Frame 1
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
var pv;
mb = "__mochibot__";
mbc = "";
g = (_global ? (_global) : (_level0._root));
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return(g[mb + swfid]);
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = (x ? (mc.getSWFVersion()) : ((_global ? 6 : 5)));
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == "localWithFile") {
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
pv = ((fv == 5) ? (getVersion()) : (System.capabilities.version));
u = (((((((((((("http://" + mbc) + "/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=") + fv) + "&v=") + escape(pv)) + "&swfid=") + escape(swfid)) + "&l=") + lv) + "&f=") + mc) + (sb ? ("&sb=" + sb) : "")) + (trk ? "&t=1" : "");
lv = ((fv > 6) ? (mc.getNextHighestDepth()) : ((g[mb + "level"] ? (g[mb + "level"] + 1) : (lv))));
g[mb + "level"] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = "_level" + lv;
if (!eval (res)) {
loadMovieNum (u, lv);
} else {
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
__com_mochibot__("d612a1b3", this, 10301, true);
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) {
delete onEnterFrame;;
} else {
var _local2 = Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100);
Frame 9
function playAgain() {
moreBtn.onRollOver = (moreBtn.onDragOver = function () {
this.overMc._visible = true;
moreBtn.onRollOut = (moreBtn.onDragOut = function () {
this.overMc._visible = false;
moreBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
playBtn.onRollOver = (playBtn.onDragOver = function () {
playBtn.onRollOut = (playBtn.onDragOut = function () {
playBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "game1";
gotoAndStop ("instructions");
insBtn.onRollOver = (insBtn.onDragOver = function () {
this.overMc._visible = true;
insBtn.onRollOut = (insBtn.onDragOut = function () {
this.overMc._visible = false;
insBtn.onRelease = function () {
gotoAndStop ("instructions");
stageOfSending = 0;
targetsLeft = 5;
carsBlownUp = 0;
trucksKilled = 0;
pavementTime = 0;
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 9
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 16
playBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "game1";
gotoAndPlay ("game1");
moreBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 27
function callShieldFunc() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = true;
delete setShieldInter;
function setShieldTime() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var _local3 = randRange(20, 50);
_root.hud.txt.text = _root.hud.txt.text + "setShieldTime\n";
setShieldInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callShieldFunc), _local3 * 1000);
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + (min - 0.5));
function callFunc() {
var _local2 = Math.ceil(;
if (checkRange == false) {
pLife1 = randRange(minLife, _local2);
checkRange = true;
if ((_local2 <= pLife1) && (checkLife == true)) { = false; = 100;
checkLife = false;
delete checkInter;
function checkHitStatus() {
delete setInter;
checkRange = false;
checkLife = true;
setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000);
function chekStatus() {
var _local1 = Math.ceil(;
if ((_local1 < 100) && (hitLife < 4)) {
minLife = 0;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 200) && (hitLife < 3)) {
minLife = 100;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 300) && (hitLife < 2)) {
minLife = 200;
checkLife = true;
function fadeIn(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
var _local3 = pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text;
pThis.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "";
if ((_local3 == "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......") && (_root.missionCompleteShown)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete pThis.setShieldInter;
} else if (setMessagNum == 0) {
} else {
setMessagNum = 0;
function fadeOut(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
function setMessage() {
messages = messages + 1;
setMessagNum = 1;
if (targetsLeft > 1) {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGETS LEFT...";
} else {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGET LEFT...";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
id = 4;
carId = 0;
carsAlive = 0;
maxCars = 5;
score = 0;
nextCar = false;
distTrav = 0;
messages = 0;
targetsLeft = 5;
totalTargetCar = 0;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
totalTarget = targetsLeft;
targetTime = 20;
missionCompleteShown = false;
currentLife = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
deathRattle = 0;
timerL = 0;
lifeStored = 0;
var delayTime = 0.8;
var totalScore = 0;
var setMessagNum = 0;
messages = messages + 1;
var tween_handler;
moreGBtn._y = 460;
moreGBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
_root.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = ""; = false;
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var shieldNumb;
var setShieldInter;
var checkInter;
var checkLife = true;
var checkRange = false;
var pLife1;
var hitLife = 0;
var minLife = 0;
var setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000); = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( < 1) {
deathRattle = deathRattle + 1;
if (deathRattle > 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("death");
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (targetsStored > targetsLeft) {
messages = messages + 1;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
if (targetsLeft > 0) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "TARGET DESTROYED ";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
hud.targetDisplay.targetDist = Math.round(_root.distTrav) + 5;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
if ((targetsLeft == 0) && (targetTime > 0)) {
targetTime = targetTime - 1;
if ((targetTime == 0) && (missionCompleteShown == false)) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
missionCompleteShown = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (missionCompleteShown) {
var _local3 = (275 - (game._x + game.player._x)) * (game._xscale / 100);
_x = (_x - ((_x - _local3) / 5));
hud._x = (-_x) + 300;
moreGBtn._x = (-_x) + 50;
agameBtn._x = (-_x) + 70;
agameBtn._y = moreGBtn._y + 10;
if (currentDepth > 50) {
currentDepth = 0;
xscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
yscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
i = _root.maxCars;
while (i > 0) {
if (["car" + i]._x == undefined) {
_root.carId = i - 1;
i = i - 1;
timerL = timerL + 1;
if (timerL == 2) {
if (( > lifeStored) && ( > 0)) { = - (( - lifeStored) * 2);
timerL = 0;
} else {
lifeStored =;
_root.hud._visible = 1;
_root.hud._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "game" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
trafficSound = new Sound(;
trafficSound.start(0, 99);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
trafficSound.setVolume(_root.carsAlive * 10);
var targetXscale = 43;
_xscale = (_xscale - ((_xscale - targetXscale) / 5));
_yscale = _xscale;
on (keyPress "q") {
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
_root._quality = "LOW";
} else {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 27
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 0;
timesLogged = 0;
totalSpeed = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
displayText =;
_root.distTrav = _root.distTrav + ( / 5000);
var speed = Math.round( * 2);
timer = timer + 1;
if (timer > 1) {
timesLogged = timesLogged + 1;
totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speed;
averageSpeed = Math.round(totalSpeed / timesLogged);
timer = 0;
_root.currentLife =;
lft_target.text = _root.targetsLeft;
_root.averageSpeed = averageSpeed;
health = Math.round(_root.currentLife);
healthMc.maskMc._xscale = Math.round(health / 10);
credits = Math.round(_root.score);
currentSpeed = speed + "Kmph";
dial._rotation = -80 + speed;
Frame 34
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
messages = 0;
timer = 0;
remove = false;
var calcScore = Math.round(((_root.score + (_root.averageSpeed * 2)) * (_root.currentLife / 30)) - (_root.distTrav * 5));
moreGBtn._y = 10.45;
playMore.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
submitScore = calcScore;
_root.s = submitScore;
storeOldScore = _root.score;
totalScore = totalScore + Math.round(storeOldScore);
scoreMc.score_txt.text = submitScore;
scoreMc.msg1_txt.text = "Your life left " + Math.round(_root.currentLife);
scoreMc.msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + Math.round(storeOldScore)) + " Points...";
scoreMc.msg3_txt.text = ("Your average speed was " + Math.round(_root.averageSpeed)) + "Km\\h";
scoreMc.msg4_txt.text = ("You have traveled " + Math.round(_root.distTrav)) + "Km.";
nxtLvlBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "game2";
gotoAndPlay ("game2");
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 34
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 43
function callShieldFunc() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = true;
delete setShieldInter;
function setShieldTime() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var _local3 = randRange(20, 40);
setShieldInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callShieldFunc), _local3 * 1000);
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + (min - 0.5));
function callFunc() {
var _local2 = Math.ceil(;
if (checkRange == false) {
pLife1 = randRange(minLife, _local2);
checkRange = true;
if ((_local2 <= pLife1) && (checkLife == true)) { = false; = 100;
checkLife = false;
delete checkInter;
function checkHitStatus() {
delete setInter;
