txt.text = String(("x" + candyTot)); bar_txt.text = String(("x" + barTot)); if (inspection == 14){ date_txt.text = String((("day " + day) + " Ins")); } else { date_txt.text = String(("day " + day)); }; if (morning == false){ morn_txt.text = String("Evening"); } else { morn_txt.text = String("Morning"); }; if (addCount > 0){ chestFrame = (difSize + chestFrame); addCount = (addCount - 1); if (overMax == true){ cowgirl_mc.face_mc.gotoAndPlay("hurt"); bglow.alpha = 1; }; }; if (addCount == 0){ if (bglow.alpha > 0){ bglow.alpha = (bglow.alpha - 0.1); }; overMax = false; cggtext.milkM_txt.text = String(((Math.round(((milkM / 4) * 100)) / 100) + " L")); }; if (chestFrame > 1500){ maxSize.visible = true; }; cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(chestFrame)); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(chestFrame)); if (cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.currentFrame == Math.abs(cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.currentFrame)){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(1); if ((((milking == true)) || ((overMax == true)))){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (chestFrame >= 300){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(2); if ((((milking == true)) || ((overMax == true)))){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(5); }; }; }; } else { if (autoMode == 0){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((bknob.x - 20) * 15))); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(((bknob.x - 20) * 15))); if (cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.currentFrame == Math.abs(cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.currentFrame)){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(1); if ((((milking == true)) || ((overMax == true)))){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (chestFrame >= 300){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(2); if ((((milking == true)) || ((overMax == true)))){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(5); }; }; }; } else { if (autoMode > 0){ autoNum++; if (autoMode > 1){ autoNum++; }; if (autoMode > 2){ autoNum++; autoNum++; }; if (autoNum > 1650){ autoNum = 1; }; cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(autoNum); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.gotoAndStop(autoNum); if (cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.currentFrame == Math.abs(cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.currentFrame)){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(1); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(1); if ((((milking == true)) || ((overMax == true)))){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(3); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(3); }; if (chestFrame >= 300){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(2); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(2); if ((((milking == true)) || ((overMax == true)))){ cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleL.gotoAndStop(5); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.nippleR.gotoAndStop(5); }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function nextTime(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if ((((morning == true)) && ((game == 0)))){ morning = false; talkDay = false; } else { if (addCount <= 0){ if (talkDay == false){ happinessVal = (happinessVal - 0.2); }; talkDay = false; day = (day + 1); inspection = (inspection + 1); if (inspection == 7){ barTot = (barTot + 1); candyTot = (candyTot + 4); }; if (inspection == 14){ if (inspecNum == 0){ trace("inspection day"); Inpsect1(_arg1); }; if ((((inspecNum >= 1)) && ((inspecNum < 6)))){ trace("inspection day"); Inpsect2(_arg1); }; if (inspecNum == 6){ trace("inspection day"); Inpsect3(_arg1); }; if ((((((inspecNum >= 1)) && ((inspecNum <= 6)))) && ((chestFrame > 1500)))){ trace("inspection day"); Inpsect3b(_arg1); }; if (inspecNum > 6){ }; }; if (inspection == 15){ inspection = 1; barTot = (barTot + 1); candyTot = (candyTot + 4); }; morning = true; curSize = Math.round(((chestSize * 4) + (milkC * 4))); if ((milkC + milkP) < milkF){ milkC = (milkC + (milkP + milkTP)); if (happinessVal > 70){ chestSize = (chestSize + (milkP / 4)); } else { if (happinessVal < 40){ chestSize = (chestSize - (milkP / 8)); } else { if (happinessVal > 99){ chestSize = (chestSize + (milkP / 3)); }; }; }; if (milkTP > 0){ milkTP = (milkTP - 0.1); if (milkTP < 0){ milkTP = 0; }; }; } else { if (((((milkC + milkP) >= milkF)) && (((milkC + milkP) <= milkM)))){ milkC = (milkC + ((milkP + milkTP) / 2)); chestSize = (chestSize + ((milkP + milkTP) / 2)); if (happinessVal > 70){ chestSize = (chestSize + (milkP / 4)); } else { if (happinessVal < 40){ chestSize = (chestSize - (milkP / 8)); } else { if (happinessVal > 99){ chestSize = (chestSize + (milkP / 3)); }; }; }; milkMT = (milkF * 1.5); milkF = (milkF + (milkP / 5)); milkM = (milkF * 1.5); happinessVal = (happinessVal + 1); if (milkTP > 0){ milkTP = (milkTP - 0.1); if (milkTP < 0){ milkTP = 0; }; }; } else { if ((milkC + milkP) > milkM){ chestSize = (chestSize + ((milkP + milkTP) / 2)); milkC = milkM; if (milkTP > 0){ milkTP = (milkTP - 0.1); milkP = (milkP - 0.1); if (milkTP < 0){ milkTP = 0; }; }; milkMT = (milkF * 1.5); milkF = (milkF + (milkP / 5)); milkM = (milkF * 1.5); if (milkP <= 0){ milkP = 0.1; }; if (happinessVal < 40){ chestSize = (chestSize - (milkP / 8)); }; happinessVal = (happinessVal - 5); overMax = true; }; }; }; newSize = Math.round(((chestSize * 4) + (milkC * 4))); difSize = ((newSize - curSize) / 10); addCount = 10; if ((((day == 1)) && ((textBox1.currentFrame == 23)))){ textBox1.nextFrame(); } else { if ((((day == 1)) && (!((textBox1.currentFrame == 23))))){ textBox1.gotoAndStop(28); }; }; }; }; } public function giveCandy(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if ((((tutorial == false)) && ((candyTot > 0)))){ milkP = (milkP + 0.1); milkTP = (milkTP + 0.1); happinessVal = (happinessVal + 2); candyTot = (candyTot - 1); }; if ((((day == 1)) && ((textBox1.currentFrame == 24)))){ textBox1.nextFrame(); milkP = (milkP + 0.1); milkTP = (milkTP + 0.1); happinessVal = (happinessVal + 2); }; } public function giveBar(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if ((((tutorial == false)) && ((barTot > 0)))){ milkP = (milkP + 0.2); milkTP = (milkTP + 0.3); happinessVal = (happinessVal + 5); barTot = (barTot - 1); }; } public function resetGame(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (tutorial == false){ block.play(); milkP = 0.4; chestSize = 4; milkC = 1; milkF = 2; milkM = 3; milkP = 0.4; milkTP = 0; maxSize.visible = false; candyTot = 4; barTot = 1; day = 0; inspection = 0; inspecNum = 0; happinessVal = 60; morning = true; milking = false; game = 0; chestFrame = Math.round(((chestSize * 4) + (milkC * 4))); curSize = 0; newSize = 0; difSize = 0; addCount = 0; prevChestS = chestFrame; cggtext.x = 441; gameMode = 0; auto_btn.x = -130; autoeffect.x = -130; autoeffect.glow.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x2text.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x4text.alpha = 0; bbar.x = -180; bknob.x = -170; autoMode = 0; autoNum = 0; if (gameOver == 1){ textBox1.visible = false; cowgirl_mc.x = 271.7; textBox1.gotoAndStop(1); }; }; } public function stanceS(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (cowgirl_mc.currentFrame == 1){ cowgirl_mc.gotoAndStop("stance 2"); if ((((tutorial == true)) && ((day == 1)))){ textBox1.nextFrame(); }; } else { if (cowgirl_mc.currentFrame == 10){ cowgirl_mc.gotoAndStop("stance 3"); drop_mc.visible = true; if (((!