Frame 1
FOG.AS2.FogServices.Connect({id:152, fogid:15758, name:"tu-95", title:"TU 95", category:"adventure-games"});
Instance of Symbol 49 MovieClip in Frame 1
on (release) {
Frame 2
Frame 3
Frame 4
var s1 = new Sound();
_root.s1.start(0, 999999);
Frame 5
mainMusic = true;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
FC = true;
Paused = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
retry = 5;
rainSound = false;
PARATROOPERlvl = false;
attachMovie("maskRoot", "maskRoot", 290, {_x:335, _y:225});
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 5
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Instance of Symbol 492 MovieClip "stream" in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.rainSound == true) {
if (_root.rainSound == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.rainSound) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.rainSound == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 7
mainMusic = true;
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 7
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 7
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 10
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
FC = true;
Paused = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
rainSound = false;
PARATROOPERlvl = false;
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 10
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 10
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 11
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
FC = true;
Paused = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
rainSound = false;
PARATROOPERlvl = false;
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Frame 19
retry = this._currentframe;
mainMusic = true;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 19
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 19
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 19
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 20
function applyColor(target, colors) {
var _local1 = new Array();
_local1 = _local1.concat([colors[0], 0, 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, colors[1], 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, colors[2], 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
var _local2 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local1);
target.filters = new Array(_local2);
FIREHIT = false;
FDD = false;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
SCRx = 400;
SCRy = 225;
xx = 0.8;
_root.MIS.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (this.moving) {
if (this.speed < this.speedmax) {
this.speed = this.speed + this.accl;
if ((!FIREHIT) == true) {
nextx = hero._x;
nexty = hero._y;
if (((!FIREHIT) == false) or (MIS._y >= 420)) {
_root.tut.gotoAndStop(_root.tut._currentframe + 1);
nextx = ground._x;
nexty = ground._y;
dx = nextx - this._x;
dy = nexty - this._y;
radians = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (dx < 0) {
this.rotates = 180 + ((radians * 180) / 3.141593);
} else {
this.rotates = (radians * 180) / 3.141593;
if (this.rotates2 < this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 + this.manuver;
if (this.rotates2 > this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 - this.manuver;
this._rotation = this.rotates2;
this.vx = this.speed * Math.cos((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this.vy = this.speed * Math.sin((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this._x = this._x + this.vx;
this._y = this._y + this.vy;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - Math.round((_x - (SCRx - ScrollOb._x)) / 2));
_y = (_y - Math.round((_y - (SCRy - ScrollOb._y)) / 2));
if (friend.hitTest(friendShow)) {
friendShow._visible = false;
} else {
friendShow._visible = true;
friendShow._y = friend._y;
friendShow._x = friend._x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) <= 50) {
friendShow._x = 50 - _x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) >= 620) {
friendShow._x = 620 - _x;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) <= 50) {
friendShow._y = 50 - _y;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) >= 400) {
friendShow._y = 400 - _y;
if (hero._x < -22000) {
hero._y = hero._y - (hero._y + (hero._y / 2));
if ((hero._y < -11100) and (hero._y > -15500)) {
xx = xx + 0.1;
if (xx >= 1) {
xx = 1;
if (hero._y > -11100) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.8) {
xx = 0.8;
if (hero._y < -15500) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.5) {
xx = 0.5;
applyColor(hero, [xx, xx, xx]);
light._rotation = hero._rotation;
light._x = hero._x;
light._y = hero._y;
tut._x = (-_x) + 335;
tut._y = (-_y) + 225;
menu._x = (-_x) + 335;
menu._y = (-_y) + 225;
BM._x = (-_x) + 335;
BM._y = (-_y) + 225;
bg._x = (-_x) + 335;
Lcloud._x = (-_x) + 335;
ground._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._y = (-_y) + 225;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
attachMovie("smoke3", "smoke3" + numdepth3, numdepth3, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
smoke3._rotation = random(360) + 1;
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 15) and (_root.hero._y < -15000)) {
attachMovie("WL", "WL" + numdepth2, numdepth2, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (numdepth > 48) {
numdepth = 20;
if (numdepth2 > 99) {
numdepth2 = 90;
if (numdepth3 >= 149) {
numdepth3 = 120;
if ((hero.speed >= 2) and hero.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
attachMovie("smoke", "smoke" + numdepth, numdepth, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
Instance of Symbol 533 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (NNN > 550) {
NNN = 500;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 20, true)) {
_root.HIT = false;
if (_root.hero._y > 360) {
LT = LT + 1;
} else if (_root.hero._y < 360) {
LT = 0;
while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed < 10) {
_root.hero._rotation = 89;
if (((!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport)) and (!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport2))) and (_root.hero.speed >= 3)) {
_root.hero._rotation = random(5) + 85;
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero.speed >= 10)) {
_root.attachMovie("LW", "LW" + NNN, NNN, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y + 8, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (_root.hero.speed < 12) {
_root.hero._y = 397;
if ((((((!_root.weelcrashed) == true) and ((!CR) == true)) and (LT < 30)) and ((!LT) < 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
CR = true;
if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 30)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 10)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT < 30)) {
_root.HIT = true;
if ((((_root.hero.speed <= 15) and (LT < 10)) and ((!LT) < 30)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation < 80) or ((_root.hero._rotation > 91) and ((!_root.DD) == true))) {
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
if ((_root.hero.G > 10.5) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((((_root.hero.G > 5) and (_root.hero.speed > 10)) and (_root.hero._rotation < 80)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
} else {
_root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 1;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.15;
onClipEvent (load) {
LT = 300;
NNN = 500;
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip "Airport" in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 100000 /* 0x0186A0 */;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9300;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9100;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9000;
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = _root.hero._y - 300;
this._x = _root.hero._x + 40;
Instance of Symbol 779 MovieClip "hero" in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
fastG = 0;
G = 10;
maxSpeed = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (Key.isDown(72) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.attachMovie("heroT", "heroT", 200, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = false;
_root.ScrollOb = _root.heroT;
if ((Key.isDown(32) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and ((!FC) == false)) {
FC = false;
_root.attachMovie("fire", "fire", 201, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
if (_root._y <= 50) {
_root._y = 50;
if (G > 18) {
G = 18;
if (this._y < -15000) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.28;
if (this._y < -11100) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((!DD) == true) {
G = G - 0.01;
GR = G / 500;
if ((!_root.HIT) == true) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + GR;
if (G > 50) {
G = G + 0.15;
this._y = this._y + G;
this._y = this._y - fastG;
if (this._rotation < 40) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.05;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.2;
if (this._rotation < 65) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.01;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 75) and (speed < (maxSpeed - 1))) {
G = G + 0.3;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 90) and (this._rotation > 40)) {
G = G - (speed / 170);
if (this._rotation > 90) {
G = G + (speed / 160);
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.motor) == false)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (Math.abs(speed) > maxSpeed) {
speed = speed * 0.7;
if ((Key.isDown(37) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed);
if ((Key.isDown(39) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed);
speed = speed * 0.98;
x = Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed;
y = (Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed) * -1;
if (! + x, _y + y, true)) {
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
} else {
speed = speed * -0.1;
Instance of Symbol 994 MovieClip "tut" in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.hero._x >= 100000) and (_root.hero._x < 108000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MC = true;
_root.MF = false;
if ((_root.DD == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (((((_root.hero._x >= 100000) and (_root.hero._x < 108000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == false)) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x > (_root.Airport._x + 5000)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x >= 80000) and (_root.hero._x <= 81000)) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 300000) - this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 300000) - this._x);
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip "Lcloud" in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = -11200;
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] "menu" in Frame 20
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 200000) + this._x);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeGo) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.planeGo = true;
_root.planeStop = false;
} else {
_root.planeGo = false;
_root.planeStop = true;
if (_root.planeGo == false) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.soundPlane) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.soundPlane == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeStop) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_root.planeStop == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 21
mainMusic = true;
retry = this._currentframe;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 21
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 21
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 21
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 22
function applyColor(target, colors) {
var _local1 = new Array();
_local1 = _local1.concat([colors[0], 0, 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, colors[1], 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, colors[2], 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
var _local2 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local1);
target.filters = new Array(_local2);
FIREHIT = false;
FDD = false;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
SCRx = 400;
SCRy = 225;
xx = 0.8;
_root.MIS.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (this.moving) {
if (this.speed < this.speedmax) {
this.speed = this.speed + this.accl;
if ((!FIREHIT) == true) {
nextx = hero._x;
nexty = hero._y;
if (((!FIREHIT) == false) or (MIS._y >= 420)) {
_root.tut.gotoAndStop(_root.tut._currentframe + 1);
nextx = ground._x;
nexty = ground._y;
dx = nextx - this._x;
dy = nexty - this._y;
radians = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (dx < 0) {
this.rotates = 180 + ((radians * 180) / 3.141593);
} else {
this.rotates = (radians * 180) / 3.141593;
if (this.rotates2 < this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 + this.manuver;
if (this.rotates2 > this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 - this.manuver;
this._rotation = this.rotates2;
this.vx = this.speed * Math.cos((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this.vy = this.speed * Math.sin((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this._x = this._x + this.vx;
this._y = this._y + this.vy;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - Math.round((_x - (SCRx - ScrollOb._x)) / 2));
_y = (_y - Math.round((_y - (SCRy - ScrollOb._y)) / 2));
if (friend.hitTest(friendShow)) {
friendShow._visible = false;
} else {
friendShow._visible = true;
friendShow._y = friend._y;
friendShow._x = friend._x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) <= 50) {
friendShow._x = 50 - _x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) >= 620) {
friendShow._x = 620 - _x;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) <= 50) {
friendShow._y = 50 - _y;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) >= 400) {
friendShow._y = 400 - _y;
if (hero._x < -22000) {
hero._y = hero._y - (hero._y + (hero._y / 2));
if ((hero._y < -11100) and (hero._y > -15500)) {
