Combined Code
movieClip 9 p3 {
frame 1 {
var s = 5 + random(15);
var rs = 0;
var xs = 0;
var ys = 0;
var rs2 = random(2) * 2 - 1;
var rs3 = (random(5) + 1) / 5;
var ys2 = 0;
var f = random(4) + 2;
var st = 10;
var _c = _root.clr[Math.min(_root.combo + _root.permCombo, 5)];
createEmptyMovieClip('l', 1);
var p = [[0, 0]];
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var r = random(360);
var a = 100;
onEnterFrame = function () {
r += rs;
rs += rs2 * (rs3 + (5 - st));
st -= st / 10;
xs = (s + st) * Math.sin(r * _root.Ci);
ys = (s + st) * Math.cos(r * _root.Ci);
ys2 -= 0.05;
x += xs;
y -= ys + ys2;
p.push([x, y]);
a -= f;
n = Math.max(0, p.length - 20);
while (n < p.length) {
l.lineStyle(1, _c, a + n);
if (n < p.length - 19) {
l.moveTo((p[n][0] + p[n + 1][0]) / 2, (p[n][1] + p[n + 1][1]) / 2);
} else {
l.curveTo(p[n - 1][0], p[n - 1][1], (p[n][0] + p[n - 1][0]) / 2, (p[n][1] + p[n - 1][1]) / 2);
if (a + n < 0) {
movieClip 10 sp {
frame 1 {
var xd = random(100) - random(100);
var yd = random(100) - random(100);
var d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
var s = 5 + random(15);
var xs = s * (xd / d);
var ys = s * (yd / d);
var p = [[_x, _y]];
createEmptyMovieClip('l', 1);
var n = 0;
var t = 100;
var c = _root.clr[Math.min(_root.combo + _root.permCombo, 5)];
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = _x + xs;
_y = _y - ys;
ys -= 0.3;
t -= 3;
p.push([_x, _y]);
n = Math.max(0, p.length - 5);
l.moveTo(p[n][0] - _x, p[n][1] - _y);
while (n < p.length) {
l.lineStyle((5 - (p.length - n)) * 1.5, c, t);
l.lineTo(p[n][0] - _x, p[n][1] - _y);
if (_y - _height > 500 or _y + _height < 0) {
onEnterFrame = null;
movieClip 12 sp2 {
frame 1 {
s = Math.max(random(25), random(25));
xd = random(100) - random(100);
yd = random(100) - random(100);
d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
_x = _x + random(Math.abs(15 * (25 - s) * (xd / d))) * (random(2) * 2 - 1);
_y = _y + random(Math.abs(15 * (25 - s) * (yd / d))) * (random(2) * 2 - 1);
frame 28 {
movieClip 14 {
movieClip 15 a {
frame 1 {
if (!onEnterFrame) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.temp == this and _root.kDown()) {
} else {
if (_root.temp2 == this and _root.char._y > _y) {
this._alpha = 100;
if (_currentframe > 1) {
if (!kd) {
kd = true;
} else {
kd = false;
} else {
this._alpha = 50 + random(15) - random(15);
movieClip 16 p1 {
frame 1 {
var xd = random(100) - random(100);
var yd = random(100) - random(100);
var d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
var s = 5 + random(15);
var xs = s * (xd / d);
var ys = s * (yd / d);
var n = 0;
var t = 50;
var c = _root.clr[Math.min(_root.combo, 5)];
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = _x + xs;
_y = _y - ys;
ys -= 0.3;
_root.attachMovie('p2', 'sp' + _root.i, _root.i);
_root['sp' + _root.i]._x = _x;
_root['sp' + _root.i]._y = _y;
if (_y - _height > 500 or _y + _height < 0) {
onEnterFrame = null;
movieClip 17 p2 {
frame 1 {
s = Math.max(random(10), random(10));
frame 14 {
movieClip 19 scr {
movieClip 25 {
movieClip 26 {
// unknown tag 88 length 96
// unknown tag 88 length 96
movieClip 34 {
movieClip 37 {
movieClip 40 {
// unknown tag 88 length 96
// unknown tag 88 length 96
movieClip 47 {
// unknown tag 88 length 96
movieClip 49 {
movieClip 50 {
movieClip 52 {
movieClip 55 {
// unknown tag 88 length 96
// unknown tag 88 length 493
// unknown tag 88 length 493
movieClip 61 {
movieClip 63 {
movieClip 64 ZattikkaHiScores {
Object.registerClass('ZattikkaHiScores', ZattikkaHiScores);
frame 1 {
movieClip 75 {
// unknown tag 88 length 115
movieClip 78 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
loading = _root.getBytesLoaded();
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
p = loading / total;
movLoadingBar._xscale = p * 100;
txtPercent.text = int(p * 100) + ' % loaded';
if (p >= 0.97) {
instance hiScores of movieClip 64 ZattikkaHiScores {
onClipEvent (construct) {
enabled = true;
visible = true;
minHeight = 0;
minWidth = 0;
movieClip 20 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {
mx.core.UIObject = v1;
mx.core.UIObject extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.__get__width = function () {
return this._width;
v2.__get__height = function () {
return this._height;
v2.__get__left = function () {
return this._x;
v2.__get__x = function () {
return this._x;
v2.__get__top = function () {
return this._y;
v2.__get__y = function () {
return this._y;
v2.__get__right = function () {
return this._parent.width - (this._x + this.__get__width());
v2.__get__bottom = function () {
return this._parent.height - (this._y + this.__get__height());
v2.getMinHeight = function (Void) {
return this._minHeight;
v2.setMinHeight = function (h) {
this._minHeight = h;
v2.__get__minHeight = function () {
return this.getMinHeight();
v2.__set__minHeight = function (h) {
return this.__get__minHeight();
v2.getMinWidth = function (Void) {
return this._minWidth;
v2.setMinWidth = function (w) {
this._minWidth = w;
v2.__get__minWidth = function () {
return this.getMinWidth();
v2.__set__minWidth = function (w) {
return this.__get__minWidth();
v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) {
if (x != this._visible) {
this._visible = x;
if (noEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': x ? 'reveal' : 'hide'});
v2.__get__visible = function () {
return this._visible;
v2.__set__visible = function (x) {
this.setVisible(x, false);
return this.__get__visible();
v2.__get__scaleX = function () {
return this._xscale;
v2.__set__scaleX = function (x) {
this._xscale = x;
return this.__get__scaleX();
v2.__get__scaleY = function () {
return this._yscale;
v2.__set__scaleY = function (y) {
this._yscale = y;
return this.__get__scaleY();
v2.doLater = function (obj, fn) {
if (this.methodTable == undefined) {
this.methodTable = new Array();
this.methodTable.push({'obj': obj, 'fn': fn});
this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher;
v2.doLaterDispatcher = function (Void) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
if (this.invalidateFlag) {
var v3 = this.methodTable;
this.methodTable = new Array();
if (v3.length > 0) {
var v2;
v2 = v3.shift();
while (v2 != undefined) {
v2.cancelAllDoLaters = function (Void) {
delete this.onEnterFrame;
this.methodTable = new Array();
v2.invalidate = function (Void) {
this.invalidateFlag = true;
this.onEnterFrame = this.doLaterDispatcher;
v2.invalidateStyle = function (Void) {
v2.redraw = function (bAlways) {
if (this.invalidateFlag || bAlways) {
this.invalidateFlag = false;
var v2;
for (v2 in this.tfList) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'draw'});
v2.draw = function (Void) {};
v2.move = function (x, y, noEvent) {
var v3 = this._x;
var v2 = this._y;
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
if (noEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'move', 'oldX': v3, 'oldY': v2});
v2.setSize = function (w, h, noEvent) {
var v3 = this.__width;
var v2 = this.__height;
this.__width = w;
this.__height = h;
if (noEvent != true) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'resize', 'oldWidth': v3, 'oldHeight': v2});
v2.size = function (Void) {
this._width = this.__width;
this._height = this.__height;
v2.drawRect = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this.moveTo(x1, y1);
this.lineTo(x2, y1);
this.lineTo(x2, y2);
this.lineTo(x1, y2);
this.lineTo(x1, y1);
v2.createLabel = function (name, depth, text) {
this.createTextField(name, depth, 0, 0, 0, 0);
var v2 = this[name];
v2._color = mx.core.UIObject.textColorList;
v2._visible = false;
v2.__text = text;
if (this.tfList == undefined) {
this.tfList = new Object();
this.tfList[name] = v2;
v2.styleName = this;
return v2;
