Frame 1
_root.soundready = false;
_root.sound1 = new Sound();
_root.sound1 = new Sound();
Frame 2
if (!_root.soundready) {
if (_root.soundready) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
_root.sound1.onSoundComplete = function () {
} else {
Frame 16
if (!_root.soundready) {
if (_root.soundready) {
Instance of Symbol 511 MovieClip "musicBtn" in Frame 16
on (release) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
_root.soundready = true;
} else if (_root.soundready == true) {
_root.soundready = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
Frame 22
_root.level = 1;
var i = 1;
while (i < 16) {
_root["upgradeItem" + i] = false;
Frame 23
Frame 42
function initLevel() {
_root.sound2 = new Sound();
_root.sound3 = new Sound();
_root.sound4 = new Sound();
_root.sound5 = new Sound();
_root.sound6 = new Sound();
_root.sound7 = new Sound();
_root.sound8 = new Sound();
_root.sound9 = new Sound();
_root.ball._visible = false;
_root.toy._visible = false;
_root.dress._visible = false;
_root.comb._visible = false;
_root.haircut._visible = false;
_root.hairdry._visible = false;
_root.towel._visible = false;
_root.bathtub._visible = false;
_root.bathitem._visible = false;
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = false;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.custpressType = false;
_root.scoreVal = 6;
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 16) {
_root["scoreValT" + _local3] = 0;
_root.lifegames = false;
_root.lastSection = false;
_root.counttimer = 0;
_root.Paused = true;
if (_root.level == 1) {
_root.enterNums = 20;
_root.count = 2;
_root.score = 0;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.targets = 30;
_root.timerTime = 100; = 10;
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 16) {
_root["upgradeItem" + _local2] = false;
_root.timeLastOver = 200;
_root.timeAdress = 20;
_root.timeoverpug = 180;
if (_root.level == 2) {
_root.enterNums = 20;
_root.count = 2;
_root.timeLastOver = 150;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.targets = 80;
_root.timerTime = 100;
_root.timeoverpug = 120;
_root.timeAdress = 20;
_root.dressView = false;
if (_root.level == 3) {
_root.enterNums = 20;
_root.count = 3;
_root.timeLastOver = 200;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.targets = 150;
_root.timerTime = 100;
_root.timeoverpug = 120;
_root.timeAdress = 20;
if (_root.level == 4) {
_root.enterNums = 20;
_root.count = 3;
_root.timeLastOver = 250;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.targets = 200;
_root.timerTime = 100;
_root.timeoverpug = 120;
_root.timeAdress = 25;
if (_root.level == 5) {
_root.enterNums = 20;
_root.count = 4;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.targets = 250;
_root.timerTime = 100;
_root.timeoverpug = 150;
_root.timeAdress = 20;
_root.timeLastOver = 250;
if (_root.level >= 6) {
_root.enterNums = 20;
if ((_root.level >= 6) && (_root.level <= 7)) {
_root.count = 4;
_root.targets = _root.tars + (_root.level * 30);
_root.timeLastOver = 300;
_root.timeAdress = 30;
if ((_root.level >= 8) && (_root.level <= 13)) {
_root.count = 5;
_root.targets = _root.tars + (_root.level * 20);
_root.timeLastOver = 350;
_root.timeAdress = 30;
if ((_root.level >= 14) && (_root.level <= 17)) {
_root.count = 6;
_root.targets = _root.tars + (_root.level * 10);
_root.timeLastOver = 400;
_root.timeAdress = 35;
if (_root.level >= 18) {
_root.count = 7;
_root.targets = _root.tars + (_root.level * 5);
_root.timeLastOver = 450;
_root.timeAdress = 35;
_root.score1 = 0;
_root.timerTime = 100;
_root.timeoverpug = 100;
_root.arrayItems = new Array();
_root.arrayCusts = new Array();
_root.startArray = new Array();
_root.arrayItems.push(6); = false;
_root.dogCount = 0;
if (_root.upgradeItem1 == true) {
_root.ball._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT1 = 2;
if (_root.upgradeItem2 == true) {
_root.scoreValT2 = 2;
if (_root.upgradeItem3 == true) {
_root.scoreValT3 = 3;
if (_root.upgradeItem4 == true) {
_root.toy._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT4 = 3;
if (_root.upgradeItem5 == true) {
_root.bathtub._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT5 = 3;
if (_root.upgradeItem6 == true) {
_root.towel._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT6 = 4;
if (_root.upgradeItem7 == true) {
_root.hairdry._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT7 = 4;
if (_root.upgradeItem8 == true) {
_root.haircut._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT8 = 4;
if (_root.upgradeItem9 == true) {
_root.comb._visible = true;
_root.scoreVal = 30;
_root.scoreValT9 = 5;
if (_root.upgradeItem10 == true) {
_root.bathitem._visible = true;
_root.scoreVal = 35;
_root.scoreValT10 = 3;
if (_root.upgradeItem11 == true) {
_root.dress._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT11 = 6;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.scoreValT12 = 6;
if (_root.upgradeItem13 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = false;
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = true;
_root.scoreValT13 = 5;
if (_root.upgradeItem14 == true) {
_root.scoreValT14 = 5;
if (_root.upgradeItem15 == true) { = true;
_root.scoreVal = 50;
_root.scoreValT15 = 7;
_root.scoreVal = ((((((((((((((_root.scoreVal + _root.scoreValT1) + _root.scoreValT2) + _root.scoreValT3) + _root.scoreValT4) + _root.scoreValT5) + _root.scoreValT6) + _root.scoreValT7) + _root.scoreValT8) + _root.scoreValT9) + _root.scoreValT10) + _root.scoreValT11) + _root.scoreValT12) + _root.scoreValT13) + _root.scoreValT14) + _root.scoreValT15;
_root.girlSpeed = 18;
_root.walkItem1 = 0;
_root.walkItem2 = 0;
_root.walkItem3 = 0;
_root.walkItem4 = 0;
_root.medTable = false;
_root.mainName = new Array();
_root.arrayCust = new Array();
_root.girlActionArray = new Array();
_root.custArray = new Array();
_root.G8Array = new Array();
_root.puppyArray = new Array();
_root.bathTable = false;
_root.towelTable = false;
_root.hairdryTable = false;
_root.haircutTable = false;
_root.combTable = false;
_root.combTable = false;
_root.loveSym = 22;
_root.arrayCustNum = new Array();
_root.girlActionArray = ["frontidle", "frontwalk", "backidle", "backwalk", "rightidle", "rightwalk", "leftidle", "leftwalk", "frontidlehold", "frontwalkhold", "backidlehold", "backwalkhold", "rightidlehold", "rightwalkhold", "leftidlehold", "leftwalkhold"];
_root.G1Array = ["G1", "G32:G8", "G32:G9", "G32:G10", "G32:G11:G12", "G32:G11:G14", "G32:G8:G26:G22", "G32:G8:G26:G23", "G32:G8:G26:G24", "G32:G8:G30", "G32:G8:G31", "G32:G8:G30:G29", "G2:G28", "G4", "G5", "G3", "G35", "G32:G8:G26:G21", "G35:G19", "G35:G19:G18", "G35:G17", "G32:G11:G20", "G7", "G3:G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G8Array = ["G32:G1", "G8", "G9", "G10", "G11:G12", "G11:G14", "G26:G22", "G26:G23", "G26:G24", "G30", "G31", "G30:G29", "G27:G28", "G9:G4", "G10:G5", "G3", "G11:G35", "G26:G21", "G26:G17:G19", "G26:G17:G19:G18", "G11:G17", "G11:G20", "G3:G7", "G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G9Array = ["G32:G1", "G8", "G9", "G10", "G11:G12", "G11:G14", "G8:G26:G22", "G8:G26:G23", "G8:G26:G24", "G8:G30", "G8:G31", "G8:G30:G29", "G8:G27:G28", "G4", "G10:G5", "G8:G3", "G11:G35", "G8:G26:G21", "G11:G19", "G11:G19:G18", "G11:G17", "G11:G20", "G4:G7", "G8:G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G10Array = ["G32:G1", "G8", "G9", "G10", "G11:G12", "G11:G14", "G11:G17:G22", "G11:G17:G23", "G11:G17:G24", "G8:G30", "G8:G31", "G8:G30:G29", "G8:G27:G28", "G9:G4", "G5", "G8:G3", "G11:G35", "G11:G17:G21", "G11:G19", "G11:G19:G18", "G11:G17", "G11:G20", "G5:G7", "G8:G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G12Array = ["G11:G32:G1", "G11:G8", "G11:G9", "G11:G10", "G12", "G14", "G17:G22", "G17:G23", "G17:G24", "G11:G8:G30", "G11:G8:G31", "G11:G8:G30:G29", "G17:G26:G27:G28", "G11:G9:G4", "G11:G10:G5", "G11:G10:G5:G3", "G35", "G17:G21", "G19", "G19:G18", "G17", "G20", "G35:G7", "G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G14Array = ["G11:G32:G1", "G11:G8", "G11:G9", "G11:G10", "G12", "G14", "G17:G22", "G17:G23", "G17:G24", "G11:G8:G30", "G11:G8:G31", "G11:G8:G30:G29", "G17:G26:G27:G28", "G11:G9:G4", "G11:G10:G5", "G11:G10:G5:G3", "G35", "G17:G21", "G19", "G19:G18", "G17", "G20", "G35:G7", "G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G22Array = ["G26:G3:G1", "G26:G8", "G26:G8:G9", "G26:G8:G10", "G17:G12", "G17:G14", "G22", "G23", "G24", "G26:G30", "G26:G31", "G26:G30:G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G26:G3:G4", "G26:G3:G5", "G26:G3", "G26:G3:G35", "G21", "G17:G19", "G17:G19:G18", "G17", "G17:G20", "G17:G35:G7", "G24:G25"];
_root.G23Array = ["G26:G3:G1", "G26:G8", "G26:G8:G9", "G26:G8:G10", "G17:G12", "G17:G14", "G22", "G23", "G24", "G26:G30", "G26:G31", "G26:G30:G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G26:G3:G4", "G26:G3:G5", "G26:G3", "G26:G3:G35", "G21", "G17:G19", "G17:G19:G18", "G17", "G17:G20", "G17:G35:G7", "G24:G25"];
_root.G24Array = ["G26:G3:G1", "G26:G8", "G26:G8:G9", "G26:G8:G10", "G17:G12", "G17:G14", "G22", "G23", "G24", "G26:G30", "G26:G31", "G26:G30:G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G26:G3:G4", "G26:G3:G5", "G26:G3", "G26:G3:G35", "G21", "G17:G19", "G17:G19:G18", "G17", "G17:G20", "G17:G35:G7", "G25"];
_root.G30Array = ["G3:G1", "G8", "G8:G9", "G8:G10", "G8:G11:G12", "G8:G11:G14", "G26:G22", "G26:G23", "G26:G24", "G30", "G31", "G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G3:G4", "G3:G5", "G3", "G3:G35", "G26:G21", "G26:G17:G19", "G26:G17:G19:G18", "G26:G17", "G8:G11:G20", "G3:G7", "G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G31Array = ["G3:G1", "G8", "G8:G9", "G8:G10", "G8:G11:G12", "G8:G11:G14", "G26:G22", "G26:G23", "G26:G24", "G30", "G31", "G30:G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G3:G4", "G3:G5", "G3", "G3:G35", "G26:G21", "G26:G17:G19", "G26:G17:G19:G18", "G26:G17", "G8:G11:G20", "G3:G7", "G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G29Array = ["G30:G3:G1", "G30:G8", "G30:G8:G9", "G30:G8:G10", "G30:G8:G11:G12", "G30:G8:G11:G14", "G30:G26:G22", "G30:G26:G23", "G30:G26:G24", "G30", "G30:G31", "G29", "G30:G27:G28", "G30:G3:G4", "G30:G3:G5", "G30:G3", "G30:G3:G35", "G30:G26:G21", "G30:G26:G17:G19", "G30:G26:G17:G19:G18", "G30:G26:G17", "G30:G8:G11:G20", "G30:G3:G7", "G30:G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G28Array = ["G2:G1", "G27:G8", "G27:G8:G9", "G27:G8:G10", "G27:G26:G17:G12", "G27:G26:G17:G14", "G27:G26:G22", "G27:G26:G23", "G27:G26:G24", "G27:G30", "G27:G31", "G27:G30:G29", "G28", "G27:G30:G3:G4", "G27:G30:G3:G5", "G27:G30:G3", "G27:G30:G3:G35", "G27:G26:G21", "G27:G26:G17:G19", "G27:G26:G17:G19:G18", "G27:G26:G17", "G27:G8:G11:G20", "G27:G7", "G26:G24:G25"];
_root.G4Array = ["G1", "G3:G8", "G9", "G5:G10", "G5:G10:G11:G12", "G5:G10:G11:G14", "G5:G10:G11:G17:G22", "G5:G10:G11:G17:G23", "G5:G10:G11:G17:G24", "G3:G30", "G3:G31", "G3:G30:G29", "G3:G27:G28", "G4", "G5", "G3", "G35", "G5:G10:G11:G17:G21", "G35:G19", "G35:G19:G18", "G5:G10:G11:G17", "G5:G10:G11:G20", "G7", "G35:G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G5Array = ["G1", "G3:G8", "G4:G9", "G10", "G10:G11:G12", "G10:G11:G14", "G10:G11:G17:G22", "G10:G11:G17:G23", "G10:G11:G17:G24", "G3:G30", "G3:G31", "G3:G30:G29", "G3:G27:G28", "G4", "G5", "G3", "G35", "G10:G11:G17:G21", "G35:G19", "G35:G19:G18", "G10:G11:G17", "G10:G11:G20", "G7", "G35:G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G3Array = ["G1", "G8", "G8:G9", "G8:G10", "G5:G10:G11:G12", "G5:G10:G11:G14", "G26:G22", "G26:G23", "G26:G24", "G30", "G31", "G30:G29", "G27:G28", "G4", "G5", "G3", "G35", "G26:G21", "G35:G19", "G35:G19:G18", "G35:G17", "G5:G10:G11:G20", "G7", "G35:G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G35Array = ["G1", "G3:G8", "G4:G9", "G5:G10", "G12", "G14", "G17:G22", "G17:G23", "G17:G24", "G3:G30", "G3:G31", "G3:G30:G29", "G3:G27:G28", "G4", "G5", "G3", "G35", "G17:G21", "G19", "G19:G18", "G17", "G20", "G7", "G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G21Array = ["G26:G3:G1", "G26:G8", "G26:G8:G9", "G26:G8:G10", "G17:G12", "G17:G14", "G22", "G23", "G24", "G26:G30", "G26:G31", "G26:G30:G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G26:G3:G4", "G26:G3:G5", "G26:G3", "G26:G3:G35", "G21", "G17:G19", "G17:G19:G18", "G17", "G17:G20", "G17:G35:G7", "G24:G25"];