checkRange = false;
checkLife = true;
setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000);
function chekStatus() {
var _local1 = Math.ceil(;
if ((_local1 < 100) && (hitLife < 4)) {
minLife = 0;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 200) && (hitLife < 3)) {
minLife = 100;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 300) && (hitLife < 2)) {
minLife = 200;
checkLife = true;
function fadeIn(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
var _local3 = pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text;
pThis.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "";
if ((_local3 == "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......") && (_root.missionCompleteShown)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete pThis.setShieldInter;
} else if (setMessagNum == 0) {
} else {
setMessagNum = 0;
function fadeOut(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
function setMessage() {
messages = messages + 1;
setMessagNum = 1;
if (targetsLeft > 1) {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGETS LEFT...";
} else {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGET LEFT...";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
id = 4;
carId = 0;
carsAlive = 0;
maxCars = 5;
score = 0;
nextCar = false;
distTrav = 0;
messages = 0;
targetsLeft = 6;
totalTargetCar = 0;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
totalTarget = targetsLeft;
targetTime = 20;
missionCompleteShown = false;
currentLife = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
deathRattle = 0;
timerL = 0;
lifeStored = 0;
var delayTime = 0.8;
var setMessagNum = 0;
messages = messages + 1;
var tween_handler;
moreGBtn._y = 460;
moreGBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
_root.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = ""; = false;
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var shieldNumb;
var setShieldInter;
var checkInter;
var checkLife = true;
var checkRange = false;
var pLife1;
var hitLife = 0;
var minLife = 0;
var setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000); = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( < 1) {
deathRattle = deathRattle + 1;
if (deathRattle > 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("death");
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (targetsStored > targetsLeft) {
messages = messages + 1;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
if (targetsLeft > 0) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "TARGET DESTROYED ";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
hud.targetDisplay.targetDist = Math.round(_root.distTrav) + 5;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
if ((targetsLeft == 0) && (targetTime > 0)) {
targetTime = targetTime - 1;
if ((targetTime == 0) && (missionCompleteShown == false)) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
missionCompleteShown = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (missionCompleteShown) {
var _local3 = (275 - (game._x + game.player._x)) * (game._xscale / 100);
_x = (_x - ((_x - _local3) / 5));
hud._x = (-_x) + 300;
moreGBtn._x = (-_x) + 50;
agameBtn._x = (-_x) + 70;
agameBtn._y = moreGBtn._y + 10;
if (currentDepth > 50) {
currentDepth = 0;
xscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
yscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
i = _root.maxCars;
while (i > 0) {
if (["car" + i]._x == undefined) {
_root.carId = i - 1;
i = i - 1;
timerL = timerL + 1;
if (timerL == 2) {
if (( > lifeStored) && ( > 0)) { = - (( - lifeStored) * 2);
timerL = 0;
} else {
lifeStored =;
_root.hud._visible = 1;
_root.hud._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "game" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
trafficSound = new Sound(;
trafficSound.start(0, 99);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
trafficSound.setVolume(_root.carsAlive * 10);
var targetXscale = 43;
_xscale = (_xscale - ((_xscale - targetXscale) / 5));
_yscale = _xscale;
on (keyPress "q") {
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
_root._quality = "LOW";
} else {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 43
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 0;
timesLogged = 0;
totalSpeed = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
displayText =;
_root.distTrav = _root.distTrav + ( / 5000);
var speed = Math.round( * 2);
timer = timer + 1;
if (timer > 1) {
timesLogged = timesLogged + 1;
totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speed;
averageSpeed = Math.round(totalSpeed / timesLogged);
timer = 0;
_root.currentLife =;
lft_target.text = _root.targetsLeft;
_root.averageSpeed = averageSpeed;
health = Math.round(_root.currentLife);
healthMc.maskMc._xscale = Math.round(health / 10);
credits = Math.round(_root.score);
currentSpeed = speed + "Kmph";
dial._rotation = -80 + speed;
Frame 50
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
messages = 0;
timer = 0;
remove = false;
var calcScore = Math.round(((_root.score + (_root.averageSpeed * 2)) * (_root.currentLife / 30)) - (_root.distTrav * 5));
moreGBtn._y = 10.45;
playMore.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
submitScore = calcScore;
_root.s = submitScore;
storeOldScore = _root.score;
totalScore = totalScore + Math.round(storeOldScore);
scoreMc.score_txt.text = submitScore;
scoreMc.msg1_txt.text = "Your life left " + Math.round(_root.currentLife);
scoreMc.msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + Math.round(storeOldScore)) + " Points...";
scoreMc.msg3_txt.text = ("Your average speed was " + Math.round(_root.averageSpeed)) + "Km\\h";
scoreMc.msg4_txt.text = ("You have traveled " + Math.round(_root.distTrav)) + "Km.";
nxtLvlBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "game3";
gotoAndPlay ("game3");
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 50
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 59
function callShieldFunc() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = true;
delete setShieldInter;
function setShieldTime() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var _local3 = randRange(15, 30);
setShieldInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callShieldFunc), _local3 * 1000);
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + (min - 0.5));
function callFunc() {
var _local2 = Math.ceil(;
if (checkRange == false) {
pLife1 = randRange(0, _local2);
checkRange = true;
if ((_local2 <= pLife1) && (checkLife == true)) { = false; = 100;
checkLife = false;
delete checkInter;
function checkHitStatus() {
delete setInter;
checkRange = false;
checkLife = true;
setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000);
function chekStatus() {
var _local1 = Math.ceil(;
if ((_local1 < 100) && (hitLife < 4)) {
minLife = 0;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 200) && (hitLife < 3)) {
minLife = 100;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 300) && (hitLife < 2)) {
minLife = 200;
checkLife = true;
function fadeIn(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
var _local3 = pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text;
pThis.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "";
if ((_local3 == "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......") && (_root.missionCompleteShown)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete pThis.setShieldInter;
} else if (setMessagNum == 0) {
} else {
setMessagNum = 0;
function fadeOut(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
function setMessage() {
messages = messages + 1;
setMessagNum = 1;
if (targetsLeft > 1) {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGETS LEFT...";
} else {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGET LEFT...";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
id = 4;
carId = 0;
carsAlive = 0;
maxCars = 5;
score = 0;
nextCar = false;
distTrav = 0;
messages = 0;
targetsLeft = 7;
totalTargetCar = 0;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
totalTarget = targetsLeft;
targetTime = 20;
missionCompleteShown = false;
currentLife = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
deathRattle = 0;
timerL = 0;
lifeStored = 0;
var delayTime = 0.8;
var setMessagNum = 0;
messages = messages + 1;
var tween_handler;
moreGBtn._y = 460;
nightShadowMc._y = 0;
nightShadowMc._x = 0;
moreGBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
_root.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = ""; = false;
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var shieldNumb;
var setShieldInter;
var checkInter;
var checkLife = true;
var checkRange = false;
var pLife1;
var hitLife = 0;
var minLife = 0;
var setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000); = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( < 1) {
deathRattle = deathRattle + 1;
if (deathRattle > 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("death");
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (targetsStored > targetsLeft) {
messages = messages + 1;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
if (targetsLeft > 0) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "TARGET DESTROYED ";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
hud.targetDisplay.targetDist = Math.round(_root.distTrav) + 5;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
if ((targetsLeft == 0) && (targetTime > 0)) {
targetTime = targetTime - 1;
if ((targetTime == 0) && (missionCompleteShown == false)) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
missionCompleteShown = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (missionCompleteShown) {
var _local3 = (275 - (game._x + game.player._x)) * (game._xscale / 100);
