Combined Code
frame 1 {
function aso#31398() {
_root.my_score = 0;
lvl = 1;
while (lvl <= 32) {
if (['lvl_score' + lvl] != undefined && !isNaN(['lvl_score' + lvl])) {
_root.my_score +=['lvl_score' + lvl];
_root.score.text = 'Score: ' + _root.my_score;
function UpdateMoney() {
_root.global_money = 0;
lvl = 1;
while (lvl <= 32) {
if (['lvl_money' + lvl] != undefined && !isNaN(['lvl_money' + lvl])) {
_root.global_money +=['lvl_money' + lvl];
trace(lvl + ': ' +['lvl_money' + lvl]);
_root.global_money -=;
_root.aso#61764.text = 'Your Money: $' + _root.global_money;
function clickmenu(obj, item) {}
_root.score_server = 'scores.php';
var my_xml2 = new XML();
System.useCodepage = true;
my_xml2.ignoreWhite = true;
my_xml2.onLoad = function (success) {
if (success) {
if (my_xml2.childNodes[0] > 0) {
_root.score.text = 'Score: ' + _root.my_score + ' // ' + my_xml2.childNodes[0] + ' place';
} else {
_root.score.text = 'Score: ' + _root.my_score;
} else {
_root.score.text = 'Score: ' + _root.my_score;
var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('plazma_burst20');
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = Math.random() * 1000;
if (undefined == { = 'Your Name Here';
_root.aso#18028 =;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 1;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 0;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 0;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 1;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 2;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 2;
if (undefined == || isNaN( { = 3;
if ( == undefined || isNaN( { = true;
_root.aso#94493 =;
_root.aso#48394 =;
_root.aso#01874 =;
_root.aso#22625 =;
if ( == undefined || isNaN( { = 1;
if ( == undefined || isNaN( { = true;
if ( == undefined || isNaN( { = true;
if ( == undefined || isNaN( { = 0; = -1; = -1; = -1; = -1; = 0; = -1; = -1; = -1;
_root.aso#87112 =;
_root.global_money =;
var my_cmi = new ContextMenu();
var my_cm = new ContextMenu();
my_cm.customItems.push(new ContextMenuItem('Game By .:Eric Gurt:.', clickmenu, true));
my_cm.builtInItems.print = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.zoom = false; = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.loop = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false;
my_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false; = my_cm;
var main_music1 = new Sound();
var main_music2 = new Sound();
var main_music3 = new Sound();
var main_music4 = new Sound();
_root.main_music4.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.main_music1.start(0, 1);
_root.main_music1.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.main_music2.start(0, 1);
_root.main_music2.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.main_music3.start(0, 1);
_root.main_music3.onSoundComplete = function () {
_root.main_music4.start(0, 1);
frame 1 {
function aso#65519(a) {
if (isNaN(a) || undefined == a) {
return 0;
} else {
return a;
function firtim() {
totalseconds += 1;
waitfor = Math.round((totalseconds / _root.getBytesLoaded()) * (_root.getBytesTotal() - _root.getBytesLoaded()));
if (waitfor < 60) {
_root.loa2.htmlText = waitfor + ' seconds';
} else {
if (waitfor / 60 < 60) {
_root.loa2.htmlText = Math.floor(waitfor / 60) + ' minutes ' + (waitfor - Math.floor(waitfor / 60) * 60) + ' seconds';
_lockroot = true;
_root.aso#93101 = 0;
str = _root._url;
_root.lgg._alpha = 100;
lasts = 0;
times = 0;
someListener = new Object();
totalseconds = 0;
fir = setInterval(firtim, 1000);
str = _root._url;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.aso#93101 == 0) {
cur = aso#65519(Math.round((_root.getBytesLoaded() / _root.getBytesTotal()) * 100));
if (cur != lasts) {
times = 10;
} else {
times -= 1;
} = cur;
if (times > 0) {
_root.loa.htmlText = '<font color="#FFFFFF"><B>.:</B></font> ' + cur + ' <font color="#FFFFFF"><B>:.</B></font>';
} else {
if (times > -5) {
_root.loa.htmlText = '<font color="#AAAAAA"><B>.:</B></font> ' + cur + ' <font color="#AAAAAA"><B>:.</B></font>';
} else {
if (times > -40) {
_root.loa.htmlText = '<B>.:</B> ' + cur + ' <B>:.</B>';
} else {
_root.loa.htmlText = '<font color="#FF0000"><B>.:</B></font> ' + cur + ' <font color="#FF0000"><B>:.</B></font>';
lasts = cur;
if (Math.round(_root.getBytesLoaded()) >= Math.round(_root.getBytesTotal())) {
_root.lgg._alpha -= 5;
if (_root.lgg._alpha < 0) {
movieClip 3 {
button 10 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
movieClip 11 {
movieClip 15 {
frame 1 {
if (_root.showperc == true) {
this.txtt.htmlText = _root.loa.htmlText;
movieClip 16 {
frame 100 {
_root.showperc = true;
frame 2 {
_root.aso#93101 = 1;
_root.aso#61764._visible = true;
_root.score._visible = true;
_root.visarea._visible = false;
_root.screenarea._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
_root.nick2.text = _root.aso#18028;
_root.aso#61764.text = 'Your Money: $' + _root.global_money;
movieClip 26 {
movieClip 29 {
frame 5 {
movieClip 33 {
frame 5 {
movieClip 36 {
frame 20 {
button 39 {
on (release) {
button 41 {
on (release) {
button 43 {
on (release) {
button 45 {
on (release) {
_root.fromshop = 2;
button 47 {
on (release) {
button 51 {
on (release) {
button 53 {
on (release) {
getURL('', '_blank');
movieClip 54 {
movieClip 67 {
movieClip 72 {
frame 1 {
_root.musics._alpha = 50;
_root.musics.onRollOver = function () {
_root.musics._alpha = 100;
_root.musics.onRollOut = function () {
_root.musics._alpha = 50;
_root.musics.useHandCursor = true;
_root.musics.onRelease = function () {
if (_root.musics._currentframe == 2) {
} else {
frame 1 {
if ( == 3) {
} else {
frame 2 { = 2;
rn = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if ( == undefined) {
rn = 3; = 1;
if (rn == 0) {
_root.main_music1.start(0, 1);
if (rn == 1) {
_root.main_music2.start(0, 1);
if (rn == 2) {
_root.main_music3.start(0, 1);
if (rn == 3) {
_root.main_music4.start(0, 1);
frame 3 { = 3;
movieClip 82 {
frame 1 {
this._visible = false;
frame 3 {
function stpsnds() {
_root.am_base = undefined;
_root.am_falkok_base = undefined;
_root.am_wind = undefined;
function aso#03687(p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1x - p2x, 2) + Math.pow(p1y - p2y, 2));
function aso#52991(x, y, typ, pntox, pntoy, fir, count) {
if (pntox == undefined) {
pntox = 0;
if (pntoy == undefined) {
pntoy = 0;
if (count != undefined) {
aso#43797 = count;
} else {
aso#43797 = 1;
if (typ == 0) {
aso#43797 = 1;
if (typ == 1) {
aso#43797 = 3;
if (typ == 2) {
aso#43797 = 10;
if (typ == 3) {
aso#43797 = 1;
if (typ == 4) {
aso#43797 = 2;
if (typ == 5) {
aso#43797 = 3;
if (typ == 6) {
aso#43797 = 1;
if (typ == 7) {
aso#43797 = 2;
if (typ == 8) {
aso#43797 = 1;
if (typ == 9) {
aso#43797 = 3;
if (typ == 10) {
aso#43797 = 10;
if (typ == 11) {
aso#43797 = 2;
if (typ == 1 || typ == 2 || typ == 9 || typ == 10) {
aso#43797 *= aso#46160;
ti = 0;
while (ti < aso#43797) {
if (typ == 0) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.iskra, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 1 || typ == 2 || typ == 8) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.blood, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 3) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.gilza, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 4) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.gilza2, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 5) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.bloodm, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 6) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.smoke, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 7) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.rock, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 9 || typ == 10) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.bloodf, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if (typ == 11) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.bloodmetal, 'p' + aso#60372, aso#60372 + 200);
if ((ti == 0 || typ == 7 || typ == 11) && typ != 8) {
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372].gotoAndPlay(1);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372].gotoAndPlay(3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5));
if (fir == false) {
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372].gotoAndPlay(3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5));
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372]._x = x;
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372]._y = y;
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372].aso#26251 = pntox;
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372].aso#94914 = pntoy;
if (aso#43797 != 1 && aso#43797 != 9 && typ != 7) {
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372]._x = x - 4 + Math.random() * 8;
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#60372]._y = y - 4 + Math.random() * 8;
aso#60372 += 1;
if (aso#60372 > maxef) {
aso#60372 = 0;
function aso#66361(aso#59530, aso#90867, aso#28193, type, btox, btoy) {
if (type == 'shot') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 1, btox, btoy);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5, btox, btoy);
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 11);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 9, btox, btoy);
} else {
if (type == 'shot_head') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 2, btox, btoy);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5, btox, btoy);
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5, btox, btoy);
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 11);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 10, btox, btoy);
} else {
if (type == 'fall') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 1);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 9);
} else {
if (type == 'glass') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 1);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 11);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 9);
} else {
if (type == 'barrel') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 2);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5);
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 11);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 10);
} else {
if (type == 'rocket') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 2, btox, btoy);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5, btox, btoy);
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 11);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 10, btox, btoy);
} else {
if (type == 'flow') {
if (aso#28193 == 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 1, btox, btoy, false, 1);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 1) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 5, btox, btoy, false, 1);
} else {
if (aso#28193 == 2) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#59530, aso#90867, 9, btox, btoy, false, 1);
function aso#02845() {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < aso#71929) {
if (aso#09255[aso#82515[aso#06892]] != 2) {
if (aso#70958[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]] == true || aso#70958[aso#84328[aso#82515[aso#06892]]] == true) {
aso#10647[aso#06892]._xscale = Math.abs(aso#10647[aso#06892]._xscale) * aso#70116[aso#06892];
aso#10647[aso#06892]._x = aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]];
aso#10647[aso#06892]._y = aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]];
aso#10647[aso#06892]._rotation = aso#32790[aso#06892] - (Math.atan2(aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]] - aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#82515[aso#06892]]], aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]] - aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#82515[aso#06892]]]) / Math.PI) * 180;
if (aso#94072[aso#06892]) {
cdi = aso#03687(aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]], aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#82515[aso#06892]]], aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#82515[aso#06892]]], aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#82515[aso#06892]]]);
cdi = (1 - cdi / 32.79) * 60;
aso#10647[aso#06892].gotoAndStop(Math.max(1, Math.min(30, Math.round(cdi))));
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < aso#40592) {
if (aso#12039[aso#06892] > 0) {
aso#12039[aso#06892] -= 1;
if (Math.random() > 0.5 && _root.aso#94493 > 1 || Math.random() > 0.9 && _root.aso#94493 == 1) {
aso#66361(aso#00903[aso#50757[aso#06892]], aso#82936[aso#50757[aso#06892]], _root.aso#75555['player' + emmit_i[aso#06892]].aso#14273, 'flow', Math.random() * 12 - 6, Math.random() * 12 - 6);
} else {
if (aso#06892 == aso#40592 - 1) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < emmit2_tot) {
if (emmit2_time[aso#06892] > 0) {
emmit2_time[aso#06892] -= 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + emmit2_i[aso#06892]].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (Math.random() > 0.8 && _root.aso#94493 > 1 || Math.random() > 0.9 && _root.aso#94493 == 1) {
aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + emmit2_i[aso#06892]]._x + emmit2_x[aso#06892], _root.aso#75555['player' + emmit2_i[aso#06892]]._y + emmit2_y[aso#06892], _root.aso#75555['player' + emmit2_i[aso#06892]].aso#14273, 'flow', Math.random() * 6 - 3, Math.random() * 6 - 3);
} else {
if (aso#06892 == emmit2_tot - 1) {
function aso#21654(x, y, sx, sy, rad, round) {
aso#00903[aso#30427] = x;
aso#82936[aso#30427] = y;
aso#57588[aso#30427] = sx;
aso#51599[aso#30427] = sy;
aso#70958[aso#30427] = true;
if (rad != undefined) {
aso#97277[aso#30427] = rad;
} else {
aso#97277[aso#30427] = 0;
if (round == undefined) {
around[aso#30427] = false;
return aso#30427 - 1;
around[aso#30427] = true;
return aso#30427 - 1;
function aso#08284(a, a2, type, aso#33211, damp) {
aso#90317[aso#39200] = a;
aso#84328[aso#39200] = a2;
if (aso#33211 != undefined) {
aso#69145[aso#39200] = aso#33211;
} else {
aso#69145[aso#39200] = aso#03687(aso#00903[a], aso#82936[a], aso#00903[a2], aso#82936[a2]);
if (damp == undefined) {
aso#74713[aso#39200] = 1;
aso#49786[aso#39200] = type;
aso#09255[aso#39200] = true;
return aso#39200 - 1;
aso#74713[aso#39200] = damp;
aso#49786[aso#39200] = type;
aso#09255[aso#39200] = true;
return aso#39200 - 1;
function aso#51178(aso#89896, aso#20262, pan, flip, isLeg) {
aso#10647[aso#71929] = aso#89896;
aso#82515[aso#71929] = aso#20262;
aso#32790[aso#71929] = pan;
aso#70116[aso#71929] = flip;
if (isLeg == true) {
aso#94072[aso#71929] = true;
} else {
aso#94072[aso#71929] = false;
function aso#92680(a, time, ni) {
aso#50757[aso#40592] = a;
emmit_i[aso#40592] = ni;
aso#12039[aso#40592] = time;
function Blood2(ni, time, nx, ny) {
emmit2_i[emmit2_tot] = ni;
emmit2_time[emmit2_tot] = time;
emmit2_x[emmit2_tot] = nx;
emmit2_y[emmit2_tot] = ny;
function aso#80702(aso#06892) {
aso#89475 = false;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg1 == 2 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._currentframe == 1) {
aso#89475 = true;
if (aso#89475) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._currentframe);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible == false) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible = true;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._alpha = 0;
} else {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._alpha == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._alpha = 100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._xscale = aso#01453;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._yscale = aso#01453;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._xscale = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._yscale = 0;
function aso#34182(aso#06892) {
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].sou.gotoAndStop(24);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].sou.gotoAndStop(25);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].sou.gotoAndStop(10 + Math.round(Math.random() * 2));
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].deadtime = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].suffer = true;
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].say_die != undefined) {
aso#67332(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].say_die);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
aso#88083 = 4;
aso#30006 = 5;
aso#19420 = 8;
aso#49365 = 3;
aso#15244 = 4;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
aso#88083 = 4;
aso#30006 = 5;
aso#19420 = 15;
aso#49365 = 10;
aso#15244 = 5;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
aso#88083 = 4;
aso#30006 = 8;
aso#19420 = 7;
aso#49365 = 4;
aso#15244 = 6;
aso#11068 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251;
aso#42405 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914;
p_body = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body._y, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#88083);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#56746 = p_body;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].center = p_body;
p_arm1 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1._y, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#19420);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#46581 = p_arm1;
aso#99090 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.upper1._rotation;
aso#76526 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.upper2._rotation;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._rotation = aso#99090;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._rotation = aso#76526;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504.gotoAndStop(1);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > -10) {
p_subleg1 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._x - Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._rotation * aso#78339) * 35, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._y + Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._rotation * aso#78339) * (35 - aso#15244), aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#15244);
p_subleg2 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._x - Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._rotation * aso#78339) * 35, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._y + Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._rotation * aso#78339) * (35 - aso#15244), aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#15244);
} else {
p_subleg1 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._x - Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._rotation * aso#78339) * 35, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._y + Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167._rotation * aso#78339) * (35 - aso#15244), aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#15244);
p_subleg2 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._x - Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._rotation * aso#78339) * 35, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._y + Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504._rotation * aso#78339) * (35 - aso#15244), aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#15244);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].a_stand1 = p_subleg1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].a_stand2 = p_subleg2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._x = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632._y = 0;
p_subarm1 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1._x - Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1._rotation * aso#78339) * 26, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1._y + Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1._rotation * aso#78339) * 26, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#49365);
p_subarm2 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2._x - Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2._rotation * aso#78339) * 26, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2._y + Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2._rotation * aso#78339) * 26, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#49365);
body_break = false;
p_head = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._y, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#30006);
if ( {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'aso#39621' || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'all') {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -50 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -100 && !_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -100 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -100 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._currentframe == 1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -150) {
aso#92680(p_head, 40, aso#06892);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].suffer = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(10);
aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._x / _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._xscale) * 100, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', Math.random() * 8 - 4 + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 - Math.random() * 6);
aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._x / _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._xscale) * 100, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', Math.random() * 8 - 4 + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 - Math.random() * 6);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'body' || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'arm' || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'all') {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -150 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 < -140) {
p_body_div1 = aso#21654((aso#00903[p_arm1] + aso#00903[p_body]) / 2, (aso#82936[p_arm1] + aso#82936[p_body]) / 2, (aso#57588[p_arm1] + aso#57588[p_body]) / 2, (aso#51599[p_arm1] + aso#51599[p_body]) / 2, 0);
p_body_div2 = aso#21654((aso#00903[p_arm1] + aso#00903[p_body]) / 2, (aso#82936[p_arm1] + aso#82936[p_body]) / 2, (aso#57588[p_arm1] + aso#57588[p_body]) / 2, (aso#51599[p_arm1] + aso#51599[p_body]) / 2, 0);
aso#66361((aso#00903[p_arm1] + aso#00903[p_body]) / 2, (aso#82936[p_arm1] + aso#82936[p_body]) / 2, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', Math.random() * 8 - 4 + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 - Math.random() * 6);
aso#66361((aso#00903[p_arm1] + aso#00903[p_body]) / 2, (aso#82936[p_arm1] + aso#82936[p_body]) / 2, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', Math.random() * 8 - 4 + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 - Math.random() * 6);
body_break = true;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].suffer = false;
aso#92680(p_body, 50, aso#06892);
aso#92680(p_arm1, 50, aso#06892);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].a_stand3 = p_head;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > -10) {
p_subhead = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._x + Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._rotation * aso#78339) * 8, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._y - Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._rotation * aso#78339) * 8, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#30006);
} else {
p_subhead = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._x + Math.sin(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._rotation * aso#78339) * 8, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._y - Math.cos(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621._rotation * aso#78339) * 8, aso#11068, aso#42405, aso#30006);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
p_gun = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._y, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
sc = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._xscale / 100;
p_subgun = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._x - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#03266._x * sc - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#03266._y * sc, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._y + Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#03266._x * sc - Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#03266._y * sc, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
