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Flash #122164

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

Vi trekker ut en Sony PSP hver uke blant
alle som registrerer seg på highscorelista.
Spill mange ganger for å øke vinnersjansen!
Vinnere blir kontaktet pr epost.

Vinnere uke 4 kunngjøres 30.1.

Vinn en Sony PSP!

Spilleren med ukens beste score
vinner en C64 DTV Joystick
med 30 innebygde C64-spill!


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Rektor: Skies (Nils Noa & Tronso edit)
(Krever Bredbånd/ADSL)


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Games people play.

The games people play.



Målet med spillet er å skyte stuntmannen
så langt som mulig med en katapult.
For å få svevet godkjent må fallskjermen løses ut før landing.





Hold nede og slipp
to ganger for å stille
inn katapulten.
Først stiller du kraft,
så stiller du vinkel.



I lufta styrer du
stuntmannen med

for å gi han minst
mulig luftmotstand.

Trykk             på
magiske Sesamskyer
for å få ekstra løft
og fart.

før du lander
slik at fallskjermen
løser seg ut.



Dagens beste

Tidenes beste
Ukas beste
































Ukas beste

Tidenes beste
Dagens beste































Tidenes beste

Ukas beste
Dagens beste































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Hold nede <space> for å justere utskytingskraften.

Slipp <space> for å markere utskytingskraften.

Hold nede <space> for å justere utskytingsvinkelen.

Slipp <space> for å markere utskytingsvinkelen.

Gjør deg klar!













































<pil høyre/venstre> for lav luftmotstand, <pil opp> når du passerer magiske Sesamskyer, <space> for fallskjerm

<pil høyre> for å komme ekstra langt.

Husk å løse ut fallskjermen med <space> i god tid før du lander for å få godkjent svevet!

Prøv igjen / <enter>

Søk på nærmeste by:

Sesamsøk på steder i nærheten:







+ Fartsbonus: 234

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1888888 m

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
_accProps = new Object(); _accProps.silent = true; _focusrect = false; trace("Last inn dynamisk tekst til preloader"); sesamlyd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("sesamlyd_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); sesamlyd.attachSound("sesam_id"); sesamlyd.start();
Frame 3
if (((this.getBytesLoaded() / this.getBytesTotal()) >= 1) && (getTimer() >= 4000)) { } else { prosent = Math.round((100 * this.getBytesLoaded()) / this.getBytesTotal()); gotoAndPlay (2); }
Frame 4
musikk_btn.onRelease = function () { musikk_snd = new Sound(); musikk_snd.loadSound("skies.mp3", true); musikk_snd.onSoundComplete = function () { _root.musikk_snd.start(); }; _root.musikk = true; fadeUt_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); }; lyd_btn.onRelease = function () { _root.musikk = false; fadeUt_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); }; loadMovieNum ("cart.swf", 2); stop();
Frame 25
statistikk = new Statistikk(); statistikk.hentDagensBeste(1); statistikk.hentUkensBeste(1); statistikk.hentTidenesBeste(1); takeOff = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("takeOff_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); takeOff.attachSound("katapultsprett_id"); katapultstramming_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("katapultstramming_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); katapultstramming_snd.attachSound("katapultstramming_id"); hydraulikk_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("hydraulikk_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); hydraulikk_snd.attachSound("hydraulikk_id"); hydraulikk_snd.setVolume(30); boost = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("boost_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); boost.attachSound("boost_id"); dunk = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("dunk_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); dunk.attachSound("dunk_id"); landing_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("landing_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); landing_snd.attachSound("landing_id"); landing_snd.setVolume(60); krasjlandingkort_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("krasjlandingkort_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); krasjlandingkort_snd.attachSound("krasjlandingkort_id"); grusing_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("krasjlandinglang_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); grusing_snd.attachSound("grusing_id"); fallskjerm_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("fallskjermopen_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); fallskjerm_snd.attachSound("fallskjermopen_id"); beveg_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("beveg_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); beveg_snd.attachSound("beveg1_id"); beveg_snd.setVolume(30); beveg2_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("beveg2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); beveg2_snd.attachSound("beveg3_id"); beveg2_snd.setVolume(40); if (!musikk) { suburban_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("suburban_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); suburban_snd.attachSound("suburban_id"); suburban_snd.setVolume(0); suburban_snd.start(); suburban_snd.onSoundComplete = function () { suburban_snd.start(); }; vind_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("kortkongevind_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); vind_snd.attachSound("kortkongevind_id"); vind_snd.setVolume(70); vind_snd.start(); vind_snd.onSoundComplete = function () { vind_snd.start(); }; hoyvind_snd = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip("vindhoytoppe_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); hoyvind_snd.attachSound("vindhoytoppe_id"); hoyvind_snd.setVolume(0); hoyvind_snd.start(); hoyvind_snd.onSoundComplete = function () { hoyvind_snd.start(); }; } loadMovieNum ("bart.swf", 1); bk = new Bykontroll(); var brett = new Brett(55500, 3080, -5000, 1600, 700, 480); brett.settFramtidigOrigo(-1000, 1800); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_himmel", "himmel_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 0, -170, 0, 0.02)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("P_platform", "platform_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 600, 200, 0.04, 0.015, 165)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("P_platform", "platform2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 700, 200, 0.04, 0.015, 165)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("P_platform", "platform3_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1000, 200, 0.04, 0.015, 165)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("P_platform", "platform4_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1400, 200, 0.04, 0.015, 165)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("P_hav", "hav_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 0, 230, 0, 0.02, 177)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("kyst-sor", "kyst_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 250, 280, 0.08, 0.05, 160)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("P_lofoten", "lofoten_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 2950, 360, 0.08, 0.05, 155)); i = 0; while (i < 7) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fiskebaat", ("baat" + i) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), (2100 + (220 * i)) + random(100), 300 + random(30), 0.07, 0.05)); i++; } brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_luftskip", "luftskip_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1600 + random(100), 100 + random(30), 0.07, 0.05)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_ballong", "ballong_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 900 + random(100), 90, 0.07, 0.05)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnSpesial(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell_sor", "fjell_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 700, 410, 0.1, 0.1, 155)); i = 0; while (i < 9) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_sky1", ("sky1" + i) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), ((600 * i) + random(200)) + 200, 250 + random(100), 0.1, 0.1)); i++; } i = 0; while (i < 9) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_sky2", ("sky2" + i) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), ((800 * i) + random(300)) + 1000, 250 + random(200), 0.15, 0.15)); i++; } brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell1b", "hardangervidda_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 400, 900, 0.15, 0.3)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell2", "dovre1_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1500, 940, 0.15, 0.3)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell1", "dovre2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1850, 900, 0.15, 0.3)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell2", "dovre3_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 2500, 940, 0.15, 0.3)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell1", "namdalen_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 3500, 950, 0.15, 0.3)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell1b", "lofotdekkefjell_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 5500, 900, 0.15, 0.3)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_fjell2", "saltfjellet_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 5000, 940, 0.15, 0.3)); var i = 0; while (i < 2) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnRepeat(_root.attachMovie("P_hill", ("hill" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), i * 1612, 1040, 0.25, 0.3, 1612, 250)); i++; } var i = 0; while (i < 2) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnRepeat(_root.attachMovie("K_skog3", ("haug3_" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), i * 1600, 1760, 0.35, 0.6, 1600, 0)); i++; } brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_field", "field_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 0, 2040, 0, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog1_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 800, 1940, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1450, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_lindesnes", "lindesnes1_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 0, 2732, 1, 1)); _root.attachMovie("K_skien", "skien_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(skien_mc, 2070, 2000, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog3_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 2370, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_oslo", "oslo_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog4_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 3300, 1940, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(oslo_mc, 2870, 2005, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_lillehammer", "lillehammer_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog5_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 4400, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(lillehammer_mc, 4080, 1980, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_stolperad", "stolperad1_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 5660, 2020, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog6_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 4850, 1940, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_stolperad", "stolperad2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 6720, 2020, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog7_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 5950, 1940, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_roros", "roros_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(roros_mc, 7000, 1975, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog8_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 7550, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_trondheim", "trondheim_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(trondheim_mc, 8300, 1960, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog9_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 8800, 1940, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_steinkjer", "steinkjer_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(steinkjer_mc, 9800, 1990, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog10_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 10200, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog11_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 10700, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog12_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 11500, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_moirana", "moirana_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(moirana_mc, 12215, 1975, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_polarsirkelen", "polarsirkelen_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(polarsirkelen_mc, 12665, 1930, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog13_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 12610, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog14_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 13100, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_bodo", "bodo_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(bodo_mc, 14100, 1960, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog15_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 14700, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog16_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 15100, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_narvik", "narvik_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(narvik_mc, 16060, 1990, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog17_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 16700, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog1", "skog18_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 17500, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog19_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 18050, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_tromso", "tromso_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(tromso_mc, 19150, 1940, 0.4, 0.7)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_skog2", "skog20_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 19800, 1945, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_alta", "alta_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(alta_mc, 20450, 2010, 0.4, 0.7)); _root.attachMovie("K_hammerfest", "hammerfest_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(hammerfest_mc, 21300, 1990, 0.4, 0.7)); var i = 0; while (i < 5) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_lavvo", ("lavvo_" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), (30000 + (i * 600)) + random(400), 2070, 0.6, 0.7)); i++; } var i = 0; while (i < 2) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new BakgrunnRepeat(_root.attachMovie("K_gras", ("gras" + i) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 1600 * i, 3010, 1, 1, 1600)); i++; } brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_nordkapp", "nordkapp_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 55050, 2838, 1, 1)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_lindesnes2", "lindesnes2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 150, 3012, 1, 1)); var katapult = new Katapult(_root.attachMovie("katap", "katapult_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth())); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(katapult); var stuntmann = new Stuntmann(stuntmann_mc, katapult); var skugge = new StuntmannSkugge(_root.attachMovie("skugge", "skugge_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), stuntmann); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(skugge); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(stuntmann); var i = 0; while (i < 10) { if ((i < 5) || (i > 7)) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Kollisjonsobjekt(_root.attachMovie("P_oppsky", ("oppsky_" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 3500 + (i * 1500), 1000, 0.5, 0.5)); } i++; } var i = 10; while (i < 13) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Kollisjonsobjekt(_root.attachMovie("P_oppsky", ("oppsky_" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 3100 + (i * 1450), 1000, 0.5, 0.5)); i++; } var i = 0; while (i < 9) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Kollisjonsobjekt(_root.attachMovie("P_oppsky", ("oppsky2_" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 4000 + (i * 1400), 700, 0.5, 0.5)); i++; } var i = 0; while (i < 8) { brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Kollisjonsobjekt(_root.attachMovie("P_oppsky", ("oppsky3_" + String(i)) + "_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 4500 + (i * 1300), 500, 0.5, 0.5)); i++; } brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Kollisjonsobjekt(_root.attachMovie("P_oppsky", "oppsky_ekstra1_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 2800, 1150, 0.5, 0.5)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Kollisjonsobjekt(_root.attachMovie("P_oppsky", "oppsky_ekstra2_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 3600, 1100, 0.5, 0.5)); var royk = new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("K_royksky", "royk_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 0, -1000, 1, 1); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(royk); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_startskjerm", "startsjerm_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 20, 990, 1, 1)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_instruksjon", "instruksjon_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 820, 990, 1, 1)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_dagens", "dagens_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 20, 490, 1, 1)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_ukens", "ukens_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 20, -10, 1, 1)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_tidenes", "tidenes_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 20, -510, 1, 1)); brett.leggTilScrollobjekt(new Bakgrunn(_root.attachMovie("P_tips", "tips_mc", _root.getNextHighestDepth()), 20, 1490, 1, 1)); fade_mc.swapDepths(_root.getNextHighestDepth()); _root.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_root.spel) { if (!stuntmann.iSetet) { brett.settFramtidigSentrum(stuntmann.brett_x + stuntmann.fart_x, stuntmann.brett_y + stuntmann.fart_y); } else { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(100, 2700); } brett.oppdater(); if (Key.isDown(37)) { stuntmann.pilVenstre(); } if (Key.isDown(39)) { stuntmann.pilHogre(); } if (Key.isDown(38)) { stuntmann.pilOpp(); } else { stuntmann.pilOppOpp(); } if (((!Key.isDown(37)) && (!Key.isDown(39))) && (!Key.isDown(38))) { stuntmann.pilIngen(); } if (Key.isDown(32)) { stuntmann.spaceNed(); } else { stuntmann.spaceOpp(); } if (Key.isDown(13)) { enterned = true; } else if (enterned) { Mouse.hide(); stuntmann.reset(); enterned = false; } } else { if (instruksjon) { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(800, 960); } else if (dagens) { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(0, 460); } else if (ukens) { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(0, -40); } else if (tidenes) { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(0, -540); } else if (tips) { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(0, 1460); } else { brett.settFramtidigOrigo(0, 960); } brett.oppdater(); } }; stop();
Symbol 8 MovieClip [BrdrShdw] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "shadowColor");
Symbol 10 MovieClip [BrdrFace] Frame 1
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Symbol 13 MovieClip [BrdrBlk] Frame 1
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Symbol 15 MovieClip [BrdrHilght] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "highlightColor");
Symbol 18 MovieClip [Defaults] Frame 1
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Symbol 19 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 2 Object.registerClass("UIObjectExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions); #endinitclip
Symbol 20 MovieClip [UIObject] Frame 1
#initclip 3 Object.registerClass("UIObject", mx.core.UIObject); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 23 Button
on (keyPress "<Tab>") { this.tabHandler(); }
Symbol 24 MovieClip Frame 1
#initclip 4 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } #endinitclip
Symbol 25 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1
#initclip 5 Object.registerClass("FocusRect", mx.skins.halo.FocusRect); #endinitclip
Symbol 26 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1
#initclip 6 Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 27 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions] Frame 1
#initclip 7 Object.registerClass("UIComponentExtensions", mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions); #endinitclip
Symbol 28 MovieClip [UIComponent] Frame 1
#initclip 8 Object.registerClass("UIComponent", mx.core.UIComponent); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 29 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1
#initclip 9 Object.registerClass("SimpleButton", mx.controls.SimpleButton); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 32 MovieClip [Border] Frame 1
#initclip 10 Object.registerClass("Border", mx.skins.Border); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 33 MovieClip [RectBorder] Frame 1
#initclip 11 mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(mx.skins.RectBorder.symbolName, Object(mx.skins.RectBorder)); Object.registerClass("RectBorder", mx.skins.halo.RectBorder); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 34 MovieClip [TextInput] Frame 1
#initclip 12 Object.registerClass("TextInput", mx.controls.TextInput); #endinitclip stop();
Symbol 41 MovieClip [StepThemeColor1] Frame 1
mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement.setColorStyle(this, "themeColor");
Symbol 53 MovieClip [NumericStepper] Frame 1
#initclip 13 Object.registerClass("NumericStepper", mx.controls.NumericStepper); #endinitclip stop();
Instance of Symbol 29 MovieClip [SimpleButton] in Symbol 53 MovieClip [NumericStepper] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { selected = false; toggle = false; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Instance of Symbol 34 MovieClip [TextInput] in Symbol 53 MovieClip [NumericStepper] Frame 2
//component parameters onClipEvent (initialize) { editable = true; password = false; text = ""; maxChars = null; restrict = "null"; enabled = true; visible = true; minHeight = 0; minWidth = 0; }
Symbol 117 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 120 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 137 MovieClip Frame 10
Symbol 144 MovieClip Frame 21
Symbol 146 Button
on (release) { _root.instruksjon = true; }
Symbol 147 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentDagensBeste(1); _root.dagens = true; }
Symbol 148 Button
on (release) { = true; }
Symbol 153 MovieClip Frame 1
if (_root.spraak == "ENG") { gotoAndStop (2); } else { stop(); }
Symbol 154 Button
on (release) { getURL ("", "_blank"); }
Symbol 156 MovieClip [P_startskjerm] Frame 1
_root.brett.maksScrollfart = 50;
Symbol 788 MovieClip [__Packages.Brett] Frame 0
class Brett { var bredde, hogde, skjermbredde, skjermhogde, scrollobjekt, origo_x, origo_y, framtidig_origo_x, framtidig_origo_y; function Brett (bredde, hogde, origo_x, origo_y, skjermbredde, skjermhogde) { Scrollobjekt.brett = this; this.bredde = bredde; this.hogde = hogde; settOrigo(origo_x, origo_y); this.skjermbredde = skjermbredde; this.skjermhogde = skjermhogde; scrollobjekt = new Array(); } function leggTilScrollobjekt(nyttScrollobjekt) { scrollobjekt.push(nyttScrollobjekt); nyttScrollobjekt.settDybde(scrollobjekt_dybde + scrollobjekt.length); } function oppdater() { oppdaterOrigo(); oppdaterScrollobjekt(); } function oppdaterScrollobjekt() { var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < scrollobjekt.length) { scrollobjekt[_local2].oppdater(); _local2++; } } function oppdaterOrigo() { origo_x = origo_x + scrollfart_x(); origo_y = origo_y + scrollfart_y(); if (scrollgrenser) { if (stoppVenstre && (origo_x < 0)) { origo_x = 0; } if (stoppHogre && (origo_x > (bredde - skjermbredde))) { origo_x = bredde - skjermbredde; } if (stoppOppe && (origo_y < 0)) { origo_y = 0; } if (stoppNede && (origo_y > (hogde - skjermhogde))) { origo_y = hogde - skjermhogde; } } } function settOrigo(origo_x, origo_y) { this.origo_x = origo_x; this.origo_y = origo_y; settFramtidigOrigo(origo_x, origo_y); } function settFramtidigOrigo(framtidig_origo_x, framtidig_origo_y) { this.framtidig_origo_x = framtidig_origo_x; this.framtidig_origo_y = framtidig_origo_y; } function settFramtidigSentrum(sentrum_x, sentrum_y) { settFramtidigOrigo(sentrum_x - (skjermbredde / 2), sentrum_y - (skjermhogde / 2)); } function settSentrum(sentrum_x, sentrum_y) { settOrigo(sentrum_x - (skjermbredde / 2), sentrum_y - (skjermhogde / 2)); } function scrollfart_x() { if (((framtidig_origo_x - origo_x) / scrolldivisor) > maksScrollfart) { return(maksScrollfart); } if (((framtidig_origo_x - origo_x) / scrolldivisor) < (-maksScrollfart)) { return(-maksScrollfart); } return((framtidig_origo_x - origo_x) / scrolldivisor); } function scrollfart_y() { if (((framtidig_origo_y - origo_y) / scrolldivisor) > maksScrollfart) { return(maksScrollfart); } if (((framtidig_origo_y - origo_y) / scrolldivisor) < (-maksScrollfart)) { return(-maksScrollfart); } return((framtidig_origo_y - origo_y) / scrolldivisor); } var scrollobjekt_dybde = 1000; var scrollgrenser = true; var stoppVenstre = false; var stoppHogre = true; var stoppOppe = false; var stoppNede = true; var scrolldivisor = 3; var maksScrollfart = 50; }
Symbol 789 MovieClip [__Packages.Scrollobjekt] Frame 0
class Scrollobjekt { static var brett; var mc, brett_x, brett_y, bredde, hogde, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y, dybde; function Scrollobjekt (mc, brett_x, brett_y, bredde, hogde, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y) { = mc; this.brett_x = brett_x / scrollfaktor_x; this.brett_y = brett_y / scrollfaktor_y; this.bredde = bredde; this.hogde = hogde; this.scrollfaktor_x = scrollfaktor_x; this.scrollfaktor_y = scrollfaktor_y; dybde =; } function oppdater() { oppdaterSkjermposisjon(); visRiktigFrame(); } function oppdaterSkjermposisjon() { mc._x = scrollfaktor_x * (brett_x - brett.origo_x); mc._y = scrollfaktor_y * (brett_y - brett.origo_y); } function visRiktigFrame() { if (erInnanfor()) { mc.gotoAndStop("standard"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("blank"); } } function erInnanfor() { if ((((mc._x > brett.skjermbredde) || ((mc._x + bredde) < 0)) || (mc._y > brett.skjermhogde)) || ((mc._y + hogde) < 0)) { return(false); } return(true); } function settDybde(dybde) { mc.swapDepths(dybde); this.dybde = dybde; } }
Symbol 790 MovieClip [__Packages.BevegeligScrollobjekt] Frame 0
class BevegeligScrollobjekt extends Scrollobjekt { var brett_x, scrollfaktor_x, mc, brett_y, scrollfaktor_y; function BevegeligScrollobjekt (mc, brett_x, brett_y, bredde, hogde, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y) { super(mc, brett_x, brett_y, bredde, hogde, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y); } function oppdaterSkjermposisjon() { oppdaterFartOgPosisjon(); mc._x = scrollfaktor_x * (brett_x - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_x); mc._y = scrollfaktor_y * (brett_y - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y); } function oppdaterFartOgPosisjon() { oppdaterFart(); oppdaterPosisjon(); } function oppdaterFart() { fart_x = fart_x + aks_x; fart_y = fart_y + aks_y; } function oppdaterPosisjon() { brett_x = brett_x + fart_x; brett_y = brett_y + fart_y; } var fart_x = 0; var fart_y = 0; var aks_x = 0; var aks_y = 0; }
Symbol 791 MovieClip [__Packages.Stuntmann] Frame 0