_root.G19Array = ["G35:G1", "G11:G8", "G11:G9", "G11:G10", "G12", "G14", "G17:G22", "G17:G23", "G17:G24", "G17:G26:G30", "G17:G26:G31", "G17:G26:G30:G29", "G17:G26:G27:G28", "G35:G4", "G35:G5", "G26:G3", "G35", "G17:G21", "G19", "G19:G18", "G17", "G20", "G35:G7", "G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G18Array = ["G19:G35:G1", "G11:G8", "G11:G9", "G11:G10", "G12", "G14", "G17:G22", "G17:G23", "G17:G24", "G17:G26:G30", "G17:G26:G31", "G17:G26:G30:G29", "G17:G26:G27:G28", "G35:G4", "G35:G5", "G26:G3", "G35", "G17:G21", "G19", "G18", "G17", "G20", "G19:G35:G7", "G19:G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G17Array = ["G35:G1", "G11:G8", "G11:G9", "G11:G10", "G12", "G14", "G22", "G23", "G24", "G26:G30", "G26:G31", "G26:G30:G29", "G26:G27:G28", "G35:G4", "G35:G5", "G26:G3", "G35", "G21", "G19", "G19:G18", "G17", "G20", "G35:G7", "G24:G25"];
_root.G20Array = ["G11:G32:G1", "G11:G8", "G11:G9", "G11:G10", "G12", "G14", "G17:G22", "G17:G23", "G17:G24", "G11:G8:G30", "G11:G8:G31", "G11:G8:G30:G29", "G11:G8:G27:G28", "G11:G9:G4", "G11:G10:G5", "G11:G10:G5:G3", "G35", "G17:G21", "G19", "G19:G18", "G17", "G20", "G35:G7", "G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G7Array = ["G1", "G3:G8", "G4:G9", "G5:G10", "G35:G12", "G35:G14", "G35:G17:G22", "G35:G17:G23", "G35:G17:G24", "G3:G8:G30", "G3:G8:G31", "G3:G8:G30:G29", "G3:G8:G27:G28", "G4", "G5", "G3", "G35", "G35:G17:G21", "G35:G19", "G35:G19:G18", "G35:G17", "G35:G20", "G7", "G35:G17:G24:G25"];
_root.G25Array = ["G24:G26:G3:G1", "G24:G26:G8", "G24:G26:G8:G9", "G24:G26:G8:G10", "G24:G17:G12", "G24:G17:G14", "G24:G22", "G24:G23", "G24", "G24:G26:G30", "G24:G26:G31", "G24:G26:G30:G29", "G24:G26:G27:G28", "G24:G26:G3:G4", "G24:G26:G3:G5", "G24:G26:G3", "G24:G17:G35", "G24:G21", "G24:G17:G19", "G24:G17:G19:G18", "G24:G17", "G24:G17:G20", "G24:G17:G35:G7", "G25"];
_root.arrayNodes = new Array();
_root.G1Num = [0];
_root.G8Num = [1];
_root.G9Num = [2];
_root.G10Num = [3];
_root.G12Num = [4];
_root.G14Num = [5];
_root.G22Num = [6];
_root.G23Num = [7];
_root.G24Num = [8];
_root.G30Num = [9];
_root.G31Num = [10];
_root.G29Num = [11];
_root.G28Num = [12];
_root.G4Num = [13];
_root.G5Num = [14];
_root.G3Num = [15];
_root.G35Num = [16];
_root.G21Num = [17];
_root.G19Num = [18];
_root.G18Num = [19];
_root.G17Num = [20];
_root.G20Num = [21];
_root.G7Num = [22];
_root.G25Num = [23];
_root.setNumber = 0;
_root.bed1.fill = false;
_root.bed2.fill = false;
_root.girlTookItem = false;
_root.arrayNode = new Array();
_root.arrayName = new Array();
_root.girlWalk = false;
_root.Paused = false;
_root.arrayCustDog = new Array();
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 10) {
_root["pug" + _local2].dress = false;
_root["pug" + _local2].gotoAndStop(1);
_root["pug" + _local2].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
_root["pug" + _local2].gotoAndStop(2);
_root["pug" + _local2].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
_root["pug" + _local2].gotoAndStop(3);
_root["pug" + _local2].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
_root["pug" + _local2].gotoAndStop(4);
_root["pug" + _local2].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
_root["order" + _local2] = false;
_root["timerCount" + _local2] = 0;
_root.currentNodeGirl = "G8";
_root.girl._x = _root.currentNodeGirl._x;
_root.girl._y = _root.currentNodeGirl._y;
_root[destinationGirl] = ""; = false;
_root.enterTime = 0;
_root.startTime = true;
_root.startActions = false;
_root.custgone = false;
_root.enterNums1 = 20;
_root.counts = 0;
_root.girlTookPug = false;
_root.depths = 1;
_root.depths1 = 0;
_local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 11) {
_root["pug" + _local3]._visible = false;
_root["areaRect" + _local3].pugview = false;
_root.timer = 0;
_root.timerNum = 0;
_root.timerNums = 0;
_root.timeOut = false;
_root.timerTimes = "";
_root.doorClosed1 = true; = 7.2; = -29.1;
_root.custwalk = false;
_root.Paused = true;
_root.starts = false;
_root.checkStatus = false;
_root.arrayPushItems = new Array();
function setTimer() {
if ((getTimer() - _root.InitTime) >= 1000) {
InitTime = getTimer();
function action() {
if (_root.timerNum == 40) {
_root.timerNum = 0;
if ( <= 0) {;
_root.score = _root.score + _root.score1;
_root.lifegames = true;
_root.messages._visible = false;
_root.timerTime = ""; = 10;
if (_root.startTime) {
if (_root.girlWalk) {
if (_root.timerTimes == 0) {
if (_root.doorClosed1) {
_root.timeOut = true;
if (_root.checkStatus == true) {
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 11) {
if (_root["pug" + _local2].pugview == true) {
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root["pug" + _local2].order = 23;
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(23);
_root["pug" + _local2].getItem = true;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root["pug" + _local2].named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.arrayCusts[_local4]);
} else {
if (_root["pug" + _local2].timeStart1 == true) {
_root["pug" + _local2].timeInt1++;
if (_root["pug" + _local2].timeInt1 == _root.timeLastOver) {;
if (_root["pug" + _local2].pugall._currentframe == 3) {
_root["pug" + _local2].pugall.gotoAndStop(5);
if (_root["pug" + _local2].pugall._currentframe == 7) {
_root["pug" + _local2].pugall.gotoAndStop(8);
_root["pug" + _local2].timeStart1 = false;
if (_root["pug" + _local2].timeStart == true) {
_root["pug" + _local2].timeInt++;
if (_root["pug" + _local2].startsmile == true) {
if (_root["pug" + _local2] == 40) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(1);
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.resting.gotoAndStop(2);
_root["pug" + _local2].startsmile = false;
if (_root["pug" + _local2].timeInt == _root["pug" + _local2].timeover) {
_root["pug" + _local2].getItem = false;
if (_root.arrayItems.length == 0) {
var _local3 = 0;
while (_local3 < _root.arrayPushItems.length) {
rands = random(_root.arrayItems.length);
if (_root["pug" + _local2].dress == true) {
if ((_root.arrayItems[rands] == 19) || (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 20)) {
rands = 3 + random(3);
_root["pug" + _local2].order = rands;
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(rands);
if ((_root.upgradeItem3 == true) && (rands == 3)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(rands);
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(2);
if ((_root.upgradeItem14 == true) && (rands == 3)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(rands);
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
if (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 6) {
_root.randoms1 = 6 + random(2);
_root["pug" + _local2].order = _root.randoms1;
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.randoms1);
} else if (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 15) {
_root.randoms1 = 15 + random(2);
_root["pug" + _local2].order = _root.randoms1;
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.randoms1);
} else {
_root["pug" + _local2].order = _root.arrayItems[rands];
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.arrayItems[rands]);
if ((_root.upgradeItem3 == true) && (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 3)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.arrayItems[rands]);
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(2);
if ((_root.upgradeItem13 == true) && (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 11)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.tub.gotoAndStop(2);
if ((_root.upgradeItem14 == true) && (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 3)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.arrayItems[rands]);
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.arrayItems.splice(rands, 1);
} else {
if (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 6) {
_root.randoms1 = 6 + random(2);
_root["pug" + _local2].order = _root.randoms1;
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.randoms1);
} else if (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 15) {
_root.randoms1 = 15 + random(2);
_root["pug" + _local2].order = _root.randoms1;
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.randoms1);
} else {
_root["pug" + _local2].order = _root.arrayItems[rands];
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.arrayItems[rands]);
if ((_root.upgradeItem3 == true) && (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 3)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.arrayItems[rands]);
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(2);
if ((_root.upgradeItem13 == true) && (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 11)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.tub.gotoAndStop(2);
if ((_root.upgradeItem14 == true) && (_root.arrayItems[rands] == 3)) {
_root["pug" + _local2].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.arrayItems.splice(rands, 1);
_root["pug" + _local2].timeInt = 0;
_root["pug" + _local2].timeStart = false;
_root["pug" + _local2].timeInt1 = 0;
_root["pug" + _local2].timeStart1 = true;
if (_root.bed1.starts == false) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers10 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.bed1.beds.puppy.dress == true) {
_root.bed1dress = _root.bed1.beds.puppy.dress;
_root.bed1dressNum = _root.bed1.beds.puppy.dressNums;
_root.namedBed1 = _root.bed1.beds.puppy.named;
_root.frameNums1 = _root.bed1.beds.puppy.pups._currentframe;
_root.bed1.beds.puppy.pups.gotoAndStop(_root.frameNums1 + 1);
_root.bed1.beds.puppy.dress = _root.bed1dress;
_root.bed1.beds.puppy.dressNums = _root.bed1dressNum;
_root.bed1.beds.puppy.named = _root.namedBed1;
_root.namedBed1 = "";
_root.bed1dressNum = "";
_root.bed1dress = "";
if (_root.bed1.beds.puppy.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers10 = "";
} else if (_root.bed1.beds.puppy.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.bed1.beds.puppy.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.bed2.starts == false) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers11 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.bed2.beds.puppy.dress == true) {
_root.bed2dress = _root.bed2.beds.puppy.dress;
_root.bed2dressNum = _root.bed2.beds.puppy.dressNums;
_root.namedBed2 = _root.bed2.beds.puppy.named;
_root.frameNums2 = _root.bed2.beds.puppy.pups._currentframe;
_root.bed2.beds.puppy.pups.gotoAndStop(_root.frameNums2 + 1);
_root.bed2.beds.puppy.dress = _root.bed2dress;
_root.bed2.beds.puppy.dressNums = _root.bed2dressNum;
_root.bed2.beds.puppy.named = _root.namedBed2;
_root.namedBed2 = "";
_root.bed2dressNum = "";
_root.bed2dress = "";
if (_root.bed2.beds.puppy.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers11 = "";
} else if (_root.bed2.beds.puppy.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.bed2.beds.puppy.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.medTable) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers + 1)) {
if (_root.timerCount1 == 1) {
playSound("sound4"); = true;;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers + 2)) {;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {;
_root.medTable1 = true;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers + _root.timeAdress)) {
if ( == true) {
_root.medDress = true;
