Archived flashes:
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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #121891

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

last number
is 40

gas price


% of people
who like cats


Written & designed by
Craig Ruddell

version 2.0

shall I send to
your army?















Return to room view


Take 1

Take 2

Take 3























Escape the Paint!

Written & designed by
Craig Ruddell

Play Game

Somebody has been painting
the walls and the paint fumes
are making you sick to your
You must find a way out of this
place before you pass out!
If you can...

goes here

21 Bombs

High Score:

Force your opponent to take the last bomb and you win!

Game Over

Game Over

Game Over

Game Over

Game Over

Game Over

You Win!

You Win!

You Win!

You Win!

You Win!

You Win!

Game Over
You Lose
Try Again!

ActionScript [AS3]

Section 1
//bandage (bandage) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bandage extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 2
//bandageKey (bandageKey) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bandageKey extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 3
//bat (bat) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bat extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 4
//bed (bed) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bed extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 5
//beepSnd (beepSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class beepSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 6
//bigTV (bigTV) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bigTV extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 7
//bomb (bomb) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bomb extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 8
//bombBtn (bombBtn) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class bombBtn extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 9
//catSnd (catSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class catSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 10
//ceilingFan (ceilingFan) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ceilingFan extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 11
//cellDialingSnd (cellDialingSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class cellDialingSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 12
//cellPhone (cellPhone) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class cellPhone extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 13
//chair (chair) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class chair extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 14
//coffee (coffee) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class coffee extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 15
//computer (computer) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class computer extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 16
//continueBtn (continueBtn) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class continueBtn extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 17
//couch (couch) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class couch extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 18
//desk (desk) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class desk extends MovieClip { public function desk(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 19
//dogBarkSnd (dogBarkSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class dogBarkSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 20
//dogSnd (dogSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class dogSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 21
//doorHandleNote (doorHandleNote) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class doorHandleNote extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 22
//Escape (Escape) package { import*; import*; import flash.display.*; import flash.text.*; import flash.utils.*; public class Escape extends MovieClip { var frontDoorCode; var takeAway:uint;// = 0 public var ladder:ladder1; var keypadBeep:beepSnd; var tvFieldCreated:uint; var blinds3:window2; var paw2:pawPrints2; var paw3:pawPrints3; var cord1:powerCord; var paw4:pawPrints4; var madCat:madCatSnd; var paw5:pawPrints5; var myScore:Number;// = 1300000 var haveBandage1:Boolean;// = false var take1:bombBtn; var take2:bombBtn; var take3:bombBtn; var noteRead:Boolean;// = false var frames:uint;// = 0 public var desk3:desk; var room4CodeA:Array; var room4CodeB:Array; var passedOut:youLoseSnd; var highScoreField:TextField; var bedroomCode:uint; var bigTV5:bigTV; var hat2:witchHat; var keyPad2:numberKeyPad; var allBombs:Array; var keyPad4:numberKeyPad; var message2:message; var message4:message; var continueGame:continueBtn; var wrongCode:wrongCodeSnd; var dog:dogSnd; var evilLaugh:evilLaughSnd; var needCord:Boolean;// = false var btn1:uint;// = 0 var btn2:uint;// = 0 var pressSwitch:switchSnd; var room4ColorB:Array; var code4a:uint; var code4b:uint; var code4c:uint; var code4d:uint; var btn4:uint;// = 0 var room4ColorA:Array; var btn3:uint;// = 0 var btn5:uint;// = 0 var phone:cellDialingSnd; var bombNum:uint;// = 0 var vase3a:roseVase; var vase3b:lillyVase; var haveBat:Boolean;// = false var pictureBreaking:glassbreakingSnd; var cpuOn:Boolean;// = false var playingCpuGame:Boolean;// = false var key1:key; var haveCpuPower:Boolean;// = false var bombsLeft:uint;// = 0 var gameTime:uint; var coffee5:coffee; var tv1:tv; var gasPrice:uint;// = 4 var currentRoom:uint; var cpuBeep:pcBeepSnd; var counter:uint; var chair1:chair; var highScore; var beatCpu:Boolean;// = false var allKeypadBtns:Array; var dogBark:dogBarkSnd; var table1:desk; var table5:desk; var petCat:Boolean;// = false var infoBox:TextField; var couch5:couch; var gameTimeField:TextField; var cpuTurn:Boolean;// = true var dog1:puppy; var haveHat2:Boolean;// = false var gameStartTime:uint; var haveCell1:Boolean;// = false var invY:uint;// = 0 var invX:uint;// = 0 var rArrow:rightArrow; var bandage1:bandage; var progressField:TextField; var bat5:bat; public var play_btn:SimpleButton; var bombStart:bombBtn; var userCode4:uint;// = 0 var lArrow:leftArrow; var leaveCpuGame:continueBtn; var haveCalled:Boolean;// = false var fan:fanSnd; var cell1:cellPhone; var cat1:kitty; var foundSolution:Boolean;// = false var doorOpen:openDoorSnd; var myHealth:Number;// = 10000 var haveKey1:Boolean;// = false var usingKeyPad:Boolean;// = false var bandageKey1:bandageKey; var switch3:lightSwitch1; var fan3:ceilingFan; var tvOff:tvOffSnd; var cpu5:computer; var tvField:TextField; var outlet5a:outlet; var outlet5b:outlet; var invCount:uint;// = 0 var petDog:Boolean;// = false var openDrawer5:Boolean;// = false var haveCord1:Boolean;// = false var bed5:bed; var cat:catSnd; var pic1:picture1; var pic3:picture3; var myProgress:uint;// = 0 private static const numpadOffsetY:uint = 100; private static const tileHorizontalSpacing:uint = 103; private static const numpadHeight:uint = 3; private static const numpadOffsetX:uint = 300; private static const numpadWidth:uint = 3; private static const tileVerticalSpacing:uint = 103; public function Escape():void{ var _local1:TextFormat; infoBox = new TextField(); rArrow = new rightArrow(); lArrow = new leftArrow(); dog = new dogSnd(); cat = new catSnd(); madCat = new madCatSnd(); tvOff = new tvOffSnd(); pictureBreaking = new glassbreakingSnd(); pressSwitch = new switchSnd(); keyPad2 = new numberKeyPad(); keyPad4 = new numberKeyPad(); keypadBeep = new beepSnd(); phone = new cellDialingSnd(); fan = new fanSnd(); cpuBeep = new pcBeepSnd(); passedOut = new youLoseSnd(); evilLaugh = new evilLaughSnd(); dogBark = new dogBarkSnd(); wrongCode = new wrongCodeSnd(); doorOpen = new openDoorSnd(); key1 = new key(); dog1 = new puppy(); cat1 = new kitty(); chair1 = new chair(); pic1 = new picture1(); pic3 = new picture3(); fan3 = new ceilingFan(); vase3a = new roseVase(); vase3b = new lillyVase(); blinds3 = new window2(); table1 = new desk(); table5 = new desk(); tv1 = new tv(); cord1 = new powerCord(); cell1 = new cellPhone(); message2 = new message(); message4 = new message(); paw2 = new pawPrints2(); paw3 = new pawPrints3(); paw4 = new pawPrints4(); paw5 = new pawPrints5(); switch3 = new lightSwitch1(); hat2 = new witchHat(); continueGame = new continueBtn(); leaveCpuGame = new continueBtn(); bandage1 = new bandage(); bandageKey1 = new bandageKey(); bigTV5 = new bigTV(); couch5 = new couch(); cpu5 = new computer(); bat5 = new bat(); outlet5a = new outlet(); outlet5b = new outlet(); coffee5 = new coffee(); bed5 = new bed(); bombStart = new bombBtn(); take1 = new bombBtn(); take2 = new bombBtn(); take3 = new bombBtn(); room4CodeA = [3, 4, 1, 5]; room4CodeB = new Array(); room4ColorA = ["green", "orange", "blue", "red"]; room4ColorB = new Array(); frontDoorCode = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 8798)) + 1201); highScore = (frontDoorCode - 200); btn1 = 0; btn2 = 0; btn3 = 0; btn4 = 0; btn5 = 0; userCode4 = 0; allKeypadBtns = new Array(); allBombs = new Array(); haveKey1 = false; haveBandage1 = false; haveCord1 = false; haveCell1 = false; haveCalled = false; haveHat2 = false; haveBat = false; petDog = false; petCat = false; noteRead = false; usingKeyPad = false; openDrawer5 = false; haveCpuPower = false; needCord = false; cpuOn = false; playingCpuGame = false; cpuTurn = true; beatCpu = false; foundSolution = false; frames = 0; invX = 0; invY = 0; invCount = 0; bombsLeft = 0; takeAway = 0; bombNum = 0; myProgress = 0; myScore = 1300000; myHealth = 10000; gasPrice = 4; super(); addFrameScript(0, frame1, 9, frame10, 10, frame11, 20, frame21, 30, frame31, 40, frame41, 50, frame51, 60, frame61, 70, frame71, 80, frame81); infoBox.width = 357; infoBox.height = 143; infoBox.x = 465.5; infoBox.y = 605; infoBox.selectable = false; infoBox.multiline = true; infoBox.wordWrap = true; addChild(infoBox); _local1 = new TextFormat("Arial", 15, 0, true); infoBox.defaultTextFormat = _local1; gotoAndStop("Intro"); } public function clickBandage(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = "You take the bandage.\nIt's been added to your inventory."; haveBandage1 = true; bandage1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBandage); bandage1.width = 65; bandage1.height = 65; invPosition(); bandage1.x = invX; bandage1.y = invY; } public function setupNumPad():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; var _local3:uint; var _local4:keypad1; _local1 = 4; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < numpadHeight) { _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < numpadWidth) { _local4 = new keypad1(); _local4.x = ((_local3 * tileHorizontalSpacing) + numpadOffsetX); _local4.y = ((_local2 * tileVerticalSpacing) + numpadOffsetY); _local4.gotoAndStop(_local1); _local4.num = (_local1 - 3); _local4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickNum); addChild(_local4); allKeypadBtns.push(_local4); _local1++; _local3++; }; _local2++; }; _local4 = new keypad1(); _local4.x = ((0 * tileHorizontalSpacing) + numpadOffsetX); _local4.y = ((3 * tileVerticalSpacing) + numpadOffsetY); _local4.gotoAndStop("zero"); _local4.num = 0; _local4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickNum); addChild(_local4); allKeypadBtns.push(_local4); _local4 = new keypad1(); _local4.x = ((1 * tileHorizontalSpacing) + numpadOffsetX); _local4.y = ((3 * tileVerticalSpacing) + numpadOffsetY); _local4.gotoAndStop("enter"); _local4.num = 10; _local4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickNum); addChild(_local4); allKeypadBtns.push(_local4); gotoAndStop("Number Pad"); infoBox.text = ("Click on numbers and then click enter.\n\n" + "Click CONTINUE to view room again."); continueGame.width = 465; continueGame.height = 147; continueGame.x = 233; continueGame.y = 674; continueGame.gotoAndStop(1); continueGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickContinue); addChild(continueGame); continueGame.visible = true; usingKeyPad = true; userCode4 = 0; btn1 = 0; btn2 = 0; btn3 = 0; btn4 = 0; btn5 = 0; } public function setupGame():void{ timeElapsed(); setBedroomCode(); rArrow.width = 50; rArrow.height = 50; rArrow.x = 430; rArrow.y = 670; rArrow.num = 1; rArrow.gotoAndStop(1); rArrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moveRight); addChild(rArrow); lArrow.width = 50; lArrow.height = 50; lArrow.x = 380; lArrow.y = 670; lArrow.num = 3; lArrow.gotoAndStop(1); lArrow.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, moveLeft); addChild(lArrow); gotoAndStop("Room 0"); currentRoom = 0; infoBox.text = ("All game messages appear here.\n\n" + "CLICK EITHER ARROW TO START\n\nGood Luck and Enjoy!\n"); } public function clearCpu():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 21) { removeChild(allBombs[_local1]); _local1++; }; _local2 = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 21) { allBombs.splice(_local2, 1); _local1++; }; take1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTake1); removeChild(take1); take2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTake2); removeChild(take2); take3.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTake3); removeChild(take3); bombStart.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click21Bombs); removeChild(bombStart); } public function invPosition():void{ invCount++; if (invCount == 1){ invX = 60; invY = 637; } else { if (invCount == 2){ invX = 175; invY = 637; } else { if (invCount == 3){ invX = 290; invY = 637; } else { if (invCount == 4){ invX = 60; invY = 714; } else { if (invCount == 5){ invX = 175; invY = 714; } else { invX = 290; invY = 714; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame10(){ setupGame(); } public function animateChair(_arg1:Event){ infoBox.text = "You move the chair."; if (chair1.x != 655){ chair1.x = (chair1.x + 5); } else { chair1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateChair); chair1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickChair); }; } function frame11(){ stop(); } function frame1(){ stop(); play_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, play_game); } function frame21(){ stop(); } public function setupCpuGame():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; var _local3:TextFormat; var _local4:uint; var _local5:bomb; infoBox.text = (((("Welcome to 21 bombs. " + "A simple game where you take away either 1, 2, or 3 bombs ") + "at a time. The object of the game is to force your opponent ") + "to take the last bomb and you win.\n\n") + "The computer always goes first. Beat the computer to set a high score."); playingCpuGame = true; gotoAndStop("Cpu Game"); leaveCpuGame.width = 465; leaveCpuGame.height = 147; leaveCpuGame.x = 233; leaveCpuGame.y = 674; leaveCpuGame.gotoAndStop(2); leaveCpuGame.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickLeaveGame); addChild(leaveCpuGame); leaveCpuGame.visible = true; _local1 = 2; _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 3) { _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < 7) { _local5 = new bomb(); _local5.x = ((_local4 * 75) + 100); _local5.y = ((_local2 * 110) + 260); _local5.gotoAndStop(_local1); _local5.num = (23 - _local1); addChild(_local5); allBombs.push(_local5); _local1++; _local4++; }; _local2++; }; bombStart.x = 713; bombStart.y = 542; bombStart.gotoAndStop(4); bombStart.