_x = (_x - ((_x - _local3) / 5));
hud._x = (-_x) + 300;
moreGBtn._x = (-_x) + 50;
nightShadowMc._x = (-_x) + 0;
if (currentDepth > 50) {
currentDepth = 0;
xscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
yscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
i = _root.maxCars;
while (i > 0) {
if (["car" + i]._x == undefined) {
_root.carId = i - 1;
i = i - 1;
timerL = timerL + 1;
if (timerL == 2) {
if (( > lifeStored) && ( > 0)) { = - (( - lifeStored) * 2);
timerL = 0;
} else {
lifeStored =;
_root.hud._visible = 1;
_root.hud._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "game" in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) {
trafficSound = new Sound(;
trafficSound.start(0, 99);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
trafficSound.setVolume(_root.carsAlive * 10);
var targetXscale = 43;
_xscale = (_xscale - ((_xscale - targetXscale) / 5));
_yscale = _xscale;
on (keyPress "q") {
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
_root._quality = "LOW";
} else {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 380 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 59
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 0;
timesLogged = 0;
totalSpeed = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
displayText =;
_root.distTrav = _root.distTrav + ( / 5000);
var speed = Math.round( * 2);
timer = timer + 1;
if (timer > 1) {
timesLogged = timesLogged + 1;
totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speed;
averageSpeed = Math.round(totalSpeed / timesLogged);
timer = 0;
_root.currentLife =;
lft_target.text = _root.targetsLeft;
_root.averageSpeed = averageSpeed;
health = Math.round(_root.currentLife);
healthMc.maskMc._xscale = Math.round(health / 10);
credits = Math.round(_root.score);
currentSpeed = speed + "Kmph";
dial._rotation = -80 + speed;
Frame 66
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
messages = 0;
timer = 0;
remove = false;
var calcScore = Math.round(((_root.score + (_root.averageSpeed * 2)) * (_root.currentLife / 30)) - (_root.distTrav * 5));
moreGBtn._y = 10.45;
playMore.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
submitScore = calcScore;
_root.s = submitScore;
storeOldScore = _root.score;
totalScore = totalScore + Math.round(storeOldScore);
scoreMc.score_txt.text = submitScore;
scoreMc.msg1_txt.text = "Your life left " + Math.round(_root.currentLife);
scoreMc.msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + Math.round(storeOldScore)) + " Points...";
scoreMc.msg3_txt.text = ("Your average speed was " + Math.round(_root.averageSpeed)) + "Km\\h";
scoreMc.msg4_txt.text = ("You have traveled " + Math.round(_root.distTrav)) + "Km.";
nxtLvlBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "game5";
gotoAndPlay ("game5");
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 66
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 75
function callShieldFunc() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = true;
delete setShieldInter;
function setShieldTime() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var _local3 = randRange(15, 25);
_root.hud.txt.text = _root.hud.txt.text + "setShieldTime\n";
setShieldInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callShieldFunc), _local3 * 1000);
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + (min - 0.5));
function callFunc() {
var _local2 = Math.ceil(;
if (checkRange == false) {
pLife1 = randRange(minLife, _local2);
checkRange = true;
if ((_local2 <= pLife1) && (checkLife == true)) { = false; = 100;
checkLife = false;
delete checkInter;
function checkHitStatus() {
delete setInter;
checkRange = false;
checkLife = true;
setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000);
function chekStatus() {
var _local1 = Math.ceil(;
if ((_local1 < 200) && (hitLife < 9)) {
minLife = 0;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 300) && (hitLife < 7)) {
minLife = 200;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 400) && (hitLife < 5)) {
minLife = 300;
checkLife = true;
function fadeIn(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
var _local3 = pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text;
pThis.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "";
if ((_local3 == "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......") && (_root.missionCompleteShown)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete pThis.setShieldInter;
} else if (setMessagNum == 0) {
} else {
setMessagNum = 0;
function fadeOut(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
function setMessage() {
messages = messages + 1;
setMessagNum = 1;
if (targetsLeft > 1) {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGETS LEFT...";
} else {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGET LEFT...";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
id = 4;
carId = 0;
carsAlive = 0;
maxCars = 5;
score = 0;
nextCar = false;
distTrav = 0;
messages = 0;
targetsLeft = 8;
totalTargetCar = 0;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
totalTarget = targetsLeft;
targetTime = 20;
missionCompleteShown = false;
currentLife = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
deathRattle = 0;
timerL = 0;
lifeStored = 0;
var delayTime = 0.8;
var setMessagNum = 0;
messages = messages + 1;
var tween_handler;
moreGBtn._y = 460;
moreGBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
_root.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = ""; = false;
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var shieldNumb;
var setShieldInter;
var checkInter;
var checkLife = true;
var checkRange = false;
var pLife1;
var hitLife = 0;
var minLife = 0;
var setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000); = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( < 1) {
deathRattle = deathRattle + 1;
if (deathRattle > 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("death");
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (targetsStored > targetsLeft) {
messages = messages + 1;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
if (targetsLeft > 0) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "TARGET DESTROYED ";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
hud.targetDisplay.targetDist = Math.round(_root.distTrav) + 5;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
if ((targetsLeft == 0) && (targetTime > 0)) {
targetTime = targetTime - 1;
if ((targetTime == 0) && (missionCompleteShown == false)) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
missionCompleteShown = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (missionCompleteShown) {
var _local3 = (275 - (game._x + game.player._x)) * (game._xscale / 100);
_x = (_x - ((_x - _local3) / 5));
hud._x = (-_x) + 300;
moreGBtn._x = (-_x) + 50;
agameBtn._x = (-_x) + 70;
agameBtn._y = moreGBtn._y + 10;
if (currentDepth > 50) {
currentDepth = 0;
xscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
yscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
i = _root.maxCars;
while (i > 0) {
if (["car" + i]._x == undefined) {
_root.carId = i - 1;
i = i - 1;
timerL = timerL + 1;
if (timerL == 2) {
if (( > lifeStored) && ( > 0)) { = - (( - lifeStored) * 2);
timerL = 0;
} else {
lifeStored =;
_root.hud._visible = 1;
_root.hud._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "game" in Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
trafficSound = new Sound(;
trafficSound.start(0, 99);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
trafficSound.setVolume(_root.carsAlive * 10);
var targetXscale = 43;
_xscale = (_xscale - ((_xscale - targetXscale) / 5));
_yscale = _xscale;
on (keyPress "q") {
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
_root._quality = "LOW";
} else {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 75
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 0;
timesLogged = 0;
totalSpeed = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
displayText =;
_root.distTrav = _root.distTrav + ( / 5000);
var speed = Math.round( * 2);
timer = timer + 1;
if (timer > 1) {
timesLogged = timesLogged + 1;
totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speed;
averageSpeed = Math.round(totalSpeed / timesLogged);
timer = 0;
_root.currentLife =;
lft_target.text = _root.targetsLeft;
_root.averageSpeed = averageSpeed;
health = Math.round(_root.currentLife);
healthMc.maskMc._xscale = Math.round(health / 10);
credits = Math.round(_root.score);
currentSpeed = speed + "Kmph";
dial._rotation = -80 + speed;
Frame 82
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
messages = 0;
timer = 0;
remove = false;
var calcScore = Math.round(((_root.score + (_root.averageSpeed * 2)) * (_root.currentLife / 30)) - (_root.distTrav * 5));
moreGBtn._y = 10.45;
playMore.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
submitScore = calcScore;
_root.s = submitScore;
storeOldScore = _root.score;
totalScore = totalScore + Math.round(storeOldScore);
scoreMc.score_txt.text = submitScore;
scoreMc.msg1_txt.text = "Your life left " + Math.round(_root.currentLife);
scoreMc.msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + Math.round(storeOldScore)) + " Points...";
scoreMc.msg3_txt.text = ("Your average speed was " + Math.round(_root.averageSpeed)) + "Km\\h";
scoreMc.msg4_txt.text = ("You have traveled " + Math.round(_root.distTrav)) + "Km.";
nxtLvlBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "game6";
gotoAndPlay ("game6");
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 82
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 91
function callShieldFunc() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = true;