((day == 0))) && ((tutorial == false)))){ textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.alpha = 1; texBoxVis = 60; textBox1.gotoAndStop(5); } else { textBox1.nextFrame(); }; } else { cowgirl_mc.gotoAndStop("stance 1"); if (tutorial == false){ textBox1.visible = false; }; drop_mc.visible = false; if ((((tutorial == true)) && ((day == 1)))){ textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.nextFrame(); }; }; }; } public function talk(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (((!((day == 0))) && ((tutorial == false)))){ if (talkDay == false){ happinessVal = (happinessVal + 0.5); talkDay = true; }; textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.alpha = 1; texBoxVis = 100; textBox1.gotoAndStop(90); }; } public function blush(_arg1:MouseEvent){ cowgirl_mc.face_mc.gotoAndPlay("blush"); } public function happyFace(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (happinessVal > 50){ cowgirl_mc.face_mc.gotoAndPlay("smile"); }; } public function milk(_arg1:MouseEvent){ milking = true; if (milkC < 0){ milkC = 0; }; if (day == 0){ textBox1.nextFrame(); }; cowgirl_mc.face_mc.gotoAndPlay("blush"); } public function milk2(_arg1:MouseEvent){ milking = false; } public function togMenu(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (cggtext.x < 600){ cggtext.x = 670; } else { cggtext.x = 441; }; arrow_btn.scaleX = (arrow_btn.scaleX * -1); } public function togDB(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (bevine.x < 600){ bevine.x = 750; } else { bevine.x = 300; }; arrow2_btn.scaleX = (arrow2_btn.scaleX * -1); } public function startdragb(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.target.startDrag(false, bbounds); } public function stopdragb(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ _arg1.target.stopDrag(); } public function togMode(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (tutorial == false){ if (gameMode == 0){ bbar.x = (bbar.x + 200); bknob.x = (bknob.x + 200); gameMode = 1; auto_btn.x = (auto_btn.x + 200); autoeffect.x = (autoeffect.x + 200); } else { auto_btn.x = (auto_btn.x - 200); autoeffect.x = (autoeffect.x - 200); bbar.x = (bbar.x - 200); bknob.x = (bknob.x - 200); autoMode = 0; autoeffect.glow.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x2text.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x4text.alpha = 0; gameMode = 0; }; }; } public function togAuto(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if ((((gameMode == 1)) && ((autoMode == 0)))){ autoMode = 1; trace(autoMode); } else { if ((((gameMode == 1)) && ((autoMode == 1)))){ autoMode = 2; autoeffect.x2text.alpha = 1; autoeffect.x4text.alpha = 0; trace(autoMode); } else { if ((((gameMode == 1)) && ((autoMode == 2)))){ autoMode = 4; autoeffect.x2text.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x4text.alpha = 1; trace(autoMode); } else { autoeffect.glow.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x2text.alpha = 0; autoeffect.x4text.alpha = 0; autoMode = 0; trace(autoMode); }; }; }; } public function gameOverEvent(_arg1:Event):void{ textBox1.reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetGame); textBox1.visible = true; if (gameOver == 1){ cowgirl_mc.x = 1000; textBox1.gotoAndStop(2); cggtext.x = 670; }; } public function nextMScene(_arg1:MouseEvent){ textBox1.nextFrame(); } public function skipOpen(_arg1:MouseEvent){ textBox1.gotoAndStop(21); } public function day0(_arg1:Event){ textBox1.gotoAndStop("opening"); prevChestS = 8; } public function Inpsect1(_arg1:Event){ textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.alpha = 1; textBox1.gotoAndStop("inspect1"); textBoxFade = false; } public function Inpsect2(_arg1:Event){ textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.alpha = 1; textBox1.gotoAndStop("inspect2"); textBoxFade = false; } public function Inpsect3(_arg1:Event){ textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.alpha = 1; textBox1.gotoAndStop("inspect3"); textBoxFade = false; } public function Inpsect3b(_arg1:Event){ textBox1.visible = true; textBox1.alpha = 1; textBox1.gotoAndStop("inspect3b"); textBoxFade = false; } function frame1(){ stop(); play1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, play1); } function frame5(){ chestSize = 4; chestFrame = 1; milkC = 1; milkF = 2; milkM = 3; milkP = 0.4; milkTP = 0; happinessVal = 60; talkDay = false; milkMT = 3; day = 0; inspection = 0; inspecNum = 0; prevChestS = 1; morning = false; milking = false; overMax = false; game = 0; curSize = 0; newSize = 0; difSize = 0; addCount = 0; gameOver = 0; texBoxVis = 0; textBoxFade = false; tutorial = true; gameMode = 2; autoMode = 0; autoNum = 1; candyTot = 4; barTot = 1; textBox1.gotoAndStop("opening"); drop_mc.visible = false; maxSize.visible = false; chestFrame = Math.round(((chestSize * 4) + (milkC * 4))); volumebounds = new Rectangle(zbar.x, zbar.y, zbar.width, 1); zknob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startdragvol); zknob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopdragvol); zknob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopdragvol); stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, eframe); nextT_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextTime); candy_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, giveCandy); bar_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, giveBar); reset_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, resetGame); stance_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, stanceS); talk_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, talk); cowgirl_mc.chest_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, blush); cowgirl_mc.face_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, happyFace); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, milk); cowgirl_mc.chest2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, milk2); arrow_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, togMenu); arrow2_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, togDB); bbounds = new Rectangle((bbar.x + 200), bbar.y, bbar.width, 1); bknob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startdragb); bknob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopdragb); bknob.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, stopdragb); mode_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, togMode); auto_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, togAuto); textBox1.next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, nextMScene); textBox1.skip_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, skipOpen); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 13 (435 B)//tail1_4 (testfl01cgg_fla.tail1_4) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tail1_4 extends MovieClip { public var wagChance:Number; public function tail1_4(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ wagChance = 0; wagChance = (Math.random() * 10); if (wagChance > 9.5){ gotoAndPlay("wag"); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); }; } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 14 (439 B)//tail2_24 (testfl01cgg_fla.tail2_24) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tail2_24 extends MovieClip { public var wagChance:Number; public function tail2_24(){ addFrameScript(1, frame2); } function frame2(){ wagChance = 0; wagChance = (Math.random() * 10); if (wagChance > 9.5){ gotoAndPlay("wag"); } else { gotoAndPlay(1); }; } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 15 (9.27 KiB)●●//textbox1_46 (testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.events.