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click21Bombs); addChild(bombStart); bombStart.visible = true; take1.x = 713; take1.y = 242; take1.gotoAndStop(1); take1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTake1); addChild(take1); take1.visible = true; take2.x = 713; take2.y = 342; take2.gotoAndStop(2); take2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTake2); addChild(take2); take2.visible = true; take3.x = 713; take3.y = 442; take3.gotoAndStop(3); take3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTake3); addChild(take3); take3.visible = true; highScoreField = new TextField(); highScoreField.width = 100; highScoreField.height = 57; highScoreField.x = 411; highScoreField.y = 18; highScoreField.selectable = false; _local3 = new TextFormat(); _local3.size = 48; _local3.bold = true; highScoreField.defaultTextFormat = _local3; addChild(highScoreField); highScoreField.visible = true; if (beatCpu == true){ highScoreField.text = highScore.toString(); }; } function frame31(){ stop(); } public function click21Bombs(_arg1:MouseEvent){ bombStart.visible = false; cpuTurn = true; cpuAI(); } function frame41(){ stop(); } public function clickComputer(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (outlet5a.currentFrame == 1){ if (haveCord1 == false){ infoBox.text = (("You try turning on the computer, but the " + "power cord is missing.\n\n") + "It's not going to work without a power cord!"); needCord = true; } else { infoBox.text = "You need to plug the computer into a wall outlet."; }; } else { if (cpuOn == false){ infoBox.text = "You turn on the computer."; playSound(cpuBeep); cpu5.gotoAndStop(2); cpuOn = true; myProgress = (myProgress + 10); } else { leaveRoom5(); bombNum = 0; bombsLeft = 21; takeAway = 0; setupCpuGame(); }; }; } function frame51(){ stop(); } public function moveRight(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ infoBox.text = ""; if (currentRoom == 1){ leaveRoom1(); setupRoom2(); } else { if (currentRoom == 2){ leaveRoom2(); setupRoom3(); } else { if (currentRoom == 3){ leaveRoom3(); setupRoom4(); } else { if (currentRoom == 4){ leaveRoom4(); setupRoom1(); } else { if (currentRoom == 5){ leaveRoom5(); setupRoom4(); } else { if (currentRoom == 0){ setupRoom1(); myProgress = (myProgress + 1); } else { infoBox.text = "You can't go that way, sorry."; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function removeInv():void{ key1.visible = false; bandage1.visible = false; cord1.visible = false; cell1.visible = false; hat2.visible = false; bat5.visible = false; } public function clickSwitch3(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = "You press the switch on the wall."; playSound(pressSwitch); if (switch3.onOff == 2){ pic3.gotoAndStop(pic3.currentFrame); fan3.gotoAndStop(1); vase3a.gotoAndStop(1); vase3b.gotoAndStop(1); blinds3.gotoAndStop(1); switch3.onOff = 0; } else { pic3.gotoAndPlay(pic3.currentFrame); fan3.gotoAndPlay(1); vase3a.gotoAndPlay(1); vase3b.gotoAndPlay(1); blinds3.gotoAndPlay(1); switch3.onOff = (switch3.onOff + 1); }; } public function clickNum(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:keypad1; _local2 = (_arg1.currentTarget as keypad1); if (btn1 == 0){ btn1 = (_local2.num + 1); } else { if (btn2 == 0){ btn2 = (_local2.num + 1); } else { if (btn3 == 0){ btn3 = (_local2.num + 1); } else { if (btn4 == 0){ btn4 = (_local2.num + 1); } else { if (_local2.num != 10){ btn5 = 10000; }; }; }; }; }; if (_local2.num != 10){ playSound(keypadBeep); }; switch (_local2.num){ case 0: infoBox.text = "You press 0 on the keypad"; break; case 1: infoBox.text = "You press 1 on the keypad"; break; case 2: infoBox.text = "You press 2 on the keypad"; break; case 3: infoBox.text = "You press 3 on the keypad"; break; case 4: infoBox.text = "You press 4 on the keypad"; break; case 5: infoBox.text = "You press 5 on the keypad"; break; case 6: infoBox.text = "You press 6 on the keypad"; break; case 7: infoBox.text = "You press 7 on the keypad"; break; case 8: infoBox.text = "You press 8 on the keypad"; break; case 9: infoBox.text = "You press 9 on the keypad"; break; case 10: infoBox.text = "You press the ENTER key on the keypad"; userCode4 = ((((((btn1 - 1) * 1000) + ((btn2 - 1) * 100)) + ((btn3 - 1) * 10)) + (btn4 - 1)) + btn5); btn1 = 0; btn2 = 0; btn3 = 0; btn4 = 0; btn5 = 0; checkCode(); break; default: infoBox.text = "You press a number on the keypad"; }; } function frame61(){ stop(); } public function clickBigScreen(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 9; if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 1){ playSound(tvOff); myProgress = (myProgress + 5); }; if (bigTV5.currentFrame != _local2){ bigTV5.gotoAndStop((bigTV5.currentFrame + 1)); } else { bigTV5.gotoAndStop(2); }; if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 2){ infoBox.text = "This is the Fishing Channel."; } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 3){ infoBox.text = ("This is the Flash Gaming Network. They're " + "annoucing the 'Flash Game of the Year Award'. Looks good."); } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 4){ infoBox.text = (((<i>"and today's Lucky7 numbers were..."</i> + "\n10, 22, 28, 30, 33, 37, and 40.\n\n") + "Now we have an exciting story to report. 'Matching Animal Sounds v2.0' ") + "has been annouced as the 'Flash Game of the Year'."); } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 5){ infoBox.text = ("This is the Racing Network. " + "A nice looking Indy car is on the screen now."); } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 6){ infoBox.text = ("This is the Cryptography Channel.\n\n" + "Julius Ceasar is sending an encoded message to one of his generals."); } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 7){ infoBox.text = "This is suppose to be Channel 6 News."; } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 8){ infoBox.text = "This must be the Math Network. Hmm, looks boring."; } else { if (bigTV5.currentFrame == 9){ infoBox.text = "This tv channel is showing the Army's latest tank."; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } function frame71(){ stop(); } function frame81(){ stop(); } public function clickCat(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (tv1.currentFrame == 1){ playSound(cat); } else { playSound(madCat); }; if ((((noteRead == true)) && (( == 2)))){ petCat = true; petDog = false; moveDog(); }; } public function clickOutlet5a(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (haveCpuPower == true){ infoBox.text = "The computer is plugged into the outlet."; } else { if (haveCord1 == false){ infoBox.text = "A power outlet just waiting for a cord to be plugged into it.\n\n"; } else { if (haveCpuPower == false){ infoBox.text = "You plug the power cord into the computer."; playSound(tvOff); haveCpuPower = true; outlet5a.gotoAndStop(3); cord1.visible = false; haveCord1 = false; myProgress = (myProgress + 10); }; }; }; } public function clickOutlet5b(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (haveCord1 == true){ infoBox.text = (("The power cord you have is too short to reach this " + "power outlet from the computer. There is no way to move the computer ") + "with all this stuff in here."); } else { infoBox.text = "A power outlet just waiting for a cord to be plugged into it.\n\n"; }; } public function clickCord(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (needCord == true){ myProgress = (myProgress + 15); infoBox.text = ("You yank the power cord from the TV.\n" + "You add it to your inventory."); playSound(tvOff); cord1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCord); tv1.gotoAndStop("no signal"); cord1.width = 65; cord1.height = 55; invPosition(); cord1.x = invX; cord1.y = invY; tv1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTV1); needCord = false; haveCord1 = true; cat1.gotoAndStop(1); } else { infoBox.text = "The tv cord seems loose."; }; } public function clickKeyPad(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (currentRoom == 1){ leaveRoom1(); } else { if (currentRoom == 2){ if ( == 2){ infoBox.text = ("As you go to touch the front door keypad, the " + "dog bites at your hand."); } else { leaveRoom2(); setupNumPad(); }; } else { if (currentRoom == 4){ leaveRoom4(); setupNumPad(); }; }; }; } public function clickBat(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = "You find a baseball bat.