_root.medDressNo =;
_root.namedMed =;
_root.numMed =;
_root.numMed = ""; = true;;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {;
} = _root.medDress; = _root.medDressNo; = _root.namedMed;
_root.namedMed = "";
_root.medDress = "";
_root.medDressNo = "";
if ( == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers = "";
_root.timerCount1 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.medTable1 = true;;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if ( == _root.mainName[_local4]) {[_local4]);
if (_root.bathTable) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers1 + 1)) {
if (_root.timerCount2 == 1) {
if (_root.upgradeItem5 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = false;
if (_root.upgradeItem13 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = false;
_root.bathtub.pets.icons._visible = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers1 + 2)) {
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.bathTable1 = true;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers1 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.bathtub.pets.dress == true) {
_root.bathtubDress = true;
_root.bathtubDressNo =;
_root.numbathTub = _root.bathtub.pets._currentframe;
_root.namedBathtub = _root.bathtub.pets.named;
if (_root.upgradeItem5 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = false;
if (_root.upgradeItem13 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = false;
_root.bathtub.pets.icons._visible = true;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.bathtub.pets.dress = _root.bathtubDress; = _root.bathtubDressNo;
_root.bathtub.pets.named = _root.namedBathtub;
_root.namedBathtub = "";
_root.bathtubDress = "";
_root.bathtubDressNo = "";
if (_root.bathtub.pets.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers1 = "";
_root.timerCount2 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.bathtub.pets.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.towelTable) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers2 + 1)) {
if (_root.timerCount3 == 1) {
_root.towel.pets.icons._visible = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers2 + 2)) {
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.towelTable1 = true;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers2 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.towel.pets.dress == true) {
_root.towelDress = true;
_root.towelDressNo =;
_root.namedTowel = _root.towel.pets.named;
_root.towel.pets.icons._visible = true;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.towel.pets.dress = _root.towelDress; = _root.towelDressNo;
_root.towel.pets.named = _root.namedTowel;
_root.namedTowel = "";
_root.towelDress = "";
_root.towelDressNo = "";
if (_root.towel.pets.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers2 = "";
_root.timerCount3 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.towel.pets.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.hairdryTable) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers3 + 1)) {
if (_root.timerCount4 == 1) {
_root.hairdry.pets.icons._visible = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers3 + 2)) {
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.hairdryTable1 = true;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers3 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.hairdry.pets.dress == true) {
_root.hairdryDress = true;
_root.hairdryDressNo =;
_root.namedHairdry = _root.hairdry.pets.named;
_root.hairdry.pets.icons._visible = true;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.hairdry.pets.dress = _root.hairdryDress; = _root.hairdryDressNo;
_root.hairdry.pets.named = _root.namedHairdry;
_root.namedHairdry = "";
_root.hairdryDress = "";
_root.hairdryDressNo = "";
if (_root.hairdry.pets.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers3 = "";
_root.timerCount4 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.hairdry.pets.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.haircutTable) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers4 + 1)) {
if (_root.timerCount5 == 1) {
_root.haircut.pets.icons._visible = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers4 + 2)) {
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.haircutTable1 = true;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers4 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.haircut.pets.dress == true) {
_root.haircutDress = true;
_root.haircutDressNo =;
_root.namedHaircut = _root.haircut.pets.named;
_root.haircut.pets.icons._visible = true;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.haircut.pets.dress = _root.haircutDress; = _root.haircutDressNo;
_root.haircut.pets.named = _root.namedHaircut;
_root.namedHaircut = "";
_root.haircutDress = "";
_root.haircutDressNo = "";
if (_root.haircut.pets.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers4 = "";
_root.timerCount5 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.haircutTable1 = true;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.haircut.pets.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.combTable) {
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers5 + 1)) {
if (_root.timerCount6 == 1) {
_root.comb.pets.icons._visible = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers5 + 2)) {
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.combTable1 = true;
if (_root.timer == (_root.timers5 + _root.timeAdress)) {
if (_root.comb.pets.dress == true) {
_root.combDress = true;
_root.combDressNo =;
_root.namedComb = _root.comb.pets.named;
_root.comb.pets.icons._visible = true;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {
_root.comb.pets.dress = _root.combDress; = _root.combDressNo;
_root.comb.pets.named = _root.namedComb;
_root.namedComb = "";
_root.combDress = "";
_root.combDressNo = "";
if (_root.comb.pets.dress == true) { = true;;
} else { = false;
_root.timers5 = "";
_root.timerCount6 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.combTable1 = true;
var _local4 = 0;
while (_local4 < _root.mainName.length) {
if (_root.comb.pets.named == _root.mainName[_local4]) {
if (_root.arrayNode.length > 0) {
if (_root.startActions == false) {
if (_root.custwalk == true) {
if (_root.custgone == false) { = + 5;
} else { = - 5;
if (_root.reachStation == true) { = true;
_root.reachStation = false;
if (_root.doorClosed == false) {
if (( >= 90) && (_root.custgone == false)) {[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].gotoAndStop(1);[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].pug.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.reachStation = true;
_root.custwalk = false; = true;
if (_root.upgradeItem12 == true) {;
if (( <= 10) && (_root.custgone == true)) {
_root.counts++;[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].gotoAndStop(1); = false; = _root.setX; = _root.setY;
_root.custgone = false;
_root.custwalk = false;
_root.startTime = true;
if (_root.counts == _root.count) {
_root.enterTime = 0;
_root.enterNums = 20;
_root.startTime = false;
_root.counts = 0;
_root.starts = true;
_root.doorClosed = true;
_root.InitTime = getTimer();
_root.checkStatus = true;
_root.menu_Btn.enabled = true;
_root.help_Btn.enabled = true;
_root.custgone = false;
if (_root.checkDoor == true) {
if ( >= 90) {
if (_root.timeforCust == true) {[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndStop("angryface");
} else {[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndStop("frontswithoutpug");
_root.custwalk = false;
_root.custReach = true;
if (_root.custpressType == false) { = true;
if (_root.checkDoor == false) {
if ( <= 10) {[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndStop(1); = _root.setX; = _root.setY; = false;
_root.arrayCust.splice(0, 1);
_root.arrayCustDog.splice(0, 1);
_root.arrayCustNum.splice(0, 1);
if (_root.arrayCust.length > 0) {
_root.custwalk = false;
_root.doorClosed1 = true;
} else {
_root.score = _root.score + _root.score1;
if (((((((((((((((_root.upgradeItem1 == true) && (_root.upgradeItem2 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem3 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem4 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem5 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem6 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem7 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem8 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem9 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem10 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem11 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem12 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem13 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem14 == true)) && (_root.upgradeItem15 == true)) {
_root.checkDoor = "";;
} else {;
_root.checkDoor = "";
if (_root.doorClosed == true) {
if (_root["pug" + _root.startArray[0]].pugview == true) {
if (_root.level >= 6) {
_root["pug" + _root.startArray[0]].timeInt = _root.timeoverpug - (_root.counttimer * 3);
} else {
_root["pug" + _root.startArray[0]].timeInt = _root.timeoverpug - (_root.counttimer * 10);
_root.startArray.splice(0, 1);
function playSound(which) {
if (!_root.soundready) {
} else {
function enterCustLast() {
_root.doorClosed1 = false;
_root.custgone = false; = true; = false;
_root.setX =;
_root.setY =;[0]);[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndPlay("frontswithoutpug");
_root.custwalk = true;
_root.checkDoor = true;
_root.lastSection = true;
_root.custpressType = false;
_root.checkStat = true;
playSound("sound6"); = false;
function disablingItems() { = false; = false;
_root.foods.food1.enabled = false;
_root.foods.food2.enabled = false;
_root.foods.food3.enabled = false;
_root.bed1.enabled = false;
_root.bed2.enabled = false;
_root.ball.enabled = false;
_root.toy.enabled = false;
_root.dress.dress1.enabled = false;
_root.dress.dress2.enabled = false;
_root.haircut.enabled = false;
_root.hairdry.enabled = false;
_root.bathitem.brush.enabled = false; = false;
_root.bathtub.enabled = false;
_root.towel.enabled = false;
_root.comb.combs.enabled = false;
_root.comb.powder.enabled = false;
function enablingItems() { = true; = true;
_root.foods.food1.enabled = true;
_root.foods.food2.enabled = true;
_root.foods.food3.enabled = true;
_root.bed1.enabled = true;
_root.bed2.enabled = true;
_root.ball.enabled = true;
_root.toy.enabled = true;
_root.dress.dress1.enabled = true;
_root.dress.dress2.enabled = true;
_root.haircut.enabled = true;
_root.hairdry.enabled = true;
_root.bathitem.brush.enabled = true; = true;
_root.bathtub.enabled = true;
_root.towel.enabled = true;
_root.comb.combs.enabled = true;
_root.comb.powder.enabled = true;
function enterCust() {
if (_root.counts == _root.count) {
} else {
if (_root.enterTime == _root.enterNums) {
_root.doorClosed = false;
if (_root.enterTime == (_root.enterNums1 + 5)) {
_root.rand1 = 1 + random(3);
_root.rand2 = 1 + random(4); = true; = false;
if (_root.rand1 == 1) {;
if (_root.rand1 == 2) { + 4);
_root.arrayCustNum.push(_root.rand2 + 4);
if (_root.rand1 == 3) { + 8);
_root.arrayCustNum.push(_root.rand2 + 8);
_root.setX =;
_root.setY =; = _root.rand1;[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].gotoAndPlay("fronts"); = _root.rand2; = false;
_root.custArray.push(;[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].pug.gotoAndPlay(1);
_root.custwalk = true;
_root.enterNums1 = 40;
_root.enterTime = 22;
_root.custgone = false;
_root.startTime = false;
function enterClick() {
_root.bed1.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G4";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bed1.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.bed1.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bed2.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G5";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bed2.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.bed2.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