v2.createObject = function (linkageName, id, depth, initobj) {
return this.attachMovie(linkageName, id, depth, initobj);
v2.createClassObject = function (className, id, depth, initobj) {
var v3 = className.symbolName == undefined;
if (v3) {
Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className);
var v4 = mx.core.UIObject(this.createObject(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, id, depth, initobj));
if (v3) {
Object.registerClass(className.symbolOwner.symbolName, className.symbolOwner);
return v4;
v2.createEmptyObject = function (id, depth) {
return this.createClassObject(mx.core.UIObject, id, depth);
v2.destroyObject = function (id) {
var v2 = this[id];
if (v2.getDepth() < 0) {
var v4 = this.buildDepthTable();
var v5 = this.findNextAvailableDepth(0, v4, 'up');
var v3 = v5;
delete this[id];
v2.getSkinIDName = function (tag) {
return this.idNames[tag];
v2.setSkin = function (tag, linkageName, initObj) {
if (_global.skinRegistry[linkageName] == undefined) {
mx.skins.SkinElement.registerElement(linkageName, mx.skins.SkinElement);
return this.createObject(linkageName, this.getSkinIDName(tag), tag, initObj);
v2.createSkin = function (tag) {
var v2 = this.getSkinIDName(tag);
this.createEmptyObject(v2, tag);
return this[v2];
v2.createChildren = function (Void) {};
v2._createChildren = function (Void) {
this.childrenCreated = true;
v2.constructObject = function (Void) {
if (this._name == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (this.validateNow) {
} else {
v2.initFromClipParameters = function (Void) {
var v4 = false;
var v2;
for (v2 in this.clipParameters) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(v2)) {
v4 = true;
this['def_' + v2] = this[v2];
delete this[v2];
if (v4) {
for (v2 in this.clipParameters) {
var v3 = this['def_' + v2];
if (v3 != undefined) {
this[v2] = v3;
v2.init = function (Void) {
this.__width = this._width;
this.__height = this._height;
if (this.initProperties == undefined) {
} else {
if (_global.cascadingStyles == true) {
this.stylecache = new Object();
v2.getClassStyleDeclaration = function (Void) {
var v4 = this;
var v3 = this.className;
while (v3 != undefined) {
if (this.ignoreClassStyleDeclaration[v3] == undefined) {
if (_global.styles[v3] != undefined) {
return _global.styles[v3];
v4 = v4.__proto__;
v3 = v4.className;
v2.setColor = function (color) {};
v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) {
var v8 =;
if (v8 != undefined) {
var v3;
for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) {
if (tf[v3] == undefined) {
tf[v3] = v8[v3];
return false;
var v6 = false;
for (v3 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v3]) {
if (tf[v3] == undefined) {
var v5 = this._tf[v3];
if (v5 != undefined) {
tf[v3] = v5;
} else {
if (v3 == 'font' && this.fontFamily != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontFamily;
} else {
if (v3 == 'size' && this.fontSize != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontSize;
} else {
if (v3 == 'color' && this.color != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.color;
} else {
if (v3 == 'leftMargin' && this.marginLeft != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.marginLeft;
} else {
if (v3 == 'rightMargin' && this.marginRight != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.marginRight;
} else {
if (v3 == 'italic' && this.fontStyle != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontStyle == v3;
} else {
if (v3 == 'bold' && this.fontWeight != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.fontWeight == v3;
} else {
if (v3 == 'align' && this.textAlign != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.textAlign;
} else {
if (v3 == 'indent' && this.textIndent != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.textIndent;
} else {
if (v3 == 'underline' && this.textDecoration != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.textDecoration == v3;
} else {
if (v3 == 'embedFonts' && this.embedFonts != undefined) {
tf[v3] = this.embedFonts;
} else {
v6 = true;
if (v6) {
var v9 = this.styleName;
if (v9 != undefined) {
if (typeof v9 != 'string') {
v6 = v9.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
} else {
if (_global.styles[v9] != undefined) {
v6 = _global.styles[v9].__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
if (v6) {
var v10 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration();
if (v10 != undefined) {
v6 = v10.__getTextFormat(tf, true, this);
if (v6) {
if (_global.cascadingStyles) {
if (this._parent != undefined) {
v6 = this._parent.__getTextFormat(tf, false);
if (v6) {
v6 =, true, this);
return v6;
v2._getTextFormat = function (Void) {
var v2 =;
if (v2 != undefined) {
return v2;
v2 = new TextFormat();
this.__getTextFormat(v2, true); = v2;
if (this.enabled == false) {
var v3 = this.getStyle('disabledColor');
v2.color = v3;
return v2;
v2.getStyleName = function (Void) {
var v2 = this.styleName;
if (v2 != undefined) {
if (typeof v2 != 'string') {
return v2.getStyleName();
} else {
return v2;
if (this._parent != undefined) {
return this._parent.getStyleName();
} else {
return undefined;
v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) {
var v3;
if (this[styleProp] != undefined) {
return this[styleProp];
var v6 = this.styleName;
if (v6 != undefined) {
if (typeof v6 != 'string') {
v3 = v6.getStyle(styleProp);
} else {
var v7 = _global.styles[v6];
v3 = v7.getStyle(styleProp);
if (v3 != undefined) {
return v3;
v7 = this.getClassStyleDeclaration();
if (v7 != undefined) {
v3 = v7[styleProp];
if (v3 != undefined) {
return v3;
if (_global.cascadingStyles) {
if (mx.styles.StyleManager.isInheritingStyle(styleProp) || mx.styles.StyleManager.isColorStyle(styleProp)) {
var v5 = this.stylecache;
if (v5 != undefined) {
if (v5[styleProp] != undefined) {
return v5[styleProp];
if (this._parent != undefined) {
v3 = this._parent.getStyle(styleProp);
} else {
v3 =[styleProp];
if (v5 != undefined) {
v5[styleProp] = v3;
return v3;
if (v3 == undefined) {
v3 =[styleProp];
return v3;
v1.mergeClipParameters = function (o, p) {
for (var v3 in p) {
o[v3] = p[v3];
return true;
v1.symbolName = 'UIObject';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIObject;
v1.version = '';
v1.textColorList = {'color': 1, 'disabledColor': 1};
v2.invalidateFlag = false;
v2.lineWidth = 1;
v2.lineColor = 0;
v2.tabEnabled = false;
v2.clipParameters = {'visible': 1, 'minHeight': 1, 'minWidth': 1, 'maxHeight': 1, 'maxWidth': 1, 'preferredHeight': 1, 'preferredWidth': 1};
v2.addProperty('bottom', v2.__get__bottom, function () {});
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('left', v2.__get__left, function () {});
v2.addProperty('minHeight', v2.__get__minHeight, v2.__set__minHeight);
v2.addProperty('minWidth', v2.__get__minWidth, v2.__set__minWidth);
v2.addProperty('right', v2.__get__right, function () {});
v2.addProperty('scaleX', v2.__get__scaleX, v2.__set__scaleX);
v2.addProperty('scaleY', v2.__get__scaleY, v2.__set__scaleY);
v2.addProperty('top', v2.__get__top, function () {});
v2.addProperty('visible', v2.__get__visible, v2.__set__visible);
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
v2.addProperty('x', v2.__get__x, function () {});
v2.addProperty('y', v2.__get__y, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIObject.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 21 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {
mx.core.UIComponent = v1;
mx.core.UIComponent extends mx.core.UIObject;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.__get__width = function () {
return this.__width;
v2.__get__height = function () {
return this.__height;
v2.setVisible = function (x, noEvent) {
super.setVisible(x, noEvent);
v2.enabledChanged = function (id, oldValue, newValue) {