\n\nYou add it to your inventory."; bat5.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBat); haveBat = true; bat5.width = 65; bat5.height = 65; invPosition(); bat5.x = invX; bat5.y = invY; } public function checkForWin():void{ if (bombsLeft == 0){ if (cpuTurn == false){ infoBox.text = "You Lose. Take a break and try again later."; playSound(evilLaugh); } else { infoBox.text = ("You forced the computer to take the last bomb!\n\n" + "You beat the computer!"); highScoreField.text = highScore.toString(); if (beatCpu == false){ myProgress = (myProgress + 20); }; beatCpu = true; }; take1.visible = false; take2.visible = false; take3.visible = false; }; } public function priceOfGas(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local2 = Math.floor((_arg1 / 1000)); _local3 = Math.floor((_local2 / 100)); _local2 = (_local2 - (_local3 * 100)); _local4 = (((gasPrice + _local3) + ".") + String((_local2 + 100)).substr(1, 2)); return (_local4); } public function clickTable1(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (haveKey1 == false){ infoBox.text = "A table with a locked drawer."; } else { infoBox.text = "You try your key on the locked drawer, but it won't open."; }; } public function clickTable5(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (haveKey1 == false){ infoBox.text = "Your computer desk.\n\nThe drawer is locked close."; } else { if (openDrawer5 == false){ infoBox.text = ("You use your key to unlock and open the drawer.\n\n" + "Unfortunately, you don't find anything at all in the drawer."); table5.gotoAndStop(1); openDrawer5 = true; myProgress = (myProgress + 5); } else { infoBox.text = "Just a plain desk with an empty drawer."; }; }; } public function timeElapsed(){ tvField = new TextField(); tvField.x = 139; tvField.y = 395; tvField.selectable = false; progressField = new TextField(); progressField.x = 367; progressField.y = 710; progressField.selectable = false; addChild(progressField); gameTimeField = new TextField(); gameTimeField.x = 375; gameTimeField.y = 610; gameTimeField.multiline = true; gameTimeField.selectable = false; addChild(gameTimeField); gameStartTime = getTimer(); gameTime = 0; addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showTime); } public function play_game(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ gotoAndPlay("Begin"); } public function clickChair(_arg1:MouseEvent){ chair1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateChair); } public function setupRoom3():void{ currentRoom = 3; gotoAndStop("Room 3"); if (blinds3.created != 1){ blinds3.width = 161; blinds3.height = 192; blinds3.x = 83; blinds3.y = 146; blinds3.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(blinds3); blinds3.created = 1; }; if (vase3b.created != 1){ vase3b.width = 78; vase3b.height = 175; vase3b.x = 215; vase3b.y = 263; vase3b.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(vase3b); vase3b.created = 1; }; if (vase3a.created != 1){ vase3a.width = 70; vase3a.height = 173; vase3a.x = 299; vase3a.y = 269; vase3a.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(vase3a); vase3a.created = 1; }; if (fan3.created != 1){ fan3.width = 197; fan3.height = 126; fan3.x = 683; fan3.y = 62; fan3.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(fan3); fan3.created = 1; }; if (pic3.created != 1){ pic3.width = 144; pic3.height = 127; pic3.x = 491; pic3.y = 155; pic3.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(pic3); pic3.created = 1; }; if (switch3.created != 1){ switch3.width = 35; switch3.height = 67; switch3.x = 789; switch3.y = 215; switch3.onOff = 0; switch3.gotoAndStop(1); switch3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickSwitch3); addChild(switch3); switch3.created = 1; }; if (paw3.created != 1){ paw3.width = 604; paw3.height = 82; paw3.x = 519; paw3.y = 560; paw3.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(paw3); paw3.created = 1; paw3.visible = false; }; if ( == 5){ paw3.visible = true; }; if (cell1.created != 1){ cell1.width = 20; cell1.height = 40; cell1.x = 260; cell1.y = 355; cell1.gotoAndStop(1); cell1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCell); addChild(cell1); cell1.created = 1; }; if (pic1.created != 1){ pic1.width = 85; pic1.height = 70; pic1.x = 270; pic1.y = 360; pic1.gotoAndStop(1); pic1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPic); addChild(pic1); pic1.created = 1; }; if (bandage1.created != 1){ bandage1.width = 74; bandage1.height = 63; bandage1.x = 517; bandage1.y = 321; bandage1.gotoAndStop(1); bandage1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBandage); addChild(bandage1); bandage1.visible = false; bandage1.created = true; }; if (bandageKey1.created != 1){ bandageKey1.width = 34; bandageKey1.height = 92; bandageKey1.x = 498; bandageKey1.y = 330; bandageKey1.gotoAndStop(1); bandageKey1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickbandageKey); addChild(bandageKey1); bandageKey1.created = 1; }; if (chair1.created != 1){ chair1.width = 200; chair1.height = 245; chair1.x = 535; chair1.y = 400; chair1.gotoAndStop(1); chair1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickChair); addChild(chair1); chair1.created = 1; }; blinds3.visible = true; vase3a.visible = true; vase3b.visible = true; fan3.visible = true; pic3.visible = true; switch3.visible = true; chair1.visible = true; pic1.visible = true; if (haveKey1 == false){ bandageKey1.visible = true; } else { bandage1.visible = true; }; if (haveCell1 == false){ cell1.visible = true; }; } public function setupRoom4():void{ currentRoom = 4; gotoAndStop("Room 4"); if (message4.created != 1){ message4.width = 47; message4.height = 43; message4.x = 259; message4.y = 339; message4.gotoAndStop(1); message4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMessage4); addChild(message4); message4.created = 1; }; if (keyPad4.created != 1){ keyPad4.width = 30; keyPad4.height = 40; keyPad4.x = 477; keyPad4.y = 333; keyPad4.gotoAndStop(1); keyPad4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickKeyPad); addChild(keyPad4); keyPad4.created = 1; }; if (paw4.created != 1){ paw4.width = 80; paw4.height = 90; paw4.x = 335; paw4.y = 553; paw4.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(paw4); paw4.created = 1; paw4.visible = false; }; if ( == 5){ paw4.visible = true; }; keyPad4.visible = true; message4.visible = true; } public function leaveRoom1():void{ cat1.visible = false; table1.visible = false; tv1.visible = false; if (haveCord1 == false){ cord1.visible = false; }; tvField.visible = false; } public function leaveRoom5():void{ dog1.visible = false; bigTV5.visible = false; couch5.visible = false; paw5.visible = false; cpu5.visible = false; if (haveBat == false){ bat5.visible = false; }; outlet5a.visible = false; outlet5b.visible = false; table5.visible = false; coffee5.visible = false; bed5.visible = false; } public function setupRoom1():void{ currentRoom = 1; gotoAndStop("Room 1"); infoBox.text = ((("You notice an open window. The " + "fresh air is helping a little, but ") + "you'd really like to climb out, if ") + "the window wasn't stuck where it is."); if (table1.created != 1){ table1.width = 282; table1.height = 188; table1.x = 195; table1.y = 507; table1.gotoAndStop(2); table1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTable1); addChild(table1); table1.created = 1; }; if (tv1.created != 1){ tv1.width = 139.5; tv1.height = 198; tv1.x = 158; tv1.y = 350; tv1.gotoAndStop(1); tv1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTV1); addChild(tv1); tv1.created = 1; }; if (tvFieldCreated != 1){ addChild(tvField); tvFieldCreated = 1; } else { tvField.visible = true; }; if (cord1.created != 1){ cord1.width = 60; cord1.height = 135; cord1.x = 58; cord1.y = 487; cord1.gotoAndStop(1); cord1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCord); addChild(cord1); cord1.created = 1; }; if (cat1.created != 1){ cat1.width = 96; cat1.height = 137; cat1.x = 446; cat1.y = 425; cat1.gotoAndPlay(1); cat1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCat); addChild(cat1); cat1.created = 1; }; tv1.visible = true; table1.visible = true; cat1.visible = true; if (haveCord1 == false){ cord1.visible = true; }; } public function setupRoom2():void{ currentRoom = 2; gotoAndStop("Room 2"); if (keyPad2.created != 1){ keyPad2.width = 39; keyPad2.height = 52; keyPad2.x = 570; keyPad2.y = 280; keyPad2.gotoAndStop(1); keyPad2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickKeyPad); addChild(keyPad2); keyPad2.created = 1; }; if (hat2.created != 1){ hat2.width = 89; hat2.height = 91; hat2.x = 277; hat2.y = 204; hat2.gotoAndStop(1); hat2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHat); addChild(hat2); hat2.created = 1; }; if (paw2.created != 1){ paw2.width = 103; paw2.height = 40; paw2.x = 734; paw2.y = 508; paw2.