class Stuntmann extends BevegeligScrollobjekt { var brett_x, brett_y, katapult, fart_x, mc, oppdaterFartOgPosisjon, fart_y, oppdaterPosisjon, oppdaterFart, aks_y, aks_x; function Stuntmann (mc, katapult) { super(mc, brett_x, brett_y, 100, 100, 1, 1); this.katapult = katapult; lengdevisning(); lengdeErRekord(); reset(); } function oppdaterSkjermposisjon() { if (!_root.musikk) { if (Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y < 0) { if (!iSetet) { _root.hoyvind_snd.setVolume(100); } else { _root.hoyvind_snd.setVolume(0); } } else if (Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y < 1000) { _root.hoyvind_snd.setVolume(100 - Math.round(Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y / 10)); } else if (Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y < 1300) { _root.suburban_snd.setVolume(0); } else if (Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y < 2300) { _root.suburban_snd.setVolume(Math.round((Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y - 1300) / 10)); } else { _root.suburban_snd.setVolume(100); } } if (iLufta) { lengde = pkk * (brett_x - 430); } if (lengde < 0) { lengde = 0; } _root.variabel_mc.kartslide_mc.kart_mc.pil_mc._x = 6 + ((176 * lengde) / 1752); kms = Math.round((25 * pkk) * fart()); if (tid > 0) { hoh = 2 * (3000 - brett_y); } else { hoh = 0; } _root.variabel_mc.hogdeslide_mc.hogdemaalar_mc.hogde_mc.remse_mc._y = hoh * 0.03; var _local3 = ((285 * kms) / 70) - 155; if (_local3 > 130) { _local3 = 130 + random(5); } _root.variabel_mc.speedoslide_mc.speedometer_mc.pil_mc._rotation = _local3; _root.variabel_mc.stoppeslide_mc.stoppeklokke_mc.visar_mc._rotation = Math.floor(tid / 25) * 6; if (iLufta) { if (brett_x > 55430) { nordkapp = true; brett_x = 55430; fart_x = 0; fallskjerm = true; } lengdevisning(); tid++; if (fallskjerm) { _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("fallskjerm"); fallskjermTid++; mc._rotation = mc._rotation - (mc._rotation / 4); if (fallskjermTid < 11) { oppdaterFartOgPosisjon(); if (fallskjermTid == 7) { _root.fallskjerm_snd.start(); } } else { if (Math.abs(fart_x) > 1) { fart_x = fart_x - (fart_x / 5); } if (brett_y < 1000) { fart_y = 20; } else { fart_y = 12; } oppdaterPosisjon(); } } else { if (tryning) { mc._rotation = mc._rotation + 20; if (fart_x < 3) { iLufta = false; } else { _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("vent"); } } mc._rotation = mc._rotation - fartsflate(); if (Math.abs(fartsflate()) > 0.4) { spinn = spinn + fartsflate(); } mc._rotation = mc._rotation - spinn; oppdaterFart(); fart_x = fart_x * (1 - luftmotstand()); fart_y = fart_y * (1 - luftmotstand()); oppdaterPosisjon(); } if (brett_y > 3000) { if (fallskjermTid < 11) { fallskjermTid = 0; fallskjerm = false; if (((Math.abs(mc._rotation) < 20) && (!tryning)) && (fart_x > 30)) { _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("vent"); instrumentBort(); grusing = true; fart_y = 0; aks_y = 0; brett_y = 3000; mc._rotation = 0; iLufta = false; _root.grusing_snd.start(); } else if (fart_x > 10) { _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("vent"); _root.royk.brett_x = brett_x; _root.royk.brett_y = brett_y; fart_y = fart_y * -0.3; fart_x = fart_x * 0.5; brett_y = 3000; tryning = true; _root.krasjlandingkort_snd.start(); } else { _root.krasjlandingkort_snd.start(); _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("tryning"); instrumentBort(); tryning = true; fart_x = 0; fart_y = 0; brett_y = 3000; _root.bk.finnNabobyar(5, pkk * (brett_x - 430)); _root.byknappar_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } } else { _root.landing_snd.start(); _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("landing"); instrumentBort(); _root.bk.finnNabobyar(5, lengde); _root.byknappar_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); iLufta = false; lengdevisning(); if (lengde > rekord) { lengdeErRekord(); } } } } else if (iSetet) { brett_x = katapult.sete_x(); brett_y = katapult.sete_y(); } else if (grusing) { if (fart_x > 0) { _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("vent"); } aks_x = -2; oppdaterFart(); if (fart_x < 0) { fart_x = 0; _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("tryning"); _root.bk.finnNabobyar(5, pkk * (brett_x - 430)); _root.byknappar_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); } oppdaterPosisjon(); } else { mc._rotation = 0; landingTid++; fart_x = 0; aks_x = 0; fart_y = 0; aks_y = 0; brett_y = 3000; } mc._x = brett_x - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_x; mc._y = brett_y - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y; } function visRiktigFrame() { if (iLufta) { if (fallskjerm) { mc.gotoAndStop("fallskjerm"); } else if (tryning) { mc.gotoAndStop("ukontrollert"); } else if (brett_y > 2900) { mc.gotoAndStop("panikk"); } else if (boost) { mc.gotoAndStop("boost"); } else if (framRot < -4) { mc.gotoAndStop("bakRot3"); } else if (framRot < -2) { mc.gotoAndStop("bakRot2"); } else if (framRot < 0) { mc.gotoAndStop("bakRot1"); } else if (framRot == 0) { if (Math.abs(spinn) > 5) { mc.gotoAndStop("ukontrollert"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("flyg"); } } else if (framRot < 3) { mc.gotoAndStop("framRot1"); } else if (framRot < 5) { mc.gotoAndStop("framRot2"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("framRot3"); } if (nordkapp) { bonus = 1500 - tid; } } else { _root.score = String(Math.floor(lengde * 1000)) + " m"; if (nordkapp) { bonus = 1500 - tid; _root.bonus = "Fartsbonus: " + String(bonus); } else { _root.bonus = ""; } if (iSetet) { if (katapult.tilstand < 5) { mc.gotoAndStop("sete"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("avfyring"); } } else if (grusing) { if (fart_x > 0) { mc.gotoAndStop("grusing"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("grusingStopp"); } } else if (fallskjerm) { if (fallskjermTid > 10) { if (landingTid < 30) { mc.gotoAndStop("landingFallskjerm"); } else if (lengde >= rekord) { if (lengde < 1000) { mc.gotoAndStop("glad"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("jubel"); } } else if (lengde < 500) { mc.gotoAndStop("sur"); } else if (lengde < 1000) { mc.gotoAndStop("landingFallskjerm"); } else { mc.gotoAndStop("glad"); } } else { mc._rotation = 0; mc.gotoAndStop("landingUtenFallskjerm"); } } else { mc.gotoAndStop("landingUtenFallskjerm"); } } } function fartsretning() { return((180 * Math.atan2(fart_y, fart_x)) / Math.PI); } function fart() { return(Math.sqrt((fart_x * fart_x) + (fart_y * fart_y))); } function avvikFraFartsretning() { return(fartsretning() - mc._rotation); } function fartsflate() { return(Math.sin((Math.PI * avvikFraFartsretning()) / 180)); } function luftmotstand() { return(((luftmotstandskonstant * Math.abs(fartsflate())) * fart()) * fart()); } function reset() { _root.t = random(90000) + 10000; if (tryning || (grusing)) { lengde = 0; bonus = 0; } if (_root.byknappar_mc._currentframe > 1) { _root.byknappar_mc.gotoAndPlay(20); } if (iLufta) { _root.statistikk.registrerSpill(); } iLufta = false; fallskjerm = false; tryning = false; grusing = false; nordkapp = false; fart_x = (fart_y = (aks_x = (aks_y = (mc._rotation = (framRot = (fallskjermTid = (landingTid = (spinn = (tid = (bonus = 0)))))))))); iSetet = true; _root.royk.brett_x = -100; katapult.reset(); lengde = 0; lengdevisning(); _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("blank"); } function fyrAv() { _root.takeOff.start(); var _local3 = (-katapult.armvinkel) / 90; if ((katapult.stoppervinkel - katapult.armvinkel) < 45) { _local3 = (katapult.stoppervinkel - katapult.armvinkel) / 90; } fart_x = (200 * Math.cos((Math.PI * katapult.stoppervinkel) / 180)) * _local3; fart_y = (100 * Math.sin((Math.PI * katapult.stoppervinkel) / 180)) * _local3; mc._rotation = fartsretning() + 12; aks_y = 0.2; iSetet = false; iLufta = true; brett_x = katapult.brett_x + 126; brett_y = katapult.brett_y + 34; } function pilHogre() { if (iLufta && (!fallskjerm)) { spinn = spinn * 0.2; mc._rotation = mc._rotation + 3; if (framRot < 1) { _root.beveg2_snd.start(); } if (framRot < 0) { framRot = 0; } if (framRot < 6) { framRot = framRot + 1; } } else if (fallskjerm) { fart_x = fart_x + 1; } } function pilVenstre() { if (iLufta && (!fallskjerm)) { spinn = spinn * 0.2; mc._rotation = mc._rotation - 3; if (framRot > -1) { _root.beveg_snd.start(); } if (framRot > 0) { framRot = 0; } if (framRot > -6) { framRot = framRot - 1; } } else if (fallskjerm) { fart_x = fart_x - 1; } } function instrumentBort() { _root.statistikk.registrerSpill(); _root.variabel_mc.speedoslide_mc.gotoAndPlay(_root.variabel_mc.speedoslide_mc._currentframe + 1); _root.variabel_mc.stoppeslide_mc.gotoAndPlay(_root.variabel_mc.stoppeslide_mc._currentframe + 1); _root.variabel_mc.hogdeslide_mc.gotoAndPlay(_root.variabel_mc.hogdeslide_mc._currentframe + 1); } function pilOpp() { if (iLufta && (!fallskjerm)) { if (!oppNede) { boost = true; _root.beveg_snd.start(); if (brett_y < 2000) { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < Scrollobjekt.brett.scrollobjekt.length) { if (Scrollobjekt.brett.scrollobjekt[_local3] instanceof Kollisjonsobjekt) { if (Scrollobjekt.brett.scrollobjekt[_local3].punktKollisjon(mc._x, mc._y)) { var _local4 = Scrollobjekt.brett.scrollobjekt[_local3].treffFaktor(mc._x, mc._y); _root.stuntmann.fart_y = _root.stuntmann.fart_y - (_local4 * 40); _root.stuntmann.fart_x = _root.stuntmann.fart_x + (_local4 * 40); = _root.stuntmann.fartsretning() + 12; mc.stjernedryss_mc.gotoAndPlay(2); _root.boost.start(0.2); } } _local3++; } } oppNede = true; } else { boostTid++; if (boostTid > 3) { boost = false; boostTid = 0; } } } } function pilOppOpp() { oppNede = false; boost = false; boostTid = 0; } function pilIngen() { if (framRot > 0) { framRot--; } else if (framRot < 0) { framRot++; } } function spaceNed() { if (katapult.tilstand == 0) { katapult.tilstand = 1; } else if (katapult.tilstand == 2) { katapult.tilstand = 3; } else if (katapult.tilstand == 5) { spaceNede = true; } else if (katapult.tilstand == 6) { if (!spaceNede) { if (iLufta) { if (!tryning) { fallskjerm = true; } } spaceNede = true; } } } function spaceOpp() { if (katapult.tilstand == 1) { katapult.armFrame = Math.abs( - 10); katapult.tilstand = 2; _root.katapultstramming_snd.start(); } else if (katapult.tilstand == 3) { katapult.stopperFrame = 2 * Math.abs( - 10); if (katapult.stopperFrame > ((katapult.armFrame * 2) + 8)) { katapult.stopperFrame = (katapult.armFrame * 2) + 8; } katapult.tilstand = 4; _root.hydraulikk_snd.start(); } else if (katapult.tilstand == 6) { spaceNede = false; } } function lengdevisning() { var _local3 = lengde / 1000; _root.km_tusen = Math.floor(_local3); _local3 = (_local3 - _root.km_tusen) * 10; _root.km_hundre = Math.floor(_local3); _local3 = (_local3 - _root.km_hundre) * 10; _root.km_ti = Math.floor(_local3); _local3 = (_local3 - _root.km_ti) * 10; _root.km_en = Math.floor(_local3); _local3 = (_local3 - _root.km_en) * 10; _root.m_hundre = Math.floor(_local3); _local3 = (_local3 - _root.m_hundre) * 10; _root.m_ti = Math.floor(_local3); _local3 = (_local3 - _root.m_ti) * 10; _root.m_en = Math.floor(_local3); } function lengdeErRekord() { rekord = lengde; trace(lengde); _root.r_km_tusen = _root.km_tusen; _root.r_km_hundre = _root.km_hundre; _root.r_km_ti = _root.km_ti; _root.r_km_en = _root.km_en; _root.r_m_hundre = _root.m_hundre; _root.r_m_ti = _root.m_ti; _root.r_m_en = _root.m_en; } var luftmotstandskonstant = 5E-6; var iSetet = true; var iLufta = false; var fallskjerm = false; var fallskjermTid = 0; var landingTid = 0; var framRot = 0; var spaceNede = false; var oppNede = false; var spinn = 0; var boost = false; var boostTid = 0; var tryning = false; var grusing = false; var tid = 0; var pkk = 0.03186275; var kms = 0; var lengde = 0; var rekord = 0; var hoh = 0; var nordkapp = false; var bonus = 0; }
Symbol 792 MovieClip [__Packages.Katapult] Frame 0
class Katapult extends Scrollobjekt { var erInnanfor, mc, brett_x, brett_y; function Katapult (mc) { super(mc, 300, 2785, mc._width, mc._height, 1, 1); } function visRiktigFrame() { if (erInnanfor()) { mc.gotoAndStop("standard"); switch (tilstand) { case 0 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("kata0"); mc.stopperindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.armindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.arm_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.stopper_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.stopper2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 1 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("kata1"); mc.stopperindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.armindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(2); armvinkel = armvinkel + armvinkelFart; if (armvinkel > armvinkelMaks) { armvinkel = armvinkelMaks; armvinkelFart = armvinkelFart * -1; } if (armvinkel < armvinkelMin) { armvinkel = armvinkelMin; armvinkelFart = armvinkelFart * -1; } if (Math.abs(armvinkelFart) < 12) { armvinkelFart = armvinkelFart * 1.01; } mc.armindikator_mc.pil_mc._rotation = armvinkel; mc.arm_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.stopper_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.stopper2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); break; case 2 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("kata2"); armFrame = Math.round(1 + (((-armvinkel) - 30) / 6)); mc.armindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (mc.arm_mc._currentframe < armFrame) { mc.arm_mc.gotoAndStop(mc.arm_mc._currentframe + 1); } mc.stopper_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.stopper2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if ((armvinkel + 10) > stoppervinkelMin) { stoppervinkelMin = armvinkel + 10; } break; case 3 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("kata3"); mc.stopper_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.stopper2_mc.gotoAndStop(1); mc.arm_mc.gotoAndStop(armFrame); mc.stopperindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(2); stoppervinkel = stoppervinkel + stoppervinkelFart; if (stoppervinkel > stoppervinkelMaks) { stoppervinkel = stoppervinkelMaks; stoppervinkelFart = stoppervinkelFart * -1; } if (stoppervinkel < stoppervinkelMin) { stoppervinkel = stoppervinkelMin; stoppervinkelFart = stoppervinkelFart * -1; } if (Math.abs(stoppervinkelFart) < 12) { stoppervinkelFart = stoppervinkelFart * 1.01; } mc.stopperindikator_mc.pil_mc._rotation = stoppervinkel; break; case 4 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("kata4"); stopperFrame = Math.round(1 + (((-stoppervinkel) + 35) / 4.75)); mc.stopperindikator_mc.gotoAndStop(1); if (mc.stopper_mc._currentframe == stopperFrame) { tilstand++; } else { mc.stopper2_mc.gotoAndStop(mc.stopper_mc._currentframe + 1); mc.stopper_mc.gotoAndStop(mc.stopper_mc._currentframe + 1); } mc.arm_mc.gotoAndStop(armFrame); break; case 5 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("kata5"); mc.nedtelling_mc.gotoAndStop(2); if (mc.nedtelling_mc.nedteljar_mc._currentframe == 70) { tilstand++; _root.stuntmann.fyrAv(); } break; case 6 : _root.variabel_mc.gotoAndStop("iLufta"); mc.avfyrtArm_mc.gotoAndStop(Math.round(stopperFrame) + 1); mc.arm_mc._visible = false; } } else { mc.gotoAndStop("blank"); } } function sete_x() { if (erInnanfor()) { return((brett_x + 126) - ((107 * (mc.arm_mc._currentframe - 1)) / (mc.arm_mc._totalframes - 1))); } return(brett_x); } function sete_y() { if (erInnanfor()) { return((brett_y + 34) + ((156 * (mc.arm_mc._currentframe - 1)) / (mc.arm_mc._totalframes - 1))); } return(brett_y); } function reset() { mc.arm_mc._visible = true; mc.avfyrtArm_mc.gotoAndStop(1); tilstand = 0; mc.nedtelling_mc.gotoAndStop(1); armvinkelFart = 4; stoppervinkelFart = 4; stoppervinkelMin = -60; } var armFrame = 1; var armvinkel = -45; var armvinkelMin = -90; var armvinkelMaks = -30; var armvinkelFart = 3; var stopperFrame = 1; var stoppervinkel = 0; var stoppervinkelMin = -60; var stoppervinkelMaks = 35; var stoppervinkelFart = 3; var tilstand = 0; }
Symbol 793 MovieClip [__Packages.Kollisjonsobjekt] Frame 0
class Kollisjonsobjekt extends Scrollobjekt { var mc, bredde, hogde; function Kollisjonsobjekt (mc, brett_x, brett_y, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y) { super(mc, brett_x, brett_y, mc._width, mc._height, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y); } function punktKollisjon(x, y) { if ((((x >= mc._x) && (x <= (mc._x + bredde))) && (y >= mc._y)) && (y <= (mc._y + hogde))) { return(true); } return(false); } function treffFaktor(x, y) { if (x > (mc._x + (bredde / 2))) { x = x - (2 * (x - (mc._x + (bredde / 2)))); } if (y > (mc._y + (hogde / 2))) { y = y - (2 * (y - (mc._y + (hogde / 2)))); } trace(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2 * ((x - mc._x) / bredde), 2) + Math.pow(2 * ((y - mc._y) / bredde), 2)) / Math.SQRT2); return(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(2 * ((x - mc._x) / bredde), 2) + Math.pow(2 * ((y - mc._y) / bredde), 2)) / Math.SQRT2); } }
Symbol 794 MovieClip [__Packages.Bykontroll] Frame 0
class Bykontroll { var byar; function Bykontroll () { byar = new Array(); nyBy("Lindesnes", 0, false); nyBy("Mandal", 15, false); nyBy("Kristiansand", 40, true); nyBy("Lillesand", 55, false); nyBy("Grimstad", 65, false); nyBy("Arendal", 75, false); nyBy("Tvedestrand", 85, false); nyBy("Ris\u00F8r", 95, false); nyBy("Krager\u00F8", 105, false); nyBy("Larvik", 120, true); nyBy("Porsgrunn", 125, false); nyBy("Skien", 130, true); nyBy("Fredrikstad", 132, false); nyBy("T\u00F8nsberg", 135, false); nyBy("Sarpsborg", 138, false); nyBy("Moss", 150, false); nyBy("Notodden", 155, false); nyBy("Kongsberg", 162, false); nyBy("Drammen", 170, true); nyBy("Oslo", 200, true); nyBy("H\u00F8nefoss", 215, false); nyBy("Eidsvoll", 230, false); nyBy("Brandbu", 234, false); nyBy("Gj\u00F8vik", 262, false); nyBy("Hamar", 265, false); nyBy("Elverum", 270, false); nyBy("Lillehammer", 300, true); nyBy("Koppang", 370, false); nyBy("Tynset", 490, false); nyBy("R\u00F8ros", 550, true); nyBy("Farsund", 20, false); nyBy("Flekkefjord", 42, false); nyBy("Egersund", 50, false); nyBy("Bryne", 65, false); nyBy("Sandnes", 75, false); nyBy("Stavanger", 80, false); nyBy("Haugesund", 120, false); nyBy("Leirvik", 140, false); nyBy("Odda", 170, false); nyBy("Bergen", 200, false); nyBy("Voss", 225, false); nyBy("Sogndal", 300, false); nyBy("F\u00F8rde", 355, false); nyBy("Flor\u00F8", 360, false); nyBy("Stryn", 420, false); nyBy("Geiranger", 425); nyBy("Volda", 428, false); nyBy("\u00D8rsta", 430, false); nyBy("\u00C5lesund", 485, false); nyBy("Sj\u00F8holt", 490, false); nyBy("Trollveggen", 495, false); nyBy("\u00C5ndalsnes", 500, false); nyBy("Sunndals\u00F8ra", 515, false); nyBy("Molde", 530, false); nyBy("Torvikbukt", 570, false); nyBy("Kristiansund", 590, false); nyBy("Orkanger", 620, false); nyBy("Lyngdal", 30, false); nyBy("Vennesla", 45, false); nyBy("Evje", 77, false); nyBy("Valle", 125, false); nyBy("Haukeligrend", 145, false); nyBy("Rjukan", 180, false); nyBy("Geilo", 245, false); nyBy("Gol", 260, false); nyBy("Fagernes", 272, false); nyBy("Galdh\u00F8piggen", 358, false); nyBy("Jostedalsbreen", 365, false); nyBy("Lom", 410, false); nyBy("Domb\u00E5s", 430, false); nyBy("Oppdal", 525, false); nyBy("Trondheim", 650, true); nyBy("Levanger", 720, false); nyBy("Steinkjer", 750, true); nyBy("Namsos", 780, false); nyBy("R\u00F8rvik", 800, false); nyBy("Majavatn", 850, false); nyBy("Br\u00F8nn\u00F8ysund", 870, false); nyBy("Trofors", 875, false); nyBy("Mosj\u00F8en", 900, false); nyBy("Sandnessj\u00F8en", 920, false); nyBy("Mo i Rana", 950, true); nyBy("Polarsirkelen", 985, false); nyBy("Svartisen", 995, false); nyBy("\u00D8rnes", 1030, false); nyBy("Sulitjelma", 1090, false); nyBy("Bod\u00F8", 1100, true); nyBy("Fauske", 1105, false); nyBy("R\u00F8stlandet", 1110, false); nyBy("Reine", 1155, false); nyBy("Leknes", 1175, false); nyBy("Skutvika", 1180, false); nyBy("Svolv\u00E6r", 1200, false); nyBy("L\u00F8dingen", 1225, false); nyBy("Stokmarknes", 1235, false); nyBy("Narvik", 1250, true); nyBy("Sortland", 1275, false); nyBy("Harstad", 1325, false); nyBy("Andenes", 1390, false); nyBy("Setermoen", 1395, false); nyBy("Andselv", 1400, false); nyBy("Finnsnes", 1430, false); nyBy("Gryllefjord", 1435, false); nyBy("Skibotn", 1470, false); nyBy("Troms\u00F8", 1500, true); nyBy("Skjerv\u00F8y", 1600, false); nyBy("Alta", 1650, true); nyBy("Hasvik", 1658, false); nyBy("Breivikbotn", 1665, false); nyBy("Lakselv", 1665, false); nyBy("Hammerfest", 1700, true); nyBy("Hav\u00F8ysund", 1730, false); nyBy("Honningsv\u00E5g", 1745, false); nyBy("Nordkapp", 1752, false); nyBy("Berlev\u00E5g", 1755, false); } function nyBy(namn, avstand, stor) { byar.push(new By(namn, avstand, stor)); } function finnNabobyar(tal, avstand) { function sortereStigande(a, b) { if (a.avstand < b.avstand) { return(-1); } if (a.avstand > b.avstand) { return(1); } return(0); } finnStorby(avstand); var _local2 = new Array(); var _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < tal) { _local2.push(new By("Dummyby", 10000 + _local4)); _local4++; } var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < byar.length) { _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { if ((Math.abs(byar[_local3].avstand - avstand) < Math.abs(_local2[_local4].avstand - avstand)) && (!byar[_local3].stor)) { _local2.splice(_local4, 0, byar[_local3]); _local2.pop(); break; } _local4++; } _local3++; } _local2.sort(sortereStigande); _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local2.length) { Set("" + (_local4 + 1), _local2[_local4].namn); _local4++; } } function finnStorby(avstand) { var _local4 = new By("Dummyby", 10000); var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < byar.length) { if ((Math.abs(byar[_local3].avstand - avstand) < Math.abs(_local4.avstand - avstand)) && (byar[_local3].stor)) { _local4 = byar[_local3]; } _local3++; } _root.storby = _local4.namn; } }
Symbol 795 MovieClip [__Packages.By] Frame 0
class By { var namn, avstand, stor; function By (namn, avstand, stor) { this.namn = namn; this.avstand = avstand; this.stor = stor; } }
Symbol 796 MovieClip [__Packages.Bakgrunn] Frame 0
class Bakgrunn extends Scrollobjekt { var brett_x, scrollfaktor_x, mc, brett_y, scrollfaktor_y; function Bakgrunn (mc, brett_x, brett_y, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y) { super(mc, brett_x, brett_y, mc._width, mc._height, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y); } function oppdaterSkjermposisjon() { mc._x = Math.round(scrollfaktor_x * (brett_x - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_x)); mc._y = Math.round(scrollfaktor_y * (brett_y - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y)); } }
Symbol 797 MovieClip [__Packages.BakgrunnSpesial] Frame 0
class BakgrunnSpesial extends Bakgrunn { var y_grense, mc, bredde, hogde; function BakgrunnSpesial (mc, brett_x, brett_y, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y, y_grense) { super(mc, brett_x, brett_y, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y); this.y_grense = y_grense; } function erInnanfor() { if (mc._y < y_grense) { return(false); } if ((((mc._x > Scrollobjekt.brett.skjermbredde) || ((mc._x + bredde) < 0)) || (mc._y > Scrollobjekt.brett.skjermhogde)) || ((mc._y + hogde) < 0)) { return(false); } return(true); } }
Symbol 798 MovieClip [__Packages.BakgrunnRepeat] Frame 0
class BakgrunnRepeat extends BakgrunnSpesial { var bredde, brett_x, scrollfaktor_x, mc, brett_y, scrollfaktor_y; function BakgrunnRepeat (mc, brett_x, brett_y, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y, bredde, y_grense) { super(mc, brett_x, brett_y, scrollfaktor_x, scrollfaktor_y, y_grense); this.bredde = bredde; } function oppdaterSkjermposisjon() { mc._x = Math.round(scrollfaktor_x * (brett_x - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_x)); mc._y = Math.round(scrollfaktor_y * (brett_y - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y)); if ((mc._x + bredde) < 0) { brett_x = brett_x + ((2 * bredde) / scrollfaktor_x); } else if (mc._x > bredde) { brett_x = brett_x - ((2 * bredde) / scrollfaktor_x); } } }
Symbol 799 MovieClip [__Packages.StuntmannSkugge] Frame 0
class StuntmannSkugge extends Scrollobjekt { var stuntmann, brett_x, mc, brett_y; function StuntmannSkugge (mc, stuntmann) { super(mc, stuntmann.brett_x, 3018, mc._width, mc._height, 1, 1); this.stuntmann = stuntmann; } function oppdaterSkjermposisjon() { if (stuntmann.grusing) { brett_x = -100; } else if (stuntmann.brett_x > 500) { brett_x = stuntmann.brett_x; } else { brett_x = -100; } mc._xscale = Math.abs(2700 - stuntmann.brett_y) / 3; if (stuntmann.fallskjerm) { if (stuntmann.fallskjermTid > 10) { if (stuntmann.iLufta) { mc._xscale = mc._xscale * 3; } } } mc._x = (stuntmann.fart_x + brett_x) - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_x; mc._y = brett_y - Scrollobjekt.brett.origo_y; } }
Symbol 800 MovieClip [__Packages.Statistikk] Frame 0
class Statistikk { var sendevariabler, hentevariabler, dagensBeste_lv, ukensBeste_lv, tidenesBeste_lv; function Statistikk () { sendevariabler = new LoadVars(); hentevariabler = new LoadVars(); dagensBeste_lv = new LoadVars(); ukensBeste_lv = new LoadVars(); tidenesBeste_lv = new LoadVars(); hentevariabler.statistikk = this; hentevariabler.onLoad = function (success) { _root.k = Number(this.k); }; dagensBeste_lv.statistikk = this; dagensBeste_lv.onLoad = function (success) { this.statistikk.dagensBesteLastet(); }; ukensBeste_lv.statistikk = this; ukensBeste_lv.onLoad = function (success) { this.statistikk.ukensBesteLastet(); }; tidenesBeste_lv.statistikk = this; tidenesBeste_lv.onLoad = function (success) { this.statistikk.tidenesBesteLastet(); }; sendevariabler.identifikator = random(1000000); spillLastet(); } function spillLastet() { sendevariabler.handling = "load"; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(phpFil, hentevariabler, sendeMetode); } function lenkeKlikket(url) { sendevariabler.handling = "lenke"; sendevariabler.lenke = url; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(phpFil, hentevariabler, sendeMetode); } function vennTipset(mottaker_epost, avsender_epost, avsender_navn) { sendevariabler.handling = "tips"; sendevariabler.mottaker_epost = mottaker_epost; sendevariabler.avsender_epost = avsender_epost; sendevariabler.avsender_navn = avsender_navn; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(phpFil, hentevariabler, sendeMetode); } function registrerSpill() { sendevariabler.handling = "spill"; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(phpFil, hentevariabler, sendeMetode); } function sendPoengsum(nick, epost) { sendevariabler.a = _root.a; sendevariabler.b = _root.b; sendevariabler.c = _root.c; trace(nick + " (statistikk)"); sendevariabler.handling = "spill_lagre"; sendevariabler.nick = nick; = epost; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(phpFil, hentevariabler, sendeMetode); } function hentDagensBeste(side) { blankDagens(); sendevariabler.db_side = side; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(highscoreFil, dagensBeste_lv, sendeMetode); } function dagensBesteLastet() { _root.db_rank1 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank1; _root.db_nick1 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick1; _root.db_poeng1 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng1; _root.db_rank2 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank2; _root.db_nick2 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick2; _root.db_poeng2 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng2; _root.db_rank3 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank3; _root.db_nick3 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick3; _root.db_poeng3 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng3; _root.db_rank4 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank4; _root.db_nick4 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick4; _root.db_poeng4 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng4; _root.db_rank5 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank5; _root.db_nick5 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick5; _root.db_poeng5 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng5; _root.db_rank6 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank6; _root.db_nick6 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick6; _root.db_poeng6 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng6; _root.db_rank7 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank7; _root.db_nick7 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick7; _root.db_poeng7 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng7; _root.db_rank8 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank8; _root.db_nick8 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick8; _root.db_poeng8 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng8; _root.db_rank9 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank9; _root.db_nick9 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick9; _root.db_poeng9 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng9; _root.db_rank10 = dagensBeste_lv.db_rank10; _root.db_nick10 = dagensBeste_lv.db_nick10; _root.db_poeng10 = dagensBeste_lv.db_poeng10; _root.db_side = dagensBeste_lv.db_side; _root.db_antall_sider = dagensBeste_lv.db_antall_sider; trace(_root.db_antall_sider); } function hentUkensBeste(side) { blankUkens(); sendevariabler.ub_side = side; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(highscoreFil, ukensBeste_lv, sendeMetode); } function ukensBesteLastet() { _root.ub_rank1 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank1; _root.ub_nick1 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick1; _root.ub_poeng1 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng1; _root.ub_rank2 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank2; _root.ub_nick2 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick2; _root.ub_poeng2 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng2; _root.ub_rank3 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank3; _root.ub_nick3 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick3; _root.ub_poeng3 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng3; _root.ub_rank4 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank4; _root.ub_nick4 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick4; _root.ub_poeng4 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng4; _root.ub_rank5 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank5; _root.ub_nick5 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick5; _root.ub_poeng5 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng5; _root.ub_rank6 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank6; _root.ub_nick6 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick6; _root.ub_poeng6 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng6; _root.ub_rank7 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank7; _root.ub_nick7 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick7; _root.ub_poeng7 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng7; _root.ub_rank8 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank8; _root.ub_nick8 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick8; _root.ub_poeng8 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng8; _root.ub_rank9 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank9; _root.ub_nick9 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick9; _root.ub_poeng9 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng9; _root.ub_rank10 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_rank10; _root.ub_nick10 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_nick10; _root.ub_poeng10 = ukensBeste_lv.ub_poeng10; _root.ub_side = ukensBeste_lv.ub_side; _root.ub_antall_sider = ukensBeste_lv.ub_antall_sider; trace(_root.ub_antall_sider); trace(_root.ub_side); } function hentTidenesBeste(side) { blankTidenes(); sendevariabler.tb_side = side; sendevariabler.sendAndLoad(highscoreFil, tidenesBeste_lv, sendeMetode); } function tidenesBesteLastet(side) { _root.tb_rank1 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank1; _root.tb_nick1 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick1; _root.tb_poeng1 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng1; _root.tb_rank2 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank2; _root.tb_nick2 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick2; _root.tb_poeng2 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng2; _root.tb_rank3 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank3; _root.tb_nick3 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick3; _root.tb_poeng3 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng3; _root.tb_rank4 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank4; _root.tb_nick4 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick4; _root.tb_poeng4 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng4; _root.tb_rank5 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank5; _root.tb_nick5 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick5; _root.tb_poeng5 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng5; _root.tb_rank6 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank6; _root.tb_nick6 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick6; _root.tb_poeng6 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng6; _root.tb_rank7 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank7; _root.tb_nick7 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick7; _root.tb_poeng7 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng7; _root.tb_rank8 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank8; _root.tb_nick8 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick8; _root.tb_poeng8 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng8; _root.tb_rank9 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank9; _root.tb_nick9 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick9; _root.tb_poeng9 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng9; _root.tb_rank10 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_rank10; _root.tb_nick10 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_nick10; _root.tb_poeng10 = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_poeng10; _root.tb_side = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_side; _root.tb_antall_sider = tidenesBeste_lv.tb_antall_sider; trace(_root.tb_antall_sider); } function blankDagens() { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 10) { Set("_root.db_rank" + _local2, ""); Set("_root.db_nick" + _local2, ""); Set("_root.db_poeng" + _local2, ""); _root.db_side = ""; _root.db_nick3 = "Vent litt!"; _root.db_nick4 = "Laster..."; _local2++; } } function blankUkens() { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 10) { Set("_root.ub_rank" + _local2, ""); Set("_root.ub_nick" + _local2, ""); Set("_root.ub_poeng" + _local2, ""); _root.ub_side = ""; _root.ub_nick3 = "Vent litt!"; _root.ub_nick4 = "Laster..."; _local2++; } } function blankTidenes() { var _local2 = 1; while (_local2 <= 10) { Set("_root.tb_rank" + _local2, ""); Set("_root.tb_nick" + _local2, ""); Set("_root.tb_poeng" + _local2, ""); _root.tb_side = ""; _root.tb_nick3 = "Vent litt!"; _root.tb_nick4 = "Laster..."; _local2++; } } var phpFil = "input.php"; var highscoreFil = "highscore.php"; var sendeMetode = "POST"; }