return newValue;
v2.setEnabled = function (enabled) {
v2.getFocus = function () {
var selFocus = Selection.getFocus();
return (selFocus === null) ? null : eval(selFocus);
v2.setFocus = function () {
v2.getFocusManager = function () {
var v2 = this;
while (v2 != undefined) {
if (v2.focusManager != undefined) {
return v2.focusManager;
v2 = v2._parent;
return undefined;
v2.onKillFocus = function (newFocus) {
this.removeEventListener('keyDown', this);
this.removeEventListener('keyUp', this);
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusOut'});
v2.onSetFocus = function (oldFocus) {
this.addEventListener('keyDown', this);
this.addEventListener('keyUp', this);
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'focusIn'});
if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) {
v2.findFocusInChildren = function (o) {
if (o.focusTextField != undefined) {
return o.focusTextField;
if (o.tabEnabled == true) {
return o;
return undefined;
v2.findFocusFromObject = function (o) {
if (o.tabEnabled != true) {
if (o._parent == undefined) {
return undefined;
if (o._parent.tabEnabled == true) {
o = o._parent;
return o;
if (o._parent.tabChildren) {
o = this.findFocusInChildren(o._parent);
return o;
o = this.findFocusFromObject(o._parent);
return o;
v2.pressFocus = function () {
var v3 = this.findFocusFromObject(this);
var v2 = this.getFocus();
if (v3 != v2) {
if ((this.getFocusManager()).bDrawFocus != false) {
v2.releaseFocus = function () {
var v2 = this.findFocusFromObject(this);
if (v2 != this.getFocus()) {
v2.isParent = function (o) {
while (o != undefined) {
if (o == this) {
return true;
o = o._parent;
return false;
v2.size = function () {};
v2.init = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
this._focusrect = _global.useFocusRect == false;'enabled', this.enabledChanged);
if (this.enabled == false) {
v2.dispatchValueChangedEvent = function (value) {
this.dispatchEvent({'type': 'valueChanged', 'value': value});
v1.symbolName = 'UIComponent';
v1.symbolOwner = mx.core.UIComponent;
v1.version = '';
v1.kStretch = 5000;
v2.focusEnabled = true;
v2.tabEnabled = true;
v2.origBorderStyles = {'themeColor': 16711680};
v2.clipParameters = {};
v1.mergedClipParameters = mx.core.UIObject.mergeClipParameters(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype.clipParameters, mx.core.UIObject.prototype.clipParameters);
v2.addProperty('height', v2.__get__height, function () {});
v2.addProperty('width', v2.__get__width, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(mx.core.UIComponent.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 22 __Packages.ZattikkaHiScores {
if (!_global.ZattikkaHiScores) {
var v1 = function () {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores VERSION ' + ZattikkaHiScores.VERSION_NUM + ']');
this._visible = false;
_global.ZattikkaHiScores = v1;
_global.ZattikkaHiScores extends mx.core.UIComponent;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.setDetails = function (gameId, levelId, gameCode, gameKey, lowIsBest, score, msg1, msg2, testMode, redirectUrl) {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::setDetails], gameId = ' + gameId + ', levelId = ' + levelId + ', gameCode = ' + gameCode + ', lowIsBest = ' + lowIsBest + ', score = ' + score + ', testMode = ' + testMode + ', redirectUrl = ' + redirectUrl);
this.entryScreen = this.movEntryScreen;
this.infoScreen = this.movInfoScreen;
this.entryScreen._visible = false;
this.infoScreen._visible = false;
this.gameId = gameId;
this.levelId = levelId;
this.gameCode = gameCode;
this.gameKey = gameKey;
this.lowIsBest = lowIsBest;
this.score = score;
this.msg1 = msg1;
this.msg2 = msg2;
this.redirectUrl = redirectUrl;
if (!this.userManuallySet) {
try {
if (!this.g5UserExists) {
catch (v0) {
if (Error(v0) != null) {
var err = Error(v0);
} else {
throw v0;
var self = this;
this.btnGFTP.onRelease = function () {
this.entryScreen.btnSubmit.onRelease = function () {
this.entryScreen.btnTwitter.onRelease = function () {
this.entryScreen.btnFacebook.onRelease = function () {
this.infoScreen.btnView.onRelease = function () {
this.infoScreen.btnBack.onRelease = function () {
if (this.fbUserExists) {
} else {
this._visible = true;
v2.getHiScores = function (caller, gameId, levelId, numRows, lowIsBest, testMode) {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::getHiScores] gameId = ' + gameId + ', levelId = ' + levelId + ', numRows = ' + numRows + ', lowIsBest = ' + lowIsBest + ', testMode = ' + testMode);
this.caller = caller;
var v2 = new LoadVars();
v2.gameId = gameId;
v2.levelId = levelId;
v2.platformId = 0;
v2.viewPlatformId = 0;
v2.userId = '';
v2.numRows = numRows;
v2.lowIsBest = lowIsBest;
this.hitServer(ZattikkaHiScores.HS_ACTION, ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_GET_HI_SCORES, v2);
v2.viewHiScores = function (gameId, testMode) {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::viewHiScores] gameId = ' + gameId + ', testMode = ' + testMode);
var v2 = ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL + ZattikkaHiScores.HS_ACTION + ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_VIEW_HI_SCORES;
v2 += '&gameId=' + gameId;
this.getURL(this.processURL(v2), '_blank');
v2.initServerURL = function (testMode) {
if (testMode != undefined && testMode) {
ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL = ZattikkaHiScores.TEST_SERVER_URL;
} else {
try {
if (_root.svrUrl != null && _root.svrUrl.length > 0) {
ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL = String(_root.svrUrl);
catch (v0) {
if (Error(v0) != null) {
var err = Error(v0);
} else {
throw v0;
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::initServerURL] SERVER_URL = ' + ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL);
v2.setG5User = function (userId, userName) {
this.g5User = new Array(userId, userName);
this.userManuallySet = true;
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::setG5User] userId = ' + this.g5User[0] + ', userName = ' + this.g5User[1]);
v2.setFacebookUser = function (userId, userName, sessionKey) {
this.fbUser = new Array(userId, userName);
this.fbSessionKey = sessionKey;
this.userManuallySet = true;
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::setFacebookUser] userId = ' + this.fbUser[0] + ', userName = ' + this.fbUser[1]);
v2.grabG5User = function () {
this.g5User ='getG5User');
this.g5UserExists = (this.g5User == null) ? false : !isNaN(this.g5User[0]);
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::grabG5User] ' + (this.g5UserExists ? 'userId = ' + this.g5User[0] + ', userName = ' + this.g5User[1] : 'g5User is empty'));
v2.grabFacebookUser = function () {
this.fbUser ='getFBUser');
this.fbUserExists = (this.fbUser == null) ? false : !isNaN(this.fbUser[0]);
this.fbSessionKey ='getFBSessionKey');
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::grabFacebookUser] ' + (this.fbUserExists ? 'userId = ' + this.fbUser[0] + ', userName = ' + this.fbUser[1] + ', sessionKey = ' + this.fbSessionKey : 'fbUser is empty'));
v2.showEntryScreen = function () {
this.entryScreen.txtMsgLine1.text = this.msg1;
this.entryScreen.txtMsgLine2.text = this.msg2;
this.entryScreen.movNameAuto._visible = this.g5UserExists || this.fbUserExists;
this.entryScreen.movNameManual._visible = !this.g5UserExists && !this.fbUserExists;
this.entryScreen.movNameAuto.txtName.text = this.g5UserExists ? this.g5User[1] : (this.fbUserExists ? this.fbUser[1] : '');
this.entryScreen.movNameManual.txtName.text = '';
this.entryScreen._visible = true;
this.infoScreen._visible = false;
v2.showInfoMessage = function (msg, error) {
this.infoScreen.txtInfo.text = msg;
this.infoScreen.btnBack._visible = error;