_root.node = "G29";
_root.medicineNums = 1;
this.enabled = false; = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
_root.node = "G29";
_root.medicineNums = 0;
this.enabled = false; = false; = false;
this._xscale = 93;
this._yscale = 93;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 93;
this._yscale = 93;
}; = function () {
_root.node = "G29";
_root.medicineNums = 2;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.foods.food1.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G28";
_root.foodNames = 1;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.foods.food1.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.foods.food1.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.foods.food2.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G28";
_root.foodNames = 2;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.foods.food2.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.foods.food2.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.foods.food3.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G28";
_root.foodNames = 6;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.foods.food3.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.foods.food3.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.ball.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G3";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.ball.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.ball.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.toy.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G35";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.toy.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.toy.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bathtub.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G21";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bathtub.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.bathtub.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.towel.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G19";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.towel.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.towel.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.hairdry.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G18";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.hairdry.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.hairdry.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.haircut.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G17";
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.haircut.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.haircut.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.comb.combs.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G20";
_root.combNames = 1;
this.enabled = false;
_root.comb.powder.enabled = false;
_root.comb.pets.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.comb.combs.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.comb.combs.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.comb.powder.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G20";
_root.combNames = 2;
this.enabled = false;
_root.comb.combs.enabled = false;
_root.comb.pets.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.comb.powder.onRollOver = function () {
_root.comb.powder.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.comb.pets.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G20";
_root.combNames = 0;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.comb.pets.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.comb.pets.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
_root.node = "G25";
_root.bathitemNames = 15;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bathitem.brush.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G25";
_root.bathitemNames = 14;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.bathitem.brush.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.bathitem.brush.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.dress.dress1.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G7";
_root.dressNames = 16;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.dress.dress1.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.dress.dress1.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.dress.dress2.onPress = function () {
_root.node = "G7";
_root.dressNames = 17;
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root.dress.dress2.onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root.dress.dress2.onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
}; = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
}; = function () {
this.enabled = false;
_root.custpressType = true;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 11) {
_root["pug" + _local3].onPress = function () {
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(11, 14));
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 93;
this._yscale = 93;
_root["pug" + _local3].onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 98;
this._yscale = 98;
_root["pug" + _local3].onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 93;
this._yscale = 93;
_root["areaRect" + _local3].onRollOver = function () {
this._xscale = 110;
this._yscale = 110;
_root["areaRect" + _local3].onRollOut = function () {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
_root["areaRect" + _local3].onPress = function () {
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(16, 19));
this.enabled = false;
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
function arrayWalkAnim() {
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 1) {
_root.areas = _root.arrayNodes[0];
if (_root.areas == 1) {
_root.node = "G8";
if (_root.areas == 2) {
_root.node = "G9";
if (_root.areas == 3) {
_root.node = "G10";
if (_root.areas == 4) {
_root.node = "G12";
if (_root.areas == 5) {
_root.node = "G14";
if (_root.areas == 6) {
_root.node = "G22";
if (_root.areas == 7) {
_root.node = "G23";
if (_root.areas == 8) {
_root.node = "G24";
if (_root.areas == 9) {
_root.node = "G30";
if (_root.areas == 10) {
_root.node = "G31";
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 5) {
_root.medicineNum = _root.arrayNodes[0];
_root.node = "G29";
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 6) {
_root.medicineNum = _root.arrayNodes[0];
_root.node = "G29";
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 7) {
_root.foodName = _root.arrayNodes[0];
_root.node = "G28";
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 2) {
_root.node = "G1";
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if ((((((((_root.arrayNode[0] == 3) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 4)) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 8)) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 9)) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 10)) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 11)) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 12)) || (_root.arrayNode[0] == 13)) {
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 3) {
_root.node = "G4";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 4) {
_root.node = "G5";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 8) {
_root.node = "G3";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 9) {
_root.node = "G35";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 10) {
_root.node = "G21";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 11) {
_root.node = "G19";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 12) {
_root.node = "G18";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 13) {
_root.node = "G17";
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 13) {
_root.node = "G17";
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 14) {
_root.node = "G20";
_root.combName = _root.arrayNodes[0];
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 15) {
_root.node = "G25";
_root.bathitemName = _root.arrayNodes[0];
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
if (_root.arrayNode[0] == 16) {
_root.node = "G7";
_root.dressName = _root.arrayNodes[0];
_root.pathNode = _root[_root.currentNodeGirl + "Array"][_root[node + "Num"]].split(":");
_root.girlWalk = true;
_root.startActions = true;
_root.startActions1 = true;
function girlWalkTime() {
if (_root[destinationGirl] == "") {
_root[destinationGirl] = _root.pathNode.pop();
} else {
if ((_root.girl._x < _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._x) && (Math.abs(_root.girl._x - _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._x) >= _root.girlSpeed)) {
_root.girl._x = _root.girl._x + _root.girlSpeed;
_root.walkItem2 = 0;
_root.walkItem3 = 0;
_root.walkItem4 = 0;
if (_root.walkItem1 == 1) {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == true) || (_root.girlTookItem == true)) {
_root.actionArrays = 13;
} else {
_root.actionArrays = 5;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.dressView == true) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
if (_root.dressView == false) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if ((_root.girl._x > _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._x) && (Math.abs(_root.girl._x - _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._x) >= _root.girlSpeed)) {
_root.girl._x = _root.girl._x - _root.girlSpeed;
_root.walkItem1 = 0;
_root.walkItem3 = 0;
_root.walkItem4 = 0;
if (_root.walkItem2 == 1) {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == true) || (_root.girlTookItem == true)) {
_root.actionArrays = 15;
} else {
_root.actionArrays = 7;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.dressView == true) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
if (_root.dressView == false) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
if ((_root.girl._y < _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._y) && (Math.abs(_root.girl._y - _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._y) > _root.girlSpeed)) {
_root.girl._y = _root.girl._y + _root.girlSpeed;
_root.walkItem1 = 0;
_root.walkItem2 = 0;
_root.walkItem4 = 0;
if (_root.walkItem3 == 1) {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == true) || (_root.girlTookItem == true)) {
_root.actionArrays = 9;
} else {
_root.actionArrays = 1;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.dressView == true) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
if (_root.dressView == false) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if ((_root.girl._y > _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._y) && (Math.abs(_root.girl._y - _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._y) > _root.girlSpeed)) {
_root.girl._y = _root.girl._y - _root.girlSpeed;
_root.walkItem1 = 0;
_root.walkItem2 = 0;
_root.walkItem3 = 0;
if (_root.walkItem4 == 1) {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == true) || (_root.girlTookItem == true)) {
_root.actionArrays = 11;
} else {
_root.actionArrays = 3;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.dressView == true) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
if (_root.dressView == false) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
if (((Math.abs(_root.girl._x - _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._x) <= _root.girlSpeed) && (Math.abs(_root.girl._y - _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._y) <= _root.girlSpeed)) && (_root.startActions1 == true)) {
_root.girl._x = _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._x;
_root.girl._y = _root[_root[destinationGirl]]._y;
_root.currentNodeGirl = _root[destinationGirl];
