Frame 1
ifFrameLoaded (59) {
gotoAndPlay (4);
Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (1);
Frame 4
fscommand ("allowscale", "false");
fscommand ("showmenu", "false");
level = 2;
loadVariablesNum ("hiscore.cfm", 0);
setProperty("scoretag", _visible , "0");
Name_array = _root.hiname.split("|");
Score_array = _root.hiscore.split("|");
Name_length = Name_array.length;
Score_length = Score_array.length;
yposition = 262;
i = 0;
while (i < Name_length) {
duplicateMovieClip (scoretag, "Tag" + i, depth);
setProperty("Tag" + i, _y , yposition);
Set(("Tag" + i) + ".hiname", Name_array[i]);
Set(("Tag" + i) + ".hiscore", Score_array[i]);
yposition = yposition + 32;
Frame 14
Instance of Symbol 187 MovieClip "warning" in Frame 14
onClipEvent (load) {
setProperty("_root.warning", _visible , "0");
Frame 22
Frame 33
function buildMap() {
i = 0;
while (i < (visAreaY + 1)) {
j = 0;
while (j < (visAreaX + 1)) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + i) + "_") + j, ++d);
this.scrClip[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j]._x = j * tileW;
this.scrClip[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j]._y = i * tileH;
this.scrClip[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j].onScreen = 1;
this.scrClip[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j].type = map1[i][j][1];
this.scrClip[(("t_" + i) + "_") + j].gotoAndStop(map1[i][j][0]);
if ((i == charPos[1]) && (j == charPos[0])) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("char", "char", 100200);
this.scrClip.char._x = (j * tileW) + (tileW / 2);
this.scrClip.char._y = (i * tileH) + (tileH / 2);
function addEnemies() {
t = 0;
while (t < totalGridY) {
r = 0;
while (r < totalGridX) {
var e = 0;
while (e < enemys.length) {
if ((t == enemys[e][1]) && (r == enemys[e][0])) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("enemy", "enemy" + e, 100100 + e);
this.scrClip["enemy" + e]._x = (r * tileW) + (tileW / 2);
this.scrClip["enemy" + e]._y = (t * tileH) + (tileH / 2);
function doScroll(dir) {
if (collisionl != 1) {
if ((dir == "left") && ((j - visAreaX) > 0)) {
this.scrClip._x = this.scrClip._x + scrSpeed;
majorX = majorX - scrSpeed;
if (majorX <= 0) {
var lasti = ((i - visAreaY) - 1);
while (lasti < i) {
var lastj = ((j - visAreaX) - 1);
while (lastj < (j - visAreaX)) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj, ++d);
var p = ((("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj);
this.scrClip[p]._x = lastj * tileW;
this.scrClip[p]._y = lasti * tileH;
this.scrClip[p].onScreen = 1;
this.scrClip[p].type = map1[lasti][lastj][1];
removeMovieClip(this.scrClip[(("t_" + lasti) + "_") + ((lastj + visAreaX) + 1)]);
majorX = majorX + tileW;
if (collisionr != 1) {
if ((dir == "right") && (j <= mapW)) {
this.scrClip._x = this.scrClip._x - scrSpeed;
majorX = majorX + scrSpeed;
if (majorX >= tileW) {
var lasti = ((i - visAreaY) - 1);
while (lasti < i) {
var lastj = j;
while (lastj < (j + 1)) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj, ++d);
var p = ((("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj);
this.scrClip[p]._x = lastj * tileW;
this.scrClip[p]._y = lasti * tileH;
this.scrClip[p].onScreen = 1;
this.scrClip[p].type = map1[lasti][lastj][1];
removeMovieClip(this.scrClip[(("t_" + lasti) + "_") + ((lastj - visAreaX) - 1)]);
majorX = majorX - tileW;
if (collisiond != 1) {
if ((dir == "down") && (i <= mapH)) {
this.scrClip._y = this.scrClip._y - scrSpeed;
majorY = majorY + scrSpeed;
if (majorY >= tileH) {
var lasti = i;
while (lasti < (i + 1)) {
var lastj = ((j - visareaX) - 1);
while (lastj < j) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj, ++d);
var p = ((("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj);
this.scrClip[p]._x = lastj * tileW;
this.scrClip[p]._y = lasti * tileH;
this.scrClip[p].onScreen = 1;
this.scrClip[p].type = map1[lasti][lastj][1];
removeMovieClip(this.scrClip[(("t_" + ((lasti - visAreaY) - 1)) + "_") + lastj]);
majorY = majorY - tileH;
if (collisionu != 1) {
if ((dir == "up") && ((i - visAreaY) > 0)) {
this.scrClip._y = this.scrClip._y + scrSpeed;
majorY = majorY - scrSpeed;
if (majorY <= 0) {
var lasti = ((i - visAreaY) - 1);
while (lasti < (i - visAreaY)) {
var lastj = ((j - visareaX) - 1);
while (lastj < j) {
this.scrClip.attachMovie("tile", (("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj, ++d);
var p = ((("t_" + lasti) + "_") + lastj);
this.scrClip[p]._x = lastj * tileW;
this.scrClip[p]._y = lasti * tileH;
this.scrClip[p].onScreen = 1;
this.scrClip[p].type = map1[lasti][lastj][1];
removeMovieClip(this.scrClip[(("t_" + ((lasti + visAreaY) + 1)) + "_") + lastj]);