this.infoScreen.btnView._visible = !error && !this.fbUserExists;
this.infoScreen._visible = true;
this.entryScreen._visible = false;
v2.btn_GFTP = function () {
this.getURL(this.processURL(ZattikkaHiScores.GFTP_URL), '_blank');
v2.btn_submitScore = function () {
if (!this.g5UserExists && !this.fbUserExists && this.entryScreen.movNameManual.txtName.text.length == 0) {
this.showInfoMessage(ZattikkaHiScores.MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_NICKNAME, true);
} else {
v2.btn_twitterTweet = function () {
if (!this.g5UserExists && !this.fbUserExists && this.entryScreen.movNameManual.txtName.text.length == 0) {
this.showInfoMessage(ZattikkaHiScores.MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_NICKNAME, true);
} else {
v2.btn_facebookFeed = function () {
if (this.fbUserExists) {
} else {
v2.btn_viewScore = function () {
v2.btn_back = function () {
this.setDetails(this.gameId, this.levelId, this.gameCode, this.gameKey, this.lowIsBest, this.score, this.msg1, this.msg2);
v2.submitScore = function () {
this.showInfoMessage(ZattikkaHiScores.MSG_SUBMITTING_DETAILS, false);
this.infoScreen._visible = true;
this.entryScreen._visible = false;
var v9 = this.fbUserExists ? ZattikkaHiScores.HS_PLATFORM_FACEBOOK : ZattikkaHiScores.HS_PLATFORM_WEB;
var v5 = '';
var v7 = '';
if (this.fbUserExists) {
v7 = this.fbUser[0];
v5 = this.fbUser[1];
} else {
if (this.g5UserExists) {
v7 = this.g5User[0];
v5 = this.g5User[1];
} else {
v5 = this.entryScreen.movNameManual.txtName.text;
var v8 = String((new Date()).getTime());
var v10 = v8.split('');
var v6 = this.xor(v10.join(''), this.gameKey, false);
var v2 = '';
v2 += this.gameId + ',';
v2 += this.levelId + ',';
v2 += v9 + ',';
v2 += this.score + ',';
v2 += v7 + ',';
v2 += this.replaceAll(v5, ',', '') + ',';
v2 += ',';
v2 += String(this.lowIsBest);
var v4 = this.xor(v2, v6, false);
this.debug('key [' + v6.length + '] = ' + v6);
this.debug('plain [' + v2.length + '] = ' + v2);
this.debug('cipher [' + v4.length + '] = ' + v4);
v4 = this.getRandomString(5) + v4 + this.getRandomString(5);
var v3 = new LoadVars();
v3.gameId = this.gameId;
v3.platformId = v9;
v3.time = v8; = v4;
v3.returnMessage = true;
this.hitServer(ZattikkaHiScores.HS_ACTION, ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_SUBMIT_HI_SCORE, v3);
v2.twitterTweet = function () {
var v2 = ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL + ZattikkaHiScores.TW_ACTION + ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_POST_TWEET;
v2 += '&gameId=' + this.gameId;
v2 += '&levelId=' + this.levelId;
v2 += '&score=' + this.score;
this.getURL(this.processURL(v2), '_blank');
v2.facebookFeed = function () {
var v2 = new LoadVars();
v2.gameId = this.gameId;
v2.levelId = this.levelId;
v2.score = this.score;
v2.sessionKey = this.fbSessionKey;
v2.returnMessage = true;
this.hitServer(ZattikkaHiScores.FB_ACTION, ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_PUBLISH_HI_SCORE_FEED, v2);
v2.facebookFeedExternal = function () {
var v2 = ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL + ZattikkaHiScores.FB_ACTION + ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_PUBLISH_HI_SCORE_FEED_EXTERNAL;
v2 += '&gameId=' + this.gameId;
v2 += '&levelId=' + this.levelId;
v2 += '&score=' + this.score;
this.getURL(this.processURL(v2), '_blank');
v2.hitServer = function (stripesAction, stripesEvent, vars) {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::hitServer] url = ' + ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL + stripesAction + stripesEvent);
var self = this;
var v2 = new XML();
vars.addRequestHeader(['Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=utf-8']);
vars.sendAndLoad(ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL + stripesAction + stripesEvent, v2, 'POST');
v2.onLoad = function (success) {
self.loadHandler(stripesEvent, success, this);
v2.viewScore = function () {
var v2 = ZattikkaHiScores.SERVER_URL + ZattikkaHiScores.HS_ACTION + ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_VIEW_HI_SCORE;
v2 += '&gameId=' + this.gameId;
v2 += '&levelId=' + this.levelId;
v2 += '&platformId=' + ZattikkaHiScores.HS_PLATFORM_WEB;
v2 += '&gameCode=' + this.gameCode;
if (this.g5UserExists) {
v2 += '&userId=' + this.g5User[0];
} else {
v2 += '&name=' + this.entryScreen.movNameManual.txtName.text;
this.getURL(this.processURL(v2), '_blank');
v2.loadHandler = function (stripesEvent, success, xml) {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::loadHandler] stripesEvent = ' + stripesEvent + ', success = ' + success + ', xml = ' + xml.toString());
if (!success) {
if (stripesEvent == ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_GET_HI_SCORES) {
} else {
this.showInfoMessage(ZattikkaHiScores.MSG_SERVER_ERROR, true);
} else {
var v3 = xml.firstChild;
var v2 = v3.attributes.code;
switch (stripesEvent) {
case ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_SUBMIT_HI_SCORE:
this.showInfoMessage(v3.attributes.msg, v2 == -1);
if (this.fbUserExists && (v2 == 1 || v2 == 2)) {
try {'refreshFBHiScores', this.score, this.levelId);'streamPublish_FBConnect', this.msg1, this.levelId);
catch (stripesEvent) {
if (Error(stripesEvent) != null) {
var err = Error(stripesEvent);
} else {
throw stripesEvent;
case ZattikkaHiScores.EVENT_GET_HI_SCORES:
v2.processURL = function (url) {
var v2 = '';
if (this.redirectUrl != null && this.redirectUrl.length > 0) {
this.debug('[ZattikkaHiScores::processURL] redirectUrl = ' + this.redirectUrl + ', escaping url = ' + url);
v2 = this.redirectUrl + escape(url);
return v2;
v2 = url;
return v2;
v2.xor = function (plain, key, traceChar) {
var v7 = '';
var v4 = 0;
var v2 = 0;
while (v4 < plain.length) {
if (v2 >= key.length) {
v2 = 0;
var v3 = (plain.charCodeAt(v4) ^ key.charCodeAt(v2)) + 1;
if (traceChar) {
this.debug('charCode = ' + v3 + ' = ' + String.fromCharCode(v3));
v7 += String.fromCharCode(v3);
return v7;
v2.getRandom = function (min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
v2.getRandomString = function (len) {
var v3 = '';
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < len) {
v3 += String.fromCharCode(this.getRandom(48, 122));
return v3;
v2.replaceAll = function (str, toReplace, replaceWith) {
var v3 = '';
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < str.length) {
if (str.charAt(v1) == toReplace) {
v3 += replaceWith;
} else {
v3 += str.charAt(v1);
return v3;
v2.debug = function (msg) {
v1.VERSION_NUM = '1.0.17 (AS2)';
v1.GFTP_URL = '';
v1.HS_ACTION = '/HiScore.action?';
v1.EVENT_SUBMIT_HI_SCORE = 'SubmitHiScore=';
v1.EVENT_VIEW_HI_SCORE = 'ViewHiScore=';
v1.EVENT_VIEW_HI_SCORES = 'ViewHiScores=';
v1.EVENT_GET_HI_SCORES = 'GetHiScores=';
v1.FB_ACTION = '/Facebook.action?';
v1.EVENT_PUBLISH_HI_SCORE_FEED = 'PublishHiScoreFeed=';
v1.EVENT_PUBLISH_HI_SCORE_FEED_EXTERNAL = 'PublishHiScoreFeedExternal=';
v1.TW_ACTION = '/Twitter.action?';
v1.EVENT_POST_TWEET = 'PostTweet=';
v1.MSG_PLEASE_ENTER_NICKNAME = 'Please enter your nickname.';
v1.MSG_SUBMITTING_DETAILS = 'Submitting hi-score details to the server, please wait.';
v1.MSG_SERVER_ERROR = 'Could not contact server, please try again in a few minutes.';
v2.redirectUrl = '';
v2.entryScreen = null;
v2.infoScreen = null;
v1.symbolName = 'ZattikkaHiScores';
v1.symbolOwner = ZattikkaHiScores;
v2.className = 'ZattikkaHiScores';
v2.userManuallySet = false;
ASSetPropFlags(_global.ZattikkaHiScores.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 65 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {
mx.skins.SkinElement = v1;
mx.skins.SkinElement extends MovieClip;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.registerElement = function (name, className) {