delete setShieldInter;
function setShieldTime() {
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var _local3 = randRange(8, 15);
setShieldInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callShieldFunc), _local3 * 1000);
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.round((Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + (min - 0.5));
function callFunc() {
var _local2 = Math.ceil(;
if (checkRange == false) {
pLife1 = randRange(minLife, _local2);
checkRange = true;
if ((_local2 <= pLife1) && (checkLife == true)) { = false; = 100;
checkLife = false;
delete checkInter;
function checkHitStatus() {
delete setInter;
checkRange = false;
checkLife = true;
setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000);
function chekStatus() {
var _local1 = Math.ceil(;
if ((_local1 < 200) && (hitLife < 14)) {
minLife = 0;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 300) && (hitLife < 10)) {
minLife = 200;
checkLife = true;
} else if ((_local1 < 500) && (hitLife < 6)) {
minLife = 300;
checkLife = true;
function fadeIn(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeIn, 100, 0, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
var _local3 = pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text;
pThis.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
pThis.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "";
if ((_local3 == "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......") && (_root.missionCompleteShown)) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
delete pThis.setShieldInter;
} else if (setMessagNum == 0) {
} else {
setMessagNum = 0;
function fadeOut(pMc) {
var pThis = this;
tween_handler = new mx.transitions.Tween(pMc, "_alpha", mx.transitions.easing.Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, delayTime, true);
tween_handler.onMotionFinished = function () {
function setMessage() {
messages = messages + 1;
setMessagNum = 1;
if (targetsLeft > 1) {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGETS LEFT...";
} else {
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = targetsLeft + " TARGET LEFT...";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
id = 4;
carId = 0;
carsAlive = 0;
maxCars = 5;
score = 0;
nextCar = false;
distTrav = 0;
messages = 0;
targetsLeft = 12;
totalTargetCar = 0;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
totalTarget = targetsLeft;
targetTime = 20;
missionCompleteShown = false;
currentLife = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
deathRattle = 0;
timerL = 0;
lifeStored = 0;
nightShadowMc._x = 0;
nightShadowMc._y = 0;
var delayTime = 0.8;
var setMessagNum = 0;
messages = messages + 1;
var tween_handler;
moreGBtn._y = 460;
moreGBtn.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
_root.hud.messageD._alpha = 0;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = ""; = false;
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
var shieldNumb;
var setShieldInter;
var checkInter;
var checkLife = true;
var checkRange = false;
var pLife1;
var hitLife = 0;
var minLife = 0;
var setInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this, callFunc), 1000); = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( < 1) {
deathRattle = deathRattle + 1;
if (deathRattle > 70) {
gotoAndPlay ("death");
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (targetsStored > targetsLeft) {
messages = messages + 1;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
if (targetsLeft > 0) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "TARGET DESTROYED ";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
hud.targetDisplay.targetDist = Math.round(_root.distTrav) + 5;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
hud.targetDisplay.told = false;
if ((targetsLeft == 0) && (targetTime > 0)) {
targetTime = targetTime - 1;
if ((targetTime == 0) && (missionCompleteShown == false)) {
messages = messages + 1;
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt.text = "WellDone, You have successfully destroyed all the targets......";
_root.hud.messageD.msg_txt._alpha = 100;
targetsStored = targetsLeft;
missionCompleteShown = true;
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (missionCompleteShown) {
var _local3 = (275 - (game._x + game.player._x)) * (game._xscale / 100);
_x = (_x - ((_x - _local3) / 5));
hud._x = (-_x) + 300;
moreGBtn._x = (-_x) + 50;
nightShadowMc._x = (-_x) + 0;
if (currentDepth > 50) {
currentDepth = 0;
xscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
yscaler = (1 / (100 / +;
i = _root.maxCars;
while (i > 0) {
if (["car" + i]._x == undefined) {
_root.carId = i - 1;
i = i - 1;
timerL = timerL + 1;
if (timerL == 2) {
if (( > lifeStored) && ( > 0)) { = - (( - lifeStored) * 2);
timerL = 0;
} else {
lifeStored =;
_root.hud._visible = 1;
_root.hud._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 330 MovieClip "game" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) {
trafficSound = new Sound(;
trafficSound.start(0, 99);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
trafficSound.setVolume(_root.carsAlive * 10);
var targetXscale = 43;
_xscale = (_xscale - ((_xscale - targetXscale) / 5));
_yscale = _xscale;
on (keyPress "q") {
if (_root._quality == "HIGH") {
_root._quality = "MEDIUM";
} else if (_root._quality == "MEDIUM") {
_root._quality = "LOW";
} else {
_root._quality = "HIGH";
Instance of Symbol 362 MovieClip "hud" in Frame 91
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 0;
timesLogged = 0;
totalSpeed = 0;
averageSpeed = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
displayText =;
_root.distTrav = _root.distTrav + ( / 5000);
var speed = Math.round( * 2);
timer = timer + 1;
if (timer > 1) {
timesLogged = timesLogged + 1;
totalSpeed = totalSpeed + speed;
averageSpeed = Math.round(totalSpeed / timesLogged);
timer = 0;
_root.currentLife =;
lft_target.text = _root.targetsLeft;
_root.averageSpeed = averageSpeed;
health = Math.round(_root.currentLife);
healthMc.maskMc._xscale = Math.round(health / 10);
credits = Math.round(_root.score);
currentSpeed = speed + "Kmph";
dial._rotation = -80 + speed;
Frame 98
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
messages = 0;
timer = 0;
remove = false;
var calcScore = Math.round(((_root.score + (_root.averageSpeed * 2)) * (_root.currentLife / 30)) - (_root.distTrav * 5));
moreGBtn._y = 10.45;
playMore.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
submitScore = calcScore;
_root.s = submitScore;
storeOldScore = _root.score;
totalScore = totalScore + Math.round(storeOldScore);
scoreMc.score_txt.text = submitScore;
scoreMc.msg1_txt.text = "Your life left " + Math.round(_root.currentLife);
scoreMc.msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + totalScore) + " Points...";
scoreMc.msg3_txt.text = ("Your average speed was " + Math.round(_root.averageSpeed)) + "Km\\h";
scoreMc.msg4_txt.text = ("You have traveled " + Math.round(_root.distTrav)) + "Km.";
nxtLvlBtn.onRelease = function () {
_root.levelPlay = "menu";
gotoAndPlay ("menu");
Instance of Symbol 72 MovieClip in Frame 98
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Frame 107
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
messages = 0;
timer = 0;
remove = false;
totalScore = 0;
scoreMc.msg1_txt.text = "The targets got away";
scoreMc.msg2_txt.text = "Better luck next time";
playMore.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
restLvlBtn.onRelease = function () {
Symbol 51 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 52 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 398 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon
function OnEnterFrameBeacon () {
static function init() {
var _local4 = _global.MovieClip;
if (!_root.__OnEnterFrameBeacon) {
var _local3 = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("__OnEnterFrameBeacon", 9876);
_local3.onEnterFrame = function () {
static var version = "";
Symbol 399 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX
var _listeners;
function BroadcasterMX () {
static function initialize(o, dontCreateArray) {
if (o.broadcastMessage != undefined) {
delete o.broadcastMessage;
o.addListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.addListener;
o.removeListener = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.removeListener;
if (!dontCreateArray) {
o._listeners = new Array();
function addListener(o) {
if (broadcastMessage == undefined) {
broadcastMessage = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.prototype.broadcastMessage;
function removeListener(o) {
var _local2 = _listeners;
var _local3 = _local2.length;
while (_local3--) {
if (_local2[_local3] == o) {
_local2.splice(_local3, 1);
if (!_local2.length) {
broadcastMessage = undefined;
function broadcastMessage() {
var _local5 = String(arguments.shift());
var _local4 = _listeners.concat();
var _local6 = _local4.length;
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _local6) {
_local4[_local3][_local5].apply(_local4[_local3], arguments);
static var version = "";
Symbol 400 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.Tween
var obj, prop, begin, useSeconds, _listeners, addListener, prevTime, _time, looping, _duration, broadcastMessage, isPlaying, _fps, prevPos, _pos, change, _intervalID, _startTime;
function Tween (obj, prop, func, begin, finish, duration, useSeconds) {
if (!arguments.length) {
this.obj = obj;
this.prop = prop;
this.begin = begin;
position = (begin);
this.duration = (duration);
this.useSeconds = useSeconds;
if (func) {
this.func = func;
this.finish = (finish);
_listeners = [];
function set time(t) {
prevTime = _time;
if (t > duration) {
if (looping) {
rewind(t - _duration);