Symbol 2 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip { var _width, _height, _x, _y, _parent, _minHeight, _minWidth, _visible, dispatchEvent, _xscale, _yscale, methodTable, onEnterFrame, tfList, __width, __height, moveTo, lineTo, createTextField, attachMovie, buildDepthTable, findNextAvailableDepth, idNames, childrenCreated, _name, createAccessibilityImplementation, _endInit, validateNow, hasOwnProperty, initProperties, stylecache, className, ignoreClassStyleDeclaration, _tf, fontFamily, fontSize, color, marginLeft, marginRight, fontStyle, fontWeight, textAlign, textIndent, textDecoration, embedFonts, styleName, enabled; function UIObject () { super(); constructObject(); } function get width() { return(_width); } function get height() { return(_height); } function get left() { return(_x); } function get x() { return(_x); } function get top() { return(_y); } function get y() { return(_y); } function get right() { return(_parent.width - (_x + width)); } function get bottom() { return(_parent.height - (_y + height)); } function getMinHeight(Void) { return(_minHeight); } function setMinHeight(h) { _minHeight = h; } function get minHeight() { return(getMinHeight()); } function set minHeight(h) { setMinHeight(h); //return(minHeight); } function getMinWidth(Void) { return(_minWidth); } function setMinWidth(w) { _minWidth = w; } function get minWidth() { return(getMinWidth()); } function set minWidth(w) { setMinWidth(w); //return(minWidth); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { if (x != _visible) { _visible = x; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:(x ? "reveal" : "hide")}); } } } function get visible() { return(_visible); } function set visible(x) { setVisible(x, false); //return(visible); } function get scaleX() { return(_xscale); } function set scaleX(x) { _xscale = x; //return(scaleX); } function get scaleY() { return(_yscale); } function set scaleY(y) { _yscale = y; //return(scaleY); } function doLater(obj, fn) { if (methodTable == undefined) { methodTable = new Array(); } methodTable.push({obj:obj, fn:fn}); onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function doLaterDispatcher(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; if (invalidateFlag) { redraw(); } var _local3 = methodTable; methodTable = new Array(); if (_local3.length > 0) { var _local2; while (_local2 = _local3.shift() , _local2 != undefined) { _local2.obj[_local2.fn](); } } } function cancelAllDoLaters(Void) { delete onEnterFrame; methodTable = new Array(); } function invalidate(Void) { invalidateFlag = true; onEnterFrame = doLaterDispatcher; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { invalidate(); } function redraw(bAlways) { if (invalidateFlag || (bAlways)) { invalidateFlag = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in tfList) { tfList[_local2].draw(); } draw(); dispatchEvent({type:"draw"}); } } function draw(Void) { } function move(x, y, noEvent) { var _local3 = _x; var _local2 = _y; _x = x; _y = y; if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"move", oldX:_local3, oldY:_local2}); } } function setSize(w, h, noEvent) { var _local2 = __width; var _local3 = __height; __width = w; __height = h; size(); if (noEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"resize", oldWidth:_local2, oldHeight:_local3}); } } function size(Void) { _width = __width; _height = __height; } function drawRect(x1, y1, x2, y2) { moveTo(x1, y1); lineTo(x2, y1); lineTo(x2, y2); lineTo(x1, y2); lineTo(x1, y1); } function createLabel(name, depth, text) { createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0); var _local2 = this[name]; _local2._color = textColorList; _local2._visible = false; _local2.__text = text; if (tfList == undefined) { tfList = new Object(); } tfList[name] = _local2; _local2.invalidateStyle(); invalidate(); _local2.styleName = this; return(_local2); } function createObject(linkageName, id, depth, initobj) { return(attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj)); } function createClassObject(className, id, depth, initobj) { var _local3 = className.symbolName == undefined; if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className); } var _local4 = createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj); if (_local3) { Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner); } return(_local4); } function createEmptyObject(id, depth) { return(createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth)); } function destroyObject(id) { var _local2 = this[id]; if (_local2.getDepth() < 0) { var _local4 = buildDepthTable(); var _local5 = findNextAvailableDepth(0, _local4, "up"); var _local3 = _local5; _local2.swapDepths(_local3); } _local2.removeMovieClip(); delete this[id]; } function getSkinIDName(tag) { return(idNames[tag]); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initObj) { if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) { mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement); } return(createObject(linkageName, getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj)); } function createSkin(tag) { var _local2 = getSkinIDName(tag); createEmptyObject(_local2, tag); return(this[_local2]); } function createChildren(Void) { } function _createChildren(Void) { createChildren(); childrenCreated = true; } function constructObject(Void) { if (_name == undefined) { return(undefined); } init(); _createChildren(); createAccessibilityImplementation(); _endInit(); if (validateNow) { redraw(true); } else { invalidate(); } } function initFromClipParameters(Void) { var _local4 = false; var _local2; for (_local2 in clipParameters) { if (hasOwnProperty(_local2)) { _local4 = true; this["def_" + _local2] = this[_local2]; delete this[_local2]; } } if (_local4) { for (_local2 in clipParameters) { var _local3 = this["def_" + _local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { this[_local2] = _local3; } } } } function init(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; if (initProperties == undefined) { initFromClipParameters(); } else { initProperties(); } if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) { stylecache = new Object(); } } function getClassStyleDeclaration(Void) { var _local4 = this; var _local3 = className; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[_local3] == undefined) { if (_global.styles[_local3] != undefined) { return(_global.styles[_local3]); } } _local4 = _local4.__proto__; _local3 = _local4.className; } } function setColor(color) { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local8 =; if (_local8 != undefined) { var _local3; for (_local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local8[_local3]; } } } return(false); } var _local6 = false; for (var _local3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local3])) { if (tf[_local3] == undefined) { var _local5 = _tf[_local3]; if (_local5 != undefined) { tf[_local3] = _local5; } else if ((_local3 == "font") && (fontFamily != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontFamily; } else if ((_local3 == "size") && (fontSize != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontSize; } else if ((_local3 == "color") && (color != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = color; } else if ((_local3 == "leftMargin") && (marginLeft != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginLeft; } else if ((_local3 == "rightMargin") && (marginRight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = marginRight; } else if ((_local3 == "italic") && (fontStyle != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontStyle == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "bold") && (fontWeight != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = fontWeight == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "align") && (textAlign != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textAlign; } else if ((_local3 == "indent") && (textIndent != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textIndent; } else if ((_local3 == "underline") && (textDecoration != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = textDecoration == _local3; } else if ((_local3 == "embedFonts") && (embedFonts != undefined)) { tf[_local3] = embedFonts; } else { _local6 = true; } } } } if (_local6) { var _local9 = styleName; if (_local9 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local9) != "string") { _local6 = _local9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } else if (_global.styles[_local9] != undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles[_local9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } } if (_local6) { var _local10 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local10 != undefined) { _local6 = _local10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this); } } if (_local6) { if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (_parent != undefined) { _local6 = _parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false); } } } if (_local6) { _local6 =, true, this); } return(_local6); } function _getTextFormat(Void) { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); __getTextFormat(_local2, true); = _local2; if (enabled == false) { var _local3 = getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } return(_local2); } function getStyleName(Void) { var _local2 = styleName; if (_local2 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "string") { return(_local2.getStyleName()); } return(_local2); } if (_parent != undefined) { return(_parent.getStyleName()); } return(undefined); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local3; _global.getStyleCounter++; if (this[styleProp] != undefined) { return(this[styleProp]); } var _local6 = styleName; if (_local6 != undefined) { if (typeof(_local6) != "string") { _local3 = _local6.getStyle(styleProp); } else { var _local7 = _global.styles[_local6]; _local3 = _local7.getStyle(styleProp); } } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } var _local7 = getClassStyleDeclaration(); if (_local7 != undefined) { _local3 = _local7[styleProp]; } if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } if (_global.cascadingStyles) { if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp))) { var _local5 = stylecache; if (_local5 != undefined) { if (_local5[styleProp] != undefined) { return(_local5[styleProp]); } } if (_parent != undefined) { _local3 = _parent.getStyle(styleProp); } else { _local3 =[styleProp]; } if (_local5 != undefined) { _local5[styleProp] = _local3; } return(_local3); } } if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 =[styleProp]; } return(_local3); } static function mergeClipParameters(o, p) { for (var _local3 in p) { o[_local3] = p[_local3]; } return(true); } static var symbolName = "UIObject"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject; static var version = ""; static var textColorList = {color:1, disabledColor:1}; var invalidateFlag = false; var lineWidth = 1; var lineColor = 0; var tabEnabled = false; var clipParameters = {visible:1, minHeight:1, minWidth:1, maxHeight:1, maxWidth:1, preferredHeight:1, preferredWidth:1}; }
Symbol 3 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject { var __width, __height, invalidate, stylecache, removeEventListener, dispatchEvent, drawFocus, addEventListener, _xscale, _yscale, _focusrect, watch, enabled; function UIComponent () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { setEnabled(newValue); invalidate(); delete; return(newValue); } function setEnabled(enabled) { invalidate(); } function getFocus() { var selFocus = Selection.getFocus(); return(((selFocus === null) ? null : (eval (selFocus)))); } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(this); } function getFocusManager() { var _local2 = this; while (_local2 != undefined) { if (_local2.focusManager != undefined) { return(_local2.focusManager); } _local2 = _local2._parent; } return(undefined); } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { removeEventListener("keyDown", this); removeEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusOut"}); drawFocus(false); } function onSetFocus(oldFocus) { addEventListener("keyDown", this); addEventListener("keyUp", this); dispatchEvent({type:"focusIn"}); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { drawFocus(true); } } function findFocusInChildren(o) { if (o.focusTextField != undefined) { return(o.focusTextField); } if (o.tabEnabled == true) { return(o); } return(undefined); } function findFocusFromObject(o) { if (o.tabEnabled != true) { if (o._parent == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) { o = o._parent; } else if (o._parent.tabChildren) { o = findFocusInChildren(o._parent); } else { o = findFocusFromObject(o._parent); } } return(o); } function pressFocus() { var _local3 = findFocusFromObject(this); var _local2 = getFocus(); if (_local3 != _local2) { _local2.drawFocus(false); if (getFocusManager().bDrawFocus != false) { _local3.drawFocus(true); } } } function releaseFocus() { var _local2 = findFocusFromObject(this); if (_local2 != getFocus()) { _local2.setFocus(); } } function isParent(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o == this) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function size() { } function init() { super.init(); _xscale = 100; _yscale = 100; _focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); if (enabled == false) { setEnabled(false); } } function dispatchValueChangedEvent(value) { dispatchEvent({type:"valueChanged", value:value}); } static var symbolName = "UIComponent"; static var symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent; static var version = ""; static var kStretch = 5000; var focusEnabled = true; var tabEnabled = true; var origBorderStyles = {themeColor:16711680}; var clipParameters = {}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters); }
Symbol 4 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.NumericStepper extends mx.core.UIComponent { var boundingBox_mc, _visible, tabEnabled, tabChildren, nextButton_mc, __width, prevButton_mc, __height, inputField, StepTrack_mc, focusTextField, createObject, enabled, __set__visible, setSize, createClassObject, __maxChars, dispatchEvent; function NumericStepper () { super(); } function init() { super.init(); boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); _visible = false; tabEnabled = false; tabChildren = true; } function setVisible(x, noEvent) { super.setVisible(x, noEvent); if (initializing) { __visible = x; } } function layoutControl() { nextButton_mc._x = __width - nextButton_mc.__width; nextButton_mc._y = 0; prevButton_mc._x = __width - prevButton_mc.__width; prevButton_mc._y = __height - prevButton_mc.__height; inputField.setSize(__width - nextButton_mc.__width, __height); StepTrack_mc._width = Math.max(nextButton_mc.__width, prevButton_mc.__width); StepTrack_mc._x = __width - StepTrack_mc._width; StepTrack_mc._height = __height - (nextButton_mc._height + prevButton_mc._height); StepTrack_mc._y = nextButton_mc.__height; } function createChildren() { super.createChildren(); addAsset("nextButton_mc", skinIDUpArrow); addAsset("prevButton_mc", skinIDDownArrow); addAsset("inputField", skinIDInput); focusTextField = inputField.label; createObject("StepTrack", "StepTrack_mc", 2); size(); } function draw() { prevButton_mc.enabled = enabled; nextButton_mc.enabled = enabled; inputField.enabled = enabled; size(); initializing = false; __set__visible(__visible); } function size() { var _local2 = calcMinHeight(); var _local3 = calcMinWidth(); if (__height < _local2) { setSize(__width, _local2); } if (__width < _local3) { setSize(_local3, __height); } layoutControl(); } function calcMinHeight() { return(22); } function calcMinWidth() { return(40); } function addAsset(id, skinID) { var _local2 = new Object(); _local2.styleName = this; if (skinID == 10) { _local2.falseUpSkin = upArrowUp; _local2.falseOverSkin = upArrowOver; _local2.falseDownSkin = upArrowDown; _local2.falseDisabledSkin = upArrowDisabled; createClassObject(mx.controls.SimpleButton, id, skinID, _local2); var _local5 = nextButton_mc; _local5.tabEnabled = false; _local5.styleName = this; _local5._x = __width - _local5.__width; _local5._y = 0; _local5.owner = this; _local5.autoRepeat = true; _local5.clickHandler = function () { Selection.setSelection(0, 0); }; _local5.buttonDownHandler = function () { this.owner.buttonPress(this); }; } else if (skinID == 11) { _local2.falseUpSkin = downArrowUp; _local2.falseOverSkin = downArrowOver; _local2.falseDownSkin = downArrowDown; _local2.falseDisabledSkin = downArrowDisabled; createClassObject(mx.controls.SimpleButton, id, skinID, _local2); var _local3 = prevButton_mc; _local3.tabEnabled = false; _local3.styleName = this; _local3._x = __width - _local3.__width; _local3._y = __height - _local3.__height; _local3.owner = this; _local3.autoRepeat = true; _local3.clickHandler = function () { Selection.setSelection(0, 0); }; _local3.buttonDownHandler = function () { this.owner.buttonPress(this); }; } else if (skinID == 9) { createClassObject(mx.controls.TextInput, id, skinID); var _local4 = inputField; _local4.styleName = this; _local4.setSize(__width - nextButton_mc.__width, __height); _local4.restrict = "0-9\\-\\.\\,"; _local4.maxChars = __maxChars; _local4.text = value; _local4.onSetFocus = function () { this._parent.onSetFocus(); }; _local4.onKillFocus = function () { this._parent.onKillFocus(); }; _local4.drawFocus = function (b) { this._parent.drawFocus(b); }; _local4.onKeyDown = function () { this._parent.onFieldKeyDown(); }; } } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(inputField); } function onKillFocus() { mx.managers.SystemManager.form.focusManager.defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; super.onKillFocus(); Key.removeListener(inputField); if (Number(inputField.text) != value) { var _local3 = checkValidValue(Number(inputField.text)); inputField.text = _local3; value = (_local3); dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); } } function onSetFocus() { super.onSetFocus(); Key.addListener(inputField); mx.managers.SystemManager.form.focusManager.defaultPushButtonEnabled = false; } function onFieldKeyDown() { var _local2 = value; switch (Key.getCode()) { case 40 : var _local3 = value - stepSize; value = (_local3); if (_local2 != value) { dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); } break; case 38 : _local3 = stepSize + value; value = (_local3); if (_local2 != value) { dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); } break; case 36 : inputField.text = minimum; value = (minimum); if (_local2 != value) { dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); } break; case 35 : inputField.text = maximum; value = (maximum); if (_local2 != value) { dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); } break; case 13 : value = (Number(inputField.text)); if (_local2 == value) { break; } dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); } } function get nextValue() { if (checkRange(value + stepSize)) { __nextValue = value + stepSize; return(__nextValue); } } function get previousValue() { if (checkRange(__value - stepSize)) { __previousValue = value - stepSize; return(__previousValue); } } function set maxChars(num) { __maxChars = num; inputField.maxChars = __maxChars; //return(maxChars); } function get maxChars() { return(__maxChars); } function get value() { return(__value); } function set value(v) { var _local2 = checkValidValue(v); if (_local2 == __value) { return; } inputField.text = (__value = _local2); //return(value); } function get minimum() { return(__minimum); } function set minimum(v) { __minimum = v; //return(minimum); } function get maximum() { return(__maximum); } function set maximum(v) { __maximum = v; //return(maximum); } function get stepSize() { return(__stepSize); } function set stepSize(v) { __stepSize = v; //return(stepSize); } function onFocus() { } function buttonPress(button) { var _local2 = value; if (button._name == "nextButton_mc") { value = value + stepSize; } else { value = value - stepSize; } if (_local2 != value) { dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); Selection.setSelection(0, 0); } } function checkRange(v) { return((v >= minimum) and (v <= maximum)); } function checkValidValue(val) { var _local7 = val / stepSize; var _local9 = Math.floor(_local7); var _local2 = stepSize; var _local6 = minimum; var _local5 = maximum; if ((val > _local6) and (val < _local5)) { if ((_local7 - _local9) == 0) { return(val); } var _local8 = Math.floor(val / _local2); var _local4 = _local8 * _local2; if (((((val - _local4) >= (_local2 / 2)) && (_local5 >= (_local4 + _local2))) && (_local6 <= (_local4 - _local2))) || (((val + _local2) == _local5) && (((_local5 - _local4) - _local2) > 1E-14))) { _local4 = _local4 + _local2; } return(_local4); } if (val >= _local5) { return(_local5); } return(_local6); } function onLabelChanged(o) { var _local2 = checkValidValue(Number(o.__get__text())); o.__set__text(_local2); value = (_local2); } function get tabIndex() { return(inputField.tabIndex); } function set tabIndex(w) { inputField.tabIndex = w; //return(tabIndex); } static var symbolName = "NumericStepper"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.NumericStepper; static var version = ""; var className = "NumericStepper"; var upArrowUp = "StepUpArrowUp"; var upArrowDown = "StepUpArrowDown"; var upArrowOver = "StepUpArrowOver"; var upArrowDisabled = "StepUpArrowDisabled"; var downArrowUp = "StepDownArrowUp"; var downArrowDown = "StepDownArrowDown"; var downArrowOver = "StepDownArrowOver"; var downArrowDisabled = "StepDownArrowDisabled"; var skinIDUpArrow = 10; var skinIDDownArrow = 11; var skinIDInput = 9; var initializing = true; var __visible = true; var __minimum = 0; var __maximum = 10; var __stepSize = 1; var __value = 0; var __nextValue = 0; var __previousValue = 0; var clipParameters = {minimum:1, maximum:1, stepSize:1, value:1, maxChars:1}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.NumericStepper.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters); }
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class mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip { var _visible, _x, _y, _width, _height; function SkinElement () { super(); } static function registerElement(name, className) { Object.registerClass(name, ((className == undefined) ? (mx.skins.SkinElement) : (className))); _global.skinRegistry[name] = true; } function __set__visible(visible) { _visible = visible; } function move(x, y) { _x = x; _y = y; } function setSize(w, h) { _width = w; _height = h; } }
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class mx.styles.CSSTextStyles { function CSSTextStyles () { } static function addTextStyles(o, bColor) { o.addProperty("textAlign", function () { return(this._tf.align); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.align = x; }); o.addProperty("fontWeight", function () { return(((this._tf.bold != undefined) ? ((this._tf.bold ? "bold" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.bold = x == "bold"; }); if (bColor) { o.addProperty("color", function () { return(this._tf.color); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.color = x; }); } o.addProperty("fontFamily", function () { return(this._tf.font); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.font = x; }); o.addProperty("textIndent", function () { return(this._tf.indent); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.indent = x; }); o.addProperty("fontStyle", function () { return(((this._tf.italic != undefined) ? ((this._tf.italic ? "italic" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.italic = x == "italic"; }); o.addProperty("marginLeft", function () { return(this._tf.leftMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.leftMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("marginRight", function () { return(this._tf.rightMargin); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.rightMargin = x; }); o.addProperty("fontSize", function () { return(this._tf.size); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.size = x; }); o.addProperty("textDecoration", function () { return(((this._tf.underline != undefined) ? ((this._tf.underline ? "underline" : "none")) : undefined)); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.underline = x == "underline"; }); o.addProperty("embedFonts", function () { return(this._tf.embedFonts); }, function (x) { if (this._tf == undefined) { this._tf = new TextFormat(); } this._tf.embedFonts = x; }); } }
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class mx.styles.StyleManager { function StyleManager () { } static function registerInheritingStyle(styleName) { inheritingStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isInheritingStyle(styleName) { return(inheritingStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorStyle(styleName) { colorStyles[styleName] = true; } static function isColorStyle(styleName) { return(colorStyles[styleName] == true); } static function registerColorName(colorName, colorValue) { colorNames[colorName] = colorValue; } static function isColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName] != undefined); } static function getColorName(colorName) { return(colorNames[colorName]); } static var inheritingStyles = {color:true, direction:true, fontFamily:true, fontSize:true, fontStyle:true, fontWeight:true, textAlign:true, textIndent:true}; static var colorStyles = {barColor:true, trackColor:true, borderColor:true, buttonColor:true, color:true, dateHeaderColor:true, dateRollOverColor:true, disabledColor:true, fillColor:true, highlightColor:true, scrollTrackColor:true, selectedDateColor:true, shadowColor:true, strokeColor:true, symbolBackgroundColor:true, symbolBackgroundDisabledColor:true, symbolBackgroundPressedColor:true, symbolColor:true, symbolDisabledColor:true, themeColor:true, todayIndicatorColor:true, shadowCapColor:true, borderCapColor:true, focusColor:true}; static var colorNames = {black:0, white:16777215, red:16711680, green:65280, blue:255, magenta:16711935, yellow:16776960, cyan:65535, haloGreen:8453965, haloBlue:2881013, haloOrange:16761344}; static var TextFormatStyleProps = {font:true, size:true, color:true, leftMargin:false, rightMargin:false, italic:true, bold:true, align:true, indent:true, underline:false, embedFonts:false}; static var TextStyleMap = {textAlign:true, fontWeight:true, color:true, fontFamily:true, textIndent:true, fontStyle:true, lineHeight:true, marginLeft:true, marginRight:true, fontSize:true, textDecoration:true, embedFonts:true}; }
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class mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration { var _tf; function CSSStyleDeclaration () { } function __getTextFormat(tf, bAll) { var _local5 = false; if (_tf != undefined) { var _local2; for (_local2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) { if (bAll || (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[_local2])) { if (tf[_local2] == undefined) { var _local3 = _tf[_local2]; if (_local3 != undefined) { tf[_local2] = _local3; } else { _local5 = true; } } } } } else { _local5 = true; } return(_local5); } function getStyle(styleProp) { var _local2 = this[styleProp]; var _local3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(_local2); return(((_local3 == undefined) ? (_local2) : (_local3))); } static function classConstruct() { mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true); return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; }