Object.registerClass(name, (className == undefined) ? mx.skins.SkinElement : className);
_global.skinRegistry[name] = true;
v2.__set__visible = function (visible) {
this._visible = visible;
v2.move = function (x, y) {
this._x = x;
this._y = y;
v2.setSize = function (w, h) {
this._width = w;
this._height = h;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.skins.SkinElement.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 66 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.CSSTextStyles = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.addTextStyles = function (o, bColor) {
o.addProperty('textAlign', function () {
return this._tf.align;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.align = x;
o.addProperty('fontWeight', function () {
return (this._tf.bold != undefined) ? (this._tf.bold ? 'bold' : 'none') : undefined;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.bold = x == 'bold';
if (bColor) {
o.addProperty('color', function () {
return this._tf.color;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.color = x;
o.addProperty('fontFamily', function () {
return this._tf.font;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.font = x;
o.addProperty('textIndent', function () {
return this._tf.indent;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.indent = x;
o.addProperty('fontStyle', function () {
return (this._tf.italic != undefined) ? (this._tf.italic ? 'italic' : 'none') : undefined;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.italic = x == 'italic';
o.addProperty('marginLeft', function () {
return this._tf.leftMargin;
}, function (x) {
if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.leftMargin = x;
o.addProperty('marginRight', function () {
return this._tf.rightMargin;
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if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.rightMargin = x;
o.addProperty('fontSize', function () {
return this._tf.size;
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if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.size = x;
o.addProperty('textDecoration', function () {
return (this._tf.underline != undefined) ? (this._tf.underline ? 'underline' : 'none') : undefined;
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if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.underline = x == 'underline';
o.addProperty('embedFonts', function () {
return this._tf.embedFonts;
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if (this._tf == undefined) {
this._tf = new TextFormat();
this._tf.embedFonts = x;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 67 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.StyleManager = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.registerInheritingStyle = function (styleName) {
mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] = true;
v1.isInheritingStyle = function (styleName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.inheritingStyles[styleName] == true;
v1.registerColorStyle = function (styleName) {
mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] = true;
v1.isColorStyle = function (styleName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorStyles[styleName] == true;
v1.registerColorName = function (colorName, colorValue) {
mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] = colorValue;
v1.isColorName = function (colorName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName] != undefined;
v1.getColorName = function (colorName) {
return mx.styles.StyleManager.colorNames[colorName];
v1.inheritingStyles = {'color': true, 'direction': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'fontSize': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'textAlign': true, 'textIndent': true};
v1.colorStyles = {'barColor': true, 'trackColor': true, 'borderColor': true, 'buttonColor': true, 'color': true, 'dateHeaderColor': true, 'dateRollOverColor': true, 'disabledColor': true, 'fillColor': true, 'highlightColor': true, 'scrollTrackColor': true, 'selectedDateColor': true, 'shadowColor': true, 'strokeColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundDisabledColor': true, 'symbolBackgroundPressedColor': true, 'symbolColor': true, 'symbolDisabledColor': true, 'themeColor': true, 'todayIndicatorColor': true, 'shadowCapColor': true, 'borderCapColor': true, 'focusColor': true};
v1.colorNames = {'black': 0, 'white': 16777215, 'red': 16711680, 'green': 65280, 'blue': 255, 'magenta': 16711935, 'yellow': 16776960, 'cyan': 65535, 'haloGreen': 8453965, 'haloBlue': 2881013, 'haloOrange': 16761344};
v1.TextFormatStyleProps = {'font': true, 'size': true, 'color': true, 'leftMargin': false, 'rightMargin': false, 'italic': true, 'bold': true, 'align': true, 'indent': true, 'underline': false, 'embedFonts': false};
v1.TextStyleMap = {'textAlign': true, 'fontWeight': true, 'color': true, 'fontFamily': true, 'textIndent': true, 'fontStyle': true, 'lineHeight': true, 'marginLeft': true, 'marginRight': true, 'fontSize': true, 'textDecoration': true, 'embedFonts': true};
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.StyleManager.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 68 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {};
mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.__getTextFormat = function (tf, bAll) {
var v5 = false;
if (this._tf != undefined) {
var v2;
for (v2 in mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps) {
if (bAll || mx.styles.StyleManager.TextFormatStyleProps[v2]) {
if (tf[v2] == undefined) {
var v3 = this._tf[v2];
if (v3 != undefined) {
tf[v2] = v3;
} else {
v5 = true;
return v5;
v5 = true;
return v5;
v2.getStyle = function (styleProp) {
var v2 = this[styleProp];
var v3 = mx.styles.StyleManager.getColorName(v2);
return (v3 == undefined) ? v2 : v3;
v1.classConstruct = function () {
mx.styles.CSSTextStyles.addTextStyles(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, true);
return true;
v1.classConstructed = mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.classConstruct();
v1.CSSTextStylesDependency = mx.styles.CSSTextStyles;
ASSetPropFlags(mx.styles.CSSStyleDeclaration.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 69 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {};
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v1.trace = function () {
var v2 = (arguments[1] != undefined) ? arguments[1] : 1;
if (v2 >= com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._filterLevel && v2 < 7) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.send('onData', arguments[0], v2, 0);
v1.traceObj = function (obj, depth, level) {
if (!depth) {
depth = 64;
if (!level) {
level = 1;
if (level >= com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._filterLevel && level < 7) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.send('onData', obj, level, depth);
v1.inspect = function (obj) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.send('onInspect', obj, 1, -1);
v1.hexDump = function (obj) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.send('onHexDump', obj, 0, 0);
v1.clear = function () {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.trace('[%CLR%]', 5);
v1.delimiter = function () {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.trace('[%DLT%]', 5);
v1.pause = function () {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.trace('[%PSE%]', 5);
v1.time = function () {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.trace('[%TME%]', 5);
