Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2596 · P5192

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #126252

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)

ActionScript [AS1/AS2]
Combined Code
movieClip 46 { } movieClip 51 tooltip { } movieClip 60 { } movieClip 62 { } movieClip 64 { } movieClip 65 tooltip2 { } movieClip 67 { } movieClip 68 spark2 { frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 69 spark { frame 16 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 72 e3 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 75 e2 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 78 e1 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 81 particle_smoke_clear { } movieClip 83 missile { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } movieClip 85 { frame 15 { removeMovieClip(''); } } movieClip 86 firesprite { } frame 1 { var CPMStarContentSpotID = '2518Q91B78FDB';''); adBox.loadMovie('' + CPMStarContentSpotID); if (_root.getBytesLoaded() != _root.getBytesTotal()) { this.stop(); this.display.owner = this; play_btn._visible = false; this.display.skipped = Number(_root.getBytesLoaded()); = Number(_root.getBytesTotal() - this.display.skipped); this.display.onEnterFrame = function () { var v3 = Math.floor((_root.getBytesLoaded() - this.skipped) * 100 /; this.gotoAndStop(v3 + 1); this.txt.text = v3 + '%'; if (_root.getBytesLoaded() == _root.getBytesTotal()) { this.onEnterFrame = null; this.owner.onComplete(); } }; } else { this.onComplete(); } this.onComplete = function () { display._visible = false; play_btn._visible = true; }; play_btn.onRelease = function () { delete eval(_root.onComplete());; }; if (_global.newggame11 == 1) { this.gotoAndPlay(3); } } movieClip 89 { } movieClip 91 { } // unknown tag 88 length 32 movieClip 96 { } // unknown tag 88 length 78 movieClip 101 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { play(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { play(); } } movieClip 103 { } frame 2 { function doneBD_Splash() { _global.newggame11 = 1; clearInterval(tID); play(); } stop(); var tID = setInterval(doneBD_Splash, 6500); } movieClip 107 { } movieClip 108 { } movieClip 114 { } movieClip 115 { } movieClip 120 { } movieClip 121 { } movieClip 122 { } movieClip 124 { } movieClip 125 { } movieClip 131 { } movieClip 132 { } movieClip 133 { } movieClip 135 { } movieClip 139 { } movieClip 140 { } movieClip 141 { } movieClip 144 { } movieClip 152 { } movieClip 153 { } movieClip 154 { } movieClip 157 { frame 1 { fire._visible = false; i = 0; } frame 2 { duplicateMovieClip(fire, 'fire' + i, i); this['fire' + i]._x = Math.random() * 50; this['fire' + i]._xscale = Math.random() * 50 + 20; this['fire' + i]._yscale = Math.random() * 100; this['fire' + i]._alpha = Math.random() * 60; ++i; } frame 3 { gotoAndPlay(2); } } movieClip 158 { } movieClip 159 { } movieClip 162 { } movieClip 165 { } // unknown tag 88 length 63 movieClip 168 { } movieClip 171 { } movieClip 172 { } movieClip 175 { } movieClip 176 { } movieClip 177 { frame 1 { function visitBD() { getURL('', '_blank'); } VisitBubbleDevil.onRelease = visitBD; } frame 75 { stop(); } } frame 3 { function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } var _mochiads_game_id = '30b529242e05db6e'; _lockroot = true; stop(); _global.surv = false; boom._visible = false; aboutmc._visible = false; aboutmc._alpha = 0; var abo = false; var pressed = 0; var mmenu = new Sound(_root); mmenu.attachSound('musmenu'); var msystem = new Sound(_root); msystem.attachSound('mussystem'); var mbos = new Sound(_root); mbos.attachSound('musbos'); var mpause = new Sound(_root); mpause.attachSound('muspause'); var szelenie = new Sound(_root); szelenie.attachSound('sfxzelenie'); var svolna = new Sound(_root); svolna.attachSound('sfxvolna'); var svistrel2 = new Sound(_root); svistrel2.attachSound('sfxvistrel2'); var supgraded = new Sound(_root); supgraded.attachSound('sfxupgraded'); var sresp = new Sound(_root); sresp.attachSound('sfxresp'); var sraketa = new Sound(_root); sraketa.attachSound('sfxraketa'); var spanelmove = new Sound(_root); spanelmove.attachSound('sfxpalelmove'); var sopenportal = new Sound(_root); sopenportal.attachSound('sfxopenportal'); var snoroket = new Sound(_root); snoroket.attachSound('sfxnoroket'); var snomoney = new Sound(_root); snomoney.attachSound('sfxnomoney'); var smolniya = new Sound(_root); smolniya.attachSound('sfxmolniya'); var slazer = new Sound(_root); slazer.attachSound('sfxlazer'); var shittestmob = new Sound(_root); shittestmob.attachSound('sfxhittestmob'); var shitme = new Sound(_root); shitme.attachSound('sfxhitme'); var sexp1 = new Sound(_root); sexp1.attachSound('sfxexpl1'); var sexp2 = new Sound(_root); sexp2.attachSound('sfxexpl2'); var sexp3 = new Sound(_root); sexp3.attachSound('sfxexpl3'); var scollected = new Sound(_root); scollected.attachSound('sfxcollected'); var sbuttonrelease = new Sound(_root); sbuttonrelease.attachSound('sfxbuttonrelease'); var shit1 = new Sound(_root); shit1.attachSound('sfxhit1'); var shit2 = new Sound(_root); shit2.attachSound('sfxhit2'); var shit3 = new Sound(_root); shit3.attachSound('sfxhit3'); var shit4 = new Sound(_root); shit4.attachSound('sfxhit4'); var shit5 = new Sound(_root); shit5.attachSound('sfxhit5'); var shit6 = new Sound(_root); shit6.attachSound('sfxhit6'); var sonroll = new Sound(_root); sonroll.attachSound('sfxonroll'); var ssaready = new Sound(_root); ssaready.attachSound('sfxsaready'); var ssastart = new Sound(_root); ssastart.attachSound('sfxsastart'); _global.playsfx = function (namestr) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { switch (namestr) { case 'zelenie': szelenie.start(); break; case 'volna': svolna.start(); break; case 'vistrel': svistrel2.start(); break; case 'upgraded': supgraded.start(); break; case 'sun': ssun.start(); break; case 'resp': sresp.start(); break; case 'raketa': sraketa.start(); break; case 'panelmove': spanelmove.start(); break; case 'openportal': sopenportal.start(); break; case 'noroket': snoroket.start(); break; case 'nomoney': snomoney.start(); break; case 'molniya': smolniya.start(); break; case 'lazer': slazer.start(); break; case 'hittestmob': shittestmob.start(); break; case 'hitme': var v2 = Math.random(); if (v2 < 0.33) { shit4.start(); } else { if (v2 < 0.66) { shit5.start(); } else { shit6.start(); } } break; case 'hit': var v2 = Math.random(); if (v2 < 0.33) { shit1.start(); } else { if (v2 < 0.66) { shit2.start(); } else { shit3.start(); } } break; case 'exp': var v2 = Math.random(); if (v2 < 0.33) { sexp1.start(); } else { if (v2 < 0.66) { sexp2.start(); } else { sexp3.start(); } } break; case 'collected': scollected.start(); break; case 'buttonrelease': sbuttonrelease.start(); break; case 'win': sbuttonrelease.start(); mpause.start(0, 500); break; case 'saready': ssaready.start(); break; case 'onroll': sonroll.start(); break; case 'sastart': ssastart.start(0, 6); } } }; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); mmenu.start(0, 500); } var lev = 0; bhstarplay = function () { ++lev; var v3 = bhstar.duplicateMovieClip('bh' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() < 0.5) { v3._x = fon._x + Math.random() * fon._width; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { v3._y = fon._y - v3._height / 2; } else { v3._y = fon._y + fon._height + v3._height / 2; } } else { v3._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { v3._x = fon._x - v3._width / 2; } else { v3._x = fon._x + fon._width + v3._width / 2; } } var v5 = root._xmouse - v3._x; var v4 = root._ymouse - v3._y; v3.a = Math.atan2(v4, v5); v3.speed = Math.random() * 3 + 3; v3._yscale = random(100); v3._xscale = v3._yscale; v3._alpha = random(100); v3._rotation = (v3.a / Math.PI) * 180; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v4 = _root._xmouse - this._x; var v3 = _root._ymouse - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v3, v4); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; this._alpha -= 1; var v5 = Math.sqrt(v4 * v4 + v3 * v3); if (v5 < 5 || this._alpha <= 0) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; _global.Detal = 2; var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); var te =; comc._visible = false; if (te == 1) { comc._visible = true; } var pla = false; var sp = 0; var fun = 0; var timeb = 50; var timebb = 0; if (_global.SoundM == false) { _root.sgs._alpha = 50; } else { _root.sgs._alpha = 100; } onEnterFrame = function () { if (pressed == 4) { ++timebb; if (timebb >= timeb) { timebb = 0; placeBoom(Math.random() * 500 + 100, Math.random() * 400 + 100); } if (timebb == 45) { placeBoom(Math.random() * 500 + 100, Math.random() * 400 + 100); } } bhstarplay(); if (pla) { ++sp; if (pressed != 1) { comc._x += sp * 2; } comc._alpha -= 5; if (pressed != 2) { ngmc._x -= sp * 2; } ngmc._alpha -= 5; if (pressed != 3) { sumc._x += sp * 2; } sumc._alpha -= 5; if (pressed != 4) { abmc._x -= sp * 2; abmc._alpha -= 5; } sgs._x -= sp * 2; sgs._alpha -= 5; mgmc._alpha -= 5; mgmc._y += sp * 2; if (abo && aboutmc._alpha < 100) { aboutmc._alpha += 5; } if (sumc._x > 750 || comc._x > 750) { pla = false; if (fun == 3) { gotoAndPlay(4); } else { if (fun == 1) { var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); = 1; v3.flush(); gotoAndPlay(4); } else { if (fun == 2) { var v3 = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); var v4 =; if (v4 != undefined) { = 1; _global.system1stat =; _global.system2stat =; _global.system3stat =; _global.system4stat =; _global.system5stat =; _global.system6stat =; _global.system7stat =; _global.system8stat =; _global.system9stat =; _global.system10stat =; _global.system11stat =; _global.system12stat =; _global.system13stat =; _global.system14stat =; _global.system15stat =; _global.system16stat =; _global.system17stat =; _global.system18stat =; _global.system19stat =; _global.system20stat =; _global.system21stat =; _global.arm =; _global.def =; _global.spe =; _global.str =; _global.rad =; _global.hername =; _global.herlvl =; _global.hertottime =; _global.herkill =; _global.herdeath =; _global.perstype =; _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.systema =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; v3.flush(); _root.gotoAndPlay(5); } } } } } } }; _global.newG = 1; } button 182 { on (release) { _root.pla = true; = 1;; _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); _root.pressed = 2; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 183 { } button 186 { on (release) { _root.pla = true; _global.surv = true; = 3;; _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); _root.pressed = 3; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 187 { } button 190 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); if (!_root.abo) { _root.aboutmc._visible = true; _root.pla = true; _root.abo = true; _root.pressed = 4; } else { _root.aboutmc._visible = false; _root.aboutmc._alpha = 0; _root.pla = false; _root.abo = false; _root.pressed = 0; _root.sp = 0; _root.comc._x = 251.8; _root.comc._alpha = 100; _root.ngmc._x = 238; _root.ngmc._alpha = 100; _root.sumc._x = 255; _root.sumc._alpha = 100; _root.mgmc._y = 522.2000000000001; _root.mgmc._alpha = 100; _root.sgs._x = 8; if (_global.SoundM == false) { _root.sgs._alpha = 50; } else { _root.sgs._alpha = 100; } } } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 191 { } button 194 { on (release) { _root.pla = true; = 2;; _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); _root.pressed = 1; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 195 { } // unknown tag 88 length 62 button 203 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM == false) { _global.SoundM = true; sgs._alpha = 100; _root.mmenu.start(1, 500); } else { _global.SoundM = false; _root.msystem.stop(); _root.mpause.stop(); _root.mbos.stop(); _root.mmenu.stop(); sgs._alpha = 50; } } } button 206 { on (release) { getURL('', '_blank'); } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 207 { } movieClip 209 { } movieClip 221 { } movieClip 222 { } movieClip 224 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 18 { stop(); } } movieClip 225 { } movieClip 227 { } movieClip 229 { } movieClip 230 { frame 36 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 231 { frame 1 { boomgo._visible = false; i = 30; while (i--) { d = boomgo.duplicateMovieClip('p' + i, i); d._rotation = Math.random() * 360; d._yscale = Math.random() * 70 + 50; d._xscale = d._yscale; } } } movieClip 234 { } movieClip 237 { frame 1 { ButtonMascot.onRelease = function () { getURL('', '_blank'); }; } } frame 4 { stop(); _global.perstype = 1; _global.herlvl = 0; _global.hertottime = 0; _global.herkill = 0; _global.herdeath = 0; _global.arm = 100; _global.def = 50; _global.spe = 5; _global.str = 0.5; _global.rad = 2; _global.systema = 1; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.timeall = 0; _global.MIN = 0; _global.GAS = 0; _global.BIO = 0; var pan = 0; panelko._alpha = 0; textnah._alpha = 0; bak._alpha = 0; cont._alpha = 0; var pla = false; var sp = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (pan < 100) { panelko._alpha = pan; textnah._alpha = pan; bak._alpha = pan; cont._alpha = pan; pan += 5; } if (pla) { ++sp; panelko._x += sp * 2; panelko._alpha -= 5; textnah._x -= sp * 2; textnah._alpha -= 5; ss._alpha -= 5; bak._alpha -= 5; cont._alpha -= 5; if (panelko._x > 750) { pla = false; if (_global.perstype == 1) { _global.arm = 140; _global.def = 120; _global.spe = 5.3; _global.str = 0.6800000000000001; _global.rad = 2.2; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { _global.arm = 120; _global.def = 105; _global.spe = 6; _global.str = 0.58; _global.rad = 2.1; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.arm = 140; _global.def = 135; _global.spe = 5.2; _global.str = 0.5600000000000001; _global.rad = 2.2; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { _global.arm = 130; _global.def = 115; _global.spe = 5.4; _global.str = 0.54; _global.rad = 2.6; } if (_global.perstype == 5) { _global.arm = 160; _global.def = 130; _global.spe = 5.1; _global.str = 0.5600000000000001; _global.rad = 2.2; } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rokmax = 5; _global.system1stat = 2; _global.system2stat = 1; _global.system3stat = 1; _global.system4stat = 1; _global.system5stat = 1; _global.system6stat = 1; _global.system7stat = 1; _global.system8stat = 1; _global.system9stat = 1; _global.system10stat = 1; _global.system11stat = 1; _global.system12stat = 1; _global.system13stat = 1; _global.system14stat = 1; _global.system15stat = 1; _global.system16stat = 1; _global.system17stat = 1; _global.system18stat = 1; _global.system19stat = 1; _global.system20stat = 1; _global.system21stat = 1; _global.hername = panelko.tname.text; _global.uR = 1; _global.uG = 1; _global.uB = 1; _global.uRa = 1; _global.uE = 1; _global.uS = 1; _global.uSt = 1; if (!_global.surv) { gotoAndPlay(5); } else { gotoAndPlay(14); } } } }; } movieClip 238 { } button 241 { on (release) { _root.pla = true; _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } button 243 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); gotoAndPlay(1); } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } button 249 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); if (_global.perstype == 2) { _global.perstype = 1; t1._width = 40; t2._width = 40; t3._width = 30; t4._width = 90; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'warrior'; sel(Qwar); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Eagle Eye\''; } else { if (_global.perstype == 1) { _global.perstype = 5; t1._width = 60; t2._width = 60; t3._width = 10; t4._width = 30; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'defender'; sel(Qdef); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Ultimate Defence\''; } else { if (_global.perstype == 5) { _global.perstype = 4; t1._width = 30; t2._width = 30; t3._width = 40; t4._width = 20; t5._width = 60; ttype.text = 'assault'; sel(Qsht); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Annihilating Flash\''; } else { if (_global.perstype == 4) { _global.perstype = 3; t1._width = 40; t2._width = 70; t3._width = 20; t4._width = 30; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'tank'; sel(Qtan); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Neutron Acceleration\''; } else { if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.perstype = 2; t1._width = 20; t2._width = 10; t3._width = 100; t4._width = 40; t5._width = 10; ttype.text = 'scout'; sel(Qsca); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Time Bomb\''; } } } } } } } movieClip 347 { } button 350 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); if (_global.perstype == 5) { _global.perstype = 1; t1._width = 40; t2._width = 40; t3._width = 30; t4._width = 90; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'warrior'; spab.text = 'special ability - \'Eagle Eye\''; sel(Qwar); } else { if (_global.perstype == 4) { _global.perstype = 5; t1._width = 60; t2._width = 60; t3._width = 10; t4._width = 30; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'defender'; spab.text = 'special ability - \'Ultimate Defence\''; sel(Qdef); } else { if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.perstype = 4; t1._width = 30; t2._width = 30; t3._width = 40; t4._width = 20; t5._width = 60; ttype.text = 'assault'; spab.text = 'special ability - \'Annihilating Flash\''; sel(Qsht); } else { if (_global.perstype == 2) { _global.perstype = 3; t1._width = 40; t2._width = 70; t3._width = 20; t4._width = 30; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'tank'; sel(Qtan); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Neutron Acceleration\''; } else { if (_global.perstype == 1) { _global.perstype = 2; t1._width = 20; t2._width = 10; t3._width = 100; t4._width = 40; t5._width = 10; ttype.text = 'scout'; sel(Qsca); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Time Bomb\''; } } } } } } } movieClip 357 { } movieClip 358 { } movieClip 359 { } movieClip 360 { } movieClip 361 { } movieClip 364 { } movieClip 367 { } movieClip 370 { } movieClip 373 { } movieClip 376 { } movieClip 378 { frame 1 { function showTooltip(_msg_head, _msg_body) { ++lev2; tooltip_mc = pathToRoot.attachMovie('tooltip', 'tooltip' + lev2, lev2); tooltip_mc.head_txt.text = _msg_head; tooltip_mc.body_txt.text = _msg_body; tooltip_mc.head_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.body_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._width = 200; tooltip_mc.head_txt._width = 190; tooltip_mc.body_txt._width = 190; var v2 = tooltip_mc.head_txt._height + tooltip_mc.body_txt._height + 10; var v3 = tooltip_mc.body_txt._width + 10; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._height = v2; tooltip_mc._x = -tooltip_mc._width; tooltip_mc._y = -tooltip_mc._height; tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this.tempX = pathToRoot._xmouse + paddingX; this.tempY = pathToRoot._ymouse + paddingY; if (this.tempX + tooltip_mc._width > gameWidth) { this._x = this.tempX - tooltip_mc._width; } else { this._x = this.tempX; } if (this.tempY + tooltip_mc._height > gameHeight) { this._y = this.tempY - tooltip_mc._height - paddingY; } else { this._y = this.tempY; } }; } function hideTooltip() { delete tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(tooltip_mc); } sel = function (A) { var v1 = Qwar.filters; v1[0].strength = 0.5; Qwar.filters = v1; Qdef.filters = v1; Qsca.filters = v1; Qsht.filters = v1; Qtan.filters = v1; v1 = A.filters; v1[0].strength = 2; A.filters = v1; }; Qwar.onRelease = function () { _global.perstype = 1; t1._width = 40; t2._width = 40; t3._width = 30; t4._width = 90; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'warrior'; sel(Qwar); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Eagle Eye\''; }; Qdef.onRelease = function () { _global.perstype = 5; t1._width = 60; t2._width = 60; t3._width = 10; t4._width = 30; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'defender'; sel(Qdef); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Ultimate Defence\''; }; Qsht.onRelease = function () { _global.perstype = 4; t1._width = 30; t2._width = 30; t3._width = 40; t4._width = 20; t5._width = 60; ttype.text = 'assault'; sel(Qsht); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Annihilating Flash\''; }; Qtan.onRelease = function () { _global.perstype = 3; t1._width = 40; t2._width = 70; t3._width = 20; t4._width = 30; t5._width = 20; ttype.text = 'tank'; sel(Qtan); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Neutron Acceleration\''; }; Qsca.onRelease = function () { _global.perstype = 2; t1._width = 20; t2._width = 10; t3._width = 100; t4._width = 40; t5._width = 10; ttype.text = 'scout'; sel(Qsca); spab.text = 'special ability - \'Time Bomb\''; }; Qwar.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Warrior', 'Special ability - \'Eagle Eye\': Temporarily increases shot power in 3 times'); _global.playsfx('onroll'); }; Qdef.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Defender', 'Special ability - \'Ultimate Defence\': Creates an impenetrable cover around the ship, protecting from any damages'); _global.playsfx('onroll'); }; Qsht.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Assault', 'Special ability - \'Annihilating Flash\': Flash destroys all enemies around the ship'); _global.playsfx('onroll'); }; Qtan.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Tank', 'Special ability - \'Neutron Acceleration\': Temporarily increases rate of fire'); _global.playsfx('onroll'); }; Qsca.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Scout', 'Special ability - \'Time Bomb\': Slows down all objects in system except the hero, restores a shield'); _global.playsfx('onroll'); }; Qsca.onRollOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; Qtan.onRollOut = Qsca.onRollOut; Qsht.onRollOut = Qsca.onRollOut; Qdef.onRollOut = Qsca.onRollOut; Qwar.onRollOut = Qsca.onRollOut; var pathToRoot = _root; var tooltip_mc; var paddingX = 0; var paddingY = 20; var gameWidth = 650; var gameHeight = 400; } } movieClip 382 { } movieClip 384 { } frame 5 { function showTooltip(_msg_head, _msg_body) { ++lev2; tooltip_mc = pathToRoot.attachMovie('tooltip', 'tooltip' + lev2, lev2); tooltip_mc.head_txt.text = _msg_head; tooltip_mc.body_txt.text = _msg_body; tooltip_mc.head_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.body_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._width = 200; tooltip_mc.head_txt._width = 190; tooltip_mc.body_txt._width = 190; var v2 = tooltip_mc.head_txt._height + tooltip_mc.body_txt._height + 10; var v3 = tooltip_mc.body_txt._width + 10; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._height = v2; tooltip_mc._x = -tooltip_mc._width; tooltip_mc._y = -tooltip_mc._height; tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this.tempX = pathToRoot._xmouse + paddingX; this.tempY = pathToRoot._ymouse + paddingY; if (this.tempX + tooltip_mc._width > gameWidth) { this._x = this.tempX - tooltip_mc._width; } else { this._x = this.tempX; } if (this.tempY + tooltip_mc._height > gameHeight) { this._y = this.tempY - tooltip_mc._height - paddingY; } else { this._y = this.tempY; } }; } function hideTooltip() { delete tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(tooltip_mc); } stop(); if (_global.system21stat == 0) { herob._visible = false; menub._visible = false; allthere._visible = false; konec_mc._visible = true; } else { herob._visible = true; menub._visible = true; allthere._visible = true; konec_mc._visible = false; } _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { if (_global.systema != 1) { msystem.stop(); mpause.stop(); mbos.stop(); mmenu.start(0, 500); } } min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.timeall = 0; var ggoo = 0; if (_global.systema == 1) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys1._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys1._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Adara Planetary System #1'; } if (_global.systema == 2) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys2._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys2._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Leen Planetary System #2'; } if (_global.systema == 3) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys3._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys3._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Dessa Planetary System #3'; } if (_global.systema == 4) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys4._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys4._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Yvor Planetary System #4'; } if (_global.systema == 5) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys5._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys5._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Procyon Planetary System #5'; } if (_global.systema == 6) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys6._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys6._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Spire Planetary System #6'; } if (_global.systema == 7) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys7._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys7._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Autares Planetary System #7'; } if (_global.systema == 8) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys8._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys8._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Caph Planetary System #8'; } if (_global.systema == 9) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys9._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys9._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Wei Planetary System #9'; } if (_global.systema == 10) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys10._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys10._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Phecda Planetary System #10'; } if (_global.systema == 11) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys11._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys11._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Avior Planetary System #11'; } if (_global.systema == 12) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys12._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys12._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Doradus Planetary System #12'; } if (_global.systema == 13) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys13._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys13._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Guilar Planetary System #13'; } if (_global.systema == 14) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys14._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys14._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Naos Planetary System #14'; } if (_global.systema == 15) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys15._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys15._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Saiph Planetary System #15'; } if (_global.systema == 16) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys16._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys16._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Colonis Planetary System #16'; } if (_global.systema == 17) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys17._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys17._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Teon Planetary System #17'; } if (_global.systema == 18) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys18._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys18._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Saphire Planetary System #18'; } if (_global.systema == 19) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys19._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys19._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Ortas Planetary System #19'; } if (_global.systema == 20) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys20._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys20._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Enif