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class mx.controls.SimpleButton extends mx.core.UIComponent { static var emphasizedStyleDeclaration; var preset, boundingBox_mc, useHandCursor, skinName, linkLength, iconName, destroyObject, __width, _width, __height, _height, __emphaticStyleName, styleName, enabled, invalidate, pressFocus, dispatchEvent, autoRepeat, interval, getStyle, releaseFocus, createLabel, invalidateStyle; function SimpleButton () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); if (preset == undefined) { boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } useHandCursor = false; } function createChildren(Void) { if (preset != undefined) { var _local2 = this[idNames[preset]]; this[refNames[preset]] = _local2; skinName = _local2; if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } initializing = false; } else if (__state == true) { setStateVar(true); } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } } } function setIcon(tag, linkageName) { return(setSkin(tag + 8, linkageName)); } function changeIcon(tag, linkageName) { linkLength = linkageName.length; var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Icon"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag + 8]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function changeSkin(tag, linkageName) { var _local2 = stateNames[tag] + "Skin"; this[_local2] = linkageName; this[idNames[tag]] = _local2; setStateVar(getState()); } function viewIcon(varName) { var _local4 = varName + "Icon"; var _local3 = this[_local4]; if (typeof(_local3) == "string") { var _local5 = _local3; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local3 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local3 = _local3 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local3].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local3 = setIcon(tagMap[_local5], this[_local3]); if ((_local3 == undefined) && (_global.isLivePreview)) { _local3 = setIcon(0, "ButtonIcon"); } this[_local4] = _local3; } iconName._visible = false; iconName = _local3; iconName._visible = true; } function removeIcons() { var _local3 = 0; while (_local3 < 2) { var _local2 = 8; while (_local2 < 16) { destroyObject(idNames[_local2]); this[stateNames[_local2 - 8] + "Icon"] = ""; _local2++; } _local3++; } refresh(); } function setSkin(tag, linkageName, initobj) { var _local3 = super.setSkin(tag, linkageName, ((initobj != undefined) ? (initobj) : ({styleName:this}))); calcSize(tag, _local3); return(_local3); } function calcSize(Void) { __width = _width; __height = _height; } function viewSkin(varName, initObj) { var _local3 = varName + "Skin"; var _local2 = this[_local3]; if (typeof(_local2) == "string") { var _local4 = _local2; if (__emphasized) { if (this[_local2 + "Emphasized"].length > 0) { _local2 = _local2 + "Emphasized"; } } if (this[_local2].length == 0) { return(undefined); } _local2 = setSkin(tagMap[_local4], this[_local2], ((initObj != undefined) ? (initObj) : ({styleName:this}))); this[_local3] = _local2; } skinName._visible = false; skinName = _local2; skinName._visible = true; } function showEmphasized(e) { if (e && (!__emphatic)) { if (emphasizedStyleDeclaration != undefined) { __emphaticStyleName = styleName; styleName = emphasizedStyleDeclaration; } __emphatic = true; } else { if (__emphatic) { styleName = __emphaticStyleName; } __emphatic = false; } } function refresh(Void) { var _local2 = getState(); if (enabled == false) { viewIcon("disabled"); viewSkin("disabled"); } else { viewSkin(phase); viewIcon(phase); } setView(phase == "down"); iconName.enabled = enabled; } function setView(offset) { if (iconName == undefined) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = (offset ? (btnOffset) : 0); iconName._x = ((__width - iconName._width) / 2) + _local2; iconName._y = ((__height - iconName._height) / 2) + _local2; } function setStateVar(state) { if (state) { if (trueOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = tus; } else { rolloverSkin = trs; } if (trueOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = tui; } else { rolloverIcon = tri; } upSkin = tus; downSkin = tds; disabledSkin = dts; upIcon = tui; downIcon = tdi; disabledIcon = dti; } else { if (falseOverSkin.length == 0) { rolloverSkin = fus; } else { rolloverSkin = frs; } if (falseOverIcon.length == 0) { rolloverIcon = fui; } else { rolloverIcon = fri; } upSkin = fus; downSkin = fds; disabledSkin = dfs; upIcon = fui; downIcon = fdi; disabledIcon = dfi; } __state = state; } function setState(state) { if (state != __state) { setStateVar(state); invalidate(); } } function size(Void) { refresh(); } function draw(Void) { if (initializing) { initializing = false; skinName.visible = true; iconName.visible = true; } size(); } function getState(Void) { return(__state); } function setToggle(val) { __toggle = val; if (__toggle == false) { setState(false); } } function getToggle(Void) { return(__toggle); } function set toggle(val) { setToggle(val); //return(toggle); } function get toggle() { return(getToggle()); } function set value(val) { setSelected(val); //return(value); } function get value() { return(getSelected()); } function set selected(val) { setSelected(val); //return(selected); } function get selected() { return(getSelected()); } function setSelected(val) { if (__toggle) { setState(val); } else { setState((initializing ? (val) : (__state))); } } function getSelected() { return(__state); } function setEnabled(val) { if (enabled != val) { super.setEnabled(val); invalidate(); } } function onPress(Void) { pressFocus(); phase = "down"; refresh(); dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); if (autoRepeat) { interval = setInterval(this, "onPressDelay", getStyle("repeatDelay")); } } function onPressDelay(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); if (autoRepeat) { clearInterval(interval); interval = setInterval(this, "onPressRepeat", getStyle("repeatInterval")); } } function onPressRepeat(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDown"}); updateAfterEvent(); } function onRelease(Void) { releaseFocus(); phase = "rollover"; if (interval != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete interval; } if (getToggle()) { setState(!getState()); } else { refresh(); } dispatchEvent({type:"click"}); } function onDragOut(Void) { phase = "up"; refresh(); dispatchEvent({type:"buttonDragOut"}); } function onDragOver(Void) { if (phase != "up") { onPress(); return(undefined); } phase = "down"; refresh(); } function onReleaseOutside(Void) { releaseFocus(); phase = "up"; if (interval != undefined) { clearInterval(interval); delete interval; } } function onRollOver(Void) { phase = "rollover"; refresh(); } function onRollOut(Void) { phase = "up"; refresh(); } function getLabel(Void) { return(fui.text); } function setLabel(val) { if (typeof(fui) == "string") { createLabel("fui", 8, val); fui.styleName = this; } else { fui.text = val; } var _local4 = fui._getTextFormat(); var _local2 = _local4.getTextExtent2(val); fui._width = _local2.width + 5; fui._height = _local2.height + 5; iconName = fui; setView(__state); } function get emphasized() { return(__emphasized); } function set emphasized(val) { __emphasized = val; var _local2 = 0; while (_local2 < 8) { this[idNames[_local2]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Skin"; if (typeof(this[idNames[_local2 + 8]]) == "movieclip") { this[idNames[_local2 + 8]] = stateNames[_local2] + "Icon"; } _local2++; } showEmphasized(__emphasized); setStateVar(__state); invalidateStyle(); //return(emphasized); } function keyDown(e) { if (e.code == 32) { onPress(); } } function keyUp(e) { if (e.code == 32) { onRelease(); } } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { super.onKillFocus(); if (phase != "up") { phase = "up"; refresh(); } } static var symbolName = "SimpleButton"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.SimpleButton; static var version = ""; var className = "SimpleButton"; var style3dInset = 4; var btnOffset = 1; var __toggle = false; var __state = false; var __emphasized = false; var __emphatic = false; static var falseUp = 0; static var falseDown = 1; static var falseOver = 2; static var falseDisabled = 3; static var trueUp = 4; static var trueDown = 5; static var trueOver = 6; static var trueDisabled = 7; var falseUpSkin = "SimpleButtonUp"; var falseDownSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var falseOverSkin = ""; var falseDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonUp"; var trueUpSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var trueDownSkin = ""; var trueOverSkin = ""; var trueDisabledSkin = "SimpleButtonIn"; var falseUpIcon = ""; var falseDownIcon = ""; var falseOverIcon = ""; var falseDisabledIcon = ""; var trueUpIcon = ""; var trueDownIcon = ""; var trueOverIcon = ""; var trueDisabledIcon = ""; var phase = "up"; var fui = "falseUpIcon"; var fus = "falseUpSkin"; var fdi = "falseDownIcon"; var fds = "falseDownSkin"; var frs = "falseOverSkin"; var fri = "falseOverIcon"; var dfi = "falseDisabledIcon"; var dfs = "falseDisabledSkin"; var tui = "trueUpIcon"; var tus = "trueUpSkin"; var tdi = "trueDownIcon"; var tds = "trueDownSkin"; var trs = "trueOverSkin"; var tri = "trueOverIcon"; var dts = "trueDisabledSkin"; var dti = "trueDisabledIcon"; var rolloverSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.frs; var rolloverIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fri; var upSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fus; var downSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fds; var disabledSkin = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfs; var upIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fui; var downIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.fdi; var disabledIcon = mx.controls.SimpleButton.prototype.dfi; var initializing = true; var idNames = ["fus", "fds", "frs", "dfs", "tus", "tds", "trs", "dts", "fui", "fdi", "fri", "dfi", "tui", "tdi", "tri", "dti"]; var stateNames = ["falseUp", "falseDown", "falseOver", "falseDisabled", "trueUp", "trueDown", "trueOver", "trueDisabled"]; var refNames = ["upSkin", "downSkin", "rolloverSkin", "disabledSkin"]; var tagMap = {falseUpSkin:0, falseDownSkin:1, falseOverSkin:2, falseDisabledSkin:3, trueUpSkin:4, trueDownSkin:5, trueOverSkin:6, trueDisabledSkin:7, falseUpIcon:0, falseDownIcon:1, falseOverIcon:2, falseDisabledIcon:3, trueUpIcon:4, trueDownIcon:5, trueOverIcon:6, trueDisabledIcon:7}; }
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class mx.skins.Border extends mx.core.UIObject { function Border () { super(); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } static var symbolName = "Border"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.Border; var className = "Border"; var tagBorder = 0; var idNames = new Array("border_mc"); }
Symbol 60 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.RectBorder extends mx.skins.Border { var __width, __height, offset, __borderMetrics; function RectBorder () { super(); } function get width() { return(__width); } function get height() { return(__height); } function init(Void) { super.init(); } function draw(Void) { size(); } function getBorderMetrics(Void) { var _local2 = offset; if (__borderMetrics == undefined) { __borderMetrics = {left:_local2, top:_local2, right:_local2, bottom:_local2}; } else { __borderMetrics.left = _local2; = _local2; __borderMetrics.right = _local2; __borderMetrics.bottom = _local2; } return(__borderMetrics); } function get borderMetrics() { return(getBorderMetrics()); } function drawBorder(Void) { } function size(Void) { drawBorder(); } function setColor(Void) { drawBorder(); } static var symbolName = "RectBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.RectBorder; static var version = ""; var className = "RectBorder"; var borderStyleName = "borderStyle"; var borderColorName = "borderColor"; var shadowColorName = "shadowColor"; var highlightColorName = "highlightColor"; var buttonColorName = "buttonColor"; var backgroundColorName = "backgroundColor"; }
Symbol 61 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.controls.TextInput extends mx.core.UIComponent { var owner, enterListener, label, tabChildren, tabEnabled, focusTextField, _color, _parent, border_mc, createClassObject, dispatchValueChangedEvent, __get__width, __get__height, tfx, tfy, tfw, tfh, getStyle, bind, updateModel, _getTextFormat, enabled; function TextInput () { super(); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { if (event == "enter") { addEnterEvents(); } super.addEventListener(event, handler); } function enterOnKeyDown() { if (Key.getAscii() == 13) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"enter"}); } } function addEnterEvents() { if (enterListener == undefined) { enterListener = new Object(); enterListener.owner = this; enterListener.onKeyDown = enterOnKeyDown; } } function init(Void) { super.init(); label.styleName = this; tabChildren = true; tabEnabled = false; focusTextField = label; _color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList; label.onSetFocus = function () { this._parent.onSetFocus(); }; label.onKillFocus = function (n) { this._parent.onKillFocus(n); }; label.drawFocus = function (b) { this._parent.drawFocus(b); }; label.onChanged = onLabelChanged; } function setFocus() { Selection.setFocus(label); } function onLabelChanged(Void) { _parent.dispatchEvent({type:"change"}); _parent.dispatchValueChangedEvent(text); } function createChildren(Void) { super.createChildren(); if (border_mc == undefined) { createClassObject(_global.styles.rectBorderClass, "border_mc", 0, {styleName:this}); } border_mc.swapDepths(label); label.autoSize = "none"; } function get html() { return(getHtml()); } function set html(value) { setHtml(value); //return(html); } function getHtml() { return(label.html); } function setHtml(value) { if (value != label.html) { label.html = value; } } function get text() { return(getText()); } function set text(t) { setText(t); //return(text); } function getText() { if (initializing) { return(initText); } if (label.html == true) { return(label.htmlText); } return(label.text); } function setText(t) { if (initializing) { initText = t; } else { var _local2 = label; if (_local2.html == true) { _local2.htmlText = t; } else { _local2.text = t; } } dispatchValueChangedEvent(t); } function size(Void) { border_mc.setSize(__get__width(), __get__height()); var _local2 = border_mc.__get__borderMetrics(); var _local6 = _local2.left + _local2.right; var _local3 = + _local2.bottom; var _local5 = _local2.left; var _local4 =; tfx = _local5; tfy = _local4; tfw = __get__width() - _local6; tfh = __get__height() - _local3; label.move(tfx, tfy); label.setSize(tfw, tfh + 1); } function setEnabled(enable) { label.type = (((__editable == true) || (enable == false)) ? "input" : "dynamic"); label.selectable = enable; var _local2 = getStyle((enable ? "color" : "disabledColor")); if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = (enable ? 0 : 8947848); } setColor(_local2); } function setColor(col) { label.textColor = col; } function onKillFocus(newFocus) { if (enterListener != undefined) { Key.removeListener(enterListener); } if (bind != undefined) { updateModel(text); } super.onKillFocus(newFocus); } function onSetFocus(oldFocus) { var f = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval (f); if (o != label) { Selection.setFocus(label); return(undefined); } if (enterListener != undefined) { Key.addListener(enterListener); } super.onSetFocus(oldFocus); } function draw(Void) { var _local2 = label; var _local4 = getText(); if (initializing) { initializing = false; delete initText; } var _local3 = _getTextFormat(); _local2.embedFonts = _local3.embedFonts == true; if (_local3 != undefined) { _local2.setTextFormat(_local3); _local2.setNewTextFormat(_local3); } _local2.multiline = false; _local2.wordWrap = false; if (_local2.html == true) { _local2.setTextFormat(_local3); _local2.htmlText = _local4; } else { _local2.text = _local4; } _local2.type = (((__editable == true) || (enabled == false)) ? "input" : "dynamic"); size(); } function setEditable(s) { __editable = s; label.type = (s ? "input" : "dynamic"); } function get maxChars() { return(label.maxChars); } function set maxChars(w) { label.maxChars = w; //return(maxChars); } function get length() { return(label.length); } function get restrict() { return(label.restrict); } function set restrict(w) { label.restrict = ((w == "") ? null : (w)); //return(restrict); } function get hPosition() { return(label.hscroll); } function set hPosition(w) { label.hscroll = w; //return(hPosition); } function get maxHPosition() { return(label.maxhscroll); } function get editable() { return(__editable); } function set editable(w) { setEditable(w); //return(editable); } function get password() { return(label.password); } function set password(w) { label.password = w; //return(password); } function get tabIndex() { return(label.tabIndex); } function set tabIndex(w) { label.tabIndex = w; //return(tabIndex); } function set _accProps(val) { label._accProps = val; //return(_accProps); } function get _accProps() { return(label._accProps); } static var symbolName = "TextInput"; static var symbolOwner = mx.controls.TextInput; static var version = ""; var className = "TextInput"; var initializing = true; var clipParameters = {text:1, editable:1, password:1, maxChars:1, restrict:1}; static var mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.controls.TextInput.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters); var _maxWidth = mx.core.UIComponent.kStretch; var __editable = true; var initText = ""; }
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class { function EventDispatcher () { } static function _removeEventListener(queue, event, handler) { if (queue != undefined) { var _local4 = queue.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local4) { var _local2 = queue[_local1]; if (_local2 == handler) { queue.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } } static function initialize(object) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } object.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; object.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; object.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; object.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchQueue(queueObj, eventObj) { var _local7 = "__q_" + eventObj.type; var _local4 = queueObj[_local7]; if (_local4 != undefined) { var _local5; for (_local5 in _local4) { var _local1 = _local4[_local5]; var _local3 = typeof(_local1); if ((_local3 == "object") || (_local3 == "movieclip")) { if (_local1.handleEvent != undefined) { _local1.handleEvent(eventObj); } if (_local1[eventObj.type] != undefined) { if (exceptions[eventObj.type] == undefined) { _local1[eventObj.type](eventObj); } } } else { _local1.apply(queueObj, [eventObj]); } } } } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function addEventListener(event, handler) { var _local3 = "__q_" + event; if (this[_local3] == undefined) { this[_local3] = new Array(); } _global.ASSetPropFlags(this, _local3, 1); _removeEventListener(this[_local3], event, handler); this[_local3].push(handler); } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local2 = "__q_" + event; _removeEventListener(this[_local2], event, handler); } static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; static var exceptions = {move:1, draw:1, load:1}; }
Symbol 63 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.SystemManager { static var _xAddEventListener, addEventListener, __addEventListener, _xRemoveEventListener, removeEventListener, __removeEventListener, form, __screen, dispatchEvent; function SystemManager () { } static function init(Void) { if (_initialized == false) { _initialized = true;; Mouse.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); Stage.addListener(mx.managers.SystemManager); _xAddEventListener = addEventListener; addEventListener = __addEventListener; _xRemoveEventListener = removeEventListener; removeEventListener = __removeEventListener; } } static function addFocusManager(f) { form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); } static function removeFocusManager(f) { } static function onMouseDown(Void) { var _local1 = form; _local1.focusManager._onMouseDown(); } static function onResize(Void) { var _local7 = Stage.width; var _local6 = Stage.height; var _local9 = _global.origWidth; var _local8 = _global.origHeight; var _local3 = Stage.align; var _local5 = (_local9 - _local7) / 2; var _local4 = (_local8 - _local6) / 2; if (_local3 == "T") { _local4 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "B") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; } else if (_local3 == "L") { _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "R") { _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } else if (_local3 == "LT") { _local4 = 0; _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "TR") { _local4 = 0; _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } else if (_local3 == "LB") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; _local5 = 0; } else if (_local3 == "RB") { _local4 = _local8 - _local6; _local5 = _local9 - _local7; } if (__screen == undefined) { __screen = new Object(); } __screen.x = _local5; __screen.y = _local4; __screen.width = _local7; __screen.height = _local6; _root.focusManager.relocate(); dispatchEvent({type:"resize"}); } static function get screen() { init(); if (__screen == undefined) { onResize(); } return(__screen); } static var _initialized = false; static var idleFrames = 0; static var isMouseDown = false; static var forms = new Array(); }
Symbol 64 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class extends { var dispatchQueue, owner, __sentLoadEvent, __origAddEventListener; function UIEventDispatcher () { super(); } static function addKeyEvents(obj) { if (obj.keyHandler == undefined) { var _local1 = (obj.keyHandler = new Object()); _local1.owner = obj; _local1.onKeyDown = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyDown; _local1.onKeyUp = _fEventDispatcher.onKeyUp; } Key.addListener(obj.keyHandler); } static function removeKeyEvents(obj) { Key.removeListener(obj.keyHandler); } static function addLoadEvents(obj) { if (obj.onLoad == undefined) { obj.onLoad = _fEventDispatcher.onLoad; obj.onUnload = _fEventDispatcher.onUnload; if (obj.getBytesTotal() == obj.getBytesLoaded()) { obj.doLater(obj, "onLoad"); } } } static function removeLoadEvents(obj) { delete obj.onLoad; delete obj.onUnload; } static function initialize(obj) { if (_fEventDispatcher == undefined) { _fEventDispatcher = new; } obj.addEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.__addEventListener; obj.__origAddEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.addEventListener; obj.removeEventListener = _fEventDispatcher.removeEventListener; obj.dispatchEvent = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchEvent; obj.dispatchQueue = _fEventDispatcher.dispatchQueue; } function dispatchEvent(eventObj) { if ( == undefined) { = this; } this[eventObj.type + "Handler"](eventObj); dispatchQueue(, eventObj); dispatchQueue(this, eventObj); } function onKeyDown(Void) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyDown", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)}); } function onKeyUp(Void) { owner.dispatchEvent({type:"keyUp", code:Key.getCode(), ascii:Key.getAscii(), shiftKey:Key.isDown(16), ctrlKey:Key.isDown(17)}); } function onLoad(Void) { if (__sentLoadEvent != true) { dispatchEvent({type:"load"}); } __sentLoadEvent = true; } function onUnload(Void) { dispatchEvent({type:"unload"}); } function __addEventListener(event, handler) { __origAddEventListener(event, handler); var _local3 = lowLevelEvents; for (var _local5 in _local3) { if ([_local5][event] != undefined) { var _local2 = _local3[_local5][0];[_local2](this); } } } function removeEventListener(event, handler) { var _local6 = "__q_" + event;[_local6], event, handler); if (this[_local6].length == 0) { var _local2 = lowLevelEvents; for (var _local5 in _local2) { if ([_local5][event] != undefined) { var _local3 = _local2[_local5][1];[_local2[_local5][1]](this); } } } } static var keyEvents = {keyDown:1, keyUp:1}; static var loadEvents = {load:1, unload:1}; static var lowLevelEvents = {keyEvents:["addKeyEvents", "removeKeyEvents"], loadEvents:["addLoadEvents", "removeLoadEvents"]}; static var _fEventDispatcher = undefined; }
Symbol 65 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement { var getStyle, _color, onEnterFrame; function ColoredSkinElement () { } function setColor(c) { if (c != undefined) { var _local2 = new Color(this); _local2.setRGB(c); } } function draw(Void) { setColor(getStyle(_color)); onEnterFrame = undefined; } function invalidateStyle(Void) { onEnterFrame = draw; } static function setColorStyle(p, colorStyle) { if (p._color == undefined) { p._color = colorStyle; } p.setColor = mixins.setColor; p.invalidateStyle = mixins.invalidateStyle; p.draw = mixins.draw; p.setColor(p.getStyle(colorStyle)); } static var mixins = new mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement(); }
Symbol 66 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions { function UIObjectExtensions () { } static function addGeometry(tf, ui) { tf.addProperty("width", ui.__get__width, null); tf.addProperty("height", ui.__get__height, null); tf.addProperty("left", ui.__get__left, null); tf.addProperty("x", ui.__get__x, null); tf.addProperty("top", ui.__get__top, null); tf.addProperty("y", ui.__get__y, null); tf.addProperty("right", ui.__get__right, null); tf.addProperty("bottom", ui.__get__bottom, null); tf.addProperty("visible", ui.__get__visible, ui.__set__visible); } static function Extensions() { if (bExtended == true) { return(true); } bExtended = true; var _local6 = mx.core.UIObject.prototype; var _local9 = mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype; addGeometry(_local9, _local6);; var _local13 = mx.skins.ColoredSkinElement; mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(_local6); var _local5 = MovieClip.prototype; _local5.getTopLevel = _local6.getTopLevel; _local5.createLabel = _local6.createLabel; _local5.createObject = _local6.createObject; _local5.createClassObject = _local6.createClassObject; _local5.createEmptyObject = _local6.createEmptyObject; _local5.destroyObject = _local6.destroyObject; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getTopLevel", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createLabel", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createObject", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createClassObject", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "createEmptyObject", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "destroyObject", 1); _local5.__getTextFormat = _local6.__getTextFormat; _local5._getTextFormat = _local6._getTextFormat; _local5.getStyleName = _local6.getStyleName; _local5.getStyle = _local6.getStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "__getTextFormat", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "_getTextFormat", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getStyleName", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local5, "getStyle", 1); var _local7 = TextField.prototype; addGeometry(_local7, _local6); _local7.addProperty("enabled", function () { return(this.__enabled); }, function (x) { this.__enabled = x; this.invalidateStyle(); }); _local7.move = _local9.move; _local7.setSize = _local9.setSize; _local7.invalidateStyle = function () { this.invalidateFlag = true; }; _local7.draw = function () { if (this.invalidateFlag) { this.invalidateFlag = false; var _local2 = this._getTextFormat(); this.setTextFormat(_local2); this.setNewTextFormat(_local2); this.embedFonts = _local2.embedFonts == true; if (this.__text != undefined) { if (this.text == "") { this.text = this.__text; } delete this.__text; } this._visible = true; } }; _local7.setColor = function (color) { this.textColor = color; }; _local7.getStyle = _local5.getStyle; _local7.__getTextFormat = _local6.__getTextFormat; _local7.setValue = function (v) { this.text = v; }; _local7.getValue = function () { return(this.text); }; _local7.addProperty("value", function () { return(this.getValue()); }, function (v) { this.setValue(v); }); _local7._getTextFormat = function () { var _local2 =; if (_local2 != undefined) { return(_local2); } _local2 = new TextFormat(); this.__getTextFormat(_local2); = _local2; if (this.__enabled == false) { if (this.enabledColor == undefined) { var _local4 = this.getTextFormat(); this.enabledColor = _local4.color; } var _local3 = this.getStyle("disabledColor"); _local2.color = _local3; } else if (this.enabledColor != undefined) { if (_local2.color == undefined) { _local2.color = this.enabledColor; } } return(_local2); }; _local7.getPreferredWidth = function () { this.draw(); return(this.textWidth + 4); }; _local7.getPreferredHeight = function () { this.draw(); return(this.textHeight + 4); }; TextFormat.prototype.getTextExtent2 = function (s) { var _local3 = _root._getTextExtent; if (_local3 == undefined) { _root.createTextField("_getTextExtent", -2, 0, 0, 1000, 100); _local3 = _root._getTextExtent; _local3._visible = false; } _root._getTextExtent.text = s; var _local4 = this.align; this.align = "left"; _root._getTextExtent.setTextFormat(this); this.align = _local4; return({width:_local3.textWidth, height:_local3.textHeight}); }; if ( == undefined) { = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration(); _global.cascadingStyles = true; _global.styles = new Object(); _global.skinRegistry = new Object(); if (_global._origWidth == undefined) { _global.origWidth = Stage.width; _global.origHeight = Stage.height; } } var _local4 = _root; while (_local4._parent != undefined) { _local4 = _local4._parent; } _local4.addProperty("width", function () { return(Stage.width); }, null); _local4.addProperty("height", function () { return(Stage.height); }, null); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "width", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local4, "height", 1); return(true); } static var bExtended = false; static var UIObjectExtended = Extensions(); static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; static var SkinElementDependency = mx.skins.SkinElement; static var CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles; static var UIEventDispatcherDependency =; }