v1.monitor = function (stage, topFPS, pollInterval) {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isPollingFPS) {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isEnabled && !com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._fpsMeter) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isPollingFPS = true;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._topFPS = topFPS;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stage = stage;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._fpsMeter = new com.hexagonstar.util.debug.FPSMeter(com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stage, pollInterval);
v1.mark = function (color) {
if (!color) {
color = 16711935;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.send('onMarker', color, 1, -1);
v1.stop = function () {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._fpsMeter) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isPollingFPS = false;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._fpsMeter = null;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stage = null;
v1.timerStart = function (title) {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isEnabled) {
if (!com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch = new com.hexagonstar.util.debug.StopWatch();
v1.timerStop = function () {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
v1.timerReset = function () {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
v1.timerInMilliSeconds = function () {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.trace(com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch.__get__timeInMilliSeconds() + 'ms');
v1.timerInSeconds = function () {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.trace(com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch.__get__timeInSeconds() + 's');
v1.timerToString = function () {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
v1.timerStopToString = function (reset) {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._stopWatch) {
if (reset) {
v1.__get__filterLevel = function () {
return com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._filterLevel;
v1.__set__filterLevel = function (v) {
if (v >= 0 && v < 5) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._filterLevel = v;
return com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.__get__filterLevel();
v1.__get__enabled = function () {
return com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isEnabled;
v1.__set__enabled = function (v) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isEnabled = v;
return com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.__get__enabled();
v1.onFPSUpdate = function () {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.send('onFPS', com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._fpsMeter.__get__fps() + ',' + com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._topFPS + ',' + com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._fpsMeter.__get__frt() + ',0');
v1.onStatus = function () {};
v1.send = function (m, d, l, r) {
if (com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isEnabled) {
if (!com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isConnected) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._isConnected = true;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._connection = new LocalConnection();
if (r == undefined) {
r = 0;
var v2 = 0;
if (typeof d == 'string') {
v2 = (String(d)).length;
} else {
if (typeof d == 'object') {
if (v2 > 39000) {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.storeDataLSO(m, d);
m = 'onLargeData';
d = null;
var v4 = com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug._connection.send('_alcon_lc', m, d, l, r, '');
if (!v4) {
v1.storeDataLSO = function (m, d) {
var v1 = SharedObject.getLocal('alcon', '/'); = m; = d;
try {
var v2 = String(v1.flush());
if (v2 == 'pending') {
return undefined;
catch (v0) {
if (Error(v0) != null) {
var e = Error(v0);
} else {
throw v0;
v1.LEVEL_INFO = 1;
v1.LEVEL_WARN = 2;
v1._filterLevel = 0;
v1._isConnected = false;
v1._isPollingFPS = false;
v1._isEnabled = true;
v1._topFPS = 25;
v1.addProperty('enabled', v1.__get__enabled, v1.__set__enabled);
v1.addProperty('filterLevel', v1.__get__filterLevel, v1.__set__filterLevel);
ASSetPropFlags(com.hexagonstar.util.debug.Debug.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 70 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function (stage, pollInterval) {
this._stage = stage;
this._pollInterval = !pollInterval ? 500 : pollInterval;
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.FPSMeter = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.start = function () {
if (!this._isRunning) {
this._isRunning = true;
var ref = this;
this._intervalID = setInterval(function () {
}, this._pollInterval);
this._stage.onEnterFrame = function () {
var v1 = getTimer();
if (ref._delay >= ref._delayMax) {
ref._delay = 0;
ref._fps = 1000 * ref._delayMax / (v1 - ref._prev);
ref._prev = v1;
ref._frt = v1 - ref._ms;
ref._ms = v1;
v2.stop = function () {
if (this._isRunning) {
v2.reset = function () {
this._fps = 0;
this._frt = 0;
this._ms = 0;
this._isRunning = false;
v2.__get__fps = function () {
return this._fps;
v2.__get__frt = function () {
return this._frt;
v2._delayMax = 10;
v2.addProperty('fps', v2.__get__fps, function () {});
v2.addProperty('frt', v2.__get__frt, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(com.hexagonstar.util.debug.FPSMeter.prototype, null, 1);
movieClip 71 {
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! { = new Object();
if (! {
var v1 = function () {
com.hexagonstar.util.debug.StopWatch = v1;
var v2 = v1.prototype;
v2.start = function (title) {
if (!this._started) {
this._title = title ? title : '';
this._started = true;
v2.stop = function () {
if (this._started) {
var v2 = getTimer();
this._stopTimeKeys[this._startTimeKeys.length - 1] = v2;
this._started = false;
v2.reset = function () {
this._startTimeKeys = [];
this._stopTimeKeys = [];
this._started = false;
v2.toString = function () {
var v5 = '\n ********************* [STOPWATCH] *********************';
if (this._title != '') {
v5 += '\n * ' + this._title;
var v2 = 0;
v2 = 0;
while (v2 < this._startTimeKeys.length) {
var v4 = this._startTimeKeys[v2];
var v3 = this._stopTimeKeys[v2];
v5 += '\n * started [' + this.format(v4) + 'ms] stopped [' + this.format(v3) + 'ms] time [' + this.format(v3 - v4) + 'ms]';
if (v2 == 0) {
v5 += '\n * never started.';
v5 += '\n *******************************************************';
return v5;
v5 += '\n * total runnning time: ' + this.__get__timeInSeconds() + 's';
v5 += '\n *******************************************************';
return v5;
v2.__get__started = function () {
return this._started;
v2.__get__timeInMilliSeconds = function () {
if (this._started) {
this._stopTimeKeys[this._startTimeKeys.length - 1] = getTimer();
var v3 = 0;
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < this._startTimeKeys.length) {
v3 += this._stopTimeKeys[v2] - this._startTimeKeys[v2];
return v3;
v2.__get__timeInSeconds = function () {
return this.__get__timeInMilliSeconds() / 1000;
v2.format = function (v) {
var v2 = '';
var v3 = (v.toString()).length;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < 5 - v3) {
v2 += '0';
return v2 + v;
v2._started = false;
v2.addProperty('started', v2.__get__started, function () {});
v2.addProperty('timeInMilliSeconds', v2.__get__timeInMilliSeconds, function () {});
v2.addProperty('timeInSeconds', v2.__get__timeInSeconds, function () {});
ASSetPropFlags(com.hexagonstar.util.debug.StopWatch.prototype, null, 1);
frame 2 {
movieClip 80 {
movieClip 82 {
movieClip 84 {
movieClip 86 {
movieClip 88 {
movieClip 90 {
button 92 {
on (press) {
getURL('', '_blank');
movieClip 94 {
movieClip 97 {
button 99 {
on (press) {
movieClip 100 {
frame 110 {
frame 3 {