_root[destinationGirl] = "";
if (_root.pathNode.length == 0) {
_root.startActions1 = false;
_root.girlWalk = false;
_root[destinationGirl] = "";
_root.walkItem4 = 0;
_root.walkItem1 = 0;
_root.walkItem2 = 0;
_root.walkItem3 = 0;
_root.arrayNode.splice(0, 1);
_root.arrayNodes.splice(0, 1);
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G1") {
if (_root.lastSection) {
if (_root.checkDoor) {
if (_root.custReach) {
if (_root.girlTookPug) {
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.custpressType = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
_root.custpressType = false;
_root.startActions = false;
} else {
_root.custpressType = false;
} else {
_root.girl.gotoAndPlay(_root.girlActionArray[_root.actionArrays - 1]);
_root.startActions = false;
if ((_root.currentNodeGirl == "G4") || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G5")) {
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G4") {
_root.bed1.enabled = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G5") {
_root.bed2.enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G28") {
_root.foods.food1.enabled = true;
_root.foods.food2.enabled = true;
_root.foods.food3.enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G29") { = true; = true; = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G3") {
_root.ball.enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G35") {
_root.toy.enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G21") {
_root.bathtub.enabled = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G19") {
_root.towel.enabled = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G18") {
_root.hairdry.enabled = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G17") {
_root.haircut.enabled = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G20") {
_root.comb.combs.enabled = true;
_root.comb.powder.enabled = true;
_root.comb.pets.enabled = true;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G25") { = true;
_root.bathitem.brush.enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G7") {
_root.dress.dress1.enabled = true;
_root.dress.dress2.enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
if ((((((((((_root.currentNodeGirl == "G8") || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G9")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G10")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G12")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G14")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G22")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G23")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G24")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G30")) || (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G31")) {
_root["areaRect" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root.startActions = false;
function restingSection() {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview != true) {
if (_root.holdHand) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas]._visible = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].named = _root.arrayName[0];
_root.names1 = _root["pug" + _root.areas].named;
_root.arrayName.splice(0, 1);
_root.holdHand = false;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
} else {
_root["pug" + _root.areas]._visible = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview == true) {
if (_root.girlTookItem == false) {
if (((((((((_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 4) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 5)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 8)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 9)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 10)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 17)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 18)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 19)) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 20)) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
} else {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
} else if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == (_root.itemNum + 2)) {
if ((_root.itemNum == 18) || (_root.itemNum == 17)) {
if ((_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall._currentframe == 5) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall._currentframe == 8)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = "";
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root["areaRect" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].getItem = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
if ((_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall._currentframe == 5) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall._currentframe == 8)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = "";
_root["pug" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root["areaRect" + _root.areas].enabled = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].getItem = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function beddingSection() {
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G4") {
_root.bed = _root.bed1;
if (_root.currentNodeGirl == "G5") {
_root.bed = _root.bed2;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if (_root.bed.fill == false) {
if (_root.order1 == true) {
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if ((_root.bed.fill == true) && (_root.girlTookItem == false)) {
if (_root.bed.starts == false) {
} else {
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.bed.fill == false) {
function foodingSection() {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
if (_root.foodName == (_root.itemNum - 1)) {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
} else if (((_root.itemNum == 2) || (_root.itemNum == 3)) || (_root.itemNum == 7)) {
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem == false) {
} else {
function medicineSection() {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if (((_root.order4 == true) && (_root.medicineNum == 2)) && (_root.medTable == false)) {
} else if (((_root.order5 == true) && (_root.medicineNum == 1)) && (_root.medTable == false)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if ((_root.medTable == true) && (_root.medTable1 == true)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
function ballSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem1 == true) {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == false) && (_root.girlTookItem == false)) {
} else if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
if (_root.itemNum == 6) {
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function toySection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem4 == true) {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == false) && (_root.girlTookItem == false)) {
} else if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
if (_root.itemNum == 8) {
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function bathSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem5 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if ((_root.order9 == true) && (_root.bathTable == false)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.bathTable1 == true) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function towelSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem6 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if ((_root.order10 == true) && (_root.towelTable == false)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.towelTable1 == true) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function hairdrySection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem7 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if ((_root.order11 == true) && (_root.hairdryTable == false)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.hairdryTable1 == true) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function haircutSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem8 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if ((_root.order12 == true) && (_root.haircutTable == false)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.haircutTable1 == true) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function combSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem9 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
if (((_root.order13 == true) && (_root.combName == 1)) && (_root.combTable == false)) {
} else if (((_root.order14 == true) && (_root.combName == 2)) && (_root.combTable == false)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.startActions = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if ((_root.combTable == true) && (_root.combTable1 == true)) {
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
} else {
_root.startActions = false;
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function bathItemSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem10 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
if (_root.bathitemName == (_root.itemNum - 1)) {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
} else if ((_root.itemNum == 15) || (_root.itemNum == 16)) {
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem == false) {
} else {
} else if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function dressSection() {
if (_root.upgradeItem11 == true) {
if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
if (_root.dressName == (_root.itemNum - 1)) {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
} else if ((_root.itemNum == 17) || (_root.itemNum == 18)) {
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem == false) {
} else {
} else if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function tookPuppyfFromGround() {
_root.girl.pug.gotoAndStop(_root["pug" + _root.areas].numPug);
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].dress == true) {
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.dressView = true;
_root.randDress = _root["pug" + _root.areas].dressNumber;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dress = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dressNumber = "";
_root.rand3 = _root["pug" + _root.areas].numPug;
_root.names1 = _root["pug" + _root.areas].named;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview = false;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].getItem == false) {
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 3) {
_root.order1 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 4) {
_root.order2 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 5) {
_root.order3 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 6) {
_root.order4 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 7) {
_root.order5 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 8) {
_root.order6 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 9) {
_root.order7 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 10) {
_root.order8 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 11) {
_root.order9 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 12) {
_root.order10 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 13) {
_root.order11 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 14) {
_root.order12 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 15) {
_root.order13 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 16) {
_root.order14 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 17) {
_root.order15 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 18) {
_root.order16 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 19) {
_root.order17 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 20) {
_root.order18 = true;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].order == 23) {