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(paw2); paw2.created = 1; paw2.visible = false; }; if ( == 5){ paw2.visible = true; }; if (message2.created != 1){ message2.width = 64; message2.height = 55; message2.x = 434; message2.y = 318; message2.gotoAndStop(1); message2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickMessage2); addChild(message2); message2.created = 1; }; if (dog1.created != 1){ dog1.width = 90; dog1.height = 130; dog1.x = 660; dog1.y = 420; = 2; dog1.gotoAndStop("puppy1"); dog1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickDog); addChild(dog1); dog1.created = 1; }; keyPad2.visible = true; message2.visible = true; if ( == 2){ dog1.visible = true; } else { dog1.visible = false; }; if (haveHat2 == false){ hat2.visible = true; }; } public function playSound(_arg1:Object){ var _local2:SoundChannel; _local2 =; } public function setupRoom5():void{ currentRoom = 5; gotoAndStop("Room 5"); infoBox.text = (((("This is your bedroom. What a mess. Looks like all " + "the household furniture has been moved in here for the painting.\n\n") + "At least the paint fumes are a little less potent in here. ") + "To the right is the door you just came through and to the left ") + "is a bathroom."); if (bigTV5.created != 1){ bigTV5.width = 288.5; bigTV5.height = 248.4; bigTV5.x = 214; bigTV5.y = 348; bigTV5.gotoAndStop(1); bigTV5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBigScreen); addChild(bigTV5); bigTV5.created = 1; }; if (outlet5a.created != 1){ outlet5a.width = 18; outlet5a.height = 27; outlet5a.x = 403; outlet5a.y = 375; outlet5a.gotoAndStop(1); outlet5a.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickOutlet5a); addChild(outlet5a); outlet5a.created = 1; }; if (outlet5b.created != 1){ outlet5b.width = 20; outlet5b.height = 30; outlet5b.x = 715; outlet5b.y = 465; outlet5b.gotoAndStop(2); outlet5b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickOutlet5b); addChild(outlet5b); outlet5b.created = 1; }; if (table5.created != 1){ table5.width = 190; table5.height = 129; table5.x = 455; table5.y = 396; table5.gotoAndStop(2); table5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickTable5); addChild(table5); table5.created = 1; }; if (bat5.created != 1){ bat5.width = 50; bat5.height = 160; bat5.x = 602; bat5.y = 370; bat5.gotoAndStop(1); bat5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickBat); addChild(bat5); bat5.created = 1; }; if (bed5.created != 1){ bed5.width = 322; bed5.height = 243; bed5.x = 550; bed5.y = 465; bed5.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(bed5); bed5.created = 1; }; if (couch5.created != 1){ couch5.width = 383; couch5.height = 172; couch5.x = 259; couch5.y = 511; couch5.gotoAndStop(1); couch5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCouch); addChild(couch5); couch5.created = 1; couch5.visible = false; }; if (paw5.created != 1){ paw5.width = 65; paw5.height = 55; paw5.x = 725; paw5.y = 545; paw5.gotoAndStop(1); addChild(paw5); paw5.created = 1; paw5.visible = false; }; if (cpu5.created != 1){ cpu5.width = 100; cpu5.height = 90; cpu5.x = 435; cpu5.y = 330; cpu5.gotoAndStop(1); cpu5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickComputer); addChild(cpu5); cpu5.created = 1; }; if (coffee5.created != 1){ coffee5.width = 42; coffee5.height = 50; coffee5.x = 507; coffee5.y = 342; coffee5.gotoAndStop(1); coffee5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCoffee); addChild(coffee5); coffee5.created = 1; }; bed5.visible = true; coffee5.visible = true; table5.visible = true; outlet5a.visible = true; outlet5b.visible = true; bat5.visible = true; cpu5.visible = true; couch5.visible = true; bigTV5.visible = true; if ( == 5){ dog1.visible = true; paw5.visible = true; }; } public function clickContinue(_arg1:MouseEvent){ continueGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickContinue); removeChild(continueGame); clearKeypad(); infoBox.text = ""; usingKeyPad = false; if (currentRoom == 1){ setupRoom1(); } else { if (currentRoom == 2){ setupRoom2(); } else { if (currentRoom == 3){ setupRoom3(); } else { if (currentRoom == 4){ setupRoom4(); } else { if (currentRoom == 5){ setupRoom5(); }; }; }; }; }; } public function leaveRoom2():void{ message2.visible = false; dog1.visible = false; paw2.visible = false; if (haveHat2 == false){ hat2.visible = false; }; keyPad2.visible = false; } public function leaveRoom3():void{ chair1.visible = false; bandageKey1.visible = false; if (haveBandage1 == false){ bandage1.visible = false; }; pic1.visible = false; if (haveCell1 == false){ cell1.visible = false; }; paw3.visible = false; switch3.visible = false; pic3.visible = false; fan3.visible = false; vase3a.visible = false; vase3b.visible = false; blinds3.visible = false; } public function leaveRoom4():void{ paw4.visible = false; keyPad4.visible = false; message4.visible = false; } public function clearKeypad():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 11) { removeChild(allKeypadBtns[_local1]); allKeypadBtns[_local1].removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickNum); _local1++; }; _local2 = 0; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 11) { allKeypadBtns.splice(_local2, 1); _local1++; }; } public function clickDog(_arg1:MouseEvent){ playSound(dog); petDog = true; counter = 0; dog1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateDog); } public function animateDog(_arg1:Event){ var _local2:*; if (dog1.currentFrame == 1){ dog1.gotoAndStop((dog1.currentFrame + 1)); } else { dog1.gotoAndStop(1); }; counter++; _local2 = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 9)) + Math.floor((Math.random() * 9))); if (counter > _local2){ dog1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animateDog); }; } public function clickLeaveGame(_arg1:MouseEvent){ leaveCpuGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickLeaveGame); removeChild(leaveCpuGame); clearCpu(); removeChild(highScoreField); playingCpuGame = false; setupRoom5(); infoBox.text = "Click computer to play '21 Bombs' anytime."; } public function clickMessage2(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = (((("You find a note on the door. It reads...\n\n" + "Now that I'm done with installing these keypad's, I ") + "decided to paint the place. Went to get more paint. Brb. ") + "Please pet the cat, and then pet the dog. ") + "I hope I can remember the keycode to get back in! Ha.\n"); if (noteRead == false){ myProgress = (myProgress + 5); }; noteRead = true; } public function clickMessage4(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:String; var _local3:String; var _local4:String; var _local5:String; _local2 = room4ColorB[0]; _local3 = room4ColorB[1]; _local4 = room4ColorB[2]; _local5 = room4ColorB[3]; infoBox.text = (((((((((("You find a note near your bedroom door. It reads...