function __com_mochibot__(swfid, mc, lv, trk) {
var x;
var g;
var s;
var fv;
var sb;
var u;
var res;
var mb;
var mbc;
var pv;
mb = '__mochibot__';
mbc = '';
g = _global ? _global : _level0._root;
if (g[mb + swfid]) {
return g[mb + swfid];
s =;
x = mc._root.getSWFVersion;
fv = x ? mc.getSWFVersion() : (_global ? 6 : 5);
if (!s) {
s = {};
sb = s.sandboxType;
if (sb == 'localWithFile') {
return null;
x = s.allowDomain;
if (x) {
x = s.allowInsecureDomain;
if (x) {
pv = (fv == 5) ? /:$version : System.capabilities.version;
u = 'http://' + mbc + '/my/core.swf?mv=8&fv=' + fv + '&v=' + escape(pv) + '&swfid=' + escape(swfid) + '&l=' + lv + '&f=' + mc + (sb ? '&sb=' + sb : '') + (trk ? '&t=1' : '');
lv = fv > 6 ? mc.getNextHighestDepth() : (g[mb + 'level'] ? g[mb + 'level'] + 1 : lv);
g[mb + 'level'] = lv;
if (fv == 5) {
res = '_level' + lv;
if (!eval(res)) {
loadMovieNum(u, lv);
return res;
res = mc.createEmptyMovieClip(mb + swfid, lv);
return res;
__com_mochibot__('f2d7bc77', this, 10301, true);
frame 3 {
var snd = new Sound(this);
snd.start(0, 10000);
// unknown tag 88 length 35
movieClip 108 {
frame 1 {
_x = random(Stage.width);
_y = random(Stage.height);
_alpha = random(25);
_xscale = random(50);
_yscale = random(50);
onEnterFrame = function () {
_alpha = 50 - random(random(50)) + 10;
movieClip 110 {
frame 1 {
_visible = false;
onEnterFrame = function () {
_x = _root.char._x;
_visible = _root.char._y < 0;
movieClip 111 {
frame 1 {
function goNow() {
_x = random(700);
_y = random(400);
x = 0;
y = 0;
p = [[0, 0]];
s = 10 + random(10);
xd = -random(10) - 1;
yd = xd - random(10);
d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
a = random(20) + 5;
tail = random(5) + 2;
cntr = 60;
var xd = -random(10);
var yd = xd + 3 - random(10);
var d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
var s = 0;
var xs = s * xd / d;
var ys = s * yd / d;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
var p = [[0, 0]];
var a = random(40) + 10;
var tail = 5;
var cntr = 0;
createEmptyMovieClip('l', 1);
onEnterFrame = function () {
xs = s * xd / d;
ys = s * yd / d;
if (s < 55) {
x += xs;
y -= ys;
} else {
if (cntr < 0 and random(1800) == 0) {
p.push([x, y]);
l.lineStyle(1, 16777215, a);
n = Math.max(0, p.length - tail);
while (n < p.length) {
if (n == Math.max(0, p.length - tail)) {
l.moveTo(p[n][0], p[n][1]);
} else {
l.lineTo(p[n][0], p[n][1]);
movieClip 113 {
frame 1 {
function p() {
sn.start(0, 1);
sn.setPan(30 * (_root.char._x - 350) / 350);
var s = _name.charAt(2) * 1 + 1;
var sn = new Sound(this);
sn.attachSound('fw' + s);
movieClip 116 {
frame 1 {
if (t) {
} else {
var t = true;
frame 2 {
instance of movieClip 116 {
onClipEvent (press) {
movieClip 117 {
frame 1 {
var s = -10;
onEnterFrame = function () {
s += 0.25;
_root.snd.setVolume(Math.max(int(s), 0));
if (s == 100) {
movieClip 119 {
frame 1 {
_visible = false;
movieClip 120 {
frame 1 {
createEmptyMovieClip('l', 1);
var x1 = 0;
var y1 = -134;
var x2 = 0;
var y2 = -77;
_xscale = random(50) + 10;
_yscale = random(50) + 10;
_x = random(700);
onEnterFrame = function () {
l.lineStyle(1, 65796, 100);
l.beginFill(65796, 100);
r._rotation -= r._rotation / 10;
if (random(30) < 7) {
r._rotation -= random(14);
x1 -= (x1 - (r._x - r._width)) / 10;
y1 -= (y1 - (r._y - r._height)) / 10;
x2 -= (x2 - (r._x - r._x)) / 10;
y2 -= (y2 - (r._y - r._height / 2)) / 10;
l.moveTo(w / 2, 0);
l.curveTo(x2 + 2.5, y2, x1, y1);
l.curveTo(x2 - 2.5, y2, -5, 0);
movieClip 122 {
movieClip 123 {
button 127 {
on (release) {;
movieClip 133 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 30 {
frame 140 {
_root.onEnterFrame = _root.ef2;
button 135 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
frame 4 {
function pShift() {
var v2 = random(3);
var v1 = bPos[v2];
bPos.splice(v2, 1);
return v1;
function kDown() {
return Key.isDown(32) or mkd;
function explo(x, y, n2) {
var v6 = random(3);
_root['fw' + sns[4 + v6]].p();
jumpUp(sns[4 + v6], sns);
v6 = random(3);
_root['fw' + sns[4 + v6]].p();
jumpUp(sns[4 + v6], sns);
v6 = random(3);
_root['fw' + sns[4 + v6]].p();
jumpUp(sns[4 + v6], sns);
var v2 = 0;
while (v2 < n2) {
attachMovie('sp', 'sp' + i, i);
_root['sp' + i]._x = x;
_root['sp' + i]._y = y;
v2 = 0;
while (v2 < n2) {
attachMovie('sp2', 'sp' + i, i);
_root['sp' + i]._x = x;
_root['sp' + i]._y = y;
function ef2() {
if (!pse) {
if (pct > 0) {
if (!onG) {
} else {
if (permCombo != 0) {
var v2 = new Color(char.c);
permCombo = 0;
} = score;
c = 1191743;
if (_root.kDown()) {
if (!kd) {
ott = false;
rk = ott;
ht = 0;
c = 15616774;
if (!kd or temp == null) {
xd = char._x - p[0]._x;
yd = char._y - p[0]._y;
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
temp = p[0];
n = 1;
while (n < p.length) {
xd = char._x - p[n]._x;
yd = char._y - p[n]._y;
if (xd * xd + yd * yd < d and p[n]._y < char._y) {
temp = p[n];
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
xd = char._x - temp._x;
yd = char._y - temp._y;
d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
if (temp._y < char._y) {
xs += -5 * (xd / d);
ys += 5 * (yd / d);
jumpUp(temp, pts);
ltemp = temp;
} else {
temp = null;
if (xs > 15) {
xs = 15;
} else {
if (xs < -15) {
xs = -15;
if (ys > 15) {
ys = 15;
} else {
if (ys < -15) {
ys = -15;
char._y -= ys;
char._x += xs;
if (char._x < 0) {
rk = true;
char._x = 0;
xs = -xs;
ys += 5;
} else {
if (char._x > 700) {
rk = true;
char._x = 700;
xs = -xs;
ys += 5;
if (g.g.hitTest(char._x, char._y, true)) {
onG = true;
hit = 50;
while (g.g.hitTest(char._x, char._y - 1, true)) {
xs -= xs / Math.abs(xs) / 2;
if (xs < 1 and xs > -1) {
xs = 0;
if (xs * 0 != 0) {
xs = 0;
} else {
onG = false;
if (char._y < 0) {
ott = true;
wind = random(7);
if (!kd or temp == null) {
temp2 = p[0];
xd = char._x - p[0]._x;
yd = char._y - p[0]._y;
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
n = 1;
while (n < p.length) {
xd = char._x - p[n]._x;
yd = char._y - p[n]._y;
if (xd * xd + yd * yd < d and p[n]._y < char._y) {
temp2 = p[n];
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
} else {
if (kd) {
temp2 = temp;
kd = _root.kDown();
pos.push([char._x, char._y]);
if (pos.length > 20) {
l.moveTo(pos[0][0], pos[0][1]);
l2.moveTo(pos[0][0], pos[0][1]);
n = 1;
while (n < pos.length) {
l.lineStyle(20 * n / pos.length, 16504121, 100);
l2.lineStyle(20 * n / pos.length - 13, clr[permCombo], 100);
l.lineTo(pos[n][0], pos[n][1]);
l2.lineTo(pos[n][0], pos[n][1]);
if (temp2._y < char._y) {
l.moveTo(char._x, char._y);
l.lineStyle(0.1, c, 100);
l.lineTo(temp2._x, temp2._y);
n = 2;
while (_root['c' + n]) {
c = _root['c' + n];
xd = c._x - char._x;
yd = c._y - char._y;
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
if (d < 625) {
temp = pClose(c, pts, 70);
if (temp != false) {
temp._x = c._x;
temp._y = c._y;
} else {
pts[pts.length - 1]._x = c._x;
pts[pts.length - 1]._y = c._y;
pts[pts.length - 1].gotoAndStop(7);
explo(c._x, c._y, 20);
jumpUp(pts[pts.length - 1], pts);
n = 0;
while (n < scs.length and !onG) {
scs[n].o._x = 700 * (scs[n].t / scs[n].ft);
if (scs[n].t <= 0) {
score -= scs[n].s;
scs.splice(n, 1);
function boom(o) {
var v4 = ht * 10;
if (ys < 0) {
ys = -ys;
var v3 = 0;
while (v3 < 20) {
attachMovie('sp', 'sp' + i, i);
_root['sp' + i]._x = o._x;
_root['sp' + i]._y = o._y;
v4 += 50;
if (rk) {
v3 = 0;
while (v3 < 10) {
attachMovie('p1', 'sp' + i, i);
_root['sp' + i]._x = o._x;
_root['sp' + i]._y = o._y;
v4 += 200;
if (ott) {
v3 = 0;
while (v3 < 10) {
attachMovie('p3', 'sp' + i, i);
_root['sp' + i]._x = o._x;
_root['sp' + i]._y = o._y;
v4 += 400;
ott = false;
rk = ott;
ht = 0;
if (hit <= 1) {
} else {
combo = 0;
hit = 0;
v4 *= combo + 1 + permCombo;
newScore(v4, o);
function newScore(x, o) {
_root['sc' + si] = new Object();
var v2 = _root['sc' + si];
v2.ft = 2400;