Planetary System #20'; } if (_global.systema == 21) { allthere.ccuu._x = allthere.sys21._x; allthere.ccuu._y = allthere.sys21._y; allthere.cpmc.text = 'Xilar Planetary System #21'; } if (_global.system2stat == 2) { _global.system2stat == 1; } if (_global.system3stat == 2) { _global.system3stat == 1; } if (_global.system4stat == 2) { _global.system4stat == 1; } if (_global.system5stat == 2) { _global.system5stat == 1; } if (_global.system6stat == 2) { _global.system6stat == 1; } if (_global.system7stat == 2) { _global.system7stat == 1; } if (_global.system8stat == 2) { _global.system8stat == 1; } if (_global.system9stat == 2) { _global.system9stat == 1; } if (_global.system10stat == 2) { _global.system10stat == 1; } if (_global.system11stat == 2) { _global.system11stat == 1; } if (_global.system12stat == 2) { _global.system12stat == 1; } if (_global.system13stat == 2) { _global.system13stat == 1; } if (_global.system14stat == 2) { _global.system14stat == 1; } if (_global.system15stat == 2) { _global.system15stat == 1; } if (_global.system16stat == 2) { _global.system16stat == 1; } if (_global.system17stat == 2) { _global.system17stat == 1; } if (_global.system18stat == 2) { _global.system18stat == 1; } if (_global.system19stat == 2) { _global.system19stat == 1; } if (_global.system20stat == 2) { _global.system20stat == 1; } if (_global.system21stat == 2) { _global.system21stat == 1; } save_so = function () { var v2 = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); = 1; = _global.system1stat; = _global.system2stat; = _global.system3stat; = _global.system4stat; = _global.system5stat; = _global.system6stat; = _global.system7stat; = _global.system8stat; = _global.system9stat; = _global.system10stat; = _global.system11stat; = _global.system12stat; = _global.system13stat; = _global.system14stat; = _global.system15stat; = _global.system16stat; = _global.system17stat; = _global.system18stat; = _global.system19stat; = _global.system20stat; = _global.system21stat; = _global.arm; = _global.def; = _global.spe; = _global.str; = _global.rad; = _global.hername; = _global.herlvl; = _global.hertottime; = _global.herkill; = _global.herdeath; = _global.perstype; = _global.MIN; = _global.GAS; = _global.BIO; = _global.systema; = _global.rokmax; = _global.uR; = _global.uG; = _global.uB; = _global.uRa; = _global.uE; = _global.uS; = _global.uSt; v2.flush(); }; save_so(); if (_global.system2stat == 1) { _global.system2stat = 2; } if (_global.system2stat == 0) { if (_global.system1stat == 1) { _global.system1stat = 2; } if (_global.system3stat == 1) { _global.system3stat = 2; } if (_global.system4stat == 1) { _global.system4stat = 2; } } if (_global.system3stat == 0) { if (_global.system2stat == 1) { _global.system2stat = 2; } } if (_global.system4stat == 0) { if (_global.system2stat == 1) { _global.system2stat = 2; } if (_global.system5stat == 1) { _global.system5stat = 2; } } if (_global.system5stat == 0) { if (_global.system4stat == 1) { _global.system4stat = 2; } if (_global.system6stat == 1) { _global.system6stat = 2; } if (_global.system7stat == 1) { _global.system7stat = 2; } } if (_global.system6stat == 0) { if (_global.system5stat == 1) { _global.system5stat = 2; } } if (_global.system7stat == 0) { if (_global.system5stat == 1) { _global.system5stat = 2; } if (_global.system8stat == 1) { _global.system8stat = 2; } } if (_global.system8stat == 0) { if (_global.system7stat == 1) { _global.system7stat = 2; } if (_global.system9stat == 1) { _global.system9stat = 2; } } if (_global.system9stat == 0) { if (_global.system8stat == 1) { _global.system8stat = 2; } if (_global.system10stat == 1) { _global.system10stat = 2; } } if (_global.system10stat == 0) { if (_global.system9stat == 1) { _global.system9stat = 2; } if (_global.system11stat == 1) { _global.system11stat = 2; } if (_global.system12stat == 1) { _global.system12stat = 2; } if (_global.system13stat == 1) { _global.system13stat = 2; } } if (_global.system11stat == 0) { if (_global.system10stat == 1) { _global.system10stat = 2; } } if (_global.system12stat == 0) { if (_global.system10stat == 1) { _global.system10stat = 2; } if (_global.system14stat == 1) { _global.system14stat = 2; } } if (_global.system13stat == 0) { if (_global.system10stat == 1) { _global.system10stat = 2; } if (_global.system14stat == 1) { _global.system14stat = 2; } } if (_global.system14stat == 0) { if (_global.system12stat == 1) { _global.system12stat = 2; } if (_global.system13stat == 1) { _global.system13stat = 2; } if (_global.system15stat == 1) { _global.system15stat = 2; } if (_global.system16stat == 1) { _global.system16stat = 2; } } if (_global.system15stat == 0) { if (_global.system14stat == 1) { _global.system14stat = 2; } } if (_global.system16stat == 0) { if (_global.system14stat == 1) { _global.system14stat = 2; } if (_global.system17stat == 1) { _global.system17stat = 2; } } if (_global.system17stat == 0) { if (_global.system16stat == 1) { _global.system16stat = 2; } if (_global.system18stat == 1) { _global.system18stat = 2; } if (_global.system19stat == 1) { _global.system19stat = 2; } if (_global.system20stat == 1) { _global.system20stat = 2; } } if (_global.system18stat == 0) { if (_global.system17stat == 1) { _global.system17stat = 2; } } if (_global.system19stat == 0) { if (_global.system17stat == 1) { _global.system17stat = 2; } } if (_global.system20stat == 0) { if (_global.system17stat == 1) { _global.system17stat = 2; } if (_global.system21stat == 1) { _global.system21stat = 2; } } if (_global.system21stat == 0) { if (_global.system20stat == 1) { _global.system20stat = 2; } } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys1.s1); if (_global.system1stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system1stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system1stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys2.s2); if (_global.system2stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system2stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system2stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys3.s3); if (_global.system3stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system3stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system3stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys4.s4); if (_global.system4stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system4stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system4stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys5.s5); if (_global.system5stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system5stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system5stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys6.s6); if (_global.system6stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system6stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system6stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys7.s7); if (_global.system7stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system7stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system7stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys8.s8); if (_global.system8stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system8stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system8stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys9.s9); if (_global.system9stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system9stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system9stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys10.s10); if (_global.system10stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system10stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system10stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys11.s11); if (_global.system11stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system11stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system11stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys12.s12); if (_global.system12stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system12stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system12stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys13.s13); if (_global.system13stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system13stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system13stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys14.s14); if (_global.system14stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system14stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system14stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys15.s15); if (_global.system15stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system15stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system15stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys16.s16); if (_global.system16stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system16stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system16stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys17.s17); if (_global.system17stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system17stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system17stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys18.s18); if (_global.system18stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system18stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system18stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys19.s19); if (_global.system19stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system19stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system19stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys20.s20); if (_global.system20stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system20stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system20stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } var colorful = new Color(allthere.sys21.s21); if (_global.system21stat == 0) { colorful.setRGB(65280); } if (_global.system21stat == 1) { colorful.setRGB(16711680); } if (_global.system21stat == 2) { colorful.setRGB(39167); } heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; ti1 = 0; allthere.r1mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) / 10 + ' As/n'; ti2 = 0; allthere.r2mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999) + ' K'; ti3 = 0; allthere.r3mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) / 200 + ' ox'; ti4 = 0; allthere.r4mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + ' oyR'; ti5 = 0; allthere.r5mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + ' na'; onMouseMove = function () { allthere.xmc.text = _xmouse + ' x'; allthere.ymc.text = _ymouse + ' y'; allthere.zmc.text = Math.floor(Math.sqrt(_xmouse * _ymouse)) + ' z'; ti1 = 20; ti2 = 20; ti3 = 20; ti4 = 20; ti5 = 20; }; var ti1 = 0; var ti2 = 0; var ti3 = 0; var ti4 = 0; var ti5 = 0; if (_global.newG == 1) { _global.newG = 2; } else { back._visible = false; } allthere._yscale = 0; allthere._xscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { gotoAndPlay(1); } if (ti1++ > 30) { ti1 = 0; allthere.r1mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) / 10 + ' As/n'; } if (ti2++ > 20) { ti2 = 0; allthere.r2mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 999) + ' K'; } if (ti3++ > 40) { ti3 = 0; allthere.r3mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000) / 200 + ' ox'; } if (ti4++ > 15) { ti4 = 0; allthere.r4mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) + ' oyR'; } if (ti5++ > 5) { ti5 = 0; allthere.r5mc.text = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + ' na'; } if (back._alpha > 0 && back._visible) { back._alpha -= 10; } else { back._visible = false; } if (allthere._xscale != 100 && ggoo == 0) { allthere._yscale += 10; allthere._xscale = allthere._yscale; } if (ggoo == 1) { if (allthere._xscale != 0) { allthere._yscale -= 10; allthere._xscale = allthere._yscale; } else { ggoo = 2; } } }; var pathToRoot = _root; var tooltip_mc; var paddingX = 0; var paddingY = 20; var gameWidth = 650; var gameHeight = 400; allthere.sys1.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Adara Planetary System', 'Training System.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys1.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys2.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Leen Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 1.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys2.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys3.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Dessa Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 1.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys3.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys4.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Yvor Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 1.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys4.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys5.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Procyon Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 2.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys5.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys6.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Spire Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 2.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys6.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys7.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Autares Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 2.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys7.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys8.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Caph Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 3.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys8.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys9.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Wei Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 3. Boss System.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys9.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys10.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Phecda Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 4.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys10.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys11.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Avior Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 3.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys11.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys12.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Doradus Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 4.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys12.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys13.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Guilar Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 4.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys13.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys14.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Naos Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 5.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys14.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys15.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Saiph Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 5. Boss System.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys15.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys16.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Colonis Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 5.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys16.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys17.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Teon Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 6.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys17.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys18.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Saphire Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 6.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys18.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys19.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Ortas Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 6.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys19.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys20.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Enif Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 7.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys20.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys21.onRollOver = function () { showTooltip('Xilar Planetary System', 'Difficulty level 8. Final destination.'); }; box1_btn.onDragOut = function () { hideTooltip(); }; allthere.sys21.onRollOut = box1_btn.onDragOut; allthere.sys1.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system1stat == 2) { _global.systema = 1; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(6); } }; allthere.sys2.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system2stat == 2) { _global.systema = 2; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(6); } }; allthere.sys3.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system3stat == 2) { _global.systema = 3; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(6); } }; allthere.sys4.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system4stat == 2) { _global.systema = 4; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(6); } }; allthere.sys5.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system5stat == 2) { _global.systema = 5; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(7); } }; allthere.sys6.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system6stat == 2) { _global.systema = 6; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(7); } }; allthere.sys7.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system7stat == 2) { _global.systema = 7; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(7); } }; allthere.sys8.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system8stat == 2) { _global.systema = 8; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(8); } }; allthere.sys9.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system9stat == 2) { _global.systema = 9; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(8); } }; allthere.sys10.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system10stat == 2) { _global.systema = 10; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(9); } }; allthere.sys11.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system11stat == 2) { _global.systema = 11; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(8); } }; allthere.sys12.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system12stat == 2) { _global.systema = 12; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(9); } }; allthere.sys13.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system13stat == 2) { _global.systema = 13; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(9); } }; allthere.sys14.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system14stat == 2) { _global.systema = 14; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(10); } }; allthere.sys15.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system15stat == 2) { _global.systema = 15; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(10); } }; allthere.sys16.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system16stat == 2) { _global.systema = 16; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(10); } }; allthere.sys17.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system17stat == 2) { _global.systema = 17; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(11); } }; allthere.sys18.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system18stat == 2) { _global.systema = 18; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(11); } }; allthere.sys19.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system19stat == 2) { _global.systema = 19; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(11); } }; allthere.sys20.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system20stat == 2) { _global.systema = 20; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(12); } }; allthere.sys21.onRelease = function () { if (_global.system21stat == 2) { _global.systema = 21; hideTooltip(); save_so(); gotoAndPlay(13); } }; } movieClip 387 { } movieClip 388 { } movieClip 391 { } movieClip 393 { } movieClip 395 { } movieClip 396 { } movieClip 398 { } movieClip 399 { } movieClip 400 { } movieClip 401 { } movieClip 402 { } movieClip 403 { } movieClip 404 { } movieClip 405 { } movieClip 406 { } movieClip 407 { } movieClip 408 { } movieClip 409 { } movieClip 410 { } movieClip 411 { } movieClip 412 { } movieClip 413 { } movieClip 414 { } movieClip 415 { } movieClip 416 { } movieClip 417 { } movieClip 418 { } movieClip 419 { } movieClip 420 { } movieClip 421 { } movieClip 422 { } movieClip 423 { } movieClip 424 { } movieClip 425 { } movieClip 426 { } movieClip 427 { } movieClip 428 { } movieClip 429 { } movieClip 430 { } movieClip 431 { } movieClip 432 { } movieClip 433 { } movieClip 434 { } movieClip 435 { } movieClip 436 { } movieClip 437 { } movieClip 438 { } movieClip 439 { } movieClip 440 { } movieClip 441 { } movieClip 442 { } movieClip 443 { } movieClip 444 { } movieClip 445 { } movieClip 446 { } movieClip 447 { } movieClip 448 { } movieClip 450 { } movieClip 452 { } movieClip 453 { } movieClip 454 { } movieClip 455 { } movieClip 456 { } movieClip 457 { } movieClip 458 { } movieClip 459 { } // unknown tag 88 length 146 // unknown tag 88 length 151 movieClip 479 { } movieClip 481 { } movieClip 483 { instance sys21 of movieClip 453 { } } movieClip 486 { } // unknown tag 88 length 67 button 491 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); } if (!_parent.menuab._visible) { if (_global.pauseall) { _global.pauseall = false; setPause(false); _global.step = _global.steptmp; _parent.cap1.gotoAndPlay(80); _parent.mpause.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { _parent.msystem.start(0, 500); } } else { _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.steptmp = _global.step; _global.step = 0; _parent.cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'PAUSED'; _parent.cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.msystem.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { _parent.mpause.start(0, 500); } } } if (!_parent.heroab._visible) { _parent.menuab._visible = false; if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _root.stren /= 3; } _parent.heroab._visible = true; _parent.heroab.gotoAndPlay(1); _parent.bokovuha._visible = false; _root.ggoo = 1; } else { if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _root.stren *= 3; } _parent.heroab._visible = false; _parent.bokovuha._visible = true; _parent.bokovuha.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.ggoo = 0; } } } movieClip 494 { } movieClip 495 { } movieClip 504 { } movieClip 505 { } movieClip 508 { } movieClip 510 { } button 512 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); _root.heroab.gotoAndStop(3); } } movieClip 515 { } movieClip 516 { } movieClip 519 { } movieClip 520 { } movieClip 521 { } movieClip 524 { } movieClip 525 { } movieClip 528 { } movieClip 529 { } movieClip 532 { } movieClip 533 { } movieClip 536 { } movieClip 537 { } movieClip 545 { frame 1 { this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; tttxt.text = 'total time ' + (_global.hertottime + _global.timeall) + ' s.'; tkilltxt.text = _global.herkill + _global.kill1 + ' kills'; tdeathtxt.text = _global.herdeath + ' death'; tlvltxt.text = _global.herlvl + ' score'; tnametxt.text = _global.hername; switch (_global.uR) { case 1: var myList = rokmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; rokmc.filters = myList; rokettxt.text = 'Missile 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = rokmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; rokmc.filters = myList; rokettxt.text = 'Missile 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = rokmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; rokmc.filters = myList; rokettxt.text = 'Missile 3lvl'; } switch (_global.uG) { case 1: var myList = gunmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; gunmc.filters = myList; guntxt.text = 'Gun 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = gunmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; gunmc.filters = myList; guntxt.text = 'Gun 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = gunmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; gunmc.filters = myList; guntxt.text = 'Gun 3lvl'; } switch (_global.uB) { case 1: var myList = boomc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; boomc.filters = myList; boostertxt.text = 'Booster 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = boomc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; boomc.filters = myList; boostertxt.text = 'Booster 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = boomc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; boomc.filters = myList; boostertxt.text = 'Booster 3lvl'; break; case 4: var myList = boomc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 7; myList[0].blurX = 7; boomc.filters = myList; boostertxt.text = 'Booster 4lvl'; } switch (_global.uRa) { case 1: var myList = radmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; radmc.filters = myList; radartxt.text = 'Radar 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = radmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; radmc.filters = myList; radartxt.text = 'Radar 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = radmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; radmc.filters = myList; radartxt.text = 'Radar 3lvl'; break; case 4: var myList = radmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 7; myList[0].blurX = 7; radmc.filters = myList; radartxt.text = 'Radar 4lvl'; } switch (_global.uE) { case 1: var myList = engmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; engmc.filters = myList; enginetxt.text = 'Engine 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = engmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; engmc.filters = myList; enginetxt.text = 'Engine 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = engmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; engmc.filters = myList; enginetxt.text = 'Engine 3lvl'; break; case 4: var myList = engmc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 7; myList[0].blurX = 7; engmc.filters = myList; enginetxt.text = 'Engine 4lvl'; } switch (_global.uS) { case 1: var myList = shimc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; shimc.filters = myList; shildtxt.text = 'Shield 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = shimc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; shimc.filters = myList; shildtxt.text = 'Shield 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = shimc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; shimc.filters = myList; shildtxt.text = 'Shield 3lvl'; break; case 4: var myList = shimc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 7; myList[0].blurX = 7; shimc.filters = myList; shildtxt.text = 'Shield 4lvl'; break; case 5: var myList = shimc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 10; myList[0].blurX = 10; shimc.filters = myList; shildtxt.text = 'Shield 5lvl'; break; case 6: var myList = shimc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 15; myList[0].blurX = 15; shimc.filters = myList; shildtxt.text = 'Shield 6lvl'; } switch (_global.uSt) { case 1: var myList = strumc.filters; myList[0].strength = 0; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; strumc.filters = myList; structuretxt.text = 'Structure 1lvl'; break; case 2: var myList = strumc.filters; myList[0].strength = 1; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; strumc.filters = myList; structuretxt.text = 'Structure 2lvl'; break; case 3: var myList = strumc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 5; myList[0].blurX = 5; strumc.filters = myList; structuretxt.text = 'Structure 3lvl'; break; case 4: var myList = strumc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 7; myList[0].blurX = 7; strumc.filters = myList; structuretxt.text = 'Structure 4lvl'; break; case 5: var myList = strumc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 10; myList[0].blurX = 10; strumc.filters = myList; structuretxt.text = 'Structure 5lvl'; break; case 6: var myList = strumc.filters; myList[0].strength = 2; myList[0].blurY = 15; myList[0].blurX = 15; strumc.filters = myList; structuretxt.text = 'Structure 6lvl'; } } } movieClip 555 { } button 556 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); _root.heroab.gotoAndStop(2); } } movieClip 562 { frame 1 { function showTooltip(_msg_head, _msg_body, _msg_res1, _msg_res2, _msg_res3) { tooltip_mc = pathToRoot.attachMovie('tooltip2', 'tooltip2' + pathToRoot.getNextHighestDepth(), pathToRoot.getNextHighestDepth()); tooltip_mc.head_txt.text = _msg_head; tooltip_mc.body_txt.text = _msg_body; tooltip_mc.res1_txt.text = _msg_res1; tooltip_mc.res2_txt.text = _msg_res2; tooltip_mc.res3_txt.text = _msg_res3; tooltip_mc.head_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.body_txt.autoSize = true; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._width = 200; tooltip_mc.head_txt._width = 190; tooltip_mc.body_txt._width = 190; var v2 = tooltip_mc.head_txt._height + tooltip_mc.body_txt._height + 40; var v3 = tooltip_mc.body_txt._width + 10; tooltip_mc.bg_mc._height = v2; tooltip_mc._x = -tooltip_mc._width; tooltip_mc._y = -tooltip_mc._height; tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame = function () { this.tempX = pathToRoot._xmouse + 20 + paddingX; this.tempY = pathToRoot._ymouse - 20 + paddingY; if (this.tempX + tooltip_mc._width > gameWidth) { this._x = this.tempX - tooltip_mc._width; } else { this._x = this.tempX; } if (this.tempY + tooltip_mc._height > gameHeight) { this._y = this.tempY - tooltip_mc._height - paddingY; } else { this._y = this.tempY; } }; } function hideTooltip() { delete tooltip_mc.