p_subgun2 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._x - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#34603._x * sc - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#34603._y * sc, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._y + Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#34603._x * sc - Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#34603._y * sc, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
p_subgun3 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._x - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#65940._x * sc - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#65940._y * sc, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._y + Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#65940._x * sc - Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.aso#65940._y * sc, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible == true && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
p2_gun = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._y, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
p2_subgun = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._x - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#03266._x * sc - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#03266._y * sc, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._y + Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#03266._x * sc - Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#03266._y * sc, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
p2_subgun2 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._x - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#34603._x * sc - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#34603._y * sc, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._y + Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#34603._x * sc - Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#34603._y * sc, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
p2_subgun3 = aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._x - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#65940._x * sc - Math.sin((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#65940._y * sc, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._y + Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation - 90) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#65940._x * sc - Math.cos((_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._rotation + 180) * aso#78339) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.aso#65940._y * sc, aso#11068 * 0.5, aso#42405 * 0.5);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577._visible = false;
aso#17057[p_body] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_arm1] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_body_div1] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_body_div2] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_subleg1] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_subleg2] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_subarm1] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_subarm2] = aso#06892;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
aso#17057[p_gun] = -1;
aso#17057[p_subgun] = -1;
aso#17057[p_head] = aso#06892;
aso#17057[p_subhead] = aso#06892;
ch_leg1 = aso#08284(p_body, p_subleg1, 1, 28, 0.1);
ch_leg2 = aso#08284(p_body, p_subleg2, 1, 28, 0.1);
if (body_break) {
ch_head = aso#08284(p_body, p_body_div1, 0);
ch_head3 = aso#08284(p_arm1, p_body_div2, 0);
aso#08284(p_body_div2, p_subhead, 0);
aso#08284(p_body_div1, p_subleg2, 1, 40);
aso#08284(p_body_div1, p_subleg1, 1, 40);
} else {
aso#08284(p_body, p_arm1, 0);
ch_head = aso#08284(p_body, p_head, 0);
aso#08284(p_arm1, p_subleg2, 1, 45);
aso#08284(p_arm1, p_subleg1, 1, 45);
aso#08284(p_body, p_subhead, 1, 35);
ch_leg1 = aso#08284(p_body, p_subleg1, 2, 33);
ch_leg2 = aso#08284(p_body, p_subleg2, 2, 33);
aso#08284(p_arm1, p_head, 0);
ch_head2 = aso#08284(p_head, p_subhead, 0);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#46581 = p_arm1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gunanchor = p_gun;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#25409 = p_subarm2;
ch_arm1 = aso#08284(p_arm1, p_subarm1, 0);
ch_arm2 = aso#08284(p_arm1, p_subarm2, 0);
aso#08284(p_subleg2, p_subleg1, 2, 30);
aso#08284(p_subleg2, p_subleg1, 1, 5);
aso#08284(p_subarm2, p_subarm1, 1, 5);
side = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._xscale / 100;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'arm') {
aso#57588[p_subarm1] -= side * 5;
aso#57588[p_subarm2] -= side * 5;
aso#57588[p_body] -= side * 5;
aso#57588[p_arm1] += side * 10;
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
aso#57588[p_subleg1] -= side * 5;
} else {
aso#57588[p_subleg2] -= side * 5;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'aso#39621') {
aso#57588[p_arm1] -= side * 20;
aso#51599[p_arm1] -= 5;
aso#57588[p_body] -= side * 10;
aso#51599[p_body] -= 5;
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
aso#57588[p_subleg2] += side * 10;
aso#51599[p_subleg2] -= 10;
} else {
aso#57588[p_subleg1] += side * 10;
aso#51599[p_subleg1] -= 10;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'leg') {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
aso#57588[p_subleg1] -= side * 10;
aso#51599[p_subleg1] -= 10;
} else {
aso#57588[p_subleg2] -= side * 10;
aso#51599[p_subleg2] -= 10;
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
aso#57588[p_subleg2] += side * 5;
} else {
aso#57588[p_subleg1] += side * 5;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 == 'body') {
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
aso#57588[p_body] -= side * 10;
aso#57588[p_subarm1] += side * 3;
aso#57588[p_subarm2] += side * 3;
if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
aso#57588[p_subleg1] += side * 3;
aso#51599[p_subleg1] -= 3;
} else {
aso#57588[p_subleg2] += side * 3;
aso#51599[p_subleg2] -= 3;
} else {
aso#57588[p_subarm1] -= side * 5;
aso#57588[p_subarm2] -= side * 5;
aso#57588[p_body] += side * 3;
aso#57588[p_subleg1] -= side * 5;
aso#57588[p_subleg2] += side * 5;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
ch_gun = aso#08284(p_gun, p_subgun, 0);
aso#06892aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892aso#06892 < 2) {
aso#08284(p_subgun, p_subgun2, 0);
aso#08284(p_subgun, p_subgun3, 0);
aso#08284(p_subgun2, p_subgun3, 0);
aso#08284(p_gun, p_subgun2, 0);
aso#08284(p_gun, p_subgun3, 0);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible == true && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
ch_gun2 = aso#08284(p2_gun, p2_subgun, 0);
aso#06892aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892aso#06892 < 2) {
aso#08284(p2_subgun, p2_subgun2, 0);
aso#08284(p2_subgun, p2_subgun3, 0);
aso#08284(p2_subgun2, p2_subgun3, 0);
aso#08284(p2_gun, p2_subgun2, 0);
aso#08284(p2_gun, p2_subgun3, 0);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible == true && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].whold1 = aso#08284(p_subarm1, p_gun, 3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].whold2 = aso#08284(p_subarm2, p2_gun, 3);
aso#08284(p_gun, p2_gun, 1, 10);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].whold1 = aso#08284(p_subarm1, p_gun, 3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].whold2 = aso#08284(p_subarm2, p_gun, 3);
flip = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._xscale / 100;
if (flip < 0) {
aso#00903[p_body] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_body] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_body] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_arm1] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_arm1] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_arm1] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subleg1] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subleg1] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subleg1] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subleg2] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subleg2] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subleg2] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subarm1] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subarm1] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subarm1] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subarm2] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subarm2] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subarm2] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_head] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_head] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_head] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subhead] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subhead] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subhead] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
if (body_break) {
aso#00903[p_body_div1] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_body_div1] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_body_div1] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_body_div2] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_body_div2] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_body_div2] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
aso#00903[p_gun] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_gun] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_gun] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subgun] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subgun] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subgun] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subgun2] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subgun2] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subgun2] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subgun3] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p_subgun3] *= -1;
aso#00903[p_subgun3] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible == true && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
aso#00903[p2_gun] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_gun] *= -1;
aso#00903[p2_gun] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_subgun] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_subgun] *= -1;
aso#00903[p2_subgun] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_subgun2] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_subgun2] *= -1;
aso#00903[p2_subgun2] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_subgun3] -= _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
aso#00903[p2_subgun3] *= -1;
aso#00903[p2_subgun3] += _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y = 0;
if (body_break) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].jet = false;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.toe.bloddy._visible = true;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.toe.bloddy2._visible = true;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(5);
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body, ch_head3, 0, flip);
} else {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body, ch_head, 0, flip);
if (body_break) {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.toe, ch_head, 0, flip);
} else {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.toe, ch_head, 0, flip);
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#57167, ch_leg1, 180, flip, true);
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#33632.aso#88504, ch_leg2, 180, flip, true);
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1, ch_arm1, 180, flip);
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2, ch_arm2, 180, flip);
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621, ch_head2, 0, flip);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
if (flip > 0) {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577, ch_gun, -90, flip);
} else {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577, ch_gun, 90, flip);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible == true && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
if (flip > 0) {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295, ch_gun2, -90, flip);
} else {
aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295, ch_gun2, 90, flip);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._xscale = 100;
function aso#98669(px, py, mast, aso#27643, aso#15665, aso#41013) {
ok = true;
ip = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(ip < pulstot && ok)) break;
if (_root.aso#75555['pl' + ip]._visible == false) {
ok = false;
ini = ip;
if (ok) {
ini = pulstot;
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.plazma, 'pl' + ini, -100 + ini);
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini].life = 0;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini]._x = px + aso#15665;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini]._y = py + aso#41013;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini].aso#27643 = aso#27643;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini].aso#15665 = aso#15665;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini].aso#41013 = aso#41013;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini].aso#36416 = mast;
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini].gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['player' + mast].aso#63577._currentframe);
_root.aso#75555['pl' + ini]._rotation = (Math.atan2(aso#41013, aso#15665) / Math.PI) * 180;
if (ok) {
if (pulstot >= pulsmax) {
pulstot = 0;
function aso#13852(aso#21233, aso#52570, aso#16636, aso#47973) {
ok = true;
aso#95464 = -Math.atan2(aso#21233 - aso#16636, aso#52570 - aso#47973) - 1.570796326794897;
tracex = Math.cos(aso#95464) * 20;
tracey = Math.sin(aso#95464) * 20;
tracx = aso#21233;
tracy = aso#52570;
dst = Math.floor(aso#03687(aso#21233, aso#52570, aso#16636, aso#47973) / 20);
z = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(z < dst && ok == true)) break;
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(tracx + _root.aso#75555._x, tracy + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
ok = false;
tracx += tracex;
tracy += tracey;
return ok;
function finish() {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0 && _root.loose == 0) {
aso#09676 = 1;
while (aso#09676 < 10) {['weapon' + aso#09676] = _root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + aso#09676];
function aso#82094(hor, ver, a) {
hor = Math.abs(hor) * 0.5;
ver = Math.abs(ver) * 0.5;
if (hor > ver + 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#17057[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(9);
} else {
if (ver > 2) {
if (ver <= 3) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#17057[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(7);
if (ver > 3) {
if (ver <= 4) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#17057[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(6);
if (ver > 4) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#17057[a]].sou.gotoAndStop(8);
if (ver > 6) {
aso#66361(aso#00903[a], aso#82936[a], _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#17057[a]].aso#14273, 'fall', aso#57588[a], aso#51599[a]);
aso#92680(a, 10 + Math.random() * 30, aso#17057[a]);
function aso#25830(mess) {
hinttim = mess.length * 2 + 10;
_root.hint.htmlText = 'Hint: ' + mess;
function aso#67332(mess) {
hinttim = mess.length * 2 + 10;
_root.hint.htmlText = mess;
function aso#40171() {
a = 0;
while (a < aso#30427) {
if (aso#70958[a] == true) {
aso#00903[a] += aso#57588[a];
aso#82936[a] += aso#51599[a];
if (aso#82936[a] > 1000) {
aso#82094(aso#57588[a], aso#51599[a], a);
aso#82936[a] = 1000;
aso#57588[a] *= 0.5;
aso#51599[a] = -Math.abs(aso#51599[a]) * 0.5;
aso#33211 = aso#03687(aso#57588[a], aso#51599[a], 0, 0);
if (aso#33211 > aso#07442) {
aso#57588[a] /= aso#33211 * aso#07442;
aso#51599[a] /= aso#33211 * aso#07442;
if (aso#33211 > 30) {
aso#57588[a] = (aso#57588[a] / aso#33211) * 30;
aso#51599[a] = (aso#51599[a] / aso#33211) * 30;
aso#51599[a] += aso#70537;
if (aso#97277[a] == 0 && _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(aso#00903[a] + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#82936[a] + _root.aso#75555._y, true) || aso#97277[a] > 0 && _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(aso#00903[a] + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#82936[a] + aso#97277[a] + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < aso#07863) {
boxx = _root.aso#75555.colmap['box' + aso#76947];
if (aso#00903[a] > boxx._x) {
if (aso#00903[a] < boxx._x + boxx._xscale) {
if (aso#82936[a] + aso#97277[a] > boxx._y) {
if (aso#82936[a] + aso#97277[a] < boxx._y + boxx._yscale) {
minside = Math.min(boxx._xscale, boxx._yscale);
if (boxx._yscale < boxx._xscale) {
aso#52149 = Math.max(boxx._x + boxx._yscale / 2, Math.min(boxx._x + boxx._xscale - boxx._yscale / 2, aso#00903[a] - aso#57588[a]));
aso#83486 = boxx._y + boxx._yscale / 2;
} else {
aso#83486 = Math.max(boxx._y + boxx._xscale / 2, Math.min(boxx._y + boxx._yscale - boxx._xscale / 2, aso#82936[a] - aso#51599[a]));
aso#52149 = boxx._x + boxx._xscale / 2;
aso#73321 = aso#52149 - aso#00903[a] + aso#57588[a];
aso#53962 = aso#83486 - aso#82936[a] + aso#51599[a];
if (Math.abs(aso#73321) > Math.abs(aso#53962)) {
aso#57588[a] *= 0.5;
if (around[a]) {
aso#51599[a] *= 0.9;
} else {
if (aso#51599[a] > 0) {
aso#51599[a] = Math.max(aso#51599[a] - aso#43376 * Math.abs(aso#57588[a]), 0);
} else {
aso#51599[a] = Math.min(aso#51599[a] + aso#43376 * Math.abs(aso#57588[a]), 0);
aso#82094(aso#51599[a], aso#57588[a], a);
if (aso#73321 < 0) {
aso#00903[a] = boxx._x + boxx._xscale;
aso#57588[a] = Math.abs(aso#57588[a]);
} else {
aso#00903[a] = boxx._x;
aso#57588[a] = -Math.abs(aso#57588[a]);
} else {
if (around[a]) {
aso#57588[a] *= 0.9;
} else {
if (aso#57588[a] > 0) {
aso#57588[a] = Math.max(aso#57588[a] - aso#43376 * Math.abs(aso#51599[a]), 0);
} else {
aso#57588[a] = Math.min(aso#57588[a] + aso#43376 * Math.abs(aso#51599[a]), 0);
aso#51599[a] *= 0.5;
aso#82094(aso#57588[a], aso#51599[a], a);
if (aso#53962 < 0) {
aso#82936[a] = boxx._y - aso#97277[a] + boxx._yscale;
aso#51599[a] = Math.abs(aso#51599[a]);
} else {
aso#82936[a] = boxx._y - aso#97277[a];
aso#51599[a] = -Math.abs(aso#51599[a]);
aso#20262 = 0;
while (aso#20262 < aso#39200) {
if (aso#09255[aso#20262] == true || aso#09255[aso#20262] == false) {
if (aso#70958[aso#90317[aso#20262]] == false && aso#70958[aso#84328[aso#20262]] == false) {
aso#09255[aso#20262] = false;
} else {
aso#09255[aso#20262] = true;
if (aso#70958[aso#90317[aso#20262]] == 2 || aso#70958[aso#84328[aso#20262]] == 2) {
aso#09255[aso#20262] = 2;
if (aso#09255[aso#20262] == true) {
els = false;
if (Math.abs(aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#20262]]) + Math.abs(aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#20262]]) + Math.abs(aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) + Math.abs(aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) < 5) {
aso#61343[aso#20262] += 1;
if (aso#61343[aso#20262] > 8) {
aso#70958[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = false;
aso#70958[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = false;
aso#09255[aso#20262] = false;
} else {
els = true;
aso#45610 = aso#03687(aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]], aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]], aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]], aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]]);
aso#85299 = 0.5 * Math.abs(aso#45610 - aso#69145[aso#20262]) * aso#74713[aso#20262];
if (aso#45610 < 1) {
aso#45610 = 1;
if (aso#49786[aso#20262] == 3) {
if (aso#45610 > aso#69145[aso#20262] + 14 || aso#45610 < aso#69145[aso#20262] - 14) {
aso#49786[aso#20262] = 1;
aso#69145[aso#20262] = 0;
if (aso#49786[aso#20262] == 4) {
if (aso#45610 > aso#69145[aso#20262] + 7 || aso#45610 < aso#69145[aso#20262] - 7) {
aso#49786[aso#20262] = 1;
aso#69145[aso#20262] = 0;
if (aso#45610 > aso#69145[aso#20262] && (aso#49786[aso#20262] == 0 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 3 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 4 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 2)) {
aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#20262]] += ((aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#20262]] += ((aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#20262]] -= ((aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#20262]] -= ((aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
} else {
if (aso#45610 < aso#69145[aso#20262] && (aso#49786[aso#20262] == 0 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 3 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 4 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 1)) {
aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#20262]] -= ((aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#20262]] -= ((aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#20262]] += ((aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#20262]] += ((aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / aso#45610) * aso#85299;
} else {
els = false;
if (aso#74713[aso#20262] == 1 && (aso#49786[aso#20262] == 0 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 3 || aso#49786[aso#20262] == 4 || aso#45610 > aso#69145[aso#20262] && aso#49786[aso#20262] == 2 || aso#45610 < aso#69145[aso#20262] && aso#49786[aso#20262] == 1)) {
aso#58980 = (aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] + aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / 2;
aso#96306 = (aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] + aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]]) / 2;
srx = (aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#20262]] + aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#20262]]) / 2;
sry = (aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#20262]] + aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#20262]]) / 2;
aso#11068 = (aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#20262]] + -aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#20262]]) / 2;
aso#42405 = (aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#20262]] + -aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#20262]]) / 2;
aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = srx + aso#11068;
aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = sry + aso#42405;
aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = srx - aso#11068;
aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = sry - aso#42405;
aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = aso#58980 + (aso#00903[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#58980) * aso#69145[aso#20262] / aso#45610;
aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = aso#96306 + (aso#82936[aso#90317[aso#20262]] - aso#96306) * aso#69145[aso#20262] / aso#45610;
aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = aso#58980 + (aso#00903[aso#84328[aso#20262]] - aso#58980) * aso#69145[aso#20262] / aso#45610;
aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = aso#96306 + (aso#82936[aso#84328[aso#20262]] - aso#96306) * aso#69145[aso#20262] / aso#45610;
if (els) {
aso#61343[aso#20262] = 0;
aso#70958[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = true;
aso#70958[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = true;
} else {
aso#70958[aso#90317[aso#20262]] = 2;
aso#70958[aso#84328[aso#20262]] = 2;
var am_base_vol = 0;
var am_base_falkok_vol = 0;
var am_wind_vol = 0;
if (_root.am_base == undefined) {
_root.am_base = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip('m_am_base', -1001));
_root.am_falkok_base = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip('m_am_falkok_base', -1002));
_root.am_wind = new Sound(_root.createEmptyMovieClip('m_am_wind', -1003));
_root.am_base.start(0, 10000);
_root.am_falkok_base.start(0, 10000);
_root.am_wind.start(0, 10000);
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.aso#93101 = 2;
_root.loose = 0;
_root._quality = 'MEDIUM';
_root.console._visible = false;
_root.console.exec.onPress = function () {
if (_root.console._visible) {
_root.console._visible = false;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'nextlv') {