xx = xx + 0.1;
if (xx >= 1) {
xx = 1;
if (hero._y > -11100) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.8) {
xx = 0.8;
if (hero._y < -15500) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.5) {
xx = 0.5;
applyColor(hero, [xx, xx, xx]);
light._rotation = hero._rotation;
light._x = hero._x;
light._y = hero._y;
tut._x = (-_x) + 335;
tut._y = (-_y) + 225;
menu._x = (-_x) + 335;
menu._y = (-_y) + 225;
BM._x = (-_x) + 335;
BM._y = (-_y) + 225;
bg._x = (-_x) + 335;
Lcloud._x = (-_x) + 335;
ground._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._y = (-_y) + 225;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
attachMovie("smoke3", "smoke3" + numdepth3, numdepth3, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
smoke3._rotation = random(360) + 1;
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 15) and (_root.hero._y < -15000)) {
attachMovie("WL", "WL" + numdepth2, numdepth2, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (numdepth > 48) {
numdepth = 20;
if (numdepth2 > 99) {
numdepth2 = 90;
if (numdepth3 >= 149) {
numdepth3 = 120;
if ((hero.speed >= 2) and hero.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
attachMovie("smoke", "smoke" + numdepth, numdepth, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
Instance of Symbol 533 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (NNN > 550) {
NNN = 500;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 20, true)) {
_root.HIT = false;
if (_root.hero._y > 360) {
LT = LT + 1;
} else if (_root.hero._y < 360) {
LT = 0;
while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed < 10) {
_root.hero._rotation = 89;
if ((((!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport)) and (!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport2))) and (_root.hero.speed >= 3)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.hero._rotation = random(5) + 85;
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero.speed >= 10)) {
_root.attachMovie("LW", "LW" + NNN, NNN, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y + 8, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (_root.hero.speed < 12) {
_root.hero._y = 397;
if ((((((!_root.weelcrashed) == true) and ((!CR) == true)) and (LT < 30)) and ((!LT) < 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
CR = true;
if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 30)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 10)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT < 30)) {
_root.HIT = true;
if ((((_root.hero.speed <= 15) and (LT < 10)) and ((!LT) < 30)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation < 80) or ((_root.hero._rotation > 91) and ((!_root.DD) == true))) {
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
if ((_root.hero.G > 10.5) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((((_root.hero.G > 5) and (_root.hero.speed > 10)) and (_root.hero._rotation < 80)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
} else {
_root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 1;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.15;
onClipEvent (load) {
LT = 300;
NNN = 500;
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip "Airport" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 150000 /* 0x0249F0 */;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9300;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9100;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9000;
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = _root.hero._y - 300;
this._x = _root.hero._x + 40;
Instance of Symbol 779 MovieClip "hero" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
fastG = 0;
G = 10;
maxSpeed = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (Key.isDown(72) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.attachMovie("heroT", "heroT", 200, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = false;
_root.ScrollOb = _root.heroT;
if ((Key.isDown(32) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and ((!FC) == false)) {
FC = false;
_root.attachMovie("fire", "fire", 201, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
if (_root._y <= 50) {
_root._y = 50;
if (G > 18) {
G = 18;
if (this._y < -15000) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.28;
if (this._y < -11100) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((!DD) == true) {
G = G - 0.01;
GR = G / 500;
if ((!_root.HIT) == true) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + GR;
if (G > 50) {
G = G + 0.15;
this._y = this._y + G;
this._y = this._y - fastG;
if (this._rotation < 40) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.05;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.2;
if (this._rotation < 65) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.01;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 75) and (speed < (maxSpeed - 1))) {
G = G + 0.3;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 90) and (this._rotation > 40)) {
G = G - (speed / 170);
if (this._rotation > 90) {
G = G + (speed / 160);
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.motor) == false)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (Math.abs(speed) > maxSpeed) {
speed = speed * 0.7;
if ((Key.isDown(37) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed);
if ((Key.isDown(39) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed);
speed = speed * 0.98;
x = Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed;
y = (Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed) * -1;
if (! + x, _y + y, true)) {
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
} else {
speed = speed * -0.1;
Instance of Symbol 994 MovieClip "tut" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and (_root.RFld == true)) and (_root.petrolDone == true)) {
_root.MC = true;
_root.MF = false;
if ((((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and ((!_root.RFld) == true)) and ((!_root.petrolDone) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (((_root.DD == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) or ((((!_root.DD) == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) and (_root.FDD == true))) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == false)) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x > (_root.Airport._x + 5000)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x >= 130000) and (_root.hero._x <= 131000)) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 300000) - this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 300000) - this._x);
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeGo) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.planeGo = true;
_root.planeStop = false;
} else {
_root.planeGo = false;
_root.planeStop = true;
if (_root.planeGo == false) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip "Lcloud" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = -11200;
Instance of Symbol 1040 MovieClip "friend" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 20;
this._y = -2000;
this._x = 5000;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
this._x = this._x + speed;
if (_root.FDD == true) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if (this.HIT.hitTest(_root.hero.wire.HIT)) {
WIREHIT = true;
if (((_root.hero._x > _x) and (WIREHIT == true)) and (_root.hero.speed >= 22)) {
this._x = _root.hero._x - 115;
if ((_root.hero._x < _x) or (_root.hero.speed < 22)) {
WIREHIT = false;
speed = speed - 0.5;
if (speed <= 15) {
speed = 15;
if ((_root.hero._x > _x) and ((!WIREHIT) == true)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (speed >= 25) {
speed = 25;
Instance of Symbol 1035 MovieClip "friendShow" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((!_root._currentframe) == 22) or (_root.FDD == true)) {
this.swapDepths(((this._y * 900000) + this._x) + 10000);
onClipEvent (load) {
this._alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] "menu" in Frame 22
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 200000) + this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.soundPlane) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.soundPlane == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 22
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeStop) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_root.planeStop == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 23
mainMusic = true;
retry = this._currentframe;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
rainSound = false;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 23
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 23
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 23
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 24
function applyColor(target, colors) {
var _local1 = new Array();
_local1 = _local1.concat([colors[0], 0, 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, colors[1], 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, colors[2], 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
var _local2 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local1);
target.filters = new Array(_local2);
rainSound = true;
FIREHIT = false;
FDD = false;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
SCRx = 400;
SCRy = 225;
xx = 0.8;
_root.MIS.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (this.moving) {
if (this.speed < this.speedmax) {
this.speed = this.speed + this.accl;
if ((!FIREHIT) == true) {
nextx = hero._x;
nexty = hero._y;
if (((!FIREHIT) == false) or (MIS._y >= 420)) {
_root.tut.gotoAndStop(_root.tut._currentframe + 1);
nextx = ground._x;
nexty = ground._y;
dx = nextx - this._x;
dy = nexty - this._y;
radians = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (dx < 0) {
this.rotates = 180 + ((radians * 180) / 3.141593);
} else {
this.rotates = (radians * 180) / 3.141593;
if (this.rotates2 < this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 + this.manuver;
if (this.rotates2 > this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 - this.manuver;
this._rotation = this.rotates2;
this.vx = this.speed * Math.cos((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this.vy = this.speed * Math.sin((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this._x = this._x + this.vx;
this._y = this._y + this.vy;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - Math.round((_x - (SCRx - ScrollOb._x)) / 2));
_y = (_y - Math.round((_y - (SCRy - ScrollOb._y)) / 2));
if (friend.hitTest(friendShow)) {
friendShow._visible = false;
} else {
friendShow._visible = true;
friendShow._y = friend._y;
friendShow._x = friend._x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) <= 50) {
friendShow._x = 50 - _x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) >= 620) {
friendShow._x = 620 - _x;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) <= 50) {
friendShow._y = 50 - _y;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) >= 400) {
friendShow._y = 400 - _y;
if (hero._x < -22000) {
hero._y = hero._y - (hero._y + (hero._y / 2));
if ((hero._y < -11100) and (hero._y > -15500)) {
xx = xx + 0.1;
if (xx >= 1) {
xx = 1;
if (hero._y > -11100) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.8) {
xx = 0.8;
if (hero._y < -15500) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.5) {
xx = 0.5;
applyColor(hero, [xx, xx, xx]);
light._rotation = hero._rotation;
light._x = hero._x;
light._y = hero._y;
tut._x = (-_x) + 335;
tut._y = (-_y) + 225;
menu._x = (-_x) + 335;
menu._y = (-_y) + 225;
BM._x = (-_x) + 335;
BM._y = (-_y) + 225;
bg._x = (-_x) + 335;
Lcloud._x = (-_x) + 335;
ground._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._y = (-_y) + 225;
rainOnGround._x = (-_x) + 335;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
attachMovie("smoke3", "smoke3" + numdepth3, numdepth3, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
smoke3._rotation = random(360) + 1;
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 15) and (_root.hero._y < -15000)) {
attachMovie("WL", "WL" + numdepth2, numdepth2, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (numdepth > 48) {
numdepth = 20;
if (numdepth2 > 99) {
numdepth2 = 90;
if (numdepth3 >= 149) {
numdepth3 = 120;
if ((hero.speed >= 2) and hero.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
attachMovie("smoke", "smoke" + numdepth, numdepth, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
Instance of Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] "bg" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 533 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (NNN > 550) {
NNN = 500;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 20, true)) {
_root.HIT = false;
if (_root.hero._y > 360) {
LT = LT + 1;
} else if (_root.hero._y < 360) {
LT = 0;
while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed < 10) {
_root.hero._rotation = 89;
if ((((!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport)) and (!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport2))) and (_root.hero.speed >= 3)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.hero._rotation = random(5) + 85;
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero.speed >= 10)) {
_root.attachMovie("LW", "LW" + NNN, NNN, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y + 8, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (_root.hero.speed < 12) {
_root.hero._y = 397;
if ((((((!_root.weelcrashed) == true) and ((!CR) == true)) and (LT < 30)) and ((!LT) < 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
CR = true;
if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 30)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 10)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT < 30)) {
_root.HIT = true;
if ((((_root.hero.speed <= 15) and (LT < 10)) and ((!LT) < 30)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation < 80) or ((_root.hero._rotation > 91) and ((!_root.DD) == true))) {
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