\n\n" + "Thought you should know that I've decided to paint your room tomorrow. ") + "I'm starting with ") + _local2) + ", then ") + _local3) + ", then ") + _local4) + ", and finally ") + _local5) + ". Hope you like it!"); } public function clickbandageKey(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = "You found a key!\nIt's been added to your inventory."; bandageKey1.visible = false; bandageKey1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickbandageKey); removeChild(bandageKey1); haveKey1 = true; bandage1.visible = true; key1.width = 65; key1.height = 65; invPosition(); key1.x = invX; key1.y = invY; addChild(key1); myProgress = (myProgress + 10); } public function clickPic(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = "You knock the picture over...oops!"; playSound(pictureBreaking); pic1.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animatePic); } public function animatePic(_arg1:Event){ if (pic1.currentFrame != 13){ pic1.gotoAndStop((pic1.currentFrame + 1)); } else { pic1.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, animatePic); pic1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickPic); }; } public function clickCouch(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = (((("You search the couch and under one cushion you find " + "an old paper titled 'Cipher 101'.\n\n") + "DEFGHI...ABC (encrypted)\n") + "ABCDEF...XYZ (decrypted)\n\n") + "It doesn't interest you, so you leave it."); if (foundSolution == false){ myProgress = (myProgress + 5); }; foundSolution = true; } public function clickCell(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = (("You find a cell phone.\n\n" + "Unfortunately it doesn't seem to have any reception in the house at this moment.\n\n") + "You add it to your inventory."); cell1.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCell); cell1.width = 65; cell1.height = 65; invPosition(); cell1.x = invX; cell1.y = invY; haveCell1 = true; } public function checkCode():void{ var _local1:TextFormat; if (currentRoom == 4){ if (userCode4 == bedroomCode){ infoBox.text = ("You input the correct code!\n\n" + "Press CONTINUE to enter bedroom."); playSound(doorOpen); userCode4 = 0; leaveRoom4(); currentRoom = 5; } else { infoBox.text = "The door doesn't open. Wrong code."; playSound(wrongCode); }; } else { if (currentRoom == 2){ if (userCode4 != frontDoorCode){ infoBox.text = "The front door doesn't open. Wrong code."; playSound(wrongCode); } else { infoBox.text = ""; continueGame.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickContinue); removeChild(continueGame); rArrow.visible = false; lArrow.visible = false; progressField.text = ""; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showTime); clearKeypad(); removeInv(); gotoAndStop("Win Game"); _local1 = new TextFormat("Arial", 50, 0, true); gameTimeField.defaultTextFormat = _local1; gameTimeField.width = 500; gameTimeField.height = 0xFF; gameTimeField.x = 10; gameTimeField.y = 300; gameTimeField.text = ("Time: " + clockTime(gameTime)); }; }; }; } public function setBedroomCode():void{ var _local1:uint; var _local2:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < 4) { _local2 = Math.floor((Math.random() * room4CodeA.length)); room4CodeB[_local1] = room4CodeA[_local2]; room4CodeA.splice(_local2, 1); room4ColorB[_local1] = room4ColorA[_local2]; room4ColorA.splice(_local2, 1); _local1++; }; code4a = room4CodeB[0]; code4b = room4CodeB[1]; code4c = room4CodeB[2]; code4d = room4CodeB[3]; bedroomCode = ((((code4a * 1000) + (code4b * 100)) + (code4c * 10)) + code4d); } public function clickTV1(_arg1:MouseEvent){ var _local2:uint; _local2 = 8; if (tv1.currentFrame != _local2){ tv1.gotoAndStop((tv1.currentFrame + 1)); } else { tv1.gotoAndStop(1); }; cat1.gotoAndStop(1); if (tv1.currentFrame == 1){ infoBox.text = ("This is the fishing channel. " + "The cat seems to enjoy this channel."); cat1.gotoAndPlay(1); } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 2){ infoBox.text = "This tv channel is showing a DQ comercial."; } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 3){ infoBox.text = "You switch the channel and find a Circus show."; } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 4){ infoBox.text = "HDTV. An impressive looking channel."; } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 5){ infoBox.text = "This tv channel is doing a lottery drawing."; } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 6){ infoBox.text = "Channel 6 News is showing the current price of gas in your area."; } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 7){ infoBox.text = "Channel 7 News is showing a massive selloff in the Stock Market."; } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 8){ infoBox.text = "This tv channel is taking a live poll."; if ((((haveCell1 == true)) && ((haveCalled == false)))){ playSound(phone); infoBox.text = (("You suddenly get reception on your cell phone and " + "decide to call in to vote in the poll. But just as soon as ") + "your vote is registered, you lose cell phone reception."); haveCalled = true; myScore = (myScore + 10000); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function showTime(_arg1:Event){ gameTime = (getTimer() - gameStartTime); myScore = (myScore - (Math.floor((Math.random() * 50)) + 25)); myHealth = (myHealth - Math.floor((Math.random() * 2))); gameTimeField.text = ("Time: " + clockTime(gameTime)); progressField.text = (("Progress: " + myProgress.toString()) + "%"); if (tv1.currentFrame == 6){ tvField.text = (("$" + priceOfGas(gameTime)) + "/gal"); } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 7){ tvField.text = (myScore / 100).toString(); } else { if (tv1.currentFrame == 8){ tvField.text = ((myHealth / 100).toString() + "%"); } else { tvField.text = ""; }; }; }; if ((((myHealth < 9900)) && ((myHealth > 9897)))){ infoBox.text = "You're getting a mild headache from all the paint fumes."; }; if ((((myHealth < 1000)) && ((myHealth > 997)))){ infoBox.text = "You feel very lightheaded. Seek fresh air soon!"; }; if ((((((myHealth < 1)) && ((usingKeyPad == false)))) && ((playingCpuGame == false)))){ infoBox.text = (("You just passed out from all the paint fumes!" + "\n\nHope you enjoyed the game though.\n\n") + "Thanks for playing! Try again soon!"); if (currentRoom == 1){ leaveRoom1(); } else { if (currentRoom == 2){ leaveRoom2(); } else { if (currentRoom == 3){ leaveRoom3(); } else { if (currentRoom == 4){ leaveRoom4(); } else { if (currentRoom == 5){ leaveRoom5(); }; }; }; }; }; rArrow.visible = false; lArrow.visible = false; removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, showTime); playSound(passedOut); gotoAndStop("Lose Game"); }; frames++; if ((((((switch3.onOff == 1)) && ((currentRoom == 3)))) && ((frames >= 5)))){ playSound(fan); frames = 0; } else { if ((((switch3.onOff == 2)) && ((currentRoom == 3)))){ playSound(fan); }; }; } public function moveLeft(_arg1:MouseEvent):void{ infoBox.text = ""; if (currentRoom == 3){ leaveRoom3(); setupRoom2(); } else { if (currentRoom == 2){ leaveRoom2(); setupRoom1(); } else { if (currentRoom == 1){ leaveRoom1(); setupRoom4(); } else { if (currentRoom == 4){ leaveRoom4(); setupRoom3(); } else { if (currentRoom == 5){ infoBox.text = "You don't want to go in there, trust me."; } else { if (currentRoom == 0){ setupRoom1(); myProgress = (myProgress + 1); } else { infoBox.text = "You can't go that way, sorry."; }; }; }; }; }; }; } public function clickCoffee(_arg1:MouseEvent){ coffee5.gotoAndStop(2); infoBox.text = ("You drink the coffee and eat the cookie.\n\n" + "You feel a little better now."); myHealth = (myHealth + 1000); coffee5.