_root.aso#87112 += 1;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = 0;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'kill') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = -100;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'god' || _root.console.cons.text == 'godmode' || _root.console.cons.text == 'noclip' || _root.console.cons.text == 'iddqd' || _root.console.cons.text == 'sv_cheats 1') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = -100;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#94914 = -40;
_root.aso#25830('No cheating, man! :D');
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'pbsilentkill') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = 0;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'pbteam 0') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#64969 = 0;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'pbteam 1') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'pbteam 2') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#64969 = 2;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'moreall') {
_root.wealevel = 6;
_root.grenades = 100;
_root.global_money = 10000; = 10000;
if (_root.console.cons.text == 'morehp') {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = 10000;
var aso#78339 = 0.0174532925199433;
_root.stat_kills = 0;
_root.stat_headshots = 0;
_root.stat_shots = 0;
if ( < _root.aso#87112) { = _root.aso#87112;
aso#70537 = 1;
grenades = 0;
aso#64127 = 8;
aso#00903 = new Array();
aso#82936 = new Array();
aso#57588 = new Array();
aso#51599 = new Array();
aso#70958 = new Array();
aso#17057 = new Array();
aso#97277 = new Array();
around = new Array();
screenX = 800;
screenY = 400;
playerhmax = 400;
hscreenX = 400;
hscreenY = 200;
aso#79310 = 0;
fire = false;
hinttim = 0;
aso#55775 = 0;
grenadetim = 0;
aso#49786 = new Array();
aso#90317 = new Array();
aso#84328 = new Array();
aso#69145 = new Array();
aso#74713 = new Array();
aso#09255 = new Array();
aso#61343 = new Array();
aso#96856 = 0.5;
aso#43376 = 0.6;
var aso#82515 = new Array();
var aso#10647 = new Array();
var aso#32790 = new Array();
var aso#70116 = new Array();
var aso#94072 = new Array();
var aso#71929 = 0;
var aso#50757 = new Array();
var emmit_i = new Array();
var aso#12039 = new Array();
var aso#40592 = 0;
var emmit2_i = new Array();
var emmit2_time = new Array();
var emmit2_x = new Array();
var emmit2_y = new Array();
var emmit2_tot = 0;
_root.aso#75555.blood._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.bloodm._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.bloodmetal._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.bloodf._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.iskra._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.iskra.gotoAndStop(1); = false;
_root.aso#75555.enemy._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.falkok._visible = false;;
_root.aso#75555.end._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.gilza._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.gilza2._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.gilza.disabled = true;
_root.aso#75555.gilza2.disabled = true;
_root.aso#75555.smoke._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.rock._visible = false;
aso#07863 = 0;
barrelstotal = 0;
heatotal = 0;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < 100) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap['box' + aso#76947]) {
aso#07863 += 1;
} else {
aso#76947 = 100;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < 100) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]) {
barrelstotal += 1;
} else {
aso#76947 = 100;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < 100) {
if (_root.aso#75555['medikit' + aso#76947]) {
heatotal += 1;
} else {
aso#76947 = 100;
playerstot = 0;
monsterstot = 0;
falkokstot = 0;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 100) {
if (_root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892]) {
playerstot += 1;
_root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
} else {
aso#06892 = 100;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 100) {
if (_root.aso#75555['mon' + aso#06892]) {
monsterstot += 1;
_root.aso#75555['mon' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
} else {
aso#06892 = 100;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 100) {
if (_root.aso#75555['fal' + aso#06892]) {
falkokstot += 1;
_root.aso#75555['fal' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
} else {
aso#06892 = 100;
aso#60372 = 0;
maxef = 128;
aso#46160 = 2 * _root.aso#94493 / 3;
aso#30427 = 0;
aso#39200 = 0;
if ( == -1) {
grenades = 3;
} else {
grenades = 15;
aso#01453 =;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < playerstot) {
if (aso#06892 == 0 && monstermode) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.enemy, 'player' + aso#06892, aso#06892);
} else {
duplicateMovieClip(, 'player' + aso#06892, aso#06892);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].myi = aso#06892;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].filters =;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892]._x;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892]._y;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].getdown = false;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].getdown = true;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg1 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg2 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg4 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg5 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg6 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg7 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg8 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg9 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop = false;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = playerhmax;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].lhea = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#67753 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91288 = 0;
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(1);
} else {
if (['weapon' +] != -1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(6);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].sit = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].dead = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 4;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 1;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 + 1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 + 1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 + 1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 + 1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt = -1;
if (aso#06892 == 0 && monstermode) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(10);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#02295._visible = false;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
aso#09676 = 1;
while (aso#09676 < 10) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]['w_upg' + aso#09676] =['weapon' + aso#09676];
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg8 > 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(6);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(7);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(7);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 7;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg7 == -1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop = true;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(11);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg7 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 150 + 100 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg8;
playerhmax = 150 + 100 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg8;
_root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892].unloadMovie();
aso#06892 = playerstot;
while (aso#06892 < playerstot + monsterstot) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.enemy, 'player' + aso#06892, aso#06892);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].filters =;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#75555['mon' + (aso#06892 - playerstot)]._x;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#75555['mon' + (aso#06892 - playerstot)]._y;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 300;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].lhea = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#67753 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91288 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove = 0.4;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].sit = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].dead = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(10);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt = -1;
_root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892].unloadMovie();
playerstot += monsterstot;
aso#06892 = playerstot;
while (aso#06892 < playerstot + falkokstot) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.falkok, 'player' + aso#06892, aso#06892);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].filters =;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#75555['fal' + (aso#06892 - playerstot)]._x;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#75555['fal' + (aso#06892 - playerstot)]._y;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 250;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].lhea = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#67753 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91288 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove = 0.6;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].sit = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].dead = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg2 = 2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop = false;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 3;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 = 2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 6;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt = -1;
_root.aso#75555['start' + aso#06892].unloadMovie();
playerstot += falkokstot;
_root.aso#75555.plazma._visible = false;
pulstot = 0;
pulsmax = 32;
_root.glow._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
_root.aso#75555._x = -_root.aso#75555.player0.body._x - _root.aso#75555.player0._x + hscreenX;
_root.aso#75555._y = -_root.aso#75555.player0.body._y - _root.aso#75555.player0._y + hscreenY;
pspeed = 6;
frame 3 {
function SHOT() {
if (aso#38229.aso#63577.whea._currentframe == 1) {
if (aso#38229.aso#02295._visible == true) {
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe != 6) {
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 1) {
puli = 1;
aso#58559 = 3;
noise = 7;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 2) {
puli = 1;
aso#58559 = 3;
if (aso#38229.w_upg2 == 0) {
noise = 5;
if (aso#38229.w_upg2 == 1) {
noise = 1;
if (aso#38229.w_upg2 == 2) {
noise = 2;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 3) {
puli = 2;
aso#58559 = 4;
noise = 20;
if (aso#38229.w_upg3 == 1) {
noise = 12;
if (aso#38229.w_upg3 == 2) {
noise = 12;
puli = 3;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 5 || aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 12) {
puli = 4;
aso#58559 = 3;
noise = 10;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 12) {
puli = 1;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 7) {
puli = 0;
aso#58559 = -1;
noise = 0;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 6) {
puli = 0;
aso#58559 = -1;
noise = 0;
aso#09676 = 0;
while (aso#09676 < playerstot) {
aso#88925 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#09676];
if (aso#06892 != aso#09676) {
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#38229.aso#64969 == aso#88925.aso#64969 && aso#88925.aso#64969 != 0 && aso#88925.aso#64969 != 3 || aso#38229.aso#64969 != aso#88925.aso#64969) {
if (aso#38229.aso#63577.hitTest(aso#88925)) {
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 < 50) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 = 0;
} else {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 50;
aso#88925.aso#35024 = 'none';
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#88925.hunt = aso#06892;
aso#88925.aso#45189 += 20;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 9) {
puli = 1;
aso#58559 = 3;
noise = 1;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 10) {
puli = 2;
aso#58559 = 6;
noise = 20;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 11) {
puli = 1;
aso#58559 = 3;
noise = 20;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 4 || aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 13) {
puli = 0;
aso#58559 = -1;
if (grenades > 0 && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0) {
noise = 30;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
grenades -= 1;
rn = Math.random();
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.rocket, 'aso#64548' + aso#55775, 400 + aso#55775);
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775]._x = aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775]._y = aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#26251 = Math.cos(aso#99090) * 10;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#94914 = Math.sin(aso#99090) * 10;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#26801 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#58138 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#36416 = aso#06892;
aso#55775 += 1;
aso#38229.aso#45189 += noise;
if (aso#58559 != -1) {
aso#52991(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58559);
px = aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100;
py = aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y;
p = 0;
while (p < puli) {
sm = 0;
aso#27643 = 0;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 1) {
sm = -0.02 + Math.random() * 0.04;
if (aso#38229.w_upg1 == 0) {
aso#27643 = 0.3;
} else {
if (aso#38229.w_upg1 == 1) {
aso#27643 = 0.8;
} else {
aso#27643 = 0.8;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 2) {
sm = -0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1;
aso#27643 = 0.5;
if (aso#38229.w_upg2 == 2) {
aso#27643 = 0.9;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 3) {
sm = -0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1;
aso#27643 = 1.5;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 5 || aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 12) {
sm = -0.04 + Math.random() * 0.08;
aso#27643 = 1;
if (aso#38229.w_upg5 == 1) {
aso#27643 = 1.5;
if (aso#38229.w_upg5 == 2) {
aso#27643 = 2;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 9) {
sm = -0.05 + Math.random() * 0.1;
aso#27643 = 1.3;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 10) {
sm = -0.015 + Math.random() * 0.03;
aso#27643 = 0.7;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 11) {
sm = -0.015 + Math.random() * 0.03;
aso#27643 = 1;
if (aso#38229.dead) {
aso#15665 = Math.cos((aso#38229.aso#63577._rotation / 180) * Math.PI + sm) * 10 * aso#38229.aso#63577._xscale / 50;
aso#41013 = -Math.sin((aso#38229.aso#63577._rotation / 180) * Math.PI + sm) * 10;
} else {
aso#15665 = Math.cos(aso#99090 + sm) * 10;
aso#41013 = Math.sin(aso#99090 + sm) * 10;
if (aso#38229.aso#63577._currentframe == 3) {
if (p == 0) {
aso#98669(px + Math.sin(aso#99090), py + Math.cos(aso#99090), aso#06892, aso#27643, aso#15665, aso#41013);
} else {
aso#98669(px - Math.sin(aso#99090), py - Math.cos(aso#99090), aso#06892, aso#27643, aso#15665, aso#41013);
} else {
aso#98669(px, py, aso#06892, aso#27643, aso#15665, aso#41013);
if (aso#38229.dead) {
aso#57588[aso#90317[aso#38229.whold1]] -= aso#15665 * aso#27643;
aso#51599[aso#90317[aso#38229.whold1]] -= aso#41013 * aso#27643;
aso#57588[aso#84328[aso#38229.whold1]] -= (10 - Math.random() * 20) * aso#27643;
aso#51599[aso#84328[aso#38229.whold1]] -= (10 - Math.random() * 20) * aso#27643;
function aso#71508() {
pl = 0;
while (pl < pulsmax) {
if (_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible == true) {
aso#32240 = _root.aso#75555['pl' + pl];
aso#32240._x += aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed;
aso#32240._y += aso#32240.aso#41013 * pspeed;;
if ( > 20) {
aso#32240._visible = false;
aso#09676 = 0;
while (aso#09676 < playerstot) {
aso#88925 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#09676];
if (aso#88925.dead && aso#32240._x < aso#88925.body._x + 400 && aso#32240._x > aso#88925.body._x - 400 && aso#32240._y < aso#88925.body._y + 400 && aso#32240._y > aso#88925.body._y - 400 || !aso#88925.dead && aso#32240._x < aso#88925._x + 200 && aso#32240._x > aso#88925._x - 200 && aso#32240._y < aso#88925._y + 100 && aso#32240._y > aso#88925._y - 300) {
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 <= 0 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#32240.aso#36416].aso#64969 == aso#88925.aso#64969 && aso#88925.aso#64969 != 0 && aso#88925.aso#64969 != 3 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#32240.aso#36416].aso#64969 != aso#88925.aso#64969) {
if (aso#32240.aso#36416 != aso#09676) {
aso#29035 = pspeed - 1;
while (aso#29035 >= 0) {
if (aso#88925.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
if (aso#32240.aso#27643 >= 0.2) {
type = 1;
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 <= 0 && aso#88925.dead) {
tt = 0;
a = 0;
while (a < aso#30427) {
if (aso#70958[a] == true || aso#70958[a] == false) {
if (aso#03687(aso#00903[a], aso#82936[a], aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y) < 60) {
a = 0;
while (a < aso#30427) {
if (aso#70958[a] == true || aso#70958[a] == false) {
if (aso#03687(aso#00903[a], aso#82936[a], aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y) < 60) {
aso#57588[a] += aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#32240.aso#27643 / tt;
aso#51599[a] += aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#32240.aso#27643 / tt;
aso#70958[a] = true;
if (aso#03687(aso#00903[a], aso#82936[a], aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y) < 15) {
aso#92680(a, 30, aso#17057[a]);
aso#83907 = 1;
if (aso#09676 == 0) {
if ( == 2) {
aso#83907 = 0.5;
if ( == 1) {
aso#83907 = 0.25;
if (aso#88925.aso#39621.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
aso#88925.aso#35024 = 'aso#39621';
if (aso#32240.aso#36416 == 0) {
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.stat_headshots += 1;
if (aso#88925.opentop) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 200 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
} else {
if (aso#88925.w_upg7 == 0) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 70 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
} else {
if (aso#88925.w_upg7 == 1) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 40 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
} else {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 70 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
type = 2;
} else {
if (aso#88925.body.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 30 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
aso#88925.aso#35024 = 'body';
} else {
if (aso#88925.arm1.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true) || aso#88925.arm2.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 35 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
aso#88925.aso#35024 = 'arm';
} else {
if (aso#88925.aso#33632.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
if (aso#88925.aso#14273 == 2 && aso#88925.aso#97698 != 9) {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 50 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
} else {
aso#88925.aso#69566 -= 40 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#83907;
aso#88925.aso#35024 = 'leg';
} else {
if (aso#88925.aso#63577.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true) || aso#88925.aso#02295.hitTest(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
type = 0;
aso#88925.aso#45189 += 10 * aso#32240.aso#27643;
if (type != 0) {
if (aso#88925.aso#35024 == 'aso#39621') {
_root.aso#66361(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035, aso#88925.aso#14273, 'shot_head', aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * 3 * aso#88925.easymove, aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * 3 * aso#88925.easymove);
} else {
_root.aso#66361(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035, aso#88925.aso#14273, 'shot', aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * 3 * aso#88925.easymove, aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * 3 * aso#88925.easymove);
if (aso#88925.w_upg8 > 2 || aso#88925.aso#97698 == 9) {
type = 3;
if (type == 3) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035, 11);
} else {
Blood2(aso#09676, 30, aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035 - aso#88925._x, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035 - aso#88925._y);
} else {
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035, 11);
aso#52991(aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035, type, aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * 3, aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * 3);
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (type != 0) {
if (aso#88925.aso#64969 != 3 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#32240.aso#36416].aso#64969 != 3) {
aso#88925.hunt = aso#32240.aso#36416;
aso#88925.aso#91709 = true;
} else {
if (!aso#88925.dead) {
aso#32240._x -= aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#29035;
aso#32240._y -= aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#29035;
if (aso#88925.aso#64969 == 1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#32240.aso#36416].aso#64969 == 1) {
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#47002 = 0;
while (aso#47002 < playerstot) {
if (aso#09676 != aso#47002 && aso#47002 != aso#32240.aso#36416) {
if (aso#88925.aso#64969 == _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#64969) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#91709 == true) {
if (Math.abs(aso#88925._x - _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002]._x) < hscreenX) {
if (Math.abs(aso#88925._y - _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002]._y) < hscreenY) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].hunt = aso#32240.aso#36416;
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#88925.aso#26251 += aso#32240.aso#15665 * 0.3 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#88925.easymove;
aso#88925.aso#94914 += aso#32240.aso#41013 * 0.3 * aso#32240.aso#27643 * aso#88925.easymove;
} else {
aso#32240._visible = false;
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0 || aso#88925.dead) {
aso#32240.aso#27643 -= 0.5 / aso#88925.easymove;
if (aso#32240.aso#27643 < 0.2) {
aso#32240._visible = false;
aso#21233 = aso#32240._x;
aso#52570 = aso#32240._y;
aso#16636 = aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed;
aso#47973 = aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * pspeed;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < aso#07863) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap['box' + aso#76947].hitTest(aso#32240)) {
boxx = _root.aso#75555.colmap['box' + aso#76947];
rx = undefined;
ry = undefined;
sides = 0;
while (sides < 4) {
if (sides == 0) {
aso#73742 = boxx._x;
aso#05079 = boxx._y;
aso#31819 = boxx._x + boxx._xscale;
aso#63156 = boxx._y;
} else {
if (sides == 1) {
aso#73742 = boxx._x + boxx._xscale;
aso#05079 = boxx._y;
aso#31819 = boxx._x + boxx._xscale;
aso#63156 = boxx._y + boxx._yscale;
} else {
if (sides == 2) {
aso#73742 = boxx._x;
aso#05079 = boxx._y;
aso#31819 = boxx._x;
aso#63156 = boxx._y + boxx._yscale;
} else {
if (sides == 3) {
aso#73742 = boxx._x;
aso#05079 = boxx._y + boxx._yscale;
aso#31819 = boxx._x + boxx._xscale;
aso#63156 = boxx._y + boxx._yscale;
v = ((aso#16636 - aso#21233) * (aso#05079 - aso#52570) + (aso#47973 - aso#52570) * (aso#21233 - aso#73742)) / ((aso#47973 - aso#52570) * (aso#31819 - aso#73742) - (aso#16636 - aso#21233) * (aso#63156 - aso#05079));
retux = aso#73742 + (aso#31819 - aso#73742) * v;
retuy = aso#05079 + (aso#63156 - aso#05079) * v;
if (Math.min(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed * 2) - 1 <= retux) {
if (Math.max(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed * 2) + 1 >= retux) {
if (Math.min(aso#32240._y, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * pspeed * 2) - 1 <= retuy) {