*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.geom.*; import adobe.utils.*; import flash.accessibility.*; import flash.errors.*; import flash.external.*; import flash.filters.*; import flash.media.*; import flash.net.*; import flash.printing.*; import flash.profiler.*; import flash.sampler.*; import flash.system.*; import flash.ui.*; import flash.utils.*; import flash.xml.*; public dynamic class textbox1_46 extends MovieClip { public var sizeText:TextField; public var skip_btn:SimpleButton; public var reset_btn:SimpleButton; public var daisy:MovieClip; public var chestText:TextField; public var progText:TextField; public var feelText:TextField; public var next_btn:SimpleButton; public var chestSize:Number; public var newSize:Number; public var rand:Number; public function textbox1_46(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 14, frame15, 20, frame21, 27, frame28, 29, frame30, 32, frame33, 35, frame36, 41, frame42, 44, frame45, 47, frame48, 50, frame51, 51, frame52, 53, frame54, 54, frame55, 57, frame58, 60, frame61, 61, frame62, 67, frame68, 74, frame75, 77, frame78, 80, frame81, 81, frame82, 86, frame87, 89, frame90); } function frame1(){ stop(); chestSize = 10; } function frame15(){ daisy.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(10); } function frame21(){ MovieClip(root).gameMode = 0; } function frame28(){ MovieClip(root).tutorial = false; MovieClip(root).textBoxFade = true; } function frame30(){ daisy.gotoAndStop("stance 2"); daisy.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(MovieClip(root).chestFrame)); daisy.face_mc.gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } function frame33(){ feelText.text = String("Yes I'm fine."); if (MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 85){ feelText.text = String("I feel great!"); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 85)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 70)))){ feelText.text = String("I feel good."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 70)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 50)))){ feelText.text = String("I feel fine."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 50)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 40)))){ feelText.text = String("I'm ok."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 40)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 20)))){ feelText.text = String("Not so well..."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 20)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 0)))){ feelText.text = String("Let me out!"); MovieClip(root).gameOverEvent(); }; } function frame36(){ newSize = 0; chestText.text = String((Math.round((MovieClip(root).chestFrame / 10)) + ".")); newSize = (MovieClip(root).chestFrame - MovieClip(root).prevChestS); sizeText.text = String((Math.round((newSize / 10)) + ".")); } function frame42(){ this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).textBoxFade = true; MovieClip(root).inspecNum = (MovieClip(root).inspecNum + 1); MovieClip(root).prevChestS = MovieClip(root).chestFrame; } function frame45(){ daisy.gotoAndStop("stance 2"); daisy.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(MovieClip(root).chestFrame)); daisy.face_mc.gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } function frame48(){ feelText.text = String("Yes I'm fine."); if (MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 85){ feelText.text = String("I feel great!"); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 85)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 70)))){ feelText.text = String("I feel good."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 70)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 50)))){ feelText.text = String("I feel fine."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 50)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 40)))){ feelText.text = String("I'm ok."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 40)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 20)))){ feelText.text = String("Not so well..."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 20)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 0)))){ feelText.text = String("Let me out!"); MovieClip(root).gameOverEvent(); }; } function frame51(){ chestText.text = String((Math.round((MovieClip(root).chestFrame / 10)) + ".")); newSize = (MovieClip(root).chestFrame - MovieClip(root).prevChestS); sizeText.text = String((Math.round((newSize / 10)) + ".")); } function frame52(){ progText.text = String("That's good progress."); if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 400){ progText.text = String("Wow they're bigger than mine are!"); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 800){ progText.text = String("Those are ... wow..."); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 1200){ progText.text = String("Ha ha, having problems standing?"); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 1499){ progText.text = String("I don't think we should do any more."); }; } function frame54(){ this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).textBoxFade = true; MovieClip(root).inspecNum = (MovieClip(root).inspecNum + 1); MovieClip(root).prevChestS = MovieClip(root).chestFrame; } function frame55(){ daisy.gotoAndStop("stance 2"); daisy.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(MovieClip(root).chestFrame)); daisy.face_mc.gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } function frame58(){ feelText.text = String("Yes I'm fine."); if (MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 85){ feelText.text = String("I feel great!"); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 85)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 70)))){ feelText.text = String("I feel good."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 70)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 50)))){ feelText.text = String("I feel fine."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 50)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 40)))){ feelText.text = String("I'm ok."