if ((_root.hero.G > 10.5) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((((_root.hero.G > 5) and (_root.hero.speed > 10)) and (_root.hero._rotation < 80)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
} else {
_root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 1;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.15;
onClipEvent (load) {
LT = 300;
NNN = 500;
Instance of Symbol 1049 MovieClip "Airport" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 90000 /* 0x015F90 */;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9300;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9100;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9000;
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = _root.hero._y - 300;
this._x = _root.hero._x + 40;
Instance of Symbol 994 MovieClip "tut" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.hero._x >= 90000) and (_root.hero._x < 98000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MC = false;
_root.MF2 = true;
if (((((_root.hero._currentframe == 3) or (_root.hero._currentframe == 4)) or (_root.hero._currentframe == 5)) or (_root.hero._currentframe == 6)) or (_root.hero._currentframe == 7)) {
_root.MC = false;
_root.MF2 = true;
if ((((_root.hero._x >= 90000) and (_root.hero._x < 98000)) and (_root.DD == true)) and ((!_root.hero._currentframe) == 8)) {
_root.MC = false;
_root.MF = true;
if (((_root.DD == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) and ((!_root.hero._currentframe) == 8)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((((((_root.hero._x >= 90000) and (_root.hero._x < 98000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and (_root.DD == true)) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) and (_root.hero._currentframe == 8)) {
_root.MF = false;
_root.MC = true;
_root.ambulance._x = _root.ambulance._x - 4;
if ((_root.hero._x > (_root.Airport._x + 5000)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x >= 70000) and (_root.hero._x <= 71000)) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 400000) - this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 400000) - this._x);
Instance of Symbol 779 MovieClip "hero" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
fastG = 0;
G = 10;
maxSpeed = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (this._y < -3000) {
this._y = this._y - (random(10) - 5);
if (Key.isDown(72) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.attachMovie("heroT", "heroT", 200, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = false;
_root.ScrollOb = _root.heroT;
if (_root._y <= 50) {
_root._y = 50;
if (G > 18) {
G = 18;
if (this._y < -15000) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.28;
if (this._y < -11100) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((!DD) == true) {
G = G - 0.01;
GR = G / 500;
if ((!_root.HIT) == true) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + GR;
if (G > 50) {
G = G + 0.15;
this._y = this._y + G;
this._y = this._y - fastG;
if (this._rotation < 40) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.05;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.2;
if (this._rotation < 65) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.01;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 75) and (speed < (maxSpeed - 1))) {
G = G + 0.3;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 90) and (this._rotation > 40)) {
G = G - (speed / 170);
if (this._rotation > 90) {
G = G + (speed / 160);
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.motor) == false)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (Math.abs(speed) > maxSpeed) {
speed = speed * 0.7;
if ((Key.isDown(37) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed);
if ((Key.isDown(39) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed);
speed = speed * 0.98;
x = Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed;
y = (Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed) * -1;
if (! + x, _y + y, true)) {
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
} else {
speed = speed * -0.1;
Instance of Symbol 1056 MovieClip "light" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero._y < -11000) {
} else {;
if (_root.hero.G > 12) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 1;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this._alpha = 0;
} else {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 1;
if (this._alpha >= 50) {
this._alpha = 50;
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip "Lcloud" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = -11200;
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] "menu" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.swapDepths(((this._y * 10000) + this._x) - 10000);
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 1059 MovieClip "ambulance" in Frame 24
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero._x >= 9000) {
this._visible = true;
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + 350;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeGo) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.planeGo = true;
_root.planeStop = false;
} else {
_root.planeGo = false;
_root.planeStop = true;
if (_root.planeGo == false) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.soundPlane) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.soundPlane == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 24
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeStop) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_root.planeStop == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 25
mainMusic = true;
retry = this._currentframe;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
RH = false;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
rainSound = false;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 25
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 623 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed >= 20) {;
} else {
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 25
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 26
function applyColor(target, colors) {
var _local1 = new Array();
_local1 = _local1.concat([colors[0], 0, 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, colors[1], 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, colors[2], 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
var _local2 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local1);
target.filters = new Array(_local2);
PARATROOPERlvl = false;
FIREHIT = false;
FDD = false;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
SCRx = 400;
SCRy = 225;
xx = 0.8;
_root.MIS.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (this.moving) {
if (this.speed < this.speedmax) {
this.speed = this.speed + this.accl;
if ((!FIREHIT) == true) {
nextx = hero._x;
nexty = hero._y;
if (((!FIREHIT) == false) or (MIS._y >= 420)) {
nextx = ground._x;
nexty = ground._y;
dx = nextx - this._x;
dy = nexty - this._y;
radians = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (dx < 0) {
this.rotates = 180 + ((radians * 180) / 3.141593);
} else {
this.rotates = (radians * 180) / 3.141593;
if (this.rotates2 < this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 + this.manuver;
if (this.rotates2 > this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 - this.manuver;
this._rotation = this.rotates2;
this.vx = this.speed * Math.cos((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this.vy = this.speed * Math.sin((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this._x = this._x + this.vx;
this._y = this._y + this.vy;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - Math.round((_x - (SCRx - ScrollOb._x)) / 2));
_y = (_y - Math.round((_y - (SCRy - ScrollOb._y)) / 2));
if (friend.hitTest(friendShow)) {
friendShow._visible = false;
} else {
friendShow._visible = true;
friendShow._y = friend._y;
friendShow._x = friend._x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) <= 50) {
friendShow._x = 50 - _x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) >= 620) {
friendShow._x = 620 - _x;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) <= 50) {
friendShow._y = 50 - _y;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) >= 400) {
friendShow._y = 400 - _y;
if (hero._x < -22000) {
hero._y = hero._y - (hero._y + (hero._y / 2));
if ((hero._y < -11100) and (hero._y > -15500)) {
xx = xx + 0.1;
if (xx >= 1) {
xx = 1;
if (hero._y > -11100) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.8) {
xx = 0.8;
if (hero._y < -15500) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.5) {
xx = 0.5;
applyColor(hero, [xx, xx, xx]);
light._rotation = hero._rotation;
light._x = hero._x;
light._y = hero._y;
tut._x = (-_x) + 335;
tut._y = (-_y) + 225;
menu._x = (-_x) + 335;
menu._y = (-_y) + 225;
BM._x = (-_x) + 335;
BM._y = (-_y) + 225;
bg._x = (-_x) + 335;
Lcloud._x = (-_x) + 335;
ground._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._y = (-_y) + 225;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
attachMovie("smoke3", "smoke3" + numdepth3, numdepth3, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
smoke3._rotation = random(360) + 1;
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 15) and (_root.hero._y < -15000)) {
attachMovie("WL", "WL" + numdepth2, numdepth2, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (numdepth > 48) {
numdepth = 20;
if (numdepth2 > 99) {
numdepth2 = 90;
if (numdepth3 >= 149) {
numdepth3 = 120;
if ((hero.speed >= 2) and hero.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
attachMovie("smoke", "smoke" + numdepth, numdepth, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
Instance of Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] "bg" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 533 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (NNN > 550) {
NNN = 500;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 20, true)) {
_root.HIT = false;
if (_root.hero._y > 360) {
LT = LT + 1;
} else if (_root.hero._y < 360) {
LT = 0;
while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed < 10) {
_root.hero._rotation = 89;
if ((((!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport)) and (!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport2))) and (_root.hero.speed >= 3)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.hero._rotation = random(5) + 85;
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero.speed >= 10)) {
_root.attachMovie("LW", "LW" + NNN, NNN, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y + 8, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (_root.hero.speed < 12) {
_root.hero._y = 397;
if ((((((!_root.weelcrashed) == true) and ((!CR) == true)) and (LT < 30)) and ((!LT) < 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
CR = true;
if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 30)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 10)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT < 30)) {
_root.HIT = true;
if ((((_root.hero.speed <= 15) and (LT < 10)) and ((!LT) < 30)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation < 80) or ((_root.hero._rotation > 91) and ((!_root.DD) == true))) {
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
if ((_root.hero.G > 10.5) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((((_root.hero.G > 5) and (_root.hero.speed > 10)) and (_root.hero._rotation < 80)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
} else {
_root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 1;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.15;
onClipEvent (load) {
LT = 300;
NNN = 500;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip "Airport" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 150000 /* 0x0249F0 */;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9300;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9100;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9000;
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = _root.hero._y - 300;
this._x = _root.hero._x + 40;
Instance of Symbol 779 MovieClip "hero" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
FFC = 30;
speed = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
fastG = 0;
G = 10;
maxSpeed = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
this._y = _root.friend._y;
this._x = _root.friend._x + 200;
if (Key.isDown(72) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.attachMovie("heroT", "heroT", 200, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = false;
_root.ScrollOb = _root.heroT;
if (((Key.isDown(32) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and ((!FFC) <= 0)) and (FFT >= 50)) {
FFT = 0;
FFC = FFC - 1;
_root.attachMovie("fire", "fire", 201, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
if (_root._y <= 50) {
_root._y = 50;
if (G > 18) {
G = 18;
if (this._y < -15000) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.28;
if (this._y < -11100) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((!DD) == true) {
G = G - 0.01;
GR = G / 500;
if ((!_root.HIT) == true) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + GR;
if (G > 50) {
G = G + 0.15;
this._y = this._y + G;
this._y = this._y - fastG;
if (this._rotation < 40) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.05;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.2;
if (this._rotation < 65) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.01;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 75) and (speed < (maxSpeed - 1))) {
G = G + 0.3;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 90) and (this._rotation > 40)) {
G = G - (speed / 170);
if (this._rotation > 90) {
G = G + (speed / 160);
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.motor) == false)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (Math.abs(speed) > maxSpeed) {
speed = speed * 0.7;
if ((Key.isDown(37) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed);
if ((Key.isDown(39) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed);
speed = speed * 0.98;
x = Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed;
y = (Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed) * -1;