_root.custName = _root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root["pug" + _root.areas]._currentframe;
_root.order19 = true;
if ((_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall._currentframe == 5) || (_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall._currentframe == 8)) {
_root.scoreDecrease = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = false;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.custName = _root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root["pug" + _root.areas]._currentframe;
_root.order19 = true;
_root.getItems = _root["pug" + _root.areas].getItem;
_root["pug" + _root.areas]._visible = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
function givePuppy() {
if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.custpressType = false;
} else if (_root.order19) {
if (_root.custName == _root.arrayCust[0]) {
if (_root.pugName == _root.arrayCustDog[0]) {
_root.checkStat = false;
_root.timeforCust = false;[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndPlay("left"); = false;
} else {
_root.checkStat = false;
_root.timeforCust = false;
if (_root.arrayCust[0] == 1) {;
if (_root.arrayCust[0] == 2) { + 4);
if (_root.arrayCust[0] == 3) { + 8);
}[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.pugName].gotoAndPlay("left"); = false;
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + 3;
_root.custwalk = true;
_root.custgone = true;
_root.girlTookPug = false;
_root.checkDoor = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
if (_root.arrayCust.length == 1) {
_root.order19 = false;
} else {
_root.custpressType = false;
_root.timeforCust = true;
_root.rand3 = _root.pugName;
_root.order19 = false;
} else {
_root.custpressType = false;
function enterHoldPuppy() {
if ((_root.girlTookPug == false) && (_root.girlTookItem == false)) { = false;
_root.holdHand = true;
_root.girl.pug.pugall.gotoAndStop(3);[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].gotoAndPlay("backs");
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.girl.pug.pugsname = _root.rand2;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.rand3 = _root.girl.pug.pugsname;
_root.custwalk = true;
_root.custgone = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookPug == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
} else if (_root.girlTookItem == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
} else {
function placePuppy() {
_root.girlWalk = false;
_root.girlTookPug = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.rand3);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(7);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dress = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas];
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dressNumber = _root.randDress;
_root.dressView = false;
} else {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].named = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].numPug = _root.rand3;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].getItem == false) {
if (_root.order1 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(3);
if (_root.upgradeItem3 == true) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(2);
if (_root.upgradeItem14 == true) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.bed.gotoAndStop(3);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 3;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order1 = false;
} else if (_root.order2 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(4);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 4;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order2 = false;
} else if (_root.order3 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(5);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 5;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order3 = false;
} else if (_root.order4 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(6);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 6;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order4 = false;
} else if (_root.order5 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(7);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 7;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order5 = false;
} else if (_root.order6 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(8);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 8;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order6 = false;
} else if (_root.order7 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(9);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 9;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order7 = false;
} else if (_root.order8 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(10);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 10;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order8 = false;
} else if (_root.order9 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(11);
if (_root.upgradeItem13 == true) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.tub.gotoAndStop(2);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 11;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order9 = false;
} else if (_root.order10 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(12);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 12;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order10 = false;
} else if (_root.order11 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(13);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 13;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order11 = false;
} else if (_root.order12 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(14);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 14;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order12 = false;
} else if (_root.order13 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(15);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 15;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order13 = false;
} else if (_root.order14 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(16);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 16;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order14 = false;
} else if (_root.order15 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(17);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 17;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order15 = false;
} else if (_root.order16 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(18);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 18;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order16 = false;
} else if (_root.order17 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(19);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 19;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order17 = false;
} else if (_root.order18 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(20);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 20;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart1 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt1 = 50;
_root.order18 = false;
} else if (_root.order19 == true) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.pugName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(23);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.custName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].order = 23;
_root.order19 = false;
} else if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.custName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.pugName);
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeover = _root.timeoverpug;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(1);
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.custName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.pugName);
} else if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.custName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.pugName);
} else if (_root.starts == false) {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeover = _root.timeoverpug;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(1);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.rand3);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeover = _root.timeoverpug;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(1);
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.custName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.pugName);
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.girl.gotoAndStop(_root.custName);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].gotoAndStop(_root.pugName);
function puppySleep() {
_root.bed.fill = true;
_root.order1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec1 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeover = _root.timeoverpug;
_root.bed.beds.puppy.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
_root.bed.beds.puppy.named = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
if (_root.bed == _root.bed1) {
_root.timers10 = _root.timer;
} else {
_root.timers11 = _root.timer;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) {
_root.bed.beds.puppy.dress = true;
_root.bed.beds.puppy.dressNums = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false; = true;
function puppyHoldFromBed() {
_root.rand3 = _root.bed.beds.puppy._currentframe;
_root.names1 = _root.bed.beds.puppy.named;
_root.bed.beds.puppy.getItem = true;
_root.getItems = _root.bed.beds.puppy.getItem;
if ((_root.scoreValsDec1 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec1 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec1;
_root.scoreValsDec1 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
if (_root.bed == _root.bed1) {
_root.timers10 = "";
_root.namedBed1 = "";
} else {
_root.timers11 = "";
_root.namedBed2 = "";
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName = _root.bed.beds.puppy.pups.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.bed.beds.puppy._currentframe;
if (_root.bed.beds.puppy.dress == true) {
_root.randDress = _root.bed.beds.puppy.dressNums;
_root.bed.beds.puppy.dressNums = "";
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.bed.beds.puppy.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.bed.starts = true;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.bed.fill = false;
function holdFoods() {
_root.girlTookItem = true;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.girl.item.gotoAndStop(_root.foodName + 1);
_root.itemNum = _root.foodName + 1;
function puppyHappy() {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.loveSym);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].startsmile = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeover = _root.timeoverpug;
if (_root["pug" + _root.areas].dress == true) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(7);
_root["pug" + _root.areas]["pug" + _root.areas].dressNumber);
} else {
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(3);
function puppyHappywithDress() {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugall.gotoAndStop(7);
if (_root.itemNum == 17) {
_root["pug" + _root.areas];
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dressNumber = 1;
} else {
_root["pug" + _root.areas];
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dressNumber = 2;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].frames = _root["pug" + _root.areas]._currentframe;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].dress = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].icons.gotoAndStop(_root.loveSym);
_root["pug" + _root.areas].startsmile = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeStart = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].pugview = true;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeInt = 0;