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 40)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 20)))){ feelText.text = String("Not so well..."); }; if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 20)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 0)))){ feelText.text = String("Let me out!"); MovieClip(root).gameOverEvent(); }; } function frame61(){ chestText.text = String((Math.round((MovieClip(root).chestFrame / 10)) + ".")); newSize = (MovieClip(root).chestFrame - MovieClip(root).prevChestS); sizeText.text = String((Math.round((newSize / 10)) + ".")); } function frame62(){ progText.text = String("That's good progress."); if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame <= 800){ progText.text = String("Conclusion: Works as expected."); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 800){ progText.text = String("Conclusion: Works as expected."); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 1200){ progText.text = String("Conclusion: Performance rate is excellent."); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 1499){ progText.text = String("Conclusion: Lower dosage amount to prevent immobilization."); }; } function frame68(){ this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).textBoxFade = true; MovieClip(root).inspecNum = (MovieClip(root).inspecNum + 1); MovieClip(root).prevChestS = MovieClip(root).chestFrame; } function frame75(){ daisy.gotoAndStop("stance 2"); daisy.chest_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(MovieClip(root).chestFrame)); daisy.face_mc.gotoAndPlay(MovieClip(root).emotion); } function frame78(){ feelText.text = String("Yes I'm fine."); feelText.text = String("It's a bit hard to move..."); if ((((MovieClip(root).happinessVal < 20)) && ((MovieClip(root).happinessVal >= 0)))){ feelText.text = String("Let me out!"); MovieClip(root).gameOverEvent(); }; } function frame81(){ chestText.text = String((Math.round((MovieClip(root).chestFrame / 10)) + ".")); newSize = (MovieClip(root).chestFrame - MovieClip(root).prevChestS); sizeText.text = String((Math.round((newSize / 10)) + ".")); } function frame82(){ progText.text = String("That's good progress."); if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 400){ progText.text = String("Wow they're bigger than mine are!"); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 800){ progText.text = String("Those are ... wow..."); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 1200){ progText.text = String("Ha ha, having problems standing?"); }; if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame > 1499){ progText.text = String("I don't think we should do any more."); }; } function frame87(){ this.visible = false; MovieClip(root).textBoxFade = true; MovieClip(root).inspecNum = 7; MovieClip(root).prevChestS = MovieClip(root).chestFrame; } function frame90(){ if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame < 800){ rand = Math.round(((Math.random() * 30) + 0.6)); } else { if ((((MovieClip(root).chestFrame >= 800)) && ((MovieClip(root).chestFrame < 1500)))){ rand = Math.round(((Math.random() * 35) + 0.6)); } else { if (MovieClip(root).chestFrame >= 1500){ rand = Math.round(((Math.random() * 40) + 0.6)); }; }; }; gotoAndStop((90 + rand)); } } }//package testfl01cgg_flaSection 16 (342 B)//whitebar_51 (testfl01cgg_fla.whitebar_51) package testfl01cgg_fla { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class whitebar_51 extends MovieClip { public function whitebar_51(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1, 29, frame30); } function frame1(){ stop(); } function frame30(){ gotoAndStop(1); } } }//package testfl01cgg_fla
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Symbol 25 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.tail1_4} | Uses:15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 | Used by:263 |
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Symbol 28 MovieClip | Uses:27 | Used by:263 |
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Symbol 31 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.bell2_7} | Uses:30 | Used by:263 |
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Symbol 34 MovieClip | Uses:33 | Used by:36 |
Symbol 35 Graphic | Used by:36 | |
Symbol 36 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.ears01_8} | Uses:32 34 35 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 37 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 38 Graphic | Used by:40 | |
Symbol 39 Graphic | Used by:40 | |
Symbol 40 Button | Uses:38 39 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 41 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 42 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 43 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 44 Graphic | Used by:45 | |
Symbol 45 MovieClip | Uses:44 | Used by:55 |
Symbol 46 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 47 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 48 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 49 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 50 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 51 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 52 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 53 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 54 Graphic | Used by:55 | |
Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} | Uses:41 42 43 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 56 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 57 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 58 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 59 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 60 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 61 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 62 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 63 Graphic | Used by:80 | |
Symbol 64 Graphic | Used by:80 | |
Symbol 65 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 66 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 67 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 68 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 69 Graphic | Used by:70 | |
Symbol 70 MovieClip | Uses:65 66 67 68 69 | Used by:80 |
Symbol 71 Graphic | Used by:80 | |
Symbol 72 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 73 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 74 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 75 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 76 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 77 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 78 Graphic | Used by:79 | |
Symbol 79 MovieClip | Uses:72 73 74 75 76 77 78 | Used by:80 |
Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} | Uses:63 64 70 71 79 | Used by:154 |
Symbol 81 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 82 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 83 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 84 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 85 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 86 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 87 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 88 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 89 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 90 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 91 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 92 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 93 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 94 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 95 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 96 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 97 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 98 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 99 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 100 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 101 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 102 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 103 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 104 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 