majorY = majorY + tileH;
fscommand ("allowscale", false);
map1 = [[["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a13", 1], ["a14", 1], ["a19", 2], ["a16", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a13", 1], ["a14", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a16", 1]], [["a17", 1], ["a18", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a15", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a18", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a18", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a12", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a12", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a18", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a15", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 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["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a17", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a12", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a12", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a13", 1], ["a14", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a17", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a17", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a13", 1], ["a14", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a17", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a15", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1]], [["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a18", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a16", 1]], [["a16", 1], ["a18", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a7", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a15", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a17", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a8", 0], ["a16", 1], ["a5", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a6", 0], ["a16", 1]], [["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a9", 1], ["a10", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a13", 1], ["a14", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a13", 1], ["a14", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a11", 1], ["a12", 1]]];
mapW = map1[0].length;
mapH = map1.length;
charPos = [8, 5];
enemys = [[4, 5], [4, 25], [8, 13], [11, 3], [11, 21], [14, 7], [14, 27], [18, 18], [21, 5], [21, 16], [21, 25], [30, 9], [35, 19], [36, 28], [38, 5]];
visAreaX = 16;
visAreaY = 9;
totalGridX = 43;
totalGridY = 31;
tileW = 16;
tileH = 16;
startX = 147;
startY = 40;
majorX = 0;
majorY = 0;
scrSpeed = 3;
this.attachMovie("empty", "scrClip", 0);
this.scrClip._x = startX;
this.scrClip._y = startY;
this.attachMovie("cover", "cover", 1);
this.cover._x = startX;
this.cover._y = startY;
this.cover._alpha = 100;
Instance of Symbol 129 MovieClip [empty] "control" in Frame 33
onClipEvent (load) {
character = _parent.scrClip.char;
bombs = 5;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(37)) {
if ((character._x < 584) && (character._x > 80)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
if ((character._x < 584) && (character._x > 80)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
if ((character._y < 448) && (character._y > 48)) {
} else if (Key.isDown(38)) {
if ((character._y < 432) && (character._y > 32)) {
on (keyPress "<Space>") {
if (bombs > 0) {
character.dropBomb("still", bombs);
Frame 45
score = cover.score;
loadVariablesNum ("register.cfm", 0, "POST");
Frame 59
loadVariablesNum ("hiscore.cfm", 0);
setProperty("scoretag", _visible , "0");
Name_array = _root.hiname.split("|");
Score_array = _root.hiscore.split("|");
Name_length = Name_array.length;
Score_length = Score_array.length;
yposition = 262;
i = 0;
while (i < Name_length) {
duplicateMovieClip (scoretag, "Tag" + i, depth);
setProperty("Tag" + i, _y , yposition);
Set(("Tag" + i) + ".hiname", Name_array[i]);
Set(("Tag" + i) + ".hiscore", Score_array[i]);
yposition = yposition + 20;
Frame 73
Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 1
function detectWeapon(tempCell, mapX, mapY) {
if (tempCell.weapon._visible) {
if (this.hitTest(tempCell.weapon)) {
bong = new Sound();
bong.start(0.1, 0);
tempCell.weapon._visible = false;
game.cover.score = game.cover.score + (200 * game.cover.timer.percent);
game.map1[mapY][MapX][0] = "a7";
function detectPill(tempCell, mapX, mapY) {
relief = game.cover.stress;
if (tempCell.pill._visible) {
if (this.hitTest(tempCell.pill)) {
pillsound = new Sound();
pillsound.start(0.1, 0);
tempCell.pill._visible = false;
game.cover.score = game.cover.score + (25 * game.cover.timer.percent);
relief.gotoAndStop(relief._currentframe - 20);