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(tooltip_mc); } function krasit(a) { switch (a) { case ro2mc: if (_global.uR == 1) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 40; var v2 = 5; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uR = 2; al = 100; _global.rokmax = 10; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case ro3mc: if (_global.uR == 2) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 40; var v2 = 5; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uR = 3; al = 100; _global.rokmax = 15; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case gu2mc: if (_global.uG == 1) { var v4 = 30; var v3 = 50; var v2 = 25; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uG = 2; al = 100; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case gu3mc: if (_global.uG == 2) { var v4 = 30; var v3 = 50; var v2 = 25; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uG = 3; al = 100; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case boo2mc: if (_global.uB == 1) { var v4 = 15; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 15; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uB = 2; al = 100; _global.str += 0.5; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case boo3mc: if (_global.uB == 2) { var v4 = 15; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 15; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uB = 3; al = 100; _global.str += 0.5; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case boo4mc: if (_global.uB == 3) { var v4 = 15; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 15; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uB = 4; al = 100; _global.str += 0.5; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case rad2mc: if (_global.uRa == 1) { var v4 = 25; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 8; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uRa = 2; al = 100; _global.rad += 0.2; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case rad3mc: if (_global.uRa == 2) { var v4 = 25; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 8; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uRa = 3; al = 100; _global.rad += 0.2; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case rad4mc: if (_global.uRa == 3) { var v4 = 25; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 8; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uRa = 4; al = 100; _global.rad += 0.2; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case eng2mc: if (_global.uE == 1) { var v4 = 20; var v3 = 25; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uE = 2; al = 100; _global.spe += 0.3; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case eng3mc: if (_global.uE == 2) { var v4 = 20; var v3 = 25; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uE = 3; al = 100; _global.spe += 0.3; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case eng4mc: if (_global.uE == 3) { var v4 = 20; var v3 = 25; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uE = 4; al = 100; _global.spe += 0.3; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case shi2mc: if (_global.uS == 1) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uS = 2; al = 100; _global.def += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case shi3mc: if (_global.uS == 2) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uS = 3; al = 100; _global.def += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case shi4mc: if (_global.uS == 3) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uS = 4; al = 100; _global.def += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case shi5mc: if (_global.uS == 4) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uS = 5; al = 100; _global.def += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case shi6mc: if (_global.uS == 5) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uS = 6; al = 100; _global.def += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case stru2mc: if (_global.uSt == 1) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uSt = 2; al = 100; _global.arm += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case stru3mc: if (_global.uSt == 2) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uSt = 3; al = 100; _global.arm += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case stru4mc: if (_global.uSt == 3) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uSt = 4; al = 100; _global.arm += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case stru5mc: if (_global.uSt == 4) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uSt = 5; al = 100; _global.arm += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } break; case stru6mc: if (_global.uSt == 5) { var v4 = 10; var v3 = 15; var v2 = 0; if (_global.MIN >= v4 && _global.GAS >= v3 && _global.BIO >= v2) { _global.MIN -= v4; _global.GAS -= v3; _global.BIO -= v2; _global.uSt = 6; al = 100; _global.arm += 20; _global.playsfx('upgraded'); } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } else { _global.playsfx('nomoney'); } } strengthmc.text = 'Strength ' + _global.str; criticalmc.text = 'Critical x' + _global.rad; speedmc.text = 'Speed ' + _global.spe; maxshildmc.text = 'Max shield ' + _global.def; maxhpmc.text = 'Max hp ' + _global.arm; } this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; strengthmc.text = 'Strength ' + _global.str; criticalmc.text = 'Critical x' + _global.rad; speedmc.text = 'Speed ' + _global.spe; maxshildmc.text = 'Max shield ' + _global.def; maxhpmc.text = 'Max hp ' + _global.arm; switch (_global.uR) { case 2: ro2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: ro2mc._alpha = 100; ro3mc._alpha = 100; } switch (_global.uG) { case 2: gu2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: gu2mc._alpha = 100; gu3mc._alpha = 100; } switch (_global.uB) { case 2: boo2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: boo2mc._alpha = 100; boo3mc._alpha = 100; break; case 4: boo2mc._alpha = 100; boo3mc._alpha = 100; boo4mc._alpha = 100; } switch (_global.uRa) { case 2: rad2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: rad2mc._alpha = 100; rad3mc._alpha = 100; break; case 4: rad2mc._alpha = 100; rad3mc._alpha = 100; rad4mc._alpha = 100; } switch (_global.uE) { case 2: eng2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: eng2mc._alpha = 100; eng3mc._alpha = 100; break; case 4: eng2mc._alpha = 100; eng3mc._alpha = 100; eng4mc._alpha = 100; } switch (_global.uS) { case 2: shi2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: shi2mc._alpha = 100; shi3mc._alpha = 100; break; case 4: shi2mc._alpha = 100; shi3mc._alpha = 100; shi4mc._alpha = 100; break; case 5: shi2mc._alpha = 100; shi3mc._alpha = 100; shi4mc._alpha = 100; shi5mc._alpha = 100; break; case 6: shi2mc._alpha = 100; shi3mc._alpha = 100; shi4mc._alpha = 100; shi5mc._alpha = 100; shi6mc._alpha = 100; } switch (_global.uSt) { case 2: stru2mc._alpha = 100; break; case 3: stru2mc._alpha = 100; stru3mc._alpha = 100; break; case 4: stru2mc._alpha = 100; stru3mc._alpha = 100; stru4mc._alpha = 100; break; case 5: stru2mc._alpha = 100; stru3mc._alpha = 100; stru4mc._alpha = 100; stru5mc._alpha = 100; break; case 6: stru2mc._alpha = 100; stru3mc._alpha = 100; stru4mc._alpha = 100; stru5mc._alpha = 100; stru6mc._alpha = 100; } var pathToRoot = _root; var tooltip_mc; var paddingX = 0; var paddingY = 20; var gameWidth = 650; var gameHeight = 400; stru6mc.onRelease = function () { krasit(this); _root.min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; _root.min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; _root.min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; = _root.rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _root.stren = _global.str; }; stru5mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; stru4mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; stru3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; stru2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; stru1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; shi6mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; shi5mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; shi4mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; shi3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; shi2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; shi1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; eng4mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; eng3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; eng2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; eng1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; rad4mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; rad3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; rad2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; rad1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; boo4mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; boo3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; boo2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; boo1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; gu3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; gu2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; gu1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; ro3mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; ro2mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; ro1mc.onRelease = stru6mc.onRelease; var al = 0; stru6mc.onRollOver = function () { this._yscale += 40; this._xscale = this._yscale; this._x -= 10; this._y -= 10; al = this._alpha; this._alpha = 100; switch (this) { case ro1mc: showTooltip('Missile lvl1 ', 'Gear for launching trilonian missiles with tandem fusion head. 5 missiles.', '40', '10', '5'); break; case ro2mc: showTooltip('Missile lvl2 ', 'Gear for launching trilonian missiles with tandem fusion head. 10 missiles.', '40', '10', '5'); break; case ro3mc: showTooltip('Missile lvl3 ', 'Gear for launching trilonian missiles with tandem fusion head. 15 missiles.', '40', '10', '5'); break; case gu1mc: showTooltip('Gun lvl1 ', 'Rail electric plasmatic cannon that produces beams of multi-dimensional sub-space particles. ', '50', '30', '25'); break; case gu2mc: showTooltip('Gun lvl2 ', 'Two rail electric plasmatic cannons that produce beams of multi-dimensional sub-space particles. ', '50', '30', '25'); break; case gu3mc: showTooltip('Gun lvl3 ', 'Three rail electric plasmatic cannons that produce beams of multi-dimensional sub-space particles. ', '50', '30', '25'); break; case boo1mc: showTooltip('Booster lvl1 ', 'Accumulating dispersed psi-field energy, increases ballistic properties of plasma charges. +0.5 to Strength ', '15', '15', '15'); break; case boo2mc: showTooltip('Booster lvl2 ', 'Accumulating dispersed psi-field energy, increases ballistic properties of plasma charges. +0.5 to Strength ', '15', '15', '15'); break; case boo3mc: showTooltip('Booster lvl3 ', 'Accumulating dispersed psi-field energy, increases ballistic properties of plasma charges. +0.5 to Strength ', '15', '15', '15'); break; case boo4mc: showTooltip('Booster lvl4 ', 'Accumulating dispersed psi-field energy, increases ballistic properties of plasma charges. +0.5 to Strength ', '15', '15', '15'); break; case rad1mc: showTooltip('Radar lvl1 ', 'Establishes a dual link with a target, increasing the accuracy of the charges on vulnerable sites of the enemy. +0.2 to Critical ', '15', '25', '8'); break; case rad2mc: showTooltip('Radar lvl2 ', 'Establishes a dual link with a target, increasing the accuracy of the charges on vulnerable sites of the enemy. +0.2 to Critical ', '15', '25', '8'); break; case rad3mc: showTooltip('Radar lvl3 ', 'Establishes a dual link with a target, increasing the accuracy of the charges on vulnerable sites of the enemy. +0.2 to Critical ', '15', '25', '8'); break; case rad4mc: showTooltip('Radar lvl4 ', 'Establishes a dual link with a target, increasing the accuracy of the charges on vulnerable sites of the enemy. +0.2 to Critical ', '15', '25', '8'); break; case eng1mc: showTooltip('Engine lvl1 ', 'Delta phase poly-reactor working on a synthetic Obolon. +0.3 to Speed ', '25', '20', '0'); break; case eng2mc: showTooltip('Engine lvl2 ', 'Delta phase poly-reactor working on a synthetic Obolon. +0.3 to Speed ', '25', '20', '0'); break; case eng3mc: showTooltip('Engine lvl3 ', 'Delta phase poly-reactor working on a synthetic Obolon. +0.3 to Speed ', '25', '20', '0'); break; case eng4mc: showTooltip('Engine lvl4 ', 'Delta phase poly-reactor working on a synthetic Obolon. +0.3 to Speed ', '25', '20', '0'); break; case shi1mc: showTooltip('Shield lvl1 ', 'Generating krizon Tesla-flows, creates dense electro-membrane shield around the ship. +20 to Max shield ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case shi2mc: showTooltip('Shield lvl2 ', 'Generating krizon Tesla-flows, creates dense electro-membrane shield around the ship. +20 to Max shield ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case shi3mc: showTooltip('Shield lvl3 ', 'Generating krizon Tesla-flows, creates dense electro-membrane shield around the ship. +20 to Max shield ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case shi4mc: showTooltip('Shield lvl4 ', 'Generating krizon Tesla-flows, creates dense electro-membrane shield around the ship. +20 to Max shield ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case shi5mc: showTooltip('Shield lvl5 ', 'Generating krizon Tesla-flows, creates dense electro-membrane shield around the ship. +20 to Max shield ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case shi6mc: showTooltip('Shield lvl6 ', 'Generating krizon Tesla-flows, creates dense electro-membrane shield around the ship. +20 to Max shield ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case stru1mc: showTooltip('Structure lvl1 ', 'Cellular coverage of ultralight nano-polymer with 8% containing of heavy latitan isotopes. +20 to Max Health ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case stru2mc: showTooltip('Structure lvl2 ', 'Cellular coverage of ultralight nano-polymer with 8% containing of heavy latitan isotopes. +20 to Max Health ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case stru3mc: showTooltip('Structure lvl3 ', 'Cellular coverage of ultralight nano-polymer with 8% containing of heavy latitan isotopes. +20 to Max Health ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case stru4mc: showTooltip('Structure lvl4 ', 'Cellular coverage of ultralight nano-polymer with 8% containing of heavy latitan isotopes. +20 to Max Health ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case stru5mc: showTooltip('Structure lvl5 ', 'Cellular coverage of ultralight nano-polymer with 8% containing of heavy latitan isotopes. +20 to Max Health ', '15', '10', '0'); break; case stru6mc: showTooltip('Structure lvl6 ', 'Cellular coverage of ultralight nano-polymer with 8% containing of heavy latitan isotopes. +20 to Max Health ', '15', '10', '0'); } }; stru5mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; stru4mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; stru3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; stru2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; stru1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; shi6mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; shi5mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; shi4mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; shi3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; shi2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; shi1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; eng4mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; eng3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; eng2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; eng1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; rad4mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; rad3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; rad2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; rad1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; boo4mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; boo3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; boo2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; boo1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; gu3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; gu2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; gu1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; ro3mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; ro2mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; ro1mc.onRollOver = stru6mc.onRollOver; stru6mc.onDragOut = function () { this._yscale -= 40; this._xscale = this._yscale; this._x += 10; this._y += 10; this._alpha = al; hideTooltip(); }; stru5mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru4mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi6mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi5mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi4mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng4mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad4mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo4mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; gu3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; gu2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; gu1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; ro3mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; ro2mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; ro1mc.onDragOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru6mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru5mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru4mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; stru1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi6mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi5mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi4mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; shi1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng4mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; eng1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad4mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; rad1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo4mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; boo1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; gu3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; gu2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; gu1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; ro3mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; ro2mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; ro1mc.onRollOut = stru6mc.onDragOut; } } movieClip 563 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } } movieClip 566 { } button 570 { on (release) { _global.restartlvl = true; _global.MIN -= _global.min1; _global.GAS -= _global.gas1; _global.BIO -= _global.bio1; _global.hertottime += _global.timeall; _global.timeall = 0; _global.herkill += _global.kill1; _global.kill1 = 0; } } button 572 { on (release) { _global.perehod = 2; } } button 574 { on (release) { _global.SoundM = true; if (_global.SoundM == true) { ofmc._yscale = 66; ofmc._xscale = 66; onmc._yscale = 100; onmc._xscale = 100; } else { ofmc._yscale = 100; ofmc._xscale = 100; onmc._yscale = 66; onmc._xscale = 66; } } } button 576 { on (release) { _global.SoundM = false; _root.msystem.stop(); _root.mpause.stop(); _root.mbos.stop(); _root.mmenu.stop(); if (_global.SoundM == true) { ofmc._yscale = 66; ofmc._xscale = 66; onmc._yscale = 100; onmc._xscale = 100; } else { ofmc._yscale = 100; ofmc._xscale = 100; onmc._yscale = 66; onmc._xscale = 66; } } } button 578 { on (release) { _global.Detal = 1; if (_global.Detal == 1) { himc._yscale = 66; himc._xscale = 66; lomc._yscale = 100; lomc._xscale = 100; } if (_global.Detal == 2) { himc._yscale = 100; himc._xscale = 100; lomc._yscale = 66; lomc._xscale = 66; } } } button 580 { on (release) { _global.Detal = 2; if (_global.Detal == 1) { himc._yscale = 66; himc._xscale = 66; lomc._yscale = 100; lomc._xscale = 100; } if (_global.Detal == 2) { himc._yscale = 100; himc._xscale = 100; lomc._yscale = 66; lomc._xscale = 66; } } } movieClip 582 { frame 1 { if (_global.Detal == 1) { himc._yscale = 66; himc._xscale = 66; lomc._yscale = 100; lomc._xscale = 100; } if (_global.Detal == 2) { himc._yscale = 100; himc._xscale = 100; lomc._yscale = 66; lomc._xscale = 66; } if (_global.SoundM == false) { ofmc._yscale = 100; ofmc._xscale = 100; onmc._yscale = 66; onmc._xscale = 66; } else { ofmc._yscale = 66; ofmc._xscale = 66; onmc._yscale = 100; onmc._xscale = 100; } this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; } } movieClip 583 { frame 2 { stop(); } } button 598 { on (release) { _global.perehod = 2; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 599 { frame 1 { stop(); Qwar._visible = false; Qdef._visible = false; Qsca._visible = false; Qsht._visible = false; Qtan._visible = false; switch (_global.perstype) { case 1: Qwar._visible = true; break; case 2: Qsca._visible = true; break; case 3: Qtan._visible = true; break; case 4: Qsht._visible = true; break; case 5: Qdef._visible = true; } var kill2 = 0; var time2 = 0; var score2 = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.pauseall) { if (kill2 < _global.herkill) { ++kill2; killstxt.text = kill2; } if (time2 < _global.hertottime) { ++time2; timetxt.text = time2; } if (score2 < _global.herlvl) { ++score2; scoretxt.text = score2; } } }; } } button 601 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); } if (!heroab._visible) { if (_global.pauseall) { _global.pauseall = false; setPause(false); _global.step = _global.steptmp; cap1.gotoAndPlay(80); } else { _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.steptmp = _global.step; _global.step = 0; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'PAUSED'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (!menuab._visible) { heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = true; menuab.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _global.str /= 3; } bokovuha._visible = false; _root.ggoo = 1; } else { menuab._visible = false; bokovuha._visible = true; if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _global.str *= 3; } bokovuha.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.ggoo = 0; } } } button 603 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); } if (!menuab._visible) { if (_global.pauseall) { _global.pauseall = false; setPause(false); _global.step = _global.steptmp; cap1.gotoAndPlay(80); } else { _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.steptmp = _global.step; _global.step = 0; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'PAUSED'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (!heroab._visible) { menuab._visible = false; if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _global.str /= 3; } heroab._visible = true; heroab.gotoAndPlay(1); bokovuha._visible = false; _root.ggoo = 1; } else { if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _global.str *= 3; } heroab._visible = false; bokovuha._visible = true; bokovuha.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.ggoo = 0; } } } frame 6 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v7 = follower._x - target._x; var v6 = follower._y - target._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); if (v8 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v3 = spiders[v4]; if (v3 == target) { removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { v3 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v3 == target) { removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { d._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { d._x = fon._x - d._width / 2; } else { d._x = fon._x + fon._width + d._width / 2; } } else { d._x = A; d._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = d; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; var timeS = 0; var TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (timeS++ > TtimeS) { timeS = 0; placeEbul(Sd); } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = Sd; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); msystem.start(0, 500); } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; if (_global.systema != 1) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SURVIVE FOR 60 SECONDS'; } else { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TRAINING SYSTEM'; } cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 16762823; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var spiderCount = 0; var SspiderCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; tutor._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; var resp = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); _global.playsfx('collected'); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); _global.playsfx('collected'); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); _global.playsfx('collected'); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; var v9 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v9); globalToLocal(v9); _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v8 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v8._x = v9.x; v8._y = v9.y; v8._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v8.a = (v8._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v8.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } var v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = spiders[v7]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; v3._yscale -= 20 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } var v6 = Sspiders.length; while (v6--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v6]; if (v4.Shit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.Slif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.Slif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += (bulletSpeed - 8) * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += (bulletSpeed - 8) * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var spiders = new Array(); var Sspiders = new Array(); if (_global.systema != 1) { i = 5; if (_global.systema == 3 || _global.systema == 4) { i = 10; } while (i--) { placeSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } i = 3; if (_global.systema == 3 || _global.systema == 4) { i = 6; } while (i--) { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } } onEnterFrame = function () { var v11 = 0; var v12 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v14 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v16 = hero.foot.