broadcastMessage("onMotionLooped", this);
} else {
if (useSeconds) {
_time = _duration;
broadcastMessage("onMotionFinished", this);
} else if (t < 0) {
} else {
_time = t;
function get time() {
function set duration(d) {
_duration = (((d == null) || (d <= 0)) ? (_global.Infinity) : (d));
function get duration() {
function set FPS(fps) {
var _local2 = isPlaying;
_fps = fps;
if (_local2) {
function get FPS() {
function set position(p) {
function setPosition(p) {
prevPos = _pos;
obj[prop] = (_pos = p);
broadcastMessage("onMotionChanged", this, _pos);
function get position() {
function getPosition(t) {
if (t == undefined) {
t = _time;
return(func(t, begin, change, _duration));
function set finish(f) {
change = f - begin;
function get finish() {
return(begin + change);
function continueTo(finish, duration) {
begin = position;
this.finish = (finish);
if (duration != undefined) {
this.duration = (duration);
function yoyo() {
continueTo(begin, time);
function startEnterFrame() {
if (_fps == undefined) {
} else {
_intervalID = setInterval(this, "onEnterFrame", 1000 / _fps);
isPlaying = true;
function stopEnterFrame() {
if (_fps == undefined) {
} else {
isPlaying = false;
function start() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionStarted", this);
function stop() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionStopped", this);
function resume() {
broadcastMessage("onMotionResumed", this);
function rewind(t) {
_time = ((t == undefined) ? 0 : (t));
function fforward() {
time = (_duration);
function nextFrame() {
if (useSeconds) {
time = ((getTimer() - _startTime) / 1000);
} else {
time = (_time + 1);
function onEnterFrame() {
function prevFrame() {
if (!useSeconds) {
time = (_time - 1);
function toString() {
function fixTime() {
if (useSeconds) {
_startTime = getTimer() - (_time * 1000);
function update() {
position = (getPosition(_time));
static var version = "";
static var __initBeacon = mx.transitions.OnEnterFrameBeacon.init();
static var __initBroadcaster = mx.transitions.BroadcasterMX.initialize(mx.transitions.Tween.prototype, true);
function func(t, b, c, d) {
return(((c * t) / d) + b);
Symbol 401 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.transitions.easing.Strong
function Strong () {
static function easeIn(t, b, c, d) {
t = t / d;
return((((((c * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b);
static function easeOut(t, b, c, d) {
t = (t / d) - 1;
return((c * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 1)) + b);
static function easeInOut(t, b, c, d) {
t = t / (d / 2);
if (t < 1) {
return(((((((c / 2) * t) * t) * t) * t) * t) + b);
t = t - 2;
return(((c / 2) * (((((t * t) * t) * t) * t) + 2)) + b);
static var version = "";
Symbol 402 MovieClip [] Frame 0
class mx.utils.Delegate extends Object
var func;
function Delegate (f) {
func = f;
static function create(obj, func) {
var _local2 = function () {
var _local2 =;
var _local3 = arguments.callee.func;
return(_local3.apply(_local2, arguments));
}; = obj;
_local2.func = func;
function createDelegate(obj) {
return(create(obj, func));
Symbol 125 MovieClip Frame 95
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 130 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 145 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 164 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 4
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 175 MovieClip Frame 6
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip "buildings1" in Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
origY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y +;
if (_y > (origY + 2558)) {
_y = origY;
Instance of Symbol 164 MovieClip "buildings3" in Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
origY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y +;
if (_y > (origY + 2558)) {
_y = origY;
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "buildings4" in Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
origY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y +;
if (_y > (origY + 2558)) {
_y = origY;
Instance of Symbol 175 MovieClip "buildings2" in Symbol 176 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
origY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y +;
if (_y > (origY + 2558)) {
_y = origY;
Symbol 182 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Symbol 197 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (100 -;
if (( < 0) && ( > -50)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ( < -50) {
gotoAndStop (3);
_alpha = 100;
Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1
Instance of Symbol 182 MovieClip in Symbol 205 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_alpha = (100 -;
if (( < 0) && ( > -50)) {
gotoAndStop (2);
if ( < -50) {
gotoAndStop (3);
_alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 197 MovieClip in Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(1 + random(10));
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 2
Instance of Symbol 197 MovieClip in Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 2
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop(1 + random(8));
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 3
Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 205 MovieClip in Symbol 206 MovieClip Frame 5
/* no clip actions */
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 6
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 209 MovieClip Frame 14
gotoAndPlay ("loop");
Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
id = 0;
i = 0;
while (i < _root.maxCars) {
duplicateMovieClip (tracker, "tracker" + i, i + 1);
i = i + 1;
Instance of Symbol 211 MovieClip "tracker" in Symbol 212 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) { = + 1;
id =;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x =["car" + id]._x;
_y =["car" + id]._y;
_width = (["car" + id]._width + 110);
_height =["car" + id]._height;
Symbol 215 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 257 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 262 MovieClip Frame 20
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1
maxLife = 1000;
life = maxLife;
maxSpeed = 70;
Instance of Symbol 257 MovieClip in Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
gotoAndStop(_totalframes - Math.round( / (_parent.maxLife / _totalframes)));
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 3
maxLife = 1000;
life = maxLife;
maxSpeed = 50;
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 4
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 263 MovieClip Frame 5
Instance of Symbol 268 MovieClip "trail" in Symbol 269 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
function randRange(min, max) {
var _local1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * ((max - min) + 1)) + min;
colorArr = ["0x339999", "0x99CC66", "0x993333", "0xCCCC66"];
var pColor = new Color(this);
pColor.setRGB(colorArr[randRange(0, 3)]);
Symbol 273 MovieClip Frame 16
Symbol 277 MovieClip Frame 21
Instance of Symbol 269 MovieClip "spark" in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var xspeed = ((-200 + random(400)) / 100);
var yspeed = 5;
var adjside = ((_x + xspeed) - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * ((_y + yspeed) - _y));
var angle = Math.atan2(oppside, adjside);
angle = (angle / 3.141593) * 180;
trail._rotation = -1 * angle;
trail._width = trail._width + ((-yspeed) / 5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xspeed = xspeed * 0.97;
yspeed = yspeed * 0.97;
var adjside = ((_x + xspeed) - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * ((_y + yspeed) - _y));
var angle = Math.atan2(oppside, adjside);
angle = (angle / 3.141593) * 180;
trail._rotation = -1 * angle;
trail._width = trail._width + ((-yspeed) / 2);
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + (yspeed +;
if (_name != "spark") {
if ((_y > 400) || (_y < -1500)) {
Instance of Symbol 271 MovieClip "skid" in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y +;
if (_name != "skid") {
if ((_y > 400) || (_y < -1500)) {
Instance of Symbol 273 MovieClip "paint" in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var xspeed = ((-200 + random(400)) / 100);
var yspeed = random(5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + (yspeed +;
if (_name != "paint") {
if ((_y > 400) || (_y < -1500)) {
Instance of Symbol 277 MovieClip "smoke" in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var xspeed = ((-200 + random(400)) / 100);
var yspeed = random(5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + (yspeed +;
if (_name != "smoke") {
if ((_y > 400) || (_y < -1500)) {
Instance of Symbol 277 MovieClip "smoke2" in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var xspeed = ((-200 + random(400)) / 100);
var yspeed = random(5);
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + (yspeed +;
if (_name != "smoke2") {
if ((_y > 400) || (_y < -1500)) {
Instance of Symbol 286 MovieClip "tire" in Symbol 287 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var xspeed = ((-200 + random(400)) / 20);
var yspeed = (-20 + random(40));
gotoAndStop(1 + random(8));
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xspeed = xspeed * 0.94;
yspeed = yspeed * 0.94;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + (yspeed +;
_rotation = (_rotation + xspeed);
if (_name != "tire") {
if ((_y > 400) || (_y < -1500)) {
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 1 = 0; = this; = 2; = sizeE;
if (_name == "explosion") {
Symbol 298 MovieClip Frame 14
if (_name != "explosion") {
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 1 = 0; = this; = 2; = sizeE;