if (! + x, _y + y, true)) {
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
} else {
speed = speed * -0.1;
Instance of Symbol 994 MovieClip "tut" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and (_root.MIS.RCK >= 4)) {
_root.MC = true;
_root.MF = false;
if (((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and (_root.MIS.RCK < 4)) {
_root.MC = false;
_root.MF2 = true;
if ((_root.DD == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == false)) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x > (_root.Airport._x + 5000)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x >= 148000) and (_root.hero._x <= 148000)) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 400000) - this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 400000) - this._x);
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip "Lcloud" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = -11200;
Instance of Symbol 1063 MovieClip "airTank" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = this._x + 10000;
Instance of Symbol 172 MovieClip [MIS] "MIS" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root.airTank._x;
this._y = _root.airTank._y;
this.RCK = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((!_root.Pause) == true) and (this._visible == true)) {
if ((TF == true) and (this.RCK == 2)) {
_root.RH = false;
_root.FIREHIT = false;
TF = false;
if ((TF == true) and (this.RCK == 3)) {
_root.FIREHIT = false;
_root.RH = false;
TF = false;
if ((TF == true) and (this.RCK >= 4)) {
this._x = _root.airTank._x;
this._y = _root.airTank._y;
if ((this._y >= 420) and ((!_root.RH) == true)) {
TF = true;
_root.FIREHIT = false;
this._x = _root.airTank._x;
this._y = _root.airTank._y;
_root.RH = false;
if (_root.RH == true) {
_root.hero.speed = _root.hero.speed - 0.1;
if (_root.hero.speed <= 0) {
_root.hero.speed = 0;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G + 1;
this._x = _root.hero._x;
this._y = _root.hero._y;
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth3, _root.numdepth3, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y - 10});
} else if ((!_root.RH) == true) {
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth2, _root.numdepth2, {_x:this._x - 20, _y:this._y});
if (_root.hero.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
_root.xx = -10;
_root.RH = true;
_root.motor = false;
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] "menu" in Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.swapDepths(((this._y * 10000) + this._x) - 10000);
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeGo) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.planeGo = true;
_root.planeStop = false;
} else {
_root.planeGo = false;
_root.planeStop = true;
if (_root.planeGo == false) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.soundPlane) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.soundPlane == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 26
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeStop) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_root.planeStop == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 27
mainMusic = true;
retry = this._currentframe;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
RH = false;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
paraGood = 0;
PARATROOPERlvl = true;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 27
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 27
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 28
function applyColor(target, colors) {
var _local1 = new Array();
_local1 = _local1.concat([colors[0], 0, 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, colors[1], 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, colors[2], 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
var _local2 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local1);
target.filters = new Array(_local2);
tut.takeOverPlane = false;
PARATROOPERlvl = true;
paraGood = 0;
FIREHIT = false;
FDD = false;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth3 = 120;
numdepth5 = 800;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
SCRx = 400;
SCRy = 225;
xx = 0.8;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - Math.round((_x - (SCRx - ScrollOb._x)) / 2));
_y = (_y - Math.round((_y - (SCRy - ScrollOb._y)) / 2));
if (friend.hitTest(friendShow)) {
friendShow._visible = false;
} else {
friendShow._visible = true;
friendShow._y = friend._y;
friendShow._x = friend._x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) <= 50) {
friendShow._x = 50 - _x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) >= 620) {
friendShow._x = 620 - _x;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) <= 50) {
friendShow._y = 50 - _y;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) >= 400) {
friendShow._y = 400 - _y;
if (hero._x < -22000) {
hero._y = hero._y - (hero._y + (hero._y / 2));
if ((hero._y < -11100) and (hero._y > -15500)) {
xx = xx + 0.1;
if (xx >= 1) {
xx = 1;
if (hero._y > -11100) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.8) {
xx = 0.8;
if (hero._y < -15500) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.5) {
xx = 0.5;
applyColor(hero, [xx, xx, xx]);
light._rotation = hero._rotation;
light._x = hero._x;
light._y = hero._y;
tut._x = (-_x) + 335;
tut._y = (-_y) + 225;
menu._x = (-_x) + 335;
menu._y = (-_y) + 225;
BM._x = (-_x) + 335;
BM._y = (-_y) + 225;
bg._x = (-_x) + 335;
Lcloud._x = (-_x) + 335;
ground._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._y = (-_y) + 225;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
attachMovie("smoke3", "smoke3" + numdepth3, numdepth3, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
smoke3._rotation = random(360) + 1;
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 15) and (_root.hero._y < -15000)) {
attachMovie("WL", "WL" + numdepth2, numdepth2, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (numdepth5 > 850) {
numdepth5 = 800;
if (numdepth > 48) {
numdepth = 20;
if (numdepth2 > 99) {
numdepth2 = 90;
if (numdepth3 >= 149) {
numdepth3 = 120;
if ((hero.speed >= 2) and hero.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
attachMovie("smoke", "smoke" + numdepth, numdepth, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
Instance of Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] "bg" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 533 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (NNN > 550) {
NNN = 500;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 20, true)) {
_root.HIT = false;
if (_root.hero._y > 360) {
LT = LT + 1;
} else if (_root.hero._y < 360) {
LT = 0;
while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed < 10) {
_root.hero._rotation = 89;
if ((((!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport)) and (!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport2))) and (_root.hero.speed >= 3)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.hero._rotation = random(5) + 85;
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero.speed >= 10)) {
_root.attachMovie("LW", "LW" + NNN, NNN, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y + 8, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (_root.hero.speed < 12) {
_root.hero._y = 397;
if ((((((!_root.weelcrashed) == true) and ((!CR) == true)) and (LT < 30)) and ((!LT) < 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
CR = true;
if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 30)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 10)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT < 30)) {
_root.HIT = true;
if ((((_root.hero.speed <= 15) and (LT < 10)) and ((!LT) < 30)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation < 80) or ((_root.hero._rotation > 91) and ((!_root.DD) == true))) {
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
if ((_root.hero.G > 10.5) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((((_root.hero.G > 5) and (_root.hero.speed > 10)) and (_root.hero._rotation < 80)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
} else {
_root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 1;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.15;
onClipEvent (load) {
LT = 300;
NNN = 500;
Instance of Symbol 1068 MovieClip "LAND" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 50000;
Instance of Symbol 1071 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = _root.LAND._x;
this._y = _root.maskRoot._y;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9300;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9100;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9000;
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = _root.hero._y - 300;
this._x = _root.hero._x + 40;
Instance of Symbol 779 MovieClip "hero" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
PARAtime = 20;
ParaJump = false;
FFC = 15;
speed = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
fastG = 0;
G = 10;
maxSpeed = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (((Key.isDown(72) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and (this._y < -700)) and ((!ParaJump) == true)) {
_root.attachMovie("heroT", "heroT", 200, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
_root.ScrollOb = _root.heroT;
ParaJump = true; = false;
if ((((Key.isDown(32) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and ((!FFC) <= 0)) and (_root.hero._y < 390)) and (PARAtime <= 0)) {
FFC = FFC - 1;
PARAtime = 5;
_root.attachMovie("para", "para" + _root.numdepth5, _root.numdepth5, {_x:_root.hero._x - 20, _y:_root.hero._y});
if (_root._y <= 50) {
_root._y = 50;
if (G > 18) {
G = 18;
if (this._y < -15000) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.28;
if (this._y < -11100) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((!DD) == true) {
G = G - 0.01;
GR = G / 500;
if ((!_root.HIT) == true) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + GR;
if (G > 50) {
G = G + 0.15;
this._y = this._y + G;
this._y = this._y - fastG;
if (this._rotation < 40) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.05;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.2;
if (this._rotation < 65) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.01;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 75) and (speed < (maxSpeed - 1))) {
G = G + 0.3;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 90) and (this._rotation > 40)) {
G = G - (speed / 170);
if (this._rotation > 90) {
G = G + (speed / 160);
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.motor) == false)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (Math.abs(speed) > maxSpeed) {
speed = speed * 0.7;
if ((Key.isDown(37) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed);
if ((Key.isDown(39) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed);
speed = speed * 0.98;
x = Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed;
y = (Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed) * -1;
if (! + x, _y + y, true)) {
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
} else {
speed = speed * -0.1;
Instance of Symbol 994 MovieClip "tut" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.DD == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x > (_root.LAND._x + 5000)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
this.swapDepths((this._y * 400000) - this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 400000) - this._x);
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip "Lcloud" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = -11200;
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] "menu" in Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.swapDepths(((this._y * 10000) + this._x) - 10000);
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeGo) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.planeGo = true;
_root.planeStop = false;
} else {
_root.planeGo = false;
_root.planeStop = true;
if (_root.planeGo == false) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.soundPlane) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.soundPlane == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 28
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeStop) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_root.planeStop == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 29
mainMusic = true;
retry = this._currentframe;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
RH = false;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
rainSound = false;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 29
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 29
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Frame 30
function applyColor(target, colors) {
var _local1 = new Array();
_local1 = _local1.concat([colors[0], 0, 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, colors[1], 0, 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, colors[2], 0, 0]);
_local1 = _local1.concat([0, 0, 0, 1, 0]);
var _local2 = new flash.filters.ColorMatrixFilter(_local1);
target.filters = new Array(_local2);
EXPLODE = false;
PARATROOPERlvl = false;
flareON = false;
missileDOWN2 = false;
FIREHIT = false;
FDD = false;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
MF = false;
FC = true;
SC = false;
SCRx = 400;
SCRy = 225;
xx = 0.8;
_root.MIS.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (this.moving) {
if (this.speed < this.speedmax) {
this.speed = this.speed + this.accl;
if ((!FIREHIT) == true) {
nextx = hero._x;
nexty = hero._y;
if ((FIREHIT == true) or (MIS._y >= 420)) {
nextx = ground._x;
nexty = ground._y;
dx = nextx - this._x;
dy = nexty - this._y;
radians = Math.atan(dy / dx);
if (dx < 0) {
this.rotates = 180 + ((radians * 180) / 3.141593);
} else {
this.rotates = (radians * 180) / 3.141593;
if (this.rotates2 < this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 + this.manuver;
if (this.rotates2 > this.rotates) {
this.rotates2 = this.rotates2 - this.manuver;
this._rotation = this.rotates2;