if (Math.max(aso#32240._y, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#41013 * pspeed * 2) | 2 >= retuy) {
if (boxx._x - 1 <= retux) {
if (boxx._x + 1 + boxx._xscale >= retux) {
if (boxx._y - 1 <= retuy) {
if (boxx._y + 1 + boxx._yscale >= retuy) {
if (undefined == rx || aso#03687(rx, ry, aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed) < aso#03687(retux, retuy, aso#32240._x - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed, aso#32240._y - aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed)) {
rx = retux;
ry = retuy;
if (rx != undefined) {
aso#52991(rx, ry, 0);
aso#32240._visible = false;
if (aso#32240._y > 1000) {
aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 0);
aso#32240._visible = false;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947].hitTest(aso#32240)) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 11);
hur = Math.floor(aso#32240.aso#27643 * 2);
if (hur < 0) {
hur = 0;
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe + hur > 3) {
_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947].gotoAndPlay(4);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947].gotoAndStop(_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe + hur);
aso#32240.aso#27643 -= 0.5;
if (aso#32240.aso#27643 < 0.2) {
aso#32240._visible = false;
gunpaused = true;
cbk = true;
var myListener2 = new Object();
myListener2.onKillFocus = function () {
_root.gunpaused = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.aso#93101 == 2) {
if (Key.isDown(80) || Key.isDown(32) && !gunpaused || Key.isDown(13) && !gunpaused) {
if (cbk) {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
gunpaused = false;;
} else {
gunpaused = true;
_root.glow._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
cbk = false;
} else {
cbk = true;
if (!gunpaused) {
_root.glow._visible = true;
if (_root.glow._alpha < 50) {
_root.glow._alpha += 1;
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (grenadetim > 0) {
_root.aso#75555._x = Math.round((-_root.aso#75555.player0.body._x + hscreenX - _xmouse - _root.aso#75555.player0._x + hscreenX + _root.aso#75555._x * 10) / 11);
_root.aso#75555._y = Math.round((-_root.aso#75555.player0.body._y + hscreenY - _ymouse - _root.aso#75555.player0._y + hscreenY + _root.aso#75555._y * 10) / 11);
hinttim -= 1;
if (hinttim < 0) {
_root.hint.text = '';
hinttim = 100;
aso#79310 -= 1;
if (aso#79310 < -1) {
aso#79310 = 10 + (3 - _root.aso#48394) * 10;
_root.aso#14823.text = Math.max(Math.ceil((_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 / playerhmax) * 100), 0);
_root.playergr.text = grenades;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.end)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 < playerhmax) {
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < heatotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['medikit' + aso#76947]._currentframe == 1) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555['medikit' + aso#76947])) {
_root.aso#75555['medikit' + aso#76947].gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = Math.min(playerhmax, _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 + playerhmax / 4);
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 <= 0 || _root.loose != 0) {
_root.glow._visible = true;
_root.glow._alpha += 1;
if (_root.glow._alpha > 100) {
_root.glow._visible = false;
_root.whydead = 'Your Warrior Has been killed!';
if (_root.loose == 1) {
_root.whydead = 'Your Friend Has been killed!';
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < playerstot) {
aso#38229 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892];
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#38229.aso#91709 == true) {
aso#23046 = aso#38229.body._rotation * aso#78339;
aso#76526 = Math.atan2(aso#38229.body.headbone._y, aso#38229.body.headbone._x) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#45610 = aso#03687(aso#38229.body.headbone._x, aso#38229.body.headbone._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
ply = Math.cos(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
aso#38229.aso#39621._x = aso#38229.body._x - plx;
aso#38229.aso#39621._y = aso#38229.body._y + ply;
aso#23046 = aso#38229.body._rotation * aso#78339;
aso#76526 = Math.atan2(aso#38229.body.armbone._y, aso#38229.body.armbone._x) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#45610 = aso#03687(aso#38229.body.armbone._x, aso#38229.body.armbone._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
ply = Math.cos(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
aso#38229.arm1._x = aso#38229.body._x - plx;
aso#38229.arm1._y = aso#38229.body._y + ply;
aso#38229.arm2._x = aso#38229.body._x - plx + 2;
aso#38229.arm2._y = aso#38229.body._y + ply;
aso#23046 = aso#38229.arm2._rotation * aso#78339;
aso#76526 = Math.atan2(aso#38229.arm2.wea._y, aso#38229.arm2.wea._x) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#09676 = 0;
while (aso#09676 < playerstot) {
if (aso#06892 != aso#09676) {
aso#88925 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#09676];
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 <= 0) {
aso#89896 =;
if (aso#38229.hitTest(aso#00903[aso#89896] + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#82936[aso#89896] + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
aso#45610 = aso#03687(0, 0, aso#57588[aso#89896], aso#51599[aso#89896]);
if (aso#45610 > 5) {
aso#79731 = (aso#38229.aso#26251 + aso#57588[aso#89896]) / 2;
aso#12460 = (aso#38229.aso#94914 + aso#51599[aso#89896]) / 2;
aso#45610 = aso#03687(aso#38229.aso#26251, aso#38229.aso#94914, aso#57588[aso#89896], aso#51599[aso#89896]);
if (aso#45610 > 25) {
aso#38229.aso#69566 -= aso#45610 * 2;
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 = aso#79731;
aso#38229.aso#94914 = aso#12460;
aso#57588[aso#89896] = aso#79731;
aso#51599[aso#89896] = aso#12460;
if (aso#38229.aso#91709 == false) {
if (aso#38229.hitTest(_root.visarea)) {
aso#38229.aso#91709 = true;
} else {
if (aso#38229.hunt == -1) {
aso#38229.aso#91709 = false;
aso#38229._visible = false;
} else {
if (!aso#38229._visible) {
aso#38229._visible = true;
if (aso#38229.hunt != -1) {
if (aso#38229.say_vis == undefined) {
if (aso#38229.aso#14273 == 0 && Math.random() > 0.5) {
} else {
if (aso#38229.myi == -1) {
rn = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (rn == 0) {
} else {
if (rn == 1) {
} else {
aso#38229.say_vis = false;
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#38229.aso#91709 == true) {
if (aso#38229.ranytim == undefined) {
aso#38229.ranytim = 0;
} else {
aso#38229.ranytim += Math.random() * 0.5;
if (aso#38229.rany50 == undefined) {
aso#38229.rany50 = Math.random() * 50;
} else {
aso#38229.rany50 = 25 + Math.sin(aso#38229.ranytim) * 25;
aso#09676 = 0;
while (aso#09676 < playerstot) {
aso#88925 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#09676];
if (aso#88925.aso#91709 == true) {
if (aso#88925.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#06892 != aso#09676) {
if (aso#38229.aso#64969 != 0 || aso#88925.aso#64969 != 0) {
if (aso#38229._y > aso#88925._y - 100) {
if (aso#38229._y < aso#88925._y + 100) {
if (aso#38229._x > aso#88925._x - 40) {
if (aso#38229._x < aso#88925._x + 40) {
aso#79731 = (aso#38229._x + aso#88925._x) / 2;
if (aso#38229._x > aso#88925._x) {
aso#38229._x = aso#79731 + 20;
aso#88925._x = aso#79731 - 20;
} else {
aso#38229._x = aso#79731 - 20;
aso#88925._x = aso#79731 + 20;
aso#58980 = aso#38229._x + aso#38229._xscale * 3;
aso#96306 = aso#38229._y + Math.sin(aso#38229.ranytim * 0.3) * 75;
aso#38229._x += aso#38229.aso#26251;
aso#38229._y += aso#38229.aso#94914;
aso#38229.aso#94914 += aso#70537;
if (aso#38229._y > 1000) {
aso#38229.aso#35024 = 'body';
aso#38229.aso#69566 -= Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#94914 * aso#38229.aso#94914 * 0.19);
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#38229.aso#69566 = 0;
aso#38229.getdown = true;
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 20, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 20, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 20, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
if (aso#38229.aso#94914 > 10) {
aso#38229.aso#94914 = 10;
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
if (aso#38229.hunt != -1) {
aso#58980 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt]._x;
aso#96306 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt]._y - 10 - aso#38229.rany50;
aso#33211 = Math.abs(aso#58980 - aso#38229._x);
if (aso#38229.aso#85720 == 1) {
if (Math.random() > 0.4 || aso#33211 < 200) {
aso#96306 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt]._y - 70;
} else {
aso#96306 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt]._y - 10 - Math.random() * 50;
aso#33211 = aso#03687(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306);
pspx = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt].aso#26251 * (aso#33211 / pspeed) * 0.3;
pspy = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt].aso#94914 * (aso#33211 / pspeed) * 0.3;
aso#58980 += pspx;
aso#96306 += pspy;
if (!aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980 - pspx, aso#96306 - pspy)) {
aso#58980 -= pspx;
aso#96306 -= pspy;
} else {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980 - pspx, aso#96306 - pspy + 50)) {
aso#58980 -= pspx;
aso#96306 -= pspy;
aso#96306 += 50;
} else {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980 - pspx, aso#96306 - pspy - 50)) {
aso#58980 -= pspx;
aso#96306 -= pspy;
aso#96306 -= 50;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe < 4) {
if (aso#03687(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt]._y - 40, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._y) < 100) {
if (aso#03687(aso#38229._x, aso#38229._y - 40, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._y) > 150) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._y)) {
aso#58980 = _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._x;
aso#96306 = _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._y;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt].aso#69566 <= 0) {
if (Math.random() > 0.97) {
aso#38229.hunt = -1;
} else {
aso#58980 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt].body._x;
aso#96306 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#38229.hunt].body._y;
} else {
if (Math.random() > 0.95 || aso#38229.aso#85720 == 1) {
ran = 0;
while (ran < playerstot) {
if (aso#38229.hunt == -1) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + ran].aso#64969 != aso#38229.aso#64969) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + ran].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (ran != aso#06892) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + ran].aso#91709 == true) {
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#75555['player' + ran]._x - aso#38229._x) < hscreenX && Math.abs(_root.aso#75555['player' + ran]._y - aso#38229._y) < hscreenY) {
aso#38229.hunt = ran;
} else {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#39621._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + ran]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + ran]._y)) {
aso#38229.hunt = ran;
} else {
aso#58980 = _xmouse - _root.aso#75555._x;
aso#96306 = _ymouse - _root.aso#75555._y;
stand = false;
hup = false;
cantlift = false;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < aso#07863 + barrelstotal) {
if (aso#76947 < aso#07863 || aso#76947 >= aso#07863 && _root.aso#75555['barrel' + (aso#76947 - aso#07863)]._currentframe < 4 && _root.aso#75555['barrel' + (aso#76947 - aso#07863)].cols) {
if (aso#76947 < aso#07863) {
boxx = _root.aso#75555.colmap['box' + aso#76947];
} else {
boxx = _root.aso#75555['barrel' + (aso#76947 - aso#07863)];
if (aso#76947 < aso#07863) {
minx = boxx._x - 10;
maxx = boxx._x + boxx._xscale + 10;
miny = boxx._y + aso#38229.sit * aso#64127;
maxy = boxx._y + boxx._yscale + 82;
} else {
minx = boxx._x - 20;
maxx = boxx._x + 20;
miny = boxx._y - 20 + aso#38229.sit * aso#64127;
maxy = boxx._y + 20 + 82;
if (aso#38229._x > minx && aso#38229._x < maxx && aso#38229._y > miny - 10 && aso#38229._y < maxy - 82) {
hup = true;
if (aso#38229.sit != 0) {
if (aso#38229._x > minx && aso#38229._x < maxx && aso#38229._y > maxy - 5 && aso#38229._y < maxy + 5) {
cantlift = true;
if (aso#38229._x > minx && aso#38229._x < maxx && aso#38229._y > miny && aso#38229._y < maxy) {
if (aso#76947 < aso#07863) {
aso#73321 = ((boxx._x + boxx._xscale / 2 - (aso#38229._x - aso#38229.aso#26251)) / (boxx._xscale + 20)) * 100;
aso#53962 = ((boxx._y + (boxx._yscale + 82) / 2 - (aso#38229._y - aso#38229.aso#94914)) / (boxx._yscale + 82)) * 100;
} else {
aso#73321 = (((minx + maxx) / 2 - (aso#38229._x - aso#38229.aso#26251)) / 40) * 100;
aso#53962 = (((miny + maxy) / 2 - (aso#38229._y - aso#38229.aso#94914)) / 61) * 100;
if (aso#38229._y < miny + 30) {
aso#73321 = 1;
aso#53962 = 2;
if (Math.abs(aso#73321) > Math.abs(aso#53962)) {
aso#38229.aso#35024 = 'all';
if (Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#26251) > 16) {
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 80, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 80, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 80, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
aso#38229.aso#69566 -= Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#26251 * aso#38229.aso#26251 * 0.22);
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#26251) < 6) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 = 0;
} else {
aso#38229.aso#94914 *= 0.5;
aso#38229.aso#26251 *= 0.5;
if (aso#73321 < 0) {
aso#38229._x = maxx + 1;
aso#38229.aso#26251 = Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#26251) + 0.1;
} else {
aso#38229._x = minx - 1;
aso#38229.aso#26251 = -Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#26251) - 0.1;
} else {
if (aso#53962 < 0) {
aso#38229.aso#35024 = 'all';
} else {
aso#38229.aso#35024 = 'body';
if (Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#94914) > 15) {
aso#38229.falltim = 10;
if (Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#94914) > 23) {
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 80, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 80, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(aso#38229._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, aso#38229._y - Math.random() * 80, aso#38229.aso#14273, 'fall');
aso#38229.aso#69566 -= Math.abs(aso#38229.aso#94914 * aso#38229.aso#94914 * 0.19);
aso#38229.aso#35024 = 'body';
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 *= 0.5;
if (aso#53962 < 0) {
aso#38229.aso#94914 *= -0.5;
cantlift = true;
aso#38229._y = maxy + 2;
} else {
aso#38229.aso#94914 = 0;
stand = true;
aso#38229._y = miny;
walkok = false;
if (aso#79310 < 0) {
aso#38229.botaction = -1;
if (aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.hunt != -1) {
if (aso#03687(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306) < 600) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 0;
if (aso#79310 < 0) {
if (aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.hunt != -1) {
if (aso#38229.botaction != 0) {
if (aso#13852(200 + aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 1;
if (aso#38229.botaction != 0) {
if (aso#13852(-200 + aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 2;
if (aso#38229.aso#14273 != 2) {
if (aso#38229.botaction == -1) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y - 60, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 3;
} else {
if (aso#38229.botaction == -1) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y - 150, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 3;
if (aso#38229.botaction != 0) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, 60 + aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 4;
pl = 0;
while (pl < pulsmax) {
if (_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible == true) {
aso#32240 = _root.aso#75555['pl' + pl];
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#32240.aso#36416].aso#64969 != aso#38229.aso#64969 || aso#38229.hunt == aso#32240.aso#36416) {
if (aso#32240._x > aso#38229._x - 20 - Math.abs(aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed * 20)) {
if (aso#32240._x < aso#38229._x + 20 + Math.abs(aso#32240.aso#15665 * pspeed * 20)) {
if (aso#32240._y > aso#38229._y - 90 - Math.abs(aso#32240.aso#41013 * pspeed * 20)) {
if (aso#32240._y < aso#38229._y + 90 + Math.abs(aso#32240.aso#41013 * pspeed * 20)) {
aso#21233 = aso#32240._x;
aso#52570 = aso#32240._y;
aso#16636 = aso#32240._x + aso#32240.aso#15665;
aso#47973 = aso#32240._y + aso#32240.aso#41013;
if (Math.abs(aso#32240.aso#15665) > Math.abs(aso#32240.aso#41013)) {
aso#73742 = aso#38229._x;
aso#05079 = aso#38229._y;
aso#31819 = aso#38229._x;
aso#63156 = aso#38229._y - 83;
v = ((aso#16636 - aso#21233) * (aso#05079 - aso#52570) + (aso#47973 - aso#52570) * (aso#21233 - aso#73742)) / ((aso#47973 - aso#52570) * (aso#31819 - aso#73742) - (aso#16636 - aso#21233) * (aso#63156 - aso#05079));
retux = aso#73742 + (aso#31819 - aso#73742) * v;
retuy = aso#05079 + (aso#63156 - aso#05079) * v;
if ((retux >= aso#73742 || retux >= aso#31819) && (retux <= aso#73742 || retux <= aso#31819)) {
if ((retuy >= aso#05079 || retuy >= aso#63156) && (retuy <= aso#05079 || retuy <= aso#63156)) {
if (retuy < (aso#05079 + aso#63156) / 2) {
aso#38229.botaction = 4;
} else {
aso#38229.botaction = 3;
} else {
aso#73742 = aso#38229._x - 30;
aso#05079 = aso#38229._y - 40;
aso#31819 = aso#38229._x + 30;
aso#63156 = aso#38229._y - 40;
v = ((aso#16636 - aso#21233) * (aso#05079 - aso#52570) + (aso#47973 - aso#52570) * (aso#21233 - aso#73742)) / ((aso#47973 - aso#52570) * (aso#31819 - aso#73742) - (aso#16636 - aso#21233) * (aso#63156 - aso#05079));
retux = aso#73742 + (aso#31819 - aso#73742) * v;
retuy = aso#05079 + (aso#63156 - aso#05079) * v;
if ((retux >= aso#73742 || retux >= aso#31819) && (retux <= aso#73742 || retux <= aso#31819)) {
if ((retuy >= aso#05079 || retuy >= aso#63156) && (retuy <= aso#05079 || retuy <= aso#63156)) {
if (retux < (aso#73742 + aso#31819) / 2) {
aso#38229.botaction = 1;
} else {
aso#38229.botaction = 2;
if (aso#38229.botaction == 0 || aso#38229.botaction == -1) {
if (Math.random() > 0.8 && == 2 || Math.random() > 0.5 && == 3) {
aso#38229.botaction = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
if (aso#38229.botaction == 1 || aso#38229.botaction == 2) {
if (aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100 + (1.5 - aso#38229.botaction) * 200, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100 + (1.5 - aso#38229.botaction) * 200, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y + 400)) {
aso#38229.botaction = 4;
if (stand) {
gotone = true;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
aso#09676 = 0;
while (aso#09676 < playerstot) {
aso#88925 = _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#09676];
if (aso#88925.dead) {
if (aso#88925.aso#63577._visible == true) {
if (aso#38229.hitTest(aso#88925.aso#63577)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe] < aso#88925['w_upg' + aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe]) {
_root.gun_pickup.gotoAndStop(aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe + 1);
_root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe] = aso#88925['w_upg' + aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe];
aso#88925.aso#63577._visible = false;
aso#88925.aso#02295._visible = false;
if (aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe <= 6) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577._currentframe < aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577._currentframe == aso#88925.aso#63577._currentframe) {
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
if (gotone && aso#06892 != aso#09676) {
if (aso#88925.dead) {
if (aso#70958[aso#88925.aso#46581] == true || aso#70958[aso#88925.aso#46581] == false) {
aso#79731 = aso#38229._x + (aso#38229._xscale / 100) * aso#38229.aso#63577._x;
aso#12460 = aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y;
aso#24017 = aso#03687(aso#00903[aso#88925.a_stand1], aso#82936[aso#88925.a_stand1], aso#79731, aso#12460);
aso#37387 = aso#03687(aso#00903[aso#88925.aso#25409], aso#82936[aso#88925.aso#25409], aso#79731, aso#12460);
if (aso#24017 < 100 || aso#37387 < 100) {
aso#88925.deadtime = 0;
gotone = false;
point = aso#88925.a_stand1;
point2 = aso#88925.aso#25409;
aso#79731 = aso#38229._x + (aso#38229._xscale / 100) * aso#38229.aso#63577._x;
aso#12460 = aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y;
if (aso#37387 < 100 && aso#24017 >= 100 || aso#37387 < 100 && aso#24017 < 100 && aso#37387 < aso#24017) {
aso#57588[point2] -= (aso#00903[point2] - aso#79731) * 0.2;
aso#51599[point2] -= (aso#82936[point2] - aso#12460) * 0.2;
aso#38229.aso#26251 += (aso#00903[point2] - aso#79731) * 0.05;
aso#38229.aso#94914 += (aso#82936[point2] - aso#12460) * 0.05;
aso#70958[point2] = true;
} else {
if (aso#24017 < 100) {
aso#57588[point] -= (aso#00903[point] - aso#79731) * 0.3;
aso#51599[point] -= (aso#82936[point] - aso#12460) * 0.3;
aso#38229.aso#26251 += (aso#00903[point] - aso#79731) * 0.05;
aso#38229.aso#94914 += (aso#82936[point] - aso#12460) * 0.05;
aso#70958[point] = true;
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#38229.botaction == 2) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 -= 4 / (aso#38229.sit + 1);
if (aso#38229.aso#33632._currentframe <= 60 && (aso#38229.aso#33632._currentframe < 30 || aso#38229.aso#33632._currentframe > 50)) {
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#38229.botaction == 1) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 += 4 / (aso#38229.sit + 1);
if (aso#38229.aso#33632._currentframe <= 60 && (aso#38229.aso#33632._currentframe < 30 || aso#38229.aso#33632._currentframe > 50)) {
if ((Key.isDown(32) || Key.isDown(87) || Key.isDown(38)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.botaction == 3) {
aso#38229.aso#94914 -= 5 + aso#70537 * 4;
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.botaction == 2) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 -= 0.1;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.botaction == 1) {
aso#38229.aso#26251 += 0.1;
if (aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.aso#14273 == 2) {
if (aso#38229.botaction == 3) {
if (aso#38229.jet != true) {
aso#38229.jet = true;
} else {
if (aso#38229._y < aso#96306 - 150) {
if (aso#38229.jet != false) {
aso#38229.jet = false;
if (aso#38229.botaction == 4 || (aso#38229.botaction == -1 || aso#38229.botaction == 0) && aso#38229.aso#69566 < 80 && aso#38229.aso#69566 > 30) {
walkok = true;
if (aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.aso#14273 == 2) {
if (aso#38229.jet) {
aso#38229.aso#94914 *= 0.9;
aso#38229.aso#26251 *= 0.9;
aso#38229.aso#94914 -= aso#70537 * 1.4;
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
aso#38229.mtarx = aso#58980;
aso#38229.mtary = aso#96306;
if (aso#38229.ltarx == undefined) {
aso#38229.ltarx = aso#58980;
aso#38229.ltary = aso#96306;
if ( == 1) {
aso#58980 = (aso#38229.ltarx * 10 + aso#58980) / 11;
aso#96306 = (aso#38229.ltary * 10 + aso#96306) / 11;
} else {
if ( == 2) {
aso#58980 = (aso#38229.ltarx * 4 + aso#58980) / 5;
aso#96306 = (aso#38229.ltary * 4 + aso#96306) / 5;
} else {
aso#58980 = (aso#38229.ltarx * 4 + aso#58980) / 5;
aso#96306 = (aso#38229.ltary * 4 + aso#96306) / 5;
aso#38229.ltarx = aso#58980;
aso#38229.ltary = aso#96306;
if ((Key.isDown(13) || Key.isDown(71) || Key.isDown(45) || Key.isDown(96) || Key.isDown(81)) && aso#06892 == 0) {
if (grenadetim <= 0) {
if (grenades > 0) {
if (aso#38229._currentframe < 21 || aso#38229._currentframe > 25) {
grenadetim = 20;
grenades -= 1;
rn = Math.random();
duplicateMovieClip(_root.aso#75555.grenad, 'aso#64548' + aso#55775, 400 + aso#55775);
aso#23046 = Math.atan2(aso#58980 - aso#38229._x, aso#96306 - aso#38229._y);
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775]._x = aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775]._y = aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#26251 = Math.sin(aso#23046) * 15 + aso#38229.aso#26251;
_root.aso#75555['aso#64548' + aso#55775].aso#94914 = Math.cos(aso#23046) * 15 + aso#38229.aso#94914;
aso#55775 += 1;
if (aso#38229.falltim > 0) {
aso#38229.falltim -= 1;
tosit = 0;
if ((Key.isDown(16) || Key.isDown(83) || Key.isDown(40)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#38229.falltim > 0 || walkok && aso#06892 != 0 || !hup) {
tosit = 1;
} else {
tosit = -1;