if (_name == "explosion") {
Symbol 319 MovieClip Frame 11
if (_name != "explosion") {
Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
function startShieldFunc() {
if (shieldIconMc.hit) {
shieldInter = setInterval(mx.utils.Delegate.create(this,, 8000);
function removeShield() {
_root.hud.txt.text = _root.hud.txt.text + ( + newline);"sta"); = false;
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
shieldIconMc.hit = false;
delete shieldInter;
var shieldInter;
Instance of Symbol 146 MovieClip "track" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
startY = _y;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y + _parent.player.yspeed);
if ((_y + _parent.player.yspeed) > (startY + 1106)) {
_y = startY;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "lane1" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
maxSpeed = 35;
targetX = _x;
id = 1;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "lane2" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
maxSpeed = 30;
targetX = _x;
id = 2;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "lane3" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
maxSpeed = 25;
targetX = _x;
id = 3;
Instance of Symbol 153 MovieClip "lane4" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
maxSpeed = 20;
targetX = _x;
id = 4;
Instance of Symbol 154 MovieClip "slower" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
_alpha = 0;
Instance of Symbol 176 MovieClip "walls" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = 0;
mass = 1000;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
xspeed = 0;
yspeed = 0;
Instance of Symbol 206 MovieClip "car" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var lane;
var laneId;
var truckLikely = (1 + random(10));
if ((targetCar == true) && (_root.totalTargetCar == _root.totalTarget)) {
gotoAndStop ("boss");
carId = _root.totalTargetCar;
} else if (truckLikely == 5) {
gotoAndStop(1 + random(4));
} else {
gotoAndStop(1 + random(3));
startY = _y;
yspeed = 0;
xspeed = 0;
hitTimes = 0;
spin = 0;
targetX = lane.targetX;
if (_x > 0) {
up = false;
_rotation = (_rotation + 180);
yspeed = -lane.maxSpeed;
maxSpeed = lane.maxSpeed;
} else {
up = true;
_rotation = 0;
yspeed = lane.maxSpeed;
maxSpeed = lane.maxSpeed;
if ((targetCar == true) && (_root.totalTargetCar == _root.totalTarget)) {
life = 280;
yspeed = yspeed + 25;
maxSpeed = yspeed;
} else {
life = 100;
target = _parent.player;
mass = (_height + _width) / 33;
exploded = false;
timerSmoke = 0;
sparkNo = 0;
var targetCar;
messageShown = false;
engineStarted = false;
sDiff = 0;
deadCar = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
function hitSounds() {
var _local2 = 1 + random(3);
hitSound = new Sound(this);
if (_local2 == 1) {
} else if (_local2 == 2) {
} else {
hitSound.setVolume(sparkNo * 5);
hitSound.start(0, 0);
if (targetCar == true) { = _x; = _y;;
lane =;
targetX = lane.targetX;
if (_root.totalTargetCar == _root.totalTarget) {
maxSpeed = maxSpeed;
} else {
maxSpeed = lane.maxSpeed;
if ((life < 1) && (messageShown == false)) {
_root.score = _root.score + 2000;
if (_root.targetsLeft == 0) {
_root.extraCar = true;
_root.targetsLeft = _root.targetsLeft - 1;
messageShown = true;
targetCar = false; = -2000;
deadCar = true;
} else if ((life < 1) && (deadCar != true)) {
_root.carsBlownUp = _root.carsBlownUp + 1;
if (_currentframe == 4) {
_root.trucksKilled = _root.trucksKilled + 1;
deadCar = true;
if (_name != "car") {
_parent.showMc._x = _x;
_parent.showMc._y = passY;
i = 0;
while (i < (_root.maxCars + 1)) {
if (["car" + i]._x != undefined) {
if (["car" + i] != this) {
target =["car" + i];
} else {
target = _parent.player;
var adjside = (target._x - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * (target._y - _y));
var dist = Math.sqrt((adjside * adjside) + (oppside * oppside));
var distMax = (_height + (target._height / 2));
if (dist < distMax) {
if ((target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) {
xspeed = xspeed + (((_x - target._x) / 40) + (target.xspeed / 5));
if ((target._x > (_x - ((_width / 2) + (target._width / 2.2)))) && (target._x < (_x + ((_width / 2) + (target._width / 2.2))))) {
var s1 = yspeed;
var s2 = target.yspeed;
var sDiff = 0;
if (((s1 < 0) && (s2 >= 0)) || ((s2 < 0) && (s1 >= 0))) {
if (s1 < 0) {
var sDiff = (s2 - s1);
} else {
var sDiff = (s1 - s2);
} else if ((s1 >= 0) && (s2 >= 0)) {
if (s1 > s2) {
var sDiff = (s1 - s2);
} else {
var sDiff = (s2 - s1);
} else {
var sDiff = (s1 - s2);
if (sDiff < 0) {
sDiff = -sDiff;
if (sDiff > 6) {
sDiff = sDiff - 5;
life = life - (((sDiff * 12) / mass) / 2);
if (target == _parent.player) {
if (_parent.shieldIconMc.hit == false) { = - (((sDiff * 12) / mass) / 4);
} else { = - (((sDiff * 12) / mass) / 4);
sparkNo = sDiff;
if (sDiff > 3) {
if (((target == _parent.player) && (targetCar == false)) && (_parent.shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
_parent.player.hitTime = 0;
_root.score = _root.score - (sDiff / 5);
i == 0;
while (i < sparkNo) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x - (_width / 2)) + random(_width);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height / 2);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + 5;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
maxSpeed = maxSpeed - random(2);
var v1 = yspeed;
var m1 = mass;
var v2 = target.yspeed;
var m2 = target.mass;
var newV1 = ((((m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v1) + (((2 * m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v2));
var newV2 = ((((2 * m1) / (m1 + m2)) * v1) - (((m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v2));
if ((_y > target._y) && (newV1 < v1)) {
yspeed = newV1;
target.yspeed = newV2;
if ((target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) {
xspeed = xspeed + (((_x - target._x) / 40) + (target.xspeed / 5));
if ((target._x > (_x - ((_width / 2) + (target._width / 2)))) && (target._x < (_x + ((_width / 2) + (target._width / 2))))) {
var s1 = yspeed;
var s2 = target.yspeed;
var sDiff = 0;
if (((s1 < 0) && (s2 >= 0)) || ((s2 < 0) && (s1 >= 0))) {
if (s1 < 0) {
var sDiff = (s2 - s1);
} else {
var sDiff = (s1 - s2);
} else if ((s1 >= 0) && (s2 >= 0)) {
if (s1 > s2) {
var sDiff = (s1 - s2);
} else {
var sDiff = (s2 - s1);
} else {
var sDiff = (s1 - s2);
if (sDiff < 0) {
sDiff = -sDiff;
if (sDiff > 6) {
sDiff = sDiff - 5;
life = life - (((sDiff * 12) / mass) / 2);
if (target == _parent.player) {
if (_parent.shieldIconMc.hit == false) { = - (((sDiff * 12) / mass) / 4);
} else { = - (((sDiff * 12) / mass) / 4);
sparkNo = sDiff;
if (sDiff > 3) {
if (((target == _parent.player) && (targetCar == false)) && (_parent.shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
_parent.player.hitTime = 0;
_root.score = _root.score - (sDiff / 5);
i == 0;
while (i < sparkNo) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x - (_width / 2)) + random(_width);["spark" +]._y = (_y + (_height / 2)) - random(_height / 2);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + 5;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
var v1 = yspeed;
var m1 = mass;
var v2 = target.yspeed;
var m2 = target.mass;
var newV1 = ((((m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v1) + (((2 * m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v2));
var newV2 = ((((2 * m1) / (m1 + m2)) * v1) - (((m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v2));
if ((_y < target._y) && (newV1 > v1)) {
yspeed = newV1;
target.yspeed = newV2;
maxSpeed = maxSpeed + random(2);
if (((target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 3)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (height / 3)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) {
var speedDiff = ((xspeed - target.xspeed) + (yspeed - target.yspeed));
if (speedDiff > 0) {
var sparkNo = speedDiff;
} else {
var sparkNo = (-speedDiff);
hitTimes = hitTimes + 1;
var v1 = xspeed;
var m1 = mass;
var v2 = target.xspeed;
var m2 = target.mass;
var newV1 = ((((m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v1) + (((2 * m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v2));
var newV2 = ((((2 * m1) / (m1 + m2)) * v1) - (((m1 - m2) / (m1 + m2)) * v2));
if (((target == _parent.player) && (targetCar == false)) && (_parent.shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
_parent.player.hitTime = 0;
_root.score = _root.score - (sDiff / 5);
if ((_x > target._x) && (newV1 > v1)) {
i = 0;
while (i < sparkNo) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x - (_width / 2)) + random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
xspeed = newV1;
target.xspeed = newV2;
if ((_x < target._x) && (newV1 < v1)) {
i = 0;
while (i < sparkNo) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
xspeed = newV1;
target.xspeed = newV2;
life = life - (((sparkNo * 12) / mass) / 8);
i = i + 1;
var target = _parent.walls;
if ((target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2.4)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2.4)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) {
if (yspeed > 0) {
var sparkNo = yspeed;
if (yspeed < 0) {
var sparkNo = (-yspeed);
i = 0;
while (i < (sparkNo / 4)) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
life = life - (((sparkNo * 12) / mass) / 2);
yspeed = (-yspeed) * 0.5;
if ((target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2.2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2.2)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) {
var s1 = yspeed;
var s2 = target.yspeed;
var sDiff = 0;
if (((s1 < 0) && (s2 >= 0)) || ((s2 < 0) && (s1 >= 0))) {
if (s1 < 0) {
sDiff = s2 - s1;
} else {
sDiff = s1 - s2;
} else if ((s1 >= 0) && (s2 >= 0)) {