this.vx = this.speed * Math.cos((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this.vy = this.speed * Math.sin((this.rotates2 * Math.PI) / 180);
this._x = this._x + this.vx;
this._y = this._y + this.vy;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = (_x - Math.round((_x - (SCRx - ScrollOb._x)) / 2));
_y = (_y - Math.round((_y - (SCRy - ScrollOb._y)) / 2));
if (friend.hitTest(friendShow)) {
friendShow._visible = false;
} else {
friendShow._visible = true;
friendShow._y = friend._y;
friendShow._x = friend._x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) <= 50) {
friendShow._x = 50 - _x;
if ((friendShow._x + _x) >= 620) {
friendShow._x = 620 - _x;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) <= 50) {
friendShow._y = 50 - _y;
if ((friendShow._y + _y) >= 400) {
friendShow._y = 400 - _y;
if (hero._x < -22000) {
hero._y = hero._y - (hero._y + (hero._y / 2));
if ((hero._y < -11100) and (hero._y > -15500)) {
xx = xx + 0.1;
if (xx >= 1) {
xx = 1;
if (hero._y > -11100) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.8) {
xx = 0.8;
if (hero._y < -15500) {
xx = xx - 0.1;
if (xx <= 0.5) {
xx = 0.5;
applyColor(hero, [xx, xx, xx]);
light._rotation = hero._rotation;
light._x = hero._x;
light._y = hero._y;
tut._x = (-_x) + 335;
tut._y = (-_y) + 225;
menu._x = (-_x) + 335;
menu._y = (-_y) + 225;
BM._x = (-_x) + 335;
BM._y = (-_y) + 225;
EXPP._x = (-_x) + 0;
EXPP._y = (-_y) + 0;
bg._x = (-_x) + 335;
Lcloud._x = (-_x) + 335;
ground._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._x = (-_x) + 335;
maskRoot._y = (-_y) + 225;
if (Key.isDown(38) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
attachMovie("smoke3", "smoke3" + numdepth3, numdepth3, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
smoke3._rotation = random(360) + 1;
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 15) and (_root.hero._y < -15000)) {
attachMovie("WL", "WL" + numdepth2, numdepth2, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (numdepth > 48) {
numdepth = 20;
if (numdepth2 > 99) {
numdepth2 = 90;
if (numdepth3 >= 149) {
numdepth3 = 120;
if ((hero.speed >= 2) and hero.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
attachMovie("smoke", "smoke" + numdepth, numdepth, {_x:hero._x, _y:hero._y});
Instance of Symbol 1090 MovieClip "EXPP" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.EXPLODE == true) and (AAA == true)) {
AAA = false;
_root.EXPLODE = false;
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.EXPLODE = false;
AAA = true;
Instance of Symbol 533 MovieClip "ground" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (NNN > 550) {
NNN = 500;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y + 20, true)) {
_root.HIT = false;
if (_root.hero._y > 360) {
LT = LT + 1;
} else if (_root.hero._y < 360) {
LT = 0;
while (this.hitTest(_root.hero._x, _root.hero._y, true)) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed < 10) {
_root.hero._rotation = 89;
if (((!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport)) and (!_root.hero.hitTest(_root.Airport2))) and (_root.hero.speed >= 3)) {
_root.hero._rotation = random(5) + 85;
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero.speed >= 10)) {
_root.attachMovie("LW", "LW" + NNN, NNN, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y + 8, _rotation:(hero._rotation - 90) + _root.hero.G});
if (_root.hero.speed < 12) {
_root.hero._y = 397;
if ((((((!_root.weelcrashed) == true) and ((!CR) == true)) and (LT < 30)) and ((!LT) < 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
CR = true;
if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 30)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT > 10)) {
} else if ((((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.weelcrashed == true)) and (LT < 30)) {
_root.HIT = true;
if ((((_root.hero.speed <= 15) and (LT < 10)) and ((!LT) < 30)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation < 80) or ((_root.hero._rotation > 91) and ((!_root.DD) == true))) {
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
if ((_root.hero.G > 10.5) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
if ((((_root.hero.G > 5) and (_root.hero.speed > 10)) and (_root.hero._rotation < 80)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
} else {
_root.hero._y = _root.hero._y - 1;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.15;
onClipEvent (load) {
LT = 300;
NNN = 500;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 553 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
this._y = 399.5;
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip "enemyAirport" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 80000 /* 0x013880 */;
Instance of Symbol 1068 MovieClip "LAND" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 15000;
Instance of Symbol 536 MovieClip "Airport" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = 150000 /* 0x0249F0 */;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9300;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9100;
Instance of Symbol 555 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this._x < _root.hero._x) {
this._x = _root.hero._x + (random(2500) + 1000);
this._y = -9000;
Instance of Symbol 557 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._alpha = _root.hero._y - 300;
this._x = _root.hero._x + 40;
Instance of Symbol 779 MovieClip "hero" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.bombON = false;
bomb2 = true;
bomb1 = true;
FFC = 30;
speed = 1;
turnSpeed = 0.5;
fastG = 0;
G = 10;
maxSpeed = 25;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((bomb1 == false) and (bomb2 == true)) {
if (((_root.bombAAA._y >= _root.ground._y) and ((!_root.hero._y) > -200)) and _root.enemyAirport.hitTest(_root.bombAAA)) {
_root.EXPLODE = true;
bomb2 = false;
if (((_root.bombAAA._y > _root.ground._y) and (_root.hero._y > -200)) and (!_root.enemyAirport.hitTest(_root.bombAAA))) {
_root.EXPLODE = true;
bomb2 = false;
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (((_root.bombAAA._y >= _root.ground._y) and ((!_root.hero._y) > -200)) and (!_root.enemyAirport.hitTest(_root.bombAAA))) {
_root.EXPLODE = true;
bomb2 = false;
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if (Key.isDown(72) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.attachMovie("heroT", "heroT", 200, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = false;
_root.ScrollOb = _root.heroT;
if ((((Key.isDown(32) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and ((!FFC) <= 0)) and (FFT >= 50)) and (_root.flareON == true)) {
FFT = 0;
FFC = FFC - 1;
_root.attachMovie("fire", "fire", 201, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
if (((Key.isDown(32) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) and (_root.bombON == true)) and (bomb1 == true)) {
bomb1 = false;
_root.attachMovie("bombAAA", "bombAAA", 201, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
if (_root._y <= 50) {
_root._y = 50;
if (G > 18) {
G = 18;
if (this._y < -15000) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.28;
if (this._y < -11100) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((!DD) == true) {
G = G - 0.01;
GR = G / 500;
if ((!_root.HIT) == true) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + GR;
if (G > 50) {
G = G + 0.15;
this._y = this._y + G;
this._y = this._y - fastG;
if (this._rotation < 40) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.05;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.2;
if (this._rotation < 65) {
speed = speed - 0.1;
G = G + 0.01;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 75) and (speed < (maxSpeed - 1))) {
G = G + 0.3;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.1;
if ((this._rotation < 90) and (this._rotation > 40)) {
G = G - (speed / 170);
if (this._rotation > 90) {
G = G + (speed / 160);
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.motor) == false)) {
speed = speed + 0.5;
if (Math.abs(speed) > maxSpeed) {
speed = speed * 0.7;
if ((Key.isDown(37) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation - turnSpeed);
if ((Key.isDown(39) and (speed > 10)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_rotation = (_rotation + turnSpeed);
speed = speed * 0.98;
x = Math.sin(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed;
y = (Math.cos(_rotation * (Math.PI/180)) * speed) * -1;
if (! + x, _y + y, true)) {
_x = (_x + x);
_y = (_y + y);
} else {
speed = speed * -0.1;
Instance of Symbol 994 MovieClip "tut" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MC = true;
_root.MF = false;
if ((_root.DD == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if (((((_root.hero._x >= 150000) and (_root.hero._x < 158000)) and (_root.hero.speed <= 1)) and ((!_root.DD) == false)) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
_root.MF = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x > (_root.Airport._x + 5000)) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.MF2 = true;
_root.MC = false;
if ((_root.hero._x >= 130000) and (_root.hero._x <= 131000)) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 300000) - this._x);
onClipEvent (load) {
this.swapDepths((this._y * 300000) - this._x);
Instance of Symbol 997 MovieClip "Lcloud" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._y = -11200;
Instance of Symbol 1063 MovieClip "airTank" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root.enemyAirport._x;
Instance of Symbol 1091 MovieClip "MIS" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._x = _root.airTank._x;
this._y = _root.airTank._y;
this.RCK = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (TF == true) {
this._x = _root.Airport2._x;
this._y = _root.Airport2._y + 1000;
if (((!_root.Pause) == true) and (this._visible == true)) {
if (this._y >= 420) {
TF = true;
_root.FIREHIT = false;
this._x = _root.airTank._x;
this._y = _root.airTank._y;
_root.RH = false;
if ((_root.RH == true) and ((!_root.missileDOWN) == true)) {
_root.hero.speed = _root.hero.speed - 0.1;
if (_root.hero.speed <= 0) {
_root.hero.speed = 0;
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G + 1;
this._x = _root.hero._x;
this._y = _root.hero._y;
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth3, _root.numdepth3, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y - 10});
} else if ((!_root.RH) == true) {
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth2, _root.numdepth2, {_x:this._x - 20, _y:this._y});
if (_root.hero.hitTest(this._x, this._y, true)) {
_root.xx = -10;
_root.RH = true;
_root.motor = false;
Instance of Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] "menu" in Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this.swapDepths(((this._y * 10000) + this._x) - 10000);
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (_root.planeGo == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeGo) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(38) and ((!_root.DD) == true)) {
_root.planeGo = true;
_root.planeStop = false;
} else {
_root.planeGo = false;
_root.planeStop = true;
if (_root.planeGo == false) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (_root.soundPlane == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.soundPlane) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
bikesound = 0;
if ((_root.soundPlane == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Instance of Symbol 495 MovieClip in Frame 30
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
music = new Sound(this);
bikesound = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (_root.planeStop == true) {
if (bikesound == 0) {
bikesound = 1;
} else if ((!_root.planeStop) == true) {
bikesound = 0;
if (bikesound == 1) {
bikesound = 2;
music.start(0, 1);
music.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ((_root.planeStop == false) or (_root.DD == true)) {
bikesound = 0;
Frame 31
retry = this._currentframe;
ScrollOb = hero;
numdepth = 0;
numdepth2 = 90;
numdepth2 = 120;
motor = true;
weelcrashed = false;
DD = false;
soundPlane = true;
Pause = false;
jumped = false;
MC = false;
mainMusic = false;
MF = false;
MF2 = false;
RH = false;
SC = false;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
rainSound = false;
Instance of Symbol 1107 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Frame 31
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 489 MovieClip "bb" in Frame 31
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndPlay (62);
Symbol 2 MovieClip [LogoFly] Frame 1
Symbol 2 MovieClip [LogoFly] Frame 10
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Symbol 7 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Symbol 56 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 61 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1108 MovieClip [__Packages.FOG.AS2.FogServices] Frame 0
class FOG.AS2.FogServices
function FogServices () {
static function Connect(D) {
Data = D;
Data.domain = GetHostedDomain();
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug(D, "Game Data");
static function TrackClick(Url) {
if (!Url) {
Url = "";
var _local2 = ((("?utm_source=" + Data.domain) + "&utm_medium=api-game") + "&utm_campaign=") +;
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("Tracking Url: " + Url);
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("Tracking Query: " + _local2);
getURL ((("http://" + Url) + (Url.indexOf(".html") ? "" : "/")) + _local2, "_blank");
static function TrackPlay() {
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("Track Play Using FogDev");
static function GetHostedDomain() {
var _local2 = _url.indexOf("://") + 3;
var _local4 = _url.indexOf("/", _local2);
var _local1 = _url.substring(_local2, _local4);
var _local3 = _local1.lastIndexOf(".") - 1;
var _local5 = _local1.lastIndexOf(".", _local3) + 1;
if (!_local1) {
_local1 = "local";
static var Version = "1.3";
static var Data = new Object();
Symbol 1109 MovieClip [__Packages.FOG.AS2.FogUtils] Frame 0
class FOG.AS2.FogUtils
function FogUtils () {
static function Debug(S, N) {
if (typeof(S) == "object") {
if (N) {
} else {
for (var _local2 in S) {
Debug((("> " + _local2) + ": ") + S[_local2]);