v2.t = 2400;
v2.s = x;
var v3 = g.getNextHighestDepth();
g.attachMovie('scr', 'scr' + v3, v3);
v2.o = g['scr' + v3];
v2.o._y = 5;
score += x;
g.t2.t.text = '+' + x;
g.t2._alpha = 60;
function pClose(o, a, d2) {
var v4 = 0;
var v5 = 0;
d2 *= d2;
var v3 = 0;
var v8 = -1;
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < a.length) {
if (a[v1] != o) {
v4 = a[v1]._x - o._x;
v5 = a[v1]._y - o._y;
v3 = v4 * v4 + v5 * v5;
if (v3 < d2) {
d2 = v3;
v8 = v1;
if (v8 != -1) {
return a[v8];
} else {
return false;
function hexToRGB(hex) {
var v3 = (hex & 16711680) >> 16;
var v4 = (hex & 65280) >> 8;
var v2 = hex & 255;
return {'r': v3, 'g': v4, 'b': v2};
function rgbToHex(r, g, b) {
return r << 16 | g << 8 | b;
function avgC(c1, c2, perc) {
var v1 = hexToRGB(c1);
var v3 = hexToRGB(c2);
if (perc > 1) {
perc = 1;
if (perc < 0) {
perc = 0;
var v5 = v1.r - (v1.r - v3.r) * perc;
var v6 = v1.g - (v1.g - v3.g) * perc;
var v4 = v1.b - (v1.b - v3.b) * perc;
return rgbToHex(v5, v6, v4);
function onList(x, a) {
var v1 = 0;
while (v1 < a.length) {
if (a[v1] == x) {
return v1;
return -1;
function jumpUp(x, a) {
var v1 = onList(x, a);
if (v1 != -1) {
a.splice(v1, 1);
a.splice(0, 0, x);
function rPos(o) {
var v1 = aPos[pShift()];
o._x = 50 + random(200) + 200 * v1[0];
o._y = random(133.3333333333333) + 133.3333333333333 * v1[1];
while (c2._y < 133.3333333333333 and c3._y < 133.3333333333333 and c4._y < 133.3333333333333) {
v1 = aPos[pShift()];
o._x = 50 + random(200) + 200 * v1[0];
o._y = random(133.3333333333333) + 133.3333333333333 * v1[1];
function _doScores() {
g.bleh._visible = false;
dim._visible = true;
pse = true;
hiScores.setDetails(592, 0, 'star-swing', 'feecua3e4yzOyS3', false, score, '' + score, 'points', false);
function undoScores() {
g.bleh.btn._visible = false;
g.bleh._visible = true;
dim._visible = false;
hiScores._visible = false;
pse = false;
var clr = [15616774, 15993611, 16320146, 5963982, 5225719, 6613540];
var aPos = [[0, 0], [0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 0], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 0], [2, 1], [2, 2]];
var bPos = [0, 3, 6, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8];
var C = 57.29577951308232;
var Ci = 1 / C;
var permCombo = 0;
var pct = 0;
var p = [];
var pts = [];
var i = 100;
var ht = 0;
var C = 57.29577951308232;
var Ci = 1 / C;
var score = 0;
var mkd = false;
onMouseDown = function () {
mkd = true;
onMouseUp = function () {
mkd = false;
var sns = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
n = 0;
while (n < 9) {
attachMovie('a', 'a' + n, n);
if (n <= 2) {
rPos(_root['a' + n]);
} else {
_root['a' + n]._y = 550;
p.push(_root['a' + n]);
pts.push(_root['a' + n]);
var xs = 0;
var ys = 0;
createEmptyMovieClip('l', _root.getNextHighestDepth());
createEmptyMovieClip('l2', _root.getNextHighestDepth());
var c = 16777215;
onEnterFrame = function () { = score;
c = 1191743;
if (_root.kDown()) {
if (!kd) {
ott = false;
rk = ott;
ht = 0;
c = 15616774;
if (!kd or temp == null) {
xd = char._x - p[0]._x;
yd = char._y - p[0]._y;
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
temp = p[0];
n = 1;
while (n < p.length) {
xd = char._x - p[n]._x;
yd = char._y - p[n]._y;
if (xd * xd + yd * yd < d and p[n]._y < char._y) {
temp = p[n];
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
xd = char._x - temp._x;
yd = char._y - temp._y;
d = Math.sqrt(xd * xd + yd * yd);
if (temp._y < char._y) {
xs += -5 * (xd / d);
ys += 5 * (yd / d);
jumpUp(temp, pts);
ltemp = temp;
} else {
temp = null;
if (xs > 15) {
xs = 15;
} else {
if (xs < -15) {
xs = -15;
if (ys > 15) {
ys = 15;
} else {
if (ys < -15) {
ys = -15;
char._y -= ys;
char._x += xs;
if (char._x < 0) {
rk = true;
char._x = 0;
xs = -xs;
ys += 5;
} else {
if (char._x > 700) {
rk = true;
char._x = 700;
xs = -xs;
ys += 5;
if (g.g.hitTest(char._x, char._y, true)) {
onG = true;
hit = 50;
while (g.g.hitTest(char._x, char._y - 1, true)) {
xs -= xs / Math.abs(xs) / 2;
if (xs < 1 and xs > -1) {
xs = 0;
if (xs * 0 != 0) {
xs = 0;
} else {
onG = false;
if (char._y < 0) {
ott = true;
wind = random(7);
if (!kd or temp == null) {
temp2 = p[0];
xd = char._x - p[0]._x;
yd = char._y - p[0]._y;
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
n = 1;
while (n < p.length) {
xd = char._x - p[n]._x;
yd = char._y - p[n]._y;
if (xd * xd + yd * yd < d and p[n]._y < char._y) {
temp2 = p[n];
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
} else {
if (kd) {
temp2 = temp;
kd = _root.kDown();
pos.push([char._x, char._y]);
if (pos.length > 20) {
l2.moveTo(pos[0][0], pos[0][1]);
n = 1;
while (n < pos.length) {
l2.lineStyle(20 * n / pos.length, 16504121, 100);
l2.lineTo(pos[n][0], pos[n][1]);
l2.moveTo(pos[0][0], pos[0][1]);
n = 1;
while (n < pos.length) {
l2.lineStyle(20 * n / pos.length - 13, 15747846, 100);
l2.lineTo(pos[n][0], pos[n][1]);
char.swapDepths(l2.getDepth() + 1);
if (temp2._y < char._y) {
l.moveTo(char._x, char._y);
l.lineStyle(0.1, c, (trans._currentframe - 90) * 2);
l.lineTo(temp2._x, temp2._y);
n = 0;
while (n < scs.length and !onG) {
scs[n].o._x = 700 * (scs[n].t / scs[n].ft);
if (scs[n].t <= 0) {
score -= scs[n].s;
scs.splice(n, 1);
var hit = 50;
var combo = 0;
var rk = false;
var ott = false;
var si = 0;
var scs = [];
n = 2;
while (_root['c' + n]) {
rPos(_root['c' + n]);
var pos = [];
button 140 {
on (press) {
movieClip 141 {
frame 1 {
_visible = false;
movieClip 143 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
_xscale = 70 + random(30);
_yscale = 70 + random(30);
movieClip 146 {
movieClip 149 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 151 {
frame 1 {
var a = -30;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if ( < 70) { += 2;
if (a < 70) {
_alpha = a - random(15);
if (_root.kDown()) {
onEnterFrame = function () {
a -= 0.5;
_alpha = a - random(int(1.5 * a / 5));
if (a <= 0) {
movieClip 153 {
frame 1 {
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_alpha > 0) {
_alpha = _alpha - 1;
_alpha = 0;
button 156 {
on (press) {
movieClip 158 {
frame 1 {
var a = 0;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.onG and a < 110 and !_parent.inst) {
} else {
if (a > 0) {
a -= 2;
if (a <= 0 and !btn._visible) {
btn._visible = true;
_alpha = a - 10;
movieClip 160 {
movieClip 161 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 165 {
frame 1 {
_root._quality = 'HIGH';
frame 2 {
_root._quality = 'MEDIUM';
frame 3 {
_root._quality = 'LOW';
instance of movieClip 165 {
onClipEvent (press) {
movieClip 166 {
movieClip 171 {
movieClip 172 {
frame 1 {
if (!t) {
var t = 1200;
var am = 500;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.onG) {
if (t <= 0) {
t = am;
onEnterFrame = null;
frame 2 {
_root.explo(_x, _y, 20);
_root.pct = t + 500;
frame 10 {
var xd = 0;
var yd = 0;
var d = 0;
var temp;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.onG) {
l2.gotoAndStop(100 - int(100 * t / am));
xd = _x - _root.char._x;
yd = _y - _root.char._y;
d = xd * xd + yd * yd;
if (d < 625) {
temp = _root.pClose(this, _root.pts, 70);
if (temp != false) {
temp._x = _x;
temp._y = _y;
} else {
_root.pts[_root.pts.length - 1]._x = _x;
_root.pts[_root.pts.length - 1]._y = _y;
_root.pts[_root.pts.length - 1].gotoAndStop(7);
if (_root.permCombo < _root.clr.length - 1) {
var v3 = new Color(_root.char.c);
_root.explo(_x, _y, 20);
if (t <= 0) {
v3 = new Color(_root.char.c);
onEnterFrame = null;
frame 21 {
if (!a) {
var a = [1, 1, 2, 3];
t = 1200;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.onG) {
if (t <= 0) {
t = am;
onEnterFrame = null;
} else {
t = a[random(a.length)] * 30 * 40;
onEnterFrame = function () {
if (!_root.onG) {
if (t <= 0) {
t = am;
onEnterFrame = null;
button 173 {
on (press) {
getURL('', '_blank');