if (s1 > s2) {
sDiff = s1 - s2;
} else {
sDiff = s2 - s1;
} else {
sDiff = s1 - s2;
if (sDiff < 0) {
sDiff = -sDiff;
sparksNo = sDiff;
i = 0;
while (i < (sparkNo / 4)) {
hitSounds(); = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
life = life - (((sparkNo * 12) / mass) / 2);
yspeed = (-yspeed) * 0.5;
if (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true)) {
_x = (_x - (xspeed / 3));
xspeed = (-xspeed) * 0.2;
if (yspeed > 0) {
var sparkNo = yspeed;
if (yspeed < 0) {
var sparkNo = (-yspeed);
if ((sparkNo / 4) > 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < (sparkNo / 4)) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x - (_width / 2)) + random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
life = life - (((sparkNo * 12) / mass) / 6);
if (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true)) {
_x = (_x - (xspeed / 3));
xspeed = (-xspeed) * 0.2;
if (yspeed > 0) {
var sparkNo = yspeed;
if (yspeed < 0) {
var sparkNo = (-yspeed);
if ((sparkNo / 4) > 1) {
i = 0;
while (i < (sparkNo / 4)) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.spark, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
life = life - (((sparkNo * 12) / mass) / 6);
if ( == 2) {
var dist = Math.sqrt(((_x - * (_x - + ((_y - * (_y -;
if (dist < 300) {
interestX =;
interestY =;
interestLevel = interestLevel + 50;
if (dist < ( * 2)) {
life = life - ((( * 2) - dist) / 8);
var adjside = ( - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * ( - _y));
var angle = Math.atan2(oppside, adjside);
angle = (angle / 3.141593) * 180;
var throwRot = (-1 * angle);
xspeed = xspeed - (Math.cos(throwRot * 0.01745329) * ((( * 2) - dist) / (10 * mass)));
yspeed = yspeed + (Math.sin(throwRot * 0.01745329) * ((( * 2) - dist) / (10 * mass)));
if ((life < -75) && (exploded == false)) {
exploded = true; = + 1; = _x; = _y; = _height; = _height;
duplicateMovieClip (, "explosion" +, + 300);["explosion" +]._x = _x;["explosion" +]._y = _y;["explosion" +]._height = / 2.5;["explosion" +]._width = / 2.5;["explosion" +].sizeE = * 2;
i = 0;
while (i < 4) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects2.tire, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = _x;["spark" +]._y = _y;
i = i + 1;
if ((life < 50) && (life > -75)) {
timerSmoke = timerSmoke + 1;
if (timerSmoke > 1) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.smoke, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = _x;["spark" +]._y = _y;["spark" +]._height =["spark" +]._height +;["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
timerSmoke = 0;
if (life < -75) {
timerSmoke = timerSmoke + 1;
if (timerSmoke > 1) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.smoke2, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = _x;["spark" +]._y = _y;["spark" +]._height =["spark" +]._height +;["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
timerSmoke = 0;
if (life > 0) {
if ((_x + xspeed) < targetX) {
xspeed = xspeed + 0.2;
} else if ((_x < targetX) && (xspeed > 0)) {
xspeed = xspeed * 0.97;
if ((_x + xspeed) > targetX) {
xspeed = xspeed - 0.2;
if ((_x > targetX) && (xspeed < 0)) {
xspeed = xspeed * 0.97;
if (up == false) {
if (yspeed > (-maxSpeed)) {
yspeed = yspeed - (maxSpeed / 30);
_rotation = (((xspeed * 3) + spin) + 180);
} else {
var laneChange = random(500);
if (laneChange == 10) {
var chooseLane = (1 + random(3));
lane =["lane" + chooseLane];
targetX = lane.targetX;
maxSpeed = lane.maxSpeed;
if (_root.totalTargetCar == _root.totalTarget) {
maxSpeed = lane.maxSpeed + 25;
if (yspeed < maxSpeed) {
yspeed = yspeed + (maxSpeed / 30);
_rotation = ((xspeed * 6) / mass);
} else {
_rotation = (_rotation + ((xspeed * 10) / mass));
if ((_name != "car") && (targetCar != true)) {
if ((_y > 600) || (_y < -1700)) {
_root.carsAlive = _root.carsAlive - 1;
xspeed = xspeed * 0.97;
yspeed = yspeed * 0.97;
showy = _y;
showx = _x;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y - ((-_parent.player.yspeed) + yspeed));
if (targetCar == true) {; = _x; = _y;
Instance of Symbol 209 MovieClip "targetShow" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
Instance of Symbol 214 MovieClip in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
timer = 0;
spawnTime = 200;
startX = _x;
newLane = none;
oldLane = alsoNone;
lastCar = none;
createCar = true;
targetSpawned = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.nextCar == true) {
var amount = (1 + random(4));
_x =["lane" + amount]._x;
newLane =["lane" + amount];
} else {
var amount = (1 + random(4));
_x =["lane" + amount]._x;
newLane =["lane" + amount];
timer = timer + ( + random( / 2));
if (newLane != oldLane) {
if (lastCar._y < (_y + lastCar._height)) {
createCar = false;
} else {
createCar = true;
} else {
createCar = false;
if ((((timer > spawnTime) && (_root.carsAlive < _root.maxCars)) && (createCar == true)) && (_root.carId != 10)) {
_root.carsAlive = _root.carsAlive + 1;
_root.carId = _root.carId + 1;
if (["car" + _root.carId]._x == undefined) {
duplicateMovieClip (, "car" + _root.carId, _root.carId + 151);
if (_root.nextCar == true) {
_root.totalTargetCar++;["car" + _root.carId]._x = (_x - 2) + random(4);["car" + _root.carId]._y = _y;["car" + _root.carId].lane =["lane" + amount];["car" + _root.carId].laneId = 2;["car" + _root.carId].targetCar = true;
_root.nextCar = false;
} else {["car" + _root.carId]._x = (_x - 2) + random(4);["car" + _root.carId]._y = _y;["car" + _root.carId].lane =["lane" + amount];["car" + _root.carId].laneId = amount;["car" + _root.carId].targetCar = false;
lastCar =["car" + _root.carId];
timer = 0;
oldLane =["lane" + amount];
Instance of Symbol 215 MovieClip "prop" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
startY = _y;
yspeed = 0;
xspeed = 0;
hitTimes = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.player.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + _parent.player.yspeed) * (1 / (100 / +, true)) {
hitTimes = hitTimes + 1;
if (_currentframe == 1) {
yspeed = yspeed - _parent.player.yspeed;
} else {
yspeed = yspeed - (_parent.player.yspeed * 0.5);
xspeed = xspeed + (((_x - _parent.player._x) / 40) + (_parent.player.xspeed / 2));
_parent.player.yspeed = _parent.player.yspeed / 1.01;
gotoAndStop (2);
if (hitTimes > 10) {
_root.hud.displayText = "Cone carrying bonus 200 points!";
_root.hud.score = _root.hud.score + 200;
var target = _parent.walls;
if (target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true)) {
yspeed = (-yspeed) * 0.5;
if (target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (yspeed + {
yspeed = (-yspeed) * 0.5;
if (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (xspeed < 0)) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
xspeed = (-xspeed) * 0.2;
if (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (xspeed > 0)) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
xspeed = (-xspeed) * 0.2;
xspeed = xspeed * 0.97;
yspeed = yspeed * 0.97;
showy = _y;
showx = _x;
_rotation = (_rotation + ((xspeed + yspeed) * 4));
_x = (_x + xspeed);
_y = (_y + (_parent.player.yspeed + yspeed));
Instance of Symbol 263 MovieClip "player" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
gotoAndStop (1);
maxSpeed = 50;
yspeed = 50;
xspeed = 0;
mass = ((_height + _width) / 33) * 5;
maxLife = 300;
life = maxLife;
slowTimer = 0;
origWidth = _width;
yspeed = 60;
exploded = false;
smokeTime = 0;
hitTime = 0;
skidPlaying = false;
rev = true;
revLength = 0;
explodeTimer = 10;
colorArr = ["0x339999", "0x99CC66", "0x993333", "0xCCCC66"];
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.hud.speed >= 200) {
skidActive = true;
if (skidActive == true) {
if (Key.isDown(40) || (Key.isDown(32))) {
} else {
skidActive = false;
if ((skidActive == true) && (_root.hud.speed <= 30)) {
_root.skidDone = true;
if ( * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (yspeed > 30)) {
hitTime = hitTime + 1;
} else if (hitTime > 0) {
_root.score = _root.score + (yspeed / 5);
hitTime = 0;
} else {
hitTime = 0;
if (yspeed < 0) {
yspeed = yspeed - (yspeed / 2);
if ((yspeed / 5) < 3.5) {
var turnSpeed = (yspeed / 5);
} else {
turnSpeed = 3.5;
if ((Key.isDown(38) && (yspeed < maxSpeed)) && (life > 0)) {
yspeed = yspeed + 0.8;
if ((Key.isDown(32) && (yspeed > 0)) || ((Key.isDown(40) && (yspeed > 0)) && (life > 0))) {
yspeed = yspeed - 1.4;
turnSpeed = turnSpeed + 0.1;
if (yspeed > 10) {
if (skidPlaying == false) {
skidSound = new Sound(this);
skidSound.start(0, 4);
skidPlaying = true;
skidSound.setVolume(yspeed * 2);
var adjside = ((_x - xspeed) - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * ((_y + yspeed) - _y));
var angle = Math.atan2(oppside, adjside);
angle = (angle / 3.141593) * 180; = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "spark" +, + 1);
if (_rotation <= 0) {["spark" +]._x = ((_x + (_width / 2)) - 8) + xspeed;
} else {["spark" +]._x = (((_x + (_width / 2)) - (_rotation * 1.8)) - 8) + xspeed;
}["spark" +]._y = _y + (_height / 3);["spark" +]._height = yspeed + 4;["spark" +]._alpha = yspeed * 1.5;["spark" +]._rotation = (-1 * angle) - 90; = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "spark" +, + 1);
if (_rotation >= 0) {["spark" +]._x = ((_x - (_width / 2)) + 8) + xspeed;
} else {["spark" +]._x = (((_x - (_width / 2)) - (_rotation * 1.8)) + 8) + xspeed;
}["spark" +]._y = _y + (_height / 3);["spark" +]._height = yspeed + 4;["spark" +]._alpha = yspeed * 1.5;["spark" +]._rotation = (-1 * angle) - 90;
} else {
skidPlaying = false;
} else {
if (turnSpeed > 3.5) {
turnSpeed = turnSpeed - 0.1;
skidPlaying = false;
if (Key.isDown(39) && (life > 0)) {
xspeed = xspeed + turnSpeed;
if (Key.isDown(37) && (life > 0)) {
xspeed = xspeed - turnSpeed;
_rotation = (xspeed / 2);