105 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 106 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 107 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 108 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 109 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 110 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 111 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 112 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 113 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 114 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 115 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 116 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 117 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 118 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 119 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 120 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 121 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 122 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 123 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 124 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 125 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 126 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 127 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 128 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 129 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 130 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 131 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 132 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 133 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 134 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 135 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 136 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 137 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 138 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 139 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 140 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 141 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 142 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 143 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 144 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 145 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 146 ShapeTweening | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 147 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 148 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 149 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 150 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 151 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 152 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 153 Graphic | Used by:154 | |
Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} | Uses:59 60 61 62 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 155 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 156 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 157 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 158 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 159 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 160 Graphic | Used by:169 | |
Symbol 161 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 162 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 163 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 164 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 165 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 166 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 167 Graphic | Used by:168 | |
Symbol 168 MovieClip | Uses:161 162 163 164 165 166 167 | Used by:169 178 |
Symbol 169 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleR_18} | Uses:160 168 | Used by:249 |
Symbol 170 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 171 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 172 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 173 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 174 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 175 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 176 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 177 Graphic | Used by:178 | |
Symbol 178 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleL_20} | Uses:175 176 177 168 | Used by:249 |
Symbol 179 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 180 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 181 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 182 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 183 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 184 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 185 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 186 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 187 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 188 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 189 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 190 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 191 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 192 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 193 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 194 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 195 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 196 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 197 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 198 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 199 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 200 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 201 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 202 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 203 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 204 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 205 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 206 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 207 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 208 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 209 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 210 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 211 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 212 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 213 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 214 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 215 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 216 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 217 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 218 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 219 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 220 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 221 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 222 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 223 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 224 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 225 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 226 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 227 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 228 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 229 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 230 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 231 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 232 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 233 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 234 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 235 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 236 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 237 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 238 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 239 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 240 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 241 ShapeTweening | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 242 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 243 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 244 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 245 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 246 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 247 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 248 Graphic | Used by:249 | |