_root["pug" + _root.areas].timeover = _root.timeoverpug;
function reachMedicine() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;;;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
} = false; = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec2 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
} = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
_root.medTable = true;
_root.valRand = _root.rand3;
_root.timers = _root.timer;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;; = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false;
} else { = false;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
if (_root.order4 == true) {;
_root.order4 = false;
if (_root.order5 == true) {;
_root.order5 = false;
function tookPuppyFromMedtable() {
_root.medTable = false;
_root.medTable1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.rand3 = _root.valRand; = true;
_root.getItems =;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
_root.names1 =;
_root.namedMed = "";
if ((_root.scoreValsDec2 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec2 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec2;
_root.scoreValsDec2 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root.timers = "";
_root.timerCount1 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName =;
_root.pugName =;
if ( == true) {
_root.randDress =;
_root.girl.pug.dress = true; = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.custName =;
_root.pugName =;;
_root.startActions = false;
function ballTaken() {
_root.girlTookItem = true;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.itemNum = 6;
function placeBall() {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
function toyTaken() {
_root.girlTookItem = true;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.itemNum = 8;
function placeToy() {
_root.girlTookItem = false;
function bathProcess() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.upgradeItem5 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = false;
if (_root.upgradeItem13 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
_root.bathtub.pets.named = _root.names1;
_root.bathtub.pets.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
_root.names1 = "";
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec3 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;;
_root.bathtub.pets.dress = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false;
} else { = false;
_root.bathtub.pets.icons._visible = false;
_root.bathTable = true;
_root.valRands = _root.rand3;
_root.timers1 = _root.timer;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.order9 = false;
function tookPuppyFromBath() {
_root.bathTable = false;
_root.bathTable1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.rand3 = _root.valRands;
if ((_root.scoreValsDec3 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec3 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec3;
_root.scoreValsDec3 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root.names1 = _root.bathtub.pets.named;
_root.namedBathtub = "";
_root.bathtub.pets.getItem = true;
_root.getItems = _root.bathtub.pets.getItem;
_root.timers1 = "";
_root.timerCount2 = 0;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName = _root.bathtub.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.bathtub.pets._currentframe;
if (_root.bathtub.pets.dress == true) {
_root.randDress =;
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.bathtub.pets.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.custName = _root.bathtub.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.bathtub.pets._currentframe;
if (_root.upgradeItem5 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = false;
if (_root.upgradeItem13 == true) {
_root.bathtub.tub2._visible = true;
_root.bathtub.tub1._visible = false;
_root.startActions = false;
function towelProcess() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
_root.towel.pets.named = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
_root.towel.pets.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec4 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;;
_root.towel.pets.dress = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false;
} else { = false;
_root.towel.pets.icons._visible = false;
_root.towelTable = true;
_root.valRands1 = _root.rand3;
_root.timers2 = _root.timer;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.order10 = false;
function tookPuppyFromTowel() {
_root.towelTable = false;
_root.towelTable1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.rand3 = _root.valRands1;
_root.names1 = _root.towel.pets.named;
_root.namedTowel = "";
if ((_root.scoreValsDec4 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec4 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec4;
_root.scoreValsDec4 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root.towel.pets.getItem = true;
_root.getItems = _root.towel.pets.getItem;
_root.timers2 = "";
_root.timerCount3 = 0;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName = _root.towel.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.towel.pets._currentframe;
if (_root.towel.pets.dress == true) {
_root.randDress =;
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.towel.pets.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.custName = _root.towel.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.towel.pets._currentframe;
_root.startActions = false;
function hairdryProcess() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
_root.hairdry.pets.named = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
_root.hairdry.pets.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec5 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;;
_root.hairdry.pets.dress = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false;
} else { = false;
_root.hairdry.pets.icons._visible = false;
_root.hairdryTable = true;
_root.valRands2 = _root.rand3;
_root.timers3 = _root.timer;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.order11 = false;
function tookPuppyFromHairdry() {
_root.hairdryTable = false;
_root.hairdryTable1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.hairdry.pets.getItem = true;
_root.getItems = _root.hairdry.pets.getItem;
_root.rand3 = _root.valRands2;
_root.namedHairdry = "";
if ((_root.scoreValsDec5 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec5 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec5;
_root.scoreValsDec5 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root.names1 = _root.hairdry.pets.named;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
_root.timers3 = "";
_root.timerCount4 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName = _root.hairdry.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.hairdry.pets._currentframe;
if (_root.hairdry.pets.dress == true) {
_root.randDress =;
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.hairdry.pets.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.custName = _root.hairdry.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.hairdry.pets._currentframe;
_root.startActions = false;
function haircutProcess() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
_root.haircut.pets.named = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
_root.haircut.pets.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec6 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;;
_root.haircut.pets.dress = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false;
} else { = false;
_root.haircut.pets.icons._visible = false;
_root.haircutTable = true;
_root.valRands3 = _root.rand3;
_root.timers4 = _root.timer;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.order12 = false;
function tookPuppyFromHaircut() {
_root.haircutTable = false;
_root.haircutTable1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.rand3 = _root.valRands3;
if ((_root.scoreValsDec6 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec6 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec6;
_root.scoreValsDec6 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root.names1 = _root.haircut.pets.named;
_root.namedHaircut = "";
_root.haircut.pets.getItem = true;
_root.getItems = _root.haircut.pets.getItem;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
_root.timers4 = "";
_root.timerCount5 = 0;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName = _root.haircut.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.haircut.pets._currentframe;
if (_root.haircut.pets.dress == true) {
_root.randDress =;
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.haircut.pets.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.custName = _root.haircut.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.haircut.pets._currentframe;
_root.startActions = false;
function combProcess() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
_root.comb.pets.icons._visible = false;
_root.comb.pets.named = _root.names1;
_root.names1 = "";
_root.comb.pets.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec7 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;;
_root.comb.pets.dress = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true;
} else { = false;
_root.combTable = true;
_root.valRands4 = _root.rand3;
_root.timers5 = _root.timer;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.order13 = false;
function powderProcess() {
_root.girlTookPug = false;
if (_root.scoreDecrease == true) {
_root.scoreValsDec7 = Math.round(_root.scoreVal / 2);
_root.scoreDecrease = false;
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;
} else { = false;
_root.comb.pets.named = _root.names1;
_root.comb.pets.getItem = _root.getItems;
_root.getItems = "";
_root.names1 = "";
if (_root.girl.pug.dress == true) { = true;;
_root.comb.pets.dress = true; = _root.randDress;
_root.girl.pug.dress = false;
_root.dressView = false;
} else { = false;
_root.comb.pets.icons._visible = false;
_root.combTable = true;
_root.valRands4 = _root.rand3;
_root.timers5 = _root.timer;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.order14 = false;
function tookPuppyFromComb() {
_root.combTable = false;
_root.combTable1 = false;
_root.girlTookPug = true;
_root.names1 = _root.comb.pets.named;
_root.rand3 = _root.valRands4;
_root.namedComb = "";
if ((_root.scoreValsDec7 != "") && (_root.scoreValsDec7 != undefined)) {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreValsDec7;
_root.scoreValsDec7 = "";
} else {
_root.score1 = _root.score1 + _root.scoreVal;
_root.comb.pets.getItem = true;
_root.timers5 = "";
_root.timerCount6 = 0;
_root.getItems = _root.comb.pets.getItem;
_root.girl.pug._visible = true;
if (_root.timeOut == true) {
_root.order19 = true;
_root.custName = _root.comb.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.comb.pets._currentframe;
if (_root.comb.pets.dress == true) {
_root.randDress =;
_root.girl.pug.dress = true;
_root.comb.pets.dress = false;
_root.dressView = true; = false;
_root.custName = _root.comb.pets.icons.girl._currentframe;
_root.pugName = _root.comb.pets._currentframe;
_root.startActions = false;
function holdItems() {
_root.girlTookItem = true;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.girl.item.gotoAndStop(_root.bathitemName + 1);
_root.itemNum = _root.bathitemName + 1;
function holdDress() {
_root.girlTookItem = true;
_root.girl.pug._visible = false;
_root.girl.item.gotoAndStop(_root.dressName + 1);
_root.itemNum = _root.dressName + 1;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.cursor._x = _root._xmouse;
_root.cursor._y = _root._ymouse;
if (_root.Paused == false) {
if (_root.starts == true) {
if (_root.timerTime > 0) {
if (_root.timerTime == 0) {
_root.starts = false;
if (_root.score1 >= _root.targets) {