if (flash.external.ExternalInterface.available) {"fog.debug", S);
if (S.indexOf(">") != 0) {
trace(" ");
Symbol 1110 MovieClip [__Packages.FOG.AS2.FogDev] Frame 0
class FOG.AS2.FogDev
function FogDev () {
static function Connect() {"*");
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("> Connecting");
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug((((("> http://" + Server) + "/") + LibFile) + "?as=2&v=") + FOG.AS2.FogServices.Version);
var _local2 = new Object();
_local2.onLoadInit = function (Clip) {
FOG.AS2.FogDev.Remote = Clip;
if (!FOG.AS2.FogDev.Remote.CanAccess) {
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("> Corrupt Library");
FOG.AS2.FogDev.Remote.Connect(, FOG.AS2.FogServices.Data.domain);
_local2.onLoadError = function (c, e) {
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("> Can't Load Library");
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("conn_remote", _root.getNextHighestDepth());
var _local3 = new MovieClipLoader();
_local3.loadClip((((((("http://" + Server) + "/") + LibFile) + "?as=2&v=") + FOG.AS2.FogServices.Version) + "&c=") + Math.random(), _root.conn_remote);
static function TrackPlay() {
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("> Tracking");
static var Server = "";
static var LibFile = "api/library-as2.swf";
static var LibPath = "";
Symbol 1111 MovieClip [__Packages.FOG.AS2.FogPreloader] Frame 0
class FOG.AS2.FogPreloader
function FogPreloader () {
static function Start() {
FOG.AS2.FogUtils.Debug("Preloader Initialized");
var _local5 = _root.mcTaglines;
var _local4 = _root.btnFoggy;
var mcLogo = _root.mcLogo;
var prel = _root.prel;
var fogNo = 0;
var GameDura = 3000;
var percent = 0;
var percentGame = 0;
var percentDura = 0;
var stagewidth = Stage.width;
var stageheight = Stage.height;
var startTimer = getTimer();
_local4._width = stagewidth;
_local4._height = stageheight;
prel.onEnterFrame = function () {
var _local4 = Math.random();
if (_local4 < ((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) / 5)) {
if (fogNo > 999) {
fogNo = 0;
var _local5 = random(2) + 1;
var _local3 = _root.attachMovie("LogoFly", "fog" + (fogNo++), fogNo);
_local3.cacheAsBitmap = true;
_local3._x = stagewidth / 2;
_local3._y = stageheight / 2;
_local3._xscale = (_local3._yscale = 0);
_local3.gotoAndStop(random(10) + 1);
_local3.speed = 100;
_local3._alpha = 0;
_local3.grow = Math.random();
_local3.fade = false;
_local3.targetX = random(10);
if (_local3.targetX < 5) {
_local3.targetX = random(10);
if (_local3.targetX < 5) {
_local3.targetX = -100;
} else {
_local3.targetX = stagewidth + 100;
_local3.targetY = random(stageheight);
} else {
_local3.targetY = random(10);
if (_local3.targetY < 5) {
_local3.targetY = -100;
} else {
_local3.targetY = stageheight + 100;
_local3.targetX = random(stagewidth);
_local3.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x + (((this.targetX - this._x) / this.speed) * 0.5);
this._y = this._y + (((this.targetY - this._y) / this.speed) * 0.5);
this.speed = this.speed * 0.99;
this._xscale = (this._yscale = this._yscale + (this.grow * 2));
if ((this._alpha < 100) && (!this.fade)) {
this._alpha = this._alpha + 2;
if (((((this._x < -50) || (this._y < -50)) || (this._x > (stagewidth + 50))) || (this._y > (stageheight + 50))) || (this._xscale > 200)) {
this.fade = true;
if (this.fade) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 5;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
percentGame = Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
percentDura = ((getTimer() - startTimer) / GameDura) * 100;
percent = Math.round(Math.min(percentGame, percentDura, 100));
prel.procent.text = percent;
if (percent > 99) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
static var onLoaded = FOG.AS2.FogServices.TrackPlay;
function onComplete() {
Instance of Symbol 63 MovieClip "mcNotice" in Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_visible = false;
Symbol 105 MovieClip Frame 120;
Symbol 107 MovieClip Frame 60
Instance of Symbol 114 MovieClip in Symbol 115 MovieClip [smoke3] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._yscale = random(30) + 25;
this._xscale = this._yscale + 20;
Symbol 115 MovieClip [smoke3] Frame 27
Symbol 118 MovieClip [smoke2] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 117 MovieClip in Symbol 118 MovieClip [smoke2] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._yscale = random(200) + 150;
this._xscale = random(200) + 150;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - (random(2) + 1);
this._yscale = this._yscale + 10;
this._xscale = this._xscale + 10;
if (this._alpha <= 0) {
this._alpha = this._alpha - 1;
this._y = this._y - 7;
Symbol 118 MovieClip [smoke2] Frame 34
Instance of Symbol 121 MovieClip in Symbol 122 MovieClip [smoke] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._rotation = random(50) + 1;
this._alpha = random(20) + 1;
this._yscale = random(300) + 100;
this._xscale = random(300) + 100;
Symbol 122 MovieClip [smoke] Frame 34
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 15;
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 13
AAA = true;
Symbol 131 MovieClip Frame 15
Instance of Symbol 131 MovieClip in Symbol 132 MovieClip [para] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
fall = 12;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.AAA == true) {
fall = 1.5;
if (!this.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
this._y = this._y + fall;
} else {
if (this.hitTest(_root.LAND)) {
paraGood = paraGood + 1;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy - 1;
speedx = speedx - 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx <= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y - speedx;
this._x = this._x - speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = 20;
speedx = random(10) - 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
speedy = speedy + 1;
speedx = speedx + 0.5;
if (speedy >= 10) {
speedy = 10;
if (speedx >= 10) {
speedx = 10;
this._y = this._y + speedx;
this._x = this._x + speedy;
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
speedy = random(10) - 20;
speedx = random(10) + 10;
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x + 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 145 MovieClip in Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 8;
this._rotation = this._rotation + 15;
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(7) + 1);
Symbol 148 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 151 MovieClip Frame 36
Symbol 168 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 1
_parent.RCK = _parent.RCK + 1;
_root.MIS._x = _root.airTank._x;
_root.MIS._y = _root.airTank._y;
Symbol 171 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 172 MovieClip [MIS] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Symbol 178 MovieClip Frame 100
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Instance of Symbol 177 MovieClip in Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndPlay(random(40) + 1);
Symbol 179 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 180 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 184 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 191 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 195 MovieClip Frame 10
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((_root.hero.G >= 5) and ((!_root.hero._rotation) < 40)) or ((!_root.hero._rotation) > 92)) {
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.1;
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.flapsLanding = false;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
G2 = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero.speed >= 23) {
_root.hero._x = _root.hero._x + 2;
Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.flapsLanding = true;
Instance of Symbol 186 MovieClip in Symbol 196 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero.speed >= 23) {
_root.hero.speed = _root.hero.speed - 0.1;
if (_root.hero._rotation < 85) {
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G + 0.5;
if (((_root.hero.speed >= 10) and (_root.hero.G >= 3)) and (((!_root.hero._rotation) < 70) or ((!_root.hero._rotation) > 95))) {
_root.hero.G = _root.hero.G - 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip in Symbol 207 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
_parent.NN = _parent._parent.S.N * 28;
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip in Symbol 210 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
_parent.HH = Math.round(Math.abs(_root.hero._y - 397));
Symbol 238 Button
on (release) {
_root.s1.start(0, 999999);
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 241 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 242 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 247 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 252 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 256 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.STRIKE = true;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.STRIKE = true;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 9
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 10
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 11
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 12
_root.STRIKE = false;
Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero._y > -17000) {
if (_root.hero._y < -17000) {
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (Key.isDown(70) and (can == true)) {;
can = false;
if (!Key.isDown(70)) {
can = true;
Instance of Symbol 207 MovieClip "S" in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero.speed);
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor((_root.hero._y / 100) + 1355);
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero._y + 1000);
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero.G);
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = (_root.Airport._x / 1000) - 305;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.hero._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.hero._y / 200) - 135;
} else {
this._x = (_root.heroT._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.heroT._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.1;
if (this._x < -310) {
this._x = -75;
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.1;
if (this._x < -310) {
this._x = -75;
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.1;
if (this._x < -310) {
this._x = -75;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = (_root.Airport._x / 1000) - 305;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.hero._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.hero._y / 200) - 135;
} else {
this._x = (_root.heroT._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.heroT._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 243 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.friend._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.friend._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 257 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.hero._y < -1000) and (_root.hero._y > -11200)) {
if (time <= 0) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(12) + 1);
time = 20;
if (_root.hero._y <= -11200) {
} else {;
onClipEvent (load) {
time = 20;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = (_root.Airport._x / 1000) - 250;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.hero._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.hero._y / 200) - 135;
} else {
this._x = (_root.heroT._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.heroT._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 180 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero._y > -17000) {
if (_root.hero._y < -17000) {
Instance of Symbol 196 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (Key.isDown(70) and (can == true)) {;
can = false;
if (!Key.isDown(70)) {
can = true;
Instance of Symbol 207 MovieClip "S" in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero.speed);
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor((_root.hero._y / 100) + 1355);
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero._y + 1000);
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero.G);
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = (_root.Airport._x / 1000) - 250;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.hero._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.hero._y / 200) - 135;
} else {
this._x = (_root.heroT._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.heroT._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 243 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.airTank._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.airTank._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 243 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.MIS._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.MIS._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.1;
if (this._x < -310) {
this._x = -75;
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.1;
if (this._x < -310) {
this._x = -75;
Instance of Symbol 233 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.1;
if (this._x < -310) {
this._x = -75;
Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.LAND._x / 1000) - 305;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.jumped) == true) {
this._x = (_root.hero._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.hero._y / 200) - 135;
} else {
this._x = (_root.heroT._x / 1000) - 305;
this._y = (_root.heroT._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = (_root.Airport._x / 1000) - 250;
Instance of Symbol 231 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.hero._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.hero._y / 200) - 135;
} else {
this._x = (_root.heroT._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.heroT._y / 200) - 135;
Instance of Symbol 260 MovieClip in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.LAND._x / 1000) - 205;