Symbol 249 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest2_17} | Uses:155 156 157 158 159 169 170 171 172 173 174 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 250 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 251 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 252 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 253 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 254 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 255 Graphic | Used by:256 | |
Symbol 256 MovieClip | Uses:255 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 257 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 258 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 259 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 260 Graphic | Used by:261 | |
Symbol 261 MovieClip | Uses:260 | Used by:263 |
Symbol 262 Graphic | Used by:263 | |
Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} | Uses:25 26 28 29 31 36 37 40 55 56 57 58 154 249 250 251 252 253 254 256 257 258 259 261 262 | Used by:479 Timeline |
Symbol 264 ShapeTweening | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 265 ShapeTweening | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 266 ShapeTweening | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 267 ShapeTweening | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 268 ShapeTweening | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 269 ShapeTweening | Used by:270 | |
Symbol 270 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.tail2_24} | Uses:15 17 18 264 265 266 267 268 269 | Used by:279 |
Symbol 271 Graphic | Used by:279 | |
Symbol 272 Graphic | Used by:277 | |
Symbol 273 Graphic | Used by:277 | |
Symbol 274 Graphic | Used by:277 | |
Symbol 275 Graphic | Used by:277 | |
Symbol 276 Graphic | Used by:277 | |
Symbol 277 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.bevineeyes_25} | Uses:272 273 274 275 276 | Used by:279 |
Symbol 278 Graphic | Used by:279 | |
Symbol 279 MovieClip | Uses:270 271 277 278 | Used by:479 Timeline |
Symbol 280 Graphic | Used by:281 | |
Symbol 281 MovieClip | Uses:280 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 282 Graphic | Used by:283 | |
Symbol 283 MovieClip | Uses:282 | Used by:289 |
Symbol 284 Font | Used by:285 287 349 351 | |
Symbol 285 Text | Uses:284 | Used by:286 |
Symbol 286 MovieClip | Uses:285 | Used by:289 |
Symbol 287 Text | Uses:284 | Used by:288 |
Symbol 288 MovieClip | Uses:287 | Used by:289 |
Symbol 289 MovieClip | Uses:283 286 288 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 290 Graphic | Used by:291 | |
Symbol 291 MovieClip | Uses:290 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 292 Graphic | Used by:293 | |
Symbol 293 MovieClip | Uses:292 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 294 Font | Used by:295 296 297 300 305 306 308 310 311 312 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 346 347 353 360 363 371 373 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 | |
Symbol 295 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:299 |
Symbol 296 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:299 |
Symbol 297 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:299 |
Symbol 298 Graphic | Used by:299 354 364 | |
Symbol 299 Button | Uses:295 296 297 298 | Used by:479 Timeline |
Symbol 300 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 301 Graphic | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 302 Graphic | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 303 Graphic | Used by:304 | |
Symbol 304 Button | Uses:301 302 303 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 305 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:309 |
Symbol 306 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:309 |
Symbol 307 Graphic | Used by:309 | |
Symbol 308 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:309 |
Symbol 309 Button | Uses:305 306 307 308 | Used by:479 Timeline |
Symbol 310 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:314 |
Symbol 311 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:314 |
Symbol 312 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:314 |
Symbol 313 Graphic | Used by:314 | |
Symbol 314 Button | Uses:310 311 312 313 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 315 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 316 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 317 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 318 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 319 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 320 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 321 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 322 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 323 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 324 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 325 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 326 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 327 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 328 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:329 |
Symbol 329 MovieClip | Uses:317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 330 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 331 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 332 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 333 Graphic | Used by:334 | |
Symbol 334 Button | Uses:330 331 332 333 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 335 Graphic | Used by:337 | |
Symbol 336 Graphic | Used by:337 | |
Symbol 337 Button | Uses:335 336 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 338 Graphic | Used by:339 | |
Symbol 339 MovieClip | Uses:338 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 340 Graphic | Used by:341 | |
Symbol 341 MovieClip | Uses:340 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 342 Graphic | Used by:345 | |
Symbol 343 Graphic | Used by:345 | |
Symbol 344 Graphic | Used by:345 | |
Symbol 345 Button | Uses:342 343 344 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 346 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 347 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 348 Graphic | Used by:352 | |
Symbol 349 Text | Uses:284 | Used by:352 |
Symbol 350 Graphic | Used by:352 | |