_root.timerTimes = 0;
} else {;
_root.score = _root.score + _root.score1;
_root.messages._visible = false;
_root.timerTime = "";
if (!_root.soundready) {
if (_root.soundready) {
Instance of Symbol 920 MovieClip "musicBtn1" in Frame 42
on (release) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
_root.soundready = true;
} else if (_root.soundready == true) {
_root.soundready = false;
on (rollOver) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
on (rollOut) {
if (_root.soundready == false) {
if (_root.soundready == true) {
Frame 43
_root.messages._visible = false;
Frame 65
if (_root.lifegames == true) {
_root.messages._visible = true;
_root.lifegames = false;
Frame 88
Frame 110
Symbol 78 MovieClip Frame 31
Symbol 81 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 93 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 95 MovieClip Frame 41
_root.reachPoint = true;
Symbol 138 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 139 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 91
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 141 MovieClip Frame 92
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 166 MovieClip [puppy4] Frame 1
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 91
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 221 MovieClip Frame 92
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 239 MovieClip [puppy2] Frame 1
Symbol 309 MovieClip [puppy3] Frame 1
Symbol 363 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 364 MovieClip [puppy1] Frame 1
Symbol 370 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.walkGirl == true) {
if (_root.custwalk == true) {
if (_root.doorClosed == false) {[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].gotoAndPlay([("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2]._currentframe);
} else {[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndPlay([("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]]._currentframe);
if (_root.custgone == false) {[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].pug.gotoAndPlay([("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].pug._currentframe);
if (_root.Pauseds != true) {
_root.Paused = false;
_root.Pauseds = false;
Symbol 373 MovieClip [help] Frame 15
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 380 MovieClip Frame 2
fLoaded = Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded());
fTotal = Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal());
fPercent = fLoaded / fTotal;
loaderTxt.text = ("Loading... " + Math.round(fPercent * 100)) + "%";
logoMask._y = 60 - (fPercent * 70);
if (fLoaded >= fTotal) {
loaderTxt._y = -3000;
loaderTxt._x = -3000;;
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);
Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 1
fSitebutton.onRelease = function () {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 395 MovieClip Frame 123
Symbol 404 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 504 Button
on (release) {
_root.level = 1;
Symbol 506 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 508 Button
on (press) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 511 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 515 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 516 MovieClip Frame 15
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 546 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 547 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 548 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 549 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 563 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 564 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 565 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 566 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 579 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 580 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 581 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 8
gotoAndPlay ("fronts");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 56
gotoAndPlay ("backs");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 65
gotoAndPlay ("frontswithoutpug");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 104
gotoAndPlay ("angryface");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 106
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 582 MovieClip Frame 113
gotoAndPlay ("left");
Symbol 583 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 19
Symbol 590 MovieClip Frame 33
Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 77
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 597 MovieClip Frame 78
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 611 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 614 MovieClip Frame 88
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 614 MovieClip Frame 89
_root.bed1.starts = false;
Symbol 615 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 616 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 621 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 625 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 626 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 651 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 672 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 673 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 676 MovieClip Frame 77
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 676 MovieClip Frame 78
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 677 MovieClip Frame 80
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 677 MovieClip Frame 81
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 94
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 678 MovieClip Frame 95
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 88
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 679 MovieClip Frame 89
_root.bed2.starts = false;
Symbol 680 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 681 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 684 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 685 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 686 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 689 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 695 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 696 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 714 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 715 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 716 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 717 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 725 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 757 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 782 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 12
gotoAndPlay ("frontidle");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 21
gotoAndPlay ("frontwalk");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 34
gotoAndPlay ("frontidlehold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 43
gotoAndPlay ("frontwalkhold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 55
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 68
gotoAndPlay ("backidle");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 77
gotoAndPlay ("backwalk");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 90
gotoAndPlay ("backidlehold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 99
gotoAndPlay ("backwalkhold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 112
gotoAndPlay ("rightidle");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 121
gotoAndPlay ("rightwalk");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 123
gotoAndStop ("rightidlehold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 132
gotoAndPlay ("rightwalkhold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 146
gotoAndPlay ("leftidle");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 156
gotoAndPlay ("leftwalk");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 158
gotoAndStop ("leftidlehold");
Symbol 812 MovieClip Frame 167
gotoAndPlay ("leftwalkhold");
Symbol 848 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 861 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 865 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 890 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 909 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 915 Button
on (release) {
if (_root.custwalk == true) {
if (_root.doorClosed == false) {[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].gotoAndStop([("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2]._currentframe);
} else {[("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]].gotoAndStop([("cust" + _root.arrayCust[0]) + _root.arrayCustDog[0]]._currentframe);
if (_root.custgone == false) {[("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].pug.gotoAndStop([("cust" + _root.rand1) + _root.rand2].pug._currentframe);
if (_root.Paused == false) {
_root.Paused = true;
} else {
_root.Pauseds = true;
_root.attachMovie("help", "helps", 10000, {_x:320, _y:300});
Symbol 920 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 925 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 927 Button
on (release) {
_root.Paused = false; = false;
Symbol 932 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 938 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 941 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 967 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 986 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 1015 MovieClip Frame 9
function initlevels() {
_root.object1 = 10;
_root.object2 = 30;
_root.object3 = 100;
_root.object4 = 250;
_root.object5 = 200;
_root.object6 = 280;
_root.object7 = 350;
_root.object8 = 450;
_root.object9 = 500;
_root.object10 = 150;
_root.object11 = 1500;
_root.object12 = 1000;
_root.object13 = 500;
_root.object14 = 700;
_root.object15 = 2000;
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 16) {
_root.objItem["obj" + _local2].enabled = false;
_root.objItem["obj" + _local2]._alpha = 20;
function pressFunctions() {
var _local3 = 1;
while (_local3 < 16) {
if (_root.score >= _root["object" + _local3]) {
if (_root["upgradeItem" + _local3] == false) {
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3].enabled = true;
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3]._alpha = 100;
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3].onPress = function () {
var _local3 = Number(String(this).substring(19, 22));
_root["upgradeItem" + _local3] = true;
_root.score = _root.score - _root["object" + _local3];
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3].onRollOver = function () {
var _local2 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16777215, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, false, false);
this.filters = [_local2];
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3].onRollOut = function () {
this.filters = null;
} else {
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3].enabled = false;
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3]._alpha = 20;
} else {
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3].enabled = false;
_root.objItem["obj" + _local3]._alpha = 20;
function upgradeItemVisible() {
var _local2 = 1;
while (_local2 < 16) {
if (_root["upgradeItem" + _local2] == true) {
var _local3 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(16711680, 10, 5, 5, 5, 5, false, false);
_root.objItem["obj" + _local2].filters = [_local3];
_root.objItem["obj" + _local2]._alpha = 50;
_root.objItem["text" + _local2]._visible = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
trace(_root.score + " hj SCORE");
Symbol 1017 Button
on (release) {
_root.tars = _root.targets;