Instance of Symbol 224 MovieClip "EA" in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = (_root.enemyAirport._x / 1000) - 250;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 243 MovieClip "MIS" in Symbol 261 MovieClip [menuAT] Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
this._x = (_root.MIS._x / 1000) - 250;
this._y = (_root.MIS._y / 200) - 135;
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 267 MovieClip [LW] Frame 17
Instance of Symbol 270 MovieClip in Symbol 271 MovieClip [krilo] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = _root.hero.speed;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 20;
speed = speed - 0.1;
if ((!speed) <= 0) {
_parent._x = _parent._x + speed;
if (speed < -50) {
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip in Symbol 283 MovieClip [koleso] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (this.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
Symbol 283 MovieClip [koleso] Frame 41
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
shoot = false;
_root.DDT = false;
Instance of Symbol 125 MovieClip in Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation - 15;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.DDT = true;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 100
shoot = true;
_root.DDT = false;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 101
shoot = true;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 102
shoot = true;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 103
shoot = true;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 104
shoot = true;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 106
shoot = false;
Symbol 284 MovieClip Frame 108
Symbol 285 MovieClip [heroT] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ((!_root.PARATROOPERlvl) == true) {
_root.jumped = true;
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
this._x = this._x - 3;
if (Key.isDown(39)) {
this._x = this._x + 3;
if (this.hitTest(_root.ground) and ((!ppp.shoot) == true)) {
ss = (-ss) * 0.5;
if (ss <= 0) {
this._y = 400;
if (this.hitTest(_root.ground) and (ppp.shoot == true)) {
this._y = 400;
ss = ss + 0.2;
if (ppp.shoot == true) {
if (!Key.isDown(40)) {
this._y = this._y - 18;
} else {
this._y = this._y - 5;
if (ss >= 20) {
ss = 20;
this._y = this._y + ss;
ss = 0;
Instance of Symbol 293 MovieClip in Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 20
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root.MIS.hitTest(this)) {
_root.missileDOWN2 = true;
_root.FIREHIT = true;
_root.MIS.RCK = _root.MIS.RCK + 1;
this._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.MIS.hitTest(this)) {
_root.missileDOWN2 = true;
_root.FIREHIT = true;
_root.MIS.RCK = _root.MIS.RCK + 1;
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 44
Symbol 294 MovieClip Frame 45
Symbol 295 MovieClip [fire] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = this._x - 2;
this._y = this._y + 1;
Symbol 299 MovieClip [bombAAA] Frame 1
onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y = this._y + fall;
if (fall > 18) {
fall = 18;
fall = 1;
Symbol 304 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 310 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 304 MovieClip in Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
this._x = this._x - (_root.hero.speed / 50);
if (this._x <= -1006.1) {
this._x = this._x + 670;
Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 304 MovieClip in Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - (_root.hero.speed / 50);
if (this._x <= -1006.1) {
this._x = this._x + 670;
Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 3
Instance of Symbol 304 MovieClip in Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
this._x = this._x - (_root.hero.speed / 50);
if (this._x <= -1006.1) {
this._x = this._x + 670;
Instance of Symbol 310 MovieClip in Symbol 311 MovieClip [bg] Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
this._x = this._x - (_root.hero.speed / 50);
if (this._x <= -1006.1) {
this._x = this._x + 670;
Symbol 317 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 332 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 335 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 1
stopStall = true;
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 2
stopStall = true;
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 3
stopStall = true;
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 4
stopStall = false;
Symbol 483 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 486 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 60
if (_root._currentframe == 5) {
} else if (_root._currentframe == 7) {
} else if (_root._currentframe == 11) {
} else if (_root._currentframe == 10) {
} else if (_root._currentframe == 31) {
} else {;
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 489 MovieClip Frame 160
Symbol 492 MovieClip Frame 1501
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 498 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 511 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 514 Button
on (release) {;
Symbol 528 Button
on (release) {
_root.gotoAndStop(_root._currentframe + 2);
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 553 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 558 MovieClip in Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.weelcrashed = true;
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 15
_root.weelcrashed = false;
Instance of Symbol 558 MovieClip in Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.weelcrashed = false;
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 31
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 32
weelcrashed2 = true;
_root.weelcrashed = true;
Symbol 662 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 623 MovieClip in Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.speed >= 20) {;
} else {
Symbol 674 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 677 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 677 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 669 MovieClip in Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero.speed >= 15) {;
} else {
if (Key.isDown(32) or (_root.hero._y >= 360)) {
Instance of Symbol 671 MovieClip "HIT" in Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.friend.HIT.hitTest(this)) {
_root.tut.petrol.gotoAndStop(_root.tut.petrol._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 677 MovieClip in Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((!_root.DD) == true) and (_root.hero._y <= 360)) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {;
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.DD = true;
Symbol 692 MovieClip Frame 30
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
yy = _root.hero._y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.hero._y = yy;
_root.xx = 0;
Symbol 757 MovieClip Frame 30
_root.hero.speed = 0;
Symbol 778 MovieClip Frame 16
Instance of Symbol 564 MovieClip "weel" in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((Key.isDown(71) and ((!this.weelcrashed2) == true)) and (_root.hero._y < 390)) {;
if ((((_root.hero.speed >= 24) and (_root.hero.G > 7)) and (this._currentframe == 15)) and ((!this.crashed) == true)) {
this.weelcrashed2 = true;
_root.attachMovie("koleso", "koleso", 31, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
onClipEvent (load) {
Instance of Symbol 566 MovieClip in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.hero.bomb1) == false) {
this._visible = true;
} else {
this._visible = false;
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 663 MovieClip "hero2" in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (_root.hero.G >= 15) {
if (time > 100) {
} else if ((_root.hero.G < 15) and (this.stalling.stopStall == true)) {
time = 0;
} else if ((_root.hero.speed <= 10) and (_root.hero._y < 360)) {
onClipEvent (load) {
time = 0;
Instance of Symbol 678 MovieClip "wire" in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._currentframe == 22) {
} else {
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 3
_root.motor = false;
_root.DD = true;
_root.hero.speed = 0;
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
_root.DDT = true;
_root.xx = 0;
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 4
_root.motor = false;
_root.DD = true;
_root.MF = true;
_root.hero.speed = 0;
_root.DDT = true;
Instance of Symbol 693 MovieClip in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.hero._y = 389;
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth3, _root.numdepth3, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y - 10});
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 5
_root.motor = false;
_root.DD = true;
_root.hero.speed = 0;
_root.DDT = true;
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 6
_root.motor = false;
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = true;
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 7
_root.motor = false;
_root.DD = true;
_root.DDT = true;
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
Instance of Symbol 757 MovieClip in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.hero._y = 389;
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth3, _root.numdepth3, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y - 10});
Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 8
_root.motor = false;
_root.DD = true;
_root.SC = true;
_root.DDT = false;
Instance of Symbol 778 MovieClip in Symbol 779 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.hero._y = 389;
_root.hero._rotation = 90;
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth3, _root.numdepth3, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y - 10});
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 788 MovieClip Frame 43
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 60
_root.gotoAndStop(_root._currentframe + 1);
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 99
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 100
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 101
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 160
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 162
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 221
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 223
Symbol 789 MovieClip Frame 282
Symbol 794 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
_root.Pause = true;
gotoAndStop (2);
on (keyPress "P") {
if ((!_root.DD) == true) {
_root.Pause = true;
gotoAndStop (2);
Symbol 801 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 804 Button
on (release, keyPress "p") {
_root.Pause = false;
gotoAndStop (1);
on (keyPress "P") {
_root.Pause = false;
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 807 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 6 MovieClip in Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = this._rotation + 0.5;
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Symbol 809 MovieClip Frame 2
on (release) {
Symbol 820 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 207 MovieClip "S" in Symbol 836 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero.speed);
Instance of Symbol 210 MovieClip in Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor((_root.hero._y / 100) + 1355);
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip in Symbol 840 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero._y + 1000);
Instance of Symbol 220 MovieClip in Symbol 848 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
N = Math.floor(_root.hero.G);
Symbol 870 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 870 MovieClip in Symbol 871 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this.gotoAndStop(random(3) + 1);
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.FDD = true;
Symbol 894 MovieClip Frame 326
_root.petrolDone = true;
Symbol 947 MovieClip Frame 138
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 783 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Instance of Symbol 789 MovieClip "end" in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 50;
timer2 = 50;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.MC == true) {
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer <= 0) {
timer = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
if ((_root.MF == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer <= 0) {
timer = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
if ((_root.MF2 == true) and ((!_root.jumped) == true)) {
timer = timer - 1;
if (timer <= 0) {
timer = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
if ((_root.jumped == true) and ((!_root.PARATROOPERlvl) == true)) {
if (_root.heroT.ppp.shoot == true) {
timer2 = timer2 - 1;
} else if (((!_root.heroT.ppp.shoot) == true) and _root.heroT.hitTest(_root.ground)) {
timer = timer - 1;
if ((timer <= 0) and (_root.DDT == true)) {
timer = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
} else if ((timer2 <= 0) and (_root.DDT == false)) {
timer2 = 99999 /* 0x01869F */;
Instance of Symbol 813 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.Airport._x > (_root.tut._x - 500)) and ((_root.Airport._x - 6000) < _root.tut._x)) {
} else {
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.Airport._x > (_root.tut._x - 500)) and ((_root.Airport._x - 6000) < _root.tut._x)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 817 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.enemyAirport._x > (_root.tut._x - 500)) and ((_root.enemyAirport._x - 100) < _root.tut._x)) {
} else {
onClipEvent (load) {
if ((_root.enemyAirport._x > (_root.tut._x - 500)) and ((_root.enemyAirport._x - 100) < _root.tut._x)) {
} else {
Instance of Symbol 487 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
on (release) {
Instance of Symbol 820 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
if (_root._currentframe == 24) {
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 2;
Instance of Symbol 823 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 3;
Instance of Symbol 826 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 4;
