Archived flashes:
/disc/ · /res/     /show/ · /fap/ · /gg/ · /swf/P0001 · P2598 · P5196

<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>


This is the info page for
Flash #126289

(Click the ID number above for more basic data on this flash file.)


 "/   v.0.1

>;>4>9 G5;>25:, 0 G59B> 2K =0 <5=O B0:

5B:0, A>A=8 EC9F0!

K <=5 =@028B5AL... (C;K1=CBLAO :0: 4518;)


0 BK >EC5;0? / : B515 A ;CG0<8 4>1@0, 0 BK <5=O >A:>@1;O5HL?

<<, ;N1;N 45@7:8E.

/ B515 GB> 1;O4L ?>42>@>B=0O? 'B> 1K
A@07C B0: 27OBL 8 >BA>A0BL...

 ?>G5<C 1K 8 =5B? K BCB >4=8, =8:>3> @O4>< =5B...

02B@0 O C<@C 8 >BA>A0G ?>A;54=55 GB> O 1K E>B5; ?>;CG8BL >B MB>3> <8@0...

DDD... (CH;0)

"O= ?@>510=. 0<5>25@.

 G59B> BK :0: 4518; C;K105HLAO?

# <5=O 1>;57=L, =5 ?@>872>;L=K9 A?07< ;8F52KE <KIF.

(?@>4>;60BL C;K10BLAO)

# <>53> 4@C30 B0:0O 65 1>;57=L, => >= =5
C;K105BAO :0: 4518;, BK <5=O GB>, E>G5HL
27OBL 8 =0510BL?

!;KHL BK, BC?0O ?8740, =0510BL BCB E>G5HL B>;L:> BK!

/ AG8B0N, GB> B>;L:> 4>25@8O 8 ?@0240 45;05B >B=>H5=8O <564C ;N4L<8 :@5?:8<8.

 BK =5 ;>E...

 BK =5 B0:0O BC?0O ?8740 :0: O 4C<0;.

(C;K1=CBLAO :0: 4518;)

"0: C6 8 1KBL, A>A8!

C= =0BC@0; ?@>510=. 0<5>25@.

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ActionScript [AS1/AS2]

Frame 1
if (getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Frame 3
if (getBytesLoaded() >= getBytesTotal()) { gotoAndPlay (5); }
Frame 4
progress = int((getBytesLoaded() * "100") / getBytesTotal()) add "% - loading Flash..."; gotoAndPlay (3);
Frame 10
Frame 16
Frame 22
Frame 28
Frame 34
Frame 40
Frame 46
Frame 52
Frame 58
Symbol 16 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 2"); }
Symbol 19 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 5"); }
Symbol 25 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 3"); }
Symbol 28 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 7"); }
Symbol 32 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 4"); }
Symbol 37 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 8"); }
Symbol 43 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 1"); }
Symbol 49 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 6"); }
Symbol 52 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 4"); }
Symbol 58 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 4"); }
Symbol 61 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 9"); }
Symbol 67 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 4"); }
Symbol 70 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 5"); }
Symbol 76 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 1"); }
Symbol 82 Button
on (press) { gotoAndPlay ("Frame 1"); }

Library Items

Symbol 1 FontUsed by:2
Symbol 2 EditableTextUses:1Used by:Timeline
Symbol 3 MovieClipUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 4 FontUsed by:11 12 15 18 23 24 27 30 31 36 41 42 47 48 51 56 57 60 65 66 69 74 75 80 81
Symbol 6 Sound [4]Used by:Timeline
Symbol 7 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 8 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 9 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 10 GraphicUsed by:Timeline
Symbol 11 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 12 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 13 BitmapUsed by:14
Symbol 14 GraphicUses:13Used by:Timeline
Symbol 15 TextUses:4Used by:16
Symbol 17 GraphicUsed by:16
Symbol 16 ButtonUses:17 15Used by:Timeline
Symbol 18 TextUses:4Used by:19
Symbol 20 GraphicUsed by:19
Symbol 19 ButtonUses:20 18Used by:Timeline
Symbol 21 BitmapUsed by:22
Symbol 22 GraphicUses:21Used by:Timeline
Symbol 23 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 24 TextUses:4Used by:25
Symbol 26 GraphicUsed by:25
Symbol 25 ButtonUses:26 24Used by:Timeline
Symbol 27 TextUses:4Used by:28
Symbol 29 GraphicUsed by:28
Symbol 28 ButtonUses:29 27Used by:Timeline
Symbol 30 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 31 TextUses:4Used by:32
Symbol 33 GraphicUsed by:32
Symbol 32 ButtonUses:33 31Used by:Timeline
Symbol 34 BitmapUsed by:35
Symbol 35 GraphicUses:34Used by:Timeline
Symbol 36 TextUses:4Used by:37
Symbol 38 GraphicUsed by:37
Symbol 37 ButtonUses:38 36Used by:Timeline
Symbol 39 BitmapUsed by:40
Symbol 40 GraphicUses:39Used by:Timeline
Symbol 41 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 42 TextUses:4Used by:43
Symbol 44 GraphicUsed by:43
Symbol 43 ButtonUses:44 42Used by:Timeline
Symbol 45 BitmapUsed by:46
Symbol 46 GraphicUses:45Used by:Timeline
Symbol 47 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 48 TextUses:4Used by:49
Symbol 50 GraphicUsed by:49
Symbol 49 ButtonUses:50 48Used by:Timeline
Symbol 51 TextUses:4Used by:52
Symbol 53 GraphicUsed by:52
Symbol 52 ButtonUses:53 51Used by:Timeline
Symbol 54 BitmapUsed by:55
Symbol 55 GraphicUses:54Used by:Timeline
Symbol 56 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 57 TextUses:4Used by:58
Symbol 59 GraphicUsed by:58
Symbol 58 ButtonUses:59 57Used by:Timeline
Symbol 60 TextUses:4Used by:61
Symbol 62 GraphicUsed by:61
Symbol 61 ButtonUses:62 60Used by:Timeline
Symbol 63 BitmapUsed by:64
Symbol 64 GraphicUses:63Used by:Timeline
Symbol 65 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 66 TextUses:4Used by:67
Symbol 68 GraphicUsed by:67
Symbol 67 ButtonUses:68 66Used by:Timeline
Symbol 69 TextUses:4Used by:70
Symbol 71 GraphicUsed by:70
Symbol 70 ButtonUses:71 69Used by:Timeline
Symbol 72 BitmapUsed by:73
Symbol 73 GraphicUses:72Used by:Timeline
Symbol 74 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 75 TextUses:4Used by:76
Symbol 77 GraphicUsed by:76
Symbol 76 ButtonUses:77 75Used by:Timeline
Symbol 78 BitmapUsed by:79
Symbol 79 GraphicUses:78Used by:Timeline
Symbol 80 TextUses:4Used by:Timeline
Symbol 81 TextUses:4Used by:82
Symbol 83 GraphicUsed by:82
Symbol 82 ButtonUses:83 81Used by:Timeline

Special Tags

ExportAssets (56)Timeline Frame 5Symbol 6 as "4"


"Frame 1"Frame 5
"Frame 2"Frame 11
"Frame 3"Frame 17
"Frame 4"Frame 23
"Frame 5"Frame 29
"Frame 6"Frame 35
"Frame 7"Frame 41
"Frame 8"Frame 47
"Frame 9"Frame 53
"Frame 1"Symbol 3 MovieClip Frame 1

Dynamic Text Variables

progressSymbol 2 EditableText"Loading..."
Created: 26/2 -2019 06:27:03 Last modified: 26/2 -2019 06:27:03 Server time: 07/03 -2025 02:52:19