Symbol 67 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.Defaults { var beginGradientFill, beginFill, moveTo, lineTo, curveTo, endFill; function Defaults () { } static function setThemeDefaults() { var _local2 =; _local2.themeColor = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */; _local2.disabledColor = 8684164 /* 0x848284 */; _local2.modalTransparency = 0; _local2.filled = true; _local2.stroked = true; _local2.strokeWidth = 1; _local2.strokeColor = 0; _local2.fillColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.repeatInterval = 35; _local2.repeatDelay = 500; _local2.fontFamily = "_sans"; _local2.fontSize = 12; _local2.selectionColor = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local2.rollOverColor = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local2.useRollOver = true; _local2.backgroundDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; _local2.selectionDisabledColor = 14540253 /* 0xDDDDDD */; _local2.selectionDuration = 200; _local2.openDuration = 250; _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2.color = 734012 /* 0x0B333C */; _local2.textSelectedColor = 24371; _local2.textRollOverColor = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local2.textDisabledColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.vGridLines = true; _local2.hGridLines = false; _local2.vGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2.hGridLineColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2.headerColor = 15395562 /* 0xEAEAEA */; _local2.indentation = 17; _local2.folderOpenIcon = "TreeFolderOpen"; _local2.folderClosedIcon = "TreeFolderClosed"; _local2.defaultLeafIcon = "TreeNodeIcon"; _local2.disclosureOpenIcon = "TreeDisclosureOpen"; _local2.disclosureClosedIcon = "TreeDisclosureClosed"; _local2.popupDuration = 150; _local2.todayColor = 6710886 /* 0x666666 */; _local2 = (_global.styles.ScrollSelectList = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local2.borderColor = 13290186 /* 0xCACACA */; _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2 = (_global.styles.ComboBox = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.borderStyle = "inset"; _local2 = (_global.styles.NumericStepper = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.textAlign = "center"; _local2 = (_global.styles.RectBorder = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local2.borderColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */; _local2.buttonColor = 7305079 /* 0x6F7777 */; _local2.shadowColor = 15658734 /* 0xEEEEEE */; _local2.highlightColor = 12897484 /* 0xC4CCCC */; _local2.shadowCapColor = 14015965 /* 0xD5DDDD */; _local2.borderCapColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */; var _local4 = new Object(); _local4.borderColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.buttonColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.shadowColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.highlightColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.shadowCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; _local4.borderCapColor = 16711680 /* 0xFF0000 */; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.origBorderStyles = _local4; var _local3; _local3 = (_global.styles.TextInput = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3.borderStyle = "inset"; _global.styles.TextArea = _global.styles.TextInput; _local3 = (_global.styles.Window = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "default"; _local3 = (_global.styles.windowStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.dataGridStyles = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.Alert = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "alert"; _local3 = (_global.styles.ScrollView = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "inset"; _local3 = (_global.styles.View = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "none"; _local3 = (_global.styles.ProgressBar = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.color = 11187123 /* 0xAAB3B3 */; _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3 = (_global.styles.AccordionHeader = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.fontSize = "11"; _local3 = (_global.styles.Accordion = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderStyle = "solid"; _local3.backgroundColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3.borderColor = 9081738 /* 0x8A938A */; _local3.headerHeight = 22; _local3.marginLeft = (_local3.marginRight = (_local3.marginTop = (_local3.marginBottom = -1))); _local3.verticalGap = -1; _local3 = (_global.styles.DateChooser = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.borderColor = 9542041 /* 0x919999 */; _local3.headerColor = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3 = (_global.styles.CalendarLayout = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontSize = 10; _local3.textAlign = "right"; _local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local3 = (_global.styles.WeekDayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.fontSize = 11; _local3.textAlign = "center"; _local3.color = 2831164 /* 0x2B333C */; _local3 = (_global.styles.TodayStyle = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.color = 16777215 /* 0xFFFFFF */; _local3 = (_global.styles.HeaderDateText = new mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration()); _local3.fontSize = 12; _local3.fontWeight = "bold"; _local3.textAlign = "center"; } function drawRoundRect(x, y, w, h, r, c, alpha, rot, gradient, ratios) { if (typeof(r) == "object") { var _local18 =; var _local16 =; var _local15 =; var _local10 =; } else { var _local10 = r; var _local15 = _local10; var _local16 = _local15; var _local18 = _local16; } if (typeof(c) == "object") { if (typeof(alpha) != "object") { var _local9 = [alpha, alpha]; } else { var _local9 = alpha; } if (ratios == undefined) { ratios = [0, 255]; } var _local14 = h * 0.7; if (typeof(rot) != "object") { var _local11 = {matrixType:"box", x:-_local14, y:_local14, w:w * 2, h:h * 4, r:rot * 0.0174532925199433 /* Math.PI/180 */}; } else { var _local11 = rot; } if (gradient == "radial") { beginGradientFill("radial", c, _local9, ratios, _local11); } else { beginGradientFill("linear", c, _local9, ratios, _local11); } } else if (c != undefined) { beginFill(c, alpha); } r = _local18; var _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); var _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); moveTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); curveTo(x + w, (y + h) - _local12, (x + w) - _local13, (y + h) - _local13); curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y + h, (x + w) - r, y + h); r = _local16; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo(x + r, y + h); curveTo(x + _local12, y + h, x + _local13, (y + h) - _local13); curveTo(x, (y + h) - _local12, x, (y + h) - r); r = _local15; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo(x, y + r); curveTo(x, y + _local12, x + _local13, y + _local13); curveTo(x + _local12, y, x + r, y); r = _local10; _local13 = r - (r * 0.707106781186547); _local12 = r - (r * 0.414213562373095); lineTo((x + w) - r, y); curveTo((x + w) - _local12, y, (x + w) - _local13, y + _local13); curveTo(x + w, y + _local12, x + w, y + r); lineTo(x + w, (y + h) - r); if (c != undefined) { endFill(); } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); setThemeDefaults(); mx.core.UIObject.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; static var UIObjectDependency = mx.core.UIObject; }
Symbol 68 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.DepthManager { var _childCounter, createClassObject, createObject, _parent, swapDepths, _topmost, getDepth; function DepthManager () { MovieClip.prototype.createClassChildAtDepth = createClassChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.createChildAtDepth = createChildAtDepth; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthTo = setDepthTo; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthAbove = setDepthAbove; MovieClip.prototype.setDepthBelow = setDepthBelow; MovieClip.prototype.findNextAvailableDepth = findNextAvailableDepth; MovieClip.prototype.shuffleDepths = shuffleDepths; MovieClip.prototype.getDepthByFlag = getDepthByFlag; MovieClip.prototype.buildDepthTable = buildDepthTable; _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "createClassChildAtDepth", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "createChildAtDepth", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthTo", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthAbove", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "setDepthBelow", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "findNextAvailableDepth", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "shuffleDepths", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "getDepthByFlag", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(MovieClip.prototype, "buildDepthTable", 1); } static function sortFunction(a, b) { if (a.getDepth() > b.getDepth()) { return(1); } return(-1); } static function test(depth) { if (depth == reservedDepth) { return(false); } return(true); } static function createClassObjectAtDepth(className, depthSpace, initObj) { var _local1; switch (depthSpace) { case kCursor : _local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTopmost, initObj); break; case kTooltip : _local1 = holder.createClassChildAtDepth(className, kTop, initObj); break; } return(_local1); } static function createObjectAtDepth(linkageName, depthSpace, initObj) { var _local1; switch (depthSpace) { case kCursor : _local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTopmost, initObj); break; case kTooltip : _local1 = holder.createChildAtDepth(linkageName, kTop, initObj); break; } return(_local1); } function createClassChildAtDepth(className, depthFlag, initObj) { if (_childCounter == undefined) { _childCounter = 0; } var _local3 = buildDepthTable(); var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3); var _local6 = "down"; if (depthFlag == kBottom) { _local6 = "up"; } var _local5; if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _local5 = _local2; _local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6); } var _local4 = createClassObject(className, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj); if (_local5 != undefined) { _local3[_local2] = _local4; shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _local4._topmost = true; } return(_local4); } function createChildAtDepth(linkageName, depthFlag, initObj) { if (_childCounter == undefined) { _childCounter = 0; } var _local3 = buildDepthTable(); var _local2 = getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local3); var _local6 = "down"; if (depthFlag == kBottom) { _local6 = "up"; } var _local5; if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _local5 = _local2; _local2 = findNextAvailableDepth(_local2, _local3, _local6); } var _local4 = createObject(linkageName, "depthChild" + (_childCounter++), _local2, initObj); if (_local5 != undefined) { _local3[_local2] = _local4; shuffleDepths(_local4, _local5, _local3, _local6); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _local4._topmost = true; } return(_local4); } function setDepthTo(depthFlag) { var _local2 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); var _local3 = _parent.getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, _local2); if (_local2[_local3] != undefined) { shuffleDepths(this, _local3, _local2, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local3); } if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { _topmost = true; } else { delete _topmost; } } function setDepthAbove(targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) { return(undefined); } var _local2 = targetInstance.getDepth() + 1; var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); if ((_local3[_local2] != undefined) && (getDepth() < _local2)) { _local2 = _local2 - 1; } if (_local2 > highestDepth) { _local2 = highestDepth; } if (_local2 == highestDepth) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, "down"); } else if (_local3[_local2] != undefined) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local2, _local3, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local2); } } function setDepthBelow(targetInstance) { if (targetInstance._parent != _parent) { return(undefined); } var _local6 = targetInstance.getDepth() - 1; var _local3 = _parent.buildDepthTable(); if ((_local3[_local6] != undefined) && (getDepth() > _local6)) { _local6 = _local6 + 1; } var _local4 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var _local5; for (_local5 in _local3) { var _local2 = _local3[_local5]; if (_local2._parent != undefined) { _local4 = Math.min(_local4, _local2.getDepth()); } } if (_local6 < _local4) { _local6 = _local4; } if (_local6 == _local4) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, "up"); } else if (_local3[_local6] != undefined) { _parent.shuffleDepths(this, _local6, _local3, undefined); } else { swapDepths(_local6); } } function findNextAvailableDepth(targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var _local5 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; if (targetDepth < _local5) { targetDepth = _local5; } if (depthTable[targetDepth] == undefined) { return(targetDepth); } var _local2 = targetDepth; var _local1 = targetDepth; if (direction == "down") { while (depthTable[_local1] != undefined) { _local1--; } return(_local1); } while (depthTable[_local2] != undefined) { _local2++; } return(_local2); } function shuffleDepths(subject, targetDepth, depthTable, direction) { var _local9 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; var _local8 = _local9; var _local5; for (_local5 in depthTable) { var _local7 = depthTable[_local5]; if (_local7._parent != undefined) { _local9 = Math.min(_local9, _local7.getDepth()); } } if (direction == undefined) { if (subject.getDepth() > targetDepth) { direction = "up"; } else { direction = "down"; } } var _local1 = new Array(); for (_local5 in depthTable) { var _local7 = depthTable[_local5]; if (_local7._parent != undefined) { _local1.push(_local7); } } _local1.sort(sortFunction); if (direction == "up") { var _local3; var _local11; do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local3 = _local1.pop(); } while (_local3 != subject); do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local11 = subject.getDepth(); _local3 = _local1.pop(); var _local4 = _local3.getDepth(); if (_local11 > (_local4 + 1)) { if (_local4 >= 0) { subject.swapDepths(_local4 + 1); } else if ((_local11 > _local8) && (_local4 < _local8)) { subject.swapDepths(_local8); } } subject.swapDepths(_local3); } while (_local4 != targetDepth); } else if (direction == "down") { var _local3; do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } _local3 = _local1.shift(); } while (_local3 != subject); do { if (_local1.length <= 0) { break; } var _local11 = _local3.getDepth(); _local3 = _local1.shift(); var _local4 = _local3.getDepth(); if ((_local11 < (_local4 - 1)) && (_local4 > 0)) { subject.swapDepths(_local4 - 1); } subject.swapDepths(_local3); } while (_local4 != targetDepth); } } function getDepthByFlag(depthFlag, depthTable) { var _local2 = 0; if ((depthFlag == kTop) || (depthFlag == kNotopmost)) { var _local5 = 0; var _local7 = false; var _local8; for (_local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { if (!_local9._topmost) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } else if (!_local7) { _local5 = _local9.getDepth(); _local7 = true; } else { _local5 = Math.min(_local5, _local9.getDepth()); } } } } _local2 = _local2 + 20; if (_local7) { if (_local2 >= _local5) { _local2 = _local5 - 1; } } } else if (depthFlag == kBottom) { for (var _local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { _local2 = Math.min(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } } } _local2 = _local2 - 20; } else if (depthFlag == kTopmost) { for (var _local8 in depthTable) { var _local9 = depthTable[_local8]; var _local3 = typeof(_local9); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local9.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local9.getDepth() <= highestDepth) { _local2 = Math.max(_local2, _local9.getDepth()); } } } _local2 = _local2 + 100; } if (_local2 >= highestDepth) { _local2 = highestDepth; } var _local6 = lowestDepth + numberOfAuthortimeLayers; for (var _local9 in depthTable) { var _local4 = depthTable[_local9]; if (_local4._parent != undefined) { _local6 = Math.min(_local6, _local4.getDepth()); } } if (_local2 <= _local6) { _local2 = _local6; } return(_local2); } function buildDepthTable(Void) { var _local5 = new Array(); var _local4; for (_local4 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local4]; var _local3 = typeof(_local2); if ((_local3 == "movieclip") || ((_local3 == "object") && (_local2.__getTextFormat != undefined))) { if (_local2._parent == this) { _local5[_local2.getDepth()] = _local2; } } } return(_local5); } static var reservedDepth = 1048575; static var highestDepth = 1048574; static var lowestDepth = -16383; static var numberOfAuthortimeLayers = 383; static var kCursor = 101; static var kTooltip = 102; static var kTop = 201; static var kBottom = 202; static var kTopmost = 203; static var kNotopmost = 204; static var holder = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("reserved", reservedDepth); static var __depthManager = new mx.managers.DepthManager(); }
Symbol 69 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.FocusManager extends mx.core.UIComponent { var __defaultPushButton, defPushButton, form, move, tabEnabled, _width, _height, _x, _y, _alpha, _parent, tabCapture, watch, lastMouse, _visible, lastFocus, doLater, lastSelFocus, cancelAllDoLaters, _searchKey, _lastTarget, _firstNode, _nextIsNext, _nextNode, _lastx, _prevNode, _needPrev, _foundList, _prevObj, _nextObj, _firstObj, _lastObj, _lastNode, lastTabFocus, findFocusFromObject; function FocusManager () { super(); } function get defaultPushButton() { return(__defaultPushButton); } function set defaultPushButton(x) { if (x != __defaultPushButton) { __defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(false); __defaultPushButton = x; defPushButton = x; x.__set__emphasized(true); } //return(defaultPushButton); } function getMaxTabIndex(o) { var _local3 = 0; var _local6; for (_local6 in o) { var _local2 = o[_local6]; if (_local2._parent == o) { if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (_local2.tabIndex > _local3) { _local3 = _local2.tabIndex; } } if (_local2.tabChildren == true) { var _local4 = getMaxTabIndex(_local2); if (_local4 > _local3) { _local3 = _local4; } } } } return(_local3); } function getNextTabIndex(Void) { return(getMaxTabIndex(form) + 1); } function get nextTabIndex() { return(getNextTabIndex()); } function relocate(Void) { var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.__get__screen(); move(_local2.x - 1, _local2.y - 1); } function init(Void) { super.init(); tabEnabled = false; _width = (_height = 1); _x = (_y = -1); _alpha = 0; _parent.focusManager = this; _parent.tabChildren = true; _parent.tabEnabled = false; form = _parent; _parent.addEventListener("hide", this); _parent.addEventListener("reveal", this); mx.managers.SystemManager.init(); mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager(form); tabCapture.tabIndex = 0; watch("enabled", enabledChanged); Selection.addListener(this); lastMouse = new Object(); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "focusManager", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "tabChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_parent, "tabEnabled", 1); } function enabledChanged(id, oldValue, newValue) { _visible = newValue; return(newValue); } function activate(Void) { Key.addListener(this); activated = (_visible = true); if (lastFocus != undefined) { bNeedFocus = true; if (!mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown) { doLater(this, "restoreFocus"); } } } function deactivate(Void) { Key.removeListener(this); activated = (_visible = false); var _local2 = getSelectionFocus(); var _local3 = getActualFocus(_local2); if (isOurFocus(_local3)) { lastSelFocus = _local2; lastFocus = _local3; } cancelAllDoLaters(); } function isOurFocus(o) { if (o.focusManager == this) { return(true); } while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return(false); } if (o._parent == _parent) { return(true); } o = o._parent; } return(false); } function onSetFocus(o, n) { if (n == null) { if (activated) { bNeedFocus = true; } } else { var _local2 = getFocus(); if (isOurFocus(_local2)) { bNeedFocus = false; lastFocus = _local2; lastSelFocus = n; } } } function restoreFocus(Void) { var _local2 = lastSelFocus.hscroll; if (_local2 != undefined) { var _local5 = lastSelFocus.scroll; var _local4 = lastSelFocus.background; } lastFocus.setFocus(); var _local3 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(_local3.lastBeginIndex, _local3.lastEndIndex); if (_local2 != undefined) { lastSelFocus.scroll = _local5; lastSelFocus.hscroll = _local2; lastSelFocus.background = _local4; } } function onUnload(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager(form); } function setFocus(o) { if (o == null) { Selection.setFocus(null); } else if (o.setFocus == undefined) { Selection.setFocus(o); } else { o.setFocus(); } } function getActualFocus(o) { var _local1 = o._parent; while (_local1 != undefined) { if (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) { while (_local1.focusTextField != undefined) { o = _local1; _local1 = _local1._parent; if (_local1 == undefined) { return(undefined); } if (_local1.focusTextField == undefined) { return(o); } } } if (_local1.tabEnabled != true) { return(o); } o = _local1; _local1 = o._parent; } return(undefined); } function getSelectionFocus() { var m = Selection.getFocus(); var o = eval (m); return(o); } function getFocus(Void) { var _local2 = getSelectionFocus(); return(getActualFocus(_local2)); } function walkTree(p, index, groupName, dir, lookup, firstChild) { var _local5 = true; var _local11; for (_local11 in p) { var _local2 = p[_local11]; if ((((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.enabled != false)) && (_local2._visible != false)) && ((_local2.tabEnabled == true) || ((_local2.tabEnabled != false) && ((((((((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) || (_local2.onReleaseOutside != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOut != undefined)) || (_local2.onDragOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOver != undefined)) || (_local2.onRollOut != undefined)) || (_local2 instanceof TextField))))) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_local2 != _lastTarget) { if (((_local2.groupName != undefined) || (groupName != undefined)) && (_local2.groupName == groupName)) { continue; } if ((_local2 instanceof TextField) && (_local2.selectable == false)) { continue; } if (_local5 || (((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _firstNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true))) { if (firstChild) { _firstNode = _local2; firstChild = false; } } if (_nextIsNext == true) { if ((((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _nextNode.groupName)) && (_local2.selected == true)) || ((_nextNode == undefined) && ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || ((_local2.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName != groupName))))) { _nextNode = _local2; } } if ((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (groupName != _local2.groupName)) { if (((_lastx.groupName != undefined) && (_local2.groupName == _lastx.groupName)) && (_lastx.selected == true)) { } else { _lastx = _local2; } } } else { _prevNode = _lastx; _needPrev = false; _nextIsNext = true; } if (_local2.tabIndex != undefined) { if (_local2.tabIndex == index) { if (_foundList[_local2._name] == undefined) { if (_needPrev) { _prevObj = _local2; _needPrev = false; } _nextObj = _local2; } } if (dir && (_local2.tabIndex > index)) { if (((_nextObj == undefined) || ((_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_nextObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _nextObj.groupName)))) || ((((_nextObj.groupName != undefined) && (_nextObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_nextObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_nextObj.tabIndex > _local2.tabIndex)))) { _nextObj = _local2; } } else if ((!dir) && (_local2.tabIndex < index)) { if (((_prevObj == undefined) || ((_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_prevObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _prevObj.groupName)))) || ((((_prevObj.groupName != undefined) && (_prevObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_prevObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_prevObj.tabIndex < _local2.tabIndex)))) { _prevObj = _local2; } } if (((_firstObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_firstObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _firstObj.groupName)))) || ((((_firstObj.groupName != undefined) && (_firstObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_firstObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex < _firstObj.tabIndex)))) { _firstObj = _local2; } if (((_lastObj == undefined) || ((_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex) && (((_local2.groupName == undefined) || (_lastObj.groupName == undefined)) || (_local2.groupName != _lastObj.groupName)))) || ((((_lastObj.groupName != undefined) && (_lastObj.groupName == _local2.groupName)) && (_lastObj.selected != true)) && ((_local2.selected == true) || (_local2.tabIndex > _lastObj.tabIndex)))) { _lastObj = _local2; } } if (_local2.tabChildren) { getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild)); } _local5 = false; } else if (((_local2._parent == p) && (_local2.tabChildren == true)) && (_local2._visible != false)) { if (_local2 == _lastTarget) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_prevNode == undefined) { var _local3 = _lastx; var _local7 = false; while (_local3 != undefined) { if (_local3 == _local2) { _local7 = true; break; } _local3 = _local3._parent; } if (_local7 == false) { _prevNode = _lastx; } } _needPrev = false; if (_nextNode == undefined) { _nextIsNext = true; } } else if (!((_local2.focusManager != undefined) && (_local2.focusManager._parent == _local2))) { if (_local2._searchKey == _searchKey) { continue; } _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; getTabCandidateFromChildren(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local5 && (firstChild)); } _local5 = false; } } _lastNode = _lastx; if (lookup) { if (p._parent != undefined) { if (p != _parent) { if ((_prevNode == undefined) && (dir)) { _needPrev = true; } else if ((_nextNode == undefined) && (!dir)) { _nextIsNext = false; } _lastTarget = _lastTarget._parent; getTabCandidate(p._parent, index, groupName, dir, true); } } } } function getTabCandidate(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { var _local2; var _local3 = true; if (o == _parent) { _local2 = o; _local3 = false; } else { _local2 = o._parent; if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = o; _local3 = false; } } walkTree(_local2, index, groupName, dir, _local3, firstChild); } function getTabCandidateFromChildren(o, index, groupName, dir, firstChild) { walkTree(o, index, groupName, dir, false, firstChild); } function getFocusManagerFromObject(o) { while (o != undefined) { if (o.focusManager != undefined) { return(o.focusManager); } o = o._parent; } return(undefined); } function tabHandler(Void) { bDrawFocus = true; var _local5 = getSelectionFocus(); var _local4 = getActualFocus(_local5); if (_local4 != _local5) { _local5 = _local4; } if (getFocusManagerFromObject(_local5) != this) { _local5 == undefined; } if (_local5 == undefined) { _local5 = form; } else if (_local5.tabIndex != undefined) { if ((_foundList != undefined) || (_foundList.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex)) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local5.tabIndex; } _foundList[_local5._name] = _local5; } var _local3 = Key.isDown(16) != true; _searchKey = getTimer(); _needPrev = true; _nextIsNext = false; _lastx = undefined; _firstNode = undefined; _lastNode = undefined; _nextNode = undefined; _prevNode = undefined; _firstObj = undefined; _lastObj = undefined; _nextObj = undefined; _prevObj = undefined; _lastTarget = _local5; var _local6 = _local5; getTabCandidate(_local6, ((_local5.tabIndex == undefined) ? 0 : (_local5.tabIndex)), _local5.groupName, _local3, true); var _local2; if (_local3) { if (_nextObj != undefined) { _local2 = _nextObj; } else { _local2 = _firstObj; } } else if (_prevObj != undefined) { _local2 = _prevObj; } else { _local2 = _lastObj; } if (_local2.tabIndex != _local5.tabIndex) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex; _foundList[_local2._name] = _local2; } else { if (_foundList == undefined) { _foundList = new Object(); _foundList.tabIndex = _local2.tabIndex; } _foundList[_local2._name] = _local2; } if (_local2 == undefined) { if (_local3 == false) { if (_nextNode != undefined) { _local2 = _nextNode; } else { _local2 = _firstNode; } } else if ((_prevNode == undefined) || (_local5 == form)) { _local2 = _lastNode; } else { _local2 = _prevNode; } } if (_local2 == undefined) { return(undefined); } lastTabFocus = _local2; setFocus(_local2); if (_local2.emphasized != undefined) { if (defPushButton != undefined) { _local5 = defPushButton; defPushButton = _local2; _local5.emphasized = false; _local2.emphasized = true; } } else if ((defPushButton != undefined) && (defPushButton != __defaultPushButton)) { _local5 = defPushButton; defPushButton = __defaultPushButton; _local5.emphasized = false; __defaultPushButton.