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; hero.foot.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl2._x - sun._x; v14 = pl2._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl2.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl2.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl1._x - sun._x; v14 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl1.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl1.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl3._x - sun._x; v14 = pl3._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl3.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl3.filters = v16; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { var v6 = spiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = Sspiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); } } v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v3 = spiders[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v3 = Sspiders[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v19 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v17 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v18 = Math.atan2(v17, v19); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v18 / Math.PI) * 180; var v10 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 100 * Math.cos(r_ang * 3); pl1._y = 245 + 100 * Math.sin(r_ang * 3); pl2._x = 317 + 200 * Math.cos(r_ang * 2); pl2._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang * 2); pl3._x = 317 + 300 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl3._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (_global.systema != 1) { if (spiderCount++ > 75 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { spiderCount = 0; placeSpider(0, 0); if (_global.systema == 4) { placeSpider(0, 0); } } if (SspiderCount++ > 300 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { SspiderCount = 0; placeSSpider(0, 0); if (_global.systema == 4) { placeSSpider(0, 0); } } } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = spiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = Sspiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !end) { if (spiders.length == 0 && Sspiders.length == 0) { if (_global.systema != 1) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); var v15 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); var v4 = pl1.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; v4[2].quality = 100; v4[2].color = 3329279; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl3.filters = v4; end1 = 8; end = true; } } if (end1 > 0) { end1 -= 0.1; v4 = pl1.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl3.filters = v4; } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (_global.timeall > 60) { resp = false; } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; tutor._visible = false; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(6); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.playsfx('exp'); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; } movieClip 606 { } movieClip 609 { } movieClip 612 { } movieClip 614 { } movieClip 615 { frame 24 { stop(); } } movieClip 618 { } movieClip 621 { } movieClip 622 { frame 50 { = Math.random() * 700; = Math.random() * 600; } } movieClip 625 { } movieClip 626 { frame 1 { stop(); addToPause(this); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 627 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } movieClip 630 { } movieClip 631 { frame 1 { stop(); addToPause(this); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 633 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } movieClip 635 { } movieClip 636 { } movieClip 638 { } movieClip 639 { } movieClip 641 { } movieClip 642 { } movieClip 739 { } movieClip 836 { } movieClip 933 { } movieClip 935 { } movieClip 938 { } movieClip 941 { } movieClip 944 { } movieClip 947 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { placeBullet(); } } movieClip 948 { } movieClip 949 { } movieClip 952 { } movieClip 954 { } movieClip 955 { } button 956 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); } if (!heroab._visible) { if (_global.pauseall) { _global.pauseall = false; setPause(false); _global.step = _global.steptmp; cap1.gotoAndPlay(80); mpause.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { msystem.start(0, 500); } } else { _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.steptmp = _global.step; _global.step = 0; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'PAUSED'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); msystem.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.start(0, 500); } } } if (!menuab._visible) { heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = true; menuab.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _global.str /= 3; } bokovuha._visible = false; _root.ggoo = 1; } else { menuab._visible = false; bokovuha._visible = true; if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _global.str *= 3; } bokovuha.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.ggoo = 0; } } } movieClip 960 { } button 961 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); } if (!menuab._visible) { if (_global.pauseall) { _global.pauseall = false; setPause(false); _global.step = _global.steptmp; cap1.gotoAndPlay(80); mpause.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { msystem.start(0, 500); } } else { _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.steptmp = _global.step; _global.step = 0; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'PAUSED'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); msystem.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.start(0, 500); } } } if (!heroab._visible) { menuab._visible = false; if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _root.stren /= 3; } heroab._visible = true; heroab.gotoAndPlay(1); bokovuha._visible = false; _root.ggoo = 1; } else { if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _root.stren *= 3; } heroab._visible = false; bokovuha._visible = true; bokovuha.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.ggoo = 0; } trace(cap1); } } movieClip 963 { } movieClip 964 { frame 16 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 965 { frame 1 { partGo._visible = false; i = 30; while (i--) { d = partGo.duplicateMovieClip('p' + i, i); d._rotation = Math.random() * 360; d._yscale = Math.random() * 70 + 50; d._xscale = d._yscale; } } } movieClip 966 { } movieClip 967 { frame 12 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 968 { frame 1 { part1Go._visible = false; i = 10; while (i--) { d = part1Go.duplicateMovieClip('p' + i, i); d._rotation = Math.random() * 360; d._yscale = Math.random() * 70 + 50; d._xscale = d._yscale; } } } movieClip 970 { } movieClip 971 { frame 14 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 972 { frame 1 { part2Go._visible = false; i = 10; while (i--) { d = part2Go.duplicateMovieClip('p' + i, i); d._rotation = Math.random() * 360; d._yscale = Math.random() * 70 + 50; d._xscale = d._yscale; } } } movieClip 977 { } movieClip 979 { } movieClip 983 { } movieClip 985 { } movieClip 987 { } movieClip 988 { frame 11 { if (_global.SAE != 1) { stop(); } } } movieClip 990 { } movieClip 991 { frame 7 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 993 { } movieClip 995 { } movieClip 997 { } movieClip 1000 { } movieClip 1001 { frame 99 { stop(); } } movieClip 1003 { } movieClip 1004 { frame 24 { if (_global.pauseall) { stop(); } } frame 106 { stop(); if (_global.systema == 1) { if (_root.resp) { _root.tutor._visible = true; } } } } movieClip 1006 { } movieClip 1007 { } movieClip 1008 { } movieClip 1012 { } button 1021 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); var mmm = _root.lev + 1; while (mmm--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(mmm)); } removeMovieClip(_root.heroab); removeMovieClip(_root.menuab); removeMovieClip(_root.con); switch (_global.systema) { case 1: _global.system1stat = 0; break; case 2: _global.system2stat = 0; break; case 3: _global.system3stat = 0; break; case 4: _global.system4stat = 0; break; case 5: _global.system5stat = 0; break; case 6: _global.system6stat = 0; break; case 7: _global.system7stat = 0; break; case 8: _global.system8stat = 0; break; case 9: _global.system9stat = 0; break; case 10: _global.system10stat = 0; break; case 11: _global.system11stat = 0; break; case 12: _global.system12stat = 0; break; case 13: _global.system13stat = 0; break; case 14: _global.system14stat = 0; break; case 15: _global.system15stat = 0; break; case 16: _global.system16stat = 0; break; case 17: _global.system17stat = 0; break; case 18: _global.system18stat = 0; break; case 19: _global.system19stat = 0; break; case 20: _global.system20stat = 0; break; case 21: _global.system21stat = 0; } _global.hertottime += _global.timeall; _global.timeall = 0; _global.herkill += _global.kill1; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.herlvl += _global.score; if (!_global.surv) { _global.perehod = 1; } else { _global.perehod = 2; } } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } button 1023 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); _global.restartlvl = true; con._visible = false; _global.pauseall = false; _global.MIN -= _global.min1; _global.GAS -= _global.gas1; _global.BIO -= _global.bio1; _global.hertottime += _global.timeall; _global.timeall = 0; _global.herkill += _global.kill1; _global.kill1 = 0; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } button 1025 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); var mmm = _root.lev + 1; while (mmm--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(mmm)); } removeMovieClip(_root.heroab); removeMovieClip(_root.menuab); removeMovieClip(_root.con); _global.hertottime += _global.timeall; _global.timeall = 0; _global.herkill += _global.kill1; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.perehod = 1; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } button 1026 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); _global.restartlvl = true; con._visible = false; _global.pauseall = false; _global.MIN -= _global.min1; _global.GAS -= _global.gas1; _global.BIO -= _global.bio1; _global.hertottime += _global.timeall; _global.timeall = 0; _global.herkill += _global.kill1; _global.kill1 = 0; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 1031 { frame 2 { stop(); Qwar._visible = false; Qdef._visible = false; Qsca._visible = false; Qsht._visible = false; Qtan._visible = false; switch (_global.perstype) { case 1: Qwar._visible = true; break; case 2: Qsca._visible = true; break; case 3: Qtan._visible = true; break; case 4: Qsht._visible = true; break; case 5: Qdef._visible = true; } var kill2 = 0; var res12 = 0; var res22 = 0; var res32 = 0; var time2 = 0; if (!_global.surv) { _global.score = Math.floor(_global.kill1 * (_global.gas1 + _global.min1 * 2 + _global.bio1 * 3) * _global.systema / _global.timeall); } else { _global.score = _global.kill1 + _global.timeall; } if (_global.systema == 9) { score = Math.floor(620 / _global.timeall); } var score2 = 0; this._yscale = 0; if ( < 0 && !_global.surv) { gotoAndPlay(3); } onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.pauseall) { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 10; } else { if (kill2 < _global.kill1) { ++kill2; killstxt.text = kill2; } if (res12 < _global.gas1) { ++res12; res1txt.text = res12; } if (res22 < _global.min1) { ++res22; res2txt.text = res22; } if (res32 < _global.bio1) { ++res32; res3txt.text = res32; } if (time2 < _global.timeall) { ++time2; timetxt.text = time2; } if (score2 < _global.score) { ++score2; scoretxt.text = score2; } } } }; } frame 3 { stop(); Qwar._visible = false; Qdef._visible = false; Qsca._visible = false; Qsht._visible = false; Qtan._visible = false; switch (_global.perstype) { case 1: Qwar._visible = true; break; case 2: Qsca._visible = true; break; case 3: Qtan._visible = true; break; case 4: Qsht._visible = true; break; case 5: Qdef._visible = true; } var kill2 = 0; var death2 = 0; var time2 = 0; _global.herdeath += 1; this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 10; } else { if (kill2 < _global.kill1) { ++kill2; killstxt.text = kill2; } if (death2 < _global.herdeath) { ++death2; deathtxt.text = death2; } if (time2 < _global.timeall) { ++time2; timetxt.text = time2; } } }; } } movieClip 1032 { } button 1036 { on (release) { play(); _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 1038 { } movieClip 1045 { frame 1 { this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; } } movieClip 1049 { } movieClip 1051 { } movieClip 1053 { } movieClip 1058 { frame 1 { this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; } } movieClip 1064 { } movieClip 1065 { } movieClip 1067 { frame 1 { this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; } } movieClip 1071 { frame 1 { this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; } } movieClip 1074 { frame 1 { this._yscale = 0; onEnterFrame = function () { if (this._yscale < 100) { this._yscale += 20; } }; } } button 1077 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); _root.tutor.gotoAndPlay(1); } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } button 1080 { on (release) { _global.playsfx('buttonrelease'); _root.tutor._visible = false; } on (rollOver) { _global.playsfx('onroll'); } } movieClip 1081 { frame 2 { stop(); } frame 3 { stop(); } frame 4 { stop(); } frame 5 { stop(); } frame 6 { stop(); } frame 7 { stop(); } frame 8 { stop(); _root.resp = false; } } frame 7 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v7 = follower._x - target._x; var v6 = follower._y - target._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); if (v8 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v3 = spiders[v4]; if (v3 == target) { removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { v3 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v3 == target) { removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == mob1c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob1c.thp -= 10; mob1c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { d._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { d._x = fon._x - d._width / 2; } else { d._x = fon._x + fon._width + d._width / 2; } } else { d._x = A; d._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = d; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; var timeS = 0; var TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (timeS++ > TtimeS) { timeS = 0; placeEbul(Sd); } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = Sd; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function createAster(X, Y, OX, OY, D, A, SP, TYP) { ++lev; if (TYP == 0) { var v2 = aster.duplicateMovieClip('asteroid' + lev, lev); } else { if (TYP == 1) { var v2 = aster1.duplicateMovieClip('asteroid' + lev, lev); } else { var v2 = aster2.duplicateMovieClip('asteroid' + lev, lev); } } v2.xx = X + Math.random() * 5; v2.yy = Y + Math.random() * 5; v2.ox = OX; v2.oy = OY; v2.ang = A; = D; v2.typ = TYP; v2._yscale = D; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; v2.spe = SP; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.ang -= this.spe; var v6 = this.ang / 57.29577951308232; this._x = this.xx + this.ox * Math.cos(v6); this._y = this.yy + this.oy * Math.sin(v6); this._rotation += 5; var v2 = 0; var v3 = this._x - sun._x; var v5 = this._y - sun._y; if (v3 == 0) { if (v5 >= 0) { v2 = 270; } else { v2 = 90; } } else { if (v3 > 0) { v2 = Math.atan(v5 / v3) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v2 = Math.atan(v5 / v3) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v2 = Math.atan(v5 / v3) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v4 = this.filters; v4[0].angle = v2; v4[0].distance = 11 * (this._xscale / 100); v4[0].blurY = 11 * (this._xscale / 100); v4[0].blurX = v4[0].blurY; this.filters = v4; }; asteroids.push(v2); } function removeAster(s) { var v3 = asteroids.length; while (v3--) { var v1 = asteroids[v3]; if (v1 == s) { if (v1._width > 10) { createAster(v1.xx + 5, v1.yy + 5, v1.ox, v1.oy, / 1.5, v1.ang, v1.spe + 0.2, v1.typ); createAster(v1.xx - 5, v1.yy - 5, v1.ox, v1.oy, / 1.5, v1.ang, v1.spe, v1.typ); } v1.gotoAndStop(2); delete v1.onEnterFrame; asteroids.splice(v3, 1); } } var v2 = needBePaused.length; while (v2--) { var v4 = needBePaused[v2]; if (v4 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v2, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); msystem.start(0, 500); } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 16762823; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var spiderCount = 0; var SspiderCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; var resp = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; var v10 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v10); globalToLocal(v10); _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v9 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v9._x = v10.x; v9._y = v10.y; v9._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v9.a = (v9._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v9.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); _global.playsfx('hit'); } var v8 = asteroids.length; while (v8--) { var v6 = asteroids[v8]; if (v6.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); this.removeMovieClip(); removeAster(v6); placeBoom1(v6._x, v6._y); } } v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { var v3 = spiders[v8]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; v3._yscale -= 20 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } if (mob1c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob1c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob1c._y) < 128.5) { mob1c.thp -= _global.rad; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob1c.thp -= 1; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); } placeBoom1(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v7]; if (v4.Shit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.Slif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.Slif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt) { ++lev; var v6 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v6); globalToLocal(v6); _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v5 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v5._x = v6.x; v5._y = v6.y; if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v5._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v5._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } v5.a = (v5._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v5.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += (bulletSpeed - 8) * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += (bulletSpeed - 8) * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v4 = asteroids.length; while (v4--) { var v3 = asteroids[v4]; if (v3.hitTest(this)) { this.removeMovieClip(); removeAster(v3); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { var v5 = shild - 5; if (v5 < 0) { life += v5; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var spiders = new Array(); var Sspiders = new Array(); var asteroids = new Array(); i = random(10) + 10; while (i--) { createAster(sun._x + 35, sun._y + 35, 275, 235, Math.random() * 60 + 20, Math.random() * 360, Math.random() + 0.1, random(3)); } i = 10; if (_global.systema == 6 || _global.systema == 7) { i = 15; } while (i--) { placeSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } i = 5; if (_global.systema == 6 || _global.systema == 7) { i = 8; } while (i--) { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } onEnterFrame = function () { var v11 = 0; var v12 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v14 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v15 = hero.foot.filters; v15[1].angle = v11; hero.foot.filters = v15; v11 = 0; v12 = pl1._x - sun._x; v14 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v15 = pl1.filters; v15[1].angle = v11; pl1.filters = v15; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { var v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v6 = enemiesArray.length; while (v6--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v4 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); } } v6 = spiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = spiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); } } v6 = Sspiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = Sspiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v19 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v17 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v18 = Math.atan2(v17, v19); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v18 / Math.PI) * 180; var v10 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 150 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl1._y = 245 + 150 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (spiderCount++ > 60 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { spiderCount = 0; placeSpider(566, 180); _global.playsfx('resp'); if (_global.systema == 6) { placeSpider(0, 0); } } if (SspiderCount++ > 300 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { SspiderCount = 0; placeSSpider(0, 0); if (_global.systema == 7) { placeSSpider(0, 0); } } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !end) { if (spiders.length == 0 && Sspiders.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); var v16 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); var v9 = pl1.filters; v9.push(v16); v9[2].blurY = 0; v9[2].blurX = 0; v9[2].quality = 100; v9[2].color = 3329279; pl1.filters = v9; end1 = 8; end = true; } } if (end1 > 0) { end1 -= 0.1; v9 = pl1.filters; v9[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v9[2].blurX = v9[2].blurY; v9[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl1.filters = v9; } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(7); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; } movieClip 1084 { } button 1091 { on (release) { if (_global.SoundM != false) { _global.playsfx('panelmove'); } if (!menuab._visible) { if (_global.pauseall) { _global.pauseall = false; setPause(false); _global.step = _global.steptmp; cap1.gotoAndPlay(80); mpause.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { msystem.start(0, 500); } } else { _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); _global.steptmp = _global.step; _global.step = 0; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'PAUSED'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); msystem.stop(); if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.start(0, 500); } } } if (!heroab._visible) { menuab._visible = false; if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _root.stren /= 3; } heroab._visible = true; heroab.gotoAndPlay(1); bokovuha._visible = false; _root.ggoo = 1; } else { if (_global.SAE == 2 && _global.perstype == 1) { _root.stren *= 3; } heroab._visible = false; bokovuha._visible = true; bokovuha.gotoAndPlay(1); _root.ggoo = 0; } } } movieClip 1094 { frame 1 { stop(); addToPause(this); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1097 { frame 1 { stop(); addToPause(this); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1100 { frame 1 { stop(); addToPause(this); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1102 { } movieClip 1105 { } movieClip 1106 { } instance mob1c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } frame 8 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function placeVolnaboom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = volnaboom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v7 = follower._x - target._x; var v6 = follower._y - target._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); if (v8 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeSpider(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeSSpider(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeEnemy(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == mob1c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob1c.thp -= 10; mob1c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } } if (target == rb1) { _global.playsfx('hit'); rb1.thp -= 10; rb1.hp._width -= 3; if (rb1.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(rb1._x, rb1._y); placeBoom(rb1._x, rb1._y); placeBoom(rb1._x, rb1._y); rb1._x += 1000; resp = false; ++_global.kill1; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e1') { var v3 = enemA.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e2') { v3 = enemB.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e3') { v3 = enemC.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeA') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.1; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 10; = 1; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 60; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeB') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 6; v3.turnRate = 1; v3.agroRange = 500; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 2; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 10; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeC') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.2; v3.agroRange = 100; v3.mode = 'run'; v3._x = random(Stage.width - 400) + 200; v3._y = random(Stage.height - 300) + 150; v3.lif = 15; = 3; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } } } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 1) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeVolna(v2); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(v2._x, v2._y); } } } if ( == 3) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; _global.playsfx('lazer'); var v4 = 4; while (v4--) { placeEbul(v2, 2); v2._rotation += 90; } } } if ( == 2) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeEbul(v2, 3); } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; Sd.timeS = 0; Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS) { this.timeS = 0; placeEbul(Sd, 1); } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function createAster(X, Y, OX, OY, D, A, SP, TYP) { ++lev; if (TYP == 0) { var v2 = aster.duplicateMovieClip('asteroid' + lev, lev); } else { if (TYP == 1) { var v2 = aster1.duplicateMovieClip('asteroid' + lev, lev); } else { var v2 = aster2.duplicateMovieClip('asteroid' + lev, lev); } } v2.xx = X + Math.random() * 5; v2.yy = Y + Math.random() * 5; v2.ox = OX; v2.oy = OY; v2.ang = A; = D; v2.typ = TYP; v2._yscale = D; v2._xscale = v2._yscale; v2.spe = SP; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this.ang -= this.spe; var v5 = this.ang / 57.29577951308232; this._x = this.xx + this.ox * Math.cos(v5); this._y = this.yy + this.oy * Math.sin(v5); this._rotation += 5; var v3 = 0; var v2 = this._x - sun._x; var v4 = this._y - sun._y; if (v2 == 0) { if (v4 >= 0) { v3 = 270; } else { v3 = 90; } } else { if (v2 > 0) { v3 = Math.atan(v4 / v2) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v3 = Math.atan(v4 / v2) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v3 = Math.atan(v4 / v2) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } }; asteroids.push(v2); } function removeAster(s) { var v3 = asteroids.length; while (v3--) { var v1 = asteroids[v3]; if (v1 == s) { if (v1._width > 10) { createAster(v1.xx + 5, v1.yy + 5, v1.ox, v1.oy, / 1.5, v1.ang, v1.spe + 0.2, v1.typ); createAster(v1.xx - 5, v1.yy - 5, v1.ox, v1.oy, / 1.5, v1.ang, v1.spe, v1.typ); } v1.gotoAndStop(2); delete v1.onEnterFrame; asteroids.splice(v3, 1); } } var v2 = needBePaused.length; while (v2--) { var v4 = needBePaused[v2]; if (v4 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v2, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; if (_global.systema == 9) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'KILL THE BOSS!