if (cantlift) {
tosit = 1;
if (aso#38229.aso#67753 > 30) {
tosit = 1;
aso#38229.sit += tosit;
if (aso#38229.sit > 2) {
aso#38229.sit = 2;
if (aso#38229.sit < 0) {
aso#38229.sit = 0;
if (aso#38229.sit == 1 && tosit == 1) {
if (aso#38229.sit == 1 && tosit == -1) {
aso#99090 = -Math.atan2(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100 - aso#58980, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y - aso#96306) - 1.570796326794897;
if (aso#03687(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306) < 80) {
aso#99090 = -Math.atan2(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.arm1._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100 - aso#58980, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.arm1._y - aso#96306) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#99090 += (Math.random() * aso#38229.aso#45189 * 2 - aso#38229.aso#45189) * 0.01;
aso#23046 = (aso#99090 / Math.PI) * 180;
TEMP = aso#99090;
if (aso#38229._x < aso#58980) {
aso#38229._xscale = 100;
} else {
aso#38229._xscale = -100;
aso#23046 = -aso#23046 + 180;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
aso#38229.aso#63577._rotation = aso#23046;
if (aso#38229.aso#02295._visible == true) {
aso#06050 = -Math.atan2(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#02295._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100 - aso#58980, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#02295._y - aso#96306) - 1.570796326794897;
if (aso#03687(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#02295._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#02295._y, aso#58980, aso#96306) < 80) {
aso#06050 = -Math.atan2(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.arm2._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100 - aso#58980, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.arm2._y - aso#96306) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#06050 += (Math.random() * aso#38229.aso#45189 * 2 - aso#38229.aso#45189) * 0.01;
aso#76105 = (aso#06050 / Math.PI) * 180;
if (aso#38229._x < aso#58980) {
aso#38229._xscale = 100;
} else {
aso#38229._xscale = -100;
aso#76105 = -aso#76105 + 180;
aso#38229.aso#02295._rotation = aso#76105;
if (aso#38229._xscale > 0) {
aso#81123 = aso#23046 / 2 - 90;
} else {
aso#81123 = aso#23046 / 2 + 90;
if (aso#38229.aso#45189 > 0.1 || aso#38229.aso#45189 < -0.1) {
aso#38229.aso#45189 *= 0.9;
} else {
aso#38229.aso#45189 = 0;
if (aso#38229._xscale > 0) {
if (aso#81123 < -135 && aso#81123 >= -180) {
aso#81123 = -135;
if (aso#81123 > -45 || aso#81123 < -180) {
aso#81123 = -45;
} else {
if (aso#81123 > 315 || aso#81123 < 180) {
aso#81123 = 315;
if (aso#81123 < 225) {
aso#81123 = 225;
if (aso#38229.aso#08834 == 0) {
aso#38229.arm1._rotation = aso#81123 + 21 - aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.8;
aso#38229.arm2._rotation = aso#81123 + 21 + 2 + aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.3;
aso#38229.aso#39621._rotation = aso#81123 + 90 + aso#38229.aso#67753;
aso#38229.aso#13431._rotation -= aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.8;
if (aso#38229.aso#02295._visible == true) {
aso#38229.aso#02295._rotation += aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.3;
} else {
aso#38229.arm1._rotation = aso#81123 + 21 + aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.8;
aso#38229.arm2._rotation = aso#81123 + 21 + 2 + aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.5;
aso#38229.aso#39621._rotation = aso#81123 + 90 - aso#38229.aso#67753;
aso#38229.aso#13431._rotation += aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.8;
if (aso#38229.aso#02295._visible == true) {
aso#38229.aso#02295._rotation += aso#38229.aso#67753 * 0.5;
aso#23046 = aso#38229.arm1._rotation * aso#78339;
aso#76526 = Math.atan2(aso#38229.arm1.wea._y, aso#38229.arm1.wea._x) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#45610 = aso#03687(aso#38229.arm1.wea._x, aso#38229.arm1.wea._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
ply = Math.cos(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
aso#38229.aso#63577._x = aso#38229.arm1._x - plx;
aso#38229.aso#63577._y = aso#38229.arm1._y + ply;
if (aso#38229.aso#02295._visible == true) {
aso#23046 = aso#38229.arm2._rotation * aso#78339;
aso#76526 = Math.atan2(aso#38229.arm2.wea._y, aso#38229.arm2.wea._x) - 1.570796326794897;
aso#45610 = aso#03687(aso#38229.arm2.wea._x, aso#38229.arm2.wea._y, 0, 0);
plx = Math.sin(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
ply = Math.cos(aso#23046 + aso#76526) * aso#45610;
aso#38229.aso#02295._x = aso#38229.arm2._x - plx + 2;
aso#38229.aso#02295._y = aso#38229.arm2._y + ply - 1;
if (aso#79310 < 0) {
aso#38229.lastvis = aso#13852(aso#38229._x + aso#38229.aso#63577._x * aso#38229._xscale / 100, aso#38229._y + aso#38229.aso#63577._y, aso#58980, aso#96306);
if (aso#38229.lhunt != aso#38229.hunt) {
aso#38229.lhunt = aso#38229.hunt;
aso#38229.aso#62735 = 0;
} else {
if (fire && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.hunt != -1 && aso#03687(aso#38229.mtarx, aso#38229.mtary, aso#58980, aso#96306) < 300) {
if (aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && aso#38229.aso#62735 > 1 && (Math.random() > 0.95 || Math.random() > 0.7 && aso#38229.aso#85720 == 1) && aso#38229.lastvis && (Math.abs(aso#58980 - aso#38229._x) < screenX || aso#38229.aso#85720 == 1 && Math.abs(aso#58980 - aso#38229._x) < screenX)) {
if (aso#38229._currentframe < 21 || aso#38229._currentframe > 25) {
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 <= 0) {
if (aso#38229.dead == false) {
aso#38229.dead = true;
} else {
if (aso#38229.jet) {
aso#57588[aso#38229.aso#46581] -= (aso#00903[aso#38229.aso#56746] - aso#00903[aso#38229.aso#46581]) * 0.3;
aso#51599[aso#38229.aso#46581] -= (aso#82936[aso#38229.aso#56746] - aso#82936[aso#38229.aso#46581]) * 0.3;
aso#70958[aso#38229.aso#46581] = true;
aso#38229.aso#69566 -= 1;
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 < -500) {
aso#38229.jet = false;
if (_root.aso#01874 < 3 && aso#06892 != 0) {
aso#38229.deadtime += 1;
if (aso#38229.deadtime > 200 && _root.aso#01874 == 2 || aso#38229.deadtime > 70 && _root.aso#01874 == 1) {
if (aso#38229._alpha > 0) {
aso#38229._alpha -= 10;
} else {
aso#38229._visible = false;
aso#38229.aso#91709 = false;
aso#70958[aso#38229.aso#56746] = 2;
if (aso#38229.aso#91709 == true) {
if (aso#38229.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#38229.aso#67753 += aso#38229.lhea - aso#38229.aso#69566;
if (aso#38229.lhea != aso#38229.aso#69566) {
aso#38229.aso#91288 = 0;
} else {
aso#38229.aso#67753 -= aso#38229.aso#91288;
aso#38229.aso#91288 += 5;
if (aso#38229.aso#91288 > 15) {
aso#38229.aso#91288 = 15;
if (aso#38229.aso#67753 > 45) {
aso#38229.aso#67753 = 45;
if (aso#38229.aso#67753 < 0) {
aso#38229.aso#67753 = 0;
aso#38229.aso#08834 = Math.round(Math.random());
} else {
aso#38229.lhea = aso#38229.aso#69566;
aso#95885 = 0;
while (aso#95885 < maxef) {
if (_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#95885]) {
if (_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#95885].kill == true) {
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#95885].removeMovieClip();
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 != lhea) {
if (lhea > 0 && _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 <= 0) {
aso#20812 = Math.random() * Math.PI * 2;
_root.aso#75555._x += Math.sin(aso#20812) * 200;
_root.aso#75555._y += Math.cos(aso#20812) * 200;
_root.aso#25830('<font color="#FFFF00">Press SPACE for quick restart</font>');
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 <= 0) {
if (Key.isDown(32)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 != undefined) {
lhea = _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566;
mdl = _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577._currentframe;
cur = -1;
k = 0;
while (k < 6) {
if (_root['w' + k] == mdl) {
cur = k;
if (cur >= 0 && cur < 6) {
if (Key.isDown(49) || Key.isDown(50) || Key.isDown(51) || Key.isDown(52) || Key.isDown(53) || Key.isDown(54)) {
if (Key.getCode() >= 49) {
if (Key.getCode() <= 54) {
aso#00061 = -1;
k = 0;
while (k < 6) {
if (Key.getCode() == 49 + k) {
aso#00061 = _root['w' + k];
if (_root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + aso#00061] != -1) {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577.gotoAndStop(aso#00061); = aso#00061;
if (Key.getCode() == 192) {
_root.console._visible = true;
_root.console.cons.text = '';
if (Key.getCode() == 13) {
if (Key.getCode() == 27) {
_root.console._visible = false;
_root.gcur._x = _xmouse;
_root.gcur._y = _ymouse;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if ( {
if (_root.aso#75555.aso#00482.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.player0._x + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#75555.player0._y + _root.aso#75555._y - 50, true)) {
if (_root.am_base_vol < 50) {
_root.am_base_vol += 2;
if (_root.aso#75555._currentframe < 11) {
} else {
if (_root.am_wind_vol > 0) {
_root.am_wind_vol -= 2;
} else {
if (_root.am_wind_vol < 50) {
_root.am_wind_vol += 2;
if (_root.am_base_vol > 0) {
_root.am_base_vol -= 2;
_root.gcur._visible = true;
someListener = new Object();
someListener.onMouseDown = function () {
fire = true;
someListener.onMouseUp = function () {
fire = false;
_root.w0 = 6;
_root.w1 = 1;
_root.w2 = 2;
_root.w3 = 3;
_root.w4 = 4;
_root.w5 = 5;
someListener.onMouseWheel = function (delta, scrollTarget) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
mdl = _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577._currentframe;
cur = -1;
k = 0;
while (k < 6) {
if (_root['w' + k] == mdl) {
cur = k;
if (cur >= 0 && cur < 6) {
cur += delta / Math.abs(delta);
for (;;) {
if (!(_root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + cur] == -1 || _root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + cur] == undefined || isNaN(_root.aso#75555.player0['w_upg' + cur]) || cur < 0 || cur >= 6)) break;
cur += delta / Math.abs(delta);
if (cur >= 6) {
cur = 0;
if (cur < 0) {
cur = 5;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577.gotoAndStop(_root['w' + cur]); = _root['w' + cur];
movieClip 86 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 90 {
frame 1 {
this._visible = false;
movieClip 101 {
frame 1 {
this.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(Math.random() * 9) + 1);
movieClip 108 {
movieClip 116 {
movieClip 127 {
movieClip 138 {
movieClip 139 {
movieClip 142 {
movieClip 144 {
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frame 1 {
this.bloddy._visible = false;
this.bloddy2._visible = false;
movieClip 155 {
frame 2 {
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if (this._parent.sit == 2) {
frame 10 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
frame 15 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
frame 29 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (this._parent.sit == 2) {
} else {
frame 49 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
frame 54 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
frame 60 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (this._parent.sit == 2) {
frame 76 {
if (this._parent.aso#69566 > 0) {
movieClip 164 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 175 {
frame 1 {
frame 16 {
frame 30 {
movieClip 187 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 190 {
movieClip 192 {
movieClip 198 {
frame 1 {
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this.upg1._visible = true;
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this.upg1._visible = false;
if (this._parent._parent['w_upg' + this._parent._currentframe] >= 2) {
this.upg2._visible = true;
} else {
this.upg2._visible = false;
frame 6 {
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frame 19 {
movieClip 200 {
frame 1 {
this._visible = false;
movieClip 203 {
movieClip 205 {
movieClip 208 {
frame 1 {
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if (this._parent._parent['w_upg' + this._parent._currentframe] >= 1) {
this.upg1._visible = true;
} else {
this.upg1._visible = false;
if (this._parent._parent['w_upg' + this._parent._currentframe] >= 2) {
this.upg2._visible = true;
} else {
this.upg2._visible = false;
frame 4 {
movieClip 211 {
movieClip 213 {
movieClip 215 {
movieClip 219 {
movieClip 221 {
frame 1 {
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this.upg1._visible = true;
} else {
this.upg1._visible = false;
if (this._parent._parent['w_upg' + this._parent._currentframe] >= 2) {
this.upg2._visible = true;
} else {
this.upg2._visible = false;
frame 16 {
movieClip 223 {
movieClip 228 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 26 {
movieClip 234 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 40 {
movieClip 239 {
movieClip 241 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 7 {
movieClip 245 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 5 {
movieClip 248 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 32 {
movieClip 249 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 10 {
movieClip 252 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 4 {
movieClip 256 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
frame 25 {
movieClip 257 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 285 {
frame 1 {
this.visible = false;
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
frame 14 {
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
frame 22 {
frame 23 {
frame 24 {
frame 25 {
frame 30 {
frame 31 {
frame 32 {
frame 35 {
frame 36 {
frame 37 {
frame 38 {
frame 39 {
frame 40 {
movieClip 286 {
frame 20 {
frame 21 {
frame 23 {
frame 26 {
if (this.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (this.myi == 0) {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3 + 20));
} else {
if (this.myi == -1) {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3 + 35));
} else {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3 + 2));
frame 32 {
frame 48 {
movieClip 299 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
aso#27222 = Math.random() * 0.9 - 0.25;
this.aso#26251 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#94914 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 6 - 3;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 6 - 4;
if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 16 - 6;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 12 - 10;
this._xscale = 100 + Math.random() * 50;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.rspeed = Math.random() * 30 - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (!_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && this._y < 1000) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this._rotation += this.rspeed;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
if (! {
this._visible = false;
frame 50 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 310 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
aso#41984 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x - 20 + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
aso#86691 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + 20 + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
aso#44768 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y - 20 + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
aso#55354 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + 20 + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
if (aso#41984 || aso#86691 || aso#55354 || aso#44768) {
aso#28614 = 0;
aso#59951 = 0;
if (aso#41984 != aso#86691) {
aso#59951 = 0;
if (aso#41984) {
aso#28614 = 1;
} else {
aso#28614 = -1;
} else {
aso#28614 = 0;
if (aso#55354) {
aso#59951 = -1;
} else {
aso#59951 = 1;
k = 0;
while (k < _root.aso#94493 * 0.5 + 1) {
_root.aso#52991(this._x, this._y, 7, 5 - Math.random() * 10 + aso#28614 * 5, 5 - Math.random() * 10 + aso#59951 * 5);
} else {
_root.aso#52991(this._x, this._y, 7);
frame 11 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 315 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
this.aso#26251 = Math.random() * 6 - 3;
this.aso#94914 = -Math.random() * 2 - 2;
this.rspeed = Math.random() * 30 - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (this.disabled != true) {
if (this._currentframe == 1 && !_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && this._y < 1000) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
} else {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
this._x -= this.aso#26251;
this._y -= this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 = -this.aso#94914 * 0.5;
this._rotation += this.rspeed;
frame 3 {
this.rspeed += Math.random() * 90 - 45;
frame 21 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 317 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
this.aso#26251 = Math.random() * 6 - 3;
this.aso#94914 = -Math.random() * 2 - 2;
this.rspeed = Math.random() * 30 - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (this.disabled != true) {
if (this._currentframe == 1 && !_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && this._y < 1000) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 += 0.5;
} else {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 += 0.5;
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
this._x -= this.aso#26251;
this._y -= this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 = -this.aso#94914 * 0.25;
this._rotation += this.rspeed;
frame 3 {
this.rspeed += Math.random() * 60 - 30;
frame 21 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 322 {
movieClip 340 {
frame 1 {
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
frame 9 {
movieClip 342 {
frame 1 {
if (this + '' != '_level0.aso#75555.grenad') {
this.aso#72350 = _root.aso#21654(this._x, this._y, this.aso#26251, this.aso#94914, 0, true);
around[this.aso#72350] = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
this._x = _root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350];
this._y = _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350];
this._rotation = this._x;
} else {
this._visible = false;
frame 15 {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt != -1) {
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60);
if (aso#45610 < 300) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = true;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > this._x) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
frame 30 {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60);
if (aso#45610 < 300) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = true;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > this._x) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
frame 43 {
a = 0;
while (a < _root.aso#30427) {
if (this.aso#72350 != a) {
if (_root.aso#70958[a] == true || _root.aso#70958[a] == false) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#00903[a], _root.aso#82936[a]);
if (aso#45610 < 200) {
_root.aso#70958[a] = true;
_root.aso#57588[a] -= ((this._x - _root.aso#00903[a]) / aso#45610) * (200 - aso#45610) * 0.3;
_root.aso#51599[a] -= ((this._y - _root.aso#82936[a]) / aso#45610) * (200 - aso#45610) * 0.3;
_root.aso#70958[this.aso#72350] = 2;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 != 0 || aso#06892 == 0) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60);
if (aso#45610 < 200) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'barrel');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 160;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'all';
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= ((this._x - _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x) / aso#45610) * (250 - aso#45610) * 0.1 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= ((this._y - (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60)) / aso#45610) * (250 - aso#45610) * 0.1 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt = 0;
if (aso#45610 < 400) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = true;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._y) < 200) {
_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947].gotoAndPlay(4);
frame 53 {
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 349 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
aso#27222 = Math.random() * 0.8 - 0.3;
this.aso#26251 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#94914 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 6 - 3;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 6 - 4;
if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 16 - 6;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 12 - 10;
this._xscale = 100 + Math.random() * 50;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.rspeed = Math.random() * 30 - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (!_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && this._y < 1000) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this._rotation += this.rspeed;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
if (! {
this._visible = false;
frame 30 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 353 {
movieClip 354 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 359 {
frame 1 {
if (this + '' != '_level0.aso#75555.rocket') {
this.aso#72350 = _root.aso#21654(this._x + this.aso#26251, this._y + this.aso#94914, this.aso#26251 + this.aso#26801, this.aso#94914 + this.aso#58138);
this.aso#54383 = _root.aso#21654(this._x - this.aso#26251, this._y - this.aso#94914, this.aso#26251 + this.aso#26801, this.aso#94914 + this.aso#58138);
_root.aso#08284(this.aso#72350, this.aso#54383, 0, 20);
this.lasdis = _root.aso#03687(_root.aso#51599[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#51599[this.aso#54383], _root.aso#57588[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#57588[this.aso#54383], 0, 0);
powe = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (this._currentframe < 102) {
this.aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(_root.aso#51599[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#51599[this.aso#54383], _root.aso#57588[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#57588[this.aso#54383], 0, 0);
if (Math.abs(this.aso#45610 - this.lasdis) > 15) {
this.lasdis = this.aso#45610;
this._x = _root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350];
this._y = _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350];
this._rotation = 90 + (Math.atan2(_root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] - _root.aso#82936[this.aso#54383], _root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] - _root.aso#00903[this.aso#54383]) / Math.PI) * 180;
if (this._currentframe < 40) {
_root.aso#57588[this.aso#54383] += (_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] - _root.aso#00903[this.aso#54383]) * 0.2;
_root.aso#51599[this.aso#54383] += (_root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] - _root.aso#82936[this.aso#54383]) * 0.2;
_root.aso#57588[this.aso#72350] += (_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] - _root.aso#00903[this.aso#54383]) * 0.2;
_root.aso#51599[this.aso#72350] += (_root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] - _root.aso#82936[this.aso#54383]) * 0.2;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947].hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#57588[this.aso#72350] = 0;
_root.aso#51599[this.aso#72350] = 0;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (aso#06892 != this.aso#36416) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + this.aso#36416].aso#64969 == _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 != 3 || _root.aso#75555['player' + this.aso#36416].aso#64969 != _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._y, true) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#54383] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#54383] + _root.aso#75555._y, true) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest((_root.aso#00903[this.aso#54383] + _root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350]) / 2 + _root.aso#75555._x, (_root.aso#82936[this.aso#54383] + _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350]) / 2 + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#57588[this.aso#72350] = 0;
_root.aso#51599[this.aso#72350] = 0;
} else {
this._visible = false;
frame 101 {
frame 102 {
a = 0;
while (a < _root.aso#30427) {
if (_root.aso#70958[a] == true || _root.aso#70958[a] == false) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#00903[a], _root.aso#82936[a]);
if (aso#45610 < 100) {
_root.aso#70958[a] = true;