Symbol 351 Text | Uses:284 | Used by:352 |
Symbol 352 Button | Uses:348 349 350 351 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 353 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:354 |
Symbol 354 Button | Uses:353 298 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 355 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 356 Text | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 357 Graphic | Used by:Timeline | |
Symbol 358 EditableText | Uses:2 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 359 Graphic | Used by:361 | |
Symbol 360 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:361 |
Symbol 361 MovieClip | Uses:359 360 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 362 Graphic | Used by:479 | |
Symbol 363 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:364 |
Symbol 364 Button | Uses:363 298 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 365 Graphic | Used by:479 | |
Symbol 366 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 367 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 368 Graphic | Used by:369 | |
Symbol 369 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.hurtbubbles_48} | Uses:366 367 368 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 370 Graphic | Used by:479 | |
Symbol 371 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 372 Graphic | Used by:375 479 | |
Symbol 373 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 374 Graphic | Used by:479 | |
Symbol 375 MovieClip | Uses:372 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 376 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 377 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 378 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 379 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 380 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 381 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 382 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 383 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 384 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 385 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 386 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 387 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 388 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 389 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 390 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 391 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 392 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 393 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 394 Graphic | Used by:395 | |
Symbol 395 MovieClip | Uses:394 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 396 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 397 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 398 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 399 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 400 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 401 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 402 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 403 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 404 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 405 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 406 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 407 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 408 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 409 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 410 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 411 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 412 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 413 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 414 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 415 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 416 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 417 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 418 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 419 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 420 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 421 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 422 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 423 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 424 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 425 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 426 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 427 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 428 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 429 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 430 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 431 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 432 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 433 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 434 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 435 EditableText | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 436 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 437 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 438 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 439 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 440 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 441 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 442 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 443 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 444 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 445 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 446 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 447 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 448 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 449 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 450 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 451 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 452 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 453 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 454 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 455 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 456 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 457 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 458 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 459 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 460 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 461 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 462 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 463 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 464 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 465 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 466 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 467 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 468 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 469 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 470 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 471 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 472 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 473 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 474 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 475 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 476 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 477 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 478 Text | Uses:294 | Used by:479 |
Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} | Uses:362 309 299 364 365 369 370 371 372 373 374 279 375 376 377 378 379 380 263 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 | Used by:Timeline |
Symbol 480 ShapeTweening | Used by:483 | |
Symbol 481 Graphic | Used by:483 | |
Symbol 482 ShapeTweening | Used by:483 | |
Symbol 483 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.whitebar_51} | Uses:480 481 482 | Used by:Timeline |
Instance Names (9.79 KiB)
"play1_btn" | Frame 1 | Symbol 5 Button |
"cowgirl_mc" | Frame 5 | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} |
"bevine" | Frame 5 | Symbol 279 MovieClip |
"bglow" | Frame 5 | Symbol 281 MovieClip |
"autoeffect" | Frame 5 | Symbol 289 MovieClip |
"zbar" | Frame 5 | Symbol 291 MovieClip |
"zknob" | Frame 5 | Symbol 293 MovieClip |
"nextT_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 299 Button |
"candy_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 304 Button |
"reset_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 309 Button |
"stance_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 314 Button |
"date_txt" | Frame 5 | Symbol 315 EditableText |
"morn_txt" | Frame 5 | Symbol 316 EditableText |
"cggtext" | Frame 5 | Symbol 329 MovieClip |
"arrow_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 334 Button |
"mode_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 337 Button |
"bbar" | Frame 5 | Symbol 291 MovieClip |
"bknob" | Frame 5 | Symbol 293 MovieClip |
"arrow2_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 334 Button |
"drop_mc" | Frame 5 | Symbol 339 MovieClip |
"bar_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 345 Button |
"cndy_txt" | Frame 5 | Symbol 346 EditableText |
"bar_txt" | Frame 5 | Symbol 347 EditableText |
"auto_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 352 Button |
"talk_btn" | Frame 5 | Symbol 354 Button |
"size1_txt" | Frame 5 | Symbol 358 EditableText |
"maxSize" | Frame 5 | Symbol 361 MovieClip |
"textBox1" | Frame 5 | Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} |
"block" | Frame 5 | Symbol 483 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.whitebar_51} |
"milk1_mc" | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} Frame 3 | Symbol 70 MovieClip |
"milk2_mc" | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} Frame 5 | Symbol 79 MovieClip |
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"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 1 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 40 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
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"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 120 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 120 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 180 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 180 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 351 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 351 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 540 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 540 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 900 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 900 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleR" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 1500 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} Frame 1500 | Symbol 80 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1nipple_14} |
"milk1_mc" | Symbol 169 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleR_18} Frame 3 | Symbol 168 MovieClip |
"milk1_mc" | Symbol 178 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleL_20} Frame 3 | Symbol 168 MovieClip |
"nippleR" | Symbol 249 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest2_17} Frame 1 | Symbol 169 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleR_18} |
"nippleL" | Symbol 249 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest2_17} Frame 1 | Symbol 178 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgnippleL_20} |
"bell" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 1 | Symbol 31 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.bell2_7} |
"face_btn" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 1 | Symbol 40 Button |
"face_mc" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 1 | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} |
"chest_mc" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 1 | Symbol 154 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest_13} |
"chest2_mc" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 1 | Symbol 249 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cowgirl1chest2_17} |
"glow" | Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 283 MovieClip |
"x2text" | Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 286 MovieClip |
"x4text" | Symbol 289 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 288 MovieClip |
"chestS_txt" | Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 317 EditableText |
"milkC_txt" | Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 318 EditableText |
"milkP_txt" | Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 319 EditableText |
"milkF_txt" | Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 320 EditableText |
"milkM_txt" | Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 321 EditableText |
"happy_txt" | Symbol 329 MovieClip Frame 1 | Symbol 322 EditableText |
"reset_btn" | Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} Frame 1 | Symbol 309 Button |
"next_btn" | Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} Frame 1 | Symbol 299 Button |
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"daisy" | Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} Frame 15 | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} |
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"feelText" | Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} Frame 33 | Symbol 400 EditableText |
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"progText" | Symbol 479 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.textbox1_46} Frame 62 | Symbol 423 EditableText |
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Special Tags (169 B)
FileAttributes (69) | Timeline Frame 1 | Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3. |
Labels (3.8 KiB)
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"cblink" | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} Frame 10 |
"blush" | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} Frame 31 |
"hurt" | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} Frame 52 |
"unhappy" | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} Frame 75 |
"ublink" | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} Frame 90 |
"smile" | Symbol 55 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.cgface1_11} Frame 101 |
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"stance 2" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 10 |
"stance 3" | Symbol 263 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.CowGirlbase1_3} Frame 21 |
"wag" | Symbol 270 MovieClip {testfl01cgg_fla.tail2_24} Frame 5 |
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