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.SoundM != false) { mbos.start(0, 500); } } else { if (_global.SoundM != false) { msystem.start(0, 500); } } _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 11132159; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var spiderCount = 0; var SspiderCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; rb1.thp = 300; var resp = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; var v11 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v11); globalToLocal(v11); _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v10 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v10._x = v11.x; v10._y = v11.y; v10._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v10.a = (v10._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v10.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun) && _global.systema != 9) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v9 = asteroids.length; while (v9--) { var v4 = asteroids[v9]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); this.removeMovieClip(); removeAster(v4); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); } } v9 = spiders.length; while (v9--) { var v3 = spiders[v9]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; v3._yscale -= 20 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } if (mob1c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob1c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob1c._y) < 128.5) { mob1c.thp -= _global.rad; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob1c.thp -= 1; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); } placeBoom1(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (rb1.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - rb1._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - rb1._y) < 128.5) { rb1.thp -= _global.rad; rb1.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { rb1.thp -= 1; rb1.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (rb1.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(rb1._x, rb1._y); rb1._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(rb1._x, rb1._y); } placeBoom1(rb1._x, rb1._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v4 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } var v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { var v5 = Sspiders[v8]; if (v5.Shit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v5._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v5._y) < 128.5) { v5.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } else { v5.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } } } }; }; placeVolna = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v3 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v3); globalToLocal(v3); _global.playsfx('volna'); var v4 = volna.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v3.x; v4._y = v3.y; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v6 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v6); globalToLocal(v6); if (ty == 1) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v4 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v4._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v4._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v4.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v4 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v4.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { _global.playsfx('zalenie'); v4 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v6.x; v4._y = v6.y; v4._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v4._y, hero._x - v4._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v4.bsp = 16; } v4._x = v6.x; v4._y = v6.y; v4.a = (v4._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ( != 3) { if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v4 = asteroids.length; while (v4--) { var v3 = asteroids[v4]; if (v3.hitTest(this)) { this.removeMovieClip(); removeAster(v3); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); } } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { if (_global.systema == 9) { placeVolna(this); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(this._x, this._y); } } var v5 = shild - 5; if (v5 < 0) { life += v5; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v5 = shild - 1; if (v5 < 0) { life += v5; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; var spiders = new Array(); var Sspiders = new Array(); var asteroids = new Array(); i = random(10) + 5; while (i--) { createAster(sun._x + 35, sun._y + 35, 75, 75, Math.random() * 60 + 20, Math.random() * 360, Math.random() + 0.1, random(3)); } i = random(10) + 10; while (i--) { createAster(sun._x + 35, sun._y + 35, 185, 185, Math.random() * 60 + 20, Math.random() * 360, Math.random() + 0.1, random(3)); } i = random(10) + 15; while (i--) { createAster(sun._x + 35, sun._y + 35, 280, 280, Math.random() * 60 + 20, Math.random() * 360, Math.random() + 0.1, random(3)); } if (_global.systema != 9) { i = 10; while (i--) { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } createEnemies(3, 'typeA', 'e1'); createEnemies(2, 'typeC', 'e3'); } onEnterFrame = function () { var v10 = 0; var v11 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v13 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v11 == 0) { if (v13 >= 0) { v10 = 270; } else { v10 = 90; } } else { if (v11 > 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v14 = hero.foot.filters; v14[1].angle = v10; hero.foot.filters = v14; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { var v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v5 = enemiesArray[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v6 = enemiesArray.length; while (v6--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v4 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); } } v6 = spiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = spiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); } } v6 = Sspiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = Sspiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v17 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v15 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v16 = Math.atan2(v15, v17); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v16 / Math.PI) * 180; var v9 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v9); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v9); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v9); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (spiderCount++ > 50 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall && _global.systema != 9) { spiderCount = 0; placeSpider(487, 383); _global.playsfx('resp'); } if (SspiderCount++ > 150 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall && _global.systema != 9) { SspiderCount = 0; placeSSpider(0, 0); if (_global.systema == 11) { placeSSpider(487, 383); _global.playsfx('resp'); } } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v5 = enemiesArray[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !end) { if (spiders.length == 0 && Sspiders.length == 0 && enemiesArray.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); end = true; } } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(8); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; rb1.timeS = 0; rb1.TtimeS = 25; if (_global.systema == 9) { rb1._x = sun._x + 35; rb1._y = sun._y + 35; mob1c._x += 1000; } rb1.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.systema == 9 && !_global.pauseall) { this.body._rotation += 1; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS && resp) { this.timeS = 0; _global.playsfx('lazer'); var v3 = 8; while (v3--) { placeEbul(this.body, 2); this.body._rotation += 45; } } } }; } movieClip 1109 { } movieClip 1117 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } movieClip 1119 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } movieClip 1121 { } movieClip 1122 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } frame 19 { this.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1125 { } movieClip 1127 { } movieClip 1128 { } instance rb1 of movieClip 1128 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } instance mob1c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } movieClip 1130 { } movieClip 1131 { frame 16 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); stop(); } } movieClip 1132 { frame 1 { volnaboomgo._visible = false; i = 50; while (i--) { d = volnaboomgo.duplicateMovieClip('p' + i, i); d._rotation = Math.random() * 360; } } } frame 9 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function fireLight(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('molniya'); var temp = effectHolder.duplicateMovieClip('efho' + lev, lev); temp.time = 5; temp.onEnterFrame = function () { temp.clear(); temp.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v13 = xStart - xEnd; var v11 = yStart - yEnd; var v12 = Math.sqrt(v13 * v13 + v11 * v11); var v9 = v12 / lightningFrequency; var v3 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v10 = v12 / v9; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < lightningBranches) { temp.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v9 + 1) { var v5 = v10 * v2; var v4 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v6 = xStart - Math.cos(v3) * v5 + Math.cos(v3 + 1.55) * v4; var v7 = yStart - Math.sin(v3) * v5 + Math.sin(v3 + 1.55) * v4; temp.lineTo(v6, v7); ++v2; } ++v8; } if (this.time-- <= 0) { temp.removeMovieClip(); } }; temp.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); addSparkles(xEnd, yEnd, sparkNumber, sparkDistance, sparkSize); } function startLReloading(a) { reloadLComplete = false; reloadLTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunLReloaded', reloadLSpeed); screenLTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunLReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadLTimer); reloadLComplete = true; } function addSparkles(_targetX, _targetY, _sparkNumber, _distance, _sparkSize) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _sparkNumber) { var v4 = _root.attachMovie('spark', 'spark_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('spark2', 'spark2_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v4._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; var v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v4._xscale = v5; v4._yscale = v5; v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v3._xscale = v5; v3._yscale = v5; v3._rotation = random(359); v4._alpha = lightningAlpha; v3._alpha = lightningAlpha; ++v6; } } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v7 = follower._x - target._x; var v6 = follower._y - target._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); if (v8 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v3 = spiders[v4]; if (v3 == target) { removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { v3 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v3 == target) { removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == mob1c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob1c.thp -= 10; mob1c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } } if (target == mob2c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob2c.thp -= 10; mob2c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob2c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); mob2c._x += 1000; resp2 = false; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip, Q, W) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e3') { var v3 = enemC.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e4') { v3 = enemD.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (Q == 0 && W == 0) { v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); } else { v3._x = Q; v3._y = W; } v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeD') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 4 + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.5; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 4; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeC') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.2; v3.agroRange = 100; v3.mode = 'run'; v3._x = random(Stage.width - 400) + 200; v3._y = random(Stage.height - 300) + 150; v3.lif = 15; = 3; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 3) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; _global.playsfx('lazer'); var v5 = 4; while (v5--) { placeEbul(v2, 2); v2._rotation += 90; } } } if ( == 4) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { if (Math.abs(hero._x - v2._x) < 150 && Math.abs(hero._y - v2._y) < 150) { v2.timeS = 0; fireLight(v2._x, v2._y, hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v4 = shild - 3; if (v4 < 0) { life += v4; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { d._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { d._x = fon._x - d._width / 2; } else { d._x = fon._x + fon._width + d._width / 2; } } else { d._x = A; d._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); msystem.start(0, 500); } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; _global.planet = 0; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 10485694; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob2c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob2c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob2c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 10485694; mob2c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var spiderCount = 0; var eneCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; mob2c.thp = 100; var resp = true; var resp2 = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var lightningOffset = 12; var lightningFrequency = 12; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 10; var sparkDistance = 20; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadLSpeed = 200; var clearSpeed = 200; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadLTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadLComplete = true; var rotationLDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v9 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v9); globalToLocal(v9); var v8 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v8._x = v9.x; v8._y = v9.y; v8._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v8.a = (v8._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v8.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = spiders[v7]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; v3._yscale -= 20 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } if (mob1c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob1c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob1c._y) < 128.5) { mob1c.thp -= _global.rad; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob1c.thp -= 1; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); } placeBoom1(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (mob2c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob2c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob2c._y) < 128.5) { mob2c.thp -= _global.rad; mob2c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob2c.thp -= 1; mob2c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob2c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); mob2c._x += 1000; resp2 = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); } placeBoom1(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v6 = enemiesArray.length; while (v6--) { var v4 = enemiesArray[v6]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); if (ty == 1) { var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); _global.playsfx('zelenie'); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v3.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v3 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v3.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); v3 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v3._y, hero._x - v3._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v3.bsp = 16; } v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ( != 3) { if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; createEnemies(3, 'typeC', 'e3', 0, 0); createEnemies(3, 'typeD', 'e4', 0, 0); var spiders = new Array(); i = 15; while (i--) { placeSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } onEnterFrame = function () { var v11 = 0; var v12 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v14 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v16 = hero.foot.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; hero.foot.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl2._x - sun._x; v14 = pl2._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl2.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl2.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl1._x - sun._x; v14 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl1.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl1.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl3._x - sun._x; v14 = pl3._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl3.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl3.filters = v16; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { var v6 = spiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v5 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); } } v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v3 = spiders[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v5 = 0.5; ++_global.kill1; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v19 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v17 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v18 = Math.atan2(v17, v19); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v18 / Math.PI) * 180; var v10 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 100 * Math.cos(r_ang * 3); pl1._y = 245 + 100 * Math.sin(r_ang * 3); pl2._x = 317 + 200 * Math.cos(r_ang * 2); pl2._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang * 2); pl3._x = 317 + 300 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl3._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (spiderCount++ > 50 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { spiderCount = 0; placeSpider(318, 478); _global.playsfx('resp'); if (_global.systema == 12) { placeSpider(0, 0); } if (_global.systema == 13 && Math.random() < 0.18) { createEnemies(1, 'typeD', 'e4', 318, 478); _global.playsfx('resp'); } } if (eneCount++ > 350 && resp2 && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { eneCount = 0; createEnemies(1, 'typeD', 'e4', 415, 139); _global.playsfx('resp'); } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = spiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !resp2 && !end) { if (spiders.length == 0 && enemiesArray.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); var v15 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); var v4 = pl1.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; v4[2].quality = 100; v4[2].color = 3329279; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl3.filters = v4; end1 = 8; end = true; } } if (end1 > 0) { end1 -= 0.1; v4 = pl1.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl3.filters = v4; } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(9); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; } movieClip 1135 { } movieClip 1144 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1145 { } instance mob1c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } instance mob2c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } frame 10 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function placeVolnaboom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = volnaboom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v5 = follower._x - target._x; var v4 = follower._y - target._y; var v6 = Math.sqrt(v5 * v5 + v4 * v4); if (v6 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); i = enemiesArray.length; while (i--) { c = enemiesArray[i]; if (c == target) { removeEnemy(c); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == mob1c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob1c.thp -= 10; mob1c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } } if (target == rb2) { _global.playsfx('hit'); rb2.thp -= 10; rb2.hp._width -= 3; if (rb2.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(rb2._x, rb2._y); placeBoom(rb2._x, rb2._y); placeBoom(rb2._x, rb2._y); rb2._x += 1000; resp = false; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip, Q, W) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e1') { var v3 = enemA.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e2') { v3 = enemB.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e5') { v3 = enemE.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (Q == 0 && W == 0) { v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); } else { v3._x = Q; v3._y = W; } v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeA') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.1; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 10; = 1; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 60; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeB') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 6; v3.turnRate = 1; v3.agroRange = 500; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 2; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 10; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeE') { v3.speed = 0; v3.turnRate = 0.2; v3.agroRange = 0; v3.mode = 'run'; v3.lif = 40; = 5; v3._x = random(Stage.width - 200) + 100; v3._y = random(Stage.height - 150) + 75; } } } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 1) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeVolna(v2); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(v2._x, v2._y); } } } if ( == 3) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; _global.playsfx('lazer'); var v5 = 4; while (v5--) { placeEbul(v2, 2); v2._rotation += 90; } } } if ( == 2) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeEbul(v2, 3); } } if ( == 5) { if (Math.abs(hero._x - v2._x) < 25 && Math.abs(hero._y - v2._y) < 25) { placeBoom(v2._x, v2._y); v2.gotoAndStop(2); removeEnemy(v2); if (!ud) { var v4 = shild - 40; if (v4 < 0) { life += v4; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 40; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function fireLight(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('molniya'); var temp = effectHolder.duplicateMovieClip('efho' + lev, lev); temp.time = 5; temp.onEnterFrame = function () { temp.clear(); temp.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v13 = xStart - xEnd; var v11 = yStart - yEnd; var v12 = Math.sqrt(v13 * v13 + v11 * v11); var v9 = v12 / lightningFrequency; var v3 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v10 = v12 / v9; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < lightningBranches) { temp.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v9 + 1) { var v5 = v10 * v2; var v4 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v6 = xStart - Math.cos(v3) * v5 + Math.cos(v3 + 1.55) * v4; var v7 = yStart - Math.sin(v3) * v5 + Math.sin(v3 + 1.55) * v4; temp.lineTo(v6, v7); ++v2; } ++v8; } if (this.time-- <= 0) { temp.removeMovieClip(); } }; temp.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); addSparkles(xEnd, yEnd, sparkNumber, sparkDistance, sparkSize); } function startLReloading(a) { reloadLComplete = false; reloadLTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunLReloaded', reloadLSpeed); screenLTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunLReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadLTimer); reloadLComplete = true; } function addSparkles(_targetX, _targetY, _sparkNumber, _distance, _sparkSize) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _sparkNumber) { var v4 = _root.attachMovie('spark', 'spark_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('spark2', 'spark2_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v4._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; var v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v4._xscale = v5; v4._yscale = v5; v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v3._xscale = v5; v3._yscale = v5; v3._rotation = random(359); v4._alpha = lightningAlpha; v3._alpha = lightningAlpha; ++v6; } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; if (_global.systema == 15) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'KILL THE BOSS!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); if (_global.SoundM != false) { mbos.start(0, 500); } } else { if (_global.SoundM != false) { msystem.start(0, 500); } } _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; _global.planet = 0; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 11517695; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var eneCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; var resp = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v7 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v7); globalToLocal(v7); var v6 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v6._x = v7.x; v6._y = v7.y; v6._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v6.a = (v6._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v6.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (rb2.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - rb2._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - rb2._y) < 128.5) { rb2.thp -= _global.rad; rb2.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { rb2.thp -= 1; rb2.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (rb2.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(rb2._x, rb2._y); rb2._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(rb2._x, rb2._y); } placeBoom1(rb2._x, rb2._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (mob1c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob1c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob1c._y) < 128.5) { mob1c.thp -= _global.rad; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob1c.thp -= 1; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); } placeBoom1(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v5 = enemiesArray.length; while (v5--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v5]; if (v3.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v4 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v4 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v4 = 0.5; } else { v4 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v4 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v4 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v4 = 0.5; } else { v4 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } }; }; placeVolna = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v3 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v3); globalToLocal(v3); _global.playsfx('volna'); var v4 = volna.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v3.x; v4._y = v3.y; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); if (ty == 1) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v3.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v3 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v3.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); v3 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v3._y, hero._x - v3._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v3.bsp = 16; } v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ( != 3) { if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; if (_global.systema != 15) { createEnemies(6, 'typeA', 'e1', 0, 0); createEnemies(3, 'typeB', 'e2', 0, 0); createEnemies(14, 'typeE', 'e5', 0, 0); } if (_global.systema == 15) { createEnemies(6, 'typeA', 'e1', 0, 0); createEnemies(5, 'typeE', 'e5', 0, 0); } onEnterFrame = function () { var v11 = 0; var v12 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v14 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v16 = hero.foot.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; hero.foot.