_root.aso#57588[a] -= ((this._x - _root.aso#00903[a]) / aso#45610) * (100 - aso#45610) * 0.5;
_root.aso#51599[a] -= ((this._y - _root.aso#82936[a]) / aso#45610) * (100 - aso#45610) * 0.5;
_root.aso#70958[this.aso#72350] = 2;
_root.aso#70958[this.aso#54383] = 2;
aso#41984 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] - 20 + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
aso#86691 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] + 20 + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
aso#44768 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] - 20 + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
aso#55354 = _root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#00903[this.aso#72350] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[this.aso#72350] + 20 + _root.aso#75555._y, true);
if (aso#41984 || aso#86691 || aso#55354 || aso#44768) {
aso#28614 = 0;
aso#59951 = 0;
if (aso#41984 != aso#86691) {
aso#59951 = 0;
if (aso#41984) {
aso#28614 = 1;
} else {
aso#28614 = -1;
} else {
aso#28614 = 0;
if (aso#55354) {
aso#59951 = -1;
} else {
aso#59951 = 1;
k = 0;
while (k < 5) {
_root.aso#52991(this._x, this._y, 7, 10 - Math.random() * 20 + aso#28614 * 10, 10 - Math.random() * 20 + aso#59951 * 10);
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#06892 == this.aso#36416 || _root.aso#75555['player' + this.aso#36416].aso#64969 == _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 != 3 || _root.aso#75555['player' + this.aso#36416].aso#64969 != _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60);
if (aso#45610 < 100) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'rocket', 15 - Math.random() * 30, 15 - Math.random() * 30);
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'rocket', 15 - Math.random() * 30, 15 - Math.random() * 30);
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'rocket', 15 - Math.random() * 30, 15 - Math.random() * 30);
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'rocket', 15 - Math.random() * 30, 15 - Math.random() * 30);
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'rocket', 15 - Math.random() * 30, 15 - Math.random() * 30);
pwr = _root.aso#03687(_root.aso#57588[this.aso#54383], _root.aso#51599[this.aso#54383], 0, 0);
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
if ( == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 50 + (pwr / 37) * 100;
if ( == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 100 + (pwr / 37) * 100;
if ( == 3) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 150 + (pwr / 37) * 100;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 200 + (pwr / 37) * 100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'all';
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += _root.aso#57588[this.aso#54383] * 0.5 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 += _root.aso#51599[this.aso#54383] * 0.5 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt = this.aso#36416;
if (aso#45610 < 300) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 = true;
aso#76947 = 0;
while (aso#76947 < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947]._y) < 100) {
_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#76947].gotoAndPlay(4);
frame 110 {
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 362 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y -= 1;
frame 21 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 367 {
frame 1 {
if (this + '' != '_level0.aso#75555.rock') {
this.kill = false;
if (this.aso#26251 == undefined) {
this.aso#26251 = Math.random() * 10 - 5;
this.aso#94914 = Math.random() * 10 - 5;
this.rspeed = Math.random() * 30 - 15;
this.out = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (this.disabled != true) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
if (this.out) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
this._y -= this.aso#94914;
this.aso#94914 *= -0.3;
this.aso#26251 *= 0.5;
} else {
if (!_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
this.out = true;
this._rotation += this.rspeed;
frame 16 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
movieClip 371 {
movieClip 377 {
movieClip 383 {
movieClip 390 {
movieClip 395 {
movieClip 406 {
frame 1 {
this.visible = false;
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
frame 12 {
frame 13 {
movieClip 408 {
frame 20 {
frame 23 {
frame 26 {
if (this.aso#69566 > 0) {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3 + 2));
frame 32 {
frame 48 {
movieClip 414 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 420 {
frame 1 {
frame 15 {
movieClip 424 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 428 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 435 {
movieClip 444 {
frame 1 {
this.visible = false;
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
frame 11 {
frame 12 {
movieClip 445 {
frame 20 {
frame 23 {
frame 26 {
if (this.aso#69566 > 0) {
this.sou.gotoAndStop(Math.round(Math.random() * 3 + 2));
frame 32 {
frame 48 {
movieClip 456 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
aso#27222 = Math.random() * 1.8 - 0.5;
this.aso#26251 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#94914 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 6 - 3;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 6 - 4;
if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 16 - 6;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 12 - 10;
this._xscale = 100 + Math.random() * 50;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.rspeed = Math.random() * 30 - 15;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (!_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && this._y < 1000) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this._rotation += this.rspeed;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
if (! {
this._visible = false;
frame 50 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 461 {
frame 1 {
this.kill = false;
aso#27222 = Math.random() * 0.8 - 0.3;
this.aso#26251 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#94914 *= aso#27222;
this.aso#26251 += Math.random() * 6 - 3;
this.aso#94914 += Math.random() * 6 - 4;
this._xscale = 100 + Math.random() * 50;
this._yscale = this._xscale;
this._rotation = Math.random() * 360;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (!_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(this._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && this._y < 1000) {
this._x += this.aso#26251;
this._y += this.aso#94914;
this._rotation = (-Math.atan2(this.aso#26251, this.aso#94914) / Math.PI) * 180;
this.aso#94914 += _root.aso#70537;
} else {
frame 10 {
this.kill = true;
this._x = 0;
this._y = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 464 {
frame 1 {
if (this + '' != '_level0.aso#75555.rate') {
this._visible = false;
this._alpha = 0;
frame 2 {
this.inr.htmlText = this.cnt;
this.sp = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._y -= 1;
if (this.sp) {
if (this._alpha < 100) {
this._alpha += 30;
} else {
this._alpha = 100;
this.sp = false;
} else {
if (this._alpha > 0) {
this._alpha -= 30;
} else {
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
this._visible = false;
movieClip 487 {
movieClip 491 {
movieClip 493 {
movieClip 495 {
movieClip 502 {
frame 1 {
this.cols = true;
frame 4 {
function rer() {
return Math.random() * 6 - 3;
aso#75134 = -2 + Math.random() * 4;
aso#06471 = -5 + Math.random() * 4;
this.point3 = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y + 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point4 = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y + 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point5 = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point6 = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
aso#06892aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892aso#06892 < 2) {
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point4, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point5, this.point6, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point6, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4, this.point5, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point5, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4, this.point6, 0);
this.point3b = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y - 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point4b = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y - 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point5b = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point6b = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
aso#06892aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892aso#06892 < 2) {
_root.aso#08284(this.point3b, this.point4b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point5b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4b, this.point5b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3b, this.point5b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point3b, 1);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4, this.point4b, 1);
gl = new Array();
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 6) {
gl[aso#06892] = _root.aso#21654(this._x + this['glass' + aso#06892]._x, this._y + this['glass' + aso#06892]._y, this.rer() * 4, this.rer() * 2);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
spok = true;
if (_root.aso#70958[this.point3] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point4] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point5] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point6] == 1) {
spok = false;
aso#79731 = (_root.aso#00903[this.point5] + _root.aso#00903[this.point6]) / 2;
aso#12460 = (_root.aso#82936[this.point5] + _root.aso#82936[this.point6]) / 2;
this.aso#04658._x = aso#79731 - this._x;
this.aso#04658._y = aso#12460 - this._y;
this.aso#04658._rotation = (-Math.atan2(_root.aso#00903[this.point3] - _root.aso#00903[this.point4], _root.aso#82936[this.point3] - _root.aso#82936[this.point4]) / Math.PI) * 180 - 90;
if (_root.aso#70958[this.point3b] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point4b] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point5b] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point6b] == 1) {
spok = false;
aso#79731 = (_root.aso#00903[this.point5b] + _root.aso#00903[this.point6b]) / 2;
aso#12460 = (_root.aso#82936[this.point5b] + _root.aso#82936[this.point6b]) / 2;
this.aso#35995._x = aso#79731 - this._x;
this.aso#35995._y = aso#12460 - this._y;
this.aso#35995._rotation = (-Math.atan2(_root.aso#00903[this.point3b] - _root.aso#00903[this.point4b], _root.aso#82936[this.point3b] - _root.aso#82936[this.point4b]) / Math.PI) * 180 + 90;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 6) {
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] == 1) {
spok = false;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] - this._x;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] - this._y;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._rotation = this['glass' + aso#06892]._x * 3;
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#57588[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.9) {
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#51599[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.9) {
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 0;
} else {
if (this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha > 0) {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha -= 5;
spok = false;
} else {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
if (spok) {
if (!this.cacheAsBitmap) {
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this._alpha -= 5;
if (this._alpha < 0) {
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = 1;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.aso#30427) {
if (_root.aso#70958[a] == true || _root.aso#70958[a] == false) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#00903[a], _root.aso#82936[a]);
if (aso#45610 < 200) {
_root.aso#70958[a] = true;
this.p = 0.3;
if (a == this.point3 || a == this.point4 || a == this.point5 || a == this.point6 || a == this.point3b || a == this.point4b || a == this.point5b || a == this.point6b) {
this.p = 0.05 + Math.random() * 0.05;
_root.aso#57588[a] -= ((this._x - _root.aso#00903[a]) / aso#45610) * (200 - aso#45610) * this.p;
_root.aso#51599[a] -= ((this._y - _root.aso#82936[a]) / aso#45610) * (200 - aso#45610) * this.p;
aso#19841 = 0;
while (aso#19841 < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.aso#03687(_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841]._y, this._x, this._y) < 150) {
_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841].gotoAndPlay(4);
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60);
if (aso#45610 < 200) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'barrel');
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'barrel');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 200;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'all';
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= ((this._x - _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x) / aso#45610) * (300 - aso#45610) * 0.15 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= ((this._y - (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60)) / aso#45610) * (300 - aso#45610) * 0.15 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
frame 15 {
movieClip 505 {
movieClip 506 {
movieClip 507 {
movieClip 513 {
movieClip 519 {
movieClip 521 {
movieClip 526 {
frame 1 {
this.cols = true;
frame 4 {
function rer() {
return Math.random() * 6 - 3;
aso#75134 = -2 + Math.random() * 4;
aso#06471 = -5 + Math.random() * 4;
this.point3 = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y + 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point4 = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y + 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point5 = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point6 = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
aso#06892aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892aso#06892 < 2) {
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point4, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point5, this.point6, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point6, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4, this.point5, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point5, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4, this.point6, 0);
this.point3b = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y - 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point4b = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y - 18, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point5b = _root.aso#21654(this._x - 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
this.point6b = _root.aso#21654(this._x + 10, this._y, aso#75134 + this.rer(), aso#06471 + this.rer());
aso#06892aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892aso#06892 < 2) {
_root.aso#08284(this.point3b, this.point4b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point5b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4b, this.point5b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3b, this.point5b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4b, this.point6b, 0);
_root.aso#08284(this.point5, this.point5b, 4);
_root.aso#08284(this.point6, this.point6b, 4);
_root.aso#08284(this.point3, this.point3b, 1);
_root.aso#08284(this.point4, this.point4b, 1);
gl = new Array();
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 6) {
gl[aso#06892] = _root.aso#21654(this._x + this['glass' + aso#06892]._x, this._y + this['glass' + aso#06892]._y, this.rer() * 4, this.rer() * 2);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
spok = true;
if (_root.aso#70958[this.point3] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point4] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point5] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point6] == 1) {
spok = false;
aso#79731 = (_root.aso#00903[this.point5] + _root.aso#00903[this.point6]) / 2;
aso#12460 = (_root.aso#82936[this.point5] + _root.aso#82936[this.point6]) / 2;
this.aso#04658._x = aso#79731 - this._x;
this.aso#04658._y = aso#12460 - this._y;
this.aso#04658._rotation = (-Math.atan2(_root.aso#00903[this.point3] - _root.aso#00903[this.point4], _root.aso#82936[this.point3] - _root.aso#82936[this.point4]) / Math.PI) * 180 - 90;
if (_root.aso#70958[this.point3b] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point4b] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point5b] == 1 || _root.aso#70958[this.point6b] == 1) {
spok = false;
aso#79731 = (_root.aso#00903[this.point5b] + _root.aso#00903[this.point6b]) / 2;
aso#12460 = (_root.aso#82936[this.point5b] + _root.aso#82936[this.point6b]) / 2;
this.aso#35995._x = aso#79731 - this._x;
this.aso#35995._y = aso#12460 - this._y;
this.aso#35995._rotation = (-Math.atan2(_root.aso#00903[this.point3b] - _root.aso#00903[this.point4b], _root.aso#82936[this.point3b] - _root.aso#82936[this.point4b]) / Math.PI) * 180 + 90;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 6) {
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] == 1) {
spok = false;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] - this._x;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] - this._y;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._rotation = this['glass' + aso#06892]._x * 3;
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] != 2) {
aso#47002 = 0;
while (aso#47002 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].hitTest(_root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]], _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]], _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#14273, 'glass');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 -= 10;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#35024 = 'all';
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 2;
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#57588[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.9) {
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#51599[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.9) {
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 2;
} else {
if (this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha > 0) {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha -= 5;
spok = false;
} else {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
if (spok) {
if (!this.cacheAsBitmap) {
this.cacheAsBitmap = true;
this._alpha -= 5;
if (this._alpha < 0) {
this._visible = false;
this.onEnterFrame = 1;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.aso#30427) {
if (_root.aso#70958[a] == true || _root.aso#70958[a] == false) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#00903[a], _root.aso#82936[a]);
if (aso#45610 < 150) {
_root.aso#70958[a] = true;
this.p = 0.3;
if (a == this.point3 || a == this.point4 || a == this.point5 || a == this.point6 || a == this.point3b || a == this.point4b || a == this.point5b || a == this.point6b) {
this.p = 0.05 + Math.random() * 0.05;
_root.aso#57588[a] -= ((this._x - _root.aso#00903[a]) / aso#45610) * (150 - aso#45610) * this.p;
_root.aso#51599[a] -= ((this._y - _root.aso#82936[a]) / aso#45610) * (150 - aso#45610) * this.p;
aso#19841 = 0;
while (aso#19841 < _root.barrelstotal) {
if (_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841]._currentframe < 4) {
if (_root.aso#03687(_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841]._x, _root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841]._y, this._x, this._y) < 150) {
_root.aso#75555['barrel' + aso#19841].gotoAndPlay(4);
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#45610 = _root.aso#03687(this._x, this._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60);
if (aso#45610 < 100) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 80 + Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'barrel');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 150;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'all';
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= ((this._x - _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x) / aso#45610) * (200 - aso#45610) * 0.15 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= ((this._y - (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 60)) / aso#45610) * (200 - aso#45610) * 0.15 * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].easymove;
frame 15 {
movieClip 529 {
movieClip 535 {
movieClip 538 {
movieClip 540 {
frame 1 {
frame 11 {
movieClip 542 {
movieClip 547 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
k = 0;
while (k < 10) {
_root.aso#52991(this._x, this._y, 7, Math.random() * 20 - 10, Math.random() * 10);
gl = new Array();
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 6) {
gl[aso#06892] = _root.aso#21654(this._x + this['glass' + aso#06892]._x, this._y + this['glass' + aso#06892]._y, Math.random() * 20 - 10, Math.random() * 10);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
spok = true;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 6) {
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] == 1) {
spok = false;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] - this._x;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] - this._y;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._rotation = this['glass' + aso#06892]._x * 3;
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] != 2) {
aso#47002 = 0;
while (aso#47002 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].hitTest(_root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]], _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]], _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#14273, 'glass');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 -= 10;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#35024 = 'all';
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 2;
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#57588[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.4) {
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#51599[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.4) {
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 2;
} else {
if (this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha > 0) {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha -= 5;
spok = false;
} else {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
if (spok) {
this.onEnterFrame = 1;
frame 7 {
movieClip 549 {
movieClip 551 {
frame 1 {
if (_root._currentframe != 3 || _root.aso#75555._currentframe != 1) {
frame 2 {
_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha = 0;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
_root.aso#75555.player0._x = this._x;
_root.aso#75555.player0._y = this._y;
frame 11 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha < 100) {
_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha += 10;
} else {
_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha = 100;
frame 22 {
_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha = 100;
this.onEnterFrame = 0;
movieClip 553 {
frame 1 {
this._visible = false;
movieClip 560 {
frame 1 {
frame 30 {
frame 60 {
frame 95 {
movieClip 564 {
movieClip 565 {
movieClip 569 {
movieClip 572 {
movieClip 577 {
movieClip 579 {
frame 1 {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this)) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > this._x - 30) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x < this._x + 30) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > this._x) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = this._x + 30;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = this._x - 30;
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251) > 8) {
if (this._currentframe < 3) {
this.gotoAndStop(this._currentframe + 1);
} else {
if (this._currentframe == 3) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = -_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 0.5;
frame 4 {
this._xscale = 100;
this._yscale = 100;
gl = new Array();
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 14) {
gl[aso#06892] = _root.aso#21654(this._x + this['glass' + aso#06892]._x, this._y + this['glass' + aso#06892]._y, Math.random() * 20 - 10, Math.random() * 10);
this['glass' + aso#06892].ori = this['glass' + aso#06892]._rotation;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