__set__emphasized(true); } } function onKeyDown(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; if (defaultPushButtonEnabled) { if (Key.getCode() == 13) { if (defaultPushButton != undefined) { doLater(this, "sendDefaultPushButtonEvent"); } } } } function sendDefaultPushButtonEvent(Void) { defPushButton.dispatchEvent({type:"click"}); } function getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, o) { for (var _local7 in o) { var _local2 = o[_local7]; if (((_local2._visible && (_local2.enabled)) && (_local2._parent == o)) && (_local2._searchKey != _searchKey)) { _local2._searchKey = _searchKey; if (_local2.hitTest(x, y, true)) { if ((_local2.onPress != undefined) || (_local2.onRelease != undefined)) { return(_local2); } var _local3 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(x, y, _local2); if (_local3 != undefined) { return(_local3); } return(_local2); } } } return(undefined); } function mouseActivate(Void) { if (!bNeedFocus) { return(undefined); } _searchKey = getTimer(); var _local2 = getMousedComponentFromChildren(lastMouse.x, lastMouse.y, form); if (_local2 instanceof mx.core.UIComponent) { return(undefined); } _local2 = findFocusFromObject(_local2); if (_local2 == lastFocus) { return(undefined); } if (_local2 == undefined) { doLater(this, "restoreFocus"); return(undefined); } var _local3 = _local2.hscroll; if (_local3 != undefined) { var _local6 = _local2.scroll; var _local5 = _local2.background; } setFocus(_local2); var _local4 = Selection; Selection.setSelection(_local4.lastBeginIndex, _local4.lastEndIndex); if (_local3 != undefined) { _local2.scroll = _local6; _local2.hscroll = _local3; _local2.background = _local5; } } function _onMouseDown(Void) { bDrawFocus = false; if (lastFocus != undefined) { lastFocus.drawFocus(false); } mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; var _local3 = Selection; _local3.lastBeginIndex = Selection.getBeginIndex(); _local3.lastEndIndex = Selection.getEndIndex(); lastMouse.x = _root._xmouse; lastMouse.y = _root._ymouse; _root.localToGlobal(lastMouse); } function onMouseUp(Void) { if (_visible) { doLater(this, "mouseActivate"); } } function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == "reveal") { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(form); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(form); } } static function enableFocusManagement() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; Object.registerClass("FocusManager", mx.managers.FocusManager); if (_root.focusManager == undefined) { _root.createClassObject(mx.managers.FocusManager, "focusManager", mx.managers.DepthManager.highestDepth--); } } } static var symbolName = "FocusManager"; static var symbolOwner = mx.managers.FocusManager; static var version = ""; var className = "FocusManager"; var bNeedFocus = false; var bDrawFocus = false; var defaultPushButtonEnabled = true; var activated = true; static var initialized = false; static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 70 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.FocusRect extends mx.skins.SkinElement { var boundingBox_mc, _xscale, _yscale, clear, beginFill, drawRoundRect, endFill, _visible; function FocusRect () { super(); boundingBox_mc._visible = false; boundingBox_mc._width = (boundingBox_mc._height = 0); } function draw(o) { o.adjustFocusRect(); } function setSize(w, h, r, a, rectCol) { _xscale = (_yscale = 100); clear(); if (typeof(r) == "object") { = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); = (( > 2) ? ( - 2) : 0); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); endFill(); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( + 1) : 0); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); = (( > 1) ? ( - 1) : 0); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, r); endFill(); } else { var _local5; if (r != 0) { _local5 = r - 2; } else { _local5 = 0; } beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5); endFill(); beginFill(rectCol, a * 0.3); if (r != 0) { _local5 = r - 2; r = r - 1; } else { _local5 = 0; r = 0; } drawRoundRect(1, 1, w - 2, h - 2, r); drawRoundRect(2, 2, w - 4, h - 4, _local5); endFill(); } } function handleEvent(e) { if (e.type == "unload") { _visible = true; } else if (e.type == "resize") {; } else if (e.type == "move") {; } } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus = function (focused) { var _local2 = this._parent.focus_mc; if (!focused) { _local2._visible = false; this.removeEventListener("unload", _local2); this.removeEventListener("move", _local2); this.removeEventListener("resize", _local2); } else { if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = this._parent.createChildAtDepth("FocusRect", mx.managers.DepthManager.kTop); _local2.tabEnabled = false; this._parent.focus_mc = _local2; } else { _local2._visible = true; } _local2.draw(this); if (_local2.getDepth() < this.getDepth()) { _local2.setDepthAbove(this); } this.addEventListener("unload", _local2); this.addEventListener("move", _local2); this.addEventListener("resize", _local2); } }; mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect = function () { var _local2 = this.getStyle("themeColor"); if (_local2 == undefined) { _local2 = 8453965 /* 0x80FF4D */; } var _local3 = this._parent.focus_mc; _local3.setSize(this.width + 4, this.height + 4, 0, 100, _local2); _local3.move(this.x - 2, this.y - 2); }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.adjustFocusRect = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.adjustFocusRect; mx.skins.halo.FocusRect.prototype.drawRoundRect = mx.skins.halo.Defaults.prototype.drawRoundRect; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var DefaultsDependency = mx.skins.halo.Defaults; static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; }
Symbol 71 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.managers.OverlappedWindows { function OverlappedWindows () { } static function checkIdle(Void) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames > 10) { mx.managers.SystemManager.dispatchEvent({type:"idle"}); } else { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames++; } } static function __addEventListener(e, o, l) { if (e == "idle") { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.interval == undefined) { mx.managers.SystemManager.interval = setInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle, 100); } } mx.managers.SystemManager._xAddEventListener(e, o, l); } static function __removeEventListener(e, o, l) { if (e == "idle") { if (mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l) == 0) { clearInterval(mx.managers.SystemManager.interval); } } else { mx.managers.SystemManager._xRemoveEventListener(e, o, l); } } static function onMouseDown(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = true; var _local5 = _root; var _local3; var _local8 = _root._xmouse; var _local7 = _root._ymouse; if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form.modalWindow == undefined) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1) { var _local6 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local4; _local4 = 0; while (_local4 < _local6) { var _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local4]; if (_local2._visible) { if (_local2.hitTest(_local8, _local7)) { if (_local3 == undefined) { _local3 = _local2.getDepth(); _local5 = _local2; } else if (_local3 < _local2.getDepth()) { _local3 = _local2.getDepth(); _local5 = _local2; } } } _local4++; } if (_local5 != mx.managers.SystemManager.form) { mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(_local5); } } } var _local9 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local9.focusManager._onMouseDown(); } static function onMouseMove(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; } static function onMouseUp(Void) { mx.managers.SystemManager.isMouseDown = false; mx.managers.SystemManager.idleFrames = 0; } static function activate(f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form != f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) { var _local1 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local1.focusManager.deactivate(); } } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = f; f.focusManager.activate(); } static function deactivate(f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form != undefined) { if ((mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) && (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length > 1)) { var _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local5.focusManager.deactivate(); var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local1; var _local2; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) { _local1 = _local1 + 1; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) { _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]; } _local1++; } mx.managers.SystemManager.form = _local2; break; } if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]._visible == true) { _local2 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1]; } _local1++; } _local5 = mx.managers.SystemManager.form; _local5.focusManager.activate(); } } } static function addFocusManager(f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.push(f); mx.managers.SystemManager.activate(f); } static function removeFocusManager(f) { var _local3 = mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.length; var _local1; _local1 = 0; while (_local1 < _local3) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.forms[_local1] == f) { if (mx.managers.SystemManager.form == f) { mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate(f); } mx.managers.SystemManager.forms.splice(_local1, 1); return(undefined); } _local1++; } } static function enableOverlappedWindows() { if (!initialized) { initialized = true; mx.managers.SystemManager.checkIdle = checkIdle; mx.managers.SystemManager.__addEventListener = __addEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.__removeEventListener = __removeEventListener; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseDown = onMouseDown; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseMove = onMouseMove; mx.managers.SystemManager.onMouseUp = onMouseUp; mx.managers.SystemManager.activate = activate; mx.managers.SystemManager.deactivate = deactivate; mx.managers.SystemManager.addFocusManager = addFocusManager; mx.managers.SystemManager.removeFocusManager = removeFocusManager; } } static var initialized = false; static var SystemManagerDependency = mx.managers.SystemManager; }
Symbol 72 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.styles.CSSSetStyle { var styleName, stylecache, _color, setColor, invalidateStyle; function CSSSetStyle () { } function _setStyle(styleProp, newValue) { this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.TextStyleMap[styleProp] != undefined) { if (styleProp == "color") { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } } _level0.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); return(undefined); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } if (styleProp == "themeColor") { var _local7 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var _local6 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var _local8 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var _local4 = {}; _local4[_local7] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */; _local4[_local6] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local4[_local8] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */; var _local5 = {}; _local5[_local7] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */; _local5[_local6] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local5[_local8] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */; var _local9 = _local4[newValue]; var _local10 = _local5[newValue]; if (_local9 == undefined) { _local9 = newValue; } if (_local10 == undefined) { _local10 = newValue; } setStyle("selectionColor", _local9); setStyle("rollOverColor", _local10); } _level0.changeColorStyleInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue); } else { if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } _level0.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(styleName, styleProp, newValue); } } function changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp) { var _local4 = getTimer(); var _local5; for (_local5 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local5]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local4) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete; delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp]; } _local2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); _local2.changeTextStyleInChildren(styleProp); _local2.searchKey = _local4; } } } } function changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue) { var _local6 = getTimer(); var _local7; for (_local7 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local7]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local6) { if (((_local2.getStyleName() == sheetName) || (sheetName == undefined)) || (sheetName == "_global")) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete _local2.stylecache[colorStyle]; } if (typeof(_local2._color) == "string") { if (_local2._color == colorStyle) { var _local4 = _local2.getStyle(colorStyle); if (colorStyle == "color") { if ( != undefined) { = _local4; } } _local2.setColor(_local4); } } else if (_local2._color[colorStyle] != undefined) { if (typeof(_local2) != "movieclip") { _local2._parent.invalidateStyle(); } else { _local2.invalidateStyle(colorStyle); } } } _local2.changeColorStyleInChildren(sheetName, colorStyle, newValue); _local2.searchKey = _local6; } } } } function notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue) { var _local5 = getTimer(); var _local6; for (_local6 in this) { var _local2 = this[_local6]; if (_local2._parent == this) { if (_local2.searchKey != _local5) { if (((_local2.styleName == sheetName) || ((_local2.styleName != undefined) && (typeof(_local2.styleName) == "movieclip"))) || (sheetName == undefined)) { if (_local2.stylecache != undefined) { delete _local2.stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } delete _local2.enabledColor; _local2.invalidateStyle(styleProp); } _local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren(sheetName, styleProp, newValue); _local2.searchKey = _local5; } } } } function setStyle(styleProp, newValue) { if (stylecache != undefined) { delete stylecache[styleProp]; delete; } this[styleProp] = newValue; if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) { if (isNaN(newValue)) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } if (styleProp == "themeColor") { var _local10 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloBlue; var _local9 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloGreen; var _local11 = mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames.haloOrange; var _local6 = {}; _local6[_local10] = 12188666 /* 0xB9FBFA */; _local6[_local9] = 13500353 /* 0xCDFFC1 */; _local6[_local11] = 16766319 /* 0xFFD56F */; var _local7 = {}; _local7[_local10] = 13958653 /* 0xD4FDFD */; _local7[_local9] = 14942166 /* 0xE3FFD6 */; _local7[_local11] = 16772787 /* 0xFFEEB3 */; var _local12 = _local6[newValue]; var _local13 = _local7[newValue]; if (_local12 == undefined) { _local12 = newValue; } if (_local13 == undefined) { _local13 = newValue; } setStyle("selectionColor", _local12); setStyle("rollOverColor", _local13); } if (typeof(_color) == "string") { if (_color == styleProp) { if (styleProp == "color") { if ( != undefined) { = newValue; } } setColor(newValue); } } else if (_color[styleProp] != undefined) { invalidateStyle(styleProp); } changeColorStyleInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } else { if ((styleProp == "backgroundColor") && (isNaN(newValue))) { newValue = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(newValue); this[styleProp] = newValue; if (newValue == undefined) { return(undefined); } } invalidateStyle(styleProp); } if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || (styleProp == "styleName")) { var _local8; var _local5 = newValue; if (styleProp == "styleName") { _local8 = ((typeof(newValue) == "string") ? (_global.styles[newValue]) : (_local5)); _local5 = _local8.themeColor; if (_local5 != undefined) { _local8.rollOverColor = (_local8.selectionColor = _local5); } } notifyStyleChangeInChildren(undefined, styleProp, newValue); } } static function enableRunTimeCSS() { } static function classConstruct() { var _local2 = MovieClip.prototype; var _local3 = mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.prototype; mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype.setStyle = _local3._setStyle; _local2.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren; _local2.changeColorStyleInChildren = _local3.changeColorStyleInChildren; _local2.notifyStyleChangeInChildren = _local3.notifyStyleChangeInChildren; _local2.setStyle = _local3.setStyle; _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "changeTextStyleInChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "changeColorStyleInChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "notifyStyleChangeInChildren", 1); _global.ASSetPropFlags(_local2, "setStyle", 1); var _local4 = TextField.prototype; _local4.setStyle = _local2.setStyle; _local4.changeTextStyleInChildren = _local3.changeTextStyleInChildren; return(true); } static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var CSSStyleDeclarationDependency = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration; }
Symbol 73 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.core.ext.UIComponentExtensions { function UIComponentExtensions () { } static function Extensions() { if (bExtended == true) { return(true); } bExtended = true; TextField.prototype.setFocus = function () { Selection.setFocus(this); }; TextField.prototype.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { if (this.getFocusManager().bDrawFocus) { this.drawFocus(true); } } }; TextField.prototype.onKillFocus = function (oldFocus) { if (this.tabEnabled != false) { this.drawFocus(false); } }; TextField.prototype.drawFocus = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.drawFocus; TextField.prototype.getFocusManager = mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.getFocusManager; mx.managers.OverlappedWindows.enableOverlappedWindows(); mx.styles.CSSSetStyle.enableRunTimeCSS(); mx.managers.FocusManager.enableFocusManagement(); } static var bExtended = false; static var UIComponentExtended = Extensions(); static var UIComponentDependency = mx.core.UIComponent; static var FocusManagerDependency = mx.managers.FocusManager; static var OverlappedWindowsDependency = mx.managers.OverlappedWindows; }
Symbol 74 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.skins.halo.RectBorder extends mx.skins.RectBorder { var offset, getStyle, borderStyleName, __borderMetrics, className, borderColorName, backgroundColorName, shadowColorName, highlightColorName, buttonColorName, __get__width, __get__height, clear, _color, drawRoundRect, beginFill, drawRect, endFill; function RectBorder () { super(); } function init(Void) { borderWidths.default = 3; super.init(); } function getBorderMetrics(Void) { if (offset == undefined) { var _local3 = getStyle(borderStyleName); offset = borderWidths[_local3]; } if ((getStyle(borderStyleName) == "default") || (getStyle(borderStyleName) == "alert")) { __borderMetrics = {left:3, top:1, right:3, bottom:3}; return(__borderMetrics); } return(super.getBorderMetrics()); } function drawBorder(Void) { var _local6 = _global.styles[className]; if (_local6 == undefined) { _local6 = _global.styles.RectBorder; } var _local5 = getStyle(borderStyleName); var _local7 = getStyle(borderColorName); if (_local7 == undefined) { _local7 = _local6[borderColorName]; } var _local8 = getStyle(backgroundColorName); if (_local8 == undefined) { _local8 = _local6[backgroundColorName]; } var _local16 = getStyle("backgroundImage"); if (_local5 != "none") { var _local14 = getStyle(shadowColorName); if (_local14 == undefined) { _local14 = _local6[shadowColorName]; } var _local13 = getStyle(highlightColorName); if (_local13 == undefined) { _local13 = _local6[highlightColorName]; } var _local12 = getStyle(buttonColorName); if (_local12 == undefined) { _local12 = _local6[buttonColorName]; } var _local11 = getStyle(borderCapColorName); if (_local11 == undefined) { _local11 = _local6[borderCapColorName]; } var _local10 = getStyle(shadowCapColorName); if (_local10 == undefined) { _local10 = _local6[shadowCapColorName]; } } offset = borderWidths[_local5]; var _local9 = offset; var _local3 = __get__width(); var _local4 = __get__height(); clear(); _color = undefined; if (_local5 == "none") { } else if (_local5 == "inset") { _color = colorList; draw3dBorder(_local11, _local12, _local7, _local13, _local14, _local10); } else if (_local5 == "outset") { _color = colorList; draw3dBorder(_local11, _local7, _local12, _local14, _local13, _local10); } else if (_local5 == "alert") { var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor"); drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, 5, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, 4, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, [0, 14342874], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, 3, _local15, 50); drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, 2, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "default") { drawRoundRect(0, 5, _local3, _local4 - 5, {tl:5, tr:5, br:0, bl:0}, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(1, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 5, {tl:4, tr:4, br:0, bl:0}, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(2, 0, _local3 - 4, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:3, br:0, bl:0}, [12897484, 11844796], 100, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(3, 1, _local3 - 6, _local4 - 4, {tl:2, tr:2, br:0, bl:0}, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "dropDown") { drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, {tl:4, tr:0, br:0, bl:4}, [13290186, 7895160], 100, -10, "linear"); drawRoundRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, {tl:3, tr:0, br:0, bl:3}, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "menuBorder") { var _local15 = getStyle("themeColor"); drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 2, _local4 - 3, 0, [6184542, 6184542], 10, 0, "radial"); drawRoundRect(4, 4, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 2, 0, 6184542, 10); drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, [0, 14342874], 100, 250, "linear"); drawRoundRect(0, 0, _local3 + 1, _local4, 0, _local15, 50); drawRoundRect(2, 2, _local3 - 3, _local4 - 4, 0, 16777215, 100); } else if (_local5 == "comboNonEdit") { } else { beginFill(_local7); drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local4); drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, _local4 - 1); endFill(); _color = borderColorName; } if (_local8 != undefined) { beginFill(_local8); drawRect(_local9, _local9, __get__width() - _local9, __get__height() - _local9); endFill(); } } function draw3dBorder(c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6) { var _local3 = __get__width(); var _local2 = __get__height(); beginFill(c1); drawRect(0, 0, _local3, _local2); drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, _local2); endFill(); beginFill(c2); drawRect(1, 0, _local3 - 1, 1); endFill(); beginFill(c3); drawRect(1, _local2 - 1, _local3 - 1, _local2); endFill(); beginFill(c4); drawRect(1, 1, _local3 - 1, 2); endFill(); beginFill(c5); drawRect(1, _local2 - 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 1); endFill(); beginFill(c6); drawRect(1, 2, _local3 - 1, _local2 - 2); drawRect(2, 2, _local3 - 2, _local2 - 2); endFill(); } static function classConstruct() { mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions.Extensions(); _global.styles.rectBorderClass = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; _global.skinRegistry.RectBorder = true; return(true); } static var symbolName = "RectBorder"; static var symbolOwner = mx.skins.halo.RectBorder; static var version = ""; var borderCapColorName = "borderCapColor"; var shadowCapColorName = "shadowCapColor"; var colorList = {highlightColor:0, borderColor:0, buttonColor:0, shadowColor:0, borderCapColor:0, shadowCapColor:0}; var borderWidths = {none:0, solid:1, inset:2, outset:2, alert:3, dropDown:2, menuBorder:2, comboNonEdit:2}; static var classConstructed = classConstruct(); static var UIObjectExtensionsDependency = mx.core.ext.UIObjectExtensions; }
Symbol 209 Button
on (release, keyPress "<Space>") { _root.instruksjon = false; _root.spel = true; _root.stuntmann.reset(); _root.variabel_mc.swapDepths(10000); _root.byknappar_mc.swapDepths(10001); _root.brett.maksScrollfart = 500; Mouse.hide(); }
Symbol 210 Button
on (release) { _root.instruksjon = false; }
Symbol 215 Button
on (release) { if (Number(_root.db_side) > 1) { _root.statistikk.hentDagensBeste(Number(_root.db_side) - 1); } }
Symbol 221 Button
on (release) { _root.dagens = false; }
Symbol 222 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentUkensBeste(1); _root.dagens = false; _root.ukens = true; }
Symbol 223 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentTidenesBeste(1); _root.dagens = false; _root.tidenes = true; }
Symbol 224 Button
on (release) { trace(_root.db_side); if ((Number(_root.db_side) > 0) && (Number(_root.db_side) < Number(_root.db_antall_sider))) { _root.statistikk.hentDagensBeste(Number(_root.db_side) + 1); } }
Symbol 257 Button
on (release) { if (Number(_root.ub_side) > 1) { _root.statistikk.hentUkensBeste(Number(_root.ub_side) - 1); } }
Symbol 258 Button
on (release) { trace(Number(_root.ub_side)); if ((Number(_root.ub_side) > 0) && (Number(_root.ub_side) < Number(_root.ub_antall_sider))) { _root.statistikk.hentUkensBeste(Number(_root.ub_side) + 1); } }
Symbol 263 Button
on (release) { _root.ukens = false; }
Symbol 264 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentDagensBeste(1); _root.dagens = true; _root.ukens = false; }
Symbol 265 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentTidenesBeste(1); _root.ukens = false; _root.tidenes = true; }
Symbol 300 Button
on (release) { _root.tidenes = false; }
Symbol 301 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentDagensBeste(1); _root.tidenes = false; _root.dagens = true; }
Symbol 302 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.hentUkensBeste(1); _root.tidenes = false; _root.ukens = true; }
Symbol 303 Button
on (release) { if (Number(_root.tb_side) > 1) { _root.statistikk.hentTidenesBeste(Number(_root.tb_side) - 1); } }
Symbol 304 Button
on (release) { if ((Number(_root.tb_side) > 0) && (Number(_root.tb_side) < Number(_root.tb_antall_sider))) { _root.statistikk.hentTidenesBeste(Number(_root.tb_side) + 1); } }
Symbol 348 Button
on (release) { = false; }
Symbol 349 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.vennTipset(_root.venn,, _root.nick); gotoAndPlay (2); }
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 2
trace("Send tips til script"); _root.vennemail = _root.venn; _root.venn = ""; _root.tipsbekreftelse = "";
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 18
_root.tipsbekreftelse = ("Mail er sendt til " + _root.vennemail) + ".\nSkriv inn en ny epost-adresse for \u00E5 tipse flere!";
Symbol 353 MovieClip Frame 40
Symbol 359 MovieClip [P_tips] Frame 1
Selection.setFocus("tekstfelt_mc.venn_txt"); _root.tipsbekreftelse = "";
Symbol 484 MovieClip Frame 7
Symbol 487 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 493 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 506 MovieClip Frame 76
Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 515 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 521 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 529 MovieClip Frame 60
Symbol 533 MovieClip Frame 35
Symbol 535 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 22
Symbol 575 MovieClip Frame 57
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 589 MovieClip Frame 9
Symbol 599 MovieClip Frame 32
Symbol 606 MovieClip Frame 11
Symbol 635 MovieClip Frame 75
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 662 MovieClip Frame 120
Symbol 684 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 684 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 694 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 694 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 723 MovieClip Frame 20
Symbol 723 MovieClip Frame 34
Symbol 736 MovieClip Frame 17
Symbol 736 MovieClip Frame 30
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 13
Symbol 747 MovieClip Frame 25
Symbol 752 Button
on (release) { _root.byknappar_mc.gotoAndPlay(20); _root.spel = false; _root.stuntmann.reset(); gotoAndStop ("blank"); }
Symbol 753 Button
on (release) { Mouse.hide(); _root.stuntmann.reset(); }
Symbol 763 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.lenkeKlikket("" + escape(_root.by1)); getURL ("" + escape(_root.by1), "_blank"); }
Symbol 764 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.lenkeKlikket("" + escape(_root.by2)); getURL ("" + escape(_root.by2), "_blank"); }
Symbol 765 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.lenkeKlikket("" + escape(_root.by3)); getURL ("" + escape(_root.by3), "_blank"); }
Symbol 766 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.lenkeKlikket("" + escape(_root.by4)); getURL ("" + escape(_root.by4), "_blank"); }
Symbol 767 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.lenkeKlikket("" + escape(_root.by5)); getURL ("" + escape(_root.by5), "_blank"); }
Symbol 771 Button
on (release) { _root.statistikk.lenkeKlikket("" + escape(_root.storby)); getURL ("" + escape(_root.storby), "_blank"); }
Symbol 773 MovieClip Frame 1
MovieClip436._accProps = new Object(); MovieClip436._accProps.silent = true;
Symbol 774 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 778 Button
on (release) { trace("Send inn poengsum"); if (_root.nick == "") { Selection.setFocus("navn_txt"); } else { trace(; trace(_root.nick + " sender..."); _root.statistikk.sendPoengsum(_root.nick,; gotoAndStop (2); } }
Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 1
epost_txt._accProps = new Object(); epost_txt._accProps.silent = true; navn_txt._accProps = new Object(); navn_txt._accProps.silent = true; epost_txt.tabIndex = 2; navn_txt.tabIndex = 2; stop();
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 80
MovieClip436._accProps = new Object(); MovieClip436._accProps.silent = true; Button438.tabIndex = 3; Button437.tabIndex = 3;;
Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 90
Selection.setFocus("sendinn_mc.namn_txt"); _root.s = Math.floor(_root.stuntmann.lengde * 1000) + _root.stuntmann.bonus; trace(_root.t); _level1.bart(); _level2.cart(); trace(_root.t);;