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl2._x - sun._x; v14 = pl2._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl2.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl2.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl1._x - sun._x; v14 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl1.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl1.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl3._x - sun._x; v14 = pl3._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl3.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl3.filters = v16; if (_global.systema == 15) { v11 = 0; v12 = rb2._x - sun._x; v14 = rb2._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = rb2.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; rb2.filters = v16; } if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { var v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v19 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v17 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v18 = Math.atan2(v17, v19); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v18 / Math.PI) * 180; var v10 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 100 * Math.cos(r_ang * 3); pl1._y = 245 + 100 * Math.sin(r_ang * 3); pl2._x = 317 + 200 * Math.cos(r_ang * 2); pl2._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang * 2); pl3._x = 317 + 300 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl3._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (eneCount++ > 100 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall && _global.systema != 15) { eneCount = 0; createEnemies(1, 'typeB', 'e2', 158, 316); _global.playsfx('resp'); if (_global.systema == 16 && Math.random() < 0.33) { createEnemies(1, 'typeA', 'e1', 158, 316); _global.playsfx('resp'); } } if (_global.systema == 15) { if (eneCount++ > 400 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { eneCount = 0; createEnemies(1, 'typeB', 'e2', rb2._x, rb2._y); _global.playsfx('resp'); } } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !end) { if (enemiesArray.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); var v15 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); var v4 = pl1.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; v4[2].quality = 100; v4[2].color = 3329279; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl3.filters = v4; end1 = 8; end = true; } } if (end1 > 0) { end1 -= 0.1; v4 = pl1.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl3.filters = v4; } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(10); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; var lightningOffset = 12; var lightningFrequency = 12; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 10; var sparkDistance = 20; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadLSpeed = 200; var clearSpeed = 200; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadLTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadLComplete = true; var rotationLDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; if (_global.systema == 15) { rb2._x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500; rb2._y = Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200; mob1c._x = 1000; var dSx = hero._x - rb2._x; var dSy = hero._y - rb2._y; rb2.a = Math.atan2(dSy, dSx); rb2._rotation = (rb2.a / Math.PI) * 180; rb2.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; rb2.timeS = 0; rb2.TtimeS = 15; rb2.back = 0; rb2.thp = 300; } rb2.onEnterFrame = function () { if (_global.systema == 15 && !_global.pauseall) { if (this.back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this.back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v3 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v3); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS && resp) { this.timeS = 0; iii = 6; while (iii--) { placeEbul(this, 1); } if (Math.abs(hero._x - this._x) < 150 && Math.abs(hero._y - this._y) < 150) { this.timeS = 0; fireLight(this._x, this._y, hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v6 = shild - 3; if (v6 < 0) { life += v6; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } var v4 = Math.sqrt(v3 * v3 + v5 * v5); if (v4 < 130) { if (this.back == 0) { this.back = 1; } } if (v4 < 60) { this.back = 2; } if (v4 >= 130) { this.back = 0; } } }; rb2.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; } movieClip 1148 { } movieClip 1157 { } movieClip 1158 { } movieClip 1159 { frame 1 { stop(); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1162 { } movieClip 1164 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } instance mob1c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } frame 11 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function placeVolnaboom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = volnaboom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v7 = follower._x - target._x; var v6 = follower._y - target._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); if (v8 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeSpider(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeSSpider(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeEnemy(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == mob1c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob1c.thp -= 10; mob1c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e1') { var v3 = enemA.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeA') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.1; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 10; = 1; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 60; } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 1) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeVolna(v2); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(v2._x, v2._y); } } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { d._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { d._x = fon._x - d._width / 2; } else { d._x = fon._x + fon._width + d._width / 2; } } else { d._x = A; d._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; Sd.timeS = 0; Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS) { this.timeS = 0; placeEbul(Sd, 1); } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); msystem.start(0, 500); } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; if (_global.systema == 17) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SURVIVE FOR 120 SECONDS'; } if (_global.systema == 18) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SURVIVE FOR 140 SECONDS'; } if (_global.systema == 19) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SURVIVE FOR 160 SECONDS'; } cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 11132159; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; var spiderCount = 0; var SspiderCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; var resp = true; var respt1 = 35; var respt2 = 120; var respt = false; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v11 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v11); globalToLocal(v11); var v10 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v10._x = v11.x; v10._y = v11.y; v10._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v10.a = (v10._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v10.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v9 = spiders.length; while (v9--) { var v3 = spiders[v9]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; v3._yscale -= 20 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } if (mob1c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob1c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob1c._y) < 128.5) { mob1c.thp -= _global.rad; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob1c.thp -= 1; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); } placeBoom1(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom2(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v4 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } var v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { var v5 = Sspiders[v8]; if (v5.Shit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v5._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v5._y) < 128.5) { v5.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } else { v5.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } } } }; }; placeVolna = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v3 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v3); globalToLocal(v3); _global.playsfx('volna'); var v4 = volna.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v3.x; v4._y = v3.y; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); if (ty == 1) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v3.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v3 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v3.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { v3 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v3._y, hero._x - v3._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v3.bsp = 16; } v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ( != 3) { if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; createEnemies(3, 'typeA', 'e1'); var spiders = new Array(); var Sspiders = new Array(); i = 5; while (i--) { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } i = 10; while (i--) { placeSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } onEnterFrame = function () { var v11 = 0; var v12 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v14 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v16 = hero.foot.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; hero.foot.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl2._x - sun._x; v14 = pl2._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl2.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl2.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl1._x - sun._x; v14 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl1.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl1.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl3._x - sun._x; v14 = pl3._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl3.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl3.filters = v16; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { var v6 = spiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = Sspiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v3 = spiders[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v3 = Sspiders[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v19 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v17 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v18 = Math.atan2(v17, v19); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v18 / Math.PI) * 180; var v10 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 100 * Math.cos(r_ang * 3); pl1._y = 245 + 100 * Math.sin(r_ang * 3); pl2._x = 317 + 200 * Math.cos(r_ang * 2); pl2._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang * 2); pl3._x = 317 + 300 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl3._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (spiderCount++ > respt1 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { spiderCount = 0; placeSpider(0, 0); } if (SspiderCount++ > respt2 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { SspiderCount = 0; placeSSpider(0, 0); } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v8 = spiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = spiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = Sspiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !end) { if (spiders.length == 0 && Sspiders.length == 0 && enemiesArray.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); var v15 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); var v4 = pl1.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; v4[2].quality = 100; v4[2].color = 3329279; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl3.filters = v4; end1 = 8; end = true; } } if (end1 > 0) { end1 -= 0.1; v4 = pl1.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl3.filters = v4; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (_global.timeall == 30) { respt1 = 25; respt2 = 100; } if (_global.timeall == 60) { respt1 = 20; respt2 = 90; } if (_global.timeall == 100) { respt1 = 15; respt2 = 70; } if (_global.timeall == 116 && !respt) { respt = true; i = 20; if (_global.systema == 18 || _global.systema == 19) { i = 8; } while (i--) { placeSpider(0, 0); } i = 10; if (_global.systema == 18 || _global.systema == 19) { i = 4; } while (i--) { placeSSpider(0, 0); } } if (_global.timeall == 120) { if (_global.systema == 17) { resp = false; } else { respt = false; } } if (_global.systema != 17) { if (_global.timeall == 136 && !respt) { respt = true; i = 20; if (_global.systema == 19) { i = 8; } while (i--) { placeSpider(0, 0); } i = 10; if (_global.systema == 19) { i = 4; } while (i--) { placeSSpider(0, 0); } } if (_global.timeall == 140) { if (_global.systema == 18) { resp = false; } else { respt = false; } } } if (_global.systema == 19) { if (_global.timeall == 156 && !respt) { respt = true; i = 20; while (i--) { placeSpider(0, 0); } i = 10; while (i--) { placeSSpider(0, 0); } } if (_global.timeall == 160) { resp = false; } } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(11); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; } movieClip 1167 { } frame 12 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function placeVolnaboom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = volnaboom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } function fireLight(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('molniya'); var temp = effectHolder.duplicateMovieClip('efho' + lev, lev); temp.time = 5; temp.onEnterFrame = function () { temp.clear(); temp.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v13 = xStart - xEnd; var v11 = yStart - yEnd; var v12 = Math.sqrt(v13 * v13 + v11 * v11); var v9 = v12 / lightningFrequency; var v3 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v10 = v12 / v9; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < lightningBranches) { temp.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v9 + 1) { var v5 = v10 * v2; var v4 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v6 = xStart - Math.cos(v3) * v5 + Math.cos(v3 + 1.55) * v4; var v7 = yStart - Math.sin(v3) * v5 + Math.sin(v3 + 1.55) * v4; temp.lineTo(v6, v7); ++v2; } ++v8; } if (this.time-- <= 0) { temp.removeMovieClip(); } }; temp.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); addSparkles(xEnd, yEnd, sparkNumber, sparkDistance, sparkSize); } function startLReloading(a) { reloadLComplete = false; reloadLTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunLReloaded', reloadLSpeed); screenLTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunLReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadLTimer); reloadLComplete = true; } function addSparkles(_targetX, _targetY, _sparkNumber, _distance, _sparkSize) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _sparkNumber) { var v4 = _root.attachMovie('spark', 'spark_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('spark2', 'spark2_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v4._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; var v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v4._xscale = v5; v4._yscale = v5; v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v3._xscale = v5; v3._yscale = v5; v3._rotation = random(359); v4._alpha = lightningAlpha; v3._alpha = lightningAlpha; ++v6; } } function fireWeapon(target, who) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0 || who != hero) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); if (who == hero) { var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); } else { var v3 = miss.duplicateMovieClip('miss' + lev, lev); } v3._x = who._x; v3._y = who._y; v3._rotation = who._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; if (who == hero) { roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v5 = follower._x - target._x; var v4 = follower._y - target._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v5 * v5 + v4 * v4); if (v7 < 15 && target != hero) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); i = Sspiders.length; while (i--) { c = Sspiders[i]; if (c == target) { removeSSpider(c); ++_global.kill1; } } i = enemiesArray.length; while (i--) { c = enemiesArray[i]; if (c == target) { removeEnemy(c); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == mob1c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob1c.thp -= 10; mob1c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } } if (target == mob2c) { _global.playsfx('hit'); mob2c.thp -= 10; mob2c.hp._width -= 3; if (mob2c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); mob2c._x += 1000; resp2 = false; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (v7 < 15 && target) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { var v6 = shild - 3; if (v6 < 0) { life += v6; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip, Q, W) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e1') { var v3 = enemA.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e4') { v3 = enemD.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (Q == 0 && W == 0) { v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); } else { v3._x = Q; v3._y = W; } v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeA') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.1; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 10; = 1; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 60; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeD') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 4 + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.5; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 4; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 1) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeVolna(v2); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(v2._x, v2._y); } } } if ( == 4) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { if (Math.abs(hero._x - v2._x) < 150 && Math.abs(hero._y - v2._y) < 150) { v2.timeS = 0; fireLight(v2._x, v2._y, hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v4 = shild - 3; if (v4 < 0) { life += v4; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B, TT) { ++lev; if (TT == 2) { var Sd = Sspider2.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); } else { var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); } if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; Sd.TY = TT; Sd.timeS = 0; if (TT == 1) { Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; } else { Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) + 40; } var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS) { this.timeS = 0; if (this.TY == 1) { placeEbul(Sd, 1); } else { fireWeapon(hero, this); } } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); msystem.start(0, 500); } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; _global.planet = 0; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 16777137; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob2c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob2c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob2c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 16777137; mob2c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var sCount = 0; var eneCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; mob1c.thp = 100; mob2c.thp = 100; var resp = true; var resp2 = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var lightningOffset = 12; var lightningFrequency = 12; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 10; var sparkDistance = 20; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadLSpeed = 200; var clearSpeed = 200; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadLTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadLComplete = true; var rotationLDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v9 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v9); globalToLocal(v9); var v8 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v8._x = v9.x; v8._y = v9.y; v8._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v8.a = (v8._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v8.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (mob1c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob1c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob1c._y) < 128.5) { mob1c.thp -= _global.rad; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob1c.thp -= 1; mob1c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob1c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); mob1c._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); } placeBoom1(mob1c._x, mob1c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (mob2c.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - mob2c._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - mob2c._y) < 128.5) { mob2c.thp -= _global.rad; mob2c.hp._width -= 0.3 * _global.rad; } else { mob2c.thp -= 1; mob2c.hp._width -= 0.3; } if (mob2c.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); mob2c._x += 1000; resp2 = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); } placeBoom1(mob2c._x, mob2c._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v6 = enemiesArray.length; while (v6--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v6]; if (v3.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } var v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v7]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.Slif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.Slif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v5 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v5 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v5 = 0.5; } else { v5 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } }; }; placeVolna = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v3 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v3); globalToLocal(v3); _global.playsfx('volna'); var v4 = volna.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v3.x; v4._y = v3.y; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); if (ty == 1) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v3.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v3 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v3.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); v3 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v3._y, hero._x - v3._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v3.bsp = 16; } v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ( != 3) { if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; createEnemies(6, 'typeA', 'e1', 0, 0); createEnemies(6, 'typeD', 'e4', 0, 0); var Sspiders = new Array(); i = 4; while (i--) { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200, 1); } else { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200, 2); } } onEnterFrame = function () { var v11 = 0; var v12 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v14 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v16 = hero.foot.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; hero.foot.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl2._x - sun._x; v14 = pl2._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl2.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl2.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl1._x - sun._x; v14 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl1.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl1.filters = v16; v11 = 0; v12 = pl3._x - sun._x; v14 = pl3._y - sun._y; if (v12 == 0) { if (v14 >= 0) { v11 = 270; } else { v11 = 90; } } else { if (v12 > 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v11 = Math.atan(v14 / v12) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v16 = pl3.filters; v16[1].angle = v11; pl3.filters = v16; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt, hero); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { var v6 = Sspiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v3 = Sspiders[v7]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v5 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v5) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v5) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v5) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v19 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v17 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v18 = Math.atan2(v17, v19); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v18 / Math.PI) * 180; var v10 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v10); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v10); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 100 * Math.cos(r_ang * 3); pl1._y = 245 + 100 * Math.sin(r_ang * 3); pl2._x = 317 + 200 * Math.cos(r_ang * 2); pl2._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang * 2); pl3._x = 317 + 300 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl3._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (sCount++ > 100 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { sCount = 0; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { _global.playsfx('resp'); placeSSpider(318, 126, 1); } else { _global.playsfx('resp'); placeSSpider(318, 126, 2); } } if (eneCount++ > 300 && resp2 && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { eneCount = 0; createEnemies(1, 'typeD', 'e4', 631, 166); _global.playsfx('resp'); } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v13 = hero.foot.filters; v13[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v13; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { v6 = Sspiders[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } v8 = enemiesArray.length; while (v8--) { v6 = enemiesArray[v8]; v6.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (resp == false && !resp2 && !end) { if (Sspiders.length == 0 && enemiesArray.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SYSTEM NOW FREE, GOOD JOB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); var v15 = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(); var v4 = pl1.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; v4[2].quality = 100; v4[2].color = 3329279; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4.push(v15); v4[2].blurY = 0; v4[2].blurX = 0; pl3.filters = v4; end1 = 8; end = true; } } if (end1 > 0) { end1 -= 0.1; v4 = pl1.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl1.filters = v4; v4 = pl2.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl2.filters = v4; v4 = pl3.filters; v4[2].blurY = 8 - end1; v4[2].blurX = v4[2].blurY; v4[2].strength = (8 - end1) / 5; pl3.filters = v4; } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { msystem.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(12); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v9 = lev + 1; while (v9--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v9)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; } movieClip 1176 { } movieClip 1185 { frame 1 { stop(); addToPause(this); } frame 2 { _parent.removeMovieClip(); } } movieClip 1187 { frame 1 { addToPause(this); } } instance mob1c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } instance mob2c of movieClip 1106 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } frame 13 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function placeVolnaboom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = volnaboom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } function fireLight(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('molniya'); var temp = effectHolder.duplicateMovieClip('efho' + lev, lev); temp.time = 5; temp.onEnterFrame = function () { temp.clear(); temp.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v13 = xStart - xEnd; var v11 = yStart - yEnd; var v12 = Math.sqrt(v13 * v13 + v11 * v11); var v9 = v12 / lightningFrequency; var v3 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v10 = v12 / v9; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < lightningBranches) { temp.