Instance of Symbol 830 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 4
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((_root.hero.speed >= 23) and (timer <= 0)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 50;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 5;
Instance of Symbol 832 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 5
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((_root.hero._rotation <= 89) and (timer <= 0)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 100;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 6;
Instance of Symbol 834 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 6
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((_root.weelcrashed == true) and (timer <= 0)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 100;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 7;
Instance of Symbol 836 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 7
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 8;
Instance of Symbol 840 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 8
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((timer <= 0) and (_root.hero._y < -1000)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 9;
Instance of Symbol 844 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 9
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 120;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 10;
Instance of Symbol 848 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 10
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 11;
Instance of Symbol 850 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 11
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 250;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 12;
Instance of Symbol 854 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 12
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 180;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 13;
Instance of Symbol 856 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 13
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 180;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 14;
Instance of Symbol 858 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 14
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 180;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 15;
Instance of Symbol 860 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 15
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 180;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 16;
Instance of Symbol 862 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 16
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 250;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 17;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 18;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 20;
_root.motor = false;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 21;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 22;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 23;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 25
_root.RFld = false;
Instance of Symbol 879 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 25
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 180;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 26
Instance of Symbol 881 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 26
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 27
Instance of Symbol 883 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 27
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 28
Instance of Symbol 886 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 28
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 29
_root.friendShow._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 888 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 29
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Instance of Symbol 894 MovieClip "petrol" in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 29
onClipEvent (load) {
time = 20;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (time <= 0) {
this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe - 1);
time = 20;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 30
Instance of Symbol 896 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 30
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hero._y < -1900) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 31
Instance of Symbol 898 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 31
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 32
Instance of Symbol 900 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 32
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 33
Instance of Symbol 900 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 33
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.petrolDone == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 34
_root.RFld = true;
_root.friendShow._visible = false;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 35
_root.RFld = true;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 40
Instance of Symbol 906 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 40
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 41
Instance of Symbol 908 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 41
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 42
Instance of Symbol 910 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 42
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 43
Instance of Symbol 912 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 43
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if ((timer <= 0) and (_root.hero._y < -4600)) {
if (_root.STRIKE == true) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 44
Instance of Symbol 914 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 44
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.attachMovie("smoke2", "smoke2" + _root.numdepth3, _root.numdepth3, {_x:_root.hero._x + 10, _y:_root.hero._y - 10});
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.attachMovie("koleso", "koleso", 31, {_x:_root.hero._x, _y:_root.hero._y});
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 45
Instance of Symbol 917 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 45
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 46
Instance of Symbol 919 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 46
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 47
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 52
Instance of Symbol 921 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 52
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
_root.MIS._visible = false;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 53
Instance of Symbol 923 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 53
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((timer <= 0) and (_root.hero._y < -600)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 54
Instance of Symbol 925 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 54
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 55
Instance of Symbol 927 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 55
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 56
Instance of Symbol 929 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 56
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 57
Instance of Symbol 931 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 57
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 58
Instance of Symbol 933 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 58
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 59
Instance of Symbol 935 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 59
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 60
_root.MIS._visible = true;
Instance of Symbol 949 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 60
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.FIREHIT = false;
_root.MIS.pos = 1;
_root.MIS.moving = true;
_root.MIS.rotates = 0;
_root.MIS.vx = 0;
_root.MIS.vy = 0;
_root.MIS.speed = 0;
_root.MIS.speedmax = 90;
_root.MIS.accl = 1;
_root.MIS.rotates2 = 0;
_root.MIS.manuver = 1.5;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 61
Instance of Symbol 947 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 61
onClipEvent (load) {;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 62
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 65
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 70
Instance of Symbol 957 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 70
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 71
Instance of Symbol 959 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 71
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 72
Instance of Symbol 961 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 72
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.jumped == true) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 73
Instance of Symbol 966 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 73
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.heroT.hitTest(_root.LAND) and (_root.heroT.ppp._currentframe == 104)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
if (_root.heroT.hitTest(_root.LAND) and ((!_root.heroT.ppp._currentframe) == 104)) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 2);
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 74
Instance of Symbol 968 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 74
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 75
Instance of Symbol 970 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 80;
_root.target1DONE = false;
Instance of Symbol 972 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 80
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.bombON = false;
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 81;
Instance of Symbol 974 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 81
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 82;
Instance of Symbol 976 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 82
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.hero._x - 1000) > _root.LAND._x) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 83;
Instance of Symbol 978 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 83
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) { = true; = true;
timer = 100;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 84;
Instance of Symbol 981 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 84
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 85;
Instance of Symbol 983 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 85
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.missileDOWN2 == true) {
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.flareON = true;
_root.MIS._visible = true;
timer = 150;
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.FIREHIT = false;
_root.MIS.pos = 1;
_root.MIS.moving = true;
_root.MIS.rotates = 200;
_root.MIS.vx = 0;
_root.MIS.vy = 0;
_root.MIS.speed = 0;
_root.MIS.speedmax = 90;
_root.MIS.accl = 1;
_root.MIS.rotates2 = 200;
_root.MIS.manuver = 1.5;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 86;
Instance of Symbol 985 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 86
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.flareON = false;
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 87;
Instance of Symbol 987 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 87
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
_root.bombON = true;
_root.target1DONE = true;
timer = 150;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 88;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 89;
Instance of Symbol 991 MovieClip in Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 89
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((!_root.Pause) == true) {
if (timer <= 0) {
_parent.gotoAndStop(_parent._currentframe + 1);
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 200;
Symbol 994 MovieClip Frame 90;
Symbol 1000 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.hero._x = 292.5;
_root.motor = false;
Symbol 1000 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.motor = false;
_root.hero._x = 292.5;
_root.hero.speed = 0;
Symbol 1000 MovieClip Frame 102
_root.motor = true;
Symbol 1000 MovieClip Frame 202
Symbol 1035 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 148 MovieClip in Symbol 1038 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
yy = _root.friend._x;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_root.friend._x = yy;
_root.xx = 0;
Symbol 1039 MovieClip Frame 79
Symbol 1040 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 671 MovieClip "HIT" in Symbol 1040 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
this._visible = false;
Instance of Symbol 1039 MovieClip in Symbol 1040 MovieClip Frame 3
onClipEvent (load) {
speed = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (speed > 15) {
speed = 15;
this._y = this._y + speed;
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 5
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 1056 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 294 MovieClip in Symbol 1062 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 1
_root.hero._x = 292.5;
_root.motor = false;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 2
_root.motor = false;
_root.hero._x = 292.5;
_root.hero.speed = 0;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 102
_root.motor = true;
Symbol 1073 MovieClip Frame 202
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 4
Instance of Symbol 1089 MovieClip in Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 185
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._x = this._x - 0.5;
onClipEvent (load) {
Symbol 1090 MovieClip Frame 226
Symbol 1091 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 1094 Button
on (release) {;