spok = true;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= 14) {
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] == 1) {
spok = false;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] - this._x;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._y = _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] - this._y;
this['glass' + aso#06892]._rotation = this['glass' + aso#06892]._x * 3 + this['glass' + aso#06892].ori;
if (_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] != 2) {
aso#47002 = 0;
while (aso#47002 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].hitTest(_root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]] + _root.aso#75555._x, _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]] + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#00903[gl[aso#06892]], _root.aso#82936[gl[aso#06892]], _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#14273, 'glass');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 -= 20;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#47002].aso#35024 = 'all';
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 2;
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#57588[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.4) {
if (Math.abs(_root.aso#51599[gl[aso#06892]]) < 0.4) {
_root.aso#70958[gl[aso#06892]] = 2;
} else {
if (this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha > 0) {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._alpha -= 5;
spok = false;
} else {
this['glass' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
if (spok) {
this.onEnterFrame = 1;
frame 7 {
movieClip 582 {
movieClip 584 {
movieClip 585 {
movieClip 589 {
movieClip 593 {
movieClip 594 {
movieClip 598 {
movieClip 601 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 603 {
movieClip 604 {
movieClip 605 {
movieClip 610 {
movieClip 612 {
movieClip 613 {
movieClip 615 {
movieClip 616 {
movieClip 618 {
movieClip 620 {
movieClip 621 {
movieClip 623 {
movieClip 624 {
movieClip 629 {
movieClip 631 {
movieClip 633 {
movieClip 634 {
movieClip 637 {
movieClip 641 {
movieClip 645 {
movieClip 650 {
frame 4 {
if ( && _root.aso#75555.player0._alpha < 10 && _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if ( {
aso#99090 = ( / 180) * Math.PI;
aso#15665 = (Math.cos(aso#99090) * 10 / 100) * _root.aso#75555.player0._xscale;
aso#41013 = (Math.sin(aso#99090) * 10 / 100) * _root.aso#75555.player0._xscale;
_root.aso#98669( +, +, 0, 4, aso#15665, aso#41013);
} else {
frame 8 {
movieClip 651 {
movieClip 654 {
movieClip 656 {
movieClip 657 {
movieClip 661 {
movieClip 667 {
movieClip 669 {
movieClip 672 {
frame 1 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {;
frame 4 {
k = 0;
while (k < 10) {
_root.aso#52991(this._x, this._y, 7, 20 - Math.random() * 40, 20 - Math.random() * 40);
frame 13 {
movieClip 678 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_root.aso#67332('Radio: Technics has detected. Scanning...');
frame 3 {
_root.aso#67332('Radio: Alert. Enemy technics detected. Destroy this...');
frame 4 {
_root.aso#67332('Radio: Activate full power!..');
frame 5 {
_root.aso#67332('Radio: Warning! Tactical retreat!..');
movieClip 700 {
movieClip 701 {
movieClip 704 {
movieClip 705 {
movieClip 708 {
movieClip 710 {
movieClip 711 {
movieClip 713 {
movieClip 714 {
movieClip 717 {
movieClip 719 {
movieClip 720 {
movieClip 728 {
movieClip 729 {
frame 1 {
movieClip 732 {
movieClip 733 {
movieClip 735 {
movieClip 737 {
movieClip 739 {
movieClip 741 {
movieClip 743 {
movieClip 749 {
movieClip 750 {
frame 19 {
if (this.dead == false) {
if ( == false) {
} else {
frame 49 {
if (this.dead == false) {
if (Math.abs(this._x - _root.aso#75555.player0._x) > 400 && (Math.abs(this._x - _root.aso#75555.player1._x) > 400 || _root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 <= 0)) {
if ( {
} else {
} else {
frame 76 {
if (this.dead == false) {
if (Math.abs(this._x - _root.aso#75555.player0._x) > 400 && (Math.abs(this._x - _root.aso#75555.player1._x) > 400 || _root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 <= 0)) {
} else {
} else {
frame 77 {
frame 86 {
_root.aso#52991(this._x + this.leg_lower2._x, this._y + this.leg_lower2._y, 11);
_root.aso#52991(this._x + this.leg_lower2._x, this._y + this.leg_lower2._y, 11);
_root.aso#52991(this._x + this.leg_lower2._x, this._y + this.leg_lower2._y, 11);
frame 110 {
movieClip 751 {
frame 1 {
frame 1 {
if (this._currentframe == 1) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
hinttot = 4;
hintok = new Array();
hmessag = new Array();
hmessag[0] = 'Try to shun enemy\'s shots with jumping and crouch.';
hmessag[1] = 'You can throw grenades with the \'\'G\'\', \'\'ENTER\'\', or \'Q\' button.';
hmessag[2] = 'This is a medikit. Pick it up to restore 25 Hit Points.';
hmessag[3] = 'Do not forget to go to the weapon store.';
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < hinttot) {
this['h' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
hintok[aso#06892] = true;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 10;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop = true;
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2.999);
if (r == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(6);
if (r == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(7);
if (r == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(8);
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < hinttot) {
if (hintok[aso#06892]) {
if (this['h' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.player0)) {
if (aso#06892 != 3) {
hintok[aso#06892] = false;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.but0) && _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#24438 = true;
} else {
aso#24438 = false;
if (aso#24438) {
if (this.colmap.box33._yscale > 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 1 || this.door1._currentframe == 60) {
this.colmap.box33._yscale = 0;
} else {
if (this.colmap.box33._yscale == 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 30) {
this.colmap.box33._yscale = 130;
frame 2 {
if (this._currentframe == 2) {
_root.aso#75555.speedup._visible = false;
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].opentop = true;
r = Math.floor(Math.random() * 2.999);
if (r == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(6);
if (r == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(7);
if (r == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 140;
if (aso#06892 == 5) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 0;
hinttot = 4;
hintok = new Array();
hmessag = new Array();
hmessag[0] = 'You can swap Your weapon with numbers and mouse wheel.';
hmessag[1] = 'This thing will hoist You.';
hmessag[2] = 'Shoot in the head is the fastest way to kill.';
hmessag[3] = 'You can go crouch with \'\'S\'\', \'\'Shift\'\', or \'\'Down\'\' button.';
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < hinttot) {
this['h' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
hintok[aso#06892] = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < hinttot) {
if (hintok[aso#06892]) {
if (this['h' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.player0)) {
if (aso#06892 != 3) {
hintok[aso#06892] = false;
aso#06892 = 0;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 *= 0.99;
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= 0.2;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 0.2;
frame 3 {
if (this._currentframe == 3) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
if (aso#06892 == 2 || aso#06892 == 4 || aso#06892 == 10) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555.speedup._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.speedup2._visible = false;
liftmoving = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.colmap.box10)) {
liftmoving = true;
if (liftmoving) {
if (!this.colmap.box11.hitTest(this.colmap.box10)) {
this.colmap.box10._y += 2;
this.colmap.box30._y += 2;
this.lift._y = this.colmap.box10._y;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.colmap.box10)) {
_root.aso#75555.player0._y += 2;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#94914 = (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#94914 + 2) / 2;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.colmap.box12)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 0;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 *= 0.99;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = Math.min(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914, 1);
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= 0.2;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 0.2;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.but0) && _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#24438 = true;
} else {
aso#24438 = false;
if (aso#24438) {
if (this.colmap.box31._yscale > 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 1 || this.door1._currentframe == 60) {
this.colmap.box31._yscale = 0;
} else {
if (this.colmap.box31._yscale == 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 30) {
this.colmap.box31._yscale = 130;
frame 4 {
if (this._currentframe == 4) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
if (aso#06892 == 1 || aso#06892 == 4 || aso#06892 == 6 || aso#06892 == 12) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
if (aso#06892 >= 15) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#57167.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#88504.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt = 0;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
aso#24438 = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.but0)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#24438 = true;
if (aso#24438) {
if (this.colmap.box7._yscale > 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 1 || this.door1._currentframe == 60) {
this.colmap.box7._yscale = 0;
} else {
if (this.colmap.box7._yscale == 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 30) {
this.colmap.box7._yscale = 130;
frame 5 {
if (this._currentframe == 5) {
this.but0._visible = false;
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(1);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg1 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 400;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(11);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 3;
aso#24438 = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.but0) && _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
aso#24438 = true;
} else {
aso#24438 = false;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg0)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, this.kill_reg0._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', -4 + Math.random() * 8, -4 + Math.random() * 8);
if (aso#24438) {
if (this.colmap.box13._yscale > 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 1 || this.door1._currentframe == 60) {
this.colmap.box13._yscale = 0;
} else {
if (this.colmap.box13._yscale == 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 30) {
this.colmap.box13._yscale = 130;
frame 6 {
if (this._currentframe == 6) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
this.h1._visible = false;
this.h2._visible = false;
this.h3._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 400;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(11);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 3;
aso#24438 = false;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
frame 7 {
if (this._currentframe == 7) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 400;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 3;
frame 8 {
if (this._currentframe == 8) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(5);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {};
frame 9 {
if (this._currentframe == 9) {
_root.aso#75555.speedup1._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.speedup2._visible = false;
this.colmap._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg0._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this.kill_reg0._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg1._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this.kill_reg1._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
if (!_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.hitTest(this.kill_reg0._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this.kill_reg0._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true) && !_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.hitTest(this.kill_reg1._x + _root.aso#75555._x, this.kill_reg1._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, this.kill_reg0._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', -4 + Math.random() * 8, -4 + Math.random() * 8);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, this.kill_reg2._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', -4 + Math.random() * 8, -4 + Math.random() * 8);
aso#06892 = 0;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup1) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 *= 0.99;
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= 0.2;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 0.2;
frame 10 {
if (this._currentframe == 10) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player3.myi = -1;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 2;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
if (aso#06892 == 3) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 500;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 8;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
frame 11 {
function ActivateDrone() {
aso#06892 = this.curdrone;
this.drones = 38;
trace('>>> ' + aso#06892);
if (this.curdrone < this.drones) {
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0 = _root.aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y, 0, 0);
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1 = _root.aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y - 19, 0, 0);
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2 = _root.aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y + 19, 0, 0);
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p3 = _root.aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x - 23, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y, 0, 0);
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p4 = _root.aso#21654(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x + 23, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y, 0, 0);
aso#20262 = _root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p3, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p4, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p3, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p4, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p3, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p3, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p4, 0);
_root.aso#08284(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p4, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1, 0);
_root.aso#17057[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] = 2;
_root.aso#17057[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1] = 2;
_root.aso#17057[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2] = 2;
_root.aso#17057[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p3] = 2;
_root.aso#17057[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p4] = 2;
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].turnon = true;
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 100;
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._visible = true;
_root.aso#51178(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892], aso#20262, 0, 1);
if (this._currentframe == 11) {
this.curdrone = 0;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < this.drones) {
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._visible = false;
_root.grenades = 0;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player0.w_upg2 = 2;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 1600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
bgstartx = _root.aso#75555.backgroundd._x;
aso#18449 = 0;
way = 0;
_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha = 0;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = 1000;
_root.playerhmax = 1000;
swich3 = true;
swich2 = true;
swich1 = true;
swich0 = true;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (this._currentframe == 11) {
if (swich2) {
if (way > 300) {
swich2 = false;
if (swich0) {
if (way > 1000) {
swich0 = false;
if (swich1) {
if (way > 15000) {
swich1 = false;
if (swich3) {
if (way > 21000) {
if (way < 22000) {
if (aso#18449 < 10) {
aso#18449 += 0.1;
} else {
aso#18449 = 10;
} else {
if (aso#18449 > 0) {
aso#18449 -= 0.2;
} else {
aso#18449 = 0;
this.end._x = _root.aso#75555.player0._x;
this.end._y = _root.aso#75555.player0._y;
way += aso#18449;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577._currentframe != 7) {
_root.aso#75555.backgroundd._x -= Math.round(aso#18449);
if (_root.aso#75555.backgroundd._x < bgstartx - 509) {
_root.aso#75555.backgroundd._x += 509;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555.player0._x = - 6;
_root.aso#75555.player0._y = + 50;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#26251 = aso#18449;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#94914 = 0; = (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#63577._rotation / 100) * _root.aso#75555.player0._xscale; = _root.aso#75555.player0._xscale;
} else {
_root.aso#75555.player0._alpha = 100;
} += aso#18449 * 1.6; += aso#18449 * 1.6; = 18.1 + Math.random(); = 18.1 + Math.random(); = -34.3 - Math.random();
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < this.drones) {
if (_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].turnon) {
if (_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#51599[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] *= 0.9;
_root.aso#57588[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] *= 0.9;
if (_root.aso#82936[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] > 550) {
_root.aso#51599[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] -= _root.aso#70537 * 6;
if (_root.aso#82936[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] > 650) {
_root.aso#51599[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] -= _root.aso#70537 * 6;
if (_root.aso#00903[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] < 0) {
_root.aso#57588[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] += 3;
if (_root.aso#00903[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] > 800) {
_root.aso#57588[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] -= 3;
aso#23046 = Math.atan2(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x - _root.aso#75555.player0._x, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y - _root.aso#75555.player0._y);
_root.aso#57588[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2] -= Math.sin(aso#23046) * 5;
_root.aso#51599[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p2] -= Math.cos(aso#23046) * 5;
_root.aso#57588[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1] += Math.sin(aso#23046) * 5;
_root.aso#51599[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p1] += Math.cos(aso#23046) * 5;
if (_root.aso#00903[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] > 0) {
if (_root.aso#00903[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].p0] < 800) {
aso#99090 = (-_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._rotation / 180) * Math.PI;
aso#15665 = Math.sin(aso#99090) * 10;
aso#41013 = Math.cos(aso#99090) * 10;
if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay(2);
_root.aso#98669(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x + aso#41013, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y + aso#15665, 2, 1, aso#15665, aso#41013);
_root.aso#98669(_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._x - aso#41013, _root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]._y - aso#15665, 2, 1, aso#15665, aso#41013);
pl = 0;
while (pl < _root.pulsmax) {
if (_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible == true) {
aso#32240 = _root.aso#75555['pl' + pl];
aso#32240._x -= aso#18449;
if ( + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
if (aso#32240.aso#36416 != 0) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 0);
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 11);
_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 -= 10 * aso#32240.aso#27643;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < this.drones) {
if (_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].turnon) {
if (_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (aso#32240.aso#36416 == 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].hitTest(aso#32240)) {
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 20 * aso#32240.aso#27643;
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 11);
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 0);
_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible = false;
a = Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
_root.aso#57588[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]['p' + a]] += aso#32240.aso#15665 * aso#32240.aso#27643;
_root.aso#51599[_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892]['p' + a]] += aso#32240.aso#41013 * aso#32240.aso#27643;
if (_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].aso#69566 <= 0) {
_root.aso#75555['dr' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay(4);
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x -= aso#18449;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.hitTest( {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = aso#18449;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = -1;
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - Math.random() * 80, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'fall');
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 <= 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -100;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 -= 100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].gotoAndPlay('hurt');
aso#95885 = 0;
while (aso#95885 < _root.maxef) {
_root.aso#75555['p' + aso#95885]._x -= aso#18449;
a = 0;
while (a < _root.aso#30427) {
if (_root.aso#70958[a] == true || _root.aso#70958[a] == false) {
_root.aso#00903[a] -= aso#18449;
aso#20262 = 0;
while (aso#20262 < _root.aso#39200) {
if (_root.aso#00903[_root.aso#90317[aso#20262]] > -900) {
_root.aso#09255[aso#20262] = true;
_root.aso#61343[aso#20262] = 0;
frame 12 {
if (this._currentframe == 12) {
GO = true;
laseron = true;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player1.myi = -1;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 1600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
if (aso#06892 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 500;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 8;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 <= 0) {
_root.loose = 1;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (laseron) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg0) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg1) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y, _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273, 'shot_head', -4 + Math.random() * 8, -4 + Math.random() * 8);
aso#06892 = 0;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup1) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 2.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 *= 0.99;
aso#06892 = 1;
if (GO) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt == -1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0._y > 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y < 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
} else {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x < _root.aso#75555.player0._x - 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > _root.aso#75555.player0._x + 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 20, true)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 15, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 20, true) || !_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 5, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 100, true)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 3;