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v9 + 1) { var v5 = v10 * v2; var v4 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v6 = xStart - Math.cos(v3) * v5 + Math.cos(v3 + 1.55) * v4; var v7 = yStart - Math.sin(v3) * v5 + Math.sin(v3 + 1.55) * v4; temp.lineTo(v6, v7); ++v2; } ++v8; } if (this.time-- <= 0) { temp.removeMovieClip(); } }; temp.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); addSparkles(xEnd, yEnd, sparkNumber, sparkDistance, sparkSize); } function startLReloading(a) { reloadLComplete = false; reloadLTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunLReloaded', reloadLSpeed); screenLTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunLReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadLTimer); reloadLComplete = true; } function addSparkles(_targetX, _targetY, _sparkNumber, _distance, _sparkSize) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _sparkNumber) { var v4 = _root.attachMovie('spark', 'spark_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('spark2', 'spark2_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v4._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; var v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v4._xscale = v5; v4._yscale = v5; v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v3._xscale = v5; v3._yscale = v5; v3._rotation = random(359); v4._alpha = lightningAlpha; v3._alpha = lightningAlpha; ++v6; } } function fireWeapon(target, who) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0 || who != hero) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); if (who == hero) { var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); } else { var v3 = miss.duplicateMovieClip('miss' + lev, lev); } v3._x = who._x; v3._y = who._y; v3._rotation = who._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; if (who == hero) { roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v5 = follower._x - target._x; var v4 = follower._y - target._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v5 * v5 + v4 * v4); if (v7 < 15 && target != hero) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); i = Sspiders.length; while (i--) { c = Sspiders[i]; if (c == target) { removeSSpider(c); ++_global.kill1; } } i = enemiesArray.length; while (i--) { c = enemiesArray[i]; if (c == target) { removeEnemy(c); ++_global.kill1; } } if (target == tower1) { _global.playsfx('hit'); tower1.thp -= 10; if (tower1.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower1._x, tower1._y); placeBoom(tower1._x, tower1._y); placeBoom(tower1._x, tower1._y); tower1._x += 1000; resp = false; } } if (target == tower2) { _global.playsfx('hit'); tower2.thp -= 10; if (tower2.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower2._x, tower2._y); placeBoom(tower2._x, tower2._y); placeBoom(tower2._x, tower2._y); tower2._x += 1000; resp2 = false; } } if (target == tower3) { _global.playsfx('hit'); tower3.thp -= 10; if (tower3.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower3._x, tower3._y); placeBoom(tower3._x, tower3._y); placeBoom(tower3._x, tower3._y); tower3._x += 1000; resp3 = false; } } if (target == tower4) { _global.playsfx('hit'); tower4.thp -= 10; if (tower4.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower4._x, tower4._y); placeBoom(tower4._x, tower4._y); placeBoom(tower4._x, tower4._y); tower4._x += 1000; resp4 = false; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (v7 < 15 && target) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { var v6 = shild - 3; if (v6 < 0) { life += v6; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { d._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { d._x = fon._x - d._width / 2; } else { d._x = fon._x + fon._width + d._width / 2; } } else { d._x = A; d._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = d; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip, Q, W) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e3') { var v3 = enemC.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e4') { v3 = enemD.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e2') { v3 = enemB.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (Q == 0 && W == 0) { v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); } else { v3._x = Q; v3._y = W; } v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeB') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 6; v3.turnRate = 1; v3.agroRange = 500; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 2; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 10; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeD') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 4 + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.5; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 4; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeC') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.2; v3.agroRange = 100; v3.mode = 'run'; v3.lif = 15; = 3; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } } } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 3) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; _global.playsfx('lazer'); var v5 = 4; while (v5--) { placeEbul(v2, 2); v2._rotation += 90; } } } if ( == 2) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeEbul(v2, 3); } } if ( == 4) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { if (Math.abs(hero._x - v2._x) < 150 && Math.abs(hero._y - v2._y) < 150) { v2.timeS = 0; fireLight(v2._x, v2._y, hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v4 = shild - 3; if (v4 < 0) { life += v4; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B, TT) { ++lev; if (TT == 2) { var Sd = Sspider2.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); } else { var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); } if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; Sd.TY = TT; Sd.timeS = 0; if (TT == 1) { Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; } else { Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 40) + 40; } var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS) { this.timeS = 0; if (this.TY == 1) { placeEbul(Sd, 1); } else { fireWeapon(hero, this); } } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } stop(); var my_so = SharedObject.getLocal('spiteful_space_save', '/'); _global.MIN =; _global.GAS =; _global.BIO =; _global.rokmax =; _global.uR =; _global.uG =; _global.uB =; _global.uRa =; _global.uE =; _global.uS =; _global.uSt =; my_so.flush(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); mbos.start(0, 500); } cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'DESTROY ENERGY TOWERS'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; bhstarplay = function () { ++lev; var v2 = bhstar.duplicateMovieClip('bh' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() < 0.5) { v2._x = fon._x + Math.random() * fon._width; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { v2._y = fon._y - v2._height / 2; } else { v2._y = fon._y + fon._height + v2._height / 2; } } else { v2._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { v2._x = fon._x - v2._width / 2; } else { v2._x = fon._x + fon._width + v2._width / 2; } } var v4 = blackhole._x - v2._x; var v3 = blackhole._y - v2._y; v2.a = Math.atan2(v3, v4); v2.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; v2._yscale = random(100); v2._xscale = v2._yscale; v2._alpha = random(100); v2._rotation = (v2.a / Math.PI) * 180; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this.hitTest(blackhole)) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; } }; }; var koff = 1; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var sCount = 0; var eneCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); var timevspishka = 0; var Ttimevspishka = 40; _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; tower1.thp = 200; tower2.thp = 200; tower3.thp = 200; tower4.thp = 200; var resp = true; var resp2 = true; var resp3 = true; var resp4 = true; var end = false; var end1 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var lightningOffset = 12; var lightningFrequency = 12; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 10; var sparkDistance = 20; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadLSpeed = 200; var clearSpeed = 200; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadLTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadLComplete = true; var rotationLDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v11 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v11); globalToLocal(v11); var v10 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v10._x = v11.x; v10._y = v11.y; v10._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v10.a = (v10._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v10.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (tower1.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - tower1._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - tower1._y) < 128.5) { tower1.thp -= _global.rad; } else { tower1.thp -= 1; } if (tower1.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower1._x, tower1._y); tower1._x += 1000; resp = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(tower1._x, tower1._y); } placeBoom1(tower1._x, tower1._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (tower2.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - tower2._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - tower2._y) < 128.5) { tower2.thp -= _global.rad; } else { tower2.thp -= 1; } if (tower2.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower2._x, tower2._y); tower2._x += 1000; resp2 = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(tower2._x, tower2._y); } placeBoom1(tower2._x, tower2._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (tower3.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - tower3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - tower3._y) < 128.5) { tower3.thp -= _global.rad; } else { tower3.thp -= 1; } if (tower3.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower3._x, tower3._y); tower3._x += 1000; resp3 = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(tower3._x, tower3._y); } placeBoom1(tower3._x, tower3._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (tower4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (Math.abs(hero._x - tower4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - tower4._y) < 128.5) { tower4.thp -= _global.rad; } else { tower4.thp -= 1; } if (tower4.thp <= 0) { _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); _global.playsfx('exp'); placeBoom(tower4._x, tower4._y); tower4._x += 1000; resp4 = false; } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeBoom(tower4._x, tower4._y); } placeBoom1(tower4._x, tower4._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v9 = spiders.length; while (v9--) { var v3 = spiders[v9]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; v3._yscale -= 20 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 60) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v4 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } var v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { var v5 = Sspiders[v8]; if (v5.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v5._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v5._y) < 128.5) { v5.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } else { v5.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (_global.timeall <= 120) { v6 = 0; } else { if (_global.timeall <= 200) { v6 = 0.5; } else { v6 = 1; } } if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } } } }; }; placeVolna = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v3 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v3); globalToLocal(v3); _global.playsfx('volna'); var v4 = volna.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v3.x; v4._y = v3.y; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); if (ty == 1) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v3.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v3 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v3.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); v3 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v3._y, hero._x - v3._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v3.bsp = 16; } v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; var spiders = new Array(); var Sspiders = new Array(); onEnterFrame = function () { var v10 = 0; var v11 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v13 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v11 == 0) { if (v13 >= 0) { v10 = 270; } else { v10 = 90; } } else { if (v11 > 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v14 = hero.foot.filters; v14[1].angle = v10; hero.foot.filters = v14; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt, hero); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { var v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v5 = enemiesArray[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v6 = spiders.length; while (v6--) { var v3 = spiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v4 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v6 = enemiesArray.length; while (v6--) { v3 = enemiesArray[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v6 = Sspiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = Sspiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v17 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v15 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v16 = Math.atan2(v15, v17); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v16 / Math.PI) * 180; var v9 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v9); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v9); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v9); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.5; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; if (resp) { tower1._x = blackhole._x + 80 * Math.cos(r_ang); tower1._y = blackhole._y + 80 * Math.sin(r_ang); } if (resp2) { tower2._x = blackhole._x + 120 * Math.cos(-r_ang + 1.570796326794897); tower2._y = blackhole._y + 120 * Math.sin(-r_ang + 1.570796326794897); } if (resp3) { tower3._x = blackhole._x + 120 * Math.cos(-r_ang - 1.570796326794897); tower3._y = blackhole._y + 120 * Math.sin(-r_ang - 1.570796326794897); } if (resp4) { tower4._x = blackhole._x + 80 * Math.cos(r_ang + Math.PI); tower4._y = blackhole._y + 80 * Math.sin(r_ang + Math.PI); } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v5 = enemiesArray[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } trace(spiders.length); trace(Sspiders.length); trace(enemiesArray.length); if (resp == false && !resp2 && !resp3 && !resp4 && !end) { if (spiders.length == 0 && Sspiders.length == 0 && enemiesArray.length == 0) { cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'MISSION COMPLETE!!!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx('openportal'); _global.trgt = null; fin._x = 500; fin._y = 430; fin.gotoAndPlay(1); end = true; } } if (!end && !_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } if (end) { finplay(); } if (hero.foot.hitTest(fin.endss.ends) && !_global.pauseall) { mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(13); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.Detal == 2) { bhstarplay(); } if (timevspishka == Ttimevspishka / 2 && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { var v18 = Math.random(); if (v18 < 0.5) { if (resp) { fireLight(tower1._x, tower1._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp4) { fireLight(tower4._x, tower4._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } else { if (resp2) { fireLight(tower2._x, tower2._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp3) { fireLight(tower3._x, tower3._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } } if (timevspishka == Ttimevspishka / 4 && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { v18 = Math.random(); if (v18 < 0.5) { if (resp) { fireLight(tower1._x, tower1._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp4) { fireLight(tower4._x, tower4._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } else { if (resp2) { fireLight(tower2._x, tower2._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp3) { fireLight(tower3._x, tower3._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } } if (timevspishka == Ttimevspishka * 3 / 4 && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { v18 = Math.random(); if (v18 < 0.5) { if (resp) { fireLight(tower1._x, tower1._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp4) { fireLight(tower4._x, tower4._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } else { if (resp2) { fireLight(tower2._x, tower2._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp3) { fireLight(tower3._x, tower3._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } } if (timevspishka++ > Ttimevspishka && (resp || resp2 || resp3 || resp4) && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { timevspishka = 0; _global.playsfx('resp'); placeVolna(blackhole); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } placeSpider(0, 0); if (Math.random() < 0.5) { placeSSpider(blackhole._x, blackhole._y, 1); } else { placeSpider(blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { placeSSpider(blackhole._x, blackhole._y, 2); } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { createEnemies(1, 'typeB', 'e2', blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { createEnemies(1, 'typeC', 'e3', blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (Math.random() < 0.2) { createEnemies(1, 'typeD', 'e4', blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } v18 = Math.random(); if (v18 < 0.5) { if (resp) { fireLight(tower1._x, tower1._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp4) { fireLight(tower4._x, tower4._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } else { if (resp2) { fireLight(tower2._x, tower2._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } if (resp3) { fireLight(tower3._x, tower3._y, blackhole._x, blackhole._y); } } } if (!_global.pauseall) { blackhole._rotation += 0.5; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; } movieClip 1190 { } movieClip 1199 { } movieClip 1202 { } instance tower4 of movieClip 1202 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } instance tower2 of movieClip 1202 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } instance tower3 of movieClip 1202 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } instance tower1 of movieClip 1202 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { _global.trgt = this; } } frame 14 { function placeFire(tgt) { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < 3) { ++lev; if (lev > 1000000) { lev = 0; } var v2 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v2); globalToLocal(v2); var v1 = fafa.duplicateMovieClip('f' + lev, lev); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._x = v2.x + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._x = v2.x - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { v1._y = v2.y + Math.random() * 2 - 1; } else { v1._y = v2.y - Math.random() * 2 - 1; } v1._alpha = Math.random() * 50 + 50; v1._yscale = Math.random() * 50 + 70; v1._xscale = v1._yscale; ++v3; } } function placeBoom(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom1(x, y) { ++lev; var v3 = boom1.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = x; v3._y = y; if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function placeBoom2(x, y) { createExplosion(x, y, _root, 5, 15, 100, 3, 5); if (_global.Detal == 2) { createParticles(x, y, _root, 3, 50, 50, 5, 5); } } function createExplosion(targetX, targetY, targetPath, explosionParticleAmount, explosionParticleRange, particleSize, speed, speedAlpha) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < explosionParticleAmount) { var v8 = bitmapsArray[random(bitmapsArray.length)]; var v4 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder' + lev, lev); ++lev; var v3 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v3._x = -v4.width / 2; v3._y = -v4.height / 2; ++lev; v3.attachBitmap(v4, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; v2._y = targetY + random(explosionParticleRange) - explosionParticleRange / 2; var v6 = random(particleSize); v2._xscale = v6; v2._yscale = v6; v2.speed = random(speed) + speed; v2.speedAlpha = random(speedAlpha) + speedAlpha; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speedAlpha; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; ++v7; } } function createParticles(targetX, targetY, targetPath, tempParticle_mcAmount, tempParticle_mcRange, particleSize, tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed, tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) { var v7 = 0; while (v7 < tempParticle_mcAmount) { var v8 = particleBitmapsArray[random(particleBitmapsArray.length)]; var v5 = flash.display.BitmapData.loadBitmap(v8); ++lev; var v2 = targetPath.createEmptyMovieClip('main_holder', lev); ++lev; var v4 = v2.createEmptyMovieClip('internal_holder', lev); v4._x = -v5.width / 2; v4._y = -v5.height / 2; ++lev; v4.attachBitmap(v5, lev, 'never'); v2._x = targetX; v2._y = targetY; v2._rotation = random(360); v2._alpha = random(50) + 50; v2._xscale = particleSize; v2._yscale = particleSize; v2.boundyLeft = targetX - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyTop = targetY - tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyRight = targetX + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.boundyBottom = targetY + tempParticle_mcRange; v2.speedX = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedY = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed) - Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed); v2.speedX *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.speedY *= tempParticle_mcMaxSpeed; v2.fadeSpeed = Math.random(tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed) * tempParticle_mcMaxFadeSpeed; v2.onEnterFrame = function () { this._alpha -= this.fadeSpeed; this._x += this.speedX; this._y += this.speedY; if (this._alpha <= 0 || this._x < this.boundyLeft || this._x > this.boundyRight || this._y < this.boundyTop || this._y > this.boundyBottom) { this.removeMovieClip(); } }; ++v7; } } function placeVolnaboom(x, y) { ++lev; var v1 = volnaboom.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v1._x = x; v1._y = y; } function fireWeapon(target) { if (reloadComplete == true && rok > 0) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('raketa'); var v3 = missile.duplicateMovieClip('missile' + lev, lev); v3._x = hero._x; v3._y = hero._y; v3._rotation = hero._rotation; v3.targetX = target._x; v3.targetY = target._y; v3.tar = target; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { doFollow(this, this.tar); }; roketi._alpha = 30; rok -= 1; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; startReloading(); } else { _global.playsfx('noroket'); } } function startReloading() { reloadComplete = false; reloadTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunReloaded', reloadSpeed); } function gunReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadTimer); if (rok > 0) { roketi._alpha = 75; } reloadComplete = true; } function doFollow(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); follower.moveDistanceX = turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = missileSpeed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = missileSpeed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = 180 * Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) / Math.PI; doTrail(follower._x, follower._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); var v7 = follower._x - target._x; var v6 = follower._y - target._y; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v7 * v7 + v6 * v6); if (v8 < 10) { placeBoom(target._x, target._y); var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeSpider(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeSSpider(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == target) { removeEnemy(v2); ++_global.kill1; } } removeMovieClip(target); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (follower.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(follower._x, follower._y); removeMovieClip(follower); } if (!target._x) { removeMovieClip(follower); delete follower.onEnterFrame; } } function doTrail(targetX, targetY, type) { ++lev; var v3 = _root.attachMovie(type, type + lev, lev); v3._x = targetX; v3._y = targetY; v3._rotation = random(360); randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._xscale = randomScale; randomScale = random(75) + 25; v3._yscale = randomScale; v3.speed = random(10) + 5; updateAfterEvent(); v3.onEnterFrame = function () { this._xscale += this.speed; this._yscale += this.speed; this._alpha -= this.speed; if (this._alpha <= 0) { delete this.onEnterFrame; removeMovieClip(this); } }; } function createEnemies(enemyAmount, enemyBehavior, enemyLibraryClip, Q, W) { var v4 = 0; while (v4 < enemyAmount) { ++lev; if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e1') { var v3 = enemA.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (enemyLibraryClip == 'e4') { v3 = enemD.duplicateMovieClip('ee' + lev, lev); } if (Q == 0 && W == 0) { v3._x = random(Stage.width); v3._y = random(Stage.height); } else { v3._x = Q; v3._y = W; } v3._rotation = random(360); if (enemyBehavior == 'typeA') { v3.speed = Math.random() + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.1; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 10 + respkof3; = 1; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 60; } else { if (enemyBehavior == 'typeD') { v3.speed = Math.random() * 4 + 1; v3.turnRate = 0.5; v3.agroRange = 300; v3.mode = 'follow'; v3.lif = 20; = 4; v3.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 20; } } v3.distanceX = 0; v3.distanceY = 0; v3.distanceTotal = 0; v3.moveDistanceX = 0; v3.moveDistanceY = 0; v3.moveX = 0; v3.moveY = 0; v3.totalmove = 0; v3.timeS = 0; v3.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; enemiesArray.push(v3); ++v4; } } function updateEnemies() { var v3 = 0; while (v3 < enemiesArray.length) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v3]; updatePosition(v2, hero); if ( == 1) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { v2.timeS = 0; placeVolna(v2); if (_global.Detal == 2) { placeVolnaboom(v2._x, v2._y); } } } if ( == 4) { if (v2.timeS++ > v2.TtimeS) { if (Math.abs(hero._x - v2._x) < 150 && Math.abs(hero._y - v2._y) < 150) { v2.timeS = 0; fireLight(v2._x, v2._y, hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v4 = shild - 3; if (v4 < 0) { life += v4; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 3; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } ++v3; } } function updatePosition(follower, target) { follower.distanceX = target._x - follower._x; follower.distanceY = target._y - follower._y; follower.distanceTotal = Math.sqrt(follower.distanceX * follower.distanceX + follower.distanceY * follower.distanceY); if (follower.distanceTotal <= follower.agroRange) { follower.moveDistanceX = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceX / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveDistanceY = follower.turnRate * follower.distanceY / follower.distanceTotal; follower.moveX += follower.moveDistanceX; follower.moveY += follower.moveDistanceY; follower.totalmove = Math.sqrt(follower.moveX * follower.moveX + follower.moveY * follower.moveY); follower.moveX = follower.speed * follower.moveX / follower.totalmove; follower.moveY = follower.speed * follower.moveY / follower.totalmove; if (follower.mode == 'follow') { follower._x += follower.moveX; follower._y += follower.moveY; follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians; } else { if (follower.mode == 'run') { if (follower._x - follower.moveX >= 0 && follower._x - follower.moveX <= 700) { follower._x -= follower.moveX; } if (follower._y - follower.moveY >= 0 && follower._y - follower.moveY <= 600) { follower._y -= follower.moveY; } follower._rotation = Math.atan2(follower.moveY, follower.moveX) * radians + 180; } } } if (follower._x < 0) { follower._x = 0; } if (follower._x > 700) { follower._x = 700; } if (follower._y < 0) { follower._y = 0; } if (follower._y > 600) { follower._y = 600; } } function removeEnemy(s) { var v4 = enemiesArray.