game.map1[mapY][MapX][0] = "a7";
function detectBaddy() {
var m = 0;
while (m < game.enemys.length) {
if (this.hitTest(game.scrClip["enemy" + m])) {
game.scrClip.attachMovie("speech", "speech", 110000);
game.scrClip.speech._x = game.scrClip["enemy" + m]._x;
game.scrClip.speech._y = game.scrClip["enemy" + m]._y;
function findEdges() {
var downY = Math.floor((this._y + (this._height / 2)) / game.tileH);
var upY = Math.floor((this._y - (this._height / 2)) / game.tileH);
var leftX = Math.floor((this._x - (this._width / 2)) / game.tileW);
var rightX = Math.floor((this._x + (this._width / 2)) / game.tileW);
var centerX = Math.floor(this._x / game.tileW);
var centerY = Math.floor(this._y / game.tileH);
function dropBomb(dir, bombs) {
if (dir == "still") {
_parent.attachMovie("book", "bomb" + bombs, 100005 + bombs);
fireBomb = _parent["bomb" + bombs];
fireBomb._x = this._x;
fireBomb._y = this._y;
bombbong = new Sound();
bombbong.start(0.1, 0);
function walk(dir) {
var downY = Math.floor((this._y + (this._height / 2)) / game.tileH);
var upY = Math.floor((this._y - (this._height / 2)) / game.tileH);
var leftX = Math.floor((this._x - (this._width / 2)) / game.tileW);
var rightX = Math.floor((this._x + (this._width / 2)) / game.tileW);
var centerX = Math.floor(this._x / game.tileW);
var centerY = Math.floor(this._y / game.tileH);
if (((dir == "up") && (game.map1[upY][centerX][1] == 2)) && (game.weaponsAllFound == true)) {
if ((dir == "up") && (game.map1[upY][centerX][1] == 0)) {
tempCell = game.scrClip[(("t_" + upY) + "_") + centerX];
mapY = upY;
mapX = centerX;
gotoAndPlay (20);
_x = ((centerX * game.tileW) + (game.tileW * 0.5));
_y = (_y - speed);
game.collisionu = 0;
detectWeapon(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
detectPill(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
} else {
game.collisionu = 1;
if ((dir == "down") && (game.map1[downY][centerX][1] != 1)) {
tempCell = game.scrClip[(("t_" + downY) + "_") + centerX];
mapY = downY;
mapX = centerX;
gotoAndPlay (14);
_x = ((centerX * game.tileW) + (game.tileW * 0.5));
_y = (_y + speed);
game.collisiond = 0;
detectWeapon(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
detectPill(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
} else {
game.collisiond = 1;
if ((dir == "right") && (game.map1[centerY][rightX][1] != 1)) {
tempCell = game.scrClip[(("t_" + centerY) + "_") + rightX];
mapY = centerY;
mapX = rightX;
gotoAndPlay (8);
_x = (_x + speed);
_y = ((centerY * game.tileH) + (game.tileH * 0.5));
game.collisionr = 0;
detectWeapon(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
detectPill(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
} else {
game.collisionr = 1;
if ((dir == "left") && (game.map1[centerY][leftX][1] != 1)) {
tempCell = game.scrClip[(("t_" + centerY) + "_") + leftX];
mapY = centerY;
mapX = leftX;
gotoAndPlay (2);
_x = (_x - speed);
_y = ((centerY * game.tileH) + (game.tileH * 0.5));
game.collisionl = 0;
detectWeapon(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
detectPill(tempCell, mapX, mapY);
} else {
game.collisionl = 1;
game = _parent._parent;
speed = game.scrSpeed;
Instance of Symbol 5 MovieClip in Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 1
onClipEvent (keyDown) {
var dir;
if (Key.isDown(38)) {
dir = "up";
} else if (Key.isDown(40)) {
dir = "down";
} else if (Key.isDown(37)) {
dir = "left";
} else if (Key.isDown(39)) {
dir = "right";
} else {
dir = null;
Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 13
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 19
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 25
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 27 MovieClip [char] Frame 60
Symbol 62 MovieClip [tile] Frame 1
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 71 MovieClip Frame 6
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 76 MovieClip Frame 100
_parent._parent.control.character = "";
Symbol 79 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 1
zero = int(getTimer() / 1000);
input = 120;
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 2
output = input;
if (Number(output) > 0) {
display = Math.floor(getTimer() / 1000) - zero;
output = input - display;
percent = Math.round((output / input) * 100);
if (Number(output) < 1) {
gotoAndStop (5);
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 3
gotoAndPlay (2);
Symbol 80 MovieClip Frame 5
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 2
Symbol 92 MovieClip Frame 7
_parent._parent.weaponsAllFound = true;
_parent.score = _parent.score + (2500 * _parent.timer.percent);