Library Items

Symbol 1 Sound [sesam_id]
Symbol 5 GraphicUsed by:6
Symbol 6 MovieClip [BoundingBox]Uses:5Used by:25 29 53
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:8
Symbol 8 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]Uses:7Used by:11 16 17
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:10
Symbol 10 MovieClip [BrdrFace]Uses:9Used by:11 16 17
Symbol 11 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown]Uses:8 10Used by:29
Symbol 12 GraphicUsed by:13
Symbol 13 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]Uses:12Used by:16 17
Symbol 14 GraphicUsed by:15
Symbol 15 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]Uses:14Used by:16 17
Symbol 16 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn]Uses:13 15 8 10Used by:29
Symbol 17 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp]Uses:13 10 8 15Used by:29
Symbol 18 MovieClip [Defaults]Used by:20
Symbol 19 MovieClip [UIObjectExtensions]Used by:20
Symbol 20 MovieClip [UIObject]Uses:18 19Used by:26 28 32
Symbol 21 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 22 GraphicUsed by:23
Symbol 23 ButtonUses:21 22Used by:26
Symbol 24 MovieClipUsed by:26
Symbol 25 MovieClip [FocusRect]Uses:6Used by:26
Symbol 26 MovieClip [FocusManager]Uses:23 24 25 20Used by:28
Symbol 27 MovieClip [UIComponentExtensions]Used by:28
Symbol 28 MovieClip [UIComponent]Uses:20 26 27Used by:29 34 53
Symbol 29 MovieClip [SimpleButton]Uses:6 11 16 17 28Used by:53
Symbol 30 FontUsed by:31
Symbol 31 EditableTextUses:30Used by:34
Symbol 32 MovieClip [Border]Uses:20Used by:33
Symbol 33 MovieClip [RectBorder]Uses:32Used by:34
Symbol 34 MovieClip [TextInput]Uses:31 33 28Used by:53
Symbol 35 GraphicUsed by:39 42 43 44 46 47 48 49
Symbol 36 GraphicUsed by:39 42 43 44
Symbol 37 GraphicUsed by:39 42 43 44 46 47 48 49
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:39 42 43 44 46 47 48 49
Symbol 39 MovieClip [StepDownArrowDisabled]Uses:35 36 37 38Used by:52
Symbol 40 GraphicUsed by:41
Symbol 41 MovieClip [StepThemeColor1]Uses:40Used by:42 43 47 48
Symbol 42 MovieClip [StepDownArrowDown]Uses:35 37 41 36 38Used by:52
Symbol 43 MovieClip [StepDownArrowOver]Uses:35 37 41 36 38Used by:52
Symbol 44 MovieClip [StepDownArrowUp]Uses:35 36 37 38Used by:52
Symbol 45 GraphicUsed by:46 47 48 49
Symbol 46 MovieClip [StepUpArrowDisabled]Uses:35 45 37 38Used by:52
Symbol 47 MovieClip [StepUpArrowDown]Uses:35 37 41 45 38Used by:52
Symbol 48 MovieClip [StepUpArrowOver]Uses:35 37 41 45 38Used by:52
Symbol 49 MovieClip [StepUpArrowUp]Uses:35 45 37 38Used by:52
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:51
Symbol 51 MovieClip [StepTrack]Uses:50Used by:52
Symbol 52 MovieClip [NumericStepperAssets]Uses:39 42 43 44 46 47 48 49 51Used by:53
Symbol 53 MovieClip [NumericStepper]Uses:6 29 28 34 52
Symbol 75 BitmapUsed by:76
Symbol 76 GraphicUses:75Used by:77 144 156 211 256 296 335 359 435 465 466 471  Timeline
Symbol 77 MovieClipUses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 GraphicUsed by:130 156 211 215 224 256 257 258 296 303 304 335 349 359 771  Timeline
Symbol 79 BitmapUsed by:80
Symbol 80 GraphicUses:79Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 FontUsed by:82 83 84 85 110 122 123 124 131 132 666 667 668 669 670 748 749 750 775 780 781 783 785 786
Symbol 82 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 83 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 84 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 85 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 86 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 599 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 87 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 566 575 589 599 605 606 626 663
Symbol 88 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 599 605 606 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 89 GraphicUsed by:103 547 566 570 575 589 599 605 606 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 90 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 538 547 566 570 575 589 599 605 606 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 91 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 599 605 606 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 92 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 538 547 566 570 575 589 599 605 606 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 93 GraphicUsed by:103 211 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 94 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 95 GraphicUsed by:96
Symbol 96 MovieClipUses:94 95Used by:103 538 545 547 566 570 575 628 635 663
Symbol 97 GraphicUsed by:103 211 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 98 GraphicUsed by:103 211 531 533 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 599 605 606 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 99 GraphicUsed by:103 211 538 545 547 566 570 575 589 626 628 635 662 663
Symbol 100 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 101 GraphicUsed by:102
Symbol 102 MovieClipUses:100 101Used by:103 538 545 547 566 570 575 628 635 663
Symbol 103 MovieClipUses:86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102Used by:211 663  Timeline
Symbol 104 BitmapUsed by:105
Symbol 105 GraphicUses:104Used by:106
Symbol 106 MovieClipUses:105Used by:Timeline
Symbol 107 FontUsed by:108 138 158 159 160 161 164 165 166 167 169 170 171 172 173 208 213 216 219 220 259 260 297 298 339 342 343 344 345 346 350 351 352 354 355 356 358 751 776
Symbol 108 TextUses:107Used by:156  Timeline
Symbol 109 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 110 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 111 FontUsed by:112 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 772
Symbol 112 EditableTextUses:111Used by:Timeline
Symbol 113 FontUsed by:114
Symbol 114 TextUses:113Used by:Timeline
Symbol 115 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 116 GraphicUsed by:117
Symbol 117 ButtonUses:115 116Used by:Timeline
Symbol 118 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 119 GraphicUsed by:120
Symbol 120 ButtonUses:118 119Used by:Timeline
Symbol 121 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 122 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 123 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 124 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 125 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 126 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 127 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 128 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 129 GraphicUsed by:130
Symbol 130 ButtonUses:125 78 126 127 128 129Used by:Timeline
Symbol 131 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 132 TextUses:81Used by:Timeline
Symbol 133 FontUsed by:134
Symbol 134 TextUses:133Used by:137
Symbol 135 GraphicUsed by:136 146 147 148 154 209 210 221 222 223 263 264 265 300 301 302 348 752 753 763 764 765 766 767
Symbol 136 MovieClipUses:135Used by:137 529
Symbol 137 MovieClipUses:134 136Used by:Timeline
Symbol 138 TextUses:107Used by:156
Symbol 139 GraphicUsed by:144
Symbol 140 BitmapUsed by:141
Symbol 141 GraphicUses:140Used by:144
Symbol 142 BitmapUsed by:143
Symbol 143 GraphicUses:142Used by:144
Symbol 144 MovieClipUses:139 141 76 143 SS1Used by:156
Symbol 145 GraphicUsed by:146 147 148 209 210 211 221 222 223 263 264 265 300 301 302 348 471 534 752 753 763 764 765 766 767 778
Symbol 146 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:156
Symbol 147 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:156
Symbol 148 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:156
Symbol 149 GraphicUsed by:154
Symbol 150 FontUsed by:151 152
Symbol 151 TextUses:150Used by:153
Symbol 152 TextUses:150Used by:153
Symbol 153 MovieClipUses:151 152Used by:154
Symbol 154 ButtonUses:149 153 135Used by:156
Symbol 155 GraphicUsed by:156
Symbol 156 MovieClip [P_startskjerm]Uses:78 76 138 144 146 147 148 154 108 155Used by:Timeline
Symbol 788 MovieClip [__Packages.Brett]
Symbol 789 MovieClip [__Packages.Scrollobjekt]
Symbol 790 MovieClip [__Packages.BevegeligScrollobjekt]
Symbol 791 MovieClip [__Packages.Stuntmann]
Symbol 792 MovieClip [__Packages.Katapult]
Symbol 793 MovieClip [__Packages.Kollisjonsobjekt]
Symbol 794 MovieClip [__Packages.Bykontroll]
Symbol 795 MovieClip [__Packages.By]
Symbol 796 MovieClip [__Packages.Bakgrunn]
Symbol 797 MovieClip [__Packages.BakgrunnSpesial]
Symbol 798 MovieClip [__Packages.BakgrunnRepeat]
Symbol 799 MovieClip [__Packages.StuntmannSkugge]
Symbol 800 MovieClip [__Packages.Statistikk]
Symbol 2 MovieClip []
Symbol 3 MovieClip []
Symbol 4 MovieClip []
Symbol 54 MovieClip []
Symbol 55 MovieClip []
Symbol 56 MovieClip []
Symbol 57 MovieClip []
Symbol 58 MovieClip []
Symbol 59 MovieClip []
Symbol 60 MovieClip []
Symbol 61 MovieClip []
Symbol 62 MovieClip []
Symbol 63 MovieClip []
Symbol 64 MovieClip []
Symbol 65 MovieClip []
Symbol 66 MovieClip []
Symbol 67 MovieClip []
Symbol 68 MovieClip []
Symbol 69 MovieClip []
Symbol 70 MovieClip []
Symbol 71 MovieClip []
Symbol 72 MovieClip []
Symbol 73 MovieClip []
Symbol 74 MovieClip []
Symbol 157 Sound [katapultsprett_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 158 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 159 TextUses:107Used by:211 256 296 335
Symbol 160 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 161 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 162 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 163 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 164 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 165 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 166 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 167 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 168 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 169 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 170 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 171 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 172 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 173 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 174 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 175 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 176 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 177 GraphicUsed by:211 566 589
Symbol 178 GraphicUsed by:211 566 589 626
Symbol 179 GraphicUsed by:211 531 533 589 626
Symbol 180 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 181 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 182 BitmapUsed by:183
Symbol 183 GraphicUses:182Used by:211 489 501 523 575 589 599 606 626 635 662
Symbol 184 GraphicUsed by:211 501
Symbol 185 GraphicUsed by:211 493 501
Symbol 186 GraphicUsed by:211 501
Symbol 187 GraphicUsed by:211 493 501
Symbol 188 BitmapUsed by:189
Symbol 189 GraphicUses:188Used by:211 501 523
Symbol 190 BitmapUsed by:191
Symbol 191 GraphicUses:190Used by:211 501 523
Symbol 192 GraphicUsed by:211 501
Symbol 193 BitmapUsed by:195
Symbol 194 BitmapUsed by:195
Symbol 195 GraphicUses:193 194Used by:211 490
Symbol 196 GraphicUsed by:211 490
Symbol 197 GraphicUsed by:211 490
Symbol 198 GraphicUsed by:211 490
Symbol 199 BitmapUsed by:200
Symbol 200 GraphicUses:199Used by:211 490
Symbol 201 BitmapUsed by:202
Symbol 202 GraphicUses:201Used by:211 490
Symbol 203 GraphicUsed by:211
Symbol 204 GraphicUsed by:211 531 533 589 599 605 606 626
Symbol 205 GraphicUsed by:211 531 533
Symbol 206 GraphicUsed by:211 531 533 589 599 605 606 626
Symbol 207 GraphicUsed by:211 531 533 589 599 605 606 626
Symbol 208 TextUses:107Used by:211
Symbol 209 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:211
Symbol 210 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:211
Symbol 211 MovieClip [P_instruksjon]Uses:78 76 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 145 175 103 176 177 86 178 87 88 179 90 91 92 93 180 97 98 99 181 183 184 185 186 187 189 191 192 195 196 197 198 200 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210Used by:Timeline
Symbol 212 Sound [krasjlandingkort_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 213 TextUses:107Used by:256 296 335
Symbol 214 GraphicUsed by:215 224 257 258 303 304 349
Symbol 215 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:256
Symbol 216 TextUses:107Used by:256
Symbol 217 BitmapUsed by:218
Symbol 218 GraphicUses:217Used by:256
Symbol 219 TextUses:107Used by:256
Symbol 220 TextUses:107Used by:256 296 335
Symbol 221 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:256
Symbol 222 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:256
Symbol 223 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:256
Symbol 224 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:256
Symbol 225 FontUsed by:226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 779 782
Symbol 226 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 227 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 228 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 229 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 230 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 231 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 232 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 233 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 234 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 235 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 236 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 237 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 238 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 239 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 240 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 241 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 242 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 243 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 244 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 245 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 246 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 247 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 248 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 249 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 250 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 251 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 252 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 253 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 254 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 255 EditableTextUses:225Used by:256
Symbol 256 MovieClip [P_dagens]Uses:78 76 213 215 216 218 159 219 220 221 222 223 224 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255Used by:Timeline
Symbol 257 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:296
Symbol 258 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:296
Symbol 259 TextUses:107Used by:296
Symbol 260 TextUses:107Used by:296
Symbol 261 BitmapUsed by:262 299
Symbol 262 GraphicUses:261Used by:296
Symbol 263 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:296
Symbol 264 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:296
Symbol 265 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:296
Symbol 266 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 267 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 268 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 269 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 270 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 271 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 272 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 273 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 274 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 275 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 276 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 277 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 278 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 279 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 280 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 281 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 282 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 283 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 284 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 285 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 286 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 287 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 288 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 289 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 290 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 291 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 292 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 293 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 294 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 295 EditableTextUses:225Used by:296
Symbol 296 MovieClip [P_ukens]Uses:78 76 213 257 220 258 259 159 260 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295Used by:Timeline
Symbol 297 TextUses:107Used by:335
Symbol 298 TextUses:107Used by:335
Symbol 299 GraphicUses:261Used by:335
Symbol 300 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:335
Symbol 301 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:335
Symbol 302 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:335
Symbol 303 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:335
Symbol 304 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:335
Symbol 305 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 306 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 307 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 308 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 309 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 310 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 311 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 312 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 313 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 314 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 315 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 316 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 317 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 318 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 319 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 320 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 321 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 322 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 323 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 324 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 325 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 326 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 327 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 328 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 329 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 330 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 331 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 332 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 333 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 334 EditableTextUses:225Used by:335
Symbol 335 MovieClip [P_tidenes]Uses:78 76 297 159 298 299 300 301 302 213 303 220 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334Used by:Timeline
Symbol 336 Sound [katapultstramming_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 337 Sound [boost_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 338 Sound [dunk_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 339 TextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 340 BitmapUsed by:341 347
Symbol 341 GraphicUses:340Used by:359
Symbol 342 TextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 343 TextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 344 TextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 345 TextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 346 TextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 347 GraphicUses:340Used by:359
Symbol 348 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:359
Symbol 349 ButtonUses:214 78Used by:353
Symbol 350 TextUses:107Used by:353
Symbol 351 TextUses:107Used by:353
Symbol 352 TextUses:107Used by:353
Symbol 353 MovieClipUses:349 350 351 352Used by:359
Symbol 354 EditableTextUses:107Used by:357
Symbol 355 EditableTextUses:107Used by:357
Symbol 356 EditableTextUses:107Used by:357
Symbol 357 MovieClipUses:354 355 356Used by:359
Symbol 358 EditableTextUses:107Used by:359
Symbol 359 MovieClip [P_tips]Uses:78 76 339 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 353 357 358Used by:Timeline
Symbol 360 Sound [landing_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 361 BitmapUsed by:362
Symbol 362 GraphicUses:361Used by:363
Symbol 363 MovieClip [K_alta]Uses:362Used by:Timeline
Symbol 364 BitmapUsed by:365
Symbol 365 GraphicUses:364Used by:366
Symbol 366 MovieClip [K_bodo]Uses:365Used by:Timeline
Symbol 367 GraphicUsed by:368
Symbol 368 MovieClip [K_field]Uses:367Used by:Timeline
Symbol 369 BitmapUsed by:370
Symbol 370 GraphicUses:369Used by:371
Symbol 371 MovieClip [K_gras]Uses:370Used by:Timeline
Symbol 372 BitmapUsed by:373
Symbol 373 GraphicUses:372Used by:374
Symbol 374 MovieClip [K_hammerfest]Uses:373Used by:Timeline
Symbol 375 BitmapUsed by:376
Symbol 376 GraphicUses:375Used by:377
Symbol 377 MovieClip [K_lillehammer]Uses:376Used by:Timeline
Symbol 378 BitmapUsed by:379 386 460
Symbol 379 GraphicUses:378Used by:384
Symbol 380 BitmapUsed by:381 444
Symbol 381 GraphicUses:380Used by:384 501
Symbol 382 BitmapUsed by:383 451
Symbol 383 GraphicUses:382Used by:384
Symbol 384 MovieClip [K_lindesnes]Uses:379 381 383Used by:Timeline
Symbol 385 BitmapUsed by:386 394
Symbol 386 GraphicUses:385 378Used by:387
Symbol 387 MovieClip [K_lindesnes2]Uses:386Used by:Timeline
Symbol 388 BitmapUsed by:389
Symbol 389 GraphicUses:388Used by:390
Symbol 390 MovieClip [K_moirana]Uses:389Used by:Timeline
Symbol 391 BitmapUsed by:392
Symbol 392 GraphicUses:391Used by:393
Symbol 393 MovieClip [K_narvik]Uses:392Used by:Timeline
Symbol 394 GraphicUses:385Used by:396
Symbol 395 GraphicUsed by:396 418
Symbol 396 MovieClip [K_nordkapp]Uses:394 395Used by:Timeline
Symbol 397 BitmapUsed by:398
Symbol 398 GraphicUses:397Used by:399
Symbol 399 MovieClip [K_oslo]Uses:398Used by:Timeline
Symbol 400 BitmapUsed by:401
Symbol 401 GraphicUses:400Used by:402
Symbol 402 MovieClip [K_roros]Uses:401Used by:Timeline
Symbol 403 BitmapUsed by:404
Symbol 404 GraphicUses:403Used by:405
Symbol 405 MovieClip [K_skien]Uses:404Used by:Timeline
Symbol 406 BitmapUsed by:407
Symbol 407 GraphicUses:406Used by:408
Symbol 408 MovieClip [K_steinkjer]Uses:407Used by:Timeline
Symbol 409 GraphicUsed by:411
Symbol 410 GraphicUsed by:411
Symbol 411 MovieClip [K_stolperad]Uses:409 410Used by:Timeline
Symbol 412 BitmapUsed by:413
Symbol 413 GraphicUses:412Used by:414
Symbol 414 MovieClip [K_tromso]Uses:413Used by:Timeline
Symbol 415 BitmapUsed by:416
Symbol 416 GraphicUses:415Used by:417
Symbol 417 MovieClip [K_trondheim]Uses:416Used by:Timeline
Symbol 418 MovieClip [K_polarsirkelen]Uses:395Used by:Timeline
Symbol 419 GraphicUsed by:420
Symbol 420 MovieClip [K_hus1]Uses:419Used by:Timeline
Symbol 421 GraphicUsed by:422
Symbol 422 MovieClip [K_hus2]Uses:421Used by:Timeline
Symbol 423 GraphicUsed by:424
Symbol 424 MovieClip [K_luftskip]Uses:423Used by:Timeline
Symbol 425 GraphicUsed by:426
Symbol 426 MovieClip [K_ballong]Uses:425Used by:Timeline
Symbol 427 GraphicUsed by:428
Symbol 428 MovieClip [K_kyrkje]Uses:427Used by:Timeline
Symbol 429 BitmapUsed by:430
Symbol 430 GraphicUses:429Used by:431
Symbol 431 MovieClip [K_lavvo]Uses:430Used by:Timeline
Symbol 432 Sound [hydraulikk_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 433 GraphicUsed by:435
Symbol 434 GraphicUsed by:435
Symbol 435 MovieClip [K_fjell_sor]Uses:433 434 76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 436 BitmapUsed by:437 439
Symbol 437 GraphicUses:436Used by:438
Symbol 438 MovieClip [K_fjell1]Uses:437Used by:Timeline
Symbol 439 GraphicUses:436Used by:440
Symbol 440 MovieClip [K_fjell1b]Uses:439Used by:Timeline
Symbol 441 BitmapUsed by:442
Symbol 442 GraphicUses:441Used by:443
Symbol 443 MovieClip [K_fjell2]Uses:442Used by:Timeline
Symbol 444 GraphicUses:380Used by:447 450
Symbol 445 BitmapUsed by:446
Symbol 446 GraphicUses:445Used by:447
Symbol 447 MovieClip [K_skog1]Uses:444 446Used by:Timeline
Symbol 448 BitmapUsed by:449
Symbol 449 GraphicUses:448Used by:450
Symbol 450 MovieClip [K_skog2]Uses:444 449Used by:Timeline
Symbol 451 GraphicUses:382Used by:452
Symbol 452 MovieClip [K_skog3]Uses:451Used by:Timeline
Symbol 453 BitmapUsed by:454
Symbol 454 GraphicUses:453Used by:455
Symbol 455 MovieClip [P_hill]Uses:454Used by:Timeline
Symbol 456 Sound [fallskjermopen_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 457 BitmapUsed by:458
Symbol 458 GraphicUses:457Used by:459
Symbol 459 MovieClip [P_himmel]Uses:458Used by:Timeline
Symbol 460 GraphicUses:378Used by:461
Symbol 461 MovieClip [P_hav]Uses:460Used by:Timeline
Symbol 462 BitmapUsed by:463
Symbol 463 GraphicUses:462Used by:464
Symbol 464 MovieClip [kyst-sor]Uses:463Used by:Timeline
Symbol 465 MovieClip [K_sky1]Uses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 466 MovieClip [K_sky2]Uses:76Used by:Timeline
Symbol 467 BitmapUsed by:468
Symbol 468 GraphicUses:467Used by:470
Symbol 469 GraphicUsed by:470
Symbol 470 MovieClip [P_lofoten]Uses:468 469Used by:Timeline
Symbol 471 MovieClip [P_oppsky]Uses:76 145Used by:Timeline
Symbol 472 GraphicUsed by:473
Symbol 473 MovieClip [P_platform]Uses:472Used by:Timeline
Symbol 474 GraphicUsed by:476
Symbol 475 GraphicUsed by:476
Symbol 476 MovieClip [K_fiskebaat]Uses:474 475Used by:Timeline
Symbol 477 Sound [grusing_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 478 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 479 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 480 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 481 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 482 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 483 GraphicUsed by:484
Symbol 484 MovieClipUses:478 479 480 481 482 483Used by:488 635
Symbol 485 BitmapUsed by:486
Symbol 486 GraphicUses:485Used by:487
Symbol 487 MovieClipUses:486Used by:488 575 635
Symbol 488 MovieClip [K_royksky]Uses:484 487Used by:Timeline
Symbol 489 MovieClip [skugge]Uses:183Used by:Timeline
Symbol 490 MovieClipUses:195 196 197 198 200 202Used by:523
Symbol 491 FontUsed by:492 502 508 519
Symbol 492 TextUses:491Used by:493
Symbol 493 MovieClipUses:492 185 187Used by:523
Symbol 494 ShapeTweeningUsed by:501
Symbol 495 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 496 ShapeTweeningUsed by:501
Symbol 497 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 498 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 499 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 500 GraphicUsed by:501
Symbol 501 MovieClipUses:381 494 184 185 186 187 189 183 191 192 495 496 497 498 499 500Used by:523
Symbol 502 TextUses:491Used by:507
Symbol 503 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 504 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 505 GraphicUsed by:506
Symbol 506 MovieClipUses:503 504 505Used by:507
Symbol 507 MovieClipUses:502 506Used by:523
Symbol 508 TextUses:491Used by:518
Symbol 509 ShapeTweeningUsed by:515
Symbol 510 GraphicUsed by:515 521
Symbol 511 GraphicUsed by:515 521
Symbol 512 GraphicUsed by:515 521
Symbol 513 GraphicUsed by:515
Symbol 514 GraphicUsed by:515
Symbol 515 MovieClipUses:509 510 511 512 513 514Used by:518
Symbol 516 GraphicUsed by:517
Symbol 517 MovieClipUses:516Used by:518 522
Symbol 518 MovieClipUses:508 515 517Used by:523
Symbol 519 TextUses:491Used by:522
Symbol 520 ShapeTweeningUsed by:521
Symbol 521 MovieClipUses:520 510 511 512Used by:522
Symbol 522 MovieClipUses:519 521 517Used by:523
Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap]Uses:189 183 191 490 493 501 507 518 522Used by:Timeline
Symbol 524 Sound [suburban_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 525 Sound [kortkongevind_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 526 Sound [vindhoytoppe_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 527 Sound [beveg1_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 528 Sound [beveg3_id]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 529 MovieClipUses:136Used by:Timeline
Symbol 530 GraphicUsed by:531 533
Symbol 531 MovieClipUses:530 88 179 204 90 91 92 205 86 87 206 98 207Used by:533 663
Symbol 532 GraphicUsed by:533 566 589 599 605 606 626
Symbol 533 MovieClipUses:531 530 532 204 87 90 91 92 206 98 207 88 179 205 86Used by:663
Symbol 534 MovieClipUses:145Used by:535
Symbol 535 MovieClipUses:534Used by:663
Symbol 536 GraphicUsed by:538 545 547 566 570 575 628 635 662 663
Symbol 537 GraphicUsed by:538 545 547 566 663
Symbol 538 MovieClipUses:537 88 90 91 92 93 96 536 97 98 99 102 86Used by:663
Symbol 539 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 540 GraphicUsed by:663
Symbol 541 GraphicUsed by:545
Symbol 542 GraphicUsed by:545
Symbol 543 GraphicUsed by:545
Symbol 544 GraphicUsed by:545
Symbol 545 MovieClipUses:86 88 536 537 541 91 542 93 96 97 98 99 102 543 544Used by:663
Symbol 546 GraphicUsed by:547
Symbol 547 MovieClipUses:86 536 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 537 97 98 99 102 546Used by:663
Symbol 548 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 549 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 550 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 551 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 552 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 553 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 554 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 555 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 556 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 557 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 558 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 559 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 560 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 561 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 562 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 563 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 564 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 565 GraphicUsed by:566
Symbol 566 MovieClipUses:86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102 536 548 549 550 551 537 552 553 177 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 532 178 564 565Used by:663
Symbol 567 GraphicUsed by:570
Symbol 568 GraphicUsed by:570
Symbol 569 GraphicUsed by:570
Symbol 570 MovieClipUses:86 88 89 536 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102 567 568 569Used by:663
Symbol 571 GraphicUsed by:575
Symbol 572 GraphicUsed by:575
Symbol 573 GraphicUsed by:575
Symbol 574 GraphicUsed by:575
Symbol 575 MovieClipUses:183 86 536 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102 487 571 572 87 573 574Used by:663
Symbol 576 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 577 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 578 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 579 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 580 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 581 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 582 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 583 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 584 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 585 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 586 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 587 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 588 GraphicUsed by:589
Symbol 589 MovieClipUses:177 86 178 87 88 179 90 91 92 93 576 97 98 99 577 578 579 580 581 183 582 583 584 585 586 89 532 204 206 207 587 588Used by:663
Symbol 590 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 591 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 592 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 593 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 594 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 595 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 596 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 597 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 598 GraphicUsed by:599
Symbol 599 MovieClipUses:183 590 88 89 532 204 90 91 92 206 98 207 87 86 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598Used by:663
Symbol 600 GraphicUsed by:606
Symbol 601 GraphicUsed by:605
Symbol 602 GraphicUsed by:605
Symbol 603 GraphicUsed by:605
Symbol 604 GraphicUsed by:605
Symbol 605 MovieClipUses:88 89 204 532 87 90 91 92 206 98 207 601 602 603 604Used by:606
Symbol 606 MovieClipUses:183 600 88 89 532 204 90 91 92 206 98 207 87 605Used by:663
Symbol 607 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 608 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 609 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 610 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 611 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 612 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 613 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 614 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 615 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 616 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 617 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 618 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 619 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 620 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 621 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 622 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 623 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 624 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 625 GraphicUsed by:626
Symbol 626 MovieClipUses:183 607 86 88 178 87 179 90 91 92 93 608 97 98 99 609 610 611 612 613 204 532 206 207 614 89 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625Used by:663
Symbol 627 GraphicUsed by:635 662
Symbol 628 MovieClipUses:86 536 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102Used by:635
Symbol 629 GraphicUsed by:632
Symbol 630 GraphicUsed by:632
Symbol 631 GraphicUsed by:632
Symbol 632 MovieClipUses:629 630 631Used by:635
Symbol 633 GraphicUsed by:635
Symbol 634 GraphicUsed by:635 663
Symbol 635 MovieClipUses:183 627 86 536 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102 484 487 628 632 633 634Used by:663
Symbol 636 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 637 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 638 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 639 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 640 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 641 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 642 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 643 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 644 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 645 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 646 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 647 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 648 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 649 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 650 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 651 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 652 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 653 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 654 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 655 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 656 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 657 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 658 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 659 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 660 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 661 GraphicUsed by:662
Symbol 662 MovieClipUses:627 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 636 97 98 99 637 183 638 536 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661Used by:663
Symbol 663 MovieClipUses:531 533 103 535 536 86 88 89 90 91 92 93 96 97 98 99 102 87 537 538 539 540 545 547 566 570 575 589 599 606 626 635 634 662Used by:Timeline
Symbol 664 GraphicUsed by:665
Symbol 665 MovieClipUses:664Used by:787
Symbol 666 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 667 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 668 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 669 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 670 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 671 GraphicUsed by:683
Symbol 672 FontUsed by:673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 686 687 688 689 690 714 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745
Symbol 673 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 674 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 675 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 676 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 677 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 678 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 679 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 680 TextUses:672Used by:683
Symbol 681 GraphicUsed by:682
Symbol 682 MovieClipUses:681Used by:683
Symbol 683 MovieClipUses:671 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 682Used by:684
Symbol 684 MovieClipUses:683Used by:787
Symbol 685 GraphicUsed by:693
Symbol 686 TextUses:672Used by:693
Symbol 687 TextUses:672Used by:693
Symbol 688 TextUses:672Used by:693
Symbol 689 TextUses:672Used by:693
Symbol 690 TextUses:672Used by:693
Symbol 691 GraphicUsed by:692
Symbol 692 MovieClipUses:691Used by:693
Symbol 693 MovieClipUses:685 686 687 688 689 690 692Used by:694
Symbol 694 MovieClipUses:693Used by:787
Symbol 695 GraphicUsed by:716
Symbol 696 GraphicUsed by:713
Symbol 697 GraphicUsed by:712
Symbol 698 FontUsed by:699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711
Symbol 699 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 700 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 701 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 702 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 703 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 704 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 705 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 706 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 707 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 708 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 709 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 710 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 711 TextUses:698Used by:712
Symbol 712 MovieClipUses:697 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711Used by:713
Symbol 713 MovieClipUses:696 712Used by:716
Symbol 714 TextUses:672Used by:716
Symbol 715 GraphicUsed by:716
Symbol 716 MovieClipUses:695 713 714 715Used by:717
Symbol 717 MovieClipUses:716Used by:787
Symbol 718 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 719 GraphicUsed by:722
Symbol 720 GraphicUsed by:721
Symbol 721 MovieClipUses:720Used by:722
Symbol 722 MovieClipUses:718 719 721Used by:723
Symbol 723 MovieClipUses:722Used by:787
Symbol 724 GraphicUsed by:735
Symbol 725 GraphicUsed by:735 746
Symbol 726 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 727 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 728 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 729 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 730 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 731 TextUses:672Used by:735 746
Symbol 732 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 733 EditableTextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 734 TextUses:672Used by:735
Symbol 735 MovieClipUses:724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734Used by:736
Symbol 736 MovieClipUses:735Used by:787
Symbol 737 GraphicUsed by:746
Symbol 738 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 739 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 740 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 741 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 742 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 743 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 744 EditableTextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 745 TextUses:672Used by:746
Symbol 746 MovieClipUses:737 725 738 739 740 741 742 731 743 744 745Used by:747
Symbol 747 MovieClipUses:746Used by:787
Symbol 748 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 749 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 750 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 751 TextUses:107Used by:787
Symbol 752 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:787
Symbol 753 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:787
Symbol 754 GraphicUsed by:755
Symbol 755 MovieClipUses:754Used by:773
Symbol 756 TextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 757 TextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 758 EditableTextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 759 EditableTextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 760 EditableTextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 761 EditableTextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 762 EditableTextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 763 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:773
Symbol 764 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:773
Symbol 765 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:773
Symbol 766 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:773
Symbol 767 ButtonUses:145 135Used by:773
Symbol 768 GraphicUsed by:769
Symbol 769 MovieClipUses:768Used by:773
Symbol 770 GraphicUsed by:771
Symbol 771 ButtonUses:770 78Used by:773
Symbol 772 EditableTextUses:111Used by:773
Symbol 773 MovieClipUses:755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 769 771 772Used by:774
Symbol 774 MovieClipUses:773Used by:787
Symbol 775 EditableTextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 776 TextUses:107Used by:784
Symbol 777 GraphicUsed by:778
Symbol 778 ButtonUses:145 777Used by:784
Symbol 779 EditableTextUses:225Used by:784
Symbol 780 TextUses:81Used by:784
Symbol 781 TextUses:81Used by:784
Symbol 782 EditableTextUses:225Used by:784
Symbol 783 TextUses:81Used by:784
Symbol 784 MovieClipUses:776 778 779 780 781 782 783Used by:787
Symbol 785 EditableTextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 786 TextUses:81Used by:787
Symbol 787 MovieClipUses:665 666 667 668 669 670 684 694 717 723 736 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 774 775 784 785 786Used by:Timeline
Streaming Sound 1Used by:Symbol 144 MovieClip

Instance Names

"musikk_btn"Frame 4Symbol 130 Button
"lyd_btn"Frame 4Symbol 130 Button
"fadeUt_mc"Frame 4Symbol 137 MovieClip
"fade_mc"Frame 25Symbol 529 MovieClip
"stuntmann_mc"Frame 25Symbol 663 MovieClip
"variabel_mc"Frame 25Symbol 787 MovieClip
"b"Symbol 11 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"face"Symbol 11 MovieClip [SimpleButtonDown] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"b"Symbol 16 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]
"it"Symbol 16 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]
"g"Symbol 16 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"face"Symbol 16 MovieClip [SimpleButtonIn] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"ob"Symbol 17 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 13 MovieClip [BrdrBlk]
"ol"Symbol 17 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"ib"Symbol 17 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 8 MovieClip [BrdrShdw]
"il"Symbol 17 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 15 MovieClip [BrdrHilght]
"face"Symbol 17 MovieClip [SimpleButtonUp] Frame 1Symbol 10 MovieClip [BrdrFace]
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 25 MovieClip [FocusRect] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"tabCapture"Symbol 26 MovieClip [FocusManager] Frame 1Symbol 23 Button
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 29 MovieClip [SimpleButton] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"label"Symbol 34 MovieClip [TextInput] Frame 1Symbol 31 EditableText
"boundingBox_mc"Symbol 53 MovieClip [NumericStepper] Frame 1Symbol 6 MovieClip [BoundingBox]
"venn_txt"Symbol 357 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 354 EditableText
"tekstfelt_mc"Symbol 359 MovieClip [P_tips] Frame 1Symbol 357 MovieClip
"nedteljar_mc"Symbol 507 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 506 MovieClip
"pil_mc"Symbol 518 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 517 MovieClip
"pil_mc"Symbol 522 MovieClip Frame 2Symbol 517 MovieClip
"stopper2_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 490 MovieClip
"avfyrtArm_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 493 MovieClip
"arm_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 501 MovieClip
"stopper_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 490 MovieClip
"nedtelling_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 507 MovieClip
"armindikator_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 518 MovieClip
"stopperindikator_mc"Symbol 523 MovieClip [katap] Frame 1Symbol 522 MovieClip
"stjernedryss_mc"Symbol 663 MovieClip Frame 57Symbol 535 MovieClip
"pil_mc"Symbol 683 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 682 MovieClip
"speedometer_mc"Symbol 684 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 683 MovieClip
"visar_mc"Symbol 693 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 692 MovieClip
"stoppeklokke_mc"Symbol 694 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 693 MovieClip
"remse_mc"Symbol 713 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 712 MovieClip
"hogde_mc"Symbol 716 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 713 MovieClip
"hogdemaalar_mc"Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 716 MovieClip
"pil_mc"Symbol 722 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 721 MovieClip
"kart_mc"Symbol 723 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 722 MovieClip
"MovieClip436"Symbol 773 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 755 MovieClip
"musikk_btn"Symbol 773 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 771 Button
"epost_txt"Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 779 EditableText
"navn_txt"Symbol 784 MovieClip Frame 1Symbol 782 EditableText
"speedoslide_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 40Symbol 684 MovieClip
"stoppeslide_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 40Symbol 694 MovieClip
"hogdeslide_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 40Symbol 717 MovieClip
"kartslide_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 40Symbol 723 MovieClip
"rekordslide_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 40Symbol 736 MovieClip
"kmslide_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 40Symbol 747 MovieClip
"MovieClip436"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 80Symbol 665 MovieClip
"Button438"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 80Symbol 752 Button
"Button437"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 80Symbol 753 Button
"sendinn_mc"Symbol 787 MovieClip Frame 90Symbol 784 MovieClip

Special Tags

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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 6 as "BoundingBox"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 8 as "BrdrShdw"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 10 as "BrdrFace"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 11 as "SimpleButtonDown"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 13 as "BrdrBlk"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 15 as "BrdrHilght"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 16 as "SimpleButtonIn"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 17 as "SimpleButtonUp"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 18 as "Defaults"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 19 as "UIObjectExtensions"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 20 as "UIObject"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 25 as "FocusRect"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 26 as "FocusManager"
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 1Symbol 27 as "UIComponentExtensions"
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ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 58 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 59 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 60 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 61 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 62 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 63 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 64 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 65 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 66 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 67 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 68 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 69 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 70 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 71 as ""
ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 72 as ""
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Created: 4/3 -2019 02:24:56 Last modified: 4/3 -2019 02:24:56 Server time: 13/03 -2025 06:37:56