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = enemiesArray[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); enemiesArray.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var d = spider.duplicateMovieClip('z' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { d._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { d._x = fon._x - d._width / 2; } else { d._x = fon._x + fon._width + d._width / 2; } } else { d._x = A; d._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - d._x; var v5 = hero._y - d._y; d.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); d._rotation = (d.a / Math.PI) * 180; d.speed = Math.random() * 2 + 2; d.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v5, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; var v8 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v8 < 25 && !placed) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v7 = shild - 10; if (v7 < 0) { life += v7; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 10; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = spiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = spiders[v3]; if (v4 == d) { spiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == d) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; d.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; spiders.push(d); d.lif = 3 + respkof1; } function removeSpider(s) { var v4 = spiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = spiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); spiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function placeSSpider(A, B) { ++lev; var Sd = Sspider.duplicateMovieClip('Sz' + lev, lev); if (A == 0 && B == 0) { Sd._y = fon._y + Math.random() * fon._height; if (Math.random() < 0.5) { Sd._x = fon._x - Sd._width / 2; } else { Sd._x = fon._x + fon._width + Sd._width / 2; } } else { Sd._x = A; Sd._y = B; } var v6 = hero._x - Sd._x; var v7 = hero._y - Sd._y; Sd.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); Sd._rotation = (Sd.a / Math.PI) * 180; Sd.speed = Math.random() + 0.5; Sd.timeS = 0; Sd.TtimeS = Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 14; var back = 0; Sd.onEnterFrame = function () { if (back == 0) { this._x += this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } if (back == 2) { this._x += -this.speed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += -this.speed * Math.sin(this.a); } var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v7 = hero._y - this._y; this.a = Math.atan2(v7, v6); this._rotation = (this.a / Math.PI) * 180; if (this.timeS++ > this.TtimeS) { this.timeS = 0; placeEbul(Sd, 1); } var v5 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v7 * v7); if (v5 < 180) { if (back == 0) { back = 1; } } if (v5 < 120) { back = 2; } if (v5 >= 180) { back = 0; } if (v5 < 25 && !Splaced) { _global.playsfx('hittestmob'); placeBoom2(hero._x, hero._y); if (!ud) { var v8 = shild - 15; if (v8 < 0) { life += v8; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 15; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Sspiders.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Sspiders[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { Sspiders.splice(v3, 1); } } v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { v4 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v4 == Sd) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } }; Sd.onRollOver = function () { _global.trgt = this; }; Sspiders.push(Sd); Sd.Slif = 5 + respkof2; } function removeSSpider(s) { var v4 = Sspiders.length; while (v4--) { var v2 = Sspiders[v4]; if (v2 == s) { delete v2.onEnterFrame; _global.playsfx('exp'); Sspiders.splice(v4, 1); } } var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v5 = needBePaused[v3]; if (v5 == s) { needBePaused.splice(v3, 1); } } } function fireLight(xStart, yStart, xEnd, yEnd) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('molniya'); var temp = effectHolder.duplicateMovieClip('efho' + lev, lev); temp.time = 5; temp.onEnterFrame = function () { temp.clear(); temp.lineStyle(lightningWidth, lightningColor, lightningAlpha, true); var v13 = xStart - xEnd; var v11 = yStart - yEnd; var v12 = Math.sqrt(v13 * v13 + v11 * v11); var v9 = v12 / lightningFrequency; var v3 = Math.atan2(yStart - yEnd, xStart - xEnd); var v10 = v12 / v9; var v8 = 0; while (v8 < lightningBranches) { temp.moveTo(xStart, yStart); var v2 = 1; while (v2 < v9 + 1) { var v5 = v10 * v2; var v4 = random(lightningOffset - lightningOffset / 2); var v6 = xStart - Math.cos(v3) * v5 + Math.cos(v3 + 1.55) * v4; var v7 = yStart - Math.sin(v3) * v5 + Math.sin(v3 + 1.55) * v4; temp.lineTo(v6, v7); ++v2; } ++v8; } if (this.time-- <= 0) { temp.removeMovieClip(); } }; temp.lineTo(xEnd, yEnd); addSparkles(xEnd, yEnd, sparkNumber, sparkDistance, sparkSize); } function startLReloading(a) { reloadLComplete = false; reloadLTimer = setInterval(this, 'gunLReloaded', reloadLSpeed); screenLTimer = setInterval(this, 'clearScreen', clearSpeed); } function clearScreen() { clearInterval(screenTimer); delete effectHolder.onEnterFrame; effectHolder.clear(); } function gunLReloaded() { clearInterval(reloadLTimer); reloadLComplete = true; } function addSparkles(_targetX, _targetY, _sparkNumber, _distance, _sparkSize) { var v6 = 0; while (v6 < _sparkNumber) { var v4 = _root.attachMovie('spark', 'spark_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); var v3 = _root.attachMovie('spark2', 'spark2_' + _root.getNextHighestDepth(), _root.getNextHighestDepth()); v4._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v4._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._x = _targetX + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; v3._y = _targetY + random(_distance) - _distance / 2; var v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v4._xscale = v5; v4._yscale = v5; v5 = random(_sparkSize) + _sparkSize / 4; v3._xscale = v5; v3._yscale = v5; v3._rotation = random(359); v4._alpha = lightningAlpha; v3._alpha = lightningAlpha; ++v6; } } stop(); _global.perehod = 0; if (_global.SoundM != false) { mpause.stop(); msystem.stop(); mmenu.stop(); mbos.stop(); mbos.start(0, 500); } _global.sa1 = 1; _global.sa2 = 1; _global.sa3 = 1; var stren = _global.str; heroab.swapDepths(1000002); menuab.swapDepths(1000003); con.swapDepths(1000004); _global.bio1 = 0; _global.min1 = 0; _global.gas1 = 0; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.restartlvl = false; _global.kill1 = 0; _global.timeall = 0; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'SURVIVE AS LONG AS YOU CAN'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.pauseall = false; _global.steptmp = 0; _global.pausetimestart = 0; _global.pausetimestop = 0; _global.pausetimeall = 0; needBePaused = new Array(); _global.addToPause = function (obj) { if (!obj._inPause) { needBePaused.push(obj); obj._inPause = true; } }; var koff = 1; finplay = function () { finangle += 10; if (koff < 30) { koff += 0.5; } finr_ang = finangle / 57.29577951308232; finmc._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc._x, finmc._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); finr_ang = (finangle + 180) / 57.29577951308232; finmc1._x = 500 + koff * Math.cos(finr_ang); finmc1._y = 430 + koff * Math.sin(finr_ang); doTrail(finmc1._x, finmc1._y, 'particle_smoke_clear'); }; _global.setPause = function (flag) { isPause = flag; var v3 = needBePaused.length; while (v3--) { var v2 = needBePaused[v3]; if (flag) { v2.stop(); v2.oef = v2.onEnterFrame; v2.onEnterFrame = null; } else { v2.onEnterFrame = v2.oef;; } } if (flag) { _global.pausetimestart = int(getTimer() / 1000); } else { _global.pausetimestop = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.pausetimeall += _global.pausetimestart - _global.pausetimestop; } }; min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; samc._width = 0; samc._x = 350; var angl = 0; var Xx = mob1c._x - sun._x; var Yy = mob1c._y - sun._y; if (Xx == 0) { if (Yy >= 0) { angl = 270; } else { angl = 90; } } else { if (Xx > 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { angl = Math.atan(Yy / Xx) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var myList = mob1c.mob1cc.filters; myList[1].angle = angl; myList[0].color = 11132159; mob1c.mob1cc.filters = myList; _global.SAE = 0; var SAc = 0; var ud = false; var radiu = _global.rad; var life = _global.arm; var shild = _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; heroab.h1._width = 50 * _global.arm / 300; heroab.h2._width = 50 * _global.def / 200; heroab.h3._width = 50 * _global.spe / 7; heroab.h4._width = 50 * stren / 2.2; heroab.h5._width = 50 * _global.rad / 4; var rok = _global.rokmax; = rok + '/' + _global.rokmax; _global.step = _global.spe; var checkup = 1; var checkup1 = 1; var rotDirSpeed = 5; var angle = Math.random() * 100; var finangle = Math.random() * 100; var spiderCount = 0; var SspiderCount = 0; var lev = 0; var timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); var timenasys = int(getTimer() / 1000); _global.timeall = 0; var fire = false; heroab._visible = false; menuab._visible = false; con._visible = false; boom._visible = false; boom1._visible = false; boom2._visible = false; var resp1Ttime = 120; var resptime1 = 0; var respkof1 = 0; var resp2Ttime = 180; var resptime2 = 0; var respkof2 = 0; var resp3Ttime = 260; var resptime3 = 0; var respkof3 = 0; fafa._visible = false; var bitmapsArray; var particleBitmapsArray; bitmapsArray = ['effect-fire5.png', 'effect-fire6.png', 'effect-fire7.png', 'effect-fire8.png', 'effect-fire9.png']; particleBitmapsArray = ['particle.jpg', 'particle1.png', 'particle5.png']; var Gass = new Array(); placeGas = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = gas.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.GAS < 300) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Gass.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Gass[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Gass.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.GAS += 1; ++_global.gas1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min1.text = _global.GAS + '/300'; } }; Gass.push(d); }; var Minerals = new Array(); placeMineral = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = mineral.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.MIN < 150) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Minerals.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Minerals[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Minerals.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.MIN += 1; ++_global.min1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min2.text = _global.MIN + '/150'; } }; Minerals.push(d); }; var Bios = new Array(); placeBio = function (A, B) { ++lev; var d = bio.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); d._x = A; d._y = B; d.onEnterFrame = function () { var v6 = hero._x - this._x; var v5 = hero._y - this._y; var v7 = Math.sqrt(v6 * v6 + v5 * v5); if (v7 < 25 && _global.BIO < 50) { removeMovieClip(this); delete this.onEnterFrame; var v3 = Bios.length; while (v3--) { var v4 = Bios[v3]; if (v4 == d) { Bios.splice(v3, 1); } } _global.BIO += 1; ++_global.bio1; _global.playsfx('collected'); min3.text = _global.BIO + '/50'; } }; Bios.push(d); }; var reloadSpeed = 1000; var missileSpeed = 7; var turnRate = 0.7; var reloadTimer; var reloadComplete = true; bulletSpeed = 18; placeBullet = function (tgt) { ++lev; _global.playsfx('vistrel'); var v11 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v11); globalToLocal(v11); var v10 = bullet.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v10._x = v11.x; v10._y = v11.y; v10._rotation = hero._rotation + hero.body._rotation; v10.a = (v10._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v10.onEnterFrame = function () { this._x += bulletSpeed * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += bulletSpeed * Math.sin(this.a); if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(sun)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } var v9 = spiders.length; while (v9--) { var v3 = spiders[v9]; if (v3.hit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 5 <= 220) { SAc += 5; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v3.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } else { v3.lif -= stren; v3._yscale -= 10 * stren; v3._xscale = v3._yscale; if (SAE != 2) { v3.speed -= 0.5 * stren; } this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v3._x, v3._y); if (v3.lif <= 0) { v3.gotoAndStop(2); var v6 = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); } } } } var v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { var v4 = enemiesArray[v7]; if (v4.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v4._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v4._y) < 128.5) { v4.lif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } else { v4.lif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v4._x, v4._y); if (v4.lif <= 0) { v4.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v4._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v4._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeEnemy(v4); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v4._x, v4._y); } } } } var v8 = Sspiders.length; while (v8--) { var v5 = Sspiders[v8]; if (v5.Shit.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hit'); if (_global.SAE == 0) { if (SAc + 3 <= 220) { SAc += 3; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if (Math.abs(hero._x - v5._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v5._y) < 128.5) { v5.Slif -= _global.rad * stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } else { v5.Slif -= stren; this.removeMovieClip(); placeBoom1(v5._x, v5._y); if (v5.Slif <= 0) { v5.gotoAndStop(2); v6 = 0; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v6) { placeGas(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v6) { placeMineral(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v6) { placeBio(v5._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v5._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } removeSSpider(v5); ++_global.kill1; placeBoom(v5._x, v5._y); } } } } }; }; placeVolna = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v3 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v3); globalToLocal(v3); _global.playsfx('volna'); var v4 = volna.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v4._x = v3.x; v4._y = v3.y; v4.onEnterFrame = function () { if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { if (!ud) { var v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); } }; }; placeEbul = function (tgt, ty) { ++lev; var v4 = {'x': tgt._x, 'y': tgt._y}; tgt._parent.localToGlobal(v4); globalToLocal(v4); if (ty == 1) { _global.playsfx('zelenie'); var v3 = ebul.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); if (Math.floor(Math.random() * 2) == 1) { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation + Math.random() * 10; } else { v3._rotation = tgt._rotation - Math.random() * 10; } = 1; v3.bsp = 10; } if (ty == 2) { v3 = lazer.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._rotation = tgt._rotation; = 3; v3.bsp = 5; } if (ty == 3) { v3 = little.duplicateMovieClip('b' + lev, lev); v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3._rotation = Math.atan2(hero._y - v3._y, hero._x - v3._x) * 57.29577951308232; = 2; v3.bsp = 16; } v3._x = v4.x; v3._y = v4.y; v3.a = (v3._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; v3.onEnterFrame = function () { if ( == 1) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 3) { this.bsp += 0.3; this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this.bsp += 0.3; this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if ( == 2) { this._x += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.cos(this.a); this._y += this.bsp * _global.sa2 * Math.sin(this.a); } if (this._x < fon._x - this._width || this._x > fon._x + fon._width + this._width || this._y < fon._y - this._height || this._y > fon._y + fon._height + this._height) { this.removeMovieClip(); } if ( != 3) { if (this.hitTest(sun)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl1)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl2)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } if (this.hitTest(pl3)) { placeBoom1(this._x, this._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } } if (hero.foot.hitTest(this)) { _global.playsfx('hitme'); if (!ud) { if ( == 1 || == 3) { var v3 = shild - 5; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 5; } } if ( == 2) { v3 = shild - 1; if (v3 < 0) { life += v3; shild = 0; } else { shild -= 1; } } } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; placeBoom1(hero._x, hero._y); this.removeMovieClip(); } }; }; var enemiesArray = new Array(); var radians = 57.29577951308232; createEnemies(3, 'typeA', 'e1', 0, 0); var spiders = new Array(); var Sspiders = new Array(); i = 3; while (i--) { placeSSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } i = 5; while (i--) { placeSpider(Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 500, Math.floor(Math.random() * 200) + 200); } onEnterFrame = function () { var v10 = 0; var v11 = hero.foot._x - sun._x; var v13 = hero.foot._y - sun._y; if (v11 == 0) { if (v13 >= 0) { v10 = 270; } else { v10 = 90; } } else { if (v11 > 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } var v14 = hero.foot.filters; v14[1].angle = v10; hero.foot.filters = v14; v10 = 0; v11 = pl2._x - sun._x; v13 = pl2._y - sun._y; if (v11 == 0) { if (v13 >= 0) { v10 = 270; } else { v10 = 90; } } else { if (v11 > 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v14 = pl2.filters; v14[1].angle = v10; pl2.filters = v14; v10 = 0; v11 = pl1._x - sun._x; v13 = pl1._y - sun._y; if (v11 == 0) { if (v13 >= 0) { v10 = 270; } else { v10 = 90; } } else { if (v11 > 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v14 = pl1.filters; v14[1].angle = v10; pl1.filters = v14; v10 = 0; v11 = pl3._x - sun._x; v13 = pl3._y - sun._y; if (v11 == 0) { if (v13 >= 0) { v10 = 270; } else { v10 = 90; } } else { if (v11 > 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 + 180; } else { if (Y >= 0) { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433; } else { v10 = Math.atan(v13 / v11) / 0.0174532925199433 - 180; } } } v14 = pl3.filters; v14[1].angle = v10; pl3.filters = v14; if (Key.isDown(16) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.trgt._width) { fireWeapon(_global.trgt); } } if (Key.isDown(32) && _global.SAE == 1 && !_global.pauseall) { sap._alpha = 100; _global.SAE = 2; _global.playsfx('sastart'); if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren *= 3; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'EAGLE EYE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); var v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[1].color = 16711680; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 0.5; _global.rad = 1; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'NEUTRON ACCELERATION!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 2) { var v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { var v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v5 = enemiesArray[v7]; v5.speed *= 0.2; } _global.sa2 = 0.2; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'TIME BOMB!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = true; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ULTIMATE DEFENCE!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[2].strength = 2; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { var v6 = enemiesArray.length; while (v6--) { var v3 = enemiesArray[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { var v4 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeEnemy(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v6 = spiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = spiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } v6 = Sspiders.length; while (v6--) { v3 = Sspiders[v6]; if (Math.abs(hero._x - v3._x) < 128.5 && Math.abs(hero._y - v3._y) < 128.5) { v4 = 0.5; if (Math.random() > 0.5 + 0.5 * v4) { placeGas(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.7 + 0.3 * v4) { placeMineral(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } if (Math.random() > 0.9 + 0.1 * v4) { placeBio(v3._x - 10 + Math.random() * 20, v3._y - 10 + Math.random() * 20); } placeBoom(v3._x, v3._y); v3.removeMovieClip(); removeSSpider(v3); ++_global.kill1; } } = 85; SAc = 32; cap1.cap11.cap111.text = 'ANNIHILATING FLASH!'; cap1.gotoAndPlay(1); } } if ((Key.isDown(37) || Key.isDown(65)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation -= rotDirSpeed; } else { if ((Key.isDown(39) || Key.isDown(68)) && !_global.pauseall) { hero._rotation += rotDirSpeed; } } var v17 = _xmouse - hero._x; var v15 = _ymouse - hero._y; var v16 = Math.atan2(v15, v17); hero.body._rotation = -hero._rotation + (v16 / Math.PI) * 180; var v9 = (hero._rotation / 180) * Math.PI; if ((Key.isDown(38) || Key.isDown(87)) && !_global.pauseall) { if (_global.step < 5) { _global.step += 0.1; } if (checkup1 == 2) { _global.step = 2; checkup1 = 1; }; checkup = 1; hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v9); } else { if (checkup == 1 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x += _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y += _global.step * Math.sin(v9); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { if (checkup == 2 && _global.step > 0) { hero._x -= _global.step * Math.cos(v9); hero._y -= _global.step * Math.sin(v9); _global.step -= 0.1; } else { hero.foot.stop; } } } if (hero._x < 0) { hero._x = 0; } if (hero._x > 700) { hero._x = 700; } if (hero._y < 0) { hero._y = 0; } if (hero._y > 600) { hero._y = 600; } if (!_global.pauseall) { angle += 0.2; } r_ang = angle / 57.29577951308232; pl1._x = 317 + 100 * Math.cos(r_ang * 3); pl1._y = 245 + 100 * Math.sin(r_ang * 3); pl2._x = 317 + 200 * Math.cos(r_ang * 2); pl2._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang * 2); pl3._x = 317 + 300 * Math.cos(r_ang); pl3._y = 245 + 200 * Math.sin(r_ang); if (hero.foot.hitTest(sun) && !_global.pauseall) { if (ud) { if (shild + 1 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 1; } } else { if (shild + 5 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 5; } life -= 1; } lifes._width = 200 * life / _global.arm; shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; tehp.text = life + '% health'; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } if (spiderCount++ > respt1 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { spiderCount = 0; placeSpider(0, 0); } if (SspiderCount++ > respt2 && resp && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { SspiderCount = 0; placeSSpider(0, 0); } timebb = int(getTimer() / 100) - timeb; if (fire && timebb >= 2 * _global.sa3) { if (_global.uG == 1) { placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 2) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } if (_global.uG == 3) { placeBullet(; placeBullet(; placeBullet(; } timeb = int(getTimer() / 100); } if (_global.SAE == 2) { if (SAc - 2 <= 0) { SAc = 0; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 0; sap._alpha = 0; if (_global.perstype == 5) { ud = false; v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[2].strength = 0; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 1) { stren /= 3; v12 = hero.foot.filters; v12[1].color = 16777215; hero.foot.filters = v12; } if (_global.perstype == 3) { _global.sa3 = 1; _global.rad = radiu; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { v7 = spiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = spiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = Sspiders.length; while (v7--) { v5 = Sspiders[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } v7 = enemiesArray.length; while (v7--) { v5 = enemiesArray[v7]; v5.speed *= 5; } _global.sa2 = 1; } if (_global.perstype == 4) { = 5; } } else { if (!_global.pauseall) { SAc -= 2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; if (_global.perstype == 4) { -= 5; } if (_global.perstype == 2) { if (shild + 2 > _global.def) { shild = _global.def; } else { shild += 2; } shilds._width = 183 * shild / _global.def; teshi.text = 'shield ' + shild + '%'; } } } } if (_global.step > 0) { placeFire(hero.sop); } if (_global.SAE == 0 && !_global.pauseall) { if (SAc + 0.2 <= 220) { SAc += 0.2; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; } else { SAc = 220; samc._x = 350 - SAc / 2; samc._width = SAc; _global.SAE = 1; sap._alpha = 75; sap.gotoAndPlay(1); _global.playsfx(saready); } } if (_global.trgt._width && !_global.pauseall) { trg._x = _global.trgt._x; trg._y = _global.trgt._y; } else { trg._x = 1000; trg._y = 1000; } if (!_global.pauseall) { updateEnemies(); } if (!_global.pauseall) { _global.timeall = int(getTimer() / 1000) - timenasys + _global.pausetimeall; systime.text = _global.timeall; } ++resptime1; if (resptime1 >= resp1Ttime && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { resptime1 = 0; placeSpider(0, 0); } ++resptime2; if (resptime2 >= resp2Ttime && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { resptime2 = 0; placeSSpider(0, 0); } ++resptime3; if (resptime3 >= resp3Ttime && _global.SAE != 2 && !_global.pauseall) { resptime3 = 0; _global.playsfx('resp'); createEnemies(1, 'typeD', 'e4', pl3._x, pl3._y); } switch (_global.timeall) { case 20: resp1Ttime = 100; resp2Ttime = 160; respkof1 = 0; respkof2 = 0; respkof3 = 0; break; case 40: resp1Ttime = 70; resp2Ttime = 150; respkof1 = 0; respkof2 = 0; respkof3 = 0; break; case 80: resp1Ttime = 60; resp2Ttime = 140; resp3Ttime = 200; respkof1 = 1; respkof2 = 1; respkof3 = 1; break; case 120: resp1Ttime = 40; resp2Ttime = 130; respkof1 = 2; respkof2 = 3; respkof3 = 4; break; case 160: resp1Ttime = 30; resp2Ttime = 120; respkof1 = 4; respkof2 = 6; respkof3 = 10; break; case 220: resp1Ttime = 30; resp2Ttime = 110; resp3Ttime = 160; respkof1 = 5; respkof2 = 8; respkof3 = 12; break; case 260: resp1Ttime = 30; resp2Ttime = 100; respkof1 = 8; respkof2 = 12; respkof3 = 15; break; case 360: resp1Ttime = 30; resp2Ttime = 90; respkof1 = 10; respkof2 = 15; respkof3 = 20; break; case 460: resp1Ttime = 30; resp2Ttime = 80; resp3Ttime = 120; respkof1 = 15; respkof2 = 20; respkof3 = 30; break; case 500: resp1Ttime = 30; resp2Ttime = 60; respkof1 = 20; respkof2 = 30; respkof3 = 40; } if (_global.restartlvl) { var v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(14); } if (life < 0 && !_global.pauseall) { _global.playsfx('exp'); msystem.stop(); mbos.stop(); _global.playsfx('win'); lifes._width = 0; _global.pauseall = true; setPause(true); hero._visible = false; _global.step = 0; placeBoom(hero._x, hero._y); herob.enabled = false; menub.enabled = false; con._visible = true; con.gotoAndPlay(1); sap._visible = false; } if (_global.perehod == 1) { gotoAndPlay(5); } if (_global.perehod == 2) { v8 = lev + 1; while (v8--) { removeMovieClip(_root.getInstanceAtDepth(v8)); } removeMovieClip(heroab); removeMovieClip(menuab); removeMovieClip(con); gotoAndPlay(1); } }; onMouseDown = function () { if (!_global.pauseall) { fire = true; } }; onMouseUp = function () { fire = false; }; var lightningOffset = 12; var lightningFrequency = 12; var lightningWidth = 1; var lightningColor = '0x5C98EF'; var lightningAlpha = 75; var lightningBranches = 3; var sparkNumber = 10; var sparkDistance = 20; var sparkSize = 100; var reloadLSpeed = 200; var clearSpeed = 200; var glow_color = lightningColor; var glow_alpha = 0.6; var glow_blurX = 5; var glow_blurY = 5; var glow_strength = 2; var glow_quality = 3; var reloadLTimer; var screenTimer; var reloadLComplete = true; var rotationLDirection; var filter_glow = new flash.filters.GlowFilter(glow_color, glow_alpha, glow_blurX, glow_blurY, glow_strength, glow_quality); effectHolder.filters = [filter_glow]; } movieClip 1205 { } frame 15 { stop(); } instance tutor of movieClip 1081 { onClipEvent (rollOver) { = false; } }
Created: 26/2 -2019 07:10:22 Last modified: 26/2 -2019 07:10:22 Server time: 18/01 -2025 04:47:11