Symbol 105 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 111 Button
on (release) {
Symbol 123 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("index2.cfm", "_top");
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 1
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 2
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 20
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 21
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 39
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 40
Symbol 128 MovieClip [cover] Frame 58
Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 1
function findCell() {
enemyX = Math.floor(_x / tileW);
enemyY = Math.floor(_y / tileW);
screenCell = game.scrClip[(("t_" + enemyY) + "_") + enemyX].onScreen;
function detectBomb() {
var n = 1;
while (n < 10) {
if (this.hitTest(game.scrClip["explosion" + n])) {
game.scrClip["explosion" + n].gotoAndPlay(2);
function moveMe() {
var downY = Math.floor((_y + 7) / tileH);
var upY = Math.floor((_y - 7) / tileH);
var leftX = Math.floor((_x - 7) / tileW);
var rightX = Math.floor((_x + 7) / tileW);
centerX = Math.floor(_x / tileW);
centerY = Math.floor(_y / tileW);
var x = (_x / tileW);
var y = (_y / tileH);
var offsetX = (x - centerX);
var offsetY = (y - centerY);
if ((dir == "up") && (cMap[upY][centerX][1] != 1)) {
newDir = true;
if ((dir == "down") && (cMap[downY][centerX][1] != 1)) {
newDir = true;
if ((dir == "left") && (cMap[centerY][leftX][1] != 1)) {
newDir = true;
if ((dir == "right") && (cMap[centerY][rightX][1] != 1)) {
newDir = true;
if ((centerX != oldX) || (centerY != oldY)) {
if ((cMap[centerY - 1][centerX][1] == 0) && (dir != "down")) {
newDir2 = true;
if ((cMap[centerY + 1][centerX][1] == 0) && (dir != "up")) {
newDir2 = true;
if ((cMap[centerY][centerX - 1][1] == 0) && (dir != "right")) {
newDir2 = true;
if ((cMap[centerY][centerX + 1][1] == 0) && (dir != "left")) {
newDir2 = true;
if (((newDir || (newDir2)) && (offsetX == 0.5)) && (offsetY == 0.5)) {
if (newDir) {
var dirArray = [];
if (cMap[centerY - 1][centerX][1] == 0) {
if (cMap[centerY + 1][centerX][1] == 0) {
if (cMap[centerY][centerX - 1][1] == 0) {
if (cMap[centerY][centerX + 1][1] == 0) {
var num = random(dirArray.length);
dir = dirArray[num];
newDir = false;
} else {
var dirArray = [];
if ((cMap[centerY - 1][centerX][1] <= 0) && (dir != "down")) {
if ((cMap[centerY + 1][centerX][1] <= 0) && (dir != "up")) {
if ((cMap[centerY][centerX - 1][1] <= 0) && (dir != "right")) {
if ((cMap[centerY][centerX + 1][1] <= 0) && (dir != "left")) {
var num = random(dirArray.length);
dir = dirArray[num];
newDir2 = false;
if (dir == "up") {
gotoAndPlay (20);
_y = (_y - speed);
_x = ((centerX * tileW) + (tileW * 0.5));
if (dir == "down") {
gotoAndPlay (14);
_y = (_y + speed);
_x = ((centerX * tileW) + (tileW * 0.5));
if (dir == "left") {
gotoAndPlay (2);
_x = (_x - speed);
_y = ((centerY * tileH) + (tileH * 0.5));
if (dir == "right") {
gotoAndPlay (8);
_x = (_x + speed);
_y = ((centerY * tileH) + (tileH * 0.5));
oldDir = dir;
oldX = centerX;
oldY = centerY;
game = _parent._parent;
speed = 2;
cMap = game.map1;
tileW = game.tileW;
tileH = game.tileH;
newDir = true;
Instance of Symbol 129 MovieClip [empty] in Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 1
onClipEvent (load) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.screenCell != 1) {
_parent._visible = 0;
} else {
_parent._visible = 1;
Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 7
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 13
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 19
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 25
gotoAndStop (1);
Symbol 148 MovieClip [enemy] Frame 37
Symbol 150 MovieClip Frame 1
Symbol 151 MovieClip [speech] Frame 17
Symbol 154 MovieClip [book] Frame 25
ex = this._name;
newEx = substring(ex, 5, 1);
_parent.attachMovie("explosion", "explosion" + newEx, 100005 + newEx);
_parent["explosion" + newEx]._x = _x;
_parent["explosion" + newEx]._y = _y;
Symbol 158 MovieClip [explosion] Frame 14
Symbol 163 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("javascript:mail()");
Symbol 170 Button
on (release) {
getURL ("", "_blank");
Symbol 176 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (59);
Symbol 180 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (22);
Symbol 183 Button
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (14);
Symbol 191 Button
on (press, release) {
if (length(handle) == 0) {
setProperty("warning", _visible , "1");
} else {
gotoAndPlay (33);
Symbol 198 Button
on (press) {
j = 0;
while (j < 6) {
removeMovieClip("tag" + j);
on (release) {
gotoAndPlay (14);