xspeed = xspeed * 0.8;
_x = (_x + xspeed);
yspeed = yspeed * 0.99;
showx = _x;
showy = _y;
if (life < 0) {
explodeTimer = explodeTimer + 1;
if ((life < 0) && (explodeTimer > 20)) {
explodeTimer = 0;
exploded = true; = + 1; = _x; = _y; = _height; = _height;
duplicateMovieClip (, "explosion" +, + 1);["explosion" +]._x = _x;["explosion" +]._y = _y;["explosion" +]._height = / 3;["explosion" +]._width = / 3;["explosion" +].sizeE = * 2;
if (life < 40) {
smokeTime = smokeTime + (yspeed / 5);
if (smokeTime > 5) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (_parent.effects.smoke, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = _x;["spark" +]._y = _y - (_height / 2);["spark" +]._height =["spark" +]._height + yspeed;["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed = yspeed; = + 1;
smokeTime = 0;
var target = _parent.walls;
if ((target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) || (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 3)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) || (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 3)) * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y - (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true))) {
if ((yspeed > 0) && (shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
life = life - yspeed;
} else {
life = life + yspeed;
yspeed = (-yspeed) * 1;
if (target.hitTest((_x * (1 / (100 / +, ((_y + (_height / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (yspeed + {
if ((yspeed > 0) && (shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
life = life - yspeed;
} else {
life = life + yspeed;
_y = (_y - yspeed);
yspeed = (-yspeed) * 1;
if (target.hitTest(((_x - (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (xspeed < 0)) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
xspeed = (-xspeed) * 0.2;
var sparkNo = ((yspeed / 5) - 2);
if (shieldIconMc.hit == false) {
life = life - (sparkNo / 5);
i = 0;
while (i < sparkNo) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x - (_width / 2)) + random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (sparkNo / 4)) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x - (_width / 2)) + random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed = yspeed * 1.5;
i = i + 1;
if (target.hitTest(((_x + (_width / 2)) * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true) && (xspeed > 0)) {
_x = (_x - xspeed);
xspeed = (-xspeed) * 0.2;
var sparkNo = ((yspeed / 5) - 2);
if (shieldIconMc.hit == false) {
life = life - (sparkNo / 5);
i = 0;
while (i < sparkNo) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "spark" +, + 1);
var pColor = new Color(["spark" +]);["spark" +]._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed =["spark" +].yspeed + (yspeed * 2);
i = i + 1;
i = 0;
while (i < (sparkNo / 4)) { = + 1;
duplicateMovieClip (, "spark" +, + 1);["spark" +]._x = (_x + (_width / 2)) - random(_width / 3);["spark" +]._y = (_y - (_height / 2)) + random(_height);["spark" +].xspeed =["spark" +].xspeed + xspeed;["spark" +].yspeed = yspeed * 1.5;
i = i + 1;
if ( * (1 / (100 / +, (_y * (1 / (100 / +, true)) {
if ((_x * (1 / (100 / < 0) {
_root.pavementTime = _root.pavementTime + 1;
if (slowTimer < 20) {
slowTimer = slowTimer + 1;
} else {
yspeed = yspeed * 0.98;
} else if (slowTimer > 0) {
slowTimer = slowTimer - 1;
if (this.hitTest(_parent.shieldIconMc) && (_parent.shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
_parent.shieldIconMc.hit = true;
this.shieldMc._visible = true;;
if (this.hitTest(_parent.plusMc) && (_parent.plusMc.hit == false)) {
_parent.plusMc._alpha = 0;
_parent.plusMc.hit = true;
life = life + (0.1 * maxLife);
if (life >= maxLife) {
life = maxLife;
if ( == 2) {
var dist = Math.sqrt(((_x - * (_x - + ((_y - * (_y -;
if (dist < 300) {
interestX =;
interestY =;
interestLevel = interestLevel + 50;
if ((dist < ( * 2)) && (shieldIconMc.hit == false)) {
life = life - ((( * 2) - dist) / 50);
var adjside = ( - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * ( - _y));
var angle = Math.atan2(oppside, adjside);
angle = (angle / 3.141593) * 180;
var throwRot = (-1 * angle);
xspeed = xspeed - (Math.cos(throwRot * 0.01745329) * ((( * 2) - dist) / (5 * mass)));
yspeed = yspeed + (Math.sin(throwRot * 0.01745329) * ((( * 2) - dist) / (5 * mass)));
Instance of Symbol 265 MovieClip in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
targetC = _parent.targetShow;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if ((_root.hud.targetDisplay.pDist < 1) && (_root.nextCar == false)) {
_alpha = 100;
} else {
_alpha = 0;
_x =;
var adjside = (targetC._x - _x);
var oppside = (-1 * (targetC._y - _y));
var angle = Math.atan2(oppside, adjside);
angle = (angle / 3.141593) * 180;
_rotation = (-1 * angle);
Instance of Symbol 287 MovieClip "effects" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (id > 50) {
id = 0;
Instance of Symbol 289 MovieClip "sound" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
owner = false;
owned = 0;
type = 1;
size = 1;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (owner != false) {
if (owned < 1) {
_x = owner._x;
_y = owner._y;
owned = owned + 1;
if (owned > 2) {
owner = false;
owned = 0;
type = 1;
_x = -9999;
Instance of Symbol 298 MovieClip "explosion__" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
/* no clip actions */
Instance of Symbol 319 MovieClip "explosion" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
var sizeE;
if ((_x - > 100) {
pan = 100;
} else if ((_x - < -100) {
pan = -100;
} else {
pan = _x -;
vol = 100 - (Math.sqrt(((_x - * (_x - + ((_y - * (_y - / 10);
if (vol > 100) {
vol = 100;
if (vol < 0) {
vol = 0;
if (_name == "explosion") {
_visible = false;
} else {
explosionSound = new Sound(this);
explosionSound.start(0, 0);
time = 100;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
_y = (_y +;
if ((_x - > 100) {
pan = 100;
} else if ((_x - < -100) {
pan = -100;
} else {
pan = _x -;
vol = 100 - (Math.sqrt(((_x - * (_x - + ((_y - * (_y - / 10);
if (vol > 100) {
vol = 100;
if (vol < 0) {
vol = 0;
Instance of Symbol 287 MovieClip "effects2" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
id = 0;
_x = 0;
_y = 0;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (id > 50) {
id = 0;
Instance of Symbol 322 MovieClip "plusMc" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
startY = _y;
var pArr = [,,,];
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (hit == false) {
_y = (_y + _parent.player.yspeed);
if (((_y + _parent.player.yspeed) > (startY + 1725)) || (hit == true)) {
hit = true;
_y = startY;
var pX = int(Math.random() * 3);
this._x = pArr[pX] - (this._width / 2);
Instance of Symbol 329 MovieClip "shieldIconMc" in Symbol 330 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
startY = _y;
var pArr = [,,,];
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.playerShieldMoov == true) {
_y = (_y + _parent.player.yspeed);
if (((_y + _parent.player.yspeed) > (startY + 1725)) && (hit == false)) {
_y = startY;
var pX = int(Math.random() * 3);
this._x = pArr[pX] - (this._width / 2);
if (hit == true) {
_root.playerShieldMoov = false;
_y = startY;
var pX = int(Math.random() * 3);
this._x = pArr[pX] - (this._width / 2);
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 336 MovieClip Frame 11
gotoAndPlay ("start");
Symbol 361 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip "targetDisplay" in Symbol 362 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
timeSoFar = 1200;
secs = 0;
mins = 8;
targetDist = 5;
told = false;
pDist = 0;
_parent.aheadMc._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((targetDist - Math.round(_root.distTrav)) < 1) && (told == false)) {
if (_root.levelPlay == "story4") {
if (_root.totalTargetCar < 6) {
_root.nextCar = true;
told = true;
} else {
_root.nextCar = true;
told = true;
if (told == false) {
_alpha = 100;
pDist = targetDist - Math.round(_root.distTrav);
dist = pDist + " Km";
timeSoFar = timeSoFar + 1;
if (Math.round(timeSoFar / 25) < 10) {
secs = "0" + Math.round(timeSoFar / 25);
} else {
secs = Math.round(timeSoFar / 25);
if (secs == 60) {
mins = mins + 1;
timeSoFar = 0;
time = (("8:5" + mins) + ".") + secs;
Symbol 372 MovieClip Frame 25
storeOldScore = _root.score;
score_txt.text = _root.submitScore;
msg1_txt.text = "Your life left " + Math.round(_root.currentLife);
if (_root.levelPlay == "6") {
msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + _root.totalScore) + " Points...";
} else {
msg2_txt.text = ("You have earned " + Math.round(storeOldScore)) + " Points...";
msg3_txt.text = ("Your average speed was " + Math.round(_root.averageSpeed)) + "Km\\h";
msg4_txt.text = ("You have traveled " + Math.round(_root.distTrav)) + "Km.";
Instance of Symbol 355 MovieClip "targetDisplay" in Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
timeSoFar = 1200;
secs = 0;
mins = 8;
targetDist = 5;
told = false;
pDist = 0;
_parent.aheadMc._visible = false;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (((targetDist - Math.round(_root.distTrav)) < 1) && (told == false)) {
if (_root.levelPlay == "story4") {
if (_root.totalTargetCar < 6) {
_root.nextCar = true;
told = true;
} else {
_root.nextCar = true;
told = true;
if (told == false) {
_alpha = 100;
pDist = targetDist - Math.round(_root.distTrav);
dist = pDist + " Km";
timeSoFar = timeSoFar + 1;
if (Math.round(timeSoFar / 25) < 10) {
secs = "0" + Math.round(timeSoFar / 25);
} else {
secs = Math.round(timeSoFar / 25);
if (secs == 60) {
mins = mins + 1;
timeSoFar = 0;
time = (("8:5" + mins) + ".") + secs;
Symbol 394 MovieClip Frame 25
msg1_txt.text = "The targets got away";
msg2_txt.text = "Better luck next time";