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickCoffee); coffee5.y = (coffee5.y + 20); } public function moveDog():void{ = 5; dog1.width = 79; dog1.height = 100; dog1.x = 652; dog1.y = 549; myProgress = (myProgress + 9); } public function cpuAI():void{ var _local1:*; var _local2:uint; _local2 = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 2)) + 1); _local1 = takeAway; if (bombsLeft == 1){ takeAway = 1; } else { if (bombsLeft < 5){ takeAway = (bombsLeft - 1); } else { if ((((((bombsLeft < 9)) && ((bombsLeft > 5)))) && ((beatCpu == true)))){ takeAway = (bombsLeft - 5); } else { if ((((((bombsLeft < 13)) && ((bombsLeft > 9)))) && ((beatCpu == true)))){ takeAway = (bombsLeft - 9); } else { if ((((((bombsLeft < 17)) && ((bombsLeft > 13)))) && ((beatCpu == true)))){ takeAway = (bombsLeft - 13); } else { takeAway = _local2; }; }; }; }; }; if (_local1 == 0){ infoBox.text = ((("Computer takes away " + takeAway) + " bomb(s).\n\n") + "Your turn."); } else { infoBox.appendText(((("Computer takes away " + takeAway) + " bomb(s).\n\n") + "Your turn.")); }; removeBombs(); cpuTurn = false; } public function clickTake1(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (bombStart.visible == true){ infoBox.text = "Click the Start button to begin a new game."; } else { infoBox.text = "You take 1 bomb away.\n\n"; takeAway = 1; removeBombs(); if (bombsLeft > 0){ cpuTurn = true; cpuAI(); }; }; } public function clickTake2(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (bombStart.visible == true){ infoBox.text = "Click the Start button to begin a new game."; } else { if (bombsLeft > 1){ infoBox.text = "You take 2 bombs away.\n\n"; takeAway = 2; removeBombs(); if (bombsLeft > 0){ cpuTurn = true; cpuAI(); }; } else { infoBox.text = "Not that many bombs left to take. Try again."; }; }; } public function clickTake3(_arg1:MouseEvent){ if (bombStart.visible == true){ infoBox.text = "Click the Start button to begin a new game."; } else { if (bombsLeft > 2){ infoBox.text = "You take 3 bombs away\n\n"; takeAway = 3; removeBombs(); if (bombsLeft > 0){ cpuTurn = true; cpuAI(); }; } else { infoBox.text = "Not that many bombs left to take. Try again."; }; }; } public function removeBombs():void{ var _local1:uint; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < takeAway) { allBombs[bombNum].visible = false; bombsLeft--; bombNum++; _local1++; }; checkForWin(); } public function clickHat(_arg1:MouseEvent){ infoBox.text = ("A witch's hat. With nothing better to " + "do with it, you decide to wear it."); haveHat2 = true; hat2.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHat); hat2.width = 65; hat2.height = 65; invPosition(); hat2.x = invX; hat2.y = invY; } public function clockTime(_arg1:int){ var _local2:int; var _local3:int; var _local4:String; _local2 = Math.floor((_arg1 / 1000)); _local3 = Math.floor((_local2 / 60)); _local2 = (_local2 - (_local3 * 60)); _local4 = ((_local3 + ":") + String((_local2 + 100)).substr(1, 2)); return (_local4); } } }//package
Section 23
//evilLaughSnd (evilLaughSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class evilLaughSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 24
//fanSnd (fanSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class fanSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 25
//glassbreakingSnd (glassbreakingSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class glassbreakingSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 26
//hookWithKeys (hookWithKeys) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hookWithKeys extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 27
//hookWithoutKeys (hookWithoutKeys) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class hookWithoutKeys extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 28
//key (key) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class key extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 29
//keypad1 (keypad1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class keypad1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 30
//kitty (kitty) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class kitty extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 31
//ladder1 (ladder1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class ladder1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 32
//leftArrow (leftArrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class leftArrow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 33
//lightSwitch1 (lightSwitch1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class lightSwitch1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 34
//lillyVase (lillyVase) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class lillyVase extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 35
//madCatSnd (madCatSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class madCatSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 36
//message (message) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class message extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 37
//numberKeyPad (numberKeyPad) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class numberKeyPad extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 38
//openDoorSnd (openDoorSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class openDoorSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 39
//outlet (outlet) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class outlet extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 40
//pawPrints2 (pawPrints2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class pawPrints2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 41
//pawPrints3 (pawPrints3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class pawPrints3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 42
//pawPrints4 (pawPrints4) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class pawPrints4 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 43
//pawPrints5 (pawPrints5) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class pawPrints5 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 44
//pcBeepSnd (pcBeepSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class pcBeepSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 45
//picture1 (picture1) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class picture1 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 46
//picture3 (picture3) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class picture3 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 47
//powerCord (powerCord) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class powerCord extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 48
//puppy (puppy) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class puppy extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 49
//rightArrow (rightArrow) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class rightArrow extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 50
//roseVase (roseVase) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class roseVase extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 51
//switchSnd (switchSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class switchSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 52
//tv (tv) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class tv extends MovieClip { public function tv(){ addFrameScript(0, frame1); } function frame1(){ stop(); } } }//package
Section 53
//tvOffSnd (tvOffSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class tvOffSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 54
//window2 (window2) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class window2 extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 55
//witchHat (witchHat) package { import flash.display.*; public dynamic class witchHat extends MovieClip { } }//package
Section 56
//wrongCodeSnd (wrongCodeSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class wrongCodeSnd extends Sound { } }//package
Section 57
//youLoseSnd (youLoseSnd) package { import*; public dynamic class youLoseSnd extends Sound { } }//package