if (GO) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but0)) {
GO = false;
} else {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but1)) {
GO = true;
laseron = false;
this.kill_reg0._visible = false;
this.kill_reg1._visible = false;
this.kill_reg2._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 = 5000;
frame 13 {
if (this._currentframe == 13) {
_root.aso#75555.player1.myi = -1;
this.colmap._visible = false;
GO = true;
_root.aso#75555.speedup._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.speedup2._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 1600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
if (aso#06892 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 500;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 8;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 <= 0) {
_root.loose = 1;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg0) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg1) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 *= 0.99;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = Math.min(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914, 1);
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= 0.2;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 0.2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 0;
if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = -4;
if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 4;
if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(32)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 6;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#75555.speedup._x + 30;
aso#06892 = 1;
if (GO) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt == -1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x < _root.aso#75555.player0._x - 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > _root.aso#75555.player0._x + 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 20, true)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 15, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 20, true) || !_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 5, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 100, true)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 3;
if (GO) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but0)) {
GO = false;
} else {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x < -100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 20, true)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 15, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 20, true) || !_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 5, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 100, true)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 3;
frame 14 {
if (this._currentframe == 14) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player0.myi = -1;
_root.aso#75555.speedup._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.speedup2._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 1600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(12);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 8;
_root.playerhmax = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg0) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg1) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
aso#06892 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = Math.max(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251, 1);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup1)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = -70;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 0;
frame 15 {
if (this._currentframe == 15) {
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player0.myi = -1;
_root.aso#75555.speedup._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.speedup2._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 200;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 1600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(3);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(4);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 5;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(4);
if (aso#06892 == 0) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 8;
_root.playerhmax = 600;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 600;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup1)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = Math.max(-10, Math.min(_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914, 10));
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= 0.2;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 0.2;
aso#06892 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 -= 1.5;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 *= 0.99;
if (!stand) {
if ((Key.isDown(65) || Key.isDown(37)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 -= 0.2;
if ((Key.isDown(68) || Key.isDown(39)) && aso#06892 == 0 || aso#06892 != 0 && _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 += 0.2;
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.but0)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
this.speedup1._y = 85;
frame 16 {
if (this._currentframe == 16) {
this.fmustdie = false; = false; = false;
this.colmap._visible = false;
_root.aso#75555.player1.myi = -1;
GO = false;
aso#24438 = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#85720 = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#14273 == 2) {
if (aso#06892 == 5 || aso#06892 == 6 || aso#06892 == 7) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(2);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 9;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 *= 3;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(5);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg5 = 2;
if (aso#06892 == 1) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#64969 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = 500;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#63577.gotoAndStop(9);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#39621.gotoAndStop(13);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].body.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm1.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].arm2.gotoAndStop(8);
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#97698 = 8;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].w_upg3 = 1;
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.gunpaused) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 <= 0 && !this.fmustdie) {
_root.loose = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 <= 0 && this.fmustdie) {
_root.aso#75555.player1.deadtime = 0;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < _root.playerstot) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#91709 == true) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg0) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg1) || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(this.kill_reg2)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#69566 = -100;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#35024 = 'body';
aso#06892 = 0;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hitTest(_root.aso#75555.speedup)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 0;
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 0;
if (Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = -4;
if (Key.isDown(40) || Key.isDown(83)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#94914 = 4;
if (Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(32)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 = 6;
} else {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x = _root.aso#75555.speedup._x + 30;
aso#06892 = 1;
if (GO) {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].hunt == -1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 0) {
if ( {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
} else {
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x < _root.aso#75555.player0._x - 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 1;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x > _root.aso#75555.player0._x + 100) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 2;
if (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 1 || _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction == 2) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 20, true)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 15, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y - 20, true) || !_root.aso#75555.colmap.hitTest(_root.aso#75555._x + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._x + (_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction - 1.5) * _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].aso#26251 * 5, _root.aso#75555._y + _root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892]._y + 100, true)) {
_root.aso#75555['player' + aso#06892].botaction = 3;
if (!GO) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but0)) {
GO = true;
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but1)) {
if (this.fmustdie) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but4)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but4)) {
_root.aso#75555.end._x = _root.aso#75555.player0._x;
_root.aso#75555.end._y = _root.aso#75555.player0._y;
_root.aso#25830('Take an ally to ship with you');
if (! {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(_root.aso#75555.but3)) { = true;
} else {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if ( + 300 > _root.aso#75555.player0) {
_root.aso#75555.player0 = + 300;
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 > 0) {
if ( + 300 > _root.aso#75555.player1) {
_root.aso#75555.player1 = + 300;
if ( >= 20 && < 50) { += 3;
if (!aso#24438) {
if ( + 300 > -150 && + 300 < -100) { -= 3;
if ( + 300 > 598) { -= 3;
if ( >= 55 && < 70) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if ( {
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#26251 += 10;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#94914 -= 15;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 = -200; = false;
_root.aso#75555.player0.aso#35024 = 'body';
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555.player0._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555.player0._y - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#14273, 'shot_head', -4 + Math.random() * 8, -4 + Math.random() * 8);
if (_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 > 0) {
if ( {
_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#26251 += 10;
_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#94914 -= 15;
_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#69566 = 0;
_root.aso#75555.player1.aso#35024 = 'none';
_root.aso#66361(_root.aso#75555.player1._x - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555.player1._y - 20 + Math.random() * 40, _root.aso#75555.player1.aso#14273, 'shot_head', -4 + Math.random() * 8, -4 + Math.random() * 8);
this.fmustdie = true;
pl = 0;
while (pl < _root.pulsmax) {
if (_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible == true) {
aso#32240 = _root.aso#75555['pl' + pl];
if ( + _root.aso#75555._x, aso#32240._y + _root.aso#75555._y, true)) {
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 0);
_root.aso#52991(aso#32240._x, aso#32240._y, 11);
_root.aso#75555['pl' + pl]._visible = false;
if (Key.isDown(69)) {
if (_root.aso#75555.player0.hitTest(this.but2) && _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 > 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 30) {
aso#24438 = false;
if (this.door1._currentframe == 1 || this.door1._currentframe == 60 || this.door1._currentframe == 95) {
aso#24438 = true;
if (aso#24438) {
if (this.colmap.box32._yscale > 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 1 || this.door1._currentframe == 60 || this.door1._currentframe == 95) {
this.colmap.box32._yscale = 0;
} else {
if (this.colmap.box32._yscale == 0) {
if (this.door1._currentframe == 30) {
this.colmap.box32._yscale = 301;
if ( + 300 >= -100 && + 300 < 0) {
if (! {'die');
} = true;
} else {
frame 17 {
if (this._currentframe == 15) {
button 762 {
on (release) {
if (Key.isDown(17) || _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 <= 0) {
} else {
_root.aso#25830('<font color="#FFFF00">Hold CTRL when You press this button</font>');
button 764 {
on (release) {
if (Key.isDown(17) || _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 <= 0) {
} else {
_root.aso#25830('<font color="#FFFF00">Hold CTRL when You press this button</font>');
movieClip 777 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
_root.aso#25830('You picked a pistol');
frame 3 {
_root.aso#25830('You picked a rifle');
frame 4 {
_root.aso#25830('You picked a shot-gun');
frame 5 {
_root.aso#25830('You picked a rocket launcher');
frame 6 {
_root.aso#25830('You picked a plasma cannon');
movieClip 788 {
button 789 {
on (release) {
if (Key.isDown(17)) {
fscommand('fullscreen', true);
Stage.align = 'C';
Stage.scaleMode = 'noScale';
} else {
_root.aso#25830('<font color="#FFFF00">Hold CTRL when You press this button</font>');
button 794 {
on (release) {
if (Key.isDown(17)) {
fscommand('fullscreen', false);
Stage.align = 'C';
Stage.scaleMode = 'showAll';
} else {
_root.aso#25830('<font color="#FFFF00">Hold CTRL when You press this button</font>');
button 799 {
on (release) {
if (Key.isDown(17) || _root.aso#75555.player0.aso#69566 <= 0) {
getURL('', '_blank');
} else {
_root.aso#25830('<font color="#FFFF00">Hold CTRL when You press this button</font>');
frame 4 {
if (_root.aso#93101 == 2) {
_root.aso#61764._visible = true;
_root.score._visible = true;
_root.stat_money = _root.stat_kills * 7 + _root.stat_headshots * 3; = 'KILLS: ' + _root.stat_kills + '\nHEADSHOTS: ' + _root.stat_headshots + '\nSHOTS: ' + _root.stat_shots + '\n<font color="#FFFFFF">MONEY FOR COMPLETION THIS LEVEL: +$' + _root.stat_money + '</font>';
if (_root.stat_shots < 1) {
_root.stat_shots = 1;
}['lvl_score' +] = Math.round((_root.stat_kills + _root.stat_headshots) * 100 *;
if (['lvl_money' +] == undefined) {['lvl_money' +] = _root.stat_money;
} else {
if (['lvl_money' +] < _root.stat_money) {['lvl_money' +] = _root.stat_money;
_root.aso#93101 = 3;
_root.resu.htmlText =;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
button 802 {
on (release) {
_root.aso#87112 += 1;
if ( < _root.aso#87112) { = _root.aso#87112;
button 805 {
on (release) {
_root.fromshop = 4;
button 807 {
on (release) {
_root.aso#87112 += 1;
if ( < _root.aso#87112) { = _root.aso#87112;
frame 5 {
_root.aso#93101 = 4;
_root.aso#61764._visible = true;
_root.score._visible = true;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
_root.errortext.text = _root.whydead;
button 809 {
on (release) {
button 811 {
on (release) {
_root.fromshop = 5;
button 813 {
on (release) {
frame 6 {
_root.aso#93101 = 5;
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
button 815 {
on (release) {
frame 7 {
function aso#68724(num) {
to = Math.round(((_xmouse - 388) / 397) * 2 + 1);
if (num == 1) {
_root.aso#94493 = to;
if (num == 2) {
_root.aso#48394 = to;
if (num == 3) {
_root.aso#01874 = to;
if (num == 4) {
_root.aso#22625 = to;
} = _root.aso#94493; = _root.aso#48394; = _root.aso#01874; = _root.aso#22625;
_root.aso#93101 = 6;
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
_root.param1.onPress = function () {
_root.param2.onPress = function () {
_root.param3.onPress = function () {
_root.param4.onPress = function () {
if ( {
} else {
if ( {
} else {
if ( {
} else {
_root.chk1.onPress = function () {
if ( { = false;
} else { = true;
if ( {
} else {
_root.chk2.onPress = function () {
if ( { = false;
} else { = true;
if ( {
} else {
_root.chk3.onPress = function () {
if ( { = false;
} else { = true;
if ( {
} else {
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};
movieClip 828 {
movieClip 835 {
frame 8 {
_root.aso#93101 = 7;
_root.aso#61764._visible = true;
_root.score._visible = true;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < 18) {
_root['lv' + aso#06892].numm.text = aso#06892;
_root['lv' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(1);
if (aso#06892 > {
_root['lv' + aso#06892]._alpha = 50;
} else {
_root['lv' + aso#06892].onPress = function () {
fire = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 < 18) {
if (aso#06892 <= {
if (_root['lv' + aso#06892].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
if (fire) {
_root['lv' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
_root['lv' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(2);
} else {
_root['lv' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(1);
someListener.onMouseDown = function () {
fire = true;
someListener.onMouseUp = function () {
fire = false;
aso#06892 = 1;
while (aso#06892 <= {
if (_root['lv' + aso#06892].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
_root.aso#87112 = aso#06892;
movieClip 841 {
button 843 {
on (release) {
frame 9 {
function aso#38779(firstrb) {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 8) {
if (firstrb) {
if (aso#06892 != 0) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.lizt.item0, 'item' + aso#06892, aso#06892);
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].onPress = function () {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892]._y = _root.lizt.item0._y + 22 * aso#06892;
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(1);
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].l.text = labl[aso#06892];
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].r.text = '';
if (aso#06892 > 5 &&['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] < 1) {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].o.text = 'Important';
} else {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].o.text = '';
if (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] == -1) {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].l.text += ' (none)';
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].r.text = 'Buy ($' + buy[aso#06892] + ')';
} else {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].l.text += ' (' + (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] + 1) + '/' + (mxlevel[aso#06892] + 1) + ' level)';
if (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] < mxlevel[aso#06892]) {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].r.text = 'Update to ' + (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] + 2) + ' level ($' + level[aso#06892] + ')';
aso#77918 = 0;
if (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] == -1) {
aso#77918 = buy[aso#06892];
} else {
if (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] < mxlevel[aso#06892]) {
aso#77918 = level[aso#06892];
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892]._alpha = 50;
if (aso#77918 != 0) {
if (_root.global_money - aso#77918 >= 0) {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892]._alpha = 100;
_root.aso#61764.text = 'Your Money: $' + _root.global_money;
_root.aso#93101 = 8;
_root.aso#61764._visible = true;
_root.score._visible = true;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
var labl = new Array('Pistol', 'Rifle', 'Shot-gun', 'Rocket Launcher', 'Plasma Cannon', 'Electroshock', 'Helmet', 'Armor');
var buy = new Array(30, 70, 120, 220, 200, 10, 30, 20);
var level = new Array(30, 65, 70, 0, 100, 10, 60, 50);
var mxlevel = new Array(2, 2, 2, 0, 2, 0, 1, 4);
fire = false;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 8) {
if (_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
if (fire) {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(3);
} else {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(2);
} else {
_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].gotoAndStop(1);
someListener.onMouseDown = function () {
fire = true;
someListener.onMouseUp = function () {
fire = false;
aso#06892 = 0;
while (aso#06892 < 8) {
if (_root.lizt['item' + aso#06892].hitTest(_xmouse, _ymouse, false)) {
aso#77918 = 0;
if (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] == -1) {
aso#77918 = buy[aso#06892];
} else {
if (['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] < mxlevel[aso#06892]) {
aso#77918 = level[aso#06892];
if (aso#77918 != 0) {
if (_root.global_money - aso#77918 >= 0) { += aso#77918;
_root.UpdateMoney();['weapon' + (aso#06892 + 1)] += 1;
button 844 {
on (release) {
movieClip 848 {
movieClip 849 {
frame 10 {
_root.aso#93101 = 9;
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
_root.main_music_credits.start(0, 1);
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {
if (_root.aso#93101 == 9) { -= 1.3;
if ( < -820) {
_root.main_music_credits.start(_root.main_music_credits.duration / 1000 - 1, 1);
movieClip 862 {
frame 40 {
movieClip 863 {
movieClip 864 {
button 865 {
on (release) {
_root.main_music_credits.start(_root.main_music_credits.duration / 1000 - 1, 1);
frame 11 {
_root.aso#93101 = 10;
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
var main_music_credits = new Sound();
_root.main_music_credits.onSoundComplete = function () {
if ( == 2) {
_root.main_music3.start(0, 1);
_root.visarea._visible = false;
_root.screenarea._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
_root.nick.text = _root.aso#18028;
button 867 {
on (release) {
if (_root.nick.text != 'Your Name Here' && _root.nick.text != 'Your Name Here!' && _root.nick.text != 'Your Name Here!!' && _root.nick.text != 'Your Name Here!!!') {
_root.aso#18028 = _root.nick.text; = _root.aso#18028;
} else {
if (_root.nick.text == 'Your Name Here') {
_root.nick.text = 'Your Name Here!';
} else {
if (_root.nick.text == 'Your Name Here!') {
_root.nick.text = 'Your Name Here!!';
} else {
if (_root.nick.text == 'Your Name Here!!') {
_root.nick.text = 'Your Name Here!!!';
} else {
if (_root.nick.text == 'Your Name Here!!!') {
rn = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7.999);
if (rn == 0) {
_root.nick.text = 'I forgot...';
if (rn == 1) {
_root.nick.text = 'I do not remember';
if (rn == 2) {
_root.nick.text = 'unknown';
if (rn == 3) {
_root.nick.text = 'Anonymous';
if (rn == 4) {
_root.nick.text = 'Mr. Cyborg';
if (rn == 5) {
_root.nick.text = 'victim';
if (rn == 6) {
_root.nick.text = 'assassin';
if (rn == 7) {
_root.nick.text = 'The chosen one';
frame 12 {
_root.aso#93101 = 11;
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
_root.visarea._visible = false;
_root.screenarea._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
button 871 {
on (release) { = 1;
button 873 {
on (release) { = 2;
button 875 {
on (release) { = 3;
button 876 {
on (release) {
frame 13 {
_root.aso#93101 = 12;
_root.aso#61764._visible = false;
_root.score._visible = false;
_root.gcur._visible = false;
_root.visarea._visible = false;
_root.screenarea._visible = false;
_root.glow._alpha = 0;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};;
var scoresCallback = function (result) {
if (!result.success) {
} else {
var v2 = 0;
for (;;) {
if (!(v2 < result.list.length && v2 < 12)) break;
var v4 = v2 + 1;
if (v2 != 0) {
duplicateMovieClip(_root.lizt2.item0, 'item' + v2, v2);
_root.lizt2['item' + v2]._y = 17 + v2 * 16;
_root.lizt2['item' + v2].l.text = result.list[v2].username;
_root.lizt2['item' + v2].r.text = result.list[v2].score;
if (v2 == 11) {
_root.lizt2['item' + v2].l.text = '...';
_root.lizt2['item' + v2].r.text = '';
_root.kongregateScores.requestList(scoresCallback, this);
movieClip 881 {
movieClip 885 {
movieClip 886 {
frame 14 {
_root.aso#93101 = 13;
someListener.onMouseDown = function () {
if (_root.aso#93101 == 13) {
if (_root.aso#87112 == 17) {
} else {
movieClip 890 {
movieClip 891 {
movieClip 894 {
movieClip 896 {
movieClip 898 {
movieClip 903 {
movieClip 905 {
frame 140 {
movieClip 910 {
frame 21 {
movieClip 914 {
frame 21 {
movieClip 918 {
frame 21 {
movieClip 922 {
frame 21 {
movieClip 926 {
frame 21 {
movieClip 931 {
movieClip 933 {
movieClip 935 {
movieClip 937 {
frame 380 {
movieClip 941 {
movieClip 944 {
movieClip 947 {
movieClip 950 {
frame 231 {
movieClip 951 {
frame 1 {
frame 2 {
frame 3 {
frame 4 {
frame 5 {
frame 6 {
frame 7 {
frame 8 {
frame 9 {
frame 10 {
frame 15 {
frame 18 {
frame 19 {
frame 20 {
frame 15 {
_root.aso#93101 = 14;
_root.onEnterFrame = function () {};
someListener.onMouseUp = function () {
if (_root.aso#93101 == 14) {
button 953 {
on (press) {
getURL('', '_blank');
movieClip 954 {
movieClip 963 {
frame 463 {