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound {youLoseSnd}
Symbol 2 Sound {wrongCodeSnd}
Symbol 3 Sound {tvOffSnd}
Symbol 4 Sound {switchSnd}
Symbol 5 Sound {pcBeepSnd}
Symbol 6 Sound {openDoorSnd}
Symbol 7 Sound {madCatSnd}
Symbol 8 Sound {glassbreakingSnd}
Symbol 9 Sound {fanSnd}
Symbol 10 Sound {evilLaughSnd}
Symbol 11 Sound {dogSnd}
Symbol 12 Sound {dogBarkSnd}
Symbol 13 Sound {cellDialingSnd}
Symbol 14 Sound {catSnd}
Symbol 15 Sound {beepSnd}
Symbol 16 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:18
Symbol 18 MovieClip {lillyVase}Uses:16 17
Symbol 19 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 23 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 24 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 25 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 27 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 28 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 30 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 31 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 MovieClip {picture1}Uses:19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 34 GraphicUsed by:35
Symbol 35 MovieClip {roseVase}Uses:33 34
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 MovieClip {couch}Uses:36
Symbol 38 BitmapUsed by:39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Symbol 39 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 41 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 42 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 43 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 44 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 45 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 47 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 48 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 49 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 50 GraphicUses:38Used by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip {picture3}Uses:39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50
Symbol 52 GraphicUsed by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip {chair}Uses:52
Symbol 54 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 55 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 56 GraphicUsed by:57
Symbol 57 MovieClip {kitty}Uses:54 55 56
Symbol 58 GraphicUsed by:59
Symbol 59 MovieClip {hookWithoutKeys}Uses:58
Symbol 60 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 MovieClip {bandage}Uses:60
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:63
Symbol 63 MovieClip {key}Uses:62Used by:65
Symbol 64 GraphicUsed by:65
Symbol 65 MovieClip {bandageKey}Uses:63 64
Symbol 66 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 67 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 69 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 70 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:72
Symbol 72 MovieClipUses:67 68 69 70 71Used by:87 109  Timeline
Symbol 73 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 74 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:87
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 78 FontUsed by:79 81 83 85 96 97 98 104 105 126 128 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 144 145 156 170 171 172 173 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 226 228 233 237 238 265 266 267 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 285
Symbol 79 TextUses:78Used by:87
Symbol 80 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 81 TextUses:78Used by:87
Symbol 82 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 83 TextUses:78Used by:87
Symbol 84 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 85 TextUses:78Used by:87
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:87
Symbol 87 MovieClip {tv}Uses:66 72 73 74 76 77 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:89
Symbol 89 MovieClip {powerCord}Uses:88
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:91
Symbol 91 MovieClip {doorHandleNote}Uses:90
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 96 TextUses:78Used by:101 109
Symbol 97 TextUses:78Used by:101 109
Symbol 98 TextUses:78Used by:101 109
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:101
Symbol 101 MovieClipUses:100 96 97 98Used by:109
Symbol 102 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 103 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 104 TextUses:78Used by:109
Symbol 105 TextUses:78Used by:109
Symbol 106 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 107 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 108 GraphicUsed by:109
Symbol 109 MovieClip {bigTV}Uses:92 93 72 94 95 96 97 98 99 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108
Symbol 110 GraphicUsed by:111
Symbol 111 MovieClip {pawPrints4}Uses:110
Symbol 112 GraphicUsed by:113
Symbol 113 MovieClip {pawPrints3}Uses:112
Symbol 114 GraphicUsed by:115
Symbol 115 MovieClip {lightSwitch1}Uses:114
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 117 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:119
Symbol 119 MovieClip {ceilingFan}Uses:116 117 118
Symbol 120 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:122
Symbol 122 MovieClip {window2}Uses:120 121
Symbol 123 GraphicUsed by:124
Symbol 124 MovieClip {witchHat}Uses:123
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:140 142
Symbol 126 TextUses:78Used by:140
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 128 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:140
Symbol 130 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 131 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 132 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 133 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 134 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 135 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 136 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 137 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 138 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 139 TextUses:78Used by:140 142
Symbol 140 MovieClip {keypad1}Uses:125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
Symbol 141 GraphicUsed by:142
Symbol 142 MovieClip {numberKeyPad}Uses:125 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 141 128
Symbol 143 GraphicUsed by:146
Symbol 144 TextUses:78Used by:146
Symbol 145 TextUses:78Used by:146
Symbol 146 MovieClip {continueBtn}Uses:143 144 145
Symbol 147 GraphicUsed by:148
Symbol 148 MovieClip {message}Uses:147
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:150
Symbol 150 MovieClip {bat}Uses:149
Symbol 151 GraphicUsed by:152
Symbol 152 MovieClip {pawPrints2}Uses:151Used by:153  Timeline
Symbol 153 MovieClip {pawPrints5}Uses:152
Symbol 154 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:157
Symbol 156 TextUses:78Used by:157
Symbol 157 MovieClip {computer}Uses:154 155 156
Symbol 158 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 159 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 160 GraphicUsed by:161
Symbol 161 MovieClip {outlet}Uses:158 159 160
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:164
Symbol 164 MovieClip {coffee}Uses:162 163
Symbol 165 GraphicUsed by:166
Symbol 166 MovieClip {bed}Uses:165
Symbol 167 GraphicUsed by:168
Symbol 168 MovieClip {cellPhone}Uses:167
Symbol 169 GraphicUsed by:174
Symbol 170 TextUses:78Used by:174
Symbol 171 TextUses:78Used by:174
Symbol 172 TextUses:78Used by:174
Symbol 173 TextUses:78Used by:174
Symbol 174 MovieClip {bombBtn}Uses:169 170 171 172 173
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:176
Symbol 176 MovieClip {leftArrow}Uses:175
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:178
Symbol 178 MovieClip {rightArrow}Uses:177
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 182 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 183 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:185
Symbol 185 MovieClip {hookWithKeys}Uses:179 180 181 182 183 184Used by:Timeline
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:188
Symbol 188 MovieClip {puppy}Uses:186 187Used by:Timeline
Symbol 189 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 190 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 191 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 192 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 193 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 194 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 195 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 196 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 197 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 198 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 199 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 200 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 201 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 202 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 203 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 204 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 205 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 206 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 207 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 208 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 209 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 210 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 211 TextUses:78Used by:216
Symbol 212 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 213 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 215 GraphicUsed by:216
Symbol 216 MovieClip {bomb}Uses:189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215Used by:Timeline
Symbol 217 GraphicUsed by:219
Symbol 218 GraphicUsed by:219
Symbol 219 MovieClip {desk}Uses:217 218Used by:Timeline
Symbol 220 GraphicUsed by:221
Symbol 221 MovieClipUses:220Used by:222
Symbol 222 MovieClip {ladder1}Uses:221Used by:Timeline
Symbol 223 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 224 GraphicUsed by:225
Symbol 225 MovieClipUses:224Used by:Timeline
Symbol 226 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 227 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 228 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 229 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 230 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 231 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 232 GraphicUsed by:234
Symbol 233 TextUses:78Used by:234
Symbol 234 ButtonUses:232 233Used by:Timeline
Symbol 235 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 236 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 237 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 238 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 239 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 240 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 241 GraphicUsed by:242
Symbol 242 MovieClipUses:241Used by:Timeline
Symbol 243 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 244 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 245 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 246 GraphicUsed by:247
Symbol 247 MovieClipUses:246Used by:Timeline
Symbol 248 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 249 BitmapUsed by:250
Symbol 250 GraphicUses:249Used by:251
Symbol 251 MovieClipUses:250Used by:Timeline
Symbol 252 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 253 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 254 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 255 BitmapUsed by:256
Symbol 256 GraphicUses:255Used by:Timeline
Symbol 257 GraphicUsed by:258
Symbol 258 MovieClipUses:257Used by:Timeline
Symbol 259 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 260 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 261 GraphicUsed by:262
Symbol 262 MovieClipUses:261Used by:Timeline
Symbol 263 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 264 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 265 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 266 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 267 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 268 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 269 GraphicUsed by:270
Symbol 270 MovieClipUses:269Used by:Timeline
Symbol 271 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 272 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 273 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 274 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 275 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 276 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 277 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 278 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 279 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 280 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 281 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 282 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 283 TextUses:78Used by:284
Symbol 284 MovieClipUses:272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283Used by:Timeline
Symbol 285 TextUses:78Used by:Timeline

Instance Names

"play_btn"Frame 1Symbol 234 Button
"ladder"Frame 21Symbol 222 MovieClip {ladder1}
"desk3"Frame 41Symbol 219 MovieClip {desk}

Special Tags

FileAttributes (69)Timeline Frame 1Access local files only, Metadata not present, AS3.
Protect (24)Timeline Frame 10 bytes ""


"Intro"Frame 1
"Begin"Frame 10
"Room 0"Frame 11
"Room 1"Frame 21
"Inv,Move,Info"Frame 21
"Room 2"Frame 31
"Room 3"Frame 41
"Room 4"Frame 51
"Room 5"Frame 61
"Cpu Game"Frame 71
"Number Pad"Frame 81
"Win Game"Frame 91
"Lose Game"Frame 101
"no signal"Symbol 87 MovieClip {tv} Frame 9
"enter"Symbol 140 MovieClip {keypad1} Frame 3
"zero"Symbol 140 MovieClip {keypad1} Frame 13
"puppy1"Symbol 188 MovieClip {puppy} Frame 1
"puppy2"Symbol 188 MovieClip {puppy} Frame 2
Created: 4/3 -2019 05:57:49 Last modified: 4/3 -2019 05:57:49 Server time: 18/01 -2025 09:17:17